{"src": "And after.", "r": {"result": "Dan selepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although Warzenski feels bad about her father having to be in a nursing home, he doesn't say that he needs to go home.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Warzenski berasa sedih kerana bapanya terpaksa berada di rumah jagaan, dia tidak mengatakan bahawa dia perlu pulang ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead he might say, \"I need to get my car,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya dia mungkin berkata, \"Saya perlu mendapatkan kereta saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Warzenski is grateful that he is safe and won't hurt himself in the middle of the night.", "r": {"result": "Warzenski bersyukur kerana dia selamat dan tidak akan mencederakan dirinya di tengah malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He does not appear to be aware that he's in a facility.", "r": {"result": "Dia nampaknya tidak sedar bahawa dia berada di sebuah kemudahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At this point, she just wants him to be comfortable.", "r": {"result": "Pada ketika ini, dia hanya mahu dia selesa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For him to pass would be a blessing to him,\" Warzenski said.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk dia lulus akan menjadi rahmat kepadanya,\" kata Warzenski.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was a police officer.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia seorang pegawai polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he ever realized what had become of him, he would be mortified\".", "r": {"result": "Sekiranya dia menyedari apa yang telah berlaku kepadanya, dia akan berasa malu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New research offers tips for Alzheimer's caregivers.", "r": {"result": "Penyelidikan baharu menawarkan petua untuk penjaga Alzheimer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The great government shutdown of 2013 is about Obamacare and budget priorities, but it also is about respect.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Penutupan kerajaan yang hebat pada 2013 adalah mengenai Obamacare dan keutamaan belanjawan, tetapi ia juga mengenai penghormatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In short, conservative House Republicans don't think they get enough of it from President Barack Obama and the Senate.", "r": {"result": "Pendek kata, Ahli Republikan Dewan yang konservatif tidak fikir mereka mendapat cukup daripada Presiden Barack Obama dan Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Republicans are now in a position where they don't want to cave in because it sets a bad precedent that the Senate would be somewhat dictating how the House runs,\" GOP Rep.", "r": {"result": "\"Republikan kini berada dalam kedudukan di mana mereka tidak mahu menyerah kalah kerana ia menjadi contoh buruk bahawa Senat akan agak menentukan bagaimana Dewan berjalan,\" GOP Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michael Grimm of New York said this week.", "r": {"result": "Michael Grimm dari New York berkata minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Conservative Rep.", "r": {"result": "Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marlin Stutzman of Indiana went further, telling the Washington Examiner that \"we're not going to be disrespected\".", "r": {"result": "Marlin Stutzman dari Indiana pergi lebih jauh, memberitahu Washington Examiner bahawa \"kami tidak akan dihormati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to get something out of this,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita perlu mendapatkan sesuatu daripada ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And I don't know what that even is\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan saya tidak tahu apa itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stutzman's office confirmed that he said it but issued a statement Thursday in which the congressman said he \"carelessly misrepresented the ongoing budget debate\".", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Stutzman mengesahkan bahawa dia berkata demikian tetapi mengeluarkan kenyataan pada hari Khamis di mana ahli kongres itu berkata dia \"secara tidak berhati-hati menyalahgambarkan perbahasan belanjawan yang sedang berjalan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama, however, said Stutzman's comment reflected \"reckless\" tactics by House Republicans pursuing a purely partisan agenda instead of fulfilling the basic responsibility of Congress to fund the government.", "r": {"result": "Obama, bagaimanapun, berkata komen Stutzman mencerminkan taktik \"melulu\" oleh House Republicans mengejar agenda partisan semata-mata dan bukannya memenuhi tanggungjawab asas Kongres untuk membiayai kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you're being disrespected, it's because of that attitude you've got, that you deserve to get something for doing your job,\" Obama said at a campaign-style event Thursday in Rockville, Maryland.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda tidak dihormati, ia adalah kerana sikap yang anda ada, anda layak mendapat sesuatu untuk melakukan tugas anda,\" kata Obama pada acara ala kempen Khamis di Rockville, Maryland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At issue is a short-term spending plan that would fund the government in the new fiscal year that started Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Yang menjadi isu ialah rancangan perbelanjaan jangka pendek yang akan membiayai kerajaan pada tahun fiskal baharu yang bermula Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The congressional stalemate pits a conservative GOP wing that wants to abolish the Affordable Care Act against Democrats trying to protect Obama's landmark health care reforms passed in 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court last year.", "r": {"result": "Kebuntuan kongres menimbulkan sayap GOP konservatif yang mahu memansuhkan Akta Penjagaan Mampu terhadap Demokrat yang cuba melindungi pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan penting Obama yang diluluskan pada 2010 dan dikekalkan oleh Mahkamah Agung tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Add to that the longstanding resentment by GOP conservatives who say their constituents and views are ignored by Democrats and the mainstream media, which also motivates their stand to link funding the government to dismantling Obamacare.", "r": {"result": "Ditambah dengan kemarahan yang berpanjangan oleh konservatif GOP yang mengatakan konstituen dan pandangan mereka diabaikan oleh Demokrat dan media arus perdana, yang juga mendorong pendirian mereka untuk mengaitkan pembiayaan kerajaan dengan membubarkan Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In particular, they want to halt the pattern of the Republican-led House being forced to accede to the will of Obama and the Democratic-led Senate, as occurred in the past year over emergency funding in response to Superstorm Sandy and when Congress voted to raise tax rates on high-income Americans despite a conservative pledge against any tax increases.", "r": {"result": "Khususnya, mereka mahu menghentikan corak Dewan pimpinan Republikan yang terpaksa akur kepada kehendak Obama dan Senat pimpinan Demokrat, seperti yang berlaku pada tahun lalu berhubung pembiayaan kecemasan sebagai tindak balas kepada Superstorm Sandy dan apabila Kongres mengundi untuk menaikkan kadar cukai ke atas rakyat Amerika yang berpendapatan tinggi walaupun terdapat ikrar konservatif terhadap sebarang kenaikan cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have rejected GOP efforts to use the government funding issue and upcoming debt ceiling deadline as leverage in seeking partisan goals such as dismantling the Affordable Care Act.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, Obama dan Ketua Majoriti Senat Harry Reid telah menolak usaha GOP untuk menggunakan isu pembiayaan kerajaan dan tarikh akhir siling hutang yang akan datang sebagai leverage dalam mencari matlamat partisan seperti merungkai Akta Penjagaan Mampu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An unclear GOP strategy also has opened conservatives to criticism that their demands created a path to the shutdown without a way of getting out.", "r": {"result": "Strategi GOP yang tidak jelas juga telah membuka konservatif kepada kritikan bahawa tuntutan mereka mewujudkan laluan kepada penutupan tanpa cara untuk keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reid told CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash on Thursday that tea party conservatives he described as \"anarchists\" were setting the GOP agenda, with Boehner going along because he feared that he would otherwise lose his leadership post.", "r": {"result": "Reid memberitahu Ketua Koresponden Kongres CNN Dana Bash pada hari Khamis bahawa konservatif pesta teh yang disifatkannya sebagai \"anarkis\" sedang menetapkan agenda GOP, dengan Boehner akan ikut kerana dia takut dia akan kehilangan jawatan kepimpinannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not true, countered Republican Rep.", "r": {"result": "Tidak benar, balas Rep Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James Lankford of Oklahoma, who said Boehner was \"in charge of the House\".", "r": {"result": "James Lankford dari Oklahoma, yang berkata Boehner adalah \"menjaga Dewan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The House is supposed to be boisterous,\" Lankford said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dewan sepatutnya riuh rendah,\" kata Lankford.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's the area closest to the people.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa kawasan yang paling hampir dengan penduduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a boisterous place, and it has definitely become that as all these voices have to work together to find a coalition\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah tempat yang riuh-rendah, dan ia sudah pasti berlaku kerana semua suara ini perlu bekerjasama untuk mencari gabungan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, House conservatives take umbrage with the heated rhetoric from Obama and Reid as frustration has risen with the government shutdown.", "r": {"result": "Kini, golongan konservatif Dewan menerima retorik hangat daripada Obama dan Reid kerana kekecewaan telah meningkat dengan penutupan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reid also said Boehner lacked courage for refusing to hold a House vote on the Senate-passed \"clean\" spending plan -- one with no anti-Obamacare provisions -- that would end the government shutdown.", "r": {"result": "Reid juga berkata Boehner tidak mempunyai keberanian kerana enggan mengadakan undian Dewan pada pelan perbelanjaan \"bersih\" yang diluluskan Senat -- satu tanpa peruntukan anti-Obamacare -- yang akan menamatkan penutupan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama also challenged Boehner on the issue, saying Thursday that the shutdown would end immediately if Boehner allowed such a vote.", "r": {"result": "Obama juga mencabar Boehner dalam isu itu, berkata Khamis bahawa penutupan akan berakhir serta-merta jika Boehner membenarkan undian sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Put it on the floor and let every individual member of Congress make up their own minds, and they can show the American people are you for a shutdown or not,\" Obama said, adding that House Republicans need to stop what he called careening from crisis to crisis instead of fulfilling their congressional responsibilities.", "r": {"result": "\"Letakkannya di atas lantai dan biarkan setiap ahli Kongres membuat keputusan mereka sendiri, dan mereka boleh menunjukkan kepada rakyat Amerika adakah anda akan ditutup atau tidak,\" kata Obama, sambil menambah bahawa Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri perlu menghentikan apa yang disebutnya sebagai pengasingan. krisis kepada krisis dan bukannya menunaikan tanggungjawab kongres mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grimm said Thursday that such criticism harms the prospects for negotiating some kind of agreement.", "r": {"result": "Grimm berkata pada Khamis bahawa kritikan sedemikian menjejaskan prospek untuk merundingkan beberapa jenis perjanjian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you want a deal done in the boardroom, you don't assault people before you walk in,\" he said, adding that \"you're talking about human beings\" and noting, \"The speaker is a human being, too\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda mahu perjanjian dilakukan di bilik lembaga, anda tidak menyerang orang sebelum anda masuk,\" katanya, sambil menambah bahawa \"anda bercakap tentang manusia\" dan menyatakan, \"Penceramah adalah manusia juga\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN Student News) -- April 19, 2013. Download PDF maps related to today's show:", "r": {"result": "(CNN Student News) -- 19 April 2013. Muat turun peta PDF yang berkaitan dengan rancangan hari ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "West, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; Mississippi.", "r": {"result": "Barat, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; Mississippi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here to access the transcript of today's CNN Student News program.", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk mengakses transkrip program Berita Pelajar CNN hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please note that there may be a delay between the time when the video is available and when the transcript is published.", "r": {"result": "Sila ambil perhatian bahawa mungkin terdapat kelewatan antara masa apabila video tersedia dan apabila transkrip diterbitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Teachers: We're looking for your feedback about CNN Student News.", "r": {"result": "Guru: Kami sedang mencari maklum balas anda tentang Berita Pelajar CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please use this page to leave us comments about today's program, including what you think about our stories and our resources.", "r": {"result": "Sila gunakan halaman ini untuk meninggalkan kami ulasan tentang program hari ini, termasuk pendapat anda tentang cerita kami dan sumber kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, feel free to tell us how you use them in your classroom.", "r": {"result": "Juga, sila beritahu kami cara anda menggunakannya dalam bilik darjah anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The educators on our staff will monitor this page and may respond to your comments as well.", "r": {"result": "Pendidik kakitangan kami akan memantau halaman ini dan mungkin membalas komen anda juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thank you for using CNN Student News!", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Berita Pelajar CNN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Being nice to others and cooperating with them aren't uniquely human traits.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bersikap baik kepada orang lain dan bekerjasama dengan mereka bukanlah sifat manusia yang unik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frans de Waal, director of Emory University's Living Links Center at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Lawrenceville, Georgia, studies how our close primate relatives also demonstrate behaviors suggestive of a sense of morality.", "r": {"result": "Frans de Waal, pengarah Pusat Pautan Hidup Universiti Emory di Pusat Penyelidikan Primat Kebangsaan Yerkes di Lawrenceville, Georgia, mengkaji bagaimana saudara terdekat primata kami juga menunjukkan tingkah laku yang menunjukkan rasa moral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal recently published a book called \"The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates,\" which synthesizes evidence that there are biological roots in human fairness, and explores what that means for the role of religion in human societies.", "r": {"result": "De Waal baru-baru ini menerbitkan sebuah buku yang dipanggil \"The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates,\" yang mensintesis bukti bahawa terdapat akar biologi dalam keadilan manusia, dan meneroka maksudnya untuk peranan agama dalam masyarakat manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kelly Murray recently spoke with De Waal about the book.", "r": {"result": "Kelly Murray dari CNN baru-baru ini bercakap dengan De Waal mengenai buku itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More about de Waal's research.", "r": {"result": "Lebih lanjut mengenai penyelidikan de Waal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kelly Murray: Tell us about the title of your book.", "r": {"result": "Kelly Murray dari CNN: Beritahu kami tentang tajuk buku anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frans de Waal: Well, the reason I chose that title is, when I bring up the origins of morality, it revolves around God, or comes from religion, and I want to address the issue that I think morality is actually older than religion.", "r": {"result": "Frans de Waal: Nah, sebab saya memilih tajuk itu adalah, apabila saya membawa asal-usul moral, ia berkisar tentang Tuhan, atau datang dari agama, dan saya ingin menangani isu yang saya fikir moral sebenarnya lebih tua daripada agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I'm getting into the religion question, and how important is religion for morality.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya masuk ke dalam soalan agama, dan betapa pentingnya agama untuk moral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think it plays a role, but it's a secondary role.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir ia memainkan peranan, tetapi ia adalah peranan kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of being the source of morality, religion came later, maybe to fortify morality.", "r": {"result": "Daripada menjadi sumber akhlak, agama datang kemudian, mungkin untuk membentengi akhlak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: How would you say that ethics or morality is separate from religion?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bagaimana anda mengatakan bahawa etika atau moral adalah berasingan daripada agama?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: Well, I think that morality is older.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Baiklah, saya rasa moral itu lebih tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the sense that I find it very hard to believe that 100,000 or 200,000 years ago, our ancestors did not believe in right and wrong, and did not punish bad behavior, did not care about fairness.", "r": {"result": "Dalam erti kata bahawa saya merasa sangat sukar untuk mempercayai bahawa 100,000 atau 200,000 tahun dahulu, nenek moyang kita tidak mempercayai yang betul dan salah, dan tidak menghukum tingkah laku yang buruk, tidak mengambil berat tentang keadilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Very long ago our ancestors had moral systems.", "r": {"result": "Lama dahulu nenek moyang kita mempunyai sistem moral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our current institutions are only a couple of thousand years old, which is really not old in the eyes of a biologist.", "r": {"result": "Institusi kita sekarang hanya berusia beberapa ribu tahun, yang sebenarnya tidak lama di mata ahli biologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I think religion came after morality.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya fikir agama datang selepas akhlak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Religion may have become a codification of morality, and it may fortify it, but it's not the origin of it.", "r": {"result": "Agama mungkin telah menjadi kodifikasi moral, dan ia mungkin menguatkannya, tetapi ia bukan asal usulnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Why do people need religion?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Mengapa orang memerlukan agama?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: Well, that's a good question.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Nah, itu soalan yang bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm struggling with that.", "r": {"result": "Saya sedang bergelut dengan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm personally a nonbeliever, so I'm struggling with if we really need religion.", "r": {"result": "Saya secara peribadi seorang yang tidak percaya, jadi saya bergelut dengan jika kita benar-benar memerlukan agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... I'm from the Netherlands, where 60% of the people are nonbelievers.", "r": {"result": "... Saya dari Belanda, di mana 60% daripada penduduknya adalah tidak percaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So in northern Europe, there are actually experiments going on now with societies that are more secular, to see if we can maintain a moral society that way, and for the moment I would say that experiment is going pretty well.", "r": {"result": "Jadi di Eropah utara, sebenarnya terdapat eksperimen yang sedang berlaku sekarang dengan masyarakat yang lebih sekular, untuk melihat sama ada kita boleh mengekalkan masyarakat bermoral seperti itu, dan buat masa ini saya akan mengatakan bahawa percubaan itu berjalan dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Personally I think it is possible to build a society that is moral on a nonreligious basis, but the jury is still out on that.", "r": {"result": "... Secara peribadi saya fikir adalah mungkin untuk membina sebuah masyarakat yang bermoral atas dasar bukan agama, tetapi juri masih keluar mengenai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: So do you believe that people are generally good?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Jadi adakah anda percaya bahawa orang pada umumnya baik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: Yeah, my view is that you have two (kinds of) people in the world.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Ya, pandangan saya ialah anda mempunyai dua (jenis) orang di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have people who think that we are inherently bad and evil and selfish, but with a lot of hard work we can be good, and you have other people like myself who believe that we are inherently good.", "r": {"result": "Anda mempunyai orang yang berfikir bahawa kami sememangnya jahat dan jahat dan mementingkan diri sendiri, tetapi dengan banyak kerja keras kami boleh menjadi baik, dan anda mempunyai orang lain seperti saya yang percaya bahawa kami sememangnya baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a lot of evidence on the primates that I can use to support that idea that we are inherently good, but on occasion when we get too competitive or frustrated, we turn bad.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat banyak bukti tentang primata yang boleh saya gunakan untuk menyokong idea bahawa kita sememangnya baik, tetapi kadang-kadang apabila kita terlalu berdaya saing atau kecewa, kita menjadi buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: So when the stakes are higher for survival, we're more individualistic than group-oriented?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Jadi apabila pertaruhan lebih tinggi untuk terus hidup, kita lebih individualistik daripada berorientasikan kumpulan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: Oh no, we very much survive by group life.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Oh tidak, kami sangat bertahan dengan kehidupan berkumpulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Humans are not able to survive alone.", "r": {"result": "Manusia tidak mampu bertahan sendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, solitary confinement is one of the worst punishments we can give.", "r": {"result": "Contohnya, kurungan bersendirian adalah salah satu hukuman paling teruk yang boleh kita berikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are not really made to live alone, we would not survive, and so when things get tough we would actually come together more and be more social when things get tough.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak benar-benar dibuat untuk hidup bersendirian, kami tidak akan bertahan, jadi apabila keadaan menjadi sukar, kami sebenarnya akan lebih bersatu dan menjadi lebih sosial apabila keadaan menjadi sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Can you talk about how being nice to another individual helps you?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bolehkah anda bercakap tentang bagaimana bersikap baik kepada individu lain membantu anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: Sometimes people put that in a very narrow sense, and they say that everything that humans do or that animals do needs to have a payoff, but that's not true.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Kadang-kadang orang meletakkannya dalam erti kata yang sangat sempit, dan mereka mengatakan bahawa semua yang dilakukan oleh manusia atau yang dilakukan oleh haiwan perlu mendapat balasan, tetapi itu tidak benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The example ... of adoption of children, I basically think it's a costly act with no payoff, and these things happen in animals also.", "r": {"result": "Contoh ... mengambil anak angkat, pada asasnya saya fikir ia adalah satu tindakan yang mahal tanpa imbalan, dan perkara ini berlaku pada haiwan juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Animals sometimes help each other even between species.", "r": {"result": "Haiwan kadangkala membantu antara satu sama lain walaupun antara spesies.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dolphins may help human swimmers, and I don't think the dolphins get much out of it.", "r": {"result": "Ikan lumba-lumba boleh membantu perenang manusia, dan saya rasa ikan lumba-lumba tidak mendapat banyak manfaat daripadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So individual acts don't necessarily need to have a payoff.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, tindakan individu tidak semestinya memerlukan hasil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So they are not selfishly motivated.", "r": {"result": "Jadi mereka tidak mementingkan diri sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are really altruistic, but you have the tendency to help, and to have empathy for others in general, on the average, is beneficial.", "r": {"result": "Mereka benar-benar altruistik, tetapi anda mempunyai kecenderungan untuk membantu, dan mempunyai empati terhadap orang lain secara umum, secara purata, adalah bermanfaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because you live in a group, you depend on these others, so you need to care about these others also because your survival depends on group life, and so there is some sort of general payoff, but people often think in terms of each individual act needs to (reap) some benefit but that's not necessarily true.", "r": {"result": "Oleh kerana anda tinggal dalam kumpulan, anda bergantung kepada orang lain ini, jadi anda perlu mengambil berat tentang orang lain ini juga kerana kelangsungan hidup anda bergantung pada kehidupan kumpulan, dan oleh itu terdapat beberapa jenis imbuhan umum, tetapi orang sering berfikir dari segi setiap tindakan individu perlu (mendapat) sedikit faedah tetapi itu tidak semestinya benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Tell us more about the origins of empathy.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Beritahu kami lebih lanjut tentang asal-usul empati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: We think that the origin of empathy, in the mammals at least, has to do with maternal care.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Kami berpendapat bahawa asal empati, sekurang-kurangnya dalam mamalia, mempunyai kaitan dengan penjagaan ibu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So a female, whether you're a mouse or an elephant, you need to pay attention to your offspring, you need to react to their emotions when they're cold, or in danger, or hungry, and that's where we think the sensitivity to others' emotions come from.", "r": {"result": "Jadi perempuan, sama ada anda seekor tikus atau gajah, anda perlu memberi perhatian kepada anak anda, anda perlu bertindak balas terhadap emosi mereka ketika mereka sejuk, atau dalam bahaya, atau lapar, dan di situlah kita fikirkan sensitivitinya. kepada emosi orang lain datang dari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That also explains why empathy is more developed in females than males, which is true in many animals, and it's true for humans, and it explains the role of oxytocin.", "r": {"result": "Itu juga menjelaskan mengapa empati lebih berkembang pada wanita berbanding lelaki, yang berlaku pada kebanyakan haiwan, dan ia benar untuk manusia, dan ia menerangkan peranan oksitosin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oxytocin is a maternal hormone.", "r": {"result": "Oxytocin adalah hormon ibu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you spray oxytocin into the nostrils of men and women, you get more empathic (empathetic) reactions from them, and so the general thinking about empathy is that it started in the mammals with maternal care, and then from there it spread to other relationships.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda menyembur oksitosin ke dalam lubang hidung lelaki dan wanita, anda akan mendapat lebih banyak reaksi empati (empati) daripada mereka, jadi pemikiran umum tentang empati ialah ia bermula pada mamalia dengan penjagaan ibu, dan kemudian dari situ ia merebak ke hubungan lain. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So men can definitely have empathy, but they on average have a little bit less of it than women.", "r": {"result": "Jadi lelaki pasti boleh mempunyai empati, tetapi mereka secara purata mempunyai sedikit kurang daripada wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: By empathy, you mean that they feel each others' pain?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Dengan empati, anda maksudkan bahawa mereka merasakan kesakitan satu sama lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: Well, feeling someone else's joy is also empathy.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Nah, merasakan kegembiraan orang lain juga adalah empati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Being affected by the laugh, as humans are, is a form of empathy.", "r": {"result": "Terpengaruh dengan ketawa, sebagaimana manusia, adalah satu bentuk empati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So empathy basically says that you're sensitive to the emotions of others and react to the emotions of others.", "r": {"result": "Jadi empati pada asasnya mengatakan bahawa anda sensitif terhadap emosi orang lain dan bertindak balas terhadap emosi orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sympathy is a bit more complicated.", "r": {"result": "Simpati agak rumit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sympathy is that you want to take action.", "r": {"result": "Simpati ialah anda ingin mengambil tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You want to help somebody else who's in trouble.", "r": {"result": "Anda ingin membantu orang lain yang menghadapi masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So sympathy is a bit more specific, it's a bit more action-oriented.", "r": {"result": "Jadi simpati adalah sedikit lebih spesifik, ia lebih berorientasikan tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Empathy is just a sensitivity.", "r": {"result": "Empati hanyalah sensitiviti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Empathy is not necessarily positive.", "r": {"result": "Empati tidak semestinya positif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If someone wants to sell you a bad car for a high price, he also needs to empathize with you in order to get you to buy it.", "r": {"result": "Jika seseorang ingin menjual kereta buruk kepada anda dengan harga yang tinggi, dia juga perlu berempati dengan anda untuk membuat anda membelinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So empathy can be used for good purposes; I think most of the time it is, but it is not always used for good purposes.", "r": {"result": "Jadi empati boleh digunakan untuk tujuan yang baik; Saya fikir kebanyakan masa ia adalah, tetapi ia tidak selalu digunakan untuk tujuan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: In your book, you talk about a female primate who is crouching down giving birth while the rest of the group gathers around, and one of the other females is crouching and acting like the one giving birth.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Dalam buku anda, anda bercakap tentang primat betina yang sedang membongkok melahirkan anak manakala kumpulan yang lain berkumpul di sekeliling, dan salah seorang daripada betina lain sedang membongkok dan bertindak seperti yang melahirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Would that be an example of empathy?", "r": {"result": "Adakah itu satu contoh empati?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: Yeah, that's an act of mimicry and synchronization, which is the first form of empathy.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Ya, itu adalah tindakan meniru dan penyegerakan, yang merupakan bentuk empati yang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you talk with a sad person, you're going to have a sad expression on your face.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda bercakap dengan orang yang sedih, anda akan mempunyai ekspresi sedih di wajah anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're going to feel sad very soon.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan berasa sedih tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is the body channel of empathy.", "r": {"result": "Itulah saluran badan empati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You synchronize with the other, and that female in the birthing scenario was synchronizing with the other.", "r": {"result": "Anda menyegerakkan dengan yang lain, dan wanita dalam senario kelahiran itu sedang menyegerak dengan yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a very early form of empathy; we call it \"modes of mimicry,\" when you do the same thing as somebody else.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah bentuk empati yang sangat awal; kami memanggilnya \"mod mimikri,\" apabila anda melakukan perkara yang sama seperti orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The body channel of empathy is very important to us and we rely on it every day.", "r": {"result": "Saluran badan empati adalah sangat penting kepada kami dan kami bergantung kepadanya setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you talk with people and you adopt their facial expressions, they will be laughing, you will be laughing, and so on.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda bercakap dengan orang dan anda mengamalkan ekspresi muka mereka, mereka akan ketawa, anda akan ketawa, dan sebagainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Different cultures of humans have different ideas about morality.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Budaya manusia yang berbeza mempunyai idea yang berbeza tentang moral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it the same way in primates?", "r": {"result": "Adakah cara yang sama dalam primata?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do different groups of primates have different cultures and ways of interacting with each other?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kumpulan primata yang berbeza mempunyai budaya dan cara berinteraksi antara satu sama lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: We do think that primates have different cultures.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Kami berpendapat bahawa primata mempunyai budaya yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One group behaves quite differently from another one.", "r": {"result": "Satu kumpulan berkelakuan agak berbeza daripada kumpulan yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm not sure that I would say they have different moralities, but they may have different styles of interacting.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pasti bahawa saya akan mengatakan mereka mempunyai moral yang berbeza, tetapi mereka mungkin mempunyai gaya berinteraksi yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But (with) the human variation in morality, one society may have different moral rules than another one.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi (dengan) variasi manusia dalam moral, satu masyarakat mungkin mempunyai peraturan moral yang berbeza daripada yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In our current society in the U.S. we have debates about gay marriage, abortion - we have a lot of moral debates going on, and years from now we will believe different things from what we believe now, and so morality changes as a result of society, and that means you should not look for specifics of your morality in biology.", "r": {"result": "Dalam masyarakat semasa kita di A.S., kita mempunyai perdebatan tentang perkahwinan gay, pengguguran - kita mempunyai banyak perdebatan moral yang berlaku, dan tahun dari sekarang kita akan mempercayai perkara yang berbeza daripada apa yang kita percaya sekarang, dan oleh itu moral berubah akibat masyarakat , dan ini bermakna anda tidak sepatutnya mencari spesifik tentang moral anda dalam biologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Biology provides some of the general primate psychology that we have, like pro-social tendencies, sense of fairness, following rules.", "r": {"result": "Biologi menyediakan beberapa psikologi primata umum yang kita miliki, seperti kecenderungan pro-sosial, rasa adil, mengikut peraturan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our primate background provides that kind of thing, but the specific rules that our society adopts are not contained in biology, and sometimes people confuse that when I say that morality is contained in our biology, that every rule we follow has to come out of biology.", "r": {"result": "Latar belakang primata kita menyediakan perkara seperti itu, tetapi peraturan khusus yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat kita tidak terkandung dalam biologi, dan kadang-kadang orang keliru apabila saya mengatakan bahawa moral terkandung dalam biologi kita, bahawa setiap peraturan yang kita ikuti mesti keluar dari biologi. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't think it works that way.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak fikir ia berfungsi seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that we have general tendencies that come from our primate ancestors, and we turn that into our moral system that is suitable to our way of living.", "r": {"result": "Saya berpendapat bahawa kita mempunyai kecenderungan umum yang berasal dari nenek moyang primata kita, dan kita mengubahnya menjadi sistem moral kita yang sesuai dengan cara hidup kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Is there anything we can learn from animals about how to live a good life?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah terdapat apa-apa yang boleh kita pelajari daripada haiwan tentang cara menjalani kehidupan yang baik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Waal: I don't think I can give you specific lessons for your life out of my animal studies, but I do think the animal studies have some sort of general message that is important.", "r": {"result": "De Waal: Saya tidak fikir saya boleh memberi anda pelajaran khusus untuk kehidupan anda daripada kajian haiwan saya, tetapi saya fikir kajian haiwan mempunyai beberapa jenis mesej umum yang penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of looking at human morality as something we design in our heads aEUR\" the philosophers want us to believe that by logic and reasoning we arrive at moral principles aEUR\" I think it works very differently.", "r": {"result": "Daripada melihat moral manusia sebagai sesuatu yang kita reka dalam kepala kita aEUR\" ahli falsafah mahu kita percaya bahawa dengan logik dan penaakulan kita sampai pada prinsip moral aEUR\" Saya fikir ia berfungsi dengan sangat berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have a lot of feelings and tendencies that drive us to moral solutions, and yes, we often then later try to justify these solutions and come up with reasons for them, but that's often secondarily.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai banyak perasaan dan kecenderungan yang mendorong kami kepada penyelesaian moral, dan ya, kami sering kemudian kemudian cuba untuk mewajarkan penyelesaian ini dan mengemukakan alasan untuk mereka, tetapi itu sering kali kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In primate behavior we can see they have a sense of fairness.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tingkah laku primata kita dapat melihat mereka mempunyai rasa adil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have empathy: they enforce rules among themselves, they can delay gratification and they can control their impulses.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mempunyai empati: mereka menguatkuasakan peraturan sesama mereka, mereka boleh menangguhkan kepuasan dan mereka boleh mengawal impuls mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So many of these tendencies that go into our moralities can be found in other animals, but instead of them coming from logic and reasoning, they actually come from our primate psychology most of the time.", "r": {"result": "Begitu banyak kecenderungan yang masuk ke dalam moral kita boleh didapati pada haiwan lain, tetapi bukannya ia datang dari logik dan penaakulan, ia sebenarnya datang dari psikologi primata kita pada kebanyakan masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- \"Can we trust that politician\"?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"Bolehkah kita mempercayai ahli politik itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Typically, that's the question we ask when assessing a political candidate.", "r": {"result": "Lazimnya, itulah soalan yang kita ajukan apabila menilai calon politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But with Mitt Romney, I think the question should go the other way around: Does he trust us?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan Mitt Romney, saya fikir soalan itu harus sebaliknya: Adakah dia mempercayai kami?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there's a lot of evidence that he does not.", "r": {"result": "Dan terdapat banyak bukti bahawa dia tidak melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why else would Romney be so guarded?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa lagi Romney akan sangat dijaga?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So afraid to open up to us about who he really is?", "r": {"result": "Jadi takut untuk membuka kepada kita tentang siapa dia sebenarnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney doesn't want to talk about the details of his work at Bain Capital -- the private equity firm he ran for 15 years.", "r": {"result": "Romney tidak mahu bercakap tentang butiran kerjanya di Bain Capital -- firma ekuiti persendirian yang dikendalikannya selama 15 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's reticent to talk about his faith.", "r": {"result": "Dia segan untuk bercakap tentang imannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He won't offer us details about various policy positions despite fellow Republicans urging him to do so.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak akan menawarkan kami butiran tentang pelbagai jawatan dasar walaupun rakan Republikan mendesaknya berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the biggest sign of his lack of trust is his refusal to release more than two years of his income tax returns.", "r": {"result": "Dan tanda terbesar kekurangan kepercayaannya ialah keengganannya untuk mengeluarkan lebih daripada dua tahun penyata cukai pendapatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe it's not us.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin bukan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps Romney just has \"trust issues\".", "r": {"result": "Mungkin Romney hanya mempunyai \"isu amanah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm not a psychologist, and my sister, who is one, has made it clear I know nothing about this field.", "r": {"result": "Saya bukan ahli psikologi, dan kakak saya, yang merupakan seorang, telah menjelaskan saya tidak tahu apa-apa tentang bidang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(We can just chalk that up to sibling rivalry.", "r": {"result": "(Kita boleh katakan itu sehingga persaingan adik-beradik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") But you don't have to be Dr. Phil (or my sister) to sense intuitively that Romney is an extremely private, risk-adverse individual.", "r": {"result": ") Tetapi anda tidak perlu menjadi Dr. Phil (atau saudara perempuan saya) untuk merasakan secara intuitif bahawa Romney adalah individu yang sangat peribadi dan merugikan risiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is so standoffish, he makes John Kerry look like Will Smith.", "r": {"result": "Dia sangat pendirian, dia membuatkan John Kerry kelihatan seperti Will Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His reserve might be fine in the corporate boardroom where you're judged primarily on the company's bottom line.", "r": {"result": "Rizabnya mungkin baik di bilik lembaga korporat di mana anda dinilai terutamanya berdasarkan keuntungan syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when you are running for president, likability is important -- even more than policy positions for some voters.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila anda bertanding jawatan presiden, kesukaan adalah penting -- malah lebih daripada jawatan dasar untuk sesetengah pengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And on a purely human level, it's hard to like a person if you don't feel like you know him or her because that person is intentionally keeping something from you.", "r": {"result": "Dan pada tahap manusia semata-mata, sukar untuk menyukai seseorang jika anda rasa anda tidak mengenalinya kerana orang itu sengaja menyimpan sesuatu daripada anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the absence of information, it's natural to sense there is a less than positive reason for the evasive behavior.", "r": {"result": "Dengan ketiadaan maklumat, adalah wajar untuk merasakan terdapat sebab yang kurang positif untuk tingkah laku mengelak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Why Mitt Romney is losing.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Mengapa Mitt Romney kalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The consequences of Romney's holding back can be seen in two polls released this week.", "r": {"result": "Akibat penahanan Romney boleh dilihat dalam dua tinjauan yang dikeluarkan minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first, released Wednesday by ABC News/Washington Post, found that only 40% of Americans view him favorably -- in contrast with President Barack Obama who maintains a 53% favorability rating.", "r": {"result": "Yang pertama, dikeluarkan hari Rabu oleh ABC News/Washington Post, mendapati bahawa hanya 40% rakyat Amerika memandangnya dengan baik -- berbeza dengan Presiden Barack Obama yang mengekalkan penarafan kelebihan 53%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And worse, Romney is viewed unfavorably by 49% of Americans -- an increase of a whopping 18 percentage points since the beginning of this year.", "r": {"result": "Lebih teruk lagi, Romney dipandang kurang baik oleh 49% rakyat Amerika -- peningkatan sebanyak 18 mata peratusan sejak awal tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday finds Obama has opened up a seven-point lead over Romney.", "r": {"result": "Dan tinjauan CNN/ORC Antarabangsa yang dikeluarkan Khamis mendapati Obama telah membuka kelebihan tujuh mata berbanding Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Romney wants to win this election, he needs to trust us -- to stop keeping things from us and tell us who he is as a person, not a politician.", "r": {"result": "Jika Romney mahu memenangi pilihan raya ini, dia perlu mempercayai kami -- untuk berhenti menyimpan sesuatu daripada kami dan memberitahu kami siapa dia sebagai seorang, bukan ahli politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he had a great chance to do just this at the NAACP Convention in July when he told the audience: \"I believe that if you understood who I truly am in my heart ... you would vote for me for president\".", "r": {"result": "Dan dia mempunyai peluang besar untuk melakukan perkara ini di Konvensyen NAACP pada bulan Julai apabila dia memberitahu penonton: \"Saya percaya bahawa jika anda memahami siapa saya sebenarnya di hati saya ... anda akan mengundi saya untuk presiden\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This was Romney's moment to tell us what is in his heart.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah saat Romney memberitahu kami apa yang ada dalam hatinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, he proceeded to recite his generic stump speech.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, dia terus membaca ucapan tunggul generiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Ebenezer Scrooge waking up on Christmas morning realizing he still has chance to right his life, so does Romney.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Ebenezer Scrooge yang bangun pada pagi Krismas menyedari dia masih mempunyai peluang untuk membetulkan hidupnya, begitu juga Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He should immediately release his past tax returns for at least three or four years.", "r": {"result": "Dia harus segera mengeluarkan penyata cukai masa lalunya untuk sekurang-kurangnya tiga atau empat tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Polls show that a majority of Americans want him to do just that --- just like so many other presidential candidates have in the past, including his father who ran for the 1968 Republican presidential nomination and released a dozen years of tax returns.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan menunjukkan bahawa majoriti rakyat Amerika mahu dia berbuat demikian --- sama seperti kebanyakan calon presiden lain pada masa lalu, termasuk bapanya yang bertanding untuk pencalonan presiden Republikan 1968 dan mengeluarkan penyata cukai selama belasan tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The likely reason Romney won't release the past returns is fear.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan sebab Romney tidak akan melepaskan pulangan masa lalu adalah ketakutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's not based on something I learned in Psychology 101. It's what Ann Romney -- his wife -- stated during an interview with ABC News in July.", "r": {"result": "Dan itu bukan berdasarkan sesuatu yang saya pelajari dalam Psikologi 101. Itulah yang Ann Romney -- isterinya -- nyatakan semasa wawancara dengan ABC News pada bulan Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There, she said that if they released additional tax returns, the information contained in them would be used to attack Mitt.", "r": {"result": "Di sana, dia berkata bahawa jika mereka mengeluarkan penyata cukai tambahan, maklumat yang terkandung di dalamnya akan digunakan untuk menyerang Mitt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is 100% correct on that one.", "r": {"result": "Dia 100% betul tentang yang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both sides in this race will use anything and everything against each other.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua pihak dalam perlumbaan ini akan menggunakan apa sahaja dan segala-galanya terhadap satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney saw this happen firsthand during the Republican presidential primaries when he released a tax return.", "r": {"result": "Romney melihat ini berlaku secara langsung semasa pemilihan presiden parti Republikan apabila dia mengeluarkan penyata cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His fellow Republicans immediately pounced on the low rate of taxes he paid.", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan Republikannya segera menerkam kadar cukai yang rendah yang dibayarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But here is where trust comes in.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di sinilah kepercayaan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney has to trust that we know the difference between political BS and real issues.", "r": {"result": "Romney perlu percaya bahawa kita tahu perbezaan antara BS politik dan isu sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the Obama campaign will attack Romney's return, it does not mean most Americans will be swayed by it.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kempen Obama akan menyerang kepulangan Romney, ia tidak bermakna kebanyakan rakyat Amerika akan terpengaruh dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plus Mitt needs to understand this about the average American: We are more concerned with what taxes we are paying, not what the Romneys paid.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, Mitt perlu memahami perkara ini tentang orang Amerika biasa: Kami lebih prihatin dengan cukai yang kami bayar, bukan apa yang dibayar oleh Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney may find want to heed the advice of the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, who stated: \"He who does not trust enough, will not be trusted\".", "r": {"result": "Romney mungkin teringin untuk mematuhi nasihat ahli falsafah Cina, Lao Tzu, yang menyatakan: \"Dia yang tidak cukup percaya, tidak akan dipercayai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney needs to show some faith in us.", "r": {"result": "Romney perlu menunjukkan kepercayaan kepada kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let us in to see who he really is -- flaws and all.", "r": {"result": "Mari kita lihat siapa dia sebenarnya -- kelemahan dan segalanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opening up could just be the thing that propels him to victory in November.", "r": {"result": "Membuka diri boleh menjadi perkara yang mendorongnya mencapai kemenangan pada bulan November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or Romney can simply remain guarded and closed off -- leaving us with the question: If Mitt doesn't trust us, why should we trust him?", "r": {"result": "Atau Romney hanya boleh berjaga-jaga dan tertutup -- meninggalkan kita dengan soalan: Jika Mitt tidak mempercayai kita, mengapa kita harus mempercayainya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Dean Obeidallah.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Dekan Obeidallah semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It was big news in the tech world -- or at least it would have been if it had been true.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ia adalah berita besar dalam dunia teknologi -- atau sekurang-kurangnya ia akan berlaku jika ia benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Google, so the story went, had purchased ICOA, a Wi-Fi provider, for $400 million.", "r": {"result": "Google, begitulah kisahnya, telah membeli ICOA, penyedia Wi-Fi, dengan harga $400 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some news organizations pounced, with everyone from long-established outlets like The Associated Press to new-media tech blogs like TechCrunch reporting the news Monday.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa organisasi berita menerpa, dengan semua orang daripada cawangan yang telah lama bertapak seperti The Associated Press kepada blog teknologi media baharu seperti TechCrunch melaporkan berita itu pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But hours later, both companies would deny the story, which PR Web, a site that distributes press releases for a fee, says was planted by someone falsely claiming to represent ICOA.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi beberapa jam kemudian, kedua-dua syarikat akan menafikan cerita itu, yang PR Web, tapak yang mengedarkan siaran akhbar dengan bayaran, katakan telah ditanam oleh seseorang yang mendakwa secara palsu mewakili ICOA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hoaxes have slipped their way into the public eye for as long as journalism has existed.", "r": {"result": "Penipuan telah menyelinap ke mata umum selagi kewartawanan wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But media experts say the way bad information spread so quickly casts a light on how reporting can go wrong in the fast-paced world of Web journalism.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pakar media mengatakan cara maklumat buruk tersebar dengan begitu cepat memberi penerangan tentang cara pelaporan boleh menjadi salah dalam dunia kewartawanan Web yang pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Long gone are the days when newspapers and the evening TV news were the only game in town -- when reporters had hours, if not days, to sift through a report before sharing it with the masses.", "r": {"result": "Sudah lama berlalu hari apabila akhbar dan berita TV petang adalah satu-satunya permainan di bandar -- apabila wartawan mempunyai berjam-jam, jika tidak berhari-hari, untuk menyaring laporan sebelum berkongsi dengan orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In their place is an info-hungry Web that wants news now and rewards the quick with a currency of page views, Twitter links and Facebook \"likes\".", "r": {"result": "Di tempat mereka ialah Web yang haus maklumat yang mahukan berita sekarang dan memberi ganjaran yang pantas dengan mata wang paparan halaman, pautan Twitter dan \"suka\" Facebook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With something like this, there are a lot of blogs and websites that build their reputation on the tech world,\" said Kelly McBride, a senior faculty member at the Poynter Institute, a nonprofit devoted to the study and teaching of journalism.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan sesuatu seperti ini, terdapat banyak blog dan laman web yang membina reputasi mereka di dunia teknologi,\" kata Kelly McBride, ahli fakulti kanan di Institut Poynter, sebuah organisasi bukan untung yang menumpukan kepada kajian dan pengajaran kewartawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If Google is spending $400 million to buy something, there are people who are expected to have something to say about that and they want to be in that mix\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika Google membelanjakan $400 juta untuk membeli sesuatu, ada orang yang dijangka mempunyai sesuatu untuk diperkatakan tentang perkara itu dan mereka mahu berada dalam campuran itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Onion: We just fooled the Chinese government!", "r": {"result": "Bawang: Kami hanya memperbodohkan kerajaan China!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While a rush to get into that mix as quickly as possible probably played a role, McBride said there were multiple breakdowns in the Google-ICOA nonstory.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun tergesa-gesa untuk memasuki campuran itu secepat mungkin mungkin memainkan peranan, McBride berkata terdapat banyak kerosakan dalam bukan cerita Google-ICOA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first, obviously, was the person who -- according to PR Web owners Vocus -- impersonated an ICOA representative.", "r": {"result": "Yang pertama, jelas sekali, adalah orang yang -- menurut pemilik Web PR Vocus -- menyamar sebagai wakil ICOA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Vocus reviews all press releases and follows an internal process designed to maintain the integrity of the releases we send out every day,\" the company said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Vocus menyemak semua siaran akhbar dan mengikuti proses dalaman yang direka untuk mengekalkan integriti keluaran yang kami hantar setiap hari,\" kata syarikat itu dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even with reasonable safeguards identity theft occurs, on occasion, across all of the major wire services.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun dengan perlindungan munasabah kecurian identiti berlaku, kadangkala, merentasi semua perkhidmatan wayar utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have removed the fraudulent release and turned the matter over to the proper authorities for further investigation\".", "r": {"result": "Kami telah mengeluarkan pembebasan penipuan dan menyerahkan perkara itu kepada pihak berkuasa yang sepatutnya untuk siasatan lanjut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, Vocus CEO Rick Rudman published a letter apologizing for the gaffe and promising that the company had improved it's process.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Khamis, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Vocus Rick Rudman menerbitkan surat memohon maaf atas kesilapan itu dan berjanji bahawa syarikat itu telah memperbaiki prosesnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's clear that we have to hold our service to an ever-higher standard, so PRWeb will continue to evolve,\" Rudman wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah jelas bahawa kami perlu mengekalkan perkhidmatan kami pada standard yang lebih tinggi, jadi PRWeb akan terus berkembang,\" tulis Rudman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\" We will continue to deliver a service that's valuable to our customers, valuable to our readers and valuable to our distribution and media partners -- and we'll work tirelessly to deliver on these promises\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan terus menyampaikan perkhidmatan yang bernilai kepada pelanggan kami, berharga kepada pembaca kami dan berharga kepada rakan pengedaran dan media kami -- dan kami akan bekerja tanpa jemu untuk menunaikan janji-janji ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Financial experts say the hoax looks like an illegal effort to inflate ICOA's meager stock.", "r": {"result": "Pakar kewangan berkata penipuan itu kelihatan seperti usaha yang menyalahi undang-undang untuk meningkatkan stok ICOA yang tidak seberapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shares, which trade for a fraction of a penny, jumped in price dramatically Monday and hundreds of millions of shares changed hands before the stock was frozen.", "r": {"result": "Saham, yang berdagang untuk pecahan satu sen, melonjak harga secara mendadak pada hari Isnin dan ratusan juta saham bertukar tangan sebelum stok dibekukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ICOA CEO George Strouthopoulos told Mashable, a CNN content partner, that the release apparently originated in Aruba and was sent from an e-mail account designed to look like an official ICOA address.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif ICOA George Strouthopoulos memberitahu Mashable, rakan kongsi kandungan CNN, bahawa keluaran itu nampaknya berasal dari Aruba dan dihantar daripada akaun e-mel yang direka bentuk untuk kelihatan seperti alamat ICOA rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the most damning gaffe may have been PR Web's, McBride said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kelemahan yang paling teruk mungkin adalah PR Web, kata McBride.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Acquired by Vocus in 2006, PR Web aims to compete with the decades-old PR Newswire and other press-release outlets.", "r": {"result": "Diperolehi oleh Vocus pada tahun 2006, PR Web menyasarkan untuk bersaing dengan PR Newswire yang berusia berdekad-dekad dan saluran keluaran akhbar lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Their quality-control process in printing out press releases obviously has some problems,\" McBride said.", "r": {"result": "\"Proses kawalan kualiti mereka dalam mencetak siaran akhbar jelas mempunyai beberapa masalah, \" kata McBride.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not just that they got 'hacked' -- but that it was a pretty crappy press release\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bukan sahaja mereka 'digodam' -- tetapi ia adalah kenyataan akhbar yang agak buruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The release had several grammatical errors, included no contact information for representatives of Google or ICOA, and didn't include biographical information about the companies that is typical in releases from major corporations.", "r": {"result": "Keluaran itu mempunyai beberapa ralat tatabahasa, tidak memasukkan maklumat hubungan untuk wakil Google atau ICOA dan tidak menyertakan maklumat biografi tentang syarikat yang biasa dalam keluaran daripada syarikat besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a post titled \"How PRWeb Helps Distribute Crap Into Google & News Sites,\" Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land searched PR Web and found one of the Internet's ubiquitous \"how to buy cheap Viagra\" posts and other content that would seem more at home in a spam e-mail than on a news site.", "r": {"result": "Dalam siaran bertajuk \"How PRWeb Helps Distribute Crap Into Google & News Sites,\" Danny Sullivan dari Search Engine Land mencari Web PR dan menemui salah satu siaran \"cara membeli Viagra murah\" di mana-mana dan kandungan lain yang kelihatan lebih sesuai di rumah. dalam e-mel spam daripada di tapak berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The final error, McBride said, was on the part of reporters.", "r": {"result": "Kesilapan terakhir, kata McBride, adalah di pihak wartawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether racing to publish fast or working on analysis of the supposed purchase, news outlets missed what should have been red flags.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada berlumba-lumba untuk menerbitkan pantas atau sedang menganalisis pembelian yang sepatutnya, saluran berita terlepas apa yang sepatutnya menjadi bendera merah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Journalists who were looking at it should have spotted those same weak spots in the press release and questioned whether it was real or not,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Wartawan yang melihatnya sepatutnya melihat titik lemah yang sama dalam siaran akhbar dan mempersoalkan sama ada ia benar atau tidak,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those journalists were relying on PR Web to do that and they shouldn't have.", "r": {"result": "\"Wartawan itu bergantung pada Web PR untuk melakukan itu dan mereka tidak sepatutnya melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It would be easy to conclude that we're all going too fast.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah mudah untuk membuat kesimpulan bahawa kita semua berjalan terlalu pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it could be that we placed way too much trust in PR Web ... and assuming it had the same checks and balances and safety nets that other PR wires have\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi boleh jadi kami meletakkan terlalu banyak kepercayaan pada Web PR ... dan menganggap ia mempunyai semakan dan imbangan serta jaringan keselamatan yang sama seperti wayar PR lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Full disclosure: Last year, this reporter, like others at numerous news outlets, was duped by pranksters who created an entire website for a fictional consulting firm to release a phony survey comparing the IQs of users of various Web browsers.", "r": {"result": "(Pendedahan penuh: Tahun lepas, wartawan ini, seperti yang lain di banyak saluran berita, telah ditipu oleh pelawak yang mencipta keseluruhan tapak web untuk firma perunding fiksyen untuk mengeluarkan tinjauan palsu yang membandingkan IQ pengguna pelbagai pelayar Web.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps helping push the fake ICOA story, McBride said, was the Web's ability to share news stories in real time.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin membantu menolak cerita ICOA palsu, kata McBride, adalah keupayaan Web untuk berkongsi cerita berita dalam masa nyata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Once one organization does it, other organizations tend to place even more blind faith,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila satu organisasi melakukannya, organisasi lain cenderung untuk meletakkan kepercayaan yang lebih buta,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Once the AP (for example) does it, then everyone does it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila AP (sebagai contoh) melakukannya, maka semua orang melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Associated Press retracted and issued a correction for the story.", "r": {"result": "The Associated Press menarik balik dan mengeluarkan pembetulan untuk cerita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When contacted, an AP spokeswoman referred CNN to the wire service's retraction, which cited ICOA and \"a person close to Google\" as saying the original report was untrue.", "r": {"result": "Ketika dihubungi, jurucakap AP merujuk CNN kepada penarikan balik perkhidmatan wayar itu, yang memetik ICOA dan \"orang yang rapat dengan Google\" sebagai berkata laporan asal itu tidak benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TechCrunch apologized to its readers, both owning up to the error and appearing to take a shot at PR Web in the process.", "r": {"result": "TechCrunch memohon maaf kepada pembacanya, kedua-duanya mengakui kesilapan itu dan kelihatan mengambil gambar di PR Web dalam proses itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were wrong on this post, for not following up with Google and the other company involved but posting rather than ... waiting on a solid confirmation beforehand from either source,\" read an editor's note atop the original post.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tersilap dalam siaran ini, kerana tidak membuat susulan dengan Google dan syarikat lain yang terlibat tetapi menyiarkan daripada ... menunggu pengesahan kukuh terlebih dahulu daripada mana-mana sumber,\" baca nota editor di atas catatan asal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We apologize to our readers, to the companies involved, and we'll be sure to act in a more responsible manner for future stories, rather than trusting the word of a website that doesn't necessarily hold itself up to any journalistic standards\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memohon maaf kepada pembaca kami, kepada syarikat yang terlibat, dan kami pasti akan bertindak dengan cara yang lebih bertanggungjawab untuk cerita masa depan, daripada mempercayai perkataan tapak web yang tidak semestinya mematuhi mana-mana piawaian kewartawanan\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forbes and Reuters were among the other news outlets that reported the fake purchase, as were popular tech sites PC Magazine, The Next Web, Business Insider, Engadget, VentureBeat, The Verge and GigaOM.", "r": {"result": "Forbes dan Reuters adalah antara saluran berita lain yang melaporkan pembelian palsu itu, begitu juga tapak teknologi popular PC Magazine, The Next Web, Business Insider, Engadget, VentureBeat, The Verge dan GigaOM.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other outlets, like MSNBC and USA Today, ran the Associated Press account.", "r": {"result": "Cawangan lain, seperti MSNBC dan USA Today, menjalankan akaun Associated Press.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Southern Living) -- For a heady dose of holiday spirit, dive into Opryland.", "r": {"result": "(Southern Living) -- Untuk menikmati semangat percutian yang memabukkan, selami Opryland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifteen miles of green garland and 10 miles of hand-tied red ribbon festoon the property.", "r": {"result": "Lima belas batu kalungan hijau dan 10 batu reben merah yang diikat tangan menghiasi harta itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've heard that you can see the Great Wall of China from outer space.", "r": {"result": "Saya pernah mendengar bahawa anda boleh melihat Tembok Besar China dari angkasa lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Christmastime, I bet you can also see Gaylord Opryland.", "r": {"result": "Pada waktu Krismas, saya yakin anda juga boleh melihat Gaylord Opryland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It sparkles with megawatts of lights, fun, and merriment.", "r": {"result": "Ia berkilauan dengan megawatt lampu, keseronokan, dan kegembiraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you don't have to be shot into orbit to enjoy the view of this Nashville treasure.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda tidak perlu ditembak ke orbit untuk menikmati pemandangan khazanah Nashville ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Make the easy drive to Middle Tennessee and delight in this perfectly luminous getaway.", "r": {"result": "Buat pemanduan yang mudah ke Middle Tennessee dan nikmati percutian yang bercahaya sempurna ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The one must-see.", "r": {"result": "Yang mesti dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many holiday activities raise your spirits; one really promises to chill you out.", "r": {"result": "Banyak aktiviti percutian menaikkan semangat anda; seseorang benar-benar berjanji untuk menenangkan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of you have read or seen \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\"!", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan anda telah membaca atau melihat \"How the Grinch Stole Christmas\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you haven't had the ultimate Dr. Seuss experience until you meet the green grump carved in ice.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda tidak mempunyai pengalaman Dr. Seuss yang terbaik sehingga anda bertemu dengan grump hijau yang diukir dalam ais.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Put on a parka -- loaned to you upon admission -- and enter ICE!", "r": {"result": "Pakai parka -- dipinjamkan kepada anda semasa kemasukan -- dan masukkan ICE!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ", a frozen world located in the Gaslight Theater.", "r": {"result": ", dunia beku yang terletak di Teater Gaslight.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attraction will be back next year, but this is the last time you'll see the Grinch and Who-ville, carved by Chinese craftsmen from huge, brilliantly hued blocks of ice.", "r": {"result": "Tarikan ini akan kembali pada tahun hadapan, tetapi ini adalah kali terakhir anda akan melihat Grinch dan Who-ville, yang diukir oleh tukang Cina daripada bongkah ais yang besar dan berwarna cerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are even frigid sliding boards to try.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga papan gelongsor yang sejuk untuk dicuba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Afterward, leave the 18-degree area, and grab a cup of hot chocolate in the adjoining gift shop.", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu, tinggalkan kawasan 18 darjah, dan ambil secawan coklat panas di kedai hadiah bersebelahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are you smiling yet?", "r": {"result": "Dah senyum ke belum?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Special happenings.", "r": {"result": "Kejadian istimewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's the 25th year the resort has provided a Santa's bagful of activities and entertainment.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan tahun ke-25 resort ini menyediakan pelbagai aktiviti dan hiburan Santa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decorations begin going up in July for A Country Christmas, and the festivities run from mid-November until the holidays end.", "r": {"result": "Hiasan mula meningkat pada bulan Julai untuk A Country Christmas, dan perayaan berlangsung dari pertengahan November hingga cuti berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During that time, enjoy delights such as carriage rides, photos with Santa, the Hall of Trees, and the Treasures for the Holidays Craft Show.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, nikmati keseronokan seperti menaiki kereta kuda, foto dengan Santa, Dewan Pokok dan Pertunjukan Kraf Harta Karun untuk Percutian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just admiring all the lights, poinsettias, and \"faux-piaries\" -- animal-shaped topiaries -- will get your inner Rudolph aglow.", "r": {"result": "Hanya mengagumi semua lampu, poinsettia, dan \"faux-piaries\" -- topiari berbentuk haiwan -- akan menjadikan Rudolph dalaman anda bersinar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Southern Living: Tips from a repeat Oprylander.", "r": {"result": "Southern Living: Petua daripada Oprylander berulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Radio City Music Hall Rockettes high-kick from the Grand Ole Opry stage.", "r": {"result": "Dewan Muzik Radio City Rockettes sepakan tinggi dari pentas Grand Ole Opry.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wear your Christmas sweater and jeans while you watch them -- everyone else does.", "r": {"result": "Pakai baju sejuk dan seluar jeans Krismas anda semasa anda menontonnya -- semua orang melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a memento of your visit, add glitter and sparkle to a fragrant miniature holiday house at Gingerbread Corner.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengenang kunjungan anda, tambahkan kilauan dan kilauan pada rumah percutian kecil yang harum di Gingerbread Corner.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Special events also include Louise Mandrell's \"Joy to the World Christmas Dinner & Show,\" as well as a Winter Wonderland that includes a train ride for little ones.", "r": {"result": "Acara istimewa juga termasuk \"Joy to the World Christmas Dinner & Show\" Louise Mandrell, serta Winter Wonderland yang termasuk menaiki kereta api untuk anak-anak kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Near the hotel, board the General Jackson showboat for a dinner cruise on the Cumberland River.", "r": {"result": "Berhampiran hotel, naik bot pameran General Jackson untuk pelayaran makan malam di Sungai Cumberland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "SouthernLiving.com: Hot Spots for the New Year.", "r": {"result": "SouthernLiving.com: Tempat Panas untuk Tahun Baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dining and shopping.", "r": {"result": "Makan dan membeli-belah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have many options for meals in the huge Gaylord Opryland complex.", "r": {"result": "Anda mempunyai banyak pilihan untuk makan di kompleks Gaylord Opryland yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a fine-dining experience, try Old Hickory Steakhouse.", "r": {"result": "Untuk pengalaman menjamu selera, cuba Old Hickory Steakhouse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indulge in a rich lobster bisque, perfectly cooked filet mignon, and creme brulee.", "r": {"result": "Manjakan diri dengan bisque udang galah yang mewah, filet mignon yang dimasak dengan sempurna dan creme brulee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Water's Edge Marketplace Buffet, located in the Delta Atrium, is a more casual venue.", "r": {"result": "Bufet Water's Edge Marketplace, yang terletak di Delta Atrium, adalah tempat yang lebih kasual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Graze among 60 different stations, filled with everything from pasta and salads to meats and vegetables.", "r": {"result": "Ragut di antara 60 stesen yang berbeza, dipenuhi dengan segala-galanya daripada pasta dan salad kepada daging dan sayur-sayuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can also grab a quick meal at Stax Burgers or Paisano's Pizzaria & Vino, both on the Delta Island.", "r": {"result": "Anda juga boleh menjamu selera di Stax Burgers atau Paisano's Pizzaria & Vino, kedua-duanya di Delta Island.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a nighttime dose of high-octane fun, go directly to the new Fuse nightclub, with rave reviews and visiting luminaries such as Kid Rock and Kim Kardashian.", "r": {"result": "Untuk keseronokan beroktan tinggi pada waktu malam, pergi terus ke kelab malam Fuse baharu, dengan ulasan pujian dan tokoh-tokoh terkenal seperti Kid Rock dan Kim Kardashian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you need festive duds, check out the shopping at Gaylord Opryland, such as Amelia's or Savannah's, both featuring dressy and casual women's clothing.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda memerlukan pakaian perayaan, lihat tempat membeli-belah di Gaylord Opryland, seperti Amelia's atau Savannah's, kedua-duanya menampilkan pakaian wanita yang bergaya dan kasual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opry Mills, the outlet mall just down the road, offers some of the best shopping opportunities, with winning Tennessee stores such as The Gibson Showcase and The Apple Barn Cider Bar & General Store.", "r": {"result": "Opry Mills, pusat beli-belah di tepi jalan, menawarkan beberapa peluang membeli-belah terbaik, dengan memenangi kedai Tennessee seperti The Gibson Showcase dan The Apple Barn Cider Bar & General Store.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Disney Store Outlet and Build-A-Bear Workshop also mesmerize, while standbys such as Nike, Gap Outlet, and Tommy Hilfiger Company Store are perennial favorites.", "r": {"result": "Disney Store Outlet dan Build-A-Bear Workshop juga memukau, manakala standby seperti Nike, Gap Outlet dan Tommy Hilfiger Company Store adalah kegemaran abadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The on-premises Rainforest Cafe or Johnny Rockets are ever popular refueling spots.", "r": {"result": "Rainforest Cafe atau Johnny Rockets di premis adalah tempat mengisi minyak yang popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you go ...", "r": {"result": "Jika anda pergi ...", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gaylord Opryland Resort: www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylord-opryland or 1-888-999-6779. Special holiday packages, including accommodations and tickets to several attractions, begin at $335 for a two-night stay.", "r": {"result": "Gaylord Opryland Resort: www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylord-opryland atau 1-888-999-6779. Pakej percutian istimewa, termasuk penginapan dan tiket ke beberapa tarikan, bermula pada $335 untuk penginapan dua malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Try 2 FREE TRIAL issues of Southern Living - CLICK HERE !", "r": {"result": "Cuba 2 isu PERCUBAAN PERCUMA Southern Living - KLIK DI SINI !", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Submit your favorite places to visit, stay, and dine in the South and enter to win a Caribbean Getaway - click here!", "r": {"result": "Hantar tempat kegemaran anda untuk melawat, menginap dan menjamu selera di Selatan dan masuk untuk memenangi Percutian Caribbean - klik di sini!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Dharun Ravi was an immature college kid who invaded his roommate's privacy.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dharun Ravi ialah seorang pelajar kolej yang tidak matang yang menceroboh privasi rakan sebiliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In New Jersey, that makes him a convicted felon who faces up to 10 years in prison.", "r": {"result": "Di New Jersey, itu menjadikannya penjenayah yang disabitkan kesalahan yang menghadapi hukuman penjara sehingga 10 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Locking up Ravi ultimately won't do much to stop bullying or fight homophobia.", "r": {"result": "Mengunci Ravi akhirnya tidak akan membantu untuk menghentikan buli atau melawan homofobia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His prosecution speaks volumes, however, about America's rush to use criminal justice to address problems that are better resolved by other means.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, pihak pendakwaannya banyak bercakap mengenai tergesa-gesa Amerika menggunakan keadilan jenayah untuk menangani masalah yang lebih baik diselesaikan dengan cara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every bad act is not a crime.", "r": {"result": "Setiap perbuatan buruk bukanlah satu jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every kid who does a stupid thing is not a criminal.", "r": {"result": "Setiap kanak-kanak yang melakukan perkara bodoh bukanlah penjenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the whole world knows, Ravi secretly videotaped his roommate, Tyler Clementi, having sex with another man.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang diketahui oleh seluruh dunia, Ravi secara rahsia merakam video rakan sebiliknya, Tyler Clementi, melakukan hubungan seks dengan lelaki lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He let some other people watch the video, and he tweeted that Tyler was gay.", "r": {"result": "Dia membenarkan beberapa orang lain menonton video itu, dan dia tweet bahawa Tyler adalah gay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clementi then jumped off a bridge to his death.", "r": {"result": "Clementi kemudian melompat dari jambatan hingga mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's be honest.", "r": {"result": "Jujurlah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of people want a pound of flesh from Ravi because they blame him for Clementi's death.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang mahukan satu paun daging daripada Ravi kerana mereka menyalahkan dia atas kematian Clementi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tyler's reaction was tragic, and it was idiosyncratic.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi Tyler adalah tragis, dan ia adalah idiosinkratik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is possible to deeply mourn Clementi's death and also to acknowledge that he probably had issues other than Ravi.", "r": {"result": "Adalah mungkin untuk meratapi kematian Clementi dan juga untuk mengakui bahawa dia mungkin mempunyai masalah selain Ravi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No judge in the country would have allowed a homicide prosecution, because, legally speaking, Ravi did not cause the death, nor was it reasonably foreseeable.", "r": {"result": "Tiada hakim di negara itu akan membenarkan pendakwaan pembunuhan, kerana, dari segi undang-undang, Ravi tidak menyebabkan kematian, dan ia juga tidak dapat dijangkakan secara munasabah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the millions of people who are bullied or who suffer invasions of privacy, few kill themselves.", "r": {"result": "Daripada berjuta-juta orang yang dibuli atau yang mengalami pencerobohan privasi, hanya sedikit yang membunuh diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in the classic fashion of overreaching prosecutors, the New Jersey district attorney found 15 other crimes to charge Ravi with.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dalam fesyen klasik pendakwa yang melampaui batas, peguam daerah New Jersey menemui 15 jenayah lain untuk mendakwa Ravi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Legal experts expect that he will get at least a five-year prison sentence and then be deported to India, where he was born but hasn't lived since he was 2.", "r": {"result": "Pakar undang-undang menjangkakan bahawa dia akan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya hukuman penjara lima tahun dan kemudian dihantar pulang ke India, tempat dia dilahirkan tetapi tidak tinggal sejak dia berusia 2 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For his stupidity, Ravi should be shamed by his fellow students and kicked out of his dorm, but he should not be sent to prison for years and then banished from the United States.", "r": {"result": "Kerana kebodohannya, Ravi sepatutnya dimalukan oleh rakan-rakan pelajarnya dan ditendang keluar dari asramanya, tetapi dia tidak sepatutnya dihantar ke penjara selama bertahun-tahun dan kemudian dibuang dari Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In their hearts the prosecutors must know this, which is why they offered him a plea bargain that included no jail time and a recommendation against deportation.", "r": {"result": "Dalam hati mereka, pihak pendakwa mesti mengetahui perkara ini, sebab itu mereka menawarkan tawaran pengakuan yang tidak termasuk tempoh penjara dan pengesyoran terhadap pengusiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But prosecutors don't like it when a defendant exercises his constitutional right to go to trial, and after winning their case they are likely to ask for big time.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pihak pendakwa tidak suka apabila defendan menggunakan hak perlembagaannya untuk pergi ke perbicaraan, dan selepas memenangi kes mereka, mereka mungkin akan meminta masa yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prosecution seemed to play on the emotional circumstances of Clementi's death as much as the actual facts of the case.", "r": {"result": "Pihak pendakwaan seolah-olah memainkan keadaan emosi kematian Clementi sama seperti fakta sebenar kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most serious charge was that Ravi intended to intimidate Clementi by filming him having sex with another guy.", "r": {"result": "Tuduhan yang paling serius ialah Ravi berniat untuk menakut-nakutkan Clementi dengan merakamnya melakukan hubungan seks dengan lelaki lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But how can you intend to intimidate someone by filming him when you hide the camera and don't want the person to know he's being filmed?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagaimana anda boleh berniat untuk menakut-nakutkan seseorang dengan merakamnya apabila anda menyembunyikan kamera dan tidak mahu orang itu tahu dia sedang dirakam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, New Jersey's hate crime law presents troubling First Amendment issues.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, undang-undang jenayah benci New Jersey memberikan isu Pindaan Pertama yang membimbangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Ravi had been convicted of being motivated to act because someone was fat or a nerd, he'd be looking at five years in prison.", "r": {"result": "Jika Ravi telah disabitkan bersalah kerana bermotivasi untuk bertindak kerana seseorang itu gemuk atau nerd, dia akan melihat lima tahun penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because he commented on Clementi's sexual orientation, he gets twice as much time.", "r": {"result": "Kerana dia mengulas mengenai orientasi seksual Clementi, dia mendapat dua kali lebih banyak masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The problem with broad laws like New Jersey's is that they come too close to punishing people for what they think.", "r": {"result": "Masalah dengan undang-undang yang luas seperti New Jersey adalah bahawa mereka terlalu hampir untuk menghukum orang kerana apa yang mereka fikirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bigotry, including homophobia, is morally condemnable, but in a free country, it should not be a punishable offense.", "r": {"result": "Ketaksuban, termasuk homofobia, boleh dikecam secara moral, tetapi dalam negara bebas, ia tidak sepatutnya menjadi kesalahan yang boleh dihukum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I was a freshman at Yale, my roommate constantly played a Patti Smith record called \"Rock and Roll Nigger\".", "r": {"result": "Semasa saya masih baru di Yale, rakan sebilik saya sentiasa memainkan rekod Patti Smith yang dipanggil \"Rock and Roll Nigger\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hated the song, but it never occurred to me that I should have called the police on my roommate.", "r": {"result": "Saya membenci lagu itu, tetapi saya tidak pernah terfikir bahawa saya sepatutnya menghubungi polis untuk rakan sebilik saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of the reason Yale paired me, an African-American from Chicago, with my roommate, a Jewish kid from Brooklyn, was for us to learn how to work out our differences.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada sebab Yale menggandingkan saya, seorang Afrika-Amerika dari Chicago, dengan rakan sebilik saya, seorang kanak-kanak Yahudi dari Brooklyn, adalah untuk kami belajar bagaimana untuk menyelesaikan perbezaan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We did, and now, 25 years later, we're still friends.", "r": {"result": "Kami melakukannya, dan kini, 25 tahun kemudian, kami masih berkawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those kinds of lessons are what college is for, as much as anything you learn in the classroom.", "r": {"result": "Pelajaran semacam itu adalah untuk kolej, sama seperti apa sahaja yang anda pelajari di dalam bilik darjah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ravi and Clementi never had that moment, but at the trial, evidence was presented that it might have happened.", "r": {"result": "Ravi dan Clementi tidak pernah mengalami detik itu, tetapi pada perbicaraan, bukti dikemukakan bahawa ia mungkin berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Ravi had spied on Clementi, he heard that Clementi wanted a new roommate.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Ravi mengintip Clementi, dia mendengar bahawa Clementi mahukan rakan sebilik baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ravi texted him and asked him to reconsider.", "r": {"result": "Ravi menghantar mesej kepadanya dan memintanya untuk mempertimbangkan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said, \"I've known you were gay and I have no problem with it\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata, \"Saya tahu anda gay dan saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This does not sound like a homophobe -- it sounds like a freshman who was taking a step to becoming more mature.", "r": {"result": "Ini tidak kedengaran seperti homofob -- ia kelihatan seperti pelajar baru yang sedang mengambil langkah untuk menjadi lebih matang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ravi did not invent homophobia, but he is being scapegoated for it.", "r": {"result": "Ravi tidak mencipta homofobia, tetapi dia menjadi kambing hitam untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bias against gay people is, sadly, embedded in American culture.", "r": {"result": "Bias terhadap orang gay, sayangnya, tertanam dalam budaya Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until last year people were being kicked out of the military because they were homosexuals.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga tahun lepas orang telah ditendang keluar daripada tentera kerana mereka adalah homoseksual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of the four leading presidential candidates -- President Obama, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich -- thinks that gay people should be allowed to get married.", "r": {"result": "Tiada seorang pun daripada empat calon presiden terkemuka -- Presiden Obama, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich -- berpendapat bahawa golongan gay harus dibenarkan berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A better way to honor the life of Clementi would be for everyone to get off their high horse about a 20-year-old kid and instead think about how we can promote civil rights in our own lives.", "r": {"result": "Cara yang lebih baik untuk menghormati kehidupan Clementi adalah dengan semua orang turun dari kuda tinggi mereka tentang seorang kanak-kanak berusia 20 tahun dan sebaliknya berfikir tentang cara kita boleh mempromosikan hak sivil dalam kehidupan kita sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though a national conversation about civility and respect would have been better, as usual for social problems, we looked to the criminal justice system.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun perbualan nasional tentang kesopanan dan rasa hormat adalah lebih baik, seperti biasa untuk masalah sosial, kami melihat kepada sistem keadilan jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States incarcerates more of its citizens than any country in the world.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat memenjarakan lebih ramai rakyatnya daripada mana-mana negara di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are an extraordinarily punitive people.", "r": {"result": "Kami adalah orang yang sangat menghukum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clementi died for America's sins.", "r": {"result": "Clementi mati kerana dosa Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now, Ravi faces years in prison for the same reason.", "r": {"result": "Dan kini, Ravi berdepan hukuman penjara selama bertahun-tahun atas sebab yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Paul Butler.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Paul Butler semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama became the first president to use the words \"lesbian,\" \"bisexual\" and \"transgender\" in a State of the Union on Tuesday night, issuing an historic call for protections for individuals of any sexual orientation.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN)Presiden Barack Obama menjadi presiden pertama yang menggunakan perkataan \"lesbian,\" \"biseksual\" dan \"transgender\" dalam Negara Kesatuan pada malam Selasa, mengeluarkan seruan bersejarah untuk perlindungan bagi individu dari sebarang orientasi seksual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As Americans, we respect human dignity, even when we're threatened, which is why I've prohibited torture, and worked to make sure our use of new technology like drones is properly constrained,\" Obama said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai rakyat Amerika, kami menghormati maruah manusia, walaupun kami diancam, itulah sebabnya saya melarang penyeksaan, dan berusaha untuk memastikan penggunaan teknologi baharu kami seperti dron dikekang dengan betul,\" kata Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's why we defend free speech, and advocate for political prisoners, and condemn the persecution of women, or religious minorities, or people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.", "r": {"result": "\u201cItulah sebabnya kami mempertahankan kebebasan bersuara, dan menyokong tahanan politik, dan mengutuk penganiayaan terhadap wanita, atau minoriti agama, atau orang yang lesbian, gay, biseksual atau transgender.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We do these things not only because they're right, but because they make us safer\".", "r": {"result": "Kami melakukan perkara ini bukan sahaja kerana ia betul, tetapi kerana ia menjadikan kami lebih selamat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama: 'Tonight, we turn the page'.", "r": {"result": "Obama: 'Malam ini, kita buka muka surat'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The remarks were a surprise, but not entirely unexpected for a president who has made GLBTQ rights a quiet but consistent focus of his tenure in office.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu adalah satu kejutan, tetapi tidak dijangka sepenuhnya bagi seorang presiden yang telah menjadikan hak GLBTQ sebagai fokus yang tenang tetapi konsisten dalam tempoh perkhidmatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama was also the first president to mention transgender individuals in any speech, and last year signed an executive order extending protection against discrimination in the workplace for gay and transgender workers in the federal government.", "r": {"result": "Obama juga merupakan presiden pertama yang menyebut individu transgender dalam sebarang ucapan, dan tahun lepas menandatangani perintah eksekutif melanjutkan perlindungan terhadap diskriminasi di tempat kerja untuk pekerja gay dan transgender dalam kerajaan persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he also called gay marriage a \"civil right,\" in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to take up the issue once and for all.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia juga menggelar perkahwinan gay sebagai \"hak sivil,\" berikutan keputusan Mahkamah Agung untuk mengambil isu itu sekali dan untuk semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've seen something like gay marriage go from a wedge issue used to drive us apart to a story of freedom across our country, a civil right now legal in states that 7-in-10 Americans call home,\" Obama said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah melihat sesuatu seperti perkahwinan gay beralih daripada isu baji yang digunakan untuk memisahkan kita kepada kisah kebebasan di seluruh negara kita, sebuah sivil kini sah di negeri-negeri yang 7-dalam-10 orang Amerika memanggil rumah,\" kata Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday she did not come to Pakistan for \"happy talk\".", "r": {"result": "Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Setiausaha Negara A.S. Hillary Clinton berkata pada hari Jumaat dia tidak datang ke Pakistan untuk \"cakap gembira\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her three-day trip is aimed at getting frank, open discussions going about the fight against terrorism, and that includes presenting U.S. concerns about how much success Pakistan is having, she said.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan tiga harinya bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perbincangan terbuka dan terbuka tentang usaha memerangi keganasan, dan itu termasuk membentangkan kebimbangan AS tentang sejauh mana kejayaan Pakistan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an interview with CNN, Clinton said it's time to \"clear the air\" with a key U.S. ally.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual dengan CNN, Clinton berkata sudah tiba masanya untuk \"membersihkan udara\" dengan sekutu utama AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"I don't think the way you deal with negative feelings is to pretend they're not there\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \"Saya tidak fikir cara anda menangani perasaan negatif adalah berpura-pura mereka tidak ada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it's important, if we are going to have the kind of cooperative partnership, that I think is in the best interest of both of our countries, for me to express some of the questions that are on the minds of the American people,\" Clinton told CNN's Jill Dougherty.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia adalah penting, jika kita akan mempunyai jenis perkongsian kerjasama, yang saya fikir adalah demi kepentingan terbaik kedua-dua negara kita, untuk saya meluahkan beberapa soalan yang ada dalam fikiran rakyat Amerika, \"Clinton memberitahu CNN Jill Dougherty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The secretary's comments came a day after she seemed to question the commitment of some in the Pakistani government for going after the leaders of al Qaeda, who U.S. intelligence experts believe are taking refuge in Pakistan's remote tribal areas.", "r": {"result": "Komen setiausaha itu dibuat sehari selepas dia seolah-olah mempersoalkan komitmen sesetengah pihak dalam kerajaan Pakistan untuk mengejar pemimpin al Qaeda, yang pakar perisikan AS percaya berlindung di kawasan puak terpencil di Pakistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Al Qaeda has had safe haven in Pakistan since 2002,\" she told a group of Pakistani journalists Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Al Qaeda mempunyai tempat selamat di Pakistan sejak 2002,\" katanya kepada sekumpulan wartawan Pakistan pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn't get them if they really wanted to\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya merasa sukar untuk mempercayai bahawa tiada sesiapa dalam kerajaan anda tahu di mana mereka berada dan tidak boleh mendapatkannya jika mereka benar-benar mahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"Maybe they're not gettable.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \"Mungkin mereka tidak dapat diterima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't know\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the CNN interview Friday, Clinton said she was not suggesting that someone inside the government might be complicit with al Qaeda or might be failing to follow through in fighting the terrorist group.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual CNN Jumaat, Clinton berkata dia tidak mencadangkan bahawa seseorang dalam kerajaan mungkin bersubahat dengan al-Qaeda atau mungkin gagal untuk meneruskan dalam memerangi kumpulan pengganas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No, no,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak, tidak,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What I was responding to is what I have been really doing on this trip, which is there exists a trust deficit, certainly on the part of Pakistanis toward the United States, toward our intentions and our actions.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang saya jawab adalah apa yang saya lakukan dalam perjalanan ini, iaitu wujud defisit amanah, sudah tentu di pihak Pakistan terhadap Amerika Syarikat, terhadap niat dan tindakan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yet we have so much in common, we face a common threat.", "r": {"result": "Namun kami mempunyai banyak persamaan, kami menghadapi ancaman yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We certainly have a common enemy in extremism and terrorism, and so part of what I have been doing is answering every single charge, every question\".", "r": {"result": "Kita sememangnya mempunyai musuh bersama dalam ekstremisme dan keganasan, dan sebahagian daripada apa yang saya lakukan ialah menjawab setiap tuduhan, setiap soalan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trust \"is a two-way street,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "Amanah \"adalah jalan dua hala,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Pakistan's military operation has been \"extremely courageous in both Swat and now in South Waziristan, success there is not sufficient,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun operasi ketenteraan Pakistan telah \"sangat berani di kedua-dua Swat dan kini di Waziristan Selatan, kejayaan itu tidak mencukupi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"... I just want to keep putting on the table that we have some concerns as well.", "r": {"result": "\u201c... Saya hanya mahu terus meletakkan di atas meja bahawa kami mempunyai beberapa kebimbangan juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I think ... that's the kind of relationship I'm looking to build here\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya fikir ... itulah jenis hubungan yang saya ingin bina di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked whether she had underestimated the level of anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, Clinton said, \"No, because I've been following the research and the polling that's gone on for a couple of years.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya sama ada dia telah memandang rendah tahap sentimen anti-Amerika di Pakistan, Clinton berkata, \"Tidak, kerana saya telah mengikuti penyelidikan dan tinjauan pendapat yang dijalankan selama beberapa tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew that we were inheriting a pretty negative situation that we were going to have to address\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu bahawa kami mewarisi situasi yang agak negatif yang perlu kami tangani\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why she wanted three days in the country, \"a long trip for a secretary of state,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya dia mahukan tiga hari di negara ini, \"perjalanan panjang untuk setiausaha negara,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wanted to demonstrate that, look, we are not coming here claiming that everything we've done is perfect.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mahu menunjukkan bahawa, lihat, kami tidak datang ke sini dengan mendakwa bahawa semua yang kami lakukan adalah sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've admitted to mistakes by our country going back in time, but I've also reminded people that we've been partners and allies from the beginning of Pakistan's inception as a country.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah mengakui kesilapan negara kita pada masa lalu, tetapi saya juga mengingatkan orang ramai bahawa kita telah menjadi rakan kongsi dan sekutu sejak awal penubuhan Pakistan sebagai sebuah negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pakistan has helped us on several important occasions, and we are very grateful for that.", "r": {"result": "Pakistan telah membantu kami dalam beberapa peristiwa penting, dan kami amat berterima kasih untuk itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So let's begin to clear the air here\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi mari kita mula membersihkan udara di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton also commented on Iran, as the United States seeks clarification on whether the nation will agree to a deal brokered by the International Atomic Energy Agency aimed at resolving a dispute about Iran's nuclear program.", "r": {"result": "Clinton turut mengulas mengenai Iran, ketika Amerika Syarikat meminta penjelasan sama ada negara itu akan bersetuju dengan perjanjian yang diuruskan oleh Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian mengenai program nuklear Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am going to let the process play out, but clearly we are working to determine exactly what they are willing to do,\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan membiarkan proses itu dimainkan, tetapi jelas kami sedang berusaha untuk menentukan dengan tepat apa yang mereka sanggup lakukan,\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The secretary made a vow to Israeli and Palestinian leaders during the CNN interview as well.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha itu membuat ikrar kepada pemimpin Israel dan Palestin semasa wawancara CNN juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're going to do everything we can to try to clear away whatever concerns that the parties have, to actually get them into negotiations where they then can thrash out all of these difficult issues,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan melakukan segala yang kami mampu untuk cuba menghapuskan apa jua kebimbangan yang ada pada pihak-pihak, untuk benar-benar membawa mereka ke dalam rundingan di mana mereka kemudiannya boleh menyelesaikan semua isu sukar ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think I'm pretty realistic about what has to be overcome for there to be the level of acceptance that is required to get into these negotiations,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir saya agak realistik tentang apa yang perlu diatasi untuk mencapai tahap penerimaan yang diperlukan untuk menyertai rundingan ini,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But remember, prior to negotiations, people stake out all kinds of positions, and then in the caldron of actually getting down to specifics, that all begins to be worked out\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi ingat, sebelum rundingan, orang ramai mempersoalkan semua jenis jawatan, dan kemudian dalam kawah untuk benar-benar turun ke spesifik, semuanya mula diselesaikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She referred to the experience of former President Bill Clinton.", "r": {"result": "Dia merujuk kepada pengalaman bekas Presiden Bill Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I watched in the '90s as my husband just kept pushing and pushing and pushing, and good things happened.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menonton pada tahun 90-an ketika suami saya terus mendesak dan mendesak dan menolak, dan perkara baik berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There wasn't a final agreement, but fewer people died, there were more opportunities for economic development, for trade, for exchanges.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada perjanjian muktamad, tetapi lebih sedikit orang yang mati, terdapat lebih banyak peluang untuk pembangunan ekonomi, untuk perdagangan, untuk pertukaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It had positive effects, even though it didn't cross the finish line.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai kesan positif, walaupun ia tidak melepasi garisan penamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I think that being involved at the highest levels sends a message of our seriousness of purpose\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya fikir bahawa terlibat di peringkat tertinggi menghantar mesej keseriusan tujuan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Budget Travel) -- If you're planning a cruise in 2012, chances are high that you'll be traveling to the Caribbean.", "r": {"result": "(Perjalanan Bajet) -- Jika anda merancang pelayaran pada tahun 2012, kemungkinan besar anda akan melancong ke Caribbean.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to CruiseCompete.com's annual report, nine of the ten most popular cruise ports in the world are in the Caribbean (or close enough to count).", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan tahunan CruiseCompete.com, sembilan daripada sepuluh pelabuhan pelayaran paling popular di dunia berada di Caribbean (atau cukup dekat untuk dikira).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The website's list, which is compiled from cruise quotes requested by potential customers, shows that Alaska is also a perennial favorite for cruisers.", "r": {"result": "Senarai laman web, yang disusun daripada petikan pelayaran yang diminta oleh bakal pelanggan, menunjukkan bahawa Alaska juga merupakan kegemaran abadi untuk kapal penjelajah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Several Inside Passage ports made the cut, with Juneau coming out as the most requested cruise stop in the 50 states.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pelabuhan Inside Passage membuat pemotongan, dengan Juneau keluar sebagai perhentian pelayaran yang paling diminta di 50 negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With so many people wanting to go to the same places, you might worry about crowds -- but you don't need to.", "r": {"result": "Dengan begitu ramai orang ingin pergi ke tempat yang sama, anda mungkin bimbang tentang orang ramai -- tetapi anda tidak perlu melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It turns out that even the hottest port has a few places where you can get off the beaten path.", "r": {"result": "Ternyata walaupun pelabuhan paling hangat mempunyai beberapa tempat di mana anda boleh keluar dari laluan yang dipukul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here are some recommendations that will make you feel like you're in the know, before you get off the ship.", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah beberapa cadangan yang akan membuatkan anda berasa seperti anda tahu, sebelum anda turun dari kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Budget Travel gallery: See the cruise ports.", "r": {"result": "Galeri Perjalanan Bajet: Lihat pelabuhan pelayaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#1 Nassau, Bahamas.", "r": {"result": "#1 Nassau, Bahamas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just 180 miles from Miami, the Bahamas are usually the first or last stop on an eastern Caribbean cruise (even though the archipelago is technically in the Atlantic).", "r": {"result": "Hanya 180 batu dari Miami, Bahamas biasanya merupakan perhentian pertama atau terakhir di pelayaran Caribbean timur (walaupun kepulauan itu secara teknikalnya berada di Atlantik).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People love the islands -- there are approximately 700 in all -- for first-class snorkeling, casinos and fine dining, and it's top four ports are Nassau, Princess Cays, Great Stirrup Cay and Half Moon Cay, it's the most requested country in the world for cruising, according to CruiseCompete.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai menyukai pulau itu -- terdapat kira-kira 700 kesemuanya -- untuk snorkeling kelas pertama, kasino dan santapan mewah, dan empat pelabuhan teratas ialah Nassau, Princess Cays, Great Stirrup Cay dan Half Moon Cay, negara yang paling banyak diminta dunia untuk pelayaran, menurut CruiseCompete.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two of them made the list for the top ten most visited ports in 2011, including the capital, Nassau, which is a major shopping center.", "r": {"result": "Dua daripada mereka membuat senarai untuk sepuluh pelabuhan paling banyak dikunjungi pada 2011, termasuk ibu kota, Nassau, yang merupakan pusat membeli-belah utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: If you'd rather mingle with locals than join the crowd heading to Senor Frog's, take the Number 10 Jitney to Arawak Cay, where you'll find several stands serving up fried seafood.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Jika anda lebih suka bergaul dengan penduduk tempatan daripada menyertai orang ramai menuju ke Senor Frog's, naik Jitney Nombor 10 ke Arawak Cay, di mana anda akan menemui beberapa gerai yang menyajikan makanan laut goreng.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Go to Goldie's, and order a cold Kalik beer with some conch fritters; if you go to the back porch, sometimes you'll see workers pulling up the conch from the water.", "r": {"result": "Pergi ke Goldie's, dan pesan bir Kalik sejuk dengan beberapa goreng kerang; kalau pergi anjung belakang, kadang-kadang nampak pekerja tarik keong dari dalam air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#2 Cozumel, Mexico.", "r": {"result": "#2 Cozumel, Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula continues to draw sun seekers who want some culture with their cruise, particularly this year when the Mayan calendar predicts the end of days.", "r": {"result": "Semenanjung Yucatan Mexico terus menarik minat pencari matahari yang mahukan budaya dengan pelayaran mereka, terutamanya tahun ini apabila kalendar Maya meramalkan hari berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there's plenty of room for fun, too.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat banyak ruang untuk berseronok juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cozumel, an island off the coast, offers countless snorkeling and water-based activities, as well as gorgeous beaches: Corona ads are often shot here.", "r": {"result": "Cozumel, sebuah pulau di luar pantai, menawarkan aktiviti snorkeling dan berasaskan air yang tidak terkira banyaknya, serta pantai yang indah: Iklan Corona sering dirakam di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: Can you stand the heat?", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Boleh tahan panas?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If so, the Mayan Steam Lodge/Temazcal experience -- a spiritual sauna-like ceremony that includes native rituals -- may be for you.", "r": {"result": "Jika ya, pengalaman Mayan Steam Lodge/Temazcal -- upacara seperti sauna rohani yang merangkumi ritual asli -- mungkin untuk anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Afterward, you'll jump into the property's freshwater cenote (underground spring) to cool off (there are also showers, if you'd prefer to rinse off there).", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu, anda akan melompat ke cenote air tawar (mata air bawah tanah) hartanah untuk menyejukkan (terdapat juga pancuran mandian, jika anda lebih suka berkumur di sana).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The four-hour excursion costs $80 per person, and includes transportation to and from the ship.", "r": {"result": "Persiaran selama empat jam berharga $80 setiap orang, dan termasuk pengangkutan ke dan dari kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Budget Travel: 10 most beautiful churches.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan Bajet: 10 gereja yang paling indah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#3 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.", "r": {"result": "#3 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Kepulauan Virgin A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're on an eastern Caribbean cruise, you'll probably stop in St. Thomas, as it's one of the world's busiest cruise ports.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda menaiki pelayaran Caribbean timur, anda mungkin akan singgah di St. Thomas, kerana ia merupakan salah satu pelabuhan pelayaran tersibuk di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Mecca for duty-free shopping, the Charlotte Amalie port has plenty of jewelry, perfume, and electronics stores; check prices at a few shops before you buy to ensure the best deal.", "r": {"result": "Mekah untuk membeli-belah bebas cukai, pelabuhan Charlotte Amalie mempunyai banyak barang kemas, minyak wangi dan kedai elektronik; semak harga di beberapa kedai sebelum anda membeli untuk memastikan tawaran terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "St. Thomas can also be a good place to unwind on a beach or provide a good jumping-off point for exploring the nearby island St. John, which is quieter and less developed.", "r": {"result": "St. Thomas juga boleh menjadi tempat yang baik untuk berehat di pantai atau menyediakan titik lompat yang baik untuk menerokai pulau berdekatan St. John, yang lebih tenang dan kurang membangun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: While everyone else on your ship heads for the famed Magens Bay beach, pick up some groceries at Crown Bay Marina for a picnic lunch and catch a ferry to Water Island, sometimes considered the fourth Virgin Island.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Semasa orang lain di kapal anda menuju ke pantai Teluk Magens yang terkenal, dapatkan beberapa barangan runcit di Crown Bay Marina untuk berkelah dan menaiki feri ke Pulau Air, kadangkala dianggap sebagai Pulau Virgin keempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not only is the sea at the island's palm-lined Honeymoon Beach calm, the cove is quiet -- you won't find the shops or tour operators here that you see on other St. Thomas beaches.", "r": {"result": "Bukan sahaja laut di Pantai Bulan Madu yang dibarisi palma di pulau itu tenang, teluknya tenang -- anda tidak akan menemui kedai atau pengusaha pelancongan di sini yang anda lihat di pantai St. Thomas yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#4 Philipsburg, St. Maarten / St. Martin.", "r": {"result": "#4 Philipsburg, St. Maarten / St. Martin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One island, two cultures: With portions settled by the French and the Dutch, the island is one of the smallest to be governed by two countries (don't worry, though, almost everyone speaks English).", "r": {"result": "Satu pulau, dua budaya: Dengan bahagian yang diselesaikan oleh Perancis dan Belanda, pulau itu adalah salah satu pulau terkecil yang ditadbir oleh dua negara (jangan risau, walaupun, hampir semua orang berbahasa Inggeris).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philipsburg, on the Dutch side, rivals St. Thomas for duty-free shopping, while the towns of Marigot and Grand Case on the French side are filled withA fine and casual restaurants with French flair where you can find dishes like escargot (snails) or bouillabaisse (fish soup).", "r": {"result": "Philipsburg, di pihak Belanda, menyaingi St. Thomas untuk membeli-belah bebas cukai, manakala bandar Marigot dan Grand Case di sebelah Perancis dipenuhi dengan restoran yang baik dan kasual dengan bakat Perancis di mana anda boleh menemui hidangan seperti escargot (siput) atau bouillabaisse (sup ikan).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: If you don't want to join the crowds breathing jet fumes at Maho Beach, take a short cab ride to French Cul-de-Sac, where you can catch a ferry to Pinel Island (regular service starts around 9 a.m.).", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Jika anda tidak mahu menyertai orang ramai yang menghirup asap jet di Pantai Maho, naiki teksi singkat ke Cul-de-Sac Perancis, di mana anda boleh menaiki feri ke Pulau Pinel (perkhidmatan biasa bermula sekitar jam 9 pagi).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The uninhabited island off St. Martin has several restaurants where you can rent beach chairs, have drinks and go snorkeling; there's a designated snorkel trail in a protected marine reserve on the island's south side, where you can spot sea fans, urchins, turtle and rays among the coral.", "r": {"result": "Pulau tidak berpenghuni di luar St. Martin mempunyai beberapa restoran di mana anda boleh menyewa kerusi pantai, minum dan bersnorkel; terdapat denai snorkel yang ditetapkan dalam rizab marin yang dilindungi di sebelah selatan pulau itu, di mana anda boleh melihat kipas laut, landak, penyu dan pari di antara karang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Budget Travel: 15 things you didn't know about New Orleans.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan Bajet: 15 perkara yang anda tidak tahu tentang New Orleans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#5 Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.", "r": {"result": "#5 Grand Cayman, Kepulauan Cayman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Known for offshore banking, the Cayman Islands have a natural side beyond the shops of George Town.", "r": {"result": "Terkenal dengan perbankan luar pesisir, Kepulauan Cayman mempunyai sisi semula jadi di sebalik kedai-kedai di George Town.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grand Cayman is one of the few places where you can see the world's most endangered iguana, the blue iguana, and thousands of tourists converge on Stingray City to watch the sea animals.", "r": {"result": "Grand Cayman ialah salah satu daripada beberapa tempat di mana anda boleh melihat iguana paling terancam di dunia, iguana biru, dan beribu-ribu pelancong berkumpul di Stingray City untuk menonton haiwan laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seven Mile Beach offers an uninterrupted view of the Caribbean that seems like a postcard come to life.", "r": {"result": "Pantai Seven Mile menawarkan pemandangan Caribbean yang tidak terganggu yang kelihatan seperti poskad menjadi hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: If you like Jimmy Buffet music, catch the Grand Cayman's resident beach bum, the Barefoot Man (in real life, George Nowak).", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Jika anda suka muzik Jimmy Buffet, tangkap gelandangan pantai penduduk Grand Cayman, Barefoot Man (dalam kehidupan sebenar, George Nowak).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He plays most Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Reef Resort on the island's East End.", "r": {"result": "Dia bermain kebanyakan hari Selasa dan Khamis di Reef Resort di East End pulau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you don't have time to catch a show, pick up a CD for $16 in one of the souvenir shops in George Town.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda tidak mempunyai masa untuk menonton pertunjukan, ambil CD seharga $16 di salah satu kedai cenderamata di George Town.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#6 San Juan, Puerto Rico.", "r": {"result": "#6 San Juan, Puerto Rico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hard to escape history in Puerto Rico; its capital, San Juan, dates back to the 16th century.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk melarikan diri dari sejarah di Puerto Rico; ibu kotanya, San Juan, bermula pada abad ke-16.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The immense San Felipe del Morro fortress anchors Old San Juan and Ponce de Leon, the island's first governor, is buried at the Cathedral of San Juan.", "r": {"result": "Kubu San Felipe del Morro yang besar menambat Old San Juan dan Ponce de Leon, gabenor pertama pulau itu, dikebumikan di Katedral San Juan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you venture off into the countryside, you'll find beaches, rain forests and a bioluminescent bay where you can kayak.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda menerokai kawasan luar bandar, anda akan temui pantai, hutan hujan dan teluk bercahaya di mana anda boleh berkayak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: Puerto Rico's cuisine is infused with unique Latin flavors that you'd be hard-pressed to find elsewhere in the Caribbean.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Masakan Puerto Rico diselitkan dengan perisa Latin yang unik yang sukar anda temui di tempat lain di Caribbean.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why not spend a few hours learning how to duplicate the recipes at home?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa tidak menghabiskan beberapa jam belajar bagaimana untuk menduplikasi resipi di rumah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flavors of San Juan teaches you how to make either tapas or Puerto Rican food in two-hour group classes that include a full meal and a recipe book that you can bring home.", "r": {"result": "Flavors of San Juan mengajar anda cara membuat sama ada tapas atau makanan Puerto Rico dalam kelas kumpulan selama dua jam yang termasuk hidangan penuh dan buku resipi yang boleh anda bawa pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "SanJuanfoodtours.com, advanced reservations required, $98 per person for a 2-hour group class.", "r": {"result": "SanJuanfoodtours.com, tempahan awal diperlukan, $98 seorang untuk kelas kumpulan 2 jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Budget Travel: 5 Caribbean Islands to discover now.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan Bajet: 5 Kepulauan Caribbean untuk ditemui sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#7 Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos.", "r": {"result": "#7 Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although technically in the Atlantic Ocean instead of the Caribbean, the island chain of Turks & Caicos has the glorious, talcum-powder-soft sand beaches and turquoise skies that make the region famous.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun secara teknikalnya di Lautan Atlantik dan bukannya Caribbean, rangkaian pulau Turks & Caicos mempunyai pantai pasir lembut serbuk talkum dan langit biru yang menjadikan rantau ini terkenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While luxury vacationers flock to Providenciales and celebrities such as Bruce Willis, Christie Brinkley, and Keith Richards have homes on Parrot Cay, Grand Turk has become the country's main cruising center, with a large terminal and new shops.", "r": {"result": "Ketika pelancong mewah berduyun-duyun ke Providenciales dan selebriti seperti Bruce Willis, Christie Brinkley dan Keith Richards mempunyai rumah di Parrot Cay, Grand Turk telah menjadi pusat pelayaran utama negara, dengan terminal besar dan kedai baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: If you love stamps (or love someone who does), make a stop at the Philatelic Bureau, located on Church Folly street.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Jika anda menyukai setem (atau menyukai seseorang yang menyukainya), singgahlah di Biro Filateli, yang terletak di jalan Church Folly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The island is known for its colorful and unusual issues, which are prized by collectors.", "r": {"result": "Pulau ini terkenal dengan isu-isu yang berwarna-warni dan luar biasa, yang dihargai oleh pengumpul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#8 Juneau, Alaska.", "r": {"result": "#8 Juneau, Alaska.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Inside Passage cruise appears on many bucket lists, and no wonder.", "r": {"result": "Pelayaran Inside Passage muncul pada banyak senarai baldi, dan tidak hairanlah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state's scenery, particularly its magnificent glacier- and wildlife-viewing opportunities, are unparalleled.", "r": {"result": "Pemandangan negeri ini, terutamanya peluang melihat glasier dan hidupan liar yang mengagumkan, tiada tandingannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Surrounded by mountains and the sea, Juneau, the state's capital, is accessible only by water or air.", "r": {"result": "Dikelilingi oleh pergunungan dan laut, Juneau, ibu kota negeri, hanya boleh diakses melalui air atau udara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nature is all around you: Look for bears fishing in the streams near Mendenhall Glacier, and eagles nesting on the slopes of Mount Roberts.", "r": {"result": "Alam semula jadi di sekeliling anda: Cari beruang memancing di sungai berhampiran Glasier Mendenhall, dan helang bersarang di lereng Gunung Roberts.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: Once you get out of downtown, cruise ship crowds disappear, or at least it feels that way; Alaska's vastness has a way of making people seem insignificant.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Sebaik sahaja anda keluar dari pusat bandar, orang ramai kapal pesiar hilang, atau sekurang-kurangnya ia berasa seperti itu; Keluasan Alaska mempunyai cara untuk membuat orang kelihatan tidak penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With hiking trails and a stone labyrinth garden, the Shrine of St. Therese, on a peninsula about a 20-minute drive from Juneau (take a taxi), is a reflective place to commune with nature.", "r": {"result": "Dengan denai kembara dan taman labirin batu, Shrine of St. Therese, di semenanjung kira-kira 20 minit pemanduan dari Juneau (naik teksi), adalah tempat yang mencerminkan untuk berkomunikasi dengan alam semula jadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Visitors often spot seals, whales, and otters nearby.", "r": {"result": "Pengunjung sering melihat anjing laut, ikan paus dan memerang berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Budget Travel: 40 unbelievable underwater snapshots.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan Bajet: 40 gambar bawah air yang sukar dipercayai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#9 Roatan, Honduras.", "r": {"result": "#9 Roatan, Honduras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Bay Islands, which lie about an hour north of the Honduras mainland, have become a major attraction for cruise ships, which come for the area's colorful fish and clear, warm waters.", "r": {"result": "Kepulauan Bay, yang terletak kira-kira sejam di utara tanah besar Honduras, telah menjadi tarikan utama untuk kapal pesiar, yang datang untuk ikan berwarna-warni dan perairan yang jernih dan hangat di kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roatan has become the center of commercial development for the islands, and you'll find countless opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and interacting with marine life such as grouper, moray eels, turtles, and rays.", "r": {"result": "Roatan telah menjadi pusat pembangunan komersial untuk pulau-pulau, dan anda akan menemui banyak peluang untuk bersnorkel, menyelam dan berinteraksi dengan hidupan marin seperti kerapu, belut moray, penyu dan pari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: Give your tastebuds a charge with a jam and jelly tasting at Marble Hill Farms on the East End of the island.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Berikan selera anda dengan rasa jem dan jeli di Marble Hill Farms di Hujung Timur pulau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sample flavors include hibiscus jelly, mutton pepper jelly (made with chili cabro, this one has quite a kick) and island plum jelly made from fruit grown on the property.", "r": {"result": "Perisa contoh termasuk jeli bunga raya, jeli lada kambing (dibuat dengan cili cabro, yang satu ini memang sedap) dan jeli plum pulau yang diperbuat daripada buah-buahan yang ditanam di tempat penginapan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need to take a taxi to get to The Farm; once you're there, have spiny lobster for lunch at their restaurant, the Crow's Nest.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu menaiki teksi untuk ke The Farm; sebaik sahaja anda berada di sana, makan udang galah untuk makan tengah hari di restoran mereka, Crow's Nest.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#10 Princess Cays, Bahamas.", "r": {"result": "#10 Puteri Cays, Bahamas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleuthera, one of the Out Islands is the other Bahamas port that made the top ten.", "r": {"result": "Eleuthera, salah satu daripada Out Islands adalah pelabuhan Bahamas lain yang menjadi sepuluh teratas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here, you can swim and sunbathe at private beaches and resorts without safety concerns (the U.S. State Department does warn about the possibility of muggings and other crime occurring on New Providence Island, where Nassau is located).", "r": {"result": "Di sini, anda boleh berenang dan berjemur di pantai persendirian dan pusat peranginan tanpa kebimbangan keselamatan (Jabatan Negara A.S. memang memberi amaran tentang kemungkinan rompakan dan jenayah lain berlaku di Pulau New Providence, di mana terletaknya Nassau).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secret: Located on the island of Eleuthera, the private beach resort owned by Princess gives you a glimpse of how laid back life on the Out Islands can be.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia: Terletak di pulau Eleuthera, pusat peranginan pantai persendirian yang dimiliki oleh Princess memberi anda gambaran tentang betapa santainya kehidupan di Out Islands.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most people spend their time on Princess Cays either on the beach or in the water (head to the sand early to corner a lounge chair and bring your snorkel gear to get up close and personal with the colorful corals, fish, and sponges that blanket the ocean floor).", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan orang menghabiskan masa mereka di Princess Cays sama ada di pantai atau di dalam air (menuju ke pasir lebih awal untuk menyudut kerusi santai dan membawa peralatan snorkel anda untuk mendekati dan peribadi dengan karang berwarna-warni, ikan dan span yang menyelubungi dasar laut).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you want to do some exploring, there's a small local cemetery that contains the graves of some of the island's early 1900's residents.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda ingin melakukan penerokaan, terdapat sebuah tanah perkuburan tempatan kecil yang mengandungi kubur beberapa penduduk awal 1900-an pulau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cemetery is walking distance from the beach -- just make sure you wear bug spray and solid shoes for the mile-long trek.", "r": {"result": "Tanah perkuburan terletak dalam jarak berjalan kaki dari pantai -- cuma pastikan anda memakai semburan pepijat dan kasut padat untuk perjalanan sejauh batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Budget Travel: To go or not to go: 11 places with a bad rap.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan Bajet: Pergi atau tidak pergi: 11 tempat dengan rap yang teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Get the best travel deals and tips emailed to you FREE - CLICK HERE!", "r": {"result": "Dapatkan tawaran pelancongan dan petua terbaik yang dihantar melalui e-mel kepada anda secara PERCUMA - KLIK DI SINI!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- White House spokeswoman Dana Perino on Friday said she would do the job again -- but only if she could work for her current boss.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Jurucakap Rumah Putih Dana Perino pada hari Jumaat berkata dia akan melakukan tugas itu semula -- tetapi hanya jika dia boleh bekerja untuk bosnya sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dana Perino said goodbye to the White House press corps at her last briefing as White House spokeswoman Friday.", "r": {"result": "Dana Perino mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada kor akhbar Rumah Putih pada taklimat terakhirnya sebagai jurucakap Rumah Putih pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wouldn't do it for anybody but President Bush,\" Perino said as she briefed reporters for the last time Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan melakukannya untuk sesiapa kecuali Presiden Bush,\" kata Perino ketika memberi taklimat kepada wartawan buat kali terakhir pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If given the chance to do it over again, would I?", "r": {"result": "\"Jika diberi peluang untuk melakukannya sekali lagi, adakah saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yes,\" Perino said.", "r": {"result": "Ya,\" kata Perino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But would I ever come back and do this?", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi adakah saya akan kembali dan melakukan ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... I think it's good to get off the stage\".", "r": {"result": "... Saya rasa bagus untuk turun dari pentas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perino also thanked the White House press corps.", "r": {"result": "Perino juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kor akhbar Rumah Putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We all have difficult jobs, we all work long and tough hours, and it's been an exciting challenge,\" said Perino, 36. \"I know I had some big shoes to fill when I got here -- and I still only wear a size six\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kita semua mempunyai pekerjaan yang sukar, kita semua bekerja dalam masa yang panjang dan sukar, dan ia merupakan satu cabaran yang menarik,\" kata Perino, 36. \"Saya tahu saya mempunyai beberapa kasut besar untuk diisi apabila saya tiba di sini -- dan saya masih hanya memakai saiz enam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Bush's farewell address >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton ucapan perpisahan Bush >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And she wished President-elect Barack Obama's spokesman, Robert Gibbs, \"all the very best\".", "r": {"result": "Dan dia mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada jurucakap Presiden Barack Obama, Robert Gibbs, \"semua yang terbaik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Please go easy on him -- for a week,\" Perino joked with reporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Tolong tenangkan dia -- selama seminggu,\" Perino bergurau dengan wartawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the 80-year history of official White House press secretaries, only two women have been named to the job: Dee Dee Myers, who served former President Bill Clinton, and Perino.", "r": {"result": "Dalam sejarah 80 tahun setiausaha akhbar rasmi White House, hanya dua wanita telah dinamakan untuk jawatan itu: Dee Dee Myers, yang berkhidmat dengan bekas Presiden Bill Clinton, dan Perino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's been 15 months since Bush named Perino to succeed Tony Snow, who later died of colon cancer, as White House press secretary.", "r": {"result": "Sudah 15 bulan sejak Bush menamakan Perino untuk menggantikan Tony Snow, yang kemudiannya meninggal dunia akibat kanser kolon, sebagai setiausaha akhbar White House.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "View key moments in the Bush presidency >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat detik penting dalam jawatan presiden Bush >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was about two weeks into the job when I realized that I am never going to be like Tony Snow,\" Perino said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah kira-kira dua minggu dalam pekerjaan apabila saya menyedari bahawa saya tidak akan menjadi seperti Tony Snow,\" kata Perino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her first goal was to make briefings less heated.", "r": {"result": "Matlamat pertamanya adalah untuk membuat taklimat kurang panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She still pushed back, but chose her confrontations carefully.", "r": {"result": "Dia masih menolak, tetapi memilih konfrontasinya dengan berhati-hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I was testy all the time as a woman in this position, I can only imagine what people would have said about me, so there is a delicate balance, I think, in this position\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sekiranya saya diuji sepanjang masa sebagai seorang wanita dalam kedudukan ini, saya hanya boleh membayangkan apa yang orang akan katakan tentang saya, jadi terdapat keseimbangan yang halus, saya fikir, dalam kedudukan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During her time behind the White House podium, Perino sparred almost daily with the media on a number of contentious issues, including the president's decision to \"surge\" troops into Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Semasa berada di belakang podium Rumah Putih, Perino berdebat hampir setiap hari dengan media mengenai beberapa isu yang menjadi perbalahan, termasuk keputusan presiden untuk \"menyerbu\" tentera ke Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perino said there are some things that she would have done differently.", "r": {"result": "Perino berkata terdapat beberapa perkara yang dia akan lakukan secara berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm sure that I'll have lots,\" she said Friday when asked if she had any regrets.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pasti bahawa saya akan mempunyai banyak,\" katanya pada Jumaat ketika ditanya sama ada dia mempunyai sebarang penyesalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm going to go on a six-week trip with my husband, and I'm sure there will be long-enough flights for me to think about all the things we could have done better.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan pergi dalam perjalanan enam minggu dengan suami saya, dan saya pasti akan ada penerbangan yang cukup lama untuk saya memikirkan semua perkara yang kami boleh lakukan dengan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "View iconic images from Bush's time in the White House >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat imej ikonik dari zaman Bush di Rumah Putih >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Any press secretary always wants to be more proactive, but news happens all over the world,\" Perino said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mana-mana setiausaha akhbar sentiasa mahu menjadi lebih proaktif, tetapi berita berlaku di seluruh dunia,\" kata Perino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And now with the 24/7 news cycle, in many ways, sometimes, you feel like you're just trying to keep up with that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan kini dengan kitaran berita 24/7, dalam banyak cara, kadangkala, anda berasa seperti anda hanya cuba untuk mengikutinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's not a regret or a disappointment.", "r": {"result": "\u201cItu bukan penyesalan atau kekecewaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's just a fact of life,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya fakta kehidupan,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As she begins to look beyond her years in the West Wing, Perino, a native of Wyoming who was raised in Colorado, says she is looking forward to spending more time in her own neighborhood in Washington with her husband, Peter McMahon, and their dog, a Hungarian Vizsla named Henry.", "r": {"result": "Ketika dia mula melihat di luar tahun-tahunnya di West Wing, Perino, penduduk asli Wyoming yang dibesarkan di Colorado, berkata dia tidak sabar untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak masa di kawasan kejiranannya sendiri di Washington bersama suaminya, Peter McMahon, dan anjing mereka , Vizsla Hungary bernama Henry.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Perino prepare for life after the White House >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Perino bersedia untuk kehidupan selepas Rumah Putih >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is also looking forward to sleeping in.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga tidak sabar untuk tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When asked what she will miss the least from her time in the White House, Perino said, \"Absolutely has to be getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ditanya apa yang paling dia akan rindui selama berada di Rumah Putih, Perino berkata, \"Pastinya harus bangun pada pukul 4 pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't mind working long hours, I don't mind working hard, but getting up when the four is still on the clock is something I hope I never have to do again unless I'm catching a flight to some exotic location,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak kisah bekerja berjam-jam, saya tidak kisah bekerja keras, tetapi bangun ketika empat jam masih berada di tempat yang tepat adalah sesuatu yang saya harap saya tidak perlu melakukannya lagi melainkan saya menaiki penerbangan ke lokasi yang eksotik. ,\" dia berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After January 20, Perino does plan to take a vacation -- which she says will include volunteer work for President Bush's HIV/AIDS relief program in Africa.", "r": {"result": "Selepas 20 Januari, Perino bercadang untuk bercuti -- yang katanya akan termasuk kerja sukarela untuk program bantuan HIV/AIDS Presiden Bush di Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Elaine Quijano and Scott J. Anderson contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Elaine Quijano dari CNN dan Scott J. Anderson menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- With Amazon unveiling its much-anticipated Kindle Fire tablet computer Wednesday, we may finally have a real tablet war on our hands.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dengan Amazon melancarkan komputer tablet Kindle Fire yang dinanti-nantikan pada hari Rabu, akhirnya kita mungkin menghadapi perang tablet sebenar di tangan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the nearly 18 months since the iPad went on sale, tablet rivals have come and gone.", "r": {"result": "Dalam hampir 18 bulan sejak iPad mula dijual, saingan tablet telah datang dan pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Apple's device has remained dominant.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi peranti Apple kekal dominan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amazon's new entry, though, might be different.", "r": {"result": "Kemasukan baru Amazon, bagaimanapun, mungkin berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of crafting an iPad carbon copy and asking consumers to choose between them, they've pushed out a stripped-down and simplified device that sells for much less than the iPad 2 while skimping on some of that tablet's features.", "r": {"result": "Daripada membuat salinan karbon iPad dan meminta pengguna memilih antara mereka, mereka telah mengeluarkan peranti yang dilucutkan dan dipermudahkan yang dijual pada harga yang lebih murah daripada iPad 2 sambil mengecilkan beberapa ciri tablet itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're in the market for a tablet, though, here's the real question: Which one, if either, is right for you?", "r": {"result": "Jika anda berada di pasaran untuk tablet, bagaimanapun, inilah soalan sebenar: Yang mana, jika sama ada, sesuai untuk anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We can't say for sure, since we haven't gotten our hands on one yet.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak boleh mengatakan dengan pasti, kerana kami belum mendapatkannya lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Amazon didn't let reporters demo them at Wednesday's launch event.", "r": {"result": "(Amazon tidak membenarkan wartawan menunjukkannya pada acara pelancaran hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's a look at how the two devices stack up in some key areas.", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah lihat bagaimana kedua-dua peranti disusun dalam beberapa kawasan utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Price.", "r": {"result": "harga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple's higher prices make the Fire's price tag look like, well, a fire sale.", "r": {"result": "Harga Apple yang lebih tinggi menjadikan tanda harga Fire kelihatan seperti jualan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At $199, the Kindle Fire will be a full $300 cheaper than the lowest-priced iPad 2. That's possibly an easier entry point for folks who are intrigued by the iPad but can't justify spending $500 for a portable computer when they already have a smartphone and a laptop.", "r": {"result": "Pada $199, Kindle Fire akan menjadi $300 penuh lebih murah daripada iPad 2 dengan harga terendah. Itu mungkin titik masuk yang lebih mudah untuk mereka yang tertarik dengan iPad tetapi tidak boleh membenarkan membelanjakan $500 untuk komputer mudah alih apabila mereka sudah mempunyai telefon pintar dan komputer riba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One reason iPad competitors have had a hard time catching on is that, to make a profit, they're priced about the same as Apple's hit device, which costs $499 to $829, depending on storage capacity and 3G capability.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu sebab pesaing iPad sukar menangkapnya ialah, untuk mengaut keuntungan, harganya hampir sama dengan peranti popular Apple, yang berharga $499 hingga $829, bergantung pada kapasiti storan dan keupayaan 3G.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That being the case, the majority of consumers have stuck with the market leader.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, majoriti pengguna telah kekal dengan peneraju pasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For evidence of the power of a lower price point, though, look no further than HP's \"dead\" TouchPad tablet, which the company announced it was discontinuing last month.", "r": {"result": "Untuk bukti kuasa titik harga yang lebih rendah, walau bagaimanapun, jangan lihat lebih jauh daripada tablet TouchPad \"mati\" HP, yang syarikat itu mengumumkan bahawa ia akan dihentikan bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company slashed prices to $99 for a 16GB model and $149 for a 32GB one, and they suddenly flew off the shelves (so much so that HP actually made more to fill the demand).", "r": {"result": "Syarikat itu mengurangkan harga kepada $99 untuk model 16GB dan $149 untuk model 32GB, dan mereka tiba-tiba terbang dari rak (sehingga HP sebenarnya membuat lebih banyak untuk memenuhi permintaan).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Fire's $199 sticker may appeal to parents who want to get their child a tablet but hesitate at shelling out $500 or more for something that might get dropped into a puddle.", "r": {"result": "Pelekat $199 The Fire mungkin menarik minat ibu bapa yang ingin mendapatkan tablet anak mereka tetapi teragak-agak untuk mengeluarkan $500 atau lebih untuk sesuatu yang mungkin terjatuh ke dalam lopak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Screen size.", "r": {"result": "Saiz skrin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a pretty clear difference here.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat perbezaan yang cukup jelas di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The iPad has a 9.7-inch display, compared with a 7-inch screen on the Kindle Fire.", "r": {"result": "iPad mempunyai paparan 9.7-inci, berbanding dengan skrin 7-inci pada Kindle Fire.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That screen size is probably a big reason Amazon can offer its tablet at $199 -- touchscreens are expensive to make.", "r": {"result": "Saiz skrin itu mungkin merupakan sebab besar Amazon boleh menawarkan tabletnya pada harga $199 -- skrin sentuh mahal untuk dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But with smartphone screen sizes inching ever-bigger (the just-announced Samsung Galaxy Note will clock in at 5.3 inches) the Fire ends up being a bit of a \"tweener\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan saiz skrin telefon pintar semakin besar (Samsung Galaxy Note yang baru diumumkan akan masuk pada 5.3 inci) Fire akhirnya menjadi sedikit \"tweener\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's probably no big deal for some users.", "r": {"result": "Itu mungkin bukan masalah besar bagi sesetengah pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But if watching movies or playing games is a big reason you want a tablet, bigger is clearly better.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jika menonton filem atau bermain permainan adalah sebab utama anda mahukan tablet, lebih besar jelas lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the flip side, the Fire is smaller and 50% lighter than the iPad, and Amazon says it's \"easy to hold in one hand\".", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, Fire lebih kecil dan 50% lebih ringan daripada iPad, dan Amazon mengatakan ia \"mudah dipegang dalam satu tangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This may appeal to some users who want to take their tablet on the go.", "r": {"result": "Ini mungkin menarik minat sesetengah pengguna yang ingin membawa tablet mereka semasa dalam perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Features.", "r": {"result": "Ciri-ciri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kindle Fire is definitely scaled back from the iPad 2 in several ways.", "r": {"result": "Kindle Fire pastinya dikurangkan daripada iPad 2 dalam beberapa cara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Fire doesn't have a camera.", "r": {"result": "The Fire tidak mempunyai kamera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For shutterbugs, that might not be such a big deal, as many folks find it easier to shoot photos on smartphones than tablets anyway.", "r": {"result": "Untuk shutterbugs, itu mungkin bukan masalah besar, kerana ramai orang mendapati lebih mudah untuk menangkap gambar pada telefon pintar daripada tablet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it also means apps like Apple's video chat service, FaceTime, won't be replicated on Amazon's offering.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia juga bermakna aplikasi seperti perkhidmatan sembang video Apple, FaceTime, tidak akan direplikasi pada tawaran Amazon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Fire also doesn't have a microphone, so voice recording and Skype-style chat are out.", "r": {"result": "The Fire juga tidak mempunyai mikrofon, jadi rakaman suara dan sembang gaya Skype telah dikeluarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the Fire is Wi-Fi-only, which means users will be able to surf the Web and download content (like books from Amazon) only when they have a connection.", "r": {"result": "Dan Fire adalah Wi-Fi sahaja, yang bermaksud pengguna akan dapat melayari Web dan memuat turun kandungan (seperti buku dari Amazon) hanya apabila mereka mempunyai sambungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The iPad also comes in 3G models, albeit at a higher price.", "r": {"result": "iPad juga didatangkan dalam model 3G, walaupun pada harga yang lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(The 3G version of the low-end 16GB iPad 2 jumps to $629, not including the monthly data plan).", "r": {"result": "(Versi 3G bagi iPad 2 16GB mewah melonjak kepada $629, tidak termasuk pelan data bulanan).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kindle Fire promises eight hours of battery life, as opposed to 10 hours for the iPad 2.", "r": {"result": "Kindle Fire menjanjikan lapan jam hayat bateri, berbanding 10 jam untuk iPad 2.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, the Fire has only 8GB of storage (compared with the iPad 2's bottom end at 16GB) but makes up for it by offering free cloud storage on Amazon's gargantuan bank of servers.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, Fire hanya mempunyai 8GB storan (berbanding dengan hujung bawah iPad 2 pada 16GB) tetapi menebusnya dengan menawarkan storan awan percuma di bank pelayan Amazon yang sangat besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apps.", "r": {"result": "Apl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Fire will run on a modified version of Google's Android operating system.", "r": {"result": "The Fire akan dijalankan pada versi sistem pengendalian Android Google yang diubah suai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That means users will have access to several thousand apps in Amazon's app store for Android.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna pengguna akan mempunyai akses kepada beberapa ribu aplikasi dalam gedung aplikasi Amazon untuk Android.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The iPad, of course, has access to more than 425,000 apps in the Apple Store.", "r": {"result": "iPad, sudah tentu, mempunyai akses kepada lebih daripada 425,000 aplikasi di Apple Store.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, advantage iPad on this one.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, kelebihan iPad pada yang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amazon has, of course, optimized the Fire for its own content, like streaming movies, e-books and music.", "r": {"result": "Amazon, sudah tentu, telah mengoptimumkan Fire untuk kandungannya sendiri, seperti penstriman filem, e-buku dan muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also will come with a 30-day free look at Amazon Prime, the company's premier service that offers free two-day shipping of products from Amazon.com and free streaming from a library of more than 11,000 movies and TV shows.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga akan datang dengan tontonan percuma selama 30 hari di Amazon Prime, perkhidmatan utama syarikat yang menawarkan penghantaran percuma dua hari produk daripada Amazon.com dan penstriman percuma daripada perpustakaan lebih daripada 11,000 filem dan rancangan TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bottom line.", "r": {"result": "Pokoknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the surface, both tablets appear to be good options for people who just want a basic portable computer for light Web surfing and content consumption.", "r": {"result": "Di permukaan, kedua-dua tablet nampaknya pilihan yang baik untuk orang yang hanya mahukan komputer mudah alih asas untuk melayari Web ringan dan penggunaan kandungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The iPad has a proven track record and more bells and whistles, although that $199 Kindle Fire price is sure to tempt consumers.", "r": {"result": "IPad mempunyai rekod prestasi yang terbukti dan lebih banyak loceng dan wisel, walaupun harga Kindle Fire $199 itu pasti akan menggoda pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Fire doesn't go on sale until November 15, so you'll have plenty of time to read reviews of the device by then.", "r": {"result": "The Fire tidak akan mula dijual sehingga 15 November, jadi anda akan mempunyai banyak masa untuk membaca ulasan peranti itu pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Connecticut rabbi returned $98,000 in cash he found in a plastic bag hidden behind drawers of an ordinary office desk he bought on Craigslist in September.", "r": {"result": "Seorang rabbi Connecticut memulangkan wang tunai $98,000 yang ditemuinya dalam beg plastik yang tersembunyi di sebalik laci meja pejabat biasa yang dibelinya di Craigslist pada bulan September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rabbi Noah Muroff, a high school teacher at a private Jewish school in New Haven, discovered the money while dismantling the $150 desk to move it through a narrow doorway.", "r": {"result": "Rabbi Noah Muroff, seorang guru sekolah menengah di sebuah sekolah Yahudi persendirian di New Haven, menemui wang itu semasa membongkar meja $150 untuk memindahkannya melalui pintu yang sempit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The desk did not fit ... by just a fraction of an inch,\" Muroff said.", "r": {"result": "\"Meja itu tidak muat ... hanya sebahagian kecil daripada satu inci,\" kata Muroff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he unhooked file cabinet drawers and removed the top of the desk.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia membuka cangkuk laci kabinet fail dan mengeluarkan bahagian atas meja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then came the unexpected surprise.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian datang kejutan yang tidak dijangka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Without detaching the desk, Muroff said, \"this money, which was behind the drawers, was totally inaccessible\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tanpa menanggalkan meja, Muroff berkata, \"wang ini, yang berada di belakang laci, tidak boleh diakses sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rabbi and his wife, Esther, were in total shock.", "r": {"result": "Rabbi dan isterinya, Esther, sangat terkejut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were looking at each other and laughing,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berpandangan sesama sendiri dan ketawa,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This kind of thing only happens in the movies\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara seperti ini hanya berlaku dalam filem\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the evening of September 2, just days before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, Muroff and a friend picked up the desk from a woman, Patty, who lives just outside of New Haven.", "r": {"result": "Pada petang 2 September, hanya beberapa hari sebelum Rosh Hashanah, Tahun Baru Yahudi, Muroff dan seorang rakan mengambil meja dari seorang wanita, Patty, yang tinggal di luar New Haven.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muroff declined to identify the owner further.", "r": {"result": "Muroff enggan mengenal pasti pemiliknya dengan lebih lanjut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I knew this was her money,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tahu ini wang dia,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She told me she bought the desk from Staples and put it together herself\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia memberitahu saya dia membeli meja dari Staples dan meletakkannya sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within 20 minutes of finding the money, around 11:30 p.m. that same evening, Muroff called Patty.", "r": {"result": "Dalam masa 20 minit selepas mencari wang itu, sekitar jam 11.30 malam. petang yang sama, Muroff menelefon Patty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was speechless, without words,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia terdiam, tanpa kata-kata,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muroff said the former owner told him she put her inheritance in the desk and after a while forgot it was there.", "r": {"result": "Muroff berkata bekas pemilik memberitahunya dia meletakkan harta pusakanya di meja dan selepas beberapa ketika terlupa ia ada di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do not think there are too many people in this world that would have done what you did by calling me,\" Patty wrote in a thank you note to Muroff that CNN obtained.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir terdapat terlalu ramai orang di dunia ini yang akan melakukan apa yang anda lakukan dengan menghubungi saya,\" tulis Patty dalam nota terima kasih kepada Muroff yang diperoleh CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple took their four children with them to return the money the next day, hoping their good deed will send \"the message of honesty and integrity,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu membawa empat anak mereka bersama mereka untuk memulangkan wang itu pada keesokan harinya, berharap perbuatan baik mereka akan menghantar \"mesej kejujuran dan integriti,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "$3,300 found, returned by homeless man.", "r": {"result": "$3,300 ditemui, dikembalikan oleh gelandangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN Student News) -- October 9, 2014. From news in Texas concerning the Ebola virus to a storm in the Pacific threatening Japan, we cover a lot of ground this Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN Student News) -- 9 Oktober 2014. Daripada berita di Texas mengenai virus Ebola kepada ribut di Pasifik yang mengancam Jepun, kami meliputi banyak perkara pada Khamis ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll learn a Random Fact, see a comprehensive study in character, and hear about a new sport that people play feet-first.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan mempelajari Fakta Rawak, melihat kajian menyeluruh tentang watak dan mendengar tentang sukan baharu yang dimainkan oleh orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll also see how the NFL is getting more live data than ever about its players.", "r": {"result": "Anda juga akan melihat bagaimana NFL mendapat lebih banyak data langsung berbanding sebelum ini tentang pemainnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On this page you will find today's show Transcript and a place for you to request to be on the CNN Student News Roll Call.", "r": {"result": "Pada halaman ini anda akan menemui Transkrip rancangan hari ini dan tempat untuk anda meminta untuk berada di Panggilan Gulungan Berita Pelajar CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TRANSCRIPT.", "r": {"result": "TRANSKRIP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here to access the transcript of today's CNN Student News program.", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk mengakses transkrip program Berita Pelajar CNN hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please note that there may be a delay between the time when the video is available and when the transcript is published.", "r": {"result": "Sila ambil perhatian bahawa mungkin terdapat kelewatan antara masa apabila video tersedia dan apabila transkrip diterbitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Student News is created by a team of journalists who consider the Common Core State Standards, national standards in different subject areas, and state standards when producing the show.", "r": {"result": "Berita Pelajar CNN dicipta oleh pasukan wartawan yang menganggap Piawaian Negeri Teras Biasa, piawaian kebangsaan dalam bidang subjek yang berbeza dan piawaian negeri semasa menghasilkan rancangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ROLL CALL.", "r": {"result": "ROLL CALL.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8r\u014dl \u02cck\u00f4l"}}} {"src": "For a chance to be mentioned on the next CNN Student News, comment on the bottom of this page with your school name, mascot, city and state.", "r": {"result": "Untuk peluang untuk disebut pada Berita Pelajar CNN seterusnya, komen di bahagian bawah halaman ini dengan nama sekolah, maskot, bandar dan negeri anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We will be selecting schools from the comments of the previous show.", "r": {"result": "Kami akan memilih sekolah daripada komen rancangan sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You must be a teacher or a student age 13 or older to request a mention on the CNN Student News Roll Call!", "r": {"result": "Anda mestilah seorang guru atau pelajar berumur 13 tahun ke atas untuk meminta sebutan pada Panggilan Gulungan Berita Pelajar CNN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thank you for using CNN Student News!", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Berita Pelajar CNN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- While Charlie Sheen works to \"conquer the medical issues\" in rehab and his hit sitcom is on \"production hiatus,\" a porn actress is talking about a two-day party she claims led to his collapse last week.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- Ketika Charlie Sheen berusaha untuk \"menangani isu-isu perubatan\" dalam pemulihan dan sitkom popularnya sedang dalam \"terhenti pengeluaran,\" seorang pelakon lucah bercakap tentang pesta dua hari yang didakwanya menyebabkan dia runtuh minggu lalu .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kacey Jordan appeared on ABC's \"Good Morning America\" Monday morning and she later tweeted \"the rest of the story\" will air on \"Nightline\" Monday evening.", "r": {"result": "Kacey Jordan muncul di ABC \"Good Morning America\" pagi Isnin dan dia kemudian tweet \"cerita selebihnya\" akan disiarkan di \"Nightline\" petang Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen's lawyer Yale Galanter responded with a written statement Monday.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Sheen, Yale Galanter membalas dengan kenyataan bertulis pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a shame that during this time, while Mr. Sheen has sought treatment on his own, opportunistic women are trying to take advantage of his celebrity status,\" Galanter said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah memalukan bahawa selama ini, sementara Encik Sheen telah mendapatkan rawatan sendiri, wanita oportunis cuba mengambil kesempatan daripada status selebritinya,\" kata Galanter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The actress described what she said was a nonstop party at Sheen's Los Angeles home, including a large amount of cocaine use by Sheen.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon itu menggambarkan apa yang dikatakannya sebagai pesta tanpa henti di rumah Sheen di Los Angeles, termasuk sejumlah besar penggunaan kokain oleh Sheen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was all over the bathroom counter,\" Jordan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia berada di kaunter bilik mandi,\" kata Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You could see him like chiseling it off, putting it in there repeatedly\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh melihat dia seperti memahatnya, meletakkannya di sana berulang kali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen proposed that she and several other porn actresses move into a mansion at his expense, Jordan said.", "r": {"result": "Sheen mencadangkan dia dan beberapa pelakon lucah lain berpindah ke rumah agam dengan perbelanjaannya, kata Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He wanted us all to live in this huge house he was going to rent out and he's like, 'You can have anything you want.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mahu kami semua tinggal di rumah besar yang akan dia sewa dan dia seperti, 'Anda boleh memiliki apa sahaja yang anda mahukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anything you want, you name it.", "r": {"result": "Apa sahaja yang anda mahu, anda namakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will be done within an hour,\" Jordan told ABC.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan dilakukan dalam masa sejam,\" kata Jordan kepada ABC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the sex and drug allegations weren't the only revelations from Jordan.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dakwaan seks dan dadah bukanlah satu-satunya pendedahan dari Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She claims Sheen wanted her to baby-sit his children.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendakwa Sheen mahu dia menjaga anak-anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think maybe the baby-sitting part was important to him, so that maybe when he was, you know, doing his drinking, you know, maybe that he didn't have to have his kids see him be like that and then have one of us girls watch them,\" Jordan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir mungkin bahagian menjaga bayi itu penting baginya, jadi mungkin apabila dia minum, anda tahu, mungkin dia tidak perlu melihat anak-anaknya seperti itu dan kemudian salah seorang daripada kami gadis menonton mereka,\" kata Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Denise Richards, an ex-wife who shares two young daughters with Sheen, apparently saw the ABC interview.", "r": {"result": "Denise Richards, bekas isteri yang berkongsi dua anak perempuan dengan Sheen, nampaknya melihat wawancara ABC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richards posted this message on her Twitter account soon after:", "r": {"result": "Richards menyiarkan mesej ini di akaun Twitternya tidak lama kemudian:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you caught GMA today.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda menangkap GMA hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No 'adult film star' will be babysitting our kids\"!", "r": {"result": "Tiada 'bintang filem dewasa' akan menjaga anak-anak kita\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen voluntarily entered an undisclosed rehabilitation center for treatment Friday, Sheen representative Stan Rosenfield said.", "r": {"result": "Sheen secara sukarela memasuki pusat pemulihan yang tidak didedahkan untuk rawatan pada hari Jumaat, kata wakil Sheen Stan Rosenfield.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The announcement came a day after Sheen was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where Rosenfield said he was treated for severe pain related to a hernia.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman itu dibuat sehari selepas Sheen dikejarkan ke Pusat Perubatan Cedars-Sinai, di mana Rosenfield berkata dia dirawat kerana sakit teruk berkaitan hernia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He checked out of the Los Angeles hospital Thursday night, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendaftar keluar dari hospital Los Angeles pada malam Khamis, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Charlie has had a hernia condition for some time,\" Rosenfield said.", "r": {"result": "\"Charlie telah mengalami keadaan hernia untuk beberapa lama,\" kata Rosenfield.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was told by the person who made the 911 call that it was hernia-related\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya diberitahu oleh orang yang membuat panggilan 911 bahawa ia berkaitan dengan hernia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen's hit CBS sitcom \"Two and a Half Men\" has been placed on \"production hiatus,\" CBS and Warner Bros.", "r": {"result": "Sitkom CBS hit Sheen \"Two and a Half Men\" telah diletakkan pada \"hentian pengeluaran,\" CBS dan Warner Bros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Television said Friday.", "r": {"result": "Televisyen berkata Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are profoundly concerned for his health and well-being, and support his decision,\" their joint statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sangat prihatin terhadap kesihatan dan kesejahteraannya, dan menyokong keputusannya,\" kata kenyataan bersama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the second emergency trip to a hospital for Sheen in three months.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah perjalanan kecemasan kedua ke hospital untuk Sheen dalam tiga bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He spent several hours in a New York hospital in October after police responded to an early morning call about \"an emotionally disturbed person\" at the Plaza Hotel, a law enforcement source said at the time.", "r": {"result": "Dia menghabiskan beberapa jam di hospital New York pada Oktober selepas polis menjawab panggilan awal pagi mengenai \"orang yang mengalami gangguan emosi\" di Hotel Plaza, kata sumber penguatkuasaan undang-undang pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen's representative blamed an \"adverse allergic reaction\" to a medication.", "r": {"result": "Wakil Sheen menyalahkan \"tindak balas alahan buruk\" terhadap ubat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen, the son of actor Martin Sheen, spent at least a month last year at a Malibu, California, rehab center, but it was never disclosed what he was treated for there.", "r": {"result": "Sheen, anak kepada pelakon Martin Sheen, menghabiskan sekurang-kurangnya sebulan tahun lepas di pusat pemulihan Malibu, California, tetapi tidak pernah didedahkan apa yang dia dirawat di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was arrested in December 2009 after his wife, Brooke Mueller, told Aspen, Colorado, police that he threatened her with a knife at their holiday home.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditangkap pada Disember 2009 selepas isterinya, Brooke Mueller, memberitahu polis Aspen, Colorado bahawa dia mengugutnya dengan pisau di rumah percutian mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Colorado judge allowed the actor to count his time at Promises of Malibu toward a 30-day jail sentence after he entered a guilty plea in August in that case.", "r": {"result": "Seorang hakim Colorado membenarkan pelakon itu mengira masanya di Promises of Malibu ke arah hukuman penjara 30 hari selepas dia membuat pengakuan bersalah pada Ogos dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plea deal reduced the charges from felony domestic violence to a misdemeanor third-degree assault count.", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian pengakuan itu mengurangkan pertuduhan daripada keganasan rumah tangga jenayah kepada tuduhan serangan tahap ketiga salah laku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Williams and Toro Rosso both unveiled their cars for the 2012 Formula Season on Tuesday as the first official preseason testing event began at the Jerez circuit in Spain.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Williams dan Toro Rosso kedua-duanya memperkenalkan kereta mereka untuk Musim Formula 2012 pada hari Selasa ketika acara ujian pramusim rasmi pertama bermula di litar Jerez di Sepanyol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Williams, a legendary name in F1 with nine constructors' titles but none since 1997, hope the FW34 will help the UK-based team improve on a disappointing 2011 campaign which produced just five points in 19 races.", "r": {"result": "Williams, nama legenda dalam F1 dengan sembilan gelaran pembina tetapi tiada sejak 1997, berharap FW34 akan membantu pasukan yang berpangkalan di UK itu memperbaiki kempen 2011 yang mengecewakan yang hanya menghasilkan lima mata dalam 19 perlumbaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Williams recruited Brazilian Bruno Senna as a replacement for his veteran compatriot Rubens Barrichello, who is without an F1 seat for the first time since 1993.", "r": {"result": "Williams merekrut pemain Brazil Bruno Senna sebagai pengganti kepada rakan senegara veterannya Rubens Barrichello, yang pertama kali tidak mendapat kerusi F1 sejak 1993.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Senna is following in the footsteps of his legendary uncle Ayrton, a three-time world champion who died following a crash at Imola in 1994 in his third race for Williams.", "r": {"result": "Senna mengikuti jejak bapa saudaranya yang legenda, Ayrton, juara dunia tiga kali yang meninggal dunia berikutan kemalangan di Imola pada 1994 dalam perlumbaan ketiganya untuk Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Can Senna restore the romance to Formula One?", "r": {"result": "Bolehkah Senna mengembalikan percintaan kepada Formula Satu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm very excited to be back in action,\" the 28-year-old, who raced for Renault in the second half of last season, told the team's official website.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat teruja untuk kembali beraksi,\" kata pemain berusia 28 tahun itu, yang berlumba untuk Renault pada separuh kedua musim lalu, memberitahu laman web rasmi pasukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is my ever first preseason testing program since I started in Formula One two years ago.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah program ujian pramusim pertama saya sejak saya memulakan Formula Satu dua tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm really motivated and looking forward to working hard and with everyone in the team.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sangat bermotivasi dan tidak sabar untuk bekerja keras dan bersama semua orang dalam pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hope we have a successful month testing and developing the car so we arrive in Melbourne as well prepared as possible\".", "r": {"result": "Saya harap kami mempunyai ujian bulan yang berjaya dan membangunkan kereta itu supaya kami tiba di Melbourne dengan bersedia sebaik mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Senna will be paired with Pastor Maldonado, the Venezuelan who scored only one point during his rookie F1 season in 2011. Maldonado posted the 11th-fastest lap at Jerez on the first of four test days.", "r": {"result": "Senna akan digandingkan dengan Pastor Maldonado, pemain Venezuela yang hanya menjaringkan satu mata pada musim pendatang baru F1 pada 2011. Maldonado mencatatkan pusingan ke-11 terpantas di Jerez pada hari pertama daripada empat hari ujian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vettel: 'Red Bull out to dominate again'.", "r": {"result": "Vettel: 'Red Bull keluar untuk menguasai semula'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It feels great to be back with the team and to start putting some mileage on the FW34,\" said the 26-year-old.", "r": {"result": "\"Rasanya hebat untuk kembali bersama pasukan dan mula meletakkan beberapa perbatuan pada FW34,\" kata pemain berusia 26 tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The car felt good and the systems were all working well this morning.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKereta itu terasa baik dan sistem semuanya berfungsi dengan baik pagi ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I like the feel of the new Renault engine as well.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya juga sukakan perasaan enjin Renault baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's still too early to make any predictions, but we are pushing hard and working to understand the car better\".", "r": {"result": "Masih terlalu awal untuk membuat sebarang ramalan, tetapi kami berusaha keras dan berusaha untuk memahami kereta itu dengan lebih baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toro Rosso hope to build on an encouraging 2011 haul of 41 points -- the Italy-based team's highest total in F1.", "r": {"result": "Toro Rosso berharap untuk membina kutipan 2011 yang memberangsangkan iaitu 41 mata -- jumlah tertinggi pasukan yang berpangkalan di Itali itu dalam F1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Australia's Daniel Ricciardo forms a new driver line-up with French rookie Jean-Eric Vergne, replacing Switzerland's Sebastien Buemi and Spaniard Jaime Alguersuari.", "r": {"result": "Pemandu Australia Daniel Ricciardo membentuk barisan pemandu baharu bersama rookie Perancis Jean-Eric Vergne, menggantikan pemain Switzerland Sebastien Buemi dan pemain Sepanyol Jaime Alguersuari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ricciardo spent the second half of last season racing for Spanish team HRT, but failed to finish higher than 18th in any of his 11 grands prix.", "r": {"result": "Ricciardo menghabiskan separuh kedua musim lalu berlumba untuk pasukan Sepanyol HRT, tetapi gagal mendapat tempat lebih tinggi daripada tempat ke-18 dalam mana-mana daripada 11 grand prixnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He drove for Toro Rosso on Tuesday and posted a lap of one minute 20.694 seconds -- the fifth-fastest time.", "r": {"result": "Dia memandu untuk Toro Rosso pada hari Selasa dan mencatatkan satu pusingan satu minit 20.694 saat -- masa kelima terpantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was great to experience taking a completely new car out of the garage,\" the 22-year-old said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sangat bagus untuk mengalami pengalaman mengeluarkan kereta baharu sepenuhnya dari garaj,\" kata pemain berusia 22 tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We had a very productive morning and made good progress with our program.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai pagi yang sangat produktif dan membuat kemajuan yang baik dengan program kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Then in the afternoon, we did a couple of longer runs, but had to cut it short.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKemudian pada sebelah petang, kami melakukan beberapa larian yang lebih panjang, tetapi terpaksa memotongnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm looking forward to another productive day tomorrow, because this car is very enjoyable to drive\".", "r": {"result": "Saya menantikan hari yang produktif lagi esok, kerana kereta ini sangat menyeronokkan untuk dipandu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vergne -- a Formula Three world champion two years ago -- drove Red Bull's 2010 championship-winning car at last November's young drivers' test event in Abu Dhabi.", "r": {"result": "Vergne -- juara dunia Formula Tiga dua tahun lalu -- memandu kereta Red Bull yang memenangi kejuaraan 2010 pada acara ujian pemandu muda November lalu di Abu Dhabi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Last year, we finished eighth in the constructors' championship and clearly we want to do better than that this time,\" said team principal Franz Tost.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTahun lalu, kami menduduki tempat kelapan dalam kejuaraan pembina dan jelas kami mahu melakukan yang lebih baik daripada itu kali ini,\u201d kata pengetua pasukan Franz Tost.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is far too early to make predictions, but looking at the work we have done over the winter, we must set ourselves the target of finishing sixth or at least seventh by the time we pack up in Brazil in November\".", "r": {"result": "\"Masih terlalu awal untuk membuat ramalan, tetapi melihat kepada kerja yang telah kami lakukan sepanjang musim sejuk, kami mesti meletakkan sasaran untuk menduduki tempat keenam atau sekurang-kurangnya di tempat ketujuh pada masa kami berkemas di Brazil pada bulan November\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The returning Kimi Raikkonen led the field for Lotus at Jerez with a time of 1:19.670.", "r": {"result": "Kimi Raikkonen yang kembali mengetuai padang untuk Lotus di Jerez dengan masa 1:19.670.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 2007 world champion left the elite division of motorsport in 2009 and has since had spells in NASCAR and the World Rally Championship.", "r": {"result": "Juara dunia 2007 itu meninggalkan bahagian elit sukan permotoran pada tahun 2009 dan sejak itu pernah menyertai NASCAR dan Kejohanan Rali Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Force India's British driver Paul di Resta was second fastest on 1:19.772, with Mercedes' German pilot Niko Rosberg third.", "r": {"result": "Pemandu Britain dari Force India, Paul di Resta menduduki tempat kedua terpantas dengan 1:19.772, manakala juruterbang Mercedes dari Jerman, Niko Rosberg, ketiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Australian Mark Webber was on display for Red Bull -- with reigning champion Sebastian Vettel set for outings Thursday and Friday -- and posted the fourth-fastest time with a lap of 1:20.496.", "r": {"result": "Mark Webber dari Australia dipamerkan untuk Red Bull -- dengan penyandang juara Sebastian Vettel ditetapkan untuk perlawanan Khamis dan Jumaat -- dan mencatat masa keempat terpantas dengan pusingan 1:20.496.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 2009 title winner Jenson Button could only manage eighth place for McLaren, with Ferrari's Brazilian Felipe Massa ninth.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang gelaran 2009 Jenson Button hanya boleh menguruskan tempat kelapan untuk McLaren, dengan pembalap Ferrari dari Brazil Felipe Massa kesembilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Button's fellow Brit and the 2008 champion Lewis Hamilton will be in action for McLaren on Thursday and Friday, along with Ferrari's two-time title winner Fernando Alonso.", "r": {"result": "Rakan senegara Button dan juara 2008 Lewis Hamilton akan beraksi untuk McLaren pada Khamis dan Jumaat, bersama pemenang dua gelaran Ferrari, Fernando Alonso.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- If there's one fundamental truth about video games, it's that smash hits tend to leave a lasting impression.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jika terdapat satu kebenaran asas tentang permainan video, pukulan smesy cenderung meninggalkan kesan yang berkekalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since players often share their company for weeks, months and sometimes years on end, these titles' faces become as familiar and welcome as those of any friend.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan pemain sering berkongsi syarikat mereka selama berminggu-minggu, berbulan-bulan dan kadang-kadang bertahun-tahun, wajah gelaran ini menjadi biasa dan dialu-alukan seperti mana-mana rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's no surprise, then, that from \"Castlevania\" to \"Mortal Kombat,\" many series are making a comeback.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah bahawa daripada \"Castlevania\" hingga \"Mortal Kombat,\" banyak siri membuat kemunculan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, fans can always replay classics via online services such as the iPhone App Store, PlayStation Network, Xbox 360's Game Room and the Wii's Virtual Console.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, peminat sentiasa boleh memainkan semula klasik melalui perkhidmatan dalam talian seperti Gedung Apl iPhone, Rangkaian PlayStation, Bilik Permainan Xbox 360 dan Konsol Maya Wii.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a number of new retail and downloadable outings actually promise to go one step further and rewrite gaming history by year's end.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi beberapa acara runcit dan muat turun baharu sebenarnya berjanji untuk melangkah lebih jauh dan menulis semula sejarah permainan menjelang akhir tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each of these remakes or reboots lets you not just relive your misspent youth but revisit familiar faces in entirely new contexts.", "r": {"result": "Setiap pembuatan semula atau but semula ini membolehkan anda bukan sahaja menghidupkan semula masa muda anda yang tidak terpakai tetapi melawat semula wajah yang dikenali dalam konteks baharu sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether you're a former arcade rat or a slave to the Super Nintendo, all should prove equal parts fresh and familiar.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada anda bekas tikus arked atau hamba kepada Super Nintendo, semua harus membuktikan bahagian yang sama segar dan biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Below are just a few examples of retro gaming franchises making high-profile reappearances shortly, all of which should soon have thumbs happily waggling and eyes misty with deja vu.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah ialah beberapa contoh francais permainan retro yang membuat kemunculan semula berprofil tinggi tidak lama lagi, yang kesemuanya tidak lama lagi akan mempunyai ibu jari bergoyang gembira dan mata berkabut akibat deja vu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"NBA Jam\" (Electronic Arts, Wii) -- The arcade basketball game that single-handedly brought our GPA to its knees, this two-on-two baller picks up where its predecessors left off, offering more gravity-defying dunks and gleeful, rule-violating blocks.", "r": {"result": "\"NBA Jam\" (Electronic Arts, Wii) -- Permainan bola keranjang arked yang secara bersendirian membawa IPK kami bertekuk lutut, pemain bola dua lawan dua ini mengambil tempat di mana pendahulunya berhenti, menawarkan lebih banyak dunk menentang graviti dan ceria , blok yang melanggar peraturan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New features include boss battles, motion control support, secrets galore and a modern-day roster of huge-headed celeb athletes to pit against one another in smack-talking multiplayer showdowns.", "r": {"result": "Ciri baharu termasuk pertarungan bos, sokongan kawalan pergerakan, rahsia yang melimpah ruah dan senarai atlet terkenal zaman moden untuk bertanding antara satu sama lain dalam pertarungan berbilang pemain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Don't be surprised if your former college roommate calls, wanting a rematch.", "r": {"result": "Jangan terkejut jika bekas rakan sebilik kolej anda menelefon, mahukan perlawanan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Splatterhouse\" (Namco, PlayStation 3/Xbox 360) -- Notable at the time for their level of gore and horrific imagery, the 1988 cult classic arcade game and subsequent TurboGrafx-16 and Sega Genesis versions now seem quaint by today's standards.", "r": {"result": "\"Splatterhouse\" (Namco, PlayStation 3/Xbox 360) -- Terkenal pada masa itu kerana tahap keganasan dan imejan yang mengerikan, permainan arked klasik kultus 1988 dan versi TurboGrafx-16 dan Sega Genesis yang berikutnya kini kelihatan aneh mengikut piawaian hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adding more bloodshed (including gruesome finishing moves), greater freedom of movement and a spine-tingling shock horror aesthetic, the modern-day version introduces more combat moves and a high-definition makeover.", "r": {"result": "Menambah lebih banyak pertumpahan darah (termasuk gerakan penyudah yang mengerikan), kebebasan pergerakan yang lebih besar dan estetika seram kejutan yang mencuit tulang belakang, versi moden memperkenalkan lebih banyak gerakan tempur dan ubah suai definisi tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, the plot remains a throwback, as skull mask-wearing hero Rick attempts to save his kidnapped girlfriend from a legion of grotesqueries.", "r": {"result": "Namun, plot itu tetap menjadi kemunduran, kerana wira yang memakai topeng tengkorak Rick cuba menyelamatkan teman wanitanya yang diculik daripada sekumpulan misteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Donkey Kong Country Returns\" (Nintendo, Wii) -- This update takes the 16-bit classic, once noted for its striking graphics, and transplants its side-scrolling action to a modern context, layering 3-D effects on top of 2-D elements.", "r": {"result": "\"Donkey Kong Country Returns\" (Nintendo, Wii) -- Kemas kini ini mengambil klasik 16-bit, yang pernah dikenali kerana grafiknya yang menarik, dan memindahkan tindakan menatal sisinya ke konteks moden, melapisi kesan 3-D di atas 2 -D unsur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jump over yawning chasms, blast out of cannons or screech along in mine carts -- solo or with simultaneous help from a friend -- while battling bosses, nabbing bananas and hunting for hidden secrets.", "r": {"result": "Melompat ke jurang yang menguap, meletup keluar dari meriam atau menjerit di dalam kereta lombong -- secara solo atau dengan bantuan serentak daripada rakan -- sambil bertarung dengan bos, menangkap pisang dan memburu rahsia tersembunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A heady mix of button-mashing thrills and platform-hopping excitement, the game lets you party like it's 1994.", "r": {"result": "Gabungan yang memabukkan keseronokan tumbuk butang dan keseronokan melompat platform, permainan ini membolehkan anda berpesta seperti tahun 1994.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Fallout: New Vegas\" (Bethesda Softworks, PC/PlayStation 3/Xbox 360) -- Reprises the saga of post-apocalyptic role-playing in a futuristic wasteland first begun on desktop computers back in 1997. (Or spiritual predecessor \"Wasteland,\" depending on how far back you scroll.", "r": {"result": "\"Fallout: New Vegas\" (Bethesda Softworks, PC/PlayStation 3/Xbox 360) -- Mengulangi kisah lakonan pasca-apokaliptik di tanah terbiar futuristik yang pertama kali dimulakan pada komputer meja pada tahun 1997. (Atau pendahulu rohani \"Wasteland, \" bergantung pada sejauh mana anda menatal ke belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wandering Sin City's withering husk, channel your inner Mad Max while doing battle with bloodthirsty bandits and mutants.", "r": {"result": "Mengembara sekam layu Sin City, salurkan Mad Max dalaman anda sambil berperang dengan penyamun dan mutan yang dahagakan darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need both wits and makeshift weapons to survive a tomorrow gone horribly wrong.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan memerlukan kedua-dua kecerdasan dan senjata sementara untuk bertahan menghadapi hari esok yang sangat tidak kena.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"James Bond: GoldenEye 007\" (Activision, Wii) -- No 3-D first-person shooter proved consoles' ability to deliver four-player split-screen mayhem quite like the 1997 Nintendo 64 original.", "r": {"result": "\"James Bond: GoldenEye 007\" (Activision, Wii) -- Tiada penembak orang pertama 3-D yang membuktikan keupayaan konsol untuk menyampaikan kekacauan skrin belah empat pemain sama seperti Nintendo 64 asal 1997.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This unexpected retread presents existing levels and storylines from new angles, and also offers multiplayer standoffs featuring a random assortment of characters, weapons and play modes.", "r": {"result": "Bacaan semula yang tidak dijangka ini mempersembahkan tahap dan jalan cerita sedia ada dari sudut baharu, dan juga menawarkan kebuntuan berbilang pemain yang menampilkan pelbagai rawak watak, senjata dan mod permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Think of head-to-head elements like an all-star Bond movie cast reunion -- except that after catching up and kibitzing, Jaws and Oddjob get to fatally wound each other.", "r": {"result": "Fikirkan elemen bersemuka seperti perjumpaan semula pelakon filem Bond semua bintang -- kecuali selepas mengejar dan berkibit, Jaws dan Oddjob boleh melukai satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also see:", "r": {"result": "Lihat juga:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Castlevania: Lords of Shadow\" (Konami, PS3/Xbox 360) -- Whip it good in this fantasy-themed reboot of the vampire-hunting action-adventure legend.", "r": {"result": "\"Castlevania: Lords of Shadow\" (Konami, PS3/Xbox 360) -- Puaskan dengan baik dalam but semula bertemakan fantasi legenda aksi-pengembaraan pemburu pontianak ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tron: Evolution\" (Disney, PC/PS3/Xbox 360) -- Rage against the machine as you employ light cycles and glowing disks to take on cyberspace.", "r": {"result": "\"Tron: Evolution\" (Disney, PC/PS3/Xbox 360) -- Marah terhadap mesin apabila anda menggunakan kitaran cahaya dan cakera bercahaya untuk mengambil alih ruang siber.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot\" (Konami, PlayStation Network/Xbox Live Arcade) -- A downloadable update of the popular NES original, which pits a lone commando against legions of heavily armed adversaries.", "r": {"result": "\"Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot\" (Konami, PlayStation Network/Xbox Live Arcade) -- Kemas kini yang boleh dimuat turun dari NES yang popular, yang menempatkan komando tunggal menentang legiun musuh yang bersenjata berat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Elizabeth McCutchen and a friend were walking to book club two weeks ago in quaint Farmville, Virginia, when they strolled by a home on First Avenue.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Elizabeth McCutchen dan seorang rakannya sedang berjalan kaki untuk menempah kelab dua minggu lalu di Farmville, Virginia, ketika mereka bersiar-siar di sebuah rumah di First Avenue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Something smells dead,\" her friend said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sesuatu berbau mati,\" kata rakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were thinking animal.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berfikir haiwan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A dog, a cat, something like that.", "r": {"result": "Seekor anjing, kucing, sesuatu seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They never imagined they were smelling the remains of massacred humans.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak pernah membayangkan mereka menghidu mayat manusia yang dibunuh secara beramai-ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was Thursday, September 17. But another 24 hours would pass before police made the gruesome discovery.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah hari Khamis, 17 September. Tetapi 24 jam lagi akan berlalu sebelum polis membuat penemuan ngeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richard Samuel McCroskey III -- a 20-year-old rapper in the underground genre of \"Horrorcore\" who sang of chopping people into pieces -- has been arrested in connection with the slayings.", "r": {"result": "Richard Samuel McCroskey III -- seorang penyanyi rap berusia 20 tahun dalam genre bawah tanah \"Horrorcore\" yang menyanyikan lagu memotong orang menjadi kepingan -- telah ditangkap berkaitan dengan pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The crime scene was so horrifying police would not even describe it, saying only that the victims died of blunt force trauma.", "r": {"result": "Tempat kejadian adalah sangat mengerikan polis tidak akan menggambarkannya, hanya mengatakan bahawa mangsa mati akibat trauma kekerasan tumpul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victims were Mark Niederbrock, 50, the beloved pastor at Walker's Presbyterian Church; his 16-year-old daughter, Emma Niederbrock; Melanie Wells, Emma's 18-year-old friend from West Virginia; and Niederbrock's estranged wife, Debra Kelley, 53, a professor at Longwood University.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa ialah Mark Niederbrock, 50, paderi yang dikasihi di Gereja Presbyterian Walker; anak perempuannya yang berusia 16 tahun, Emma Niederbrock; Melanie Wells, rakan Emma berusia 18 tahun dari West Virginia; dan isteri Niederbrock yang terasing, Debra Kelley, 53, seorang profesor di Universiti Longwood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCroskey has been charged only in the killing of Mark Niederbrock.", "r": {"result": "McCroskey telah didakwa hanya dalam pembunuhan Mark Niederbrock.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police and the prosecutor's office did not return repeated phone calls from CNN.", "r": {"result": "Polis dan pejabat pendakwa tidak membalas panggilan telefon berulang kali daripada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in late September, authorities said more charges are pending.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada akhir September, pihak berkuasa berkata lebih banyak pertuduhan belum selesai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Emma was described as a fan of Horrorcore and had met McCroskey through their mutual affection for the little-known music genre.", "r": {"result": "Emma digambarkan sebagai peminat Horrorcore dan telah bertemu dengan McCroskey kerana saling menyayangi genre muzik yang kurang dikenali itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said she invited McCroskey to fly from his northern California home, stay with her in Virginia and then attend the Strictly for the Wicked Festival, a Horrorcore fest in Michigan featuring bands with names like Dismembered Fetus and Phrozen Body Boy.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata dia menjemput McCroskey untuk terbang dari rumahnya di utara California, tinggal bersamanya di Virginia dan kemudian menghadiri Festival Strictly for the Wicked, pesta Horrorcore di Michigan yang menampilkan kumpulan dengan nama seperti Dismembered Fetus dan Phrozen Body Boy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nobody saw what would come next.", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang melihat apa yang akan berlaku seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The slayings have been the talk of Farmville, a town of 7,000 that is home to Longwood University and nearby Hampden-Sydney College.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan itu telah menjadi bualan di Farmville, sebuah bandar dengan 7,000 penduduk yang menempatkan Universiti Longwood dan Kolej Hampden-Sydney yang berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Senseless is the word you hear most.", "r": {"result": "Tidak masuk akal adalah perkataan yang paling anda dengar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not just the macabre nature of the killings that has people talking.", "r": {"result": "Bukan hanya sifat mengerikan pembunuhan yang membuat orang bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's the grotesque lyrics of the Horrorcore singer; it's that it happened under their noses.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah lirik ngeri penyanyi Horrorcore; ia adalah bahawa ia berlaku di bawah hidung mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCroskey is a young man with no criminal record who took delight in the blend of horror hip-hop that celebrated macabre killings.", "r": {"result": "McCroskey ialah seorang lelaki muda tanpa rekod jenayah yang menikmati gabungan hip-hop seram yang meraikan pembunuhan mengerikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He went by the name Syko Sam.", "r": {"result": "Dia pergi dengan nama Syko Sam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one YouTube video, he holds a hatchet and sings about killing people and putting their remains in black bags: \"Last night I was the murderous rage.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu video YouTube, dia memegang kapak dan menyanyi tentang membunuh orang dan meletakkan jenazah mereka dalam beg hitam: \"Malam tadi saya adalah kemarahan yang membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, I gotta get rid of the bodies before the corpses start to get to rotting\".", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, saya perlu singkirkan mayat sebelum mayat mula reput\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Stinkiest rascal I've ever smelled'.", "r": {"result": "'Bajingan paling busuk pernah saya hidu'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities have not specified when the Virginia killings occurred, but at 4 a.m. on Friday, September 18, tow-truck driver Elton Napier was called out to Poor House Road to help McCroskey, whose car was stuck.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa tidak menyatakan bila pembunuhan Virginia berlaku, tetapi pada 4 pagi pada hari Jumaat, 18 September, pemandu trak tunda Elton Napier telah dipanggil ke Poor House Road untuk membantu McCroskey, yang keretanya tersepit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Napier said McCroskey was wearing a black-hooded sweatshirt and \"was really smelling bad, like real bad.", "r": {"result": "Napier berkata McCroskey memakai baju peluh bertudung hitam dan \"benar-benar berbau busuk, seperti sangat busuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can't describe it\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak dapat menggambarkannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCroskey was driving Mark Niederbrock's Honda.", "r": {"result": "McCroskey memandu Honda Mark Niederbrock.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Napier said two sheriff's deputies were at the scene and McCroskey was ticketed for driving without a license.", "r": {"result": "Napier berkata dua timbalan sheriff berada di tempat kejadian dan McCroskey telah diberi tiket kerana memandu tanpa lesen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, authorities didn't know the pastor had been slain.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, pihak berkuasa tidak mengetahui paderi itu telah dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When McCroskey hopped into Napier's flatbed, the tow-truck driver said he started gagging from the odor and immediately rolled down the windows.", "r": {"result": "Apabila McCroskey melompat ke katil rata Napier, pemandu trak tunda berkata dia mula tersedak akibat bau dan segera menurunkan tingkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just held my head out the window so the wind would hit me in the face,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya hanya memegang kepala keluar tingkap supaya angin menerpa muka saya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That was the stinkiest rascal I've ever smelled\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu adalah bajingan paling busuk yang pernah saya hidu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Napier drove McCroskey about four miles to a convenience store.", "r": {"result": "Napier memandu McCroskey kira-kira empat batu ke sebuah kedai serbaneka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCroskey told Napier he was visiting his girlfriend and her father lent him the car.", "r": {"result": "McCroskey memberitahu Napier dia melawat teman wanitanya dan bapanya meminjamkan kereta itu kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCroskey fetched a black bag from the Honda before they parted.", "r": {"result": "McCroskey mengambil beg hitam dari Honda sebelum mereka berpisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Napier went inside to get a cup of coffee.", "r": {"result": "Napier masuk ke dalam untuk mengambil secawan kopi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to police, McCroskey eventually caught a cab to Richmond International Airport.", "r": {"result": "Menurut polis, McCroskey akhirnya menaiki teksi ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Richmond.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By mid-afternoon that same day, police found the bodies at the home on First Avenue.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang tengah hari pada hari yang sama, polis menemui mayat di rumah di First Avenue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCroskey was arrested the next day at the airport, where he had spent the night.", "r": {"result": "McCroskey telah ditangkap pada keesokan harinya di lapangan terbang, tempat dia bermalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he was being led to jail, McCroskey told reporters, \"Jesus told me to do it\".", "r": {"result": "Ketika dia dibawa ke penjara, McCroskey memberitahu wartawan, \"Yesus menyuruh saya melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suspect's family, community grieve.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga suspek, masyarakat bersedih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sarah McCroskey of California told CNN-affiliate WWBT that her brother had been looking forward to his visit to Virginia for weeks.", "r": {"result": "Sarah McCroskey dari California memberitahu WWBT yang bersekutu dengan CNN bahawa abangnya telah menantikan lawatannya ke Virginia selama berminggu-minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She mourned his arrest and struggled with the accusations against him.", "r": {"result": "Dia meratapi penahanannya dan bergelut dengan tuduhan terhadapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to hear his voice.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya nak dengar suara dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am so concerned, so worried -- not just for him [but] other people, other families involved dealing with this loss,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat prihatin, sangat bimbang -- bukan hanya untuk dia [tetapi] orang lain, keluarga lain yang terlibat dengan kehilangan ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read WWBT's special coverage.", "r": {"result": "Baca liputan khas WWBT.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense attorney Cary Bowen told CNN, \"I don't want to say he's in shock.", "r": {"result": "Peguam pertahanan Cary Bowen memberitahu CNN, \"Saya tidak mahu mengatakan dia terkejut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's a medical term, but it's a big experience for him.", "r": {"result": "Itu istilah perubatan, tetapi ia adalah pengalaman yang besar untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... I'm not sure he gets the severity of everything right now\".", "r": {"result": "... Saya tidak pasti dia mendapat keterukan segala-galanya sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The community is still devastated by the events as it struggles to move forward.", "r": {"result": "Masyarakat masih hancur dengan peristiwa itu kerana ia berjuang untuk maju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Memorial services were held over the weekend for Emma Niederbrock and her mother, Debra Kelley.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan peringatan telah diadakan pada hujung minggu untuk Emma Niederbrock dan ibunya, Debra Kelley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rev.", "r": {"result": "Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sylvia Meadows of Farmville United Methodist Church baptized Emma at age 5 and her father when he was an adult.", "r": {"result": "Sylvia Meadows dari Farmville United Methodist Church membaptiskan Emma pada usia 5 tahun dan bapanya ketika dia dewasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The pastor said the church has invited an occult specialist to speak with members of the community to help them come to grips with the dark side of humanity.", "r": {"result": "Pendeta itu berkata pihak gereja telah menjemput pakar ilmu ghaib untuk bercakap dengan ahli masyarakat bagi membantu mereka mengatasi sisi gelap manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have looked evil in the face and cannot deny that it exists,\" Meadows said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah kelihatan jahat di muka dan tidak boleh menafikan bahawa ia wujud,\" kata Meadows.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"God is stronger than evil.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTuhan lebih kuat daripada kejahatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "God is bigger\".", "r": {"result": "Allah lebih besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luther Glenn, a member of Walker's Presbyterian Church where Niederbrock was pastor, took issue with McCroskey's comment about Jesus telling him to act.", "r": {"result": "Luther Glenn, ahli Gereja Presbyterian Walker di mana Niederbrock menjadi pastor, mengambil isu dengan komen McCroskey tentang Yesus yang menyuruhnya bertindak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it's deeply rooted in Satan, if you want to know the truth\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia berakar umbi dalam Syaitan, jika anda ingin mengetahui kebenaran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elizabeth McCutchen, who passed the First Avenue home some time after the slayings, said the killings have affected every fabric of the community: the churches, the colleges, and their youth.", "r": {"result": "Elizabeth McCutchen, yang melewati rumah First Avenue beberapa lama selepas pembunuhan itu, berkata pembunuhan itu telah menjejaskan setiap struktur masyarakat: gereja, kolej, dan remaja mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the kind of town that goes to the rescue of survivors, but there's nobody [left] -- we can't do anything about it,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah jenis bandar yang pergi untuk menyelamatkan mangsa yang terselamat, tetapi tiada siapa [yang tinggal] -- kami tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa mengenainya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Gary Tuchman and Susan Chun contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Gary Tuchman dan Susan Chun dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Underwhelmed.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Terharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That, in a word, was the response in many quarters to Apple's rollout of two new iPhones on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Itu, dalam satu perkataan, adalah tindak balas dalam banyak pihak terhadap pelancaran dua iPhone baharu Apple pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the iPhone 5S, the industry's leading smartphone got a quicker processor, better camera and new fingerprint security scanner.", "r": {"result": "Dengan iPhone 5S, telefon pintar terkemuka dalam industri mendapat pemproses yang lebih pantas, kamera yang lebih baik dan pengimbas keselamatan cap jari baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the iPhone 5C, it got less expensive and more colorful.", "r": {"result": "Dengan iPhone 5C, ia menjadi lebih murah dan lebih berwarna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yet, from the Internet to Wall Street, Apple got savaged mercilessly.", "r": {"result": "Namun, dari Internet ke Wall Street, Apple diserang tanpa belas kasihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Much-hyped iPhone announcements from the tech giant did little to stop (Apple's) year-long descent into stagnation,\" wrote Marcus Wohlsen in Wired, a CNN.com content partner.", "r": {"result": "\"Pengumuman iPhone yang banyak digembar-gemburkan daripada gergasi teknologi itu tidak banyak membantu menghentikan penurunan (Apple) selama setahun menjadi genangan,\" tulis Marcus Wohlsen dalam Wired, rakan kongsi kandungan CNN.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Though the faster, sleeker, more powerful phone is unarguably cool, the steps forward are still incremental.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun telefon yang lebih pantas, lebih licin, lebih berkuasa tidak dapat dipertikaikan lagi, langkah ke hadapan masih bertambah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And incremental isn't what the world expects from Apple\".", "r": {"result": "Dan penambahan bukanlah apa yang dunia jangkakan daripada Apple\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even The Onion, whose spot-on satire can sometimes be a brutal contact sport, mocked Apple CEO Tim Cook's presentation with a story headlined, \"Apple Unveils Panicked Man With No Ideas\".", "r": {"result": "Malah The Onion, yang satiranya kadangkala boleh menjadi sukan hubungan yang kejam, mengejek pembentangan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Apple Tim Cook dengan cerita bertajuk, \"Apple Unveils Panic Man With No Ideas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The white, ultrathin man, who exhibited such features as artificial excitement, a fully quavering voice, and what appeared to be a near total lack of inspiration, was put on full display for thousands of shareholders, industry insiders, reporters, and fans today in what Apple hopes will be a game-changer for the multinational corporation,\" read the article.", "r": {"result": "\"Lelaki kulit putih, ultra kurus, yang mempamerkan ciri-ciri seperti keseronokan buatan, suara yang bergetar sepenuhnya, dan apa yang kelihatan hampir tiada inspirasi, telah dipamerkan sepenuhnya untuk beribu-ribu pemegang saham, orang dalam industri, wartawan dan peminat hari ini dalam apa yang Apple harapkan akan menjadi pengubah permainan untuk syarikat multinasional itu,\" baca artikel itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Add to that a chorus of tongue-clucking from an oft-skeptical tech blogosphere, the short-form snark of Twitter, sideswipes from competitors and jitters on Wall Street, and you're a long way away from the fantastical \"reality distortion field\" that Steve Jobs famously conjured whenever he pitched a new idea or product to an adoring world.", "r": {"result": "Tambah pada itu paduan suara kelu lidah dari blogosfera berteknologi yang sering ragu-ragu, snark bentuk pendek Twitter, leretan sisi dari pesaing dan kegelisahan di Wall Street, dan anda berada jauh dari \"medan herotan realiti\" yang hebat. yang terkenal oleh Steve Jobs apabila dia melontarkan idea atau produk baharu kepada dunia yang dipuja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But is all this criticism fair?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi adakah semua kritikan ini adil?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harder to make a splash.", "r": {"result": "Lebih sukar untuk membuat percikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To some, Apple is a victim of its own success.", "r": {"result": "Bagi sesetengah orang, Apple adalah mangsa kejayaannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After revolutionizing mobile technology with the iPod, iPhone and iPad, unveiling a device that feels more like an upgrade than a game-changer may feel to loyal fans like a breach of trust.", "r": {"result": "Selepas merevolusikan teknologi mudah alih dengan iPod, iPhone dan iPad, mendedahkan peranti yang dirasakan lebih seperti peningkatan daripada pengubah permainan mungkin dirasakan oleh peminat setia seperti pecah amanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When a company has positioned itself on the foundation of innovation, the idea of not innovating in a new product introduction can be a commercial nightmare,\" said Ronald Goodstein, an associate professor of marketing at Georgetown University.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila syarikat telah meletakkan dirinya di atas asas inovasi, idea untuk tidak berinovasi dalam pengenalan produk baharu boleh menjadi mimpi ngeri komersial,\" kata Ronald Goodstein, seorang profesor pemasaran bersekutu di Universiti Georgetown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Apple has consistently bet the house on innovation, and has a great winning record in the past 15 years.", "r": {"result": "\"Apple secara konsisten mempertaruhkan rumah pada inovasi, dan mempunyai rekod kemenangan yang hebat dalam tempoh 15 tahun yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For them to introduce a 'me too' product is against what they stand for ... .", "r": {"result": "Bagi mereka memperkenalkan produk 'saya juga' adalah bertentangan dengan pendirian mereka ... .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not to say that the new phone is not good.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni bukan bermakna telefon baharu itu tidak bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its quality is fine,\" Goodstein told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Kualitinya baik,\" kata Goodstein kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But to develop a new product that is in violation of their stated brand association is inconsistent\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi untuk membangunkan produk baharu yang melanggar persatuan jenama mereka yang dinyatakan adalah tidak konsisten\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Technically, there were smartphones before the iPhone and tablets before the iPad.", "r": {"result": "Secara teknikal, terdapat telefon pintar sebelum iPhone dan tablet sebelum iPad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by fine-tuning design concepts and making them accessible to the mass market, Apple established itself as a hothouse for cutting-edge consumer technology.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan memperhalusi konsep reka bentuk dan menjadikannya boleh diakses oleh pasaran besar-besaran, Apple mengukuhkan dirinya sebagai rumah hangat untuk teknologi pengguna termaju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Tuesday's iPhones were the seventh and eighth versions of the aging iconic device.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi iPhone hari Selasa adalah versi ketujuh dan kelapan peranti ikonik yang semakin tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After six years on the market, some say there's simply no way the iPhone can cause a seismic shift in smartphone technology every 12 months.", "r": {"result": "Selepas enam tahun di pasaran, ada yang mengatakan tidak mungkin iPhone boleh menyebabkan peralihan seismik dalam teknologi telefon pintar setiap 12 bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's really easy for people to be disappointed and be critical and you're looking at Twitter and all these tech people, they're ripping Apple ... ,\" tech writer Rocco Pendola, of TheStreet.com, said to CNN's Jake Tapper.", "r": {"result": "\"Sangat mudah bagi orang ramai untuk kecewa dan menjadi kritikal dan anda sedang melihat Twitter dan semua orang teknologi ini, mereka merobek Apple ... ,\" kata penulis teknologi Rocco Pendola, dari TheStreet.com, kepada Jake Tapper dari CNN .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yes, they are less exciting.", "r": {"result": "\"Ya, mereka kurang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tim Cook is not Steve Jobs.", "r": {"result": "Tim Cook bukan Steve Jobs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're not in a situation where they roll out the next big thing and surprise us at the end of the presentation.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak berada dalam situasi di mana mereka melancarkan perkara besar seterusnya dan mengejutkan kami pada akhir pembentangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have to come to grips with that.", "r": {"result": "Kita harus atasi perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have to live with that\".", "r": {"result": "Kita harus hidup dengan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adds CNET's Charles Cooper: \"The magic's gone out of the smartphone business, leaving companies and their advocates to argue about slightly faster processors, more megapixels, or slightly improved battery life.", "r": {"result": "Tambah Charles Cooper dari CNET: \"Keajaiban telah hilang dari perniagaan telefon pintar, meninggalkan syarikat dan penyokong mereka untuk berhujah tentang pemproses yang lebih pantas sedikit, lebih banyak megapiksel, atau hayat bateri yang sedikit bertambah baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's progress, but it's the equivalent of three yards and a cloud of dust.", "r": {"result": "Itu kemajuan, tetapi ia bersamaan dengan tiga ela dan awan debu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Smartphones ... belong a maturing industry, which means that it's going to get harder and harder for any company -- Apple, Samsung, or any other would-be challenger -- to make a splash\".", "r": {"result": "\"Telefon pintar ... tergolong dalam industri yang semakin matang, yang bermaksud bahawa ia akan menjadi semakin sukar untuk mana-mana syarikat -- Apple, Samsung atau mana-mana bakal pencabar lain -- untuk membuat percikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Innovation in new forms?", "r": {"result": "Inovasi dalam bentuk baharu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other words, competition changes expectations.", "r": {"result": "Dengan kata lain, persaingan mengubah jangkaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During its first few years of existence, the smartphone market was basically the iPhone and a handful of competitors trying desperately to catch up with the iPhone.", "r": {"result": "Semasa beberapa tahun pertama kewujudannya, pasaran telefon pintar pada asasnya adalah iPhone dan segelintir pesaing berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mengejar iPhone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, while it remains the top-selling handset, the iPhone only accounts for about 17% of the world's smartphones.", "r": {"result": "Kini, walaupun ia kekal sebagai telefon bimbit terlaris, iPhone hanya menyumbang kira-kira 17% daripada telefon pintar dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phones running Google's Android operating system come in an array of sizes and styles and with a plethora of features.", "r": {"result": "Telefon yang menjalankan sistem pengendalian Android Google datang dalam pelbagai saiz dan gaya serta dengan pelbagai ciri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is always room for 'Wow!", "r": {"result": "\"Selalu ada ruang untuk 'Wow!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' But, the fact is that when someone does wow the market, over time that feature or benefit becomes a 'must have' for the industry,\" said Georgetown's Goodstein.", "r": {"result": "' Tetapi, hakikatnya ialah apabila seseorang memukau pasaran, lama kelamaan ciri atau manfaat itu menjadi 'mesti ada' untuk industri,\" kata Goodstein dari Georgetown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It takes very little time until all brands offer that feature or benefit, and it goes from \"wow\" to being the ante to play in the game\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia mengambil masa yang sangat singkat sehingga semua jenama menawarkan ciri atau faedah itu, dan ia berubah daripada \"wow\" kepada menjadi pilihan untuk bermain dalam permainan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carolina Milanesi, a tech analyst with Gartner Research, says that the true quantum leaps for tech companies probably won't be in smartphones anymore.", "r": {"result": "Carolina Milanesi, seorang penganalisis teknologi dengan Gartner Research, mengatakan bahawa lonjakan kuantum sebenar untuk syarikat teknologi mungkin tidak akan berada dalam telefon pintar lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, she says, most innovation will come in wearable tech, integrated television and other areas where Apple and its rivals are said to be at work on developing new products.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, katanya, kebanyakan inovasi akan datang dalam teknologi boleh pakai, televisyen bersepadu dan kawasan lain di mana Apple dan pesaingnya dikatakan sedang berusaha untuk membangunkan produk baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Milanesi rejects the notion that there was no innovation unveiled Tuesday in Cupertino.", "r": {"result": "Milanesi menolak tanggapan bahawa tiada inovasi yang diumumkan Selasa di Cupertino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am not sure how they can talk about a 64-bit architecture and fingerprinting ... as a lack of innovation,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pasti bagaimana mereka boleh bercakap tentang seni bina 64-bit dan cap jari... sebagai kekurangan inovasi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It might not be the innovation people are looking for, such as a larger screen, but it's hard to say 'lack of.", "r": {"result": "\"Mungkin bukan inovasi yang dicari orang, seperti skrin yang lebih besar, tetapi sukar untuk mengatakan 'kekurangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The iPhone 5S will contain the first 64-bit processor in a smartphone, which promises to increase the performance and speed of data-intensive games and other apps.", "r": {"result": "iPhone 5S akan mengandungi pemproses 64-bit pertama dalam telefon pintar, yang menjanjikan untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan kelajuan permainan intensif data dan aplikasi lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Touch ID is a new security feature that will allow users to use their fingerprints to unlock the device.", "r": {"result": "Touch ID ialah ciri keselamatan baharu yang membolehkan pengguna menggunakan cap jari mereka untuk membuka kunci peranti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the phone's camera will now let you shoot slow-motion video.", "r": {"result": "Dan kamera telefon kini akan membenarkan anda merakam video gerak perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There may have been no Siri or sleek new design.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin tiada Siri atau reka bentuk baharu yang anggun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at the end of the day, Milanesi said, the iPhone got better.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada penghujung hari, Milanesi berkata, iPhone menjadi lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a better new iPhone is still a formidable product.", "r": {"result": "Dan iPhone baharu yang lebih baik masih merupakan produk yang menggerunkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In most cases Apple does not walk on others' paths,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam kebanyakan kes Apple tidak berjalan di laluan orang lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They create their own and stick to it.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mencipta sendiri dan berpegang padanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is not necessarily the easy way to do it in the short term, but assures that they remain in control\".", "r": {"result": "Ini tidak semestinya cara mudah untuk melakukannya dalam jangka pendek, tetapi memastikan mereka kekal dalam kawalan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- French Open champion Francesca Schiavone crashed out of Wimbledon in the first round after losing in three sets to unseeded Russian Vera Dushevina.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Juara Terbuka Perancis, Francesca Schiavone tersingkir dari Wimbledon pada pusingan pertama selepas tewas dalam tiga set kepada pemain bukan pilihan dari Rusia, Vera Dushevina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schiavone of Italy, seeded fifth at the All England Club, went down 6-7 7-5 6-1 to a player who has never been beyond the second round at Wimbledon.", "r": {"result": "Schiavone dari Itali, pilihan kelima di Kelab All England, tewas 6-7 7-5 6-1 kepada pemain yang tidak pernah melepasi pusingan kedua di Wimbledon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was Schiavone's second straight first round exit since the capture of her first grand slam title at Roland Garros earlier in June.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah penyingkiran kedua berturut-turut Schiavone pada pusingan pertama sejak merebut gelaran grand slam pertamanya di Roland Garros awal Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dushevina, ranked 56, lost the first set but grew in confidence as the match went on, racing into a 5-0 lead in the decider and clinching the victory in two hours, 54 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Dushevina, di ranking ke-56, tewas pada set pertama tetapi bertambah keyakinan ketika perlawanan berlangsung, mendahului 5-0 dalam penentuan dan meraih kemenangan dalam masa dua jam, 54 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a tough match on a different surface with a different feeling,\" Schiavone told reporters.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah perlawanan yang sukar di permukaan berbeza dengan perasaan berbeza,\u201d kata Schiavone kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But she played very well and I didn't take my chance in the second set\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi dia bermain dengan sangat baik dan saya tidak mengambil peluang saya pada set kedua\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who can stop Williams sisters?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang boleh menghalang saudara perempuan Williams?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elsewhere, Kim Clijsters thrashed unseeded Italian Maria Elena Camerin 6-0 6-3 in her first appearance at Wimbledon since 2006.", "r": {"result": "Di tempat lain, Kim Clijsters membelasah pemain bukan pilihan dari Itali, Maria Elena Camerin 6-0 6-3 dalam penampilan pertamanya di Wimbledon sejak 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clijsters of Belgium, who came out of retirement in 2009, wrapped up the first set in just 24 minutes on Court Two.", "r": {"result": "Clijsters dari Belgium, yang keluar dari persaraan pada 2009, menamatkan set pertama dalam masa 24 minit sahaja di Gelanggang Dua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And although the Italian fought hard in the second, the eighth seed did not face a single break point as she won in 65 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun pemain Itali itu berhempas-pulas pada aksi kedua, pilihan kelapan itu tidak berdepan satu pun mata putus apabila dia menang dalam masa 65 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clijsters will next face Croatia's Karolina Sprem, who beat American qualifier Bethanie Mattek-Sands 6-3 6-4.", "r": {"result": "Clijsters seterusnya akan menentang pemain Croatia, Karolina Sprem, yang menewaskan pemain kelayakan Amerika, Bethanie Mattek-Sands 6-3 6-4.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, five-time champion Venus Williams cruised into the second round with a 6-3 6-2 win over Paraguay's Rossana De Los Rios.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, juara lima kali Venus Williams mara ke pusingan kedua dengan kemenangan 6-3 6-2 ke atas Rossana De Los Rios dari Paraguay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's good to be back.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSenang dapat balik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love playing on the grass,\" Williams said.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka bermain di atas rumput,\" kata Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was pretty straightforward out there but it's just the first round and I'll try to play better with each match\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia agak mudah di luar sana tetapi ia hanya pusingan pertama dan saya akan cuba bermain lebih baik dengan setiap perlawanan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other results, Justine Henin of Belgium beat Latvia's Anastasija Sevastova 6-4 6-3, Marion Bartoli of France, the 2007 finalist, beat Julia Goerges 6-4 6-3 and there were wins for Russians Nadia Petrova, Vera Zvonareva and Maria Kirilenko.", "r": {"result": "Dalam keputusan lain, Justine Henin dari Belgium menewaskan Anastasija Sevastova dari Latvia 6-4 6-3, Marion Bartoli dari Perancis, finalis 2007, menewaskan Julia Goerges 6-4 6-3 dan terdapat kemenangan untuk Rusia Nadia Petrova, Vera Zvonareva dan Maria Kirilenko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a disappointing day for the home nation with British women Laura Robson, Elena Baltacha and Melanie South all beaten on day one.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah hari yang mengecewakan untuk negara asal dengan wanita Britain Laura Robson, Elena Baltacha dan Melanie South semuanya dikalahkan pada hari pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robson went down 6-3 7-6 to fourth seed Jelena Jankovic of Serbia, Baltacha lost to Croatia's Petra Martic in three sets 2-6 7-5 6-3 and wildcard South was beaten 6-1 6-2 by Regina Kulikova of Russia.", "r": {"result": "Robson tumbang 6-3 7-6 kepada pilihan keempat Jelena Jankovic dari Serbia, Baltacha tewas kepada Petra Martic dari Croatia dalam tiga set 2-6 7-5 6-3 dan wildcard South ditewaskan 6-1 6-2 oleh Regina Kulikova dari Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Parenting.com) -- We've got tricks for turning objects around the house--like baby food jars and cardboard tubes--into easy Halloween crafts.", "r": {"result": "(Parenting.com) -- Kami mempunyai helah untuk menukar objek di sekeliling rumah--seperti balang makanan bayi dan tiub kadbod--menjadi kraf Halloween yang mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Terrifying tube monsters (Watch how to make this craft!", "r": {"result": "Raksasa tiub yang menakutkan (Tonton cara membuat kraf ini!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Paper-towel tubes, craft paint, buttons, straws, pom-poms, stickers, feathers, golf tees, rickrack, construction paper.", "r": {"result": "Anda memerlukan: Tiub tuala kertas, cat kraf, butang, straw, tudung bawal, pelekat, bulu, tee golf, beca, kertas pembinaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Cut the tubes to desired height and paint.", "r": {"result": "1. Potong tiub mengikut ketinggian yang dikehendaki dan cat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Create faces by adding buttons.", "r": {"result": "2. Cipta muka dengan menambah butang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Glue straws topped with pom-poms to create the monsters' antennae.", "r": {"result": "3. Gam penyedut minuman di atasnya dengan bawal untuk mencipta antena raksasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Decorate with stickers, feathers, golf tees, rickrack, and construction paper.", "r": {"result": "4. Hiaskan dengan pelekat, bulu, tee golf, beca dan kertas pembinaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Make it easy by pre-cutting construction paper eyes, mustaches and mouths, and let your tot glue them herself!", "r": {"result": "Permudahkan dengan memotong mata, misai dan mulut kertas pembinaan terlebih dahulu, dan biarkan anak anda melekatkannya sendiri!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chilling spider web (Watch how to make this craft!", "r": {"result": "Sarang labah-labah yang menyejukkan (Tonton cara membuat kraf ini!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Embroidery hoop, white string, 2 yards, plastic spiders, colored pom-poms.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlukan: Gelung sulaman, tali putih, 2 ela, labah-labah plastik, bawal berwarna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Wrap white string around an embroidery hoop, overlapping in a crisscross pattern as you go.", "r": {"result": "1. Balut tali putih di sekeliling gelung sulaman, bertindih dalam corak silang semasa anda pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Glue string ends to the hoop.", "r": {"result": "Tali gam berakhir pada gelung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Glue two pom-poms to each plastic spider, and attach them to the web.", "r": {"result": "2. Lekatkan dua bawal pada setiap labah-labah plastik, dan pasangkannya pada sarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Add a string to the hoop and hang.", "r": {"result": "3. Tambahkan tali pada gelung dan gantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Easy no-carve pumpkin ideas.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Idea labu tanpa ukiran yang mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spooky paper spider pinata (Watch how to make this craft!", "r": {"result": "Pinata labah-labah kertas menyeramkan (Tonton cara membuat kraf ini!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Black paper lantern, black tissue paper, black crepe-paper roll, white and orange card stock, buttons, floral wire.", "r": {"result": "Anda memerlukan: Tanglung kertas hitam, kertas tisu hitam, gulungan kertas krep hitam, stok kad putih dan oren, butang, wayar bunga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Fill black paper lantern with small treats, and tape black tissue paper over the top and bottom holes.", "r": {"result": "1. Isikan tanglung kertas hitam dengan hidangan kecil, dan lekatkan kertas tisu hitam pada lubang atas dan bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Cut 16 strips of crepe paper, each 20 inches long.", "r": {"result": "2. Potong 16 jalur kertas krep, setiap satu sepanjang 20 inci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Sandwich an 18-inch piece of floral wire in between two strips of crepe paper, and glue together.", "r": {"result": "3. Sandwic sekeping dawai bunga 18 inci di antara dua jalur kertas krep, dan gam bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cut eight circles out of the remaining crepe paper.", "r": {"result": "Potong lapan bulatan daripada kertas krep yang tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Glue each crepe circle to an end of each strip to make \"legs\".", "r": {"result": "4. Lekatkan setiap bulatan krep ke hujung setiap jalur untuk membuat \"kaki\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Next, glue each leg to the spider body.", "r": {"result": "Seterusnya, lekatkan setiap kaki ke badan labah-labah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. Cut two large circles out of white card stock, then two smaller circles out of orange card stock.", "r": {"result": "5. Potong dua bulatan besar daripada stok kad putih, kemudian dua bulatan kecil daripada stok kad oren.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Glue white and orange circles together, then add a black button to each \"eye\".", "r": {"result": "Lekatkan bulatan putih dan oren bersama-sama, kemudian tambahkan butang hitam pada setiap \"mata\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. Attach eyes to spider, add a cord, and hang.", "r": {"result": "6. Pasang mata pada labah-labah, tambahkan tali, dan gantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For tiny crafters under the age of 3, replace buttons with black pom-poms to create eyes and avoid potential choking hazards.", "r": {"result": "Untuk pengrajin kecil di bawah umur 3 tahun, gantikan butang dengan bawal hitam untuk mencipta mata dan mengelakkan potensi bahaya tercekik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eerie milk carton haunted house.", "r": {"result": "Rumah berhantu karton susu yang ngeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Half-gallon milk or juice carton, newspaper, black, yellow, and white construction paper, pipe cleaner.", "r": {"result": "Anda memerlukan: Susu setengah galon atau karton jus, surat khabar, kertas pembinaan hitam, kuning dan putih, pembersih paip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Cover the carton with newspaper.", "r": {"result": "1. Tutup karton dengan surat khabar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cut two sheets of black paper into rectangles to make roof, then add scalloped shingles to each side.", "r": {"result": "Potong dua helai kertas hitam menjadi segi empat tepat untuk membuat bumbung, kemudian tambahkan sirap bergigi pada setiap sisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Fold a 3-inch strip of paper into a 3-D rectangle to create the chimney.", "r": {"result": "2. Lipat jalur kertas 3 inci ke dalam segi empat tepat 3-D untuk mencipta cerobong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cut a slit in the center of two opposite chimney sides, then attach to the peak of the roof.", "r": {"result": "Potong celah di tengah dua sisi cerobong yang bertentangan, kemudian pasangkan pada puncak bumbung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Cut small rectangles out of black paper to make the door and windows.", "r": {"result": "3. Potong segi empat tepat kecil daripada kertas hitam untuk membuat pintu dan tingkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Add smaller yellow rectangles to each window, then add desired colorful accents to the windows and door.", "r": {"result": "Tambahkan segi empat tepat kuning yang lebih kecil pada setiap tetingkap, kemudian tambahkan aksen berwarna-warni yang diingini pada tingkap dan pintu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Cut ghost shapes out of white paper, and attach to a pipe cleaner.", "r": {"result": "4. Potong bentuk hantu daripada kertas putih, dan pasangkan pada pembersih paip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Place the pipe cleaner in the chimney.", "r": {"result": "Letakkan pembersih paip di dalam cerobong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boo baby food jar bats.", "r": {"result": "Boo kelawar balang makanan bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Empty baby-food jars, labels removed, black paint, black construction paper, purple glitter, buttons.", "r": {"result": "Anda memerlukan: Balang makanan bayi kosong, label dikeluarkan, cat hitam, kertas pembinaan hitam, kilauan ungu, butang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Paint jars and lids black.", "r": {"result": "1. Cat balang dan penutup hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Cut two identical scalloped wings and two small triangles, or \"bat ears,\" out of black paper.", "r": {"result": "2. Potong dua sayap bergigi yang sama dan dua segi tiga kecil, atau \"telinga kelawar,\" daripada kertas hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Cover the edge of the wings and triangles with glue, then sprinkle with purple glitter.", "r": {"result": "3. Tutup tepi sayap dan segi tiga dengan gam, kemudian taburkan dengan glitter ungu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Glue two buttons to the front for eyes, wings to the back of the jar, and ears to front of the lid.", "r": {"result": "4. Lekatkan dua butang pada bahagian hadapan untuk mata, sayap pada bahagian belakang balang, dan telinga pada bahagian hadapan penutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Halloween face painting 101. Ghastly recycled-can mummy.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Lukisan muka Halloween 101. Mumia yang boleh dikitar semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Empty metal cans (be sure top edges are smooth, not jagged), cheesecloth, buttons, gummy worms.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlukan: Tin logam kosong (pastikan bahagian tepi atasnya licin, tidak bergerigi), kain tipis, butang, cacing bergetah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Cut 3-inch strips of cheesecloth, then glue one end of each to the side of a can.", "r": {"result": "1. Potong jalur kain keju 3 inci, kemudian gamkan satu hujung setiap satu ke tepi tin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wrap, secure with glue, and repeat.", "r": {"result": "Balut, selamatkan dengan gam, dan ulangi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Glue on two buttons to create eyes.", "r": {"result": "2. Gam pada dua butang untuk mencipta mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Fill can with gummy worms.", "r": {"result": "3. Isi tin dengan cacing bergetah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ghoulish Trick-or-Treat cans.", "r": {"result": "Tin Trick-or-Treat Ghoulish.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Empty paint cans, wrapping paper, Mod Podge, black construction paper.", "r": {"result": "Anda memerlukan: Tin cat kosong, kertas pembalut, Mod Podge, kertas pembinaan hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Measure the height and circumference of the can, then cut a rectangle the size of your can out of wrapping paper.", "r": {"result": "1. Ukur ketinggian dan lilitan tin, kemudian potong segi empat tepat sebesar tin anda daripada kertas pembalut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Paint the can with a thin layer of Mod Podge, and cover the outside of the can with the paper rectangle.", "r": {"result": "2. Cat tin dengan lapisan nipis Mod Podge, dan tutup bahagian luar tin dengan segi empat tepat kertas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Cut spooky shapes out of black construction paper and glue to front of can, then finish with a coat of Mod Podge.", "r": {"result": "3. Potong bentuk menyeramkan daripada kertas pembinaan hitam dan gam ke hadapan tin, kemudian selesaikan dengan lapisan Mod Podge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Kid Halloween costumes seized for lead contamination.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Kostum Halloween kanak-kanak dirampas kerana pencemaran plumbum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Creepy paper towel pumpkin garland.", "r": {"result": "Kalungan labu tuala kertas yang menyeramkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Paper towel tubes (one paper towel tube makes 11 pumpkins), orange paint, orange pipe cleaners, green paper, orange rickrack.", "r": {"result": "Anda memerlukan: Tiub tuala kertas (satu tiub tuala kertas menghasilkan 11 labu), cat oren, pembersih paip oren, kertas hijau, beca oren.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Cut a paper tube into 1-inch sections, and paint orange.", "r": {"result": "1. Potong tiub kertas kepada bahagian 1 inci, dan cat oren.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once dry, make a hole in top and bottom with a hole punch.", "r": {"result": "Setelah kering, buat lubang di bahagian atas dan bawah dengan penebuk lubang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Cut pipe cleaners in half, and fold each.", "r": {"result": "2. Potong pembersih paip separuh, dan lipat setiap satu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Push ends in one hole, leaving a loop at the top.", "r": {"result": "Tolak berakhir dalam satu lubang, meninggalkan gelung di bahagian atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Once through the second hole, bend open to secure.", "r": {"result": "3. Setelah melalui lubang kedua, bengkokkan terbuka untuk selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll have a 1-inch looped \"stem\".", "r": {"result": "Anda akan mempunyai \"batang\" bergelung 1 inci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Cut a leaf out of green paper; glue to the top of each pumpkin.", "r": {"result": "4. Potong sehelai daun daripada kertas hijau; gam pada bahagian atas setiap labu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. String rickrack through the pumpkin \"stems\" and hang.", "r": {"result": "5. Tali becak melalui \"batang\" labu dan gantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wicked witch's hat bag of treats.", "r": {"result": "Beg topi penyihir jahat melayan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Black and colored construction paper, ribbon.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlukan: Kertas pembinaan hitam dan berwarna, reben.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Trace a 10-inch dinner plate on a piece of black paper.", "r": {"result": "1. Surih pinggan makan 10 inci pada sekeping kertas hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cut out the circle, and set aside.", "r": {"result": "Potong bulatan, dan ketepikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Cut a semicircle out of a piece of 8 by 10-inch black paper, form into a cone, and secure with glue.", "r": {"result": "2. Potong separuh bulatan daripada sekeping kertas hitam bersaiz 8 kali 10 inci, bentukkan menjadi kon, dan kencangkan dengan gam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(It should be 3 to 4 inches in diameter.", "r": {"result": "(Ia hendaklah berdiameter 3 hingga 4 inci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Place the cone in the center of the larger circle and trace.", "r": {"result": "3. Letakkan kon di tengah bulatan yang lebih besar dan jejak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then cut \"tabs\" in traced circle.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian potong \"tab\" dalam bulatan yang dikesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Glue cone over traced circle, and bend \"tabs\" inward.", "r": {"result": "4. Lekatkan kon pada bulatan yang dikesan, dan bengkokkan \"tab\" ke dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Decorate with colored paper.", "r": {"result": "Hiaskan dengan kertas berwarna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attach a 12-inch piece of ribbon to each side.", "r": {"result": "Pasang sekeping reben 12 inci pada setiap sisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eek jar-o'-lanterns.", "r": {"result": "Eek jar-o'-tanglung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll need: Canning jars, acrylic craft paint, Energizer LED battery-powered votive.", "r": {"result": "Anda memerlukan: Balang pengetinan, cat kraf akrilik, nazar bertenaga bateri LED Energizer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Paint inside of a jar with colored paint, and paint the lid black.", "r": {"result": "1. Cat bahagian dalam balang dengan cat berwarna, dan cat penutupnya dengan warna hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Paint coating should be translucent enough for light to shine through.", "r": {"result": "(Salutan cat hendaklah cukup lut sinar untuk cahaya bersinar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Draw a spooky face with black paint or black marker.", "r": {"result": "2. Lukis muka menyeramkan dengan cat hitam atau penanda hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Add a safe LED light to create the spooky glow.", "r": {"result": "3. Tambahkan lampu LED yang selamat untuk mencipta cahaya yang menyeramkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Most inappropriate pumpkins ever.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Labu yang paling tidak sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Get 2 FREE YEARS of Parenting magazine - Subscribe Now!", "r": {"result": "Dapatkan 2 TAHUN PERCUMA majalah Parenting - Langgan Sekarang!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- No one knows how to make white men squirm quite like Samuel L. Jackson.", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Tiada siapa yang tahu cara membuat lelaki kulit putih menggeliat seperti Samuel L. Jackson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A post on Reddit last night has unearthed a prime example.", "r": {"result": "Siaran di Reddit malam tadi telah menemui contoh utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two weeks ago, the \"Django Unchained\" cast sat down with Jake Hamilton, host of Houston's Emmy-winning film show Jake's Takes, at a press junket.", "r": {"result": "Dua minggu lalu, pelakon \"Django Unchained\" duduk bersama Jake Hamilton, hos rancangan filem Houston yang memenangi Emmy Jake's Takes, di majlis persandingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Things went smoothly enough until Hamilton approached Jackson with a question about the movie's controversial use of the \"n-word\".", "r": {"result": "Semuanya berjalan lancar sehingga Hamilton mendekati Jackson dengan soalan mengenai penggunaan kontroversi filem \"n-word\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jackson insisted that Hamilton, who is white, say the word out loud; after Hamilton repeatedly refused, they moved on.", "r": {"result": "Jackson menegaskan bahawa Hamilton, yang berkulit putih, menyebut perkataan itu dengan kuat; selepas Hamilton berulang kali menolak, mereka meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was uncomfortable.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak selesa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The most awkward moment was just seeing everyone in the room freeze, and waiting to see what my reaction was going to be,\" Hamilton says today.", "r": {"result": "\"Saat yang paling janggal ialah melihat semua orang di dalam bilik membeku, dan menunggu untuk melihat reaksi saya,\" kata Hamilton hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The internet reaction has been mixed.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi internet telah bercampur-campur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many commenters claim that Hamilton should have simply said the word, while others applaud the reporter for not caving to Jackson's demand.", "r": {"result": "Ramai pengulas mendakwa bahawa Hamilton sepatutnya hanya berkata perkataan itu, manakala yang lain memuji wartawan itu kerana tidak menyerah kepada permintaan Jackson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamilton says that his decision was in the best interest of the show and the network.", "r": {"result": "Hamilton berkata bahawa keputusannya adalah demi kepentingan terbaik persembahan dan rangkaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "GET EW ON YOUR TABLET: Subscribe today and get instant access!", "r": {"result": "DAPATKAN EW PADA TABLET ANDA: Langgan hari ini dan dapatkan akses segera!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whatever the video's doing today, making the rounds, it's not as bad as it would be if I had actually said it,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa sahaja yang dilakukan oleh video hari ini, membuat pusingan, ia tidak seteruk jika saya benar-benar mengatakannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The last thing that my affiliate needs is one of their reporters going around saying the n-word and broadcasting it everywhere\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara terakhir yang diperlukan oleh ahli gabungan saya ialah salah seorang wartawan mereka berkeliling menyebut perkataan-n dan menyiarkannya di mana-mana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While it'd be easy to harbor some resentment for the provocation, Hamilton says that ultimately there's no hard feelings between him and Jackson.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mudah untuk menyimpan kebencian atas provokasi itu, Hamilton berkata bahawa akhirnya tidak ada perasaan keras antara dia dan Jackson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He doesn't suffer any fools, and he's the kind of guy I feel like I have to step up my game as a reporter,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak mengalami apa-apa yang bodoh, dan dia adalah jenis lelaki yang saya rasa saya perlu meningkatkan permainan saya sebagai wartawan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I look forward to interviewing him again\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak sabar-sabar untuk menemubualnya lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video here.", "r": {"result": "Tonton video di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jackson's segment starts at 13:55.", "r": {"result": "Segmen Jackson bermula pada 13:55.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See original story at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat cerita asal di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London, England (CNN) -- At least 12 people have been killed and 25 injured after a gunman -- believed to be a local taxi driver -- went on a shooting spree through three small towns in the English county of Cumbria on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "London, England (CNN) -- Sekurang-kurangnya 12 orang terbunuh dan 25 cedera selepas seorang lelaki bersenjata -- dipercayai pemandu teksi tempatan -- melakukan tembak menembak melalui tiga pekan kecil di daerah Cumbria di England pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a large scale search, Cumbria police found the body of the suspected gunman, 52-year-old Derrick Bird, in a wooded area of Boot, a village in the Lake District, a popular tourist area.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pencarian besar-besaran, polis Cumbria menemui mayat lelaki bersenjata yang disyaki, Derrick Bird berusia 52 tahun, di kawasan hutan Boot, sebuah kampung di Daerah Tasik, kawasan pelancongan yang popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities seized a gun from the scene where the body was found.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa merampas pistol dari tempat kejadian mayat ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cumbria Police Deputy Constable Stuart Hyde said investigators believe Bird committed suicide.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan Polis Cumbria, Stuart Hyde berkata, penyiasat percaya Bird membunuh diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've never known anything like this, where somebody would want to walk out and kill so many people in such a beautiful place in such a short space of time,\" Hyde said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pernah tahu perkara seperti ini, di mana seseorang mahu keluar dan membunuh begitu ramai orang di tempat yang begitu indah dalam masa yang singkat,\" kata Hyde.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police were working 30 separate crime scenes and are still attempting to determine the motive, Hyde said.", "r": {"result": "Polis sedang menjalankan 30 tempat kejadian jenayah berasingan dan masih berusaha untuk menentukan motif, kata Hyde.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators are looking at Bird's history and his access to firearms, he said.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat sedang melihat sejarah Bird dan aksesnya kepada senjata api, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police named Bird as a suspect following reports of the first shooting mid-morning on Wednesday in the Irish Sea port town of Whitehaven.", "r": {"result": "Polis menamakan Bird sebagai suspek berikutan laporan penembakan pertama pada tengah pagi Rabu di bandar pelabuhan Whitehaven di Laut Ireland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "UK guns laws tightened after massacres.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang senjata api UK diperketatkan selepas pembunuhan beramai-ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our focus is now on the movements of Mr. Bird this morning,\" authorities said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tumpuan kami kini tertumpu pada pergerakan Encik Burung pagi ini,\" kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our thoughts are with the families in these tragic times.", "r": {"result": "\"Fikiran kami bersama keluarga dalam masa tragis ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are asking for any witnesses to come forward and help us with our investigation into the events of this morning\".", "r": {"result": "Kami meminta mana-mana saksi untuk tampil dan membantu kami dalam siasatan kami terhadap kejadian pagi ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British Prime Minister, David Cameron said the government would do whatever it could to help the communities affected.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Britain, David Cameron berkata kerajaan akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk membantu masyarakat yang terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When lives and communities are suddenly shattered in this way, our thoughts should be with all those caught up in these tragic events, especially the families and friends of those killed or injured,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila nyawa dan masyarakat tiba-tiba hancur dengan cara ini, pemikiran kita harus bersama semua yang terperangkap dalam peristiwa tragis ini, terutama keluarga dan rakan mereka yang terkorban atau cedera,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Were you there?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda di sana?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Send us photos, images.", "r": {"result": "Hantarkan foto, imej kepada kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Armed police patrols and dog squads were dispatched in the hunt for the gunman after the first shots were fired at 10:35 a.m. (5:35 a.m. ET) in Whitehaven.", "r": {"result": "Peronda polis bersenjata dan skuad anjing telah dihantar dalam memburu lelaki bersenjata itu selepas tembakan pertama dilepaskan pada 10:35 pagi (5:35 pagi ET) di Whitehaven.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police issued a photo of the Bird and urged members of the public to stay indoors until further notice.", "r": {"result": "Polis mengeluarkan gambar Burung itu dan menggesa orang ramai untuk berada di dalam rumah sehingga diberitahu kelak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More shots were fired in the small towns of Seascale and Egremont, with officers attempting to track the suspect on land and by air while ambulance crews attended the victims.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak tembakan dilepaskan di pekan kecil Seascale dan Egremont, dengan pegawai cuba mengesan suspek di darat dan melalui udara sementara kru ambulans membantu mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Footage from one of the shooting scenes showed a covered body lying on a street.", "r": {"result": "Rakaman dari salah satu adegan penggambaran menunjukkan mayat berbumbung terbaring di atas jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Police are working to identify the individuals and inform relatives,\" Cumbria police said.", "r": {"result": "\"Polis sedang berusaha untuk mengenal pasti individu dan memaklumkan saudara-mara,\" kata polis Cumbria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ambulance crews are in attendance across the area\".", "r": {"result": "\"Krew ambulans hadir di seluruh kawasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peter Leder, who said he was a friend of Bird's, told CNN he spoke to Bird last night and was told: \"You won't see me again\".", "r": {"result": "Peter Leder, yang mengatakan dia adalah kawan Bird, memberitahu CNN dia bercakap dengan Bird malam tadi dan diberitahu: \"Anda tidak akan melihat saya lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bird was initially driving a dark gray or silver Citroen Picasso, but police later said he had abandoned his car in the area of Boot, in the Lake District, and was traveling on foot.", "r": {"result": "Bird pada mulanya memandu Citroen Picasso berwarna kelabu gelap atau perak, tetapi polis kemudian berkata dia telah meninggalkan keretanya di kawasan Boot, di Daerah Tasik, dan sedang berjalan kaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon afterwards police said they had found a body in a wooded area.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas itu polis berkata mereka telah menemui mayat di kawasan hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Lake District is a scenic rural retreat in northern England which is popular with walkers, hikers and tourists.", "r": {"result": "Daerah Tasik ialah tempat percutian luar bandar yang indah di utara England yang popular dengan pejalan kaki, pejalan kaki dan pelancong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leder said Bird has been an independent taxi driver in Whitehaven for more than 20 years and described him as \"an outgoing, well-known guy, who everyone liked\".", "r": {"result": "Leder berkata Bird telah menjadi pemandu teksi bebas di Whitehaven selama lebih 20 tahun dan menyifatkan dia sebagai \"seorang lelaki yang suka bergaul, terkenal, yang disukai semua orang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bird was divorced several years ago and has two children, both boys, who have moved away from home, he said.", "r": {"result": "Bird telah bercerai beberapa tahun lalu dan mempunyai dua anak, kedua-duanya lelaki, yang telah berpindah dari rumah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bird is very close to his mother, who is very ill in a local nursing home, Leder said.", "r": {"result": "Bird sangat rapat dengan ibunya, yang sangat sakit di rumah jagaan tempatan, kata Leder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said his friend enjoyed scuba diving, went on several diving trips abroad and practised regularly at the Whitehaven swimming baths.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata rakannya suka menyelam skuba, melakukan beberapa perjalanan menyelam ke luar negara dan berlatih secara kerap di tempat mandi renang Whitehaven.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vehicle police said Bird was driving at the time of the shootings was his regular taxi cab, Leder said.", "r": {"result": "Polis kenderaan berkata Bird yang memandu ketika kejadian teksi adalah teksi biasanya, kata Leder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A police hotline was set up for concerned relatives of those involved.", "r": {"result": "Talian polis telah disediakan untuk saudara-mara mereka yang terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Bevir, a reporter for CNN affiliate ITV, described nearby Whitehaven as a sleepy seaside town.", "r": {"result": "John Bevir, seorang wartawan untuk sekutu CNN ITV, menggambarkan Whitehaven yang berhampiran sebagai sebuah bandar tepi laut yang mengantuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Things like this just don't happen here,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara seperti ini tidak berlaku di sini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Well, they didn't, until this morning\".", "r": {"result": "\"Nah, mereka tidak melakukannya, sehingga pagi ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's David Wilkinson contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "David Wilkinson dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Serena Williams is ending her Indian Wells boycott in a spirit of \"forgiveness\" 14 years after suffering racist abuse at the Californian resort's showpiece tennis tournament.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Serena Williams menamatkan pemulauan di Indian Wells dengan semangat \"memaafkan\" 14 tahun selepas mengalami penderaan perkauman di kejohanan tenis pameran resort California itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World No.1 Williams, who won the Australian Open with victory over Maria Sharapova in Melbourne last month, announced her decision -- explained in an exclusive interview with TIME magazine -- on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Williams No.1 dunia, yang memenangi Terbuka Australia dengan kemenangan ke atas Maria Sharapova di Melbourne bulan lalu, mengumumkan keputusannya -- dijelaskan dalam wawancara eksklusif dengan majalah TIME -- di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back in 2001, age 19, she lifted her second Indian Wells trophy by beating Kim Clijsters -- but she and her family were racially abused by some members of the crowd after sister Venus withdrew from their semifinal with an injury.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2001, berusia 19 tahun, dia menjulang trofi Indian Wells keduanya dengan menewaskan Kim Clijsters -- tetapi dia dan keluarganya didera secara perkauman oleh beberapa orang ramai selepas kakak Venus menarik diri dari separuh akhir kerana kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That sparked accusations from some that their father, Richard, was \"fixing\" games between the two.", "r": {"result": "Itu mencetuskan tuduhan beberapa orang bahawa bapa mereka, Richard, sedang \"membetulkan\" permainan antara kedua-duanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He later said the abuse the family had suffered during the final \"shamed America\".", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian berkata penderaan yang dialami keluarga itu semasa \"Amerika yang memalukan\" terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His daughter told TIME he \"had to sit and watch his daughter being taunted, sparking cold memories of his experiences growing up in the South\".", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuannya memberitahu TIME dia \"terpaksa duduk dan melihat anak perempuannya diejek, mencetuskan kenangan sejuk tentang pengalamannya membesar di Selatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She instantly vowed never to return to the scene of her first-ever professional victory, in a doubles match with Venus in 1997, but revealed that she now felt ready to go back and compete in the BNP Paribas Open, being played in March.", "r": {"result": "Dia serta-merta berikrar tidak akan kembali ke tempat kemenangan profesional pertamanya, dalam perlawanan beregu dengan Venus pada 1997, tetapi mendedahkan bahawa dia kini berasa bersedia untuk kembali dan bersaing dalam Terbuka BNP Paribas, yang dimainkan pada bulan Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm fortunate to be at a point in my career where I have nothing to prove,\" Williams explained.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bernasib baik kerana berada pada satu titik dalam kerjaya saya di mana saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa untuk dibuktikan,\" jelas Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm still as driven as ever, but I play for the love of the game.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya masih bersemangat seperti biasa, tetapi saya bermain kerana cintakan permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is with that love in mind, and a new understanding of the true meaning of forgiveness, that I will proudly return to Indian Wells in 2015.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan rasa cinta itu, dan pemahaman baharu tentang erti pengampunan sebenar, saya dengan bangganya akan kembali ke Indian Wells pada 2015.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 33-year-old said a feeling that attitudes in tennis had progressed had helped to make up her mind, citing the prompt action taken by the Women's Tennis Association and United States Tennis Association when she and Venus were victims of racist and sexist comments made by a Russian official last year.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 33 tahun itu berkata perasaan bahawa sikap dalam tenis telah berkembang telah membantu untuk membuat keputusan, memetik tindakan segera yang diambil oleh Persatuan Tenis Wanita dan Persatuan Tenis Amerika Syarikat apabila dia dan Venus menjadi mangsa komen perkauman dan seksis yang dibuat. oleh seorang pegawai Rusia tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have thought about going back to Indian Wells many times over my career,\" Williams said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah berfikir untuk kembali ke Indian Wells berkali-kali sepanjang karier saya,\" kata Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I said a few times that I would never play there again.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya berkata beberapa kali bahawa saya tidak akan bermain di sana lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And believe me, I meant it.", "r": {"result": "Dan percayalah, saya bersungguh-sungguh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I admit it scared me.", "r": {"result": "Saya akui ia menakutkan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What if I walked onto the court and the entire crowd booed me?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana jika saya berjalan ke gelanggang dan semua orang mengejek saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nightmare would start all over\".", "r": {"result": "Mimpi ngeri akan bermula dari awal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said it had been \"difficult for me to forget spending hours crying in the Indian Wells locker room after winning in 2001, driving back to Los Angeles feeling as if I had lost the biggest game ever -- not a mere tennis game but a bigger fight for equality\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata adalah \"sukar bagi saya untuk melupakan menghabiskan masa berjam-jam menangis di bilik persalinan Indian Wells selepas menang pada 2001, memandu pulang ke Los Angeles dengan perasaan seolah-olah saya telah kalah dalam perlawanan terbesar pernah -- bukan permainan tenis semata-mata tetapi lebih besar. berjuang untuk kesaksamaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Emotionally it seemed easier to stay away,\" she explained.", "r": {"result": "\"Secara emosi nampaknya lebih mudah untuk menjauhkan diri,\" jelasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are some who say I should never go back.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAda sebilangan yang mengatakan saya tidak boleh kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are others who say I should have returned years ago.", "r": {"result": "Ada orang lain yang mengatakan saya sepatutnya pulang bertahun-tahun yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I understand both perspectives very well and wrestled with them for a long time.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya memahami kedua-dua perspektif dengan baik dan bergelut dengan mereka untuk masa yang lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm just following my heart on this one\".", "r": {"result": "Saya hanya mengikut kata hati saya yang satu ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her decision was welcomed by tournament CEO Raymond Moore, who confirmed that she had accepted a wild card for the event.", "r": {"result": "Keputusannya disambut baik oleh Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif kejohanan Raymond Moore, yang mengesahkan bahawa dia telah menerima kad liar untuk acara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We really look forward to watching her compete again,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami sangat berharap untuk menyaksikannya bertanding semula,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)As families across America prepare to watch the Super Bowl, the safety of the game remains hotly debated in households across the country.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Ketika keluarga di seluruh Amerika bersiap sedia untuk menonton Super Bowl, keselamatan permainan itu tetap hangat diperkatakan dalam isi rumah di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After mounting concerns about brain injuries plaguing older players who experienced repeated concussions, the NFL says it is making progress when it comes to keeping current players safe.", "r": {"result": "Selepas menimbulkan kebimbangan mengenai kecederaan otak yang melanda pemain yang lebih tua yang mengalami gegaran berulang kali, NFL berkata ia sedang membuat kemajuan apabila ia datang untuk memastikan pemain semasa selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The league says concussions in regular season games dropped 25% in 2014 from the number in 2013, and concussions caused by helmet-to-helmet hits were down 28% during the same time period, according to a newly released report.", "r": {"result": "Liga mengatakan gegaran dalam permainan musim biasa menurun 25% pada 2014 daripada jumlah pada 2013, dan gegaran yang disebabkan oleh pukulan topi keledar ke topi keledar menurun 28% dalam tempoh masa yang sama, menurut laporan yang baru dikeluarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But worries about concussions are just part of the reason why some families are having second thoughts about letting their children play football.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kebimbangan tentang gegaran otak hanyalah sebahagian daripada sebab mengapa sesetengah keluarga berfikir dua kali untuk membiarkan anak mereka bermain bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As we've learned more and more about the dangers of concussions and head injuries in football, including from research on the brains of professional players who died, we have seen a drop in the number of kids playing the game.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan kami telah mengetahui lebih banyak tentang bahaya gegaran otak dan kecederaan kepala dalam bola sepak, termasuk daripada penyelidikan mengenai otak pemain profesional yang meninggal dunia, kami telah melihat penurunan dalam bilangan kanak-kanak yang bermain permainan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Participation in Pop Warner youth football leagues dropped 9.5% from 2010 to 2012, according to a report in 2013 by ESPN.com.", "r": {"result": "Penyertaan dalam liga bola sepak remaja Pop Warner menurun 9.5% dari 2010 hingga 2012, menurut laporan pada 2013 oleh ESPN.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Concussion concerns may lead to fewer boys playing football.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan gegaran boleh menyebabkan lebih sedikit kanak-kanak lelaki bermain bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, after three players from three different states died in one week, I asked parents whether they think the sport is too violent and dangerous for their children.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas, selepas tiga pemain dari tiga negeri berbeza meninggal dunia dalam masa seminggu, saya bertanya kepada ibu bapa sama ada mereka berpendapat sukan itu terlalu ganas dan berbahaya untuk anak-anak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On one side are parents like John Furjanic of Chicago, who played football through high school and during college at Yale.", "r": {"result": "Di satu pihak adalah ibu bapa seperti John Furjanic dari Chicago, yang bermain bola sepak melalui sekolah menengah dan semasa kolej di Yale.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He says his 7-year-old daughter will never play football, and if he had a son, he would never let him play either.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata anak perempuannya yang berusia 7 tahun tidak akan bermain bola sepak, dan jika dia mempunyai anak lelaki, dia tidak akan membenarkannya bermain sama ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have had over 10 concussions playing football,\" said Furjanic, who says he was coached by some of the best in the business.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mengalami lebih 10 gegaran semasa bermain bola sepak,\" kata Furjanic, yang mengatakan dia dilatih oleh beberapa yang terbaik dalam perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No coaching technique can result in safety when the point of playing defense is to play with reckless abandon.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTiada teknik kejurulatihan boleh menghasilkan keselamatan apabila titik pertahanan bermain adalah bermain dengan pengabaian melulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The kids today call it blowing people up.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak hari ini memanggilnya meletupkan orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The game is violent, and people get hurt in violent games\".", "r": {"result": "Permainan itu ganas, dan orang ramai tercedera dalam permainan ganas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the other side are parents like Ben Smith, chief executive officer of Wanderful Media, whose eighth-grader plays football.", "r": {"result": "Di sisi lain ialah ibu bapa seperti Ben Smith, ketua pegawai eksekutif Wanderful Media, yang murid darjah lapannya bermain bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Smith said he has certainly thought about the risks, but says the training put in place in children's programs during the last few years has given him the confidence to let his son play.", "r": {"result": "Smith berkata, dia sudah tentu memikirkan risikonya, tetapi berkata latihan yang dilaksanakan dalam program kanak-kanak sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini telah memberinya keyakinan untuk membiarkan anaknya bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That training is part of the Heads Up Football program funded by the NFL.", "r": {"result": "Latihan itu adalah sebahagian daripada program Heads Up Football yang dibiayai oleh NFL.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coaches are educated on how to deal with concussions and how to teach safer ways to tackle, where players are taught to keep their heads up and to lead contact with their shoulders, not their heads.", "r": {"result": "Jurulatih dididik tentang cara menangani gegaran otak dan cara mengajar cara yang lebih selamat untuk menangani, di mana pemain diajar untuk menjaga kepala mereka dan memimpin sentuhan dengan bahu mereka, bukan kepala mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hitting has dramatically changed the game from when I was on the field over 20 years ago,\" Smith said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMemukul telah mengubah permainan secara dramatik sejak saya berada di atas padang lebih 20 tahun lalu,\u201d kata Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the end, it comes down to the league, training and coaches.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAkhirnya, ia bergantung kepada liga, latihan dan jurulatih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to be comfortable that they are putting safety first\".", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu selesa kerana mereka mengutamakan keselamatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amanda Rodriguez of Frederick, Maryland, says her 9-year-old is more passionate about football than just about anything else, and her 6-year-old just started playing, as well.", "r": {"result": "Amanda Rodriguez dari Frederick, Maryland, berkata anak lelakinya yang berusia 9 tahun lebih meminati bola sepak berbanding perkara lain, dan anak lelakinya yang berusia 6 tahun juga baru mula bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She urged her sons' league to adopt the Heads Up Football program and it did.", "r": {"result": "Dia menggesa liga anak-anaknya untuk menerima pakai program Heads Up Football dan ia berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "High schools tackle football concussions.", "r": {"result": "Sekolah menengah menangani gegaran bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that it's something you can definitely see in how the younger kids are playing versus how the older boys are playing football because it's a whole different way of playing,\" said Rodriguez, a mom of three and host of the blog DudeMom.com.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia adalah sesuatu yang anda pasti boleh lihat bagaimana anak-anak muda bermain berbanding lelaki yang lebih tua bermain bola sepak kerana ia adalah cara bermain yang berbeza,\" kata Rodriguez, ibu kepada tiga anak dan hos blog DudeMom.com .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So I feel safer knowing that my kids are playing in a league that is doing something proactive about their safety\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi saya berasa lebih selamat mengetahui bahawa anak-anak saya bermain dalam liga yang melakukan sesuatu yang proaktif tentang keselamatan mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like any parent, Rodriguez says she has her concerns but what helps her is putting the dangers in perspective.", "r": {"result": "Seperti mana-mana ibu bapa, Rodriguez berkata dia mempunyai kebimbangannya tetapi apa yang membantunya ialah meletakkan bahaya dalam perspektif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The risk is there, but the reward is so great, it's a risk that we take and statistically I don't think ... that risk (rivals) things like riding in a car or riding your bike\".", "r": {"result": "\"Risiko itu ada, tetapi ganjarannya sangat besar, ia adalah risiko yang kita ambil dan secara statistik saya tidak fikir ... risiko itu (menyaingi) perkara seperti menaiki kereta atau menunggang basikal anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other parents whose children play football pointed to sports such as horseback riding and gymnastics that can also be dangerous for children, but said the dangers of those sports often don't get as much attention as football.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa lain yang anak-anaknya bermain bola sepak menunjukkan sukan seperti menunggang kuda dan gimnastik yang juga boleh membahayakan kanak-kanak, tetapi berkata bahaya sukan itu selalunya tidak mendapat perhatian seperti bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because of its inherently violent nature, football is often singled out for scrutiny re: head injuries and head/neck injury deaths,\" said David Hawkins of Ann Arbor, Michigan, whose son plays football.", "r": {"result": "\"Oleh kerana sifatnya yang ganas, bola sepak sering dipilih untuk diteliti semula: kecederaan kepala dan kematian kecederaan kepala/leher,\" kata David Hawkins dari Ann Arbor, Michigan, yang anaknya bermain bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a report by the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research, deaths in football are \"rare but tragic events,\" with 17 direct and indirect deaths during the 2013 football season out of approximately 1.1 million high school players.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan oleh Pusat Penyelidikan Kecederaan Sukan Catastrophic Kebangsaan, kematian dalam bola sepak adalah \"peristiwa yang jarang berlaku tetapi tragis,\" dengan 17 kematian secara langsung dan tidak langsung semasa musim bola sepak 2013 daripada kira-kira 1.1 juta pemain sekolah menengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Smart' football helmet may help detect concussions.", "r": {"result": "Topi keledar bola sepak 'Pintar' boleh membantu mengesan gegaran otak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Terry Greenwald, a divorced father of three, says his son was only 5 when he started playing ice hockey, another sport known for its concussion issues.", "r": {"result": "Terry Greenwald, bapa kepada tiga anak yang bercerai, berkata anaknya baru berusia 5 tahun ketika mula bermain hoki ais, satu lagi sukan yang terkenal dengan masalah gegaran otak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His son is 26 now and never suffered a serious injury, but Greenwald thinks back to when his son was a senior in high school and was asked to play football.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelakinya kini berusia 26 tahun dan tidak pernah mengalami kecederaan serius, tetapi Greenwald teringat kembali ketika anaknya adalah senior di sekolah menengah dan diminta bermain bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I adamantly said 'No,' \" said Greenwald, who based his decision on the fact that his son had never played the game before.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya dengan tegas berkata 'Tidak,' \" kata Greenwald, yang berdasarkan keputusannya pada fakta bahawa anaknya tidak pernah bermain permainan itu sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is my opinion that when a child begins playing a sport with injuries like this, they learn proper techniques to protect themselves and how to avoid causing severe injuries to others\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah pendapat saya bahawa apabila kanak-kanak mula bermain sukan dengan kecederaan seperti ini, mereka belajar teknik yang betul untuk melindungi diri mereka dan bagaimana untuk mengelak daripada menyebabkan kecederaan teruk kepada orang lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am confident that saying no was the right decision for my son.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya yakin mengatakan tidak adalah keputusan yang tepat untuk anak saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would not presume to make that decision for anyone else,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak akan menganggap untuk membuat keputusan itu untuk orang lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe in sports, but I also believe each person needs to consider a lot of factors when choosing which sport to participate in and that a parent's responsibility is to choose wisely when allowing their child to make this decision\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya dalam sukan, tetapi saya juga percaya setiap orang perlu mempertimbangkan banyak faktor semasa memilih sukan yang mana untuk disertai dan tanggungjawab ibu bapa adalah untuk memilih dengan bijak apabila membenarkan anak mereka membuat keputusan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Make football safe for our kids.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Jadikan bola sepak selamat untuk anak-anak kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Children's television host Miss Lori, a mother of three, remembers when her son was choosing between basketball and football.", "r": {"result": "Pengacara televisyen kanak-kanak Miss Lori, ibu kepada tiga anak, masih ingat apabila anaknya memilih antara bola keranjang dan bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both sports have a connection to her family, she said.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua sukan itu mempunyai kaitan dengan keluarganya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her adopted father played for the Harlem Globetrotters, while her birth father, whom she only met once, played college football and was drafted by a professional team.", "r": {"result": "Bapa angkatnya bermain untuk Harlem Globetrotters, manakala bapa kandungnya, yang hanya ditemuinya sekali, bermain bola sepak kolej dan telah digubal oleh pasukan profesional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He died of dementia before he reached 60 and she wonders if his deteriorating condition was related to his participation in football.", "r": {"result": "Dia meninggal dunia akibat demensia sebelum dia mencapai usia 60 tahun dan dia tertanya-tanya sama ada keadaannya yang semakin merosot berkaitan dengan penyertaannya dalam bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As her son, who excelled in many sports, was deciding which to focus on, she left the decision to him -- but quietly prayed he'd pass on football.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan anak lelakinya, yang cemerlang dalam banyak sukan, memutuskan untuk memberi tumpuan, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kepadanya -- tetapi secara senyap-senyap berdoa agar dia meneruskan bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Silently I said a prayer to the sports gods above to put basketball first and firmly in his dreams.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSecara senyap saya memanjatkan doa kepada dewa-dewa sukan di atas agar mendahulukan bola keranjang dan teguh dalam mimpinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It worked and I am grateful,\" said the social media specialist and Babble.com contributor.", "r": {"result": "Ia berkesan dan saya bersyukur,\" kata pakar media sosial dan penyumbang Babble.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What sport a child may or may not play is an individual parent's decision -- or an individual child's decision.", "r": {"result": "Sukan yang boleh dimainkan atau tidak boleh dimainkan oleh kanak-kanak ialah keputusan ibu bapa individu -- atau keputusan individu anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Amanda Rodriguez told me, if a child is passionate about a sport or an instrument or some other activity, wouldn't a parent want to nurse those passions?", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang Amanda Rodriguez beritahu saya, jika seorang kanak-kanak meminati sukan atau instrumen atau beberapa aktiviti lain, tidakkah ibu bapa mahu menjaga keghairahan itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And while there is definite debate over whether football has become too dangerous for our children knowing what we know now, it's clear there's agreement on a key way to help keep our kids safe: making sure safety is the top focus.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun terdapat perdebatan yang pasti sama ada bola sepak telah menjadi terlalu berbahaya untuk anak-anak kita mengetahui perkara yang kita ketahui sekarang, jelas terdapat persetujuan tentang cara utama untuk membantu memastikan anak-anak kita selamat: memastikan keselamatan menjadi tumpuan utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Louise Sattler, a psychologist, educational consultant and mom of two grown children in southern California, said her son played school and regional soccer for years, and suffered one concussion and several other injuries.", "r": {"result": "Louise Sattler, seorang ahli psikologi, perunding pendidikan dan ibu kepada dua anak yang sudah dewasa di selatan California, berkata anaknya bermain bola sepak sekolah dan serantau selama bertahun-tahun, dan mengalami satu gegaran otak dan beberapa kecederaan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While opposing coaches always urged him to keep playing, she praised her son's \"astute team coach\" who was always cautious and would send him off the field and to the emergency room.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun jurulatih lawan sentiasa menggesanya untuk terus bermain, dia memuji \"jurulatih pasukan yang bijak\" anaknya yang sentiasa berhati-hati dan akan menghantarnya keluar padang dan ke bilik kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As with everything in our lives, including football, soccer and other sports, common sense and safety need to prevail,\" said Sattler, who is also the owner of a business providing sign language instruction.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti semua perkara dalam kehidupan kita, termasuk bola sepak, bola sepak dan sukan lain, akal sehat dan keselamatan perlu diutamakan,\" kata Sattler, yang juga pemilik perniagaan yang menyediakan pengajaran bahasa isyarat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The lesson that we care about health and safety far outweighs the game\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pengajaran bahawa kami mengambil berat tentang kesihatan dan keselamatan jauh mengatasi permainan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Would you or do you let your kids play football?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda akan atau adakah anda membiarkan anak-anak anda bermain bola sepak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tell Kelly Wallace on Twitter or CNN Living on Facebook.", "r": {"result": "Beritahu Kelly Wallace di Twitter atau CNN Living di Facebook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- As the NBA's Jason Collins made history by coming out as gay, he sought advice from someone who'd walked this road before: Lance Bass.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Memandangkan Jason Collins dari NBA mencipta sejarah dengan tampil sebagai gay, dia mendapatkan nasihat daripada seseorang yang pernah melalui jalan ini sebelum ini: Lance Bass.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In case you don't recall, the singer soared to fame in the late '90s as part of the popular boy band 'N Sync, but he didn't open up about his sexuality until 2006.", "r": {"result": "Sekiranya anda tidak ingat, penyanyi itu menjadi terkenal pada penghujung 90-an sebagai sebahagian daripada kumpulan lelaki popular 'N Sync, tetapi dia tidak mendedahkan tentang seksualitinya sehingga 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, Bass told People magazine that he was acknowledging it mainly because of rumors, and that coming out made him feel like \"it's on my terms.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, Bass memberitahu majalah People bahawa dia mengakuinya terutamanya kerana khabar angin, dan yang keluar membuatnya berasa seperti \"itu mengikut syarat saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm at peace with my family, my friends, myself and God, so there's really nothing else that I worry about\".", "r": {"result": "Saya berdamai dengan keluarga saya, kawan-kawan saya, diri saya dan Tuhan, jadi tidak ada perkara lain yang saya risaukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bass, who now hosts SiriusXM's \"Dirty Pop With Lance Bass,\" revealed on his show Monday that Collins reached out to him for guidance through a mutual friend, actress JoAnna Garcia.", "r": {"result": "Bass, yang kini menjadi hos SiriusXM \"Pop Kotor Dengan Lance Bass,\" mendedahkan dalam rancangannya Isnin bahawa Collins menghubunginya untuk mendapatkan bimbingan melalui rakan bersama, pelakon JoAnna Garcia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's been trying to plan this for a very long time, contemplating if he wanted to do this.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah cuba merancang ini untuk masa yang lama, memikirkan jika dia mahu melakukan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, he said he was going to call me months ago, but he got too scared,\" Bass said.", "r": {"result": "Malah, dia berkata dia akan menghubungi saya beberapa bulan lalu, tetapi dia terlalu takut,\" kata Bass.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But with Garcia's encouragement, Collins finally made the call Monday.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan galakan Garcia, Collins akhirnya membuat panggilan pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In NBA, Collins' defense matters more than sexual orientation.", "r": {"result": "Dalam NBA, pertahanan Collins lebih penting daripada orientasi seksual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I gave him some very good advice today, because everybody wants to interview him,\" Bass said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memberinya nasihat yang sangat baik hari ini, kerana semua orang mahu menemu bualnya,\" kata Bass.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Bass came out, he recalled wishing he'd had more time to think about whom he wanted to talk to and how he wanted to do it.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Bass keluar, dia teringat berharap dia mempunyai lebih banyak masa untuk memikirkan dengan siapa dia mahu bercakap dan bagaimana dia mahu melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I came out, I had 24 hours to decide what was going to happen.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya keluar, saya mempunyai 24 jam untuk memutuskan apa yang akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... What I wish I could have done back then was to have a couple of days to sit down with (the Human Rights Campaign), sit down with GLAAD (and) get downloaded (on how to handle this)\" Bass said.", "r": {"result": "... Apa yang saya harap saya boleh lakukan ketika itu ialah mempunyai beberapa hari untuk duduk bersama (Kempen Hak Asasi Manusia), duduk bersama GLAAD (dan) muat turun (mengenai cara mengendalikan ini)\" kata Bass.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So I gave him some really great connections\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi saya memberinya beberapa sambungan yang sangat hebat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By putting Collins in touch with people such as GLAAD's Wilson Cruz, Bass is aiming to help the athlete \"get some really good information before he does these sit-downs, just so he doesn't put his foot in his mouth ... because this will live (on) for the rest of his life, and he wants to make sure it's good\".", "r": {"result": "Dengan meletakkan Collins berhubung dengan orang seperti Wilson Cruz dari GLAAD, Bass menyasarkan untuk membantu atlet itu \"mendapatkan maklumat yang benar-benar baik sebelum dia melakukan duduk-duduk ini, supaya dia tidak memasukkan kakinya ke mulutnya ... kerana ini akan hidup (pada) sepanjang hayatnya, dan dia mahu memastikan ia baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama 'couldn't be prouder' of Jason Collins.", "r": {"result": "Obama 'tidak boleh berbangga' dengan Jason Collins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The media crush that comes with such an announcement isn't the only part of Collins' story to which Bass relates.", "r": {"result": "Penggemuruh media yang datang dengan pengumuman sedemikian bukanlah satu-satunya bahagian cerita Collins yang Bass kaitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just as Collins was so busy with basketball that he didn't ruminate on his personal life until the 2011 NBA lockout, Bass said he was too stretched performing with 'N Sync to focus on his personal life.", "r": {"result": "Sama seperti Collins terlalu sibuk dengan bola keranjang sehingga dia tidak memikirkan kehidupan peribadinya sehingga sekatan NBA 2011, Bass berkata dia terlalu letih membuat persembahan dengan 'N Sync untuk memberi tumpuan kepada kehidupan peribadinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the lockout, Collins \"finally got to sit back and think about himself, and relationships and love and all of that type of stuff because he had the time -- and that's when he started becoming more comfortable with it and finding out about himself.", "r": {"result": "Dengan penguncian itu, Collins \"akhirnya terpaksa duduk dan berfikir tentang dirinya, dan hubungan dan cinta serta semua jenis perkara itu kerana dia mempunyai masa -- dan ketika itulah dia mula menjadi lebih selesa dengannya dan mengetahui tentang dirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's exactly what happened with me when we went on the hiatus after the last 'N Sync show,\" Bass said.", "r": {"result": "Dan itulah yang berlaku dengan saya apabila kami berehat selepas rancangan 'N Sync yang lalu,\" kata Bass.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were 24/7, had the same set schedule (and) I didn't have time to think about my personal life.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami 24/7, mempunyai jadual yang sama (dan) saya tidak mempunyai masa untuk memikirkan kehidupan peribadi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I totally relate to this because it wasn't until that hiatus where I had a vacation, I had a few weeks off that I became comfortable with it, and met a guy finally and had my first relationship.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya benar-benar berkait dengan perkara ini kerana barulah saya berehat selama beberapa minggu, saya berasa selesa dengannya, dan akhirnya bertemu dengan seorang lelaki dan mempunyai hubungan pertama saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was that downtime that really makes you see things\".", "r": {"result": "Masa henti itulah yang benar-benar membuatkan anda melihat sesuatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bass told his \"Dirty Pop\" listeners that he thinks \"we are going to be overwhelmed with the support he gets,\" which has been steady over the past 24 hours.", "r": {"result": "Bass memberitahu pendengar \"Pop Kotor\"nya bahawa dia berpendapat \"kita akan terharu dengan sokongan yang dia dapat,\" yang berterusan sejak 24 jam yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many in Hollywood and beyond have joined Garcia and Bass in encouraging the NBA veteran, including President Barack Obama, who told reporters Tuesday he was \"very proud\" of Collins and had spoken with him on the phone.", "r": {"result": "Ramai di Hollywood dan seterusnya telah menyertai Garcia dan Bass dalam menggalakkan veteran NBA itu, termasuk Presiden Barack Obama, yang memberitahu wartawan Selasa bahawa dia \"sangat bangga\" dengan Collins dan telah bercakap dengannya melalui telefon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spike Lee slams Collins hate machine.", "r": {"result": "Spike Lee menyelar mesin benci Collins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are a few celebrities who encouraged the athlete on Twitter:", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah beberapa selebriti yang menggalakkan atlet itu di Twitter:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russell Simmons: \"(P)roud of Washington Wizards' player Jason Collins (@JasonCollins34) for coming out.", "r": {"result": "Russell Simmons: \"(P)roud pemain Washington Wizards Jason Collins (@JasonCollins34) kerana keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(W)e will stand with you as you continue on your journey\".", "r": {"result": "(W) e akan berdiri bersama anda semasa anda meneruskan perjalanan anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ellen DeGeneres: \"@NBA center @JasonCollins34 is the 1st out player on a US major league team.", "r": {"result": "Ellen DeGeneres: \"@NBA center @JasonCollins34 ialah pemain keluar pertama dalam pasukan liga utama AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm overwhelmed by your bravery, Jason, & sending so much love\".", "r": {"result": "Saya terharu dengan keberanian awak, Jason, & menghantar begitu banyak cinta\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neil Patrick Harris: \"Bravo, @JasonCollins34!", "r": {"result": "Neil Patrick Harris: \"Bravo, @JasonCollins34!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thanks for stepping up.", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kerana melangkah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For standing tall.", "r": {"result": "Untuk berdiri tegak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And at 7 feet, that's saying a lot\".", "r": {"result": "Dan pada 7 kaki, itu bermakna banyak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Howard Stern: \"Big support to @jasoncollins34. That's not an easy thing you did\".", "r": {"result": "Howard Stern: \"Sokongan besar kepada @jasoncollins34. Itu bukan perkara mudah yang anda lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marlee Matlin: BRAVO to #jasoncollins for his bravery and class.", "r": {"result": "Marlee Matlin: BRAVO kepada #jasoncollins atas keberanian dan kelasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Equality and changing attitudes are just inevitable.", "r": {"result": "Kesaksamaan dan perubahan sikap tidak dapat dielakkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shonda Rhimes: Totally loving me some @jasoncollins34 right now.", "r": {"result": "Shonda Rhimes: Sangat menyayangi saya @jasoncollins34 sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well done!", "r": {"result": "Bagus!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eva Longoria: \"So proud of Jason Collins for being an example of bravery and courage.", "r": {"result": "Eva Longoria: \"Sangat bangga dengan Jason Collins kerana menjadi contoh keberanian dan keberanian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I applaud you!", "r": {"result": "Saya memuji awak!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday evening, Collins responded on Twitter: \"Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me thru email, texts, calls, tweets, letters, and every other form of communication.", "r": {"result": "Pada petang Isnin, Collins membalas di Twitter: \"Terima kasih kepada semua orang yang telah menghubungi saya melalui e-mel, teks, panggilan, tweet, surat, dan setiap bentuk komunikasi lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#support\".", "r": {"result": "#sokongan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "s\u0259\u02c8p\u00f4rt"}}} {"src": "Looks like Bass was right.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya Bass betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- More rain was on the way after flooding forced hundreds of people in New Mexico to evacuate, prompting Gov.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lebih banyak hujan sedang dalam perjalanan selepas banjir memaksa ratusan orang di New Mexico berpindah, mendorong Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Susana Martinez to declare an emergency Friday.", "r": {"result": "Susana Martinez untuk mengisytiharkan darurat pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martinez' declaration said evacuations by air and ground had taken place in Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico, Sierra County in the southwest part of the state and San Miguel County in the northeast.", "r": {"result": "Pengisytiharan Martinez berkata pemindahan melalui udara dan darat telah berlaku di Eddy County di tenggara New Mexico, Sierra County di bahagian barat daya negeri dan San Miguel County di timur laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her order provided funds for state emergency officials to assist local authorities and directed the National Guard to respond as needed.", "r": {"result": "Perintahnya menyediakan dana untuk pegawai kecemasan negeri untuk membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan dan mengarahkan Pengawal Kebangsaan untuk bertindak balas apabila diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A state police diver and local firefighters staged a dramatic rescue of several people trapped by the rising Pecos River about 10 miles west of Roswell, officials said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penyelam polis negeri dan anggota bomba tempatan melakukan penyelamatan dramatik beberapa orang yang terperangkap di tepi Sungai Pecos yang semakin meningkat kira-kira 10 batu ke barat Roswell, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The diver repeatedly crossed 30 feet of chest-deep rushing water carrying members of the group, which included children and elderly people.", "r": {"result": "Penyelam itu berulang kali melintasi air deras sedalam 30 kaki yang membawa anggota kumpulan itu, termasuk kanak-kanak dan warga emas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The evacuees were then taken to an American Red Cross shelter.", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang dipindahkan kemudian dibawa ke pusat perlindungan Palang Merah Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifty people were moved to a Red Cross center at the high school in Las Vegas in northeast New Mexico, said Esteban Lujan, public information officer of the state Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management.", "r": {"result": "Lima puluh orang telah dipindahkan ke pusat Palang Merah di sekolah tinggi di Las Vegas di timur laut New Mexico, kata Esteban Lujan, pegawai maklumat awam Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri & Pengurusan Kecemasan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Truth or Consequences, some bridges and roads were washed out and about 20 people evacuated, Lujan said.", "r": {"result": "Dalam Truth or Consequences, beberapa jambatan dan jalan raya dihanyutkan dan kira-kira 20 orang dipindahkan, kata Lujan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Weather Service said the threat of flooding will continue through the weekend.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan berkata ancaman banjir akan berterusan sepanjang hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Simpson contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "David Simpson menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "South Korea's President made an emotional apology Monday over the ferry disaster that killed close to 300 people last month and said she would dismantle the country's coast guard.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Korea Selatan membuat permohonan maaf yang penuh emosi pada hari Isnin berhubung bencana feri yang mengorbankan hampir 300 orang bulan lalu dan berkata beliau akan membongkar pengawal pantai negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As the President who should be responsible for people's life and security, I am sincerely apologizing to the people for having to suffer pain,\" said President Park Geun-hye in a televised speech.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebagai Presiden yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab ke atas kehidupan dan keselamatan rakyat, saya dengan tulus ikhlas memohon maaf kepada rakyat kerana terpaksa mengalami kesakitan,\u201d kata Presiden Park Geun-hye dalam ucapan di televisyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The final responsibility for not being able to respond properly lies on me\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tanggungjawab terakhir kerana tidak dapat bertindak balas dengan betul terletak pada saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sewol ferry sank en route to the resort island of Jeju on April 16, leaving more than 304 people dead or missing.", "r": {"result": "Feri Sewol karam dalam perjalanan ke pulau peranginan Jeju pada 16 April, menyebabkan lebih 304 orang maut atau hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of the passengers were high school students on a field trip.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan penumpang adalah pelajar sekolah menengah dalam lawatan lapangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a President, I feel a sense of sorrow for not being able to protect them during their family trip,\" said Park, whose approval ratings have dropped significantly in the weeks since the sinking.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai Presiden, saya berasa sedih kerana tidak dapat melindungi mereka semasa perjalanan keluarga mereka,\" kata Park, yang rating kelulusannya telah menurun dengan ketara dalam beberapa minggu sejak tenggelam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sewol disaster caused widespread outrage in South Korea over lax safety standards and the failure to rescue more people as the ship foundered.", "r": {"result": "Bencana Sewol menyebabkan kemarahan yang meluas di Korea Selatan atas piawaian keselamatan yang longgar dan kegagalan untuk menyelamatkan lebih ramai orang ketika kapal itu diasaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Questions have been raised over the government's oversight of the ferry industry and its handling of the crisis.", "r": {"result": "Persoalan telah dibangkitkan mengenai pengawasan kerajaan terhadap industri feri dan pengendaliannya terhadap krisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coast guard under fire.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal pantai di bawah api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Park slammed the coast guard for its role in the disaster, saying it \"failed in its duty to carry out the rescue operation\".", "r": {"result": "Park menyelar pengawal pantai kerana peranannya dalam bencana itu, berkata ia \"gagal dalam tugasnya untuk menjalankan operasi menyelamat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The coast guard has been criticized amid suggestions it could have saved more passengers as the ferry was sinking into the frigid waters of the Yellow Sea.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal pantai telah dikritik di tengah-tengah cadangan ia boleh menyelamatkan lebih ramai penumpang kerana feri itu tenggelam ke dalam perairan sejuk Laut Kuning.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After serious consideration, I've decided to dismantle the coast guard,\" Park said.", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas pertimbangan yang serius, saya telah memutuskan untuk membongkar pengawal pantai,\" kata Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The investigation and information roles will be transferred to the police while the rescue and salvage operation and ocean security roles will be transferred to the department for national safety which will be newly established\".", "r": {"result": "\"Peranan siasatan dan maklumat akan diserahkan kepada polis manakala operasi menyelamat dan menyelamat serta peranan keselamatan lautan akan dipindahkan kepada jabatan untuk keselamatan negara yang akan ditubuhkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shedding tears, she proposed building a monument to the victims and setting aside April 16 as a day to focus on safety.", "r": {"result": "Dengan menitiskan air mata, dia mencadangkan membina monumen kepada mangsa dan mengetepikan 16 April sebagai hari untuk memberi tumpuan kepada keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I, again, pray for those who passed away during the incident and express my deep condolence to the families,\" Park said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya, sekali lagi, mendoakan mereka yang meninggal dunia semasa kejadian dan mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga,\" kata Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She singled out people -- both passengers and crew members -- who perished trying to save the lives of others.", "r": {"result": "Dia memilih orang -- penumpang dan anak kapal -- yang terkorban cuba menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe these people are the real heroes of our generation,\" Park said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya mereka ini adalah wira sebenar generasi kita,\" kata Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Captain, others charged.", "r": {"result": "Kapten, yang lain didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The captain and crew members who survived have come under particularly heavy criticism.", "r": {"result": "Kapten dan anak kapal yang terselamat telah mendapat kritikan yang sangat berat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are accused of telling passengers to stay put as the ferry began to capsize and then being among the first people to leave the stricken vessel.", "r": {"result": "Mereka didakwa memberitahu penumpang supaya tidak bergerak ketika feri itu mula terbalik dan kemudian menjadi antara orang pertama meninggalkan kapal yang dilanda itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A chief prosecutor announced last week that the captain and three other crew members have been charged with murder.", "r": {"result": "Seorang ketua pendakwa raya mengumumkan minggu lalu bahawa kapten dan tiga anak kapal lain telah didakwa atas tuduhan membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleven other crew members have been indicted on charges of abandonment and violating a ship safety act.", "r": {"result": "Sebelas anak kapal lain telah didakwa atas tuduhan meninggalkan kapal dan melanggar akta keselamatan kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators have identified problems with the cargo, including overloading and the failure to secure it properly, as being among the likely reasons for the Sewol's sinking.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat telah mengenal pasti masalah dengan kargo, termasuk lebihan muatan dan kegagalan untuk mengamankannya dengan betul, sebagai antara punca kemungkinan kapal Sewol itu tenggelam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have said modifications to the ship last year, in which passenger cabins were added to increase its capacity, may have contributed to problems with the ship's balance.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata pengubahsuaian pada kapal tahun lepas, di mana kabin penumpang ditambah untuk meningkatkan kapasitinya, mungkin telah menyumbang kepada masalah dengan baki kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The chief executive of the ferry operator is facing charges of causing death by negligence, as well as causing the capsizing of the ship in the line of duty.", "r": {"result": "Ketua eksekutif pengendali feri itu menghadapi pertuduhan menyebabkan kematian akibat kecuaian, serta menyebabkan kapal terbalik semasa menjalankan tugas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The investigation into the disaster is ongoing, as is the underwater search for the 18 people who remain missing from the sinking.", "r": {"result": "Siasatan terhadap bencana itu sedang dijalankan, begitu juga dengan pencarian di dalam air bagi 18 orang yang masih hilang akibat tenggelam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Captain, 3 crew members face murder charges.", "r": {"result": "Kapten, 3 anak kapal berdepan tuduhan membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What went wrong on the ferry?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang berlaku pada feri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- No doubt there is a sizeable audience primed for the latest Nicholas Sparks flick, and chances are quite a chunk of that crowd is looking forward to seeing how former teen idol Zac Efron sizes up now he's graduated from \"High School Musical\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tidak dinafikan terdapat penonton yang ramai bersedia untuk filem terbaru Nicholas Sparks, dan kemungkinan besar sebilangan besar orang ramai menantikan untuk melihat bagaimana bekas idola remaja Zac Efron membesar sekarang dia telah menamatkan pengajian dari \"High School Musical \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, he's bulked up quite a bit, and he's sporting something a little more than stubble, but the strong, silent type is not his natural forte.", "r": {"result": "Nah, dia agak besar, dan dia menggunakan sesuatu yang lebih sedikit daripada tunggul, tetapi jenis yang kuat dan pendiam bukanlah bakat semula jadinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In \"The Lucky One,\" Efron plays Logan, a Marine with three tours of Iraq under his belt.", "r": {"result": "Dalam \"The Lucky One,\" Efron memainkan Logan, seorang Marin dengan tiga lawatan ke Iraq di bawah tali pinggangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he's come out alive he owes it to the photograph of a pretty girl he picks up in the rubble one day -- a snapshot that seems like a lucky talisman, protecting him while so many of his comrades fall.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia keluar hidup-hidup, dia berhutang kepada gambar seorang gadis cantik yang dia kutip di dalam runtuhan suatu hari nanti -- gambar yang kelihatan seperti azimat bertuah, melindunginya sementara ramai rakan seperjuangannya jatuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back home, he swears he will track down his guardian angel and tell her what she has meant to him.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke rumah, dia bersumpah dia akan menjejaki malaikat penjaganya dan memberitahunya apa yang dia maksudkan kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lighthouse in the background gives him a clue as to where to start.", "r": {"result": "Rumah api di latar belakang memberinya petunjuk tentang di mana untuk bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They say that some soldiers develop a thousand-yard stare in combat.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mengatakan bahawa beberapa askar membuat tatapan seribu ela dalam pertempuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether that's what the 24-year-old star was aiming for is hard to say, but he sleepwalks through this tearjerker with a blank look and delivers his (admittedly awful) lines with numb detachment.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada itu yang disasarkan oleh bintang berusia 24 tahun itu sukar untuk dikatakan, tetapi dia berjalan melalui pemedih mata ini dengan pandangan kosong dan menyampaikan barisnya (diakui mengerikan) dengan detasmen kebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Efron's going to make it as leading man he's going to have to dig a lot deeper than this.", "r": {"result": "Jika Efron akan menjadikannya sebagai lelaki terkemuka, dia perlu menggali lebih dalam daripada ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because nature abhors a vacuum, Taylor Schilling (\"Mercy\") steps it up and brings at least a modicum of life to the party as Beth, the divorced Louisiana kennel-owner who happens to be in the market for a dog walker.", "r": {"result": "Kerana alam semula jadi membenci kekosongan, Taylor Schilling (\"Mercy\") meningkatkannya dan membawa sekurang-kurangnya sedikit kehidupan kepada parti itu sebagai Beth, pemilik kandang Louisiana yang bercerai yang kebetulan berada di pasaran untuk pejalan kaki anjing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having walked all the way from Colorado with his German Shepherd Zeus, Logan seems disturbingly well qualified.", "r": {"result": "Setelah berjalan jauh dari Colorado dengan Gembala Jermannya Zeus, Logan nampaknya sangat berkelayakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for the plot, there isn't one.", "r": {"result": "Bagi plot, tidak ada satu pun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beth has a gifted, but insecure son (Riley Thomas Stewart), one of those wry grandmas you see in this kind of movie (Blythe Danner), and an ex-husband with a sheriff's badge and a real bad attitude (Jay R. Ferguson, from \"Mad Men\").", "r": {"result": "Beth mempunyai seorang anak lelaki yang berbakat, tetapi tidak selamat (Riley Thomas Stewart), salah seorang nenek masam yang anda lihat dalam filem jenis ini (Blythe Danner), dan seorang bekas suami dengan lencana sheriff dan sikap yang sangat buruk (Jay R. Ferguson , daripada \"Mad Men\").", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Logan walks the dogs, mends the guttering, fixes the tractor and bonds with the boy.", "r": {"result": "Logan berjalan dengan anjing, membaiki longkang, membaiki traktor dan ikatan dengan budak lelaki itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No wonder Beth gets into a lather washing the dishes as she watches him.", "r": {"result": "Tidak hairanlah Beth masuk ke dalam buih mencuci pinggan sambil memerhatikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He even gets her motorboat ticking over again.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga membuat bot motornya berdetik lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Director Scott Hicks (\"Shine\") bathes the whole show in an amber halo that makes the Deep South look like an antiseptic shampoo commercial and shies away from anything that might be dramatically sticky, complex or even halfway interesting.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah Scott Hicks (\"Shine\") memandikan keseluruhan persembahan dalam lingkaran ambar yang menjadikan Deep South kelihatan seperti komersil syampu antiseptik dan menjauhkan diri daripada apa-apa yang mungkin melekit secara dramatik, kompleks atau malah separuh menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ex is such a boorish bully it's laughable when Logan assures him he's \"not a bad guy\" (this after the drunken cop has threatened to shoot him and his dog); Logan himself has the opposite problem -- he's just too good to be true.", "r": {"result": "Bekas seorang pembuli yang kejam, sungguh menggelikan apabila Logan meyakinkannya bahawa dia \"bukan lelaki jahat\" (ini selepas polis yang mabuk itu mengancam untuk menembak dia dan anjingnya); Logan sendiri mempunyai masalah sebaliknya -- dia terlalu baik untuk menjadi kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's nice to see that Sparks believes in virtue and decency and everyone just getting along.", "r": {"result": "Seronok melihat Sparks percaya pada nilai murni dan kesopanan dan semua orang hanya serasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But virtue untested is not much of a subject, and this slight, unconvincing romance is a walk on the mild side.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kebaikan yang belum teruji bukanlah satu perkara yang penting, dan percintaan yang kecil dan tidak meyakinkan ini adalah jalan-jalan di sisi yang lembut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Record-setting Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps is taking the plunge.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) Perenang Olimpik yang mencatat rekod, Michael Phelps mengambil risiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The gold medalist is engaged to girlfriend Nicole Johnson, according to their verified social media accounts.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang pingat emas itu bertunang dengan teman wanita Nicole Johnson, menurut akaun media sosial mereka yang disahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple announced the news early Sunday morning on their Twitter and Instagram accounts.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu mengumumkan berita itu awal pagi Ahad di akaun Twitter dan Instagram mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She said yes,\" Phelps captioned a picture of him and Johnson cuddling in the snow.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia berkata ya,\" Phelps memberi kapsyen gambar dia dan Johnson sedang berpelukan di dalam salji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The winners of this year's singles titles at Wimbledon will receive record prize money of $1.7 million, organizers have confirmed.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemenang gelaran perseorangan tahun ini di Wimbledon akan menerima hadiah wang rekod $1.7 juta, penganjur mengesahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That represents an increase of $163,000 from the 2010 tournament, with the overall purse hitting a new record level of $23.8 million -- a 6.4 per cent increase on last year.", "r": {"result": "Itu mewakili peningkatan sebanyak $163,000 daripada kejohanan 2010, dengan dompet keseluruhan mencecah paras rekod baharu sebanyak $23.8 juta -- peningkatan 6.4 peratus berbanding tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World number one Rafael Nadal, who beat Thomas Berdych in the men's final in 2010, and Serena Williams, who defeated Vera Zvonareva in the women's, received prize money of over PS1 million ($1.6m) for the first time ever.", "r": {"result": "Pemain nombor satu dunia, Rafael Nadal, yang menewaskan Thomas Berdych dalam perlawanan akhir lelaki pada 2010, dan Serena Williams, yang menewaskan Vera Zvonareva dalam wanita, menerima hadiah wang lebih PS1 juta ($1.6 juta) buat kali pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philip Brook, chairman of the All England Club, who host the competition, said: \"Leading international sports events such as Wimbledon are all about the quality of the players on show.", "r": {"result": "Philip Brook, pengerusi Kelab All England, yang menjadi tuan rumah pertandingan itu, berkata: \"Memimpin acara sukan antarabangsa seperti Wimbledon adalah mengenai kualiti pemain yang dipertontonkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is important that we offer prize money which suitably rewards the players both for the box-office appeal they bring to the event and for their supreme performances on court\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah penting kami menawarkan hadiah wang yang memberi ganjaran yang sesuai kepada pemain untuk rayuan box-office yang mereka bawa ke acara itu dan untuk persembahan tertinggi mereka di gelanggang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Australian Open pays winners the most out of the four grand slam tournaments in the tennis season, with Novak Djokovic and Kim Clijsters picking up $2.2 million for their Melbourne victories in January.", "r": {"result": "Terbuka Australia membayar pemenang paling banyak daripada empat kejohanan grand slam dalam musim tenis, dengan Novak Djokovic dan Kim Clijsters mengutip $2.2 juta untuk kemenangan Melbourne mereka pada Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year's Wimbledon, which starts on Monday June 20, will also see spectator capacity increased by 1,000 thanks to the opening of two revamped courts on the London site.", "r": {"result": "Wimbledon tahun ini, yang bermula pada Isnin 20 Jun, juga akan menyaksikan kapasiti penonton meningkat sebanyak 1,000 berkat pembukaan dua gelanggang yang dirombak di tapak London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madrid (CNN) -- A man suspected of being an Islamic terrorist has been arrested by Spanish police in Valencia, the Interior Ministry said Friday.", "r": {"result": "Madrid (CNN) -- Seorang lelaki yang disyaki sebagai pengganas Islam telah ditahan oleh polis Sepanyol di Valencia, kata Kementerian Dalam Negeri pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Moroccan suspect, Mohamed Echaabi, is considered a \"lone wolf\" who was planning targeted killings and other attacks in Spain and elsewhere in Europe, the ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Suspek Maghribi, Mohamed Echaabi, dianggap sebagai \"serigala tunggal\" yang merancang pembunuhan disasarkan dan serangan lain di Sepanyol dan tempat lain di Eropah, kata kementerian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Echaabi is considered by police to have a profile similar to that of Mohammed Merah, the self-styled al Qaeda jihadist who authorities said killed seven people in Toulouse, France, in March 2012. After a 32-hour standoff, Merah was killed by police in his home.", "r": {"result": "Echaabi dianggap oleh polis mempunyai profil yang serupa dengan Mohammed Merah, pejuang al-Qaeda yang menyamar sendiri yang menurut pihak berkuasa membunuh tujuh orang di Toulouse, Perancis, pada Mac 2012. Selepas kebuntuan selama 32 jam, Merah dibunuh oleh polis di rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Echaabi, arrested Thursday, had been under surveillance for some time, the ministry said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Echaabi, yang ditahan Khamis, telah berada di bawah pengawasan untuk beberapa lama, kata kementerian itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was recruited by terrorist networks and educated himself via the Internet, it said.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah direkrut oleh rangkaian pengganas dan mendidik dirinya melalui Internet, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is alleged to have planned \"to commit terrorist actions against relevant personalities or other objectives in agreement with the doctrine of global jihad, as much in Spain as in other European countries.", "r": {"result": "Dia didakwa telah merancang \"untuk melakukan tindakan pengganas terhadap personaliti berkaitan atau objektif lain yang bersetuju dengan doktrin jihad global, sama seperti di Sepanyol seperti di negara Eropah lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ministry said that the man had attempted to acquire firearms and explosives.", "r": {"result": "Kementerian berkata bahawa lelaki itu telah cuba mendapatkan senjata api dan bahan letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Echaabi underwent a process of radicalization in which he acquired firm, extreme convictions that led him to leave Spain and travel to Gaza in 2011 with the goal of carrying out an action of suicidal character against Israeli interests,\" it said.", "r": {"result": "\"Echaabi menjalani proses radikalisasi di mana dia memperoleh keyakinan yang tegas dan melampau yang menyebabkan dia meninggalkan Sepanyol dan pergi ke Gaza pada 2011 dengan matlamat untuk melakukan tindakan membunuh diri terhadap kepentingan Israel,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an effort to hide their radical ideology and blend in with others, such individuals may not follow the precepts of Islam, \"which is why it is common that they wear Western clothes, don't have beards, drink alcohol, smoke or eat pork -- all with the goal of passing unnoticed and integrating in the society they want to attack\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam usaha untuk menyembunyikan ideologi radikal mereka dan berbaur dengan orang lain, individu seperti itu mungkin tidak mengikut ajaran Islam, \"sebab itu lazimnya mereka memakai pakaian Barat, tidak berjanggut, minum arak, merokok atau makan daging babi. -- semuanya dengan matlamat untuk lulus tanpa disedari dan berintegrasi dalam masyarakat yang ingin mereka serang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That formula for carrying out terrorist attacks requires sophisticated intelligence efforts by international police services to uncover and is espoused by al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri, the ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Formula untuk melakukan serangan pengganas memerlukan usaha perisikan yang canggih oleh perkhidmatan polis antarabangsa untuk dibongkar dan disokong oleh pemimpin al Qaeda Ayman al Zawahiri, kata kementerian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Tom Watkins contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Tom Watkins dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The peanut processing company at the heart of a national salmonella outbreak, Peanut Corp. of America, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation in court Friday in Lynchburg, Virginia.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Syarikat pemprosesan kacang tanah di tengah-tengah wabak salmonella negara, Peanut Corp. of America, memfailkan pembubaran kebankrapan Bab 7 di mahkamah Jumaat di Lynchburg, Virginia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peanut Corp. of America plants in Georgia and Texas came under scrutiny after the salmonella outbreak.", "r": {"result": "Tumbuhan Peanut Corp. of America di Georgia dan Texas berada di bawah pengawasan selepas wabak salmonella.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The documents were filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Western District of Virginia.", "r": {"result": "Dokumen itu difailkan di Mahkamah Kebankrapan A.S. di Daerah Barat Virginia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bankruptcy papers were signed by Stewart Parnell, the president of Peanut Corp., who invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination in refusing to answer questions this week in a congressional hearing.", "r": {"result": "Kertas kebankrapan telah ditandatangani oleh Stewart Parnell, presiden Peanut Corp., yang memohon hak Pindaan Kelimanya terhadap tuduhan diri sendiri dengan enggan menjawab soalan minggu ini dalam pendengaran kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bacteria found in the company's Blakely, Georgia, peanut processing plant have been blamed for more than 600 cases of salmonella, including nine deaths.", "r": {"result": "Bakteria yang ditemui di kilang pemprosesan kacang tanah milik syarikat Blakely, Georgia telah dipersalahkan untuk lebih 600 kes salmonella, termasuk sembilan kematian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch how bankruptcy could affect case >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton bagaimana kebankrapan boleh menjejaskan kes >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Texas Health Department on Thursday ordered products from the company's plant in Plainview, Texas, to be recalled after discovering dead rodents, rodent excrement and bird feathers in the plant.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Kesihatan Texas pada Khamis mengarahkan produk dari kilang syarikat itu di Plainview, Texas, ditarik balik selepas menemui tikus mati, najis tikus dan bulu burung di kilang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch what health inspectors found >>.", "r": {"result": "Perhatikan apa yang ditemui oleh pemeriksa kesihatan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A call to the company's telephone number, which was working earlier this week, elicited a recording that said it was no longer in service.", "r": {"result": "Panggilan ke nombor telefon syarikat itu, yang berfungsi awal minggu ini, menimbulkan rakaman yang mengatakan ia tidak lagi dalam perkhidmatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The long and the short of it is that we kicked the tires on reorganizing the company, and, frankly, they're just in a position now where they can't even conduct business,\" said Andrew S. Goldstein, a lawyer for the company.", "r": {"result": "\"Panjang dan pendeknya ialah kami tidak mampu untuk menyusun semula syarikat, dan, terus terang, mereka berada dalam kedudukan sekarang di mana mereka tidak boleh menjalankan perniagaan,\" kata Andrew S. Goldstein, seorang peguam untuk syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They can't operate at all, and this just seemed like the inevitable course\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka tidak boleh beroperasi sama sekali, dan ini kelihatan seperti kursus yang tidak dapat dielakkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a written statement, Consumers Union said Friday's declaration shows that Congress needs to strengthen the Food and Drug Administration and hike the penalties it can impose.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan bertulis, Kesatuan Pengguna berkata pengisytiharan Jumaat menunjukkan bahawa Kongres perlu mengukuhkan Pentadbiran Makanan dan Dadah dan menaikkan hukuman yang boleh dikenakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is unacceptable for corporations to put consumers' health at risk and then simply declare bankruptcy and go out of business when they get caught,\" said Jean Halloran, director of food policy initiatives at Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah tidak boleh diterima bagi syarikat untuk meletakkan kesihatan pengguna pada risiko dan kemudian hanya mengisytiharkan muflis dan keluar dari perniagaan apabila mereka ditangkap,\" kata Jean Halloran, pengarah inisiatif dasar makanan di Kesatuan Pengguna, penerbit Laporan Pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"PCA's declaration of bankruptcy will, among other things, shield it from liability suits filed by consumers who became sick or whose loved ones died as a result of eating PCA's peanut products,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pengisytiharan kebankrapan PCA akan, antara lain, melindunginya daripada saman liabiliti yang difailkan oleh pengguna yang jatuh sakit atau yang tersayang meninggal dunia akibat makan produk kacang PCA,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Un is not officially on speaking terms with South Korean President Park Geun-hye.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Un tidak bercakap secara rasmi dengan Presiden Korea Selatan Park Geun-hye.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But on Thursday, in his New Year's address, he said that could change.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada hari Khamis, dalam ucapan Tahun Barunya, dia berkata itu boleh berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, North Korea's government news agency branded Park's election as fraudulent and her father -- himself a former President -- a dictator.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, agensi berita kerajaan Korea Utara menyifatkan pemilihan Park sebagai penipuan dan bapanya -- dirinya bekas Presiden -- seorang diktator.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in his televised speech, for the first time ever, the communist leader said he'd talk with Park, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dalam ucapannya di televisyen, buat pertama kalinya, pemimpin komunis itu berkata dia akan bercakap dengan Park, lapor agensi berita Korea Selatan Yonhap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Depending on the mood and circumstances to be created, we have no reason not to hold the highest-level talks,\" Kim said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bergantung pada mood dan keadaan yang akan diwujudkan, kami tidak mempunyai sebab untuk tidak mengadakan perbincangan peringkat tertinggi,\" kata Kim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea's state news agency did not publish those remarks in the official transcript of Kim's speech.", "r": {"result": "Agensi berita negara Korea Utara tidak menyiarkan kenyataan tersebut dalam transkrip rasmi ucapan Kim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His words may represent a small glacial budge, but that doesn't mean things will keep moving, Yonhap cautioned.", "r": {"result": "Kata-katanya mungkin mewakili pergerakan glasier kecil, tetapi itu tidak bermakna perkara akan terus bergerak, Yonhap mengingatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, Kim spoke in detail about the need to improve North-South relations.", "r": {"result": "Namun, Kim bercakap secara terperinci tentang keperluan untuk memperbaiki hubungan Utara-Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moments of thaw.", "r": {"result": "Detik-detik cair.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In between bellicose bantering -- particularly against the South's military partnership with the United States -- there have been momentary thaws.", "r": {"result": "Di antara pertengkaran -- khususnya menentang perkongsian ketenteraan Selatan dengan Amerika Syarikat -- terdapat pencairan seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three months ago, some of the North's highest officials paid a snap friendly visit to the South that sparked excited live television coverage.", "r": {"result": "Tiga bulan lalu, beberapa pegawai tertinggi Utara mengadakan lawatan mesra ke Selatan yang mencetuskan liputan televisyen secara langsung yang teruja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this past Monday, Seoul's unification minister, Ryoo Kihl-jae, sent a fax to Pyongyang suggesting Cabinet ministers on both sides to meet in January, Yonhap reported.", "r": {"result": "Dan Isnin lalu, menteri penyatuan Seoul, Ryoo Kihl-jae, menghantar faks kepada Pyongyang mencadangkan menteri Kabinet di kedua-dua pihak untuk bertemu pada Januari, lapor Yonhap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The South and the North will have to meet each other and discuss ways toward peaceful reunification,\" Ryoo later told journalists.", "r": {"result": "\"Selatan dan Utara perlu bertemu antara satu sama lain dan membincangkan cara ke arah penyatuan semula secara aman,\" kata Ryoo kemudiannya kepada wartawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both want reunification.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya mahukan penyatuan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reunification is what both sides are pushing for.", "r": {"result": "Penyatuan semula adalah apa yang didesak oleh kedua-dua pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We should make fresh headway in the national reunification movement for this year,\" Kim said in Thursday's address, according to the official transcript published by the North's Korean Central News Agency.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita harus membuat kemajuan baru dalam gerakan penyatuan semula kebangsaan untuk tahun ini,\" kata Kim dalam ucapan Khamis, menurut transkrip rasmi yang diterbitkan oleh Agensi Berita Pusat Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they have pursued it on starkly different terms.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka telah mengejarnya dengan istilah yang sangat berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Park last year announced a 2015 road map to reunification, which she laid out in a speech in April in Dresden, Germany, Yonhap has reported.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Park tahun lepas mengumumkan peta jalan 2015 untuk penyatuan semula, yang dibentangkannya dalam ucapan pada April di Dresden, Jerman, Yonhap telah melaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dresden was part of East Germany, back when Germany was divided between the democratic West and Soviet Communist East, and South Koreans have drawn hope from that country's reunification for the possible realization of their own.", "r": {"result": "Dresden adalah sebahagian daripada Jerman Timur, ketika Jerman berpecah antara Barat demokratik dan Timur Komunis Soviet, dan orang Korea Selatan telah mendapat harapan daripada penyatuan semula negara itu untuk merealisasikan kemungkinan mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Park's talk has been called the Dresden Declaration.", "r": {"result": "Ceramah Park telah dipanggil Deklarasi Dresden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Free market support.", "r": {"result": "Sokongan pasaran percuma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, the South has sought support from its international allies for Park's reunification plan, selling a single Korea as an economic boon to a global free market, Yonhap has reported.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, Selatan telah mendapatkan sokongan daripada sekutu antarabangsanya untuk rancangan penyatuan semula Park, menjual Korea tunggal sebagai rahmat ekonomi kepada pasaran bebas global, lapor Yonhap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The North has railed against this, fearing the economically muscular South, aided by other capitalist countries, would, in a reunification, effectively digest the North.", "r": {"result": "Utara telah mencela ini, takut Selatan yang berotot ekonomi, dibantu oleh negara-negara kapitalis lain, akan, dalam penyatuan semula, mencerna Utara dengan berkesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim does not want Seoul's allies involved and criticized the South's diplomatic efforts again on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Kim tidak mahu sekutu Seoul terlibat dan mengkritik usaha diplomatik Selatan sekali lagi pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To go on a tour around foreign countries touting for 'international cooperation' in resolving the inter-Korean relations issue, the one related with our nation, is a humiliating treachery of leaving its destiny in the hands of outside forces,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMelawat negara asing yang menggembar-gemburkan \u2018kerjasama antarabangsa\u2019 dalam menyelesaikan isu hubungan antara Korea, yang berkaitan dengan negara kita, adalah satu pengkhianatan yang memalukan kerana menyerahkan nasibnya di tangan kuasa luar,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Kim's conciliatory words following after the South's offer to talk again, and his hints of moving talks up to the highest level could be significant.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kata-kata Kim yang mendamaikan selepas tawaran Korea Selatan untuk bercakap sekali lagi, dan pembayangnya untuk menggerakkan perbincangan ke peringkat tertinggi boleh menjadi penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ryoo, who extended that invitation, is also Park's right hand in her reunification effort, Yonhap reported.", "r": {"result": "Ryoo, yang menghulurkan jemputan itu, juga merupakan tangan kanan Park dalam usaha penyatuan semulanya, lapor Yonhap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said his offer to talk was in line with the 2015 road map.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata tawarannya untuk berbincang adalah selaras dengan peta jalan 2015.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fragile situation.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan rapuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Kim's speech was not all conciliatory.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ucapan Kim tidak semuanya berdamai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of it was bellicose.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripadanya adalah bellicose.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He commended his forces' \"showdown with the imperialists,\" possibly a reference to caustic reactions to South Korean-U.S. military exercises.", "r": {"result": "Dia memuji \"pertarungan dengan imperialis\" pasukannya, mungkin merujuk kepada reaksi kaustik terhadap latihan ketenteraan Korea Selatan-AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dictator also praised political killings in his own ranks.", "r": {"result": "Diktator itu juga memuji pembunuhan politik dalam barisannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our Party detected and purged the anti-Party, counterrevolutionary factionalists at an opportune time and with a correct decision,\" the KCNA speech transcript said.", "r": {"result": "\"Parti kami mengesan dan membersihkan parti anti-Parti, puak kontrarevolusioner pada masa yang sesuai dan dengan keputusan yang betul,\" kata transkrip ucapan KCNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "South Korean intelligence officials said that members of the North's ruling party were shot by firing squad for viewing a South Korean soap opera.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai perisikan Korea Selatan berkata bahawa anggota parti pemerintah Utara ditembak oleh skuad penembak kerana menonton opera sabun Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are additional pressure points that have derailed Seoul-Pyongyang agreements in the past, such as the floating of messages via balloon by activists in the South into the North.", "r": {"result": "Dan terdapat titik tekanan tambahan yang telah menggagalkan perjanjian Seoul-Pyongyang pada masa lalu, seperti pengapungan mesej melalui belon oleh aktivis di Selatan ke Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korean soldiers opening fire on these balloons last year struck South Korean territory.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Korea Utara melepaskan tembakan ke atas belon ini tahun lepas melanda wilayah Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were no reported injuries or damage.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kecederaan atau kerosakan yang dilaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The North sees the balloons as a violation of its borders.", "r": {"result": "Utara melihat belon sebagai pelanggaran sempadannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The South sees them as an exercise of free speech.", "r": {"result": "Selatan melihat mereka sebagai latihan kebebasan bersuara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The South imposed an economic sanctions package on the North in 2010 over the attack on a South Korean navy ship that killed 46 sailors.", "r": {"result": "Selatan mengenakan pakej sekatan ekonomi ke atas Utara pada 2010 berhubung serangan ke atas kapal tentera laut Korea Selatan yang membunuh 46 kelasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seoul demands that Pyongyang take responsibility for torpedoing the vessel before it lifts the sanctions.", "r": {"result": "Seoul menuntut Pyongyang bertanggungjawab melakukan torpedo kapal itu sebelum ia menarik balik sekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- There's no such thing as an off-duty cop.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tidak ada yang namanya polis yang tidak bertugas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least if it's Justin Rogers, there's not.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya jika Justin Rogers, tidak ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The police corporal from Pinole, California, was just capping off a family vacation in Hawaii.", "r": {"result": "Koperal polis dari Pinole, California, baru sahaja menamatkan percutian keluarga di Hawaii.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was going through security at the Honolulu airport last Saturday, when he felt compelled to spring into action to stop a rowdy security breach.", "r": {"result": "Dia sedang melalui kawalan keselamatan di lapangan terbang Honolulu Sabtu lalu, apabila dia berasa terpaksa bertindak untuk menghentikan pelanggaran keselamatan yang gaduh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had just taken his shoes off to go through the body scanner when he heard a \"loud crash\" off to his side, he told CNN affiliate KTVU.", "r": {"result": "Dia baru sahaja menanggalkan kasutnya untuk melalui pengimbas badan apabila dia mendengar \"rempuhan kuat\" di sisinya, katanya kepada sekutu CNN KTVU.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I turned around, I saw a woman with her arms flailing, screaming at this TSA agent\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya menoleh, saya ternampak seorang wanita dengan tangan menggelepar, menjerit ke arah ejen TSA ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He turned back around, thinking security officers would handle the ruckus.", "r": {"result": "Dia berpaling ke belakang, menyangka pegawai keselamatan akan menangani kekecohan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They didn't at first.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak pada mulanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The disturbance turned into fisticuffs, TSA surveillance camera video revealed.", "r": {"result": "Gangguan itu bertukar menjadi fisticuff, video kamera pengawasan TSA didedahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The woman, who was trying to force her way through the security section for flight personnel, lit into the female TSA agent who was blocking her path.", "r": {"result": "Wanita itu, yang cuba memaksa masuk melalui bahagian keselamatan untuk kakitangan penerbangan, menyalakan ejen TSA wanita yang menghalang laluannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The next thing I know, I heard what I thought was skin to skin contact, like somebody getting punched,\" Rogers said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara seterusnya yang saya tahu, saya mendengar apa yang saya fikir adalah sentuhan kulit ke kulit, seperti seseorang ditumbuk,\" kata Rogers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sure enough, she was punching her\".", "r": {"result": "\"Memang betul, dia menumbuknya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Time for action.", "r": {"result": "Masa untuk bertindak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He saw that the agent's colleagues were far away from her, so he thought he'd better help out.", "r": {"result": "Dia melihat rakan sekerja ejen itu berada jauh darinya, jadi dia fikir lebih baik dia membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He bounded over a waist-high security barrier and with a quick swoop and a professional takedown separated the assailant from the agent and immobilized her on the floor.", "r": {"result": "Dia melintasi penghadang keselamatan separas pinggang dan dengan gerakan pantas dan penyingkiran profesional memisahkan penyerang daripada ejen dan melumpuhkannya di atas lantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other TSA agents came running.", "r": {"result": "Ejen TSA lain datang berlari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In comfy shorts, T-shirt and ankle socks, Rogers didn't look much like an officer of the law.", "r": {"result": "Dengan seluar pendek yang selesa, kemeja-T dan sarung kaki buku lali, Rogers tidak kelihatan seperti seorang pegawai undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was in relaxed mode\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berada dalam mod santai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His wallet and presumably his ID had already gone through the X-ray machine.", "r": {"result": "Dompetnya dan mungkin IDnya sudah melalui mesin X-ray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But his immobilization posture over the suspect looked professional, and he quickly told agents who he was.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi postur imobilisasinya terhadap suspek kelihatan profesional, dan dia dengan cepat memberitahu ejen siapa dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I held up my hand and said, 'I'm a police officer; I'm a police officer,' because I was worried maybe they'd think I was assaulting somebody\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mengangkat tangan dan berkata, 'Saya seorang pegawai polis; saya seorang pegawai polis,' kerana saya bimbang mungkin mereka fikir saya menyerang seseorang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They believed him.", "r": {"result": "Mereka percaya kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, TSA later issued a statement lauding Rogers for his \"swift actions\" in \"immediately\" subduing the individual and preventing the TSA officer from being hurt any more.", "r": {"result": "Malah, TSA kemudiannya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang memuji Rogers atas \"tindakan pantas\"nya dalam \"segera\" menundukkan individu itu dan menghalang pegawai TSA daripada dicederakan lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An airport policeman pulled out a pair of cuffs, and Rogers helped him secure the suspect's wrists.", "r": {"result": "Seorang anggota polis lapangan terbang mengeluarkan sepasang manset, dan Rogers membantunya menahan pergelangan tangan suspek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The woman was arrested and charged with assault, CNN affiliate Hawaii News Now reported.", "r": {"result": "Wanita itu ditangkap dan didakwa melakukan serangan, lapor sekutu CNN Hawaii News Now.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was homeless and had been wandering the airport.", "r": {"result": "Dia tiada tempat tinggal dan telah merayau di lapangan terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That was pretty much the end of story,\" Rogers said.", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah penghujung cerita,\" kata Rogers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jim Barnett contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jim Barnett dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James McBride won the National Book Award for fiction Wednesday night for \"The Good Lord Bird\".", "r": {"result": "James McBride memenangi Anugerah Buku Kebangsaan untuk fiksyen malam Rabu untuk \"The Good Lord Bird\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each year the National Book Foundation presents awards to winners in four categories: fiction, nonfiction, poetry and young people's literature.", "r": {"result": "Setiap tahun Yayasan Buku Kebangsaan menyampaikan anugerah kepada pemenang dalam empat kategori: fiksyen, bukan fiksyen, puisi dan sastera anak muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The four winners were announced in a ceremony in New York hosted by Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's \"Morning Joe\".", "r": {"result": "Empat pemenang diumumkan dalam satu majlis di New York yang dihoskan oleh Mika Brzezinski, hos bersama \"Morning Joe\" MSNBC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George Packer won the nonfiction award for \"The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America\".", "r": {"result": "George Packer memenangi anugerah bukan fiksyen untuk \"The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mary Szybist won the poetry award for \"Incarnadine: Poems,\" while Cynthia Kadohata won the young people's literature award for \"The Thing About Luck\".", "r": {"result": "Mary Szybist memenangi anugerah puisi untuk \"Incarnadine: Poems,\" manakala Cynthia Kadohata memenangi anugerah sastera golongan muda untuk \"The Thing About Luck\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Established in 1950, the National Book Award is one of the most prestigious literary awards in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1950, Anugerah Buku Kebangsaan adalah salah satu anugerah sastera paling berprestij di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Past recipients include William Faulkner, Alice Walker, Philip Roth and Adrienne Rich.", "r": {"result": "Penerima terdahulu termasuk William Faulkner, Alice Walker, Philip Roth dan Adrienne Rich.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The winners were narrowed down from a pool of 1,432 submissions.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang telah disempitkan daripada kumpulan 1,432 penyertaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A five-judge panel of writers, literary critics and booksellers in each category came up with a list of 10 titles announced in September and narrowed it down to five finalists in October.", "r": {"result": "Panel lima hakim terdiri daripada penulis, pengkritik sastera dan penjual buku dalam setiap kategori menghasilkan senarai 10 judul yang diumumkan pada September dan mengecilkannya kepada lima finalis pada Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among this year's finalists were journalists, historians, Pulitzer Prize winners and past National Book Award winners and finalists, including Thomas Pynchon, who won the National Book Award in 1974 for \"Gravity's Rainbow,\" and Rachel Kushner, whose debut novel \"Telex From Cuba\" was a 2008 National Book Award finalist.", "r": {"result": "Antara finalis tahun ini ialah wartawan, ahli sejarah, pemenang Hadiah Pulitzer dan pemenang dan finalis Anugerah Buku Kebangsaan yang lalu, termasuk Thomas Pynchon, yang memenangi Anugerah Buku Kebangsaan pada tahun 1974 untuk \"Pelangi Gravity,\" dan Rachel Kushner, yang novel sulungnya \"Telex Dari Cuba\" \" ialah finalis Anugerah Buku Kebangsaan 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here is a list of this year's finalists:", "r": {"result": "Berikut adalah senarai finalis tahun ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fiction.", "r": {"result": "Fiksyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rachel Kushner, \"The Flamethrowers\".", "r": {"result": "Rachel Kushner, \"The Flamethrowers\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jhumpa Lahiri, \"The Lowland\".", "r": {"result": "Jhumpa Lahiri, \"Tanah Rendah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James McBride, \"The Good Lord Bird\" (WINNER).", "r": {"result": "James McBride, \"The Good Lord Bird\" (PEMENANG).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomas Pynchon, \"Bleeding Edge\".", "r": {"result": "Thomas Pynchon, \"Bleeding Edge\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George Saunders, \"Tenth of December\".", "r": {"result": "George Saunders, \"Kesepuluh Disember\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nonfiction.", "r": {"result": "bukan fiksyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jill Lepore, \"Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin\".", "r": {"result": "Jill Lepore, \"Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wendy Lower, \"Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields\".", "r": {"result": "Wendy Lower, \"Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George Packer, \"The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America\" (WINNER).", "r": {"result": "George Packer, \"The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America\" (PEMENANG).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alan Taylor, \"The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832\".", "r": {"result": "Alan Taylor, \"Musuh Dalaman: Perhambaan dan Perang di Virginia, 1772-1832\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lawrence Wright, \"Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief\".", "r": {"result": "Lawrence Wright, \"Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Poetry.", "r": {"result": "Puisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frank Bidart, \"Metaphysical Dog\".", "r": {"result": "Frank Bidart, \"Anjing Metafizik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lucie Brock-Broido, \"Stay, Illusion\".", "r": {"result": "Lucie Brock-Broido, \"Tinggal, Ilusi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adrian Matejka, \"The Big Smoke\".", "r": {"result": "Adrian Matejka, \"Asap Besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Matt Rasmussen, \"Black Aperture\".", "r": {"result": "Matt Rasmussen, \"Bukaan Hitam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mary Szybist, \"Incarnadine: Poems\" (WINNER).", "r": {"result": "Mary Szybist, \"Incarnadine: Puisi\" (PEMENANG).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young people's literature.", "r": {"result": "Sastera anak muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kathi Appelt, \"The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp\".", "r": {"result": "Kathi Appelt, \"The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cynthia Kadohata, \"The Thing About Luck\" (WINNER).", "r": {"result": "Cynthia Kadohata, \"The Thing About Luck\" (PEMENANG).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom McNeal, \"Far Far Away\".", "r": {"result": "Tom McNeal, \"Jauh Jauh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meg Rosoff, \"Picture Me Gone\".", "r": {"result": "Meg Rosoff, \"Picture Me Gone\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gene Luen Yang, \"Boxers & Saints\".", "r": {"result": "Gene Luen Yang, \"Boxers & Saints\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- U.S. Marine Gen.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jeneral Marin A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joseph Dunford took command Sunday of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, where he will oversee the final two years of the war and the withdrawal of nearly all troops.", "r": {"result": "Joseph Dunford mengambil alih perintah Pasukan Bantuan Keselamatan Antarabangsa yang diketuai NATO di Afghanistan pada Ahad, di mana beliau akan menyelia dua tahun terakhir perang dan penarikan hampir semua tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today is not about change, it's about continuity,\" Dunford said at a change-of-command ceremony in Kabul attended by his predecessor Marine Gen.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini bukan mengenai perubahan, ia mengenai kesinambungan,\" kata Dunford pada majlis pertukaran perintah di Kabul yang dihadiri oleh Jeneral Marin pendahulunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Allen and other senior NATO and Afghan officials.", "r": {"result": "John Allen dan pegawai kanan NATO dan Afghanistan yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll endeavor to continue the momentum of the campaign and support the people of Afghanistan as they seize the opportunity for a brighter future\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan berusaha untuk meneruskan momentum kempen dan menyokong rakyat Afghanistan sambil mereka merebut peluang untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dunford replaces Allen, whose final days as ISAF commander were marred by an investigation linked to the scandal that led to the resignation of his predecessor David Petreaus as the director of the CIA.", "r": {"result": "Dunford menggantikan Allen, yang hari-hari terakhirnya sebagai komander ISAF dicemari oleh siasatan yang dikaitkan dengan skandal yang membawa kepada peletakan jawatan pendahulunya David Petreaus sebagai pengarah CIA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Allen, who has been nominated as NATO's supreme allied commander, was cleared in January of allegations he wrote potentially inappropriate emails to a Florida woman who claimed she was being threatened by Petreaus' mistress Paula Broadwell.", "r": {"result": "Allen, yang telah dicalonkan sebagai komander sekutu tertinggi NATO, telah dibersihkan pada Januari daripada dakwaan dia menulis e-mel yang berpotensi tidak sesuai kepada seorang wanita Florida yang mendakwa dia diancam oleh perempuan simpanan Petreaus, Paula Broadwell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Allen oversaw perhaps one of the toughest periods for U.S.-led NATO troops as they battled an ever-evolving insurgency while balancing combat with diplomacy.", "r": {"result": "Allen menyelia mungkin salah satu tempoh yang paling sukar untuk tentera NATO yang diketuai A.S. ketika mereka memerangi pemberontakan yang sentiasa berkembang sambil mengimbangi pertempuran dengan diplomasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reports routinely emerged of prickly relations between Allen and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who did not attend the ceremony.", "r": {"result": "Laporan kerap muncul mengenai hubungan berduri antara Allen dan Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, yang tidak menghadiri majlis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It not uncommon for a head of state to skip a military handover ceremony.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jarang seorang ketua negara melangkau upacara penyerahan tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, Afghan Defense Minister Bismillah Mohammadi credited Allen for a drop in civilian casualties in Afghanistan, saying it helped to restore public confidence in the government.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Menteri Pertahanan Afghanistan, Bismillah Mohammadi memuji Allen kerana penurunan jumlah korban awam di Afghanistan, berkata ia membantu memulihkan keyakinan orang ramai terhadap kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until Dunford's name emerged in August as the nominee for the top job in Afghanistan, few people outside of the military community, had heard of him.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga nama Dunford muncul pada bulan Ogos sebagai penama untuk jawatan tertinggi di Afghanistan, beberapa orang di luar komuniti tentera, telah mendengar tentangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dunford has a reputation among Marines as a thoughtful, calm leader with more than 22 months under his belt of commanding troops in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Dunford mempunyai reputasi di kalangan Marin sebagai pemimpin yang bijaksana dan tenang dengan lebih daripada 22 bulan di bawah tali pinggangnya memimpin tentera di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The general has no real Afghanistan-ground experience.", "r": {"result": "Jeneral itu tidak mempunyai pengalaman sebenar di tanah Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But his is not the first ISAF commander to be in that position.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi beliau bukanlah komander ISAF pertama yang berada dalam kedudukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before then-Army Gen.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum itu-Jeneral Tentera Darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Petreaus took over ISAF command, he had overseen the war in Afghanistan from his perch as chief of Central Command in the United States.", "r": {"result": "David Petreaus mengambil alih perintah ISAF, dia telah mengawasi perang di Afghanistan dari tempatnya sebagai ketua Komando Pusat di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chief among the issues Dunford faces is an Afghan government that has, at times, been critical of NATO forces and their actions in Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Ketua antara isu yang dihadapi Dunford ialah kerajaan Afghanistan yang kadang kala mengkritik tentera NATO dan tindakan mereka di Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Afghan security forces, considered the key to the country's success when troops withdraw by the end of 2014, still have a long way to go before they are able to handle some operations without the help of the international forces.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan keselamatan Afghanistan, yang dianggap kunci kejayaan negara apabila tentera berundur menjelang akhir 2014, masih jauh lagi sebelum mereka dapat mengendalikan beberapa operasi tanpa bantuan pasukan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also faces the issue of Afghanistan's ongoing insurgency, including the attacks that continue to be carried out by Taliban militants and the Haqqani Network.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga berdepan dengan isu pemberontakan Afghanistan yang berterusan, termasuk serangan yang terus dilakukan oleh militan Taliban dan Jaringan Haqqani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But officials close to Dunford have told CNN that the general is not going into the job blind.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pegawai yang rapat dengan Dunford telah memberitahu CNN bahawa jeneral itu tidak akan bekerja secara buta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since August, he has been studying the history of Afghanistan as well as the military operations since the war began in 2001, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.", "r": {"result": "Sejak Ogos, beliau telah mengkaji sejarah Afghanistan serta operasi ketenteraan sejak perang bermula pada 2001, kata pegawai itu, yang tidak mahu namanya disiarkan kerana mereka tidak diberi kuasa untuk mengeluarkan maklumat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Mike Mount and AnneClaire Stapleton contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Mike Mount dari CNN dan AnneClaire Stapleton menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Manchester City moved to within four points of neighbors and English Premier League leaders Manchester United on Saturday with a comfortable 2-0 win over Fulham at the Etihad Stadium.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Manchester City beralih kepada empat mata di belakang jiran dan pendahulu Liga Perdana Inggeris, Manchester United pada hari Sabtu dengan kemenangan selesa 2-0 ke atas Fulham di Stadium Etihad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "City made light work of Martin Jol's side with David Silva scoring in each half.", "r": {"result": "City melakukan kerja ringan kepada pasukan Martin Jol dengan David Silva menjaringkan gol pada setiap separuh masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Spanish midfielder opened City's account after only 95 seconds pouncing on a loose ball after Fulham keeper Mark Schwarzer could only parry Edin Dzeko's long-range effort.", "r": {"result": "Pemain tengah Sepanyol itu membuka akaun City selepas hanya 95 saat menerkam bola lepas selepas penjaga gol Fulham Mark Schwarzer hanya mampu menepis percubaan jarak jauh Edin Dzeko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Silva's second came midway through the second half, this time meeting a pass from Gael Clichy before lifting the ball over Schwarzer.", "r": {"result": "Gol kedua Silva datang pada pertengahan separuh masa kedua, kali ini mendapat hantaran Gael Clichy sebelum mengangkat bola ke atas Schwarzer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alex Ferguson's side can restore their seven-point lead if they beat Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Skuad kendalian Alex Ferguson boleh memulihkan kelebihan tujuh mata jika menewaskan Tottenham Hotspur di White Hart Lane pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Liverpool hit five past Norwich City at Anfield to climb to seventh in the table.", "r": {"result": "Liverpool meledak lima gol mengatasi Norwich City di Anfield untuk naik ke tangga ketujuh dalam jadual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luiz Suarez scored his 15th league goal of the season to put Liverpool 2-0 up at halftime following Jordan Henderson's 26th-minute opener.", "r": {"result": "Luis Suarez menjaringkan gol liga ke-15nya musim ini untuk meletakkan Liverpool 2-0 pada separuh masa berikutan gol pembukaan Jordan Henderson pada minit ke-26.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Daniel Sturridge scored his third goal in as many games in Liverpool colors in the 59th minute with Steven Gerrard adding a fourth seven minutes later.", "r": {"result": "Daniel Sturridge menjaringkan gol ketiganya dalam banyak perlawanan dalam permainan Liverpool pada minit ke-59 dengan Steven Gerrard menambah gol keempat tujuh minit kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Norwich's miserable day on Merseyside was completed by a Ryan Bennett own-goal 15 minutes before the end.", "r": {"result": "Hari menyedihkan Norwich di Merseyside disempurnakan dengan gol sendiri Ryan Bennett 15 minit sebelum tamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Liverpool are now level with Arsenal on 34 points, but the Gunners have two games in hand -- one of which is against Chelsea on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Liverpool kini menyamai Arsenal dengan 34 mata, tetapi The Gunners mempunyai dua perlawanan dalam tangan -- satu daripadanya menentang Chelsea pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Swansea City extended their unbeaten league run to six games with a 3-1 against Stoke City.", "r": {"result": "Swansea City melanjutkan rekod tanpa kalah liga mereka kepada enam perlawanan dengan 3-1 menentang Stoke City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two goals from Jonathan de Guzman and one from Ben Davies sealed victory for Michael Laudrup's side before Michael Owen scored a consolation header in injury time.", "r": {"result": "Dua gol daripada Jonathan de Guzman dan satu daripada Ben Davies memastikan kemenangan buat pasukan Michael Laudrup sebelum Michael Owen menjaringkan tandukan sagu hati pada masa kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Newcastle United's dismal league form continued with a 2-1 defeat to Reading at St James Park.", "r": {"result": "Prestasi liga suram Newcastle United diteruskan dengan kekalahan 2-1 kepada Reading di St James Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alan Pardew's side have collected just seven points from their last ten games and now sit two places above the relegation zone on 21 points.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Alan Pardew hanya mengumpul tujuh mata daripada sepuluh perlawanan terakhir mereka dan kini menduduki dua anak tangga di atas zon penyingkiran dengan 21 mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reading's second consecutive win lifts them to 18th with 19 points.", "r": {"result": "Kemenangan kedua berturut-turut Reading mengangkat mereka ke tangga ke-18 dengan 19 mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aston Villa let slip a two-goal lead to draw 2-2 at West Bromwich Albion.", "r": {"result": "Aston Villa melepaskan kelebihan dua gol untuk seri 2-2 di West Bromwich Albion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The point lifts Paul Lambert's men to 17th in the table.", "r": {"result": "Perkara itu mengangkat anak buah Paul Lambert ke tangga ke-17 dalam jadual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fellow strugglers Wigan are now second-from-bottom after a 3-2 defeat at home to Sunderland, while Queen's Park Rangers remain rooted to the foot of the table after a 1-1 draw at West Ham United.", "r": {"result": "Rakan seperjuangan Wigan kini berada di tangga kedua dari bawah selepas tewas 3-2 di tempat sendiri kepada Sunderland, manakala Queen's Park Rangers kekal di tangga teratas selepas seri 1-1 di West Ham United.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The naked celebrities seem to be everywhere lately.", "r": {"result": "Selebriti berbogel kelihatan ada di mana-mana sejak akhir-akhir ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, hackers allegedly stole nude photos from actress Scarlett Johansson and then plastered them all over the Internet.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, penggodam didakwa mencuri gambar bogel daripada aktres Scarlett Johansson dan kemudian menampalnya di seluruh Internet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before then it was the rapper Kreayshawn, who wrote on her blog that her Twitter account was hacked in August when naked photos of her showed up there.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum itu, penyanyi rap Kreayshawn, yang menulis di blognya bahawa akaun Twitternya digodam pada bulan Ogos apabila gambar bogelnya muncul di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In March, Vanessa Hudgens of \"High School Musical\" underwent a similar ordeal after photos were reportedly stolen from her Gmail account.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Mac, Vanessa Hudgens dari \"High School Musical\" mengalami kesukaran yang sama selepas gambar dilaporkan dicuri daripada akaun Gmailnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, in December, police in Germany alleged two young men had used computer-hacking skills to get access to the e-mail accounts and photos of more than 50 celebrities, according to Britain's The Telegraph, including the likes of Lady Gaga and Ke$ha.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, pada bulan Disember, polis di Jerman mendakwa dua lelaki muda telah menggunakan kemahiran menggodam komputer untuk mendapatkan akses kepada akaun e-mel dan gambar lebih daripada 50 selebriti, menurut The Telegraph Britain, termasuk orang seperti Lady Gaga dan Ke$ ha.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the wake of all this juicy Hollywood hoopla, people have started to assume these photo leaks are the newest front in the so-called \"hacktivist\" wars, as waged by big-name hacking rings such as Anonymous and LulzSec.", "r": {"result": "Berikutan semua gejolak Hollywood yang berair ini, orang ramai telah mula menganggap kebocoran foto ini adalah barisan terbaharu dalam apa yang dipanggil perang \"hacktivist\", seperti yang dilancarkan oleh kumpulan penggodaman terkenal seperti Anonymous dan LulzSec.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those groups have claimed responsibility for taking down bank and government websites.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan tersebut telah mengaku bertanggungjawab untuk menurunkan laman web bank dan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But security experts said connections between celeb hacks and groups such as Anonymous are thin or nonexistent.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pakar keselamatan berkata hubungan antara penggodam selebriti dan kumpulan seperti Anonymous adalah nipis atau tidak wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such groups \"would feel this kind of thing is beneath them,\" said Graham Cluley, a senior technology consultant at Sophos, a computer security company.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan sedemikian \"akan merasakan perkara seperti ini berada di bawah mereka,\" kata Graham Cluley, perunding teknologi kanan di Sophos, sebuah syarikat keselamatan komputer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's obviously to gain media exposure, right\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Ia jelas untuk mendapatkan pendedahan media, bukan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said Kevin Mitnick, a hacker turned security consultant and author of \"Ghost in the Wires\".", "r": {"result": "kata Kevin Mitnick, seorang penggodam yang menjadi perunding keselamatan dan pengarang \"Ghost in the Wires\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's like everyone is trying to one-up Anonymous and one-up LulzSec.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia seperti semua orang cuba menggunakan Anonymous dan LulzSec satu lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So somehow celebrities are becoming a target\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi entah bagaimana selebriti menjadi sasaran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The celebrity hacks aren't sophisticated, he said.", "r": {"result": "Godam selebriti tidak canggih, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He added: \"It's not surprising to me.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah: \"Ia tidak mengejutkan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's, like, old news\".", "r": {"result": "Ia, seperti, berita lama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first real case of a celebrity attack was in 2005 when hackers logged into Paris Hilton's phone and stole photos of her, said Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure, another computer security company.", "r": {"result": "Kes sebenar pertama serangan selebriti adalah pada 2005 apabila penggodam melog masuk ke telefon Paris Hilton dan mencuri gambarnya, kata Mikko Hypponen, ketua pegawai penyelidik di F-Secure, sebuah lagi syarikat keselamatan komputer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those hackers reportedly were able to break into Hilton's phone by correctly guessing the not-so-secret answer to her security question, which was \"tinkerbell,\" the name of her pet Chihuahua.", "r": {"result": "Penggodam tersebut dilaporkan dapat menceroboh telefon Hilton dengan meneka dengan betul jawapan yang tidak begitu rahsia untuk soalan keselamatannya, iaitu \"tinkerbell,\" nama Chihuahua peliharaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The real issue here, the researchers said, is the prevalence, and accessibility of, nude photos.", "r": {"result": "Isu sebenar di sini, kata para penyelidik, adalah kelaziman, dan kebolehcapaian, foto bogel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If celebrities didn't take and store nude photos of themselves on their phones or on computers, they wouldn't be stolen and published online.", "r": {"result": "Jika selebriti tidak mengambil dan menyimpan gambar bogel diri mereka pada telefon atau komputer mereka, mereka tidak akan dicuri dan diterbitkan dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everyone has a camera on them all the time, so the tendency to send something kinky to that hot guy you're trying to date might be too great,\" said Cluley, who, coincidentally enough, writes a blog called \"Naked Security\" for Sophos.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang mempunyai kamera pada mereka sepanjang masa, jadi kecenderungan untuk menghantar sesuatu yang keriting kepada lelaki panas yang anda cuba temui mungkin terlalu hebat, \" kata Cluley, yang, secara kebetulan, menulis blog yang dipanggil \"Keselamatan Telanjang\" untuk Sophos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His advice: \"If you see someone pointing a camera at you and you're not wearing any clothes, go and hide behind the wardrobe\".", "r": {"result": "Nasihatnya: \"Jika anda melihat seseorang mengacukan kamera ke arah anda dan anda tidak memakai apa-apa pakaian, pergi dan bersembunyi di belakang almari pakaian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who is behind the recent string of stolen celebrity photos -- and how exactly they got them -- remains unclear.", "r": {"result": "Siapa di sebalik rentetan foto selebriti yang dicuri baru-baru ini -- dan bagaimana sebenarnya mereka mendapatkannya -- masih tidak jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI office in Los Angeles has opened an investigation into the incidents of computer hacking but declined to elaborate on the cases involved.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat FBI di Los Angeles telah membuka siasatan ke atas insiden penggodaman komputer tetapi enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai kes yang terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some people have pointed to a supposedly new hacker ring called Hollywood Leaks, which operates a Twitter feed to discuss these sorts of incidents.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah orang telah menunjuk kepada cincin penggodam yang dikatakan baru yang dipanggil Hollywood Leaks, yang mengendalikan suapan Twitter untuk membincangkan jenis kejadian ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, the group wrote that it didn't have anything to do with the Johansson photos: \"WE DID NOT LEAK THE SCARLETT JOHANSSON PICS, WE WOULD HAVE RELEASED IT HERE FIRST!", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, kumpulan itu menulis bahawa ia tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan foto Johansson: \"KAMI TIDAK MEMBOCORKAN GAMBAR SCARLETT JOHANSSON, KAMI AKAN MENGELUARKANNYA DI SINI DULU!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So stop the speculating\"!", "r": {"result": "Jadi hentikan spekulasi\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "the group wrote.", "r": {"result": "kumpulan itu menulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think there's a clear link\" between the celebrity hacks and hacking groups such as Anonymous and LulzSec, said Hypponen, \"but obviously these groups are amoebas, and they change shape and they're so different from each other\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir ada kaitan yang jelas\" antara penggodaman selebriti dan kumpulan penggodaman seperti Anonymous dan LulzSec, kata Hypponen, \"tetapi jelas kumpulan ini adalah amoeba, dan mereka berubah bentuk dan mereka sangat berbeza antara satu sama lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their motives are also unclear.", "r": {"result": "Motif mereka juga tidak jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a teenager, Mitnick said he used to make a game out of hunting down celebrity phone numbers and then calling them.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai seorang remaja, Mitnick berkata dia pernah membuat permainan daripada memburu nombor telefon selebriti dan kemudian menghubungi mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(He remembers saying this to Lucille Ball, whose number he found: \"Hey, Lucy, oh hi.", "r": {"result": "(Dia masih ingat mengatakan ini kepada Lucille Ball, yang nombornya dia temui: \"Hei, Lucy, oh hai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I just wanted to let you know I'm a really big fan of your show.", "r": {"result": "Saya cuma ingin memberitahu anda bahawa saya peminat tegar rancangan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I won't call you again -- don't worry\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak akan menghubungi awak lagi -- jangan risau\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then he hung up).", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian dia menutup telefon).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He sees the celebrity photo stealing as an extension of this sort of pranksterism.", "r": {"result": "Dia melihat gambar selebriti mencuri sebagai lanjutan daripada pranksterisme seperti ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hackers are likely out for money, said Cluley, since these photos could be sold to tabloid or adult websites.", "r": {"result": "Penggodam berkemungkinan mencari wang, kata Cluley, kerana gambar ini boleh dijual ke laman web tabloid atau dewasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or celebs could be leaking the photos to get attention.", "r": {"result": "Atau selebriti boleh membocorkan foto untuk menarik perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think we have to consider that as a possibility,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa kita perlu menganggap itu sebagai satu kemungkinan,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flip that argument around, and you'll notice hackers have become a popular scapegoat for celebrities and politicians who spill information by accident.", "r": {"result": "Balikkan hujah itu, dan anda akan perasan penggodam telah menjadi kambing hitam popular bagi selebriti dan ahli politik yang menumpahkan maklumat secara tidak sengaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Remember former U.S. Rep.", "r": {"result": "Ingat bekas Rep A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anthony Weiner?", "r": {"result": "Anthony Weiner?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When nude photos of the New York congressman surfaced on Twitter, \"he initially blamed a hacker,\" Cluley said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila gambar bogel anggota kongres New York itu muncul di Twitter, \"dia pada mulanya menyalahkan penggodam,\" kata Cluley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It wasn't so much the picture of him in his pants that did him in.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa bukan gambar dia dalam seluar yang menarik perhatiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "it was more the cover-up\".", "r": {"result": "ia lebih kepada penutup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weiner later admitted to sending the photos himself and resigned.", "r": {"result": "Weiner kemudiannya mengaku menghantar gambar itu sendiri dan meletak jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If one thing's clear, it's that this kind of celebrity hack isn't going away soon.", "r": {"result": "Jika satu perkara yang jelas, ia adalah bahawa penggodam selebriti seperti ini tidak akan hilang tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's going to escalate,\" Hypponen said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan meningkat,\" kata Hypponen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After people saw what happened to Scarlett Johansson, you can damn well bet there are people out there who are trying to do the same thing to other pretty actresses\".", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas orang ramai melihat apa yang berlaku kepada Scarlett Johansson, anda pasti pasti ada orang di luar sana yang cuba melakukan perkara yang sama kepada pelakon cantik lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, at least until the pretty actresses stop taking nude photos.", "r": {"result": "Nah, sekurang-kurangnya sehingga pelakon cantik berhenti mengambil gambar bogel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Authorities in Gabon have arrested five people for dealing in illegal animal parts, which included the heads of a gorilla and 12 chimpanzees, according to Conservation Justice, a wildlife preservation group.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pihak berkuasa di Gabon telah menahan lima orang kerana berurusan dengan bahagian haiwan haram, termasuk kepala gorila dan 12 cimpanzi, menurut Conservation Justice, kumpulan pemuliharaan hidupan liar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the first time 13 ape heads were confiscated,\" Luc Mathot, the president of Conservation Justice, said Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah kali pertama 13 ekor beruk dirampas,\" kata Luc Mathot, presiden Keadilan Pemuliharaan, pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Along with the heads, two hands from gorillas and 30 from chimps were seized.", "r": {"result": "Bersama-sama dengan kepala, dua tangan dari gorila dan 30 dari cimpanzi telah dirampas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, 12 leopard skins, a partial lion skin, snake skins and 5 elephant tails were confiscated.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, 12 kulit harimau bintang, separa kulit singa, kulit ular dan 5 ekor gajah telah dirampas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mathot said he was present when the animal parts were laid out at the Forces of Order station in Libreville on January 14, the day after the raid.", "r": {"result": "Mathot berkata dia hadir ketika bahagian haiwan dibentangkan di balai Pasukan Perintah di Libreville pada 14 Januari, sehari selepas serbuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The five suspects -- a woman from Benin and four men from Nigeria -- were arrested on January 13 in Gabon's capital, Libreville, and have been charged with wildlife crimes for dealing in illegal animal parts, according to Mathot.", "r": {"result": "Lima suspek -- seorang wanita dari Benin dan empat lelaki dari Nigeria -- telah ditangkap pada 13 Januari di ibu kota Gabon, Libreville, dan telah didakwa dengan jenayah hidupan liar kerana berurusan dengan bahagian haiwan haram, menurut Mathot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They could face up to 6 months in jail if convicted, according to Mathot.", "r": {"result": "Mereka boleh berdepan hukuman penjara sehingga 6 bulan jika sabit kesalahan, menurut Mathot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other African nations like Cameroon and Congo have stiffer penalties for trafficking -- up to five years.", "r": {"result": "Negara-negara Afrika lain seperti Cameroon dan Congo mempunyai hukuman yang lebih berat untuk pemerdagangan -- sehingga lima tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their next hearing is January 25.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan seterusnya ialah 25 Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities in Gabon worked with the AALF -- an organization developed by Conservation Justice to fight against the trafficking of protected wildlife in Central Africa -- in the operation.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa di Gabon bekerjasama dengan AALF -- sebuah organisasi yang dibangunkan oleh Conservation Justice untuk memerangi penyeludupan hidupan liar yang dilindungi di Afrika Tengah -- dalam operasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"WWF commends the Water and Forest Ministry and AALF for this important arrest,\" David Greer, a great ape manager for the World Wildlife Fund, said in a statement Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"WWF memuji Kementerian Air dan Hutan dan AALF atas penahanan penting ini,\" kata David Greer, pengurus beruk yang hebat untuk Tabung Hidupan Liar Dunia, dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"However, the massive collection of protected species confiscated in this operation is highly disturbing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimanapun, koleksi besar spesies dilindungi yang dirampas dalam operasi ini sangat mengganggu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Putting these dealers behind bars probably has a direct impact on the lives of hundreds of chimps and gorillas,\" Mathot said.", "r": {"result": "\"Menempatkan peniaga ini di belakang bar mungkin mempunyai kesan langsung ke atas nyawa ratusan cimpanzi dan gorila,\" kata Mathot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The top-two Bundesliga teams suffered embarrassing defeats by lower-league opposition in the German Cup on Wednesday night.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua pasukan teratas Bundesliga mengalami kekalahan memalukan oleh lawan liga bawahan dalam Piala Jerman pada malam Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mainz crashed to just a second loss so far this season, losing 2-1 at second-division Alemannia Aachen ahead of this weekend's showdown with title rivals Borussia Dortmund.", "r": {"result": "Mainz hanya mengalami kekalahan kedua setakat musim ini, tewas 2-1 di divisyen dua Alemannia Aachen menjelang pertembungan hujung minggu ini dengan saingan kejuaraan Borussia Dortmund.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aachen led 2-0 through Benjamin Auer and Marco Hoger before Hungary striker Adam Szalai reduced the deficit with 22 minutes to play.", "r": {"result": "Aachen mendahului 2-0 menerusi Benjamin Auer dan Marco Hoger sebelum penyerang Hungary, Adam Szalai mengurangkan defisit ketika berbaki 22 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second-placed Dortmund also exited at the second-round stage, losing 4-2 on penalties against Kickers Offenbach after being held goalless in extra-time by the third-division team.", "r": {"result": "Dortmund di tempat kedua juga terkeluar pada peringkat pusingan kedua, tewas 4-2 menerusi sepakan penalti menentang Kickers Offenbach selepas ditahan tanpa jaringan pada masa tambahan oleh pasukan divisyen ketiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bundesliga strugglers Stuttgart were also taken to extra-time by a team from the fourth division, before rallying to win 3-1.", "r": {"result": "Stuttgart yang bergelut Bundesliga turut dibawa ke masa tambahan oleh pasukan dari divisyen empat, sebelum bangkit untuk menang 3-1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bayer Leverkusen bowed out following a 5-4 penalty shootout defeat away to fellow top-flight team Borussia Monchengladbach after the match ended 1-1.", "r": {"result": "Bayer Leverkusen tunduk susulan kekalahan 5-4 penentuan penalti di tempat lawan kepada rakan sepasukan liga teratas Borussia Monchengladbach selepas perlawanan berakhir 1-1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eintracht Frankfurt crushed Hamburg 5-2, while fellow Bundesliga side Hoffenheim progressed with a 1-0 win over division two team Ingolstadt.", "r": {"result": "Eintracht Frankfurt menumpaskan Hamburg 5-2, manakala rakan sepasukan Bundesliga Hoffenheim mara dengan kemenangan 1-0 ke atas pasukan divisyen dua Ingolstadt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Spain, second-placed La Liga team Villarreal were held 1-1 away to third-division side Polideportivo Ejido in the first leg of their Copa del Rey fourth-round tie, while struggling Racing Santander lost 2-0 at division two Cordoba.", "r": {"result": "Di Sepanyol, pasukan tangga kedua La Liga Villarreal ditahan 1-1 di tempat lawan kepada pasukan divisyen ketiga Polideportivo Ejido dalam perlawanan pertama pusingan keempat Copa del Rey mereka, manakala Racing Santander yang bergelut tewas 2-0 di divisyen dua Cordoba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real Madrid held by minnows Murcia.", "r": {"result": "Real Madrid dipegang oleh anak kecil Murcia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sevilla won 4-0 away to Real Union, Valencia triumphed 3-0 at Logrones, Levante beat relegated Xerez 3-2, Hercules drew 0-0 at home to Malaga and Mallorca won 3-1 at home to Sporting Gijon in another all-La Liga clash.", "r": {"result": "Sevilla menang 4-0 di tempat lawan ke Real Union, Valencia menang 3-0 di Logrones, Levante menewaskan Xerez yang tersingkir 3-2, Hercules seri 0-0 di tempat sendiri dengan Malaga dan Mallorca menang 3-1 di tempat sendiri kepada Sporting Gijon dalam satu lagi all- Pertembungan La Liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bottom club Zaragoza edged a 1-0 win away to second-divison Real Betis, while Atletico Madrid thrashed division three Universidad Las Palmas 5-0 with two goals from Argentina striker Sergio Aguero.", "r": {"result": "Kelab terbawah Zaragoza mengenepi kemenangan 1-0 di tempat lawan divisyen dua Real Betis, manakala Atletico Madrid membelasah divisyen tiga Universidad Las Palmas 5-0 dengan dua gol daripada penyerang Argentina, Sergio Aguero.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In England, Arsenal reached the quarterfinals of the League Cup for the eighth season in a row with a 4-0 win at Premier League rivals Newcastle, as England winger Theo Walcott scored twice .", "r": {"result": "Di England, Arsenal mara ke suku akhir Piala Liga untuk musim kelapan berturut-turut dengan kemenangan 4-0 ke atas pesaing Liga Perdana, Newcastle, ketika pemain sayap England Theo Walcott menjaringkan dua gol .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Premier League's bottom club West Ham also went through with a morale-boosting 3-1 win at home to Stoke City after extra-time, having trailed to Kenwyne Jones' early goal before captain Scott Parker, Manuel da Costa and substitute Victor Obinna replied.", "r": {"result": "Kelab tercorot Liga Perdana, West Ham juga melalui kemenangan 3-1 yang meningkatkan moral di laman sendiri ke atas Stoke City selepas masa tambahan, setelah ketinggalan kepada gol awal Kenwyne Jones sebelum kapten Scott Parker, Manuel da Costa dan pemain gantian Victor Obinna membalas .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aston Villa also needed extra-time before defeating division two side Burnley 2-1, with England winger Stewart Downing scoring the winner before teammate Marc Albrighton was sent after Emile Heskey and Clark Carlisle netted late in regulation time.", "r": {"result": "Aston Villa juga memerlukan masa tambahan sebelum menewaskan pasukan divisyen dua Burnley 2-1, dengan pemain sayap England Stewart Downing menjaringkan gol kemenangan sebelum rakan sepasukan Marc Albrighton dihantar selepas Emile Heskey dan Clark Carlisle menjaringkan gol lewat pada masa peraturan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Serie A leaders Lazio won 3-0 at home to second-division Portogruaro in the third round of the Coppa Italia, while Udinese beat Padova 4-0 and Bologna edged Modena 3-2.", "r": {"result": "Pendahulu Serie A, Lazio menang 3-0 di tempat sendiri kepada divisyen dua Portogruaro pada pusingan ketiga Coppa Italia, manakala Udinese menewaskan Padova 4-0 dan Bologna mengetepikan Modena 3-2.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brescia scraped a 1-0 win over Cittadella, struggling Cagliari beat Piacenza 3-0, Lecce defeated Siena 3-2 and Catania needed extra-time before overcoming Varese 4-3.", "r": {"result": "Brescia menang 1-0 ke atas Cittadella, Cagliari yang bergelut menewaskan Piacenza 3-0, Lecce menewaskan Siena 3-2 dan Catania memerlukan masa tambahan sebelum mengatasi Varese 4-3.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Serie B leaders Novara knocked out top-flight Cesena, winning 2-1.", "r": {"result": "Pendahulu Serie B, Novara menumbangkan Cesena, menang 2-1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- There's more to do in Cairo than just protest.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Banyak lagi yang perlu dilakukan di Kaherah daripada sekadar bantahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just look at lifestyle website CairoScene.", "r": {"result": "Lihat sahaja laman web gaya hidup CairoScene.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, for instance, there's Johnny's Karaoke Night, Culturewheel's Mime Festival and the Arab Music Festival Ceremony at the Cairo Opera House.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, contohnya, terdapat Malam Karaoke Johnny, Festival Mime Culturewheel dan Majlis Festival Muzik Arab di Panggung Opera Kaherah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can get one pizza free if you buy another at Boosters, and it's ladies night at Yasso Lounge.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh mendapatkan satu piza percuma jika anda membeli satu lagi di Boosters, dan ia adalah malam wanita di Yasso Lounge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The young Egyptians who put out CairoScene work at a building in an upscale Cairo neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Orang muda Mesir yang memadamkan CairoScene bekerja di sebuah bangunan di kawasan kejiranan Kaherah yang mewah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's next to Nahda Square, where the Muslim Brotherhood staged a sit-in, and the protests sometimes prevented them from getting to work.", "r": {"result": "Ia terletak bersebelahan dengan Dataran Nahda, tempat Ikhwanul Muslimin mengadakan duduk-duduk, dan protes kadang-kadang menghalang mereka daripada bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, the Brotherhood protesters are gone and there's no missing the military presence outside the building.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, penunjuk perasaan Ikhwan telah tiada dan tiada kehadiran tentera di luar bangunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At one intersection, troops stand guard from an armored personnel carrier as pedestrians stroll by.", "r": {"result": "Di satu persimpangan, tentera berkawal dari pengangkut kakitangan berperisai ketika pejalan kaki berjalan-jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside CairoScene's offices, young Egyptians huddle around sparkling white tables and lounge on white couches, peering into computers.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam pejabat CairoScene, anak muda Mesir berkerumun di sekeliling meja putih berkilauan dan berehat di atas sofa putih, mengintip komputer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They talk about their latest stories and the unrest raging across Egypt.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bercakap tentang kisah terbaru mereka dan pergolakan yang melanda Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Top Muslim Brotherhood figure among scores arrested.", "r": {"result": "Tokoh utama Ikhwanul Muslimin antara ramai yang ditahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We asked for this,\" site co-founder Timy Mowafi said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami meminta ini,\" kata pengasas bersama laman web Timy Mowafi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Egyptian people asked for the army to intervene\".", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat Mesir meminta tentera campur tangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among many in the newsroom, the military crackdown against supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsy is necessary, if unfortunate.", "r": {"result": "Di antara ramai di bilik berita, tindakan keras tentera terhadap penyokong Presiden terguling Mohamed Morsy adalah perlu, jika malang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's devastating to think of the numbers who have died on either side, but there were armed people on the streets,\" Mowafi said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sangat menyedihkan untuk memikirkan jumlah yang telah mati di kedua-dua belah pihak, tetapi terdapat orang bersenjata di jalanan,\" kata Mowafi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This would not be acceptable in any other country\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini tidak akan diterima di mana-mana negara lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But not everyone agrees wholeheartedly.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak semua orang bersetuju dengan sepenuh hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Personally, I'm not with the military, but I'm also definitely not with the Brotherhood,\" said Eihab Boraie, a senior writer for the site.", "r": {"result": "\"Secara peribadi, saya bukan dengan tentera, tetapi saya juga pastinya tidak bersama Ikhwan,\" kata Eihab Boraie, seorang penulis kanan laman web itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will have to take up Tahrir again,\" he said, referring to the landmark Cairo square that served as the backdrop for the 2011 protests that led to the ouster of longtime Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami perlu mengambil Tahrir sekali lagi,\" katanya, merujuk kepada dataran Kaherah yang menjadi mercu tanda yang menjadi latar belakang protes 2011 yang membawa kepada penyingkiran orang kuat Mesir Hosni Mubarak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And when we take up Tahrir,\" he said, \"it will be against the Brotherhood and against the military, and it will be for peaceful transition to immediate election\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan apabila kita mengambil Tahrir,\" katanya, \"ia akan menentang Ikhwan dan menentang tentera, dan ia akan menjadi peralihan aman kepada pilihan raya segera\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Can anyone save Egypt from the brink?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Bolehkah sesiapa menyelamatkan Mesir dari jurang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'In God's hands'.", "r": {"result": "'Di tangan Tuhan'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With hundreds dead, funerals are frequent.", "r": {"result": "Dengan beratus-ratus orang mati, pengebumian sering dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One recent day, relatives held the funeral for Ammar Badie, the slain son of the now-arrested leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.", "r": {"result": "Pada suatu hari baru-baru ini, saudara-mara mengadakan pengebumian untuk Ammar Badie, anak lelaki pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin yang kini ditahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was shot twice in the head last week as security forces clashed with protesters.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditembak dua kali di kepala minggu lalu ketika pasukan keselamatan bertempur dengan penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On this hot, sunny Cairo day, mourners carried his plain wooden coffin into a crypt.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Kaherah yang panas dan cerah ini, para pelayat membawa keranda kayu kosongnya ke dalam kubur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Men wept, shook hands, said goodbye.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki menangis, berjabat tangan, mengucapkan selamat tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a disgrace people were saying he was a terrorist,\" said Ammar Badie's cousin, Omar Rabiya.", "r": {"result": "\"Memang memalukan orang mengatakan dia pengganas,\" kata sepupu Ammar Badie, Omar Rabiya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was not -- he was a person of peace, a smart guy -- and he just wanted his country to be free\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia bukan -- dia seorang yang damai, seorang yang bijak -- dan dia hanya mahu negaranya bebas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ammar's brother Bilal told mourners not to cry.", "r": {"result": "Bilal abang Ammar memberitahu orang yang berkabung supaya jangan menangis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is in God's hands,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni di tangan Tuhan,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt's cycle of violence.", "r": {"result": "Kitaran keganasan Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'The church is my home'.", "r": {"result": "'Gereja adalah rumah saya'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Outside Cairo last week, 67-year-old Shenouda el Sayeh swept up ashes amid the burned ruins of the Virgin Mary Church.", "r": {"result": "Di luar Kaherah minggu lalu, Shenouda el Sayeh yang berusia 67 tahun menyapu abu di tengah-tengah runtuhan Gereja Virgin Mary yang terbakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The church was one of at least 30 attacked last week amid backlash over the military crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood.", "r": {"result": "Gereja itu adalah salah satu daripada sekurang-kurangnya 30 yang diserang minggu lalu di tengah-tengah tindak balas terhadap tindakan keras tentera terhadap Ikhwanul Muslimin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rev.", "r": {"result": "Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boktor Saad, the church's pastor, said Islamists were behind the attack.", "r": {"result": "Boktor Saad, paderi gereja, berkata Islam berada di belakang serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They started organizing marches and demonstrations, chanting outside the church, chanting down with the church,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka mula menganjurkan perarakan dan demonstrasi, melaungkan di luar gereja, melaungkan bersama gereja,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To el Sayeh, the church, now charred and gutted, was home.", "r": {"result": "Kepada el Sayeh, gereja, yang kini hangus dan hangus, sudah berada di rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm sad,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sedih,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My religion tells me to come clean.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAgama saya suruh saya bersihkan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I clean the church.", "r": {"result": "Saya membersihkan gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The church is my home\".", "r": {"result": "Gereja adalah rumah saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'I feel frustrated'.", "r": {"result": "'Saya berasa kecewa'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Life amid the chaos isn't terrifying for 20-year-old student Mayar Adly.", "r": {"result": "Kehidupan di tengah kekacauan tidak menakutkan bagi pelajar berusia 20 tahun, Mayar Adly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's boring.", "r": {"result": "Ia membosankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't go out as much as I used to go before,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak keluar rumah seperti dulu,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm so bored.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat bosan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My life sucks\".", "r": {"result": "Hidup saya payah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are moments of panic.", "r": {"result": "Dan ada saat-saat panik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A couple of days ago, the family heard gunshots outside during a protest.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa hari lalu, keluarga itu mendengar bunyi tembakan di luar semasa protes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought it was fireworks, but they told me it was gunshots\" Adly said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia adalah bunga api, tetapi mereka memberitahu saya ia adalah tembakan\" kata Adly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My mom told me to stay away from the window.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIbu saya menyuruh saya menjauhi tingkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was kind of freaky.", "r": {"result": "Ia agak aneh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was scared\".", "r": {"result": "I takut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barred from protesting by her father, she spends most of her time in a three-room high-rise apartment with her two younger brothers, her parents and five cats.", "r": {"result": "Dihalang daripada membantah oleh bapanya, dia menghabiskan sebahagian besar masanya di sebuah apartmen bertingkat tiga bilik bersama dua adik lelakinya, ibu bapanya dan lima ekor kucing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A local market delivers their groceries, and she gets to go out only rarely -- to a cleaning job at a nearby bank.", "r": {"result": "Pasar tempatan menghantar barangan runcit mereka, dan dia jarang keluar -- untuk kerja pembersihan di bank berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She spends time on Facebook, reading and watching television -- but not the news.", "r": {"result": "Dia menghabiskan masa di Facebook, membaca dan menonton televisyen -- tetapi bukan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm fed up with news,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bosan dengan berita,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I used to be interested in the news, but I'm not as interested as I used to be\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dulu saya minat berita, tetapi saya tidak berminat seperti dulu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I feel frustrated,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Saya berasa kecewa,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I worry about how much longer I'll have to stay at home\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bimbang berapa lama lagi saya perlu tinggal di rumah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. temporarily holds up some military aid to Egypt.", "r": {"result": "A.S. menahan sementara beberapa bantuan ketenteraan kepada Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ian Lee and Arwa Damon contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ian Lee dan Arwa Damon dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- \"Try to imagine the situation,\" says Dezso Gyarmati, captain of Hungary's 1956 Olympic water polo team.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"Cuba bayangkan keadaannya,\" kata Dezso Gyarmati, kapten pasukan polo air Olimpik Hungary 1956.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A superpower destroys your country with weapons and tanks -- a country that has never asked for that power to be there.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebuah kuasa besar memusnahkan negara anda dengan senjata dan kereta kebal -- negara yang tidak pernah meminta kuasa itu berada di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And after that revolution is crushed you have to face the representatives of that superpower\".", "r": {"result": "Dan selepas revolusi itu dihancurkan anda perlu berhadapan dengan wakil kuasa besar itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 became the backdrop to one of the most famous contests in Olympic history, where blood spilled in the sporting arena came to symbolize the bloody struggle of a nation against a brutal oppressor, the former Soviet Union.", "r": {"result": "Revolusi Hungary 1956 menjadi latar belakang kepada salah satu pertandingan paling terkenal dalam sejarah Olimpik, di mana darah yang tumpah di arena sukan melambangkan perjuangan berdarah sebuah negara menentang penindas yang kejam, bekas Kesatuan Soviet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The events at the Melbourne Games in December that year became known as the \"Blood in the Water\" match, but when Hungary's water polo team set off for Australia in early November, the possibility of freedom still hung over the streets of Budapest.", "r": {"result": "Peristiwa di Sukan Melbourne pada Disember tahun itu dikenali sebagai perlawanan \"Blood in the Water\", tetapi apabila pasukan polo air Hungary berlepas ke Australia pada awal November, kemungkinan kebebasan masih tergantung di jalan-jalan Budapest.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mass protests and fighting which erupted on October 23 had died down after a ceasefire was ordered, and Soviet armed forces were beginning their withdrawal.", "r": {"result": "Bantahan besar-besaran dan pertempuran yang meletus pada 23 Oktober telah reda selepas gencatan senjata diarahkan, dan angkatan tentera Soviet mula berundur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gyarmati had taken part in the initial rally, leaving the team's training camp in the hills above Budapest to join protestors on the streets.", "r": {"result": "Gyarmati telah mengambil bahagian dalam perhimpunan awal, meninggalkan kem latihan pasukan di atas bukit di atas Budapest untuk menyertai penunjuk perasaan di jalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by the time they set foot on Australian soil, Gyarmati and his teammates were informed of a brutal turn of events as Soviet forces ruthlessly reasserted their grip on the Hungarian capital.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada masa mereka menjejakkan kaki di bumi Australia, Gyarmati dan rakan sepasukannya dimaklumkan tentang perubahan kejam apabila tentera Soviet dengan kejam menegaskan kembali cengkaman mereka ke atas ibu negara Hungary.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 2,000 protesters were killed in the fighting, hundreds more were injured and many thousands were forced to flee the country.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 2,000 penunjuk perasaan terbunuh dalam pertempuran itu, ratusan lagi cedera dan beribu-ribu orang terpaksa meninggalkan negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It proved to be a bloody prelude to a bruising semifinal showdown with the Soviet water polo team.", "r": {"result": "Ia terbukti sebagai permulaan berdarah kepada pertarungan separuh akhir dengan pasukan polo air Soviet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gyarmati recalls a tough, but generally disciplined match which turned sour in the closing moments when Soviet player Valentin Prokopov elbowed Hungary's star Ervin Zador in the face, cutting him below the eye.", "r": {"result": "Gyarmati mengimbas kembali perlawanan yang sukar, tetapi secara amnya berdisiplin yang bertukar masam pada saat-saat penutup apabila pemain Soviet Valentin Prokopov menyiku bintang Hungary Ervin Zador di muka, memotong matanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I told (Zador) to get out of the pool,\" Gyarmati recalled, \"but not where he was, but to swim across the pool to the grandstand with 8,000 people.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memberitahu (Zador) untuk keluar dari kolam,\" Gyarmati mengimbas kembali, \"tetapi bukan di mana dia berada, tetapi untuk berenang melintasi kolam ke grandstand dengan 8,000 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By the time he'd swum over, the blood had trickled down onto his chest.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada masa dia berenang, darah telah mengalir ke dadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He looked like he (had come out) from the butcher.", "r": {"result": "Dia kelihatan seperti dia (telah keluar) dari penjual daging.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The audience exploded\".", "r": {"result": "Penonton meletup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The headline \"Cold War violence erupts at Melbourne Olympics\" ran the following day in the Sydney Morning Herald, which reported that many spectators left their seats in the stands, shouting abuse and spitting at the Russians.", "r": {"result": "Tajuk \"Keganasan Perang Dingin meletus di Sukan Olimpik Melbourne\" disiarkan pada hari berikutnya di Sydney Morning Herald, yang melaporkan bahawa ramai penonton meninggalkan tempat duduk mereka di tempat duduk, menjerit mencaci dan meludahi Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The image of Zador standing poolside, blood streaming down his torso, quickly gained a wider audience.", "r": {"result": "Imej Zador berdiri di tepi kolam, darah mengalir di batang tubuhnya, dengan cepat mendapat khalayak yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It seized the imagination of a world shocked by the crushing of the Magyar uprising, while offering some crumbs of comfort to a traumatized nation as the Hungarians triumphed 4-0.", "r": {"result": "Ia merebut imaginasi dunia yang dikejutkan dengan kehancuran pemberontakan Magyar, sambil menawarkan sedikit keselesaan kepada negara yang trauma ketika Hungary menang 4-0.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The team went on to win in the final, beating Yugoslavia 2-1 to claim the nation's fourth Olympic gold in the competition.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan itu terus menang di final, menewaskan Yugoslavia 2-1 untuk menuntut emas Olimpik keempat negara dalam pertandingan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zador, who didn't play in the final, never returned to Hungary, instead choosing to settle in the U.S. and become a swimming coach in California.", "r": {"result": "Zador, yang tidak bermain di final, tidak pernah kembali ke Hungary, sebaliknya memilih untuk menetap di AS dan menjadi jurulatih renang di California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victory over the Soviets inspired the making of a documentary \"Freedom's Fury\" and a feature film \"Szabadsag, szerelem\" (\"Children of Glory\") both released to mark the 50th anniversary in 2006.", "r": {"result": "Kemenangan ke atas Soviet mengilhamkan pembikinan dokumentari \"Freedom's Fury\" dan filem cereka \"Szabadsag, szerelem\" (\"Children of Glory\") kedua-duanya dikeluarkan untuk menandakan ulang tahun ke-50 pada 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The documentary, co-produced by Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino, was narrated by seven-time Olympic champion Mark Spitz, who was coached by Zador as a youngster during the 1960s.", "r": {"result": "Dokumentari yang diterbitkan bersama oleh pengarah Hollywood Quentin Tarantino, diceritakan oleh juara Olimpik tujuh kali Mark Spitz, yang dilatih oleh Zador semasa muda pada 1960-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dramatic events in Melbourne form the centerpiece of a rich and proud heritage in the sport which has seen the Hungarians rack up nine Olympic golds, more than twice as many as any other nation.", "r": {"result": "Peristiwa-peristiwa dramatik di Melbourne membentuk pusat warisan yang kaya dan membanggakan dalam sukan itu yang menyaksikan warga Hungary meraih sembilan emas Olimpik, lebih dua kali ganda daripada negara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Blood in the Water\" story continues to inspire and motivate Hungary's modern water polo heroes including Gergely Kiss, who grew up in dying years of communist rule.", "r": {"result": "Kisah \"Blood in the Water\" terus memberi inspirasi dan motivasi kepada wira polo air moden Hungary termasuk Gergely Kiss, yang dibesarkan dalam tahun-tahun kematian pemerintahan komunis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Beating the beast, the big enemy was such a great feeling for every Hungarian.", "r": {"result": "\"Menewaskan binatang itu, musuh besar adalah perasaan yang sangat hebat untuk setiap warga Hungary.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It helped so much for the revolution,\" Kiss said.", "r": {"result": "Ia banyak membantu revolusi,\" kata Kiss.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 34-year-old was part of the Hungarian team which beat Russian opposition in the final at the Sydney Olympics in 2000, ending a 24-year gold medal drought.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 34 tahun itu adalah sebahagian daripada pasukan Hungary yang menewaskan lawan Rusia pada perlawanan akhir di Sukan Olimpik Sydney pada 2000, menamatkan kemarau pingat emas selama 24 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Further success followed at Athens in 2004 and in Beijing four years later.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan selanjutnya diikuti di Athens pada 2004 dan di Beijing empat tahun kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kiss will be aiming for a record fourth straight gold at this year's London Olympics.", "r": {"result": "Kiss akan menyasarkan rekod emas keempat berturut-turut pada Sukan Olimpik London tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- When Regis Philbin asked David Letterman about the difficult decision to return to the air less than a week after 9/11, the \"Late Show\" host said, \"I remember not wanting to go back, not feeling ready to go back, but knowing we had to go back.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Apabila Regis Philbin bertanya kepada David Letterman tentang keputusan sukar untuk kembali ke udara kurang daripada seminggu selepas 9/11, hos \"Late Show\" berkata, \"Saya ingat tidak mahu kembali, tidak bersedia untuk pergi balik, tetapi mengetahui kami terpaksa kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And you know -- my concerns were minimal compared to people who really suffered\".", "r": {"result": "Dan anda tahu -- kebimbangan saya adalah minimum berbanding orang yang benar-benar menderita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philbin, sitting in for Piers Morgan, in his return to hosting after leaving \"Regis and Kelly\" gets Letterman to open up about fatherhood, politics, his career, his friendship with the late Johnny Carson and more.", "r": {"result": "Philbin, yang duduk untuk Piers Morgan, dalam kembali ke hos selepas meninggalkan \"Regis dan Kelly\" membuat Letterman membuka bicara tentang sifat bapa, politik, kerjayanya, persahabatannya dengan mendiang Johnny Carson dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman's \"Late Show\" guests on September 17, 2001, were Philbin and Dan Rather, and his completely joke-free monologue was solemnly delivered from behind his desk rather than the usual center stage.", "r": {"result": "Tetamu \"Late Show\" Letterman pada 17 September 2001, adalah Philbin dan Dan Rather, dan monolognya yang bebas jenaka telah disampaikan dengan sungguh-sungguh dari belakang mejanya dan bukannya pentas tengah biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman praised New York firefighters, police officers and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.", "r": {"result": "Letterman memuji anggota bomba New York, pegawai polis dan Datuk Bandar Rudolph Giuliani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of those who carried out the attacks, he said: \"We were told that they were zealots fueled by religious fervor, and if you live to be a thousand years old, will that make any sense to you\"?", "r": {"result": "Mengenai mereka yang melakukan serangan, dia berkata: \"Kami diberitahu bahawa mereka adalah orang yang bersemangat yang didorong oleh semangat keagamaan, dan jika anda hidup sehingga seribu tahun, adakah itu masuk akal kepada anda\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Philbin asked Letterman to take him back to the beginning of his career, Letterman recalled falling behind in college until the semester he took a public speaking course at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Philbin meminta Letterman untuk membawanya kembali ke permulaan kerjayanya, Letterman teringat ketinggalan di kolej sehingga semester dia mengambil kursus pengucapan awam di Ball State University di Muncie, Indiana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He referred to the class as a \"lifeline\" that made him realize he \"might be able to turn this into doing something\".", "r": {"result": "Dia merujuk kelas itu sebagai \"talian hayat\" yang membuatkan dia sedar bahawa dia \"mungkin boleh mengubahnya menjadi melakukan sesuatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman graduated from Ball State in 1969 and six years later went to California to try to make it as a writer.", "r": {"result": "Letterman lulus dari Ball State pada tahun 1969 dan enam tahun kemudian pergi ke California untuk cuba menjadikannya sebagai seorang penulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He found success quickly, he told Philbin, \"not because of me.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendapat kejayaan dengan cepat, dia memberitahu Philbin, \"bukan kerana saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was just in those days ... if you wanted to go to California and become a comic or get involved in comedy, writing, performing, whatever, the blueprint for that was laid out in front of you every night on 'The Tonight Show.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya pada masa itu ... jika anda ingin pergi ke California dan menjadi seorang komik atau terlibat dalam komedi, penulisan, persembahan, apa sahaja, pelan tindakan untuk itu dibentangkan di hadapan anda setiap malam di 'The Tonight Show .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The show's host, Carson, often plugged comedians' appearances at the Comedy Store, and Letterman saw the famed Hollywood comedy club as \"an instant connection\".", "r": {"result": "Hos rancangan itu, Carson, sering memasangkan penampilan pelawak di Kedai Komedi, dan Letterman melihat kelab komedi Hollywood yang terkenal itu sebagai \"hubungan segera\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three years later, in 1978, Letterman appeared on \"The Tonight Show\".", "r": {"result": "Tiga tahun kemudian, pada tahun 1978, Letterman muncul di \"The Tonight Show\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On that appearance, Carson predicted great success for the young comedian, and Letterman, watching the old \"Tonight Show\" clip, told Philbin, \"That breaks my heart -- to see Johnny again\".", "r": {"result": "Pada penampilan itu, Carson meramalkan kejayaan besar untuk pelawak muda itu, dan Letterman, menonton klip \"Tonight Show\" yang lama, memberitahu Philbin, \"Itu menghancurkan hati saya -- untuk melihat Johnny lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman recalled Carson's early influence on him.", "r": {"result": "Letterman teringat pengaruh awal Carson kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was, I think, the biggest star in television.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia, saya fikir, bintang terbesar dalam televisyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I was just a kid who has followed ... the beacon of his light coming out of Burbank\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya hanyalah seorang kanak-kanak yang telah mengikuti ... suar cahayanya keluar dari Burbank\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman called Carson's friendship \"a tremendous blessing\" and said he made a point of telling him the way he felt.", "r": {"result": "Letterman menggelar persahabatan Carson sebagai \"berkat yang luar biasa\" dan berkata dia bersungguh-sungguh untuk memberitahunya apa yang dia rasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman recalled the last time he saw Carson.", "r": {"result": "Letterman teringat kali terakhir dia melihat Carson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The way life is,\" Letterman said, \"you don't know that that will be the last time, but it turned out to be the last time, and it couldn't have been a lovelier evening.", "r": {"result": "\"Cara kehidupan,\" kata Letterman, \"anda tidak tahu bahawa itu akan menjadi kali terakhir, tetapi ternyata ia adalah kali terakhir, dan ia tidak mungkin menjadi malam yang lebih indah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I cherish that because it was unusual.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya menghargainya kerana ia adalah luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not going to happen under any other circumstances.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak akan berlaku dalam keadaan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it was my wife, myself, Johnny and his wife on Johnny's yacht that he had anchored in the Hudson.", "r": {"result": "Dan isteri saya, saya sendiri, Johnny dan isterinya di atas kapal layar Johnny yang dia berlabuh di Hudson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And it was a Friday evening and we sailed off just before sunset and went up the Hudson, up under the George Washington Bridge, which is lovely, turned around, now the sun is setting.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan itu adalah petang Jumaat dan kami berlayar sebelum matahari terbenam dan mendaki Hudson, di bawah Jambatan George Washington, yang indah, berpusing, kini matahari terbenam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We go out to the Statue of Liberty and see that at night, as the sky is darkening.", "r": {"result": "Kami pergi ke Patung Liberty dan melihatnya pada waktu malam, kerana langit semakin gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then you turn around and we headed up the East River, and you see the lower tip of Manhattan , and it was a sight and an experience.", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian anda berpatah balik dan kami menuju ke Sungai Timur, dan anda melihat hujung bawah Manhattan , dan ia adalah pemandangan dan pengalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... You never get to see New York like that\".", "r": {"result": "... Anda tidak pernah dapat melihat New York seperti itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carson passed away in 2005.", "r": {"result": "Carson meninggal dunia pada tahun 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman has hosted \"Late Show With David Letterman\" on CBS for nearly 19 years.", "r": {"result": "Letterman telah menganjurkan \"Late Show With David Letterman\" di CBS selama hampir 19 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before then, he hosted \"Late Night With David Letterman\" on NBC for 11 years.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum itu, dia menjadi hos \"Late Night With David Letterman\" di NBC selama 11 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One staple of both shows -- the \"Top Ten\" list -- is still going strong.", "r": {"result": "Satu ruji kedua-dua rancangan -- senarai \"Sepuluh Teratas\" -- masih berjalan dengan kukuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a cheap, easy way to refill a category and get some laughs most nights,\" Letterman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah cara yang murah dan mudah untuk mengisi semula kategori dan mendapatkan ketawa setiap malam,\" kata Letterman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Philbin asked if coming up with the lists was \"a chore,\" the \"Late Show\" host joked, \"Not for me.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Philbin bertanya sama ada membuat senarai itu adalah \"tugas,\" hos \"Late Show\" bergurau, \"Bukan untuk saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... I'm not even in the building.", "r": {"result": "... Saya tidak berada di dalam bangunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm an old man with a facial\".", "r": {"result": "Saya orang tua yang buat muka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman also said that his favorite guests -- besides Philbin, of course -- were \"people who really come and do a great job for us\".", "r": {"result": "Letterman juga berkata bahawa tetamu kegemarannya -- selain Philbin, sudah tentu -- adalah \"orang yang benar-benar datang dan melakukan kerja yang hebat untuk kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He counted Tom Hanks, Bill Murray, Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw and Don Rickles among the \"handful of people who are really, really strong\".", "r": {"result": "Dia mengira Tom Hanks, Bill Murray, Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw dan Don Rickles antara \"segelintir orang yang benar-benar kuat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Philbin brought up the fact that, in the past, talk-show hosts have avoided politics so as not to alienate their audiences, Letterman said, \"I have been guilty of appearing to be playing partisan politics.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Philbin membangkitkan fakta bahawa, pada masa lalu, hos rancangan bual bicara telah mengelakkan politik supaya tidak mengasingkan penonton mereka, Letterman berkata, \"Saya telah bersalah kerana kelihatan bermain politik partisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, I'd just like to say that for the record, I am a registered independent\".", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, saya hanya ingin mengatakan bahawa untuk rekod, saya seorang bebas berdaftar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman insisted the material drives his jokes, and noted that \"no president that I am aware of got hammered harder than Bill -- President Bill Clinton -- over the Monica Lewinsky situation.", "r": {"result": "Letterman menegaskan bahan itu mendorong jenakanya, dan menyatakan bahawa \"tiada presiden yang saya sedar dibelasah lebih keras daripada Bill -- Presiden Bill Clinton -- berhubung situasi Monica Lewinsky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We beat up on him.", "r": {"result": "Kami pukul dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We still use him as a reference, and then we were desperate.", "r": {"result": "Kami masih menggunakan dia sebagai rujukan, dan kemudian kami terdesak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We thought, 'Well, this was so easy' -- and then we got George Bush\".", "r": {"result": "Kami fikir, 'Nah, ini sangat mudah' -- dan kemudian kami mendapat George Bush\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman said that while he may appear to have a political agenda, it's simply a matter of who's easier to poke fun at.", "r": {"result": "Letterman berkata walaupun dia mungkin kelihatan mempunyai agenda politik, ia hanya soal siapa yang lebih mudah untuk dipermainkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If a guy drops his dog or a guy straps his dog to the roof of a car or if a guy gets a shoe thrown at him, well, this is where the material is going to be,\" Letterman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika seorang lelaki menjatuhkan anjingnya atau seorang lelaki mengikat anjingnya ke bumbung kereta atau jika seorang lelaki dibaling kasut kepadanya, nah, di sinilah bahan itu akan menjadi,\" kata Letterman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philbin also asked Letterman about fatherhood.", "r": {"result": "Philbin juga bertanya kepada Letterman tentang keibubapaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The comedian's son, Harry, is 8.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki pelawak itu, Harry, berusia 8 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Life is no longer solely about you,\" Letterman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hidup bukan lagi tentang anda semata-mata,\" kata Letterman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's about him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia tentang dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philbin asked if Harry knew what his dad did for a living.", "r": {"result": "Philbin bertanya sama ada Harry tahu apa yang ayahnya lakukan untuk mencari rezeki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No,\" the comedian joked, \"he thinks I have a job in a metal shop\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak,\" pelawak itu bergurau, \"dia fikir saya mempunyai pekerjaan di kedai logam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letterman said he and his son took up skiing four years ago and very much enjoy the sport.", "r": {"result": "Letterman berkata dia dan anak lelakinya mula bermain ski empat tahun lalu dan sangat menikmati sukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harry also loves animals, Letterman told Philbin, and likes to visit his father at work when \"Late Show\" does its \"Stupid Pet Tricks\" segment or has zookeeper Jack Hanna as a guest.", "r": {"result": "Harry juga suka haiwan, Letterman memberitahu Philbin, dan suka melawat bapanya di tempat kerja apabila \"Late Show\" melakukan segmen \"Stupid Pet Tricks\" atau mempunyai penjaga zoo Jack Hanna sebagai tetamu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Philbin asked whether Harry was a \"mama's boy\" or a \"daddy's boy,\" Letterman answered, \"He's a mama's boy, for sure\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila Philbin bertanya sama ada Harry adalah \"anak mama\" atau \"anak ayah\", Letterman menjawab, \"Dia anak mama, sudah pasti\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's great about being the 65-year-old father of an 8-year-old?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang menarik tentang menjadi bapa berusia 65 tahun kepada seorang kanak-kanak berusia 8 tahun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm old enough now where if I see trouble down the road, I'll probably be dead by then, and it will be his stepfather's problem\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sudah cukup dewasa sekarang di mana jika saya melihat masalah di jalan raya, saya mungkin akan mati ketika itu, dan itu akan menjadi masalah bapa tirinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Piers Morgan Live weeknights 9 p.m. ET.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Piers Morgan Live malam minggu 9 malam. ET.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the latest from Piers Morgan click here.", "r": {"result": "Untuk maklumat terkini daripada Piers Morgan klik di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A Michigan man and woman convicted of trying to extort $680,000 from \"Glee\" actor John Stamos by threatening to sell compromising photos were each sentenced to four years in prison Friday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang lelaki dan wanita Michigan yang didapati bersalah cuba memeras ugut $680,000 daripada pelakon \"Glee\" John Stamos dengan mengugut untuk menjual gambar berkompromi masing-masing dijatuhi hukuman penjara empat tahun pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. District Judge R. Allan Edgar in Marquette said the photos never existed, according to a federal prosecutor.", "r": {"result": "Hakim Daerah A.S. R. Allan Edgar di Marquette berkata gambar itu tidak pernah wujud, menurut seorang pendakwa raya persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scott Edward Sippola, 31, and Allison Lenore Coss, 24, could have faced up to nine years in prison for convictions of conspiracy and interstate communications to extort money.", "r": {"result": "Scott Edward Sippola, 31, dan Allison Lenore Coss, 24, mungkin berdepan hukuman penjara sehingga sembilan tahun kerana sabitan bersubahat dan komunikasi antara negeri untuk memeras wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Lochner said a statement from Stamos was read in court.", "r": {"result": "Penolong Peguam A.S. Paul Lochner berkata kenyataan daripada Stamos dibacakan di mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In it, Stamos said he had been slandered and his reputation impugned.", "r": {"result": "Di dalamnya, Stamos berkata dia telah difitnah dan reputasinya dipertikaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lochner said the judge ascertained that the conspiracy wasn't just a \"foolish lark\".", "r": {"result": "Lochner berkata hakim memastikan bahawa konspirasi itu bukan sekadar \"lark bodoh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a presentence filing, Sippola admitted his conduct \"was awful\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam pemfailan pembentangan, Sippola mengakui kelakuannya \"mengerikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I sought to exploit my knowledge of the personal weaknesses of a perfect stranger for my own undeserved financial gain,\" Sippola wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berusaha untuk mengeksploitasi pengetahuan saya tentang kelemahan peribadi orang asing yang sempurna untuk keuntungan kewangan saya yang tidak sepatutnya,\" tulis Sippola.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The case was made by the fact that these defendants made threats to damage his [Stamos'] reputation in order to have him pay them,\" Assistant U.S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat said after the July verdict in Marquette, Michigan.", "r": {"result": "\"Kes itu dibuat oleh fakta bahawa defendan ini membuat ugutan untuk merosakkan reputasinya [Stamos] supaya dia membayarnya,\" kata Penolong Peguam A.S. Maarten Vermaat selepas penghakiman Julai di Marquette, Michigan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to CNN affiliate WLUC, prosecutors said that Coss and Sippola told Stamos that if he didn't give them the money, they would sell embarrassing pictures of him allegedly using drugs to tabloid publications.", "r": {"result": "Menurut sekutu CNN WLUC, pendakwa raya berkata bahawa Coss dan Sippola memberitahu Stamos bahawa jika dia tidak memberi mereka wang itu, mereka akan menjual gambar memalukan dia yang didakwa menggunakan dadah kepada penerbitan tabloid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vermaat said the defendants sent about 40 e-mails to Stamos threatening to sell the photos.", "r": {"result": "Vermaat berkata defendan menghantar kira-kira 40 e-mel kepada Stamos mengancam untuk menjual gambar tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FBI agents got involved and started monitoring Stamos' e-mail account and \"eventually communicated by cellular telephone with the defendants pretending to be Mr. Stamos' business manager\".", "r": {"result": "Ejen FBI terlibat dan mula memantau akaun e-mel Stamos dan \"akhirnya berkomunikasi melalui telefon selular dengan defendan yang berpura-pura menjadi pengurus perniagaan Encik Stamos\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sippola and Coss were arrested in December 2009 at an airport, a pre-arranged dropoff spot for the money.", "r": {"result": "Sippola dan Coss telah ditangkap pada Disember 2009 di lapangan terbang, tempat menurunkan wang yang telah ditetapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense attorney Sarah Henderson alleged at trial that Stamos had a fling with Coss when she was a 17-year-old vacationing on spring break in 2004. Prosecutors said Stamos met Coss during a trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Peguam pertahanan Sarah Henderson mendakwa di perbicaraan bahawa Stamos mempunyai hubungan cinta dengan Coss ketika dia berusia 17 tahun bercuti pada musim bunga pada 2004. Pendakwa raya berkata Stamos bertemu Coss semasa lawatan ke Disney World di Orlando, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They developed a friendship and the two communicated by e-mail occasionally until November 2009, when the actor turned the photos matter over to the FBI.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menjalin persahabatan dan kedua-duanya berkomunikasi melalui e-mel sekali-sekala sehingga November 2009, apabila pelakon itu menyerahkan perkara foto kepada FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to WLUC, Coss testified there were several photos depicting Stamos using cocaine.", "r": {"result": "Menurut WLUC, Coss memberi keterangan terdapat beberapa gambar yang menggambarkan Stamos menggunakan kokain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She claimed the actor seemed interested in buying the photos.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendakwa pelakon itu kelihatan berminat untuk membeli gambar tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The television actor, who also appeared in \"Full House\" and \"ER,\" testified that nothing inappropriate happened at a 2004 spring break party and, accordingly, he didn't believe compromising photos existed.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon televisyen itu, yang juga muncul dalam \"Full House\" dan \"ER,\" memberi keterangan bahawa tiada apa-apa yang tidak sesuai berlaku pada parti cuti musim bunga 2004 dan, dengan itu, dia tidak percaya gambar yang berkompromi wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coss also filed a memorandum before sentencing, asking for a lighter sentence because she is a \"good person who acted out of character\".", "r": {"result": "Coss juga memfailkan memorandum sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman, meminta hukuman ringan kerana dia adalah \"orang baik yang bertindak di luar watak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The defendant was misguided in her thinking that asking for money to prevent selling photographs was a legitimate business transaction,\" the filing states.", "r": {"result": "\"Defendan tersasar dalam pemikirannya bahawa meminta wang untuk menghalang penjualan gambar adalah transaksi perniagaan yang sah,\" kata pemfailan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Calls by CNN to defense attorneys Friday were not immediately returned.", "r": {"result": "Panggilan CNN kepada peguam bela pada hari Jumaat tidak segera dikembalikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Phil Gast contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Phil Gast dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)The United Kingdom may seem an unlikely candidate to lead a renewable energy revolution; it doesn't have much sun for solar power, it doesn't have much space for wind power and it doesn't have giant coursing rivers for hydro.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) United Kingdom mungkin kelihatan seperti calon yang tidak mungkin untuk mengetuai revolusi tenaga boleh diperbaharui; ia tidak mempunyai banyak matahari untuk tenaga suria, ia tidak mempunyai banyak ruang untuk kuasa angin dan ia tidak mempunyai sungai mengalir gergasi untuk hidro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It does, however, have thousands of miles of coastline and a lowering and restless sea whose tides ebb and flow with tremendous force.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, ia mempunyai garis pantai beribu-ribu batu dan laut yang surut dan gelisah yang air pasang surut dengan kekuatan yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Energy companies in Scotland and Wales are seeing the potential from underwater turbines which tap a constant and predictable source of energy, are invisible and can produce as much electricity as a conventional wind turbine.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat tenaga di Scotland dan Wales melihat potensi daripada turbin bawah air yang memanfaatkan sumber tenaga yang tetap dan boleh diramal, tidak kelihatan dan boleh menghasilkan tenaga elektrik sebanyak turbin angin konvensional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If a test project in the fast flowing marine waters of Pentland Firth in the far north of Scotland goes well, submerged turbines could eventually power as many as 400,000 Scottish homes, according to the Scottish-government backed scheme.", "r": {"result": "Jika projek ujian di perairan marin yang mengalir deras di Pentland Firth di utara Scotland berjalan lancar, turbin tenggelam akhirnya boleh menggerakkan sebanyak 400,000 rumah Scotland, menurut skim yang disokong kerajaan Scotland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Predictable flow.", "r": {"result": "Aliran yang boleh diramalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The demonstration array at the moment is 6MW or four turbines.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSusunan demonstrasi pada masa ini ialah 6MW atau empat turbin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hopefully this will be the catalyst for further investment,\" MeyGen CEO Dan Pearson told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Semoga ini akan menjadi pemangkin untuk pelaburan selanjutnya,\" kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MeyGen Dan Pearson kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are looking to complete construction of that in 2016.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sedang mencari untuk menyiapkan pembinaan itu pada 2016.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sea water is 832 times denser than air, which means the turbines can be smaller while producing a similar amount of energy to a wind turbine.", "r": {"result": "Air laut adalah 832 kali lebih tumpat daripada udara, yang bermaksud turbin boleh menjadi lebih kecil sambil menghasilkan jumlah tenaga yang serupa dengan turbin angin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The force of these tides also means the turbines can be placed closer together, taking up less space on the sea bed than an equivalent wind farm on land.", "r": {"result": "Daya pasang surut ini juga bermakna turbin boleh diletakkan lebih rapat, mengambil lebih sedikit ruang di dasar laut daripada ladang angin yang setara di darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apart from being invisible -- obviating a factor that has stalled many wind farm projects on land -- the marine turbines have the great advantage of tapping an energy source that does not rely on the weather.", "r": {"result": "Selain daripada tidak kelihatan -- mengelak faktor yang menghalang banyak projek ladang angin di darat -- turbin marin mempunyai kelebihan besar untuk menoreh sumber tenaga yang tidak bergantung pada cuaca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other renewables such as wind, wave, solar and even hydroelectricity depend in large part on seasonal and climatic features, tidal turbines, meanwhile, get two regular tide changes a day.", "r": {"result": "Boleh diperbaharui lain seperti angin, ombak, suria dan juga hidroelektrik sebahagian besarnya bergantung pada ciri bermusim dan iklim, turbin pasang surut, sementara itu, mendapat dua perubahan air pasang biasa sehari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can forecast over the next 100 years pretty accurately -- we know when the power's coming,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami boleh meramalkan dalam tempoh 100 tahun akan datang dengan cukup tepat -- kami tahu bila kuasa itu akan datang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scrap metal as an anchor.", "r": {"result": "Besi buruk sebagai sauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plan is for the stands for the turbines to be lined up 525 feet (160m) apart and weighted to the sea bed with scrap metal.", "r": {"result": "Rancangannya adalah untuk dirian untuk turbin dibarisi pada jarak 525 kaki (160m) dan ditimbang ke dasar laut dengan besi buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With a depth of 130ft (40m), Pearson says that vessels would have a clearance of about 8m, plenty, he says, for the small craft that ply the four mile region.", "r": {"result": "Dengan kedalaman 130 kaki (40m), Pearson mengatakan bahawa kapal akan mempunyai jarak kelegaan kira-kira 8m, banyak, katanya, untuk kapal kecil yang melintasi wilayah empat batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These are really cut down versions of wind turbines, such that most of the electrical equipment is onshore so that if something goes wrong, we can get a Land Rover and drive to the substation rather than having to get a boat and pick them up.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini benar-benar versi turbin angin yang dipotong, supaya kebanyakan peralatan elektrik berada di darat supaya jika berlaku masalah, kami boleh mendapatkan Land Rover dan memandu ke pencawang daripada perlu mendapatkan bot dan mengambilnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's one of the core advantages of this technology\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah salah satu kelebihan teras teknologi ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other issues such as maintenance and corrosion have been solved, in large part, by using the advances in other technologies.", "r": {"result": "Isu lain seperti penyelenggaraan dan kakisan telah diselesaikan, sebahagian besarnya, dengan menggunakan kemajuan dalam teknologi lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It makes use of a large knowledge base, for example the seals and solutions have been solved by propeller technologies on ships, problems of corrosion are well known from subsea structures like bridges or oil rigs.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menggunakan pangkalan pengetahuan yang besar, contohnya pengedap dan penyelesaian telah diselesaikan dengan teknologi kipas pada kapal, masalah kakisan terkenal dari struktur dasar laut seperti jambatan atau pelantar minyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What you're seeing is nothing brand new, it's just a lot of components coming together and I think that's the beauty of it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang anda lihat bukanlah sesuatu yang baru, ia hanya banyak komponen yang disatukan dan saya fikir itulah keindahannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Safe for sea life?", "r": {"result": "Selamat untuk hidupan laut?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Concerns over the impact on marine life were also raised during the planning process, but Pearson said the simple fact is the turbines move so slowly -- at between 12-18 RPM -- that experts believe most sea life would be able to either ignore or get out of the way of the blades with ease.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan terhadap kesan ke atas hidupan marin juga ditimbulkan semasa proses perancangan, tetapi Pearson berkata fakta mudahnya ialah turbin bergerak dengan begitu perlahan -- pada antara 12-18 RPM -- pakar percaya kebanyakan hidupan laut akan dapat sama ada mengabaikan atau keluar dari jalan bilah dengan mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've been working closely with institutions such as Scottish Natural Heritage and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds because we have diving birds in the area,\" Pearson said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah bekerjasama rapat dengan institusi seperti Warisan Semula Jadi Scotland dan Persatuan Diraja untuk Perlindungan Burung kerana kami mempunyai burung penyelam di kawasan itu,\" kata Pearson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have seals, we have whales, we have dolphins -- it's beautiful up there\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai anjing laut, kami mempunyai ikan paus, kami mempunyai ikan lumba-lumba -- ia cantik di atas sana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said undersea monitors have been logging the wildlife in the region over the past five years and that various groups now have a clear baseline of which animals populate it.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata pemantau bawah laut telah membalak hidupan liar di rantau itu sejak lima tahun lalu dan pelbagai kumpulan kini mempunyai garis dasar yang jelas mengenai haiwan yang menghuninya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There has been a lot of work done in other parts of the world on how seals and whales interact with these turbines and they do actually get a bit curious.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak kerja yang dilakukan di bahagian lain di dunia tentang cara anjing laut dan ikan paus berinteraksi dengan turbin ini dan mereka sebenarnya agak ingin tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But these rotations of the blades are quite slow in comparison with wind turbines and the theory is that they can just get out of the way.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi putaran bilah ini agak perlahan berbanding dengan turbin angin dan teorinya ialah ia boleh keluar dari jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said research had shown that most marine life avoids tidal surges when they are in full flow.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata penyelidikan telah menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakan hidupan marin mengelakkan lonjakan pasang surut apabila ia berada dalam aliran penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can imagine seals dancing around them, but the only time they'll be playing around them is when the flow is benign -- and that only lasts for about an hour and a half and at that time the blades aren't rotating.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh bayangkan anjing laut menari di sekeliling mereka, tetapi satu-satunya masa mereka akan bermain di sekelilingnya ialah apabila alirannya tidak berbahaya -- dan itu hanya berlangsung selama kira-kira satu setengah jam dan pada masa itu bilahnya tidak berputar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't want to be blase about it, but at the same time we have a high degree of confidence\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mahu berterus terang mengenainya, tetapi pada masa yang sama kami mempunyai tahap keyakinan yang tinggi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The immediate future of the energy source, he said, was looking good, with leases around Scotland showing the potential to produce 1.2GW -- more than twice the energy produced by an average-sized nuclear power plant.", "r": {"result": "Masa depan sumber tenaga yang terdekat, katanya, kelihatan baik, dengan pajakan di sekitar Scotland menunjukkan potensi untuk menghasilkan 1.2GW -- lebih daripada dua kali tenaga yang dihasilkan oleh loji kuasa nuklear bersaiz sederhana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The UK has a good chance to develop and manufacture these turbines for world consumption in a beautiful part of the world which currently has a low GDP,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"UK mempunyai peluang yang baik untuk membangunkan dan mengeluarkan turbin ini untuk kegunaan dunia di bahagian indah dunia yang pada masa ini mempunyai KDNK yang rendah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more from Tomorrow Transformed:", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut dari Tomorrow Transformed:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first ever 3D-printer President.", "r": {"result": "Presiden pencetak 3D yang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hottest apps in tech right now.", "r": {"result": "Apl paling hangat dalam teknologi sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What can you buy off the Darknet?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang anda boleh beli daripada Darknet?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Belgrade, Serbia (CNN) -- Clashes between Serbian police and protesters broke out Sunday in Belgrade after an ultranationalist party demonstrated against the arrest of genocide suspect Ratko Mladic.", "r": {"result": "Belgrade, Serbia (CNN) -- Pertelingkahan antara polis Serbia dan penunjuk perasaan tercetus Ahad di Belgrade selepas parti ultranasionalis berdemonstrasi menentang penahanan suspek pembunuhan beramai-ramai Ratko Mladic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly 20 people were injured in the violence -- seven police and 12 civilians -- according to police.", "r": {"result": "Hampir 20 orang cedera dalam keganasan itu -- tujuh polis dan 12 orang awam -- menurut polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They said they made more than 100 arrests.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata mereka telah membuat lebih 100 tangkapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mladic, wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in connection with the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, was captured Thursday after nearly 16 years in hiding.", "r": {"result": "Mladic, yang dikehendaki oleh Tribunal Jenayah Antarabangsa bagi bekas Yugoslavia berhubung pembunuhan beramai-ramai Srebrenica 1995, telah ditangkap Khamis selepas hampir 16 tahun bersembunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Serbian Radical Party held its protest Sunday in front of Serbia's parliament building.", "r": {"result": "Parti Radikal Serbia mengadakan bantahan Ahad di hadapan bangunan parlimen Serbia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite calls for calm from the event's organizers, demonstrators on the fringes of the rally threw rocks at police.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ada desakan agar penganjur bertenang, penunjuk perasaan di pinggir perhimpunan itu melemparkan batu ke arah polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds of officers, some in riot gear and others on horseback, moved in against the crowd.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus pegawai, beberapa memakai peralatan rusuhan dan yang lain menunggang kuda, bergerak masuk menentang orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some beat and kicked protesters.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang memukul dan menendang penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police stayed on the streets as the demonstrators scattered.", "r": {"result": "Polis kekal di jalanan ketika penunjuk perasaan bersurai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are gathered here to peacefully protest the betrayal by (Serbian President) Boris Tadic and his bosses in Brussels,\" party leaders told the crowd before the clashes erupted.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami berkumpul di sini untuk membantah secara aman pengkhianatan oleh (Presiden Serbia) Boris Tadic dan ketua-ketuanya di Brussels,\u201d pemimpin parti memberitahu orang ramai sebelum pertempuran meletus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have had enough economic humiliation by our enemies, who are destroying our country ... in every way\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah cukup mendapat penghinaan ekonomi oleh musuh kami, yang memusnahkan negara kami ... dalam setiap cara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the protest -- which was attended by members of Mladic's family and thousands of others -- speakers demanded that Tadic step down and asked that elections be held immediately.", "r": {"result": "Pada protes itu -- yang dihadiri oleh ahli keluarga Mladic dan ribuan yang lain -- penceramah menuntut Tadic berundur dan meminta supaya pilihan raya diadakan segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mladic's son, Darko, told the crowd that his father is sick.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki Mladic, Darko, memberitahu orang ramai bahawa bapanya sakit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He needs medical treatment that he is not getting,\" the younger Mladic said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia memerlukan rawatan perubatan yang dia tidak dapat,\u201d kata Mladic yang lebih muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described his father as \"a freedom fighter,\" and said he had \"defended his own nation, defended his people, which was his job\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menyifatkan bapanya sebagai \"pejuang kemerdekaan,\" dan berkata dia \"mempertahankan bangsanya sendiri, membela rakyatnya, yang merupakan tugasnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The younger Mladic called on protesters to keep their demonstration peaceful.", "r": {"result": "Mladic yang lebih muda menyeru penunjuk perasaan untuk memastikan demonstrasi mereka aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tomorrow if I'm able to visit my father, I will tell him of this and he will cry again,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Esok jika saya dapat melawat ayah saya, saya akan memberitahunya tentang perkara ini dan dia akan menangis lagi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mladic gave himself up without a fight, despite having two handguns, according to Rasim Ljajic, the government minister in charge of searching for fugitive suspected war criminals.", "r": {"result": "Mladic menyerahkan dirinya tanpa melawan, walaupun mempunyai dua pistol, menurut Rasim Ljajic, menteri kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab mencari buruan yang disyaki penjenayah perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials located Mladic in a village called Lazarevo, north of the Serbian capital, after culling information from his former comrades, those who supported him financially and his close family members, Ljajic said.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai mengesan Mladic di sebuah kampung bernama Lazarevo, utara ibu negara Serbia, selepas memusnahkan maklumat daripada bekas rakan seperjuangannya, mereka yang menyokongnya dari segi kewangan dan ahli keluarga terdekatnya, kata Ljajic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not clear what source led investigators to the former military commander, accused of ordering the 1995 massacre of some 8,000 Muslims in the eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sumber yang membawa penyiasat kepada bekas komander tentera, yang dituduh mengarahkan pembunuhan beramai-ramai pada 1995 ke atas kira-kira 8,000 orang Islam di bandar Srebrenica di timur Bosnia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His arrest clears a major hurdle that once stood between Serbia and its long-awaited entrance into the European Union, but the move could also usher in political backlash from the country's electorate, some of whom consider Mladic a hero.", "r": {"result": "Penahanannya melepasi halangan besar yang pernah menjadi antara Serbia dan kemasukannya yang sudah lama ditunggu-tunggu ke dalam Kesatuan Eropah, tetapi langkah itu juga boleh membawa tindak balas politik daripada pengundi negara itu, yang sesetengahnya menganggap Mladic sebagai wira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're conscious of this danger,\" Ljajic told CNN Saturday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sedar tentang bahaya ini,\" kata Ljajic kepada CNN Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We know we did something that didn't bring us joy or applause from the public.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tahu kami melakukan sesuatu yang tidak membawa kami kegembiraan atau tepukan daripada orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But we also know that we took great responsibility and did something that the political elite of any country is supposed to do\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kami juga tahu bahawa kami mengambil tanggungjawab yang besar dan melakukan sesuatu yang elit politik mana-mana negara sepatutnya lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He called Mladic's capture \"a political investment,\" noting the government's desire to bring the war crimes suspect to justice \"even if citizens punish us in the next elections\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menggelar penangkapan Mladic sebagai \"pelaburan politik,\" sambil menyatakan hasrat kerajaan untuk membawa suspek jenayah perang ke muka pengadilan \"walaupun rakyat menghukum kami dalam pilihan raya akan datang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The massacre at Srebrenica, which sparked international outcry and preceded a NATO bombing campaign, is now remembered as the worst atrocity in Europe since World War II.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Srebrenica, yang mencetuskan bantahan antarabangsa dan mendahului kempen pengeboman NATO, kini diingati sebagai kekejaman paling teruk di Eropah sejak Perang Dunia II.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mladic allegedly presided over the five-day slaughter in July where Muslim men and boys were systematically executed in what was described at the U.N. war crimes tribunal as \"the triumph of evil\".", "r": {"result": "Mladic didakwa mempengerusikan penyembelihan selama lima hari pada Julai di mana lelaki dan kanak-kanak lelaki Islam dihukum mati secara sistematik dalam apa yang disifatkan di tribunal jenayah perang PBB sebagai \"kejayaan kejahatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mladic's forces encircled the town, a U.N.-declared \"safe area\" where thousands of Bosnian Muslims had sought refuge, allegedly conducting wholesale slaughter and rape, despite the presence of a few hundred lightly armed Dutch U.N. peacekeepers charged with protecting the area's residents and its refugees.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Mladic mengepung bandar itu, sebuah \"kawasan selamat\" yang diisytiharkan oleh PBB di mana beribu-ribu orang Islam Bosnia telah mencari perlindungan, didakwa melakukan penyembelihan dan rogol secara borong, walaupun terdapat beberapa ratus pasukan pengaman Belanda bersenjata ringan yang didakwa melindungi penduduk kawasan itu dan kawasan itu. pelarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former general is considered the last of the fugitive war criminal suspects in the region, following the capture of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, who died in jail in 2006 during his trial at The Hague.", "r": {"result": "Bekas jeneral itu dianggap sebagai suspek terakhir penjenayah perang buruan di rantau ini, berikutan penangkapan pemimpin Serb Bosnia, Radovan Karadzic dan bekas Presiden Serbia Slobodan Milosevic, yang meninggal dunia dalam penjara pada 2006 semasa perbicaraannya di The Hague.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the rally Sunday, a defiant Darko Mladic told the crowd, \"We will never accept those who bombed us to write our history.", "r": {"result": "Pada perhimpunan Ahad, seorang yang menentang Darko Mladic memberitahu orang ramai, \"Kami tidak akan pernah menerima mereka yang mengebom kami untuk menulis sejarah kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For centuries we have been fighting for our own state, for our own country to give us security.", "r": {"result": "Selama berabad-abad kita telah berjuang untuk negeri kita sendiri, untuk negara kita sendiri untuk memberi kita keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We don't allow illiterate Westerners to write our history\".", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak membenarkan orang Barat yang buta huruf menulis sejarah kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A medical team has determined that Mladic is healthy enough to be extradited to face a war crimes tribunal, a court spokeswoman in Belgrade said Friday.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan perubatan telah memutuskan bahawa Mladic cukup sihat untuk diekstradisi untuk menghadapi tribunal jenayah perang, kata jurucakap mahkamah di Belgrade pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the war crimes suspect suffers from several chronic conditions, the team said there are no immediate problems barring a move.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun suspek jenayah perang mengalami beberapa keadaan kronik, pasukan itu berkata tidak ada masalah serta-merta untuk menghalang pergerakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This comes after five doctors examined Mladic Thursday night, according to the ex-general's lawyer, Milos Saljic.", "r": {"result": "Ini berlaku selepas lima doktor memeriksa Mladic malam Khamis, menurut peguam bekas jeneral itu, Milos Saljic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ivan Watson contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ivan Watson dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Supreme Court is used to having its decisions publicly criticized, but rarely in R-rated language spouted by a federal judge, who says the justices should just \"stfu\".", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Agung sudah biasa membuat keputusannya dikritik secara terbuka, tetapi jarang sekali dalam bahasa berkadar R yang diutarakan oleh hakim persekutuan, yang mengatakan bahawa hakim hanya perlu \"stfu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The remarks come from Nebraska-based Judge Richard Kopf, who has a reputation for provocative commentary on his personal blog.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu datang daripada Hakim Richard Kopf yang berpangkalan di Nebraska, yang mempunyai reputasi untuk ulasan provokatif di blog peribadinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kopf, an appointee of President George H.W. Bush, criticized the high court's ruling last week in the so-called \"Hobby Lobby\" case.", "r": {"result": "Kopf, seorang lantikan Presiden George H.W. Bush, mengkritik keputusan mahkamah tinggi minggu lalu dalam kes yang dipanggil \"Lobi Hobi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decision gave some for-profit businesses the right to deny birth control coverage to their employees if they opposed on religious grounds.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu memberi beberapa perniagaan untung hak untuk menafikan perlindungan kawalan kelahiran kepada pekerja mereka jika mereka menentang atas alasan agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 5-4 decision against a provision of Obamacare was predictably divided in public opinion.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan 5-4 terhadap peruntukan Obamacare telah diramalkan dibahagikan dalam pendapat umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The senior judge made clear his views on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Hakim kanan menjelaskan pandangannya pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Five male Justices of the Supreme Court, who are all members of the Catholic faith and who each were appointed by a President who hailed from the Republican party, decided that a huge corporation, with thousands of employees and gargantuan revenues, was a 'person' entitled to assert a religious objection to the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate because that corporation was 'closely held' by family members,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Lima Hakim Mahkamah Agung lelaki, yang kesemuanya adalah ahli agama Katolik dan masing-masing dilantik oleh seorang Presiden yang berasal dari parti Republikan, memutuskan bahawa sebuah syarikat besar, dengan ribuan pekerja dan pendapatan yang besar, adalah 'orang. ' berhak untuk menegaskan bantahan agama terhadap mandat kontraseptif Akta Penjagaan Mampu kerana perbadanan itu 'dipegang rapat' oleh ahli keluarga,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To the average person, the result looks stupid and smells worse\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi orang biasa, hasilnya kelihatan bodoh dan berbau lebih teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he went further.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia pergi lebih jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Next term is the time for the Supreme Court to go quiescent-- this term and several past terms has proven that the court is now causing more harm (division) to our democracy than good by deciding hot button cases that the court has the power to avoid.", "r": {"result": "\"Penggal seterusnya adalah masa untuk Mahkamah Agung berdiam diri-- penggal ini dan beberapa penggal yang lalu telah membuktikan bahawa mahkamah kini menyebabkan lebih banyak mudarat (pecah) kepada demokrasi kita daripada kebaikan dengan memutuskan kes panas bahawa mahkamah mempunyai kuasa untuk mengelakkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the kids say, it is time for the Court to stfu\".", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dikatakan oleh kanak-kanak, sudah tiba masanya untuk Mahkamah untuk stfu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kopf helpfully linked to the Urban Dictionary to help decipher the popular acronym.", "r": {"result": "Kopf dipautkan dengan berguna kepada Kamus Bandar untuk membantu menguraikan akronim yang popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not the first time his words have attracted attention on his blog, which he describes as enlightening \"the role of the federal trial judge\".", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan kali pertama kata-katanya menarik perhatian di blognya, yang disifatkannya sebagai mencerahkan \"peranan hakim perbicaraan persekutuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During last year's budget battle in Washington and partial government shutdown, Kopf spoke for many federal judges in expressing frustration over forced furloughs and reduction of court services.", "r": {"result": "Semasa pertarungan bajet tahun lalu di Washington dan penutupan separa kerajaan, Kopf bercakap untuk banyak hakim persekutuan dalam menyatakan kekecewaan terhadap cuti paksa dan pengurangan perkhidmatan mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But most judges hold their tongue on such matters, in an effort to appear above the fray.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kebanyakan hakim tidak bercakap mengenai perkara sedemikian, dalam usaha untuk tampil mengatasi pergaduhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not Kopf: \"Tell Congress to go to hell-- all federal court employees are essential\".", "r": {"result": "Bukan Kopf: \"Beritahu Kongres untuk pergi ke neraka-- semua pekerja mahkamah persekutuan adalah penting\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he was criticized for a March blog posting entitled: \"On being a dirty old man and how young women lawyers dress\".", "r": {"result": "Dan dia dikritik kerana catatan blog Mac bertajuk: \"Tentang menjadi lelaki tua yang kotor dan bagaimana peguam wanita muda berpakaian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He later offered his regrets at the comments, saying, \"The only thing bigger than my ass is my ego\".", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudiannya menyatakan kekesalannya pada komen itu, berkata, \"Satu-satunya perkara yang lebih besar daripada pantat saya ialah ego saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was no immediate reaction from the Supreme Court to Kopf's latest comments, and unclear whether the 68-year-old judge would be subject to some internal sanction.", "r": {"result": "Tiada reaksi segera daripada Mahkamah Agung terhadap komen terbaru Kopf, dan tidak jelas sama ada hakim berusia 68 tahun itu akan dikenakan beberapa sekatan dalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN spoke with Kopf's office, which had no comment other than to confirm the latest posting was his.", "r": {"result": "CNN bercakap dengan pejabat Kopf, yang tidak mempunyai komen selain mengesahkan siaran terbaru itu adalah miliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal judges in particular have to adhere to a Code of Conduct, which says in part they \"should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary\".", "r": {"result": "Hakim persekutuan khususnya perlu mematuhi Tatakelakuan, yang sebahagiannya mengatakan bahawa mereka \"harus menghormati dan mematuhi undang-undang dan harus bertindak pada setiap masa dengan cara yang menggalakkan keyakinan orang ramai terhadap integriti dan kesaksamaan badan kehakiman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moreover, it also says they must avoid even the appearance of impropriety.", "r": {"result": "Lebih-lebih lagi, ia juga mengatakan bahawa mereka mesti mengelakkan walaupun penampilan tidak wajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This prohibition covers professional and personal conduct.", "r": {"result": "Larangan ini meliputi kelakuan profesional dan peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The wide-ranging and often deeply personal thoughts on Kopf's blog-- which he has authored since February 2013-- reflect what he says is a desire that \"federal trial judges be seen as individuals with all the strengths and weaknesses (baggage) that everyone else carries around\".", "r": {"result": "Pemikiran yang meluas dan selalunya sangat peribadi di blog Kopf-- yang telah dikarangnya sejak Februari 2013-- mencerminkan apa yang dikatakannya sebagai keinginan bahawa \"hakim perbicaraan persekutuan dilihat sebagai individu yang mempunyai semua kekuatan dan kelemahan (bagasi) yang semua orang lain membawa-bawa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the wake of the \"stfu\" comment, he is again rethinking his online future.", "r": {"result": "Berikutan komen \"stfu\", dia sekali lagi memikirkan semula masa depan dalam taliannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He wrote on Monday: \"Blogging will be light while I figure this out.", "r": {"result": "Dia menulis pada hari Isnin: \"Blogging akan menjadi ringan sementara saya memikirkan perkara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While I will make up my own mind, advice (anonymous or otherwise), particularly from experienced lawyers and judges, would be welcome\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun saya akan membuat keputusan sendiri, nasihat (tanpa nama atau sebaliknya), terutamanya daripada peguam dan hakim yang berpengalaman, akan dialu-alukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supreme Court women lash out at birth control decision.", "r": {"result": "Wanita Mahkamah Agung membidas keputusan kawalan kelahiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Get out the coats, boots, and shovels; people in some parts of the country are in for it this winter, according to the Farmer's Almanac.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Keluarkan kot, but dan penyodok; orang di beberapa bahagian di negara ini bersedia untuk musim sejuk ini, menurut Farmer's Almanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Break out your winter gear -- the Farmers' Almanac is predicting a rough winter for large parts of the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Keluarkan peralatan musim sejuk anda -- Almanak Petani meramalkan musim sejuk yang sukar untuk sebahagian besar A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The longtime periodical, published since 1818 and famous for its long-range weather predictions, is out with its annual winter forecast, which says Old Man Winter is really going to hammer folks in the Midwest and upper Great Lakes region with very cold and very snowy conditions.", "r": {"result": "Berkala lama, diterbitkan sejak tahun 1818 dan terkenal dengan ramalan cuaca jarak jauhnya, dikeluarkan dengan ramalan musim sejuk tahunannya, yang mengatakan Old Man Winter benar-benar akan memalu orang di wilayah Midwest dan Great Lakes dengan sangat sejuk dan sangat bersalji. syarat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The almanac puts it this way:", "r": {"result": "Almanak menyatakannya begini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A large area of numbingly cold temperatures will predominate from roughly east of the Continental Divide to west of the Appalachians.", "r": {"result": "\"Kawasan besar yang mempunyai suhu sejuk yang menyengat akan mendominasi dari kira-kira timur Jurang Benua ke barat Appalachian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The coldest temperatures will be over the northern Great Lakes and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.", "r": {"result": "Suhu paling sejuk adalah di utara Great Lakes dan Upper Peninsula of Michigan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But acting almost like the bread of a sandwich, to this swath of unseasonable cold will be two regions with temperatures that will average closer to normal -- the West Coast and the East Coast\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi bertindak hampir seperti roti sandwic, kepada petak sejuk yang tidak bermusim ini akan menjadi dua wilayah dengan suhu yang purata akan lebih hampir kepada normal -- Pantai Barat dan Pantai Timur\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But don't let your guard down if you live along the East or West coasts.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jangan lengah jika anda tinggal di sepanjang pantai Timur atau Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Farmer's Almanac managing editor Sandi Duncan says no one will be immune to the rough weather this winter.", "r": {"result": "Pengarang urusan Farmer's Almanak Sandi Duncan berkata tiada siapa yang akan kebal terhadap cuaca buruk musim sejuk ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even the areas that we say are going to be like the bread of the ice-cold sandwich are going to have bouts of stormy conditions.", "r": {"result": "\"Malah kawasan yang kita katakan akan menjadi seperti roti sandwic sejuk ais akan mengalami keadaan ribut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's no way it's going to be that mild of a winter,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "Tidak mungkin ia akan menjadi musim sejuk yang sederhana,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nasty weather is also in the forecast for late in the season as winter moves toward spring.", "r": {"result": "Cuaca buruk juga dalam ramalan untuk akhir musim apabila musim sejuk menghampiri musim bunga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're actually predicting a possible blizzard in the northeast to the mid-Atlantic states sometime in February,\" Duncan says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sebenarnya meramalkan kemungkinan ribut salji di timur laut hingga negeri pertengahan Atlantik pada bulan Februari,\" kata Duncan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And it does look like the cool temperatures to the cold temperatures are going to hang on.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan ia kelihatan seperti suhu sejuk hingga suhu sejuk akan bertahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And spring does look kind of rainy\".", "r": {"result": "Dan musim bunga memang kelihatan seperti hujan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Farmers' Almanac gets pretty specific about that late-season blizzard forecast.", "r": {"result": "Almanac Petani menjadi agak spesifik tentang ramalan ribut salji lewat musim itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Duncan, \"February 12th-15th looks very stormy with blizzard conditions possible especially in New England but also going down to the mid-Atlantic coast\".", "r": {"result": "Menurut Duncan, \"12-15 Februari kelihatan sangat ribut dengan keadaan ribut salji mungkin terutamanya di New England tetapi juga turun ke pantai Atlantik tengah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The periodical says, \"While three-quarters of the country is predicted to see near- or below-average precipitation this winter, that doesn't mean there won't be any winter storms!", "r": {"result": "Berkala itu berkata, \"Walaupun tiga perempat daripada negara itu diramalkan akan melihat hujan hampir atau di bawah purata musim sejuk ini, itu tidak bermakna tidak akan ada sebarang ribut musim sejuk!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the contrary, significant snowfalls are forecast for parts of every zone\".", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, salji yang ketara diramalkan untuk bahagian setiap zon\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ninette Sosa contributed to this story.", "r": {"result": "Ninette Sosa dari CNN menyumbang kepada cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Three weeks ago, Teleka Patrick disappeared.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tiga minggu lalu, Teleka Patrick hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 30-year-old doctor in residency failed to show up for work on December 6 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.", "r": {"result": "Doktor berusia 30 tahun di residensi gagal hadir untuk bekerja pada 6 Disember di Kalamazoo, Michigan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The night before, police 100 miles south in Indiana found her car abandoned but not crashed in a ditch off busy I-94.", "r": {"result": "Malam sebelumnya, polis 100 batu ke selatan di Indiana mendapati keretanya ditinggalkan tetapi tidak terhempas di dalam parit di I-94 yang sibuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators searched but came up empty.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat mencari tetapi didapati kosong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We looked everywhere,\" Sgt.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mencari di mana-mana,\" Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Strong of the Indiana State Police told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Rick Strong dari Polis Negeri Indiana memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now investigators have more potential evidence, about 20 minutes worth.", "r": {"result": "Kini penyiasat mempunyai lebih banyak bukti berpotensi, bernilai kira-kira 20 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Videos provide clues.", "r": {"result": "Video memberikan petunjuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Surveillance and home videos uploaded to YouTube provide clues about Patrick's movement in the weeks, days and hours before she vanished.", "r": {"result": "Pengawasan dan video rumah yang dimuat naik ke YouTube memberikan petunjuk tentang pergerakan Patrick dalam beberapa minggu, hari dan jam sebelum dia hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a different context, the YouTube videos might be considered sweet or romantic.", "r": {"result": "Dalam konteks yang berbeza, video YouTube mungkin dianggap manis atau romantis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They feature Patrick talking, cooing and singing to someone unnamed and apparently unknown.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menampilkan Patrick bercakap, bersuara dan menyanyi kepada seseorang yang tidak dinamakan dan nampaknya tidak dikenali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patrick's mother told CNN she wasn't aware of any romantic relationship her daughter may have had.", "r": {"result": "Ibu Patrick memberitahu CNN dia tidak mengetahui sebarang hubungan romantis yang mungkin dimiliki oleh anak perempuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the videos have an intimate feel to them.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi video itu mempunyai perasaan yang intim kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hi, baby,\" Patrick says in one.", "r": {"result": "\"Hai, sayang,\" kata Patrick dalam satu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am just coming to you to say 'hi' and tell you about my day\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hanya datang kepada anda untuk mengucapkan 'hai' dan memberitahu anda tentang hari saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In another video, Patrick shows a table set for two with omelets and pancakes.", "r": {"result": "Dalam video lain, Patrick menunjukkan set meja untuk dua orang dengan telur dadar dan penkek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you were here, this is what would be your plate,\" she coos.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda berada di sini, ini adalah hidangan anda,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two videos were posted in early November.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua video itu disiarkan pada awal November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not completely clear why they only drew attention now.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas mengapa mereka hanya menarik perhatian sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A third video to surface comes from a local hotel in Kalamazoo.", "r": {"result": "Video ketiga muncul datang dari hotel tempatan di Kalamazoo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's where Patrick went on the night of December 5, just hours before police found her car in that ditch.", "r": {"result": "Itulah tempat Patrick pergi pada malam 5 Disember, hanya beberapa jam sebelum polis menemui keretanya di dalam parit itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a little past 7:30 p.m., Patrick, dressed all in black, showed up at a Radisson hotel not far from the hospital where she worked.", "r": {"result": "Pada pukul 7:30 malam, Patrick, berpakaian serba hitam, muncul di hotel Radisson tidak jauh dari hospital tempat dia bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She spent around 10 minutes talking with employees at the reception desk but ultimately left.", "r": {"result": "Dia menghabiskan kira-kira 10 minit bercakap dengan pekerja di meja penyambut tetamu tetapi akhirnya pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's no audio on the video, and it's not clear why Patrick failed to book a room.", "r": {"result": "Tiada audio pada video dan tidak jelas mengapa Patrick gagal menempah bilik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at 7:48 p.m., she strode across the hotel's tiled floors, out the door and onto a hotel shuttle bus.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada pukul 7:48 malam, dia berjalan melintasi lantai berjubin hotel, keluar dari pintu dan menaiki bas ulang-alik hotel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those images provide the last known picture of Patrick.", "r": {"result": "Imej-imej tersebut memberikan gambar terakhir Patrick yang diketahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friends, family shocked.", "r": {"result": "Kawan, keluarga terkejut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patrick's disappearance has, from the beginning, drawn shock from many corners.", "r": {"result": "Kehilangan Patrick telah, dari awal, menarik kejutan dari banyak sudut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her family says Patrick, who had just moved to Michigan, bought a plane ticket to come visit them for the holidays in Florida.", "r": {"result": "Keluarganya berkata Patrick, yang baru berpindah ke Michigan, membeli tiket kapal terbang untuk melawat mereka bercuti di Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her colleagues called her \"part of our family of medical professionals\".", "r": {"result": "Rakan sekerjanya memanggilnya \"sebahagian daripada keluarga profesional perubatan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And CNN's audience posted by the droves on iReport asking for coverage in the hopes that more information and coverage would propel the case forward.", "r": {"result": "Dan penonton CNN menyiarkan beramai-ramai di iReport meminta liputan dengan harapan lebih banyak maklumat dan liputan akan mendorong kes itu ke hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The young doctor was described in comments as \"wonderful,\" \"beautiful\" and \"talented\".", "r": {"result": "Doktor muda itu digambarkan dalam komen sebagai \"hebat,\" \"cantik\" dan \"berbakat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The newly discovered videos add to the swirl of questions surrounding this case.", "r": {"result": "Video-video yang baru ditemui itu menambahkan lagi pergolakan soalan mengenai kes ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators have said they have no evidence of foul play, but they also don't have conclusive evidence that Patrick's movements on December 5 were voluntary.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat telah mengatakan bahawa mereka tidak mempunyai bukti perbuatan keji, tetapi mereka juga tidak mempunyai bukti konklusif bahawa pergerakan Patrick pada 5 Disember adalah sukarela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police brought out dogs to track Patrick's scent.", "r": {"result": "Polis membawa keluar anjing untuk mengesan bau Patrick.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They led investigators the 30 or so feet out of the ditch where Patrick's car rested to the highway.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mengetuai penyiasat sejauh 30 kaki keluar dari parit tempat kereta Patrick berehat ke lebuh raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There, the trace went cold.", "r": {"result": "Di sana, jejak menjadi sejuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have scoured, searched and looked at everything we could possibly look at -- all the exits, all the businesses, all the hotels,\" Strong said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah menyelusuri, mencari dan melihat semua yang kami boleh lihat -- semua pintu keluar, semua perniagaan, semua hotel,\" kata Strong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We posted fliers; we talked to neighbors (who live near the highway).", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menyiarkan risalah; kami bercakap dengan jiran (yang tinggal berhampiran lebuh raya).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We did a full-blown, on-the-ground search in the wooded area north of where the car was\".", "r": {"result": "Kami melakukan pencarian di atas tanah di kawasan hutan di utara tempat kereta itu berada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carl Clatterback, a private investigator hired by Patrick's family, told CNN that investigators are looking into the videos.", "r": {"result": "Carl Clatterback, seorang penyiasat persendirian yang diupah oleh keluarga Patrick, memberitahu CNN bahawa penyiasat sedang meneliti video tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A central question: Who is Patrick talking to in the videos and does that person know anything about what happened to her?", "r": {"result": "Soalan utama: Dengan siapa Patrick bercakap dalam video dan adakah orang itu tahu apa-apa tentang apa yang berlaku kepadanya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Tiffany Campbell contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Tiffany Campbell dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Score one for Obamacare supporters in court on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Skor satu untuk penyokong Obamacare di mahkamah pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A three-judge appeals panel in Washington unanimously rejected a novel challenge to how the Affordable Care Act took shape in Congress.", "r": {"result": "Panel rayuan tiga hakim di Washington sebulat suara menolak cabaran baru tentang bagaimana Akta Penjagaan Mampu Milik dibentuk di Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court found lawmakers did not violate the Constitution when laying out the so-called individual mandate, which requires most Americans buy health insurance or pay a penalty.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah mendapati penggubal undang-undang tidak melanggar Perlembagaan apabila meletakkan apa yang dipanggil mandat individu, yang memerlukan kebanyakan rakyat Amerika membeli insurans kesihatan atau membayar penalti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Iowa small business owner and a conservative legal group said the measure was unlawful, arguing it was intended to raise revenue and improperly originated in the Senate.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pemilik perniagaan kecil Iowa dan kumpulan undang-undang konservatif berkata langkah itu menyalahi undang-undang, dengan alasan ia bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan berasal secara tidak wajar dari Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the Constitution's Origination Clause, revenue-raising legislation must begin in the House.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah Fasal Asal Perlembagaan, perundangan penjanaan hasil mesti bermula di Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Gutting Obamacare is playing with lives.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Gutting Obamacare sedang bermain dengan nyawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the court concluded the challenge did not pass muster -- that the politically-charged law approved with only Democratic support in 2010 was not designed mainly to raise money for the government, but to ensure more Americans got health coverage.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mahkamah menyimpulkan bahawa cabaran itu tidak lulus -- bahawa undang-undang berunsur politik yang diluluskan dengan hanya sokongan Demokrat pada 2010 tidak direka terutamanya untuk mengumpul wang untuk kerajaan, tetapi untuk memastikan lebih ramai rakyat Amerika mendapat perlindungan kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today's decision is disappointing, because it relied on a new and unprecedented distinction to exempt the Obamacare tax from the Constitution's rules for enacting taxes,\" said Timothy Sandefur, principal attorney at the conservative Pacific Legal Foundation.", "r": {"result": "\"Keputusan hari ini mengecewakan, kerana ia bergantung pada perbezaan baharu dan tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini untuk mengecualikan cukai Obamacare daripada peraturan Perlembagaan untuk menggubal cukai,\" kata Timothy Sandefur, peguam utama di Yayasan Perundangan Pasifik konservatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We think that's wrong, and that's what we'll be taking to the Supreme Court if necessary,\" Sandefur said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami fikir itu salah, dan itulah yang kami akan bawa ke Mahkamah Agung jika perlu,\" kata Sandefur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The challenge was raised by Matt Sissel, a Cedar Rapids, Iowa, artist, gallery owner and part time National Guard member.", "r": {"result": "Cabaran itu dibangkitkan oleh Matt Sissel, seorang Cedar Rapids, Iowa, artis, pemilik galeri dan anggota Pengawal Kebangsaan sambilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He opposes being forced to purchase health insurance under the government mandate.", "r": {"result": "Dia menentang dipaksa membeli insurans kesihatan di bawah mandat kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His lawyers argued Senate Democratic leaders pushed a \"shell game\" -- taking an unrelated bill that had passed in the GOP-controlled House, removing every word, and replacing it with key parts of the Affordable Care Act, including the individual mandate.", "r": {"result": "Peguamnya berhujah pemimpin Demokrat Senat menolak \"permainan shell\" -- mengambil rang undang-undang yang tidak berkaitan yang telah diluluskan di Dewan yang dikawal GOP, mengeluarkan setiap perkataan, dan menggantikannya dengan bahagian penting Akta Penjagaan Mampu Milik, termasuk mandat individu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Study: Obamacare gave 10 million Americans health insurance.", "r": {"result": "Kajian: Obamacare memberi 10 juta insurans kesihatan rakyat Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A divided Supreme Court, in a blockbuster decision, ruled in 2012 that the law's individual mandate was constitutional, labeling it a tax.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Agung yang berpecah-belah, dalam keputusan blokbuster, memutuskan pada 2012 bahawa mandat individu undang-undang adalah mengikut perlembagaan, melabelkannya sebagai cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, the D.C. circuit dealt Obamacare supporters an appeals court setback when it limited subsidies and tax breaks available for millions of people who signed up for coverage through a federally-run insurance marketplace.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, litar D.C. memberikan kemunduran mahkamah rayuan kepada penyokong Obamacare apabila subsidi dan pelepasan cukai terhad untuk berjuta-juta orang yang mendaftar untuk perlindungan melalui pasaran insurans yang dikendalikan oleh persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A separate appeals panel in Richmond concluded the exact opposite on the same day -- saying the subsidies were lawful.", "r": {"result": "Panel rayuan berasingan di Richmond menyimpulkan sebaliknya pada hari yang sama -- mengatakan bahawa subsidi adalah sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That conflict likely will land that issue before the Supreme Court in coming months.", "r": {"result": "Konflik itu mungkin akan membawa isu itu ke Mahkamah Agung dalam beberapa bulan akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Conversely, the Sissel challenge now faces a potentially uphill battle for Supreme Court consideration following the appeals decision.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, cabaran Sissel kini menghadapi pertarungan yang berpotensi sukar untuk pertimbangan Mahkamah Agung berikutan keputusan rayuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Appeals courts differ on Obamacare; Supreme Court case likely.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah rayuan berbeza mengenai Obamacare; Kes Mahkamah Agung mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FAQ: What the Obamacare court decisions mean for you.", "r": {"result": "FAQ: Apakah makna keputusan mahkamah Obamacare untuk anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watchdog: Fake applicants got Obamacare subsidies.", "r": {"result": "Pengawas: Pemohon palsu mendapat subsidi Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Hundreds of small earthquakes have rumbled under northwestern Nevada like a seismic drumroll since midsummer, and in recent days, they have built to a crescendo.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Beratus-ratus gempa bumi kecil telah bergemuruh di bawah barat laut Nevada seperti gendang gendang seismik sejak pertengahan musim panas, dan dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, ia telah membina ke puncak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This does not necessarily mean a big one will come, state seismologists said, but they added that it's good to be prepared, just in case.", "r": {"result": "Ini tidak semestinya bermakna yang besar akan datang, kata ahli seismologi negeri, tetapi mereka menambah bahawa adalah baik untuk bersedia, sekiranya berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seismologists refer to such quake groupings as swarms, and the U.S. Geological Survey has detected them regularly.", "r": {"result": "Ahli seismologi merujuk kepada kumpulan gempa tersebut sebagai kawanan, dan Kajian Geologi A.S. telah mengesannya dengan kerap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They can produce thousands of small tremors.", "r": {"result": "Mereka boleh menghasilkan beribu-ribu gegaran kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In September, for example, about 500 miniquakes struck southeastern California in about two days.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan September, sebagai contoh, kira-kira 500 gempa kecil melanda tenggara California dalam masa kira-kira dua hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The largest topped out at a magnitude 3.8 -- a strength that could be felt but was not dangerous.", "r": {"result": "Yang terbesar mendahului pada magnitud 3.8 -- kekuatan yang boleh dirasai tetapi tidak berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For months.", "r": {"result": "Untuk berbulan-bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Nevada swarm buzzing in and around the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge has gone on since July 12.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kawanan Nevada yang berdengung di dalam dan sekitar Perlindungan Hidupan Liar Negara Sheldon telah berterusan sejak 12 Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent days -- since October 30 -- they have grown stronger, with three over magnitude 4.0.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini -- sejak 30 Oktober -- mereka telah berkembang lebih kuat, dengan tiga melebihi magnitud 4.0.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The strongest one weighed in Tuesday at magnitude 4.6 -- approaching the threshold of a lightly damaging quake.", "r": {"result": "Yang paling kuat beratnya pada hari Selasa pada magnitud 4.6 -- menghampiri ambang gempa yang merosakkan ringan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is a slightly elevated risk of a larger earthquake while the swarm is active,\" said seismologist Ian Madin from neighboring Oregon.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat sedikit risiko gempa bumi yang lebih besar manakala kumpulan itu aktif,\" kata ahli seismologi Ian Madin dari negara jiran Oregon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This swarm looks much like two previous swarms that produced somewhat strong earthquakes, the Nevada Seismological Laboratory says.", "r": {"result": "Kawanan ini kelihatan seperti dua kumpulan sebelumnya yang menghasilkan gempa bumi yang agak kuat, kata Makmal Seismologi Nevada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Similar swarms.", "r": {"result": "Kawanan serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1968, in nearby Adel, Oregon, a swarm lasting several months produced three quakes of about magnitude 5. \"The Adel swarm caused moderate damage,\" the NSL said.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1968, di Adel, Oregon yang berdekatan, kawanan yang bertahan selama beberapa bulan menghasilkan tiga gempa dengan magnitud 5. \"Kawanan Adel menyebabkan kerosakan sederhana,\" kata NSL.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another, shorter swarm near Reno, Nevada, in 2008 led to a magnitude 5 quake and caused moderate local damage.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi kumpulan yang lebih pendek berhampiran Reno, Nevada, pada tahun 2008 membawa kepada gempa bumi berukuran 5 magnitud dan menyebabkan kerosakan tempatan yang sederhana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vast majority of the current Nevada swarm's quakes have been undetectable to people walking around on top of them.", "r": {"result": "Sebilangan besar gempa bumi Nevada semasa tidak dapat dikesan oleh orang yang berjalan di atasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since they started four months ago, Nevada Seismological Laboratory has recorded around 550 quakes of magnitude 2 or higher, and 42 with intensities above 3.0.", "r": {"result": "Sejak ia bermula empat bulan lalu, Makmal Seismologi Nevada telah merekodkan sekitar 550 gempa bumi bermagnitud 2 atau lebih tinggi, dan 42 dengan keamatan melebihi 3.0.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The center of the activity is in a sparsely populated area, the USGS says.", "r": {"result": "Pusat aktiviti adalah di kawasan yang jarang penduduk, kata USGS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are two towns about 40 miles away, each with a population of about 2,500.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat dua bandar kira-kira 40 batu jauhnya, setiap satu dengan penduduk kira-kira 2,500.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How earthquakes are measured.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana gempa bumi diukur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- There are guy movies and girl movies, the latter of which the guys label \"chick flicks\" and often only ever see under protest.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Terdapat filem lelaki dan filem perempuan, filem terakhir yang dilabelkan oleh lelaki sebagai \"jentik anak ayam\" dan selalunya hanya menonton di bawah bantahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In \"Sleepless in Seattle\" the late Nora Ephron had fun with the idea that for a typical guy, the definition of a tearjerker would be \"The Dirty Dozen\" (because that's about as emotional as we fellas want to get).", "r": {"result": "Dalam \"Sleepless in Seattle\" mendiang Nora Ephron berasa seronok dengan idea bahawa bagi seorang lelaki biasa, takrifan seorang pemedih mata ialah \"The Dirty Dozen\" (kerana itu adalah emosi yang sama seperti yang kita mahu dapatkan).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is \"Magic Mike\" a chick flick?", "r": {"result": "Adakah \"Magic Mike\" filem anak ayam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If it is, it may the first of a new breed.", "r": {"result": "Jika ya, ia mungkin yang pertama daripada baka baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a crisp, unsentimental story, with none of those lingering sunset shots you find in Nicholas Sparks' adaptations (well, OK, almost none), and a heroine who spends most of the movie tutting her disapproval on the sidelines.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah cerita yang tajam dan tidak sentimental, dengan tiada satu pun daripada tangkapan matahari terbenam yang berlarutan yang anda temui dalam adaptasi Nicholas Sparks (baik, OK, hampir tiada), dan seorang heroin yang menghabiskan sebahagian besar filem itu dengan menolak persetujuannya di luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for sure, women are going to be this film's primary audience.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi yang pasti, wanita akan menjadi penonton utama filem ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because Magic Mike (Channing Tatum) is a stripper, and so is his mentor, club owner Dallas (Matthew McConaughey), and his 19-year-old protA(c)gA(c), Adam (Alex Pettyfer).", "r": {"result": "Kerana Magic Mike (Channing Tatum) adalah seorang penari telanjang, begitu juga mentornya, pemilik kelab Dallas (Matthew McConaughey), dan protA(c)gA(c)nya yang berusia 19 tahun, Adam (Alex Pettyfer).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just a hunch, but I reckon a lot of guys are going to hold out for \"The Amazing Spider-Man\" next week.", "r": {"result": "Hanya firasat, tetapi saya rasa ramai lelaki akan bertahan untuk \"The Amazing Spider-Man\" minggu depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Director Steven Soderbergh's last movie was the female action film \"Haywire,\" which didn't click with audiences of either sex.", "r": {"result": "Filem terakhir pengarah Steven Soderbergh ialah filem aksi wanita \"Haywire,\" yang tidak menarik perhatian penonton dari mana-mana jantina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he may be on to something this time.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia mungkin melakukan sesuatu kali ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a good year to be Channing Tatum.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah tahun yang baik untuk menjadi Channing Tatum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From the opening shots of a buff, naughty McConaughey teasing the audience in tight leather trousers (\"What can't you touch\"?", "r": {"result": "Daripada syot pembukaan peminat, McConaughey nakal mengusik penonton dengan seluar kulit ketat (\"Apa yang anda tidak boleh sentuh\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "), it's clear that Soderbergh has the measure of what his audience wants.", "r": {"result": "), jelas bahawa Soderbergh mempunyai ukuran tentang apa yang penontonnya mahukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's going to give it to them, too, but not too much, too soon because the tease is as important as the strip.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan memberikannya kepada mereka juga, tetapi tidak terlalu banyak, terlalu cepat kerana usikan itu sama pentingnya dengan jalur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A college dropout who draws the line at taking any job that requires him to wear a tie, Adam is living with his big sister Brooke (Cody Horn) when his new buddy Mike ushers him into the delights of the Xquisite Male Dance Revue.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pelajar yang tercicir dari kolej yang bersedia untuk mengambil sebarang pekerjaan yang memerlukannya memakai tali leher, Adam tinggal bersama kakaknya Brooke (Cody Horn) apabila rakan barunya Mike membawanya ke dalam kegembiraan Xquisite Male Dance Revue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In time-honored backstage musical tradition, \"the kid\" gets thrown on stage when one of the stars can't go on.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tradisi muzik belakang pentas yang dihormati masa, \"kanak-kanak itu\" dilemparkan ke atas pentas apabila salah seorang bintang tidak dapat meneruskannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Next thing he knows, Adam is shopping for a stars and stripes thong for the Fourth of July special.", "r": {"result": "Perkara seterusnya yang dia tahu, Adam sedang membeli-belah untuk thong bintang dan jalur untuk istimewa Empat Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scripted by Reid Carolin and inspired by Channing Tatum's own experiences as a Tampa stripper in the 1990s, \"Magic Mike\" is honest about the attractions of the job (money, girls, fun) without pretending it's a smart choice in the long run (too much fun, too many girls, not enough money).", "r": {"result": "Ditulis oleh Reid Carolin dan diilhamkan oleh pengalaman Channing Tatum sendiri sebagai penari telanjang Tampa pada tahun 1990-an, \"Magic Mike\" jujur tentang tarikan pekerjaan (wang, perempuan, keseronokan) tanpa berpura-pura ia pilihan yang bijak dalam jangka masa panjang (juga sangat seronok, terlalu ramai gadis, tidak cukup wang).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I liked the brightly lit, casual camaraderie of the dressing room scenes, while on stage the routines here are sexy, playful and (I'm guessing) much better choreographed than you're likely to see downtown on a Saturday night.", "r": {"result": "Saya menyukai kemesraan kasual yang terang benderang dalam adegan bilik persalinan, manakala di atas pentas rutin di sini adalah seksi, suka bermain dan (saya rasa) koreografi yang jauh lebih baik daripada yang mungkin anda lihat di pusat bandar pada malam Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brawny and bruised, Tatum doesn't look like it but he is a heck of a dancer.", "r": {"result": "Berperawakan dan lebam, Tatum tidak kelihatan seperti itu tetapi dia seorang penari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the movie was in 3-D you'd probably be stuffing bills into his briefs, bills like the ones we see Mike flattening under a heavy book in one of the film's numerous truthful touches.", "r": {"result": "Jika filem itu dalam 3-D, anda mungkin akan memasukkan bil ke dalam seluarnya, bil seperti yang kita lihat Mike mendatar di bawah buku berat dalam salah satu daripada banyak sentuhan jujur filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Less interesting is Mike's haphazard courtship of Brooke.", "r": {"result": "Kurang menarik ialah peminangan Mike yang sembarangan terhadap Brooke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it a coincidence that Cody Horn is the daughter of Warner Bros.", "r": {"result": "Adakah secara kebetulan bahawa Cody Horn adalah anak perempuan Warner Bros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Alan Horn?", "r": {"result": "Presiden Alan Horn?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have no idea, but she's a bland performer and the weak link here (Olivia Munn blows her away as a slumming psychology student who is Mike's substitute girl).", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu, tetapi dia seorang penghibur yang hambar dan pautan yang lemah di sini (Olivia Munn menerpanya sebagai pelajar psikologi yang merosot yang merupakan gadis pengganti Mike).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- The Duchess of Cambridge has been photographed furtively once again: An Italian magazine announced Tuesday it will publish vacation photos of the pregnant royal and her baby bump, despite her objection.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Duchess of Cambridge telah dirakamkan sekali lagi: Majalah Itali mengumumkan pada hari Selasa bahawa ia akan menerbitkan gambar percutian diraja yang hamil dan bayinya, walaupun dia membantah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The magazine, Chi, said Tuesday that it will print \"extraordinary images of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge during their dream holiday in the Caribbean\" in the issue coming out Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Majalah itu, Chi, berkata pada hari Selasa bahawa ia akan mencetak \"imej luar biasa Duke dan Duchess of Cambridge semasa percutian impian mereka di Caribbean\" dalam isu yang akan dikeluarkan pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The future mum, now in her fourth month of pregnancy, wears a small bikini that enhances her now visible bump,\" the magazine said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ibu masa depan, kini dalam bulan keempat kehamilannya, memakai bikini kecil yang meningkatkan bonggolnya yang kini kelihatan,\" kata majalah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "St. James's Palace -- which represents Catherine, her husband, Prince William, and his brother, Harry -- responded with dismay.", "r": {"result": "Istana St. James -- yang mewakili Catherine, suaminya, Putera William, dan abangnya, Harry -- membalas dengan kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are disappointed that photographs of the Duke and Duchess on a private holiday look likely to be published overseas,\" a palace representative said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami kecewa kerana gambar Duke dan Duchess pada percutian peribadi kelihatan mungkin diterbitkan di luar negara,\" kata seorang wakil istana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a clear breach of the couple's right to privacy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini jelas melanggar hak privasi pasangan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not immediately clear when or exactly where the pictures were taken.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak segera jelas bila atau tepat di mana gambar-gambar itu diambil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British and U.S. media -- including People, like CNN a division of Time Warner -- reported that the royal couple recently vacationed on the secluded Caribbean isle of Mustique.", "r": {"result": "Media British dan A.S. -- termasuk People, seperti CNN bahagian Time Warner -- melaporkan bahawa pasangan diraja itu baru-baru ini bercuti di pulau terpencil Caribbean Mustique.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Duchess, whose maiden name is Kate Middleton, has kept a low profile since the announcement in December she is set to give birth to her first child in July.", "r": {"result": "Duchess, yang nama sulungnya ialah Kate Middleton, tidak berprofil tinggi sejak pengumuman pada Disember bahawa dia bakal melahirkan anak pertamanya pada bulan Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Images showing any evidence of a baby bump have been hard to come by in that time.", "r": {"result": "Imej yang menunjukkan sebarang bukti benjolan bayi sukar didapati pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Chi photos, though, are not her first encounter with paparazzi -- which tracked her during her long courtship with William, their engagement and their time since April 2011 as a married couple.", "r": {"result": "Foto-foto Chi itu, bagaimanapun, bukanlah pertemuan pertamanya dengan paparazi -- yang menjejakinya semasa berpacaran lama dengan William, pertunangan mereka dan masa mereka sejak April 2011 sebagai pasangan suami isteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The highest-profile example came in September 2012, when the French magazine Closer ran photographs of Catherine privately sunbathing topless while on a holiday with William in France.", "r": {"result": "Contoh profil tertinggi muncul pada September 2012, apabila majalah Perancis Closer menyiarkan gambar Catherine berjemur secara tertutup tanpa pakaian semasa bercuti dengan William di Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Besides that magazine, some of those photos also were published in the Irish Daily Star newspaper and Chi, which according to its parent company Mondadori is a women's magazine with an average circulation of more than 218,000 and a readership well beyond that.", "r": {"result": "Selain majalah itu, beberapa gambar itu juga diterbitkan dalam akhbar Irish Daily Star dan Chi, yang menurut syarikat induknya Mondadori ialah majalah wanita dengan purata edaran lebih daripada 218,000 dan jumlah pembaca melebihi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon after the photos came out, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge took legal action against Closer -- which was fined by a French court and ordered not to distribute the edition in print or online.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas gambar itu dikeluarkan, Duke dan Duchess of Cambridge mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Closer -- yang didenda oleh mahkamah Perancis dan memerintahkan untuk tidak mengedarkan edisi itu dalam bentuk cetak atau dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was also told to hand over the photos to the royals.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga diberitahu untuk menyerahkan gambar kepada kerabat diraja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Susannah Palk reported this story from London, and Greg Botelho wrote it from Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Susannah Palk dari CNN melaporkan kisah ini dari London, dan Greg Botelho menulisnya dari Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Gisella Deputato contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Gisella Deputato dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alexandria, Egypt (CNN) -- Emotional congregants returned to their church Sunday in Alexandria, Egypt, mourning the loss of fellow worshippers in a bombing a day earlier.", "r": {"result": "Alexandria, Mesir (CNN) -- Jemaah yang penuh emosi kembali ke gereja mereka Ahad di Alexandria, Mesir, bersedih atas kehilangan rakan sembahyang dalam pengeboman sehari sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside the Church of the Two Saints, grisly reminders of the explosion -- believed to be caused by a suicide bomber -- remained as tearful worshippers lighted candles to honor the dead.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam Gereja Dua Orang Suci, peringatan mengerikan tentang letupan itu -- dipercayai berpunca daripada pengebom berani mati -- kekal ketika jemaah yang menangis sambil menyalakan lilin untuk menghormati si mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Broken glass and debris littered the church's interior and portions of the walls were splattered with blood.", "r": {"result": "Kaca pecah dan serpihan bersepah di bahagian dalam gereja dan bahagian dindingnya bersimbah darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Outside, a heavy police presence guarded the church.", "r": {"result": "Di luar, kehadiran polis yang berat mengawal gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 21 people were killed and 97 others injured in Saturday's blast, which occurred shortly after midnight as Coptic Christians were attending services at the church, according to Egyptian government officials.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 21 orang terbunuh dan 97 yang lain cedera dalam letupan Sabtu, yang berlaku sejurus selepas tengah malam ketika penganut Kristian Koptik sedang menghadiri kebaktian di gereja, menurut pegawai kerajaan Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evidence indicates that a suicide bomber caused the blast, the country's interior ministry said Saturday, though witnesses reported seeing a car parked outside the church explode.", "r": {"result": "Bukti menunjukkan bahawa pengebom berani mati menyebabkan letupan itu, kata kementerian dalam negeri pada hari Sabtu, walaupun saksi melaporkan melihat sebuah kereta yang diletakkan di luar gereja meletup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why would my son or brother go to celebrate the mass by prayer, not by drinking or doing drugs or anything like that, but by praying in the church, and then this would happen to them at the church gate\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Mengapa anak lelaki atau abang saya pergi meraikan misa dengan berdoa, bukan dengan minum atau menggunakan dadah atau apa-apa seperti itu, tetapi dengan berdoa di gereja, dan kemudian ini akan berlaku kepada mereka di pintu gereja\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "one worshipper said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "seorang jemaah berkata Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What religion or law, whatever it is, would approve what happened yesterday\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Agama atau undang-undang apa, apa pun, akan meluluskan apa yang berlaku semalam\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another worshipper at the church said she lost three family members in the attack.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi jemaah di gereja itu berkata dia kehilangan tiga ahli keluarga dalam serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What did we do to them?", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang kita buat pada mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nothing!", "r": {"result": "tiada apa-apa!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We live together (Copts and Muslims) and nothing happens.", "r": {"result": "Kami tinggal bersama (Copts dan Muslim) dan tiada apa yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How would they do this to us, hurt us and make us orphans\"?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana mereka akan melakukan ini kepada kita, menyakiti kita dan menjadikan kita yatim?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she said.", "r": {"result": "dia berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Copts, who are adherents of an Egyptian sect of Christianity, make up about 9% of the nation's population.", "r": {"result": "Copts, yang menganut mazhab Kristian Mesir, membentuk kira-kira 9% daripada penduduk negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 90% of Egyptians are Muslims.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 90% rakyat Mesir beragama Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A small group of Coptic men held a demonstration against the attack about a block away from the church Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Sekumpulan kecil lelaki Koptik mengadakan tunjuk perasaan menentang serangan itu kira-kira satu blok dari gereja Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tensions have been running high between Egypt's Muslim majority and minority Christians.", "r": {"result": "Ketegangan semakin memuncak antara majoriti Islam Mesir dan minoriti Kristian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said in November that 10 Coptic Christian homes and several businesses were burned and looted in Qena province in southern Egypt following rumors of a romantic relationship between a Christian man and Muslim woman.", "r": {"result": "Suruhanjaya A.S. bagi Kebebasan Beragama Antarabangsa berkata pada November bahawa 10 rumah Kristian Koptik dan beberapa perniagaan telah dibakar dan dirompak di wilayah Qena di selatan Mesir berikutan khabar angin hubungan romantis antara seorang lelaki Kristian dan wanita Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict XVI, condemned Saturday's bombing.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin dunia, termasuk Presiden AS Barack Obama dan Pope Benedict XVI, mengutuk pengeboman Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The perpetrators of this attack were clearly targeting Christian worshippers, and have no respect for human life and dignity,\" Obama said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPelaku serangan ini jelas menyasarkan penganut Kristian, dan tidak menghormati nyawa dan maruah manusia,\u201d kata Obama dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They must be brought to justice for this barbaric and heinous act\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mesti dibawa ke muka pengadilan atas perbuatan biadab dan keji ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Bishop Makar, the spokesman for the Church of the Two Saints, downplayed sectarian tensions in the region.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Bishop Makar, jurucakap Gereja Dua Orang Suci, merendahkan ketegangan mazhab di rantau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the beginning, we thought the attack was sectarian, to be honest,\" he said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada mulanya, kami menyangka serangan itu berpuak-puak, sejujurnya,\" katanya Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But now we're quite certain that it has nothing to do with sectarianism especially that we have little sectarianism in Egypt.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi sekarang kami agak pasti bahawa ia tidak ada kaitan dengan fahaman mazhab terutamanya kami mempunyai sedikit mazhab di Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vast majority are good and love each other.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian besar adalah baik dan saling menyayangi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here in our area by the way we have no sectarian issues at all\".", "r": {"result": "Di sini di kawasan kami dengan cara kami tidak mempunyai isu mazhab sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A nearby mosque was also damaged in the blast and eight Muslims were among the wounded, the interior ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah masjid berhampiran juga rosak dalam letupan itu dan lapan orang Islam adalah antara yang cedera, kata kementerian dalam negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak called for a swift investigation of the \"criminal act\" and urged Egyptians to stand together \"in the face of ... terrorism and those who want to disrupt the nation's security, stability and unity of its people,\" presidential.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Mesir Hosni Mubarak menggesa siasatan pantas terhadap \"tindakan jenayah\" itu dan menggesa rakyat Mesir untuk berdiri bersama \"dalam menghadapi ... keganasan dan mereka yang ingin mengganggu keselamatan negara, kestabilan dan perpaduan rakyatnya,\" presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "spokesman Ambassador Sulaiman Awad said Saturday.", "r": {"result": "jurucakap Duta Sulaiman Awad berkata Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alexandria Gov.", "r": {"result": "Alexandria Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adil Labib told state-run Nile TV that samples from the scene had been sent to a government lab as part of an investigation.", "r": {"result": "Adil Labib memberitahu TV Nil milik kerajaan bahawa sampel dari tempat kejadian telah dihantar ke makmal kerajaan sebagai sebahagian daripada siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities believe the bomber was killed in the blast, Egypt's Interior Ministry said in a statement Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa percaya pengebom itu terbunuh dalam letupan itu, kata Kementerian Dalam Negeri Mesir dalam satu kenyataan Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forensic testing confirmed that the explosive device used was homemade and contained nails and ball-bearings, the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Ujian forensik mengesahkan bahawa bahan letupan yang digunakan adalah buatan sendiri dan mengandungi paku dan galas bebola, kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The attack targeted all Egyptians and not just our Coptic brethren,\" Labib said, according to the country's official Middle East News Agency (MENA).", "r": {"result": "\u201cSerangan itu menyasarkan semua rakyat Mesir dan bukan hanya saudara Koptik kami,\u201d kata Labib, menurut Agensi Berita Timur Tengah (MENA) rasmi negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mubarak has vowed to find the perpetrators of the attack, saying in an address to the nation Saturday that \"this terrorism act has shocked us, hurt hearts of the Egyptians, Muslims and Coptics\".", "r": {"result": "Mubarak telah berikrar untuk mencari pelaku serangan itu, berkata dalam ucapan kepada negara pada hari Sabtu bahawa \"tindakan keganasan ini telah mengejutkan kami, melukakan hati rakyat Mesir, Muslim dan Koptik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ben Wedeman contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ben Wedeman dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- International Correspondent Fred Pleitgen reports from the site of E1, a controversial settlement that the Israeli government plans to build.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Koresponden Antarabangsa Fred Pleitgen melaporkan dari tapak E1, sebuah penempatan kontroversi yang kerajaan Israel merancang untuk membina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is E1?", "r": {"result": "Apakah E1?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was standing on the barren hilltops East of Jerusalem and it is hard to believe the area could be at the center of an international controversy.", "r": {"result": "Saya berdiri di puncak bukit tandus di Timur Baitulmaqdis dan sukar untuk mempercayai kawasan itu boleh menjadi pusat kontroversi antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E1 stands for East 1 and marks territory that the Israeli government has slated for settlement construction in the West Bank.", "r": {"result": "E1 bermaksud Timur 1 dan menandakan wilayah yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan Israel untuk pembinaan penempatan di Tebing Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's about 12 square kilometers (4.6 square miles), and when completed will touch the outskirts of Jerusalem.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kira-kira 12 kilometer persegi (4.6 batu persegi), dan apabila siap akan menyentuh pinggir Baitulmaqdis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The construction in the E1 area would be an expansion of one of the largest Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Ma'ale Adumim, with about 40,000 inhabitants, and would merge it with the greater Jerusalem area.", "r": {"result": "Pembinaan di kawasan E1 akan menjadi pengembangan salah satu penempatan Israel terbesar di Tebing Barat, Ma'ale Adumim, dengan kira-kira 40,000 penduduk, dan akan menggabungkannya dengan kawasan Baitulmaqdis yang lebih besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why has the plan caused so intense international reaction?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa rancangan itu menyebabkan reaksi antarabangsa yang begitu sengit?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the United Nations General Assembly vote on November 29 to grant the Palestinians the status of a non-member observer state in the body, Israel announced settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a response, saying part of that would likely take place in the E1 area.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengundi pada 29 November untuk memberikan Palestin status sebagai negara pemerhati bukan ahli dalam badan itu, Israel mengumumkan pembinaan penempatan di Tebing Barat dan Baitulmaqdis Timur sebagai tindak balas, mengatakan sebahagian daripada itu mungkin akan berlaku di kawasan E1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Palestinians believe construction here would essentially cut the West Bank in half and could also impede access from the West Bank to East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians would like to see as the capital of any future Palestinian State.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Palestin percaya pembinaan di sini pada asasnya akan memotong Tebing Barat kepada separuh dan juga boleh menghalang akses dari Tebing Barat ke Baitulmaqdis Timur, yang Palestin ingin lihat sebagai ibu negara mana-mana Negara Palestin masa depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an interview with CNN, the Palestinians' chief negotiator Saeb Erekat condemned the plan saying: \"There is no chance for a Palestinian state.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual dengan CNN, ketua perunding Palestin Saeb Erekat mengecam rancangan itu dengan berkata: \"Tidak ada peluang untuk negara Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I mean it is impossible.", "r": {"result": "Maksud saya adalah mustahil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anyone who looks at the map, looks at the geography will know exactly that this decision means that there is no more two-state solution\".", "r": {"result": "Sesiapa yang melihat peta, melihat geografi akan tahu dengan tepat bahawa keputusan ini bermakna tiada lagi penyelesaian dua keadaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How many Israeli settlements are there?", "r": {"result": "Berapakah bilangan penempatan Israel?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the settlement monitoring group Peace Now, there are currently 137 Israeli settlements in the West Bank, with about 325,000 inhabitants in total.", "r": {"result": "Menurut kumpulan pemantau penempatan Peace Now, kini terdapat 137 penempatan Israel di Tebing Barat, dengan kira-kira 325,000 penduduk keseluruhannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The settlements are essentially Israeli towns of various sizes in Palestinian territory.", "r": {"result": "Penempatan itu pada dasarnya adalah bandar-bandar Israel dalam pelbagai saiz di wilayah Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of them, like Ma'ale Adumim, look almost like any other Israeli town with everything from supermarkets to shopping malls and schools.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mereka, seperti Ma'ale Adumim, kelihatan hampir seperti mana-mana bandar Israel yang lain dengan segala-galanya dari pasar raya hingga pusat membeli-belah dan sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is their legal status?", "r": {"result": "Apakah status undang-undang mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The legal status of the settlements is in dispute.", "r": {"result": "Status undang-undang penempatan itu dipertikaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United Nations and many scholars of international law consider them illegal, but Israel and some experts like the late Eugene Rostow of the Yale Law School and Julius Stone, international law professor at the University of Sydney, have said they are legal.", "r": {"result": "Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan ramai sarjana undang-undang antarabangsa menganggapnya tidak sah, tetapi Israel dan beberapa pakar seperti mendiang Eugene Rostow dari Sekolah Undang-undang Yale dan Julius Stone, profesor undang-undang antarabangsa di Universiti Sydney, telah berkata mereka sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Palestinians want Israel to give up most settlements as part of any future two-state solution, but many believe that is not realistic considering the size of some of them.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Palestin mahu Israel menyerahkan kebanyakan penempatan sebagai sebahagian daripada penyelesaian dua negara pada masa hadapan, tetapi ramai yang percaya itu tidak realistik memandangkan saiz sebahagian daripada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How do settlements impact the peace process?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah penempatan memberi kesan kepada proses damai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Settlements are one key reason why there have been no negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians for several years.", "r": {"result": "Penempatan adalah salah satu sebab utama mengapa tidak ada rundingan antara Israel dan Palestin selama beberapa tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Palestinians say they will only return to the table if Israel freezes all settlement construction, while Benjamin Netanyahu's government wants negotiations without preconditions.", "r": {"result": "Palestin berkata mereka hanya akan kembali ke meja perundingan jika Israel membekukan semua pembinaan penempatan, manakala kerajaan Benjamin Netanyahu mahu rundingan tanpa prasyarat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dispute over new construction in the E1 sector is adding fuel to the fire and the U.N. believes it might destroy any chance of a two-state solution for good.", "r": {"result": "Pertikaian mengenai pembinaan baharu dalam sektor E1 menambah bahan api kepada kebakaran dan PBB percaya ia mungkin memusnahkan sebarang peluang penyelesaian dua negara untuk selamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How would ordinary Palestinians be affected by E1 development?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah rakyat Palestin biasa akan terjejas oleh pembangunan E1?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For average Palestinians in the area, the concerns are immediate.", "r": {"result": "Bagi rata-rata rakyat Palestin di kawasan itu, kebimbangan adalah serta-merta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attala Titi, a taxi driver in the town Eizzaria near Jerusalem, told me he fears additional detours and checkpoints if settlements are constructed in the E1 area.", "r": {"result": "Attala Titi, seorang pemandu teksi di bandar Eizzaria dekat Baitulmaqdis, memberitahu saya dia takut akan lencongan tambahan dan pusat pemeriksaan jika penempatan dibina di kawasan E1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If they build this settlement and close off our roads it will mean that my trip from Hebron to Jericho would take between five hours to a whole day\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika mereka membina penempatan ini dan menutup jalan-jalan kita, ini bermakna perjalanan saya dari Hebron ke Jericho akan mengambil masa antara lima jam hingga sehari penuh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How about people currently living in the settlement?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana pula dengan penduduk yang kini tinggal di penempatan itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ma'ale Adumim's Mayor Benny Kashriel is happy at the prospect of expanding the settlement, a project that has been on hold for years.", "r": {"result": "Datuk Bandar Ma'ale Adumim Benny Kashriel gembira dengan prospek memperluaskan penempatan itu, projek yang telah ditangguhkan selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This place, this residential neighborhood, it is in the Ma'ale Adumim municipality, part of Ma'ale Adumim municipality, government land.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTempat ini, kejiranan kediaman ini, ia adalah dalam perbandaran Ma\u2019ale Adumim, sebahagian daripada perbandaran Ma\u2019ale Adumim, tanah kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has to be built for our young couples,\" he told me from his office.", "r": {"result": "Ia perlu dibina untuk pasangan muda kami,\" katanya kepada saya dari pejabatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Blair MacIntyre imagines a world where tiny clouds of information -- Facebook statuses, business cards, Twitter posts -- float above all of our heads.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Blair MacIntyre membayangkan dunia di mana awan kecil maklumat -- status Facebook, kad perniagaan, siaran Twitter -- terapung di atas semua kepala kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Augmented reality\" can combine live video with data and information from the Internet.", "r": {"result": "\"Augmented reality\" boleh menggabungkan video langsung dengan data dan maklumat daripada Internet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In some ways, it's not that far from reality.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa cara, ia tidak begitu jauh dari realiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Advancements in mobile phone technology have cleared the way for a coming wave of \"augmented reality\" applications that merge the physical world with information compiled about people and places on the Internet.", "r": {"result": "Kemajuan dalam teknologi telefon mudah alih telah membuka jalan bagi gelombang aplikasi \"realiti tambahan\" yang akan datang yang menggabungkan dunia fizikal dengan maklumat yang dikumpulkan tentang orang dan tempat di Internet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When the technology gets there, this stuff could be amazingly useful and mildly terrifying in some ways,\" said MacIntyre, an associate professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology who has taught classes in augmented reality for a decade.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila teknologi sampai ke sana, perkara ini boleh menjadi sangat berguna dan agak menakutkan dalam beberapa cara,\" kata MacIntyre, seorang profesor bersekutu di Institut Teknologi Georgia yang telah mengajar kelas dalam realiti tambahan selama sedekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The idea of pairing digital information with our real, 3-D environments is not especially new -- think robot-human vision in the \"Terminator\" movies.", "r": {"result": "Idea untuk menggandingkan maklumat digital dengan persekitaran 3-D sebenar kami bukanlah sesuatu yang baharu -- fikirkan penglihatan robot-manusia dalam filem \"Terminator\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MacIntyre even plodded about college campuses in the 1990s wearing a 40-pound backpack and nerdy goggles, trying to make something similar happen.", "r": {"result": "MacIntyre juga bercakap tentang kampus kolej pada tahun 1990-an memakai beg galas seberat 40 paun dan cermin mata kutu buku, cuba membuat sesuatu yang serupa berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as mobile phones become better equipped with GPS systems, which use satellites to locate the phones; compasses, which tell the direction the phone faces; and accelerometers, which relay the device's tilt; the once-lofty idea of augmented reality is being put into the hands of consumers.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila telefon bimbit menjadi lebih dilengkapi dengan sistem GPS, yang menggunakan satelit untuk mencari telefon; kompas, yang memberitahu arah telefon menghadap; dan pecutan meter, yang menyampaikan kecondongan peranti; idea realiti tambahan yang dahulunya tinggi telah diletakkan ke tangan pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last July in the Netherlands, a company called SPRXmobile released a mobile browser, Layar, that lets people see pieces of this new info-reality through their phone screens.", "r": {"result": "Julai lalu di Belanda, sebuah syarikat bernama SPRXmobile mengeluarkan penyemak imbas mudah alih, Layar, yang membolehkan orang ramai melihat kepingan realiti maklumat baharu ini melalui skrin telefon mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Layar user sets his or her phone to video mode, aims it around and sees all kinds of information pop up on the screen: blinking dots on apartments that are for sale, the values of those units, pull-down reviews of the bar up on the corner or details about sales at a nearby retail store.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna Layar menetapkan telefonnya kepada mod video, menyasarkannya dan melihat semua jenis maklumat muncul pada skrin: titik berkelip pada pangsapuri yang dijual, nilai unit tersebut, ulasan tarik turun bar ke atas di sudut atau butiran tentang jualan di kedai runcit berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a video demo of the app.", "r": {"result": "Tonton demo video apl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This makes information easier to find and helps people make better sense of the physical world around them, said Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, co-founder of Layar.", "r": {"result": "Ini menjadikan maklumat lebih mudah dicari dan membantu orang ramai memahami dunia fizikal di sekeliling mereka dengan lebih baik, kata Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, pengasas bersama Layar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it will actually get you out more than you would stay at home,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia sebenarnya akan membawa anda keluar lebih daripada anda tinggal di rumah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You're not at your couch anymore, you're not at your desk\" when you need to find information.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak berada di sofa anda lagi, anda tidak berada di meja anda\" apabila anda perlu mencari maklumat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Layar, which bills itself as the first mobile browser that features augmented reality, is only available in the Netherlands and only on certain phones, including Google's Android, T-Mobile's G1 and the HTC Magic.", "r": {"result": "Layar, yang menganggap dirinya sebagai penyemak imbas mudah alih pertama yang menampilkan realiti tambahan, hanya tersedia di Belanda dan hanya pada telefon tertentu, termasuk Android Google, G1 T-Mobile dan HTC Magic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Lens-FitzGerald said the company plans to announce a global expansion plan on August 17 and will develop an app for the iPhone if Apple changes policies that obstruct developers from creating such applications on that device.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Lens-FitzGerald berkata syarikat itu merancang untuk mengumumkan pelan pengembangan global pada 17 Ogos dan akan membangunkan aplikasi untuk iPhone jika Apple mengubah dasar yang menghalang pemaju daripada mencipta aplikasi sedemikian pada peranti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A range of other \"AR\" apps are in development or are on the market.", "r": {"result": "Pelbagai aplikasi \"AR\" lain sedang dibangunkan atau berada di pasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One, called Nearest Tube, highlights subway routes in New York and London.", "r": {"result": "Satu, dipanggil Tabung Terdekat, menyerlahkan laluan kereta api bawah tanah di New York dan London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wikitude is an app that aims to show people encyclopedic information about nearby landmarks.", "r": {"result": "Wikitude ialah aplikasi yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kepada orang ramai maklumat ensiklopedia tentang mercu tanda berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Wikipedia, users can add information to the service.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Wikipedia, pengguna boleh menambah maklumat pada perkhidmatan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The idea could usher in an era of cell-phone tour guides.", "r": {"result": "Idea ini boleh membawa kepada era pemandu pelancong telefon bimbit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Total Immersion, a French company, developed an app that makes 3-D baseball players spring to life from baseball cards.", "r": {"result": "Total Immersion, sebuah syarikat Perancis, membangunkan aplikasi yang menjadikan pemain besbol 3-D hidup semula daripada kad besbol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Users can turn the card to see their favorite players, through a phone screen, from all angles.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna boleh menghidupkan kad untuk melihat pemain kegemaran mereka, melalui skrin telefon, dari semua sudut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And at Georgia Tech, researchers are working on video games that may one day make it look like virtual zombies are chasing players down real-world streets.", "r": {"result": "Dan di Georgia Tech, penyelidik sedang mengusahakan permainan video yang mungkin suatu hari nanti akan menjadikannya kelihatan seperti zombi maya mengejar pemain di jalanan dunia sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alex Michaelis, CEO of Tweetmondo, a site that pairs Twitter posts with geographical information, said he has developed an app that will let mobile phone users see their friends' tweets through the video camera on their phones.", "r": {"result": "Alex Michaelis, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Tweetmondo, tapak yang memasangkan siaran Twitter dengan maklumat geografi, berkata beliau telah membangunkan aplikasi yang akan membolehkan pengguna telefon mudah alih melihat tweet rakan mereka melalui kamera video pada telefon mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He expects it to be available within the month.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjangkakan ia akan tersedia dalam tempoh sebulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It adds information to your world, and this is what it's all about,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menambah maklumat kepada dunia anda, dan ini adalah semua tentangnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To picture how that service would work, think about walking into your living room in the evening.", "r": {"result": "Untuk membayangkan bagaimana perkhidmatan itu akan berfungsi, fikirkan tentang berjalan ke ruang tamu anda pada waktu petang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If a roommate had posted to Twitter from the couch, his or her Tweet would hover in that space when viewed through a mobile phone's video camera.", "r": {"result": "Jika rakan sebilik telah menghantar ke Twitter dari sofa, Tweetnya akan berlegar di ruang itu apabila dilihat melalui kamera video telefon bimbit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michaelis admits the model is a bit clunky for now.", "r": {"result": "Michaelis mengakui model itu agak kekok buat masa ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he sees a future when the app will let people stand on a street corner, hold their phone up to their face, and see the Twitter posts of crowd members as they mill about.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia melihat masa depan apabila apl itu akan membenarkan orang ramai berdiri di sudut jalan, mengangkat telefon mereka ke muka mereka dan melihat siaran Twitter ahli orang ramai semasa mereka berpusing-pusing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phones would have to be able to communicate with satellites and computer services constantly, instead of only when someone posts a message, to make that possible, he said.", "r": {"result": "Telefon mesti boleh berkomunikasi dengan satelit dan perkhidmatan komputer secara berterusan, bukannya hanya apabila seseorang menghantar mesej, untuk membolehkannya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I see this being resolved in the near future,\" he said, \"because, really, it's just a matter of really experimenting with this technology and pushing it to the limit\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat perkara ini dapat diselesaikan dalam masa terdekat,\" katanya, \"kerana, sebenarnya, ia hanya soal benar-benar bereksperimen dengan teknologi ini dan menolaknya ke had\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are doubts about augmented technology on phones.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat keraguan tentang teknologi tambahan pada telefon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lens-FitzGerald, of Layar, is concerned that augmented reality is being over-hyped and may create unrealistic expectations from consumers.", "r": {"result": "Lens-FitzGerald, dari Layar, bimbang bahawa realiti tambahan sedang digembar-gemburkan secara berlebihan dan mungkin mewujudkan jangkaan yang tidak realistik daripada pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a cool technology, but yeah, we need to see how much [funding and visibility] our companies will get,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah teknologi yang hebat, tetapi ya, kita perlu melihat berapa banyak [pembiayaan dan keterlihatan] syarikat kita akan dapat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's getting a lot of press now without being proven, but do we make money, are we going to make people happy with it?", "r": {"result": "\"Ia mendapat banyak akhbar sekarang tanpa dibuktikan, tetapi adakah kita membuat wang, adakah kita akan menggembirakan orang ramai dengannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We don't know.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're just starting\".", "r": {"result": "Kami baru bermula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He added: \"It's like the first TV.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah: \"Ia seperti TV pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to build an audience\".", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu membina penonton\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MacIntyre, of Georgia Tech, said the technology behind today's augmented reality apps is crude.", "r": {"result": "MacIntyre, dari Georgia Tech, berkata teknologi di sebalik aplikasi realiti tambahan hari ini adalah kasar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mobile phone GPS isn't nearly accurate enough to make sure a Twitter post is tagged to a person, for instance, rather than the lamp post that's 50 feet away.", "r": {"result": "GPS telefon mudah alih tidak begitu tepat untuk memastikan siaran Twitter ditandakan kepada seseorang, contohnya, dan bukannya tiang lampu yang berada 50 kaki jauhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Furthermore, the idea behind the information-reality mesh on mobile phones is off-base, he said.", "r": {"result": "Tambahan pula, idea di sebalik jaringan realiti maklumat pada telefon mudah alih adalah di luar asas, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't see them answering a problem that needs to be solved,\" added MacIntyre, who believes two-dimensional maps can be used to display information much more easily with current technology.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak nampak mereka menjawab masalah yang perlu diselesaikan,\" tambah MacIntyre, yang percaya peta dua dimensi boleh digunakan untuk memaparkan maklumat dengan lebih mudah dengan teknologi semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More functional problems exist as well.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak masalah fungsi wujud juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People don't necessarily want to walk around the world holding cell-phone screens in front of their faces.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai tidak semestinya mahu berjalan di seluruh dunia sambil memegang skrin telefon bimbit di hadapan muka mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the world's information has to be tagged geographically to make sense in an augmented-reality setting.", "r": {"result": "Dan maklumat dunia perlu ditandakan secara geografi untuk masuk akal dalam tetapan realiti bertambah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But MacIntyre does see a bright future for augmented reality.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi MacIntyre melihat masa depan yang cerah untuk realiti tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within a year, mobile phone applications will become much more functional, he said, and in the foreseeable future, augmented reality will move off of phone screens and onto futuristic sunglasses, whose wearers will see blips of information about everything around them, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tempoh setahun, aplikasi telefon mudah alih akan menjadi lebih berfungsi, katanya, dan pada masa hadapan, realiti tambahan akan beralih daripada skrin telefon dan ke cermin mata hitam futuristik, yang pemakainya akan melihat serpihan maklumat tentang segala-galanya di sekeliling mereka, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If that happens, the \"Terminator\" vision will have truly arrived.", "r": {"result": "Jika itu berlaku, visi \"Terminator\" akan benar-benar tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Robert Pires is confident Villarreal -- nickname 'the Yellow Submarine' -- can torpedo the Champions League dreams of former club Arsenal in Tuesday's quarterfinal first leg clash in Spain.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Robert Pires yakin Villarreal -- nama samaran 'Kapal Selam Kuning' -- boleh mentorpedo impian Liga Juara-Juara bekas kelab Arsenal dalam pertembungan suku akhir pertama Selasa di Sepanyol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert Pires made his final apearance for Arsenal in the 2006 Champions League final defeat against Barcelona.", "r": {"result": "Robert Pires membuat penampilan terakhirnya untuk Arsenal dalam kekalahan final Liga Juara-Juara 2006 menentang Barcelona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can beat them, for sure,\" said the former French internationa\\.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami pasti boleh menewaskan mereka,\" kata bekas pemain antarabangsa Perancis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We would not come on the pitch if we were not convinced that we are good enough to go through.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tidak akan datang ke padang jika kami tidak yakin bahawa kami cukup bagus untuk mengharunginya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would say that I expect a spectacular game between two teams that look like each other a lot.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan mengatakan bahawa saya menjangkakan permainan yang hebat antara dua pasukan yang kelihatan sangat mirip antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hopefully we will see many goals\".", "r": {"result": "Mudah-mudahan kita akan melihat banyak gol\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 35-year-old spent six successful seasons at Highbury, and made his last appearance for the Gunners in the 2006 Champions League final when he was substituted in an early tactical change following the sending off of goalkeeper Jens Lehmann.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 35 tahun itu menghabiskan enam musim berjaya di Highbury, dan membuat penampilan terakhirnya untuk The Gunners pada final Liga Juara-Juara 2006 apabila dia digantikan dalam perubahan taktikal awal selepas penjaga gol Jens Lehmann dibuang padang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such an exit was not the way Pires wanted to bring the curtain down on an Arsenal career which had seen him help guide Arsene Wenger's side through an unbeaten Premier League campaign in 2003/2004.", "r": {"result": "Penyingkiran sebegitu bukanlah cara Pires mahu menutup tirai karier Arsenal yang menyaksikannya membantu membimbing pasukan Arsene Wenger melalui kempen Liga Perdana tanpa kalah pada 2003/2004.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have always had a tremendous relationship with the Arsenal fans and these games will be the occasion for me to say goodbye to them,\" Pires told www.setanta.com.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sentiasa mempunyai hubungan yang sangat baik dengan penyokong Arsenal dan perlawanan ini akan menjadi kesempatan untuk saya mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada mereka,\" kata Pires kepada www.setanta.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Not having been able to say goodbye to them is a pain to me.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTidak dapat mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada mereka adalah pedih bagi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wanted to have the chance to thank the Highbury public for their support, but I could not do it because my last game was the Champions League final with Barcelona.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mahu berpeluang mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang ramai di Highbury atas sokongan mereka, tetapi saya tidak dapat melakukannya kerana perlawanan terakhir saya adalah final Liga Juara-Juara dengan Barcelona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Then I announced my departure to Villarreal three days later and did not see them again.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKemudian saya mengumumkan pemergian saya ke Villarreal tiga hari kemudian dan tidak berjumpa mereka lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sincerely, this draw is emotional to me, and fills me with nostalgia as well, that is for sure\".", "r": {"result": "Ikhlas, cabutan ini adalah emosi saya, dan mengisi saya dengan nostalgia juga, itu pasti\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pires was sent off in the 3-0 weekend defeat at Almeria that saw midfielder Santi Cazorla break an ankle in a match that left Manuel Pellegrini's team in fourth place.", "r": {"result": "Pires dibuang padang dalam kekalahan 3-0 hujung minggu di Almeria yang menyaksikan pemain tengah Santi Cazorla patah buku lali dalam perlawanan yang menyebabkan pasukan Manuel Pellegrini berada di tempat keempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spain international midfielder Marcos Senna is, though, expected to be fit to face the Gunners.", "r": {"result": "Pemain tengah antarabangsa Sepanyol, Marcos Senna, bagaimanapun, dijangka cergas untuk menentang The Gunners.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsenal striker Robin van Persie misses the trip to Spain with a groin injury, but Samir Nasri and Theo Walcott have been passed fit for the clash at El Madrigal after a virus and knee injury respectively.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Arsenal Robin van Persie terlepas lawatan ke Sepanyol kerana kecederaan pangkal paha, tetapi Samir Nasri dan Theo Walcott telah dinyatakan cergas untuk pertembungan di El Madrigal selepas masing-masing mengalami kecederaan virus dan lutut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manager Arsene Wenger paid tribute to his players on arrival in Spain and maintained that he is \"confident\" of a positive outcome over the two legs.", "r": {"result": "Pengurus Arsene Wenger memberi penghormatan kepada pemainnya sejurus tiba di Sepanyol dan menegaskan bahawa dia \"yakin\" dengan keputusan positif dalam dua perlawanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Midfielder Andrey Arshavin is ineligible having played for Zenit St Petersburg during the group stages.", "r": {"result": "Pemain tengah Andrey Arshavin tidak layak bermain untuk Zenit St Petersburg semasa peringkat kumpulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Striker Eduardo (groin) and midfielder Abou Diaby (thigh) remain sidelined, while long-term absentee Tomas Rosicky continues his recovery.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Eduardo (pangkal paha) dan pemain tengah Abou Diaby (paha) kekal diketepikan, manakala pemain lama Tomas Rosicky yang tidak hadir meneruskan pemulihannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Smartphones inch closer to becoming remote controls for your life at next week's 2013 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Telefon pintar semakin hampir menjadi alat kawalan jauh untuk hidup anda pada Pameran Elektronik Pengguna 2013 minggu depan di Las Vegas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The annual event is the largest gadget conference in the world, where major technology companies and scrappy startups can show off their latest innovations.", "r": {"result": "Acara tahunan itu ialah persidangan alat terbesar di dunia, di mana syarikat teknologi utama dan syarikat pemula yang buruk boleh mempamerkan inovasi terkini mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the show sets the tone for the year's technology, 2013 will be about watching TV on your 5-inch smartphone while your self-driving car ferries you to work.", "r": {"result": "Jika rancangan itu menetapkan nada untuk teknologi tahun ini, 2013 adalah tentang menonton TV pada telefon pintar 5-inci anda sementara kereta pandu sendiri anda mengangkut anda ke tempat kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Companies will continue to try to connect everything to the Internet -- lights, power outlets, cars, cameras, kitchen appliances -- and allow you to control them from a mobile device.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat akan terus cuba menyambungkan segala-galanya ke Internet -- lampu, soket kuasa, kereta, kamera, peralatan dapur -- dan membolehkan anda mengawalnya daripada peranti mudah alih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been some big changes at this year's conference.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat beberapa perubahan besar pada persidangan tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Longtime headliner Microsoft has dropped out of CES, and mobile devices are increasingly saving their big announcements for the Mobile World Congress event in February.", "r": {"result": "Tajuk lama Microsoft telah terkeluar daripada CES, dan peranti mudah alih semakin menyimpan pengumuman besar mereka untuk acara Kongres Dunia Mudah Alih pada bulan Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But hopefully the void is filled by exciting discoveries and gadgets we can't predict.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi semoga kekosongan itu diisi dengan penemuan dan gajet menarik yang tidak dapat kita jangkakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Television: It's about the content.", "r": {"result": "Televisyen: Ia mengenai kandungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will be wide, thin, innovative TVs at CES.", "r": {"result": "Akan ada TV yang lebar, nipis dan inovatif di CES.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They will have glorious high-resolution OLED screens and cost way too much money for the average consumer, when and if they become available.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan mempunyai skrin OLED beresolusi tinggi yang mulia dan menelan belanja terlalu banyak untuk pengguna biasa, apabila dan jika ia tersedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung is teasing a TV that is a possibly a new shape or translucent, and Westinghouse has a 110-inch LED TV with 4K resolution.", "r": {"result": "Samsung sedang menggoda TV yang mungkin berbentuk baharu atau lut sinar, dan Westinghouse mempunyai TV LED 110 inci dengan resolusi 4K.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the big television story this year will be the industry's continuing quest to break out of these beautiful boxes and move onto tablets and smartphones.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kisah televisyen besar tahun ini akan menjadi usaha berterusan industri untuk keluar dari kotak yang indah ini dan beralih ke tablet dan telefon pintar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How people consume content has changed drastically in the past few years.", "r": {"result": "Cara orang menggunakan kandungan telah berubah secara drastik dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are cutting cords with the cable companies and signing up for on-demand services such as Hulu and Netflix, or buying shows and movies through Amazon or Apple.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memutuskan hubungan dengan syarikat kabel dan mendaftar untuk perkhidmatan atas permintaan seperti Hulu dan Netflix, atau membeli rancangan dan filem melalui Amazon atau Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Viewers want to watch TV on their smartphones and tablets.", "r": {"result": "Penonton mahu menonton TV pada telefon pintar dan tablet mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are multitasking, watching the \"The Walking Dead\" while commenting on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berbilang tugas, menonton \"The Walking Dead\" sambil mengulas di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In response, television companies will attempt to connect TVs to the Internet and share content between mobile devices, set-top boxes and televisions.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tindak balas, syarikat televisyen akan cuba menyambungkan TV ke Internet dan berkongsi kandungan antara peranti mudah alih, set-top box dan televisyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Home automation and the art of connecting everything.", "r": {"result": "Automasi rumah dan seni menghubungkan segala-galanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is very little in your home that won't be connected to the Internet if electronics manufacturers have their say.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat sangat sedikit di rumah anda yang tidak akan disambungkan ke Internet jika pengeluar elektronik mempunyai pendapat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cheap sensors are making it easy to turn devices you've used without much thought into \"smart\" devices that do a bit of the thinking for you.", "r": {"result": "Penderia murah memudahkan anda menukar peranti yang anda gunakan tanpa banyak berfikir menjadi peranti \"pintar\" yang melakukan sedikit pemikiran untuk anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Connected devices for the home and your health will be plentiful at CES.", "r": {"result": "Peranti yang disambungkan untuk rumah dan kesihatan anda akan menjadi banyak di CES.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thanks to impeccable design, the Nest automated thermostat was one of the first commercial hits in this area, though others had tried integrating automation into existing home gadgets before.", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kepada reka bentuk yang sempurna, termostat automatik Nest merupakan salah satu hits komersial pertama di kawasan ini, walaupun yang lain telah cuba menyepadukan automasi ke dalam alat rumah sedia ada sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, smartphones will be on a bit of a power trip, getting apps to control home security, unlock doors, conserve energy and tinker with lighting.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, telefon pintar akan melakukan sedikit perjalanan kuasa, mendapatkan apl untuk mengawal keselamatan rumah, membuka kunci pintu, menjimatkan tenaga dan bermain-main dengan pencahayaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cars get smarter and go online.", "r": {"result": "Kereta menjadi lebih pintar dan berada dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Auto companies will have a larger presence at CES this year, with Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, Audi and others showing off technology to make cars smarter.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat kereta akan mempunyai kehadiran yang lebih besar di CES tahun ini, dengan Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, Audi dan lain-lain mempamerkan teknologi untuk menjadikan kereta lebih pintar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will be self-driving and assisted-driving cars, which use a combination of mounted cameras, sensors and GPS to can take the wheel completely or just help a driver into a tight parking spot.", "r": {"result": "Akan ada kereta pandu sendiri dan pandu dibantu, yang menggunakan gabungan kamera, penderia dan GPS yang dipasang untuk boleh memandu sepenuhnya atau hanya membantu pemandu ke tempat parkir yang sempit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vehicles are connecting to the Internet to improve navigation, better monitor a car's performance and alert the driver to maintenance needs.", "r": {"result": "Kenderaan sedang menyambung ke Internet untuk meningkatkan navigasi, memantau prestasi kereta dengan lebih baik dan memaklumkan pemandu tentang keperluan penyelenggaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are also taking a cue from (and synching with) smartphones.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga mengambil petunjuk daripada (dan menyegerakkan dengan) telefon pintar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cars will continue to integrate apps, voice control and entertainment into the dash, some even running on the Android operating system.", "r": {"result": "Kereta akan terus menyepadukan apl, kawalan suara dan hiburan ke dalam pemuka, malah ada yang berjalan pada sistem pengendalian Android.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hot smartphone size is 5 inches.", "r": {"result": "Saiz telefon pintar panas ialah 5 inci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mobile device unveilings probably will be at a minimum this year, since the major companies are saving their big announcements for the Mobile World Congress conference in Barcelona next month.", "r": {"result": "Pelancaran peranti mudah alih mungkin akan sekurang-kurangnya tahun ini, memandangkan syarikat-syarikat utama sedang menyimpan pengumuman besar mereka untuk persidangan Kongres Dunia Mudah Alih di Barcelona bulan depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will be a few smartphones making their debut next week, though, and for the most part, they will have nearly identical specs: Android, 5-inch 1080p display, quad-core processor, 13-megapixel camera.", "r": {"result": "Akan ada beberapa telefon pintar yang akan membuat kemunculan pertama minggu depan, walaupun, dan sebahagian besarnya, mereka akan mempunyai spesifikasi yang hampir sama: Android, paparan 1080p 5 inci, pemproses empat teras, kamera 13 megapiksel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few entries could mix it up, including a rumored 6.1-inch Ascend Mate device from Huawei and the company's first Windows Phone 8 handset, the Ascend W2. Smartphone accessories will flood the floor, with the usual glut of headphones, cases and stands.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa entri boleh mencampurkannya, termasuk peranti Ascend Mate 6.1 inci yang dikhabarkan daripada Huawei dan telefon bimbit Windows Phone 8 pertama syarikat itu, Ascend W2. Aksesori telefon pintar akan membanjiri lantai, dengan kelebihan fon kepala, sarung dan dudukan biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Touchscreen computers and cheap tablets.", "r": {"result": "Komputer skrin sentuh dan tablet murah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year's hot computer was the super-thin ultrabook laptop, but that category has cooled down significantly.", "r": {"result": "Komputer panas tahun lepas ialah komputer riba ultrabook yang sangat nipis, tetapi kategori itu telah menyejuk dengan ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, the spotlight will be on tablet/laptop hybrids running Windows 8. The new Windows operating system is built for touchscreen computers, and manufacturers seem to be having some fun with the form factor.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, tumpuan akan diberikan pada hibrid tablet/komputer riba yang menjalankan Windows 8. Sistem pengendalian Windows baharu dibina untuk komputer skrin sentuh dan pengeluar nampaknya berseronok dengan faktor bentuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Check out the Asus Taichi and Lenovo Yoga.", "r": {"result": "(Lihat Asus Taichi dan Lenovo Yoga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cheap, sub-$100 7-inch Android tablets will still abound, but like smartphones, there won't be much in the way of innovation as companies hold back until February.", "r": {"result": "Tablet Android 7-inci yang murah dengan harga di bawah $100 masih banyak, tetapi seperti telefon pintar, tidak banyak yang menghalang inovasi kerana syarikat menahan sehingga Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Room for smaller, innovative companies.", "r": {"result": "Bilik untuk syarikat yang lebih kecil dan inovatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The big players lying low presents a great opportunity for the smaller exhibitors to get noticed and make connections.", "r": {"result": "Pemain besar yang berbaring rendah memberikan peluang yang baik untuk peserta pameran yang lebih kecil untuk mendapat perhatian dan membuat hubungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, innovative technology will come from unexpected places as smaller companies such as Pebble, a smart-watch company that got started as a Kickstarter campaign, debut products.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, teknologi inovatif akan datang dari tempat yang tidak dijangka kerana syarikat yang lebih kecil seperti Pebble, sebuah syarikat jam tangan pintar yang bermula sebagai kempen Kickstarter, produk sulung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that it's easier for a small operation to raise money and manufacture a physical product on a budget, the gadget market is ripe for a shakeup.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan lebih mudah bagi operasi kecil untuk mengumpul wang dan mengeluarkan produk fizikal mengikut bajet, pasaran alat sudah masak untuk perubahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some big-name startups will also have a presence.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa syarikat permulaan terkenal juga akan mempunyai kehadiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leap Motion will be on the floor, and its motion-sensing technology will appear in Asus notebooks this year.", "r": {"result": "Leap Motion akan berada di atas lantai, dan teknologi pengesan gerakannya akan muncul dalam komputer riba Asus tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Razer will return this year after making a splash with its Project Fiona game tablet in 2012.", "r": {"result": "Razer akan kembali tahun ini selepas membuat percikan dengan tablet permainan Project Fiona pada 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- The former Chinese police chief who attempted to defect to the United States, triggering one of China's biggest political scandals, has been jailed for 15 years.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Bekas ketua polis China yang cuba membelot ke Amerika Syarikat, mencetuskan salah satu skandal politik terbesar China, telah dipenjarakan selama 15 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang Lijun, who was tried last week, was found guilty by the Chengdu City Intermediate People's Court of bending the law for selfish ends, defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking, court spokesman Yang Yuquan said Monday.", "r": {"result": "Wang Lijun, yang dibicarakan minggu lalu, didapati bersalah oleh Mahkamah Pertengahan Rakyat Bandar Chengdu kerana membengkokkan undang-undang untuk tujuan mementingkan diri sendiri, pembelotan, penyalahgunaan kuasa dan pengambilan rasuah, kata jurucakap mahkamah Yang Yuquan pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until he sought refuge at the U.S. Consulate in February, Wang was the right-hand man of disgraced Chongqing Party chief Bo Xilai, who was stripped of his titles in April because of an unspecified \"serious breach of party discipline\".", "r": {"result": "Sehingga dia mencari perlindungan di Konsulat A.S. pada Februari, Wang adalah orang kanan ketua Parti Chongqing yang memalukan Bo Xilai, yang dilucutkan gelarannya pada April kerana \"pelanggaran serius disiplin parti\" yang tidak dinyatakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bo has not been seen in public since.", "r": {"result": "Bo tidak pernah dilihat di khalayak ramai sejak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang, 52, could have faced execution, since bribe-taking can carry the death penalty in China, depending on the amount involved and the seriousness of the case.", "r": {"result": "Wang, 52, mungkin menghadapi hukuman mati, kerana rasuah boleh membawa hukuman mati di China, bergantung kepada jumlah yang terlibat dan keseriusan kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang was accused in court of accepting bribes and property worth around 3.05 million yuan (around U.S. $480,000) for personal favors.", "r": {"result": "Wang dituduh di mahkamah menerima rasuah dan harta bernilai sekitar 3.05 juta yuan (sekitar A.S. $480,000) untuk bantuan peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He received nine years for this offense, with a further seven added for \"bending\" the law, two for defection and two years for abuse of power -- though the court decided on a \"combined\" term of 15 years, taking into account his cooperation with authorities, Yang told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Dia menerima sembilan tahun untuk kesalahan ini, dengan tujuh lagi ditambah kerana \"membengkokkan\" undang-undang, dua untuk pembelotan dan dua tahun kerana salah guna kuasa -- walaupun mahkamah memutuskan tempoh \"gabungan\" selama 15 tahun, dengan mengambil kira kerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa, kata Yang kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was also stripped of his \"political rights\" for one year.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga dilucutkan \"hak politik\" selama setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Wang Lijun: the cop at the heart of Bo scandal.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Wang Lijun: polis di tengah-tengah skandal Bo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang didn't contest the charges, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency, which published details of the case.", "r": {"result": "Wang tidak membantah tuduhan itu, menurut agensi berita Xinhua yang dikendalikan kerajaan, yang menyiarkan butiran kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang has no plans to appeal the sentence, Yang said Monday.", "r": {"result": "Wang tidak bercadang untuk merayu hukuman itu, kata Yang pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case also brought to light the first suggestion that Bo knew as early as January that his wife, Gu Kailai, was suspected of murder.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu juga mendedahkan cadangan pertama bahawa Bo tahu seawal Januari bahawa isterinya, Gu Kailai, disyaki membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: China's Bo Xilai 'implicated' in murder.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Bo Xilai dari China 'terlibat' dalam pembunuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a one-day trial in August, Gu was found guilty of poisoning British businessman Neil Heywood in a hotel room in Chongqing last November.", "r": {"result": "Selepas perbicaraan sehari pada Ogos, Gu didapati bersalah meracuni ahli perniagaan Britain, Neil Heywood di sebuah bilik hotel di Chongqing November lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During her trial, she admitted pouring poison into his mouth, provided by a family aide who was also convicted of the crime.", "r": {"result": "Semasa perbicaraan, dia mengaku mencurahkan racun ke dalam mulutnya, disediakan oleh pembantu keluarga yang turut disabitkan dengan jenayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Xinhua, prosecutors said Wang knew \"perfectly well\" that Gu was suspected of murder, but deliberately covered up for her so she would not be held legally responsible for Heywood's death -- a fact that was repeated during Monday's court session, Yang said.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Xinhua, pendakwa raya berkata Wang tahu \"sangat baik\" bahawa Gu disyaki membunuh, tetapi sengaja menutupinya supaya dia tidak akan bertanggungjawab secara sah atas kematian Heywood -- fakta yang diulang semasa sesi mahkamah Isnin, kata Yang .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Bo looms large over party leadership.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Bo menonjolkan kepimpinan parti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court was told that Wang later abandoned his efforts to conceal her crime when relations between the two became strained.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah diberitahu bahawa Wang kemudiannya meninggalkan usahanya untuk menyembunyikan jenayahnya apabila hubungan antara kedua-duanya menjadi renggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang said in his confession that Gu \"turned hostile toward me, taking a different attitude from before when contacting me.", "r": {"result": "Wang berkata dalam pengakuannya bahawa Gu \"berpaling memusuhi saya, mengambil sikap yang berbeza daripada sebelumnya apabila menghubungi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was not so warm as before and began to guard herself against me,\" Xinhua said.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak begitu hangat seperti sebelum ini dan mula menjaga dirinya daripada saya,\" kata Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was worried about her crime being exposed, and he was \"not pleased\" that Gu had told an increasing number of people about the incident.", "r": {"result": "Dia bimbang jenayahnya terbongkar, dan dia \"tidak berpuas hati\" bahawa Gu telah memberitahu semakin ramai orang tentang kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Gu Kailai, the woman who had it all.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Gu Kailai, wanita yang memiliki semuanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then in late January, Wang told \"the then leading official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Chongqing Committee\" -- the position Bo held -- that Gu was \"highly suspected\" of having murdered Heywood, Xinhua said.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pada akhir Januari, Wang memberitahu \"pegawai terkemuka Parti Komunis China (PKC) Jawatankuasa Chongqing\" -- jawatan yang dipegang oleh Bo -- bahawa Gu \"sangat disyaki\" telah membunuh Heywood, kata Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A witness, Guo Weiguo, testified that the official \"angrily rebuked\" Wang, before slapping him in the face.", "r": {"result": "Seorang saksi, Guo Weiguo, memberi keterangan bahawa pegawai itu \"menegur dengan marah\" Wang, sebelum menampar mukanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The conflict was made public after Wang Lijun was slapped,\" Guo said.", "r": {"result": "\"Konflik itu didedahkan kepada umum selepas Wang Lijun ditampar,\" kata Guo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Wang's run-in with Bo, he instructed his staff to \"rearrange\" Heywood's case file.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Wang berselisih dengan Bo, dia mengarahkan kakitangannya untuk \"menyusun semula\" fail kes Heywood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shortly after, he was demoted and three members working closely with Wang were put under \"illegal investigation\".", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas itu, dia diturunkan pangkat dan tiga anggota yang bekerja rapat dengan Wang diletakkan di bawah \"siasat haram\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Wang felt he was in danger, giving rise to his idea to defect,\" Xinhua said.", "r": {"result": "\"Wang merasakan dia berada dalam bahaya, menimbulkan ideanya untuk berpaling tadah,\" kata Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On February 6, Wang entered the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu, where he said his life was in danger and asked officials to fill out an application for political asylum.", "r": {"result": "Pada 6 Februari, Wang memasuki Konsulat A.S. di Chengdu, di mana dia berkata nyawanya dalam bahaya dan meminta pegawai mengisi permohonan suaka politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next day, however, he was persuaded to leave the consulate and was taken into custody by Chinese officials.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, keesokan harinya, dia telah dipujuk untuk meninggalkan konsulat dan telah ditahan oleh pegawai China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his final statement to the court, Wang was reported to have apologized for his crimes, saying, \"I hope the serious impacts (caused by my acts) both at home and abroad would be eliminated through the trial.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kenyataan terakhirnya kepada mahkamah, Wang dilaporkan telah memohon maaf atas jenayahnya, berkata, \"Saya berharap kesan serius (yang disebabkan oleh perbuatan saya) di dalam dan di luar negara akan dihapuskan melalui perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, I hope the trial will issue a warning to society and let more people draw lessons from me.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, saya berharap perbicaraan itu akan memberi amaran kepada masyarakat dan membolehkan lebih ramai orang mengambil pengajaran daripada saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For the Party organizations, people and relatives that have cared for me, I want to say here, sincerely, 'I'm very, very sorry, I've let you down,' \" Wang added.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk organisasi Parti, orang dan saudara-mara yang telah mengambil berat terhadap saya, saya ingin katakan di sini, dengan ikhlas, 'Saya sangat-sangat minta maaf, saya telah mengecewakan anda,'\" tambah Wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the close of the trial, Wang's defense team pleaded for leniency in sentencing on the defection charge on the grounds that Wang left the U.S. Consulate of his own volition.", "r": {"result": "Pada penutupan perbicaraan, pasukan pembelaan Wang merayu untuk diringankan hukuman atas pertuduhan pembelotan atas alasan Wang meninggalkan Konsulat A.S. atas kerelaannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also said he provided key evidence to help authorities secure Gu's conviction for murder and on that basis his crime of bending the law for personal gain \"could be lighter\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga berkata dia memberikan bukti penting untuk membantu pihak berkuasa mendapatkan sabitan kesalahan membunuh Gu dan atas dasar itu jenayahnya membengkokkan undang-undang untuk kepentingan peribadi \"mungkin lebih ringan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court accepted these arguments and sentenced him \"leniently,\" Yang said Monday.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah menerima hujah-hujah ini dan menjatuhkan hukuman \"ringan,\" kata Yang pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang's decision to seek refuge in the U.S. Consulate brought the case into public view and led to Bo's high-profile demise.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan Wang untuk mencari perlindungan di Konsulat A.S. membawa kes itu kepada pandangan umum dan membawa kepada kematian berprofil tinggi Bo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until the case was exposed, Bo was considered a top contender for the Politburo Standing Committee, the team of nine politicians who effectively rule China.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga kes itu didedahkan, Bo dianggap sebagai pesaing utama untuk Jawatankuasa Tetap Politburo, pasukan sembilan ahli politik yang memerintah China dengan berkesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China's Communist Party is expected to meet at its 18th National Congress next month to announce who'll occupy the top positions.", "r": {"result": "Parti Komunis China dijangka bertemu pada Kongres Kebangsaan ke-18 bulan depan untuk mengumumkan siapa yang akan menduduki jawatan tertinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bo, 63, was a charismatic, albeit controversial politician, who launched a \"smashing black, singing red\" campaign in Chongqing that promoted communist ideology and zealously cracked down on organized crime.", "r": {"result": "Bo, 63, adalah seorang ahli politik yang berkarisma, walaupun kontroversial, yang melancarkan kempen \"menghancurkan hitam, menyanyi merah\" di Chongqing yang mempromosikan ideologi komunis dan bersungguh-sungguh membanteras jenayah terancang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His economic programs, which included millions spent on social welfare, made him a popular leader in Chongqing.", "r": {"result": "Program ekonominya, termasuk berjuta-juta yang dibelanjakan untuk kebajikan sosial, menjadikannya seorang pemimpin yang popular di Chongqing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But analysts say his populist policies and high-profile personal style were seen as a challenge to the more economically liberal and reform-oriented faction that dominated the current party leadership.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penganalisis berkata dasar populisnya dan gaya peribadi berprofil tinggi dilihat sebagai satu cabaran kepada puak yang lebih liberal dari segi ekonomi dan berorientasikan pembaharuan yang mendominasi kepimpinan parti semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bo and Wang were known to have worked closely on Bo's signature crime-fighting program in 2009. In just 10 months, Chongqing police arrested almost 5,000 people and executed more than a dozen.", "r": {"result": "Bo dan Wang diketahui bekerja rapat dalam program membanteras jenayah Bo pada tahun 2009. Dalam masa 10 bulan sahaja, polis Chongqing menahan hampir 5,000 orang dan membunuh lebih daripada sedozen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The politics of health care is changing fast.", "r": {"result": "Politik penjagaan kesihatan berubah dengan pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Barack Obama's Affordable Health Care Act was vulnerable during his first term when Republicans demanded repeal of the law.", "r": {"result": "Akta Penjagaan Kesihatan Mampu Milik Presiden Barack Obama terdedah semasa penggal pertamanya apabila Republikan menuntut pemansuhan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even after the Supreme Court upheld its constitutionality, there were still many voices who objected to it.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun selepas Mahkamah Agung mengekalkan perlembagaannya, masih terdapat banyak suara yang membantahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, with each passing day, it appears that the program is in good shape, slowly becoming part of the fabric of American government.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, dengan setiap hari yang berlalu, nampaknya program itu berada dalam keadaan baik, perlahan-lahan menjadi sebahagian daripada fabrik kerajaan Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, New Jersey Gov.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, New Jersey Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Christie, one of the main potential contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, said that his state would accept the Medicaid expansion that is part of the ACA.", "r": {"result": "Chris Christie, salah seorang calon utama yang berpotensi untuk pencalonan presiden Republikan pada 2012, berkata bahawa negerinya akan menerima peluasan Medicaid yang merupakan sebahagian daripada BPR.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christie had been one of the president's toughest critics, frequently lambasting the program as a prime example of big government liberalism.", "r": {"result": "Christie telah menjadi salah seorang pengkritik presiden yang paling keras, sering mengecam program itu sebagai contoh utama liberalisme kerajaan yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he has changed his tune.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia telah mengubah nadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The expansion of Medicaid will allow about 104,000 of the poorest residents in New Jersey to gain access to health insurance.", "r": {"result": "Pengembangan Medicaid akan membolehkan kira-kira 104,000 penduduk termiskin di New Jersey mendapat akses kepada insurans kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christie said: \"Let me be clear: I am no fan of the Affordable Health Care Act.", "r": {"result": "Christie berkata: \"Biar saya jelaskan: Saya bukan peminat Akta Penjagaan Kesihatan Mampu Milik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think it is wrong for New Jersey and for America.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir ia salah untuk New Jersey dan untuk Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I fought against it and believe, in the long run, it will not achieve what it promises.", "r": {"result": "Saya melawannya dan percaya, dalam jangka masa panjang, ia tidak akan mencapai apa yang dijanjikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, it is now the law of the land.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, ia kini menjadi undang-undang negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I will make all my judgments as governor based on what is best for New Jerseyans\".", "r": {"result": "Saya akan membuat semua pertimbangan saya sebagai gabenor berdasarkan apa yang terbaik untuk warga New Jersey\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christie's announcement comes on top of an even more dramatic reversal, that of Florida's Gov.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman Christie datang di atas pembalikan yang lebih dramatik, yang dibuat oleh Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Scott.", "r": {"result": "Rick Scott.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former health industry executive, who was elected to lead the Sunshine State in 2010, has been one of the more conservative voices in the GOP.", "r": {"result": "Bekas eksekutif industri kesihatan, yang dipilih untuk mengetuai Negeri Sunshine pada 2010, telah menjadi salah satu suara yang lebih konservatif dalam GOP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scott, who once warned that \"Obamacare will result in the rationing of health care, significant tax increases, significant job losses and the inability of many Americans to keep their existing health insurance\" also announced that Florida would accept the new Medicaid funds.", "r": {"result": "Scott, yang pernah memberi amaran bahawa \"Obamacare akan mengakibatkan catuan penjagaan kesihatan, kenaikan cukai yang ketara, kehilangan pekerjaan yang ketara dan ketidakupayaan ramai rakyat Amerika untuk mengekalkan insurans kesihatan sedia ada mereka\" juga mengumumkan bahawa Florida akan menerima dana Medicaid baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When the federal government is committed to paying 100% of the cost,\" Scott said, \"I cannot, in good conscience, deny Floridians that need access to health care\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila kerajaan persekutuan komited untuk membayar 100% daripada kos,\" kata Scott, \"Saya tidak boleh, dengan hati nurani yang baik, menafikan warga Florid yang memerlukan akses kepada penjagaan kesihatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fewer Republicans are interested in fighting against the ACA any more.", "r": {"result": "Lebih sedikit Republikan berminat untuk menentang BPR lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not only is it a losing issue, but in the next few years, the benefits are going to start rolling in and more Americans will come to depend on the protections.", "r": {"result": "Bukan sahaja isu yang merugikan, tetapi dalam beberapa tahun akan datang, faedah akan mula bergulir dan lebih ramai rakyat Amerika akan bergantung pada perlindungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shift in position by two of the most prominent Republicans suggests that the political dynamics are shifting, as Obama's supporters had always hoped.", "r": {"result": "Peralihan kedudukan oleh dua orang Republikan yang paling menonjol menunjukkan bahawa dinamik politik berubah, seperti yang selalu diharapkan oleh penyokong Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republican officials now see powerful incentives for them to embrace the law rather than oppose it.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Republikan kini melihat insentif yang kuat untuk mereka menerima undang-undang daripada menentangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The biggest watershed moment for the ACA came in June 2012 when the Supreme Court ruled that the health care legislation was constitutional.", "r": {"result": "Detik aliran terbesar untuk BPR berlaku pada Jun 2012 apabila Mahkamah Agung memutuskan bahawa perundangan penjagaan kesihatan adalah mengikut perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like in 1937, when the Supreme Court declared that the Social Security tax was constitutional, the court's ruling on health care gave Obama's program a legitimacy that undercut some of the thunder coming from the right.", "r": {"result": "Seperti pada tahun 1937, apabila Mahkamah Agung mengisytiharkan bahawa cukai Keselamatan Sosial adalah mengikut perlembagaan, keputusan mahkamah mengenai penjagaan kesihatan memberikan program Obama kesahihan yang melemahkan sebahagian daripada guruh yang datang dari sebelah kanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Affordable Care Act became law of the land.", "r": {"result": "Akta Penjagaan Mampu Milik menjadi undang-undang negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then the 2012 presidential election was an affirmation of popular support for Obama and the policies for which he fought.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pilihan raya presiden 2012 adalah pengesahan sokongan popular untuk Obama dan dasar yang diperjuangkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not unusual for a big piece of legislation to elicit strong oppositions at first.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan sesuatu yang luar biasa untuk sekeping perundangan yang besar untuk menimbulkan tentangan yang kuat pada mulanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With Social Security, the program experienced over a decade of uncertainty.", "r": {"result": "Dengan Keselamatan Sosial, program ini mengalami ketidakpastian selama sedekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A means tested program for the elderly proved much more popular during the 1940s, and Congress refused to raise Social Security taxes during World War II.", "r": {"result": "Program yang diuji cara untuk warga tua terbukti lebih popular pada tahun 1940-an, dan Kongres enggan menaikkan cukai Keselamatan Sosial semasa Perang Dunia II.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by the early 1950s, Social Security emerged as the primary means of helping the elderly.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada awal 1950-an, Keselamatan Sosial muncul sebagai cara utama untuk membantu warga tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As more Americans were receiving their checks, fewer politicians in either party opposed the program.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan lebih ramai rakyat Amerika menerima cek mereka, lebih sedikit ahli politik dalam mana-mana parti menentang program itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Dwight Eisenhower concluded that the GOP had little choice but to accept the program.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Dwight Eisenhower menyimpulkan bahawa GOP mempunyai sedikit pilihan selain menerima program itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans and Democrats, including Southern Democrats, voted to increase benefits every two years.", "r": {"result": "Republikan dan Demokrat, termasuk Demokrat Selatan, mengundi untuk meningkatkan faedah setiap dua tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the 1980s, Social Security would be considered to be the \"third rail\" in American politics -- touch the benefits and you die.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang 1980-an, Keselamatan Sosial akan dianggap sebagai \"rel ketiga\" dalam politik Amerika -- sentuh faedah dan anda mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Similarly, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 experienced strong reactions.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga, Akta Hak Sivil 1964 mengalami reaksi yang kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The notion of prohibiting racial segregation was incredibly contentious.", "r": {"result": "Tanggapan melarang pengasingan kaum adalah sangat dipertikaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But once Congress passed it, Southern politicians, citizens and institutions quickly fell in line.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebaik sahaja Kongres meluluskannya, ahli politik, rakyat dan institusi Selatan dengan cepat jatuh dalam barisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the 1970s and 1980s, issues such as affirmative action and school busing still riled up many, but de jure racial segregation was no longer considered acceptable by most.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1970-an dan 1980-an, isu-isu seperti tindakan afirmatif dan bas sekolah masih membimbangkan ramai, tetapi pengasingan kaum secara de jure tidak lagi dianggap boleh diterima oleh kebanyakan orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More recently, during President George W. Bush's presidency, the new counterterrorism programs provoked heated debates.", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini, semasa presiden George W. Bush, program antikeganasan baru mencetuskan perdebatan hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats railed against the tough interrogation techniques used by the government to combat terrorism and highlighted institutions such as Guantanamo as symbols of what the nation was doing wrong.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat mengecam teknik soal siasat keras yang digunakan oleh kerajaan untuk memerangi keganasan dan menonjolkan institusi seperti Guantanamo sebagai simbol kesalahan yang dilakukan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Obama abandoned many of his plans to dismantle these programs.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Obama meninggalkan banyak rancangannya untuk membongkar program ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His nomination of John Brennan to head the CIA and the protection of key documents that allegedly support the assassination of American citizens reveal how much the tide has turned.", "r": {"result": "Pencalonannya John Brennan untuk mengetuai CIA dan perlindungan dokumen penting yang didakwa menyokong pembunuhan warganegara Amerika mendedahkan betapa keadaan telah berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, there is considerable evidence that the health care law is approaching that turning point.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, terdapat banyak bukti bahawa undang-undang penjagaan kesihatan menghampiri titik perubahan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Ezra Klein wrote in The Washington Post, \"so long as Obamacare is accepted as the law of the land, and repeal is dismissed by most Republicans as little more than a pleasant fantasy, then a constructive process can begin in which Republicans seize on problems with the law as an opportunity to reform the reforms -- and through that process, begin to buy into the new system\".", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang ditulis Ezra Klein dalam The Washington Post, \"selagi Obamacare diterima sebagai undang-undang negara, dan pemansuhan ditolak oleh kebanyakan Republikan sebagai sedikit lebih daripada fantasi yang menyenangkan, maka proses yang membina boleh bermula di mana Republikan merebut masalah. dengan undang-undang sebagai peluang untuk memperbaharui pembaharuan -- dan melalui proses itu, mula membeli sistem baharu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is still a lot of work that needs to be done, such as making sure that the health care exchanges work and that funding for the program remains adequate.", "r": {"result": "Masih banyak kerja yang perlu dilakukan, seperti memastikan pertukaran penjagaan kesihatan berfungsi dan pembiayaan untuk program itu tetap mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The program's success is not inevitable.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan program ini tidak dapat dielakkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the recent change of heart from the darlings of the Republican Party is an indication the ACA is much further along to becoming one of the most important legacies of the Obama presidency.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi perubahan hati baru-baru ini daripada kesayangan Parti Republikan adalah petunjuk bahawa BPR semakin jauh untuk menjadi salah satu legasi terpenting jawatan presiden Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- \"Who's the treasurer\"?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"Siapa bendahari\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brothers Brant and Dylan Ozanich and Wyatt McCall were at a motorcycle shop in Hamilton, Montana, ordering a part for Dylan's bike when they met two old bikers from Texas and talked with them about their trip across the country.", "r": {"result": "Saudara Brant dan Dylan Ozanich dan Wyatt McCall berada di kedai motosikal di Hamilton, Montana, memesan bahagian untuk basikal Dylan apabila mereka bertemu dengan dua penunggang motosikal lama dari Texas dan bercakap dengan mereka tentang perjalanan mereka ke seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although they had no treasurer, Brant pointed to McCall to answer the question.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mereka tidak mempunyai bendahari, Brant menunjuk kepada McCall untuk menjawab soalan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You guys are going to need this, trust me,\" said one of the older men, handing him $200 in cash.", "r": {"result": "\"Kamu akan memerlukan ini, percayalah,\" kata salah seorang lelaki yang lebih tua sambil menghulurkan wang tunai $200 kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The three friends, all in their early 20s, admit they looked a little raggedy at the time.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga-tiga sahabat itu, semuanya berusia awal 20-an, mengakui mereka kelihatan agak selekeh ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was straight kindness,\" said McCall, and typical of the generosity of the bikers they met across the country.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah kebaikan yang lurus,\" kata McCall, dan tipikal kemurahan hati penunggang motosikal yang mereka temui di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it turns out, \"we did need it the next day for more bike repairs\".", "r": {"result": "Dan ternyata, \"kami memerlukannya pada hari berikutnya untuk lebih banyak pembaikan basikal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The generosity of strangers repeated itself during the two-month summer journey of three young men on the cusp of adulthood to find and document Main Street culture and people across the United States.", "r": {"result": "Kemurahan hati orang yang tidak dikenali berulang semasa perjalanan musim panas dua bulan tiga lelaki muda di puncak dewasa untuk mencari dan mendokumentasikan budaya Jalan Utama dan orang ramai di seluruh Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And making the trip on motorcycles connected them not just to the towns and people they visited, but also to the country's biker community.", "r": {"result": "Dan membuat perjalanan dengan motosikal menghubungkan mereka bukan sahaja dengan pekan dan orang yang mereka lawati, tetapi juga kepada komuniti penunggang motosikal negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An exploration of biker culture.", "r": {"result": "Penerokaan budaya penunggang basikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Contributing their own money and raising funds from family, friends and Kickstarter, the trio started a blog, raised over $10,000 to fund the trip and pay for the pre- and post-production costs of documenting their journey.", "r": {"result": "Menyumbang wang mereka sendiri dan mengumpul dana daripada keluarga, rakan dan Kickstarter, ketiga-tiga mereka memulakan blog, mengumpulkan lebih $10,000 untuk membiayai perjalanan dan membayar kos pra dan pasca pengeluaran untuk mendokumentasikan perjalanan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They documented the journey on their blog and the reddit online community, and they hope to have a documentary and book out sometime next year.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mendokumentasikan perjalanan di blog mereka dan komuniti dalam talian reddit, dan mereka berharap untuk mempunyai dokumentari dan menempah keluar pada tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Traveling on motorcycles turned out to be key.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan dengan motosikal ternyata menjadi kunci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dylan rode a 1982 Yamaha XJ 750 Seca ($500 cost); Brant rode a 1980 Yamaha XJ 650 Maxim ($500); and McCall rode a 1985 Honda V65 Magna ($1500 cost).", "r": {"result": "Dylan menunggang Yamaha XJ 750 Seca 1982 ($500 kos); Brant menunggang Yamaha XJ 650 Maxim 1980 ($500); dan McCall menunggang Honda V65 Magna 1985 ($1500 kos).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On Maxim, On Magna, On Seca\" was a mantra they picked up for the trip.", "r": {"result": "\"On Maxim, On Magna, On Seca\" adalah mantera yang mereka ambil untuk perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We didn't know motorcycles were going to be that much of a connection between people, but they were,\" said McCall.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak tahu motosikal akan menjadi banyak hubungan antara orang ramai, tetapi mereka,\" kata McCall.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every time you get to a new place, you're part of this new community\".", "r": {"result": "\"Setiap kali anda sampai ke tempat baharu, anda adalah sebahagian daripada komuniti baharu ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With motorcycles you feel the scenery and the microclimate change and smell the fields you drive through,\" said Brant.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan motosikal anda merasai pemandangan dan iklim mikro berubah serta menghidu padang yang anda lalui,\" kata Brant.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Besides, it's just plain badass\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lagipun, ia hanya badass biasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finding their first Main Street.", "r": {"result": "Mencari Jalan Utama pertama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They packed up their bikes and left around noon on July 6. They planned to head north, turn east to get to New York, south to Mississippi and then through Texas and the Southwest to return home to California, But they decided not to keep to a strict schedule, allowing for fellow travelers to guide them on their way.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mengemas basikal mereka dan bertolak sekitar tengah hari pada 6 Julai. Mereka merancang untuk menuju ke utara, belok ke timur untuk ke New York, selatan ke Mississippi dan kemudian melalui Texas dan Barat Daya untuk pulang ke California, Tetapi mereka memutuskan untuk tidak menyimpannya. jadual yang ketat, membolehkan rakan pengembara membimbing mereka dalam perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It didn't take long to hit pay dirt.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak mengambil masa yang lama untuk memukul pay dirt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few hours after they hit the road, they found their first Main Street in Point Arena, a small town north of San Francisco.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam selepas mereka mencapai jalan raya, mereka menemui Jalan Utama pertama mereka di Point Arena, sebuah bandar kecil di utara San Francisco.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As they hopped off their bikes, the locals they met convinced them to come back the next day for a parade marking Independence Day.", "r": {"result": "Semasa mereka turun dari basikal, penduduk tempatan yang mereka temui meyakinkan mereka untuk kembali keesokan harinya untuk perarakan menandakan Hari Kemerdekaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The whole community came out and let us be a part of it and accepted us into the community,\" Dylan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Seluruh komuniti keluar dan membenarkan kami menjadi sebahagian daripadanya dan menerima kami ke dalam komuniti,\" kata Dylan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That serendipity set the tone for the rest of the trip.", "r": {"result": "Kebetulan itu menetapkan nada untuk sepanjang perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The best sandwich in Idaho, or anywhere.", "r": {"result": "Sandwic terbaik di Idaho, atau di mana-mana sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The travelers only had a guarantee of places to stay (and eat) in New York and Los Angeles.", "r": {"result": "Pengembara hanya mempunyai jaminan tempat tinggal (dan makan) di New York dan Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everything else would be an exploration, local recommendations and possibly, information from their not-guaranteed Internet connections.", "r": {"result": "Segala-galanya adalah penerokaan, cadangan tempatan dan mungkin, maklumat daripada sambungan Internet mereka yang tidak dijamin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The road led them to a Mennonite deli in Clark Fork, Idaho, that \"made the best sandwiches we've ever tasted,\" said McCall.", "r": {"result": "Jalan itu membawa mereka ke deli Mennonite di Clark Fork, Idaho, yang \"membuat sandwic terbaik yang pernah kami rasa,\" kata McCall.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They bought sandwiches and drove a mile down the road into Montana near a bridge to picnic and more.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membeli sandwic dan memandu sejauh satu batu menyusuri jalan ke Montana berhampiran jambatan untuk berkelah dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We jumped off the bridge to swim,\" Dylan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami melompat dari jambatan untuk berenang,\" kata Dylan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the drive through the Bitterroot Mountain range that cuts Idaho and Montana wasn't too shabby either.", "r": {"result": "Dan pemanduan melalui banjaran Gunung Bitterroot yang memotong Idaho dan Montana juga tidak terlalu buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also explored the source of their food, working for five days at Echo Valley Farm in Wisconsin in exchange for room and board.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga meneroka sumber makanan mereka, bekerja selama lima hari di Echo Valley Farm di Wisconsin sebagai pertukaran untuk bilik dan makan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was some of the most gorgeous, breathtaking American looking farmland I've ever seen, with rolling green hills and grain mills,\" Brant said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah antara tanah ladang Amerika yang paling cantik dan menakjubkan yang pernah saya lihat, dengan bukit-bukit hijau dan kilang bijirin,\" kata Brant.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It felt like what we were looking for the whole time -- true America heartland\".", "r": {"result": "\"Rasanya seperti apa yang kami cari sepanjang masa -- kawasan tengah Amerika yang sebenar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The farm's kindness was typical of the people who gave them shelter on their journey.", "r": {"result": "Kebaikan ladang adalah tipikal orang-orang yang memberi mereka perlindungan dalam perjalanan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We pulled up, three dirty bikers, to this nice sustainable farm,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berhenti, tiga penunggang motosikal kotor, ke ladang lestari yang bagus ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They \"showed us a nice place to park the bikes, took us on a tractor up around the whole property and told us about everything they were doing\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka \"menunjukkan tempat yang bagus untuk meletakkan basikal, membawa kami menaiki traktor mengelilingi seluruh kawasan dan memberitahu kami tentang semua yang mereka lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A willingness of strangers to share their stories was also typical.", "r": {"result": "Kesediaan orang yang tidak dikenali untuk berkongsi cerita mereka juga tipikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shortly after they crossed the Mason Dixon Line into Maryland and found a good campsite at Catoctin Mountain Park, they heard music coming through the woods.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas mereka menyeberangi Laluan Mason Dixon ke Maryland dan menemui tapak perkhemahan yang baik di Catoctin Mountain Park, mereka mendengar muzik datang melalui hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Was it a violin or cello\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah ia biola atau cello\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said McCall, so they went to explore it.", "r": {"result": "kata McCall, jadi mereka pergi untuk menerokainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They discovered two older Korean men playing songs about Korea on their saxophones.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menemui dua lelaki Korea yang lebih tua memainkan lagu tentang Korea pada saksofon mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We found the coolest guys on the whole trip,\" said McCall.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menemui lelaki paling hebat sepanjang perjalanan,\" kata McCall.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Busted shocks and other struggles.", "r": {"result": "Tewas kejutan dan perjuangan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trip wasn't without its troubles.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan itu bukan tanpa masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dylan's shocks stopped working somewhere in Montana.", "r": {"result": "Kejutan Dylan berhenti bekerja di suatu tempat di Montana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For a few days I didn't know if my bike would be able to make it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSelama beberapa hari saya tidak tahu sama ada basikal saya mampu melakukannya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they were able to fix it.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka dapat memperbaikinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We pulled it all apart in the forest, drained it and put in new fluid\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mencabut semuanya di dalam hutan, mengeringkannya dan memasukkan cecair baru\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brant also had the smallest gas tank, holding a gallon less than the other two bikes.", "r": {"result": "Brant juga mempunyai tangki gas terkecil, memegang satu gelen kurang daripada dua basikal lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also had the worst gas mileage.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga mempunyai perbatuan gas yang paling teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And so he ran out of gas at least five times on the trip, and coasted into gas stations on fumes at least three times.", "r": {"result": "Jadi dia kehabisan minyak sekurang-kurangnya lima kali dalam perjalanan, dan meluncur ke stesen minyak dengan asap sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I learned toward the end of the trip to carry a water bottle or two of gas\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya belajar di penghujung perjalanan untuk membawa sebotol air atau dua gas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the time they arrived home in San Francisco on August 28, everyone was glad to sleep in their own beds again.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa mereka tiba di rumah di San Francisco pada 28 Ogos, semua orang gembira untuk tidur di katil mereka sendiri semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For the first six days back, McCall was at his girlfriend's house, and Dylan and I sat on the couch watching movies,\" said Brant.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk enam hari pertama yang lalu, McCall berada di rumah teman wanitanya, dan Dylan dan saya duduk di sofa menonton filem,\" kata Brant.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'An adult within my society'.", "r": {"result": "'Seorang dewasa dalam masyarakat saya'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Giving up the benefits of home for a couple months was worth the journey.", "r": {"result": "Melepaskan faedah rumah selama beberapa bulan adalah perjalanan yang berbaloi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dylan left San Francisco thinking it would be a way to transition from his youth to adulthood.", "r": {"result": "Dylan meninggalkan San Francisco memikirkan ia akan menjadi satu cara untuk peralihan dari masa mudanya kepada dewasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Along the way, he hoped to learn \"what it means to be a man in my society\".", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang perjalanan, dia berharap untuk belajar \"apa ertinya menjadi seorang lelaki dalam masyarakat saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While he doesn't have any specific answers, \"seeing my country and understanding what my country is about ... helped me understand that more\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia tidak mempunyai sebarang jawapan khusus, \"melihat negara saya dan memahami tentang negara saya ... membantu saya memahaminya dengan lebih lanjut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Brant has always liked to travel and experience new things, he thought he would graduate college, get a job and save for his next planned trip.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Brant sentiasa suka mengembara dan mengalami perkara baharu, dia fikir dia akan menamatkan pengajian di kolej, mendapat pekerjaan dan menyimpan untuk perjalanan yang dirancang seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not anymore.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Being out there in America on the road, and roughing it, inspired me to book a plane ticket to South America with my last $400,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Berada di luar sana di Amerika di jalan raya, dan mengasyikkannya, memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk menempah tiket kapal terbang ke Amerika Selatan dengan $400 terakhir saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought, 'If you did this, you can do pretty much anything without a lot of resources.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir, 'Jika anda melakukan ini, anda boleh melakukan apa sahaja tanpa banyak sumber.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCall, who had graduated in May not knowing what he wanted to do, thinks travel and video may be his calling.", "r": {"result": "McCall, yang telah menamatkan pengajian pada bulan Mei tidak tahu apa yang dia mahu lakukan, berpendapat perjalanan dan video mungkin panggilannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(And he learned how to ride a motorcycle along the way.", "r": {"result": "(Dan dia belajar menunggang motosikal di sepanjang jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The three friends credit each other with making it an amazing experience.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga-tiga rakan saling menghargai satu sama lain kerana menjadikannya satu pengalaman yang menakjubkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We did get in fights and have problems, but we wouldn't have been able to do it without each other,\" said Dylan.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami memang bergaduh dan menghadapi masalah, tetapi kami tidak akan mampu melakukannya tanpa satu sama lain,\u201d kata Dylan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every different leg of the trip, there was one pushing, one dragging and one on a stretcher,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Setiap kaki yang berbeza dalam perjalanan, ada satu menolak, satu mengheret dan satu di atas pengusung,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It would change every single day\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan berubah setiap hari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We wouldn't have made it across the country and back without the others\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak akan berjaya merentasi negara dan kembali tanpa yang lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Kofi Annan, whose initiative to forge peace in war-ravaged Syria failed to take hold, said he has resigned as the U.N. and Arab League joint special envoy because of \"increasing militarization on the ground\" and \"the clear lack of unity\" at the U.N. Security Council.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kofi Annan, yang inisiatifnya untuk menjalin keamanan di Syria yang dilanda perang gagal bertahan, berkata beliau telah meletak jawatan sebagai utusan khas bersama PBB dan Liga Arab kerana \"meningkatkan ketenteraan di lapangan\" dan \"kekurangan yang jelas. perpaduan\" di Majlis Keselamatan PBB.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Annan said he told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Arab League Secretary-General Nabil el-Araby that he didn't want to renew his mandate when it expires August 31.", "r": {"result": "Annan berkata beliau memberitahu Setiausaha Agung PBB Ban Ki-moon dan Setiausaha Agung Liga Arab Nabil el-Araby bahawa beliau tidak mahu memperbaharui mandatnya apabila ia tamat pada 31 Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syria state-run TV said the nation \"expresses regret for the resignation,\" and Ban said he and el-Araby are looking for a successor to take on the \"crucial peacemaking effort\".", "r": {"result": "TV kerajaan Syria berkata negara itu \"menyatakan kekesalan atas peletakan jawatan itu,\" dan Ban berkata beliau dan el-Araby sedang mencari pengganti untuk mengambil \"usaha perdamaian yang penting\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Geneva, Annan said he accepted the job despite its challenges, a task that some had dubbed \"Mission Impossible\".", "r": {"result": "Di Geneva, Annan berkata dia menerima pekerjaan itu walaupun menghadapi cabaran, tugas yang digelar oleh sesetengah pihak sebagai \"Mission Impossible\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said it was a \"sacred duty\" to bring about peace, end the killings and abuse of civilians, and set a course toward political change.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata ia adalah \"tugas suci\" untuk membawa keamanan, menamatkan pembunuhan dan penderaan orang awam, dan menetapkan haluan ke arah perubahan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The severity of the humanitarian costs of the conflict, and the exceptional threats posed by this crisis to international peace and security, justified the attempts to secure a peaceful transition to a political settlement, however daunting the challenge.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKeterukan kos kemanusiaan konflik, dan ancaman luar biasa yang ditimbulkan oleh krisis ini terhadap keamanan dan keselamatan antarabangsa, mewajarkan percubaan untuk mendapatkan peralihan aman kepada penyelesaian politik, walau bagaimanapun menakutkan cabaran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The increasing militarization on the ground and the clear lack of unity in the Security Council have fundamentally changed the circumstances for the effective exercise of my role,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ketenteraan yang semakin meningkat di lapangan dan kurangnya perpaduan yang jelas dalam Majlis Keselamatan secara asasnya telah mengubah keadaan untuk melaksanakan peranan saya secara berkesan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama authorized covert support for Syrian rebels, sources say.", "r": {"result": "Obama membenarkan sokongan rahsia untuk pemberontak Syria, kata sumber.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yet the bloodshed continues, most of all because of the Syrian government's intransigence and continuing refusal to implement the six-point plan, and also because of the escalating military campaign of the opposition, all of which is compounded by the disunity of the international community.", "r": {"result": "\u201cNamun pertumpahan darah masih berterusan, terutamanya kerana ketidaktegasan kerajaan Syria dan keengganan berterusan untuk melaksanakan pelan enam perkara itu, dan juga kerana kempen ketenteraan pembangkang yang semakin meningkat, yang semuanya ditambah lagi dengan perpecahan masyarakat antarabangsa. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a time when we need -- when the Syrian people desperately need action, there continues to be finger-pointing and name-calling in the Security Council\".", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang kita perlukan -- apabila rakyat Syria sangat memerlukan tindakan, terus ada yang menuding jari dan memanggil nama dalam Majlis Keselamatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nearly 17-month-long Syrian crisis started when the regime brutally cracked down on peaceful protesters in March 2011 and morphed into a nationwide uprising.", "r": {"result": "Krisis Syria selama hampir 17 bulan bermula apabila rejim itu bertindak kejam terhadap penunjuk perasaan aman pada Mac 2011 dan berubah menjadi pemberontakan di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among the five permanent members of the council, Russia and China have persistently disagreed with tough action against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad that is favored by the United States, Britain and France.", "r": {"result": "Antara lima anggota tetap majlis itu, Rusia dan China secara berterusan tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan keras terhadap rejim Presiden Bashar al-Assad yang digemari oleh Amerika Syarikat, Britain dan Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The utter failure of world diplomacy and Syrian leaders to end the fighting has resulted in a humanitarian catastrophe.", "r": {"result": "Kegagalan diplomasi dunia dan pemimpin Syria untuk menamatkan pertempuran telah mengakibatkan malapetaka kemanusiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opposition groups say that more than 20,000 people have died, thousands have been imprisoned by the regime and tens of thousands have been displaced from their homes.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pembangkang mengatakan bahawa lebih daripada 20,000 orang telah mati, beribu-ribu telah dipenjarakan oleh rejim dan berpuluh-puluh ribu telah dipindahkan dari rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. boost humanitarian aid to Syria.", "r": {"result": "A.S. meningkatkan bantuan kemanusiaan kepada Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The conflict is now internationally regarded as a civil war between an armed resistance movement and al-Assad's regime.", "r": {"result": "Konflik itu kini di peringkat antarabangsa dianggap sebagai perang saudara antara gerakan penentangan bersenjata dan rejim al-Assad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Without serious, purposeful and united international pressure, including from the powers of the region, it is impossible for me, or anyone, to compel the Syrian government in the first place, and also the opposition, to take the steps necessary to begin a political process.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTanpa tekanan antarabangsa yang serius, bermatlamat dan bersatu, termasuk daripada kuasa di rantau ini, adalah mustahil bagi saya, atau sesiapa sahaja, untuk memaksa kerajaan Syria pada mulanya, dan juga pembangkang, untuk mengambil langkah yang perlu untuk memulakan proses politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to understand: As an envoy, I can't want peace more than the protagonists, more than the Security Council or the international community, for that matter,\" Annan said.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu faham: Sebagai utusan, saya tidak boleh mahukan keamanan lebih daripada protagonis, lebih daripada Majlis Keselamatan atau masyarakat antarabangsa, dalam hal itu,\" kata Annan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The appointment of the former secretary-general in February was supported by world powers and the Syrian government.", "r": {"result": "Pelantikan bekas setiausaha agung itu pada Februari lalu disokong oleh kuasa dunia dan kerajaan Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After he took the post, he helped formulate a six-point peace plan for Syria that included a cease-fire.", "r": {"result": "Selepas beliau memegang jawatan itu, beliau membantu merangka pelan damai enam perkara untuk Syria yang termasuk gencatan senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United Nations established the U.N. Supervision Mission in Syria to monitor the efforts to forge the plan.", "r": {"result": "Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu menubuhkan Misi Pengawasan PBB di Syria untuk memantau usaha memalsukan rancangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plan called for establishing a cease-fire between al-Assad's government and the opposition, allowing humanitarian groups access to the population, releasing detainees and starting a political dialogue.", "r": {"result": "Pelan itu menggesa mewujudkan gencatan senjata antara kerajaan al-Assad dan pembangkang, membenarkan kumpulan kemanusiaan akses kepada penduduk, membebaskan tahanan dan memulakan dialog politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also called for government forces to withdraw from city centers.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga menyeru agar tentera kerajaan berundur dari pusat bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite an initial and small drop in violence after his plan was announced, fighting raged nonstop.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penurunan awal dan kecil dalam keganasan selepas rancangannya diumumkan, pertempuran berkecamuk tanpa henti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The terrain became so dangerous in Syria that U.N. monitors had to suspend their observation missions.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan itu menjadi sangat berbahaya di Syria sehingga pemantau PBB terpaksa menangguhkan misi pemerhatian mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an opinion piece published Thursday in the Financial Times, Annan said regional and international players have \"clear common interests\" in a \"managed political transition\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu pendapat yang diterbitkan Khamis di Financial Times, Annan berkata pemain serantau dan antarabangsa mempunyai \"kepentingan bersama yang jelas\" dalam \"peralihan politik terurus\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said al-Assad \"must leave office\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata al-Assad \"mesti meninggalkan jawatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: From rocks to RPGs.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Daripada batu kepada RPG.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russia, China and Iran, friends of the Syrian regime, \"must take concerted efforts to persuade Syria's leadership to change course and embrace a political transition, realizing the current government has lost all legitimacy,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Rusia, China dan Iran, rakan-rakan rejim Syria, \"mesti mengambil usaha bersepadu untuk memujuk kepimpinan Syria mengubah haluan dan menerima peralihan politik, menyedari kerajaan sekarang telah kehilangan semua legitimasi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States, Britain, France, Turkey Saudi Arabia and Qatar must press \"the opposition to embrace a fully inclusive political process\".", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat, Britain, Perancis, Turki Arab Saudi dan Qatar mesti menekan \"pembangkang untuk menerima proses politik inklusif sepenuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"None of this is possible, however, without genuine compromise on all sides,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada satu pun daripada ini mungkin, walau bagaimanapun, tanpa kompromi yang tulen di semua pihak,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Syria can still be saved from the worst calamity.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSyria masih boleh diselamatkan daripada malapetaka yang paling teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this requires courage and leadership, most of all from the permanent members of the Security Council, including from Presidents Putin and Obama.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ini memerlukan keberanian dan kepimpinan, kebanyakannya daripada ahli tetap Majlis Keselamatan, termasuk daripada Presiden Putin dan Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is ours an international community that will act in defense of the most vulnerable of our world, and make the necessary sacrifices to help?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita komuniti antarabangsa yang akan bertindak membela mereka yang paling terdedah di dunia kita, dan membuat pengorbanan yang diperlukan untuk membantu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The coming weeks in Syria will tell\".", "r": {"result": "Minggu-minggu akan datang di Syria akan memberitahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Annan initiative disappointed opposition groups.", "r": {"result": "Inisiatif Annan mengecewakan kumpulan pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rafif Jouejati, English-language spokeswoman for the opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria, said Annan's replacement \"will be equally constrained by Assad's failure to adhere to any sort of plan, and the ongoing complicity of Russia, China and Iran in mass killings and exodus in Syria\".", "r": {"result": "Rafif Jouejati, jurucakap berbahasa Inggeris bagi Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Tempatan Syria pembangkang, berkata penggantian Annan \"akan turut dikekang oleh kegagalan Assad untuk mematuhi sebarang rancangan, dan keterlibatan berterusan Rusia, China dan Iran dalam pembunuhan besar-besaran dan penghijrahan. di Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Annan resignation was expected, since his plans have failed.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerletakan jawatan Annan sudah dijangka, kerana rancangannya gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While this may cause discomfort for the U.N. and prove that it was unable to provide a solution for the Syrian people, it means nothing to the Syrian people.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ini boleh menyebabkan ketidakselesaan bagi PBB dan membuktikan bahawa ia tidak dapat menyediakan penyelesaian untuk rakyat Syria, ia tidak bermakna apa-apa kepada rakyat Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The revolution will continue until we achieve our goals of freedom, democracy and dignity.", "r": {"result": "Revolusi akan berterusan sehingga kita mencapai matlamat kebebasan, demokrasi dan maruah kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is sad to watch the diplomatic process die in such indignity, but millions of Syrians had indicated that Assad had no intention of implementing any diplomatic or political solution to the current crisis in Syria,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah menyedihkan untuk melihat proses diplomatik mati dalam kehinaan itu, tetapi berjuta-juta rakyat Syria telah menyatakan bahawa Assad tidak berhasrat untuk melaksanakan sebarang penyelesaian diplomatik atau politik kepada krisis semasa di Syria,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Annan's plan was fatally flawed for several reasons, chief among them that 300 unarmed observers under the near-constant supervision of regime monitors could not possibly have been effective in observing, enforcing or even reporting on a cease-fire, let alone the other tenets of the Annan Plan\".", "r": {"result": "\"Rancangan Annan telah rosak kerana beberapa sebab, antaranya ialah 300 pemerhati yang tidak bersenjata di bawah penyeliaan berterusan pemantau rejim tidak mungkin berkesan dalam memerhati, menguatkuasa atau melaporkan gencatan senjata, apatah lagi prinsip lain. daripada Rancangan Annan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Syrian regime failed to protect civilians.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Rejim Syria gagal melindungi orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vitaly Churkin, Russian ambassador to the United Nations, said he hopes Annan uses the rest of the time on the job to be as effective as possible \"under these very difficult circumstances\".", "r": {"result": "Vitaly Churkin, Duta Besar Rusia ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, berkata beliau berharap Annan menggunakan baki masa di tempat kerja untuk menjadi seefektif mungkin \"dalam keadaan yang sangat sukar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We understand that it is his decision.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami faham itu adalah keputusannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We regret that he chose to do so.", "r": {"result": "Kami kesal kerana dia memilih untuk berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have supported very strongly Kofi Annan's efforts,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Kami sangat menyokong usaha Kofi Annan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm very encouraged that the secretary-general is already working on finding a successor for Kofi Annan who would be able to pick up this daunting task of putting an end to the crisis in Syria\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat digalakkan bahawa setiausaha agung sedang berusaha mencari pengganti Kofi Annan yang akan dapat memikul tugas berat ini untuk menamatkan krisis di Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ambassador Susan Rice, the United States' permanent representative to the United Nations, said Annan took on a \"thankless and difficult task at great personal cost\".", "r": {"result": "Duta Besar Susan Rice, wakil tetap Amerika Syarikat ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, berkata Annan mengambil \"tugas yang tidak bersyukur dan sukar dengan kos peribadi yang besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When the Security Council failed to heed Mr. Annan's repeated calls for collective and significant consequences for non-compliance with its prior resolutions, those members who blocked this action effectively made Mr. Annan's mission impossible,\" she said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila Majlis Keselamatan gagal mempedulikan seruan berulang Encik Annan untuk akibat kolektif dan ketara kerana ketidakpatuhan terhadap resolusi terdahulunya, ahli-ahli yang menghalang tindakan ini dengan berkesan menjadikan misi Encik Annan mustahil,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Catherine Ashton, the European Union's foreign policy chief, said Annan's resignation \"makes clear how unfortunate it has been that the U.N. Security Council was unable to agree to a resolution\".", "r": {"result": "Catherine Ashton, ketua dasar luar Kesatuan Eropah, berkata peletakan jawatan Annan \"menjelaskan betapa malangnya Majlis Keselamatan PBB tidak dapat bersetuju dengan resolusi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The EU continues to support the efforts of the U.N. and the League of Arab States and calls for the early appointment of a successor to carry on Mr. Annan's work towards a peaceful political transition in Syria,\" Ashton said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\"EU terus menyokong usaha PBB dan Liga Negara Arab dan menyeru pelantikan awal pengganti untuk meneruskan kerja Encik Annan ke arah peralihan politik yang aman di Syria,\" kata Ashton dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ban, who was first to announce the move, praised Annan's \"determined and courageous efforts\" and said the news left him with \"deep regret\".", "r": {"result": "Ban, yang pertama kali mengumumkan langkah itu, memuji \"usaha nekad dan berani\" Annan dan berkata berita itu meninggalkannya dengan \"kesalan yang mendalam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said that Annan worked within the mandate provided to him by the U.N. General Assembly and that he is \"indebted to him and his team for all they have tried to achieve\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bahawa Annan bekerja mengikut mandat yang diberikan kepadanya oleh Perhimpunan Agung PBB dan bahawa dia \"terhutang budi kepadanya dan pasukannya untuk semua yang mereka cuba capai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Ban also said the government and the opposition have been determined \"to rely on ever-increasing violence,\" and there have been \"persistent divisions within the (U.N.) Security Council\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Ban juga berkata kerajaan dan pembangkang telah bertekad \"untuk bergantung pada keganasan yang semakin meningkat,\" dan terdapat \"perpecahan berterusan dalam Majlis Keselamatan (PBB)\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Kofi Annan deserves our profound admiration for the selfless way in which he has put his formidable skills and prestige to this most difficult and potentially thankless of assignments,\" Ban said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kofi Annan berhak mendapat kekaguman mendalam kami atas cara tidak mementingkan diri sendiri di mana dia telah meletakkan kemahiran dan prestijnya yang menggerunkan kepada tugasan yang paling sukar dan mungkin tidak berterima kasih ini,\" kata Ban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Annan had been secretary-general from 1996 to 2006 and was involved in other initiatives, including the mediation of the election dispute a few years ago in Kenya.", "r": {"result": "Annan pernah menjadi setiausaha agung dari 1996 hingga 2006 dan terlibat dalam inisiatif lain, termasuk pengantaraan pertikaian pilihan raya beberapa tahun lalu di Kenya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ban said peace can come only if there's a \"firm commitment to dialogue\" among the players in Syria and international unity.", "r": {"result": "Ban berkata keamanan boleh datang hanya jika ada \"komitmen teguh untuk berdialog\" di kalangan pemain di Syria dan perpaduan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tragically, the spiral of violence in Syria is continuing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSecara tragis, lilitan keganasan di Syria berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hand extended to turn away from violence in favor of dialogue and diplomacy -- as spelled out in the six-point plan -- has not been taken, even though it still remains the best hope for the people of Syria\".", "r": {"result": "Tangan yang dihulurkan untuk berpaling daripada keganasan yang memihak kepada dialog dan diplomasi -- seperti yang dinyatakan dalam pelan enam perkara -- belum diambil, walaupun ia masih kekal sebagai harapan terbaik bagi rakyat Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Complete coverage of the stories unfolding in Syria.", "r": {"result": "Liputan lengkap tentang kisah-kisah yang berlaku di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The CNN Library contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Perpustakaan CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Delta Air Lines and American Airlines announced Thursday the cancellations of hundreds of flights so the companies can conduct inspections on bundles of wires in some of their jets.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Delta Air Lines dan American Airlines mengumumkan pada Khamis pembatalan ratusan penerbangan supaya syarikat itu boleh menjalankan pemeriksaan ke atas berkas wayar dalam beberapa jet mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Delta cancellations will affect flights up until early Friday, according to a statement from the airline.", "r": {"result": "Pembatalan Delta akan menjejaskan penerbangan sehingga awal Jumaat, menurut satu kenyataan daripada syarikat penerbangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cancellations will affect flights through Friday, according to statements by both companies.", "r": {"result": "Pembatalan itu akan menjejaskan penerbangan hingga Jumaat, menurut kenyataan kedua-dua syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokeswoman for Delta earlier said 325 flights would be canceled Thursday, but later said 275 flights were cut.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Delta sebelum ini berkata 325 penerbangan akan dibatalkan Khamis, tetapi kemudiannya berkata 275 penerbangan dipotong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Delta apologizes in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and is working to proactively contact and reaccommodate affected customers.", "r": {"result": "\"Delta memohon maaf terlebih dahulu atas sebarang kesulitan yang mungkin timbul dan sedang berusaha untuk secara proaktif menghubungi dan menempatkan semula pelanggan yang terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Customers should call ahead to check flight status,\" a Delta statement said.", "r": {"result": "Pelanggan harus menghubungi lebih awal untuk menyemak status penerbangan,\" kata kenyataan Delta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wednesday, American Airlines canceled 318 flights, said company spokesman Tim Wagner.", "r": {"result": "Rabu, American Airlines membatalkan 318 penerbangan, kata jurucakap syarikat Tim Wagner.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airline canceled 132 of its estimated 2,300 flights scheduled for Thursday, Wagner said, about 6 percent of the daily schedule.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat penerbangan itu membatalkan 132 daripada anggaran 2,300 penerbangan yang dijadualkan pada Khamis, Wagner berkata, kira-kira 6 peratus daripada jadual harian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cancellations forced dozens of people to spend the night in the atrium of Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.", "r": {"result": "Pembatalan itu memaksa berpuluh-puluh orang bermalam di atrium Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hartsfield-Jackson di Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They slept wherever they could -- on couches, on the floor, some on non-moving baggage carousels.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidur di mana sahaja mereka boleh -- di atas sofa, di atas lantai, beberapa di atas karusel bagasi yang tidak bergerak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kelly said the airline rebooked flights and covered the cost of hotel and food for passengers on canceled flights.", "r": {"result": "Kelly berkata syarikat penerbangan itu menempah semula penerbangan dan menanggung kos hotel dan makanan untuk penumpang dalam penerbangan yang dibatalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was initially believed that Delta's MD-90 planes were part of the inspection but it was determined that the MD-88 planes were the only ones that needed to be inspected, a spokeswoman said.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya dipercayai bahawa pesawat MD-90 Delta adalah sebahagian daripada pemeriksaan tetapi telah ditentukan bahawa pesawat MD-88 adalah satu-satunya yang perlu diperiksa, kata seorang jurucakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airline said the checks are voluntary and are expected to be completed by week's end.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat penerbangan itu berkata pemeriksaan itu adalah secara sukarela dan dijangka siap menjelang akhir minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American Airlines, meanwhile, is examining wiring secured to its MD-80 aircraft.", "r": {"result": "American Airlines, sementara itu, sedang memeriksa pendawaian yang dipasang pada pesawat MD-80nya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Atlanta, the cancellations caused grousing among passengers who missed job interviews, connecting flights and the comfort of their beds, CNN affiliate WXIA reported.", "r": {"result": "Di Atlanta, pembatalan itu menyebabkan kegusaran di kalangan penumpang yang terlepas temu duga kerja, penerbangan sambungan dan keselesaan katil mereka, lapor sekutu CNN WXIA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They told us 6:45 (p.m.).", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka memberitahu kami pukul 6:45 (petang).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then they told us 7:30. Then 8, so on and so forth and they just canceled,\" passenger Fred Billizon told WXIA.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian mereka memberitahu kami pukul 7:30. Kemudian 8, seterusnya dan seterusnya dan mereka baru sahaja membatalkannya,\" kata penumpang Fred Billizon kepada WXIA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So they had about 200 people just waiting on flights.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJadi mereka mempunyai kira-kira 200 orang hanya menunggu dalam penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's not a lot of happy people\".", "r": {"result": "Dan itu bukan banyak orang yang gembira\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This latest round of inspections was prompted by questions raised by the FAA and American safety officials about how a certain bundle of wires is secured to the MD-80 aircraft.", "r": {"result": "Pusingan pemeriksaan terbaharu ini didorong oleh soalan yang ditimbulkan oleh FAA dan pegawai keselamatan Amerika tentang bagaimana sekumpulan wayar tertentu dipasang pada pesawat MD-80.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The MD-80 is the workhorse of the American fleet.", "r": {"result": "MD-80 adalah kuda kerja bagi armada Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American's Web site says the aircraft accounts for 300 of the airline's fleet of 655 jets.", "r": {"result": "Laman web American mengatakan pesawat itu menyumbang 300 daripada armada syarikat penerbangan itu sebanyak 655 jet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jet debuted in 1980 from McDonnell-Douglas, which was purchased by rival Boeing in 1997. Boeing discontinued production of the aircraft in 1999. E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "Jet itu memulakan kerjaya pada tahun 1980 dari McDonnell-Douglas, yang dibeli oleh pesaing Boeing pada tahun 1997. Boeing telah menghentikan pengeluaran pesawat itu pada tahun 1999. E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Islamic State terror group is now \"a credible alternative to al Qaeda\" that is \"expanding its presence\" with foreign fighters returning from Syria, and possibly Iraq, to their home countries, a U.S. intelligence official said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pengganas Negara Islam kini menjadi \"alternatif yang boleh dipercayai kepada al Qaeda\" yang \"mengembangkan kehadirannya\" dengan pejuang asing pulang dari Syria, dan mungkin Iraq, ke negara asal mereka, kata seorang pegawai perisikan AS pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official, who declined to be identified due to the sensitive nature of the information, has direct knowledge of the latest intelligence on the group, also known as ISIS or ISIL.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu, yang enggan dikenali kerana sifat sensitif maklumat itu, mempunyai pengetahuan langsung tentang risikan terkini mengenai kumpulan itu, juga dikenali sebagai ISIS atau ISIL.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to an assessment, the group has grown in size since the spring and its takeover of Mosul in northern Iraq as more fighters from around the world have mainly traveled to Syria to join its ranks.", "r": {"result": "Menurut penilaian, kumpulan itu telah berkembang dalam saiz sejak musim bunga dan pengambilalihan Mosul di utara Iraq apabila lebih ramai pejuang dari seluruh dunia telah mengembara ke Syria untuk menyertai barisannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States believes that while the group remains largely focused on its brutal takeover of large areas of Iraq, there is also an \"expansion of its external terrorist ambitions\".", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat percaya bahawa walaupun kumpulan itu masih tertumpu pada pengambilalihan kejamnya ke atas kawasan besar Iraq, terdapat juga \"pengembangan cita-cita pengganas luarnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some foreign fighters are returning to their home countries with orders to \"start new cells\" of terrorist activity, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pejuang asing kembali ke negara asal mereka dengan arahan untuk \"memulakan sel baharu\" aktiviti pengganas, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What to know about ISIS.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang perlu diketahui tentang ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While some members may have a desire to attack the United States, the group's leadership is still focused on establishing an Islamic caliphate.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun sesetengah ahli mungkin mempunyai keinginan untuk menyerang Amerika Syarikat, kepimpinan kumpulan itu masih tertumpu kepada penubuhan khalifah Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, they \"see conflict with the United States as inevitable,\" the official said.", "r": {"result": "Namun, mereka \"melihat konflik dengan Amerika Syarikat sebagai tidak dapat dielakkan,\" kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States believes a deadly shooting at Belgium's Jewish Museum in May by an alleged ISIS loyalist may be the kind of attack that could happen more often in western countries, possibly including the United States.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat percaya insiden tembakan maut di Muzium Yahudi Belgium pada Mei oleh penyokong setia ISIS mungkin merupakan jenis serangan yang lebih kerap berlaku di negara barat, mungkin termasuk Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. law enforcement is watching a small number of Americans for possible affiliation with the group.", "r": {"result": "Penguatkuasa undang-undang A.S. sedang memerhatikan sebilangan kecil rakyat Amerika untuk kemungkinan bergabung dengan kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How ISIS is overshadowing al Qaeda.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana ISIS membayangi al Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ISIS foreign fighters may be operating somewhat independently of the organization's hierarchy, which the United States believes maintains lines of authority and even succession plans.", "r": {"result": "Pejuang asing ISIS mungkin beroperasi agak bebas daripada hierarki organisasi, yang Amerika Syarikat percaya mengekalkan garis kuasa dan juga rancangan penggantian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The intelligence community is now updating its assessment of how many fighters may be loyal to the group, and the number could be more than 10,000, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Komuniti perisikan kini mengemas kini penilaiannya tentang bilangan pejuang yang mungkin setia kepada kumpulan itu, dan jumlahnya mungkin lebih daripada 10,000, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ISIS has taken advantage of the momentum it gained in Iraq over the past several months, resulting in a large number of new fighters joining up.", "r": {"result": "ISIS telah mengambil kesempatan daripada momentum yang diperolehi di Iraq sejak beberapa bulan lalu, menyebabkan sejumlah besar pejuang baharu bergabung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Map: Where is ISIS?", "r": {"result": "Peta: Di manakah ISIS?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While it currently has funds from taking over oil facilities and other operations in Iraq, the United States believes that will not be enough to sustain ISIS if it tries to seize the entire country, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pada masa ini ia mempunyai dana daripada mengambil alih kemudahan minyak dan operasi lain di Iraq, Amerika Syarikat percaya ia tidak akan mencukupi untuk mengekalkan ISIS jika ia cuba merampas seluruh negara, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States also is watching closely to see whether and at what point ISIS loses support from Sunni loyalists in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat juga sedang memerhati dengan teliti untuk melihat sama ada dan pada ketika ISIS kehilangan sokongan daripada penyokong setia Sunni di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. calculation is that ISIS is taking advantage of its recent momentum.", "r": {"result": "Pengiraan A.S. ialah ISIS mengambil kesempatan daripada momentumnya baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because it is seen as \"successful\" in many areas, including Yemen and Africa where al Qaeda affiliates operate, they have gained support from some jihadists more widely.", "r": {"result": "Kerana ia dilihat sebagai \"berjaya\" di banyak kawasan, termasuk Yaman dan Afrika di mana gabungan al-Qaeda beroperasi, mereka telah mendapat sokongan daripada beberapa jihad secara lebih meluas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who is the ISIS?", "r": {"result": "Siapa ISIS?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In those areas, they also remain at odds with the core of al Qaeda in Pakistan led by Ayman al-Zawahiri and several of affiliates.", "r": {"result": "Di kawasan tersebut, mereka juga kekal bertentangan dengan teras al Qaeda di Pakistan yang diketuai oleh Ayman al-Zawahiri dan beberapa sekutu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The thinking is as momentum slows, ISIS will be \"under more pressure, reality sets in,\" the official said.", "r": {"result": "Pemikiran adalah apabila momentum semakin perlahan, ISIS akan \"di bawah tekanan lebih, realiti bermula,\" kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't see the group as 10 feet tall\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak melihat kumpulan itu setinggi 10 kaki\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Four-time NBA champion Shaquille O'Neal formally announced his retirement from basketball Friday, thanking fans and teammates for their support and saying he looks forward to earning his Ph.D.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Juara NBA empat kali Shaquille O'Neal secara rasmi mengumumkan persaraannya daripada bola keranjang pada hari Jumaat, mengucapkan terima kasih kepada peminat dan rakan sepasukan atas sokongan mereka dan berkata dia tidak sabar untuk memperoleh Ph.D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is now time for me to begin my new life,\" O'Neal said at a press conference at his home.", "r": {"result": "\"Kini tiba masanya untuk saya memulakan hidup baru saya,\" kata O'Neal pada sidang media di rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dale Brown, who coached him while at Louisiana State University, sat by O'Neal's side.", "r": {"result": "Dale Brown, yang melatihnya semasa di Louisiana State University, duduk di sebelah O'Neal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The announcement was an upbeat occasion, with the athlete thanking his parents for stressing the importance of education, especially if he were to endure a career-ending injury.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman itu adalah peristiwa yang menggembirakan, dengan atlet itu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ibu bapanya kerana menekankan kepentingan pendidikan, terutamanya jika dia terpaksa mengalami kecederaan yang menamatkan kerjayanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neal is completing his doctorate in human resource development at Barry University in Miami.", "r": {"result": "O'Neal sedang menamatkan pengajian kedoktorannya dalam pembangunan sumber manusia di Universiti Barry di Miami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neal first said Wednesday afternoon that he was going to hang up his jersey.", "r": {"result": "O'Neal pertama kali berkata pada petang Rabu bahawa dia akan menggantung jersinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 39-year-old posted a link to a video on his Twitter account.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki berusia 39 tahun itu menyiarkan pautan ke video di akaun Twitternya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a brief message he said: \"We did it.", "r": {"result": "Dalam mesej ringkas beliau berkata: \"Kami melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nineteen years, baby.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan belas tahun, sayang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to thank you very much.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why I'm telling you first.", "r": {"result": "Sebab tu saya bagitahu awak dulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm about to retire.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan bersara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Love you.", "r": {"result": "Sayang kamu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Talk to you soon\".", "r": {"result": "Berbual lagi nanti\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neal has been dogged by injuries in the latter stages of his career and played only 37 games for the Boston Celtics this season after struggling with an Achilles tendon problem.", "r": {"result": "O'Neal telah dilanda kecederaan pada peringkat akhir kariernya dan bermain hanya 37 perlawanan untuk Boston Celtics musim ini selepas bergelut dengan masalah tendon Achilles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told reporters he did not want the Celtics to have to wait to see whether he fully rebounded from surgery.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu pemberita dia tidak mahu Celtics perlu menunggu untuk melihat sama ada dia pulih sepenuhnya daripada pembedahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The superstar returned for two playoff games against the Miami Heat but managed just 12 minutes, and he told an ESPN reporter that he didn't want to let Celtics fans down.", "r": {"result": "Superstar itu kembali untuk dua perlawanan playoff menentang Miami Heat tetapi berjaya hanya 12 minit, dan dia memberitahu wartawan ESPN bahawa dia tidak mahu mengecewakan penyokong Celtics.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neal won three titles with the Los Angeles Lakers after forming a devastating partnership with Kobe Bryant, and added a fourth in 2006 with the Miami Heat.", "r": {"result": "O'Neal memenangi tiga gelaran bersama Los Angeles Lakers selepas membentuk perkongsian yang menghancurkan dengan Kobe Bryant, dan menambah gelaran keempat pada 2006 dengan Miami Heat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With 28,596 points, O'Neal is fifth on the all-time NBA scoring list and is second only to Michael Jordan on the all-time list of NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Awards.", "r": {"result": "Dengan 28,596 mata, O'Neal berada di tempat kelima dalam senarai pemarkahan NBA sepanjang masa dan kedua selepas Michael Jordan dalam senarai Anugerah Pemain Paling Bernilai Final NBA sepanjang masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm really going to miss the free throws,\" he quipped Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benar-benar akan terlepas balingan percuma,\" sindirnya pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He began his career in 1992 when the Orlando Magic picked him first in the NBA Draft and quickly won rookie of the year honors.", "r": {"result": "Dia memulakan kerjayanya pada tahun 1992 apabila Orlando Magic memilihnya pertama dalam NBA Draft dan dengan cepat memenangi penghormatan rookie of the year.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neal took the NBA scoring title in 1995 as he led the Magic to the NBA finals, but they were beaten by Houston.", "r": {"result": "O'Neal merangkul gelaran pemarkahan NBA pada tahun 1995 ketika dia membawa Magic ke pusingan akhir NBA, tetapi mereka ditewaskan oleh Houston.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He won the accolade again in 2000, when the Lakers won the finals.", "r": {"result": "Dia memenangi anugerah itu sekali lagi pada tahun 2000, apabila Lakers memenangi perlawanan akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Severe winter weather was creating Christmas week travel headaches across the country Monday, canceling flights and closing major highways.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Cuaca musim sejuk yang teruk telah mencetuskan masalah perjalanan minggu Krismas di seluruh negara pada Isnin, membatalkan penerbangan dan menutup lebuh raya utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Traffic backs up Monday on a Chicago, Illinois-area highway after an early-morning accident.", "r": {"result": "Trafik kembali pulih pada hari Isnin di lebuh raya kawasan Chicago, Illinois selepas kemalangan awal pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Air travelers heading for three major East Coast airports -- Newark-Liberty International Airport in New Jersey and John F. Kennedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport in New York -- faced delays of almost two hours on Monday, the FAA said.", "r": {"result": "Pengembara udara yang menuju ke tiga lapangan terbang utama Pantai Timur -- Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Newark-Liberty di New Jersey dan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa John F. Kennedy dan Lapangan Terbang LaGuardia di New York -- menghadapi kelewatan hampir dua jam pada hari Isnin, kata FAA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 130 miles of the New York State Thruway were shut down for a time Monday morning from Henrietta, near Rochester, to the Pennsylvania state line.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 130 batu dari New York State Thruway telah ditutup untuk seketika pagi Isnin dari Henrietta, dekat Rochester, ke garisan negeri Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dozens of vehicles slid off the icy roadway, CNN affiliate WIVB-TV in Buffalo, New York, reported.", "r": {"result": "Berpuluh-puluh kenderaan tergelincir dari jalan raya yang berais, lapor sekutu CNN WIVB-TV di Buffalo, New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even after the highway was reopened, officials warned of icy pavement and poor visibility from blowing snow.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun selepas lebuh raya dibuka semula, pegawai memberi amaran tentang turapan berais dan jarak penglihatan yang lemah akibat salji yang meniup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the scenes of winter across the U.S. >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat pemandangan musim sejuk di seluruh A.S. >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the National Weather Service, Buffalo got a record 7.4 inches of snow on Sunday, and several more inches were in the forecast for Monday, the first full day of winter.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan, Buffalo mendapat rekod 7.4 inci salji pada hari Ahad, dan beberapa inci lagi dalam ramalan untuk hari Isnin, hari penuh pertama musim sejuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police agencies in western New York were advising motorists not to leave home.", "r": {"result": "Agensi polis di barat New York menasihatkan pemandu supaya tidak meninggalkan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two New York towns, Wales and Lancaster, banned travel altogether, WIVB reported.", "r": {"result": "Dua bandar New York, Wales dan Lancaster, melarang perjalanan sama sekali, lapor WIVB.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: What's it like where you are?", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Bagaimana keadaan di mana anda berada?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schools were closed Monday in Boston, Massachusetts, as icy roadways prevented buses from operating, CNN affiliate WCVB-TV reported.", "r": {"result": "Sekolah-sekolah ditutup Isnin di Boston, Massachusetts, kerana jalan raya yang berais menghalang bas daripada beroperasi, lapor sekutu CNN WCVB-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the other side of the country, long lines formed before dawn Monday at airline counters at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where two major carriers, Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air, suspended service Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Di seberang negara, barisan panjang terbentuk sebelum subuh Isnin di kaunter syarikat penerbangan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Seattle-Tacoma, di mana dua syarikat penerbangan utama, Alaska Airlines dan Horizon Air, menggantung perkhidmatan Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Federal Aviation Administration was reporting no delays at the airport Monday afternoon, but Alaska and Horizon said they would only resume limited operations.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran Penerbangan Persekutuan melaporkan tiada kelewatan di lapangan terbang petang Isnin, tetapi Alaska dan Horizon berkata mereka hanya akan meneruskan operasi terhad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some travelers may have to wait until midweek or later to get flights out of the airport, CNN affiliate KOMO-TV reported.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pengembara mungkin perlu menunggu sehingga pertengahan minggu atau lebih lewat untuk mendapatkan penerbangan keluar dari lapangan terbang, lapor sekutu CNN KOMO-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supplies were running low at airport concessions for those enduring the wait, the Seattle station said.", "r": {"result": "Bekalan berkurangan di konsesi lapangan terbang bagi mereka yang menunggu, kata stesen Seattle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To the south, travelers also spent the night in the Portland, Oregon, airport after airlines canceled many flights on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Di selatan, pengembara turut bermalam di lapangan terbang Portland, Oregon selepas syarikat penerbangan membatalkan banyak penerbangan pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Airlines canceled more than 100 flights at Portland International Airport on Monday, CNN affiliate KATU-TV reported.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat penerbangan membatalkan lebih 100 penerbangan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Portland pada hari Isnin, lapor sekutu CNN KATU-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a roundup of the worst winter weather >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton rangkuman cuaca musim sejuk yang paling teruk >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 11 inches of snow was on the ground Monday morning in Portland, CNN affiliate KGW-TV reported, an amount not seen since 1968. Vehicles on all Portland roads were required to have snow chains, KGW said, but drivers were advised to stay off roads completely.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 11 inci salji berada di atas tanah pagi Isnin di Portland, sekutu CNN KGW-TV melaporkan, jumlah yang tidak dilihat sejak 1968. Kenderaan di semua jalan Portland dikehendaki mempunyai rantai salji, kata KGW, tetapi pemandu dinasihatkan untuk kekal luar jalan raya sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seattle's Amtrak station also was packed with stranded holiday travelers after the winter storm stopped trains in their tracks Sunday in the Pacific Northwest.", "r": {"result": "Stesen Amtrak Seattle juga penuh dengan pelancong percutian yang terkandas selepas ribut musim sejuk menghentikan kereta api di landasan mereka Ahad di Barat Laut Pasifik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch driving woes in Walla Walla, Washington >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton kesengsaraan pemanduan di Walla Walla, Washington >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Marysville, Washington, workers at an industrial complex Monday morning found the roof of a building there had collapsed, apparently because of heavy snow, according to CNN affiliate KIRO-TV.", "r": {"result": "Di Marysville, Washington, pekerja di kompleks perindustrian pagi Isnin mendapati bumbung bangunan di sana telah runtuh, nampaknya disebabkan salji tebal, menurut sekutu CNN KIRO-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The structure is used by a company that manufactures steel buildings; no injuries were reported.", "r": {"result": "Struktur ini digunakan oleh syarikat yang mengeluarkan bangunan keluli; tiada kecederaan dilaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The icy cold in Indianapolis, Indiana, likely caused water pipes to burst at Martin University early Monday, officials told CNN affiliate WRTV-TV.", "r": {"result": "Sejuk berais di Indianapolis, Indiana, berkemungkinan menyebabkan paip air pecah di Universiti Martin awal Isnin, kata pegawai sekutu CNN WRTV-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We had just installed brand new computers in the building, and so we're really just still trying to assess the damages to the university,\" university spokeswoman Danita Hoskin told WRTV.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami baru sahaja memasang komputer serba baharu di dalam bangunan, jadi kami masih cuba menilai kerosakan kepada universiti,\" kata jurucakap universiti Danita Hoskin kepada WRTV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was 2 degrees, with a wind chill of minus 17 degrees, at 7 a.m. Monday in Indianapolis, according to the National Weather Service.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah 2 darjah, dengan angin sejuk tolak 17 darjah, pada 7 pagi Isnin di Indianapolis, menurut Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Greene County, Ohio, near Dayton, a 79-year-old woman died after being found outside her home on Sunday, CNN affiliate WHIO-TV reported.", "r": {"result": "Di Greene County, Ohio, berhampiran Dayton, seorang wanita berusia 79 tahun meninggal dunia selepas ditemui di luar rumahnya pada Ahad, lapor sekutu CNN, WHIO-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was 6 degrees in the area at noon Monday.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah 6 darjah di kawasan itu pada tengah hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Car travel was often dangerous Sunday in parts of the northern United States.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan kereta selalunya berbahaya pada Ahad di bahagian utara Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, a newspaper deliveryman died of heart failure caused by hypothermia a day after his car became stuck in a snowdrift on his route early Sunday, officials told CNN affiliate WISC-TV.", "r": {"result": "Di Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, seorang penghantar surat khabar meninggal dunia akibat kegagalan jantung yang disebabkan oleh hipotermia sehari selepas keretanya terperangkap dalam aliran salji di laluannya awal Ahad, kata pegawai sekutu CNN WISC-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A snowplow driver found Donald L. Blum, 54, of Monticello, about seven hours after Blum's car became stuck.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pemandu pembajak salji menemui Donald L. Blum, 54, dari Monticello, kira-kira tujuh jam selepas kereta Blum tersepit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blum was taken to a hospital, where he died Monday, WISC reported.", "r": {"result": "Blum dibawa ke hospital, di mana dia meninggal dunia Isnin, lapor WISC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before he died, he told authorities that he had stayed with the vehicle because of the severe weather and because he had certain health conditions, WISC reported.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum meninggal dunia, dia memberitahu pihak berkuasa bahawa dia tinggal bersama kenderaan itu kerana cuaca buruk dan kerana dia mempunyai keadaan kesihatan tertentu, lapor WISC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In western Michigan's Berrien County, drivers blinded by blizzard conditions drove into a 30-vehicle pile-up on Interstate 94 on Sunday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Di Berrien County barat Michigan, pemandu yang buta dengan keadaan ribut salji memandu ke dalam longgokan 30 kenderaan di Interstate 94 pada petang Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dozens of other vehicles also were involved in a series of other nearby wrecks, including one that killed a 31-year-old Illinois man, police said.", "r": {"result": "Berpuluh-puluh kenderaan lain turut terlibat dalam beberapa siri bangkai kapal berdekatan, termasuk satu yang membunuh seorang lelaki Illinois berusia 31 tahun, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michigan resident Eric Teschke said he had just told his friend who was driving that they should probably slow down when trouble began.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk Michigan Eric Teschke berkata dia baru sahaja memberitahu rakannya yang memandu bahawa mereka mungkin perlu memperlahankan kenderaan apabila masalah bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I look up and I just see a sea of cars and I go, 'Oh, crap, oh, crap.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat ke atas dan saya hanya melihat lautan kereta dan saya pergi, 'Oh, crap, oh, crap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And I just go 'We can't stop,' \" Teschke said.", "r": {"result": "' Dan saya hanya pergi 'Kami tidak boleh berhenti,' \" kata Teschke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So we're sliding for about 15 seconds, knowing what's going to happen.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi kami meluncur selama kira-kira 15 saat, mengetahui apa yang akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bam, slam into the back of several cars and a semi\".", "r": {"result": "Bam, hempas ke belakang beberapa kereta dan separuh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michigan State Police's Matthew Churchill said it was the worst pile-up he's ever seen.", "r": {"result": "Matthew Churchill dari Polis Negeri Michigan berkata ia adalah longgokan terburuk yang pernah dilihatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Vehicles were actually crashing right in front of us, and there was really nothing we could do except to try to stay out of the way and try to get to the people and keep them in their vehicles where they could be safe,\" Churchill said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kenderaan sebenarnya terhempas betul-betul di hadapan kami, dan tiada apa yang boleh kami lakukan kecuali cuba menjauhkan diri dan cuba mendekati orang ramai dan menyimpan mereka di dalam kenderaan mereka di mana mereka boleh selamat,\" kata Churchill .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White-out conditions and the pile-ups forced police to shut down a six-mile stretch of I-94 near Lake Michigan for hours Sunday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan yang terputus-putus dan timbunan itu memaksa polis menutup laluan I-94 sepanjang enam batu berhampiran Tasik Michigan selama beberapa jam petang Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch people cope with the wintry blast >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan orang ramai menghadapi letupan musim sejuk >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many Californians, however, welcomed the snowfall that blanketed the Sierra Mountains.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang California, bagaimanapun, mengalu-alukan turunnya salji yang menyelimuti Pergunungan Sierra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're Southern Californians, so a chance to be in the snow is a wonderful, wonderful day for the kids,\" said one mother as she waited for snow chains to be fitted on her tires for a day trip into the mountains Sunday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami orang California Selatan, jadi peluang untuk berada di dalam salji adalah hari yang indah dan indah untuk anak-anak,\" kata seorang ibu sambil menunggu rantai salji dipasang pada tayarnya untuk perjalanan sehari ke pergunungan Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even more heavy snow will be dumped Monday on the Great Lakes region, New York state and New England, said forecaster Michael Eckert with the National Weather Service in Camp Springs, Maryland.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak salji tebal akan dibuang pada hari Isnin di wilayah Great Lakes, negeri New York dan New England, kata peramal Michael Eckert dengan Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan di Camp Springs, Maryland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The wind and cold will add to the misery of those who are snowbound, he said.", "r": {"result": "Angin dan kesejukan akan menambahkan lagi kesengsaraan mereka yang bersalji, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some gusts have been 30 to 40 mph,\" Eckert said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sesetengah tiupan adalah 30 hingga 40 mph, \" kata Eckert.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Temperatures over the upper Great Lakes have fallen below zero, and those cold temperatures are going to move to New England states on Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Suhu di atas Great Lakes telah jatuh di bawah sifar, dan suhu sejuk itu akan berpindah ke negeri New England pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We'll see wind-chill temperatures below zero over much of the Northeastern U.S.\".", "r": {"result": "Kita akan melihat suhu sejuk angin di bawah sifar di kebanyakan kawasan Timur Laut A.S.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Illinois, Chicagoans were warned to stay inside as subzero temperatures and high winds continued to sweep the area, WGN said.", "r": {"result": "Di Illinois, warga Chicago diberi amaran untuk tinggal di dalam kerana suhu bawah sifar dan angin kencang terus melanda kawasan itu, kata WGN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 9,300 customers in northern Illinois were without power Sunday night.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 9,300 pelanggan di utara Illinois terputus bekalan elektrik malam Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was so cold in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, the Target Holidazzle Parade was canceled Sunday night because of dangerous wind chills, KARE-TV reported.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat sejuk di Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, Target Holidazzle Parade telah dibatalkan malam Ahad kerana angin sejuk yang berbahaya, KARE-TV melaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By Christmas Eve, the high is forecast to reach only 16 degrees, but with mostly sunny skies.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang Malam Krismas, paras tertinggi dijangka mencecah hanya 16 darjah, tetapi dengan kebanyakannya langit cerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNNRadio's Patty Lane contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Patty Lane dari CNNRadio menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Each week African Voices brings you inspiring and compelling profiles of Africans across the continent and around the world.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Setiap minggu African Voices membawakan anda profil orang Afrika yang memberi inspirasi dan menarik di seluruh benua dan di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, we want to hear from you.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, kami ingin mendengar daripada anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let us know which African you most admire, and why.", "r": {"result": "Beritahu kami orang Afrika yang paling anda kagumi, dan sebabnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Your comments could end up on a future episode of African Voices.", "r": {"result": "Komen anda mungkin berakhir pada episod African Voices yang akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are some obvious choices -- Nobel Prize winners such as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, who have tirelessly fought for human rights, or those like Wangari Maathai, who have helped change attitudes towards the environment.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat beberapa pilihan yang jelas -- pemenang Hadiah Nobel seperti Nelson Mandela dan Desmond Tutu, yang tanpa jemu memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia, atau mereka seperti Wangari Maathai, yang telah membantu mengubah sikap terhadap alam sekitar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the African you admire needn't be a politician or activist.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi orang Afrika yang anda kagumi tidak semestinya seorang ahli politik atau aktivis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They could be an artist, author, athlete or musician, who has inspired or moved you in some way.", "r": {"result": "Mereka boleh menjadi artis, pengarang, atlet atau pemuzik, yang telah memberi inspirasi atau menggerakkan anda dalam beberapa cara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They needn't even be famous.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak perlu terkenal pun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How about someone you work with, a neighbor or family member, who is doing what they can to help make their country or community a better place?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana pula dengan seseorang yang bekerja dengan anda, jiran atau ahli keluarga, yang melakukan apa yang mereka mampu untuk membantu menjadikan negara atau komuniti mereka tempat yang lebih baik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So let us know which Africans you most admire, and why, by leaving a comment below.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, beritahu kami orang Afrika yang paling anda kagumi, dan sebabnya, dengan meninggalkan ulasan di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Your comments could end up on a future episode of African Voices...", "r": {"result": "Komen anda boleh berakhir pada episod Suara Afrika yang akan datang...", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Inspectors found mildew on a ceiling and other problems last year at a peanut butter producing plant in Georgia that has been linked to a salmonella outbreak, according to reports released Monday by the state Department of Agriculture.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemeriksa menemui cendawan pada siling dan masalah lain tahun lepas di kilang pengeluar mentega kacang di Georgia yang dikaitkan dengan wabak salmonella, menurut laporan yang dikeluarkan pada Isnin oleh Jabatan Pertanian negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A salmonella outbreak linked to a peanut butter plant has sickened nearly 500 people, the CDC says.", "r": {"result": "Wabak salmonella yang dikaitkan dengan tumbuhan mentega kacang telah menyebabkan hampir 500 orang sakit, kata CDC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the owner of the Blakely, Georgia, plant -- Virginia-based Peanut Corp. of America -- described the problems as \"relatively minor and for the most part corrected on site\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pemilik kilang Blakely, Georgia, -- Peanut Corp. of America yang berpangkalan di Virginia -- menyifatkan masalah itu sebagai \"agak kecil dan sebahagian besarnya diperbetulkan di tapak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "PCA this month stopped production at the Blakely plant and launched a nationwide recall of peanut butter and peanut paste made there after July 1, 2008.", "r": {"result": "PCA bulan ini menghentikan pengeluaran di kilang Blakely dan melancarkan penarikan semula mentega kacang dan pes kacang di seluruh negara yang dibuat di sana selepas 1 Julai 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The New York Times reported Monday that Georgia agriculture inspection reports from 2006 and 2007 depicted a series of sanitation lapses in the Blakely plant.", "r": {"result": "The New York Times melaporkan Isnin bahawa laporan pemeriksaan pertanian Georgia dari 2006 dan 2007 menggambarkan satu siri kerosakan sanitasi di loji Blakely.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Citing an inspection report from August 23, 2007, the Times noted at least three incidences in which \"food-contact surfaces\" were \"not properly cleaned and sanitized\".", "r": {"result": "Memetik laporan pemeriksaan dari 23 Ogos 2007, Times menyatakan sekurang-kurangnya tiga insiden di mana \"permukaan sentuhan makanan\" \"tidak dibersihkan dan disanitasi dengan betul\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an apparent response to the Times article, PCA released a statement saying, \"When the observations were noted during inspections by the Georgia Department of Agriculture, corrective action was taken immediately where possible and subsequently when immediate action was not possible\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam maklum balas yang jelas kepada artikel Times, PCA mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengatakan, \"Apabila pemerhatian diperhatikan semasa pemeriksaan oleh Jabatan Pertanian Georgia, tindakan pembetulan telah diambil serta-merta di mana mungkin dan seterusnya apabila tindakan segera tidak dapat dilakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement, which PCA sent to CNN accompanied by a copy of a state inspection report from last October, said \"the most recent inspection observations by the state [the October inspection report] were relatively minor and for the most part corrected on site\".", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu, yang dihantar PCA kepada CNN disertai dengan salinan laporan pemeriksaan negeri dari Oktober lalu, berkata \"pemerhatian pemeriksaan terkini oleh negeri [laporan pemeriksaan Oktober] adalah agak kecil dan sebahagian besarnya diperbetulkan di tapak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the October 23, 2008 report, an inspector said she found \"mildew and possibly some static dust on ceiling of butter storage room\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam laporan 23 Oktober 2008, seorang pemeriksa berkata dia menemui \"cendawan dan mungkin beberapa habuk statik di siling bilik penyimpanan mentega\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report did not specify the amount of mildew.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu tidak menyatakan jumlah cendawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report continued with the notation, \"Correct By: 11/05/2008,\" but the report did not indicate whether any action was taken or whether a follow-up inspection occurred.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu diteruskan dengan notasi, \"Betul Oleh: 11/05/2008,\" tetapi laporan itu tidak menunjukkan sama ada sebarang tindakan telah diambil atau sama ada pemeriksaan susulan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moisture was blamed for an unrelated salmonella outbreak two years ago.", "r": {"result": "Kelembapan dipersalahkan untuk wabak salmonella yang tidak berkaitan dua tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That outbreak was traced to a different Georgia peanut processing plant.", "r": {"result": "Wabak itu dikesan ke kilang pemprosesan kacang Georgia yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A June 2008 inspection of PCA's Blakely plant found violations including dust buildup on a fan in the butter room, and \"possible metal flakes from metal scrubber which is used to clean outside of equipment,\" according to an inspection report.", "r": {"result": "Pemeriksaan Jun 2008 ke atas loji Blakely PCA mendapati pelanggaran termasuk pengumpulan habuk pada kipas di dalam bilik mentega, dan \"kemungkinan kepingan logam daripada penyental logam yang digunakan untuk membersihkan di luar peralatan,\" menurut laporan pemeriksaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report did not indicate where the flakes were found.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu tidak menunjukkan di mana serpihan itu ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "PCA has said that the peanut butter and peanut paste made at the Blakely plant were sold in bulk to manufacturers, and that the recall does not involve any peanut butter jars sold directly to consumers.", "r": {"result": "PCA telah berkata bahawa mentega kacang dan pes kacang yang dibuat di kilang Blakely telah dijual secara pukal kepada pengilang, dan penarikan balik itu tidak melibatkan sebarang balang mentega kacang yang dijual terus kepada pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, more than 125 products that include peanut butter or peanut paste, including Trader Joe's celery with peanut butter packs and nutrition bars from Clif Bar, NutriSystem and Luna, have been recalled in connection with the PCA's recall.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, lebih daripada 125 produk yang termasuk mentega kacang atau pes kacang, termasuk saderi Trader Joe dengan pek mentega kacang dan bar pemakanan dari Clif Bar, NutriSystem dan Luna, telah ditarik balik berkaitan dengan penarikan semula PCA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See a list of recalled products.", "r": {"result": "Lihat senarai produk yang ditarik balik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has counted nearly 500 cases of salmonella illnesses in 43 states from the most recent outbreak, and says the bacterial infection might have contributed to seven deaths.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit telah mengira hampir 500 kes penyakit salmonella di 43 negeri daripada wabak terbaru, dan mengatakan jangkitan bakteria itu mungkin menyumbang kepada tujuh kematian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American Peanut Council has a list of peanut products that are not affected by the recall.", "r": {"result": "American Peanut Council mempunyai senarai produk kacang tanah yang tidak terjejas oleh penarikan balik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)A black man who was physically stopped from getting on the Paris metro by soccer fans says they should be \"locked up\" and that he intends to make a complaint.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Seorang lelaki kulit hitam yang secara fizikal dihalang daripada menaiki metro Paris oleh peminat bola sepak berkata mereka harus \"dikurung\" dan dia berhasrat untuk membuat aduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Filmed on a mobile phone by a bystander waiting on the platform of Richelieu-Drouot station, the incident took place before a Champions League tie between English club Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germain on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Dirakam melalui telefon bimbit oleh orang ramai yang menunggu di platform stesen Richelieu-Drouot, insiden itu berlaku sebelum perlawanan Liga Juara-Juara antara kelab Inggeris Chelsea dan Paris Saint-Germain pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group, who appear to be Chelsea supporters, can be heard chanting: \"We're racist, we're racist and that's the way we like it\".", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu, yang kelihatan seperti penyokong Chelsea, boleh didengari melaungkan: \"Kami perkauman, kami perkauman dan itulah cara kami menyukainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The French newspaper Le Parisien has tracked down the metro passenger at the center of the incident, identifying him only as Souleymane S, a father-of-three who was born in Paris.", "r": {"result": "Akhbar Perancis Le Parisien telah mengesan penumpang metro di tengah-tengah kejadian, mengenal pasti dia hanya sebagai Souleymane S, bapa kepada tiga anak yang dilahirkan di Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What happened should not go unpunished,\" he told Le Parisien.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApa yang berlaku tidak sepatutnya terlepas daripada hukuman,\u201d katanya kepada Le Parisien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These people, these English supporters, should be found, punished and should be locked up.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka ini, penyokong Inggeris ini, harus ditemui, dihukum dan harus dikurung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Having talked about it now gives me the courage to go to the police with a complaint.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSetelah bercakap mengenainya sekarang memberi saya keberanian untuk pergi ke polis dengan aduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In any case, I intend to go to anti racism associations\".", "r": {"result": "Walau apa pun, saya berhasrat untuk pergi ke persatuan anti perkauman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On his way home from his work as a chief operating officer in business near the metro station, Souleymane S says he was not surprised to find himself a victim of an apparent racist incident.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perjalanan pulang dari kerjanya sebagai ketua pegawai operasi dalam perniagaan berhampiran stesen metro, Souleymane S berkata dia tidak terkejut apabila mendapati dirinya menjadi mangsa insiden perkauman yang jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They said things to me in English but I didn't really understand the meaning of what they said,\" he explained to Le Parisien.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka mengatakan sesuatu kepada saya dalam bahasa Inggeris tetapi saya tidak begitu memahami maksud apa yang mereka katakan,\u201d jelasnya kepada Le Parisien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't speak a word of English.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak bercakap sepatah pun dalam bahasa Inggeris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I understood that Chelsea supporters were involved and I made the link with the PSG match.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya difahamkan penyokong Chelsea terlibat dan saya membuat kaitan dengan perlawanan PSG.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I also understood that they were attacking me because of the color of my skin.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya juga difahamkan mereka menyerang saya kerana warna kulit saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You know, I live with racism, I wasn't really surprised by what happened to me, even if it was the first time in the metro.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tahu, saya hidup dengan perkauman, saya tidak begitu terkejut dengan apa yang berlaku kepada saya, walaupun ia adalah kali pertama dalam metro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I stayed for a long time in front of them.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tinggal lama di hadapan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One person came to say that I had been brave to resist people like that.", "r": {"result": "Satu orang datang untuk mengatakan bahawa saya telah berani menentang orang seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No (metro) user took up my defense but, in any case, what could one do\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada pengguna (metro) mengambil pembelaan saya tetapi, dalam apa jua keadaan, apa yang boleh dilakukan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the metro moved out of the Richelieu-Drouot station with the Chelsea fans on board, Souleymane S waited to catch the next train and went home.", "r": {"result": "Semasa metro bergerak keluar dari stesen Richelieu-Drouot dengan peminat Chelsea di atas kapal, Souleymane S menunggu untuk menaiki kereta api seterusnya dan pulang ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 33-year-old said he did not tell anyone about what happened, even though he realized he had lost his phone during the scramble with the soccer supporters.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki berusia 33 tahun itu berkata, dia tidak memberitahu sesiapa tentang apa yang berlaku, walaupun dia menyedari dia kehilangan telefonnya semasa berebut dengan penyokong bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He did not know the altercation had been filmed by British expatriate Paul Nolan, who broke the story by sending the video to British newspaper The Guardian, which then posted it on its website.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak tahu pertengkaran itu telah dirakamkan oleh ekspatriat British Paul Nolan, yang memecahkan cerita itu dengan menghantar video itu ke akhbar British The Guardian, yang kemudian menyiarkannya di laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I returned home without telling anyone about what had happened, not my wife nor my children,\" said Souleymane S told le Parisien.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya pulang ke rumah tanpa memberitahu sesiapa tentang apa yang berlaku, bukan isteri saya mahupun anak-anak saya,\u201d kata Souleymane S kepada le Parisien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What would I say to my children?", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang akan saya katakan kepada anak-anak saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That papa was shoved in the metro because he was black?", "r": {"result": "Papa tu kena sorong dalam metro sebab dia hitam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's useless\".", "r": {"result": "Itu tidak berguna\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Souleymane S may have been unaware of the ramifications of the incident but it has acted as a catalyst to more soul searching about soccer's seeming inability to root out racism in the global game.", "r": {"result": "Souleymane S mungkin tidak menyedari akibat daripada insiden itu tetapi ia telah bertindak sebagai pemangkin kepada lebih banyak pencarian jiwa tentang ketidakupayaan bola sepak untuk menghapuskan perkauman dalam permainan global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chelsea has vowed to support any criminal action brought against its fans involved in the Paris altercation.", "r": {"result": "Chelsea berikrar untuk menyokong sebarang tindakan jenayah yang dikenakan terhadap peminatnya yang terlibat dalam perbalahan di Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Such behavior is abhorrent and has no place in football or society,\" the English Premier League club said in a statement released Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTingkah laku seperti itu menjijikkan dan tidak mempunyai tempat dalam bola sepak atau masyarakat,\u201d kata kelab Liga Perdana Inggeris itu dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will support any criminal action against those involved in such behavior, and should evidence point to the involvement of Chelsea season ticket holders or members the club will take the strongest possible action against them including banning orders\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan menyokong sebarang tindakan jenayah terhadap mereka yang terlibat dalam kelakuan sedemikian, dan sekiranya bukti menunjukkan penglibatan pemegang tiket musim Chelsea atau ahli kelab akan mengambil tindakan sekuat mungkin terhadap mereka termasuk mengharamkan arahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both French and British police have said they will analyze the footage.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua polis Perancis dan British berkata mereka akan menganalisis rakaman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "UEFA, the body which governs European football, said it was appalled by the footage, but as it occurred outside of the stadium it could not take any punitive action.", "r": {"result": "UEFA, badan yang mentadbir bola sepak Eropah, berkata ia terkejut dengan rakaman itu, tetapi kerana ia berlaku di luar stadium ia tidak boleh mengambil sebarang tindakan menghukum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sepp Blatter, the president of football's global governing body FIFA, also took to Twitter to register his disapproval.", "r": {"result": "Sepp Blatter, presiden badan induk bola sepak global FIFA, juga menggunakan Twitter untuk mendaftarkan penolakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I also condemn the actions of a small group of Chelsea fans in Paris,\" tweeted Blatter.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya juga mengecam tindakan sekumpulan kecil peminat Chelsea di Paris,\u201d tweet Blatter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no place for racism in football\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada tempat untuk perkauman dalam bola sepak\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Queens Park Rangers boss Chris Ramsey -- the only black manager in the English Premier League -- was asked to comment on the incident in Paris during his media conference, Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Bos Queens Park Rangers Chris Ramsey -- satu-satunya pengurus kulit hitam dalam Liga Perdana Inggeris -- diminta mengulas mengenai insiden di Paris semasa sidang medianya, Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't believe they are Chelsea fans or fans of football,\" said Ramsey.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak percaya mereka adalah peminat Chelsea atau peminat bola sepak,\u201d kata Ramsey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe they are acting in a manner which we all think is a thing of the past.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya mereka bertindak dengan cara yang kita semua fikir adalah perkara yang sudah berlalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those views are intrinsic in everyday life.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPandangan itu adalah intrinsik dalam kehidupan seharian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've been saying for a long time these are social issues which manifest themselves in the football world.", "r": {"result": "Saya sudah lama mengatakan ini adalah isu sosial yang menjelma dalam dunia bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It would be good to see what the authorities are going to do to either weed these people out, what sanctions they're going to enforce, to try to make this an avoidable situation in the future\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah baik untuk melihat apa yang pihak berkuasa akan lakukan sama ada untuk menghapuskan orang-orang ini, apakah sekatan yang akan mereka laksanakan, untuk cuba menjadikan ini situasi yang boleh dielakkan pada masa hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is not the first racism allegation to be leveled against London club Chelsea in recent times.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan dakwaan perkauman pertama yang dilemparkan terhadap kelab London, Chelsea sejak kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2012, team captain John Terry was banned for four matches and fined $356,000 for racially abusing Queens Park Rangers defender Anton Ferdinand.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2012, kapten pasukan John Terry digantung empat perlawanan dan didenda $356,000 kerana mendera pertahanan Queens Park Rangers, Anton Ferdinand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Terry was, however, found not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing at Westminster Magistrates' Court in July of the same year.", "r": {"result": "Terry, bagaimanapun, didapati tidak bersalah atas sebarang kesalahan jenayah di Mahkamah Majistret Westminster pada Julai tahun yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former Manchester United and England defender Rio Ferdinand, the brother of Anton Ferdinand, questioned whether football has the power to eradicate racism.", "r": {"result": "Bekas pertahanan Manchester United dan England, Rio Ferdinand, abang kepada Anton Ferdinand, mempersoalkan sama ada bola sepak mempunyai kuasa untuk menghapuskan perkauman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The racist scene on the metro with the Chelsea fans - disgraceful behavior obviously.", "r": {"result": "\"Adegan perkauman di metro dengan peminat Chelsea - tingkah laku yang memalukan jelas sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But can football change this?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bolehkah bola sepak mengubahnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Does it have the power\"?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ia mempunyai kuasa\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he wrote on Twitter, Thursday.", "r": {"result": "tulisnya di Twitter, Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Football has come a long way since the 70's & 80's but are we all guilty of becoming a bit complacent?", "r": {"result": "\u201cBola sepak telah berjalan jauh sejak tahun 70-an & 80-an tetapi adakah kita semua bersalah kerana menjadi agak leka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Football has done a lot over the years to combat racism.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBola sepak telah melakukan banyak perkara selama ini untuk memerangi perkauman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "but society has to do more to make change or is there too much hatred in society\"?", "r": {"result": "tetapi masyarakat perlu melakukan lebih untuk melakukan perubahan atau adakah terlalu banyak kebencian dalam masyarakat\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Not all soccer fans are racist hooligans.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Tidak semua peminat bola sepak adalah hooligan perkauman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- It's like \"Deal or No Deal\" crossed with your own holiday party game.", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Ia seperti \"Deal or No Deal\" yang dipadankan dengan permainan parti percutian anda sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NBC has ordered a new game show from Howie Mandel based on a popular gift-swapping tradition.", "r": {"result": "NBC telah menempah pertunjukan permainan baharu dari Howie Mandel berdasarkan tradisi pertukaran hadiah yang popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In \"Howie Mandel's White Elephant,\" six contestants will select one package from an assortment of wrapped gifts containing millions of dollars in prizes.", "r": {"result": "Dalam \"Howie Mandel's White Elephant,\" enam peserta akan memilih satu pakej daripada pelbagai hadiah berbalut yang mengandungi hadiah berjuta-juta dolar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Using strategy, luck, and good guessing, contestants will decide whether or not to steal prizes that have been previously revealed, or gamble that the item in their unopened box is worth more.", "r": {"result": "Menggunakan strategi, nasib dan tekaan yang baik, peserta akan memutuskan sama ada untuk mencuri hadiah yang telah didedahkan sebelum ini atau tidak, atau berjudi bahawa item dalam kotak mereka yang belum dibuka lebih bernilai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The contestant with the least valuable prize at the end of every round is eliminated.", "r": {"result": "Peserta dengan hadiah paling tidak bernilai pada akhir setiap pusingan akan disingkirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The concept seems to have the tense \"take it or leave it\" simplicity of \"Deal,\" but adds the allure of using tangible gifts instead of dollars and has the contestants' gameplay impacting each other.", "r": {"result": "Konsep ini nampaknya mempunyai tegang \"ambil atau tinggalkan\" kesederhanaan \"Deal,\" tetapi menambah daya tarikan menggunakan hadiah nyata dan bukannya dolar dan mempunyai permainan peserta yang mempengaruhi satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The final two players will face a tough choice, based on the classic psychology experiment \"prisoner's dilemma:\" They're presented with a box filled with two life changing prizes.", "r": {"result": "Dua pemain terakhir akan menghadapi pilihan yang sukar, berdasarkan eksperimen psikologi klasik \"dilema banduan:\" Mereka disajikan dengan kotak yang diisi dengan dua hadiah yang mengubah hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They must choose whether to share the gifts, or steal the other player's gift but risk walking away empty handed.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mesti memilih sama ada untuk berkongsi hadiah, atau mencuri hadiah pemain lain tetapi berisiko pergi dengan tangan kosong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NBC has ordered seven episodes from Mandel (who will host) and Mike Marks.", "r": {"result": "NBC telah memesan tujuh episod daripada Mandel (yang akan menjadi hos) dan Mike Marks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's no premiere date yet, but next holiday season would seem like a neat fit.", "r": {"result": "Belum ada tarikh tayangan perdana lagi, tetapi musim cuti seterusnya nampaknya sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the full article at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat artikel penuh di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salt Lake City, Utah (CNN) -- When Wanda Barzee shared her story of an abusive marriage in a church-sponsored counseling session in 1985, Brian David Mitchell took her hand to comfort her.", "r": {"result": "Salt Lake City, Utah (CNN) -- Apabila Wanda Barzee berkongsi kisahnya tentang perkahwinan yang kesat dalam sesi kaunseling yang ditaja oleh gereja pada tahun 1985, Brian David Mitchell mengambil tangannya untuk menghiburkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And we've held hands ever since,\" Mitchell's wife testified Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan kami telah berpegangan tangan sejak itu,\" isteri Mitchell memberi keterangan Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barzee, 65, scanned the room, bit her lip, and breathed heavily as she waited for her testimony to begin.", "r": {"result": "Barzee, 65, mengimbas bilik itu, mengetap bibirnya, dan menarik nafas berat sambil menunggu keterangannya bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When she raised her right hand to take the witness oath, the heavy chain of her shackles appeared.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia mengangkat tangan kanannya untuk mengangkat sumpah saksi, rantai berat belenggunya muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barzee struck a deal with state and federal prosecutors last year and is serving a 15-year prison sentence for her involvement in the 2002 abduction of Elizabeth Smart.", "r": {"result": "Barzee membuat perjanjian dengan pendakwa raya negeri dan persekutuan tahun lalu dan sedang menjalani hukuman penjara 15 tahun kerana penglibatannya dalam penculikan Elizabeth Smart pada 2002.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In spite of Barzee's agreement to testify, prosecutors in Mitchell's federal trial did not call her to the stand, and she instead began her testimony for the defense Thursday afternoon in a Salt Lake City courtroom.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Barzee bersetuju untuk memberi keterangan, pendakwa raya dalam perbicaraan persekutuan Mitchell tidak memanggilnya ke mahkamah, dan dia sebaliknya memulakan keterangannya untuk pembelaan petang Khamis di bilik mahkamah Salt Lake City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a flat voice and sometimes rambling, Barzee recounted the start of her relationship with Mitchell; a journey that eventually led her to the mountainside camp where she watched over a tethered teenage girl her husband said was his chosen bride.", "r": {"result": "Dengan suara yang mendatar dan kadangkala bertele-tele, Barzee menceritakan permulaan hubungannya dengan Mitchell; perjalanan yang akhirnya membawanya ke perkhemahan lereng gunung di mana dia mengawasi seorang gadis remaja yang ditambat suaminya yang dikatakan sebagai pengantin pilihannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was married to my first husband for 20 years, raising six children, and it was a very abusive situation.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya telah berkahwin dengan suami pertama saya selama 20 tahun, membesarkan enam orang anak, dan ia adalah situasi yang sangat kejam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I never healed from that situation,\" Barzee said of her first marriage.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya tidak pernah sembuh daripada situasi itu,\" kata Barzee mengenai perkahwinan pertamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Brian was so supportive of me, he became my best friend,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Brian sangat menyokong saya, dia menjadi kawan baik saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He said he was abused, also\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia kata dia didera juga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were both going through a divorce, so normally it wasn't approved by the church that we date,\" Barzee continued, but she said they received rare consent from leaders at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to pursue the relationship.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berdua sedang melalui perceraian, jadi biasanya ia tidak diluluskan oleh gereja yang kami temui,\" Barzee meneruskan, tetapi dia berkata mereka menerima persetujuan yang jarang berlaku daripada para pemimpin di Gereja Yesus Kristus Orang Suci Zaman Akhir untuk meneruskan perhubungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two wed nine months later, on the day Mitchell's divorce became final.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya berkahwin sembilan bulan kemudian, pada hari perceraian Mitchell menjadi muktamad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first year of marriage, she said, was \"hellish,\" with a volatile and possessive Mitchell often storming off from their apartment in fits of anger.", "r": {"result": "Tahun pertama perkahwinan, katanya, adalah \"jahat,\" dengan Mitchell yang tidak menentu dan posesif sering menyerbu keluar dari apartmen mereka dalam keadaan marah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told her he was \"consumed by fear and doubt,\" and sometimes simply screamed into a pillow for long periods.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahunya bahawa dia \"dimakan oleh ketakutan dan keraguan,\" dan kadang-kadang hanya menjerit ke bantal untuk tempoh yang lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She struggled through, because of a bishop's blessing that said Satan would do everything in his power to separate the two, but that the Lord would give Barzee the strength to fight back.", "r": {"result": "Dia bergelut, kerana berkat seorang uskup yang mengatakan Syaitan akan melakukan segala-galanya untuk memisahkan keduanya, tetapi Tuhan akan memberi Barzee kekuatan untuk melawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Religious counsel and Bible readings gave her the remedy: \"I started to be more silent, and I learned to be submissive and obedient\".", "r": {"result": "Nasihat agama dan pembacaan Bible memberinya ubat: \"Saya mula menjadi lebih diam, dan saya belajar untuk tunduk dan patuh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also called to testify Thursday was Tim Mitchell, Brian Mitchell's younger brother by six years, who described the defendant as an intelligent and resourceful big brother who built model airplanes, devised flying rockets, and endeavored to build a roller coaster in the family's back yard.", "r": {"result": "Turut dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan Khamis ialah Tim Mitchell, adik lelaki Brian Mitchell yang berusia enam tahun, yang menyifatkan defendan sebagai seorang abang yang bijak dan bijak yang membina pesawat model, mencipta roket terbang, dan berusaha untuk membina roller coaster di halaman belakang keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once, Tim Mitchell recalled, Brian constructed a hot-air balloon from cloth and sent it flying; it landed squarely on top of their home and set the roof on fire.", "r": {"result": "Sekali, Tim Mitchell teringat, Brian membina belon udara panas dari kain dan menghantarnya terbang; ia mendarat tepat di atas rumah mereka dan membakar bumbung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Brian grew, he struggled with failed relationships, smoked marijuana and drank.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Brian meningkat dewasa, dia bergelut dengan hubungan yang gagal, menghisap ganja dan minum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That changed one night when the brothers discussed their religious beliefs by a campfire, and the younger one professed his devotion to the Mormon faith.", "r": {"result": "Itu berubah pada suatu malam apabila saudara-saudara membincangkan kepercayaan agama mereka dengan api unggun, dan yang lebih muda mengaku taat kepada kepercayaan Mormon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He became a little bit tearful and said, 'I think what you're saying is true' and 'I kind of lost my way.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia menjadi sedikit sebak dan berkata, 'Saya rasa apa yang awak katakan adalah benar' dan 'Saya sesat jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' I remember he had a pack of cigarettes and he tossed them in fire and said he wanted to change his life, too\".", "r": {"result": "' Saya masih ingat dia mempunyai sebungkus rokok dan dia melemparkannya ke dalam api dan berkata dia mahu mengubah hidupnya juga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a time, Brian did change, said Tim Mitchell, though his relationships with family members were often strained and laced with suspicion.", "r": {"result": "Untuk sementara waktu, Brian memang berubah, kata Tim Mitchell, walaupun hubungannya dengan ahli keluarga sering tegang dan dicurigai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, Barzee entered his life.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, Barzee memasuki hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All of a sudden we heard he doesn't have a job anymore, and he's moved up to Idaho, and he's living in a trailer up there\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiba-tiba kami mendengar dia tidak mempunyai pekerjaan lagi, dan dia telah berpindah ke Idaho, dan dia tinggal di sebuah treler di sana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a chance encounter in a Salt Lake City grocery store sometime later, Brian explained he and Barzee were wandering the country, ministering to the homeless.", "r": {"result": "Selepas bertemu secara kebetulan di kedai runcit Salt Lake City beberapa ketika kemudian, Brian menjelaskan dia dan Barzee mengembara di negara ini, melayani golongan gelandangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tim Mitchell expressed his concerns: \"I said, 'I think you're going off on the wrong way, I think you're drifting away from the church.", "r": {"result": "Tim Mitchell menyatakan kebimbangannya: \"Saya berkata, 'Saya fikir anda pergi ke arah yang salah, saya fikir anda semakin menjauh dari gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think maybe you've been deceived by a false spirit.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa mungkin awak telah ditipu oleh roh palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their contact was limited after that, until it ceased entirely about five years before the kidnapping of Smart.", "r": {"result": "Hubungan mereka terhad selepas itu, sehingga ia terhenti sepenuhnya kira-kira lima tahun sebelum penculikan Smart.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The brothers encountered each other at their mother's house, and Brian asked to be called \"Daveed\".", "r": {"result": "Adik beradik itu bertemu satu sama lain di rumah ibu mereka, dan Brian meminta untuk dipanggil \"Daveed\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His younger brother refused.", "r": {"result": "Adiknya menolak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just kept calling him Brian\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terus panggil dia Brian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I started feeling that this is really starting to look like a mental illness and I sent a letter encouraging him to get some help,\" said Tim Mitchell, who works as a mental health counselor.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mula merasakan bahawa ini benar-benar mula kelihatan seperti penyakit mental dan saya menghantar surat yang menggalakkan dia mendapatkan bantuan,\" kata Tim Mitchell, yang bekerja sebagai kaunselor kesihatan mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense attorneys are mounting an insanity defense for Brian Mitchell, 57, hoping to prove that mental illness clouded his mind to such a degree that he did not understand that his actions were wrong when he abducted and held Smart.", "r": {"result": "Peguam bela sedang melancarkan pembelaan gila untuk Brian Mitchell, 57, dengan harapan dapat membuktikan bahawa penyakit mental menyelubungi fikirannya sehingga dia tidak faham bahawa tindakannya adalah salah apabila dia menculik dan menahan Smart.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their case has so far consisted of family members and friends of the defendant, and could include Mitchell himself.", "r": {"result": "Kes mereka setakat ini terdiri daripada ahli keluarga dan rakan defendan, dan boleh termasuk Mitchell sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barzee will continue her direct examination Friday morning.", "r": {"result": "Barzee akan meneruskan peperiksaan langsung pagi Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- The British Board of Film Classification has mandated that seven seconds of cuts be made for the U.K. distribution of \"The Hunger Games\" in order for the film to receive a 12A rating (the British equivalent of the MPAA's PG-13).", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Lembaga Klasifikasi Filem British telah memberi mandat bahawa pemotongan tujuh saat dibuat untuk pengedaran \"The Hunger Games\" di U.K. agar filem itu menerima penarafan 12A (setara dengan British dengan PG MPAA -13).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the BBFC's official listing for the movie, seven seconds were cut at the request of distributor Lionsgate U.K. to remove \"an emphasis on blood and injury\" in order to lower the rating and attract younger audiences to the film.", "r": {"result": "Menurut penyenaraian rasmi BBFC untuk filem itu, tujuh saat dipotong atas permintaan pengedar Lionsgate U.K. untuk menghapuskan \"penekanan pada darah dan kecederaan\" untuk menurunkan rating dan menarik penonton yang lebih muda ke filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Details of the cuts requested by the distributor were as follows:", "r": {"result": "Butiran pemotongan yang diminta oleh pengedar adalah seperti berikut:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A number of cuts were made in one scene to reduce an emphasis on blood and injury.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBeberapa keratan dibuat dalam satu babak untuk mengurangkan penekanan pada darah dan kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These cuts, which were implemented by digitally removing sight of blood splashes and sight of blood on wounds and weapons, were made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and policy.", "r": {"result": "Pemotongan ini, yang dilaksanakan dengan menghapuskan percikan darah secara digital dan melihat darah pada luka dan senjata, dibuat mengikut Garis Panduan dan dasar BBFC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An uncut '15' classification was available\".", "r": {"result": "Klasifikasi '15' yang belum dipotong telah tersedia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the cuts, Lionsgate U.K. was able to release the film as 12A, as opposed to 15, with the consumer warning: \"Contains intense threat, moderate violence and occasional gory moments\".", "r": {"result": "Dengan pemotongan itu, Lionsgate U.K. dapat mengeluarkan filem itu sebagai 12A, berbanding 15, dengan amaran pengguna: \"Mengandungi ancaman sengit, keganasan sederhana dan detik-detik mengerikan sekali-sekala\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film, starring Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth, will be released on March 23.", "r": {"result": "Filem yang dibintangi Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson dan Liam Hemsworth itu akan ditayangkan pada 23 Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the full article at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat artikel penuh di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Ars Technica) -- After months of fanfare and anticipation, gigabit home Internet service Google Fiber finally went live on Tuesday in Kansas City.", "r": {"result": "(Ars Technica) -- Selepas berbulan-bulan meriah dan dinanti-nantikan, perkhidmatan Internet rumah gigabit Google Fiber akhirnya disiarkan secara langsung pada hari Selasa di Kansas City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The search giant is offering 1 Gbps speeds for just $70 per month -- significantly faster and cheaper than what any traditional American ISPs are offering.", "r": {"result": "Gergasi carian itu menawarkan kelajuan 1 Gbps untuk hanya $70 sebulan -- jauh lebih pantas dan lebih murah daripada apa yang ditawarkan oleh mana-mana ISP tradisional Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We just got it today and I've been stuck in front of my laptop for the last few hours,\" Mike Demarais, founder of Threedee, told Ars.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami baru mendapatnya hari ini dan saya telah terperangkap di hadapan komputer riba saya selama beberapa jam yang lalu,\" Mike Demarais, pengasas Threedee, memberitahu Ars.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's unbelievable.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMemang sukar dipercayai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm probably not going to leave the house\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mungkin tidak akan keluar dari rumah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He lives in a four-bedroom house run by \"Homes For Hackers\" on Kansas City's Hanover Heights neighborhood, just on the state border with Missouri.", "r": {"result": "Dia tinggal di rumah empat bilik tidur yang dikendalikan oleh \"Homes For Hackers\" di kejiranan Hanover Heights di Kansas City, hanya di sempadan negeri dengan Missouri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The house has become one of the hubs for the KC Startup Village, an informal group of entrepreneurs who have clustered around homes immediately eligible for Google Fiber.", "r": {"result": "Rumah itu telah menjadi salah satu hab untuk KC Startup Village, kumpulan usahawan tidak formal yang telah berkumpul di sekitar rumah serta-merta layak untuk Google Fiber.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five cool things about Google Fiber.", "r": {"result": "Lima perkara menarik tentang Google Fiber.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, Demarais said that on an Ethernet connection, he's seen consistent Google Fiber speeds of 600 to 700 Mbps, with Wi-Fi topping out around 200 Mbps.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Demarais berkata pada sambungan Ethernet, dia melihat kelajuan Google Fiber yang konsisten iaitu 600 hingga 700 Mbps, dengan Wi-Fi melebihi 200 Mbps.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even at the slower wireless speeds, that's more than an order of magnitude faster than what most Americans have at home.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pada kelajuan wayarles yang lebih perlahan, itu lebih daripada susunan magnitud yang lebih pantas daripada yang ada pada kebanyakan orang Amerika di rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first thing I did was BitTorrent Ubuntu,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara pertama yang saya lakukan ialah BitTorrent Ubuntu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that took two minutes, let me try it again right now\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa itu mengambil masa dua minit, biar saya cuba lagi sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prior to Tuesday, Demarais--one of the house's first two residents--said he'd been working out of local McDonald's and Panera locations for their free Wi-Fi.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum hari Selasa, Demarais--salah seorang daripada dua penduduk pertama rumah itu--berkata dia telah bekerja di luar lokasi McDonald's dan Panera tempatan untuk mendapatkan Wi-Fi percuma mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mi Wi-Fi es tu Wi-Fi.", "r": {"result": "Mi Wi-Fi ialah Wi-Fi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Homes For Hackers, founded by local Web developer Ben Barreth, had originally been conceived as a matchmaking scheme between entrepreneurs who wanted a free place to live and work, and local families who would open their homes to them.", "r": {"result": "The Homes For Hackers, yang diasaskan oleh pembangun Web tempatan Ben Barreth, pada asalnya telah difikirkan sebagai skim mencari jodoh antara usahawan yang mahukan tempat tinggal dan bekerja percuma, dan keluarga tempatan yang akan membuka rumah mereka kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Ars covered that effort back in August.", "r": {"result": "(Ars meliputi usaha itu pada bulan Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But once Google announced its fiber rollout schedule, Barreth realized the families that had signed up were not going to get crazy speeds until Summer 2013. So he took matters into his own hands and, with his wife's blessing, he liquidated his Roth IRA to put 20 percent down on a house they eventually bought for $48,000 in September 2012.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebaik sahaja Google mengumumkan jadual pelancaran gentiannya, Barreth menyedari bahawa keluarga yang telah mendaftar tidak akan mendapat kelajuan gila sehingga Musim Panas 2013. Jadi dia mengambil keputusan sendiri dan, dengan restu isterinya, dia membubarkan Roth IRAnya untuk meletakkan 20 peratus turun pada rumah yang akhirnya mereka beli dengan harga $48,000 pada September 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple has no plans to profit from the house.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu tidak bercadang untuk mengaut keuntungan dari rumah tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, they want to use it as a way to nurture Kansas City's nascent tech community.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, mereka mahu menggunakannya sebagai cara untuk memupuk komuniti teknologi baru Kansas City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's letting entrepreneurs like Demarais live in the house rent-free and utilities-free for three months--they just have to pay for their own groceries.", "r": {"result": "Dia membenarkan usahawan seperti Demarais tinggal di rumah tanpa sewa dan bebas utiliti selama tiga bulan--mereka hanya perlu membayar barangan runcit mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're strong, devout Christians,\" Barreth told Ars.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami kuat, penganut Kristian yang taat,\" kata Barreth kepada Ars.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've been pushing on doors and a lot of doors have opened for me.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah menolak pintu dan banyak pintu telah dibuka untuk saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I feel like this is what I'm supposed to do right now.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa inilah yang sepatutnya saya lakukan sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It doesn't make a lot of financial sense but I really think it will benefit Kansas City.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak memberi banyak makna kewangan tetapi saya benar-benar fikir ia akan memberi manfaat kepada Kansas City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The whole reason why [we bought the house] was that no one in Kansas City was really exploiting fiber like we could be and this is the way I can bring in individuals that will exploit it.", "r": {"result": "Sebab utama mengapa [kami membeli rumah itu] ialah tiada sesiapa di Kansas City yang benar-benar mengeksploitasi serat seperti yang kami boleh lakukan dan inilah cara saya boleh membawa masuk individu yang akan mengeksploitasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It helps that it's not a really expensive house.", "r": {"result": "Ia membantu bahawa ia bukan rumah yang sangat mahal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "[My wife] is a stay-at-home mom with two kids too, so we're living off my one salary, and it's still a strain.", "r": {"result": "[Isteri saya] adalah ibu yang tinggal di rumah dengan dua anak juga, jadi kami hidup dengan satu gaji saya, dan ia masih membebankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a still a big strain\".", "r": {"result": "Ia masih menjadi beban yang besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He anticipates getting donations, sponsorships, or, the most-likely scenario, renting out one of the bedrooms via AirBnB to the first Google Fiber \"tourists\"--people who might want to come for a day or two at a time to try it out.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjangka mendapat derma, tajaan atau, senario yang paling mungkin, menyewakan salah satu bilik tidur melalui AirBnB kepada \"pelancong\" Google Fiber yang pertama--orang yang mungkin mahu datang sehari atau dua pada satu masa untuk mencubanya keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"$50 a night for 10 nights a month would cover mortgage and most of the utilities,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"$50 semalam selama 10 malam sebulan akan menampung gadai janji dan kebanyakan utiliti,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barreth has been so busy dealing with local media requests that he hasn't yet had a chance to use the connection himself--he and his family live about 20 minutes away from the second house, and their neighborhood was not included in the first rollout regions.", "r": {"result": "Barreth begitu sibuk menangani permintaan media tempatan sehingga dia belum mempunyai peluang untuk menggunakan sambungan itu sendiri--dia dan keluarganya tinggal kira-kira 20 minit dari rumah kedua, dan kawasan kejiranan mereka tidak termasuk dalam pelancaran pertama wilayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kansas City, setting itself apart.", "r": {"result": "Kansas City, membezakan dirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Demarais said he knew he's been spoiled: \"Wherever I go after this, my Internet speed is going to be ruined\".", "r": {"result": "Demarais berkata dia tahu dia telah dimanjakan: \"Ke mana sahaja saya pergi selepas ini, kelajuan Internet saya akan rosak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His company, Threedee, hopes to provide an added benefit to the growing 3D printing ecosystem.", "r": {"result": "Syarikatnya, Threedee, berharap dapat memberikan manfaat tambahan kepada ekosistem percetakan 3D yang semakin berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're building a front-end dev toolkit that lets developers view and manipulate 3D models in a browser,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sedang membina kit alat dev bahagian hadapan yang membolehkan pembangun melihat dan memanipulasi model 3D dalam penyemak imbas,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have an API that lets you communicate those models directly to 3D printers entirely in javascript without need to convert to a 3D model.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai API yang membolehkan anda menyampaikan model tersebut terus kepada pencetak 3D sepenuhnya dalam javascript tanpa perlu menukar kepada model 3D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We want to shake up manufacturing with tools that will allow people to buy products made for them\".", "r": {"result": "Kami mahu menggegarkan pembuatan dengan alat yang membolehkan orang ramai membeli produk yang dibuat untuk mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Demarais moved to Kansas City from Boston to work on his new startup--and while the move was driven in part by Google Fiber, being able to live rent-free for 90 days was huge.", "r": {"result": "Demarais berpindah ke Kansas City dari Boston untuk mengusahakan permulaan baharunya--dan sementara langkah itu didorong sebahagiannya oleh Google Fiber, dapat hidup tanpa sewa selama 90 hari adalah besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had considered staying home in Boston or moving to San Francisco, but both cities are notoriously expensive.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah mempertimbangkan untuk tinggal di rumah di Boston atau berpindah ke San Francisco, tetapi kedua-dua bandar itu terkenal mahal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't want to raise capital yet and it's hard to do that if I would need to get a part-time job just to pay rent,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya belum mahu mengumpul modal lagi dan sukar untuk melakukannya jika saya perlu mendapatkan kerja sambilan hanya untuk membayar sewa,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All of that stuff is taken care for me, that was the big thing.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua perkara itu dijaga untuk saya, itu adalah perkara yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People are too quick to discredit the value of a free-rent environment with like-minded people.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai terlalu cepat memburukkan nilai persekitaran sewa percuma dengan orang yang berfikiran sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "KC needs to separate itself from the other scenes.", "r": {"result": "KC perlu memisahkan diri daripada babak lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why here?", "r": {"result": "\"Kenapa kat sini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fiber is not enough.", "r": {"result": "Serat tidak mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think you need to have a dense startup community, and if young people are not moving here and trying to start startups, you need to artificially create that flow\".", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir anda perlu mempunyai komuniti permulaan yang padat, dan jika orang muda tidak berpindah ke sini dan cuba memulakan syarikat permulaan, anda perlu mencipta aliran itu secara buatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "COPYRIGHT 2011 ARSTECHNICA.", "r": {"result": "HAK CIPTA 2011 ARSTECHNICA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's note: The staff at CNN.com has recently been intrigued by the journalism of VICE, an independent media company and website based in Brooklyn, New York.", "r": {"result": "Nota editor: Kakitangan di CNN.com baru-baru ini telah tertarik dengan kewartawanan VICE, sebuah syarikat media bebas dan laman web yang berpangkalan di Brooklyn, New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TV is Vice's broadband television network.", "r": {"result": "TV ialah rangkaian televisyen jalur lebar Vice.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The reports, which are produced solely by VICE, reflect a transparent approach to journalism, where viewers are taken along on every step of the reporting process.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu, yang dihasilkan semata-mata oleh VICE, mencerminkan pendekatan yang telus terhadap kewartawanan, di mana penonton dibawa bersama pada setiap langkah proses pelaporan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We believe this unique reporting approach is worthy of sharing with our CNN.com readers.", "r": {"result": "Kami percaya pendekatan pelaporan unik ini patut dikongsi dengan pembaca CNN.com kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brooklyn, New York (VBS.", "r": {"result": "Brooklyn, New York (VBS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TV) -- Before you complain again about living in 2010 and not yet having a jetpack to fly you to work, consider taking a trip to Mexico.", "r": {"result": "TV) -- Sebelum anda mengeluh lagi tentang hidup pada tahun 2010 dan belum mempunyai jetpack untuk menerbangkan anda ke tempat kerja, pertimbangkan untuk pergi ke Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's only one person in the world who produces a complete flying rocket belt from start to finish -- from the parts to the fuel that powers it.", "r": {"result": "Hanya ada satu orang di dunia yang menghasilkan tali pinggang roket terbang lengkap dari awal hingga akhir -- daripada bahagian-bahagian kepada bahan api yang menggerakkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His name is Juan Manuel Lozano and he lives in Cuernavaca, a city two hours south of Mexico City.", "r": {"result": "Namanya Juan Manuel Lozano dan dia tinggal di Cuernavaca, sebuah bandar dua jam di selatan Mexico City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So VBS sister technology channel Motherboard.", "r": {"result": "Jadi Motherboard saluran teknologi kakak VBS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "tv traveled to visit him at his company, TAM (Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana).", "r": {"result": "tv mengembara untuk melawatnya di syarikatnya, TAM (Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A self-taught scientist and inventor whose technologies have traveled the world from Turkey to Switzerland, from Boeing to the U.S. Navy, Lozano considers his biggest achievement not his jetpack, but a machine that produces pure hydrogen peroxide that he uses as fuel for most of his inventions.", "r": {"result": "Seorang saintis dan pencipta otodidak yang teknologinya telah menjelajah dunia dari Turki ke Switzerland, dari Boeing ke Tentera Laut A.S., Lozano menganggap pencapaian terbesarnya bukan pek jetnya, tetapi mesin yang menghasilkan hidrogen peroksida tulen yang digunakannya sebagai bahan api untuk kebanyakan ciptaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apart from his rocket belt, he's assembled a rocket bicycle, rocket motorcycle, rocket dragster and a personal helicopter.", "r": {"result": "Selain tali pinggang roketnya, dia memasang basikal roket, motosikal roket, penyeret roket dan helikopter peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then there's the hydrogen-peroxide-powered rocket belt.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian terdapat tali pinggang roket berkuasa hidrogen-peroksida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While at least one company has recently promised to bring personal flying machines to market, these conveyances only rely on propellers, not jets.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun sekurang-kurangnya satu syarikat baru-baru ini berjanji untuk membawa mesin terbang peribadi ke pasaran, kenderaan ini hanya bergantung pada kipas, bukan jet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the real thing ain't cheap.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi perkara sebenar tidak murah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you can't afford the system, priced at around U.S. $125,000, you can pay him to drop by your party for only $20,000.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda tidak mampu membeli sistem, berharga sekitar A.S. $125,000, anda boleh membayarnya untuk singgah ke majlis anda dengan hanya $20,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the rest of Backyard Rocketeer at VBS.", "r": {"result": "Lihat Backyard Rocketeer yang lain di VBS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among many other projects, Lozano's working with a group of scientists on a car that will run on seawater, converted into hydrogen peroxide by electrolytic cells powered by solar energy.", "r": {"result": "Di antara banyak projek lain, Lozano bekerja dengan sekumpulan saintis pada kereta yang akan berjalan di atas air laut, ditukar menjadi hidrogen peroksida oleh sel elektrolitik yang dikuasakan oleh tenaga suria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a project, he says, that will completely transform transportation and energy in the near future.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah projek, katanya, yang akan mengubah sepenuhnya pengangkutan dan tenaga dalam masa terdekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lozano and his daughter -- the only woman to fly a jetpack -- take his creations for test-drives in their backyard.", "r": {"result": "Lozano dan anak perempuannya -- satu-satunya wanita yang menerbangkan jetpack -- mengambil ciptaannya untuk pandu uji di halaman rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While he couldn't fly for us (he recently broke his ribs and shoulder while taking his rocket bike for a spin at 80 mph), he gave us a tour of his workshop to share with us his favorite machines and a philosophy of invention built on hard work, self-teaching, and lots of jet fuel.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia tidak dapat terbang untuk kami (dia baru-baru ini patah tulang rusuk dan bahunya semasa membawa basikal roketnya untuk berputar pada 80 mph), dia memberi kami lawatan ke bengkelnya untuk berkongsi dengan kami mesin kegemarannya dan falsafah ciptaan yang dibina pada kerja keras, pengajaran kendiri, dan banyak bahan api jet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doha, Qatar (CNN) -- An international donors conference on reconstruction and development in Darfur ended Monday with donors pledging nearly $3.7 billion toward \"recovery, reconstruction and development of Darfur during six years\".", "r": {"result": "Doha, Qatar (CNN) -- Persidangan penderma antarabangsa mengenai pembinaan semula dan pembangunan di Darfur berakhir Isnin dengan penderma menjanjikan hampir $3.7 bilion ke arah \"pemulihan, pembinaan semula dan pembangunan Darfur selama enam tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bulk of the pledges come from a commitment made by the Sudanese government to contribute $2.65 billion.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian besar ikrar itu datang daripada komitmen yang dibuat oleh kerajaan Sudan untuk menyumbang $2.65 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state of Qatar announced that it pledged $500 million, and the European Union said it would commit $35 million.", "r": {"result": "Negara Qatar mengumumkan bahawa ia menjanjikan $500 juta, dan Kesatuan Eropah berkata ia akan memberikan $35 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States, which currently is the biggest donor to Darfur through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), said it would not make any new financial commitment and expressed concern over the deteriorating security situation in Darfur.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat, yang kini merupakan penderma terbesar kepada Darfur melalui Agensi Pembangunan Antarabangsa AS (USAID), berkata ia tidak akan membuat sebarang komitmen kewangan baharu dan melahirkan kebimbangan terhadap keadaan keselamatan yang semakin merosot di Darfur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 40 countries participating in the conference overwhelmingly expressed support for the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur as a base for peace in Darfur.", "r": {"result": "40 negara yang mengambil bahagian dalam persidangan itu menyatakan sokongan penuh terhadap Dokumen Doha untuk Keamanan di Darfur sebagai pangkalan keamanan di Darfur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Violence broke out in Darfur, a region of Sudan, in 2003 when non-Arab rebel groups took up arms against the central government in Khartoum, accusing it of neglect and discrimination.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan berlaku di Darfur, wilayah Sudan, pada 2003 apabila kumpulan pemberontak bukan Arab mengangkat senjata menentang kerajaan pusat di Khartoum, menuduhnya pengabaian dan diskriminasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In response, the government of Sudan unleashed a massive counterinsurgency using militias known as the janjaweed.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tindak balas, kerajaan Sudan melancarkan pemberontakan besar-besaran menggunakan militia yang dikenali sebagai janjaweed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The violence that followed has led to the deaths of 300,000 people, according to United Nations figures from 2008. The Sudanese government says that 10,000 have died.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan yang diikuti telah menyebabkan kematian 300,000 orang, menurut angka Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dari 2008. Kerajaan Sudan mengatakan bahawa 10,000 telah mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The International Criminal Court as a result indicted Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide allegedly committed in Darfur.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Jenayah Antarabangsa akibatnya mendakwa Presiden Sudan Omar al-Bashir atas jenayah perang, jenayah kemanusiaan dan pembunuhan beramai-ramai yang didakwa dilakukan di Darfur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One rebel group, the Liberation and Justice Movement signed a peace agreement with the Sudanese government in 2011 known as the Doha Document for Peace, but progress on the deal has been slow.", "r": {"result": "Satu kumpulan pemberontak, Gerakan Pembebasan dan Keadilan menandatangani perjanjian damai dengan kerajaan Sudan pada 2011 yang dikenali sebagai Dokumen Doha untuk Keamanan, tetapi kemajuan dalam perjanjian itu perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three other rebel groups have refused to sign the document.", "r": {"result": "Tiga kumpulan pemberontak lain telah enggan menandatangani dokumen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, a splinter group from the Justice and Equality Movement, the largest Darfurian rebel group, signed a \"final peace agreement\" with the Sudanese government.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Ahad, kumpulan serpihan dari Pergerakan Keadilan dan Kesaksamaan, kumpulan pemberontak Darfurian terbesar, menandatangani \"perjanjian damai terakhir\" dengan kerajaan Sudan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder once said to me, in the margins of a European summit: \"There must be something weird about Britain that you have the press you have\".", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Bekas Canselor Jerman Gerhard Schroeder pernah berkata kepada saya, di pinggir sidang kemuncak Eropah: \"Mesti ada sesuatu yang pelik tentang Britain bahawa anda mempunyai akhbar yang anda miliki\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, as I said to the Leveson Inquiry into the practices and standards of the British press set up in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal, one of Rupert Murdoch's Australian editors once said to me: \"The British papers are the best in the world, and the worst in the world, sometimes in the same edition\".", "r": {"result": "Juga, seperti yang saya katakan kepada Leveson Inquiry tentang amalan dan piawaian akhbar British yang ditubuhkan berikutan skandal penggodaman telefon, salah seorang editor Australia Rupert Murdoch pernah berkata kepada saya: \"Akhbar British adalah yang terbaik dalam dunia, dan yang paling teruk di dunia, kadang-kadang dalam edisi yang sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was an astute observation too.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah pemerhatian yang bijak juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rupert Murdoch's titles drew most of the fire in the Leveson Inquiry, which also heard outrageous examples of how certain sections of the British newspaper industry treated both the powerful and the weak with contempt, and there are several court cases outstanding as a result of allegations of criminal activity.", "r": {"result": "Tajuk-tajuk Rupert Murdoch telah menarik perhatian ramai dalam Siasatan Leveson, yang turut mendengar contoh yang keterlaluan tentang bagaimana bahagian tertentu dalam industri akhbar British memperlakukan kedua-dua yang berkuasa dan yang lemah dengan penghinaan, dan terdapat beberapa kes mahkamah yang belum selesai akibat dakwaan aktiviti jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the wake of the inquiry many commentators -- and newspaper owners -- argued that any regulation that came out of it would have terrible implications for free speech in Britain.", "r": {"result": "Berikutan siasatan itu, ramai pengulas -- dan pemilik akhbar -- berhujah bahawa sebarang peraturan yang dikeluarkan daripadanya akan mempunyai implikasi buruk terhadap kebebasan bersuara di Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite concern among ordinary readers that much of Fleet Street is out of control, the government has yet to introduce formally the independent self-regulation of the newspaper industry recommended by Leveson.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun terdapat kebimbangan dalam kalangan pembaca biasa bahawa sebahagian besar Fleet Street tidak terkawal, kerajaan masih belum memperkenalkan secara rasmi peraturan kendiri bebas industri akhbar yang disyorkan oleh Leveson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This week the Privy Council meets to decide on a course of action.", "r": {"result": "Minggu ini Majlis Privy bermesyuarat untuk memutuskan tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'd have thought on that basis the press, if only for its own tactical reasons, might at least curb its worst excesses while that process reaches its conclusion, if not even learn the lessons of the public revulsion that accompanied what emerged at the inquiry.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan berfikir atas dasar itu akhbar, jika hanya atas sebab taktikalnya sendiri, sekurang-kurangnya boleh membendung keterlaluan terburuknya sementara proses itu mencapai kesimpulannya, jika tidak belajar pelajaran dari rasa jijik orang ramai yang mengiringi apa yang timbul semasa siasatan itu. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you'd be wrong.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda akan silap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two years ago it was Murdoch's News International that was up to no good.", "r": {"result": "Dua tahun lalu, Murdoch's News International yang tidak berguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now the Daily Mail is at the center of a storm as a debate rages following its publication of an article about Labour leader Ed Miliband's father headlined \"The Man Who Hated Britain\".", "r": {"result": "Kini Daily Mail berada di tengah-tengah ribut ketika perdebatan berkecamuk berikutan penerbitan artikel mengenai bapa pemimpin Buruh Ed Miliband bertajuk \"The Man Who Hated Britain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The story was accompanied on the website by a picture -- later removed -- of Miliband Senior's burial plot captioned \"grave socialist\".", "r": {"result": "Kisah itu disertakan di laman web dengan gambar -- kemudian dialih keluar -- plot pengebumian Miliband Senior dengan kapsyen \"sosial kubur\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Mail is certainly commercially successful, one of the few papers still to be selling in good numbers, and now with the most visited newspaper website in the world.", "r": {"result": "Mail sudah tentu berjaya secara komersial, salah satu daripada beberapa kertas yang masih dijual dalam jumlah yang baik, dan kini dengan laman web akhbar yang paling banyak dikunjungi di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But many people in public life -- along with campaigners who protested outside the Mail's offices in West London -- now view the Mail Group itself as the worst polluter of standards and debaser of public life, something I have argued for many years.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ramai orang dalam kehidupan awam -- bersama-sama dengan juru kempen yang membantah di luar pejabat Mail di London Barat -- kini melihat Mail Group itu sendiri sebagai pencemar piawaian yang paling teruk dan pencemar kehidupan awam, sesuatu yang saya pertikaikan selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One or two people -- though far fewer than those who have supported my attacks on him -- feel I have gone over the top in describing editor-in-chief Paul Dacre as the biggest poison in British public life, a bully, a hypocrite and a coward who won't even defend his actions in public.", "r": {"result": "Satu atau dua orang -- walaupun jauh lebih sedikit daripada mereka yang menyokong serangan saya terhadapnya -- merasakan saya telah melampaui batas dalam menyifatkan ketua pengarang Paul Dacre sebagai racun terbesar dalam kehidupan awam British, pembuli, hipokrit dan pengecut yang tidak akan mempertahankan tindakannya di khalayak ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is all of those things.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah semua perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even in his ludicrous attempts to get lackeys and minions out on TV justifying the attack on Miliband's dead father, he has claimed the Labour leader wants \"state control\" of the press and \"politicians to decide what goes in newspapers\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dalam percubaannya yang menggelikan untuk mengeluarkan antek dan antek di TV yang membenarkan serangan ke atas bapa Miliband yang telah meninggal dunia, dia telah mendakwa pemimpin Buruh itu mahukan \"kawalan negara\" ke atas akhbar dan \"ahli politik untuk memutuskan perkara yang berlaku di akhbar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is the opposite of what Miliband said to the Leveson Inquiry.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah bertentangan dengan apa yang dikatakan Miliband kepada Siasatan Leveson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other editors are furious at Dacre's tactical ineptitude, fearing that one possible consequence of the Mail's vicious attack on Miliband may be to bring about tougher regulation of Britain's press.", "r": {"result": "Penyunting lain berang dengan ketidakcekapan taktik Dacre, bimbang bahawa satu kemungkinan akibat daripada serangan ganas Mail ke atas Miliband mungkin membawa peraturan yang lebih ketat terhadap akhbar Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact I think the politicians have sufficient commitment to freedom of the press not to allow this vicious row to sidetrack them from seeking to implement the kind of system both press and public can support.", "r": {"result": "Malah saya fikir ahli politik mempunyai komitmen yang mencukupi terhadap kebebasan akhbar untuk tidak membenarkan perbalahan kejam ini menghalang mereka daripada berusaha untuk melaksanakan jenis sistem yang boleh disokong oleh akhbar dan orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what is clear is that it cannot have the bellowing voice of Dacre's papers setting the agenda.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apa yang jelas adalah bahawa ia tidak boleh mempunyai suara riuh rendah kertas kerja Dacre menetapkan agenda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I last spoke to Dacre in the last century, when I realised there was no point even trying to have reasonable or rational debate with him.", "r": {"result": "Kali terakhir saya bercakap dengan Dacre pada abad yang lalu, apabila saya menyedari tiada gunanya cuba berdebat yang munasabah atau rasional dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg pointed out last week, it is not just Labour that Dacre hates, he hates anyone and anything that does not fit with his narrow, twisted and in my view sociopathic view of the world.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang ditegaskan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Nick Clegg minggu lalu, bukan hanya Buruh yang Dacre benci, dia membenci sesiapa sahaja dan apa sahaja yang tidak sesuai dengan pandangannya yang sempit, berbelit dan pada pandangan saya sosiopatik dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The forefathers of the Daily Mail's owner, Jonathan Harmsworth, supported Adolf Hitler, and congratulated the Nazi leader on his annexation of Czechoslovakia.", "r": {"result": "Nenek moyang pemilik Daily Mail, Jonathan Harmsworth, menyokong Adolf Hitler, dan mengucapkan tahniah kepada pemimpin Nazi atas pengilhakan Czechoslovakia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today's Mail says this is irrelevant.", "r": {"result": "Mail hari ini mengatakan ini tidak relevan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet the basis on which they wrote a piece headlined \"the man who hated Britain\" was something Miliband's dad wrote in his diary when he was 17. Yet again, one rule for them, another for everyone else.", "r": {"result": "Namun asas mereka menulis artikel bertajuk \"lelaki yang membenci Britain\" adalah sesuatu yang ditulis ayah Miliband dalam diarinya ketika dia berumur 17 tahun. Sekali lagi, satu peraturan untuk mereka, satu lagi untuk semua orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like when they complained on Wednesday that TV reporters were doorstepping their staff.", "r": {"result": "Seperti ketika mereka mengadu pada hari Rabu bahawa wartawan TV sedang menghampiri kakitangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Irony does not do this justice.", "r": {"result": "Ironi tidak melakukan keadilan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, it was also alleged the paper is owned through off-shore funds based in tax havens.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Ahad, kertas itu juga didakwa dimiliki melalui dana luar pesisir yang berpangkalan di tempat perlindungan cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So much for backing Britain!", "r": {"result": "Begitu banyak untuk menyokong Britain!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the Mail on Sunday was forced to issue an apology for their gate-crashing of a private memorial event for Ed Miliband's uncle this week, the editor said it was totally at odds with the values and practices of the paper.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Mail on Sunday dipaksa untuk mengeluarkan permohonan maaf atas kejadian mereka yang melanggar pintu masuk acara peringatan peribadi untuk bapa saudara Ed Miliband minggu ini, editor berkata ia benar-benar bertentangan dengan nilai dan amalan kertas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the contrary it is totally consistent.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya ia benar-benar konsisten.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have operated like this for years.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah beroperasi seperti ini selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for Dacre, his career and his reputation are ending where I always knew basic British decency would ensure they would -- in the gutter to which he has dragged British journalism.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Dacre pula, kerjaya dan reputasinya akan berakhir di mana saya sentiasa tahu kesopanan British asas akan memastikan mereka akan melakukannya -- dalam longkang yang dia telah mengheret kewartawanan British.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul Dacre and the Daily Mail have not replied to CNN's request for comment.", "r": {"result": "Paul Dacre dan Daily Mail belum menjawab permintaan CNN untuk komen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Alastair Campbell.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Alastair Campbell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (CNN) -- Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, flashing a broad smile, declared victory Tuesday in the country's 25-year civil war against the Tamil Tiger rebels.", "r": {"result": "COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (CNN) -- Presiden Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa, tersenyum lebar, mengisytiharkan kemenangan pada hari Selasa dalam perang saudara 25 tahun negara itu menentang pemberontak Harimau Tamil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A crowd beside a portrait of Sri Lanka's president celebrate the country's military victory on May 18.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai di sebelah potret presiden Sri Lanka meraikan kemenangan tentera negara itu pada 18 Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are celebrating the defeat of terrorism,\" he said in a nationally televised speech before parliament.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami meraikan kekalahan keganasan,\" katanya dalam ucapan di televisyen nasional di hadapan parlimen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have won and restored democracy in the country\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kita telah memenangi dan memulihkan demokrasi di negara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rajapaksa announced that Wednesday would be a national holiday, to celebrate the war's end and begin a new phase in the country's history.", "r": {"result": "Rajapaksa mengumumkan bahawa hari Rabu akan menjadi cuti kebangsaan, untuk meraikan berakhirnya perang dan memulakan fasa baharu dalam sejarah negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is time for Sri Lanka to build \"a new country ... a new nation,\" he said, calling \"the defeat of Tamil terrorism ... a victory for the Tamil people\".", "r": {"result": "Sudah tiba masanya untuk Sri Lanka membina \"negara baharu... negara baharu,\" katanya sambil menggelar \"kekalahan keganasan Tamil... kemenangan bagi rakyat Tamil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What have they given the Tamil people\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Apakah yang telah mereka berikan kepada orang Tamil\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rajapaksa asked, suggesting that the war had cost them far more than they had gained.", "r": {"result": "Rajapaksa bertanya, mencadangkan bahawa perang telah merugikan mereka jauh lebih banyak daripada yang mereka perolehi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the war over, he said, Sri Lanka would begin to restore government services to Tamil areas.", "r": {"result": "Dengan perang berakhir, katanya, Sri Lanka akan mula memulihkan perkhidmatan kerajaan ke kawasan Tamil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United Nations, meanwhile, urged the government to provide more for the 65,000 people who had fled the last fighting in the past few days.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu menggesa kerajaan menyediakan lebih banyak untuk 65,000 orang yang melarikan diri daripada pertempuran terakhir dalam beberapa hari lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It said there were now 265,000 displaced people in the country.", "r": {"result": "Ia berkata kini terdapat 265,000 orang kehilangan tempat tinggal di negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A short time after the presidential address, the military announced that it had recovered the body of Tamil Tiger founder and leader Velupillai Prabhakaran.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas ucapan presiden, tentera mengumumkan bahawa ia telah menemui mayat pengasas dan pemimpin Harimau Tamil Velupillai Prabhakaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A local television station aired video it said showed his body.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah stesen televisyen tempatan menyiarkan video yang dikatakan menunjukkan mayatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"psychopathic leader of the world's most barbaric terrorist outfit ... has been found,\" confirmed Gen.", "r": {"result": "\"Pemimpin psikopat kumpulan pengganas paling biadab di dunia ... telah ditemui,\" mengesahkan Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sarath Fonseka, commander of the Sri Lankan army, according to the Ministry of Defense Web site.", "r": {"result": "Sarath Fonseka, komander tentera Sri Lanka, menurut laman web Kementerian Pertahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Troops ... have found the bullet ridden body of the terrorist leader lying on the bank of the Nanthikadal lagoon,\" the ministry reported.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTentera... telah menemui mayat ketua pengganas yang dipenuhi peluru itu terbaring di tebing lagun Nandikadal,\u201d lapor kementerian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch more on aftermath of fighting >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton lebih lanjut mengenai selepas pertempuran >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But earlier in the day, the pro-rebel Web site Tamilnet.com reported that the Tigers' leader was \"alive and safe,\" countering previous military claims.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada awal hari itu, laman web pro-pemberontak Tamilnet.com melaporkan bahawa ketua Harimau itu \"hidup dan selamat,\" menentang tuntutan tentera sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defense ministry said Prabhakaran and 18 other senior rebel leaders were among the bodies found in mop-up operations, after government troops routed the Tigers -- formally known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.", "r": {"result": "Kementerian pertahanan berkata Prabhakaran dan 18 pemimpin kanan pemberontak adalah antara mayat yang ditemui dalam operasi mop-up, selepas tentera kerajaan menghalau Harimau -- secara rasmi dikenali sebagai Harimau Pembebasan Tamil Eelam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The leaders included Prabhakaran's eldest son, Charles Anthony, as well as Pottu Amman, the Tigers' intelligence leader, according to the ministry.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin itu termasuk anak sulung Prabhakaran, Charles Anthony, serta Pottu Amman, ketua perisikan Harimau, menurut kementerian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our beloved leader Velupillai is alive and safe,\" rebel spokesman Selvarasa Pathmanathan said, according to Tamilnet.com.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPemimpin kami yang dikasihi Velupillai masih hidup dan selamat,\u201d kata jurucakap pemberontak Selvarasa Pathmanathan, menurut Tamilnet.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He will continue to lead the quest for dignity and freedom for the Tamil people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau akan terus memimpin usaha mencari maruah dan kebebasan untuk orang Tamil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN has been unable to independently confirm the accounts because of access and safety reasons.", "r": {"result": "CNN tidak dapat mengesahkan akaun secara bebas atas sebab akses dan keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "News of Prabhakaran's death was greeted with pro-Tamil marches elsewhere in the world, with around 2,000 gathering outside parliament in London and others protesting in front of the White House in Washington.", "r": {"result": "Berita kematian Prabhakaran disambut dengan perarakan pro-Tamil di tempat lain di dunia, dengan kira-kira 2,000 berhimpun di luar parlimen di London dan yang lain membantah di hadapan Rumah Putih di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prabhakaran founded the rebel group, which has been declared a terrorist organization by 32 countries.", "r": {"result": "Prabhakaran mengasaskan kumpulan pemberontak itu, yang telah diisytiharkan sebagai organisasi pengganas oleh 32 negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It pioneered the use of women in suicide attacks and, according to the FBI, invented the explosive suicide belt.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempelopori penggunaan wanita dalam serangan bunuh diri dan, menurut FBI, mencipta tali pinggang bunuh diri yang boleh meletup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was also behind the assassination of two world leaders -- the only terrorist organization to do so.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga di sebalik pembunuhan dua pemimpin dunia -- satu-satunya organisasi pengganas yang berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prabhakaran is accused of masterminding the killing of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 in the Tamil-dominated Indian state of Tami Nadu as he campaigned for a second term.", "r": {"result": "Prabhakaran dituduh mendalangi pembunuhan bekas Perdana Menteri India Rajiv Gandhi pada 1991 di negeri Tami Nadu yang dikuasai Tamil di India ketika beliau berkempen untuk penggal kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sri Lankan authorities allege that Prabhakaran was avenging Gandhi's decision to send Indian peacekeepers to Sri Lanka.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Sri Lanka mendakwa bahawa Prabhakaran membalas dendam keputusan Gandhi untuk menghantar pasukan pengaman India ke Sri Lanka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two years later a Tigers suicide bomber, allegedly acting under Prabhakaran's orders, detonated explosives that killed Sri Lanka's then-president, Ranasinghe Premadasa, during a rally.", "r": {"result": "Dua tahun kemudian seorang pengebom nekad Harimau, yang didakwa bertindak di bawah arahan Prabhakaran, meletupkan bahan letupan yang membunuh presiden Sri Lanka ketika itu, Ranasinghe Premadasa, semasa perhimpunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the weekend, the militants offered to \"silence\" their guns after an intense military offensive decimated their ranks, pushed them from their stronghold in the north and east of the country, and cornered the remaining rebels on a small stretch of land.", "r": {"result": "Pada hujung minggu, militan menawarkan untuk \"mendiamkan\" senjata mereka selepas serangan tentera yang sengit memusnahkan barisan mereka, menolak mereka dari kubu kuat mereka di utara dan timur negara, dan mengepung pemberontak yang tinggal di kawasan kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch aid agencies fear for Sri Lanka >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan agensi bantuan takut terhadap Sri Lanka >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prabhakaran's supporters considered him a hero with a single-minded focus -- to fight for the rights of his people.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong Prabhakaran menganggapnya sebagai wira yang mempunyai fokus tunggal -- untuk memperjuangkan hak rakyatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sri Lankan government deemed him a war criminal with a disregard for civilian casualties.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Sri Lanka menganggapnya sebagai penjenayah perang dengan tidak menghiraukan mangsa awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was wanted by Interpol on charges including terrorism and organized crime.", "r": {"result": "Dia dikehendaki Interpol atas tuduhan termasuk keganasan dan jenayah terancang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the past it has been reported he wore a cyanide capsule around his neck -- to swallow and kill himself rather than risk capture.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa lalu telah dilaporkan dia memakai kapsul sianida di lehernya -- untuk menelan dan membunuh diri daripada mengambil risiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he reportedly expected the same dedication from his troops.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia dilaporkan mengharapkan dedikasi yang sama daripada tenteranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a result, few Tigers have been captured alive.", "r": {"result": "Akibatnya, beberapa harimau telah ditangkap hidup-hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rebels have fought for an independent state for minority Tamils in Sri Lanka since July 1983. An estimated 70,000 to 80,000 people have died during the quarter century of fighting.", "r": {"result": "Pemberontak telah berjuang untuk sebuah negara merdeka bagi minoriti Tamil di Sri Lanka sejak Julai 1983. Dianggarkan 70,000 hingga 80,000 orang telah terkorban semasa pertempuran suku abad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalist Iqbal Athas contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Iqbal Athas menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Born a man, Fallon Fox became a woman through surgery and then trained to fight in mixed martial arts.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dilahirkan sebagai seorang lelaki, Fallon Fox menjadi seorang wanita melalui pembedahan dan kemudian dilatih untuk bertarung dalam seni mempertahankan diri campuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that she has won her first two MMA bouts -- both in the first round -- she has gone public as a transgender fighter, the first on record in a popular sport that some consider as the successor to boxing.", "r": {"result": "Kini setelah dia memenangi dua pertarungan MMA pertamanya -- kedua-duanya pada pusingan pertama -- dia telah diumumkan sebagai pejuang transgender, yang pertama dalam rekod dalam sukan popular yang dianggap oleh sesetengah pihak sebagai pengganti tinju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The reaction has been positive,\" said Fox, 37, who revealed her story recently to Sports Illustrated after a journalist with another publication began to investigate her private surgery.", "r": {"result": "\"Reaksinya adalah positif,\" kata Fox, 37, yang mendedahkan kisahnya baru-baru ini kepada Sports Illustrated selepas seorang wartawan dengan penerbitan lain mula menyiasat pembedahan peribadinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's just some people, some of society doesn't get it yet.", "r": {"result": "\u201cCuma segelintir orang, sesetengah masyarakat masih belum dapat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this is what we're trying to do now is to inform people and let them know about transgender athletes\".", "r": {"result": "Dan inilah yang kami cuba lakukan sekarang adalah untuk memaklumkan orang ramai dan memberitahu mereka tentang atlet transgender\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When asked if it's fair for a man-turned-woman fighter to face another woman in the ring, Fox said Saturday there were \"no unfair competitive advantages\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila ditanya sama ada adil bagi seorang pejuang lelaki yang bertukar menjadi wanita untuk berdepan dengan wanita lain di gelanggang, Fox berkata Sabtu terdapat \"tiada kelebihan daya saing yang tidak adil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What was unfair, her last opponent and her manager say, is how Fox didn't disclose until after the fight that Fox had a sex change operation.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang tidak adil, lawan terakhirnya dan pengurusnya berkata, ialah bagaimana Fox tidak mendedahkan sehingga selepas pergaduhan bahawa Fox menjalani operasi tukar jantina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That opponent, Ericka Newsome, was knocked out this month with \"a tie clinch,\" or a knee to the chin, 39 seconds into the fight without anyone knowing of Fox's background.", "r": {"result": "Lawan itu, Ericka Newsome, telah tersingkir bulan ini dengan \"tali leher,\" atau lutut ke dagu, 39 saat dalam pertarungan tanpa sesiapa pun mengetahui latar belakang Fox.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was \"unfair I didn't know it, but it didn't matter that she fought me,\" Newsome told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah \"tidak adil saya tidak mengetahuinya, tetapi tidak mengapa dia melawan saya,\" kata Newsome kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel that it should have been disclosed to me ahead of time...so we are aware and able to be better prepared for the situation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa ia sepatutnya didedahkan kepada saya lebih awal...jadi kami sedar dan lebih bersedia menghadapi situasi itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She and her manager are going to appeal the loss in Florida on the grounds of how Fox failed to disclose being a transgender person and how the referee stopped the fight too early.", "r": {"result": "Dia dan pengurusnya akan membuat rayuan atas kekalahan di Florida atas alasan Fox gagal mendedahkan dirinya sebagai seorang transgender dan bagaimana pengadil menghentikan pertarungan terlalu awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They should have let the fight go,\" manager Matt Hamilton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka sepatutnya melepaskan pertarungan itu,\" kata pengurus Matt Hamilton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She should have thrown at least one to two more shots to confirm it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia sepatutnya melemparkan sekurang-kurangnya satu hingga dua pukulan lagi untuk mengesahkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On that particular basis, that's one of the things we'll appeal with, as well as not having it disclosed\".", "r": {"result": "Atas dasar itu, itu adalah salah satu perkara yang akan kami rayuan, serta tidak mendedahkannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, the California State Athletic Commission is reviewing a claim by Fox that the state gave her a fighting license in 2013 when in fact the commission says her license application is still being reviewed, Sports Illustrated reported.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Suruhanjaya Olahraga Negeri California sedang menyemak dakwaan Fox bahawa negeri itu memberinya lesen berlawan pada 2013 sedangkan suruhanjaya itu berkata permohonan lesennya masih dikaji, lapor Sports Illustrated.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Transgender fighter looking to get licensed.", "r": {"result": "Pejuang transgender ingin mendapatkan lesen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fox subsequently told Florida authorities that she had a California license, and now the Florida boxing commission is also reviewing Fox's license application, the magazine reported.", "r": {"result": "Fox kemudiannya memberitahu pihak berkuasa Florida bahawa dia mempunyai lesen California, dan kini suruhanjaya tinju Florida juga sedang menyemak permohonan lesen Fox, lapor majalah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, Fox admitted she didn't disclose to boxing authorities she is a transgender person but added she wasn't asked to either, the magazine said.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, Fox mengakui dia tidak mendedahkan kepada pihak berkuasa tinju bahawa dia adalah seorang transgender tetapi menambah dia juga tidak diminta, kata majalah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sports Illustrated writer Loretta Hunt wrote of Fox's 2006 gender reassignment surgery and winning her pro debut in May 2012. Hunt told CNN that guidelines for the Association of Boxing Commissions are similar to the International Olympic Committee's policy that allows transsexuals to compete in Olympic games.", "r": {"result": "Penulis Sports Illustrated Loretta Hunt menulis mengenai pembedahan tukar jantina Fox pada 2006 dan memenangi debut profesionalnya pada Mei 2012. Hunt memberitahu CNN bahawa garis panduan untuk Persatuan Suruhanjaya Tinju adalah serupa dengan dasar Jawatankuasa Olimpik Antarabangsa yang membenarkan transeksual bertanding dalam sukan Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The IOC requires transgender athletes to undergo hormone therapy long enough to remove gender-related advantages.", "r": {"result": "IOC memerlukan atlet transgender menjalani terapi hormon yang cukup lama untuk menghapuskan kelebihan berkaitan jantina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, Hunt said, mixed martial arts guidelines don't require a sex-change surgery, but they do require two years of hormone therapy for transgender fighters.", "r": {"result": "Malah, kata Hunt, garis panduan seni mempertahankan diri campuran tidak memerlukan pembedahan tukar jantina, tetapi ia memerlukan terapi hormon selama dua tahun untuk pejuang transgender.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whether it comes after the surgery or it's just on its own, that must be done and you must be tested throughout the two years,\" Hunt said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sama ada ia datang selepas pembedahan atau ia hanya sendiri, itu mesti dilakukan dan anda mesti diuji sepanjang dua tahun,\" kata Hunt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those papers must be submitted to the athletic commission for review\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kertas-kertas itu mesti diserahkan kepada suruhanjaya olahraga untuk semakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Newsome wants to fight Fox again, Hamilton said.", "r": {"result": "Newsome mahu melawan Fox sekali lagi, kata Hamilton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We would love a rematch,\" Hamilton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan menyukai perlawanan timbal balik,\" kata Hamilton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch CNN Newsroom weekdays 9am to 3pm ET and weekends.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Bilik Berita CNN hari bekerja 9 pagi hingga 3 petang ET dan hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the latest from the CNN Newsroom click here.", "r": {"result": "Untuk maklumat terkini dari Bilik Berita CNN klik di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- AC Milan and Roma played out a goalless draw in Italy's Serie A in a result which does little to enhance the title ambitions of neither side.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- AC Milan dan Roma bermain seri tanpa jaringan dalam Serie A Itali dalam keputusan yang sedikit sebanyak meningkatkan cita-cita gelaran kedua-dua pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result left Inter Milan three points clear at the top of the table and they will be able to increase that lead to six if they claim victory over Genoa at the San Siro on Sunday night.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu meletakkan Inter Milan di hadapan tiga mata di puncak carta dan mereka akan dapat meningkatkan kelebihan itu kepada enam jika mereka meraih kemenangan ke atas Genoa di San Siro pada malam Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roma began the brighter of the two sides and Cristian Abiatti saved well from a Julio Baptista shot while Daniele De Rossi screwed a shot wide when well placed.", "r": {"result": "Roma memulakan permainan yang lebih cerah di antara kedua-dua pasukan dan Cristian Abiatti menyelamat dengan baik daripada rembatan Julio Baptista manakala Daniele De Rossi membuat rembatan melebar apabila diletakkan dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The visitors were much improved after the half-time break and controlled possession but were unable to create many chances although Marco Borriello squandered a good chance when he opted to shoot instead of passing to Klaas-Jan Huntelaar.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan pelawat bertambah baik selepas rehat separuh masa dan mengawal penguasaan bola tetapi tidak dapat mencipta banyak peluang walaupun Marco Borriello mensia-siakan peluang yang baik apabila dia memilih untuk merembat dan bukannya menghantar kepada Klaas-Jan Huntelaar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John-Arne Riise's dangerous cross was met by the head of Mirko Vucinic in the 74th minute but the Montenegro striker was unable to direct his attempt on goal.", "r": {"result": "Hantaran lintang berbahaya John-Arne Riise disambut oleh kepala Mirko Vucinic pada minit ke-74 tetapi penyerang Montenegro itu tidak dapat mengarahkan percubaannya ke gawang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brazilian Ronaldinho also went close with a header from David Beckham's cross in the dying stages as the match ended in a stalemate.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldinho dari Brazil turut menghampiri menerusi tandukan hantaran lintang David Beckham pada peringkat hampir mati apabila perlawanan berakhir dengan kebuntuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Saturday's other game Juventus moved back into the top four in Serie A thanks to a narrow 2-1 victory over Fiorentina at the Stadio Artemio Franchi.", "r": {"result": "Pada perlawanan lain Sabtu, Juventus kembali ke empat teratas dalam Serie A hasil kemenangan tipis 2-1 ke atas Fiorentina di Stadio Artemio Franchi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Turin giants were under pressure following a defeat to Palermo last weekend and coach Alberto Zaccheroni got the response he requested from his players.", "r": {"result": "Gergasi Turin itu berada di bawah tekanan berikutan kekalahan kepada Palermo hujung minggu lalu dan jurulatih Alberto Zaccheroni mendapat respons yang diminta daripada pemainnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Juventus took the lead through Brazilian playmaker Diego in only the second minute of the game when he took the ball round Fiorentina goalkeeper Sebastian Frey and fired home after collecting an intelligent through-ball from Antonio Candreva.", "r": {"result": "Juventus mendahului menerusi perancang Brazil Diego hanya pada minit kedua permainan apabila dia mengambil bola pusingan penjaga gol Fiorentina Sebastian Frey dan merembat masuk selepas mengutip bola terobosan pintar daripada Antonio Candreva.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fiorentina responded positively and gained a deserved equalizer when former Juventus midfielder Marco Marchionni headed past stand-in goalkeeper Alex Manninger in the 32nd minute.", "r": {"result": "Fiorentina bertindak balas positif dan memperoleh gol penyamaan yang sewajarnya apabila bekas pemain tengah Juventus, Marco Marchionni menanduk masuk melepasi penjaga gol Alex Manninger pada minit ke-32.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marchionni then missed a chance to put his side ahead moments before the break when he fired a shot when well placed inside the penalty area.", "r": {"result": "Marchionni kemudian terlepas peluang untuk meletakkan pasukannya di hadapan beberapa saat sebelum rehat apabila dia melepaskan rembatan apabila diletakkan dengan baik di dalam kotak penalti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Juventus improved after the interval and David Trezeguet tested Frey with a volley before the visitors took the lead for the second time in the 68th minute when Fabio Grosso crashed a shot into the top corner.", "r": {"result": "Juventus bertambah baik selepas rehat dan David Trezeguet menguji Frey dengan sepakan voli sebelum pelawat mendahului buat kali kedua pada minit ke-68 apabila Fabio Grosso merembat rembatan ke penjuru atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zaccheroni's side could have extended their advantage in injury time but a superb double save from Frey denied Claudio Marchisio.", "r": {"result": "Skuad kendalian Zaccheroni boleh menambah kelebihan mereka pada masa kecederaan tetapi penyelamatan berganda yang hebat daripada Frey menafikan Claudio Marchisio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Saudi special forces assisted Yemeni fighters targeting Houthis and their allies in Aden, a Saudi source told CNN.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Pasukan khas Saudi membantu pejuang Yaman yang menyasarkan Houthi dan sekutu mereka di Aden, kata sumber Saudi kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The special forces were on the ground in noncombat roles \"coordinating and guiding\" the battle against Houthi forces and fighters loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the source said.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan khas itu berada di lapangan dalam peranan bukan tempur \"menyelaras dan membimbing\" pertempuran menentang pasukan Houthi dan pejuang yang setia kepada bekas Presiden Yaman Ali Abdullah Saleh, kata sumber itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also have helped parachute in weapons and communications equipment.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga telah membantu payung terjun dalam senjata dan peralatan komunikasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Houthi rebels, meanwhile, withdrew from the presidential palace and other key parts of the southern port city of Aden following heavy Saudi airstrikes, according to the source.", "r": {"result": "Pemberontak Houthi, sementara itu, berundur dari istana presiden dan bahagian penting lain di bandar pelabuhan selatan Aden berikutan serangan udara Arab Saudi, menurut sumber itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The withdrawal signaled a reversal from rebel gains the previous day, when Houthi forces seized the presidential palace.", "r": {"result": "Pengunduran itu menandakan pembalikan daripada keuntungan pemberontak pada hari sebelumnya, apabila tentera Houthi merampas istana presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi, who fled the country last month, had stayed for a period of time after Houthis secured control of the capital, Sanaa, in January.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi, yang melarikan diri dari negara itu bulan lalu, telah tinggal untuk tempoh masa selepas Houthi menguasai ibu negara, Sanaa, pada Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Houthis had controlled most large districts in Aden amid ongoing clashes.", "r": {"result": "Houthi telah menguasai kebanyakan daerah besar di Aden di tengah-tengah pertempuran yang berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest action heats up an already intense conflict that could have ramifications across the Middle East.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan terbaru itu memanaskan konflik yang sudah sengit yang boleh membawa kesan di seluruh Timur Tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the Saudi-led coalition of nine countries takes the fight to the ground in Yemen, the consequences could be severe.", "r": {"result": "Jika gabungan sembilan negara yang diketuai Saudi melancarkan perjuangan di Yaman, akibatnya boleh menjadi teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Houthis are battle-hardened guerrilla fighters and could cross into Saudi Arabia.", "r": {"result": "Houthi adalah pejuang gerila yang tegar dalam pertempuran dan boleh menyeberang ke Arab Saudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They've already threatened suicide bomb attacks inside Saudi Arabia.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah pun mengancam serangan bom berani mati di dalam Arab Saudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yemen, already the home base to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, teeters on the brink of becoming a failed state and an even more fertile breeding ground for extremism.", "r": {"result": "Yaman, yang sudah menjadi pangkalan kepada al-Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab, berada di ambang menjadi negara gagal dan tempat pembiakan yang lebih subur untuk ekstremisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United Nations, citing reports from humanitarian partners, said 519 people have been killed and nearly 1,700 others wounded in the past two weeks.", "r": {"result": "Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, memetik laporan daripada rakan-rakan kemanusiaan, berkata 519 orang telah terbunuh dan hampir 1,700 yang lain cedera dalam dua minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes and sought refuge in Djibouti and Somalia, Valerie Amos, under-secretary-general and emergency relief coordinator, said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Berpuluh-puluh ribu orang telah meninggalkan rumah mereka dan mencari perlindungan di Djibouti dan Somalia, kata Valerie Amos, ketua setiausaha agung dan penyelaras bantuan kecemasan, dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two humanitarian workers were killed Friday in Yemen.", "r": {"result": "Dua pekerja kemanusiaan terbunuh pada Jumaat di Yaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The brothers working for the local branch of the Yemen Red Crescent Society were shot in Aden while evacuating wounded people to a waiting ambulance, the International Committee of the Red Cross reported.", "r": {"result": "Saudara-saudara yang bekerja untuk cawangan tempatan Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Yaman ditembak di Aden ketika memindahkan orang yang cedera ke ambulans yang menunggu, Jawatankuasa Antarabangsa Palang Merah melaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were identified as Khaled Ahmed Bahuzaim and Mohammed Ahmed Bahuzaim.", "r": {"result": "Mereka dikenali sebagai Khaled Ahmed Bahuzaim dan Mohammed Ahmed Bahuzaim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two Saudi border guards were killed Friday after an exchange of fire with Houthi rebels along the kingdom's frontier with Yemen, officials told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Dua pengawal sempadan Arab Saudi terbunuh semalam selepas berbalas tembak dengan pemberontak Houthi di sepanjang sempadan kerajaan dengan Yaman, kata pegawai kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A border guard was killed in a cross-boundary fire exchange with militants, the Saudi Press Agency reported Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pengawal sempadan terbunuh dalam pertempuran rentas sempadan dengan militan, lapor Agensi Akhbar Saudi Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That marked Saudi Arabia's first publicly known military death since it launched airstrikes against rebels inside its southern neighbor.", "r": {"result": "Itu menandakan kematian tentera pertama Arab Saudi yang diketahui umum sejak ia melancarkan serangan udara terhadap pemberontak di dalam jiran selatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Navy warships were patrolling off Yemen in search of suspicious shipping in the region, in particular any weapons shipments from Iran to the Houthi rebels they are supporting in Yemen, a U.S. defense official told CNN on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Kapal perang Tentera Laut AS sedang meronda di Yaman untuk mencari penghantaran yang mencurigakan di rantau itu, khususnya sebarang penghantaran senjata dari Iran kepada pemberontak Houthi yang mereka sokong di Yaman, kata seorang pegawai pertahanan AS kepada CNN pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Navy this week came across a Panamanian-registered cargo ship that had left an Iranian port, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Laut minggu ini terserempak dengan kapal kargo berdaftar Panama yang telah meninggalkan pelabuhan Iran, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Based on the route of the ship from Iran to Yemen, the Navy declared it a \"vessel of interest\" and requested permission from the captain to search it.", "r": {"result": "Berdasarkan laluan kapal dari Iran ke Yaman, Tentera Laut mengisytiharkannya sebagai \"kapal kepentingan\" dan meminta kebenaran daripada kapten untuk menggeledahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ship was found to be carrying cement and construction materials, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Kapal itu didapati membawa simen dan bahan binaan, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was sent on its way.", "r": {"result": "Ia dihantar dalam perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The offshore area has been a route for weapons smuggling into Yemen, as well as Sudan and Gaza, so the Navy has maintained a regular surveillance presence there.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan luar pesisir telah menjadi laluan penyeludupan senjata ke Yaman, serta Sudan dan Gaza, jadi Tentera Laut telah mengekalkan kehadiran pengawasan tetap di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official said that increased fighting in the last several days in southern Yemen has resulted in other ships trying to dock to help civilians leave the country.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu berkata bahawa pertempuran yang meningkat dalam beberapa hari terakhir di selatan Yaman telah menyebabkan kapal lain cuba berlabuh untuk membantu orang awam meninggalkan negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Saudi and allied warplanes struck rebels in Yemen last week, with Saudi Arabia threatening to send ground troops and inserting itself into its southern neighbor's civil war.", "r": {"result": "Pesawat pejuang Saudi dan sekutunya menyerang pemberontak di Yaman minggu lalu, dengan Arab Saudi mengancam untuk menghantar tentera darat dan memasukkan dirinya ke dalam perang saudara jiran selatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The swift and sudden action involved 100 Saudi jets, 30 from the United Arab Emirates, 15 each from Kuwait and Bahrain, 10 from Qatar, and a handful from Jordan, Morocco and Sudan, plus naval help from Pakistan and Egypt, according to a Saudi adviser.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan pantas dan mengejut itu melibatkan 100 jet Saudi, 30 dari Emiriah Arab Bersatu, 15 setiap satu dari Kuwait dan Bahrain, 10 dari Qatar, dan segelintir dari Jordan, Maghribi dan Sudan, serta bantuan tentera laut dari Pakistan dan Mesir, menurut seorang Arab Saudi. penasihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Houthi rebels are Shiite Muslims who have taken over Sanaa and had captured parts of its second-largest city, Aden.", "r": {"result": "Pemberontak Houthi adalah Muslim Syiah yang telah mengambil alih Sanaa dan telah menawan sebahagian daripada bandar kedua terbesarnya, Aden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sunni Saudis consider the Houthis proxies for the Shiite government of Iran and fear another Shiite-dominated state in the region.", "r": {"result": "Sunni Saudi menganggap proksi Houthi untuk kerajaan Syiah Iran dan takut satu lagi negeri yang dikuasai Syiah di rantau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials: Al Qaeda fighters free 270 from Yemeni prisons.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai: Pejuang Al Qaeda membebaskan 270 dari penjara Yaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Barbara Starr contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Starr dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Cristiano Ronaldo gave Manchester United a New Year boost by again ruling out a move to Spanish giants Real Madrid.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Cristiano Ronaldo memberikan Manchester United rangsangan Tahun Baru dengan sekali lagi menolak perpindahan ke gergasi Sepanyol, Real Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo's goals fired United's brilliant 2008-09 campaign.", "r": {"result": "Gol Ronaldo mencetuskan kempen cemerlang United 2008-09.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The European Footballer of the Year has been constantly linked with a transfer to the Bernabeu, speculation which increased following recent claims that Real had reached an agreement with United over his eventual sale.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Bola Sepak Eropah Tahunan itu sentiasa dikaitkan dengan perpindahan ke Bernabeu, spekulasi yang meningkat berikutan dakwaan baru-baru ini bahawa Real telah mencapai persetujuan dengan United mengenai penjualan akhirnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's always speculation, not just about me, but about the future of players all around the world,\" Ronaldo told the club's official television station MUTV.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSelalu ada spekulasi, bukan sahaja tentang saya, tetapi mengenai masa depan pemain di seluruh dunia,\u201d kata Ronaldo kepada stesen televisyen rasmi kelab MUTV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People were speaking about me this summer but that was normal because of what I did during the season.", "r": {"result": "\u201cOrang ramai bercakap tentang saya pada musim panas ini tetapi itu adalah perkara biasa kerana apa yang saya lakukan pada musim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What people are saying now is not true.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApa yang orang cakap sekarang adalah tidak benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who says that is a liar because I am happy at the club, I want to stay here.", "r": {"result": "Siapa kata itu penipu kerana saya gembira di kelab, saya mahu kekal di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I feel at home here.", "r": {"result": "Saya berasa seperti di rumah di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I feel very happy here\".", "r": {"result": "Saya berasa sangat gembira di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo was widely quoted during a turbulent summer that he was keen to play for Real and it appeared only a matter of time before the move became a reality, but now the 23-year-old is pledging loyalty to the Old Trafford faithful.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo dipetik secara meluas semasa musim panas bergelora bahawa dia berminat untuk bermain untuk Real dan ia kelihatan hanya menunggu masa sebelum perpindahan itu menjadi kenyataan, tetapi kini pemain berusia 23 tahun itu berjanji setia kepada penyokong setia Old Trafford.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love the fans because they have been brilliant with me, not just this season but every season.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya suka peminat kerana mereka cemerlang bersama saya, bukan sahaja musim ini tetapi setiap musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like I said before, I feel at home in Manchester,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang saya katakan sebelum ini, saya berasa seperti di rumah sendiri di Manchester,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo scored 42 goals in United's Premier League and Champions League double last season and after coming back from ankle surgery has netted 11 times this campaign.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo menjaringkan 42 gol dalam Liga Perdana United dan Liga Juara-Juara berganda musim lalu dan selepas kembali dari pembedahan buku lali telah menjaringkan 11 gol dalam kempen ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "United go into 2009 handily-placed to retain the English title, in the knockout stages of the Champions League and semifinals of the League Cup.", "r": {"result": "United melangkah ke 2009 dengan mudah untuk mengekalkan kejuaraan Inggeris, di peringkat kalah mati Liga Juara-Juara dan separuh akhir Piala Liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo is crucial to their continued success and he used the interview to pay tribute to the role manager Alex Ferguson has played in his development into a world class player.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo adalah penting untuk kejayaan berterusan mereka dan dia menggunakan temu bual itu untuk memberi penghormatan kepada peranan pengurus Alex Ferguson yang telah dimainkan dalam perkembangannya menjadi pemain bertaraf dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'I want to be part of this club with you.", "r": {"result": "'Saya mahu menjadi sebahagian daripada kelab ini bersama awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to win trophies with you.", "r": {"result": "Saya mahu memenangi trofi bersama anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' He's very important in my career, Alex Ferguson,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "' Dia sangat penting dalam karier saya, Alex Ferguson,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Heavy rains doused most of a wildfire that had damaged more than 35 buildings near the Tennessee resort town of Pigeon Forge, allowing authorities Monday to take firefighters off the line.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Hujan lebat menyiram sebahagian besar kebakaran hutan yang telah merosakkan lebih 35 bangunan berhampiran bandar peranginan Tennessee, Pigeon Forge, membenarkan pihak berkuasa pada Isnin mengeluarkan anggota bomba dari talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only five acres were still burning Monday evening, Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Director James Bassham told CNN affiliate WATE.", "r": {"result": "Hanya lima ekar masih terbakar petang Isnin, Pengarah Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Tennessee James Bassham memberitahu sekutu CNN WATE.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A small crew remained in the area to monitor hot spots, the station said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang kru kecil kekal di kawasan itu untuk memantau kawasan panas, kata stesen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, authorities had evacuated more homes as high winds fanned the wildfire and caused problems for helicopters sent in to help fight the flames.", "r": {"result": "Terdahulu, pihak berkuasa telah memindahkan lebih banyak rumah ketika angin kencang meniup api dan menyebabkan masalah kepada helikopter yang dihantar untuk membantu memadamkan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities were evacuating more residents as the fire threatened 15 to 20 homes in the Priscilla Heights area of Sevier County, Tennessee, Dean Flener of the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency said.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa sedang memindahkan lebih ramai penduduk ketika kebakaran itu mengancam 15 hingga 20 rumah di kawasan Priscilla Heights di Sevier County, Tennessee, kata Dean Flener dari Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 150 people were evacuated Sunday and the American Red Cross opened a shelter at the Pigeon Forge Community Center.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 150 orang telah dipindahkan Ahad dan Palang Merah Amerika membuka tempat perlindungan di Pusat Komuniti Pigeon Forge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hotels are also allowing residents to stay for free, Flener said.", "r": {"result": "Hotel juga membenarkan penduduk tinggal secara percuma, kata Flener.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 20 fire departments had been fighting the fire, which had burned 260 acres, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 20 jabatan bomba telah memadamkan kebakaran, yang telah membakar 260 ekar, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Propane tanks have been exploding,\" Pigeon Forge Fire Chief Tony Watson said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kereta kebal propana telah meletup,\" kata Ketua Bomba Pigeon Forge Tony Watson Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's been real dangerous\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia benar-benar berbahaya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blaze started as a house fire, he said.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran bermula sebagai kebakaran rumah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It looks like somebody just went through there and just dropped a bomb on the place,\" Shannon McCostlin told WATE.", "r": {"result": "\"Nampaknya seseorang baru sahaja melalui sana dan baru sahaja menjatuhkan bom di tempat itu,\" kata Shannon McCostlin kepada WATE.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel bad for them people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya kasihan dengan mereka orang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The area is home to rental cabins with some permanent residences.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan ini adalah rumah kepada kabin sewa dengan beberapa kediaman tetap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pigeon Forge, in eastern Tennessee, is best known for singer Dolly Parton's theme park, Dollywood, which was not affected by the fire.", "r": {"result": "Pigeon Forge, di timur Tennessee, terkenal dengan taman tema penyanyi Dolly Parton, Dollywood, yang tidak terjejas oleh kebakaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Positioned on the edge of the Great Smoky Mountains, the area also is popular with outdoors enthusiasts and has a wide variety of other attractions, including music theaters, outlet malls, go-kart tracks and miniature golf courses.", "r": {"result": "Terletak di pinggir Great Smoky Mountains, kawasan ini juga terkenal dengan peminat aktiviti luar dan mempunyai pelbagai tarikan lain, termasuk teater muzik, pusat membeli-belah, trek go-kart dan padang golf kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Janet DiGiacomo contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Janet DiGiacomo dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Investigators so far have failed to turn up any evidence that terrorism was involved in the September 3 crash of a UPS cargo plane in Dubai, a U.S. government official told CNN Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Penyiasat setakat ini gagal mengemukakan sebarang bukti bahawa keganasan terlibat dalam nahas 3 September sebuah pesawat kargo UPS di Dubai, kata seorang pegawai kerajaan AS kepada CNN Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan told CNN Sunday that the United States was \"looking very carefully\" at that crash -- in which the two pilots were killed -- to see if it could be related to the recent terror threat involving cargo aircraft.", "r": {"result": "Ketua antikeganasan Rumah Putih John Brennan memberitahu CNN Ahad bahawa Amerika Syarikat \"melihat dengan sangat berhati-hati\" pada nahas itu -- di mana dua juruterbang itu terbunuh -- untuk melihat sama ada ia boleh dikaitkan dengan ancaman keganasan baru-baru ini yang melibatkan pesawat kargo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Boeing 747 -- operated by UPS -- went down in Dubai, where one of two toner cartridge bombs was recovered just seven weeks later.", "r": {"result": "Boeing 747 -- dikendalikan oleh UPS -- jatuh di Dubai, di mana satu daripada dua bom kartrij toner ditemui hanya tujuh minggu kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other was recovered on a plane in the U.K.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi ditemui dalam pesawat di U.K.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as investigators in the United States and the United Arab Emirates continue to explore the cause of the crash, they say that at this time, there is no evidence of terrorism.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ketika penyiasat di Amerika Syarikat dan Emiriah Arab Bersatu terus meneroka punca nahas, mereka mengatakan bahawa pada masa ini, tiada bukti keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Government investigators have reviewed the cargo plane's manifest, a U.S. government source said.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat kerajaan telah menyemak manifes pesawat kargo itu, kata sumber kerajaan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official said that there were \"a few -- not many, but a few -- packages (on the UPS plane) that originated in Yemen\".", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu berkata bahawa terdapat \"beberapa -- tidak banyak, tetapi beberapa -- pakej (dalam pesawat UPS) yang berasal dari Yaman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"However, they (investigators) have a basic idea of what part of the plane the fire started and these were nowhere near there,\" said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the investigation.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimanapun, mereka (penyiasat) mempunyai idea asas mengenai bahagian mana pesawat itu bermula dan ini tidak berada di dekat situ,\" kata pegawai itu, yang enggan dikenali kerana tidak diberi kuasa untuk membincangkan siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, officials in the United Arab Emirates have said -- and a U.S. official confirmed -- that the plane's cockpit voice recorder has been examined and nothing on it indicates an explosion.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, pegawai di Emiriah Arab Bersatu telah berkata -- dan seorang pegawai AS mengesahkan -- perakam suara kokpit pesawat telah diperiksa dan tiada apa-apa padanya menunjukkan letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Explosions have distinctive sound signatures, and that would have been recorded on the device, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Letupan mempunyai tandatangan bunyi yang tersendiri, dan itu akan dirakam pada peranti itu, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The UAE said it has \"eliminated the possibility of an onboard explosion, following a detailed onsite investigation of the wreckage\".", "r": {"result": "UAE berkata ia telah \"menghapuskan kemungkinan letupan di atas kapal, berikutan siasatan terperinci di tapak mengenai serpihan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. authorities aren't going that far, saying only that the investigation is continuing.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa A.S. tidak pergi sejauh itu, hanya mengatakan bahawa siasatan diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official noted that a fire caused by an incendiary device, rather than an explosive device, would not have been recorded by the plane's cockpit voice recorder.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu menyatakan bahawa kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh alat pembakar, bukannya alat letupan, tidak akan dirakam oleh perakam suara kokpit pesawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 45 minutes after UPS Flight 6 departed Dubai International Airport for Cologne, Germany, the crew declared an emergency due to smoke in the cockpit.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 45 minit selepas UPS Penerbangan 6 berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Dubai ke Cologne, Jerman, anak kapal mengisytiharkan kecemasan kerana asap di kokpit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They requested a return to Dubai, but shortly before the plane got to the airport, it crashed.", "r": {"result": "Mereka meminta kembali ke Dubai, tetapi tidak lama sebelum pesawat itu sampai ke lapangan terbang, ia terhempas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cause of the fire is unknown, one official said.", "r": {"result": "Punca kebakaran tidak diketahui, kata seorang pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One thing investigators are looking at is lithium batteries, which are known to have been on the flight.", "r": {"result": "Satu perkara yang penyiasat sedang melihat ialah bateri litium, yang diketahui telah berada dalam penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even if the lithium batteries were not the source of the fire, they could have made it worse if they were burned.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun bateri litium bukan punca kebakaran, ia boleh memburukkan lagi jika ia dibakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- Any existing physical copies of Nora Ephron's \"Crazy Salad: Some Things about Women\" and \"Scribble, Scribble: Notes on the Media\" are probably well-worn, underlined, and doggy-eared by now.", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Mana-mana salinan fizikal \"Crazy Salad: Some Things about Women\" dan \"Crazy Salad: Some Things about Women\" dan \"Scribble, Scribble: Notes on the Media\" Nora Ephron yang sedia ada mungkin sudah dipakai dengan baik, digariskan dan didengari oleh anjing sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Crazy Salad\" and \"Scribble, Scribble\" have been out-of-print as solo volumes since 1991 and 1984, respectively.", "r": {"result": "\"Crazy Salad\" dan \"Scribble, Scribble\" telah tidak dicetak sebagai jilid solo masing-masing sejak 1991 dan 1984.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vintage will give these two landmark books a fresh printing as a single volume come October 16. They will also be available in their entirety as e-books for the first time on that date.", "r": {"result": "Vintage akan memberikan kedua-dua buku mercu tanda ini cetakan baharu kerana satu jilid pada 16 Oktober. Ia juga akan tersedia secara keseluruhannya sebagai e-buku buat kali pertama pada tarikh tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Crazy Salad,\" originally published in 1975, contains Ephron's famous, oft-quoted essay, \"A Few Words About Breasts\".", "r": {"result": "\"Crazy Salad,\" yang asalnya diterbitkan pada tahun 1975, mengandungi esei terkenal Ephron yang sering dipetik, \"A Few Words About Breasts\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Ephron died in June, did you go looking for her backlist only to have trouble finding these two titles?", "r": {"result": "Selepas Ephron meninggal dunia pada bulan Jun, adakah anda pergi mencari senarai belakangnya hanya untuk menghadapi masalah mencari dua gelaran ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the full article at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat artikel penuh di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of protesters surrounded Bangkok's Government House on Friday seeking the removal of Thailand's embattled caretaker government amid soaring political tensions following the ouster of former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan mengepung Rumah Kerajaan Bangkok pada hari Jumaat memohon penyingkiran kerajaan sementara Thailand yang diperangi di tengah-tengah ketegangan politik yang memuncak berikutan penyingkiran bekas Perdana Menteri Yingluck Shinawatra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The People's Democratic Reform Committee, which has been protesting the government since November, is pushing to replace the caretaker administration with an unelected interim government.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa Pembaharuan Demokratik Rakyat, yang telah memprotes kerajaan sejak November, mendesak untuk menggantikan pentadbiran sementara dengan kerajaan sementara yang tidak dipilih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban told those gathered: \"We will sleep here tonight, we will eat here\".", "r": {"result": "Ketua protes Suthep Thaugsuban memberitahu mereka yang berkumpul: \"Kami akan tidur di sini malam ini, kami akan makan di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The PDRC has been seeking to rid Thai politics of the alleged influence of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.", "r": {"result": "PDRC telah berusaha untuk menyingkirkan politik Thai daripada pengaruh yang didakwa bekas Perdana Menteri Thaksin Shinawatra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thaksin is Yingluck's brother and a telecommunications tycoon who was overthrown in a 2006 military coup.", "r": {"result": "Thaksin ialah abang Yingluck dan hartawan telekomunikasi yang telah digulingkan dalam rampasan kuasa tentera pada 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has since lived in self-imposed exile to avoid a corruption conviction.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah hidup dalam buangan sendiri untuk mengelakkan sabitan rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If the speaker is a slave of Thaksin, there will be one treatment; if not, there will be another treatment for them,\" Thaugsuban said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika penceramah adalah hamba Thaksin, akan ada satu layanan; jika tidak, akan ada layanan lain untuk mereka,\" kata Thaugsuban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 20,000 protesters massed in the capital and split into groups.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 20,000 penunjuk perasaan berkumpul di ibu negara dan berpecah kepada kumpulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 4,000 or 5,000 gathered outside Government House.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 4,000 atau 5,000 berkumpul di luar Rumah Kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is the former prime minister's residence, but Yingluck has already vacated it.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah kediaman bekas perdana menteri, tetapi Yingluck sudah mengosongkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lt. Gen.", "r": {"result": "Lt. Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paradon Patthanathabut, security adviser to the government, told CNN the PDRC had mobilized supporters from the countryside to join the protests in the capital.", "r": {"result": "Paradon Patthanathabut, penasihat keselamatan kepada kerajaan, memberitahu CNN bahawa PDRC telah menggerakkan penyokong dari luar bandar untuk menyertai protes di ibu negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said smaller groups also gathered at Bangkok television stations and other locations around the city.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata kumpulan yang lebih kecil turut berkumpul di stesen televisyen Bangkok dan lokasi lain di sekitar bandar raya itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are monitoring (the situation) closely,\" he said, adding that 60,000 security forces were on standby.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami memantau (keadaan) dengan rapi,\u201d katanya sambil menambah 60,000 pasukan keselamatan bersiap sedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the Royal Thai Police Club, command center of the temporary security task force, the Center for the Administration for Peace and Order, police used tear gas and water cannon on protesters who attempted to enter the complex, said Paradon.", "r": {"result": "Di Kelab Polis Diraja Thai, pusat arahan pasukan petugas keselamatan sementara, Pusat Pentadbiran Keamanan dan Ketenteraman, polis menggunakan gas pemedih mata dan meriam air ke atas penunjuk perasaan yang cuba memasuki kompleks itu, kata Paradon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four people were injured.", "r": {"result": "Empat orang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Government House, stalls were erected and free food and drinks handed out to the protesters.", "r": {"result": "Di Rumah Kerajaan, gerai-gerai didirikan dan makanan dan minuman percuma diedarkan kepada penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The protest was peaceful, with music and dancing.", "r": {"result": "Protes itu berlangsung secara aman, dengan muzik dan tarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A moment of silence was held for those killed in the country's longstanding political conflict.", "r": {"result": "Senyap seketika diadakan bagi mereka yang terkorban dalam konflik politik negara yang sudah lama berlarutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Judicial coup'?", "r": {"result": "'Rampasan kuasa kehakiman'?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rally comes at the end of a week of political chaos in Thailand, which saw Yingluck and nine Cabinet ministers removed from office by a top court on Wednesday in what her supporters saw as a \"judicial coup\".", "r": {"result": "Perhimpunan itu diadakan pada penghujung minggu kekacauan politik di Thailand, yang menyaksikan Yingluck dan sembilan menteri Kabinet disingkirkan daripada jawatan oleh mahkamah tertinggi pada hari Rabu dalam apa yang dilihat penyokongnya sebagai \"rampasan kuasa kehakiman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her supporters plan their own mass rally on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Penyokongnya merancang perhimpunan besar-besaran mereka sendiri pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Members of the National Anti-Corruption Committee unanimously indicted Yingluck, 46, on Thursday for dereliction of duty over her government's controversial rice subsidy scheme, committee member Wicha Mahakun told reporters in Bangkok.", "r": {"result": "Ahli Jawatankuasa Pencegahan Rasuah Kebangsaan sebulat suara mendakwa Yingluck, 46, pada Khamis kerana mengabaikan tugas berhubung skim subsidi beras kontroversi kerajaannya, kata ahli jawatankuasa Wicha Mahakun kepada pemberita di Bangkok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Senate will now vote on whether to impeach her.", "r": {"result": "Senat kini akan mengundi sama ada untuk menuduhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked how that could impact her since she's already out as prime minister, Wicha said the case still needed to be reviewed by the Senate and that she could be banned from political office for five years, if impeached.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya bagaimana ia boleh memberi kesan kepadanya memandangkan dia sudah pun keluar sebagai perdana menteri, Wicha berkata kes itu masih perlu disemak oleh Senat dan dia boleh diharamkan daripada jawatan politik selama lima tahun, jika didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysts had speculated the commission might also indict Yingluck's replacement as caretaker, the deputy prime minister and commerce minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, creating a political vacuum.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis telah membuat spekulasi suruhanjaya itu juga mungkin mendakwa pengganti Yingluck sebagai penjaga sementara, timbalan perdana menteri dan menteri perdagangan Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, mewujudkan vakum politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Wicha did not announce any measures against the new head of government.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Wicha tidak mengumumkan sebarang langkah terhadap ketua kerajaan baharu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An committee also considered whether to file criminal charges against Yingluck, but had not yet found sufficient evidence for that, he said.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah jawatankuasa juga mempertimbangkan sama ada akan memfailkan tuduhan jenayah terhadap Yingluck, tetapi masih belum menemui bukti yang mencukupi untuk itu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rice subsidy program, introduced in 2011, pledged to pay farmers well above the market rate for their crop, but has run into financial problems.", "r": {"result": "Program subsidi beras, yang diperkenalkan pada 2011, berjanji untuk membayar petani jauh melebihi kadar pasaran untuk tanaman mereka, tetapi telah menghadapi masalah kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Critics say it has wasted large amounts of public funds trying to please rural voters, hurting exports and leaving the government with large stockpiles of rice it can't sell without losing money.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik berkata ia telah membazirkan sejumlah besar dana awam cuba menggembirakan pengundi luar bandar, menjejaskan eksport dan meninggalkan kerajaan dengan stok beras yang besar yang tidak boleh dijual tanpa kehilangan wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yingluck has previously said she was only in charge of developing policy around the scheme, not its day-to-day implementation, accusing the commission of unfair treatment.", "r": {"result": "Yingluck sebelum ini berkata beliau hanya bertanggungjawab untuk membangunkan dasar sekitar skim itu, bukan pelaksanaannya sehari-hari, menuduh suruhanjaya itu melakukan layanan tidak adil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "READ MORE: Yingluck denies corruption allegations over rice program.", "r": {"result": "BACA LEBIH LANJUT: Yingluck menafikan dakwaan rasuah berhubung program beras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Political freefall'.", "r": {"result": "'Kejatuhan politik'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysts warn the week's developments could lead to more political turmoil and a resumption of violent clashes.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis memberi amaran perkembangan minggu ini boleh membawa kepada lebih banyak kegawatan politik dan penyambungan semula pertempuran ganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The post-Yingluck polarization is likely to deepen and intensify,\" said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, political scientist at Chulalongkorn University.", "r": {"result": "\"Polarisasi pasca-Yingluck berkemungkinan akan semakin mendalam dan meningkat,\" kata Thitinan Pongsudhirak, saintis politik di Universiti Chulalongkorn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are now looking at a political freefall.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami kini melihat kejatuhan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Much worse looks likely in the near term, before we can hope for improved circumstances in the longer term\".", "r": {"result": "... Lebih buruk kelihatan mungkin dalam jangka masa terdekat, sebelum kita boleh berharap untuk keadaan yang lebih baik dalam jangka panjang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials confirmed Thursday a grenade had been thrown at the house of one of the Constitutional Court judges whose ruling forced Yingluck from office.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai mengesahkan Khamis sebutir bom tangan telah dilemparkan ke rumah salah seorang hakim Mahkamah Perlembagaan yang keputusannya memaksa Yingluck daripada jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paradon told CNN nobody was hurt in the early morning attack on the home of the judge, Jumpot Kaimook.", "r": {"result": "Paradon memberitahu CNN tiada siapa yang cedera dalam serangan awal pagi di rumah hakim, Jumpot Kaimook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It landed on his garage,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia mendarat di garajnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court removed Yingluck, who was elected in 2011 and had been serving as caretaker prime minister until elections could be held, after finding her guilty of violating the country's constitution for reassigning a senior security official.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah memecat Yingluck, yang dipilih pada 2011 dan telah berkhidmat sebagai perdana menteri sementara sehingga pilihan raya boleh diadakan, selepas didapati bersalah melanggar perlembagaan negara kerana menugaskan semula pegawai kanan keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official was replaced by the then national police chief, whose role in turn was given to Priewpan Damapong, a relative of Yingluck.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu digantikan oleh ketua polis negara ketika itu, yang peranannya pula diberikan kepada Priewpan Damapong, saudara Yingluck.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Damapong is the brother of Thaksin's ex-wife.", "r": {"result": "Damapong ialah abang kepada bekas isteri Thaksin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Polarization to intensify'.", "r": {"result": "'Polarisasi untuk dipergiatkan'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analyst Paul Quaglia, director at PQA Associates, a Bangkok-based risk assessment firm, said the court's removal of an elected prime minister on what he described as \"fairly weak\" grounds was viewed by the government's supporters as a case of politically motivated judicial overreach.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis Paul Quaglia, pengarah di PQA Associates, firma penilaian risiko yang berpangkalan di Bangkok, berkata tindakan mahkamah memecat perdana menteri yang dipilih atas alasan yang disifatkannya sebagai \"agak lemah\" dilihat oleh penyokong kerajaan sebagai kes melampaui batas kehakiman yang bermotifkan politik. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They consider it a way to usurp democratic elections,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka menganggap ia satu cara untuk merampas pilihan raya demokratik,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yingluck is the third Thaksin-linked prime minister to be dismissed by the Constitutional Court, which also dissolved Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai political party in 2007, raising suspicions among government supporters that the institution was biased against them.", "r": {"result": "Yingluck ialah perdana menteri ketiga berkaitan Thaksin yang dipecat oleh Mahkamah Perlembagaan, yang juga membubarkan parti politik Thai Rak Thai pimpinan Thaksin pada 2007, menimbulkan syak wasangka dalam kalangan penyokong kerajaan bahawa institusi itu berat sebelah terhadap mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thitinan said the appointment of Niwatthamrong, seen as closely affiliated to Yingluck and her brother, was poor judgment, especially when another deputy prime minister, Pongthep Thepkanchana, would have been a more acceptable compromise candidate.", "r": {"result": "Thitinan berkata pelantikan Niwatthamrong, dilihat berkait rapat dengan Yingluck dan abangnya, adalah penilaian yang buruk, terutamanya apabila seorang lagi timbalan perdana menteri, Pongthep Thepkanchana, akan menjadi calon kompromi yang lebih boleh diterima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He lacks the stature and networks to see through an interim caretaker administration,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau tidak mempunyai kedudukan dan rangkaian untuk melihat melalui pentadbiran sementara sementara,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Nevertheless, no matter who comes in as the new caretaker, the tensions will mount\".", "r": {"result": "\"Namun, tidak kira siapa yang masuk sebagai penjaga baharu, ketegangan akan meningkat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Widening divide.", "r": {"result": "Meluaskan jurang pembahagian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thailand's widening political divide pits anti-government, predominantly urban \"yellow shirt\" protesters against the pro-government, mainly rural and working class \"red shirts\".", "r": {"result": "Perpecahan politik Thailand yang semakin meluas menyebabkan penunjuk perasaan anti-kerajaan, kebanyakannya \"baju kuning\" bandar menentang pro-kerajaan, terutamanya \"baju merah\" kelas luar bandar dan kelas pekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The anti-government protesters, drawn mainly from Bangkok's middle class, royalist establishment, allege that Yingluck is her brother's puppet and seek to rid Thai politics of her family's influence.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan antikerajaan, yang diambil terutamanya daripada kelas pertengahan Bangkok, penubuhan diraja, mendakwa Yingluck adalah boneka abangnya dan berusaha untuk menyingkirkan politik Thai daripada pengaruh keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Led by the PDRC, they began their protests in November, outraged by her government's botched attempt to pass an amnesty bill that would have paved the way for the return of Thaksin to the political fray in earnest.", "r": {"result": "Dipimpin oleh PDRC, mereka memulakan protes mereka pada November, marah dengan percubaan gagal kerajaannya untuk meluluskan rang undang-undang pengampunan yang akan membuka jalan untuk kembalinya Thaksin ke dalam pergaduhan politik secara bersungguh-sungguh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parliament was then dissolved in December ahead of a snap February general election that was disrupted by anti-government protesters, and subsequently ruled invalid by the Constitutional Court.", "r": {"result": "Parlimen kemudiannya dibubarkan pada Disember menjelang pilihan raya umum pada Februari yang diganggu gugat oleh penunjuk perasaan antikerajaan, dan kemudiannya diputuskan tidak sah oleh Mahkamah Perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The protesters are seeking a new government -- but not through elections, which the opposition Democrat Party has boycotted, arguing the alleged corruption of their political rivals makes widespread reform necessary before any meaningful vote can be held.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan mencari kerajaan baharu -- tetapi bukan melalui pilihan raya, yang telah diboikot oleh Parti Demokrat pembangkang, dengan alasan rasuah yang didakwa oleh pesaing politik mereka memerlukan pembaharuan yang meluas sebelum sebarang undian bermakna boleh diadakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They claim the Thaksin clan as they call (it) is corrupt and has dominated the country's politics, and the only way forward is to remove the Thaksin influence from politics and not have elections,\" said Quaglia.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka mendakwa puak Thaksin seperti yang mereka panggil (ia) korup dan telah menguasai politik negara, dan satu-satunya jalan ke hadapan ialah menghapuskan pengaruh Thaksin daripada politik dan tidak mengadakan pilihan raya,\u201d kata Quaglia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suthep, a former deputy prime minister for the Democrat Party, has instead called for power to be transferred to an unelected \"people's council\".", "r": {"result": "Suthep, bekas timbalan perdana menteri untuk Parti Demokrat, sebaliknya meminta kuasa dipindahkan kepada \"majlis rakyat\" yang tidak dipilih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Quaglia said the opposition's real motivation for avoiding elections was clear.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Quaglia berkata motivasi sebenar pembangkang untuk mengelak pilihan raya adalah jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Democrat Party say 'No, we can't have elections,' because they know they will lose those elections\".", "r": {"result": "\"Parti Demokrat berkata 'Tidak, kami tidak boleh mengadakan pilihan raya,' kerana mereka tahu mereka akan kalah dalam pilihan raya itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In contrast, the red shirt supporters of Yingluck and her brother, many of whom hail from the north and northeast of the country, accuse the court of bias against their side.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, penyokong baju merah Yingluck dan abangnya, yang kebanyakannya berasal dari utara dan timur laut negara itu, menuduh mahkamah berat sebelah terhadap pihak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "PDRC spokesman Akanat Phrompan told CNN his movement did not recognize the legitimacy of the caretaker government.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap PDRC Akanat Phrompan memberitahu CNN pergerakannya tidak mengiktiraf kesahihan kerajaan sementara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Currently there is no government to govern this country, so we must find a way to appoint a new government\".", "r": {"result": "\u201cPada masa ini tiada kerajaan untuk mentadbir negara ini, jadi kita mesti mencari jalan untuk melantik kerajaan baharu\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Breaking point'.", "r": {"result": "'Titik pecah'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8br\u0101kiNG \u02ccpoint"}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, the red shirts are planning their own rally in Bangkok Saturday to protest what Quaglia said they saw as \"a judicial coup\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, baju merah merancang perhimpunan mereka sendiri di Bangkok Sabtu untuk membantah apa yang dikatakan Quaglia yang mereka lihat sebagai \"rampasan kuasa kehakiman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the wake of the court's ruling Wednesday, supporters at the red shirts' Bangkok headquarters were defiant.", "r": {"result": "Susulan keputusan mahkamah hari Rabu, penyokong di ibu pejabat baju merah di Bangkok membangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the breaking point now, everything is leading up to the breaking point,\" Kanthira Ketawandee, a Bangkok piano teacher and Yingluck supporter told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah titik pecah sekarang, semuanya menuju ke titik pecah,\" Kanthira Ketawandee, seorang guru piano Bangkok dan penyokong Yingluck memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would say Yingluck has died (in) her duty for democracy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan katakan Yingluck telah mati (dalam) tugasnya untuk demokrasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thida Thavornset, a red shirt leader urged supporters to join Saturday's rally.", "r": {"result": "Thida Thavornset, seorang pemimpin baju merah menggesa penyokong untuk menyertai perhimpunan hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We won't give up until we win\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak akan berputus asa sehingga kami menang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elections are scheduled for July 20, but Thitinan said he believed it was \"unlikely\" that a vote would proceed in the wake of recent developments.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya dijadualkan pada 20 Julai, tetapi Thitinan berkata beliau percaya \"tidak mungkin\" pengundian akan diteruskan susulan perkembangan terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The PDRC appears intent on pressing on for an appointment government of its preference, which can only galvanize red shirt protests,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"PDRC nampaknya berhasrat untuk mendesak pelantikan kerajaan mengikut keutamaannya, yang hanya boleh mencetuskan bantahan baju merah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A showdown is looming\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perlawanan sedang berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A Scottish cardinal who had earlier challenged allegations of sexual impropriety -- claims that once again shined an international spotlight on alleged sexual abuse involving Roman Catholic clergy -- reversed course Sunday and apologized.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang kardinal Scotland yang sebelum ini mencabar dakwaan ketidakwajaran seksual -- mendakwa bahawa sekali lagi menyorot perhatian antarabangsa mengenai dakwaan penderaan seksual yang melibatkan paderi Katolik Rom -- mengubah haluan Ahad dan memohon maaf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wish to take this opportunity to admit that there have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal,\" Cardinal Keith O'Brien said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengakui bahawa ada kalanya kelakuan seksual saya telah jatuh di bawah standard yang diharapkan daripada saya sebagai seorang paderi, ketua biskop dan kardinal,\" kata Kardinal Keith O'Brien dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until days ago, O'Brien was the archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga beberapa hari yang lalu, O'Brien adalah ketua biskop St. Andrews dan Edinburgh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has been dogged by allegations he abused four men studying to be priests in the 1980s.", "r": {"result": "Dia tertekan dengan dakwaan dia mendera empat lelaki yang belajar menjadi imam pada 1980-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In recent days certain allegations which have been made against me have become public.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini beberapa dakwaan yang dibuat terhadap saya telah diketahui umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Initially, their anonymous and non-specific nature led me to contest them,\" O'Brien said.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya, sifat mereka tanpa nama dan tidak spesifik menyebabkan saya bertanding dengan mereka,\" kata O'Brien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To those I have offended, I apologize and ask forgiveness\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kepada mereka yang saya tersinggung, saya mohon maaf dan ampun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Brien, 74, also apologized to \"the Catholic Church and people of Scotland\".", "r": {"result": "O'Brien, 74, juga memohon maaf kepada \"Gereja Katolik dan rakyat Scotland\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He did not explain exactly what \"conduct\" he was referring to.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak menjelaskan dengan tepat apa \"kelakuan\" yang dia maksudkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Brien told Pope Benedict XVI in November that he would resign effective his upcoming birthday, on March 17. But Benedict decided to make the resignation effective immediately in light of the pope's imminent resignation, the Scottish Catholic Media Office said.", "r": {"result": "O'Brien memberitahu Pope Benedict XVI pada November bahawa dia akan meletak jawatan berkuat kuasa hari lahirnya yang akan datang, pada 17 Mac. Tetapi Benedict memutuskan untuk membuat peletakan jawatan itu berkuat kuasa serta-merta memandangkan peletakan jawatan yang akan berlaku, kata Pejabat Media Katolik Scotland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to his biography on his archdiocese's website, O'Brien asked to step down in light of his \"approaching ... 75th birthday (and) health concerns\".", "r": {"result": "Menurut biografinya di laman web keuskupan agungnya, O'Brien meminta untuk berundur kerana \"mendekati ... hari jadinya yang ke-75 (dan) kebimbangan kesihatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, he had been thrust into the ongoing story about sexual abuse in the church after the British newspaper The Observer reported that three priests and one former priest, as long as 30 years ago, had accused O'Brien.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, dia telah dilemparkan ke dalam cerita berterusan mengenai penderaan seksual di gereja selepas akhbar British The Observer melaporkan bahawa tiga paderi dan seorang bekas paderi, sejak 30 tahun lalu, telah menuduh O'Brien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Observer did not recount the details of the claims or identify the men but said one of the priests alleged \"the cardinal developed an inappropriate relationship with him\".", "r": {"result": "Pemerhati tidak menceritakan butiran tuntutan atau mengenal pasti lelaki itu tetapi berkata salah seorang paderi mendakwa \"kardinal itu menjalin hubungan yang tidak sesuai dengannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Scottish Catholic Media Office said then that O'Brien contested the claims and was \"taking legal advice\".", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Media Katolik Scotland berkata bahawa O'Brien membantah dakwaan itu dan \"mengambil nasihat undang-undang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same office released O'Brien's new statement on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat yang sama mengeluarkan kenyataan baru O'Brien pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Born in Northern Ireland, O'Brien moved to Scotland as a child, graduating in 1959 from the University of Edinburgh.", "r": {"result": "Dilahirkan di Ireland Utara, O'Brien berpindah ke Scotland sebagai seorang kanak-kanak, menamatkan pengajian pada tahun 1959 dari Universiti Edinburgh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ordained as a priest six years later at age 29, he later held various positions -- including as a math and science teacher, as well as rector and spiritual director -- at schools in Scotland, in addition to working as a priest.", "r": {"result": "Ditahbiskan sebagai imam enam tahun kemudian pada usia 29 tahun, beliau kemudiannya memegang pelbagai jawatan -- termasuk sebagai guru matematik dan sains, serta rektor dan pengarah rohani -- di sekolah-sekolah di Scotland, selain bekerja sebagai imam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was named archbishop in 1985 and became a cardinal 18 years later.", "r": {"result": "Beliau dinamakan biskop agung pada tahun 1985 dan menjadi kardinal 18 tahun kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, meanwhile, is facing fresh attention over what role he may have played in the cover-up of sexual abuse by priests.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Kardinal Roger Mahony dari Los Angeles, sedang menghadapi perhatian baru mengenai peranan yang mungkin dimainkannya dalam menutup penderaan seksual oleh paderi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Vatican has also been plagued by another scandal in recent days, as Benedict was ending his papacy.", "r": {"result": "Vatican juga telah dibelenggu oleh satu lagi skandal dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, kerana Benedict menamatkan pemerintahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two Italian publications said Benedict, 85, resigned not because of his advanced age but because of a brewing scandal over the blackmail of gay priests by male prostitutes in Rome.", "r": {"result": "Dua penerbitan Itali berkata Benedict, 85, meletak jawatan bukan kerana usianya yang lanjut tetapi kerana skandal yang memuncak berhubung pemerasan paderi gay oleh pelacur lelaki di Rom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Benedict received a 300-page report in December detailing the possible blackmail, la Repubblica newspaper and the Panorama news weekly reported, citing an unidentified senior Vatican official and dozens of unnamed sources.", "r": {"result": "Benedict menerima laporan 300 muka surat pada Disember yang memperincikan kemungkinan pemerasan, akhbar la Repubblica dan berita mingguan Panorama melaporkan, memetik seorang pegawai kanan Vatican yang tidak dikenali dan berpuluh-puluh sumber yang tidak dinamakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Vatican emphatically denied the allegations, with Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone criticizing a rash of \"often unverified, unverifiable or completely false news stories\" as the cardinals prepare for their conclave to select a new pope.", "r": {"result": "Vatican dengan tegas menafikan dakwaan itu, dengan Setiausaha Negara Tarcisio Bertone mengkritik \"berita berita yang sering tidak disahkan, tidak dapat disahkan atau benar-benar palsu\" ketika para kardinal bersiap sedia untuk konklaf mereka untuk memilih paus baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Matt Smith, Laura Smith-Spark, Greg Botelho and Hada Messia contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Matt Smith dari CNN, Laura Smith-Spark, Greg Botelho dan Hada Messia menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Judging solely by the headlines, one might conclude that China's economy is finally starting to hit a wall.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Berdasarkan tajuk berita semata-mata, seseorang mungkin membuat kesimpulan bahawa ekonomi China akhirnya mula mencecah tembok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After several decades of near double-digit annual growth, gross domestic product rose by a relatively cool 7.5% in this year's first half.", "r": {"result": "Selepas beberapa dekad pertumbuhan tahunan hampir dua angka, keluaran dalam negara kasar meningkat sebanyak 7.5% yang agak sejuk pada separuh pertama tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Property prices are down.", "r": {"result": "Harga hartanah turun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So is investment in factory capacity and real estate.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga pelaburan dalam kapasiti kilang dan hartanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But companies that interpret slower GDP growth to mean that business opportunities in China and other emerging markets will begin to fade are making a serious mistake.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi syarikat yang mentafsir pertumbuhan KDNK yang lebih perlahan bermakna bahawa peluang perniagaan di China dan pasaran baru muncul yang lain akan mula pudar adalah membuat kesilapan yang serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The consumer class is still growing rapidly in key emerging markets, and the competition from savvy, extremely capable domestic companies is intensifying.", "r": {"result": "Kelas pengguna masih berkembang pesat dalam pasaran baru muncul utama, dan persaingan daripada syarikat domestik yang bijak dan berkebolehan semakin sengit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In China's case, the lower GDP growth rate actually reflects an important structural shift in the economy -- from growth that is driven by extraordinarily high fixed investment fueled by loans from government-owned banks to growth that is driven by private consumption.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes China, kadar pertumbuhan KDNK yang lebih rendah sebenarnya mencerminkan anjakan struktur penting dalam ekonomi -- daripada pertumbuhan yang didorong oleh pelaburan tetap yang luar biasa tinggi yang didorong oleh pinjaman daripada bank milik kerajaan kepada pertumbuhan yang didorong oleh penggunaan swasta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This transition has been a top goal of the Chinese leadership as it seeks more balanced and sustainable economic growth.", "r": {"result": "Peralihan ini telah menjadi matlamat utama kepimpinan China kerana ia mencari pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih seimbang dan mampan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China illustrates an important phenomenon found in many emerging markets.", "r": {"result": "China menggambarkan fenomena penting yang terdapat dalam banyak pasaran baru muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What many gloomy economic reports miss is that private consumption continues to rise.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang terlepas daripada banyak laporan ekonomi yang suram ialah penggunaan swasta terus meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is fueled by steady, rapid growth in the country's middle-class and affluent households, which in China we at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) regard as having annual disposable incomes of at least $12,500. Since 2010, people living in middle-class and affluent households surged from 10% of China's population to 25%.", "r": {"result": "Ini didorong oleh pertumbuhan yang mantap dan pesat dalam isi rumah kelas pertengahan dan mewah negara, yang di China kami di The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) menganggap sebagai mempunyai pendapatan boleh guna tahunan sekurang-kurangnya $12,500. Sejak 2010, orang yang tinggal dalam isi rumah kelas pertengahan dan mewah melonjak daripada 10% penduduk China kepada 25%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In just another three years, this share is projected to leap to 35%, according to BCG analysis.", "r": {"result": "Hanya dalam tempoh tiga tahun lagi, bahagian ini diunjurkan melonjak kepada 35%, menurut analisis BCG.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the sharpest consumption growth in China is occurring among the upper middle class, which we classify as households with annual disposable household incomes of $25,000 to $50,000. The population in this income segment has been has been rising 12% annually.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada pertumbuhan penggunaan paling mendadak di China berlaku dalam kalangan kelas pertengahan atas, yang kami klasifikasikan sebagai isi rumah dengan pendapatan isi rumah boleh guna tahunan antara $25,000 hingga $50,000. Penduduk dalam segmen pendapatan ini telah meningkat 12% setiap tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Astonishingly, Chinese upper middle class are projected to account for 5% of global consumption by 2020. These consumers are the sweet spot for many international companies because they tend to sharply accelerate their consumption in such product categories as automobiles, premium personal-care products, fresh foods, financial services, and travel.", "r": {"result": "Anehnya, kelas menengah atas China diunjurkan menyumbang 5% daripada penggunaan global menjelang 2020. Pengguna ini adalah tempat yang menarik bagi kebanyakan syarikat antarabangsa kerana mereka cenderung mempercepatkan penggunaan mereka secara mendadak dalam kategori produk seperti kereta, produk penjagaan diri premium, makanan segar, perkhidmatan kewangan dan perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While companies like the e-commerce giant Alibaba generate the most buzz, it is only one of many innovative companies prospering from the rapid growth of China's middle class.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun syarikat seperti gergasi e-dagang Alibaba menjana paling ramai, ia hanyalah satu daripada banyak syarikat inovatif yang berkembang pesat daripada pertumbuhan pesat kelas pertengahan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At BCG, we have been tracking a particularly impressive group of hard-charging competitors that we refer to as \"local dynamos\" -- emerging market-based companies that are staying home and conquering their domestic markets.", "r": {"result": "Di BCG, kami telah menjejaki kumpulan pesaing yang sangat mengagumkan yang kami rujuk sebagai \"dinamo tempatan\" -- syarikat berasaskan pasaran baru muncul yang tinggal di rumah dan menakluki pasaran domestik mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dynamos move at breathtaking speed, have formidable business models for catering to local consumers, are highly adaptable and are remarkably adept at taking advantage of digital technologies.", "r": {"result": "Dinamo bergerak pada kelajuan yang menakjubkan, mempunyai model perniagaan yang menggerunkan untuk memenuhi keperluan pengguna tempatan, sangat mudah menyesuaikan diri dan sangat mahir dalam memanfaatkan teknologi digital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have averaged compound annual revenue growth of 28% annually over the past four years, compared with 5% annual growth among S&P 500 companies.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mempunyai purata pertumbuhan hasil tahunan kompaun sebanyak 28% setiap tahun dalam tempoh empat tahun yang lalu, berbanding pertumbuhan tahunan 5% di kalangan syarikat S&P 500.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleven of the 50 dynamos that we identified globally in a recent report are consumer goods companies -- more than from any other sector.", "r": {"result": "Sebelas daripada 50 dinamo yang kami kenal pasti secara global dalam laporan baru-baru ini ialah syarikat barangan pengguna -- lebih daripada mana-mana sektor lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This reflects the opportunities created by surging consumption in emerging markets.", "r": {"result": "Ini mencerminkan peluang yang dicipta oleh penggunaan yang meningkat dalam pasaran baru muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten of the 50 are based in China.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh daripada 50 berpangkalan di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They span sectors from banking and food retailing to consumer electronics.", "r": {"result": "Mereka merangkumi sektor daripada perbankan dan peruncitan makanan kepada elektronik pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Home Inns & Hotels Management illustrates how Chinese dynamos can operate successfully while moving at warp speed.", "r": {"result": "Pengurusan Rumah Penginapan & Hotel menggambarkan cara dinamo China boleh beroperasi dengan jayanya sambil bergerak pada kelajuan meledingkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Home Inns saw a huge opportunity in the underserved and highly fragmented market for budget hotels.", "r": {"result": "Home Inns melihat peluang besar dalam pasaran yang kurang mendapat perkhidmatan dan sangat berpecah-belah untuk hotel bajet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From 2008 to 2013, it increased its number of hotels from 500 to more than 2,000, in part through an aggressive strategy of franchising.", "r": {"result": "Dari 2008 hingga 2013, ia meningkatkan bilangan hotelnya daripada 500 kepada lebih 2,000, sebahagiannya melalui strategi agresif francais.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also boosted the number of cities served from fewer than 100 to 300. With revenues of $1 billion in 2013, Home Inns controls nearly 25% of China's branded economy-hotel segment.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga meningkatkan bilangan bandar yang berkhidmat daripada kurang daripada 100 kepada 300. Dengan hasil sebanyak $1 bilion pada 2013, Home Inns mengawal hampir 25% segmen hotel ekonomi berjenama China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xiaomi, another dynamo, demonstrates the digital prowess of China's new breed of consumer-product companies.", "r": {"result": "Xiaomi, satu lagi dinamo, menunjukkan kehebatan digital syarikat produk pengguna baharu China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xiaomi relies entirely on e-commerce to sell its affordable smart phones, which are priced at between $100 and $300.", "r": {"result": "Xiaomi bergantung sepenuhnya pada e-dagang untuk menjual telefon pintar mampu miliknya, yang berharga antara $100 dan $300.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To reach China's Internet-crazed youth, Xiaomi uses a variety of popular social media to extensively market its products and solicit customer feedback, which it incorporates when designing and improving its devices.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menjangkau golongan muda China yang gila Internet, Xiaomi menggunakan pelbagai media sosial popular untuk memasarkan produknya secara meluas dan mendapatkan maklum balas pelanggan, yang digabungkannya semasa mereka bentuk dan menambah baik perantinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After just three years in operation, Xiaomi reached $5 billion in revenue in 2013 and sold more smartphones in China -- nearly 19 million -- than Apple.", "r": {"result": "Selepas hanya tiga tahun beroperasi, Xiaomi mencapai pendapatan $5 bilion pada 2013 dan menjual lebih banyak telefon pintar di China -- hampir 19 juta -- berbanding Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xiaomi passed Samsung in the second quarter of 2014 as China's top smartphone brand.", "r": {"result": "Xiaomi melepasi Samsung pada suku kedua 2014 sebagai jenama telefon pintar terkemuka China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even if companies have little interest in the China market, the local dynamos should be on their radar because they are potential future global competitors.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun syarikat mempunyai sedikit minat dalam pasaran China, dinamo tempatan harus berada dalam radar mereka kerana mereka adalah pesaing global masa depan yang berpotensi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A number of companies on BCG's 2014 list of \"global challengers\" -- fast-growing companies based in emerging markets that are becoming global leaders or have the potential to do so -- have followed the path of leveraging their dominance in domestic markets to go global.", "r": {"result": "Sebilangan syarikat dalam senarai \"pencabar global\" BCG 2014 -- syarikat yang berkembang pesat berpangkalan di pasaran baru muncul yang menjadi peneraju global atau berpotensi untuk berbuat demikian -- telah mengikuti laluan untuk memanfaatkan penguasaan mereka dalam pasaran domestik untuk pergi global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twenty-nine of the 100 challengers on the 2014 list are Chinese, including appliance maker Haeir Group, automaker Geely International, and medical device producer Mindray Medical International.", "r": {"result": "Dua puluh sembilan daripada 100 pencabar dalam senarai 2014 adalah orang Cina, termasuk pembuat perkakas Haeir Group, pembuat kereta Geely International, dan pengeluar peranti perubatan Mindray Medical International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prominent examples from other emerging markets are Chilean wine maker Concho y Toro, Chinese appliance marker Haier Group, Mexican cellular phone giant America Movil, Philippines fast-food conglomerate Jolibee, and Indian vehicle companies Bajaj Auto and Mehindra & Mehindra.", "r": {"result": "Contoh terkenal daripada pasaran baru muncul yang lain ialah pembuat wain Chile Concho y Toro, penanda perkakas China Haier Group, gergasi telefon selular Mexico America Movil, konglomerat makanan segera Filipina Jolibee, dan syarikat kenderaan India Bajaj Auto dan Mehindra & Mehindra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether one sees China and other emerging markets as the world's biggest growth opportunities -- or as the source of potential threat -- don't let slower GDP statistics distract you into pulling back.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada seseorang melihat China dan pasaran baru muncul lain sebagai peluang pertumbuhan terbesar di dunia -- atau sebagai sumber potensi ancaman -- jangan biarkan statistik KDNK yang lebih perlahan mengalihkan perhatian anda untuk berundur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The battle for a share of the growing consumer class is underway now and will grow more fierce.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran untuk bahagian kelas pengguna yang semakin meningkat sedang berlangsung sekarang dan akan menjadi lebih sengit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read this: The 10 hottest startups in Asia.", "r": {"result": "Baca ini: 10 syarikat permulaan paling hangat di Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read this: Want to get rich?", "r": {"result": "Baca ini: Ingin menjadi kaya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Move here!", "r": {"result": "Pindah ke sini!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More from Virtual Think Tank.", "r": {"result": "Lagi daripada Virtual Think Tank.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Jeff Walters.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Jeff Walters.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "SHANGHAI, China (CNN) -- Natalie Williams, a 21-year-old Special Olympics basketball player from Kentucky, says she's never really been treated like a true athletic star.", "r": {"result": "SHANGHAI, China (CNN) -- Natalie Williams, pemain bola keranjang Sukan Olimpik Khas berusia 21 tahun dari Kentucky, berkata dia tidak pernah benar-benar dilayan seperti bintang olahraga sejati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that was before she came to the Games in China, which has undergone a major change in its treatment of the mentally disabled.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi itu sebelum dia datang ke Sukan di China, yang telah mengalami perubahan besar dalam layanannya terhadap orang kurang upaya mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong's Special Olympics team marches into the stadium during last week's opening ceremony.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Olimpik Khas Hong Kong berarak ke stadium semasa upacara pembukaan minggu lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are able to accept special needs people in a way that maybe some other countries do not,\" Williams says.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka dapat menerima orang berkeperluan khas dengan cara yang mungkin tidak diterima oleh beberapa negara lain,\" kata Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, organizers rolled out the red carpet for athletes arriving at the Special Olympics in Shanghai, China.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, penganjur melancarkan permaidani merah untuk atlet yang tiba di Sukan Olimpik Khas di Shanghai, China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Never before in the 39-year history of the Special Olympics has there been such an extravagant, star-studded opening ceremony.", "r": {"result": "Tidak pernah sebelum ini dalam sejarah 39 tahun Sukan Olimpik Khas terdapat majlis perasmian yang sangat mewah dan penuh bintang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And everywhere in this city, there are billboards with the smiling faces of the mentally disabled promoting the Games.", "r": {"result": "Dan di mana-mana di bandar ini, terdapat papan iklan dengan wajah tersenyum orang kurang upaya mental yang mempromosikan Sukan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China spent millions ensuring the 7,500 competitors are cared for -- and more importantly accepted.", "r": {"result": "China membelanjakan berjuta-juta untuk memastikan 7,500 pesaing dijaga -- dan yang lebih penting diterima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch 'This is a highlight to their lives' >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton 'Ini adalah kemuncak kehidupan mereka' >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's quite a turnaround for a country whose leadership, less than 20 years ago, refused to even acknowledge any of their citizens were intellectually disabled.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah perubahan yang agak besar bagi sebuah negara yang kepimpinannya, kurang daripada 20 tahun lalu, enggan mengakui mana-mana rakyat mereka cacat dari segi intelek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, former Prime Minister Li Peng was quoted as saying, \"Mentally retarded people give birth to idiots\".", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, bekas Perdana Menteri Li Peng dipetik sebagai berkata, \"Orang terencat akal melahirkan orang bodoh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a long way to go -- there's a long way.", "r": {"result": "\"Perjalanan masih panjang -- masih jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the good news is we're moving,\" says Tim Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi berita baiknya ialah kami bergerak,\" kata Tim Shriver, pengerusi Sukan Olimpik Khas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China's transformation is so far mostly from the top down, beginning with no less than President Hu Jintao whose presence at the Opening Ceremony was particularly notable.", "r": {"result": "Transformasi China setakat ini kebanyakannya dari atas ke bawah, bermula dengan tidak kurang daripada Presiden Hu Jintao yang kehadirannya di Majlis Perasmian amat ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See photos of the opening ceremony >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat gambar majlis perasmian >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also notable was the president's visit to one of Shanghai's \"Sunshine Homes\" this month.", "r": {"result": "Turut ketara ialah lawatan presiden ke salah satu \"Sunshine Homes\" Shanghai bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shelters are a direct result of this city winning the rights five years ago to host the Special Olympics.", "r": {"result": "Tempat perlindungan itu adalah hasil langsung daripada bandar ini memenangi hak lima tahun lalu untuk menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Olimpik Khas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back then, officials quickly realized their treatment of the city's 70,000 mentally disabled was woefully inadequate.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, pegawai dengan cepat menyedari layanan mereka terhadap 70,000 orang kurang upaya mental di bandar itu adalah amat tidak mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now there are 240 Sunshine Homes spread across this sprawling city, caring for about 15,000 of those most in need, like 25-year-old Chen Xiaohan.", "r": {"result": "Kini terdapat 240 Sunshine Homes tersebar di seluruh bandar yang luas ini, menjaga kira-kira 15,000 daripada mereka yang paling memerlukan, seperti Chen Xiaohan yang berusia 25 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She still struggles to speak with strangers, but her parents boast of her many achievements since enrolling a year ago.", "r": {"result": "Dia masih bergelut untuk bercakap dengan orang yang tidak dikenali, tetapi ibu bapanya berbangga dengan banyak pencapaiannya sejak mendaftar setahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xiaohan can make her own bed, walk to school and is learning piano.", "r": {"result": "Xiaohan boleh mengemas katilnya sendiri, berjalan ke sekolah dan sedang belajar piano.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But more notable, says her father, Chen Zhixiang, is the change in recent years in the way his daughter is treated by neighbors.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi yang lebih ketara, kata bapanya, Chen Zhixiang, ialah perubahan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini dalam cara anak perempuannya dilayan oleh jiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If in the past you looked down on them and now you still look down, it only proves your thinking is bad.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJika dahulu anda memandang rendah kepada mereka dan kini masih memandang rendah, itu hanya membuktikan pemikiran anda buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now when our neighbors see her, they're very nice.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang apabila jiran kita melihatnya, mereka sangat baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They ask, 'Chen Xiaohan, how are you today?", "r": {"result": "Mereka bertanya, 'Chen Xiaohan, apa khabar hari ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' There isn't any more discrimination\".", "r": {"result": "' Tidak ada lagi diskriminasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Special Olympics may have been a watershed moment for China's mentally disabled, but perhaps a breakthrough came a few years earlier, when Special Olympian Judy Yang appeared in a splashy spread on the front cover of a mainstream teen-age magazine.", "r": {"result": "Sukan Olimpik Khas mungkin menjadi detik penting bagi orang kurang upaya mental di China, tetapi mungkin satu kejayaan berlaku beberapa tahun lebih awal, apabila Olimpik Khas Judy Yang muncul dalam taburan heboh di muka depan majalah remaja arus perdana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Photogenic and well-spoken, Yang has been an unofficial ambassador of sorts and, after her magazine debut, she noticed a real shift in how the Chinese related to the disabled.", "r": {"result": "Fotogenik dan bertutur kata yang baik, Yang telah menjadi duta tidak rasmi dan, selepas penampilan pertama majalahnya, dia menyedari perubahan sebenar dalam cara orang Cina berhubung dengan orang kurang upaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of people are accepting now.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRamai yang menerima sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're willing to be friends, to let their children play with one another, and they can learn from each other as well\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka sanggup berkawan, membiarkan anak-anak mereka bermain antara satu sama lain, dan mereka juga boleh belajar daripada satu sama lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That may be true in China's biggest, richest and most Western city, Shanghai, but in the countryside not much appears to have changed.", "r": {"result": "Itu mungkin benar di bandar terbesar, terkaya dan paling Barat di China, Shanghai, tetapi di kawasan luar bandar nampaknya tidak banyak yang berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Intellectually disabled children that are hard to manage are often locked in caged rooms.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak kurang upaya intelek yang sukar diurus selalunya dikurung dalam bilik sangkar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Humanitarian officials say stories of doctors recommending disabled children be killed at birth are common.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai kemanusiaan mengatakan kisah doktor mengesyorkan kanak-kanak kurang upaya dibunuh semasa lahir adalah perkara biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, programs like Sunshine Homes are almost unheard of outside of Shanghai and caring for the almost 13 million intellectually disabled in China remains a major challenge.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, program seperti Sunshine Homes hampir tidak pernah didengari di luar Shanghai dan menjaga hampir 13 juta orang kurang upaya intelek di China kekal sebagai cabaran utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this year, authorities exposed a human trafficking ring selling young men, many of them intellectually disabled, to work in brick kilns.", "r": {"result": "Awal tahun ini, pihak berkuasa mendedahkan kumpulan pemerdagangan manusia yang menjual lelaki muda, kebanyakan mereka kurang upaya dari segi intelek, untuk bekerja di tanur bata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Neglect and discrimination is still quite prevalent.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPengabaian dan diskriminasi masih berleluasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People tend to be ashamed of children with disabilities.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai cenderung malu dengan kanak-kanak kurang upaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They tend to hide them away.", "r": {"result": "Mereka cenderung untuk menyembunyikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They tend not to let them have access to schooling or education,\" says Yin Yin Nwe, the head of UNICEF in China.", "r": {"result": "Mereka cenderung untuk tidak membenarkan mereka mendapat akses kepada persekolahan atau pendidikan,\" kata Yin Yin Nwe, ketua UNICEF di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Nwe is optimistic.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Nwe optimis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As China's economy grows, she said she thinks the government will continue to devote more resources to the country's weakest and most vulnerable.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ekonomi China berkembang, beliau berkata beliau berpendapat kerajaan akan terus menumpukan lebih banyak sumber kepada negara yang paling lemah dan paling terdedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Former NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw is being treated for cancer, but doctors are very encouraged by the progress he is making, NBC said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bekas pembawa berita NBC Tom Brokaw sedang dirawat kerana kanser, tetapi doktor sangat digalakkan dengan kemajuan yang dia buat, kata NBC pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brokaw, 74, was \"diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer affecting blood cells in the bone marrow, in August at the Mayo Clinic,\" the network said.", "r": {"result": "Brokaw, 74, \"diagnosa menghidap multiple myeloma, kanser yang menjejaskan sel darah dalam sumsum tulang, pada Ogos di Mayo Clinic,\" kata rangkaian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"His doctors are optimistic about the outcome of the treatment he is receiving, and Brokaw said he remains 'the luckiest guy I know,'\" it said.", "r": {"result": "\"Doktornya optimis tentang hasil rawatan yang dia terima, dan Brokaw berkata dia kekal sebagai 'lelaki paling bertuah yang saya kenal,'\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brokaw sat in the anchor chair of the \"NBC Nightly News\" from 1982 until he stepped aside in 2004 to serve as a special correspondent for the network.", "r": {"result": "Brokaw duduk di kerusi utama \"NBC Nightly News\" dari tahun 1982 sehingga dia mengundurkan diri pada tahun 2004 untuk berkhidmat sebagai wartawan khas untuk rangkaian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He joined NBC as a reporter in 1966.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menyertai NBC sebagai wartawan pada tahun 1966.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Throughout the treatment, Brokaw has continued to work on NBC News projects, including a two-hour documentary on the assassination of JFK, appearances on 'TODAY,' 'Nightly News with Brian Williams,' 'Meet the Press' and MSNBC,\" the announcement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sepanjang rawatan, Brokaw terus mengusahakan projek NBC News, termasuk dokumentari selama dua jam mengenai pembunuhan JFK, penampilan di 'TODAY,' 'Nightly News with Brian Williams,' 'Meet the Press' dan MSNBC,\" kata pengumuman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is also contributing to NBC Sports coverage of the Winter Olympics in Sochi\".", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau juga menyumbang kepada liputan Sukan NBC mengenai Sukan Olimpik Musim Sejuk di Sochi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brokaw: Risks and rewards from warzone reporting.", "r": {"result": "Brokaw: Risiko dan ganjaran daripada pelaporan zon perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The NBC release included a personal quote from Brokaw.", "r": {"result": "Keluaran NBC termasuk petikan peribadi daripada Brokaw.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With the exceptional support of my family, medical team and friends, I am very optimistic about the future and look forward to continuing my life, my work and adventures still to come,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDengan sokongan luar biasa daripada keluarga, pasukan perubatan dan rakan-rakan saya, saya sangat optimistik tentang masa depan dan berharap untuk meneruskan kehidupan saya, kerja dan pengembaraan saya yang akan datang,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I remain the luckiest guy I know\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tetap lelaki paling bertuah yang saya kenal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brokaw said in a 2012 interview with CNN that the death of ABC news anchor Peter Jennings from lung cancer in 2005 \"really affirmed my decision\" to retire.", "r": {"result": "Brokaw berkata dalam wawancara 2012 dengan CNN bahawa kematian penyair berita ABC Peter Jennings akibat kanser paru-paru pada 2005 \"benar-benar mengesahkan keputusan saya\" untuk bersara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The line that you don't know anybody near death who says 'Gee, I wish I had spent more time at the office,'\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Barisan yang anda tidak kenali sesiapa yang hampir mati yang berkata 'Ya, saya harap saya menghabiskan lebih banyak masa di pejabat,'\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's kind of how I felt.", "r": {"result": "\"Begitulah perasaan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wanted to be free to do things that I care about, and not worry about whether or not it was a rating period or I have to rush back to the studio to be on air\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mahu bebas melakukan perkara yang saya minat, dan tidak bimbang sama ada ia adalah tempoh penarafan atau saya perlu bergegas kembali ke studio untuk disiarkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leonard Nimoy diagnosed with lung disease.", "r": {"result": "Leonard Nimoy disahkan menghidap penyakit paru-paru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir (CNN) -- A massive explosion has struck a highway overpass near the Indian-controlled Kashmir government's main building, injuring 17 people, according to police.", "r": {"result": "SRINAGAR, Kashmir yang dikuasai India (CNN) -- Satu letupan besar telah melanda sebuah jejantas lebuh raya berhampiran bangunan utama kerajaan Kashmir yang dikawal India, mencederakan 17 orang, menurut polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A large bomb rigged to a highway overpass in Indian-controlled Kashmir exploded injuring at least 17 people.", "r": {"result": "Bom besar yang dicurangi ke jejantas lebuh raya di Kashmir yang dikuasai India meletup mencederakan sekurang-kurangnya 17 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blast hit a highway overpass near the Civil Secretariat, the region's seat of government, and its high court complex, senior police official M.B. Nathyeal said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Letupan itu melanda jejantas lebuh raya berhampiran Sekretariat Awam, pusat pemerintahan wilayah itu, dan kompleks mahkamah tingginya, pegawai kanan polis M.B. Nathyeal berkata pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of the injuries were serious, the attending physician at the hospital said.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kecederaan serius, kata doktor yang merawat di hospital itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is unclear if the explosion, which happened around 6 p.m. local time (1230 GMT), was the result of a car bomb or a pre-planted roadside bomb, Nathyeal said.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada letupan yang berlaku sekitar jam 6 petang itu. waktu tempatan (1230 GMT), adalah akibat bom kereta atau bom tepi jalan yang telah ditanam sebelumnya, kata Nathyeal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, which damaged part of the highway overpass and shattered the windows of nearby buildings and vehicles.", "r": {"result": "Tiada sesiapa mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan itu, yang merosakkan sebahagian jejantas lebuh raya dan memecahkan tingkap bangunan dan kenderaan berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- \"So when I was driving down this hilly, windy road in Malibu, I really went to a dark place and thought, 'You know, I could turn right [over the side of the canyon] and no one would know.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- \"Jadi semasa saya memandu menuruni jalan berbukit dan berangin di Malibu ini, saya benar-benar pergi ke tempat yang gelap dan berfikir, 'Anda tahu, saya boleh membelok ke kanan [di sebelah ngarai] dan tiada siapa yang tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It would look like an accident,' \" remembers Jim Moret, the chief correspondent for \"Inside Edition\" and a former CNN anchor.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan kelihatan seperti kemalangan,' \" ingat Jim Moret, ketua koresponden untuk \"Edisi Dalam\" dan bekas sauh CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My wife would get $3 million of insurance.", "r": {"result": "\"Isteri saya akan mendapat $3 juta insurans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It would solve all of our problems.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menyelesaikan semua masalah kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course the big problem wouldn't be solved because I would be dead\".", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu masalah besar itu tidak akan selesai kerana saya akan mati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ironically, after 2 1/2 years without a full-time job, the veteran newsman had finally found work with \"Inside Edition,\" but an upside-down mortgage and a mountain of debt fueled by subprime loans had brought him to a financial meltdown.", "r": {"result": "Ironinya, selepas 2 1/2 tahun tanpa kerja sepenuh masa, wartawan veteran itu akhirnya mendapat kerja dengan \"Edisi Dalam\", tetapi gadai janji terbalik dan hutang yang tinggi yang didorong oleh pinjaman subprima telah membawanya kepada kemerosotan kewangan. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It had him literally staring into the abyss of suicide.", "r": {"result": "Ia membuatkan dia benar-benar merenung ke dalam jurang bunuh diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whether your home is worth $150,000 or $5 million,\" he writes, \"the real prospect of losing everything you have worked your entire life to achieve is devastating and utterly demoralizing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sama ada rumah anda bernilai $150,000 atau $5 juta,\" tulisnya, \"prospek sebenar kehilangan semua yang anda telah bekerja sepanjang hidup anda untuk dicapai adalah memusnahkan dan melemahkan semangat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like George Bailey in the movie \"It's a Wonderful Life,\" it had occurred to him that financially, he was worth more dead than alive.", "r": {"result": "Seperti George Bailey dalam filem \"It's a Wonderful Life,\" dia terfikir bahawa dari segi kewangan, dia lebih bernilai mati daripada hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when he thought about his family, he pulled back from the precipice and got to thinking, \"What if I had one day left, how would I view life?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila dia memikirkan tentang keluarganya, dia berundur dari jurang dan mula berfikir, \"Bagaimana jika saya mempunyai satu hari lagi, bagaimana saya akan melihat kehidupan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's important?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang penting?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What would I value?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang akan saya nilai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How do I look at friendship and love and gratitude and laughter and music and forgiveness and adventure?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah saya melihat persahabatan dan kasih sayang dan kesyukuran dan ketawa dan muzik dan pengampunan dan pengembaraan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And none of those things had anything to do with money.", "r": {"result": "Dan tiada satu pun perkara itu ada kaitan dengan wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Money was the root of my desperation\".", "r": {"result": "Wang adalah punca keputusasaan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moret didn't seek professional help.", "r": {"result": "Moret tidak mendapatkan bantuan profesional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Writing was his therapy, he says, so with his wife's encouragement, he wrote about the experience and the life-changing insights it gave him.", "r": {"result": "Menulis adalah terapinya, katanya, jadi dengan dorongan isterinya, dia menulis tentang pengalaman dan pandangan yang mengubah hidup yang diberikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as he got further into it, it dawned on him: \"Wow.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila dia semakin mendalaminya, dia tersedar: \"Wah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I just might have a book here\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mungkin ada buku di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The final result is \"The Last Day of My Life,\" which Moret calls an \"inspirational memoir\".", "r": {"result": "Keputusan akhir ialah \"Hari Terakhir dalam Hidup Saya,\" yang Moret panggil sebagai \"memoir inspirasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the 20 or so chapters, if you can find one or two or three that you can relate to, then I feel wonderful, because the idea is that you can see yourself through my story.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam 20 bab atau lebih, jika anda boleh menemui satu atau dua atau tiga yang anda boleh kaitkan, maka saya berasa hebat, kerana ideanya ialah anda boleh melihat diri anda melalui cerita saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm telling you what my choices were and what I choose to feel is important and then I ask you a question at the end of many chapters.", "r": {"result": "Saya memberitahu anda apa pilihan saya dan apa yang saya pilih untuk rasa adalah penting dan kemudian saya bertanyakan soalan kepada anda di penghujung banyak bab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who would you apologize to if this were your last day?", "r": {"result": "Kepada siapa anda akan meminta maaf jika ini adalah hari terakhir anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who would you forgive?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang akan anda maafkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those two things there are really powerful and heavy statements and questions and it's difficult to forgive somebody who's wronged you\".", "r": {"result": "Dua perkara di sana adalah kenyataan dan soalan yang kuat dan berat dan sukar untuk memaafkan seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan kepada anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moret deals with the issue of forgiveness in the chapter on his troubled relationship with his biological father, \"Gidget\" star James Darren, who legally renounced his parental rights when Moret was 13. Moret writes candidly about the feelings of abandonment it caused and his quest to forgive his dad.", "r": {"result": "Moret memperkatakan isu pengampunan dalam bab mengenai hubungannya yang bermasalah dengan bapa kandungnya, bintang \"Gidget\" James Darren, yang secara sah melepaskan hak keibubapaannya ketika Moret berusia 13 tahun. Moret menulis secara terang-terangan tentang perasaan ditinggalkannya dan usahanya untuk memaafkan ayahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you're not completely honest in a book like this, then the book is devalued considerably.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda tidak benar-benar jujur dalam buku seperti ini, maka buku itu direndahkan dengan ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's worthless.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak bernilai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've put everything out there\".", "r": {"result": "Saya telah meletakkan segala-galanya di sana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moret says he and his family are still hanging on and haven't lost their home yet, but moving \"is not as big a deal to me anymore\".", "r": {"result": "Moret berkata dia dan keluarganya masih bertahan dan masih belum kehilangan rumah, tetapi berpindah \"bukan masalah besar bagi saya lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you look at every day as if it's your last, and treat every day as if it's your last, you can kind of reset your clock every day.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda melihat setiap hari seolah-olah ia adalah yang terakhir anda, dan menganggap setiap hari seolah-olah ia adalah yang terakhir anda, anda boleh menetapkan semula jam anda setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'I've got 24 hours left, how do I proceed?", "r": {"result": "'Saya mempunyai 24 jam lagi, bagaimana saya meneruskan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do I approach first?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang saya pendekatan dahulu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And what's good about that mindset is the little things don't bother you as much.", "r": {"result": "' Dan apa yang baik tentang pemikiran itu ialah perkara-perkara kecil tidak mengganggu anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's certain things we just can't control.", "r": {"result": "Ada perkara tertentu yang kita tidak boleh kawal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're not going to read this book and go, 'everything will be great.", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak akan membaca buku ini dan berkata, 'semuanya akan menjadi hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' This is not 'The Secret.", "r": {"result": "' Ini bukan 'Rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Secret\" is a self-help book that talks about using positive visualization to attract the things in life you want.", "r": {"result": "\"The Secret\" ialah buku bantu diri yang bercakap tentang menggunakan visualisasi positif untuk menarik perkara dalam kehidupan yang anda inginkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\" 'The Secret' really focused on material things,\" Moret said.", "r": {"result": "\"'Rahsia' benar-benar tertumpu pada perkara material,\" kata Moret.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My book really focuses on the nonmaterial things, the things you're ultimately remembered for and that you want to be remembered for, and that make every day really meaningful\".", "r": {"result": "\"Buku saya benar-benar menumpukan pada perkara bukan material, perkara yang akhirnya anda ingat dan anda mahu diingati, dan itu menjadikan setiap hari benar-benar bermakna\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How would Moret like to be remembered?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah Moret ingin diingati?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a good dad, husband, son, brother and friend.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebagai ayah, suami, anak, abang dan kawan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe as a decent musician, too.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin sebagai pemuzik yang baik juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hope I am regarded as someone who touched a few lives in my time here.", "r": {"result": "Saya harap saya dianggap sebagai seseorang yang menyentuh beberapa nyawa semasa saya di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What more could I ask for\"?", "r": {"result": "Apa lagi yang boleh saya minta\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Buyout guys usually \"run the numbers\" on a takeover target before spending too much time on it.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lelaki belian biasanya \"menjalankan nombor\" pada sasaran pengambilalihan sebelum menghabiskan terlalu banyak masa padanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As takeovers go, the United States looks pretty good.", "r": {"result": "Semasa pengambilalihan berjalan, Amerika Syarikat kelihatan agak baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's a tongue-in-cheek look at how a private equity executive might sum them up for a former private equity guy.", "r": {"result": "Berikut adalah pandangan lidah tentang cara seorang eksekutif ekuiti persendirian boleh merumuskannya untuk bekas lelaki ekuiti persendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To: Mitt Romney.", "r": {"result": "Kepada: Mitt Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Re: Project November.", "r": {"result": "Re: Projek November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From: The Buyout Nation Team.", "r": {"result": "Daripada: Pasukan Negara Pembelian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The team has finished running the numbers on Project November and they look really strong.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan telah selesai menjalankan nombor pada Projek November dan mereka kelihatan sangat kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First, if we're successful in the upcoming auction (they call it an election), we will have bought in cheap and should make a killing since the economy is improving and is likely to do so for the next four years even if we don't do much after the takeover.", "r": {"result": "Pertama, jika kita berjaya dalam lelongan yang akan datang (mereka menyebutnya pilihan raya), kita akan membeli dengan harga yang murah dan sepatutnya membunuh kerana ekonomi bertambah baik dan berkemungkinan akan melakukannya untuk empat tahun akan datang walaupun kita tidak tidak berbuat banyak selepas pengambilalihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second, it looks like we have a lot, and I mean a lot, of room to increase sales.", "r": {"result": "Kedua, nampaknya kita mempunyai banyak, dan yang saya maksudkan banyak, ruang untuk meningkatkan jualan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've never seen a business with so much ability to raise prices.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pernah melihat perniagaan dengan begitu banyak keupayaan untuk menaikkan harga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The customers (they call them taxpayers) have little opportunity to leave, by law they have to pay, and not many have the resources to take advantage of the tax-minimizing options in Switzerland and the Caymans.", "r": {"result": "Pelanggan (mereka memanggil mereka pembayar cukai) mempunyai sedikit peluang untuk pergi, mengikut undang-undang mereka perlu membayar, dan tidak ramai yang mempunyai sumber untuk mengambil kesempatan daripada pilihan meminimumkan cukai di Switzerland dan Caymans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the pricing structure is a total mess.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi struktur harga adalah kucar-kacir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While every other business charges premium customers more, since they have the cash and benefit most from the services, here it's backwards.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun setiap perniagaan lain mengenakan bayaran yang lebih tinggi kepada pelanggan premium, memandangkan mereka mempunyai wang tunai dan mendapat manfaat paling banyak daripada perkhidmatan, ini adalah mundur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of the premium customers, the ones who've done really well for the last decade or two, actually pay the lowest rates!", "r": {"result": "Ramai pelanggan premium, mereka yang telah melakukan dengan sangat baik selama sedekad atau dua dekad yang lalu, sebenarnya membayar kadar terendah!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So raising prices on these guys should be a cinch.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, menaikkan harga ke atas lelaki ini sepatutnya mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And we can also get some early revenue from one-time gimmicks like drilling a million gas wells, selling non-core assets (Guam?", "r": {"result": "Dan kita juga boleh mendapatkan sedikit hasil awal daripada gimik sekali sahaja seperti menggerudi sejuta telaga gas, menjual aset bukan teras (Guam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "), sale-and-lease-backs on real estate (the Capitol?", "r": {"result": "), jualan-dan-pajakan-balik hartanah (Kapitol?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") and more aggressive corporate partnerships (Exxon-Yellowstone National Park?", "r": {"result": ") dan perkongsian korporat yang lebih agresif (Taman Negara Exxon-Yellowstone?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Third, on the expense side things look equally promising.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga, dari segi perbelanjaan perkara kelihatan sama menjanjikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Larry Summers first discovered, a lot of the value created in takeovers can come from promise breaking and we've got great opportunities to do that with Medicare and Social Security.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang pertama kali ditemui oleh Larry Summers, banyak nilai yang dicipta dalam pengambilalihan boleh datang daripada ingkar janji dan kami mempunyai peluang besar untuk melakukannya dengan Medicare dan Keselamatan Sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even better, our modeling shows that if we only break promises for younger people (say, under 54) they won't feel any real pain until after 2016 or 2020 when we'll already have exited the deal and been long gone.", "r": {"result": "Lebih baik lagi, pemodelan kami menunjukkan bahawa jika kami hanya memungkiri janji untuk orang yang lebih muda (katakan, di bawah 54 tahun) mereka tidak akan merasai kesakitan yang sebenar sehingga selepas 2016 atau 2020 apabila kami telah pun keluar dari perjanjian itu dan telah lama berlalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another easy option is to cut expenses for the poor and for kids since it turns out that they can't vote (too young), don't vote (those new ID rules), or won't vote for you anyway.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi pilihan mudah ialah mengurangkan perbelanjaan untuk golongan miskin dan untuk kanak-kanak kerana ternyata mereka tidak boleh mengundi (terlalu muda), tidak mengundi (peraturan ID baharu itu), atau tidak akan mengundi anda pula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(By the way, where did you get that 47% from?", "r": {"result": "(Dengan cara ini, dari mana anda mendapat 47% itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Your overall figure feels about right but the team wants to double-check the calculation.", "r": {"result": "Angka keseluruhan anda berasa betul tetapi pasukan ingin menyemak semula pengiraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") We also found big potential cost savings from outsourcing not just jobs but entire government departments to India.", "r": {"result": ") Kami juga menemui penjimatan kos yang berpotensi besar daripada penyumberan luar bukan sahaja pekerjaan tetapi keseluruhan jabatan kerajaan ke India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This may be an option for lower value-added departments like Housing and Urban Development, and Education.", "r": {"result": "Ini mungkin pilihan untuk jabatan nilai tambah yang lebih rendah seperti Perumahan dan Pembangunan Bandar, dan Pendidikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another potential expense-cutting option is the military, but this seems a bit tricky given the whole military-industrial complex thing.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi pilihan pemotongan perbelanjaan yang berpotensi ialah tentera, tetapi ini nampaknya agak rumit memandangkan keseluruhan kompleks industri ketenteraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a takeover of the nation also presents some unique challenges compared with the smaller companies we usually target.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pengambilalihan negara juga memberikan beberapa cabaran unik berbanding syarikat yang lebih kecil yang biasa kami sasarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First, if things get tight, we can't save cash by slashing long-term investments because it turns out that there aren't any.", "r": {"result": "Pertama, jika keadaan menjadi ketat, kita tidak boleh menyimpan wang tunai dengan mengurangkan pelaburan jangka panjang kerana ternyata tidak ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know it's unbelievable, but there just isn't much money going into the stuff that will pay off big time for competitors in the long-run: education, public transport, bridges and infrastructure, and clean/green technology.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu ia sukar dipercayai, tetapi tidak ada banyak wang yang masuk ke dalam perkara yang akan membuahkan masa yang besar untuk pesaing dalam jangka panjang: pendidikan, pengangkutan awam, jambatan dan infrastruktur serta teknologi bersih/hijau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second, we're unlikely to make money by restructuring or refinancing the debt.", "r": {"result": "Kedua, kami tidak mungkin menjana wang dengan menstruktur semula atau membiayai semula hutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's already dirt-cheap (we could borrow for 30 years at 3%) and the experts I've spoken with are convinced that the nation really is too big to fail.", "r": {"result": "Ia sudah murah (kita boleh meminjam selama 30 tahun pada 3%) dan pakar yang saya bercakap dengan yakin bahawa negara ini benar-benar terlalu besar untuk gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know you've been through a lot of tough restructurings, think the market should be allowed to work things out, and were willing to let the auto industry go to the wall.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu anda telah melalui banyak penyusunan semula yang sukar, fikir pasaran harus dibenarkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan bersedia untuk membiarkan industri auto pergi ke dinding.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I've pushed these guys hard and they remain adamant that if we get too close to that fiscal cliff, really bad stuff will start to happen: markets gyrating, interest rates rising, the dollar plunging, rating downgrades, you name it.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya telah menolak mereka dengan keras dan mereka tetap bertegas bahawa jika kita terlalu dekat dengan tebing fiskal itu, perkara yang sangat buruk akan mula berlaku: pasaran berpusing, kadar faedah meningkat, dolar menjunam, penurunan penarafan, sebut saja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While this type of chaos might actually be a boon to some of our hedge fund supporters, I really think we should try to avoid it.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun jenis huru-hara ini sebenarnya boleh menjadi rahmat kepada sesetengah penyokong dana lindung nilai kami, saya benar-benar fikir kita harus cuba mengelakkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(And there's no guarantee that the guys running your blind trust will have had time to bet against America before things start to unravel.", "r": {"result": "(Dan tidak ada jaminan bahawa orang yang menjalankan amanah buta anda akan mempunyai masa untuk bertaruh menentang Amerika sebelum perkara mula terbongkar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, I reviewed the nation's shareholders agreement and bylaws (they call it the Constitution) and it's a catastrophe.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, saya menyemak perjanjian dan undang-undang pemegang saham negara (mereka memanggilnya Perlembagaan) dan ia adalah satu malapetaka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, the bottom line is that even after we take control, there will be real limits on what we can do without the support of some really crazy people.", "r": {"result": "Malah, kesimpulannya ialah walaupun selepas kita mengawal, akan ada had sebenar tentang apa yang boleh kita lakukan tanpa sokongan beberapa orang yang benar-benar gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People who don't appear to believe in arithmetic or science, let alone rationality and analysis.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang kelihatan tidak percaya pada aritmetik atau sains, apatah lagi rasional dan analisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These guys are definitely not the McKinsey and Goldman types we're used to dealing with so it's going to be a total nightmare.", "r": {"result": "Mereka ini pastinya bukan jenis McKinsey dan Goldman yang biasa kita hadapi, jadi ia akan menjadi mimpi ngeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It makes me wonder whether this whole thing is really worth the hassle.", "r": {"result": "Ia membuatkan saya tertanya-tanya sama ada semua perkara ini benar-benar berbaloi dengan kerumitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where's the upside?", "r": {"result": "Di mana kelebihannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do we really have a special insight that makes us the natural owner or are we just willing to spend more than the competition to win?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita benar-benar mempunyai pandangan istimewa yang menjadikan kita pemilik semula jadi atau adakah kita hanya sanggup berbelanja lebih daripada persaingan untuk menang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm a little bit worried that we may have a touch of deal fever for another trophy on the wall.", "r": {"result": "Saya agak bimbang bahawa kita mungkin mempunyai sentuhan demam perjanjian untuk satu lagi trofi di dinding.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anyway, the model is ready so just send me your plan so I can finalize the assumptions about price hikes, expense reductions, investments and the like.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, model itu sudah siap jadi hantarkan sahaja pelan anda kepada saya supaya saya boleh memuktamadkan andaian tentang kenaikan harga, pengurangan perbelanjaan, pelaburan dan seumpamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I couldn't find a copy on the server and everything in the public domain is vague and contradictory.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak dapat mencari salinan pada pelayan dan segala-galanya dalam domain awam adalah samar-samar dan bercanggah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My daughter's got soccer tonight so I hope to leave the office by 7 but call my cell if you need anything else.", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuan saya ada bola sepak malam ini jadi saya berharap untuk meninggalkan pejabat pada pukul 7 tetapi hubungi telefon bimbit saya jika anda memerlukan apa-apa lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of John MacIntosh.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat John MacIntosh semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- An Ontario family is in shock after receiving an anonymous letter -- purportedly from a neighbor -- imploring them to euthanize their autistic son or move out of the neighborhood because of the \"nuisance\" the teen poses to the community.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sebuah keluarga Ontario terkejut selepas menerima sepucuk surat tanpa nama -- kononnya daripada jiran -- merayu mereka untuk membunuh anak autistik mereka atau keluar dari kawasan kejiranan kerana \"gangguan\" remaja itu kepada masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That noise he makes when he is outside is DREADFUL!", "r": {"result": "\"Bunyi bising yang dia buat ketika berada di luar itu MENGERIKAN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its (sic) scares the hell out of my normal children!", "r": {"result": "Ini (sic) menakutkan anak-anak normal saya!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said the letter aimed at 13-year-old Max Begley.", "r": {"result": "kata surat itu ditujukan kepada Max Begley yang berusia 13 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka hendaklah mengambil apa sahaja bahagian tubuh yang tidak terencat yang dimilikinya dan mendermakannya kepada sains\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The letter, signed \"One pissed off mother,\" told the family to \"go live in a trailer in the woods with your wild animal kid\" and to \"(do) the right thing and move or euthanize him\"!", "r": {"result": "Surat itu, ditandatangani \"One pissed off mother,\" memberitahu keluarga itu untuk \"pergi secara langsung dalam treler di dalam hutan bersama anak haiwan liar anda\" dan \"(lakukan) perkara yang betul dan pindahkan atau euthanize dia\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Either way we are all better off\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimanapun kita semua lebih baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Disgusting\" is the word Max's father, James Begley, said comes to mind when he thinks about the letter.", "r": {"result": "\"Menjijikkan\" adalah perkataan bapa Max, James Begley, terlintas di fikirannya apabila dia memikirkan tentang surat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I cannot believe that someone would think that in this day and age\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak percaya bahawa seseorang akan berfikir begitu pada zaman ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Begley said the letter was delivered to Max's grandmother's house, about 15 minutes from the Begley home in Oshawa, a town 40 miles from Toronto.", "r": {"result": "Begley berkata surat itu dihantar ke rumah nenek Max, kira-kira 15 minit dari rumah Begley di Oshawa, sebuah bandar 40 batu dari Toronto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I work and my wife has (multiple sclerosis),\" Begley said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bekerja dan isteri saya mempunyai (sklerosis berbilang),\" kata Begley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So Max's grandmother helps us out a lot.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi nenek Max banyak membantu kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is over there three to four times a week\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berada di sana tiga hingga empat kali seminggu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Durham Regional Police said the incident is being investigated, and police have asked the Crown Attorney's Office whether the letter constitutes a crime.", "r": {"result": "Polis Wilayah Durham berkata kejadian itu sedang disiasat, dan polis telah bertanya kepada Pejabat Peguam Mahkota sama ada surat itu merupakan satu jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crime or not, Begley is concerned.", "r": {"result": "Jenayah atau tidak, Begley bimbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If someone is sick enough to not only have those thoughts, but to write those thoughts out and then to mail them\" he said, then \"they should be considered dangerous.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika seseorang cukup sakit untuk bukan sahaja mempunyai pemikiran itu, tetapi untuk menulis fikiran itu dan kemudian menghantarnya\" katanya, maka \"mereka harus dianggap berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are all concerned\".", "r": {"result": "Kami semua prihatin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the \"one bad apple\" as Begley described the letter's author, his spirit has been buoyed by others who have rallied around Max.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun \"satu epal buruk\" seperti yang diterangkan oleh Begley tentang pengarang surat itu, semangatnya telah didorong oleh orang lain yang telah berkumpul di sekeliling Max.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The neighbors have been wonderful\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jiran-jiran sangat mengagumkan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Max is going into the eighth grade this year and his dad said he is not aware exactly of what has happened, \"but he sure is getting a kick out of all of the attention\".", "r": {"result": "Max akan masuk ke gred lapan tahun ini dan ayahnya berkata dia tidak mengetahui dengan tepat apa yang telah berlaku, \"tetapi dia pasti akan diketepikan daripada semua perhatian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The operation on Ronaldo's injured left knee \"went well\" but the Brazilian striker faces a lengthy rehabilitation as he bids to save his football career.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pembedahan pada lutut kiri Ronaldo yang cedera \"berjalan dengan baik\" tetapi penyerang Brazil itu menghadapi pemulihan yang panjang ketika dia cuba menyelamatkan karier bola sepaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo leaves the field in agony after suffering his latest injury blow against Livorno.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo meninggalkan padang dalam kesakitan selepas mengalami kecederaan terbarunya ketika menentang Livorno.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo had surgery in Paris on Thursday, the two-hour operation perfomed by Dr. Eric Rolland with Dr. Gerard Saillant, who carried out a similar repair to his right knee in 2000, in attendance.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo menjalani pembedahan di Paris pada Khamis, pembedahan dua jam yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Eric Rolland dengan Dr. Gerard Saillant, yang melakukan pembaikan serupa pada lutut kanannya pada tahun 2000, turut hadir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The operation went well,\" said Saillant.", "r": {"result": "\"Pembedahan berjalan lancar,\" kata Saillant.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The intervention was of the same type as the one in 2000. The healing period should last nine months,\" he said in sports paper L'Equipe.", "r": {"result": "\"Campur tangan adalah jenis yang sama seperti pada tahun 2000. Tempoh penyembuhan harus berlangsung selama sembilan bulan,\" katanya dalam kertas sukan L'Equipe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo was injured playing for AC Milan in a 1-1 draw with Liverno on Wednesday night and teammate Clarence Seedorf gave CNN a graphic description of the incident.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo cedera bermain untuk AC Milan dalam keputusan seri 1-1 dengan Liverno pada malam Rabu dan rakan sepasukan Clarence Seedorf memberi CNN gambaran grafik mengenai insiden itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was like a film I already saw,\" said the Dutch star who was on the pitch when Ronaldo suffered his previous serious injury.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa seperti filem yang saya sudah lihat,\u201d kata bintang Belanda yang berada di atas padang ketika Ronaldo mengalami kecederaan serius sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw his reaction, I was frozen by the reality, a bad, bad thing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya melihat reaksinya, saya beku dengan realiti, perkara yang buruk, buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My heart went out to him because it was his second injury.", "r": {"result": "Hati saya terharu kepadanya kerana itu kecederaan kedua dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hope he has the will to come back,\" added Seedorf.", "r": {"result": "Saya harap dia mempunyai keinginan untuk kembali,\" tambah Seedorf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ater the two-hour operation at Pitie-Salpetriere hospital, the three-time FIFA World Player of the Year is likely to need about 10 days of physical therapy, L'Equipe said.", "r": {"result": "Selepas operasi dua jam di hospital Pitie-Salpetriere, Pemain Terbaik Dunia FIFA tiga kali itu mungkin memerlukan kira-kira 10 hari terapi fizikal, kata L'Equipe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo, 31, has battled serious injuries throughout his career, and has played sparingly since joining Milan from Real Madrid in January 2007.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo, 31, telah bergelut dengan kecederaan serius sepanjang kariernya, dan bermain dengan jarang sejak menyertai Milan dari Real Madrid pada Januari 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wednesday's match was only his fifth in Serie A this season after injuring his thigh during preseason training on July 31. He returned in November, but has been in and out of the team due to a series of recurring problems.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan hari Rabu merupakan perlawanan kelimanya dalam Serie A musim ini selepas mengalami kecederaan paha semasa latihan pramusim pada 31 Julai. Dia kembali pada bulan November, tetapi telah keluar masuk pasukan kerana beberapa siri masalah yang berulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- \"The food is excellent.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"Makanan yang sangat baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The beer is cold.", "r": {"result": "Birnya sejuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sun nearly always shines.", "r": {"result": "Matahari hampir selalu bersinar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is coffee on every corner.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kopi di setiap sudut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Life doesn't get much better than this\".", "r": {"result": "Kehidupan tidak menjadi lebih baik daripada ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's Bill Bryson's take on Australia, and pretty much everyone else's.", "r": {"result": "Itulah pandangan Bill Bryson terhadap Australia, dan hampir semua orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But beyond the beautiful beaches and cuddly marsupials, there are quirky, lesser-known facts to file away before preparing for a trip to Australia.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di sebalik pantai yang indah dan marsupial yang menggemaskan, terdapat fakta-fakta unik yang kurang diketahui untuk difailkan sebelum membuat persiapan untuk perjalanan ke Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bust them out in an Aussie pub and you'll make instant friends.", "r": {"result": "Buang mereka di pub Australia dan anda akan mendapat kawan segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not that they weren't going to be friendly anyway.", "r": {"result": "Bukannya mereka tidak akan bersikap mesra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. The Opera House was a major headache to build.", "r": {"result": "1. Opera House adalah pening kepala untuk membina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sydney's Opera House turns 40 this month.", "r": {"result": "Rumah Opera Sydney berusia 40 tahun pada bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Celebrations in honor or the big birthday included an outdoor concert and a Danish design exhibition.", "r": {"result": "Perayaan sebagai penghormatan atau hari jadi yang besar termasuk konsert luar dan pameran reka bentuk Denmark.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the performing arts center, which became a World Heritage Site in 2007, wasn't always so beloved.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pusat seni persembahan, yang menjadi Tapak Warisan Dunia pada tahun 2007, tidak selalu begitu digemari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1956, Danish architect JA,rn Utzon won the competition to design it, but construction proved tricky, resulting in years of delays and spiraling costs.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1956, arkitek Denmark JA,rn Utzon memenangi pertandingan untuk mereka bentuknya, tetapi pembinaan terbukti rumit, mengakibatkan penangguhan bertahun-tahun dan kos yang meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Things came to a head in 1966 when the government refused to pay Utzon, resulting in his resignation.", "r": {"result": "Perkara-perkara menjadi kacau pada tahun 1966 apabila kerajaan enggan membayar Utzon, menyebabkan beliau meletakkan jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peter Hall finished the job.", "r": {"result": "Peter Hall menyelesaikan tugas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Uzton didn't attend the official opening on October 20, 1973.", "r": {"result": "Uzton tidak menghadiri pembukaan rasmi pada 20 Oktober 1973.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although amends were made in 1999, the architect never returned to Australia.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pindaan telah dibuat pada tahun 1999, arkitek itu tidak pernah kembali ke Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2.There are more camels than koalas.", "r": {"result": "2. Terdapat lebih banyak unta daripada koala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the koala is a cuddly symbol of Australia, there are actually 10 times as many wild camels.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun koala adalah simbol peluk Australia, sebenarnya terdapat 10 kali lebih banyak unta liar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Introduced in the 1800s to provide transportation through the country's desert heart, one million camels now roam the vast outback.", "r": {"result": "Diperkenalkan pada tahun 1800-an untuk menyediakan pengangkutan melalui jantung padang pasir negara, satu juta unta kini berkeliaran di kawasan pedalaman yang luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The feral animals cause all sorts of problems, from drinking waterholes dry to destroying sacred Aboriginal sites.", "r": {"result": "Haiwan liar menyebabkan pelbagai masalah, dari meminum lubang air yang kering hingga memusnahkan tapak suci Orang Asli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The population could double in a decade if left unchecked.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk boleh berganda dalam sedekad jika dibiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This has prompted the government to adopt a controversial culling program.", "r": {"result": "Ini telah mendorong kerajaan untuk menerima pakai program pemusnahan yang kontroversi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One place camels are welcome is the Northern Territory town of Alice Springs.", "r": {"result": "Satu tempat unta dialu-alukan ialah bandar Wilayah Utara Alice Springs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every July, the unpredictable beasts take center stage at the self-dubbed \"temperamental, terribly unpredictable, very entertaining\" Lasseters Camel Cup.", "r": {"result": "Setiap bulan Julai, binatang yang tidak dapat diramalkan menjadi tumpuan utama di Piala Unta Lasseters yang digelar \"temperamental, sangat tidak dapat diramalkan, sangat menghiburkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Aussies love to gamble.", "r": {"result": "3. Orang Australia suka berjudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Australians are one of the world's biggest gamblers per capita, spending $1,314 each in 2012, according to H2 Gambling Capital.", "r": {"result": "Warga Australia adalah salah satu penjudi per kapita terbesar di dunia, membelanjakan $1,314 setiap satu pada 2012, menurut H2 Gambling Capital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slot machines -- \"pokies\" in the local vernacular -- are the nation's favorite bet, especially in New South Wales.", "r": {"result": "Mesin slot -- \"pokies\" dalam bahasa vernakular tempatan -- adalah pertaruhan kegemaran negara, terutamanya di New South Wales.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state has 100,000 slots in pubs and clubs, while Sydney is set to become the gambling capital when a second casino opens in 2019.", "r": {"result": "Negeri ini mempunyai 100,000 slot di pub dan kelab, manakala Sydney akan menjadi ibu kota perjudian apabila kasino kedua dibuka pada 2019.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's Victoria that pulls in the punters.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Victoria yang menarik minat penonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each November, the Melbourne Cup horse race stops the nation.", "r": {"result": "Setiap November, perlumbaan kuda Piala Melbourne menghentikan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's so big it's a public holiday in the southern state.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat besar sehingga cuti umum di negeri selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More: QT Sydney: The hottest, hippest historic hotel in town.", "r": {"result": "Lagi: QT Sydney: Hotel bersejarah yang paling hangat dan paling menarik di bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. They invented Wi-Fi.", "r": {"result": "4. Mereka mencipta Wi-Fi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, claims to have invented the wireless LAN technology that's the basis of Wi-Fi.", "r": {"result": "Agensi sains kebangsaan Australia, CSIRO, mendakwa telah mencipta teknologi LAN wayarles yang menjadi asas Wi-Fi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not everyone agrees, but it's got a patent to prove it.", "r": {"result": "Tidak semua orang bersetuju, tetapi ia mempunyai paten untuk membuktikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agency has sued companies using the technology without a license -- its 20-year patent expires next month.", "r": {"result": "Agensi itu telah menyaman syarikat yang menggunakan teknologi itu tanpa lesen -- paten 20 tahunnya tamat bulan depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not the first time the CSIRO has claimed a place in history.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan kali pertama CSIRO telah menuntut tempat dalam sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In July 1969, its 64-meter (209-foot) radio telescope in Parkes received television signals that allowed 600 million people to watch Neil Armstrong's moonwalk live.", "r": {"result": "Pada Julai 1969, teleskop radio 64 meter (209 kaki) di Parkes menerima isyarat televisyen yang membenarkan 600 juta orang menonton moonwalk Neil Armstrong secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The observatory, affectionately known as \"The Dish,\" is open to visitors in the NSW country town that's also home to an annual Elvis festival.", "r": {"result": "Balai cerap, yang lebih dikenali sebagai \"The Dish,\" terbuka kepada pelawat di pekan desa NSW yang juga menempatkan festival tahunan Elvis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. The big island is surrounded by more than 8,000 smaller islands.", "r": {"result": "5. Pulau besar itu dikelilingi oleh lebih 8,000 pulau kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some people say Australia is the largest island on earth, while others call it a continent because it has its own tectonic plate.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah orang mengatakan Australia adalah pulau terbesar di bumi, manakala yang lain memanggilnya sebagai benua kerana ia mempunyai plat tektoniknya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whichever way you look at it, the island continent is fringed by thousands of smaller islands -- 8,222 to be precise.", "r": {"result": "Walau apa pun cara anda melihatnya, benua pulau itu dikelilingi oleh beribu-ribu pulau yang lebih kecil -- 8,222 tepatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's got an island state (Tasmania), the world's largest sand island (Fraser) and an Antarctic island (Macquarie).", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai negeri pulau (Tasmania), pulau pasir terbesar di dunia (Fraser) dan pulau Antartika (Macquarie).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many islands are named after animals, including Kangaroo Island off the South Australian coast, Lizard Island in the Great Barrier Reef and Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbor.", "r": {"result": "Banyak pulau dinamakan sempena haiwan, termasuk Pulau Kangaroo di luar pantai Australia Selatan, Pulau Lizard di Great Barrier Reef dan Pulau Cockatoo di Sydney Harbour.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More: World's 100 best beaches.", "r": {"result": "Lagi: 100 pantai terbaik di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. It has a \"Greek city\".", "r": {"result": "6. Ia mempunyai \"bandar Yunani\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Melbourne has the largest Greek-speaking population in the world, after Athens and Thessaloniki.", "r": {"result": "Melbourne mempunyai penduduk berbahasa Yunani terbesar di dunia, selepas Athens dan Thessaloniki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, more than 200 languages and dialects are spoken in Australia.", "r": {"result": "Malah, lebih daripada 200 bahasa dan dialek dituturkan di Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's because more than 25% of Australians were born in another country, making Australia a melting pot of multiculturalism.", "r": {"result": "Ini kerana lebih daripada 25% rakyat Australia dilahirkan di negara lain, menjadikan Australia sebagai tempat mencairkan pelbagai budaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Melbourne's vibrant Greek quarter around Lonsdale Street is home to Stalactites restaurant, a city institution open 24/7, and the annual Antipodes Festival, which features Zorba dancing and lots of souvlaki.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan Greek yang meriah di Melbourne di sekitar Lonsdale Street adalah rumah kepada restoran Stalactites, sebuah institusi bandar yang dibuka 24/7, dan Festival Antipodes tahunan, yang menampilkan tarian Zorba dan banyak souvlaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "7. The country's one and only military coup was over rum.", "r": {"result": "7. Satu-satunya rampasan kuasa tentera di negara ini telah berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aussies have a desperate love affair with beer, but in the late 18th century, rum was a popular form of payment in the fledgling colony of Sydney.", "r": {"result": "Orang Australia mempunyai hubungan cinta terdesak dengan bir, tetapi pada akhir abad ke-18, rum adalah bentuk pembayaran yang popular di koloni Sydney yang masih baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is until 1808, when Governor William Bligh decided to stop the practice.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah sehingga 1808, apabila Gabenor William Bligh memutuskan untuk menghentikan amalan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The edict didn't go down well with ringleaders of the rum trade, the New South Wales Corps.", "r": {"result": "Perintah itu tidak sesuai dengan ketua-ketua perdagangan rum, New South Wales Corps.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The regiment deposed Bligh in a military coup later known as the Rum Rebellion.", "r": {"result": "Rejimen itu menumbangkan Bligh dalam rampasan kuasa tentera yang kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Pemberontakan Rum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city's boozy past can be soaked up via a four-hour walking tour of the historic Rocks area with Sydney Urban Adventures ($137 per person).", "r": {"result": "Masa lalu bandar yang membosankan boleh diserap melalui lawatan berjalan kaki selama empat jam di kawasan Rocks yang bersejarah dengan Sydney Urban Adventures ($137 setiap orang).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More: How to see the best of Sydney in a week.", "r": {"result": "Lagi: Bagaimana untuk melihat yang terbaik di Sydney dalam seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8. Only 20 of its snakes will kill you.", "r": {"result": "8. Hanya 20 ularnya akan membunuh anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most Aussies are proud of their killer wildlife.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan warga Australia berbangga dengan hidupan liar pembunuh mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country has 140 snake species and more of the venomous variety than any other continent.", "r": {"result": "Negara ini mempunyai 140 spesies ular dan lebih banyak jenis berbisa daripada mana-mana benua lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, 20 of the world's 25 deadliest snakes are found slithering here, including the entire top 10.", "r": {"result": "Malah, 20 daripada 25 ular paling mematikan di dunia ditemui merayap di sini, termasuk keseluruhan 10 teratas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're not all nasty.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak semua jahat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Snakes are naturally shy and would rather not come across humans.", "r": {"result": "Ular secara semula jadi pemalu dan lebih suka tidak terserempak dengan manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just north of Sydney, the Australian Reptile Park has a milking program for its 200 venomous snakes.", "r": {"result": "Di utara Sydney, Australian Reptile Park mempunyai program memerah susu untuk 200 ular berbisanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also hosts hands-on wildlife shows.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga menganjurkan pertunjukan hidupan liar secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "9. Coast-to-coast takes four days by rail.", "r": {"result": "9. Pantai-ke-pantai mengambil masa empat hari dengan kereta api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everyone knows Australia is a big place, but its size truly hits home on a trip from one side to the other.", "r": {"result": "Semua orang tahu Australia adalah tempat yang besar, tetapi saiznya benar-benar sesuai dengan perjalanan dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1912, work began on the Trans-Australian Railway to link Perth on the west coast with the eastern states.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1912, kerja-kerja Kereta Api Trans-Australia dimulakan untuk menghubungkan Perth di pantai barat dengan negeri-negeri timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first section built across the treeless Nullarbor Plain includes the longest stretch (478 kilometers/297 miles) of straight track in the world.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian pertama yang dibina merentasi Dataran Nullarbor tanpa pokok termasuk laluan lurus terpanjang (478 kilometer/297 batu) di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, two iconic passenger trains use the line: the Indian Pacific trundles the 4,352 kilometers from Sydney and Perth in four days, while the Ghan takes three days to travel 2,979 kilometers from Darwin in the north to Adelaide in the south.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, dua kereta api penumpang ikonik menggunakan laluan itu: Pasifik India melepasi 4,352 kilometer dari Sydney dan Perth dalam empat hari, manakala Ghan mengambil masa tiga hari untuk perjalanan sejauh 2,979 kilometer dari Darwin di utara ke Adelaide di selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "10. Burgers come with beets.", "r": {"result": "10. Burger datang dengan bit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Australia, beets on a burger are a given.", "r": {"result": "Di Australia, bit pada burger diberikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are fancy burgers with goat cheese or chorizo, but a proper Aussie \"burger with the lot\" includes a slice of tinned beets.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat burger mewah dengan keju kambing atau chorizo, tetapi \"burger dengan lot\" Australia yang sesuai termasuk sepotong bit dalam tin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also often comes with pineapple, fried egg, bacon, cheese and onions, but most Aussies will tell you the red veggies are what makes it taste so great.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga selalunya disertakan dengan nanas, telur goreng, bacon, keju dan bawang, tetapi kebanyakan orang Australia akan memberitahu anda bahawa sayur-sayuran merah adalah yang membuatkan rasanya sangat sedap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More: 40 best Australian foods.", "r": {"result": "Lagi: 40 makanan Australia terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama will rack up plenty of frequent flyer miles this summer with planned trips in Africa, Russia and Italy.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Presiden Obama akan mengumpul banyak jarak perjalanan musim panas ini dengan rancangan perjalanan ke Afrika, Rusia dan Itali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama will travel to Ghana for two days after the G8 Summit in July.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama akan pergi ke Ghana selama dua hari selepas Sidang Kemuncak G8 pada bulan Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama, along with his wife, Michelle, will visit Accra, Ghana, on July 10 and July 11, the White House said Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Obama, bersama isterinya, Michelle, akan melawat Accra, Ghana, pada 10 Julai dan 11 Julai, kata Rumah Putih Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will follow Obama's trip to the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy, from July 8 to July 10.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan mengikuti lawatan Obama ke sidang kemuncak G8 di L'Aquila, Itali, dari 8 Julai hingga 10 Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama will address various bilateral and regional issues with Ghanaian President John Atta Mills, the White House said in a news statement.", "r": {"result": "Obama akan menangani pelbagai isu dua hala dan serantau dengan Presiden Ghana John Atta Mills, kata Rumah Putih dalam satu kenyataan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The President and Mrs. Obama look forward to strengthening the U.S. relationship with one of our most trusted partners in sub-Saharan Africa, and to highlighting the critical role that sound governance and civil society play in promoting lasting development,\" according to the statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Presiden dan Puan Obama berharap untuk mengukuhkan hubungan AS dengan salah satu rakan kongsi kami yang paling dipercayai di sub-Sahara Afrika, dan untuk menonjolkan peranan kritikal yang dimainkan oleh tadbir urus yang baik dan masyarakat sivil dalam menggalakkan pembangunan yang berkekalan,\" menurut kenyataan itu. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama announced a week ago that he will visit Egypt on June 4 to deliver a speech on America's relationship with the Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "Obama mengumumkan seminggu lalu bahawa beliau akan melawat Mesir pada 4 Jun untuk menyampaikan ucapan mengenai hubungan Amerika dengan dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt is \"a country that in many ways represents the heart of the Arab world,\" White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said at the time.", "r": {"result": "Mesir adalah \"negara yang dalam banyak cara mewakili jantung dunia Arab,\" kata Setiausaha Akhbar Rumah Putih Robert Gibbs pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gibbs deflected several questions at his daily briefing about whether Egypt is a wise choice given President Hosni Mubarak's resistance to making his government more democratic.", "r": {"result": "Gibbs mengalihkan beberapa soalan pada taklimat hariannya tentang sama ada Mesir adalah pilihan bijak memandangkan penentangan Presiden Hosni Mubarak untuk menjadikan kerajaannya lebih demokratik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama originally promised to deliver the speech during his first 100 days, but senior administration officials say the date slipped in part because of security and logistical issues.", "r": {"result": "Obama pada asalnya berjanji untuk menyampaikan ucapan itu dalam tempoh 100 hari pertamanya, tetapi pegawai kanan pentadbiran berkata tarikh itu tergelincir sebahagiannya kerana isu keselamatan dan logistik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has visited Africa before as a senator.", "r": {"result": "Obama pernah melawat Afrika sebelum ini sebagai senator.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2006, he received a hero's welcome in his father's native Kenya.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2006, dia menerima sambutan wira di Kenya asal bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the G8 summit, the president is scheduled to travel to Moscow from July 6 to July 8 at the invitation of Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum sidang kemuncak G8, presiden dijadualkan pergi ke Moscow dari 6 Julai hingga 8 Julai atas jemputan pemimpin Rusia Dmitry Medvedev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The G8 is made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, England and the United States.", "r": {"result": "G8 terdiri daripada Kanada, Perancis, Jerman, Itali, Jepun, Rusia, England dan Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Former first lady Barbara Bush was doing well Wednesday following her surgery late Tuesday night to repair and seal a perforated ulcer, according to the surgeon who performed the operation.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bekas wanita pertama Barbara Bush sihat pada hari Rabu berikutan pembedahannya lewat malam Selasa untuk membaiki dan menutup ulser berlubang, menurut pakar bedah yang menjalankan pembedahan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former first lady Barbara Bush is recovering in intensive care after her surgergy.", "r": {"result": "Bekas wanita pertama Barbara Bush semakin pulih dalam rawatan rapi selepas pembedahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She is up in a chair.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia berdiri di atas kerusi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's very vigorous.", "r": {"result": "Dia sangat cergas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is in charge,\" said Dr. Patrick Reardon.", "r": {"result": "Dia bertanggungjawab,\" kata Dr. Patrick Reardon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first thing she did when her lips worked was to tell a joke\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara pertama yang dia lakukan apabila bibirnya berfungsi adalah untuk memberitahu jenaka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bush, 83, showed up at the emergency room of Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, Tuesday night, complaining of severe abdominal pain, Reardon told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Bush, 83, muncul di bilik kecemasan Hospital Methodist di Houston, Texas, malam Selasa, mengadu sakit perut yang teruk, kata Reardon kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She declared this was the worst pain she ever had, many times worse than childbirth,\" the doctor said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mengisytiharkan ini adalah kesakitan paling teruk yang pernah dialaminya, berkali-kali lebih teruk daripada bersalin,\" kata doktor itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not something that she had any doubts there was a problem with\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bukan sesuatu yang dia ragui ada masalah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After examining her and doing some diagnostic tests, doctors determined Bush had a perforated ulcer in her duodenum, the first portion of the small intestine after the stomach, Reardon said.", "r": {"result": "Selepas memeriksanya dan melakukan beberapa ujian diagnostik, doktor menentukan Bush mempunyai ulser berlubang di duodenumnya, bahagian pertama usus kecil selepas perut, kata Reardon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the operating room, doctors thoroughly cleaned her abdominal cavity of any contaminants that had leaked through the hole, described by the hospital as being 1 centimeter.", "r": {"result": "Di bilik bedah, doktor membersihkan rongga perutnya dengan teliti daripada sebarang bahan cemar yang bocor melalui lubang, yang disifatkan oleh hospital sebagai 1 sentimeter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, doctors repaired the ulcer and used a piece of the omentum, living fat tissue in the abdomen, to sew on top of it to seal it, Reardon said.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, doktor membaiki ulser dan menggunakan sekeping omentum, tisu lemak hidup di dalam perut, untuk menjahit di atasnya untuk menutupnya, kata Reardon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bush remained in the hospital's intensive care unit Wednesday, standard procedure following such surgery.", "r": {"result": "Bush kekal di unit rawatan rapi hospital pada hari Rabu, prosedur standard selepas pembedahan sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She likely will be there at least 24 to 48 hours, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dia mungkin akan berada di sana sekurang-kurangnya 24 hingga 48 jam, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She likely will be hospitalized for at least a week, Reardon said, and won't be able to have any food by mouth, as it might stretch the newly repaired ulcer.", "r": {"result": "Dia mungkin akan dimasukkan ke hospital selama sekurang-kurangnya seminggu, kata Reardon, dan tidak akan dapat makan apa-apa melalui mulut, kerana ia mungkin meregangkan ulser yang baru dibaiki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also requires intravenous antibiotics to counteract any bacteria released into the abdomen through the hole.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga memerlukan antibiotik intravena untuk mengatasi sebarang bakteria yang dilepaskan ke dalam perut melalui lubang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's awake and completely alert,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia terjaga dan berjaga-jaga sepenuhnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's been visiting with the family and looks very good\".", "r": {"result": "Butiran dasar beliau masih menjadi tumpuan, dan penganalisis berkata kerajaannya sengaja cuba mengalihkan keganasan dadah daripada perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The condition was caught early, as Bush recognized there was something wrong, Reardon said.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan itu ditangkap lebih awal, kerana Bush menyedari ada sesuatu yang tidak kena, kata Reardon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He suggested anti-inflammatory medication Bush takes may have caused the ulcer -- a rare but not unheard-of complication.", "r": {"result": "Dia mencadangkan ubat anti-radang yang diambil Bush mungkin menyebabkan ulser -- komplikasi yang jarang berlaku tetapi tidak pernah didengari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's uncommon, but it's not so uncommon that we don't know how to treat it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia jarang berlaku, tetapi ia tidak begitu biasa sehingga kami tidak tahu bagaimana untuk merawatnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ulcer was biopsied and is benign, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ulser itu telah dibiopsi dan tidak berbahaya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If there were any concerns, the operation would have been a different operation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sekiranya terdapat sebarang kebimbangan, operasi itu akan menjadi operasi yang berbeza\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former President George H.W. Bush was with his wife, Reardon said.", "r": {"result": "Bekas Presiden George H.W. Bush bersama isterinya, kata Reardon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're very affectionate to each other.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka sangat menyayangi antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hope my marriage is that good, that far into it.", "r": {"result": "Saya harap perkahwinan saya begitu baik, sejauh itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's got a very positive attitude\".", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai sikap yang sangat positif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mother of President George W. Bush, Barbara Bush was first lady from 1989 to 1993.", "r": {"result": "Ibu kepada Presiden George W. Bush, Barbara Bush ialah wanita pertama dari 1989 hingga 1993.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Born Barbara Pierce in New York in 1925, she married her husband in 1945. She is a distant cousin of Franklin Pierce, who served as president from 1853 to 1857.", "r": {"result": "Dilahirkan sebagai Barbara Pierce di New York pada tahun 1925, dia berkahwin dengan suaminya pada tahun 1945. Dia adalah sepupu jauh Franklin Pierce, yang berkhidmat sebagai presiden dari 1853 hingga 1857.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She and the former president split their time between Houston and Kennebunkport, Maine.", "r": {"result": "Dia dan bekas presiden membahagikan masa mereka antara Houston dan Kennebunkport, Maine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Chester Nez, the former Marine and last of the original 29 Navajo code talkers, passed away June 4 at age 93.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Chester Nez, bekas Marin dan terakhir daripada 29 penutur kod Navajo yang asal, meninggal dunia pada 4 Jun pada usia 93 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When an elder dies in Indian country -- especially someone as revered and decorated as Nez, the World War II veteran -- we, Native Americans, feel it, all of us, regardless of tribe or nation.", "r": {"result": "Apabila seorang penatua meninggal dunia di negara India -- terutamanya seseorang yang dihormati dan dihormati seperti Nez, veteran Perang Dunia II -- kami, Orang Asli Amerika, merasakannya, kita semua, tanpa mengira suku atau negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are also reminded that, not long ago, in the 19th and 20th centuries, Native American culture, including our languages, was considered a threat to U.S. national security.", "r": {"result": "Kami juga diingatkan bahawa, tidak lama dahulu, pada abad ke-19 dan ke-20, budaya Orang Asli Amerika, termasuk bahasa kita, dianggap sebagai ancaman kepada keselamatan negara A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, the government worked in collusion with Christian institutions to stamp out Native American languages, including Navajo.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, kerajaan bekerjasama dengan institusi Kristian untuk menghapuskan bahasa asli Amerika, termasuk Navajo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A great general has said that the only good Indian is a dead one,\" Capt. Richard Pratt famously read from a paper at an 1892 convention.", "r": {"result": "\"Seorang jeneral yang hebat telah berkata bahawa satu-satunya orang India yang baik ialah orang yang sudah mati,\" kata Kapten Richard Pratt yang terkenal membaca daripada kertas kerja di konvensyen 1892.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In a sense, I agree with the sentiment, but only in this: that all the Indian there is in the race should be dead.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam satu segi, saya bersetuju dengan sentimen itu, tetapi hanya dalam hal ini: bahawa semua orang India yang ada dalam perlumbaan harus mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kill the Indian in him, and save the man\".", "r": {"result": "Bunuh orang India dalam dirinya, dan selamatkan lelaki itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pratt was the founder of the Indian boarding schools, institutions charged with turning the \"red Indian\" into the \"noble savage\".", "r": {"result": "Pratt ialah pengasas sekolah berasrama India, institusi yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjadikan \"red Indian\" menjadi \"liar bangsawan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Native Americans: We're not your mascots.", "r": {"result": "Orang Asli Amerika: Kami bukan maskot anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chester Nez attended one of these schools as a child, and was punished when he spoke Navajo.", "r": {"result": "Chester Nez menghadiri salah satu sekolah ini semasa kecil, dan telah dihukum apabila dia bercakap Navajo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One can't help but think that, had it not been for the resilience of the Navajo people and their resistance to these early oppressive American policies, it's quite possible that World War II could have ended differently.", "r": {"result": "Seseorang tidak boleh tidak berfikir bahawa, jika bukan kerana daya tahan orang Navajo dan penentangan mereka terhadap dasar awal Amerika yang menindas ini, sangat mungkin Perang Dunia II boleh berakhir dengan cara yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without the use of the Navajo language that was once discouraged by American policy, the U.S. military could have lost a distinct advantage over its enemy.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa penggunaan bahasa Navajo yang pernah tidak digalakkan oleh dasar Amerika, tentera A.S. boleh kehilangan kelebihan tersendiri terhadap musuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nez's death is a reminder that America's strength lies in its diversity.", "r": {"result": "Kematian Nez adalah peringatan bahawa kekuatan Amerika terletak pada kepelbagaiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Native Americans, who have not always been included in the American story, should be remembered and honored for their contributions.", "r": {"result": "Orang asli Amerika, yang tidak selalu disertakan dalam cerita Amerika, harus diingati dan dihormati atas sumbangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the arrival of the Europeans, there were between 300 and 500 unique languages spoken throughout what is now the United States and Canada.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum kedatangan orang Eropah, terdapat antara 300 dan 500 bahasa unik yang dituturkan di seluruh kawasan yang kini dikenali sebagai Amerika Syarikat dan Kanada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, there are fewer than 200, and that number will continue to decrease if North American indigenous language revitalization efforts aren't considered paramount to the continuity of Native American communities by the United States.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, terdapat kurang daripada 200, dan jumlah itu akan terus berkurangan jika usaha penggiatan semula bahasa asli Amerika Utara tidak dianggap penting dalam kesinambungan komuniti Orang Asli Amerika oleh Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: NFL may throw flag on N-word, but what about the 'R-word'?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: NFL mungkin melemparkan bendera pada N-word, tetapi bagaimana pula dengan 'R-word'?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recently, a neighbor and I were discussing Native American languages.", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini, saya dan jiran sedang membincangkan bahasa asli Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was curious why more Native American elders \"don't just pass on the language to the next generation\".", "r": {"result": "Dia ingin tahu mengapa lebih ramai orang tua Amerika Asli \"tidak hanya menyampaikan bahasa itu kepada generasi akan datang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I told him that many of said elders still suffer from the trauma they experienced in the Christian boarding school system, and remembered what Ruby Left Hand Bull told me recently.", "r": {"result": "Saya memberitahunya bahawa ramai daripada penatua tersebut masih mengalami trauma yang mereka alami dalam sistem sekolah berasrama penuh Kristian, dan teringat apa yang Ruby Left Hand Bull memberitahu saya baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They'd pierce your tongue if you spoke your language\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka akan menusuk lidah anda jika anda bercakap bahasa anda\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "my elder recalled.", "r": {"result": "tua saya teringat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Or they'd make you stand in front of the classroom and they'd tell you to stick your tongue out and then they'd whip it with a wooden ruler, just for speaking our language\".", "r": {"result": "\"Atau mereka akan membuat anda berdiri di hadapan bilik darjah dan mereka akan memberitahu anda untuk menjelirkan lidah anda dan kemudian mereka akan menyebatnya dengan pembaris kayu, hanya untuk bercakap bahasa kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ruby knew our Lakota language growing up, she said, and very well.", "r": {"result": "Ruby tahu bahasa Lakota kami semasa membesar, katanya, dan sangat baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she has lost it, she said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia telah kehilangannya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She understands it, but it's all but left her, courtesy of the boarding schools.", "r": {"result": "Dia memahaminya, tetapi semuanya meninggalkannya, ihsan sekolah berasrama penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I told my neighbor, who said he was a third-generation Italian-American, that his people's language could die in New York, but there is no threat that it will become an extinct language any time soon.", "r": {"result": "Saya memberitahu jiran saya, yang mengatakan dia adalah generasi ketiga Itali-Amerika, bahawa bahasa rakyatnya boleh mati di New York, tetapi tidak ada ancaman bahawa ia akan menjadi bahasa yang pupus dalam masa terdekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are more Italians speaking Italian every day right across the Atlantic,\" I said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat lebih ramai orang Itali bercakap bahasa Itali setiap hari di seberang Atlantik,\" kata saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You could board a plane or hop a ship today and travel to your home country and hear your people's language reverberating off Italian walls.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh menaiki kapal terbang atau menaiki kapal hari ini dan pergi ke negara asal anda dan mendengar bahasa orang anda bergema di luar tembok Itali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We, Native Americans, don't share in that luxury.", "r": {"result": "Kami, Orang Asli Amerika, tidak berkongsi kemewahan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is it.", "r": {"result": "Inilah dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is our home country.", "r": {"result": "Ini negara asal kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our languages are invariably on the brink of extinction, especially since we are 1% of the population.", "r": {"result": "Bahasa kita sentiasa berada di ambang kepupusan, terutamanya kerana kita adalah 1% daripada populasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So when a Native American language dies, it's forever gone\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi apabila bahasa asli Amerika mati, bahasa itu hilang selama-lamanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our elders tell us that when a language dies, so, too, does the culture.", "r": {"result": "Orang tua kita memberitahu kita bahawa apabila bahasa mati, begitu juga budayanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But all is not lost.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi semuanya tidak hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are various campaigns to revitalize Native American languages.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat pelbagai kempen untuk menghidupkan semula bahasa asli Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state of Colorado, for example, passed a law stating that Native Americans who speak their language can teach it to students for credit at secondary schools under the category \"World Languages\".", "r": {"result": "Negeri Colorado, sebagai contoh, meluluskan undang-undang yang menyatakan bahawa Orang Asli Amerika yang bercakap bahasa mereka boleh mengajarnya kepada pelajar untuk mendapatkan kredit di sekolah menengah di bawah kategori \"Bahasa Dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe one day all Native Americans will, again, be fluent speakers of their language -- just like Chester Nez, the warrior.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin suatu hari nanti semua Orang Asli Amerika akan, sekali lagi, fasih bertutur dalam bahasa mereka -- sama seperti Chester Nez, pahlawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, the world would be a richer place for it.", "r": {"result": "Sesungguhnya, dunia akan menjadi tempat yang lebih kaya untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My hope is that when President Barack Obama visits with our Native American leaders this month at Standing Rock, North Dakota, he will be reminded of the significant contributions of Native American peoples like Chester Nez.", "r": {"result": "Harapan saya ialah apabila Presiden Barack Obama melawat pemimpin Amerika Asli kami bulan ini di Standing Rock, North Dakota, beliau akan diingatkan tentang sumbangan penting penduduk asli Amerika seperti Chester Nez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Simon Moya-Smith.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Simon Moya-Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- Germany has been at the very heart of the European Union since it began 60 years ago as a way of pooling coal and steel resources -- and of preventing future wars on a continent already devastated by brutal conflicts.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Jerman berada di tengah-tengah Kesatuan Eropah sejak ia bermula 60 tahun lalu sebagai satu cara untuk mengumpulkan sumber arang batu dan keluli -- dan menghalang peperangan masa depan di benua yang sudah musnah akibat konflik kejam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as the region's strongest economy, it has borne the brunt of the cost of recent rescue deals, and the country's troubled history has meant its insistence on unity is viewed with suspicion by some of its neighbors.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebagai ekonomi yang paling kukuh di rantau ini, ia telah menanggung beban yang besar daripada kos perjanjian menyelamat baru-baru ini, dan sejarah bermasalah negara itu bermakna desakannya terhadap perpaduan dipandang dengan syak wasangka oleh beberapa jirannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So why is Germany still so willing to do all it can to protect the European Union?", "r": {"result": "Jadi mengapa Jerman masih sanggup melakukan semua yang boleh untuk melindungi Kesatuan Eropah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And will anything shake its faith in the euro?", "r": {"result": "Dan adakah sesuatu akan menggoyahkan kepercayaannya terhadap euro?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why does Germany play such a key role in Europe?", "r": {"result": "Mengapakah Jerman memainkan peranan penting di Eropah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Germany was one of the founding nations of the European Union, which was designed to ensure that the continent would never again be torn apart by war.", "r": {"result": "Jerman adalah salah satu negara pengasas Kesatuan Eropah, yang direka untuk memastikan bahawa benua itu tidak akan lagi dipecahkan oleh peperangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Following World War II, Germany's neighbors wanted to hobble any future attempts by the nation to remilitarize; the French decided that the best way to do this was economically, rather than ideologically.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Perang Dunia II, jiran-jiran Jerman mahu menggoyahkan sebarang percubaan masa depan oleh negara untuk melakukan ketenteraan semula; Perancis memutuskan bahawa cara terbaik untuk melakukan ini adalah dari segi ekonomi, bukannya ideologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"France wanted to 'tame' Germany, and so the new Europe was built around that Franco-German relationship, starting from a clean slate,\" said Professor John Loughlin, of Cambridge University's department of politics and international studies.", "r": {"result": "\"Perancis mahu 'menjinakkan' Jerman, dan oleh itu Eropah baharu dibina di sekitar hubungan Perancis-Jerman itu, bermula dari sejarah yang bersih,\" kata Profesor John Loughlin, dari jabatan politik dan pengajian antarabangsa Universiti Cambridge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Germany was completely devastated after the war, and that meant it could begin again from scratch, build a new Germany, a new democratic nation, using economic growth as the basis for that democracy.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJerman benar-benar hancur selepas perang, dan itu bermakna ia boleh bermula semula dari awal, membina Jerman baharu, negara demokrasi baharu, menggunakan pertumbuhan ekonomi sebagai asas bagi demokrasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"European integration became a part of that, part of the rehabilitation of Germany as a nation among nations\".", "r": {"result": "\"Integrasi Eropah menjadi sebahagian daripada itu, sebahagian daripada pemulihan Jerman sebagai sebuah negara di kalangan negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How has Germany's economy performed over the years?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah prestasi ekonomi Jerman selama ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the post-war years, West Germany enjoyed a massive boom, as the nation made the most of the support it was offered and the opportunities that came its way to recover from the devastation of WWII.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun-tahun selepas perang, Jerman Barat menikmati ledakan besar-besaran, kerana negara itu memanfaatkan sepenuhnya sokongan yang ditawarkan dan peluang yang datang untuk pulih daripada kemusnahan Perang Dunia II.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Marshall Plan money coming in helped, but Germany's industriousness also played a big part,\" said Loughlin.", "r": {"result": "\"Wang Rancangan Marshall yang datang membantu, tetapi ketekunan Jerman juga memainkan peranan yang besar,\" kata Loughlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is a very strong work ethic, and the country has a large population -- it all combined to allow Germany to re-emerge as a major power\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat etika kerja yang sangat kuat, dan negara ini mempunyai penduduk yang ramai -- semuanya digabungkan untuk membolehkan Jerman muncul semula sebagai kuasa besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "West Germany flourished in the 1950s, 60s and 70s -- the period of the so-called \"Wirtschaftswunder\" [economic miracle] -- while other European nations, including France and Britain, struggled.", "r": {"result": "Jerman Barat berkembang maju pada tahun 1950-an, 60-an dan 70-an -- tempoh yang dipanggil \"Wirtschaftswunder\" [keajaiban ekonomi] -- manakala negara Eropah lain, termasuk Perancis dan Britain, bergelut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But reunification with East Germany in 1990 following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union dented the country's fortunes.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penyatuan semula dengan Jerman Timur pada tahun 1990 berikutan kejatuhan Tembok Berlin dan keruntuhan Kesatuan Soviet menjejaskan kekayaan negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The reunification of Germany impoverished the country to a certain extent,\" said Loughlin.", "r": {"result": "\"Penyatuan semula Jerman telah memiskinkan negara itu pada tahap tertentu,\" kata Loughlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The new Laender [regions] came in and resources had to be transferred from rich regions to poorer ones\".", "r": {"result": "\"[Wilayah] Laender baharu masuk dan sumber terpaksa dipindahkan dari wilayah kaya kepada wilayah yang lebih miskin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People forget that 10 to 15 years ago, Germany was going through a crisis like those affecting Italy and Spain now,\" said Dr Alex Clarkson, of King's College London's department of German.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai lupa bahawa 10 hingga 15 tahun lalu, Jerman sedang melalui krisis seperti yang menjejaskan Itali dan Sepanyol sekarang,\" kata Dr Alex Clarkson, dari jabatan Jerman King's College London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Back then, it was Germany that was seen as 'the sick man of Europe.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada masa itu, Jerman yang dilihat sebagai 'orang sakit Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' The government had overspent, and had to make fundamental economic reforms -- the system was close to paralysis.", "r": {"result": "' Kerajaan telah berbelanja secara berlebihan, dan terpaksa melakukan reformasi ekonomi asas -- sistem itu hampir lumpuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Of course in that case -- as in the case of Canada, South Korea and others -- they were able to reform at the right time, when the going was good.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah tentu dalam kes itu -- seperti dalam kes Kanada, Korea Selatan dan lain-lain -- mereka dapat melakukan pembaharuan pada masa yang tepat, apabila keadaannya baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spain and Greece have to make similar changes now, but of course there is no growth to carry their economies forward\".", "r": {"result": "Sepanyol dan Greece perlu membuat perubahan yang sama sekarang, tetapi sudah tentu tiada pertumbuhan untuk membawa ekonomi mereka ke hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And how strong is it now?", "r": {"result": "Dan sejauh mana kekuatannya sekarang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Germany has long been the economic powerhouse of Europe, but the nation is not immune from the global financial crisis.", "r": {"result": "Jerman telah lama menjadi kuasa ekonomi Eropah, tetapi negara itu tidak terlepas daripada krisis kewangan global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the continent's largest economy, but it also has a high rate of government debt, at 83.2% of GDP, and higher unemployment -- at 7.1% -- than many of its neighbors, according to 2010 figures.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan ekonomi terbesar di benua itu, tetapi ia juga mempunyai kadar hutang kerajaan yang tinggi, pada 83.2% daripada KDNK, dan pengangguran yang lebih tinggi -- pada 7.1% -- berbanding kebanyakan negara jirannya, menurut angka 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Much of Germany's might comes from its strong manufacturing sector, which has meant that, unlike many of its neighbors, the country has not had to rely on the financial services industry or the property market, both of which have been badly hit by the global economic crisis.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan kekuatan Jerman datang daripada sektor pembuatannya yang kukuh, yang bermakna, tidak seperti kebanyakan negara jirannya, negara itu tidak perlu bergantung kepada industri perkhidmatan kewangan atau pasaran hartanah, yang kedua-duanya telah terjejas teruk oleh ekonomi global. krisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But experts warn that Germany, which relies heavily on trade with China, may be highly exposed to any future trouble in the Asian markets.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pakar memberi amaran bahawa Jerman, yang sangat bergantung pada perdagangan dengan China, mungkin sangat terdedah kepada sebarang masalah masa depan dalam pasaran Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Dr Christoph Meyer, senior lecturer in European and international studies at King's College London, said despite its success so far, the German economy was not bulletproof.", "r": {"result": "Dan Dr Christoph Meyer, pensyarah kanan dalam pengajian Eropah dan antarabangsa di King's College London, berkata walaupun berjaya setakat ini, ekonomi Jerman tidak kalis peluru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is a lot of uncertainty out there, because the world is facing a wider recession, and in that case, who will buy German products\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak ketidakpastian di luar sana, kerana dunia sedang menghadapi kemelesetan yang lebih luas, dan dalam kes itu, siapa yang akan membeli produk Jerman\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is Germany propping up the euro?", "r": {"result": "Adakah Jerman menyokong euro?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The short answer to that is yes,\" says Meyer.", "r": {"result": "\"Jawapan ringkas untuk itu adalah ya,\" kata Meyer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If Germany was not there as the anchor, offering stability, and with its economic weight -- as one of the world's most successful economies -- behind it, we would not still be talking about resolving the crisis -- it would be over already.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika Jerman tidak berada di sana sebagai peneraju, menawarkan kestabilan, dan dengan berat ekonominya -- sebagai salah satu ekonomi paling berjaya di dunia -- di belakangnya, kita tidak akan bercakap tentang menyelesaikan krisis -- ia akan berakhir sudah. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But that doesn't mean Germany can do it alone\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi itu tidak bermakna Jerman boleh melakukannya sendirian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chancellor Angela Merkel has insisted even those outside the eurozone must do their bit to resolve the crisis.", "r": {"result": "Canselor Angela Merkel telah menegaskan walaupun mereka di luar zon euro mesti melakukan yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan krisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do ordinary Germans think of the crisis?", "r": {"result": "Apakah pendapat orang Jerman biasa tentang krisis itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Experts say it is inevitable that there is a degree of resentment on the part of German citizens, when faced with the responsibility of clearing up another neighbor's mess.", "r": {"result": "Pakar berkata adalah tidak dapat dielakkan bahawa terdapat tahap kebencian di pihak warga Jerman, apabila berhadapan dengan tanggungjawab untuk membersihkan kekacauan jiran lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Most ordinary Germans are quite unhappy with having to bail out the southern European countries, they aren't happy at having to give them their money,\" said Meyer.", "r": {"result": "\"Kebanyakan rakyat Jerman biasa agak tidak berpuas hati kerana terpaksa menyelamatkan negara-negara Eropah selatan, mereka tidak gembira kerana perlu memberikan wang mereka,\" kata Meyer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But then most West Germans weren't happy about giving money to East Germans after reunification either\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi kemudian kebanyakan orang Jerman Barat tidak gembira untuk memberikan wang kepada orang Jerman Timur selepas penyatuan semula sama ada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He added that while the crisis had initially hit Merkel's popularity among voters, her approval ratings had risen in recent months.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menambah bahawa walaupun krisis itu pada mulanya menjejaskan populariti Merkel dalam kalangan pengundi, penilaian kelulusannya telah meningkat dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How do other nations view Germany's actions?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah negara lain melihat tindakan Jerman?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The eurozone crisis has provided plenty of fodder for eurosceptic media and politicians across the continent, with many press reports feeding off old tensions and rivalries.", "r": {"result": "Krisis zon euro telah menyediakan banyak makanan untuk media eurosceptic dan ahli politik di seluruh benua, dengan banyak laporan akhbar memberi kesan kepada ketegangan dan persaingan lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Loughlin said claims in anti-German sections of the media in Britain and elsewhere that the country is \"trying to take over Europe\" were used by politicians to boost their standing at home, but could do real damage to international relations.", "r": {"result": "Loughlin berkata dakwaan di bahagian media anti-Jerman di Britain dan di tempat lain bahawa negara itu \"cuba mengambil alih Eropah\" digunakan oleh ahli politik untuk meningkatkan kedudukan mereka di negara sendiri, tetapi boleh merosakkan hubungan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a delicate situation, because there is a real risk of inflaming old passions and resentments,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah situasi yang rumit, kerana terdapat risiko nyata untuk membakar nafsu dan kebencian lama,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those knee-jerk reactions can have major impacts -- we need statespeople, not mere politicians, who can rise above it.", "r": {"result": "\"Tindak balas yang mencederakan lutut itu boleh memberi kesan besar -- kita memerlukan ahli negara, bukan ahli politik semata-mata, yang boleh mengatasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The idea that German history is repeating, that there is some plot to take over Europe, is ludicrous.", "r": {"result": "\"Idea bahawa sejarah Jerman berulang, bahawa terdapat beberapa plot untuk mengambil alih Eropah, adalah menggelikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It comes down to how different countries view the European project -- whether they see it as a market, like the British, the Swedes, the Danes; or whether they see it as a grand political project to create a new political system, like the Germans.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bergantung kepada cara negara berbeza melihat projek Eropah -- sama ada mereka melihatnya sebagai pasaran, seperti British, Sweden, Denmark; atau sama ada mereka melihatnya sebagai projek politik besar untuk mewujudkan sistem politik baharu, seperti orang Jerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everyone is suspicious of each other, and that undermines any plan for greater integration\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang curiga antara satu sama lain, dan itu menjejaskan sebarang rancangan untuk penyepaduan yang lebih baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clarkson said Germany was in a Catch-22 situation.", "r": {"result": "Clarkson berkata Jerman berada dalam situasi Catch-22.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Americans, and others, demand that Germany takes action, but when they do, they are accused of trying to take over -- it is the curse of power\".", "r": {"result": "\"Orang Amerika, dan lain-lain, menuntut Jerman mengambil tindakan, tetapi apabila mereka berbuat demikian, mereka dituduh cuba mengambil alih -- ia adalah kutukan kuasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is there a danger the eurozone crisis could derail Germany's economy?", "r": {"result": "Adakah terdapat bahaya krisis zon euro boleh menjejaskan ekonomi Jerman?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Germany has had a 'good recession' until now,\" said Meyer.", "r": {"result": "\"Jerman mengalami 'kemelesetan yang baik' sehingga kini,\" kata Meyer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It has benefited from the crisis so far, but now even Germany is having difficulty selling bonds.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa telah mendapat manfaat daripada krisis setakat ini, tetapi kini malah Jerman menghadapi kesukaran untuk menjual bon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The question is, at what point does the pain start for Germany?", "r": {"result": "\u201cPersoalannya, pada titik manakah kesakitan bermula untuk Jerman?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not hitting people's pay packets at the moment.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak mencecah pakej gaji orang pada masa ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But it is inevitable that the German economy will be hit.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi tidak dapat dielakkan bahawa ekonomi Jerman akan terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will be costs, be they the massive costs of a disorderly breakup of the eurozone and a move to some other currency, or the -- still large -- costs of the bailout.", "r": {"result": "Akan ada kos, sama ada kos yang besar akibat pecahnya zon euro dan perpindahan ke mata wang lain, atau -- masih besar -- kos bailout.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There will be substantial costs, both short term and long term, to allow the peripheral countries of the eurozone to catch up, and when those come through there will be a growth of euroscepticism in Germany\".", "r": {"result": "\"Akan ada kos yang besar, kedua-dua jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, untuk membolehkan negara-negara pinggir zon euro mengejar, dan apabila ia berlaku, akan ada pertumbuhan euroskeptisisme di Jerman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why are Germany's leaders so committed to the euro, and how far will they go to protect it?", "r": {"result": "Mengapakah pemimpin Jerman begitu komited terhadap euro, dan sejauh mana mereka akan pergi untuk melindunginya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Experts say Germany is committed to the euro, and prepared to go to great lengths to protect it.", "r": {"result": "Pakar berkata Jerman komited terhadap euro, dan bersedia untuk melakukan yang terbaik untuk melindunginya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Germany found it very difficult to give up the Deutschmark -- it was a symbol of the country's recovery, and giving that up to join the euro was a big sacrifice,\" said Loughlin.", "r": {"result": "\"Jerman mendapati sukar untuk melepaskan Deutschmark -- ia adalah simbol pemulihan negara, dan menyerahkannya untuk menyertai euro adalah satu pengorbanan besar,\" kata Loughlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are limits to the country's patience.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada had untuk kesabaran negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It depends on the behavior of the other European partners,\" said Meyer.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bergantung kepada tingkah laku rakan kongsi Eropah yang lain,\" kata Meyer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Germany is doing as much as it can, but the other nations have to be reasonable, Germany can't help 'at any price.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJerman melakukan sebanyak mungkin, tetapi negara-negara lain perlu munasabah, Jerman tidak boleh membantu pada sebarang harga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The other countries need to be ready and willing to address their problems, to make changes -- Merkel can't keep writing blank checks if the conditions aren't being met.", "r": {"result": "\"Negara-negara lain perlu bersedia dan bersedia menangani masalah mereka, untuk membuat perubahan -- Merkel tidak boleh terus menulis cek kosong jika syarat tidak dipenuhi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No-one wants to pour water into a leaking bucket forever\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada siapa yang mahu menuangkan air ke dalam baldi yang bocor selama-lamanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- An Arizona lawman said the suspicious package addressed to controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio \"would have caused a major explosion\" if someone had opened it.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang peguam Arizona berkata bungkusan mencurigakan yang ditujukan kepada Syerif kontroversi Joe Arpaio \"akan menyebabkan letupan besar\" jika seseorang membukanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jerry Sheridan, chief deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department, told reporters Friday the package was noticed by an alert postal employee in Flagstaff who thought he spotted gunpowder residue.", "r": {"result": "Jerry Sheridan, ketua timbalan Jabatan Syerif Daerah Maricopa, memberitahu pemberita pada Jumaat bahawa bungkusan itu disedari oleh pekerja pos berjaga-jaga di Flagstaff yang menyangka dia melihat sisa serbuk mesiu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arpaio was at Sheridan's side as he spoke.", "r": {"result": "Arpaio berada di sisi Sheridan semasa dia bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police in Flagstaff X-rayed the package, noticed what appeared to be an explosive device, and rendered it safe by blowing it up with a water cannon.", "r": {"result": "Polis di Flagstaff membuat X-ray bungkusan itu, melihat apa yang kelihatan seperti bahan letupan, dan menyelamatkannya dengan meletupkannya dengan meriam air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheridan said the package was mailed Thursday, a day after the department received a death threat from a major drug cartel.", "r": {"result": "Sheridan berkata bungkusan itu dihantar melalui pos Khamis, sehari selepas jabatan itu menerima ancaman bunuh daripada kartel dadah utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The department has received other threats in the past, but, Sheridan said, this development is \"something that was brought to the height of seriousness\".", "r": {"result": "Jabatan itu telah menerima ancaman lain pada masa lalu, tetapi, Sheridan berkata, perkembangan ini adalah \"sesuatu yang dibawa ke tahap kesungguhan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That is a very serious threat.", "r": {"result": "\u201cItu adalah ancaman yang sangat serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was labeled to come here, to this building and to be opened by Sheriff Arpaio,\" Sheridan said.", "r": {"result": "Ia dilabel untuk datang ke sini, ke bangunan ini dan dibuka oleh Sheriff Arpaio,\" kata Sheridan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said injuries, burns and maybe death could have resulted.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata kecederaan, melecur dan mungkin kematian boleh berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI and deputies were trying to track down \"a person of interest\".", "r": {"result": "FBI dan timbalan menteri cuba menjejaki \"orang yang berkepentingan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arpaio, well-known for his hardline anti-immigration policies that have led to accusations of civil rights violations, vowed that he would not be brought down by his enemies.", "r": {"result": "Arpaio, yang terkenal dengan dasar anti-imigresen garis kerasnya yang telah membawa kepada tuduhan pencabulan hak sivil, berikrar bahawa dia tidak akan dijatuhkan oleh musuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He spoke after Sheridan briefed reporters.", "r": {"result": "Beliau bercakap selepas Sheridan memberi taklimat kepada wartawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he's been besieged by certain groups and people and has been slammed with rhetoric criticizing him.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia telah dikepung oleh kumpulan dan orang tertentu dan telah diselar dengan retorik yang mengkritiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he's resolved to do his job and won't be intimidated by people who want to force him out of office or kill him.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia berazam untuk melakukan tugasnya dan tidak akan gentar dengan orang yang mahu memaksanya keluar dari jawatan atau membunuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My answer is it will not deter me from doing my job,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJawapan saya ia tidak akan menghalang saya daripada menjalankan tugas saya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not running scared.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak lari ketakutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All I know is I'm going to keep being the sheriff,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang saya tahu ialah saya akan terus menjadi sheriff,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want everybody to know that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mahu semua orang tahu itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, sheriff's department spokeswoman Lisa Allen said it was her understanding that the package had gun powder, wires, a battery -- all the components for an explosion.", "r": {"result": "Terdahulu, jurucakap jabatan sheriff Lisa Allen berkata ia adalah pemahamannya bahawa bungkusan itu mempunyai serbuk pistol, wayar, bateri -- semua komponen untuk letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Postal Inspector Andrew Rivas in Flagstaff, who screened the package Thursday, considered it suspicious enough to call a local police bomb squad and the FBI.", "r": {"result": "Inspektor Pos A.S. Andrew Rivas di Flagstaff, yang menapis bungkusan itu Khamis, menganggap ia cukup mencurigakan untuk menghubungi skuad bom polis tempatan dan FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We evacuated the post office, got all our employees to safety,\" Rivas told CNN affiliate KTVK.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mengosongkan pejabat pos, menyelamatkan semua pekerja kami,\" kata Rivas kepada sekutu CNN KTVK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivas said authorities have an idea of where the package may have come from, but declined to specify, citing the ongoing investigation.", "r": {"result": "Rivas berkata pihak berkuasa mempunyai idea dari mana pakej itu mungkin datang, tetapi enggan menyatakan secara spesifik, memetik siasatan yang sedang dijalankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Allen said the origin of the package is one of the underlying issues in the investigation.", "r": {"result": "Allen berkata asal usul bungkusan itu adalah salah satu isu asas dalam siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At present, the department is not opening mail and is checking to see if any suspicious packages have made it through, Allen said.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa ini, jabatan itu tidak membuka mel dan sedang menyemak untuk melihat sama ada mana-mana pakej yang mencurigakan telah berjaya, kata Allen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neither she nor Flagstaff police knew if the box contained a message.", "r": {"result": "Dia mahupun polis Flagstaff tidak tahu sama ada kotak itu mengandungi mesej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI declined to release details.", "r": {"result": "FBI enggan mengeluarkan butiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can confirm the FBI is involved in the investigation,\" said FBI spokesman Manuel Johnson in Phoenix.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh mengesahkan FBI terlibat dalam siasatan,\" kata jurucakap FBI Manuel Johnson di Phoenix.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At this time the FBI is not commenting further due to the matter being ongoing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pada masa ini FBI tidak mengulas lanjut kerana perkara itu sedang berjalan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also is investigating, ATF spokesman Mike Campbell said.", "r": {"result": "Biro Alkohol, Tembakau, Senjata Api dan Bahan Letupan juga sedang menyiasat, kata jurucakap ATF Mike Campbell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flagstaff is about 150 miles north of Phoenix, the seat of Maricopa County.", "r": {"result": "Flagstaff terletak kira-kira 150 batu di utara Phoenix, tempat kedudukan Maricopa County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lightning rod for controversy.", "r": {"result": "Penangkal petir untuk kontroversi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arpaio has made national headlines for years with his unorthodox -- and often controversial -- style of justice.", "r": {"result": "Arpaio telah menjadi tajuk utama negara selama bertahun-tahun dengan gaya keadilannya yang tidak lazim -- dan sering kontroversial --.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he has been the object of threats before.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia pernah menjadi objek ancaman sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since August 2011, nine threats have been directed at Arpaio that were were credible enough to be investigated.", "r": {"result": "Sejak Ogos 2011, sembilan ancaman telah ditujukan kepada Arpaio yang cukup boleh dipercayai untuk disiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There has been at least one arrest in the past involving threats.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya satu tangkapan pada masa lalu yang melibatkan ancaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Arpaio already has reasonable security, Allen said, \"we are going to have to augment\" it either by getting more personnel or adding electronic security.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Arpaio sudah mempunyai keselamatan yang munasabah, Allen berkata, \"kita perlu menambahnya\" sama ada dengan mendapatkan lebih ramai kakitangan atau menambah keselamatan elektronik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arpaio has housed thousands of inmates in tents and forced all inmates to wear pink underwear.", "r": {"result": "Arpaio telah menempatkan beribu-ribu banduan di dalam khemah dan memaksa semua banduan memakai seluar dalam berwarna merah jambu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has boasted about feeding each inmate on less than $1 a day.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah bermegah tentang memberi makan setiap banduan kurang daripada $1 sehari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His critics say he has a long history of launching bogus criminal investigations against political opponents and anyone else who gets in his way.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritiknya berkata dia mempunyai sejarah panjang melancarkan siasatan jenayah palsu terhadap lawan politik dan sesiapa sahaja yang menghalangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was the subject of a civil lawsuit by the Justice Department alleging civil rights violations.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjadi subjek tuntutan mahkamah sivil oleh Jabatan Kehakiman yang mendakwa pencabulan hak sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the complaint, the sheriff's office has displayed a pattern of discrimination against Latinos that includes racial profiling, unlawful detention and searches, and unlawful targeting of Latinos during raids.", "r": {"result": "Menurut aduan itu, pejabat sheriff telah mempamerkan corak diskriminasi terhadap warga Latin yang termasuk pemprofilan kaum, penahanan dan penggeledahan yang menyalahi undang-undang, dan penyasaran yang menyalahi undang-undang Latin semasa serbuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arpaio has denied any discrimination, and one of his attorneys called the Justice Department investigation a \"witch hunt\".", "r": {"result": "Arpaio telah menafikan sebarang diskriminasi, dan salah seorang peguamnya menggelar penyiasatan Jabatan Kehakiman sebagai \"pemburuan ahli sihir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His office website touts his \"get tough\" policies and says his chain gangs contribute thousands of dollars of free labor to the community.", "r": {"result": "Laman web pejabatnya menggembar-gemburkan dasar \"keras\"nya dan mengatakan geng rantainya menyumbang beribu-ribu dolar buruh percuma kepada masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Male chain gangs, as well as the world's first-ever female and juvenile chain gangs, clean streets, paint over graffiti and bury the indigent in the county cemetery.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan rantaian lelaki, serta kumpulan rantaian wanita dan juvana yang pertama di dunia, membersihkan jalan-jalan, mengecat grafiti dan mengebumikan orang miskin di tanah perkuburan daerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After winning his sixth term last November, the 80-year-old sheriff said he doesn't plan on leaving office anytime soon.", "r": {"result": "Selepas memenangi penggal keenam November lalu, sheriff berusia 80 tahun itu berkata dia tidak bercadang untuk meninggalkan jawatan dalam masa terdekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For my critics out there, I'm going to say right now: In January, I'm signing up for 2016. So I'm not a lame duck,\" he told a crowd of cheering supporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi pengkritik saya di luar sana, saya akan katakan sekarang: Pada bulan Januari, saya akan mendaftar untuk 2016. Jadi saya bukan itik pincang,\" katanya kepada penyokong yang bersorak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Greg Morrison, Ashley Fantz and Michael Martinez contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Greg Morrison dari CNN, Ashley Fantz dan Michael Martinez menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In the wake of a highly publicized chimpanzee attack, the U.S. House made its first official move to ban humans from owning primates as pets.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Susulan serangan cimpanzi yang sangat dihebahkan, Rumah A.S. membuat langkah rasmi pertamanya untuk melarang manusia daripada memiliki primat sebagai haiwan peliharaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travis, seen here as a younger chimp, was fatally shot by police after attacking a woman, authorities say.", "r": {"result": "Travis, dilihat di sini sebagai cimpanzi yang lebih muda, maut ditembak oleh polis selepas menyerang seorang wanita, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The House overwhelmingly voted in favor of passing the Captive Primate Safety Act on Tuesday, which prohibits people from buying or transporting primates across state lines to keep as pets.", "r": {"result": "Dewan banyak mengundi menyokong meluluskan Akta Keselamatan Primat Tawanan pada hari Selasa, yang melarang orang ramai daripada membeli atau mengangkut primat merentasi laluan negeri untuk dipelihara sebagai haiwan peliharaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This legislation amended the Lacey Act, which had only applied to wildlife and fish.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang ini meminda Akta Lacey, yang hanya terpakai kepada hidupan liar dan ikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Humane Society of the United States applauded the bill, which passed by a vote of 323 to 95.", "r": {"result": "Persatuan Kemanusiaan Amerika Syarikat memuji rang undang-undang itu, yang diluluskan dengan undian 323 berbanding 95.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no reason for any private citizen to keep a primate as a pet, and this trade is driven by unscrupulous dealers who sell primates across state lines for thousands of dollars,\" said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the HSUS.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sebab bagi mana-mana warganegara persendirian untuk memelihara primata sebagai haiwan peliharaan, dan perdagangan ini didorong oleh peniaga yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang menjual primat merentasi negeri untuk beribu-ribu dolar,\" kata Wayne Pacelle, presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif HSUS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, Charla Nash, 55, was left with severe trauma to her face, scalp and hands after her neighbor's pet chimpanzee, Travis, mauled her in Stamford, Connecticut.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, Charla Nash, 55, mengalami trauma teruk pada muka, kulit kepala dan tangannya selepas cimpanzi peliharaan jirannya, Travis, menderanya di Stamford, Connecticut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police shot Travis to halt the attack, and he later died of gunshot wounds.", "r": {"result": "Polis menembak Travis untuk menghentikan serangan itu, dan dia kemudian mati akibat luka tembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nash was brought to the famed Cleveland Clinic, where the nation's first face transplant was performed.", "r": {"result": "Nash dibawa ke Klinik Cleveland yang terkenal, tempat pemindahan muka pertama negara dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors there are contemplating whether to offer her a similar procedure.", "r": {"result": "Doktor di sana sedang memikirkan sama ada untuk menawarkan prosedur yang sama kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill was introduced by U.S. Reps.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu diperkenalkan oleh A.S. Reps.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, and Mark Kirk, R-Illinois, who said it would protect animals and humans from similar attacks.", "r": {"result": "Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, dan Mark Kirk, R-Illinois, yang berkata ia akan melindungi haiwan dan manusia daripada serangan serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As the tragic attack in Connecticut shows us, The Captive Primate Safety Act is necessary, common-sense legislation for the welfare of humans and animals,\" Blumenauer said.", "r": {"result": "\"Memandangkan serangan tragis di Connecticut menunjukkan kepada kita, Akta Keselamatan Primata Tawanan adalah perlu, undang-undang yang masuk akal untuk kebajikan manusia dan haiwan,\" kata Blumenauer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Make no mistake, this bill will protect communities and ensure the humane treatment of these animals\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jangan silap, rang undang-undang ini akan melindungi masyarakat dan memastikan layanan berperikemanusiaan terhadap haiwan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is inhumane to cage primates in private homes.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAdalah tidak berperikemanusiaan untuk mengurung primata di rumah persendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Besides the animal cruelty concerns, the interstate movement of pet primates creates serious public health and safety risks.", "r": {"result": "Selain kebimbangan kekejaman haiwan, pergerakan antara negeri primat haiwan peliharaan mewujudkan risiko kesihatan dan keselamatan awam yang serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Captive Primate Safety Act takes important steps to address these concerns,\" Kirk said.", "r": {"result": "Akta Keselamatan Primata Tawanan mengambil langkah penting untuk menangani kebimbangan ini,\" kata Kirk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As cute as they can be, primates can inflict serious injuries and spread life-threatening disease, according to the Humane Society.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun comel, primata boleh menyebabkan kecederaan serius dan menyebarkan penyakit yang mengancam nyawa, menurut Persatuan Manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The average pet owner cannot provide for their basic social and physical needs in captivity, says the organization, which estimates 15,000 monkeys and other primates are living as either pets or in private zoos.", "r": {"result": "Rata-rata pemilik haiwan peliharaan tidak dapat menyediakan keperluan asas sosial dan fizikal mereka dalam kurungan, kata organisasi itu, yang menganggarkan 15,000 monyet dan primata lain hidup sama ada sebagai haiwan peliharaan atau di zoo persendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As infants, they are fascinating,\" said Beth Preiss, who directs the organization's Exotic Pet Campaign.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai bayi, mereka menarik,\" kata Beth Preiss, yang mengarahkan Kempen Haiwan Peliharaan Eksotik organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But they grow up and become dangerous to manage\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi mereka membesar dan menjadi berbahaya untuk diuruskan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill moves now to the Senate, where Democratic Sen.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu kini beralih kepada Senat, di mana Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barbara Boxer of California and Republican Sen.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Boxer dari California dan Republikan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Vitter of Louisiana will lead the effort to pass the legislation.", "r": {"result": "David Vitter dari Louisiana akan mengetuai usaha untuk meluluskan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Lauren Kornreich contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Lauren Kornreich dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A Southern California teenager has serious bragging rights: After docking back in his home state late Thursday morning, Zac Sunderland, 17, can claim to be the youngest person to sail around the world alone.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang remaja California Selatan mempunyai hak membual yang serius: Selepas berlabuh kembali ke negeri asalnya lewat pagi Khamis, Zac Sunderland, 17, boleh mendakwa sebagai orang termuda yang belayar mengelilingi dunia seorang diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hardest part of a solo voyage is always being tired, Zac Sunderland says.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian paling sukar dalam pelayaran solo ialah sentiasa letih, kata Zac Sunderland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunderland was greeted with thunderous applause and congratulations as he arrived at Marina del Rey in his 36-foot sailboat.", "r": {"result": "Sunderland disambut dengan tepukan gemuruh dan tahniah ketika dia tiba di Marina del Rey dengan bot layarnya yang berukuran 36 kaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's kind of crazy to have it done now because, I mean, for the past year I've been just fighting for the next ocean, fighting to get back.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia agak gila untuk melakukannya sekarang kerana, maksud saya, sejak setahun lalu saya hanya berjuang untuk lautan seterusnya, berjuang untuk kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now I'm back so it's amazing,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Dan kini saya kembali jadi ia menakjubkan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The teen acknowledged the 27,500-mile voyage wasn't easy.", "r": {"result": "Remaja itu mengakui pelayaran sejauh 27,500 batu itu tidak mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told CNN that pirates off the coast of Indonesia gave him quite a scare.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu CNN bahawa lanun di luar pantai Indonesia memberinya ketakutan yang agak menakutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[I] had a boat circle in and ended up calling in the coast watch and they chased them off but, yeah, [I] lucked out there!", "r": {"result": "\"[Saya] mempunyai bulatan bot masuk dan akhirnya menghubungi pengawal pantai dan mereka menghalau mereka tetapi, ya, [saya] bernasib baik di sana!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About an hour and a half of hell\".", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira satu setengah jam neraka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Severe storms also were a problem, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ribut yang teruk juga menjadi masalah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunderland's Web site says he bought the boat with his own money.", "r": {"result": "Laman web Sunderland mengatakan dia membeli bot itu dengan wangnya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His parents had hoped he would find something that would spark a fire in him, a passion that would direct him away from all the negative and harmful influences that are so prevalent in society, but even they were stunned by the scope of his dreams and desires, it says.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapanya berharap dia akan menemui sesuatu yang akan mencetuskan api dalam dirinya, keghairahan yang akan menjauhkannya daripada semua pengaruh negatif dan berbahaya yang begitu berleluasa dalam masyarakat, tetapi mereka juga terpegun dengan ruang lingkup impian dan keinginannya. , ia berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Sunderland give advice to fellow teens >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Sunderland memberi nasihat kepada rakan remaja >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was 16 when he left Marina del Rey on June 14, 2008, aboard his boat, Intrepid.", "r": {"result": "Dia berusia 16 tahun ketika meninggalkan Marina del Rey pada 14 Jun 2008, menaiki botnya, Intrepid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Solitude and exhaustion were just a couple of factors that faced him each day.", "r": {"result": "Kesendirian dan keletihan hanyalah beberapa faktor yang dihadapinya setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The hardest constantly was the tiredness,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Yang paling sukar sentiasa adalah keletihan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I mean, you get over the loneliness, but tiredness, it's an ongoing thing.", "r": {"result": "\"Maksud saya, anda mengatasi kesunyian, tetapi keletihan, ia adalah perkara yang berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Half the time I haven't slept in 48 hours and it's just hard to get enough rest\".", "r": {"result": "Separuh masa saya tidak tidur dalam 48 jam dan sukar untuk mendapatkan rehat yang cukup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunderland said he made some good contacts along the way.", "r": {"result": "Sunderland berkata dia membuat beberapa kenalan yang baik sepanjang perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's interesting just thinking back to the different places in the world because I have so many friends in different parts of the world that are like family, you know, and all these different experiences,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Memang menarik apabila memikirkan kembali tempat yang berbeza di dunia kerana saya mempunyai ramai kawan di bahagian yang berbeza di dunia yang seperti keluarga, anda tahu, dan semua pengalaman yang berbeza ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's an amazing year.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah tahun yang menakjubkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It seems like yesterday that I was here but in other ways it seems like a hundred years\".", "r": {"result": "Nampak seperti semalam saya berada di sini tetapi dalam cara lain ia kelihatan seperti seratus tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So what's next?", "r": {"result": "Jadi apa seterusnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yeah, I don't know, just go chill with my friends,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ya, saya tidak tahu, pergi bersantai dengan rakan-rakan saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Go skate.", "r": {"result": "\"Pergi skate.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Go do something normal for a change, you know\".", "r": {"result": "Pergi buat sesuatu yang normal untuk perubahan, awak tahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Sara Weisfeldt contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Sara Weisfeldt dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- An undocumented student from Mexico who was arrested and held in a deportation facility after she was stopped for a minor traffic violation in Georgia was found guilty on Thursday of driving without a license.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang pelajar tanpa izin dari Mexico yang ditangkap dan ditahan di kemudahan pengusiran selepas dia diberhentikan kerana pelanggaran lalu lintas kecil di Georgia didapati bersalah pada hari Khamis kerana memandu tanpa lesen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A jury in Cobb County, Georgia also found 22-year-old Jessica Colotl not guilty of impeding traffic, the reason police gave for pulling her over on the campus of Kennesaw State University.", "r": {"result": "Juri di Cobb County, Georgia juga mendapati Jessica Colotl yang berusia 22 tahun tidak bersalah kerana menghalang lalu lintas, alasan yang diberikan polis untuk menariknya ke kampus Universiti Negeri Kennesaw.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Conviction on the misdemeanor charge of driving without a license is punishable by up to a year in jail, said her lawyer, Jerome Lee.", "r": {"result": "Sabitan atas pertuduhan salah laku memandu tanpa lesen boleh dihukum penjara sehingga setahun, kata peguamnya, Jerome Lee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The conviction includes a mandatory minimum of 48 hours in jail, of which Colotl has already served around 45 1/2, Lee said.", "r": {"result": "Sabitan itu termasuk penjara minimum 48 jam mandatori, yang mana Colotl telah berkhidmat sekitar 45 1/2, kata Lee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lee said that Colotl plans to appeal the verdict.", "r": {"result": "Lee berkata bahawa Colotl merancang untuk merayu keputusan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Colotl became a lightning rod in the immigration debate last spring, when advocates for immigration reform said her case was a symbol of a broken system.", "r": {"result": "Colotl menjadi penangkal petir dalam perdebatan imigresen musim bunga lalu, apabila penyokong reformasi imigresen berkata kesnya adalah simbol sistem yang rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, Lee said that she had recently obtained a learner's permit, which he said was grounds to dismiss the misdemeanor charge under Georgia law.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Khamis, Lee berkata bahawa dia baru-baru ini memperoleh permit pelajar, yang menurutnya adalah alasan untuk menolak pertuduhan salah laku di bawah undang-undang Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The jury essentially refused to properly read the statute, as juries often do,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Juri pada dasarnya enggan membaca statut dengan betul, seperti yang sering dilakukan oleh juri,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Colotl's legal problems started in late March when her car was stopped on the campus of Kennesaw State.", "r": {"result": "Masalah undang-undang Colotl bermula pada akhir Mac apabila keretanya diberhentikan di kampus Negeri Kennesaw.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Born in Mexico but living in the United States since she was 11, she could not produce a driver's license, so she handed over as identification an expired passport from Mexico.", "r": {"result": "Dilahirkan di Mexico tetapi menetap di Amerika Syarikat sejak berusia 11 tahun, dia tidak dapat mengemukakan lesen memandu, jadi dia menyerahkan sebagai pengenalan pasport tamat tempoh dari Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was arrested the next day and turned over to immigration officials.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditangkap keesokan harinya dan diserahkan kepada pegawai imigresen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She spent more than a month in the Etowah Detention Center in Alabama.", "r": {"result": "Dia menghabiskan lebih daripada sebulan di Pusat Tahanan Etowah di Alabama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friends came out in force and marched on campus in her defense.", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan keluar dengan kuat dan berarak di kampus untuk mempertahankannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In May, she was released, and her deportation was deferred for a year, which will allow her to finish her studies.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Mei, dia dibebaskan, dan pengusirannya ditangguhkan selama setahun, yang membolehkan dia menamatkan pengajiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she was quickly arrested on a warrant for the Cobb County Sheriff's Office and released on $2,500 bail.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia segera ditangkap atas waran untuk Pejabat Sheriff Cobb County dan dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin $2,500.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm just trying to live the American dream and finish my education,\" she said at the time.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hanya cuba untuk menjalani impian Amerika dan menamatkan pendidikan saya,\" katanya pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, Lee said that other than completing college, his client's plans for the future are unclear.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Khamis, Lee berkata selain menamatkan kolej, rancangan pelanggannya untuk masa depan tidak jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are so many variables in terms of what's going to happen,\" he said, \"that it's a little too early to say\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat begitu banyak pembolehubah dari segi apa yang akan berlaku,\" katanya, \"sehingga terlalu awal untuk mengatakannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- I peered over the shoulder of the flight engineer and studied the pressurization gauge on his panel.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Saya mengintai dari atas bahu jurutera penerbangan dan mengkaji tolok tekanan pada panelnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The needle indicated that the cabin was climbing, and the slow popping in my ears confirmed it.", "r": {"result": "Jarum itu menunjukkan bahawa kabin sedang mendaki, dan bunyi perlahan di telinga saya mengesahkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not good.", "r": {"result": "Tidak baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flight engineer swiveled his seat away from the panel and turned in my direction, brow furrowed, eyes wide.", "r": {"result": "Jurutera penerbangan itu memusingkan tempat duduknya dari panel dan menoleh ke arah saya, dahi berkerut, mata terbeliak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Should I tell the captain\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Perlukah saya memberitahu kapten\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he asked.", "r": {"result": "dia tanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The question seemed foolish, but I understood.", "r": {"result": "Soalan itu kelihatan bodoh, tetapi saya faham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flight engineer was brand new, having completed his training with the airline a week earlier.", "r": {"result": "Jurutera penerbangan itu baru, setelah menamatkan latihannya dengan syarikat penerbangan itu seminggu lebih awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was a seasoned veteran of six months, observing from the jump seat for the purpose of monitoring co-pilot procedures.", "r": {"result": "Saya adalah seorang veteran berpengalaman selama enam bulan, memerhati dari kerusi lompat untuk tujuan memantau prosedur pembantu juruterbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I had just upgraded from the flight engineer position to a \"window seat\" on the 727.", "r": {"result": "Saya baru sahaja menaik taraf daripada kedudukan jurutera penerbangan kepada \"tempat duduk tingkap\" pada 727.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yes,\" I replied with raised eyebrows.", "r": {"result": "\"Ya,\" jawabku dengan kening terangkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would tell the captain...like right now\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan beritahu kapten...seperti sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The captain had already begun to swivel in his seat.", "r": {"result": "Kapten sudah mula berpusing di tempat duduknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He squinted at the array of switches and indications on the panel.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjeling ke arah susunan suis dan petunjuk pada panel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A conference with the flight engineer ensued.", "r": {"result": "Persidangan dengan jurutera penerbangan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All four of us in the cockpit focused momentarily on the cabin rate needle.", "r": {"result": "Kami berempat di dalam kokpit tertumpu seketika pada jarum kadar kabin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was still indicating a climb.", "r": {"result": "Ia masih menunjukkan pendakian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For some mysterious reason, we were slowly losing cabin pressurization.", "r": {"result": "Untuk beberapa sebab misteri, kami perlahan-lahan kehilangan tekanan kabin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The captain turned toward me in a silent gesture to obtain confirmation.", "r": {"result": "Kapten berpaling ke arah saya dalam isyarat senyap untuk mendapatkan pengesahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I nodded.", "r": {"result": "Saya mengangguk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without hesitation, he instructed the co-pilot to request an immediate descent to 10,000 feet from our altitude of 37,000 feet.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa teragak-agak, dia mengarahkan pembantu juruterbang untuk meminta penurunan segera ke 10,000 kaki dari ketinggian 37,000 kaki kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I reached for the oxygen mask and strapped it to my face.", "r": {"result": "Aku mencapai topeng oksigen dan mengikatnya pada mukaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rest of the crew followed my lead.", "r": {"result": "Anak-anak kapal yang lain mengikut arahan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten minutes later, and after the completion of the appropriate emergency checklist, we reached 10,000 feet.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh minit kemudian, dan selepas selesai senarai semak kecemasan yang sesuai, kami mencapai 10,000 kaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our 152 passengers had to endure a lack of air conditioning because of the pressurization problem, but other than that, the experience was a non-event.", "r": {"result": "152 penumpang kami terpaksa menanggung kekurangan penghawa dingin kerana masalah tekanan, tetapi selain itu, pengalaman itu bukan acara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This should have been the same outcome for the single-engine Socata TBM 900 turboprop that crashed, tragically, in the waters off Jamaica on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Ini sepatutnya hasil yang sama untuk turboprop Socata TBM 900 enjin tunggal yang terhempas, secara tragis, di perairan Jamaica pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The TBM 900 had departed Rochester, New York, bound for Naples, Florida, with two occupants on board: Larry Glazer, the pilot/owner and his wife, Jane Glazer.", "r": {"result": "TBM 900 telah berlepas dari Rochester, New York, menuju ke Naples, Florida, dengan dua penumpang di dalamnya: Larry Glazer, juruterbang/pemilik dan isterinya, Jane Glazer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the pilot became unresponsive while the airplane cruised at 25,000 feet over Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi juruterbang menjadi tidak bertindak balas semasa kapal terbang itu berlayar pada ketinggian 25,000 kaki di atas Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of landing in Naples, the autopilot system allowed the turboprop to continue flying off the eastern U.S. coastline, crossing over Cuba before, with its fuel supply exhausted, it crashed into the sea about 12 miles north of the Jamaican coastline.", "r": {"result": "Daripada mendarat di Naples, sistem autopilot membenarkan turboprop itu terus terbang dari pantai timur AS, melintasi Cuba sebelum ini, dengan bekalan bahan apinya kehabisan, ia terhempas ke dalam laut kira-kira 12 batu di utara pantai Jamaica.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two U.S.-launched F-15s confirmed through observation that the pilot appeared unconscious.", "r": {"result": "Dua F-15 yang dilancarkan AS mengesahkan melalui pemerhatian bahawa juruterbang itu kelihatan tidak sedarkan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The French-made TBM 900 is a sophisticated piece of technology, far superior to the old Boeing 727 airliner I described above.", "r": {"result": "TBM 900 buatan Perancis ialah teknologi yang canggih, jauh lebih baik daripada pesawat Boeing 727 lama yang saya nyatakan di atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is a great representative of the new generation in privately-owned cabin class airplanes, competing with traditional twin-engine turboprops and even small, corporate jets.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan wakil hebat generasi baharu dalam kapal terbang kelas kabin milik persendirian, bersaing dengan turboprop enjin berkembar tradisional dan juga jet korporat yang kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Composite material, finely tuned aeroengineering design, a reliable and proven Pratt and Whitney engine and advanced cockpit displays and controls all combine to make the $3.7 million airplane a respected machine.", "r": {"result": "Bahan komposit, reka bentuk aeroengineering yang ditala halus, enjin Pratt and Whitney yang andal dan terbukti serta paparan dan kawalan kokpit termaju semuanya digabungkan untuk menjadikan kapal terbang bernilai $3.7 juta sebagai mesin yang dihormati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 1,000 of these airplanes are operating today; the 900 is the most recent version.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 1,000 kapal terbang ini beroperasi hari ini; 900 ialah versi terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to an Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association (AOPA) report, this was the third TBM owned by Larry Glazer; he had logged 5,000 hours in the model.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan Persatuan Pemilik Pesawat dan Juruterbang (AOPA), ini adalah TBM ketiga yang dimiliki oleh Larry Glazer; dia telah log masuk 5,000 jam dalam model itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One would think that such experience would have produced a positive result and not a crash into the ocean.", "r": {"result": "Seseorang akan berfikir bahawa pengalaman sedemikian akan menghasilkan hasil yang positif dan bukannya kemalangan ke lautan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What happened exactly?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hypoxia, lack of oxygen to the brain, would appear to be the most likely culprit.", "r": {"result": "Hipoksia, kekurangan oksigen ke otak, nampaknya menjadi punca yang paling mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Depending upon the health condition of an individual, the time of useful consciousness at 25,000 feet isn't much more than about a minute.", "r": {"result": "Bergantung pada keadaan kesihatan seseorang individu, masa kesedaran berguna pada 25,000 kaki tidak lebih daripada satu minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that's if a depressurization occurs as a catastrophic event with some type of major hole in the fuselage, allowing air to escape explosively.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi itu jika penyahtekanan berlaku sebagai kejadian bencana dengan beberapa jenis lubang besar dalam fiuslaj, membolehkan udara keluar dengan letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in this instance, judging by 30 minutes of Air Traffic Control audio recording, it was not a catastrophic occurrence, but rather a slow event.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dalam keadaan ini, berdasarkan rakaman audio Kawalan Trafik Udara selama 30 minit, ia bukanlah kejadian yang melanda, sebaliknya peristiwa yang perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "News reports say the pilot asked to descend to 18,000 feet because \"we have an indication that is not correct in the plane,\" according to a stream of that transmission posted on LiveATC.net.", "r": {"result": "Laporan berita mengatakan juruterbang meminta untuk turun ke 18,000 kaki kerana \"kami mempunyai petunjuk yang tidak betul dalam pesawat,\" menurut aliran penghantaran yang disiarkan di LiveATC.net.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After about one minute, the airplane was cleared initially from 28,000 feet to 25,000 feet where it eventually remained until fuel exhaustion.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kira-kira satu minit, pesawat itu dibersihkan pada mulanya dari 28,000 kaki hingga 25,000 kaki di mana ia akhirnya kekal sehingga kehabisan bahan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While descending, ATC gave further clearance to 20,000 feet but the pilot responded with an unintelligible transmission.", "r": {"result": "Semasa menuruni, ATC memberikan pelepasan lanjut kepada 20,000 kaki tetapi juruterbang bertindak balas dengan transmisi yang tidak dapat difahami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's possible he was already suffering from hypoxia.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan dia sudah mengalami hipoksia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A slow loss of oxygen to the brain is insidious; most people not familiar with the symptoms don't recognize the danger.", "r": {"result": "Kehilangan oksigen yang perlahan ke otak adalah berbahaya; kebanyakan orang yang tidak biasa dengan gejala tidak menyedari bahayanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A depressurization problem is a traumatic event that it is easily managed -- but only if the problem is recognized.", "r": {"result": "Masalah kemurungan ialah peristiwa traumatik yang mudah diuruskan -- tetapi hanya jika masalah itu dikenal pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like the captain of the 727, a pilot facing such a situation would have to don an oxygen mask the minute he suspected the issue.", "r": {"result": "Seperti kapten 727, juruterbang yang menghadapi situasi sedemikian perlu memakai topeng oksigen sebaik sahaja dia mengesyaki isu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next objective would be to descend the airplane to a habitable altitude -- 10,000 feet is a typical procedure goal.", "r": {"result": "Objektif seterusnya adalah untuk menurunkan kapal terbang ke ketinggian yang boleh dihuni -- 10,000 kaki adalah matlamat prosedur biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For this to occur, a sense of urgency has to be stated or an emergency declared.", "r": {"result": "Untuk ini berlaku, rasa mendesak perlu dinyatakan atau kecemasan diisytiharkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apparently, none of this happened.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya, semua ini tidak berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the airline level, we train for such a depressurization event from day one.", "r": {"result": "Di peringkat syarikat penerbangan, kami berlatih untuk acara penurunan tekanan seperti itu dari hari pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is an emergency that is etched into our muscle memory.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kecemasan yang terukir dalam ingatan otot kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am certain this emergency was part of the training for this particular TBM pilot.", "r": {"result": "Saya pasti kecemasan ini adalah sebahagian daripada latihan untuk juruterbang TBM ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether it was part of his muscle memory, we can't know.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada ia sebahagian daripada ingatan ototnya, kita tidak boleh tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airplane is equipped with an emergency oxygen bottle attached to quick-donning masks for just such circumstances.", "r": {"result": "Pesawat itu dilengkapi dengan botol oksigen kecemasan yang dilekatkan pada topeng memakai pantas untuk keadaan sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is possible that the system may have malfunctioned.", "r": {"result": "Ada kemungkinan sistem itu tidak berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps a closed valve not noticed on the preflight inspection?", "r": {"result": "Mungkin injap tertutup tidak diperhatikan pada pemeriksaan sebelum penerbangan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An undetected leak?", "r": {"result": "Kebocoran yang tidak dapat dikesan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or maybe the system that had been causing the malfunction released the cabin pressurization in one final event.", "r": {"result": "Atau mungkin sistem yang telah menyebabkan kerosakan itu mengeluarkan tekanan kabin dalam satu acara terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Regardless, if indeed a pressurization malfunction had been observed, the prudent decision would have been to descend immediately and head off a tragedy.", "r": {"result": "Walau apa pun, jika memang kerosakan tekanan telah diperhatikan, keputusan yang bijak adalah untuk turun serta-merta dan mengelakkan tragedi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sad as this outcome was, we can be thankful for small favors.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun keputusan ini menyedihkan, kita boleh bersyukur atas nikmat kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airplane's sophisticated automation system steered it away from populated areas and a tragedy of even greater proportions.", "r": {"result": "Sistem automasi canggih kapal terbang itu menjauhkannya dari kawasan berpenduduk dan tragedi yang lebih besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Hollywood's leading women want to be treated with a little more respect as they parade the red carpet on Oscar night this Sunday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Wanita terkemuka Hollywood mahu dilayan dengan lebih hormat ketika mereka mengarak permaidani merah pada malam Oscar Ahad ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's not hard to sympathize with them.", "r": {"result": "Dan tidak sukar untuk bersimpati dengan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Female nominees, it seems, are tired of simply engaging in the same old small talk about the make of their gowns, the jewels they are wearing, or the footwear they're flaunting (not to mention the intimate secrets of their personal beautification process).", "r": {"result": "Penama wanita, nampaknya, bosan dengan hanya terlibat dalam ceramah kecil lama yang sama tentang pembuatan gaun mereka, permata yang mereka pakai, atau kasut yang mereka pamerkan (belum lagi rahsia intim proses kecantikan peribadi mereka) .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So they have been pushing back in the form of #AskHerMore, a campaign launched last year that's being waged by women in Hollywood wanting to broaden the scope of their pre-telecast conversations beyond fashion.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, mereka telah menolak semula dalam bentuk #AskHerMore, kempen yang dilancarkan tahun lalu yang dilancarkan oleh wanita di Hollywood yang ingin meluaskan skop perbualan pra-siaran mereka melangkaui fesyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether it be Cate Blanchett's pointed question to a cameraman at last year's SAG Awards, or contenders refusing to raise their hands for E!", "r": {"result": "Sama ada soalan tajam Cate Blanchett kepada jurukamera pada Anugerah SAG tahun lepas, atau pesaing yang enggan mengangkat tangan untuk E!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Entertainment's \"Mani-Cam,\" actresses are starting to speak out about some of the more sexist treatment they face.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon \"Mani-Cam\" Entertainment mula bercakap tentang beberapa layanan yang lebih seksis yang mereka hadapi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, can we expect a red carpet rebellion at this year's Academy Awards?", "r": {"result": "Jadi, bolehkah kita menjangkakan pemberontakan permaidani merah pada Anugerah Akademi tahun ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Far from it.", "r": {"result": "Jauh sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Posing like a supermodel and discussing couture delivers a big payoff -- a lucrative contract representing a luxury brand of cosmetics, watches, automobiles or even bottled water and automobiles.", "r": {"result": "Menyamar seperti supermodel dan membincangkan couture memberikan hasil yang besar -- kontrak lumayan yang mewakili jenama kosmetik, jam tangan, kereta atau juga air botol dan kereta mewah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such contracts give stars an extra income, allowing them to refrain, if they choose, from making B-list movies or popcorn blockbusters.", "r": {"result": "Kontrak sedemikian memberikan bintang pendapatan tambahan, membolehkan mereka menahan, jika mereka memilih, daripada membuat filem senarai B atau popcorn blockbuster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plus, fronting a glossy campaign can also create a sophisticated aura around the star in question.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, memaparkan kempen berkilat juga boleh mencipta aura canggih di sekeliling bintang yang dipersoalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this award season has felt even longer than usual.", "r": {"result": "Dan musim anugerah ini terasa lebih lama daripada biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of kicking off with January's Golden Globes, it started two months early, in November 2014, with the Hollywood Film Awards.", "r": {"result": "Daripada bermula dengan Golden Globes Januari, ia bermula dua bulan lebih awal, pada November 2014, dengan Anugerah Filem Hollywood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Purists lampooned the telecast, which despite proclaiming itself the \"Official Launch of the Awards Season\" has seemed barely known to much of the public beyond Hollywood.", "r": {"result": "Purists mencemuh siaran itu, yang walaupun mengisytiharkan dirinya sebagai \"Pelancaran Rasmi Musim Anugerah\" nampaknya hampir tidak diketahui oleh kebanyakan orang di luar Hollywood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet that didn't stop the talent considered a shoo-in for the big prizes from being out in force at the ceremony, gamely fielding pre-telecast questions from film and fashion reporters.", "r": {"result": "Namun itu tidak menghalang bakat yang dianggap sebagai penentu hadiah besar daripada berkuat kuasa pada majlis itu, dengan penuh gairah mengemukakan soalan pra-siaran daripada wartawan filem dan fesyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this week, the Oscar front-runners are still talking fashion, despite the word on the ground here in Los Angeles being that some nominees are nursing colds, while others already have blisters from walking miles of red carpet in their borrowed designer stilettos.", "r": {"result": "Dan minggu ini, pemenang Oscar masih bercakap mengenai fesyen, walaupun berita di lapangan di sini di Los Angeles adalah bahawa beberapa calon menghidap selsema, manakala yang lain sudah mengalami lepuh akibat berjalan berbatu-batu di permaidani merah dalam stiletto pereka yang dipinjam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For some, it seems, the thinking is #AskHerMore be damned!", "r": {"result": "Bagi sesetengah orang, nampaknya, pemikirannya adalah #AskHerMore terkutuklah!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It didn't used to be like this.", "r": {"result": "Dulu tak macam ni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Serious actors -- especially those intent on winning an Oscar -- once refrained from the \"grubby\" work of advertising.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon yang serius -- terutamanya mereka yang berhasrat memenangi Oscar -- pernah mengelak daripada kerja pengiklanan yang \"kotor\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cher's decision to promote health clubs in a series of TV commercials, for example, was seen by many as scuttling her shot as best actress for the 1985 film \"Mask\".", "r": {"result": "Keputusan Cher untuk mempromosikan kelab kesihatan dalam beberapa siri iklan TV, sebagai contoh, dilihat oleh banyak pihak sebagai melemahkan syotnya sebagai pelakon wanita terbaik untuk filem 1985 \"Mask\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If an actor did decide to promote a brand, he or she would generally do so on the sly, in Japan, and pocket big money out of sight of Western audiences (much easier in the pre-YouTube era).", "r": {"result": "Jika seorang pelakon membuat keputusan untuk mempromosikan jenama, dia secara amnya akan berbuat demikian secara diam-diam, di Jepun, dan mengeluarkan wang yang besar daripada pandangan penonton Barat (lebih mudah dalam era pra-YouTube).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today there is no such stigma.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini tidak ada stigma seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year's red carpet star Lupita Nyong'o, who secured a statuette for \"12 Years A Slave,\" got an early jump on the Oscar buzz-generating action at the Telluride Film Festival in August before embarking on a six-month stretch of appearances in which she seemed to divide her time between film industry functions (which allow for networking opportunities with Academy voters) and fashion goings-on.", "r": {"result": "Bintang permaidani merah tahun lalu Lupita Nyong'o, yang memperoleh patung untuk \"12 Years A Slave,\" mendapat lonjakan awal pada aksi menjana Oscar di Festival Filem Telluride pada Ogos sebelum memulakan penampilan selama enam bulan di mana dia seolah-olah membahagikan masanya antara fungsi industri filem (yang membolehkan peluang rangkaian dengan pengundi Akademi) dan acara fesyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the day her Golden Globe nomination was announced, for example, Nyong'o was attending the Paris couture shows.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari pencalonan Golden Globenya diumumkan, sebagai contoh, Nyong'o menghadiri pertunjukan couture Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A month after Nyong'o claimed the best supporting actress Oscar, Lancome Paris announced she would be one of its brand ambassadors.", "r": {"result": "Sebulan selepas Nyong'o mendakwa pelakon pembantu terbaik Oscar, Lancome Paris mengumumkan dia akan menjadi salah seorang duta jenamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is all a far cry from the days when the shoe was on the other foot, and it was old Hollywood's leading women who felt honored to be associated with their stylists.", "r": {"result": "Ini semua jauh berbeza daripada zaman ketika kasut itu berada di atas kaki yang lain, dan wanita terkemuka Hollywood yang lama merasa berbesar hati untuk dikaitkan dengan penggaya mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Golden age stars like Marlene Dietrich and Audrey Hepburn were proud of their associations with style gurus like Christian Dior and Hubert de Givenchy -- and they also paid for their clothes -- while Grace Kelly, Sophia Loren, Janet Leigh and Elizabeth Taylor relied on Edith Head, the head of the costume department at Paramount Pictures, to prep them for awards-season premieres and the Oscars.", "r": {"result": "Bintang zaman keemasan seperti Marlene Dietrich dan Audrey Hepburn berbangga dengan persatuan mereka dengan guru gaya seperti Christian Dior dan Hubert de Givenchy -- dan mereka juga membayar untuk pakaian mereka -- manakala Grace Kelly, Sophia Loren, Janet Leigh dan Elizabeth Taylor bergantung pada Edith Ketua, ketua jabatan pakaian di Paramount Pictures, untuk menyediakan mereka untuk tayangan perdana musim anugerah dan Oscar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Similarly, on her way to winning the best actress prize for \"Caberet\" in 1973, Liza Minnelli sought out the services of design legend Halston, reportedly to ensure that she would have an image that would keep her out of the shadow of her legendary mother, Judy Garland.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga, dalam perjalanan untuk memenangi hadiah pelakon terbaik untuk \"Caberet\" pada tahun 1973, Liza Minnelli mendapatkan khidmat legenda reka bentuk Halston, dilaporkan untuk memastikan bahawa dia akan mempunyai imej yang akan menghalangnya daripada bayang-bayang ibu legendanya. , Judy Garland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Halston's reported advice?", "r": {"result": "Nasihat Halston yang dilaporkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Minnelli should purchase a set of Louis Vuitton luggage, which he then filled with clothes, footwear and jewels all made to measure for her.", "r": {"result": "Minnelli harus membeli satu set bagasi Louis Vuitton, yang kemudiannya diisi dengan pakaian, kasut dan permata yang semuanya dibuat untuk mengukur untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, for a time, the demise of the studio system and feminist ideals started to put paid to women prettifying themselves (too much) for awards season.", "r": {"result": "Namun, buat seketika, kehancuran sistem studio dan cita-cita feminis mula memberi bayaran kepada wanita yang mempercantik diri mereka (terlalu banyak) untuk musim anugerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, a slew of late 1970s and '80s winners sported pantsuits and cocktail attire at the Golden Globes and the Oscars.", "r": {"result": "Malah, ramai pemenang lewat 1970-an dan 80-an memakai seluar dalam dan pakaian koktel di Golden Globes dan Oscar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Sharon Stone's reasoning that \"If you are going to the Oscars, you might as well go to the Oscars\" may have marked a resurgence of glamor.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi alasan Sharon Stone bahawa \"Jika anda pergi ke Oscar, anda juga boleh pergi ke Oscar\" mungkin telah menandakan kebangkitan semula glamor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Onetime model Stone liked fashion and understood how to wear fine jewelry.", "r": {"result": "Model Stone pernah menyukai fesyen dan memahami cara memakai barang kemas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And today, her successors on the nominations list, actresses like Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore -- respected both for their style and talent -- carry her torch.", "r": {"result": "Dan hari ini, penggantinya dalam senarai pencalonan, pelakon seperti Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman dan Julianne Moore -- dihormati kerana gaya dan bakat mereka -- membawa obornya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And increasingly, male leads seem interested in getting in on the act.", "r": {"result": "Dan semakin ramai, pelakon lelaki kelihatan berminat untuk terlibat dalam perbuatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eddie Redmayne, up for best actor for \"The Theory of Everything,\" has been a regular presence at events on TV.", "r": {"result": "Eddie Redmayne, yang dipilih sebagai pelakon terbaik untuk \"The Theory of Everything,\" telah menjadi kehadiran tetap di acara di TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And although he hasn't been nominated for an Academy Award, Ellar Coltrane of \"Boyhood\" has been working the style angle, becoming a red carpet star and the face of Richard Linklater's coming-of-age epic.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun dia tidak dicalonkan untuk Anugerah Akademi, Ellar Coltrane daripada \"Boyhood\" telah menjalankan sudut gaya, menjadi bintang permaidani merah dan wajah epik Richard Linklater yang akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And like Nyong'o, whose claim to fame prior to \"12 Years a Slave\" was an MTV Base show, Coltrane has shot to overnight stardom .", "r": {"result": "Dan seperti Nyong'o, yang mendakwa dirinya terkenal sebelum \"12 Years a Slave\" ialah rancangan MTV Base, Coltrane telah menjadi terkenal semalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clad in sharp Armani tuxedos and plush velvet Isaia suits, he has gamely chatted his way through E!", "r": {"result": "Berbalut tuksedo Armani yang tajam dan sut Isaiah baldu mewah, dia dengan rancak berbual melalui E!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "pre-telecasts.", "r": {"result": "pra-siaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So if you tune in on Sunday, don't expect the stars to be camera-shy, even if they are cringing inside at the questions they are being asked.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, jika anda menonton pada hari Ahad, jangan harap bintang-bintang itu malu-malu kamera, walaupun mereka geram mendengar soalan yang diajukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, while some of them will be collecting awards for work already completed, the Oscar pre-show is also a chance for many of them to be auditioning for some more work -- whether it's on the silver screen or a magazine cover.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, sementara sebahagian daripada mereka akan mengumpul anugerah untuk kerja yang telah siap, pra-pertunjukan Oscar juga merupakan peluang bagi ramai daripada mereka untuk mengikuti uji bakat untuk beberapa lagi karya -- sama ada di layar perak atau muka depan majalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And for that reason alone, the red carpet circus isn't going anywhere.", "r": {"result": "Dan atas sebab itu sahaja, sarkas permaidani merah tidak akan ke mana-mana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Two prisoners have confessed to digging a tunnel that led to the escape of 63 inmates last week, Yemen's state-run SABA news agency reported Sunday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua banduan mengaku menggali terowong yang menyebabkan 63 banduan melarikan diri minggu lalu, lapor agensi berita SABA milik kerajaan Yaman Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dozens of suspected al Qaeda militants escaped Wednesday from a jail in the Yemeni city of Mukalla, a senior security official said.", "r": {"result": "Puluhan orang yang disyaki militan Al Qaeda melarikan diri Rabu dari penjara di bandar Mukalla di Yaman, kata seorang pegawai kanan keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Interior Ministry official said 63 members of al Qaeda had managed to break out of Almakla prison, according to SABA.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri berkata 63 anggota al Qaeda telah berjaya keluar dari penjara Almakla, menurut SABA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said three inmates were killed, another two were arrested, and a prison guard was killed.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata tiga banduan dibunuh, dua lagi ditangkap, dan seorang pengawal penjara dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked to remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak to the media.", "r": {"result": "Dia meminta untuk kekal tanpa nama kerana dia tidak diberi kuasa untuk bercakap kepada media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the escapees had already been convicted; others were awaiting trial, the official told SABA.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa orang yang melarikan diri telah pun disabitkan kesalahan; yang lain sedang menunggu perbicaraan, kata pegawai itu kepada SABA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They escaped through a 35-meter (115-foot) tunnel, he said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka melarikan diri melalui terowong sepanjang 35 meter (115 kaki), katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Witnesses said armed militants began attacking the prison at about 8 a.m. and fired heavy artillery before the escape.", "r": {"result": "Saksi berkata militan bersenjata mula menyerang penjara itu kira-kira jam 8 pagi dan melepaskan tembakan meriam berat sebelum melarikan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prison warden, his deputy and a number of guards have been suspended for questioning, SABA said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Warden penjara, timbalannya dan beberapa pengawal telah digantung untuk disoal siasat, kata SABA Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mohammed Qahtan, spokesman for Yemen's largest opposition bloc, Joint Meetings Parties, said he thinks security officials loyal to the ruling family are responsible for the escape and that the government would create chaos to stay in power.", "r": {"result": "Mohammed Qahtan, jurucakap blok pembangkang terbesar Yaman, Parti Mesyuarat Bersama, berkata beliau berpendapat pegawai keselamatan yang setia kepada keluarga pemerintah bertanggungjawab untuk melarikan diri dan kerajaan akan mencipta huru-hara untuk kekal berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yemen has been consumed by unrest for months as protesters have demanded an end to President Ali Abdullah Saleh's rule.", "r": {"result": "Yaman telah dilanda pergolakan selama berbulan-bulan apabila penunjuk perasaan menuntut dihentikan pemerintahan Presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent weeks, government troops have battled both anti-government tribal forces and Islamic militants, including al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini, tentera kerajaan telah memerangi kedua-dua pasukan puak anti-kerajaan dan militan Islam, termasuk al-Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Saleh and other senior officials were wounded June 3 in an attack on the mosque at the presidential palace and taken to Saudi Arabia for treatment.", "r": {"result": "Saleh dan pegawai kanan lain cedera pada 3 Jun dalam serangan ke atas masjid di istana presiden dan dibawa ke Arab Saudi untuk rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent days, the Yemeni government's control has been receding, said Christopher Boucek, an associate in the Middle East program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, kawalan kerajaan Yaman semakin berkurangan, kata Christopher Boucek, rakan sekutu dalam program Timur Tengah di Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are instances where you can say that the Yemeni government is instigating some of this chaos -- with the goal to demonstrate to the United States, Saudi Arabia and others that this regime -- the government of President Saleh -- is the best to fight al Qaeda\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat contoh di mana anda boleh mengatakan bahawa kerajaan Yaman sedang mencetuskan beberapa kekacauan ini -- dengan matlamat untuk menunjukkan kepada Amerika Syarikat, Arab Saudi dan lain-lain bahawa rejim ini -- kerajaan Presiden Saleh -- adalah yang terbaik untuk memerangi al Qaeda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boucek said the Yemeni government is more concerned with protecting itself from the popular revolt than with going after al Qaeda.", "r": {"result": "Boucek berkata kerajaan Yaman lebih mementingkan melindungi dirinya daripada pemberontakan popular daripada mengejar al Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a result, he said, the government has repositioned its counter-terrorism forces, retreating from areas such as Abyan province where it had lost ground and circling the wagons.", "r": {"result": "Akibatnya, katanya, kerajaan telah menyusun semula pasukan anti-keganasannya, berundur dari kawasan seperti wilayah Abyan di mana ia telah kehilangan tanah dan mengelilingi gerabak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, a Yemeni official briefed on security operations rejected Boucek's conclusion.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, seorang pegawai Yaman yang diberi taklimat mengenai operasi keselamatan menolak kesimpulan Boucek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What about the blood of 66 soldiers\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimana dengan darah 66 tentera\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he said, citing the number of soldiers who he said have died in Abyan province alone in recent weeks.", "r": {"result": "katanya, memetik jumlah askar yang katanya telah mati di wilayah Abyan sahaja dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another 291 soldiers have been wounded in operations there that killed six of the most wanted al Qaeda operatives and 40 other militants, he said.", "r": {"result": "Seramai 291 lagi tentera telah cedera dalam operasi di sana yang mengorbankan enam daripada koperasi Al Qaeda yang paling dikehendaki dan 40 militan lain, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States has been aiding Yemen's military in its fight against Islamic militants amid fears that al Qaeda is exploiting the political chaos and leadership vacuum engulfing the unstable and impoverished Arabian Peninsula country.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat telah membantu tentera Yaman dalam memerangi militan Islam di tengah-tengah kebimbangan bahawa Al Qaeda mengeksploitasi kekacauan politik dan kekosongan kepimpinan yang menyelubungi negara Semenanjung Arab yang tidak stabil dan miskin itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Mohammed Jamjoom and Brian Todd contributed to this story.", "r": {"result": "Mohammed Jamjoom dari CNN dan Brian Todd menyumbang kepada cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Longtime ABC News personality Barbara Walters was being treated for a cut on her forehead Sunday after a fall in Washington, the network said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Personaliti lama ABC News Barbara Walters dirawat kerana luka di dahinya Ahad selepas terjatuh di Washington, kata rangkaian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walters, 83, suffered the cut after falling on a stair Saturday evening while visiting the British ambassador's residence, ABC News Senior Vice President Jeffrey Schneider said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Walters, 83, mengalami kecederaan selepas terjatuh di atas tangga petang Sabtu ketika melawat kediaman duta Britain, kata Naib Presiden Kanan ABC News Jeffrey Schneider dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Out of an abundance of caution, she went to the hospital to have her cut tended to, have a full examination and remains there for observation,\" Schneider said.", "r": {"result": "\"Atas sebab berhati-hati, dia pergi ke hospital untuk menjalani pembedahan, menjalani pemeriksaan penuh dan kekal di sana untuk pemerhatian,\" kata Schneider.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Barbara is alert (and telling everyone what to do), which we all take as a very positive sign\".", "r": {"result": "\"Barbara peka (dan memberitahu semua orang apa yang perlu dilakukan), yang kita semua ambil sebagai petanda yang sangat positif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walters spent two decades as co-host and correspondent for ABC's news magazine show \"20/20.\" She still reports on occasion.", "r": {"result": "Walters menghabiskan dua dekad sebagai hos bersama dan wartawan untuk rancangan majalah berita ABC \"20/20.\" Dia masih melaporkan pada masa-masa tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 1997, she has been co-host of ABC's daytime talk show \"The View\".", "r": {"result": "Sejak 1997, beliau telah menjadi hos bersama rancangan bual bicara siang hari ABC \"The View\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Sen.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Larry Craig said he \"overreacted and made a poor decision\" in pleading guilty to disorderly conduct after his June arrest following an incident in a Minneapolis, Minnesota, airport bathroom.", "r": {"result": "Larry Craig berkata dia \"bereaksi berlebihan dan membuat keputusan yang tidak baik\" dalam mengaku bersalah berkelakuan tidak senonoh selepas penahanannya pada Jun berikutan insiden di bilik air lapangan terbang Minneapolis, Minnesota.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A police mug shot of Sen.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan mug polis terhadap Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Larry Craig after he was arrested at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport in June.", "r": {"result": "Larry Craig selepas dia ditangkap di Minneapolis-St. Lapangan terbang Paul pada bulan Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday, in his first public statement on the arrest, the Idaho Republican said he did nothing \"inappropriate\".", "r": {"result": "Selasa, dalam kenyataan awam pertamanya mengenai penangkapan itu, Republikan Idaho itu berkata dia tidak melakukan apa-apa yang \"tidak wajar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Let me be clear: I am not gay and never have been,\" said Craig, who has aligned himself with conservative groups who oppose gay rights.", "r": {"result": "\"Biar saya jelaskan: Saya bukan gay dan tidak pernah,\" kata Craig, yang telah menyelaraskan dirinya dengan kumpulan konservatif yang menentang hak gay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With his wife by his side, Craig said he is the victim of a \"witch hunt\" conducted by the Idaho Statesman newspaper.", "r": {"result": "Dengan isterinya di sisinya, Craig berkata dia menjadi mangsa \"pemburuan ahli sihir\" yang dijalankan oleh akhbar Idaho Statesman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In pleading guilty, I overreacted in Minneapolis, because of the stress of the Idaho Statesman's investigation and the rumors it has fueled around Idaho,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam mengaku bersalah, saya bertindak keterlaluan di Minneapolis, kerana tekanan penyiasatan Negarawan Idaho dan khabar angin yang ditimbulkan di sekitar Idaho,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Again, that overreaction was a mistake, and I apologize for my misjudgment\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sekali lagi, reaksi berlebihan itu adalah satu kesilapan, dan saya memohon maaf atas kesilapan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Craig say he did nothing wrong >>.", "r": {"result": "Tengok Craig cakap dia tak buat salah >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He added: \"I should not have kept this arrest to myself, and should have told my family and friends about it.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah: \"Saya tidak sepatutnya menyimpan penahanan ini untuk diri saya sendiri, dan sepatutnya memberitahu keluarga dan rakan saya mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wasn't eager to share this failure, but I should have done so anyway\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak berminat untuk berkongsi kegagalan ini, tetapi saya sepatutnya melakukannya juga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A police officer who arrested him June 11 said Craig peered through a crack in a restroom stall door for two minutes and made gestures suggesting to the officer he wanted to engage in \"lewd conduct\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai polis yang menangkapnya pada 11 Jun berkata, Craig mengintai melalui celah pintu gerai tandas selama dua minit dan membuat isyarat mencadangkan kepada pegawai itu bahawa dia mahu terlibat dalam \"kelakuan lucah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig's blue eyes were clearly visible through the crack in the door, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport police Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Mata biru Craig jelas kelihatan melalui celah pintu, Minneapolis-St. Polis Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Paul Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dave Karsnia wrote in the report he filed.", "r": {"result": "Dave Karsnia menulis dalam laporan yang difailkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Craig would look down at his hands, 'fidget' with his fingers, and then look through the crack into my stall again,\" Karsnia wrote in documents accompanying the arrest report.", "r": {"result": "\"Craig akan melihat ke bawah pada tangannya, 'gelisah' dengan jarinya, dan kemudian melihat melalui celah ke dalam gerai saya sekali lagi,\" tulis Karsnia dalam dokumen yang mengiringi laporan penahanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig said the officer misinterpreted his actions.", "r": {"result": "Craig berkata pegawai itu salah tafsir tindakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After he was taken for questioning, the police report says, Craig pulled out a Senate business card and asked the officer: \"What do you think of that\"?", "r": {"result": "Selepas dia dibawa untuk disoal siasat, laporan polis berkata, Craig mengeluarkan kad perniagaan Senat dan bertanya kepada pegawai itu: \"Apa pendapat anda tentang itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the senator spoke in Boise, Idaho, Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, informed Craig the leaders of his own party were calling for an ethics investigation into what they termed a \"serious matter,\" a Senate Republican leadership aide told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum senator itu bercakap di Boise, Idaho, Selasa, Pemimpin Minoriti Senat Mitch McConnell, seorang Republikan dari Kentucky, memaklumkan Craig bahawa pemimpin partinya sendiri meminta siasatan etika terhadap apa yang mereka namakan sebagai \"perkara serius,\" kepimpinan Republikan Senat. pembantu memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The aide said senators, who discussed the matter by phone, were especially concerned about the business card allegation.", "r": {"result": "Pembantu itu berkata senator, yang membincangkan perkara itu melalui telefon, amat mengambil berat tentang dakwaan kad perniagaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The GOP leadership consists of McConnell, Assistant Minority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi, Conference Chairman Jon Kyl of Arizona, Policy Committee Chair Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, and Senatorial Committee Chair John Ensign of Nevada.", "r": {"result": "Kepimpinan GOP terdiri daripada McConnell, Penolong Pemimpin Minoriti Trent Lott dari Mississippi, Pengerusi Persidangan Jon Kyl dari Arizona, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Dasar Kay Bailey Hutchison dari Texas, dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Senator John Ensign dari Nevada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Due to the reported and disputed circumstances, and the legal resolution of this serious case, we will recommend that Senator Craig's incident be reported to the Senate Ethics Committee for its review,\" the group said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDisebabkan keadaan yang dilaporkan dan dipertikaikan, dan penyelesaian undang-undang kes serius ini, kami akan mengesyorkan agar insiden Senator Craig dilaporkan kepada Jawatankuasa Etika Senat untuk semakan,\u201d kata kumpulan itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the meantime, Leadership is examining other aspects of the case to determine if additional action is required,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam pada itu, Kepimpinan sedang meneliti aspek lain kes untuk menentukan sama ada tindakan tambahan diperlukan,\u201d kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig, 62, pleaded guilty August 8 to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge in the incident, according to Minnesota criminal records.", "r": {"result": "Craig, 62, mengaku bersalah pada 8 Ogos atas tuduhan berkelakuan tidak senonoh dalam kejadian itu, menurut rekod jenayah Minnesota.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The senator said he \"chose to plead guilty to a lesser charge in the hope of making it go away.", "r": {"result": "Senator itu berkata beliau \"memilih untuk mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan yang lebih ringan dengan harapan dapat menghapuskannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I did not seek any counsel, either from an attorney, staff, friends, or family.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak mendapatkan sebarang nasihat, sama ada daripada peguam, kakitangan, rakan atau keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was a mistake, and I deeply regret it\".", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah satu kesilapan, dan saya amat menyesalinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, Craig announced that he has retained an attorney.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, Craig mengumumkan bahawa dia telah mengekalkan seorang peguam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The officer wrote he was on a plainclothes detail in the restroom because of citizen complaints and arrests for sexual activity there.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu menulis dia memakai pakaian biasa di tandas kerana aduan rakyat dan penangkapan untuk aktiviti seksual di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Karsnia wrote that when the person occupying the stall beside him left, Craig entered it and blocked the door with his rolling suitcase.", "r": {"result": "Karsnia menulis bahawa apabila orang yang menduduki gerai di sebelahnya keluar, Craig memasukinya dan menyekat pintu dengan beg pakaiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My experience has shown that individuals engaging in lewd conduct use their bags to block the view from the front of their stall,\" the officer said in his report.", "r": {"result": "\"Pengalaman saya menunjukkan individu yang melakukan perbuatan lucah menggunakan beg mereka untuk menghalang pandangan dari hadapan gerai mereka,\" kata pegawai itu dalam laporannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The senator then tapped his right foot, \"a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct,\" Karsnia wrote, and Craig ran his left hand several times underneath the partition dividing the stalls.", "r": {"result": "Senator itu kemudian mengetuk kaki kanannya, \"isyarat yang digunakan oleh orang yang ingin terlibat dalam kelakuan lucah,\" tulis Karsnia, dan Craig berlari tangan kirinya beberapa kali di bawah partition yang membahagikan gerai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot, which was within my stall area,\" the officer's report said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kehadiran orang lain nampaknya tidak menghalang Craig kerana dia menggerakkan kaki kanannya sehingga menyentuh bahagian kaki kiri saya, yang berada di dalam kawasan gerai saya,\" kata laporan pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the police interviewed him later, the senator said that \"he has a wide stance when going to the bathroom\" and that was why his foot may have touched the officer's, the report said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila polis menemu bualnya kemudian, senator itu berkata bahawa \"dia mempunyai pendirian yang luas ketika pergi ke bilik air\" dan itulah sebabnya kakinya mungkin menyentuh kaki pegawai itu, kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig also told police that he had reached down to the floor to pick up a piece of paper, the officer wrote.", "r": {"result": "Craig juga memberitahu polis bahawa dia telah sampai ke lantai untuk mengambil sekeping kertas, tulis pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It should be noted that there was not a piece of paper on the bathroom floor, nor did Craig pick up a piece of paper,\" Karsnia wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Perlu diingatkan bahawa tidak ada sekeping kertas di lantai bilik mandi, dan Craig juga tidak mengambil sekeping kertas, \" tulis Karsnia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"During the interview, Craig either disagreed with me or 'didn't recall' the events as they happened\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semasa temu bual, Craig sama ada tidak bersetuju dengan saya atau 'tidak mengingati' peristiwa semasa ia berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Craig ran his hand underneath the partition wall three times, Karsnia held his police identification down by the floor so the senator could see it, the report said.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Craig meletakkan tangannya di bawah dinding sekatan tiga kali, Karsnia menahan pengenalan polisnya di tepi lantai supaya senator dapat melihatnya, kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With my left hand near the floor, I pointed towards the exit.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDengan tangan kiri berhampiran lantai, saya menunjukkan ke arah pintu keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig responded, 'No!", "r": {"result": "Craig menjawab, 'Tidak!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I again pointed towards the exit.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sekali lagi menunjuk ke arah pintu keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig exited the stall with his roller bags without flushing the toilet,\" Karsnia wrote.", "r": {"result": "Craig keluar dari gerai dengan beg rollernya tanpa mengepam tandas,\" tulis Karsnia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The senator initially resisted the officer's request to go to the police operations center, he said, but finally did.", "r": {"result": "Senator itu pada mulanya menolak permintaan pegawai itu untuk pergi ke pusat operasi polis, katanya, tetapi akhirnya melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There, he was read his Miranda rights, interviewed, photographed, fingerprinted and released, the report said.", "r": {"result": "Di sana, dia dibacakan hak Mirandanya, ditemu bual, diambil gambar, cap jari dan dibebaskan, kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call first reported the arrest Monday.", "r": {"result": "Akhbar Roll Call Capitol Hill pertama kali melaporkan penahanan itu pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement released Monday evening, Craig denied inappropriate conduct and said he regrets his guilty plea, which he entered without having an attorney present.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan petang Isnin, Craig menafikan kelakuan tidak wajar dan berkata dia menyesali pengakuan bersalahnya, yang dia masukkan tanpa kehadiran peguam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were misconstruing my actions.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKetika kejadian ini, saya mengadu kepada polis bahawa mereka salah tafsir tindakan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was not involved in any inappropriate conduct,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak terlibat dalam sebarang kelakuan yang tidak sepatutnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sepatutnya mendapat nasihat peguam dalam menyelesaikan perkara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty.", "r": {"result": "Di belakang, saya tidak sepatutnya mengaku bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously\".", "r": {"result": "Saya cuba menangani sendiri perkara ini dengan cepat dan pantas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig paid a $500 fine when he entered his guilty plea in Hennepin County Municipal Court in Bloomington, Minnesota, according to state criminal records.", "r": {"result": "Craig membayar denda $500 apabila dia membuat pengakuan bersalah di Mahkamah Perbandaran Daerah Hennepin di Bloomington, Minnesota, menurut rekod jenayah negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his petition to enter a guilty plea, Craig acknowledged that he \"engaged in (physical) conduct which I knew or should have known tended to arouse alarm or resentment\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam petisyennya untuk membuat pengakuan bersalah, Craig mengakui bahawa dia \"terlibat dalam kelakuan (fizikal) yang saya tahu atau sepatutnya tahu cenderung untuk menimbulkan kebimbangan atau kebencian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also was required to stipulate in the statement that he would \"make no claim that I am innocent of the charge to which I am entering a plea of guilty,\" the document said.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga dikehendaki menyatakan dalam kenyataan bahawa dia \"tidak akan membuat tuntutan bahawa saya tidak bersalah atas pertuduhan yang saya pengakuan bersalah,\" kata dokumen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee, asking that the senator's conduct be investigated.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, Warganegara untuk Tanggungjawab dan Etika di Washington memfailkan aduan dengan Jawatankuasa Etika Senat, meminta kelakuan senator itu disiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group, which largely targets Republicans, asked the committee to probe whether Craig \"violated the Senate Rules of Conduct by engaging in disorderly conduct,\" a statement said.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu, yang sebahagian besarnya menyasarkan Republikan, meminta jawatankuasa itu untuk menyiasat sama ada Craig \"melanggar Peraturan Tatakelakuan Senat dengan terlibat dalam kelakuan tidak senonoh,\" kata satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If pleading guilty to charges stemming from an attempt to solicit an undercover officer in a public restroom is not conduct that reflects poorly upon the Senate, what is\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Jika mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan yang berpunca daripada percubaan untuk meminta pegawai yang menyamar di tandas awam bukanlah kelakuan yang tidak mencerminkan Senat, apakah itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "asked Melanie Sloan, the group's executive director, in a statement.", "r": {"result": "tanya Melanie Sloan, pengarah eksekutif kumpulan itu, dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sloan is a former U.S. attorney in the Clinton administration's Justice Department.", "r": {"result": "Sloan ialah bekas peguam A.S. di Jabatan Kehakiman pentadbiran Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barbara Boxer, D-California, chairwoman of the Ethics Committee, declined to comment on whether an investigation would be conducted.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Boxer, D-California, pengerusi Jawatankuasa Etika, enggan mengulas sama ada siasatan akan dijalankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her office noted the committee's work is generally confidential.", "r": {"result": "Pejabatnya menyatakan kerja jawatankuasa itu secara amnya sulit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Senate aide familiar with Ethics Committee practices said ethics rules do not specifically require a member to disclose pleading guilty to a misdemeanor.", "r": {"result": "Pembantu Senat yang biasa dengan amalan Jawatankuasa Etika berkata peraturan etika tidak secara khusus memerlukan ahli untuk mendedahkan pengakuan bersalah terhadap salah laku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the rules require the panel to look into a matter and determine whether an investigation is appropriate once a formal complaint is lodged.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi peraturan memerlukan panel untuk meneliti sesuatu perkara dan menentukan sama ada penyiasatan sesuai sebaik sahaja aduan rasmi dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig resigned Monday night as a Senate liaison for former Massachusetts Gov.", "r": {"result": "Craig meletak jawatan pada malam Isnin sebagai penghubung Senat untuk bekas Gabenor Massachusetts.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.", "r": {"result": "Kempen presiden Mitt Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney's son Josh canceled a trip to Idaho on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki Romney Josh membatalkan perjalanan ke Idaho pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig, Idaho's senior senator, is married with three grown children and nine grandchildren.", "r": {"result": "Craig, senator kanan Idaho, telah berkahwin dengan tiga anak yang sudah dewasa dan sembilan cucu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A former rancher, he was first elected to the Senate in 1990 after serving a decade in the House of Representatives.", "r": {"result": "Bekas penternak, beliau pertama kali dipilih ke Dewan Negara pada 1990 selepas berkhidmat selama sedekad di Dewan Rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His seat is up for re-election in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Kerusinya akan dipilih semula pada 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last fall, Craig's office publicly denied assertions by Internet blogger Mike Rogers that the senator is gay.", "r": {"result": "Pada musim luruh lalu, pejabat Craig secara terbuka menafikan dakwaan penulis blog Internet Mike Rogers bahawa senator itu gay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig's office dismissed speculation about the senator's sexuality as \"completely ridiculous\".", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Craig menolak spekulasi mengenai seksualiti senator itu sebagai \"benar-benar tidak masuk akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1982, Craig denied rumors he was under investigation as part of a federal probe into allegations that lawmakers on Capitol Hill had sexual relationships with congressional pages, saying the \"false allegations\" made him \"mad as hell\".", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1982, Craig menafikan khabar angin bahawa dia sedang disiasat sebagai sebahagian daripada siasatan persekutuan terhadap dakwaan bahawa penggubal undang-undang di Capitol Hill mempunyai hubungan seksual dengan halaman kongres, mengatakan \"dakwaan palsu\" membuatnya \"gila\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was never implicated in that investigation, which led to ethics charges against two other congressmen.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah terlibat dalam siasatan itu, yang membawa kepada pertuduhan etika terhadap dua ahli kongres lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent years, Craig's voting record has earned him top ratings from social conservative groups such as the American Family Association, Concerned Women for America and the Family Research Council.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, rekod pengundian Craig telah memberikannya penarafan teratas daripada kumpulan konservatif sosial seperti Persatuan Keluarga Amerika, Wanita Prihatin untuk Amerika dan Majlis Penyelidikan Keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has supported a federal constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, telling his colleagues that it was \"important for us to stand up now and protect traditional marriage, which is under attack by a few unelected judges and litigious activists\".", "r": {"result": "Dia telah menyokong pindaan perlembagaan persekutuan yang mengharamkan perkahwinan sejenis, memberitahu rakan sekerjanya bahawa adalah \"penting bagi kami untuk berdiri sekarang dan melindungi perkahwinan tradisional, yang sedang diserang oleh beberapa hakim yang tidak dipilih dan aktivis litigasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1996, Craig also voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal recognition to same-sex marriages and prevents states from being forced to recognize the marriages of gay and lesbian couples legally performed in other states.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1996, Craig juga mengundi menyokong Akta Pertahanan Perkahwinan, yang menafikan pengiktirafan persekutuan kepada perkahwinan sejenis dan menghalang negeri daripada dipaksa untuk mengiktiraf perkahwinan pasangan gay dan lesbian yang dilakukan secara sah di negeri lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Craig also has opposed expanding the federal hate crimes law to cover offenses motivated by anti-gay bias and, in 1996, voted against a bill that would have outlawed employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, which failed by a single vote in the Senate.", "r": {"result": "Craig juga telah menentang memperluaskan undang-undang jenayah benci persekutuan untuk melindungi kesalahan yang didorong oleh berat sebelah anti-gay dan, pada tahun 1996, mengundi menentang rang undang-undang yang akan mengharamkan diskriminasi pekerjaan berdasarkan orientasi seksual, yang gagal dengan satu undian di Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Dana Bash and Jessica Yellin contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Dana Bash dari CNN dan Jessica Yellin menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Port-au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- Search-and-rescue efforts at a supermarket in Haiti's capital have ended after teams determined no one else was alive beneath the rubble, an official told CNN Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Port-au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- Usaha mencari dan menyelamat di sebuah pasar raya di ibu negara Haiti telah ditamatkan selepas pasukan menentukan tiada orang lain masih hidup di bawah runtuhan, kata seorang pegawai kepada CNN Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A French excavation team was working at the Caribbean Supermarket on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan penggalian Perancis sedang bekerja di Pasar Raya Caribbean pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Several Haitians had been in the building at the time, looking for survivors or useful items.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa orang Haiti telah berada di dalam bangunan pada masa itu, mencari mangsa yang terselamat atau barang berguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least one of these foragers became trapped in the rubble.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya seorang daripada pencari makanan ini terperangkap dalam runtuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the French team was trying to rescue that person, their excavation machine, which resembles a bulldozer, tipped into a hole and caused a further collapse, said Lt. Col.", "r": {"result": "Ketika pasukan Perancis cuba menyelamatkan orang itu, mesin penggalian mereka, yang menyerupai jentolak, terhuyung ke dalam lubang dan menyebabkan keruntuhan lagi, kata Lt. Kol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christophe Renou of French Civil Protection.", "r": {"result": "Christophe Renou dari Perlindungan Awam Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The French team called in U.S. and Mexican teams to help with the rescue.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Perancis memanggil pasukan A.S. dan Mexico untuk membantu menyelamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. team brought more radar and lifting devices to try to extract the known survivor and reach any others, said Norman Skjelbreia, an incident commander from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan A.S. membawa lebih banyak radar dan alat pengangkat untuk cuba mengekstrak mangsa yang diketahui terselamat dan mencapai mana-mana yang lain, kata Norman Skjelbreia, seorang komander insiden dari Kor Jurutera Tentera A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at 11 p.m. Tuesday, the teams determined there was no one else alive under the rubble, and they called off the rescue mission, Renou told CNN Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada pukul 11 malam. Selasa, pasukan menentukan tiada orang lain yang hidup di bawah runtuhan, dan mereka membatalkan misi menyelamat, kata Renou kepada CNN Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said information gathered from radar and listening equipment detected no signs of life.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata maklumat yang dikumpul daripada radar dan peralatan mendengar tidak mengesan sebarang tanda kehidupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rescue was an extremely dangerous one, he said, with pieces of concrete shifting.", "r": {"result": "Penyelamatan itu adalah sangat berbahaya, katanya, dengan kepingan konkrit beralih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At one point, he said, a female Mexican rescue worker was trapped under the rubble and teams had to work to save her life.", "r": {"result": "Pada satu ketika, katanya, seorang wanita pekerja penyelamat Mexico terperangkap di bawah runtuhan dan pasukan terpaksa bekerja untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was decided that the safety of the search-and-rescue teams was more important than the search to retrieve bodies from the precarious collapsed building, Renou said.", "r": {"result": "Diputuskan bahawa keselamatan pasukan mencari dan menyelamat adalah lebih penting daripada pencarian untuk mendapatkan mayat dari bangunan runtuh yang tidak menentu itu, kata Renou.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 212,000 people died in the January 12 earthquake, Haitian officials said.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 212,000 orang maut dalam gempa bumi 12 Januari lalu, kata pegawai Haiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Caribbean Supermarket was the scene of a number of rescues after the earthquake, including the rescue of five people in one weekend.", "r": {"result": "Pasar Raya Caribbean menjadi lokasi beberapa penyelamatan selepas gempa bumi, termasuk menyelamatkan lima orang dalam satu hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rescuers pulled an apparent survivor of the original quake, Evan Muncie, 28, from the rubble of another market on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan penyelamat menarik mangsa yang terselamat daripada gempa asal, Evan Muncie, 28, dari runtuhan pasar lain pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors found him suffering from extreme dehydration and malnutrition, but without significant crushing injuries.", "r": {"result": "Doktor mendapati dia mengalami dehidrasi yang melampau dan kekurangan zat makanan, tetapi tanpa kecederaan remuk yang ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ingrid Formanek contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ingrid Formanek dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A television commercial that prompted complaints for its portrayal of a white woman feeding a young black boy like a dog will not be formally investigated, South Africa's advertising watchdog has ruled.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah iklan televisyen yang mencetuskan aduan kerana menggambarkan seorang wanita kulit putih yang memberi makan seorang budak lelaki kulit hitam seperti anjing tidak akan disiasat secara rasmi, badan pemerhati pengiklanan Afrika Selatan telah memutuskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) says it is satisfied the actions of the organization behind the advert, Feed a Child -- which has withdrawn the commercial and published a formal apology -- address complainants' concerns.", "r": {"result": "Pihak Berkuasa Piawaian Pengiklanan (ASA) berkata ia berpuas hati dengan tindakan organisasi di sebalik iklan, Feed a Child -- yang telah menarik balik iklan itu dan menerbitkan permohonan maaf rasmi -- menangani kebimbangan pengadu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first scene from the advertisement shows the woman watching television with the boy lying across her lap.", "r": {"result": "Adegan pertama dari iklan itu menunjukkan wanita itu menonton televisyen dengan budak lelaki itu berbaring di atas ribanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She strokes him like a pet and feeds him popcorn with her fingers.", "r": {"result": "Dia membelainya seperti haiwan peliharaan dan menyuapnya popcorn dengan jarinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It then portrays the boy bringing her a newspaper as she eats breakfast in bed.", "r": {"result": "Ia kemudian menggambarkan budak lelaki itu membawa surat khabar ketika dia bersarapan di atas katil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She rewards him with a morsel of food.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberi ganjaran kepadanya dengan sepotong makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Icing a cake, she lets him lick her fingers and later passes him crumbs as she eats the cake.", "r": {"result": "Mengaiskan kek, dia membiarkan lelaki itu menjilat jarinya dan kemudian memberikannya serbuk semasa dia makan kek itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally the advertisement switches to a dining room where the woman is eating dinner, the young boy crouched on the floor below her, looking up.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya iklan itu beralih ke ruang makan di mana wanita itu sedang makan malam, budak lelaki itu membongkok di atas lantai di bawahnya, mendongak ke atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She passes him small portions of food in her fingers -- feeding him like a dog.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberinya bahagian kecil makanan di jarinya -- memberinya makan seperti anjing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The commercial then switches to a text message reading: \"The average domestic dog eats better than millions of children,\" before asking for donations to Feed a Child.", "r": {"result": "Iklan itu kemudian bertukar kepada mesej teks yang berbunyi: \"Purata anjing domestik makan lebih baik daripada berjuta-juta kanak-kanak,\" sebelum meminta derma untuk Memberi Makan Anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On its website, Feed a Child says one in 10 children in South Africa suffers from malnutrition and dies within the first 12 months of life.", "r": {"result": "Di laman webnya, Feed a Child berkata satu daripada 10 kanak-kanak di Afrika Selatan mengalami kekurangan zat makanan dan mati dalam tempoh 12 bulan pertama kehidupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The advert sparked a range of reaction on social media, some complained, including @AlexanderHampel who tweeted:", "r": {"result": "Iklan itu mencetuskan pelbagai reaksi di media sosial, ada yang mengeluh, termasuk @AlexanderHampel yang menulis tweet:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Definitely the wrong way to get a message across.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah tentu cara yang salah untuk menyampaikan mesej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who approves these ads?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang meluluskan iklan ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hugely racist.", "r": {"result": "Sangat perkauman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do you think?", "r": {"result": "Apa pendapat kamu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "feed a child #feedachild,\" While @CurateZar wrote: \"That advert was in such poor taste.", "r": {"result": "beri anak #feedachild,\" Sementara @CurateZar menulis: \"Iklan itu kurang selera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Don't think there's a way to go around it.", "r": {"result": "Jangan fikir ada cara untuk mengatasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What were trying to achieve?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang cuba dicapai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just wow.", "r": {"result": "Hanya wow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "#FeedAChild.", "r": {"result": "#FeedAChild.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile @MsLeloB wrote: \"People Outraged about the #FeedAChild ad as expected but is it not reality?", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu @MsLeloB menulis: \"Orang Marah dengan iklan #FeedAChild seperti yang dijangkakan tetapi adakah ia bukan realiti?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Use that energy to feed a child not lodge complaints,\".", "r": {"result": "Gunakan tenaga itu untuk memberi makan kepada kanak-kanak bukan membuat aduan,\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ASA said it had received 12 complaints about the advertisement since Monday.", "r": {"result": "ASA berkata ia telah menerima 12 aduan mengenai iklan itu sejak Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The complainants submitted that the commercial is offensive, racist and tasteless.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPengadu berhujah bahawa iklan itu menyinggung perasaan, perkauman dan tawar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It suggests that white people treat and feed black kids like dogs, which is exceptionally degrading and dehumanizing,\" it said.", "r": {"result": "Ia mencadangkan bahawa orang kulit putih melayan dan memberi makan kepada kanak-kanak kulit hitam seperti anjing, yang sangat merendahkan dan tidak berperikemanusiaan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The second complainant argued that the comparison between dog owners and starving children is unfounded and irrelevant.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPengadu kedua berhujah bahawa perbandingan antara pemilik anjing dan kanak-kanak yang kelaparan adalah tidak berasas dan tidak relevan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every dog owner carries the responsibility to feed and care for their dog, just like the state and / or a parent carries the responsibility to care for their children.", "r": {"result": "Setiap pemilik anjing memikul tanggungjawab untuk memberi makan dan menjaga anjing mereka, sama seperti negeri dan/atau ibu bapa memikul tanggungjawab untuk menjaga anak-anak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not the responsibility of dog owners to feed other people's children.", "r": {"result": "Bukan tanggungjawab pemilik anjing untuk memberi makan kepada anak orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suggesting that white people are happy to feed their dogs expensive food, but not to help starving black children is offensive\".", "r": {"result": "Mencadangkan bahawa orang kulit putih gembira memberi makan anjing mereka makanan mahal, tetapi tidak membantu kanak-kanak kulit hitam yang kelaparan adalah menyinggung perasaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ASA said it was \"significant to note\" that Feed a Child had published a formal apology on its website and that its YouTube channel now featured a video of its CEO apologizing and contextualizing the advertisement and its intended commercial message.", "r": {"result": "ASA berkata adalah \"penting untuk diperhatikan\" bahawa Feed a Child telah menerbitkan permohonan maaf rasmi di laman webnya dan saluran YouTubenya kini memaparkan video CEOnya memohon maaf dan mengkontekstualisasikan iklan dan mesej komersial yang dimaksudkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Unreserved apology'.", "r": {"result": "'Permintaan maaf tanpa syarat'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video apology opens with text reading: \"Is this racist?", "r": {"result": "Permohonan maaf video dibuka dengan bacaan teks: \"Adakah ini perkauman?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is this controversial?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ini kontroversi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is this offensive?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ini menyinggung perasaan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or is it about time ... we all stand together and feed the children of our beautiful country\"?", "r": {"result": "Atau sudah tiba masanya ... kita semua berdiri bersama-sama dan memberi makan kepada anak-anak negara kita yang indah\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Feed a Child founder and CEO Alza Rautenbach then addresses the camera.", "r": {"result": "Feed a Child pengasas dan CEO Alza Rautenbach kemudian menangani kamera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Like a child, I don't see race or politics -- the only thing that is important to me is to make a difference in a child's life and to make sure that that child is fed on a daily basis,\" she says in her statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti kanak-kanak, saya tidak melihat kaum atau politik -- satu-satunya perkara yang penting bagi saya ialah membuat perubahan dalam kehidupan kanak-kanak dan memastikan kanak-kanak itu diberi makan setiap hari,\" katanya dalam kenyataan dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Feed a Child's online statement offers an \"unreserved apology\" to anyone offended or hurt by the commercial.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan dalam talian Feed a Child menawarkan \"permintaan maaf tanpa syarat\" kepada sesiapa yang tersinggung atau terluka oleh iklan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We acknowledge the fact that the advert could be seen as insensitive or distasteful and we take heed to the fact that many perceived the advert as racist.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mengakui fakta bahawa iklan itu boleh dilihat sebagai tidak sensitif atau tidak menyenangkan dan kami mengambil iktibar bahawa ramai yang menganggap iklan itu sebagai perkauman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This was most certainly not the intention, and again we apologize,\" Feed a Child said.", "r": {"result": "Ini sememangnya bukan niat, dan sekali lagi kami memohon maaf,\" kata Feed a Child.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement released earlier, Feed a Child had said: \"The commercial is intentionally emotive to trigger the necessary awareness on this issue to generate engagement and contributions\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan sebelum ini, Feed a Child berkata: \"Komersil itu sengaja beremosi untuk mencetuskan kesedaran yang diperlukan mengenai isu ini untuk menjana penglibatan dan sumbangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Advertising company Ogilvy and Mather, who created the advertisement, also issued an apology, saying it was aware of the \"negative reaction\" it sparked and that it had not intended to cause offense.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat pengiklanan Ogilvy dan Mather, yang mencipta iklan itu, turut mengeluarkan permohonan maaf, mengatakan ia menyedari \"reaksi negatif\" yang dicetuskannya dan ia tidak berniat untuk menimbulkan kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Health.com) -- Donna Landrigan had been acting strangely for almost a month.", "r": {"result": "(Health.com) -- Donna Landrigan telah bertindak aneh selama hampir sebulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weeks of pounding, wall-to-wall headaches had left the normally calm and confident 35-year-old mother of three feeling confused, anxious, and doubting.", "r": {"result": "Berminggu-minggu berdebar-debar, sakit kepala dinding-ke-dinding telah menyebabkan ibu kepada tiga anak yang biasanya tenang dan yakin berusia 35 tahun itu berasa keliru, cemas dan ragu-ragu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She couldn't function,\" recalls Dan Landrigan, Donna's husband.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak dapat berfungsi,\" kenang Dan Landrigan, suami Donna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She couldn't do anything, and she had these really intense levels of paranoia\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa, dan dia mengalami tahap paranoia yang sangat teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over-the-counter medications did nothing to relieve her headaches, and visits to the doctor and a local emergency room were similarly fruitless.", "r": {"result": "Ubat-ubatan yang dijual bebas tidak dapat melegakan sakit kepalanya, dan lawatan ke doktor dan bilik kecemasan tempatan juga tidak membuahkan hasil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Donna's state of mind continued to deteriorate.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan fikiran Donna terus merosot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The breaking point finally came on a December night in 2008, when she stood in the middle of the kitchen floor and screeched at the top of her lungs.", "r": {"result": "Titik pecah akhirnya berlaku pada malam Disember 2008, apabila dia berdiri di tengah-tengah lantai dapur dan menjerit sekuat hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a bloodcurdling scream,\" Dan recalls.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah jeritan berdarah,\" ingat Dan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later that night, Dan found his wife slumped on the concrete floor of the garage, moaning.", "r": {"result": "Pada malam itu, Dan mendapati isterinya terbaring di atas lantai konkrit garaj sambil mengerang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That chilling evening marked the beginning of a medical odyssey that would ultimately involve four hospitals, experts in three states, and 10 months of guessing, testing, doubting, and hoping.", "r": {"result": "Petang yang menyejukkan itu menandakan permulaan pengembaraan perubatan yang akhirnya akan melibatkan empat hospital, pakar di tiga negeri, dan 10 bulan meneka, menguji, meragui dan berharap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Something was attacking Donna's brain.", "r": {"result": "Sesuatu sedang menyerang otak Donna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She'd spend five months in a drug-induced coma before doctors knew what it was.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan menghabiskan lima bulan dalam koma akibat dadah sebelum doktor tahu apa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Health.com: Your life-saving guide to bad headaches.", "r": {"result": "Health.com: Panduan menyelamatkan nyawa anda untuk sakit kepala yang teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buying time.", "r": {"result": "Membeli masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An ambulance rushed Donna to the ER after she collapsed, but she was quickly transferred to the intensive-care unit (ICU) at nearby Highland Hospital, in Rochester, New York.", "r": {"result": "Ambulans membawa Donna ke ER selepas dia rebah, tetapi dia segera dipindahkan ke unit rawatan rapi (ICU) di Hospital Highland berdekatan, di Rochester, New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neurologist Nick Johnson, M.D., was there when she arrived.", "r": {"result": "Pakar neurologi Nick Johnson, M.D., berada di sana semasa dia tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was psychotic and required restraints, both physical and emotional,\" Johnson says, referring to tranquilizers.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia psikotik dan memerlukan kekangan, baik fizikal dan emosi,\" kata Johnson, merujuk kepada ubat penenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was trying to hurt herself and the people around her\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia cuba mencederakan dirinya dan orang di sekelilingnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johnson was perplexed.", "r": {"result": "Johnson bingung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After hearing her symptoms, he at first suspected encephalitis, a swelling of the brain usually related to an infection.", "r": {"result": "Selepas mendengar simptomnya, dia pada mulanya mengesyaki ensefalitis, pembengkakan otak yang biasanya berkaitan dengan jangkitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He tested Donna for more than a hundred viruses and bacteria that can cause the condition, but everything came back negative.", "r": {"result": "Dia menguji Donna untuk lebih daripada seratus virus dan bakteria yang boleh menyebabkan keadaan itu, tetapi semuanya kembali negatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In no state to return home, Donna was admitted to the hospital for tests and observation.", "r": {"result": "Dalam keadaan tidak pulang ke rumah, Donna dimasukkan ke hospital untuk ujian dan pemerhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two weeks later, Johnson and his team had a breakthrough when an electroencephalogram, or EEG, revealed recurring seizures in Donna's brain that were unaccompanied by physical symptoms -- a serious condition, known as nonconvulsive status epilepticus, that kills 56 percent of the people it affects.", "r": {"result": "Dua minggu kemudian, Johnson dan pasukannya mendapat kejayaan apabila electroencephalogram, atau EEG, mendedahkan sawan berulang dalam otak Donna yang tidak disertai dengan gejala fizikal -- keadaan serius, dikenali sebagai status epileptikus tidak sawan, yang membunuh 56 peratus orang yang mengalaminya. mempengaruhi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But their relief at having finally arrived at a diagnosis was short-lived; the seizures failed to respond as expected to a slew of drugs.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kelegaan mereka kerana akhirnya tiba pada diagnosis tidak lama; sawan gagal bertindak balas seperti yang dijangkakan kepada banyak dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Health.com: 20 medical mysteries and miracles.", "r": {"result": "Health.com: 20 misteri dan keajaiban perubatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shortly thereafter, Dan walked into the hospital to visit his wife and found her bed empty.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas itu, Dan masuk ke hospital untuk melawat isterinya dan mendapati katilnya kosong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unbeknownst to him, doctors had used a powerful anesthetic to put Donna in a coma and had transferred her to an ICU on another floor.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa disedari, doktor telah menggunakan ubat bius yang kuat untuk menyebabkan Donna koma dan telah memindahkannya ke ICU di tingkat lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The doctors explained to me that if they continued to let her brain seize like that, it would eventually wear out and start shutting down,\" Dan says.", "r": {"result": "\"Doktor menjelaskan kepada saya bahawa jika mereka terus membiarkan otaknya menangkap seperti itu, ia akhirnya akan haus dan mula menutup,\" kata Dan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They induced the coma.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menyebabkan koma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was the only way they could buy more time to seek and find out what was wrong\".", "r": {"result": "Itulah satu-satunya cara mereka boleh membeli lebih banyak masa untuk mencari dan mengetahui apa yang salah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Dan remembers it, the scene that greeted him when he saw Donna in a coma for the first time was like something out of \"ER\" or \"Grey's Anatomy, \"not real life.", "r": {"result": "Seingat Dan, adegan yang menyapanya apabila dia melihat Donna koma buat kali pertama adalah seperti sesuatu yang keluar dari \"ER\" atau \"Anatomi Kelabu,\" bukan kehidupan sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was kind of freaky,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia agak aneh,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You don't expect to see that with a loved one.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak mengharapkan untuk melihatnya dengan orang tersayang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everything just comes slamming right at you.", "r": {"result": "Segala-galanya hanya datang membanting tepat pada anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's very overwhelming to walk in and witness it alone\".", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat menggembirakan untuk berjalan masuk dan menyaksikannya sendirian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Health.com: TV doctors bring unethical behavior to prime time.", "r": {"result": "Health.com: Doktor TV membawa tingkah laku tidak beretika ke masa utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An elusive tumor.", "r": {"result": "Tumor yang sukar difahami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By mid-January, Donna's condition hadn't improved, and she was transferred to a larger facility in Rochester.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang pertengahan Januari, keadaan Donna tidak bertambah baik, dan dia telah dipindahkan ke kemudahan yang lebih besar di Rochester.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The doctors at Strong Memorial Hospital decided to take a more aggressive approach, deepening her coma with the drug pentobarbital.", "r": {"result": "Doktor di Hospital Memorial Kuat memutuskan untuk mengambil pendekatan yang lebih agresif, memperdalam komanya dengan ubat pentobarbital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But after six weeks Donna was even worse.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selepas enam minggu Donna lebih teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her blood pressure had plummeted and she had developed hypothermia -- common complications of lying in the ICU for so long.", "r": {"result": "Tekanan darahnya telah menjunam dan dia telah mengalami hipotermia -- komplikasi biasa terbaring di ICU untuk sekian lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I still have the image of walking into the room and seeing despair on the nurses' faces,\" says Dan, who visited Donna on all but four days during the ordeal.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya masih mempunyai imej berjalan ke dalam bilik dan melihat keputusasaan di wajah jururawat,\" kata Dan, yang melawat Donna sepanjang empat hari semasa pahit itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I got terrified that maybe we were taking a turn for the worse\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berasa takut bahawa mungkin kita akan menjadi lebih teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In reality, the doctors were getting warmer.", "r": {"result": "Sebenarnya, para doktor semakin hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They began to speculate that an antibody produced by Donna's own immune system -- a protein that usually fights disease -- was damaging her brain.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mula membuat spekulasi bahawa antibodi yang dihasilkan oleh sistem imun Donna sendiri -- protein yang biasanya melawan penyakit -- telah merosakkan otaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To confirm their hunch, they sent samples of Donna's cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengesahkan firasat mereka, mereka menghantar sampel cecair serebrospinal (CSF) Donna ke Mayo Clinic, di Rochester, Minnesota.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The test results provided a glimmer of hope: Pathologists had found an antibody -- they just didn't know what it was.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan ujian memberikan cahaya harapan: Pakar patologi telah menemui antibodi -- mereka tidak tahu apa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Health.com: 'Indescribable, crazy pain': I survived dengue fever.", "r": {"result": "Health.com: 'Sakit gila yang tidak dapat digambarkan': Saya terselamat daripada demam denggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Experts at the University of Pennsylvania eventually identified the mysterious antibody as a type that targets receptors in the central nervous system that are involved in memory and neuron function.", "r": {"result": "Pakar di Universiti Pennsylvania akhirnya mengenal pasti antibodi misteri itu sebagai jenis yang menyasarkan reseptor dalam sistem saraf pusat yang terlibat dalam ingatan dan fungsi neuron.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(The antibody can also attack nerve cells in the brain, which would explain Donna's seizures.", "r": {"result": "(Antibodi juga boleh menyerang sel-sel saraf di otak, yang akan menjelaskan sawan Donna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") These so-called anti-NMDA receptor antibodies usually arise in response to a type of tumor called a teratoma.", "r": {"result": ") Antibodi reseptor anti-NMDA yang dipanggil ini biasanya timbul sebagai tindak balas kepada sejenis tumor yang dipanggil teratoma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Teratomas tend to appear in ovaries and testes and can contain cells and tissues of all kinds, even embryonic body parts such as hair and teeth.", "r": {"result": "Teratoma cenderung muncul dalam ovari dan testis dan boleh mengandungi sel dan tisu semua jenis, malah bahagian badan embrio seperti rambut dan gigi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once again, the doctors' optimism waned quickly as they struggled to locate the tumor.", "r": {"result": "Sekali lagi, keyakinan doktor berkurangan dengan cepat kerana mereka bergelut untuk mengesan tumor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, chemotherapy had no apparent effect.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, kemoterapi tidak mempunyai kesan yang jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even though they couldn't find a tumor, the doctors decided that the only remaining option to save Donna's life was to remove her ovaries and hope for the best.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mereka tidak menemui tumor, doktor memutuskan bahawa satu-satunya pilihan yang tinggal untuk menyelamatkan nyawa Donna ialah membuang ovarinya dan mengharapkan yang terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few days after Donna underwent surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes, Dan got a call on his cell phone from one of Donna's doctors.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa hari selepas Donna menjalani pembedahan untuk membuang ovari dan tiub fallopio, Dan mendapat panggilan telefon bimbit daripada salah seorang doktor Donna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We found a tumor,\" she told him, sounding choked up.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menemui tumor,\" katanya kepadanya, kedengaran tersekat-sekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was indeed a teratoma, a benign but messy jumble of hair cells, nerve tissue, and teeth.", "r": {"result": "Ia sememangnya teratoma, gabungan sel rambut, tisu saraf dan gigi yang jinak tetapi tidak kemas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The antibodies created by Donna's body to fight the nerve tissue in the teratoma were inadvertently attacking healthy tissue in her brain.", "r": {"result": "Antibodi yang dicipta oleh badan Donna untuk melawan tisu saraf dalam teratoma secara tidak sengaja menyerang tisu sihat di otaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With that, Donna became one of about 100 people in the world to be diagnosed with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.", "r": {"result": "Dengan itu, Donna menjadi salah seorang daripada kira-kira 100 orang di dunia yang didiagnosis dengan ensefalitis reseptor anti-NMDA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In many ways her case is typical.", "r": {"result": "Dalam banyak cara, kesnya adalah tipikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vast majority of patients who develop this rare condition are women, and most experience psychiatric symptoms, memory problems, and seizures.", "r": {"result": "Sebilangan besar pesakit yang mengalami keadaan jarang ini adalah wanita, dan kebanyakannya mengalami gejala psikiatri, masalah ingatan, dan sawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ovarian teratomas are the culprit in most cases, but not all.", "r": {"result": "Teratoma ovari adalah punca dalam kebanyakan kes, tetapi bukan semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But no one has experienced seizures for as long as Donna did and survived, according to Johnson.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tiada siapa yang mengalami sawan selama Donna lakukan dan terselamat, menurut Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A slow recovery.", "r": {"result": "Pemulihan yang perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once the tumor was removed, Donna's doctors started the slow, painstaking process of tapering off the drugs and bringing her out of her five-month coma.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik tumor dikeluarkan, doktor Donna memulakan proses yang perlahan dan bersusah payah untuk mengurangkan ubat-ubatan dan membawanya keluar daripada koma selama lima bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Memorial Day 2009, Donna awoke briefly and smiled when she heard the nurses in her room mention French fries.", "r": {"result": "Pada Hari Peringatan 2009, Donna terjaga seketika dan tersenyum apabila dia mendengar jururawat di biliknya menyebut kentang goreng.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Donna, do you like French fries\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Donna, adakah anda suka kentang goreng\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "they asked her.", "r": {"result": "mereka bertanya kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She mouthed the word \"yes\".", "r": {"result": "Dia mengeluarkan perkataan \"ya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Donna took about four weeks to become fully alert and conversant.", "r": {"result": "Donna mengambil masa kira-kira empat minggu untuk menjadi berjaga-jaga dan fasih sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her first memory upon waking, she says, was hearing that Michael Jackson was dead.", "r": {"result": "Ingatan pertamanya apabila bangun, katanya, mendengar bahawa Michael Jackson telah mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Ironically, Jackson suffered cardiac arrest after overdosing on propofol, the drug that Donna's doctors used to induce her coma.", "r": {"result": "(Ironisnya, Jackson mengalami serangan jantung selepas mengambil propofol secara berlebihan, ubat yang digunakan oleh doktor Donna untuk menyebabkan komanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") It was June 2009, and she remembered nothing since October of the previous year.", "r": {"result": ") Ia adalah Jun 2009, dan dia tidak ingat apa-apa sejak Oktober tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Health.com: Michael Jackson's death: why cardiac arrest is deadlier than heart attack.", "r": {"result": "Health.com: Kematian Michael Jackson: mengapa serangan jantung lebih mematikan daripada serangan jantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The seizures have stopped, but Donna, now 36, is still struggling with the aftereffects of the coma.", "r": {"result": "Sawan telah berhenti, tetapi Donna, kini 36, masih bergelut dengan kesan koma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, more than a year after waking up, she is at home but in a wheelchair, suffering from nerve damage and muscle spasms.", "r": {"result": "Kini, lebih setahun selepas bangun tidur, dia berada di rumah tetapi berkerusi roda, mengalami kerosakan saraf dan kekejangan otot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had hoped that she would be walking by now.", "r": {"result": "Dia berharap dia akan berjalan sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I like to believe it's temporary,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka percaya ia sementara,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three-quarters of the people who have contracted anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis have recovered fully or with minor neurological problems.", "r": {"result": "Tiga perempat daripada orang yang telah dijangkiti ensefalitis reseptor anti-NMDA telah pulih sepenuhnya atau dengan masalah neurologi yang kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johnson, who took care of Donna for the duration of her illness, is grateful that she seems well on her way to joining that group.", "r": {"result": "Johnson, yang menjaga Donna sepanjang tempoh sakitnya, bersyukur kerana dia kelihatan baik dalam perjalanan untuk menyertai kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This was a very unusual outcome, especially for someone with seizures that long,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah hasil yang sangat luar biasa, terutamanya bagi seseorang yang mengalami sawan selama itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- All her life, Carmen Figueroa believed she was born in the United States.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sepanjang hidupnya, Carmen Figueroa percaya dia dilahirkan di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was what her mother had always told her.", "r": {"result": "Itu yang ibunya selalu beritahu dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a State Department investigation found that she was born in Sinaloa, Mexico, and brought into the country illegally at a young age, CNN affiliate KVOA reported.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi siasatan Jabatan Negara mendapati bahawa dia dilahirkan di Sinaloa, Mexico, dan dibawa masuk ke negara itu secara haram pada usia muda, lapor sekutu CNN KVOA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The discovery brought an abrupt end to Figueroa's 10-year career with the Arizona state police.", "r": {"result": "Penemuan itu menamatkan kerjaya Figueroa selama 10 tahun dengan polis negeri Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Figueroa, 42, was forced to resign or be fired.", "r": {"result": "Figueroa, 42, terpaksa meletak jawatan atau dipecat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under Arizona law, an undocumented immigrant cannot be a peace officer.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah undang-undang Arizona, pendatang tanpa izin tidak boleh menjadi pegawai keamanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her record as an officer included praise and promotions.", "r": {"result": "Rekodnya sebagai pegawai termasuk pujian dan kenaikan pangkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is a reminder of how the country's immigration laws can turn lives upside down.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu adalah peringatan bagaimana undang-undang imigresen negara boleh mengubah kehidupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It raises questions about how potential public employees are screened, and how easily facts about something as basic as a birthplace can be obscured.", "r": {"result": "Ia menimbulkan persoalan tentang cara pekerja awam yang berpotensi disaring, dan betapa mudahnya fakta tentang sesuatu yang asas seperti tempat kelahiran boleh dikaburkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was great, well-liked.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia hebat, sangat disukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The whole thing is a sad story,\" said Bart Graves, a spokesman for the Arizona Department of Public Safety.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya adalah kisah yang menyedihkan,\" kata Bart Graves, jurucakap Jabatan Keselamatan Awam Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Figueroa had joined the force as a highway patrol officer 10 years ago and became a detective in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Figueroa telah menyertai pasukan itu sebagai pegawai peronda lebuh raya 10 tahun lalu dan menjadi detektif pada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The detective likely would have continued to serve if not for the State Department investigation.", "r": {"result": "Detektif itu mungkin akan terus berkhidmat jika tidak kerana siasatan Jabatan Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Figueroa's brother had applied for a passport while he was in the Air Force, Graves said, and during that process the State Department flagged him about his citizenship.", "r": {"result": "Abang Figueroa telah memohon pasport semasa dia berada di Tentera Udara, kata Graves, dan semasa proses itu Jabatan Negara menandainya tentang kewarganegaraannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When she was informed by the State Department that she and her brother were not U.S. citizens, that was the first she'd heard of it,\" Graves said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila dia dimaklumkan oleh Jabatan Negara bahawa dia dan abangnya bukan warga A.S., itulah kali pertama dia mendengarnya,\" kata Graves.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Her mother had told her she was born in this country\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ibunya telah memberitahu dia dilahirkan di negara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Figueroa learned of her immigration status in June, but she didn't inform her agency, Graves said.", "r": {"result": "Figueroa mengetahui status imigresennya pada bulan Jun, tetapi dia tidak memaklumkan agensinya, kata Graves.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She knew in June about her status and by law was required to report it immediately,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia tahu pada Jun tentang statusnya dan mengikut undang-undang dikehendaki melaporkannya dengan segera,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She waited for us to find out about it in August\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia menunggu kami untuk mengetahuinya pada bulan Ogos\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once it found out, the Department of Public Safety placed Figueroa on paid administrative leave until Monday, when she resigned.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja diketahui, Jabatan Keselamatan Awam meletakkan Figueroa pada cuti pentadbiran berbayar sehingga Isnin, apabila dia meletak jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The State Department conducted a criminal investigation and in October decided that it will not file any charges against Figueroa, Graves said.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara menjalankan siasatan jenayah dan pada Oktober memutuskan bahawa ia tidak akan memfailkan sebarang pertuduhan terhadap Figueroa, kata Graves.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arizona continues to work with federal officials to determine if any state criminal charges will be filed, Graves said.", "r": {"result": "Arizona terus bekerjasama dengan pegawai persekutuan untuk menentukan sama ada sebarang pertuduhan jenayah negeri akan difailkan, kata Graves.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Figueroa could not be reached for comment despite repeated calls.", "r": {"result": "Figueroa tidak dapat dihubungi untuk mendapatkan komen walaupun panggilan berulang kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Arizona, a state known for its law cracking down on illegal immigration, the case has sparked debate.", "r": {"result": "Di Arizona, sebuah negeri yang terkenal dengan undang-undangnya yang membanteras pendatang haram, kes itu telah mencetuskan perdebatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's unclear what's next for Figueroa, KVOA reported.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas apa yang seterusnya untuk Figueroa, lapor KVOA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A situation like this where someone has been in the U.S. for 30 or 40 years believing that they're a U.S. citizen is pretty rare,\" immigration lawyer Maurice Goldman told the CNN affiliate.", "r": {"result": "\"Situasi seperti ini di mana seseorang telah berada di A.S. selama 30 atau 40 tahun mempercayai bahawa mereka adalah warganegara A.S. agak jarang berlaku,\" kata peguam imigresen Maurice Goldman kepada sekutu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But one immigrant rights activist told CNN en EspaA+-ol such cases aren't as uncommon as you might think.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi seorang aktivis hak imigran memberitahu CNN en EspaA+-ol kes sebegitu bukan perkara biasa seperti yang anda fikirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dulce Matuz said she knows people who've found out they were undocumented when they went to get driver's licenses.", "r": {"result": "Dulce Matuz berkata dia mengenali orang yang mendapati mereka tidak berdokumen semasa mereka pergi untuk mendapatkan lesen memandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of them grew up during a different climate surrounding immigration, she said.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mereka membesar semasa iklim berbeza di sekeliling imigresen, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a topic that wasn't talked about,\" Matuz said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah topik yang tidak diperkatakan,\" kata Matuz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was taboo.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah pantang larang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Now we are seeing that children are realizing at a very young age the immigration status of their parents and themselves\".", "r": {"result": "... Sekarang kita melihat bahawa kanak-kanak menyedari pada usia yang sangat muda status imigresen ibu bapa mereka dan diri mereka sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Stan Wilson and journalist Valeria Fernandez contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Stan Wilson dari CNN dan wartawan Valeria Fernandez menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kennedy Space Center, Florida (CNN) -- NASA launched its Ares I-X rocket Wednesday, after multiple delays over two days because of bad weather.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Angkasa Kennedy, Florida (CNN) -- NASA melancarkan roket Ares I-Xnya pada hari Rabu, selepas beberapa kali kelewatan selama dua hari kerana cuaca buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 327-foot rocket -- which NASA considers the world's largest -- took off at 11:30 a.m. ET, 30 minutes before a noon deadline for the launch.", "r": {"result": "Roket 327 kaki -- yang dianggap NASA terbesar di dunia -- berlepas pada 11:30 pagi ET, 30 minit sebelum tarikh akhir tengah hari untuk pelancaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It rose about 24 miles.", "r": {"result": "Ia meningkat kira-kira 24 batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About two minutes after liftoff, the first-stage, reusable rocket booster fell into the Atlantic, where it was to be picked up by a ship.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira dua minit selepas lepas landas, penggalak roket yang boleh digunakan semula peringkat pertama jatuh ke Atlantik, di mana ia akan diambil oleh sebuah kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the first flight test for the Constellation Program, NASA's next-generation spacecraft and launch vehicle system.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah ujian penerbangan pertama untuk Program Constellation, kapal angkasa generasi seterusnya dan sistem kenderaan pelancar NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rocket's launch is part of NASA's mission to someday return astronauts to the moon and later travel to Mars.", "r": {"result": "Pelancaran roket itu adalah sebahagian daripada misi NASA untuk mengembalikan angkasawan ke bulan dan kemudiannya ke Marikh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NASA spokesman George Diller, who was moderating the launch preparations for broadcasters, communicated the frustration as launches were repeatedly called off with just minutes to go.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap NASA George Diller, yang sedang menyederhanakan persiapan pelancaran untuk penyiar, menyampaikan kekecewaan kerana pelancaran berulang kali dibatalkan hanya beberapa minit lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After 11 a.m., it appeared there would be a narrow window for a liftoff, and a half-hour later the rocket roared skyward.", "r": {"result": "Selepas jam 11 pagi, nampaknya akan ada tingkap sempit untuk berlepas, dan setengah jam kemudian roket itu menderu ke langit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can't tell you how proud I am of all of you,\" Ed Mango, Ares I-X launch director, told engineers and others inside the center after the launch.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak dapat memberitahu anda betapa bangganya saya dengan anda semua,\" Ed Mango, pengarah pelancaran Ares IX, memberitahu jurutera dan orang lain di dalam pusat selepas pelancaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That was just one of the most beautiful rocket launches I've ever seen\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu hanya salah satu pelancaran roket paling indah yang pernah saya lihat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It shows what we can do when we have a common goal\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menunjukkan apa yang boleh kita lakukan apabila kita mempunyai matlamat yang sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the clock ticked toward noon, NASA officials nervously awaited all-clears for technical items and a weather clearance from weather officer Kathy Winters who, time and again, said conditions were \"red,\" meaning a no-go.", "r": {"result": "Ketika jam berdetik menjelang tengah hari, pegawai NASA dengan gugup menunggu semua pembersihan untuk item teknikal dan pelepasan cuaca daripada pegawai cuaca Kathy Winters yang, berulang kali, berkata keadaan \"merah,\" bermakna tidak boleh pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A reconnaissance plane was giving her frequent weather reports.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah pesawat peninjau sering memberikan laporan cuaca kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She kept looking for a break in the high-level clouds.", "r": {"result": "Dia terus mencari rehat di awan aras tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a very dynamic situation,\" Winters said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah keadaan yang sangat dinamik, \" kata Winters.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the launch, the space agency had begun negotiating with the Air Force to see if a Thursday launch attempt was possible.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum pelancaran, agensi angkasa lepas telah mula berunding dengan Tentera Udara untuk melihat sama ada percubaan pelancaran Khamis adalah mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Failing that, NASA couldn't have tried again until November 16.", "r": {"result": "Jika gagal, NASA tidak boleh mencuba lagi sehingga 16 November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NASA's primary concern was the high-level, cold clouds that can cause triboelectrification, or the production of a kind of static electricity, similar to what happens when you walk across a carpet, then touch something.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan utama NASA ialah awan sejuk tahap tinggi yang boleh menyebabkan triboelektrifikasi, atau penghasilan sejenis elektrik statik, sama seperti apa yang berlaku apabila anda berjalan melintasi permaidani, kemudian menyentuh sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If static surrounds the rocket, it can interfere with radio signals sent by or to the rocket.", "r": {"result": "Jika statik mengelilingi roket, ia boleh mengganggu isyarat radio yang dihantar oleh atau ke roket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Constellation Program has been developing new vehicles to replace space shuttles, which will be phased out in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Program Constellation telah membangunkan kenderaan baharu untuk menggantikan pengangkutan angkasa lepas, yang akan dihentikan secara berperingkat pada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the program moves forward, the Orion capsule atop the Ares rocket will not be ready to take astronauts into space until at least 2015, leaving a gap of at least five years in which the only way the United States would be able to put humans in orbit would be by hitching a ride with the Russians.", "r": {"result": "Jika program itu bergerak ke hadapan, kapsul Orion di atas roket Ares tidak akan bersedia untuk membawa angkasawan ke angkasa lepas sehingga sekurang-kurangnya 2015, meninggalkan jurang sekurang-kurangnya lima tahun di mana satu-satunya cara Amerika Syarikat akan dapat menempatkan manusia di dalamnya. orbit adalah dengan menaiki kereta dengan Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of the test rocket mission is for scientists to try out three massive main parachutes, measuring 150 feet in diameter and weighing one ton each -- the largest rocket parachutes ever manufactured.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada misi roket ujian adalah untuk saintis mencuba tiga payung terjun utama besar-besaran, berukuran 150 kaki diameter dan seberat satu tan setiap satu -- payung terjun roket terbesar pernah dihasilkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The parachutes are a primary element of the rocket's deceleration system, NASA says.", "r": {"result": "Payung terjun adalah elemen utama sistem nyahpecutan roket, kata NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the rocket is successfully launched, the parachutes are to open at the same time, \"providing the drag necessary to slow the descent of the huge solid rocket motor for a soft landing in the ocean,\" the agency says on its Web site.", "r": {"result": "Selepas roket itu berjaya dilancarkan, payung terjun itu akan dibuka pada masa yang sama, \"menyediakan seretan yang diperlukan untuk memperlahankan penurunan motor roket pepejal yang besar untuk pendaratan lembut di lautan,\" kata agensi itu di laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two parts of the rocket are to separate at about 130,000 feet.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua bahagian roket itu akan berpisah pada kira-kira 130,000 kaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The top of the rocket, known as the upper stage, includes a mock Orion crew capsule and a launch abort system.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian atas roket, yang dikenali sebagai pentas atas, termasuk kapsul kru Orion olok-olok dan sistem pengguguran pelancaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The upper stage will continue its ascent until gravity forces its return to Earth, after which it will fall into the Atlantic Ocean.", "r": {"result": "Peringkat atas akan meneruskan pendakiannya sehingga graviti memaksanya kembali ke Bumi, selepas itu ia akan jatuh ke Lautan Atlantik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The launch comes at a critical time, when NASA is waiting for President Obama to decide future funding for the agency.", "r": {"result": "Pelancaran itu datang pada masa yang kritikal, apabila NASA sedang menunggu Presiden Obama untuk memutuskan pembiayaan masa depan untuk agensi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An independent committee reviewing the future of space flight recently reported that the U.S. space program appears to be pursuing goals that exceed current funding.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah jawatankuasa bebas yang mengkaji masa depan penerbangan angkasa baru-baru ini melaporkan bahawa program angkasa AS nampaknya mengejar matlamat yang melebihi pembiayaan semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The committee also recommended to the White House that funding for NASA's under-construction international space station should be extended until 2020.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa itu juga mengesyorkan kepada Rumah Putih bahawa pembiayaan untuk stesen angkasa antarabangsa NASA yang sedang dalam pembinaan perlu dilanjutkan sehingga 2020.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kim Segal and John Zarrella contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Kim Segal dan John Zarrella dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A wonder goal from French international Philippe Mexes helped seven-time winners AC Milan into the last 16 of the European Champions League with a 3-1 win at 10-man Anderlecht Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Gol menakjubkan daripada pemain antarabangsa Perancis, Philippe Mexes membantu juara tujuh kali AC Milan mara ke pusingan 16 terakhir Liga Juara-Juara Eropah dengan kemenangan 3-1 di Anderlecht yang beraksi dengan 10 pemain, Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With an effort reminiscent of Zlatan Ibrahimovic's incredible goal for Sweden against England earlier this month, Mexes scored with an acrobatic bicycle kick to put Milan 2-0 ahead in a vital game.", "r": {"result": "Dengan usaha yang mengingatkan gol luar biasa Zlatan Ibrahimovic untuk Sweden menentang England awal bulan ini, Mexes menjaringkan gol dengan sepakan basikal akrobatik untuk meletakkan Milan 2-0 di hadapan dalam permainan penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anderlecht conceded a 70th minute free kick after Bram Nuytinck was shown red for bringing down Alexandre Pato as he burst clear.", "r": {"result": "Anderlecht melepaskan sepakan percuma minit ke-70 selepas Bram Nuytinck dilayangkan merah kerana menjatuhkan Alexandre Pato ketika dia meledak keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ricardo Montolivo took the kick to set up Mexes to control the ball on his chest before unleashing his strike from outside the penalty area and into the home goal.", "r": {"result": "Ricardo Montolivo melakukan sepakan itu untuk menetapkan Mexes untuk mengawal bola di dadanya sebelum melepaskan rembatannya dari luar kotak penalti dan ke gawang tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With Group C winners Malaga held 2-2 at Zenit St Petersburg earlier in the day, both teams sought three points to seal the runners-up spot.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pemenang Kumpulan C, Malaga, bertahan 2-2 di Zenit St Petersburg pada awal hari, kedua-dua pasukan mencari tiga mata untuk mengesahkan tempat naib juara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stephan El Shaarawy put the Serie A side ahead just after half time before Mexes added his stunning effort.", "r": {"result": "Stephan El Shaarawy meletakkan pasukan Serie A di hadapan sejurus selepas separuh masa sebelum Mexes menambah percubaan menakjubkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom De Sutter pulled one back for the Belgian side, but Milan had Pato to thank for a late third to seal the victory.", "r": {"result": "Tom De Sutter menarik satu gol untuk pasukan Belgium itu, tetapi Milan meminta Pato berterima kasih pada satu pertiga lewat untuk memastikan kemenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the formidable Group D, Manchester City exited the competition as they were held to a 1-1 home draw by 10-man Real Madrid.", "r": {"result": "Dalam Kumpulan D yang menggerunkan, Manchester City terkeluar daripada pertandingan itu kerana mereka terikat 1-1 di tempat sendiri oleh 10 pemain Real Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the second successive year the English Premier League champions have failed to progress from the group stages and with a round of matches still remaining.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah tahun kedua berturut-turut juara Liga Perdana Inggeris itu gagal mara dari peringkat kumpulan dan dengan baki perlawanan masih berbaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Borussia Dortmund have won the group after their 4-1 drubbing of Ajax Amsterdam, with Real advancing to the last 16 in second place.", "r": {"result": "Borussia Dortmund telah memenangi kumpulan selepas menewaskan Ajax Amsterdam 4-1, dengan Real mara ke pusingan 16 terakhir di tempat kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real went ahead through Karim Benzema in the ninth minute, allowed time and space by City defender Maicon to convert an Angel Di Maria cross.", "r": {"result": "Real mendahului menerusi Karim Benzema pada minit kesembilan, membenarkan masa dan ruang oleh pertahanan City, Maicon untuk menyempurnakan hantaran silang Angel Di Maria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jose Mourinho's men had ample opportunities to make the game safe, with Cristiano Ronaldo wasting the best chance.", "r": {"result": "Anak buah Jose Mourinho mempunyai banyak peluang untuk memastikan permainan selamat, dengan Cristiano Ronaldo mensia-siakan peluang terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The home side improved in the second half and were rewarded for their efforts when Alvaro Arbeloa clumsily pulled down Sergio Aguero to concede a penalty and earn his marching orders for a second yellow card.", "r": {"result": "Skuad tuan rumah bertambah baik pada separuh masa kedua dan diberi ganjaran atas usaha mereka apabila Alvaro Arbeloa dengan kekok menarik Sergio Aguero untuk melepaskan penalti dan mendapat arahan kad kuning kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aguero converted from the spot in the 73rd minute, but Roberto Mancini's side could not press home the advantage of an extra man.", "r": {"result": "Aguero menyempurnakan sepakan penalti pada minit ke-73, tetapi skuad kendalian Roberto Mancini tidak dapat mengasak kelebihan pemain tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "German champions Dortmund continued their impressive form in Amsterdam with Marco Reus putting them ahead early against their Dutch counterparts.", "r": {"result": "Juara Jerman Dortmund meneruskan prestasi mengagumkan mereka di Amsterdam dengan Marco Reus meletakkan mereka di hadapan lebih awal menentang rakan sejawatan mereka dari Belanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mario Goetze capped a fine display with the second goal while Poland striker Robert Lewandowski scored either side of half-time.", "r": {"result": "Mario Goetze menyempurnakan persembahan yang baik dengan gol kedua manakala penyerang Poland Robert Lewandowski menjaringkan kedua-dua belah separuh masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Striker Danny Hoesen grabbed a late consolation for the hosts who are still battling Manchester City for the Europa League spot for third place in the group in the final round of games.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Danny Hoesen meraih saguhati lewat untuk tuan rumah yang masih bertarung dengan Manchester City untuk tempat Liga Europa untuk tempat ketiga kumpulan dalam pusingan akhir perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Group B, Schalke and Arsenal booked their passage to the knockout stages with home victories over Olympiakos and Montpellier.", "r": {"result": "Dalam Kumpulan B, Schalke dan Arsenal menempah laluan mereka ke peringkat kalah mati dengan kemenangan di tempat sendiri ke atas Olympiakos dan Montpellier.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Royal Blues Schalke needed a late strike from Christian Fuchs to seal their 1-0 win and stay one point clear of the EPL side at the top of the section.", "r": {"result": "Royal Blues Schalke memerlukan jaringan lewat daripada Christian Fuchs untuk memastikan kemenangan 1-0 mereka dan kekal satu mata di hadapan pasukan EPL di bahagian atas bahagian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsenal beat the French champions 2-0 with Jack Wilshere, returning to his best form after injury, setting them on their way just after half time.", "r": {"result": "Arsenal menewaskan juara Perancis itu 2-0 dengan Jack Wilshere, kembali ke prestasi terbaiknya selepas kecederaan, meletakkan mereka dalam perjalanan mereka hanya selepas separuh masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "German international Lukas Podolski fired a magnificent second goal for the Gunners on 63 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Pemain antarabangsa Jerman, Lukas Podolski meledakkan gol kedua yang mengagumkan untuk Gunners pada minit ke-63.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Big-spending Paris Saint Germain qualified for the group stages for the second time with a 2-0 win at Dynamo Kiev.", "r": {"result": "Paris Saint Germain yang berbelanja besar layak ke peringkat kumpulan buat kali kedua dengan kemenangan 2-0 di Dynamo Kiev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ezekiel Lavezzi scored both goals for PSG, who are still pressing Porto for top spot in Group A. Porto thrashed bottom club Dinamo Zagreb 3-0 to stay a point clear.", "r": {"result": "Ezequiel Lavezzi menjaringkan kedua-dua gol untuk PSG, yang masih mendesak Porto untuk kedudukan teratas Kumpulan A. Porto membelasah kelab tercorot Dinamo Zagreb 3-0 untuk kekal dengan kelebihan satu mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- If you've booked travel online, you may have been there.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jika anda telah menempah perjalanan dalam talian, anda mungkin pernah ke sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nancy Cutter, a travel agent in Charlotte, North Carolina, discusses vacation options with a client.", "r": {"result": "Nancy Cutter, ejen pelancongan di Charlotte, North Carolina, membincangkan pilihan percutian dengan pelanggan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Online travel sites flooded with overwhelming options, all claiming the best deals.", "r": {"result": "Tapak pelancongan dalam talian dibanjiri dengan pilihan yang luar biasa, semuanya menuntut tawaran terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Extra fees nestled into the fine print amid blaring advertisements.", "r": {"result": "Bayaran tambahan dimasukkan ke dalam cetakan halus di tengah-tengah iklan yang meriah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pounding 16 digits into the telephone after you've booked the wrong flight before finally getting a human voice.", "r": {"result": "Memasukkan 16 digit ke dalam telefon selepas anda menempah penerbangan yang salah sebelum akhirnya mendapat suara manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few weeks ago, Darin Kaplan, a tech-savvy 27-year-old California restaurant manager, clicked his mouse hundreds of times, surfing the vast choices offered by online travel booking Web sites like Expedia.com and Orbitz.com to plan his 28th birthday cruise to Mexico before he gave up in frustration.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa minggu yang lalu, Darin Kaplan, seorang pengurus restoran California berusia 27 tahun yang celik teknologi, mengklik tetikusnya ratusan kali, melayari pelbagai pilihan yang ditawarkan oleh tapak web tempahan perjalanan dalam talian seperti Expedia.com dan Orbitz.com untuk merancangnya. Pelayaran ulang tahun ke-28 ke Mexico sebelum dia berputus asa dalam kekecewaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a cut-and-paste experience when you're booking online.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah pengalaman potong dan tampal apabila anda membuat tempahan dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of these sites are going to tell me what I can do with different options,\" said Kaplan, who uses the Internet for many purchases, including his basketball shorts and music tickets.", "r": {"result": "Tiada satu pun laman web ini akan memberitahu saya apa yang boleh saya lakukan dengan pilihan yang berbeza,\" kata Kaplan, yang menggunakan Internet untuk banyak pembelian, termasuk seluar pendek bola keranjang dan tiket muziknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Travel agents know what they are talking about.", "r": {"result": "\u201cEjen pelancongan tahu apa yang mereka bincangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's more comforting to hand my money to someone who has the knowledge and experience\".", "r": {"result": "Lebih selesa untuk menyerahkan wang saya kepada seseorang yang mempunyai pengetahuan dan pengalaman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some travelers like Kaplan are finding themselves defecting from travel booking sites like Travelocity.com or airline sites like Delta.com.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pengembara seperti Kaplan mendapati diri mereka berpaling tadah dari tapak tempahan perjalanan seperti Travelocity.com atau tapak syarikat penerbangan seperti Delta.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are going back the travel agent, an industry that many industry experts once thought to be passe with the advent of online booking.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan kembali menjadi ejen pelancongan, sebuah industri yang pernah difikirkan oleh ramai pakar industri dengan kemunculan tempahan dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fewer travelers are enjoying using the Web to plan and buy trips, according to a study last week by Forrester Research, a market research company.", "r": {"result": "Lebih sedikit pelancong yang menikmati menggunakan Web untuk merancang dan membeli perjalanan, menurut kajian minggu lepas oleh Forrester Research, sebuah syarikat penyelidikan pasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 46 percent of U.S. leisure travelers enjoyed using the Internet to book travel this year, down from 53 percent in 2007.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 46 peratus pengembara riadah AS menikmati menggunakan Internet untuk menempah perjalanan tahun ini, turun daripada 53 peratus pada 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Difficult site navigation and presentation on travel company sites and hotel and airline sites are causing a growing number of travelers to shift away from the Web and consider using alternative methods of booking travel.", "r": {"result": "Navigasi dan pembentangan tapak yang sukar di tapak syarikat pelancongan dan tapak hotel dan syarikat penerbangan menyebabkan semakin ramai pengembara beralih daripada Web dan mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan kaedah alternatif untuk menempah perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People are saying 'I don't understand my options, and I would like to talk to someone who can do all the searching and tell me what's available,' \" said Henry Hartevelt, the analyst who wrote the Forrester study.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai berkata 'Saya tidak faham pilihan saya, dan saya ingin bercakap dengan seseorang yang boleh melakukan semua carian dan memberitahu saya apa yang ada,' \" kata Henry Hartevelt, penganalisis yang menulis kajian Forrester.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Major travel agencies have absolutely failed in their responsibility to innovate and think of creative new ways to help their customers shop\".", "r": {"result": "\"Agensi pelancongan utama telah benar-benar gagal dalam tanggungjawab mereka untuk berinovasi dan memikirkan cara baharu yang kreatif untuk membantu pelanggan mereka membeli-belah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the brick-and-mortar travel agent model, a trained agent meets with the traveler in person or establishes a relationship over the phone.", "r": {"result": "Dalam model ejen pelancongan batu bata dan mortar, ejen terlatih bertemu dengan pengembara secara peribadi atau menjalinkan hubungan melalui telefon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a fee, they discuss the travel options they have researched.", "r": {"result": "Dengan bayaran, mereka membincangkan pilihan perjalanan yang telah mereka selidiki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These travel agencies began losing their monopoly on the industry during the late 1990s, when airlines began to sell tickets online and travel giants like Expedia.com exploded onto the scene, quickly gobbling market share by introducing the quick, do-it- yourself model.", "r": {"result": "Agensi pelancongan ini mula kehilangan monopoli mereka ke atas industri pada penghujung 1990-an, apabila syarikat penerbangan mula menjual tiket dalam talian dan syarikat gergasi pelancongan seperti Expedia.com meletup ke tempat kejadian, dengan cepat menelan bahagian pasaran dengan memperkenalkan model cepat, buat sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1995, there were 37,000 brick-and-mortar travel agencies, according to the American Society of Travel Agents.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1995, terdapat 37,000 agensi pelancongan bata-dan-mortar, menurut American Society of Travel Agents.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, only 18,000 exist after many merged or folded.", "r": {"result": "Kini, hanya 18,000 wujud selepas banyak yang digabungkan atau dilipat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What the Internet has done is given us a nation that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing,\" said Bill Maloney, CEO of the American Society of Travel Agents.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Internet memberikan kita sebuah negara yang mengetahui harga segala-galanya dan nilai apa-apa,\" kata Bill Maloney, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Persatuan Ejen Pelancongan Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How do you know if a hotel is actually a good value or if it's overpriced?", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimana anda tahu sama ada hotel sebenarnya mempunyai nilai yang baik atau ia terlalu mahal?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have these online generalists and these individual specialists\".", "r": {"result": "Anda mempunyai pakar umum dalam talian ini dan pakar individu ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travel agent Nancy Cutter of Court Travel Ltd. in Charlotte, North Carolina, and a half-dozen other agencies across the country say they have experienced a surge in returning clients, who said travel Web sites were confusing and unhelpful.", "r": {"result": "Ejen pelancongan Nancy Cutter dari Court Travel Ltd. di Charlotte, North Carolina, dan setengah dozen agensi lain di seluruh negara berkata mereka telah mengalami lonjakan dalam pelanggan yang kembali, yang mengatakan laman web perjalanan mengelirukan dan tidak membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In several instances, brick-and-mortar agents say they were able to offer deals at the same price as, and even undercut, the travel agent models, dispelling the belief that the cheapest rate is online.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa keadaan, ejen batu dan mortar berkata mereka mampu menawarkan tawaran pada harga yang sama seperti, malah mengurangkan, model ejen pelancongan, menghilangkan kepercayaan bahawa kadar termurah adalah dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travel agents have deals with suppliers that can sometimes enable them to offer lower prices than on the Web.", "r": {"result": "Ejen pelancongan mempunyai perjanjian dengan pembekal yang kadangkala membolehkan mereka menawarkan harga yang lebih rendah daripada di Web.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also have time to cancel tickets for free, compared with some non-refundable tickets sold on the Web.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga mempunyai masa untuk membatalkan tiket secara percuma, berbanding dengan beberapa tiket yang tidak boleh dikembalikan yang dijual di Web.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Expedia.com said it recently waived the fee for travelers changing certain flights.", "r": {"result": "Expedia.com berkata ia baru-baru ini mengetepikan bayaran untuk pelancong yang menukar penerbangan tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Just because you can go out and buy Turbo Tax doesn't mean it's the best answer for everyone,\" Cutter said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hanya kerana anda boleh keluar dan membeli Cukai Turbo tidak bermakna ia adalah jawapan terbaik untuk semua orang,\" kata Cutter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some people will still go to an accountant.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSesetengah orang masih akan pergi ke akauntan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Booking travel can get complicated, and it's just not as easy as it looks\".", "r": {"result": "Tempahan perjalanan boleh menjadi rumit, dan ia tidak semudah yang dilihat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travel agents don't discount the value of online travel agencies, which can be useful for booking simple, short trips, but they say complex itineraries require more expertise from a professional.", "r": {"result": "Ejen pelancongan tidak menolak nilai agensi pelancongan dalam talian, yang boleh berguna untuk menempah perjalanan yang ringkas dan singkat, tetapi mereka mengatakan jadual perjalanan yang kompleks memerlukan lebih banyak kepakaran daripada seorang profesional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many online travel companies agree that an agent may be valuable in planning a detailed honeymoon that includes a tour of vineyards in France or a family excursion to top snorkeling and kangaroo-watching destinations in Australia.", "r": {"result": "Banyak syarikat pengembaraan dalam talian bersetuju bahawa ejen mungkin berharga dalam merancang bulan madu terperinci yang merangkumi lawatan ke ladang anggur di Perancis atau rombongan keluarga ke destinasi snorkeling dan menonton kanggaru terbaik di Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you're the type of traveler who needs hand-holding up front, then sure, a travel agent would be great, but you can usually find that same information on the Web,\" said Brian Ek, a spokesman for Priceline.com, a travel company famous for letting bidders set their own price.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda jenis pengembara yang memerlukan pegangan tangan di hadapan, pastinya, ejen pelancongan akan menjadi hebat, tetapi anda biasanya boleh mencari maklumat yang sama di Web,\" kata Brian Ek, jurucakap Priceline.com , sebuah syarikat pelancongan yang terkenal kerana membenarkan pembida menetapkan harga mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the agents available by phone at his company can help facilitate a sale and customize cruises for travelers.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata ejen yang tersedia melalui telefon di syarikatnya boleh membantu memudahkan jualan dan menyesuaikan pelayaran untuk pelancong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Online travel companies say they have made functionality improvements on their sites in recent years.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat pelancongan dalam talian mengatakan mereka telah membuat penambahbaikan fungsi pada tapak mereka dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, Expedia.com, the world's largest online travel agency, offers a tool that can let customers compare seats on an airplane, with ratings on how comfortable a seat is and how much leg room is available.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, Expedia.com, agensi pelancongan dalam talian terbesar di dunia, menawarkan alat yang membolehkan pelanggan membandingkan tempat duduk di dalam kapal terbang, dengan penilaian tentang keselesaan tempat duduk dan jumlah ruang kaki yang tersedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also have hotel reviews and even Web tours of rooms to help travelers decide.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga mempunyai ulasan hotel dan juga lawatan Web bilik untuk membantu pengembara membuat keputusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And, research shows that online travel model is poised to grow.", "r": {"result": "Dan, penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa model perjalanan dalam talian bersedia untuk berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even in a recession, when companies and individuals are scaling back on travel, Expedia.com saw a 22 percent air transaction growth rate in the last quarter.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dalam kemelesetan, apabila syarikat dan individu mengurangkan semula perjalanan, Expedia.com menyaksikan kadar pertumbuhan transaksi udara sebanyak 22 peratus pada suku terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Susan D. Tanzman of Martin's Travel and Tours in California, who has worked as an agent for 35 years, points out that agents follow up with travelers before and after the trip.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Susan D. Tanzman dari Martin's Travel and Tours di California, yang telah bekerja sebagai ejen selama 35 tahun, menegaskan bahawa ejen membuat susulan dengan pengembara sebelum dan selepas perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the traveler needs help, the agency can offer assistance.", "r": {"result": "Jika pengembara memerlukan bantuan, agensi boleh menawarkan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They often work 24 hours a day.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sering bekerja 24 jam sehari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "JoAnne Kochneff, owner of midsize agency Travel by Gagnon in Michigan, said agents can give the personal attention a site cannot.", "r": {"result": "JoAnne Kochneff, pemilik agensi bersaiz sederhana Travel by Gagnon di Michigan, berkata ejen boleh memberi perhatian peribadi yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh tapak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kochneff's office provides a homey feel, with agents offering freshly baked cookies for clients who stop by to chat about their trips.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Kochneff memberikan rasa selesa, dengan ejen menawarkan kuki yang baru dibakar untuk pelanggan yang singgah untuk berbual tentang perjalanan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They have personal experience traveling in the area, so they can give you a personal recommendation,\" said Frances Mosser, 67, of Kentucky, on her reason why she switched to the travel agent model this summer.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mempunyai pengalaman peribadi melancong di kawasan itu, jadi mereka boleh memberikan cadangan peribadi kepada anda,\" kata Frances Mosser, 67, dari Kentucky, atas alasan dia beralih kepada model ejen pelancongan musim panas ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mosser and her husband booked a trip to St. Melo in France with a travel agent.", "r": {"result": "Mosser dan suaminya menempah perjalanan ke St. Melo di Perancis dengan ejen pelancongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agent helped them devise a way to reduce travel time by taking Ryan Air between countries.", "r": {"result": "Ejen itu membantu mereka merangka cara untuk mengurangkan masa perjalanan dengan mengambil Ryan Air antara negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think we could have planned the trip without her,\" Mosser said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir kami boleh merancang perjalanan tanpa dia,\" kata Mosser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jerusalem (CNN) -- It was a different Mitt Romney who arrived in Jerusalem at the weekend.", "r": {"result": "Jerusalem (CNN) -- Mitt Romney yang berbeza yang tiba di Baitulmaqdis pada hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man who landed on the campaign flight from London was unusually circumspect, even for a candidate not noted for unbridled displays of exuberance and emotion.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang mendarat dalam penerbangan kempen dari London adalah luar biasa berhati-hati, walaupun bagi calon yang tidak dikenali kerana menunjukkan kemeriahan dan emosi yang tidak terkawal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But if the Republican front-runner seemed wooden and tense as he stood beside his old friend and onetime professional colleague Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, he had his reasons.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jika pelari utama Republikan itu kelihatan seperti kayu dan tegang ketika dia berdiri di sebelah rakan lamanya dan rakan sekerja profesionalnya Benjamin Netanyahu pada hari Ahad, dia mempunyai alasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Israel whistle-stop of Romney's current three-nation tour may prove the most crucial to his chances of defeating Barack Obama in November.", "r": {"result": "Wisel-henti Israel bagi jelajah tiga negara Romney semasa mungkin membuktikan yang paling penting kepada peluangnya untuk mengalahkan Barack Obama pada bulan November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republican strategists hope that the policy and press-the-flesh pilgrimage to Jerusalem would help Romney sway the hearts and votes of traditionally Democratic Jews in battleground states.", "r": {"result": "Pakar strategi Republikan berharap bahawa dasar dan ziarah ke Baitulmaqdis akan membantu Romney mempengaruhi hati dan undi Yahudi Demokrat secara tradisi di negeri-negeri medan pertempuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a rocky showing in a visit to England, as well as a flap over the scheduling of a fund-raising dinner in the shadow of one of Judaism's most solemn fast days, there was little margin here for error.", "r": {"result": "Selepas persembahan hebat dalam lawatan ke England, serta kepaksaan mengenai penjadualan makan malam mengumpul dana dalam bayang-bayang salah satu hari puasa paling khusyuk dalam agama Yahudi, terdapat sedikit margin untuk kesilapan di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More: 'Romneyshambles' after London Olympics gaffe.", "r": {"result": "Lagi: 'Romneyshambles' selepas gaffe Sukan Olimpik London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The visit has also served to illustrate the observation that at some point, all those who spend time in Jerusalem find themselves suspended between the 21st century and the 1st.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan itu juga telah menggambarkan pemerhatian bahawa pada satu ketika, semua mereka yang menghabiskan masa di Baitulmaqdis mendapati diri mereka digantung antara abad ke-21 dan abad ke-1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When his trip was still in the planning stage, events that occurred thousands of years ago had a direct effect on the former governor's schedule, down to his plans for supper.", "r": {"result": "Apabila perjalanannya masih dalam peringkat perancangan, peristiwa yang berlaku beribu-ribu tahun yang lalu mempunyai kesan langsung pada jadual bekas gabenor, sehinggalah kepada rancangannya untuk makan malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everything was already prepared,\" began Orly Azoulai, a Washington correspondent for Israel's mass-circulation Yediot Ahronot newspaper, opening a featured magazine spread on the eve of the visit with an account of the fund-raising dinner originally set for Sunday evening.", "r": {"result": "\"Semuanya sudah disediakan,\" kata Orly Azoulai, wartawan Washington untuk akhbar Israel Yediot Ahronot, membuka majalah pilihan yang tersebar pada malam lawatan dengan akaun makan malam mengumpul dana yang asalnya ditetapkan pada petang Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The guest list was glamorous and elite, the menu abundant, the tickets a minimum of $50,000, all proceeds to go to the Romney campaign,\" she wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Senarai tetamu adalah glamor dan elit, menu yang banyak, tiket minimum $50,000, semuanya diteruskan untuk kempen Romney,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Only then were the organizers reminded of one small detail -- the dinner was scheduled for Sunday, the Ninth of the (Jewish) month of Av (a fast day marking the anniversary of the destruction of the ancient Holy Temples of Jerusalem) -- so that the wealthy Jewish donors would not be able to participate at all\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pada masa itu barulah penganjur diingatkan tentang satu butiran kecil -- makan malam itu dijadualkan pada hari Ahad, kesembilan bulan Av (Yahudi) (hari puasa menandakan ulang tahun pemusnahan Kuil Suci kuno Yerusalem) -- supaya penderma Yahudi yang kaya raya tidak dapat mengambil bahagian sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Campaign staffers, stung by criticism that they had paid little heed to Jewish sensibilities, maintained that the dinner would, in any case, have taken place after the fast had ended.", "r": {"result": "Kakitangan kempen, disengat oleh kritikan bahawa mereka tidak menghiraukan perasaan Yahudi, berpendapat bahawa makan malam itu, dalam apa jua keadaan, akan diadakan selepas puasa tamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taking no chances, however, they moved the meal to a Monday-morning breakfast just before Romney was to leave for a final travel stop in Poland, and took the unusual step of closing the fund-raiser to the press before ultimately reversing course and allowing some reporters to cover his remarks.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, tanpa mengambil peluang, mereka mengalihkan makanan ke sarapan pagi Isnin sebelum Romney berlepas ke perhentian perjalanan terakhir di Poland, dan mengambil langkah luar biasa untuk menutup pengumpulan dana kepada akhbar sebelum akhirnya membalikkan haluan dan membenarkan beberapa wartawan untuk membuat liputan ucapannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More: Romney raises more than $1 million in Jerusalem.", "r": {"result": "Lagi: Romney mengumpul lebih daripada $1 juta di Jerusalem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If, mindful of the British media frenzy sparked by Romney's having called preparations for the Olympics \"disconcerting,\" Romney campaign officials sought to lower the profile of the Israel visit, their wish has been granted.", "r": {"result": "Jika, mengingati kegilaan media British yang dicetuskan oleh Romney yang menggelar persiapan untuk Sukan Olimpik sebagai \"mengelirukan\", pegawai kempen Romney cuba merendahkan profil lawatan Israel, hajat mereka telah diberikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even in Israel Hayom, the mass circulation daily newspaper owned by U.S. billionaire and major Romney donor Sheldon Adelson, a guest at the Jerusalem fundraiser -- the candidate's arrival in Israel was placed on the Sunday paper's page nine.", "r": {"result": "Malah di Israel Hayom, akhbar harian edaran besar-besaran milik jutawan AS dan penderma utama Romney Sheldon Adelson, tetamu di kutipan derma Baitulmaqdis -- ketibaan calon di Israel diletakkan di muka surat sembilan kertas Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It appeared alongside a report on Barack Obama, one day before the Romney visit, announcing a $70 million allocation for Israeli rocket defense systems and signing a measure to bolster U.S.-Israel security ties.", "r": {"result": "Ia muncul bersama laporan mengenai Barack Obama, sehari sebelum lawatan Romney, mengumumkan peruntukan $70 juta untuk sistem pertahanan roket Israel dan menandatangani langkah untuk mengukuhkan hubungan keselamatan AS-Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nor has the visit stirred a public inured to all but the most apocalyptic of events.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan itu juga tidak membangkitkan minat orang ramai terhadap semua kecuali peristiwa yang paling dahsyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At week's end, in the open market of Machaneh Yehuda, downtown Jerusalem's fragrant, teeming buffet of produce and political ferment, neither Romney nor Obama seemed to generate much in the way of affinity or even interest.", "r": {"result": "Pada penghujung minggu, di pasaran terbuka Machaneh Yehuda, pusat bandar Baitulmaqdis, bufet hasil bumi yang wangi dan penuh dengan fermentasi politik, baik Romney mahupun Obama nampaknya tidak menjana banyak dalam cara pertalian mahupun minat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To tell you the truth, neither of them is to my taste,\" said shopper Avichai Edri, 48, sifting through a bin for the perfect eggplant.", "r": {"result": "\"Sejujurnya, kedua-duanya tidak sesuai dengan citarasa saya,\" kata pembeli Avichai Edri, 48, menyaring tong sampah untuk mendapatkan terung yang sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By contrast to the current candidates, Edri said, presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush communicated genuine concern and warmth to Israelis.", "r": {"result": "Berbeza dengan calon semasa, Edri berkata, presiden Bill Clinton dan George Bush menyampaikan keprihatinan dan kemesraan yang tulen kepada rakyat Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the end, he said, \"It doesn't really matter who wins in November.", "r": {"result": "Pada akhirnya, dia berkata, \"Tidak kira siapa yang menang pada bulan November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe that Americans, the American people, will come through for us whenever we are in trouble, and the president will, too.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya bahawa rakyat Amerika, rakyat Amerika, akan membantu kita apabila kita menghadapi masalah, dan presiden juga akan melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whoever he is\".", "r": {"result": "Siapa pun dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More: Romney says Jerusalem is Israel's capital.", "r": {"result": "Lagi: Romney berkata Baitulmaqdis adalah ibu negara Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even some of those who side with Romney politically are decidedly qualified in their endorsements.", "r": {"result": "Malah sebahagian daripada mereka yang berpihak kepada Romney secara politik jelas layak dalam pengesahan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Among all the sectors of the (American) population which I'm not fond of, I may be least fond of the Republicans,\" said Avri Gilad, a television and radio host, during his show on Israel Army Radio before Romney arrived.", "r": {"result": "\"Di antara semua sektor penduduk (Amerika) yang saya tidak gemar, saya mungkin paling tidak menyukai Republikan,\" kata Avri Gilad, hos televisyen dan radio, semasa rancangannya di Radio Tentera Israel sebelum Romney tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Regrettably, though, the Republicans, with all their fouled up personal dealings, view the (world and regional) situation more accurately than do the Democrats, who are much more personable, likable people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Walau bagaimanapun, malangnya, Republikan, dengan semua urusan peribadi mereka yang dicemari, melihat situasi (dunia dan serantau) dengan lebih tepat daripada Demokrat, yang lebih berperibadi, orang yang disenangi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would much rather choose Obama as a partner for dinner conversation or a trip to the Galapagos Islands, Gilad told his Israel Army Radio audience.", "r": {"result": "Dia lebih suka memilih Obama sebagai rakan kongsi untuk perbualan makan malam atau perjalanan ke Kepulauan Galapagos, Gilad memberitahu penonton Radio Tentera Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as a president, \"even Mitt Romney the Ridiculous, this cartoon of an American, is preferable to the Obama the Terrific\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebagai seorang presiden, \"malah Mitt Romney the Ridiculous, kartun orang Amerika ini, lebih disukai daripada Obama the Terrific\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Each year around September 11, CNN Hero Jeff Parness and his volunteers go to a disaster-stricken community to help them rebuild.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Setiap tahun sekitar 11 September, Wira CNN Jeff Parness dan sukarelawannya pergi ke komuniti yang dilanda bencana untuk membantu mereka membina semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The efforts are part of New York Says Thank You, an organization Parness created to honor the support that other cities provided after the 2001 terrorist attacks.", "r": {"result": "Usaha itu adalah sebahagian daripada New York Says Thank You, sebuah organisasi Parness yang dicipta untuk menghormati sokongan yang diberikan oleh bandar-bandar lain selepas serangan pengganas 2001.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The volunteer group continues to grow because many of the people it helps go on to \"pay it forward\" and participate in the next year's rebuilding project.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan sukarelawan terus berkembang kerana ramai orang yang dibantunya terus \"membayarnya ke hadapan\" dan mengambil bahagian dalam projek pembinaan semula tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 2004, nearly 10,000 people nationwide have participated in projects organized by Parness.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 2004, hampir 10,000 orang di seluruh negara telah mengambil bahagian dalam projek yang dianjurkan oleh Parness.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kathleen Toner recently spoke with Parness about his group's plans for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, which includes the final restoration of the National 9/11 Flag.", "r": {"result": "Kathleen Toner dari CNN baru-baru ini bercakap dengan Parness tentang rancangan kumpulannya untuk ulang tahun ke-10 9/11, yang termasuk pemulihan terakhir Bendera 9/11 Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kathleen Toner: Where did your group decide to go for this year's build?", "r": {"result": "Kathleen Toner: Di manakah kumpulan anda memutuskan untuk pergi untuk binaan tahun ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeff Parness: (In April) we were watching the news and there were tornadoes that came through northwest Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Jeff Parness: (Pada bulan April) kami sedang menonton berita dan terdapat puting beliung yang datang melalui barat laut Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the middle of this news clip, there's this beautiful older woman in a destroyed barn with all of her animals.", "r": {"result": "Di tengah-tengah klip berita ini, terdapat wanita tua yang cantik di dalam kandang yang musnah bersama semua haiwannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This lovely woman, Susan Littlejohn, lived in the barn with 65 animals that she had rescued (and) used as therapeutic companions for disabled children and seniors.", "r": {"result": "Wanita cantik ini, Susan Littlejohn, tinggal di kandang dengan 65 haiwan yang telah diselamatkannya (dan) digunakan sebagai teman terapeutik untuk kanak-kanak kurang upaya dan warga emas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... So we decided (that) we're going to bring about 300 volunteers from around the country and do a \"barn raising\" in Ellijay, Georgia.", "r": {"result": "... Jadi kami memutuskan (bahawa) kami akan membawa kira-kira 300 sukarelawan dari seluruh negara dan melakukan \"penternakan kandang\" di Ellijay, Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: How did it go?", "r": {"result": "Toner: Bagaimana keadaannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parness: It's hard to compare projects, but in terms of the numbers of people that we got and who turned out from the local community, it was one of most successful events we've ever done.", "r": {"result": "Parness: Sukar untuk membandingkan projek, tetapi dari segi bilangan orang yang kami dapat dan yang keluar dari komuniti setempat, ia adalah salah satu acara paling berjaya yang pernah kami lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So many local folks came with their families.", "r": {"result": "Begitu ramai penduduk tempatan datang bersama keluarga mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think we had close to 2,000 people.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa kami mempunyai hampir 2,000 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We finished about 80 percent of the barn, but the real metric we used to measure success was how many people we drew from the community to teach them about Susan's Build An Ark animal rescue program.", "r": {"result": "Kami menghabiskan kira-kira 80 peratus kandang, tetapi metrik sebenar yang kami gunakan untuk mengukur kejayaan ialah berapa ramai orang yang kami dapat daripada komuniti untuk mengajar mereka tentang program menyelamat haiwan Susan Build An Ark.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... She's dedicated her life and sacrificed so much for caring for animals and using them as a way to inspire other people and inspire volunteerism.", "r": {"result": "... Dia mendedikasikan hidupnya dan banyak berkorban untuk menjaga haiwan dan menggunakannya sebagai cara untuk memberi inspirasi kepada orang lain dan memberi inspirasi kepada kesukarelawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We thought that if she got one more volunteer or one more dollar, it was worth it.", "r": {"result": "Kami fikir jika dia mendapat seorang lagi sukarelawan atau satu dolar lagi, ia berbaloi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That weekend we raised over $15,000 for her, and all kinds of people were volunteering to donate their talents and help with bookkeeping, et cetera.", "r": {"result": "Hujung minggu itu kami mengumpul lebih $15,000 untuknya, dan semua jenis orang secara sukarela menyumbangkan bakat mereka dan membantu dengan simpan kira, dan lain-lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... At the end of the day, the community of Ellijay realized Susan and her work are very special.", "r": {"result": "... Pada penghujung hari, komuniti Ellijay menyedari Susan dan kerjanya sangat istimewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: What are your plans for 9/11 this year?", "r": {"result": "Toner: Apakah rancangan anda untuk 9/11 tahun ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parness: Normally we always do one main building project before 9/11, but for various reasons we did this year's project at the end of July.", "r": {"result": "Parness: Biasanya kami selalu buat satu projek bangunan utama sebelum 9/11, tapi atas pelbagai sebab kami buat projek tahun ini pada penghujung bulan Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now it looks like we've got around 100 people who are going to be gathering in Joplin, Missouri, from September 8 to 11.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang nampaknya kita mempunyai kira-kira 100 orang yang akan berkumpul di Joplin, Missouri, dari 8 hingga 11 September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're going to be doing two main things.", "r": {"result": "Kami akan melakukan dua perkara utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're painting 3,000 \"Stars of Hope\".", "r": {"result": "Kami sedang melukis 3,000 \"Bintang Harapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is a project where kids paint inspirational messages of hope and they're planted in all of the corners of the town that were wiped out when the tornado hit on May 22. There are more than 600 intersections that aren't there anymore.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah projek di mana kanak-kanak melukis mesej inspirasi harapan dan mereka ditanam di semua sudut bandar yang telah musnah apabila puting beliung melanda pada 22 Mei. Terdapat lebih daripada 600 persimpangan yang tidak ada lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When we leave, they are going to be transformed.", "r": {"result": "Apabila kita pergi, mereka akan berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everywhere you look there will be these colorful, inspirational messages.", "r": {"result": "Di mana-mana sahaja anda melihat akan ada mesej yang berwarna-warni dan penuh inspirasi ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The second thing we're doing is really significant: the National 9/11 Flag is going to finish its tour in Joplin.", "r": {"result": "Perkara kedua yang kami lakukan adalah sangat penting: Bendera 9/11 Kebangsaan akan menamatkan lawatannya di Joplin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: What is the National 9/11 Flag?", "r": {"result": "Toner: Apakah Bendera 9/11 Kebangsaan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parness: One of the greatest projects that's come out of New York Says Thank You is we wound up being custodians for what's now known as the National 9/11 Flag, which was one of the largest American flags to survive ground zero.", "r": {"result": "Parness: Salah satu projek terhebat yang dihasilkan dari New York Says Thank You ialah kami akhirnya menjadi penjaga untuk apa yang kini dikenali sebagai Bendera 9/11 Kebangsaan, yang merupakan salah satu bendera Amerika terbesar yang bertahan di tanah sifar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flag is 20 feet high and 30.5 feet wide.", "r": {"result": "Bendera itu setinggi 20 kaki dan lebar 30.5 kaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The pieces of the flag (were brought) to Greensburg, Kansas, when we were helping to rebuild there (after a 2007 tornado).", "r": {"result": "Kepingan bendera (dibawa) ke Greensburg, Kansas, semasa kami membantu membina semula di sana (selepas puting beliung 2007).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While we were out building this 14,000-square-foot 4-H barn, all the ladies in the senior citizens' center stitched the flag back together.", "r": {"result": "Semasa kami keluar membina bangsal 4-H seluas 14,000 kaki persegi ini, semua wanita di pusat warga emas menjahit semula bendera itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And where pieces of the original flag were missing, they sewed in American flags that survived the Greensburg tornado.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila kepingan bendera asal hilang, mereka menjahit bendera Amerika yang terselamat daripada puting beliung Greensburg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(It) literally stitched together our two histories, both tragedy and triumph, seven years later.", "r": {"result": "(Ia) benar-benar menyatukan dua sejarah kita, kedua-dua tragedi dan kejayaan, tujuh tahun kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the initial restoration (see photo at left), the flag looked like a beautiful patchwork quilt.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pemulihan awal (lihat foto di sebelah kiri), bendera itu kelihatan seperti selimut kain perca yang cantik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for the past couple of years, we've taken the flag around the country to all 50 states to let local service heroes stitch it back to its original 13-stripe format using pieces of American flags that were being retired.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, kami telah membawa bendera di seluruh negara ke semua 50 negeri untuk membenarkan wira perkhidmatan tempatan menjahitnya kembali kepada format 13 jalur asalnya menggunakan kepingan bendera Amerika yang akan ditamatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The idea was to (finish it) for this 10th year anniversary of 9/11.", "r": {"result": "Ideanya adalah untuk (menyelesaikan) untuk ulang tahun ke-10 9/11 ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's going to become part of the permanent collection of the 9/11 Memorial Museum that's being built at the World Trade Center.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menjadi sebahagian daripada koleksi tetap Muzium Memorial 9/11 yang sedang dibina di Pusat Dagangan Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: You really brought it to all 50 states?", "r": {"result": "Toner: Anda benar-benar membawanya ke semua 50 negeri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parness: Yep.", "r": {"result": "Parness: Ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We had a stitching ceremony in Hawaii on Pearl Harbor Day and had World War II veterans stitch the flag.", "r": {"result": "Kami mengadakan upacara menjahit di Hawaii pada Hari Pearl Harbor dan meminta veteran Perang Dunia II menjahit bendera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We brought it to Mount Rushmore.", "r": {"result": "Kami membawanya ke Gunung Rushmore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... There have been so many extraordinary locations and people.", "r": {"result": "... Terdapat begitu banyak lokasi dan orang yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We've had 25,000 people so far stitch the flag.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai 25,000 orang setakat ini menjahit bendera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: What will you be doing with the flag in Joplin on 9/11?", "r": {"result": "Toner: Apa yang akan anda lakukan dengan bendera di Joplin pada 9/11?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parness: On the morning of the 11th, the National 9/11 Flag will be displayed in a silent tribute at the exact moment that the north and south towers fell.", "r": {"result": "Parness: Pada pagi 11hb, Bendera 9/11 Kebangsaan akan dipamerkan sebagai penghormatan senyap pada saat tepat menara utara dan selatan runtuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will be held by Joplin first responders, local residents and disaster survivors from across the United States.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan diadakan oleh responden pertama Joplin, penduduk tempatan dan mangsa bencana dari seluruh Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flag will then serve as the backdrop for a 9/11 Memorial Service.", "r": {"result": "Bendera itu kemudiannya akan menjadi latar belakang untuk Perkhidmatan Memorial 9/11.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And following that, all of the folks in Joplin will be invited to place the final stitches in the flag using fabric that survived the Joplin tornado.", "r": {"result": "Dan selepas itu, semua orang di Joplin akan dijemput untuk meletakkan jahitan terakhir dalam bendera menggunakan kain yang terselamat daripada puting beliung Joplin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's about bringing people together and giving them the ability to put a stitch in and connect the stories of all of us.", "r": {"result": "Ini tentang menyatukan orang ramai dan memberi mereka keupayaan untuk menyatukan dan menghubungkan kisah kita semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... The symbolism is going to be super powerful.", "r": {"result": "... Perlambangan akan menjadi sangat kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "9/11 didn't just happen in New York or Washington or Shanksville, Pennsylvania -- it happened in America.", "r": {"result": "9/11 bukan sahaja berlaku di New York atau Washington atau Shanksville, Pennsylvania -- ia berlaku di Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are always going to be tragedies in our country like tornadoes.", "r": {"result": "Selalu ada tragedi di negara kita seperti puting beliung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This says we're all going to be there for each other.", "r": {"result": "Ini mengatakan bahawa kita semua akan berada di sana untuk satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's note: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, world-renowned HIV/AIDS researcher who has been on the forefront of battling the disease since it was discovered, previews his speech to this week's International AIDS Conference.", "r": {"result": "Nota editor: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, penyelidik HIV/AIDS yang terkenal di dunia yang berada di barisan hadapan dalam memerangi penyakit itu sejak ia ditemui, melihat pratonton ucapannya pada Persidangan AIDS Antarabangsa minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dr. Anthony Fauci is cautiously optimistic that eventually some AIDS/HIV patients will be cured.", "r": {"result": "Dr. Anthony Fauci yakin dengan berhati-hati bahawa akhirnya beberapa pesakit AIDS/HIV akan sembuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- This week, more than 25,000 people from the global HIV/AIDS community are in Mexico City, Mexico, attending the XVII International AIDS Conference.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Minggu ini, lebih 25,000 orang daripada komuniti HIV/AIDS global berada di Mexico City, Mexico, menghadiri Persidangan AIDS Antarabangsa XVII.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am pleased to be among them.", "r": {"result": "Saya gembira berada di antara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the first International AIDS Conference to be held in Latin America, a region hard-hit by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, but also a place where exceptional scientific and public health advances have been made.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah Persidangan AIDS Antarabangsa pertama yang akan diadakan di Amerika Latin, wilayah yang dilanda wabak HIV/AIDS, tetapi juga tempat di mana kemajuan sains dan kesihatan awam yang luar biasa telah dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The theme of the conference is Universal Action Now, which stresses the need for scientists, policymakers, activists and other concerned citizens everywhere -- in rich countries and poor ones -- to work even harder to defeat a scourge that already has claimed more than 25 million lives.", "r": {"result": "Tema persidangan itu ialah Tindakan Sejagat Sekarang, yang menekankan keperluan untuk saintis, penggubal dasar, aktivis dan rakyat lain yang prihatin di mana-mana -- di negara kaya dan miskin -- untuk bekerja lebih keras untuk mengalahkan bencana yang telah melanda lebih daripada 25 orang. juta nyawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have made considerable progress against HIV/AIDS, not only on the scientific front, but also with regard to the political will, funding and essential public health efforts on the ground that are delivering medicine, care and prevention services.", "r": {"result": "Kami telah mencapai kemajuan yang besar terhadap HIV/AIDS, bukan sahaja dalam bidang saintifik, tetapi juga berkaitan dengan kehendak politik, pembiayaan dan usaha kesihatan awam yang penting di lapangan yang menyampaikan perkhidmatan perubatan, penjagaan dan pencegahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, much remains to be done, as 2.7 million people worldwide were infected with HIV in 2007. Watch more on the International AIDS Conference >>.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, masih banyak yang perlu dilakukan, kerana 2.7 juta orang di seluruh dunia telah dijangkiti HIV pada tahun 2007. Tonton lebih lanjut mengenai Persidangan AIDS Antarabangsa >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the United States, the rate of new infections continues at an unacceptably high level, especially in the African-American community.", "r": {"result": "Di Amerika Syarikat, kadar jangkitan baharu berterusan pada tahap yang tidak boleh diterima, terutamanya dalam komuniti Afrika-Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In my home city of Washington D.C., a staggering 5 percent of the population is infected with HIV, a rate that rivals those in sub-Saharan Africa.", "r": {"result": "Di bandar asal saya di Washington D.C., 5 peratus penduduk yang mengejutkan dijangkiti HIV, kadar yang menyaingi mereka di sub-Sahara Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eighty percent of my infected neighbors in Washington, D.C., are African-American.", "r": {"result": "Lapan puluh peratus daripada jiran saya yang dijangkiti di Washington, D.C., adalah Afrika-Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Throughout the United States, we are seeing a resurgence in HIV cases among men who have sex with men of all races, with African-Americans again hardest hit.", "r": {"result": "Di seluruh Amerika Syarikat, kita melihat kebangkitan semula kes HIV di kalangan lelaki yang melakukan hubungan seks dengan lelaki dari semua kaum, dengan Afrika-Amerika sekali lagi yang paling teruk terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite what you might hear, the AIDS pandemic is still raging.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun apa yang anda mungkin dengar, wabak AIDS masih berleluasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many hundreds of presentations at the conference are dealing with important research on the basic biology of HIV and its disease-causing mechanisms; the complex immune responses to the virus; and advances in tools to diagnose, treat and prevent HIV.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus pembentangan pada persidangan itu adalah berkaitan dengan penyelidikan penting mengenai biologi asas HIV dan mekanisme penyebab penyakitnya; tindak balas imun yang kompleks terhadap virus; dan kemajuan dalam alat untuk mendiagnosis, merawat dan mencegah HIV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My talk on Wednesday, is called \"Looking to the Future: New Directions in HIV/AIDS Research\" and will look at all these issues, and the many challenges (and opportunities) in AIDS science.", "r": {"result": "Ceramah saya pada hari Rabu, dipanggil \"Melihat Masa Depan: Hala Tuju Baharu dalam Penyelidikan HIV/AIDS\" dan akan melihat semua isu ini, dan banyak cabaran (dan peluang) dalam sains AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I hope to leave the audience with at least a tentative answer to an important question I get all the time: Will we ever have a cure or a vaccine for HIV?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya berharap untuk meninggalkan penonton dengan sekurang-kurangnya jawapan tentatif kepada soalan penting yang saya dapat sepanjang masa: Adakah kita akan mendapat penawar atau vaksin untuk HIV?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite our considerable success in managing HIV infection and improving the length and quality of life for people living with HIV, there is no well-documented case of anyone being truly cured of HIV disease.", "r": {"result": "Di sebalik kejayaan besar kami dalam menguruskan jangkitan HIV dan meningkatkan panjang dan kualiti hidup bagi orang yang hidup dengan HIV, tidak ada kes yang didokumenkan dengan baik tentang sesiapa yang benar-benar sembuh daripada penyakit HIV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is because HIV is unlike virtually any other virus in its ability to hide from the immune system in protected cellular sanctuaries that we call \"latent reservoirs\".", "r": {"result": "Ini kerana HIV tidak seperti hampir mana-mana virus lain dalam keupayaannya untuk bersembunyi daripada sistem imun di tempat perlindungan selular yang dilindungi yang kita panggil \"takungan terpendam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We know that these reservoirs are established within days of infection, and even our most potent combinations of anti-HIV drugs are unable to purge the virus from these hiding places, even in people who have been on therapy for a decade or more.", "r": {"result": "Kami tahu bahawa takungan ini ditubuhkan dalam beberapa hari selepas jangkitan, malah gabungan ubat anti-HIV kami yang paling mujarab tidak dapat membersihkan virus daripada tempat persembunyian ini, walaupun pada orang yang telah menjalani terapi selama sedekad atau lebih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you take a patient off his or her anti-HIV therapy, the virus hiding in these reservoirs springs back, and soon billions of viruses are renewing their assault on immune system cells and other organs.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda mengeluarkan pesakit daripada terapi anti-HIVnya, virus yang bersembunyi di dalam takungan ini akan muncul semula, dan tidak lama lagi berbilion-bilion virus memperbaharui serangan mereka terhadap sel sistem imun dan organ lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Photos chronicle AIDS treatment worldwide.", "r": {"result": "Foto mengisahkan rawatan AIDS di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our best hope for eradicating HIV from the reservoirs may be to diagnose and treat people aggressively very early in infection, before the reservoirs have become too large.", "r": {"result": "Harapan terbaik kami untuk membasmi HIV dari takungan mungkin adalah untuk mendiagnosis dan merawat orang secara agresif pada awal jangkitan, sebelum takungan menjadi terlalu besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our laboratory and other groups are testing this approach with intensive regimens of new drugs that prevent the virus from entering cells or from inserting its genes into a cell's DNA.", "r": {"result": "Makmal kami dan kumpulan lain sedang menguji pendekatan ini dengan rejimen intensif ubat baharu yang menghalang virus daripada memasuki sel atau daripada memasukkan gennya ke dalam DNA sel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even if the virus is not completely eradicated, such early, intense treatment, perhaps with the help of immune-boosting drugs, might keep the reservoir small -- and the immune system strong -- thereby allowing a person to come off therapy.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun virus itu tidak dihapuskan sepenuhnya, rawatan awal dan sengit seperti itu, mungkin dengan bantuan ubat-ubatan yang meningkatkan imun, mungkin mengekalkan takungan kecil -- dan sistem imun kuat -- sekali gus membolehkan seseorang berhenti daripada terapi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This would be a \"functional\" cure.", "r": {"result": "Ini akan menjadi penawar \"berfungsi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other approaches are being pursued as well.", "r": {"result": "Pendekatan lain juga sedang diusahakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A cure is critical to our attempts to ultimately contain the pandemic.", "r": {"result": "Penyembuhan adalah penting untuk percubaan kita untuk membendung wabak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Currently, for every person put on therapy, two to three people are newly infected.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa ini, bagi setiap orang yang menjalani terapi, dua hingga tiga orang baru dijangkiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As antiretroviral therapy is at present a lifelong commitment, it is extremely unlikely that we will have the logistical or financial capacity to reach and treat -- indefinitely -- everyone who requires antiretroviral therapy.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan terapi antiretroviral pada masa ini merupakan komitmen sepanjang hayat, sangat tidak mungkin kita akan mempunyai kapasiti logistik atau kewangan untuk mencapai dan merawat -- selama-lamanya -- setiap orang yang memerlukan terapi antiretroviral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As we search for a cure, we should of course continue our efforts to provide proven, lifesaving antiretroviral drugs to every person who needs them, regardless of where they live.", "r": {"result": "Semasa kita mencari penawar, sudah tentu kita harus meneruskan usaha untuk menyediakan ubat antiretroviral yang telah terbukti dan menyelamatkan nyawa kepada setiap orang yang memerlukannya, tidak kira di mana mereka tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many promising avenues of prevention are being discussed in Mexico City, but none is more essential than an HIV vaccine.", "r": {"result": "Banyak jalan pencegahan yang menjanjikan sedang dibincangkan di Mexico City, tetapi tidak ada yang lebih penting daripada vaksin HIV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HIV vaccine development has been frustrating and challenging for a number of reasons, including the fact that the virus mutates rapidly, hides from the immune system, and targets and destroys the immune system cells that are successful in fighting and clearing most other viruses from the body.", "r": {"result": "Pembangunan vaksin HIV telah mengecewakan dan mencabar untuk beberapa sebab, termasuk fakta bahawa virus bermutasi dengan cepat, menyembunyikan daripada sistem imun, dan menyasarkan serta memusnahkan sel sistem imun yang berjaya melawan dan membersihkan kebanyakan virus lain daripada badan. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With HIV we will have to do better than nature if we are to develop a vaccine; HIV is unlike the situation with other viral diseases such as measles and influenza, where we have been able to mimic natural infection and induce protective responses with vaccines.", "r": {"result": "Dengan HIV kita perlu melakukan lebih baik daripada alam semula jadi jika kita ingin membangunkan vaksin; HIV tidak seperti keadaan dengan penyakit virus lain seperti campak dan influenza, di mana kita telah dapat meniru jangkitan semula jadi dan mendorong tindak balas perlindungan dengan vaksin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My institute and many other organizations around the world are working on this problem, and advances are being made.", "r": {"result": "Institut saya dan banyak organisasi lain di seluruh dunia sedang mengusahakan masalah ini, dan kemajuan sedang dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, we have made progress in identifying the structures on the virus to which infection-fighting proteins that can neutralize HIV -- so-called neutralizing antibodies -- bind.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, kami telah membuat kemajuan dalam mengenal pasti struktur pada virus yang mana protein melawan jangkitan yang boleh meneutralkan HIV -- yang dipanggil antibodi peneutralan -- mengikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, our challenge is to turn these structures into vaccines, and conduct the clinical trials that prove they work in people.", "r": {"result": "Kini, cabaran kami ialah menukar struktur ini menjadi vaksin dan menjalankan ujian klinikal yang membuktikan ia berfungsi pada manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My complete talk will be available as a webcast at the conference Web site, but let me give you the quick bottom line: I am cautiously optimistic that we will be able to cure some patients under certain circumstances, and I am also cautiously optimistic that we will develop a vaccine that will protect some people against HIV infection, or slow the progression of disease in some patients who do get infected.", "r": {"result": "Ceramah lengkap saya akan tersedia sebagai siaran web di tapak Web persidangan, tetapi izinkan saya memberi anda ringkasan ringkas: Saya optimis dengan berhati-hati bahawa kami akan dapat menyembuhkan beberapa pesakit dalam keadaan tertentu, dan saya juga optimistik dengan berhati-hati bahawa kami akan membangunkan vaksin yang akan melindungi sesetengah orang daripada jangkitan HIV, atau memperlahankan perkembangan penyakit pada sesetengah pesakit yang dijangkiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, we need Universal Action Now to accelerate the exceptional momentum of the past few years -- particularly during the past year -- in delivering proven tools of HIV prevention and therapy to communities around the globe.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, kami memerlukan Tindakan Sejagat Sekarang untuk mempercepatkan momentum luar biasa beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini -- terutamanya pada tahun lalu -- dalam menyampaikan alat pencegahan dan terapi HIV yang terbukti kepada komuniti di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health.", "r": {"result": "Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., ialah pengarah Institut Alergi dan Penyakit Berjangkit Kebangsaan di Institut Kesihatan Nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fort Lauderdale, Florida (CNN) -- Three teens accused of setting a 15-year-old friend on fire pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of attempted murder, a public defender for one of the boys said.", "r": {"result": "Fort Lauderdale, Florida (CNN) -- Tiga remaja yang dituduh membakar rakan berusia 15 tahun mengaku tidak bersalah Khamis atas tuduhan cubaan membunuh, kata seorang pembela awam untuk salah seorang budak lelaki itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Denver Jarvis and Matthew Bent, both 15, and Jesus Mendez, 16, are charged as adults with one count of attempted murder in the second degree in the October 12 attack in Deerfield Beach, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Denver Jarvis dan Matthew Bent, kedua-duanya 15, dan Jesus Mendez, 16, didakwa sebagai dewasa dengan satu pertuduhan cubaan membunuh dalam tahap kedua dalam serangan 12 Oktober di Deerfield Beach, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were arraigned in Broward County Circuit Court before Judge Dale Cohen and are being held without bond.", "r": {"result": "Mereka dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Litar Daerah Broward di hadapan Hakim Dale Cohen dan ditahan tanpa ikatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two other boys ages 13 and 15 have been charged as juveniles.", "r": {"result": "Dua lagi budak lelaki berusia 13 dan 15 tahun telah didakwa sebagai juvana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors say Jarvis, Bent and Mendez were in a gang that poured alcohol over Michael Brewer, 15, then set him ablaze in a dispute over $40, a video game and a bicycle.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berkata Jarvis, Bent dan Mendez berada dalam kumpulan yang mencurahkan alkohol ke atas Michael Brewer, 15, kemudian membakarnya dalam pertikaian mengenai $40, permainan video dan basikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brewer jumped into the swimming pool at his apartment complex to put out the flames, witnesses say.", "r": {"result": "Brewer terjun ke kolam renang di kompleks pangsapurinya untuk memadamkan api, kata saksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brewer suffered burns over 65 percent of his body.", "r": {"result": "Brewer mengalami melecur lebih 65 peratus badannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's reported in guarded condition at the University of Miami's Jackson Memorial Hospital Burn Center, where he's been in a private room since the incident.", "r": {"result": "Dia dilaporkan dalam keadaan terkawal di Pusat Pembakaran Hospital Memorial Jackson Universiti Miami, di mana dia berada di dalam bilik peribadi sejak kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gordon Weekes, the attorney for Bent, denounced the fact that the teens were charged as adults.", "r": {"result": "Gordon Weekes, peguam untuk Bent, mengecam fakta bahawa remaja itu didakwa sebagai orang dewasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's been decided by society that a 15-year-old can't vote, can't join the armed forces and cannot buy alcohol, because society has recognized that children do not have the ability to appreciate the long-term consequences of their actions,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Telah diputuskan oleh masyarakat bahawa seorang kanak-kanak berumur 15 tahun tidak boleh mengundi, tidak boleh menyertai angkatan tentera dan tidak boleh membeli alkohol, kerana masyarakat telah menyedari bahawa kanak-kanak tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk menghargai akibat jangka panjang mereka. tindakan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But they can treat them as adults in court, when we have very capable remedies for them in the juvenile justice system, which is geared toward rehabilitation,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi mereka boleh melayan mereka sebagai orang dewasa di mahkamah, apabila kita mempunyai remedi yang sangat berkemampuan untuk mereka dalam sistem keadilan juvana, yang menjurus kepada pemulihan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weekes said he and the other two public defenders plan to make separate motions to the court asking that their clients be allowed to post bond.", "r": {"result": "Weekes berkata beliau dan dua lagi pembela awam bercadang untuk membuat usul berasingan kepada mahkamah meminta anak guam mereka dibenarkan menghantar bon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Detectives say witnesses told them that Mendez used a lighter to set fire to Brewer after Jarvis poured alcohol over him.", "r": {"result": "Detektif berkata, saksi memberitahu mereka bahawa Mendez menggunakan pemetik api untuk membakar Brewer selepas Jarvis menuang alkohol ke atasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They said Matthew Bent encouraged the attack.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata Matthew Bent menggalakkan serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities say Mendez admitted setting Brewer on fire, and that he made a \"bad decision,\" according to an arrest transcript.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata Mendez mengaku membakar Brewer, dan dia membuat \"keputusan yang buruk,\" menurut transkrip penahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Detectives with the Broward County Sheriff's Office have been unable to interview Brewer.", "r": {"result": "Detektif dengan Pejabat Syerif Daerah Broward tidak dapat menemu bual Brewer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until last week, he had been on a ventilator to keep him alive.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga minggu lepas, dia telah menggunakan ventilator untuk memastikan dia hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We hope that we can maybe get a statement this week,\" said sheriff's spokesman Jim Leljedal.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berharap kami mungkin boleh mendapatkan kenyataan minggu ini,\" kata jurucakap sheriff Jim Leljedal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Detectives have been waiting for him to recover to the point where he's strong enough to give us a complete statement,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDetektif telah menunggu dia pulih sehingga tahap dia cukup kuat untuk memberikan kami kenyataan lengkap,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors say Brewer is improving but his condition is tenuous because of the severity of his burns and the possibility of infections.", "r": {"result": "Doktor berkata Brewer semakin pulih tetapi keadaannya lemah kerana keterukan luka bakarnya dan kemungkinan dijangkiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of his burns are on his back and buttocks; his face and hands were largely spared, doctors say.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan luka melecurnya adalah di belakang dan punggungnya; muka dan tangannya sebahagian besarnya terhindar, kata doktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brewer's doctor told CNN the teen faces several more months in the hospital and will need multiple skin grafts and surgeries.", "r": {"result": "Doktor Brewer memberitahu CNN bahawa remaja itu menghadapi beberapa bulan lagi di hospital dan akan memerlukan beberapa cantuman kulit dan pembedahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They still have to perform several operations on him for skin grafting, but his parents are with him all the time,\" said Lorraine Nelson, a hospital spokeswoman.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka masih perlu melakukan beberapa pembedahan ke atasnya untuk cantuman kulit, tetapi ibu bapanya sentiasa bersamanya,\" kata Lorraine Nelson, jurucakap hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't tell him what happened,\" Brewer's mother, Valerie, told CNN affiliate WFOR-TV.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak memberitahunya apa yang berlaku,\" ibu Brewer, Valerie, memberitahu sekutu CNN WFOR-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just tell him he's in the hospital and he's safe and he's getting better.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya cuma beritahu dia dia berada di hospital dan dia selamat dan dia semakin sihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And he'll say, 'Am I going to be OK?", "r": {"result": "\"Dan dia akan berkata, 'Adakah saya akan baik-baik saja?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And I say 'Yes, Michael.", "r": {"result": "' Dan saya berkata 'Ya, Michael.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're going to be fine.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan baik-baik saja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're going to be just fine,' \" she said.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan baik-baik saja,'\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators believe Brewer owed Bent $40 for a video game.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat percaya Brewer berhutang dengan Bent $40 untuk permainan video.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Brewer did not pay, Bent stole Brewer's father's bicycle, police say.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Brewer tidak membayar, Bent mencuri basikal bapa Brewer, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Brewer reported him to the police, Bent was arrested.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Brewer melaporkannya kepada polis, Bent telah ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next day, the group surrounded Brewer.", "r": {"result": "Keesokan harinya, kumpulan itu mengepung Brewer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The five boys called Brewer \"a snitch\" and set him on fire, witnesses said.", "r": {"result": "Lima kanak-kanak lelaki itu menggelar Brewer \"seorang pengsan\" dan membakarnya, kata saksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Brewer family told WFOR that none of the families of the accused boys have tried to contact them, but it doesn't matter.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Brewer memberitahu WFOR bahawa tiada seorang pun daripada keluarga kanak-kanak lelaki yang tertuduh cuba menghubungi mereka, tetapi ia tidak mengapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can't focus on it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tidak boleh fokus kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They'll get theirs is all we can say.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan mendapat milik mereka sahaja yang boleh kita katakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't focus on it,\" Michael Brewer's father, also named Michael, told WFOR.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak menumpukan padanya,\" kata bapa Michael Brewer, juga bernama Michael, kepada WFOR.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If convicted they could face up to 30 years in prison.", "r": {"result": "Jika sabit kesalahan mereka boleh dipenjara sehingga 30 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A court-appointed psychologist who has examined two of the five boys told CNN they are competent to take part in legal proceedings and assist their attorney.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pakar psikologi yang dilantik mahkamah yang telah memeriksa dua daripada lima kanak-kanak lelaki itu memberitahu CNN bahawa mereka kompeten untuk mengambil bahagian dalam prosiding undang-undang dan membantu peguam mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can describe both of them as being afraid, being fearful,\" said forensic psychologist Michael Brannon, who did not identify the boys.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh menggambarkan kedua-dua mereka sebagai takut, takut,\" kata ahli psikologi forensik Michael Brannon, yang tidak mengenal pasti budak lelaki itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can describe both of them as being tearful at various times during the interview, especially when talking about the specific incident which led to the injuries of the victim,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya boleh menyifatkan kedua-dua mereka sebak pada pelbagai masa ketika ditemu bual, lebih-lebih lagi apabila bercakap mengenai kejadian tertentu yang menyebabkan mangsa cedera,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Psychologists are often brought into cases involving teenagers and young adults to judge their mental capabilities and determine their competency to proceed.", "r": {"result": "Pakar psikologi sering dibawa ke dalam kes yang melibatkan remaja dan dewasa muda untuk menilai keupayaan mental mereka dan menentukan kecekapan mereka untuk meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Psychologists also must evaluate whether the defendants can talk about what happened and communicate effectively with defense attorneys.", "r": {"result": "Pakar psikologi juga mesti menilai sama ada defendan boleh bercakap tentang apa yang berlaku dan berkomunikasi secara berkesan dengan peguam bela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think they expected to have happened, what happened,\" Brannon said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir mereka menjangkakan akan berlaku, apa yang berlaku,\" kata Brannon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a horrible event that occurred, but this was not their conceptualization, in my opinion, of what was going to happen\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah peristiwa ngeri yang berlaku, tetapi ini bukan konsep mereka, pada pendapat saya, tentang apa yang akan berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ACCRA, Ghana (CNN) -- Jennifer Staple runs the Unite For Sight program which started in the U.S., but has branched out into working overseas.", "r": {"result": "ACCRA, Ghana (CNN) -- Jennifer Staple menjalankan program Unite For Sight yang bermula di A.S., tetapi telah bercabang untuk bekerja di luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Regarding sight as a fundamental human right that most people take for granted, the program aims to tackle a range of visual impairments that affect people across the world.", "r": {"result": "Berkenaan penglihatan sebagai hak asasi manusia yang kebanyakan orang ambil mudah, program ini bertujuan untuk menangani pelbagai masalah penglihatan yang menjejaskan orang di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jennifer will be traveling to Ghana and then India, taking volunteers to continue the work of Unite For Sight.", "r": {"result": "Jennifer akan pergi ke Ghana dan kemudian India, mengambil sukarelawan untuk meneruskan kerja Unite For Sight.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Keep up with her experiences in her blogs and video diaries.", "r": {"result": "Ikuti pengalamannya dalam blog dan diari videonya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "November 8, 2007 I have been developing and coordinating Unite For Sight's programs in Ghana from the U.S. since 2004, so it has been a great privilege to finally arrive in Ghana to meet the patient beneficiaries and the local Unite For Sight team.", "r": {"result": "8 November 2007 Saya telah membangunkan dan menyelaraskan program Unite For Sight di Ghana dari A.S. sejak 2004, jadi merupakan satu keistimewaan yang hebat untuk akhirnya tiba di Ghana untuk bertemu penerima pesakit dan pasukan Unite For Sight tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have been spending much of my time with our ophthalmic team in Accra.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah menghabiskan banyak masa saya dengan pasukan oftalmik kami di Accra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert Dolo and Kartee Karloweah are ophthalmic nurses and medical staff at the Crystal Eye Clinic, which is Unite For Sight's partner in Accra.", "r": {"result": "Robert Dolo dan Kartee Karloweah ialah jururawat oftalmik dan kakitangan perubatan di Crystal Eye Clinic, yang merupakan rakan kongsi Unite For Sight di Accra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are extraordinary people, working six days a week to provide eye care for patients living in extreme poverty, waking at dawn and working until sunset, often examining 150 patients per day.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah orang yang luar biasa, bekerja enam hari seminggu untuk menyediakan penjagaan mata untuk pesakit yang hidup dalam kemiskinan tegar, bangun pada waktu subuh dan bekerja sehingga matahari terbenam, sering memeriksa 150 pesakit setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each day that I am with Robert and Kartee in the villages, I marvel at their dedication and efficiency.", "r": {"result": "Setiap hari saya bersama Robert dan Kartee di kampung, saya kagum dengan dedikasi dan kecekapan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having heard stories about them from our partner ophthalmologists and visiting volunteers, I knew that I would see their greatness in action while in Accra, but personally seeing their selfless dedication and commitment to Unite For Sight was even more extraordinary than I had anticipated.", "r": {"result": "Setelah mendengar cerita tentang mereka daripada pakar oftalmologi rakan kongsi kami dan sukarelawan yang melawat, saya tahu bahawa saya akan melihat kehebatan mereka beraksi semasa di Accra, tetapi secara peribadi melihat dedikasi dan komitmen mereka yang tidak mementingkan diri sendiri terhadap Unite For Sight adalah lebih luar biasa daripada yang saya jangkakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unite For Sight vision screenings are held in very remote locations, where patients have no access to eye care.", "r": {"result": "Pemeriksaan penglihatan Unite For Sight diadakan di lokasi yang sangat terpencil, di mana pesakit tidak mempunyai akses kepada penjagaan mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their health needs are beyond comprehension, as raw sewage often flows through the streets and running water is nonexistent.", "r": {"result": "Keperluan kesihatan mereka tidak dapat difahami, kerana kumbahan mentah sering mengalir melalui jalan-jalan dan air yang mengalir tidak wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A small area is organized for the vision screening, which includes a series of screening stations.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah kawasan kecil dianjurkan untuk pemeriksaan penglihatan, yang merangkumi beberapa siri stesen saringan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Visiting Unite For Sight volunteers and local Ghanaian translators work to register patients, identify their eye care needs and provide visual acuity screenings.", "r": {"result": "Melawat sukarelawan Unite For Sight dan penterjemah tempatan Ghana bekerja untuk mendaftarkan pesakit, mengenal pasti keperluan penjagaan mata mereka dan menyediakan pemeriksaan ketajaman penglihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, the patients move into a very small, dark room where Robert and Kartee are stationed to provide examination and diagnosis.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, pesakit berpindah ke bilik gelap yang sangat kecil di mana Robert dan Kartee ditempatkan untuk memberikan pemeriksaan dan diagnosis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They need to work in the dark so that they can see the back of each patient's eyes.", "r": {"result": "Mereka perlu bekerja dalam gelap supaya mereka dapat melihat belakang setiap mata pesakit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Often more than 100 degrees (Fahrenheit or 37.7 Celsius) in the room, Robert and Kartee rapidly examine each patient and determine whether they need medication, eyeglasses, consultation by ophthalmologist Dr. James Clarke or surgery.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya lebih daripada 100 darjah (Fahrenheit atau 37.7 Celsius) di dalam bilik, Robert dan Kartee memeriksa dengan pantas setiap pesakit dan menentukan sama ada mereka memerlukan ubat, cermin mata, perundingan oleh pakar mata Dr James Clarke atau pembedahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the patient needs medication or eyeglasses, they move to another station that is usually manned by local and visiting volunteers.", "r": {"result": "Sekiranya pesakit memerlukan ubat atau cermin mata, mereka berpindah ke stesen lain yang biasanya dikendalikan oleh sukarelawan tempatan dan pelawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the patient needs surgery, Unite For Sight arranges for them to go to Crystal Eye Clinic.", "r": {"result": "Sekiranya pesakit memerlukan pembedahan, Unite For Sight mengatur agar mereka pergi ke Klinik Mata Kristal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Living in extreme poverty, the patients can barely afford food, so they cannot afford the price of surgery, which is usually $100. Unite For Sight sponsors their surgery to insure that no one remains blind because they can't pay.", "r": {"result": "Hidup dalam kemiskinan tegar, pesakit hampir tidak mampu membeli makanan, jadi mereka tidak mampu membayar harga pembedahan, yang biasanya $100. Unite For Sight menaja pembedahan mereka untuk memastikan tiada sesiapa yang buta kerana tidak mampu membayar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through September 2007, Unite For Sight has coordinated and funded more than 1,200 sight-restoring cataract surgeries in the Accra, Ghana region.", "r": {"result": "Melalui September 2007, Unite For Sight telah menyelaras dan membiayai lebih daripada 1,200 pembedahan katarak memulihkan penglihatan di wilayah Accra, Ghana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The success of the program can largely be attributed to the remarkable work of Robert and Kartee in the villages.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan program ini sebahagian besarnya boleh dikaitkan dengan kerja luar biasa Robert dan Kartee di kampung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has been an extraordinary privilege to meet them and to see their work making such an impact.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan satu keistimewaan yang luar biasa untuk bertemu dengan mereka dan melihat kerja mereka memberi impak sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- The official numbers are in and the winner is ...", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Nombor rasmi sudah masuk dan pemenangnya ialah ...", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NBC, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler!", "r": {"result": "NBC, Tina Fey dan Amy Poehler!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards last night gave NBC its biggest ratings for the program in six years.", "r": {"result": "Anugerah Golden Globe Tahunan ke-70 malam tadi memberikan NBC penarafan terbesar untuk program itu dalam tempoh enam tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunday's awards delivered 19.7 million viewers and a 6.4 rating among adults 18-49 aEUR\" up 28% in the demo from 2012. That makes last night's telecast the most successful Globes since 2007 among total viewers and the valuable adult demo.", "r": {"result": "Anugerah hari Ahad menyampaikan 19.7 juta penonton dan penarafan 6.4 dalam kalangan orang dewasa 18-49 aEUR\" meningkat 28% dalam demo dari 2012. Itu menjadikan siaran malam tadi sebagai Globe paling berjaya sejak 2007 di kalangan jumlah penonton dan demo dewasa yang berharga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last night's Globes is also the season's top awards program to date, eclipsing ABC's CMA Awards, the Emmys and the American Music Awards.", "r": {"result": "Globes malam tadi juga merupakan program anugerah teratas musim setakat ini, mengatasi Anugerah CMA ABC, Emmy dan Anugerah Muzik Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ratings also mean Fey and Poehler's hosting stint beat the last few years of snark-master Ricky Gervais leading the show.", "r": {"result": "Penarafan itu juga bermakna penganjuran Fey dan Poehler menewaskan beberapa tahun terakhir pelakon snark Ricky Gervais mengetuai rancangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet credit for the ratings spike probably deserves to be spread around.", "r": {"result": "Namun kredit untuk lonjakan rating mungkin patut disebarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One network analyst cited a combination of factors for the ratings surge aEUR\" the new hosts appealing to female viewers, NBC coming off its best fall performance in nearly a decade and less competition from rivals compared to last year.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penganalisis rangkaian memetik gabungan faktor untuk lonjakan rating aEUR\" hos baharu yang menarik perhatian penonton wanita, NBC menunjukkan prestasi musim gugur terbaiknya dalam hampir sedekad dan kurang persaingan daripada pesaing berbanding tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the original article at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat artikel asal di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's note: Clark Howard, the Atlanta, Georgia-based host of a nationally syndicated radio show, is host of a television show designed to help viewers save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off during these tough economic times.", "r": {"result": "Nota editor: Clark Howard, hos rancangan radio bersindiket kebangsaan yang berpangkalan di Atlanta, Georgia, adalah hos rancangan televisyen yang direka untuk membantu penonton lebih menjimatkan, berbelanja lebih sedikit dan mengelakkan diri daripada ditipu semasa zaman ekonomi yang sukar ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The show airs at noon and 4 p.m. ET Saturdays and Sundays on HLN.", "r": {"result": "Rancangan itu disiarkan pada tengah hari dan 4 petang. ET Sabtu dan Ahad di HLN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clark Howard says it's smart to cut back and save, but sometimes being cheap doesn't pay.", "r": {"result": "Clark Howard berkata adalah bijak untuk mengurangkan dan menyimpan, tetapi kadangkala menjadi murah tidak mendatangkan hasil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Over the last several years, we as Americans became \"negative net savers\" -- a fancy term used by pointy-headed economists to say that we spent more money than we made.", "r": {"result": "ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, kami sebagai rakyat Amerika menjadi \"penyimpan bersih negatif\" -- istilah mewah yang digunakan oleh ahli ekonomi yang berkepala tajam untuk mengatakan bahawa kami membelanjakan lebih banyak wang daripada yang kami hasilkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, our savings rate was at negative 2.7 percent as recently as four years ago.", "r": {"result": "Malah, kadar simpanan kami berada pada negatif 2.7 peratus sejak empat tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, however, the trend seems to be reversing.", "r": {"result": "Kini, bagaimanapun, trend itu nampaknya berbalik arah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We actually saved five percent out of every dollar of disposable income in January, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).", "r": {"result": "Kami sebenarnya menjimatkan lima peratus daripada setiap dolar pendapatan boleh guna pada bulan Januari, menurut Biro Analisis Ekonomi (BEA).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wow, a whole nickel out of every dollar.", "r": {"result": "Wow, satu nikel daripada setiap dolar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomas Jefferson would be proud!", "r": {"result": "Thomas Jefferson pasti berbangga!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sure, it's not the \"dime on a dollar\" rule of thumb for savings that I rave about, but it's a start.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, ini bukan peraturan asas \"dime on a dollar\" untuk penjimatan yang saya gemari, tetapi ini adalah permulaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Clark talk with an amazing saver >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Clark bercakap dengan penjimat hebat >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The truly noteworthy thing here is how we're saving this much-heralded five percent.", "r": {"result": "Perkara yang patut diberi perhatian di sini ialah bagaimana kami menjimatkan lima peratus yang digembar-gemburkan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where exactly are we cutting back to satisfy our newfound hunger for pinching nickels?", "r": {"result": "Di manakah sebenarnya kita mengurangkan untuk memuaskan rasa lapar baru kita untuk mencubit nikel?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The BEA's numbers show that vehicles and fuel expenses account for nearly two-thirds of the savings.", "r": {"result": "Nombor BEA menunjukkan bahawa perbelanjaan kenderaan dan bahan api menyumbang hampir dua pertiga daripada penjimatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That category alone has seen a $115.2 billion decline compared with January 2008 numbers.", "r": {"result": "Kategori itu sahaja telah menyaksikan penurunan $115.2 bilion berbanding dengan angka Januari 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Americans are riding their vehicles until the wheels fall off.", "r": {"result": "Orang Amerika menunggang kenderaan mereka sehingga roda jatuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The second largest category where we've cut back on is eating out, which is down $55.7 billion from last January.", "r": {"result": "Kategori kedua terbesar yang telah kami kurangkan ialah makan di luar, iaitu turun $55.7 bilion berbanding Januari lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After that, we're also trimming the budget on clothing, jewelry, alcohol and more.", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu, kami juga mengurangkan belanjawan untuk pakaian, barang kemas, alkohol dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In most recessions, the sales of alcohol do very well as people try to drown their worries in a bottle.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kebanyakan kemelesetan, jualan alkohol berjalan dengan baik kerana orang ramai cuba menenggelamkan kebimbangan mereka dalam botol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm not so sure that behavior itself has changed, but this time around, people are trading down in their drink of choice.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak begitu pasti bahawa tingkah laku itu sendiri telah berubah, tetapi kali ini, orang ramai menjual minuman pilihan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, fancy wine drinkers may be switching to Trader Joe's lines of Charles Shaw wines (a.k.a. Two Buck Chuck, for their $1.99-$3.49 per bottle price).", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, peminum wain mewah mungkin beralih kepada barisan wain Charles Shaw Trader Joe (a.k.a. Two Buck Chuck, untuk harga $1.99-$3.49 setiap botol mereka).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beer drinkers, meanwhile, are skipping expensive and exotic microbrews in favor of cheaper choices.", "r": {"result": "Peminum bir, sementara itu, melangkau minuman mikro yang mahal dan eksotik untuk memilih pilihan yang lebih murah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, there are other ways to save a nickel without having to trade down or go without.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, terdapat cara lain untuk menjimatkan nikel tanpa perlu berdagang turun atau tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many people are simply becoming \"do-it-yourselfers\".", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang hanya menjadi \"do-it-yourselfers\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This trend has also been called insourcing -- when you do something yourself instead of paying someone else to do it.", "r": {"result": "Aliran ini juga dipanggil penyumberan -- apabila anda melakukan sesuatu sendiri dan bukannya membayar orang lain untuk melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some marketers have seized on insourcing to great effect.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pemasar telah mengambil alih sumber untuk memberi kesan yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, Target recently ran an ad campaign that aimed to reinvent the store's image for these new, leaner times.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, Target baru-baru ini telah menjalankan kempen iklan yang bertujuan untuk mencipta semula imej kedai untuk masa baharu yang lebih ramping ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Consider this: The ailing retailer has always positioned itself as an affordable splurge over the years.", "r": {"result": "Pertimbangkan ini: Peruncit yang sakit sentiasa meletakkan dirinya sebagai perbelanjaan yang mampu dimiliki selama ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But suddenly, any kind of splurge is seen as irrelevant in today's economy and Target's sales are suffering.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi secara tiba-tiba, sebarang jenis berfoya-foya dilihat sebagai tidak relevan dalam ekonomi hari ini dan jualan Sasaran menderita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So their recent ad campaign was all about the \"new\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi kempen iklan terbaru mereka adalah mengenai \"baharu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A circular I saw showed the \"new\" room service (store brand orange juice and cereal served at home); the \"new\" personal trainer (using home exercise equipment instead of paying for a gym membership); and the \"new\" restaurant (eating at home) -- all things that can be pricey, but are now being repositioned on the cheap in an effort to boost sales.", "r": {"result": "Pekeliling yang saya lihat menunjukkan perkhidmatan bilik \"baru\" (jus oren jenama kedai dan bijirin yang dihidangkan di rumah); jurulatih peribadi \"baru\" (menggunakan peralatan senaman di rumah dan bukannya membayar keahlian gim); dan restoran \"baharu\" (makan di rumah) -- semua perkara yang boleh mahal, tetapi kini diletakkan semula pada harga murah dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan jualan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Insourcing is making direct inroads into the home too -- quite literally.", "r": {"result": "Insourcing membuat kemasukan terus ke dalam rumah juga -- secara harfiah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Wall Street Journal's Weekend Journal recently reported on \"closet boutiques\" where women are now opening up their homes and closets to strangers in order to sell unwanted designer clothes.", "r": {"result": "The Wall Street Journal's Weekend Journal baru-baru ini melaporkan mengenai \"butik almari\" di mana wanita kini membuka rumah dan almari mereka kepada orang yang tidak dikenali untuk menjual pakaian berjenama yang tidak diingini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Closet boutiques are typically advertised on Craigslist.", "r": {"result": "Butik almari biasanya diiklankan di Craigslist.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were 715,000 postings in February -- more than double the amount last year at that time.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat 715,000 siaran pada Februari -- lebih dua kali ganda jumlah pada tahun lepas pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For buyers, a closet boutique offers the opportunity to pick up designer threads at a tiny fraction of their new cost.", "r": {"result": "Untuk pembeli, butik almari menawarkan peluang untuk mengambil benang pereka pada sebahagian kecil daripada kos baharu mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a word of caution for sellers: You'll almost certainly have some questionable characters coming into your home.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi satu kata amaran untuk penjual: Anda hampir pasti akan mempunyai beberapa watak yang boleh dipersoalkan masuk ke rumah anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Store away all your valuables, and make sure you have enough eyeballs on hand to ensure that people don't wander around your home with sticky fingers.", "r": {"result": "Simpan semua barang berharga anda dan pastikan anda mempunyai bebola mata yang mencukupi untuk memastikan orang ramai tidak berkeliaran di sekitar rumah anda dengan jari melekit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other DIY (do-it-yourself) moments, The Washington Post recently reported that sales of sewing kits at Wal-Mart are up 30 percent in just the last few months.", "r": {"result": "Dalam detik DIY (buat sendiri) yang lain, The Washington Post baru-baru ini melaporkan bahawa jualan kit jahitan di Wal-Mart meningkat 30 peratus hanya dalam beberapa bulan terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People are mending their own clothes instead of paying a tailor or seamstress to do the same.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai membaiki pakaian mereka sendiri dan bukannya membayar tukang jahit atau tukang jahit untuk melakukan perkara yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And let's not even mention all the botched dye jobs that hairdressers are having to work with from women (and some men) who tried to take matters into their own hands.", "r": {"result": "Dan jangan kita sebutkan semua pekerjaan pewarna yang gagal yang perlu dikerjakan oleh pendandan rambut daripada wanita (dan beberapa lelaki) yang cuba mengambil alih perkara itu ke tangan mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be cheap!", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang, ia tidak membayar untuk menjadi murah!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Mexico dealt a body blow to the World Cup chances of former champions France with 2-0 win over Les Bleus in their Group A clash in Polakwane on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Mexico memberi tamparan hebat kepada peluang Piala Dunia bekas juara Perancis dengan kemenangan 2-0 ke atas Les Bleus dalam pertembungan Kumpulan A mereka di Polokwane pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second half goals from Javier Hernandez and veteran Cuauhtemoc Blanco gave them a deserved victory against Raymond Domenech's men, who again disappointed.", "r": {"result": "Gol separuh masa kedua daripada Javier Hernandez dan pemain veteran Cuauhtemoc Blanco memberikan mereka kemenangan sewajarnya menentang anak buah Raymond Domenech, yang sekali lagi mengecewakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result also means that Mexico and Uruguay are both assured of qualification if they draw their final group match in Rustenburg on June 22 whatever the outcome of France's game against hosts South Africa.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu juga bermakna Mexico dan Uruguay kedua-duanya dipastikan layak jika mereka seri perlawanan terakhir kumpulan di Rustenburg pada 22 Jun tidak kira keputusan perlawanan Perancis menentang tuan rumah Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hosts held as World Cup begins.", "r": {"result": "Tuan rumah diadakan semasa Piala Dunia bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hernandez made the breakthrough in the 64th minute as he rounded Hugo Lloris in the French goal to score after being put through by his captain Rafael Marquez.", "r": {"result": "Hernandez membuat penembusan pada minit ke-64 apabila dia membulatkan Hugo Lloris di gawang Perancis untuk menjaringkan gol selepas ditepis oleh kaptennya Rafael Marquez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The clinching goal in the 78th minute came through a penalty by Blanco, awarded after his fellow substitute Pablo Barrera had burst into the penalty area past Patrice Evra to be brought down by Eric Abidal.", "r": {"result": "Gol kemenangan pada minit ke-78 diperoleh menerusi sepakan penalti oleh Blanco, dihadiahkan selepas rakan gantiannya, Pablo Barrera, merempuh masuk ke dalam kotak penalti melepasi Patrice Evra untuk dijatuhkan oleh Eric Abidal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 37-year-old Blanco took a long run-up and beat Lloris with ease.", "r": {"result": "Blanco yang berusia 37 tahun itu mengambil masa yang lama dan menewaskan Lloris dengan mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Catch CNN's World Cup twitter.", "r": {"result": "Tonton twitter Piala Dunia CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Mexicans, who drew their opening match against the hosts, were always the more lively side with Arsenal's Carlos Vela and Carlos Salcido both having half chances with Lloris the busier goalkeeper.", "r": {"result": "Mexico, yang seri perlawanan pembukaan menentang tuan rumah, sentiasa pasukan yang lebih meriah dengan Arsenal Carlos Vela dan Carlos Salcido kedua-duanya mempunyai separuh peluang dengan Lloris penjaga gol yang sibuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France looked to improve after the interval and Chelsea's Florent Malouda had their best opportunity as his powerful shot was pushed over, but it was just about all they had to show in an attacking sense and the omens do no look good for the 2006 runners-up.", "r": {"result": "Perancis kelihatan bertambah baik selepas rehat dan pemain Chelsea, Florent Malouda mempunyai peluang terbaik mereka apabila rembatan kencangnya ditepis, tetapi itu semua yang mereka perlu tunjukkan dalam erti kata menyerang dan petanda tidak kelihatan baik untuk naib juara 2006 .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Domenech said it was now a question of salvaging pride after winning a solitary point from their two games following a tepid goalless draw against Uruguay.", "r": {"result": "Domenech berkata ia kini menjadi persoalan menyelamatkan kebanggaan selepas memenangi mata bersendirian daripada dua perlawanan mereka berikutan keputusan seri tanpa jaringan menentang Uruguay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We need a miracle now,\" he told AFP.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami memerlukan satu keajaiban sekarang,\u201d katanya kepada AFP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to be strong and at least play for our honor.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami perlu kuat dan sekurang-kurangnya bermain untuk maruah kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least we must show something in the last match.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya kita mesti menunjukkan sesuatu dalam perlawanan terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When we are forced to rely on others, there's nothing to say,\" added Domenech who will stand down as France coach after the finals.", "r": {"result": "Apabila kami terpaksa bergantung kepada orang lain, tiada apa yang boleh diperkatakan,\" tambah Domenech yang akan berundur sebagai jurulatih Perancis selepas perlawanan akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Millions of phone calls have been made.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Berjuta-juta panggilan telefon telah dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of yard signs are posted on Badger State lawns.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu papan tanda halaman dipasang di halaman Badger State.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Television ads blanket the Wisconsin airwaves.", "r": {"result": "Iklan televisyen menyelubungi gelombang udara Wisconsin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of this frenetic activity in Tuesday's gubernatorial recall in Wisconsin comes at an unprecedented price tag: Upward of $63 million, and that doesn't take into account money raised the last three weeks that hasn't been registered yet.", "r": {"result": "Semua aktiviti kegilaan ini dalam penarikan semula gabenor hari Selasa di Wisconsin datang pada tanda harga yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini: Ke atas $63 juta, dan itu tidak mengambil kira wang yang dikumpul selama tiga minggu terakhir yang belum didaftarkan lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When we come up with a final tally for this race, it's going to be in the $70 (million) to $80 million range,\" predicted Mike McCabe, who runs Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan campaign watchdog group.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila kami membuat pengiraan akhir untuk perlumbaan ini, ia akan berada dalam lingkungan $70 (juta) hingga $80 juta,\" ramalan Mike McCabe, yang mengendalikan Kempen Demokrasi Wisconsin, sebuah kumpulan pemerhati kempen bukan partisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walker's fate comes down to ground game.", "r": {"result": "Nasib Walker datang ke permainan tanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The money raised in the recall already shatters Wisconsin's record of $37 million, set just 18 months ago when Republican Gov.", "r": {"result": "Wang yang dikumpul dalam penarikan semula itu telah memecahkan rekod Wisconsin sebanyak $37 juta, yang ditetapkan hanya 18 bulan lalu apabila Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scott Walker was first elected.", "r": {"result": "Scott Walker pertama kali dipilih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a mind-blowing amount of money, especially for a state as small and inexpensive politically as Wisconsin.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah jumlah wang yang menakjubkan, terutamanya untuk negeri yang kecil dan murah dari segi politik seperti Wisconsin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recall vote is judgment day for Wisconsin governor.", "r": {"result": "Undi ingat adalah hari penghakiman untuk gabenor Wisconsin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is way out of proportion to a state this size,\" said McCabe, sitting in his Madison office surrounded by workers entering a continuous stream of fund-raising data onto his group's website.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah jauh di luar perkadaran dengan keadaan sebesar ini,\" kata McCabe, duduk di pejabatnya di Madison yang dikelilingi oleh pekerja yang memasuki aliran berterusan data pengumpulan dana ke laman web kumpulannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's also out of proportion: Walker has raised 7A 1/2 times that of his Democratic challenger, Tom Barrett.", "r": {"result": "Perkara yang juga di luar perkadaran: Walker telah menaikkan 7A 1/2 kali ganda daripada pencabar Demokratnya, Tom Barrett.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To date, Barrett has raised just under $4 million.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga kini, Barrett telah mengumpulkan hanya di bawah $4 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walker has pulled in $30.5 million.", "r": {"result": "Walker telah menarik $30.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That wide disparity can be attributed in part to a quirk in the election law.", "r": {"result": "Perbezaan yang luas itu boleh dikaitkan sebahagiannya dengan keanehan dalam undang-undang pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Public officials in Wisconsin who are targeted for a recall are allowed to raised unlimited sums of money until the recall is formally set.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai awam di Wisconsin yang disasarkan untuk ditarik balik dibenarkan mengumpul jumlah wang tanpa had sehingga penarikan balik ditetapkan secara rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Walker's case, that was March.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes Walker, itu adalah Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So a lot of rich Republicans, seeing the Wisconsin recall battle as a preview of the presidential race, wrote Walker huge checks.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, ramai orang Republikan yang kaya, melihat pertempuran penarikan semula Wisconsin sebagai pratonton perlumbaan presiden, menulis cek besar Walker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's at stake in Wisconsin?", "r": {"result": "Apakah yang dipertaruhkan di Wisconsin?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wisconsin billionaire Diane Hendricks gave Walker more than $500,000.", "r": {"result": "Jutawan Wisconsin Diane Hendricks memberi Walker lebih daripada $500,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Texan Bob Perry, who bankrolled the infamous 2004 \"Swift Boat\" attacks against John Kerry, also contributed half of $1 million directly to Walker.", "r": {"result": "Bob Perry Texas, yang membiayai serangan \"Swift Boat\" 2004 yang terkenal terhadap John Kerry, juga menyumbang separuh daripada $1 juta terus kepada Walker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and Michigan millionaire Dick DeVos each donated $250,000.", "r": {"result": "Tokoh kasino Las Vegas Sheldon Adelson dan jutawan Michigan Dick DeVos masing-masing menderma $250,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, 70% of Walker's donations in the last month came from outside Wisconsin -- hundreds of thousands of contributors large and small from all over the country.", "r": {"result": "Malah, 70% daripada sumbangan Walker pada bulan lepas datang dari luar Wisconsin -- ratusan ribu penyumbang besar dan kecil dari seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phil Prange has raised money for Wisconsin Republicans for 25 years.", "r": {"result": "Phil Prange telah mengumpul wang untuk Wisconsin Republicans selama 25 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said when former GOP Gov.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata apabila bekas GOP Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tommy Thompson was on the ballot in 2000, he had 50,000 people on his donor list.", "r": {"result": "Tommy Thompson berada di dalam undi pada tahun 2000, dia mempunyai 50,000 orang dalam senarai pendermanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was actually controversial,\" Prange said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sebenarnya kontroversi,\" kata Prange.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walker's list of at least 250,000 dwarfs that one.", "r": {"result": "Senarai Walker sekurang-kurangnya 250,000 orang kerdil itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prange remembers potential donors laughing at him when he tried to raise money from out of state for a Wisconsin political campaign.", "r": {"result": "Prange masih ingat bakal penderma mentertawakannya apabila dia cuba mengumpul wang dari luar negeri untuk kempen politik Wisconsin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Anything over $100 was a hard ask.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa-apa yang melebihi $100 adalah sukar untuk ditanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now apparently you can ask for a million dollars and get it in the same moment, which is amazing,\" Prange said.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang nampaknya anda boleh meminta satu juta dolar dan mendapatkannya dalam masa yang sama, yang menakjubkan,\" kata Prange.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he knew things were different with the recall when he went to a party in Chicago several months ago and met people from Arizona, Florida, Texas and Massachusetts who had already contributed to help Walker beat back the recall.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia tahu perkara yang berbeza dengan penarikan balik itu apabila dia pergi ke sebuah parti di Chicago beberapa bulan lalu dan bertemu dengan orang dari Arizona, Florida, Texas dan Massachusetts yang telah menyumbang untuk membantu Walker menewaskan penarikan balik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was shocked,\" Prange recalled.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terkejut,\" kenang Prange.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Individual contributions only tell part of the story of big bucks in Wisconsin's recall.", "r": {"result": "Sumbangan individu hanya menceritakan sebahagian daripada kisah wang besar dalam penarikan semula Wisconsin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Outside groups supporting both candidates flooded the state with some $25 million.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan luar yang menyokong kedua-dua calon membanjiri negeri itu dengan kira-kira $25 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They look like a who's who of Washington special interests --- from Planned Parenthood to the National Rifle Association.", "r": {"result": "Mereka kelihatan seperti minat khusus Washington --- daripada Planned Parenthood kepada National Rifle Association.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the dollars are tallied up in this category, Democratic outside groups supporting Barrett will have outspent those backing Walker.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dolar dikira dalam kategori ini, kumpulan luar Demokrat yang menyokong Barrett akan membelanjakan mereka yang menyokong Walker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Labor unions, which have an enormous stake in the recall since the backlash against Walker began when he all but did away with collective bargaining rights for public employees, have given $8 million in traceable donations to help Barrett.", "r": {"result": "Kesatuan pekerja, yang mempunyai kepentingan yang besar dalam penarikan semula sejak tindak balas terhadap Walker bermula apabila dia semua tetapi menghapuskan hak tawar-menawar kolektif untuk kakitangan awam, telah memberikan $8 juta dalam derma yang boleh dikesan untuk membantu Barrett.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's likely unions have given much more to Democratic groups not required to disclose their donors.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan kesatuan sekerja telah memberikan lebih banyak kepada kumpulan Demokrat yang tidak perlu mendedahkan penderma mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Fix, don't destroy, public worker unions.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Betulkan, jangan musnahkan, kesatuan pekerja awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Republican Governors Association is another big contributor -- at least $9 million, including $1 million from GOP high roller David Koch.", "r": {"result": "Persatuan Gabenor Republikan ialah satu lagi penyumbang besar -- sekurang-kurangnya $9 juta, termasuk $1 juta daripada GOP high roller David Koch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These groups register and advertise with names that appear to be homegrown.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan ini mendaftar dan mengiklankan dengan nama-nama yang kelihatan seperti tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are Wisconsin is organized and funded mostly by national unions in Washington.", "r": {"result": "We are Wisconsin dianjurkan dan dibiayai kebanyakannya oleh kesatuan kebangsaan di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Right Direction Wisconsin is really an arm of the Republican Governors Association.", "r": {"result": "Arah Kanan Wisconsin benar-benar cabang Persatuan Gabenor Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then there are the stealth super PACS whose donors are anonymous.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian terdapat PACS super stealth yang pendermanya tidak dikenali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have given $8.5 million.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah memberikan $8.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign lists eight such groups on its website.", "r": {"result": "Kempen Demokrasi Wisconsin menyenaraikan lapan kumpulan sedemikian di laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most, such as Americans for Prosperity and the Club for Growth, are groups on the right trying to help Walker.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakannya, seperti Americans for Prosperity dan Club for Growth, adalah kumpulan di sebelah kanan yang cuba membantu Walker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One, Greater Wisconsin Committee, is trying to help push Walker out.", "r": {"result": "Satu, Jawatankuasa Greater Wisconsin, cuba membantu menolak Walker keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Again, the donors are anonymous.", "r": {"result": "Sekali lagi, penderma adalah tanpa nama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Elections are being poisoned here, but the people of Wisconsin can't know who is paying for most of the poison,\" McCabe said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pilihan raya sedang diracuni di sini, tetapi penduduk Wisconsin tidak dapat mengetahui siapa yang membayar untuk kebanyakan racun itu,\" kata McCabe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The irony is that despite the tens of millions raised and spent on the recall election, it is an open question whether it will make a real difference.", "r": {"result": "Ironinya ialah walaupun berpuluh-puluh juta yang dikumpul dan dibelanjakan untuk pilihan raya panggil balik, ia adalah persoalan terbuka sama ada ia akan membuat perubahan sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wisconsin's electorate is so polarized, that public and party polls suggest most people's minds are already made up.", "r": {"result": "Pengundi Wisconsin sangat terpolarisasi, sehingga tinjauan umum dan parti mencadangkan kebanyakan fikiran orang sudah dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What both parties agree on, however, is that the extra campaign cash does help where it matters most: identifying voters and making sure they get to the polls on Election Day.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, perkara yang dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua pihak ialah wang tunai kempen tambahan membantu di tempat yang paling penting: mengenal pasti pengundi dan memastikan mereka dapat mengundi pada Hari Pilihan Raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- If Barack Obama had previewed his inaugural speech before the November election, would he have been able to give it in January?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jika Barack Obama telah melihat pratonton ucapan sulungnya sebelum pilihan raya November, adakah beliau akan dapat memberikannya pada Januari?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apparently, our president did not think so.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya, presiden kita tidak fikir begitu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From the first days of his re-election campaign until as recently as a month ago, President Obama described himself \"a pretty practical guy\" who is \"not driven by some ideological agenda\".", "r": {"result": "Dari hari-hari pertama kempen pemilihan semulanya sehingga baru-baru ini sebulan yang lalu, Presiden Obama menyifatkan dirinya \"seorang lelaki yang cukup praktikal\" yang \"tidak didorong oleh beberapa agenda ideologi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dispensing with that fiction in his inaugural address, he's been commended for finally and honestly revealing himself.", "r": {"result": "Mengetepikan fiksyen itu dalam ucapan perasmiannya, dia telah dipuji kerana akhirnya dan jujur mendedahkan dirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No longer is Barack Obama a national Rorschach test in which anyone can see anything.", "r": {"result": "Barack Obama bukan lagi ujian Rorschach kebangsaan di mana sesiapa sahaja boleh melihat apa-apa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has staked his ground: President Obama is an unabashed advocate of the old-fashioned American left.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah mempertaruhkan pendiriannya: Presiden Obama adalah penyokong tanpa segan silu orang kiri Amerika yang kolot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's not good news for Democrats who have trekked with him to the end of an ideological limb.", "r": {"result": "Itu bukan berita baik untuk Demokrat yang telah berjalan bersamanya ke penghujung anggota ideologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's inaugural statement displayed \"a sweeping liberal vision,\" the Los Angeles Times wrote.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan sulung Obama memaparkan \"visi liberal yang menyeluruh,\" tulis Los Angeles Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Andrew Coyne headlined it, \"The Most Full-throated Defense of Liberalism Since FDR.\" Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin called it \"a powerful defense of collective action, of government\".", "r": {"result": "Andrew Coyne mengetuainya, \"Pertahanan Liberalisme Paling Penuh Tekak Sejak FDR.\" Sejarawan Doris Kearns Goodwin menyebutnya sebagai \"pertahanan kuat bagi tindakan kolektif, kerajaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Matthew's \"Hardball Blog,\" not known for restraining its lefty enthusiasm, did not disappoint: \"Liberalism is back!", "r": {"result": "\"Blog Bola Keras\" Chris Matthew, yang tidak dikenali kerana menahan semangat kidal, tidak mengecewakan: \"Liberalisme kembali!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama's inaugural address revealed a liberal vision -- a full-throated defense of progressive policy\".", "r": {"result": "Ucapan perasmian Presiden Obama mendedahkan visi liberal -- pembelaan penuh dasar progresif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Poor old Bill Clinton.", "r": {"result": "Bill Clinton yang malang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's long-delayed public confession of collectivism was not only a rejection of Reaganesque individualism.", "r": {"result": "Pengakuan kolektivisme yang telah lama ditangguhkan oleh Obama bukan sahaja penolakan terhadap individualisme Reaganesque.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a repudiation of Clinton's New Democrats.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah penolakan terhadap Demokrat Baru Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton's moderation was useful camouflage during the campaign but only to return Obama to the Capitol steps, unburdened by another election, free to reignite \"the era of big government\".", "r": {"result": "Kesederhanaan Clinton adalah penyamaran yang berguna semasa kempen tetapi hanya untuk mengembalikan Obama ke langkah Capitol, tanpa dibebani oleh pilihan raya lain, bebas untuk menghidupkan semula \"era kerajaan besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps at this point, we should believe him: Barack Obama is George McGovern with a jump shot.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin pada ketika ini, kita harus mempercayainya: Barack Obama adalah George McGovern dengan pukulan lompat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As David Brooks noted, his liberalism was \"on full display\".", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh David Brooks, liberalismenya \"dipamerkan sepenuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His duplicity was, as well.", "r": {"result": "Penduaannya juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's post-partisan pragmatism, he has confirmed with his inaugural address, was only a useful political contrivance.", "r": {"result": "Pragmatisme pasca partisan Obama, beliau telah mengesahkan dengan ucapan perasmiannya, hanyalah rekaan politik yang berguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blinded by the nobility of his intentions, this president has grown comfortable with deception.", "r": {"result": "Dibutakan oleh keluhuran niatnya, presiden ini semakin selesa dengan penipuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He does what is best for the American people, even when it requires that he misleads them.", "r": {"result": "Dia melakukan yang terbaik untuk rakyat Amerika, walaupun ia memerlukan dia mengelirukan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's approach has become the cynical politics he supposedly came to Washington to change.", "r": {"result": "Pendekatan Obama telah menjadi politik sinis yang kononnya dia datang ke Washington untuk diubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zelizer: Obama, think big for State of the Union.", "r": {"result": "Zelizer: Obama, berfikir besar untuk State of the Union.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his forceful January speech, Obama trumpeted his mission.", "r": {"result": "Dalam ucapan Januari yang kuat, Obama melaungkan misinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not to leave office as Ronald Reagan, who renewed a failing economy and restored our nation's confidence.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan untuk meninggalkan jawatan sebagai Ronald Reagan, yang memperbaharui ekonomi yang gagal dan memulihkan keyakinan negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's calling is a moral one.", "r": {"result": "Panggilan Obama adalah panggilan moral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The worst recession since the great Depression will have to wait.", "r": {"result": "Kemelesetan terburuk sejak Kemelesetan hebat perlu menunggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His mission, inherited from Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, is equality, not revitalization.", "r": {"result": "Misi beliau, yang diwarisi daripada Abraham Lincoln dan Martin Luther King, adalah kesaksamaan, bukan penggiatan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet even as he prepares for Tuesday's State of the Union address, Obama twists and stretches.", "r": {"result": "Namun, walaupun ketika dia bersiap untuk pidato Negara Kesatuan pada hari Selasa, Obama berpusing dan meregangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he wants is what we need, he tells us.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia mahu adalah apa yang kita perlukan, dia memberitahu kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Redistribution's side effect, he pledges, will be a more prosperous America.", "r": {"result": "Kesan sampingan pengagihan semula, dia berjanji, akan menjadi Amerika yang lebih makmur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our economy succeeds and our economy grows,\" he says, \"when everybody is getting a fair shot and everybody is getting a fair-shake and everybody is playing by the same rules.", "r": {"result": "\"Ekonomi kita berjaya dan ekonomi kita berkembang,\" katanya, \"apabila semua orang mendapat peluang yang adil dan semua orang mendapat goncangan yang adil dan semua orang bermain mengikut peraturan yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because I believe that is a growth agenda -- not just an equity agenda, not just a fairness agenda -- that is a growth agenda\".", "r": {"result": "Kerana saya percaya itu adalah agenda pertumbuhan -- bukan sekadar agenda ekuiti, bukan sekadar agenda keadilan -- itu adalah agenda pertumbuhan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he drives, he pits the destitute passengers in his car against the rich, Hispanics against Anglos, women against men, telling them inequality is their worry.", "r": {"result": "Semasa dia memandu, dia mengadu penumpang yang melarat di dalam keretanya dengan orang kaya, Hispanik menentang Anglos, wanita melawan lelaki, memberitahu mereka ketidaksamaan adalah kebimbangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They fight and claw, unaware they are speeding towards a precipice, oblivious to the common danger that makes their differences pale.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bergaduh dan bercakar, tanpa sedar mereka memecut ke arah jurang, tidak menyedari bahaya biasa yang menjadikan perbezaan mereka pucat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As long as this president has a Democratic Senate and a veto pen, there will be no deficit reduction, no serious control of entitlements.", "r": {"result": "Selagi presiden ini mempunyai Senat Demokrat dan pen veto, tidak akan ada pengurangan defisit, tiada kawalan serius terhadap hak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A government we cannot afford is not Barack Obama's problem.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan yang kita tidak mampu bukanlah masalah Barack Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is his solution.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah penyelesaiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why would Obama reduce entitlements that redistribute wealth when they force the social change he sees as his legacy?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa Obama akan mengurangkan hak yang mengagihkan semula kekayaan apabila mereka memaksa perubahan sosial yang dilihatnya sebagai warisannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Redistributing wealth, not creating it, is Obama's signal intent.", "r": {"result": "Mengagihkan semula kekayaan, bukan menciptanya, adalah niat isyarat Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democratic administrations in our largest cities and states -- from Detroit to Washington, D.C, from California to Obama's home state of Illinois -- have tested this president's old social justice agenda.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran demokratik di bandar dan negeri terbesar kami -- dari Detroit ke Washington, D.C, dari California ke negeri asal Obama di Illinois -- telah menguji agenda keadilan sosial lama presiden ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has produced a record of relentless economic failure.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah menghasilkan rekod kegagalan ekonomi yang berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet for this liberal man, economic malaise may just be the price of social justice.", "r": {"result": "Namun bagi lelaki liberal ini, kelemahan ekonomi mungkin hanya harga keadilan sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the shock, in my mind, is not his commitment to compulsory redistribution, but that a leader so young has such old ideas.", "r": {"result": "Dan kejutan, dalam fikiran saya, bukanlah komitmennya untuk pengagihan semula wajib, tetapi seorang pemimpin yang masih muda mempunyai idea-idea lama seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is a man from America's past.", "r": {"result": "Dia seorang lelaki dari masa lalu Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barack Obama is old-school.", "r": {"result": "Barack Obama adalah sekolah lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He believes in top-down planning, not bottom-up incentives.", "r": {"result": "Dia percaya pada perancangan atas ke bawah, bukan insentif dari bawah ke atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He sees government as an industrial machine, though he lives in the age of the network.", "r": {"result": "Dia melihat kerajaan sebagai mesin perindustrian, walaupun dia hidup dalam zaman rangkaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He trusts political and artificial imperatives from Washington, not natural and organic choices by ordinary Americans.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempercayai imperatif politik dan buatan dari Washington, bukan pilihan semula jadi dan organik oleh rakyat Amerika biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His answer to irresponsive, ineffective, unaffordable old government is not reform, but to produce more of it.", "r": {"result": "Jawapan beliau kepada kerajaan lama yang tidak responsif, tidak berkesan, tidak mampu dimiliki bukanlah reformasi, tetapi untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak daripada itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's bright young smile cloaks archaic ideas, ill-suited for today's global economic race.", "r": {"result": "Senyuman muda Obama yang cerah menyelubungi idea-idea kuno, tidak sesuai untuk perlumbaan ekonomi global hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have been on this road before.", "r": {"result": "Kami telah melalui jalan ini sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We know where it takes us:", "r": {"result": "Kami tahu ke mana ia membawa kami:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Obama will leave office a hero.", "r": {"result": "1. Obama akan meninggalkan pejabat sebagai wira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. He will leave his party a wreck.", "r": {"result": "2. Dia akan meninggalkan partinya rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barack Obama has calculated he will never get on Mount Rushmore working with Republicans in Congress to fix a broken economy.", "r": {"result": "Barack Obama telah mengira dia tidak akan pernah ke Mount Rushmore bekerja dengan Republikan di Kongres untuk memperbaiki ekonomi yang rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their prescriptions and his are incompatible.", "r": {"result": "Preskripsi mereka dan preskripsinya tidak serasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the president's view, growth requires money for expansive new government programs.", "r": {"result": "Pada pandangan presiden, pertumbuhan memerlukan wang untuk program kerajaan baharu yang meluas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He knows he will never get that money from the Mr. Potter's who run the House of Representatives.", "r": {"result": "Dia tahu dia tidak akan mendapat wang itu daripada Encik Potter yang mengendalikan Dewan Rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His moral vision, however, is a bargain: It requires no funding.", "r": {"result": "Visi moralnya, bagaimanapun, adalah murah: Ia tidak memerlukan pembiayaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From Lincoln, to King, to Obama: In this noble cause, not the struggle for economic renewal, he will shape how he's remembered.", "r": {"result": "Dari Lincoln, kepada King, kepada Obama: Dalam tujuan mulia ini, bukan perjuangan untuk pembaharuan ekonomi, dia akan membentuk bagaimana dia diingati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His legacy will be The Equal Deal, not a better one.", "r": {"result": "Legasinya ialah The Equal Deal, bukan yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His party will not share his good fortune.", "r": {"result": "Pihaknya tidak akan berkongsi nasib baiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Obama's first term, in 2010, he ignored the nation's economic crisis, moved left, and gave Americans health equality.", "r": {"result": "Dalam penggal pertama Obama, pada 2010, beliau tidak mengendahkan krisis ekonomi negara, bergerak ke kiri, dan memberikan kesaksamaan kesihatan kepada rakyat Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans swept the House of Representatives.", "r": {"result": "Republikan menyapu bersih Dewan Rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama is now replicating that pattern.", "r": {"result": "Obama kini meniru corak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When this charismatic leader leaves town, he will have returned the Democratic Party to its McGovernite past, leaving it wedded to old, slow, big, dumb, inflexible Industrial Age government.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pemimpin berkarisma ini meninggalkan bandar, dia akan mengembalikan Parti Demokrat kepada masa lalu McGovernitenya, meninggalkannya dengan kerajaan Zaman Perindustrian yang lama, perlahan, besar, bisu dan tidak fleksibel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He will leave behind a party that embodies economic stagnation, shackled to the challenges it ignored, and mistrusted with America's checkbook.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan meninggalkan parti yang merangkumi kemerosotan ekonomi, terbelenggu dengan cabaran yang diabaikan, dan tidak percaya dengan buku cek Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats have crawled out on a fragile, ideological limb with Barack Obama, a branch loaded with debt and the burden of a sagging economy.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat telah merangkak keluar dengan anggota ideologi yang rapuh dengan Barack Obama, cabang yang sarat dengan hutang dan beban ekonomi yang merosot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will snap long before they find another Clinton to move their party back to the center, where they can safely renew themselves and rebuild.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan terputus lama sebelum mereka mencari Clinton lain untuk memindahkan parti mereka kembali ke pusat, di mana mereka boleh memperbaharui diri mereka dan membina semula dengan selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats he will leave behind should strap on their life preservers: Your president's interests and yours have diverged.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat yang akan ditinggalkannya harus berpegang pada pemelihara nyawa mereka: Kepentingan presiden anda dan anda telah menyimpang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Look at the Republican Party George W. Bush left behind after serving two terms.", "r": {"result": "Lihatlah Parti Republikan yang ditinggalkan George W. Bush selepas berkhidmat dua penggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's supporters believe otherwise.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong Obama percaya sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They trust their new left-tilting majority will be sustained by an \"emergent Democratic coalition,\" a confederacy of liberals, unions, government workers, black and Hispanic Americans, supplemented by young, single Carrie Bradshaws.", "r": {"result": "Mereka percaya majoriti baru mereka yang condong ke kiri akan dikekalkan oleh \"gabungan Demokrat yang muncul,\" sebuah konfederasi liberal, kesatuan, pekerja kerajaan, kulit hitam dan Hispanik Amerika, ditambah dengan Carrie Bradshaws yang masih muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They may be right: Unless Republicans wake up and provide a palatable alternative, even a mistrusted, out-of-date, ideologically extreme Democratic Party will have no effective opposition.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mungkin betul: Melainkan Republikan bangun dan menyediakan alternatif yang enak, walaupun Parti Demokrat yang tidak dipercayai, ketinggalan zaman, ideologi yang melampau tidak akan mempunyai pembangkang yang berkesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only when Republicans move beyond \"No\" and offer an optimistic agenda of bottom-up growth and prosperity for all Americans, can they emerge from their visionless wandering.", "r": {"result": "Hanya apabila Republikan bergerak melampaui \"Tidak\" dan menawarkan agenda optimistik pertumbuhan dari bawah ke atas dan kemakmuran untuk semua rakyat Amerika, mereka boleh keluar dari pengembaraan tanpa penglihatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are Republicans tired enough of losing to begin to rejuvenate themselves?", "r": {"result": "Adakah Republikan cukup penat kehilangan untuk mula meremajakan diri mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marco Rubio will not just give the response to President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night; he will give the nation its first glimpse of an alternative to the antiquated, top-down Democratic Party Barack Obama will leave us.", "r": {"result": "Marco Rubio bukan sahaja akan memberikan respons kepada ucapan Negara Kesatuan Presiden Obama malam Selasa; dia akan memberi pandangan pertama kepada negara tentang alternatif kepada Parti Demokrat yang lama dan atas-bawah Barack Obama akan meninggalkan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday night, we'll see the future.", "r": {"result": "Selasa malam, kita akan melihat masa depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let the best party and America win.", "r": {"result": "Biarkan parti terbaik dan Amerika menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Alex Castellanos.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Alex Castellanos semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The share price of Samsung Electronics dropped nearly 7.5% in trading Monday as investors had their first opportunity to react to the more than $1 billion decision against the Korean electronics giant by a California jury for infringing on Apple patents.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Harga saham Samsung Electronics turun hampir 7.5% dalam dagangan Isnin kerana pelabur mempunyai peluang pertama mereka untuk bertindak balas terhadap keputusan lebih $1 bilion terhadap gergasi elektronik Korea itu oleh juri California kerana melanggar paten Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung dropped 6.3% at the open of South Korea's Kospi index and finished the day down 7.45%, after dropping as much as 7.7%.", "r": {"result": "Samsung jatuh 6.3% pada pembukaan indeks Kospi Korea Selatan dan menamatkan hari itu turun 7.45%, selepas jatuh sebanyak 7.7%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tumble erased about $12 billion from the company's market value Monday.", "r": {"result": "Kejatuhan itu memadamkan kira-kira $12 bilion daripada nilai pasaran syarikat pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung is planning to appeal Friday's decision of a U.S. federal jury which awarded Apple $1.05 billion for copying the look and feel of iPhones and iPad design.", "r": {"result": "Samsung merancang untuk merayu keputusan juri persekutuan A.S. pada hari Jumaat yang menganugerahkan Apple $1.05 bilion kerana menyalin rupa dan rasa reka bentuk iPhone dan iPad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jury rejected Samsung's counterclaims against Apple.", "r": {"result": "Juri menolak tuntutan balas Samsung terhadap Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A senior Samsung executive told the Korea Times the decision was \"absolutely the worst scenario for us\" as he was heading into an emergency meeting at the company's Seoul headquarters on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Seorang eksekutif kanan Samsung memberitahu Korea Times keputusan itu \"benar-benar senario terburuk bagi kami\" ketika dia sedang menuju ke mesyuarat tergempar di ibu pejabat syarikat itu di Seoul pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decision could lead to the prohibition of sales in the U.S. of Samsung smarphones and computer tablets found to have violated Apple's patents.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu boleh membawa kepada larangan penjualan telefon pintar dan tablet komputer Samsung di A.S. yang didapati telah melanggar paten Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A hearing on the matter is scheduled for September 20.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan mengenai perkara itu dijadualkan pada 20 September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNNMoney: What the Apple-Samsung verdict means for your smartphone.", "r": {"result": "CNNMoney: Maksud keputusan Apple-Samsung untuk telefon pintar anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As far as the money damages are concerned, (Samsung) will make that up in the long run.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSetakat ganti rugi wang, (Samsung) akan menebusnya dalam jangka masa panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bigger issue at the moment them having to come up with new and unique designs appealing to the customer base,\" said Christopher Carani, chairman of the design rights committee of the American Bar Association.", "r": {"result": "Isu yang lebih besar pada masa ini mereka perlu menghasilkan reka bentuk baharu dan unik yang menarik minat pelanggan,\" kata Christopher Carani, pengerusi jawatankuasa hak reka bentuk Persatuan Peguam Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices,\" Samsung said in a written statement after Friday's decision.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan membawa kepada lebih sedikit pilihan, kurang inovasi dan harga yang berpotensi lebih tinggi,\" kata Samsung dalam satu kenyataan bertulis selepas keputusan Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah malang bahawa undang-undang paten boleh dimanipulasi untuk memberi satu syarikat monopoli ke atas segi empat tepat dengan sudut bulat, atau teknologi yang sedang diperbaiki setiap hari oleh Samsung dan syarikat lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple, meanwhile, praised the court for \"sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn't right\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Apple memuji mahkamah kerana \"menghantar mesej yang kuat dan jelas bahawa mencuri adalah tidak betul\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsung's copying went far deeper than even we knew,\" the company said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Sejumlah bukti yang dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan menunjukkan bahawa penyalinan Samsung jauh lebih mendalam daripada yang kami tahu,\" kata syarikat itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A nine-person jury spent just two and a half days puzzling out its final verdict, with weeks of notes and memories of testimony, 109 pages of jury instructions, and boxes of evidence including a collection of contested smartphones and tablets as their guide.", "r": {"result": "Juri sembilan orang hanya menghabiskan dua setengah hari membingungkan keputusan terakhirnya, dengan nota berminggu-minggu dan kenangan tentang kesaksian, 109 muka surat arahan juri, dan kotak bukti termasuk koleksi telefon pintar dan tablet yang dipertandingkan sebagai panduan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jury award shows the growing importance of design for electronics makers.", "r": {"result": "Anugerah juri menunjukkan semakin pentingnya reka bentuk untuk pembuat elektronik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2001, Apple and Samsung were awarded 10 and eight U.S. design patents, respectively.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2001, Apple dan Samsung telah dianugerahkan 10 dan lapan paten reka bentuk A.S., masing-masing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, Apple could have as many as 333 design patents approved, while Samsung could have as many as 500, Carani said.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, Apple boleh mempunyai sebanyak 333 paten reka bentuk yang diluluskan, manakala Samsung boleh mempunyai sebanyak 500, kata Carani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Central to the U.S. case and at its very core was design rights, the way things look, and that's really where the large amount of this billion-dollar damages judgment comes from,\" Carani said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pusat kepada kes A.S. dan pada terasnya ialah hak reka bentuk, cara sesuatu kelihatan, dan dari situlah datangnya jumlah besar penghakiman ganti rugi berbilion dolar ini,\" kata Carani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lawsuit is the largest yet in the ongoing worldwide patent brawl between the two companies, which itself is just one battle in Apple's war against Google's Android mobile operating system.", "r": {"result": "Tuntutan itu adalah yang terbesar dalam pergaduhan paten di seluruh dunia yang berterusan antara kedua-dua syarikat, yang mana ia sendiri hanyalah satu pertempuran dalam peperangan Apple terhadap sistem pengendalian mudah alih Android Google.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday, a South Korean court found that both parties had infringed on each other's patents, banning the sale of the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, two iPad models and Samsung's Galaxy S2.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat, mahkamah Korea Selatan mendapati kedua-dua pihak telah melanggar paten masing-masing, mengharamkan penjualan iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, dua model iPad dan Galaxy S2 Samsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Korean court ordered Apple to pay Samsung $35,000 and Samsung to pay Apple $22,000.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Korea memerintahkan Apple membayar Samsung $35,000 dan Samsung membayar Apple $22,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Paula Hancocks, Heather Kelly, John D. Sutter and Dan Simon contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Paula Hancocks dari CNN, Heather Kelly, John D. Sutter dan Dan Simon menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Mass protests unfolded in Syria on Friday, and related unrest reverberated across the Lebanese and Turkish borders in a volatile day that left at least nine people dead.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bantahan besar-besaran berlaku di Syria pada hari Jumaat, dan pergolakan berkaitan bergema di seluruh sempadan Lubnan dan Turki dalam satu hari yang tidak menentu yang menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya sembilan orang terkorban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rami Abdelrahman of the London-based Syria Observatory for Human Rights said four people died in Homs and one in Deir El Zour during demonstrations in Syria.", "r": {"result": "Rami Abdelrahman dari Syria Observatory for Human Rights yang berpangkalan di London berkata empat orang maut di Homs dan seorang di Deir El Zour semasa demonstrasi di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fighting over the Syrian issue left at least four dead in Lebanon, and the number of Syrian refugees now in Turkey is approaching 10,000.", "r": {"result": "Pergaduhan berhubung isu Syria menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya empat terkorban di Lubnan, dan jumlah pelarian Syria kini di Turki menghampiri 10,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protests swarmed several towns big and small across the country, including the Damascus area, Latakia, Homs and Hama, where thousands rallied, Abdelrahman said.", "r": {"result": "Protes mengerumuni beberapa bandar besar dan kecil di seluruh negara, termasuk kawasan Damsyik, Latakia, Homs dan Hama, di mana beribu-ribu berhimpun, kata Abdelrahman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were reports of detained demonstrators and the military deployment of tanks.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat laporan mengenai penunjuk perasaan yang ditahan dan penempatan tentera kereta kebal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were reports of gunfire in Banias, a coastal city, Abdelrahman said.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat laporan mengenai tembakan di Banias, sebuah bandar pantai, kata Abdelrahman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government's state-run TV said Syrian security personnel were injured by \"militants\" in the Damascus suburb of Al-Qaboun.", "r": {"result": "TV kerajaan kerajaan berkata, anggota keselamatan Syria cedera oleh \"militan\" di pinggir bandar Damsyik Al-Qaboun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Syrian government has consistently blamed the protest casualties on \"armed gangs,\" and the TV report said the injuries occurred when the perpetrators opened fire in Al-Qaboun, just outside the capital.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Syria secara konsisten menyalahkan mangsa protes atas \"geng bersenjata,\" dan laporan TV berkata kecederaan berlaku apabila pelaku melepaskan tembakan di Al-Qaboun, di luar ibu negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly 1,000 people in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli gathered Friday after prayers \"in a demonstration in support for the Syrian people,\" the Lebanese National News Agency reported, and fighting ensued between Lebanese Alawites and Sunnis.", "r": {"result": "Hampir 1,000 orang di bandar Tripoli di utara Lubnan berkumpul pada Jumaat selepas solat \"dalam tunjuk perasaan menyokong rakyat Syria,\" Agensi Berita Nasional Lubnan melaporkan, dan pertempuran berlaku antara Alawi Lubnan dan Sunni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clashes in Tripoli killed one soldier and three civilians and injured two soldiers and 10 civilians, the army said.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran di Tripoli membunuh seorang askar dan tiga orang awam serta mencederakan dua askar dan 10 orang awam, kata tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The news agency said one of those killed was an official with the Democratic Arab Party, an Alawite entity.", "r": {"result": "Agensi berita itu berkata salah seorang daripada mereka yang terbunuh adalah pegawai dengan Parti Arab Demokratik, sebuah entiti Alawi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Lebanese prime minister, Najib Nikati, said the army dispatched reinforcements to Tripoli neighborhoods to impose law and order.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Lubnan, Najib Nikati, berkata tentera menghantar bala bantuan ke kawasan kejiranan Tripoli untuk melaksanakan undang-undang dan ketenteraman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Alawite faith is an offshoot of Shiite Islam that dominates Syrian leadership; President Bashar al-Assad is an Alawite.", "r": {"result": "Kepercayaan Alawi adalah cabang dari Islam Syiah yang mendominasi kepimpinan Syria; Presiden Bashar al-Assad adalah seorang Alawi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The majority of Syrians are Sunni Muslim.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti rakyat Syria adalah Muslim Sunni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's been tension between the two groups in Lebanon.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat ketegangan antara kedua-dua kumpulan di Lubnan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alawites and Sunni/leftist militias fought at different junctures during the 1975-90 civil war until the Syrians established a presence there.", "r": {"result": "Alawites dan militia Sunni/kiri bertempur di persimpangan yang berbeza semasa perang saudara 1975-90 sehingga Syria menubuhkan kehadiran di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The majority of the Sunnis in Tripoli loathe the Syrian regime, but the Alawites in northern Lebanon thrived during the Syrian presence.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti Sunni di Tripoli membenci rejim Syria, tetapi Alawi di utara Lubnan berkembang pesat semasa kehadiran Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tensions have increased between the groups during the most recent Syrian crisis.", "r": {"result": "Ketegangan telah meningkat antara kumpulan semasa krisis Syria terbaru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as international powers urge Syria to initiate serious reforms and stop its bloody crackdown against demonstrators, Rami Makhlouf, the powerful head of the Syriatel phone company and part of the regime's inner circle, has announced that he plans to quit his business and go into charity work.", "r": {"result": "Dan ketika kuasa antarabangsa menggesa Syria untuk memulakan pembaharuan yang serius dan menghentikan tindakan keras berdarah terhadap penunjuk perasaan, Rami Makhlouf, ketua kuat syarikat telefon Syriatel dan sebahagian daripada kalangan dalaman rejim, telah mengumumkan bahawa dia merancang untuk berhenti perniagaannya dan menyertai badan amal. kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Makhlouf, who is the cousin and confidant of al-Assad's, is widely unpopular among protesters and is a symbol among many citizens of the regime.", "r": {"result": "Makhlouf, yang merupakan sepupu dan orang kepercayaan kepada al-Assad, secara meluas tidak popular di kalangan penunjuk perasaan dan merupakan simbol di kalangan ramai rakyat rejim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His move, announced Thursday, is seen by some observers as an effort to placate anti-government sentiment.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan beliau, yang diumumkan Khamis, dilihat oleh beberapa pemerhati sebagai usaha untuk meredakan sentimen anti-kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abdelrahman said he thinks Makhlouf's decision came as a result of this week's talks between Turkey and Syria to find a solution to the crisis and stem the Syrian refugee flow to Turkey.", "r": {"result": "Abdelrahman berkata beliau berpendapat keputusan Makhlouf itu datang hasil perbincangan minggu ini antara Turki dan Syria untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada krisis dan menyekat aliran pelarian Syria ke Turki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The people are aggravated by his control over the economy,\" Abdelrahman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat bertambah teruk dengan kawalannya ke atas ekonomi,\" kata Abdelrahman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Makhlouf's name reverberated at one of Friday's mass demonstrations.", "r": {"result": "Nama Makhlouf bergema di salah satu demonstrasi besar-besaran pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A crowd chanted \"No to Makhlouf, no to Assad; we just want Syria free,\" according to an Arabic-language news network.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai melaungkan \"Tidak kepada Makhlouf, tidak kepada Assad; kami hanya mahu Syria bebas,\" menurut rangkaian berita berbahasa Arab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mass protests with specific themes have been held every Friday for weeks after Muslim prayers.", "r": {"result": "Protes besar-besaran dengan tema tertentu telah diadakan setiap hari Jumaat selama beberapa minggu selepas solat umat Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opposition leaders Friday planned demonstrations dubbed \"Friday of Saleh al-Ali,\" referring to a prominent Alawite who commanded one of the first rebellions against the French mandate of Syria in the early 20th century.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin pembangkang pada hari Jumaat merancang demonstrasi yang digelar \"Jumaat Saleh al-Ali,\" merujuk kepada seorang Alawi terkemuka yang memerintah salah satu pemberontakan pertama menentang mandat Perancis di Syria pada awal abad ke-20.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some opposition activists said they hope the name prompts the powerful minority ruling class, which is composed primarily of Alawites, to join the demonstrations demanding the fall of the al-Assad regime.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa aktivis pembangkang berkata mereka berharap nama itu mendorong kelas pemerintah minoriti yang berkuasa, yang terdiri terutamanya daripada golongan Alawi, untuk menyertai demonstrasi menuntut kejatuhan rejim al-Assad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also say the name sends the message that their demands are not directed against Alawites but against the regime.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga mengatakan nama itu menghantar mesej bahawa tuntutan mereka tidak ditujukan kepada Alawi tetapi terhadap rejim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Demonstrators began protests three months ago in the southern city of Daraa and immediately were greeted by a tough government response.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan memulakan protes tiga bulan lalu di bandar selatan Daraa dan serta-merta disambut oleh respons keras kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anti-government sentiment caught fire, and protests spread across the country, leaving more than 1,100 dead and thousands more incarcerated.", "r": {"result": "Sentimen anti-kerajaan terbakar, dan protes merebak ke seluruh negara, menyebabkan lebih 1,100 maut dan beribu-ribu lagi dipenjarakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many Syrians fleeing the violence continued to pour across the Turkish border.", "r": {"result": "Ramai rakyat Syria yang melarikan diri dari keganasan terus membanjiri sempadan Turki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Actress Angelina Jolie, who is a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. refugee agency, went to southern Turkey on Friday to visit the refugees, a trip aimed at shining a spotlight on the plight of civilians in the country.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon Angelina Jolie, yang merupakan duta muhibah untuk agensi pelarian PBB, pergi ke selatan Turki pada hari Jumaat untuk melawat pelarian, perjalanan yang bertujuan untuk memberi tumpuan kepada nasib orang awam di negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was headed to a camp in Altinozu.", "r": {"result": "Dia menuju ke kem di Altinozu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turkey's state-run Anatolian Agency reported Jolie's arrival at the Hatay airport.", "r": {"result": "Agensi Anatolia yang dikendalikan kerajaan Turki melaporkan ketibaan Jolie di lapangan terbang Hatay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials greeted her amid tight security, and provincial officials arranged vans for her transportation to the Altinozu refugee camp.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai menyambutnya di tengah-tengah kawalan keselamatan yang ketat, dan pegawai wilayah mengatur van untuk pengangkutannya ke kem pelarian Altinozu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Toys unloaded from the plane were loaded to one of the vans in her convoy,\" the report said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mainan yang diturunkan dari pesawat telah dimuatkan ke salah satu van dalam konvoinya,\" kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Refugees there are housed in warehouses at an old tobacco factory, and they staged a demonstration at the camp.", "r": {"result": "Pelarian di sana ditempatkan di gudang di kilang tembakau lama, dan mereka mengadakan tunjuk perasaan di kem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They held up signs that said \"Our military is killing its own people, please make it stop\" and \"U.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mengangkat papan tanda yang mengatakan \"Tentera kami membunuh rakyatnya sendiri, tolong hentikan\" dan \"U.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "N., help us please,\" and people chanted \"stop killing children\" and other anti-regime slogans.", "r": {"result": "N., tolong kami,\" dan orang ramai melaungkan \"berhenti membunuh kanak-kanak\" dan slogan anti-rejim lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey now stands at 9,693, according to a provincial Turkish official.", "r": {"result": "Jumlah pelarian Syria di Turki kini berjumlah 9,693, menurut seorang pegawai wilayah Turki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of them escaped a security crackdown in and around the town of Jisr al-Shugur, and many took refuge in Syrian locations near the border.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mereka melarikan diri daripada tindakan keras keselamatan di dalam dan sekitar bandar Jisr al-Shugur, dan ramai yang berlindung di lokasi Syria berhampiran sempadan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gunshots rang out near the border, according to Mohammed, an activist and resident of Jisr al-Shugur based along the border, and people think the Syrian army might be a few miles away.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan kedengaran berhampiran sempadan, menurut Mohammed, seorang aktivis dan penduduk Jisr al-Shugur yang berpangkalan di sepanjang sempadan, dan orang ramai berpendapat tentera Syria mungkin berada beberapa batu jauhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Nada Husseini, Arwa Damon and Saad Abedine contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Nada Husseini dari CNN, Arwa Damon dan Saad Abedine menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As an Oklahoma town comes to grips with the apparent senseless killing of an Australian baseball player on its streets, one man is offering a possible motive: gang violence.", "r": {"result": "Ketika sebuah bandar di Oklahoma berhadapan dengan pembunuhan tidak masuk akal seorang pemain besbol Australia di jalanan, seorang lelaki menawarkan motif yang mungkin: keganasan kumpulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James Johnson says the three boys now charged in the shooting death of Christopher Lane tried to recruit his son into a gang, then threatened to kill him if he refused.", "r": {"result": "James Johnson berkata, tiga budak lelaki yang kini didakwa dalam menembak mati Christopher Lane cuba merekrut anaknya ke dalam geng, kemudian mengancam untuk membunuhnya jika dia enggan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he thinks Lane was killed as part of a gang initiation.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia fikir Lane dibunuh sebagai sebahagian daripada permulaan kumpulan samseng.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think it was for fun.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa ia bukan untuk suka-suka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't think it was at random,\" Johnson told Australia-based Fairfax Media from his home in Duncan.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak fikir ia berlaku secara rawak,\" kata Johnson kepada Fairfax Media yang berpangkalan di Australia dari rumahnya di Duncan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "D.A.: No evidence of a hate crime.", "r": {"result": "D.A.: Tiada bukti jenayah kebencian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case posed questions of race early on because two of the three suspects are black and Lane was white.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu menimbulkan persoalan kaum awal kerana dua daripada tiga suspek berkulit hitam dan Lane berkulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the suspects allegedly posted a message on Twitter in April saying he hated white people.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang suspek didakwa menghantar mesej di Twitter pada April mengatakan dia membenci orang kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suspect tweeted: \"time to start taken life's\".", "r": {"result": "Suspek tweet: \"masa untuk mula mengambil nyawa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "District Attorney Jason Hicks acknowledged Friday the post seems racial in nature, but said the case will not be prosecuted as a hate crime.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Daerah Jason Hicks mengakui pada Jumaat jawatan itu kelihatan bersifat perkauman, tetapi berkata kes itu tidak akan didakwa sebagai jenayah kebencian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At this point, the evidence does not support the theory that Christopher Lane was targeted based upon his race or nationality,\" Hicks said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada ketika ini, bukti tidak menyokong teori bahawa Christopher Lane disasarkan berdasarkan bangsa atau kewarganegaraannya,\" kata Hicks dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Duncan Mayor Gene Brown said he doesn't think Lane's killing was a hate crime, either.", "r": {"result": "Datuk Bandar Duncan Gene Brown berkata beliau tidak fikir pembunuhan Lane adalah jenayah kebencian, sama ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told CNN's \"Erin Burnett OutFront\" the crime is just the result of bad choices made by young people.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu CNN \"Erin Burnett OutFront\" jenayah itu hanyalah hasil daripada pilihan buruk yang dibuat oleh golongan muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think everybody that lives here wishes it would not have happened in our community, regardless of what race\" the victim is, Brown said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa semua orang yang tinggal di sini berharap ia tidak berlaku dalam komuniti kami, tanpa mengira kaum apa\" mangsa, kata Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that we are more concerned with just making sure that everything is taken care of for (Lane's) family and that they get all of the things that they need in order to get him home safely and take care of their loved ones\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir kami lebih prihatin dengan hanya memastikan segala-galanya dijaga untuk keluarga (Lane) dan mereka mendapat semua perkara yang mereka perlukan untuk membawanya pulang dengan selamat dan menjaga orang tersayang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suspects arrested after 911 call.", "r": {"result": "Suspek ditahan selepas panggilan 911.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was Johnson who made the call to police that resulted in the arrests of the three suspects: James Edwards, Jr., 15, Chancey Luna, 16, and Michael Jones, 17.", "r": {"result": "Johnson yang membuat panggilan kepada polis yang mengakibatkan penahanan tiga suspek: James Edwards, Jr., 15, Chancey Luna, 16, dan Michael Jones, 17.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Edwards and Luna are charged as adults with first-degree felony murder; Jones is charged with using a vehicle in the discharge of a weapon and accessory after the fact to first-degree murder.", "r": {"result": "Edwards dan Luna didakwa sebagai orang dewasa dengan pembunuhan jenayah tahap pertama; Jones didakwa menggunakan kenderaan dalam melepaskan senjata dan aksesori selepas fakta kepada pembunuhan peringkat pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johnson was working on his truck in a church parking lot last Friday when the three teens drove up.", "r": {"result": "Johnson sedang mengerjakan traknya di tempat letak kereta gereja pada Jumaat lalu apabila tiga remaja itu memandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had just gotten off the phone with his son, Chris, who told his father about the threat on his life.", "r": {"result": "Dia baru sahaja melepaskan telefon dengan anaknya, Chris, yang memberitahu bapanya tentang ancaman ke atas hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris lives in a house with his mother across the street from the church.", "r": {"result": "Chris tinggal di sebuah rumah bersama ibunya di seberang jalan dari gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was two hours after Lane's death.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah dua jam selepas kematian Lane.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johnson, unaware of the crime, called 911 to report the teens had guns and had already threatened his son.", "r": {"result": "Johnson, yang tidak menyedari jenayah itu, menghubungi 911 untuk melaporkan remaja itu mempunyai senjata api dan telah mengancam anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He knew the boys -- and even mentioned Edwards by name in the call -- because the four teens had grown up together, he told Fairfax Media.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengenali budak lelaki itu -- malah menyebut nama Edwards dalam panggilan itu -- kerana empat remaja itu telah membesar bersama, katanya kepada Fairfax Media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police arrived and took the three into custody.", "r": {"result": "Polis tiba dan menahan ketiga-tiga mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police say Jones later told them, \"We were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody\".", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata Jones kemudian memberitahu mereka, \"Kami bosan dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa untuk dilakukan, jadi kami memutuskan untuk membunuh seseorang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Negligent parents, lawbreaking kids.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Ibu bapa yang cuai, anak-anak yang melanggar undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Edwards' older sister, Rachel Padilla, told CNN on Thursday that her brother hung around with some older guys who were thought to be in a gang, and that other people have told her Edwards was in one -- but she said she doesn't want to believe it.", "r": {"result": "Kakak Edwards, Rachel Padilla, memberitahu CNN pada hari Khamis bahawa abangnya bergaul dengan beberapa lelaki yang lebih tua yang dianggap dalam geng, dan orang lain telah memberitahunya bahawa Edwards berada dalam satu kumpulan -- tetapi dia berkata dia tidak nak percaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked about it by CNN, Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said there are no gang members in town.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya mengenainya oleh CNN, Ketua Polis Duncan Danny Ford berkata tiada ahli kumpulan samseng di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brown, the mayor, said the town has been able to control gang activity.", "r": {"result": "Brown, Datuk Bandar, berkata bandar itu telah dapat mengawal aktiviti kumpulan samseng.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's not to say that something might slip in on us, but I don't think we have a real problem with that,\" Brown told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Itu bukan untuk mengatakan bahawa sesuatu mungkin tergelincir kepada kami, tetapi saya tidak fikir kami mempunyai masalah sebenar dengan itu,\" kata Brown kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If we do, we definitely need to look into it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika kita berbuat demikian, kita pasti perlu menelitinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shock and sorrow after shooting.", "r": {"result": "Kejutan dan kesedihan selepas menembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richard Rhodes, a 37-year-old contractor who was working on a house near where the shooting happened, tried to save Lane's life by performing CPR, he told Fairfax Media.", "r": {"result": "Richard Rhodes, seorang kontraktor berusia 37 tahun yang bekerja di sebuah rumah berhampiran tempat kejadian tembakan, cuba menyelamatkan nyawa Lane dengan melakukan CPR, katanya kepada Fairfax Media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was like this, telling him, 'Buddy, stay with us; stay with us,'\" Rhodes said, showing how he knelt next to the victim.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya seperti ini, memberitahunya, 'Buddy, tinggal bersama kami; tinggal bersama kami,'\" kata Rhodes sambil menunjukkan bagaimana dia berlutut di sebelah mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lane, 23, was gasping for air, and soon the gasps stopped.", "r": {"result": "Lane, 23, tercungap-cungap mencari udara, dan tidak lama kemudian nafas terhenti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rhodes and a woman together performed CPR until it became apparent that Lane had died, Fairfax reported.", "r": {"result": "Rhodes dan seorang wanita bersama-sama melakukan CPR sehingga menjadi jelas bahawa Lane telah meninggal dunia, lapor Fairfax.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lane's friends and family are being invited to a memorial game in his honor Sunday, and a donation page has been set up to raise money for a memorial fund in his name.", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan dan keluarga Lane sedang dijemput ke permainan peringatan untuk menghormatinya Ahad, dan halaman derma telah disediakan untuk mengumpul wang bagi dana peringatan atas namanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A former student and classmate at East Central University, where Lane was studying, described him as \"a charming guy, genuinely good person, with great character and had a love for life\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang bekas pelajar dan rakan sekelas di East Central University, tempat Lane belajar, menyifatkan dia sebagai \"seorang lelaki yang menawan, benar-benar orang yang baik, dengan watak yang hebat dan mempunyai cinta untuk kehidupan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As cliched as it sounds, Chris was the kind of guy you want your sons to grow up to be and that you want your daughters to marry.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun klise kedengaran, Chris adalah jenis lelaki yang anda mahu anak lelaki anda membesar dan anda mahu anak perempuan anda berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It just breaks my heart knowing how much more he could have brought to this world as a husband, father, son, brother and friend,\" Sam Malchar said.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya melukakan hati saya mengetahui betapa banyak lagi yang dia boleh bawa ke dunia ini sebagai suami, bapa, anak, abang dan kawan,\" kata Sam Malchar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As they make a final push to approve presidential nominations before Republicans take control of the Senate, Democrats said Tuesday the confirmation of a record number of federal judges was evidence they were right to make controversial changes to filibuster rules, despite objections from Republicans.", "r": {"result": "Ketika mereka membuat desakan terakhir untuk meluluskan pencalonan presiden sebelum Republikan mengambil alih Senat, Demokrat berkata Selasa pengesahan bilangan rekod hakim persekutuan adalah bukti mereka betul untuk membuat perubahan kontroversial kepada peraturan filibuster, walaupun bantahan daripada Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yes,\" Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid responded loudly when asked if still believes he was right to employ the so-called \"nuclear option\" a year ago in order to clear a backlog of nominees.", "r": {"result": "\"Ya,\" Ketua Majoriti Senat Harry Reid menjawab dengan lantang apabila ditanya sama ada masih percaya dia betul untuk menggunakan apa yang dipanggil \"pilihan nuklear\" setahun yang lalu untuk membersihkan penama yang tertunggak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The No.2 Senate Democrat explained that at the time there was a \"breakdown in the relationship between the executive and legislative branch\".", "r": {"result": "Demokrat Senat No.2 menjelaskan bahawa pada masa itu terdapat \"kerosakan dalam hubungan antara cabang eksekutif dan perundangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you just look at where we were, with all of the nominations stacked on the calendar, most of which had been reported from committees with overwhelming bipartisan votes,\" Sen.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda hanya melihat di mana kami berada, dengan semua pencalonan disusun dalam kalendar, yang kebanyakannya telah dilaporkan daripada jawatankuasa dengan undian dua parti yang luar biasa,\" Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dick Durbin said.", "r": {"result": "Dick Durbin berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Republicans were trying to keep as many nominations from final approval as possible.", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat Republik cuba mengekalkan sebanyak mungkin pencalonan daripada kelulusan muktamad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So we had no choice\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi kami tiada pilihan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the first year of the congressional session, before the nuclear option, the Senate confirmed a total of 36 federal district and circuit court judges appointed by the President.", "r": {"result": "Semasa tahun pertama sesi kongres, sebelum pilihan nuklear, Senat mengesahkan sejumlah 36 hakim daerah dan mahkamah litar persekutuan yang dilantik oleh Presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the rules changes, which took place Nov.21, 2013, the number of judges confirmed more than doubled to 84.", "r": {"result": "Selepas perubahan peraturan, yang berlangsung pada 21 November 2013, bilangan hakim mengesahkan lebih dua kali ganda kepada 84 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rules change lowered the number of votes needed to overcome a filibuster from 60 to 51, making it much easier for Democrats, who currently have a 54 to 46 majority, to approve judges to those lifetime positions.", "r": {"result": "Perubahan peraturan menurunkan jumlah undi yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi filibuster daripada 60 kepada 51, menjadikannya lebih mudah bagi Demokrat, yang kini mempunyai majoriti 54 hingga 46, untuk meluluskan hakim untuk jawatan seumur hidup tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the Senate adjourns, probably in the next day or two, Democrats hope to confirm an additional 12 district court positions.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum Senat ditangguhkan, mungkin dalam satu atau dua hari berikutnya, Demokrat berharap untuk mengesahkan tambahan 12 jawatan mahkamah daerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats this week also cleared a new surgeon general, a top immigration official, and were ready to approve Tuesday the No.2 at the State Department.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat minggu ini juga membersihkan seorang pakar bedah am yang baru, pegawai imigresen tertinggi, dan bersedia untuk meluluskan Selasa No.2 di Jabatan Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each of those people faced serious GOP opposition and might not have been cleared if not for the rules change.", "r": {"result": "Setiap orang itu menghadapi tentangan GOP yang serius dan mungkin tidak dibersihkan jika tidak kerana perubahan peraturan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The train is running over everyone.", "r": {"result": "\"Kereta api sedang melintasi semua orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's the Reid train.", "r": {"result": "Itulah kereta api Reid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last trip around the track,\" complained Sen.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan terakhir mengelilingi trek,\" aduan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John McCain, R-Arizona about the last minute wave of judicial and executive branch nominations Senate Democratic Leader Reid is jamming through.", "r": {"result": "John McCain, R-Arizona mengenai gelombang minit terakhir pencalonan cawangan kehakiman dan eksekutif Senat Ketua Demokrat Reid sedang berjalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a result of the nuclear option which deprived us of our ability to advise and consent and it's shameful.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah hasil daripada pilihan nuklear yang menyebabkan kami kehilangan keupayaan kami untuk menasihati dan bersetuju dan ia memalukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCain and other Republicans also blamed Sen.", "r": {"result": "McCain dan Republikan lain juga menyalahkan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and a small group of other conservatives who forced a weekend session that Reid used to clear procedural hurdles on a number of nominees.", "r": {"result": "Ted Cruz, R-Texas, dan sekumpulan kecil konservatif lain yang memaksa sesi hujung minggu yang digunakan Reid untuk membersihkan halangan prosedur ke atas beberapa calon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was also caused in part by what happened last weekend when several nominees who are controversial are now going to receive Senate votes and are probably going to be confirmed who otherwise probably would not have been,\" said Sen.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia juga sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh apa yang berlaku pada hujung minggu lalu apabila beberapa calon yang menjadi kontroversi kini akan menerima undi Senat dan mungkin akan disahkan siapa yang mungkin tidak akan menjadi,\" kata Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Susan Collins, R-Maine.", "r": {"result": "Susan Collins, R-Maine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a congratulatory letter to president-elect Barack Obama, French President Nicholas Sarkozy writes, \"Your election raises in France, in Europe, and beyond throughout the world, immense hope\".", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Dalam surat ucapan tahniah kepada presiden terpilih Barack Obama, Presiden Perancis Nicholas Sarkozy menulis, \"Pemilihan anda meningkat di Perancis, di Eropah, dan seterusnya di seluruh dunia, harapan yang besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President-elect Barack Obama faces a litany of foreign policy problems when he takes office January 20.", "r": {"result": "Presiden terpilih Barack Obama menghadapi pelbagai masalah dasar luar apabila beliau memegang jawatan pada 20 Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Similar statements from dozens of world leaders and images of people around the world celebrating his election make clear Barack Obama will enjoy a good deal of international goodwill when he takes office on January 20.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan serupa daripada berpuluh-puluh pemimpin dunia dan imej orang di seluruh dunia yang meraikan pemilihannya menjelaskan bahawa Barack Obama akan menikmati banyak muhibah antarabangsa apabila beliau memegang jawatan pada 20 Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's election offers a monumental transformation of America's face to the world.", "r": {"result": "Pemilihan Obama menawarkan transformasi monumental wajah Amerika kepada dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many see him as the epitome of the American dream.", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang melihatnya sebagai lambang impian Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But his appeal is not solely based on the fact that he is black or that his middle name is Hussein or that his father was Kenyan or that he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi rayuannya tidak semata-mata berdasarkan fakta bahawa dia berkulit hitam atau nama tengahnya Hussein atau bapanya seorang Kenya atau bahawa dia menghabiskan sebahagian daripada zaman kanak-kanaknya di Indonesia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The global excitement over Obama's election is as much about the fact that he isn't President Bush.", "r": {"result": "Keterujaan global terhadap pemilihan Obama adalah sama dengan fakta bahawa dia bukan Presiden Bush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his victory speech Tuesday night, Obama said, \"To all those watching from beyond our shores, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.", "r": {"result": "Dalam ucapan kemenangannya pada malam Selasa, Obama berkata, \"Kepada semua yang menonton dari luar pantai kita, kisah kita adalah tunggal, tetapi takdir kita dikongsi, dan fajar baru kepimpinan Amerika sudah dekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'' Watch CNN's Zain Verjee report on the world's reaction to Obama's election >>.", "r": {"result": "'' Saksikan laporan CNN Zain Verjee mengenai reaksi dunia terhadap pemilihan Obama >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those were welcome words to those who resented what they viewed as eight years of \"unilateralist\" Bush policies.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah kata-kata yang dialu-alukan kepada mereka yang membenci apa yang mereka anggap sebagai dasar Bush \"unilateralis\" selama lapan tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His words spark hope that an Obama administration will repair America's relations with the rest of the world.", "r": {"result": "Kata-katanya mencetuskan harapan bahawa pentadbiran Obama akan membaiki hubungan Amerika dengan seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as high as those hopes are, so too are the sky-high expectations.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi setinggi mana harapan itu, begitu juga harapan setinggi langit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world has been seduced by Obama's vision of change.", "r": {"result": "Dunia telah terpedaya dengan visi perubahan Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But will \"Obamamania\" survive the realities of governing?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi adakah \"Obamamania\" akan bertahan dalam realiti pemerintahan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is difficult to think of a U.S. president who has come to power with a more complex and pressing web of domestic and international burdens.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk memikirkan seorang presiden A.S. yang telah berkuasa dengan beban domestik dan antarabangsa yang lebih kompleks dan mendesak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He inherits a global financial meltdown, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a global struggle against terrorism, and a military already stretched to its limits.", "r": {"result": "Dia mewarisi krisis kewangan global, peperangan di Iraq dan Afghanistan, perjuangan global menentang keganasan, dan tentera yang sudah mencapai hadnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Add to that, a simmering crisis with Iran, renewed tensions with Russia, and the rise of China as a global economic powerhouse, and Obama's plate starts to get pretty full.", "r": {"result": "Ditambah dengan itu, krisis yang membara dengan Iran, memperbaharui ketegangan dengan Rusia, dan kebangkitan China sebagai kuasa ekonomi global, dan plat Obama mula menjadi cukup penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama also takes the reins at a time of enormous anti-American sentiment after the stains of Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and, closer to home, Hurricane Katrina.", "r": {"result": "Obama juga mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan pada masa sentimen anti-Amerika yang besar selepas kesan Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo dan, lebih dekat dengan rumah, Taufan Katrina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. power is declining, and not entirely by fault of its own.", "r": {"result": "Kuasa AS semakin merosot, dan bukan sepenuhnya kerana kesalahannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The concept of a single-superpower world no longer fits.", "r": {"result": "Konsep dunia kuasa besar tunggal tidak lagi sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Developing countries like China, Brazil and India, coupled with a stronger European Union belong to a new world where many players call the shots.", "r": {"result": "Negara-negara membangun seperti China, Brazil dan India, ditambah pula dengan Kesatuan Eropah yang lebih kukuh tergolong dalam dunia baharu di mana ramai pemain memanggilnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Globalization requires more cooperation with a wider range of countries and organizations.", "r": {"result": "Globalisasi memerlukan lebih banyak kerjasama dengan pelbagai negara dan organisasi yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's speech in Europe this summer about the need for reconciliation, signaled he wants to strengthen ties with Europe damaged during the Bush administration, especially over Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Ucapan Obama di Eropah pada musim panas ini mengenai keperluan untuk perdamaian, menandakan beliau mahu mengukuhkan hubungan dengan Eropah yang rosak semasa pentadbiran Bush, terutamanya di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His pledge to withdraw from Iraq and his promise for strong action on climate change is bound to make European allies happy.", "r": {"result": "Ikrarnya untuk berundur dari Iraq dan janjinya untuk tindakan tegas terhadap perubahan iklim pasti akan menggembirakan sekutu Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But issues like trade and increased troops for Afghanistan could spark new differences with Europe.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi isu seperti perdagangan dan peningkatan tentera untuk Afghanistan boleh mencetuskan perbezaan baharu dengan Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has pledged to make Middle East peace a priority from Day One.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah berjanji untuk menjadikan keamanan Timur Tengah sebagai keutamaan mulai Hari Pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arabs are already calling for a more even-handed approach, while Israel is expecting Obama to stay true to the pro-Israel posture he showed during the campaign.", "r": {"result": "Orang Arab sudah pun menyeru kepada pendekatan yang lebih adil, manakala Israel menjangkakan Obama akan kekal dengan sikap pro-Israel yang ditunjukkannya semasa kempen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are other complications -- like politics on the ground.", "r": {"result": "Dan terdapat komplikasi lain -- seperti politik di lapangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli elections early next year could bring hawkish former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu back to power.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya Israel awal tahun depan boleh membawa bekas Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu yang hawkish kembali berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is unable to win support from Hamas next year to extend his term, his re-election is far from certain.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika Presiden Palestin sederhana Mahmoud Abbas tidak dapat memenangi sokongan daripada Hamas tahun depan untuk melanjutkan tempohnya, pemilihan semula beliau masih jauh dari pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has promised to engage Iran's leaders on a multitude of issues, but it remains to be seen if Iran would accept any deal to give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah berjanji untuk melibatkan pemimpin Iran dalam pelbagai isu, tetapi ia masih harus dilihat jika Iran akan menerima sebarang perjanjian untuk berhenti mengejar senjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama could be forced into a devil's choice between military action (or supporting an Israeli strike) and living with a nuclear Iran.", "r": {"result": "Obama boleh dipaksa menjadi pilihan syaitan antara tindakan ketenteraan (atau menyokong serangan Israel) dan hidup dengan Iran nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is a long list of other pressing issues.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat senarai panjang isu mendesak lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama is likely to continue the Bush administration's policy of going after extremists in Pakistan.", "r": {"result": "Obama berkemungkinan akan meneruskan dasar pentadbiran Bush untuk mengejar pelampau di Pakistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in Africa, conflicts in Sudan, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo continue to churn.", "r": {"result": "Dan di Afrika, konflik di Sudan, Somalia dan Republik Demokratik Congo terus bergelora.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is by no means an exhaustive list.", "r": {"result": "Ini sama sekali bukan senarai yang lengkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Countries around the world will compete for Obama's attention.", "r": {"result": "Negara-negara di seluruh dunia akan bersaing untuk mendapatkan perhatian Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Africa, elated over the election of America's first black president, may expect increased attention and aid from the United States.", "r": {"result": "Afrika, gembira atas pemilihan presiden kulit hitam pertama Amerika, mungkin mengharapkan peningkatan perhatian dan bantuan daripada Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Additionally, Muslims familiar with Obama's Kenyan father and middle name, \"Hussein,\" may think he will be more understanding of their concerns.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, orang Islam yang biasa dengan bapa Kenya dan nama tengah Obama, \"Hussein,\" mungkin fikir dia akan lebih memahami kebimbangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will he embrace them or distance himself from them, in an effort to prove he does not hold any bias?", "r": {"result": "Adakah dia akan memeluk mereka atau menjauhkan diri daripada mereka, dalam usaha untuk membuktikan dia tidak mempunyai sebarang berat sebelah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president-elect must navigate this minefield of expectations.", "r": {"result": "Presiden yang dipilih mesti mengemudi medan ranjau harapan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once the gloss of this historic election wears off, the world will find Obama cannot be president to the world.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja pilihan raya bersejarah ini hilang, dunia akan mendapati Obama tidak boleh menjadi presiden kepada dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He can only be president of the United States and Americans will expect him to protect their interests first and foremost.", "r": {"result": "Dia hanya boleh menjadi presiden Amerika Syarikat dan rakyat Amerika akan mengharapkan dia melindungi kepentingan mereka terlebih dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Proponents of same-sex marriage got a boost on two fronts Monday, when the governor of Washington signed a bill legalizing marriage for gay and lesbian couples and the New Jersey state Senate voted 24-16 in favor of a similar bill.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Penyokong perkahwinan sejenis mendapat rangsangan dalam dua bidang Isnin, apabila gabenor Washington menandatangani rang undang-undang yang menghalalkan perkahwinan untuk pasangan gay dan lesbian dan Senat negeri New Jersey mengundi 24-16 menyokong rang undang-undang yang sama .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The New Jersey bill now goes to the Assembly, which is slated to vote Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang New Jersey kini pergi ke Perhimpunan, yang dijadualkan untuk mengundi Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're cautiously optimistic\" about its chances for passage, said Steven Goldstein, a spokesman for Garden State Equality, which has lobbied for the bill.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami optimis dengan berhati-hati\" tentang peluangnya untuk diluluskan, kata Steven Goldstein, jurucakap Garden State Equality, yang telah melobi rang undang-undang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the legislation is threatened in both states.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi undang-undang itu terancam di kedua-dua negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Jersey Gov.", "r": {"result": "New Jersey Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Christie said last month that the issue \"should not be decided by 121 people in the State House in Trenton\".", "r": {"result": "Chris Christie berkata bulan lalu bahawa isu itu \"tidak sepatutnya diputuskan oleh 121 orang di Dewan Negara di Trenton\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, he favors a statewide referendum.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, beliau memilih referendum seluruh negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that this is not an issue that should rest solely in my hands, in the hands of the Senate president or in the hands of the speaker or the other 118 members of the Legislature,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ini bukan isu yang harus terletak di tangan saya semata-mata, di tangan Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara atau di tangan speaker atau 118 ahli Dewan Undangan yang lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Let's let the people of New Jersey decide what is right for the state\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mari kita biarkan rakyat New Jersey memutuskan apa yang sesuai untuk negeri ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he vetoes the measure, \"the battle for overriding the veto begins,\" Goldstein said.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia memveto langkah itu, \"pertempuran untuk mengatasi veto bermula,\" kata Goldstein.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Gregoire's signature to legislation legalizing same-sex marriage added her state to a list that includes Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Iowa, New York and the District of Columbia.", "r": {"result": "Tandatangan Chris Gregoire kepada undang-undang yang menghalalkan perkahwinan sejenis menambah negerinya ke senarai yang termasuk Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Iowa, New York dan District of Columbia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The law will go into effect in June, when the legislative session ends, but opponents have vowed to try to halt its implementation by putting it on the November ballot.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang itu akan berkuat kuasa pada bulan Jun, apabila sesi perundangan berakhir, tetapi penentang telah berikrar untuk cuba menghentikan pelaksanaannya dengan meletakkannya pada undian November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That possibility did not appear to dampen the spirits of those who attended the bill-signing ceremony.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan itu nampaknya tidak mematahkan semangat mereka yang menghadiri majlis menandatangani rang undang-undang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have finally said yes to marriage equality,\" Gregoire said to applause moments before signing the bill.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akhirnya berkata ya kepada kesaksamaan perkahwinan,\" kata Gregoire sambil bertepuk tangan beberapa saat sebelum menandatangani rang undang-undang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It gives same-sex couples the same right to a marriage license as heterosexual couples\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia memberi pasangan sejenis hak yang sama untuk mendapatkan lesen perkahwinan seperti pasangan heteroseksual\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She noted that churches are not required to perform same-sex marriages under the law and expressed confidence that, if put to a state-wide vote, Washingtonians would back the measure.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyatakan bahawa gereja-gereja tidak diwajibkan untuk melakukan perkahwinan sejenis di bawah undang-undang dan menyatakan keyakinan bahawa, jika diundi di seluruh negeri, warga Washington akan menyokong langkah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe our Washingtonians will say yes because it's time for us to stand up for our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters, our moms and dads, our friends and the couple down the road,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya warga Washington kita akan berkata ya kerana sudah tiba masanya untuk kita berdiri untuk anak lelaki dan perempuan kita, adik-beradik kita, ibu dan ayah kita, rakan-rakan kita dan pasangan itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is time to give our loving gay and lesbian couples the right to a marriage license in Washington state\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah tiba masanya untuk memberi hak kepada pasangan gay dan lesbian yang penyayang untuk mendapatkan lesen perkahwinan di negeri Washington\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the news for same-sex marriage advocates is not all positive.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi berita untuk penyokong perkahwinan sejenis tidak semuanya positif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In states where legislators have passed Defense of Marriage Acts, which define marriage as being between a man and a woman only, they are taking defensive action.", "r": {"result": "Di negeri di mana penggubal undang-undang telah meluluskan Akta Pembelaan Perkahwinan, yang mentakrifkan perkahwinan sebagai antara lelaki dan wanita sahaja, mereka mengambil tindakan defensif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Carolina is set to vote in a May primary election on such an act, and Minnesota is to hold such a vote in November.", "r": {"result": "North Carolina bersedia untuk mengundi dalam pilihan raya utama Mei mengenai tindakan sedemikian, dan Minnesota akan mengadakan undian sedemikian pada bulan November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2009, Maine legislators passed a same-sex marriage bill that drew challenges by opponents who pushed for a referendum that ultimately overturned the law with 53% of the vote.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2009, penggubal undang-undang Maine meluluskan rang undang-undang perkahwinan sejenis yang menarik cabaran oleh pihak lawan yang mendesak referendum yang akhirnya membatalkan undang-undang dengan 53% undian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Proponents are trying to get it back on the ballot this year.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong cuba mendapatkannya semula dalam undian tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gay rights advocates have garnered thousands of signatures in an effort to force a second referendum in November.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong hak gay telah memperoleh beribu-ribu tandatangan dalam usaha untuk memaksa referendum kedua pada bulan November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In California, a 2008 public vote outlawed gay and lesbian couples' right to wed.", "r": {"result": "Di California, undian awam 2008 mengharamkan hak pasangan gay dan lesbian untuk berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two years later, a federal district court overturned the voter-approved measure known as Proposition 8, saying couples were unfairly denied their rights.", "r": {"result": "Dua tahun kemudian, mahkamah daerah persekutuan membatalkan langkah yang diluluskan pengundi yang dikenali sebagai Proposisi 8, dengan mengatakan pasangan tidak adil dinafikan hak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A federal appeals court ruled last week against California's ban, arguing that it unconstitutionally singles out gays and lesbians for discrimination.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah rayuan persekutuan memutuskan minggu lalu menentang larangan California, dengan alasan bahawa ia secara tidak mengikut perlembagaan memilih gay dan lesbian untuk diskriminasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ban has remained in place during the appeals process and could soon get a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court.", "r": {"result": "Larangan itu kekal berlaku semasa proses rayuan dan tidak lama lagi boleh mendapat keputusan daripada Mahkamah Agung A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Similar battles have unfolded in Maryland, where same-sex marriage opponents have pressed for referenda to counter bills that appear to enjoy growing support in their statehouse.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran serupa telah berlaku di Maryland, di mana penentang perkahwinan sejenis telah mendesak referenda untuk menentang rang undang-undang yang kelihatan menikmati sokongan yang semakin meningkat di rumah negara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage, predicted that the referenda will block the marriages from taking place.", "r": {"result": "Pertubuhan Perkahwinan Kebangsaan, yang menentang perkahwinan sejenis, meramalkan bahawa referenda itu akan menghalang perkahwinan itu daripada berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ultimately, the people are going to decide, and we're confident that the people will vote to protect marriage as the union between a man and a woman,\" President Brian Brown said.", "r": {"result": "\"Akhirnya, rakyat akan membuat keputusan, dan kami yakin bahawa rakyat akan mengundi untuk melindungi perkahwinan sebagai penyatuan antara seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita,\" kata Presiden Brian Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The legislature's decision is a decision against the will of the people\".", "r": {"result": "\u201cKeputusan badan perundangan adalah keputusan yang bertentangan dengan kehendak rakyat\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marriage, he said, is by definition the union of a man and a woman.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan, katanya, secara definisi adalah penyatuan seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The state did not create that definition; the state merely recognizes it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Negara tidak mencipta definisi itu; negara hanya mengiktirafnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Statewide votes are not the way to handle the issue, according to Thalia Zepatos, director of public engagement for Freedom to Marry.", "r": {"result": "Undi seluruh negeri bukanlah cara untuk menangani isu itu, menurut Thalia Zepatos, pengarah penglibatan awam untuk Freedom to Marry.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The question I like to pose to people is: Would you like the entire state to vote on whether you could marry your husband or wife\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Persoalan yang saya ingin ajukan kepada orang ramai ialah: Adakah anda mahu seluruh negeri mengundi sama ada anda boleh berkahwin dengan suami atau isteri anda\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she asked.", "r": {"result": "dia bertanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the trend among Americans seems to be moving toward acceptance of the practice.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi trend di kalangan rakyat Amerika nampaknya bergerak ke arah penerimaan amalan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A CNN/ORC International Poll carried out in September found that 53% of respondents said marriages between gay or lesbian couples should be recognized as valid, up from 44% in 2009. The poll had a sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan Antarabangsa CNN/ORC yang dijalankan pada bulan September mendapati bahawa 53% responden berkata perkahwinan antara pasangan gay atau lesbian harus diiktiraf sebagai sah, meningkat daripada 44% pada tahun 2009. Tinjauan tersebut mempunyai ralat pensampelan tambah atau tolak 3 mata peratusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In September's poll, Democrats favored recognizing them as valid by 67% to 31%, independents by 53% to 46%.", "r": {"result": "Pada tinjauan September, Demokrat memilih untuk mengiktiraf mereka sebagai sah sebanyak 67% hingga 31%, bebas sebanyak 53% hingga 46%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just 30% of Republicans said they favored recognizing same-sex marriage as valid, versus 69% who did not.", "r": {"result": "Hanya 30% daripada Republikan berkata mereka lebih suka mengiktiraf perkahwinan sejenis sebagai sah, berbanding 69% yang tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those results had a sampling error of plus or minus 6 points.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan tersebut mempunyai ralat pensampelan tambah atau tolak 6 mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dublin, Ireland (CNN) -- Ireland and the European Union are engaged in a strange and increasingly public tug of war.", "r": {"result": "Dublin, Ireland (CNN) -- Ireland dan Kesatuan Eropah terlibat dalam tarik tali yang aneh dan semakin umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dublin has been adamant that it doesn't need money from abroad to stay afloat despite a crisis in its banking sector.", "r": {"result": "Dublin bertegas bahawa ia tidak memerlukan wang dari luar negara untuk terus bertahan walaupun mengalami krisis dalam sektor perbankannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the republic's central bank governor admitted Thursday that the country was likely to accept a loan from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, gabenor bank pusat republik itu mengakui pada Khamis bahawa negara itu berkemungkinan menerima pinjaman daripada Kesatuan Eropah dan Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking on the phone from Frankfurt, Ireland's Central Bank governor Patrick Honohan told Irish broadcaster RTE that a loan worth \"tens of billions of euros\" is \"definitely likely to happen\".", "r": {"result": "Bercakap melalui telefon dari Frankfurt, gabenor Bank Pusat Ireland Patrick Hanohan memberitahu penyiar Ireland RTE bahawa pinjaman bernilai \"berpuluh bilion euro\" \"pasti mungkin berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Market conditions have not allowed us to go ahead without seeking the support of our international collaborators so that is what's ahead,\" he said, ahead of high-level talks between the Irish government and the IMF and ECB talks in Dublin Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Keadaan pasaran tidak membenarkan kami meneruskan tanpa mendapatkan sokongan rakan usaha sama antarabangsa kami jadi itulah yang akan datang,\" katanya, menjelang rundingan peringkat tinggi antara kerajaan Ireland dan rundingan IMF dan ECB di Dublin Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are there to investigate what aid, if any, is needed and whether all that is required is a loan guarantee.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berada di sana untuk menyiasat apakah bantuan, jika ada, yang diperlukan dan sama ada semua yang diperlukan adalah jaminan pinjaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So it's a loan, not a bailout?", "r": {"result": "Jadi ia adalah pinjaman, bukan bailout?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The central bank governor was very specific in his terminology.", "r": {"result": "Gabenor bank pusat sangat spesifik dalam istilahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When you are talking about the IMF, the IMF talks about loans -- not bailouts.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila anda bercakap tentang IMF, IMF bercakap mengenai pinjaman -- bukan penyelamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Loans get repaid so there hasn't been a bailout from the IMF.", "r": {"result": "Pinjaman dibayar balik supaya tidak ada bailout daripada IMF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shareholders in the IMF -- which are governments -- get their return on the money that they have advanced to the IMF,\" Honohan said.", "r": {"result": "Para pemegang saham dalam IMF -- yang merupakan kerajaan -- mendapat pulangan mereka daripada wang yang telah dimajukan kepada IMF,\" kata Hanohan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before Honohan's statement, all talk was about the pressure the European Union was putting on Ireland to accept a rescue package as the euro took a battering on contagion fears.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum kenyataan Honohan, semua perbincangan adalah mengenai tekanan yang diberikan oleh Kesatuan Eropah ke atas Ireland untuk menerima pakej penyelamatan kerana mata wang euro mengalami kebimbangan terhadap penularan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The worry was -- and still is -- that Ireland's problems could exert further pressure on other ailing countries, namely Portugal and Spain, which are already struggling to pay their debuts.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan adalah -- dan masih -- bahawa masalah Ireland boleh memberi tekanan lebih lanjut kepada negara lain yang sakit, iaitu Portugal dan Sepanyol, yang sudah bergelut untuk membayar penampilan sulung mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relief in Ireland would bring yields on Portuguese and Spanish government bonds back to normal levels would mean they pay less on interest and more, hopefully, toward reducing their own deficits.", "r": {"result": "Pelepasan di Ireland akan membawa hasil pada bon kerajaan Portugis dan Sepanyol kembali ke paras normal bermakna mereka membayar lebih sedikit untuk faedah dan lebih, diharapkan, ke arah mengurangkan defisit mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "IHS Global Insight estimates banking-related costs will eventually mount to some 30 percent of Irish GDP.", "r": {"result": "IHS Global Insight menganggarkan kos berkaitan perbankan akhirnya akan meningkat kepada kira-kira 30 peratus daripada KDNK Ireland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On a banking crisis 'Richter scale' this is a 'very severe crisis' of about seven to eight out of 12,\" director of sovereign risk Jan Randolph said in a briefing note.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada krisis perbankan 'skala Richter' ini adalah 'krisis yang sangat teruk' kira-kira tujuh hingga lapan daripada 12,\" kata pengarah risiko kedaulatan Jan Randolph dalam nota taklimat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For comparison, that is less severe than the Iceland banking crisis (10 to 12), but more serious than the banking tremors in the UK and the U.S. (four to five).", "r": {"result": "Sebagai perbandingan, itu kurang teruk daripada krisis perbankan Iceland (10 hingga 12), tetapi lebih serius daripada gegaran perbankan di UK dan A.S. (empat hingga lima).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So why was Ireland resisting aid?", "r": {"result": "Jadi mengapa Ireland menolak bantuan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As recently as Wednesday, Ireland's finance minister Brian Lenihan was insisting that the country's banks had \"no funding difficulties\".", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini pada hari Rabu, menteri kewangan Ireland Brian Lenihan menegaskan bahawa bank negara itu \"tiada masalah pembiayaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By Thursday, he was being quoted as saying that a substantial contingency fund from the EU and IMF would be a \"very desirable outcome\".", "r": {"result": "Menjelang Khamis, beliau dipetik sebagai berkata bahawa dana luar jangka yang besar daripada EU dan IMF akan menjadi \"hasil yang sangat diingini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government has resisted the idea of a financial aid package because it would inevitably come with strings attached.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan telah menolak idea pakej bantuan kewangan kerana ia pasti akan datang dengan rentetan yang terikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country's low 12.5 percent corporation tax rate was a point of contention.", "r": {"result": "Kadar cukai perbadanan 12.5 peratus yang rendah di negara ini menjadi pertikaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ireland has said the tax is \"non-negotiable\" despite complaints from other EU members that the tax gives the country and an unfair advantage when it comes to attracting business.", "r": {"result": "Ireland berkata cukai itu \"tidak boleh dirunding\" walaupun terdapat aduan daripada ahli EU yang lain bahawa cukai itu memberi negara dan kelebihan yang tidak adil dalam menarik perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ireland's 2011 budget is due out on December 7 and the government has been keen to stress that it will include sufficient spending cuts to get the country back in shape without outside help.", "r": {"result": "Bajet 2011 Ireland akan dikeluarkan pada 7 Disember dan kerajaan telah berminat untuk menekankan bahawa ia akan memasukkan pemotongan perbelanjaan yang mencukupi untuk memulihkan keadaan negara tanpa bantuan luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How did Ireland get into this mess?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah Ireland masuk ke dalam keadaan huru-hara ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ireland recorded stunning economic growth during what is known as the \"Celtic Tiger\" era from around 1993 to 2007 when the global financial crisis hit.", "r": {"result": "Ireland mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang menakjubkan semasa apa yang dikenali sebagai era \"Celtic Tiger\" dari sekitar 1993 hingga 2007 apabila krisis kewangan global melanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Irish banks, like others around the world, loaned money to people who in some cases couldn't pay it back.", "r": {"result": "Bank Ireland, seperti yang lain di seluruh dunia, meminjamkan wang kepada orang yang dalam beberapa kes tidak dapat membayarnya kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cheap loans created extra demand for housing and as prices surged the construction industry raced to build more.", "r": {"result": "Pinjaman murah mewujudkan permintaan tambahan untuk perumahan dan apabila harga melonjak, industri pembinaan berlumba-lumba untuk membina lebih banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The building frenzy was, in reality, driven by the ambitions and actions of developers and speculators, supported by banks hungry for quick profits, pro-growth local authorities afraid to be left behind, and a government greedy for the indirect, cyclic taxes the construction sector generated,\" according to a recent report from the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA).", "r": {"result": "\"Kegilaan bangunan itu, pada hakikatnya, didorong oleh cita-cita dan tindakan pemaju dan spekulator, disokong oleh bank yang laparkan keuntungan cepat, pihak berkuasa tempatan yang pro-pertumbuhan takut ketinggalan, dan kerajaan yang tamak untuk cukai tidak langsung dan kitaran sektor pembinaan dijana,\" menurut laporan baru-baru ini dari Institut Nasional untuk Analisis Serantau dan Ruang (NIRSA).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to central bank figures released on November 17, the number of mortgage loans in arrears has jumped by 11 percent since the end of June.", "r": {"result": "Menurut angka bank pusat yang dikeluarkan pada 17 November, jumlah pinjaman gadai janji yang tertunggak telah melonjak sebanyak 11 peratus sejak akhir Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the end of September, more than 40,000 mortgage loans had been in arrears for more than 90 days.", "r": {"result": "Pada akhir September, lebih daripada 40,000 pinjaman gadai janji telah tertunggak selama lebih daripada 90 hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Combined, the mortgage loans are worth EUR7.8 billion ($10.6B).", "r": {"result": "Digabungkan, pinjaman gadai janji bernilai EUR7.8 bilion ($10.6B).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Hilary Whiteman contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Hilary Whiteman dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- How free are you to say what you think and what you believe?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sejauh manakah anda bebas untuk menyatakan apa yang anda fikirkan dan apa yang anda percayai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How free are you to hear the views of others, of those who challenge widely held beliefs or dare to criticize the powerful?", "r": {"result": "Sejauh manakah anda bebas untuk mendengar pandangan orang lain, mereka yang mencabar kepercayaan yang dipegang secara meluas atau berani mengkritik yang berkuasa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Upon the answer to that question lies the essence and the soul of democracy.", "r": {"result": "Di atas jawapan kepada persoalan itu terletak intipati dan jiwa demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why today we have more conclusive evidence that democracy is faltering in Russia and why we see alarming signs that the revolution in Egypt may lead not toward, but away from, the democratic path.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya hari ini kita mempunyai bukti yang lebih konklusif bahawa demokrasi sedang goyah di Rusia dan mengapa kita melihat tanda-tanda yang membimbangkan bahawa revolusi di Mesir mungkin membawa bukan ke arah, tetapi menjauhi, jalan demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's also why we have reason to feel encouraged about the prospects for change in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) and why we know that, despite populist claims, democracy in places such as Iran, Venezuela and Ecuador -- the country that offered asylum to WikiLeaks' Julian Assange -- is either dead, dying or suffering a serious illness.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya kami mempunyai sebab untuk berasa digalakkan tentang prospek perubahan di Myanmar (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Burma) dan sebab kami tahu bahawa, walaupun terdapat tuntutan populis, demokrasi di tempat seperti Iran, Venezuela dan Ecuador -- negara yang menawarkan suaka kepada Julian Assange dari WikiLeaks -- sama ada telah meninggal dunia, meninggal dunia atau mengalami penyakit serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's why we know that China has not a shred of democratic rule.", "r": {"result": "Dan itulah sebabnya kita tahu bahawa China tidak mempunyai sedikit pun pemerintahan demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Russian authorities decided to throw the book at three punk-rock performers from the provocatively named group Pussy Riot, the issue was always democracy or, rather, lack of it.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pihak berkuasa Rusia memutuskan untuk melemparkan buku itu kepada tiga penghibur punk-rock dari kumpulan Pussy Riot yang dinamakan secara provokatif, isu itu sentiasa berdemokrasi atau, sebaliknya, kekurangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors charged the three -- Maria Alyokhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova -- with hooliganism and religious incitement after they staged their iconoclastic show earlier this year in Moscow.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya mendakwa ketiga-tiga mereka -- Maria Alyokhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich dan Nadezhda Tolokonnikova -- dengan samseng dan hasutan agama selepas mereka mengadakan pertunjukan ikonoklastik awal tahun ini di Moscow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The three burst onto the altar of the city's Cathedral of Christ Our Savior, wearing their trademark face covers and brightly colored balaclavas, and spent 40 seconds chanting their song \"Mother of God, Cast Putin Out,\" which later became part of their YouTube hit \"Punk Prayer\".", "r": {"result": "Ketiga-tiga mereka menyerbu mezbah Katedral Christ Our Savior di bandar itu, memakai penutup muka tanda dagangan mereka dan balaclava berwarna terang, dan menghabiskan 40 saat melaungkan lagu mereka \"Mother of God, Cast Putin Out,\" yang kemudiannya menjadi sebahagian daripada hit YouTube mereka \"Doa Punk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The performance was meant to shock.", "r": {"result": "Persembahan itu bertujuan untuk mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, more than anything, it was an act of protest.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, lebih daripada segala-galanya, ia adalah satu tindakan protes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like others in Russia, they were taking on the increasingly authoritative rule of President Vladimir Putin.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang lain di Rusia, mereka mengambil alih pemerintahan Presiden Vladimir Putin yang semakin berwibawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And, in this case, they wanted to draw attention, they said, to the church's growing role in politics.", "r": {"result": "Dan, dalam kes ini, mereka mahu menarik perhatian, kata mereka, kepada peranan gereja yang semakin meningkat dalam politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Normally, the disruptive show would have received a fine, charges of disturbing the peace or disrupting a religious service.", "r": {"result": "Lazimnya, pertunjukan yang mengganggu itu akan menerima denda, tuduhan mengganggu ketenteraman atau mengganggu upacara keagamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in today's Russia, you cannot take on the president without serious consequences.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di Rusia hari ini, anda tidak boleh mengambil presiden tanpa akibat yang serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The women of Pussy Riot gained notoriety partly for the name of their group and their colorful antics.", "r": {"result": "Wanita Pussy Riot mendapat kemasyhuran sebahagiannya kerana nama kumpulan mereka dan telatah berwarna-warni mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But their case is only the most highly publicized of a number of terrible abuses of the law against critics of the president.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kes mereka hanyalah yang paling dihebahkan daripada beberapa penyalahgunaan undang-undang yang mengerikan terhadap pengkritik presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alexei Navalny, one of the most popular of Putin's detractors, has been charged with embezzlement on what many people believe are trumped up charges.", "r": {"result": "Alexei Navalny, salah seorang pengkritik Putin yang paling popular, telah didakwa dengan penyelewengan terhadap perkara yang dipercayai oleh ramai orang sebagai tuduhan palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky remains in a Siberian prison, where he has been since 2005 after daring to challenge Putin's authority.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik Kremlin, Mikhail Khodorkovsky kekal di penjara Siberia, tempat dia berada sejak 2005 selepas berani mencabar kuasa Putin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Countless Russian journalists have died mysterious deaths, as have anti-corruption crusaders, such as Sergei Magnitsky.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Rusia yang tidak terkira banyaknya telah meninggal dunia secara misteri, begitu juga dengan tentera salib anti-rasuah, seperti Sergei Magnitsky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opposition leader Garry Kasparov, the former chess champion, has come under physical attack.", "r": {"result": "Ketua pembangkang Garry Kasparov, bekas juara catur, telah diserang secara fizikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attacking the opposition, imprisoning one's critics is one way to tighten one's hold on power.", "r": {"result": "Menyerang pembangkang, memenjarakan pengkritik adalah salah satu cara untuk mengetatkan pegangan kuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there is no better way to maintain the perception of democracy than by controlling what the people -- the voters -- are allowed to hear and read and think.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk mengekalkan persepsi demokrasi selain dengan mengawal apa yang rakyat -- pengundi -- dibenarkan untuk mendengar dan membaca dan berfikir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why restricting freedom of expression, especially media freedoms, is the favorite sport of authoritarian governments that want to preserve the appearance of democratic legitimacy.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya menyekat kebebasan bersuara, terutamanya kebebasan media, adalah sukan kegemaran kerajaan autoritarian yang ingin mengekalkan penampilan legitimasi demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Winning an election could confer democratic legitimacy.", "r": {"result": "Memenangi pilihan raya boleh memberikan legitimasi demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what happens when the opposition doesn't have access to the media?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apa yang berlaku apabila pembangkang tidak mempunyai akses kepada media?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What happens when journalists are not free to criticize the government?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang berlaku apabila wartawan tidak bebas mengkritik kerajaan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's when democracy dies, even if it lives in a zombie state, with leaders elected by voters with access only to views in support of the regime or where the president's critics are smeared, ridiculed and maligned, as happens in far too many places.", "r": {"result": "Ketika itulah demokrasi mati, walaupun ia hidup dalam keadaan zombie, dengan pemimpin yang dipilih oleh pengundi dengan akses hanya kepada pandangan menyokong rejim atau di mana pengkritik presiden dicemari, dicemuh dan difitnah, seperti yang berlaku di terlalu banyak tempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Egypt, which has its first elected president, there is evidence of a move to stifle criticism and bring a single point of view to the public.", "r": {"result": "Di Mesir, yang mempunyai presiden pertama yang dilantik, terdapat bukti langkah untuk menyekat kritikan dan membawa satu sudut pandangan kepada umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the newspaper Al-Dustour ran a list of accusations against the Muslim Brotherhood, from whose ranks President Mohamed Morsy rose, authorities removed every issue from the stands.", "r": {"result": "Apabila akhbar Al-Dustour menyiarkan senarai tuduhan terhadap Ikhwanul Muslimin, yang mana Presiden Mohamed Morsy naik pangkat, pihak berkuasa mengeluarkan setiap isu dari tempat duduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The paper's editor, Islam Afifi, is one of several journalists charged with insulting the president.", "r": {"result": "Pengarang akhbar itu, Islam Afifi, adalah salah seorang daripada beberapa wartawan yang didakwa menghina presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Afifi says the Brotherhood wants to \"silence any opposition to their policies\".", "r": {"result": "Afifi berkata Ikhwan mahu \"mendiamkan sebarang penentangan terhadap dasar mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Upper House, dominated by Islamist legislators, just hand-picked 50 newspaper editors for state-owned publications.", "r": {"result": "Dewan Tinggi, yang didominasi oleh penggubal undang-undang Islam, hanya memilih sendiri 50 editor akhbar untuk penerbitan milik kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morsy named a Brotherhood activist, Salah Abdel Maksoud, as information minister, adding to fears among many journalists that Islamists will gain control of the media.", "r": {"result": "Morsy menamakan seorang aktivis Ikhwan, Salah Abdel Maksoud, sebagai menteri penerangan, menambah kebimbangan di kalangan ramai wartawan bahawa Islamis akan menguasai media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Ecuador, the country whose democratically elected president has embraced WikiLeak's Assange, a self-described champion of freedom of expression, journalists say President Rafael Correa has launched a campaign of fear and intimidation to stifle criticism.", "r": {"result": "Di Ecuador, negara yang presidennya yang dipilih secara demokrasi telah menerima WikiLeak's Assange, seorang juara kebebasan bersuara yang digambarkan sendiri, wartawan berkata Presiden Rafael Correa telah melancarkan kempen ketakutan dan ugutan untuk menyekat kritikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ecuador's mind-boggling media law prohibits reports and even editorials that \"have a bearing, in favor of or against a specific candidate, proposal, option, electoral preference or political thesis\".", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang media Ecuador yang membingungkan melarang laporan dan juga editorial yang \"mempunyai kaitan, memihak atau menentang calon, cadangan, pilihan, pilihan pilihan raya atau tesis politik tertentu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Committee to Protect Journalists calls it \"coerced pre-emption\" and says it adds to a program of smear campaigns and defamation laws aimed at producing self-censorship.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa Melindungi Wartawan menggelarnya sebagai \"penggunaan paksaan\" dan mengatakan ia menambah program kempen fitnah dan undang-undang fitnah yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan penapisan sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Self-censorship, of course, is the ultimate desired result.", "r": {"result": "Penapisan diri, sudah tentu, adalah hasil yang diinginkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the government doesn't have to imprison or harass its critics anymore because no one dares criticize it, then democracy is only skin deep, no matter how free elections appear.", "r": {"result": "Apabila kerajaan tidak perlu memenjarakan atau mengganggu pengkritiknya lagi kerana tiada siapa yang berani mengkritiknya, maka demokrasi hanya sedalam kulit, tidak kira bagaimana pilihan raya bebas muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, few dare to criticize the government, and voters are exposed to glowing reviews of their leader's prowess and wisdom.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, tidak ramai yang berani mengkritik kerajaan, dan pengundi terdedah kepada ulasan cemerlang tentang kehebatan dan kebijaksanaan pemimpin mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's easy to win elections that way.", "r": {"result": "Mudah untuk memenangi pilihan raya dengan cara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ecuador is following the model put in place by Venezuela, where President Hugo Chavez imposed the Law on Social Responsibility in Radio and Television, complete with multimillion dollar fines and shutting down of outlets that run afoul of the government.", "r": {"result": "Ecuador mengikuti model yang dibuat oleh Venezuela, di mana Presiden Hugo Chavez mengenakan Undang-undang Tanggungjawab Sosial dalam Radio dan Televisyen, lengkap dengan denda berjuta-juta dolar dan menutup cawangan yang bertentangan dengan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To keep a patina of democratic freedom, some opposition is allowed to function, but the playing field is sharply tilted.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengekalkan patina kebebasan demokrasi, beberapa pembangkang dibenarkan untuk berfungsi, tetapi padang permainan condong dengan ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those tactics are much more subtle than Iran's, where the government has thrown scores of journalists in prison.", "r": {"result": "Taktik itu jauh lebih halus daripada Iran, di mana kerajaan telah melemparkan berjuta-juta wartawan ke dalam penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The regime has not only imprisoned and tortured journalists, it has also shut down newspapers, blocked websites and jammed satellite signals.", "r": {"result": "Rejim itu bukan sahaja telah memenjarakan dan menyeksa wartawan, ia juga telah menutup akhbar, menyekat laman web dan menyekat isyarat satelit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government now says it plans to stop using the Internet by 2013 because it is \"untrustworthy\".", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan kini berkata ia merancang untuk berhenti menggunakan Internet menjelang 2013 kerana ia \"tidak boleh dipercayai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sadly, restrictions on freedom of expression, one of the most fundamental of all human rights, are much more widespread than most people realize.", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, sekatan ke atas kebebasan bersuara, salah satu hak asasi manusia yang paling asas, jauh lebih meluas daripada yang disedari oleh kebanyakan orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Freedom House, a human rights advocacy group, only 14.5% of the world's people live in places with true media freedom.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Freedom House, sebuah kumpulan pembela hak asasi manusia, hanya 14.5% penduduk dunia tinggal di tempat yang mempunyai kebebasan media sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The encouraging news in all of this is that the efforts of authoritarian regimes to silence their critics highlight the power of words, the power of free expression and the importance even they place on having democratic legitimacy.", "r": {"result": "Berita yang menggalakkan dalam semua ini ialah usaha rejim autoritarian untuk menutup mulut pengkritik mereka menonjolkan kuasa kata-kata, kuasa kebebasan bersuara dan kepentingan yang mereka letakkan untuk memiliki legitimasi demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That remains a powerful incentive for advocates of democracy to keep up their fight.", "r": {"result": "Itu kekal sebagai insentif yang kuat untuk penyokong demokrasi untuk meneruskan perjuangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If they lose the battle to pry open the flow of ideas, they will lose the struggle for democracy, because even when a president is elected, if the people are not free to criticize him and his policies, then democracy is a mirage -- and so is freedom.", "r": {"result": "Jika mereka kalah dalam perjuangan untuk membongkar aliran idea, mereka akan kehilangan perjuangan untuk demokrasi, kerana walaupun seorang presiden dipilih, jika rakyat tidak bebas untuk mengkritik beliau dan dasar-dasarnya, maka demokrasi adalah fatamorgana -- dan begitu juga dengan kebebasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Join us at Facebook/CNNOpinion.", "r": {"result": "Sertai kami di Facebook/CNNOpinion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Frida Ghitis.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Frida Ghitis semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Park Ji-Sung made history this year when the Manchester United midfielder became the first Korean to appear in the final of the European Champions League.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Park Ji-Sung mencipta sejarah tahun ini apabila pemain tengah Manchester United itu menjadi pemain Korea pertama yang muncul di final Liga Juara-Juara Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manchester United's Park Ji-Sung in action for his club.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Manchester United Park Ji-Sung beraksi untuk kelabnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 28-year-old finished on the losing side in May, after Alex Ferguson's team were beaten 2-0 by Spain's Barcelona on the night, but for Park, his inclusion in the starting eleven represented a significant achievement.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 28 tahun itu menamatkan saingan di bahagian kalah pada Mei, selepas pasukan Alex Ferguson dikalahkan 2-0 oleh Barcelona dari Sepanyol pada malam itu, tetapi bagi Park, kemasukannya dalam kesebelasan utama mewakili pencapaian yang ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN will be traveling to the Red Devils' training ground on September 21 to speak to Park about his life, and we're giving you the chance to question the man himself.", "r": {"result": "CNN akan pergi ke tempat latihan Red Devils pada 21 September untuk bercakap dengan Park tentang kehidupannya, dan kami memberi anda peluang untuk menyoal lelaki itu sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do you want to ask Park Ji-Sung?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang awak nak tanya Park Ji-Sung?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When it comes to Asian football, there's no bigger star than Park Ji-Sung.", "r": {"result": "Apabila bercakap mengenai bola sepak Asia, tidak ada bintang yang lebih besar daripada Park Ji-Sung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The midfielder is a hero in his home country, not only for captaining the national team, but also for flying the flag for Korean football abroad thanks to a string of lung-busting performances for one of the world's most famous club sides.", "r": {"result": "Pemain tengah itu adalah wira di negara asalnya, bukan sahaja untuk menjadi kapten pasukan kebangsaan, tetapi juga untuk mengibarkan bendera bola sepak Korea di luar negara hasil rentetan persembahan yang menyukarkan paru-paru untuk salah satu kelab paling terkenal di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Video : Park Ji-Sung talks to CNN.", "r": {"result": "Video : Park Ji-Sung bercakap dengan CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, he has been nicknamed \"Three-lung Park\" by the media in his homeland, thanks to his seemingly overflowing energy supply.", "r": {"result": "Malah, dia telah digelar \"Taman Tiga Paru\" oleh media di tanah airnya, berkat bekalan tenaganya yang kelihatan melimpah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same newspapers plaster Park on their front pages whenever he plays.", "r": {"result": "Akhbar yang sama menampal Park di muka depan mereka setiap kali dia bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet when he signed for Manchester United from Dutch side PSV Eindhoven, some unfairly thought that it was a mere sop, a marketing tool for Manchester United to sell more replica shirts.", "r": {"result": "Namun apabila dia menandatangani kontrak dengan Manchester United dari kelab Belanda PSV Eindhoven, ada yang secara tidak adil menyangka bahawa ia adalah satu alat pemasaran untuk Manchester United menjual lebih banyak baju replika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Check out CNN's Park Ji-Sung gallery.", "r": {"result": "Lihat galeri Park Ji-Sung CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Ferguson has had other ideas, picking Park for some of United's most important games.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Ferguson mempunyai idea lain, memilih Park untuk beberapa perlawanan terpenting United.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He has developed his tactical and technical ability and he has become a very important player for us,\" Ferguson told a press conference during United's summer tour of Korea.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah mengembangkan keupayaan taktikal dan teknikalnya dan dia telah menjadi pemain yang sangat penting bagi kami,\" kata Ferguson pada sidang akhbar semasa jelajah musim panas United di Korea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He has had a fantastic career with us\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mempunyai kerjaya yang hebat bersama kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That career has seen him earn a Champions League winner's medal, numerous Premier League titles and a fourth place finish at the 2002 World Cup finals.", "r": {"result": "Kerjaya itu telah menyaksikan dia memperoleh pingat pemenang Liga Juara-Juara, banyak gelaran Liga Perdana dan tempat keempat pada pusingan akhir Piala Dunia 2002.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If anything this year has been his best yet.", "r": {"result": "Jika apa-apa tahun ini adalah yang terbaik untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Following last season's English Premier League title, and a start in this year's Champions League final, he led South Korea to the 2010 World Cup finals, scoring a late goal against Iran to secure their automatic qualification for South Africa.", "r": {"result": "Mengikuti kejuaraan Liga Perdana Inggeris musim lalu, dan permulaan dalam perlawanan akhir Liga Juara-Juara tahun ini, dia membawa Korea Selatan ke pusingan akhir Piala Dunia 2010, menjaringkan gol lewat menentang Iran untuk memastikan kelayakan automatik mereka ke Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To confirm his status, he has just signed a two-year extension at United.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengesahkan statusnya, dia baru sahaja menandatangani kontrak lanjutan dua tahun di United.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now CNN are offering you the chance to put your questions to arguably Asia's greatest player.", "r": {"result": "Dan kini CNN menawarkan anda peluang untuk mengemukakan soalan anda kepada pemain terbaik Asia yang boleh dikatakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is Alex Ferguson like to work with?", "r": {"result": "Apakah keunikan Alex Ferguson untuk bekerja?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What has been the highlight of his career so far?", "r": {"result": "Apakah kemuncak kerjayanya setakat ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And what hope do South Korea have of emulating their 2002 World Cup glory in South Africa next summer?", "r": {"result": "Dan apakah harapan Korea Selatan untuk mencontohi kejayaan Piala Dunia 2002 mereka di Afrika Selatan pada musim panas akan datang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leave your questions below.", "r": {"result": "Tinggalkan soalan anda di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Britons, Germans and other tourists on the Spanish island of Mallorca \"can feel safe because they aren't targets of the ETA terrorist band,\" which recently bombed the popular resort, Spain's interior minister said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Rakyat Britain, Jerman dan pelancong lain di pulau Mallorca Sepanyol \"boleh berasa selamat kerana mereka bukan sasaran kumpulan pengganas ETA,\" yang baru-baru ini mengebom resort popular itu, kata menteri dalam negeri Sepanyol Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police cordon off the route leading to the location of the blasts in Palma de Mallorca.", "r": {"result": "Polis mengepung laluan menuju ke lokasi letupan di Palma de Mallorca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People should feel safe because security forces are on top of this,\" Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba told a nationally-televised news conference in Madrid.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai sepatutnya berasa selamat kerana pasukan keselamatan berada di atas perkara ini,\" kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba pada sidang akhbar yang disiarkan secara nasional di Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubalcaba's comments followed the Sunday explosions on Mallorca of what he said were four small ETA bombs that caused no injuries, and two weeks after an ETA car bomb killed two Civil Guard officers on the same Mediterranean island.", "r": {"result": "Komen Rubalcaba berikutan letupan Ahad di Mallorca yang dikatakannya ialah empat bom ETA kecil yang tidak menyebabkan kecederaan, dan dua minggu selepas bom kereta ETA membunuh dua pegawai Pengawal Awam di pulau Mediterranean yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Rubalcaba said police aren't sure if the ETA militants behind the bombings remain in hiding on the island or have left, and he warned repeatedly that the Basque separatist group could attack again.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Rubalcaba berkata polis tidak pasti sama ada militan ETA di sebalik pengeboman kekal bersembunyi di pulau itu atau telah pergi, dan dia memberi amaran berulang kali bahawa kumpulan pemisah Basque boleh menyerang semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are on maximum alert in Mallorca and the rest of Spain,\" Rubalcaba said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berada dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga maksimum di Mallorca dan seluruh Sepanyol,\" kata Rubalcaba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"ETA, when it can, attacks, so you can't rule out that they won't attack again.", "r": {"result": "\u201cETA, apabila boleh, menyerang, jadi anda tidak boleh menolak bahawa mereka tidak akan menyerang lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We try to prevent them from doing so\".", "r": {"result": "Kami cuba menghalang mereka daripada berbuat demikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch background behind ETA's decades-long struggle >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton latar belakang perjuangan ETA selama beberapa dekad >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The island's regional government told CNN on Monday that since the bombings, there have been no \"significant\" tourist cancellations.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan wilayah pulau itu memberitahu CNN pada hari Isnin bahawa sejak pengeboman, tidak ada pembatalan pelancong yang \"ketara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tens of thousands of Britons and Germans are vacationing on Mallorca, as is Spain's King Juan Carlos and the royal family.", "r": {"result": "Puluhan ribu rakyat Britain dan Jerman sedang bercuti di Mallorca, begitu juga dengan Raja Sepanyol Juan Carlos dan keluarga diraja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ETA is blamed for more than 800 deaths in its long fight for Basque independence.", "r": {"result": "ETA dipersalahkan atas lebih 800 kematian dalam perjuangan panjangnya untuk kemerdekaan Basque.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police initially attributed three small bombs on Sunday to ETA, which is listed as a terrorist group by Spain, the United States and the European Union.", "r": {"result": "Polis pada mulanya mengaitkan tiga bom kecil pada hari Ahad dengan ETA, yang disenaraikan sebagai kumpulan pengganas oleh Sepanyol, Amerika Syarikat dan Kesatuan Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Tuesday, Rubalcaba confirmed that police believe a fourth bomb also was ETA's work.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Selasa, Rubalcaba mengesahkan bahawa polis percaya bom keempat juga adalah kerja ETA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some local authorities initially thought it might have been just an accidental gas explosion.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pihak berkuasa tempatan pada mulanya menyangka ia mungkin hanya letupan gas yang tidak disengajakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three of the bombs exploded in the restrooms of restaurants and a bar in the main city, Palma de Mallorca, and the other was placed in the restroom of an underground commercial area beneath a main square.", "r": {"result": "Tiga daripada bom meletup di tandas restoran dan bar di bandar utama, Palma de Mallorca, dan satu lagi diletakkan di tandas kawasan komersial bawah tanah di bawah dataran utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubalcaba revealed that at least one of the bombs was in a male lavatory; previously it was reported they were all in women's restrooms.", "r": {"result": "Rubalcaba mendedahkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya satu daripada bom itu berada di dalam tandas lelaki; sebelum ini dilaporkan mereka semua berada di tandas wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubalcaba said one of the three warning calls on Sunday preceding the attacks came from near Bordeaux, France --- ETA's traditional rear-guard base.", "r": {"result": "Rubalcaba berkata satu daripada tiga panggilan amaran pada Ahad sebelum serangan itu datang dari dekat Bordeaux, Perancis --- pangkalan pengawal belakang tradisional ETA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The warning calls, he added, provided only scant details about the bombs' locations to police.", "r": {"result": "Panggilan amaran itu, tambahnya, hanya memberikan butiran sedikit tentang lokasi bom kepada polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The four small bombs were activated by timers, and one of them was hidden in a bar that had been closed since Friday.", "r": {"result": "Empat bom kecil itu diaktifkan oleh pemasa, dan salah satu daripadanya disembunyikan dalam bar yang telah ditutup sejak Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubalcaba reiterated the government's position that \"these attacks don't do anything but strengthen our determination.", "r": {"result": "Rubalcaba mengulangi pendirian kerajaan bahawa \"serangan ini tidak melakukan apa-apa tetapi menguatkan keazaman kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those who placed the bombs will spend long years in jail and recent experience says they will\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang meletakkan bom akan menghabiskan bertahun-tahun di penjara dan pengalaman baru-baru ini mengatakan mereka akan melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ETA has been battered over the past 16 months by arrests of four suspected top ETA military chiefs and dozens of militants.", "r": {"result": "ETA telah dipukul sejak 16 bulan lalu oleh penahanan empat ketua tentera ETA yang disyaki dan berpuluh-puluh militan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hours before Sunday's bombs, ETA claimed responsibility for a series of bombings across Spain in June and July: the one that killed two Civil Guard officers, another that killed a police officer, and another that heavily damaged a Civil Guard barracks, slightly wounded dozens, including children.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam sebelum pengeboman Ahad, ETA mengaku bertanggungjawab atas beberapa siri pengeboman di seluruh Sepanyol pada bulan Jun dan Julai: yang membunuh dua pegawai Pengawal Awam, seorang lagi membunuh seorang pegawai polis, dan seorang lagi yang merosakkan berek Pengawal Awam dengan teruk, berpuluh-puluh cedera ringan, termasuk kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement released to the Basque newspaper Gara, ETA said those attacks were in retaliation for the Socialist government's crackdown on its ranks.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan kepada akhbar Basque Gara, ETA berkata serangan itu adalah sebagai tindakan balas terhadap tindakan keras kerajaan Sosialis terhadap barisannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group said, \"What ETA has been looking for during long decades is a negotiated political solution\".", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu berkata, \"Apa yang ETA telah cari selama beberapa dekad adalah penyelesaian politik yang dirundingkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Rubalcaba recently ruled out a resumption of negotiations that his government tried without success in 2006 during an ETA cease-fire.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Rubalcaba baru-baru ini menolak penyambungan semula rundingan yang dicuba oleh kerajaannya tanpa kejayaan pada 2006 semasa gencatan senjata ETA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spanish media last week cited numerous politicians and analysts who suggested that ETA's recent spate of violence might be trying to force the government back to the negotiating table.", "r": {"result": "Media Sepanyol minggu lalu memetik banyak ahli politik dan penganalisis yang mencadangkan bahawa keganasan ETA baru-baru ini mungkin cuba memaksa kerajaan kembali ke meja rundingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A second consecutive round of 66 fired Paul Casey to the top of the Memorial Tournament leaderboard in Dublin, Ohio, Friday after overnight leader Rory McIlroy fell away.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pusingan 66 pusingan kedua berturut-turut meletakkan Paul Casey ke puncak papan pendahulu Kejohanan Memorial di Dublin, Ohio, Jumaat selepas pendahulu semalaman Rory McIlroy tersingkir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Casey shot six birdies and an eagle, which more than canceled out bogies on holes nine and 17, to finish the day on 12-under-par.", "r": {"result": "Casey merembat enam birdie dan seekor helang, yang lebih daripada membatalkan bogie pada lubang sembilan dan 17, untuk menamatkan hari itu dengan 12 bawah par.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Englishman now sits three shots ahead of Masters champion Bubba Watson going into the weekend.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Inggeris itu kini menduduki tiga pukulan di hadapan juara Masters Bubba Watson menjelang hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I had very good control of the irons today,\" Casey told the PGA Tour website upon reaching the clubhouse.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai kawalan yang sangat baik hari ini,\" kata Casey kepada laman web Jelajah PGA apabila tiba di rumah kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The driving was still good again but I was ecstatic with the way I played.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPemanduannya masih bagus sekali lagi tetapi saya sangat gembira dengan cara saya bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was a couple of mistakes in there.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat beberapa kesilapan di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that's Muirfield Village.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi itu Kampung Muirfield.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a tricky golf course and you don't need to do a lot wrong to make a mistake\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah padang golf yang rumit dan anda tidak perlu melakukan banyak kesalahan untuk membuat kesilapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McIlroy had led by three strokes after Thursday's stunning 63 but fell way back to tie for 24th position at the end of day thanks to second round 78 that included three bogeys and three double-bogeys.", "r": {"result": "McIlroy telah mendahului dengan tiga pukulan selepas 63 pukulan menakjubkan pada Khamis tetapi jatuh ke belakang untuk mengikat kedudukan ke-24 pada penghujung hari berkat pusingan kedua 78 yang termasuk tiga bogey dan tiga double-bogey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 25-year-old Northern Irishman, who picked up the European PGA title at Wentworth last weekend, had complained of a knee problem after his first round but refused to blame injury for his poor showing.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Ireland Utara berusia 25 tahun itu, yang merangkul kejuaraan PGA Eropah di Wentworth hujung minggu lalu, telah mengadu masalah lutut selepas pusingan pertamanya tetapi enggan menyalahkan kecederaan kerana prestasi buruknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I felt it a little bit, but didn't really bother me too much,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya merasakannya sedikit, tetapi tidak terlalu mengganggu saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hopefully that's the bad run out of the way and I can play some good golf on the weekend and get myself back in with the shots,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Mudah-mudahan itu adalah masalah buruk dan saya boleh bermain golf dengan baik pada hujung minggu dan mengembalikan diri saya dengan pukulan,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elsewhere on the course, a 70 for Chris Kirk ensured he kept up the pressure on second-placed Watson, lying one shot back at eight-under-par.", "r": {"result": "Di tempat lain dalam kursus, 70 untuk Chris Kirk memastikan dia mengekalkan tekanan ke atas Watson yang berada di tempat kedua, membelakangkan satu pukulan pada lapan bawah par.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Japan's Hideki Matsuyama, meanwhile, carded a five-under par round of 67 to tie for fourth with Martin Flores of the U.S. on seven-under-par.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, pemain Jepun, Hideki Matsuyama, mengumpul lima bawah par pusingan 67 untuk mengikat kedudukan keempat dengan Martin Flores dari A.S. dengan tujuh bawah par.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World No.1 Adam Scott, who won the Colonial tournament last weekend, shot a solid second round of 70 to end the day tied for 10th position at five-under-par.", "r": {"result": "No.1 dunia Adam Scott, yang memenangi kejohanan Kolonial hujung minggu lalu, meledak pusingan kedua 70 yang mantap untuk menamatkan hari itu terikat di kedudukan ke-10 pada lima bawah par.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The Department of Defense announced Thursday that it will be commemorating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride later this month.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Jabatan Pertahanan mengumumkan Khamis bahawa ia akan memperingati kebanggaan lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender akhir bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The event will be the first of its kind for the Pentagon.", "r": {"result": "Acara itu akan menjadi yang pertama seumpamanya untuk Pentagon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The best picks around the world for celebrating Pride.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan terbaik di seluruh dunia untuk meraikan Pride.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Defense Department is planning an LGBT Pride Month event for later this month,\" Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Laniez said in a statement issued Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Jabatan Pertahanan sedang merancang acara Bulan Kebanggaan LGBT untuk akhir bulan ini,\" kata jurucakap Pentagon, Eileen Laniez dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Press Secretary George Little said senior Defense Department officials will take part in the event, but had no other details.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Akhbar George Little berkata pegawai kanan Jabatan Pertahanan akan mengambil bahagian dalam acara itu, tetapi tidak mempunyai butiran lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just a year ago, a member of the military faced punishment or discharge if he or she admitted being homosexual, but last September the administration scrapped the policy known as \"don't ask, don't tell\".", "r": {"result": "Hanya setahun yang lalu, seorang anggota tentera berdepan hukuman atau pemecatan jika dia mengaku homoseksual, tetapi September lalu pentadbiran membatalkan dasar yang dikenali sebagai \"jangan tanya, jangan beritahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: LGBT community more accepted than before, but work needs to be done.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Komuniti LGBT lebih diterima berbanding sebelum ini, tetapi kerja perlu dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A man in the uniform of an Afghan soldier shot and killed a member of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, ISAF reported.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang lelaki berpakaian seragam askar Afghanistan menembak dan membunuh seorang anggota Pasukan Bantuan Keselamatan Antarabangsa pimpinan NATO di timur Afghanistan pada Ahad, lapor ISAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The killing, which was still under investigation Sunday afternoon, follows a long series of \"insider\" attacks by Afghan troops or infiltrators on U.S. and allied troops, including one in September that killed three Americans in eastern Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan itu, yang masih dalam siasatan petang Ahad, berikutan siri panjang serangan \"orang dalam\" oleh tentera Afghanistan atau penyusup ke atas tentera AS dan sekutu, termasuk satu pada September yang membunuh tiga rakyat Amerika di timur Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So-called \"green on blue\" attacks killed dozens of coalition troops in 2012, prompting the U.S. command in Kabul to stop some joint operations with Afghan security forces.", "r": {"result": "Serangan yang dipanggil \"hijau di atas biru\" membunuh berpuluh-puluh tentera gabungan pada 2012, mendorong perintah AS di Kabul untuk menghentikan beberapa operasi bersama dengan pasukan keselamatan Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunday's attack came a day after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Afghan President Hamid Karzai worked out what Kerry called \"the major issues\" in talks aimed at keeping some American military forces in Aghanistan after 2014. But a potential deal-breaker, legal immunity for U.S. troops, was referred to a council of Afghan elders.", "r": {"result": "Serangan hari Ahad berlaku sehari selepas Setiausaha Negara A.S. John Kerry dan Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai menyelesaikan apa yang disebut Kerry sebagai \"isu utama\" dalam perbincangan yang bertujuan untuk mengekalkan beberapa pasukan tentera Amerika di Aghanistan selepas 2014. Tetapi potensi pemecah perjanjian, kekebalan undang-undang untuk tentera A.S., telah dirujuk kepada majlis orang tua Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Iraq, the failure to agree on the immunity issue led to the withdrawal of all American troops at the end of 2011. Without an agreement on immunity, U.S. troops would leave Afghanistan with other NATO contingents at the end of 2014.", "r": {"result": "Di Iraq, kegagalan untuk bersetuju mengenai isu imuniti menyebabkan penarikan semua tentera Amerika pada akhir tahun 2011. Tanpa persetujuan mengenai imuniti, tentera AS akan meninggalkan Afghanistan bersama kontinjen NATO yang lain pada akhir tahun 2014.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has rejected suggestions that the United States has adopted too soft a stance on climate change negotiations with China.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ketua Panel Antara Kerajaan mengenai Perubahan Iklim telah menolak cadangan bahawa Amerika Syarikat telah menerima pakai pendirian yang terlalu lembut mengenai rundingan perubahan iklim dengan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters march through Sydney, Australia on June 13 to urge more government action on climate change.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui Sydney, Australia pada 13 Jun untuk menggesa lebih banyak tindakan kerajaan terhadap perubahan iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri has told CNN that the U.S. is right to absolve China from setting firm caps for national cuts in carbon emissions.", "r": {"result": "Pengerusi IPCC Rajendra Pachauri telah memberitahu CNN bahawa A.S. berhak membebaskan China daripada menetapkan had tegas bagi pengurangan pengeluaran karbon secara nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His comments came after U.S. climate change negotiator Todd Stern was quoted in China Daily as saying, \"We don't expect China to take a national cap at this stage\".", "r": {"result": "Komennya dibuat selepas perunding perubahan iklim AS Todd Stern dipetik di China Daily sebagai berkata, \"Kami tidak menjangkakan China akan mengambil topi kebangsaan pada peringkat ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel that's a very pragmatic view,\" Pachauri told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa itu pandangan yang sangat pragmatik,\" kata Pachauri kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think you'd expect any of the emerging markets to take an actual cut or even a commitment to reduce the rate of growth\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir anda akan menjangkakan mana-mana pasaran baru muncul untuk mengambil pemotongan sebenar atau bahkan komitmen untuk mengurangkan kadar pertumbuhan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stern was in China last week for high-level talks with his counterpart, Xie Zhenhua, vice chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).", "r": {"result": "Stern berada di China minggu lalu untuk rundingan peringkat tinggi dengan rakan sejawatannya, Xie Zhenhua, naib pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pembangunan dan Pembaharuan Negara China (NDRC).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a press briefing on Friday, Stern described the talks as \"very constructive,\" and emphasized that the while the U.S. wouldn't demand specific cuts in China's carbon emissions, it expected a \"considerable\" reduction \"to where they would otherwise be\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam taklimat akhbar pada hari Jumaat, Stern menyifatkan rundingan itu sebagai \"sangat membina,\" dan menekankan bahawa walaupun A.S. tidak akan menuntut pemotongan khusus dalam pelepasan karbon China, ia menjangkakan pengurangan yang \"banyak\" \"ke mana mereka akan berada\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pachauri told CNN that developed countries would be best advised to lead by example and promise specific cuts of their own.", "r": {"result": "Pachauri memberitahu CNN bahawa negara maju lebih baik dinasihatkan untuk memimpin melalui teladan dan menjanjikan pemotongan khusus mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It doesn't make sense to be tough because, let's face it, the developed world really has not lived up to what was expected of them.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa tidak masuk akal untuk menjadi sukar kerana, mari kita hadapi, dunia maju benar-benar tidak memenuhi apa yang diharapkan daripada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think there's a far more productive strategy, a constructive approach would be to first make a commitment to reduce emissions in the developed world, get the emerging markets to take some fairly ambitious action within their own territories, and then we move from there onwards\".", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir terdapat strategi yang jauh lebih produktif, pendekatan yang membina adalah dengan terlebih dahulu membuat komitmen untuk mengurangkan pelepasan di negara maju, mendapatkan pasaran baru muncul untuk mengambil beberapa tindakan yang agak bercita-cita tinggi dalam wilayah mereka sendiri, dan kemudian kami bergerak dari sana dan seterusnya\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you just keep pushing the Chinese that they've got to make some kind of a commitment for cuts or reductions in emissions intensity, you're not going to get anywhere,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda terus mendesak orang Cina bahawa mereka perlu membuat semacam komitmen untuk pemotongan atau pengurangan intensiti pelepasan, anda tidak akan sampai ke mana-mana,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China has demanded that developing countries cut their emissions by at least 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. It also wants rich countries to donate up to one percent of their annual gross domestic product to help poorer countries tackle climate change.", "r": {"result": "China telah menuntut negara membangun mengurangkan pelepasan mereka sekurang-kurangnya 40 peratus daripada paras 1990 menjelang 2020. Ia juga mahu negara kaya menderma sehingga satu peratus daripada keluaran dalam negara kasar tahunan mereka untuk membantu negara miskin menangani perubahan iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that's an opening gambit in a set of negotiations which in all will ultimately be decided by compromise from all those that are involved.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir itu adalah langkah permulaan dalam satu set rundingan yang pada akhirnya akan diputuskan dengan kompromi daripada semua pihak yang terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't think it defines what's going to happen ultimately,\" Pachauri said.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak fikir ia menentukan apa yang akan berlaku akhirnya,\" kata Pachauri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"China will be certainly be persuaded to accept something lower, I have no doubt about it,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"China pasti akan dipujuk untuk menerima sesuatu yang lebih rendah, saya tidak ragu-ragu mengenainya,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, Japan became the latest developed country to publicly commit to specific cuts in carbon emissions.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, Jepun menjadi negara maju terbaharu yang komited secara terbuka untuk mengurangkan pelepasan karbon secara khusus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its vow to reduce emissions by 15 percent on 2005 levels by 2020 was lambasted as lacking ambition, and is a fraction of the cut scientists say is necessary to prevent dangerous climate change.", "r": {"result": "Ikrarnya untuk mengurangkan pelepasan sebanyak 15 peratus pada paras 2005 menjelang 2020 telah dibidas sebagai tidak bercita-cita tinggi, dan merupakan sebahagian kecil daripada pengurangan yang dikatakan saintis adalah perlu untuk mencegah perubahan iklim yang berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that's not going to be the final word,\" Pachauri said of the Japanese commitment.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir itu bukan kata akhir,\" kata Pachauri mengenai komitmen Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Who knows where the developed world as a whole will end, whether it will be 20 percent or 25 percent or more, but all of this is at least in the realm of possibility given the positive direction that I see coming out of Bonn\".", "r": {"result": "\"Siapa tahu di mana dunia maju secara keseluruhannya akan berakhir, sama ada 20 peratus atau 25 peratus atau lebih, tetapi semua ini sekurang-kurangnya dalam alam kemungkinan memandangkan arah positif yang saya lihat keluar dari Bonn\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two weeks of talks in Bonn ending last Friday brought together delegates from 182 countries to lay the groundwork for a global climate change deal to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires at the end of 2012.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan dua minggu di Bonn yang berakhir pada Jumaat lalu menghimpunkan perwakilan dari 182 negara untuk meletakkan asas bagi perjanjian perubahan iklim global bagi menggantikan Protokol Kyoto, yang tamat tempoh pada penghujung 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's one of a series of meetings scheduled in the lead up to the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on December 7, seen as the most important climate change talks since the Kyoto deal was adopted in 1997.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan satu daripada siri mesyuarat yang dijadualkan menjelang Persidangan Perubahan Iklim PBB di Copenhagen pada 7 Disember, dilihat sebagai perbincangan perubahan iklim yang paling penting sejak perjanjian Kyoto diterima pakai pada 1997.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pachauri told CNN the progress made at the latest round of talks in Bonn bodes well for a global deal in December.", "r": {"result": "Pachauri memberitahu CNN kemajuan yang dibuat pada pusingan terbaharu rundingan di Bonn menjadi petanda baik untuk perjanjian global pada bulan Disember.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think the whole spirit of the discussion it seems to me as being far more productive than one would have anticipated, particularly given the fact that the U.S. is now engaged fully in this part of these discussions in an active way,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir keseluruhan semangat perbincangan itu nampaknya saya jauh lebih produktif daripada yang dijangkakan, terutamanya memandangkan AS kini terlibat sepenuhnya dalam bahagian perbincangan ini dengan cara yang aktif,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "KATHMANDU, Nepal (CNN) -- Nepal's prime minister said Monday he will resign to save what he called the country's \"infant democracy\".", "r": {"result": "KATHMANDU, Nepal (CNN) -- Perdana Menteri Nepal berkata pada hari Isnin beliau akan meletak jawatan untuk menyelamatkan apa yang disebutnya sebagai \"demokrasi bayi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pushpa Kamal Dahal cited a serious political crisis caused by the president's \"unconstitutional\" order.", "r": {"result": "Pushpa Kamal Dahal memetik krisis politik yang serius disebabkan oleh perintah \"tidak berperlembagaan\" presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the latest fallout over the status of Nepal's army chief, Gen.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kesan terbaru mengenai status ketua tentera Nepal, Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rookmangud Katawal.", "r": {"result": "Rookmangud Katawal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Maoist government sacked Katawal on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Maois memecat Katawal pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hours later, President Ram Baran Yadav reinstated him.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam kemudian, Presiden Ram Baran Yadav mengembalikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, commonly known as Prachanda, resigned on Monday, citing a serious political crisis caused by the president's \"unconstitutional\" order.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Pushpa Kamal Dahal, yang biasa dikenali sebagai Prachanda, meletak jawatan pada hari Isnin, memetik krisis politik serius yang disebabkan oleh perintah \"tidak berperlembagaan\" presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The dual powers that have been unconstitutionally established in the country must end under any circumstance,\" Prachanda said in a televised address announcing he would resign from the country's Cabinet.", "r": {"result": "\"Dua kuasa yang telah ditubuhkan secara tidak berperlembagaan di negara ini mesti berakhir dalam apa jua keadaan,\" kata Prachanda dalam ucapan di televisyen yang mengumumkan beliau akan meletakkan jawatan daripada Kabinet negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prachanda is the leader of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), which had been the largest party in Nepal's coalition government until it recently withdrew.", "r": {"result": "Prachanda ialah ketua Parti Komunis Nepal (Maoist), yang merupakan parti terbesar dalam kerajaan campuran Nepal sehingga baru-baru ini menarik diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former guerilla leader headed a decade-long bloody Maoist insurgency to abolish the country's monarchy before being sworn in as prime minister in August.", "r": {"result": "Bekas pemimpin gerila itu mengetuai pemberontakan berdarah Maois selama sedekad untuk menghapuskan pemerintahan beraja negara itu sebelum mengangkat sumpah sebagai perdana menteri pada Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his address on Monday, Prachanda blamed certain political parties and \"power centers\" for \"striking at our democracy, constitution and the peace process by putting the president in the forefront of the controversy over the chief of army staff\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam ucapannya pada hari Isnin, Prachanda menyalahkan parti politik tertentu dan \"pusat kuasa\" kerana \"menyerang demokrasi, perlembagaan dan proses damai kita dengan meletakkan presiden di barisan hadapan dalam kontroversi mengenai ketua kakitangan tentera\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This has raised concerns over our infant democracy and the peace process,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini telah menimbulkan kebimbangan terhadap demokrasi bayi kita dan proses damai,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I appeal to the people, civil society and political powers to be committed to the struggle for establishing a democratic Nepal\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya merayu kepada rakyat, masyarakat sivil dan kuasa politik untuk komited kepada perjuangan untuk menubuhkan Nepal yang demokratik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nepal's interim constitution gives the president powers as supreme commander of the army and guardian of the constitution.", "r": {"result": "Perlembagaan sementara Nepal memberikan presiden kuasa sebagai komander tertinggi tentera dan penjaga perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yadav's spokesman said the president had the support of 18 parties in parliament when he reinstated the army chief.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Yadav berkata presiden mendapat sokongan 18 parti di parlimen apabila beliau mengembalikan semula ketua tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decision to fire Katawal touched off protests.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan memecat Katawal mencetuskan bantahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supporters of both sides in the dispute took to the streets on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong kedua-dua pihak dalam pertikaian itu turun ke jalan raya pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite sporadic clashes between the two factions, there were no serious injuries reported.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun berlaku pertempuran sporadis antara kedua-dua puak, tiada kecederaan serius dilaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Cabinet voted to dismiss Katawal after the military refused the government's order to stop recruiting about 3,000 new soldiers to fill vacant positions when it has yet to take in former Maoist rebels, as a 2006 peace deal required.", "r": {"result": "Kabinet mengundi untuk memecat Katawal selepas tentera menolak arahan kerajaan untuk menghentikan pengambilan kira-kira 3,000 askar baharu bagi mengisi jawatan kosong apabila ia masih belum mengambil alih bekas pemberontak Maois, sebagaimana perjanjian damai 2006 diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Maoists laid down their arms and won power in 2008 elections after an agreement that ended a decade-long insurgency.", "r": {"result": "Maois meletakkan senjata mereka dan memenangi kuasa dalam pilihan raya 2008 selepas perjanjian yang menamatkan pemberontakan selama sedekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the deal, more than 19,000 former insurgents were to be integrated into the country's security forces.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah perjanjian itu, lebih 19,000 bekas pemberontak akan diintegrasikan ke dalam pasukan keselamatan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalist Manesh Shrestha contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Manesh Shrestha menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Democrats' top investigator in Congress reacted angrily Friday to a report that the former Blackwater USA employee accused of killing an Iraqi vice presidential guard was hired by another U.S. contractor weeks later.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Penyiasat utama Demokrat di Kongres bertindak balas dengan marah pada hari Jumaat terhadap laporan bahawa bekas pekerja Blackwater USA yang dituduh membunuh seorang pengawal naib presiden Iraq telah diupah oleh kontraktor AS yang lain beberapa minggu kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Henry Waxman says the State Department is covering up \"an epidemic of corruption\" in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Henry Waxman berkata Jabatan Negara menutup \"wabak rasuah\" di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report comes alongside Rep.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu datang bersama Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Henry Waxman's warning of a \"confrontation\" with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over how much Americans should be able to learn about corruption in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Amaran Henry Waxman tentang \"konfrontasi\" dengan Setiausaha Negara Condoleezza Rice mengenai sejauh mana rakyat Amerika boleh belajar tentang rasuah di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a sharply worded letter, Waxman demanded Rice turn over a long list of documents related to the contractor, Andrew Moonen.", "r": {"result": "Dalam surat yang dihuraikan dengan tajam, Waxman meminta Rice menyerahkan senarai panjang dokumen yang berkaitan dengan kontraktor, Andrew Moonen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Serious questions now exist about whether the State Department may have withheld from the U.S. Defense Department facts about this Blackwater contractor's shooting of the Iraqi guard that should have prevented his hiring to work on another contract in support of the Iraq War,\" wrote Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.", "r": {"result": "\"Persoalan serius kini wujud mengenai sama ada Jabatan Negara mungkin telah menahan fakta Jabatan Pertahanan A.S. mengenai penembakan kontraktor Blackwater terhadap pengawal Iraq yang sepatutnya menghalang pengambilannya untuk bekerja pada kontrak lain untuk menyokong Perang Iraq,\" tulis Waxman, pengerusi Jawatankuasa Dewan Pengawasan dan Pembaharuan Kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moonen is accused of fatally shooting an Iraqi guard and fleeing the scene, according to a Congressional memo describing the investigation report.", "r": {"result": "Moonen dituduh menembak mati seorang pengawal Iraq dan melarikan diri dari tempat kejadian, menurut memo Kongres yang menerangkan laporan siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was fined, fired and flown home from Iraq, and the company later paid $20,000 in compensation to the victim's family.", "r": {"result": "Dia didenda, dipecat dan diterbangkan pulang dari Iraq, dan syarikat itu kemudian membayar pampasan $20,000 kepada keluarga mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moonen returned to the United States within a few days of the incident, his attorney said, but in February he returned to Kuwait working for Combat Support Associates (CSA), a company spokesman said.", "r": {"result": "Moonen kembali ke Amerika Syarikat dalam beberapa hari selepas kejadian itu, kata peguamnya, tetapi pada Februari dia kembali ke Kuwait bekerja untuk Combat Support Associates (CSA), kata jurucakap syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN reported Thursday night that CSA said it was unaware of the December incident when it hired Moonen, because the State Department and Blackwater kept the incident quiet and out of Moonen's personnel records.", "r": {"result": "CNN melaporkan Khamis malam bahawa CSA berkata ia tidak mengetahui insiden Disember apabila ia mengupah Moonen, kerana Jabatan Negara dan Blackwater merahsiakan kejadian itu dan tidak terdapat dalam rekod kakitangan Moonen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waxman wrote it is \"hard to reconcile this development\" with previous assertions State Department officials have made in recent days.", "r": {"result": "Waxman menulis adalah \"sukar untuk mendamaikan perkembangan ini\" dengan dakwaan sebelumnya yang dibuat oleh pegawai Jabatan Negara sejak beberapa hari kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waxman earlier accused Rice and the State Department of a cover-up of what he called \"an epidemic of corruption\" in Iraq in general.", "r": {"result": "Waxman sebelum ini menuduh Rice dan Jabatan Negara menyembunyikan apa yang disebutnya sebagai \"wabak rasuah\" di Iraq secara umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He branded the State Department's anti-corruption efforts \"dysfunctional, under-funded and a low priority\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau menjenamakan usaha anti-rasuah Jabatan Negara sebagai \"tidak berfungsi, kurang dibiayai dan keutamaan rendah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waxman further blasted the department for trying to keep secret details of corruption in Iraq, especially relating to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.", "r": {"result": "Waxman seterusnya mengecam jabatan itu kerana cuba merahsiakan butiran rasuah di Iraq, terutamanya berkaitan Perdana Menteri Iraq Nuri al-Maliki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Corruption is increasing in Iraq, and the State Department can't keep us from knowing that -- can't censor that -- just because it might embarrass or hurt our relationship with [al-]Maliki,\" Waxman said at the House committee hearing.", "r": {"result": "\"Rasuah semakin meningkat di Iraq, dan Jabatan Negara tidak boleh menghalang kita daripada mengetahui bahawa -- tidak boleh menapis itu -- hanya kerana ia mungkin memalukan atau menjejaskan hubungan kita dengan [al-] Maliki,\" kata Waxman di Dewan. pendengaran jawatankuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Waxman ask why negative comments must be said behind closed doors >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Waxman bertanya mengapa komen negatif mesti diucapkan secara tertutup >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deputy Secretary of State Larry Butler repeatedly refused to answer questions from Waxman about Iraqi corruption but offered full disclosure if his testimony would be kept secret.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan Setiausaha Negara Larry Butler berulang kali enggan menjawab soalan daripada Waxman tentang rasuah Iraq tetapi menawarkan pendedahan penuh jika keterangannya akan dirahsiakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked if he believes the Iraqi government has the political will or the capability to root out corruption, Butler responded, \"Mr. Chairman, questions which go to the broad nature of our bilateral relationship with Iraq are best answered in a classified setting\".", "r": {"result": "Ditanya sama ada beliau percaya kerajaan Iraq mempunyai kemahuan politik atau keupayaan untuk membasmi rasuah, Butler menjawab, \"Tuan Pengerusi, soalan yang berkaitan dengan sifat luas hubungan dua hala kami dengan Iraq adalah yang terbaik dijawab dalam suasana terpencil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he was more forthcoming when talking about efforts that al-Maliki has taken to improve matters, commending the prime minister for dispatching Iraqi forces to surround a refinery to ensure oil did not end up on the black market.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi beliau lebih menonjol apabila bercakap tentang usaha yang telah diambil oleh al-Maliki untuk memperbaiki keadaan, memuji perdana menteri kerana menghantar tentera Iraq untuk mengepung kilang penapisan bagi memastikan minyak tidak berakhir di pasaran gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Waxman appeared unmoved.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Waxman kelihatan tidak berganjak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why can you talk about the positive things and not the negative things\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Kenapa anda boleh bercakap tentang perkara positif dan bukan perkara negatif\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he asked.", "r": {"result": "dia tanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Shouldn't we have the whole picture\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Bukankah kita sepatutnya mempunyai gambaran keseluruhan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd be very pleased to answer those questions in an appropriate setting,\" Butler replied.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya amat berbesar hati untuk menjawab soalan-soalan itu dalam suasana yang sesuai,\" jawab Butler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waxman laughed and asked, \"An appropriate setting for positive things is a congressional hearing, but for negative things, it must be behind closed doors\"?", "r": {"result": "Waxman ketawa dan bertanya, \"Tetapan yang sesuai untuk perkara positif ialah pendengaran kongres, tetapi untuk perkara negatif, ia mesti di sebalik pintu tertutup\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As you know, this goes to the very heart of diplomatic relations and national security,\" Butler said.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti yang anda ketahui, ini adalah intipati hubungan diplomatik dan keselamatan negara,\" kata Butler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It goes to the very heart of propaganda,\" Waxman said, putting funding for anti-corruption activities through June 15, 2006, at $65 million, \"or less than 0.003 percent of the total\" spent by the Iraqi Relief and Reconstruction Fund.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menjadi intipati propaganda,\" kata Waxman, meletakkan pembiayaan untuk aktiviti anti-rasuah sehingga 15 Jun 2006, pada $65 juta, \"atau kurang daripada 0.003 peratus daripada jumlah\" yang dibelanjakan oleh Dana Bantuan dan Pembinaan Semula Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The State Department said details of anti-corruption efforts must be secret to protect investigators and Iraqi allies.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara berkata butiran usaha anti-rasuah mesti dirahsiakan untuk melindungi penyiasat dan sekutu Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a letter to Rice last week, Waxman called the department's position \"ludicrous\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam surat kepada Rice minggu lalu, Waxman menggelar kedudukan jabatan itu \"mengarut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fellow Democratic Rep.", "r": {"result": "Rakan Wakil Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Yarmuth of Kentucky agreed.", "r": {"result": "John Yarmuth dari Kentucky bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's pretty clear that the administration just wants to muzzle any comments that reflect negatively on the [al-]Maliki government,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah jelas bahawa pentadbiran hanya mahu menutup mulut mana-mana komen yang mencerminkan negatif terhadap kerajaan [al-]Maliki,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, the former head of the Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity, Judge Radhi Hamza al-Radhi, told the hearing that al-Maliki had protected family members from corruption investigations, citing Salam al-Maliki, Iraq's former transportation minister and the prime minister's cousin.", "r": {"result": "Terdahulu, bekas ketua Suruhanjaya Integriti Awam Iraq, Hakim Radhi Hamza al-Radhi, memberitahu perbicaraan bahawa al-Maliki telah melindungi ahli keluarga daripada siasatan rasuah, memetik Salam al-Maliki, bekas menteri pengangkutan Iraq dan sepupu perdana menteri .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Radhi resigned last month and fled Iraq after he and his family were attacked and 31 of his anti-corruption employees were killed.", "r": {"result": "Al-Radhi meletak jawatan bulan lalu dan melarikan diri dari Iraq selepas dia dan keluarganya diserang dan 31 pekerja anti rasuahnya terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said corruption has affected \"virtually every agency and ministry, including some of the most powerful officials in Iraq\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata rasuah telah menjejaskan \"hampir setiap agensi dan kementerian, termasuk beberapa pegawai paling berkuasa di Iraq\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Corruption has stopped possible advances by the government on the political level, on economic reconstruction, on basic services, amenities and infrastructure and on the rule of law,\" he told the committee, estimating the total lost to corruption at $18 billion.", "r": {"result": "\"Rasuah telah menghentikan kemungkinan kemajuan oleh kerajaan di peringkat politik, mengenai pembinaan semula ekonomi, mengenai perkhidmatan asas, kemudahan dan infrastruktur serta kedaulatan undang-undang,\" katanya kepada jawatankuasa itu, menganggarkan jumlah kerugian akibat rasuah sebanyak $18 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Baghdad, Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh acknowledged his country is plagued with a \"high level\" of corruption, but he said officials are trying to rein in the problem.", "r": {"result": "Di Baghdad, jurucakap kerajaan Iraq Ali al-Dabbagh mengakui negaranya dibelenggu dengan \"tahap tinggi\" rasuah, tetapi beliau berkata pegawai cuba mengekang masalah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, head of the Government Accountability Office, said there appeared to be no U.S. plan for countering the corruption.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Pegawai Pengawal A.S. David Walker, ketua Pejabat Akauntabiliti Kerajaan, berkata nampaknya tiada rancangan A.S. untuk memerangi rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He urged Congress to consider conditioning future appropriations on such a plan \"so we can achieve some results rather than have just more efforts\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau menggesa Kongres untuk mempertimbangkan penyesuaian peruntukan masa depan pada rancangan sedemikian \"supaya kita boleh mencapai beberapa keputusan daripada hanya mempunyai lebih banyak usaha\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waxman questioned whether Iraq's government was \"too corrupt to succeed\".", "r": {"result": "Waxman mempersoalkan sama ada kerajaan Iraq \"terlalu korup untuk berjaya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If so, he added, \"We need to ask if we could, in good conscience, continue to ... prop up his regime\".", "r": {"result": "Jika ya, tambahnya, \"Kita perlu bertanya sama ada kita boleh, dalam hati nurani yang baik, terus ... menyokong rejimnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Bob Constantini contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Bob Constantini dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A painting by pop artist Roy Lichtenstein, which has not been seen in public for more than 30 years, and a massive pearl once owned by Mary Tudor have been unveiled as the highlights of London's Masterpiece art fair.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lukisan oleh artis pop Roy Lichtenstein, yang tidak pernah dilihat di khalayak ramai selama lebih 30 tahun, dan mutiara besar yang pernah dimiliki oleh Mary Tudor telah didedahkan sebagai acara kemuncak pameran seni Masterpiece London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The artwork, \"Puzzle Portrait,\" was created by Lichtenstein (1923-1997) in 1978, before being sold directly to its current owner, who kept it out of the public eye for decades.", "r": {"result": "Karya seni, \"Potret Teka-teki,\" telah dicipta oleh Lichtenstein (1923-1997) pada tahun 1978, sebelum dijual terus kepada pemiliknya sekarang, yang menyimpannya daripada mata umum selama beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The super-sized pearl, which weighs 64.5 carats (258.12 grains), once belonged to England's Mary I (1516-1558).", "r": {"result": "Mutiara bersaiz super, yang mempunyai berat 64.5 karat (258.12 butir), pernah menjadi milik Mary I (1516-1558) England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The monarch was painted wearing it in several portraits, now in the Prado in Madrid and the National Portrait Gallery in London.", "r": {"result": "Raja itu dicat memakainya dalam beberapa potret, kini di Prado di Madrid dan Galeri Potret Negara di London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a true natural masterpiece,\" said Nazy Vassegh, the event's CEO.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah karya semula jadi yang sebenar,\" kata Nazy Vassegh, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif acara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is one of the world's largest natural pearls, and on top of that it has royal provenance.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah salah satu mutiara semula jadi terbesar di dunia, dan selain itu ia mempunyai asal-usul diraja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pearls of this heritage are very rare.", "r": {"result": "Mutiara warisan ini sangat jarang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is part of history\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sebahagian daripada sejarah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jewel disappeared in the late 16th century, and was missing for hundreds of years, before being rediscovered in 2004; following extensive research, it has only recently been identified as the Mary Tudor pearl.", "r": {"result": "Permata itu hilang pada akhir abad ke-16, dan hilang selama ratusan tahun, sebelum ditemui semula pada tahun 2004; berikutan penyelidikan yang meluas, ia baru sahaja dikenal pasti sebagai mutiara Mary Tudor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Interactive: Rembrandt's 'Night Watch' explained.", "r": {"result": "Interaktif: 'Night Watch' Rembrandt menjelaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Organizers of the fair say the pearl and the pop art are likely to be among the most sought-after pieces for sale at Masterpiece 2013.", "r": {"result": "Penganjur pameran itu berkata mutiara dan seni pop mungkin antara karya yang paling dicari untuk dijual di Masterpiece 2013.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only fair of its kind taking place at the height of London's arts and social season, the show is held in a purpose-built pavilion in the grounds of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya pameran seumpamanya yang berlangsung pada kemuncak musim seni dan sosial London, pertunjukan itu diadakan di pavilion yang dibina khas di perkarangan Hospital Diraja di Chelsea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Held annually since 2010, Masterpiece offers shoppers and curious visitors the chance to get up close to -- and even take home -- museum-quality art and artifacts.", "r": {"result": "Diadakan setiap tahun sejak 2010, Masterpiece menawarkan peluang kepada pembeli dan pelawat yang ingin tahu untuk mendekati -- malah membawa pulang -- seni dan artifak yang berkualiti muzium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 160 dealers, galleries and workshops will display antique furniture and classic cars, precious jewelery, ancient sculptures and contemporary video installations.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 160 peniaga, galeri dan bengkel akan mempamerkan perabot antik dan kereta klasik, barang kemas berharga, arca purba dan pemasangan video kontemporari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The idea is that there is a bit of everything, but that it is all pretty special,\" explained Vassegh.", "r": {"result": "\"Ideanya ialah terdapat sedikit segala-galanya, tetapi semuanya agak istimewa,\" jelas Vassegh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have works from the 6th century B.C. and even earlier, right through to a Bill Viola, and everything is of an extremely high quality\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai karya dari abad ke-6 B.C. dan lebih awal lagi, sehingga ke Bill Viola, dan semuanya mempunyai kualiti yang sangat tinggi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each work has been vetted by one of 26 committees of experts, to ensure the highest standards across disciplines, and some of the biggest names in art, from Albrecht Duerer and Nicholas Hilliard to Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro will be on view.", "r": {"result": "Setiap karya telah disemak oleh salah satu daripada 26 jawatankuasa pakar, untuk memastikan standard tertinggi merentas disiplin, dan beberapa nama terbesar dalam seni, daripada Albrecht Duerer dan Nicholas Hilliard kepada Pablo Picasso dan Joan Miro akan dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Note: Masterpiece London takes place in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea from Thursday 27 June until Wednesday 3 July.", "r": {"result": "Nota: Karya agung London berlangsung di perkarangan Royal Hospital Chelsea dari Khamis 27 Jun hingga Rabu 3 Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "SAVANNAH, Georgia (CNN) -- Walt Peters knows what it's like to fear for his life.", "r": {"result": "SAVANNAH, Georgia (CNN) -- Walt Peters tahu bagaimana rasa takut terhadap hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He knows how it feels to board a plane, deploying for combat.", "r": {"result": "Dia tahu bagaimana rasanya menaiki pesawat, mengerahkan untuk bertempur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He knows the feeling of making it home alive.", "r": {"result": "Dia tahu perasaan membuat rumah itu hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walt Peters is often among the last people soldiers see as they deploy and the first they see upon their return.", "r": {"result": "Walt Peters selalunya antara orang terakhir yang dilihat oleh askar semasa mereka mengerahkan dan yang pertama mereka lihat apabila mereka kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why the retired Vietnam veteran has stood outside at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, for the past four years as a beacon of pride and support, welcoming home returning soldiers and wishing \"Godspeed\" to those deploying.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya veteran Vietnam yang telah bersara itu telah berdiri di luar di Lapangan Terbang Tentera Hunter di Savannah, Georgia, selama empat tahun yang lalu sebagai tanda kebanggaan dan sokongan, mengalu-alukan askar yang pulang dan mengucapkan \"Selamat sejahtera\" kepada mereka yang ditempatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To me, if it wasn't for our soldiers and our veterans, we would not have this beautiful country,\" says Peters.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi saya, jika bukan kerana askar dan veteran kita, kita tidak akan mempunyai negara yang indah ini,\" kata Peters.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These guys are our freedom\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka ini adalah kebebasan kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peters, 64, has been one of the last people that about 20,000 soldiers so far have seen before boarding the plane for the war zone -- and one of the first seen upon return.", "r": {"result": "Peters, 64, adalah antara orang terakhir yang dilihat kira-kira 20,000 askar setakat ini sebelum menaiki pesawat ke zon perang -- dan antara yang pertama dilihat sekembalinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No matter what time the soldiers' flights are arriving or departing -- many take place in the middle of the night -- Peters is there to shake their hands and give them a token of support: a small American flag.", "r": {"result": "Tidak kira pada pukul berapa penerbangan tentera tiba atau berlepas -- banyak berlaku pada tengah malam -- Peters berada di sana untuk berjabat tangan dan memberi mereka tanda sokongan: bendera Amerika yang kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of those flags, Peters says, have gone to Iraq and back.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa bendera itu, kata Peters, telah pergi ke Iraq dan kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When they touch that flag, we're giving them a piece of our country, saying, 'Thank you.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila mereka menyentuh bendera itu, kami memberi mereka sekeping negara kami, berkata, 'Terima kasih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peters is not the only volunteer showing his support at each flight.", "r": {"result": "Peters bukan satu-satunya sukarelawan yang menunjukkan sokongannya pada setiap penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he does all of this nearly blind.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia melakukan semua ini hampir buta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He says learned he had chemical diabetes nearly 10 years ago after he was exposed to Agent Orange during his Vietnam tours.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata mengetahui dia menghidap diabetes kimia hampir 10 tahun lalu selepas dia terdedah kepada Agen Orange semasa lawatannya ke Vietnam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has lost almost all of his sight over the past few years, but that hasn't depleted his dedication to the soldiers.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah kehilangan hampir semua penglihatannya sejak beberapa tahun lalu, tetapi itu tidak menghilangkan dedikasinya kepada askar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I went to Vietnam on my tours I'd never had this.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya pergi ke Vietnam dalam lawatan saya, saya tidak pernah mengalami ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I had never had nobody say, 'We appreciate your service.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pernah mempunyai sesiapa yang berkata, 'Kami menghargai perkhidmatan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We thank you for what you're doing for our freedom,'\" Peters says.", "r": {"result": "Kami berterima kasih atas apa yang anda lakukan untuk kebebasan kami,'\" kata Peters.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When they get on that plane, they're gonna know that this old Vietnam vet cares\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila mereka menaiki pesawat itu, mereka akan tahu bahawa doktor haiwan Vietnam tua ini mengambil berat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peters first became involved greeting flights through the Savannah Red Cross in 2004 when a friend from his fraternal Moose Lodge brought him to welcome a returning flight.", "r": {"result": "Peters pertama kali terlibat dalam penerbangan ucapan melalui Palang Merah Savannah pada tahun 2004 apabila rakan dari Moose Lodge persaudaraannya membawanya untuk mengalu-alukan penerbangan pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peters has since become a flight greeting leader, bringing in and training his own volunteers.", "r": {"result": "Peters sejak itu telah menjadi ketua salam penerbangan, membawa masuk dan melatih sukarelawannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His crew includes Moose members and Vietnam veterans.", "r": {"result": "Anak kapalnya termasuk ahli Moose dan veteran Vietnam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So many flights come in, Peters says, that it's impossible to be present for all of them.", "r": {"result": "Begitu banyak penerbangan masuk, kata Peters, sehingga mustahil untuk hadir untuk mereka semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's worked as many as three flights in one day, in a 26-hour period.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah bekerja sebanyak tiga penerbangan dalam satu hari, dalam tempoh 26 jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch how Peters sends off and greets deploying and returning U.S. soldiers >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton bagaimana Peters menghantar dan memberi salam pengerahan dan pemulangan askar A.S. >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peters and his volunteers arrive two hours before a flight's arrival or departure to set up their tables and brew coffee.", "r": {"result": "Peters dan sukarelawannya tiba dua jam sebelum ketibaan atau pelepasan penerbangan untuk menyediakan meja mereka dan membancuh kopi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He makes sure he walks around and talks with the troops when they come through for processing.", "r": {"result": "Dia memastikan dia berjalan-jalan dan bercakap dengan tentera apabila mereka datang untuk diproses.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm a combat veteran; the soldiers know I can relate to them,\" Peters says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya seorang veteran pertempuran; askar tahu saya boleh berhubung dengan mereka,\" kata Peters.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I tell them, 'It's OK to be scared.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memberitahu mereka, 'Tidak mengapa untuk takut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You stay scared, you stay alive.", "r": {"result": "Anda tetap takut, anda tetap hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peters also talks to the soldiers about the Adopt-A-Soldier program, asking them to fill out a card so a family can \"adopt\" them and send care packages and necessities to them in Iraq or Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Peters juga bercakap dengan askar tentang program Adopt-A-Soldier, meminta mereka mengisi kad supaya sebuah keluarga boleh \"mengangkat\" mereka dan menghantar pakej penjagaan dan keperluan kepada mereka di Iraq atau Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Peters and volunteers interacting with U.S. soldiers before their deployment to Iraq >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Peters dan sukarelawan berinteraksi dengan askar A.S. sebelum ditempatkan ke Iraq >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peters says the most important thing is to show the soldiers \"the support and the spirit that they need behind them as they step up to get on that plane\".", "r": {"result": "Peters berkata perkara yang paling penting ialah menunjukkan kepada tentera \"sokongan dan semangat yang mereka perlukan di belakang mereka ketika mereka melangkah untuk menaiki pesawat itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sometimes it breaks your heart because you ask yourself, 'Which one of these beautiful people is not coming home?", "r": {"result": "\"Kadang-kadang ia mematahkan hati anda kerana anda bertanya kepada diri sendiri, 'Siapa antara orang cantik ini tidak pulang ke rumah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as long as there are soldiers deploying and returning, Peters says he'll be there.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selagi ada askar yang mengerahkan dan pulang, Peters berkata dia akan berada di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Peters talk about one of the highlights of his military career >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Peters bercakap tentang salah satu sorotan kerjaya ketenteraannya >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I see the roots of our country and our future in every one of these soldiers,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat akar negara kita dan masa depan kita dalam setiap askar ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- He was black and white, the perfect gift for the 6-year-old daughter of Donna and Ronald Gleason.", "r": {"result": "MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Dia berkulit hitam dan putih, hadiah yang sesuai untuk anak perempuan Donna dan Ronald Gleason yang berusia 6 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His name was Tommy.", "r": {"result": "Namanya Tommy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The death and mutilation of Tommy the cat has been linked to a serial pet killer, say police in Miami, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Kematian dan pencacatan kucing Tommy telah dikaitkan dengan pembunuh haiwan peliharaan bersiri, kata polis di Miami, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The black and white tuxedo cat was one of a dozen pets that have been killed and mutilated recently by someone in the Miami area, police said.", "r": {"result": "Kucing tuksedo hitam dan putih itu adalah salah satu daripada sedozen haiwan peliharaan yang telah dibunuh dan dicacatkan baru-baru ini oleh seseorang di kawasan Miami, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, the list of confirmed cat deaths and mutiliations grew to 19 pets, police said.", "r": {"result": "Pada Khamis, senarai kematian dan pencacatan kucing yang disahkan meningkat kepada 19 haiwan peliharaan, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are looking into another 14 feline fatalities.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sedang menyiasat 14 lagi kematian kucing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Gleasons do not want their daughter's name to be published.", "r": {"result": "The Gleasons tidak mahu nama anak perempuan mereka disiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Donna Gleason asked the child to leave the room before telling CNN the gruesome details of what happened to their cat.", "r": {"result": "Donna Gleason meminta kanak-kanak itu meninggalkan bilik sebelum memberitahu CNN butiran mengerikan tentang apa yang berlaku kepada kucing mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Part of his skin was missing underneath ... and part of his legs,\" Gleason said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebahagian kulitnya hilang di bawah ... dan sebahagian daripada kakinya,\" kata Gleason.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was partially skinned\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah dikuliti sebahagian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miami-Dade County police say Tommy's demise is part of a string of sadistic feline fatalities that have occurred recently in the Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay areas of southern Miami-Dade County, south of Miami.", "r": {"result": "Polis Daerah Miami-Dade berkata kematian Tommy adalah sebahagian daripada rentetan kematian kucing sadis yang berlaku baru-baru ini di kawasan Teluk Cutler dan Palmetto Bay di selatan Miami-Dade County, selatan Miami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miami-Dade Police spokesman Bobby Williams said two of the cat carcasses were \"posed\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Polis Miami-Dade, Bobby Williams berkata, dua daripada bangkai kucing itu \"diposkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said that anyone capable of such cruelty toward and torture of an animal \"is disturbed at some sort of level\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bahawa sesiapa yang mampu melakukan kekejaman dan penyeksaan terhadap haiwan \"terganggu pada tahap tertentu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The crimes began May 13. A reward of up to $10,000 has been offered for any information leading to an arrest.", "r": {"result": "Jenayah itu bermula 13 Mei. Ganjaran sehingga $10,000 telah ditawarkan untuk sebarang maklumat yang membawa kepada penahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police have been inundated with dozens of phone calls from people who have discovered dead cats throughout the community.", "r": {"result": "Polis telah dibanjiri dengan berpuluh-puluh panggilan telefon daripada orang yang telah menemui kucing mati di seluruh masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators have determined that most of the cases are not related to the string of cat killings.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat telah menentukan bahawa kebanyakan kes tidak berkaitan dengan rentetan pembunuhan kucing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number grew from 12 to 15 to 19 in just the past two days.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan itu meningkat daripada 12 kepada 15 kepada 19 dalam tempoh dua hari yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronald Gleason found Tommy lying in their yard May 25. At first, he thought his family's pet had been killed by a dog, but a closer look revealed the cruelty behind his death.", "r": {"result": "Ronald Gleason menemui Tommy terbaring di halaman rumah mereka pada 25 Mei. Pada mulanya, dia menyangka haiwan peliharaan keluarganya telah dibunuh oleh anjing, tetapi melihat lebih dekat mendedahkan kekejaman di sebalik kematiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tommy was a gift for the Gleasons' little girl.", "r": {"result": "Tommy adalah hadiah untuk gadis kecil Gleasons.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She desperately wanted a cat, Donna Gleason said.", "r": {"result": "Dia sangat menginginkan kucing, kata Donna Gleason.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She searched for a cat that could get along with their dog, but none of the shelter cats they brought home was compatible.", "r": {"result": "Dia mencari kucing yang boleh bergaul dengan anjing mereka, tetapi tidak ada kucing perlindungan yang mereka bawa pulang yang serasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We prayed that we would find a nice cat that liked our dog, and a few days later, he just showed up at our front door,\" Donna Gleason said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berdoa agar kami dapat mencari kucing bagus yang menyukai anjing kami, dan beberapa hari kemudian, dia muncul di pintu depan kami,\" kata Donna Gleason.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tommy was adopting them.", "r": {"result": "Tommy mengambil mereka sebagai anak angkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Gleasons put signs up in the neighborhood, and when no one claimed him, they kept Tommy.", "r": {"result": "The Gleasons meletakkan tanda di kawasan kejiranan, dan apabila tiada siapa yang menuntutnya, mereka menyimpan Tommy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's disturbing to know that this happened right in front of your house, while you're sleeping inside,\" Donna Gleason said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah mengganggu untuk mengetahui bahawa ini berlaku betul-betul di hadapan rumah anda, semasa anda sedang tidur di dalam,\" kata Donna Gleason.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not terrified, but I'm not sleeping as well as I used to\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak takut, tetapi saya tidak tidur dengan baik seperti dulu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others in south Miami-Dade County are telling similar stories.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain di selatan Miami-Dade County menceritakan kisah yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A woman whose Siamese mix cat, Caesar, was killed and mutilated didn't want her name published.", "r": {"result": "Seorang wanita yang kucing campuran Siamnya, Caesar, dibunuh dan dicacatkan tidak mahu namanya disiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This person killed my cat.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ini membunuh kucing saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He doesn't need to know anything else about me,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak perlu tahu apa-apa lagi tentang saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't know if it's a gang initiation thing or a satanic ritual thing, but to do what he's doing, he has to be extremely sick\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak tahu sama ada ia perkara permulaan geng atau perkara ritual syaitan, tetapi untuk melakukan apa yang dia lakukan, dia mesti sakit teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The month-long cat-killing spree has police concerned.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan kucing selama sebulan telah membuat polis bimbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're telling people to be aware where their cats are at.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memberitahu orang ramai untuk mengetahui di mana kucing mereka berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Keep your pets inside,\" said Williams, the police spokesman.", "r": {"result": "Simpan haiwan peliharaan anda di dalam,\" kata Williams, jurucakap polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If anyone looks or acts suspicious, call police,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekiranya sesiapa kelihatan atau bertindak mencurigakan, hubungi polis,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Have us come out there and check them out.", "r": {"result": "\"Suruh kami keluar ke sana dan periksa mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This could be the missing link we're looking for\".", "r": {"result": "Ini mungkin pautan yang hilang yang kami cari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the Gleasons and 11 other cat owners, it's too late.", "r": {"result": "Untuk Gleasons dan 11 pemilik kucing lain, sudah terlambat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All they can do is break the news gently to a little girl who always wanted a kitty.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang mereka boleh lakukan ialah menyampaikan berita dengan lembut kepada seorang gadis kecil yang sentiasa inginkan anak kucing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She loved him and played with him every morning.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia mencintainya dan bermain dengannya setiap pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... She just misses him,\" Donna Gleason said.", "r": {"result": "... Dia hanya merinduinya,\" kata Donna Gleason.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We told her that Tommy was killed by an animal,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memberitahunya bahawa Tommy dibunuh oleh haiwan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then she added, \"Well, an animal did kill him\".", "r": {"result": "Kemudian dia menambah, \"Nah, seekor binatang memang membunuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Syrian war has never been a simple fight between good rebels and evil government forces, and the United Nations has said so several times in the past.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Perang Syria tidak pernah menjadi pertarungan mudah antara pemberontak yang baik dan tentera kerajaan yang jahat, dan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu telah berkata demikian beberapa kali pada masa lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this week, U.N. investigators released a particularly detailed and horrific report that slams both sides, accusing rebels fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad of murder, rape, torture and forced disappearances.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi minggu ini, penyiasat PBB mengeluarkan laporan yang sangat terperinci dan mengerikan yang menyelar kedua-dua pihak, menuduh pemberontak berjuang untuk menggulingkan Presiden Bashar al-Assad atas pembunuhan, rogol, penyeksaan dan kehilangan secara paksa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Government forces and the rebels have violated international humanitarian law in the two-year war, said Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria.", "r": {"result": "Tentera kerajaan dan pemberontak telah melanggar undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa dalam perang dua tahun, kata Paulo Pinheiro, pengerusi Suruhanjaya Siasatan Antarabangsa Bebas PBB mengenai Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The war displays all the signs of a destructive stalemate,\" he told the U.N. Security Council this week.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerang itu memaparkan semua tanda-tanda kebuntuan yang merosakkan,\u201d katanya kepada Majlis Keselamatan PBB minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If the national, regional and international actors fail to find a solution to the conflict and stop the agony of millions of civilians,\" Pinheiro warned, \"the alternative will be the political, economic and social destruction of Syria and its society, with devastating implications for the region and the world\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika pelakon negara, serantau dan antarabangsa gagal mencari penyelesaian kepada konflik dan menghentikan penderitaan berjuta-juta orang awam,\" Pinheiro memberi amaran, \"alternatifnya ialah kemusnahan politik, ekonomi dan sosial Syria dan masyarakatnya, dengan kemusnahan yang besar. implikasi untuk rantau ini dan dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lengthy report is based on information from 443 interviews that U.N. investigators conducted inside Syria.", "r": {"result": "Laporan panjang itu adalah berdasarkan maklumat daripada 443 wawancara yang dijalankan oleh penyiasat PBB di dalam Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the more disturbing passages details rebels and government forces recruiting boys as young as 12. Children under 18 are seized at checkpoints, and government-affiliated militia use sectarian affiliation, kinship systems and cash to cajole children into their ranks, the paper notes.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu petikan yang lebih membimbangkan memperincikan pemberontak dan pasukan kerajaan yang merekrut kanak-kanak lelaki seawal 12 tahun. Kanak-kanak bawah 18 tahun ditahan di pusat pemeriksaan, dan militia yang bergabung dengan kerajaan menggunakan gabungan mazhab, sistem persaudaraan dan wang tunai untuk memujuk kanak-kanak ke dalam barisan mereka, nota kertas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government has used children as informants, but both they and rebels punish children who act as informants by killing them, the report says.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan telah menggunakan kanak-kanak sebagai pemberi maklumat, tetapi kedua-dua mereka dan pemberontak menghukum kanak-kanak yang bertindak sebagai pemberi maklumat dengan membunuh mereka, kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An uncorroborated video, investigators say, seems to show a child associated with an anti-government group beheading a prisoner.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah video yang tidak disokong, kata penyiasat, nampaknya menunjukkan seorang kanak-kanak yang dikaitkan dengan kumpulan anti-kerajaan memenggal seorang banduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report says rebels frequently use schools as barracks or offices, children have taken up arms to fight and rebels have used them as lookouts.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu mengatakan pemberontak sering menggunakan sekolah sebagai berek atau pejabat, kanak-kanak telah mengangkat senjata untuk melawan dan pemberontak telah menggunakan mereka sebagai peninjau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other violations, both groups have also targeted typically off-limits groups like medical workers and indiscriminately shelled each other, killing innocents caught in the crossfire.", "r": {"result": "Dalam pelanggaran lain, kedua-dua kumpulan juga telah menyasarkan kumpulan yang biasanya di luar had seperti pekerja perubatan dan secara sewenang-wenangnya membedil antara satu sama lain, membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah yang terperangkap dalam pertempuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two million Syrians have been internally displaced, and more than 4 million need humanitarian aid, the investigators found.", "r": {"result": "Dua juta rakyat Syria telah kehilangan tempat tinggal, dan lebih daripada 4 juta memerlukan bantuan kemanusiaan, penyiasat mendapati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United Nations has repeatedly called for more serious and sustained international attention to Syria and a diplomatic end to the fighting.", "r": {"result": "Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu telah berulang kali meminta perhatian antarabangsa yang lebih serius dan berterusan terhadap Syria dan menamatkan pertempuran secara diplomatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the war has affected the body itself.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi perang telah menjejaskan badan itu sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, rebels detained 21 U.N. peacekeepers, claiming they came into an area where they didn't belong and saying they suspected the peacekeepers were secretly trying to help government forces.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, pemberontak menahan 21 pasukan pengaman PBB, mendakwa mereka masuk ke kawasan yang bukan milik mereka dan mengatakan mereka mengesyaki pasukan pengaman cuba membantu pasukan kerajaan secara rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The captives were released a few days ago.", "r": {"result": "Tawanan telah dibebaskan beberapa hari lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rebels on Tuesday said the report was an exaggeration.", "r": {"result": "Pemberontak pada hari Selasa berkata laporan itu adalah keterlaluan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Louay Almokdad, a spokesman for the rebel Free Syrian Army, said he was shocked by the report.", "r": {"result": "Louay Almokdad, jurucakap bagi pemberontak Free Syrian Army, berkata beliau terkejut dengan laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are quite stunned that the U.N. would issue such a report and try to blame both sides for violations when it is clear who is committing atrocities in the country and who is killing our innocent civilians,\" Almokdad said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami agak terkejut bahawa PBB akan mengeluarkan laporan sedemikian dan cuba menyalahkan kedua-dua pihak atas pelanggaran apabila jelas siapa yang melakukan kekejaman di negara ini dan siapa yang membunuh orang awam kami yang tidak bersalah,\" kata Almokdad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Syrian government, meanwhile, has consistently blamed \"armed terrorist groups\" for killing civilians.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Syria pula secara konsisten menyalahkan \"kumpulan pengganas bersenjata\" kerana membunuh orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the regime has often referred to opposition fighters as \"terrorists,\" some radical militants -- such as members of the Nusra Front -- have also joined the fight against the government.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun rejim itu sering merujuk kepada pejuang pembangkang sebagai \"pengganas,\" beberapa militan radikal -- seperti anggota Barisan Nusra -- turut menyertai perjuangan menentang kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, the United States blacklisted the Nusra Front as a foreign terror organization.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lalu, Amerika Syarikat menyenaraihitamkan Barisan Nusra sebagai organisasi pengganas asing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The move baffles Syrian rebels, an analyst said.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan itu membingungkan pemberontak Syria, kata seorang penganalisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many Syrians see the group as heroes of the revolution because of its professionalism and its willingness to fight and take causalities, said Jeffrey White, a defense analyst at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.", "r": {"result": "Ramai rakyat Syria melihat kumpulan itu sebagai wira revolusi kerana profesionalismenya dan kesanggupannya untuk melawan dan mengambil kira sebab musabab, kata Jeffrey White, penganalisis pertahanan di Institut Washington untuk Dasar Timur Dekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The organization is active in eight provinces, he said.", "r": {"result": "Organisasi itu aktif di lapan wilayah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 70,000 Syrians -- mostly civilians -- have been killed since peaceful anti-government protests led to a fierce government crackdown, an armed uprising and a civil war with no end in sight.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 70,000 rakyat Syria -- kebanyakannya orang awam -- telah terbunuh sejak protes anti-kerajaan secara aman membawa kepada tindakan keras kerajaan, pemberontakan bersenjata dan perang saudara yang tiada penghujungnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged patience.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, Setiausaha Negara AS John Kerry menggesa kesabaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You have to have some patience in this process even as you approach it with care, and I think that's exactly what we are doing,\" he told reporters in Washington.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda perlu mempunyai sedikit kesabaran dalam proses ini walaupun anda mendekatinya dengan berhati-hati, dan saya fikir itulah yang kami lakukan,\" katanya kepada pemberita di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to stop the killing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mahu menghentikan pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And they want to stop the killing.", "r": {"result": "Dan mereka mahu menghentikan pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world wants to stop the killing,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Dunia mahu menghentikan pembunuhan itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Tuesday's election marks the end of an epic, historic campaign season that included witches, rallies for sanity, the Tea Party and a journalist handcuffed by a campaign.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pilihan raya Selasa menandakan berakhirnya musim kempen yang epik dan bersejarah yang termasuk ahli sihir, perhimpunan untuk kewarasan, Parti Teh dan seorang wartawan yang digari oleh kempen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From Meg Whitman to Harry Reid to Joe Miller, candidates have spent more than ever, fought more than ever, and given us an election cycle of firsts.", "r": {"result": "Daripada Meg Whitman kepada Harry Reid kepada Joe Miller, calon telah berbelanja lebih daripada sebelumnya, berjuang lebih daripada sebelumnya, dan memberi kita kitaran pilihan raya yang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there is another first no one is really talking about: the surge of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans running this year.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada satu lagi perkara pertama yang tiada siapa yang benar-benar bercakap tentang: lonjakan veteran Iraq dan Afghanistan berjalan tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, 27 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan will seek national office.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, 27 veteran Iraq dan Afghanistan akan mendapatkan jawatan nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is nearly four times the number of veterans of those wars currently serving in Congress.", "r": {"result": "Ini hampir empat kali ganda bilangan veteran perang yang sedang berkhidmat di Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twenty-five are campaigning for House seats and two are running for the Senate.", "r": {"result": "Dua puluh lima berkempen untuk kerusi Dewan dan dua bertanding untuk Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eighteen are running as Republicans, nine as Democrats.", "r": {"result": "Lapan belas bertanding sebagai Republikan, sembilan sebagai Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are as ideologically diverse as the electorate they hope to represent and share only one agenda item: their desire to continue their service.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mempunyai kepelbagaian ideologi seperti pengundi yang mereka harapkan untuk mewakili dan berkongsi hanya satu agenda: keinginan mereka untuk meneruskan perkhidmatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This wave of veterans -- The New Vet 27 -- is the beginning of a much larger movement developing in American politics and society.", "r": {"result": "Gelombang veteran ini -- The New Vet 27 -- adalah permulaan pergerakan yang lebih besar berkembang dalam politik dan masyarakat Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They represent the next greatest generation of troops, who are committed to serving our country long after they get home from war.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mewakili generasi tentera terhebat akan datang, yang komited untuk berkhidmat kepada negara kita lama selepas mereka pulang dari perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether they win or lose in their campaigns, for those of us who have served, their initiative is inspiring, especially after a decade of war during which recent veterans have often been portrayed as either villains or victims.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada mereka menang atau kalah dalam kempen mereka, bagi kami yang telah berkhidmat, inisiatif mereka memberi inspirasi, terutamanya selepas sedekad perang di mana veteran baru-baru ini sering digambarkan sebagai penjahat atau mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are a dynamic group of young men -- unfortunately, no female veterans of Iraq or Afghanistan are running in this cycle -- who are familiar with a little crossfire.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah kumpulan lelaki muda yang dinamik -- malangnya, tiada veteran wanita Iraq atau Afghanistan berlari dalam kitaran ini -- yang biasa dengan sedikit tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They definitely know how to fight back when attacked.", "r": {"result": "Mereka pasti tahu bagaimana untuk melawan apabila diserang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And their bios read like something out of a movie.", "r": {"result": "Dan bios mereka dibaca seperti sesuatu daripada filem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tommy Sowers, Duncan Hunter Jr., Adam Kinzinger and Joe Sestak are just a few in this wave.", "r": {"result": "Tommy Sowers, Duncan Hunter Jr., Adam Kinzinger dan Joe Sestak hanyalah beberapa orang dalam gelombang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sowers served two tours in Iraq as a Green Beret, taught at West Point, and is running for Congress in Missouri in Rush Limbaugh's home district.", "r": {"result": "Sowers berkhidmat dua lawatan di Iraq sebagai Beret Hijau, mengajar di West Point, dan bertanding untuk Kongres di Missouri di daerah asal Rush Limbaugh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hunter served as a Marine in both Iraq and Afghanistan and is up for re-election to Congress in a part of California with a huge concentration of active duty troops.", "r": {"result": "Hunter berkhidmat sebagai Marin di Iraq dan Afghanistan dan bersedia untuk dipilih semula ke Kongres di bahagian California dengan penumpuan besar tentera bertugas aktif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kinzinger, an Air Force pilot renowned for saving a Milwaukee, Wisconsin, woman from a knife-wielding attacker, returned from his third deployment to Iraq in May 2009 and is running to represent a congressional district in Illinois.", "r": {"result": "Kinzinger, seorang juruterbang Tentera Udara yang terkenal kerana menyelamatkan seorang wanita Milwaukee, Wisconsin daripada penyerang bersenjatakan pisau, kembali dari penempatan ketiganya ke Iraq pada Mei 2009 dan sedang bertanding untuk mewakili daerah kongres di Illinois.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And three-star Navy Adm.", "r": {"result": "Dan Tentera Laut Adm.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Sestak is trading in his command of a carrier battle group supporting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for an opportunity to tackle the Senate representing Pennsylvania.", "r": {"result": "Joe Sestak berdagang dalam perintahnya dalam kumpulan pertempuran kapal induk yang menyokong operasi tempur di Iraq dan Afghanistan untuk peluang untuk menangani Senat yang mewakili Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the front lines, The New Vet 27 served to a different degree than 99 percent of Americans.", "r": {"result": "Di barisan hadapan, The New Vet 27 berkhidmat pada tahap yang berbeza daripada 99 peratus rakyat Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They saw firsthand the enormous cost of America's decision to send young men and women to war.", "r": {"result": "Mereka melihat secara langsung kos yang sangat besar dalam keputusan Amerika untuk menghantar lelaki dan wanita muda untuk berperang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were tested, they served with honor -- and they survived.", "r": {"result": "Mereka diuji, mereka berkhidmat dengan terhormat -- dan mereka terselamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, they're ready to put their military values and skills to use in a new kind of battle.", "r": {"result": "Kini, mereka bersedia untuk meletakkan nilai dan kemahiran ketenteraan mereka untuk digunakan dalam jenis pertempuran baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As veterans, they know the ramifications of foreign policy decisions, the struggles for quality health care coverage, and the challenges of getting a college education.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai veteran, mereka tahu kesan keputusan dasar luar negara, perjuangan untuk perlindungan penjagaan kesihatan yang berkualiti, dan cabaran untuk mendapatkan pendidikan kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also know how to make tough decisions under pressure.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga tahu cara membuat keputusan yang sukar di bawah tekanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And they are looking for that next mission that allows them to keep serving.", "r": {"result": "Dan mereka sedang mencari misi seterusnya yang membolehkan mereka terus berkhidmat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They represent new blood, but they're not the first generation to make this transition.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mewakili darah baru, tetapi mereka bukan generasi pertama yang melakukan peralihan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our democracy is rooted in this historical precedent.", "r": {"result": "Demokrasi kita berakar umbi dalam preseden sejarah ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since George Washington first set aside his rank of general to seek office, declaring \"When we assumed the soldier, we did not lay aside the citizen,\" veterans have long been part of a tradition of political service in this country.", "r": {"result": "Sejak George Washington pertama kali mengetepikan pangkat jeneralnya untuk mendapatkan jawatan, mengisytiharkan \"Apabila kami mengambil alih askar, kami tidak mengetepikan warganegara,\" veteran telah lama menjadi sebahagian daripada tradisi perkhidmatan politik di negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World War II and Korea created a wave in Washington, as many former warriors used the GI Bill to earn their college education and transition into public service.", "r": {"result": "Perang Dunia II dan Korea mencipta gelombang di Washington, kerana ramai bekas pahlawan menggunakan Rang Undang-Undang GI untuk mendapatkan pendidikan kolej mereka dan beralih ke perkhidmatan awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John F. Kennedy, George H. W. Bush, John Warner, Daniel Akaka, Robert Dole, Max Cleland, John Murtha, John Kerry, James Webb and John McCain are just a few of the veterans in our nation's recent history who carried their oath to serve from combat to Capitol Hill.", "r": {"result": "John F. Kennedy, George H. W. Bush, John Warner, Daniel Akaka, Robert Dole, Max Cleland, John Murtha, John Kerry, James Webb dan John McCain hanyalah beberapa orang veteran dalam sejarah negara kita baru-baru ini yang mengangkat sumpah mereka untuk berkhidmat. dari pertempuran ke Capitol Hill.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But The New Vet 27 hoping to take the oath of office comes at a critical juncture for our country.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi The New Vet 27 berharap untuk mengangkat sumpah jawatan datang pada titik kritikal untuk negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American public has never been more disconnected from the costs and consequences of war.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai Amerika tidak pernah lebih terputus daripada kos dan akibat perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Washington is no exception.", "r": {"result": "Dan Washington tidak terkecuali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the nation being immersed in two wars, the veteran ranks on Capitol Hill are rapidly disappearing.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun negara sedang tenggelam dalam dua peperangan, barisan veteran di Capitol Hill semakin hilang dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many World War II and Korea vets have died or retired, and there are only three Vietnam vets currently serving in the Senate (McCain, Webb and Kerry).", "r": {"result": "Ramai doktor haiwan Perang Dunia II dan Korea telah meninggal dunia atau bersara, dan hanya terdapat tiga doktor haiwan Vietnam yang sedang berkhidmat di Senat (McCain, Webb dan Kerry).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Tuesday's election, there is a significant likelihood veterans will hold less than a fifth of the seats in Congress -- a sharp contrast from 1969, when veterans held a record 75 percent of the seats in the wake of World War II and Korea.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pilihan raya hari Selasa, terdapat kemungkinan besar veteran akan memegang kurang daripada satu perlima daripada kerusi dalam Kongres -- satu perbezaan yang ketara dari 1969, apabila veteran memegang rekod 75 peratus daripada kerusi selepas Perang Dunia II dan Korea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When polls close this week, The New Vet 27 might not all capture seats, but they do represent an important sign of things to come for our country.", "r": {"result": "Apabila undian ditutup minggu ini, The New Vet 27 mungkin tidak semua menguasai kerusi, tetapi ia mewakili petanda penting perkara yang akan datang untuk negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And troops thousands of miles away in Iraq and Afghanistan will have an eye on them.", "r": {"result": "Dan tentera beribu batu jauhnya di Iraq dan Afghanistan akan mengawasi mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Tuesday, there is no telling how many of the 2.1 million troops deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, as of June 2010, will end up in Congress in the years to come.", "r": {"result": "Selepas hari Selasa, tidak diketahui berapa ramai daripada 2.1 juta tentera yang dikerahkan ke Iraq dan Afghanistan, pada Jun 2010, akan berakhir di Kongres pada tahun-tahun akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But if history is any guide, the country should expect quite a few.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jika sejarah adalah mana-mana panduan, negara harus mengharapkan agak sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And likely one or two in the White House.", "r": {"result": "Dan mungkin satu atau dua di Rumah Putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Paul Rieckhoff.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Paul Rieckhoff semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- He burst on the music scene in the 1970s with the Commodores and then went on to a major solo career with hits such as \"All Night Long\" and \"Hello\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dia menceburkan diri dalam persada muzik pada 1970-an bersama Commodores dan kemudian meneruskan kerjaya solo utama dengan lagu-lagu hits seperti \"All Night Long\" dan \"Hello\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie and his daughter, Nicole, gave their first joint TV interview in six years to CNN's Larry King.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie dan anak perempuannya, Nicole, memberikan wawancara TV bersama pertama mereka dalam tempoh enam tahun kepada Larry King dari CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She made a name for herself on the TV series \"The Simple Life,\" which followed the exploits of her and fellow socialite Paris Hilton, and in the tabloids.", "r": {"result": "Dia mencipta nama untuk dirinya sendiri dalam siri TV \"The Simple Life,\" yang mengikuti eksploitasi dia dan rakan sosialit Paris Hilton, dan dalam tabloid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Father-and-daughter Lionel and Nicole Richie have been making news for decades, but rarely together.", "r": {"result": "Bapa-dan-anak perempuan Lionel dan Nicole Richie telah membuat berita selama beberapa dekad, tetapi jarang bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In their first TV interview together in six years, they talked with CNN's Larry King about their relationship; her time in rehab; Lionel's first grandchild, Harlow; their growing family; and more.", "r": {"result": "Dalam wawancara TV pertama mereka bersama dalam enam tahun, mereka bercakap dengan Larry King dari CNN tentang hubungan mereka; masanya dalam pemulihan; Cucu pertama Lionel, Harlow; keluarga mereka yang semakin meningkat; dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The following interview, scheduled to air Thursday night, has been edited for brevity and clarity:", "r": {"result": "Temu bual berikut, yang dijadualkan disiarkan pada malam Khamis, telah disunting untuk ringkas dan jelas:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Larry King: You did \"American Idol\".", "r": {"result": "Larry King: Anda melakukan \"American Idol\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A European tour.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A new CD.", "r": {"result": "CD baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You ever give thoughts of just cooling it?", "r": {"result": "Anda pernah berfikir untuk menyejukkannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: My answer to that is very simple.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Jawapan saya untuk itu sangat mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't like fishing.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak suka memancing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm pretty much like you.", "r": {"result": "Saya hampir sama seperti awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is my hobby.", "r": {"result": "Ini hobi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: What's the new album [\"Just Go\"] about?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Apakah album baharu [\"Just Go\"]?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: You know what I decided to do on this album?", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Anda tahu apa yang saya putuskan untuk lakukan pada album ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Something different.", "r": {"result": "Sesuatu yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of controlling, which is what I love to do -- I'm the writer, I'm the arranger, I'm the producer, I'm the singer -- I decided [to] start another way.", "r": {"result": "Daripada mengawal, itulah perkara yang saya suka lakukan -- saya penulis, saya pengatur, saya penerbit, saya penyanyi -- saya memutuskan untuk memulakan cara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I just gave up the power completely.", "r": {"result": "Saya hanya melepaskan kuasa sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is only one song on this album that I actually wrote, called \"Eternity\".", "r": {"result": "Hanya ada satu lagu dalam album ini yang sebenarnya saya tulis iaitu \"Eternity\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: The \"American Idol\" thing.", "r": {"result": "Raja: Perkara \"American Idol\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Was that fun?", "r": {"result": "Adakah itu menyeronokkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why did you do it?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa anda melakukannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: It's the best fun in the world.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Ia adalah keseronokan terbaik di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Danny [Gokey] was so wonderful.", "r": {"result": "Danny [Gokey] sangat mengagumkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He kept saying, \"Suppose I mess up or suppose I sing your line instead of my line,\" and I said, \"You can't mess this one up.", "r": {"result": "Dia terus berkata, \"Andaikata saya mengacau atau andaikan saya menyanyikan baris anda dan bukannya baris saya,\" dan saya berkata, \"Anda tidak boleh mengacaukan yang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if you feel like you want to sing my part, sing it loud and strong\".", "r": {"result": "Dan jika anda rasa ingin menyanyikan bahagian saya, nyanyikan dengan kuat dan kuat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And of course he nailed it.", "r": {"result": "Dan sudah tentu dia berjaya melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was so much fun to watch everybody backstage.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat menyeronokkan untuk menonton semua orang di belakang pentas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tension of what goes through that show, I don't think I [could] do it.", "r": {"result": "Ketegangan apa yang berlaku melalui persembahan itu, saya rasa saya tidak [boleh] melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "[Nicole Richie joins the interview].", "r": {"result": "[Nicole Richie menyertai wawancara].", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: What is it like to be with her in this setting?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Bagaimana rasanya berada bersamanya dalam suasana ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: I'm so proud of her right now.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Saya sangat berbangga dengannya sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is such a pride that she has turned this corner.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kebanggaan bahawa dia telah beralih ke sudut ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is an amazing mother.", "r": {"result": "Dia seorang ibu yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want the world to know where she is.", "r": {"result": "Saya mahu dunia tahu di mana dia berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: Now you're pregnant with a second child, right?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Sekarang awak mengandung anak kedua kan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: Yes, yes I am.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Ya, ya saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: And the father [Joel Madden] is the same?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Dan bapa [Joel Madden] adalah sama?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: Yes.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: You going to get married?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Awak nak kahwin?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: Eventually, yes.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Akhirnya, ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: But that's not important or paramount?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Tetapi itu tidak penting atau terpenting?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: I think for both of us, we are going to do it because we want to, not because that's what you do.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Saya fikir untuk kami berdua, kami akan melakukannya kerana kami mahu, bukan kerana itu yang anda lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: What kind of grandfather is he?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Apa jenis datuknya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: Well, he's very animated.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Nah, dia sangat animasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He smiles like this all the time, and so he's nothing but fun for Harlow.", "r": {"result": "Dia tersenyum seperti ini sepanjang masa, dan oleh itu dia hanya menyeronokkan untuk Harlow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She absolutely loves him.", "r": {"result": "Dia benar-benar mencintainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Nicole Richie talk about her daughter >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Nicole Richie bercakap tentang anak perempuannya >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: Nicole, you've been through some turbulent times.", "r": {"result": "Raja: Nicole, anda telah melalui beberapa masa yang bergelora.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You've had drug abuse, wild-child behavior.", "r": {"result": "Anda pernah mengalami penyalahgunaan dadah, tingkah laku kanak-kanak liar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Entered rehab in 2003. How have you come through all of that?", "r": {"result": "Memasuki pemulihan pada tahun 2003. Bagaimanakah anda melalui semua itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: With the support of my family, really.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Dengan sokongan keluarga saya, sungguh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've always stayed really close with my mother [Brenda] and my father.", "r": {"result": "Saya sentiasa rapat dengan ibu saya [Brenda] dan ayah saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have really great friends.", "r": {"result": "Saya mempunyai kawan yang sangat hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I just have a really great circle around me who support me no matter what, don't judge me no matter how low I've ever gotten.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya hanya mempunyai bulatan yang sangat hebat di sekeliling saya yang menyokong saya tidak kira apa pun, jangan menilai saya tidak kira betapa rendahnya saya pernah mendapat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: How did you deal with it, Lionel?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Bagaimana awak menanganinya, Lionel?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: It gave me an amazing opportunity to step up to the plate.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Ia memberi saya peluang yang menakjubkan untuk melangkah ke hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I said to her one day: I have some good news and I have some bad news.", "r": {"result": "Saya berkata kepadanya pada suatu hari: Saya mempunyai beberapa berita baik dan saya mempunyai beberapa berita buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I said the bad news is that Nicole is going to die.", "r": {"result": "Saya berkata berita buruk ialah Nicole akan mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The good news is, she doesn't have to.", "r": {"result": "Berita baiknya, dia tidak perlu melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember that look on her face of sheer panic.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat wajahnya yang kelihatan panik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I said the only person who is going to be able to save Nicole is Nicole.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya berkata satu-satunya orang yang akan dapat menyelamatkan Nicole ialah Nicole.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And she went away and about three weeks later I got a phone saying, 'Dad, I want to go into rehab.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia pergi dan kira-kira tiga minggu kemudian saya mendapat telefon berkata, 'Ayah, saya mahu pergi ke pemulihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And when she checked into rehab, her mother and I checked into rehab with her.", "r": {"result": "' Dan apabila dia mendaftar masuk ke dalam pemulihan, ibunya dan saya mendaftar masuk ke dalam pemulihan bersamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: What was the toughest part about rehab?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Apakah bahagian yang paling sukar tentang pemulihan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: It was right before \"The Simple Life\" came out.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Ia betul-betul sebelum \"The Simple Life\" keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just the fact that I couldn't do it in private really was unfortunate.", "r": {"result": "Hanya fakta bahawa saya tidak dapat melakukannya secara tertutup benar-benar malang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But we didn't watch TV there or [had no] connection to the outside world, which I thought was really great.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kami tidak menonton TV di sana atau [tiada] hubungan dengan dunia luar, yang saya fikir sangat hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I just focused on being positive there and focused on myself.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya hanya fokus untuk menjadi positif di sana dan fokus pada diri saya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And my parents were there with me.", "r": {"result": "Dan ibu bapa saya ada bersama saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They came for family week.", "r": {"result": "Mereka datang untuk minggu keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And so I just focused on that and everything just kind of fell in place.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya hanya menumpukan pada itu dan segala-galanya hanya jatuh pada tempatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Nicole Richie talk about rehab >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Nicole Richie bercakap tentang pemulihan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: When all of those troubles were going on, didn't it affect [your] performance?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Apabila semua masalah itu berlaku, tidakkah ia menjejaskan prestasi [anda]?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: Thank God for the stage.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Terima kasih Tuhan untuk pentas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What the stage was for me was an outlet.", "r": {"result": "Apa pentas bagi saya adalah outlet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It gave me a chance to kind of get away from it for a moment.", "r": {"result": "Ia memberi saya peluang untuk menjauhinya seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: You said that you were not a good dad to Nicole growing up ... wasn't there for her.", "r": {"result": "King: Anda berkata bahawa anda bukan ayah yang baik untuk Nicole yang sedang membesar ... tidak ada untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you regret that?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda menyesalinya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: I was trying to be Lionel Richie.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Saya cuba menjadi Lionel Richie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is a part of [me] that's guilty because I wish I could have been there more for her, but I was trying to make it as the solo guy at that time.", "r": {"result": "Ada sebahagian daripada [saya] yang bersalah kerana saya harap saya boleh berada di sana lebih banyak untuknya, tetapi saya cuba menjadikannya sebagai lelaki solo pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: What kind of dad was he?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Ayah jenis apa dia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: I really hate when he says that.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Saya sangat benci apabila dia berkata begitu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hate when he says that he wasn't a good dad because my memory of my childhood was nothing but good memories.", "r": {"result": "Saya benci apabila dia mengatakan bahawa dia bukan ayah yang baik kerana ingatan saya pada zaman kanak-kanak saya hanyalah kenangan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember him coming down in the kitchen in the morning and singing songs and us playing.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat dia turun ke dapur pada waktu pagi dan menyanyikan lagu dan kami bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Was he gone a lot?", "r": {"result": "Adakah dia banyak pergi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yeah.", "r": {"result": "Yeah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he also toured a lot.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia juga banyak melawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even when he and my mom divorced, it was kind of like he was on tour, so I was kind of OK with it.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia dan ibu saya bercerai, ia seperti dia dalam lawatan, jadi saya agak OK dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he's not perfect, he's a human and we went through phases of not speaking.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia tidak sempurna, dia manusia dan kami melalui fasa tidak bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I could sit here and I could say that I was a terrible daughter, too, but I am not going to say that.", "r": {"result": "Saya boleh duduk di sini dan saya boleh mengatakan bahawa saya juga seorang anak perempuan yang dahsyat, tetapi saya tidak akan mengatakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: How do you like her boyfriend [Joel Madden]?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Bagaimanakah anda menyukai teman lelakinya [Joel Madden]?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: Love him.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Suka dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Love him.", "r": {"result": "Cinta dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: Don't you want them to get married?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Awak tak nak mereka kahwin ke?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: I want them to take their time.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Saya mahu mereka mengambil masa mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm more interested in whether they like each other and whether they're best friends.", "r": {"result": "Saya lebih berminat sama ada mereka suka antara satu sama lain dan sama ada mereka kawan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because that means they'll be great parents forever.", "r": {"result": "Kerana itu bermakna mereka akan menjadi ibu bapa yang hebat selama-lamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King [to Nicole]: You were adopted.", "r": {"result": "King [kepada Nicole]: Anda telah diterima pakai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicole Richie: Yes.", "r": {"result": "Nicole Richie: Ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: When we adopted, [she] was 8, yes.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Apabila kami mengambil anak angkat, [dia] berumur 8 tahun, ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When we first met her, she was 3 1/2.", "r": {"result": "Semasa kami mula-mula bertemu dengannya, dia adalah 3 1/2.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: Took five years?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Mengambil masa lima tahun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: She stayed with us for two years before we even thought about legal guardianship.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Dia tinggal bersama kami selama dua tahun sebelum kami memikirkan tentang penjagaan yang sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King: Was there a doubt about doing it?", "r": {"result": "Raja: Adakah terdapat keraguan untuk melakukannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lionel Richie: It was a tremendous responsibility, but I fell in love.", "r": {"result": "Lionel Richie: Ia adalah tanggungjawab yang besar, tetapi saya jatuh cinta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brenda fell in love.", "r": {"result": "Brenda jatuh cinta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And once you fall in love, you don't know anything else.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila anda jatuh cinta, anda tidak tahu apa-apa lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A massive manhunt, touched off more than a year ago when a California man is believed to have killed his family, ended Sunday when authorities announced they'd found the man's remains.", "r": {"result": "Pemburuan besar-besaran, dilakukan lebih setahun lalu apabila seorang lelaki California dipercayai membunuh keluarganya, berakhir Ahad apabila pihak berkuasa mengumumkan mereka telah menemui mayat lelaki itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shane Miller, the prime suspect in the deaths of his wife and two young daughters, was recently featured on CNN's \"The Hunt With John Walsh\".", "r": {"result": "Shane Miller, suspek utama dalam kematian isteri dan dua anak perempuannya, baru-baru ini dipaparkan dalam \"The Hunt With John Walsh\" CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His remains were found not far from where Miller's truck was located in Petrolia, California, last year, said Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko.", "r": {"result": "Mayatnya ditemui tidak jauh dari lokasi trak Miller berada di Petrolia, California, tahun lalu, kata Syerif Shasta County Tom Bosenko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not immediately clear how long they had been there.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas berapa lama mereka berada di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The remains were reported Friday on the banks of the Mattole River, according to a statement from the Sheriff's Office, and were identified through dental records.", "r": {"result": "Mayat dilaporkan pada Jumaat di tebing Sungai Mattole, menurut kenyataan dari Pejabat Syerif, dan dikenal pasti melalui rekod pergigian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller was featured in Episode 1 of \"The Hunt\".", "r": {"result": "Miller telah dipaparkan dalam Episod 1 \"The Hunt\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities had been looking for him since May 2013.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa telah mencarinya sejak Mei 2013.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On May 7, 2013, a 911 dispatcher got a call from the Miller residence.", "r": {"result": "Pada 7 Mei 2013, seorang penghantar 911 mendapat panggilan daripada kediaman Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sounds of breathing and crying, then loud bangs, could be heard before the line went dead.", "r": {"result": "Bunyi nafas dan tangisan, kemudian dentuman kuat, kedengaran sebelum talian terputus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When police arrived at the home, they found the bodies of Miller's wife, Sandy Miller, and the couple's two daughters -- Shelby, 8, and Shasta, 5 -- with multiple gunshot wounds.", "r": {"result": "Apabila polis tiba di rumah, mereka menemui mayat isteri Miller, Sandy Miller, dan dua anak perempuan pasangan itu -- Shelby, 8, dan Shasta, 5 -- dengan beberapa kesan tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shane Miller quickly became the lead suspect in the case.", "r": {"result": "Shane Miller dengan cepat menjadi suspek utama dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the killings, he, his truck and the family dog went missing.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pembunuhan itu, dia, traknya dan anjing keluarga itu hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller was later spotted by an ex-girlfriend in Petrolia, sparking the manhunt.", "r": {"result": "Miller kemudiannya dikesan oleh bekas teman wanita di Petrolia, mencetuskan pemburuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He ditched his truck and authorities had thought he fled on foot into the mountainous forests of California's \"Lost Coast\".", "r": {"result": "Dia membuang traknya dan pihak berkuasa menyangka dia melarikan diri dengan berjalan kaki ke hutan pergunungan \"Lost Coast\" California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His remains were found about 1,500 feet from Miller's vehicle, the Sheriff's Office said.", "r": {"result": "Mayatnya ditemui kira-kira 1,500 kaki dari kenderaan Miller, kata Pejabat Syerif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Near them, authorities recovered a handgun and loaded magazines.", "r": {"result": "Berhampiran mereka, pihak berkuasa menemui pistol dan memuatkan majalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ammunition in the magazines was consistent with ammunition found in Miller's truck, and at the family's slaying scene, the Sheriff's Office said.", "r": {"result": "Peluru dalam majalah itu konsisten dengan peluru yang ditemui dalam trak Miller, dan di tempat kejadian pembunuhan keluarga itu, kata Pejabat Syerif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Hunt,\" which premiered on CNN on July 13, aims to expose stories of ongoing criminal investigations of fugitives and expand the search internationally.", "r": {"result": "\"The Hunt,\" yang ditayangkan di CNN pada 13 Julai, bertujuan untuk mendedahkan kisah penyiasatan jenayah yang sedang dijalankan terhadap pelarian dan meluaskan pencarian di peringkat antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, a 32-year-old suspected sex offender featured on the show died in a shootout in New York City as police closed in.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, seorang lelaki berusia 32 tahun yang disyaki pesalah seks yang dipaparkan dalam rancangan itu maut dalam kejadian berbalas tembak di New York City ketika polis menutup masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators said they sifted through hundreds of tips in their search for that suspect, Charles Mozdir, but a phone call they got during \"The Hunt\" helped them crack the case.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat berkata mereka meneliti ratusan petua dalam pencarian mereka untuk suspek itu, Charles Mozdir, tetapi panggilan telefon yang mereka dapat semasa \"The Hunt\" membantu mereka memecahkan kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's been quite a week, and I think lots of people are relieved that both of these guys are off the streets,\" Walsh said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah seminggu berlalu, dan saya rasa ramai orang lega kerana kedua-dua lelaki ini tidak berada di jalanan,\" kata Walsh Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Join \"The Hunt\" for more fugitives.", "r": {"result": "Sertai \"The Hunt\" untuk lebih banyak pelarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jerusalem (CNN) -- The lawyer for a 30-year-old Palestinian married father of two who has admitted in a plea bargain to rape by deception said Wednesday he will appeal his client's sentence, which was handed up Monday.", "r": {"result": "Baitulmuqaddis (CNN) -- Peguam kepada seorang warga Palestin berusia 30 tahun berkahwin dengan bapa kepada dua anak yang telah mengaku dalam rundingan pengakuan untuk merogol melalui penipuan berkata pada hari Rabu dia akan merayu hukuman anak guamnya, yang telah diserahkan pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Eighteen months in prison is too much,\" said Adnan Aladdin.", "r": {"result": "\u201cLapan belas bulan penjara terlalu lama,\u201d kata Adnan Aladdin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is representing Saber Kashour, a Palestinian living in east Jerusalem who admitted pretending to be a single Jewish man before having sex with an Israeli woman.", "r": {"result": "Dia mewakili Sabre Kashour, seorang warga Palestin yang tinggal di timur Baitulmaqdis yang mengaku berpura-pura sebagai seorang lelaki Yahudi bujang sebelum melakukan hubungan seks dengan seorang wanita Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kashour already has been detained for two months, followed by about two years of house arrest, his lawyer said.", "r": {"result": "Kashour telah pun ditahan selama dua bulan, diikuti kira-kira dua tahun tahanan rumah, kata peguamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"According to the bargain, he should be punished, but we expect him to receive community service on appeal in about 30 days' time,\" Aladdin added.", "r": {"result": "\"Menurut tawaran itu, dia sepatutnya dihukum, tetapi kami menjangkakan dia menerima khidmat masyarakat atas rayuan dalam masa kira-kira 30 hari,\" tambah Aladdin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kashour told CNN the relations with the woman, who has not been identified publicly, were consensual.", "r": {"result": "Kashour memberitahu CNN bahawa hubungan dengan wanita itu, yang belum dikenal pasti secara terbuka, adalah berdasarkan persetujuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The girl is the one who started flirting with me and talking to me, and she is the one who wanted the thing from beginning to end,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cGadis itu adalah orang yang mula bercumbu dengan saya dan bercakap dengan saya, dan dialah yang mahukan perkara itu dari awal hingga akhir,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I met her on a West Jerusalem street, she approached me and started flirting with me.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya bertemu dengannya di jalan Baitulmaqdis Barat, dia mendekati saya dan mula menggoda saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within 15 minutes, she wanted to be with me, and we were together\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam masa 15 minit, dia mahu bersama saya, dan kami bersama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aladdin described his client's liaison in more detail: \"There was a short foreplay a few minutes before; during the foreplay, the guy tells a few lies, the lady tells a few lies.", "r": {"result": "Aladdin menerangkan perhubungan kliennya dengan lebih terperinci: \"Terdapat foreplay pendek beberapa minit sebelum itu; semasa foreplay, lelaki itu bercakap beberapa pembohongan, wanita itu bercakap beberapa pembohongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They both have one goal, and that is to go to bed together.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berdua mempunyai satu matlamat, iaitu untuk tidur bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the sexual intercourse, which was totally consensual, the lady decides to claim that the guy raped her brutally.", "r": {"result": "Selepas hubungan seksual, yang benar-benar suka sama suka, wanita itu memutuskan untuk mendakwa bahawa lelaki itu merogolnya dengan kejam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She comes to court and testifies that this was a case of rape in which there was the use of force.", "r": {"result": "Dia datang ke mahkamah dan memberi keterangan bahawa ini adalah kes rogol yang mana terdapat penggunaan kekerasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At this stage, the defense decides to make an independent investigation.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPada peringkat ini, pihak pembelaan memutuskan untuk membuat siasatan bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The investigation came up with new facts upon which the D.A. [district attorney] decides to give up the claim the sex was not consensual.", "r": {"result": "Siasatan itu menghasilkan fakta baharu yang mana D.A. [peguam daerah] memutuskan untuk melepaskan dakwaan bahawa jantina itu bukan berdasarkan persetujuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So both sides agreed that the sexual intercourse was consensual.", "r": {"result": "Jadi kedua-dua pihak bersetuju bahawa hubungan seksual itu adalah secara suka sama suka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the D.A. still wanted to charge him with rape by deception.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, D.A. masih mahu menuduhnya merogol dengan cara menipu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So this is the best the defense could do in this case.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJadi ini adalah yang terbaik yang boleh dilakukan oleh pihak pembelaan dalam kes ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are appealing the very long sentence\".", "r": {"result": "Kami merayu hukuman yang sangat panjang itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kashour, who acknowledged having told the woman he was single, said he is known as \"Dudu,\" a nickname for the Jewish name \"David,\" but also his own nickname.", "r": {"result": "Kashour, yang mengakui telah memberitahu wanita itu dia bujang, berkata dia dikenali sebagai \"Dudu,\" nama panggilan untuk nama Yahudi \"David,\" tetapi juga nama panggilannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Apparently, later she discovered that I was an Arab and complained to the police,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Nampaknya, kemudian dia mendapati saya seorang Arab dan mengadu kepada polis,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I did not say anything or commit anything wrong,\" he insisted, adding that he did not understand how his misrepresentations could result in a rape charge.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak berkata apa-apa atau melakukan apa-apa kesalahan,\" tegasnya, sambil menambah bahawa dia tidak faham bagaimana salah nyatanya boleh mengakibatkan pertuduhan rogol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I told the woman I was a pilot and later she finds out that I was not a pilot, then she goes and says that 'He raped me'?", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya memberitahu wanita itu saya seorang juruterbang dan kemudian dia mengetahui bahawa saya bukan juruterbang, kemudian dia pergi dan berkata bahawa 'Dia merogol saya'?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I told her that I was a millionaire and it turns out that I am a poor man, then she goes and says that 'He raped me'\"?", "r": {"result": "Jika saya memberitahunya bahawa saya seorang jutawan dan ternyata saya seorang lelaki miskin, maka dia pergi dan berkata bahawa 'Dia merogol saya'\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is terrible, but the law says very clearly that if someone has sexual intercourse using deception about his identity to conduct the act, it can be considered rape,\" said Leah Samael, a lawyer specializing in civil rights and human rights cases.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia amat mengerikan, tetapi undang-undang menyatakan dengan jelas bahawa jika seseorang melakukan hubungan seksual menggunakan penipuan tentang identitinya untuk melakukan perbuatan itu, ia boleh dianggap sebagai rogol,\" kata Leah Samael, seorang peguam yang pakar dalam kes hak sivil dan hak asasi manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, if the circumstances had been different -- if a religious Jew had said he was not religious in order to woo a potential suitor -- \"he would not be brought to court,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, jika keadaannya berbeza -- jika seorang Yahudi yang beragama telah berkata dia tidak beragama untuk memikat calon pelamar -- \"dia tidak akan dibawa ke mahkamah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And I am not sure that, on this occasion, it is a reason to charge.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan saya tidak pasti bahawa, pada kesempatan ini, ia adalah alasan untuk mengenakan bayaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To have intercourse in daytime in a deserted building in the center of town -- I say the circumstances speak for themselves\".", "r": {"result": "Untuk melakukan persetubuhan pada siang hari di bangunan terpencil di tengah-tengah bandar -- saya katakan keadaan bercakap untuk diri mereka sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"The thing that interests me in the case is the need, the necessity, of Arabs in Israel to pretend.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \"Perkara yang menarik minat saya dalam kes ini ialah keperluan, keperluan, orang Arab di Israel untuk berpura-pura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To speak without an accent so as not to be seen as Arabs.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap tanpa loghat supaya tidak dilihat sebagai orang Arab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To dress not to look like Arabs\".", "r": {"result": "Berpakaian tidak kelihatan seperti orang Arab\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She predicted Kashour would prevail.", "r": {"result": "Dia meramalkan Kashour akan menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't know if he will be acquitted, but he has served his punishment,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak tahu sama ada dia akan dibebaskan, tetapi dia telah menjalani hukumannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Criminal law rarely applies to minor lies, like dyed hair or a changed name,\" said Dana Pugach of the Noga Legal Center for Victims of Crime.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang jenayah jarang terpakai untuk pembohongan kecil, seperti rambut yang dicelup atau ditukar nama,\" kata Dana Pugach dari Pusat Undang-undang Noga untuk Mangsa Jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But it would apply to the more meaningful lies,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi ia akan digunakan untuk pembohongan yang lebih bermakna,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For example, where a doctor persuades a woman to have sex claiming it would be a part of the medical treatment.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai contoh, di mana seorang doktor memujuk seorang wanita untuk melakukan hubungan seks dengan mendakwa ia akan menjadi sebahagian daripada rawatan perubatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for this particular case, it is not the fact that he was an Arab and claimed to be Jewish.", "r": {"result": "Bagi kes ini, ia bukanlah fakta bahawa dia seorang Arab dan mengaku sebagai Yahudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court emphasized the fact that he claimed to be single while he was married, which would be relevant in the context of a romantic relationship\".", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah menekankan fakta bahawa dia mendakwa bujang semasa dia sudah berkahwin, yang akan relevan dalam konteks hubungan percintaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kashour expressed regret, but not for the alleged victim.", "r": {"result": "Kashour menyatakan kekesalan, tetapi tidak terhadap mangsa yang didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would only be upset and regret this because I have put my wife through pain and upset her, but I did not [do] anything wrong with the girl\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hanya akan kecewa dan menyesali perkara ini kerana saya telah membuat isteri saya mengalami kesakitan dan menyusahkannya, tetapi saya tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan terhadap gadis itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His is the second conviction on the charge of rape by deception.", "r": {"result": "Beliau adalah sabitan kedua atas pertuduhan merogol dengan cara menipu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2008, the Israeli High Court of Justice convicted Zvi Sliman for impersonating an official in the Housing Ministry and promising women help and benefits to persuade them to have sex with him.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2008, Mahkamah Keadilan Tinggi Israel mensabitkan kesalahan Zvi Sliman kerana menyamar sebagai pegawai di Kementerian Perumahan dan menjanjikan bantuan dan faedah kepada wanita untuk memujuk mereka melakukan hubungan seks dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sliman was sentenced to 10 years in prison.", "r": {"result": "Sliman dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 10 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Azriel Guy, Kareem Khadder and Paul Colsey contributed to this report from Jerusalem.", "r": {"result": "Azriel Guy, Kareem Khadder dan Paul Colsey menyumbang kepada laporan ini dari Jerusalem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Formula One team Red Bull have held clear the air talks after the collision between drivers Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel that cost them a chance of victory at the Turkish Grand Prix.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pasukan Formula Satu Red Bull telah mengadakan perbincangan yang jelas selepas perlanggaran antara pemandu Mark Webber dan Sebastian Vettel yang menyebabkan mereka berpeluang menang di Grand Prix Turki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Australian Webber was leading in Istanbul when second-placed Vettel attempted to overtake on lap 40 of 58 but the cars collided, costing both valuable points.", "r": {"result": "Webber Australia mendahului di Istanbul apabila Vettel yang berada di tempat kedua cuba memintas pada pusingan ke-40 daripada 58 tetapi kereta itu berlanggar, menyebabkan kedua-dua mata berharga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vettel span off the track and was forced to retire while Webber recovered to finish third after spending time in the pits.", "r": {"result": "Vettel merentasi trek dan terpaksa bersara manakala Webber pulih untuk menduduki tempat ketiga selepas menghabiskan masa di pit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the race, both blamed each other.", "r": {"result": "Selepas perlumbaan, kedua-duanya saling menyalahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Red Bull bosses called a clear the air meeting at their base in the UK on Thursday and emerged to insist the matter was now closed.", "r": {"result": "Bos Red Bull memanggil mesyuarat udara yang jelas di pangkalan mereka di UK pada hari Khamis dan muncul untuk menegaskan perkara itu kini ditutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement on their official Web site read: \"It was a positive meeting, which draws a line under the incident that happened on lap 40 of the Turkish Grand Prix.", "r": {"result": "Satu kenyataan di laman web rasmi mereka berbunyi: \"Ia adalah pertemuan yang positif, yang menarik garis di bawah insiden yang berlaku pada pusingan ke-40 Grand Prix Turki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The team are now fully focused on next week's Canadian Grand Prix\".", "r": {"result": "Pasukan kini memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya pada Grand Prix Kanada minggu depan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both drivers also expressed their regret at the incident.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua pemandu turut melahirkan rasa kesal dengan kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Webber, who still leads the drivers' championship by five points, said: \"It's a shame for the team, as we lost a good opportunity to win the race.", "r": {"result": "Webber, yang masih mendahului kejuaraan pemandu dengan lima mata, berkata: \u201cIa memalukan untuk pasukan, kerana kami kehilangan peluang baik untuk memenangi perlumbaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's sport and these things can happen, but it shouldn't have done.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sukan dan perkara ini boleh berlaku, tetapi ia tidak sepatutnya dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel for everyone at Red Bull, at the factory and everyone involved.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa untuk semua orang di Red Bull, di kilang dan semua orang yang terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seb and I will make sure it doesn't happen again and will continue to work openly together, no problem.", "r": {"result": "Saya dan Seb akan pastikan ia tidak berulang dan akan terus bekerjasama secara terbuka, tiada masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have talked enough on it now, it's done, we're looking ahead and I'm focused on the race in Canada next week\".", "r": {"result": "Kami sudah cukup bercakap mengenainya sekarang, ia sudah selesai, kami melihat ke hadapan dan saya fokus pada perlumbaan di Kanada minggu depan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Webber's teammate Vettel, who is currently fifth in the standings, added: \"The team had got us into a great position and it wasn't good for them what happened -- so I'm sorry for them that we lost the lead of the race.", "r": {"result": "Rakan sepasukan Webber, Vettel, yang kini berada di tempat kelima dalam kedudukan, menambah: \"Pasukan telah membawa kami ke kedudukan yang hebat dan ia tidak baik untuk mereka apa yang berlaku -- jadi saya minta maaf kepada mereka bahawa kami kehilangan pendahuluan. bangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mark and I are racers and we were racing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya dan Mark adalah pelumba dan kami berlumba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are professionals and it won't change how we will work together going forward.", "r": {"result": "Kami adalah profesional dan ia tidak akan mengubah cara kami akan bekerjasama pada masa hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have a great team and the spirit is very strong.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai pasukan yang hebat dan semangat yang sangat kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm looking forward to Canada\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak sabar untuk ke Kanada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next race is in Canada on June 13.", "r": {"result": "Perlumbaan seterusnya di Kanada pada 13 Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- President Obama is immensely popular overseas and his re-election will be welcomed by many.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Presiden Obama sangat popular di luar negara dan pemilihan semulanya akan disambut baik oleh ramai pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But how will his second-term agenda differ from the first?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagaimana agenda penggal kedua beliau berbeza daripada yang pertama?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And what will it mean for a global economy where growth in emerging markets is hesitant, and a massive sovereign debt crisis continues to brew in Europe?", "r": {"result": "Dan apakah maknanya bagi ekonomi global di mana pertumbuhan dalam pasaran baru muncul adalah teragak-agak, dan krisis hutang kerajaan yang besar terus berlaku di Eropah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Five things Obama must do.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Lima perkara yang mesti dilakukan oleh Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One thing is certain.", "r": {"result": "Satu perkara yang pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the immediate aftermath of a grueling and divisive campaign, and confronted with a national emergency -- the fall off the \"fiscal cliff\" -- Obama's immediate priorities will be domestic, not international.", "r": {"result": "Sejurus selepas kempen yang melelahkan dan memecahbelahkan, dan berdepan dengan kecemasan negara -- kejatuhan dari \"tebing fiskal\" -- keutamaan serta-merta Obama adalah domestik, bukan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Drawing on the authority conveyed by electoral victory, he will seek to establish a constructive dialogue with Republicans who continue to control the House of Representatives and who can filibuster his agenda in the Senate, just as before.", "r": {"result": "Berdasarkan kuasa yang disampaikan melalui kemenangan pilihan raya, beliau akan berusaha untuk mewujudkan dialog yang membina dengan Republikan yang terus mengawal Dewan Rakyat dan yang boleh memfailkan agendanya di Dewan Negara, sama seperti sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Above all, he will seek to avoid large tax increases and expenditure cuts worth about 4% of GDP that will be triggered automatically on January 1 next year, should he fail to reach agreement on a long- term plan of fiscal consolidation worth some $3.5 trillion to $4 trillion over 10 years.", "r": {"result": "Di atas semua itu, beliau akan berusaha untuk mengelakkan kenaikan cukai yang besar dan pemotongan perbelanjaan bernilai kira-kira 4% daripada KDNK yang akan dicetuskan secara automatik pada 1 Januari tahun depan, sekiranya beliau gagal mencapai persetujuan mengenai pelan jangka panjang penyatuan fiskal bernilai kira-kira $3.5 trilion kepada $4 trilion dalam tempoh 10 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: World worries as U.S. fiscal cliff looms.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Dunia bimbang apabila tebing fiskal A.S. menjulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the U.S. falls off this fiscal cliff into recession, the outlook for the world economy, already gloomy, will darken further.", "r": {"result": "Jika A.S. jatuh dari jurang fiskal ini ke dalam kemelesetan, prospek ekonomi dunia, yang sudah suram, akan menjadi lebih gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The task of keeping the eurozone afloat, amid scared investors and depression-level unemployment in Spain and Greece, will become even harder.", "r": {"result": "Tugas mengekalkan zon euro, di tengah-tengah pelabur yang ketakutan dan pengangguran tahap kemurungan di Sepanyol dan Greece, akan menjadi lebih sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The risk of a renewed global banking crisis triggered by sovereign defaults in Europe would escalate sharply.", "r": {"result": "Risiko krisis perbankan global yang diperbaharui yang dicetuskan oleh keingkaran kerajaan di Eropah akan meningkat dengan mendadak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nor could the U.S. or Europe deploy the policy arsenal they possessed in 2008 to right the ship -- their fiscal and monetary bullets have been spent.", "r": {"result": "A.S. atau Eropah juga tidak dapat menggunakan senjata dasar yang mereka miliki pada 2008 untuk membetulkan kapal -- peluru fiskal dan monetari mereka telah dibelanjakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Confronted with this dire alternative, Obama will have to compromise by accepting a program of long-term cuts in social programs while Republicans accept phased tax increases -- both departing from their diametrically opposed electoral platforms.", "r": {"result": "Berdepan dengan alternatif yang mengerikan ini, Obama perlu bertolak ansur dengan menerima program pemotongan jangka panjang dalam program sosial manakala Republikan menerima kenaikan cukai berperingkat -- kedua-duanya berlepas dari platform pilihan raya mereka yang bertentangan secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a minimum, this compromise will include a claw back of the payroll tax reduction, and of extended unemployment benefits as well as some expenditure cuts, adding up to 1% to 2% of U.S. GDP in 2013.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya, kompromi ini akan merangkumi pengurangan cukai gaji, dan faedah pengangguran yang dilanjutkan serta beberapa pemotongan perbelanjaan, menambah sehingga 1% hingga 2% daripada KDNK A.S. pada tahun 2013.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The likely effect will be that the recovery will remain sluggish, and the world's growth locomotives will again have to be found, if anywhere, in China and other emerging markets.", "r": {"result": "Kesan yang berkemungkinan ialah pemulihan akan kekal lembap, dan lokomotif pertumbuhan dunia sekali lagi perlu ditemui, jika di mana-mana, di China dan pasaran baru muncul yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quest: Which way will economy go?", "r": {"result": "Pencarian: Ke arah mana ekonomi akan pergi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The uncertainty surrounding the U.S. fiscal outlook is likely to persist for several months and if, as is possible, the only feasible compromise turns out to be temporary, new fiscal cliffs may loom in the future, extending the uncertainty over years to come.", "r": {"result": "Ketidakpastian yang menyelubungi tinjauan fiskal A.S. berkemungkinan berterusan selama beberapa bulan dan jika, seboleh-bolehnya, satu-satunya kompromi yang boleh dilaksanakan ternyata bersifat sementara, cenuram fiskal baharu mungkin muncul pada masa hadapan, memanjangkan ketidakpastian dalam beberapa tahun akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This outcome is possible because the election outcome has not fundamentally altered the balance of forces.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan ini mungkin kerana keputusan pilihan raya tidak secara asasnya mengubah imbangan kuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An obvious implication is that the U.S. will remain fiscally bound as far as the eye can see.", "r": {"result": "Implikasi yang jelas ialah A.S. akan kekal terikat secara fiskal sejauh mata memandang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Europeans will have to rely on their own resource to deal with their dangerous crisis, with the U.S. urging action and support through IMF involvement, but without providing money for rescue programs either directly or indirectly through the IMF.", "r": {"result": "Orang Eropah perlu bergantung kepada sumber mereka sendiri untuk menangani krisis berbahaya mereka, dengan A.S. menggesa tindakan dan sokongan melalui penglibatan IMF, tetapi tanpa menyediakan wang untuk program menyelamat sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung melalui IMF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Second Obama term would confront fiscal crisis before inauguration.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Penggal kedua Obama akan menghadapi krisis fiskal sebelum perasmian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Resources for international aid will remain scarce and may be cut along with other programs.", "r": {"result": "Sumber untuk bantuan antarabangsa akan kekal terhad dan mungkin dipotong bersama dengan program lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the Europeans and the Japanese also retrenching, international organizations will increasingly look to China and other emerging markets for additional funds and new initiatives, buttressing the influence of the rising powers in their deliberations.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pemberhentian pekerja Eropah dan Jepun, organisasi antarabangsa akan semakin melihat ke China dan pasaran baru muncul lain untuk mendapatkan dana tambahan dan inisiatif baharu, menyokong pengaruh kuasa yang semakin meningkat dalam perbincangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps fortified by weather events such as Hurricane Sandy, Obama's second term may bring renewed efforts to encourage control of carbon emissions through environmental regulation, which could yield some modest results.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin diperkuat oleh peristiwa cuaca seperti Taufan Sandy, penggal kedua Obama mungkin membawa usaha baharu untuk menggalakkan kawalan pelepasan karbon melalui peraturan alam sekitar, yang boleh menghasilkan beberapa hasil yang sederhana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, given the profound skepticism about climate change in many quarters, the array of special interests in favor of fossil fuels, and the simple fact that the median American family has seen its living standards decline over many years, the appetite for increased gasoline or other carbon taxes will be low.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, memandangkan keraguan yang mendalam tentang perubahan iklim di banyak pihak, pelbagai minat khusus yang memihak kepada bahan api fosil, dan fakta mudah bahawa keluarga Amerika median telah melihat taraf hidup mereka menurun selama bertahun-tahun, selera untuk meningkatkan petrol atau lain-lain. cukai karbon akan menjadi rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new administration can be expected to pursue the development of shale natural gas (a clean alternative to coal) and reduced reliance on imported energy with alacrity.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran baharu boleh dijangka meneruskan pembangunan gas asli syal (alternatif bersih kepada arang batu) dan mengurangkan pergantungan kepada tenaga yang diimport dengan pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The positive effect on reduced gas prices in Europe and other regions of these new American technologies is already being felt.", "r": {"result": "Kesan positif ke atas penurunan harga gas di Eropah dan kawasan lain teknologi baru Amerika ini sudah dirasai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Fiscal cliff looms over campaign climax.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Tebing fiskal menghampiri kemuncak kempen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Increased use of natural gas in lieu of other fuels, and the continued \"dematerialization\" of the American economy, will in any event help mitigate the nation's emissions for a long time to come.", "r": {"result": "Peningkatan penggunaan gas asli sebagai pengganti bahan api lain, dan \"penyahmaterialisasi\" ekonomi Amerika yang berterusan, dalam apa jua keadaan akan membantu mengurangkan pelepasan negara untuk masa yang lama akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One arena where the new term may bring more daring initiatives is trade.", "r": {"result": "Satu arena di mana istilah baharu itu mungkin membawa inisiatif yang lebih berani ialah perdagangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is ground where the administration and the Republicans in Congress may be able to join forces, perhaps as part of a broader bargain that would include tax reforms in support of business, and assistance for workers displaced by trade -- both of which Obama has also advocated.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah asas di mana pentadbiran dan Republikan di Kongres mungkin boleh bergabung tenaga, mungkin sebagai sebahagian daripada tawaran yang lebih luas yang akan merangkumi pembaharuan cukai untuk menyokong perniagaan, dan bantuan untuk pekerja yang dipindahkan oleh perdagangan -- kedua-duanya telah Obama juga diperjuangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trade measures will likely include implementation of recently ratified trade agreements, determined pursuit of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and may include a renewed effort to close on a low-ambition and partial Doha deal.", "r": {"result": "Langkah-langkah perdagangan mungkin termasuk pelaksanaan perjanjian perdagangan yang baru-baru ini diratifikasi, mengejar Perkongsian Trans-Pasifik yang ditentukan, dan mungkin termasuk usaha baharu untuk menutup perjanjian Doha yang bercita-cita rendah dan separa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Markets may breathe an immediate sigh of relief that the election did not end in a dead heat or require extensive recounts, or pitted Obama against a Republican senate.", "r": {"result": "Pasaran mungkin menarik nafas lega serta-merta bahawa pilihan raya tidak berakhir dengan kepanasan atau memerlukan pengiraan semula yang meluas, atau mengadu Obama dengan senat Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stocks in healthcare and in alternative energy may be boosted more durably by his re-election.", "r": {"result": "Stok dalam penjagaan kesihatan dan tenaga alternatif mungkin dirangsang lebih lama dengan pemilihan semula beliau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But until the deadlock over how, and how quickly, to effect fiscal consolidation is broken for good, and U.S. politics finds a way to address the nation's structural challenges -- including exploding healthcare costs and its chronically low savings rate -- there is little reason to expect a trend shift in equity prices.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sehingga kebuntuan tentang bagaimana, dan seberapa cepat, untuk melaksanakan penyatuan fiskal dipecahkan untuk kebaikan, dan politik A.S. mencari jalan untuk menangani cabaran struktur negara -- termasuk kos penjagaan kesihatan yang meletup dan kadar simpanannya yang rendah secara kronik -- ada sedikit sebab untuk menjangkakan peralihan arah aliran dalam harga ekuiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the time being, the U.S. government continues to borrow at the most advantageous rates, in part for lack of better alternatives.", "r": {"result": "Buat masa ini, kerajaan A.S. terus meminjam pada kadar yang paling berfaedah, sebahagiannya kerana kekurangan alternatif yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everyone knows this cannot last -- how long it will is anyone's guess.", "r": {"result": "Semua orang tahu ini tidak boleh bertahan -- berapa lama ia akan menjadi tekaan sesiapa sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Uri Dadush.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Uri Dadush semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Mashable) -- Sony has announced that it will drop the price of the PSP Go portable gaming system from $249 to $199 just in time for the holiday rush.", "r": {"result": "(Mashable) -- Sony telah mengumumkan bahawa ia akan menurunkan harga sistem permainan mudah alih PSP Go daripada $249 kepada $199 tepat pada masanya untuk kesibukan percutian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The price cut is already effective -- just check out any online retailer like Gamestop or Amazon and you'll see the device selling at its new price point.", "r": {"result": "Potongan harga sudah berkesan -- cuma semak mana-mana peruncit dalam talian seperti Gamestop atau Amazon dan anda akan melihat peranti itu dijual pada titik harga baharunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a welcome change, and it makes the device more competitive with the Nintendo DSi ($149) and the iPod touch ($229 -- $399).", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah perubahan yang dialu-alukan, dan ia menjadikan peranti lebih berdaya saing dengan Nintendo DSi ($149) dan iPod touch ($229 -- $399).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given the capabilities of the device, $199 seems like the perfect price point.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan keupayaan peranti, $199 kelihatan seperti titik harga yang sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The PSP targets the core gamer market, which is willing to pay a little bit more for impressive graphics than it would get on the DSi.", "r": {"result": "PSP menyasarkan pasaran pemain teras, yang sanggup membayar lebih sedikit untuk grafik yang mengagumkan daripada yang akan diperolehi pada DSi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, neither device is as dynamic as the iPod touch.", "r": {"result": "Namun, kedua-dua peranti tidak dinamik seperti sentuhan iPod.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sony boasts that the PSP has moved 61 million units since it debuted in 2004, but the various DS models have sold more than 140 million units in roughly the same time period.", "r": {"result": "Sony berbangga bahawa PSP telah memindahkan 61 juta unit sejak ia mula diperkenalkan pada tahun 2004, tetapi pelbagai model DS telah menjual lebih daripada 140 juta unit dalam tempoh masa yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The iPod Touch has sold at least 45 million since its 2007 launch -- and that's not counting iPhones, which play the same games.", "r": {"result": "iPod Touch telah menjual sekurang-kurangnya 45 juta sejak pelancarannya pada 2007 -- dan itu tidak termasuk iPhone, yang memainkan permainan yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2010 MASHABLE.com.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2010 MASHABLE.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What kind of holiday rental home costs $10,000 a day?", "r": {"result": "Apakah jenis rumah sewa percutian yang berharga $10,000 sehari?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps one set on a private Caribbean beach, with a personal fleet of boats?", "r": {"result": "Mungkin satu set di pantai Caribbean peribadi, dengan kumpulan bot peribadi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Alpine chalet, with postcard-perfect views of the Matterhorn from every window?", "r": {"result": "Sebuah chalet Alpine, dengan pemandangan poskad sempurna Matterhorn dari setiap tingkap?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or maybe a personal spa, with a lap pool, hiking trails, a state-of-the-art gym -- and an on-call personal trainer to make sure you use them?", "r": {"result": "Atau mungkin spa peribadi, dengan kolam pusingan, denai kembara, gim yang canggih -- dan jurulatih peribadi atas panggilan untuk memastikan anda menggunakannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The answer: yes, yes and yes.", "r": {"result": "Jawapannya: ya, ya dan ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For today's new generation of well-heeled travelers -- who are increasingly eschewing hotels for private rental villas -- the bar for luxe hideaways has reached dizzying heights.", "r": {"result": "Bagi pengembara generasi baharu hari ini -- yang semakin menjauhkan diri dari hotel untuk vila sewa persendirian -- bar untuk tempat persembunyian mewah telah mencapai tahap yang sangat tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Departures.com: See more over-the-top villas.", "r": {"result": "Departures.com: Lihat lebih banyak vila mewah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a certain breed of jet-setter, home theaters, Ducasse-worthy kitchens and private bars stocked with top-shelf liquor are all de rigueur; what they're after are award-winning chefs ready to whip up personalized dinner-party menus or on-demand yachts with captains who know the best deep-sea fishing spots.", "r": {"result": "Untuk baka tertentu jet-setter, teater rumah, dapur Ducasse-worthy dan bar persendirian yang dipenuhi dengan minuman keras teratas semuanya adalah de rigueur; apa yang mereka cari ialah chef yang memenangi anugerah bersedia untuk menyediakan menu majlis makan malam yang diperibadikan atau kapal layar atas permintaan dengan kapten yang mengetahui tempat memancing laut dalam yang terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Somewhat ironically, this surge in over-the-topness could be considered a by-product of harder economic times.", "r": {"result": "Agak ironisnya, lonjakan dalam kelebihan ini boleh dianggap sebagai hasil sampingan daripada masa ekonomi yang lebih sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Before the global financial crisis there was a glut of high-end construction,\" explains Brian Sharples, founder of HomeAway, a network of villa rental websites representing 650,000 properties with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $392,000 a week.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelum krisis kewangan global, terdapat lebihan pembinaan mewah,\" jelas Brian Sharples, pengasas HomeAway, rangkaian laman web sewa vila yang mewakili 650,000 hartanah dengan harga antara beberapa ratus dolar hingga $392,000 seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Many owners of luxury properties who were over-leveraged have now turned to rentals as a way to defray ownership costs\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai pemilik hartanah mewah yang terlebih leverage kini beralih kepada penyewaan sebagai cara untuk membayar kos pemilikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result is a super competitive market where added extras like sports cars and ski equipment are as common as evening turndown treats in hotels.", "r": {"result": "Hasilnya ialah pasaran yang sangat berdaya saing di mana tambahan tambahan seperti kereta sukan dan peralatan ski adalah seperti biasa seperti jamuan malam di hotel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While many of the world's most opulent villas lure guests with an array of cool toys (and we do mean cool -- how does recording studio equipment once used by John Lennon sound?", "r": {"result": "Walaupun banyak vila paling mewah di dunia memikat tetamu dengan pelbagai mainan yang menarik (dan kami maksudkan keren -- bagaimanakah bunyi peralatan studio rakaman yang pernah digunakan oleh John Lennon?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "), others deal in what may be the most coveted holiday-home currency: privacy.", "r": {"result": "), yang lain berurusan dengan mata wang rumah percutian yang paling diidamkan: privasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Departures.com: Top yoga retreats.", "r": {"result": "Departures.com: Retret yoga teratas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it any wonder that rock stars and royals duck the paparazzi by hiding out on islands like St. Barth and Mustique (particularly when there are homes like Shogun -- set alone on a cloistered estate and reminiscent of a Japanese imperial palace, koi pond included)?", "r": {"result": "Adakah menghairankan jika bintang rock dan kerabat diraja mengelak paparazi dengan bersembunyi di pulau-pulau seperti St. Barth dan Mustique (terutamanya apabila terdapat rumah seperti Shogun -- terletak bersendirian di estet berkubu dan mengingatkan istana empayar Jepun, termasuk kolam koi )?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, for those seeking true sanctuary, the right vacation villa is only part of the equation; the right staff is also key.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, bagi mereka yang mencari tempat perlindungan yang benar, vila percutian yang betul hanyalah sebahagian daripada persamaan; kakitangan yang betul juga penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(After all, a Viking stove isn't much use if you're a terrible cook; and 17,000 square feet seems like a lot, when you have to vacuum it yourself.", "r": {"result": "(Lagipun, dapur Viking tidak banyak digunakan jika anda seorang tukang masak yang teruk; dan 17,000 kaki persegi kelihatan seperti banyak, apabila anda perlu mengosongkannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why many top-tier villas come with phalanxes of personnel and also offer private transport -- via luxury car, boat or helicopter -- to zip guests anyplace they desire.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya banyak vila kelas atas datang dengan phalanx kakitangan dan juga menawarkan pengangkutan peribadi -- melalui kereta mewah, bot atau helikopter -- untuk zip tetamu di mana-mana yang mereka inginkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, really, when your home away from home is as outrageously opulent as these villas, why go anywhere else?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, sebenarnya, apabila rumah anda jauh dari rumah adalah sangat mewah seperti vila ini, mengapa pergi ke tempat lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nandana, Grand Bahama Island.", "r": {"result": "Nandana, Pulau Grand Bahama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sequestered behind ornately carved wooden doors (rescued from a 250-year-old Javanese temple), the 20,000-square-foot Nandana evokes a Balinese teak palace -- with a few exceptions.", "r": {"result": "Diasingkan di belakang pintu kayu berukir berhias (diselamatkan dari kuil Jawa berusia 250 tahun), Nandana seluas 20,000 kaki persegi membangkitkan sebuah istana jati Bali -- dengan beberapa pengecualian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One is its location, on five private acres of Bahamian beachfront on Grand Bahama's Pine Cay; another is the 120-foot-long infinity pool that anchors five luxurious suites, including one styled like an air-conditioned safari tent.", "r": {"result": "Salah satunya ialah lokasinya, di atas lima ekar persendirian di tepi pantai Bahamian di Pine Cay di Grand Bahama; satu lagi ialah kolam infiniti sepanjang 120 kaki yang menambat lima suite mewah, termasuk satu digayakan seperti khemah safari berhawa dingin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Departures.com: World's top walking cities.", "r": {"result": "Departures.com: Bandar berjalan kaki teratas di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet another is the fleet of go-go gadgets that comes with the property, including four top-of-the-line Yamaha FX WaveRunners (capable of reaching 70 mph), two golf carts, two Suzuki all terrain vehicles, a customized Land Rover Defender and a deep-sea fishing yacht with a captain.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi ialah kumpulan alat go-go yang disertakan dengan harta itu, termasuk empat Yamaha FX WaveRunners terbaik (mampu mencapai 70 mph), dua kereta golf, dua kenderaan semua rupa bumi Suzuki, Land Rover tersuai. Pemain pertahanan dan kapal layar memancing laut dalam dengan seorang kapten.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only downside: You might have to bring your own Learjet for the private airfield.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya kelemahan: Anda mungkin perlu membawa Learjet anda sendiri untuk lapangan terbang peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "nandanavilla.com.", "r": {"result": "nandanavilla.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elisa, Aspen, Colorado.", "r": {"result": "Elisa, Aspen, Colorado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This 17,000-square-foot, six-bedroom mountain lodge has views over the wild snowshoe terrain of Aspen's Red Mountain from nearly every window.", "r": {"result": "Rumah persinggahan gunung seluas 17,000 kaki persegi enam bilik tidur ini mempunyai pemandangan kawasan kasut salji liar di Gunung Merah Aspen dari hampir setiap tingkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's an entry room with soaring vaulted ceilings, exposed beams, stone walls and a huge welcoming hearth; outside, there's a 60-foot-long infinity pool, hot tub and a colonnaded stone porch with its own massive fireplace -- perfect for evening toddies or marshmallow roasts.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat bilik masuk dengan siling berkubah yang menjulang tinggi, rasuk terdedah, dinding batu dan perapian yang besar; di luar, terdapat kolam infiniti sepanjang 60 kaki, tab mandi panas dan anjung batu bertiang dengan pendiangan besarnya sendiri -- sesuai untuk toddies petang atau panggang marshmallow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Departures.com: A global guide to vacation villas.", "r": {"result": "Departures.com: Panduan global untuk vila percutian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ski lift passes and in-house ski and boot fittings are provided.", "r": {"result": "Pas lif ski dan kelengkapan ski dan but dalaman disediakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If there's a vintage you can't find in your pre-stocked wine cellar, engage the services of Elisa's personal butler.", "r": {"result": "Jika terdapat vintaj yang anda tidak temui di bilik wain bawah tanah pra-stok anda, dapatkan perkhidmatan butler peribadi Elisa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "villazzo.com.", "r": {"result": "villazzo.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chalet Hike, Zermatt, Switzerland.", "r": {"result": "Chalet Hike, Zermatt, Switzerland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This five-bedroom ski chalet has possibly the most iconic mountain views in the world; almost every room overlooks the jagged peak of the Matterhorn.", "r": {"result": "Chalet ski lima bilik tidur ini mungkin mempunyai pemandangan gunung yang paling ikonik di dunia; hampir setiap bilik menghadap ke puncak bergerigi Matterhorn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside, the house has been customized to provide the ultimate in pre-and apres-ski comfort.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam, rumah itu telah disesuaikan untuk memberikan keselesaan pra-dan apres-ski yang terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's the state-of-the-art Brazilian stone and Italian marble kitchen, outfitted with Gaggenau and Miele appliances; a walk-in wine cellar; a sprawling leather De Sede sectional, big enough to sleep three or four extra guests; both bio-fire and natural-log fireplaces; a full gym; boot warmers and a drying room for top-of-the-line ski equipment; and ice-climbing gear, in case you fancy tackling Europe's most iconic peak.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat dapur batu Brazil dan marmar Itali yang canggih, dilengkapi dengan peralatan Gaggenau dan Miele; bilik bawah tanah wain; keratan kulit De Sede yang luas, cukup besar untuk memuatkan tiga atau empat tetamu tambahan; kedua-dua pendiangan bio-api dan log semula jadi; gim penuh; pemanas but dan bilik pengeringan untuk peralatan ski terbaik; dan peralatan memanjat ais, sekiranya anda ingin mengatasi puncak paling ikonik di Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best of all, though, is the quartz and crystal-tiled steam room, which purportedly helps speed healing after a challenging day on the slopes.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, yang paling menarik ialah bilik wap kuarza dan berjubin kristal, yang kononnya membantu mempercepatkan penyembuhan selepas hari yang mencabar di cerun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "premiumswitzerland.com.", "r": {"result": "premiumswitzerland.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shogun, Mustique.", "r": {"result": "Shogun, Mustique.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On an island already famous for its over-the-top exclusivity (Mick Jagger has a holiday home here, and Prince William and Kate Middleton came to celebrate her 30th birthday), the Japanese ryokan-style Shogun, which is 9,000 square feet, stands alone for its outlandish opulence.", "r": {"result": "Di sebuah pulau yang sudah terkenal dengan eksklusivitinya yang berlebihan (Mick Jagger mempunyai rumah percutian di sini, dan Putera William dan Kate Middleton datang untuk meraikan ulang tahunnya yang ke-30), Shogun gaya ryokan Jepun, seluas 9,000 kaki persegi, berdiri semata-mata kerana kemewahannya yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The house, built on five bucolic cliff-side acres on the western saddle of the island in 1980 -- and newly renovated this year -- is a showcase for Japanese art and antiques, and sports two swimming pools, a private putting green, three vehicles (one Suzuki jeep and two open \"mules\") and a game-fishing powerboat.", "r": {"result": "Rumah itu, yang dibina di atas lima ekar tepi tebing bucolic di pelana barat pulau itu pada tahun 1980 -- dan baru diubah suai tahun ini -- merupakan pameran seni dan barangan antik Jepun, dan dua kolam renang sukan, putting green peribadi, tiga kenderaan (satu jip Suzuki dan dua \"bagal\") terbuka dan bot janakuasa memancing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each of the nine silk-upholstered, shoji-screened bedrooms is named for a Japanese flower; most look over a 1,000-square-foot central pond, stocked with a small fortune's worth of koi.", "r": {"result": "Setiap daripada sembilan bilik tidur berpelapis sutera bersaringan shoji dinamakan untuk bunga Jepun; kebanyakannya melihat ke atas kolam tengah seluas 1,000 kaki persegi, dipenuhi dengan koi bernilai kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "mustique-island.com.", "r": {"result": "mustique-island.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pezula Private Castle, Knysna, South Africa.", "r": {"result": "Istana Persendirian Pezula, Knysna, Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 40-minute ride in a private helicopter brings guests from Cape Town to the 1,500-acre Pezula estate, set along the Garden Route between a three-mile-long stretch of coastline and the Sinclair Nature Reserve.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan selama 40 minit menaiki helikopter peribadi membawa tetamu dari Cape Town ke estet Pezula seluas 1,500 ekar, yang terletak di sepanjang Laluan Taman di antara garis pantai sepanjang tiga batu dan Rizab Alam Semula Jadi Sinclair.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As well as a luxury resort, the property is home to Pezula Private Castle, an elite hideaway set into a cliff overlooking pristine Noetzie Beach.", "r": {"result": "Selain sebuah resort mewah, tempat penginapan ini menempatkan Pezula Private Castle, sebuah tempat persembunyian elit yang terletak di tebing yang menghadap ke Pantai Noetzie yang asli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Castle -- aptly named, with stone towers that resemble something out of medieval England -- contains five suites scattered among three separate buildings.", "r": {"result": "The Castle -- dinamakan dengan tepat, dengan menara batu yang menyerupai sesuatu dari zaman pertengahan England -- mengandungi lima suite yang berselerak di antara tiga bangunan berasingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The main castle has two living rooms with wood-burning fireplaces, a bar stocked with South African wines, a full gymnasium, an infinity pool, a ten-seat dining table (with private chef) and magnificent views over white sand and the Indian Ocean.", "r": {"result": "Istana utama mempunyai dua ruang tamu dengan pendiangan yang dibakar kayu, bar yang dipenuhi wain Afrika Selatan, gimnasium penuh, kolam infiniti, meja makan sepuluh tempat duduk (dengan chef peribadi) dan pemandangan indah ke pasir putih dan Lautan Hindi .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "pezula.com.", "r": {"result": "pezula.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Departures.com: See more over-the-top villas.", "r": {"result": "Departures.com: Lihat lebih banyak vila mewah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Fourteen Americans died in two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan on Monday, NATO's International Security Assistance Force said: 10 in one incident and four in the other.", "r": {"result": "Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Empat belas rakyat Amerika maut dalam dua nahas helikopter di Afghanistan pada hari Isnin, Pasukan Bantuan Keselamatan Antarabangsa NATO berkata: 10 dalam satu kejadian dan empat dalam kejadian lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three Drug Enforcement Administration special agents were among the dead, according to the DEA, which did not identify them.", "r": {"result": "Tiga ejen khas Pentadbiran Penguatkuasaan Dadah adalah antara yang maut, menurut DEA, yang tidak mengenal pasti mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agents were first DEA agents to be killed in Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Ejen itu adalah ejen DEA pertama yang dibunuh di Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Like all those who give their lives in service to America, they were doing their duty, and they were doing this nation proud,\" President Obama said at the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti semua orang yang memberikan nyawa mereka dalam perkhidmatan kepada Amerika, mereka melakukan tugas mereka, dan mereka melakukan kebanggaan negara ini,\" kata Presiden Obama di Stesen Udara Tentera Laut di Jacksonville, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now, it is our duty, as a nation, to keep their memory alive in our hearts and to carry on their work, to take care of their families, to keep our country safe,\" Obama said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang, menjadi tugas kita, sebagai sebuah negara, untuk mengekalkan ingatan mereka dalam hati kita dan meneruskan kerja mereka, menjaga keluarga mereka, untuk memastikan negara kita selamat,\" kata Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the largest number of Americans killed in Afghanistan in a single day in more than four years, according to CNN records.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah jumlah terbesar rakyat Amerika yang terbunuh di Afghanistan dalam sehari dalam tempoh lebih empat tahun, menurut rekod CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The NATO force ruled out enemy fire in the crash that killed four Americans and said enemy action was not thought to be the cause of the other.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan NATO menolak tembakan musuh dalam nahas yang mengorbankan empat rakyat Amerika dan berkata tindakan musuh tidak dianggap sebagai punca yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A helicopter went down in the west of the country after a raid on suspected drug traffickers.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah helikopter terhempas di barat negara itu selepas serbuan ke atas suspek pengedar dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civilians were killed, according to an ISAF statement.", "r": {"result": "Tujuh anggota perkhidmatan A.S. dan tiga orang awam A.S. terbunuh, menurut kenyataan ISAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fourteen Afghan service members, 11 U.S. service members and one U.S. civilian were injured in the crash.", "r": {"result": "Empat belas anggota perkhidmatan Afghanistan, 11 anggota perkhidmatan A.S. dan seorang orang awam A.S. cedera dalam nahas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Monday's crash marked the second-deadliest incident in the agency's 36-year history, according to entries on the DEA's Web site.", "r": {"result": "Nahas Isnin menandakan insiden kedua paling maut dalam sejarah 36 tahun agensi itu, menurut catatan di laman web DEA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deadliest incident for the DEA occurred August 27, 1994, when a plane carrying five special agents crashed in the Peruvian Andes during a reconnaissance mission, according to the DEA's Web site.", "r": {"result": "Insiden paling maut untuk DEA berlaku pada 27 Ogos 1994, apabila sebuah pesawat yang membawa lima ejen khas terhempas di Andes Peru semasa misi peninjauan, menurut laman web DEA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of Monday's helicopter crashes occurred after the helicopter was returning from a raid on a compound, ISAF said.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu nahas helikopter pada Isnin berlaku selepas helikopter itu kembali dari serbuan di sebuah perkarangan, kata ISAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The joint international security force killed more than a dozen enemy fighters while searching the compound, ISAF said.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan keselamatan antarabangsa bersama membunuh lebih daripada sedozen pejuang musuh semasa menggeledah kawasan itu, kata ISAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The site was thought to harbor insurgents tied to narcotics trafficking in western Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Tapak itu dianggap sebagai pelabuhan pemberontak yang terikat dengan penyeludupan narkotik di barat Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The militants were killed in a firefight when insurgents confronted the joint force.", "r": {"result": "Militan terbunuh dalam pertempuran apabila pemberontak berhadapan dengan pasukan bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the force was leaving, a helicopter \"went down due to unconfirmed reasons,\" ISAF said.", "r": {"result": "Semasa pasukan itu beredar, sebuah helikopter \"turun atas sebab yang tidak dapat dipastikan,\" kata ISAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A recovery operation was launched.", "r": {"result": "Operasi pemulihan telah dilancarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DEA Acting Administrator Michele Leonhart said the crash occurred as the agents and seven U.S. service members were returning \"from a completed, joint counternarcotics mission\".", "r": {"result": "Pemangku Pentadbir DEA Michele Leonhart berkata kemalangan itu berlaku ketika ejen dan tujuh anggota perkhidmatan A.S. kembali \"dari misi antinarkotik bersama yang telah selesai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"DEA is an extremely tight family, and the death of these three brave agents is a devastating loss for us,\" she said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\"DEA adalah keluarga yang sangat ketat, dan kematian tiga ejen berani ini adalah satu kehilangan yang dahsyat bagi kami,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorney General Eric Holder said the circumstances of the crash were under investigation.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Negara Eric Holder berkata, keadaan nahas itu sedang dalam siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to express my deepest condolences to the families of these heroic agents,\" Holder said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga ejen heroik ini,\" kata Holder dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"During this difficult time, the families of these agents are foremost in our thoughts and prayers\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam masa yang sukar ini, keluarga ejen ini adalah yang paling utama dalam pemikiran dan doa kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Monday's other deadly crash, four U.S. service members were killed when two helicopters apparently collided in the air in southern Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Dalam nahas maut lain Isnin lalu, empat anggota perkhidmatan AS terbunuh apabila dua helikopter nampaknya berlanggar di udara di selatan Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two other NATO service members were injured.", "r": {"result": "Dua lagi anggota perkhidmatan NATO cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The incident is currently being investigated, but it is confirmed that hostile fire was not involved,\" ISAF said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kejadian itu kini disiasat, tetapi disahkan bahawa tembakan bermusuhan tidak terlibat,\" kata ISAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Each and every death is a tremendous loss for the family and friends of each service member and civilian.", "r": {"result": "\"Setiap kematian adalah kehilangan yang besar untuk keluarga dan rakan-rakan setiap anggota perkhidmatan dan orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our grief is compounded when we have such a significant loss on one day,\" Col.", "r": {"result": "Kesedihan kami bertambah apabila kami mengalami kehilangan yang begitu ketara pada satu hari,\" Kol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wayne Shanks, an ISAF spokesman, said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "Wayne Shanks, jurucakap ISAF, berkata dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ISAF is not announcing the names of the dead or which branch of the service they were in, pending the notification of their relatives.", "r": {"result": "ISAF tidak mengumumkan nama mangsa atau cawangan perkhidmatan mana mereka berada, sementara menunggu pemberitahuan saudara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The DEA has had a presence in Afghanistan for four years.", "r": {"result": "DEA telah mempunyai kehadiran di Afghanistan selama empat tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agency said Monday that it is increasing its presence in Kabul to up to about 50 agents.", "r": {"result": "Agensi itu berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa ia meningkatkan kehadirannya di Kabul kepada kira-kira 50 ejen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Carol Cratty and Brooke Baldwin in Washington contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Carol Cratty dari CNN dan Brooke Baldwin di Washington menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decision by the Obama administration to intervene militarily in Iraq to prevent a potential \"genocide\" against a religious minority, could potentially strain relations with Sunnis, who constitute the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the Middle East and wider Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan pentadbiran Obama untuk campur tangan secara ketenteraan di Iraq untuk mencegah potensi \"pembunuhan beramai-ramai\" terhadap minoriti agama, berpotensi menjejaskan hubungan dengan Sunni, yang merupakan majoriti besar umat Islam di Timur Tengah dan dunia Islam yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. has stepped in to protect the Yazidi minority, and to stem the mass expulsion of Christians from their towns by the al Qaeda offshoot, ISIS -- which is now calling itself the \"Islamic State\" or \"IS\".", "r": {"result": "A.S. telah bertindak untuk melindungi minoriti Yazidi, dan untuk membendung pengusiran besar-besaran orang Kristian dari bandar mereka oleh cabang al Qaeda, ISIS -- yang kini menggelarkan dirinya sebagai \"Negara Islam\" atau \"IS\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most Arab and Muslim-majority nations have expressed their concern about the ascendancy -- and brutality -- of ISIS in Iraq, and have designated it as a terrorist organization.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan negara Arab dan majoriti Islam telah menyatakan kebimbangan mereka tentang penguasaan -- dan kekejaman -- ISIS di Iraq, dan telah menetapkannya sebagai organisasi pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the framing of the U.S. intervention in \"humanitarian\" and religious terms is likely to bolster several, related narratives that claim that the U.S. formulates its foreign policy based on an unwritten commitment to certain religious groups and sects -- especially Christians and Shia -- and an animus towards other ones; Muslims in general but especially Sunnis.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, pembingkaian campur tangan A.S. dalam istilah \"kemanusiaan\" dan agama mungkin akan menguatkan beberapa naratif berkaitan yang mendakwa bahawa A.S. merumuskan dasar luarnya berdasarkan komitmen tidak bertulis kepada kumpulan agama dan mazhab tertentu -- terutamanya Kristian dan Syiah - - dan kebencian terhadap orang lain; Umat Islam secara umumnya tetapi terutamanya Sunni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The more corrosive narratives morph into outlandish conspiracy theories that weaken U.S. standing in the Middle East and beyond and further inflame the sectarianism that was ignited by the war in Syria and that has spread across the Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "Naratif yang lebih menghakis berubah menjadi teori konspirasi aneh yang melemahkan kedudukan AS di Timur Tengah dan seterusnya dan menyemarakkan lagi fahaman mazhab yang dicetuskan oleh perang di Syria dan yang telah merebak ke seluruh dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just as importantly, these accounts have been adopted by ISIS and other militant, Islamist groups to bolster their recruitment efforts.", "r": {"result": "Sama pentingnya, akaun ini telah diterima pakai oleh ISIS dan kumpulan militan lain, kumpulan Islam untuk meningkatkan usaha pengambilan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In short, they threaten to undermine U.S. interests and national security.", "r": {"result": "Ringkasnya, mereka mengancam untuk menjejaskan kepentingan AS dan keselamatan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The notion that the U.S. is at war with Islam has its roots in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.", "r": {"result": "Tanggapan bahawa A.S. berperang dengan Islam berakar umbi dalam konflik Israel-Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Generations of Arabs -- Muslims and otherwise -- have been politically socialized to view the U.S. as the main patron of Israel, which is portrayed as a brutal \"Zionist\" state that has subjugated Palestinians and \"stolen\" their land.", "r": {"result": "Generasi Arab -- Muslim dan sebaliknya -- telah disosialisasikan secara politik untuk melihat AS sebagai penaung utama Israel, yang digambarkan sebagai negara \"Zionis\" kejam yang telah menundukkan rakyat Palestin dan \"mencuri\" tanah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, it was the war against Afghanistan in 2001, and subsequent invasion of Iraq in 2003 that framed the narrative more clearly in the minds of many as a general U.S. war against Muslims everywhere.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, perang terhadap Afghanistan pada tahun 2001, dan pencerobohan berikutnya ke atas Iraq pada tahun 2003 yang merangka naratif dengan lebih jelas dalam fikiran ramai sebagai perang umum AS terhadap umat Islam di mana-mana sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the war in Iraq became protracted , and a Shia-led government came to power, displacing the Sunni minority that had long dominated Iraqi politics, some mainstream Sunnis , as well as militants, started speaking about a \"Crusader, Safavid, Zionist\" alliance (the U.S., Iran, and Israel, respectively) that was conspiring against Sunnis.", "r": {"result": "Apabila perang di Iraq berlarutan, dan kerajaan pimpinan Syiah berkuasa, menggantikan minoriti Sunni yang telah lama mendominasi politik Iraq, beberapa Sunni arus perdana, serta militan, mula bercakap tentang perikatan \"Tentara Salib, Safavid, Zionis\". (A.S., Iran, dan Israel, masing-masing) yang bersekongkol menentang Sunni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Qaeda's branch in Iraq succeeded in recruiting militants to fight the U.S. and Nouri Al Maliki's government by portraying him as an agent of Iran, a Shiite theocracy committed to the subjugation of Sunnis.", "r": {"result": "Cawangan Al Qaeda di Iraq berjaya merekrut militan untuk memerangi A.S. dan kerajaan Nouri Al Maliki dengan menggambarkan beliau sebagai ejen Iran, sebuah teokrasi Syiah yang komited kepada penaklukan Sunni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, it was the civil war in Syria, where the Alawite-led regime of Bashar al-Assad, brutally suppressed the Sunni majority, killing more than 100,000 people and displacing millions of others in the process, that allowed al Qaeda to craft a jihadist narrative that has resonated with militants around the world and made Syria their favorite destination.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, perang saudara di Syria, di mana rejim Bashar al-Assad yang diketuai Alawi, menindas majoriti Sunni secara kejam, membunuh lebih 100,000 orang dan memindahkan berjuta-juta orang lain dalam proses itu, yang membolehkan al Qaeda membentuk pejuang jihad. naratif yang telah bergema dengan militan di seluruh dunia dan menjadikan Syria sebagai destinasi kegemaran mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is in that fertile ground that ISIS emerged and subsequently flourished.", "r": {"result": "Di tanah subur itulah ISIS muncul dan seterusnya berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within minutes of President Obama's statement explaining his two primary reasons for the intervention in Iraq -- the other being protecting U.S. personnel and facilities -- Arabic social media sites and discussion forums on the Internet were inundated with postings expressing a combination of disappointment, dismay and even anger.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa minit selepas kenyataan Presiden Obama menjelaskan dua sebab utamanya campur tangan di Iraq -- satu lagi melindungi kakitangan dan kemudahan AS -- laman media sosial Arab dan forum perbincangan di Internet dibanjiri dengan siaran yang menyatakan gabungan kekecewaan, kekecewaan dan malah marah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many lamented the prospect of another U.S. \"invasion\" of Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang merungut prospek satu lagi \"pencerobohan\" A.S. ke atas Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More pronounced was the tone of incredulity at the perceived unjust, double standard that the U.S. was displaying by acting in Iraq after it had refused to stop the carnage in Syria.", "r": {"result": "Lebih ketara ialah nada tidak percaya terhadap sikap tidak adil, double standard yang ditunjukkan oleh A.S. dengan bertindak di Iraq selepas ia enggan menghentikan pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the minds of many, U.S. military action to protect Iraqi Yazidis and Christians, revealed U.S. \"compassion\" for Christians.", "r": {"result": "Dalam fikiran ramai, tindakan tentera AS untuk melindungi Yazidi dan Kristian Iraq, mendedahkan \"belas kasihan\" AS terhadap orang Kristian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many asked rhetorically, \"Does the suffering of Syrians not count\"?", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang bertanya secara retorik, \"Adakah penderitaan rakyat Syria tidak dikira\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The timing of the President's decision was a further complicating factor, coming on the heels of the latest round of violence between the Israeli government and the Islamist group Hamas in Gaza.", "r": {"result": "Masa keputusan Presiden adalah faktor yang lebih merumitkan, datang selepas pusingan terbaru keganasan antara kerajaan Israel dan kumpulan Islam Hamas di Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The conflict dominated news cycles since it began on July 8, with images of dead Palestinian children broadcast on satellite news channels around the clock and shared thousands of times on Twitter and Facebook.", "r": {"result": "Konflik itu mendominasi kitaran berita sejak ia bermula pada 8 Julai, dengan imej kanak-kanak Palestin yang mati disiarkan di saluran berita satelit sepanjang masa dan dikongsi beribu-ribu kali di Twitter dan Facebook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A common sentiment was outrage at the perceived \"silence\" of the world.", "r": {"result": "Sentimen umum adalah kemarahan terhadap \"senyap\" dunia yang dianggap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elaborating on his reasons for authorizing the attacks in an interview over the weekend, President Obama said \"We're not going to let them create some caliphate through Syria and Iraq\".", "r": {"result": "Mengulas lanjut mengenai alasan beliau membenarkan serangan itu dalam temu bual pada hujung minggu, Presiden Obama berkata \"Kami tidak akan membiarkan mereka mewujudkan beberapa khalifah melalui Syria dan Iraq\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the recent declaration by ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi that the \"caliphate\" had been reestablished -- and that all Muslims had to pledge allegiance to him -- fell on deaf ears across the Muslim world, President Obama's seemingly inadvertent use of the word caliphate reminded some of President George W. Bush's ill-advised use of the term \"crusade\" in the wake of the September 11 attacks to describe his \"war on terrorism\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pengisytiharan baru-baru ini oleh pemimpin ISIS, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi bahawa \"kekhalifahan\" telah diwujudkan semula -- dan bahawa semua orang Islam harus berikrar taat setia kepadanya -- tidak didengari di seluruh dunia Islam, penggunaan perkataan itu yang seolah-olah tidak disengajakan oleh Presiden Obama. khalifah mengingatkan beberapa Presiden George W. Bush menggunakan istilah \"perang salib\" yang tidak diingini selepas serangan 11 September untuk menggambarkan \"perang melawan keganasan\" beliau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the use of such words is seen as unfortunate but largely innocuous in the West, in the Middle East and much of the wider Muslim world, moments like these breathe life into otherwise baseless conspiracies for generations.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penggunaan perkataan sedemikian dilihat sebagai malang tetapi sebahagian besarnya tidak berbahaya di Barat, di Timur Tengah dan sebahagian besar dunia Islam yang lebih luas, detik-detik seperti ini memberi nafas kepada konspirasi yang tidak berasas selama beberapa generasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those who are familiar with the dominant narrative in Pakistan understand that when it comes to U.S. officials, there is no such thing as a \"slip up\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang biasa dengan naratif dominan di Pakistan memahami bahawa apabila ia datang kepada pegawai A.S., tidak ada perkara seperti \"slip up\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For its part, ISIS and its sympathizers created multiple hashtags on Twitter within minutes of the President's announcement.", "r": {"result": "Bagi pihaknya, ISIS dan penyokongnya mencipta pelbagai hashtag di Twitter dalam beberapa minit selepas pengumuman Presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While some promised that a \"calamity will befall\" the U.S., others stressed that the air strikes were just the latest in a long string of U.S. crimes against Muslims.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ada yang berjanji bahawa \"malapetaka akan menimpa\" A.S., yang lain menegaskan bahawa serangan udara itu hanyalah yang terbaru dalam rentetan panjang jenayah A.S. terhadap umat Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To avoid perpetuating these destructive narratives, the U.S. must be careful in how it frames the intervention going forward.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengelak daripada mengekalkan naratif yang merosakkan ini, A.S. mesti berhati-hati dalam cara ia merangka campur tangan ke hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To avoid alienating over a billion Sunni Muslims around the world -- making some of them easy prey for ISIS and other militant organizations -- the U.S. should avoid using religious terminology and deemphasize the religion of both the victims and the aggressors.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengelak mengasingkan lebih satu bilion Muslim Sunni di seluruh dunia -- menjadikan sebahagian daripada mereka mudah menjadi mangsa ISIS dan organisasi militan lain -- A.S. harus mengelak daripada menggunakan istilah agama dan merendahkan agama kedua-dua mangsa dan penceroboh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What the U.S. can realistically do in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang A.S. boleh lakukan secara realistik di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why does the U.S. intervene militarily in Iraq but not in Syria?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa A.S. campur tangan secara ketenteraan di Iraq tetapi tidak di Syria?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shanghai (CNN) -- The exchange of name cards has long been a ubiquitous part of meeting new people in China.", "r": {"result": "Shanghai (CNN) -- Pertukaran kad nama telah lama menjadi sebahagian daripada pertemuan orang baharu di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But now it's increasingly likely to be accompanied by the frenzied flourishing of smartphones, as the participants add one another on WeChat, the phenomenally popular instant-messaging app made by the country's biggest Internet company, Tencent.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kini ia semakin berkemungkinan diiringi oleh perkembangan pesat telefon pintar, apabila para peserta menambah satu sama lain di WeChat, aplikasi pemesejan segera yang luar biasa popular yang dibuat oleh syarikat Internet terbesar negara, Tencent.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While name cards have yet to be completely supplanted, many now also have a QR code which, when scanned into a mobile phone, adds the card's bearer as a WeChat contact.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kad nama masih belum diganti sepenuhnya, kini ramai yang mempunyai kod QR yang, apabila diimbas ke dalam telefon bimbit, menambah pembawa kad sebagai kenalan WeChat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The popular function is one reason behind the rise of WeChat -- called Weixin in Chinese -- which is unseating the Twitter-like microblogging platform Sina Weibo as China's dominant social media.", "r": {"result": "Fungsi popular itu adalah salah satu sebab di sebalik kebangkitan WeChat -- dipanggil Weixin dalam bahasa Cina -- yang mencabut platform microblogging seperti Twitter Sina Weibo sebagai media sosial yang dominan di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once a lively forum for public debate that for a time wrong-footed Chinese censors, users are ditching Weibo as tightened government oversight takes its toll.", "r": {"result": "Pernah menjadi forum meriah untuk perdebatan awam yang selama ini tersilap menapis Cina, pengguna meninggalkan Weibo kerana pengawasan kerajaan yang diperketatkan mengambil kesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WeChat's greater privacy and wider range of applications make it more attractive to users.", "r": {"result": "Privasi WeChat yang lebih besar dan rangkaian aplikasi yang lebih luas menjadikannya lebih menarik kepada pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abandoning Weibo.", "r": {"result": "Meninggalkan Weibo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ye Jun, a 26-year-old project manager in Shanghai, started using WeChat when she upgraded to an iPhone last May.", "r": {"result": "Ye Jun, pengurus projek berusia 26 tahun di Shanghai, mula menggunakan WeChat apabila dia menaik taraf kepada iPhone Mei lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By that time, most of her friends were already using the service, although she still preferred Weibo.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, kebanyakan rakannya sudah menggunakan perkhidmatan itu, walaupun dia masih lebih suka Weibo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That changed in November, when she caught the bouquet at a friend's wedding, and posted pictures of the event on her WeChat activity timeline which, like Facebook, allows users to share photos and status updates with their contacts.", "r": {"result": "Itu berubah pada bulan November, apabila dia menangkap sejambak di majlis perkahwinan rakannya, dan menyiarkan gambar acara itu pada garis masa aktiviti WeChatnya yang, seperti Facebook, membenarkan pengguna berkongsi foto dan kemas kini status dengan kenalan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were instant comments from my friends.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTerdapat komen segera daripada rakan-rakan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was fun.", "r": {"result": "Ianya menyeronokkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I realized that WeChat was a better, more effective social networking tool than Weibo, which has been practically abandoned by most people\".", "r": {"result": "Saya menyedari bahawa WeChat adalah alat rangkaian sosial yang lebih baik dan lebih berkesan daripada Weibo, yang secara praktikalnya telah ditinggalkan oleh kebanyakan orang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rise of WeChat.", "r": {"result": "Kebangkitan WeChat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WeChat was launched in early 2011, attracting 100 million registered users in its first 15 months.", "r": {"result": "WeChat telah dilancarkan pada awal 2011, menarik 100 juta pengguna berdaftar dalam 15 bulan pertamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This was in part due to Tencent's ability to promote the app to its huge base of over 800 million users of its many other services, including QQ, its desktop instant messaging client.", "r": {"result": "Ini sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh keupayaan Tencent untuk mempromosikan apl itu kepada pangkalan besarnya yang terdiri daripada lebih 800 juta pengguna bagi banyak perkhidmatannya yang lain, termasuk QQ, pelanggan pemesejan segera desktopnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tencent has also been quick in rolling out new versions of the app, adding features such as mobile payment, e-commerce integration, games, marketing accounts for brands, a taxi-hailing function and an online investment fund.", "r": {"result": "Tencent juga pantas melancarkan versi baharu apl itu, menambahkan ciri seperti pembayaran mudah alih, penyepaduan e-dagang, permainan, akaun pemasaran untuk jenama, fungsi panggilan teksi dan dana pelaburan dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many were quick to gain traction in the day-to-day lives of users.", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang cepat mendapat tarikan dalam kehidupan seharian pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A function that allowed people to give and receive digital versions of Lunar New Year red envelopes saw 20 million exchanged.", "r": {"result": "Fungsi yang membolehkan orang ramai memberi dan menerima versi digital sampul merah Tahun Baru Imlek menyaksikan 20 juta ditukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As of last September, when Tencent's most recent figures were released, WeChat had 271.9 million active monthly users, up 124% from the previous year.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga September lalu, apabila angka terbaharu Tencent dikeluarkan, WeChat mempunyai 271.9 juta pengguna bulanan aktif, meningkat 124% daripada tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dodging state censorship.", "r": {"result": "Mengelak penapisan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are growing indications that Weibo, once a hotbed of public discussion, from celebrity scandals to holding corrupt officials to account, is losing its appeal.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat tanda-tanda yang semakin meningkat bahawa Weibo, yang pernah menjadi pusat perbincangan awam, daripada skandal selebriti hinggalah kepada penahanan pegawai yang korup, semakin hilang daya tarikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The collision of two high-speed trains near the Eastern city of Wenzhou in 2011 was a watershed moment, seeing harried Internet censors play whack-a-mole with comments by Weibo users, who were critical of the government's handling of the aftermath.", "r": {"result": "Perlanggaran dua kereta api berkelajuan tinggi berhampiran bandar Timur Wenzhou pada tahun 2011 adalah satu detik yang menarik, menyaksikan penapisan Internet yang tergesa-gesa bermain-main dengan komen pengguna Weibo, yang mengkritik pengendalian kerajaan terhadap kesannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the next year, the government tightened its grip.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun berikutnya, kerajaan mengetatkan cengkamannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Measures included requiring that accounts be registered under real names, and that those posting \"rumors\" be suspended.", "r": {"result": "Langkah-langkah termasuk menghendaki akaun didaftarkan di bawah nama sebenar, dan mereka yang menyiarkan \"khabar angin\" digantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a report by researchers at East China Normal University commissioned by the UK's Telegraph newspaper, a significant drop in active usage came after venture capitalist and high-profile Weibo user Charles Xue was arrested for soliciting prostitutes.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan penyelidik di East China Normal University yang ditugaskan oleh akhbar Telegraph UK, penurunan ketara dalam penggunaan aktif berlaku selepas kapitalis teroka dan pengguna Weibo berprofil tinggi Charles Xue ditangkap kerana meminta pelacur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was paraded on state television, and confessed to spreading irresponsible messages online.", "r": {"result": "Dia diarak di televisyen negara, dan mengaku menyebarkan mesej tidak bertanggungjawab dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, a report by the China Internet Network Information Center backs the findings of East China Normal University, claiming the number of microblog users, which includes Sina Weibo and similar services, dropped by over 27.8 million last year.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, laporan oleh Pusat Maklumat Rangkaian Internet China menyokong penemuan Universiti Normal China Timur, mendakwa bilangan pengguna mikroblog, termasuk Sina Weibo dan perkhidmatan serupa, menurun sebanyak lebih 27.8 juta tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Sina's latest figures, Weibo's daily active users are still growing, albeit slowly, with a 4.2% rise in the fourth quarter.", "r": {"result": "Menurut angka terbaru Sina, pengguna aktif harian Weibo masih berkembang, walaupun perlahan, dengan kenaikan 4.2% pada suku keempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company says third-party claims of a drop in active users are flawed, and chairman and CEO, Charles Chao said during a recent earnings call that the average time users spent on Weibo did not change over the third quarter of 2013.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat itu berkata dakwaan pihak ketiga mengenai penurunan pengguna aktif adalah cacat, dan pengerusi serta Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, Charles Chao berkata semasa panggilan pendapatan baru-baru ini bahawa purata masa yang dibelanjakan pengguna di Weibo tidak berubah sepanjang suku ketiga 2013.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sina seems to be pushing ahead with the long-awaited spin-off and IPO of Weibo, with reports that it recently enlisted Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse to underwrite an offering of up to $500 million in New York sometime in the second quarter for a share of up to 25%.", "r": {"result": "Sina nampaknya meneruskan dengan spin-off dan IPO Weibo yang telah lama ditunggu-tunggu, dengan laporan bahawa ia baru-baru ini telah meminta Goldman Sachs dan Credit Suisse untuk menaja jamin tawaran sehingga $500 juta di New York pada suku kedua untuk satu saham. sehingga 25%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will one replace the other?", "r": {"result": "Adakah yang satu akan menggantikan yang lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The greater control WeChat offers over information sharing looks like one of the factors that makes it appeal more to users.", "r": {"result": "Kawalan yang lebih besar yang ditawarkan oleh WeChat ke atas perkongsian maklumat kelihatan seperti salah satu faktor yang menjadikannya lebih menarik kepada pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Posts made to Weibo are public, and therefore can go viral in a very short time, while posts made to WeChat timelines are shared only with contacts, and there is no easy way to forward them.", "r": {"result": "Siaran yang dibuat ke Weibo adalah umum, dan oleh itu boleh menjadi tular dalam masa yang sangat singkat, manakala siaran yang dibuat ke garis masa WeChat dikongsi hanya dengan kenalan dan tiada cara mudah untuk memajukan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Englehart Evans, digital strategist and co-founder of Techyizu, a technology and entrepreneurship community in Shanghai, says this means the two platforms are not necessarily mutually exclusive, although a change does seem to be underway.", "r": {"result": "Mark Englehart Evans, ahli strategi digital dan pengasas bersama Techyizu, sebuah komuniti teknologi dan keusahawanan di Shanghai, berkata ini bermakna kedua-dua platform itu tidak semestinya saling eksklusif, walaupun perubahan nampaknya sedang dijalankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Much like Facebook versus Twitter, there seem to be more than enough dual users, or at least people with both apps on their phones.", "r": {"result": "\"Sama seperti Facebook berbanding Twitter, nampaknya terdapat lebih daripada cukup dua pengguna, atau sekurang-kurangnya orang yang mempunyai kedua-dua aplikasi pada telefon mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(But) monthly active users have certainly shifted.", "r": {"result": "(Tetapi) pengguna aktif bulanan pastinya telah beralih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know my Weibo app has gotten dusty,\" says Evans.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu apl Weibo saya telah berdebu,\" kata Evans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This shift is palpable when speaking to Chinese social media users.", "r": {"result": "Peralihan ini dapat dirasai apabila bercakap dengan pengguna media sosial Cina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is very obvious that fewer people are using Weibo, because I get less feedback when I tweet and retweet,\" says Duan Wuning, a 29-year-old media professional.", "r": {"result": "\"Sangat jelas bahawa lebih sedikit orang menggunakan Weibo, kerana saya mendapat kurang maklum balas apabila saya tweet dan tweet semula,\" kata Duan Wuning, seorang profesional media berusia 29 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"WeChat status updates are private, so my friends and I prefer to post things about our daily lives there.", "r": {"result": "\"Kemas kini status WeChat adalah peribadi, jadi saya dan rakan lebih suka menyiarkan perkara tentang kehidupan seharian kami di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have to check WeChat every day to make sure I don't miss important things\".", "r": {"result": "Saya perlu menyemak WeChat setiap hari untuk memastikan saya tidak terlepas perkara penting\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Going global.", "r": {"result": "Melangkah global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Facebook announces its $19 billion acquisition of WeChat competitor Whatsapp, the the question of WeChat's potential for international expansion has come to the fore.", "r": {"result": "Ketika Facebook mengumumkan pengambilalihan Whatsapp pesaing WeChat bernilai $19 bilion, persoalan tentang potensi WeChat untuk pengembangan antarabangsa telah menjadi perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tencent still faces huge challenges in going global.", "r": {"result": "Tencent masih menghadapi cabaran besar untuk pergi ke peringkat global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its functionality could be appealing to users but questions remain over what marketing approach the company will take for a product that already boasts a 100 million-strong user base abroad.", "r": {"result": "Fungsinya mungkin menarik kepada pengguna tetapi masih ada persoalan mengenai pendekatan pemasaran yang akan diambil oleh syarikat untuk produk yang sudah mempunyai 100 juta pangkalan pengguna di luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This will be new for Tencent and very expensive,\" says Evans.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini akan menjadi baharu untuk Tencent dan sangat mahal,\" kata Evans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It will be interesting to see how hard Tencent is willing to spend to win new users outside of China, and if they can scale up all its advanced features such as mobile commerce and banking to other markets\".", "r": {"result": "\"Memang menarik untuk melihat betapa sukarnya Tencent sanggup berbelanja untuk memenangi pengguna baharu di luar China, dan jika mereka boleh meningkatkan semua ciri canggihnya seperti perdagangan mudah alih dan perbankan ke pasaran lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Twinkly lights and tinsel?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lampu berkelip-kelip dan perada?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's so last Christmas.", "r": {"result": "Itulah Krismas yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christmas trees don't have to be traditional to look spectacular.", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas tidak perlu menjadi tradisional untuk kelihatan hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, some of the most memorable ones this year are anything but.", "r": {"result": "Malah, beberapa yang paling diingati tahun ini adalah apa-apa sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How about a Christmas tree made from Lego?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana pula dengan pokok Krismas yang diperbuat daripada Lego?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or macaroons?", "r": {"result": "Atau makaroni?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even the odder entrants in this selection of the world's most amazing Christmas trees on public display tend to be big and bright.", "r": {"result": "Malah peserta yang aneh dalam pemilihan pokok Krismas yang paling menakjubkan di dunia ini yang dipamerkan kepada umum cenderung besar dan terang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are still plenty of sparkly stars to be found and photographed.", "r": {"result": "Dan masih terdapat banyak bintang berkilauan untuk ditemui dan difoto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're just much bigger and much brighter than the ones on the tree in your living room.", "r": {"result": "Ia jauh lebih besar dan lebih terang daripada yang di atas pokok di ruang tamu anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Vilnius Christmas tree (Lithuania).", "r": {"result": "1. Pokok Krismas Vilnius (Lithuania).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The well-preserved old town in the Lithuanian capital looks like just the sort of place that needs a Christmas tree.", "r": {"result": "Pekan lama yang terpelihara dengan baik di ibu negara Lithuania kelihatan seperti tempat yang memerlukan pokok Krismas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now it's got one -- and it's 25 meters tall.", "r": {"result": "Kini ia mempunyai satu -- dan ia setinggi 25 meter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not so much a tree as a metal skeleton covered with fir tree branches.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan pokok seperti rangka logam yang dilitupi dahan pokok cemara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lithuanian fir tree branches, though -- they're not made in China.", "r": {"result": "Cawangan pokok cemara Lithuania, walaupun -- ia tidak dibuat di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vilnius Christmas Tree, Cathedral Square, Vilnius, Lithuania.", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas Vilnius, Dataran Katedral, Vilnius, Lithuania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Lego Christmas tree (Legoland Malaysia).", "r": {"result": "2. Pokok Krismas Lego (Legoland Malaysia).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asia's tallest Christmas tree is in Malaysia, but even more striking than its height is that it's made from Lego.", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas tertinggi di Asia berada di Malaysia, tetapi lebih menarik daripada ketinggiannya ialah ia diperbuat daripada Lego.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nine-meter tree at Legoland Malaysia is made from 400,000 blocks of the child's toy.", "r": {"result": "Pokok sembilan meter di Legoland Malaysia diperbuat daripada 400,000 bongkah mainan kanak-kanak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 300 Lego baubles, including candles and slightly kinky multicolored chains, have been snapped on.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 300 pernak-pernik Lego, termasuk lilin dan rantai pelbagai warna yang sedikit keriting, telah dipadamkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not a tree, either?", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan pokok juga?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "C'mon -- where's your Christmas spirit?", "r": {"result": "Ayuh -- di manakah semangat Krismas anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Legoland Malaysia, Bandar Medini Iskandar Malaysia, Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia; +607 597 8888. 3. Rockefeller Center Christmas tree (New York).", "r": {"result": "Legoland Malaysia, Bandar Medini Iskandar Malaysia, Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia; +607 597 8888. 3. Pokok Krismas Rockefeller Center (New York).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The unveiling of this 23-meter Norwegian spruce was a star-studded affair -- Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis and the Goo Goo Dolls performed.", "r": {"result": "Pelancaran pokok cemara Norway 23 meter ini adalah acara yang disematkan bintang -- Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis dan Goo Goo Dolls membuat persembahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weighing 12 tons, the tree is decorated with 45,000 LEDS and topped with a 3-meter-wide Swarovski crystal star.", "r": {"result": "Seberat 12 tan, pokok itu dihiasi dengan 45,000 LED dan dihiasi dengan bintang kristal Swarovski selebar 3 meter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tree was donated to the Rockefeller Center by the Vargoshe family, who planted it in the gardens of their Connecticut home 20 years ago.", "r": {"result": "Pokok itu telah didermakan kepada Pusat Rockefeller oleh keluarga Vargoshe, yang menanamnya di taman rumah Connecticut mereka 20 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And eventually wanted to get rid of it.", "r": {"result": "Dan akhirnya mahu menyingkirkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York; +1 212 588 8601. 4. Galeries Lafayette Christmas tree (Paris).", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas Rockefeller Center, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York; +1 212 588 8601. 4. Pokok Krismas Galeries Lafayette (Paris).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At 20-meters tall, the world's highest in-store Christmas tree is an intricate, horology-themed affair standing in France's chicest department store, Galeries Lafayette.", "r": {"result": "Pada ketinggian 20 meter, pokok Krismas dalam kedai tertinggi di dunia adalah acara rumit bertema horologi yang terletak di gedung serbaneka tercantik di Perancis, Galeries Lafayette.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Celebrating its 30th birthday this year, Swiss watchmaker Swatch helped design the tree, including the toy village at its base that springs to life on the hour.", "r": {"result": "Meraikan ulang tahunnya yang ke-30 tahun ini, pembuat jam tangan Switzerland, Swatch membantu mereka bentuk pokok itu, termasuk kampung mainan di pangkalannya yang hidup pada jam itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Batteries not included.", "r": {"result": "Bateri tidak disertakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And try getting the thing home.", "r": {"result": "Dan cuba dapatkan barang itu ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Galeries Lafayette (French site only), 40 boulevard Haussmann, Paris; +33 09 69 39 75 75. 5. Floating Christmas tree (Rio de Janeiro).", "r": {"result": "Galeries Lafayette (tapak Perancis sahaja), 40 boulevard Haussmann, Paris; +33 09 69 39 75 75. 5. Pokok Krismas terapung (Rio de Janeiro).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rio advertizes its superlative seasonal contribution as \"the world's largest floating Christmas tree\".", "r": {"result": "Rio mengiklankan sumbangan bermusim superlatifnya sebagai \"pokok Krismas terapung terbesar di dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turns out it may be the world's only notable floating Christmas tree, save those dumped in various water supplies when the celebrations are over.", "r": {"result": "Ternyata ia mungkin satu-satunya pokok Krismas terapung yang terkenal di dunia, kecuali yang dibuang dalam pelbagai bekalan air apabila perayaan berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nonetheless, its stats are pretty impressive.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, statistiknya cukup mengagumkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 100,000 people turned out to see the 85-meter, 540-ton behemoth lit up for the first time in the waters off Rio.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 100,000 orang keluar untuk melihat raksasa 85 meter, 540 tan itu dinyalakan buat kali pertama di perairan Rio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bradesco Seguros Christmas Tree, Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, Rio de Janeiro.", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas Bradesco Seguros, lagun Rodrigo de Freitas, Rio de Janeiro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. National Christmas tree (Washington, D.C.).", "r": {"result": "6. Pokok Krismas Kebangsaan (Washington, D.C.).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, the Obamas were criticized for decorating their home with an apparently excessive 54 Christmas trees.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas, keluarga Obama telah dikritik kerana menghiasi rumah mereka dengan 54 pokok Krismas yang kelihatan berlebihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, they have only 24.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, mereka hanya mempunyai 24 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Modest.", "r": {"result": "Sederhana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barack Obama was tasked with switching on the 10-meter Colorado blue spruce known as the National Christmas Tree, which stands outside the White House gates in President's Park South.", "r": {"result": "Barack Obama ditugaskan untuk menghidupkan pokok cemara biru Colorado sepanjang 10 meter yang dikenali sebagai Pokok Krismas Kebangsaan, yang berdiri di luar pagar Rumah Putih di President's Park South.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tree is a permanent fixture, looked after by the National Park Service -- which keeps that itchy foliage from getting everywhere when it comes time to trash most trees, post-Christmas.", "r": {"result": "Pokok itu adalah lekapan kekal, dijaga oleh Perkhidmatan Taman Negara -- yang menghalang dedaunan gatal itu daripada sampai ke mana-mana apabila tiba masanya untuk membuang kebanyakan pokok, selepas Krismas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "National Christmas Tree, 17th and D Streets NW, Washington, D.C.; +1 202 354 6460. 7. Brandenburg Gate Christmas tree (Berlin).", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas Kebangsaan, 17th dan D Streets NW, Washington, D.C.; +1 202 354 6460. 7. Pokok Krismas Gerbang Brandenburg (Berlin).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Norway has given the German capital a Christmas tree every year as a sign of peace and solidarity with the reunified country.", "r": {"result": "Sejak kejatuhan Tembok Berlin, Norway telah memberikan ibu negara Jerman pokok Krismas setiap tahun sebagai tanda keamanan dan perpaduan dengan negara yang bersatu semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decorations on this year's tree, located as always beneath the Brandenburg Gate, are a bit of a contrast.", "r": {"result": "Hiasan pada pokok tahun ini, yang terletak seperti biasa di bawah Pintu Brandenburg, adalah sedikit kontras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're a freebie from Wintershall, Germany's largest crude oil and natural gas producer.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah percuma dari Wintershall, pengeluar minyak mentah dan gas asli terbesar di Jerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nothing ironic there.", "r": {"result": "Tiada yang ironik di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brandenburg Gate Christmas tree, Pariser Platz, Berlin.", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas Gerbang Brandenburg, Pariser Platz, Berlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8. Macaroon Christmas tree, Ritz-Carlton (Charlotte, North Carolina).", "r": {"result": "8. Pokok Krismas Macaroon, Ritz-Carlton (Charlotte, North Carolina).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Christmas tree at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina, is edible: it's made from 8,000 colorful macaroons.", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas di hotel Ritz-Carlton di Charlotte, North Carolina, boleh dimakan: ia diperbuat daripada 8,000 makaroni berwarna-warni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Using 10,008 egg whites, 110 cups of sugar and 57 cups of almonds, the hotel's pastry team took 58 hours to create -- or should that be bake -- the tree.", "r": {"result": "Menggunakan 10,008 putih telur, 110 cawan gula dan 57 cawan badam, pasukan pastri hotel mengambil masa 58 jam untuk mencipta -- atau perlu dibakar -- pokok itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ritz-Carlton Charlotte, 201 East Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina; +1 704 547 2244. 9. Umbrella tree, Goring hotel (London).", "r": {"result": "Ritz-Carlton Charlotte, 201 East Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina; +1 704 547 2244. 9. Pokok payung, hotel Goring (London).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luxury umbrella brand Fulton made the tree outside London's Goring hotel, so it's not hard to guess which popular winter accessory features heavily.", "r": {"result": "Jenama payung mewah Fulton membuat pokok itu di luar hotel Goring di London, jadi tidak sukar untuk meneka aksesori musim sejuk yang popular yang paling menonjol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mirrored baubles designed to represent raindrops are interspersed with miniature umbrellas set with sequined crystals.", "r": {"result": "Perhiasan bercermin yang direka untuk mewakili titisan hujan diselangi dengan set payung kecil dengan kristal berlabuci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the brand's trademark birdcage-style umbrellas -- supposedly a favorite of the British royal family -- replaces the traditional star at the top of the tree.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu payung gaya sangkar burung tanda dagangan jenama itu -- kononnya kegemaran keluarga diraja Britain -- menggantikan bintang tradisional di bahagian atas pokok itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Good thing Trojan doesn't make a Chrismas tree -- they don't right?", "r": {"result": "Perkara yang baik Trojan tidak membuat pokok Krismas - mereka tidak betul?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Goring, Beeston Place, London; +44 7396 9000. 10. Opera Christmas tree, Grand Hotel de Bordeaux & Spa (Bordeaux, France).", "r": {"result": "The Goring, Beeston Place, London; +44 7396 9000. 10. Pokok Krismas Opera, Grand Hotel de Bordeaux & Spa (Bordeaux, Perancis).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Decorated with elaborate opera costumes, yards of lace and hundreds of crystals, the Christmas tree at the Grand Hotel de Bordeaux & Spa is the fruit of a collaboration with L'Opera National de Bordeaux.", "r": {"result": "Dihiasi dengan kostum opera yang rumit, ela renda dan ratusan kristal, pokok Krismas di Grand Hotel de Bordeaux & Spa adalah hasil kerjasama dengan L'Opera National de Bordeaux.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hotel and the opera house share a baroque style, as does the tree -- which sings in a nice soprano.", "r": {"result": "Hotel dan gedung opera berkongsi gaya barok, begitu juga pokok -- yang menyanyi dalam soprano yang bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not really.", "r": {"result": "Tidak juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grand Hotel de Bordeaux & Spa, 2-5 Place de la Comedie, Bordeaux, France; +33 5 57 30 44 44. 11. Fendi Christmas tree, Hotel de Russie (Rome).", "r": {"result": "Grand Hotel de Bordeaux & Spa, 2-5 Place de la Comedie, Bordeaux, Perancis; +33 5 57 30 44 44. 11. Pokok Krismas Fendi, Hotel de Russie (Rom).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A creation of the Italian fashion house Fendi, the Christmas tree at Rome's Hotel de Russie is unsurprisingly hung all over with the brand's plexiglass \"bag bug\" handbags.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah ciptaan rumah fesyen Itali Fendi, pokok Krismas di Hotel de Russie di Rom digantung dengan beg tangan \"pepijat beg\" plexiglass jenama itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tree at nearby Palazzo Fendi (the fashion house's headquarters) has a similar theme, but with miniature Fendi baguette bags being used instead.", "r": {"result": "Pokok di Palazzo Fendi berdekatan (ibu pejabat rumah fesyen) mempunyai tema yang sama, tetapi dengan beg baguette Fendi kecil digunakan sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Can't help imagining that's one itchy tree.", "r": {"result": "Tidak dapat membantu membayangkan itu satu pokok yang gatal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hotel de Russie in Rome, Via del Babuino 9, Rome; +39 06 328881. 12. Recycled bottle Christmas tree (London).", "r": {"result": "Hotel de Russie di Rom, Via del Babuino 9, Rom; +39 06 328881. 12. Botol kitar semula pokok Krismas (London).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Humble in origin but still impressive, the Christmas tree outside Ealing Town Hall in London was crafted from 900 plastic bottles collected by local school children.", "r": {"result": "Asalnya sederhana tetapi masih mengagumkan, pokok Krismas di luar Dewan Perbandaran Ealing di London telah dihasilkan daripada 900 botol plastik yang dikumpulkan oleh kanak-kanak sekolah tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Made by artist Ashley Phillips, the tree has a serious message: that more waste is produced over the festive season than at any other time of year.", "r": {"result": "Dibuat oleh artis Ashley Phillips, pokok itu mempunyai mesej yang serius: bahawa lebih banyak sisa dihasilkan pada musim perayaan berbanding pada mana-mana masa lain dalam setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Possibly including these bottles when everyone's done with the tree.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin termasuk botol ini apabila semua orang selesai dengan pokok itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recycled bottle Christmas tree, Ealing Town Hall, London; +44 20 8825 5000. Have you seen Christmas trees more spectacular than these?", "r": {"result": "Pokok Krismas botol kitar semula, Dewan Perbandaran Ealing, London; +44 20 8825 5000. Pernahkah anda melihat pokok Krismas yang lebih hebat daripada ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is your own better in its own special way?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda sendiri lebih baik dengan cara tersendiri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let us know in the comments below.", "r": {"result": "Beritahu kami dalam ulasan di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The suspect in last week's deadly shooting at a Binghamton, New York, immigrant center believed he had been harassed for years by undercover police officers, according to a letter received by a New York television station and purportedly written by that suspect, Jiverly Wong.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Suspek dalam kejadian tembakan maut minggu lalu di pusat pendatang Binghamton, New York, percaya dia telah diganggu selama bertahun-tahun oleh pegawai polis yang menyamar, menurut surat yang diterima oleh stesen televisyen New York dan kononnya ditulis oleh suspek itu , Jiverly Wong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jiverly Wong included photos of himself along with a letter, his gun permit, and driver's license.", "r": {"result": "Jiverly Wong memasukkan foto dirinya bersama surat, permit senjatanya, dan lesen memandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said they were studying the two-page letter, neatly written in broken English, to determine its authenticity.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata mereka sedang meneliti surat dua muka surat itu, ditulis kemas dalam bahasa Inggeris yang pecah-pecah, untuk menentukan kesahihannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the package that arrived Monday at News 10 Now in Syracuse also contained photographs of Wong with two handguns, his gun permit and his driver's license.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bungkusan yang tiba pada Isnin di News 10 Now di Syracuse juga mengandungi gambar Wong dengan dua pistol, permit pistolnya dan lesen memandunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's several things in there that indicate to myself and the district attorney that suggest mental health issues as well as there may be some religious connotation,\" Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski told 10 News Now, \"but until we get a chance to have mental health professionals, have some religious people look at it to determine what it really means, I'm really not going to comment on it any further at this time\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat beberapa perkara di sana yang menunjukkan kepada saya dan peguam daerah yang mencadangkan isu kesihatan mental serta mungkin terdapat beberapa konotasi agama,\" kata Ketua Polis Binghamton Joseph Zikuski kepada 10 News Now, \"tetapi sehingga kita mendapat peluang untuk mempunyai mental. profesional kesihatan, minta beberapa orang agama melihatnya untuk menentukan apa sebenarnya maksudnya, saya benar-benar tidak akan mengulasnya lagi pada masa ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zikuski added that the emergence of a letter from the shooting suspect was not a surprise to law enforcement.", "r": {"result": "Zikuski menambah, kemunculan surat daripada suspek tembak bukanlah satu kejutan kepada penguatkuasa undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The package was postmarked April 3, the day of the shooting at the American Civic Assocation in Binghamton where Wong parked his car blocking a back entrance and entered through the front door, shooting two receptionists and then more people in a classroom.", "r": {"result": "Bungkusan itu ditanda pos pada 3 April, hari penembakan di American Civic Assocation di Binghamton di mana Wong meletakkan keretanya menghalang pintu masuk belakang dan masuk melalui pintu depan, menembak dua penyambut tetamu dan kemudian lebih ramai orang di dalam bilik darjah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the time he was done, 13 people -- and Wong himself, killed by a self-inflicted gunshot wound -- lay dead.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa dia selesai, 13 orang -- dan Wong sendiri, terbunuh akibat luka tembak yang dilakukan sendiri -- terbaring mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four others, including one of the receptionists, were wounded.", "r": {"result": "Empat yang lain, termasuk seorang daripada penyambut tetamu, cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: Is it time for gun control?", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Adakah masa untuk mengawal senjata api?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the letter was dated more than two weeks earlier, March 18, indicating a troubled Wong had considered the act for some time.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi surat itu bertarikh lebih dua minggu sebelum itu, 18 Mac, menunjukkan Wong yang bermasalah telah mempertimbangkan perbuatan itu untuk beberapa lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Learn about other mass shootings in recent history >>.", "r": {"result": "Ketahui tentang penembakan besar-besaran lain dalam sejarah terkini >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am Jiverly Wong shooting the people,\" the letter begins followed by an apology that \"I know a little English\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya Jiverly Wong menembak orang,\" surat itu bermula diikuti dengan permohonan maaf bahawa \"Saya tahu sedikit bahasa Inggeris\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What follows is details of Wong's beliefs that undercover police had taunted him, tortured him and spread rumors about him wherever he went.", "r": {"result": "Yang berikut ialah butiran kepercayaan Wong bahawa polis yang menyamar telah mengejeknya, menyeksanya dan menyebarkan khabar angin tentangnya ke mana sahaja dia pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The police, he said, forced him to leave California, where'd he'd lived from the early 1990s until 2007, and were trying to force him to leave the country.", "r": {"result": "Polis, katanya, memaksanya meninggalkan California, tempat dia tinggal dari awal 1990-an hingga 2007, dan cuba memaksanya meninggalkan negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They entered his room while he slept, he said, watching him sleep, touching him while he slept.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memasuki biliknya semasa dia tidur, katanya, melihat dia tidur, menyentuhnya semasa dia tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And 32 times, he said, police drove in front of him and abruptly stopped.", "r": {"result": "Dan 32 kali, katanya, polis memandu di hadapannya dan berhenti secara tiba-tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But \"I never hit the car,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi \"Saya tidak pernah melanggar kereta itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the end of the letter, Wong complained that he cannot \"accept my poor life\" and that he assume the role of judge and \"cut my poor life\".", "r": {"result": "Pada penghujung surat itu, Wong mengadu bahawa dia tidak boleh \"menerima kehidupan saya yang miskin\" dan bahawa dia memegang peranan sebagai hakim dan \"memotong hidup saya yang miskin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He demanded that an \"undercover cop\" be held responsible for whatever happened and ended with \"You have a nice day\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menuntut seorang \"polis penyamar\" bertanggungjawab atas apa sahaja yang berlaku dan berakhir dengan \"Anda mempunyai hari yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)The country's largest Presbyterian denomination has changed its definition of marriage to include gay couples -- though not explicitly.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Mazhab Presbyterian terbesar di negara ini telah menukar takrif perkahwinannya kepada pasangan gay -- walaupun tidak secara eksplisit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Presbyterian Church (USA) approved an amendment to its constitution after most of its 171 presbyteries -- or governing bodies -- voted for it, PC (USA) said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Gereja Presbyterian (AS) meluluskan pindaan kepada perlembagaannya selepas kebanyakan 171 presbiteri -- atau badan pentadbirnya -- mengundi untuknya, kata PC (AS) Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before, the definition said marriage was between \"a man and a woman\".", "r": {"result": "Sebelum ini, definisi mengatakan perkahwinan adalah antara \"seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new definition says, in part, that \"marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives\".", "r": {"result": "Takrifan baharu itu mengatakan, sebahagiannya, bahawa \"perkahwinan melibatkan komitmen unik antara dua orang, secara tradisinya seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita, untuk mencintai dan menyokong antara satu sama lain sepanjang hayat mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Already, PC (USA) ministers can perform same-sex marriages in states where such marriages are legal, the group said.", "r": {"result": "Sudah, menteri PC (AS) boleh melakukan perkahwinan sejenis di negeri di mana perkahwinan sedemikian adalah sah, kata kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But no teaching elder or session can be forced to conduct same-sex marriage ceremonies if they do not believe they are appropriate.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tiada penatua atau sesi mengajar boleh dipaksa untuk menjalankan upacara perkahwinan sejenis jika mereka tidak percaya ia sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not all members supported the decision.", "r": {"result": "Tidak semua ahli menyokong keputusan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a post on PC (USA)'s website, Jean and Robert Gorney accused the church of going against the Bible and threatened to leave.", "r": {"result": "Dalam catatan di laman web PC (AS), Jean dan Robert Gorney menuduh gereja itu menentang Alkitab dan mengancam untuk keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are not to change the Bible,\" their post said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak akan mengubah Alkitab,\" kata jawatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't care who disagrees\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak kisah siapa yang tidak bersetuju\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, which says it supports \"a fully inclusive church,\" welcomed the news Tuesday night.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Rangkaian Perjanjian Presbyterian, yang mengatakan ia menyokong \"gereja inklusif sepenuhnya,\" mengalu-alukan berita Selasa malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The change aligns the church's constitution with a reality that has long been true: Both same-gender and opposite-gender couples have been living in relationships that demonstrate covenant faithfulness, shared discipleship and mutual love,\" the group said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perubahan itu menyelaraskan perlembagaan gereja dengan realiti yang telah lama berlaku: Kedua-dua pasangan yang sama jantina dan bertentangan jantina telah hidup dalam hubungan yang menunjukkan kesetiaan perjanjian, perkongsian murid dan kasih sayang bersama,\" kata kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are also aware that the discussion has been a difficult one for many, and that some will feel a deep sense of pain over this decision.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami juga sedar bahawa perbincangan itu sukar bagi ramai pihak, dan ada yang akan merasai rasa sakit yang mendalam atas keputusan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Covenant Network is committed to fostering healthy dialogue and working with those who hold a view different from ours, seeking opportunities for us to model an authentic and productive unity\".", "r": {"result": "Rangkaian Perjanjian komited untuk memupuk dialog yang sihat dan bekerjasama dengan mereka yang berpandangan berbeza daripada kami, mencari peluang untuk kami memodelkan perpaduan yang tulen dan produktif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The amendment will take effect on June 21.", "r": {"result": "Pindaan itu akan berkuat kuasa pada 21 Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Daniel Burke contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Daniel Burke dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The terror group ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) which has shortened its name to \"Islamic State\" or \"IS\", led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, its self-proclaimed caliph, has hit a new low.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kumpulan pengganas ISIS (Negara Islam di Iraq dan Syria) yang telah memendekkan namanya kepada \"Negara Islam\" atau \"IS\", yang diketuai oleh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, yang mengisytiharkan dirinya sebagai khalifah, telah melanda rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having spread across huge swathes of Iraq and Syria, leaving absolute devastation in its wake, its latest offensive has brought it to Sinjar, a city in the north western region of Nineveh in Iraq and home to at least 200,000 of the world's 700,000 members of the Yazidi faith.", "r": {"result": "Setelah merebak ke seluruh kawasan besar Iraq dan Syria, meninggalkan kemusnahan mutlak selepasnya, serangan terbarunya telah membawanya ke Sinjar, sebuah bandar di wilayah barat laut Nineveh di Iraq dan menempatkan sekurang-kurangnya 200,000 daripada 700,000 ahli dunia. iman Yazidi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ISIS has always worn its love for sectarianism on its sleeve, and its vicious hatred for Yazidis has been no mystery.", "r": {"result": "ISIS sentiasa memupuk cintanya kepada fahaman mazhab, dan kebenciannya yang kejam terhadap Yazidi bukanlah misteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Repeatedly, disturbing videos have been circulated on social media depicting Yazidis held in tiny cells being cruelly taunted by ISIS prison guards.", "r": {"result": "Berulang kali, video mengganggu telah disebarkan di media sosial yang menggambarkan Yazidi yang ditahan dalam sel-sel kecil diejek dengan kejam oleh pengawal penjara ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On top of this, \"IS\" propagandists have continuously warned of their intention to execute or enslave the adherents of this ancient Zoroastrian-linked religion, whom they view as \"devil worshippers\" on account of their revering a fallen angel.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, propagandis \"IS\" terus-menerus memberi amaran tentang niat mereka untuk melaksanakan atau memperhambakan penganut agama kuno yang berkaitan dengan Zoroaster ini, yang mereka anggap sebagai \"penyembah syaitan\" kerana mereka memuja malaikat yang telah jatuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Therefore, it should come as no surprise that, when it seemed that ISIS were about to sweep into Sinjar last week, thousands upon thousands of Yazidis fled from their homes.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah, apabila nampaknya ISIS akan menyerang Sinjar minggu lepas, beribu-ribu orang Yazidi melarikan diri dari rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tragically, alongside the local Yazidis that fled were others who had taken refuge in Sinjar the month before, when ISIS captured Tal Afar, a neighboring city.", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, bersama Yazidi tempatan yang melarikan diri adalah orang lain yang telah berlindung di Sinjar pada bulan sebelumnya, apabila ISIS menawan Tal Afar, sebuah bandar jiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everyone's fears proved to be rightly placed, with ISIS fiercely battling and soon routing the Kurdish Peshmerga, leaving them in control of Sinjar and many of its surroundings.", "r": {"result": "Ketakutan semua orang terbukti tepat, dengan ISIS bertempur dengan sengit dan tidak lama lagi menghalakan Peshmerga Kurdish, meninggalkan mereka mengawal Sinjar dan banyak kawasan sekitarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While most fled to refugee camps in semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan, some 30,000 families ended up on Mount Sinjar, where they are now stranded, surrounded by jihadists.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kebanyakannya melarikan diri ke kem pelarian di Kurdistan Iraq separa autonomi, kira-kira 30,000 keluarga berakhir di Gunung Sinjar, di mana mereka kini terkandas, dikelilingi oleh pejuang jihad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are forced to sleep in caves, faced with temperatures of over 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) and have no food or water, let alone arms to defend themselves with.", "r": {"result": "Mereka terpaksa tidur di dalam gua, berdepan dengan suhu melebihi 50 darjah Celsius (122 darjah Fahrenheit) dan tidak mempunyai makanan atau air, apatah lagi senjata untuk mempertahankan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Initially, they could contact the outside world using mobile phones.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya, mereka boleh menghubungi dunia luar menggunakan telefon bimbit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, though, most of these have run out of battery and there is no telling how critical the situation has become.", "r": {"result": "Kini, bagaimanapun, kebanyakannya telah kehabisan bateri dan tidak dapat dipastikan betapa kritikalnya keadaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is for certain is that their prospects for escape are minimal.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang pasti ialah prospek mereka untuk melarikan diri adalah minimum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is yet another instance of the appalling brutality of \"IS\", a group that has consistently abused the most basic human rights of the people it has forced itself upon.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah satu lagi contoh kekejaman mengerikan \"IS\", sebuah kumpulan yang secara konsisten menyalahgunakan hak asasi manusia paling asas orang yang telah dipaksa untuk melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the last two months, it has committed countless mass summary executions of Shiite soldiers and tortured and shot hundreds of Sunni tribespeople who resisted its rule before taking to social media to boast about their actions.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tempoh dua bulan lalu, ia telah melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai beramai-ramai ke atas tentera Syiah dan menyeksa serta menembak ratusan puak Sunni yang menentang pemerintahannya sebelum menyebarkan ke media sosial untuk bermegah tentang tindakan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Likewise, it recently gave the entire Christian population of Mosul a choice -- either they leave their homes and livelihoods, or they pay a tax to IS on the basis of their religion.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga, baru-baru ini memberi pilihan kepada seluruh penduduk Kristian Mosul -- sama ada mereka meninggalkan rumah dan mata pencarian mereka, atau mereka membayar cukai kepada IS berdasarkan agama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those who refused to do either faced death.", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang enggan melakukan kedua-duanya menghadapi kematian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The list of human rights offenses goes on.", "r": {"result": "Senarai pelanggaran hak asasi manusia diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These jihadists are making a mockery of international law.", "r": {"result": "Pejuang jihad ini mempersendakan undang-undang antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is becoming increasingly clear that they will not stop committing these criminal acts unless they are forced to stop.", "r": {"result": "Semakin jelas bahawa mereka tidak akan berhenti melakukan perbuatan jenayah ini melainkan mereka terpaksa berhenti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unfortunately, the prospects for this are becoming more remote by the day, as ISIS fighters continue from strength to strength, capturing most of north-west Syria's largest military facilities and repelling all counter attacks by the Iraqi Armed Forces (IAF).", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, prospek untuk perkara ini semakin jauh dari hari ke hari, apabila pejuang ISIS meneruskan kekuatan ke kekuatan, menawan sebahagian besar kemudahan ketenteraan terbesar di barat laut Syria dan menangkis semua serangan balas oleh Angkatan Bersenjata Iraq (IAF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We, the international community, must not turn a blind eye to what's happening in on Mount Sinjar like we did in the wake of the expulsion of Mosuli Christians or the mass executions of Shiite soldiers.", "r": {"result": "Kita, masyarakat antarabangsa, tidak boleh menutup mata terhadap apa yang berlaku di Gunung Sinjar seperti yang kita lakukan selepas pengusiran Kristian Mosuli atau hukuman mati beramai-ramai tentera Syiah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's transpiring now is a new Kosovo, an ethno-religious cleansing on a huge scale.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang berlaku sekarang ialah Kosovo baharu, pembersihan etno-agama secara besar-besaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That it is taking place at the hands of a jihadist group too extreme for al Qaeda, a group that has repeatedly shown that it has internationalist ambitions, is all the more worrying.", "r": {"result": "Bahawa ia berlaku di tangan kumpulan jihad yang terlalu ekstrem untuk al Qaeda, kumpulan yang telah berulang kali menunjukkan bahawa ia mempunyai cita-cita antarabangsa, adalah lebih membimbangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is ludicrous that no one has acted against it already when it is clear that neither the IAF nor the Peshmerga is capable of shutting it down alone.", "r": {"result": "Sungguh menggelikan bahawa tiada siapa yang telah bertindak menentangnya apabila jelas bahawa IAF mahupun Peshmerga tidak mampu menutupnya sendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ISIS has acted with impunity in the region for far too long.", "r": {"result": "ISIS telah bertindak tanpa hukuman di rantau ini terlalu lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has been allowed to take control of an area larger than the United Kingdom, commandeer hundreds of thousands of dollars of U.S.-made weaponry and subjugate nearly 6 million people.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah dibenarkan untuk menguasai kawasan yang lebih besar daripada United Kingdom, menguasai ratusan ribu dolar persenjataan buatan A.S. dan menundukkan hampir 6 juta orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The international community needs to step up to this most troubling challenge.", "r": {"result": "Masyarakat antarabangsa perlu meningkatkan cabaran yang paling membimbangkan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It must provide substantial and coordinated humanitarian assistance to all refugees and internally displaced people -- of any faith or ethnicity -- in the region.", "r": {"result": "Ia mesti menyediakan bantuan kemanusiaan yang banyak dan diselaraskan kepada semua pelarian dan orang yang dipindahkan secara dalaman -- dari mana-mana agama atau etnik -- di rantau ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Furthermore, diplomatic pressure must be exerted on Turkey, the only military power in the region that stands a chance of crushing this false caliphate.", "r": {"result": "Tambahan pula, tekanan diplomatik mesti dikenakan ke atas Turki, satu-satunya kuasa ketenteraan di rantau ini yang mempunyai peluang untuk menghancurkan khalifah palsu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ankara must be ready to bury its differences with the Kurds and extend all the assistance it can to them on a human rights basis, even if this means military support.", "r": {"result": "Ankara mesti bersedia untuk menguburkan perbezaannya dengan orang Kurdis dan menghulurkan semua bantuan yang boleh kepada mereka atas dasar hak asasi manusia, walaupun ini bermakna sokongan tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lastly, it is imperative that states across the world reaffirm their absolute commitment to article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which establishes the right to free thought, conscience and belief.", "r": {"result": "Akhir sekali, adalah mustahak bahawa negara-negara di seluruh dunia menegaskan semula komitmen mutlak mereka terhadap artikel 18 Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia Sejagat, yang menetapkan hak untuk bebas berfikir, hati nurani dan kepercayaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If we do not stand by our principles, who will?", "r": {"result": "Jika kita tidak berpegang pada prinsip kita, siapa lagi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not enough to just condemn something with rhetoric; the world must react robustly and directly to these reprehensible developments.", "r": {"result": "Tidak cukup dengan hanya mengutuk sesuatu dengan retorik; dunia mesti bertindak balas dengan tegas dan terus terhadap perkembangan yang tercela ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The views expressed in this commentary are solely Maajid Nawaz's.", "r": {"result": "Pandangan yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah milik Maajid Nawaz semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Crews bolstered by out-of-state help worked in Texas on Monday to contain large wildfires responsible for destroying close to 100 homes and other structures, officials said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Anak kapal yang disokong oleh bantuan luar negeri bekerja di Texas pada hari Isnin untuk mengawal kebakaran hutan besar yang bertanggungjawab memusnahkan hampir 100 rumah dan struktur lain, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are all doing the best we can,\" said Lisa Nugent, director of the Chamber of Commerce in Fort Davis, where the Texas Forest Service said fire has already destroyed 40 to 50 homes.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami semua melakukan yang terbaik yang kami boleh,\" kata Lisa Nugent, pengarah Dewan Perniagaan di Fort Davis, di mana Perkhidmatan Hutan Texas berkata kebakaran telah memusnahkan 40 hingga 50 rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have firefighters from all over the country\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai anggota bomba dari seluruh negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said it is too early for people to come to look at the damage.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata masih terlalu awal untuk orang ramai datang melihat kerosakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't want people coming back or visiting,\" Nugent said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mahu orang ramai kembali atau melawat,\" kata Nugent.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The town is still in an \"imminent danger of fire,\" with several fires still burning nearby.", "r": {"result": "Pekan ini masih dalam \"bahaya kebakaran yang hampir pasti,\" dengan beberapa kebakaran masih menyala berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can see black smoke behind the courthouse,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya dapat melihat asap hitam di belakang mahkamah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fire in Presidio County has grown to 80,000 acres with only 10% containment, the Forest Service said early Monday.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran di Presidio County telah meningkat kepada 80,000 ekar dengan hanya 10% dibendung, kata Perkhidmatan Hutan awal Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That growth, according to fire operations chief Mark Sanford, came after the fire \"made a 12-mile run on Saturday\".", "r": {"result": "Pertumbuhan itu, menurut ketua operasi bomba Mark Sanford, datang selepas kebakaran \"membuat larian 12 batu pada hari Sabtu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials still don't know what caused the fast-moving fire, he said.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai masih tidak mengetahui punca kebakaran yang marak itu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the damage, Nugent said things could be much worse.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mengalami kerosakan, Nugent berkata keadaan boleh menjadi lebih teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tourism is huge\" in Fort Davis, she said, but none of the tourist structures have been burned.", "r": {"result": "\"Pelancongan adalah besar\" di Fort Davis, katanya, tetapi tiada satu pun struktur pelancong telah dibakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The downtown and the historic fort buildings are unscathed, she said.", "r": {"result": "Pusat bandar dan bangunan kubu bersejarah tidak terjejas, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blaze, known as the Rock House fire, is currently the largest fire burning in the United States and is just one of 10 fires burning more than 312,000 acres in Texas.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran itu, yang dikenali sebagai kebakaran Rumah Rock, kini merupakan kebakaran terbesar di Amerika Syarikat dan hanya satu daripada 10 kebakaran yang membakar lebih 312,000 ekar di Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another 34 homes have burned in a fire in Midland County that has consumed over 16,500 acres and that the state agency on Sunday described as \"very active\" and not at all contained, officials said.", "r": {"result": "Sebanyak 34 lagi rumah telah terbakar dalam kebakaran di Midland County yang telah memakan lebih 16,500 ekar dan yang agensi negeri itu pada Ahad menggambarkan sebagai \"sangat aktif\" dan tidak sama sekali dibendung, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Red Cross shelter has been set up at Midland College for those displaced or otherwise affected by this wildfire.", "r": {"result": "Tempat perlindungan Palang Merah telah disediakan di Kolej Midland untuk mereka yang terlantar atau terjejas akibat kebakaran hutan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(Firefighters) can't outrun it,\" said Alan Craft, a spokesman for the state's Lone Star Incident Management Team.", "r": {"result": "\"(Anggota bomba) tidak boleh mengatasinya,\" kata Alan Craft, jurucakap Pasukan Pengurusan Insiden Lone Star negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another large fire near Swenson has scorched some 103,000 acres in three counties, according to the state Forest Service.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi kebakaran besar berhampiran Swenson telah menghanguskan kira-kira 103,000 ekar di tiga daerah, menurut Perkhidmatan Hutan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spokeswoman April Saginor said officials believe the Swenson fire has been that large for a couple of days, but were not able to remap it until Monday.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap April Saginor berkata pegawai percaya kebakaran Swenson telah sebegitu besar selama beberapa hari, tetapi tidak dapat memetakannya semula sehingga Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As of Sunday night, the blaze across parts of Stonewall, Knox and King counties was totally uncontained despite the use of air resources, bulldozers, fire engines and other tools and personnel, a statement from the Forest Service said.", "r": {"result": "Setakat malam Ahad, kebakaran merentasi bahagian Stonewall, Knox dan daerah King sama sekali tidak dapat dikawal walaupun menggunakan sumber udara, jentolak, jentera bomba dan peralatan dan kakitangan lain, kata kenyataan dari Perkhidmatan Hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Official say this fire was caused by a man cutting a pipe.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai berkata kebakaran ini berpunca daripada seorang lelaki memotong paip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been no evacuations yet related to another 60,000-acre blaze, this one in Potter and Moore counties near the city of Masterson.", "r": {"result": "Belum ada pemindahan yang berkaitan dengan kebakaran seluas 60,000 ekar lagi, yang berlaku di daerah Potter dan Moore berhampiran bandar Masterson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That fire is 50% contained but is still considered a threat to the towns of Dumas and Sunray, the Forest Service said.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran itu 50% dapat dikawal tetapi masih dianggap sebagai ancaman kepada bandar Dumas dan Sunray, kata Perkhidmatan Hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Perry renewed a disaster proclamation in effect for all of Texas' 249 counties -- even though major fires are occurring in only 13 of them -- to expedite assistance in case of new fires, his office said Sunday in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Rick Perry memperbaharui pengisytiharan bencana yang berkuat kuasa untuk semua 249 daerah Texas -- walaupun kebakaran besar hanya berlaku di 13 daripadanya -- untuk mempercepatkan bantuan sekiranya berlaku kebakaran baru, kata pejabatnya Ahad dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to more than 750 personnel working with the Texas Forest Service, the governor's statement noted that two Blackhawk helicopters from the Texas Military Forces, bulldozers from the state transportation department and resources from 60 fire departments statewide were part of the effort.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tambahan kepada lebih 750 kakitangan yang bekerja dengan Perkhidmatan Hutan Texas, kenyataan gabenor menyatakan bahawa dua helikopter Blackhawk dari Pasukan Tentera Texas, jentolak dari jabatan pengangkutan negeri dan sumber dari 60 jabatan bomba di seluruh negeri adalah sebahagian daripada usaha itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Improved wind conditions over the past couple of days have helped firefighters in their battle, but dry conditions remain and still pose a problem, CNN Meteorologist Monica O'Connor said Monday.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan angin yang bertambah baik sejak beberapa hari lalu telah membantu anggota bomba dalam pertempuran mereka, tetapi keadaan kering kekal dan masih menimbulkan masalah, kata Pakar Meteorologi CNN Monica O'Connor Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Six new wildfires reported on Sunday were quickly brought under control, a Texas Forest Service statement said.", "r": {"result": "Enam kebakaran hutan baharu yang dilaporkan pada Ahad dapat dikawal dengan cepat, kata satu kenyataan Perkhidmatan Hutan Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities in the Lone Star State have responded to 6,831 fires over 643,000 acres since wildfire season began.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa di Negeri Lone Star telah bertindak balas terhadap 6,831 kebakaran lebih 643,000 ekar sejak musim kebakaran hutan bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Texas is not alone, as wildfires are burning in large swaths of the Southwest and Midwest, fanned in part by dry, warm and windy conditions.", "r": {"result": "Texas tidak bersendirian, kerana kebakaran hutan sedang marak di kawasan besar Barat Daya dan Barat Tengah, sebahagiannya ditiup oleh keadaan kering, panas dan berangin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the past few days, the National Weather Service has issued \"red flag warnings\" for New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa hari lalu, Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan telah mengeluarkan \"amaran bendera merah\" untuk New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma dan Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oklahoma Gov.", "r": {"result": "Oklahoma Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mary Fallin on Sunday extended a state of emergency for seven counties.", "r": {"result": "Mary Fallin pada hari Ahad melanjutkan keadaan darurat untuk tujuh daerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The designation authorizes state agencies to make emergency purchases needed to quickly deliver resources to local jurisdictions, the state's emergency operations center said.", "r": {"result": "Penamaan itu memberi kuasa kepada agensi negeri untuk membuat pembelian kecemasan yang diperlukan untuk menghantar sumber dengan cepat ke bidang kuasa tempatan, kata pusat operasi kecemasan negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parts of Oklahoma remain under a \"fire weather watch,\" which means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada Oklahoma kekal di bawah \"pengawasan cuaca kebakaran,\" yang bermaksud bahawa keadaan cuaca kebakaran kritikal diramalkan akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many southern counties in Texas are under a \"red flag warning,\" meaning conditions have created the potential for explosive fire growth.", "r": {"result": "Banyak daerah selatan di Texas berada di bawah \"amaran bendera merah\", bermakna keadaan telah mewujudkan potensi pertumbuhan kebakaran yang meletup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Weather Service's website urges residents to exercise extreme care with respect to all outdoor activities that could inadvertently cause wildfires.", "r": {"result": "Laman web Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan menggesa penduduk supaya berhati-hati terhadap semua aktiviti luar yang secara tidak sengaja boleh menyebabkan kebakaran hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Dave Alsup, Stephanie Gallman, Mariano Castillo and Kara Devlin contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Dave Alsup dari CNN, Stephanie Gallman, Mariano Castillo dan Kara Devlin menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A year to the day after winning Manchester City's first championship in nearly half a century, coach Roberto Mancini was sacked as the club's ambitious Abu Dhabi owners finally lost patience with the Italian.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Setahun selepas memenangi kejuaraan pertama Manchester City dalam tempoh hampir setengah abad, jurulatih Roberto Mancini dipecat apabila pemilik kelab yang bercita-cita tinggi di Abu Dhabi itu akhirnya hilang kesabaran terhadap pemain Itali itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 48-year-old Mancini's dismissal follows City's shock FA Cup defeat by Wigan on Saturday and their inability to defend the English Premier League title the club won last season, with rivals Manchester United running away with the league this season.", "r": {"result": "Pemecatan Mancini yang berusia 48 tahun itu susulan kekalahan mengejut City di Piala FA kepada Wigan pada Sabtu dan ketidakmampuan mereka untuk mempertahankan kejuaraan Liga Perdana Inggeris yang dimenangi kelab musim lalu, dengan pesaing Manchester United melarikan diri dengan liga musim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Despite everyone's best efforts, the club has failed to achieve any of its stated targets this year, with the exception of qualification for next season's UEFA Champions League,\" said a City statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun semua orang berusaha sebaik mungkin, kelab itu gagal mencapai mana-mana sasaran yang dinyatakan tahun ini, kecuali kelayakan ke Liga Juara-Juara UEFA musim depan,\" kata kenyataan City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This, combined with an identified need to develop a holistic approach to all aspects of football at the club, has meant that the decision has been taken to find a new manager for the 2013/14 season and beyond\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini, digabungkan dengan keperluan yang dikenal pasti untuk membangunkan pendekatan holistik kepada semua aspek bola sepak di kelab, bermakna keputusan telah diambil untuk mencari pengurus baharu untuk musim 2013/14 dan seterusnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan completed a reported $300 million takeover in 2008 and has spent millions more in making City, who will finish second this season, into a major force in the Premier League.", "r": {"result": "Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan menyelesaikan pengambilalihan $300 juta yang dilaporkan pada 2008 dan telah membelanjakan berjuta-juta lagi untuk menjadikan City, yang akan menduduki tempat kedua musim ini, menjadi pasukan utama dalam Liga Perdana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After buying City, Sheikh Mansour invested more than $600 million on players like Sergio Aguero, Yaya Toure and Carlos Tevez, and helped the perennial underachievers beat neighbors Manchester United to the title on goal difference last season.", "r": {"result": "Selepas membeli City, Sheikh Mansour melabur lebih $600 juta untuk pemain seperti Sergio Aguero, Yaya Toure dan Carlos Tevez, dan membantu pemain yang kurang berprestasi itu menewaskan jiran Manchester United untuk merebut gelaran menerusi perbezaan gol musim lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mancini's dismissal comes a year to the day since City beat Queens Park Rangers to win its first top-flight title in 44 years and nearly two years to the day since he won the club's first trophy in 35 years, when beating Stoke City in the 2011 FA Cup final.", "r": {"result": "Pemecatan Mancini datang setahun ke hari sejak City menewaskan Queens Park Rangers untuk memenangi kejuaraan liga pertamanya dalam tempoh 44 tahun dan hampir dua tahun selepas dia memenangi trofi pertama kelab itu dalam tempoh 35 tahun, ketika menewaskan Stoke City pada 2011. final Piala FA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet the club did not make it out of their Champions League group this season, becoming the first English side to fail to win any of its six matches during the group phase of the competition.", "r": {"result": "Namun kelab itu tidak berjaya keluar dari kumpulan Liga Juara-Juara musim ini, menjadi pasukan Inggeris pertama yang gagal memenangi mana-mana daripada enam perlawanannya semasa fasa kumpulan pertandingan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The buildup to the FA Cup had been overshadowed with widespread rumors that Mancini, who signed a five year deal last July, would be replaced by former Real Madrid coach Manuel Pellegrini, who guided Malaga to this year's Champions League quarterfinals.", "r": {"result": "Pembentukan Piala FA telah dibayangi dengan khabar angin yang meluas bahawa Mancini, yang menandatangani perjanjian lima tahun Julai lalu, akan digantikan oleh bekas jurulatih Real Madrid, Manuel Pellegrini, yang membimbing Malaga ke suku akhir Liga Juara-Juara tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This has been a difficult decision for the owner, chairman and board to make and it is the outcome of a planned end of season review process that has been brought forward in light of recent speculation and out of respect for Roberto and his extensive contributions to the football club,\" added the City statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah keputusan yang sukar untuk pemilik, pengerusi dan lembaga pengarah untuk membuat dan ia adalah hasil daripada proses semakan akhir musim yang dirancang yang telah dibawa ke hadapan berdasarkan spekulasi baru-baru ini dan sebagai menghormati Roberto dan sumbangannya yang meluas kepada kelab bola sepak,\" tambah kenyataan City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday night, Pellegrini told Malaga's website that he had not lined up any move to become Manchester City's next coach.", "r": {"result": "Pada malam Ahad, Pellegrini memberitahu laman web Malaga bahawa dia tidak mempunyai sebarang langkah untuk menjadi jurulatih Manchester City yang seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I categorically deny I am the new Manchester City coach, nothing has been signed and no agreement reached,\" said the Chilean.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya menafikan saya adalah jurulatih baharu Manchester City, tiada apa yang ditandatangani dan tiada persetujuan dicapai,\u201d kata pemain Chile itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've been fortunate enough, and am very proud, that every year the big clubs are interested in me.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya cukup bernasib baik, dan sangat berbangga, setiap tahun kelab besar berminat dengan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have an agreement with Malaga not to talk to anyone and nothing has been agreed with any other outfit\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mempunyai perjanjian dengan Malaga untuk tidak bercakap dengan sesiapa dan tiada apa yang dipersetujui dengan mana-mana pakaian lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "City's assistant manager Brian Kidd has been placed in charge for the remaining two games of the season and the club's post-season tour to the United States before a permanent manager is appointed.", "r": {"result": "Penolong pengurus City, Brian Kidd telah diletakkan bertanggungjawab untuk baki dua perlawanan musim ini dan lawatan selepas musim kelab ke Amerika Syarikat sebelum pengurus tetap dilantik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Roberto's record speaks for itself and he has the respect and gratitude of Sheikh Mansour, myself and the Board for all of his hard work and commitment over the last three and a half years,\" said chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak in the City statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Rekod Roberto bercakap untuk dirinya sendiri dan dia mempunyai rasa hormat dan terima kasih kepada Sheikh Mansour, saya sendiri dan Lembaga Pengarah atas semua kerja keras dan komitmennya selama tiga setengah tahun yang lalu,\" kata pengerusi Khaldoon Al Mubarak dalam kenyataan City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He has clearly also secured the love and respect of our fans.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia jelas juga telah mendapat kasih sayang dan rasa hormat peminat kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has done as he promised and delivered silverware and success, breaking the club's 35-year trophy drought and securing the title in 2012.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah melakukan seperti yang dijanjikan dan menyampaikan piala dan kejayaan, memecahkan kemarau trofi kelab selama 35 tahun dan memastikan gelaran pada 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would like to personally and publicly thank him for his dedication to the progress that he has overseen and for his support and continued friendship\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih secara peribadi dan terbuka kepadanya atas dedikasinya terhadap kemajuan yang telah dia selia dan atas sokongan dan persahabatan yang berterusan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "City's sacking of Mancini came on the day United held a victory parade to mark their 20th league title and Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement, an event that drew thousands of fans on to the streets of the English north west city.", "r": {"result": "Pemecatan Mancini oleh City berlaku pada hari United mengadakan perarakan kemenangan untuk menandakan gelaran liga ke-20 mereka dan persaraan Sir Alex Ferguson, acara yang menarik ribuan peminat ke jalan-jalan di bandar barat laut Inggeris itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mancini leaves with the fourth highest win percentage of any manager in the Premier League, a record bettered only by former Chelsea coaches Jose Mourinho and Carlo Ancelotti, as well as Ferguson himself.", "r": {"result": "Mancini pergi dengan peratusan kemenangan keempat tertinggi daripada mana-mana pengurus dalam Liga Perdana, satu rekod yang lebih baik oleh bekas jurulatih Chelsea Jose Mourinho dan Carlo Ancelotti, serta Ferguson sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trophies aside, Mancini's time at City is likely to be remembered for several rows with star players, most notably Carlos Tevez and Mario Balotelli, and for engineering Manchester United's worst home defeat in 56 years as City won 6-1 at Old Trafford, the first time the Red Devils had conceded six goals at home since 1930.", "r": {"result": "Diketepikan trofi, masa Mancini di City mungkin akan diingati untuk beberapa baris dengan pemain bintang, terutamanya Carlos Tevez dan Mario Balotelli, dan untuk merekayasa kekalahan terburuk Manchester United di laman sendiri dalam 56 tahun ketika City menang 6-1 di Old Trafford, kali pertama Red Devils melepaskan enam gol di laman sendiri sejak 1930.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A former coach of Inter Milan, Mancini was appointed in December 2009 after the club sacked Mark Hughes and was afforded millions to spend in the transfer market by the club's oil-rich owners.", "r": {"result": "Bekas jurulatih Inter Milan, Mancini dilantik pada Disember 2009 selepas kelab itu memecat Mark Hughes dan diberi berjuta-juta untuk berbelanja dalam pasaran perpindahan oleh pemilik kelab yang kaya dengan minyak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last August, the Manchester club appointed former Barcelona board member Ferran Soriano as their new chief executive, while in October City appointed former Barcelona technical director Txiki Begiristain as their director of football.", "r": {"result": "Ogos lalu, kelab Manchester itu melantik bekas ahli lembaga Barcelona, Ferran Soriano sebagai ketua eksekutif baharu mereka, manakala pada Oktober City melantik bekas pengarah teknikal Barcelona, Txiki Begiristain sebagai pengarah bola sepak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A wind-fed fire in southern Arizona grew dramatically Friday, racing down from canyons and gobbling parched grasslands and brush.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kebakaran yang ditiup angin di selatan Arizona meningkat secara mendadak pada hari Jumaat, berlumba turun dari ngarai dan menelan padang rumput kering dan berus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arizona and New Mexico were under red-flag alerts through the weekend as firefighters battled several blazes in Arizona.", "r": {"result": "Arizona dan New Mexico berada di bawah amaran bendera merah sepanjang hujung minggu ketika anggota bomba memadamkan beberapa kebakaran di Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Conditions will be especially difficult Sunday at the Monument fire just south of Sierra Vista, Arizona, according to Glenn Lader of the National Weather Service office in Tucson.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan akan menjadi sangat sukar pada Ahad di kebakaran Monumen di selatan Sierra Vista, Arizona, menurut Glenn Lader dari pejabat Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan di Tucson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relentless winds have spread the 18,580-acre fire that has torched at least 40 homes and forced the evacuation of hundreds Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Angin tanpa henti telah merebakkan kebakaran seluas 18,580 ekar yang telah membakar sekurang-kurangnya 40 rumah dan memaksa ratusan penduduk dipindahkan Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evacuations of several areas continued Friday.", "r": {"result": "Pemindahan beberapa kawasan diteruskan pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Monument fire has spread across the Huachuca Mountains near the Mexican border.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran Monumen telah merebak merentasi Pergunungan Huachuca berhampiran sempadan Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The area is known as the \"Sky Islands\" region.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan itu dikenali sebagai wilayah \"Sky Islands\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These mountain 'islands,' forested ranges separated by vast expanses of desert and grassland plains, are among the most diverse ecosystems in the world,\" according to the Sky Island Alliance, a conservation group.", "r": {"result": "\"Pulau-pulau gunung ini, kawasan hutan yang dipisahkan oleh padang pasir dan dataran padang rumput yang luas, adalah antara ekosistem yang paling pelbagai di dunia,\" menurut Sky Island Alliance, sebuah kumpulan pemuliharaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garry Foss, who operates Oaks of the Wild West nursery in Hereford, a community just east of the fire, said grasses 2 to 3 feet tall have not seen rain since December, making for a ready fire fuel source.", "r": {"result": "Garry Foss, yang mengendalikan tapak semaian Oaks of the Wild West di Hereford, sebuah komuniti di sebelah timur kebakaran, berkata rumput setinggi 2 hingga 3 kaki tidak pernah turun hujan sejak Disember, menjadikan sumber bahan api siap sedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sierra Vista, home to the Army's Fort Huachuca, has had 0.13 inches of rain this year, according to Lader, compared with 2.5 to 3 inches in a normal year.", "r": {"result": "Sierra Vista, rumah kepada Fort Huachuca Tentera, telah mengalami 0.13 inci hujan tahun ini, menurut Lader, berbanding 2.5 hingga 3 inci pada tahun biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's no rain in the forecast.", "r": {"result": "Tiada hujan dalam ramalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm trying to sit it out,\" Foss said, adding that he now has to drive east to Bisbee and northwest to reach Sierra Vista.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya cuba tenangkan diri,\" kata Foss, sambil menambah bahawa dia kini perlu memandu ke timur ke Bisbee dan barat laut untuk sampai ke Sierra Vista.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This grass is so dry\".", "r": {"result": "\"Rumput ini sangat kering\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Much of Highway 92 south of Sierra Vista was ordered closed.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian besar Lebuhraya 92 di selatan Sierra Vista diarah ditutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A brush fire was reported on Fort Huachuca.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran berus dilaporkan di Fort Huachuca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arizona Gov.", "r": {"result": "Arizona Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jan Brewer, meanwhile, issued emergency declarations for the Monument fire and another blaze, Horseshoe II, making Cochise County eligible for $100,000 toward response and recovery expenses.", "r": {"result": "Jan Brewer, sementara itu, mengeluarkan pengisytiharan kecemasan untuk kebakaran Monumen dan satu lagi kebakaran, Horseshoe II, menjadikan Cochise County layak mendapat $100,000 untuk perbelanjaan tindak balas dan pemulihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "High winds also could undo some of the progress made by crews battling the Wallow blaze, which has burned nearly a half-million acres in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest.", "r": {"result": "Angin kencang juga boleh membatalkan beberapa kemajuan yang dibuat oleh kru yang memerangi kebakaran Wallow, yang telah membakar hampir setengah juta ekar di Hutan Negara Apache-Sitgreaves.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yes, it is a threat.", "r": {"result": "\"Ya, ia adalah ancaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anything could happen,\" said Terry Stemmler, a spokesman for the Southwest Incident Management Team.", "r": {"result": "Apa-apa sahaja boleh berlaku,\" kata Terry Stemmler, jurucakap Pasukan Pengurusan Insiden Barat Daya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crews are facing four straight days of red flag warnings that started Thursday with the return of strong winds to a dry region, Stemmler said.", "r": {"result": "Anak kapal berdepan empat hari berturut-turut amaran bendera merah yang bermula Khamis dengan kembalinya angin kencang ke kawasan kering, kata Stemmler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A red flag warning means weather conditions -- high winds and low humidity -- pose an extreme risk for fire.", "r": {"result": "Amaran bendera merah bermakna keadaan cuaca -- angin kencang dan kelembapan rendah -- menimbulkan risiko kebakaran yang melampau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The hot, dry and windy weather coupled with the drought-stressed vegetation and heavy fuel loading in mixed conifer forests has the potential to create extreme fire behavior,\" officials with the Wallow fire team said.", "r": {"result": "\"Cuaca panas, kering dan berangin ditambah dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang dilanda kemarau dan pemuatan bahan api yang berat di hutan konifer bercampur mempunyai potensi untuk mewujudkan tingkah laku kebakaran yang melampau,\" kata pegawai dengan pasukan bomba Wallow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As of Friday morning, the Wallow fire had scorched 495,016 acres -- more than 770 square miles -- in eastern Arizona and western New Mexico, the vast majority of it in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Setakat pagi Jumaat, kebakaran Wallow telah menghanguskan 495,016 ekar -- lebih 770 batu persegi -- di timur Arizona dan barat New Mexico, sebahagian besarnya di Hutan Negara Apache-Sitgreaves di Arizona, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blaze, which is 33% contained, became the largest wildfire in Arizona history on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran, yang 33% dikawal, menjadi kebakaran hutan terbesar dalam sejarah Arizona pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Phil Gast, Samuel Gardner III and Dave Alsup contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Phil Gast dari CNN, Samuel Gardner III dan Dave Alsup menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Uganda's parliament adjourned Friday without acting on a bill that would have made engaging in homosexual acts a capital offense, leaving the future of the widely condemned bill uncertain.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Parlimen Uganda menangguhkan Jumaat tanpa bertindak ke atas rang undang-undang yang akan menjadikan penglibatan dalam perbuatan homoseksual sebagai kesalahan besar, menjadikan masa depan rang undang-undang yang dikutuk secara meluas itu tidak menentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though parliament's mandate ends May 18, next week has been reserved for the swearing in of new members.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mandat parlimen berakhir 18 Mei, minggu depan telah dikhaskan untuk mengangkat sumpah ahli baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friday's lack of action on the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill means that the issue will not be discussed this session.", "r": {"result": "Kekurangan tindakan Jumaat terhadap cadangan Rang Undang-undang Anti-Homoseksualiti bermakna isu itu tidak akan dibincangkan pada sesi ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill has been condemned internationally since October 2009, when it was introduced.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu telah dikutuk di peringkat antarabangsa sejak Oktober 2009, apabila ia diperkenalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to proposing the death penalty for certain gay acts, it proposed requiring anyone aware of violations of the bill to report them to the authorities within a day or face criminal sanction, said Human Rights Watch.", "r": {"result": "Selain mencadangkan hukuman mati bagi perbuatan gay tertentu, ia mencadangkan agar sesiapa yang menyedari pelanggaran rang undang-undang itu melaporkannya kepada pihak berkuasa dalam masa sehari atau menghadapi sekatan jenayah, kata Human Rights Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill would have criminalized \"promotion of homosexuality,\" the organization said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu akan menjenayahkan \"promosi homoseksual,\" kata organisasi itu dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That would have jeopardized the work of promoters of human rights, it said.", "r": {"result": "Itu akan menjejaskan kerja penganjur hak asasi manusia, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill or an amended version of it could be presented in the next parliament, which is expected to open in June, Human Rights Watch said.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu atau versi pindaannya boleh dibentangkan di parlimen akan datang, yang dijangka dibuka pada Jun, kata Human Rights Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by then it would have to return to the beginning of the legislative process, the organization said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada masa itu ia perlu kembali ke permulaan proses perundangan, kata organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today marks the end of a chapter in the fight to protect the rights of the LGBT community in Uganda but the struggle isn't over yet,\" said Graeme Reid, director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Program at Human Rights Watch, \"There's a real danger we might see this bill remerge in some form\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini menandakan berakhirnya satu babak dalam perjuangan untuk melindungi hak komuniti LGBT di Uganda tetapi perjuangan masih belum berakhir,\" kata Graeme Reid, pengarah Program Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender di Hak Asasi Manusia Tonton, \"Terdapat bahaya sebenar kita mungkin melihat rang undang-undang ini muncul semula dalam beberapa bentuk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amnesty International released a statement expressing relief over the lack of action on the bill, which proposed life in prison for marriage by same-sex couples.", "r": {"result": "Amnesty International mengeluarkan kenyataan menyatakan kelegaan atas kekurangan tindakan ke atas rang undang-undang itu, yang mencadangkan penjara seumur hidup untuk perkahwinan oleh pasangan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are relieved that the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was not passed into law today,\" said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty International's deputy director for Africa.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berasa lega bahawa Rang Undang-undang Anti-Homoseksualiti tidak diluluskan menjadi undang-undang hari ini,\" kata Michelle Kagari, timbalan pengarah Amnesty International untuk Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This bill would have institutionalized the discrimination, including harassment and arbitrary arrests, that LGBT people in Uganda already face\".", "r": {"result": "\"Rang undang-undang ini akan menginstitusikan diskriminasi, termasuk gangguan dan penangkapan sewenang-wenangnya, yang sudah pun dihadapi oleh golongan LGBT di Uganda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner on Thursday condemned the proposed bill as \"odious\".", "r": {"result": "Di Washington, jurucakap Jabatan Negara Mark Toner pada Khamis mengutuk rang undang-undang yang dicadangkan sebagai \"menjijikkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He added that both President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton \"publicly said it is inconsistent with universal human rights standards and obligations\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau menambah bahawa kedua-dua Presiden Barack Obama dan Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton \"secara terbuka berkata ia tidak konsisten dengan piawaian dan kewajipan hak asasi manusia sejagat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Homosexuality is illegal in most countries in Africa, where sodomy laws were introduced during colonialism.", "r": {"result": "Homoseksualiti adalah haram di kebanyakan negara di Afrika, di mana undang-undang liwat telah diperkenalkan semasa penjajahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Uganda, homosexual acts are punishable by 14 years to life in prison, according to rights activists.", "r": {"result": "Di Uganda, perbuatan homoseksual boleh dihukum 14 tahun penjara seumur hidup, menurut aktivis hak asasi manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Children in Asian countries are on average better problem solvers than their European and American peers, according to a new study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kanak-kanak di negara Asia rata-ratanya adalah penyelesai masalah yang lebih baik berbanding rakan sebaya mereka di Eropah dan Amerika, menurut kajian baharu oleh Pertubuhan Kerjasama Ekonomi dan Pembangunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2012 the organization tested more than 85,000 15-year-olds in 44 countries and economies on their problem solving skills, testing their ability to explore limitations or obstacles and to understand information given to them.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2012 organisasi itu menguji lebih daripada 85,000 orang berumur 15 tahun di 44 negara dan ekonomi tentang kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah mereka, menguji keupayaan mereka untuk meneroka batasan atau halangan dan memahami maklumat yang diberikan kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Singapore, Japan, China and Korea were among the top-performing economies, the United States scored just above the average and Russia and Israel lagged behind with lower-than-average scores.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Singapura, Jepun, China dan Korea adalah antara ekonomi berprestasi tinggi, Amerika Syarikat mencatatkan markah di atas purata dan Rusia dan Israel ketinggalan dengan markah yang lebih rendah daripada purata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The OECD says ability to crack complex problems is key to the economic success in the future.", "r": {"result": "OECD berkata keupayaan untuk memecahkan masalah yang kompleks adalah kunci kepada kejayaan ekonomi pada masa hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today's 15-year-olds with poor problem-solving skills will become tomorrow's adults struggling to find or keep a good job,\" said Andreas Schleicher, acting director of education and skills at the OECD.", "r": {"result": "\"Anak-anak berumur 15 tahun hari ini dengan kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah yang lemah akan menjadi orang dewasa esok yang bergelut untuk mencari atau mengekalkan pekerjaan yang baik,\" kata Andreas Schleicher, pemangku pengarah pendidikan dan kemahiran di OECD.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The problems in the test were designed to be similar to those faced by many workers in every day situations -- such as using an unfamiliar mobile phone or a ticket-vending machine.", "r": {"result": "Masalah dalam ujian direka bentuk agar serupa dengan yang dihadapi oleh ramai pekerja dalam situasi seharian -- seperti menggunakan telefon bimbit yang tidak dikenali atau mesin penjual tiket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report says one in 10 workers faces such hurdles every day.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu mengatakan satu daripada 10 pekerja menghadapi halangan sedemikian setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the skills become even more important in the sectors that drive developed economies -- highly skilled managerial and technical occupations.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemahiran menjadi lebih penting dalam sektor yang memacu ekonomi maju -- pekerjaan pengurusan dan teknikal yang berkemahiran tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The pupils were also asked to consider situations involving a number of alternatives and constraints to make a decision -- for example choosing the right pain killer given sufficient details about the patient, their complaints and the available pain killers.", "r": {"result": "Murid-murid juga diminta untuk mempertimbangkan situasi yang melibatkan beberapa alternatif dan kekangan untuk membuat keputusan -- contohnya memilih ubat tahan sakit yang betul diberikan butiran yang mencukupi tentang pesakit, aduan mereka dan ubat penahan sakit yang ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In another parts, students had to solve scheduling problems for projects such as building a house or generating a flight schedule for an airline.", "r": {"result": "Di bahagian lain, pelajar terpaksa menyelesaikan masalah penjadualan untuk projek seperti membina rumah atau menjana jadual penerbangan untuk syarikat penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One question asked the children to plan a seating plan for a birthday party according to the wishes of the individual party guests.", "r": {"result": "Satu soalan meminta kanak-kanak merancang pelan tempat duduk untuk majlis hari jadi mengikut kehendak tetamu parti individu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Try to solve it here:", "r": {"result": "Cuba selesaikan di sini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(See the answers here.", "r": {"result": "(Lihat jawapan di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The results suggested that one in five students in the OECD countries is only able to solve \"very straightforward problems -- if any -- provided they refer to familiar situations, such as choosing from a catalog of furniture, showing different brands and prices, the cheapest models to furnish a room\".", "r": {"result": "Keputusan mencadangkan bahawa satu daripada lima pelajar di negara OECD hanya dapat menyelesaikan \"masalah yang sangat mudah -- jika ada -- dengan syarat mereka merujuk kepada situasi biasa, seperti memilih daripada katalog perabot, menunjukkan jenama dan harga yang berbeza, model termurah untuk melengkapkan bilik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the same students failed when put in new situations and asked to solve unfamiliar problems.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pelajar yang sama gagal apabila diletakkan dalam situasi baru dan diminta untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang tidak biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report says this is a consequence of education focused on various sets of rules, such as the rules of algebra.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu mengatakan ini adalah akibat pendidikan yang tertumpu pada pelbagai set peraturan, seperti peraturan algebra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While algebra is important, the reports points out that in real world, applying the rules of mathematics is only the second part of finding a solution to a problem.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun algebra adalah penting, laporan menunjukkan bahawa dalam dunia sebenar, menggunakan peraturan matematik hanyalah bahagian kedua dalam mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first step -- the step computers can't do -- involves examining the messy set of facts in a real-world problem to determine which set of algebraic rules to apply,\" it says.", "r": {"result": "\"Langkah pertama -- langkah yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh komputer -- melibatkan pemeriksaan set fakta yang tidak kemas dalam masalah dunia sebenar untuk menentukan set peraturan algebra yang akan digunakan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To avoid turning pupils into robots governed by a strict set of rules, teachers should encourage their students to think about skills they learned in one class -- such as reading and mathematics, and apply them when trying to solve a problem in biology or history.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengelak daripada menjadikan murid sebagai robot yang dikawal oleh satu set peraturan yang ketat, guru harus menggalakkan murid mereka berfikir tentang kemahiran yang mereka pelajari dalam satu kelas -- seperti membaca dan matematik, dan mengaplikasikannya apabila cuba menyelesaikan masalah dalam biologi atau sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Shanghai teens top international education ranking.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Remaja Shanghai kedudukan teratas pendidikan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: What Asian schools can teach the rest of the world.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Apa yang boleh diajar oleh sekolah Asia di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London, England (CNN) -- When people say the message of Charles Dickens' \"A Christmas Carol\" is as relevant today as it was in 1843, they usually have in mind Ebenezer Scrooge's conversion.", "r": {"result": "London, England (CNN) -- Apabila orang mengatakan mesej \"A Christmas Carol\" karya Charles Dickens adalah relevan hari ini seperti pada tahun 1843, mereka biasanya teringat tentang penukaran agama Ebenezer Scrooge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overnight, he's transformed from a mean old skinflint who believes that those unable to support themselves had better die \"and decrease the surplus population\" to an almost riotously generous giver to charitable causes.", "r": {"result": "Semalaman, dia berubah daripada kutu kulit tua yang kejam yang percaya bahawa mereka yang tidak dapat menyara diri mereka lebih baik mati \"dan mengurangkan lebihan populasi\" kepada pemberi yang hampir rusuhan untuk tujuan amal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They remember especially, perhaps, Scrooge's change of heart toward his poor, underpaid clerk Bob Cratchit and how he promises to ensure that Bob will be able to afford the medical treatment that his beloved little son, the crippled Tiny Tim, will need if he is to survive -- a plot detail that resonates with particular strength in America today, where citizens struggle with health care costs.", "r": {"result": "Mereka ingat terutamanya, mungkin, perubahan hati Scrooge terhadap keraninya yang miskin dan bergaji rendah, Bob Cratchit dan bagaimana dia berjanji untuk memastikan bahawa Bob akan mampu membayar rawatan perubatan yang diperlukan oleh anak kecil kesayangannya, Tiny Tim yang lumpuh, jika dia untuk terus hidup -- perincian plot yang bergema dengan kekuatan tertentu di Amerika hari ini, di mana rakyat bergelut dengan kos penjagaan kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Less often remembered, though, is an eerie interlude that can easily be taken as a mirror of our own times: Scrooge's appalled encounter with the two fearful children, a boy and a girl, \"yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish,\" who emerge from the robes of the Ghost of Christmas Present.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, yang jarang diingati ialah selingan menakutkan yang boleh dianggap sebagai cermin zaman kita sendiri: Pertemuan mengejutkan Scrooge dengan dua kanak-kanak yang ketakutan, lelaki dan perempuan, \"kuning, kurus, compang-camping, cemberut, serigala,\" yang muncul dari jubah Hantu Hadiah Krismas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The boy's name is Ignorance and the girl's is Want, and the ghost warns Scrooge to beware of them both -- but especially of the boy on whose brow is written \"that which is Doom, unless the writing be erased\".", "r": {"result": "Nama lelaki itu ialah Ignorance dan nama perempuan itu Want, dan hantu itu memberi amaran kepada Scrooge supaya berhati-hati terhadap mereka berdua -- tetapi terutamanya budak lelaki yang di dahinya tertulis \"itulah Doom, melainkan tulisan itu dipadamkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These fearful apparitions were products of Britain's \"Hungry Forties,\" when there was widespread economic distress and great fear of social breakdown, but it is part of Dickens' genius that he was recognizing here a theme that plays out everywhere, in every time and in every culture.", "r": {"result": "Penampakan menakutkan ini adalah hasil daripada \"Hungry Forties\" Britain, apabila terdapat kesusahan ekonomi yang meluas dan ketakutan yang besar terhadap kerosakan sosial, tetapi ia adalah sebahagian daripada genius Dickens bahawa dia mengiktiraf di sini tema yang dimainkan di mana-mana, pada setiap masa dan dalam setiap budaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It certainly does in today's America with unemployment running at 10 percent (or even higher in some areas) and fears that this could lead to increased crime, and arguably has led to a growing sense of intolerance -- for example, towards immigrant communities -- and political extremism.", "r": {"result": "Ia sememangnya berlaku di Amerika hari ini dengan kadar pengangguran mencapai 10 peratus (atau lebih tinggi di beberapa kawasan) dan kebimbangan bahawa ini boleh membawa kepada peningkatan jenayah, dan boleh dikatakan telah membawa kepada rasa tidak bertoleransi yang semakin meningkat -- contohnya, terhadap komuniti pendatang -- dan ekstremisme politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It may seem odd to include such grim reminders in a tale about Christmas.", "r": {"result": "Ia mungkin kelihatan aneh untuk memasukkan peringatan suram itu dalam kisah tentang Krismas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Dickens knew about poverty: His own comfortable childhood was transformed when his father's overspending landed him and most of his family in a debtors' prison.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Dickens tahu tentang kemiskinan: Zaman kanak-kanaknya yang selesa telah berubah apabila perbelanjaan berlebihan bapanya menyebabkan dia dan sebahagian besar keluarganya di penjara penghutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a boy, Dickens worked long hours for about a year in a small-scale factory and later drew on this experience, to him deeply degrading, in the early chapters of \"David Copperfield\".", "r": {"result": "Sebagai seorang budak lelaki, Dickens bekerja berjam-jam selama kira-kira setahun di sebuah kilang berskala kecil dan kemudiannya menggunakan pengalaman ini, baginya sangat merendahkan, dalam bab awal \"David Copperfield\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When not working he wandered about the streets of London, which he was later so richly to describe in \"Bleak House\" and his other great novels.", "r": {"result": "Apabila tidak bekerja dia merayau-rayau di jalan-jalan di London, yang kemudiannya begitu kaya untuk diterangkan dalam \"Bleak House\" dan novel hebatnya yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Dickens, building a system of national education (something frustrated in his day by bitter disputes between the different religious denominations) and reforming sanitary (or public health) laws were the two things needing urgent attention from the nation's lawmakers.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Dickens, membina sistem pendidikan kebangsaan (sesuatu yang dikecewakan pada zamannya oleh pertikaian sengit antara denominasi agama yang berbeza) dan memperbaharui undang-undang kebersihan (atau kesihatan awam) adalah dua perkara yang memerlukan perhatian segera daripada penggubal undang-undang negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He continued to fear the danger represented by the boy Ignorance, who re-appears in the last of his Christmas books, \"The Haunted Man\" (1848), as the savage street-child whom Redlaw, the protagonist, tries vainly to help.", "r": {"result": "Dia terus takut akan bahaya yang diwakili oleh budak lelaki Ignorance, yang muncul semula dalam buku Krismasnya yang terakhir, \"The Haunted Man\" (1848), sebagai kanak-kanak jalanan ganas yang Redlaw, protagonis, cuba sia-sia untuk membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, things gradually improved for Britain, as they eventually do in most big countries struggling to survive economic lows.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, keadaan secara beransur-ansur bertambah baik untuk Britain, seperti yang akhirnya berlaku di kebanyakan negara besar yang bergelut untuk bertahan dalam paras terendah ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the 1850s and 1860s, as the country became more prosperous, the fear of chaos and revolution receded.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1850-an dan 1860-an, apabila negara menjadi lebih makmur, ketakutan terhadap huru-hara dan revolusi semakin surut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dickens dropped Ignorance and Want from his hugely popular public reading version of the \"Carol\" (performed from 1858 onward), though he never stopped calling attention to the national scandal of the scavenging hordes of starving, uncared-for street children in London and Britain's other great cities (the first Education Act, which brought in compulsory state education at the elementary level for all working-class children, was passed in the year of his death).", "r": {"result": "Dickens menggugurkan Ignorance and Want daripada versi pembacaan awamnya yang sangat popular bagi \"Carol\" (dipersembahkan dari tahun 1858 dan seterusnya), walaupun dia tidak pernah berhenti memberi perhatian kepada skandal nasional tentang kumpulan pemusnah kanak-kanak jalanan yang kelaparan, tidak dipedulikan di London dan Britain. bandar-bandar besar lain (Akta Pendidikan pertama, yang membawa pendidikan negeri wajib di peringkat rendah untuk semua kanak-kanak kelas pekerja, telah diluluskan pada tahun kematiannya).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, however, cities still confront gang activity and, as we witness a surge of political and religious extremism, we might wonder what Dickens would make of the situation.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, bagaimanapun, bandar-bandar masih menghadapi aktiviti kumpulan samseng dan, ketika kita menyaksikan lonjakan ekstremisme politik dan agama, kita mungkin tertanya-tanya apa yang Dickens akan buat mengenai situasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As someone who sought in his own journals to fight against the depraving effect of cheap sensational literature produced by those he called \"Panders to the basest passions of the lowest natures,\" he would certainly have been alarmed and horrified by the level of pop culture violence and quasi-pornography -- on TV, in magazines and video games.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai seseorang yang berusaha dalam jurnalnya sendiri untuk melawan kesan buruk kesusasteraan sensasi murahan yang dihasilkan oleh mereka yang dipanggilnya \"Panders to the basest passions of the low natures,\" dia pastinya akan terkejut dan ngeri dengan tahap keganasan budaya pop. dan quasi-pornografi -- di TV, dalam majalah dan permainan video.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would have seen this primarily as a failure of public education, I believe.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan melihat ini terutamanya sebagai kegagalan pendidikan awam, saya percaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Again, as someone who in his last novel, \"Edwin Drood,\" depicted a drug addict who turns to murder, he would have been equally appalled by the drug culture now so widespread among the young.", "r": {"result": "Sekali lagi, sebagai seseorang yang dalam novel terakhirnya, \"Edwin Drood,\" menggambarkan seorang penagih dadah yang bertukar kepada pembunuhan, dia akan sama-sama terkejut dengan budaya dadah yang kini begitu meluas di kalangan golongan muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The powerful presentation of Ignorance and Want in the latest cinematic version of his immortal \"A Christmas Carol\" would surely have struck him appropriate for our day.", "r": {"result": "Penyampaian hebat Ignorance and Want dalam versi sinematik terbaharu \"A Christmas Carol\" yang abadi pastinya akan menarik perhatiannya sesuai untuk zaman kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the new Disney film a ferociously scowling Ignorance wields a lethal-looking knife, and Want is a teenage prostitute driven crazy, presumably by drug abuse.", "r": {"result": "Dalam filem Disney baharu, Ignorance yang merengus ganas menggunakan pisau yang kelihatan membawa maut, dan Want adalah seorang pelacur remaja yang gila, mungkin oleh penyalahgunaan dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disney brilliantly demonstrates that the urgent social warning Dickens sought to convey in the \"Carol\" in 1843 is quite as relevant to us today as is the story's more personal message about the need for us to open our \"shut-up hearts\" to our fellow men and give generously to those less well off than ourselves.", "r": {"result": "Disney dengan cemerlang menunjukkan bahawa amaran sosial yang mendesak yang ingin disampaikan oleh Dickens dalam \"Carol\" pada tahun 1843 adalah sama relevan kepada kita hari ini seperti juga mesej cerita yang lebih peribadi tentang keperluan untuk kita membuka \"hati yang tertutup\" kepada rakan kita. lelaki dan memberi dengan murah hati kepada mereka yang kurang berkemampuan daripada kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Michael Slater.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Michael Slater.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CISHAN, Taiwan (CNN) -- Taiwan's leader Ma Ying-jeou said Sunday he accepts responsibility for the government's slow response after Typhoon Morakot slammed into the island killing at more than 120 people and unleashing floods, mudslides and misery.", "r": {"result": "CISHAN, Taiwan (CNN) -- Pemimpin Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou berkata Ahad beliau menerima tanggungjawab atas tindakan lambat kerajaan selepas Taufan Morakot melanda pulau itu mengorbankan lebih 120 orang dan mengakibatkan banjir, tanah runtuh dan kesengsaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mourners kneel and pray to the dead as they face the devastated valley of Shiao Lin.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang berkabung berlutut dan berdoa kepada orang mati ketika mereka menghadapi lembah Shiao Lin yang musnah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ma, who has faced heavy criticism from victims of the disaster, ruled out resignation, insisting his government did its best in the face of difficulties, however he pledged an investigation into any irregularities.", "r": {"result": "Ma, yang telah berdepan kritikan hebat daripada mangsa bencana, menolak peletakan jawatan, menegaskan kerajaannya melakukan yang terbaik dalam menghadapi kesukaran, namun dia berjanji akan menyiasat sebarang penyelewengan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Certainly, I will take full responsibility whatever the blame is because, after all, I am the president of this country,\" Ma told CNN, saying heavy rains grounded rescue helicopters in the first few days after the storm hit, delaying relief.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah tentu, saya akan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya walau apa pun kesalahannya kerana, lagipun, saya adalah presiden negara ini,\" kata Ma kepada CNN, berkata hujan lebat menyebabkan helikopter penyelamat dibumikan dalam beberapa hari pertama selepas ribut melanda, melambatkan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Once the weather was good -- that is the 14th of August -- we were able to evacuate 2,518 people.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila cuaca baik -- iaitu 14 Ogos -- kami dapat memindahkan 2,518 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a record,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ia satu rekod,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds of people still await rescue in remote areas of Taiwan, where torrential downpours, dense fog, rugged terrain and raging rivers have hampered relief efforts.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus orang masih menunggu penyelamatan di kawasan terpencil di Taiwan, di mana hujan lebat, kabus tebal, rupa bumi berceranggah dan sungai yang mengamuk telah menghalang usaha bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washed-out roads and collapsed bridges have made some rescue operations impossible.", "r": {"result": "Jalan raya dan jambatan runtuh menyebabkan beberapa operasi menyelamat tidak dapat dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Touring disaster areas, Ma has been confronted by angry survivors, and even provoked a scuffle when he opened a weekend baseball game as protesters demanded he step down.", "r": {"result": "Menjelajah kawasan bencana, Ma telah berdepan dengan mangsa yang terselamat yang marah, malah mencetuskan pergelutan apabila dia membuka perlawanan besbol hujung minggu ketika penunjuk perasaan menuntut dia berundur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ma has offered apologies and promises to do better.", "r": {"result": "Ma telah meminta maaf dan berjanji untuk melakukan yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will find out not only to correct the mistakes but (also) to punish the people responsible,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita akan mengetahui bukan sahaja untuk membetulkan kesilapan tetapi (juga) untuk menghukum orang yang bertanggungjawab,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rescue efforts were ongoing Sunday with military helicopters bringing stranded villagers to their waiting relatives.", "r": {"result": "Usaha menyelamat sedang dijalankan pada Ahad dengan helikopter tentera membawa penduduk kampung yang terkandas kepada saudara mara mereka yang menunggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch rescue efforts in Taiwan >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton usaha menyelamat di Taiwan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others, waiting days in anguish for word on their loved ones, lashed out in anger.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain, menunggu hari-hari dalam kesedihan untuk berita tentang orang yang mereka sayangi, melatah dalam kemarahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Local officials don't care,\" one man said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pegawai tempatan tidak peduli,\" kata seorang lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are still people there and they don't do anything\".", "r": {"result": "\"Masih ada orang di sana dan mereka tidak melakukan apa-apa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Saturday, weeping relatives of typhoon victims set up shrines near devastated villages to calm the spirits of the dead and honor the belief that their souls will return home after seven days.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Sabtu, saudara-mara mangsa taufan yang sedang menangis mendirikan kuil berhampiran kampung yang musnah untuk menenangkan roh orang mati dan menghormati kepercayaan bahawa roh mereka akan pulang ke rumah selepas tujuh hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch mourners call home souls of the dead >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton orang yang berkabung memanggil rumah arwah orang mati >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morakot hit the island last weekend, dropping 2.6 meters (102 inches) of rain.", "r": {"result": "Morakot melanda pulau itu hujung minggu lalu, menurunkan hujan 2.6 meter (102 inci).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before it roared on to mainland China on Sunday, the storm killed at least 123 people in Taiwan.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum ia meraung ke tanah besar China pada hari Ahad, ribut itu membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 123 orang di Taiwan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The death toll could climb to more than 300 after more villagers buried by mudslides and floodwaters are found, Taiwan officials have said.", "r": {"result": "Angka kematian boleh meningkat kepada lebih 300 selepas lebih ramai penduduk kampung yang tertimbus banjir lumpur dan banjir ditemui, kata pegawai Taiwan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Southern and central Taiwan were hardest hit by the storm.", "r": {"result": "Selatan dan tengah Taiwan paling teruk dilanda ribut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mudslides inundated some places in the south, including the village of Shiao Lin, where 160 homes were lost.", "r": {"result": "Tanah runtuh menenggelami beberapa tempat di selatan, termasuk perkampungan Shiao Lin, di mana 160 rumah hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities believe hundreds of people could be trapped under five stories of mud in the village.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa percaya ratusan orang boleh terperangkap di bawah lima tingkat lumpur di kampung itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "International aid efforts were mobilizing on Sunday, however these were complicated by diplomatic pitfalls in the face of China's territorial claims over Taiwan, which it considers a renegade province awaiting reunification.", "r": {"result": "Usaha bantuan antarabangsa telah digerakkan pada hari Ahad, namun ini rumit oleh perangkap diplomatik dalam menghadapi tuntutan wilayah China ke atas Taiwan, yang dianggapnya sebagai wilayah pemberontak yang menunggu penyatuan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. military has begun a \"modest\" humanitarian aid mission to Taiwan with the dispatch of a Marine Corps C-130 cargo plane carrying plastic tarpaulins for shelter, U.S. defense officials said.", "r": {"result": "Tentera AS telah memulakan misi bantuan kemanusiaan \"sederhana\" ke Taiwan dengan penghantaran pesawat kargo C-130 Kor Marin yang membawa kain terpal plastik untuk perlindungan, kata pegawai pertahanan AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also Sunday, the USS Denver was en route to the Taiwanese coast with additional humanitarian aid and water purification capabilities, the officials said.", "r": {"result": "Ahad juga, USS Denver dalam perjalanan ke pantai Taiwan dengan bantuan kemanusiaan tambahan dan keupayaan pembersihan air, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Navy ship is expected to arrive Monday, but officials could not say when it will launch its heavy-lift helicopters to drop the aid.", "r": {"result": "Kapal Tentera Laut itu dijangka tiba Isnin, tetapi pegawai tidak dapat menyatakan bila ia akan melancarkan helikopter angkat beratnya untuk menggugurkan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sources in Washington have said in providing aid to Taiwan, the United States must be sensitive to its territorial relationship with China.", "r": {"result": "Sumber di Washington berkata dalam memberikan bantuan kepada Taiwan, Amerika Syarikat mesti peka terhadap hubungan wilayahnya dengan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's John Vause in Cishan, Taiwan; Pauline Chiou in Shiao Lin, Taiwan; and Mike Mount in Washington contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "John Vause dari CNN di Cishan, Taiwan; Pauline Chiou di Shiao Lin, Taiwan; dan Mike Mount di Washington menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Madonna will hear Friday whether she will be allowed to adopt a child from Malawi, a spokeswoman for the African nation's attorney general told CNN Monday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Madonna akan mendengar Jumaat sama ada dia akan dibenarkan mengambil anak angkat dari Malawi, kata jurucakap peguam negara Afrika kepada CNN Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madonna holds her adopted Malawian son, David Banda, in 2007.", "r": {"result": "Madonna memegang anak lelaki Malawi angkatnya, David Banda, pada tahun 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The singer was in court in Malawi, one of the poorest nations in the world, on Monday for a hearing in the case, said Zione Ntaba, press officer for the country's Attorney General's Office.", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi itu berada di mahkamah di Malawi, salah satu negara termiskin di dunia, pada hari Isnin untuk pendengaran kes itu, kata Zione Ntaba, pegawai akhbar untuk Pejabat Peguam Negara negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judge read documents and questioned the parties, the spokeswoman said.", "r": {"result": "Hakim membaca dokumen dan menyoal pihak-pihak, kata jurucakap itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madonna should appear in person Friday to hear the judge's decision, Ntaba said.", "r": {"result": "Madonna harus hadir sendiri pada hari Jumaat untuk mendengar keputusan hakim, kata Ntaba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The child Madonna is seeking to adopt is named Chifundo James, she confirmed.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak yang ingin diambil Madonna sebagai anak angkat bernama Chifundo James, dia mengesahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Chifundo\" means \"Mercy,\" the name earlier reports have cited for the girl, Ntaba added.", "r": {"result": "\"Chifundo\" bermaksud \"Rahmat,\" nama laporan awal telah disebut untuk gadis itu, tambah Ntaba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An uncle of the girl was scheduled to sign adoption papers Monday, according to Martin Geissler, a reporter for the ITN television network who is in Malawi, but he does not appear to have been in the court.", "r": {"result": "Seorang bapa saudara kepada gadis itu dijadualkan menandatangani kertas pengangkatan pada hari Isnin, menurut Martin Geissler, seorang wartawan rangkaian televisyen ITN yang berada di Malawi, tetapi dia nampaknya tidak berada di mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The child's family will have to give their permission for the adoption to proceed, Geissler said, but need not be physically present in the court to do so.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga kanak-kanak itu perlu memberi kebenaran mereka untuk pengangkatan diteruskan, kata Geissler, tetapi tidak perlu hadir secara fizikal di mahkamah untuk berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madonna arrived at the court Monday morning in a convoy of four SUVs with black-out windows, Geissler said from the capital Lilongwe.", "r": {"result": "Madonna tiba di mahkamah pagi Isnin dalam konvoi empat SUV dengan tingkap gelap, kata Geissler dari ibu negara Lilongwe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eight security guards prevented journalists and the press from getting too close to the 50-year-old singer.", "r": {"result": "Lapan pengawal keselamatan menghalang wartawan dan akhbar daripada terlalu dekat dengan penyanyi berusia 50 tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's keeping very tight-lipped,\" Geissler said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia berdiam diri,\" kata Geissler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chifundo James is reported to be 4-years-old.", "r": {"result": "Chifundo James dilaporkan berusia 4 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She has two uncles and a grandfather, who were not in court Monday, Geissler said.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai dua bapa saudara dan seorang datuk, yang tidak hadir di mahkamah pada Isnin, kata Geissler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An international charity has criticized Madonna's plan to adopt the child.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah badan amal antarabangsa telah mengkritik rancangan Madonna untuk mengambil anak angkat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The best place for a child is in his or her family in their home community,\" spokesman Dominic Nutt of Save the Children said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Tempat terbaik untuk kanak-kanak adalah dalam keluarganya dalam komuniti rumah mereka,\" kata jurucakap Save the Children Dominic Nutt dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Most children in orphanages have one parent still living, or have an extended family that can care for them in the absence of their parents\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kebanyakan kanak-kanak di rumah anak yatim mempunyai seorang ibu bapa yang masih hidup, atau mempunyai keluarga besar yang boleh menjaga mereka semasa ketiadaan ibu bapa mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The charity argued that foreign adoptions should happen only if a child does not have any relatives, and all other options have been considered.", "r": {"result": "Badan amal itu berhujah bahawa pengangkatan orang asing harus berlaku hanya jika kanak-kanak tidak mempunyai saudara mara, dan semua pilihan lain telah dipertimbangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under Malawian law, foreign adopters would have to spend a year or more living in the African country with the children they want to adopt, Geissler said.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah undang-undang Malawi, anak angkat asing perlu menghabiskan setahun atau lebih tinggal di negara Afrika bersama anak-anak yang mereka mahu angkat, kata Geissler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rules were put in place to prevent child trafficking.", "r": {"result": "Peraturan-peraturan telah ditetapkan untuk mencegah pemerdagangan kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The purpose of the law, Ntaba explained, is for the authorities to observe the prospective parent to make sure the relationship is not abusive -- \"that the parent will behave well around the child,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Tujuan undang-undang itu, jelas Ntaba, adalah untuk pihak berkuasa memerhati bakal ibu bapa untuk memastikan hubungan itu tidak kesat -- \"bahawa ibu bapa akan berkelakuan baik di sekeliling kanak-kanak itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said that American or British social services may also provide the monitoring and in the case of David Banda, the first Malawian child Madonna adopted, Malawi social services officers traveled to the United Kingdom to visit the child in Madonna's home.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata bahawa perkhidmatan sosial Amerika atau British juga mungkin menyediakan pemantauan dan dalam kes David Banda, anak Malawi pertama yang Madonna angkat, pegawai perkhidmatan sosial Malawi pergi ke United Kingdom untuk melawat kanak-kanak itu di rumah Madonna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judge has the discretion to allow Madonna to take the child home with her immediately, Geissler said.", "r": {"result": "Hakim mempunyai budi bicara untuk membenarkan Madonna membawa pulang kanak-kanak itu bersamanya dengan segera, kata Geissler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is scheduled to leave Saturday, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dia dijadualkan berlepas Sabtu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madonna adopted David Banda from Malawi in 2006. She has two other children.", "r": {"result": "Madonna mengambil David Banda sebagai anak angkat dari Malawi pada 2006. Dia mempunyai dua lagi anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Press reports say Chifundo James's teenaged mother died days after giving birth to her, Geissler said.", "r": {"result": "Laporan akhbar mengatakan ibu Chifundo James yang masih remaja meninggal dunia beberapa hari selepas melahirkannya, kata Geissler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She lives in an orphanage.", "r": {"result": "Dia tinggal di rumah anak yatim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Madonna first came into contact with her a few years ago and fell in love with her,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMadonna pertama kali berhubung dengannya beberapa tahun lalu dan jatuh cinta dengannya,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She has always had in mind that this is the girl she was going to come back and adopt\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia sentiasa terfikir bahawa ini adalah gadis yang dia akan kembali dan menjadi anak angkat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madonna has been involved with Malawi for several years.", "r": {"result": "Madonna telah terlibat dengan Malawi selama beberapa tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She made a documentary, \"I Am Because We Are,\" which highlighted poverty, AIDS and other diseases devastating Malawi's children.", "r": {"result": "Dia membuat dokumentari, \"Saya Kerana Kita,\" yang menonjolkan kemiskinan, AIDS dan penyakit lain yang memusnahkan kanak-kanak Malawi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also helps run a nonprofit, Raising Malawi, which implements initiatives to help the needy in the southeastern Africa nation.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga membantu menjalankan organisasi bukan untung, Raising Malawi, yang melaksanakan inisiatif untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukan di negara Afrika tenggara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, Madonna arrived in Malawi and toured the village of Chinkhota, assessing plans to build a school there and other possible Raising Malawi investments.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Ahad, Madonna tiba di Malawi dan melawat perkampungan Chinkhota, menilai rancangan untuk membina sekolah di sana dan lain-lain kemungkinan pelaburan Raising Malawi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you think Madonna should be allowed to adopt another child?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda fikir Madonna patut dibenarkan mengambil anak angkat lagi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ben Brumfield contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ben Brumfield dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Hey Mars!", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Hei Marikh!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're back!", "r": {"result": "Kami kembali!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hope you don't mind if we cruise around in our scientific SUV to grab some historic data and snap some breathtaking images.", "r": {"result": "Harap anda tidak kisah jika kami bersiar-siar dengan SUV saintifik kami untuk mengambil beberapa data bersejarah dan merakam beberapa imej yang menakjubkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oh, and we might do some Martian doughnuts in your front yard.", "r": {"result": "Oh, dan kami mungkin membuat beberapa donat Marikh di halaman depan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that the Mars rover Curiosity is safely parked, NASA's unmanned planet crawler appears ready to roll.", "r": {"result": "Kini setelah rover Mars Curiosity diletakkan dengan selamat, perangkak planet tanpa pemandu NASA kelihatan bersedia untuk bergolek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A car salesman would have a ball selling this beauty.", "r": {"result": "Seorang jurujual kereta akan mempunyai bola yang menjual kecantikan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's loaded with an array of sophisticated cameras, a \"rocker bogie\" suspension, a robotic arm, 2 gigs of flash memory, a rock-vaporizing laser (!", "r": {"result": "Ia dimuatkan dengan pelbagai kamera canggih, penggantungan \"rocker bogie\", lengan robot, 2 gig memori kilat, laser pengewapan batu (!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") and a plutonium-fueled power system.", "r": {"result": ") dan sistem kuasa bahan api plutonium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It operates by remote control from millions of miles away and has a blazing top speed of 1.5 inches per second.", "r": {"result": "Ia beroperasi dengan alat kawalan jauh dari berjuta-juta batu jauhnya dan mempunyai kelajuan tertinggi 1.5 inci sesaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sticker price (including delivery): $2.6 billion.", "r": {"result": "Harga pelekat (termasuk penghantaran): $2.6 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During its expected lifespan of 23 months, all this cool hardware could help solve big mysteries: Has life ever existed on Mars?", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang jangka hayatnya selama 23 bulan, semua perkakasan hebat ini boleh membantu menyelesaikan misteri besar: Adakah kehidupan pernah wujud di Marikh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What can Mars tell us about our own planet?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang boleh Marikh beritahu kita tentang planet kita sendiri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Can we benefit from Martian resources?", "r": {"result": "Bolehkah kita mendapat manfaat daripada sumber Marikh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are less romantic questions swirling around the fourth rock from the sun: Is the price tag really worth it?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat soalan yang kurang romantis yang berputar di sekitar batu keempat dari matahari: Adakah tanda harga benar-benar berbaloi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who will pay for the first manned mission to Mars?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang akan membayar untuk misi berawak pertama ke Marikh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Could manned space missions be replaced by robotic exploration?", "r": {"result": "Bolehkah misi angkasa lepas berawak digantikan dengan penerokaan robot?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The answers may be hard to see amid all the rover revelry.", "r": {"result": "Jawapannya mungkin sukar dilihat di tengah-tengah semua keseronokan rover.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this isn't the first time rovers have churned up this kind of excitement.", "r": {"result": "Dan ini bukan kali pertama rover mencetuskan keseronokan seperti ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1997, a smaller NASA robot on Mars -- Sojourner -- lit up the Web.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1997, robot NASA yang lebih kecil di Marikh -- Sojourner -- menerangi Web.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Back when the Internet was young, it was the largest Internet event in the history of that medium,\" Curiosity team member James Bell told CNN on Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Ketika Internet masih muda, ia adalah acara Internet terbesar dalam sejarah medium itu,\" ahli pasukan Curiosity James Bell memberitahu CNN pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The little rover found clues suggesting that Mars once had a thicker atmosphere and liquid water.", "r": {"result": "Rover kecil itu menemui petunjuk yang menunjukkan bahawa Marikh pernah mempunyai suasana yang lebih tebal dan air cair.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sojourner and its parent spacecraft Pathfinder cost $265 million (PDF).", "r": {"result": "Sojourner dan kapal angkasa induknya Pathfinder berharga $265 juta (PDF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Later, in 2004, when the Spirit and Opportunity rovers landed, it became one of the largest worldwide Internet sensations,\" said Bell, who also worked on that mission.", "r": {"result": "\"Kemudian, pada tahun 2004, apabila Spirit dan Opportunity rovers mendarat, ia menjadi salah satu sensasi Internet terbesar di seluruh dunia,\" kata Bell, yang juga bekerja pada misi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It slammed NASA's website\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menyelar laman web NASA\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rovers scored several discoveries including evidence of an ancient wet environment on Mars.", "r": {"result": "Rover menjaringkan beberapa penemuan termasuk bukti persekitaran basah purba di Marikh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Price tag for Spirit and Opportunity: $800 million (PDF).", "r": {"result": "Tanda harga untuk Semangat dan Peluang: $800 juta (PDF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nowadays -- at least for some space travel fans -- Martian robots aren't so cool anymore.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa kini -- sekurang-kurangnya bagi sesetengah peminat perjalanan angkasa lepas -- robot Marikh tidak begitu hebat lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Curiosity \"is just another box with wheels on Mars,\" says CNN commenter It_could_always_be_worse.", "r": {"result": "Rasa ingin tahu \"hanya satu lagi kotak dengan roda di Marikh,\" kata pengulas CNN It_could_always_be_worse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Develop useful technology -- not this shooting of boxes with wheels all over the place.", "r": {"result": "\"Bangunkan teknologi berguna -- bukan penangkapan kotak dengan roda di merata tempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "SEND PEOPLE, and I will be proud\".", "r": {"result": "HANTAR ORANG, dan saya akan berbangga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN commenter Max Lewes disagrees.", "r": {"result": "Pengulas CNN Max Lewes tidak bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This really was a HUGE leap from previous missions\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini benar-benar satu lompatan BESAR daripada misi sebelumnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Related story: Curiosity's wild ride.", "r": {"result": "Cerita berkaitan: Perjalanan liar Curiosity.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the initial excitement of Monday's landing, even the Curiosity team jokingly acknowledged the first dusty black and white photos from the rover have already lost their luster.", "r": {"result": "Selepas keseronokan awal pendaratan hari Isnin, malah pasukan Curiosity secara berseloroh mengakui gambar hitam putih berdebu pertama dari rover itu telah hilang kilauan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not such a great picture anymore,\" a smiling Mike Watkins told reporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bukan gambar yang hebat lagi,\" kata Mike Watkins yang tersenyum kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He promised color and panorama photos in the coming days.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjanjikan gambar berwarna dan panorama dalam beberapa hari akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seriously, no matter how successful unmanned missions might be, robots will never replace the need for human space exploration, says Bell.", "r": {"result": "Serius, tidak kira betapa berjayanya misi tanpa pemandu, robot tidak akan menggantikan keperluan untuk penerokaan angkasa lepas manusia, kata Bell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a sense, Curiosity is performing a scouting mission for a manned U.S. mission to Mars that President Barack Obama predicts will happen in his lifetime.", "r": {"result": "Dari satu segi, Curiosity sedang melaksanakan misi pengintipan untuk misi Amerika Syarikat ke Marikh yang diramalkan oleh Presiden Barack Obama akan berlaku sepanjang hayatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NASA administrator Charles Bolden gets even more specific: Manned missions to Mars are at least 18 years away -- sometime in the 2030s.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbir NASA Charles Bolden menjadi lebih spesifik: Misi berawak ke Marikh tinggal sekurang-kurangnya 18 tahun lagi -- pada tahun 2030-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But first, mission planners need more information about the Martian surface so they can choose the best landing sites.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pertama, perancang misi memerlukan lebih banyak maklumat tentang permukaan Marikh supaya mereka boleh memilih tapak pendaratan terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't want astronauts to be surprised,\" says Bell.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mahu angkasawan terkejut, \" kata Bell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robot missions, such as Surveyor, preceded the Apollo moon landings, and these Martian probes are performing similar tasks.", "r": {"result": "Misi robot, seperti Juruukur, mendahului pendaratan di bulan Apollo, dan siasatan Marikh ini melakukan tugas yang serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putting a monetary value on space exploration is impossible, experts say, because there are too many unanswered questions, such as whether Mars, the moon or asteroids hold precious minerals, water and cheap energy resources that could be mined and brought back to Earth.", "r": {"result": "Meletakkan nilai kewangan pada penerokaan angkasa lepas adalah mustahil, kata pakar, kerana terdapat terlalu banyak soalan yang tidak terjawab, seperti sama ada Marikh, bulan atau asteroid memegang mineral berharga, air dan sumber tenaga murah yang boleh dilombong dan dibawa kembali ke Bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The reason to send humans will be because we have to,\" Bell says.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebab untuk menghantar manusia adalah kerana kita perlu melakukannya, \" kata Bell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If some things can be done by robots, they should be done by robots.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika beberapa perkara boleh dilakukan oleh robot, ia sepatutnya dilakukan oleh robot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But sending a drill rig to Mars or Jupiter's moon Europa to tap into an aquifer that may have living organisms in it -- those kinds of things will require people\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi menghantar pelantar gerudi ke Marikh atau bulan Musytari Europa untuk menerokai akuifer yang mungkin mempunyai organisma hidup di dalamnya -- perkara seperti itu memerlukan manusia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then there's the unknown value of newly discovered knowledge.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian terdapat nilai yang tidak diketahui bagi pengetahuan yang baru ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scientists want to know what Mars can tell us about our own planet's climate and geology.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis ingin tahu apa yang Marikh boleh beritahu kita tentang iklim dan geologi planet kita sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That knowledge, experts say, could help solve difficult environmental problems on Earth.", "r": {"result": "Pengetahuan itu, kata pakar, boleh membantu menyelesaikan masalah alam sekitar yang sukar di Bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's human nature to explore,\" says Bell.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah menjadi fitrah manusia untuk meneroka, \" kata Bell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By going to difficult or dangerous places, we carry the rest of our species along with us.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan pergi ke tempat yang sukar atau berbahaya, kami membawa seluruh spesies kami bersama kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These stories become part of part of our culture, part of our heritage, part of our shared need to explore the worlds around us.", "r": {"result": "Kisah-kisah ini menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya kita, sebahagian daripada warisan kita, sebahagian daripada keperluan kita bersama untuk meneroka dunia di sekeliling kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "it's a human endeavor that is part science, part inspiration\".", "r": {"result": "ia adalah usaha manusia yang sebahagian sains, sebahagian inspirasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Related story: Earth loves Mars -- why we're crushing on the red planet.", "r": {"result": "Cerita berkaitan: Bumi suka Marikh -- sebab kita menghancurkan planet merah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the way, Curiosity has fostered jobs, says NASA; more than 7,000 people have worked on the project across 31 states.", "r": {"result": "By the way, Curiosity telah memupuk pekerjaan, kata NASA; lebih daripada 7,000 orang telah mengusahakan projek itu di 31 negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's next?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang akan datang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NASA plans test flights for Orion -- a spacecraft designed to carry astronauts outside low Earth orbit -- as soon as 2014. In 2017, NASA plans to launch Orion with a new heavy-lift rocket NASA calls the Space Launch System.", "r": {"result": "NASA merancang penerbangan ujian untuk Orion -- sebuah kapal angkasa yang direka untuk membawa angkasawan di luar orbit Bumi yang rendah -- sejurus 2014. Pada 2017, NASA merancang untuk melancarkan Orion dengan roket angkat berat baharu NASA memanggil Sistem Pelancaran Angkasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But big questions remain: How would NASA pay for development of a landing vehicle?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi persoalan besar kekal: Bagaimanakah NASA membayar untuk pembangunan kenderaan pendaratan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or a vehicle for astronauts to travel on the Martian or lunar surface?", "r": {"result": "Atau kenderaan untuk angkasawan mengembara di permukaan Marikh atau bulan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or how would it develop an astronaut habitat suitable for the months it would take to travel to Mars or to asteroids?", "r": {"result": "Atau bagaimanakah ia akan membangunkan habitat angkasawan yang sesuai untuk bulan yang diperlukan untuk mengembara ke Marikh atau ke asteroid?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NASA's proposed budget for 2013 is $17.7 billion -- $59 million less than 2012 (PDF).", "r": {"result": "Bajet yang dicadangkan NASA untuk 2013 ialah $17.7 bilion -- $59 juta kurang daripada 2012 (PDF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It includes a \"lower cost program\" for unmanned missions to Mars (PDF).", "r": {"result": "Ia termasuk \"program kos rendah\" untuk misi tanpa pemandu ke Marikh (PDF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For perspective, the Mars rover's $2.6 billion price tag equals about 14.7% of NASA's proposed 2013 budget.", "r": {"result": "Untuk perspektif, tag harga $2.6 bilion rover Mars bersamaan dengan kira-kira 14.7% daripada bajet 2013 yang dicadangkan NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the budget also calls for more money for manned deep space programs, including almost $3 billion for Orion and the Space Launch System.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, bajet itu juga memerlukan lebih banyak wang untuk program angkasa lepas berawak, termasuk hampir $3 bilion untuk Orion dan Sistem Pelancaran Angkasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In May, something happened right above our heads that gave us a glimpse into the future of Mars exploration.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Mei, sesuatu berlaku tepat di atas kepala kami yang memberi kami gambaran tentang masa depan penerokaan Marikh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's when the private firm SpaceX successfully docked its Dragon spacecraft with the orbiting international space station.", "r": {"result": "Ketika itulah firma swasta SpaceX berjaya melabuhkan kapal angkasa Naganya dengan stesen angkasa antarabangsa yang mengorbit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NASA is studying a proposal -- referred to as Red Dragon -- that would use a SpaceX rocket for less-expensive unmanned missions to Mars.", "r": {"result": "NASA sedang mengkaji cadangan -- dirujuk sebagai Naga Merah -- yang akan menggunakan roket SpaceX untuk misi tanpa pemandu yang lebih murah ke Marikh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But robot missions are just stepping stones to what many experts say is a foregone conclusion.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi misi robot hanyalah batu loncatan kepada apa yang dikatakan oleh ramai pakar sebagai kesimpulan yang telah diketepikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Humans are going to live on Mars in the president's expected lifetime,\" says commercial space consultant Charles Miller, a former NASA executive.", "r": {"result": "\"Manusia akan tinggal di Marikh dalam jangka hayat presiden,\" kata perunding ruang komersial Charles Miller, bekas eksekutif NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It will happen as a partnership between U.S. entrepreneurs and private industry and NASA\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan berlaku sebagai perkongsian antara usahawan A.S. dan industri swasta dan NASA\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Complete coverage of Mars.", "r": {"result": "Liputan lengkap Marikh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So what do you think?", "r": {"result": "Jadi apa pendapat anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are billion-dollar, planet-crawling robots worth the money?", "r": {"result": "Adakah berbilion dolar, robot merangkak planet bernilai wang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you think astronauts will set foot on Mars within your lifetime?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda fikir angkasawan akan menjejakkan kaki di Marikh dalam hayat anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Share your opinion in the comments section below.", "r": {"result": "Kongsikan pendapat anda di ruangan komen di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States hasn't abandoned Robert Levinson, the retired FBI agent described by his wife as the \"longest-held American hostage,\" Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat tidak meninggalkan Robert Levinson, ejen FBI bersara yang disifatkan oleh isterinya sebagai \"tebusan Amerika yang paling lama dipegang,\" kata Setiausaha Negara John Kerry Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There hasn't been progress in the sense that we don't have him back.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTiada kemajuan dalam erti kata kami tidak mempunyai dia kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But to suggest that we've abandoned him or anybody ... is simply incorrect and not helpful,\" Kerry told ABC's \"This Week\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi untuk mencadangkan bahawa kami telah meninggalkan dia atau sesiapa sahaja ... adalah tidak betul dan tidak membantu,\" kata Kerry kepada ABC \"Minggu Ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The fact is that I have personally raised the issue, not only at the highest level that I have been involved with, but also through other intermediaries\".", "r": {"result": "\u201cHakikatnya saya sendiri telah membangkitkan isu itu, bukan sahaja di peringkat tertinggi yang pernah saya terlibat, tetapi juga melalui perantara lain\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Levinson disappeared in Iran in March 2007 during a business trip, purportedly undertaken as a private investigator looking into cigarette smuggling.", "r": {"result": "Levinson hilang di Iran pada Mac 2007 semasa perjalanan perniagaan, kononnya dilakukan sebagai penyiasat persendirian yang menyiasat penyeludupan rokok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, The Associated Press and the Washington Post reported Thursday that contrary to what the State Department and Levinson's family have said for years, Levinson actually was working for the CIA in Iran.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, The Associated Press dan Washington Post melaporkan Khamis bahawa bertentangan dengan apa yang Jabatan Negara dan keluarga Levinson telah katakan selama bertahun-tahun, Levinson sebenarnya bekerja untuk CIA di Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a source involved in the matter told CNN there's proof that Levinson worked for the CIA undercover, and under contract, while also working as a private investigator.", "r": {"result": "Dan sumber yang terlibat dalam perkara itu memberitahu CNN terdapat bukti bahawa Levinson bekerja untuk CIA yang menyamar, dan di bawah kontrak, sementara juga bekerja sebagai penyiasat persendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White House: Levinson not a government employee when he made Iran trip.", "r": {"result": "Rumah Putih: Levinson bukan kakitangan kerajaan ketika dia membuat lawatan ke Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That allegation doesn't sit well with Sen.", "r": {"result": "Dakwaan itu tidak sesuai dengan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John McCain, R-Arizona, who is on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.", "r": {"result": "John McCain, R-Arizona, yang berada dalam Jawatankuasa Senat mengenai Hubungan Luar Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What disturbs me is apparently they did not tell the truth to the Congress.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApa yang mengganggu saya nampaknya mereka tidak memberitahu perkara sebenar kepada Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The CIA did not tell the truth to the American Congress about Mr. Levinson,\" McCain said Sunday on CNN's \"State of the Union\".", "r": {"result": "CIA tidak memberitahu kebenaran kepada Kongres Amerika mengenai Encik Levinson,\" kata McCain pada Ahad di \"State of the Union\" CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If that's true, then you put this on top of things that our intelligence committees didn't know about other activities, which have been revealed by (NSA leaker Edward) Snowden -- maybe it means that we should be examining the oversight role of Congress over our different intelligence agencies\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika itu benar, maka anda meletakkan perkara ini di atas perkara yang jawatankuasa perisikan kami tidak tahu tentang aktiviti lain, yang telah didedahkan oleh (pembocor NSA Edward) Snowden -- mungkin ini bermakna kita harus memeriksa peranan pengawasan Kongres ke atas agensi perisikan kami yang berbeza\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iran's government repeatedly has said it is not holding Levinson and does not know his whereabouts.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Iran berkali-kali mengatakan ia tidak menahan Levinson dan tidak mengetahui keberadaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During a September interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was asked what he could tell Levinson's family.", "r": {"result": "Semasa temu bual September dengan Christiane Amanpour CNN, Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani ditanya apa yang dia boleh beritahu keluarga Levinson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't know where he is, who he is,\" Rouhani said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak tahu di mana dia berada, siapa dia,\" kata Rouhani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is an American who has disappeared.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia seorang warga Amerika yang telah menghilangkan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have no news of him\".", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak mempunyai berita tentang dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCain: CIA did not tell Congress the truth about Levinson.", "r": {"result": "McCain: CIA tidak memberitahu Kongres kebenaran tentang Levinson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kerry said the United States is still looking for proof that Levinson is alive.", "r": {"result": "Kerry berkata, Amerika Syarikat masih mencari bukti bahawa Levinson masih hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A \"number of different channels\" are \"being worked aggressively,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebilangan saluran berbeza\" \"sedang diusahakan secara agresif,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iran's previous president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said he was willing to help find Levinson, and the family received what then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described in 2010 as \"proof of life\".", "r": {"result": "Presiden Iran sebelum ini, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, berkata beliau bersedia membantu mencari Levinson, dan keluarga itu menerima apa yang disifatkan oleh Setiausaha Negara ketika itu Hillary Clinton pada 2010 sebagai \"bukti kehidupan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2011, the State Department said new evidence suggested that Levinson, who has diabetes and high blood pressure, was alive and being held somewhere in southwest Asia.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2011, Jabatan Negara berkata bukti baharu mencadangkan Levinson, yang menghidap diabetes dan tekanan darah tinggi, masih hidup dan ditahan di suatu tempat di Asia barat daya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, a source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN, \"We have every reason to believe that he's alive and that the Iranians control his fate\".", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, sumber yang mempunyai pengetahuan tentang penyiasatan memberitahu CNN, \"Kami mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai bahawa dia masih hidup dan rakyat Iran mengawal nasibnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked whether he believes the Iranian government is responsible for Levinson's disappearance, Kerry said he thinks the government \"has the ability to help us here, and we hope they will\".", "r": {"result": "Ditanya sama ada beliau percaya kerajaan Iran bertanggungjawab atas kehilangan Levinson, Kerry berkata beliau berpendapat kerajaan \"mempunyai keupayaan untuk membantu kami di sini, dan kami berharap mereka akan melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCain said he was \"confident we are doing everything that we can\" to get Levinson released from Iran. He added that any negotiations in Levinson's case should also include attempts to free other Americans who are believed to be in Iranian custody.", "r": {"result": "McCain berkata beliau \"yakin kami melakukan segala yang kami boleh\" untuk membebaskan Levinson dari Iran. Beliau menambah bahawa sebarang rundingan dalam kes Levinson juga harus termasuk percubaan untuk membebaskan rakyat Amerika lain yang dipercayai berada dalam tahanan Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Report: Iran arrests alleged MI6 spy working for Britain in Iran.", "r": {"result": "Laporan: Iran menangkap dakwaan pengintip MI6 yang bekerja untuk Britain di Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who led the response to the 2010 BP oil spill and administered a moratorium on offshore drilling, announced Wednesday that he is stepping down.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Setiausaha Dalam Negeri Ken Salazar, yang mengetuai tindak balas terhadap tumpahan minyak BP 2010 dan mentadbir moratorium penggerudian luar pesisir, mengumumkan hari ini bahawa beliau akan meletakkan jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former Colorado lawmaker plans to return home in March after eight turbulent and busy years in Washington, four years in the U.S. Senate and four years as head of the Interior Department.", "r": {"result": "Bekas ahli parlimen Colorado itu merancang untuk pulang ke tanah air pada Mac selepas lapan tahun bergolak dan sibuk di Washington, empat tahun di Senat AS dan empat tahun sebagai ketua Jabatan Dalam Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama nominated him for the Cabinet post four years ago and he was unanimously confirmed.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama mencalonkannya untuk jawatan Kabinet empat tahun lalu dan beliau disahkan sebulat suara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was most prominent when he spearheaded the administration reaction to the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.", "r": {"result": "Beliau paling menonjol apabila beliau menerajui reaksi pentadbiran terhadap letupan pelantar penggerudian BP Deepwater Horizon dan tumpahan minyak di Teluk Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salazar issued a six-month drilling moratorium after the April 20, 2010, explosion.", "r": {"result": "Salazar mengeluarkan moratorium penggerudian selama enam bulan selepas letupan 20 April 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Critics, including Republican leaders, Gulf state officials and Gulf Coast residents, slammed the ban.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik, termasuk pemimpin Republik, pegawai negara Teluk dan penduduk Pantai Teluk, menyelar larangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They said it would hurt oil and gas workers in the already hard-hit coastal communities, where hundreds of jobs were lost because of the disaster.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata ia akan mencederakan pekerja minyak dan gas di komuniti pantai yang sudah terjejas teruk, di mana ratusan pekerjaan hilang kerana bencana itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Salazar said the moratorium provided time to make sure that similar accidents wouldn't occur and that rig operators were prepared to deal with worst-case scenarios if they did happen again.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Salazar berkata moratorium itu memberi masa untuk memastikan kemalangan serupa tidak berlaku dan pengendali pelantar bersedia untuk menangani senario terburuk jika ia berlaku lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleven people died in the explosion, which spawned one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history.", "r": {"result": "Sebelas orang maut dalam letupan itu, yang mencetuskan salah satu bencana alam sekitar yang paling teruk dalam sejarah AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil gushed into the Gulf before the broken well some 4,000 feet below the surface was capped.", "r": {"result": "Dianggarkan 4.9 juta tong minyak terpancut ke Teluk sebelum telaga pecah kira-kira 4,000 kaki di bawah permukaan ditutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have undertaken the most aggressive oil and gas safety and reform agenda in U.S. history, raising the bar on offshore drilling safety, practices and technology and ensuring that energy development is done in the right way and in the right places,\" Salazar said in an Interior Department news release announcing his departure.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah melaksanakan agenda reformasi dan keselamatan minyak dan gas yang paling agresif dalam sejarah A.S., meningkatkan tahap keselamatan, amalan dan teknologi penggerudian luar pesisir dan memastikan pembangunan tenaga dilakukan dengan cara yang betul dan di tempat yang betul,\" kata Salazar dalam siaran berita Jabatan Dalam Negeri mengumumkan pemergiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The department has offered millions of acres of offshore acreage in the Gulf for exploration and \"is proceeding with cautious exploration of Arctic resources,\" the release said.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan itu telah menawarkan berjuta-juta ekar kawasan luar pesisir di Teluk untuk penerokaan dan \"sedang meneruskan penerokaan berhati-hati sumber Artik,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It added that the department has leased millions of acres onshore for oil and gas development and has protected \"special landscapes for hunting and fishing\".", "r": {"result": "Ia menambah bahawa jabatan itu telah memajak berjuta-juta ekar di darat untuk pembangunan minyak dan gas dan telah melindungi \"landskap khas untuk memburu dan memancing\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, drilling activity in the Gulf is surpassing levels seen before the spill, and our nation is on a promising path to energy independence,\" said Salazar, who also overhauled Interior's management of oil and gas resources and installed new ethics standards for employees.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini, aktiviti penggerudian di Teluk melepasi paras yang dilihat sebelum tumpahan, dan negara kita berada di landasan yang menjanjikan untuk mencapai kemerdekaan tenaga,\" kata Salazar, yang juga merombak pengurusan sumber minyak dan gas Interior dan memasang piawaian etika baharu untuk pekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's Cabinet: Who's in, who's out?", "r": {"result": "Kabinet Obama: Siapa yang masuk, siapa yang keluar?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salazar also has pursued renewable energy, with his department authorizing 34 solar, wind and geothermal projects on public lands since 2009, the news release said.", "r": {"result": "Salazar juga telah mengejar tenaga boleh diperbaharui, dengan jabatannya membenarkan 34 projek solar, angin dan geoterma di tanah awam sejak 2009, kata siaran berita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those projects total enough energy to power more than 3 million homes.", "r": {"result": "Projek-projek tersebut mempunyai jumlah tenaga yang mencukupi untuk menggerakkan lebih daripada 3 juta rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, the largest solar energy projects in the world are under construction on America's public lands in the West, and we've issued the first leases for offshore wind in the Atlantic,\" Salazar said in the release.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini, projek tenaga suria terbesar di dunia sedang dalam pembinaan di tanah awam Amerika di Barat, dan kami telah mengeluarkan pajakan pertama untuk angin luar pesisir di Atlantik,\" kata Salazar dalam kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am proud of the renewable energy revolution that we have launched.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya berbangga dengan revolusi tenaga boleh diperbaharui yang telah kami lancarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The release also noted progress made during Salazar's term regarding Native American lands.", "r": {"result": "Siaran itu juga mencatat kemajuan yang dibuat semasa penggal Salazar berkenaan tanah Orang Asli Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A settlement was reached and passed that addressed \"long-standing injustices\" involving the government's trust management.", "r": {"result": "Penyelesaian telah dicapai dan diluluskan yang menangani \"ketidakadilan yang telah lama wujud\" melibatkan pengurusan amanah kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, Obama signed into law water rights settlements that \"help deliver clean drinking water\" to tribes, the release said, and spearheaded a reform of surface leasing regulations for Native American lands.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, Obama menandatangani undang-undang penyelesaian hak air yang \"membantu menyampaikan air minuman bersih\" kepada puak, kata pelepasan itu, dan menerajui pembaharuan peraturan pajakan permukaan untuk tanah Orang Asli Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"President Obama has made it a priority to empower our nation's first Americans by helping to build stronger, safer and more prosperous tribal communities,\" Salazar said.", "r": {"result": "\"Presiden Obama telah menjadikan keutamaan untuk memperkasakan rakyat Amerika pertama negara kita dengan membantu membina komuniti puak yang lebih kuat, selamat dan lebih makmur,\" kata Salazar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama, in a separate release, said Salazar \"helped usher in a new era of conservation for our nation's land, water, and wildlife\" and promoted renewable energy along with oil and gas production.", "r": {"result": "Obama, dalam kenyataan berasingan, berkata Salazar \"membantu memulakan era baharu pemuliharaan untuk tanah, air dan hidupan liar negara kita\" dan menggalakkan tenaga boleh diperbaharui bersama-sama pengeluaran minyak dan gas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He \"played an integral role in my administration's successful efforts to expand responsible development of our nation's domestic energy resources\" and made strides in ties with Native Americans.", "r": {"result": "Beliau \"memainkan peranan penting dalam usaha kejayaan pentadbiran saya untuk mengembangkan pembangunan bertanggungjawab sumber tenaga domestik negara kita\" dan mengorak langkah dalam hubungan dengan Orang Asli Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have valued Ken's friendship since we both entered the Senate in 2005, and I look forward to receiving his counsel even after he returns to his home state of Colorado,\" the president said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menghargai persahabatan Ken sejak kami berdua memasuki Senat pada 2005, dan saya berharap untuk menerima peguamnya walaupun selepas dia kembali ke negeri asalnya di Colorado,\" kata presiden itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salazar's move comes amid criticism over Obama's second-term Cabinet nominees.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan Salazar dibuat di tengah-tengah kritikan terhadap calon Kabinet penggal kedua Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has taken flak because major nominations have gone to white males.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah mengambil kritikan kerana pencalonan utama telah diberikan kepada lelaki kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White males have been tapped for three prominent Cabinet positions with second-term openings: secretary of state, secretary of defense and secretary of the treasury.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki kulit putih telah dipilih untuk tiga jawatan Kabinet terkemuka dengan pembukaan penggal kedua: setiausaha negara, setiausaha pertahanan dan setiausaha perbendaharaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of those posts has been held by a woman, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, while the others have been held by white men.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu jawatan itu telah disandang oleh seorang wanita, Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton, manakala yang lain telah dipegang oleh lelaki kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salazar focused on energizing Hispanics.", "r": {"result": "Salazar menumpukan pada tenaga Hispanik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Obama's record of appointing women to top posts doesn't differ significantly from that of former President George W. Bush, many take the issue with Obama's appointments since he ran as a champion of women's issues during both of his presidential election campaigns, unlike his predecessor.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun rekod Obama melantik wanita ke jawatan teratas tidak jauh berbeza dengan bekas Presiden George W. Bush, ramai yang mengambil isu mengenai pelantikan Obama sejak beliau bertanding sebagai juara isu wanita semasa kedua-dua kempen pilihan raya presidennya, tidak seperti beliau. pendahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger reported from Washington.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Penganalisis Politik CNN Gloria Borger melaporkan dari Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Joe Sterling reported from Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Joe Sterling dari CNN melaporkan dari Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Last spring, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on implementation of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Musim bunga lalu, Jawatankuasa Kewangan Senat mengadakan pendengaran mengenai pelaksanaan Akta Penjagaan Mampu Milik, atau dikenali sebagai Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat and the chairman of the committee, was not pleased with how things were going.", "r": {"result": "Max Baucus, seorang Demokrat Montana dan pengerusi jawatankuasa itu, tidak berpuas hati dengan keadaan yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Obama administration originally had asked for more than half a billion dollars to spend on public relations and outreach for the law.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran Obama pada asalnya telah meminta lebih daripada setengah bilion dolar untuk dibelanjakan untuk perhubungan awam dan jangkauan untuk undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Republicans had returned with an offer of nothing.", "r": {"result": "House Republicans telah kembali dengan tawaran apa-apa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's right: zero dollars.", "r": {"result": "Betul: sifar dolar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without necessary funds, the Department of Health and Human Services worried it would not have the necessary money to pay for navigators to help people enroll in health care, for the technology needed to implement the exchanges and for the public relations campaign that was required to inform citizens about what the law actually did.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa dana yang diperlukan, Jabatan Kesihatan dan Perkhidmatan Manusia bimbang ia tidak akan mempunyai wang yang diperlukan untuk membayar pelayar untuk membantu orang ramai mendaftar dalam penjagaan kesihatan, untuk teknologi yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan pertukaran dan untuk kempen perhubungan awam yang diperlukan untuk memaklumkan rakyat tentang apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan oleh undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius made the controversial move of asking insurance companies and nonprofit organizations to donate money and help.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha HHS Kathleen Sebelius membuat langkah kontroversi meminta syarikat insurans dan organisasi bukan untung untuk menderma wang dan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans were outraged.", "r": {"result": "Republikan marah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She asked for more money.", "r": {"result": "Dia meminta lebih banyak wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was refused.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditolak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, when she tried to move some money from the PR budget to replace cuts to other areas, Baucus became quite upset.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, apabila dia cuba memindahkan sejumlah wang daripada belanjawan PR untuk menggantikan pemotongan ke kawasan lain, Baucus menjadi agak kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was concerned that if the administration did not do more to inform people about the law and get implementation going, there would be problems:", "r": {"result": "Beliau bimbang jika pentadbiran tidak berbuat lebih banyak untuk memaklumkan orang ramai tentang undang-undang dan melaksanakannya, masalah akan timbul:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of people have no idea about all of this,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai orang tidak tahu tentang semua ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People just don't know a lot about it, and the Kaiser poll pointed that out.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai tidak tahu banyak tentangnya, dan tinjauan pendapat Kaiser menunjukkan perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I understand you've hired a contractor.", "r": {"result": "Saya faham anda telah mengupah kontraktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm just worried that that's gonna be money down the drain because contractors like to make money.", "r": {"result": "Saya hanya bimbang bahawa ia akan menjadi wang ke dalam longkang kerana kontraktor suka membuat wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... I just tell ya, I just see a huge train wreck coming down\".", "r": {"result": "... Saya cuma beritahu awak, saya baru nampak bangkai kereta api yang besar turun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As I've said before, it's important to note that the \"train wreck\" Baucus was describing was a botched implementation because not enough was being done to make things go smoothly.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang telah saya katakan sebelum ini, adalah penting untuk ambil perhatian bahawa \"kecelakaan kereta api\" yang disifatkan oleh Baucus adalah pelaksanaan yang gagal kerana tidak cukup dilakukan untuk memastikan perkara berjalan lancar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't a description of the law itself but of what might occur if the government did not devote enough resources to making it work.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan perihalan undang-undang itu sendiri tetapi tentang apa yang mungkin berlaku jika kerajaan tidak menumpukan sumber yang mencukupi untuk menjadikannya berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sebelius' response was not surprising to those who were paying attention.", "r": {"result": "Sambutan Sebelius tidak mengejutkan mereka yang memberi perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said that she was \"incredibly disappointed\" that all her requests for resources were being denied by Republicans.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bahawa dia \"sangat kecewa\" kerana semua permintaannya untuk mendapatkan sumber ditolak oleh Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was then.", "r": {"result": "Itu ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, implementation has arrived, and if it's not a train wreck, then it's certainly close.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, pelaksanaan telah tiba, dan jika ia bukan kemalangan kereta api, maka ia sudah pasti hampir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The administration is still under fire because people cannot get the insurance they want through the exchanges.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran masih diserang kerana orang ramai tidak boleh mendapatkan insurans yang mereka mahu melalui bursa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But while I will continue to point out the problems with implementation and fault the administration for mistakes they've made, how does one ignore the apparent hypocrisy from many politicians who are now \"outraged\" about the very problems they've helped to create.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sementara saya akan terus menunjukkan masalah dengan pelaksanaan dan menyalahkan pentadbiran atas kesilapan yang telah mereka lakukan, bagaimana seseorang mengabaikan kepura-puraan yang jelas daripada ramai ahli politik yang kini \"marah\" tentang masalah yang telah mereka bantu timbulkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans refused to appropriate money needed to implement Obamacare.", "r": {"result": "Republikan enggan menggunakan wang yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Sebelius tried to shift money from other areas to help do what needed to be done, she was attacked by Senate Republicans.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Sebelius cuba mengalihkan wang dari kawasan lain untuk membantu melakukan apa yang perlu dilakukan, dia diserang oleh Senat Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At every step, Republicans fought measures to get money to put towards implementation.", "r": {"result": "Pada setiap langkah, Republikan berjuang untuk mendapatkan wang untuk dilaksanakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it really a surprise then that implementation hasn't gone smoothly?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ia benar-benar mengejutkan jika pelaksanaannya tidak berjalan lancar?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal legislators aren't the only ones to blame.", "r": {"result": "Penggubal undang-undang persekutuan bukan satu-satunya yang harus dipersalahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's remember that original versions of the bill called for one big national exchange.", "r": {"result": "Mari kita ingat bahawa versi asal rang undang-undang memerlukan satu pertukaran negara yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This would have been much easier to implement.", "r": {"result": "Ini akan menjadi lebih mudah untuk dilaksanakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But conservatives declared that insurance should be left to the states and kept out of the hands of the federal government.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi konservatif mengisytiharkan bahawa insurans harus diserahkan kepada negeri-negeri dan dijauhkan daripada tangan kerajaan persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So as a compromise (yes, those did occur), exchanges were made state-based instead of national.", "r": {"result": "Jadi sebagai kompromi (ya, itu memang berlaku), pertukaran dibuat berasaskan negeri dan bukannya nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a precaution, the law stipulated that if states failed to do their duty and enact exchanges, the federal government would step in and pick up the slack.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, undang-undang menetapkan bahawa jika negeri-negeri gagal menjalankan tugas mereka dan menggubal pertukaran, kerajaan persekutuan akan mengambil alih dan mengambil kelonggaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This was to prevent obstructionism from killing the law.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan halangan daripada membunuh undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Surprisingly, it was many of the same conservative states that demanded local control that refused to implement state-based exchanges, leaving the federal government to do it for them.", "r": {"result": "Yang menghairankan, banyak negeri konservatif yang sama yang menuntut kawalan tempatan yang enggan melaksanakan pertukaran berasaskan negeri, meninggalkan kerajaan persekutuan untuk melakukannya untuk mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That made implementation much harder.", "r": {"result": "Itu menjadikan pelaksanaan lebih sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been books, webinars and meetings explaining how to sabotage the implementation of Obamacare.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat buku, webinar dan mesyuarat yang menerangkan cara mensabotaj pelaksanaan Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been campaigns trying to persuade young adults not to use the exchanges.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kempen yang cuba memujuk orang dewasa muda untuk tidak menggunakan pertukaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is, therefore, somewhat ironic that many of the same people who have been part of all of this obstructionism seem so \"upset\" by the fact that people can't easily use the exchanges.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, agak ironis bahawa ramai daripada orang yang sama yang telah menjadi sebahagian daripada semua halangan ini kelihatan sangat \"kecewa\" oleh fakta bahawa orang tidak boleh menggunakan pertukaran dengan mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For goodness sake, the government was shut down just a few weeks ago because some of the same people who are now bemoaning poorly functioning websites were determined to see that not one dime went to Obamacare.", "r": {"result": "Demi kebaikan, kerajaan telah ditutup hanya beberapa minggu yang lalu kerana beberapa orang yang sama yang kini meratapi laman web yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik bertekad untuk melihat bahawa tiada satu sen pun pergi ke Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lest you think I'm defending this month's rollout, I encourage you to review my last article here.", "r": {"result": "Sekiranya anda fikir saya mempertahankan pelancaran bulan ini, saya menggalakkan anda menyemak artikel terakhir saya di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I still maintain that the administration has had a failure in management in overseeing and reporting on progress towards October 1. But I'm also sympathetic that they've had a hard job to do.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih berpendapat bahawa pentadbiran telah mengalami kegagalan dalam pengurusan dalam menyelia dan melaporkan kemajuan menjelang 1 Oktober. Tetapi saya juga bersimpati bahawa mereka mempunyai tugas yang sukar untuk dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would like to see this go better.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin melihat ini menjadi lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'd like to see millions more get insurance.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin melihat berjuta-juta lagi mendapat insurans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'd like to see the law of the land function as well as it can, and if it doesn't, I'd like to see Congress continue to amend it to make it work better.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin melihat undang-undang tanah berfungsi sebaik mungkin, dan jika tidak, saya ingin melihat Kongres terus memindanya untuk menjadikannya berfungsi dengan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'd like a better health care system.", "r": {"result": "Saya mahukan sistem penjagaan kesihatan yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What I cannot ignore, however, are the many people who actively worked to see implementation fail now get the vapors over its poor start.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, perkara yang tidak boleh saya abaikan ialah ramai orang yang bekerja secara aktif untuk melihat pelaksanaan gagal kini mendapat wap atas permulaan yang buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The truth is, they got what they wanted.", "r": {"result": "Hakikatnya, mereka mendapat apa yang mereka mahukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A victory lap is somewhat warranted, not concern-trolling.", "r": {"result": "Pusingan kemenangan agak wajar, bukan trolling kebimbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If, on the other hand, their concern is real, then I'm sure the administration would welcome their help in making things right.", "r": {"result": "Jika, sebaliknya, kebimbangan mereka adalah benar, maka saya pasti pentadbiran akan mengalu-alukan bantuan mereka dalam memperbaiki keadaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Aaron Carroll.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Aaron Carroll semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The deputy speaker of Britain's House of Commons, Nigel Evans, was arrested Saturday in northwest England on suspicion of rape and sexual assault, a source familiar with the arrest told CNN.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Timbalan speaker Dewan Rakyat Britain, Nigel Evans, ditahan Sabtu di barat laut England kerana disyaki merogol dan serangan seksual, sumber yang biasa dengan penahanan itu memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lancashire police did not confirm the identity of the man, but they said they had released a 55-year-old man on bail after questioning him Saturday over offenses alleged by two men in their 20s.", "r": {"result": "Polis Lancashire tidak mengesahkan identiti lelaki itu, tetapi mereka berkata mereka telah membebaskan seorang lelaki berusia 55 tahun dengan ikat jamin selepas menyoal siasatnya Sabtu atas kesalahan yang didakwa oleh dua lelaki berusia 20-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One man alleged he was raped and, in a separate incident, another other man alleged he was sexually assaulted, a police spokesperson told CNN by telephone.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki mendakwa dia dirogol dan, dalam kejadian berasingan, seorang lagi lelaki lain mendakwa dia diserang secara seksual, kata jurucakap polis kepada CNN melalui telefon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The offenses are alleged \"to have been committed in Pendleton between July 2009 and March 2013,\" according to a statement released by police.", "r": {"result": "Kesalahan itu didakwa \"dilakukan di Pendleton antara Julai 2009 dan Mac 2013,\" menurut satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man was ordered to appear at the police station on June 19, according to the police spokesperson.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu diarah hadir ke balai polis pada 19 Jun, menurut jurucakap polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British Prime Minister David Cameron has been made aware of the arrest, said another source, who also spoke on condition of anonymity.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Britain David Cameron telah dimaklumkan mengenai penahanan itu, kata sumber lain, yang juga bercakap dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evans, who is 55, has been a conservative member of parliament since 1992. He served as vice chairman of the Tory Party between 1999 and 2001.", "r": {"result": "Evans, yang berusia 55 tahun, telah menjadi ahli parlimen konservatif sejak 1992. Beliau berkhidmat sebagai naib pengerusi Parti Tory antara 1999 dan 2001.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was elected deputy speaker of the House of Commons in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Beliau telah dipilih sebagai timbalan speaker Dewan Rakyat pada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evans came out as gay during a newspaper interview in late 2010, and has since made a name for himself as a prominent gay rights activist in England.", "r": {"result": "Evans tampil sebagai gay semasa wawancara akhbar pada akhir 2010, dan sejak itu telah mencipta nama untuk dirinya sebagai aktivis hak gay yang terkenal di England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evans did not immediately return a telephone call from CNN seeking comment.", "r": {"result": "Evans tidak segera membalas panggilan telefon daripada CNN untuk mendapatkan komen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Chelsea J. Carter, Talia Kayali and Mitra Mobasherat contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Chelsea J. Carter dari CNN, Talia Kayali dan Mitra Mobasherat menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scientists are concerned about what they're seeing so far this flu season, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday, a day after the agency advised doctors this year's flu vaccine is not as effective because the current strain of the virus has mutated.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis bimbang tentang apa yang mereka lihat setakat musim selesema ini, pengarah Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit berkata Khamis, sehari selepas agensi itu menasihatkan doktor bahawa vaksin selesema tahun ini tidak begitu berkesan kerana ketegangan virus semasa. telah bermutasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dr. Tom Frieden said researchers are worried that with this particular strain of the virus, \"we could have a season that is more severe than most with more hospitalizations and more deaths\".", "r": {"result": "Dr. Tom Frieden berkata para penyelidik bimbang bahawa dengan jenis virus ini, \"kita boleh mengalami musim yang lebih teruk daripada kebanyakan dengan lebih banyak kemasukan ke hospital dan lebih banyak kematian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The advisory sent Wednesday said 52% of the 85 influenza virus samples collected and analyzed from October 1 through November 22 were different than the virus strains included in this year's vaccine, indicating a mutation, or drift, of the strain.", "r": {"result": "Nasihat yang dihantar pada hari Rabu mengatakan 52% daripada 85 sampel virus influenza yang dikumpul dan dianalisis dari 1 Oktober hingga 22 November adalah berbeza daripada strain virus yang dimasukkan dalam vaksin tahun ini, yang menunjukkan mutasi, atau hanyut, strain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most common strain of the virus reported so far this season is influenza A (H3N2).", "r": {"result": "Strain virus yang paling biasa dilaporkan setakat ini musim ini ialah influenza A (H3N2).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the past, this strain has been linked to higher rates of hospitalization and death, especially for those at high risk for complications, which is usually the very young, the elderly and those with chronic health conditions such as asthma or heart problems.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa lalu, ketegangan ini telah dikaitkan dengan kadar kemasukan ke hospital dan kematian yang lebih tinggi, terutamanya bagi mereka yang berisiko tinggi untuk komplikasi, yang biasanya sangat muda, warga tua dan mereka yang mempunyai keadaan kesihatan kronik seperti asma atau masalah jantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February, a panel of experts decided on 3 strains of the virus to include in this year's vaccine, based on data about the common strains circulating around the globe throughout the year.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Februari, panel pakar memutuskan 3 jenis virus untuk dimasukkan ke dalam vaksin tahun ini, berdasarkan data tentang strain biasa yang beredar di seluruh dunia sepanjang tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some years the vaccine is a better match to the circulating strains than others.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa tahun vaksin adalah padanan yang lebih baik kepada strain yang beredar daripada yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's too late to create another version of the flu vaccine this year, Frieden said, because even with modern production technology, it typically takes about four months to produce the vaccine.", "r": {"result": "Sudah terlambat untuk mencipta versi lain vaksin selesema tahun ini, kata Frieden, kerana walaupun dengan teknologi pengeluaran moden, ia biasanya mengambil masa kira-kira empat bulan untuk menghasilkan vaksin itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While this year's version is not as protective against a mutated strain, it can still decrease the severity of illness caused by the virus.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun versi tahun ini tidak begitu melindungi daripada strain bermutasi, ia masih boleh mengurangkan keterukan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It can also protect against other circulating strains of the virus, which is why the CDC still recommends getting the vaccine.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga boleh melindungi daripada strain virus lain yang beredar, itulah sebabnya CDC masih mengesyorkan mendapatkan vaksin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The flu is bad, and you want to do anything you can to prevent getting it and to prevent giving it to other people,\" said Dr. Lisa Thebner, a pediatrician in New York City.", "r": {"result": "\"Selesema adalah teruk, dan anda mahu melakukan apa sahaja yang anda boleh untuk mengelakkan daripada mendapatnya dan untuk mengelakkan memberikannya kepada orang lain,\" kata Dr Lisa Thebner, pakar pediatrik di New York City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The vaccine isn't perfect, but it's the best protection we have for prevention\".", "r": {"result": "\"Vaksin ini tidak sempurna, tetapi ia adalah perlindungan terbaik yang kami ada untuk pencegahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When asked if people should be concerned, Thebner said \"people should always be concerned about the flu\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila ditanya sama ada orang perlu bimbang, Thebner berkata \"orang harus sentiasa mengambil berat tentang selesema\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a news conference Thursday, Frieden emphasized that if you do start to see flu symptoms -- fever, sore throat, cough, body aches -- it's extremely important to begin taking antiviral medications as soon as possible.", "r": {"result": "Dalam sidang akhbar hari Khamis, Frieden menekankan bahawa jika anda mula melihat simptom selesema -- demam, sakit tekak, batuk, sakit badan -- adalah sangat penting untuk mula mengambil ubat antivirus secepat mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tamiflu and Relenza have been considered most effective at reducing complications when given soon after symptoms begin.", "r": {"result": "Tamiflu dan Relenza telah dianggap paling berkesan untuk mengurangkan komplikasi apabila diberikan sejurus selepas gejala bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, he said, most doctors still do not treat people with the antiviral medications, noting that fewer than 1 in 6 people who are severely ill with flu get them.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, katanya, kebanyakan doktor masih tidak merawat orang yang mempunyai ubat antivirus, dengan menyatakan bahawa kurang daripada 1 dalam 6 orang yang sakit teruk dengan selesema mendapat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is very important that we do better,\" Frieden said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah sangat penting untuk kami melakukan yang lebih baik,\" kata Frieden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Antiviral medications can reduce symptoms, shorten the length of time of the illness, and may keep people out of the hospital.", "r": {"result": "Ubat antivirus boleh mengurangkan simptom, memendekkan tempoh penyakit, dan mungkin menghalang orang ramai daripada hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So far this year, five children in the United States have died from the flu, Frieden said.", "r": {"result": "Setakat tahun ini, lima kanak-kanak di Amerika Syarikat telah meninggal dunia akibat selesema, kata Frieden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In past years, studies have shown 98% of children who do die from flu have not been vaccinated, but it was not clear if the five children Frieden cited were vaccinated.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun-tahun lepas, kajian telah menunjukkan 98% kanak-kanak yang mati akibat selesema tidak diberi vaksin, tetapi tidak jelas sama ada lima kanak-kanak yang disebut Frieden telah divaksinasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the 2012-2013 flu season 12,337 people were hospitalized with flu-related illness and 149 children died, according to CDC surveillance data.", "r": {"result": "Semasa musim selesema 2012-2013 12,337 orang telah dimasukkan ke hospital dengan penyakit berkaitan selesema dan 149 kanak-kanak meninggal dunia, menurut data pengawasan CDC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ninety percent of those children were not vaccinated.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan puluh peratus daripada kanak-kanak tersebut tidak diberi vaksin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overall, flu activity across the country is currently low, according to the latest flu outbreak data from the CDC.", "r": {"result": "Secara keseluruhan, aktiviti selesema di seluruh negara kini rendah, menurut data wabak selesema terkini daripada CDC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)The much-discussed trailer for \"Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice\" just got a makeover.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Treler yang banyak dibincangkan untuk \"Batman lwn Superman: Dawn of Justice\" baru sahaja diubah suai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon after the trailer went up late on Friday, YouTuber Bobby Burns got to work on doing his own version using classic superhero footage.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas treler itu muncul lewat pada hari Jumaat, YouTuber Bobby Burns mula berusaha membuat versinya sendiri menggunakan rakaman wira-wira klasik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill facing off, this version wonders what it would be like if comics' classic characters Adam West and Christopher Reeve took their places.", "r": {"result": "Daripada Ben Affleck dan Henry Cavill berhadapan, versi ini tertanya-tanya bagaimana keadaannya jika watak klasik komik Adam West dan Christopher Reeve mengambil tempat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN spoke to 18-year-old Burns about what motivated him to make his now-viral video.", "r": {"result": "CNN bercakap dengan Burns yang berusia 18 tahun tentang apa yang mendorongnya untuk membuat videonya yang kini menjadi viral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Warner Bros.", "r": {"result": "(Warner Bros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pictures, the studio behind \"Batman v. Superman,\" is owned by Time Warner, as is CNN.", "r": {"result": "Pictures, studio di belakang \"Batman lwn Superman,\" dimiliki oleh Time Warner, begitu juga CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: When did you start making YouTube videos like this?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bilakah anda mula membuat video YouTube seperti ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burns: At age 11. I work for the Made In Network in Nashville, Tennessee.", "r": {"result": "Burns: Pada umur 11. Saya bekerja untuk Made In Network di Nashville, Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Where did this idea come from?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Dari mana datangnya idea ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burns: I'm pretty hyped for \"Batman v. Superman\".", "r": {"result": "Burns: Saya sangat teruja untuk \"Batman lwn. Superman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As soon as I saw the trailer, my brain immediately went to the classic \"Batman\" [TV series] and I thought how funny it would be if this film was made at the time.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja saya melihat treler itu, otak saya segera pergi ke \"Batman\" [siri TV] klasik dan saya fikir betapa lucunya jika filem ini dibuat pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What were you looking to accomplish?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apa yang anda ingin capai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burns: I wanted to contrast the old with the new.", "r": {"result": "Burns: Saya mahu membezakan yang lama dengan yang baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What kind of reaction have you received?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apakah jenis reaksi yang anda terima?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burns: Within an hour of the trailer going up, I went to work on the edit.", "r": {"result": "Burns: Dalam masa sejam selepas treler naik, saya pergi untuk membuat pengeditan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within four hours, my edit was finished and up on the Internet.", "r": {"result": "Dalam masa empat jam, suntingan saya telah selesai dan diterbitkan di Internet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The reaction has been great!", "r": {"result": "Reaksinya sangat hebat!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's awesome to see so many people enjoying what I made.", "r": {"result": "Sungguh menggerunkan melihat ramai orang menikmati apa yang saya buat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Take a look at the fan trailer below:", "r": {"result": "Lihat treler peminat di bawah:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Attempting to forecast future events is a dangerous pastime.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Percubaan untuk meramalkan peristiwa masa depan adalah hobi yang berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who could have predicted the spectacular fall of Chinese politician Bo Xilai, once a rising political star, or the stunning escape of blind activist Chen Guangcheng from house arrest?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang boleh meramalkan kejatuhan hebat ahli politik China Bo Xilai, pernah menjadi bintang politik yang semakin meningkat, atau melarikan diri menakjubkan aktivis buta Chen Guangcheng daripada tahanan rumah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But forecasting is useful for journalists who should be primed to anticipate the dominant trends ahead.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ramalan berguna untuk wartawan yang harus bersedia untuk menjangka arah aliran dominan di hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, adding to what's already out there, here goes.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, menambah apa yang sudah ada di sana, begini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are the five key China stories I'll be looking out for in 2013:", "r": {"result": "Ini ialah lima cerita penting China yang akan saya nantikan pada tahun 2013:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "US-China tensions.", "r": {"result": "Ketegangan AS-China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. is wary of China's military growth and economic might, while China is wary of America's pivot to Asia and President Barack Obama's increasingly tough line on trade.", "r": {"result": "A.S. waspada terhadap pertumbuhan ketenteraan dan kekuatan ekonomi China, manakala China waspada terhadap pivot Amerika ke Asia dan Presiden Barack Obama yang semakin sukar dalam perdagangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in 2013, there will be more immediate points of friction between the two giants.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada tahun 2013, akan ada lebih banyak titik geseran antara kedua-dua gergasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xie Tao, a professor of Political Science at Beijing Foreign Studies University, underlines three specific trends to watch: \"Number one, whether Barack Obama will sell weapons to Taiwan in January; second, whether China will continue to block U.S. efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria; and number three, Iran\".", "r": {"result": "Xie Tao, seorang profesor Sains Politik di Universiti Pengajian Asing Beijing, menggariskan tiga trend khusus untuk diperhatikan: \"Nombor satu, sama ada Barack Obama akan menjual senjata kepada Taiwan pada Januari; kedua, sama ada China akan terus menyekat usaha AS untuk menyelesaikan krisis itu. di Syria; dan nombor tiga, Iran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tao adds: \"I'm not quite optimistic about peaceful cooperation between the two countries, but in the longer term, I'm more optimistic than many other scholars of the U.S.-China relationship\".", "r": {"result": "Tao menambah: \"Saya tidak begitu optimis mengenai kerjasama aman antara kedua-dua negara, tetapi dalam jangka panjang, saya lebih optimistik daripada ramai sarjana lain mengenai hubungan AS-China\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China's Own Pivot to Asia.", "r": {"result": "Pivot China Sendiri ke Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the U.S. makes its strategic pivot to Asia, China has been considering its own relationships in its backyard.", "r": {"result": "Ketika A.S. membuat pangsi strategiknya ke Asia, China telah mempertimbangkan hubungannya sendiri di halaman belakangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beijing is out to ink trade deals with Japan and South Korea while actively expanding trade ties with Southeast Asian countries like Laos and Myanmar.", "r": {"result": "Beijing bersedia untuk menandatangani perjanjian perdagangan dengan Jepun dan Korea Selatan sambil secara aktif mengembangkan hubungan perdagangan dengan negara Asia Tenggara seperti Laos dan Myanmar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The New York Times' Beijing-based Chief Diplomatic Correspondent Jane Perlez tells me: \"China is a cash power in Southeast Asia.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Koresponden Diplomatik New York Times Jane Perlez memberitahu saya: \"China adalah kuasa tunai di Asia Tenggara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're spending billions of dollars on roads and rail through the countries of Southeast Asia, that will enable goods to come up through China, then back down through China, and will knit the whole region together\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka membelanjakan berbilion-bilion dolar untuk jalan raya dan kereta api melalui negara-negara Asia Tenggara, yang akan membolehkan barangan naik melalui China, kemudian turun melalui China, dan akan menyatukan seluruh rantau itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But given the ongoing tension with South Korea, Philippines and Japan over disputed islands in the South China Sea, as well as tension within Myanmar over China's mineral mining operations, will Beijing lose the diplomatic war for hearts and minds in the region?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi memandangkan ketegangan berterusan dengan Korea Selatan, Filipina dan Jepun mengenai pulau-pulau yang dipertikaikan di Laut China Selatan, serta ketegangan dalam Myanmar berhubung operasi perlombongan mineral China, adakah Beijing akan kehilangan perang diplomatik untuk hati dan fikiran di rantau ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Party's Priority: Cleaning up corruption.", "r": {"result": "Keutamaan Parti: Membersihkan rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Chinese Communist Party is facing a number of challenges that are undercutting its legitimacy: A widening rich-poor divide, a desperate need for social reforms, political corruption, and a spate of sex scandals involving Party officials.", "r": {"result": "Parti Komunis China sedang menghadapi beberapa cabaran yang melemahkan kesahihannya: Perpecahan kaya-miskin yang semakin meluas, keperluan terdesak untuk pembaharuan sosial, rasuah politik, dan deretan skandal seks yang melibatkan pegawai Parti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As such, the Communist Party must make cleaning up its own domestic affairs a top priority.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, Parti Komunis mesti menjadikan pembersihan hal ehwal dalam negerinya sendiri sebagai keutamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Political commentator and columnist Frank Ching believes the new leadership's top agenda is cleaning up the Party itself, adding this observation from the recent 18th Party Congress in Beijing: \"When Xi Jinping came out to introduce members of the Standing Committee, he did not mention foreign policy at all.", "r": {"result": "Pengulas politik dan kolumnis Frank Ching percaya agenda utama kepimpinan baharu ialah membersihkan Parti itu sendiri, sambil menambah pemerhatian dari Kongres Parti Ke-18 baru-baru ini di Beijing: \"Apabila Xi Jinping keluar untuk memperkenalkan ahli Jawatankuasa Tetap, dia tidak menyebut orang asing. dasar sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He didn't say anything about international relations.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak berkata apa-apa tentang hubungan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that's because he realizes China's most serious problems are domestic ones, and he's going to have to focus on those first\".", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir itu kerana dia menyedari masalah paling serius di China adalah masalah domestik, dan dia perlu memberi tumpuan kepada masalah itu terlebih dahulu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China's Smartphone Boom.", "r": {"result": "Ledakan Telefon Pintar China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China, the world's biggest Internet market, is forecast to overtake the U.S. in smartphone shipments and become the world's leading smartphone market this year, according to research group IDC.", "r": {"result": "China, pasaran Internet terbesar di dunia, diramalkan akan mengatasi A.S. dalam penghantaran telefon pintar dan menjadi pasaran telefon pintar terkemuka dunia tahun ini, menurut kumpulan penyelidikan IDC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With some retailing for as low as $160, China's cheap smartphones will make a huge social impact through China.", "r": {"result": "Dengan beberapa jualan runcit serendah $160, telefon pintar murah China akan memberi impak sosial yang besar melalui China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Josh Ong, China Editor of The Next Web: \"It's becoming more and more possible for Chinese consumers to skip bulky desktops or even laptops and netbooks and rely solely on their phones as their primary computing devices.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Josh Ong, Editor China The Next Web: \"Semakin besar kemungkinan pengguna China melangkau desktop besar atau malah komputer riba dan netbook dan bergantung semata-mata pada telefon mereka sebagai peranti pengkomputeran utama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Students, migrant workers, and even rural citizens stand to benefit greatly from the rise of affordable smartphones\".", "r": {"result": "Pelajar, pekerja asing, malah rakyat luar bandar mendapat manfaat yang besar daripada kebangkitan telefon pintar mampu milik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As more Chinese venture online (and on microblogs) via their smartphones, there will be greater public outcry and protest, as well as greater pressure on the government to manage the added censorship load.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan lebih ramai orang Cina meneroka dalam talian (dan di mikroblog) melalui telefon pintar mereka, akan terdapat bantahan dan bantahan awam yang lebih besar, serta tekanan yang lebih besar terhadap kerajaan untuk menguruskan beban penapisan tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have seen the beginnings of a digital accountability system.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami telah melihat permulaan sistem akauntabiliti digital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If nearly everyone has the means to record and instantaneously broadcast their surroundings, it will keep most people from acting out,\" says Ong.", "r": {"result": "Jika hampir semua orang mempunyai cara untuk merakam dan menyiarkan serta-merta persekitaran mereka, ia akan menghalang kebanyakan orang daripada berlakon,\" kata Ong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China to the Moon.", "r": {"result": "China ke Bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the second half of 2013, China's Chang-e III is expected to land on the moon.", "r": {"result": "Pada separuh kedua 2013, Chang-e III China dijangka mendarat di bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once the lunar rover touches down on the lunar surface, expect a massive wave of propaganda touting its scientific might.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja rover bulan mendarat di permukaan bulan, jangkakan gelombang besar propaganda yang menggembar-gemburkan kekuatan saintifiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China is still on a high after setting a deep-sea diving record in the Mariana Trench and successfully docking the Shenzhou-9 with the Tiangong 1 space lab in the same week earlier this year.", "r": {"result": "China masih berada di tahap tinggi selepas mencatat rekod menyelam laut dalam di Palung Mariana dan berjaya melabuhkan Shenzhou-9 dengan makmal angkasa Tiangong 1 pada minggu yang sama awal tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But China on the moon will do far more than stir national pride.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi China di bulan akan melakukan lebih daripada membangkitkan kebanggaan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will cement China's own age of discovery for the world to admire and, in certain corners of the globe, fear.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan mengukuhkan zaman penemuan China sendiri untuk dikagumi dunia dan, di sudut tertentu dunia, ketakutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese explorer Wong How Man says the message of China's space program is clear and highly symbolic.", "r": {"result": "Penjelajah China Wong How Man berkata mesej program angkasa lepas China adalah jelas dan sangat simbolik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're in space... not just making cellphones\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berada di angkasa... bukan hanya membuat telefon bimbit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Nuclear scientists in Switzerland recently dropped some antimatter.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Para saintis nuklear di Switzerland baru-baru ini menggugurkan beberapa antijirim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world didn't blow up, but there were some tiny explosions.", "r": {"result": "Dunia tidak meletup, tetapi terdapat beberapa letupan kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scientists are hoping the experiment will teach them more about how the universe developed after the Big Bang.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis berharap eksperimen itu akan mengajar mereka lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana alam semesta berkembang selepas Letupan Besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Physicists with ALPHA Collaboration research group are trying to figure out how antimatter interacts with gravity, and if it produces \"antigravity,\" says the group's founder, Jeffrey Hangst.", "r": {"result": "Ahli fizik dengan kumpulan penyelidik Kerjasama ALPHA cuba memikirkan cara antijirim berinteraksi dengan graviti, dan jika ia menghasilkan \"antigraviti,\" kata pengasas kumpulan itu, Jeffrey Hangst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their experiment mirrors the way Sir Isaac Newton came up with the law of gravity in the late 17th century.", "r": {"result": "Percubaan mereka mencerminkan cara Sir Isaac Newton menghasilkan undang-undang graviti pada akhir abad ke-17.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Legend has it that an apple fell off a tree and hit the English nobleman on the head.", "r": {"result": "Legenda mengatakan bahawa sebiji epal jatuh dari pokok dan mengenai kepala bangsawan Inggeris itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Newton got to thinking how gravity made the apple speed up as it fell.", "r": {"result": "Newton mula berfikir bagaimana graviti membuatkan epal itu menjadi laju apabila ia jatuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He postulated that matter attracts matter via gravitational force, which is why an object like an apple would fall toward a larger object: the earth.", "r": {"result": "Dia berpendapat bahawa jirim menarik jirim melalui daya graviti, itulah sebabnya objek seperti epal akan jatuh ke arah objek yang lebih besar: bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, if matter attracts matter, what happens when antimatter interacts with it?", "r": {"result": "Jadi, jika jirim menarik jirim, apakah yang berlaku apabila antijirim berinteraksi dengannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will it produce antigravity?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ia akan menghasilkan antigraviti?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And would then a ball of antimatter fall up?", "r": {"result": "Dan adakah bola antimateri akan jatuh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gravity with a twist.", "r": {"result": "Graviti dengan sentuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That would be a revolution,\" Hangst says.", "r": {"result": "\"Itu akan menjadi revolusi,\" kata Hangst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That would mean we don't understand something fundamental about the universe\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bermakna kita tidak memahami sesuatu yang asas tentang alam semesta\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a big piece of the puzzle is indeed missing, he admits.", "r": {"result": "Dan sekeping besar teka-teki itu memang hilang, dia mengakui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though people live with the effects of gravity every day and Newton's law of gravity has been around for over 300 years, scientific understanding of gravity is lagging, he says.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun orang hidup dengan kesan graviti setiap hari dan undang-undang graviti Newton telah wujud selama lebih 300 tahun, pemahaman saintifik tentang graviti semakin ketinggalan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The way planets and stars move, we understand that well\".", "r": {"result": "\"Cara planet dan bintang bergerak, kami faham dengan baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But how matter attracts matter on a molecular level is still greatly a mystery, Hangst says.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi cara jirim menarik jirim pada tahap molekul masih menjadi misteri, kata Hangst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ALPHA Collaboration hopes to raise the level of understanding.", "r": {"result": "Kerjasama ALPHA berharap dapat meningkatkan tahap pemahaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Antimatter science vs.", "r": {"result": "Sains antimateri vs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "fiction.", "r": {"result": "fiksyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8fikSH(\u0259)n"}}} {"src": "Antimatter may be the stuff of science fiction movies and novels, but it is hardly futuristic, according to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, where Hangst's group runs its experiments.", "r": {"result": "Antimatter mungkin bahan filem dan novel fiksyen sains, tetapi ia tidak bersifat futuristik, menurut CERN, Pertubuhan Penyelidikan Nuklear Eropah di Geneva, tempat kumpulan Hangst menjalankan eksperimennya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scientists have known about antimatter for more than 80 years, after physicist Carl Anderson discovered positrons in the 1930s.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis telah mengetahui tentang antimateri selama lebih daripada 80 tahun, selepas ahli fizik Carl Anderson menemui positron pada tahun 1930-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CERN makes the antimatter for ALPHA's experiment using a particle accelerator, which speeds up subatomic particles to nearly the speed of light and crashes them into each other to produce new particles.", "r": {"result": "CERN membuat antijirim untuk eksperimen ALPHA menggunakan pemecut zarah, yang mempercepatkan zarah subatomik kepada hampir kelajuan cahaya dan merempuhnya antara satu sama lain untuk menghasilkan zarah baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the world of Dan Brown's \"Angels and Demons\" and Gene Roddenberry's \"Star Trek,\" antimatter can make the Vatican explode or power a star ship.", "r": {"result": "Dalam dunia \"Angels and Demons\" Dan Brown dan \"Star Trek\" Gene Roddenberry, antijirim boleh membuat Vatican meletup atau menguasai kapal bintang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If a large chunk of antimatter were to touch a large chunk of matter, the explosion would indeed be enormous, but it's unlikely to happen.", "r": {"result": "Jika sebahagian besar antijirim menyentuh sebahagian besar jirim, letupan itu sememangnya sangat besar, tetapi ia tidak mungkin berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Antimatter has not existed naturally in the universe for a very long time.", "r": {"result": "Antimatter tidak wujud secara semula jadi di alam semesta untuk masa yang sangat lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Not in the last 13.7 billion years,\" Hangst jokes.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak dalam 13.7 bilion tahun yang lalu,\" jenaka Hangst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's basically as long as the known universe has existed.", "r": {"result": "Itu pada dasarnya selagi alam semesta yang diketahui telah wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Antimatter abounded.", "r": {"result": "Antimateri melimpah ruah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But scientists have long theorized that a lot of antimatter was produced during the universe's inception.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saintis telah lama berteori bahawa banyak antimateri telah dihasilkan semasa penciptaan alam semesta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has since disappeared, and they would like to know why.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah hilang, dan mereka ingin tahu sebabnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If equal amounts of matter and antimatter existed initially, they should have annihilated each other, but they didn't.", "r": {"result": "Jika jumlah jirim dan antijirim yang sama wujud pada mulanya, mereka sepatutnya memusnahkan satu sama lain, tetapi tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only matter is left behind.", "r": {"result": "Hanya perkara yang ditinggalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The kind of antimatter CERN makes for the experiment is antihydrogen, a mirror image of hydrogen, which is the smallest known atom.", "r": {"result": "Jenis antijirim yang CERN buat untuk eksperimen ialah antihidrogen, imej cermin hidrogen, yang merupakan atom terkecil yang diketahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because it is composed of so few parts, it's the easiest antimatter atom to make.", "r": {"result": "Kerana ia terdiri daripada beberapa bahagian, ia adalah atom antijirim yang paling mudah untuk dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Antihydrogen's subatomic particles have an electronic charge opposite from those of regular hydrogen.", "r": {"result": "Zarah subatom antihidrogen mempunyai cas elektronik yang bertentangan dengan cas hidrogen biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hangst's team uses the latest technology to catch the antihydrogen atoms, hold them without letting them touch matter, and then drop them.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Hangst menggunakan teknologi terkini untuk menangkap atom antihidrogen, menahannya tanpa membiarkannya menyentuh jirim, dan kemudian menjatuhkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the falling antimatter meets matter, the two \"annihilate\" each other, as scientists say, and give off energy in the process -- a kind of nano-explosion.", "r": {"result": "Apabila antijirim yang jatuh bertemu jirim, kedua-duanya \"memusnahkan\" satu sama lain, seperti yang dikatakan saintis, dan mengeluarkan tenaga dalam proses -- sejenis letupan nano.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ALPHA scientists measure the energy bursts to find how fast the antihydrogen molecules fell after they dropped them.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis ALPHA mengukur letupan tenaga untuk mengetahui seberapa cepat molekul antihidrogen jatuh selepas mereka menjatuhkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, did the antimatter fall up?", "r": {"result": "Jadi, adakah antijirim itu jatuh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scientists with the ALPHA Experiment couldn't tell, according to study published in Nature Communications.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis dengan Eksperimen ALPHA tidak dapat memberitahu, menurut kajian yang diterbitkan dalam Nature Communications.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the fact that they now have the technology to let it free-fall is a big deal, Hangst said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi hakikat bahawa mereka kini mempunyai teknologi untuk membiarkannya jatuh bebas adalah masalah besar, kata Hangst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That you can do this at all ... is a bit of a revolution\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bahawa anda boleh melakukan ini sama sekali ... adalah sedikit revolusi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It paves the way for scientists to get the answer in a relatively short time -- a few years instead of a few decades.", "r": {"result": "Ia membuka jalan kepada saintis untuk mendapatkan jawapan dalam masa yang agak singkat -- beberapa tahun dan bukannya beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If scientists can figure out how antimatter interacts with gravity, it would take them a step closer to understanding how the universe was formed during the Big Bang, when a lot of antimatter was still around, Hangst says.", "r": {"result": "Jika saintis dapat mengetahui bagaimana antijirim berinteraksi dengan graviti, ia akan membawa mereka selangkah lebih dekat untuk memahami bagaimana alam semesta terbentuk semasa Big Bang, ketika banyak antijirim masih ada, kata Hangst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many scientists believe that antimatter acts in the same or in a similar manner as matter when it comes to gravity.", "r": {"result": "Ramai saintis percaya bahawa antijirim bertindak dengan cara yang sama atau serupa dengan jirim apabila melibatkan graviti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ALPHA Collaboration puts that stance to the test.", "r": {"result": "Kerjasama ALPHA menguji pendirian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In a world in which physicists have only recently discovered that we cannot account for most of the matter and energy in the universe,\" the study says, it would be \"presumptuous\" to cling to the idea.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam dunia di mana ahli fizik baru-baru ini mendapati bahawa kita tidak dapat mengambil kira kebanyakan jirim dan tenaga di alam semesta, \" kata kajian itu, adalah \"lancang\" untuk berpegang pada idea itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We know that there is something fundamental about the universe that we don't understand,\" Hangst said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tahu bahawa ada sesuatu yang asas tentang alam semesta yang kami tidak faham,\" kata Hangst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In essence, scientists don't know why the universe exists at all.", "r": {"result": "Pada dasarnya, saintis tidak tahu mengapa alam semesta wujud sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More space and science news from CNN Light Years.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak berita angkasa dan sains daripada CNN Light Years.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Follow @CNNLightYears on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Ikuti @CNNLightYears di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Libya is the latest North African country to experience internet trouble as democratic protests continue to sweep the region.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Libya adalah negara Afrika Utara terbaharu yang mengalami masalah internet ketika protes demokrasi terus melanda wilayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The massive Saharan country, long controlled by the dictator Moammar Gadhafi, has suffered \"rolling blackouts\" of its internet connections during the regime's ongoing violent crackdown on protestors, according to the internet traffic monitor Renesys.", "r": {"result": "Negara besar Sahara itu, yang telah lama dikuasai oleh diktator Moammar Gadhafi, telah mengalami \"terputus\" sambungan internetnya semasa tindakan keras berterusan rejim terhadap penunjuk perasaan, menurut pemantau trafik internet Renesys.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cause of these internet service cuts, however, remains uncertain.", "r": {"result": "Punca pemotongan perkhidmatan internet ini, bagaimanapun, masih tidak pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Possibilities include a government crackdown, an internet traffic overload or simple power outages, said Jim Cowie, Renesys' co-founder.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan termasuk tindakan keras kerajaan, trafik internet yang berlebihan atau gangguan bekalan elektrik yang mudah, kata Jim Cowie, pengasas bersama Renesys.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If this had happened in any other country I might have said, 'Oh, that's just a provider.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika ini berlaku di mana-mana negara lain, saya mungkin akan berkata, 'Oh, itu hanya pembekal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe they had a power outage in their data center and their servers wouldn't start up,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin mereka mengalami gangguan bekalan elektrik di pusat data mereka dan pelayan mereka tidak dapat dihidupkan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ben Wedeman, one of the few independent journalists on the ground in eastern Libya, wrote that \"the electricity was working.", "r": {"result": "Ben Wedeman dari CNN, salah seorang daripada beberapa wartawan bebas di timur Libya, menulis bahawa \"elektrik berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cell phone system is still functioning, though you can't call abroad.", "r": {"result": "Sistem telefon bimbit masih berfungsi, walaupun anda tidak boleh membuat panggilan ke luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The internet, however, has been down for days\".", "r": {"result": "Internet, bagaimanapun, telah terputus selama beberapa hari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Google's online \"Transparency Report\" shows internet searches from Libya, which is controlled by anti-government demonstrators, have been happening at below-average levels in recent days.", "r": {"result": "\"Laporan Ketelusan\" dalam talian Google menunjukkan carian internet dari Libya, yang dikawal oleh penunjuk perasaan anti-kerajaan, telah berlaku pada tahap di bawah purata sejak kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Arbor Networks, a network security company, issued similar findings.", "r": {"result": "Dan Arbor Networks, sebuah syarikat keselamatan rangkaian, mengeluarkan penemuan serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "International internet traffic to and from Libya was shut down on Saturday morning from about 1 to 8 a.m. and again on Sunday during the same timeframe, according to Renesys' analysis, which was posted on the company's blog and is based on traffic data the company collects from internet service providers around the world.", "r": {"result": "Trafik internet antarabangsa ke dan dari Libya telah ditutup pada pagi Sabtu dari kira-kira 1 hingga 8 pagi dan sekali lagi pada hari Ahad dalam tempoh masa yang sama, menurut analisis Renesys, yang disiarkan di blog syarikat dan berdasarkan data trafik yang dikumpulkan oleh syarikat itu. daripada pembekal perkhidmatan internet di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's almost as if the country had instituted a \"overnight internet curfew,\" Cowie said, adding it's possible that Gadhafi's government wanted to crack down on cyber dissidents who are known to organize online while other people sleep.", "r": {"result": "Ia hampir seolah-olah negara itu telah memulakan \"perintah berkurung internet semalaman,\" kata Cowie, sambil menambah kemungkinan kerajaan Gadhafi mahu membanteras penentang siber yang diketahui menganjurkan dalam talian semasa orang lain tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reports of wider-spread internet outages could be an indication that Libya is using more sophisticated methods to control the internet, some of which wouldn't be visible to international traffic monitors like Renesys.", "r": {"result": "Laporan gangguan internet yang meluas boleh menjadi petunjuk bahawa Libya menggunakan kaedah yang lebih canggih untuk mengawal internet, beberapa daripadanya tidak dapat dilihat oleh pemantau trafik antarabangsa seperti Renesys.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iran, for example, is known for shutting down internet traffic at the neighborhood level, or removing capacity from the local internet to the point that local and international Web traffic simply overload the system, Cowie said.", "r": {"result": "Iran, sebagai contoh, terkenal kerana menutup trafik internet di peringkat kejiranan, atau mengalih keluar kapasiti daripada internet tempatan sehingga trafik Web tempatan dan antarabangsa hanya membebankan sistem, kata Cowie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You remove capacity until everybody is squeezing through a small soda straw,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda mengeluarkan kapasiti sehingga semua orang memerah melalui penyedut minuman soda kecil,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libya's internet blackouts are somewhat similar to those instituted by neighboring Egypt's government during protests in that country.", "r": {"result": "Pemadaman internet Libya agak serupa dengan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan jiran Mesir semasa protes di negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt, however, completely shut down internet access for five days during protests against the regime of Hosni Mubarak, who was forced to resign after 30 years.", "r": {"result": "Mesir, bagaimanapun, menutup sepenuhnya akses internet selama lima hari semasa protes terhadap rejim Hosni Mubarak, yang terpaksa meletak jawatan selepas 30 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That move appeared to be an attempt by the government to shut down access to blogs, e-mail, Facebook and Twitter, which were used heavily by some of the people who helped organize the anti-Mubarak protests which toppled his government after 18 days on the streets.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan itu nampaknya merupakan percubaan kerajaan untuk menutup akses kepada blog, e-mel, Facebook dan Twitter, yang digunakan secara meluas oleh beberapa orang yang membantu menganjurkan protes anti-Mubarak yang menggulingkan kerajaannya selepas 18 hari pada jalan-jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wael Ghonim, a prominent Egyptian protestor, issued a warning to other dictators in the Middle East and North Africa, saying, \"If you want to liberate a society, just give them the internet\".", "r": {"result": "Wael Ghonim, seorang penunjuk perasaan terkemuka Mesir, mengeluarkan amaran kepada diktator lain di Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara, dengan berkata, \"Jika anda ingin membebaskan masyarakat, berikan sahaja internet kepada mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's unclear how much of a role the internet and social media sites have played in organizing the protests in Libya.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sejauh mana peranan internet dan laman media sosial telah dimainkan dalam menganjurkan protes di Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The news network Al-Jazeera reports Facebook was used to help coordinate the start of the protests in Libya, which went into full swing on February 17.", "r": {"result": "Rangkaian berita Al-Jazeera melaporkan Facebook digunakan untuk membantu menyelaraskan permulaan protes di Libya, yang berlangsung secara penuh pada 17 Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In a country where public dissent is rare, plans for Thursday's protests were being circulated by anonymous activists on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter,\" the news organization writes.", "r": {"result": "\"Di negara di mana perbezaan pendapat orang ramai jarang berlaku, rancangan untuk bantahan Khamis telah diedarkan oleh aktivis tanpa nama di laman rangkaian sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter,\" tulis organisasi berita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One Facebook group urging a 'Day of Anger' in Libya, which had 4,400 members on Monday, saw that number more than double to 9,600 by Wednesday\".", "r": {"result": "\"Satu kumpulan Facebook menggesa 'Hari Kemarahan' di Libya, yang mempunyai 4,400 ahli pada hari Isnin, menyaksikan jumlah itu lebih dua kali ganda kepada 9,600 menjelang Rabu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some authoritarian regimes restrict internet access, as was the case in Egypt, as a way to try to stay in power.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah rejim autoritarian menyekat akses internet, seperti yang berlaku di Mesir, sebagai satu cara untuk cuba kekal berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others, like Syria, China and Russia, filter some websites and use the internet as a way to monitor their citizens and steer public discourse.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain, seperti Syria, China dan Rusia, menapis beberapa tapak web dan menggunakan internet sebagai cara untuk memantau warga mereka dan mengemudi wacana awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The internet infrastructure in Egypt and Libya is quite different, Cowie said.", "r": {"result": "Infrastruktur internet di Mesir dan Libya agak berbeza, kata Cowie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The key thing to remember is the massive difference in scale between the two countries.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerkara penting yang perlu diingat ialah perbezaan besar dalam skala antara kedua-dua negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt's internet was thousands of prefixes.", "r": {"result": "Internet Mesir adalah beribu-ribu awalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libya's internet is about a dozen prefixes,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Internet Libya adalah kira-kira sedozen awalan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An internet prefix is like an online ZIP code.", "r": {"result": "Awalan internet adalah seperti kod pos dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a number used to group devices that access the internet.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah nombor yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan peranti yang mengakses Internet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libya has 13 of these online zip codes out of the 400,000 internet prefixes that make up the entire internet, Cowie said.", "r": {"result": "Libya mempunyai 13 daripada kod pos dalam talian ini daripada 400,000 awalan internet yang membentuk keseluruhan internet, kata Cowie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That makes the country a \"very small corner of a very big universe\".", "r": {"result": "Itu menjadikan negara sebagai \"sudut yang sangat kecil dari alam semesta yang sangat besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also of note: Only about 6% of Libyans are on the internet, compared to nearly a quarter of people in Egypt, according to the ITU, an agency of the United Nations that focuses on the internet and communications.", "r": {"result": "Juga perhatian: Hanya kira-kira 6% rakyat Libya berada di internet, berbanding hampir satu perempat orang di Mesir, menurut ITU, sebuah agensi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang menumpukan pada internet dan komunikasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNNMoney: Why Libya can't shut down bit.", "r": {"result": "CNNMoney: Mengapa Libya tidak boleh ditutup sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libya's access to the international internet is controlled by a single company, which is run by the state, Cowie said.", "r": {"result": "Akses Libya ke internet antarabangsa dikawal oleh satu syarikat, yang dikendalikan oleh negara, kata Cowie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That would make it easier, in theory, for the country to shut down internet connections than it was in Egypt, where the government had to call several internet service providers and order them to cut service as part of emergency law.", "r": {"result": "Itu akan menjadikannya lebih mudah, secara teori, bagi negara itu untuk menutup sambungan internet daripada di Mesir, di mana kerajaan terpaksa memanggil beberapa penyedia perkhidmatan internet dan mengarahkan mereka untuk memotong perkhidmatan sebagai sebahagian daripada undang-undang kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, as Wired.com reports, a Twitter activist called Arasmus has created a map of the few unconfirmed internet reports that are coming out of Libya.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Wired.com, seorang aktivis Twitter bernama Arasmus telah mencipta peta beberapa laporan internet yang belum disahkan yang keluar dari Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Sepp Blatter has issued a defiant message to his rivals for the FIFA presidency and challenged European governing body UEFA to put up a candidate of its own in the election later this year.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Sepp Blatter telah mengeluarkan mesej menentang pesaingnya untuk jawatan presiden FIFA dan mencabar badan induk Eropah UEFA untuk meletakkan calonnya sendiri pada pilihan raya akhir tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blatter, who is seeking a fifth term at the helm of world football's governing body, told CNN in an exclusive interview that he still had unfinished business and would not step aside without a fight.", "r": {"result": "Blatter, yang menuntut penggal kelima menerajui badan induk bola sepak dunia, memberitahu CNN dalam temu bual eksklusif bahawa dia masih mempunyai urusan yang belum selesai dan tidak akan berundur tanpa perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have to say I have not finished my mission because it's a mission to be in football.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya perlu katakan saya belum menyelesaikan misi saya kerana ia adalah misi untuk berada dalam bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have started in 2011 with the reform process.", "r": {"result": "Kami telah bermula pada tahun 2011 dengan proses pembaharuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The reform process is not over.", "r": {"result": "Proses reformasi belum berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would like to have these four years to finish it and to show that football is more than a game\".", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin mempunyai empat tahun ini untuk menyelesaikannya dan untuk menunjukkan bahawa bola sepak adalah lebih daripada permainan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But FIFA has been mired in controversy since its decision to award the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi FIFA telah diselubungi kontroversi sejak keputusannya untuk menganugerahkan Piala Dunia 2018 dan 2022 kepada Rusia dan Qatar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Criticism reached a fever pitch when the man hired to investigate the bidding process for those World Cups, U.S. lawyer Michael Garcia, resigned in protest last year, unhappy that the published summary did not accurately reflect his findings.", "r": {"result": "Kritikan memuncak apabila lelaki yang diupah untuk menyiasat proses bidaan Piala Dunia itu, peguam AS Michael Garcia, meletak jawatan sebagai protes tahun lalu, tidak berpuas hati kerana ringkasan yang diterbitkan tidak menggambarkan penemuannya dengan tepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blatter has faced calls to stand down and although UEFA is yet to declare its official position, he clearly believes they are campaigning behind the scenes to depose him.", "r": {"result": "Blatter telah berdepan dengan desakan untuk berundur dan walaupun UEFA belum mengisytiharkan kedudukan rasminya, dia jelas percaya mereka berkempen di belakang tabir untuk menjatuhkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They want to get rid of me,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka mahu menyingkirkan saya,\u201d katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All this opposition is coming now it's unfortunate to say it, it's coming from Nyon, from UEFA.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemua pembangkang ini datang sekarang, malang untuk mengatakannya, ia datang dari Nyon, dari UEFA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They don't have the courage to come in.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak mempunyai keberanian untuk masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So let me go (on) - be respectful!", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi biarkan saya pergi (terus) - hormat!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because in football you learn to win but you also learn to lose.", "r": {"result": "Kerana dalam bola sepak anda belajar untuk menang tetapi anda juga belajar untuk kalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I'm going now.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya pergi sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I win the better, if I lose ok\"!", "r": {"result": "Jika saya menang lebih baik, jika saya kalah ok\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A UEFA spokesman told CNN Sunday that they had no immediate comment to make over Blatter's remarks.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap UEFA memberitahu CNN Ahad bahawa mereka tidak mempunyai komen segera untuk membuat ke atas kenyataan Blatter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three candidates have so far stated their intention to challenge Blatter; Frenchman Jerome Champagne, Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan and former star footballer David Ginola.", "r": {"result": "Tiga calon setakat ini telah menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk mencabar Blatter; Jerome Champagne Perancis, Putera Ali Bin Al Hussein dari Jordan dan bekas pemain bola sepak bintang David Ginola.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All must get the backing of at least five of the 209 member associations of FIFA by a deadline of January 29th to get on the ballot paper for the election on May 29.", "r": {"result": "Semua mesti mendapat sokongan sekurang-kurangnya lima daripada 209 persatuan ahli FIFA pada tarikh akhir 29 Januari untuk mendapatkan kertas undi untuk pemilihan pada 29 Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blatter appears unfazed by his likely opponents, with or without another candidate throwing their hat into the ring at this late stage.", "r": {"result": "Blatter kelihatan tidak terpengaruh dengan kemungkinan lawannya, dengan atau tanpa calon lain melemparkan topi mereka ke dalam gelanggang pada peringkat akhir ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have been asked by the national associations to be our candidate again because nobody that is strong was in.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya telah diminta oleh persatuan-persatuan kebangsaan untuk menjadi calon kita semula kerana tiada sesiapa yang kuat menyertainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I go there,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya pergi ke sana,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also appears to be relishing the fight ahead, despite closing on his 79th birthday in March.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga nampaknya menikmati perjuangan yang akan datang, walaupun ditutup pada hari lahirnya yang ke-79 pada bulan Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm now 40 years in FIFA.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya kini 40 tahun dalam FIFA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've been the president since 1998.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah menjadi presiden sejak 1998.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You know it is impossible to make everybody happy.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tahu adalah mustahil untuk membuat semua orang gembira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I would have only positive press then it would not be good.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya hanya mempunyai akhbar positif maka ia tidak bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I like criticism as long as the criticism is... I would say fair criticism.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya suka kritikan selagi kritikan itu... Saya akan katakan kritikan yang adil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I like the discussion to go with that.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka perbincangan untuk pergi dengan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But listen I've been there such a long time now and I just want to finish that,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengar saya sudah lama berada di sana dan saya hanya mahu menyelesaikannya,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But perhaps at odds with his other comments, Blatter also called for unity in football, effectively inviting UEFA to put up or shut up.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mungkin bertentangan dengan komennya yang lain, Blatter juga menyeru kepada perpaduan dalam bola sepak, dengan berkesan mengundang UEFA untuk diam atau diam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Football is a team sport.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBola sepak adalah sukan berpasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's go together with the team.", "r": {"result": "Mari pergi bersama-sama dengan pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I invite the confederation of UEFA and especially the leaders of UEFA that are so bitterly attacking me: join!", "r": {"result": "Saya menjemput konfederasi UEFA dan terutamanya pemimpin UEFA yang begitu getir menyerang saya: sertai!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Join!", "r": {"result": "Sertai!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Football is a unity.", "r": {"result": "Bola sepak adalah satu kesatuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And we need this unity in this world\".", "r": {"result": "Dan kita memerlukan perpaduan ini di dunia ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if he cannot find the necessary level of support and extend his tenure as the most powerful in world football, Blatter came up with a surprising choice of new career.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika dia tidak dapat mencari tahap sokongan yang diperlukan dan melanjutkan tempohnya sebagai yang paling berkuasa dalam bola sepak dunia, Blatter tampil dengan pilihan kerjaya baharu yang mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The day I'm going to retire the first thing I'm going to do is radio.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari saya akan bersara perkara pertama yang saya akan lakukan ialah radio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I always said I will do radio.", "r": {"result": "Saya selalu berkata saya akan membuat radio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because radio is even more popular than television, than all electronics ... I said one day - this was my boy's wish - to be a radio reporter one day.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKerana radio lebih popular daripada televisyen, daripada semua elektronik... Saya berkata pada suatu hari \u2013 ini adalah hasrat anak lelaki saya \u2013 untuk menjadi wartawan radio suatu hari nanti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't know but I'm not so bad\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu tetapi saya tidak begitu teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first indication of whether Blatter will be seeking out new horizons may well come on February 7th or 8th, the date he revealed to CNN when FIFA will make public the full list of qualified candidates for the election.", "r": {"result": "Petunjuk pertama sama ada Blatter akan mencari cakrawala baharu mungkin datang pada 7 atau 8 Februari, tarikh yang didedahkannya kepada CNN apabila FIFA akan mendedahkan senarai penuh calon yang layak untuk pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Anyway, I'm in and I don't mind.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApa pun, saya masuk dan saya tidak kisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not my first battle for the presidency.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan perjuangan pertama saya untuk jawatan presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I still have the conviction and I believe in myself and I believe in football, \" the Swiss said.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih mempunyai keyakinan dan saya percaya pada diri sendiri dan saya percaya pada bola sepak,\" kata warga Switzerland itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- A Georgia judge threw the book at Brian Nichols on Saturday, giving him four consecutive sentences of life without parole for a 2005 shooting rampage that started in an Atlanta courthouse.", "r": {"result": "ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Seorang hakim Georgia melemparkan buku itu ke arah Brian Nichols pada hari Sabtu, memberikannya empat hukuman penjara seumur hidup tanpa parol berturut-turut untuk amuk tembakan pada 2005 yang bermula di mahkamah Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brian Nichols tells the court Saturday in Atlanta, Georgia, \"I will not bring dishonor to the decision to spare my life\".", "r": {"result": "Brian Nichols memberitahu mahkamah Sabtu di Atlanta, Georgia, \"Saya tidak akan menghina keputusan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm giving you the maximum -- every day I could give you.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memberi anda maksimum -- setiap hari saya boleh memberi anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I could give you more, I would,\" Superior Court Judge James Bodiford told Nichols.", "r": {"result": "Jika saya boleh memberi anda lebih banyak lagi, saya akan berikan,\" kata Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi James Bodiford kepada Nichols.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nichols, 37, was convicted last month of 54 counts for a deadly shooting rampage that began March 11, 2005, in the same courthouse where he stood trial.", "r": {"result": "Nichols, 37, telah disabitkan bulan lepas atas 54 pertuduhan kerana mengamuk maut yang bermula 11 Mac 2005, di mahkamah yang sama di mana dia dibicarakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nichols, who was being tried for rape, shot three people to death as he escaped from the downtown courthouse that day and a federal agent the next day in Atlanta's Buckhead district before being captured in neighboring Gwinnett County.", "r": {"result": "Nichols, yang sedang dibicarakan kerana merogol, menembak mati tiga orang ketika dia melarikan diri dari mahkamah pusat bandar pada hari itu dan seorang ejen persekutuan keesokan harinya di daerah Buckhead Atlanta sebelum ditangkap di Gwinnett County yang berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I know that the things that I've done caused a lot of pain, and I am sorry,\" Nichols, who remained seated, told the court before sentence was pronounced.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tahu bahawa perkara yang saya lakukan menyebabkan banyak kesakitan, dan saya minta maaf,\" Nichols, yang kekal duduk, memberitahu mahkamah sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And I just wanted to say that I will not bring dishonor to the decision to spare my life\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan saya hanya ingin mengatakan bahawa saya tidak akan menjatuhkan maruah kepada keputusan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch victims' family members react to the sentence >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan reaksi ahli keluarga mangsa terhadap hukuman itu >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nichols was spared a death sentence Friday after the jury deliberating his fate announced that it could not agree on a sentence.", "r": {"result": "Nichols terlepas daripada hukuman mati pada hari Jumaat selepas juri yang membincangkan nasibnya mengumumkan bahawa ia tidak boleh bersetuju dengan hukuman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bodiford gave Nichols the maximum sentence on all the non-murder charges, and ordered them to be served consecutively.", "r": {"result": "Bodiford menjatuhkan hukuman maksimum kepada Nichols bagi semua pertuduhan bukan pembunuhan, dan memerintahkan mereka menjalani hukuman berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those terms ranged from five years for escape to life for armed robbery.", "r": {"result": "Istilah tersebut adalah antara lima tahun untuk melarikan diri hingga seumur hidup untuk rompakan bersenjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other charges included aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, robbery by force, theft by taking, hijacking a motor vehicle and false imprisonment.", "r": {"result": "Tuduhan lain termasuk serangan teruk dengan senjata maut, rompakan secara paksa, curi dengan mengambil, merampas kenderaan bermotor dan penjara palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a large number of years.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah bilangan tahun yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's many lifetimes,\" Bodiford said.", "r": {"result": "Ia banyak seumur hidup,\" kata Bodiford.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bodiford ordered that Nichols serve his time in the Georgia state penal system, forgoing the possibility of sending him to the federal maximum-security prison in Colorado.", "r": {"result": "Bodiford memerintahkan agar Nichols menjalani masanya dalam sistem keseksaan negeri Georgia, dengan melepaskan kemungkinan menghantarnya ke penjara keselamatan maksimum persekutuan di Colorado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bodiford implored Nichols' family and attorneys never to trust Nichols again.", "r": {"result": "Bodiford merayu keluarga dan peguam Nichols supaya tidak mempercayai Nichols lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's ample evidence that trusting him will get you killed,\" he said in concluding the sentencing hearing.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak bukti bahawa mempercayainya akan menyebabkan anda terbunuh,\" katanya ketika mengakhiri perbicaraan hukuman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jurors told Bodiford on Friday night that they were deadlocked, with nine in favor of death and three in favor of life without parole.", "r": {"result": "Juri memberitahu Bodiford pada malam Jumaat bahawa mereka buntu, dengan sembilan menyokong kematian dan tiga memihak kepada kehidupan tanpa parol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under Georgia law, the jurors must reach a unanimous decision in order to impose a death sentence.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah undang-undang Georgia, para juri mesti mencapai keputusan sebulat suara untuk menjatuhkan hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the absence of a unanimous jury verdict, the decision fell in the hands of Bodiford.", "r": {"result": "Dengan ketiadaan keputusan juri sebulat suara, keputusan itu jatuh di tangan Bodiford.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense lawyers said Nichols, who confessed to the killings, suffers from a mental disorder.", "r": {"result": "Peguam bela berkata Nichols, yang mengaku melakukan pembunuhan itu, mengalami gangguan mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jurors unanimously found the necessary aggravating circumstances in the four murders, but they were split over the death penalty.", "r": {"result": "Para juri sebulat suara mendapati keadaan yang memburukkan yang diperlukan dalam empat pembunuhan itu, tetapi mereka berpecah mengenai hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After nine weeks of testimony, the jury found Nichols guilty of 54 counts, which included the four murders plus numerous aggravated assaults, carjackings and kidnappings.", "r": {"result": "Selepas sembilan minggu memberi kesaksian, juri mendapati Nichols bersalah atas 54 pertuduhan, termasuk empat pembunuhan serta beberapa serangan teruk, rompakan kereta dan penculikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shootings began in the Fulton County Courthouse, where Nichols was set to stand trial for rape.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan bermula di Mahkamah Daerah Fulton, di mana Nichols ditetapkan untuk dibicarakan kerana merogol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He overpowered a sheriff's deputy and took her gun before proceeding to the courtroom of Judge Rowland Barnes, killing him and court reporter Julie Ann Brandau.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengalahkan timbalan syerif dan mengambil pistolnya sebelum pergi ke bilik mahkamah Hakim Rowland Barnes, membunuhnya dan wartawan mahkamah Julie Ann Brandau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hoyt Teasley chased Nichols to outside the courthouse, where Nichols fatally shot him.", "r": {"result": "Hoyt Teasley mengejar Nichols ke luar mahkamah, di mana Nichols menembaknya dengan maut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nichols killed off-duty U.S. Customs Agent David Wilhelm as he worked on a house in Buckhead the next day.", "r": {"result": "Nichols membunuh Ejen Kastam A.S. yang tidak bertugas, David Wilhelm ketika dia bekerja di sebuah rumah di Buckhead pada hari berikutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was captured later that day after a standoff with police in the apartment of a woman he had taken hostage in Gwinnett County.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditangkap kemudian hari itu selepas kebuntuan dengan polis di apartmen seorang wanita yang telah diambilnya sebagai tebusan di Gwinnett County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case drew nationwide attention, in part because of the cost of Nichols' representation: about $2 million at last accounting.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu menarik perhatian seluruh negara, sebahagiannya kerana kos perwakilan Nichols: kira-kira $2 juta pada perakaunan terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nichols had attempted to plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence, but the Fulton County District Attorney's Office would not take the death penalty off the table.", "r": {"result": "Nichols telah cuba mengaku bersalah sebagai pertukaran untuk hukuman penjara seumur hidup, tetapi Pejabat Peguam Daerah Fulton County tidak akan mengambil hukuman mati dari meja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- After a nearly decade-long effort, the National Congress of Black Women on Tuesday honored Sojourner Truth by making her the first African-American woman to have a memorial bust in the U.S. Capitol.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Selepas usaha selama hampir sedekad, Kongres Kebangsaan Wanita Kulit Hitam pada hari Selasa memberi penghormatan kepada Sojourner Truth dengan menjadikannya wanita Afrika-Amerika pertama yang mempunyai patung peringatan di Capitol A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaker Nancy Pelosi and first lady Michelle Obama applaud the unveiling of the Sojourner Truth bust.", "r": {"result": "Penceramah Nancy Pelosi dan wanita pertama Michelle Obama memuji pelancaran patung Sojourner Truth.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Truth, whose given name was Isabella Baumfree, was a slave who became one of the most respected abolitionists and women's rights activists.", "r": {"result": "Truth, yang bernama Isabella Baumfree, adalah seorang hamba yang menjadi salah seorang pemansuhan dan aktivis hak wanita yang paling dihormati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One could only imagine what Sojourner Truth, an outspoken, tell-it-like-it-is kind of woman ... what she would have to say about this incredible gathering,\" first lady Michelle Obama said at the Celebration of Truth ceremony.", "r": {"result": "\"Seseorang hanya boleh bayangkan apa yang Sojourner Truth, seorang wanita yang lantang bersuara, memberitahu-ia-ia-itu-itu... apa yang dia akan katakan tentang perhimpunan yang luar biasa ini,\" kata wanita pertama Michelle Obama pada majlis Perayaan Kebenaran .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are all here because, as my husband says time and time again, we stand on the shoulders of giants like Sojourner Truth\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami semua berada di sini kerana, seperti yang dikatakan suami saya berulang kali, kami berdiri di atas bahu gergasi seperti Sojourner Truth\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And just as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott would be pleased to know that we have a woman serving as the speaker of the House of Representatives, I hope that Sojourner Truth would be proud to see me, a descendant of slaves, serving as the first lady of the United States of America,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan seperti Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton dan Lucretia Mott akan gembira mengetahui bahawa kita mempunyai seorang wanita yang berkhidmat sebagai speaker Dewan Perwakilan, saya berharap Sojourner Truth akan berbangga melihat saya, keturunan hamba, berkhidmat sebagai wanita pertama Amerika Syarikat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dignitaries and congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, House Republican Leader John Boehner and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, attended the ceremony marking the unveiling of the statue.", "r": {"result": "Orang kenamaan dan pemimpin kongres, termasuk Pemimpin Majoriti Senat Harry Reid, Speaker Dewan Negara Nancy Pelosi, Pemimpin Republikan Senat Mitch McConnell, Pemimpin Republikan Dewan Negara John Boehner dan Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton, menghadiri upacara menandakan penyingkapan patung itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Along with musical performances, actress Cicely Tyson recited \"Ain't I A Woman,\" Truth's famous 1851 speech to a women's rights convention.", "r": {"result": "Bersama dengan persembahan muzik, pelakon Cicely Tyson membacakan \"Ain't I A Woman,\" ucapan terkenal Truth pada 1851 kepada konvensyen hak wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton and Rep.", "r": {"result": "Clinton dan Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheila Jackson Lee, who worked together to draft legislation to commission the bust, were among speakers who paid tribute to the late C. Delores Tucker, former chairwoman of the NCBW, who spearheaded the effort for the Truth memorial.", "r": {"result": "Sheila Jackson Lee, yang bekerjasama untuk menggubal undang-undang untuk menjalankan operasi itu, adalah antara penceramah yang memberi penghormatan kepada mendiang C. Delores Tucker, bekas pengerusi NCBW, yang menerajui usaha untuk peringatan Kebenaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What a wonderful day it is to be here in Emancipation Hall for this great occasion when Sojourner Truth takes her rightful place alongside the heroes who have helped to shape our nation's history,\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari yang indah untuk berada di sini di Dewan Emansipasi untuk majlis hebat ini apabila Sojourner Truth mengambil tempat yang sepatutnya di samping wira yang telah membantu membentuk sejarah negara kita,\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, she takes her place in this Capitol, and we are the better for it,\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini, dia mengambil tempatnya di Capitol ini, dan kami lebih baik untuk itu,\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She is a sojourner of truth, by truth, and for truth.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia adalah pengembara kebenaran, dengan kebenaran, dan untuk kebenaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And her words, her example and her legacy will never perish from this earth, so long as men and women stand up and say loudly and clearly, 'We hear you echoing down through the years of history.", "r": {"result": "Dan kata-katanya, teladannya dan warisannya tidak akan pernah hilang dari bumi ini, selagi lelaki dan wanita berdiri dan berkata dengan kuat dan jelas, 'Kami mendengar anda bergema sepanjang tahun-tahun sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We believe that your journey is not yet over, and we will make the rest of that journey with you.", "r": {"result": "Kami percaya bahawa perjalanan anda belum berakhir, dan kami akan membuat baki perjalanan itu bersama anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bronze statue, which was crafted by Los Angeles, California, sculptor Artis Lane, will stand in Emancipation Hall at the Capitol Visitor Center.", "r": {"result": "Patung gangsa, yang telah dibuat oleh Los Angeles, California, pemahat Artis Lane, akan berdiri di Dewan Emansipasi di Pusat Pelawat Capitol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All the visitors in the U.S. Capitol will hear the story of brave women who endured the greatest of humanity's indignities.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua pelawat di Capitol A.S. akan mendengar kisah wanita berani yang menanggung penghinaan terbesar manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They'll hear the story of Sojourner Truth, who didn't allow those indignities to destroy her spirit, who fought for her own freedom and then used her powers ... to help others,\" Michelle Obama said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan mendengar kisah Sojourner Truth, yang tidak membenarkan penghinaan itu memusnahkan semangatnya, yang berjuang untuk kebebasannya sendiri dan kemudian menggunakan kuasanya ... untuk membantu orang lain,\" kata Michelle Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The power of this bust will not just be in the metal that delineates Sojourner Truth's face; it will also be in the message that defines her legacy.", "r": {"result": "\"Kuasa patung ini bukan sahaja pada logam yang menggambarkan wajah Sojourner Truth; ia juga akan berada dalam mesej yang mentakrifkan legasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forevermore, in the halls of one of our country's greatest monuments of liberty and equality, justice and freedom, Sojourner Truth's story will be told again and again and again and again\".", "r": {"result": "Selamanya, di dalam dewan salah satu monumen kebebasan dan kesaksamaan terbesar negara kita, keadilan dan kebebasan, kisah Sojourner Truth akan diceritakan lagi dan lagi dan lagi dan lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1997, Congress passed a special act that called for relocating the Portrait Monument from the Capitol basement to the rotunda.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1997, Kongres meluluskan akta khas yang meminta pemindahan Monumen Potret dari ruang bawah tanah Capitol ke rotunda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 7.5-ton statue depicts three leaders of the suffragette movement -- Anthony, Stanton and Mott.", "r": {"result": "Patung seberat 7.5 tan itu menggambarkan tiga pemimpin pergerakan hak pilih -- Anthony, Stanton dan Mott.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A group called the Sojourner Truth Crusade was upset about the statue's relocation because it didn't incorporate Truth.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan yang dipanggil Sojourner Truth Crusade kecewa dengan penempatan semula patung itu kerana ia tidak menggabungkan Truth.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Congress agreed to go ahead with a move, advocates proposed commissioning a new statue that would include Truth.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Kongres bersetuju untuk meneruskan langkah itu, peguam bela mencadangkan penubuhan patung baharu yang akan merangkumi Kebenaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2006, Congress passed a bill to honor the abolitionist with her own memorial.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2006, Kongres meluluskan rang undang-undang untuk menghormati pemansuhan dengan peringatannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Their eyes reflect childhoods marked by tragedy.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Mata mereka mencerminkan zaman kanak-kanak yang ditandai dengan tragedi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their faces show wrinkles made deeper by pain and the passage of time.", "r": {"result": "Wajah mereka menunjukkan kedutan yang semakin dalam akibat kesakitan dan peredaran masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tomasz Lazar spent hours photographing and interviewing adults who were ripped from their homes as children in the 1940s and forced to live thousands of miles away in Siberia.", "r": {"result": "Tomasz Lazar menghabiskan berjam-jam mengambil gambar dan menemu bual orang dewasa yang dirobek dari rumah mereka semasa kanak-kanak pada 1940-an dan terpaksa tinggal beribu-ribu batu jauhnya di Siberia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For me those faces are like maps,\" Lazar said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi saya wajah-wajah itu seperti peta,\" kata Lazar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The more you look at them, the more you are discovering\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lebih banyak anda melihat mereka, lebih banyak anda menemui\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soviet authorities invaded Poland during World War II and deported hundreds of thousands of Poles.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Soviet menyerang Poland semasa Perang Dunia II dan menghantar pulang ratusan ribu orang Poland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some were sent to prison camps in the frozen wilderness of central Russia.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang dihantar ke kem penjara di padang gurun beku di tengah Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many were children.", "r": {"result": "Ramai kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In effect, Moscow stole much of an entire generation of young Poles, a handful of whom Lazar has located seven decades later.", "r": {"result": "Sebenarnya, Moscow telah mencuri sebahagian besar seluruh generasi muda Poland, segelintir daripadanya Lazar telah menemui tujuh dekad kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During Lazar's interviews, many of the survivors broke down in tears.", "r": {"result": "Semasa temu bual Lazar, ramai mangsa yang terselamat menangis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was very traumatic for them,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sangat traumatik bagi mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some lost mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters -- killed by the Soviets\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sesetengah kehilangan ibu, bapa, abang, adik perempuan -- dibunuh oleh Soviet\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lazar remembers hearing 84-year-old Boguslaw Dokurno recall his grandfather's dying wish.", "r": {"result": "Lazar masih ingat mendengar Boguslaw Dokurno yang berusia 84 tahun mengingati hasrat datuknya yang akan meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dokurno's grandfather asked his grandson to return home to Poland after his death to retrieve Polish soil and bring it back to his Siberian gravesite.", "r": {"result": "Datuk Dokurno meminta cucunya pulang ke Poland selepas kematiannya untuk mengambil tanah Poland dan membawanya kembali ke kubur Siberianya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another exile, Sofia Bocian, told Lazar how her brother escaped their prison camp, leaving her with the horrifying experience of being interrogated by Soviet secret police.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi buangan, Sofia Bocian, memberitahu Lazar bagaimana abangnya melarikan diri dari kem penjara mereka, meninggalkan dia dengan pengalaman ngeri disoal siasat oleh polis rahsia Soviet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lazar began his professional photography career in 2006 after fully realizing the medium's storytelling power.", "r": {"result": "Lazar memulakan kerjaya fotografi profesionalnya pada 2006 selepas menyedari sepenuhnya kuasa penceritaan medium itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For me when you're doing photography -- whether it's conventional journalism or other types -- you want to share something with people,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi saya apabila anda melakukan fotografi -- sama ada kewartawanan konvensional atau jenis lain -- anda mahu berkongsi sesuatu dengan orang ramai,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Social media.", "r": {"result": "media sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02ccs\u014dSH\u0259l \u02c8m\u0113d\u0113\u0259"}}} {"src": "Follow @CNNPhotos on Twitter to join the conversation about photography.", "r": {"result": "Ikuti @CNNPhotos di Twitter untuk menyertai perbualan tentang fotografi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lazar said the interviews surprised him.", "r": {"result": "Lazar berkata temu bual itu mengejutkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite his subjects' traumatic experiences, \"they welcomed me with open arms,\" he recalled.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pengalaman traumatik subjeknya, \"mereka menyambut saya dengan tangan terbuka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They really wanted to share their stories\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka benar-benar mahu berkongsi cerita mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fearing for their safety, they couldn't tell their stories publicly until the fall of the Soviet Union.", "r": {"result": "Kerana takut akan keselamatan mereka, mereka tidak dapat menceritakan kisah mereka secara terbuka sehingga kejatuhan Kesatuan Soviet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that they're in their 80s, time is running out for them to document their struggles.", "r": {"result": "Kini mereka berusia 80-an, masa semakin suntuk untuk mereka mendokumentasikan perjuangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Look at Lazar's images.", "r": {"result": "Lihat imej Lazar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The faces fill each frame.", "r": {"result": "Wajah-wajah itu memenuhi setiap bingkai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each portrait is unique.", "r": {"result": "Setiap potret adalah unik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before taking each photo, he waited \"for the moment when they really started going inside themselves,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum mengambil setiap gambar, dia menunggu \"saat mereka benar-benar mula masuk ke dalam diri mereka sendiri,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those people are really strong in their souls\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka itu benar-benar kuat jiwa mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their stories should be documented for history, he said, to remind future generations \"not to make the same mistakes\".", "r": {"result": "Kisah mereka harus didokumentasikan untuk sejarah, katanya, untuk mengingatkan generasi akan datang \"tidak melakukan kesilapan yang sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tomasz Lazar is a Polish photographer.", "r": {"result": "Tomasz Lazar ialah seorang jurugambar Poland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh mengikutinya di Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iran says it has sent a monkey into space for the second time, representing the nation's latest step toward sending humans into space.", "r": {"result": "Iran berkata ia telah menghantar seekor monyet ke angkasa lepas buat kali kedua, mewakili langkah terbaru negara itu ke arah menghantar manusia ke angkasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tweeted about it Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani tweet mengenainya Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In total, this is the 2nd monkey sent into space & returned in perfect health to #Iran.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSecara keseluruhan, ini adalah monyet ke-2 dihantar ke angkasa lepas dan kembali dalam keadaan sihat ke #Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I congratulate the Leader, scientists & the nation,\" Rouhani said.", "r": {"result": "Saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada Pemimpin, saintis & negara,\" kata Rouhani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The launch was part of the nation's national Research Week, Iranian state news agency IRNA said.", "r": {"result": "Pelancaran itu adalah sebahagian daripada Minggu Penyelidikan kebangsaan negara itu, kata agensi berita Iran IRNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The monkey's name is Fargam, a combination of two Farsi words \"auspicious\" and \"luck\".", "r": {"result": "Nama monyet itu ialah Fargam, gabungan dua perkataan Farsi \"bertuah\" dan \"tuah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fargam was launched 75 miles (120 kilometers) up into space and back in the 15-minute mission, IRNA reported.", "r": {"result": "Fargam telah dilancarkan sejauh 75 batu (120 kilometer) ke angkasa lepas dan kembali dalam misi selama 15 minit, lapor IRNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iran made a similar announcement in January, saying then that it had launched the first monkey into space, strapped snugly into a rocket, and returned it safely to Earth.", "r": {"result": "Iran membuat pengumuman yang sama pada bulan Januari, dengan mengatakan bahawa ia telah melancarkan monyet pertama ke angkasa lepas, diikat dengan kemas ke dalam roket, dan mengembalikannya dengan selamat ke Bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That announcement was met by skepticism by some.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman itu disambut dengan keraguan oleh sesetengah pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters then that while she saw pictures of \"the poor little monkey,\" the United States doesn't \"have any way to confirm this (happened), one way or another\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Jabatan Negara A.S. Victoria Nuland memberitahu pemberita ketika itu bahawa ketika dia melihat gambar \"monyet kecil yang malang\", Amerika Syarikat \"tidak mempunyai apa-apa cara untuk mengesahkan ini (berlaku), satu cara atau yang lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But our concerns with Iran's development of space launch vehicle technologies are obviously well-known: Any space launch vehicle capable of placing an object in orbit is directly relevant to the development of long-range ballistic missiles,\" she told reporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi kebimbangan kami terhadap pembangunan teknologi kenderaan pelancar angkasa lepas Iran jelas terkenal: Mana-mana kenderaan pelancar angkasa lepas yang mampu meletakkan objek di orbit secara langsung berkaitan dengan pembangunan peluru berpandu balistik jarak jauh,\" katanya kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Authorities arrested a man accused of secretly taping ESPN sports reporter Erin Andrews in the nude and posting the videos on the Internet, the FBI said Friday.", "r": {"result": "CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Pihak berkuasa menahan seorang lelaki yang dituduh merakam secara rahsia wartawan sukan ESPN Erin Andrews dalam keadaan bogel dan menyiarkan video itu di Internet, kata FBI pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ESPN reporter Erin Andrews claims someone videotaped her while she was nude and posted video online.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan ESPN Erin Andrews mendakwa seseorang merakam videonya semasa dia berbogel dan menyiarkan video dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities arrested 48-year-old Michael David Barrett at Chicago O'Hare International Airport on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa menahan Michael David Barrett berusia 48 tahun di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Chicago O'Hare pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barrett faces a charge of interstate stalking, the FBI said.", "r": {"result": "Barrett menghadapi tuduhan mengintai antara negeri, kata FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barrett is accused of taping Andrews while she was nude in two hotel rooms.", "r": {"result": "Barrett dituduh merakam Andrews semasa dia berbogel di dua bilik hotel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then made eight videos that he posted on the Internet, the FBI said.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian membuat lapan video yang dia siarkan di Internet, kata FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barrett allegedly filmed seven of the eight videos at a hotel room in Nashville, Tennessee, in September 2008. FBI agents said they found evidence that a peephole to the door of Andrews' hotel room had been altered.", "r": {"result": "Barrett didakwa merakam tujuh daripada lapan video di sebuah bilik hotel di Nashville, Tennessee, pada September 2008. Ejen FBI berkata mereka menemui bukti bahawa lubang intip ke pintu bilik hotel Andrews telah diubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI learned that Barrett checked into the same hotel at that time and asked for a room adjacent to Andrews using his home address to register for the room.", "r": {"result": "FBI mengetahui bahawa Barrett mendaftar masuk ke hotel yang sama pada masa itu dan meminta bilik bersebelahan dengan Andrews menggunakan alamat rumahnya untuk mendaftar untuk bilik itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a criminal complaint, Barrett tried to sell the videos to celebrity gossip Web site TMZ.com.", "r": {"result": "Menurut aduan jenayah, Barrett cuba menjual video tersebut kepada laman web gosip selebriti TMZ.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Employees at the Web site also helped in the investigation providing Barrett's information to Andrews' attorney.", "r": {"result": "Pekerja di laman web juga membantu dalam penyiasatan memberikan maklumat Barrett kepada peguam Andrews.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Andrews works as a sideline reporter traveling around the country covering college football games.", "r": {"result": "Andrews bekerja sebagai wartawan sampingan yang mengembara ke seluruh negara membuat liputan perlawanan bola sepak kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barrett will have his first court appearance in Chicago at 10 a.m. (11 a.m. ET) Saturday, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Barrett akan hadir ke mahkamah pertamanya di Chicago pada pukul 10 pagi (11 pagi ET) Sabtu, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The maximum penalty for the charge of interstate stalking is five years in federal prison, the FBI said.", "r": {"result": "Penalti maksimum bagi tuduhan mengintai antara negeri ialah lima tahun penjara persekutuan, kata FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Greg Morrison contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Greg Morrison dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bogota, Tennessee (CNN) -- Those who say no man is an island never met Danny Hayes.", "r": {"result": "Bogota, Tennessee (CNN) -- Mereka yang mengatakan tiada lelaki adalah pulau tidak pernah bertemu Danny Hayes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 61-year-old retired construction supervisor lives in Bogota, Tennessee, a farming community so small that when asked how to find the town, locals respond, \"Don't blink\".", "r": {"result": "Pesara penyelia pembinaan berusia 61 tahun itu tinggal di Bogota, Tennessee, sebuah komuniti petani yang sangat kecil sehingga apabila ditanya cara mencari bandar itu, penduduk tempatan menjawab, \"Jangan berkedip\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hayes' trailer in Bogota is about seven miles from the Mississippi River.", "r": {"result": "Treler Hayes di Bogota terletak kira-kira tujuh batu dari Sungai Mississippi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Historic flooding across the region brought \"the Old Muddy\" much closer to him.", "r": {"result": "Banjir bersejarah di seluruh wilayah membawa \"Lumpur Lama\" lebih dekat dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two-room trailer is more than 5 feet off the ground, but the river's invasion reaches Hayes' door and, at its height, threatened to evict him.", "r": {"result": "Treler dua bilik berada lebih daripada 5 kaki dari tanah, tetapi pencerobohan sungai itu sampai ke pintu Hayes dan, pada ketinggiannya, mengancam untuk mengusirnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's the possibility the trailer could shift, could turn.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada kemungkinan treler itu boleh beralih, boleh berpusing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Could flip over,\" Hayes said, standing on the trailer's small porch.", "r": {"result": "Boleh terbalik,\" kata Hayes, berdiri di anjung kecil treler itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Then again, I am not worried about that because I will get out\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sekali lagi, saya tidak bimbang tentang itu kerana saya akan keluar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Mississippi's flooding has already forced hundreds to flee small towns like Bogota to cities like Memphis.", "r": {"result": "Banjir Mississippi telah memaksa ratusan orang meninggalkan bandar kecil seperti Bogota ke bandar seperti Memphis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And meteorologists say the heavy rainfall across the South could mean weeks more of high water.", "r": {"result": "Dan ahli meteorologi berkata hujan lebat di seluruh Selatan boleh bermakna beberapa minggu lagi air tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whatever comes, Hayes said he will not be moved.", "r": {"result": "Walau apa pun, Hayes berkata dia tidak akan terharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd say for the average person who grew up in towns, you'd be in a dangerous situation,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya katakan bagi orang biasa yang dibesarkan di bandar, anda akan berada dalam keadaan berbahaya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd say a person who learned to live off the land and to survive, it's not a big thing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya katakan seseorang yang belajar untuk hidup dari tanah dan untuk terus hidup, ia bukan perkara yang besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The one acre of land Hayes retired to is no longer recognizable to him.", "r": {"result": "Seluas satu ekar tanah yang Hayes bersara tidak lagi dikenalinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Groves of pecan trees now stand half-covered in water.", "r": {"result": "Hutan pokok pecan kini berdiri separuh tertutup air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Homes abandoned by neighbors sit in several feet of dank and stinking water.", "r": {"result": "Rumah-rumah yang ditinggalkan oleh jiran-jiran duduk di beberapa kaki air lembap dan busuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To get to dry ground, Hayes paddles a small boat about 50 yards to Highway 78.", "r": {"result": "Untuk sampai ke tanah kering, Hayes mendayung bot kecil kira-kira 50 ela ke Lebuhraya 78.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once on shore, he then walks the half-mile to town each day for a pack of cigarettes and a little conversation.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik tiba di pantai, dia kemudian berjalan sejauh setengah batu ke bandar setiap hari untuk sebungkus rokok dan perbualan kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The homes around Hayes' trailer sit empty, but as he waits out the flood, he is hardly alone.", "r": {"result": "Rumah di sekitar treler Hayes kosong, tetapi ketika dia menunggu banjir, dia tidak bersendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since the waters began to rise, Hayes said, all manner of animals have swum by the trailer, looking for higher ground.", "r": {"result": "Sejak air mula naik, Hayes berkata, semua jenis haiwan telah berenang di tepi treler, mencari tempat yang lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The snakes, he shoots.", "r": {"result": "Ular, dia tembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's illegal to kill snakes in Tennessee,\" he said with a serious look before breaking into a wide smile.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah haram untuk membunuh ular di Tennessee,\" katanya dengan pandangan serius sebelum tersenyum lebar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Unless it's for your own protection\".", "r": {"result": "\"Melainkan ia untuk perlindungan anda sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nine-shot revolver with a long barrel that Hayes keeps close also works to ward off other predators.", "r": {"result": "Revolver sembilan tembakan dengan laras panjang yang disimpan dekat Hayes juga berfungsi untuk menangkis pemangsa lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Empty homes in the rural area could make for an inviting target for looters, he said.", "r": {"result": "Rumah kosong di kawasan luar bandar boleh menjadi sasaran menarik bagi perompak, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But his and his neighbors' homes are safe, Hayes said, while he patrols his small \"island\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi rumahnya dan jirannya selamat, kata Hayes, semasa dia meronda \"pulau\" kecilnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To make his point, Hayes suddenly shoots the pistol three times in sudden succession into the invading waters.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menyatakan maksudnya, Hayes tiba-tiba menembak pistol tiga kali berturut-turut secara tiba-tiba ke dalam perairan yang menyerang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am a crazy old man,\" he said with a laugh, \"And I will shoot the hell out of you, and I am serious about that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya seorang lelaki tua yang gila,\" katanya sambil ketawa, \"Dan saya akan menembak kamu, dan saya serius mengenainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he waits for the waters to retreat, Hayes' family checks in with him regularly by cell phone.", "r": {"result": "Semasa dia menunggu air surut, keluarga Hayes kerap menghubunginya melalui telefon bimbit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His two sons and their families fret about his decision to ride out the flood.", "r": {"result": "Dua anak lelakinya dan keluarga mereka bimbang tentang keputusannya untuk meredah banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Hayes said he never considered leaving.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Hayes berkata dia tidak pernah terfikir untuk pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's too stubborn.", "r": {"result": "Dia terlalu degil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So stubborn he married and divorced the same woman three times before they finally called it quits.", "r": {"result": "Begitu degil dia berkahwin dan menceraikan wanita yang sama tiga kali sebelum akhirnya mereka berpisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Too stubborn \"to run for the hills over some water\".", "r": {"result": "Terlalu degil \"untuk berlari ke bukit di atas air\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Rescue all them poor people and don't worry about this 61-year-old man,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSelamatkan mereka semua orang miskin dan jangan risau tentang lelaki berusia 61 tahun ini,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Don't waste no 911 on me\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jangan bazirkan no 911 pada saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But with the water slowly receding, it appears that Hayes will be spared from the flood's wet grasp.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan air perlahan-lahan surut, nampaknya Hayes akan terlepas daripada genggaman basah banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, it could be another week, he predicted, before Bogota begins to dry out.", "r": {"result": "Namun, ia mungkin seminggu lagi, dia meramalkan, sebelum Bogota mula kering.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked what he will do while the floodwaters retreat, Hayes replied with a ready joke.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya apa yang akan dia lakukan semasa air banjir surut, Hayes menjawab dengan gurauan sedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I got to sell this here land,\" he said, \"while it's still waterfront property\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terpaksa menjual tanah di sini,\" katanya, \"sementara ia masih harta tanah\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Sara Weisfeldt contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Sara Weisfeldt dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For years, chocolate, jewelry and flowers have been Valentine's Day staples.", "r": {"result": "Selama bertahun-tahun, coklat, barang kemas dan bunga telah menjadi makanan ruji Hari Valentine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, many consumers are now giving gifts that not only say I love you, but also help those in need.", "r": {"result": "Namun, kini ramai pengguna memberikan hadiah yang bukan sahaja menyatakan I love you, malah turut membantu mereka yang memerlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recently, the concept of giving back through consuming gained traction with TOMS shoes, the company that makes the popular slip-on shoes and donates a pair to a child in need for every pair sold.", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini, konsep memberi kembali melalui penggunaan mendapat tarikan dengan kasut TOMS, syarikat yang membuat kasut slip-on yang popular dan menyumbangkan sepasang kepada kanak-kanak yang memerlukan untuk setiap pasangan yang dijual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TOMS seemed to open the door for other socially conscious brands, ones that make a difference through product sales.", "r": {"result": "TOMS nampaknya membuka pintu untuk jenama lain yang mementingkan sosial, yang membuat perubahan melalui jualan produk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, many entrepreneurs are opening businesses and nonprofit organizations that produce socially conscious goods.", "r": {"result": "Kini, ramai usahawan membuka perniagaan dan organisasi bukan untung yang menghasilkan barangan yang mementingkan sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From backpacks that provide an education to jewelry that empowers women to crocheted goods that help people rise out of poverty, here are three socially conscious companies that are trying to change the world with their products.", "r": {"result": "Daripada beg galas yang memberikan pendidikan kepada barang kemas yang memperkasakan wanita kepada barangan mengait yang membantu orang ramai keluar daripada kemiskinan, berikut adalah tiga syarikat yang mementingkan sosial yang cuba mengubah dunia dengan produk mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buy a backpack, fund an education in Tanzania.", "r": {"result": "Beli beg galas, dana pendidikan di Tanzania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Matthew Clough traveled to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Matthew Clough mengembara ke Tanzania untuk mendaki Gunung Kilimanjaro pada tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I always had this dream of climbing each continent's highest summit.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sentiasa mempunyai impian untuk mendaki setiap puncak tertinggi benua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of my buddies called me and asked if I wanted to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang rakan saya menelefon saya dan bertanya sama ada saya mahu mendaki Kilimanjaro, puncak tertinggi di Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was my first opportunity to check one of those seven summits off the list,\" says Clough.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah peluang pertama saya untuk menyemak salah satu daripada tujuh sidang kemuncak itu daripada senarai,\" kata Clough.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Little did he know, reaching the peak would inspire him to pursue an even loftier goal.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak tahu, mencapai kemuncak akan memberi inspirasi kepadanya untuk mengejar matlamat yang lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clough realized that his success on the mountain would have been impossible without the help of the porters who carried his extra gear, prepared his meals and ultimately guided him to the summit.", "r": {"result": "Clough menyedari bahawa kejayaannya di atas gunung adalah mustahil tanpa bantuan kuli yang membawa peralatan tambahannya, menyediakan makanannya dan akhirnya membimbingnya ke puncak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Clough descended the mountain, he discovered that his porters made less than a dollar a day -- an amount he later learned was not nearly enough to put a child in Tanzania through school.", "r": {"result": "Semasa Clough menuruni gunung, dia mendapati bahawa kulinya memperoleh kurang daripada satu dolar sehari -- jumlah yang kemudiannya dia pelajari tidak cukup untuk meletakkan seorang kanak-kanak di Tanzania melalui sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After returning to the United States, Clough made it his mission to provide education opportunities for underserved communities.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kembali ke Amerika Syarikat, Clough menjadikan misinya untuk menyediakan peluang pendidikan untuk komuniti yang kurang mendapat perkhidmatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He started stone + cloth, a backpack company that donates part of its profits to support children's education in Tanzania.", "r": {"result": "Dia memulakan stone + cloth, sebuah syarikat beg galas yang menyumbangkan sebahagian daripada keuntungannya untuk menyokong pendidikan kanak-kanak di Tanzania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I decided to make backpacks to create a symbol linking my mountaineering trip with education.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memutuskan untuk membuat beg galas untuk mencipta simbol yang menghubungkan perjalanan mendaki gunung saya dengan pendidikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I kept thinking about how I used a backpack for school as a kid and wanted to create a tool for people to use to spread the word about educating those in need\".", "r": {"result": "Saya terus berfikir tentang bagaimana saya menggunakan beg galas untuk sekolah semasa kecil dan ingin mencipta alat untuk digunakan orang ramai untuk menyebarkan berita tentang mendidik mereka yang memerlukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All stone + cloth backpacks are made in Los Angeles, with $10 from every backpack purchased going directly to its partner in Tanzania, the Knock Foundation.", "r": {"result": "Semua beg galas batu + kain dibuat di Los Angeles, dengan $10 daripada setiap beg galas yang dibeli akan terus kepada rakan kongsinya di Tanzania, Yayasan Knock.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Together with the Knock Foundation, stone + cloth supports education programs, including tuition assistance, school meals, and school supplies -- the learning essentials.", "r": {"result": "Bersama Yayasan Knock, batu + kain menyokong program pendidikan, termasuk bantuan tuisyen, makanan sekolah dan bekalan sekolah -- keperluan pembelajaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By purchasing a backpack our customers carry an education,\" says Clough.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan membeli beg galas, pelanggan kami mendapat pendidikan,\" kata Clough.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beads of hope help women in Uganda.", "r": {"result": "Manik-manik harapan membantu wanita di Uganda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kallie Dovel traveled to Uganda in the summer of 2007 to volunteer.", "r": {"result": "Kallie Dovel mengembara ke Uganda pada musim panas 2007 untuk menjadi sukarelawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She began working with women at an after-school program and quickly learned about the hardships they faced after years of conflict in the region.", "r": {"result": "Dia mula bekerja dengan wanita di program selepas sekolah dan dengan cepat mengetahui tentang kesusahan yang mereka hadapi selepas bertahun-tahun konflik di rantau ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While getting to know the women, Dovel was introduced to jewelry they made from paper beads.", "r": {"result": "Semasa berkenalan dengan wanita-wanita itu, Dovel telah diperkenalkan dengan barang kemas yang mereka hasilkan daripada manik kertas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They showed me this beautiful product but told me they weren't able to sell it.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menunjukkan kepada saya produk cantik ini tetapi memberitahu saya mereka tidak dapat menjualnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Uganda [the jewelry made from paper beads] is looked down on,\" says Dovel.", "r": {"result": "Di Uganda [perhiasan yang diperbuat daripada manik kertas] dipandang rendah,\" kata Dovel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The women at the school taught Dovel how to make the paper beads and asked her to sell the jewelry for them in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Wanita di sekolah itu mengajar Dovel cara membuat manik kertas dan memintanya menjual barang kemas untuk mereka di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dovel agreed to purchase a box from them and try to sell some pieces when she got back home.", "r": {"result": "Dovel bersetuju untuk membeli sekotak daripada mereka dan cuba menjual beberapa keping apabila dia pulang ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jewelry sold quickly and inspired Dovel to team up with her friends Jessie Simonson, Anna Nelson, Brooke Hodges and Alli Swanson to create the company 31 Bits.", "r": {"result": "Barang kemas itu dijual dengan cepat dan memberi inspirasi kepada Dovel untuk bekerjasama dengan rakannya Jessie Simonson, Anna Nelson, Brooke Hodges dan Alli Swanson untuk mencipta syarikat 31 Bits.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In August of 2008, the five traveled to Uganda and started purchasing jewelry from six women, promising to employ them for at least two years.", "r": {"result": "Pada Ogos 2008, mereka berlima pergi ke Uganda dan mula membeli barang kemas daripada enam wanita, berjanji untuk menggaji mereka sekurang-kurangnya dua tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dovel stayed in Uganda in order to oversee operations while Simonson, Nelson, Hodges and Swanson traveled back to the States to spread brand awareness.", "r": {"result": "Dovel tinggal di Uganda untuk mengawasi operasi manakala Simonson, Nelson, Hodges dan Swanson kembali ke Amerika untuk menyebarkan kesedaran jenama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through its success, 31 Bits has been able to hire more women and launch programs for its Ugandan employees that include English lessons, health education, and business development programs.", "r": {"result": "Melalui kejayaannya, 31 Bits telah dapat mengupah lebih ramai wanita dan melancarkan program untuk pekerja Ugandanya yang merangkumi pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris, pendidikan kesihatan dan program pembangunan perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 100 Ugandan women now participate in 31 Bits programs, and the company reports it has raised more than $500,000 for women it employs through product sales.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 100 wanita Uganda kini mengambil bahagian dalam program 31 Bits, dan syarikat melaporkan ia telah mengumpulkan lebih daripada $500,000 untuk wanita yang diambil bekerja melalui jualan produk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Programs provide participants the skills they need to support their families and communities, allowing the company \"to empower women to be self-sufficient\".", "r": {"result": "Program menyediakan peserta kemahiran yang mereka perlukan untuk menyokong keluarga dan komuniti mereka, membolehkan syarikat \"memperkasakan wanita untuk berdikari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crocheting empowers women in Uganda, Peru.", "r": {"result": "Mengait memperkasakan wanita di Uganda, Peru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stewart Ramsey was inspired to create the nonprofit organization Krochet Kids International after traveling to Uganda in the summer of 2006. Ramsey met a group of refugees who for 20 years had depended on government and aid organizations for food and protection as a result of war.", "r": {"result": "Stewart Ramsey mendapat inspirasi untuk mewujudkan organisasi bukan untung Krochet Kids International selepas mengembara ke Uganda pada musim panas 2006. Ramsey bertemu sekumpulan pelarian yang selama 20 tahun bergantung kepada kerajaan dan organisasi bantuan untuk makanan dan perlindungan akibat peperangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Ramsey returned, he brought with him a message that he passed on to his two childhood friends.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Ramsey kembali, dia membawa bersamanya satu mesej yang dia sampaikan kepada dua kawan zaman kanak-kanaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The refugees he met were tired of handouts.", "r": {"result": "Pelarian yang ditemuinya sudah bosan dengan pemberian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They wanted to have jobs and provide for themselves.", "r": {"result": "Mereka ingin mempunyai pekerjaan dan menyara diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramsey's friends took this message to heart and the three decided to act.", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan Ramsey mengambil mesej ini dan mereka bertiga memutuskan untuk bertindak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Together, Ramsey, Kohl Crecelius and Travis Hartanov set out to provide the tools, knowledge and opportunities needed to enable Ugandan refugees to better their circumstances; but first they had to figure out how.", "r": {"result": "Bersama-sama, Ramsey, Kohl Crecelius dan Travis Hartanov berusaha untuk menyediakan alat, pengetahuan dan peluang yang diperlukan untuk membolehkan pelarian Uganda memperbaiki keadaan mereka; tetapi mula-mula mereka perlu memikirkan bagaimana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Years earlier, while still in high school, the three had made extra money crocheting hats.", "r": {"result": "Bertahun-tahun sebelumnya, semasa masih di sekolah menengah, mereka bertiga telah membuat lebihan wang mengait topi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[We] sold them to friends of ours who were skiers and snowboarders in the Northwest.", "r": {"result": "\"[Kami] menjualnya kepada rakan kami yang merupakan pemain ski dan papan salji di Barat Laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it was the one thing we knew that we could [teach] people and even provide a job for in the process,\" Crecelius explains.", "r": {"result": "Dan ia adalah satu perkara yang kami tahu bahawa kami boleh [mengajar] orang dan juga menyediakan pekerjaan untuk dalam proses itu, \"jelas Crecelius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group traveled to Uganda in 2007 and taught 10 women to crochet.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu mengembara ke Uganda pada 2007 dan mengajar 10 wanita mengait.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramsey, Crecelius and Hartanov sold the hats in the United States, providing income for the women they employed.", "r": {"result": "Ramsey, Crecelius dan Hartanov menjual topi itu di Amerika Syarikat, memberikan pendapatan kepada wanita yang mereka bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company's success has allowed for expansion of programs into Peru; they currently employ more than 150 women in the two countries.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan syarikat telah membolehkan pengembangan program ke Peru; mereka kini menggaji lebih 150 wanita di kedua-dua negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 250,000 hats have been sold, with each one personally signed by its creator.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 250,000 topi telah dijual, dengan setiap topi ditandatangani sendiri oleh penciptanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a nonprofit, Krochet Kids International has been able to raise $5 million, which has gone to teaching and empowering the women in its programs and allowing them to rise above poverty.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai organisasi bukan untung, Krochet Kids International telah dapat mengumpul $5 juta, yang telah digunakan untuk mengajar dan memperkasakan wanita dalam programnya dan membolehkan mereka mengatasi kemiskinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stone + cloth, 31 Bits, and Krochet Kids International provide three different ways consumers can show their love for that special someone while making the world a better place.", "r": {"result": "Stone + cloth, 31 Bits dan Krochet Kids International menyediakan tiga cara berbeza pengguna boleh menunjukkan cinta mereka kepada seseorang yang istimewa itu sambil menjadikan dunia tempat yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By informing themselves about companies' social policies and programs, consumers can channel their purchasing power to make an impact.", "r": {"result": "Dengan memaklumkan diri mereka tentang dasar dan program sosial syarikat, pengguna boleh menyalurkan kuasa beli mereka untuk memberi kesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The U.S. Embassy in Jordan warned Wednesday that \"credible information\" has been received about a possible imminent threat in the region of the Gulf of Aqaba, the branch of the Red Sea that lies between Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kedutaan A.S. di Jordan memberi amaran pada hari Rabu bahawa \"maklumat yang boleh dipercayai\" telah diterima mengenai kemungkinan ancaman yang akan berlaku di wilayah Teluk Aqaba, cawangan Laut Merah yang terletak di antara Mesir, Israel, Jordan, dan Arab Saudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The embassy warned U.S. citizens to avoid the downtown and port areas of the city of Aqaba, a tourist destination that lies on the Red Sea near the border with Israel.", "r": {"result": "Kedutaan itu memberi amaran kepada rakyat AS supaya mengelakkan kawasan pusat bandar dan pelabuhan di bandar Aqaba, sebuah destinasi pelancongan yang terletak di Laut Merah berhampiran sempadan dengan Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It recommended that all non-official and personal travel to Aqaba be deferred for at least 48 hours.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengesyorkan bahawa semua perjalanan bukan rasmi dan peribadi ke Aqabah ditangguhkan selama sekurang-kurangnya 48 jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The embassy issued a similar warning last month, after two rockets hit a street near the Intercontinental Hotel in Aqaba on August 2. News reports said a Jordanian civilian was killed.", "r": {"result": "Kedutaan mengeluarkan amaran yang sama bulan lalu, selepas dua roket melanda jalan berhampiran Hotel Intercontinental di Aqaba pada 2 Ogos. Laporan berita menyebut seorang orang awam Jordan terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rockets were also fired the same day at the Israeli Red Sea resort city of Eilat, according to news reports.", "r": {"result": "Roket juga dilepaskan pada hari yang sama di bandar peranginan Laut Merah Israel, Eilat, menurut laporan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Ali Al Ayed, Jordan's minister for media affairs and communications, told the state news agency Petra that the security situation was assessed and is considered stable.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, Ali Al Ayed, menteri hal ehwal media dan komunikasi Jordan, memberitahu agensi berita negara Petra bahawa keadaan keselamatan telah dinilai dan dianggap stabil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the U.S. Embassy warnings pertained only to U.S. citizens.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata amaran Kedutaan A.S. hanya berkaitan dengan warganegara A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)From an iconic marble statue of a heavily pregnant disabled artist to the more recent giant blue cockerel, London's Fourth Plinth art project has always provided a controversial modern twist to the traditional landmarks around London's Trafalgar Square.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Daripada patung marmar ikonik artis kurang upaya yang hamil berat kepada ayam sabung biru gergasi yang lebih terbaharu, projek seni Fourth Plinth London sentiasa memberikan sentuhan moden yang kontroversial kepada mercu tanda tradisional di sekitar Dataran Trafalgar London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest offering, \"Gift Horse,\" which took up residence in the Square's northwest corner Thursday, looks set to continue the tradition with a work that explores the link between power, money and history, according to organizers.", "r": {"result": "Tawaran terbaru, \"Gift Horse,\" yang menetap di sudut barat laut Dataran Khamis, nampaknya akan meneruskan tradisi dengan karya yang meneroka hubungan antara kuasa, wang dan sejarah, menurut penganjur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unveiled by London's Mayor Boris Johnson, the sculpture created by German-born conceptual artist Hans Haacke portrays a skeletal riderless horse with an ribbon-shaped electronic ticker tied to its left leg showing live market data from London's Stock Exchange.", "r": {"result": "Didedahkan oleh Datuk Bandar London, Boris Johnson, arca yang dicipta oleh artis konseptual kelahiran Jerman Hans Haacke menggambarkan kuda tanpa penunggang rangka dengan tanda elektronik berbentuk reben diikat pada kaki kirinya yang menunjukkan data pasaran langsung dari Bursa Saham London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"'Gift Horse' is a startlingly original comment on the relationship between art and commerce and I hope it will stimulate as much debate as other works that have appeared on the plinth,\" Johnson said.", "r": {"result": "\"'Gift Horse' adalah ulasan asli yang mengejutkan mengenai hubungan antara seni dan perdagangan dan saya berharap ia akan merangsang sebanyak perdebatan seperti karya lain yang telah muncul di alas tiang,\" kata Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 13-feet high bronze skeleton is a \"wry comment,\" organizers say, on the equestrian statue of King William IV originally planned, but never realized for the plinth more than 150 years ago.", "r": {"result": "Rangka gangsa setinggi 13 kaki itu adalah \"komen pedas,\" kata penganjur, mengenai patung ekuestrian Raja William IV yang pada asalnya dirancang, tetapi tidak pernah direalisasikan untuk alas tiang lebih 150 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Further nods to the past and the sculpture's location can be found in the pose which is based on the engraving \"The Anatomy of a Horse\" by English artist George Stubbs, whose famous equine portraits hang on the walls of the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square's north side.", "r": {"result": "Mengangguk lebih jauh ke masa lalu dan lokasi arca itu boleh didapati dalam pose yang berdasarkan ukiran \"The Anatomy of a Horse\" oleh artis Inggeris George Stubbs, yang potret kuda terkenalnya tergantung di dinding Galeri Nasional di utara Dataran Trafalgar. sebelah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of London's most famous landmarks, Trafalgar Square is popular with tourists.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu mercu tanda paling terkenal di London, Trafalgar Square popular dengan pelancong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Named after a famed 1805 British naval victory against the French, its centerpiece is a column commemorating Lord Horatio Nelson, who died during the conflict.", "r": {"result": "Dinamakan sempena kemenangan tentera laut British yang terkenal pada 1805 menentang Perancis, bahagian tengahnya ialah lajur memperingati Lord Horatio Nelson, yang meninggal dunia semasa konflik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a career spanning half-a-century, Haacke has frequently explored the interconnectedness of art, power and money through installations, paintings, photography and written text.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kerjaya yang menjangkau setengah abad, Haacke sering meneroka kesalinghubungan seni, kuasa dan wang melalui pemasangan, lukisan, fotografi dan teks bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of Haacke's most famous works have explored systems, be it physical -- as evidenced by his famous 1960s work \"Condensation Cube\" -- or the social and political as seen in \"MoMA Poll\" (1970), \"A Breed Apart\" (1978) and more recently his \"Der Bevolkerung\" (The People) installed in Germany's Reichstag building in Berlin in 2000.", "r": {"result": "Banyak karya Haacke yang paling terkenal telah meneroka sistem, sama ada fizikal -- seperti yang dibuktikan oleh karya terkenalnya pada 1960-an \"Condensation Cube\" -- atau sosial dan politik seperti yang dilihat dalam \"MoMA Poll\" (1970), \"A Breed Apart\" ( 1978) dan baru-baru ini \"Der Bevolkerung\" (The People) beliau dipasang di bangunan Reichstag Jerman di Berlin pada tahun 2000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a very prominent spot,\" said the 78-year-old, reflecting on the \"Gift Horse's\" positioning in Trafalgar Square, \"It's very beautiful.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah tempat yang sangat menonjol,\" kata lelaki berusia 78 tahun itu, sambil merenung kedudukan \"Kuda Hadiah\" di Trafalgar Square, \"Ia sangat cantik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everybody sees it\".", "r": {"result": "Semua orang nampak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are other statues and the idea of having the empty plinth which has been made available periodically for artists is a great idea,\" added Haacke.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat patung-patung lain dan idea mempunyai alas tiang kosong yang telah disediakan secara berkala untuk artis adalah idea yang bagus,\" tambah Haacke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Around Trafalgar Square there was mixed reaction to the sculpture.", "r": {"result": "Di sekitar Dataran Trafalgar terdapat pelbagai reaksi terhadap arca itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It definitely doesn't look like a horse's head, does it?", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa pasti tidak kelihatan seperti kepala kuda, bukan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Looks more dinosaur-ish to me,\" said a slightly baffled female day-tripper from Wales, while another tourist seemed equally confused.", "r": {"result": "Nampak lebih dinosaur kepada saya,\" kata seorang pelancong wanita dari Wales yang agak bingung, manakala pelancong lain kelihatan sama keliru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My first impression was that it looked like an alien, because you see it and then you think, huh?", "r": {"result": "\"Kesan pertama saya ialah ia kelihatan seperti makhluk asing, kerana anda melihatnya dan kemudian anda berfikir, ya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is it\"?", "r": {"result": "Apa itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said Toni, visiting from Switzerland.", "r": {"result": "kata Toni, melawat dari Switzerland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Local reaction was more positive though.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi tempatan adalah lebih positif walaupun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just think it's very witty,\" said Londoner Tony Francis.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa ia sangat bijak,\" kata warga London Tony Francis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can see the (George) Stubbs influence.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya dapat melihat pengaruh (George) Stubbs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I love the Stock Exchange (ribbon) scrolling round and the way they merge into each other\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya suka Bursa Saham (reben) menatal bulat dan cara mereka bergabung antara satu sama lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Gift Horse\" is the 10th artwork to sit on the plinth and follows the \"Hahn/Cock,\" created by German artist Katharina Fritsch which was in residence from July 2013 to February this year.", "r": {"result": "\"Gift Horse\" ialah karya seni ke-10 untuk duduk di atas alas tiang dan mengikuti \"Hahn/Cock,\" yang dicipta oleh artis Jerman Katharina Fritsch yang berada di kediaman dari Julai 2013 hingga Februari tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Smog is a common sight in Hong Kong, with the amount of polluted days increasing by 28 percent to 303 so far this year.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Asap adalah pemandangan biasa di Hong Kong, dengan jumlah hari tercemar meningkat sebanyak 28 peratus kepada 303 setakat tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kongers would be quick to point the finger at Chinese factories across the border.", "r": {"result": "Warga Hong Kong akan cepat menuding jari ke arah kilang-kilang China di seberang sempadan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet, research is increasingly indicating that the problem is much more localized, coming from emissions produced by shipping.", "r": {"result": "Namun, penyelidikan semakin menunjukkan bahawa masalah itu lebih setempat, datang daripada pelepasan yang dihasilkan oleh perkapalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What we know in Hong Kong is that up to 50% of pollution [locally produced] sources come from marine vessels,\" said Gina McCarthy, administrator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang kita tahu di Hong Kong ialah sehingga 50% daripada sumber pencemaran [yang dihasilkan secara tempatan] datang daripada kapal laut,\" kata Gina McCarthy, pentadbir di Agensi Perlindungan Alam Sekitar A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Smog levels within the city of over 7 million reached hazardous levels earlier this week, with particles in one urban area, Sham Shui Po hitting a PM2.5, hitting 91.7 micrograms per cubic meter of air.", "r": {"result": "Paras asap dalam bandar dengan lebih 7 juta mencapai paras berbahaya awal minggu ini, dengan zarah di satu kawasan bandar, Sham Shui Po mencapai PM2.5, mencecah 91.7 mikrogram setiap meter padu udara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anything above 71 is classified as \"very dangerous\" according to the World Health Organization guidelines.", "r": {"result": "Apa-apa sahaja di atas 71 diklasifikasikan sebagai \"sangat berbahaya\" mengikut garis panduan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maritime pollution in Hong Kong is blamed for the most sulfur dioxide-related deaths within the region.", "r": {"result": "Pencemaran maritim di Hong Kong dipersalahkan sebagai punca kematian paling banyak berkaitan sulfur dioksida di rantau ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a recent report jointly compiled by the Civic Exchange and The University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong saw 385 deaths caused by the hazardous chemical, for which shipping is to blame.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan baru-baru ini yang disusun bersama oleh Civic Exchange dan The University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong menyaksikan 385 kematian disebabkan oleh bahan kimia berbahaya itu, yang mana perkapalan harus dipersalahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city lacks regulations in tackling maritime pollution, as there is no legislation or requirements for shipping companies to switch to cleaner fuel when entering Hong Kong waters.", "r": {"result": "Bandar ini tidak mempunyai peraturan dalam menangani pencemaran maritim, kerana tiada undang-undang atau keperluan untuk syarikat perkapalan bertukar kepada bahan api yang lebih bersih apabila memasuki perairan Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wong Chit-ming, associate professor at the University of Hong Kong's School of Public Health noted the Asian hub would continue to see a growth in the amount of pollution from container ships under current lack of regulations.", "r": {"result": "Wong Chit-ming, profesor bersekutu di Sekolah Kesihatan Awam Universiti Hong Kong berkata hab Asia itu akan terus menyaksikan pertumbuhan jumlah pencemaran daripada kapal kontena di bawah kekurangan peraturan semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He linked this to an ever-increasing flow of marine traffic coming through the city.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengaitkan ini dengan aliran trafik marin yang semakin meningkat yang datang melalui bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the government is slowly starting to become more aware of the situation, said Simon Ng Ka-wing, head of transport and sustainability research at Civic Exchange, a Hong Kong thinktank that advises the government on policy.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, kerajaan perlahan-lahan mula menyedari keadaan itu, kata Simon Ng Ka-wing, ketua penyelidikan pengangkutan dan kemampanan di Civic Exchange, sebuah badan pemikir Hong Kong yang menasihati kerajaan mengenai dasar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the past we pointed fingers to Guangdong [the province neighboring Hong Kong] saying it is the only reason we suffer from air pollution without knowing that there is locally produced pollution.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPada masa lalu kami menuding jari kepada Guangdong [wilayah yang berdekatan dengan Hong Kong] mengatakan ia adalah satu-satunya sebab kami mengalami pencemaran udara tanpa mengetahui bahawa terdapat pencemaran yang dihasilkan secara tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But now we are getting a clear picture that we can clean up quicker locally\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sekarang kami mendapat gambaran yang jelas bahawa kami boleh membersihkan dengan lebih cepat di dalam negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city is lagging behind many other hubs in the world such as those within Europe and North America, which have regulations requiring vessels to switch to cleaner emitting fuel, an initiative known as the Emission Control Area (ECA).", "r": {"result": "Bandar ini ketinggalan di belakang banyak hab lain di dunia seperti di Eropah dan Amerika Utara, yang mempunyai peraturan yang memerlukan kapal beralih kepada bahan api pemancar yang lebih bersih, satu inisiatif yang dikenali sebagai Kawasan Kawalan Pelepasan (ECA).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marine vessels in Hong Kong can burn cheaper and more hazardous 3.5% sulfur oil, while in various ECA zones, vessels cannot exceed 0.5 percent.", "r": {"result": "Kapal marin di Hong Kong boleh membakar minyak sulfur 3.5% yang lebih murah dan lebih berbahaya, manakala di pelbagai zon ECA, kapal tidak boleh melebihi 0.5 peratus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New regulations by the International Maritime Organization, a United Nations agency that is responsible for the safety of maritime vessels and works to prevent pollution from ships, is looking into forcing vessels to burn no more than 0.5 percent of sulfur by 2020. This applies to bigger container and cruise ships, whilst smaller local craft are dealt with under other regulation.", "r": {"result": "Peraturan baharu oleh Pertubuhan Maritim Antarabangsa, sebuah agensi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang bertanggungjawab terhadap keselamatan kapal maritim dan berfungsi untuk mencegah pencemaran daripada kapal, sedang mengkaji untuk memaksa kapal membakar tidak lebih daripada 0.5 peratus sulfur menjelang 2020. Ini terpakai kepada kapal yang lebih besar. kontena dan kapal persiaran, manakala kraf tempatan yang lebih kecil diuruskan di bawah peraturan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arthur Bowring, managing director of the Hong Kong Shipowners Association said that the shipping industry has been extremely proactive in switching to cleaner fuels.", "r": {"result": "Arthur Bowring, pengarah urusan Persatuan Pemilik Kapal Hong Kong berkata bahawa industri perkapalan sangat proaktif dalam beralih kepada bahan api yang lebih bersih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In 2010, after discussion and debate, 16 carriers and cruise lines came together in the world's only truly voluntary commitment to change to a cleaner fuel when at berth or at anchor in Hong Kong,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada 2010, selepas perbincangan dan perdebatan, 16 syarikat penerbangan dan laluan pelayaran bersatu dalam satu-satunya komitmen sukarela dunia untuk menukar kepada bahan api yang lebih bersih apabila berada di dermaga atau berlabuh di Hong Kong,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That agreement, called the Fair Winds Charter cuts port charges by as much as 50% for those sea vessels that switch to cleaner emitting fuels.", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian itu, yang dipanggil Fair Winds Charter mengurangkan caj pelabuhan sebanyak 50% untuk kapal laut yang beralih kepada bahan api pemancar yang lebih bersih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Fair Winds Charter was put in place for two years, 2011 and 2012, to show government that the industry could switch fuel and that incentive followed by regulation would be possible,\" Bowring said.", "r": {"result": "\"Piagam Fair Winds telah dilaksanakan selama dua tahun, 2011 dan 2012, untuk menunjukkan kepada kerajaan bahawa industri boleh menukar bahan api dan insentif yang diikuti dengan peraturan akan menjadi mungkin,\" kata Bowring.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was extended until the end of 2013, but has an unclear future.", "r": {"result": "Ia dilanjutkan sehingga akhir tahun 2013, tetapi mempunyai masa depan yang tidak jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A decision on whether to expand it into 2014 is expected later this month.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan sama ada untuk mengembangkannya ke 2014 dijangka lewat bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government is also due to pass legislation next year that will force all marine traffic to comply with more environmentally friendly fuels and introduce an emissions control zone in the territory's waters.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan juga akan meluluskan undang-undang tahun depan yang akan memaksa semua trafik marin mematuhi bahan api yang lebih mesra alam dan memperkenalkan zon kawalan pelepasan di perairan wilayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without urgent regulations, Hong Kong citizens are expected to suffer both short-term and longer-term health effects, such as numerous cancers, putting a burden on the local health system.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa peraturan segera, rakyat Hong Kong dijangka mengalami kesan kesihatan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, seperti banyak barah, membebankan sistem kesihatan tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Excess hospitalization, extra treatment, we can translate to money value,\" said Wong Chit-ming, associate professor at The University of Hong Kong's School of Public Health.", "r": {"result": "\"Lebihan kemasukan ke hospital, rawatan tambahan, kita boleh terjemahkan kepada nilai wang,\" kata Wong Chit-ming, profesor bersekutu di Sekolah Kesihatan Awam The University of Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It justifies the government to implement measures to improve the air\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia mewajarkan kerajaan untuk melaksanakan langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan udara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government is attempting to make the public aware of the adverse health affects that the pollution causes by replacing the 18-year-old air pollution index with an air quality health index from December 30.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan cuba menyedarkan orang ramai tentang kesan buruk kesihatan yang diakibatkan oleh pencemaran dengan menggantikan indeks pencemaran udara berusia 18 tahun dengan indeks kesihatan kualiti udara mulai 30 Disember.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a recent report, published by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, introducing an emissions control zone can cut sulfur dioxide emissions in the Pearl River Delta region by as much as 95%.", "r": {"result": "Dalam laporan baru-baru ini, yang diterbitkan oleh Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Hong Kong, memperkenalkan zon kawalan pelepasan boleh mengurangkan pelepasan sulfur dioksida di rantau Delta Sungai Pearl sebanyak 95%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What Hong Kong can probably benefit from is a renewed sense of urgency in addressing this issue,\" said Peter Levesque, American Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong Vice Chairman.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang Hong Kong mungkin boleh mendapat manfaat daripadanya ialah rasa tergesa-gesa yang diperbaharui dalam menangani isu ini,\" kata Peter Levesque, Naib Pengerusi Dewan Perniagaan Amerika Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think in general, Hong Kong understands that it can take the lead by doing what it can to fix the problems here and work with South China to have a regional solution\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir secara umum, Hong Kong memahami bahawa ia boleh memimpin dengan melakukan apa yang boleh untuk menyelesaikan masalah di sini dan bekerjasama dengan China Selatan untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian serantau\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Criminal suspects claimed embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford tried to buy a damaging video -- months before a tape was publicized showing him smoking crack -- according to court documents released Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Suspek penjenayah mendakwa Datuk Bandar Toronto Rob Ford cuba membeli video yang merosakkan -- beberapa bulan sebelum pita dihebahkan menunjukkan dia merokok -- menurut dokumen mahkamah yang dikeluarkan Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The documents obtained from Ontario Crown Counsel Arielle Elbaz are tied to a Canadian investigation into organized crime called Project Traveller.", "r": {"result": "Dokumen yang diperoleh daripada Ontario Crown Counsel Arielle Elbaz terikat dengan penyiasatan Kanada terhadap jenayah terancang yang dipanggil Project Traveller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ford wasn't the focus of this investigation, and he has not been charged with a crime.", "r": {"result": "Ford bukan tumpuan penyiasatan ini, dan dia tidak didakwa atas jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, after allegedly interacting with several players who were involved in the probe, he ended up getting ensnared in it.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, selepas didakwa berinteraksi dengan beberapa pemain yang terlibat dalam siasatan itu, dia akhirnya terjerat di dalamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mayor's camp did not immediately return a CNN request for comment Wednesday night on the latest allegations.", "r": {"result": "Kem datuk bandar tidak segera memulangkan permintaan CNN untuk mengulas malam Rabu mengenai dakwaan terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the documents, police translating a March 27 phone conversation primarily from the Somali language believed that the men were talking about \"receiving an offer from Rob Ford in exchange for a video\".", "r": {"result": "Menurut dokumen itu, polis yang menterjemah perbualan telefon pada 27 Mac terutamanya daripada bahasa Somalia percaya bahawa lelaki itu bercakap tentang \"menerima tawaran daripada Rob Ford sebagai pertukaran untuk video\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The men discussed an apparent offer of $5,000 and a car in exchange for the video, as well as selling the tape to the Toronto Star newspaper and an unnamed website.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu membincangkan tawaran yang jelas sebanyak $5,000 dan sebuah kereta sebagai pertukaran untuk video itu, serta menjual pita itu kepada akhbar Toronto Star dan laman web yang tidak dinamakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court documents state: \"At the end of the discussion, (one of the men) said he does not want to go to the media but would just see him (believed to be referring to Ford), ... He says he'll ask for 100 or 150\" -- possibly referring to $100,000 or $150,000.", "r": {"result": "Dokumen mahkamah menyatakan: \"Pada akhir perbincangan, (salah seorang lelaki) berkata dia tidak mahu pergi ke media tetapi hanya akan melihatnya (dipercayai merujuk kepada Ford), ... Dia berkata dia' Saya akan meminta 100 atau 150\" -- mungkin merujuk kepada $100,000 atau $150,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These conversations don't delve into specifics about what's on the video.", "r": {"result": "Perbualan ini tidak menyelidiki secara spesifik tentang perkara yang terdapat pada video.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But earlier this year, allegations surfaced in two media outlets that Ford had been recorded last winter using crack cocaine.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada awal tahun ini, dakwaan timbul dalam dua saluran media bahawa Ford telah dirakam musim sejuk lalu menggunakan kokain retak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In May, the Star and the website Gawker published stories saying their reporters saw 90 seconds of a cell-phone video showing Ford, as the Star described it, \"inhaling from what appears to be a glass crack pipe\".", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Mei, Star dan laman web Gawker menerbitkan cerita mengatakan wartawan mereka melihat 90 saat video telefon bimbit yang menunjukkan Ford, seperti yang diterangkan oleh Star, \"terhidu dari apa yang kelihatan seperti paip retak kaca\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later in the video -- as described by the Star -- an \"incoherent\" man both the Star and Gawker claimed was Ford ranted on a number of subjects.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian dalam video itu -- seperti yang diterangkan oleh Star -- seorang lelaki yang \"tidak koheren\" yang didakwa oleh Star dan Gawker sebagai Ford yang dikeji dalam beberapa subjek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After that report came out, Ford said he no reason to resign.", "r": {"result": "Selepas laporan itu keluar, Ford berkata dia tiada sebab untuk meletak jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet pressure on him increased earlier this fall when the Canadian city's police chief announced investigators had recovered a video that purportedly showed Ford smoking a crack pipe.", "r": {"result": "Namun tekanan terhadapnya meningkat pada awal musim gugur ini apabila ketua polis bandar Kanada itu mengumumkan penyiasat telah menemui video yang kononnya menunjukkan Ford menghisap paip retak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next week, on November 5, Ford admitted that he'd \"smoked crack cocaine ... probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago\".", "r": {"result": "Minggu berikutnya, pada 5 November, Ford mengakui bahawa dia telah \"menghisap kokain... mungkin dalam salah satu mabuk saya, mungkin kira-kira setahun yang lalu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He denied being an addict.", "r": {"result": "Dia menafikan sebagai seorang penagih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ford says he didn't lie about crack use.", "r": {"result": "Ford berkata dia tidak berbohong tentang penggunaan retak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even after this admission, Ford refused to resign.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun selepas pengakuan ini, Ford enggan meletak jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead he vowed \"outright war\" on the city council when, later in the month, it slashed the mayor's budget and transferred most of his duties to the deputy mayor.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya dia berikrar \"perang secara terang-terangan\" ke atas majlis bandar apabila, kemudian pada bulan itu, ia mengurangkan belanjawan datuk bandar dan memindahkan sebahagian besar tugasnya kepada timbalan datuk bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you think American-style politics is nasty, you guys have just attacked Kuwait,\" Ford said then to groans and laughter in the city council chambers.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda fikir politik gaya Amerika adalah jahat, anda baru sahaja menyerang Kuwait,\" kata Ford kemudian mengerang dan ketawa di dalam dewan majlis bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mayor's voice is less apparent in the documents released Wednesday, although he is not necessarily insignificant.", "r": {"result": "Suara datuk bandar kurang jelas dalam dokumen yang dikeluarkan Rabu, walaupun dia tidak semestinya tidak penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toronto mayor's rant caught on video.", "r": {"result": "Kata-kata kasar Datuk Bandar Toronto tertangkap dalam video.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities say that phone intercepts from early on April 20, for instance, indicate one woman telling a man \"that Rob Ford is at the residence\".", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa mengatakan bahawa telefon memintas dari awal 20 April, sebagai contoh, menunjukkan seorang wanita memberitahu seorang lelaki \"bahawa Rob Ford berada di kediaman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two minutes later, at 12:54 a.m., another man allegedly tells the first \"to go to Princess's ... house to deliver drugs to Rob Ford,\" the court documents say.", "r": {"result": "Dua minit kemudian, pada pukul 12:54 pagi, seorang lagi lelaki dikatakan memberitahu orang pertama \"pergi ke ... rumah Puteri untuk menghantar dadah kepada Rob Ford,\" kata dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the men says around 2:18 a.m. that Ford was doing drugs, and that the other man \"told him to take a picture of that because of what it would be worth,\" according to the official account.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang lelaki itu berkata sekitar 2:18 pagi bahawa Ford menggunakan dadah, dan lelaki yang lain \"memberitahunya untuk mengambil gambar itu kerana nilainya,\" menurut akaun rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(This other man) says that the Mayor of the City Rob Ford was smoking his rocks today,\" police said of another phone conversation from shortly before 6 a.m. that April morning.", "r": {"result": "\"(Lelaki lain ini) mengatakan bahawa Datuk Bandar Kota Rob Ford sedang merokok hari ini,\" kata polis mengenai satu lagi perbualan telefon dari sejurus sebelum jam 6 pagi April itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later that day, Ford was out helping clean up a city park.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pada hari itu, Ford keluar membantu membersihkan taman bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was without his cell phone, the documents said, citing remarks by the mayor's staff, with indications that he had either left it or had it taken by those people he'd been with hours before.", "r": {"result": "Dia tanpa telefon bimbit, kata dokumen itu, memetik kenyataan kakitangan Datuk Bandar, dengan tanda-tanda bahawa dia telah meninggalkannya atau telah diambil oleh orang-orang yang pernah bersamanya beberapa jam sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toronto Mayor's TV show canceled.", "r": {"result": "Rancangan TV Datuk Bandar Toronto dibatalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Berlin, Germany (CNN) -- Thousands of people joined world leaders in the German capital Monday to remember the night 20 years ago when a euphoric wave of people power swept away the Berlin Wall and consigned the Cold War to history.", "r": {"result": "Berlin, Jerman (CNN) -- Beribu-ribu orang menyertai pemimpin dunia di ibu negara Jerman Isnin untuk mengingati malam 20 tahun lalu apabila gelombang kuasa rakyat yang meriah menghanyutkan Tembok Berlin dan menjadikan Perang Dingin dalam sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In scenes calmly mirroring the events of November 9, 1989, crowds thronged through the center of the once-divided city, joining German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a symbolic re-enactment of the first crossing of the breached Wall.", "r": {"result": "Dalam adegan dengan tenang mencerminkan peristiwa 9 November 1989, orang ramai berpusu-pusu melalui pusat bandar yang pernah berpecah itu, menyertai Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel dalam lakonan semula simbolik lintasan pertama Tembok yang dipecahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was worth fighting for,\" Merkel said, after crossing the Bosebrucker bridge on Bornholmer Strasse, the checkpoint where people first poured across the frontier.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa berbaloi untuk diperjuangkan,\u201d kata Merkel, selepas menyeberangi jambatan Bosebrucker di Bornholmer Strasse, pusat pemeriksaan di mana orang ramai mula-mula melintasi sempadan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Merkel, the first former East German to lead the reunified country, was accompanied by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Polish ex-president Lech Walesa as she kicked off events to celebrate the demise of the iconic structure and remember the darker sides of the communist regimes behind it.", "r": {"result": "Merkel, bekas Jerman Timur pertama yang memimpin negara bersatu itu, diiringi oleh pemimpin Soviet Mikhail Gorbachev dan bekas presiden Poland Lech Walesa ketika dia memulakan acara untuk meraikan kematian struktur ikonik itu dan mengingati sisi gelap rejim komunis di belakang ia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is not only a day of celebration for Germans.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa bukan sahaja hari perayaan untuk rakyat Jerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is a day of celebration for the whole of Europe,\" Merkel said.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah hari perayaan untuk seluruh Eropah,\" kata Merkel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Merkel was joined by Britain's Gordon Brown, France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in a series of events, including solemn tributes and boisterous music concerts.", "r": {"result": "Merkel disertai oleh Gordon Brown dari Britain, Nicolas Sarkozy dari Perancis dan Presiden Rusia Dmitry Medvedev dalam beberapa siri acara, termasuk penghormatan khidmat dan konsert muzik yang riuh rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the climax, a line of 1,000 giant dominoes was knocked over along a 2-kilometer strip where the Wall once stood --representing the domino effect the structure's collapse had in ending communism across Eastern Europe.", "r": {"result": "Pada kemuncaknya, satu barisan 1,000 domino gergasi telah dirobohkan di sepanjang jalur 2 kilometer di mana Tembok itu pernah berdiri --mewakili kesan domino keruntuhan struktur itu dalam menamatkan komunisme di seluruh Eropah Timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Memorials were to be held for the 136 lives lost of those who tried to eascape through the barrier that cut Berlin in two -- many in the so-called \"death strip\" at the heart of the Wall's fortifications.", "r": {"result": "Memorial akan diadakan untuk 136 nyawa yang terkorban bagi mereka yang cuba melarikan diri melalui penghalang yang membelah Berlin kepada dua -- kebanyakannya dalam apa yang dipanggil \"jalur kematian\" di tengah-tengah kubu Tembok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more in our Autumn of Change special report.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut dalam laporan khas Musim Luruh Perubahan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of people gathered at the Brandenburg Gate, the symbol of reunified Germany which once stood at the center of the no man's land between East and West Berlin.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu orang berkumpul di Gerbang Brandenburg, simbol Jerman bersatu semula yang pernah berdiri di tengah-tengah tanah tanpa manusia antara Berlin Timur dan Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rock acts including Bon Jovi joined the festivities, echoing the popular music of the late 80s which soundtracked the cold night when rigid communist control gave way to an exhilarating tide of people clamoring for freedom.", "r": {"result": "Aksi rock termasuk Bon Jovi menyertai perayaan itu, menggemakan muzik popular lewat 80-an yang membunyikan malam yang dingin apabila kawalan komunis yang tegar memberi laluan kepada gelombang menggembirakan orang ramai yang menuntut kebebasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Testament to the powerful legacy of the Wall's collapse have been the vivid memories recounted by many of the dramatic and emotional events before and after the fall.", "r": {"result": "Wasiat kepada legasi kuat keruntuhan Tembok telah menjadi kenangan hidup yang diceritakan oleh banyak peristiwa dramatik dan emosi sebelum dan selepas kejatuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a circus-like atmosphere, people were enthused and exuberant and thrilled to see the Wall coming down,\" said David Paul Noel of Maryland, who was working for the U.S. State Department in Germany at the time.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah suasana seperti sarkas, orang ramai teruja dan bersemangat serta teruja melihat Tembok runtuh,\" kata David Paul Noel dari Maryland, yang bekerja untuk Jabatan Negara AS di Jerman pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former CNN correspondent Richard Blystone, who watched the Wall collapse was struck by the difference in appearance of each side of the Wall.", "r": {"result": "Bekas koresponden CNN Richard Blystone, yang menyaksikan Tembok runtuh terkejut dengan perbezaan penampilan setiap sisi Tembok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On the west side, there was all this graffiti and dirty words, and names of rock groups and 'down with that' -- all the chaos of a pluralistic society,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Di sebelah barat, terdapat semua coretan dan perkataan kotor ini, dan nama kumpulan rock dan 'down with that' -- semua huru-hara masyarakat majmuk,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On the eastern side, it was clean and white, just so sterile\".", "r": {"result": "\"Di sebelah timur, ia bersih dan putih, sangat steril\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though dominated by nostalgia, Monday was also an opportunity to assess progress in a reunified Germany and democratized Eastern Europe, with many airing concerns that the world still has lessons to learn from the events of 1989.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dikuasai oleh nostalgia, hari Isnin juga merupakan peluang untuk menilai kemajuan dalam Jerman yang bersatu semula dan berdemokrasi di Eropah Timur, dengan banyak kebimbangan menyiarkan bahawa dunia masih mempunyai pengajaran untuk dipelajari daripada peristiwa 1989.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With many in Germany feeling the economic, social and psychological divisions once demarcated by the Wall, Merkel said Monday that the country had yet to fulfil promises made when East and West reunited in 1990.", "r": {"result": "Dengan ramai di Jerman merasakan perpecahan ekonomi, sosial dan psikologi yang pernah ditandakan oleh Tembok, Merkel berkata pada Isnin bahawa negara itu masih belum menunaikan janji yang dibuat apabila Timur dan Barat bersatu semula pada 1990.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Germany unity is not yet complete,\" Merkel told public broadcaster ARD earlier.", "r": {"result": "\"Perpaduan Jerman masih belum lengkap,\" kata Merkel kepada penyiar awam ARD sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At an event in Berlin on Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for renewed global action to liberate those still living under repressive regimes.", "r": {"result": "Pada satu acara di Berlin pada Ahad, Setiausaha Negara AS Hillary Clinton menggesa tindakan global diperbaharui untuk membebaskan mereka yang masih hidup di bawah rejim yang menindas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our history did not end the night the Wall came down,\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sejarah kami tidak berakhir pada malam Tembok runtuh,\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It began anew.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bermula baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this matters not only to tens of millions of Europeans, and to the United States, but to people everywhere\".", "r": {"result": "Dan ini penting bukan sahaja kepada berpuluh juta orang Eropah, dan kepada Amerika Syarikat, tetapi kepada orang di mana-mana sahaja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added: \"To expand freedom to more people, we cannot accept that freedom does not belong to all people.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menambah: \"Untuk meluaskan kebebasan kepada lebih ramai orang, kita tidak boleh menerima bahawa kebebasan bukan milik semua orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We cannot allow oppression, defined and justified by religion or tribe to replace that of ideology.", "r": {"result": "Kita tidak boleh membenarkan penindasan, ditakrifkan dan dibenarkan oleh agama atau suku menggantikan ideologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have a responsibility to address conditions everywhere that undermine the potential of boys and girls and men and women that sap human dignity and threaten global progress\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk menangani keadaan di mana-mana yang menjejaskan potensi kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan dan lelaki dan wanita yang menjatuhkan maruah manusia dan mengancam kemajuan global\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Barry Neild contributed to this story.", "r": {"result": "Barry Neild dari CNN menyumbang kepada cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Missile and launch components have been moved to the east coast of North Korea in the \"last few days,\" a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the information told CNN Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Peluru berpandu dan komponen pelancar telah dipindahkan ke pantai timur Korea Utara dalam \"beberapa hari terakhir,\" kata seorang pegawai AS yang mengetahui secara langsung maklumat itu kepada CNN Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The apparent deployment comes amid further threatening statements by North Korea and heightened tensions in the region -- a situation that \"does not need to get hotter,\" a U.S. State Department spokeswoman said.", "r": {"result": "Penempatan yang jelas berlaku di tengah-tengah kenyataan mengancam oleh Korea Utara dan ketegangan yang semakin meningkat di rantau itu -- situasi yang \"tidak perlu menjadi lebih panas,\" kata seorang jurucakap Jabatan Negara AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The move of the missile and launch equipment could mean that Pyongyang, which unleashed another round of scathing rhetoric accusing the United States of pushing the region to the \"brink of war,\" may be planning a missile launch soon.", "r": {"result": "Pergerakan peluru berpandu dan peralatan pelancaran itu boleh bermakna Pyongyang, yang melancarkan satu lagi retorik pedas yang menuduh Amerika Syarikat mendorong wilayah itu ke \"ambang perang,\" mungkin merancang pelancaran peluru berpandu tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The components, the official said, are consistent with those of a Musudan missile, which has a 2,500-mile range, meaning it could threaten South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia.", "r": {"result": "Komponen itu, kata pegawai itu, konsisten dengan peluru berpandu Musudan, yang mempunyai jarak 2,500 batu, bermakna ia boleh mengancam Korea Selatan, Jepun dan Asia Tenggara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States has been looking for a hidden North Korean east coast launch site or mobile launchers, a concern because a launch from the east coast would go over Japan, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat telah mencari tapak pelancaran pantai timur Korea Utara yang tersembunyi atau pelancar mudah alih, kebimbangan kerana pelancaran dari pantai timur akan merentasi Jepun, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. reducing rhetoric that feeds North Korean rhetoric.", "r": {"result": "A.S. mengurangkan retorik yang memberi makan retorik Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is believed a missile launch would be a \"test\" launch rather than a targeted strike.", "r": {"result": "Adalah dipercayai pelancaran peluru berpandu akan menjadi pelancaran \"ujian\" dan bukannya serangan yang disasarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is because it appears the North Koreans have only moved the components so far.", "r": {"result": "Ini kerana nampaknya orang Korea Utara hanya memindahkan komponen setakat ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States is waiting to see whether North Korea issues a notice to its airmen and mariners to stay out of the region.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat sedang menunggu untuk melihat sama ada Korea Utara mengeluarkan notis kepada tentera udara dan pelautnya untuk tinggal di luar wilayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Communication intercepts in recent days also seem to show that Pyongyang might be planning to launch a mobile ballistic missile in the coming days or weeks, another U.S. official said.", "r": {"result": "Permintaan komunikasi dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini juga nampaknya menunjukkan bahawa Pyongyang mungkin merancang untuk melancarkan peluru berpandu balistik mudah alih dalam beberapa hari atau minggu akan datang, kata seorang lagi pegawai AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin told a parliamentary committee in Seoul that the North has moved a medium-range missile to its east coast for an imminent test firing or military drill.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum ini, Menteri Pertahanan Korea Selatan Kim Kwan-jin memberitahu jawatankuasa parlimen di Seoul bahawa Utara telah memindahkan peluru berpandu jarak sederhana ke pantai timurnya untuk ujian tembakan atau latihan ketenteraan yang akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The missile doesn't appear to be aimed at the U.S. mainland, Kim said, according to the semi-official South Korean news agency Yonhap.", "r": {"result": "Peluru berpandu itu nampaknya tidak ditujukan ke tanah besar AS, kata Kim, menurut agensi berita separuh rasmi Korea Selatan Yonhap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Key dates in U.S. military moves near North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Tarikh penting dalam pergerakan tentera A.S. berhampiran Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wednesday, the United States announced it was sending ballistic missile defenses to Guam, a Western Pacific territory that is home to U.S. naval and air bases.", "r": {"result": "Rabu, Amerika Syarikat mengumumkan ia menghantar pertahanan peluru berpandu balistik ke Guam, wilayah Pasifik Barat yang menempatkan pangkalan tentera laut dan udara A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea has cited those bases when listing possible targets for missile attacks.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara telah menyebut pangkalan tersebut apabila menyenaraikan kemungkinan sasaran untuk serangan peluru berpandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest developments come amid the disclosure of what one U.S. official calls an Obama administration \"playbook\" of pre-scripted actions and responses to the last several weeks of North Korean rhetoric and provocations.", "r": {"result": "Perkembangan terkini berlaku di tengah-tengah pendedahan tentang apa yang dikatakan oleh seorang pegawai AS sebagai \"buku permainan\" pentadbiran Obama mengenai tindakan dan tindak balas pra-skrip terhadap beberapa minggu terakhir retorik dan provokasi Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea: Our global fear and fascination.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara: Ketakutan dan daya tarikan global kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pentagon seeks to 'turn the volume down'.", "r": {"result": "Pentagon berusaha untuk 'mengurangkan kelantangan'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pentagon officials, while decrying North Korean saber-rattling, said recent announcements of U.S. military deployments in response to belligerent statements by North Korea may have contributed to the escalating tensions between the countries.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Pentagon, sambil mengecam tindakan Korea Utara, berkata pengumuman baru-baru ini mengenai penempatan tentera AS sebagai tindak balas kepada kenyataan bertelagah oleh Korea Utara mungkin telah menyumbang kepada ketegangan yang semakin meningkat antara negara-negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the bombast reaches a fever pitch, the United States is refining its message toward North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Ketika serangan itu mencapai tahap demam, Amerika Syarikat sedang memperhalusi mesejnya terhadap Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Pentagon now says it is working to decrease the temperature as it maintains a frank and vigilant stance toward Pyongyang's threats.", "r": {"result": "Pentagon kini berkata ia sedang berusaha untuk menurunkan suhu kerana ia mengekalkan sikap jujur dan berwaspada terhadap ancaman Pyongyang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are trying to turn the volume down,\" a Defense Department official said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami cuba mengecilkan kelantangan,\" kata seorang pegawai Jabatan Pertahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We accused the North Koreans of amping things up, now we are worried we did the same thing,\" one Defense Department official said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menuduh orang Korea Utara melakukan perkara yang sama, sekarang kami bimbang kami melakukan perkara yang sama,\" kata seorang pegawai Jabatan Pertahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland denied that there had been a change in tone and defended the U.S. responses.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Jabatan Negara Victoria Nuland menafikan bahawa terdapat perubahan dalam nada dan mempertahankan respons AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korean social media apparently hacked.", "r": {"result": "Media sosial Korea Utara nampaknya digodam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The moves that we have been making are designed to ensure and to reassure the American people and our allies that we can defend the United States, that we will and that we can defend our allies,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Langkah-langkah yang kami lakukan direka untuk memastikan dan meyakinkan rakyat Amerika dan sekutu kami bahawa kami boleh mempertahankan Amerika Syarikat, bahawa kami akan dan bahawa kami boleh mempertahankan sekutu kami,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the ratcheting of tensions from North Korea that led to the U.S. shoring up its defense posture, she said.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah ketegangan daripada Korea Utara yang menyebabkan A.S. memperkukuh postur pertahanannya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But we have also been saying all the way through that this does not need to get hotter, that we can change course here\" if North Korea cooperates with the international community.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi kami juga telah mengatakan sepanjang jalan bahawa ini tidak perlu menjadi lebih panas, bahawa kami boleh mengubah haluan di sini\" jika Korea Utara bekerjasama dengan masyarakat antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said, the United States urged North Korea's leaders \"to heed President Obama's call to choose the path of peace and come into compliance with its international obligations\".", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, jurucakap Majlis Keselamatan Negara Caitlin Hayden berkata, Amerika Syarikat menggesa pemimpin Korea Utara \"untuk menyahut seruan Presiden Obama untuk memilih jalan damai dan mematuhi kewajipan antarabangsanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Threats and provocative actions will not bring North Korea the security, international respect, and economic development it seeks,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAncaman dan tindakan provokatif tidak akan membawa Korea Utara keselamatan, penghormatan antarabangsa, dan pembangunan ekonomi yang dicarinya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea slams U.S.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara menyelar A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest tough talk from Pyongyang lashed out at the U.S. military presence in the region.", "r": {"result": "Ceramah keras terbaru dari Pyongyang menyelar kehadiran tentera AS di rantau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman for a North Korean group accused the United States of \"hurling\" its \"nuclear war hardware into the region and pushing the situation on the brink of war,\" Pyongyang's official news agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap kumpulan Korea Utara menuduh Amerika Syarikat \"melemparkan\" \"perkakasan perang nuklearnya ke rantau ini dan mendorong keadaan di ambang perang,\" lapor agensi berita rasmi Pyongyang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korean rhetoric against U.S. heats up.", "r": {"result": "Retorik Korea Utara terhadap A.S. semakin panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The U.S. imperialists have pursued ceaseless war moves since their occupation of South Korea, creating a touch-and-go situation several times.", "r": {"result": "\u201cImperialis A.S. telah meneruskan gerakan perang yang tidak henti-henti sejak pendudukan mereka di Korea Selatan, mewujudkan situasi sentuh dan pergi beberapa kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But never have they worked so desperately to launch a nuclear war against the DPRK with all type latest nuclear hardware involved as now,\" a spokesman for the National Peace Committee of Korea said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka tidak pernah bekerja sebegitu terdesak untuk melancarkan perang nuklear terhadap DPRK dengan semua jenis perkakasan nuklear terkini terlibat seperti sekarang,\" kata jurucakap Jawatankuasa Keamanan Nasional Korea dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The DPRK stands for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.", "r": {"result": "DPRK bermaksud Republik Rakyat Demokratik Korea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement said the United States is \"seriously mistaken if it thinks it can frighten the DPRK with such latest weapons\".", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu berkata Amerika Syarikat \"sangat silap jika menganggap ia boleh menakutkan DPRK dengan senjata terbaharu seperti itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It said \"the country will no longer remain a passive onlooker to the U.S. imperialists' frantic moves to ignite a nuclear war\".", "r": {"result": "Ia berkata \"negara itu tidak lagi akan menjadi pemerhati pasif kepada tindakan terburu-buru imperialis AS untuk mencetuskan perang nuklear\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cutting-edge weapons are not a monopoly of the U.S. and gone are the days never to return when it could invade other countries with nukes as it pleased,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSenjata canggih bukan monopoli AS dan sudah berlalu hari-hari yang tidak akan kembali apabila ia boleh menyerang negara lain dengan nuklear sesuka hati,\u201d kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The U.S. and the South Korean warmongers had better stop their rash actions, deeply aware of the gravity of the prevailing situation\".", "r": {"result": "\"A.S. dan pejuang Korea Selatan lebih baik menghentikan tindakan terburu-buru mereka, sangat menyedari betapa teruknya keadaan semasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The movement of missiles.", "r": {"result": "Pergerakan peluru berpandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The possible movement of the North Korean missile is \"of concern, certainly to the U.S. military and to Japan,\" said Mark Fitzpatrick, director of the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Programme at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan pergerakan peluru berpandu Korea Utara adalah \"membimbangkan, sudah tentu kepada tentera AS dan Jepun,\" kata Mark Fitzpatrick, pengarah Program Non-Proliferasi dan Perlucutan Senjata di Institut Antarabangsa untuk Kajian Strategik di London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he believes the missile in question is a Musudan, a weapon the North hasn't tested before that is based on a Soviet system.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia percaya peluru berpandu yang dimaksudkan adalah Musudan, senjata yang belum pernah diuji Utara sebelum ini yang berasaskan sistem Soviet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. sending defensive missiles to Guam.", "r": {"result": "A.S. menghantar peluru berpandu pertahanan ke Guam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The North has medium-range ballistic missiles that can carry high explosives for hundreds of miles.", "r": {"result": "Utara mempunyai peluru berpandu balistik jarak sederhana yang boleh membawa bahan letupan tinggi sejauh ratusan batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday that the recent North Korean threats to Guam, Hawaii and the U.S. mainland have to be taken seriously.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Pertahanan A.S. Chuck Hagel berkata pada hari Rabu bahawa ancaman Korea Utara baru-baru ini terhadap Guam, Hawaii dan tanah besar A.S. perlu dipandang serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The medium-range missile will probably take about two weeks to prepare, Fitzpatrick said, which means a potential launch could coincide with the April 15 anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea and grandfather of its current leader, Kim Jong Un.", "r": {"result": "Peluru berpandu jarak sederhana itu mungkin akan mengambil masa kira-kira dua minggu untuk disediakan, kata Fitzpatrick, yang bermaksud kemungkinan pelancaran mungkin bertepatan dengan ulang tahun kelahiran Kim Il Sung pada 15 April, pengasas Korea Utara dan datuk kepada pemimpinnya sekarang, Kim Jong Un.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The concern we have is all you need is that one lucky shot, and that one lucky shot from a North Korean missile could do a lot of damage to our island home,\" Guam Gov.", "r": {"result": "\"Kebimbangan yang kami ada hanyalah yang anda perlukan ialah satu tembakan bertuah, dan satu tembakan bertuah dari peluru berpandu Korea Utara boleh menyebabkan banyak kerosakan kepada rumah pulau kami,\" Guam Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eddie Calvo told CNN early Friday.", "r": {"result": "Eddie Calvo memberitahu CNN awal Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea warns 'moment of explosion' nears.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara memberi amaran 'detik letupan' semakin hampir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. playbook.", "r": {"result": "Buku permainan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a result of the war of words, the Obama administration established a \"playbook\" of pre-scripted actions and responses to the last several weeks of North Korean rhetoric and provocations, an administration official said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Akibat perang mulut, pentadbiran Obama mewujudkan \"buku permainan\" tindakan dan tindak balas pra-skrip kepada beberapa minggu terakhir retorik dan provokasi Korea Utara, kata seorang pegawai pentadbiran pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The actions included an increased show of U.S. military force during the annual U.S.-South Korea military exercise, the Foal Eagle.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan itu termasuk peningkatan pasukan tentera A.S. semasa latihan tahunan ketenteraan A.S.-Korea Selatan, Foal Eagle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the U.S. military's recent moves -- including the deployment of ballistic missile defenses closer to North Korea -- were not part of the planning.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa langkah tentera AS baru-baru ini - termasuk penempatan pertahanan peluru berpandu balistik lebih dekat dengan Korea Utara - bukan sebahagian daripada perancangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Key dates in U.S. military moves near North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Tarikh penting dalam pergerakan tentera A.S. berhampiran Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest situation on the Korean Peninsula stems from the North's latest long-range rocket launch in December and underground nuclear test in February.", "r": {"result": "Situasi terkini di Semenanjung Korea berpunca daripada pelancaran roket jarak jauh terbaharu Utara pada Disember dan ujian nuklear bawah tanah pada Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tougher U.N. sanctions in response to those moves, combined with joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises in the region, are given by Kim Jong Un's government as reasons to ratchet up its threats in recent weeks.", "r": {"result": "Sekatan PBB yang lebih keras sebagai tindak balas kepada langkah itu, digabungkan dengan latihan ketenteraan bersama AS-Korea Selatan di rantau ini, diberikan oleh kerajaan Kim Jong Un sebagai alasan untuk meningkatkan ancamannya dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, North Korea barred South Korean workers and managers for a second day from entering the Kaesong industrial complex, an economic cooperation zone that sits on the North's side of the border but houses operations of scores of South Korean companies.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Khamis, Korea Utara menghalang pekerja dan pengurus Korea Selatan untuk hari kedua daripada memasuki kompleks perindustrian Kaesong, zon kerjasama ekonomi yang terletak di sebelah utara sempadan tetapi menempatkan operasi beberapa syarikat Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also repeated a threat from the weekend to completely shut down the complex, where more than 50,000 North Koreans currently work.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mengulangi ancaman dari hujung minggu untuk menutup sepenuhnya kompleks itu, di mana lebih 50,000 warga Korea Utara kini bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The current crisis at Kaesong began a day after North Korea said it planned to restart \"without delay\" a reactor at its main nuclear complex that it had shut down five years ago as part of a deal with the United States, China and four other nations.", "r": {"result": "Krisis semasa di Kaesong bermula sehari selepas Korea Utara berkata ia merancang untuk memulakan semula \"tanpa berlengah\" reaktor di kompleks nuklear utamanya yang telah ditutup lima tahun lalu sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian dengan Amerika Syarikat, China dan empat negara lain. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most observers say the North is still years away from having the technology to deliver a nuclear warhead on a missile.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan pemerhati mengatakan Utara masih bertahun-tahun lagi untuk mempunyai teknologi untuk menghantar hulu peledak nuklear pada peluru berpandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has conducted three nuclear bomb tests, in 2006, 2009 and most recently in February.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah menjalankan tiga ujian bom nuklear, pada 2006, 2009 dan yang terbaru pada Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has said that its nuclear weapons are a deterrent and are no longer up for negotiation.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah berkata bahawa senjata nuklearnya adalah penghalang dan tidak lagi bersedia untuk rundingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But U.S. officials have said they see no unusual military movements across the Demilitarized Zone that splits the Korean Peninsula.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pegawai A.S. berkata mereka tidak melihat pergerakan ketenteraan luar biasa merentasi Zon Demilitarisasi yang membelah Semenanjung Korea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many analysts say the increasingly belligerent talk is aimed at cementing the domestic authority of Kim Jong Un.", "r": {"result": "Ramai penganalisis berkata perbincangan yang semakin sengit itu bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan pihak berkuasa domestik Kim Jong Un.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Kim Jong Un is not crazy.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Kim Jong Un tidak gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea's elaborate game of chicken with U.S.", "r": {"result": "Permainan ayam Korea Utara dengan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jethro Mullen reported and wrote from Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Jethro Mullen dari CNN melaporkan dan menulis dari Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Joe Sterling reported and wrote from Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Joe Sterling dari CNN melaporkan dan menulis dari Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kyung Lah, Judy Kwon and K.J. Kwon in Seoul; Tim Schwarz in Hong Kong; Barbara Starr and Elise Labott and Tom Cohen in Washington.", "r": {"result": "Kyung Lah dari CNN, Judy Kwon dan K.J. Kwon di Seoul; Tim Schwarz di Hong Kong; Barbara Starr dan Elise Labott dan Tom Cohen di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Staffers at a federal prison in central Florida fired shots to break up a large-scale fight that sent eight inmates to hospital emergency rooms Sunday afternoon, officials said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kakitangan di penjara persekutuan di tengah Florida melepaskan tembakan untuk meleraikan pergaduhan besar-besaran yang menghantar lapan banduan ke bilik kecemasan hospital petang Ahad, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eight inmates were injured Sunday in a fight at Coleman Federal Correctional Complex in Florida, officials said.", "r": {"result": "Lapan banduan cedera Ahad dalam satu pergaduhan di Kompleks Koreksional Persekutuan Coleman di Florida, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities did not say what led to the fight at the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex in Sumter County.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa tidak menyatakan apa yang menyebabkan pergaduhan di Kompleks Koreksional Persekutuan Coleman di Sumter County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement from the prison said one inmate suffered a gunshot wound, but did not say whether the person was struck by a prison staff member's bullet.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan dari penjara berkata seorang banduan mengalami luka tembak, tetapi tidak menyatakan sama ada orang itu terkena peluru kakitangan penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other seven were \"stabbing/shooting victims,\" said a spokesman for Orlando Regional Medical Center, where the inmates were taken.", "r": {"result": "Tujuh yang lain adalah \"mangsa tikam/tembak,\" kata jurucakap Pusat Perubatan Wilayah Orlando, di mana banduan itu dibawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hospital did not elaborate.", "r": {"result": "Pihak hospital tidak menjelaskan secara terperinci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No prison staffers were seriously hurt in the incident, which the FBI is investigating, said Charles Ratledge, spokesman for the prison.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kakitangan penjara cedera parah dalam insiden itu, yang sedang disiasat oleh FBI, kata Charles Ratledge, jurucakap penjara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fight broke out in the recreation yard of the United States Penitentiary No.2, a high-security facility, about 2:20 p.m.", "r": {"result": "Pergaduhan tercetus di kawasan rekreasi Penjara No.2 Amerika Syarikat, sebuah kemudahan keselamatan tinggi, kira-kira jam 2:20 petang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Coleman complex consists of four institutions.", "r": {"result": "Kompleks Coleman terdiri daripada empat institusi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other three facilities -- another U.S. penitentiary, a medium-security and a low-security facility -- were not affected, said Bureau of Prison spokeswoman Traci Billingsley.", "r": {"result": "Tiga kemudahan lain -- satu lagi penjara A.S., sebuah kemudahan keselamatan sederhana dan keselamatan rendah -- tidak terjejas, kata jurucakap Biro Penjara Traci Billingsley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The inmates ignored staff orders to stop their assaultive behavior, and shots were fired by institution staff to prevent possible loss of life,\" Ratledge said.", "r": {"result": "\"Penghuni tidak mengendahkan arahan kakitangan untuk menghentikan tingkah laku menyerang mereka, dan tembakan telah dilepaskan oleh kakitangan institusi untuk mengelakkan kemungkinan kehilangan nyawa,\" kata Ratledge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five medical evacuation helicopters -- three from the hospital -- landed at the prison and transported the injured inmates on the 15- to 20-minute flight to Orlando Regional, hospital spokesman Joe Brown said.", "r": {"result": "Lima helikopter pemindahan perubatan -- tiga dari hospital -- mendarat di penjara dan mengangkut banduan yang cedera dalam penerbangan 15 hingga 20 minit ke Orlando Regional, kata jurucakap hospital Joe Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prison complex is in near Coleman in Sumter County, about 50 miles northwest of Orlando, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Kompleks penjara terletak berhampiran Coleman di Sumter County, kira-kira 50 batu barat laut Orlando, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The community was never endangered by the fight, U.S. Justice Department spokeswoman Laura Sweeney said.", "r": {"result": "Masyarakat tidak pernah terancam dengan pergaduhan itu, kata jurucakap Jabatan Kehakiman A.S. Laura Sweeney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Nick Valencia, Susan Candiotti and Terry Frieden contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Nick Valencia dari CNN, Susan Candiotti dan Terry Frieden menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kennedy Space Center, Florida (CNN) -- The space shuttle Endeavour landed at Kennedy Space Center in Florida early Wednesday, completing its 25th and final mission -- the next-to-last mission for NASA's 30-year-old space shuttle program.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Angkasa Kennedy, Florida (CNN) -- Pesawat ulang-alik Endeavour mendarat di Pusat Angkasa Kennedy di Florida awal Rabu, menyelesaikan misi ke-25 dan terakhirnya -- misi seterusnya hingga terakhir untuk program ulang-alik NASA yang berusia 30 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Welcome home, Endeavour,\" Mission Control in Houston said.", "r": {"result": "\"Selamat datang ke rumah, Endeavour,\" kata Mission Control di Houston.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The spacecraft touched down at 2:34 a.m. ET at the end of a nearly 16-day mission to the International Space station.", "r": {"result": "Kapal angkasa itu mendarat pada 2:34 a.m. ET pada penghujung misi hampir 16 hari ke stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's sad to see her land for the last time, but she really has a great legacy,\" said shuttle commander Mark Kelly after Endeavour rolled to a stop in the darkness of a warm Florida morning.", "r": {"result": "\"Sedih melihat tanahnya buat kali terakhir, tetapi dia benar-benar mempunyai warisan yang hebat,\" kata komander pesawat ulang-alik Mark Kelly selepas Endeavor berhenti dalam kegelapan pagi Florida yang hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The youngest of the shuttles retires after 25 space flights.", "r": {"result": "Pesawat ulang-alik termuda bersara selepas 25 penerbangan angkasa lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During 299 days in space, Endeavour orbited the earth 4,671 times and logged almost 122.9 million miles, NASA said.", "r": {"result": "Selama 299 hari di angkasa lepas, Endeavour mengorbit bumi 4,671 kali dan mencatatkan hampir 122.9 juta batu, kata NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It first went into service in 1993.", "r": {"result": "Ia mula beroperasi pada tahun 1993.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Endeavour unlocked from the International Space Station late Sunday after spending more than 11 days linked to the orbiting laboratory, where the astronauts installed a cosmic ray detector.", "r": {"result": "Endeavor dibuka dari Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa lewat Ahad selepas menghabiskan lebih daripada 11 hari dikaitkan dengan makmal mengorbit, di mana angkasawan memasang pengesan sinar kosmik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $2 billion, 15,000-pound machine is already at work \"gathering information that could improve our understanding of the universe,\" Kelly said.", "r": {"result": "Mesin $2 bilion, 15,000 paun itu sedang berfungsi \"mengumpul maklumat yang boleh meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang alam semesta,\" kata Kelly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The retirement of Endeavour and the shuttle fleet will not end the human need to explore,\" Kelly said in comments from space that were posted on NASA's website.", "r": {"result": "\"Persaraan Endeavour dan armada ulang-alik tidak akan menamatkan keperluan manusia untuk meneroka,\" kata Kelly dalam komen dari angkasa yang disiarkan di laman web NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is and always will be part of who we are.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah dan akan sentiasa menjadi sebahagian daripada diri kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States will build other spaceships better than those of today.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat akan membina kapal angkasa lain lebih baik daripada kapal angkasa hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even if they are years in the future, they will nevertheless increase our knowledge of the world, generate an enormous benefit to the economy and inspire our children\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mereka bertahun-tahun akan datang, mereka akan meningkatkan pengetahuan kita tentang dunia, menjana manfaat yang besar kepada ekonomi dan memberi inspirasi kepada anak-anak kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On July 8, space shuttle Atlantis is to make NASA's final shuttle flight.", "r": {"result": "Pada 8 Julai, pesawat ulang-alik Atlantis akan membuat penerbangan ulang-alik terakhir NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of people turned out Tuesday night at Kennedy Space Center to watch it make the three-mile trip from the Vehicle Assembly Building to the launch pad.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu orang hadir pada malam Selasa di Pusat Angkasa Kennedy untuk menyaksikannya melakukan perjalanan sejauh tiga batu dari Bangunan Perhimpunan Kenderaan ke landasan pelancaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Look how majestic it looks rolling out to the launch pad,\" said astronaut Sandy Magnus to reporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Lihat betapa megahnya ia kelihatan dilancarkan ke pad pelancaran,\" kata angkasawan Sandy Magnus kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Look at that and see what we can do when we put our minds to it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lihat itu dan lihat apa yang boleh kita lakukan apabila kita meletakkan fikiran kita kepadanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rand Paul broke with the field of Republicans considering a 2016 presidential run on Thursday, calling President Barack Obama's decision to normalize relations with Cuba a \"good idea\" since the American embargo against Cuba \"just hasn't worked\".", "r": {"result": "Rand Paul memecah belah pihak Republikan mempertimbangkan pencalonan presiden 2016 pada hari Khamis, menggelar keputusan Presiden Barack Obama untuk menormalkan hubungan dengan Cuba sebagai \"idea bagus\" sejak sekatan Amerika terhadap Cuba \"hanya tidak berhasil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul, a likely presidential candidate, made the remarks in an interview with News Talk 800 WVHU's Tom Roten, just a day after his potential competitors for the Republican nomination -- former Florida Gov.", "r": {"result": "Paul, kemungkinan calon presiden, membuat kenyataan itu dalam temu bual dengan Tom Roten dari News Talk 800 WVHU, hanya sehari selepas calon pesaingnya untuk pencalonan Republikan -- bekas Florida Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeb Bush, Sen.", "r": {"result": "Jeb Bush, Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marco Rubio and Sen.", "r": {"result": "Marco Rubio dan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ted Cruz -- slammed the decision to normalize relations as a dangerous move.", "r": {"result": "Ted Cruz -- menyelar keputusan untuk menormalkan hubungan sebagai langkah berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubio and Cruz are sons of Cuban immigrants.", "r": {"result": "Rubio dan Cruz adalah anak kepada pendatang Cuba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul joined the mostly Democratic supporters of the decision, asserting that the embargo hasn't produced results and hurts the Cuban people rather than their autocratic rulers.", "r": {"result": "Paul menyertai sebahagian besar penyokong Demokrat keputusan itu, menegaskan bahawa embargo itu tidak membuahkan hasil dan merugikan rakyat Cuba dan bukannya pemerintah autokratik mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He even likened his support to U.S. trade with China, which he called \"ultimately the best way to defeat communism\".", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menyamakan sokongannya dengan perdagangan AS dengan China, yang disebutnya \"akhirnya cara terbaik untuk mengalahkan komunisme\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The 50-year embargo with Cuba just hasn't worked,\" Paul said.", "r": {"result": "\"Embargo 50 tahun dengan Cuba tidak berjaya,\" kata Paul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If the goal is regime change, it sure doesn't seem to be working and probably it punishes the people more than the regime because the regime can blame the embargo for hardship\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika matlamatnya ialah perubahan rejim, ia nampaknya tidak berkesan dan mungkin ia menghukum rakyat lebih daripada rejim kerana rejim boleh menyalahkan embargo untuk kesusahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul is not the only Republican to support Obama's decision to increase economic ties with Cuba.", "r": {"result": "Paul bukan satu-satunya Republikan yang menyokong keputusan Obama untuk meningkatkan hubungan ekonomi dengan Cuba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeff Flake of Arizona traveled with a congressional delegation to Cuba that brought back Alan Gross, the formerly imprisoned American aid worker.", "r": {"result": "Jeff Flake dari Arizona mengembara dengan delegasi kongres ke Cuba yang membawa pulang Alan Gross, pekerja bantuan Amerika yang pernah dipenjarakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the end, I think probably opening up Cuba is probably a good idea,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Akhirnya, saya fikir mungkin membuka Cuba mungkin idea yang baik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also added that he \"grew up in a family as anti-communist as you can come by\".", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menambah bahawa dia \"dibesarkan dalam keluarga sebagai anti-komunis yang anda boleh datangi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubio, on the other hand, has led the charge against the Obama administration's landmark deal with the Cuban government, railing against Obama for appeasing an autocratic regime.", "r": {"result": "Rubio, sebaliknya, telah mengetuai pertuduhan terhadap perjanjian penting pentadbiran Obama dengan kerajaan Cuba, mencerca Obama kerana menenangkan rejim autokratik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a lifeline for the Castro regime that will allow them to become more profitable ... and allow them to become a more permanent fixture,\" he said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah talian hayat untuk rejim Castro yang akan membolehkan mereka menjadi lebih menguntungkan... dan membolehkan mereka menjadi perlawanan yang lebih kekal,\" katanya Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The embargo is leverage, these sanctions are leverage\".", "r": {"result": "\"Embargo adalah leverage, sekatan ini adalah leverage\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Andrew Sable wasn't in the market for new wheels, but he says the federal \"cash for clunkers\" program helped him get an offer he couldn't refuse.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Andrew Sable tidak berada dalam pasaran untuk roda baharu, tetapi dia berkata program \"tunai untuk clunkers\" persekutuan membantunya mendapatkan tawaran yang tidak boleh ditolaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd have been foolish not to take it,\" said Andrew Sable, who got $9,000 for his 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bodoh jika tidak mengambilnya,\" kata Andrew Sable, yang mendapat $9,000 untuk Jeep Grand Cherokee 1993 miliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The gas-guzzling 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee his college-student son drives went bad last weekend.", "r": {"result": "Jeep Grand Cherokee 1993 yang menjijikkan gas yang dipandu anak pelajar kolejnya mengalami kerosakan pada hujung minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ordinarily Sable would have fixed it, even though the vehicle was worth perhaps $2,000 at best.", "r": {"result": "Biasanya Sable akan membetulkannya, walaupun kenderaan itu bernilai mungkin $2,000 paling baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, aware of the program that started this month, Sable took a $4,500 federal credit this week to trade in the Jeep and buy a new, more fuel-efficient Chrysler PT Cruiser.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, menyedari program yang bermula bulan ini, Sable mengambil kredit persekutuan $4,500 minggu ini untuk berdagang dengan Jeep dan membeli Chrysler PT Cruiser baharu yang lebih jimat bahan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Chrysler, eager to sell vehicles, threw in its own $4,500 incentive.", "r": {"result": "Dan Chrysler, tidak sabar-sabar untuk menjual kenderaan, melemparkan insentif $4,500 sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $9,000 in savings knocked the price to $8,900 before taxes and fees.", "r": {"result": "Penjimatan $9,000 menyebabkan harga menjadi $8,900 sebelum cukai dan yuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll never get $9,000 for this old vehicle [any other way].", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan mendapat $9,000 untuk kenderaan lama ini [dengan cara lain].", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'd have been foolish not to take it,\" the 43-year-old Sable, an insurance underwriter living in North Bellmore, New York, told CNN after filing a report with iReport.com.", "r": {"result": "Saya bodoh jika tidak mengambilnya,\" kata Sable, 43, seorang penaja jamin insurans yang tinggal di North Bellmore, New York, kepada CNN selepas memfailkan laporan dengan iReport.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He'll drive the PT Cruiser and let the son drive his Nissan.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan memandu PT Cruiser dan membiarkan anaknya memandu Nissannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: Read Sable's account of the purchase.", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Baca akaun pembelian Sable.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the $1 billion program, people will be given credits of $3,500 to $4,500 to replace gas guzzlers -- generally vehicles with a combined city/highway fuel economy of 18 miles per gallon or less -- with new vehicles that are more fuel efficient.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah program $1 bilion, orang ramai akan diberi kredit sebanyak $3,500 hingga $4,500 untuk menggantikan peminum gas -- secara amnya kenderaan dengan gabungan ekonomi bahan api bandar/lebuh raya sebanyak 18 batu segelen atau kurang -- dengan kenderaan baharu yang lebih menjimatkan bahan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The old vehicles are crushed or shredded.", "r": {"result": "Kenderaan lama remuk atau hancur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch CNN's Gerri Willis explain the \"cash for clunkers\" program >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Gerri Willis dari CNN menerangkan program \"cash for clunkers\" >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The exact credit offered through the program --- officially called the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009, or CARS -- depends on how many more miles per gallon the new vehicle gets.", "r": {"result": "Kredit tepat yang ditawarkan melalui program ini --- secara rasmi dipanggil Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009, atau CARS -- bergantung pada berapa banyak lagi batu setiap gelen yang diperoleh oleh kenderaan baharu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fuel economy thresholds for new vehicles vary according to type.", "r": {"result": "Ambang penjimatan bahan api untuk kenderaan baharu berbeza mengikut jenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New cars must have a combined city/highway fuel economy of at least 22 mpg.", "r": {"result": "Kereta baharu mesti mempunyai gabungan penjimatan bahan api bandar/lebuh raya sekurang-kurangnya 22 mpg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New SUVs and small or medium pickup trucks or vans must get at least 18 mpg.", "r": {"result": "SUV baharu dan trak pikap kecil atau sederhana atau van mesti mendapat sekurang-kurangnya 18 mpg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New large vans and pickups must get at least 15 mpg.", "r": {"result": "Van dan pikap besar baharu mesti mendapat sekurang-kurangnya 15 mpg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government put Sable's old Jeep at 15 mpg.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan meletakkan Jeep lama Sable pada 15 mpg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His new PT Cruiser, which the program classifies as an SUV, gets a combined 21 mpg.", "r": {"result": "PT Cruiser baharunya, yang diklasifikasikan oleh program itu sebagai SUV, mendapat gabungan 21 mpg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of the program's intent is to get vehicles with low fuel efficiency off the road.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada hasrat program ini adalah untuk mengeluarkan kenderaan dengan kecekapan bahan api yang rendah dari jalan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Caroline Radtke, a 31-year-old who wrote about her purchase on iReport.com, was happy to oblige.", "r": {"result": "Caroline Radtke, 31 tahun yang menulis tentang pembeliannya di iReport.com, gembira untuk mewajibkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Radtke and her husband this month got a $4,500 CARS credit for trading in their 2000 Isuzu Trooper (15 mpg) to buy a new Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen, a diesel-powered car that the program lists as getting 33 mpg.", "r": {"result": "Radtke dan suaminya bulan ini mendapat kredit CARS $4,500 kerana berdagang dalam Isuzu Trooper (15 mpg) 2000 mereka untuk membeli Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen baharu, sebuah kereta berkuasa diesel yang disenaraikan oleh program itu sebagai mendapat 33 mpg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the credit, they paid just under $26,000.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kredit, mereka membayar hanya di bawah $26,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What was going out of my [old] vehicle was bad for the planet, and you're putting so much financially into the stupid thing to fill it up because it runs out so fast,\" Radtke, a freelance graphic designer living in San Antonio, Texas, told CNN after filing her iReport.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang keluar dari kenderaan [lama] saya adalah buruk untuk planet ini, dan anda meletakkan begitu banyak kewangan ke dalam perkara bodoh untuk mengisinya kerana ia habis begitu cepat,\" Radtke, seorang pereka grafik bebas yang tinggal di San Antonio, Texas, memberitahu CNN selepas memfailkan iReportnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After driving it for eight and a half years, I wanted something more productive financially and more friendly to the Earth\".", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas memandu selama lapan setengah tahun, saya mahukan sesuatu yang lebih produktif dari segi kewangan dan lebih mesra kepada Bumi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple would have bought a new car without CARS, but the credit probably allowed them to get a nicer car than they otherwise would have, Radtke said.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu akan membeli kereta baharu tanpa KERETA, tetapi kredit itu mungkin membolehkan mereka mendapatkan kereta yang lebih bagus daripada yang mereka perolehi, kata Radtke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If they had sold the Trooper themselves, they might have gotten $3,000 if they were lucky, she said.", "r": {"result": "Jika mereka telah menjual Trooper itu sendiri, mereka mungkin mendapat $3,000 jika mereka bernasib baik, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: Radtke's purchase.", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Pembelian Radtke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The CARS program isn't for everyone.", "r": {"result": "Program CARS bukan untuk semua orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The credit won't go toward used-car purchases.", "r": {"result": "Kredit tidak akan disalurkan kepada pembelian kereta terpakai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, people looking to get rid of their under-18-mpg vehicle might find they can get about the same or more than a CARS credit by selling it.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, orang yang ingin menyingkirkan kenderaan bawah 18 mpg mereka mungkin mendapati mereka boleh mendapatkan kredit yang sama atau lebih daripada kredit KERETA dengan menjualnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the program worked just fine for iReporter Julie Callahan, a Salt Lake City, Utah, woman who was looking to replace her 1990 Chevy C1500 pickup truck, which had more than 350,000 miles and is rated at 15 mpg.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi program itu berfungsi dengan baik untuk iReporter Julie Callahan, seorang Salt Lake City, Utah, wanita yang ingin menggantikan trak pikap Chevy C1500 1990, yang mempunyai lebih daripada 350,000 batu dan dinilai pada 15 mpg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She and her husband already had a newer vehicle, but she used the truck to go to work and for other in-town purposes.", "r": {"result": "Dia dan suaminya sudah mempunyai kenderaan yang lebih baharu, tetapi dia menggunakan trak itu untuk pergi ke tempat kerja dan untuk tujuan lain dalam bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But lately it started having shifting problems, and it was occasionally slipping going uphill.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sejak kebelakangan ini ia mula mengalami masalah peralihan, dan kadang-kadang ia tergelincir ketika mendaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Sable, Callahan, 39, got $4,500 this week to turn in the old vehicle and buy a new PT Cruiser.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Sable, Callahan, 39, mendapat $4,500 minggu ini untuk menyerahkan kenderaan lama dan membeli PT Cruiser baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And, like Sable, she also received a separate $4,500 credit from Chrysler.", "r": {"result": "Dan, seperti Sable, dia juga menerima kredit $4,500 yang berasingan daripada Chrysler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She'll be paying about $10,000 for her new vehicle after taxes and fees.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan membayar kira-kira $10,000 untuk kenderaan baharunya selepas cukai dan yuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $9,000 she saved with the credits from CARS and Chrysler isn't too shabby, considering she figures her old pickup was nearly worthless because it had so many miles.", "r": {"result": "$9,000 yang dia simpan dengan kredit daripada CARS dan Chrysler tidak terlalu lusuh, memandangkan dia menganggap pikap lamanya hampir tidak bernilai kerana ia mempunyai jarak yang jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: How Callahan got $9,000 for her truck.", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Bagaimana Callahan mendapat $9,000 untuk traknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Without the incentives, I probably wouldn't have purchased a brand new vehicle,\" Callahan, who runs a science outreach program at the University of Utah, told CNN after filing her iReport.", "r": {"result": "\"Tanpa insentif, saya mungkin tidak akan membeli kenderaan baharu,\" Callahan, yang menjalankan program jangkauan sains di Universiti Utah, memberitahu CNN selepas memfailkan iReportnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unless it is renewed, the program will end November 1 or when funds allotted by Congress run out, whichever happens first.", "r": {"result": "Melainkan ia diperbaharui, program ini akan berakhir pada 1 November atau apabila dana yang diperuntukkan oleh Kongres kehabisan, yang mana berlaku dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trade-ins must be less than 25 years old, and their titles must be free of any liens.", "r": {"result": "Tukar masuk mestilah berumur kurang daripada 25 tahun dan hak milik mereka mestilah bebas daripada sebarang lien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Consumers can go to a Web site, cars.gov, to learn the program's rules.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna boleh pergi ke tapak Web, cars.gov, untuk mempelajari peraturan program.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FuelEconomy.gov: See if your vehicle qualifies for CARS.", "r": {"result": "FuelEconomy.gov: Lihat sama ada kenderaan anda layak untuk KERETA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- AC Milan have swooped to sign Standard Liege defender Oguchi Onyewu on a three-year contract -- making him the first American to appear in Serie A since Alexi Lalas in 1996.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- AC Milan telah berjaya menandatangani pemain pertahanan Standard Liege Oguchi Onyewu dengan kontrak tiga tahun -- menjadikannya pemain Amerika pertama yang muncul dalam Serie A sejak Alexi Lalas pada 1996.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Onyewu will become the first American since Alexi Lalas to appear in Italian Serie A after joining AC Milan.", "r": {"result": "Onyewu akan menjadi orang Amerika pertama sejak Alexi Lalas muncul dalam Serie A Itali selepas menyertai AC Milan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Onyewu, who has also played in the English Premier League with Newcastle United, has moved to the San Siro on a free transfer after impressing with some superb displays during the United States' run to the Confederations Cup final.", "r": {"result": "Onyewu, yang juga pernah bermain dalam Liga Perdana Inggeris bersama Newcastle United, telah berpindah ke San Siro secara percuma selepas mempamerkan aksi hebat semasa Amerika Syarikat melangkah ke final Piala Konfederasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 27-year-old has played 38 times for his country, scoring five goals.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 27 tahun itu telah bermain 38 kali untuk negaranya, menjaringkan lima gol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Latest transfer gossip and rumors.", "r": {"result": "Gosip dan khabar angin perpindahan terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This transaction shows once again the excellent friendly relationship between our club and Belgian club Standard Liege, particularly their executive vice-president Luciano D'Onofrio,\" said a statement on Milan's official Web site.", "r": {"result": "\"Urus niaga ini sekali lagi menunjukkan hubungan mesra yang sangat baik antara kelab kami dan kelab Belgium Standard Liege, terutamanya naib presiden eksekutif mereka Luciano D'Onofrio,\" kata satu kenyataan di laman web rasmi Milan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The six-foot four-inch player was born in Washington DC to Nigerian parents but began his club career at Metz in France in 2002.", "r": {"result": "Pemain enam kaki empat inci itu dilahirkan di Washington DC kepada ibu bapa Nigeria tetapi memulakan kerjaya kelabnya di Metz di Perancis pada 2002.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was loaned out to La Louviere in Belgium in 2003 and his form there earnt him a move to Liege, where he won two Belgian titles.", "r": {"result": "Dia dipinjamkan ke La Louviere di Belgium pada 2003 dan prestasinya di sana menyebabkan dia berpindah ke Liege, di mana dia memenangi dua gelaran Belgium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then joined Newcastle on loan, playing 11 league matches.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudiannya menyertai Newcastle secara pinjaman, bermain 11 perlawanan liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the transfer is unlikely to appease the Milan supporters who are unhappy with the summer sale of Brazilian superstar Kaka to Real Madrid -- and the departure of coach Carlo Ancelotti to Chelsea.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, perpindahan itu tidak mungkin menenangkan penyokong Milan yang tidak berpuas hati dengan penjualan superstar Brazil Kaka pada musim panas ke Real Madrid -- dan pemergian jurulatih Carlo Ancelotti ke Chelsea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 300 fans protested outside the club's Milanello base on the first day of pre-season training on Monday, complaining at the lack of big name signings.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 300 peminat membuat bantahan di luar markas Milanello kelab pada hari pertama latihan pramusim pada hari Isnin, merungut kerana kekurangan pembelian nama besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's note: Jim Shepard, author of \"You Think That's Bad,\" honors the kind of mothers who never, ever hold back, especially when it comes to love, yelling and dandelion sandwiches.", "r": {"result": "Nota editor: Jim Shepard, pengarang \"You Think That's Bad,\" menghormati jenis ibu yang tidak pernah, tidak pernah menahan diri, terutamanya apabila ia berkaitan dengan sandwic cinta, jeritan dan dandelion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Oprah.com) -- My mother was born Ida Picarazzi in Strangolagalli, Italy, a town whose name roughly translates as \"strangle the rooster,\" and if you were to meet my mother, you'd think: \"Of course that's where she's from\".", "r": {"result": "(Oprah.com) -- Ibu saya dilahirkan sebagai Ida Picarazzi di Strangolagalli, Itali, sebuah bandar yang namanya diterjemahkan secara kasar sebagai \"cekik ayam jantan\", dan jika anda bertemu ibu saya, anda akan berfikir: \"Sudah tentu di situlah dia dari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An observer could tell from a low-flying aircraft that my mother comes from what used to be called hearty peasant stock, and when it comes to both the social niceties and interacting with her family, Ida has always had the touch of a blacksmith.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pemerhati dapat mengetahui dari pesawat terbang rendah bahawa ibu saya berasal dari apa yang dahulunya dipanggil saham petani yang mesra, dan apabila bercakap mengenai kemesraan sosial dan berinteraksi dengan keluarganya, Ida sentiasa mempunyai sentuhan seorang tukang besi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When agitated, she's something to behold, and she's almost always agitated.", "r": {"result": "Apabila gelisah, dia adalah sesuatu untuk dilihat, dan dia hampir selalu gelisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She has a voice that could knock squirrels from trees.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai suara yang boleh mengetuk tupai dari pokok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember a boy who lived two streets over remarking on the bus to school that he'd heard me being disciplined the day before.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat seorang budak lelaki yang tinggal di dua jalan kerana berkata di dalam bas ke sekolah bahawa dia pernah mendengar saya didisiplin sehari sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's half-deaf, or by now more than half-deaf, thanks to a punctured eardrum from childhood, which means that even when she's trying to be discreet -- say, when sitting in a theater and needing help with a movie's plot -- those all around her, in a wide, wide circle, have the uncanny impression that Ida is talking directly to them.", "r": {"result": "Dia separuh pekak, atau sekarang lebih daripada separuh pekak, terima kasih kepada gegendang telinga yang tertusuk sejak kecil, yang bermakna walaupun dia cuba untuk berhati-hati -- katakan, semasa duduk di teater dan memerlukan bantuan dengan plot filem -- orang-orang di sekelilingnya, dalam bulatan yang luas dan luas, mempunyai tanggapan yang luar biasa bahawa Ida bercakap terus dengan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few years ago, at her 80th birthday, I found myself wondering where to begin, when celebrating her.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa tahun yang lalu, pada hari lahirnya yang ke-80, saya mendapati diri saya tertanya-tanya di mana untuk bermula, apabila meraikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are so many lessons that I realize I've learned from Ida's examples -- positive and negative -- over the years: The importance of calm.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat begitu banyak pengajaran yang saya sedar yang saya pelajari daripada contoh Ida -- positif dan negatif -- selama ini: Kepentingan ketenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The advantages of beating your children with a wooden spoon as opposed to a metal one.", "r": {"result": "Kelebihan memukul anak anda dengan sudu kayu berbanding besi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And here's a good rule of thumb, for those of you who might wonder what it's like to grow up with a mother who A) was raised in a particularly poverty-stricken region of Italy and B) lived through the Great Depression: You're going to learn some lessons about frugality from a woman who eats dandelion sandwiches.", "r": {"result": "Dan inilah peraturan praktikal yang baik, bagi anda yang mungkin tertanya-tanya bagaimana rasanya membesar dengan seorang ibu yang A) dibesarkan di kawasan yang sangat miskin di Itali dan B) melalui Kemelesetan Besar: Anda akan belajar beberapa pelajaran tentang berjimat cermat daripada seorang wanita yang makan sandwic dandelion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: Why every happy person needs a Greek mom.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: Mengapa setiap orang yang bahagia memerlukan seorang ibu Yunani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without Ida, I also probably wouldn't be a writer.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa Ida, saya juga mungkin tidak akan menjadi seorang penulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One characteristic of writers is a playfulness with words -- and boy, is being around Ida a crash course in that.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu ciri penulis ialah suka bermain-main dengan kata-kata -- dan budak lelaki, berada di sekeliling Ida adalah sukar untuk itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She has, over the years, told her children to stay away from strange animals in the woods, because those animals could bite you and give you rabbis.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah, selama bertahun-tahun, memberitahu anak-anaknya untuk menjauhkan diri daripada haiwan aneh di dalam hutan, kerana haiwan itu boleh menggigit anda dan memberi anda rabbi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's told us that someone she knew was well-off because he had an ingrown swimming pool.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu kami bahawa seseorang yang dia kenali kaya kerana dia mempunyai kolam renang yang tumbuh ke dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's told us, when unable to decide about something, that she didn't care; that as far as she was concerned, it was eight of one or a half dozen of another.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu kami, apabila tidak dapat membuat keputusan tentang sesuatu, dia tidak peduli; bahawa setakat yang dia bimbang, ia adalah lapan daripada satu atau setengah dozen yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's told us that her brother Guido was so generous he'd give you the skin off his back.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu kami bahawa abangnya Guido sangat bermurah hati sehingga dia akan memberikan kulit punggungnya kepada anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She told a friend of mine that one of my favorite monster movies when I was a kid was \"King Kong vs.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu rakan saya bahawa salah satu filem raksasa kegemaran saya semasa saya masih kecil ialah \"King Kong vs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gonzales\".", "r": {"result": "Gonzales\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And how's this for an unexpectedly highbrow contribution that my mother made to my life: Maybe more than anyone I know, she's demonstrated just how mysterious a thing identity really is.", "r": {"result": "Dan bagaimana ini untuk sumbangan luar biasa yang ibu saya berikan kepada hidup saya: Mungkin lebih daripada sesiapa yang saya kenali, dia telah menunjukkan betapa misterinya identiti sesuatu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who are we, really?", "r": {"result": "Siapa kita sebenarnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Can we ever really know?", "r": {"result": "Bolehkah kita benar-benar tahu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My mother has had a hilariously hard time keeping names and faces straight, even within her own nuclear family.", "r": {"result": "Ibu saya mengalami kesukaran untuk mengekalkan nama dan wajah yang lurus, walaupun dalam keluarga nuklearnya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the years, she's called me Guido, Mario, Johnny, Agnes, Jean and Hey You.", "r": {"result": "Selama bertahun-tahun, dia memanggil saya Guido, Mario, Johnny, Agnes, Jean dan Hey You.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it wasn't that it was she was distracted; it was that she was so excited about the things that other people take for granted.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia bukan kerana dia terganggu; ia adalah kerana dia sangat teruja dengan perkara yang orang lain ambil mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As in: \"Oh, my God, Guido, come look: A MONKEY ON TV\"!", "r": {"result": "Seperti dalam: \"Ya Tuhanku, Guido, mari lihat: MONYET DI TV\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: Jodi Picoult's rules for life.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: Peraturan Jodi Picoult untuk hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So you can imagine how surprised I was the first time I came home from college and found Ida sitting at the kitchen table with an unsettling smile on her face.", "r": {"result": "Jadi anda boleh bayangkan betapa terkejutnya saya kali pertama pulang dari kolej dan mendapati Ida sedang duduk di meja dapur dengan senyuman yang tidak menentu di wajahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My mother... silent?", "r": {"result": "mak aku... senyap?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At first, she refused to explain why.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya, dia enggan menjelaskan sebabnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then she said, \"Go look at your room\".", "r": {"result": "Kemudian dia berkata, \"Pergi tengok bilik awak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I went upstairs.", "r": {"result": "Saya naik ke atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I looked at my room.", "r": {"result": "Aku tengok bilik aku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The floor was covered with a bright purple wall-to-wall shag rug.", "r": {"result": "Lantainya ditutup dengan permaidani dinding ke dinding berwarna ungu terang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The walls were a deep lavender.", "r": {"result": "Dindingnya adalah lavender yang dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The furniture had been stained a dark purple.", "r": {"result": "Perabot telah diwarnakan dengan warna ungu gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I came back downstairs, and she was still smiling.", "r": {"result": "Saya turun semula, dan dia masih tersenyum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why is my room all purple\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Kenapa bilik saya berwarna ungu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I asked.", "r": {"result": "Saya bertanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Vikings,\" she answered.", "r": {"result": "\"Viking,\" jawabnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why is my room all purple\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Kenapa bilik saya berwarna ungu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I asked again.", "r": {"result": "saya bertanya lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You like the Minnesota Vikings,\" she explained, as though I'd forgotten.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda suka Minnesota Vikings,\" jelasnya, seolah-olah saya terlupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I like to watch them play,\" I said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka melihat mereka bermain,\" kata saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't want to live inside their color\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mahu hidup dalam warna mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This seems to me a quintessential Ida story, full of both over-the-top lunacy and love.", "r": {"result": "Ini nampaknya bagi saya cerita Ida yang sangat penting, penuh dengan kegilaan dan cinta yang berlebihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I always find it moving how tireless she is in all her efforts to please.", "r": {"result": "Saya sentiasa mendapati ia menggerakkan betapa dia tidak jemu dalam semua usahanya untuk menggembirakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She hunted up, somewhere, a dark-purple stain and lugged all of my furniture downstairs and outside and stained it all and then lugged it all the way back upstairs.", "r": {"result": "Dia memburu, di suatu tempat, noda ungu gelap dan menyeret semua perabot saya di tingkat bawah dan luar dan mengotorkan semuanya dan kemudian menyeretnya kembali ke tingkat atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Probably my poor father was recruited, as well.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin ayah saya yang malang telah direkrut juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It took her hours, if not days, to make my room that ugly.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengambil masa berjam-jam, jika tidak berhari-hari, untuk menjadikan bilik saya sejelek itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: 12 things Meghan O'Rouke wishes she could tell her mom.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: 12 perkara yang Meghan O'Rouke ingin dia beritahu ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are advantages, when it comes to engaging the world, to having a mother with the touch of a blacksmith.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kelebihan, apabila melibatkan dunia, mempunyai ibu dengan sentuhan tukang besi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My father, now stricken with short-term memory loss, was considered by most of his friends and family to be one of the more anxious people they ever encountered.", "r": {"result": "Ayah saya, yang kini mengalami kehilangan ingatan jangka pendek, dianggap oleh kebanyakan rakan dan keluarganya sebagai salah seorang yang lebih cemas yang pernah mereka temui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ida worked relentlessly for decades to build bridges between her erratic kids -- who sometimes did things that seemed to suggest that we had the collective brains of a squirrel -- and her husband, who clearly preferred that we stay packed in cotton in a box until we were 21. She worked night and day to carve out a space in which we could go out into the world and screw up.", "r": {"result": "Ida bekerja tanpa henti selama beberapa dekad untuk membina jambatan antara anak-anaknya yang tidak menentu -- yang kadang-kadang melakukan perkara yang seolah-olah menunjukkan bahawa kami mempunyai otak kolektif seperti tupai -- dan suaminya, yang jelas lebih suka kami kekal dibungkus kapas dalam kotak sehingga kami berumur 21 tahun. Dia bekerja siang dan malam untuk mencipta ruang di mana kita boleh keluar ke dunia dan kacau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And naturally, being who we were, we obliged her.", "r": {"result": "Dan sememangnya, sebagai siapa kita, kita mewajibkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is no one else from whom I could have learned so much about the advantages of being emotionally forthright and about the pleasures of making that emotional forthrightness vivid.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada orang lain yang dapat saya pelajari begitu banyak tentang kelebihan berterus-terang dari segi emosi dan tentang keseronokan menjadikan keterusterangan emosi itu jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You always know where Ida stands on things, whether it's the bigheartedness of her family (a frequent subject that brings her to tears when she considers how little it's appreciated by the rest of the world) or the horrors of waste (That's a sin, she'll say if anyone leaves anything that resembles food on their plate.", "r": {"result": "Anda sentiasa tahu di mana pendirian Ida dalam sesuatu perkara, sama ada ketabahan keluarganya (subjek yang kerap membuat dia menangis apabila dia menganggap betapa sedikitnya ia dihargai oleh seluruh dunia) atau kengerian pembaziran (Itu dosa, dia Akan mengatakan jika sesiapa meninggalkan apa-apa yang menyerupai makanan di atas pinggan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Ida cleans a bone, it looks as if army ants have been all over it.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Ida membersihkan tulang, ia kelihatan seolah-olah semut tentera telah berada di atasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once, when I was when I was 14 or so and we were arguing about something, I teased her that she didn't love me, and she started whacking me on the arm and back as hard as she could, one whack for each syllable, while she yelled, \"Don't you tell me that I don't love you\"!", "r": {"result": "Suatu ketika, ketika saya berumur 14 tahun atau lebih dan kami bertengkar tentang sesuatu, saya mengusiknya bahawa dia tidak mencintai saya, dan dia mula memukul saya di lengan dan belakang sekeras-kerasnya, satu pukulan untuk setiap suku kata. , sambil dia menjerit, \"Jangan awak beritahu saya yang saya tidak cintakan awak\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was going to love me no matter what, even if she was going to have to beat me to death to prove it.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan menyayangi saya walau apa cara sekalipun, walaupun dia perlu mengalahkan saya sampai mati untuk membuktikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's no one who could have better demonstrated the importance of unconditional love.", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang boleh menunjukkan dengan lebih baik kepentingan cinta tanpa syarat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: Motherhood: What endless love feels like.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: Keibuan: Seperti apa rasanya cinta yang tidak berkesudahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ida Picarazzi was my first real supporter, mentor and teacher.", "r": {"result": "Ida Picarazzi adalah penyokong, mentor dan guru sebenar saya yang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who would have guessed it?", "r": {"result": "Siapa sangka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not me, at least not for the longest time.", "r": {"result": "Bukan saya, sekurang-kurangnya tidak untuk masa yang lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I should have, though.", "r": {"result": "Saya sepatutnya mempunyai, walaupun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What could be more compelling, after all, than a Force of Nature?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang boleh lebih menarik, selepas semua, daripada Kekuatan Alam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ida is a continual reminder not to do things halfway, to give oneself over to the world with a passionate intensity.", "r": {"result": "Ida adalah peringatan berterusan untuk tidak melakukan perkara separuh jalan, untuk menyerahkan diri kepada dunia dengan intensiti yang penuh ghairah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew they loved each other, but my parents fought so much when I was a kid that when no one was yelling in the house I found myself wondering if someone had died.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu mereka menyayangi antara satu sama lain, tetapi ibu bapa saya sering bergaduh semasa saya kecil sehingga apabila tiada sesiapa yang menjerit di dalam rumah saya mendapati diri saya tertanya-tanya sama ada seseorang telah meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yet my brother and I have been unbelievably lucky to have been in the track of her storm.", "r": {"result": "Namun, saya dan abang saya sangat bertuah kerana berada di landasan badainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wherever she's passed, sure, there are branches down and leaves all over the place, but the clouds look washed and beautiful, and the sky is beginning to clear.", "r": {"result": "Di mana sahaja dia lalu, pasti ada dahan ke bawah dan daun di seluruh tempat, tetapi awan kelihatan bersih dan cantik, dan langit mula cerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the storm itself, we soon realize, has been mesmerizing, has been galvanizing and has been just what was necessary to shake us into feeling what anyone who's spent any time around Ida has always felt: as though they've really lived through something.", "r": {"result": "Dan ribut itu sendiri, kami tidak lama lagi menyedari, telah memukau, telah menggembirakan dan telah menjadi apa yang diperlukan untuk menggegarkan kami supaya merasakan apa yang selalu dirasai oleh sesiapa yang menghabiskan masa di sekeliling Ida: seolah-olah mereka benar-benar telah melalui sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: 12 things we're too stubborn to tell our mothers.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: 12 perkara yang kita terlalu degil untuk memberitahu ibu kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Subscribe to O, The Oprah Magazine for up to 75% off the newsstand price.", "r": {"result": "Langgan Majalah O, The Oprah untuk diskaun sehingga 75% daripada harga gerai surat khabar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's like getting 18 issues FREE.", "r": {"result": "Itu seperti mendapat 18 isu PERCUMA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Subscribe now!", "r": {"result": "Langgan sekarang!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TM & (c) 2011 Harpo Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "r": {"result": "TM & (c) 2011 Harpo Productions, Inc. Hak Cipta Terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tokyo (CNN) -- They share the same rotund facial features, similar expressions and gait.", "r": {"result": "Tokyo (CNN) -- Mereka berkongsi ciri muka bulat yang sama, ekspresi dan gaya berjalan yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the two sons of Kim Jong Il have never met, and based on a new book being published in Japan this week, there appears to be little fraternal allegiance, at least from the eldest son's side.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kedua-dua anak lelaki Kim Jong Il tidak pernah bertemu, dan berdasarkan buku baharu yang diterbitkan di Jepun minggu ini, nampaknya terdapat sedikit kesetiaan persaudaraan, sekurang-kurangnya dari pihak anak sulung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Nam, the eldest son, is the half-brother of Kim Jong Un, the new leader of North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Nam, anak sulung, adalah abang tiri Kim Jong Un, pemimpin baharu Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Nam believes his youngest brother will fail as the \"supreme leader\" of the reclusive state, according to the book's author, Yoji Gomi.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Nam percaya adik bongsunya akan gagal sebagai \"pemimpin tertinggi\" negara tertutup itu, menurut pengarang buku itu, Yoji Gomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's not comfortable that his younger brother is succeeding the power of Kim Jong Il,\" says Gomi, the author of \"My Father, Kim Jong Il, and Me,\" which will hit bookshelves in Tokyo on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak selesa bahawa adik lelakinya menggantikan kuasa Kim Jong Il,\" kata Gomi, pengarang \"My Father, Kim Jong Il, and Me,\" yang akan berada di rak buku di Tokyo pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He (Kim Jong Nam) sees his brother failing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia (Kim Jong Nam) melihat abangnya gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He thinks he (Kim Jong Un) has a lack of experience, he's too young, and he didn't have enough time to be groomed.", "r": {"result": "Dia fikir dia (Kim Jong Un) kurang pengalaman, dia terlalu muda, dan dia tidak mempunyai masa yang cukup untuk dipersiapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those three reasons are why he thinks he'll fail\".", "r": {"result": "Tiga sebab itulah dia fikir dia akan gagal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Nam is the most public of Kim Jong Il's sons, known primarily for his blunders and semi-exile from North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Nam adalah anak lelaki Kim Jong Il yang paling umum, yang terkenal terutamanya kerana kesilapannya dan separuh buangan dari Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An overweight and careless playboy, Kim Jong Nam enraged his father more than a decade ago when he was arrested slipping into Japan with forged documents -- simply to visit Disneyland.", "r": {"result": "Seorang playboy yang berlebihan berat badan dan cuai, Kim Jong Nam telah menimbulkan kemarahan bapanya lebih sedekad lalu apabila dia ditangkap menyelinap ke Jepun dengan dokumen palsu -- semata-mata untuk melawat Disneyland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Nam lives in China and Macau and has occasionally popped up in the Japanese news media.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Nam tinggal di China dan Macau dan kadang-kadang muncul dalam media berita Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was during one of those appearances in front of Japanese reporters -- in Beijing, during 2004 -- that Gomi, a reporter for the Tokyo Shimbun, first met Kim Jong Nam.", "r": {"result": "Semasa salah satu penampilan di hadapan wartawan Jepun -- di Beijing, pada 2004 -- Gomi, seorang wartawan Tokyo Shimbun, pertama kali bertemu dengan Kim Jong Nam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They exchanged email addresses and began an occasional correspondence.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bertukar alamat e-mel dan memulakan surat-menyurat sekali-sekala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the past few years, Gomi said they had begun to write more, exchanging 150 emails.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, Gomi berkata mereka telah mula menulis lebih banyak, bertukar-tukar 150 e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, Kim Jong Nam agreed to meet with Gomi in Macau and Beijing for interviews.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lalu, Kim Jong Nam bersetuju untuk bertemu dengan Gomi di Macau dan Beijing untuk temu bual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What surprised Gomi the most, he said, is that the eldest of Kim Jong Il's sons was very smart and knowledgeable about the world -- and open-minded, especially about economic reforms.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang paling mengejutkan Gomi, katanya, ialah anak sulung Kim Jong Il sangat bijak dan berpengetahuan tentang dunia -- dan berfikiran terbuka, terutamanya mengenai pembaharuan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He spoke out against his father's 'military first' policy,\" says Gomi, countering widely held notions that the Disneyland debacle caused Kim Jong Nam to fall out of favor with his father.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia bersuara menentang dasar 'ketenteraan' bapanya,\" kata Gomi, menentang tanggapan yang dipegang secara meluas bahawa bencana Disneyland menyebabkan Kim Jong Nam tidak disenangi bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He wants North Korea to embrace economic reform and open its doors\".", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau mahu Korea Utara menerima pembaharuan ekonomi dan membuka pintunya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Nam painted a picture of a father who was strict but was often warm-hearted to his eldest son, Gomi said, especially on special occasions.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Nam melukis gambar seorang bapa yang tegas tetapi sering bersikap mesra kepada anak sulungnya, kata Gomi, terutama pada majlis-majlis khas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Kim Jong Il called his son on his birthday,\" Gomi said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kim Jong Il menelefon anaknya pada hari lahirnya,\" kata Gomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Nam says the half-brothers were kept apart, following an ancient history of raising potential successors separately.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Nam berkata adik-beradik tiri itu dipisahkan, berikutan sejarah purba yang menimbulkan potensi pengganti secara berasingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He says his father refused to discuss the succession of power for many years because it signaled his own death, according to Gomi -- only after his illness accelerated did the succession begin.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bapanya enggan membincangkan penggantian kuasa selama bertahun-tahun kerana ia menandakan kematiannya sendiri, menurut Gomi -- hanya selepas penyakitnya bertambah cepat barulah penggantian itu bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both sons were educated in Switzerland, leaving Kim Jong Nam convinced that his country needed to embrace economic reforms.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua anak lelaki itu mendapat pendidikan di Switzerland, membuatkan Kim Jong Nam yakin bahawa negaranya perlu menerima pembaharuan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim Jong Nam believes his brother won't have the power to push through reforms, Gomi said.", "r": {"result": "Kim Jong Nam percaya abangnya tidak akan mempunyai kuasa untuk meneruskan pembaharuan, kata Gomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's afraid the youngest son has no idea, no vision about economic reform,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia takut anak bongsu tidak tahu, tiada visi tentang reformasi ekonomi,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Professor Andrei Lankov of Kookmin University says Kim Jong Nam has been fairly public in the past, keeping his distance from the regime's inner circle.", "r": {"result": "Profesor Andrei Lankov dari Universiti Kookmin berkata Kim Jong Nam telah menjadi umum pada masa lalu, menjaga jaraknya dari kalangan dalaman rejim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lankov says he believes the latest comments are the reaction of a normal, intelligent human being who has a good understanding of the situation in North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Lankov berkata beliau percaya komen terkini adalah reaksi seorang manusia biasa, pintar yang mempunyai pemahaman yang baik tentang situasi di Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would say maybe this smart, overweight playboy from Macau has the highest chances of physical survival of all the Kim Jong Il children,\" says Lankov.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan katakan mungkin playboy pintar dan berlebihan berat badan dari Macau ini mempunyai peluang paling tinggi untuk bertahan secara fizikal berbanding semua kanak-kanak Kim Jong Il,\" kata Lankov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the long run, the history of the North Korean state is going to end badly.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam jangka panjang, sejarah negara Korea Utara akan berakhir dengan teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We might see a coup, a revolution, a conspiracy, because in the very long run the system is not sustainable,\" Lankov said.", "r": {"result": "Kita mungkin melihat rampasan kuasa, revolusi, konspirasi, kerana dalam jangka panjang sistem itu tidak mampan,\" kata Lankov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He (Kim Jong Nam) is away, he is secure.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia (Kim Jong Nam) tiada, dia selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is quite possible that many of his siblings will die a violent death sooner or later, and he is likely to live until an old age, writing memoirs, explaining to everybody how misunderstood his family was\".", "r": {"result": "Ada kemungkinan ramai adik-beradiknya akan mati dengan keganasan lambat laun, dan dia berkemungkinan hidup sehingga tua, menulis memoir, menerangkan kepada semua orang betapa salah faham keluarganya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2:20 p.m. update: Rep.", "r": {"result": "2:20 petang kemas kini: Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michael Grimm pleaded guilty to one charge of tax evasion.", "r": {"result": "Michael Grimm mengaku bersalah atas satu pertuduhan mengelak cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Update: Rep.", "r": {"result": "Kemas kini: Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michael Grimm, R-New York, is expected to sign a \"statement of facts\" admitting that he evaded taxes as alleged by the federal government in a 20-count indictment, although Grimm will only plead guilty to one count of tax evasion, law enforcement sources said.", "r": {"result": "Michael Grimm, R-New York, dijangka menandatangani \"penyata fakta\" mengakui bahawa dia mengelak cukai seperti yang didakwa oleh kerajaan persekutuan dalam dakwaan 20 pertuduhan, walaupun Grimm hanya akan mengaku bersalah atas satu pertuduhan mengelak cukai, undang-undang sumber penguatkuasaan berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sources added that prosecutors will push for Grimm to serve at least some federal prison time after his guilty plea.", "r": {"result": "Sumber itu menambah bahawa pendakwa raya akan mendesak Grimm menjalani sekurang-kurangnya beberapa masa penjara persekutuan selepas pengakuan bersalahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grimm is set to be sworn in as a re-elected member of Congress in January, although his colleagues could choose to expel him from the body.", "r": {"result": "Grimm ditetapkan untuk mengangkat sumpah sebagai ahli Kongres yang dilantik semula pada Januari, walaupun rakan-rakannya boleh memilih untuk memecatnya daripada badan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement Wednesday that Grimm should resign.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Minoriti Dewan Nancy Pelosi berkata dalam satu kenyataan hari ini bahawa Grimm harus meletakkan jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now that the election is over, Congressman Grimm is finally admitting the truth to his constituents,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang pilihan raya sudah berakhir, Ahli Kongres Grimm akhirnya mengakui kebenaran kepada pengundinya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Clearly, Speaker Boehner must insist that Congressman Grimm resign immediately\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jelas sekali, Speaker Boehner mesti mendesak supaya Ahli Kongres Grimm meletakkan jawatan serta-merta\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Original post:", "r": {"result": "Catatan asal:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York Republican Congressman Michael Grimm will plead guilty to one count of tax evasion on Tuesday in a New York court, according to a U.S. law enforcement official.", "r": {"result": "Anggota Kongres Republikan New York Michael Grimm akan mengaku bersalah atas satu pertuduhan mengelak cukai pada hari Selasa di mahkamah New York, menurut seorang pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The charge can bring some prison time, but it's not clear whether Grimm will be sentenced with any.", "r": {"result": "Pertuduhan boleh membawa tempoh penjara, tetapi tidak jelas sama ada Grimm akan dijatuhkan hukuman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After being indicted in April on 20 counts of filing false tax returns, mail fraud, wire fraud, hiring undocumented workers and perjury, Grimm insisted he did nothing wrong and pled not guilty.", "r": {"result": "Selepas didakwa pada April atas 20 pertuduhan memfailkan penyata cukai palsu, penipuan mel, penipuan wayar, pengambilan pekerja tanpa dokumen dan sumpah bohong, Grimm menegaskan dia tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan dan mengaku tidak bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His trial was scheduled to begin in February.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan beliau dijadualkan bermula pada Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a U.S. law enforcement official tells CNN that Grimm will appear before a Brooklyn judge at 1 p.m. on Tuesday and admit he deliberately misled the Internal Revenue Service, a move that throws his congressional future into jeopardy.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi seorang pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang AS memberitahu CNN bahawa Grimm akan hadir di hadapan hakim Brooklyn pada pukul 1 tengah hari. pada hari Selasa dan mengakui dia sengaja mengelirukan Perkhidmatan Hasil Dalam Negeri, satu langkah yang menyebabkan masa depan kongresnya terancam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal prosecutors say Grimm failed to report $1 million from his restaurant business in Manhattan prior to his 2010 election to Congress.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya persekutuan berkata Grimm gagal melaporkan $1 juta daripada perniagaan restorannya di Manhattan sebelum pemilihannya pada 2010 ke Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats hoped the federal indictment against the House Republican last spring would mean Grimm's constituents would toss him out.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat berharap dakwaan persekutuan terhadap Dewan Republikan pada musim bunga lalu bermakna konstituen Grimm akan membuangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But despite efforts by his Democratic opponent, Domenic Recchia, to paint him as corrupt, Grimm was easily re-elected in November for third term.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di sebalik usaha oleh lawan Demokratnya, Domenic Recchia, untuk menyifatkan beliau sebagai korup, Grimm dengan mudah dipilih semula pada November untuk penggal ketiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grimm attracted national attention last year even before his high-profile legal troubles when he threatened to throw a reporter over a Capitol Hill balcony at the end of an interview.", "r": {"result": "Grimm menarik perhatian negara tahun lalu walaupun sebelum masalah undang-undang berprofil tingginya apabila dia mengancam untuk melemparkan wartawan ke atas balkoni Capitol Hill pada akhir temu bual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grimm was captured on a hot mic after the President's State of the Union speech berating the reporter for pressing him on allegations of wrongdoing.", "r": {"result": "Grimm telah ditangkap pada mikrofon panas selepas ucapan Presiden Negara Kesatuan yang memarahi wartawan itu kerana mendesaknya atas dakwaan melakukan salah laku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He later apologized for his behavior.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian meminta maaf atas kelakuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grimm gave up his seat on the House Financial Services Committee after he was charged, but repeatedly insisted he would be \"fully exonerated\".", "r": {"result": "Grimm melepaskan kerusinya dalam Jawatankuasa Perkhidmatan Kewangan Dewan selepas dia didakwa, tetapi berulang kali menegaskan dia akan \"dibebaskan sepenuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The House Ethics Committee began an investigation into Grimm's activities last spring, but recently announced it was deferring action on the matter at the request of the Justice Department.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa Etika Dewan telah memulakan siasatan ke atas aktiviti Grimm pada musim bunga lalu, tetapi baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahawa ia menangguhkan tindakan mengenai perkara itu atas permintaan Jabatan Kehakiman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With Grimm's new plea, the committee could decide early next year to renew its investigation and consider some type of punishment.", "r": {"result": "Dengan rayuan baharu Grimm, jawatankuasa itu boleh membuat keputusan awal tahun depan untuk memperbaharui siasatannya dan mempertimbangkan beberapa jenis hukuman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will also likely be pressure on Grimm to step down from Congress.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga tekanan terhadap Grimm untuk berundur daripada Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grimm's congressional office and his attorney did not immediately respond to CNN requests for comment.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat kongres Grimm dan peguamnya tidak segera menjawab permintaan CNN untuk mendapatkan komen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Could a massive passenger jet slip past radar, cross international borders and land undetected?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bolehkah jet penumpang besar melepasi radar, merentasi sempadan antarabangsa dan mendarat tanpa dikesan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's a key question investigators are weighing as they continue the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which vanished March 8 on a flight between Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Itulah persoalan utama yang sedang difikirkan oleh penyiasat ketika mereka meneruskan pencarian pesawat Malaysia Airlines Penerbangan 370, yang hilang pada 8 Mac dalam penerbangan antara Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia dan Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Radar does have some blind spots, and it's possible to fly at lower altitudes to avoid being spotted, analysts told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Radar memang mempunyai beberapa titik buta, dan mungkin untuk terbang pada ketinggian yang lebih rendah untuk mengelak daripada dikesan, kata penganalisis kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But experts are divided over whether that could be what happened to the missing Boeing 777.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pakar berbelah bahagi sama ada itu mungkin berlaku kepada Boeing 777 yang hilang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeffrey Beatty, a security consultant and former FBI special agent, says someone could have planned a route that avoided radar detection.", "r": {"result": "Jeffrey Beatty, seorang perunding keselamatan dan bekas ejen khas FBI, berkata seseorang boleh merancang laluan yang mengelakkan pengesanan radar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It certainly is possible to fly through the mountains in that part of the world and not be visible on radar.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah tentu mungkin untuk terbang melalui pergunungan di bahagian dunia itu dan tidak dapat dilihat pada radar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, an experienced pilot, anyone who wanted to go in that direction, could certainly plot out all the known radar locations, and you can easily determine, where are the radar blind spots\"?", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, juruterbang yang berpengalaman, sesiapa sahaja yang ingin pergi ke arah itu, pastinya boleh merancang semua lokasi radar yang diketahui, dan anda boleh dengan mudah menentukan, di manakah titik buta radar\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he said.", "r": {"result": "katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's the type of things the Americans did when they went into Pakistan to go after Osama bin Laden\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah jenis perkara yang dilakukan oleh Amerika apabila mereka pergi ke Pakistan untuk mengejar Osama bin Laden\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, the Malaysian newspaper New Straits Times reported that the plane may have flown low to the ground -- 5,000 feet or less -- and used mountainous terrain as cover to evade radar detection.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, akhbar Malaysia New Straits Times melaporkan bahawa pesawat itu mungkin telah terbang rendah ke tanah -- 5,000 kaki atau kurang -- dan menggunakan kawasan pergunungan sebagai perlindungan untuk mengelak pengesanan radar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The newspaper cited unnamed sources for its reporting, which CNN could not immediately confirm.", "r": {"result": "Akhbar itu memetik sumber yang tidak dinamakan untuk laporannya, yang tidak dapat disahkan segera oleh CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a senior Indian military official told CNN on Monday that military radar near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands isn't as closely watched as other radar systems.", "r": {"result": "Dan seorang pegawai kanan tentera India memberitahu CNN pada hari Isnin bahawa radar tentera berhampiran Kepulauan Andaman dan Nicobar tidak diawasi dengan teliti seperti sistem radar lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That leaves open the possibility that Indian radar systems may not have picked up the airplane at the time of its last known Malaysian radar contact, near the tiny island of Palau Perak in the Strait of Malacca.", "r": {"result": "Itu membuka kemungkinan bahawa sistem radar India mungkin tidak mengambil pesawat itu pada masa hubungan radar Malaysia terakhir yang diketahui, berhampiran pulau kecil Palau Perak di Selat Melaka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. officials have said they don't think it's likely the plane flew north over land as it veered off course.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai A.S. berkata mereka tidak fikir kemungkinan pesawat itu terbang ke utara di atas darat kerana ia terkeluar dari landasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If it had, they've said, radar somewhere would have detected it.", "r": {"result": "Jika ada, mereka berkata, radar di suatu tempat akan mengesannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Landing the plane somewhere also seems unlikely, since that would require a large runway, refueling capability and the ability to fix the plane, the officials have said.", "r": {"result": "Mendaratkan pesawat di suatu tempat juga nampaknya tidak mungkin, kerana itu memerlukan landasan yang besar, keupayaan mengisi minyak dan keupayaan untuk membaiki pesawat, kata para pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Malaysian officials said Monday that they were not aware of the Malaysian newspaper's report.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Malaysia berkata pada Isnin bahawa mereka tidak mengetahui laporan akhbar Malaysia itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It does not come from us,\" said Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa bukan datang daripada kami,\u201d kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Malaysia Airlines Ahmad Jauhari Yahya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysts interviewed by CNN said that it would be extremely difficult to fly such a large aircraft so close to the ground over a long period of time, and that it's not even clear that doing so would keep the plane off radar scopes.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis yang ditemuramah oleh CNN berkata bahawa ia akan menjadi sangat sukar untuk menerbangkan pesawat sebesar itu begitu dekat dengan tanah dalam tempoh masa yang panjang, dan ia tidak jelas bahawa berbuat demikian akan menghalang pesawat itu daripada skop radar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Five-thousand isn't really low enough to evade the radar, and that's kind of where general aviation flies all the time anyway, and we're visible to radar,\" said Mary Schiavo, a CNN aviation analyst and former inspector general for the U.S. Department of Transportation.", "r": {"result": "\"Lima ribu sebenarnya tidak cukup rendah untuk mengelak daripada radar, dan itulah jenis penerbangan am terbang sepanjang masa, dan kami boleh dilihat oleh radar,\" kata Mary Schiavo, penganalisis penerbangan CNN dan bekas inspektor jeneral untuk Jabatan Pengangkutan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It just seems really highly improbable, unless we've been overestimating a lot of other countries' radar system capabilities,\" said Daniel Rose, an aviation and maritime attorney.", "r": {"result": "\"Nampaknya sangat mustahil, melainkan kita terlalu melebih-lebihkan keupayaan sistem radar negara lain,\" kata Daniel Rose, seorang peguam penerbangan dan maritim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buck Sexton, a former CIA officer who's now national security editor for TheBlaze.com, said radar would have detected the plane if it flew over land.", "r": {"result": "Buck Sexton, bekas pegawai CIA yang kini editor keselamatan negara untuk TheBlaze.com, berkata radar akan mengesan pesawat itu jika ia terbang di atas darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a bus in the sky.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni bas di langit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a lot harder to get under the radar with this kind of thing than I think most people realize,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Jauh lebih sukar untuk berada di bawah radar dengan perkara seperti ini daripada yang saya fikir kebanyakan orang sedar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So really, while the search I know has extended to this vast area stretching up into (the nations and central or south Asia), clearly there really should be much more of a search over open water, because this is not getting past people's radars\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sebenarnya, walaupun pencarian yang saya tahu telah meluas ke kawasan yang luas ini menjangkau ke (negara-negara dan Asia tengah atau selatan), jelas perlu ada lebih banyak pencarian di perairan terbuka, kerana ini tidak melepasi radar orang ramai. \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wouldn't be easy to avoid radar detection, experts say, but it could be done.", "r": {"result": "Bukan mudah untuk mengelakkan pengesanan radar, kata pakar, tetapi ia boleh dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Anything like this is possible,\" radar expert Greg Charvat told CNN's Piers Morgan Live.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa-apa seperti ini mungkin,\" pakar radar Greg Charvat memberitahu Piers Morgan Live CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But to do it, you'd have to have very detailed information of the type of radars, their disposition, their heights and their waveforms to pull that off\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi untuk melakukannya, anda perlu mempunyai maklumat yang sangat terperinci tentang jenis radar, kedudukannya, ketinggiannya dan bentuk gelombangnya untuk melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Different countries would likely be using different radar systems, he said, but it's unclear how advanced the technology is in many countries.", "r": {"result": "Negara yang berbeza mungkin akan menggunakan sistem radar yang berbeza, katanya, tetapi tidak jelas sejauh mana teknologi itu berada di banyak negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It took a great deal of skill to do this,\" CNN aviation analyst Jim Tilmon said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia memerlukan banyak kemahiran untuk melakukan ini,\" kata penganalisis penerbangan CNN Jim Tilmon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think somebody was at the controls who understood the value of altitude control to eliminate the possibility of being spotted and tracked on radar\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa seseorang berada di kawalan yang memahami nilai kawalan ketinggian untuk menghapuskan kemungkinan dikesan dan dikesan pada radar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whoever was in control in the cockpit, he said, \"really had the ability to map out a route that was given the very best chance of not being detected\".", "r": {"result": "Sesiapa yang mengawal dalam kokpit, dia berkata, \"benar-benar mempunyai keupayaan untuk memetakan laluan yang diberi peluang terbaik untuk tidak dikesan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One other possibility, he said: the plane could have shadowed another plane so closely that it slipped by radar detection.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi kemungkinan, katanya: pesawat itu boleh membayangi pesawat lain dengan begitu rapat sehingga ia tergelincir oleh pengesanan radar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other analysts say that would require so much skill that it would be nearly impossible to pull off without getting caught.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis lain mengatakan bahawa ia memerlukan kemahiran yang tinggi sehingga hampir mustahil untuk melakukannya tanpa ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's another possible wrinkle, experts say.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat satu lagi kemungkinan kedutan, kata pakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some countries may be hesitant to reveal what they've seen on radar.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah negara mungkin teragak-agak untuk mendedahkan perkara yang mereka lihat pada radar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They want to protect their own capabilities,\" Beatty said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mahu melindungi keupayaan mereka sendiri,\" kata Beatty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Their intelligence services are not going to want to publicize exactly what their capabilities are\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perkhidmatan perisikan mereka tidak akan mahu menghebahkan dengan tepat apa keupayaan mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here are other developments in the search and investigation, as search crews from 26 nations continue scouring vast swaths of ocean and land for any trace of the airliner:", "r": {"result": "Berikut adalah perkembangan lain dalam pencarian dan penyiasatan, ketika kru pencarian dari 26 negara terus menjelajahi petak lautan dan darat yang luas untuk mencari sebarang kesan pesawat itu:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Timeline clarification.", "r": {"result": "Penjelasan garis masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ahmad Jauhari said Monday that it wasn't clear whether the final words from the cockpit came before or after the plane's data-reporting system was shut down.", "r": {"result": "Ahmad Jauhari berkata Isnin bahawa ia tidak jelas sama ada kata-kata terakhir dari kokpit datang sebelum atau selepas sistem pelaporan data pesawat itu ditutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, Malaysian authorities had said the message \"All right, good night\" came after the system had been disabled.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum ini, pihak berkuasa Malaysia telah berkata mesej \"Baiklah, selamat malam\" datang selepas sistem itu dilumpuhkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The voice message came from the plane's copilot at 1:19 a.m. Saturday, March 8, Ahmad Jauhari said.", "r": {"result": "Mesej suara itu datang daripada mesin penolong pesawat itu pada 1:19 pagi Sabtu, 8 Mac, kata Ahmad Jauhari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The data system sent its last transmission at 1:07 a.m. and was shut down sometime between then and 1:37 a.m. that day, Ahmad Jauhari said.", "r": {"result": "Sistem data menghantar penghantaran terakhirnya pada jam 1:07 pagi dan ditutup antara waktu itu dan 1:37 pagi hari itu, kata Ahmad Jauhari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grief counselor: Families holding on to hope.", "r": {"result": "Penasihat kesedihan: Keluarga berpegang pada harapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As authorities keep searching for the plane, the loved ones of the 239 passengers and crew members who were on board are left in limbo.", "r": {"result": "Ketika pihak berkuasa terus mencari pesawat itu, orang tersayang daripada 239 penumpang dan anak kapal yang berada di dalam pesawat itu ditinggalkan dalam keadaan tidak menentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Helping them has been difficult, grief counselor Paul Yin told CNN's \"AC360.\".", "r": {"result": "Membantu mereka adalah sukar, kaunselor kesedihan Paul Yin memberitahu CNN \"AC360.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Grief counseling, or any kind of recovery from this, has to have a starting point.", "r": {"result": "\"Kaunseling kesedihan, atau apa-apa jenis pemulihan daripada ini, perlu mempunyai titik permulaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the starting point is having a verdict of what happened,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Dan titik permulaan adalah mempunyai keputusan tentang apa yang berlaku,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Without a starting point, every day people's emotions go up and down, from hope to despair\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tanpa titik permulaan, setiap hari emosi manusia naik dan turun, dari harapan kepada putus asa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He heard some family members cheer when they learned that hijacking was possibly what caused the plane's disappearance.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendengar beberapa ahli keluarga bersorak apabila mereka mengetahui bahawa rampasan mungkin menyebabkan kehilangan pesawat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because that means they could still be alive,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kerana itu bermakna mereka masih boleh hidup,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're trying to hold onto any little bit of hope\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka cuba memegang sedikit harapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese response.", "r": {"result": "sambutan orang Cina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China said Monday that it had deployed 10 ships, 21 satellites and multiple aircraft to aid in the search.", "r": {"result": "China berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa ia telah mengerahkan 10 kapal, 21 satelit dan beberapa pesawat untuk membantu dalam pencarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Premier Li Keqiang spoke with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to ask for more information to help speed the search along, according to a statement posted on the Chinese government website.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Li Keqiang bercakap dengan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Najib Razak untuk meminta maklumat lanjut bagi membantu mempercepatkan pencarian, menurut satu kenyataan yang disiarkan di laman web kerajaan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A top Malaysian official denied the allegation that his country had held back information about the missing flight.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai tinggi Malaysia menafikan dakwaan bahawa negaranya telah menahan maklumat mengenai kehilangan penerbangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our priority has always been to find the aircraft.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKeutamaan kami sentiasa mencari pesawat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We would not withhold any information that could help,\" Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Haishammuddin Tun Hussein told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak akan menahan sebarang maklumat yang boleh membantu,\" kata Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Haishammuddin Tun Hussein kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But we also have a responsibility not to release information until it has been verified by the international investigations team\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi kami juga mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk tidak mengeluarkan maklumat sehingga ia telah disahkan oleh pasukan penyiasat antarabangsa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Navy pulls out destroyer.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Laut A.S. menarik keluar kapal pemusnah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The USS Kidd and its helicopters have stopped combing the Andaman Sea and are no longer part of search efforts for the missing plane, the Navy said.", "r": {"result": "USS Kidd dan helikopternya telah berhenti menyisir Laut Andaman dan tidak lagi menjadi sebahagian daripada usaha mencari pesawat yang hilang itu, kata Tentera Laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The move is partially because Australians are taking over the majority of the searching in that area, U.S. officials said.", "r": {"result": "Langkah itu sebahagiannya kerana warga Australia mengambil alih majoriti pencarian di kawasan itu, kata pegawai AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A U.S. P-8 aircraft will move to Perth, Australia, to be based there for searching.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah pesawat P-8 A.S. akan berpindah ke Perth, Australia, untuk berpangkalan di sana untuk pencarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fewer U.S. assets will be involved in the search for the missing plane, but U.S. officials said the P-8 will be able to cover a wider range of ocean more quickly than the ship could.", "r": {"result": "Lebih sedikit aset A.S. akan terlibat dalam pencarian pesawat yang hilang itu, tetapi pegawai A.S. berkata P-8 akan dapat meliputi lautan yang lebih luas dengan lebih cepat daripada kapal itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is actually much more effective for the overall search,\" Cmdr. William Marks of the U.S. 7th Fleet told CNN's Wolf Blitzer Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini sebenarnya lebih berkesan untuk carian keseluruhan,\" Cmdr. William Marks dari Armada Ke-7 A.S. memberitahu Wolf Blitzer CNN Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The real challenge is this huge expanse of water.", "r": {"result": "\u201cCabaran sebenar ialah air yang luas ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I keep saying, if you superimposed a map of the U.S. on here, it'd be like trying to find someone anywhere between New York and California.", "r": {"result": "Saya terus berkata, jika anda menindih peta A.S. di sini, rasanya seperti cuba mencari seseorang di mana-mana sahaja antara New York dan California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "so that's the challenge here,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "jadi itulah cabarannya di sini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have amazing, dedicated air crews.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai kru udara yang mengagumkan dan berdedikasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "it's just a matter of how much area we can search\".", "r": {"result": "ia hanya soal berapa banyak kawasan yang boleh kita cari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Barbara Starr, Brooke Baldwin, Wolf Blitzer and Elizabeth Joseph contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Starr dari CNN, Brooke Baldwin, Wolf Blitzer dan Elizabeth Joseph menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dallas (CNN) -- Corey Knowlton is on edge sitting inside a Las Vegas hotel room, surrounded by a private security detail, explaining why he spent $350,000 for the chance to hunt a black rhinoceros in the southern African nation of Namibia.", "r": {"result": "Dallas (CNN) -- Corey Knowlton berada di tepi duduk di dalam bilik hotel Las Vegas, dikelilingi oleh butiran keselamatan peribadi, menjelaskan mengapa dia membelanjakan $350,000 untuk peluang memburu seekor badak sumbu hitam di negara Afrika selatan Namibia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I sound emotional, it's because I have people threatening my kids,\" Knowlton told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya terdengar emosi, itu kerana saya mempunyai orang yang mengancam anak-anak saya,\" kata Knowlton kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's because I have people threatening to kill me right now [that] I'm having to talk to the FBI and have private security to keep my children from being skinned alive and shot at\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia kerana saya mempunyai orang yang mengancam untuk membunuh saya sekarang [yang] saya perlu bercakap dengan FBI dan mempunyai keselamatan peribadi untuk mengelakkan anak-anak saya daripada dikuliti hidup-hidup dan ditembak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton was outed over social media as the winner of the Dallas Safari Club's auction for a black rhino hunting permit from the Namibian government last weekend.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton dikecam melalui media sosial sebagai pemenang lelongan Dallas Safari Club untuk permit memburu badak hitam daripada kerajaan Namibia hujung minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It didn't take long for the threats and vitriol to start pouring in.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak mengambil masa lama untuk ancaman dan vitriol mula mencurah-curah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You are a BARBARIAN.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAwak ni BARBARIAN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People like you need to be the innocent that are hunted,\" posted one woman on Knowlton's Facebook page.", "r": {"result": "Orang seperti anda perlu menjadi orang yang tidak bersalah yang diburu,\" tulis seorang wanita di halaman Facebook Knowlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some sounded even more sinister.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang terdengar lebih jahat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I find you and I will KILL you,\" read another threat.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya jumpa awak dan saya akan BUNUH awak,\" baca ancaman lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have friends who live in the area and will have you in there sights also,\" wrote another commenter.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai kawan yang tinggal di kawasan itu dan akan melihat anda di sana juga,\" tulis pengulas lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kenya implanting microchips in rhinos to fight poaching.", "r": {"result": "Kenya menanam mikrocip dalam badak sumbu untuk memerangi pemburuan haram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A hunter afraid of being hunted?", "r": {"result": "\"Pemburu takut diburu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How do you think the rhino feels idiot\"?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana anda fikir badak itu berasa bodoh\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "responded one woman to Knowlton's fears.", "r": {"result": "balas seorang wanita terhadap ketakutan Knowlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the backlash, Knowlton has decided to engage the raging debate over how to protect an endangered species, such as the black rhino, by putting down his own money to help save the species and raise awareness about wildlife conservation.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mendapat tindak balas, Knowlton telah memutuskan untuk terlibat dalam perdebatan hangat tentang cara melindungi spesies terancam, seperti badak hitam, dengan meletakkan wangnya sendiri untuk membantu menyelamatkan spesies dan meningkatkan kesedaran tentang pemuliharaan hidupan liar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I respect the black rhino,\" said Knowlton.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menghormati badak hitam,\" kata Knowlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of people say, 'Do you feel like a bigger man?", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai orang berkata, 'Adakah anda berasa seperti lelaki yang lebih besar?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' or 'Is this a thrill for you?", "r": {"result": "' atau 'Adakah ini satu keseronokan untuk anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' The thrill is knowing that we are preserving wildlife resources, not for the next generation, but for eons\".", "r": {"result": "' Keseronokan apabila mengetahui bahawa kita memelihara sumber hidupan liar, bukan untuk generasi akan datang, tetapi untuk berabad-abad lamanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton, 35, is a Dallas-based hunting consultant for The Hunting Consortium, an international guide service.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton, 35, ialah perunding memburu yang berpangkalan di Dallas untuk The Hunting Consortium, sebuah perkhidmatan panduan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's also the co-host of a hunting show on The Outdoor Channel called \"Jim Shockey's The Professionals\".", "r": {"result": "Dia juga merupakan hos bersama rancangan memburu di The Outdoor Channel yang dipanggil \"Jim Shockey's The Professionals\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton's online biography says he's hunted more than 120 species on almost every continent.", "r": {"result": "Biografi dalam talian Knowlton mengatakan dia telah memburu lebih daripada 120 spesies di hampir setiap benua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hunting has long been a passion of his -- Knowlton said he started hunting as a young boy.", "r": {"result": "Memburu telah lama menjadi minatnya -- Knowlton berkata dia mula memburu sejak kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he grew up poor, but made a good living in oil production.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia membesar dalam keadaan miskin, tetapi mencari rezeki yang baik dalam pengeluaran minyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm a hunter.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya seorang pemburu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to experience a black rhino.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin merasai badak hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to be there and be a part of it.", "r": {"result": "Saya mahu berada di sana dan menjadi sebahagian daripadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe in the cycle of life.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya pada kitaran kehidupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't believe that meat, you know, comes from the grocery store.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak percaya bahawa daging, anda tahu, datang dari kedai runcit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe that animal died and I respect it,\" Knowlton said Thursday night on CNN's \"Piers Morgan Live\".", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya haiwan itu mati dan saya menghormatinya,\" kata Knowlton malam Khamis di CNN \"Piers Morgan Live\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He describes himself as a passionate conservationist and desperately wants to explain to his critics why hunting one old black rhino can help save critically endangered species around the world.", "r": {"result": "Dia menggambarkan dirinya sebagai seorang pemuliharaan yang bersemangat dan bersungguh-sungguh ingin menjelaskan kepada pengkritiknya mengapa memburu seekor badak hitam tua boleh membantu menyelamatkan spesies yang hampir pupus di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He knows it's a difficult conversation full of scathing-hot emotion.", "r": {"result": "Dia tahu itu perbualan yang sukar yang penuh dengan emosi yang pedas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Humane Society: We'll block his trophy.", "r": {"result": "Masyarakat Berperikemanusiaan: Kami akan menyekat trofinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Humane Society opposed the Dallas Safari Club Auction and says it plans to fight Knowlton's efforts to bring the black rhino trophy into the United States.", "r": {"result": "Humane Society menentang Lelongan Kelab Safari Dallas dan berkata ia merancang untuk melawan usaha Knowlton untuk membawa trofi badak hitam ke Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Knowlton does hunt and kill the black rhino, he'll need a special permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to import the animal into the country under the Endangered Species Act.", "r": {"result": "Jika Knowlton memburu dan membunuh badak hitam, dia memerlukan permit khas daripada Perkhidmatan Ikan dan Hidupan Liar A.S. untuk mengimport haiwan itu ke negara itu di bawah Akta Spesies Terancam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society, wrote in an online blog post that killing one endangered animal to save the species is an \"Orwellian idea\" and worries that it will inspire hunters to pay millions of dollars for the chance to kill orangutans, elephants or tigers.", "r": {"result": "Wayne Pacelle, presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif The Humane Society, menulis dalam catatan blog dalam talian bahawa membunuh seekor haiwan terancam untuk menyelamatkan spesies itu adalah \"idea Orwellian\" dan bimbang ia akan memberi inspirasi kepada pemburu untuk membayar berjuta-juta dolar untuk peluang membunuh orang utan , gajah atau harimau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Where will it end\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Di manakah ia akan berakhir\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "wrote Pacelle.", "r": {"result": "tulis Pacelle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first rule of protecting the rarest animals in the world is to protect each living member of that species\".", "r": {"result": "\"Peraturan pertama untuk melindungi haiwan yang paling jarang ditemui di dunia adalah untuk melindungi setiap ahli hidup spesies itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Helicopters versus drones: The cost of the war on rhinos.", "r": {"result": "Helikopter lawan dron: Kos perang terhadap badak sumbu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Knowlton argues that, in this instance, killing one black rhino will protect the species throughout Namibia and that this idea is supported by scientists and conservationists around the world.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Knowlton berhujah bahawa, dalam hal ini, membunuh seekor badak sumbu hitam akan melindungi spesies di seluruh Namibia dan idea ini disokong oleh saintis dan pemuliharaan di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the world's approximately 5,000 black rhinos, about 1,700 are in Namibia.", "r": {"result": "Daripada kira-kira 5,000 badak sumbu hitam di dunia, kira-kira 1,700 ekor berada di Namibia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton says the Namibian government has identified a handful of black rhinos that can be hunted.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton berkata kerajaan Namibia telah mengenal pasti segelintir badak sumbu hitam yang boleh diburu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are animals that are old, no longer capable of breeding and are considered a dangerous threat to other younger animals.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah haiwan yang sudah tua, tidak lagi mampu membiak dan dianggap sebagai ancaman berbahaya kepada haiwan muda yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the threat to the rhino is from its own kind.", "r": {"result": "Katanya, ancaman terhadap badak sumbu itu adalah daripada jenisnya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One of the other ear-tagged killer rhinos is going to injure it.", "r": {"result": "\"Salah satu lagi badak pembunuh bertag telinga akan mencederakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then either lions or hyenas are going to drag it down.", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian sama ada singa atau dubuk akan menyeretnya ke bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's going to die [in] a horrible manner, slowly\".", "r": {"result": "Ia akan mati [dalam] cara yang mengerikan, perlahan-lahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So Knowlton argues, why not let a hunter pay a massive amount of money to take out a threat to the rest of the species.", "r": {"result": "Jadi Knowlton berhujah, mengapa tidak membiarkan pemburu membayar sejumlah besar wang untuk menghapuskan ancaman kepada seluruh spesies.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Dallas Safari Club says the $350,000 paid by Knowlton will be donated to the Namibian government's black rhino conservation efforts.", "r": {"result": "Kelab Safari Dallas berkata $350,000 yang dibayar oleh Knowlton akan didermakan kepada usaha pemuliharaan badak hitam kerajaan Namibia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As much as I would love them all to live forever, they are going to die,\" said Knowlton.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti yang saya suka mereka semua untuk hidup selama-lamanya, mereka akan mati,\" kata Knowlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The older males are killing each other, and something has to be done about it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lelaki yang lebih tua membunuh satu sama lain, dan sesuatu perlu dilakukan mengenainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton's supporters: Science backs him up.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong Knowlton: Sains menyokongnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton's supporters say this conservation strategy is based in smart science.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong Knowlton mengatakan strategi pemuliharaan ini berdasarkan sains pintar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The International Union for Conservation of Nature supported the Dallas Safari Club's black rhino hunting permit auction.", "r": {"result": "Kesatuan Antarabangsa untuk Pemuliharaan Alam Semula Jadi menyokong lelongan permit memburu badak hitam Dallas Safari Club.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The union says its mission is to work with governments and conservation groups around the world to find \"practical solutions\" to conservation efforts around the world.", "r": {"result": "Kesatuan itu berkata misinya adalah untuk bekerjasama dengan kerajaan dan kumpulan pemuliharaan di seluruh dunia untuk mencari \"penyelesaian praktikal\" kepada usaha pemuliharaan di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also says \"trophy hunting is a fundamental pillar of Namibia's conservation approach and instrumental in its success\".", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mengatakan \"memburu trofi adalah tonggak asas pendekatan pemuliharaan Namibia dan memainkan peranan penting dalam kejayaannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that \"well-managed recreational hunting and trophy hunting\" have had a positive impact in \"stimulating population increases for rhino\".", "r": {"result": "Dan \"pemburuan rekreasi dan pemburuan trofi yang diurus dengan baik\" telah memberi kesan positif dalam \"merangsang pertambahan populasi badak sumbu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But other animal rights organizations have criticized this conservation strategy and argue that the better focus would be eco-tourism, raising money from people willing to pay to see endangered animals up close in the wild.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi organisasi hak asasi haiwan lain telah mengkritik strategi pemuliharaan ini dan berpendapat bahawa tumpuan yang lebih baik ialah eko-pelancongan, mengumpul wang daripada orang yang sanggup membayar untuk melihat haiwan terancam secara dekat di alam liar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton says the intense and controversial publicity leading up to the Dallas Safari Club auction scared several serious bidders away.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton berkata publisiti sengit dan kontroversi yang membawa kepada lelongan Kelab Safari Dallas menakutkan beberapa pembida yang serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton said going into the auction there were about 10 serious bidders, but by the time the bidding started, that number had dwindled to about three.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton berkata semasa lelongan itu terdapat kira-kira 10 pembida yang serius, tetapi pada masa pembidaan bermula, jumlah itu telah berkurangan kepada kira-kira tiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was the most unfortunate thing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah perkara yang paling malang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were people willing to spend $500,000 to a million dollars,\" said Knowlton.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat orang yang sanggup membelanjakan $500,000 hingga satu juta dolar,\" kata Knowlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After what I'm going through now, I understand why they decided not to do it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas apa yang saya alami sekarang, saya faham mengapa mereka memutuskan untuk tidak melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton says he does not yet when he'll schedule his hunting expedition to Namibia.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton berkata dia belum tahu bila dia akan menjadualkan ekspedisi memburunya ke Namibia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A great deal of planning and preparation must be done, he said.", "r": {"result": "Banyak perancangan dan persediaan yang perlu dilakukan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton wants to preserve the black rhino's hide and then donate the rhino meat to needy communities in Namibia.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton ingin memelihara kulit badak hitam dan kemudian menyumbangkan daging badak itu kepada komuniti yang memerlukan di Namibia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I speak with my heart.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bercakap dengan hati saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm passionate about this,\" said Knowlton.", "r": {"result": "Saya bersemangat tentang ini,\" kata Knowlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think with the money that I contributed, with everything that is at stake and everything there is to be gained by the world to learn about sustainable use, I think this could be the greatest experience of my life\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir dengan wang yang saya sumbangkan, dengan segala yang dipertaruhkan dan semua yang ada untuk diperolehi oleh dunia untuk belajar tentang penggunaan mampan, saya fikir ini boleh menjadi pengalaman terhebat dalam hidup saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowlton says if the hunt doesn't go perfectly it could also be one of the worst experiences of his life.", "r": {"result": "Knowlton berkata jika pemburuan itu tidak berjalan dengan sempurna, ia juga boleh menjadi salah satu pengalaman terburuk dalam hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think it makes me a bigger man; I actually think, Piers, I think it could make me a dead man,\" he told CNN's Morgan.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir ia menjadikan saya seorang lelaki yang lebih besar; Saya sebenarnya fikir, Piers, saya fikir ia boleh menjadikan saya orang mati,\" katanya kepada CNN Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is probably the most dangerous situation that I'll ever be in outside of walking around right now with all the people that want to kill me\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini mungkin situasi paling berbahaya yang pernah saya alami di luar berjalan-jalan sekarang dengan semua orang yang mahu membunuh saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gallery: 20 years of photographing in Africa.", "r": {"result": "Galeri: 20 tahun mengambil gambar di Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jason Morris contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jason Morris dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Piers Morgan Live weeknights 9 p.m. ET.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Piers Morgan Live malam minggu 9 malam. ET.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the latest from Piers Morgan click here.", "r": {"result": "Untuk maklumat terkini daripada Piers Morgan klik di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico City, Mexico (CNN) -- At least nine people died in shootouts over the weekend in northeastern Mexico, an area where two drug cartels have been waging a bloody war since January.", "r": {"result": "Mexico City, Mexico (CNN) -- Sekurang-kurangnya sembilan orang maut dalam kejadian berbalas tembak pada hujung minggu di timur laut Mexico, kawasan di mana dua kartel dadah melancarkan perang berdarah sejak Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eight people were killed early Sunday in the municipality of Miguel Aleman in Tamaulipas state, the state government said on its Web site.", "r": {"result": "Lapan orang terbunuh awal Ahad di perbandaran Miguel Aleman di negeri Tamaulipas, kata kerajaan negeri dalam laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five died inside a bar and three others were killed in a motor vehicle, the government said.", "r": {"result": "Lima maut di dalam sebuah bar dan tiga lagi terbunuh dalam kenderaan bermotor, kata kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One gang-related death was recorded in the municipality Saturday during a firefight between soldiers and a group of armed men, the government's information center said.", "r": {"result": "Satu kematian berkaitan geng direkodkan di majlis perbandaran pada hari Sabtu semasa pertempuran antara tentera dan sekumpulan lelaki bersenjata, kata pusat maklumat kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The area, which borders Texas, has seen ferocious fighting between the Zetas and Gulf cartels after a recent gangland slaying.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan itu, yang bersempadan dengan Texas, telah menyaksikan pertempuran sengit antara Zetas dan kartel Teluk selepas pembunuhan samseng baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hours-long gun battles are common, and U.S. officials were recently forced to temporarily close the consulate in Reynosa, another city in Tamaulipas state.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran senjata api selama berjam-jam adalah perkara biasa, dan pegawai AS baru-baru ini terpaksa menutup sementara konsulat di Reynosa, sebuah lagi bandar di negeri Tamaulipas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, the U.S. State Department issued a travel warning to inform U.S. citizens traveling to and living in Mexico of concerns about the security situation in the nation.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, Jabatan Negara A.S. mengeluarkan amaran perjalanan untuk memaklumkan warga A.S. yang melakukan perjalanan ke dan tinggal di Mexico tentang kebimbangan mengenai situasi keselamatan di negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The State Department issued a similar warning in March.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara mengeluarkan amaran serupa pada Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trouble in Tamaulipas and neighboring Nuevo Leon state started January 18, when Gulf cartel members killed top Zeta lieutenant Victor Mendoza.", "r": {"result": "Masalah di Tamaulipas dan negara jiran Nuevo Leon bermula 18 Januari, apabila anggota kartel Teluk membunuh leftenan tertinggi Zeta Victor Mendoza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Zetas demanded that the Gulf cartel turn over the killers, but the narco group refused.", "r": {"result": "Zetas menuntut agar kartel Teluk menyerahkan pembunuh, tetapi kumpulan narkotik enggan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Zetas, composed mostly of former elite military troops, had been the armed enforcers for the Gulf cartel since 2001. They have become more independent in recent years, and the all-out war between the two cartels indicates the split is apparently permanent.", "r": {"result": "Zetas, yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada bekas tentera elit, telah menjadi penguatkuasa bersenjata untuk kartel Teluk sejak 2001. Mereka telah menjadi lebih bebas dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, dan perang habis-habisan antara kedua-dua kartel itu menunjukkan perpecahan nampaknya kekal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexican authorities said Monday that the Gulf cartel has reached an alliance with the Familia Michoacana drug organization to fight the Zetas.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Mexico berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa kartel Teluk telah mencapai pakatan dengan organisasi dadah Familia Michoacana untuk memerangi Zetas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal police made the observation in an announcement about the arrest of a top Familia Michoacana lieutenant and two other suspects.", "r": {"result": "Polis persekutuan membuat pemerhatian dalam satu pengumuman mengenai penahanan seorang leftenan Familia Michoacana dan dua suspek lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cartel suspect Jose Manuel Cuevas Arias, known as \"el Borrego,\" was the Michoacan organization's leader in the state of Guanajuato, the federal police agency said on its Web site.", "r": {"result": "Suspek kartel Jose Manuel Cuevas Arias, dikenali sebagai \"el Borrego,\" ialah ketua organisasi Michoacan di negeri Guanajuato, kata agensi polis persekutuan di laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other two suspects were identified as Rafael Rosales Cuevas, 32, alias \"el Aguacate,\" and Luis Alberto Farias Ruiz, 22, known as \"la Lore\".", "r": {"result": "Dua lagi suspek dikenali sebagai Rafael Rosales Cuevas, 32, alias \"el Aguacate,\" dan Luis Alberto Farias Ruiz, 22, dikenali sebagai \"la Lore\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The states of Michoacan and Guanajuato border each other in southern Mexico.", "r": {"result": "Negeri Michoacan dan Guanajuato bersempadan antara satu sama lain di selatan Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cuevas Arias, 31, is accused in the deaths of four federal police officers, the agency said.", "r": {"result": "Cuevas Arias, 31, dituduh dalam kematian empat pegawai polis persekutuan, kata agensi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was incarcerated twice in the United States, sentenced in Moreno Valle, California, in 2000 for the production of amphetamine and later for illegal entry into the country, Mexican federal police said.", "r": {"result": "Dia dipenjarakan dua kali di Amerika Syarikat, dijatuhkan hukuman di Moreno Valle, California, pada 2000 kerana menghasilkan amphetamine dan kemudian kerana kemasukan haram ke negara itu, kata polis persekutuan Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was sentenced to two years for the illegal entry and was released in 2007, the federal police said.", "r": {"result": "Dia dijatuhi hukuman dua tahun kerana kemasukan haram dan dibebaskan pada 2007, kata polis persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The weekend violence in Tamaulipas was the latest in a string of bloody killings in the state.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan hujung minggu di Tamaulipas adalah yang terbaru dalam rentetan pembunuhan berdarah di negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this month, five men and two women were killed in the city of Tampico.", "r": {"result": "Awal bulan ini, lima lelaki dan dua wanita terbunuh di bandar Tampico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most violent day this year occurred March 30, when 18 people died in drug-related violence, the state government said.", "r": {"result": "Hari paling ganas tahun ini berlaku pada 30 Mac, apabila 18 orang maut dalam keganasan berkaitan dadah, kata kerajaan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No official figures are available, but media tallies this year say more than 17,000 people have been killed nationwide since Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels shortly after taking office in December 2006.", "r": {"result": "Tiada angka rasmi tersedia, tetapi jumlah media tahun ini mengatakan lebih 17,000 orang telah terbunuh di seluruh negara sejak Presiden Mexico Felipe Calderon mengisytiharkan perang ke atas kartel dadah sejurus selepas memegang jawatan pada Disember 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ciudad Juarez, in northern Mexico across from El Paso, Texas, is the most violent city in the nation, with more than 2,600 drug-related deaths in 2009. No official numbers are available, but more than 400 killings have been reported by local media this year.", "r": {"result": "Ciudad Juarez, di utara Mexico di seberang El Paso, Texas, adalah bandar paling ganas di negara ini, dengan lebih 2,600 kematian berkaitan dadah pada 2009. Tiada nombor rasmi tersedia, tetapi lebih 400 pembunuhan telah dilaporkan oleh media tempatan tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city, long the focal point of Calderon's battle against cartels, came to renewed prominence after the January 31 killings of 15 people, most of them students with no links to organized crime.", "r": {"result": "Bandar itu, yang menjadi tumpuan pertempuran Calderon menentang kartel, menjadi terkenal selepas pembunuhan 15 orang pada 31 Januari, kebanyakannya pelajar tanpa kaitan dengan jenayah terancang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The massacre sparked outrage throughout Mexico and drew worldwide attention.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan beramai-ramai itu mencetuskan kemarahan di seluruh Mexico dan menarik perhatian seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In another incident that drew widespread attention, three people associated with the U.S. Consulate in Juarez were gunned down in two shootings last month.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu lagi insiden yang menarik perhatian meluas, tiga orang yang dikaitkan dengan Konsulat AS di Juarez telah ditembak mati dalam dua tembakan bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two of the victims, including a pregnant woman, were U.S. citizens living in El Paso, Texas.", "r": {"result": "Dua daripada mangsa, termasuk seorang wanita hamil, adalah warga AS yang tinggal di El Paso, Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two graduate students apparently killed in crossfire between Mexican military and drug gang members in Nuevo Leon state also garnered much attention last month.", "r": {"result": "Dua pelajar siswazah yang nampaknya terbunuh dalam pertempuran antara tentera Mexico dan anggota kumpulan dadah di negeri Nuevo Leon turut mendapat perhatian ramai bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nuevo Leon borders Tamaulipas and also has seen widespread violence because of the battle between the Gulf and Zetas cartels.", "r": {"result": "Nuevo Leon bersempadan dengan Tamaulipas dan juga telah menyaksikan keganasan yang meluas kerana pertempuran antara kartel Teluk dan Zetas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Mexican government apologized to the families of the two students and promised an investigation into how they were killed.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Mexico meminta maaf kepada keluarga kedua-dua pelajar itu dan menjanjikan siasatan bagaimana mereka dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Most parents think their children share too much information online -- and that search engines and social networks aren't doing enough to protect privacy, according to poll results released Friday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kebanyakan ibu bapa menganggap anak mereka terlalu banyak berkongsi maklumat dalam talian -- dan enjin carian dan rangkaian sosial tidak cukup untuk melindungi privasi, menurut keputusan tinjauan pendapat yang dikeluarkan pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 90 percent of the parents surveyed by Zogby International said they are \"concerned\" that their children share too much information online, and 75 percent said they would rate the job social networks are doing to protect online privacy as \"negative\".", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 90 peratus ibu bapa yang ditinjau oleh Zogby International berkata mereka \"prihatin\" anak-anak mereka berkongsi terlalu banyak maklumat dalam talian, dan 75 peratus berkata mereka akan menilai pekerjaan yang dilakukan rangkaian sosial untuk melindungi privasi dalam talian sebagai \"negatif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The results, released by the nonprofit advocacy organization Common Sense Media -- which commissioned the poll -- do not mention particular social networks or websites by name.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh organisasi advokasi bukan untung Common Sense Media -- yang menjalankan tinjauan pendapat -- tidak menyebut nama rangkaian sosial atau tapak web tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Common Sense Media CEO James Steyer said the need for reform is clear.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Common Sense Media James Steyer berkata keperluan untuk pembaharuan adalah jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Parents want far more education and leadership about online privacy, and they clearly want the industry and the federal government to update privacy policies,\" Steyer said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Ibu bapa mahukan lebih banyak pendidikan dan kepimpinan tentang privasi dalam talian, dan mereka jelas mahu industri dan kerajaan persekutuan mengemas kini dasar privasi,\" kata Steyer dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The organization begins a campaign Monday aimed at protecting kids' personal information and reputations online.", "r": {"result": "Organisasi itu memulakan kempen pada hari Isnin yang bertujuan untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi dan reputasi kanak-kanak dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We need a 'Do Not Track Kids' approach' similar to the 'Do Not Call' policies that restrict telemarketers,\" Steyer said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memerlukan pendekatan 'Jangan Jejak Kanak-Kanak' yang serupa dengan dasar 'Jangan Panggil' yang menyekat telemarketer,\" kata Steyer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The results also include a survey of 401 teenagers aged 15 to 18. Common Sense Media said 79 percent of the teens surveyed also think their friends share too much personal information online, and 85 percent of them want search engines and social networking sites to ask for permission before using personal information to market products.", "r": {"result": "Hasilnya juga termasuk tinjauan terhadap 401 remaja berumur 15 hingga 18 tahun. Common Sense Media berkata 79 peratus daripada remaja yang dikaji juga berpendapat rakan mereka berkongsi terlalu banyak maklumat peribadi dalam talian, dan 85 peratus daripada mereka mahu enjin carian dan laman rangkaian sosial meminta kebenaran sebelum menggunakan maklumat peribadi untuk memasarkan produk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The poll results present a clear divide between the industry's view of privacy and the opinion of parents and kids,\" Steyer said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hasil tinjauan pendapat menunjukkan jurang yang jelas antara pandangan industri tentang privasi dan pendapat ibu bapa dan anak-anak,\" kata Steyer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To conduct the online poll of parents, Zogby International used a sampling of 2,100 adults from its online panel, which the polling firm says is representative of the adult population of the United States.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menjalankan tinjauan dalam talian ibu bapa, Zogby International menggunakan pensampelan 2,100 orang dewasa daripada panel dalam taliannya, yang dikatakan firma pengundian mewakili populasi dewasa di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sampling margin of error is 2.2 percentage points.", "r": {"result": "Margin ralat pensampelan ialah 2.2 mata peratusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sampling margin of error for the online poll of teenagers was 5 percentage points.", "r": {"result": "Margin ralat pensampelan untuk tinjauan dalam talian remaja ialah 5 mata peratusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Haven, Connecticut (CNN) -- The lawyer for a man convicted of murdering a Connecticut mother and her two daughters described his client as \"damaged\" and suffering from a mood disorder Friday during a last-ditch attempt to spare his client's life.", "r": {"result": "New Haven, Connecticut (CNN) -- Peguam kepada seorang lelaki yang disabitkan kesalahan membunuh seorang ibu Connecticut dan dua anak perempuannya menyifatkan anak guamnya sebagai \"rosak\" dan mengalami gangguan mood pada hari Jumaat semasa percubaan terakhir untuk menyelamatkan nyawa anak guamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On October 13, Joshua Komisarjevsky was convicted of 17 charges, including three counts of murder, four counts of kidnapping and charges of burglary, arson and assault, in the deaths of Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her daughters, Hayley Petit, 17, and Michaela Petit, 11.", "r": {"result": "Pada 13 Oktober, Joshua Komisarjevsky disabitkan dengan 17 pertuduhan, termasuk tiga pertuduhan membunuh, empat pertuduhan menculik dan pertuduhan pecah rumah, membakar dan menyerang, dalam kematian Jennifer Hawke-Petit dan anak perempuannya, Hayley Petit, 17, dan Michaela Petit, 11.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sentencing phase of the trial began 12 days later and continued for six weeks.", "r": {"result": "Fasa hukuman perbicaraan bermula 12 hari kemudian dan berterusan selama enam minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beginning at 10 a.m. Monday, the New Haven-based jury will now decide whether to sentence Komisarjevsky to death or to life in prison.", "r": {"result": "Bermula jam 10 pagi Isnin, juri yang berpangkalan di New Haven kini akan memutuskan sama ada akan menjatuhkan hukuman mati kepada Komisarjevsky atau penjara seumur hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steven Hayes, the first defendant to stand trial in the case, was sentenced to death in December 2010 after a jury convicted him of 16 of 17 charges.", "r": {"result": "Steven Hayes, defendan pertama yang dibicarakan dalam kes itu, telah dijatuhkan hukuman mati pada Disember 2010 selepas juri mensabitkannya dengan 16 daripada 17 pertuduhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors had argued that Hayes and Komisarjevsky went into the Petit home, beat and tied up Dr. William Petit, raped and strangled his wife, molested one of their daughters and set the house on fire before attempting to flee.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berhujah bahawa Hayes dan Komisarjevsky masuk ke rumah Petit, memukul dan mengikat Dr. William Petit, merogol dan mencekik isterinya, mencabul salah seorang anak perempuan mereka dan membakar rumah itu sebelum cuba melarikan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two daughters, who were both tied to their beds, died of smoke inhalation, though William Petit managed to escape.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua anak perempuan itu, yang kedua-duanya diikat di katil mereka, meninggal dunia akibat terhidu asap, walaupun William Petit berjaya melarikan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutor Michael Dearington described the ordeal as a night of \"terror that no person should endure\".", "r": {"result": "Pendakwaraya Michael Dearington menyifatkan pengalaman pahit itu sebagai malam \"keganasan yang tidak patut dialami oleh sesiapa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also contrasted defense discussion of Komisarjevsky's family history with that of William Petit.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga membezakan perbincangan pertahanan mengenai sejarah keluarga Komisarjevsky dengan William Petit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I looked at the Komisarjevsky family photos, I realized that Dr. Petit doesn't have any family photos anymore, because they were burned,\" Dearington said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya melihat gambar keluarga Komisarjevsky, saya menyedari bahawa Dr. Petit tidak mempunyai sebarang gambar keluarga lagi, kerana ia telah dibakar,\" kata Dearington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described what he called the heinous nature of the crime, insisting that a troubled past couldn't justify Komisarjevsky's actions.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyifatkan apa yang disebutnya sifat keji jenayah itu, menegaskan bahawa masa lalu yang bermasalah tidak dapat membenarkan tindakan Komisarjevsky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How many people do you have to kill before the death penalty is appropriate\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Berapa orang yang anda perlu bunuh sebelum hukuman mati adalah sesuai\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "the state's attorney asked, rhetorically.", "r": {"result": "tanya peguam negara, secara retorik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense lawyer Walter Bansley, as he had done during the trial, insisted that Komisarjevsky \"wasn't involved in the killings to the extent that Mr. Hayes was\".", "r": {"result": "Peguam bela Walter Bansley, seperti yang dilakukannya semasa perbicaraan, menegaskan bahawa Komisarjevsky \"tidak terlibat dalam pembunuhan setakat Encik Hayes\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then recapped what he described as Komisarjevsky's sordid family history and ongoing battle with his personal demons.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian mengimbas kembali apa yang disifatkannya sebagai sejarah keluarga kotor Komisarjevsky dan pertempuran berterusan dengan syaitan peribadinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His client, Bansley said, was a \"dark kid\" who later got caught up in a life of crime, especially burglaries.", "r": {"result": "Anak guamnya, Bansley berkata, adalah \"kanak-kanak gelap\" yang kemudiannya terjebak dalam kehidupan jenayah, terutamanya pecah rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Joshua was a damaged young man ... and he remains that way, to this day,\" the attorney said.", "r": {"result": "\"Joshua adalah seorang lelaki muda yang rosak ... dan dia kekal begitu, sehingga hari ini,\" kata peguam itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Komisarjevsky was then quoted in a letter to his mother, saying he was sorry \"for not being the boy you wanted me to be\" and \"a loser\".", "r": {"result": "Komisarjevsky kemudiannya dipetik dalam sepucuk surat kepada ibunya, mengatakan dia menyesal \"kerana tidak menjadi budak yang anda mahu saya menjadi\" dan \"seorang yang kalah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bansley then insisted that his client posed no danger as long as he is in prison, where he does art and studies Latin.", "r": {"result": "Bansley kemudian menegaskan bahawa anak guamnya tidak menimbulkan bahaya selagi dia berada di penjara, di mana dia melakukan seni dan belajar bahasa Latin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Josh is not a future danger to anyone, and you really shouldn't consider killing him,\" Bansley said.", "r": {"result": "\"Josh bukan bahaya masa depan kepada sesiapa, dan anda tidak sepatutnya mempertimbangkan untuk membunuhnya,\" kata Bansley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no reason to kill him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sebab untuk membunuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beau Willimon has learned a key characteristic to succeeding in both politics and entertainment: not revealing too much.", "r": {"result": "Beau Willimon telah mempelajari ciri utama untuk berjaya dalam kedua-dua politik dan hiburan: tidak mendedahkan terlalu banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"House of Cards\" creator, show runner and primary writer talks freely about his show, which concerns a powerful South Carolina congressman, Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey), and his maneuvers to get his way in the conniving world of Washington.", "r": {"result": "Pencipta, pelari rancangan dan penulis utama \"House of Cards\" bercakap secara bebas tentang rancangannya, yang melibatkan ahli kongres Carolina Selatan yang berkuasa, Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey), dan gerakannya untuk mendapatkan caranya dalam dunia licik Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But ask Willimon something basic, such as the premiere date of the popular Netflix series' second season, and he offers an elegant \"no comment\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tanya Willimon sesuatu yang asas, seperti tarikh tayangan perdana musim kedua siri Netflix yang popular, dan dia menawarkan \"tiada komen\" yang elegan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can't give you that tidbit right now, unfortunately,\" the former campaign aide says in a phone interview with CNN, occasionally straining to be heard over the roar of military helicopters.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak dapat memberi anda berita gembira itu sekarang, malangnya,\" kata bekas pembantu kempen itu dalam temu bual telefon dengan CNN, sekali-sekala berusaha untuk didengari dengan deruman helikopter tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Willimon, 35, is willing to talk about plenty of other things: the show's Emmy nominations -- including best drama -- the value of power, the balance between idealism and cynicism and who some of his models are.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Willimon, 35, bersedia untuk bercakap tentang banyak perkara lain: pencalonan Emmy rancangan itu -- termasuk drama terbaik -- nilai kuasa, keseimbangan antara idealisme dan sinis dan siapa beberapa modelnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Oscar-nominated producer and playwright (his \"Farragut North\" was turned into the George Clooney film \"Ides of March\") talked to CNN last week.", "r": {"result": "Penerbit dan penulis drama yang dicalonkan Oscar (\"Farragut North\" beliau telah ditukar kepada filem George Clooney \"Ides of March\") bercakap dengan CNN minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The following is an edited version of the interview.", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah versi temu bual yang disunting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Were you surprised by the Emmy recognition?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah anda terkejut dengan pengiktirafan Emmy?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beau Willimon: I always keep my expectations pretty low.", "r": {"result": "Beau Willimon: Saya sentiasa mengekalkan jangkaan saya agak rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believed and I know everyone on our team believed we had done a good job and we were curious to see whether the television academy agreed, and we were thrilled when they did.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya dan saya tahu semua orang dalam pasukan kami percaya kami telah melakukan kerja yang baik dan kami ingin tahu sama ada akademi televisyen bersetuju, dan kami sangat teruja apabila mereka melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's the icing on the cake, and it tastes pretty good.", "r": {"result": "Itulah icing pada kek, dan rasanya cukup enak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Netflix joins the Emmy club.", "r": {"result": "Netflix menyertai kelab Emmy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: How much of your political experience has shaped \"House of Cards\"?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Berapa banyak pengalaman politik anda telah membentuk \"House of Cards\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: My jobs on campaigns were pretty low on the totem pole -- I was an advance man.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Pekerjaan saya pada kempen agak rendah pada tiang totem -- saya seorang yang maju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a number of my friends, including my best friend, Jay Carson, who is a political consultant on the show, were in the upper tiers and really knew what was going on.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi beberapa rakan saya, termasuk kawan baik saya, Jay Carson, yang merupakan perunding politik dalam rancangan itu, berada di peringkat atasan dan benar-benar tahu apa yang sedang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Also,) I built up a lot of relationships in D.C. and the political world in general, and I draw from that all the time.", "r": {"result": "(Selain itu,) Saya membina banyak perhubungan di D.C. dan dunia politik secara amnya, dan saya mengambil daripada itu sepanjang masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And when any of my friends aren't sure about something, they usually know the person who is.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila mana-mana rakan saya tidak pasti tentang sesuatu, mereka biasanya mengenali orang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a rough-and-tumble game whenever power is involved -- people's ambitions, their desires, their competitive spirit will often push them to play outside the rules.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah permainan kasar apabila kuasa terlibat -- cita-cita orang ramai, keinginan mereka, semangat persaingan mereka selalunya akan mendorong mereka untuk bermain di luar peraturan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's dramatic, it's interesting, and I think it's something we can all identify with to a degree.", "r": {"result": "Ia dramatik, ia menarik, dan saya fikir ia adalah sesuatu yang kita semua boleh kenal pasti dengan satu tahap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Some rule-breaking on the show seems par for the course, and some might be beyond the pale.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Beberapa pelanggaran peraturan pada rancangan itu kelihatan setanding dengan kursus itu, dan ada yang mungkin melampaui batas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: Well, beyond the pale ethically for most people, sure.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Nah, di luar etika yang pucat bagi kebanyakan orang, pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But not beyond the pale in terms of reality.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak melampaui pucat dari segi realiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's an extreme version, but in the history of humanity, a lot of heads have rolled in order for people to ascend to the throne.", "r": {"result": "Itu versi yang melampau, tetapi dalam sejarah kemanusiaan, banyak kepala telah berguling untuk orang naik ke takhta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What sources have you relied on?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apakah sumber yang anda harapkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: Inspiration is drawn from books like (Robert Caro's LBJ biography and Jeremy Larner's \"Nobody Knows\"), and other times it's talking to people who worked in that world.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Inspirasi diambil daripada buku seperti (biografi LBJ Robert Caro dan \"Nobody Knows\" karya Jeremy Larner), dan pada masa lain ia bercakap dengan orang yang bekerja di dunia itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I really don't think it's a show about politics at all.", "r": {"result": "Saya benar-benar tidak fikir ia adalah rancangan tentang politik sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a show about power.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah persembahan tentang kuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that power is displayed in our love lives, or our work environments, the way we comport ourselves when randomness brushes up against us.", "r": {"result": "Dan kuasa itu dipaparkan dalam kehidupan cinta kita, atau persekitaran kerja kita, cara kita menyesuaikan diri apabila rawak menyerang kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Francis often says that he prefers power over money.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Francis sering mengatakan bahawa dia lebih suka kuasa daripada wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you have any personal views on that, given the influence money has in D.C. nowadays?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda mempunyai pandangan peribadi tentang itu, memandangkan pengaruh wang di D.C. pada masa kini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: There's certainly a lot of overlap, right?", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Sudah tentu terdapat banyak pertindihan, bukan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To a degree, money is a form of power.", "r": {"result": "Untuk satu tahap, wang adalah satu bentuk kuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I think the differentiation he's drawing is what the end goal is.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya fikir pembezaan yang dia lukis adalah matlamat akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For some people the end goal is money.", "r": {"result": "Bagi sesetengah orang matlamat akhirnya adalah wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then you see people like Francis who don't deny the importance of money, but that's not the reason he gets up in the morning.", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian anda melihat orang seperti Francis yang tidak menafikan kepentingan wang, tetapi itu bukan sebab dia bangun pada waktu pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Money is finite, it's limited by a number and what you can buy with it.", "r": {"result": "Wang adalah terhad, ia terhad oleh nombor dan apa yang anda boleh beli dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Power has no limits if you're willing to go far enough in order to get as much of it as you can.", "r": {"result": "Kuasa tidak mempunyai had jika anda sanggup pergi cukup jauh untuk mendapatkannya sebanyak yang anda boleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: I wanted good things to happen to certain characters.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Saya mahu perkara yang baik berlaku kepada watak tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They didn't.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can be a cynic but I guess I want to be an idealist.", "r": {"result": "Saya boleh menjadi seorang yang sinis tetapi saya rasa saya mahu menjadi seorang yang idealis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is the show cynical?", "r": {"result": "Adakah rancangan itu sinis?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: I don't consider myself to be a cynic nor the show to be cynical.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Saya tidak menganggap diri saya sinis dan rancangan itu tidak sinis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, Francis Underwood is an optimist.", "r": {"result": "Malah, Francis Underwood seorang yang optimis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where I think people mistake his optimism for cynicism is that he's unapologetically self-interested.", "r": {"result": "Di mana saya fikir orang ramai menyalahkan keyakinannya sebagai sinis ialah dia mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa maaf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He believes ideology is a form of weakness -- a form of cowardice.", "r": {"result": "Dia percaya ideologi adalah satu bentuk kelemahan -- satu bentuk pengecut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It hems you in in ways that don't allow you to be flexible.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengepung anda dengan cara yang tidak membenarkan anda menjadi fleksibel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And inflexibility is anathema to progress.", "r": {"result": "Dan ketidakfleksibelan adalah kutukan kepada kemajuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The problem with Washington right now is that people are too stuck to their ideology.", "r": {"result": "Masalah dengan Washington sekarang ialah orang terlalu terperangkap dengan ideologi mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you have both parties who will not find ways to compromise, who won't meet in the middle, you have paralysis.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda mempunyai kedua-dua pihak yang tidak akan mencari jalan untuk berkompromi, yang tidak akan bertemu di tengah-tengah, anda mengalami lumpuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's the perversion of idealism.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah penyelewengan idealisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think what Francis has done is liberate himself from belief systems altogether.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir apa yang Francis telah lakukan adalah membebaskan dirinya daripada sistem kepercayaan sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He says, I've got people over here who think this, and people over there who think that.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata, saya ada orang di sini yang berfikir ini, dan orang di sana yang berfikiran begitu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm going to find ways -- whether it's through persuasion or seduction or intimidation or blackmail, whatever my tactics are -- to make sure everyone moves forward.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan mencari jalan -- sama ada melalui pujukan atau rayuan atau ugutan atau ugut, apa sahaja taktik saya -- untuk memastikan semua orang bergerak ke hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that's attractive to people.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir itu menarik kepada orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the comments we often get is people root for Francis because he actually gets things done.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu komen yang sering kami terima ialah orang ramai untuk Francis kerana dia sebenarnya menyelesaikan sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He makes an argument for the ends justifying the means.", "r": {"result": "Dia membuat hujah untuk tujuan yang membenarkan cara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Have you gotten much reaction from the actual denizens of Washington?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah anda mendapat banyak reaksi daripada penduduk sebenar Washington?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: Sure.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of people in Washington have watched the show and think it's one of the more authentic portrayals they've ever seen.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang di Washington telah menonton rancangan itu dan berpendapat ia adalah salah satu gambaran yang lebih tulen yang pernah mereka lihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We definitely push the limits of probability, but everything that happens on the show is more or less plausible.", "r": {"result": "Kami pasti menolak had kebarangkalian, tetapi semua yang berlaku pada rancangan itu adalah lebih atau kurang munasabah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And we don't shy away from the nuts and bolts and nitty-gritty of what it takes to get things done.", "r": {"result": "Dan kami tidak lari daripada masalah dan selak dan perkara-perkara kecil yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And sometimes it's ugly.", "r": {"result": "Dan kadang-kadang ia hodoh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: I do find the sausage-making ugly.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Saya mendapati pembuatan sosej itu hodoh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I watch the show, and Francis talks about \"looking weak,\" I'd be the person he's talking about.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya menonton rancangan itu, dan Francis bercakap tentang \"kelihatan lemah,\" saya akan menjadi orang yang dia bercakap tentang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: Francis is an extreme example because he says, I don't have ideals in the traditional sense.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Francis adalah contoh yang melampau kerana dia berkata, saya tidak mempunyai cita-cita dalam erti kata tradisional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think he sees an intransigent belief system as a form of cowardice because it dictates your behavior for you.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir dia melihat sistem kepercayaan yang tidak sabar sebagai satu bentuk pengecut kerana ia menentukan tingkah laku anda untuk anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You don't have to make hard choices, you don't have to come up with solutions, you don't have to compromise, you don't have to think outside the box.", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak perlu membuat pilihan yang sukar, anda tidak perlu mencari penyelesaian, anda tidak perlu berkompromi, anda tidak perlu berfikir di luar kotak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's like a sanctioned form of impotence that has the appearance of strength, but not if you scratch the surface.", "r": {"result": "Itu seperti bentuk mati pucuk yang dibenarkan yang mempunyai rupa kekuatan, tetapi tidak jika anda menggaru permukaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Do you think that news media play too much of a role in making that impotence look strong, because they enjoy conflict?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah anda fikir media berita memainkan terlalu banyak peranan dalam menjadikan mati pucuk itu kelihatan kuat, kerana mereka menikmati konflik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: That's an interesting question.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Itu soalan yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't think that the media actually has the power to determine the course of history.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak fikir media sebenarnya mempunyai kuasa untuk menentukan perjalanan sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What the media does is respond to narratives that are already coursing through the nation's system.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang media lakukan adalah bertindak balas terhadap naratif yang sudah mengalir melalui sistem negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Conflict always makes for a good story, and stories that interest people will always rise to the top of the headlines.", "r": {"result": "Konflik sentiasa menghasilkan cerita yang baik, dan cerita yang menarik minat orang akan sentiasa menjadi tajuk utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I just see that as a function of the media doing what it has always done since the first leaflet was printed -- trying to find its audience and keep them engaged.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya hanya melihat itu sebagai fungsi media melakukan apa yang selalu dilakukan sejak risalah pertama dicetak -- cuba mencari penontonnya dan memastikan mereka terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Does the binge-watching aspect affect the way you write it or make it?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah aspek menonton pesta mempengaruhi cara anda menulis atau membuatnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: It's sort of yes and no.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Ia semacam ya dan tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I first began season 1, we had not made a decision that we would release all 13 episodes at once.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya mula-mula memulakan musim 1, kami tidak membuat keputusan bahawa kami akan mengeluarkan kesemua 13 episod sekaligus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I wrote it thinking it has to be able to work both ways.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, saya menulisnya dengan berfikir ia harus dapat berfungsi dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What affected the writing most was knowing we had two seasons guaranteed before I even started.", "r": {"result": "Perkara yang paling mempengaruhi penulisan ialah mengetahui kami mempunyai dua musim yang dijamin sebelum saya mula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew we had 26 hours, and there were things I could lay into the very beginning of season 1 that wouldn't boomerang back to the very end of season 2. So it's knowing you have such a large canvas to paint on.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu kami mempunyai 26 jam, dan ada perkara yang boleh saya letakkan pada awal musim 1 yang tidak akan menjadi bumerang kembali ke penghujung musim 2. Oleh itu, mengetahui anda mempunyai kanvas yang begitu besar untuk dilukis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Is there any political figure or artistic figure you see as a model?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah terdapat tokoh politik atau tokoh seni yang anda lihat sebagai model?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: There are so many.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Terdapat begitu banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In terms of political figures, someone we keep going back to for inspiration is LBJ.", "r": {"result": "Dari segi tokoh politik, seseorang yang kita teruskan kembali untuk mendapatkan inspirasi ialah LBJ.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't necessarily say he's a model for me -- there are aspects of the way he conducted business that I find admirable and others I find abhorrent.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak semestinya mengatakan dia model untuk saya -- ada aspek cara dia menjalankan perniagaan yang saya rasa mengagumkan dan yang lain saya rasa menjijikkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(But) I think there's so much to be gained by digging into this life story.", "r": {"result": "(Tetapi) Saya rasa banyak yang boleh diperolehi dengan menggali kisah hidup ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's an epic American story that happens to be real.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kisah epik Amerika yang kebetulan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As far as models in the arts, one would be the screenwriter William Goldman, who's a friend and mentor of mine.", "r": {"result": "Setakat model dalam bidang seni, seseorang akan menjadi penulis skrip William Goldman, yang merupakan rakan dan mentor saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The thing about Bill that's so extraordinary, besides the fact he's had a career that's spanned half a century, he continues to keep challenging himself.", "r": {"result": "Perkara tentang Bill yang sangat luar biasa, selain hakikat bahawa dia mempunyai kerjaya yang menjangkau setengah abad, dia terus mencabar dirinya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a similar vein I would say Ken Burns.", "r": {"result": "Dalam nada yang sama saya akan mengatakan Ken Burns.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There you have someone who has such a singular vision and really stuck to it.", "r": {"result": "Di sana anda mempunyai seseorang yang mempunyai penglihatan tunggal dan benar-benar berpegang padanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The documentary world is a tough racket.", "r": {"result": "Dunia dokumentari adalah raket yang sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ability to make documentaries that are not only so epic and thorough and artful, but have them reach mainstream audiences -- I find it to be not short of miraculous.", "r": {"result": "Keupayaan untuk membuat dokumentari yang bukan sahaja sangat epik dan teliti dan berseni, tetapi juga membolehkannya menjangkau khalayak arus perdana -- saya rasa ia bukan sesuatu yang ajaib.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: We saw bits of Frank's roots in the first season.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Kami melihat sedikit akar Frank pada musim pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are we going to see more in season 2?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita akan melihat lebih banyak lagi dalam musim 2?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Willimon: I wish I could tell you, but I'm not going to.", "r": {"result": "Willimon: Saya harap saya boleh memberitahu anda, tetapi saya tidak akan melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll have to watch and see.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu menonton dan melihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- American journalist James Foley was beheaded by his ISIS captors to send a message to the Western world.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Wartawan Amerika James Foley dipenggal oleh penculiknya ISIS untuk menghantar mesej kepada dunia Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he is not the only Westerner held by the militant group.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia bukan satu-satunya orang Barat yang dipegang oleh kumpulan militan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video of his execution, posted to YouTube, shows another U.S. journalist, identified as Steven Sotloff.", "r": {"result": "Video pelaksanaan hukuman matinya, disiarkan ke YouTube, menunjukkan seorang lagi wartawan A.S., yang dikenali sebagai Steven Sotloff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ISIS fighter makes it clear the captive's fate hangs in the balance -- he will be killed, ISIS said, if the United States does not end its military operations in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Pejuang ISIS menjelaskan dengan jelas nasib tawanan itu bergantung pada keseimbangan -- dia akan dibunuh, kata ISIS, jika Amerika Syarikat tidak menamatkan operasi ketenteraannya di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of Syrians and Iraqis have been slain by ISIS militants as the Sunni extremist group seeks to build an Islamic caliphate stretching across a swath of territory.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu rakyat Syria dan Iraq telah dibunuh oleh militan ISIS ketika kumpulan pelampau Sunni itu berusaha untuk membina sebuah khalifah Islam yang merentangi petak wilayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the execution of Western captives holds greater shock value outside the region's borders -- and represents a powerful propaganda tool.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pelaksanaan hukuman mati terhadap tawanan Barat mempunyai nilai kejutan yang lebih besar di luar sempadan rantau itu -- dan mewakili alat propaganda yang berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alternatively, those hostages, often journalists or aid workers, can be a useful tool if kept alive: either freed for hefty ransoms, used as bargaining chips for the militants' ends or sold on to other extremist groups.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai alternatif, tebusan tersebut, selalunya wartawan atau pekerja bantuan, boleh menjadi alat yang berguna jika terus hidup: sama ada dibebaskan untuk wang tebusan yang besar, digunakan sebagai wang tawar-menawar untuk tujuan militan atau dijual kepada kumpulan pelampau lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hard to know how many captives there are because governments, employers and families tend to keep kidnappings quiet for fear of putting the victims in greater danger while negotiators work to secure their release.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk mengetahui berapa ramai tawanan kerana kerajaan, majikan dan keluarga cenderung untuk mendiamkan penculikan kerana bimbang akan meletakkan mangsa dalam bahaya yang lebih besar manakala perunding berusaha untuk membebaskan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But ISIS is believed to be holding a number of Americans, including Sotloff, a U.S. official told CNN on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ISIS dipercayai menahan beberapa orang Amerika, termasuk Sotloff, seorang pegawai AS memberitahu CNN pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to identify them or say exactly how many Americans are being held.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu, yang bercakap dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan, enggan mengenal pasti mereka atau menyatakan dengan tepat berapa ramai rakyat Amerika yang ditahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Missing journalists.", "r": {"result": "wartawan hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Committee to Protect Journalists estimates that about 20 journalists are missing in Syria -- most of them local, some from outside Syria.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa Melindungi Wartawan menganggarkan bahawa kira-kira 20 wartawan hilang di Syria -- kebanyakan mereka tempatan, beberapa dari luar Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It says many of them are believed to be held by ISIS.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengatakan ramai daripada mereka dipercayai dipegang oleh ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among them is American Austin Tice, a freelance journalist who was contributing articles to The Washington Post.", "r": {"result": "Antaranya ialah American Austin Tice, seorang wartawan bebas yang menyumbang artikel kepada The Washington Post.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tice disappeared in Syria in August 2012. There has been no word of or from him since his abduction.", "r": {"result": "Tice hilang di Syria pada Ogos 2012. Tiada sebarang khabar berita atau daripadanya sejak penculikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 80 journalists have been abducted in Syria, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists -- a number the organization says is unprecedented in the three decades since it was founded.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 80 wartawan telah diculik di Syria, menurut Jawatankuasa Melindungi Wartawan -- jumlah yang dikatakan organisasi itu tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini dalam tiga dekad sejak ia ditubuhkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some have been freed, others killed.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang telah dibebaskan, yang lain dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Often a media blackout on journalists' abductions is lifted only in best- and worst-case scenarios.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya pemadaman media mengenai penculikan wartawan ditarik balik hanya dalam senario terbaik dan terburuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It emerged this week that U.S. special operations units were sent into Syria this summer to rescue Foley and other hostages -- but their mission proved unsuccessful.", "r": {"result": "Ia muncul minggu ini bahawa unit operasi khas AS dihantar ke Syria pada musim panas ini untuk menyelamatkan Foley dan tebusan lain -- tetapi misi mereka terbukti tidak berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richard Byrne, a spokesman for the news website GlobalPost, also revealed that ISIS had demanded a ransom of 100 million euros (about $132 million) for Foley's release.", "r": {"result": "Richard Byrne, jurucakap laman web berita GlobalPost, juga mendedahkan bahawa ISIS telah menuntut wang tebusan sebanyak 100 juta euro (kira-kira $132 juta) untuk pembebasan Foley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The journalist freelanced for GlobalPost and other news organizations.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan itu bekerja bebas untuk GlobalPost dan organisasi berita lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'They are innocents'.", "r": {"result": "'Mereka tidak bersalah'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Foley's mother, Diane, expressed concern for other hostages on the Free James Foley Facebook page.", "r": {"result": "Ibu Foley, Diane, menyatakan kebimbangan terhadap tebusan lain di halaman Facebook Free James Foley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining hostages.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami memohon penculik menyelamatkan nyawa tebusan yang tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Jim, they are innocents.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Jim, mereka tidak bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have no control over American government policy in Iraq, Syria or anywhere in the world,\" she wrote.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak mempunyai kawalan ke atas dasar kerajaan Amerika di Iraq, Syria atau di mana-mana sahaja di dunia,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fears for the safety of Westerners held by Islamist militants have also highlighted the different approaches taken by governments when it comes to kidnappings.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan terhadap keselamatan orang Barat yang dipegang oleh militan Islamis juga telah menyerlahkan pendekatan berbeza yang diambil oleh kerajaan dalam hal penculikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The UK government has a hard-line policy of never paying ransoms.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan UK mempunyai dasar keras untuk tidak membayar wang tebusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. government also does not negotiate with terrorists.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan A.S. juga tidak berunding dengan pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, other European governments in the past are thought to have handed over cash to terror groups to ensure the release of nationals.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, kerajaan Eropah lain pada masa lalu dianggap telah menyerahkan wang tunai kepada kumpulan pengganas untuk memastikan pembebasan warganegara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States, as in the case with the thwarted Foley mission, has in the past attempted hostage rescues.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat, seperti dalam kes dengan misi Foley yang digagalkan, pada masa lalu cuba menyelamatkan tebusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes these can work out, as happened in 2012 when Navy SEALs rescued U.S. aid worker Jessica Buchanan and fellow aid worker Poul Thisted of Denmark after three months' captivity in Somalia.", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang ini boleh berjaya, seperti yang berlaku pada tahun 2012 apabila Navy SEALs menyelamatkan pekerja bantuan A.S. Jessica Buchanan dan rakan pekerja bantuan Poul Thisted dari Denmark selepas tahanan tiga bulan di Somalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They had been abducted while traveling there for the Danish Refugee Council.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah diculik ketika dalam perjalanan ke sana untuk Majlis Pelarian Denmark.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But sometimes such attempts fail.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kadang-kadang percubaan sedemikian gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Linda Norgrove, a kidnapped British aid worker, was accidentally killed by a U.S. grenade during a SEAL rescue bid in Afghanistan in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Linda Norgrove, seorang pekerja bantuan British yang diculik, telah dibunuh secara tidak sengaja oleh bom tangan A.S. semasa bidaan menyelamat SEAL di Afghanistan pada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tortured, beaten in captivity.", "r": {"result": "Disiksa, dipukul dalam tahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While negotiations for potential releases continue, little or nothing is made public about the hostages' plight.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun rundingan untuk kemungkinan pembebasan diteruskan, sedikit atau tiada apa-apa yang didedahkan kepada umum tentang nasib tebusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But slowly details are emerging of the experiences endured by Foley following his abduction while on a reporting trip in northern Syria in November 2012.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi secara perlahan-lahan perincian muncul tentang pengalaman yang ditanggung oleh Foley berikutan penculikannya semasa dalam perjalanan melaporkan di utara Syria pada November 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A source who says he was held last year with Foley told CNN's Bharati Naik that he, Foley and another journalist were held from March to August 2013 in a prison in Aleppo, Syria.", "r": {"result": "Sumber yang mengatakan dia ditahan tahun lepas bersama Foley memberitahu Bharati Naik dari CNN bahawa dia, Foley dan seorang lagi wartawan ditahan dari Mac hingga Ogos 2013 di sebuah penjara di Aleppo, Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, the source -- who spoke on condition of anonymity -- said they were being held by the Nusra Front, a Syrian rebel group with al Qaeda ties.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, sumber itu -- yang enggan dikenali -- berkata mereka ditahan oleh Barisan Nusra, sebuah kumpulan pemberontak Syria yang mempunyai hubungan al-Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At one point, according to the source, there were nearly 100 people -- including European journalists -- in the prison.", "r": {"result": "Pada satu ketika, menurut sumber itu, terdapat hampir 100 orang -- termasuk wartawan Eropah -- di dalam penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The source says Foley and the other journalist, who was not Sotloff, were transferred to an ISIS training camp.", "r": {"result": "Sumber itu berkata Foley dan wartawan lain, yang bukan Sotloff, telah dipindahkan ke kem latihan ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Foley and the other journalist, according to the source, were tortured in prison -- mostly beaten.", "r": {"result": "Foley dan wartawan lain, menurut sumber itu, telah diseksa di penjara -- kebanyakannya dipukul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Foley had to endure more'.", "r": {"result": "'Foley terpaksa bertahan lebih'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "French journalist Nicolas Henin, who was taken hostage in June 2013 with French photographer Pierre Torres, told CNN that he also had been held with Foley in northern Syria before his release this year.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Perancis Nicolas Henin, yang telah dijadikan tebusan pada Jun 2013 bersama jurugambar Perancis Pierre Torres, memberitahu CNN bahawa dia juga telah ditahan bersama Foley di utara Syria sebelum dibebaskan tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We spent seven months together out of the 10 months that I was held in captivity.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami menghabiskan tujuh bulan bersama daripada 10 bulan saya ditahan dalam kurungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of the time our condition was OK -- but at the beginning and end of our time, we were not treated very well,\" he said, speaking from Paris.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya keadaan kami baik -- tetapi pada awal dan akhir masa kami, kami tidak dilayan dengan baik,\" katanya, bercakap dari Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Foley especially had to endure more because he was American.", "r": {"result": "\u201cFoley terutamanya terpaksa bertahan lebih kerana dia orang Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was missing his family and would talk often about them\".", "r": {"result": "Dia merindui keluarganya dan sering bercakap tentang mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Foley said he had been initially kidnapped by jihadists fighting in Syria, Henin told France Info radio.", "r": {"result": "Foley berkata dia pada mulanya diculik oleh pejuang jihad yang berperang di Syria, Henin memberitahu radio France Info.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That group eventually became part of the ISIS movement.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu akhirnya menjadi sebahagian daripada gerakan ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Henin and Torres were released along with two other French journalists, Didier FranASSois and Edouard Elias, on April 19. It's not known what went on behind the scenes to secure their freedom, but French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius insisted that France had not paid a ransom, Radio France Internationale reported at the time.", "r": {"result": "Henin dan Torres dibebaskan bersama dua lagi wartawan Perancis, Didier FranASSois dan Edouard Elias, pada 19 April. Tidak diketahui apa yang berlaku di sebalik tabir untuk menjamin kebebasan mereka, tetapi Menteri Luar Perancis Laurent Fabius menegaskan bahawa Perancis tidak membayar wang tebusan , lapor Radio France Internationale pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other Westerners held in Syria also have been released in recent months.", "r": {"result": "Orang Barat lain yang ditahan di Syria juga telah dibebaskan dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two Spanish journalists held for more than six months in Syria, El Mundo staff correspondent Javier Espinosa and freelance photographer Ricardo Garcia Vilanova, were freed in March.", "r": {"result": "Dua wartawan Sepanyol yang ditahan selama lebih enam bulan di Syria, koresponden kakitangan El Mundo Javier Espinosa dan jurugambar bebas Ricardo Garcia Vilanova, dibebaskan pada Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time of their capture, El Mundo said the journalists' captors were reported to be members of a group linked to ISIS.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa mereka ditangkap, El Mundo berkata penculik wartawan itu dilaporkan sebagai ahli kumpulan yang dikaitkan dengan ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a Danish photographer, Daniel Rye Ottosen, was freed in June, the Danish Foreign Ministry said, having been held captive in Syria since May 2013.", "r": {"result": "Dan seorang jurugambar Denmark, Daniel Rye Ottosen, telah dibebaskan pada bulan Jun, kata Kementerian Luar Denmark, setelah ditahan di Syria sejak Mei 2013.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Chelsea J. Carter, Nic Robertson, Barbara Starr and Allison Brennan contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Chelsea J. Carter dari CNN, Nic Robertson, Barbara Starr dan Allison Brennan menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- After hours of debate and forceful arguments from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli cabinet this week approved a deal to exchange more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, many linked to some of the deadliest terror attacks on Israeli civilians in recent years, for the release of an Israeli solider captured by militants more than five years ago.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Selepas beberapa jam perdebatan dan hujah keras daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, kabinet Israel minggu ini meluluskan perjanjian untuk menukar lebih 1,000 tahanan Palestin, kebanyakannya dikaitkan dengan beberapa serangan pengganas paling maut ke atas orang awam Israel dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini , bagi membebaskan seorang askar Israel yang ditangkap militan lebih lima tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gilad Shalit has been held captive by Hamas without any contact with the outside world since the summer of 2006, and efforts to end his captivity have become a rallying cry for thousands of Israelis who have actively supported efforts by his family to put pressure on the government to bring about his release.", "r": {"result": "Gilad Shalit telah ditawan oleh Hamas tanpa sebarang hubungan dengan dunia luar sejak musim panas 2006, dan usaha untuk menamatkan penawanannya telah menjadi seruan untuk beribu-ribu rakyat Israel yang secara aktif menyokong usaha keluarganya untuk memberi tekanan kepada kerajaan. untuk membawa pembebasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the deal to free Shalit was backed by a commanding Cabinet majority of 26-3 and enjoys wide support from the Israeli public, there is growing debate about the price Israel is willing to pay in order to free a single soldier.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun perjanjian untuk membebaskan Shalit disokong oleh majoriti Kabinet yang memerintah 26-3 dan mendapat sokongan meluas daripada orang ramai Israel, terdapat perdebatan yang semakin meningkat tentang harga yang sanggup dibayar oleh Israel untuk membebaskan seorang askar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Families of victims of terror, as well as some members of the Israeli government, have expressed fierce opposition to the deal.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga mangsa keganasan, serta beberapa anggota kerajaan Israel, telah menyatakan tentangan hebat terhadap perjanjian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One minister who voted against the agreement called it \"a great victory for terrorism,\" and there are fears that the release of convicted murderers will lead to further attacks on Israeli civilians -- a fear that, critics say, is borne out by statistics.", "r": {"result": "Seorang menteri yang mengundi menentang perjanjian itu menyebutnya \"kemenangan besar bagi keganasan,\" dan terdapat kebimbangan bahawa pembebasan pembunuh yang disabitkan bersalah akan membawa kepada serangan lanjut ke atas orang awam Israel -- ketakutan yang, kata pengkritik, ditanggung oleh statistik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Israeli association of terror victims Almagor, 180 Israelis have lost their lives to terrorists freed in previous deals since 2000.", "r": {"result": "Menurut persatuan Israel mangsa keganasan Almagor, 180 warga Israel telah kehilangan nyawa mereka kepada pengganas yang dibebaskan dalam perjanjian sebelumnya sejak 2000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Difficult decisions about prisoner releases are not new to the Israeli government.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan sukar tentang pembebasan banduan bukanlah perkara baru kepada kerajaan Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israel has a long history of freeing large numbers of prisoners in exchange for its soldiers and citizens.", "r": {"result": "Israel mempunyai sejarah panjang membebaskan sejumlah besar tawanan sebagai pertukaran untuk tentera dan rakyatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most notable of all was the Jibril Deal of 1985. The Israeli government headed by then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres (the current president) agreed to release 1,150 prisoners in exchange for three Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon by the Palestinian Militant Front led by Ahmed Jibril.", "r": {"result": "Yang paling ketara ialah Perjanjian Jibril pada tahun 1985. Kerajaan Israel yang diketuai oleh Perdana Menteri ketika itu Shimon Peres (presiden semasa) bersetuju untuk membebaskan 1,150 tahanan sebagai pertukaran untuk tiga tentera Israel yang ditangkap di Lubnan oleh Barisan Militan Palestin yang diketuai oleh Ahmed. Jibril.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deal aroused immense controversy due to the stark asymmetry.", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian itu menimbulkan kontroversi besar kerana asimetri yang nyata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yitzhak Navon, the only minister who voted against the agreement, said then, \"I thought this was a terrible example, for us to show all our enemies that for them the best deal is to kidnap soldiers and citizens.", "r": {"result": "Yitzhak Navon, satu-satunya menteri yang mengundi menentang perjanjian itu, berkata kemudian, \"Saya fikir ini adalah contoh yang mengerikan, untuk kita menunjukkan kepada semua musuh kita bahawa bagi mereka perjanjian terbaik adalah menculik tentera dan rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We must have the strength to tell the families of the captive soldiers -- there is a line that the nation cannot cross\".", "r": {"result": "Kita mesti mempunyai kekuatan untuk memberitahu keluarga askar tawanan -- ada garis yang tidak boleh dilalui oleh negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And pushing this latest deal is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has built a reputation as a strong opponent to deals with terrorists.", "r": {"result": "Dan mendorong perjanjian terbaru ini ialah Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu, yang telah membina reputasi sebagai penentang kuat untuk menangani pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three years after the Jibril Deal, Netanyahu explained his philosophy about negotiating with terrorists to CNN's Larry King.", "r": {"result": "Tiga tahun selepas Perjanjian Jibril, Netanyahu menjelaskan falsafahnya tentang berunding dengan pengganas kepada Larry King dari CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On one case I did not swallow it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam satu kes saya tidak menelannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When my government did something that I simply could not live with, which was the release of jailed terrorists for three of our POWs.", "r": {"result": "Apabila kerajaan saya melakukan sesuatu yang saya tidak boleh hidup dengannya, iaitu pembebasan pengganas yang dipenjarakan untuk tiga tawanan perang kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We wanted to get our POWs back, and the government, in my judgment, made a big mistake and traded terrorists.", "r": {"result": "Kami mahu mendapatkan semula tawanan perang kami, dan kerajaan, pada pertimbangan saya, membuat kesilapan besar dan memperdagangkan pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And here I was confronted with a situation that everything I believe in, in fact agitated for and tried to use an example of Israel for, to encourage other countries, especially the United States, to adopt a tough no-concessions policy against terrorists\".", "r": {"result": "Dan di sini saya berhadapan dengan situasi yang semua yang saya percayai, sebenarnya gelisah dan cuba menggunakan contoh Israel untuk, untuk menggalakkan negara lain, terutamanya Amerika Syarikat, mengamalkan dasar tanpa konsesi yang keras terhadap pengganas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his 1995 book \"A Place in the Sun\" Netanyahu called the Jibril Deal \"a fatal blow to Israel's efforts to form an international front against terrorism\" and warned of the hazardous consequences of such moves.", "r": {"result": "Dalam bukunya pada 1995 \"A Place in the Sun\" Netanyahu menggelar Perjanjian Jibril sebagai \"satu tamparan maut kepada usaha Israel untuk membentuk barisan antarabangsa menentang keganasan\" dan memberi amaran tentang akibat berbahaya daripada tindakan sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The release of a thousand terrorists...will inevitably lead to a terrible escalation of violence, because these terrorists will be accepted as heroes,\" Netanyahu wrote.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPembebasan seribu pengganas...tidak dapat tidak akan membawa kepada peningkatan keganasan yang dahsyat, kerana pengganas ini akan diterima sebagai wira,\u201d tulis Netanyahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In making those arguments, it is likely Netanyahu was aware of the aftermath of the Jibril Deal.", "r": {"result": "Dalam membuat hujah-hujah itu, kemungkinan Netanyahu sedar akan kesan daripada Perjanjian Jibril.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Almagor says that \"out of 238 terrorists freed in the Jibril Deal who reached the West Bank, 48 percent returned to terrorism and were recaptured by Israeli forces\".", "r": {"result": "Almagor berkata bahawa \"daripada 238 pengganas yang dibebaskan dalam Perjanjian Jibril yang sampai ke Tebing Barat, 48 peratus kembali kepada keganasan dan ditawan semula oleh tentera Israel\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In order to better understand the special status of Shalit in the Israeli public eye, one needs to go back 25 years to the crash of an Israeli warplane in Lebanon.", "r": {"result": "Untuk lebih memahami status istimewa Shalit di mata umum Israel, seseorang itu perlu kembali 25 tahun ke belakang kepada nahas pesawat perang Israel di Lubnan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On board the plane was Israeli air force Navigator Ron Arad, who was captured alive by local Shiite group Amal and later handed over to Hezbollah.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam pesawat itu ialah Navigator tentera udara Israel Ron Arad, yang ditangkap hidup-hidup oleh kumpulan Syiah tempatan Amal dan kemudiannya diserahkan kepada Hizbullah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite reports of several attempts to negotiate his return, Israel failed to free Arad, and as the years passed traces of his whereabouts had been lost.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun laporan beberapa percubaan untuk merundingkan kepulangannya, Israel gagal membebaskan Arad, dan ketika bertahun-tahun berlalu, jejak keberadaannya telah hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In June of 2008 Hezbollah announced that Arad was no longer alive.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Jun 2008 Hizbullah mengumumkan bahawa Arad tidak lagi bernyawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arad has become a symbol of the failure of Israeli governments over the years to strike a deal that would bring him back alive to his family.", "r": {"result": "Arad telah menjadi simbol kegagalan kerajaan Israel selama bertahun-tahun untuk mencapai perjanjian yang akan membawanya kembali hidup kepada keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shalit supporters have expressed fears that if a deal was not reached soon, the young soldier's fate could be similar to that of Arad.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong Shalit telah menyatakan kebimbangan bahawa jika perjanjian tidak dicapai segera, nasib askar muda itu mungkin serupa dengan Arad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking to his cabinet this week, Netanyahu said that with so much change sweeping the region, he did not know whether a better deal for Shalit was possible, and warned that if the window of opportunity was not taken it could close indefinitely.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap kepada kabinetnya minggu ini, Netanyahu berkata bahawa dengan begitu banyak perubahan yang melanda rantau ini, beliau tidak tahu sama ada perjanjian yang lebih baik untuk Shalit adalah mungkin, dan memberi amaran bahawa jika peluang tidak diambil ia boleh ditutup selama-lamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It represented a vast change in outlook and rhetoric for the combative prime minister, who seems to have calculated that a softer approach was the more politically expedient road to follow.", "r": {"result": "Ia mewakili perubahan besar dalam pandangan dan retorik untuk perdana menteri yang agresif, yang nampaknya telah mengira bahawa pendekatan yang lebih lembut adalah jalan yang lebih sesuai dari segi politik untuk diikuti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether it was the prospect of going down in history as the Israeli leader who missed the chance to free Shalit, the calculation of larger geopolitical changes in the region, or a mere reflection of public sentiment, Netanyahu has chosen a path that has taken him away from much of what he has spent decades preaching.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada prospek untuk turun dalam sejarah sebagai pemimpin Israel yang terlepas peluang untuk membebaskan Shalit, pengiraan perubahan geopolitik yang lebih besar di rantau ini, atau sekadar gambaran sentimen awam, Netanyahu telah memilih jalan yang telah membawanya pergi. daripada kebanyakan apa yang telah dia habiskan untuk berdakwah selama beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A Jordanian court Thursday acquitted radical cleric Abu Qatada of charges of conspiracy to bomb an American school in the late 1990s, state media reported.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Mahkamah Jordan Khamis membebaskan ulama radikal Abu Qatada daripada tuduhan konspirasi untuk mengebom sebuah sekolah Amerika pada akhir 1990-an, lapor media kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Qatada, whose real name is Omar Othman, was also charged with a 2000 attempt to bomb millennium celebrations in Jordan.", "r": {"result": "Qatada, yang nama sebenarnya Omar Othman, juga didakwa atas percubaan 2000 untuk mengebom perayaan milenium di Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He will remain in jail pending a verdict on that case, according to Petra news agency.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan kekal dalam penjara sementara menunggu keputusan kes itu, menurut agensi berita Petra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It did not say why he was found not guilty in the American school case.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak menyatakan mengapa dia didapati tidak bersalah dalam kes sekolah Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cleric was deported from the United Kingdom last year, ending a years-long legal battle to force him to leave the country.", "r": {"result": "Ulama itu telah diusir dari United Kingdom tahun lalu, menamatkan pertempuran undang-undang selama bertahun-tahun untuk memaksanya meninggalkan negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Jordanian national, he was wanted in his home country, where he had been convicted in absentia on two charges of conspiracy to cause explosions.", "r": {"result": "Seorang warga Jordan, dia dikehendaki di negara asalnya, di mana dia telah disabitkan secara in absentia atas dua pertuduhan konspirasi untuk menyebabkan letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Britain had been trying to deport him since 2001, but his legal appeals kept him there until last year.", "r": {"result": "Britain telah cuba menghantarnya pulang sejak 2001, tetapi rayuan undang-undangnya mengekalkannya di sana sehingga tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January 2012, the European Court of Human Rights blocked Britain from sending him to Jordan over fears that evidence obtained by torture could be used against him at trial.", "r": {"result": "Pada Januari 2012, Mahkamah Hak Asasi Manusia Eropah menghalang Britain daripada menghantarnya ke Jordan kerana bimbang bukti yang diperoleh melalui penyeksaan boleh digunakan terhadapnya semasa perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British authorities said he raised funds for terrorist groups, including organizations linked to al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, and publicly supported militants' violent activities.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Britain berkata beliau mengumpul dana untuk kumpulan pengganas, termasuk pertubuhan yang dikaitkan dengan pemimpin Al Qaeda Osama bin Laden, dan secara terbuka menyokong aktiviti ganas militan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Videos of his preaching were found in a German apartment used by some of those involved in the 9/11 attacks on the United States, including ringleader Mohammed Atta.", "r": {"result": "Video dakwahnya ditemui di sebuah apartmen Jerman yang digunakan oleh beberapa orang yang terlibat dalam serangan 9/11 ke atas Amerika Syarikat, termasuk ketua kumpulan Mohammed Atta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abu Qatada has denied the allegations against him.", "r": {"result": "Abu Qatada telah menafikan dakwaan terhadapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He arrived in the UK in 1993 and applied for asylum on the grounds that he had been tortured by Jordanian authorities.", "r": {"result": "Dia tiba di UK pada 1993 dan memohon suaka atas alasan dia telah diseksa oleh pihak berkuasa Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He came to Britain on a forged United Arab Emirates passport, according to court documents, and claimed asylum for himself, his wife and their three children.", "r": {"result": "Dia datang ke Britain dengan pasport Emiriah Arab Bersatu yang dipalsukan, menurut dokumen mahkamah, dan menuntut suaka untuk dirinya, isteri dan tiga anak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ali Younes contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ali Younes dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paris (CNN) -- France will start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, following a timetable similar to the one U.S. President Barack Obama announced, the French president's office said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Paris (CNN) -- Perancis akan mula mengundurkan tentera dari Afghanistan, mengikut jadual yang sama seperti yang diumumkan oleh Presiden AS Barack Obama, kata pejabat presiden Perancis pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This withdrawal will be done in consultation with our allies and with the Afghan authorities,\" the statement from Nicolas Sarkozy's office said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPengeluaran ini akan dilakukan dengan berunding dengan sekutu kami dan dengan pihak berkuasa Afghanistan,\u201d kata kenyataan dari pejabat Nicolas Sarkozy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All French troops could be out of Afghanistan by 2013, French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet told France Info radio Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Semua tentera Perancis mungkin keluar dari Afghanistan menjelang 2013, kata Menteri Pertahanan Perancis Gerard Longuet kepada radio Info France Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Longuet declined to give specifics, citing the \"safety of our soldiers and the people they protect.", "r": {"result": "Longuet enggan memberikan butiran secara spesifik, memetik \"keselamatan askar kita dan orang yang mereka lindungi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So we cannot say right now it will happen from such a place or it will be this type of troop because we have no information to give to our adversaries, the Taliban,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi kita tidak boleh katakan sekarang ia akan berlaku dari tempat sebegitu atau ia akan menjadi tentera jenis ini kerana kita tidak mempunyai maklumat untuk diberikan kepada musuh kita, Taliban,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he said that NATO had planned on \"a complete transition in 2014,\" and that \"what has emerged today is that we will undoubtedly gain a year on this calendar\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia berkata bahawa NATO telah merancang untuk \"peralihan yang lengkap pada 2014,\" dan bahawa \"apa yang telah muncul hari ini ialah kita sudah pasti akan mendapat satu tahun pada kalendar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France has 3,935 troops in Afghanistan, according to the NATO mission there.", "r": {"result": "Perancis mempunyai 3,935 tentera di Afghanistan, menurut misi NATO di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama said Wednesday that the U.S. would withdraw 33,000 U.S. troops by September 2012. That will leave just under 70,000 Americans there.", "r": {"result": "Obama berkata pada hari Rabu bahawa A.S. akan menarik balik 33,000 tentera A.S. menjelang September 2012. Itu akan meninggalkan hanya kurang 70,000 orang Amerika di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British Prime Minister David Cameron, whose country has the second largest number of foreign troops in Afghanistan, welcomed Obama's announcement.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Britain, David Cameron, yang negaranya mempunyai bilangan tentera asing kedua terbesar di Afghanistan, menyambut baik pengumuman Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the British will keep \"force levels in Afghanistan under constant review,\" adding: \"I have already said there will be no UK troops in combat roles in Afghanistan by 2015 and, where conditions on the ground allow, it is right that we bring troops home sooner\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata British akan mengekalkan \"paras kuasa di Afghanistan di bawah semakan berterusan,\" sambil menambah: \"Saya telah mengatakan bahawa tidak akan ada tentera UK dalam peranan tempur di Afghanistan menjelang 2015 dan, jika keadaan di lapangan membenarkan, adalah betul bahawa kita bawa pulang tentera lebih cepat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Saskya Vandoorne contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Saskya Vandoorne dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Flash floods that slammed parts of the southwestern United States are now blamed for two deaths.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Banjir kilat yang melanda bahagian barat daya Amerika Syarikat kini dipersalahkan untuk dua kematian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A woman in Arizona was swept away by water when she and her husband tried to drive through a flooded area on Monday, and the vehicle was picked up by the water, the Pinal County Sheriff's Office said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang wanita di Arizona dihanyutkan air apabila dia dan suaminya cuba memandu melalui kawasan banjir pada hari Isnin, dan kenderaan itu dinaiki air, kata Pejabat Syerif Pinal County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both exited the vehicle, and the man, 69, made it to safety, but his wife, 76, was unable to.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya keluar dari kenderaan itu, dan lelaki itu, 69, berjaya menyelamatkan diri, tetapi isterinya, 76, tidak dapat berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another Arizona woman was killed after her car was submerged in floodwaters, the Tucson Fire Department said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi wanita Arizona terbunuh selepas keretanya ditenggelami air banjir, kata Jabatan Bomba Tucson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rescuers were unable to reach the vehicle in time.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan penyelamat tidak dapat mencapai kenderaan itu tepat pada masanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Within a minute of us getting there, the car washed away,\" Capt. Barrett Baker told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam satu minit kami sampai di sana, kereta itu hanyut,\" kata Kapten Barrett Baker kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The waters were up to 12-feet deep, he said, and pushed the car for several blocks.", "r": {"result": "Air itu sedalam sehingga 12 kaki, katanya, dan menolak kereta itu untuk beberapa blok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Record-setting rains left up to 200 children trapped briefly in an elementary school in Moapa, Nevada, on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Hujan mencatat rekod menyebabkan sehingga 200 kanak-kanak terperangkap seketika di sebuah sekolah rendah di Moapa, Nevada, pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The students at Perkins Elementary school, about 60 miles from Las Vegas, were with teachers and were not in danger, said Highway Patrol Spokesman Loy Hixson.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar di sekolah Rendah Perkins, kira-kira 60 batu dari Las Vegas, bersama guru dan tidak berada dalam bahaya, kata Jurucakap Peronda Lebuhraya Loy Hixson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flash flooding also washed away a portion of Interstate 15 near the community of Glendale, taking several vehicles with it.", "r": {"result": "Banjir kilat turut menghanyutkan sebahagian daripada Interstate 15 berhampiran komuniti Glendale, membawa beberapa kenderaan bersamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No one has been injured, but the flooding damaged so much of the highway that it may not be fixed until Wednesday, Hixson said.", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang cedera, tetapi banjir itu merosakkan banyak lebuh raya sehingga ia mungkin tidak dapat diperbaiki sehingga Rabu, kata Hixson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Arizona, Gov.", "r": {"result": "Di Arizona, Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jan Brewer declared an emergency Monday as flooding from the historic rains closed roads and schools in her state.", "r": {"result": "Jan Brewer mengisytiharkan darurat pada Isnin apabila banjir akibat hujan bersejarah menutup jalan dan sekolah di negerinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What caused the record-setting rains and flash floods in the Southwest?", "r": {"result": "Apakah yang menyebabkan hujan dan banjir kilat yang mencatat rekod di Barat Daya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blame Norbert, which hit Mexico's coast as a hurricane on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Salahkan Norbert, yang melanda pantai Mexico sebagai taufan pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now the storm system is moving through the United States, and it's still packing a punch.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang sistem ribut bergerak melalui Amerika Syarikat, dan ia masih membungkus pukulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This could go on for a few more days,\" CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini boleh berterusan untuk beberapa hari lagi,\" kata Ahli Meteorologi CNN Chad Myers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flooding death toll jumps as India offers help to Pakistan.", "r": {"result": "Angka kematian akibat banjir meningkat apabila India menawarkan bantuan kepada Pakistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Tony Marco, John Fricke and Sean Morris contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Tony Marco dari CNN, John Fricke dan Sean Morris menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The Chamber of Commerce is launching an ad featuring Kentucky Sen.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Dewan Perniagaan sedang melancarkan iklan yang menampilkan Kentucky Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rand Paul, a favorite of libertarians, to build support for Alaska Republican Senate hopeful Dan Sullivan, who faces a challenge from libertarian third party candidate.", "r": {"result": "Rand Paul, kegemaran libertarian, untuk membina sokongan kepada calon Senat Republik Alaska Dan Sullivan, yang menghadapi cabaran daripada calon pihak ketiga libertarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans and their allies have begun work to limit how much support third party candidates draw away from GOP candidates in states which could determine control of the Senate.", "r": {"result": "Republikan dan sekutu mereka telah mula berusaha untuk mengehadkan berapa banyak sokongan calon pihak ketiga menarik diri daripada calon GOP di negeri yang boleh menentukan kawalan Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the ad Paul uses language libertarians would like to tout Sullivan, who is locked in a tight race against first term Democratic incumbent Sen.", "r": {"result": "Dalam iklan itu, Paul menggunakan bahasa, para libertarian ingin memuji Sullivan, yang sedang bersaing ketat dengan penyandang kerusi Demokrat penggal pertama Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Begich.", "r": {"result": "Mark Begich.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Fish, past chairman of the state's libertarian party, is running as well and is the wild card there because drawing even a small amount of votes away from Sullivan could prove the difference in this key race.", "r": {"result": "Mark Fish, bekas pengerusi parti libertarian negeri itu, turut bertanding dan menjadi kad liar di sana kerana menarik walaupun sedikit undi daripada Sullivan boleh membuktikan perbezaan dalam perlumbaan utama ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Washington is horribly broken.", "r": {"result": "\"Washington rosak teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am Rand Paul, and I am fighting to change that.", "r": {"result": "Saya Rand Paul, dan saya berjuang untuk mengubahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But nothing is going to change when Mark Begich votes with his liberal Democratic friends 91% of the time,\" Paul says in the spot.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tiada apa yang akan berubah apabila Mark Begich mengundi dengan rakan-rakan Demokrat liberalnya 91% sepanjang masa,\" kata Paul di tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Washington takes too many of our freedoms and too much of our money.", "r": {"result": "\"Washington mengambil terlalu banyak kebebasan kita dan terlalu banyak wang kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think Dan Sullivan will get it back.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa Dan Sullivan akan mendapatkannya semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To change Washington change your Senator\".", "r": {"result": "Untuk menukar Washington tukar Senator anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In states like Alaska, the Chamber is focused on the independent swing vote, and we think Sen.", "r": {"result": "\"Di negeri-negeri seperti Alaska, Dewan memberi tumpuan kepada undi swing bebas, dan kami fikir Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul is well positioned to deliver a message that appeals to them.", "r": {"result": "Paul mempunyai kedudukan yang baik untuk menyampaikan mesej yang menarik minat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This fits into our them this year of using credible messengers in target races,\" Chamber spokeswoman Blair Latoff Holmes says in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Ini sesuai dengan mereka tahun ini menggunakan utusan yang boleh dipercayai dalam perlumbaan sasaran,\" kata jurucakap Chamber Blair Latoff Holmes dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Besides Alaska, some Republicans worry libertarian candidates could cost GOP candidates support in such key Senate battlegrounds as North Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky.", "r": {"result": "Selain Alaska, sesetengah Republikan bimbang calon libertarian boleh menjejaskan sokongan calon GOP di medan pertempuran Senat penting seperti North Carolina, Georgia dan Kentucky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Chamber's Alaska buy for the Paul ad is seven figures, and the spot will air statewide beginning Friday on broadcast as well as on line.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian Alaska Chamber untuk iklan Paul adalah tujuh angka, dan tempat itu akan disiarkan di seluruh negeri mulai hari Jumaat secara siaran dan juga dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rand Paul blasts Obama as arrogant 'autocrat'.", "r": {"result": "Rand Paul mengecam Obama sebagai 'autokrat' yang sombong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Amanda Knox's parents are hopeful that an Italian court's decision not to re-evaluate the evidence against their daughter means she will be found not guilty of killing her roommate.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ibu bapa Amanda Knox berharap keputusan mahkamah Itali untuk tidak menilai semula bukti terhadap anak perempuan mereka bermakna dia akan didapati tidak bersalah membunuh rakan sebiliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Edda Mellas and Curt Knox say they have never believed their daughter was guilty.", "r": {"result": "Edda Mellas dan Curt Knox berkata mereka tidak pernah percaya anak perempuan mereka bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We asked for the independent review because we were sure that anybody [who] independently looked at it would support our position,\" Edda Mellas, Knox's mother, told CNN's Larry King in an interview to air Friday night.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami meminta semakan bebas kerana kami yakin sesiapa sahaja [yang] melihatnya secara bebas akan menyokong pendirian kami,\" kata Edda Mellas, ibu Knox, kepada Larry King dari CNN dalam satu wawancara yang disiarkan pada malam Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now, maybe the court decided that they don't even need that support.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKini, mungkin mahkamah memutuskan bahawa mereka tidak memerlukan sokongan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That our arguments have already been good enough\".", "r": {"result": "Bahawa hujah kami sudah cukup baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knox, of Seattle, Washington, has been in an Italian jail and on trial for nearly two years on charges that she helped murder her roommate, British student Meredith Kercher.", "r": {"result": "Knox, dari Seattle, Washington, telah berada di penjara Itali dan dibicarakan selama hampir dua tahun atas tuduhan membantu membunuh rakan sebiliknya, pelajar British Meredith Kercher.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knox's defense lawyers had asked the court for an independent review of the evidence, which can be requested if there is contested or contradicting evidence.", "r": {"result": "Peguam pembela Knox telah meminta mahkamah untuk semakan bebas terhadap bukti, yang boleh diminta jika terdapat bukti yang dipertikaikan atau bercanggah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors say a kitchen knife, allegedly the murder weapon, has Knox's DNA on the handle and Kercher's DNA on the blade.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berkata pisau dapur, yang didakwa senjata pembunuhan, mempunyai DNA Knox pada pemegang dan DNA Kercher pada bilah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defense disputes that, but last Friday, the court denied the request for a review.", "r": {"result": "Pihak pembelaan mempertikaikan itu, tetapi pada Jumaat lalu, mahkamah menolak permintaan untuk semakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Closing arguments in the trial are expected at the beginning of November, and Knox's parents hope a verdict will finally vindicate their daughter.", "r": {"result": "Hujah penutup dalam perbicaraan dijangka pada awal November, dan ibu bapa Knox berharap keputusan akhirnya akan membenarkan anak perempuan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Curt Knox say why he thinks his daughter was arrested >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Curt Knox berkata mengapa dia fikir anak perempuannya ditangkap >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her father, Curt Knox, told CNN that he thinks Amanda Knox was targeted as a suspect from the beginning.", "r": {"result": "Bapanya, Curt Knox, memberitahu CNN bahawa dia fikir Amanda Knox telah disasarkan sebagai suspek sejak awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within days of Kercher's murder, Knox and her then-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, were questioned and portrayed in the media as the undisputed killers.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa hari selepas pembunuhan Kercher, Knox dan teman lelakinya ketika itu, Raffaele Sollecito, telah disoal siasat dan digambarkan dalam media sebagai pembunuh yang tidak dipertikaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe that there was a huge mistake made very, very early on by, you know, having a -- literally a 'case closed,' you know, presentation by the police over there,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya bahawa terdapat kesilapan besar yang dibuat sangat, sangat awal dengan, anda tahu, mempunyai -- secara literal 'kes ditutup,' anda tahu, pembentangan oleh polis di sana,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors held news conferences weeks after the killing, declaring the case solved.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya mengadakan sidang akhbar beberapa minggu selepas pembunuhan itu, mengisytiharkan kes itu selesai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knox, Sollecito and bar owner Patrick Lumumba were believed to have killed Kercher during a sexual game gone horribly awry.", "r": {"result": "Knox, Sollecito dan pemilik bar Patrick Lumumba dipercayai telah membunuh Kercher semasa permainan seksual yang berlaku dengan teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knox was criticized in newspapers and tabloids around the world for her demeanor after the killing, which included photos of her and Sollecito comforting each other as crime scene investigators looked for clues in her house.", "r": {"result": "Knox dikritik dalam akhbar dan tabloid di seluruh dunia kerana sikapnya selepas pembunuhan itu, termasuk gambar dia dan Sollecito saling menghiburkan antara satu sama lain ketika penyiasat tempat kejadian jenayah mencari petunjuk di rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knox's mother told King that those headlines couldn't be further from the truth.", "r": {"result": "Ibu Knox memberitahu King bahawa tajuk berita itu tidak boleh jauh dari kebenaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You know, she's very much a person who internalizes,\" Mellas said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tahu, dia seorang yang sangat mendalami,\" kata Mellas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was extremely upset, and her roommate testified that when she found out it was Meredith that was killed, she was very upset.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia sangat kecewa, dan rakan sebiliknya memberi keterangan bahawa apabila dia mengetahui bahawa Meredith yang dibunuh, dia sangat kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She cried; she did all of that.", "r": {"result": "Dia menangis; dia melakukan semua itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by the time those photos were taken, it was hours later, and she was being comforted by Raffaele\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada masa gambar-gambar itu diambil, beberapa jam kemudian, dan dia telah dihiburkan oleh Raffaele\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the investigation went on, the scenario of what happened changed.", "r": {"result": "Semasa siasatan berjalan, senario apa yang berlaku berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lumumba was released because he had an airtight alibi, and DNA evidence from the crime scene soon pointed to a different suspect: Rudy Guede.", "r": {"result": "Lumumba dibebaskan kerana dia mempunyai alibi kedap udara, dan bukti DNA dari tempat kejadian tidak lama kemudian menunjuk kepada suspek yang berbeza: Rudy Guede.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guede was sentenced to 30 years for the murder in a separate trial and is appealing the verdict.", "r": {"result": "Guede dijatuhi hukuman 30 tahun kerana pembunuhan itu dalam perbicaraan berasingan dan sedang merayu keputusan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knox's parents believe that Guede is the sole killer, but because the prosecution hammered the idea that Knox and Sollecito were guilty, they couldn't back away from it.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa Knox percaya bahawa Guede adalah pembunuh tunggal, tetapi oleh kerana pihak pendakwaan menolak idea bahawa Knox dan Sollecito bersalah, mereka tidak boleh berundur daripadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They were just too far into it, and they've been trying to press it ever since,\" Curt Knox said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka terlalu jauh ke dalamnya, dan mereka telah cuba menekannya sejak itu,\" kata Curt Knox.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knox's family and friends insist that the girl they know wouldn't kill anyone.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga dan rakan Knox menegaskan bahawa gadis yang mereka kenali tidak akan membunuh sesiapa pun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her parents say they never believed that she was guilty.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapanya berkata mereka tidak pernah percaya bahawa dia bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the murder, Mellas said, friends and family told Knox to leave Italy -- to either come home or stay with relatives in Germany -- but Knox refused because she wanted to help find the killer and prove that she had nothing to do with it.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pembunuhan itu, Mellas berkata, rakan dan keluarga memberitahu Knox untuk meninggalkan Itali -- sama ada pulang ke rumah atau tinggal bersama saudara-mara di Jerman -- tetapi Knox enggan kerana dia mahu membantu mencari pembunuh dan membuktikan bahawa dia tidak ada kaitan dengannya. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Many people asked her to leave, but she said no.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRamai orang memintanya pergi, tetapi dia berkata tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'I'm going to stay.", "r": {"result": "'Saya akan tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm going to try and help.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan cuba membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm going to try and finish school,' \" Mellas said.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan cuba dan menamatkan sekolah,'\" kata Mellas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Looking back, her parents wish Knox had left.", "r": {"result": "Mengimbas kembali, ibu bapanya berharap Knox telah pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, all they can do is wait -- and hope things turn out how they believe they should.", "r": {"result": "Kini, apa yang mereka boleh lakukan ialah menunggu -- dan berharap keadaan akan menjadi seperti yang mereka percaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to believe that what they're hearing in court -- and it's so clear that she had nothing to do with it -- then they'll come out with the right answer,\" Curt Knox said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami harus percaya bahawa apa yang mereka dengar di mahkamah -- dan ia sangat jelas bahawa dia tiada kaitan dengannya -- maka mereka akan keluar dengan jawapan yang betul,\" kata Curt Knox.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I mean, that's -- that's what we have to believe\".", "r": {"result": "\"Maksud saya, itu -- itulah yang kita perlu percaya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- State authorities dispatched emergency crews Tuesday to survey the damage after an onslaught of severe weather in Mississippi that injured at least 17 people, damaged property and cut power.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pihak berkuasa negeri menghantar kru kecemasan Selasa untuk meninjau kerosakan selepas serangan cuaca buruk di Mississippi yang mencederakan sekurang-kurangnya 17 orang, merosakkan harta benda dan memutuskan bekalan elektrik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Weather Service said \"probable tornados\" caused significant damage across central Mississippi, including in Yazoo, Attala, Warren, Oktibbeha, and Smith counties.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan berkata \"kemungkinan puting beliung\" menyebabkan kerosakan besar di seluruh Mississippi tengah, termasuk di daerah Yazoo, Attala, Warren, Oktibbeha dan Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Attala County, storms damaged several mobile homes, injuring six people and leaving parts of the area without power, the service said.", "r": {"result": "Di Daerah Attala, ribut merosakkan beberapa rumah mudah alih, mencederakan enam orang dan menyebabkan sebahagian kawasan itu terputus bekalan elektrik, kata perkhidmatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleven more people were injured in Monroe County, where storms damaged homes and a radio communications tower, it said.", "r": {"result": "Sebelas orang lagi cedera di Monroe County, di mana ribut merosakkan rumah dan menara komunikasi radio, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A tornado touched down in Yazoo County on Monday night, causing damage to a downtown Yazoo City courthouse and tossing debris in a wide area, according to emergency management spokesman.", "r": {"result": "Puting beliung mendarat di Daerah Yazoo pada malam Isnin, menyebabkan kerosakan pada bangunan mahkamah di pusat bandar Yazoo City dan melemparkan serpihan di kawasan yang luas, menurut jurucakap pengurusan kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The twister touched down around 8:05 p.m. local time (9:05 p.m. ET), according to the National Weather Service's Jackson, Mississippi, office.", "r": {"result": "Pusingan itu mendarat sekitar jam 8:05 malam. waktu tempatan (9:05 p.m. ET), menurut pejabat Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan Jackson, Mississippi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Approximately 30 percent of the area is still without power, the Weather Service reported.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 30 peratus daripada kawasan itu masih tanpa bekalan elektrik, lapor Perkhidmatan Cuaca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Greg Flynn, spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, said the damage included \"a lot of windows blown out, some roof damage and very little power in the downtown area\" of Yazoo City.", "r": {"result": "Greg Flynn, jurucakap Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Mississippi, berkata kerosakan itu termasuk \"banyak tingkap pecah, beberapa kerosakan bumbung dan kuasa yang sangat sedikit di kawasan pusat bandar\" Yazoo City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No severe injuries or deaths have been reported, he said.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kecederaan parah atau kematian dilaporkan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've been getting inundated with round after round after round\" of heavy rain, Flynn said Tuesday morning.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah dibanjiri dengan pusingan demi pusingan\" hujan lebat, kata Flynn pagi Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In April, at least 10 people died when a mile-wide tornado tore through Mississippi.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan April, sekurang-kurangnya 10 orang maut apabila puting beliung selebar batu melanda Mississippi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two of the dead were children, and one was a 3-month-old baby, according to the state emergency management agency.", "r": {"result": "Dua daripada yang maut adalah kanak-kanak, dan seorang bayi berusia 3 bulan, menurut agensi pengurusan kecemasan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five of the dead were from Choctaw County, in the north central part of the state, four were from Yazoo County, north of Jackson, and one was from Holmes County, also in north central Mississippi.", "r": {"result": "Lima daripada yang maut adalah dari Choctaw County, di bahagian tengah utara negeri itu, empat dari Yazoo County, utara Jackson, dan seorang dari Holmes County, juga di utara tengah Mississippi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Radio's Greg Black and CNN's Sean Morris and Holly Yan contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Greg Black dari CNN Radio dan Sean Morris dan Holly Yan dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Marc Marquez continued his stunning debut season in motorcycling's elite class when he became the first MotoGP rookie to win five races with victory in Sunday's Czech Grand Prix.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Marc Marquez meneruskan musim sulungnya yang menakjubkan dalam kelas elit motosikal apabila dia menjadi rookie MotoGP pertama yang memenangi lima perlumbaan dengan kemenangan dalam Grand Prix Czech Ahad lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 20-year-old notched his fourth successive triumph as he extended his world championship lead to 26 points with seven races remaining.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 20 tahun itu melakar kemenangan keempat berturut-turut apabila melebarkan pendahuluan kejuaraan dunia kepada 26 mata dengan baki tujuh perlumbaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He pegged back world champion Jorge Lorenzo, who had surged into the lead despite starting from fifth on the grid but had to settle for third behind Marquez's Honda teammate Dani Pedrosa.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambat kembali juara dunia Jorge Lorenzo, yang telah melonjak ke pendahuluan walaupun bermula dari tempat kelima di grid tetapi terpaksa berpuas hati di tempat ketiga di belakang rakan sepasukan Honda Marquez, Dani Pedrosa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marquez equaled Valentino Rossi's record of 10 podium placings in his rookie season, set back in 2000, and became the first rider since the Italian in 2008 to win four successive races.", "r": {"result": "Marquez menyamai rekod Valentino Rossi yang menduduki 10 podium pada musim rookienya, bermula pada 2000, dan menjadi pelumba pertama sejak pemandu Itali itu pada 2008 yang memenangi empat perlumbaan berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Before we came here I didn't expect win, because Jorge and Valentino had both tested at Brno recently and Dani is always so fast here and won the race last year,\" Marquez told the MotoGP website.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebelum kami datang ke sini, saya tidak menjangkakan menang, kerana Jorge dan Valentino sama-sama pernah menjalani ujian di Brno baru-baru ini dan Dani sentiasa pantas di sini dan memenangi perlumbaan tahun lalu,\u201d kata Marquez kepada laman web MotoGP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a completely different track to those at which we have raced before, and these 25 points feel different to Indianapolis.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah trek yang sama sekali berbeza dengan trek yang pernah kami lumba sebelum ini, dan 25 mata ini terasa berbeza dengan Indianapolis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This was a very hard-fought win and I enjoyed myself a lot.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah kemenangan yang sangat sukar dan saya sangat menikmati diri saya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The battle with Jorge was really good and we are pleased with the victory\".", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran dengan Jorge sangat bagus dan kami gembira dengan kemenangan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Compatriot Pedrosa earned the 78th podium of his career, putting him equal fourth in the all-time standings with four-time world champion Eddie Lawson.", "r": {"result": "Rakan senegara Pedrosa memperoleh podium ke-78 dalam kariernya, meletakkannya sama di tempat keempat dalam kedudukan sepanjang masa bersama juara dunia empat kali Eddie Lawson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am very happy with the result, because after all the problems with my injury and the doubts we've had at the last few races, we took a big step forward with my mental preparation today,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sangat gembira dengan keputusan itu, kerana selepas semua masalah kecederaan saya dan keraguan yang kami hadapi dalam beberapa perlumbaan terakhir, kami mengorak langkah besar dengan persiapan mental saya hari ini,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rossi tops that table with 145 podiums, but this time he had to settle for fourth -- the same result as his previous outing at Indianapolis.", "r": {"result": "Rossi mendahului meja itu dengan 145 podium, tetapi kali ini dia terpaksa berpuas hati di tempat keempat -- keputusan yang sama seperti perlawanan sebelumnya di Indianapolis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today was better than Indy, especially because my gap to the front is half what it was there,\" the Yamaha rider said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini lebih baik daripada Indy, terutamanya kerana jurang saya di hadapan adalah separuh daripada yang ada,\" kata penunggang Yamaha itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first three guys are impressive, very strong; I want to stay closer to them.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiga lelaki pertama mengagumkan, sangat kuat; saya mahu kekal dekat dengan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Unfortunately I was 10 seconds back, another fourth place but I want to be closer, so we have to work\".", "r": {"result": "\"Malangnya saya ketinggalan 10 saat, satu lagi tempat keempat tetapi saya mahu lebih dekat, jadi kita perlu berusaha\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His teammate Lorenzo was left third in the standings, 18 points behind Marquez.", "r": {"result": "Rakan sepasukannya Lorenzo berada di tempat ketiga dalam kedudukan, 18 mata di belakang Marquez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The championship is not lost yet but it's now getting very difficult.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKejuaraan belum tewas tetapi ia kini semakin sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need just a few tenths to win the race so we have to pray for that at Silverstone,\" the Spaniard said.", "r": {"result": "Kami hanya memerlukan beberapa persepuluh untuk memenangi perlumbaan jadi kami perlu berdoa untuk itu di Silverstone,\" kata pemandu Sepanyol itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think I had my best start in all my career in MotoGP, I took four positions and in the first laps I was really quick.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa saya mempunyai permulaan terbaik dalam semua karier saya di MotoGP, saya mengambil empat posisi dan pada pusingan pertama saya sangat pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eventually though I couldn't keep the same distance to second place so little by little they caught me.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya walaupun saya tidak dapat mengekalkan jarak yang sama ke tempat kedua jadi sedikit demi sedikit mereka menangkap saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Especially under braking and on the straights they were faster than me so I couldn't do much more\".", "r": {"result": "Terutama di bawah brek dan di laluan lurus mereka lebih laju daripada saya jadi saya tidak boleh berbuat lebih banyak lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pole-sitter Cal Crutchlow of Britain crashed on lap eight when in fourth position, and finished 17th after returning to the track.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk tiang, Cal Crutchlow dari Britain terhempas pada pusingan kelapan ketika berada di kedudukan keempat, dan menduduki tempat ke-17 selepas kembali ke trek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Books, filled with prayers for peace, splattered with blood.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Buku, penuh dengan doa untuk perdamaian, bersimbah darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sacred vestments shredded by bullets and knives.", "r": {"result": "Pakaian suci yang dicincang oleh peluru dan pisau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lifeless bodies in the sanctuary.", "r": {"result": "Jasad tak bernyawa di tempat suci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rabbis had gathered to ask God to bestow blessings upon their troubled land.", "r": {"result": "Para rabbi telah berkumpul untuk meminta Tuhan untuk melimpahkan berkat ke atas tanah mereka yang bergolak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their prayers were interrupted by two men wielding butcher knives and a gun.", "r": {"result": "Solat mereka diganggu oleh dua lelaki yang memegang pisau daging dan pistol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Israeli police officer and four rabbis were killed, including an American whose family is considered \"rabbinic royalty\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai polis Israel dan empat rabbi terbunuh, termasuk seorang warga Amerika yang keluarganya dianggap \"royalti rabbi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Combined with the site of the slaughter -- a synagogue in West Jerusalem -- the targeting of rabbis struck at the soul of Jews around the world, several Jewish leaders said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Digabungkan dengan tapak penyembelihan -- sebuah rumah ibadat di Baitulmaqdis Barat -- sasaran rabbi menyerang jiwa orang Yahudi di seluruh dunia, beberapa pemimpin Yahudi berkata Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is an attack on all of us,\" said Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, who leads Ohev Sholom Synagogue in Washington.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah serangan ke atas kita semua,\" kata Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, yang mengetuai Synagogue Ohev Sholom di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Any terrorist attack is a horror.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebarang serangan pengganas adalah seram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But to attack people while they are engaged in prayer, are talking to God, is a new low\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi menyerang orang semasa mereka sedang solat, bercakap dengan Tuhan, adalah rendah baru\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, both sides in the seemingly endless fight between Israelis and Palestinians have attacked people at prayer.", "r": {"result": "Malah, kedua-dua pihak dalam pergaduhan yang kelihatan tidak berkesudahan antara Israel dan Palestin telah menyerang orang semasa solat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1994, a Jewish extremist murdered 29 Palestinians worshiping in Hebron.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1994, seorang pelampau Yahudi membunuh 29 orang Palestin yang beribadat di Hebron.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2002, Palestinian extremists attacked a Passover Seder in Natanya, killing 30.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2002, pelampau Palestin menyerang Seder Paskah di Natanya, membunuh 30 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like those assaults, Tuesday's murders threaten to ignite another inferno of unholy violence.", "r": {"result": "Seperti serangan itu, pembunuhan pada hari Selasa mengancam untuk mencetuskan satu lagi neraka keganasan yang tidak suci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack, but Hamas and other Palestinians praised the terrorists, identified by police as two cousins from East Jerusalem.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Pihak Berkuasa Palestin Mahmoud Abbas mengutuk serangan itu, tetapi Hamas dan rakyat Palestin lain memuji pengganas itu, yang dikenal pasti oleh polis sebagai dua sepupu dari Baitulmaqdis Timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office vowed to \"respond with a heavy hand\" to the killings.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu berikrar untuk \"membalas dengan tangan berat\" terhadap pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attackers, identified as Ghassan Abu Jamal and his cousin Udayy Abu Jamal, were killed by police responding to the synagogue assault, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang, yang dikenali sebagai Ghassan Abu Jamal dan sepupunya Udayy Abu Jamal, dibunuh oleh polis yang bertindak balas terhadap serangan rumah ibadat itu, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for Hamas, linked the attack to the discovery Sunday of a Palestinian bus driver hanged in his bus not far from the synagogue where the rabbis were killed.", "r": {"result": "Sami Abu Zuhri, jurucakap Hamas, mengaitkan serangan itu dengan penemuan Ahad seorang pemandu bas Palestin yang tergantung di dalam basnya tidak jauh dari rumah ibadat tempat para rabbi dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But relatives of the terrorists told The New York Times the men were motivated by Israel's recent closure of Jerusalem's Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary compound, a site holy to both Jews and Muslims.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saudara-mara pengganas memberitahu The New York Times bahawa lelaki itu terdorong oleh penutupan Israel baru-baru ini di kawasan Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary Baitulmuqaddis, sebuah tapak yang suci kepada kedua-dua orang Yahudi dan Muslim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The site has since been reopened, but the dispute has fueled small-scale attacks by Palestinians that have killed six Israelis in recent weeks.", "r": {"result": "Tapak itu telah dibuka semula, tetapi pertikaian itu telah mencetuskan serangan berskala kecil oleh rakyat Palestin yang telah membunuh enam warga Israel dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the United States, the horror of Tuesday's terror attack unified Jews across the political spectrum, even those who sharply disagree with Netanyahu's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.", "r": {"result": "Di Amerika Syarikat, kengerian serangan pengganas Selasa menyatukan orang Yahudi di seluruh spektrum politik, malah mereka yang sangat tidak bersetuju dengan pengendalian Netanyahu terhadap krisis Israel-Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an editorial, the Jewish Daily Forward said the frustration of Palestinians \"living under occupation\" is understandable.", "r": {"result": "Dalam editorial, Jewish Daily Forward berkata kekecewaan rakyat Palestin \"hidup di bawah penjajahan\" boleh difahami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But killing innocent men at prayer is morally indefensible, the newspaper said, noting that the synagogue is in West Jerusalem, not in \"contested territory\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah semasa solat adalah tidak boleh dipertahankan secara moral, kata akhbar itu, sambil menyatakan bahawa rumah ibadat itu berada di Baitulmaqdis Barat, bukan di \"wilayah yang dipertandingkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Killing innocents anywhere is detestable, Jewish leaders said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah di mana-mana adalah menjijikkan, kata pemimpin Yahudi pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there is something especially heinous about killing people while they pray.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada sesuatu yang sangat keji tentang membunuh orang semasa mereka solat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We look on our ministers, priests, rabbis and mullahs as intermediaries between ourselves in the divine world,\" said Peter Machinist, a professor of Hebrew at Harvard University.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami melihat menteri, paderi, rabbi dan mullah kami sebagai perantara antara kami di dunia ilahi,\" kata Peter Machinist, seorang profesor bahasa Ibrani di Universiti Harvard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within the slain rabbis' ultra-Orthodox tradition, respected rabbis are assumed to have a \"hot line to heaven\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam tradisi ultra-Ortodoks rabbi yang dibunuh, rabbi yang dihormati diandaikan mempunyai \"talian panas ke syurga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So an attack on them is a little closer to being an attack on God,\" Machinist said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi serangan ke atas mereka sedikit lebih dekat dengan serangan terhadap Tuhan,\" kata Machinist.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The four rabbis killed were: Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 58; Aryeh Kopinsky, 43; Moshe Twersky, 59; and Calman Levine.", "r": {"result": "Empat rabbi yang terbunuh ialah: Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 58; Aryeh Kopinsky, 43; Moshe Twersky, 59; dan Calman Levine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Goldberg was a dual British-Israeli citizen, and the other three were U.S.-Israeli citizens.", "r": {"result": "Goldberg ialah dua warganegara British-Israel, dan tiga yang lain adalah warganegara AS-Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This was an attack by Palestinian terrorists of pure evil and would have been utterly deplorable wherever, whenever it had occurred,\" said Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the former chief of rabbi of Britain.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah serangan pengganas Palestin terhadap kejahatan tulen dan akan menjadi sangat menyedihkan di mana-mana, bila-bila masa ia berlaku,\" kata Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, bekas ketua rabbi Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But for this terrorist attack to occur in a synagogue, deliberately targeting innocent Jews deep in prayer, is something that strikes at the soul of Jewish people around the world\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi untuk serangan pengganas ini berlaku di rumah ibadat, dengan sengaja menyasarkan orang Yahudi yang tidak bersalah dalam doa, adalah sesuatu yang menyerang jiwa orang Yahudi di seluruh dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama condemns 'horrific' Jerusalem terror attack.", "r": {"result": "Obama mengutuk serangan pengganas Baitulmaqdis yang 'mengerikan'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Muslim Political Affairs Council also condemned Tuesday's attack.", "r": {"result": "Majlis Hal Ehwal Politik Muslim juga mengutuk serangan Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We strongly believe that houses of worship should be a sanctuary for all people, not a place of violence as we regretfully witnessed today.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami sangat percaya bahawa rumah ibadat harus menjadi tempat perlindungan untuk semua orang, bukan tempat keganasan seperti yang kami kesalkan hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Islam commands its followers to protect houses of worship,\" the group said in a statement on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Islam memerintahkan umatnya untuk melindungi rumah ibadat,\u201d kata kumpulan itu dalam satu kenyataan di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moshe Twersky, originally from Boston, comes from an almost Kennedy-like clan of respected scholars and rabbis.", "r": {"result": "Moshe Twersky, berasal dari Boston, berasal dari puak ulama dan rabbi yang dihormati seperti Kennedy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His father, Rabbi Isadore Twersky, was a world-renowned expert on Jewish theology and founding director of Harvard's Center for Jewish learning.", "r": {"result": "Bapanya, Rabbi Isadore Twersky, adalah pakar teologi Yahudi yang terkenal di dunia dan pengarah pengasas Pusat pengajian Yahudi Harvard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twersky's maternal grandfather was Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, a philosopher and professor at Yeshiva University who was considered one of the most important minds in Modern Orthodox Judaism.", "r": {"result": "Datuk sebelah ibu Twersky ialah Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, seorang ahli falsafah dan profesor di Universiti Yeshiva yang dianggap sebagai salah satu pemikir terpenting dalam Yudaisme Ortodoks Moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a very prominent family in Jewish life, in Jewish scholarship, in Jewish theology,\" Machinist said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah keluarga yang sangat terkemuka dalam kehidupan Yahudi, dalam keilmuan Yahudi, dalam teologi Yahudi,\" kata Machinist.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Herzfeld said Soloveitchik was responsible for training thousands of rabbis who passed through Yeshiva University in New York, where his legacy still burns bright.", "r": {"result": "Herzfeld berkata Soloveitchik bertanggungjawab melatih beribu-ribu rabbi yang melalui Universiti Yeshiva di New York, di mana warisannya masih menyala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twersky's brother, Mayer, teaches at the university.", "r": {"result": "Abang Twersky, Mayer, mengajar di universiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Family legacy aside, what makes Tuesday's attack all the more galling, Jewish leaders said, is that the rabbis planned to engage in the very opposite of terrorism: praying for peace.", "r": {"result": "Diketepikan warisan keluarga, apa yang menjadikan serangan hari Selasa lebih menyakitkan hati, kata pemimpin Yahudi, adalah bahawa para rabbi merancang untuk terlibat dalam perkara yang bertentangan dengan keganasan: berdoa untuk keamanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's what's so horrible about this,\" said Herzfeld.", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah yang sangat mengerikan tentang ini,\" kata Herzfeld.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These people were trying to do their part to bring good into this world through their dedication to God\".", "r": {"result": "\"Orang-orang ini cuba melakukan bahagian mereka untuk membawa kebaikan ke dalam dunia ini melalui dedikasi mereka kepada Tuhan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Grief and outrage' at Jerusalem synagogue slayings.", "r": {"result": "'Kedukaan dan kemarahan' pada pembunuhan sinagoga Yerusalem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other Jewish leaders noted that the rabbis likely did not expect their morning service to be interrupted by an assault.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Yahudi lain menyatakan bahawa para rabbi mungkin tidak menjangkakan perkhidmatan pagi mereka terganggu oleh serangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you are truly at prayer, you are most vulnerable,\" said Jane Eisner, the Forward's editor-in-chief.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda benar-benar berdoa, anda paling terdedah,\" kata Jane Eisner, ketua pengarang Forward.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Worshipers are not looking around for potential terrorists; they are focused on God.", "r": {"result": "Para penyembah tidak mencari-cari kemungkinan pengganas; mereka fokus kepada Tuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the central prayer of Jewish services, the Amidah, it is considered sacrilegious to interrupt worshipers.", "r": {"result": "Semasa sembahyang pusat kebaktian Yahudi, Amidah, adalah dianggap haram untuk mengganggu penyembah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Amidah\" means \"standing\" in Hebrew, and Jews are taught to imagine themselves standing before God, asking for his blessing, said Herzfeld.", "r": {"result": "\"Amidah\" bermaksud \"berdiri\" dalam bahasa Ibrani, dan orang Yahudi diajar untuk membayangkan diri mereka berdiri di hadapan Tuhan, meminta restu-Nya, kata Herzfeld.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By tradition, the last prayer asks for peace in Israel.", "r": {"result": "Mengikut tradisi, doa terakhir meminta keamanan di Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's unclear whether the rabbis had reached that point when the slaughter began.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada para rabbi telah mencapai tahap itu apabila penyembelihan bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A 63-year-old man accused of sexually assaulting and impregnating his young relative is in federal custody, following his arrest three decades after and about 1,800 miles from where the alleged crime occurred.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang lelaki berusia 63 tahun yang dituduh melakukan serangan seksual dan menghamilkan saudara mudanya berada dalam tahanan persekutuan, berikutan penahanannya tiga dekad selepas itu dan kira-kira 1,800 batu dari tempat kejadian jenayah itu berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deputy U.S. Marshals and law enforcement officers in Kentucky arrested James David Gibson on Wednesday, about two years after his alleged 13-year-old victim came forward to authorities.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan Marsyal A.S. dan pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang di Kentucky menahan James David Gibson pada hari Rabu, kira-kira dua tahun selepas mangsa yang didakwa berusia 13 tahun itu tampil kepada pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She waited several decades to tell her story because, at that point, her daughter was an adult and she felt that both were old enough to defend themselves, U.S. Marshals spokesman Chris DeRosa said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Dia menunggu beberapa dekad untuk menceritakan kisahnya kerana, pada ketika itu, anak perempuannya sudah dewasa dan dia merasakan kedua-duanya sudah cukup dewasa untuk mempertahankan diri, kata jurucakap Marshal A.S. Chris DeRosa pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She didn't tell anyone leading up to that, for fear of her life and her child's life,\" said DeRosa.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak memberitahu sesiapa yang membawa kepada itu, kerana takut nyawanya dan nyawa anaknya,\" kata DeRosa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The alleged assaults occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Benson, Arizona, according to the U.S. Marshals Service.", "r": {"result": "Serangan yang didakwa berlaku pada akhir 1970-an dan awal 1980-an di Benson, Arizona, menurut Perkhidmatan Marshal A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said that, after learning that the victim was pregnant, Gibson kidnapped her and together they fled to Tennessee.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata, selepas mengetahui mangsa hamil, Gibson menculiknya dan bersama-sama melarikan diri ke Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not until 2009 that the victim came forward and law enforcement authorities opened their case.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga tahun 2009, mangsa tampil ke hadapan dan pihak berkuasa penguatkuasaan undang-undang membuka kes mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By then, she was back in Arizona, more than 1,500 miles from Gibson.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, dia kembali ke Arizona, lebih daripada 1,500 batu dari Gibson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't immediately clear when the two separated.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas apabila kedua-duanya berpisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon thereafter, Gibson was tracked down in Tennessee.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas itu, Gibson dikesan di Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After he refused to provide a DNA sample, law enforcement tried to serve him a court order demanding as much.", "r": {"result": "Selepas dia enggan memberikan sampel DNA, penguatkuasa undang-undang cuba menyampaikan kepadanya perintah mahkamah yang menuntut sebanyak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by then, he'd fled the state -- prompting a warrant, issued in March of 2009, charging him with kidnapping and sexual assault of a minor, according to the U.S. Marshals.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada masa itu, dia telah melarikan diri dari negeri itu -- menyebabkan waran, yang dikeluarkan pada Mac 2009, mendakwanya dengan penculikan dan serangan seksual terhadap kanak-kanak bawah umur, menurut Marshals A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gibson was eventually found again in Jenkins, Kentucky, where he was living with a granddaughter.", "r": {"result": "Gibson akhirnya ditemui semula di Jenkins, Kentucky, di mana dia tinggal bersama seorang cucu perempuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By Thursday, authorities were awaiting clearance to extradite Gibson back to Arizona.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang Khamis, pihak berkuasa sedang menunggu kebenaran untuk mengekstradisi Gibson kembali ke Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. Marshals' office was not aware if, at that point, he had yet retained or been assigned an attorney.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Marshal A.S. tidak mengetahui sama ada, pada ketika itu, dia masih mengekalkan atau ditugaskan sebagai peguam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Greg Botelho and Marlena Baldacci contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Greg Botelho dari CNN dan Marlena Baldacci menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- More than two dozen times in the past three years, authorities came to Phillip and Nancy Garrido's ramshackle home at 1554 Walnut Ave.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lebih daripada dua dozen kali dalam tempoh tiga tahun lalu, pihak berkuasa datang ke rumah Phillip dan Nancy Garrido di 1554 Walnut Ave.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "in Antioch, California, a rural property where Jaycee Dugard is said to have been confined for 18 years.", "r": {"result": "di Antioch, California, sebuah harta luar bandar di mana Jaycee Dugard dikatakan telah dikurung selama 18 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jaycee Dugard was locked in a shed tucked under a blue tarp in her alleged captor's backyard.", "r": {"result": "Jaycee Dugard telah dikurung di dalam bangsal yang terletak di bawah kain terpal biru di belakang rumah yang didakwa penculiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And each time, they left without learning of the secret shed where Dugard lived.", "r": {"result": "Dan setiap kali, mereka pergi tanpa mengetahui bangsal rahsia tempat Dugard tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Garridos have pleaded not guilty to charges of abduction and forcible rape.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Garridos telah mengaku tidak bersalah atas tuduhan penculikan dan rogol secara paksa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are being held without bail in the Contra Costa County Jail in Martinez, California.", "r": {"result": "Mereka ditahan tanpa jaminan di Penjara Contra Costa County di Martinez, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After she was abducted in June 1991, at age 11, Dugard's disappearance spawned a massive search that continued, on and off, for almost two decades.", "r": {"result": "Selepas dia diculik pada Jun 1991, pada usia 11 tahun, kehilangan Dugard mencetuskan pencarian besar-besaran yang berterusan, dan seterusnya, selama hampir dua dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal agents remained committed to the case, chasing thousands of leads.", "r": {"result": "Ejen persekutuan kekal komited terhadap kes itu, mengejar beribu-ribu petunjuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they apparently never had the Garridos on their radar.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka nampaknya tidak pernah mempunyai Garridos dalam radar mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case of the missing girl evoked deep emotions that rippled across the South Lake Tahoe community.", "r": {"result": "Kes kehilangan gadis itu membangkitkan emosi mendalam yang melanda masyarakat Tasik Tahoe Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Strangers threw fundraisers and parades to raise money for search efforts.", "r": {"result": "Orang asing mengadakan kutipan dana dan perarakan untuk mengumpul wang bagi usaha mencari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friends and neighbors wore T-shirts bearing images of Dugard's smiling face to give the case exposure.", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan dan jiran-jiran memakai baju-T yang mengandungi imej wajah tersenyum Dugard untuk memberi pendedahan kes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elementary school students toted signs that encouraged the community to stay committed to the hunt for their classmate.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar sekolah rendah membawa tanda yang menggalakkan masyarakat untuk terus komited dalam usaha memburu rakan sekelas mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All they wanted was to find little Jaycee Lee Dugard.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang mereka mahu ialah mencari Jaycee Lee Dugard yang kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And for some of that time, authorities were visiting the home of the couple now accused of abducting her.", "r": {"result": "Dan untuk beberapa waktu itu, pihak berkuasa sedang melawat rumah pasangan yang kini dituduh menculiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch an FBI agent talk about why clues were missed >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton ejen FBI bercakap tentang sebab petunjuk terlepas >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Interviews with public officials show that parole officers, law enforcement officials and firefighters visited the Garrido household but left without realizing that the kidnapped girl had grown to adulthood and was living in a soundproof shed hidden in the backyard.", "r": {"result": "Temu bual dengan pegawai awam menunjukkan bahawa pegawai parol, pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang dan anggota bomba melawat rumah Garrido tetapi pergi tanpa menyedari bahawa gadis yang diculik itu telah dewasa dan tinggal di bangsal kalis bunyi yang tersembunyi di belakang rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two Dozen Contacts.", "r": {"result": "Dua Dozen Kenalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were at least 16 visits from parole officers and seven by the fire department.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 16 lawatan daripada pegawai parol dan tujuh oleh pihak bomba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was also one by the sheriff's office responding to an allegation that people were living in the backyard.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga seorang oleh pejabat sheriff menjawab dakwaan bahawa orang tinggal di belakang rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State and local authorities have now begun internal investigations to find out why none of these visits uncovered the existence of Dugard, now 29, and her children, Starlet, 15, and Angel, 11.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa negeri dan tempatan kini telah memulakan siasatan dalaman untuk mengetahui mengapa tiada satu pun daripada lawatan ini mendedahkan kewujudan Dugard, kini 29, dan anak-anaknya, Starlet, 15, dan Angel, 11.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their makeshift home of tents, tarps and sheds was tucked behind a 6-foot wall at the rear of the Garrido property.", "r": {"result": "Rumah sementara mereka yang terdiri daripada khemah, tarp dan bangsal terselit di belakang dinding setinggi 6 kaki di belakang hartanah Garrido.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel confident the sheriff will use this as an example of how to do things better,\" said Federal Glover, a district supervisor for Contra Costa County who also heads the community's public safety committee.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berasa yakin sheriff akan menggunakan ini sebagai contoh bagaimana untuk melakukan perkara yang lebih baik,\" kata Federal Glover, penyelia daerah untuk Contra Costa County yang juga mengetuai jawatankuasa keselamatan awam masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"From this lesson, we will not have this type of missed opportunity occur again\".", "r": {"result": "\"Daripada pelajaran ini, kita tidak akan mempunyai peluang yang terlepas ini berlaku lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the first red flags authorities might have caught was in 1993, two years after the kidnapping.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu bendera merah pertama yang mungkin ditangkap pihak berkuasa adalah pada tahun 1993, dua tahun selepas penculikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garrido, who had been released from prison after serving 11 years for a 1976 kidnapping, violated his parole in April 1993. It is unclear what he did or how the violation was flagged.", "r": {"result": "Garrido, yang telah dibebaskan dari penjara selepas menjalani 11 tahun untuk penculikan 1976, melanggar parolnya pada April 1993. Tidak jelas apa yang dia lakukan atau bagaimana pelanggaran itu ditandakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a result, he was placed in federal prison for one month and then released on house arrest for three months.", "r": {"result": "Akibatnya, dia ditempatkan di penjara persekutuan selama sebulan dan kemudian dibebaskan dengan tahanan rumah selama tiga bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He returned to the Antioch home, where he lived with his wife and his elderly mother.", "r": {"result": "Dia kembali ke rumah Antioch, di mana dia tinggal bersama isterinya dan ibunya yang sudah tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Violation Wasn't Reported to Nevada.", "r": {"result": "Pelanggaran Tidak Dilaporkan kepada Nevada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the parole violation was never reported to the state of Nevada, where the first kidnapping and rape had occurred, said Gail Powell, a spokeswoman for the Nevada Department of Public Safety.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pelanggaran parol tidak pernah dilaporkan kepada negeri Nevada, tempat penculikan dan rogol pertama berlaku, kata Gail Powell, jurucakap Jabatan Keselamatan Awam Nevada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The state of Nevada would have taken some action,\" Powell said.", "r": {"result": "\"Negeri Nevada akan mengambil beberapa tindakan,\" kata Powell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't know what, but some action could have meant putting him back in prison, pulling him off parole\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak tahu apa, tetapi beberapa tindakan mungkin bermakna memasukkannya semula ke penjara, menariknya keluar dari parol\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1999, the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections agreed to take responsibility and authority for supervising Garrido's parole because he resided in that state.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1999, Jabatan Pemulihan dan Pembetulan California bersetuju untuk mengambil tanggungjawab dan kuasa untuk menyelia parol Garrido kerana dia tinggal di negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garrido's most recent parole agent visited the home at least twice a month since December, according to California corrections officials.", "r": {"result": "Ejen parol terbaru Garrido melawat rumah itu sekurang-kurangnya dua kali sebulan sejak Disember, menurut pegawai pembetulan California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes the visits were unannounced, said Gordon Hinkle, a department spokesman.", "r": {"result": "Kadangkala lawatan itu tidak diumumkan, kata Gordon Hinkle, jurucakap jabatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parole officers also checked on Garrido frequently before 2008, Hinkle said, but he did not know how often or how many parole officers visited Garrido's residence.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai parol juga kerap memeriksa Garrido sebelum 2008, kata Hinkle, tetapi dia tidak tahu berapa kerap atau berapa ramai pegawai parol melawat kediaman Garrido.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The parole agent who most recently entered Garrido's backyard didn't notice any children's toys or items to indicate that minors were living in the house.", "r": {"result": "Ejen parol yang baru-baru ini memasuki halaman belakang Garrido tidak menyedari sebarang mainan atau barang kanak-kanak yang menunjukkan bahawa kanak-kanak di bawah umur tinggal di rumah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agent saw a shed but assumed it belonged to a neighbor.", "r": {"result": "Ejen itu melihat sebuah bangsal tetapi menganggap ia milik jiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was a deceptive false impression,\" Hinkle said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat tanggapan palsu yang mengelirukan,\" kata Hinkle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you were to be on the property walking around, you would have seen a big fence\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda berada di kawasan itu berjalan-jalan, anda akan melihat pagar yang besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parole Officers Carry Big Caseloads.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Parol Membawa Beban Kes Besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hinkle said the parole officer performed his duties appropriately.", "r": {"result": "Hinkle berkata pegawai parol menjalankan tugasnya dengan sewajarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The parole officer was also responsible for raising suspicions when two University of California Berkeley officers notified him that Phillip Garrido came in with his \"daughters\".", "r": {"result": "Pegawai parol juga bertanggungjawab menimbulkan syak wasangka apabila dua pegawai Universiti California Berkeley memberitahunya bahawa Phillip Garrido datang bersama \"anak perempuannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The parole officer called the Garridos in for questioning.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai parol memanggil Garridos untuk disoal siasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "California has one of the highest parolee-to-officer ratios in the country.", "r": {"result": "California mempunyai salah satu nisbah parol kepada pegawai tertinggi di negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State budget cuts are expected to strain the department this year, which could mean reducing the number of parole officers, Hinkle said.", "r": {"result": "Pemotongan bajet negeri dijangka membebankan jabatan tahun ini, yang boleh bermakna mengurangkan bilangan pegawai parol, kata Hinkle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The officer assigned to supervise Garrido was also responsible for 39 other sex offenders.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai yang ditugaskan untuk menyelia Garrido juga bertanggungjawab terhadap 39 pesalah seks lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As recently as June, two months before Dugard was discovered with the Garridos, Contra Costa County firefighters responded to a fire on the property.", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini pada bulan Jun, dua bulan sebelum Dugard ditemui dengan Garridos, anggota bomba Contra Costa County bertindak balas terhadap kebakaran di harta itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They doused a car engine that had exploded into flames at the rear of the property, said department spokeswoman Emily Hopkins.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menyiram enjin kereta yang meletup di bahagian belakang rumah itu, kata jurucakap jabatan Emily Hopkins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They spent two hours there and then left.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menghabiskan dua jam di sana dan kemudian pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also visited Garrido's property in fall 2007, after a neighbor reported fire coming from the backyard.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga melawat harta Garrido pada musim gugur 2007, selepas jiran melaporkan kebakaran datang dari belakang rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, they responded twice in 2008 and three times in 2009 to medical emergencies involving Garrido's elderly mother, Patricia Franzen.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, mereka bertindak balas dua kali pada 2008 dan tiga kali pada 2009 kepada kecemasan perubatan yang melibatkan ibu Garrido yang sudah tua, Patricia Franzen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fire department officials weren't sure whether more visits were made to the home, because computerized records date only to 2006.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai jabatan bomba tidak pasti sama ada lebih banyak lawatan dibuat ke rumah, kerana rekod berkomputer hanya bertarikh pada 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neighbors Steered Clear.", "r": {"result": "Jiran Dipandu Jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neighbors who had encounters with Garrido said they didn't take the time to get to know him.", "r": {"result": "Jiran yang pernah berjumpa dengan Garrido berkata mereka tidak meluangkan masa untuk mengenalinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some said they knew that he was a sex offender, so they steered away from his house.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang mengatakan mereka tahu bahawa dia seorang pesalah seks, jadi mereka menjauhkan diri dari rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others ignored him because they thought he was strange.", "r": {"result": "Orang lain tidak mengendahkannya kerana mereka menganggap dia pelik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Betty Unpingco invited the entire neighborhood to her son's graduation party in spring 2006. She said Garrido attended and brought speakers for the party.", "r": {"result": "Betty Unpingco menjemput seluruh kawasan kejiranan ke parti graduasi anaknya pada musim bunga 2006. Dia berkata Garrido menghadiri dan membawa penceramah untuk parti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Unpingco and several adults noticed him talking to the high school girls, they asked him to leave.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Unpingco dan beberapa orang dewasa perasan dia bercakap dengan gadis sekolah menengah, mereka meminta dia pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later that night, she said, when they saw him waiting outside his home to speak to the girls, the adults escorted them home.", "r": {"result": "Lewat malam itu, katanya, apabila mereka melihat dia menunggu di luar rumahnya untuk bercakap dengan gadis-gadis itu, orang dewasa itu mengiringi mereka pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Feeling uneasy after the party, Unpingco checked the sex offender registry and found Garrido's picture.", "r": {"result": "Berasa kurang senang selepas pesta itu, Unpingco menyemak daftar pesalah seks dan menemui gambar Garrido.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was just so bizarre,\" said Unpingco, who has 10 children.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sangat pelik,\" kata Unpingco, yang mempunyai 10 anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I warned my children to stay away from him and to always walk in twos\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memberi amaran kepada anak-anak saya supaya menjauhinya dan sentiasa berjalan berdua-duaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She did not notify police.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak memberitahu polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In November 2006, another neighbor did call police, saying she saw people living in tents behind the Garridos' house.", "r": {"result": "Pada November 2006, seorang lagi jiran menghubungi polis, mengatakan dia melihat orang tinggal di dalam khemah di belakang rumah Garridos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Contra Costa County Sheriff Warren E. Rupf said he didn't think the deputy who responded knew at the time that Garrido was a sex offender.", "r": {"result": "Syerif Daerah Contra Costa Warren E. Rupf berkata, dia tidak menyangka timbalan yang memberi maklum balas itu tahu pada masa itu bahawa Garrido adalah pesalah seks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deputy spoke to Garrido in his front yard about the allegations, but Garrido convinced him otherwise.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan itu bercakap dengan Garrido di halaman depan rumahnya mengenai dakwaan itu, tetapi Garrido meyakinkannya sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LONDON, England (CNN) -- A new robotic suit could transform the lives of paralyzed people, giving them the ability to walk again.", "r": {"result": "LONDON, England (CNN) -- Sut robot baharu boleh mengubah kehidupan orang lumpuh, memberikan mereka keupayaan untuk berjalan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lightweight robotic suit can help some wheelchair users walk.", "r": {"result": "Sut robot yang ringan boleh membantu sesetengah pengguna kerusi roda berjalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The invention, known as ReWalk, acts like a kind of exoskeleton.", "r": {"result": "Ciptaan itu, yang dikenali sebagai ReWalk, bertindak seperti sejenis rangka luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It consists of lightweight, motorized leg supports and an assortment of intricate motion sensors.", "r": {"result": "Ia terdiri daripada penyokong kaki yang ringan dan bermotor dan pelbagai jenis penderia gerakan yang rumit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Users wear a backpack that holds a computerized control box which helps the medical device recognize when a step needs to be taken.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna memakai beg galas yang memegang kotak kawalan berkomputer yang membantu peranti perubatan mengenali apabila langkah perlu diambil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Standing changes my whole environment.", "r": {"result": "\"Berdiri mengubah keseluruhan persekitaran saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't have to look from the bottom up.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak perlu melihat dari bawah ke atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now I am eye to eye with everybody,\" Radi Kaiof, who has used the device, told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang saya bertentang mata dengan semua orang,\" Radi Kaiof, yang telah menggunakan peranti itu, memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kaiof, a former Israeli soldier, was paralyzed from the waist down 20 years ago.", "r": {"result": "Kaiof, bekas tentera Israel, lumpuh dari pinggang ke bawah 20 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He doesn't have feeling in his legs but is still able to move with the use of the robotic suit.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak mempunyai perasaan di kakinya tetapi masih boleh bergerak dengan penggunaan sut robot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Kaiof walk with the assistance of the suit >>.", "r": {"result": "Perhatikan Kaiof berjalan dengan bantuan saman itu >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the assistance of crutches, which offer balance and support, people paralyzed from the waist down can walk, bend, sit and even climb stairs when they wear the suit.", "r": {"result": "Dengan bantuan tongkat, yang menawarkan keseimbangan dan sokongan, orang yang lumpuh dari pinggang ke bawah boleh berjalan, membongkok, duduk dan juga memanjat tangga apabila mereka memakai sut itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The futuristic invention offers an alternative to using a wheelchair for those who have functioning upper bodies and are capable of standing with the use of supports.", "r": {"result": "Ciptaan futuristik itu menawarkan alternatif kepada penggunaan kerusi roda bagi mereka yang mempunyai bahagian atas badan yang berfungsi dan mampu berdiri dengan menggunakan sokongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the creation of Dr. Amit Goffer, an engineer and founder of Haifa, Israel-based high-tech firm Argo Medical Technologies.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah ciptaan Dr. Amit Goffer, seorang jurutera dan pengasas Haifa, firma teknologi tinggi Argo Medical Technologies yang berpangkalan di Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Goffer was inspired to create the device more than a decade ago after he became disabled in an accident.", "r": {"result": "Goffer telah diilhamkan untuk mencipta peranti itu lebih sedekad yang lalu selepas dia menjadi kurang upaya dalam kemalangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The medical technology that could help paraplegics do what was once considered impossible isn't available for purchase yet.", "r": {"result": "Teknologi perubatan yang boleh membantu lumpuh melakukan perkara yang pernah dianggap mustahil belum tersedia untuk pembelian lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The device wasn't ready for testing until late 2007 and currently is in clinical trials in Tel Aviv.", "r": {"result": "Peranti itu belum bersedia untuk ujian sehingga lewat 2007 dan kini sedang dalam ujian klinikal di Tel Aviv.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More trials are planned for the United States and Europe, and if the product receives the necessary approvals, it could hit the market in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak percubaan dirancang untuk Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah, dan jika produk itu menerima kelulusan yang diperlukan, ia boleh memasuki pasaran pada tahun 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The price of the device hasn't been set yet, but is expected to be comparable with the typical average yearly expense of using a wheelchair.", "r": {"result": "Harga peranti itu belum ditetapkan lagi, tetapi dijangka setanding dengan purata perbelanjaan tahunan biasa menggunakan kerusi roda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The robotic suit improves the quality of life of people paralyzed from the waist down, according to Goffer, who wanted to give paraplegics an alternative to using a wheelchair.", "r": {"result": "Saman robotik itu meningkatkan kualiti hidup orang yang lumpuh dari pinggang ke bawah, menurut Goffer, yang ingin memberi lumpuh alternatif kepada menggunakan kerusi roda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also benefits their overall health since it keeps their bodies active all day long, he says.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga memberi manfaat kepada kesihatan keseluruhan mereka kerana ia memastikan badan mereka aktif sepanjang hari, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when it comes down to it, the invention is all about helping people regain respect.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila ia datang kepadanya, ciptaan itu adalah tentang membantu orang ramai mendapatkan semula rasa hormat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dignity is \"the No.1 problem\" for people who use wheelchairs, says Goffer.", "r": {"result": "Maruah adalah \"masalah No.1\" bagi orang yang menggunakan kerusi roda, kata Goffer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Kaiof, the former soldier, the robotic suit has changed his life.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Kaiof, bekas tentera, sut robotik itu telah mengubah hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before he tried it on, his daughter had never seen him stand before.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum dia mencubanya, anak perempuannya tidak pernah melihat dia berdiri sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he stood before her for the first time, she couldn't believe just how tall he was, he recounted to CNN.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia berdiri di hadapannya buat kali pertama, dia tidak percaya betapa tingginya dia, dia menceritakan kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Maker Faire is a festival spun out of the maker movement that brings together science, crafting, robots, steampunk, drones and Legos.", "r": {"result": "The Maker Faire ialah festival yang berputar daripada pergerakan pembuat yang menghimpunkan sains, kraftangan, robot, steampunk, dron dan Legos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lots of Legos.", "r": {"result": "Banyak Lego.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a grassroots celebration of DIY, or the do-it-yourself culture that has helped boost Etsy, Pinterest and other sites.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan perayaan akar umbi DIY, atau budaya buat sendiri yang telah membantu meningkatkan Etsy, Pinterest dan tapak lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in the Faire's eighth year, organizers are having increasing success packaging and exporting the unique Maker Faire brand around the world.", "r": {"result": "Dan pada tahun kelapan Faire, penganjur telah meningkatkan kejayaan pembungkusan dan mengeksport jenama Maker Faire yang unik ke seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The original Bay Area event was held last weekend in San Mateo, California, and organizers estimate it drew more than 120,000 people.", "r": {"result": "Acara asal Bay Area telah diadakan pada hujung minggu lalu di San Mateo, California, dan penganjur menganggarkan ia menarik lebih daripada 120,000 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the past five years, Maker Media has also run an official Maker Faire in New York, on the grounds of the old World's Fair in Queens.", "r": {"result": "Selama lima tahun yang lalu, Maker Media juga telah menjalankan Maker Faire rasmi di New York, atas dasar Pameran Dunia lama di Queens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The movement also is gaining popularity internationally, so Maker Faire is planning a large October event in Rome, home of Arduino founder Massimo Banzi.", "r": {"result": "Pergerakan ini juga semakin popular di peringkat antarabangsa, jadi Maker Faire merancang acara besar Oktober di Rom, rumah pengasas Arduino Massimo Banzi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in true maker spirit, most of the satellite events are homegrown.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dalam semangat pembuat sebenar, kebanyakan acara satelit adalah tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will be more than 120 smaller Maker Faires put on in communities around the world in 2013, up from just 60 last year.", "r": {"result": "Akan ada lebih daripada 120 Maker Faires yang lebih kecil diletakkan dalam komuniti di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2013, meningkat daripada hanya 60 tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Maker Media doesn't directly organize these smaller events, it does provide locals with connections and a playbook on how to put on their own Maker Faire-branded events.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Maker Media tidak menganjurkan acara yang lebih kecil ini secara langsung, ia menyediakan penduduk tempatan sambungan dan buku main tentang cara mengadakan acara berjenama Maker Faire mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The colorful events are part carnival, part theme park, part crafts festival and part science museum.", "r": {"result": "Acara yang berwarna-warni adalah sebahagian karnival, sebahagian taman tema, sebahagian festival kraf dan sebahagian muzium sains.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're a big attraction for older hobbyists, younger makers and crafters, and families who want to expose their kids to the creative side of science and engineering and get them more involved with hands-on projects.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah tarikan besar untuk penggemar yang lebih tua, pembuat dan pengrajin yang lebih muda, dan keluarga yang ingin mendedahkan anak-anak mereka kepada sisi kreatif sains dan kejuruteraan serta melibatkan mereka dengan lebih banyak projek secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's almost sort of the new Disneyland, where people get to participate in inventing and creating the future versus just watching it and walking through it,\" said Sherry Huss, Maker Media vice president and co-founder of the Maker Faire.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia hampir seperti Disneyland baharu, di mana orang ramai boleh mengambil bahagian dalam mencipta dan mencipta masa depan berbanding hanya menontonnya dan berjalan melaluinya,\" kata Sherry Huss, naib presiden Maker Media dan pengasas bersama Maker Faire.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the event's most popular attractions were at the Bay Area festival this past weekend, including a Mentos and Coke demonstration, large sculptures originally made for the Burning Man gathering, and the car-smashing Life-Size Mousetrap, which is a giant Rube Goldberg device.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa tarikan acara yang paling popular adalah di festival Bay Area pada hujung minggu lalu, termasuk demonstrasi Mentos dan Coke, arca besar yang asalnya dibuat untuk perhimpunan Burning Man, dan Perangkap Tikus Life-Size yang menghancurkan kereta, yang merupakan Rube Goldberg gergasi. peranti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Smaller activities like lock-picking and soldering lessons are also big hits.", "r": {"result": "Aktiviti yang lebih kecil seperti mengunci kunci dan pelajaran pematerian juga popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the fastest-growing categories at Maker Faires are Arduino (a tiny electronic controller), the single-board computer Raspberry Pi, 3-D printing and personal fabrication, according to Huss.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kategori yang paling pesat berkembang di Maker Faires ialah Arduino (pengawal elektronik kecil), komputer papan tunggal Raspberry Pi, percetakan 3-D dan fabrikasi peribadi, menurut Huss.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Fiesta Hall was kept dark for light-centric displays like a giant Tetris game, a glowing abstract forest, and the ArcAttack musical performance group, which dazzled the crowd with its Tesla coils.", "r": {"result": "Dewan Fiesta dikekalkan gelap untuk paparan tertumpu cahaya seperti permainan Tetris gergasi, hutan abstrak yang bercahaya, dan kumpulan persembahan muzik ArcAttack, yang memukau orang ramai dengan gegelung Teslanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The event had a heavy focus on the local community and featured booths for Bay Area groups devoted to Legos, robotics, model tanks, and even building R2-D2 robots from \"Star Wars\".", "r": {"result": "Acara ini memberi tumpuan yang besar kepada komuniti tempatan dan menampilkan gerai untuk kumpulan Bay Area yang dikhaskan untuk Legos, robotik, model kereta kebal dan juga membina robot R2-D2 daripada \"Star Wars\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the Expo Hall, the makers gave talks and small companies sold their wares for crafters and makers.", "r": {"result": "Di Dewan Ekspo, pembuat memberi ceramah dan syarikat kecil menjual barangan mereka untuk pengrajin dan pembuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were around 1,000 makers at this year's Bay Area event.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kira-kira 1,000 pembuat pada acara Bay Area tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 150 of them were kids, a 60% increase from the previous year.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 150 daripada mereka adalah kanak-kanak, peningkatan 60% daripada tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Organizers think a key part of getting children more engaged in science is exposing them to these types of interactive activities.", "r": {"result": "Penganjur berpendapat satu bahagian penting untuk menjadikan kanak-kanak lebih terlibat dalam sains ialah mendedahkan mereka kepada jenis aktiviti interaktif ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their parents seem to agree.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa mereka nampaknya bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it's part nostalgic,\" said Huss.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia adalah sebahagian daripada nostalgia,\" kata Huss.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As parents are aging they remember great experiences with their grandparents, and I think they're probably trying to figure out how to make this happen to their own families, especially as schools get further and further away from hands-on activities\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila ibu bapa semakin tua, mereka mengingati pengalaman hebat dengan datuk dan nenek mereka, dan saya fikir mereka mungkin cuba memikirkan cara untuk membuat perkara ini berlaku kepada keluarga mereka sendiri, terutamanya apabila sekolah semakin jauh daripada aktiviti hands-on\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even the youngest kids were making things at the festival.", "r": {"result": "Malah kanak-kanak bongsu membuat sesuatu pada perayaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the Maker Camp tables, children and adults made crafts like duct-tape wallets.", "r": {"result": "Di meja Maker Camp, kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa membuat kraf seperti dompet pita pelekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearby, a hill covered with used cardboard, tape, scissors and other supplies was a hotbed of imagination for kids built elaborate forts and costumes.", "r": {"result": "Berdekatan, sebuah bukit yang dilitupi dengan kadbod terpakai, pita, gunting dan bekalan lain adalah sarang imaginasi untuk kanak-kanak membina kubu dan pakaian yang rumit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maker Faire attendees are a faithful bunch, often returning year after year to their local events.", "r": {"result": "Hadirin Maker Faire adalah kumpulan yang setia, sering kembali tahun demi tahun ke acara tempatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katherine Becvar, decked out in a purple velvet coat, cat-eye glasses and fanciful hat at the Bay Area fair, sells bags at Burning Man and all the major craft and maker shows.", "r": {"result": "Katherine Becvar, memakai kot baldu ungu, cermin mata kucing dan topi khayalan di pameran Bay Area, menjual beg di Burning Man dan semua pertunjukan kraf dan pembuat utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she said the Maker Faire is her favorite because it combines a little bit of everything.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia berkata Maker Faire adalah kegemarannya kerana ia menggabungkan sedikit daripada segala-galanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- There were always three pictures of King George VI on the mantelpiece of the various houses Mark Logue lived in when he was growing up -- including one signed and dated by the king on the day of his coronation -- but as a boy in the 1970s and 1980s, Logue doesn't remember wondering why.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Selalu ada tiga gambar Raja George VI pada perapian pelbagai rumah yang didiami Mark Logue ketika dia membesar -- termasuk satu yang ditandatangani dan ditemani oleh raja pada hari pertabalannya -- tetapi sebagai budak lelaki pada 1970-an dan 1980-an, Logue tidak ingat mengapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only years later, after his father died and Logue inherited a box of papers and scrapbooks, did it all begin to make sense.", "r": {"result": "Hanya beberapa tahun kemudian, selepas bapanya meninggal dunia dan Logue mewarisi sekotak kertas dan buku skrap, adakah semuanya mula masuk akal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Logue's grandfather was Lionel Logue, the Australian speech therapist played by Geoffrey Rush in the Oscar nominated movie \"The King's Speech\".", "r": {"result": "Datuk Logue ialah Lionel Logue, ahli terapi pertuturan Australia yang dilakonkan oleh Geoffrey Rush dalam filem yang dicalonkan Oscar \"The King's Speech\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Logue -- born 12 years after his grandfather died -- had inherited some archive: Christmas cards from the king and queen, a condolence card from George VI to Lionel Logue when his wife died, and a letter of thanks from the queen for a letter Logue wrote when the king himself died several years later.", "r": {"result": "Mark Logue -- dilahirkan 12 tahun selepas datuknya meninggal dunia -- telah mewarisi beberapa arkib: kad Krismas daripada raja dan permaisuri, kad ucapan takziah daripada George VI kepada Lionel Logue apabila isterinya meninggal dunia, dan surat ucapan terima kasih daripada permaisuri untuk surat Logue menulis apabila raja sendiri meninggal dunia beberapa tahun kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The papers also include hundreds of letters exchanged by the king and the speech therapist, whom he met more than a decade before he was crowned.", "r": {"result": "Kertas itu juga termasuk ratusan surat yang ditukar oleh raja dan ahli terapi pertuturan, yang ditemuinya lebih sedekad sebelum dinobatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The content of the letters between them is incredibly friendly as you'd expect between two friends,\" Mark Logue says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kandungan surat di antara mereka adalah sangat mesra seperti yang anda jangkakan antara dua rakan,\" kata Mark Logue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But there is a kind of etiquette that Lionel still abides by,\" addressing George VI as \"your Royal Highness\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi terdapat satu jenis etika yang masih dipatuhi oleh Lionel,\" memanggil George VI sebagai \"Yang Mulia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George VI addressed his friend as \"Dear Logue,\" and signed the early letters \"Albert\" -- his name before he was crowned king.", "r": {"result": "George VI memanggil rakannya sebagai \"Dear Logue,\" dan menandatangani huruf awal \"Albert\" -- namanya sebelum dia dinobatkan sebagai raja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The later letters are signed \"George\".", "r": {"result": "Surat-surat kemudiannya ditandatangani \"George\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also among his grandfather's papers is what Mark Logue believes is the actual copy of the speech George VI read at the outbreak of war with Germany 1939 -- the climactic scene of the movie.", "r": {"result": "Juga antara kertas datuknya ialah apa yang Mark Logue percaya adalah salinan sebenar ucapan George VI yang dibaca semasa meletusnya perang dengan Jerman 1939 -- adegan kemuncak filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history...\" the speech begins.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam waktu kubur ini, mungkin yang paling menentukan dalam sejarah kita...\" ucapan bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The copy in Logue's archive contains handwritten pencil notes, indicating what words to stress and where to pause.", "r": {"result": "Salinan dalam arkib Logue mengandungi nota pensel tulisan tangan, menunjukkan perkataan yang perlu ditekankan dan tempat untuk dijeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The King's Speech\" condenses the friendship of the monarch and commoner into about a year, but the real George and Logue knew each other for a quarter of a century.", "r": {"result": "\"Ucapan Raja\" memendekkan persahabatan raja dan rakyat biasa menjadi kira-kira setahun, tetapi George dan Logue yang sebenar mengenali antara satu sama lain selama suku abad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first thing that I came across that startled me was his appointment card,\" Mark Logue says.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara pertama yang saya temui yang mengejutkan saya ialah kad pelantikannya,\" kata Mark Logue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In tiny handwriting, Logue assessed his new patient, Albert, Duke of York in 1926.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tulisan tangan yang kecil, Logue menilai pesakit barunya, Albert, Duke of York pada tahun 1926.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The duke \"has acute nervous tension which has been brought on by the defect.", "r": {"result": "Duke \"mempunyai ketegangan saraf akut yang disebabkan oleh kecacatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is of nervous disposition... Contracts teeth and mouth and mechanically closes throat... an extraordinary habit of clipping small words - an, in , on - and saying the first syllable of one word and the last syllable of another,\" Logue wrote.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai sifat gugup... Mengecutkan gigi dan mulut serta menutup tekak secara mekanikal... satu tabiat luar biasa menggunting perkataan kecil - an, dalam , pada - dan menyebut suku kata pertama satu perkataan dan suku kata terakhir yang lain,\" Logue menulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Duke saw Logue almost every day for next two or three months, in advance of a royal visit to Australia, Logue's records show.", "r": {"result": "Duke melihat Logue hampir setiap hari untuk dua atau tiga bulan akan datang, sebelum lawatan diraja ke Australia, rekod Logue menunjukkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The friendship lasted for the rest of their lives, although it seems they were never photographed together.", "r": {"result": "Persahabatan itu kekal sepanjang hayat mereka, walaupun nampaknya mereka tidak pernah bergambar bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the Coronation in 1937, Logue is seated in the royal box, with his wife, Myrtle.", "r": {"result": "Pada Pertabalan pada tahun 1937, Logue duduk di dalam peti diraja, bersama isterinya, Myrtle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are so high up, she's using opera glasses.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sangat tinggi, dia menggunakan cermin mata opera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myrtle died suddenly of a heart attack after World War II, prompting the king to write: \"Dear Logue, I must send you one line to tell you how terribly sorry I was to hear of your bereavement.", "r": {"result": "Myrtle meninggal dunia secara tiba-tiba akibat serangan jantung selepas Perang Dunia II, mendorong raja untuk menulis: \"Dear Logue, saya mesti menghantar satu baris kepada anda untuk memberitahu anda betapa saya sangat menyesal mendengar kehilangan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I send you all my deepest sympathy in your great grief ...I do so feel for you as I know you had a perfect companionship with her.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya menyampaikan simpati terdalam saya kepada anda dalam kesedihan anda yang hebat ...Saya sangat menyayangi anda kerana saya tahu anda mempunyai persahabatan yang sempurna dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am yours sincerely.", "r": {"result": "Saya milik awak dengan ikhlas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George\".", "r": {"result": "George\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Logue gets choked up reading the letter generations later.", "r": {"result": "Mark Logue tercekik membaca surat itu beberapa generasi kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's something about thinking about him hurting after Myrtle's death... makes it kind of real,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sesuatu tentang memikirkan tentang dia terluka selepas kematian Myrtle... menjadikannya agak nyata,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The archive inspired him to write a book with the author Peter Conradi.", "r": {"result": "Arkib itu memberi inspirasi kepadanya untuk menulis buku dengan pengarang Peter Conradi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"King's Speech\" director Tom Hooper starting looking at Logue's material about seven weeks before starting filming, Logue says -- and was able to add some details to the movie as a result.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah \"King's Speech\" Tom Hooper mula melihat bahan Logue kira-kira tujuh minggu sebelum memulakan penggambaran, kata Logue -- dan dapat menambah beberapa butiran pada filem itu sebagai hasilnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hooper hadn't known, for example, that the king took off his jacket and stood to deliver the 1939 speech, since photos of the event show him seated and in full military uniform.", "r": {"result": "Hooper tidak tahu, sebagai contoh, bahawa raja menanggalkan jaketnya dan berdiri untuk menyampaikan ucapan 1939, memandangkan foto acara itu menunjukkan dia duduk dan berpakaian seragam tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And, from Logue's diary, a joke was added.", "r": {"result": "Dan, dari diari Logue, satu jenaka telah ditambah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I went to Windsor on Sunday for the broadcast... only one mistake... W in weapons,\" Logue wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pergi ke Windsor pada hari Ahad untuk siaran... hanya satu kesilapan... W dalam senjata,\" tulis Logue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After the broadcast I shook hands with the King and congratulated him.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSelepas siaran itu saya bersalaman dengan Raja dan mengucapkan tahniah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And asked him why he stopped on the W. He replied with a grin.", "r": {"result": "Dan bertanya kepadanya mengapa dia berhenti di W. Dia menjawab dengan senyuman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I did it on purpose.", "r": {"result": "Saya sengaja melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I exclaimed -- on purpose ?", "r": {"result": "Saya berseru -- dengan sengaja?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he said yes -- if I don't make a mistake they won't know it's me\".", "r": {"result": "Dan dia berkata ya -- jika saya tidak membuat kesilapan mereka tidak akan tahu itu saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The movie did make some changes, of course: The real Lionel Logue was more deferential than Geoffrey Rush's character, and rather shorter than his movie counterpart.", "r": {"result": "Filem itu telah membuat beberapa perubahan, sudah tentu: Lionel Logue yang sebenar lebih mementingkan watak Geoffrey Rush, dan lebih pendek daripada rakan filemnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And another thing the movie does not tell audiences is that the king and the therapist remained close until the end of their lives.", "r": {"result": "Dan satu lagi perkara yang filem itu tidak memberitahu penonton ialah raja dan ahli terapi kekal rapat sehingga akhir hayat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George VI died in 1952. The following year, his friend Lionel Logue died too.", "r": {"result": "George VI meninggal dunia pada tahun 1952. Pada tahun berikutnya, rakannya Lionel Logue juga meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Kim Jong Il was a source of misery for North Korea's impoverished people and of fear for a world wary of his belligerent rhetoric -- but as an enduringly bizarre presence on the global stage, he was also an unexpected source of entertainment.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kim Jong Il adalah sumber kesengsaraan bagi rakyat Korea Utara yang miskin dan ketakutan untuk dunia yang berhati-hati terhadap retoriknya yang suka berperang -- tetapi sebagai kehadiran yang pelik di pentas global, dia juga merupakan sumber hiburan yang tidak dijangka .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the reputedly ruthless leader was revered by a population weaned on propaganda, outside the hermetic Asian country what were seen as grandiose attempts at myth-making were seized on by popular culture.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pemimpin yang dikatakan kejam itu dihormati oleh penduduk yang tidak bersua dengan propaganda, di luar negara Asia yang hermetic itu, apa yang dilihat sebagai percubaan besar untuk membuat mitos telah direbut oleh budaya popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Online, Kim's death generated Twitter trends that referenced the movies or shows that caricatured him as a villainous clown trapped in the bathos of his own cruel isolation.", "r": {"result": "Dalam talian, kematian Kim menjana trend Twitter yang merujuk kepada filem atau rancangan yang menggambarkannya sebagai badut jahat yang terperangkap dalam mandian pengasingan kejamnya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim did little to help his own international image.", "r": {"result": "Kim tidak berbuat banyak untuk membantu imej antarabangsanya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His eccentric appearances sporting bouffant hair, over-sized sunglasses and a succession of drab boiler suits were frequently viewed as comical counterpoints to the rights abuses of his regime.", "r": {"result": "Penampilan eksentriknya yang berambut lebat, cermin mata hitam bersaiz besar dan berturut-turut sut dandang yang menjemukan sering dilihat sebagai titik balas lucu kepada pencabulan hak rejimnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, as his country's nuclear activities sparked diplomatic tensions, his media mouthpieces -- such as the Korean Central News Agency -- created their own unintentional humor as they swung wildly between angry invective and surreal flatteries of their \"Dear Leader\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, ketika aktiviti nuklear negaranya mencetuskan ketegangan diplomatik, jurucakap medianya -- seperti Agensi Berita Pusat Korea -- mencipta jenaka mereka sendiri yang tidak disengajakan ketika mereka berayun liar antara invektif marah dan sanjungan nyata \"Pemimpin Yang Dihormati\" mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim's defining moment in recent popular culture appears to have been his portrayal in the 2004 film \"Team America: World Police,\" a satire on U.S. President George W. Bush's foreign policy.", "r": {"result": "Detik penting Kim dalam budaya popular baru-baru ini nampaknya adalah penggambarannya dalam filem 2004 \"Team America: World Police,\" sebuah sindiran mengenai dasar luar Presiden A.S. George W. Bush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film's creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone paint the dictator as a foul-mouthed but misunderstood Bond villain whose plans for global chaos are constantly frustrated by incompetent underlings or bothersome international officials.", "r": {"result": "Pencipta filem itu Trey Parker dan Matt Stone melukiskan diktator itu sebagai penjahat Bond yang mulut busuk tetapi salah faham yang rancangannya untuk huru-hara global sentiasa dikecewakan oleh bawahan yang tidak cekap atau pegawai antarabangsa yang mengganggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the hours after his death, \"Team America\" references were trending on Twitter, particularly \"Hans Brix,\" a nod to puppet Kim's mispronunciation of Hans Blix, a real-life U.N. weapons inspector who, in the film, is fed to Kim's man-eating sharks.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam selepas kematiannya, rujukan \"Team America\" telah menjadi sohor kini di Twitter, terutamanya \"Hans Brix,\" satu anggukan kepada boneka Kim yang salah menyebut Hans Blix, seorang pemeriksa senjata PBB sebenar yang, dalam filem itu, disuapkan kepada Kim. jerung pemakan manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another key \"Team America\" moment, when Kim ruefully bemoans his isolation in an opulent palace by singing about how he is lonely -- or \"ronrey\" -- was also being heavily referenced on social media.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi detik penting \"Team America\", apabila Kim sedih meratapi pengasingannya di sebuah istana mewah dengan menyanyi tentang bagaimana dia kesepian -- atau \"ronrey\" -- juga banyak dirujuk di media sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parker and Stone were no strangers to Kim-based satire.", "r": {"result": "Parker dan Stone tidak asing dengan satira berasaskan Kim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their \"South Park\" cartoon series cast him as part of a villainous gang that included Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and, incongruously, magician David Blaine.", "r": {"result": "Siri kartun \"South Park\" mereka meletakkannya sebagai sebahagian daripada kumpulan jahat yang termasuk Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden dan, secara tidak selaras, ahli silap mata David Blaine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an appearance on media satire \"30 Rock,\" comedian Margaret Cho played Kim as a North Korean weatherman, delivering the disingenuously upbeat forecast: \"North Korea, everything sunny all the time always, good time, beach party\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam penampilan di sindiran media \"30 Rock,\" pelawak Margaret Cho memainkan Kim sebagai ahli cuaca Korea Utara, menyampaikan ramalan yang tidak pasti: \"Korea Utara, semuanya cerah sepanjang masa sentiasa, masa yang baik, pesta pantai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fellow comic Bobby Lee plays the dictator as host of the \"Kim Jong Il Show\" on MADtv, shooting dead audience members who fail to cheer and delivering punchlines such as: \"Don't cry because I kill your wife and enslave your children\".", "r": {"result": "Rakan komik Bobby Lee memainkan watak diktator sebagai pengacara \"Kim Jong Il Show\" di MADtv, menembak mati penonton yang gagal bersorak dan menyampaikan punchline seperti: \"Jangan menangis kerana saya membunuh isteri kamu dan memperhambakan anak-anak kamu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Post-death, there was renewed interest in websites that have sought to highlight the strange picture of North Korea created by its propaganda machine.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kematian, terdapat minat baru dalam laman web yang telah berusaha untuk menyerlahkan gambaran aneh Korea Utara yang dicipta oleh mesin propagandanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things,\" is an online gallery of photographs showing the dictator staring at banal objects.", "r": {"result": "\"Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things,\" ialah galeri gambar dalam talian yang menunjukkan diktator merenung objek cetek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The images draw unintentional bleak humor from their repeated and blatant misrepresentation of life under a dictatorship.", "r": {"result": "Imej-imej itu menarik jenaka suram yang tidak disengajakan daripada salah nyata mereka yang berulang-ulang dan terang-terangan tentang kehidupan di bawah pemerintahan diktator.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among recent entries, Kim can be seen looking at a pink sweater, pointing at a persimmon tree in full fruit, glumly inspecting a statuette of knights on horseback and grinning at a supermarket shelf packed with sausages.", "r": {"result": "Antara entri baru-baru ini, Kim boleh dilihat melihat sweater merah jambu, menunjuk ke arah pokok kesemak dalam buah penuh, dengan muram memeriksa patung kesatria menunggang kuda dan tersengih di rak pasar raya yang penuh dengan sosej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another website has trawled news bulletins on the official Korean Central News Agency to create a \"random insult generator\" that neatly encapsulates the peculiar version of the English language favored by Kim's regime.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi laman web telah mengumpul buletin berita di Agensi Berita Pusat Korea rasmi untuk mencipta \"penjana penghinaan rawak\" yang merangkum dengan kemas versi bahasa Inggeris yang digemari oleh rejim Kim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As regular KCNA watchers can confirm, typical generator exhortations such as \"You bourgeois stooge,\" and \"You reckless human scum, you will be dealt a thousandfold retaliatory blow\"!", "r": {"result": "Sebagai pemerhati KCNA biasa boleh mengesahkan, gesaan penjana tipikal seperti \"Kamu budak borjuasi,\" dan \"Kamu sampah manusia yang melulu, kamu akan ditimpa seribu kali ganda tamparan balas\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "are eerily close to the real thing.", "r": {"result": "sangat dekat dengan perkara sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Libya will hold elections in the coming months as the war-torn country works toward building a new society in the post-Moammar Gadhafi era, interim government officials announced Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Libya akan mengadakan pilihan raya dalam beberapa bulan akan datang ketika negara yang dilanda perang itu berusaha ke arah membina masyarakat baharu dalam era pasca Moammar Gadhafi, pegawai kerajaan sementara mengumumkan Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mahmoud Jibril, chairman of the National Transitional Council executive board, said elections \"should be within a period of eight months, maximum\".", "r": {"result": "Mahmoud Jibril, pengerusi lembaga eksekutif Majlis Peralihan Kebangsaan, berkata pilihan raya \"harus dalam tempoh lapan bulan, maksimum\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He spoke at the World Economic Forum in Jordan.", "r": {"result": "Beliau bercakap di Forum Ekonomi Dunia di Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first vote will be for a National Congress that will draft a constitution.", "r": {"result": "Undian pertama adalah untuk Kongres Kebangsaan yang akan merangka perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After that, parliamentary and presidential elections will be held.", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu, pilihan raya parlimen dan presiden akan diadakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gadhafi's death Thursday solidified the power of the NTC, which will mark the country's liberation on Sunday in the eastern city of Benghazi, where the uprising started.", "r": {"result": "Kematian Gadhafi pada Khamis mengukuhkan kuasa NTC, yang akan menandakan pembebasan negara itu pada hari Ahad di bandar timur Benghazi, tempat pemberontakan bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NATO, which launched an operation to protect Libyan citizens against the Gadhafi regime during the Libyan war, plans to ends its operations by October 31.", "r": {"result": "NATO, yang melancarkan operasi untuk melindungi rakyat Libya terhadap rejim Gadhafi semasa perang Libya, merancang untuk menamatkan operasinya menjelang 31 Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking in his weekly address Saturday, Obama said Gadhafi's death \"showed that our role in protecting the Libyan people, and helping them break free from a tyrant, was the right thing to do\".", "r": {"result": "Bercakap dalam ucapan mingguannya Sabtu, Obama berkata kematian Gadhafi \"menunjukkan bahawa peranan kita dalam melindungi rakyat Libya, dan membantu mereka membebaskan diri daripada zalim, adalah perkara yang betul untuk dilakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our brave pilots and crews helped prevent a massacre, save countless lives, and give the Libyan people the chance to prevail.", "r": {"result": "\"Juruterbang dan kru kami yang berani membantu mencegah pembunuhan beramai-ramai, menyelamatkan nyawa yang tidak terkira banyaknya, dan memberi peluang kepada rakyat Libya untuk menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without putting a single U.S. service member on the ground, we achieved our objectives.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa meletakkan seorang pun anggota perkhidmatan A.S. di lapangan, kami mencapai objektif kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon, our NATO mission will come to a successful end even as we continue to support the Libyan people, and people across the Arab world, who seek a democratic future\".", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama lagi, misi NATO kami akan berakhir dengan jayanya walaupun kami terus menyokong rakyat Libya, dan rakyat di seluruh dunia Arab, yang mencari masa depan yang demokratik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Questions persist about what would happen to Gadhafi's body.", "r": {"result": "Persoalan berterusan tentang apa yang akan berlaku kepada mayat Gadhafi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His family issued a statement Friday calling on the United Nations and Amnesty International to push Libya's new leadership \"to hand over the bodies of the martyrs of their tribe so they can be buried according to Islamic rites,\" a pro-Gadhafi TV station reported.", "r": {"result": "Keluarganya mengeluarkan kenyataan pada hari Jumaat menyeru Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan Amnesty International untuk mendesak kepimpinan baharu Libya \"untuk menyerahkan mayat syahid suku mereka supaya mereka boleh dikebumikan mengikut upacara Islam,\" lapor stesen TV pro-Gadhafi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gadhafi's body was on public display Saturday at a Misrata meat market cooler.", "r": {"result": "Mayat Gadhafi dipamerkan pada hari Sabtu di sebuah penyejuk pasar daging Misrata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Queues of people lined up to view the corpse, which appeared to have a bullet hole on the left temple.", "r": {"result": "Beratur orang ramai beratur untuk melihat mayat yang kelihatan mempunyai lubang peluru di kuil kiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libyan and world powers wanted to capture Gadhafi and prosecute him for war crimes.", "r": {"result": "Libya dan kuasa dunia ingin menangkap Gadhafi dan mendakwanya kerana jenayah perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.N. human rights office and activist groups like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch have called for probe into his death amid questions over the final moments of the late Libyan strongman's life.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat hak asasi manusia PBB dan kumpulan aktivis seperti Amnesty dan Human Rights Watch telah menggesa siasatan terhadap kematiannya di tengah-tengah persoalan mengenai detik-detik terakhir kehidupan mendiang orang kuat Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They want to know whether Gadhafi was killed in crossfire or executed by fighters.", "r": {"result": "Mereka ingin tahu sama ada Gadhafi terbunuh dalam tembak-menembak atau dibunuh oleh pejuang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are at least two cell-phone videos, one showing him alive and one showing him dead.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTerdapat sekurang-kurangnya dua video telefon bimbit, satu menunjukkan dia hidup dan satu menunjukkan dia mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taken together, these videos are very disturbing,\" human rights office spokesman Rupert Colville told reporters in Geneva on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Jika digabungkan, video ini sangat mengganggu,\" kata jurucakap pejabat hak asasi manusia Rupert Colville kepada pemberita di Geneva pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We believe there is a need for an investigation and more details are needed to ascertain whether he was killed in the fighting or after his capture\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami percaya ada keperluan untuk siasatan dan butiran lanjut diperlukan untuk memastikan sama ada dia terbunuh dalam pertempuran atau selepas ditangkap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Human Rights Watch, which is also calling for an internationally supervised autopsy and an investigation into the death, said it is unlikely that Gadhafi was killed in crossfire.", "r": {"result": "Pemerhati Hak Asasi Manusia, yang turut menggesa bedah siasat diselia antarabangsa dan siasatan terhadap kematian itu, berkata tidak mungkin Gadhafi terbunuh dalam tembak-menembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peter Bouckaert, the group's emergencies director, told CNN that fighting had ended when Gadhafi was cornered in a drainage ditch.", "r": {"result": "Peter Bouckaert, pengarah kecemasan kumpulan itu, memberitahu CNN bahawa pertempuran telah berakhir apabila Gadhafi terperangkap dalam parit saliran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said crowds beat Gadhafi in what was a \"humiliating end\" for the former dictator.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata orang ramai mengalahkan Gadhafi dalam apa yang merupakan \"akhir yang memalukan\" bagi bekas diktator itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When he left the area, he was very much alive,\" Bouckaert said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila dia meninggalkan kawasan itu, dia masih hidup,\" kata Bouckaert.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's no reason why he should have been subjected to this kind of mob justice\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sebab mengapa dia sepatutnya tertakluk kepada keadilan gerombolan seperti ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Dan Rivers and Victoria Brown contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Dan Rivers dan Victoria Brown dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's note: CNN.com has a business partnership with CareerBuilder.com, which serves as the exclusive provider of job listings and services to CNN.com.", "r": {"result": "Nota editor: CNN.com mempunyai perkongsian perniagaan dengan CareerBuilder.com, yang berfungsi sebagai penyedia penyenaraian pekerjaan dan perkhidmatan eksklusif kepada CNN.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you've rewritten that resume several times and sent out dozens of applications but your job search still shows no promise, you might not be the problem.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda telah menulis semula resume itu beberapa kali dan menghantar berpuluh-puluh permohonan tetapi carian kerja anda masih tidak menjanjikan, anda mungkin bukan masalahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One frequently overlooked but critical factor in finding a new job is your state's unemployment rate.", "r": {"result": "Satu faktor yang sering diabaikan tetapi kritikal dalam mencari pekerjaan baharu ialah kadar pengangguran negeri anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can have the experience and skills of an employer's dream, but they won't do you any good if there just aren't enough jobs available.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh memiliki pengalaman dan kemahiran seperti impian majikan, tetapi mereka tidak akan memberi manfaat kepada anda jika tidak ada pekerjaan yang mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The unemployment rate is the percentage of job seekers in the work force who are still looking for work.", "r": {"result": "Kadar pengangguran ialah peratusan pencari kerja dalam tenaga kerja yang masih mencari pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The higher the percentage, the more difficult it is to find a job.", "r": {"result": "Semakin tinggi peratusan, semakin sukar untuk mencari pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The national unemployment rate is 5 percent, based on the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).", "r": {"result": "Kadar pengangguran negara ialah 5 peratus, berdasarkan data terkini daripada Biro Statistik Buruh (BLS).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're looking for a job, you should see how your state compares to the rest of the country.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda sedang mencari pekerjaan, anda harus melihat bagaimana negeri anda dibandingkan dengan seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here are the 10 worst states to find work ranked by their unemployment rates.", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah 10 negeri terburuk untuk mencari pekerjaan berdasarkan kadar pengangguran mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Michigan Unemployment rate: 7.6 percent Population: 10,071,822 Mean annual wage: $41,230 Top industry: Trade, transportation and utilities (18.4 percent)***.", "r": {"result": "1. Michigan Kadar pengangguran: 7.6 peratus Populasi: 10,071,822 Purata gaji tahunan: $41,230 Industri teratas: Perdagangan, pengangkutan dan utiliti (18.4 peratus)***.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Mississippi Unemployment rate: 6.8 percent Population: 2,918,785 Mean annual wage: $30,460 Top industry: Government (21.2 percent).", "r": {"result": "2. Mississippi Kadar pengangguran: 6.8 peratus Populasi: 2,918,785 Purata gaji tahunan: $30,460 Industri teratas: Kerajaan (21.2 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. South Carolina Unemployment rate: 6.6 percent Population: 4,407,709 Mean annual wage: $33,400 Top industry: Trade, transportation and utilities (19.4 percent).", "r": {"result": "3. South Carolina Kadar pengangguran: 6.6 peratus Populasi: 4,407,709 Purata gaji tahunan: $33,400 Industri teratas: Perdagangan, pengangkutan dan utiliti (19.4 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Alaska Unemployment rate: 6.5 percent Population: 683,478 Mean annual wage: $43,920 Top industry: Government (25.9 percent).", "r": {"result": "4. Alaska Kadar pengangguran: 6.5 peratus Populasi: 683,478 Purata gaji tahunan: $43,920 Industri teratas: Kerajaan (25.9 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. California Unemployment rate: 6.1 percent Population: 36,553,215 Mean annual wage: $44,180 Top industry: Trade, transportation and utilities (18.9 percent).", "r": {"result": "5. Kadar pengangguran California: 6.1 peratus Populasi: 36,553,215 Purata gaji tahunan: $44,180 Industri teratas: Perdagangan, pengangkutan dan utiliti (18.9 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. District of Columbia Unemployment rate: 6.1 percent Population: 588,292 Mean annual wage: $61,500 Top industry: Government (33.3 percent).", "r": {"result": "6. Daerah Columbia Kadar pengangguran: 6.1 peratus Populasi: 588,292 Purata gaji tahunan: $61,500 Industri teratas: Kerajaan (33.3 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "7. Ohio Unemployment rate: 6 percent Population: 11,466,917 Mean annual wage: $37,360 Top industry: Trade, transportation and utilities (19.3 percent).", "r": {"result": "7. Ohio Kadar pengangguran: 6 peratus Populasi: 11,466,917 Purata gaji tahunan: $37,360 Industri teratas: Perdagangan, pengangkutan dan utiliti (19.3 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8. Arkansas Unemployment rate: 5.9 percent Population: 2,834,797 Mean annual wage: $30,870 Top industry: Trade, transportation and utilities (20.6 percent).", "r": {"result": "8. Kadar pengangguran Arkansas: 5.9 peratus Populasi: 2,834,797 Purata gaji tahunan: $30,870 Industri teratas: Perdagangan, pengangkutan dan utiliti (20.6 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "9. Nevada Unemployment rate: 5.8 percent Population: 2,565,382 Mean annual wage: $36,000 Top industry: Leisure and hospitality (26.5 percent).", "r": {"result": "9. Nevada Kadar pengangguran: 5.8 peratus Populasi: 2,565,382 Purata gaji tahunan: $36,000 Industri teratas: Riadah dan hospitaliti (26.5 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "10. Kentucky Unemployment rate: 5.7 percent Population: 4,241,474 Mean annual wage: $33,490 Top industry: Trade, transportation and utilities (20.4 percent).", "r": {"result": "10. Kentucky Kadar pengangguran: 5.7 peratus Populasi: 4,241,474 Purata gaji tahunan: $33,490 Industri teratas: Perdagangan, pengangkutan dan utiliti (20.4 peratus).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "*Unemployment rates, mean annual wages and industry percentages obtained from BLS in January 2008. Percentages based on nonfarm payrolls, seasonally adjusted.", "r": {"result": "*Kadar pengangguran, purata gaji tahunan dan peratusan industri yang diperoleh daripada BLS pada Januari 2008. Peratusan berdasarkan senarai gaji bukan ladang, diselaraskan mengikut musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "**Population figures based on U.S. Census Bureau data.", "r": {"result": "**Angka populasi berdasarkan data Biro Banci A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "***Top industries are those that employ the largest percentage of a state's labor force.", "r": {"result": "***Industri teratas ialah industri yang menggunakan peratusan terbesar tenaga buruh sesebuah negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- Reports that a Scottish teenager took his own life after becoming the victim of an alleged Internet blackmail scam have heightened concerns in Britain over online abuse.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Laporan bahawa seorang remaja Scotland membunuh dirinya sendiri selepas menjadi mangsa penipuan pemerasan Internet yang didakwa telah meningkatkan kebimbangan di Britain mengenai penyalahgunaan dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Daniel Perry, from Dunfermline, was reportedly the victim of blackmailers who recorded his interactions via Skype with a person he believed was an American girl his own age.", "r": {"result": "Daniel Perry, dari Dunfermline, dilaporkan menjadi mangsa peras ugut yang merakam interaksinya melalui Skype dengan seseorang yang dipercayainya adalah gadis Amerika seusianya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They then threatened to show his family the footage unless he paid up, UK media reports say.", "r": {"result": "Mereka kemudian mengancam untuk menunjukkan kepada keluarganya rakaman itu melainkan dia membayar, kata laporan media UK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, the 17-year-old jumped from a bridge last month.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, remaja berusia 17 tahun itu terjun dari jambatan pada bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "News of his death comes on the heels of outrage over the suicide of 14-year-old Hannah Smith, from Leicestershire in England.", "r": {"result": "Berita kematiannya datang berikutan kemarahannya kerana membunuh diri Hannah Smith, 14 tahun, dari Leicestershire di England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her family said she took her own life after she was bullied on the social networking website ask.", "r": {"result": "Keluarganya berkata dia mengambil nyawanya sendiri selepas dia dibuli di laman web rangkaian sosial bertanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "fm, having gone there to seek advice on the skin condition eczema.", "r": {"result": "fm, setelah pergi ke sana untuk mendapatkan nasihat tentang keadaan kulit ekzema.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her funeral was held Friday at St. Mary's Church in her hometown of Lutterworth.", "r": {"result": "Pengebumiannya diadakan pada hari Jumaat di Gereja St. Mary di kampung halamannya di Lutterworth.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mourners were asked by Hannah's father to wear brightly colored clothes, not black, the church's vicar, the Rev.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang berkabung diminta oleh bapa Hannah untuk memakai pakaian berwarna terang, bukan hitam, pendeta gereja, Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charlie Styles, said in an online statement beforehand.", "r": {"result": "Charlie Styles, dalam satu kenyataan dalam talian sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Styles said the informal service would \"provide a focal point for the community in a time of shock and great sadness\".", "r": {"result": "Styles berkata perkhidmatan tidak formal itu akan \"menyediakan titik tumpuan kepada masyarakat dalam masa kejutan dan kesedihan yang besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Daniel was also taunted and urged to kill himself by trolls on the Ask.", "r": {"result": "Daniel juga diejek dan didesak untuk membunuh dirinya sendiri oleh troll di Ask.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "fm website, The Daily Telegraph newspaper said.", "r": {"result": "laman web fm, kata akhbar The Daily Telegraph.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Telegraph quoted Daniel's mother, Nicola, on Friday as saying the people behind the video scam he fell prey to are \"clever and dangerous\" and had manipulated the footage.", "r": {"result": "The Telegraph memetik ibu Daniel, Nicola, pada hari Jumaat sebagai berkata orang di sebalik penipuan video yang dia menjadi mangsa adalah \"pandai dan berbahaya\" dan telah memanipulasi rakaman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He wasn't doing anything wrong, just what anyone his age might do, but this scam is all about exploiting young people,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan, hanya apa yang orang seusianya mungkin lakukan, tetapi penipuan ini adalah mengenai mengeksploitasi orang muda,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police in Scotland told CNN they are investigating the circumstances of a teenage boy's death.", "r": {"result": "Polis di Scotland memberitahu CNN bahawa mereka sedang menyiasat keadaan kematian seorang remaja lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They declined to identify him or give further details.", "r": {"result": "Mereka enggan mengenal pasti dia atau memberikan butiran lanjut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A leading UK children's protection charity, the NSPCC, urged children and young people to find out how to protect themselves online -- and to seek help if they found themselves targeted by bullies or blackmailers.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah badan amal perlindungan kanak-kanak terkemuka UK, NSPCC, menggesa kanak-kanak dan golongan muda untuk mengetahui cara melindungi diri mereka dalam talian -- dan untuk mendapatkan bantuan jika mereka mendapati diri mereka disasarkan oleh pembuli atau pemerasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's absolutely heart-rending that a young person could be deceived in such a way, with such a tragic outcome and our thoughts are with this young man's family,\" said Elaine Chalmers, area manager for the NSPCC's helpline in Scotland.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia benar-benar menyayat hati bahawa seorang anak muda boleh ditipu sedemikian rupa, dengan hasil yang begitu tragis dan pemikiran kami bersama keluarga lelaki muda ini,\" kata Elaine Chalmers, pengurus kawasan untuk talian bantuan NSPCC di Scotland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you've only seen a static picture of someone online, they may not be who they say they are.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda hanya melihat gambar statik seseorang dalam talian, mereka mungkin bukan seperti yang mereka katakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's important not to send people pictures of yourself or take part in video calls if you aren't sure who you are speaking to.", "r": {"result": "Adalah penting untuk tidak menghantar gambar diri anda kepada orang lain atau mengambil bahagian dalam panggilan video jika anda tidak pasti dengan siapa anda bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you have been deceived online, you need to remember that you aren't to blame and you are not the only person that this has happened to\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda telah ditipu dalam talian, anda perlu ingat bahawa anda tidak boleh dipersalahkan dan anda bukan satu-satunya orang yang perkara ini berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beatbullying, an international bullying prevention charity, has called for a boycott of ask.", "r": {"result": "Beatbullying, sebuah badan amal pencegahan buli antarabangsa, telah menggesa pemulauan ask.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some companies pulled their advertising in protest over Hannah's death.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa syarikat menarik pengiklanan mereka sebagai protes atas kematian Hannah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "fm said it was ready to work with the police in that case.", "r": {"result": "fm berkata ia bersedia untuk bekerjasama dengan polis dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We would like to reassure all users and parents of users that we are committed to ensuring that our site is a safe environment,\" the site said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami ingin meyakinkan semua pengguna dan ibu bapa pengguna bahawa kami komited untuk memastikan tapak kami adalah persekitaran yang selamat,\" kata laman web itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We do not condone bullying of any kind, or any form of unacceptable use of our site\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak membenarkan sebarang bentuk buli, atau sebarang bentuk penggunaan tapak kami yang tidak boleh diterima\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "News stream blog: How to fight online bullies.", "r": {"result": "Blog aliran berita: Bagaimana untuk melawan pembuli dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- As the world knows, peace can sometimes be fleeting.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seperti yang dunia tahu, kedamaian kadangkala boleh sekejap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One-time basketball bad boy Ron Artest, who changed his name to Metta World Peace and said it was meaningful and inspirational, was ejected Sunday from the Los Angeles Lakers-Oklahoma City Thunder game for hitting James Harden in the head with his elbow.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki jahat bola keranjang Ron Artest, yang menukar namanya kepada Metta World Peace dan berkata ia bermakna dan memberi inspirasi, telah dikeluarkan Ahad daripada perlawanan Los Angeles Lakers-Oklahoma City Thunder kerana memukul James Harden di kepala dengan sikunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After scoring against the Thunder in the second quarter, World Peace was cheering his own shot when he hit the Oklahoma City guard in the back of the head, knocking him down.", "r": {"result": "Selepas menjaringkan gol menentang Thunder pada suku kedua, World Peace menceriakan rembatannya sendiri apabila dia terkena bahagian belakang kepala penjaga Oklahoma City itu, menjatuhkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the NBA.com video of the hit.", "r": {"result": "Tonton video NBA.com mengenai hit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harden was on the floor for several minutes, and did not return to the game after being diagnosed with a concussion, according to the Thunder.", "r": {"result": "Harden berada di atas lantai selama beberapa minit, dan tidak kembali bermain selepas disahkan mengalami gegaran otak, menurut Thunder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World Peace was ejected from the game and faces possible suspension.", "r": {"result": "Keamanan Dunia telah dikeluarkan daripada permainan dan menghadapi kemungkinan penggantungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Lakers won 114-106 over the Thunder in double overtime.", "r": {"result": "Lakers menang 114-106 ke atas Thunder dalam masa tambahan berganda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"During that play I just dunked on (Kevin Durant) and (Serge) Ibaka, and I got really emotional and excited.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemasa permainan itu, saya hanya mencecah (Kevin Durant) dan (Serge) Ibaka, dan saya benar-benar terharu dan teruja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unfortunate that James had to get hit with an unintentional elbow,\" World Peace told reporters after the game.", "r": {"result": "Sungguh malang James terpaksa dipukul dengan siku yang tidak disengajakan,\" kata World Peace kepada pemberita selepas perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I hope he's OK.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya harap dia sihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Thunder, they're playing for a championship this year, so I hope that he's OK and I apologize to the Thunder and to James Harden,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Thunder, mereka bermain untuk kejuaraan tahun ini, jadi saya harap dia baik-baik saja dan saya memohon maaf kepada Thunder dan James Harden,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hours later, World Peace tweeted that he watched the replay again: \"Oooo .", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam kemudian, World Peace menulis tweet bahawa dia menonton ulangan semula: \"Oooo .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My celebration of the dunk really was too much ... Didn't even see James ... Omg... Looks bad\".", "r": {"result": "Sambutan dunk saya terlalu banyak ... Tak nampak pun James ... Omg... Nampak teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harden told ABC's Lisa Salters he had \"a little bit of a headache\".", "r": {"result": "Harden memberitahu Lisa Salters dari ABC bahawa dia mengalami \"sedikit sakit kepala\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, the Thunder said Harden was undergoing testing.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, Thunder berkata Harden sedang menjalani ujian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Harden participated in a series of limited activities per NBA guidelines, but has additional steps that must be taken under the league-mandated concussion policy before he can make his return to the court,\" the team statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Harden mengambil bahagian dalam siri aktiviti terhad mengikut garis panduan NBA, tetapi mempunyai langkah tambahan yang mesti diambil di bawah dasar gegaran yang dimandatkan liga sebelum dia boleh kembali ke gelanggang,\" kata kenyataan pasukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He will be re-evaluated tomorrow and is currently listed as day-to-day\".", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau akan dinilai semula esok dan kini disenaraikan sebagai hari ke hari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World Peace's act was called \"disgraceful\" by game commentators, and sports analysts said the behavior was reminiscent of the ball player they once knew as Ron Artest.", "r": {"result": "Perbuatan Keamanan Dunia itu dipanggil \"memalukan\" oleh pengulas permainan, dan penganalisis sukan berkata tingkah laku itu mengingatkan pemain bola yang pernah mereka kenali sebagai Ron Artest.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He has gone to such lengths to rehabilitate his image, and to revert back to this?", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah melakukan apa-apa untuk memulihkan imejnya, dan untuk kembali kepada ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He lost control,\" said Michael Wilbon, an ESPN analyst.", "r": {"result": "Dia hilang kawalan,\" kata Michael Wilbon, penganalisis ESPN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sports fans were baffled, some even amused, when World Peace announced last year that he planned to legally change his name from Ron Artest.", "r": {"result": "Peminat sukan bingung, malah ada yang terhibur, apabila World Peace mengumumkan tahun lalu bahawa dia merancang untuk menukar namanya secara sah daripada Ron Artest.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ron Artest has contemplated the name change for years and always knew that he wanted his last name to be World Peace.", "r": {"result": "\"Ron Artest telah memikirkan perubahan nama itu selama bertahun-tahun dan sentiasa tahu bahawa dia mahu nama belakangnya ialah Keamanan Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it took many years of research and soul searching to find a first name that was both personally meaningful and inspirational,\" his publicist said at the time.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia mengambil masa bertahun-tahun penyelidikan dan pencarian jiwa untuk mencari nama pertama yang bermakna secara peribadi dan memberi inspirasi,\" kata publisitinya pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back when World Peace was still Artest and playing for the Indiana Pacers, he made headlines in 2004 for his role in a brawl between players and fans at a Pacers-Pistons game after somebody threw a drink on him.", "r": {"result": "Ketika Keamanan Dunia masih menjadi Artest dan bermain untuk Indiana Pacers, dia menjadi tajuk utama pada tahun 2004 kerana peranannya dalam pergaduhan antara pemain dan peminat pada perlawanan Pacers-Pistons selepas seseorang membaling minuman kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The NBA suspended Artest for 86 games.", "r": {"result": "NBA menggantung Artest selama 86 perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fast forward to September 2011, when Artest announced the name change.", "r": {"result": "Maju pantas ke September 2011, apabila Artest mengumumkan pertukaran nama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even before it was finalized by the court, World Peace was working on making the world a more peaceful place.", "r": {"result": "Malah sebelum ia dimuktamadkan oleh mahkamah, Keamanan Dunia sedang berusaha untuk menjadikan dunia sebagai tempat yang lebih aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2011, he raffled off his 2010 NBA Championship ring to help mentally ill youths.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2011, beliau telah mencalonkan diri dalam gelanggang Kejohanan NBA 2010 untuk membantu belia yang sakit mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For his work with the youth, he was given the NBA's citizenship award for philanthropic work.", "r": {"result": "Untuk kerjanya dengan belia, dia telah diberikan anugerah kewarganegaraan NBA untuk kerja dermawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A star turn on \"Dancing With the Stars\" garnered the basketball player a new legion of fans.", "r": {"result": "Satu bintang menghidupkan \"Dancing With the Stars\" mengumpulkan pemain bola keranjang itu sekumpulan peminat baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in the world, peace sometimes comes with a price: The NBA is now reviewing World Peace's less than peaceable actions.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di dunia, keamanan kadang-kadang datang dengan harga: NBA kini menyemak tindakan Keamanan Dunia yang kurang aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's note: Nafees A. Syed, a junior at Harvard University majoring in government, is an editorial editor at The Harvard Crimson as well as a senior editor and columnist for the Harvard-MIT journal on Islam and society, Ascent.", "r": {"result": "Nota editor: Nafees A. Syed, seorang junior di Universiti Harvard dalam jurusan kerajaan, ialah seorang editor editorial di The Harvard Crimson serta seorang editor kanan dan kolumnis untuk jurnal Harvard-MIT mengenai Islam dan masyarakat, Ascent.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is chairwoman of the Harvard Institute of Politics Policy Group on Racial Profiling.", "r": {"result": "Beliau ialah pengerusi Kumpulan Dasar Politik Institut Harvard mengenai Pemprofilan Kaum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nafees Syed says President Obama's early words and actions send a powerful, positive signal to Muslims.", "r": {"result": "Nafees Syed berkata kata-kata dan tindakan awal Presiden Obama menghantar isyarat positif yang kuat kepada umat Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (CNN) -- President Obama has given the Muslim community around the world the message we have been waiting for.", "r": {"result": "CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (CNN) -- Presiden Obama telah memberikan masyarakat Islam di seluruh dunia mesej yang kita tunggu-tunggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He reassured Muslims in America that \"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers\".", "r": {"result": "Dia meyakinkan orang Islam di Amerika bahawa \"Kami adalah negara Kristian dan Muslim, Yahudi dan Hindu -- dan orang-orang yang tidak beriman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For those like me who were critical of his standoffish attitude toward Islam during his campaign, this signaled a welcome change.", "r": {"result": "Bagi mereka seperti saya yang mengkritik sikap tegasnya terhadap Islam semasa kempennya, ini menandakan perubahan yang dialu-alukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even more important was his subsequent statement: \"To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect\".", "r": {"result": "Lebih penting lagi ialah kenyataan beliau yang seterusnya: \"Kepada dunia Islam, kami mencari jalan baru ke hadapan, berdasarkan kepentingan bersama dan saling menghormati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In traveling throughout Western Europe in the past two years, I heard several anti-American comments; these Europeans were challenging me, a Muslim, about American foreign policy in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perjalanan ke seluruh Eropah Barat dalam dua tahun yang lalu, saya mendengar beberapa komen anti-Amerika; orang Eropah ini mencabar saya, seorang Muslim, tentang dasar luar Amerika di Palestin, Iraq dan Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Muslim countries, I've heard admiring comments about how great it must be to live in a rich country like America, followed by accusations that, \"your President Bush doesn't like us Muslims\".", "r": {"result": "Di negara-negara Islam, saya pernah mendengar komen yang mengagumi tentang betapa hebatnya hidup di negara kaya seperti Amerika, diikuti dengan tuduhan bahawa, \"Presiden Bush anda tidak menyukai kami orang Islam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a Muslim-American, I have found myself in a difficult position.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai seorang Muslim-Amerika, saya mendapati diri saya berada dalam kedudukan yang sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In America, I've had to explain Islam to other Americans, and abroad, I've had to explain America to those in the Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "Di Amerika, saya terpaksa menjelaskan Islam kepada rakyat Amerika yang lain, dan di luar negara, saya terpaksa menjelaskan Amerika kepada mereka yang berada di dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has done all Americans a favor by extending a hand of friendship to the Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah membantu semua rakyat Amerika dengan menghulurkan tangan persahabatan kepada dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For me personally, it has alleviated the pain of witnessing the country I love engage in a foreign policy that I could not approve of as a Muslim and as an American -- a foreign policy that created mutual distrust between Americans and Muslims.", "r": {"result": "Bagi saya secara peribadi, ia telah mengurangkan kesakitan menyaksikan negara yang saya cintai terlibat dalam dasar luar yang tidak dapat saya setujui sebagai seorang Muslim dan sebagai seorang Amerika -- dasar luar yang menimbulkan rasa tidak percaya antara rakyat Amerika dan Muslim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Obama has followed up on his statements with actions.", "r": {"result": "Dan Obama telah menindaklanjuti kenyataannya dengan tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his first steps as president, Obama has initiated the closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison, called for the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq and appointed former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, well-respected for his role in the Northern Ireland peace process, as special envoy for the Middle East.", "r": {"result": "Dalam langkah pertamanya sebagai presiden, Obama telah memulakan penutupan penjara Teluk Guantanamo, menggesa penarikan tentera AS di Iraq dan melantik bekas Ketua Majoriti Senat George Mitchell, yang dihormati kerana peranannya dalam proses damai Ireland Utara, sebagai utusan khas untuk Timur Tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the past few weeks, I've heard overwhelming praise from Muslims for Obama's recent actions.", "r": {"result": "Sejak beberapa minggu lalu, saya telah mendengar pujian yang luar biasa daripada orang Islam atas tindakan Obama baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has recognized a key fact that former President George W. Bush did not: Muslims in America and elsewhere are strongly affected by the situation of other Muslims in the world.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah mengiktiraf fakta penting yang bekas Presiden George W. Bush tidak: Umat Islam di Amerika dan tempat lain sangat terjejas oleh situasi umat Islam lain di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is a popular saying of the Prophet Mohammed's that the Muslim community is like one body: If one part hurts, the entire body feels the pain.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat pepatah popular Nabi Muhammad bahawa masyarakat Islam adalah seperti satu badan: Jika satu bahagian sakit, seluruh badan akan merasai kesakitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muslims are very aware of this message and, in the last 20 years, three conflicts have continuously dominated the Muslim consciousness: Chechnya, Kashmir and, most notably, Palestine.", "r": {"result": "Umat Islam amat menyedari mesej ini dan, dalam tempoh 20 tahun kebelakangan ini, tiga konflik terus mendominasi kesedaran Muslim: Chechnya, Kashmir dan, terutamanya, Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama recognized this when he chose his first interview as president to be with a reporter from Al-Arabiya, indicating he would actively engage Arab media.", "r": {"result": "Obama mengiktiraf perkara ini apabila dia memilih wawancara pertamanya sebagai presiden untuk bersama seorang wartawan dari Al-Arabiya, menunjukkan dia akan aktif melibatkan media Arab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Palestinian-Israeli issue dominated the interview, with Obama promising to work toward a solution involving both sides of the conflict.", "r": {"result": "Isu Palestin-Israel mendominasi wawancara itu, dengan Obama berjanji akan berusaha ke arah penyelesaian yang melibatkan kedua-dua belah konflik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To understand the challenge Obama faces in changing America's role in the conflict, one must realize the situation he walked into as president.", "r": {"result": "Untuk memahami cabaran yang dihadapi Obama dalam mengubah peranan Amerika dalam konflik itu, seseorang mesti menyedari situasi yang dialaminya sebagai presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muslims around the world were watching the suffering of innocent Palestinian civilians in a Gaza military campaign conducted with a green light from the Bush administration.", "r": {"result": "Umat Islam di seluruh dunia menyaksikan penderitaan orang awam Palestin yang tidak bersalah dalam kempen ketenteraan Gaza yang dijalankan dengan lampu hijau daripada pentadbiran Bush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama is essentially trying to rebuild a relationship that has been destroyed.", "r": {"result": "Obama pada dasarnya cuba membina semula hubungan yang telah musnah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Obama's tone of respect and not condescension, a clear break with the past, improves the chances that such a relationship could arise.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, nada hormat Obama dan bukannya merendahkan diri, yang jelas meninggalkan masa lalu, meningkatkan kemungkinan hubungan sedemikian boleh timbul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His interview with Al-Arabiya was filled with reassuring statements that America is \"ready to initiate a new partnership based on mutual respect and mutual interest,\" that \"the language we use has to be a language of respect\".", "r": {"result": "Wawancaranya dengan Al-Arabiya dipenuhi dengan kenyataan meyakinkan bahawa Amerika \"bersedia untuk memulakan perkongsian baharu berdasarkan rasa hormat dan kepentingan bersama,\" bahawa \"bahasa yang kita gunakan mestilah bahasa penghormatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After years of hearing rhetoric of \"a crusade\" and \"Islamofascism\" from the U.S. government, Obama's policy of listening, not dictating, has generated optimism in the Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "Selepas bertahun-tahun mendengar retorik \"perang salib\" dan \"Islamofascism\" daripada kerajaan A.S., dasar mendengar Obama, bukan mendikte, telah menjana keyakinan di dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am sure that the Muslim world will respond with goodwill as well.", "r": {"result": "Saya yakin dunia Islam akan membalas dengan muhibah juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Already, Obama is very well-respected there for his intelligence, eloquence and experience living in the largest Muslim country, Indonesia.", "r": {"result": "Sudah, Obama sangat dihormati di sana kerana kepintaran, kefasihan dan pengalamannya tinggal di negara Islam terbesar, Indonesia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muslims abroad are just as willing as those in America to taste his message of hope and change.", "r": {"result": "Umat Islam di luar negara sanggup sama seperti mereka di Amerika untuk merasai mesej harapan dan perubahan beliau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To win over the skeptics abroad, Obama will just have to do what he is doing in America: reach out to all sides for solutions and follow up his words with concrete action.", "r": {"result": "Untuk memenangi skeptik di luar negara, Obama hanya perlu melakukan apa yang dia lakukan di Amerika: mendekati semua pihak untuk penyelesaian dan mengikuti kata-katanya dengan tindakan konkrit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the meantime, the next few weeks will see Muslims around the world taking the hand America is extending after a long hiatus.", "r": {"result": "Dalam pada itu, beberapa minggu akan datang akan menyaksikan umat Islam di seluruh dunia mengambil alih tangan yang dipanjangkan oleh Amerika selepas sekian lama menyepi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Nafees Syed.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Nafees Syed semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Oprah.com) -- It began with a sign reading \"Be excellent to each other,\" which I printed from my computer in Gothic type and taped to my workspace.", "r": {"result": "(Oprah.com) -- Ia bermula dengan papan tanda bertulis \"Jadilah cemerlang antara satu sama lain,\" yang saya cetak daripada komputer saya dalam jenis Gothic dan dirakamkan pada ruang kerja saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was about to launch into a series of temporary jobs to supplement my freelance writing income.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan memulakan beberapa siri pekerjaan sementara untuk menambah pendapatan menulis bebas saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My plan was to temp for a few months, save enough money so I could stay home and write for a while, back and forth, my intention being eventually to write full-time.", "r": {"result": "Rancangan saya adalah untuk temp selama beberapa bulan, simpan wang yang cukup supaya saya boleh tinggal di rumah dan menulis untuk seketika, berulang-alik, niat saya akhirnya untuk menulis sepenuh masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As is often the case with best-laid plans, however, I soon discovered an unexpected goal within my temporary career: the pursuit of excellence as a way of life.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang sering berlaku dengan rancangan terbaik, bagaimanapun, saya tidak lama lagi menemui matlamat yang tidak dijangka dalam kerjaya sementara saya: mengejar kecemerlangan sebagai cara hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The phrase on the sign was borrowed from the silly eighties movie \"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure\".", "r": {"result": "Frasa pada papan tanda itu dipinjam daripada filem bodoh tahun lapan puluhan \"Pengembaraan Cemerlang Bill & Ted\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hoped it would remind me to be helpful, apply myself fully to every task, and be kind to even the most unpleasant individuals.", "r": {"result": "Saya berharap ia akan mengingatkan saya untuk membantu, menggunakan diri saya sepenuhnya untuk setiap tugas, dan bersikap baik kepada individu yang paling tidak menyenangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I also secretly wished people would see the slogan and take the words to heart.", "r": {"result": "Saya juga secara rahsia berharap orang ramai akan melihat slogan itu dan mengambil kata-kata itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My fellow temps were skeptical.", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan saya berasa ragu-ragu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People treat temps like dirt,\" they scoffed.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai menganggap temps seperti kotoran,\" mereka mengejek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You'll be lucky if you can maintain excellence through your first assignment\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda akan bertuah jika anda dapat mengekalkan kecemerlangan melalui tugasan pertama anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They had a point: I was likely to meet challenges.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mempunyai satu perkara: Saya mungkin menghadapi cabaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nevertheless, I rolled up my sleeves and went to work.", "r": {"result": "Namun begitu, saya menyingsing lengan baju saya dan pergi bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: How to make yourself more marketable.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: Bagaimana untuk menjadikan diri anda lebih boleh dipasarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sign made its debut at a corporation that designed robots (affectionately called \"the girls\") for the food-packaging industry.", "r": {"result": "Papan tanda itu membuat penampilan sulungnya di sebuah syarikat yang mereka bentuk robot (dengan mesra dipanggil \"gadis-gadis\") untuk industri pembungkusan makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dubbing myself Robo Temp, I typed, filed, and amused my coworkers by invariably responding \"I'll tell your fans\" when they announced their departures for lunch.", "r": {"result": "Mengalih suara diri saya Robo Temp, saya menaip, memfailkan dan menghiburkan rakan sekerja saya dengan sentiasa membalas \"Saya akan memberitahu peminat anda\" apabila mereka mengumumkan keluar untuk makan tengah hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No one seemed to notice the sign until several days into the job, when I set up a videotape for a troubleshooting meeting.", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang nampaknya melihat tanda itu sehingga beberapa hari bekerja, apabila saya menyediakan pita video untuk mesyuarat penyelesaian masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tape showed \"the girls\" malfunctioning -- throwing chocolate chip cookies at each other instead of neatly filing them into their respective boxes.", "r": {"result": "Pita itu menunjukkan \"perempuan-perempuan\" tidak berfungsi -- membaling biskut coklat antara satu sama lain dan bukannya memasukkannya dengan kemas ke dalam kotak masing-masing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hey,\" I heard a software engineer exclaim as I left the room.", "r": {"result": "\"Hei,\" saya mendengar seorang jurutera perisian berseru semasa saya meninggalkan bilik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They aren't being excellent to each other\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka tidak cemerlang antara satu sama lain\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yeah\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Yeah\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "someone else shouted.", "r": {"result": "jerit orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Be excellent to each other\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Jadilah cemerlang antara satu sama lain\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later someone left a box of the girls' cookies in the break room, accompanied by a note: \"For the team.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian seseorang meninggalkan sekotak biskut perempuan di bilik rehat, disertai dengan nota: \"Untuk pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thanks for your excellent help\".", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih atas bantuan anda yang sangat baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not everyone embraced excellence with such enthusiasm.", "r": {"result": "Tidak semua orang merangkul kecemerlangan dengan penuh semangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some people ignored the sign (and the intention).", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah orang mengabaikan tanda (dan niat).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others were short-tempered, despite my best efforts.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain pemarah, walaupun saya berusaha sedaya upaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, for the most part, my colleagues responded positively to kindness.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, sebahagian besarnya, rakan sekerja saya memberi respons positif terhadap kebaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They grew radiant when I told them their jade earrings made their eyes look beautiful or when I complimented them on a haircut.", "r": {"result": "Mereka semakin berseri-seri apabila saya memberitahu mereka anting-anting jed mereka membuatkan mata mereka kelihatan cantik atau apabila saya memuji mereka pada potongan rambut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They took pride in their work when I admired the brilliant organization of a paper they'd written.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berbangga dengan kerja mereka apabila saya mengagumi organisasi cemerlang kertas yang mereka tulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They opened up more to others when I inquired about their weekend and actually listened to their responses.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membuka lebih banyak kepada orang lain apabila saya bertanya tentang hujung minggu mereka dan benar-benar mendengar jawapan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I smiled, they smiled back.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya tersenyum, mereka tersenyum kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: 5 mistakes women bosses make.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: 5 kesilapan bos wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On one occasion, being excellent even helped redirect the career of an unhappy administrative assistant.", "r": {"result": "Pada satu ketika, menjadi cemerlang malah membantu mengalihkan kerjaya pembantu tadbir yang tidak berpuas hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After overhearing her on the phone with her daughter, I asked if she had majored in child psychology, since she seemed especially gifted at dealing with children.", "r": {"result": "Selepas mendengarnya melalui telefon dengan anak perempuannya, saya bertanya sama ada dia mengambil jurusan psikologi kanak-kanak, kerana dia kelihatan sangat berbakat dalam berurusan dengan kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Several weeks later, she came to thank me for my observation and to say goodbye: She was leaving to open her own day-care center.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa minggu kemudian, dia datang untuk mengucapkan terima kasih atas pemerhatian saya dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal: Dia akan pergi untuk membuka pusat jagaan hariannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a longtime Zen student, I had been taught to appreciate small, mundane moments -- moments opportune for practicing excellence in the workplace.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai pelajar Zen yang lama, saya telah diajar untuk menghargai detik-detik kecil dan biasa -- detik yang sesuai untuk mengamalkan kecemerlangan di tempat kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, seemingly endless sit-at-the-receptionist-desk moments prompted me to be aware of when someone needed a sympathetic ear.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, detik-detik duduk di meja penyambut tetamu yang kelihatan tidak berkesudahan mendorong saya untuk menyedari apabila seseorang memerlukan telinga yang bersimpati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Humdrum Xeroxing moments were great for noticing harried coworkers who might appreciate assistance in meeting a deadline.", "r": {"result": "Momen Humdrum Xeroxing sangat bagus untuk melihat rakan sekerja yang tergesa-gesa yang mungkin menghargai bantuan dalam memenuhi tarikh akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oh-so-yawnish envelope-stuffing projects were ideal times for spotting bottles to be carried to the recycling bin and spiders that needed to be taken outside in paper cups.", "r": {"result": "Projek memasukkan sampul surat yang sungguh menguap adalah masa yang sesuai untuk mengesan botol untuk dibawa ke tong kitar semula dan labah-labah yang perlu dibawa keluar dalam cawan kertas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: Could flextime work for you?", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: Bolehkah masa fleksibel berfungsi untuk anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During mundane moments, I came to understand that excellence wasn't about being perfect or about being nice so people would like me.", "r": {"result": "Semasa detik-detik duniawi, saya mula memahami bahawa kecemerlangan bukan tentang menjadi sempurna atau tentang bersikap baik supaya orang lain menyukai saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the contrary, sometimes it meant defending someone against vicious gossip or saying no to a colleague who asked me to lie about his overtime hours.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, kadangkala ia bermaksud mempertahankan seseorang daripada gosip jahat atau mengatakan tidak kepada rakan sekerja yang meminta saya berbohong tentang waktu kerja lebih masanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I also realized that there were some people I couldn't be excellent to, like the account manager who regularly screamed at his staff.", "r": {"result": "Saya juga menyedari bahawa terdapat beberapa orang yang saya tidak boleh menjadi baik, seperti pengurus akaun yang kerap menjerit kepada kakitangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were other people no amount of excellence could save, like the typist who would rather be treated as a victim than receive any kind of help.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat orang lain yang tidak dapat diselamatkan oleh kecemerlangan, seperti jurutaip yang lebih suka dilayan sebagai mangsa daripada menerima apa-apa jenis bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eventually, I would carry my sign to more than 100 jobs in Boston and Boulder, Colorado, at universities, high-tech companies, museums, manufacturers, publishers, environmental research organizations, and even a wildlife rehab center.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, saya akan membawa tanda saya ke lebih daripada 100 pekerjaan di Boston dan Boulder, Colorado, di universiti, syarikat berteknologi tinggi, muzium, pengilang, penerbit, organisasi penyelidikan alam sekitar dan juga pusat pemulihan hidupan liar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My tasks included FedExing socks and underwear to a corporate spy whose business trip was unexpectedly extended and feeding warm milk from eyedroppers to newborn squirrels.", "r": {"result": "Tugas saya termasuk stoking dan seluar dalam FedEx kepada seorang pengintip korporat yang perjalanan perniagaannya dilanjutkan secara tidak dijangka dan memberi susu suam daripada penitis mata kepada tupai yang baru lahir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a few years of temping, I branched out.", "r": {"result": "Selepas beberapa tahun tempias, saya bercabang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First I wrote two books on what Buddhists call right livelihood -- earning a living without doing harm -- hoping that others might benefit from what I had learned.", "r": {"result": "Mula-mula saya menulis dua buku mengenai apa yang disebut oleh penganut Buddha sebagai mata pencarian yang betul -- mencari nafkah tanpa mendatangkan kemudaratan -- berharap orang lain mendapat manfaat daripada apa yang saya pelajari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: 10 steps to a more organized workspace.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: 10 langkah ke ruang kerja yang lebih teratur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Next I offered employment workshops through university extension programs and community centers, where I intended to present practical information but somehow ended up teaching excellence as well.", "r": {"result": "Seterusnya saya menawarkan bengkel pekerjaan melalui program lanjutan universiti dan pusat komuniti, di mana saya berhasrat untuk menyampaikan maklumat praktikal tetapi entah bagaimana akhirnya mengajar kecemerlangan juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, in my personal life, I attended to my relationships with renewed commitment.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, dalam kehidupan peribadi saya, saya menjaga hubungan saya dengan komitmen yang diperbaharui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I listened more fully and was more readily available to friends and family than I'd ever been before.", "r": {"result": "Saya mendengar dengan lebih lengkap dan lebih mudah tersedia kepada rakan dan keluarga berbanding sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was given the opportunity to test this commitment when my best friend and my father died within the same year and I was called upon to devote full-time hospice care to them both.", "r": {"result": "Saya diberi peluang untuk menguji komitmen ini apabila kawan baik saya dan bapa saya meninggal dunia dalam tahun yang sama dan saya terpanggil untuk menumpukan penjagaan hospis sepenuh masa kepada mereka berdua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was there until their very last breaths -- my most profound experience with excellence yet.", "r": {"result": "Saya berada di sana sehingga nafas terakhir mereka -- pengalaman saya yang paling mendalam dengan kecemerlangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I finally met my writing goal and am no longer temping, though we are all temps in one form or another, since nothing really lasts forever.", "r": {"result": "Saya akhirnya mencapai matlamat penulisan saya dan tidak lagi menggoda, walaupun kita semua temp dalam satu bentuk atau yang lain, kerana tiada apa yang benar-benar kekal selama-lamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, my practice of excellence endures.", "r": {"result": "Namun, amalan kecemerlangan saya kekal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, instead of a sign, I carry excellence within me as a mantra, as a presence.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, bukannya tanda, saya membawa kecemerlangan dalam diri saya sebagai mantra, sebagai kehadiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Excellence has the most impact when I first focus on my own peace and happiness, and then send it out into the world.", "r": {"result": "Kecemerlangan mempunyai kesan yang paling besar apabila saya mula-mula memberi tumpuan kepada keamanan dan kebahagiaan saya sendiri, dan kemudian menghantarnya ke dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oprah.com: How to handle an office grudge.", "r": {"result": "Oprah.com: Bagaimana untuk menangani dendam pejabat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By Deborahann Smith from O, The Oprah Magazine (c) 2011. Subscribe to O, The Oprah Magazine for up to 75% off the newsstand price.", "r": {"result": "Oleh Deborahann Smith daripada O, The Oprah Magazine (c) 2011. Langgan O, The Oprah Magazine untuk diskaun sehingga 75% daripada harga gerai surat khabar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's like getting 18 issues FREE.", "r": {"result": "Itu seperti mendapat 18 isu PERCUMA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Subscribe now!", "r": {"result": "Langgan sekarang!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TM & (c) 2011 Harpo Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "r": {"result": "TM & (c) 2011 Harpo Productions, Inc. Hak Cipta Terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Defending champions Real Madrid trail arch rivals Barcelona by a massive 18 points in the Spanish League, so for the rest of the season their mission is to hunt down success in the cup competitions.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Juara bertahan Real Madrid menjejaki pesaing utama Barcelona dengan 18 mata besar dalam Liga Sepanyol, jadi untuk baki musim ini misi mereka adalah untuk memburu kejayaan dalam pertandingan piala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such a gap to their Catalan cousins has heaped the pressure on Real coach Jose Mourinho, who must now focus on Spain's premier cup competition, the Copa del Rey, and the European Champions League for salvation.", "r": {"result": "Jurang sebegitu dengan sepupu Catalan mereka telah memberi tekanan kepada jurulatih Real Jose Mourinho, yang kini mesti memberi tumpuan kepada pertandingan piala utama Sepanyol, Copa del Rey, dan Liga Juara-Juara Eropah untuk keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All might be forgiven if he was to secure Europe's most prestigious club prize for a third time as coach, after previous triumphs with Portuguese side Porto and Italian giants Inter Milan.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya mungkin dimaafkan jika dia ingin mendapatkan anugerah kelab paling berprestij di Eropah buat kali ketiga sebagai jurulatih, selepas kejayaan sebelumnya bersama kelab Portugal Porto dan gergasi Itali, Inter Milan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the very least Real's fans will expect him to win the Spain's second biggest domestic trophy, and a 2-0 win in the first leg of their Copa del Rey tie was enough to quieten the protests against him.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya peminat Real mengharapkan dia memenangi trofi domestik kedua terbesar Sepanyol, dan kemenangan 2-0 pada perlawanan pertama perlawanan Copa del Rey sudah cukup untuk meredakan bantahan terhadapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A strike from Karim Benzema and an AndrA(c)s Guardado own goal sealed victory on a chilly night in Madrid but Real rode their luck on several occasions in front of their vociferous home support.", "r": {"result": "Jaringan daripada Karim Benzema dan gol sendiri Guardado AndrA(c) melakar kemenangan pada malam yang sejuk di Madrid tetapi Real menunggang tuah mereka beberapa kali di hadapan sokongan padu mereka di tempat sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cristiano Ronaldo, as ever, was at the center of most of Real's attacking thrusts in the early stages, the Portuguese striker firing a free kick narrowly wide of the post in the opening stages.", "r": {"result": "Cristiano Ronaldo, seperti biasa, berada di tengah-tengah kebanyakan tujahan serangan Real pada peringkat awal, penyerang Portugal itu melepaskan sepakan percuma melepasi tiang pada peringkat pembukaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luka Modric, signed last year from English club Tottenham Hotspur, then spurned a glorious chance to put Real ahead before Valencia's Brazilian striker Jonas twice went close in a matter of minutes.", "r": {"result": "Luka Modric, yang ditandatangani tahun lalu dari kelab Inggeris Tottenham Hotspur, kemudian menolak peluang gemilang untuk meletakkan Real di hadapan sebelum penyerang Brazil dari Valencia, Jonas dua kali mendekati dalam beberapa minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His misses were to prove costly as Benzema then slotted home from Germany international Sami Khedira's pass inside the area on 37 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Kesilapannya terbukti mahal apabila Benzema kemudiannya menerima hantaran pemain antarabangsa Jerman Sami Khedira di dalam kawasan pada minit ke-37.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real's fans began to get restless around the hour mark as Valencia began to dominate before Jonas shot wide of an open goal from 12 yards after Real goalkeeper Iker Casillas had parried Roberto Soldado's effort into his path.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong Real mula resah sekitar tanda sejam apabila Valencia mula mendominasi sebelum Jonas merembat lebar dari gol terbuka dari jarak 12 ela selepas penjaga gol Real Iker Casillas menepis percubaan Roberto Soldado ke arahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Again, within minutes of a Jonas miss Real scored, this time Valencia defender Guardado putting through his own net from a Fabio Coentrao cross.", "r": {"result": "Sekali lagi, dalam beberapa minit Jonas terlepas Real menjaringkan gol, kali ini pertahanan Valencia, Guardado menyumbat gawangnya sendiri daripada hantaran lintang Fabio Coentrao.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronaldo was then denied his 29th goal of the season by two brilliant saves from Valencia goalkeeper Vicente, who first repelled the striker's point blank shot from ten yards out before flicking a powerful strike round the post less than a minute later.", "r": {"result": "Ronaldo kemudian dinafikan golnya yang ke-29 musim ini oleh dua penyelamatan cemerlang penjaga gol Valencia, Vicente, yang terlebih dahulu menangkis pukulan kosong penyerang itu dari jarak sepuluh ela sebelum melakukan rembatan kencang mengelilingi tiang kurang seminit kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 2-0 win gives Real a comfortable cushion going into the return leg in Valencia next Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Kemenangan 2-0 memberikan Real kusyen selesa menjelang aksi timbal balik di Valencia Rabu depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the Italian Cup, Inter Milan had to rely on a goal seconds from the end of extra time to beat Bologna 3-2 and progress to the semifinals.", "r": {"result": "Dalam saingan Piala Itali, Inter Milan terpaksa bergantung pada satu saat gol dari tamat masa tambahan untuk menewaskan Bologna 3-2 dan mara ke separuh akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Goals from Fredy Guarin and Rodrigo Palacio put Inter in a commanding position but two goals in four minutes from Alessandro Diamanti and Manolo Gabbiadini pushed the match into extra time.", "r": {"result": "Gol daripada Fredy Guarin dan Rodrigo Palacio meletakkan Inter berada di kedudukan teratas tetapi dua gol dalam masa empat minit daripada Alessandro Diamanti dan Manolo Gabbiadini menolak perlawanan ke masa tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But with a penalty shootout looming Andrea Ranocchia's header crushed Bologna and sent Inter through to the next round.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan penentuan sepakan penalti menghampiri tandukan Andrea Ranocchia menghancurkan Bologna dan menghantar Inter ke pusingan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In England's premier cup competition, the FA Cup, there were replay wins for Premier League sides Wigan, Queens Park Rangers, Stoke and Fulham, though Sunderland succumbed to second tier Bolton.", "r": {"result": "Dalam pertandingan piala utama England, Piala FA, terdapat kemenangan ulangan untuk pasukan Liga Perdana Wigan, Queens Park Rangers, Stoke dan Fulham, walaupun Sunderland tunduk kepada Bolton divisyen dua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Prabhjot Singh, a turbaned Sikh doctor and Columbia University professor, was surrounded recently by a gang of teenagers on bicycles who beat him, fracturing his jaw.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Prabhjot Singh, seorang doktor Sikh berserban dan profesor Universiti Columbia, baru-baru ini dikelilingi oleh sekumpulan remaja berbasikal yang memukulnya sehingga patah rahangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He says they called him a \"terrorist\" and \"Osama\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata mereka memanggilnya \"pengganas\" dan \"Osama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His response: \"If I could speak to my attackers,\" he said, \"I would ask them if they had any questions, if they knew what they were doing.", "r": {"result": "Jawapannya: \"Jika saya boleh bercakap dengan penyerang saya,\" katanya, \"Saya akan bertanya kepada mereka jika mereka mempunyai sebarang soalan, jika mereka tahu apa yang mereka lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe invite them to the gurdwara where we worship, get to know who we are\".", "r": {"result": "Mungkin jemput mereka ke gurdwara tempat kita beribadat, kenali siapa kita\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most people would be surprised by Dr. Singh's willingness to forgive and constructively engage his attackers.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan orang akan terkejut dengan kesediaan Dr. Singh untuk memaafkan dan secara membina melibatkan penyerangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am not.", "r": {"result": "Bukan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like most Sikhs, I was taught at a young age about Bhai Ghaniya, a famous Sikh who would distribute food and water to wounded enemy soldiers.", "r": {"result": "Seperti kebanyakan orang Sikh, saya telah diajar pada usia muda tentang Bhai Ghaniya, seorang Sikh terkenal yang akan mengagihkan makanan dan air kepada tentera musuh yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lesson instilled was that the work of mending fences begins as soon as one can no longer harm you.", "r": {"result": "Pengajaran yang diterapkan ialah kerja membaiki pagar bermula sebaik sahaja seseorang tidak lagi boleh membahayakan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a professional advocate working with Sikh hate crime victims for more than a decade since 9/11, I have consistently seen Sikhs move beyond the punitive bent of our criminal justice system and adopt a Sikh approach to addressing our attackers.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai peguam bela profesional yang bekerja dengan mangsa jenayah kebencian Sikh selama lebih sedekad sejak 9/11, saya secara konsisten melihat orang Sikh bergerak melangkaui sistem keadilan jenayah kita dan mengamalkan pendekatan Sikh untuk menangani penyerang kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result is a decidedly Sikh-American brand of justice that produces more social benefit than the revolving-door criminal justice system in our country.", "r": {"result": "Hasilnya ialah jenama keadilan Sikh-Amerika yang menghasilkan lebih banyak faedah sosial daripada sistem keadilan jenayah pintu pusingan di negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Take our work with Gurpreet Singh and Thomas Brand.", "r": {"result": "Ambil kerja kami dengan Gurpreet Singh dan Thomas Brand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomas worked at Marsh McLenan at the World Trade Center.", "r": {"result": "Thomas bekerja di Marsh McLenan di Pusat Dagangan Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He never had a chance to say goodbye to his colleagues who died there on 9/11. Traveling on trains made him scared and angry.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah berpeluang mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada rakan sekerjanya yang meninggal dunia di sana pada 9/11. Perjalanan dengan kereta api membuatkan dia takut dan marah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He acted on his anger a year later by pushing Gurpreet on the Long Island Railroad, urging him to leave the train and calling him a \"terrorist\".", "r": {"result": "Dia bertindak atas kemarahannya setahun kemudian dengan menolak Gurpreet di Rel Long Island, mendesaknya meninggalkan kereta api dan memanggilnya \"pengganas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomas was stopped by an off-duty police officer, arrested, and eventually prosecuted.", "r": {"result": "Thomas telah dihentikan oleh seorang pegawai polis yang tidak bertugas, ditangkap, dan akhirnya didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When it came time for sentencing, the prosecutor was ready to recommend jail time for Thomas.", "r": {"result": "Apabila tiba masa untuk menjatuhkan hukuman, pendakwa raya bersedia untuk mengesyorkan hukuman penjara untuk Thomas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gurpreet did not want that to happen.", "r": {"result": "Gurpreet tidak mahu perkara itu berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He saw a man in real pain who needed a lift up and not jail time.", "r": {"result": "Dia melihat seorang lelaki dalam kesakitan sebenar yang memerlukan peningkatan dan bukan masa penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked that the prosecutor recommend Thomas engage in community service aimed at combating hate in a post 9/11 world.", "r": {"result": "Dia meminta pendakwa raya mengesyorkan Thomas terlibat dalam khidmat masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk memerangi kebencian dalam dunia pasca 9/11.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomas was very nervous when he came to our office.", "r": {"result": "Thomas sangat gementar apabila dia datang ke pejabat kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he knew nothing about us and always thought we were \"stern\" and \"angry\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia tidak tahu apa-apa tentang kami dan selalu menganggap kami \"keras\" dan \"marah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he was surprised that one of my colleagues was wearing shorts instead of pants.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia terkejut kerana salah seorang rakan sekerja saya memakai seluar pendek dan bukannya seluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We got to know each other and eventually Thomas was standing with Gurpreet and me as we went to gurdwaras, Sikh houses of worship, collecting reports of bias against Sikhs.", "r": {"result": "Kami berkenalan dan akhirnya Thomas berdiri bersama Gurpreet dan saya semasa kami pergi ke gurdwara, rumah ibadat Sikh, mengumpul laporan berat sebelah terhadap Sikh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of us were better for the experience.", "r": {"result": "Kami semua lebih baik untuk pengalaman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gurpreet and I had our own prejudices and fears of people who looked like \"Joe America\" and clearly Thomas had his own perceptions about us \"turban folk\" as well.", "r": {"result": "Gurpreet dan saya mempunyai prasangka dan ketakutan kita sendiri terhadap orang yang kelihatan seperti \"Joe America\" dan jelas Thomas mempunyai persepsi sendiri tentang kami \"rakyat serban\" juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rather than allow him to spend time incarcerated in the overworked criminal justice system, we all found healing and became better people for it.", "r": {"result": "Daripada membenarkan dia menghabiskan masa dipenjarakan dalam sistem peradilan jenayah yang terlalu banyak bekerja, kami semua menemui kesembuhan dan menjadi orang yang lebih baik untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Amardeep Singh.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Amardeep Singh semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- An admitted supporter of terrorism testified in federal court Tuesday about his connection to Syed Haris Ahmed, a former Georgia Tech student who is on trial for similar charges.", "r": {"result": "ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Seorang penyokong keganasan yang diakui telah memberi keterangan di mahkamah persekutuan pada hari Selasa mengenai kaitannya dengan Syed Haris Ahmed, bekas pelajar Georgia Tech yang sedang dibicarakan atas tuduhan serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI says Syed Haris Ahmed took casing video of the Pentagon and discussed attacks on the United States.", "r": {"result": "FBI berkata Syed Haris Ahmed mengambil video sarung Pentagon dan membincangkan serangan ke atas Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zubair Ahmed, who is not related to the defendant, entered a guilty plea in the Northern District of Ohio last January to one count of providing material support to terrorism as part of a plea agreement.", "r": {"result": "Zubair Ahmed, yang tidak berkaitan dengan defendan, membuat pengakuan bersalah di Daerah Utara Ohio pada Januari lalu atas satu pertuduhan memberikan sokongan material kepada keganasan sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian pengakuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The charge carries a 15-year prison sentence, but he said he hopes to get an eight- to 10-year sentence for cooperating with the government.", "r": {"result": "Pertuduhan itu membawa hukuman penjara 15 tahun, tetapi dia berkata dia berharap mendapat hukuman lapan hingga 10 tahun kerana bekerjasama dengan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zubair Ahmed, a 30-year-old Chicago resident, said he traveled to Egypt with his cousin during the summer of 2004 with the intent of eventually entering Iraq or Afghanistan to fight \"violent jihad\" against the United States.", "r": {"result": "Zubair Ahmed, seorang penduduk Chicago berusia 30 tahun, berkata dia pergi ke Mesir bersama sepupunya pada musim panas 2004 dengan niat akhirnya memasuki Iraq atau Afghanistan untuk memerangi \"jihad ganas\" menentang Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before they could make it out of Egypt, Zubair Ahmed's father found out about his son's whereabouts and traveled to the country and brought him home.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum mereka dapat keluar dari Mesir, bapa Zubair Ahmed mengetahui tentang keberadaan anaknya dan mengembara ke negara itu dan membawanya pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zubair Ahmed testified he met Syed Haris Ahmed on a Web site that discusses Islamic issues.", "r": {"result": "Zubair Ahmed memberi keterangan dia bertemu Syed Haris Ahmed di laman web yang membincangkan isu-isu Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We shared the same opinion,\" Zubair Ahmed said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berkongsi pendapat yang sama,\" kata Zubair Ahmed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two eventually met in Chicago where Zubair Ahmed said they briefly discussed \"violent jihad\".", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya akhirnya bertemu di Chicago di mana Zubair Ahmed berkata mereka secara ringkas membincangkan \"jihad ganas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two men often communicated online through coded words or the Urdu language, Zubair Ahmed said.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua lelaki itu sering berkomunikasi dalam talian melalui perkataan berkod atau bahasa Urdu, kata Zubair Ahmed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He explained a number system they devised to refer to the stages of their faith: 1st, the ideological phase; 2nd, the logistical phase; 3rd, the fight or battle phase.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menjelaskan sistem nombor yang mereka reka untuk merujuk kepada peringkat-peringkat kepercayaan mereka: Pertama, fasa ideologi; Kedua, fasa logistik; Ketiga, fasa pertarungan atau pertempuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Last time we met we were 1st.", "r": {"result": "\"Kali terakhir kami bertemu kami adalah yang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now we are almost 3rd,\" Syed Haris Ahmed wrote to Zubair Ahmed in an online chat session during November 2005, according to testimony.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang kami hampir ke-3,\" tulis Syed Haris Ahmed kepada Zubair Ahmed dalam sesi sembang dalam talian pada November 2005, menurut keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier Tuesday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert McBurney presented e-mail and online chat session evidence seized from Ahmed's hard drive by the FBI, showing Ahmed was referred to as the leader by his alleged co-conspirators.", "r": {"result": "Awal hari Selasa, Penolong Peguam AS Robert McBurney membentangkan e-mel dan bukti sesi sembang dalam talian yang dirampas daripada cakera keras Ahmed oleh FBI, menunjukkan Ahmed dirujuk sebagai ketua oleh konspirator bersamanya yang didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FBI Special Agent James Allen testified that coded e-mails spelled out Ahmed's intentions to enter a terrorist training camp during a trip to Pakistan in July 2005.", "r": {"result": "Ejen Khas FBI James Allen memberi keterangan bahawa e-mel berkod menyatakan niat Ahmed untuk memasuki kem latihan pengganas semasa lawatan ke Pakistan pada Julai 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The curry place (Pakistan) is our main area for picnic and then spend the night at the mountain hills national park (terrorist camp),\" Ahmed allegedly wrote in an e-mail.", "r": {"result": "\"Tempat kari (Pakistan) adalah kawasan utama kami untuk berkelah dan kemudian bermalam di taman negara bukit pergunungan (kem pengganas),\" tulis Ahmed dalam e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense attorney Jack Martin argued there is no evidence his client ever had a specific plan.", "r": {"result": "Peguam bela Jack Martin berhujah tiada bukti anak guamnya pernah mempunyai rancangan khusus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin said in Pakistan, Syed Haris Ahmed's family talked him out of attending a camp.", "r": {"result": "Martin berkata di Pakistan, keluarga Syed Haris Ahmed melarangnya menghadiri kem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I talked to my cousins and they put some sense into me,\" Ahmed can be heard saying on a recording during an interview by the FBI.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bercakap dengan sepupu saya dan mereka memberi sedikit pengertian kepada saya,\" Ahmed boleh didengar berkata pada rakaman semasa wawancara oleh FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin has argued his client is a shy, highly emotional young man.", "r": {"result": "Martin telah berhujah bahawa anak guamnya adalah seorang lelaki muda yang pemalu dan sangat emosional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin said Ahmed moved to a suburban Atlanta neighborhood with his family when he was 12 years old.", "r": {"result": "Martin berkata Ahmed berpindah ke kejiranan pinggir bandar Atlanta bersama keluarganya ketika dia berumur 12 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He did not have a religious role model and turned to the Internet to find his religious identity as a Muslim, Martin said.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak mempunyai contoh agama dan beralih ke Internet untuk mencari identiti agamanya sebagai seorang Muslim, kata Martin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin said there was never any agreements established with co-conspirators and the actions of Ahmed were nothing more than \"childish fantasies\".", "r": {"result": "Martin berkata tidak pernah ada perjanjian yang diwujudkan dengan konspirator bersama dan tindakan Ahmed tidak lebih daripada \"fantasi kebudak-budakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syed Haris Ahmed, 24, and alleged co-conspirator Ehsanul Islam Sadequee are charged with providing material support to terrorists and other conspiracy counts.", "r": {"result": "Syed Haris Ahmed, 24, dan konspirator bersama Ehsanul Islam Sadequee didakwa memberikan sokongan material kepada pengganas dan tuduhan konspirasi lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sadequee is set to go on trial in August.", "r": {"result": "Sadequee ditetapkan untuk menjalani perbicaraan pada bulan Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ahmed and Sadequee are accused of discussing attacks in the United States that include oil refineries and a military base.", "r": {"result": "Ahmed dan Sadequee dituduh membincangkan serangan di Amerika Syarikat yang termasuk kilang penapisan minyak dan pangkalan tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors say they also made casing videos of landmarks in the Washington, D.C., area.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berkata mereka juga membuat video selongsong mercu tanda di kawasan Washington, D.C..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch videos allegedly shot by Ahmed and Sadequee >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton video yang didakwa dirakam oleh Ahmed dan Sadequee >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The short, shaky videos were allegedly emailed to other co-conspirators and found on the hard drives of at least two men who were arrested on terrorism charges in the United Kingdom.", "r": {"result": "Video pendek dan goyah itu didakwa dihantar melalui e-mel kepada konspirator lain dan ditemui pada cakera keras sekurang-kurangnya dua lelaki yang ditangkap atas tuduhan keganasan di United Kingdom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin maintains the videos are amateurish and silly, but prosecutors pointed out that the defendant stated during an FBI interview the videos were sent \"to prove that, you know, we are something\".", "r": {"result": "Martin mengekalkan video itu amatur dan bodoh, tetapi pendakwa raya menegaskan bahawa defendan menyatakan semasa temu bual FBI video itu dihantar \"untuk membuktikan bahawa, anda tahu, kami adalah sesuatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ahmed waived his right to a jury trial and agreed to allow U.S. District Judge William Duffey decide his case.", "r": {"result": "Ahmed mengetepikan haknya untuk perbicaraan juri dan bersetuju membenarkan Hakim Daerah A.S. William Duffey memutuskan kesnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks played a role in the surprise ending of a domestic assault case in Los Angeles, according to defense attorney Andrew Flier.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemenang Oscar dua kali Tom Hanks memainkan peranan dalam menamatkan mengejut kes serangan domestik di Los Angeles, menurut peguam bela Andrew Flier.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hanks had been serving as a juror in the trial since it started last week.", "r": {"result": "Hanks telah berkhidmat sebagai juri dalam perbicaraan itu sejak ia bermula minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flier's client was facing up to a year in jail and the attorney was prepared to offer closing arguments in the case on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Anak guam Flier berdepan hukuman penjara sehingga setahun dan peguam itu bersedia untuk menawarkan hujah penutup dalam kes itu pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, as proceedings wrapped Tuesday, the prosecuting attorney revealed that another lawyer in the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office had interacted with Hanks outside the courtroom, thanking him for his service.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, ketika prosiding selesai pada hari Selasa, peguam pendakwa mendedahkan bahawa seorang lagi peguam di Pejabat Peguam Bandar Los Angeles telah berinteraksi dengan Hanks di luar bilik mahkamah, mengucapkan terima kasih atas khidmatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a result, Flier asked the court for a mistrial, citing prosecutorial misconduct.", "r": {"result": "Akibatnya, Flier meminta mahkamah melakukan salah laku, memetik salah laku pendakwaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a hearing on Wednesday morning, lawyers on both sides of the case convened and settled on a reduced charge for the defendant: disturbing the peace and a $150 fine.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perbicaraan pada pagi Rabu, peguam di kedua-dua belah kes bersidang dan menyelesaikan pertuduhan yang dikurangkan untuk defendan: mengganggu ketenteraman dan denda $150.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "City Attorney's Office spokesperson Frank Mateljan confirmed the interaction with Hanks, saying, \"The city attorney has been appraised of the situation and will be reviewing it\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Pejabat Peguam Bandaraya Frank Mateljan mengesahkan interaksi dengan Hanks, berkata, \"Peguam bandar telah dinilai tentang situasi itu dan akan menyemaknya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN reached out to representatives for Hanks for comment, but has not heard back.", "r": {"result": "CNN menghubungi wakil untuk Hanks untuk mendapatkan komen, tetapi tidak mendapat maklum balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The alleged victim's reaction to the resolution was unavailable.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi mangsa yang didakwa terhadap resolusi itu tidak tersedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors do not identify those who makes claims of domestic violence, and the parties involved have made no public statement, Mateljan said.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya tidak mengenal pasti mereka yang membuat dakwaan keganasan rumah tangga, dan pihak terbabit tidak membuat sebarang kenyataan awam, kata Mateljan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flier said he was initially concerned that having a Hollywood star on the jury would unfairly influence the case's outcome.", "r": {"result": "Flier berkata dia pada mulanya bimbang bahawa mempunyai bintang Hollywood dalam juri akan mempengaruhi keputusan kes secara tidak adil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think because of his celebrity status and because of his personality, I think (the jury) would have followed him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir kerana status selebritinya dan kerana keperibadiannya, saya fikir (juri) akan mengikutinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But after interviewing Hanks in jury selection, Flier decided he was a good fit for the final slot on the jury.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selepas menemu bual Hanks dalam pemilihan juri, Flier memutuskan dia sesuai untuk slot terakhir juri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He never looked or made any statements like he wanted to get off jury duty.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia tidak pernah melihat atau membuat sebarang kenyataan seperti mahu melepaskan jawatan juri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So based on everything, he seemed like a very fair juror,\" Flier said.", "r": {"result": "Jadi berdasarkan segala-galanya, dia kelihatan seperti juri yang sangat adil,\" kata Flier.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hanks' appearance didn't only affect proceedings inside the courtroom.", "r": {"result": "Kemunculan Hanks bukan sahaja menjejaskan prosiding di dalam bilik mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flier said the star also drew quite a crowd of photographers and fans outside the courthouse afterward.", "r": {"result": "Flier berkata bintang itu juga menarik ramai jurugambar dan peminat di luar mahkamah selepas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everyone was taking photographs.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang mengambil gambar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was smiling.", "r": {"result": "Dia sedang tersenyum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He welcomed anybody,\" Flier said.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengalu-alukan sesiapa sahaja,\" kata Flier.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the case hadn't ended in a plea, Flier said he doesn't know how Hanks would have voted.", "r": {"result": "Jika kes itu tidak berakhir dengan pengakuan, Flier berkata dia tidak tahu bagaimana Hanks akan mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He looked at me like he always had, smiled and said, 'I was going to vote the way of justice.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia memandang saya seperti selalu, tersenyum dan berkata, 'Saya akan mengundi cara keadilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' So he never disclosed what that justice was headed for, the defense or the prosecution\".", "r": {"result": "' Jadi dia tidak pernah mendedahkan apa yang dituju oleh keadilan itu, pembelaan atau pendakwaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's JD Cargill contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "JD Cargill dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNNGo) -- What?", "r": {"result": "(CNNGo) -- Apa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A best-markets-of-the-world lineup without Marrakesh, Istanbul's Grand Bazaar and Cairo's Khan el-Khalili in the mix?", "r": {"result": "Barisan pasaran terbaik dunia tanpa Marrakesh, Bazar Besar Istanbul dan Khan el-Khalili dari Kaherah dalam gabungan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you already know about those, and anyway we just mentioned them.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda sudah tahu mengenainya, dan kami baru sahaja menyebutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're still searching for that elusive knockoff, that priceless $20 trinket, that vintage earthenware goblet -- above all, that authentic bazaar experience -- you can bet your top and bottom dollar you'll score big at one of the following, one-of-a-kind markets around the world.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda masih mencari tiruan yang sukar difahami itu, perhiasan berharga $20 yang tidak ternilai itu, piala tembikar vintaj itu -- terutama sekali, pengalaman bazar yang tulen itu -- anda boleh bertaruh dolar atas dan bawah anda, anda akan mendapat markah besar pada salah satu daripada yang berikut, pasaran satu-satunya di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. FLEA.", "r": {"result": "1. KUTU.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rose Bowl Flea Market: Los Angeles.", "r": {"result": "Pasar Lambak Rose Bowl: Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every second Sunday of the month, 2,500 vendors and 20,000 hagglers gather outside Pasadena's storied Rose Bowl to barter over Eames chairs, Richard Pryor memorabilia, antique dental tools, art deco glassware and that autographed Aerosmith bootleg you've been hunting for.", "r": {"result": "Setiap Ahad kedua dalam bulan itu, 2,500 vendor dan 20,000 tawar-menawar berkumpul di luar Rose Bowl bertingkat Pasadena untuk menukar kerusi Eames, memorabilia Richard Pryor, peralatan pergigian antik, barangan kaca art deco dan tandatangan Aerosmith yang anda cari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Never mind Hollywood or Venice Beach, here's the definitive L.A. Experience.", "r": {"result": "Tidak kira Hollywood atau Pantai Venice, berikut ialah Pengalaman L.A. yang pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A tradition since 1969.", "r": {"result": "Tradisi sejak 1969.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best buys: Locals flock here for anti-IKEA home furnishing deals they can stuff into a friend's borrowed pickup.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian terbaik: Penduduk tempatan berkumpul di sini untuk tawaran kelengkapan rumah anti-IKEA yang boleh mereka masukkan ke dalam pikap yang dipinjam rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travelers come for vintage clothing and accessories, cheap 502 Levi's owned by former B-list celebrities and the best people-watching in Southern California.", "r": {"result": "Pengembara datang untuk pakaian dan aksesori vintaj, 502 Levi's murah yang dimiliki oleh bekas selebriti B-list dan tontonan orang terbaik di California Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Know B4 u go: Regular admission, starting at 9 a.m., costs $8, but you can pay more to get in earlier, starting from 5 a.m.", "r": {"result": "Tahu B4 u go: Kemasukan biasa, bermula jam 9 pagi, berharga $8, tetapi anda boleh membayar lebih untuk masuk lebih awal, bermula dari jam 5 pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rose Bowl Flea Market: 1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena, +1 323 560 7469; www.rgcshows.com.", "r": {"result": "Pasaran Lambak Rose Bowl: 1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena, +1 323 560 7469; www.rgcshows.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on CNNGo: Quirkiest Souvenirs.", "r": {"result": "Juga di CNNGo: Cenderahati Paling Unik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. FLOATING.", "r": {"result": "2. TERApung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tha Kha Floating Market: Ratchaburi, Thailand.", "r": {"result": "Pasar Terapung Tha Kha: Ratchaburi, Thailand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every beige-pants-wearing Southeast Asian traveler and their posse of touts flock to the far better known Damnoen Saduak Floating Market.", "r": {"result": "Setiap pengembara Asia Tenggara yang memakai seluar kuning air dan gerombolan mereka berduyun-duyun ke Pasar Terapung Damnoen Saduak yang lebih terkenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A more authentic option: hiding out with your Canon at this far less touristed aqua-bazaar just ten kilometers away -- where the same colorful chaos of flat boats captained by tough-as-nails Thai women awaits, with rather fewer Rough Guide-reading riffraff.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan yang lebih tulen: bersembunyi dengan Canon anda di aqua-bazar yang kurang pelancong ini hanya sepuluh kilometer jauhnya -- di mana kekacauan berwarna-warni yang sama seperti bot rata yang diketuai oleh wanita Thai yang tegar menanti, dengan bacaan Panduan Kasar yang lebih sedikit rifraff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best buys: Go ahead and score that ripe mangosteen or choice bunch of Malacca grapes.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian terbaik: Teruskan dan dapatkan manggis masak atau tandan pilihan anggur Melaka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prime takeaway experience is a hired boat ride along the canals -- and an overnight in one of several homestays in the area.", "r": {"result": "Pengalaman bawa pulang utama ialah menaiki bot yang disewa di sepanjang terusan -- dan bermalam di salah satu daripada beberapa homestay di kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Know B4 u go: Consult the heavens before you arrive.", "r": {"result": "Tahu B4 u go: Rujuk syurga sebelum anda tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The market is only open six days a month (6 a.m.-noon) in accordance with the Thai lunar calendar.", "r": {"result": "Pasaran hanya dibuka enam hari sebulan (6 pagi-tengah hari) mengikut kalendar lunar Thai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "10 kilometers from Damnoen Saduak market, your best bet is to hire a taxi.", "r": {"result": "10 kilometer dari pasar Damnoen Saduak, pertaruhan terbaik anda ialah menyewa teksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Open 6 a.m.-noon weekends only.", "r": {"result": "Buka 6 pagi-tengah hari hujung minggu sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on CNNGo: Most sinful cities in Asia.", "r": {"result": "Juga di CNNGo: Bandar paling berdosa di Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. FISH.", "r": {"result": "3. IKAN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tsukiji Central Fish Market: Tokyo.", "r": {"result": "Tsukiji Central Fish Market: Tokyo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Lost in Translation\" is an I-Can-Read book compared to the incomprehensible scene inside Japan's biggest seafood market -- a 1,200-stall, hangar-style building on Tokyo Bay packed to the gills with frenzied fishmongers and wholesalers bartering over 2,000-plus tons of marine meat every day.", "r": {"result": "\"Lost in Translation\" ialah buku I-Can-Read berbanding pemandangan yang sukar difahami dalam pasaran makanan laut terbesar di Jepun -- sebuah bangunan 1,200 gerai, gaya hangar di Teluk Tokyo yang penuh dengan insang dengan penjual ikan dan pemborong yang hiruk pikuk menukar lebih 2,000- ditambah dengan banyak daging marin setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Can a single ocean actually support this place?", "r": {"result": "Bolehkah satu lautan benar-benar menyokong tempat ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best buys: If you're a local buyer, choose from more than 450 kinds of seafood.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian terbaik: Jika anda seorang pembeli tempatan, pilih daripada lebih daripada 450 jenis makanan laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Visitors can feast their eyes on these proceedings (after 9 a.m. when tourists are permitted inside the \"inner\" market) and then sample the goods in the \"outer\" market's lineup of top sushi bars.", "r": {"result": "Pengunjung boleh menikmati prosiding ini (selepas jam 9 pagi apabila pelancong dibenarkan masuk ke dalam pasar \"dalaman\") dan kemudian mencuba barangan dalam barisan bar sushi terkemuka di pasaran \"luar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Know B4 u go: The early-morning tuna auction is legendary, and currently restricted to 140 first-come-first-served spectators per day -- who line up at the market's main info center by 5 a.m.", "r": {"result": "Know B4 u go: Lelongan tuna awal pagi adalah lagenda, dan pada masa ini terhad kepada 140 penonton siapa cepat dia dapat setiap hari -- yang berbaris di pusat maklumat utama pasaran pada jam 5 pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Above Tsukiji Shijo Station on the Oedo Subway Line, or a five-minute walk from Tsukiji Station on the Hibiya Subway Line.", "r": {"result": "Di atas Stesen Tsukiji Shijo di Laluan Kereta Api Bawah Tanah Oedo, atau lima minit berjalan kaki dari Stesen Tsukiji di Laluan Kereta Api Bawah Tanah Hibiya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The closest rail station is Shimbashi, about 15 minutes' walk from the market.", "r": {"result": "Stesen kereta api terdekat ialah Shimbashi, kira-kira 15 minit berjalan kaki dari pasar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "www.tsukiji-market.", "r": {"result": "www.tsukiji-market.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on CNNGo: Insider's guide to Tsukiji fish market.", "r": {"result": "Juga di CNNGo: Panduan orang dalam ke pasar ikan Tsukiji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. FRENZIED.", "r": {"result": "4. GEMPAK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chandni Chowk: Delhi.", "r": {"result": "Chandni Chowk: Delhi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's saying something when a shopping district is routinely called \"incomparable\" even by Indian standards.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengatakan sesuatu apabila daerah beli-belah secara rutin dipanggil \"tidak dapat dibandingkan\" walaupun mengikut piawaian India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The swarm of spice sellers, masala merchants, paneer pushers, Vishnu figurine hawkers and every other imaginable purveyor and shopkeeper buried in the rickshaw and oxcart traffic of Old Delhi's timeless commercial artery, Chandni Chowk, erases all doubt that roads like New York's Canal Streetor L.A.'s Santee Alley are relatively young and tame.", "r": {"result": "Sekumpulan penjual rempah ratus, peniaga masala, penolak paneer, penjaja patung Vishnu dan setiap pembekal dan pekedai lain yang boleh dibayangkan yang tertanam dalam lalu lintas beca dan kereta lembu di arteri komersial abadi Old Delhi, Chandni Chowk, memadamkan semua keraguan bahawa jalan seperti Canal Streetor L.A di New York. Santee Alley agak muda dan jinak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best buys: Pick your specialized alley for clothes, fabrics, jewelry, leather goods or electronics and let the haggling begin.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian terbaik: Pilih lorong khusus anda untuk pakaian, fabrik, barang kemas, barangan kulit atau elektronik dan biarkan tawar-menawar bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The real headliner here is Delhi street food -- beginning (and ending) with a deep-fried jalebi at the institutional Old and Famous Jalebi Wala on Dariba Kalan Road.", "r": {"result": "Tajuk utama di sini ialah makanan jalanan Delhi -- bermula (dan berakhir) dengan jalebi goreng di Jalebi Wala Lama dan Terkenal institusi di Jalan Dariba Kalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Know B4 u go: Duck into the adjacent Red Fort (a palatial-style stronghold and UNESCO World Heritage Site) or the Jama Masjid (India's largest mosque) to decompress and view two of the subcontinent's most outstanding architectural achievements.", "r": {"result": "Ketahui B4 u go: Itik ke Red Fort bersebelahan (kubu kuat gaya megah dan Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO) atau Masjid Jama (masjid terbesar di India) untuk menyahmampat dan melihat dua daripada pencapaian seni bina yang paling cemerlang di benua kecil itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Any rickshaw wallah in the city will take you to Chandni Chowk in north New Delhi for less than $5.", "r": {"result": "Mana-mana beca wallah di bandar akan membawa anda ke Chandni Chowk di utara New Delhi dengan harga kurang daripada $5.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on CNNGo: 50 reasons why Tokyo is the greatest city.", "r": {"result": "Juga di CNNGo: 50 sebab mengapa Tokyo adalah bandar terhebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. FLOWER.", "r": {"result": "5. BUNGA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aalsmeer Flower Auction: Aalsmeer, The Netherlands.", "r": {"result": "Lelongan Bunga Aalsmeer: Aalsmeer, Belanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most only-in-Holland-experience that doesn't involve a \"coffeeshop\" takes place 16 miles southwest of Amsterdam in the small lakeside town of Aalsmeer -- home of the world's largest flower auction.", "r": {"result": "Pengalaman paling satu-satunya di Belanda yang tidak melibatkan \"kedai kopi\" berlaku 16 batu di barat daya Amsterdam di bandar kecil tepi tasik Aalsmeer -- rumah lelongan bunga terbesar di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 20 million flowers and more than 13,000 varieties are bartered off in a visitor-friendly warehouse that's reckoned -- at 990,000 square meters -- to be the third largest in the world.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 20 juta bunga dan lebih daripada 13,000 varieti ditukarkan di gudang mesra pengunjung yang dianggap -- seluas 990,000 meter persegi -- sebagai yang ketiga terbesar di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best buys: If you're shopping for a cheap spring bouquet, stick with Amsterdam's Bloemenmarkt.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian terbaik: Jika anda membeli-belah untuk sejambak musim bunga yang murah, kekal dengan Bloemenmarkt di Amsterdam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aalsmeer's more of a spectator sport where visitors can watch pros bid on football field-size quantities of tulips, gardenias, roses, lilies and gerber daisies before ending up in the site's souvenir shop for floriculture tchotchkes.", "r": {"result": "Aalsmeer lebih kepada sukan penonton di mana pelawat boleh menonton pro membida pada kuantiti padang bola sepak bunga tulip, gardenia, bunga ros, teratai dan gerber daisies sebelum berakhir di kedai cenderamata tapak untuk tchotchkes florikultur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Know B4 u go: Get here early.", "r": {"result": "Tahu B4 u go: Datang awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Technically the auction runs until 11 a.m., but the flower bidding wars hit their stride at around 7 a.m.", "r": {"result": "Secara teknikalnya, lelongan berlangsung sehingga 11 pagi, tetapi perang bidaan bunga melanda sekitar jam 7 pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Take bus 172 from outside Centraal Station, near the Victoria Hotel, which stops right outside the auction warehouse.", "r": {"result": "Ambil bas 172 dari luar Stesen Centraal, berhampiran Hotel Victoria, yang berhenti betul-betul di luar gudang lelongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "www.floraholland.com/en/AboutFloraHolland.", "r": {"result": "www.floraholland.com/en/AboutFloraHolland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on CNNGo: 15 unusual places to spend a night.", "r": {"result": "Juga di CNNGo: 15 tempat luar biasa untuk bermalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. FESTIVE.", "r": {"result": "6. PERAYAAN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "San Pedro Telmo Antiques Fair: Buenos Aires.", "r": {"result": "Pameran Antik San Pedro Telmo: Buenos Aires.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officially, this Sunday proceeding -- about 270 stalls and 10,000 pedestrians -- held in the main plaza of historic San Telmo is billed as an antiques fair.", "r": {"result": "Secara rasmi, prosiding Ahad ini -- kira-kira 270 gerai dan 10,000 pejalan kaki -- yang diadakan di plaza utama San Telmo yang bersejarah ditakrifkan sebagai pameran barangan antik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fair enough.", "r": {"result": "Cukup adil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's a Buenos Aires-styled antiques fair -- replete with carnivalesque street performers, musicians and impromptu tango performances.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia adalah pesta antik gaya Buenos Aires -- penuh dengan penghibur jalanan karnivales, pemuzik dan persembahan tango dadakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best buys: Old gaucho bolos and bridles, classic tango art and recordings and other Argentine gems you won't find elsewhere are for sale in Plaza Dorrego and along the Crafts Walk on Calle Defensa.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian terbaik: Gaucho bolo dan kekang lama, seni tango klasik dan rakaman serta permata Argentina lain yang anda tidak akan dapati di tempat lain dijual di Plaza Dorrego dan di sepanjang Crafts Walk di Calle Defensa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Know B4 u go: After the vendors start packing up at around 4 p.m., stick around for the outdoor Milonga, the city's best free, Sunday evening open-air tango dance party.", "r": {"result": "Ketahui B4 u go: Selepas vendor mula berkemas sekitar jam 4 ptg, pergi ke Milonga luar, pesta tarian tango terbuka petang Ahad percuma terbaik di bandar ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dorrego Square, Defensa and Humberto, 1 Buenos Aires; every Sunday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.", "r": {"result": "Dataran Dorrego, Defensa dan Humberto, 1 Buenos Aires; setiap Ahad dari 10 pagi-5 petang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on CNNGo: 10 islands for every type of traveler.", "r": {"result": "Juga di CNNGo: 10 pulau untuk setiap jenis pengembara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "7. FREAKISH.", "r": {"result": "7. GEMOK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sonora Witchcraft Market: Mexico City.", "r": {"result": "Pasar Sihir Sonora: Mexico City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These three had been dying to come to this market for years.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga-tiga mereka telah bermati-matian untuk datang ke pasar ini selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can only browse through so many buckets of chilies, cactus paddles and pinata stalls at Mercado de la Merced, Mexico City's top farmers' market, before it's time for a jolt of the occult at the neighboring Mercado de Sonora -- a maze of ritualistic, remedy-filled booths that's collectively been called \"the Walmart of the witch world\".", "r": {"result": "Anda hanya boleh menyemak imbas baldi cili, dayung kaktus dan gerai pinata di Mercado de la Merced, pasar tani terkemuka di Mexico City, sebelum tiba masanya untuk melakukan aktiviti ghaib di Mercado de Sonora yang bersebelahan -- sebuah labirin ritualistik , gerai penuh ubat yang secara kolektif dipanggil \"Walmart dunia sihir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best buys: It all depends on what you're trying to attract or repel by spiritual means.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian terbaik: Semuanya bergantung pada apa yang anda cuba tarik atau tolak dengan cara rohani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The range of healing herbs, love potions, Santeria charms, voodoo dolls, tarot-reading luminaries, unorthodox dandruff cures and dried critters is staggering.", "r": {"result": "Rangkaian herba penyembuhan, ramuan cinta, azimat Santeria, anak patung voodoo, tokoh-tokoh yang membaca tarot, penawar kelemumur yang tidak lazim dan makhluk kering sangat mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Know B4 u go: Mercado Sonora is held in sacred regard by a loyal local following.", "r": {"result": "Tahu B4 u go: Mercado Sonora dipandang suci oleh pengikut tempatan yang setia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While browsing for snake blood, be respectful with your comments and camera.", "r": {"result": "Semasa menyemak imbas darah ular, hormati ulasan dan kamera anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Avenida Fray Servando Teresa, Venustiano Carranza, Mexico City.", "r": {"result": "Avenida Fray Servando Teresa, Venustiano Carranza, Mexico City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on CNNGo: Worlds coolest nationalities.", "r": {"result": "Juga di CNNGo: Kewarganegaraan paling hebat di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Cable News Network Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Cable News Network Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Hak Cipta Terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "KHARTOUM, Sudan (CNN) -- Sudan's entire state apparatus has been mobilized \"to plan, commit, and cover up crimes\" in the war-torn area of Darfur, a prosecutor for the International Criminal Court said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "KHARTOUM, Sudan (CNN) -- Seluruh aparat negara Sudan telah digerakkan \"untuk merancang, melakukan dan menutup jenayah\" di kawasan yang dilanda perang Darfur, kata seorang pendakwa Mahkamah Jenayah Antarabangsa pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United Nations estimates 2.5 million people have been forced from their homes in Darfur.", "r": {"result": "Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu menganggarkan 2.5 juta orang telah dipaksa keluar dari rumah mereka di Darfur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, made the observation in a progress report to the U.N. Security Council into its probe of crimes in Darfur and the status of two men indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region of Sudan.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, membuat pemerhatian itu dalam laporan kemajuan kepada Majlis Keselamatan PBB mengenai siasatan jenayah di Darfur dan status dua lelaki yang didakwa melakukan jenayah perang dan jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan di wilayah Darfur di Sudan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the Sudanese government \"has taken no steps to arrest\" the men, one of whom is now in charge of the government's humanitarian affairs.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata kerajaan Sudan \"tidak mengambil langkah untuk menangkap\" lelaki itu, salah seorang daripada mereka kini bertanggungjawab dalam hal ehwal kemanusiaan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other is a militia leader.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi adalah seorang pemimpin militia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For the last five years the whole Darfur area has been a crime scene.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSejak lima tahun lalu seluruh kawasan Darfur menjadi tempat kejadian jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Girls are raped, schools are bombed.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak perempuan dirogol, sekolah dibom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... And they are covering up these crimes,\" Moreno-Ocampo said at a news conference at the United Nations Thursday.", "r": {"result": "... Dan mereka menutup jenayah ini,\" kata Moreno-Ocampo pada sidang akhbar di Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court says Darfurians are attacked in their villages and in camps, citing rapes, bombings of schools and arrests of community leaders.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah berkata warga Darfur diserang di kampung dan kem mereka, dengan alasan rogol, pengeboman sekolah dan penahanan pemimpin masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Crimes being committed today in Darfur cannot be denied, or minimized.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJenayah yang dilakukan hari ini di Darfur tidak boleh dinafikan, atau dikurangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Decisions to commit crimes, to deny crimes, to disguise crimes are taken at the highest level.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan untuk melakukan jenayah, untuk menafikan jenayah, untuk menyamarkan jenayah diambil pada peringkat tertinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Denial of crimes, by the authorities that vowed to protect Darfurians, is an additional harm to the victims,\" the report said.", "r": {"result": "Penafian jenayah, oleh pihak berkuasa yang berikrar untuk melindungi warga Darfur, adalah bahaya tambahan kepada mangsa,\" kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ICC cases are against Ali Kushayb, a militia leader, and Ahmad Harun, former minister of state for the interior in Sudan, who is now in charge of humanitarian affairs for the Sudanese government.", "r": {"result": "Kes ICC adalah terhadap Ali Kushayb, seorang pemimpin militia, dan Ahmad Harun, bekas menteri negara untuk pedalaman di Sudan, yang kini bertanggungjawab dalam hal ehwal kemanusiaan untuk kerajaan Sudan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both face charges of murder, rape, forced displacement and other offenses during the Darfur crisis, which the United States characterizes as a genocide.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya menghadapi tuduhan pembunuhan, rogol, pemindahan paksa dan kesalahan lain semasa krisis Darfur, yang disifatkan oleh Amerika Syarikat sebagai pembunuhan beramai-ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harun's present role gives him power over how and whether aid agencies can deliver food, medicine and shelter to victims of chronic violence and deprivation in Darfur.", "r": {"result": "Peranan Harun sekarang memberinya kuasa ke atas bagaimana dan sama ada agensi bantuan boleh menyampaikan makanan, ubat-ubatan dan tempat tinggal kepada mangsa keganasan kronik dan kekurangan di Darfur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He attacks the people he has the responsibility to protect,\" the International Criminal Court said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia menyerang orang yang dia mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk melindungi,\" kata Mahkamah Jenayah Antarabangsa dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He hampers the delivery of relief to the victims.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia menghalang penyampaian bantuan kepada mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is involved in obstructing deployment of the peacekeepers\".", "r": {"result": "Dia terlibat dalam menghalang penempatan pasukan pengaman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alleged crimes in the region stem from a brutal counter-insurgency campaign the Sudanese government conducted after rebels began an uprising in the Darfur region of western Sudan in 2003.", "r": {"result": "Dakwaan jenayah di wilayah itu berpunca daripada kempen menentang pemberontakan kejam yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan Sudan selepas pemberontak memulakan pemberontakan di wilayah Darfur di barat Sudan pada 2003.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The authorities armed and cooperated with Arab militias that went from village to village in Darfur on a campaign of killing, torture and rape, according to the United Nations, western governments and human-rights organizations.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa bersenjata dan bekerjasama dengan militia Arab yang pergi dari kampung ke kampung di Darfur dalam kempen pembunuhan, penyeksaan dan rogol, menurut Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, kerajaan barat dan pertubuhan hak asasi manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The militias targeted civilian members of tribes from which the rebels draw strength.", "r": {"result": "Milisi menyasarkan anggota awam dari puak dari mana pemberontak mendapat kekuatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 300,000 people have died in Darfur, the United Nations estimates, and 2.5 million have been forced from home.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 300,000 orang telah meninggal dunia di Darfur, anggaran Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, dan 2.5 juta telah dipaksa dari rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2005, the Security Council cleared the way for possible war crimes prosecutions by the International Criminal Court, a permanent tribunal set up to handle prosecutions related to genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2005, Majlis Keselamatan membuka jalan bagi kemungkinan pendakwaan jenayah perang oleh Mahkamah Jenayah Antarabangsa, sebuah tribunal tetap yang ditubuhkan untuk mengendalikan pendakwaan berkaitan pembunuhan beramai-ramai, jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan dan jenayah perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court is based on a treaty signed by 106 nations -- excluding Sudan.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah itu berdasarkan perjanjian yang ditandatangani oleh 106 negara -- tidak termasuk Sudan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors are investigating offenses in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and the Central African Republic.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya sedang menyiasat kesalahan di Sudan, Republik Demokratik Congo, Uganda dan Republik Afrika Tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once the court indicts someone, authorities in one country or another have the power to detain the indicted person for trial at The Hague.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja mahkamah mendakwa seseorang, pihak berkuasa di satu negara atau yang lain mempunyai kuasa untuk menahan orang yang didakwa untuk perbicaraan di The Hague.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That has not happened in the case of Harun and Kushayb.", "r": {"result": "Itu tidak berlaku dalam kes Harun dan Kusyaib.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An arrest warrant for Harun charges that he was involved in the murder, rape, torture and forced displacement of civilians.", "r": {"result": "Waran tangkap untuk Harun mendakwa bahawa dia terlibat dalam pembunuhan, rogol, penyeksaan dan pemindahan paksa orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court also says he encouraged such illegal acts in public speeches during his tenure as minister of state for the interior.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah juga berkata beliau menggalakkan perbuatan menyalahi undang-undang itu dalam ucapan awam semasa beliau menjadi menteri dalam negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The criminal court says Kushayb led several thousand militia members and personally participated in attacks against civilians.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah jenayah berkata Kushayb mengetuai beberapa ribu anggota militia dan secara peribadi mengambil bahagian dalam serangan terhadap orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An arrest warrant outlines numerous cases of murder, rape and inhumane acts.", "r": {"result": "Waran tangkap menggariskan banyak kes pembunuhan, rogol dan perbuatan tidak berperikemanusiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Sudan, however, senior government leaders told CNN that reports of atrocities in Darfur were exaggerated.", "r": {"result": "Di Sudan, bagaimanapun, pemimpin kanan kerajaan memberitahu CNN bahawa laporan kekejaman di Darfur telah dibesar-besarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yes, there has been a war and some people have died, but it's not like what has been reflected in the media,\" said Interior Minister Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid.", "r": {"result": "\u201cYa, perang telah berlaku dan beberapa orang telah meninggal dunia, tetapi ia tidak seperti yang dipaparkan dalam media,\u201d kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Musa Halil, an adviser to Sudan's president, has been accused by the United States of leading a militia responsible for atrocities.", "r": {"result": "Musa Halil, seorang penasihat kepada presiden Sudan, telah dituduh oleh Amerika Syarikat mengetuai militia yang bertanggungjawab atas kekejaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the U.N. Security Council has frozen his assets.", "r": {"result": "Dan Majlis Keselamatan PBB telah membekukan asetnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet he denies any wrongdoing.", "r": {"result": "Namun dia menafikan sebarang kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no genocide,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada pembunuhan beramai-ramai,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Most people came to the refugee camps because of the pressure and were used there for political marketing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kebanyakan orang datang ke kem pelarian kerana tekanan dan digunakan di sana untuk pemasaran politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others told a different story.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain menceritakan kisah yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Darfur, eyewitnesses spoke of government airplanes and helicopters attacking defenseless civilians just four months ago.", "r": {"result": "Di Darfur, saksi bercakap tentang kapal terbang kerajaan dan helikopter menyerang orang awam yang tidak berdaya hanya empat bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They said the government struck in coordination with militiamen riding horses and camels -- a classic pattern that has unfolded around Darfur in recent years.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata kerajaan menyerang dalam penyelarasan dengan anggota militia menunggang kuda dan unta -- corak klasik yang telah berlaku di sekitar Darfur sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 115 people were killed in that attack, they said, and nearly 58,000 people fled.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 115 orang terbunuh dalam serangan itu, kata mereka, dan hampir 58,000 orang melarikan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Nic Robertson contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Nic Robertson dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The United States government's hunger for information on Google users is continuing to rise.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kebuluran kerajaan Amerika Syarikat terhadap maklumat mengenai pengguna Google terus meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tech company had more requests for user information in the first half of this year from the United States than any period before, according to the bi-annual Google transparency report released on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat teknologi itu mempunyai lebih banyak permintaan untuk maklumat pengguna pada separuh pertama tahun ini dari Amerika Syarikat berbanding tempoh sebelumnya, menurut laporan ketelusan Google dwi-tahunan yang dikeluarkan pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States government continues to make the most requests in the world for user data, with 10,918 requests for 21,683 user accounts during the first six months of 2013. The United States also has the highest success rate at getting Google to comply with its requests.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat terus membuat permintaan paling banyak di dunia untuk data pengguna, dengan 10,918 permintaan untuk 21,683 akaun pengguna dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama 2013. Amerika Syarikat juga mempunyai kadar kejayaan tertinggi dalam mendapatkan Google mematuhi permintaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The search giant turned over user information for 83% of the U.S. queries.", "r": {"result": "Gergasi carian menyerahkan maklumat pengguna untuk 83% pertanyaan A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "India, Germany and France rounded out the top four, each making between 2,000 and 3,000 requests for user information.", "r": {"result": "India, Jerman dan Perancis melengkapkan empat teratas, masing-masing membuat antara 2,000 dan 3,000 permintaan untuk maklumat pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In its most recent transparency report, Google has done something different.", "r": {"result": "Dalam laporan ketelusan terbaharunya, Google telah melakukan sesuatu yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It now breaks down U.S. criminal legal requests by type, showing what percentage of the orders are subpoenas, wiretap orders, warrants, PEN register orders, or emergency disclosures.", "r": {"result": "Ia kini membahagikan permintaan undang-undang jenayah A.S. mengikut jenis, menunjukkan berapa peratus daripada pesanan itu adalah sepina, perintah wiretap, waran, pesanan daftar PEN atau pendedahan kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The majority of requests were subpoenas, followed by warrants.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti permintaan adalah sapina, diikuti dengan waran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were seven wiretap requests.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat tujuh permintaan wiretap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The numbers show how the volume of requests has increased steadily over time.", "r": {"result": "Angka-angka menunjukkan bagaimana volum permintaan telah meningkat secara berterusan dari semasa ke semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The total amount of requests from all governments has doubled since Google started tracking them in 2009.", "r": {"result": "Jumlah permintaan daripada semua kerajaan telah meningkat dua kali ganda sejak Google mula menjejakinya pada tahun 2009.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the company's eighth transparency report since it started publicly sharing the statistics in 2010. Google has led the way for tech companies with its transparency reports, which are becoming industry standard.", "r": {"result": "Ini ialah laporan ketelusan kelapan syarikat sejak ia mula berkongsi statistik secara terbuka pada tahun 2010. Google telah mendahului syarikat teknologi dengan laporan ketelusannya, yang menjadi standard industri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After this year's National Security Agency revelations, other companies including Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and most recently Apple joined in and released their own similar reports.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pendedahan Agensi Keselamatan Negara tahun ini, syarikat lain termasuk Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo dan terbaru Apple menyertai dan mengeluarkan laporan serupa mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The companies have also petitioned the U.S. government to allow them to publish information on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act requests they field.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat-syarikat itu juga telah membuat petisyen kepada kerajaan A.S. untuk membenarkan mereka menerbitkan maklumat mengenai permintaan Akta Pengawasan Perisikan Asing yang mereka kemukakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Google continued to express frustration with the United States government for limiting what companies can disclose about national security requests.", "r": {"result": "Google terus menyatakan kekecewaan terhadap kerajaan Amerika Syarikat kerana mengehadkan perkara yang boleh didedahkan oleh syarikat tentang permintaan keselamatan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We believe it's your right to know what kinds of requests and how many each government is making of us and other companies,\" said Google legal director Richard Salgado in a blog post.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami percaya adalah hak anda untuk mengetahui jenis permintaan dan berapa banyak setiap kerajaan membuat kami dan syarikat lain,\" kata pengarah undang-undang Google Richard Salgado dalam catatan blog.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Off a main street in Kabul, standing outside a high walled compound is an old Afghan security guard, manning the front gate.", "r": {"result": "Di luar jalan utama di Kabul, berdiri di luar kawasan berdinding tinggi adalah seorang pengawal keselamatan Afghanistan lama, mengawal pintu depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walking towards him is a group of well-dressed students in gray and maroon uniforms -- almost looking out of place in this dusty, garbage-littered, rundown city.", "r": {"result": "Berjalan ke arahnya ialah sekumpulan pelajar berpakaian kemas dengan pakaian seragam kelabu dan merah marun -- hampir kelihatan tidak kena pada tempatnya di bandar yang berdebu, bersepah dan bersepah ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside are large trees surrounding a deep rose-colored two-storey building, and all you can hear is music.", "r": {"result": "Di dalamnya terdapat pokok-pokok besar yang mengelilingi bangunan dua tingkat berwarna mawar yang dalam, dan anda hanya boleh mendengar muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the Afghanistan National Institute of Music (ANIM), which has been up and running for the past two and a half years.", "r": {"result": "Ini ialah Institut Muzik Kebangsaan Afghanistan (ANIM), yang telah beroperasi sejak dua setengah tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has 141 students, of whom 41 are girls, and half the placements go to children who are street kids or orphans.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai 141 pelajar, di mana 41 adalah perempuan, dan separuh daripada penempatan diberikan kepada kanak-kanak yang merupakan anak jalanan atau yatim piatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials believe there are 70,000 street kids in Kabul and as many as 600,000 across the country.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai percaya terdapat 70,000 kanak-kanak jalanan di Kabul dan seramai 600,000 di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three generations addicted to opium.", "r": {"result": "Tiga generasi ketagih candu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one of the dozen practice rooms on the ground floor is 15-year-old Negin Khpalwak.", "r": {"result": "Dalam salah satu daripada sedozen bilik latihan di tingkat bawah adalah Negin Khpalwak yang berusia 15 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She lost both her parents several years ago and has been living in an orphanage ever since.", "r": {"result": "Dia kehilangan kedua ibu bapanya beberapa tahun lalu dan telah tinggal di rumah anak yatim sejak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is now one of a handful of students learning to play the sarod -- a traditional Indian instrument that is making a revival in Afghanistan thanks to this school.", "r": {"result": "Dia kini salah seorang daripada segelintir pelajar yang belajar bermain sarod -- alat muzik tradisional India yang membuat kebangkitan di Afghanistan berkat sekolah ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Music is very important to me because it's my future.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMuzik sangat penting bagi saya kerana ia adalah masa depan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It saved me,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Ia menyelamatkan saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to teach other students, especially young girls.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mahu mengajar pelajar lain terutama perempuan muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know my country has a lot of problems but I hope for peace so girls in Afghanistan can do what they dream of doing\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu negara saya mempunyai banyak masalah tetapi saya berharap untuk keamanan supaya gadis di Afghanistan boleh melakukan apa yang mereka impikan untuk lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Across the hall in another practice room is 16-year-old Wahidullah Amiri.", "r": {"result": "Di seberang dewan di bilik latihan lain adalah Wahidullah Amiri, 16 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's playing the piano.", "r": {"result": "Dia bermain piano.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With a look of determination and purpose he reads the music, his fingers moving across the keys.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pandangan penuh tekad dan tujuan dia membaca muzik, jari-jemarinya bergerak melintasi kekunci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Listening to him, you would think this teenager had been playing for most of his life.", "r": {"result": "Mendengarkan dia, anda akan fikir remaja ini telah bermain sepanjang hayatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact he'd never touched a piano until two years ago.", "r": {"result": "Malah dia tidak pernah menyentuh piano sehingga dua tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was working on the street selling plastic bags and chewing gum,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya bekerja di jalanan menjual beg plastik dan gula-gula getah,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My family is very poor.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKeluarga saya sangat miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now I go to school and study music.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang saya pergi ke sekolah dan belajar muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Something I never thought I would do\".", "r": {"result": "Sesuatu yang saya tidak sangka akan saya lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Skateboard school ramps up Afghan dreams.", "r": {"result": "Sekolah papan luncur meningkatkan impian Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man responsible for turning his life around is the founder of ANIM, Ahmad Samarst.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang bertanggungjawab mengubah hidupnya ialah pengasas ANIM, Ahmad Samarst.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The son of a famous Afghan composer, conductor and musician, Samarst wanted to change lives through the power of music.", "r": {"result": "Anak kepada komposer, konduktor dan pemuzik terkenal Afghanistan, Samarst mahu mengubah kehidupan melalui kuasa muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though he was born and raised in Kabul, he has very close ties to Australia after seeking asylum there when he fled the Taliban.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Kabul, dia mempunyai hubungan yang sangat rapat dengan Australia selepas mendapatkan suaka di sana apabila dia melarikan diri dari Taliban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Islamic militant movement seized power in 1996 following Afghanistan's long civil war.", "r": {"result": "Pergerakan militan Islam merampas kuasa pada 1996 berikutan perang saudara Afghanistan yang panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While in Australia, Samarst studied music -- receiving his PhD in music from Monash University in Melbourne.", "r": {"result": "Semasa di Australia, Samarst belajar muzik -- menerima PhD dalam bidang muzik dari Universiti Monash di Melbourne.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His wife and two children still live there.", "r": {"result": "Isteri dan dua anaknya masih tinggal di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He returns every three months and will be heading back again at the end of the year for his daughter's wedding.", "r": {"result": "Dia kembali setiap tiga bulan dan akan kembali semula pada penghujung tahun untuk majlis perkahwinan anak perempuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he says despite his family, his heart is in Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia berkata walaupun keluarganya, hatinya berada di Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the Taliban fell in 2001 he felt a strong desire to return to his country and rebuild the nation's rich and vibrant musical culture.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Taliban jatuh pada tahun 2001 dia merasakan keinginan yang kuat untuk kembali ke negaranya dan membina semula budaya muzik negara yang kaya dan bersemangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the Taliban it had virtually been wiped out with a nationwide ban.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah Taliban ia telah hampir dihapuskan dengan larangan di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Music was considered blasphemous, musicians were persecuted and if you were caught playing an instrument, the punishment for this \"crime\" was having one of your hands cut off.", "r": {"result": "Muzik dianggap menghujat, pemuzik dianiaya dan jika anda ditangkap bermain alat muzik, hukuman untuk \"jenayah\" ini ialah dipotong sebelah tangan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Taliban destroyed most instruments during their brutal five-year rule, often using the wood for heating.", "r": {"result": "Taliban memusnahkan kebanyakan instrumen semasa pemerintahan mereka yang kejam selama lima tahun, sering menggunakan kayu untuk pemanasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the instruments were too big, like a piano, they would blow them up with a grenade so they could carry them out in pieces.", "r": {"result": "Jika alat itu terlalu besar, seperti piano, mereka akan meletupkannya dengan bom tangan supaya mereka boleh membawanya keluar berkeping-keping.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A true believer in the healing power of music, Samarst explained his vision for ANIM.", "r": {"result": "Seorang yang benar-benar percaya dalam kuasa penyembuhan muzik, Samarst menjelaskan visinya untuk ANIM.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was based on the strong belief of the power of music, as a powerful force, which can play a significant role in establishing a civil and just society in post-Taliban Afghanistan\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia berdasarkan kepercayaan kuat kuasa muzik, sebagai kuasa yang kuat, yang boleh memainkan peranan penting dalam mewujudkan masyarakat sivil dan adil di Afghanistan pasca Taliban\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It took years of planning, lobbying and gathering financial support but finally Samarst had the beginnings of a national music school.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengambil masa bertahun-tahun untuk merancang, melobi dan mengumpul sokongan kewangan tetapi akhirnya Samarst mempunyai permulaan sebuah sekolah muzik kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a $2 million donation from the World Bank, Samart was suddenly overwhelmed by international interest and funding from foreign ministries, embassies and music schools from Germany, Finland, Denmark, the United States, Britain and India.", "r": {"result": "Selepas sumbangan $2 juta daripada Bank Dunia, Samart tiba-tiba terharu dengan minat antarabangsa dan pembiayaan daripada kementerian luar, kedutaan dan sekolah muzik dari Jerman, Finland, Denmark, Amerika Syarikat, Britain dan India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samarst said many of the instruments were donated and described the storage rooms upstairs for these valuable pieces as \"treasure troves\".", "r": {"result": "Samarst berkata, banyak instrumen telah didermakan dan menyifatkan bilik simpanan di tingkat atas untuk barang berharga ini sebagai \"harta karun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said they would be the \"envy of many music schools around the world\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata mereka akan menjadi \"cemburu banyak sekolah muzik di seluruh dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As part of the program, he has hired nine international music teachers from the U.S., Europe, Mexico and India to not only teach the students but also train local Afghan teachers.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai sebahagian daripada program itu, beliau telah mengupah sembilan guru muzik antarabangsa dari A.S., Eropah, Mexico dan India untuk bukan sahaja mengajar pelajar tetapi juga melatih guru tempatan Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "William Harvey arrived in Kabul two and a half years ago from New York, feeling compelled to act after the September 11 attacks shook the core of his country.", "r": {"result": "William Harvey tiba di Kabul dua setengah tahun lalu dari New York, berasa terdorong untuk bertindak selepas serangan 11 September menggegarkan teras negaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he had no idea what sort of adventure he was about to embark upon but felt strongly about helping to mend and rebuild a war-ravaged Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia tidak tahu apa jenis pengembaraan yang akan dia lakukan tetapi berasa kuat untuk membantu membaiki dan membina semula Afghanistan yang dilanda peperangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is now the conductor of ANIM's youth orchestra that has just been invited to perform in the U.S. at Washington's Kennedy Center and New York's Carnegie Hall in February next year.", "r": {"result": "Beliau kini menjadi konduktor orkestra remaja ANIM yang baru dijemput untuk membuat persembahan di A.S. di Pusat Kennedy Washington dan Dewan Carnegie New York pada Februari tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When the people of the world see there are Afghan girls and boys performing side by side that means to a certain extent that we've won, and that Afghanistan has won, because music is a historical and inalienable part of Afghan culture, and its return is tremendously exciting,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila penduduk dunia melihat terdapat gadis dan lelaki Afghanistan membuat persembahan secara berdampingan, itu bermakna kita telah menang, dan Afghanistan telah menang, kerana muzik adalah bahagian bersejarah dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari budaya Afghanistan, dan kepulangan adalah sangat mengujakan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ANIM works very closely with Afghanistan's Ministry of Education, which is very proud of what the school is achieving.", "r": {"result": "ANIM bekerja rapat dengan Kementerian Pendidikan Afghanistan, yang sangat berbangga dengan pencapaian sekolah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sarmast believes his greatest achievement is co-education within the school.", "r": {"result": "Sarmast percaya pencapaian terbesarnya ialah pendidikan bersama dalam sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boys and girls, side by side, in a country where in some towns, girls still don't have access to an education.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan, bersebelahan, di negara di mana di sesetengah bandar, kanak-kanak perempuan masih tidak mempunyai akses kepada pendidikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Taliban made it very clear during its rule that no girls were allowed to go to school -- a rule that is still applied in their heartland in southern Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Taliban menyatakan dengan sangat jelas semasa pemerintahannya bahawa tiada gadis dibenarkan pergi ke sekolah -- peraturan yang masih digunakan di kawasan tengah mereka di selatan Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at ANIM young girls smile and laugh with their male classmates, oblivious to the divisions deep with their society.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada ANIM gadis-gadis muda tersenyum dan ketawa dengan rakan sekelas lelaki mereka, tidak menyedari perpecahan yang mendalam dengan masyarakat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a revolution for this country,\" he explained.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah revolusi untuk negara ini,\u201d jelasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These girls are serving as a mother for the entire nation.", "r": {"result": "\u201cGadis-gadis ini berkhidmat sebagai ibu untuk seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm very pleased our institute is a mother for the country\".", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat gembira institut kita adalah ibu kepada negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One girl who is passionate about education and her country is 10-year-old Sapna Rehamati.", "r": {"result": "Seorang gadis yang meminati pendidikan dan negaranya ialah Sapna Rehamati yang berusia 10 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Girls don't have to wear headscarves inside the school grounds though Sapna puts one on.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak perempuan tidak perlu bertudung di dalam kawasan sekolah walaupun Sapna memakainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But instead of wearing it traditionally over her head and wrapped around her shoulders, she ties it together behind her head, at the nape of her neck.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi daripada memakainya secara tradisional di atas kepala dan melilit bahunya, dia mengikatnya bersama-sama di belakang kepalanya, di tengkuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With a mischievous grin she explained, \"This is my style\".", "r": {"result": "Dengan senyuman nakal dia menjelaskan, \"Ini gaya saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked about the future of the country, this orphaned girl who wasn't even born when the Taliban fell from power, said emphatically, \"The Taliban is very bad.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya tentang masa depan negara, gadis yatim piatu yang tidak lahir pun ketika Taliban tumbang dari tampuk pemerintahan, berkata dengan tegas, \u201cTaleban sangat teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every person has the right to learn.", "r": {"result": "Setiap orang berhak untuk belajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every child, every human being should have the right to study music.", "r": {"result": "Setiap kanak-kanak, setiap manusia sepatutnya mempunyai hak untuk belajar muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nobody should interfere in their lives\".", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang patut campur tangan dalam hidup mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sitting next to her friend Azia on the piano stool, Sapna smiled warmly at her as the two girls hit the keys in time, their little fingers creating the nostalgic sounds of a traditional Afghan tune.", "r": {"result": "Duduk di sebelah rakannya Azia di atas bangku piano, Sapna tersenyum mesra kepadanya apabila kedua-dua gadis itu menekan kekunci tepat pada masanya, jari kelingking mereka mencipta bunyi nostalgia lagu tradisional Afghan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When asked what she wants to do when she grows up and graduates from the school, she replied: \"I want to build my country and make Afghanistan a great place.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ditanya apa yang dia mahu lakukan apabila dia dewasa dan lulus dari sekolah itu, dia menjawab: \"Saya mahu membina negara saya dan menjadikan Afghanistan tempat yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If other people want to build our country I want to work beside them\".", "r": {"result": "Jika orang lain mahu membina negara kita, saya mahu bekerja di samping mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FLORENCE, Italy (CNN) -- Never one to follow the crowd, fashion designer Roberto Cavalli's clothes are bright, sexy and fearless.", "r": {"result": "FLORENCE, Itali (CNN) -- Jangan sekali-kali mengikuti orang ramai, pakaian pereka fesyen Roberto Cavalli adalah cerah, seksi dan berani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His innovative techniques, especially with leather and silk, and his love of adornment -- embroidery, applique, patchwork and diamante -- have made him the A-list's red-carpet darling.", "r": {"result": "Teknik inovatifnya, terutamanya dengan kulit dan sutera, dan kecintaannya pada perhiasan -- sulaman, applique, patchwork dan diamante -- telah menjadikannya kesayangan permaidani merah A-list.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Designer Roberto Cavalli in Florence.", "r": {"result": "Pereka Roberto Cavalli di Florence.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My City, My Life spoke to Cavalli about his fashion creations, his inspiration and his city of Florence.", "r": {"result": "My City, My Life bercakap dengan Cavalli tentang ciptaan fesyennya, inspirasinya dan bandar Florencenya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What do you feel passionate about?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apa yang anda rasa ghairah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: I'm passionate to be a fashion designer, because fashion is part of our life.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Saya bersemangat untuk menjadi seorang pereka fesyen, kerana fesyen adalah sebahagian daripada kehidupan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you wake up in the morning you say, \"What do I have to wear to look beautiful, fantastic, sexy, special\"?", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda bangun pada waktu pagi anda berkata, \"Apa yang saya perlu pakai untuk kelihatan cantik, hebat, seksi, istimewa\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fashion is our mind.", "r": {"result": "Fesyen adalah fikiran kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is the reason I love being a fashion designer because I can use it to measure your mood, your life.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebab saya suka menjadi seorang pereka fesyen kerana saya boleh menggunakannya untuk mengukur mood anda, kehidupan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love being a fashion designer.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka menjadi seorang pereka fesyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What's so special about Florence?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apa yang istimewa tentang Florence?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: Florence is such a special city.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Florence adalah sebuah bandar yang istimewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I travel a lot, today I am here, tomorrow maybe in London or Paris or New York.", "r": {"result": "Saya banyak mengembara, hari ini saya di sini, esok mungkin di London atau Paris atau New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York is a city where I feel more excited, sometimes I say New York is like a drug it gives you so much energy, but afterwards I need Florence, I live to come back here.", "r": {"result": "New York adalah bandar di mana saya berasa lebih teruja, kadang-kadang saya katakan New York adalah seperti ubat yang memberikan anda banyak tenaga, tetapi selepas itu saya memerlukan Florence, saya hidup untuk kembali ke sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I need to continue to breathe art, the air that is in Florence, to walk in my city, to walk in my streets.", "r": {"result": "Saya perlu terus menghirup seni, udara yang ada di Florence, untuk berjalan di bandar saya, untuk berjalan di jalan-jalan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's so charming -- Pitti Palace, the Ponte Vecchio, Michelangelo's David.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat menawan -- Istana Pitti, Ponte Vecchio, David Michelangelo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is Florence.", "r": {"result": "Itulah Florence.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love it.", "r": {"result": "Saya sukakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: How has the city inspired you?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bagaimanakah bandar ini memberi inspirasi kepada anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: Florence has helped me to judge what is beautiful, what is less beautiful, gave me the feeling of art.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Florence telah membantu saya menilai apa yang cantik, apa yang kurang cantik, memberi saya rasa seni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Florence and art is something that is part of my life and is part of myself.", "r": {"result": "Florence dan seni adalah sesuatu yang merupakan sebahagian daripada hidup saya dan merupakan sebahagian daripada diri saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What do you love most about the city?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apa yang paling anda suka tentang bandar ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: What I love most about my city is the architecture, the buildings.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Apa yang paling saya suka tentang bandar saya ialah seni bina, bangunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every time I discover something new and something different.", "r": {"result": "Setiap kali saya menemui sesuatu yang baru dan sesuatu yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The color of the stones, for example: I say, \"Oh my God, that stone is 700 years old; 700 years ago America doesn't exist\".", "r": {"result": "Warna batu, contohnya: Saya berkata, \"Ya Tuhanku, batu itu berumur 700 tahun; 700 tahun dahulu Amerika tidak wujud\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's something so special.", "r": {"result": "Ia sesuatu yang sangat istimewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Do you think that the architecture, the surroundings, inspire you?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah anda fikir seni bina, persekitaran, memberi inspirasi kepada anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: Sure, because to live in Florence means to breathe art and my collection, my fashion, why it's so unusual, so colorful.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Sudah tentu, kerana tinggal di Florence bermakna menghirup seni dan koleksi saya, fesyen saya, mengapa ia sangat luar biasa, begitu berwarna-warni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My dream, maybe because of my family of course, was to be a painter.", "r": {"result": "Impian saya, mungkin kerana keluarga saya sudah tentu, adalah untuk menjadi seorang pelukis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I chose in one moment the direction of textiles; from textiles I went to fashion; but for me, I make one fashion show, it is like making one art exhibition.", "r": {"result": "Saya memilih dalam satu ketika arah tekstil; dari tekstil saya pergi ke fesyen; tapi bagi saya, saya buat satu fesyen show, macam buat satu pameran seni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would like the people that buy my clothes to understand that for me it's one small piece of art.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin orang yang membeli pakaian saya memahami bahawa bagi saya ia adalah satu karya seni yang kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Have you seen Florence change since you were young?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah anda melihat Florence berubah sejak anda masih muda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: Everything has changed, all over the world.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Semuanya telah berubah, di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe Florence has changed less than many other cities because we are more conservative, we try to keep everything that is fantastic, everything that is unbelievable, in Florence.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya Florence telah berubah kurang daripada banyak bandar lain kerana kami lebih konservatif, kami cuba mengekalkan semua yang hebat, semua yang sukar dipercayai, di Florence.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the next 1000 years we need to take care about the beauty and the fantastic things that are in Florence.", "r": {"result": "Dalam 1000 tahun akan datang kita perlu mengambil berat tentang keindahan dan perkara-perkara hebat yang ada di Florence.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What are your favorite colors?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apakah warna kegemaran anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: It depends on my mood.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Ia bergantung pada mood saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes it depends on where I am, sometimes I adore and love red, sometimes the yellow when I am in the country because the yellow that is with the green and around me I say, \"Fantastico\"!", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang ia bergantung kepada di mana saya berada, kadang-kadang saya memuja dan suka merah, kadang-kadang kuning apabila saya berada di negara ini kerana kuning yang bersama hijau dan di sekeliling saya saya berkata, \"Fantastico\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love the turquoise when I am in my boat and around me you have the light blue, the dark blue, and I say, \"My God, I love this special turquoise combination\".", "r": {"result": "Saya suka biru apabila saya berada di dalam bot saya dan di sekeliling saya anda mempunyai biru muda, biru tua, dan saya berkata, \"Ya Tuhan, saya suka gabungan biru biru istimewa ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love the combination of colors.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka gabungan warna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Color is my life.", "r": {"result": "Warna adalah hidup saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Where do you go to relax?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Di mana anda pergi untuk berehat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: Florence for me is my relaxing place.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Florence bagi saya adalah tempat bersantai saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also there is my factory, I have all my workers, some workers for 25, 40 years -- they love me, I love them -- but this is my relaxing place.", "r": {"result": "Juga terdapat kilang saya, saya mempunyai semua pekerja saya, beberapa pekerja selama 25, 40 tahun -- mereka menyayangi saya, saya menyayangi mereka -- tetapi ini adalah tempat saya yang santai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My office, my first factory, my house -- the greenness of my house, my animals.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat saya, kilang pertama saya, rumah saya -- kehijauan rumah saya, haiwan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love my animals, they are all my babies.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka haiwan saya, mereka semua adalah bayi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love being here, being outside to read, I have music all over here.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka berada di sini, berada di luar untuk membaca, saya mempunyai muzik di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The winter, Florence is a city where we don't see the snow so much.", "r": {"result": "Musim sejuk, Florence adalah bandar di mana kita tidak melihat salji begitu banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love to appreciate the changing of colors, the brown to red of the autumn, I love the beginning of the spring, I love to see the small flowers in the cherry trees and I can see day-by-day the difference.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka menghargai perubahan warna, coklat ke merah pada musim luruh, saya suka permulaan musim bunga, saya suka melihat bunga-bunga kecil di pokok ceri dan saya dapat melihat perbezaan hari demi hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I like to appreciate how nature is born again.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka menghargai bagaimana alam semula jadi dilahirkan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See Cavalli's Tuscan farmhouse.", "r": {"result": "Lihat rumah ladang Tuscan Cavalli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Where else do you like to go?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Ke mana lagi anda suka pergi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: I am a helicopter pilot.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Saya seorang juruterbang helikopter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Something that gives me pleasure sometimes is taking my helicopter to go high, 2000 meter, 6000 feet, to go there and feel like a bird.", "r": {"result": "Sesuatu yang memberi saya keseronokan kadang-kadang adalah mengambil helikopter saya untuk pergi tinggi, 2000 meter, 6000 kaki, untuk pergi ke sana dan berasa seperti burung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In this moment I feel free.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa ini saya berasa bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I feel in this world and life we've lost our freedom, maybe because we are too confused about the politics, maybe confused about the television that washes your brain.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa di dunia dan kehidupan ini kita telah kehilangan kebebasan kita, mungkin kerana kita terlalu keliru dengan politik, mungkin keliru dengan televisyen yang mencuci otak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love to be there flying.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka berada di sana terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To feel that in the moment I move my clutch I feel like I move my wings.", "r": {"result": "Untuk merasakan bahawa pada saat saya menggerakkan klac saya, saya rasa saya menggerakkan sayap saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Is there anything about Florence that you would like to change?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah terdapat apa-apa tentang Florence yang anda ingin ubah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: No, no, no absolutely nothing has to be changed in Florence.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Tidak, tidak, tidak ada yang perlu diubah di Florence.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Florence is beautiful like it is.", "r": {"result": "Florence cantik seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Where do you think your self-belief comes from?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Dari mana anda rasa keyakinan diri anda berasal?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: If you want to be successful, you have to believe in yourself.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Jika anda ingin berjaya, anda perlu percaya pada diri sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you are not sure, you show weakness.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda tidak pasti, anda menunjukkan kelemahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To be strong you have to show your power, not your muscle power but the brainpower, the character of your heart.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menjadi kuat anda perlu menunjukkan kuasa anda, bukan kuasa otot anda tetapi kuasa otak, watak hati anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you shoot people with the energy of your mind you become something special.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda menembak orang dengan tenaga fikiran anda, anda menjadi sesuatu yang istimewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: You're famous for having collections that celebrate women.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Anda terkenal kerana mempunyai koleksi yang meraikan wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What kind of woman do you design for?", "r": {"result": "Apa jenis wanita yang anda reka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: I don't like to speak sometimes about beauty.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Saya tidak suka bercakap kadang-kadang tentang kecantikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love to speak about feminism: I love to speak about a woman with a lot of personality.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka bercakap tentang feminisme: Saya suka bercakap tentang seorang wanita yang mempunyai banyak personaliti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is my woman.", "r": {"result": "Itulah wanita saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A woman that loves to show you how intelligent she is.", "r": {"result": "Seorang wanita yang suka menunjukkan kepada anda betapa bijaknya dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love women.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe I am the only man in the world who says the woman is stronger than the man, the woman has more personality in the world than the man, because the woman is my muse.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin saya satu-satunya lelaki di dunia yang mengatakan wanita itu lebih kuat daripada lelaki, wanita itu lebih personaliti di dunia daripada lelaki, kerana wanita adalah muse saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't have one muse.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak mempunyai satu muse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the women are my muse.", "r": {"result": "Semua wanita adalah muse saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Do you think you are a typical Florentine?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah anda fikir anda seorang Florentine biasa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: Yes, I think I am a typical Florentine.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Ya, saya rasa saya seorang Florentine yang tipikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Why?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Kenapa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Cavalli: Because I'm a crazy artist!", "r": {"result": "Roberto Cavalli: Kerana saya seorang artis gila!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- For those who didn't know much about Shirley Temple, her passing this week revealed two surprises.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bagi mereka yang tidak tahu banyak tentang Shirley Temple, kematiannya minggu ini mendedahkan dua kejutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First, that her post-Hollywood career was dominated by public service.", "r": {"result": "Pertama, kerjayanya selepas Hollywood didominasi oleh perkhidmatan awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She ran (unsuccessfully) for Congress in 1967, served as a representative to the United Nations and was ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia.", "r": {"result": "Dia bertanding (tidak berjaya) untuk Kongres pada tahun 1967, berkhidmat sebagai wakil kepada Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan menjadi duta ke Ghana dan Czechoslovakia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And second, she was a Republican.", "r": {"result": "Dan kedua, dia seorang Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was that rarest of things nowadays: a Hollywood star who admitted to voting for the GOP.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah perkara paling jarang pada masa kini: bintang Hollywood yang mengaku mengundi untuk GOP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, Hollywood appears uniformly liberal.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, Hollywood kelihatan liberal secara seragam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But once upon a time, things were different.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi suatu ketika dahulu, keadaan berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While researching my forthcoming book on Hollywood and politics, I was surprised to discover how many vocal conservatives there were in Hollywood well into the 1970s - and that many of them enjoyed the company of Richard Nixon.", "r": {"result": "Semasa meneliti buku saya yang akan datang mengenai Hollywood dan politik, saya terkejut apabila mendapati bilangan konservatif vokal yang terdapat di Hollywood pada tahun 1970-an - dan ramai daripada mereka menikmati syarikat Richard Nixon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Wayne narrated a Nixon biographical documentary at the 1972 GOP convention, where Clint Eastwood was a highly visible guest.", "r": {"result": "John Wayne menceritakan dokumentari biografi Nixon pada konvensyen GOP 1972, di mana Clint Eastwood adalah tetamu yang sangat kelihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bob Hope toured the country with Jack Benny and country pop star Glenn Campbell to drum up support for the troops in Vietnam.", "r": {"result": "Bob Hope menjelajah negara bersama Jack Benny dan bintang pop negara Glenn Campbell untuk meningkatkan sokongan kepada tentera di Vietnam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hope closed his 1970 Christmas TV special with a plea for viewers to get behind the President.", "r": {"result": "Hope menutup khas TV Krismas 1970nya dengan rayuan agar penonton mengikuti Presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James Stewart once told reporters, \"All you have to do is go to Vietnam to see that the kids are still patriotic,\" and suggested that antiwar Hollywood actors were just eaten up with bitterness at Nixon's popularity.", "r": {"result": "James Stewart pernah memberitahu wartawan, \"Apa yang anda perlu lakukan ialah pergi ke Vietnam untuk melihat bahawa anak-anak masih patriotik,\" dan mencadangkan bahawa pelakon Hollywood antiperang hanya dimakan dengan kepahitan pada populariti Nixon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet in 21st century America, the only public Hollywood support Republicans can get (look at Romney's pitiful donations) tends to come from faded action heroes like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chuck Norris.", "r": {"result": "Namun di Amerika abad ke-21, satu-satunya sokongan Hollywood awam yang boleh diperolehi Republikan (lihat derma menyedihkan Romney) cenderung datang daripada wira aksi pudar seperti Arnold Schwarzenegger dan Chuck Norris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yes, Eastwood is still a fan of the GOP, as is Jon Voight, and Vince Vaughn is close to the Paul family.", "r": {"result": "Ya, Eastwood masih peminat GOP, begitu juga Jon Voight, dan Vince Vaughn rapat dengan keluarga Paul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the acting contingent of conservatism has shrunk.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kontinjen pelakon konservatisme telah menyusut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The reason is recent political dynamics.", "r": {"result": "Sebabnya ialah dinamik politik terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollywood has moved to the left; the Republicans have moved to the right.", "r": {"result": "Hollywood telah berpindah ke kiri; Republikan telah bergerak ke kanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Shirley Temple Black was a child star, Hollywood was dominated by powerful Republican moguls.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Shirley Temple Black adalah bintang kanak-kanak, Hollywood didominasi oleh mogul Republikan yang berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The movies she tap danced and sang through for Fox might have earned the praise of Franklin D Roosevelt (he once said, \"It is a splendid thing that for just 15 cents an American can go to a movie and look at the smiling face of a baby and forget his troubles\"), but the industry that produced them was anti-union, anti-communist, and typically anti-Democrat.", "r": {"result": "Filem yang ditorehnya menari dan menyanyi untuk Fox mungkin mendapat pujian Franklin D Roosevelt (dia pernah berkata, \"Adalah satu perkara yang menakjubkan bahawa dengan hanya 15 sen seorang Amerika boleh pergi menonton wayang dan melihat wajah tersenyum seorang sayang dan lupakan masalahnya\"), tetapi industri yang menghasilkannya adalah anti-kesatuan, anti-komunis, dan biasanya anti-Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was, for example, near unanimity between the otherwise inharmonious studio chiefs in opposing Upton Sinclair's 1934 ultra-liberal campaign for governor of California.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat, sebagai contoh, hampir sebulat suara antara ketua studio yang sebaliknya tidak harmoni dalam menentang kempen ultra-liberal Upton Sinclair 1934 untuk gabenor California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Sinclair wanted to introduce a graduated income tax.", "r": {"result": "(Sinclair mahu memperkenalkan cukai pendapatan bergraduat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") The moguls actually made their staff donate a week's salary to Sinclair's Republican opponent.", "r": {"result": ") Mogul sebenarnya membuat kakitangan mereka menderma gaji seminggu kepada lawan Republikan Sinclair.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the moguls lost their power when the studios were undone by trust-busting and TV.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mogul kehilangan kuasa mereka apabila studio dibatalkan oleh pemusnahan kepercayaan dan TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the 1960s, a new generation of stars defined themselves artistically by their revolt against the studio machine and \"square\" middle-American culture.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1960-an, generasi baru bintang mendefinisikan diri mereka secara artistik dengan pemberontakan mereka terhadap mesin studio dan budaya Amerika tengah \"persegi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These were the beautiful people like Jane Fonda, Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah orang yang cantik seperti Jane Fonda, Warren Beatty dan Shirley MacLaine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They began as political outsiders, but their activism slowly professionalized and grew into PACs that raised millions of dollars for almost exclusively Democrat campaigns.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bermula sebagai orang luar politik, tetapi aktivisme mereka perlahan-lahan menjadi profesional dan berkembang menjadi PAC yang mengumpul berjuta-juta dolar untuk hampir secara eksklusif kempen Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Men like Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen became the new kingmakers.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki seperti Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg dan David Geffen menjadi pembuat raja baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one month of the 2012 election season, Spielberg and Katzenberg each gave $1 million to President Obama's super PAC Priorities USA.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu bulan musim pilihan raya 2012, Spielberg dan Katzenberg masing-masing memberikan $1 juta kepada Keutamaan PAC super Presiden Obama Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollywood money is an indispensable part of the modern Democrat machine.", "r": {"result": "Wang Hollywood adalah bahagian yang sangat diperlukan dalam mesin Demokrat moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, movie makers might consider themselves socially progressive, but, as their disposable income attests, they are still ambitious capitalists -- ones that might have remained more open to the Republican Party if it had only stuck to its old theme of limited, small tax government.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, pembuat filem mungkin menganggap diri mereka progresif dari segi sosial, tetapi, seperti yang dibuktikan oleh pendapatan boleh guna mereka, mereka masih merupakan kapitalis yang bercita-cita tinggi -- yang mungkin kekal lebih terbuka kepada Parti Republikan jika ia hanya berpegang pada tema lamanya yang terhad, kecil. kerajaan cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the GOP viscerally repelled the new Hollywood with its social conservatism.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi GOP secara mendalam menolak Hollywood baru dengan konservatisme sosialnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The actor Ronald Reagan's election as president ought to have represented the pinnacle of Hollywood conservatism, but, ironically, it actually represented the beginning of its post-Nixon decline.", "r": {"result": "Pemilihan pelakon Ronald Reagan sebagai presiden sepatutnya mewakili kemuncak konservatisme Hollywood, tetapi, ironinya, ia sebenarnya mewakili permulaan kemerosotan pasca-Nixon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reagan's willingness to reach out to the religious right meant that while he was certainly a product of the movie industry, he had effectively divorced himself from its libertine culture.", "r": {"result": "Kesediaan Reagan untuk menjangkau hak agama bermakna walaupun dia pastinya merupakan produk industri filem, dia secara berkesan telah menceraikan dirinya daripada budaya libertinnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Throughout his time in office, his Hollywood support base whittled down to the last surviving members of the Shirley Temple generation.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang tempohnya memegang jawatan, pangkalan sokongan Hollywoodnya berkurangan kepada ahli terakhir generasi Shirley Temple yang masih hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the Gipper threw a televised charity function in 1985, the guests were Frank Sinatra, Charlton Heston and Dean Martin.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Gipper mengadakan majlis amal yang disiarkan di televisyen pada tahun 1985, tetamu adalah Frank Sinatra, Charlton Heston dan Dean Martin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only real contemporary 80s star was Burt Reynolds.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya bintang kontemporari 80-an sebenar ialah Burt Reynolds.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other words, as Hollywood moved left and the Republicans moved right, they passed each other on the political spectrum.", "r": {"result": "Dalam erti kata lain, apabila Hollywood bergerak ke kiri dan Republikan bergerak ke kanan, mereka melepasi satu sama lain dalam spektrum politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One wonders whether Shirley Temple would have felt as comfortable identifying herself with the GOP today as she did in the 1960s and 1970s.", "r": {"result": "Seseorang tertanya-tanya sama ada Shirley Temple akan berasa selesa untuk mengenal pasti dirinya dengan GOP hari ini seperti yang dia lakukan pada tahun 1960-an dan 1970-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My guess is yes.", "r": {"result": "Dugaan saya ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, her Republicanism persisted (she was still campaigning for George H.W. Bush in 1992) and, as a child rather than an adult star, she had nothing to lose in terms of Hollywood clout by going public with her conservatism.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, Republikanismenya berterusan (dia masih berkempen untuk George H.W. Bush pada tahun 1992) dan, sebagai seorang kanak-kanak dan bukannya bintang dewasa, dia tidak rugi dari segi pengaruh Hollywood dengan mendedahkan konservatismenya kepada umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For all those moderate Republicans (and, yes, they really do exist) out there in Hollywood, things are a lot harder.", "r": {"result": "Bagi semua Republikan yang sederhana (dan, ya, mereka benar-benar wujud) di luar sana di Hollywood, perkara-perkara adalah lebih sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If they come out as conservative, they risk never getting invited to any forthcoming benefits George Clooney might be throwing to liberate the Elgin Marbles.", "r": {"result": "Jika mereka tampil sebagai konservatif, mereka berisiko tidak pernah dijemput untuk sebarang faedah yang akan datang yang mungkin akan diberikan oleh George Clooney untuk membebaskan Elgin Marbles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's a serious problem, because Hollywood is a business in which who you know is as important as what you know.", "r": {"result": "Itu masalah yang serius, kerana Hollywood ialah perniagaan di mana orang yang anda tahu adalah sama pentingnya dengan apa yang anda ketahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Therefore, if stars admit their Republicanism, they risk losing friends, parts and a steady income.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, jika bintang mengakui Republikan mereka, mereka berisiko kehilangan kawan, bahagian dan pendapatan tetap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No wonder so few do it.", "r": {"result": "Tidak hairanlah sedikit yang melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Timothy Stanley.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Timothy Stanley semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that office rents in Washington are poised to overtake rents in New York City.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- The Wall Street Journal melaporkan pada hari Jumaat bahawa sewa pejabat di Washington bersedia untuk mengatasi sewa di New York City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington now boasts the lowest office vacancy rate in the nation.", "r": {"result": "Washington kini mempunyai kadar kekosongan pejabat terendah di negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York City is bleeding jobs, unemployment is over 10 percent.", "r": {"result": "New York City adalah pekerjaan berdarah, pengangguran melebihi 10 peratus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington is booming as government agencies like TARP and the General Services Administration expand.", "r": {"result": "Washington berkembang pesat apabila agensi kerajaan seperti TARP dan Pentadbiran Perkhidmatan Am berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York's crisis and Washington's growth is more than a business page story.", "r": {"result": "Krisis New York dan pertumbuhan Washington adalah lebih daripada cerita halaman perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over two centuries, American culture has been shaped by the physical separation of politics and finance.", "r": {"result": "Lebih dua abad, budaya Amerika telah dibentuk oleh pemisahan fizikal politik dan kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The British might centralize everything in London, the French in Paris, the other countries of Europe in their great capitals, but the United States divided these functions.", "r": {"result": "British mungkin memusatkan segala-galanya di London, Perancis di Paris, negara-negara Eropah yang lain di ibu kota besar mereka, tetapi Amerika Syarikat membahagikan fungsi ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Constitution of the new republic provided for an autonomous federal district.", "r": {"result": "Perlembagaan republik baharu itu memperuntukkan daerah persekutuan berautonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It did not specify where that district should be.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak menyatakan di mana daerah itu sepatutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico and Argentina both have federal districts that coincide with their greatest cities, and that option was at least theoretically available to the United States as well.", "r": {"result": "Mexico dan Argentina kedua-duanya mempunyai daerah persekutuan yang bertepatan dengan bandar terbesar mereka, dan pilihan itu sekurang-kurangnya tersedia secara teori untuk Amerika Syarikat juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, the capital was sited on the swampy banks of the Potomac, far from the great commercial centers of the founding era: Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Charleston.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, ibu kota itu terletak di tebing Potomac yang berpaya, jauh dari pusat komersial yang hebat pada era penubuhan: Boston, New York, Philadelphia dan Charleston.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This decision had profound effects for the first 150 years of the new country's life.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan ini mempunyai kesan yang mendalam untuk 150 tahun pertama kehidupan negara baharu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If a business leader wanted to talk to a member of Congress or the Cabinet, he had to take a long train ride, often a very long train ride.", "r": {"result": "Jika seorang pemimpin perniagaan ingin bercakap dengan ahli Kongres atau Kabinet, dia terpaksa menaiki kereta api yang panjang, selalunya menaiki kereta api yang sangat lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Simpler and easier to leave the job to a lobbyist.", "r": {"result": "Lebih mudah dan lebih mudah untuk menyerahkan kerja kepada pelobi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheer physical distance interposed itself much of the time between the country's financial, business, and political leaders.", "r": {"result": "Jarak fizikal semata-mata menyelangi banyak masa antara pemimpin kewangan, perniagaan dan politik negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was an event when the great J. Pierpont Morgan made his way here, and most of the titans of 19th century industry never appeared at all.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah peristiwa apabila J. Pierpont Morgan yang hebat pergi ke sini, dan kebanyakan gergasi industri abad ke-19 tidak pernah muncul sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In our own era, however, the distance has shrunk, decade by decade, faster and faster all the time.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, dalam era kita sendiri, jarak telah mengecil, dekad demi dekad, lebih pantas dan pantas sepanjang masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not a coincidence that the impressive new premises of the Securities and Exchange Commission are located across the street from Washington's Union Station.", "r": {"result": "Bukan satu kebetulan bahawa premis baharu Suruhanjaya Sekuriti dan Bursa yang mengagumkan terletak di seberang jalan dari Stesen Kesatuan Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The power brokers don't even have to hail a cab on disembarking from the Acela.", "r": {"result": "Broker kuasa tidak perlu memanggil teksi untuk turun dari Acela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now the distance has vanished to nothing, and the one-time junior partner has gained the upper hand.", "r": {"result": "Dan kini jarak itu telah lenyap ke apa-apa, dan rakan kongsi junior yang pernah mendapat kelebihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The crisis of 2008 -- and the Great Recession of 2009 -- has interpenetrated government and finance in a way never before seen in the history of the United States.", "r": {"result": "Krisis 2008 -- dan Kemelesetan Besar 2009 -- telah menembusi kerajaan dan kewangan dengan cara yang tidak pernah dilihat dalam sejarah Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The kind of proximity to power once required only by defense contractors is suddenly required by all kinds of firms.", "r": {"result": "Jenis kedekatan dengan kuasa yang hanya diperlukan oleh kontraktor pertahanan tiba-tiba diperlukan oleh semua jenis firma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hilton Hotels will move from Beverly Hills to Washington.", "r": {"result": "Hilton Hotels akan berpindah dari Beverly Hills ke Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The accounting firm Deloitte will consolidate operations here, as will the legal firm McGuire Woods as it develops a new focus upon lobbying.", "r": {"result": "Firma perakaunan Deloitte akan menyatukan operasi di sini, begitu juga dengan firma guaman McGuire Woods ketika ia membangunkan tumpuan baharu terhadap melobi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Federal government is now the majority owner of the lending arm of General Motors, GMAC.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Persekutuan kini merupakan pemilik majoriti cabang pinjaman General Motors, GMAC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It owns the nation's largest insurance company, AIG.", "r": {"result": "Ia memiliki syarikat insurans terbesar negara, AIG.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is banker, automaker, and lender of last, second and first resort.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah jurubank, pembuat kereta, dan pemberi pinjaman pilihan terakhir, kedua dan pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama joked at his first White House correspondents' dinner that he had just been named Auto Executive of the Year.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama bergurau pada majlis makan malam wartawan White House pertamanya bahawa dia baru sahaja dinamakan Auto Executive of the Year.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who wouldn't want to lease the office next door?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang tidak mahu memajak pejabat di sebelah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Federal Reserve has acquired a portfolio of $1 trillion in mortgage securities.", "r": {"result": "Rizab Persekutuan telah memperoleh portfolio $1 trilion dalam sekuriti gadai janji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government regulates salaries in the companies in which it holds interests -- and pay czar Kenneth Feinberg has lamented in a television interview that his power does not extend even further.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan mengawal gaji dalam syarikat di mana ia memegang kepentingan -- dan membayar czar Kenneth Feinberg telah mengeluh dalam temu bual televisyen bahawa kuasanya tidak meluas lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The biggest disappointment, I think, is that under the statute my jurisdiction is so narrow, and so circumscribed, that I have no real direct mandatory power over other Wall Street or other national companies,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kekecewaan terbesar, saya fikir, ialah di bawah undang-undang bidang kuasa saya sangat sempit, dan sangat terhad, sehingga saya tidak mempunyai kuasa mandatori langsung yang sebenar ke atas Wall Street lain atau syarikat negara lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as Washington gains, the country loses.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila Washington mendapat keuntungan, negara itu kalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It loses something more than its ideals of free enterprise and private ownership.", "r": {"result": "Ia kehilangan sesuatu yang lebih daripada cita-cita perusahaan bebas dan pemilikan persendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It loses the very American idea of a capital as a specialized locale to which specific tasks are delegated -- not an American Versailles where favors are distributed and attendance is mandatory.", "r": {"result": "Ia kehilangan idea Amerika modal sebagai tempat khusus yang mana tugas-tugas tertentu diwakilkan -- bukan Versailles Amerika di mana bantuan diagihkan dan kehadiran adalah wajib.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not so long ago, Microsoft didn't even have a Washington office.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama dahulu, Microsoft tidak mempunyai pejabat Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today Microsoft and Google are deadlocked in fiercer struggles than those that divide the oil lobby and the eco lobby.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini Microsoft dan Google buntu dalam perjuangan yang lebih sengit daripada yang membahagikan lobi minyak dan lobi eko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For those of us who reside in Washington, the change is mostly positive.", "r": {"result": "Bagi kita yang tinggal di Washington, perubahan itu kebanyakannya positif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Certainly the restaurants are vastly improved.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu restoran telah bertambah baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But maybe the country was better when the food in the capital was worse.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mungkin negara lebih baik apabila makanan di ibu kota lebih teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of David Frum.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat David Frum semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Juanita Castro Ruz, sister of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Cuban President Raul Castro, is undergoing radiation treatment in Miami, Florida, for lung cancer, her spokeswoman told CNN.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Juanita Castro Ruz, kakak kepada bekas pemimpin Cuba Fidel Castro dan Presiden Cuba Raul Castro, sedang menjalani rawatan radiasi di Miami, Florida, untuk kanser paru-paru, kata jurucakapnya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Castro underwent surgery more than a month ago in a Miami hospital to remove a tumor in her lung, her biographer and spokesperson, journalist Maria Antonieta Collins, said.", "r": {"result": "Castro menjalani pembedahan lebih sebulan lalu di hospital Miami untuk membuang tumor dalam paru-parunya, kata penulis biografi dan jurucakapnya, wartawan Maria Antonieta Collins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Collins said Castro is recovering well and her diagnosis is very good.", "r": {"result": "Collins berkata Castro semakin pulih dan diagnosisnya sangat baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am in the best medical hands, receiving the proper treatment,\" Castro said on her website.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berada di tangan perubatan terbaik, menerima rawatan yang sewajarnya,\" kata Castro di laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a serious condition, but I'm not at the side of my grave\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah keadaan yang serius, tetapi saya tidak berada di sisi kubur saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Castro released an autobiography last year titled \"My Brothers Fidel and Raul, the Secret History\".", "r": {"result": "Castro mengeluarkan autobiografi tahun lepas bertajuk \"My Brothers Fidel and Raul, the Secret History\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The notoriously private Castro decided to go public about her condition unlike her ailing brother Fidel Castro.", "r": {"result": "Castro yang terkenal dengan keadaan peribadinya memutuskan untuk mendedahkan keadaannya kepada umum tidak seperti abangnya Fidel Castro yang sedang sakit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fidel Castro fell ill in 2006 of a as yet unspecified stomach ailment.", "r": {"result": "Fidel Castro jatuh sakit pada tahun 2006 akibat penyakit perut yang belum ditentukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Raul Castro formally took over as President in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Raul Castro secara rasmi mengambil alih jawatan Presiden pada 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Robert Lenz contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Robert Lenz dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- Now Shailene Woodley can pursue that film career fulltime: ABC Family has decided not to renew the five-year-old \"The Secret Life of the American Teenager\" for another season.", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Kini Shailene Woodley boleh meneruskan kerjaya filem itu sepenuh masa: Keluarga ABC telah memutuskan untuk tidak memperbaharui \"The Secret Life of the American Teenager\" yang berusia lima tahun untuk musim yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The drama from Brenda Hampton (\"7th Heaven\") will air the first of its final 12 episodes beginning in March, according to Deadline.", "r": {"result": "Drama daripada Brenda Hampton (\"7th Heaven\") akan menyiarkan yang pertama daripada 12 episod terakhirnya bermula pada bulan Mac, menurut Tarikh Akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Teenager\" not only served as a springboard for the Golden Globe-nominated Woodley aEUR\" who starred in \"The Descendants\" opposite George Clooney aEUR\" but served as a beacon of light for the Down Syndrome community because it cast Luke Zimmerman as Tom, the high-functioning son of Kathleen (Josie Bissett).", "r": {"result": "\"Teenager\" bukan sahaja berfungsi sebagai batu loncatan untuk Woodley aEUR yang dicalonkan oleh Golden Globe yang membintangi \"The Descendants\" bertentangan dengan George Clooney aEUR\" tetapi berfungsi sebagai mercusuar cahaya untuk komuniti Sindrom Down kerana ia membawakan Luke Zimmerman sebagai Tom, anak lelaki Kathleen (Josie Bissett) yang berfungsi tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Community': What we'll see (soon?", "r": {"result": "'Komuniti': Apa yang akan kita lihat (tidak lama lagi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The drama that addressed teen pregnancy first bowed in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Drama yang membincangkan kehamilan remaja pertama kali tunduk pada tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the original article at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat artikel asal di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Dramatic bloodshed Saturday in Iraq left 64 people killed and 190 wounded, two Interior Ministry officials told CNN.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pertumpahan darah dramatik Sabtu di Iraq menyebabkan 64 orang terbunuh dan 190 cedera, dua pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A wave of bombings came amid Eid festivities marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan.", "r": {"result": "Gelombang pengeboman berlaku di tengah-tengah perayaan Aidilfitri menandakan berakhirnya bulan suci Ramadan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It followed a July that was the bloodiest in five years, when violence between Sunnis and Shiites -- both Muslim sects -- spun out of control.", "r": {"result": "Ia menyusuli Julai yang paling berdarah dalam tempoh lima tahun, apabila keganasan antara Sunni dan Syiah - kedua-dua mazhab Islam -- berputar di luar kawalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a press release Saturday, the State Department said the attacks \"bear the hallmarks of suicide and vehicle attacks in Iraq over the past ninety days\" and said most of those attacks were committed by al Qaeda in Iraq, which is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kenyataan akhbar hari Sabtu, Jabatan Negara berkata serangan itu \"mengandungi ciri-ciri serangan bunuh diri dan kenderaan di Iraq sejak sembilan puluh hari lalu\" dan berkata kebanyakan serangan itu dilakukan oleh al Qaeda di Iraq, yang diketuai oleh Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The United States has offered a $10 million reward for information that helps authorities kill or capture Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,\" the State Department said, referring to a reward that the U.S. embassy in Baghdad says has existed since 2011.", "r": {"result": "\"Amerika Syarikat telah menawarkan ganjaran $10 juta untuk maklumat yang membantu pihak berkuasa membunuh atau menangkap Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,\" kata Jabatan Negara, merujuk kepada ganjaran yang dikatakan oleh kedutaan AS di Baghdad telah wujud sejak 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This reward is second only to information leading to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the chief of Al Qaeda's network, and symbolizes our ongoing commitment to helping our partners in the region eliminate this threat from their territory\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ganjaran ini adalah yang kedua selepas maklumat yang membawa kepada Ayman al-Zawahiri, ketua rangkaian Al Qaeda, dan melambangkan komitmen berterusan kami untuk membantu rakan kongsi kami di rantau ini menghapuskan ancaman ini dari wilayah mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella group that includes al Qaeda in Iraq, claimed responsibility for Saturday's attacks on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Negara Islam Iraq, sebuah kumpulan payung yang merangkumi al-Qaeda di Iraq, mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement, published on an al Qaeda website, said the attacks were in response to recent security force operations.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu, yang diterbitkan di laman web al Qaeda, berkata serangan itu sebagai tindak balas kepada operasi pasukan keselamatan baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Islamic State mobilized part of its security effort in Baghdad, the southern states and others to deliver a quick message of deterrence on the third day of Eid al-Fitr to the animals of Rawafdh 'Shiite' and their government,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cNegara Islam menggerakkan sebahagian daripada usaha keselamatannya di Baghdad, negeri-negeri selatan dan lain-lain untuk menyampaikan mesej segera pencegahan pada hari ketiga Aidilfitri kepada haiwan Rawafdh \u2018Syiah\u2019 dan kerajaan mereka,\u201d kata kenyataan itu. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Saturday's death toll included reports by Baghdad police that at least 22 people were killed and more than 40 others wounded after eight car bombs exploded in Shiite neighborhoods.", "r": {"result": "Angka kematian Sabtu lalu termasuk laporan polis Baghdad bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 22 orang terbunuh dan lebih 40 lagi cedera selepas lapan bom kereta meletup di kawasan kejiranan Syiah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Tuz Khurmatou, about 180 kilometers, or 112 miles, north of Baghdad, at least eight people were killed and more than 40 others were wounded when a suicide car bomber exploded on a commercial corridor.", "r": {"result": "Di Tuz Khurmatou, kira-kira 180 kilometer, atau 112 batu, utara Baghdad, sekurang-kurangnya lapan orang terbunuh dan lebih 40 yang lain cedera apabila pengebom kereta berani mati meletup di koridor komersial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuz Khurmatou is an ethnically mixed city of Arab, Kurd and Turkmen residents.", "r": {"result": "Tuz Khurmatou ialah sebuah bandar campuran etnik penduduk Arab, Kurd dan Turkmen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Mosul, at least eight people were killed and 12 others were wounded in two separate explosions in the city.", "r": {"result": "Di Mosul, sekurang-kurangnya lapan orang terbunuh dan 12 yang lain cedera dalam dua letupan berasingan di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mosul is a largely Sunni city about 400 kilometers, or 248 miles, north of Baghdad.", "r": {"result": "Mosul adalah sebuah bandar yang sebahagian besarnya berpenduduk Sunni kira-kira 400 kilometer, atau 248 batu, utara Baghdad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Nasiriya, a car bomb exploded on a busy road, killing four people and wounding 12. Nasiriya is located in the heavily Shiite region of southern Iraq and is about 400 kilometers outside of Baghdad.", "r": {"result": "Di Nasiriya, sebuah bom kereta meletup di jalan yang sibuk, membunuh empat orang dan mencederakan 12. Nasiriya terletak di wilayah Syiah di selatan Iraq dan terletak kira-kira 400 kilometer di luar Baghdad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Karbala, about 100 kilometers, or 62 miles, south of Baghdad, a car bomb exploded near a bus station, killing two people and wounding 15 others.", "r": {"result": "Di Karbala, kira-kira 100 kilometer, atau 62 batu, selatan Baghdad, sebuah bom kereta meletup berhampiran stesen bas, membunuh dua orang dan mencederakan 15 yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Karbala is a Shiite city.", "r": {"result": "Karbala adalah bandar Syiah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bloodshed appears to mark a new round of violence to hit Iraq in recent months, much of it stemming from decades-old discord between the nation's Sunnis and Shiites, the two largest branches of Islam.", "r": {"result": "Pertumpahan darah itu nampaknya menandakan pusingan baru keganasan yang melanda Iraq dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini, kebanyakannya berpunca daripada perselisihan berpuluh tahun antara Sunni dan Syiah negara itu, dua cabang terbesar Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunnis have felt politically marginalized under a Shiite-led government since the ouster of longtime leader Saddam Hussein in a 2003 U.S.-led invasion.", "r": {"result": "Sunni berasa terpinggir secara politik di bawah kerajaan pimpinan Syiah sejak penyingkiran pemimpin lama Saddam Hussein dalam pencerobohan pimpinan AS pada 2003.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The enmity is further deepened by the fact Saddam's Baathist regime was composed mostly of Sunnis during more than two decades of dictatorship and was violently repressive against Shiites.", "r": {"result": "Permusuhan itu semakin mendalam dengan fakta bahawa rejim Baath Saddam kebanyakannya terdiri daripada Sunni selama lebih dua dekad pemerintahan diktator dan menindas secara ganas terhadap Syiah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "July was the deadliest month in Iraq since the peak of sectarian violence in 2006 and 2007. According to figures released by the U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq, 1,057 Iraqis were killed and another 2,326 were wounded in acts of terrorism and violence last month.", "r": {"result": "Julai adalah bulan paling maut di Iraq sejak kemuncak keganasan mazhab pada 2006 dan 2007. Menurut angka yang dikeluarkan oleh Misi Bantuan PBB untuk Iraq, 1,057 rakyat Iraq terbunuh dan 2,326 lagi cedera dalam tindakan keganasan dan keganasan bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- As members of Congress navigate the shifting political sands of the debt-ceiling crisis, many of them are turning to a digital platform more associated with sharing personal updates and funny videos about cats: Facebook.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ketika ahli Kongres mengharungi pasir politik yang berubah-ubah akibat krisis siling hutang, ramai daripada mereka beralih kepada platform digital yang lebih dikaitkan dengan perkongsian kemas kini peribadi dan video lucu tentang kucing: Facebook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent days, lawmakers have swarmed the popular social network to post videos outlining their positions, conduct opinion polls, reach new constituents and ask for feedback.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, penggubal undang-undang telah mengerumuni rangkaian sosial popular untuk menyiarkan video yang menggariskan kedudukan mereka, menjalankan tinjauan pendapat, mencapai konstituen baharu dan meminta maklum balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Over the past week, our team has seen a marked increase in the number of members of Congress speaking directly to constituents through their official Facebook pages,\" said Andrew Noyes, manager of public policy communications for Facebook.", "r": {"result": "\"Sepanjang minggu lalu, pasukan kami telah menyaksikan peningkatan ketara dalam bilangan ahli Kongres yang bercakap terus kepada konstituen melalui halaman Facebook rasmi mereka,\" kata Andrew Noyes, pengurus komunikasi dasar awam untuk Facebook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number of posts including video or radio snippets also has increased over the past week as lawmakers seek to engage their followers in new ways, Noyes added.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan siaran termasuk coretan video atau radio juga telah meningkat sejak minggu lalu kerana penggubal undang-undang berusaha untuk melibatkan pengikut mereka dengan cara baharu, tambah Noyes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As more members speak in front of C-SPAN's cameras, he said, \"we fully expect to see the pace of these postings pick up\".", "r": {"result": "Ketika lebih ramai ahli bercakap di hadapan kamera C-SPAN, beliau berkata, \"kami menjangkakan sepenuhnya untuk melihat kadar siaran ini meningkat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of House Speaker John Boehner's Facebook posts in the past two weeks have articulated his positions on the debt crisis.", "r": {"result": "Semua siaran Facebook Speaker Dewan Rakyat John Boehner dalam dua minggu lalu telah menyatakan pendiriannya mengenai krisis hutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not clear whether they're nudging the needle of public opinion, but they are sparking dialogue: A message by Boehner on Monday drew more than 15,000 comments.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada mereka menuding pendapat umum, tetapi mereka mencetuskan dialog: Mesej oleh Boehner pada hari Isnin menarik lebih daripada 15,000 komen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, congressional Democrats have used Facebook to rally opposition to Boehner's debt-ceiling bill.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Demokrat kongres telah menggunakan Facebook untuk mengadakan bantahan terhadap rang undang-undang hutang Boehner.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, posted a C-SPAN clip of his comments from the House floor, while Sen.", "r": {"result": "Whip Demokrat Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, menyiarkan klip C-SPAN komennya dari tingkat Dewan, manakala Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Udall, D-Colorado, asked Facebook users to sign his online petition urging Congress to adopt a \"sensible\" bipartisan solution.", "r": {"result": "Mark Udall, D-Colorado, meminta pengguna Facebook menandatangani petisyen dalam taliannya yang menggesa Kongres untuk menerima pakai penyelesaian dwipartisan yang \"wajar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Observers say politicians have embraced social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter because they allow them to communicate directly with constituents without having their messages altered.", "r": {"result": "Pemerhati berkata ahli politik telah menerima platform media sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter kerana mereka membenarkan mereka berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan konstituen tanpa mesej mereka diubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can convey emotion in a Facebook update or a YouTube video.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh menyampaikan emosi dalam kemas kini Facebook atau video YouTube.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It offers an authenticity,\" said Brad Fitch, president of the Congressional Management Foundation, a nonpartisan group dedicated to improving citizen engagement with Congress.", "r": {"result": "Ia menawarkan keaslian,\" kata Brad Fitch, presiden Yayasan Pengurusan Kongres, kumpulan bukan partisan yang berdedikasi untuk meningkatkan penglibatan rakyat dengan Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They [lawmakers] aren't letting the dialogue be created by someone else.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka [penggubal undang-undang] tidak membenarkan dialog itu dibuat oleh orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're creating the dialogue,\" Fitch said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mencipta dialog,\" kata Fitch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And they are very excited about avoiding the pesky media\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan mereka sangat teruja untuk mengelakkan media yang menjengkelkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some members of Congress are addicted to the instantaneous feedback they receive on Facebook and Twitter, Fitch said.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah ahli Kongres ketagih dengan maklum balas serta-merta yang mereka terima di Facebook dan Twitter, kata Fitch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Politicians long for public reaction, and they long to be loved,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ahli politik mendambakan reaksi orang ramai, dan mereka rindu untuk disayangi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Members of Congress also use Facebook and Twitter to quickly rebut published reports or opponents' claims they disagree with.", "r": {"result": "Ahli Kongres juga menggunakan Facebook dan Twitter untuk segera menangkis laporan yang diterbitkan atau dakwaan pihak lawan yang mereka tidak bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One challenge of communicating through unfiltered social media -- especially on hot-button political issues -- is that comments can degenerate into name-calling or worse.", "r": {"result": "Satu cabaran untuk berkomunikasi melalui media sosial yang tidak ditapis -- terutamanya mengenai isu politik yang hangat -- ialah komen boleh merosot kepada panggilan nama atau lebih teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday Rep.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bobby Schilling, R-Illinois, had to remind his Facebook fans that profane, threatening or inappropriate comments would be deleted.", "r": {"result": "Bobby Schilling, R-Illinois, terpaksa mengingatkan peminat Facebooknya bahawa komen yang tidak senonoh, mengancam atau tidak sesuai akan dipadamkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So does all this social-media messaging by Congress really influence public opinion?", "r": {"result": "Jadi adakah semua pemesejan media sosial oleh Kongres ini benar-benar mempengaruhi pendapat umum?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Probably not, says Nick Judd, assistant editor of the Personal Democracy Forum, a website about the intersection of politics and technology.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin tidak, kata Nick Judd, penolong editor Forum Demokrasi Peribadi, sebuah laman web tentang persimpangan politik dan teknologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It seems that while the population of Americans on social media is large and growing, folks who talk politics on social media are already polarized.", "r": {"result": "\"Nampaknya walaupun penduduk Amerika di media sosial adalah besar dan berkembang, orang yang bercakap politik di media sosial sudah terpolarisasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You could think of it a little bit like being at a large party where the political junkies are huddled up in a back corner, talking amongst themselves,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh menganggapnya sedikit seperti berada di sebuah parti besar di mana pencacai politik berkumpul di sudut belakang, bercakap sesama mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How much gets from that group to their apolitical friends, I don't know -- but one prevailing theory now is that Facebook in particular makes it hard to breach that barrier\".", "r": {"result": "\"Berapa banyak yang diperoleh daripada kumpulan itu kepada rakan-rakan mereka yang tidak berpolitik, saya tidak tahu -- tetapi satu teori yang lazim sekarang ialah Facebook khususnya menyukarkan untuk menembusi halangan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Judd cited a recent book, Eli Pariser's \"The Filter Bubble,\" which argues that Facebook tends to surround users with like-minded friends and shield them from opposing views.", "r": {"result": "Judd memetik buku baru-baru ini, \"The Filter Bubble\" Eli Pariser, yang berpendapat bahawa Facebook cenderung mengelilingi pengguna dengan rakan yang berfikiran sama dan melindungi mereka daripada pandangan yang bertentangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's not stopping politicians from turning to the social network to get their message out.", "r": {"result": "Itu tidak menghalang ahli politik daripada beralih ke rangkaian sosial untuk menyampaikan mesej mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A recent survey of congressional staffers by the Congressional Management Foundation found that nearly 75% think Facebook is \"somewhat or very important\" for communicating their members' views, followed closely by YouTube and less so by Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan kakitangan kongres baru-baru ini oleh Yayasan Pengurusan Kongres mendapati bahawa hampir 75% berpendapat Facebook adalah \"agak atau sangat penting\" untuk menyampaikan pandangan ahli mereka, diikuti rapat oleh YouTube dan kurang oleh Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Facebook has become a critical channel for government communication,\" Noyes said.", "r": {"result": "\"Facebook telah menjadi saluran kritikal untuk komunikasi kerajaan,\" kata Noyes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Politicians are only getting more creative with social media as the the debate over the debt ceiling and other crucial public-policy issues continue\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ahli politik semakin kreatif dengan media sosial apabila perdebatan mengenai siling hutang dan isu dasar awam penting lain berterusan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- \"Rethinking grid dependence in new climate reality\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"Memikirkan semula pergantungan grid dalam realiti iklim baharu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was my sole tweet in the aftermath of Sandy, sent after four long nights with my wife and daughter in our cold, dark living room, cut off from the infrastructure -- and the people -- that normally keep us going.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah satu-satunya tweet saya selepas Sandy, dihantar selepas empat malam yang panjang bersama isteri dan anak perempuan saya di ruang tamu kami yang sejuk dan gelap, terputus daripada infrastruktur -- dan orang ramai -- yang biasanya membuat kami meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, in a reality where charging a cell phone requires finding a friend who not only admits to having power but also agrees to let you come over and plug into it, the relationship of self-sufficiency to community resources takes on a whole new meaning.", "r": {"result": "Malah, dalam realiti di mana mengecas telefon bimbit memerlukan mencari rakan yang bukan sahaja mengakui mempunyai kuasa tetapi juga bersetuju untuk membenarkan anda datang dan menyambungkannya, hubungan sara diri dengan sumber komuniti membawa makna baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it reflects not only the core themes of the election, but also the main conceptual challenges facing our society at the dawn of the digital age: Do I depend on the collective, or do I go it alone?", "r": {"result": "Dan ia mencerminkan bukan sahaja tema teras pilihan raya, tetapi juga cabaran konseptual utama yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat kita pada awal era digital: Adakah saya bergantung pada kolektif, atau adakah saya pergi sendirian?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Insane,' 'inspiring' New York polling places in Sandy's wake.", "r": {"result": "'Gila,' 'menginspirasikan' tempat mengundi New York selepas Sandy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the hard-hit areas of Lower Manhattan, Queens, Jersey and the unlucky suburbs, people who had their own generators, supplies, and wood stoves fared better than those of us depending on downed wires, closed supermarkets, and electrically ignited furnaces for power, food, and heat -- at least for a while.", "r": {"result": "Di kawasan yang terjejas teruk di Lower Manhattan, Queens, Jersey dan pinggir bandar yang malang, orang yang mempunyai penjana, bekalan dan dapur kayu mereka sendiri lebih baik daripada kita bergantung pada wayar yang terputus, pasar raya tertutup dan relau yang dinyalakan elektrik untuk mendapatkan kuasa. , makanan dan haba -- sekurang-kurangnya untuk seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some offered extension cords from their homes, or even a spot on the floor to sleep.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang menawarkan kord sambungan dari rumah mereka, atau tempat di atas lantai untuk tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others nodded in acknowledgment when they heard of our misfortune, but offered no help -- as if they didn't understand that we were suffering from more than the inconvenience of no cable TV.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain mengangguk tanda mengakui apabila mereka mendengar tentang nasib malang kami, tetapi tidak menawarkan bantuan -- seolah-olah mereka tidak faham bahawa kami mengalami lebih daripada kesulitan kerana tiada TV kabel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their quizzical looks seemed to say, why should their own success -- but for the grace of God, in many cases -- obligate them to help others?", "r": {"result": "Pandangan mereka yang penuh pertanyaan seolah-olah berkata, mengapa kejayaan mereka sendiri -- tetapi untuk rahmat Tuhan, dalam banyak kes -- mewajibkan mereka untuk membantu orang lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LZ: Obama still fighting for those who are hurting.", "r": {"result": "LZ: Obama masih berjuang untuk mereka yang terluka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This all changed soon enough, when they lost the ability to find gasoline to power those generators, ice to keep the food cool, or dry firewood to burn.", "r": {"result": "Ini semua berubah tidak lama lagi, apabila mereka kehilangan keupayaan untuk mencari petrol untuk menghidupkan penjana tersebut, ais untuk memastikan makanan sejuk, atau kayu api kering untuk dibakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then they were out scavenging for resources like the rest of us.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian mereka keluar mencari sumber seperti kami yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In my little world of media and technology, self-sufficiency had more to do with having chosen to keep copies of all of my work files, computer programs, and entertainment right on my own devices rather than depending entirely on the miracle of cloud computing.", "r": {"result": "Dalam dunia kecil media dan teknologi saya, sara diri lebih berkaitan dengan memilih untuk menyimpan salinan semua fail kerja, program komputer dan hiburan saya pada peranti saya sendiri dan bukannya bergantung sepenuhnya pada keajaiban pengkomputeran awan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This meant that when my family finally evacuated our frigid home (turns out fireplaces don't make much heat), we could bring my book drafts and my daughter's American Girl movies along with us.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna apabila keluarga saya akhirnya memindahkan rumah kami yang sejuk (ternyata pendiangan tidak menghasilkan banyak haba), kami boleh membawa draf buku saya dan filem American Girl anak perempuan saya bersama kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm no doomsday prepper, but I have always had reservations about relegating my files to the servers of others.", "r": {"result": "Saya bukan prepper hari kiamat, tetapi saya sentiasa mempunyai keraguan tentang pengasingan fail saya ke pelayan orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When we finally arrived at the closest open hotel room to our home in New York's suburbs -- it was downtown Philadelphia -- we didn't bother with any of our technology, anyway.", "r": {"result": "Apabila kami akhirnya tiba di bilik hotel terbuka yang paling hampir dengan rumah kami di pinggir bandar New York -- ia adalah pusat bandar Philadelphia -- kami tidak peduli dengan mana-mana teknologi kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My daughter was excited to see and play with other kids -- families relocated by FEMA from devastated parts of New Jersey, arriving at the hotel with dogs, hotel vouchers, and printed Google maps.", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuan saya teruja untuk melihat dan bermain dengan kanak-kanak lain -- keluarga yang dipindahkan oleh FEMA dari bahagian New Jersey yang musnah, tiba di hotel dengan anjing, baucar hotel dan peta Google yang dicetak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that I was in a hotel lounge with working WiFi, I really didn't care anymore about whether my work was getting done, or whether I could dazzle my Twitter followers with any insights or witticisms about this whole mess.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang saya berada di ruang istirahat hotel dengan WiFi yang berfungsi, saya benar-benar tidak peduli lagi sama ada kerja saya telah selesai atau sama ada saya boleh memukau pengikut Twitter saya dengan sebarang cerapan atau gurauan tentang keseluruhan kekacauan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I didn't care about the election or about the New York Marathon, or least of all about e-mails about work.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak mengambil berat tentang pilihan raya atau tentang Marathon New York, atau paling tidak mengenai e-mel tentang kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anthony Bourdain says help NYC restaurants: Eat out, tip big.", "r": {"result": "Anthony Bourdain berkata bantu restoran NYC: Makan di luar, tip besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, I sat in a hotel lounge with working WiFi, and along with a half dozen dads my age, watched our childhood rock 'n' roll heroes -- Springsteen, Aerosmith, and Billy Joel -- perform at a telethon over images that may as well have been our own neighborhoods: fallen trees, crushed homes, families wading through the floods.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, saya duduk di ruang istirahat hotel dengan WiFi yang berfungsi, dan bersama setengah dozen bapa yang sebaya dengan saya, menonton wira rock 'n' roll zaman kanak-kanak kami -- Springsteen, Aerosmith dan Billy Joel -- membuat persembahan di teleton dengan imej yang mungkin begitu juga dengan kawasan kejiranan kita sendiri: pokok tumbang, rumah remuk, keluarga mengharungi banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sting came on and did a strange, acoustic version of Message in a Bottle.", "r": {"result": "Sting muncul dan melakukan Message in a Bottle versi akustik yang pelik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There with my fellow displaced Sandy victims, I realized that I, for the first time, was on the other side of the telethon.", "r": {"result": "Di sana bersama mangsa Sandy yang lain, saya menyedari bahawa saya, buat kali pertama, berada di seberang teleton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was the one \"sending out an S.O.S.\" Although I had fared a lot better than the poor denizens of Breezy Point or the Rockaways and I wasn't going to be seeking a FEMA reimbursement or need help rebuilding my home, I was still on the victim's end of the equation.", "r": {"result": "Saya adalah orang yang \"menghantar S.O.S.\" Walaupun saya telah bernasib lebih baik daripada penduduk miskin Breezy Point atau Rockaways dan saya tidak akan mendapatkan bayaran balik FEMA atau memerlukan bantuan untuk membina semula rumah saya, saya masih berada di penghujung persamaan mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was the person looking to be shared with rather than looking how to share (or hoard) what I had.", "r": {"result": "Saya adalah orang yang ingin dikongsi daripada melihat cara berkongsi (atau menimbun) apa yang saya ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With found time to rethink my approach to life and its inevitable disasters, zombie apocalypse scenarios playing out in my head, it became clear to me that the ideological divide America seems to be facing is a false one.", "r": {"result": "Dengan masa yang terluang untuk memikirkan semula pendekatan saya terhadap kehidupan dan bencana yang tidak dapat dielakkan, senario kiamat zombi bermain di kepala saya, menjadi jelas kepada saya bahawa jurang ideologi yang dihadapi Amerika nampaknya adalah palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those of us needing help weren't lazy or weak, and those in a position to provide it were able to do so only by virtue of collective resources.", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang memerlukan bantuan bukanlah malas atau lemah, dan mereka yang berkemampuan untuk menyediakannya hanya boleh berbuat demikian berdasarkan sumber kolektif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Jersey Shore, I'll miss you.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Jersey Shore, saya akan merindui awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only home generators that worked all week, for example, irrespective of the long lines at the pump, were the ones that used natural gas, itself the product of the energy grid.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya penjana rumah yang berfungsi sepanjang minggu, sebagai contoh, tanpa mengira garisan panjang di pam, adalah yang menggunakan gas asli, itu sendiri hasil daripada grid tenaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The men getting in fights over the few available gasoline generators being sold out of the back of trucks at the local Home Depot (as a 125-pound intellectual, I didn't stand a chance) may have proven their muscle, but ended up with at best three hours of heat before they went in search of nonexistent fuel.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang bergaduh kerana beberapa penjana petrol yang tersedia dijual habis dari belakang trak di Home Depot tempatan (sebagai seorang intelektual 125 paun, saya tidak berpeluang) mungkin telah membuktikan otot mereka, tetapi akhirnya dengan paling baik tiga jam haba sebelum mereka pergi mencari bahan api yang tidak wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See, what we used to call the commons -- the resources and technologies used by everyone -- are what make individual success even possible.", "r": {"result": "Lihat, apa yang biasa kami panggil sebagai commons -- sumber dan teknologi yang digunakan oleh semua orang -- ialah perkara yang membolehkan kejayaan individu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A shared resource like the Internet may allow great entrepreneurs to break from the pack to achieve wild success, but they need to continue to invest in the commons, not as a form of charity or penance but as a self-interested strategy for their own sustainability.", "r": {"result": "Sumber yang dikongsi seperti Internet mungkin membolehkan usahawan yang hebat melepaskan diri dari kumpulan untuk mencapai kejayaan besar, tetapi mereka perlu terus melabur dalam saham biasa, bukan sebagai satu bentuk amal atau penebusan dosa tetapi sebagai strategi yang mementingkan diri sendiri untuk kelestarian mereka sendiri .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or, put another way, the family that shares its electricity and living room with less fortunate storm victims will have more friends collecting firewood when the lights go out the next day.", "r": {"result": "Atau, dengan kata lain, keluarga yang berkongsi bekalan elektrik dan ruang tamu dengan mangsa ribut yang kurang bernasib baik akan mempunyai lebih ramai rakan mengumpul kayu api apabila lampu padam keesokan harinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those of us who got hit hard will remember who was there with an open hand, and who wasn't.", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang terkena pukulan keras akan ingat siapa yang ada dengan tangan terbuka, dan siapa yang tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the checkout lady at the A&P said to me this morning, \"it takes something like this for people to show their true colors\".", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dikatakan oleh wanita checkout di A&P kepada saya pagi ini, \"ia memerlukan sesuatu seperti ini untuk orang ramai menunjukkan warna sebenar mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then she added, with a smile, \"at least now you know\".", "r": {"result": "Kemudian dia menambah, sambil tersenyum, \"sekurang-kurangnya sekarang anda tahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Jersey lets Sandy victims vote via e-mail.", "r": {"result": "New Jersey membenarkan mangsa Sandy mengundi melalui e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People who managed to succeed in the crisis employed mixed strategies.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang berjaya dalam krisis menggunakan strategi bercampur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They did make wise personal preparations -- such as wood stoves instead of ineffectual fireplaces, natural gas generators instead of gasoline ones, a good supply of stored food and water.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memang membuat persiapan peribadi yang bijak -- seperti dapur kayu dan bukannya pendiangan yang tidak berkesan, penjana gas asli dan bukannya petrol, bekalan makanan dan air yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they also employed ones that showed an awareness of the need for infrastructure, the importance of longer term thinking, and the strength of community.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka juga menggunakan orang yang menunjukkan kesedaran tentang keperluan untuk infrastruktur, kepentingan pemikiran jangka panjang, dan kekuatan komuniti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our political parties make it out to be an irreconcilable distinction, as if America had to choose between one path or the other: greed or compassion, liberty or communism.", "r": {"result": "Parti politik kita menganggapnya sebagai perbezaan yang tidak dapat didamaikan, seolah-olah Amerika terpaksa memilih antara satu jalan atau yang lain: ketamakan atau belas kasihan, kebebasan atau komunisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there is no choice.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tiada pilihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We do not choose between our personal success and our collective welfare.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak memilih antara kejayaan peribadi kami dan kebajikan kolektif kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We don't get one without the other.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak mendapat satu tanpa yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm that broke records -- and hearts.", "r": {"result": "Ribut yang memecahkan rekod -- dan hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Douglas Rushkoff.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Douglas Rushkoff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Mental Floss) -- Major League Baseball's umpires are all over the news after a spate of, er, questionable calls throughout this postseason.", "r": {"result": "(Mental Floss) -- Pengadil Major League Baseball berada di berita selepas beberapa kali, eh, panggilan yang meragukan sepanjang pascamusim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite larger postseason umpiring crews that include two extra umps in the outfield, it feels like an inordinate number of calls have gone the wrong way.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun krew pengadil pasca musim yang lebih besar yang menyertakan dua ump tambahan di luar padang, rasanya seperti bilangan panggilan yang banyak telah melalui cara yang salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of these gaffes have prompted renewed debate about whether baseball should start using instant replay.", "r": {"result": "Kesemua kesilapan ini telah mencetuskan perdebatan baharu tentang sama ada besbol harus mula menggunakan ulang tayang segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How could umps blow this many calls that are so obvious when viewed in slow motion?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah ump boleh membuat panggilan yang begitu ketara apabila dilihat dalam gerakan perlahan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aren't these guys trained professionals?", "r": {"result": "Bukankah mereka ini profesional terlatih?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are they handsomely rewarded?", "r": {"result": "Adakah mereka mendapat ganjaran yang lumayan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do we really know about the men in blue, anyway?", "r": {"result": "Apa sebenarnya yang kita tahu tentang lelaki berbaju biru itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After some spotty officiating in the NFL last fall, we did some digging on the officials in the four major sports.", "r": {"result": "Selepas beberapa kali merasmikan NFL musim gugur lalu, kami melakukan beberapa penggalian pada pegawai dalam empat sukan utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's what we found:", "r": {"result": "Inilah yang kami temui:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They make good money.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membuat wang yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A National Football League ref can make anywhere from $25,000 to $70,000 a season, although since most of the games are on Sundays, they can also have other jobs during the week.", "r": {"result": "Ref Liga Bola Sepak Kebangsaan boleh membuat mana-mana dari $25,000 hingga $70,000 semusim, walaupun memandangkan kebanyakan perlawanan adalah pada hari Ahad, mereka juga boleh mempunyai pekerjaan lain pada minggu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(We'll get to those in a minute.", "r": {"result": "(Kami akan sampai kepada mereka dalam satu minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That cash comes with responsibilities, though.", "r": {"result": "Wang tunai itu datang dengan tanggungjawab, walaupun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to relaying the calls to the teams and fans, a ref is also the crew chief, or leader, of the seven-man officiating team that also includes an umpire, a field judge, a back judge, a line judge, a side judge, and a head linesman.", "r": {"result": "Selain menyampaikan panggilan kepada pasukan dan peminat, seorang ref juga merupakan ketua krew, atau ketua, pasukan perasmi tujuh orang yang juga termasuk seorang pengadil, hakim padang, hakim belakang, hakim garisan, sebelah pihak. hakim, dan ketua penjaga garisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials in other sports pull down more loot, but they have much more grueling schedules...", "r": {"result": "Pegawai dalam sukan lain menarik lebih banyak rampasan, tetapi mereka mempunyai jadual yang lebih melelahkan...", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Baseball.", "r": {"result": "* Besbol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to MLB.com, MLB umpires get around $120,000 when they start out in the big leagues, and senior umps can earn upwards of $300,000. Between spring training, a 162-game schedule, and the postseason, being an MLB ump is a job that takes up most of the year.", "r": {"result": "Menurut MLB.com, pengadil MLB mendapat sekitar $120,000 apabila mereka bermula di liga besar, dan ump senior boleh memperoleh lebih daripada $300,000. Antara latihan musim bunga, jadual 162 perlawanan, dan pasca musim, menjadi ump MLB ialah pekerjaan yang mengambil masa hampir sepanjang tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are, however, well cared-for while on the road.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, mereka dijaga dengan baik semasa di jalan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each ump gets a $340 per diem to cover hotel and food, and when they fly, it's always first class.", "r": {"result": "Setiap ump mendapat $340 setiap diem untuk menampung hotel dan makanan, dan apabila mereka terbang, ia sentiasa kelas pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Working a full postseason can tack on an extra $20,000, plus expenses.", "r": {"result": "Bekerja selepas musim penuh boleh menghasilkan tambahan $20,000, termasuk perbelanjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also get four weeks of paid vacation during the regular season.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga mendapat cuti berbayar selama empat minggu pada musim biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These guys hang onto their jobs, too; on average, there's only one opening for a new big league ump each season.", "r": {"result": "Orang-orang ini bergantung pada pekerjaan mereka juga; secara purata, hanya terdapat satu pembukaan untuk ump liga besar baharu setiap musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Basketball.", "r": {"result": "* Bola keranjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "National Basketball Association refs are similarly well compensated.", "r": {"result": "Rujukan Persatuan Bola Keranjang Kebangsaan diberi pampasan yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They earn anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000 for an 82-game season.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memperoleh mana-mana dari $100,000 hingga $300,000 untuk musim 82 perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are some nice fringe benefits, too; when referee Tim Donaghy admitted to helping gamblers fix games, the NBA asked that he repay other benefits he'd pulled in over the course of his 13-year career, including $750 worth of sneakers and $4500 worth of free tickets.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat beberapa faedah sampingan yang bagus juga; apabila pengadil Tim Donaghy mengaku membantu penjudi membetulkan permainan, NBA meminta dia membayar balik faedah lain yang diperolehnya sepanjang kerjayanya selama 13 tahun, termasuk kasut kasut bernilai $750 dan tiket percuma bernilai $4500.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Hockey.", "r": {"result": "* Hoki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8h\u00e4k\u0113"}}} {"src": "If you can skate and survive the occasional lockout, National Hockey League ref is hardly a bad job.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda boleh meluncur dan bertahan dalam sekatan sekali-sekala, ref Liga Hoki Kebangsaan bukanlah kerja yang buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Refs make between $110,000 and $255,000 while linesmen earn from $72,000 to $162,000. Mental Floss: Stories behind all 30 NHL team names.", "r": {"result": "Rujukan memperoleh antara $110,000 dan $255,000 manakala penjaga garisan memperoleh dari $72,000 hingga $162,000. Mental Floss: Kisah di sebalik semua 30 nama pasukan NHL.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NFL refs have day jobs.", "r": {"result": "Refs NFL mempunyai pekerjaan harian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since NFL refs only work one day each week, they can have \"real\" jobs to supplement what they earn on any given Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan ref NFL hanya bekerja satu hari setiap minggu, mereka boleh mempunyai pekerjaan \"sebenar\" untuk menambah pendapatan mereka pada mana-mana Ahad tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of them actually have pretty interesting jobs.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah daripada mereka sebenarnya mempunyai pekerjaan yang cukup menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Mike Carey, my personal favorite ref, is an entrepreneur and inventor who holds eight patents for snow sports apparel.", "r": {"result": "* Mike Carey, ref kegemaran peribadi saya, ialah seorang usahawan dan pencipta yang memegang lapan paten untuk pakaian sukan salji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He founded and co-owns Seirus Innovation, a ski apparel company.", "r": {"result": "Beliau mengasaskan dan memiliki bersama Seirus Innovation, sebuah syarikat pakaian ski.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Walt Coleman is infamous in Oakland for being the ref in the \"Tuck Rule Game,\" but he's also a fifth-generation dairy farmer who once held the position of president of the Arkansas Dairy Products Association.", "r": {"result": "* Walt Coleman terkenal di Oakland kerana menjadi wakil dalam \"Permainan Peraturan Tuck,\" tetapi dia juga seorang petani tenusu generasi kelima yang pernah memegang jawatan presiden Persatuan Produk Tenusu Arkansas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Walter Anderson became an official in the league in 1996 and got the promotion to referee in 2003. Prior to becoming a referee, he was better known as Dr. Walt Anderson, a dentist.", "r": {"result": "* Walter Anderson menjadi pegawai dalam liga pada tahun 1996 dan mendapat kenaikan pangkat sebagai pengadil pada tahun 2003. Sebelum menjadi pengadil, beliau lebih dikenali sebagai Dr. Walt Anderson, seorang doktor gigi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Tony Corrente is probably used to dealing with unruly crowds of guys from his day job as a high-school social studies teacher.", "r": {"result": "* Tony Corrente mungkin sudah biasa berhadapan dengan kumpulan lelaki yang tidak terkawal dari pekerjaan sehariannya sebagai guru pengajian sosial sekolah menengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* If Jeff Triplette seems hard to scare on the field, it's probably because he's seen worse.", "r": {"result": "* Jika Jeff Triplette kelihatan sukar untuk digeruni di atas padang, ia mungkin kerana dia dilihat lebih teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was an Army Reserve colonel during the Persian Gulf War, where he was awarded a bronze star.", "r": {"result": "Beliau adalah kolonel Simpanan Tentera semasa Perang Teluk Parsi, di mana beliau telah dianugerahkan bintang gangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mental Floss: What's with those AFL throwback uniforms?", "r": {"result": "Mental Floss: Ada apa dengan uniform AFL throwback itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Bill Leavy is similarly tough; he spent 27 years as a police officer and firefighter in San Jose.", "r": {"result": "* Bill Leavy juga sukar; dia menghabiskan 27 tahun sebagai pegawai polis dan bomba di San Jose.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* Ron Winter's not just a ref, he's also an associate professor in Western Michigan University's phys.", "r": {"result": "* Ron Winter bukan hanya seorang ref, dia juga seorang profesor bersekutu dalam fizik Universiti Michigan Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "department.", "r": {"result": "jabatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "d\u0259\u02c8p\u00e4rtm\u0259nt"}}} {"src": "* Gene Steratore must love how he looks in stripes.", "r": {"result": "* Gene Steratore mesti suka penampilannya dalam jalur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to being an NFL ref, he officiates NCAA hoops games and has drawn March Madness assignments in previous seasons.", "r": {"result": "Selain menjadi ref NFL, dia merasmikan permainan gelung NCAA dan telah melukis tugasan March Madness pada musim sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "* And when Ed Hochuli isn't officiating a game (or working out), you might find him in a courtroom.", "r": {"result": "* Dan apabila Ed Hochuli tidak merasmikan permainan (atau bersenam), anda mungkin menemuinya di dalam bilik mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's a trial lawyer in the Arizona firm Jones, Skelton, and Hochuli, which employs over 80 attorneys.", "r": {"result": "Dia seorang peguam perbicaraan di firma Arizona Jones, Skelton, dan Hochuli, yang menggaji lebih 80 peguam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a long climb to the top.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah pendakian yang panjang untuk ke puncak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How does one become a ref?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah seseorang menjadi seorang ref?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of these guys have humble beginnings as officials.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan mereka ini mempunyai permulaan yang sederhana sebagai pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carey started officiating Pop Warner games in 1972 and gradually worked his way up through the college ranks.", "r": {"result": "Carey mula merasmikan permainan Pop Warner pada tahun 1972 dan secara beransur-ansur naik ke peringkat kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eventually, he became an NFL side judge in 1990 and received a promotion to NFL referee, the pinnacle of football officiating, in 1995.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, dia menjadi hakim sebelah NFL pada tahun 1990 dan menerima kenaikan pangkat menjadi pengadil NFL, puncak perasmian bola sepak, pada tahun 1995.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hochuli started as a Pop Warner ref in the early 1970s; he was a law school student who needed a little extra pocket cash.", "r": {"result": "Hochuli bermula sebagai ref Pop Warner pada awal 1970-an; dia seorang pelajar sekolah undang-undang yang memerlukan sedikit wang tunai poket tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then slowly made his way up through high school, junior college, and small conference college ball before getting a Pac-10 gig.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian perlahan-lahan melangkah melalui sekolah menengah, kolej rendah, dan bola kolej persidangan kecil sebelum mendapat pertunjukan Pac-10.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He eventually made it to the NFL in 1990. It's a slow build, but if you stick it out long enough and have some natural talent, you can be the one patting his head to signal an ineligible receiver downfield.", "r": {"result": "Dia akhirnya berjaya ke NFL pada tahun 1990. Ia adalah binaan yang perlahan, tetapi jika anda bertahan cukup lama dan mempunyai bakat semula jadi, anda boleh menjadi orang yang menepuk kepalanya untuk memberi isyarat kepada penerima yang tidak layak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still not convinced it's a tough ride?", "r": {"result": "Masih tidak yakin ia adalah perjalanan yang sukar?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a recent op-ed in The New York Times, former baseball commissioner Fay Vincent cited the paltry salaries for minor-league umps: just $9500 for a five-month season for junior umpires, and only $20,000 a season for guys who have risen all the way to Triple A ball.", "r": {"result": "Dalam op-ed baru-baru ini di The New York Times, bekas pesuruhjaya besbol Fay Vincent memetik gaji kecil untuk ump liga kecil: hanya $9500 untuk musim lima bulan untuk pengadil junior dan hanya $20,000 semusim untuk lelaki yang telah meningkat semua. jalan ke Triple A ball.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mental Floss: 31 unbelievable high school mascots.", "r": {"result": "Mental Floss: 31 maskot sekolah menengah yang sukar dipercayai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For more mental_floss articles, visit mentalfloss.com.", "r": {"result": "Untuk lebih banyak artikel mental_floss, lawati mentalfloss.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- What has been described as the \"heaviest rain in six decades\" left at least 37 people dead and raised criticism about Beijing's infrastructure and the government's response to disasters.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Apa yang disifatkan sebagai \"hujan paling lebat dalam tempoh enam dekad\" menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya 37 orang terkorban dan menimbulkan kritikan mengenai infrastruktur Beijing dan tindak balas kerajaan terhadap bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The torrential downpour lasted 10 hours over the weekend, producing gusty winds and a tornado in one suburb, according to local media.", "r": {"result": "Hujan lebat itu berlangsung selama 10 jam pada hujung minggu, menghasilkan angin kencang dan puting beliung di satu pinggir bandar, menurut media tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deluge was the largest since 1951, when the state weather record was established, according to Beijing Morning Post, bringing about 6.7 inches of rain in some parts of Beijing, and as much as 18 inches in the suburban Fangshan district.", "r": {"result": "Banjir itu adalah yang terbesar sejak 1951, apabila rekod cuaca negeri ditubuhkan, menurut Beijing Morning Post, membawa kira-kira 6.7 inci hujan di beberapa bahagian Beijing, dan sebanyak 18 inci di daerah pinggir bandar Fangshan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the 37 deaths in Beijing, 25 people drowned, reported Xinhua.", "r": {"result": "Daripada 37 kematian di Beijing, 25 orang mati lemas, lapor Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another six were killed in collapsing houses, five were electrocuted, and one was hit by lightning, the agency reported, citing the municipal government.", "r": {"result": "Enam lagi terbunuh dalam rumah runtuh, lima terkena renjatan elektrik, dan seorang disambar petir, lapor agensi itu memetik kerajaan perbandaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flooding killed 95 people and 45 were reported missing in 17 provincial areas of China, Xinhua reported.", "r": {"result": "Banjir itu mengorbankan 95 orang dan 45 dilaporkan hilang di 17 kawasan wilayah China, lapor Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly 6.23 million people were affected by the heavy rains, which started July 20.", "r": {"result": "Hampir 6.23 juta orang terjejas akibat hujan lebat yang bermula 20 Julai lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deaths from the storm triggered a torrent of criticism, even from a state-run newspaper, as well as Sina Weibo, the popular Chinese microblogging site.", "r": {"result": "Kematian akibat ribut itu mencetuskan kritikan, malah daripada akhbar kerajaan, serta Sina Weibo, laman blog mikro China yang popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some social media users implied the number of deaths was much higher.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pengguna media sosial membayangkan jumlah kematian adalah lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN contacted Beijing's flood control office, municipal government emergency office and municipal meteorological bureau to get an updated death toll.", "r": {"result": "CNN menghubungi pejabat kawalan banjir Beijing, pejabat kecemasan kerajaan perbandaran dan biro meteorologi perbandaran untuk mendapatkan jumlah kematian yang dikemas kini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agencies said that they were too busy summarizing data and couldn't make comments at the time.", "r": {"result": "Agensi itu berkata bahawa mereka terlalu sibuk meringkaskan data dan tidak dapat membuat ulasan pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Questions CNN sent by fax to the state meteorological bureau were not returned by Monday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Soalan CNN yang dihantar melalui faks kepada biro meteorologi negeri tidak dikembalikan pada petang Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although the weather had cleared in Beijing by Sunday morning, the flooding remained a hot topic, with many expressing outrage over the deaths and what they perceived as a botched government response.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun cuaca cerah di Beijing pada pagi Ahad, banjir tetap menjadi topik hangat, dengan ramai yang menyatakan kemarahan terhadap kematian dan apa yang mereka anggap sebagai tindak balas kerajaan yang gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Global Times published an article stating that the downpour \"exposes holes in the modernization drive\".", "r": {"result": "The Global Times menerbitkan artikel yang menyatakan bahawa hujan lebat \"mendedahkan lubang dalam pemacu pemodenan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In recent years, floods caused by rain storms have repeatedly occurred in Chinese cities.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, banjir akibat ribut hujan berulang kali berlaku di bandar-bandar China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the latest downpour in Beijing has stirred up a new round of skepticism on the quality of infrastructure amid rapid urbanization\".", "r": {"result": "Dan hujan lebat terkini di Beijing telah menimbulkan keraguan baru terhadap kualiti infrastruktur di tengah-tengah urbanisasi yang pesat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many people marveled at how fragile the Beijing's infrastructure seemed for a modern metropolis.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang kagum melihat betapa rapuhnya infrastruktur Beijing untuk metropolis moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the billions of dollars spent to upgrade its roads and buildings, the city's sewage system appeared quickly overwhelmed by the rainstorm.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun berbilion-bilion dolar dibelanjakan untuk menaik taraf jalan dan bangunannya, sistem kumbahan di bandar itu kelihatan cepat ditenggelami oleh ribut hujan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Beijing-based media group, Caixin wrote on Weibo: \"Why is this happening once and again?", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan media yang berpangkalan di Beijing, Caixin menulis di Weibo: \"Mengapa ini berlaku sekali lagi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Year after year Beijing faces the same challenge, not even hosting the Olympics can provide a solution.", "r": {"result": "Tahun demi tahun Beijing menghadapi cabaran yang sama, malah penganjuran Sukan Olimpik tidak dapat memberikan penyelesaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's how vulnerable our capital city can be\".", "r": {"result": "Begitulah mudahnya ibu kota kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another user, chuntiangushi wrote: \"We can host the most luxurious Olympics and send satellites into space but can never seem to fix this drainage system.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi pengguna, chuntiangushi menulis: \"Kami boleh menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Olimpik paling mewah dan menghantar satelit ke angkasa tetapi tidak dapat memperbaiki sistem saliran ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What a shame\".", "r": {"result": "Memalukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others disagreed.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain tidak bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weibo user VOo wrote: \"I think our city's drainage system is till much better then a decade ago.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna Weibo VOo menulis: \"Saya rasa sistem perparitan bandar kita jauh lebih baik daripada sedekad lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others were critical that there was no emergency broadcast system deployed, no government shelters and no special hotlines.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain adalah kritikal bahawa tiada sistem penyiaran kecemasan digunakan, tiada pusat perlindungan kerajaan dan tiada talian hotline khas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese media reported that there were various color-coded weather warnings, but several public policy experts complained in Chinese media that the warnings made sense only to experts, not the general public.", "r": {"result": "Media China melaporkan bahawa terdapat pelbagai amaran cuaca berkod warna, tetapi beberapa pakar dasar awam mengadu dalam media China bahawa amaran itu hanya masuk akal kepada pakar, bukan orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Local television broadcasts focused on heroic stories of search and rescue efforts and people helping each other.", "r": {"result": "Siaran televisyen tempatan tertumpu pada kisah heroik usaha mencari dan menyelamat dan orang ramai membantu antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Traffic was snarled for hours in the aftermath of the storm, leaving drivers and pedestrians stranded throughout the city.", "r": {"result": "Trafik sesak selama berjam-jam selepas ribut, menyebabkan pemandu dan pejalan kaki terkandas di seluruh bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many pitched into help one other as the streets were flooded, sometimes as deep as new figure is about 20 feet (6 meters).", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang membantu antara satu sama lain ketika jalanan dinaiki air, kadangkala sedalam angka baru kira-kira 20 kaki (6 meter).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some on Weibo praised the way residents helped each other, calling it the \"Beijing spirit\".", "r": {"result": "Beberapa di Weibo memuji cara penduduk membantu antara satu sama lain, memanggilnya sebagai \"semangat Beijing\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Beijing is a city with heart and soul.", "r": {"result": "\"Beijing adalah sebuah bandar yang mempunyai hati dan jiwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Love will pull us through the hardship,\" wrote user liushuhan.", "r": {"result": "Cinta akan menarik kita melalui kesusahan,\" tulis pengguna liushuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of emergency responders were deployed and divers had to be brought in to search for anyone trapped.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu anggota kecemasan telah dikerahkan dan penyelam terpaksa dibawa masuk untuk mencari sesiapa yang terperangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials said almost 2 million people were affected by the rainstorm and the economic losses have exceeded $1.5 billion.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai berkata hampir 2 juta orang terjejas oleh ribut hujan dan kerugian ekonomi telah melebihi $1.5 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The floods submerged some power supply facilities and led to blackouts in parts of the city, according to Xinhua.", "r": {"result": "Banjir itu menenggelamkan beberapa kemudahan bekalan kuasa dan menyebabkan pemadaman di beberapa bahagian bandar itu, menurut Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Steven Jiang, Tian Shao, CY Xu and Madison Park contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Steven Jiang dari CNN, Tian Shao, CY Xu dan Madison Park menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- If all had gone to plan, Sudan and South Sudan would have been neighbors co-existing in a strained but civil peace, aware of a bitter history but resolved to moving on.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jika semua telah dirancang, Sudan dan Sudan Selatan akan menjadi jiran yang wujud bersama dalam keadaan aman tetapi sivil, menyedari sejarah pahit tetapi berazam untuk meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, just nine months after jubilant scenes in South Sudan as the nation declared independence, its relationship with the north is deteriorating rapidly amid violence, accusations and arguments.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, hanya sembilan bulan selepas adegan gembira di Sudan Selatan ketika negara itu mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan, hubungannya dengan utara semakin merosot dengan cepat di tengah-tengah keganasan, tuduhan dan hujah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Efforts by the African Union to broker peace have stalled, leading some to question whether the answer might lie more than 9,000 kilometers away in China.", "r": {"result": "Usaha Kesatuan Afrika untuk menjadi perantara keamanan telah terhenti, menyebabkan sesetengah pihak mempersoalkan sama ada jawapannya mungkin terletak lebih 9,000 kilometer jauhnya di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A new report from the International Crisis Group says the country is engaged in a \"delicate dance\" as it tries to maintain its historic ties with Sudan, while also courting South Sudan.", "r": {"result": "Laporan baharu daripada Kumpulan Krisis Antarabangsa mengatakan negara itu terlibat dalam \"tarian halus\" kerana ia cuba mengekalkan hubungan bersejarahnya dengan Sudan, sambil juga menyantuni Sudan Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It argues that China should be doing more to promote peace between the fractious neighbors, who both stand to benefit from Beijing's eagerness to invest in their crumbling and inadequate infrastructure.", "r": {"result": "Ia berhujah bahawa China harus melakukan lebih banyak untuk mempromosikan keamanan antara negara jiran yang berpecah belah, yang kedua-duanya mendapat manfaat daripada keghairahan Beijing untuk melabur dalam infrastruktur mereka yang runtuh dan tidak mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"China can and should do more -- in concert with other international actors to -- to ensure peaceful resolution, without compromising its interests or traditional adherence to a principle of non-interference,\"said Zach Vertin, senior analyst on Sudan and South Sudan with the International Crisis Group.", "r": {"result": "\"China boleh dan harus melakukan lebih banyak lagi -- bersama dengan pelakon antarabangsa yang lain untuk -- untuk memastikan resolusi aman, tanpa menjejaskan kepentingannya atau pematuhan tradisional kepada prinsip tanpa campur tangan,\" kata Zach Vertin, penganalisis kanan di Sudan dan Sudan Selatan dengan Kumpulan Krisis Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sudan denies report that South Sudan downed its fighter jet.", "r": {"result": "Sudan menafikan laporan bahawa Sudan Selatan menjatuhkan jet pejuangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China has invested heavily in Sudan's oil industry through state-owned oil giant China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).", "r": {"result": "China telah melabur banyak dalam industri minyak Sudan melalui syarikat minyak gergasi negara China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has a considerable stake in two of the three leading oil consortia operating in Sudan -- the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC) and Petrodar -- according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai kepentingan yang besar dalam dua daripada tiga konsorsium minyak terkemuka yang beroperasi di Sudan -- Syarikat Operasi Petroleum Greater Nile (GNPOC) dan Petrodar -- menurut Pentadbiran Maklumat Tenaga A.S. (EIA).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, 66% of all oil exported from Sudan and South Sudan went to China, although that's only a small fraction of China's total oil imports, according to the EIA.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas, 66% daripada semua minyak yang dieksport dari Sudan dan Sudan Selatan pergi ke China, walaupun itu hanya sebahagian kecil daripada jumlah import minyak China, menurut EIA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country still gets most of its oil imports from the Middle East.", "r": {"result": "Negara ini masih mendapat sebahagian besar import minyaknya dari Timur Tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oil is one of the flashpoints in the current dispute between Sudan and South Sudan, though it's been a constant source of friction between warring parties in the nation long before the split.", "r": {"result": "Minyak adalah salah satu titik kilat dalam pertikaian semasa antara Sudan dan Sudan Selatan, walaupun ia telah menjadi sumber pergeseran yang berterusan antara pihak yang berperang di negara itu lama sebelum perpecahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When South Sudan broke away from Sudan last July, it took with it 75% of the former country's oil reserves.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Sudan Selatan berpisah dari Sudan pada Julai lalu, ia mengambil 75% daripada rizab minyak bekas negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, all of the country's refining and export infrastructure remains in the north.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, semua infrastruktur penapisan dan eksport negara kekal di utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January, South Sudan shut down its oil production after accusing Sudan of stealing oil.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Januari, Sudan Selatan menutup pengeluaran minyaknya selepas menuduh Sudan mencuri minyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sudan countered that by saying it had seized the crude as compensation for unpaid pipeline and export transit fees.", "r": {"result": "Sudan menentangnya dengan mengatakan ia telah merampas minyak mentah itu sebagai pampasan untuk saluran paip yang tidak dibayar dan bayaran transit eksport.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shutdown is causing both countries financial pain.", "r": {"result": "Penutupan itu menyebabkan kedua-dua negara mengalami kesakitan kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the International Monetary Fund, oil contributes 90% of Sudan's export earnings, and 98% of South Sudan's.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Dana Kewangan Antarabangsa, minyak menyumbang 90% daripada pendapatan eksport Sudan, dan 98% daripada Sudan Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dispute over oil has long plagued the countries that signed a comprehensive peace agreement in 2005 after 21 years of fighting.", "r": {"result": "Pertikaian mengenai minyak telah lama melanda negara-negara yang menandatangani perjanjian damai komprehensif pada 2005 selepas 21 tahun berperang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of the agreement included independence for South Sudan, which finally broke away in July 2011.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada perjanjian itu termasuk kemerdekaan untuk Sudan Selatan, yang akhirnya berpisah pada Julai 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just nine months later, there are fears the two countries are sliding back towards war.", "r": {"result": "Hanya sembilan bulan kemudian, terdapat kebimbangan kedua-dua negara itu akan kembali ke arah peperangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this week, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon again implored the countries' leaders to immediately end hostilities and implement agreements already reached on security, border monitoring and the disputed oil-rich Abyei area.", "r": {"result": "Awal minggu ini, Setiausaha Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu Ban Ki-moon sekali lagi merayu para pemimpin negara itu untuk segera menamatkan permusuhan dan melaksanakan perjanjian yang telah dicapai mengenai keselamatan, pemantauan sempadan dan kawasan Abyei yang kaya dengan minyak yang dipertikaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Despite high rhetoric and recent provocations, I think the war calculations remain: Both sides have more to lose than gain from a return to conflict.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun retorik tinggi dan provokasi baru-baru ini, saya fikir pengiraan perang kekal: Kedua-dua pihak mempunyai lebih banyak kerugian daripada keuntungan daripada kembali ke konflik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Border clashes in recent days, however, continue to test those calculations as emotions run high,\" Vertin said.", "r": {"result": "Pertembungan sempadan dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, bagaimanapun, terus menguji pengiraan itu apabila emosi meningkat,\" kata Vertin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through its historical ties with Khartoum and its work to nurture a new relationship with Juba, analysts say China occupies a unique position as a potential mediator in their dispute.", "r": {"result": "Melalui hubungan sejarahnya dengan Khartoum dan kerjanya untuk memupuk hubungan baharu dengan Juba, penganalisis berkata China menduduki kedudukan unik sebagai pengantara yang berpotensi dalam pertikaian mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're in a good position to act as an honest broker and the more that they can do then obviously the better because it's going to save lives,\" said Helen Ware, a former Australian High Commissioner and Ambassador in Africa and now professor of peace studies at the University of New England.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka berada dalam kedudukan yang baik untuk bertindak sebagai broker yang jujur dan lebih banyak yang boleh mereka lakukan maka jelas lebih baik kerana ia akan menyelamatkan nyawa,\" kata Helen Ware, bekas Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Australia dan Duta Besar di Afrika dan kini profesor pengajian keamanan di Universiti New England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that Chinese should be holding out as many carrots as they can,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir orang Cina harus memberikan seberapa banyak lobak merah yang mereka boleh,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They should be trying to get people at the number two level to talk together, so that really people are understanding each other, and there's not such high levels of mistrust\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka sepatutnya cuba untuk mendapatkan orang di peringkat nombor dua untuk bercakap bersama-sama, supaya benar-benar orang memahami antara satu sama lain, dan tidak ada tahap ketidakpercayaan yang tinggi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ware said the conflict between the two neighbors gives China an opportunity to prove to its other African partners that it offers more than just a source of investment.", "r": {"result": "Ware berkata konflik antara kedua-dua jiran itu memberi peluang kepada China untuk membuktikan kepada rakan kongsi Afrikanya yang lain bahawa ia menawarkan lebih daripada sekadar sumber pelaburan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China could prove \"that it can bring a real advantage to the situation,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "China boleh membuktikan \"bahawa ia boleh membawa kelebihan sebenar kepada keadaan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In this situation it would be proving it can do what the African Union can't\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam situasi ini ia akan membuktikan ia boleh melakukan apa yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh Kesatuan Afrika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A return to war, she said, would make China and its African partners \"slightly twitchy... because of the feeling that we need China to be not just our investment partner, but in a sense our friend, and our friend in times of crisis\".", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke perang, katanya, akan menjadikan China dan rakan-rakan Afrikanya \"sedikit gelisah... kerana perasaan bahawa kita memerlukan China untuk menjadi bukan sahaja rakan pelaburan kita, tetapi dalam satu erti kata rakan kita, dan rakan kita pada masa-masa krisis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the next few weeks, South Sudan's President Salva Kiir is due to make his first visit to Beijing as head of state.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa minggu akan datang, Presiden Sudan Selatan Salva Kiir dijangka membuat lawatan pertamanya ke Beijing sebagai ketua negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will give China another opportunity to nurture its relationship with the South, and perhaps erase some of the \"lingering uneasiness\" the International Crisis Group says Juba feels about China's relationship with Khartoum.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan memberi China satu lagi peluang untuk memupuk hubungannya dengan Selatan, dan mungkin memadamkan beberapa \"kegelisahan yang berlarutan\" menurut Kumpulan Krisis Antarabangsa yang Juba rasakan tentang hubungan China dengan Khartoum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Resolution of the impasse and resuscitation of oil flows would undoubtedly influence the scope and character of the relationship that emerges; whether the political and economic ties already established between Beijing and Juba are robust enough to weather the current crisis remains to be seen, but both sides hope so,\" said Comfort Ero, Africa program director for the International Crisis Group.", "r": {"result": "\"Penyelesaian kebuntuan dan pemulihan aliran minyak sudah pasti akan mempengaruhi skop dan watak perhubungan yang muncul; sama ada hubungan politik dan ekonomi yang telah terjalin antara Beijing dan Juba cukup teguh untuk mengharungi krisis semasa masih perlu dilihat, tetapi kedua-duanya pihak berharap begitu,\" kata Comfort Ero, pengarah program Afrika untuk Kumpulan Krisis Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Internships can be crucial career-builders.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Latihan amali boleh menjadi pembina kerjaya yang penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what if you can't afford to work for free all summer?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagaimana jika anda tidak mampu untuk bekerja secara percuma sepanjang musim panas?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jessica Padron of Nevada may have found the solution.", "r": {"result": "Jessica Padron dari Nevada mungkin telah menemui penyelesaiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After securing a prestigious unpaid student internship in the office of Senate leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, she has begun a crowdfunding appeal online.", "r": {"result": "Selepas mendapat latihan pelajar berprestij tanpa gaji di pejabat ketua Senat Harry Reid, seorang Demokrat Nevada, dia telah memulakan rayuan crowdfunding dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is asking donors to help pay for her housing, transportation, and food, which she estimates will cost her $6,500 over the four months in the capital.", "r": {"result": "Dia meminta penderma untuk membantu membayar perumahan, pengangkutan dan makanannya, yang dianggarkan akan menelan belanja sebanyak $6,500 selama empat bulan di ibu negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I don't reach my goal,\" she writes in her appeal, \"I will be forced to relinquish this opportunity and miss out on this once in a lifetime chance\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya tidak mencapai matlamat saya,\" tulisnya dalam rayuannya, \"Saya akan terpaksa melepaskan peluang ini dan terlepas peluang sekali seumur hidup ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As of Tuesday, online donors had already chipped in enough for half of her costs.", "r": {"result": "Setakat hari Selasa, penderma dalam talian telah menyumbang cukup untuk separuh daripada kosnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some observers say there is some irony here, given that plenty of lawmakers are pushing to raise the minimum wage, yet don't pay a cent to some of their hardest workers.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pemerhati berkata terdapat sedikit ironi di sini, memandangkan ramai penggubal undang-undang mendesak untuk menaikkan gaji minimum, namun tidak membayar satu sen kepada beberapa pekerja mereka yang paling susah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Of everybody in the federal government, only Congress is allowed to use unpaid interns,\" says Eric Glatt, a former unpaid intern who is now an activist with the Fair Pay Campaign.", "r": {"result": "\"Dari semua orang dalam kerajaan persekutuan, hanya Kongres dibenarkan menggunakan pelatih tanpa gaji,\" kata Eric Glatt, bekas pelatih tanpa gaji yang kini menjadi aktivis dengan Kempen Gaji Adil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They have explicitly written an exemption for themselves into the law\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka telah secara jelas menulis pengecualian untuk diri mereka sendiri ke dalam undang-undang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's not just Congress.", "r": {"result": "Dan ia bukan hanya Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Private employers in Washington and across the country can offer internships without pay.", "r": {"result": "Majikan swasta di Washington dan di seluruh negara boleh menawarkan latihan tanpa gaji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Disclosure: CNN pays its interns.", "r": {"result": "(Pendedahan: CNN membayar pelatihnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Glatt warns that because only affluent students can afford to work for free, many students will be denied a crucial career experience.", "r": {"result": "Glatt memberi amaran bahawa kerana hanya pelajar kaya yang mampu bekerja secara percuma, ramai pelajar akan dinafikan pengalaman kerjaya yang penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is excluding the vast majority of people who cannot afford to work for free, or have their parents afford for their children to work for free,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa tidak termasuk sebahagian besar orang yang tidak mampu bekerja secara percuma, atau ibu bapa mereka mampu untuk anak mereka bekerja secara percuma,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It also promotes inequality\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia juga menggalakkan ketidaksamaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Glatt worked for free as an intern on the movie \"Black Swan,\" but later successfully sued the movie studio, claiming that it was not fair that he was paid nothing.", "r": {"result": "Glatt bekerja secara percuma sebagai pelatih dalam filem \"Black Swan,\" tetapi kemudian berjaya menyaman studio filem itu, mendakwa bahawa tidak adil bahawa dia tidak dibayar apa-apa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Employers think that if they slap the word intern on a job then they don't have to pay for it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Majikan berpendapat bahawa jika mereka menampar perkataan pelatih pada pekerjaan maka mereka tidak perlu membayar untuk itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why do people think they can get away with this\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Kenapa orang fikir mereka boleh lari dengan ini\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at a time of elevated unemployment, and government spending cuts, it may be difficult to persuade employers to pay minimum wage.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada masa pengangguran yang tinggi, dan pemotongan perbelanjaan kerajaan, mungkin sukar untuk memujuk majikan membayar gaji minimum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And requiring all interns to be paid could have a downside, according to Michael Saltsman at the Employment Policies Institute.", "r": {"result": "Dan memerlukan semua pelatih dibayar boleh mempunyai kelemahan, menurut Michael Saltsman di Institut Dasar Pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If we mandate that all internships must be paid, and then we have fewer internships, I don't think that helps anyone,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika kami memberi mandat bahawa semua latihan mesti dibayar, dan kemudian kami mempunyai lebih sedikit latihan, saya tidak fikir ia membantu sesiapa pun,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plus, he said, while internships often involve menial work, they also provide valuable experience and interesting work, and should not be jeopardized with new requirements.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, katanya, walaupun latihan amali sering melibatkan kerja kasar, mereka juga memberikan pengalaman berharga dan kerja yang menarik, dan tidak boleh terjejas dengan keperluan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These are internships that dozens or hundreds of people would really pine for\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah latihan magang yang berpuluh-puluh atau beratus-ratus orang akan benar-benar menikmatinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, one intern, with the publication \"The Daily Caller,\" had a chance to ask a question at the daily White House briefing last month.", "r": {"result": "Malah, seorang pelatih, dengan penerbitan \"The Daily Caller,\" berpeluang bertanya soalan pada taklimat harian Rumah Putih bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And several interns for news outlets became famous during the live coverage of the Supreme Court's biggest decisions in June, as they sprinted out of the court holding the papers that announced how the court ruled on the Civil Rights Act and same-sex marriage.", "r": {"result": "Dan beberapa pelatih untuk saluran berita menjadi terkenal semasa liputan langsung keputusan terbesar Mahkamah Agung pada bulan Jun, ketika mereka berlari keluar dari mahkamah sambil memegang kertas yang mengumumkan bagaimana mahkamah memutuskan Akta Hak Sivil dan perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The spectacle was nicknamed \"The Running of the Interns\".", "r": {"result": "Tontonan itu diberi jolokan \"The Running of the Interns\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the value of internships on a resume is something undergraduates are keenly aware of.", "r": {"result": "Dan nilai latihan magang pada resume adalah sesuatu yang sangat diketahui oleh mahasiswa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All I hear from the career center at school is, internships are almost a necessary thing,\" says Emma Dolson, a student at Wake Forest, who scored a (paid) internship with a lobbying firm in D.C. \"Your resume needs to have internships on it or you are way, way behind,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang saya dengar dari pusat kerjaya di sekolah ialah, latihan amali hampir merupakan perkara yang perlu,\" kata Emma Dolson, pelajar di Wake Forest, yang mendapat latihan amali (berbayar) dengan firma pelobi di D.C. \"Resume anda perlu menjalani latihan amali di atasnya atau anda jauh, jauh di belakang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- A man at a Fort Lewis army post on Wednesday fatally shot a woman before turning the gun on himself, military authorities said.", "r": {"result": "SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- Seorang lelaki di pos tentera Fort Lewis pada hari Rabu membunuh seorang wanita sebelum melepaskan pistol ke arah dirinya sendiri, kata pihak berkuasa tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shootings on Wednesday occurred outside the main post exchange at Fort Lewis in Washington state.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan pada hari Rabu berlaku di luar pertukaran pos utama di Fort Lewis di negeri Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man, who was hospitalized earlier in the day, was pronounced dead late Wednesday, Fort Lewis spokesman Joe Kubistek said.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu, yang dimasukkan ke hospital pada awal hari itu, disahkan meninggal dunia lewat Rabu, kata jurucakap Fort Lewis Joe Kubistek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man shot the woman and then shot himself in the head, said Maj.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu menembak wanita itu dan kemudian menembak dirinya sendiri di kepala, kata Mej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mike Garcia.", "r": {"result": "Mike Garcia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the shootings occurred outside the main post exchange, as retail stores at military installations are called.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata, tembakan berlaku di luar bursa pos utama, kerana kedai runcit di pemasangan tentera dipanggil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garcia said the 59-year-old shooter was a retired soldier.", "r": {"result": "Garcia berkata penembak berusia 59 tahun itu adalah seorang pesara tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The woman he shot, Garcia said, was a civilian who worked as a vendor in the store.", "r": {"result": "Wanita yang ditembaknya, Garcia berkata, adalah orang awam yang bekerja sebagai penjual di kedai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neither was identified.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya tidak dikenal pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kathy Johnson had taken her elderly mother to shop at the store when shots rang out.", "r": {"result": "Kathy Johnson telah membawa ibunya yang sudah tua untuk membeli-belah di kedai apabila tembakan kedengaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I heard five to six shots and hit the floor,\" Johnson said, \"I was hiding under a clothing rack and people were yelling that we were being taken hostage\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mendengar lima hingga enam tembakan dan mengenai lantai,\" kata Johnson, \"Saya bersembunyi di bawah rak pakaian dan orang ramai menjerit bahawa kami telah dijadikan tebusan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eventually, Johnson said, customers were told over the store intercom that it was safe to leave the store.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, Johnson berkata, pelanggan diberitahu melalui interkom kedai bahawa selamat untuk meninggalkan kedai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Outside military police had surrounded the store and were posted on nearby rooftops, she said. It was not immediately clear what the relationship between the man and woman was, Garcia said.", "r": {"result": "Polis tentera di luar telah mengepung kedai itu dan diletakkan di atas bumbung berdekatan, katanya. Tidak jelas apa hubungan antara lelaki dan wanita itu, kata Garcia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said since the shooting took place on a federal installation, the FBI would lead the investigation into the shootings.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata memandangkan tembakan berlaku di sebuah pemasangan persekutuan, FBI akan mengetuai siasatan ke atas tembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Patrick Oppmann contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Patrick Oppmann dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A U.S. Marine videotaped throwing a puppy over a cliff while on patrol in Iraq has been kicked out of the Corps, and a second Marine involved has been disciplined, according to a statement released by the Marines.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Seorang Marin A.S. yang dirakam video melemparkan anak anjing ke atas tebing semasa melakukan rondaan di Iraq telah ditendang keluar dari Kor, dan seorang Marin kedua yang terlibat telah dikenakan tindakan disiplin, menurut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Marin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "YouTube.com removed the video for violating the Web site's terms of use.", "r": {"result": "YouTube.com mengalih keluar video kerana melanggar syarat penggunaan tapak Web.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lance Cpl.", "r": {"result": "Lance Kpl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Motari, based in Hawaii with the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, is being \"processed for separation\" and received non-judicial punishment, officials said in the statement Wednesday night.", "r": {"result": "David Motari, yang berpangkalan di Hawaii dengan Batalion Pertama, Rejimen Marin Ketiga, sedang \"diproses untuk pemisahan\" dan menerima hukuman bukan kehakiman, kata pegawai dalam kenyataan malam Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Marine Corps would not specify what that punishment was because of privacy regulations.", "r": {"result": "Kor Marin tidak akan menyatakan apakah hukuman itu kerana peraturan privasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement said Motari received the punishment for his role in the \"episode which generated international attention\".", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu berkata Motari menerima hukuman itu kerana peranannya dalam \"episod yang menjana perhatian antarabangsa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident appeared on the Internet web site YouTube in March, sparking outrage from animal rights groups around the world.", "r": {"result": "Insiden itu muncul di laman web Internet YouTube pada bulan Mac, mencetuskan kemarahan kumpulan hak asasi haiwan di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the video, Motari is seen throwing the dog off a cliff as it yelps.", "r": {"result": "Dalam video itu, Motari dilihat melemparkan anjing itu dari tebing sambil menjerit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A second Marine, San Diego-based Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Marin kedua, Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crismarvin Banez Encarnacion, received non-judicial punishment as well.", "r": {"result": "Crismarvin Banez Encarnacion, menerima hukuman bukan kehakiman juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Janice Hagar, a spokeswoman for the Marines in San Diego, said Encarnacion shot the video.", "r": {"result": "Janice Hagar, jurucakap Marin di San Diego, berkata Encarnacion merakam video itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marine officials at the Pentagon would not disclose the severity of the disciplinary action against Encarnacion, also because of privacy regulations.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai marin di Pentagon tidak akan mendedahkan tahap keterukan tindakan disiplin terhadap Encarnacion, juga kerana peraturan privasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN did not receive a response from the Marine Corps in San Diego to questions about the case.", "r": {"result": "CNN tidak menerima maklum balas daripada Kor Marin di San Diego kepada soalan mengenai kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement said the Marines conducted an investigation as soon as the YouTube video came to the attention of commanders.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu berkata, Marin menjalankan siasatan sebaik video YouTube itu mendapat perhatian komander.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The actions seen in the Internet video are contrary to the high standards we expect of every Marine and will not be tolerated,\" according to the statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTindakan yang dilihat dalam video Internet adalah bertentangan dengan standard tinggi yang kami jangkakan daripada setiap Marin dan tidak akan diterima,\u201d menurut kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the video, Motari smiles as he is holding the puppy and then hurls the dog over a cliff.", "r": {"result": "Pada video itu, Motari tersenyum sambil memegang anak anjing itu dan kemudian melemparkan anjing itu ke atas tebing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An unknown person operating the video cameras is heard laughing and another voice saying \"that's mean, Motari\".", "r": {"result": "Seseorang yang tidak dikenali yang mengendalikan kamera video kedengaran ketawa dan suara lain berkata \"itu jahat, Motari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement, the Humane Society of the United States applauded the Marine Corps' decision to punish those involved.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan, Persatuan Kemanusiaan Amerika Syarikat memuji keputusan Kor Marin untuk menghukum mereka yang terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The bad actors in this case have been dealt with by the Marine Corps, which rightly recognizes that harming animals is unacceptable conduct,\" said Dale Bartlett, the group's deputy manager for animal cruelty issues.", "r": {"result": "\"Pelakon jahat dalam kes ini telah ditangani oleh Kor Marin, yang betul-betul mengakui bahawa mencederakan haiwan adalah kelakuan yang tidak boleh diterima,\" kata Dale Bartlett, timbalan pengurus kumpulan itu untuk isu kekejaman haiwan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now, the Department of Defense and the Congress must step up protection from cruelty for all animals under the law governing military conduct\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang, Jabatan Pertahanan dan Kongres mesti meningkatkan perlindungan daripada kekejaman terhadap semua haiwan di bawah undang-undang yang mengawal kelakuan ketenteraan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Her almond-shaped brown eyes shine through her sunken face as a doctor lifts her sweater to reveal a tiny rib cage pushing against her skin.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Mata coklatnya yang berbentuk badam bersinar melalui wajahnya yang cengkung ketika seorang doktor mengangkat baju sejuknya untuk menampakkan sangkar rusuk kecil yang menolak kulitnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Little more than a year old, Israa al Masri wastes away at the National Hospital in the besieged Damascus suburbs just a few miles from the medical supplies needed to save her.", "r": {"result": "Lebih sedikit daripada setahun, Israa al Masri terbuang di Hospital Nasional di pinggir bandar Damsyik yang terkepung hanya beberapa batu dari bekalan perubatan yang diperlukan untuk menyelamatkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slowly, painfully, organs shut down one by one as her muscles atrophy until, barley breathing.", "r": {"result": "Perlahan-lahan, dengan menyakitkan, organ-organ ditutup satu demi satu apabila ototnya atrofi sehingga, barli bernafas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On January 12, the toddler's heart stops.", "r": {"result": "Pada 12 Januari, jantung kanak-kanak kecil itu berhenti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cause of death: hunger.", "r": {"result": "Punca kematian: kelaparan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Starvation is the Syrian government's newest and cruelest weapon against opposition neighborhoods leaving infants with swollen heads and distended bodies, their mothers dry of breast milk, and their elders skeletal and dehydrated, according to activists and doctors.", "r": {"result": "Kebuluran adalah senjata terbaharu dan paling kejam kerajaan Syria terhadap kawasan kejiranan pembangkang menyebabkan bayi-bayi dengan kepala bengkak dan badan bengkak, ibu mereka kering susu ibu, dan orang tua mereka tulang dan dehidrasi, menurut aktivis dan doktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one of the earliest cases, 1-year-old Farah Atout arrived at the Maliha medical center weak and whimpering as doctors struggled to find veins to feed her intravenously.", "r": {"result": "Dalam salah satu kes terawal, Farah Atout yang berusia 1 tahun tiba di pusat perubatan Maliha dalam keadaan lemah dan merengek ketika doktor bergelut mencari urat untuk memberinya makan secara intravena.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I remember this child very well she was about a year old and she weighed only 4 kilograms,\" said Dr. Mazin Ramadan, who treated Atout last November.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya masih ingat kanak-kanak ini berusia kira-kira setahun dan beratnya hanya 4 kilogram,\" kata Dr Mazin Ramadan, yang merawat Atout November lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her destitute family fled their village with just the clothes on their back, leaving them with little access to food, Ramadan said.", "r": {"result": "Keluarganya yang terlantar melarikan diri dari kampung mereka dengan hanya memakai pakaian di belakang, menyebabkan mereka mempunyai sedikit akses kepada makanan, kata Ramadan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They arrived and put this child between my hands and imagined with a shot or some medicine her strength would come back and the ordeal would be over,\" said Ramadan, one of the few pediatricians in the area.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka tiba dan meletakkan kanak-kanak ini di antara tangan saya dan membayangkan dengan suntikan atau ubat kekuatannya akan kembali dan ujian itu akan berakhir,\" kata Ramadan, salah seorang daripada segelintir pakar pediatrik di kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After just 48 hours, nothing remained of the baby but a skeletal frame with tubes bandaged to a yellowed face frozen in anguish.", "r": {"result": "Selepas hanya 48 jam, tiada apa yang tinggal daripada bayi itu melainkan rangka rangka dengan tiub berbalut pada muka yang kekuningan beku dalam kesakitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what appeared at the time a unique horror, now repeats itself over and over in the Damascus suburbs, doctors and activists told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apa yang muncul pada masa itu sebagai seram yang unik, kini berulang berulang kali di pinggir bandar Damsyik, kata doktor dan aktivis kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parents often risk death by sniper fire, simply to forage for nutrition.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa sering mengambil risiko kematian oleh penembak tepat, semata-mata untuk mencari makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A nurse, who did not wish to be identified for fear of reprisal, in the besieged Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp on the outskirts of Damascus told Amnesty International that around four people a day arrive with gunshot wounds from snipers targeting civilians as they pick plants and shrubs from nearby fields.", "r": {"result": "Seorang jururawat, yang tidak mahu dikenali kerana takut akan tindakan balas, di Kem Pelarian Palestin Yarmouk yang terkepung di pinggir Damsyik memberitahu Amnesty International bahawa kira-kira empat orang sehari tiba dengan luka tembakan daripada penembak tepat yang menyasarkan orang awam ketika mereka memetik tumbuhan dan pokok renek. dari ladang berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Established in 1957, Yarmouk, an unofficial refugee camp, has been home for decades to thousands of Palestinians displaced by Arab-Israeli wars.", "r": {"result": "Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1957, Yarmouk, sebuah kem pelarian tidak rasmi, telah menjadi rumah selama beberapa dekad kepada beribu-ribu rakyat Palestin yang kehilangan tempat tinggal akibat peperangan Arab-Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At National Hospital South of Damascus, near Yarmouk, 43 people have died of starvation, 22 of them children, the youngest just 23 days old, with most of the deaths occurring this past month, a dramatic increase, according to hospital staff.", "r": {"result": "Di Hospital Nasional Selatan Damsyik, berhampiran Yarmouk, 43 orang telah meninggal dunia akibat kebuluran, 22 daripadanya kanak-kanak, yang paling muda berusia 23 hari, dengan kebanyakan kematian berlaku pada bulan lalu, peningkatan dramatik, menurut kakitangan hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sometimes I get a case due to malnutrition or lack of medicine and, I feel utter desperation because I cannot help the child.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKadang-kadang saya mendapat kes kerana kekurangan zat makanan atau kekurangan ubat dan, saya rasa terdesak kerana tidak dapat membantu anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have reached a state where this is normal -- that every two to three days a child dies.", "r": {"result": "Kami telah mencapai keadaan di mana ini adalah perkara biasa -- iaitu setiap dua hingga tiga hari seorang kanak-kanak meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It just feels like there is no nutrition.", "r": {"result": "Baru rasa macam tak ada nutrisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What can we do\"?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang boleh kita lakukan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said a doctor at the hospital who did not wish to be identified out of fear of Syrian forces.", "r": {"result": "kata seorang doktor di hospital itu yang tidak mahu dikenali kerana takut dengan tentera Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parents sometimes crumble in the face of despair and very few options.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa kadang-kadang runtuh dalam menghadapi keputusasaan dan sangat sedikit pilihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I had a 2-year-old patient just a few days ago, and she was diagnosed with a life threatening condition and when her father found out he said 'OK.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai seorang pesakit berusia 2 tahun hanya beberapa hari lalu, dan dia didiagnosis dengan keadaan yang mengancam nyawa dan apabila bapanya mengetahui dia berkata 'OK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I will take her home to die.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan membawanya pulang untuk mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' Just like that -- without hesitation.", "r": {"result": "' Sama seperti itu -- tanpa teragak-agak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said 'What am I to do?", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata 'Apa yang saya perlu lakukan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is no food and no medicine,' \" the doctor said.", "r": {"result": "Tiada makanan dan ubat,'\" kata doktor itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Infants are particularly vulnerable.", "r": {"result": "Bayi amat terdedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first 1000 days of life, from conception to 2 years are absolutely critical as far as nutrition and the developmental foundations of life are concerned.", "r": {"result": "\"1000 hari pertama kehidupan, dari pembuahan hingga 2 tahun adalah sangat kritikal dari segi pemakanan dan asas perkembangan kehidupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the child in the womb of a pregnant mother, and the mother isn't getting the food she needs and there is this obstacle in the way of getting access to this kind of vital nutrients they need to grow.", "r": {"result": "Jika anak dalam kandungan ibu mengandung, dan ibunya tidak mendapat makanan yang diperlukannya dan terdapat halangan ini dalam cara mendapatkan akses kepada jenis nutrien penting yang mereka perlukan untuk membesar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are not going to recover.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak akan pulih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is a real tragedy,\" said Greg Barrow a spokesman for the United Nations World Food Programme.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah tragedi sebenar,\" kata Greg Barrow, jurucakap Program Makanan Dunia Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a video widely viewed on YouTube of a skeletal 10-year-old named Bashar Kaboush in the eastern Ghouta town of Jisreen, a distraught man who CNN has confirmed is a relative of the child shouts: \"Is this acceptable to God?", "r": {"result": "Dalam video yang ditonton secara meluas di YouTube mengenai rangka kanak-kanak berusia 10 tahun bernama Bashar Kaboush di timur Ghouta bandar Jisreen, seorang lelaki yang kecewa yang CNN telah mengesahkan adalah saudara kepada kanak-kanak itu menjerit: \"Adakah ini diterima oleh Tuhan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Look at this child.", "r": {"result": "Tengok anak ni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is this acceptable to world?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ini boleh diterima oleh dunia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Does the look like a human body?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kelihatan seperti tubuh manusia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is this the arm of a child?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ini lengan kanak-kanak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is just 10 years old\".", "r": {"result": "Dia baru berumur 10 tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mohammed Abu al Rgaa an activist in Jisreen told CNN that residents fear Kaboush and dozens of others may soon die of hunger.", "r": {"result": "Mohammed Abu al Rgaa seorang aktivis di Jisreen memberitahu CNN bahawa penduduk takut Kabosh dan berpuluh-puluh yang lain mungkin akan mati kelaparan tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rgaa shared with CNN the case of 8-month-old Mohamad Faissal from the same town who recently died from lack of infant milk and proper medical care.", "r": {"result": "Rgaa berkongsi dengan CNN kes Mohamad Faissal berusia 8 bulan dari bandar yang sama yang baru-baru ini meninggal dunia akibat kekurangan susu bayi dan rawatan perubatan yang sewajarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shocking online video of Faissal's lifeless body bore the hallmarks of starvation such as a swollen abdomen and protruding ribs, doctors said.", "r": {"result": "Video dalam talian yang mengejutkan mengenai mayat Faissal yang tidak bernyawa mempunyai ciri-ciri kelaparan seperti perut yang membengkak dan tulang rusuk yang menonjol, kata doktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cause of crisis is clear.", "r": {"result": "Punca krisis adalah jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The once thriving agriculture belt to the east of the capital and the collection of towns and neighborhoods to the south wilted under a government siege blocking food staples from those areas.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan pertanian yang dahulunya berkembang pesat di timur ibu negara dan koleksi bandar dan kawasan kejiranan di selatan layu di bawah kepungan kerajaan yang menghalang makanan ruji dari kawasan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opposition-controlled farmland lies desolate after nearly two years of warfare that has destroyed crops and livestock, leaving little more than stores of grain for thousands trapped behind government tanks.", "r": {"result": "Tanah ladang yang dikuasai pembangkang terpencil selepas hampir dua tahun peperangan yang telah memusnahkan tanaman dan ternakan, meninggalkan lebih sedikit daripada simpanan bijirin untuk beribu-ribu yang terperangkap di belakang kereta kebal kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many say the blockades are used by the Syrian government as collective punishment against opposition areas.", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang mengatakan sekatan itu digunakan oleh kerajaan Syria sebagai hukuman kolektif terhadap kawasan pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hostilities make it difficult to gain a clear view of the scope and scale of malnutrition in the area, but the WFP estimates at least 800,000 civilians remain under siege.", "r": {"result": "Permusuhan menyukarkan untuk mendapatkan pandangan yang jelas tentang skop dan skala kekurangan zat makanan di kawasan itu, tetapi WFP menganggarkan sekurang-kurangnya 800,000 orang awam masih dikepung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This underlines exactly why humanitarian agencies like the WFP have been calling for more access.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini menggariskan dengan tepat mengapa agensi kemanusiaan seperti WFP telah meminta lebih banyak akses.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To really see with their eyes: What is the scale of the problem?", "r": {"result": "Untuk benar-benar melihat dengan mata mereka: Apakah skala masalahnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who is most vulnerable?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang paling terdedah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What kind of assistance do they need?", "r": {"result": "Apakah jenis bantuan yang mereka perlukan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And how can we get it in fast?", "r": {"result": "Dan bagaimana kita boleh mendapatkannya dengan cepat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is absolutely critical,\" Barrow said.", "r": {"result": "Itu sangat kritikal,\" kata Barrow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amnesty International has been more direct: \"The Syrian government is cruelly punishing civilians living in opposition-held areas.", "r": {"result": "Amnesty International lebih langsung: \"Kerajaan Syria menghukum dengan kejam orang awam yang tinggal di kawasan yang dikuasai pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Starving civilians as a method of warfare is a war crime.", "r": {"result": "Kebuluran orang awam sebagai kaedah peperangan adalah jenayah perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blockades must be lifted immediately and access to humanitarian aid must never be used to score military or political gains,\" said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa director.", "r": {"result": "Sekatan mesti ditarik balik serta-merta dan akses kepada bantuan kemanusiaan tidak boleh digunakan untuk meraih keuntungan ketenteraan atau politik,\" kata Philip Luther, pengarah Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara Amnesty International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syrian officials failed to respond to CNN requests for comment on this story, but have said in general terms that \"foreign-backed terrorists\" catapulted the country into a spiral of violence that has triggered Syrian army efforts to expel opposition fighters from the Damascus suburbs.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Syria gagal menjawab permintaan CNN untuk mengulas mengenai cerita ini, tetapi telah mengatakan secara umum bahawa \"pengganas yang disokong asing\" melonjakkan negara itu ke dalam lingkaran keganasan yang telah mencetuskan usaha tentera Syria untuk mengusir pejuang pembangkang dari pinggir bandar Damsyik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps most disturbingly, packed aid convoys ready and willing to deliver assistance to those in need are barred from doing so -- mainly by Syrian government troops.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin yang paling membimbangkan, konvoi bantuan yang penuh sesak yang bersedia dan bersedia menyampaikan bantuan kepada mereka yang memerlukan dilarang berbuat demikian -- terutamanya oleh tentera kerajaan Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The road to political stability and confidence building in Syria starts with an important step: ensuring no one dies because of a lack of food or medicine or from the cold when humanitarian workers are nearby but are not allowed in\" said Ertharin Cousin, WFP's executive director.", "r": {"result": "\"Laluan ke arah kestabilan politik dan pembinaan keyakinan di Syria bermula dengan langkah penting: memastikan tiada siapa yang mati kerana kekurangan makanan atau ubat atau kesejukan apabila pekerja kemanusiaan berada berdekatan tetapi tidak dibenarkan masuk\" kata Ertharin Cousin, eksekutif WFP pengarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Geneva II peace talks secured an agreement for some aid to enter the Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp this week, but several hundred food parcels and limited medical evacuations are simply not enough to stave off malnutrition.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan damai Geneva II memperoleh persetujuan untuk beberapa bantuan untuk memasuki Kem Pelarian Palestin Yarmouk minggu ini, tetapi beberapa ratus bungkusan makanan dan pemindahan perubatan yang terhad tidak cukup untuk mengelakkan kekurangan zat makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To make any progress in addressing these needs, UNRWA's presence and humanitarian assistance work must be permitted to continue and expand over a period of months, not days,\" Chris Gunness, Spokesman for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk membuat sebarang kemajuan dalam menangani keperluan ini, kehadiran UNRWA dan kerja bantuan kemanusiaan mesti dibenarkan untuk diteruskan dan berkembang dalam tempoh beberapa bulan, bukan hari,\" kata Chris Gunness, Jurucakap Agensi Bantuan dan Kerja Raya PBB untuk Pelarian Palestin dalam satu kenyataan. kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If the siege does not end, I expect even I will be dead,\" Assaf said over a crackly Skype connection.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekiranya pengepungan tidak berakhir, saya menjangkakan walaupun saya akan mati,\" kata Assaf menerusi sambungan Skype.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If the siege is not broken these cases will increase and there will be mass death.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJika kepungan tidak dipecahkan, kes ini akan meningkat dan akan berlaku kematian beramai-ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To be honest this is what I would expect: mass death\".", "r": {"result": "Sejujurnya inilah yang saya harapkan: kematian beramai-ramai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The death toll from the magnitude-7.1 earthquake in the central Philippines rose to 144 on Wednesday, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Angka kematian akibat gempa bumi bermagnitud 7.1 di tengah Filipina meningkat kepada 144 pada hari Rabu, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The quake, which struck Tuesday, injured 291 people and rattled many celebrating a religious holiday.", "r": {"result": "Gempa bumi itu, yang melanda Selasa, mencederakan 291 orang dan menggegarkan ramai yang menyambut perayaan keagamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bulk of the casualties were in Bohol province.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian besar mangsa yang terkorban adalah di wilayah Bohol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 20 people are missing, and authorities are checking into reports of people trapped in collapsed buildings, the Philippines News Agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 20 orang hilang, dan pihak berkuasa sedang menyemak laporan orang yang terperangkap dalam bangunan runtuh, lapor Agensi Berita Filipina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The quake was centered about 620 kilometers (385 miles) south-southeast of Manila, near Catigbian, and its depth was 20 kilometers (12 miles), according to the U.S. Geological Survey.", "r": {"result": "Gempa itu berpusat kira-kira 620 kilometer (385 batu) selatan-tenggara Manila, berhampiran Catigbian, dan kedalamannya 20 kilometer (12 batu), menurut Tinjauan Geologi A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Philippines disaster council gave the temblor a slightly higher rating: 7.2 magnitude.", "r": {"result": "Majlis bencana Filipina memberi penilaian yang lebih tinggi sedikit: 7.2 magnitud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport: 'Our building is not safe'.", "r": {"result": "iReport: 'Bangunan kami tidak selamat'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday was a national holiday, the beginning of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha.", "r": {"result": "Selasa adalah hari kelepasan kebangsaan, permulaan perayaan Idul Adha umat Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was no widespread threat of a tsunami, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.", "r": {"result": "Tiada ancaman tsunami yang meluas, kata Pusat Amaran Tsunami Pasifik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It warned that earthquakes this large can sometimes cause tsunamis within 100 kilometers of the epicenter.", "r": {"result": "Ia memberi amaran bahawa gempa bumi sebesar ini kadangkala boleh menyebabkan tsunami dalam jarak 100 kilometer dari pusat gempa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tourist Robert Michael Poole said he was riding a bike in Bohol when the earthquake struck and cracked the road in front of him.", "r": {"result": "Pelancong Robert Michael Poole berkata dia sedang menunggang basikal di Bohol apabila gempa bumi melanda dan retak jalan di hadapannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was very strong,\" Poole said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sangat kuat,\" kata Poole.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I live in Tokyo.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tinggal di Tokyo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am used to earthquakes.", "r": {"result": "Saya sudah biasa dengan gempa bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this one was very strong.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi yang ini sangat kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It shocked a lot of people here\".", "r": {"result": "Ia mengejutkan ramai orang di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he was able to move around and document some of the destruction, including a giant church that was decimated.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia dapat bergerak dan mendokumentasikan beberapa kemusnahan, termasuk sebuah gereja gergasi yang musnah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Lucky thing is that it is a holiday here today and it happened at a time when nobody was in the church,\" Poole said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara yang bertuah ialah ia adalah percutian di sini hari ini dan ia berlaku pada masa ketika tiada sesiapa di dalam gereja,\" kata Poole.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New earthquake strikes hard-hit Pakistan.", "r": {"result": "Gempa bumi baru melanda Pakistan yang dilanda teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Measuring the magnitude of earthquakes.", "r": {"result": "Mengukur magnitud gempa bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Joseph Netto and Tim Schwarz contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Joseph Netto dari CNN dan Tim Schwarz menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)The Real Slim Shady can be a really nice guy when the chips are down.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)The Real Slim Shady boleh menjadi lelaki yang sangat baik apabila kerepeknya berkurangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gage Garmo, 17, got to meet Eminem Sunday evening, fulfilling a wish he had.", "r": {"result": "Gage Garmo, 17, bertemu Eminem petang Ahad, memenuhi hasratnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rochester Hills, Michigan, teen died Monday.", "r": {"result": "The Rochester Hills, Michigan, remaja meninggal dunia Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rapper, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, made a surprise visit to Garmo's house Sunday, spending the time chatting about football and school.", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi rap, yang nama sebenarnya Marshall Mathers, membuat lawatan mengejut ke rumah Garmo Ahad, menghabiskan masa berbual tentang bola sepak dan sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're really happy we were able to make it happen,\" Mary Grace McCarter, executive director of The Rainbow Connection, told the Oakland Press, a suburban Detroit newspaper.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sangat gembira kerana dapat merealisasikannya,\" kata Mary Grace McCarter, pengarah eksekutif The Rainbow Connection, kepada Oakland Press, sebuah akhbar pinggir bandar Detroit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rainbow Connection is a Michigan-based organization for children with life-threatening illnesses.", "r": {"result": "The Rainbow Connection ialah organisasi yang berpangkalan di Michigan untuk kanak-kanak dengan penyakit yang mengancam nyawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was really something special\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia benar-benar sesuatu yang istimewa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the paper, Garmo had been diagnosed with bone cancer as a freshman in high school in 2010. His leg was amputated in a measure to stop the disease, but it recurred and spread to his lungs.", "r": {"result": "Menurut akhbar itu, Garmo telah disahkan menghidap kanser tulang sebagai pelajar baru di sekolah menengah pada 2010. Kakinya telah dipotong sebagai langkah untuk menghentikan penyakit itu, tetapi ia berulang dan merebak ke paru-parunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garmo was remembered at a candlelight vigil Monday night that hundreds attended.", "r": {"result": "Garmo diingati pada malam Isnin malam yang dihadiri oleh ratusan orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Sir Philip Green is the retail king of Great Britain, but can his empire of clothing stores conquer the U.S.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sir Philip Green ialah raja runcit Great Britain, tetapi bolehkah empayar kedai pakaiannya menakluki A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The launch of his flagship Topshop store in New York was delayed and coincided with the height of recession two years ago, but the self-made billionaire still believes he can crack America.", "r": {"result": "Pelancaran kedai Topshop utamanya di New York telah ditangguhkan dan bertepatan dengan kemuncak kemelesetan dua tahun lalu, tetapi jutawan buatan sendiri itu masih percaya dia boleh memecahkan Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's nothing I have seen that tells me we can't get this brand to work in America,\" says Green.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada apa-apa yang saya lihat yang memberitahu saya bahawa kita tidak boleh membuat jenama ini berfungsi di Amerika,\" kata Green.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green's Arcadia Group has over 2,500 outlets in the UK, including affordable fashion chain, Topshop, and employs over 44,000 staff.", "r": {"result": "Green's Arcadia Group mempunyai lebih 2,500 cawangan di UK, termasuk rangkaian fesyen mampu milik, Topshop, dan menggaji lebih 44,000 kakitangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His transformation of Topshop from cheap high street shop to a fashion-forward brand has grabbed the attention of supermodels, fashionistas and the queen of fashion, U.S. Vogue editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour.", "r": {"result": "Transformasinya terhadap Topshop daripada kedai jalan raya yang murah kepada jenama ke hadapan fesyen telah menarik perhatian supermodel, fesyen dan ratu fesyen, ketua editor Vogue A.S., Anna Wintour.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A good combination to grow a brand in the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Gabungan yang baik untuk mengembangkan jenama di A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Philip has a larger than life personality... (He) has been very successful in attracting attention for Topshop,\" says Wintour.", "r": {"result": "\"Philip mempunyai personaliti yang lebih besar daripada kehidupan... (Dia) telah sangat berjaya menarik perhatian untuk Topshop,\" kata Wintour.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Asking Kate Moss to design a collection that really put the spotlight on Topshop in a way that hadn't before, so that was a very smart move\".", "r": {"result": "\"Meminta Kate Moss mereka bentuk koleksi yang benar-benar memberi tumpuan kepada Topshop dengan cara yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebelum ini, jadi itu adalah satu langkah yang sangat bijak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The supermodel is no-longer connected to the brand, but the New York store has weathered the recession and built up the brand despite some misgivings from Green himself.", "r": {"result": "Supermodel itu tidak lagi berkaitan dengan jenama itu, tetapi kedai New York telah mengharungi kemelesetan dan membina jenama itu walaupun ada keraguan dari Green sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Being honest, would I rather be a hundred meters further north in Broadway?", "r": {"result": "\"Sejujurnya, adakah saya lebih suka berada seratus meter lebih jauh ke utara di Broadway?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yes, I would,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "Ya, saya akan melakukannya, \"katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Is it the furthest south a retailer has taken on that's never traded in America?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah ia adalah selatan paling jauh yang pernah diambil oleh peruncit yang tidak pernah didagangkan di Amerika?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Did we take a site that was horrid, did it have risk in terms of where it is, how far down SoHo it is, getting people to come down there\"?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kami mengambil tapak yang mengerikan, adakah ia mempunyai risiko dari segi lokasinya, sejauh mana ia berada di bawah SoHo, membuatkan orang ramai turun ke sana\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They may be rhetorical questions, but despite the calculated risks Green and his Arcadia Group remains an emerging player in the U.S. retail scene where so many British companies have tried and failed before: a common joke in the rag-trade says that the only way to make a small fortune in America is start with a large fortune.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mungkin soalan retorik, tetapi walaupun risiko yang dikira, Green dan Arcadia Groupnya kekal sebagai pemain baru muncul dalam adegan runcit A.S. di mana begitu banyak syarikat British telah mencuba dan gagal sebelum ini: jenaka biasa dalam perdagangan kain buruk mengatakan bahawa satu-satunya cara untuk membuat kekayaan kecil di Amerika adalah bermula dengan kekayaan yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a bit of a gamble because it's such a sophisticated market, but the risks are worth the rewards,\" says Isabel Cavill from Planet Retail.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah sedikit perjudian kerana ia adalah pasaran yang begitu canggih, tetapi risikonya berbaloi dengan ganjarannya,\" kata Isabel Cavill dari Planet Retail.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The U.S. is still the largest retail market in the world\".", "r": {"result": "\"A.S. masih merupakan pasaran runcit terbesar di dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cavill cites the lack of brand awareness, too rapid expansion and badly thought out partnerships with U.S. chains as typical reasons why British and other foreign brands have failed to make much of a dent in the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Cavill memetik kekurangan kesedaran jenama, pengembangan yang terlalu cepat dan perkongsian yang kurang difikirkan dengan rangkaian A.S. sebagai sebab biasa mengapa jenama British dan asing lain gagal membuat banyak kesan di A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year profits of Arcadia Group were more than healthy -- around $440 million in 2010 -- but faced with the U.S. market, \"we are a pimple in terms of one brand, in terms of scale, of what the size of the opportunity could be,\" Green says.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lalu keuntungan Arcadia Group lebih sihat -- sekitar $440 juta pada 2010 -- tetapi berhadapan dengan pasaran A.S., \"kami adalah jerawat dari segi satu jenama, dari segi skala, tentang saiz peluang yang boleh menjadi,\" kata Green.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Naturally if we want to build a global business, we have got to develop so I think from an investment strategy, from size of the marketplace, from what I think we need to do with the brand, (we need) to move the needle as they say\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sememangnya jika kita mahu membina perniagaan global, kita perlu membangunkan jadi saya fikir daripada strategi pelaburan, dari saiz pasaran, daripada apa yang saya fikir kita perlu lakukan dengan jenama, (kita perlu) untuk menggerakkan jarum. seperti yang mereka katakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doubling the size of Topshop sounds a big ask, he says, but \"there's good acceptance of the product, there's good acceptance of the brand, there's work to do but I think we've got a shot\".", "r": {"result": "Menggandakan saiz Topshop kedengaran satu permintaan yang besar, katanya, tetapi \"ada penerimaan yang baik terhadap produk, terdapat penerimaan yang baik terhadap jenama, ada kerja yang perlu dilakukan tetapi saya fikir kita mempunyai peluang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opening new stores in other big cosmopolitan cities in the U.S. is the immediate plan; one that Wintour believes would be successful.", "r": {"result": "Membuka kedai baharu di bandar kosmopolitan besar lain di A.S. ialah rancangan segera; satu yang Wintour percaya akan berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The American retail market is different from the British one,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Pasaran runcit Amerika berbeza daripada pasaran British,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Philip doesn't take unnecessary risk but with everything being so positive in the States and the economy picking up, I'm really hopeful that he'll expand across the country.", "r": {"result": "\"Philip tidak mengambil risiko yang tidak perlu tetapi dengan segala-galanya yang begitu positif di Amerika Syarikat dan ekonomi meningkat, saya sangat berharap dia akan berkembang ke seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"America is a more casual country (than the UK).", "r": {"result": "\"Amerika adalah negara yang lebih santai (berbanding UK).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You go outside of the more fashionable cities you tend to see a lot of jeans and sweatshirts, it's less responsive to what Topshop stands for.", "r": {"result": "Anda pergi ke luar bandar yang lebih bergaya yang anda cenderung untuk melihat banyak seluar jeans dan baju sejuk, ia kurang responsif kepada maksud Topshop.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm confident that with Philip's expertise he will conquer the United States the way that he has conquered Britain\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya yakin dengan kepakaran Philip dia akan menakluki Amerika Syarikat seperti mana dia telah menakluki Britain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beijing (CNN) -- Even as President Obama is expected to raise the issues of democratic rights and press freedoms during a trip to China this week, there is a question whether he will hold his own news conference with reporters covering his three-day stop in Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Beijing (CNN) -- Walaupun Presiden Obama dijangka membangkitkan isu hak demokrasi dan kebebasan akhbar semasa lawatan ke China minggu ini, terdapat persoalan sama ada beliau akan mengadakan sidang akhbar sendiri dengan wartawan membuat liputan perhentiannya selama tiga hari. di Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White House officials accompanying Obama cautioned leaders in Beijing are still balking at the U.S. proposal for a joint news conference with Chinese President Xi.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Rumah Putih yang mengiringi Obama memberi amaran kepada pemimpin di Beijing masih menolak cadangan AS untuk sidang akhbar bersama dengan Presiden China Xi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But consultations with Chinese officials continue on the issue, aides said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi perundingan dengan pegawai China meneruskan isu itu, kata pembantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No final word,\" one senior administration official said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada kata putus,\" kata seorang pegawai kanan pentadbiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A separate official stressed the President may go forward with his own news conference, without Xi, a move that may add pressure to already tense U.S.-Chinese relations.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai berasingan menegaskan Presiden boleh meneruskan sidang akhbarnya sendiri, tanpa Xi, satu langkah yang mungkin menambah tekanan kepada hubungan AS-China yang sudah tegang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama administration officials prepared reporters for the possibility of limited access to Obama during a background briefing with reporters last week.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai pentadbiran Obama menyediakan wartawan untuk kemungkinan akses terhad kepada Obama semasa taklimat latar belakang dengan wartawan minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reservations among Chinese officials were cited as the sole reason for potential press restrictions.", "r": {"result": "Tempahan di kalangan pegawai China disebut sebagai satu-satunya sebab untuk kemungkinan sekatan akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you go back to when Chinese leaders have agreed to joint press availabilities, you'll have a very hard time finding one where they have been willing to take questions from the press,\" said Brookings Institution analyst Ken Lieberthal at a briefing on the President's trip last week.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekiranya anda kembali ke masa pemimpin China telah bersetuju untuk menyediakan kemudahan akhbar bersama, anda akan menghadapi masa yang sangat sukar untuk mencari akhbar di mana mereka bersedia untuk menjawab soalan daripada akhbar,\" kata penganalisis Brookings Institution Ken Lieberthal pada taklimat mengenai Perjalanan Presiden minggu lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So we want it; they don't.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi kami mahukannya; mereka tidak mahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are the host.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's where we end up,\" Lieberthal added.", "r": {"result": "Di situlah kita berakhir,\" tambah Lieberthal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joint news conferences are a norm for U.S. presidents as they travel much of the world.", "r": {"result": "Sidang berita bersama adalah norma bagi presiden A.S. ketika mereka mengembara ke seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Generally, Obama and foreign leaders will engage in a news conference described as \"2+2\" with journalists, meaning two questions each from U.S. and foreign reporters.", "r": {"result": "Secara amnya, Obama dan pemimpin asing akan terlibat dalam sidang akhbar yang disifatkan sebagai \"2+2\" dengan wartawan, yang bermaksud dua soalan masing-masing daripada wartawan A.S. dan asing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are rare exceptions, such as Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia earlier this year.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat pengecualian yang jarang berlaku, seperti lawatan Obama ke Arab Saudi awal tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "National Security Advisor Susan Rice raised the issue of press access with her Beijing counterparts in the weeks leading to the President's visit, which will include a formal bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi at a summit of APEC leaders.", "r": {"result": "Penasihat Keselamatan Negara Susan Rice membangkitkan isu akses akhbar dengan rakan sejawatannya di Beijing pada minggu-minggu menjelang lawatan Presiden, yang akan termasuk pertemuan dua hala rasmi dengan Presiden China Xi pada sidang kemuncak pemimpin APEC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The President is scheduled to deliver a speech to the CEOs gathered at the APEC summit Monday.", "r": {"result": "Presiden dijadual menyampaikan ucapan kepada CEO yang berkumpul di sidang kemuncak APEC Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama and Xi will have \"candid and in-depth conversations\" on a range of issues, Rice told reporters last week.", "r": {"result": "Obama dan Xi akan mengadakan \"perbualan terus terang dan mendalam\" mengenai pelbagai isu, kata Rice kepada pemberita minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to their meeting, both leaders will deliver statements to the media.", "r": {"result": "Selain pertemuan mereka, kedua-dua pemimpin akan menyampaikan kenyataan kepada media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the possibility of taking questions remains the sticking point.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemungkinan untuk menjawab soalan tetap menjadi titik teguh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Press freedom and human rights in China remain a major concern for the United States, White House officials said.", "r": {"result": "Kebebasan akhbar dan hak asasi manusia di China kekal menjadi kebimbangan utama bagi Amerika Syarikat, kata pegawai Rumah Putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recent democracy protests in Hong Kong have only served to elevate the issue for Obama, aides said.", "r": {"result": "Bantahan demokrasi baru-baru ini di Hong Kong hanya meningkatkan isu itu kepada Obama, kata pembantunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've been very clear about our views and concerns about Hong Kong and other aspects of human rights and civil liberties in China, as we have been elsewhere,\" Rice said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sangat jelas tentang pandangan dan kebimbangan kami tentang Hong Kong dan aspek lain hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan sivil di China, seperti yang pernah kami lakukan di tempat lain,\" kata Rice.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unlike other recent trips abroad for Obama, he is not scheduled to meet with human rights activists or engage in other \"person to person\" events while in China.", "r": {"result": "Tidak seperti lawatan Obama ke luar negara baru-baru ini, beliau tidak dijadualkan bertemu dengan aktivis hak asasi manusia atau terlibat dalam acara \"orang ke orang\" lain semasa berada di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is on a tight time line, administration officials explained.", "r": {"result": "Dia berada pada garis masa yang ketat, jelas pegawai pentadbiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aides said the President will hold a town hall with young Burmese in Myanmar, during the second stop of Obama's three-nation tour which ends at the G-20 summit in Australia later this week.", "r": {"result": "Pembantu berkata Presiden akan mengadakan dewan bandar dengan anak muda Burma di Myanmar, semasa persinggahan kedua lawatan tiga negara Obama yang berakhir pada sidang kemuncak G-20 di Australia akhir minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The threat posed by Chinese hackers to U.S. businesses will also figure prominently in talks between the two leaders.", "r": {"result": "Ancaman yang ditimbulkan oleh penggodam China terhadap perniagaan A.S. juga akan menjadi perhatian utama dalam perbincangan antara kedua-dua pemimpin itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With respect to China, clearly the issues of cybersecurity will be prominent on our bilateral agenda.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBerkenaan dengan China, jelas isu keselamatan siber akan menjadi penting dalam agenda dua hala kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is a source of grave concern to the United States,\" Rice said Friday.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah sumber kebimbangan besar kepada Amerika Syarikat,\" kata Rice pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have reiterated on every occasion the fact that we oppose any efforts -- official or unofficial -- to engage in cyberespionage for commercial gain or other purposes,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah mengulangi pada setiap masa hakikat bahawa kami menentang sebarang usaha -- rasmi atau tidak rasmi -- untuk melibatkan diri dalam pengintipan siber untuk keuntungan komersial atau tujuan lain,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama and Xi have fielded questions from reporters in the past, but on U.S. soil.", "r": {"result": "Obama dan Xi telah mengemukakan soalan daripada wartawan pada masa lalu, tetapi di bumi AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a joint news conference in California last year, Xi was pressed by an American reporter on the issue of cybersecurity.", "r": {"result": "Pada sidang akhbar bersama di California tahun lepas, Xi ditekan oleh seorang wartawan Amerika mengenai isu keselamatan siber.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xi responded China has its own concerns with hackers.", "r": {"result": "Xi menjawab China mempunyai kebimbangan sendiri dengan penggodam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"China is a victim of cyber attacks, and we hope that earnest measures can be taken to resolve this matter,\" Xi said last year.", "r": {"result": "\"China adalah mangsa serangan siber, dan kami berharap langkah bersungguh-sungguh dapat diambil untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini,\" kata Xi tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Earlier this month, an AeroMexico plane made an important flight from Mexico City to Madrid.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Awal bulan ini, sebuah pesawat AeroMexico membuat penerbangan penting dari Mexico City ke Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flight wasn't notable for who was inside the cabin, but for what was inside the fuel tank: it was the world's first transatlantic commercial flight using biofuel.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan itu tidak terkenal untuk siapa yang berada di dalam kabin, tetapi untuk apa yang ada di dalam tangki bahan api: ia adalah penerbangan komersial transatlantik pertama di dunia menggunakan biofuel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The engines on that flight were powered by a fuel mixture that was 30% biofuel from the jatropha plant, and the trip followed a pair of Mexican domestic commercial flights by Interjet that used the same formula.", "r": {"result": "Enjin dalam penerbangan itu dikuasakan oleh campuran bahan api yang 30% biofuel dari loji jarak, dan perjalanan itu mengikuti sepasang penerbangan komersial domestik Mexico oleh Interjet yang menggunakan formula yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico is known for its oil production, but it could be its less obvious flats of arid and marginal land that will be the future of Mexico's energy resources.", "r": {"result": "Mexico terkenal dengan pengeluaran minyaknya, tetapi ia boleh menjadi tanah gersang dan marginal yang kurang jelas yang akan menjadi masa depan sumber tenaga Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country has quietly positioned itself to become a potential leader in biofuel production as scientists develop a second generation of fuels derived from sources that don't compete for arable land or with food.", "r": {"result": "Negara ini secara senyap-senyap meletakkan dirinya untuk menjadi peneraju berpotensi dalam pengeluaran biofuel apabila saintis membangunkan generasi kedua bahan api yang diperoleh daripada sumber yang tidak bersaing untuk tanah pertanian atau dengan makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jatropha-based biofuels are being increasingly used in Mexico, and agave -- the plant from which tequila is made -- is being studied as a new source for ethanol.", "r": {"result": "Biofuel berasaskan jatropha semakin digunakan di Mexico, dan agave -- tumbuhan dari mana tequila dibuat -- sedang dikaji sebagai sumber baru untuk etanol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But some observers warn that Mexico's cumbersome land laws make it too hard to purchase the land needed for cultivation at competitive prices.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi beberapa pemerhati memberi amaran bahawa undang-undang tanah Mexico yang rumit menjadikannya terlalu sukar untuk membeli tanah yang diperlukan untuk penanaman pada harga yang kompetitif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some biofuels, such as ethanol derived from corn and sugar, can indirectly raise the prices of staple foods in many places, along with raising ethical issues, said Gilberto Lopez Meyer, director of Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA), the Mexican government agency that oversaw the biofuel flights.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah biofuel, seperti etanol yang diperoleh daripada jagung dan gula, secara tidak langsung boleh menaikkan harga makanan ruji di banyak tempat, bersama-sama dengan menimbulkan isu etika, kata Gilberto Lopez Meyer, pengarah Lapangan Terbang dan Perkhidmatan Bantuan (ASA), agensi kerajaan Mexico yang menyelia penerbangan biofuel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So in 2007, Mexico, along with 14 other member countries of the International Civil Aviation Organization, committed to developing new strategies for second-generation biofuels that would not affect food production.", "r": {"result": "Jadi pada tahun 2007, Mexico, bersama-sama dengan 14 negara anggota Pertubuhan Penerbangan Awam Antarabangsa yang lain, komited untuk membangunkan strategi baharu untuk biofuel generasi kedua yang tidak akan menjejaskan pengeluaran makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We returned to Mexico with a mission,\" Lopez told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami kembali ke Mexico dengan misi,\" kata Lopez kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lopez's agency teamed up with the state of Chiapas, where Gov.", "r": {"result": "Agensi Lopez bekerjasama dengan negeri Chiapas, di mana Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Juan Sabines had already made a name for himself pushing his state toward alternative fuels.", "r": {"result": "Juan Sabines telah mencipta nama untuk dirinya sendiri mendorong negerinya ke arah bahan api alternatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chiapas began cultivating jatropha, whose seeds contain oil that can be extracted and converted into biofuel.", "r": {"result": "Chiapas mula menanam jatropha, yang bijinya mengandungi minyak yang boleh diekstrak dan ditukar menjadi biofuel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state already uses a jatropha biofuel mix on its buses and trucks, and President Felipe Calderon was on hand in November of last year to inaugurate a biodiesal plant there.", "r": {"result": "Negeri itu sudah menggunakan campuran biobahan api jarak jauh pada bas dan traknya, dan Presiden Felipe Calderon berada di tangan pada November tahun lalu untuk merasmikan loji biodiesal di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ASA partnered with American company UOP, which refined the Chiapas jatropha into jet fuel.", "r": {"result": "ASA bekerjasama dengan syarikat Amerika UOP, yang menapis jatropha Chiapas menjadi bahan api jet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the standards for biofuel use in commercial flights was approved July 1, Mexico was ready to make the domestic Interjet and international AeroMexico flights a possibility.", "r": {"result": "Apabila piawaian untuk penggunaan biofuel dalam penerbangan komersial diluluskan pada 1 Julai, Mexico bersedia untuk menjadikan penerbangan Interjet domestik dan antarabangsa AeroMexico sebagai satu kemungkinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The goal of ASA, which provides almost 100% of the jet fuel in Mexico, is to commercialize and distribute biofuels, Lopez said.", "r": {"result": "Matlamat ASA, yang menyediakan hampir 100% bahan api jet di Mexico, adalah untuk mengkomersialkan dan mengedarkan biofuel, kata Lopez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've been working on this project as part of a global effort to combat climate change,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah mengusahakan projek ini sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha global untuk memerangi perubahan iklim,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By 2015, the goal is to have 1% of all jet fuel in Mexico be biofuel, and by 2020, 15%, he said.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang 2015, matlamatnya adalah untuk menjadikan 1% daripada semua bahan api jet di Mexico menjadi biofuel, dan menjelang 2020, 15%, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a huge goal,\" Lopez said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah matlamat yang besar,\u201d kata Lopez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One percent doesn't sound like a lot, but it equals more than 40 million liters (10.6 million gallons)\".", "r": {"result": "\"Satu peratus tidak kelihatan seperti banyak, tetapi ia bersamaan dengan lebih daripada 40 juta liter (10.6 juta gelen)\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico has several things in its favor to become a leader in biofuels, he said.", "r": {"result": "Mexico mempunyai beberapa perkara yang memihak kepada mereka untuk menjadi peneraju dalam biofuel, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has plenty of land not being used for food, it has a high demand for energy, and it is located next door to the energy-hungry United States.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai banyak tanah yang tidak digunakan untuk makanan, ia mempunyai permintaan yang tinggi untuk tenaga, dan ia terletak bersebelahan dengan Amerika Syarikat yang kelaparan tenaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mexico has made the very important first step to be in a very priviledged place,\" Lopez said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mexico telah membuat langkah pertama yang sangat penting untuk berada di tempat yang sangat istimewa,\" kata Lopez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Halfway across the world, researchers at Oxford recently published a study extolling the benefits that ethanol derived from agave.", "r": {"result": "Di separuh jalan di seluruh dunia, penyelidik di Oxford baru-baru ini menerbitkan satu kajian yang memuji manfaat etanol yang diperoleh daripada agave.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Agave can grow in arid land, and produces less than half of the carbon dioxide emissions produced by corn-based ethanol, Oliver Inderwildi, one of the study's authors, told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Agave boleh tumbuh di tanah gersang, dan menghasilkan kurang daripada separuh daripada pelepasan karbon dioksida yang dihasilkan oleh etanol berasaskan jagung, Oliver Inderwildi, salah seorang pengarang kajian, memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sugar-based ethanol produces even less emissions, but it needs arable land for cultivation.", "r": {"result": "Etanol berasaskan gula menghasilkan lebih sedikit pelepasan, tetapi ia memerlukan tanah yang boleh ditanam untuk penanaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We need every space we can get, every arable land, for food,\" Inderwildi said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memerlukan setiap ruang yang kami boleh dapatkan, setiap tanah yang boleh ditanam, untuk makanan,\" kata Inderwildi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We think agave may be one part of the solution\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami fikir agave mungkin salah satu bahagian penyelesaian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For their study, the researchers did a life-cycle analysis for the production of ethanol based on a hypothetical plant in Jalisco, Mexico, where 90% of tequila is produced.", "r": {"result": "Untuk kajian mereka, para penyelidik melakukan analisis kitaran hayat untuk pengeluaran etanol berdasarkan kilang hipotesis di Jalisco, Mexico, di mana 90% tequila dihasilkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Potentially, agave plantations could boost local economies and create jobs, Inderwildi said.", "r": {"result": "Berkemungkinan, ladang agave boleh meningkatkan ekonomi tempatan dan mewujudkan pekerjaan, kata Inderwildi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico, the native home of agave plants, stands to benefit if such an ethanol industry takes off.", "r": {"result": "Mexico, tempat asal tumbuhan agave, mendapat manfaat jika industri etanol seperti itu mula berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Food prices would be spared, but would drinkers have to pay more for their margaritas and tequila shots?", "r": {"result": "Harga makanan akan terhindar, tetapi adakah peminum perlu membayar lebih untuk margarita dan tequila mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tequila business is very small compared to the fuel business, and is also more expensive than fuel ethanol, so Inderwildi predicts that alcohol prices would remain stable.", "r": {"result": "Perniagaan tequila adalah sangat kecil berbanding perniagaan bahan api, dan juga lebih mahal daripada etanol bahan api, jadi Inderwildi meramalkan bahawa harga alkohol akan kekal stabil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And unlike tequila, which requires the harvesting of the agave stem only, ethanol production would also require harvesting the leaves of the plant.", "r": {"result": "Dan tidak seperti tequila, yang memerlukan penuaian batang agave sahaja, pengeluaran etanol juga memerlukan penuaian daun tumbuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our study backs up that this is a good idea from an environmental perspective,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kajian kami menyokong bahawa ini adalah idea yang baik dari perspektif alam sekitar, \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The catch, for now, is that neither jatropha or agave biofuel production is cost-effective.", "r": {"result": "Tangkapannya, buat masa ini, tiada pengeluaran jatropha atau biofuel agave adalah kos efektif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But technological advances and oil prices make such alternatives more desirable.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemajuan teknologi dan harga minyak menjadikan alternatif sedemikian lebih diingini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When that tipping point comes, Mexico will be ready, the experts said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila titik penting itu tiba, Mexico akan bersedia, kata pakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But James Row, CEO of Houston-based Producers Energy and part owner of a Mexican-based biodiesel company, told CNN that Mexico is still far from being an ideal place to produce biofuels.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi James Row, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Producers Energy yang berpangkalan di Houston dan sebahagian pemilik syarikat biodiesel yang berpangkalan di Mexico, memberitahu CNN bahawa Mexico masih jauh daripada tempat yang ideal untuk menghasilkan biofuel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mexico is absolutely a perfect country for biodiesel, especially if it can be domestically grown,\" he said, but the country's ejido system -- collectively-held land in rural areas -- creates hurdles for private investment.", "r": {"result": "\"Mexico sememangnya negara yang sempurna untuk biodiesel, terutamanya jika ia boleh ditanam di dalam negara,\" katanya, tetapi sistem ejido negara -- tanah yang dipegang secara kolektif di kawasan luar bandar -- mewujudkan halangan untuk pelaburan swasta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result is difficulty in finding continuous large areas of rural land that can be negotiated for use for cultivation, or high prices that make it cost prohibitive.", "r": {"result": "Akibatnya ialah kesukaran untuk mencari kawasan besar berterusan tanah luar bandar yang boleh dirundingkan untuk kegunaan penanaman, atau harga tinggi yang menjadikannya mahal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without land reform, issues with land availability will continue, and Mexico will fall a decade or more behind other countries in the biofuels sector, Row said.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa pembaharuan tanah, isu dengan ketersediaan tanah akan berterusan, dan Mexico akan jatuh sedekad atau lebih di belakang negara lain dalam sektor biofuel, kata Row.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The demand is there, the land is there, but there is no way to get it, he said.", "r": {"result": "Permintaan itu ada, tanah itu ada, tetapi tidak ada cara untuk mendapatkannya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now is the time for Mexico to get its act together for biofuels,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang adalah masa untuk Mexico untuk bertindak bersama-sama untuk biofuel,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Oslo, Norway ranks as the world's most expensive city for expatriates, according to a new survey by ECA International, a global human resources consultancy firm.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Oslo, Norway disenaraikan sebagai bandar termahal di dunia untuk ekspatriat, menurut tinjauan baharu oleh ECA International, firma perunding sumber manusia global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the top 10, seven of the planet's priciest cities lie in Europe, two are found in Africa, while just one rests in Asia.", "r": {"result": "Dalam 10 teratas, tujuh daripada bandar paling mahal di planet ini terletak di Eropah, dua ditemui di Afrika, manakala hanya satu terletak di Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rise of Norway's capital to the top spot knocks Tokyo, Japan off the position it has claimed since 2010. This year, Japan's capital ranks as the world's sixth priciest city for overseas workers.", "r": {"result": "Peningkatan ibu negara Norway ke tempat teratas mengetepikan Tokyo, Jepun daripada kedudukan yang didakwanya sejak 2010. Tahun ini, ibu negara Jepun berada di kedudukan sebagai bandar raya keenam paling mahal di dunia untuk pekerja luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Prices in Oslo tend to be more expensive compared to other parts of the world (because of) the cost of production and labor,\" says Lee Quane, Regional Director, Asia for ECA International.", "r": {"result": "\"Harga di Oslo cenderung lebih mahal berbanding bahagian lain di dunia (kerana) kos pengeluaran dan buruh,\" kata Lee Quane, Pengarah Serantau, Asia untuk ECA International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Services include dry cleaning, shoe repair, hair dressing - items which are more labor intensive - meals eaten out at restaurants as well.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkhidmatan termasuk cucian kering, pembaikan kasut, dandanan rambut - barangan yang lebih intensif buruh - makanan yang dimakan di restoran juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We also see the impact of taxes.", "r": {"result": "Kita juga melihat kesan cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example alcohol and tobacco is relatively expensive\".", "r": {"result": "Contohnya alkohol dan tembakau agak mahal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to ECA International data for Oslo, a movie ticket costs the equivalent of $18.76, a beer at a bar costs $14.10, while a soda will set you back $3.43.", "r": {"result": "Menurut data ECA International untuk Oslo, tiket wayang berharga bersamaan $18.76, bir di bar berharga $14.10, manakala soda akan membuat anda kembali $3.43.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tokyo's fall from the top of the charts follows weakness in Japan's currency over the past several months, adds Quane.", "r": {"result": "Kejatuhan Tokyo dari bahagian atas carta berikutan kelemahan dalam mata wang Jepun sejak beberapa bulan lalu, tambah Quane.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The yen has fallen by as much as 20% since Shinzo Abe became prime minister in December 2012. Abe has laid out a plan for a return to inflation -- with an official 2% target -- after two decades of deflation, a stagnating economy and Japan's exporters like Sony and Panasonic recording billions of dollars in annual losses.", "r": {"result": "Yen telah jatuh sebanyak 20% sejak Shinzo Abe menjadi perdana menteri pada Disember 2012. Abe telah membentangkan rancangan untuk kembali kepada inflasi -- dengan sasaran rasmi 2% -- selepas dua dekad deflasi, ekonomi yang tidak stabil dan pengeksport Jepun seperti Sony dan Panasonic mencatatkan kerugian tahunan berbilion dolar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A weaker yen gives more buying power to foreigners visiting and exchanging their money.", "r": {"result": "Yen yang lebih lemah memberikan lebih banyak kuasa beli kepada warga asing yang melawat dan menukar wang mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still Tokyo remains the most expensive city in Asia for expats, in the survey by ECA International, beating Seoul, Beijing, Singapore and Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Tokyo masih kekal sebagai bandar termahal di Asia untuk ekspatriat, dalam tinjauan oleh ECA International, menewaskan Seoul, Beijing, Singapura dan Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A ticket to a Tokyo movie will take $19.09 out of your wallet, a soft drink is a more affordable $1.61 compared to Oslo, while a kilo of rice costs $10.00 -- the highest price in the entire ECA International survey.", "r": {"result": "Tiket ke filem Tokyo akan mengambil $19.09 daripada dompet anda, minuman ringan adalah lebih berpatutan $1.61 berbanding Oslo, manakala sekilo beras berharga $10.00 -- harga tertinggi dalam keseluruhan tinjauan ECA International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overall, Asia's city rankings have recently seen \"a lot of stability,\" adds Quane.", "r": {"result": "Secara keseluruhannya, kedudukan bandar Asia baru-baru ini menyaksikan \"banyak kestabilan,\" tambah Quane.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The global position rankings of Hong Kong and Singapore have only \"moved one or two points\", which he considers \"a good thing\" and a signal towards a longer-term economic recovery after the 2008 global financial crisis.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukan global Hong Kong dan Singapura hanya \"bergerak satu atau dua mata\", yang beliau anggap sebagai \"perkara yang baik\" dan isyarat ke arah pemulihan ekonomi jangka panjang selepas krisis kewangan global 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One surprise, says Quane, is the Philippine capital of Manila which jumped 19 points since the 2012 survey.", "r": {"result": "Satu kejutan, kata Quane, ialah ibu kota Filipina di Manila yang melonjak 19 mata sejak tinjauan 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The main reason was due to the strength of the currency.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebab utamanya adalah kerana kekuatan mata wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What we have seen is that the Philippines has been one of the strongest economies in Asia in the last 12 months as we've seen more foreign direct investment go there.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang telah kita lihat ialah Filipina telah menjadi salah satu ekonomi terkuat di Asia dalam tempoh 12 bulan yang lalu kerana kita telah melihat lebih banyak pelaburan langsung asing pergi ke sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because of that, we've seen the currency strengthen and that pushed the Philippines up in ranking\".", "r": {"result": "Kerana itu, kami telah melihat mata wang itu mengukuh dan itu melonjakkan Filipina dalam ranking\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Wait -- we weren't done pondering the Xbox 720. So what, if anything, is \"Xbox 8\"?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tunggu -- kami belum selesai memikirkan Xbox 720. Jadi apakah, jika ada, \"Xbox 8\" itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The real, no-fun, answer is \"maybe nothing\".", "r": {"result": "Jawapan sebenar, tidak menyeronokkan, adalah \"mungkin tiada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's been enough to kick up a round of speculation among tech and gaming enthusiasts after Microsoft fought, and won, against a cybersquatter who had grabbed the Web address for that name.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sudah cukup untuk mencetuskan spekulasi di kalangan peminat teknologi dan permainan selepas Microsoft bertarung, dan menang, menentang penduduk siber yang telah merebut alamat Web untuk nama itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Arbitration Forum, which handles international business disputes, ruled in Microsoft's favor in a complaint against a Chinese national who had filed for a whole host of addresses representing both current and imagined products.", "r": {"result": "Forum Timbang Tara Kebangsaan, yang mengendalikan pertikaian perniagaan antarabangsa, memutuskan memihak kepada Microsoft dalam aduan terhadap seorang warga China yang telah memfailkan pelbagai alamat yang mewakili kedua-dua produk semasa dan yang dibayangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They included XboxPhone.com, XboxTablet.com, XboxLiveTV.com, XboxCompanion.com, Xbox8.us and Xbox8.org.", "r": {"result": "Mereka termasuk XboxPhone.com, XboxTablet.com, XboxLiveTV.com, XboxCompanion.com, Xbox8.us dan Xbox8.org.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Microsoft filed the complaints in May.", "r": {"result": "Microsoft memfailkan aduan pada bulan Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tech site Fusible reports that the domains listed in the disputes were ordered transferred to Microsoft in late June after two separate panels found the man who filed for them had no rights to the domains and that they were being used \"in bad faith\".", "r": {"result": "Tapak Tech Fusible melaporkan bahawa domain yang disenaraikan dalam pertikaian telah diarahkan dipindahkan ke Microsoft pada akhir Jun selepas dua panel berasingan mendapati lelaki yang memfailkannya tidak mempunyai hak ke atas domain tersebut dan bahawa mereka telah digunakan \"dengan niat jahat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The inclusion of \"Xbox 8\" may have just been a matter of Microsoft gaining control over anything that looks as if it should be theirs.", "r": {"result": "Kemasukan \"Xbox 8\" mungkin hanya disebabkan oleh Microsoft memperoleh kawalan ke atas apa sahaja yang kelihatan seolah-olah ia sepatutnya menjadi milik mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But its inclusion alongside other names that are easier to explain sparked speculation online Tuesday about what the name might mean.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemasukannya bersama nama lain yang lebih mudah dijelaskan mencetuskan spekulasi dalam talian pada hari Selasa tentang maksud nama itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many observers immediately wondered whether it might be the name of the next Xbox gaming and entertainment console.", "r": {"result": "Ramai pemerhati segera tertanya-tanya sama ada ia mungkin nama konsol permainan dan hiburan Xbox seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Microsoft is widely expected to roll out a new version of its popular Xbox 360 console within the next year.", "r": {"result": "Microsoft secara meluas dijangka akan melancarkan versi baharu konsol Xbox 360 popularnya dalam tahun hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The name most people expect?", "r": {"result": "Nama yang kebanyakan orang jangkakan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xbox 720.", "r": {"result": "Xbox 720.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, a 56-page document from Microsoft was leaked.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, dokumen setebal 56 halaman daripada Microsoft telah bocor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dating back to mid-2010, the document contained plans for an \"Xbox 720\" that utilizes the new Xbox SmartGlass system and new hardware for its Kinect motion-recognition system.", "r": {"result": "Sejak pertengahan 2010, dokumen itu mengandungi rancangan untuk \"Xbox 720\" yang menggunakan sistem Xbox SmartGlass baharu dan perkakasan baharu untuk sistem pengecaman gerakan Kinectnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps a better guess is that \"Xbox 8\" could be software.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin tekaan yang lebih baik ialah \"Xbox 8\" boleh menjadi perisian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Windows 8 promises to be a massive overhaul of the operating system that will marry PCs with tablets and smartphones.", "r": {"result": "Windows 8 berjanji untuk menjadi baik pulih besar-besaran sistem pengendalian yang akan mengahwini PC dengan tablet dan telefon pintar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It stands to reason that the Xbox will be included and \"Xbox 8\" would make sense in this regard.", "r": {"result": "Memang wajar bahawa Xbox akan disertakan dan \"Xbox 8\" akan masuk akal dalam hal ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, imagining a new console is more exciting.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, membayangkan konsol baharu lebih mengujakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"XBox 8?", "r": {"result": "\"XBox 8?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Didn't know the XBox 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 came out,\" one Twitter user wrote.", "r": {"result": "Tidak tahu XBox 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dan 7 keluar,\" tulis seorang pengguna Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alas, says gaming site Joystiq:", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, kata laman web permainan Joystiq:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's tempting to suspect Microsoft is eyeing 'Xbox 8' as the next console name due to the two domains that reference it; however, Microsoft already began integrating Xbox Live, and the 'Xbox' name, into all its consumer products, including Windows 8. Also, it would be really weird if a domain squatter guessed the name\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah menggoda untuk mengesyaki Microsoft mengintai 'Xbox 8' sebagai nama konsol seterusnya disebabkan oleh dua domain yang merujuknya; namun, Microsoft sudah mula mengintegrasikan Xbox Live, dan nama 'Xbox', ke dalam semua produk penggunanya, termasuk Windows 8. Juga, ia akan menjadi sangat pelik jika setinggan domain meneka nama itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The New Zealand All Blacks secured a narrow 14-10 victory over France in Wellington on Saturday to square their rugby Test series at 1-1, but France still secured the Dave Gallaher Cup for the first time since it was introduced in 2000 by virtue of their five-point victory in Dunedin last week.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- All Blacks New Zealand memperoleh kemenangan tipis 14-10 ke atas Perancis di Wellington pada hari Sabtu untuk menyamakan siri Ujian ragbi mereka pada 1-1, tetapi Perancis masih memperoleh Piala Dave Gallaher buat kali pertama sejak ia diperkenalkan pada tahun 2000 berdasarkan kemenangan lima mata mereka di Dunedin minggu lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ma'a Nonu goes over for New Zealand's only try in their narrow victory over France in Wellington.", "r": {"result": "Ma'a Nonu pergi ke atas untuk satu-satunya percubaan New Zealand dalam kemenangan tipis mereka ke atas Perancis di Wellington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having been out-muscled and out-played 27-22 in the opening Test, the New Zealanders played with far greater intensity, physicality and urgency at a cold, wet and windy Westpac Stadium.", "r": {"result": "Setelah berotot dan kurang bermain 27-22 dalam Ujian pembukaan, warga New Zealand bermain dengan lebih intensiti, fizikal dan segera di Stadium Westpac yang sejuk, basah dan berangin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Ma'a Nonu try midway through the first half opened the scoring for the host nation before Stephen Donald slotted home a penalty for an 8-0 advantage at the break.", "r": {"result": "Percubaan Ma'a Nonu pada pertengahan babak pertama membuka jaringan untuk negara tuan rumah sebelum Stephen Donald menjaringkan penalti untuk kelebihan 8-0 pada waktu rehat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The French reply was swift after the restart, with wing Cedric Heymans crossing the line with a superb solo effort and then Julien Dupuy's conversion getting them back into the game.", "r": {"result": "Balasan Perancis adalah pantas selepas dimulakan semula, dengan sayap Cedric Heymans melepasi garisan dengan usaha solo yang hebat dan kemudian penukaran Julien Dupuy membawa mereka kembali ke dalam permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But another Donald penalty and one from substitute Luke McAlister edged the All Blacks further ahead before a late three-pointer from Dimitri Yachvili kept things interesting.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi satu lagi penalti Donald dan satu daripada pemain gantian Luke McAlister mengenepikan All Blacks lebih jauh di hadapan sebelum tiga mata lewat daripada Dimitri Yachvili mengekalkan perkara yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, a much-changed Australia side comfortably accounted for Italy 34-12 in Melbourne on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, pasukan Australia yang banyak berubah dengan selesa menyumbang kepada Itali 34-12 di Melbourne pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Man-of-the-match Adam Ashley-Cooper, who started on the bench, finished with two tries, one in each half, after coming on initially when Peter Hynes was blood-binned, then as a replacement for James O'Connor at full-back.", "r": {"result": "Pemain terbaik perlawanan Adam Ashley-Cooper, yang bermula di bangku simpanan, menamatkan dengan dua percubaan, satu dalam setiap separuh masa, selepas masuk pada awalnya apabila Peter Hynes dibuang darah, kemudian sebagai pengganti James O'Connor di punggung penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three first-half tries gave the Wallabies a 20-6 lead at the break and that was a fair reflection of the difference between the teams, but the hosts were held at bay for much of the second half before late tries by Lachie Turner and Ashley-Cooper.", "r": {"result": "Tiga percubaan pada separuh masa pertama memberikan Wallabies mendahului 20-6 pada waktu rehat dan itu merupakan gambaran yang adil tentang perbezaan antara pasukan, tetapi tuan rumah telah dihalang untuk sebahagian besar separuh masa kedua sebelum percubaan lewat oleh Lachie Turner dan Ashley -Cooper.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Australian-born full-back Luke McLean landed four penalties for Italy for whom fellow-Aussie Craig Gower was effective and creative in his second start at fly-half.", "r": {"result": "Bek sayap kelahiran Australia, Luke McLean mendarat empat penalti untuk Itali yang rakan senegaranya dari Australia Craig Gower berkesan dan kreatif dalam permulaan keduanya pada separuh masa pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The killing of 298 innocent people on board Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was a crime, a consequence of the war against Ukraine that Vladimir Putin started, and which he supplies, directs and controls.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pembunuhan 298 orang yang tidak berdosa di dalam pesawat Penerbangan 17 Malaysia Airlines adalah satu jenayah, akibat daripada peperangan menentang Ukraine yang dimulakan oleh Vladimir Putin, dan yang dibekalkannya, diarahkan dan dikawal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Russian President bears full responsibility for this war, including the downing of the Malaysian airliner.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Rusia memikul tanggungjawab penuh untuk perang ini, termasuk menjatuhkan pesawat Malaysia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The main problem with our reaction to Russian aggression is not even the mildness of our sanctions, but the lack of clarity of their purpose.", "r": {"result": "Masalah utama dengan reaksi kami terhadap pencerobohan Rusia bukanlah kelembutan sekatan kami, tetapi kekurangan kejelasan tujuan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our message to Putin is very confused.", "r": {"result": "Mesej kami kepada Putin sangat keliru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do we want him completely out of Ukraine, or do we want his help in dealing with that country?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita mahu dia keluar sepenuhnya dari Ukraine, atau adakah kita mahu bantuannya dalam berurusan dengan negara itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are two very different requests.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah dua permintaan yang sangat berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite Putin's offenses, Western leaders apparently still want him to play an active role in securing peace and stability.", "r": {"result": "Di sebalik kesalahan Putin, pemimpin Barat nampaknya masih mahu beliau memainkan peranan aktif dalam menjamin keamanan dan kestabilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the White House, on July 17, \"President Obama called on President Putin to take concrete steps to de-escalate the situation, including pressing separatists to agree to a cease-fire\".", "r": {"result": "Menurut Rumah Putih, pada 17 Julai, \"Presiden Obama menyeru Presiden Putin untuk mengambil langkah konkrit untuk meredakan keadaan, termasuk mendesak pemisah untuk bersetuju dengan gencatan senjata\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the Malaysian airliner was shot down, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Putin to use his influence with the rebels to ensure a cease-fire.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pesawat Malaysia itu ditembak jatuh, Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel menggesa Putin menggunakan pengaruhnya dengan pemberontak bagi memastikan gencatan senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent appearances on several TV shows, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry asked Putin to take \"immediate and clear action to reduce tensions in Ukraine,\" \"to step up and make a difference,\" and \"to use all his influence\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam penampilan baru-baru ini di beberapa rancangan TV, Setiausaha Negara AS John Kerry meminta Putin untuk mengambil \"tindakan segera dan jelas untuk mengurangkan ketegangan di Ukraine,\" \"untuk meningkatkan dan membuat perubahan,\" dan \"untuk menggunakan semua pengaruhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite their harsh words for Putin, leaders of the West still want his help.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kata-kata kasar mereka untuk Putin, pemimpin Barat masih mahukan bantuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British Prime Minister David Cameron summed it up best when he said: \"We sometimes behave as if we need Russia more than Russia needs us\".", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Britain David Cameron merumuskannya dengan terbaik apabila beliau berkata: \"Kami kadangkala berkelakuan seolah-olah kami memerlukan Rusia lebih daripada Rusia memerlukan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin is only too glad to put on sheep's clothing and assume the role of peacemaker that he has pretended to be throughout the war that he himself started.", "r": {"result": "Putin terlalu gembira untuk memakai pakaian kambing biri-biri dan mengambil alih peranan pendamai yang dia telah berpura-pura menjadi sepanjang perang yang dia sendiri mulakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to him, annexing Crimea, shooting down airplanes and supporting separatists has only one purpose: to protect the Ukrainian people from alleged right-wing extremists.", "r": {"result": "Menurutnya, pengilhakan Crimea, menembak jatuh kapal terbang dan menyokong pemisah hanya mempunyai satu tujuan: untuk melindungi rakyat Ukraine daripada didakwa ekstremis sayap kanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you want Putin's help, beware of what you are asking.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda mahukan bantuan Putin, berhati-hati dengan apa yang anda minta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would be glad to broker a \"diplomatic solution\" with the separatists, thus legitimizing his terrorists and entrenching them on Ukrainian territory.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan gembira untuk menjadi perantara \"penyelesaian diplomatik\" dengan pemisah, dengan itu menghalalkan pengganasnya dan mengukuhkan mereka di wilayah Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If that option doesn't work, we can imagine the following completely different scenario: Russian tanks roll over Donetsk.", "r": {"result": "Jika pilihan itu tidak berkesan, kita boleh bayangkan senario yang berbeza sama sekali berikut: Kereta kebal Rusia bergolek di atas Donetsk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of supporting the separatists, Putin arrests leaders of the Donetsk republic and persecutes them for terrorizing the local population.", "r": {"result": "Daripada menyokong pemisah, Putin menangkap pemimpin republik Donetsk dan menganiaya mereka kerana mengganas penduduk tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blaming the Ukrainian government for its inability to protect people from the terrorists, he establishes full control over the territory, and leaves Russian troops there to secure law, order and tranquility.", "r": {"result": "Menyalahkan kerajaan Ukraine kerana ketidakupayaannya untuk melindungi orang ramai daripada pengganas, dia menetapkan kawalan penuh ke atas wilayah itu, dan meninggalkan tentera Rusia di sana untuk mendapatkan undang-undang, ketenteraman dan ketenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How would the world react to such a \"peacekeeping mission\"?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah reaksi dunia terhadap \"misi pengaman\" sedemikian?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Would the Ukrainian army fight Russian troops?", "r": {"result": "Adakah tentera Ukraine akan melawan tentera Rusia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Would Western political leaders accept this as a plausible option?", "r": {"result": "Adakah pemimpin politik Barat akan menerima ini sebagai pilihan yang munasabah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I do not know.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what is more important, Putin doesn't know either.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apa yang lebih penting, Putin juga tidak tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We should make very clear that we would not accept Putin as a peacekeeper and we want him out of Ukraine.", "r": {"result": "Kami harus menjelaskan dengan jelas bahawa kami tidak akan menerima Putin sebagai penjaga keamanan dan kami mahu dia keluar dari Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Western governments should not implicitly accept the aggressive doctrine called the \"Russian World,\" which was endorsed by Putin, and which gives him the right to intervene into the affairs of virtually any sovereign nation, as he did in Ukraine, using the pretext of protecting Russian-speaking citizens.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Barat tidak seharusnya menerima secara tersirat doktrin agresif yang dipanggil \"Dunia Rusia,\" yang telah disahkan oleh Putin, dan yang memberinya hak untuk campur tangan dalam hal ehwal hampir mana-mana negara berdaulat, seperti yang dilakukannya di Ukraine, dengan alasan untuk melindungi warganegara berbahasa Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The major concern of Western leaders is that by taking a strong stand against Putin, we may lose him as a useful partner in the world arena.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan utama pemimpin Barat ialah dengan mengambil pendirian yang kuat terhadap Putin, kita mungkin kehilangannya sebagai rakan kongsi yang berguna di arena dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We shouldn't worry about that.", "r": {"result": "Kita tidak perlu risau tentang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "History clearly demonstrates that in all major international trouble spots in which we accepted Putin as our partner, Russia has always taken the side of the West's enemy.", "r": {"result": "Sejarah jelas menunjukkan bahawa di semua tempat masalah antarabangsa utama di mana kami menerima Putin sebagai rakan kongsi kami, Rusia sentiasa berpihak kepada musuh Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such has been the case with Iraq, North Korea, Syria and Iran.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga dengan Iraq, Korea Utara, Syria dan Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was only natural for Putin to use any invitation on our part as an opportunity to damage us.", "r": {"result": "Adalah wajar bagi Putin untuk menggunakan sebarang jemputan di pihak kami sebagai peluang untuk merosakkan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One should not expect anything different from a person with the background of a KGB officer, for whom America always has been enemy No.1, and for whom anti-Americanism is a pillar of his power.", "r": {"result": "Seseorang tidak seharusnya mengharapkan sesuatu yang berbeza daripada seseorang yang berlatarbelakangkan pegawai KGB, yang selama ini Amerika menjadi musuh No.1, dan baginya anti-Amerika adalah tonggak kekuasaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If America is Russia's enemy, Putin's Russia cannot be our ally.", "r": {"result": "Jika Amerika adalah musuh Rusia, Rusia Putin tidak boleh menjadi sekutu kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether we like it or not, such relations are reciprocal.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada kita suka atau tidak, hubungan sedemikian adalah timbal balik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And from an enemy we do not need help.", "r": {"result": "Dan daripada musuh kita tidak memerlukan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need only check its aggression.", "r": {"result": "Kita hanya perlu menyemak pencerobohannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For that purpose we should take the following steps:", "r": {"result": "Untuk tujuan itu kita harus mengambil langkah-langkah berikut:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Publicly recognize that Putin is not our ally or partner, but rather our foe, and make this position clear to him and to the rest of the world.", "r": {"result": "1. Mengiktiraf secara terbuka bahawa Putin bukanlah sekutu atau rakan kongsi kami, sebaliknya musuh kami, dan jelaskan kedudukan ini kepadanya dan kepada seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Ensure that our demands to Russia be absolutely clear.", "r": {"result": "2. Memastikan bahawa tuntutan kami kepada Rusia benar-benar jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stop supporting separatists in Ukraine.", "r": {"result": "Berhenti menyokong pemisah di Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We do not need Putin as a broker or peacemaker.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak memerlukan Putin sebagai broker atau pendamai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin must completely get out of Ukrainian territory and Ukrainian politics.", "r": {"result": "Putin mesti keluar sepenuhnya dari wilayah Ukraine dan politik Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Make clear that Putin's help is not needed in any other part of the world.", "r": {"result": "3. Jelaskan bahawa bantuan Putin tidak diperlukan di mana-mana bahagian lain di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Exclude Russia as our partner or as a mediator from any international arrangements and negotiations.", "r": {"result": "Kecualikan Rusia sebagai rakan kongsi kami atau sebagai orang tengah daripada sebarang pengaturan dan rundingan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Reiterate our position of not accepting the annexation of Crimea.", "r": {"result": "4. Tegaskan pendirian kami untuk tidak menerima pengilhakan Crimea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Demand that it be returned to Ukraine.", "r": {"result": "Menuntut supaya ia dikembalikan ke Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. Stop propagating Putin's propaganda.", "r": {"result": "5. Berhenti menyebarkan propaganda Putin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, counter it with all the power of America's media.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, lawan dengan semua kuasa media Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Expand broadcasts by Radio Liberty and other radio stations.", "r": {"result": "Kembangkan siaran oleh Radio Liberty dan stesen radio lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. Make it clear that we consider the \"Russian World\" policy a threat to world peace and stability.", "r": {"result": "6. Jelaskan bahawa kami menganggap dasar \"Dunia Rusia\" sebagai ancaman kepada keamanan dan kestabilan dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Insist that Russia officially renounce that doctrine and repeal supporting legislation as necessary conditions for Russia's readmission to the community of civilized nations.", "r": {"result": "Tegaskan bahawa Rusia secara rasmi meninggalkan doktrin itu dan memansuhkan perundangan yang menyokong sebagai syarat yang diperlukan untuk kemasukan semula Rusia kepada komuniti negara bertamadun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "7. To stop aggression against Ukraine and to prevent aggressions against other countries, make Russia pay a high price by introducing sector and other serious economic sanctions.", "r": {"result": "7. Untuk menghentikan pencerobohan terhadap Ukraine dan untuk mengelakkan pencerobohan terhadap negara lain, membuat Rusia membayar harga yang tinggi dengan memperkenalkan sektor dan sekatan ekonomi serius yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Be ready to accept the cost of those sanctions.", "r": {"result": "Bersedia untuk menerima kos sekatan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8. Take immediate steps to reduce that cost and any dependence on Russia.", "r": {"result": "8. Ambil langkah segera untuk mengurangkan kos itu dan sebarang pergantungan kepada Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Develop new energy sources and transportation systems in America and Europe.", "r": {"result": "Membangunkan sumber tenaga dan sistem pengangkutan baharu di Amerika dan Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "9. Provide help, including military assistance, to those who are under immediate attack or potential aggression by Russia.", "r": {"result": "9. Memberi bantuan, termasuk bantuan ketenteraan, kepada mereka yang diserang segera atau kemungkinan pencerobohan oleh Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "10. Revisit communism, an ideology that remains important in Russia as well as other countries.", "r": {"result": "10. Tinjau semula komunisme, ideologi yang kekal penting di Rusia dan juga negara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Educate new generations about its atrocities and bankrupt ideology.", "r": {"result": "Mendidik generasi baru tentang kekejaman dan ideologi muflisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opponents of strong action against an aggressor wrongly equate political confrontation with war.", "r": {"result": "Penentang tindakan keras terhadap penceroboh secara salah menyamakan konfrontasi politik dengan peperangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They believe that admitting that the second largest nuclear power is our enemy would usher in another Cold War and make the situation much more dangerous.", "r": {"result": "Mereka percaya bahawa mengakui bahawa kuasa nuklear kedua terbesar adalah musuh kita akan mencetuskan satu lagi Perang Dingin dan menjadikan keadaan lebih berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "History teaches us, however, that to ignore reality and appease our enemy is a more dangerous approach than to clearly articulate our principles and disagreements.", "r": {"result": "Sejarah mengajar kita, bagaimanapun, bahawa untuk mengabaikan realiti dan menenangkan musuh kita adalah pendekatan yang lebih berbahaya daripada menyatakan dengan jelas prinsip dan perselisihan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When in 1983 the Soviets shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Ronald Reagan denounced them as enemies of the United States and the entire world.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pada tahun 1983 Soviet menembak jatuh Penerbangan 007 Korean Air Lines, Ronald Reagan mengecam mereka sebagai musuh Amerika Syarikat dan seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reagan's strong stand against the Soviet communism that threatened us for decades with nuclear war helped stop its expansion and eventually led to its complete capitulation.", "r": {"result": "Pendirian kuat Reagan terhadap komunisme Soviet yang mengancam kita selama beberapa dekad dengan perang nuklear membantu menghentikan pengembangannya dan akhirnya membawa kepada penyerahan sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If we could stand against the mighty Soviet Union, we can manage Putin's much weaker Russia.", "r": {"result": "Jika kita boleh menentang Kesatuan Soviet yang perkasa, kita boleh menguruskan Rusia yang jauh lebih lemah milik Putin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February 2000, only two months into his presidency, Vladimir Putin presented one of his first state awards to Air Force Gen.", "r": {"result": "Pada Februari 2000, hanya dua bulan menjadi presiden, Vladimir Putin menyampaikan salah satu anugerah negeri pertamanya kepada Jeneral Tentera Udara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anatoly Kornukov.", "r": {"result": "Anatoly Kornukov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1983, Kornukov was commander of Sokol Airbase in Sakhalin.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1983, Kornukov adalah komander Pangkalan Udara Sokol di Sakhalin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His order to the fighter pilot was: \"Destroy the target\"!", "r": {"result": "Perintahnya kepada juruterbang pejuang itu ialah: \"Hancurkan sasaran\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The target was Korean Air Lines Flight 007.", "r": {"result": "Sasarannya ialah Penerbangan 007 Korean Air Lines.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Join us on Facebook.com/CNNOpinion.", "r": {"result": "Sertai kami di Facebook.com/CNNOpinion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) -- The skull of a female Homo erectus -- the first-ever discovery -- suggests the upright ancestors of humans may have been physiologically closer to modern gorillas and chimpanzees.", "r": {"result": "NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) -- Tengkorak Homo erectus betina -- penemuan pertama -- menunjukkan nenek moyang manusia yang tegak mungkin secara fisiologi lebih dekat dengan gorila dan cimpanzi moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frederick Kyalo Manthi holds the Homo erectus complete skull he discovered in 2000 near lake Turkana in Kenya.", "r": {"result": "Frederick Kyalo Manthi memegang tengkorak lengkap Homo erectus yang ditemuinya pada tahun 2000 berhampiran tasik Turkana di Kenya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Homo erectus, long viewed as a crucial evolutionary link between modern humans and their tree-dwelling ancestors, may have been more ape-like than previously thought, scientists said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Homo erectus, yang lama dilihat sebagai penghubung evolusi penting antara manusia moden dan nenek moyang mereka yang tinggal di pokok, mungkin lebih mirip kera daripada yang difikirkan sebelum ini, kata saintis pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unveiling newfound fossils, a team of Kenyan scientists said they were surprised to find that early female hominids were much smaller than males.", "r": {"result": "Membongkar fosil baru ditemui, sepasukan saintis Kenya berkata mereka terkejut apabila mendapati hominid wanita awal jauh lebih kecil daripada lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gorillas and chimpanzees also exhibit big differences in size between males and females.", "r": {"result": "Gorila dan cimpanzi juga mempamerkan perbezaan besar dalam saiz antara jantan dan betina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fossils, an ancient skull and a jawbone from two early branches of the human family tree -- Homo erectus and Homo habilis, were revealed at Kenya's National Museum.", "r": {"result": "Fosil, tengkorak purba dan tulang rahang daripada dua cabang awal pokok keluarga manusia -- Homo erectus dan Homo habilis, telah didedahkan di Muzium Negara Kenya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both fossils were found in 2000 east of Lake Turkana.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua fosil ditemui di 2000 timur Tasik Turkana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Homo erectus skull, dating back 1.55 million years, was slightly older than the Homo habilis jawbone, which was found to be 1.44 million years old, the scientists said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tengkorak Homo erectus, sejak 1.55 juta tahun, lebih tua sedikit daripada tulang rahang Homo habilis, yang didapati berusia 1.44 juta tahun, kata saintis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Prior to the discovery of the new specimens, scientists did not know that Homo erectus males were far larger than the females,\" said Dr Emma Mbua, one of the team.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelum penemuan spesimen baharu itu, saintis tidak mengetahui bahawa lelaki Homo erectus jauh lebih besar daripada betina,\" kata Dr Emma Mbua, salah seorang daripada pasukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This sexual dimorphism [two forms of the same species] is considered a primitive character because it occurs in other apes,\" she said, standing in front of the bones at the museum.", "r": {"result": "\"Dimorfisme seksual ini [dua bentuk spesies yang sama] dianggap sebagai watak primitif kerana ia berlaku pada beruk lain,\" katanya sambil berdiri di hadapan tulang di muzium itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said this could also mean the sexual behavior of Homo erectus was more like that of apes, where individuals, especially males, mate with several partners, sometimes in a few hours, than that of its more monogamous human successors.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata ini juga boleh bermakna tingkah laku seksual Homo erectus lebih seperti beruk, di mana individu, terutamanya lelaki, mengawan dengan beberapa pasangan, kadang-kadang dalam beberapa jam, berbanding pengganti manusia yang lebih monogami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fossils, discovered in east Africa's Rift Valley, regarded as the \"cradle of humankind\", challenge the idea that human prototypes evolved one after the other in a linear fashion from Homo habilis to Homo erectus, ending with modern humans.", "r": {"result": "Fosil yang ditemui di Lembah Rift Afrika timur, dianggap sebagai \"buaian manusia\", mencabar idea bahawa prototaip manusia berkembang satu demi satu dalam cara linear dari Homo habilis ke Homo erectus, berakhir dengan manusia moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This means they must have co-existed in different habitats at the same time, the scientists added.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna mereka mesti wujud bersama di habitat yang berbeza pada masa yang sama, tambah saintis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They were kind of sisters, if you like,\" said Frederick Manthi, the scientist who discovered the fossils.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka adalah sejenis saudara perempuan, jika anda suka,\" kata Frederick Manthi, saintis yang menemui fosil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Homo habilis never gave rise to Homo erectus.", "r": {"result": "\"Homo habilis tidak pernah menimbulkan Homo erectus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These discoveries have completely changed the story\".", "r": {"result": "Penemuan ini telah mengubah cerita sepenuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The research, first published in the journal Nature, was conducted by nine scientists including well-known paleontologist Maeve Leakey and her daughter Louise Leakey.", "r": {"result": "Penyelidikan yang pertama kali diterbitkan dalam jurnal Nature, telah dijalankan oleh sembilan saintis termasuk ahli paleontologi terkenal Maeve Leakey dan anak perempuannya Louise Leakey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The scientists think both Homo erectus and Homo habilis must have evolved from a common ancestor 2-3 million years ago.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis berpendapat kedua-dua Homo erectus dan Homo habilis mesti telah berkembang daripada nenek moyang yang sama 2-3 juta tahun yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most famous such ancestor is Ethiopia's \"Lucy,\" a fossil more than 3 million years old that set off this week for a tour of museums in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Nenek moyang yang paling terkenal ialah \"Lucy\" Ethiopia, sebuah fosil berusia lebih 3 juta tahun yang memulakan lawatan minggu ini ke muzium di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The basic evolutionary story -- that all humans came \"out of Africa\" after evolving from apes in the Rift Valley around 5 million years ago -- remains unchanged and may even be strengthened, the scientists said.", "r": {"result": "Kisah evolusi asas -- bahawa semua manusia \"keluar dari Afrika\" selepas berkembang daripada beruk di Lembah Rift sekitar 5 juta tahun yang lalu -- kekal tidak berubah malah mungkin diperkukuh, kata saintis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The more fossils we find in Kenya, the more we justify the story that east Africa is the cradle of mankind,\" Manthi said.", "r": {"result": "\"Semakin banyak fosil yang kita temui di Kenya, semakin banyak kita membenarkan cerita bahawa Afrika timur adalah buaian manusia,\" kata Manthi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These hominids tell us there was a large diversity within this species, which strengthens that convention\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hominid ini memberitahu kami terdapat kepelbagaian besar dalam spesies ini, yang menguatkan konvensyen itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The researchers said Homo habilis was largely a herbivore, likely to have foraged for fruits in greener, more heavily forested areas than Homo erectus, who is thought to have been a hunter who thrived in east Africa's open savannah.", "r": {"result": "Para penyelidik berkata Homo habilis sebahagian besarnya adalah herbivor, berkemungkinan mencari buah-buahan di kawasan yang lebih hijau dan berhutan daripada Homo erectus, yang dianggap sebagai pemburu yang hidup subur di sabana terbuka Afrika timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manthi said the team would have to find more fossils to confirm the findings.", "r": {"result": "Manthi berkata pasukan itu perlu mencari lebih banyak fosil untuk mengesahkan penemuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The story of human evolution has not yet been [told],\" said Kenya Museum director Farah Idle.", "r": {"result": "\"Kisah evolusi manusia belum lagi [diberitahu],\" kata pengarah Muzium Kenya, Farah Idle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are many missing links.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak pautan yang hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The more discoveries you make, the more questions you raise\".", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak penemuan yang anda buat, lebih banyak soalan yang anda timbulkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Famed boxer Muhammad Ali has \"vastly improved\" after being hospitalized over the weekend with a mild case of pneumonia, his spokesman Bob Gunnell said.", "r": {"result": "Petinju terkenal Muhammad Ali telah \"bertambah baik\" selepas dimasukkan ke hospital pada hujung minggu dengan kes ringan radang paru-paru, kata jurucakapnya Bob Gunnell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ali's team of doctors hopes to discharge him soon,\" said Gunnell.", "r": {"result": "\"Pasukan doktor Ali berharap untuk mengeluarkannya tidak lama lagi,\" kata Gunnell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ali, 72, was admitted to an undisclosed hospital on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Ali, 72, dimasukkan ke hospital yang tidak didedahkan pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Ali family continues to request privacy and appreciates all of the prayers and well wishes,\" read a statement sent from Gunnell.", "r": {"result": "\"Keluarga Ali terus meminta privasi dan menghargai semua doa dan ucapan selamat,\" baca kenyataan yang dihantar dari Gunnell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ali was born Cassius Clay and won an Olympic gold medal as a light-heavyweight at 18.", "r": {"result": "Ali dilahirkan sebagai Cassius Clay dan memenangi pingat emas Olimpik sebagai kelas berat ringan pada usia 18 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1964, he became world heavyweight champion in an upset victory against then-champion Sonny Liston, according to Ali's official website.", "r": {"result": "Pada 1964, dia menjadi juara heavyweight dunia dalam kemenangan mengecewakan menentang juara ketika itu Sonny Liston, menurut laman web rasmi Ali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shortly thereafter, he changed his name to Muhammad Ali to reflect his conversion to Islam.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas itu, dia menukar namanya kepada Muhammad Ali untuk mencerminkan keislamannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The boxer was also known for his protest against the Vietnam War and refusal to be drafted into service out of religious conviction.", "r": {"result": "Peninju itu juga terkenal dengan protesnya terhadap Perang Vietnam dan keengganan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam perkhidmatan kerana keyakinan agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He retired from boxing in 1981 and announced his diagnosis with Parkinson's disease three years later.", "r": {"result": "Dia bersara daripada tinju pada tahun 1981 dan mengumumkan diagnosisnya dengan penyakit Parkinson tiga tahun kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Thailand is a constitutional monarchy situated in the heart of Southeast Asia.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Thailand ialah sebuah negara raja berperlembagaan yang terletak di tengah-tengah Asia Tenggara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bordered by Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia, the country has a population of roughly 67 million people.", "r": {"result": "Bersempadan dengan Myanmar, Laos, Kemboja dan Malaysia, negara ini mempunyai populasi kira-kira 67 juta orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The capital, Bangkok, combines the modern skyscrapers of a bustling Asian metropolis with the ancient temples and monuments of previous Thai civilizations, dating back hundreds of years.", "r": {"result": "Ibu kota, Bangkok, menggabungkan bangunan pencakar langit moden metropolis Asia yang sibuk dengan kuil purba dan monumen tamadun Thai terdahulu, sejak ratusan tahun dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bangkok: A tale of two cities.", "r": {"result": "Bangkok: Kisah dua bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buddhism is the country's major religion, although according to the Thailand National Statistics Office there are also minority Christian and Islamic communities.", "r": {"result": "Agama Buddha adalah agama utama negara, walaupun menurut Pejabat Perangkaan Kebangsaan Thailand terdapat juga masyarakat Kristian dan Islam minoriti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thailand has a diverse landscape with a jungle hinterland in the north and beaches to the south.", "r": {"result": "Thailand mempunyai landskap yang pelbagai dengan kawasan pedalaman hutan di utara dan pantai di selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thai islands in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Thailand are home to some of the region's most spectacular beauty spots.", "r": {"result": "Pulau-pulau Thai di Lautan Hindi dan Teluk Thailand adalah rumah kepada beberapa tempat kecantikan yang paling menakjubkan di rantau ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since the modern nation state's founding in 1932, Thailand has been served by a constitutional monarchy and is the only country in Southeast Asia to avoid coming under European colonial rule.", "r": {"result": "Sejak penubuhan negara bangsa moden itu pada tahun 1932, Thailand telah berkhidmat dengan monarki berperlembagaan dan merupakan satu-satunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang mengelak daripada berada di bawah pemerintahan kolonial Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The current head of state is King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who has reigned since 1946, making him the world's oldest serving monarch.", "r": {"result": "Ketua negara semasa ialah Raja Bhumibol Adulyadej, yang telah memerintah sejak 1946, menjadikannya raja yang paling tua berkhidmat di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The King is viewed by most Thais as a symbol of stability and a unifying force in what has often been a politically divided country.", "r": {"result": "Raja dilihat oleh kebanyakan rakyat Thai sebagai simbol kestabilan dan kuasa penyatuan dalam negara yang sering berpecah belah dari segi politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The extent of this polarization is borne out by the fact that Thailand has seen more than 18 attempts at military coups since the early 1930s.", "r": {"result": "Tahap polarisasi ini dibuktikan oleh fakta bahawa Thailand telah menyaksikan lebih daripada 18 percubaan rampasan kuasa tentera sejak awal 1930-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The county's political climate has been turbulent in recent years punctuated with scenes of civil unrest and violence.", "r": {"result": "Iklim politik daerah itu bergelora sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini yang diselingi dengan adegan pergolakan dan keganasan awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2006 former Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra -- a charismatic populist who drew the majority of his support from the urban working classes and rural poor -- was deposed and forced into exile in a bloodless coup.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2006 bekas Perdana Menteri, Thaksin Shinawatra -- seorang populis berkarisma yang menarik majoriti sokongannya daripada kelas pekerja bandar dan miskin luar bandar -- telah digulingkan dan dipaksa ke dalam buangan dalam rampasan kuasa tanpa pertumpahan darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Post-coup elections in 2007 were won by allies from Shinawatra's party, however Thailand's Constitutional Court ruled that the three main coalition partners were guilty of electoral fraud.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya selepas rampasan kuasa pada 2007 dimenangi oleh sekutu dari parti Shinawatra, namun Mahkamah Perlembagaan Thailand memutuskan bahawa tiga rakan gabungan utama itu bersalah atas penipuan pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This decision opened the door for the leader of the country's main opposition party, Abhisit Vejjajiva, to form a coalition government in late 2008.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan ini membuka pintu kepada pemimpin parti pembangkang utama negara, Abhisit Vejjajiva, untuk membentuk kerajaan campuran pada akhir 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vejjajiva's Democrat Party, which draws the majority of its support from Thailand's middle and upper classes, found itself with a majority in parliament.", "r": {"result": "Parti Demokrat pimpinan Vejjajiva, yang mendapat majoriti sokongannya daripada kelas pertengahan dan atasan Thailand, mendapati dirinya mempunyai majoriti di parlimen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A formal parliamentary vote appointed him as prime minister.", "r": {"result": "Undian parlimen rasmi melantiknya sebagai perdana menteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Large scale protests against Vejjajiva's government led by supporters of the political pressure group the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UFDD), commonly known as \"the red shirts\", lead to large scale protests in 2009 and 2010.", "r": {"result": "Bantahan besar-besaran terhadap kerajaan Vejjajiva yang diketuai oleh penyokong kumpulan pendesak politik Barisan Bersatu untuk Demokrasi Menentang Diktator (UFDD), yang biasanya dikenali sebagai \"baju merah\", membawa kepada bantahan berskala besar pada 2009 dan 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The demonstrations turned violent in May 2010 when the military intervened to confront thousands of protestors who had occupied parts of Bangkok, demanding the removal of Prime Minister Vejjajiva.", "r": {"result": "Demonstrasi bertukar menjadi ganas pada Mei 2010 apabila tentera campur tangan untuk menghadapi ribuan penunjuk perasaan yang telah menduduki bahagian Bangkok, menuntut penyingkiran Perdana Menteri Vejjajiva.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 80 people died while hundreds more were wounded.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 80 orang maut manakala ratusan lagi cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The democratic elections in mid-2011 saw Vejjajiva defeated at the polls and Yingluck Shinawatra -- sister of the deposed Thaksin Shinawatra -- elected as the country's first female prime minister.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya demokratik pada pertengahan 2011 menyaksikan Vejjajiva tewas pada pilihan raya dan Yingluck Shinawatra -- kakak kepada Thaksin Shinawatra yang digulingkan -- dipilih sebagai perdana menteri wanita pertama negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In her first months in charge Yingluck has had to deal with a busy in-tray, including responding to some of the most severe monsoon floods to afflict the country in living memory.", "r": {"result": "Dalam bulan pertamanya, Yingluck terpaksa berdepan dengan masalah dalam dulang yang sibuk, termasuk bertindak balas terhadap beberapa banjir monsun paling teruk yang melanda negara itu dalam ingatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 300 people have died as a result of the floods and over 100,000 have been forced from their homes.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 300 orang telah meninggal dunia akibat banjir dan lebih 100,000 telah dipaksa keluar dari rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deadly floods wreak havoc in Thailand.", "r": {"result": "Banjir maut mendatangkan malapetaka di Thailand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yingluck has also had to remain attentive to an ongoing border dispute with Cambodia and a long standing terrorist threat from Islamic Malay separatists based predominantly in the countries southernmost provinces.", "r": {"result": "Yingluck juga perlu sentiasa prihatin terhadap pertikaian sempadan yang berterusan dengan Kemboja dan ancaman pengganas yang telah lama wujud daripada pemisah Melayu Islam yang kebanyakannya berpusat di negara-negara wilayah paling selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In spite of these threats and the country's volatile political life, Thailand has remained one of the strongest performing economies in Southeast Asia.", "r": {"result": "Di sebalik ancaman ini dan kehidupan politik negara yang tidak menentu, Thailand kekal sebagai salah satu ekonomi berprestasi paling kukuh di Asia Tenggara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indonesia is the only nation in the region that has a larger annual output according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.", "r": {"result": "Indonesia adalah satu-satunya negara di rantau ini yang mempunyai pengeluaran tahunan yang lebih besar menurut Dewan Perniagaan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thailand operates a free enterprise economy and is generally pro-investment, according to data from the CIA World Factbook.", "r": {"result": "Thailand mengendalikan ekonomi perusahaan bebas dan secara amnya pro-pelaburan, menurut data daripada CIA World Factbook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is a major exporter of machinery and electronic components, agricultural commodities, and jewellery.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan pengeksport utama jentera dan komponen elektronik, komoditi pertanian, dan barang kemas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Combined, these industries account for over half of the country's GDP.", "r": {"result": "Jika digabungkan, industri ini menyumbang lebih separuh daripada KDNK negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another major sector for Thailand's economy is tourism.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi sektor utama untuk ekonomi Thailand ialah pelancongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country is home to five UNESCO World Heritage sites.", "r": {"result": "Negara ini adalah rumah kepada lima tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Tourism Authority of Thailand has stated that it expects to receive more than 19 million visitors in 2011 alone.", "r": {"result": "Pihak Berkuasa Pelancongan Thailand telah menyatakan bahawa ia menjangkakan untuk menerima lebih daripada 19 juta pengunjung pada tahun 2011 sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given the extent of recent flooding however, with some internal analysts predicting that parts of Thailand may remain under water until early 2012, this figure may yet be revised downwards.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, memandangkan tahap banjir baru-baru ini, dengan beberapa penganalisis dalaman meramalkan bahawa bahagian Thailand mungkin kekal di bawah air sehingga awal 2012, angka ini mungkin masih disemak ke bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Stolen medical files that may be those of Michael Schumacher are being offered for sale, the injured former F1 racing driver's manager said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Fail perubatan curi yang mungkin milik Michael Schumacher ditawarkan untuk dijual, kata bekas pengurus pemandu perlumbaan F1 yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schumacher has been undergoing hospital treatment since a skiing accident last year but is now out of a coma.", "r": {"result": "Schumacher telah menjalani rawatan di hospital sejak kemalangan ski tahun lalu tetapi kini tidak koma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manager Sabine Kehm said the documents had been offered for sale for several days.", "r": {"result": "Pengurus Sabine Kehm berkata dokumen itu telah ditawarkan untuk dijual selama beberapa hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"We cannot judge if these documents are authentic.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \"Kami tidak boleh menilai sama ada dokumen ini sahih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the documents are clearly stolen.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, dokumen itu jelas dicuri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The theft has been reported.", "r": {"result": "Kecurian telah dilaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The authorities are involved\".", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa terlibat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Medical files are confidential, and it is forbidden to buy or publish such data, Kehm said.", "r": {"result": "Fail perubatan adalah sulit, dan dilarang membeli atau menerbitkan data sedemikian, kata Kehm.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will therefore, in every single case, press for criminal charges and damages against any publication of the content or reference to the medical file,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Oleh itu, kami akan, dalam setiap kes, menuntut pertuduhan jenayah dan ganti rugi terhadap sebarang penerbitan kandungan atau rujukan kepada fail perubatan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schumacher, 45, suffered severe head trauma in a December 29 skiing accident at the French Alps resort of Meribel.", "r": {"result": "Schumacher, 45, mengalami trauma kepala yang teruk dalam kemalangan ski pada 29 Disember di resort Meribel Alps Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The champion driver, from Germany, was transferred last week to Switzerland for rehabilitation from a hospital in Grenoble, France, where he was kept in a medically induced coma for more than three months.", "r": {"result": "Pelumba juara, dari Jerman, telah dipindahkan minggu lalu ke Switzerland untuk pemulihan dari sebuah hospital di Grenoble, Perancis, di mana dia ditahan dalam keadaan koma akibat perubatan selama lebih tiga bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Grenoble hospital's media office said in a statement that Kehm \"told us that a person intended to sell to the press a document allegedly issued from the medical records of Michael Schumacher\".", "r": {"result": "Pejabat media hospital Grenoble berkata dalam satu kenyataan bahawa Kehm \"memberitahu kami bahawa seseorang berhasrat untuk menjual kepada akhbar dokumen yang didakwa dikeluarkan daripada rekod perubatan Michael Schumacher\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Without knowing the precise nature of the document, the Grenoble Hospital decided to sue for 'theft and breach of medical confidentiality' so that an investigation can be initiated\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tanpa mengetahui sifat tepat dokumen itu, Hospital Grenoble memutuskan untuk menyaman 'kecurian dan pelanggaran kerahsiaan perubatan' supaya siasatan dapat dimulakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman for the German newspaper Bild, Tobias Frolich, told CNN that the tabloid was among a number of media outlets to be offered Schumacher's alleged medical records, but that \"the editorial office decided to reject the offer\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap akhbar Jerman Bild, Tobias Frolich, memberitahu CNN bahawa tabloid itu adalah antara beberapa media yang ditawarkan rekod perubatan Schumacher yang didakwa, tetapi \"pejabat editorial memutuskan untuk menolak tawaran itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A French prosecutor investigating the accident concluded that speed was not behind the fall suffered by the seven-time world champion, whose F1 career ended in 2012.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya Perancis yang menyiasat kemalangan itu menyimpulkan bahawa kelajuan tidak berada di belakang kejatuhan yang dialami juara dunia tujuh kali itu, yang karier F1nya berakhir pada 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Stephanie Halasz, Diana Magnay and Lindsay Isaac contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Stephanie Halasz dari CNN, Diana Magnay dan Lindsay Isaac menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Low-income Latinos are routinely discriminated against in the South, a new report says, but the study's author and others say the problem exists nationwide, with millions of Spanish-speaking immigrants living \"beyond the protection of the law\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Orang Latin berpendapatan rendah secara rutin didiskriminasi di Selatan, kata laporan baharu, tetapi pengarang kajian itu dan yang lain mengatakan masalah itu wujud di seluruh negara, dengan berjuta-juta pendatang berbahasa Sepanyol hidup \"di luar perlindungan undang-undang\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Migrant laborers help in the post-Hurricane Katrina cleanup in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 2006.", "r": {"result": "Buruh migran membantu dalam pembersihan selepas Taufan Katrina di New Orleans, Louisiana, pada tahun 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report, released Wednesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center, documents the experiences of 500 immigrants in the South, finding that Latinos routinely are cheated out of wages, are denied basic health protection and fall victim to racial profiling.", "r": {"result": "Laporan yang dikeluarkan Rabu oleh Pusat Undang-undang Kemiskinan Selatan, mendokumenkan pengalaman 500 pendatang di Selatan, mendapati bahawa orang Latin secara rutin ditipu daripada gaji, dinafikan perlindungan kesihatan asas dan menjadi mangsa profil kaum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South\" details stories such as that of a Tennessee woman who says she was jailed at a cheese factory for asking for pay, a bean picker in Alabama who says his life savings were taken by police at a traffic stop, and a rapist in Georgia who was not arrested because the suspect's victim was an undocumented immigrant.", "r": {"result": "\"Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South\" memperincikan kisah-kisah seperti seorang wanita Tennessee yang mengatakan dia dipenjarakan di sebuah kilang keju kerana meminta bayaran, seorang pemetik kacang di Alabama yang mengatakan wang simpanannya telah diambil oleh polis di perhentian lalu lintas, dan seorang perogol di Georgia yang tidak ditahan kerana mangsa suspek adalah seorang pendatang tanpa izin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forty-one percent of the people surveyed said they had experienced theft of their wages by employers.", "r": {"result": "Empat puluh satu peratus daripada orang yang ditinjau berkata mereka pernah mengalami kecurian gaji mereka oleh majikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forty-seven percent said they know someone who was treated unfairly by police.", "r": {"result": "Empat puluh tujuh peratus berkata mereka mengenali seseorang yang dilayan secara tidak adil oleh polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seventy-seven percent of women surveyed said they have been sexually harassed by bosses, many saying that bosses used their immigration status as leverage.", "r": {"result": "Tujuh puluh tujuh peratus wanita yang ditinjau berkata mereka telah diganggu secara seksual oleh bos, ramai yang mengatakan bahawa bos menggunakan status imigresen mereka sebagai pengaruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This report documents the human toll of failed policies that relegate millions of people to an underground economy, where they are beyond the protection of the law,\" said Mary Bauer, author of the report.", "r": {"result": "\"Laporan ini mendokumenkan jumlah manusia akibat dasar yang gagal yang menurunkan berjuta-juta orang kepada ekonomi bawah tanah, di mana mereka berada di luar perlindungan undang-undang,\" kata Mary Bauer, pengarang laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Workplace abuses and racial profiling are rampant in the South\".", "r": {"result": "\"Penyalahgunaan tempat kerja dan profil kaum berleluasa di Selatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But such discrimination is also rampant nationwide, she said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi diskriminasi sedemikian juga berleluasa di seluruh negara, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The human-rights law center focused on the South because that's the area the Montgomery, Alabama-based group knows best, she said.", "r": {"result": "Pusat undang-undang hak asasi manusia memberi tumpuan kepada Selatan kerana itu adalah kawasan yang paling diketahui oleh kumpulan yang berpangkalan di Montgomery, Alabama, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not limited to the South,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini tidak terhad kepada Selatan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This does not stop when you get to some particular border.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini tidak berhenti apabila anda sampai ke sempadan tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These same issues happen everywhere\".", "r": {"result": "Isu yang sama ini berlaku di mana-mana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The problem may seem more acute in the South because Latinos are a relatively new immigrant group to the area, some observers say.", "r": {"result": "Masalahnya mungkin kelihatan lebih teruk di Selatan kerana orang Latin adalah kumpulan pendatang yang agak baru ke kawasan itu, beberapa pemerhati berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Newcomers in any new region are always the first to be exploited.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPendatang baru di mana-mana wilayah baharu sentiasa menjadi yang pertama dieksploitasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're at the bottom of the pecking order,\" said Gustavo Arellano, the California-based author of the nationally syndicated \"Ask a Mexican\" column and a national radio commentator.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berada di peringkat paling bawah,\" kata Gustavo Arellano, pengarang yang berpangkalan di California bagi ruangan \"Ask a Mexican\" bersindiket nasional dan pengulas radio nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What's going on in the South now has already happened in Southern California\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang berlaku di Selatan sekarang telah pun berlaku di California Selatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Teodoro Maus, president of the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, has heard thousands of discrimination complaints from Mexican immigrants during the past two decades.", "r": {"result": "Teodoro Maus, presiden Perikatan Georgia Latino untuk Hak Asasi Manusia, telah mendengar beribu-ribu aduan diskriminasi daripada pendatang Mexico sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the South, you just open the door and you find it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Di Selatan, anda hanya membuka pintu dan anda menemuinya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's absolutely correct that there's generalized discrimination,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah betul bahawa terdapat diskriminasi umum,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a general feeling that discrimination is valid because these people are illegal, because these people have no right to be here\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat perasaan umum bahawa diskriminasi adalah sah kerana mereka ini adalah haram, kerana mereka ini tidak mempunyai hak untuk berada di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the attitude toward discrimination has changed throughout the years, said Maus, who was also the Mexican consul general in Atlanta, Georgia, from 1990 to 1994 and from 1995 to 2001.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sikap terhadap diskriminasi telah berubah sepanjang tahun, kata Maus, yang juga konsul jeneral Mexico di Atlanta, Georgia, dari 1990 hingga 1994 dan dari 1995 hingga 2001.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The big difference from previous years is that there were discriminatory acts before, but not the belief that discrimination is allowed,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerbezaan besar daripada tahun-tahun sebelumnya ialah wujudnya perbuatan diskriminasi sebelum ini, tetapi bukan kepercayaan bahawa diskriminasi dibenarkan,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bolstered by what Maus called \"an ultraconservative element,\" some people \"realized they could have open aggression against a group of people who could not defend themselves\".", "r": {"result": "Didorong oleh apa yang disebut Maus sebagai \"elemen ultrakonservatif,\" sesetengah orang \"menyedari bahawa mereka boleh melakukan pencerobohan terbuka terhadap sekumpulan orang yang tidak dapat mempertahankan diri mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arizona also has experienced widespread discrimination, Maus and others say.", "r": {"result": "Arizona juga telah mengalami diskriminasi yang meluas, kata Maus dan lain-lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bernardo Mendez Lugo, Mexico's deputy consul in Tucson, Arizona, said he sees three main forms of discrimination: racial profiling by law enforcement officers, problems in the workplace and difficulties in the rental housing market.", "r": {"result": "Bernardo Mendez Lugo, timbalan konsul Mexico di Tucson, Arizona, berkata beliau melihat tiga bentuk utama diskriminasi: profil kaum oleh pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang, masalah di tempat kerja dan kesukaran dalam pasaran perumahan sewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is much abuse,\" he said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak penyalahgunaan,\" katanya Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police officers frequently stop Latin-looking drivers \"for any reason\" and immediately call immigration officials if the motorist does not have an Arizona driver's license or other local identification, Mendez Lugo said.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai polis kerap menghentikan pemandu yang kelihatan berwajah Latin \"untuk sebarang sebab\" dan segera menghubungi pegawai imigresen jika pemandu itu tidak mempunyai lesen memandu Arizona atau pengenalan tempatan yang lain, kata Mendez Lugo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the workplace, he said, employees often find they are passed over for promotions despite their qualifications or length of employment.", "r": {"result": "Di tempat kerja, katanya, pekerja sering mendapati mereka dilepaskan untuk kenaikan pangkat walaupun mereka mempunyai kelayakan atau tempoh pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The abuse, Mendez Lugo said, is generally aimed at undocumented workers.", "r": {"result": "Penderaan itu, kata Mendez Lugo, secara amnya ditujukan kepada pekerja tanpa izin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are told, 'I'm going to call immigration [authorities] if you keep asking,' \" Mendez Lugo said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka diberitahu, 'Saya akan memanggil [pihak berkuasa] imigresen jika anda terus bertanya,'\" kata Mendez Lugo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal officials say there are more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai persekutuan berkata terdapat lebih 12 juta pendatang tanpa izin di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of them come from Mexico and other Latin American countries.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan mereka datang dari Mexico dan negara-negara Amerika Latin yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John McManus, president of the conservative John Birch Society, doesn't see a widespread abuse problem.", "r": {"result": "John McManus, presiden Persatuan John Birch konservatif, tidak melihat masalah penyalahgunaan yang meluas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would probably expect there would be some,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mungkin menjangkakan akan ada,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a small number of unscrupulous people who will always take advantage of others.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat sebilangan kecil orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang akan sentiasa mengambil kesempatan ke atas orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Generally speaking, I don't think that's the case\".", "r": {"result": "Secara umumnya, saya tidak fikir itu berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nor does McManus believe the source of the information.", "r": {"result": "McManus juga tidak percaya sumber maklumat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't put any stock at all in anything the Southern Poverty Law Center says,\" McManus said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak meletakkan apa-apa stok sama sekali dalam apa-apa yang dikatakan oleh Pusat Undang-undang Kemiskinan Selatan, \" kata McManus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They like to distort a lot of things\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka suka memutarbelitkan banyak perkara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The center urged the federal government to strengthen labor laws and crack down on racial profiling.", "r": {"result": "Pusat itu menggesa kerajaan persekutuan untuk mengukuhkan undang-undang buruh dan membanteras profil kaum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're talking about a matter of basic human rights here,\" said Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami bercakap tentang perkara hak asasi manusia di sini,\" kata Presiden Pusat Undang-undang Kemiskinan Selatan Richard Cohen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By allowing this cycle of abuse and discrimination to continue, we're creating an underclass of people who are invisible to justice and undermining our country's fundamental ideals\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan membenarkan kitaran penderaan dan diskriminasi ini berterusan, kami mewujudkan golongan bawahan yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh keadilan dan menjejaskan cita-cita asas negara kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Liv Tyler doesn't like to be bothered by her agents at night.", "r": {"result": "LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Liv Tyler tidak suka diganggu oleh ejennya pada waktu malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's a good thing she took their call pitching her \"The Incredible Hulk\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada baiknya dia menerima panggilan mereka dengan melontarkan \"The Incredible Hulk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Liv Tyler plays Betty Ross, a colleague of Edward Norton's Bruce Banner, in \"The Incredible Hulk\".", "r": {"result": "Liv Tyler memainkan watak Betty Ross, rakan sekerja Bruce Banner Edward Norton, dalam \"The Incredible Hulk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My agent called me one night ... I had just put [son] Milo to bed.", "r": {"result": "\u201cEjen saya menelefon saya pada suatu malam... saya baru sahaja menidurkan [anak] Milo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was like 9 o'clock at night, and I always get grumpy with them when they call me really late,\" she told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Ia seperti pukul 9 malam, dan saya selalu marah dengan mereka apabila mereka menghubungi saya sangat lewat,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They said, 'Marvel would like to fly you to Los Angeles tomorrow.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka berkata, 'Marvel ingin menerbangkan anda ke Los Angeles esok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will you get on a plane to come and meet for 'The Hulk'?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda akan menaiki kapal terbang untuk datang dan bertemu untuk 'The Hulk'?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I said I can't come tomorrow, but I can come the next day\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya kata saya tidak boleh datang esok, tetapi saya boleh datang keesokan harinya\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flight turned out to be well worth it -- though Tyler said she was discombobulated by the speed of it all.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan itu ternyata sangat berbaloi -- walaupun Tyler berkata dia bingung dengan kelajuan semuanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I went and met with [director] Louis [Leterrier] and they offered me the part that day,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pergi dan bertemu dengan [pengarah] Louis [Leterrier] dan mereka menawarkan saya bahagian itu pada hari itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was kind of floored because it just happened so quickly and I didn't get to read the script.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya agak kecewa kerana ia berlaku begitu pantas dan saya tidak sempat membaca skrip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... [But] it was kind of a no-brainer\".", "r": {"result": "... [Tetapi] ia agak tidak masuk akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the new \"Hulk,\" \"The Lord of the Rings\" actress plays Betty Ross, a former colleague of scientist and Hulk alter ego Bruce Banner (Edward Norton).", "r": {"result": "Dalam filem \"Hulk\" baharu, pelakon \"The Lord of the Rings\" memainkan watak Betty Ross, bekas rakan sekerja saintis dan Hulk alter ego Bruce Banner (Edward Norton).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said working on the film brought back memories of her childhood watching the TV show starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata, menggarap filem itu membawa kenangan zaman kanak-kanaknya menonton rancangan TV yang dibintangi oleh Bill Bixby dan Lou Ferrigno.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Ferrigno has a cameo in the new film.", "r": {"result": "(Ferrigno mempunyai cameo dalam filem baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I loved the TV show when I was a kid,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka rancangan TV ketika saya masih kecil,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I used to watch it all the time with my mom.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pernah menontonnya sepanjang masa dengan ibu saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was our favorite show\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah rancangan kegemaran kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tyler, 30, said that she felt a tremendous sense of responsibility to the \"Hulk\" mythology, particularly since a 2003 film on the character met with mixed reviews.", "r": {"result": "Tyler, 30, berkata bahawa dia merasakan tanggungjawab yang besar terhadap mitologi \"Hulk\", terutamanya sejak filem 2003 mengenai watak itu mendapat ulasan bercampur-campur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Tyler, Norton and Leterrier on the latest \"Hulk\" >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Tyler, Norton dan Leterrier tentang \"Hulk\" terbaharu >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Well, a lot of people would say -- even I said -- 'Oh, they're making \"The Hulk\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Nah, ramai orang akan berkata -- malah saya berkata -- 'Oh, mereka membuat \"The Hulk\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' Didn't they do that already\"?", "r": {"result": "' Bukankah mereka sudah melakukannya\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she said.", "r": {"result": "dia berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she added, \"The fans love this so much ... and there's so much detail to the story, I always feel quite stressed about that, like I really want to do the part justice.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia menambah, \"Peminat sangat menyukai ini ... dan terdapat begitu banyak perincian untuk cerita itu, saya sentiasa berasa agak tertekan tentang itu, seperti saya benar-benar mahu melakukan keadilan bahagian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... I definitely feel that responsibility and want to do the best job that I can\".", "r": {"result": "... Saya pasti merasakan tanggungjawab itu dan ingin melakukan kerja yang terbaik yang saya mampu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's KJ Matthews contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "KJ Matthews CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The core of Trayvon Martin's story has been told again and again in recent days -- about how the 17-year-old went out to a Sanford, Florida, convenience store, only to be killed on his way back to his father's fiance's home.", "r": {"result": "Inti cerita Trayvon Martin telah diceritakan berulang kali dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini -- tentang bagaimana remaja berusia 17 tahun itu pergi ke kedai serbaneka Sanford, Florida, hanya untuk dibunuh dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah tunang bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet one month later, questions persist as to exactly how and why that happened.", "r": {"result": "Namun satu bulan kemudian, persoalan berterusan tentang bagaimana dan mengapa ia berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man who admitted shooting the teen has not been charged in connection to the case, much to the dismay of Martin's parents and thousands of strangers nationwide who've rallied behind them.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang mengaku menembak remaja itu tidak didakwa berhubung kes itu, yang amat mengecewakan ibu bapa Martin dan beribu-ribu orang asing di seluruh negara yang telah berkumpul di belakang mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, the story continued to gain both complexity, and clarity, thanks to details of the account that Martin's shooter gave to police after the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, cerita itu terus mendapat kerumitan dan kejelasan, terima kasih kepada butiran akaun yang diberikan oleh penembak Martin kepada polis selepas penembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George Zimmerman's description is outlined in an Orlando Sentinel article that cited \"authorities\" as the source of its information.", "r": {"result": "Penerangan George Zimmerman digariskan dalam artikel Orlando Sentinel yang memetik \"pihak berkuasa\" sebagai sumber maklumatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sanford Police Department subsequently released a statement that, while condemning what it called\"unauthorized leaks,\" confirmed the newspaper account \"is consistent with the information provided to the State Attorney's office by the police department\".", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Polis Sanford kemudiannya mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa, sambil mengecam apa yang dipanggil \"kebocoran tidak dibenarkan,\" mengesahkan akaun akhbar itu \"selaras dengan maklumat yang diberikan kepada pejabat Peguam Negara oleh jabatan polis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Events held around country in response to case.", "r": {"result": "Acara yang diadakan di seluruh negara sebagai tindak balas kepada kes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zimmerman, a 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer, told police he was on his way to the grocery store when he saw Martin, a black male, walking through his gated community, according to the Sentinel report.", "r": {"result": "Zimmerman, seorang sukarelawan penjaga kejiranan berusia 28 tahun, memberitahu polis dia dalam perjalanan ke kedai runcit apabila dia melihat Martin, seorang lelaki kulit hitam, berjalan melalui komuniti berpagarnya, menurut laporan Sentinel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Something's wrong with him,\" he told a 911 dispatcher, according to the contents of a call released last week.", "r": {"result": "\"Sesuatu yang tidak kena dengannya,\" katanya kepada penghantar 911, menurut kandungan panggilan yang dikeluarkan minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yep.", "r": {"result": "\"Yap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's coming to check me out.", "r": {"result": "Dia datang untuk memeriksa saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's got something in his hands\".", "r": {"result": "Dia ada sesuatu di tangannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The teen started to run, Zimmerman said.", "r": {"result": "Remaja itu mula berlari, kata Zimmerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he said he was following the boy, the dispatcher told him, \"We don't need you to do that\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia berkata dia mengikuti budak itu, penghantar itu memberitahunya, \"Kami tidak memerlukan kamu berbuat demikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shortly afterward, neighbors began calling 911 to report an apparent altercation, then a gunshot.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas itu, jiran mula menghubungi 911 untuk melaporkan pertengkaran yang jelas, kemudian tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Orlando Sentinel report fills in some blanks, purportedly from Zimmerman's perspective, of what transpired in the meantime.", "r": {"result": "Laporan Orlando Sentinel mengisi beberapa kekosongan, kononnya dari perspektif Zimmerman, tentang apa yang berlaku dalam masa yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zimmerman, according to the Sentinel report, later told police that he lost sight of Martin and was returning to his SUV when the teen approached him.", "r": {"result": "Zimmerman, menurut laporan Sentinel, kemudian memberitahu polis bahawa dia kehilangan pandangan tentang Martin dan sedang kembali ke SUVnya apabila remaja itu menghampirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two exchanged words, according to Zimmerman, who said Martin then punched him in the nose.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya bertukar kata, menurut Zimmerman, yang berkata Martin kemudian menumbuk hidungnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the ground, Zimmerman said he was repeatedly punched and had his head slammed into the sidewalk, according to the Sentinel report.", "r": {"result": "Di atas tanah, Zimmerman berkata dia ditumbuk berulang kali dan kepalanya dihentak ke kaki lima, menurut laporan Sentinel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He began yelling, he told police.", "r": {"result": "Dia mula menjerit, katanya kepada polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Previously released tapes of 911 calls included neighbors saying they had heard hearing screams -- though it wasn't clear whether they came from Zimmerman or Martin.", "r": {"result": "Pita 911 panggilan yang dikeluarkan sebelum ini termasuk jiran yang mengatakan mereka telah mendengar jeritan -- walaupun tidak jelas sama ada ia datang dari Zimmerman atau Martin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mary Cutcher told CNN on Monday that she and Selma Mora Lamilla were in a kitchen nearby when they \"heard a whining, someone in distress, and then the gunshot\".", "r": {"result": "Mary Cutcher memberitahu CNN pada hari Isnin bahawa dia dan Selma Mora Lamilla berada di dapur berhampiran apabila mereka \"mendengar rengek, seseorang dalam kesusahan, dan kemudian tembakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They ran outside and, \"within seconds,\" were about 10 feet away from Martin's body, Lamilla said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berlari keluar dan, \"dalam beberapa saat,\" berada kira-kira 10 kaki dari badan Martin, kata Lamilla.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(Zimmerman) was standing over the body, basically straddling the body with his hand on Trayvon's back,\" said Cutcher, adding that they called three times to him before he finally asked them to call police.", "r": {"result": "\"(Zimmerman) berdiri di atas mayat itu, pada dasarnya mengangkangi badan dengan tangannya di belakang Trayvon,\" kata Cutcher, sambil menambah bahawa mereka menghubunginya tiga kali sebelum akhirnya dia meminta mereka menghubungi polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It didn't seem to me that he was trying to help him in any way\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak nampak bahawa dia cuba membantunya dalam apa cara sekalipun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Martin's girlfriend was on the phone with him prior to the shooting, according to a lawyer for the shooting victim's family.", "r": {"result": "Dan teman wanita Martin berada di telefon dengannya sebelum penembakan, menurut seorang peguam untuk keluarga mangsa tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Benjamin Crump said last week that the girl \"completely blows Zimmerman's absurd self-defense claim out of the water\".", "r": {"result": "Benjamin Crump berkata minggu lalu bahawa gadis itu \"membuang sepenuhnya tuntutan pertahanan diri Zimmerman yang tidak masuk akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is evident is that, minutes after that Zimmerman's first 911 call, police arrived at the scene.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang terbukti ialah, beberapa minit selepas panggilan 911 pertama Zimmerman, polis tiba di tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They found Martin \"laying face down in the grass,\" according to a police report.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mendapati Martin \"berbaring di rumput,\" menurut laporan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A short time later, Martin was pronounced dead.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama kemudian, Martin disahkan meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As to Zimmerman, \"his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass (and he) was also bleeding, from the nose and back of his head,\" according to the same report.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai Zimmerman, \"punggungnya kelihatan basah dan ditutupi rumput (dan dia) juga berdarah, dari hidung dan belakang kepalanya,\" menurut laporan yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zimmerman was questioned, but has not been charged in the case.", "r": {"result": "Zimmerman telah disoal siasat, tetapi belum didakwa dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This fact has triggered widespread uproar, with nearly three-fourths of Americans -- including 67 percent of whites and 86 percent of non-whites -- believing he should be arrested, according to a CNN/ORC International poll released Monday.", "r": {"result": "Fakta ini telah mencetuskan kekecohan yang meluas, dengan hampir tiga perempat rakyat Amerika -- termasuk 67 peratus kulit putih dan 86 peratus bukan kulit putih -- mempercayai dia harus ditangkap, menurut tinjauan pendapat CNN/ORC International yang dikeluarkan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Majority in poll call for shooter's arrest.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti dalam seruan undian untuk penahanan penembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those attitudes were on display in more than dozen cities Monday.", "r": {"result": "Sikap itu dipamerkan di lebih daripada sedozen bandar pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many demonstrators wore hooded sweatshirts and carried Skittles candy -- just like Martin had, on the night he was killed -- from Atlanta to San Francisco in many communities, big and small, in between to show support for the victim's family and denounce racism, profiling and laws that permit use of force in self-defense.", "r": {"result": "Ramai penunjuk perasaan memakai baju peluh bertudung dan membawa gula-gula Skittles -- seperti Martin, pada malam dia dibunuh -- dari Atlanta ke San Francisco di banyak komuniti, besar dan kecil, di antaranya untuk menunjukkan sokongan kepada keluarga mangsa dan mengecam perkauman, profil dan undang-undang yang membenarkan penggunaan kekerasan dalam mempertahankan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the central Florida city of Sanford, a regularly scheduled city commission meeting turned into a forum focused on the Martin case.", "r": {"result": "Di bandar Sanford tengah Florida, mesyuarat suruhanjaya bandar yang dijadualkan secara tetap bertukar menjadi forum yang memfokuskan pada kes Martin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Near its start, Rev.", "r": {"result": "Hampir permulaannya, Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Sharpton presented a petition that he said had been signed by 2 million people calling for Zimmerman's arrest.", "r": {"result": "Al Sharpton membentangkan petisyen yang katanya telah ditandatangani oleh 2 juta orang yang menyeru penahanan Zimmerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was one of several speakers who called for answers and accountability for police officers who they felt bungled the case by not testing Zimmerman for alcohol and drug levels and not doing a background check on him -- even though they did both for the victim.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah salah seorang daripada beberapa penceramah yang meminta jawapan dan akauntabiliti bagi pegawai polis yang mereka rasa membingungkan kes itu dengan tidak menguji Zimmerman untuk tahap alkohol dan dadah serta tidak melakukan pemeriksaan latar belakang ke atasnya -- walaupun mereka melakukan kedua-duanya untuk mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Sanford police department needs to be held accountable,\" said an emotional Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father.", "r": {"result": "\"Jabatan polis Sanford perlu bertanggungjawab,\" kata Tracy Martin, bapa Trayvon yang penuh emosi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin's family and supporters have said that they believe race played a role in the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga dan penyokong Martin berkata bahawa mereka percaya kaum memainkan peranan dalam penembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zimmerman is a white Hispanic.", "r": {"result": "Zimmerman adalah seorang Hispanik kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His family says he has been mistakenly portrayed as racist.", "r": {"result": "Keluarganya berkata dia telah tersilap digambarkan sebagai rasis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, Martin's supporters continued to insist that Zimmerman should be held responsible for Martin's death -- saying the teen would be alive today if Zimmerman had simply followed the 911 dispatcher's instructions, to stay away.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, penyokong Martin terus menegaskan bahawa Zimmerman harus bertanggungjawab atas kematian Martin -- mengatakan remaja itu akan hidup hari ini jika Zimmerman hanya mengikut arahan penghantar 911, untuk menjauhkan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're dealing with a self-appointed watchdog who disobeyed the dispatcher's instructions that he agreed to,\" said Sharpton, during a press conference earlier Monday with Martin's parents in Sanford.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berurusan dengan pengawas yang dilantik sendiri yang tidak mematuhi arahan penghantar yang dia bersetuju,\" kata Sharpton, semasa sidang akhbar awal Isnin dengan ibu bapa Martin di Sanford.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All else is irrelevant\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semua yang lain tidak relevan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That includes, he added, reports that first surfaced Monday in media accounts and later confirmed by a family spokesman that Martin had been suspended after a search of his book bag turned up an empty plastic bag with marijuana residue.", "r": {"result": "Itu termasuk, tambahnya, laporan yang pertama kali muncul pada hari Isnin dalam akaun media dan kemudian disahkan oleh jurucakap keluarga bahawa Martin telah digantung kerja selepas pemeriksaan beg bukunya mendapati beg plastik kosong dengan sisa ganja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin, who lived in Miami, was visiting Sanford after receiving a 10-day suspension from school, according to a family spokesman.", "r": {"result": "Martin, yang tinggal di Miami, melawat Sanford selepas menerima penggantungan sekolah selama 10 hari, menurut jurucakap keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An empty plastic bag found in his book bag had marijuana residue, spokesman Ryan Julison confirmed.", "r": {"result": "Beg plastik kosong yang ditemui dalam beg bukunya mempunyai sisa ganja, jurucakap Ryan Julison mengesahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The only comment that I have right now is that they've killed my son and now they're trying to kill his reputation,\" Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, said at a news conference.", "r": {"result": "\"Satu-satunya komen yang saya ada sekarang ialah mereka telah membunuh anak saya dan kini mereka cuba membunuh reputasinya,\" kata ibu Martin, Sybrina Fulton, pada sidang akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crump, the family attorney, said authorities were trying to \"demonize\" the teen.", "r": {"result": "Crump, peguam keluarga, berkata pihak berkuasa sedang cuba untuk \"menggoda\" remaja itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whatever Trayvon Martin was suspended for had absolutely no bearing on what happened on the night of February 26,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa sahaja Trayvon Martin digantung kerana sama sekali tidak ada kaitan dengan apa yang berlaku pada malam 26 Februari,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both of Trayvon's parents will be in Washington on Tuesday, attending a House Judiciary Committee meeting with Rep.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua ibu bapa Trayvon akan berada di Washington pada hari Selasa, menghadiri mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kehakiman Dewan dengan Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, according to a news release from the congresswoman's office.", "r": {"result": "Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, menurut siaran berita dari pejabat anggota kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A special prosecutor is investigating the case.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya khas sedang menyiasat kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A grand jury scheduled to begin deliberations on April 10, but it is uncertain if the group will ever work on the case.", "r": {"result": "Juri besar dijadualkan memulakan perbincangan pada 10 April, tetapi tidak pasti sama ada kumpulan itu akan menyelesaikan kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prosecutor, Angela Corey, said Monday on HLN that she has never used a grand jury to decide on charges in a justifiable homicide case.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya, Angela Corey, berkata pada hari Isnin mengenai HLN bahawa dia tidak pernah menggunakan juri besar untuk memutuskan pertuduhan dalam kes pembunuhan yang boleh dibenarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We do a thorough investigation.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKita buat siasatan menyeluruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We make that decision ourselves,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Kami membuat keputusan itu sendiri,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two prosecutors assigned on the case worked through the weekend and will do their best to provide answers quickly, Corey said.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua pendakwa raya yang ditugaskan dalam kes itu bekerja sepanjang hujung minggu dan akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk memberikan jawapan dengan cepat, kata Corey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have not yet interviewed Zimmerman, nor does her office know where he is, she said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka belum lagi menemu bual Zimmerman, dan pejabatnya juga tidak tahu di mana dia berada, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An attorney for the Martin family said Monday that any jury that sees the evidence in the case -- much of which she said was collected by investigators working on the Martin family's behalf -- would convict Zimmerman\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang peguam untuk keluarga Martin berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa mana-mana juri yang melihat bukti dalam kes itu -- yang kebanyakannya katanya dikumpul oleh penyiasat yang bekerja bagi pihak keluarga Martin -- akan mensabitkan Zimmerman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clearly, the investigation in this case was either bungled, or ignored completely,\" Natalie Jackson said of the initial police inquiry.", "r": {"result": "Jelas sekali, siasatan dalam kes ini sama ada ceroboh, atau tidak diendahkan sepenuhnya,\" kata Natalie Jackson mengenai siasatan awal polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sanford authorities say they could not arrest Zimmerman under Florida's \"stand your ground\" law, which allows people to use deadly force to defend themselves anywhere they feel a reasonable fear of death or serious injury.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Sanford berkata mereka tidak boleh menangkap Zimmerman di bawah undang-undang \"berdiri teguh\" Florida, yang membenarkan orang ramai menggunakan kekerasan maut untuk mempertahankan diri di mana-mana sahaja mereka merasakan ketakutan yang munasabah terhadap kematian atau kecederaan serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The evidence police had at the time didn't allow for an arrest, police have said.", "r": {"result": "Bukti yang ada pada polis pada masa itu tidak membenarkan penangkapan, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to the investigation led by Corey, the state's governor has formed a task force to review the state's \"stand your ground\" law.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tambahan kepada penyiasatan yang diketuai oleh Corey, gabenor negeri telah membentuk pasukan petugas untuk menyemak undang-undang \"berdiri dengan pendirian anda\" negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Justice Department is also investigating.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Kehakiman juga sedang menyiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Did you attend a rally for Trayvon Martin?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda menghadiri perhimpunan untuk Trayvon Martin?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Share your images.", "r": {"result": "Kongsi imej anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sanford's city manager, Norton Bonaparte, also has said he is seeking an outside review of the police department's handling of the case.", "r": {"result": "Pengurus bandar Sanford, Norton Bonaparte, juga berkata beliau sedang mendapatkan semakan pihak luar terhadap pengendalian kes itu oleh pihak polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The neighborhood where Zimmerman was volunteering in the neighborhood watch program could also face a lawsuit, the National Association of Black Journalists said, citing Martin family attorney Daryl Parks.", "r": {"result": "Kejiranan tempat Zimmerman menjadi sukarelawan dalam program pengawasan kejiranan juga boleh menghadapi tuntutan mahkamah, kata Persatuan Wartawan Hitam Kebangsaan, memetik peguam keluarga Martin Daryl Parks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parks spoke to the group's board of directors over the weekend.", "r": {"result": "Parks bercakap dengan lembaga pengarah kumpulan itu pada hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is evidence that the Twin Lakes homeowners' association told residents who saw suspicious activity to call Zimmerman if they could not contact the police, according to the association's statement.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat bukti bahawa persatuan pemilik rumah Twin Lakes memberitahu penduduk yang melihat aktiviti mencurigakan supaya menghubungi Zimmerman jika mereka tidak dapat menghubungi polis, menurut kenyataan persatuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, a handful of members from the New Black Panther Party have offered a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman's \"capture\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, segelintir ahli dari Parti Black Panther Baru telah menawarkan ganjaran $10,000 untuk \"penangkapan\" Zimmerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group is distinct from the better-known Black Panther Party and is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as a \"virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization\".", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu berbeza daripada Parti Black Panther yang lebih terkenal dan digambarkan oleh Pusat Undang-Undang Kemiskinan Selatan yang disifatkan sebagai \"organisasi yang sangat perkauman dan anti-Semitik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rev.", "r": {"result": "Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jesse Jackson cautioned people not to try to capture Zimmerman, saying it would not only put them at risk of being arrested, but also because it would a distraction.", "r": {"result": "Jesse Jackson memberi amaran kepada orang ramai supaya tidak cuba menangkap Zimmerman, berkata ia bukan sahaja akan menyebabkan mereka berisiko ditangkap, tetapi juga kerana ia akan mengganggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The focus must be on Zimmerman himself and what he did,\" Jackson said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tumpuan mesti tertumpu kepada Zimmerman sendiri dan apa yang dia lakukan,\" kata Jackson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Oliver, a friend of Zimmerman's told CNN on Monday that Zimmerman is in hiding and all his family members are worried for their safety.", "r": {"result": "Joe Oliver, rakan Zimmerman memberitahu CNN pada hari Isnin bahawa Zimmerman sedang bersembunyi dan semua ahli keluarganya bimbang tentang keselamatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even with the shooter's account clear, authorities still are working to piece together the details from February 26.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun akaun penembak jelas, pihak berkuasa masih berusaha untuk mengumpulkan butiran mulai 26 Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Right now, we have too many unanswered questions,\" Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang ini, kami mempunyai terlalu banyak soalan yang belum terjawab,\" kata Peguam Negara Florida, Pam Bondi pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A gang task force arrested a man early Saturday in connection with a shooting near a high school in Portland, Oregon, police said.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan petugas geng menahan seorang lelaki awal Sabtu berhubung insiden tembakan berhampiran sebuah sekolah tinggi di Portland, Oregon, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A gunman had opened fire Friday on four people near Rosemary Anderson High School, then fled on foot with two other men, according to witnesses.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki bersenjata telah melepaskan tembakan Jumaat ke atas empat orang berhampiran Sekolah Tinggi Rosemary Anderson, kemudian melarikan diri dengan berjalan kaki bersama dua lelaki lain, menurut saksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers from the Portland Police Gang Enforcement Team stopped a vehicle overnight and arrested 22-year-old Lonzo Murphy, police said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai dari Pasukan Penguatkuasa Geng Polis Portland memberhentikan kenderaan semalaman dan menahan Lonzo Murphy, 22 tahun, kata polis dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also recovered a handgun from the vehicle.", "r": {"result": "Mereka turut menemui sepucuk pistol daripada kenderaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police have not said if they suspect Murphy was the shooter or one of the men who fled with the shooter.", "r": {"result": "Polis tidak menyatakan sama ada mereka mengesyaki Murphy adalah penembak atau salah seorang lelaki yang melarikan diri bersama penembak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The wounded.", "r": {"result": "Yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When medical technicians arrived at Rosemary Anderson High School, all of the wounded were conscious and talking, police said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Apabila juruteknik perubatan tiba di Sekolah Tinggi Rosemary Anderson, semua yang cedera dalam keadaan sedar dan bercakap, kata polis dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three of the victims were taken to a local hospital.", "r": {"result": "Tiga daripada mangsa telah dibawa ke hospital tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One victim, Taylor Zimmers, 16, is in critical condition.", "r": {"result": "Seorang mangsa, Taylor Zimmers, 16, berada dalam keadaan kritikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two more, David Jackson-Liday, 20, and Labraye Franklin, 17, are in fair condition.", "r": {"result": "Dua lagi, David Jackson-Liday, 20, dan Labraye Franklin, 17, berada dalam keadaan saksama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 17-year-old girl suffered a grazing wound in the shooting and was treated on the scene.", "r": {"result": "Seorang gadis berusia 17 tahun mengalami luka ragut dalam tembakan dan dirawat di tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All four gunshot victims are affiliated with the school,\" police said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKeempat-empat mangsa tembakan adalah ahli sekolah,\u201d kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shooting.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shooting happened around 12:15 p.m. local time not far from the campus in north Portland, police spokesman Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan berlaku sekitar jam 12:15 tengah hari. waktu tempatan tidak jauh dari kampus di utara Portland, jurucakap polis Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pete Simpson said.", "r": {"result": "Pete Simpson berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After being shot, at least three victims ran inside a school building, a caller told authorities.", "r": {"result": "Selepas ditembak, sekurang-kurangnya tiga mangsa berlari ke dalam bangunan sekolah, kata seorang pemanggil kepada pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw him stumble into the school holding his stomach, he said my brother's name and then he fell on the ground,\" one student told CNN affiliate KATU.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya nampak dia tersadung ke dalam sekolah sambil memegang perutnya, dia sebut nama abang saya dan kemudian dia jatuh ke tanah,\" kata seorang pelajar kepada CNN affiliate KATU.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspect may be affiliated with a gang but it's not known if the shooting was gang-related or \"a personal beef,\" Simpson said.", "r": {"result": "Suspek mungkin mempunyai kaitan dengan geng tetapi tidak diketahui sama ada tembakan itu berkaitan geng atau \"daging lembu peribadi,\" kata Simpson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An argument may have preceded the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Pertengkaran mungkin berlaku sebelum tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspect was described as a male in his late teens or early 20s and he was accompanied by two other males in the same age range.", "r": {"result": "Suspek disifatkan sebagai seorang lelaki berusia lewat remaja atau awal 20-an dan dia ditemani dua lagi lelaki dalam lingkungan umur yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They left the area quickly on foot, Simpson said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka meninggalkan kawasan itu dengan cepat dengan berjalan kaki, kata Simpson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the police department's gang task force was investigating.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata pasukan petugas geng jabatan polis sedang menyiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Agents from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also arrived to assist, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ejen dari FBI dan Biro Alkohol, Tembakau, Senjata Api dan Bahan Letupan turut tiba untuk membantu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At-risk students.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar berisiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The school system website says Rosemary Anderson High enrolls about 200 at-risk students who \"have either been expelled or dropped out of public high school and many are homeless\".", "r": {"result": "Laman web sistem sekolah mengatakan Rosemary Anderson High mendaftarkan kira-kira 200 pelajar berisiko yang \"sama ada telah dibuang atau dibuang sekolah menengah awam dan ramai yang kehilangan tempat tinggal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the shooting victims were students at the school or had taken job training or been enrolled in other programs there, Simpson said.", "r": {"result": "Semua mangsa tembakan adalah pelajar di sekolah itu atau telah mengikuti latihan kerja atau telah mendaftar dalam program lain di sana, kata Simpson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victims were breathing, conscious and talking as they were transported to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Simpson said.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa bernafas, sedar dan bercakap ketika mereka dibawa ke Pusat Perubatan Legacy Emanuel, kata Simpson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The campus was locked down for a while but classes later resumed, Simpson said.", "r": {"result": "Kampus itu dikunci untuk seketika tetapi kelas kemudian disambung semula, kata Simpson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearby Jefferson High School and Portland Community College were locked down as police sought the shooter, authorities said, but the lockdown was lifted after a few hours.", "r": {"result": "Sekolah Menengah Jefferson dan Kolej Komuniti Portland yang berdekatan telah dikurung ketika polis mencari penembak itu, kata pihak berkuasa, tetapi sekatan itu ditarik balik selepas beberapa jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pastor: 'Heartbreaking'.", "r": {"result": "Pendeta: 'Menyayat hati'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A man who said he's the pastor of one of the shooting victims told CNN affiliate KOIN that the shooting was \"heartbreaking\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki yang mengatakan dia paderi kepada salah seorang mangsa tembakan memberitahu sekutu CNN KOIN bahawa tembakan itu \"menyayat hati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The young man I know attends our church frequently,\" said Jason Nelson of Cornerstone Community Church of God in Christ.", "r": {"result": "\"Lelaki muda yang saya kenali itu kerap menghadiri gereja kami,\" kata Jason Nelson dari Cornerstone Community Church of God in Christ.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He called the victim \"a bright young man\" and said he did not believe he was involved in any criminal activity.", "r": {"result": "Dia memanggil mangsa \"seorang pemuda yang cerdas\" dan berkata dia tidak percaya dia terlibat dalam sebarang aktiviti jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You hear about shootings every day and when it comes close to your school it's heartbreaking,\" Nelson told KOIN.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda mendengar tentang tembakan setiap hari dan apabila ia hampir dengan sekolah anda ia menyayat hati,\" kata Nelson kepada KOIN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another school shooting occurred about six months ago in the Portland area.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi tembakan sekolah berlaku kira-kira enam bulan lalu di kawasan Portland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One person was killed June 10 at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, about 12 miles east of Portland.", "r": {"result": "Seorang terbunuh pada 10 Jun di Sekolah Tinggi Reynolds di Troutdale, kira-kira 12 batu di timur Portland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One person was killed.", "r": {"result": "Seorang terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Wednesday signed a sweeping energy bill that he said would help the country become \"stronger, cleaner and more secure\".", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Presiden Bush pada hari Rabu menandatangani rang undang-undang tenaga menyeluruh yang katanya akan membantu negara menjadi \"lebih kuat, bersih dan lebih selamat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Bush on Wednesday signs a bill raising auto fuel economy standards for the first time in decades.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Bush pada hari Rabu menandatangani rang undang-undang meningkatkan standard ekonomi bahan api kereta buat kali pertama dalam beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill -- approved overwhelmingly Tuesday by the House of Representatives -- raises automotive fuel economy standards for the first time in more than three decades, requiring a corporate average of 35 miles per gallon by 2020.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu -- diluluskan pada hari Selasa oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat -- meningkatkan standard ekonomi bahan api automotif buat kali pertama dalam lebih tiga dekad, memerlukan purata korporat 35 batu segelen menjelang 2020.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also boosts federal support for alternative fuel research and energy conservation efforts.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga meningkatkan sokongan persekutuan untuk penyelidikan bahan api alternatif dan usaha penjimatan tenaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Republican filibuster in the Senate removed provisions that Bush objected to that would have eliminated tax breaks for oil companies and a requirement that electric utilities produce a portion of their power from alternative sources.", "r": {"result": "Seorang ahli politik Republikan di Senat mengeluarkan peruntukan yang dibantah Bush yang akan menghapuskan pengecualian cukai untuk syarikat minyak dan keperluan bahawa utiliti elektrik menghasilkan sebahagian daripada kuasa mereka daripada sumber alternatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The current fuel-economy standards of 27.5 miles per gallon for passenger cars and 22.2 for light trucks were established in 1975. The new bill sets a single average standard for manufacturers.", "r": {"result": "Piawaian ekonomi bahan api semasa 27.5 batu setiap gelen untuk kereta penumpang dan 22.2 untuk trak ringan telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1975. Rang undang-undang baru menetapkan standard purata tunggal untuk pengeluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, said Tuesday's bill was \"a great, wonderful first step for an energy revolution that starts in America and ripples throughout the world\".", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Majoriti Senat Harry Reid, D-Nevada, berkata rang undang-undang hari Selasa adalah \"langkah pertama yang hebat dan hebat untuk revolusi tenaga yang bermula di Amerika dan riak di seluruh dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Reid said Democrats would continue pushing to shift federal tax breaks away from fossil-fuel producers and into renewable energy research -- one of the party's top priorities when it took control of Congress in January.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Reid berkata Demokrat akan terus mendesak untuk mengalihkan pelepasan cukai persekutuan daripada pengeluar bahan api fosil dan kepada penyelidikan tenaga boleh diperbaharui -- salah satu keutamaan parti apabila ia mengawal Kongres pada Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House opponents such as Rep.", "r": {"result": "Lawan dewan seperti Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Barton, R-Texas, complained that the bill will undo many of the efforts made to foster increased production of fossil fuels in an energy bill passed in 2005.", "r": {"result": "Joe Barton, R-Texas, mengadu bahawa rang undang-undang itu akan membatalkan banyak usaha yang dibuat untuk memupuk peningkatan pengeluaran bahan api fosil dalam bil tenaga yang diluluskan pada tahun 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I understand the consequences of elections.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya faham akibat pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I understand there's a new majority,\" said Barton, the ranking Republican on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "r": {"result": "Saya difahamkan terdapat majoriti baharu,\" kata Barton, anggota Republikan dalam Jawatankuasa Dewan Tenaga dan Perdagangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do not understand how what made sense two years ago doesn't make sense today\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak faham bagaimana perkara yang masuk akal dua tahun lalu tidak masuk akal hari ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barton called the legislation a \"no-energy\" bill and \"a recipe for recession,\" arguing its mandated conservation measures would raise prices for fuel, homes and appliances for consumers.", "r": {"result": "Barton menggelar undang-undang itu sebagai rang undang-undang \"tiada tenaga\" dan \"resepi untuk kemelesetan,\" dengan alasan langkah pemuliharaan mandatnya akan menaikkan harga bahan api, rumah dan peralatan untuk pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ed Henry contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ed Henry dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Senegal President Abdoulaye Wade called rival Macky Sall to concede Sunday's runoff election, which Sall hailed as a \"victory of the Senegalese people,\" state media reported.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Presiden Senegal Abdoulaye Wade memanggil saingan Macky Sall untuk mengakui pilihan raya larian Ahad, yang dipuji oleh Sall sebagai \"kemenangan rakyat Senegal,\" lapor media kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 85-year-old Wade faced off against his former prime minister and protege after he failed to win a majority during last month's controversial election.", "r": {"result": "Wade yang berusia 85 tahun berdepan dengan bekas perdana menteri dan anak didiknya selepas dia gagal memenangi majoriti semasa pilihan raya kontroversi bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two survived a field of 14 candidates during the February 27 election, with Wade receiving 32% of the vote and Sall getting 25%.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya terselamat daripada 14 calon semasa pilihan raya 27 Februari, dengan Wade menerima 32% undi dan Sall mendapat 25%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sall garnered support from several of the failed candidates, who vowed solidarity against Wade as he sought a third term.", "r": {"result": "Sall mendapat sokongan daripada beberapa calon yang gagal, yang berikrar solidariti terhadap Wade ketika dia memohon penggal ketiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunday night, Sall's supporters gathered at the candidate's headquarters in Dakar, cheering and dancing to hip-hop songs in the streets.", "r": {"result": "Ahad malam, penyokong Sall berkumpul di ibu pejabat calon di Dakar, bersorak dan menari mengikut lagu hip-hop di jalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want change because Senegal is poor and Abdoulaye Wade has done nothing,\" said Alpha Ba, 18, who voted for Sall.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mahukan perubahan kerana Senegal miskin dan Abdoulaye Wade tidak melakukan apa-apa,\u201d kata Alpha Ba, 18, yang mengundi Sall.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today we are proud to be Senegalese\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini kami berbangga menjadi warga Senegal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With 5.3 million voters registered in the country, early turnout was heavy with large crowds waiting to vote in the capital city.", "r": {"result": "Dengan 5.3 juta pengundi berdaftar di negara ini, peratusan keluar mengundi awal adalah tinggi dengan orang ramai yang ramai menunggu untuk mengundi di ibu negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier in the day, the head of the European Union Observer team, Thijs Berman, said voting was going well and there were no signs of fraud.", "r": {"result": "Terdahulu pada hari itu, ketua pasukan Pemerhati Kesatuan Eropah, Thijs Berman, berkata pengundian berjalan lancar dan tiada tanda-tanda penipuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the first round of voting last month, Wade was booed by much of one crowd at a polling place in Dakar.", "r": {"result": "Pada pusingan pertama pengundian bulan lalu, Wade diejek oleh kebanyakan orang di tempat mengundi di Dakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were unconfirmed reports that he arranged for supporters to come cheer for him and intimidate opponents Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat laporan yang belum disahkan bahawa dia mengatur agar penyokong datang bersorak untuknya dan menakut-nakutkan lawan Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Local radio reported the supporters were dispersed with tear gas when they attempted to enter the polling place.", "r": {"result": "Radio tempatan melaporkan penyokong bersurai dengan gas pemedih mata ketika mereka cuba memasuki tempat mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the first round, the voters here spontaneously booed him and it hurt him,\" said voter Malick Sy.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPada pusingan pertama, pengundi di sini secara spontan mengejeknya dan ia menyakitkan hatinya,\u201d kata pengundi Malick Sy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They took it upon themselves to mobilize people who don't have anything to do with this polling place to come and defend him, basically.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka mengambil tanggungjawab sendiri untuk menggerakkan orang yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa kaitan dengan tempat mengundi ini untuk datang membelanya, pada dasarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't think it is a good image for Senegalese democracy\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak fikir ia adalah imej yang baik untuk demokrasi Senegal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the incident was thought to be isolated in an otherwise peaceful day of voting.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, insiden itu dianggap terpencil dalam hari pengundian yang agak aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Before the first round, there was huge political tension and even casualties,\" Berman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelum pusingan pertama, terdapat ketegangan politik yang besar dan juga kemalangan jiwa,\" kata Berman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the second round, \"the situation is much calmer,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Pada pusingan kedua, \"keadaan lebih tenang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is still a lot of political tension but there has hardly been any violence\".", "r": {"result": "\"Masih terdapat banyak ketegangan politik tetapi hampir tidak ada sebarang keganasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Senegal, a small country on Africa's west coast, has been an outpost of democratic stability in a region with a history of electoral chaos, civil wars and coups.", "r": {"result": "Senegal, sebuah negara kecil di pantai barat Afrika, telah menjadi pusat kestabilan demokrasi di rantau yang mempunyai sejarah huru-hara pilihan raya, perang saudara dan rampasan kuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But deadly demonstrations broke out after the country's highest court cleared Wade to seek a third term in January, and protesters demanded that Wade give up his bid for a new mandate.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi demonstrasi maut tercetus selepas mahkamah tertinggi negara itu membebaskan Wade untuk memohon penggal ketiga pada Januari, dan penunjuk perasaan menuntut Wade melepaskan tawarannya untuk mendapatkan mandat baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opponents argue that the court was compromised and the constitution limits presidents to two terms.", "r": {"result": "Penentang berhujah bahawa mahkamah telah dikompromi dan perlembagaan mengehadkan presiden kepada dua penggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Wade successfully argued that he is exempt because he took office in 2000, before the term limit was put in place.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Wade berjaya berhujah bahawa dia dikecualikan kerana dia memegang jawatan pada tahun 2000, sebelum had penggal ditetapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wade once was hailed as a visionary, but his popularity has plummeted.", "r": {"result": "Wade pernah disanjung sebagai seorang yang berwawasan, tetapi popularitinya telah merudum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters calling for Wade's ouster have clashed on the streets in recent months.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan yang menggesa penyingkiran Wade telah bertelagah di jalanan dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A presidential spokesman has accused opposition candidates and their supporters of fueling \"urban guerrilla warfare\" leading up to the February vote.", "r": {"result": "Seorang jurucakap presiden menuduh calon pembangkang dan penyokong mereka menyemarakkan \"perang gerila bandar\" yang membawa kepada pengundian Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Wade's opponents blamed police for the escalating violence, saying they were responsible for some deaths during demonstrations in Dakar and Rufisque.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penentang Wade menyalahkan polis atas keganasan yang semakin meningkat, mengatakan mereka bertanggungjawab untuk beberapa kematian semasa demonstrasi di Dakar dan Rufisque.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalist Nick Loomis contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Nick Loomis menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Food and Drug Administration is preparing to ban caffeinated alcohol drinks, Sen.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pentadbiran Makanan dan Dadah sedang bersedia untuk mengharamkan minuman beralkohol berkafein, Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charles Schumer said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Charles Schumer berkata pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In response, one leading manufacturer of these drinks announced that it will remove caffiene and other ingredients from its product.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tindak balas, satu pengeluar terkemuka minuman ini mengumumkan bahawa ia akan mengeluarkan kafein dan bahan-bahan lain daripada produknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FDA, which has been reviewing the drinks since last year, declined to comment on the report.", "r": {"result": "FDA, yang telah mengkaji semula minuman itu sejak tahun lalu, enggan mengulas mengenai laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spokeswoman Siobhan Delancey said the matter was still under review.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap wanita Siobhan Delancey berkata perkara itu masih dalam semakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Schumer, in a statement issued to the media, said the FDA will rule that caffeine is an unsafe additive to alcoholic beverages, effectively banning them from the U.S. market.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Schumer, dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan kepada media, berkata FDA akan memutuskan bahawa kafein adalah bahan tambahan yang tidak selamat kepada minuman beralkohol, dengan berkesan mengharamkannya daripada pasaran AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Let these rulings serve as a warning to anyone who tried to peddle dangerous and toxic brews to our children.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBiarlah keputusan ini menjadi amaran kepada sesiapa yang cuba menjaja minuman berbahaya dan beracun kepada anak-anak kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do it and we will shut you down,\" Schumer, D-New York, said in the statement.", "r": {"result": "Lakukan dan kami akan menutup anda,\" kata Schumer, D-New York, dalam kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Critics say such drinks -- leading brands include Four Loko and Joose -- mix as much as three cups of coffee with three cans of beer and are designed to appeal to younger consumers accustomed to consuming high-caffeine energy drinks.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik berkata minuman sebegitu -- jenama terkemuka termasuk Four Loko dan Joose -- campurkan sebanyak tiga cawan kopi dengan tiga tin bir dan direka bentuk untuk menarik minat pengguna muda yang terbiasa mengambil minuman tenaga berkafein tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 23.5-ounce can of Four Loko contains either 6 or 12 percent alcohol by volume, depending on state regulations.", "r": {"result": "Satu tin 23.5 auns Four Loko mengandungi sama ada 6 atau 12 peratus alkohol mengikut isipadu, bergantung pada peraturan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's inside alcoholic energy drinks?", "r": {"result": "Apakah kandungan di dalam minuman tenaga beralkohol?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The combination of caffeine and alcohol -- which also is found in drinks like rum and cola -- allows drinkers to consume alcohol for a longer period of time without headaches, dry mouth or other unpleasant side effects, according to Kevin Clauson, an associate professor of pharmacy at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Gabungan kafein dan alkohol - yang juga terdapat dalam minuman seperti rum dan cola - membolehkan peminum untuk mengambil alkohol untuk jangka masa yang lebih lama tanpa sakit kepala, mulut kering atau kesan sampingan lain yang tidak menyenangkan, menurut Kevin Clauson, seorang profesor bersekutu farmasi di Nova Southeastern University di Fort Lauderdale, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schumer's office said a recent study found that young drinkers who combine alcohol and caffeine are more likely to be injured, sexually assaulted, drive while drinking and require medical attention than those who drink caffeinate-free drinks.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Schumer berkata kajian baru-baru ini mendapati bahawa peminum muda yang menggabungkan alkohol dan kafein lebih cenderung untuk cedera, diserang secara seksual, memandu sambil minum dan memerlukan rawatan perubatan berbanding mereka yang minum minuman tanpa kafein.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the latest news, several Washington state college students became ill in October after drinking Four Loko.", "r": {"result": "Dalam berita terkini, beberapa pelajar kolej negeri Washington jatuh sakit pada Oktober selepas minum Four Loko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phusion Products, the manufacturer of Four Loko, announced Tuesday that it intends to reformulate its drinks to remove caffeine, guarana and taurine from them.", "r": {"result": "Phusion Products, pengeluar Four Loko, mengumumkan pada Selasa bahawa ia berhasrat untuk merumuskan semula minumannya untuk menghilangkan kafein, guarana dan taurin daripadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From now on, there will only be noncaffeinated versions of Four Loko.", "r": {"result": "Mulai sekarang, hanya terdapat versi Four Loko tanpa kafein.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have repeatedly contended -- and still believe, as do many people throughout the country -- that the combination of alcohol and caffeine is safe.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah berulang kali berhujah -- dan masih percaya, seperti juga ramai orang di seluruh negara -- bahawa gabungan alkohol dan kafein adalah selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If it were unsafe, popular drinks like rum and colas or Irish coffees that have been consumed safely and responsibly for years would face the same scrutiny that our products have recently faced,\" the company's co-founders said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Jika ia tidak selamat, minuman popular seperti rum dan kola atau kopi Ireland yang telah dimakan dengan selamat dan bertanggungjawab selama bertahun-tahun akan menghadapi penelitian yang sama seperti yang dihadapi oleh produk kami baru-baru ini,\" kata pengasas bersama syarikat itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company also noted that the Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau had approved their products.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat itu juga menyatakan bahawa Biro Cukai dan Perdagangan Tembakau telah meluluskan produk mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are taking this step after trying -- unsuccessfully -- to navigate a difficult and politically-charged regulatory environment at both the state and federal levels,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mengambil langkah ini selepas mencuba -- tidak berjaya -- untuk mengemudi persekitaran kawal selia yang sukar dan bermuatan politik di peringkat negeri dan persekutuan,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phusion Products said that over the last several months they wanted to talk with regulators and policymakers in hopes of coming up with standards regulating caffeinated alcoholic beverages.", "r": {"result": "Phusion Products berkata sejak beberapa bulan lalu mereka ingin berbincang dengan pengawal selia dan penggubal dasar dengan harapan dapat menghasilkan piawaian yang mengawal selia minuman beralkohol berkafein.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By taking this action today, we are again demonstrating leadership, cooperation and responsible corporate citizenship,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan mengambil tindakan ini hari ini, kami sekali lagi menunjukkan kepimpinan, kerjasama dan warga korporat yang bertanggungjawab,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the FDA does move to ban the drinks, it would join New York, Washington, Utah, Michigan and Oklahoma in ejecting the products from store shelves.", "r": {"result": "Jika FDA bertindak untuk mengharamkan minuman itu, ia akan menyertai New York, Washington, Utah, Michigan dan Oklahoma dalam mengeluarkan produk dari rak kedai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay was charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated and possession of a controlled substance on Friday, just over two months after his arrest, a prosecutor said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemilik Indianapolis Colts Jim Irsay didakwa mengendalikan kenderaan dalam keadaan mabuk dan memiliki bahan terkawal pada hari Jumaat, hanya lebih dua bulan selepas penahanannya, kata seorang pendakwa raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The misdemeanor charges filed Friday are pending in Hamilton County, Indiana, Superior Court, Prosecuting Attorney D. Lee Buckingham's office said in a press release.", "r": {"result": "Pertuduhan salah laku yang difailkan pada hari Jumaat belum selesai di Hamilton County, Indiana, Mahkamah Tinggi, kata pejabat Peguam Pendakwa D. Lee Buckingham dalam satu kenyataan akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The drug was identified in a court filing as oxycodone and/or hydrocordone.", "r": {"result": "Dadah itu dikenal pasti dalam pemfailan mahkamah sebagai oksikodon dan/atau hidrokodon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Irsay's initial hearing on both counts is scheduled for June 19.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan awal Irsay bagi kedua-dua pertuduhan dijadualkan pada 19 Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Colts owner and CEO's legal team, in a statement after the charges were announced, thanked the Hamilton County prosecutor's office \"for its professionalism in its investigation\".", "r": {"result": "Pemilik Colts dan pasukan undang-undang CEO, dalam satu kenyataan selepas pertuduhan diumumkan, mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pejabat pendakwa Hamilton County \"atas profesionalismenya dalam siasatannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement pointed out that authorities determined that \"the facts in this matter did not warrant the filing of felony charges relative to Mr. Irsay's prescription medications.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu menunjukkan bahawa pihak berkuasa menentukan bahawa \"fakta dalam perkara ini tidak menjamin pemfailan pertuduhan jenayah berkaitan dengan ubat preskripsi Encik Irsay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mr. Irsay will deal with the remaining misdemeanor charges through the judicial process,\" the statement added.", "r": {"result": "\"Encik Irsay akan menangani baki pertuduhan salah laku melalui proses kehakiman,\" tambah kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police in Carmel had earlier said that Irsay was stopped at 11:41 p.m. on March 16 for driving slowly, stopping in a roadway and failing to use his turn signal.", "r": {"result": "Polis di Carmel sebelum ini berkata bahawa Irsay dihalang pada pukul 11:41 malam. pada 16 Mac kerana memandu perlahan, berhenti di jalan raya dan gagal menggunakan isyarat membeloknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The probable cause affidavit indicates that the Colts owner's speech was \"slow and slurred,\" his eyes were \"red and glassy\" and his balance was \"very unsteady\".", "r": {"result": "Afidavit kemungkinan sebab menunjukkan bahawa ucapan pemilik Colts adalah \"perlahan dan tidak jelas\", matanya \"merah dan berkaca\" dan keseimbangannya \"sangat tidak stabil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He failed a number of field sobriety tests, had trouble reciting the alphabet and told an officer \"that he was having a hard time finding his house\".", "r": {"result": "Dia gagal dalam beberapa ujian ketenangan lapangan, menghadapi masalah membaca abjad dan memberitahu pegawai \"bahawa dia mengalami kesukaran mencari rumahnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, a search of his vehicle found prescription drugs in bottles, police said in a press release.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, pemeriksaan ke atas kenderaannya menemui ubat preskripsi dalam botol, kata polis dalam kenyataan akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The drugs were not associated with any prescription bottles in the vehicle, according to police.", "r": {"result": "Dadah itu tidak dikaitkan dengan sebarang botol preskripsi di dalam kenderaan itu, menurut polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next day, Irsay \"voluntary checked into a highly respected health care facility,\" according to the Colts.", "r": {"result": "Keesokan harinya, Irsay \"secara sukarela mendaftar masuk ke kemudahan penjagaan kesihatan yang sangat dihormati,\" menurut Colts.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(He) is committed committed to undergoing the treatment and care necessary to help him meet his challenges head-on,\" added the team.", "r": {"result": "\"(Dia) komited untuk menjalani rawatan dan penjagaan yang diperlukan untuk membantu dia menghadapi cabarannya secara berterusan,\" tambah pasukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Irsay is the first National Football League owner to face criminal charges since Eddie DeBartolo of the San Francisco 49ers was indicted on federal racketeering charges in 1997.", "r": {"result": "Irsay ialah pemilik Liga Bola Sepak Kebangsaan pertama yang menghadapi pertuduhan jenayah sejak Eddie DeBartolo dari San Francisco 49ers didakwa atas tuduhan meragut persekutuan pada 1997.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In that time, the league -- including its current commissioner, Roger Goodell -- have frequently punished players for off-the-field indiscretions that landed them in court.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, liga -- termasuk pesuruhjayanya sekarang, Roger Goodell -- sering menghukum pemain kerana kecuaian di luar padang yang membawa mereka ke mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It remains to be seen what will happen, then, to the 54-year-old Irsay, who has largely stayed out of the public spotlight -- except for regular tweets -- since his arrest.", "r": {"result": "Ia masih harus dilihat apa yang akan berlaku, kemudian, kepada Irsay yang berusia 54 tahun, yang sebahagian besarnya tidak menjadi tumpuan umum -- kecuali untuk tweet biasa -- sejak penahanannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a brief statement Friday, the league said, \"The NFL's Personal Conduct Policy applies to all league personnel and holds all of us accountable.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan ringkas pada hari Jumaat, liga berkata, \"Dasar Tingkah Laku Peribadi NFL terpakai kepada semua kakitangan liga dan memastikan kita semua bertanggungjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are reviewing the matter and will take appropriate action in accordance with the policy.", "r": {"result": "Kami sedang menyemak perkara itu dan akan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya mengikut dasar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Colts owner -- whose father, Robert Irsay, owned the team before him -- has spoken publicly about his struggles with substance abuse as well as his efforts to stay sober.", "r": {"result": "Pemilik Colts -- yang bapanya, Robert Irsay, memiliki pasukan sebelum dia -- telah bercakap secara terbuka tentang perjuangannya dengan penyalahgunaan bahan serta usahanya untuk kekal sedar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a tweet last December, Jim Irsay said that he didn't drink: \"(S)orry to ruin your theories ... but I don't drink ... at all,\" he posted on his official account.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tweet Disember lalu, Jim Irsay berkata bahawa dia tidak minum: \"(S)maaf untuk merosakkan teori anda ... tetapi saya tidak minum ... sama sekali,\" dia menyiarkan pada akaun rasminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Report: Irsay's behavior was alarming.", "r": {"result": "Laporan: Tingkah laku Irsay membimbangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twitter reacts.", "r": {"result": "Twitter bertindak balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Less than a day after officially concluding 12 tumultuous years as mayor, Michael Bloomberg sat stone-faced in the front row at the inauguration of his liberal successor, Mayor Bill de Blasio, as one speaker after another made blistering, thinly veiled attacks on Bloomberg's legacy.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kurang daripada sehari selepas secara rasmi menamatkan 12 tahun yang penuh kemelut sebagai Datuk Bandar, Michael Bloomberg duduk bermuka batu di barisan hadapan pada majlis perasmian pengganti liberalnya, Datuk Bandar Bill de Blasio, sebagai seorang penceramah demi seorang membuat melepuh, nipis serangan terselubung ke atas legasi Bloomberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rev.", "r": {"result": "Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fred Lucas, one of the clergymen who delivered the opening invocation, asked God to turn \"the plantation called New York City\" into a better place.", "r": {"result": "Fred Lucas, salah seorang pendeta yang menyampaikan doa pembukaan, meminta Tuhan untuk mengubah \"ladang yang dipanggil New York City\" menjadi tempat yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Actor Harry Belafonte used his turn at the podium to call for an end to what he called the city's \"deeply Dickensian justice system\".", "r": {"result": "Pelakon Harry Belafonte menggunakan gilirannya di podium untuk meminta penamatan terhadap apa yang dipanggilnya \"sistem keadilan Dickensian yang mendalam\" di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the newly elected public advocate, Letitia James, ticked off a litany of criticisms of Bloomberg's police, education and economic policies.", "r": {"result": "Dan peguam bela awam yang baru dipilih, Letitia James, menandai serangkaian kritikan terhadap polisi, pendidikan dan dasar ekonomi Bloomberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attacks, which dominated an inauguration ceremony that is normally a celebration of municipal unity, jarred many observers.", "r": {"result": "Serangan itu, yang mendominasi upacara perasmian yang lazimnya meraikan perpaduan perbandaran, mengundang perhatian ramai pemerhati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As outside observer, hard to understand the bitter partisanship at De Blasio ceremony,\" noted an Israeli journalist on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai pemerhati luar, sukar untuk memahami sikap berpihak pada majlis De Blasio,\" kata seorang wartawan Israel di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a time for everything, and this isn't it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ada masanya untuk segala-galanya, dan ini bukan masanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Things got so heated that, an hour into the event, former President Bill Clinton, who administered the oath of office to de Blasio, tried to reset the tone by offering the first praise of Bloomberg, noting that the departing mayor \"leaves the city stronger and healthier than he found it\".", "r": {"result": "Keadaan menjadi sangat panas sehingga, sejam selepas acara itu, bekas Presiden Bill Clinton, yang mentadbirkan sumpah jawatan kepada de Blasio, cuba menetapkan semula nada dengan menawarkan pujian pertama Bloomberg, dengan menyatakan bahawa Datuk Bandar yang berlepas itu \"meninggalkan bandar itu lebih kuat. dan lebih sihat daripada yang ditemuinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Blasio himself departed from his prepared speech to ask the crowd to applaud Bloomberg.", "r": {"result": "De Blasio sendiri meninggalkan ucapannya yang disediakan untuk meminta orang ramai memuji Bloomberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The criticism was partly a matter of political overreach: Polls suggest that a majority of New Yorkers, while ready to turn the page on the Bloomberg years, also think the city is on the right track.", "r": {"result": "Kritikan itu sebahagiannya adalah masalah melampaui batas politik: Tinjauan mencadangkan bahawa majoriti penduduk New York, sementara bersedia untuk membuka halaman pada tahun-tahun Bloomberg, juga berpendapat bahawa bandar itu berada di landasan yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forty-nine percent approve of what Bloomberg did for the city, including innovative programs aimed at low-income residents.", "r": {"result": "Empat puluh sembilan peratus meluluskan apa yang Bloomberg lakukan untuk bandar itu, termasuk program inovatif yang bertujuan untuk penduduk berpendapatan rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But over the years, Bloomberg -- a Wall Street veteran and a multibillionaire with a chilly managerial style -- became an irresistible target for those who decry the gap between rich and poor.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selama bertahun-tahun, Bloomberg -- seorang veteran Wall Street dan multibillionaire dengan gaya pengurusan yang dingin -- menjadi sasaran yang sukar dilawan bagi mereka yang mengecam jurang antara kaya dan miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a time when homelessness in New York has soared to a record-high 50,000 people (PDF) sleeping in city shelters every night, Bloomberg's habit of jetting off to a home in Bermuda on weekends was fodder for criticism from opponents.", "r": {"result": "Pada ketika kehilangan tempat tinggal di New York telah melonjak kepada rekod tertinggi 50,000 orang (PDF) tidur di pusat perlindungan bandar setiap malam, tabiat Bloomberg yang melarikan diri ke rumah di Bermuda pada hujung minggu adalah makanan untuk kritikan daripada pihak lawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same was true of Bloomberg's free-spending ways: One conservative estimate places Bloomberg's spending on his campaigns and other political efforts at an eye-popping $650 million from his personal fortune, overwhelming liberal Democratic challengers in 2001, 2005 and 2009.", "r": {"result": "Perkara yang sama juga berlaku dalam cara perbelanjaan bebas Bloomberg: Satu anggaran konservatif meletakkan perbelanjaan Bloomberg untuk kempennya dan usaha politik yang lain pada $650 juta yang menarik perhatian daripada kekayaan peribadinya, pencabar Demokrat liberal yang hebat pada tahun 2001, 2005 dan 2009.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was easy for liberal politicians to point the finger at Bloomberg as a symbol of inequality, but as de Blasio will soon discover, the issue won't vanish with the Bloomberg administration.", "r": {"result": "Adalah mudah untuk ahli politik liberal menuding jari kepada Bloomberg sebagai simbol ketidaksamaan, tetapi seperti yang akan ditemui oleh de Blasio tidak lama lagi, isu itu tidak akan hilang dengan pentadbiran Bloomberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slate business correspondent Matthew Yglesias has wisely suggested that progressives not get too giddy over what the de Blasio equality agenda can deliver in the foreseeable future.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan perniagaan Slate Matthew Yglesias telah bijak mencadangkan agar golongan progresif tidak terlalu pening tentang perkara yang boleh disampaikan oleh agenda kesaksamaan de Blasio pada masa hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everyone should take a deep breath or two,\" he wrote in August.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang harus menarik nafas dalam-dalam atau dua,\" tulisnya pada bulan Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Economic inequality is a serious issue and municipal governance is a serious matter, but the fact is that the two have relatively little to do with each other\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ketidaksamaan ekonomi adalah isu yang serius dan tadbir urus perbandaran adalah perkara yang serius, tetapi hakikatnya kedua-duanya mempunyai sedikit kaitan antara satu sama lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Poverty has bedeviled New York and other cities for centuries, and mayors have scant power to affect broad trends like the decline of manufacturing, the loss of low-skilled jobs to foreign countries and the destruction of jobs by automation and the information revolution.", "r": {"result": "Kemiskinan telah membingungkan New York dan bandar-bandar lain selama berabad-abad, dan datuk bandar tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mempengaruhi trend yang luas seperti kemerosotan pembuatan, kehilangan pekerjaan berkemahiran rendah kepada negara asing dan pemusnahan pekerjaan oleh automasi dan revolusi maklumat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But New York's newly-elected mayor won last November on a campaign promise to use the power of government to attack yawning gaps of wealth and income between rich and poor.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Datuk Bandar New York yang baru dipilih menang November lalu atas janji kempen untuk menggunakan kuasa kerajaan untuk menyerang jurang kekayaan dan pendapatan antara kaya dan miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even before taking office on New Year's Day, de Blasio began ratcheting up the rhetoric, explicitly positioning his new administration as a place the rest of the nation should watch for clues about how to address economic inequality.", "r": {"result": "Malah sebelum memegang jawatan pada Hari Tahun Baru, de Blasio mula mempertingkatkan retorik, dengan jelas meletakkan pentadbiran baharunya sebagai tempat yang harus diperhatikan oleh seluruh negara untuk mendapatkan petunjuk tentang cara menangani ketidaksamaan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday he told the inauguration crowd, \"We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love\".", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Rabu dia memberitahu orang ramai perasmian, \"Kami dipanggil untuk menamatkan ketidaksamaan ekonomi dan sosial yang mengancam untuk membongkar bandar yang kita cintai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A large audience will indeed be watching to see whether de Blasio -- or any mayor -- can make the mighty wheels of the national economy spin in the direction of uplifting the poor.", "r": {"result": "Penonton yang ramai sememangnya akan menonton untuk melihat sama ada de Blasio -- atau mana-mana datuk bandar -- boleh membuat roda ekonomi negara berputar ke arah menaikkan golongan miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he can crack the code, an effective attack on economic inequality will be making news long after the ungracious sendoff of Bloomberg has faded from memory.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia boleh memecahkan kod itu, serangan yang berkesan terhadap ketidaksamaan ekonomi akan menjadi berita lama selepas penyimpangan Bloomberg yang tidak sopan telah pudar dari ingatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Errol Louis.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Errol Louis semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Syrian troops shelled restive neighborhoods Saturday during a massive push in the city of Homs, activists said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tentera Syria membedil kawasan kejiranan yang bergolak pada hari Sabtu semasa serangan besar-besaran di bandar Homs, kata aktivis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An onslaught occurred in the flashpoint neighborhood of Bab Amr, said activists Abu Omar, based in the western city, and Alexander Page, speaking to CNN from Cairo, where he is in touch with people in Homs.", "r": {"result": "Serangan berlaku di kawasan kejiranan Bab Amr, kata aktivis Abu Omar, yang berpangkalan di bandar barat itu, dan Alexander Page, bercakap kepada CNN dari Kaherah, di mana dia berhubung dengan orang di Homs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Omar and Page said thousands of troops entered Homs.", "r": {"result": "Omar dan Page berkata beribu-ribu tentera memasuki Homs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are surrounding the area from everywhere,\" Omar said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mengelilingi kawasan itu dari mana-mana,\" kata Omar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As CNN spoke to him by phone, heavy gunfire could be heard in the background.", "r": {"result": "Semasa CNN bercakap dengannya melalui telefon, bunyi tembakan yang kuat kedengaran di latar belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The operation occurred as the Arab League prepared to start its monitoring mission next week, part of an initiative to end the violence in Syria.", "r": {"result": "Operasi itu berlaku ketika Liga Arab bersiap sedia untuk memulakan misi pemantauannya minggu depan, sebahagian daripada inisiatif untuk menamatkan keganasan di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another activist in Homs, Abu Salim, said at least 4,000 security personnel were surrounding Bab Amr and the number was increasing.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi aktivis di Homs, Abu Salim, berkata sekurang-kurangnya 4,000 anggota keselamatan mengelilingi Bab Amr dan bilangannya semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The troops dug trenches around parts of the neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Tentera menggali parit di sekitar bahagian kejiranan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the neighborhood's population before the security forces arrived was at least 50,000. Now, many people have fled, fearing death and escaping the harsh humanitarian conditions.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata penduduk kejiranan sebelum pasukan keselamatan tiba sekurang-kurangnya 50,000. Kini, ramai orang telah melarikan diri, takut mati dan terlepas daripada keadaan kemanusiaan yang teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Much of the shelling in the city is coming from the local headquarters of military intelligence in the city.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKebanyakan tembakan di bandar itu datang dari ibu pejabat perisikan tentera tempatan di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They shell different neighborhoods from there,\" Salim said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menyerang kawasan kejiranan yang berbeza dari sana,\" kata Salim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tanks are present in some neighborhoods and they directly shoot at homes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kereta kebal terdapat di beberapa kawasan kejiranan dan mereka menembak terus di rumah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salim said people are targeted if they walk the streets, there are shortages of fuel, heating oil and baby formula, and \"the humanitarian situation is really difficult\".", "r": {"result": "Salim berkata orang ramai menjadi sasaran jika mereka berjalan di jalanan, terdapat kekurangan bahan api, minyak pemanas dan susu formula bayi, dan \"keadaan kemanusiaan sangat sukar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The sounds of explosions are almost continuous and rarely stop even through the night,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bunyi letupan hampir berterusan dan jarang berhenti walaupun sepanjang malam,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salim said makeshift medical clinics are trying to make do.", "r": {"result": "Salim berkata klinik perubatan sementara sedang berusaha untuk melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We lack any sophisticated medical tool or equipment.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami kekurangan alat atau peralatan perubatan yang canggih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... We only use first aid kits and tools to deal with bullet wounds.", "r": {"result": "... Kami hanya menggunakan peti pertolongan cemas dan alatan untuk menangani luka peluru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of the wounded end up dying.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan yang cedera akhirnya mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... We do not have enough doctors or nurses to help the injured,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "... Kami tidak mempunyai cukup doktor atau jururawat untuk membantu mereka yang cedera,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Omar said he saw more than 40 injured people at a field hospital.", "r": {"result": "Omar berkata dia melihat lebih 40 orang cedera di sebuah hospital lapangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked why he thinks security forces are targeting Bab Amr, he said the neighborhood is staunchly against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and is \"making a lot of problems for the regime\".", "r": {"result": "Ditanya mengapa beliau berpendapat pasukan keselamatan menyasarkan Bab Amr, beliau berkata kejiranan itu menentang Presiden Syria Bashar al-Assad dan \"membuat banyak masalah untuk rejim\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked the international community for its support.", "r": {"result": "Beliau meminta sokongan masyarakat antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want your help.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mahu bantuan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... We just need a no-fly zone, and more pressure on al-Assad's regime,\" Omar said.", "r": {"result": "... Kami hanya memerlukan zon larangan terbang, dan lebih banyak tekanan ke atas rejim al-Assad,\" kata Omar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least five neighborhoods in Homs have been attacked, Salim said.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya lima kawasan kejiranan di Homs telah diserang, kata Salim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Security forces also shelled the neighborhoods of Bayada, Khaldiyeh, and Karm Al-Zaitoun, and warplanes flew over the area, according to the Local Coordination Committees of Syria (LCC), an opposition activist network.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan keselamatan juga membedil kawasan kejiranan Bayada, Khaldiyeh, dan Karm Al-Zaitoun, dan pesawat pejuang terbang melintasi kawasan itu, menurut Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Tempatan Syria (LCC), rangkaian aktivis pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The LCC said 38 people were killed across the country Saturday, including 25 in Homs.", "r": {"result": "LCC berkata 38 orang terbunuh di seluruh negara Sabtu, termasuk 25 di Homs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also said security forces assassinated Ghazi Mohammad Khaled Zoaib, former secretary general of the Homs' division of the Baath Party, and his wife, Rajaa Mohammad Khaled Bakkar.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga berkata pasukan keselamatan membunuh Ghazi Mohammad Khaled Zoaib, bekas setiausaha agung bahagian Homs Parti Baath, dan isterinya, Rajaa Mohammad Khaled Bakkar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That incident occurred during a raid on their house in Bab Amr.", "r": {"result": "Kejadian itu berlaku semasa serbuan ke atas rumah mereka di Bab Amr.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The martyr had been threatened before by the regime as a result of his support of the revolutions since its beginning,\" the LCC said.", "r": {"result": "\"Syahid telah diancam sebelum ini oleh rejim hasil sokongannya terhadap revolusi sejak permulaannya,\" kata LCC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It said two army defectors were also killed.", "r": {"result": "Ia berkata dua pembelot tentera turut terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A massive demonstration was taking place in the neighborhood of Malaab, a protest in solidarity with the people of Bab Amr.", "r": {"result": "Satu demonstrasi besar-besaran sedang berlaku di kawasan kejiranan Malaab, satu protes sebagai solidariti dengan penduduk Bab Amr.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN cannot independently verify reports of deaths and injuries in Syria.", "r": {"result": "CNN tidak boleh mengesahkan secara bebas laporan kematian dan kecederaan di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Syrian government has restricted access to international journalists.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Syria telah menyekat akses kepada wartawan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attacks in Homs came a day after dual bombings struck the country's capital, Damascus.", "r": {"result": "Serangan di Homs berlaku sehari selepas dua pengeboman melanda ibu kota negara itu, Damsyik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Assad's government blamed terrorists inside and outside of Syria, but the opposition called the attacks the work of the regime.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Al-Assad menyalahkan pengganas di dalam dan di luar Syria, tetapi pembangkang menggelar serangan itu sebagai kerja rejim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syria has entered its bloodiest period in a months-long uprising, raising questions about whether observers from the Arab League will be able to stem the growing violence.", "r": {"result": "Syria telah memasuki tempoh paling berdarah dalam pemberontakan selama berbulan-bulan, menimbulkan persoalan sama ada pemerhati dari Liga Arab akan dapat membendung keganasan yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States, which has called for al-Assad to step aside and has initiated sanctions against the regime, deplored the bombings, said there \"is no justification for terrorism of any kind\" and expressed hope that the strike doesn't undermine the Arab League efforts.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat, yang menyeru agar al-Assad berundur dan telah memulakan sekatan terhadap rejim, kesal dengan pengeboman itu, berkata \"tidak ada justifikasi untuk sebarang jenis keganasan\" dan menyatakan harapan bahawa serangan itu tidak menjejaskan orang Arab. Usaha liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is crucial that (the) attack not impede the critical work of the Arab League monitoring mission to document and deter human rights abuses with the goal of protecting civilians,\" State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner told reporters Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah penting bahawa (serangan) itu tidak menghalang kerja kritikal misi pemantauan Liga Arab untuk mendokumenkan dan menghalang pencabulan hak asasi manusia dengan matlamat untuk melindungi orang awam,\" kata timbalan jurucakap Jabatan Negara, Mark Toner kepada pemberita Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We hope that this mission will proceed unfettered in an atmosphere of non-violence.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berharap misi ini akan diteruskan tanpa terhalang dalam suasana tanpa kekerasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The burden is on the regime to cooperate fully and quickly with the monitoring mission\".", "r": {"result": "Beban terletak pada rejim untuk memberi kerjasama sepenuhnya dan cepat dengan misi pemantauan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 5,000 people have died since al-Assad began a brutal crackdown in mid-March on anti-government protesters calling for his ouster, the United Nations said earlier this month.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 5,000 orang telah terkorban sejak al-Assad memulakan tindakan keras kejam pada pertengahan Mac ke atas penunjuk perasaan antikerajaan yang menggesa penggulingannya, kata Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu awal bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many more deaths have since been reported.", "r": {"result": "Banyak lagi kematian telah dilaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "AVAAZ, a New York-based political activist group, and the LCC said more than 6,000 people have been killed.", "r": {"result": "AVAAZ, kumpulan aktivis politik yang berpangkalan di New York, dan LCC berkata lebih 6,000 orang telah terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Syrian government has said 2,000 of its soldiers and security forces have been killed in the uprising, which it blames on \"armed gangs\".", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Syria berkata 2,000 askar dan pasukan keselamatannya telah terbunuh dalam pemberontakan itu, yang dipersalahkan sebagai \"kumpulan bersenjata\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A surge of violence this week claimed almost 300 lives, according to the opposition Syrian National Council.", "r": {"result": "Lonjakan keganasan minggu ini meragut hampir 300 nyawa, menurut Majlis Kebangsaan Syria pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Funerals occurred Saturday for 44 people killed in the two suicide car bombings at the offices of two security branches in Damascus, the Ministry of Interior said in a statement released to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency.", "r": {"result": "Pengebumian berlaku Sabtu untuk 44 orang yang terbunuh dalam dua pengeboman kereta berani mati di pejabat dua cawangan keselamatan di Damsyik, kata Kementerian Dalam Negeri dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan kepada Agensi Berita Arab Syria yang dikendalikan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 166 were wounded in the attack, the ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 166 cedera dalam serangan itu, kata kementerian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The violent crackdown by al-Assad's security forces against the opposition has garnered worldwide condemnation from the European Union, the Arab League and Turkey in addition to the United States.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan keras oleh pasukan keselamatan al-Assad terhadap pembangkang telah mendapat kecaman seluruh dunia daripada Kesatuan Eropah, Liga Arab dan Turki selain Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Samira Said, Mohamed Fadel Fahmy and Salma Abdelaziz contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Samira Said dari CNN, Mohamed Fadel Fahmy dan Salma Abdelaziz menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Typhoon Haikui slammed into the east coast of China on Wednesday morning, pummeling the area around the business metropolis of Shanghai with heavy wind and rain.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Taufan Haikui melanda pantai timur China pada pagi Rabu, melanda kawasan sekitar metropolis perniagaan Shanghai dengan angin kencang dan hujan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm's winds were at \"severe typhoon\" strength when it made landfall in the province of Zhejiang, about 225 kilometers (140 miles) south of Shanghai, the China Meteorological Administration said.", "r": {"result": "Angin ribut itu berada pada kekuatan \"taufan teruk\" apabila ia mendarat di wilayah Zhejiang, kira-kira 225 kilometer (140 batu) ke selatan Shanghai, kata Pentadbiran Meteorologi China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The winds diminished to typhoon strength as Haikui moved inland.", "r": {"result": "Angin berkurangan kepada kekuatan taufan apabila Haikui bergerak ke pedalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A severe typhoon is considered to have maximum sustained wind speed of between 150 and 184 kilometers per hour (93 and 114 mph).", "r": {"result": "Taufan yang teruk dianggap mempunyai kelajuan angin berkekalan maksimum antara 150 dan 184 kilometer sejam (93 dan 114 mph).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A typhoon has maximum sustained winds of between 118 and 149 kilometers per hour (73 and 93 mph).", "r": {"result": "Taufan mempunyai angin berkelajuan maksimum antara 118 dan 149 kilometer sejam (73 dan 93 mph).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Think it's hot?", "r": {"result": "Fikir panas?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Imagine living here.", "r": {"result": "Bayangkan tinggal di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds of thousands of people had been evacuated from Haikui's path as it approached, the third tropical cyclone to hit China's east coast in less than a week.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus ribu orang telah dipindahkan dari laluan Haikui ketika ia menghampiri, taufan tropika ketiga yang melanda pantai timur China dalam masa kurang seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese officials had relocated 374,000 people from Shanghai and 250,000 from Zhejiang, according to the state-run newspaper China Daily.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai China telah menempatkan semula 374,000 orang dari Shanghai dan 250,000 dari Zhejiang, menurut akhbar China Daily.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although the storm's winds are expected to weaken as it moves overland, it will continue to dump large amounts of rain on the surrounding area, raising the risk of landslides and flooding.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun angin ribut dijangka menjadi lemah apabila ia bergerak di darat, ia akan terus membuang sejumlah besar hujan di kawasan sekitar, meningkatkan risiko tanah runtuh dan banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's behind Asia floods?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang ada di sebalik banjir Asia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The rain is the bigger impact going forward,\" said CNNI Meteorologist Taylor Ward.", "r": {"result": "\"Hujan adalah kesan yang lebih besar pada masa hadapan,\" kata Ahli Meteorologi CNNI Taylor Ward.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have already had up to 8 inches in some locations\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sudah mempunyai sehingga 8 inci di beberapa lokasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ward said another 6 to 10 inches of rain were expected to fall, with \"maybe isolated amounts greater\".", "r": {"result": "Ward berkata hujan setinggi 6 hingga 10 inci lagi dijangka turun, dengan \"mungkin jumlah terpencil lebih besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Haikui was moving northwest at 20 kph (12 mph) but was expected to slow over the coming two days, he said.", "r": {"result": "Haikui bergerak ke barat laut pada kelajuan 20 kph (12 mph) tetapi dijangka perlahan dalam tempoh dua hari akan datang, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More rains worsen Philippines floods.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak hujan memburukkan lagi banjir Filipina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ernesto weakens, but new strength forecast.", "r": {"result": "Ernesto lemah, tetapi ramalan kekuatan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (CNN) -- The United Nations and Congolese army are sending additional soldiers to the troubled regional capital of Goma, a U.N. spokesman said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Goma, Republik Demokratik Congo (CNN) -- Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan tentera Congo menghantar askar tambahan ke ibu kota wilayah bergolak Goma, kata jurucakap PBB hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Troops are being deployed at the town entrance, on the road that goes to Rutshuru,\" said Alexander Essome, MONUSCO regional spokesperson.", "r": {"result": "\"Tentera sedang dikerahkan di pintu masuk bandar, di jalan yang menuju ke Rutshuru,\" kata Alexander Essome, jurucakap wilayah MONUSCO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MONUSCO, the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Democratic Republic of Congo, \"has been reinforced with extra troops in the area,\" Essome said.", "r": {"result": "MONUSCO, misi pengaman PBB di Republik Demokratik Congo, \"telah diperkuat dengan tentera tambahan di kawasan itu,\" kata Essome.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rutshuru, 60 kilometers (37 miles) north of Goma, was taken by M23 rebels on July 1, but they retreated within days and the Congolese regular army moved back into the town Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Rutshuru, 60 kilometer (37 batu) di utara Goma, telah diambil oleh pemberontak M23 pada 1 Julai, tetapi mereka berundur dalam beberapa hari dan tentera tetap Congo bergerak semula ke bandar itu pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Congolese army is dispatching a U.S. trained elite battalion to Goma, where most shops were closed Wednesday because of threats from M23 to take Goma.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Congo menghantar batalion elit terlatih A.S. ke Goma, di mana kebanyakan kedai ditutup Rabu kerana ancaman daripada M23 untuk mengambil Goma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The M23, linked to Laurent Nkunda's CNDP rebel group, still controls the town of Bunagana.", "r": {"result": "M23, yang dikaitkan dengan kumpulan pemberontak CNDP Laurent Nkunda, masih mengawal bandar Bunagana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Goma is in on the border with Rwanda on Lake Kivu.", "r": {"result": "Goma berada di sempadan dengan Rwanda di Tasik Kivu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- House Republicans on Wednesday presented what they called a \"sorely needed\" alternative to Democrats' proposals to overhaul health care.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Ahli Dewan Rakyat pada hari Rabu membentangkan apa yang mereka panggil sebagai alternatif \"sangat diperlukan\" kepada cadangan Demokrat untuk membaik pulih penjagaan kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eric Cantor says Republicans are drafting a plan to ensure all Americans have access to affordable coverage.", "r": {"result": "Eric Cantor berkata Republikan sedang merangka rancangan untuk memastikan semua rakyat Amerika mempunyai akses kepada liputan berpatutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans want to make sure all Americans have access to affordable coverage, Rep.", "r": {"result": "Republikan mahu memastikan semua rakyat Amerika mempunyai akses kepada liputan yang berpatutan, Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eric Cantor, the House minority whip, said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Eric Cantor, sebat minoriti Dewan, berkata pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We do so by making sure we keep down costs and incorporate the ability for folks to pool together to access lower costs, to bring private sector into the game and keep government out,\" Cantor said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berbuat demikian dengan memastikan kami mengurangkan kos dan menggabungkan keupayaan untuk orang ramai berkumpul bersama untuk mengakses kos yang lebih rendah, untuk membawa sektor swasta ke dalam permainan dan menghalang kerajaan,\" kata Cantor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neither Democrats nor Republicans have detailed how they would pay for their proposals.", "r": {"result": "Baik Demokrat mahupun Republikan tidak memperincikan bagaimana mereka akan membayar cadangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, said his party's plan will cost \"far less\" than that of the Democrats and \"provide better results for the American people\".", "r": {"result": "Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, berkata rancangan partinya akan kos \"jauh lebih murah\" berbanding Demokrat dan \"memberi hasil yang lebih baik untuk rakyat Amerika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dave Camp, R-Michigan, who co-authored the GOP plan, said it's important to make sure the bill is one with a \"common-sense approach\".", "r": {"result": "Dave Camp, R-Michigan, yang mengarang bersama rancangan GOP, berkata adalah penting untuk memastikan rang undang-undang itu adalah satu dengan \"pendekatan akal sehat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are not going to have a bill that is larger than the GDP [gross domestic product] of most countries, which is what we are beginning to see roll out,\" said Camp, the ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak akan mempunyai rang undang-undang yang lebih besar daripada KDNK [keluaran dalam negara kasar] kebanyakan negara, yang merupakan perkara yang kami mula lihat dilancarkan,\" kata Camp, ahli Republikan dalam Jawatankuasa Cara dan Cara Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Clearly, if we move forward and this bill is on the floor, we are going to have to have a bill that is paid for and that's going to depend on what the scores come back\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jelas sekali, jika kita bergerak ke hadapan dan rang undang-undang ini di atas lantai, kita perlu mempunyai bil yang dibayar dan itu akan bergantung kepada skor yang diperoleh kembali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A score is a preliminary estimate of the cost of proposed legislation.", "r": {"result": "Skor ialah anggaran awal kos perundangan yang dicadangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A preliminary review by the Congressional Budget Office of a plan being drawn up in the Senate found it would cost about $1 trillion over 10 years to extend health insurance to 16 million people who otherwise would not be covered, about a third of the roughly 45 million now uninsured.", "r": {"result": "Kajian awal oleh Pejabat Belanjawan Kongres mengenai rancangan yang sedang dibuat di Senat mendapati ia akan menelan belanja kira-kira $1 trilion dalam tempoh 10 tahun untuk melanjutkan insurans kesihatan kepada 16 juta orang yang sebaliknya tidak akan dilindungi, kira-kira satu pertiga daripada kira-kira 45 juta kini tidak diinsuranskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Camp said that the House Republican proposal calls for refundable tax credits for lower-income Americans.", "r": {"result": "Camp berkata bahawa cadangan House Republican memerlukan kredit cukai yang boleh dikembalikan untuk rakyat Amerika yang berpendapatan rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Camp and Republicans have not determined key details for their proposal, including the amount of those tax credits or who precisely could be eligible.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Camp dan Republicans belum menentukan butiran penting untuk cadangan mereka, termasuk jumlah kredit cukai tersebut atau siapa yang sebenarnya layak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Republicans on Wednesday planned to release a two-page summary of Camp's proposal, which CNN Radio obtained.", "r": {"result": "House Republicans pada hari Rabu merancang untuk mengeluarkan ringkasan dua muka surat cadangan Camp, yang diperoleh CNN Radio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some highlights include:", "r": {"result": "Beberapa sorotan termasuk:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This Republican alternative bill also contains several health care ideas that are increasingly championed by both parties.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang alternatif Republikan ini juga mengandungi beberapa idea penjagaan kesihatan yang semakin diperjuangkan oleh kedua-dua pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This House Republican plan comes a day after fellow Republican Rep.", "r": {"result": "Rancangan Republikan Dewan ini datang sehari selepas rakan Rep Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Kirk of Illinois and other moderates in the so-called Tuesday Group released their proposal, which spelled out many of the same ideas as the Camp bill.", "r": {"result": "Mark Kirk dari Illinois dan orang sederhana lain dalam apa yang dipanggil Kumpulan Selasa mengeluarkan cadangan mereka, yang menyatakan banyak idea yang sama seperti rang undang-undang Camp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kirk contends his plan is less partisan but said he supports Camp's effort.", "r": {"result": "Kirk berpendapat rancangannya kurang partisan tetapi berkata dia menyokong usaha Camp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Lisa Desjardins contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Lisa Desjardins dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Police in suburban Dallas are recommending that ex-football star Deion Sanders face a charge that could land him in prison for a year, after a dispute last week that led to his estranged wife's arrest, authorities said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Polis di pinggir bandar Dallas mengesyorkan bekas bintang bola sepak Deion Sanders menghadapi pertuduhan yang boleh menyebabkan dia dipenjarakan selama setahun, selepas pertikaian minggu lalu yang membawa kepada penahanan isterinya yang terasing, kata pihak berkuasa Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fact that the Prosper, Texas, police sought charges against Sanders is not entirely unexpected, as he and a third person had been cited for misdemeanor assault in the incident in question, according to a statement from that town's police released April 25.", "r": {"result": "Hakikat bahawa polis Prosper, Texas, menuntut pertuduhan terhadap Sanders bukanlah sesuatu yang di luar jangkaan sepenuhnya, kerana dia dan orang ketiga telah disebut atas serangan salah laku dalam insiden berkenaan, menurut satu kenyataan daripada polis bandar itu yang dikeluarkan pada 25 April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the \"Class A Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief\" charge that police are now recommending is more serious than the \"Class C Simple Assault\" charge that Sanders was cited for shortly after the incident.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pertuduhan \"Kesalahan Jenayah Kelas A\" yang kini disyorkan polis adalah lebih serius daripada pertuduhan \"Serangan Mudah Kelas C\" yang disebut Sanders sejurus selepas kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A conviction on a Class A misdemeanor carries a maximum prison sentence of one year and fine of $4,000, according to Texas statutes.", "r": {"result": "Sabitan ke atas salah laku Kelas A membawa hukuman penjara maksimum setahun dan denda $4,000, menurut statut Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Class C misdemeanor, by comparison, carries a fine of no more than $500 and no prison sentence.", "r": {"result": "Kesalahan Kelas C, sebagai perbandingan, boleh didenda tidak lebih daripada $500 dan tiada hukuman penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is now in the hands of the Collin County district attorney's office.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu kini di tangan pejabat peguam daerah Collin County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As of Thursday afternoon, Sanders -- a 2011 inductee into the Pro Football Hall of Fame and a former Major League Baseball standout who is now an NFL Network analyst -- had not been arrested, Prosper police said in the statement.", "r": {"result": "Setakat petang Khamis, Sanders -- seorang yang dilantik pada 2011 ke dalam Dewan Kemasyhuran Bola Sepak Pro dan bekas pemain Besbol Major League yang kini menjadi penganalisis Rangkaian NFL -- belum ditangkap, kata polis Prosper dalam kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The investigation is continuing, and no other information is available at this time,\" police said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSiasatan masih diteruskan, dan tiada maklumat lain tersedia buat masa ini,\u201d kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities responded to a domestic disturbance call the afternoon of Monday, April 23, at a Prosper residence where Sanders, 44, complained he was assaulted by Pilar Sanders, 38, and another woman identified as Dianna Boswell, also 38, according to an earlier police statement.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa membalas panggilan gangguan domestik pada tengah hari Isnin, 23 April, di kediaman Prosper di mana Sanders, 44, mengadu dia diserang oleh Pilar Sanders, 38, dan seorang lagi wanita dikenali sebagai Dianna Boswell, juga 38, menurut polis sebelum ini kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pilar Sanders was detained on a charge of simple assault, a misdemeanor, that statement said.", "r": {"result": "Pilar Sanders telah ditahan atas tuduhan melakukan serangan mudah, satu kesalahan, kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After further investigation, police cited Boswell and Deion Sanders for \"Class C simple assault,\" but neither was taken into custody.", "r": {"result": "Selepas siasatan lanjut, polis memetik Boswell dan Deion Sanders untuk \"serangan mudah Kelas C,\" tetapi kedua-duanya tidak ditahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pilar Sanders was released a day later and said she hadn't been given a \"fair shake\" over allegations that she attacked Sanders in an incident he made public in a series of bizarre Twitter postings.", "r": {"result": "Pilar Sanders dibebaskan sehari kemudian dan berkata dia tidak diberi \"goncangan adil\" berhubung dakwaan bahawa dia menyerang Sanders dalam insiden yang didedahkannya kepada umum dalam satu siri catatan Twitter yang pelik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I understand that I have very little chance at beating a Hall of Fame, two-sport man that everyone seems to love and adore,\" Pilar Sanders said, proclaiming her innocence.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya faham bahawa saya mempunyai sedikit peluang untuk menewaskan Hall of Fame, lelaki dua sukan yang semua orang nampaknya suka dan memuja,\" kata Pilar Sanders, menyatakan dia tidak bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Collin County Sheriff's Office said Pilar Sanders, under an emergency protective order, is forbidden from returning to the couple's home for 61 days and cannot threaten or harass any member of the family.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Sheriff Collin County berkata Pilar Sanders, di bawah perintah perlindungan kecemasan, dilarang pulang ke rumah pasangan itu selama 61 hari dan tidak boleh mengancam atau mengganggu mana-mana ahli keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one of the messages posted last week on his verified Twitter account, Deion Sanders included a photo of what he said were his children filling out complaints to give to police in Texas.", "r": {"result": "Dalam salah satu mesej yang disiarkan minggu lalu di akaun Twitternya yang disahkan, Deion Sanders memasukkan foto yang dikatakannya sebagai anak-anaknya yang mengisi aduan untuk diberikan kepada polis di Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Pray for me and my kids now!", "r": {"result": "\"Doakan saya dan anak-anak saya sekarang!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They just witnessed their mother and a friend jump me in my room,\" said the first tweet, posted at 6:15 p.m. \"She's going to jail n I'm pressing charges\"!", "r": {"result": "Mereka hanya menyaksikan ibu mereka dan seorang rakan melompat saya di dalam bilik saya,\" kata tweet pertama, yang disiarkan pada 6:15 petang. \"Dia akan dipenjarakan dan saya menuntut tuduhan\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two minutes later, Sanders tweeted again.", "r": {"result": "Dua minit kemudian, Sanders tweet semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm sad my boys witnessed this mess but I warned the police department here that she was gone try n harm me and my boys.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sedih anak lelaki saya menyaksikan kekacauan ini tetapi saya memberi amaran kepada pihak polis di sini bahawa dia telah pergi cuba dan cederakan saya dan anak lelaki saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is on my mama\"!", "r": {"result": "Ini pada mama saya\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "it said.", "r": {"result": "ia berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pilar Sanders was booked on suspicion of assault family violence, according to booking records at the Collin County Jail.", "r": {"result": "Pilar Sanders telah ditempah kerana disyaki melakukan keganasan keluarga, menurut rekod tempahan di Penjara Collin County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bail was set at $264.", "r": {"result": "Ikat jamin ditetapkan pada $264.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can tell you that there are two sides to every story, and the truth will come out in court,\" Larry Friedman, an attorney for Pilar Sanders, said on the day of her release.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh memberitahu anda bahawa terdapat dua pihak untuk setiap cerita, dan kebenaran akan keluar di mahkamah,\" kata Larry Friedman, seorang peguam untuk Pilar Sanders, pada hari pembebasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sanderses have three children together.", "r": {"result": "Sanders mempunyai tiga anak bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deion Sanders has two other children from an earlier relationship.", "r": {"result": "Deion Sanders mempunyai dua lagi anak daripada hubungan terdahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple married in 1999 and starred in a reality show, \"Deion & Pilar: Prime Time Love,\" that aired on the Oxygen network.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu berkahwin pada tahun 1999 dan membintangi rancangan realiti, \"Deion & Pilar: Prime Time Love,\" yang disiarkan di rangkaian Oksigen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The marriage soured, however, and the two are engaged in bitter divorce proceedings.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan itu memburuk, bagaimanapun, dan kedua-duanya terlibat dalam prosiding perceraian yang pahit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February, Pilar Sanders filed a suit against her husband and his aunt, Laura Jones.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Februari, Pilar Sanders memfailkan saman terhadap suaminya dan ibu saudaranya, Laura Jones.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said the aunt attacked her in their 10-bedroom, 29,000-square-foot home in Prosper while Deion Sanders watched.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata ibu saudara itu menyerangnya di rumah 10 bilik tidur, 29,000 kaki persegi mereka di Prosper sementara Deion Sanders memerhati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, the athlete tweeted that his wife was the aggressor and the aunt was in the home merely to fix his phone.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, atlet itu menulis tweet bahawa isterinya adalah penceroboh dan ibu saudara itu berada di rumah semata-mata untuk membetulkan telefonnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pilar Sanders also filed a separate suit against her husband and his daughter, Deiondra, after she called her stepmother a \"gold-digging (expletive)\" and \"the number one gold digger of the year\" in Twitter posts.", "r": {"result": "Pilar Sanders juga memfailkan saman berasingan terhadap suaminya dan anak perempuannya, Deiondra, selepas dia menggelar ibu tirinya sebagai \"penggali emas\" dan \"penggali emas nombor satu tahun ini\" dalam catatan Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deion Sanders played for several NFL teams, including the San Francisco 49ers, Dallas Cowboys and Atlanta Falcons.", "r": {"result": "Deion Sanders bermain untuk beberapa pasukan NFL, termasuk San Francisco 49ers, Dallas Cowboys dan Atlanta Falcons.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During much of his NFL career, he also was an outfielder with four Major League Baseball teams and played in a World Series with the Atlanta Braves.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang karier NFLnya, dia juga merupakan pemain luar dengan empat pasukan Besbol Liga Utama dan bermain dalam Siri Dunia dengan Atlanta Braves.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The NFL Network and Sanders' business manager, Constance Schwartz, have declined to comment about the incident.", "r": {"result": "Pengurus perniagaan NFL Network dan Sanders, Constance Schwartz, enggan mengulas mengenai kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a clearly emotional Sanders spoke to Dallas television station KXAS hours after his estranged wife's arrest and appealed for help.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Sanders yang jelas beremosi bercakap dengan stesen televisyen Dallas KXAS beberapa jam selepas isterinya yang terasing ditangkap dan merayu untuk mendapatkan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I got locks on my doors right now,\" he told the station.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mendapat kunci di pintu saya sekarang,\" katanya kepada stesen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Is somebody going to have to die?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah seseorang akan mati?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it going to be me before the court does something and get this woman out of my house?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ia akan menjadi saya sebelum mahkamah melakukan sesuatu dan mengeluarkan wanita ini dari rumah saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's absurd\".", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak masuk akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- After a fourth consecutive night of violence that convulsed much of London and spread elsewhere in Britain, the scene before dawn Wednesday was largely calm, a tentative calm enforced by thousands of police.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Selepas keganasan malam keempat berturut-turut yang menggegarkan sebahagian besar London dan merebak ke tempat lain di Britain, kejadian sebelum subuh Rabu sebahagian besarnya tenang, ketenangan sementara dikuatkuasakan oleh beribu-ribu polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hours before, police reported outbreaks of violence in Wolverhampton and West Bromwich, about 100 miles north of London, and in the northwestern city of Manchester.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam sebelum itu, polis melaporkan berlakunya keganasan di Wolverhampton dan West Bromwich, kira-kira 100 batu di utara London, dan di bandar barat laut Manchester.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There, a library and supermarket were ablaze, said Jeff Gill from the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue.", "r": {"result": "Di sana, sebuah perpustakaan dan pasar raya terbakar, kata Jeff Gill dari Bomba dan Penyelamat Greater Manchester.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In West Midlands, 80 people were arrested and 19 of them were charged, said Sara Astbury, a spokeswoman for the West Midlands Police Department.", "r": {"result": "Di West Midlands, 80 orang telah ditangkap dan 19 daripadanya didakwa, kata Sara Astbury, jurucakap Jabatan Polis West Midlands.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Nottinghamshire, 30 arrests were made as hundreds of police sought to handle more than 1,000 reports of incidents -- most of them related to rowdy behavior by roaming bands of youths -- throughout the city and in Canning, Clifton, Basford and Radford, police said Tuesday in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Di Nottinghamshire, 30 tangkapan dibuat ketika ratusan polis berusaha untuk mengendalikan lebih 1,000 laporan insiden -- kebanyakannya berkaitan dengan tingkah laku gaduh oleh kumpulan remaja yang berkeliaran -- di seluruh bandar dan di Canning, Clifton, Basford dan Radford, polis kata Selasa dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eight people were arrested in connection with the firebombing of Canning Circus police station, it added.", "r": {"result": "Lapan orang telah ditahan berhubung pengeboman balai polis Canning Circus, tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nottinghamshire Assistant Chief Constable Paul Scarrott, who led the police operation, described the events in the town more than 100 miles north of London as \"gratuitous, senseless and wholly unjustified acts of wanton criminality\".", "r": {"result": "Penolong Ketua Konstabel Nottinghamshire Paul Scarrott, yang mengetuai operasi polis, menyifatkan peristiwa di bandar itu lebih 100 batu di utara London sebagai \"tindakan jenayah yang tidak wajar, tidak masuk akal dan tidak wajar sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cameron, who cut short his vacation in Italy to hold an emergency meeting Tuesday, recalled lawmakers from their summer break.", "r": {"result": "Cameron, yang memendekkan percutiannya di Itali untuk mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar Selasa, memanggil semula ahli parlimen daripada cuti musim panas mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is to hold a meeting of his crisis-response committee at 9 a.m. (4 a.m. ET) Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan mengadakan mesyuarat jawatankuasa tindak balas krisisnya pada 9 pagi (4 pagi ET) Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parliament is to meet Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Parlimen akan bermesyuarat pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London Mayor Boris Johnson, who cut short his holiday in North America, called the violence \"utterly appalling\".", "r": {"result": "Datuk Bandar London, Boris Johnson, yang memendekkan percutiannya di Amerika Utara, menyifatkan keganasan itu \"sangat mengerikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The riots were sparked by the shooting death on Thursday of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, a black man.", "r": {"result": "Rusuhan itu dicetuskan oleh tembakan mati pada Khamis terhadap Mark Duggan, 29 tahun, seorang lelaki kulit hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers from Operation Trident -- the Metropolitan Police unit that deals with gun crime in London's black communities -- stopped the cab in the working-class, predominantly Afro-Caribbean district of Tottenham during an attempted arrest, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai dari Operation Trident -- unit Polis Metropolitan yang menangani jenayah senjata api di komuniti kulit hitam London -- memberhentikan teksi di kelas pekerja, kebanyakannya daerah Afro-Caribbean di Tottenham semasa percubaan menangkap, Suruhanjaya Aduan Polis Bebas (IPCC) berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon after, shots were fired and Duggan, a father of four, was killed.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama kemudian, tembakan dilepaskan dan Duggan, bapa kepada empat anak, terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shooting deaths are rare in England.", "r": {"result": "Kematian ditembak jarang berlaku di England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The IPCC said Tuesday an illegal firearm had been found at the scene, with a \"bulleted cartridge\" in the magazine, but there was \"no evidence\" it was fired during the incident.", "r": {"result": "IPCC berkata Selasa, senjata api haram telah ditemui di tempat kejadian, dengan \"kartrij peluru\" dalam majalah itu, tetapi \"tiada bukti\" ia dilepaskan semasa kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A bullet that lodged in a radio carried by an officer was police issue, the IPCC said.", "r": {"result": "Peluru yang bersarang dalam radio yang dibawa oleh seorang pegawai adalah isu polis, kata IPCC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A post-mortem examination concluded that Mr. Duggan was killed by a single gunshot wound to the chest.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPemeriksaan bedah siasat mendapati Encik Duggan terbunuh dengan satu tembakan di bahagian dada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also received a second gunshot wound to his right bicep,\" the IPCC said, without saying who fired the bullets nor why police had stopped the cab.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menerima luka tembakan kedua di bisep kanannya,\" kata IPCC, tanpa menyatakan siapa yang melepaskan tembakan dan mengapa polis telah menghentikan teksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man's family and friends, who blamed police for the death, had gathered peacefully Saturday outside the Tottenham police station to protest.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga dan rakan lelaki itu, yang menyalahkan polis atas kematian itu, telah berkumpul secara aman Sabtu di luar balai polis Tottenham untuk membantah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The protest soon devolved into violence as demonstrators -- whose numbers included whites and blacks -- tossed petrol bombs, looted stores and burned police cars.", "r": {"result": "Protes itu tidak lama kemudian bertukar menjadi keganasan apabila penunjuk perasaan -- yang jumlahnya termasuk kulit putih dan kulit hitam -- melemparkan bom petrol, merompak kedai dan membakar kereta polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Violence continued in isolated pockets on Sunday, spread Monday to other parts of the nation and continued Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan berterusan di dalam poket terpencil pada hari Ahad, merebak pada hari Isnin ke bahagian lain negara dan berterusan pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Metropolitan Police and Duggan's family have appealed for calm.", "r": {"result": "Polis Metropolitan dan keluarga Duggan telah merayu untuk bertenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said they were stretched thin as they tried to respond to emergency calls -- which were up nearly 400% Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata mereka lemah ketika mereka cuba menjawab panggilan kecemasan -- yang meningkat hampir 400% pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British Prime Minister David Cameron's vow of action to quell rioting in Britain's cities was backed up by an increased police presence -- about 16,000 officers were set to be on London's streets Tuesday night -- twice the number on Monday night.", "r": {"result": "Ikrar tindakan Perdana Menteri Britain David Cameron untuk memadamkan rusuhan di bandar-bandar Britain disokong oleh kehadiran polis yang semakin meningkat -- kira-kira 16,000 pegawai ditetapkan untuk berada di jalan-jalan London malam Selasa -- dua kali ganda jumlah pada malam Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People should be in no doubt that we will do everything necessary to restore order to Britain's streets and make them safe for the law-abiding,\" said Cameron, who called the events \"criminality, pure and simple\".", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai tidak ragu-ragu bahawa kami akan melakukan segala yang diperlukan untuk memulihkan ketenteraman di jalan raya Britain dan menjadikannya selamat untuk mematuhi undang-undang,\" kata Cameron, yang menggelar peristiwa itu sebagai \"jenayah, murni dan mudah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trouble -- described by police as \"'copycat criminal activity\" -- takes place against a backdrop of austerity measures and budget cuts that have led to high rates of unemployment, particularly among the nation's youth.", "r": {"result": "Masalah itu -- yang disifatkan oleh polis sebagai \"aktiviti jenayah peniru\" -- berlaku dengan latar belakang langkah penjimatan dan pemotongan bajet yang telah membawa kepada kadar pengangguran yang tinggi, terutamanya dalam kalangan belia negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 685 people have been arrested in London since the violence began, police said late Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 685 orang telah ditangkap di London sejak keganasan bermula, kata polis lewat Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With Metropolitan Police detention cells full, authorities were taking those they arrested to facilities belonging to surrounding police forces.", "r": {"result": "Dengan sel tahanan Polis Metropolitan penuh, pihak berkuasa membawa mereka yang mereka tangkap ke kemudahan milik pasukan polis sekitar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of those arrested, 111 have been charged.", "r": {"result": "Daripada mereka yang ditangkap, 111 telah didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of the charges relate to burglary, with other offenses ranging from assault on a police officer to possession of an offensive weapon and handling stolen goods.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan pertuduhan berkaitan pecah rumah, dengan kesalahan lain yang terdiri daripada serangan terhadap pegawai polis hingga memiliki senjata menyinggung perasaan dan mengendalikan barang curi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In all, 111 police officers and five police dogs have been reported injured, according to a police statement Tuesday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Secara keseluruhan, 111 pegawai polis dan lima anjing polis telah dilaporkan cedera, menurut kenyataan polis petang Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Many officers are still undergoing hospital treatment, some requiring surgery,\" it said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai pegawai masih menjalani rawatan hospital, ada yang memerlukan pembedahan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Injuries range from fractured bones, serious head injuries, concussion, cuts and sprains, even injured eyes from smashed and thrown glass\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kecederaan berkisar daripada patah tulang, kecederaan serius di kepala, gegaran, luka dan terseliuh, malah mata cedera akibat kaca yang dipecahkan dan dibaling\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apparently, some people are not depending on police for their security.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya, sesetengah orang tidak bergantung kepada polis untuk keselamatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amazon UK reported that sales of aluminum baseball bats had skyrocketed since the violence broke out.", "r": {"result": "Amazon UK melaporkan bahawa penjualan kayu besbol aluminium telah meroket sejak keganasan meletus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Hackney, where Monday's disturbances first broke out, Graciela Watson, a mother of two, watched aghast from her home as hooligans, known as \"yobs\" in Britain, barricaded a normally quiet residential street with burning trash cans and clashed repeatedly with police for more than an hour.", "r": {"result": "Di Hackney, di mana gangguan pada hari Isnin mula-mula berlaku, Graciela Watson, seorang ibu kepada dua anak, melihat dengan terkejut dari rumahnya apabila samseng, yang dikenali sebagai \"yobs\" di Britain, menghalang jalan kediaman yang biasanya sunyi dengan membakar tong sampah dan bertempur berulang kali dengan polis untuk lebih sejam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It seemed like a war zone,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia kelihatan seperti zon perang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were youths grabbing bricks from our front wall and hurling them at police\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ada pemuda merampas batu bata dari dinding depan kami dan membalingnya ke arah polis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A resident of Clapham Junction in southwest London, who did not wish to be identified for fear of reprisals, told CNN he had seen groups make repeated trips overnight to his street to fill their cars with looted goods, including televisions and clothes.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penduduk Clapham Junction di barat daya London, yang tidak mahu dikenali kerana takut akan tindakan balas, memberitahu CNN dia telah melihat kumpulan melakukan perjalanan berulang kali semalaman ke jalannya untuk mengisi kereta mereka dengan barangan yang dirompak, termasuk televisyen dan pakaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resident said this went on for several hours until police used armored vehicles to disperse them.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk itu berkata, kejadian itu berterusan selama beberapa jam sehingga polis menggunakan kenderaan perisai untuk menyuraikan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At first I was just, 'OK, it's a bunch of kids letting off steam.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada mulanya saya hanya, 'OK, ia adalah sekumpulan kanak-kanak yang melepaskan stim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' But once they started heavy, heavy looting, and it started getting out of hand, I started getting a bit concerned,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "' Tetapi apabila mereka mula merompak berat, berat, dan ia mula tidak terkawal, saya mula menjadi agak bimbang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not something that's typical of our neighborhood by any stretch of the imagination\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bukan sesuatu yang tipikal di kawasan kejiranan kami dengan apa-apa imaginasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sociology professor Paul Bagguley told CNN that a disproportionate number of young people appeared to be involved in the unrest and that the looters appeared to be motivated by greed.", "r": {"result": "Profesor sosiologi Paul Bagguley memberitahu CNN bahawa bilangan orang muda yang tidak seimbang nampaknya terlibat dalam pergolakan dan perompak nampaknya didorong oleh ketamakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But people who have spoken to local ethnic minorities also talked of a sense that tension had been building over months, he said, with some upset by police \"stop-and-search\" tactics.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi orang ramai yang bercakap dengan etnik minoriti tempatan juga bercakap tentang perasaan bahawa ketegangan telah memuncak selama berbulan-bulan, katanya, dengan sesetengahnya kecewa dengan taktik \"henti-dan-mencari\" polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A community cleanup effort began Tuesday morning in London, with organizers using Twitter to get volunteers together in their local areas, using the hashtag #riotcleanup.", "r": {"result": "Usaha pembersihan komuniti bermula pagi Selasa di London, dengan penganjur menggunakan Twitter untuk mengumpulkan sukarelawan di kawasan setempat mereka, menggunakan hashtag #riotcleanup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Organizer Dan Thompson, who runs a network aiding small businesses on the south coast, said many thousands of people were supporting efforts to help shopkeepers.", "r": {"result": "Penganjur Dan Thompson, yang menjalankan rangkaian membantu perniagaan kecil di pantai selatan, berkata beribu-ribu orang menyokong usaha untuk membantu pekedai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought the quickest, best thing was just to help them get cleaned up this morning, get trading again,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir yang paling cepat, perkara terbaik adalah hanya membantu mereka membersihkan pagi ini, berdagang semula,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a city people love, and to see it destroyed in the way it has been is shocking stuff\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah bandar yang digemari orang ramai, dan melihatnya dimusnahkan seperti dahulu adalah perkara yang mengejutkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Questions have been raised about what the disturbances may mean for security during next year's Olympic Games, which London is preparing to host.", "r": {"result": "Soalan telah dibangkitkan tentang apa yang mungkin bermakna gangguan terhadap keselamatan semasa Sukan Olimpik tahun depan, yang London sedang bersedia untuk menjadi tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokeswoman for the London 2012 organizing committee told CNN: \"A lot of detailed work has taken place regarding security plans for the Games, and we will continue to review them together with the Met Police and the Home Office over the coming year\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap jawatankuasa penganjur London 2012 memberitahu CNN: \"Banyak kerja terperinci telah dilakukan mengenai rancangan keselamatan untuk Sukan tersebut, dan kami akan terus menyemaknya bersama-sama dengan Polis Met dan Pejabat Dalam Negeri sepanjang tahun akan datang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tottenham has been the site of riots before.", "r": {"result": "Tottenham pernah menjadi tapak rusuhan sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1985, Floyd Jarrett, who was of Afro-Caribbean origin, was stopped by police near the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham on suspicion of driving with a forged tax disc, a document all British vehicles must carry.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1985, Floyd Jarrett, yang berasal dari Afro-Caribbean, telah dihalang oleh polis berhampiran ladang Broadwater Farm di Tottenham kerana disyaki memandu dengan cakera cukai palsu, dokumen yang mesti dibawa oleh semua kenderaan British.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few hours later, officers raided the nearby home of his mother, who collapsed and died during the raid.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam kemudian, pegawai menyerbu rumah ibunya yang berhampiran, yang rebah dan meninggal dunia semasa serbuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rioting erupted shortly afterward, and a police officer, Constable Keith Blakelock, was killed.", "r": {"result": "Rusuhan meletus tidak lama selepas itu, dan seorang pegawai polis, Konstabel Keith Blakelock, terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like the current violence, a protest outside Tottenham Police Station sparked the 1985 conflict.", "r": {"result": "Seperti keganasan semasa, protes di luar Balai Polis Tottenham mencetuskan konflik 1985.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Laura Smith-Spark, Carol Jordan, Barry Neild, Dan Rivers, Yoko Wakatsuki, Annabel Archer, Phil Black, David Wilkinson, Atika Shubert, Bryony Jones, Erin McLaughlin, Bharati Naik, Aliza Kassim and David Wilkinson contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Laura Smith-Spark dari CNN, Carol Jordan, Barry Neild, Dan Rivers, Yoko Wakatsuki, Annabel Archer, Phil Black, David Wilkinson, Atika Shubert, Bryony Jones, Erin McLaughlin, Bharati Naik, Aliza Kassim dan David Wilkinson menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN)It wasn't just the nuts.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN)Itu bukan sahaja kacang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flight attendant who served the offending macadamia nuts testified that she and the chief flight attendant knelt before Heather Cho, the former vice president at Korean Air, and the daughter of the airline's chairman in apology.", "r": {"result": "Pramugari yang menghidangkan kacang macadamia yang bersalah memberi keterangan bahawa dia dan ketua pramugari berlutut di hadapan Heather Cho, bekas naib presiden di Korean Air, dan anak perempuan pengerusi syarikat penerbangan itu untuk memohon maaf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former executive also shoved her, threw a tablet to her chest and called her a pejorative term for female dog after becoming angry over the service, Kim Do Hee, the flight attendant testified in court Friday.", "r": {"result": "Bekas eksekutif itu juga menolaknya, melemparkan tablet ke dadanya dan memanggilnya istilah merendahkan untuk anjing betina selepas menjadi marah atas perkhidmatan itu, Kim Do Hee, pramugari itu memberi keterangan di mahkamah pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cho, a former executive for South Korea's biggest airline faces charges, after she ordered an international flight back to the gate at New York's JFK airport after becoming dissatisfied that her macadamia nuts were served in a bag instead of on a plate in first class.", "r": {"result": "Cho, bekas eksekutif syarikat penerbangan terbesar Korea Selatan menghadapi pertuduhan, selepas dia mengarahkan penerbangan antarabangsa kembali ke pintu masuk lapangan terbang JFK New York selepas tidak berpuas hati bahawa kacang macadamianya dihidangkan dalam beg dan bukannya di atas pinggan di kelas pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors say that the incident, dubbed \"nut rage\" extends beyond Cho's behavior, but also to an attempt to systematically cover up what happened on the flight.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya mengatakan bahawa insiden itu, yang digelar \"kemarahan kacang\" melangkaui tingkah laku Cho, tetapi juga untuk percubaan untuk menutup secara sistematik apa yang berlaku dalam penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim testified that Korean Air told her to lie about what happened to investigators and not to talk about the violence.", "r": {"result": "Kim memberi keterangan bahawa Korean Air memberitahunya untuk berbohong tentang apa yang berlaku kepada penyiasat dan tidak bercakap tentang keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The December 5 flight bound for South Korea had to return to the gate to remove the senior steward from the flight.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan 5 Disember yang menuju ke Korea Selatan terpaksa kembali ke pintu masuk untuk mengeluarkan steward kanan dari penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although her former role put her in charge of in-flight service, Cho was a passenger and was not flying in an official capacity.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun peranan bekasnya meletakkannya bertanggungjawab dalam perkhidmatan dalam penerbangan, Cho adalah penumpang dan tidak terbang dalam kapasiti rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cho was served with an arrest warrant last month in Korea in a case that has outraged the nation over growing resentment of the power held by its large family-owned corporations known as chaebol.", "r": {"result": "Cho telah disampaikan dengan waran tangkap bulan lalu di Korea dalam kes yang telah menimbulkan kemarahan negara kerana kebencian yang semakin meningkat terhadap kuasa yang dipegang oleh syarikat milik keluarga besarnya yang dikenali sebagai chaebol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cho Yang-ho, her father and Korean Air chairman apologized to the flight attendants and the public for the incident.", "r": {"result": "Cho Yang-ho, bapanya dan pengerusi Korean Air memohon maaf kepada pramugari dan orang ramai atas kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Swarmed by reporters outside the courtroom, the chairman said, \"I sincerely apologize to the people who treasure Korean Air\".", "r": {"result": "Dikelilingi pemberita di luar bilik mahkamah, pengerusi itu berkata, \"Saya dengan tulus ikhlas memohon maaf kepada orang yang menghargai Korean Air\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No matter what, mistreating the flight attendant is not correct,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApa pun, menganiaya pramugari adalah tidak betul,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I scolded her for not being able to control her emotions\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memarahinya kerana tidak dapat mengawal emosinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He vowed to reform the corporate culture within the airline.", "r": {"result": "Dia berikrar untuk memperbaharui budaya korporat dalam syarikat penerbangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim, the flight attendant who initially served the offending nuts, said that Cho wasn't initially angry, but ordered her to bring over a service manual.", "r": {"result": "Kim, pramugari yang pada mulanya menghidangkan kacang yang menyinggung perasaan, berkata Cho pada mulanya tidak marah, tetapi mengarahkannya untuk membawa manual servis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim handed a tablet to the chief steward, Park Chang-jin who brought it to Cho.", "r": {"result": "Kim menyerahkan tablet kepada ketua pramugara, Park Chang-jin yang membawanya kepada Cho.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then Kim testified that she heard loud voices and went back into the first class cabin, and spotted Park kneeling.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian Kim memberi keterangan bahawa dia mendengar suara yang kuat dan kembali ke kabin kelas pertama, dan melihat Park berlutut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim also knelt in front of Cho as the executive berated her for having Park bring the tablet.", "r": {"result": "Kim juga melutut di hadapan Cho ketika eksekutif itu memarahinya kerana menyuruh Park membawa tablet itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, Cho lifted her up from her kneeling position and pushed her, yelling at her to leave the plane, Kim testified.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, Cho mengangkatnya dari posisi berlutut dan menolaknya, menjerit kepadanya untuk meninggalkan pesawat, Kim memberi keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the plane could take flight, Cho ordered Park to get off the plane, Kim said.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum pesawat itu boleh terbang, Cho mengarahkan Park turun dari pesawat, kata Kim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the incident, Kim said she was told by a Korean Air manager what to tell South Korean investigators from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kejadian itu, Kim berkata dia diberitahu oleh pengurus Korean Air apa yang perlu diberitahu kepada penyiasat Korea Selatan dari Kementerian Tanah, Infrastruktur dan Pengangkutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One of the managers said everyone in this ministry from Korean Air, they are all related to us, don't worry, do what we tell you to do,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Salah seorang pengurus berkata semua orang dalam kementerian ini dari Korean Air, mereka semua berkaitan dengan kami, jangan risau, lakukan apa yang kami suruh anda lakukan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim said she was coached by Korean Air not to mention Cho's yelling and physical abuse.", "r": {"result": "Kim berkata dia dilatih oleh Korean Air apatah lagi Cho menjerit dan penderaan fizikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added that she never received an apology from Cho, also known by her Korean name, Cho Hyun-ah.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah bahawa dia tidak pernah menerima permohonan maaf daripada Cho, juga dikenali dengan nama Koreanya, Cho Hyun-ah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cho resigned from her post as a vice president at the company in December and trotted out a public apology with her head bowed, saying she accepted \"full responsibility\".", "r": {"result": "Cho meletak jawatan sebagai naib presiden di syarikat itu pada Disember dan memohon maaf secara terbuka dengan menundukkan kepalanya, berkata dia menerima \"tanggungjawab penuh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airline faces possible disciplinary action from the government because of the captain's failure to command and supervise crew members to ensure the safe operation of the flight, according to the ministry.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat penerbangan itu berdepan kemungkinan tindakan tatatertib daripada kerajaan kerana kegagalan kapten untuk memerintah dan mengawasi anak kapal bagi memastikan operasi penerbangan itu selamat, menurut kementerian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Paula Hancocks contributed to this report from Seoul, South Korea.", "r": {"result": "Paula Hancocks dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini dari Seoul, Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (CNN) -- Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa died Tuesday at a hospital in Paris nearly two months after suffering a stroke, Zambian and French officials confirmed.", "r": {"result": "JOHANNESBURG, Afrika Selatan (CNN) -- Presiden Zambia Levy Mwanawasa meninggal dunia Selasa di sebuah hospital di Paris hampir dua bulan selepas diserang angin ahmar, pegawai Zambia dan Perancis mengesahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was 59.", "r": {"result": "Dia berumur 59 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Levy Mwanawasa, president of Zambia, died after suffering a stroke nearly two months ago.", "r": {"result": "Levy Mwanawasa, presiden Zambia, meninggal dunia selepas diserang angin ahmar hampir dua bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mwanawasa fell ill in late June at an African Union summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, Zambian officials said at the time.", "r": {"result": "Mwanawasa jatuh sakit pada akhir Jun pada sidang kemuncak Kesatuan Afrika di Sharm El Sheikh, Mesir, kata pegawai Zambia pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mwanawasa's death \"is a great loss for the Zambian people who respected and had great affection for him,\" according to a statement from French President Nicolas Sarkozy.", "r": {"result": "Kematian Mwanawasa \"adalah satu kehilangan besar bagi rakyat Zambia yang menghormati dan menyayanginya,\" menurut kenyataan Presiden Perancis Nicolas Sarkozy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a great loss for the African continent as a whole, which appreciated his political courage,\" Sarkozy's statement said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah satu kehilangan besar bagi benua Afrika secara keseluruhan, yang menghargai keberanian politiknya,\u201d kata kenyataan Sarkozy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a big loss for democracy, for which he was an ardent defender his whole life.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah satu kerugian besar bagi demokrasi, yang mana beliau adalah seorang pembela yang gigih sepanjang hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"France salutes his memory, full of courage and liberty\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perancis salut ingatannya, penuh keberanian dan kebebasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Zambian leader was taken from a hospital in Egypt to an intensive care unit in Paris in June, but initial reports that he died days later turned out to be false.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Zambia itu dibawa dari hospital di Mesir ke unit rawatan rapi di Paris pada Jun, tetapi laporan awal bahawa dia meninggal dunia beberapa hari kemudian ternyata palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mwanawasa would have turned 60 on September 3.", "r": {"result": "Mwanawasa akan berusia 60 tahun pada 3 September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Bush also issued a statement mourning the loss of Mwanawasa, described by the U.S. leader as \"a champion of democracy in his own country and throughout Africa\".", "r": {"result": "Presiden Bush juga mengeluarkan kenyataan berkabung atas kehilangan Mwanawasa, yang disifatkan oleh pemimpin A.S. sebagai \"juara demokrasi di negaranya sendiri dan di seluruh Afrika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As President of Zambia, President Mwanawasa launched a sweeping anti-corruption campaign and dedicated himself to improving the welfare of all Zambians,\" according to the White House statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai Presiden Zambia, Presiden Mwanawasa melancarkan kempen anti-rasuah menyeluruh dan mendedikasikan dirinya untuk meningkatkan kebajikan semua rakyat Zambia,\" menurut kenyataan Rumah Putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As Chairman of the Southern African Development Community, President Mwanawasa worked tirelessly to uphold the values of good governance, speaking out against human rights abuses and threats to democracy when many others were silent.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai Pengerusi Komuniti Pembangunan Afrika Selatan, Presiden Mwanawasa bekerja tanpa mengenal penat lelah untuk menegakkan nilai tadbir urus yang baik, bersuara menentang pencabulan hak asasi manusia dan ancaman kepada demokrasi apabila ramai yang lain berdiam diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On behalf of the United States, we extend our sincere condolences to President Mwanawasa's wife, his family, and all Zambians during this difficult time\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi pihak Amerika Syarikat, kami mengucapkan takziah kepada isteri Presiden Mwanawasa, keluarganya, dan semua rakyat Zambia semasa masa yang sukar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Nkepile Mabuse in Johannesburg, South Africa contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Nkepile Mabuse CNN di Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Deep in my heart, I do believe that we shall overcome someday: This is the refrain that guided the hearts and hands and voices of the '60s generation.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jauh di sudut hati saya, saya percaya bahawa kita akan mengatasi suatu hari nanti: Ini adalah pegangan yang membimbing hati dan tangan serta suara generasi '60-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the LBJ Library, April 8-10, the Civil Rights Summit will begin -- the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the passage of the great 1960s civil rights laws.", "r": {"result": "Di Perpustakaan LBJ, 8-10 April, Sidang Kemuncak Hak Sivil akan bermula -- sambutan ulang tahun ke-50 kelulusan undang-undang hak sivil 1960-an yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was legislation that changed America forever and for the better.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah perundangan yang mengubah Amerika selama-lamanya dan menjadi lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were four great laws, each building upon the other.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat empat undang-undang besar, masing-masing membina satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 1964 Civil Rights Bill, also known as the Public Accommodations Act, ensured that people of color could use the same water fountains, toilets, public transport and seats in restaurants and hotels as white people.", "r": {"result": "Rang Undang-undang Hak Sivil 1964, juga dikenali sebagai Akta Penginapan Awam, memastikan bahawa orang kulit berwarna boleh menggunakan air pancut, tandas, pengangkutan awam dan tempat duduk di restoran dan hotel yang sama seperti orang kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 1965 Voting Rights Act ensured people of color the right to vote.", "r": {"result": "Akta Hak Mengundi 1965 memastikan orang kulit berwarna hak untuk mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 1968 Fair Housing Act made it possible for people of color and all religions to be able to buy a house where they could afford to.", "r": {"result": "Akta Perumahan Adil 1968 membolehkan orang kulit berwarna dan semua agama boleh membeli rumah di mana mereka mampu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 1968 Immigration Act eliminated racial and ethnic quotas.", "r": {"result": "Akta Imigresen 1968 menghapuskan kuota kaum dan etnik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These laws opened the doors of liberty and justice for all as never before.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang ini membuka pintu kebebasan dan keadilan untuk semua tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No matter how imperfect they were, they made ours a more just society.", "r": {"result": "Tidak kira betapa tidak sempurnanya mereka, mereka menjadikan kita masyarakat yang lebih adil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For me it was all so very personal.", "r": {"result": "Bagi saya semuanya sangat peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My father, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act on my 17th birthday.", "r": {"result": "Bapa saya, Presiden Lyndon Baines Johnson, menandatangani Akta Hak Sivil 1964 pada hari lahir saya yang ke-17.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only handwritten note I have from my father was his birthday letter written at 12:10 p.m. that day.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya nota tulisan tangan yang saya miliki daripada ayah saya ialah surat hari lahirnya yang ditulis pada pukul 12:10 tengah hari. hari itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Daddy didn't have time to go to the pharmacy to buy a Hallmark card.", "r": {"result": "Daddy tak sempat nak pergi farmasi beli kad Hallmark.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At 6 p.m., he was signing a bill into law that would liberate my generation from the shackles of legalized apartheid.", "r": {"result": "Pada pukul 6 petang, dia menandatangani rang undang-undang menjadi undang-undang yang akan membebaskan generasi saya daripada belenggu apartheid yang disahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the best birthday present anyone could ever receive.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah hadiah hari jadi terbaik yang boleh diterima oleh sesiapa sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many doubt 1964 Civil Rights Act could pass today.", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang meragui Akta Hak Sivil 1964 boleh diluluskan hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I questioned why he gave the first pen used to sign the bill to the Republican leader Sen.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya mempersoalkan mengapa dia memberikan pen pertama yang digunakan untuk menandatangani rang undang-undang kepada pemimpin Republik Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everett Dirksen instead of one of the great civil rights leaders, he shook his head in disappointment that I hadn't gotten the obvious lesson.", "r": {"result": "Everett Dirksen bukannya salah seorang pemimpin hak sivil yang hebat, dia menggelengkan kepalanya kerana kecewa kerana saya tidak mendapat pengajaran yang jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told me, \"Luci Baines, I didn't have to convince one of the great civil rights leaders to be for that legislation.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu saya, \"Luci Baines, saya tidak perlu meyakinkan salah seorang pemimpin hak sivil yang hebat untuk menyertai undang-undang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were already for it.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sudah pun melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But because of Everett Dirksen's decision to support this law and bring his supporters with him, the great civil rights leaders and I have a law, not just a bill.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kerana keputusan Everett Dirksen untuk menyokong undang-undang ini dan membawa penyokongnya bersamanya, pemimpin hak sivil yang hebat dan saya mempunyai undang-undang, bukan hanya rang undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why Senator Dirksen got the pen.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya Senator Dirksen mendapat pen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He deserved it\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berhak mendapatnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I questioned why we had gone to the Capitol Rotunda for the signing, Daddy shook his head in disappointment again.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya mempersoalkan mengapa kami pergi ke Capitol Rotunda untuk menandatangani, Daddy menggelengkan kepalanya dengan kekecewaan sekali lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Luci Baines, we have to go to the Rotunda of the Capitol.", "r": {"result": "\"Luci Baines, kita perlu pergi ke Rotunda Capitol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There will be many brave men and women not returning to these hallowed halls because of their courageous stand for voting rights.", "r": {"result": "\"Akan ada ramai lelaki dan wanita yang berani tidak kembali ke dewan suci ini kerana pendirian berani mereka untuk hak mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are many brave men and women who will be able to serve here only because of the courage of this Congress.", "r": {"result": "Dan terdapat ramai lelaki dan wanita yang berani yang akan dapat berkhidmat di sini hanya kerana keberanian Kongres ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why we must go to the Rotunda to let the world know how grateful we are to this Congress\".", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya kita mesti pergi ke Rotunda untuk memberitahu dunia betapa berterima kasihnya kita kepada Kongres ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was on \"Daddy duty\" on August 6, 1965, and stood behind him in the Rotunda as he signed the Voting Rights Act into law.", "r": {"result": "Saya menjalankan \"tugas ayah\" pada 6 Ogos 1965, dan berdiri di belakangnya di Rotunda semasa dia menandatangani Akta Hak Mengundi menjadi undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That day he taught me not only about the justice of the act; he taught me the importance of his favorite biblical passage, \"Come, let us reason together\".", "r": {"result": "Hari itu dia mengajar saya bukan sahaja tentang keadilan perbuatan itu; dia mengajar saya kepentingan petikan alkitabiah kegemarannya, \"Mari, marilah kita membuat pertimbangan bersama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These lessons of social justice have changed our country forever, for the better, although their work is far from done.", "r": {"result": "Pengajaran keadilan sosial ini telah mengubah negara kita selama-lamanya, menjadi lebih baik, walaupun kerja mereka masih jauh dari selesai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lessons of coming and reasoning together remain a cry we need to answer now more than ever.", "r": {"result": "Pelajaran untuk datang dan menaakul bersama tetap menjadi tangisan yang perlu kita jawab sekarang lebih daripada sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was all so very personal.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya sangat peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I grew up in Washington in an area fondly known as \"Hanukkah Heights\".", "r": {"result": "Saya dibesarkan di Washington di kawasan yang lebih dikenali sebagai \"Hanukkah Heights\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We lived in \"Hanukkah Heights\" because there were no restrictive covenants as there were in other areas that discriminated against buyers based on their color or religion.", "r": {"result": "Kami tinggal di \"Hanukkah Heights\" kerana tiada perjanjian yang menyekat kerana terdapat di kawasan lain yang mendiskriminasi pembeli berdasarkan warna kulit atau agama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My first employer and forever friend was one of the first Jews able to buy a home in what had been a restricted neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Majikan pertama saya dan kawan selamanya adalah salah seorang Yahudi pertama yang dapat membeli rumah di kawasan kejiranan yang terhad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Fair Housing Act was not just a bill for justice to me.", "r": {"result": "Akta Perumahan Adil bukan sekadar rang undang-undang untuk keadilan kepada saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was all so very personal.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya sangat peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are 25 members in my immediate family.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan perlu melakukan banyak usaha hanya untuk menyediakan sekurang-kurangnya permukaan permainan biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are of mixed race, mixed ethnicities, many nationalities.", "r": {"result": "Kita berbangsa bercampur, bercampur etnik, berbilang bangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are Catholics, Protestants, Jews and others.", "r": {"result": "Kita beragama Katolik, Protestan, Yahudi dan lain-lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are a family of immigrants with all the diversity that Lyndon Johnson celebrated.", "r": {"result": "Kami adalah keluarga pendatang dengan semua kepelbagaian yang diraikan Lyndon Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the head of the stairs in the LBJ Library is one of my favorite quotes of my father.", "r": {"result": "Di kepala tangga di Perpustakaan LBJ adalah salah satu petikan kegemaran ayah saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sehingga keadilan buta warna, sehingga pendidikan tidak menyedari kaum, sehingga peluang tidak peduli dengan warna kulit lelaki, emansipasi akan menjadi pengisytiharan tetapi bukan fakta\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Much was accomplished when our nation \"came and reasoned together\".", "r": {"result": "Banyak yang telah dicapai apabila negara kita \"datang dan berbincang bersama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are still laws that make it harder for the poor to have access to the voting booth.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi masih ada undang-undang yang menyukarkan orang miskin untuk mendapat akses ke bilik mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are laws that still exist that bar equality based on whom you love.", "r": {"result": "Dan terdapat undang-undang yang masih wujud yang menghalang kesaksamaan berdasarkan orang yang anda sayangi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There remains much to be done.", "r": {"result": "Masih banyak yang perlu dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Generations of Johnsons are so grateful that four presidents are coming to the LBJ Library to celebrate this Civil Rights 50th anniversary with a new generation committed to social justice.", "r": {"result": "Generasi Johnsons sangat bersyukur kerana empat presiden datang ke Perpustakaan LBJ untuk meraikan ulang tahun ke-50 Hak Sivil ini dengan generasi baharu yang komited terhadap keadilan sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is our hope that by coming and reasoning together once more, we can renew our commitment to making ours a country \"blind to color, where education is unaware of race and opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins\".", "r": {"result": "Adalah menjadi harapan kami bahawa dengan datang dan membuat penaakulan bersama sekali lagi, kami dapat memperbaharui komitmen kami untuk menjadikan negara kita \"buta warna, di mana pendidikan tidak menyedari kaum dan peluang tidak peduli dengan warna kulit lelaki\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only then will our proclamation for emancipation become a fact.", "r": {"result": "Barulah pengisytiharan kita untuk emansipasi akan menjadi kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only then will we overcome the bondage of social injustice that hurts us all.", "r": {"result": "Hanya dengan itu kita akan mengatasi ikatan ketidakadilan sosial yang menyakiti kita semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But with a new renewal to the needs of social justice, I do believe, deep in my heart that we shall overcome someday!", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan pembaharuan baru kepada keperluan keadilan sosial, saya percaya, jauh di dalam hati saya bahawa kita akan mengatasi suatu hari nanti!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "N'Djamena, Chad (CNN) -- After spending years of working in neighboring Libya, the last place Daoud Mohammed wants to be right now is back to his home in Chad, the landlocked country in central Africa.", "r": {"result": "N'Djamena, Chad (CNN) -- Selepas bertahun-tahun bekerja di negara jiran Libya, tempat terakhir yang Daoud Mohammed mahu berada sekarang ialah kembali ke rumahnya di Chad, negara terkurung daratan di tengah Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With no work and few opportunities, he is worried about his and his family's future in Chad's capital N'Djamena.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa kerja dan sedikit peluang, dia bimbang tentang masa depan dia dan keluarganya di N'Djamena, ibu kota Chad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To survive I had to be away -- though my family was here in Chad -- because there is nothing for me to do here,\" says Mohammed.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk terus hidup saya terpaksa berjauhan -- walaupun keluarga saya berada di sini di Chad -- kerana tiada apa yang boleh saya lakukan di sini,\" kata Mohammed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is one of the tens of thousands of Chadians who fled last year's fighting in Libya and are now back in their homeland.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah salah seorang daripada puluhan ribu orang Chad yang melarikan diri dari pertempuran tahun lalu di Libya dan kini kembali ke tanah air mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't have any skills, I don't have any qualifications and the rainy seasons here don't come often enough, so we can't cultivate,\" adds Mohammed, who used to work on construction sites in Libya.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa kemahiran, saya tidak mempunyai sebarang kelayakan dan musim hujan di sini tidak cukup kerap, jadi kami tidak boleh bercucuk tanam,\" tambah Mohammed, yang pernah bekerja di tapak pembinaan di Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Mohammed, around 300,000 Chadians made their living in Libya, often filling a gap at the lower end of the labor market, working in oil fields and construction sites.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Mohammed, kira-kira 300,000 orang Chadian mencari nafkah di Libya, sering mengisi jurang di bahagian bawah pasaran buruh, bekerja di ladang minyak dan tapak pembinaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: The Africans looking to make it in China.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Orang Afrika ingin membuatnya di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of them would send money back home to their families, providing a lifeline for a country where the majority live on less than $2 a day.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mereka akan menghantar wang pulang kepada keluarga mereka, menyediakan talian hayat untuk negara yang majoritinya hidup dengan kurang daripada $2 sehari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The remittances helped kick-start Chad's otherwise largely stagnant economy but this was brought to a halt last year after the revolution against Moammar Gadhafi's autocratic rule also forced thousands of Chadians out of the country.", "r": {"result": "Kiriman wang itu membantu memulakan ekonomi Chad yang sebahagian besarnya tidak stabil tetapi ini telah dihentikan tahun lalu selepas revolusi menentang pemerintahan autokratik Moammar Gadhafi juga memaksa beribu-ribu rakyat Chad keluar dari negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world focused on the uprising and the war in Libya, but from the onset other Africans were targeted.", "r": {"result": "Dunia memberi tumpuan kepada pemberontakan dan perang di Libya, tetapi sejak awal lagi orang Afrika lain menjadi sasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mohammed says a group of armed revolutionaries stormed his compound in Benghazi, accusing some 300 Chadian workers of supporting Gafdhafi.", "r": {"result": "Mohammed berkata sekumpulan revolusioner bersenjata menyerbu pekarangannya di Benghazi, menuduh kira-kira 300 pekerja Chad menyokong Gafdhafi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't know why they attacked me.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak tahu kenapa mereka menyerang saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am just a laborer and I don't care about politics or governments, I just don't know why they did this to me,\" says Mohammed.", "r": {"result": "Saya hanya seorang buruh dan saya tidak peduli tentang politik atau kerajaan, saya hanya tidak tahu mengapa mereka melakukan ini kepada saya,\" kata Mohammed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fellow Chadian Tidjani Ali Mohamed, who worked as a skilled plasterer in Libya, says he spent months in a Tripoli prison where Africans from many other countries were also held.", "r": {"result": "Rakan Chadian Tidjani Ali Mohamed, yang bekerja sebagai tukang plaster mahir di Libya, berkata dia menghabiskan masa berbulan-bulan di penjara Tripoli di mana warga Afrika dari banyak negara lain turut ditahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They forced me to confess that I worked with Gadhafi.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka memaksa saya mengaku saya bekerja dengan Gadhafi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But since I did not work with Gadhafi I just kept saying that I didn't so they just kept on beating me,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi memandangkan saya tidak bekerja dengan Gadhafi, saya terus mengatakan bahawa saya tidak bekerja, jadi mereka terus memukul saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was constant suffering -- they treated me so badly, they beat me all the time and I didn't know if I would die today or tomorrow\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah penderitaan yang berterusan -- mereka melayan saya dengan begitu teruk, mereka memukul saya sepanjang masa dan saya tidak tahu sama ada saya akan mati hari ini atau esok\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The International Organization for Migration (IOM) negotiated with the Transitional Council in Libya to get the Chadians and other Africans out in a highly sensitive evacuation operation.", "r": {"result": "Pertubuhan Antarabangsa untuk Migrasi (IOM) berunding dengan Majlis Peralihan di Libya untuk mengeluarkan orang Chad dan Afrika lain dalam operasi pemindahan yang sangat sensitif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the end, they brought some 90,000 people back to Chad.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, mereka membawa kira-kira 90,000 orang kembali ke Chad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See more: Is narcotic khat funding terrorism?", "r": {"result": "Lihat lagi: Adakah khat narkotik membiayai keganasan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though foreigners did play some part in fighting as mercenaries for Gadhafi during the bloody Libyan war, the IOM and local leaders in Chad say the vast majority of Chadians, like Mohammed, were working to send remittances home.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun warga asing memainkan peranan dalam berperang sebagai askar upahan untuk Gadhafi semasa perang berdarah Libya, IOM dan pemimpin tempatan di Chad berkata sebahagian besar rakyat Chad, seperti Mohammed, sedang berusaha untuk menghantar wang hantaran ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Libya was always a rich country, they have lots of oil, and therefore there are work opportunities,\" says local leader Sultan Al Sadiq Al Bashir.", "r": {"result": "\"Libya sentiasa negara kaya, mereka mempunyai banyak minyak, dan oleh itu terdapat peluang pekerjaan,\" kata pemimpin tempatan Sultan Al Sadiq Al Bashir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whoever goes there, even without education, will find something to do.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSesiapa yang pergi ke sana, walaupun tanpa pendidikan, akan mencari sesuatu untuk dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Being a laborer, or working in agriculture, or in construction, there are always opportunities over there\".", "r": {"result": "Menjadi buruh, atau bekerja dalam pertanian, atau dalam pembinaan, sentiasa ada peluang di sana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chadian economist and former finance minister Ali Abderahman Hagar says the return of the migrant workers has had a deep impact on the country's economy.", "r": {"result": "Ahli ekonomi Chad dan bekas menteri kewangan Ali Abderahman Hagar berkata kepulangan pekerja asing itu memberi kesan mendalam kepada ekonomi negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We welcomed 100,000 people who contributed to Libya's development but returned empty-handed,\" says Hagar, who now runs the Graduate School of Finance in Chad.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mengalu-alukan 100,000 orang yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan Libya tetapi pulang dengan tangan kosong,\" kata Hagar, yang kini mengendalikan Sekolah Siswazah Kewangan di Chad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is difficult to feed one person here in Chad, so to feed 100,000 more without having planned for them is dramatic,\" he adds.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah sukar untuk memberi makan kepada seorang di sini di Chad, jadi untuk memberi makan 100,000 lagi tanpa merancang untuk mereka adalah dramatik,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We haven't received enough support from international states, we have in some way become victims of the war in Libya, even if a few Chadians are in mourning of Gadhafi's death\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak menerima sokongan yang mencukupi daripada negara antarabangsa, kami dalam beberapa cara menjadi mangsa perang di Libya, walaupun beberapa orang Chad sedang berkabung atas kematian Gadhafi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Libya, Chad has significant oil reserves.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Libya, Chad mempunyai rizab minyak yang ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resource was supposed to be the savior of the country's economy but people say they've yet to reap any rewards from it.", "r": {"result": "Sumber itu sepatutnya menjadi penyelamat ekonomi negara tetapi orang mengatakan mereka masih belum mendapat apa-apa ganjaran daripadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For 10 years we have seen no benefit from the oil, nothing at all,\" says Al Bashir.", "r": {"result": "\"Selama 10 tahun kami tidak melihat sebarang manfaat daripada minyak itu, tiada langsung,\" kata Al Bashir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People are still poor, people need a lot of things, and the oil is not doing anything for the people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat masih miskin, rakyat memerlukan banyak perkara, dan minyak tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk rakyat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Can Kenya avoid Africa's resource curse?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Bolehkah Kenya mengelakkan kutukan sumber Afrika?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chad, which has been ruled by Idriss Deby since 1990, has been ranked by Transparency International as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.", "r": {"result": "Chad, yang telah diperintah oleh Idriss Deby sejak 1990, telah disenaraikan oleh Transparency International sebagai salah satu negara paling korup di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its industrial output is also minimal, while its agricultural sector has been hit by successive droughts.", "r": {"result": "Pengeluaran perindustriannya juga minimum, manakala sektor pertaniannya telah dilanda kemarau berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite some recent reforms, state safety nets are almost non-existent, leaving returning migrants to fend for themselves.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun terdapat beberapa pembaharuan baru-baru ini, jaring keselamatan negeri hampir tidak wujud, meninggalkan pendatang yang pulang untuk mengurus diri mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thrown out of Libya and with few opportunities at home in Chad, many of them now believe they've become a burden on the people they once supported.", "r": {"result": "Dibuang dari Libya dan dengan sedikit peluang di rumah di Chad, ramai daripada mereka kini percaya mereka telah menjadi beban kepada orang yang pernah mereka sokong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now we have to beg for food and the local community gives us some food and that's how we survive -- we have nothing else,\" says Mohammed.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang kami perlu mengemis untuk makanan dan masyarakat setempat memberi kami sedikit makanan dan itulah cara kami bertahan -- kami tidak mempunyai apa-apa lagi,\" kata Mohammed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Roger Federer has finally won the only grand slam tournament to elude him after beating Sweden's Robin Soderling in straight sets to claim the French Open title at Roland Garros.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Roger Federer akhirnya memenangi satu-satunya kejohanan grand slam yang mengelaknya selepas menewaskan pemain Sweden, Robin Soderling dalam straight set untuk merangkul kejuaraan Terbuka Perancis di Roland Garros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federer is the French Open champion at last after beating Robin Soderling in straight sets at Roland Garros.", "r": {"result": "Federer akhirnya menjadi juara Terbuka Perancis selepas menewaskan Robin Soderling dalam straight set di Roland Garros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Swiss world number two had 13 grand slam successes to his name prior to the event, but none of them had been on the Parisian red clay.", "r": {"result": "Pemain nombor dua dunia Switzerland itu mempunyai 13 kejayaan grand slam untuk namanya sebelum acara itu, tetapi tiada seorang pun daripada mereka pernah berada di tanah liat merah Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, that changed on Sunday as the 27-year-old cruised to a 6-1 7-6 6-4 victory over 23rd seed Soderling, the man who had caused a sensation by dumping four-time winner Rafael Nadal out of the tournament earlier in the week.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, itu berubah pada hari Ahad apabila pemain berusia 27 tahun itu melakar kemenangan 6-1 7-6 6-4 ke atas pilihan ke-23 Soderling, lelaki yang telah menimbulkan sensasi dengan menyingkirkan pemenang empat kali Rafael Nadal daripada kejohanan itu. awal minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victory moves Federer onto 14 career grand slam titles, level with American Pete Sampras as the most successful grand slam player in men's tennis history.", "r": {"result": "Kemenangan itu melonjakkan Federer ke 14 gelaran grand slam kerjaya, setaraf dengan Pete Sampras dari Amerika sebagai pemain grand slam paling berjaya dalam sejarah tenis lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga berpindah ke kumpulan terpilih yang hanya terdiri daripada Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson dan Andre Agassi sebagai lelaki yang telah memenangi kesemua empat acara grand slam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was probably my greatest ever victory, I was under big pressure.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa mungkin kemenangan terbesar saya, saya berada di bawah tekanan besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I did it and it's phenomenal,\" an emotional Federer told a packed crowd on Court Philippe Chatrier -- before breaking down in tears after being presented with the trophy by American Agassi, the 1999 French Open champion and last player to win all four slams.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya melakukannya dan ia luar biasa,\" kata Federer yang penuh emosi kepada orang ramai di Court Philippe Chatrier -- sebelum menitiskan air mata selepas dihadiahkan trofi oleh Agassi dari Amerika, juara Terbuka Perancis 1999 dan pemain terakhir yang memenangi kesemua empat slam. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that now and until the end of my career, I can really play with my mind at peace and no longer hear that I've never won Roland Garros,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya fikir sekarang dan sehingga akhir karier saya, saya benar-benar boleh bermain dengan fikiran saya dengan tenang dan tidak lagi mendengar bahawa saya tidak pernah memenangi Roland Garros,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You say: Is Roger Federer the greatest tennis player in history?", "r": {"result": "Anda berkata: Adakah Roger Federer pemain tenis terhebat dalam sejarah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soderling, who beat Nadal and Nikolay Davydenko en route to the final, told the crowd: \"I had the two best weeks of my career.", "r": {"result": "Soderling, yang menewaskan Nadal dan Nikolay Davydenko dalam perjalanan ke final, memberitahu penonton: \"Saya mempunyai dua minggu terbaik dalam karier saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roger is a really worthy winner.", "r": {"result": "Roger adalah pemenang yang benar-benar layak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To me he is the best player in history so he really deserves to win here at the French as well\".", "r": {"result": "Bagi saya dia adalah pemain terbaik dalam sejarah jadi dia benar-benar layak untuk menang di sini di Perancis juga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 27-year-old Federer, playing in his 19th grand slam final, could not have wished for a better start under threatening skies, which produced drizzling rain for the majority of the match.", "r": {"result": "Federer yang berusia 27 tahun, bermain di final grand slam ke-19nya, tidak mungkin mengharapkan permulaan yang lebih baik di bawah langit yang mengancam, yang menghasilkan hujan renyai-renyai untuk sebahagian besar perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Swiss dropped just one point on his serve in three games, but, in contrast, Soderling's serve was far from convincing and he soon trailed 4-0.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Switzerland itu hanya kehilangan satu mata pada servisnya dalam tiga perlawanan, tetapi, sebaliknya, servis Soderling jauh dari meyakinkan dan dia tidak lama kemudian ketinggalan 4-0.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soderling got on the scoreboard in the fifth game but he had already been broken twice by then.", "r": {"result": "Soderling mendapat papan markah pada perlawanan kelima tetapi dia sudah dua kali dipatahkan ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the seventh game, the Swede was facing two set points when a rasping Federer forehand flew past him.", "r": {"result": "Pada perlawanan ketujuh, pemain Sweden itu berdepan dua mata set apabila pukulan depan Federer yang kasar melepasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soderling saved the first with an unreturnable serve but on the second, Federer unleashed a whipped backhand for the set.", "r": {"result": "Soderling menyelamatkan pukulan pertama dengan servis yang tidak boleh dibalas tetapi pada yang kedua, Federer melepaskan pukulan kilas yang disebat untuk set itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The second set, which did not have a single break of serve, was overshadowed by an incident which saw Federer come face to face with a court invader at the start of the fourth game.", "r": {"result": "Set kedua, yang tidak mendapat satu pun rehat servis, dibayangi insiden yang menyaksikan Federer bersemuka dengan penceroboh gelanggang pada permulaan permainan keempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How it happened: See the French Open final in photos >>.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana ia berlaku: Lihat perlawanan akhir Terbuka Perancis dalam foto >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man, wearing a top bearing the word 'Switzerland' on its chest, came down from high up in the stands and vaulted the barriers to enter the court.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu, yang memakai bahagian atas yang mengandungi perkataan 'Switzerland' di dadanya, turun dari tempat tinggi di tempat duduk dan melepasi penghadang untuk memasuki gelanggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He ran up to Federer and brandished in front of the player's face what appeared to be a flag of Spanish team Barcelona.", "r": {"result": "Dia berlari ke arah Federer dan mengacungkan di hadapan muka pemain itu apa yang kelihatan seperti bendera pasukan Sepanyol Barcelona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then attempted to put a cap on the head of Federer, who retreated way behind the service line.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian cuba meletakkan topi di kepala Federer, yang berundur jauh di belakang garisan servis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Security took their time coming onto the court to aid Federer but when they did, they managed to accost the invader, who by that time had frantically run across the court and leapt the net.", "r": {"result": "Keselamatan mengambil masa mereka datang ke gelanggang untuk membantu Federer tetapi apabila mereka melakukannya, mereka berjaya mengejar penceroboh itu, yang pada masa itu berlari kencang melintasi gelanggang dan melompat ke gawang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federer at first appeared shaken -- he lost the next game to love -- admittedly on Soderling's serve, but calm was soon restored as the rain started to come down and the set went to a tie-break.", "r": {"result": "Federer pada mulanya kelihatan terguncang -- dia tewas pada perlawanan seterusnya kepada cinta -- diakui pada servis Soderling, tetapi ketenangan segera dipulihkan apabila hujan mula turun dan set berakhir dengan tie-break.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federer played it flawlessly, smashing down four aces from four serves to clinch it in style.", "r": {"result": "Federer bermain dengan sempurna, merembat empat ace daripada empat servis untuk meraihnya dengan bergaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then grabbed the key break in the third set in the very first game.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudiannya meraih kunci break pada set ketiga dalam permainan pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soderling by that time had got over his early-match jitters but he could not halt Federer's juggernaut of a serve.", "r": {"result": "Soderling pada masa itu telah mengatasi rasa gelisahnya pada awal perlawanan tetapi dia tidak dapat menghentikan servis hebat Federer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He only earned his first break point of the match in the fourth game of that set, but the Swiss came up with a fine forehand passing shot to save.", "r": {"result": "Dia hanya memperoleh mata rehat pertamanya dalam perlawanan itu dalam permainan keempat set itu, tetapi pemain Switzerland itu menghasilkan pukulan hantaran depan yang baik untuk menyelamatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Serving for the match, Federer went break point down again to add to the drama.", "r": {"result": "Berkhidmat untuk perlawanan itu, Federer turun semula untuk menambah drama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soderling wasted that with a mis-hit and then netted a return into the net two points later to hand Federer the title.", "r": {"result": "Soderling mensia-siakan itu dengan kesilapan pukulan dan kemudian menjaringkan kembali ke dalam jaringan dua mata kemudian untuk memberikan Federer gelaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- At least 13 people in Turkey have been detained in connection with the deadly weekend car bombings near the Syrian border, the semi-official Anadolu news agency reported Tuesday, quoting a top government official.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sekurang-kurangnya 13 orang di Turki telah ditahan berkaitan dengan pengeboman kereta maut hujung minggu berhampiran sempadan Syria, lapor agensi berita separuh rasmi Anadolu pada hari Selasa, memetik seorang pegawai tinggi kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 47 people died and about 100 were wounded when two explosives-laden cars blew up Saturday in the town of Reyhanli.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 47 orang maut dan kira-kira 100 cedera apabila dua kereta sarat bahan letupan meletup Sabtu di bandar Reyhanli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay confirmed the number of detentions Tuesday and said police were looking for others who have been tied to the incident.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan Perdana Menteri Besir Atalay mengesahkan jumlah tahanan pada Selasa dan berkata polis sedang mencari orang lain yang dikaitkan dengan kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because the investigation is ongoing, we are naming neither the persons nor the organization,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Oleh kerana siasatan sedang berjalan, kami tidak menamakan orang mahupun organisasi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turkish government officials blame Marxists with Syrian connections for the attacks and the incident stoked concern that Turkey has gotten too involved with the Syrian crisis.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai kerajaan Turki menyalahkan Marxis dengan hubungan Syria untuk serangan dan insiden itu mencetuskan kebimbangan bahawa Turki telah terlalu terlibat dengan krisis Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For the time being, there is no evidence suggesting that al Qaeda was involved,\" Interior Minister Muammer Guler told Anadolu.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBuat masa ini, tiada bukti menunjukkan bahawa al Qaeda terlibat,\u201d kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Muammer Guler kepada Anadolu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He and other Turkish officials accuse a former Marxist terror group that they say maintains relations with Syria's intelligence services.", "r": {"result": "Dia dan pegawai Turki lain menuduh bekas kumpulan pengganas Marxis yang mereka katakan mengekalkan hubungan dengan perkhidmatan perisikan Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The conflict in Syria has repeatedly spilled across the border into Turkey, prompting Turkish security forces to reinforce the frontier.", "r": {"result": "Konflik di Syria telah berulang kali merebak merentasi sempadan ke Turki, mendorong pasukan keselamatan Turki untuk mengukuhkan sempadan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Turkey's request, the NATO military alliance deployed several Patriot missile batteries to protect Turkish border cities from the threat of Syrian missile attacks.", "r": {"result": "Atas permintaan Turki, pakatan tentera NATO mengerahkan beberapa bateri peluru berpandu Patriot untuk melindungi bandar sempadan Turki daripada ancaman serangan peluru berpandu Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turkey is trying to accommodate nearly 300,000 refugees from Syria's civil war, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.", "r": {"result": "Turki cuba menampung hampir 300,000 pelarian daripada perang saudara Syria, menurut Pesuruhjaya Tinggi PBB bagi Pelarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attacks fueled anger at some of the Syrians who have taken shelter in Reyhanli.", "r": {"result": "Serangan itu mencetuskan kemarahan kepada beberapa orang Syria yang telah berlindung di Reyhanli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Yousif Basil, Gul Tuysuz and Joe Sterling contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Yousif Basil CNN, Gul Tuysuz dan Joe Sterling menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The showdown over who will bear the brunt of deep cuts to government spending has become a game of political poker with the nation's troops caught in the middle, political experts and members of the military say.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Pertelingkahan mengenai siapa yang akan menanggung beban besar dalam perbelanjaan kerajaan telah menjadi permainan poker politik dengan tentera negara itu terperangkap di tengah-tengah, kata pakar politik dan anggota tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he prepares to leave office, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta sounded a dire warning about the need to limit military pay to a 1% increase in 2014, effectively decreasing troop salaries next year, if the automatic cuts, called sequester, go into effect, an agency official told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Semasa dia bersedia untuk meninggalkan pejabat, Setiausaha Pertahanan Leon Panetta memberi amaran yang mengerikan tentang keperluan untuk mengehadkan gaji tentera kepada kenaikan 1% pada 2014, dengan berkesan mengurangkan gaji tentera tahun depan, jika pemotongan automatik, yang dipanggil sequester, berkuat kuasa, pegawai agensi memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First on CNN: Panetta to recommend pay cut for military.", "r": {"result": "Pertama di CNN: Panetta mengesyorkan pemotongan gaji untuk tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This shadow, the shadow of sequestration, this legislative madness that was designed to be so bad, so bad, that no one in their right mind would let it happen,\" Panetta said in a speech at Georgetown University on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Bayang-bayang ini, bayang-bayang pengasingan, kegilaan perundangan ini yang direka untuk menjadi sangat buruk, sangat buruk, sehingga tiada sesiapa yang waras akan membiarkannya berlaku,\" kata Panetta dalam ucapan di Universiti Georgetown pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For those of you who have ever seen (the movie) 'Blazing Saddles,' it is the scene of the sheriff putting the gun to his head in order to establish law and order.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi anda yang pernah menonton (filem) 'Blazing Saddles', ia adalah adegan sheriff meletakkan pistol ke kepalanya untuk mewujudkan undang-undang dan ketenteraman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is sequestration\".", "r": {"result": "Itulah penyitaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Panetta warns of degraded military readiness from spending cuts.", "r": {"result": "Panetta memberi amaran tentang kesediaan tentera yang merosot daripada pemotongan perbelanjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Pentagon has calculated that the Labor Department's 2014 Employment Cost Index is expected to be above 1%, but wants to still reduce pay because of \"budget uncertainties,\" a government official told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Pentagon telah mengira bahawa Indeks Kos Pekerjaan 2014 Jabatan Buruh dijangka melebihi 1%, tetapi masih mahu mengurangkan gaji kerana \"ketidakpastian bajet,\" kata seorang pegawai kerajaan kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2013, a 1.7% increase was approved, based on the index, which has been the basis for military pay for the past several years.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2013, kenaikan 1.7% telah diluluskan, berdasarkan indeks, yang telah menjadi asas untuk gaji tentera sejak beberapa tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Panetta is stepping up rhetoric about the impact of sequestration on the Pentagon if Congress does not agree to a plan in coming weeks to avert it.", "r": {"result": "Panetta meningkatkan retorik tentang kesan pengasingan terhadap Pentagon jika Kongres tidak bersetuju dengan rancangan dalam beberapa minggu akan datang untuk mengelakkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sequestration would cut across the government, but would hit the Pentagon especially hard.", "r": {"result": "Sekuestrasi akan merentasi kerajaan, tetapi akan memukul Pentagon dengan keras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The military would face roughly $500 million in spending cuts over 10 years on top of a similar amount already in the pipeline.", "r": {"result": "Tentera akan menghadapi kira-kira $500 juta dalam pemotongan perbelanjaan selama 10 tahun di atas jumlah yang sama yang sudah ada dalam perancangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Barack Obama previously walled off the military from a reduction in pay so if this current compensation plan goes into effect, it's widely seen as \"cutting our pay,\" one military officer familiar with the plan told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Barack Obama sebelum ini menghalang tentera daripada pengurangan gaji jadi jika pelan pampasan semasa ini berkuat kuasa, ia dilihat secara meluas sebagai \"memotong gaji kami,\" seorang pegawai tentera yang biasa dengan rancangan itu memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a smart move, it puts it in Congress' hands\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia satu langkah bijak, ia meletakkannya di tangan Kongres\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Explains: Sequestration.", "r": {"result": "CNN Menjelaskan: Sequestration.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Panetta's comments followed Obama's call on Tuesday for a short-term agreement to avert sequestration, which was created by Congress in 2011 to be so draconian that lawmakers would strike a budget deal and avoid the cuts.", "r": {"result": "Komen Panetta berikutan gesaan Obama pada hari Selasa untuk perjanjian jangka pendek untuk mengelakkan pengasingan, yang diwujudkan oleh Kongres pada 2011 untuk menjadi sangat kejam sehingga penggubal undang-undang akan membuat perjanjian belanjawan dan mengelakkan pemotongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But now, the deadline for action is coming up next month and there's no deal in sight.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sekarang, tarikh akhir untuk tindakan akan datang bulan depan dan tiada perjanjian yang dapat dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama calls for short-term fix to imminent spending cuts.", "r": {"result": "Obama menyeru pembaikan jangka pendek kepada pemotongan perbelanjaan yang akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Top Republicans on the House and Senate Armed Services committees released their own approach for temporarily staving off the brunt of those cuts by cutting some federal jobs through attrition.", "r": {"result": "Ahli-ahli Republikan teratas dalam jawatankuasa Perkhidmatan Bersenjata Dewan dan Senat mengeluarkan pendekatan mereka sendiri untuk sementara menahan beban pemotongan tersebut dengan memotong beberapa pekerjaan persekutuan melalui pengurangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"America's military has absorbed $487 billion in defense cuts under President Obama, with $500 billion yet to come with sequestration.", "r": {"result": "\"Tentera Amerika telah menyerap $487 bilion dalam pemotongan pertahanan di bawah Presiden Obama, dengan $500 bilion belum datang dengan pengasingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Refusing to consider reforms to the mandatory spending that is driving our debt crisis, while using our troops as a piggy bank to keep unsustainable spending programs on life support, will have both fiscal and strategic consequences,\" Rep.", "r": {"result": "Menolak untuk mempertimbangkan pembaharuan kepada perbelanjaan mandatori yang mendorong krisis hutang kami, sambil menggunakan tentera kami sebagai bank simpanan untuk mengekalkan program perbelanjaan yang tidak mampan untuk sokongan kehidupan, akan mempunyai akibat fiskal dan strategik,\" Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Howard P. \"Buck\" McKeon, R-Calif., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Sen.", "r": {"result": "Howard P. \"Buck\" McKeon, R-Calif., pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perkhidmatan Bersenjata Dewan, dan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James Inhofe, R-Okla., the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, wrote in a statement.", "r": {"result": "James Inhofe, R-Okla., ahli ranking Jawatankuasa Perkhidmatan Bersenjata Senat, menulis dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of this amounts to some pretty high stakes poker, political experts say.", "r": {"result": "Semua ini berjumlah beberapa poker taruhan yang cukup tinggi, kata pakar politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Scare talk about the effects of spending cuts is common in these circumstances.", "r": {"result": "\"Percakapan menakutkan tentang kesan pemotongan perbelanjaan adalah perkara biasa dalam keadaan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mostly, it's a parade of imaginary horribles.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya, ia adalah perarakan khayalan yang mengerikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although this time, the magnitude of the cuts, especially in defense, gives greater force to the dire predictions,\" said Ross Baker, a Rutgers political science professor.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kali ini, magnitud pemotongan, terutamanya dalam pertahanan, memberikan kekuatan yang lebih besar kepada ramalan yang mengerikan,\" kata Ross Baker, seorang profesor sains politik Rutgers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, the specter of potential cuts worries those on the front lines and their families.", "r": {"result": "Namun, momok kemungkinan pemotongan membimbangkan mereka di barisan hadapan dan keluarga mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel like when things get tough and the economy goes and they look at cuts they immediately take benefits or pay or housing allowances,\" said Vicky Cody, author of \"Your Soldier, Your Army: A Parent's Guide\", the wife of retired Army Gen.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa apabila keadaan menjadi sukar dan ekonomi berjalan dan mereka melihat pemotongan, mereka segera mengambil faedah atau membayar atau elaun perumahan,\" kata Vicky Cody, pengarang \"Your Soldier, Your Army: A Parent's Guide\", isteri kepada pesara. Tentera Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richard Cody and the mother of two members of the military.", "r": {"result": "Richard Cody dan ibu kepada dua anggota tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These are the kids who are deploying.", "r": {"result": "\u201cInilah anak-anak yang sedang bertugas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Regardless of how people who feel about the war, this is a group of people who need to be compensated for what they do not taken away from,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Tidak kira bagaimana perasaan orang tentang perang, ini adalah kumpulan orang yang perlu diberi pampasan untuk apa yang mereka tidak ambil,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Commenters on the story on CNN.com who identified themselves as members of the military were similarly frustrated.", "r": {"result": "Pengulas mengenai cerita di CNN.com yang mengenal pasti diri mereka sebagai anggota tentera turut kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am disgusted by this,\" wrote one commenter who identified as AFMEDIC.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya jijik dengan ini,\" tulis seorang pengulas yang dikenal pasti sebagai AFMEDIC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am in the US military and currently deployed.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya berada dalam tentera AS dan kini ditempatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I get to see and hear what happens to the rest of my military brothers and sisters putting their lives on the line for a country.", "r": {"result": "Saya dapat melihat dan mendengar apa yang berlaku kepada saudara-saudara tentera saya yang lain yang mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka untuk sebuah negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is an ugly reality.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah realiti yang buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And what are they getting blown up for?", "r": {"result": "Dan untuk apa mereka diletupkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why do we spend days, months, and even years away from our families for?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa kita menghabiskan masa berhari-hari, berbulan-bulan, malah bertahun-tahun berjauhan dengan keluarga?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a country whose leaders don't believe we are worthy enough to get a decent raise to take care of the families that have to deal with the consequences of our jobs.", "r": {"result": "Bagi sebuah negara yang pemimpinnya tidak percaya kita cukup layak untuk mendapat kenaikan gaji yang layak untuk menjaga keluarga yang terpaksa berhadapan dengan akibat pekerjaan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are cutting budget everywhere else, why can't they cut their own salary?", "r": {"result": "Kita potong bajet kat tempat lain, kenapa tak boleh potong gaji sendiri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where are the priorities of these people?", "r": {"result": "Di manakah keutamaan mereka ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A commenter who identified himself as Philip wrote that lots of Americans aren't getting pay raises in the current economy.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pengulas yang mengenal pasti dirinya sebagai Philip menulis bahawa ramai rakyat Amerika tidak mendapat kenaikan gaji dalam ekonomi semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A 1% pay raise is more of a raise than many Americans have received the last few years combined.", "r": {"result": "\"Kenaikan gaji 1% lebih merupakan kenaikan gaji daripada yang diterima oleh ramai rakyat Amerika dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Welcome to the new economy\"!", "r": {"result": "Selamat datang ke ekonomi baharu\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he wrote.", "r": {"result": "dia menulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And don't give me this 'hero' BS, as many in the military only joined because they couldn't find jobs here.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan jangan berikan saya 'hero' BS ini, kerana ramai dalam tentera hanya menyertai kerana mereka tidak dapat mencari pekerjaan di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the military they preach of being part of a team, well enjoy teaming with the civilians who also face hardships in getting paid\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam ketenteraan mereka berdakwah menjadi sebahagian daripada pasukan, seronok bekerjasama dengan orang awam yang juga menghadapi kesukaran untuk mendapatkan gaji\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hyperbole is all part of an effort to get the other side to blink first, Baker said.", "r": {"result": "Hiperbola adalah sebahagian daripada usaha untuk membuat pihak lain berkelip terlebih dahulu, kata Baker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The number of workers likely to be laid off as a result of the sequester is basically imaginary although there will almost certainly be a slight surge in unemployment,\" Baker said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jumlah pekerja yang mungkin akan diberhentikan akibat penyitaan pada dasarnya adalah khayalan walaupun hampir pasti akan ada sedikit peningkatan dalam pengangguran,\" kata Baker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I really don't think that the Pentagon will cut troop salaries which would hinder recruitment and retention.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benar-benar tidak fikir Pentagon akan memotong gaji tentera yang akan menghalang pengambilan dan pengekalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's much more likely that weapons systems will take the hit\".", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan besar sistem senjata akan terjejas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not the first time both the administration and congressional Republicans have tried to call each other's bluff over the spending cuts.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan kali pertama kedua-dua pihak pentadbiran dan Republikan kongres cuba saling berbohong mengenai pemotongan perbelanjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, President Obama told thousands of veterans at the National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars '\"Stop playing politics with our military.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas, Presiden Obama memberitahu beribu-ribu veteran di Konvensyen Kebangsaan Veteran Perang Asing '\"Berhenti bermain politik dengan tentera kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the numbers: Recent defense spending.", "r": {"result": "Mengikut angka: Perbelanjaan pertahanan terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Tom Cohen, Brianna Keilar, Dan Lothian and Barbara Starr contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Tom Cohen dari CNN, Brianna Keilar, Dan Lothian dan Barbara Starr menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Actress Natasha Richardson was hospitalized after she fell on a ski slope at a Quebec resort, a resort spokeswoman said in a statement Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pelakon Natasha Richardson dimasukkan ke hospital selepas dia terjatuh di atas cerun ski di pusat peranginan Quebec, kata jurucakap pusat peranginan itu dalam satu kenyataan Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Actress Natasha Richardson was transferred Tuesday to an undisclosed location in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon Natasha Richardson telah dipindahkan pada hari Selasa ke lokasi yang tidak didedahkan di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richardson was taken to a hospital near Station Mont Tremblant before she was transferred to Hopital du Sacre-Coeur in Montreal following her fall on Monday, according to the statement.", "r": {"result": "Richardson telah dibawa ke hospital berhampiran Station Mont Tremblant sebelum dia dipindahkan ke Hopital du Sacre-Coeur di Montreal berikutan kejatuhannya pada Isnin, menurut kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, she was transferred Tuesday to an undisclosed location in the United States, according to Michelle Simard, spokeswoman for Hopital du Sacre-Coeur.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, dia dipindahkan Selasa ke lokasi yang tidak didedahkan di Amerika Syarikat, menurut Michelle Simard, jurucakap Hopital du Sacre-Coeur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Simard said she had no further details.", "r": {"result": "Simard berkata dia tidak mempunyai butiran lanjut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richardson fell on a beginners' trail Monday during a ski lesson at Station Mont Tremblant, said the statement from the resort, located about 80 miles northwest of Montreal.", "r": {"result": "Richardson jatuh di laluan pemula Isnin semasa pelajaran ski di Station Mont Tremblant, kata kenyataan dari resort itu, yang terletak kira-kira 80 batu barat laut Montreal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was not wearing a helmet, the resort said.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak memakai topi keledar, kata resort itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, Richardson was accompanied by a veteran female ski instructor, who called the ski patrol, the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, Richardson ditemani oleh seorang pengajar ski wanita veteran, yang memanggil peronda ski, kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ski patrol members examined her and found no visible sign of injury, according to the statement.", "r": {"result": "Anggota peronda ski memeriksanya dan mendapati tiada tanda kecederaan yang kelihatan, menurut kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As standard protocol, the ski patrol insisted that Ms. Richardson be transported to the base of the hill in a rescue toboggan,\" the resort statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai protokol standard, peronda ski mendesak Cik Richardson diangkut ke dasar bukit dengan kereta tobogan penyelamat,\" kata kenyataan resort itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once at the base of the hill, staffers advised Richardson to seek additional medical attention, but she declined.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja di dasar bukit, kakitangan menasihatkan Richardson untuk mendapatkan rawatan perubatan tambahan, tetapi dia menolak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Accompanied by the instructor, Richardson went to her hotel, where she was again advised to see a doctor, the resort said.", "r": {"result": "Diiringi oleh pengajar, Richardson pergi ke hotelnya, di mana dia sekali lagi dinasihatkan untuk berjumpa doktor, kata resort itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a precautionary measure, the instructor stayed with her, the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, pengajar itu tinggal bersamanya, kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement offered no details on Richardson's condition or injuries, but said resort staffers and police were providing support to Richardson's family and friends.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu tidak memberikan butiran mengenai keadaan atau kecederaan Richardson, tetapi berkata kakitangan resort dan polis memberikan sokongan kepada keluarga dan rakan Richardson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richardson, 45, has appeared in many television, film and stage roles, including the movies \"Nell\" and \"The Parent Trap\".", "r": {"result": "Richardson, 45, telah muncul dalam banyak peranan televisyen, filem dan pentas, termasuk filem \"Nell\" dan \"The Parent Trap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She won a Tony award in 1998 for her performance as Sally Bowles in \"Cabaret\".", "r": {"result": "Dia memenangi anugerah Tony pada tahun 1998 untuk persembahannya sebagai Sally Bowles dalam \"Cabaret\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is married to actor Liam Neeson and is the daughter of actress Vanessa Redgrave.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkahwin dengan pelakon Liam Neeson dan merupakan anak perempuan kepada pelakon Vanessa Redgrave.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Montreal Gazette reported that Richardson's two sons with Neeson were skiing with her at the time of her fall, and that Neeson flew to Montreal from a Toronto film set to be with her at the hospital.", "r": {"result": "The Montreal Gazette melaporkan bahawa dua anak lelaki Richardson dengan Neeson sedang bermain ski bersamanya pada masa dia jatuh, dan Neeson terbang ke Montreal dari filem Toronto yang ditetapkan untuk bersamanya di hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Las Vegas (CNN) -- President Barack Obama threw his full support behind a comprehensive overhaul of U.S. immigration laws on Tuesday, saying \"now's the time\" to replace a system he called \"out of date and badly broken\".", "r": {"result": "Las Vegas (CNN) -- Presiden Barack Obama memberikan sokongan penuhnya di sebalik rombakan menyeluruh undang-undang imigresen A.S. pada hari Selasa, berkata \"sekarang masanya\" untuk menggantikan sistem yang dipanggilnya \"lapuk dan rosak teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president specified three pillars of immigration reform: better enforcement of immigration laws, providing a path to citizenship for the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the country, and reforming the legal immigration system.", "r": {"result": "Presiden menyatakan tiga tonggak pembaharuan imigresen: penguatkuasaan undang-undang imigresen yang lebih baik, menyediakan laluan kepada kewarganegaraan untuk lebih daripada 11 juta pendatang tanpa izin yang sudah berada di negara ini, dan memperbaharui sistem imigresen yang sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking at a majority Hispanic high school in Las Vegas, Obama said \"a broad consensus is emerging\" behind the issue across the country, with signs of progress in Congress.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap di sekolah tinggi majoriti Hispanik di Las Vegas, Obama berkata \"konsensus luas sedang muncul\" di sebalik isu itu di seluruh negara, dengan tanda-tanda kemajuan dalam Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico 'welcomes' new U.S. immigration reform push.", "r": {"result": "Mexico 'mengalu-alukan' desakan pembaharuan imigresen A.S. yang baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, he acknowledged a fierce debate ahead on an issue he described as emotional and challenging, but vital to economic growth and ensuring equal opportunity for all.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, beliau mengakui perdebatan sengit di hadapan mengenai isu yang disifatkannya sebagai emosi dan mencabar, tetapi penting untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi dan memastikan peluang sama rata untuk semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At this moment, it looks like there's a genuine desire to get this done soon.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada masa ini, nampaknya ada keinginan yang tulus untuk menyelesaikannya tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's very encouraging,\" Obama said, later adding: \"This time, action must follow.", "r": {"result": "Dan itu sangat menggalakkan,\" kata Obama, kemudian menambah: \"Kali ini, tindakan mesti diikuti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We can't allow immigration reform to get bogged down in an endless debate\".", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak boleh membenarkan reformasi imigresen terjebak dalam perdebatan yang tidak berkesudahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president spoke a day after eight senators -- four from each party -- introduced a framework for overhauling the immigration system that would provide an eventual path to citizenship for most of the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in America.", "r": {"result": "Presiden bercakap sehari selepas lapan senator -- empat daripada setiap parti -- memperkenalkan rangka kerja untuk membaik pulih sistem imigresen yang akan memberikan laluan akhirnya kepada kewarganegaraan bagi kebanyakan lebih daripada 11 juta pendatang tanpa izin di Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While touted as a breakthrough by its drafters, the plan was similar in many aspects to previous immigration reform efforts that have failed in recent years.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun disebut-sebut sebagai satu kejayaan oleh penggubalnya, rancangan itu serupa dalam banyak aspek dengan usaha pembaharuan imigresen sebelum ini yang gagal sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama described the blueprint as a sign of renewed desire by Democrats and Republicans to tackle the issue, saying the plan was \"very much in line with the principles I've proposed and campaigned on for the last few years\".", "r": {"result": "Obama menyifatkan pelan tindakan itu sebagai tanda keinginan baharu oleh Demokrat dan Republikan untuk menangani isu itu, berkata rancangan itu \"sangat selaras dengan prinsip yang saya cadangkan dan berkempen selama beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Immigration Q&A: Amnesty or path to citizenship?", "r": {"result": "Soal Jawab Imigresen: Pengampunan atau laluan kepada kewarganegaraan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was criticized by Latino activists for failing to deliver on a 2008 campaign promise to make overhauling immigration policy a priority of his first term.", "r": {"result": "Dia dikritik oleh aktivis Latin kerana gagal menunaikan janji kempen 2008 untuk menjadikan dasar imigresen yang baik pulih sebagai keutamaan dalam penggal pertamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As his re-election campaign heated up last year, the Obama administration announced a halt to deportations of some young undocumented immigrants in a move that delighted the Latino community.", "r": {"result": "Ketika kempen pemilihan semulanya semakin hangat tahun lalu, pentadbiran Obama mengumumkan penghentian pengusiran beberapa pendatang muda tanpa izin dalam satu langkah yang menggembirakan masyarakat Latin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Exit polls in November indicated that Latino voters overwhelmingly supported Obama over GOP challenger Mitt Romney, who had advocated a policy that amounted to forcing undocumented immigrants to deport themselves.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan keluar pada bulan November menunjukkan bahawa pengundi Latin sangat menyokong Obama berbanding pencabar GOP, Mitt Romney, yang telah menyokong dasar yang memaksa pendatang tanpa izin mengusir diri mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama won Nevada, a battleground state with a large Hispanic population.", "r": {"result": "Obama memenangi Nevada, sebuah negeri medan pertempuran dengan penduduk Hispanik yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama appeared on Tuesday at Del Sol High School, which has a 54% Hispanic student body, according to U.S. News and World Report rankings.", "r": {"result": "Obama muncul pada hari Selasa di Sekolah Tinggi Del Sol, yang mempunyai 54% pelajar Hispanik, menurut kedudukan Berita A.S. dan Laporan Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To earn the opportunity for citizenship, Obama said undocumented immigrants must first pass a background check, learn English, pay a penalty, and then get \"in the back of the line\" behind people trying to come to America legally.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mendapatkan peluang kewarganegaraan, Obama berkata pendatang tanpa izin mesti terlebih dahulu lulus pemeriksaan latar belakang, belajar bahasa Inggeris, membayar penalti, dan kemudian \"di belakang barisan\" di belakang orang yang cuba datang ke Amerika secara sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Immigration plan: A new era of bipartisanship or a political necessity?", "r": {"result": "Pelan imigresen: Era baharu bipartisan atau keperluan politik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Millions of undocumented immigrants would get immediate but provisional status to live and work in the United States, under the compromise plan crafted by the senate group.", "r": {"result": "Berjuta-juta pendatang tanpa izin akan mendapat status segera tetapi sementara untuk tinggal dan bekerja di Amerika Syarikat, di bawah pelan kompromi yang dibuat oleh kumpulan senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That outline also called for strengthening border controls, improved monitoring of visitors and cracking down on hiring undocumented workers.", "r": {"result": "Garis besar itu juga memerlukan pengukuhan kawalan sempadan, peningkatan pemantauan pelawat dan tindakan keras terhadap pengambilan pekerja tanpa izin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only after those steps occurred could undocumented immigrants already in the country begin the process of getting permanent residence -- green cards -- as a step toward citizenship, the senators said at a news conference on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Hanya selepas langkah itu berlaku, pendatang tanpa izin yang sudah berada di negara ini boleh memulakan proses mendapatkan kediaman tetap -- kad hijau -- sebagai langkah ke arah kewarganegaraan, kata para senator pada sidang akhbar pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before Obama spoke on Tuesday, Republican Sen.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum Obama bercakap pada hari Selasa, Senator Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marco Rubio of Florida said any legislation based on the framework he helped draft must include tougher law enforcement sought by conservatives to get his vote.", "r": {"result": "Marco Rubio dari Florida berkata mana-mana undang-undang berdasarkan rangka kerja yang dia bantu draf mesti termasuk penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang lebih tegas yang diminta oleh konservatif untuk mendapatkan undinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Immigrants' days filled with fear, uncertainty, separation.", "r": {"result": "Hari-hari pendatang dipenuhi dengan ketakutan, ketidakpastian, perpisahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We need border security, we need workplace enforcement, we need a visa tracking system,\" Rubio said, adding later that would oppose a bill that lacked language guaranteeing that \"nothing else will happen unless these enforcement mechanisms are in place\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memerlukan keselamatan sempadan, kami memerlukan penguatkuasaan di tempat kerja, kami memerlukan sistem pengesanan visa,\" kata Rubio, sambil menambah kemudiannya yang akan menentang rang undang-undang yang tidak mempunyai bahasa yang menjamin bahawa \"tidak ada perkara lain yang akan berlaku melainkan mekanisme penguatkuasaan ini disediakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubio and other senators involved in the bipartisan immigration effort said Monday they plan to provide a bill to the Senate Judiciary Committee in March, with hopes of getting the measure passed over the summer.", "r": {"result": "Rubio dan senator lain yang terlibat dalam usaha imigresen dwipartisan berkata pada hari Isnin mereka merancang untuk memberikan rang undang-undang kepada Jawatankuasa Kehakiman Senat pada bulan Mac, dengan harapan supaya langkah itu diluluskan sepanjang musim panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few hours later, Obama said he would propose his own immigration bill if Congress failed to act on the issue in a timely manner.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam kemudian, Obama berkata beliau akan mencadangkan rang undang-undang imigresennya sendiri jika Kongres gagal bertindak dalam isu itu tepat pada masanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the House side, a similar effort on immigration is said to be under way involving a group of Republicans and Democrats.", "r": {"result": "Di pihak Dewan, usaha serupa mengenai imigresen dikatakan sedang dijalankan melibatkan sekumpulan Republikan dan Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two senior House Democratic sources briefed on that effort told CNN the group was working to release some sort of outline of its plan soon, possibly as early as this week, but concede \"they are not as far along as the Senate\".", "r": {"result": "Dua sumber kanan House Democratic memberi taklimat mengenai usaha itu memberitahu CNN bahawa kumpulan itu sedang berusaha untuk mengeluarkan semacam garis besar rancangannya tidak lama lagi, mungkin seawal minggu ini, tetapi mengakui \"mereka tidak begitu jauh seperti Senat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the numbers: Immigration and naturalization.", "r": {"result": "Mengikut nombor: Imigresen dan naturalisasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Senate lays out blueprint.", "r": {"result": "Senat membentangkan pelan tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The principles described by Obama on Tuesday were similar to the framework proposed Monday by the eight senators.", "r": {"result": "Prinsip yang diterangkan oleh Obama pada hari Selasa adalah serupa dengan rangka kerja yang dicadangkan Isnin oleh lapan senator.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Conservatives split on reform.", "r": {"result": "Konservatif berpecah pada reformasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other conservatives immediately voiced their opposition to what they called amnesty, a code word on the political right for providing undocumented immigrants a path to legal status.", "r": {"result": "Konservatif lain segera menyuarakan bantahan mereka terhadap apa yang mereka panggil pengampunan, kata kod mengenai hak politik untuk menyediakan pendatang tanpa izin laluan ke status undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our immigration laws aren't broken, they just aren't enforced,\" argued Rep.", "r": {"result": "\"Undang-undang imigresen kami tidak dilanggar, ia hanya tidak dikuatkuasakan,\" hujah Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lamar Smith, R-Texas, after Obama's speech.", "r": {"result": "Lamar Smith, R-Texas, selepas ucapan Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\" ... We've been down this road before with politicians promising to enforce the law in return for amnesty.", "r": {"result": "\" ... Kami telah melalui jalan ini sebelum ini dengan ahli politik berjanji untuk menguatkuasakan undang-undang sebagai balasan untuk pengampunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then after the amnesty, they fail to make good on the enforcement promises.", "r": {"result": "Dan selepas pengampunan, mereka gagal menunaikan janji penguatkuasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American people should not be fooled.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Amerika tidak boleh tertipu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you legalize those who are in the country illegally, it costs taxpayers millions of dollars, costs American workers thousands of jobs and encourages more illegal immigration\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda menghalalkan mereka yang berada di negara ini secara haram, pembayar cukai kos berjuta-juta dolar, menyebabkan pekerja Amerika beribu-ribu pekerjaan dan menggalakkan lebih banyak pendatang haram\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republican Sen.", "r": {"result": "Republikan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mike Lee of Utah objected to the framework by his Senate colleagues, saying the guidelines \"contemplate a policy that will grant special benefits to undocumented immigrants based on their unlawful presence in the country\".", "r": {"result": "Mike Lee dari Utah membantah rangka kerja itu oleh rakan Senatnya, berkata garis panduan itu \"memikirkan dasar yang akan memberikan faedah istimewa kepada pendatang tanpa izin berdasarkan kehadiran mereka yang menyalahi undang-undang di negara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's in Senate immigration plan?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang ada dalam rancangan imigresen Senat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubio rejected such a characterization on Tuesday, saying that the framework would require undocumented immigrants to undergo a background check and face immediate deportation if they committed any serious crimes.", "r": {"result": "Rubio menolak pencirian sedemikian pada hari Selasa, mengatakan bahawa rangka kerja itu memerlukan pendatang tanpa izin untuk menjalani pemeriksaan latar belakang dan berdepan pengusiran serta-merta jika mereka melakukan sebarang jenayah serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Otherwise, they then would have to pay any taxes owed as well as a fine to get what Rubio called \"the equivalent of a non-resident visa that allows you to work here\".", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak, mereka kemudiannya perlu membayar apa-apa cukai yang terhutang serta denda untuk mendapatkan apa yang Rubio panggil \"setara dengan visa bukan pemastautin yang membolehkan anda bekerja di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An opportunity to get a green card and possible citizenship would only come after the government undertakes other steps, such as increasing border security, he added.", "r": {"result": "Peluang untuk mendapatkan kad hijau dan kemungkinan kerakyatan hanya akan datang selepas kerajaan melaksanakan langkah lain, seperti meningkatkan keselamatan sempadan, tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama, meanwhile, signaled disagreement with Republicans over the state of border security, saying in his speech that the Southwest border was more secure than ever.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Obama memberi isyarat tidak bersetuju dengan Republikan mengenai keadaan keselamatan sempadan, berkata dalam ucapannya bahawa sempadan Barat Daya lebih selamat berbanding sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He mentioned steps to crack down on the hiring of undocumented workers, as well as unclogging the legal immigration system to encourage highly skilled and educated workers already in the country to remain instead of taking their expertise abroad.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menyebut langkah-langkah untuk membanteras pengambilan pekerja tanpa izin, serta menyumbat sistem imigresen yang sah untuk menggalakkan pekerja berkemahiran tinggi dan berpendidikan yang sudah ada di negara ini kekal dan bukannya mengambil kepakaran mereka di luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democratic senators backing the framework unveiled Monday plan include Chuck Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Michael Bennet of Colorado.", "r": {"result": "Senator Demokrat yang menyokong rangka kerja yang diumumkan pada Isnin termasuk Chuck Schumer dari New York, Dick Durbin dari Illinois, Robert Menendez dari New Jersey dan Michael Bennet dari Colorado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the Republican side were Rubio, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Jeff Flake of Arizona.", "r": {"result": "Di pihak Republikan ialah Rubio, John McCain dari Arizona, Lindsey Graham dari South Carolina dan Jeff Flake dari Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Durbin said Tuesday that immigration reform must have bipartisan support to work, so it won't include everything everyone wants.", "r": {"result": "Durbin berkata pada hari Selasa bahawa pembaharuan imigresen mesti mempunyai sokongan dwipartisan untuk bekerja, jadi ia tidak akan merangkumi semua yang semua orang inginkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Path to citizenship: Senators outline bipartisan immigration plan.", "r": {"result": "Laluan ke kerakyatan: Senator menggariskan rancangan imigresen dwipartisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's going to look different than what I might write, or the president might write,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan kelihatan berbeza daripada apa yang saya mungkin tulis, atau presiden mungkin tulis,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like the Senate framework, the House plan will include a path to citizenship, but details of how that will work are still being discussed.", "r": {"result": "Seperti rangka kerja Senat, rancangan Dewan akan merangkumi laluan kepada kewarganegaraan, tetapi butiran tentang cara ia akan berfungsi masih dibincangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Senate proposal is a good starting point, Rep.", "r": {"result": "Cadangan Senat adalah titik permulaan yang baik, Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Garcia, D-Florida, said Tuesday on CNN.", "r": {"result": "Joe Garcia, D-Florida, berkata Selasa di CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it puts us in a very good place,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia meletakkan kami di tempat yang sangat baik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A litany of left-leaning advocacy groups spoke out on the senators' plan, praising it as a good first step but cautioning against harming the rights of workers.", "r": {"result": "Sejumlah kumpulan advokasi berhaluan kiri bercakap mengenai rancangan senator, memujinya sebagai langkah pertama yang baik tetapi mengingatkan agar tidak mencederakan hak pekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The people of this country are ready for us to be one country again without second-class people being mistreated simply because they lack paper, even though they are already contributing to our economy and our tax system,\" NAACP President Ben Jealous said.", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat negara ini bersedia untuk kita menjadi satu negara semula tanpa rakyat kelas dua dianiaya hanya kerana mereka kekurangan kertas, walaupun mereka sudah menyumbang kepada ekonomi dan sistem cukai kita,\" kata Presiden NAACP Ben Jealous.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Worker visas are the key to immigration reform.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Visa pekerja adalah kunci kepada pembaharuan imigresen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told Yahoo News on Tuesday that his labor federation representing 12 million people will mount a \"full-fledged\" campaign in support of comprehensive immigration reform.", "r": {"result": "Presiden AFL-CIO Richard Trumka memberitahu Yahoo News pada hari Selasa bahawa persekutuan buruhnya yang mewakili 12 juta orang akan melancarkan kempen \"sepenuhnya\" untuk menyokong pembaharuan imigresen menyeluruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We think everybody ought to have the right to work hard and to progress to citizenship,\" Trumka said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami fikir semua orang sepatutnya mempunyai hak untuk bekerja keras dan maju ke kerakyatan,\" kata Trumka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue has been in talks with Trumka on the issue.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Presiden Dewan Perniagaan A.S. Tom Donohue telah berbincang dengan Trumka mengenai isu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said after Obama's remarks that American business hoped for changes this year.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata selepas ucapan Obama bahawa perniagaan Amerika mengharapkan perubahan tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We should seize this opportunity to create an immigration system that serves the interests of our economy, our businesses, and our society,\" Donohue said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita harus merebut peluang ini untuk mewujudkan sistem imigresen yang memenuhi kepentingan ekonomi kita, perniagaan kita dan masyarakat kita,\" kata Donohue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a sign of the heated public debate on the issue, a group of about two dozen protesters standing across the street from the Las Vegas high school waved signs opposing amnesty for undocumented immigrants as Obama's motorcade drove past.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tanda perdebatan hangat orang ramai mengenai isu itu, sekumpulan kira-kira dua dozen penunjuk perasaan yang berdiri di seberang jalan dari sekolah tinggi Las Vegas melambai tanda menentang pengampunan untuk pendatang tanpa izin ketika rombongan Obama berlalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lawmakers: GOP needs to back immigration overhaul.", "r": {"result": "Penggubal undang-undang: GOP perlu menyokong baik pulih imigresen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Dan Lothian in Las Vegas and Dana Bash, Ed Payne, Deirdre Walsh, Kevin Liptak, Catherine E. Shoichet , Jessica Yellin and Matt Smith contributed to this report, which was written by Tom Cohen in Washington.", "r": {"result": "Dan Lothian dari CNN di Las Vegas dan Dana Bash, Ed Payne, Deirdre Walsh, Kevin Liptak, Catherine E. Shoichet , Jessica Yellin dan Matt Smith menyumbang kepada laporan ini, yang ditulis oleh Tom Cohen di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One day after executing dozens of non-Muslims at a quarry in Kenya, the Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab waged an attack in its home base of Somalia -- killing at least four people, according to police, in an attack on a United Nations convoy.", "r": {"result": "Sehari selepas membunuh berpuluh-puluh orang bukan Islam di sebuah kuari di Kenya, kumpulan militan Islam Al-Shabaab melancarkan serangan di pangkalannya di Somalia - membunuh sekurang-kurangnya empat orang, menurut polis, dalam serangan ke atas Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. konvoi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three of those killed in Wednesday morning's attack near Mogadishu's airport were civilians and another was a security force member, Police Col.", "r": {"result": "Tiga daripada mereka yang terbunuh dalam serangan pagi Rabu berhampiran lapangan terbang Mogadishu adalah orang awam dan seorang lagi anggota pasukan keselamatan, Kol Polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mohamed Hassan said.", "r": {"result": "Mohamed Hassan berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw at least two dead bodies lying in a pool of blood on the ground, and police arrived soon at the area and began shooting in the air to disperse the crowds,\" a witness named Sharma'arke said by phone from the scene.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat sekurang-kurangnya dua mayat terbaring dalam genangan darah di atas tanah, dan polis tiba tidak lama lagi di kawasan itu dan mula menembak ke udara untuk menyuraikan orang ramai,\" kata seorang saksi bernama Sharma'arke melalui telefon dari tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A plume of black smoke could be seen rising from the airport, which also acts as a staging ground for United Nations operations and for the African Union troops on a peacekeeping mission in Somalia.", "r": {"result": "Kepulan asap hitam boleh dilihat naik dari lapangan terbang, yang juga bertindak sebagai tempat pementasan untuk operasi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan untuk tentera Kesatuan Afrika dalam misi pengaman di Somalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two United Nations vehicles were damaged, a U.N. official said, but no U.N. staff members were killed or injured.", "r": {"result": "Dua kenderaan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu telah rosak, kata seorang pegawai PBB, tetapi tiada kakitangan PBB terbunuh atau cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for what spokesman Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu Musab called \"a sacred bomb attack\" targeting \"foreign mercenaries and U.N. staff\".", "r": {"result": "Al-Shabaab mengaku bertanggungjawab terhadap apa yang disebut oleh jurucakap Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu Musab sebagai \"serangan bom suci\" yang menyasarkan \"askar upahan asing dan kakitangan PBB\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abu Musab said this action had claimed the lives of \"several Somali soldiers and foreigners working with U.N.,\" but he did not specify a number of dead or their nationalities.", "r": {"result": "Abu Musab berkata tindakan ini telah meragut nyawa \"beberapa askar Somalia dan warga asing yang bekerja dengan PBB,\" tetapi dia tidak menyatakan jumlah kematian atau kewarganegaraan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such violence -- in Somalia and carried out by Al-Shabaab -- is hardly unprecedented.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan sedemikian -- di Somalia dan dilakukan oleh Al-Shabaab -- hampir tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group has been active in East Africa for years, waging an armed campaign that initially aimed to turn Somalia into a fundamentalist Islamic state, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu telah aktif di Afrika Timur selama bertahun-tahun, melancarkan kempen bersenjata yang pada mulanya bertujuan untuk menjadikan Somalia sebagai negara Islam fundamentalis, menurut Majlis Hubungan Luar Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet Al-Shabaab, which the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in March 2008, hasn't confined its targets to Somali authorities.", "r": {"result": "Namun Al-Shabaab, yang ditetapkan oleh Amerika Syarikat sebagai organisasi pengganas asing pada Mac 2008, tidak menghadkan sasarannya kepada pihak berkuasa Somalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its militants have also killed international aid workers, journalists, civilian leaders and African Union peacekeepers.", "r": {"result": "Militannya juga telah membunuh pekerja bantuan antarabangsa, wartawan, pemimpin awam dan pasukan pengaman Kesatuan Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Somali and allied AU forces have pushed back, even forcing Al-Shabaab from its last major stronghold in Barawe in early October, according to residents and military commanders.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Somalia dan sekutu AU telah menolak, malah memaksa Al-Shabaab dari kubu kuat terakhirnya di Barawe pada awal Oktober, menurut penduduk dan komander tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet they haven't stopped the group entirely, as evidenced by a deadly car bombing outside a popular Mogadishu restaurant one week after that milestone.", "r": {"result": "Namun mereka tidak menghentikan kumpulan itu sepenuhnya, seperti yang dibuktikan oleh pengeboman kereta maut di luar restoran Mogadishu yang popular seminggu selepas peristiwa penting itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's not as though Al-Shabaab is confining itself to Somalia.", "r": {"result": "Dan ia bukan seolah-olah Al-Shabaab mengurung dirinya di Somalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The terrorist group -- whose then-leader, Ahmed Godane, pledged allegiance to al Qaeda in 2012 -- has been active elsewhere in Africa as well.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pengganas itu -- yang pemimpinnya ketika itu, Ahmed Godane, berikrar taat setia kepada al-Qaeda pada 2012 -- telah aktif di tempat lain di Afrika juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its bombers attacked bars and restaurants in the Ugandan capital of Kampala on the night of the 2010 World Cup final, killing more than 60 people.", "r": {"result": "Pengebomnya menyerang bar dan restoran di ibu negara Uganda, Kampala pada malam final Piala Dunia 2010, membunuh lebih 60 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And last fall, Al-Shabaab militants casually walked into the upscale Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and began gunning down shoppers -- allegedly torturing some hostages before killing them.", "r": {"result": "Dan pada musim gugur yang lalu, militan Al-Shabaab secara santai masuk ke Westgate Mall yang mewah di Nairobi, Kenya, dan mula menembak mati pembeli -- didakwa menyeksa beberapa tebusan sebelum membunuh mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The four-day-long siege ended with as many as 67 dead and parts of the mall destroyed.", "r": {"result": "Pengepungan selama empat hari itu berakhir dengan seramai 67 orang maut dan sebahagian daripada pusat beli-belah itu musnah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, authorities said at least 28 died after Al-Shabaab ambushed a bus in Kenya and sprayed bullets on those who failed to recite Quran verses.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, pihak berkuasa berkata sekurang-kurangnya 28 maut selepas Al-Shabaab menyerang hendap sebuah bas di Kenya dan menyembur peluru kepada mereka yang gagal membaca ayat al-Quran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And on Tuesday, the group's militants raided a quarry in the Kenyan village of Kormey, near the Somali border, separating non-Muslim workers from their Muslim counterparts and executing them, group spokesman Sheikh Ali Dheere said in a statement read on a pro-Al-Shabaab radio station in Somalia.", "r": {"result": "Dan pada hari Selasa, militan kumpulan itu menyerbu sebuah kuari di perkampungan Kormey di Kenya, berhampiran sempadan Somalia, memisahkan pekerja bukan Islam daripada rakan sejawat Islam mereka dan membunuh mereka, kata jurucakap kumpulan Sheikh Ali Dheere dalam satu kenyataan yang dibacakan pada sebuah pro-Al -Stesen radio Shabaab di Somalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 36 bodies were found dumped in the quarry, according to the Kenyan Red Cross.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 36 mayat ditemui dibuang di kuari, menurut Palang Merah Kenya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Next time there's a mass shooting, don't jump to blame the National Rifle Association and lax gun laws.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lain kali berlaku tembakan besar-besaran, jangan terus menyalahkan Persatuan Rifle Kebangsaan dan undang-undang senjata api yang longgar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Look first at the shooter and the mental health services he did or didn't get, and the commitment laws in the state where the shooting took place.", "r": {"result": "Lihat dahulu penembak dan perkhidmatan kesihatan mental yang dia lakukan atau tidak perolehi, dan undang-undang komitmen di negeri tempat penembakan itu berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Strengthening gun control won't stop the next mass shooter, but changing our attitudes, the treatment options we offer and the laws for holding the mentally unstable and mentally ill for treatment just might.", "r": {"result": "Memperkukuh kawalan senjata tidak akan menghalang penembak besar-besaran yang seterusnya, tetapi mengubah sikap kita, pilihan rawatan yang kami tawarkan dan undang-undang untuk menahan orang yang tidak stabil mental dan sakit mental untuk mendapatkan rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Take the case of the recent mass shooting incident in Isla Vista, California.", "r": {"result": "Ambil kes insiden tembakan besar-besaran baru-baru ini di Isla Vista, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police say Elliot Rodger went on a killing spree near the University of California campus in Santa Barbara, shooting and stabbing victims, killing six and wounding 13 before he killed himself.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata Elliot Rodger melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai berhampiran kampus Universiti California di Santa Barbara, menembak dan menikam mangsa, membunuh enam dan mencederakan 13 sebelum dia membunuh diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had legally purchased three guns, passed a federal background check and met several other requirements in one of the most liberal states with the toughest gun control laws in the country.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah membeli tiga senjata secara sah, lulus pemeriksaan latar belakang persekutuan dan memenuhi beberapa keperluan lain di salah satu negeri paling liberal dengan undang-undang kawalan senjata api paling ketat di negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "California was one of eight states that passed major gun reforms in the wake of 2012's Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, in which a lone gunman killed 20 children and six adults.", "r": {"result": "California adalah salah satu daripada lapan negeri yang meluluskan pembaharuan besar-besaran senjata api susulan insiden penembakan Sekolah Rendah Sandy Hook pada 2012, di mana seorang lelaki bersenjata membunuh 20 kanak-kanak dan enam orang dewasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact California's gun control laws received an \"A-\" grade from both The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, the Los Angeles Times reported.", "r": {"result": "Malah undang-undang kawalan senjata api California menerima gred \"A-\" daripada kedua-dua The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence dan Law Centre to Prevent Gun Violence, Los Angeles Times melaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In this climate, how did Rodger succeed in his lethal plan?", "r": {"result": "Dalam iklim ini, bagaimana Rodger berjaya dalam rancangan mautnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't the gun laws, it was the lack of common sense mental commitment laws.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan undang-undang senjata api, ia adalah kekurangan undang-undang komitmen mental yang waras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 2014 report by the Treatment Advocacy Center, a nonprofit aimed at removing the stigma of mental illness and barriers to treatment, analyzed the state of mental commitment laws state by state, looking at both the \"quality of involuntary treatment (civil commitment) laws which facilitate emergency hospitalization during a psychiatric emergency and the availability of court orders mandating continued treatment as a condition of living in a community\".", "r": {"result": "Laporan 2014 oleh Pusat Advokasi Rawatan, sebuah organisasi bukan untung yang bertujuan untuk menghapuskan stigma penyakit mental dan halangan kepada rawatan, menganalisis keadaan undang-undang komitmen mental negeri demi negeri, melihat kedua-dua undang-undang \"kualiti rawatan sukarela (komitmen sivil) yang memudahkan kemasukan ke hospital kecemasan semasa kecemasan psikiatri dan ketersediaan perintah mahkamah yang mewajibkan rawatan berterusan sebagai syarat hidup dalam komuniti\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On virtually all counts, California received an \"F\" (it got a \"C\" on emergency evaluation).", "r": {"result": "Pada hampir semua kiraan, California menerima \"F\" (ia mendapat \"C\" pada penilaian kecemasan).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Rodger's case, a friend concerned about alarming videos he'd posted on YouTube had alerted a county mental health staff member, and police had conferred with his mother, but this was not enough to get him committed.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes Rodger, seorang rakan yang bimbang tentang video membimbangkan yang dia siarkan di YouTube telah memaklumkan seorang kakitangan kesihatan mental daerah, dan polis telah berunding dengan ibunya, tetapi ini tidak mencukupi untuk membuatnya komited.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under California's Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5150, a person must be a danger to himself or others before he can be held for 72 hours for evaluation, and the standard is even higher to mandate treatment.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah Kod Kebajikan dan Institusi California Seksyen 5150, seseorang mesti menjadi bahaya kepada dirinya atau orang lain sebelum dia boleh ditahan selama 72 jam untuk penilaian, dan standard adalah lebih tinggi untuk mewajibkan rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police visiting Rodger found him to be \"polite and courteous\" and not an apparent danger, so they had no authority to detain him or search his home for weapons to seize.", "r": {"result": "Polis yang melawat Rodger mendapati dia \"bersopan santun dan berbudi bahasa\" dan bukan bahaya yang jelas, jadi mereka tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk menahannya atau menggeledah rumahnya untuk mendapatkan senjata untuk dirampas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The reason had nothing to do with gun laws.", "r": {"result": "Sebabnya tiada kaitan dengan undang-undang senjata api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It had to do with the commitment laws in California.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai kaitan dengan undang-undang komitmen di California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to adopt a nationwide standard for involuntary civil commitment, and that standard should be \"need for treatment\".", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu mengguna pakai piawaian di seluruh negara untuk komitmen sivil yang tidak disengajakan, dan piawaian itu sepatutnya \"keperluan untuk rawatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If a family member, law enforcement officer or mental health professional is concerned about the well-being of an individual, they should be able to have that individual held for a mental health evaluation.", "r": {"result": "Jika ahli keluarga, pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang atau profesional kesihatan mental mengambil berat tentang kesejahteraan individu, mereka sepatutnya boleh menahan individu itu untuk penilaian kesihatan mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, the Treatment Advocacy Center's report describes the exact situation police found themselves in when they conducted that \"well-being\" check on Rodger:", "r": {"result": "Malah, laporan Pusat Advokasi Rawatan menerangkan situasi sebenar yang ditemui polis semasa mereka menjalankan pemeriksaan \"kesejahteraan\" ke atas Rodger:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But what if the person is neither threatening violence against anyone nor at any apparent imminent risk of injuring himself?", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi bagaimana jika orang itu tidak mengancam keganasan terhadap sesiapa mahupun pada sebarang risiko yang jelas untuk mencederakan dirinya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What if the concern spurring the family member to seek help is simply that the person is suffering, tormented by terrifying delusions, yet somehow unaware that he is ill?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana jika kebimbangan yang mendorong ahli keluarga untuk mendapatkan bantuan hanyalah kerana orang itu menderita, diseksa oleh khayalan yang menakutkan, namun entah bagaimana tidak menyedari bahawa dia sakit?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do we as a society have reason to intervene?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita sebagai masyarakat mempunyai sebab untuk campur tangan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To answer 'yes,' we must believe there is a compelling societal imperative beyond preventing imminent injury or death -- an imperative to liberate a person from a hellish existence he would never -- in his 'right mind' -- choose\".", "r": {"result": "Untuk menjawab 'ya,' kita mesti percaya ada keharusan masyarakat yang memaksa selain daripada mencegah kecederaan atau kematian yang akan berlaku -- satu keharusan untuk membebaskan seseorang daripada kewujudan neraka yang tidak akan dia pilih -- dalam 'akal waras' --\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The truth is that commitment laws shouldn't be a stopgap to prevent imminent harm, but rather seen as an essential tool to help a loved one needing treatment before things reach the imminent harm stage.", "r": {"result": "Hakikatnya adalah bahawa undang-undang komitmen tidak seharusnya menjadi penghenti untuk mencegah kemudaratan yang akan berlaku, sebaliknya dilihat sebagai alat penting untuk membantu orang yang disayangi yang memerlukan rawatan sebelum keadaan mencapai tahap bahaya yang akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Next, we've got to connect the dots between mental health records and National Instant Background Check.", "r": {"result": "Seterusnya, kita perlu menyambungkan titik antara rekod kesihatan mental dan Semakan Latar Belakang Segera Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2014, Mayors Against Illegal Guns released a report calling for states to close this gap.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2014, Mayors Against Illegal Guns mengeluarkan laporan yang menggesa negeri-negeri menutup jurang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It found that 11 states and the District of Columbia have no reporting laws, and another 12 states have submitted fewer than 100 mental health records to the national background check system.", "r": {"result": "Ia mendapati bahawa 11 negeri dan Daerah Columbia tidak mempunyai undang-undang pelaporan, dan 12 negeri lagi telah menyerahkan kurang daripada 100 rekod kesihatan mental kepada sistem semakan latar belakang negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But connecting the dots won't help unless every gun sale is subject to an instant background check imposed on all licensed gun retailers.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penyambungan titik tidak akan membantu melainkan setiap penjualan senjata api tertakluk kepada semakan latar belakang segera yang dikenakan ke atas semua peruncit senjata api berlesen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And finally, the police need tools as well.", "r": {"result": "Dan akhirnya, polis memerlukan alat juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They need training and the discretion to ask about and remove guns from any household where there is a domestic dispute, a call for a \"well-being check,\" or a person who exhibits violent or unstable behavior.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memerlukan latihan dan budi bicara untuk bertanya dan mengeluarkan senjata api dari mana-mana rumah yang terdapat pertikaian rumah tangga, panggilan untuk \"pemeriksaan kesejahteraan,\" atau seseorang yang menunjukkan tingkah laku ganas atau tidak stabil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also need a mental health professional on call for such checks.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga memerlukan profesional kesihatan mental yang bertugas untuk pemeriksaan sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Connecticut, Indiana and, yes, even Texas have firearms seizure statutes aimed at dangerous persons.", "r": {"result": "Connecticut, Indiana dan, ya, malah Texas mempunyai statut rampasan senjata api yang ditujukan kepada orang berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Laws like these enable the police to temporarily remove guns from someone who is exhibiting dangerous behavior until a judge can make a final determination on fitness for gun ownership based on evidence presented at a hearing.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang seperti ini membolehkan polis mengalihkan sementara senjata api daripada seseorang yang menunjukkan tingkah laku berbahaya sehingga hakim boleh membuat penentuan muktamad mengenai kesesuaian pemilikan senjata api berdasarkan bukti yang dikemukakan pada perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know what you're thinking.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu apa yang awak fikirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This will only penalize gun owners.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni hanya akan menghukum pemilik senjata api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most gun owners are law-abiding citizens\".", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan pemilik senjata adalah warganegara yang mematuhi undang-undang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're right.", "r": {"result": "awak betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And most gun owners believe in responsible ownership and agree that these mental health measures make sense.", "r": {"result": "Dan kebanyakan pemilik senjata percaya pada pemilikan yang bertanggungjawab dan bersetuju bahawa langkah kesihatan mental ini masuk akal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You may also be thinking: \"But most people suffering from serious mental illness are nonviolent\".", "r": {"result": "Anda mungkin juga berfikir: \"Tetapi kebanyakan orang yang menderita penyakit mental yang serius adalah tanpa kekerasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're right about that, too.", "r": {"result": "Anda juga betul tentang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, mentally ill people only account for a small fraction of the gun deaths in America every year and the vast majority of those are suicide, not homicide.", "r": {"result": "Sesungguhnya, orang yang sakit mental hanya menyumbang sebahagian kecil daripada kematian senjata api di Amerika setiap tahun dan sebahagian besar daripada mereka adalah bunuh diri, bukan pembunuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Violence by the mentally ill is usually a symptom of the untreated mental illness -- that's why access to treatment, not gun control, is the answer.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan oleh pesakit mental biasanya merupakan gejala penyakit mental yang tidak dirawat -- itulah sebabnya akses kepada rawatan, bukan kawalan senjata, adalah jawapannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overhauling mental health laws would give family members and professionals more responsibility and authority in care decisions.", "r": {"result": "Membaik pulih undang-undang kesihatan mental akan memberikan ahli keluarga dan profesional lebih tanggungjawab dan kuasa dalam membuat keputusan penjagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in some cases, medications and therapies should not be optional.", "r": {"result": "Dan dalam beberapa kes, ubat-ubatan dan terapi tidak boleh menjadi pilihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We've got a major problem on our hands.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai masalah besar di tangan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And since guns aren't going anywhere, the discussion about solutions needs to place the focus somewhere else.", "r": {"result": "Dan memandangkan senjata api tidak akan ke mana-mana, perbincangan tentang penyelesaian perlu meletakkan tumpuan di tempat lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even the NRA agrees that the seriously mentally ill should never own a gun.", "r": {"result": "Malah NRA bersetuju bahawa pesakit mental yang teruk tidak boleh memiliki senjata api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So let's finally do something about it.", "r": {"result": "Jadi mari kita lakukan sesuatu mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheffield, England (CNN) -- Everyone thinks I'm a woman in a man's world, but to me I'm just a boxer doing the sport I love.", "r": {"result": "Sheffield, England (CNN) -- Semua orang menganggap saya seorang wanita dalam dunia lelaki, tetapi bagi saya saya hanya seorang peninju yang melakukan sukan yang saya suka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's been with me since I was a child.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah bersama saya sejak saya masih kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My dad had videos of all the great fighters -- Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali.", "r": {"result": "Ayah saya mempunyai video tentang semua pejuang hebat -- Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I watched them winning their Olympic medals and world titles and saw those big crowds and thought to myself, \"that looks exciting\".", "r": {"result": "Saya melihat mereka memenangi pingat Olimpik dan gelaran dunia mereka dan melihat orang ramai itu dan berfikir pada diri saya sendiri, \"itu kelihatan menarik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then one night when I was 12 years old, my mum couldn't get a babysitter for me and my brother, so she took us down to the gym with her.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pada suatu malam ketika saya berumur 12 tahun, ibu saya tidak dapat mendapatkan pengasuh untuk saya dan abang saya, jadi dia membawa kami ke gim bersamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They had an after-school boxing class, so I joined in and absolutely loved it.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mempunyai kelas tinju selepas sekolah, jadi saya menyertainya dan sangat menyukainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everybody I met down there became like a little family to me.", "r": {"result": "Semua orang yang saya temui di sana menjadi seperti keluarga kecil bagi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They'd take me to boxing exhibitions and shows, introduce me to new people and we'd all just stick together.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan membawa saya ke pameran dan pertunjukan tinju, memperkenalkan saya kepada orang baru dan kami semua hanya akan bersatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This was so important for my development because it meant I always wanted to be there, I always felt supported and knew that there were people who believed in me.", "r": {"result": "Ini sangat penting untuk perkembangan saya kerana ini bermakna saya sentiasa mahu berada di sana, saya sentiasa berasa disokong dan tahu bahawa ada orang yang percaya kepada saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to remember that being a great boxer is only 50% physical; the rest is mental.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu ingat bahawa menjadi peninju yang hebat hanya 50% fizikal; selebihnya adalah mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to be really confident, calm, relaxed and focused.", "r": {"result": "Anda harus benar-benar yakin, tenang, santai dan fokus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You've got to get in there thinking \"I can win.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu masuk ke sana dengan berfikir \"Saya boleh menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can achieve this\".", "r": {"result": "Saya boleh mencapai ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More from Human to Hero: Prima ballerina Svetlana Zakharova.", "r": {"result": "Lagi daripada Manusia kepada Wira: Prima ballerina Svetlana Zakharova.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My first competitive bout was really fun.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan kompetitif pertama saya sungguh menyeronokkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember peering behind the curtain, peeping out and seeing all my friends and family in the crowd waiting for it to begin.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat mengintip di sebalik tirai, mengintip keluar dan melihat semua rakan dan keluarga saya dalam orang ramai menunggu ia bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There weren't many female boxers around at that time, it was very rare, so I just wanted to get in there and perform and show off my skills.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ramai peninju wanita pada masa itu, ia sangat jarang, jadi saya hanya mahu masuk ke sana dan membuat persembahan dan menunjukkan kemahiran saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's when I remember thinking, \"yeah, I love this sport\"!", "r": {"result": "Ketika itulah saya teringat berfikir, \"ya, saya suka sukan ini\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it wasn't easy to get to where I am now.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bukan mudah untuk sampai ke tempat saya sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the training from such a young age has been tough.", "r": {"result": "Semua latihan dari usia muda adalah sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A standard day involves a run in the morning, followed by strength and conditioning exercises -- where I do weights, press ups, pull ups -- and then a boxing session which includes bags, pads, and sparring.", "r": {"result": "Hari biasa melibatkan larian pada waktu pagi, diikuti dengan latihan kekuatan dan penyaman udara -- di mana saya melakukan bebanan, tekan ke atas, tarik ke atas -- dan kemudian sesi tinju yang merangkumi beg, pad dan sparring.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are times you have to run through the rain and it's cold and it's minus whatever degrees outside, but you just have to get up and you go and do the work.", "r": {"result": "Ada kalanya anda terpaksa bergelumang dengan hujan dan ia sejuk dan tolak berapa darjah di luar, tetapi anda hanya perlu bangun dan pergi melakukan kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And on top of that everything you eat is monitored.", "r": {"result": "Dan di atas itu semua yang anda makan dipantau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can't just go out and have a McDonald's or a pizza when you want, you have to be so strict on yourself.", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak boleh keluar dan makan McDonald's atau piza apabila anda mahu, anda perlu tegas pada diri sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's no way of finding the motivation for doing it unless you absolutely love the sport.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada cara untuk mencari motivasi untuk melakukannya melainkan anda benar-benar menyukai sukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You've got to really love it like nothing else otherwise you won't get through the training.", "r": {"result": "Anda harus benar-benar menyukainya jika tidak, anda tidak akan menjalani latihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why I don't see it as a sacrifice.", "r": {"result": "Sebab itu saya tidak melihatnya sebagai pengorbanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I see it as things I want to do, I choose to do.", "r": {"result": "Saya melihatnya sebagai perkara yang saya mahu lakukan, saya pilih untuk lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I choose to not go out clubbing and drinking with my friends because I want to be a great boxer.", "r": {"result": "Saya memilih untuk tidak keluar kelab dan minum dengan rakan-rakan saya kerana saya mahu menjadi peninju yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But life can get in your way no matter how dedicated you are, no matter how hard you train.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kehidupan boleh menghalang anda tidak kira betapa berdedikasi anda, tidak kira betapa sukarnya anda berlatih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having hardly sustained any injuries in the ring -- just one broken thumb -- I seriously put my back out in 2009 when I tripped over a bandage hanging out of my bag.", "r": {"result": "Setelah hampir tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan di gelanggang -- hanya satu ibu jari patah -- saya serius melabuhkan punggung pada tahun 2009 apabila saya tersandung pembalut yang tergantung di dalam beg saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I got up and didn't feel in too much pain.", "r": {"result": "Saya bangun dan tidak berasa terlalu sakit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, I even went to a tournament and it wasn't until a few weeks later that the pain got worse and worse.", "r": {"result": "Malah, saya juga pernah pergi ke satu kejohanan dan tidak sampai beberapa minggu kemudian sakit itu semakin menjadi-jadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They took me to the doctors and found a crack in one of my vertebrae -- I was out of boxing for a year.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membawa saya ke doktor dan mendapati keretakan pada salah satu vertebra saya -- saya telah keluar dari tinju selama setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I had to have complete bed rest for three to four months.", "r": {"result": "Saya terpaksa berehat sepenuhnya selama tiga hingga empat bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was so difficult because I'm a get-up-and-go person.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat sukar kerana saya seorang yang bangkit dan pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I like to run around, see what's going on.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka berlari-lari, lihat apa yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To be laid in bed, brace put on to keep my spine in line, it was really hard to pick myself up again.", "r": {"result": "Untuk dibaringkan di atas katil, memakai pendakap untuk memastikan tulang belakang saya selaras, sungguh sukar untuk bangkit semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More from Human to Hero: Molecular gastronomy chef Heston Blumenthal.", "r": {"result": "Lagi daripada Human to Hero: Chef gastronomi molekul Heston Blumenthal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were moments when I thought I couldn't continue, but my friends and family helped me through the hard times, and I just managed to make it back in time for the last assessment camp and make the team.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat saat-saat apabila saya fikir saya tidak dapat meneruskan, tetapi rakan dan keluarga saya membantu saya melalui masa-masa sukar, dan saya hanya berjaya kembali ke masa untuk kem penilaian terakhir dan membentuk pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was almost like it was meant to be.", "r": {"result": "Ia hampir seperti ia dimaksudkan untuk menjadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then came the Olympic final against Cancan.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian datang perlawanan akhir Olimpik menentang Cancan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I just remember thinking, whatever she does I'm going to do 10 times better; she throws a punch I'll throw five back.", "r": {"result": "Saya hanya ingat berfikir, apa sahaja yang dia lakukan saya akan lakukan 10 kali lebih baik; dia melemparkan tumbukan saya akan baling lima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She bought out the very best in me in that match.", "r": {"result": "Dia membeli yang terbaik dalam diri saya dalam perlawanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 10 seconds before I was told that I'd won, I already knew it.", "r": {"result": "10 saat sebelum saya diberitahu bahawa saya akan menang, saya sudah tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I could feel it, I was just thinking I can't believe that I've done this; I can't believe I'm going to be Olympic champion in front of my home audience.", "r": {"result": "Saya dapat merasakannya, saya hanya berfikir saya tidak percaya bahawa saya telah melakukan ini; Saya tidak percaya saya akan menjadi juara Olimpik di hadapan penonton rumah saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Winning the medal meant everything; all the hard work, all the ups and downs, highs and lows, everything in my life has revolved around boxing.", "r": {"result": "Memenangi pingat bermakna segala-galanya; semua kerja keras, semua turun naik, tinggi dan rendah, segala-galanya dalam hidup saya telah berkisar tentang tinju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So for me, winning the gold medal was everything I dreamed about as a kid.", "r": {"result": "Jadi bagi saya, memenangi pingat emas adalah segala-galanya yang saya impikan semasa kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By putting women's boxing in the Olympics, they showed that women can and should be allowed to do any sport they choose.", "r": {"result": "Dengan meletakkan tinju wanita dalam Sukan Olimpik, mereka menunjukkan bahawa wanita boleh dan harus dibenarkan melakukan apa-apa sukan yang mereka pilih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's all about equality, it's time for a change.", "r": {"result": "Ini semua tentang kesaksamaan, sudah tiba masanya untuk perubahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Global warming concerns took center stage Monday as two organizations held rallies to draw attention to an issue that President Barack Obama has promised to place near the top of his agenda.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Kebimbangan pemanasan global menjadi tumpuan Isnin apabila dua pertubuhan mengadakan perhimpunan untuk menarik perhatian kepada isu yang dijanjikan Presiden Barack Obama untuk diletakkan berhampiran puncak agendanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Demonstrators stand outside the Capitol Power Plant in Washington on Monday to protest the plant's use of coal.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan berdiri di luar Loji Kuasa Capitol di Washington pada hari Isnin untuk membantah penggunaan arang batu oleh loji itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A group of young protesters gathered in front of the Capitol to rally on behalf of legislation to reduce carbon emissions, decrease dependence on coal and oil, and speed a national drive toward \"clean\" energy.", "r": {"result": "Sekumpulan penunjuk perasaan muda berkumpul di hadapan Capitol untuk berhimpun bagi pihak undang-undang untuk mengurangkan pelepasan karbon, mengurangkan pergantungan kepada arang batu dan minyak, dan mempercepatkan usaha nasional ke arah tenaga \"bersih\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later Monday, hundreds of representatives of a coalition of environmental, public health, social justice and other advocacy organizations marched around Capitol Hill and encircled a Washington coal-fired power plant to highlight the issue of climate change.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pada hari Isnin, ratusan wakil gabungan alam sekitar, kesihatan awam, keadilan sosial dan organisasi advokasi lain berarak di sekitar Capitol Hill dan mengepung loji janakuasa arang batu Washington untuk mengetengahkan isu perubahan iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group, protesting the Capitol Power Plant's use of coal, stood in front of the plant's gated entrances.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu, yang membantah penggunaan arang batu oleh Capitol Power Plant, berdiri di hadapan pintu masuk berpagar loji itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plant powers the heating and cooling systems in the Capitol, as well as roughly a dozen other federal office buildings on Capitol Hill.", "r": {"result": "Kilang itu menggerakkan sistem pemanasan dan penyejukan di Capitol, serta kira-kira sedozen bangunan pejabat persekutuan lain di Capitol Hill.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Capitol Power Plant, sitting just blocks from Capitol Hill, symbolizes the stranglehold coal has over our government and future,\" the group said on its Web site.", "r": {"result": "\"Loji Kuasa Capitol, terletak hanya beberapa blok dari Capitol Hill, melambangkan pegangan arang batu terhadap kerajaan dan masa depan kita,\" kata kumpulan itu dalam laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not the largest or the dirtiest power plant in the country, but as the plant that is actually run by and for Congress it serves as an incredibly iconic symbol of what is wrong with our country's energy and climate policy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bukan loji kuasa terbesar atau paling kotor di negara ini, tetapi sebagai loji yang sebenarnya dikendalikan oleh dan untuk Kongres ia berfungsi sebagai simbol yang sangat ikonik tentang apa yang salah dengan dasar tenaga dan iklim negara kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No arrests were made as a result of the protest, which \"didn't affect the operations of the power plant,\" Capitol police Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Tiada tangkapan dibuat akibat protes itu, yang \"tidak menjejaskan operasi loji kuasa,\" polis Capitol Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kimberly Schneider said.", "r": {"result": "Kimberly Schneider berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released a letter Thursday calling for the plant to convert to 100 percent natural gas by the end of 2009.", "r": {"result": "Speaker Dewan Rakyat Nancy Pelosi dan Ketua Majoriti Senat Harry Reid mengeluarkan surat Khamis menggesa loji itu menukar kepada 100 peratus gas asli menjelang akhir 2009.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Taking this major step toward cleaning up the Capitol Power Plant's emissions would be an important demonstration of Congress' willingness to deal with the enormous challenges of global warming, energy independence and our inefficient use of finite fossil fuels,\" they wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Mengambil langkah besar ini ke arah membersihkan pelepasan Capitol Power Plant akan menjadi demonstrasi penting kesediaan Kongres untuk menangani cabaran besar pemanasan global, kebebasan tenaga dan penggunaan bahan api fosil terhingga yang tidak cekap,\" tulis mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Several members of Congress and environmental leaders addressed the earlier rally, which was held at the conclusion to Power Shift '09, a four-day environmental summit organized by the Energy Action Coalition.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa ahli Kongres dan pemimpin alam sekitar berucap pada perhimpunan terdahulu, yang diadakan pada akhir Power Shift '09, sidang kemuncak alam sekitar empat hari yang dianjurkan oleh Energy Action Coalition.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The coalition describes itself as an umbrella organization of 700 groups fighting for \"clean energy solutions and the creation of a new green economy\".", "r": {"result": "Gabungan itu menggambarkan dirinya sebagai organisasi payung yang terdiri daripada 700 kumpulan yang berjuang untuk \"penyelesaian tenaga bersih dan penciptaan ekonomi hijau baharu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's time to \"turn up the political heat in Washington so we can turn down the heat on Mother Earth,\" Rep.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tiba masanya untuk \"meningkatkan kehangatan politik di Washington supaya kita boleh mengurangkan bahang di Ibu Bumi,\" Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, told the crowd.", "r": {"result": "Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, memberitahu orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The science tells us that the time for talking about this problem is over.", "r": {"result": "\"Sains memberitahu kita bahawa masa untuk membincangkan masalah ini sudah berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The time for action is now\".", "r": {"result": "Masa untuk bertindak sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The concept of \"clean coal\" is a \"dirty lie,\" added environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy.", "r": {"result": "Konsep \"arang batu bersih\" adalah \"pembohongan kotor,\" tambah aktivis alam sekitar Robert F. Kennedy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The most important thing you can do is not to change your light bulb but to change [members of Congress who have been] corrupted by ... dirty, filthy industry\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara paling penting yang boleh anda lakukan ialah bukan menukar mentol lampu anda tetapi menukar [ahli Kongres yang telah] dirosakkan oleh ... industri yang kotor dan kotor\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "America needs to be freed from the \"carbon cronies,\" who are part of the \"biggest threat to civilization,\" Kennedy said.", "r": {"result": "Amerika perlu dibebaskan daripada \"kroni karbon,\" yang merupakan sebahagian daripada \"ancaman terbesar kepada tamadun,\" kata Kennedy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By all accounts, suspected Santa Monica shooter John Zawahri was ready to inflict maximum harm.", "r": {"result": "Dengan semua akaun, suspek penembak Santa Monica, John Zawahri bersedia untuk mendatangkan bahaya maksimum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had multiple firearms and about 1,300 rounds of ammunition.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai pelbagai senjata api dan kira-kira 1,300 butir peluru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, apparently, he had the capacity to kill.", "r": {"result": "Juga, nampaknya, dia mempunyai keupayaan untuk membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police say he killed his father and brother, along with three others, during a Friday afternoon rampage in Santa Monica, California.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata dia membunuh bapa dan abangnya, bersama tiga yang lain, semasa amuk petang Jumaat di Santa Monica, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by some strokes of good luck, or because of quick thinking, Zawahri was not able to kill more.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan beberapa pukulan nasib baik, atau kerana pemikiran cepat, Zawahri tidak dapat membunuh lebih banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As soon as I looked him straight in the eye, I saw what he was going to do,\" said Deborah Fine.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebaik sahaja saya memandang tepat ke matanya, saya nampak apa yang dia akan lakukan,\" kata Deborah Fine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She told CNN she saw the gunman pull over another woman and hold a rifle to her head.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu CNN dia melihat lelaki bersenjata itu menarik wanita lain dan memegang senapang di kepalanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought to myself, 'What are you doing?", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir sendiri, 'Apa yang awak buat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why are you pointing this gun at her?", "r": {"result": "Kenapa awak mengacukan pistol ini kepadanya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And so I put on my accelerator, I hit the gas, and I got in between the two of them,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "' Jadi saya memakai pemecut saya, saya menekan gas, dan saya masuk di antara mereka berdua,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How to help the family.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana untuk membantu keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bold move quickly turned the gunman's attention to Fine.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan berani itu dengan pantas mengalihkan perhatian lelaki bersenjata itu kepada Fine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll never forget his eyes.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan melupakan matanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were just so intense and so cold,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka begitu sengit dan sangat sejuk,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was somebody in the way, and I was somebody to get out of the way.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya adalah seseorang yang menghalang, dan saya adalah seseorang yang perlu dielakkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's when he raised his rifle\".", "r": {"result": "Dan ketika itulah dia mengangkat senapangnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bullets struck Fine three to four times across her body.", "r": {"result": "Peluru mengenai Fine tiga hingga empat kali di seluruh badannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She balks at the idea that anybody might call her a hero.", "r": {"result": "Dia menolak idea bahawa sesiapa sahaja boleh memanggilnya hero.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It really was just an anger that came over me that he wouldn't leave her alone, and she was young,\" said Fine, a mother of twins.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia benar-benar hanya kemarahan yang datang kepada saya bahawa dia tidak akan meninggalkannya sendirian, dan dia masih muda,\" kata Fine, ibu kepada anak kembar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I get angry and take on the bully,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya marah dan menerima pembuli itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm glad I did what I did, but thank God, I'm alive\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya gembira saya melakukan apa yang saya lakukan, tetapi alhamdulillah, saya masih hidup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Source: Santa Monica gunman previously hospitalized for mental health.", "r": {"result": "Sumber: Lelaki bersenjata Santa Monica sebelum ini dimasukkan ke hospital kerana kesihatan mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'He let me go'.", "r": {"result": "'Dia lepaskan saya'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Laura Sisk was the woman Fine saw get pulled over.", "r": {"result": "Laura Sisk ialah wanita yang dilihat Fine ditarik balik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He just appeared in the middle of the road,\" Sisk told CNN's AC360 Monday night.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia baru sahaja muncul di tengah jalan,\" kata Sisk kepada AC360 CNN malam Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He screamed at her to get out of the car and to pick up a heavy bag of his off the ground and put it in her car.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjerit kepadanya untuk keluar dari kereta dan mengambil beg beratnya dari tanah dan meletakkannya di dalam keretanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I suggested he take my car and go.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya cadangkan dia ambil kereta saya dan pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He didn't like that idea and said that I was going to drive him and made me get in.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak menyukai idea itu dan berkata bahawa saya akan memandunya dan menyuruh saya masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then he got in after shooting a little bit more,\" Sisk said.", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian dia masuk selepas menembak sedikit lagi,\" kata Sisk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the drive, he gave her directions -- go right, go left, go straight.", "r": {"result": "Semasa memandu, dia memberi arahan -- ke kanan, ke kiri, ke lurus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At an intersection, he opened fire on a bus.", "r": {"result": "Di satu persimpangan, dia melepaskan tembakan ke arah sebuah bas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sisk said she was shaking hysterically.", "r": {"result": "Sisk cakap dia menggigil histeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The gunman kept telling her to calm down.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki bersenjata itu terus menyuruhnya bertenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just kept saying don't hurt me, I have children, don't hurt me,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terus cakap jangan sakitkan saya, saya ada anak, jangan sakitkan saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He let me go ... I don't know why.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia lepaskan saya...saya tak tahu kenapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't know if it was because I had said I had children and he bonded with me on that, I don't know\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu sama ada kerana saya telah mengatakan saya mempunyai anak dan dia terikat dengan saya mengenai perkara itu, saya tidak tahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReporter: There was a body on the corner.", "r": {"result": "iReporter: Terdapat mayat di sudut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spree leaves five dead.", "r": {"result": "Spree menyebabkan lima orang mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police say the spate of violence that left this beachfront city reeling on Friday involved as many as six incidents over 13 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata, keganasan yang menyebabkan bandar tepi pantai ini bergolak pada hari Jumaat melibatkan sebanyak enam insiden dalam tempoh 13 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It started at the Zawahri family house on Yorkshire Avenue shortly before noon and ended a mile away in the college library where students were studying for finals.", "r": {"result": "Ia bermula di rumah keluarga Zawahri di Yorkshire Avenue sejurus sebelum tengah hari dan berakhir satu batu jauhnya di perpustakaan kolej tempat pelajar belajar untuk peringkat akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers were dispatched to the house to respond to reports of shots fired.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai telah dihantar ke rumah untuk menjawab laporan mengenai tembakan yang dilepaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There, they found the 1,000-square-foot home in flames.", "r": {"result": "Di sana, mereka menemui rumah seluas 1,000 kaki persegi itu dalam kebakaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside, firefighters would later find two bodies in a back room -- those of Zawahri's father, Samir, and his brother Chris.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam, anggota bomba kemudiannya akan menemui dua mayat di bilik belakang -- mayat bapa Zawahri, Samir, dan abangnya Chris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both had been shot.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya telah ditembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Outside the house, police came across Fine.", "r": {"result": "Di luar rumah, polis terserempak dengan Fine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had interrupted the gunman's carjacking, but his rampage was just beginning.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah mengganggu penculikan kereta lelaki bersenjata itu, tetapi amuknya baru bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He got into the vehicle and forced Sisk to drive the short distance to Santa Monica College, which Zawahri attended as recently as 2010.", "r": {"result": "Dia masuk ke dalam kenderaan dan memaksa Sisk memandu jarak dekat ke Kolej Santa Monica, yang dihadiri Zawahri baru-baru ini pada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Timeline: School violence in the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Garis masa: Keganasan sekolah di A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During their ride, 911 calls poured in, keeping police on the gunman's path.", "r": {"result": "Semasa perjalanan mereka, 911 panggilan masuk, memastikan polis berada di laluan lelaki bersenjata itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the car headed toward the campus of the community college, where 30,000 students are registered, he opened fire on a passing bus, slightly wounding three people.", "r": {"result": "Ketika kereta itu menuju ke arah kampus kolej komuniti itu, di mana 30,000 pelajar mendaftar, dia melepaskan tembakan ke arah bas yang lalu, menyebabkan tiga orang cedera ringan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then got out and shot into a red Ford Explorer, carrying 26-year-old Marcela Franco and her father, 68-year-old Carlos Navarro Franco.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian keluar dan menembak ke dalam Ford Explorer berwarna merah, membawa Marcela Franco yang berusia 26 tahun dan bapanya, Carlos Navarro Franco yang berusia 68 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carlos Franco worked as a groundskeeper at the college.", "r": {"result": "Carlos Franco bekerja sebagai penjaga tanah di kolej itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were on campus to get textbooks for Marcela.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berada di kampus untuk mendapatkan buku teks untuk Marcela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both died.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"'Broken' is not a strong enough word to describe us,\" said relative Margret Quinonez Perez.", "r": {"result": "\"'Broken' bukanlah perkataan yang cukup kuat untuk menggambarkan kami,\" kata saudara Margret Quinonez Perez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Miraculous' more people weren't hurt.", "r": {"result": "'Ajaib' lebih ramai orang tidak cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After shooting into the SUV, the gunman abandoned his hijacked vehicle.", "r": {"result": "Selepas menembak ke dalam SUV itu, lelaki bersenjata itu meninggalkan kenderaannya yang dirampas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a stroke of good luck for the driver, he left her unhurt.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu pukulan nasib baik untuk pemandu, dia meninggalkannya tanpa cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dressed in black, the gunman then walked the campus, \"shooting as he went along,\" Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks said.", "r": {"result": "Berpakaian hitam, lelaki bersenjata itu kemudian berjalan ke kampus, \"menembak semasa dia pergi,\" kata Ketua Polis Santa Monica Jacqueline Seabrooks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Outside the school library, he saw a woman and \"executed her,\" the police chief said.", "r": {"result": "Di luar perpustakaan sekolah, dia melihat seorang wanita dan \"menghukum matinya,\" kata ketua polis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her death was the fifth of the rampage.", "r": {"result": "Kematiannya adalah yang kelima daripada amuk itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities identified her Monday as Margarita Gomez.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa mengenal pasti beliau pada Isnin sebagai Margarita Gomez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was a resident of Santa Monica but not a student at the college.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah penduduk Santa Monica tetapi bukan pelajar di kolej itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, the gunman walked into the library.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, lelaki bersenjata itu masuk ke dalam perpustakaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He attempted to kill several library patrons who were hiding in a safe room.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia cuba membunuh beberapa pengunjung perpustakaan yang bersembunyi di dalam bilik selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's miraculous that those individuals were not physically injured,\" said Seabrooks.", "r": {"result": "Sungguh ajaib bahawa individu tersebut tidak cedera secara fizikal,\" kata Seabrooks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mass shootings in the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan besar-besaran di A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside, Priscilla Morales and her friends hid.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam, Priscilla Morales dan rakan-rakannya bersembunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was so scared and thought literally I was going to die,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat takut dan menyangka secara literal saya akan mati,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By then, the gunman had returned to the main area of the library and was met by three police officers.", "r": {"result": "Ketika itu, lelaki bersenjata itu telah kembali ke kawasan utama perpustakaan dan ditemui oleh tiga pegawai polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Drop it\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Lepaskan\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morales said she heard police say.", "r": {"result": "Morales berkata dia mendengar polis berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then she heard gunshots and a man's screams.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian dia terdengar bunyi tembakan dan jeritan seorang lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers had shot and killed 23-year-old Zawahri.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai telah menembak dan membunuh Zawahri yang berusia 23 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspected gunman's mother released a short statement Monday night, asking for privacy.", "r": {"result": "Ibu lelaki yang disyaki bersenjata mengeluarkan kenyataan ringkas malam Isnin, meminta privasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As may be assumed, I am in mourning for my family and for those who were also affected by this horrific tragedy over the past few days.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSeperti yang boleh diandaikan, saya berkabung untuk keluarga saya dan mereka yang turut ditimpa tragedi ngeri ini sejak beberapa hari lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I cannot express my great sadness for the families who are also suffering at this terrible time,\" Randa Abdou said in the statement obtained by CNN affiliate KABC.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak dapat meluahkan rasa sedih saya untuk keluarga yang turut menderita pada masa yang dahsyat ini,\" kata Randa Abdou dalam kenyataan yang diperoleh oleh sekutu CNN KABC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do ask the media please give me time to grieve and to come to grips with the overwhelming sorrow that has befallen all of us\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya meminta media tolong berikan saya masa untuk berduka dan mengatasi kesedihan yang amat sangat yang menimpa kita semua\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why does America lead the world in school shootings?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa Amerika memimpin dunia dalam penembakan sekolah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Barcelona star Lionel Messi was named FIFA World Player of the Year in Zurich on Monday, capping a remarkable 2009 for the Argentina star.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bintang Barcelona, Lionel Messi dinobatkan sebagai Pemain Terbaik Dunia FIFA di Zurich pada Isnin, mengakhiri tahun 2009 yang luar biasa untuk bintang Argentina itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Messi helped his club side Barcelona win a historic treble of Champions League, Spanish League and Spanish Cup and at the weekend scored the winner as the Catalan giants claimed the Club World Cup trophy.", "r": {"result": "Messi membantu kelab kelabnya Barcelona memenangi treble bersejarah Liga Juara-Juara, Liga Sepanyol dan Piala Sepanyol dan pada hujung minggu menjaringkan gol kemenangan ketika gergasi Catalan itu merangkul trofi Piala Dunia Kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Messi, who claimed the top European honor, the Ballon d'Or, earlier this month, beat off the challenge of last year's winner Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka of Real Madrid and fellow Barca stars Andres Iniesta and Xavi in the annual poll.", "r": {"result": "Messi, yang meraih penghormatan tertinggi Eropah, Ballon d'Or, awal bulan ini, menewaskan cabaran pemenang tahun lalu Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka dari Real Madrid dan rakan bintang Barca Andres Iniesta dan Xavi dalam tinjauan tahunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 22-year-old paid compliment to his teammates as he collected the award from FIFA president Sepp Blatter and his UEFA counterpart Michel Platini and said it was a \"great honor\".", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 22 tahun itu memberi pujian kepada rakan sepasukannya ketika dia mengumpul anugerah itu daripada presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter dan rakan sejawatannya dari UEFA Michel Platini dan berkata ia adalah \"penghormatan besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Messi added: \"A magnificent year for Barcelona has ended in the best possible way for the club and for myself\".", "r": {"result": "Messi menambah: \"Tahun yang mengagumkan untuk Barcelona telah berakhir dengan cara terbaik untuk kelab dan untuk diri saya sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The goalscoring winger struck in extra time as Barcelona beat Estudiantes of Argentina 2-1 on Saturday to win the Club World Cup final, the European champions' sixth trophy of the year.", "r": {"result": "Pemain sayap yang menjaringkan gol itu meledak pada masa tambahan ketika Barcelona menewaskan Estudiantes dari Argentina 2-1 pada hari Sabtu untuk memenangi perlawanan akhir Piala Dunia Kelab, trofi keenam juara Eropah itu tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also scored the clinching second in Barca's 2-0 win over title holders Manchester United to win the Champions League in May.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menjaringkan gol kedua dalam kemenangan 2-0 Barca ke atas pemegang gelaran Manchester United untuk memenangi Liga Juara-Juara pada Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Messi will be heading to next year's World Cup with Argentina after Diego Maradona's men scraped into the finals after struggling to qualify from South America.", "r": {"result": "Messi akan menuju ke Piala Dunia tahun depan bersama Argentina selepas anak buah Diego Maradona berjaya mara ke pusingan akhir selepas bergelut untuk layak dari Amerika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had helped his country win the Olympic football gold in Beijing in 2008 and will be hoping for a revival in their fortunes in South Africa where he will look to showcase his formidable talents.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah membantu negaranya memenangi emas bola sepak Olimpik di Beijing pada 2008 dan akan mengharapkan kebangkitan semula nasib mereka di Afrika Selatan di mana dia akan berusaha untuk mempamerkan bakat hebatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Messi joined Barcelona from Newell's Old Boys which is based in Rosario, Argentina in 2000.", "r": {"result": "Messi menyertai Barcelona dari Newell's Old Boys yang berpangkalan di Rosario, Argentina pada tahun 2000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In September he signed a two-year contract extension which will keep him at the club until 2016.", "r": {"result": "Pada September dia menandatangani lanjutan kontrak selama dua tahun yang akan mengekalkannya di kelab itu sehingga 2016.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brazil's Marta was named women's World Player of the Year, at the glittering awards night in Switzerland, which was co-hosted by CNN World Sport's Pedro Pinto.", "r": {"result": "Marta dari Brazil dinobatkan sebagai Pemain Terbaik Dunia Wanita, pada malam anugerah yang gemilang di Switzerland, yang dihoskan bersama oleh Pedro Pinto dari CNN World Sport.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Consolation for Ronaldo, who is now at Real Madrid, came as he picked up the FIFA Puskas award for the best goal of the 2008/09 season - his long-range effort for Manchester United against Porto in the Champions League in April.", "r": {"result": "Saguhati buat Ronaldo, yang kini berada di Real Madrid, datang ketika dia menerima anugerah Puskas FIFA untuk gol terbaik musim 2008/09 - usaha jarak jauhnya untuk Manchester United menentang Porto dalam Liga Juara-Juara pada April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Lionel Messi scored twice as Barcelona went back to the top of La Liga in a three-way title race with a 4-1 victory at Sevilla Sunday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lionel Messi menjaringkan dua gol ketika Barcelona kembali ke puncak La Liga dalam perlumbaan kejuaraan tiga penjuru dengan kemenangan 4-1 di Sevilla Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The win drew them level on points with Real Madrid and Atletico, but at the summit because of a superior goal difference.", "r": {"result": "Kemenangan itu membolehkan mereka menyamakan mata dengan Real Madrid dan Atletico, tetapi di puncak kerana perbezaan gol yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The margin of victory in atrocious and wet conditions would have also helped the defending champion's cause but they had to come from behind to secure the win.", "r": {"result": "Margin kemenangan dalam keadaan kejam dan basah juga akan membantu perjuangan juara bertahan tetapi mereka terpaksa bangkit dari belakang untuk memastikan kemenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alberto Moreno had put the hosts into an early 15th minute lead as his low strike deflected past Victor Valdes.", "r": {"result": "Alberto Moreno telah meletakkan tuan rumah mendahului awal minit ke-15 apabila rembatan rendahnya melepasi Victor Valdes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More might have followed as Carlos Bacca hit the post with a header but Barca were level as Messi's free kick found Alexis Sanchez, who appeared to be in an offside position before scoring.", "r": {"result": "Lebih ramai mungkin mengikuti apabila Carlos Bacca menanduk tiang dengan tandukan tetapi Barca menyamakan kedudukan apabila sepakan percuma Messi menemui Alexis Sanchez, yang kelihatan berada dalam kedudukan ofsaid sebelum menjaringkan gol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Messi, returning to his best after his injury layoff, put the Catalans ahead before the break with a superb half-volley.", "r": {"result": "Messi, kembali ke tahap terbaiknya selepas diberhentikan kerana kecederaan, meletakkan Catalan di hadapan sebelum rehat dengan sepakan separuh voli yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He hit the third early in the second half and Cesc Fabregas rounded off the scoring to make the three points safe.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjaringkan gol ketiga pada awal separuh masa kedua dan Cesc Fabregas melengkapkan jaringan untuk memastikan tiga mata selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With 15 rounds remaining of the tightest Spanish title race in years, all three teams at the top have 57 points.", "r": {"result": "Dengan baki 15 pusingan daripada perlumbaan kejuaraan Sepanyol yang paling ketat dalam beberapa tahun, ketiga-tiga pasukan di bahagian atas mempunyai 57 mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All three are also still involved in the Champions League at the last 16 knockout stage as the season on a domestic and European level moves to an exciting climax.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga-tiga mereka juga masih terlibat dalam Liga Juara-Juara pada peringkat kalah mati 16 terakhir ketika musim di peringkat domestik dan Eropah menuju ke kemuncak yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Italy's Serie A, defending champions Juventus maintained a nine-point advantage over Roma at the top despite being held to a 2-2 draw at Verona.", "r": {"result": "Dalam Serie A Itali, juara bertahan Juventus mengekalkan kelebihan sembilan mata berbanding Roma di tangga teratas walaupun terikat 2-2 di Verona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Argentina star Carlos Tevez put Juve two up inside 21 minutes, but second half goals from Luca Toni and substitute Juan Gomez in stoppage time, salvaged a point for the home side.", "r": {"result": "Bintang Argentina Carlos Tevez meletakkan Juve dua di atas dalam masa 21 minit, tetapi gol separuh masa kedua daripada Luca Toni dan pemain gantian Juan Gomez pada masa kecederaan, menyelamatkan satu mata untuk pasukan tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roma were held to a goalless draw by Lazio and failed to make up ground.", "r": {"result": "Roma ditahan seri tanpa jaringan oleh Lazio dan gagal bangkit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile in France's Ligue 1, champions Paris Saint German played out a 1-1 draw with nearest title rivals Monaco.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu dalam Ligue 1 Perancis, juara Paris Saint Germain bermain seri 1-1 dengan saingan kejuaraan terdekat Monaco.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An own goal from PSG captain Thiago Silva cost them three points after Javier Pastore put them ahead after eight minutes.", "r": {"result": "Gol sendiri daripada kapten PSG Thiago Silva menyebabkan mereka kehilangan tiga mata selepas Javier Pastore meletakkan mereka di depan selepas lapan minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they still lead big-spending Monaco by five points with 14 rounds remaining.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka masih mendahului Monaco yang berbelanja besar dengan lima mata dengan baki 14 pusingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Officials in some Gulf Coast states spent the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina on Friday gearing up for what could be the biggest threat to the region since Katrina hit in 2005.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Para pegawai di beberapa negeri di Pantai Teluk menghabiskan ulang tahun ketiga Taufan Katrina pada hari Jumaat bersiap sedia menghadapi apa yang boleh menjadi ancaman terbesar kepada rantau itu sejak Katrina melanda pada 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin attends a ceremony Friday honoring Hurricane Katrina victims.", "r": {"result": "Datuk Bandar New Orleans Ray Nagin menghadiri majlis penghormatan kepada mangsa Taufan Katrina pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hurricane Gustav is poised to pass near or over the Cayman Islands on Friday night and over western portions of Cuba on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Taufan Gustav bersedia untuk melintas berhampiran atau merentasi Kepulauan Cayman pada malam Jumaat dan merentasi bahagian barat Cuba pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It may approach the U.S. Gulf Coast by Tuesday morning as a Category 2 or 3 hurricane, the National Hurricane Center said Friday.", "r": {"result": "Ia mungkin menghampiri Pantai Teluk A.S. pada pagi Selasa sebagai taufan Kategori 2 atau 3, kata Pusat Taufan Kebangsaan pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, on that third anniversary, we've got to be thinking about the future,\" Mississippi Gov.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini, pada ulang tahun ketiga itu, kita perlu memikirkan masa depan,\" kata Mississippi Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Haley Barbour said.", "r": {"result": "Haley Barbour berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As we pray for the best, we're going to prepare for the worst,\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sambil kita berdoa untuk yang terbaik, kita akan bersedia untuk yang terburuk,\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barbour announced Friday that Hurricane Katrina victims living in government-issued trailers or mobile homes along his state's coast will begin evacuating this weekend to prepare for the Gustav's possible arrival.", "r": {"result": "Barbour mengumumkan pada Jumaat bahawa mangsa Taufan Katrina yang tinggal di treler atau rumah mudah alih keluaran kerajaan di sepanjang pantai negerinya akan mula berpindah pada hujung minggu ini untuk bersiap sedia menghadapi kemungkinan ketibaan Gustav.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The process will begin Saturday, with notices going out to people living in Federal Emergency Management Agency trailers or mobile homes, as well as people living in more permanent structures known as \"Mississippi cottages,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Proses itu akan bermula Sabtu, dengan notis dihantar kepada orang yang tinggal di treler Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Persekutuan atau rumah mudah alih, serta orang yang tinggal di struktur yang lebih kekal dikenali sebagai \"kotej Mississippi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the Gulf Coast states prepare for Gustav >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan negeri-negeri Pantai Teluk bersiap sedia untuk Gustav >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The evacuation will begin in Harrison and Hancock counties on Sunday morning, Barbour said.", "r": {"result": "Pemindahan akan bermula di daerah Harrison dan Hancock pada pagi Ahad, kata Barbour.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evacuation in Jackson County will begin Monday.", "r": {"result": "Pemindahan di Jackson County akan bermula Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 4,300 families live in FEMA trailers or mobile homes, and 2,800 live in Mississippi cottages, the governor's office said.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 4,300 keluarga tinggal di treler FEMA atau rumah mudah alih, dan 2,800 tinggal di kotej Mississippi, kata pejabat gabenor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he would urge people living in privately owned mobile homes to evacuate as well.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata beliau akan menggesa orang ramai yang tinggal di rumah mudah alih milik persendirian untuk berpindah juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Bush declared an emergency in Louisiana on Friday, freeing up federal aid and allowing FEMA to coordinate relief efforts.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Bush mengisytiharkan darurat di Louisiana pada hari Jumaat, membebaskan bantuan persekutuan dan membenarkan FEMA menyelaraskan usaha bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Louisiana Gov.", "r": {"result": "Louisiana Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bobby Jindal has declared a state of emergency and urged residents to update their evacuation plans.", "r": {"result": "Bobby Jindal telah mengisytiharkan darurat dan menggesa penduduk mengemas kini rancangan pemindahan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said residents in certain southern parishes could be asked to leave Friday or Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata penduduk di paroki selatan tertentu boleh diminta keluar Jumaat atau Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Plaquemines Parish, where Hurricane Katrina roared ashore as a Category 3 storm days after its initial landfall in Florida, Parish President Billy Nungesser called for a mandatory evacuation beginning at noon Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Di Paroki Plaquemines, di mana Taufan Katrina melanda darat sebagai Kategori 3 hari ribut selepas pendaratan awalnya di Florida, Presiden Paroki Billy Nungesser menggesa pemindahan mandatori bermula pada tengah hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Residents of the community of Grand Isle in Jefferson Parish were urged to begin voluntary evacuations Friday afternoon, and voluntary evacuations for Jean Lafitte, Crown Point, Barataria and areas outside the levee protection system are recommended beginning at noon Saturday, the parish said in a news release.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk komuniti Grand Isle di Jefferson Parish digesa memulakan pemindahan sukarela petang Jumaat, dan pemindahan sukarela untuk Jean Lafitte, Crown Point, Barataria dan kawasan di luar sistem perlindungan tambak disyorkan bermula tengah hari Sabtu, kata paroki itu dalam satu berita lepaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "St. Bernard Parish, which was beginning transport Friday for those who would need assistance, said it expected to call a mandatory evacuation Saturday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Paroki St. Bernard, yang memulakan pengangkutan pada hari Jumaat bagi mereka yang memerlukan bantuan, berkata ia menjangkakan untuk memanggil pemindahan mandatori petang Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In New Orleans, which has yet to fully recover from Hurricane Katrina, Mayor Ray Nagin on Thursday urged residents living in FEMA units to make evacuation plans in case city officials order them to leave.", "r": {"result": "Di New Orleans, yang masih belum pulih sepenuhnya daripada Taufan Katrina, Datuk Bandar Ray Nagin pada Khamis menggesa penduduk yang tinggal di unit FEMA untuk membuat rancangan pemindahan sekiranya pegawai bandar mengarahkan mereka keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Sean Callebs report on if New Orleans is prepared >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton laporan Sean Callebs tentang jika New Orleans disediakan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Travel trailers are unsafe during heavy winds,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTreler perjalanan tidak selamat semasa angin kencang,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As we continue to monitor and prepare for the possibility of Hurricane Gustav, I want all of our citizens to make certain they have a plan for leaving the trailers when advised to do so\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ketika kami terus memantau dan bersiap sedia menghadapi kemungkinan Taufan Gustav, saya mahu semua rakyat kita memastikan mereka mempunyai rancangan untuk meninggalkan treler apabila dinasihatkan berbuat demikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As of early this week, there were 2,829 FEMA trailers in Orleans Parish, the mayor's office said.", "r": {"result": "Setakat awal minggu ini, terdapat 2,829 treler FEMA di Orleans Parish, kata pejabat datuk bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city has designated 17 sites for people without transportation to board buses that would take them out of the city in the event of a mandatory evacuation.", "r": {"result": "Bandar ini telah menetapkan 17 tapak untuk orang yang tidak mempunyai pengangkutan untuk menaiki bas yang akan membawa mereka keluar dari bandar sekiranya berlaku pemindahan mandatori.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city also arranged with Amtrak for more than 7,000 seats to evacuate the elderly by train, said Jerry Sneed of City Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.", "r": {"result": "Bandar itu juga mengatur dengan Amtrak untuk lebih 7,000 tempat duduk untuk memindahkan warga tua dengan kereta api, kata Jerry Sneed dari Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Kesediaan Kecemasan City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Signs of mobilization were apparent at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, where nearly every departure gate had long lines of elderly people in wheelchairs.", "r": {"result": "Tanda-tanda mobilisasi kelihatan jelas di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Louis Armstrong New Orleans, di mana hampir setiap pintu berlepas mempunyai barisan panjang warga emas berkerusi roda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rental car counters normally attended by tourists were filled with relief workers from the Red Cross and the Fire Department of New York's Disaster Assistance Response Team.", "r": {"result": "Kaunter kereta sewa yang biasanya dihadiri oleh pelancong dipenuhi dengan pekerja bantuan dari Palang Merah dan Pasukan Tindak Balas Bantuan Bencana Jabatan Bomba New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The DART team consisted of retired New York firefighters, jovial men with graying hair and larger waistlines.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan DART terdiri daripada anggota bomba New York yang telah bersara, lelaki periang dengan rambut beruban dan garis pinggang yang lebih besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many are volunteers assisting the Red Cross who were in New York during the September 11 attacks and wanted to give back.", "r": {"result": "Ramai adalah sukarelawan yang membantu Palang Merah yang berada di New York semasa serangan 11 September dan ingin membalas budi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 40-member DART team of heavy-equipment operators, truck drivers and registered nurses was headed to Alexandria, Louisiana, to set up an evacuation shelter.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan DART yang terdiri daripada 40 anggota pengendali peralatan berat, pemandu trak dan jururawat berdaftar telah menuju ke Alexandria, Louisiana, untuk menubuhkan tempat perlindungan pemindahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the storm, the team will feed, shelter and re-supply people in the areas affected by Gustav.", "r": {"result": "Selepas ribut, pasukan akan memberi makan, melindungi dan membekalkan semula orang di kawasan yang terjejas oleh Gustav.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whatever small way you're able to help, it's a great feeling,\" said Kevin Wallace, a 23-year FDNY veteran who's helped after six disasters.", "r": {"result": "\"Walau apa pun cara kecil yang anda boleh bantu, ia adalah perasaan yang hebat,\" kata Kevin Wallace, veteran FDNY 23 tahun yang membantu selepas enam bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whatever they need us to do, we do\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apa sahaja yang mereka perlukan kami lakukan, kami lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All 2,500 inmates in Orleans Parish would be bused out from state and local facilities, Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff Marlin Gusman told the New Orleans Times-Picayune.", "r": {"result": "Kesemua 2,500 banduan di Orleans Parish akan dikeluarkan dari kemudahan negeri dan tempatan, Sheriff Jenayah Paroki Orleans Marlin Gusman memberitahu New Orleans Times-Picayune.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Orleans Police Chief Warren Riley said this week that hundreds of officers will be posted in the uptown, downtown, Central City and West Bank areas to ensure an adequate law enforcement presence in the event of an emergency.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Polis New Orleans Warren Riley berkata minggu ini bahawa beratus-ratus pegawai akan ditempatkan di kawasan uptown, pusat bandar, Central City dan Tebing Barat untuk memastikan kehadiran penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang mencukupi sekiranya berlaku kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During Katrina, many New Orleans officers were accused of leaving their posts as widespread crime and looting permeated the city.", "r": {"result": "Semasa Katrina, ramai pegawai New Orleans dituduh meninggalkan jawatan mereka kerana jenayah berleluasa dan rompakan meresap di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sixty-seven officers were fired for it, Riley said.", "r": {"result": "Enam puluh tujuh pegawai dipecat kerana itu, kata Riley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to the police department's actions, at least 1,500 Louisiana National Guard members arrived in New Orleans on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tambahan kepada tindakan jabatan polis, sekurang-kurangnya 1,500 anggota Pengawal Kebangsaan Louisiana tiba di New Orleans pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said his concerns for New Orleans are twofold.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Michael Chertoff berkata kebimbangannya terhadap New Orleans adalah dua kali ganda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First, he was worried about areas of potential weakness in the levee system, which he said the Army Corps of Engineers monitor closely, and second, rainfall.", "r": {"result": "Pertama, dia bimbang tentang kawasan yang berpotensi kelemahan dalam sistem tambak, yang katanya Kor Jurutera Tentera memantau dengan teliti, dan kedua, hujan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can build levees that are 100 feet high; it's not going to keep the rain out of the city.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh membina tebing setinggi 100 kaki; ia tidak akan menghalang hujan daripada bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A very, very intense period of rain could flood the city, because the pace of the rainfall could exceed the ability to pump out of the city,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Tempoh hujan yang sangat-sangat lebat boleh membanjiri bandar, kerana kadar hujan boleh melebihi keupayaan untuk mengepam keluar dari bandar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only thing to do was prepare, he said.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya perkara yang perlu dilakukan ialah membuat persediaan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We evacuate; we protect the integrity of the levees; we continue to strengthen the levees; that's part of a total system of really driving down the risk to the people of New Orleans,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berpindah; kami melindungi integriti benteng; kami terus mengukuhkan benteng; itu sebahagian daripada sistem keseluruhan untuk benar-benar mengurangkan risiko kepada penduduk New Orleans,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Louisiana National Guard has requested 20 helicopters from eight states to replace its helicopter air assault battalion, which is now serving in Iraq with its 20 UH-60 Black Hawks.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal Kebangsaan Louisiana telah meminta 20 helikopter dari lapan negeri untuk menggantikan batalion serangan udara helikopternya, yang kini berkhidmat di Iraq dengan 20 UH-60 Black Hawks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Guard is asking for UH-60 helicopters for search and rescue, as well as CH-47s, Chinooks, which could drop large sandbags if the levees are breached.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal meminta helikopter UH-60 untuk mencari dan menyelamat, serta CH-47, Chinooks, yang boleh menjatuhkan beg pasir besar jika benteng dilanggar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 40-person aviation headquarters unit also is being requested and probably will be provided by the Arkansas National Guard to handle air traffic control and communications for any air operations that might be needed.", "r": {"result": "Unit ibu pejabat penerbangan 40 orang juga sedang diminta dan mungkin akan disediakan oleh Pengawal Kebangsaan Arkansas untuk mengendalikan kawalan trafik udara dan komunikasi untuk sebarang operasi udara yang mungkin diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Texas, Gov.", "r": {"result": "Di Texas, Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Perry pre-emptively declared an emergency in 61 Texas counties.", "r": {"result": "Rick Perry mengisytiharkan darurat terlebih dahulu di 61 daerah Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said also the state had agreed to take into its shelters several thousand Louisiana residents, should they evacuate.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata juga negeri itu telah bersetuju untuk menempatkan beberapa ribu penduduk Louisiana ke tempat perlindungannya, sekiranya mereka berpindah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's John Couwels, Chris Lawrence, Barbara Starr, Eric Marropodi and Kim Segal contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "John Couwels dari CNN, Chris Lawrence, Barbara Starr, Eric Marropodi dan Kim Segal menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The family of Jules Bianchi, the Formula One racing driver who was critically injured at Sunday's Japanese Grand Prix, have revealed that he is suffering from a \"diffuse axonal injury\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Keluarga Jules Bianchi, pemandu perlumbaan Formula Satu yang cedera parah pada Grand Prix Jepun Ahad, mendedahkan bahawa dia mengalami \"kecederaan aksonal meresap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is a potentially devastating type of brain injury which causes widespread tearing of nerve fibers across the whole of the brain, according to the UK brain injury charity, Headway.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah jenis kecederaan otak yang berpotensi memusnahkan yang menyebabkan serabut saraf terkoyak secara meluas di seluruh otak, menurut badan amal kecederaan otak UK, Headway.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 25-year-old Marussia driver remains in a critical but stable state, his family said in a statement released via the F1 team's official Facebook page.", "r": {"result": "Pemandu Marussia berusia 25 tahun itu kekal dalam keadaan kritikal tetapi stabil, kata keluarganya dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan menerusi laman Facebook rasmi pasukan F1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Jules remains in the Intensive Care Unit of the Mie General Medical Center in Yokkaichi.", "r": {"result": "\"Jules kekal di Unit Rawatan Rapi Pusat Perubatan Am Mie di Yokkaichi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has suffered a diffuse axonal injury and is in a critical but stable condition,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah mengalami kecederaan axonal yang meresap dan berada dalam keadaan kritikal tetapi stabil,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The medical professionals at the hospital are providing the very best treatment and care and we are grateful for everything they have done for Jules since his accident\".", "r": {"result": "\"Para profesional perubatan di hospital menyediakan rawatan dan penjagaan yang terbaik dan kami berterima kasih atas segala yang telah mereka lakukan untuk Jules sejak kemalangannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Frenchman sustained his injuries after coming off the track and colliding with a recovery vehicle that was removing Adrian Sutil's Sauber car -- the German driver had skidded off the track at turn seven moments earlier in a rain-affected race.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki Perancis itu mengalami kecederaan selepas keluar dari trek dan bertembung dengan kenderaan pemulihan yang sedang mengalihkan kereta Sauber milik Adrian Sutil -- pemandu Jerman itu telah terbabas dari trek pada selekoh tujuh saat sebelum itu dalam perlumbaan yang dilanda hujan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a very difficult time for our family, but the messages of support and affection for Jules from all over the world have been a source of great comfort to us.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah masa yang sangat sukar untuk keluarga kami, tetapi mesej sokongan dan kasih sayang untuk Jules dari seluruh dunia telah menjadi sumber keselesaan yang besar kepada kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We would like to express our sincere appreciation,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Kami ingin merakamkan penghargaan ikhlas kami,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are also grateful for the presence of Professor Gerard Saillant, President of the FIA Medical Commission, and Professor Alessandro Frati, Neurosurgeon of the University of Rome La Sapienza, who has travelled to Japan at the request of Scuderia Ferrari.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami juga berterima kasih atas kehadiran Profesor Gerard Saillant, Presiden Suruhanjaya Perubatan FIA, dan Profesor Alessandro Frati, Pakar Bedah Saraf Universiti Rome La Sapienza, yang telah pergi ke Jepun atas permintaan Scuderia Ferrari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They arrived at the hospital today and met with the medical personnel responsible for Jules' treatment, in order to be fully informed of his clinical status so that they are able to advise the family.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka tiba di hospital hari ini dan berjumpa dengan anggota perubatan yang bertanggungjawab atas rawatan Jules, bagi dimaklumkan sepenuhnya mengenai status klinikalnya supaya mereka dapat memberi nasihat kepada keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The hospital will continue to monitor and treat Jules and further medical updates will be provided when appropriate\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hospital akan terus memantau dan merawat Jules dan kemas kini perubatan lanjut akan diberikan apabila sesuai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Marussia request patience on Bianchi condition.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Marussia meminta kesabaran dalam keadaan Bianchi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Bianchi suffers 'severe head injury'.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Bianchi mengalami 'cedera kepala teruk'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia threw out one count of genocide against former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic on Thursday, the court said.", "r": {"result": "Tribunal Jenayah Antarabangsa bagi bekas Yugoslavia menolak satu pertuduhan pembunuhan beramai-ramai terhadap bekas pemimpin Serb Bosnia, Radovan Karadzic pada Khamis, kata mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He still faces another count of genocide over the massacre of nearly 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica, and nine other charges related to ethnic violence during the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.", "r": {"result": "Dia masih menghadapi satu lagi tuduhan pembunuhan beramai-ramai berhubung pembunuhan beramai-ramai hampir 8,000 lelaki dan kanak-kanak lelaki Islam di Srebrenica, dan sembilan pertuduhan lain berkaitan keganasan etnik semasa perpecahan Yugoslavia pada 1990-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had filed a motion seeking acquittal on all 11 counts, but was successful on only one.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah memfailkan usul memohon pembebasan atas semua 11 pertuduhan, tetapi hanya berjaya dalam satu pertuduhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Judges heard evidence that forces loyal to Karadzic systematically discriminated against Bosnian Muslims and Croats, but ruled the level of abuse did not amount to genocide.", "r": {"result": "Hakim mendengar bukti bahawa pasukan yang setia kepada Karadzic secara sistematik mendiskriminasi orang Islam Bosnia dan Croat, tetapi memutuskan tahap penderaan tidak sama dengan pembunuhan beramai-ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Srebrenica became an emblem for the dissolution of Yugoslavia -- once a multiethnic state of Serbs, Croats, Muslims and others -- into six countries during a bloody and brutal conflict in the early 1990s.", "r": {"result": "Srebrenica menjadi lambang pembubaran Yugoslavia -- yang pernah menjadi negara berbilang kaum Serb, Croat, Muslim dan lain-lain -- kepada enam negara semasa konflik berdarah dan kejam pada awal 1990-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 1992-95 Bosnian conflict was the longest of the wars spawned by the breakup of Yugoslavia.", "r": {"result": "Konflik Bosnia 1992-95 adalah perang terpanjang yang dicetuskan oleh perpecahan Yugoslavia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Backed by the government of then-Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, Bosnian Serb forces seized control of more than half the country and launched a campaign against the Muslim and Croat populations.", "r": {"result": "Disokong oleh kerajaan Presiden Yugoslavia ketika itu Slobodan Milosevic, tentera Serb Bosnia menguasai lebih separuh negara dan melancarkan kempen menentang penduduk Islam dan Croat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Karadzic was removed from power in 1995, when the Dayton Accord that ended the Bosnian war barred anyone accused of war crimes from holding office.", "r": {"result": "Karadzic telah disingkirkan daripada kuasa pada 1995, apabila Perjanjian Dayton yang menamatkan perang Bosnia melarang sesiapa yang dituduh melakukan jenayah perang daripada memegang jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was captured in 2008 after more than 13 years of hiding in plain sight in Belgrade.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditangkap pada 2008 selepas lebih 13 tahun bersembunyi di hadapan mata di Belgrade.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had adopted an elaborate disguise that included long hair and a full beard, and was practicing alternative medicine in the Serbian capital.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah menggunakan penyamaran yang rumit termasuk rambut panjang dan janggut penuh, dan sedang mengamalkan perubatan alternatif di ibu negara Serbia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trial began more than a year after Karadzic was captured.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan bermula lebih setahun selepas Karadzic ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His former military commander, Ratko Mladic, was captured last year and is also on trial for charges including genocide.", "r": {"result": "Bekas komander tenteranya, Ratko Mladic, ditangkap tahun lalu dan turut dibicarakan atas tuduhan termasuk pembunuhan beramai-ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both men would face life in prison if convicted.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua lelaki akan berdepan hukuman penjara seumur hidup jika sabit kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court cannot impose the death penalty.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah tidak boleh menjatuhkan hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Milosevic died in 2006 while on trial at The Hague.", "r": {"result": "Milosevic meninggal dunia pada 2006 semasa dalam perbicaraan di The Hague.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The father of a 6-year-old girl, one of four relatives who police say were killed by another family member on Thanksgiving Day, said it was \"unbelievable\" how a tip from a television viewer brought about the arrest of the suspect.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bapa kepada seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berusia 6 tahun, salah seorang daripada empat saudara yang menurut polis telah dibunuh oleh ahli keluarga lain pada Hari Kesyukuran, berkata adalah \"tidak boleh dipercayai\" bagaimana maklumat daripada penonton televisyen menyebabkan penahanan itu. daripada suspek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Before the show even came on, Paul was being surrounded by the people behind me,\" Jim Sitton said Tuesday in Jupiter, Florida, standing in front of police officers.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelum pertunjukan itu berlangsung, Paul telah dikelilingi oleh orang di belakang saya,\" kata Jim Sitton pada hari Selasa di Jupiter, Florida, berdiri di hadapan pegawai polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul M. Merhige is accused of fatally shooting his twin sisters, Sitton's 6-year-old daughter Makayla -- Merhige's cousin -- and a 79-year-old aunt at a family home in Jupiter, Florida, on November 26.", "r": {"result": "Paul M. Merhige dituduh menembak maut adik kembarnya, anak perempuan Sitton, Makayla, 6 tahun -- sepupu Merhige -- dan seorang ibu saudara berusia 79 tahun di sebuah rumah keluarga di Jupiter, Florida, pada 26 November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of his sisters was pregnant.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang adik perempuannya mengandung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said Merhige also wounded two other family members during the shooting rampage.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata Merhige turut mencederakan dua lagi ahli keluarga semasa kejadian tembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A viewer of the television show \"America's Most Wanted\" recognized descriptions of Merhige and his car and called police.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penonton rancangan televisyen \"America's Most Wanted\" mengiktiraf perihalan Merhige dan keretanya dan menghubungi polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers responded to the tip late Saturday, surrounding a small motel in the Florida Keys and taking Merhige into custody.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai menjawab petua itu lewat Sabtu, mengelilingi sebuah motel kecil di Florida Keys dan membawa Merhige ke dalam tahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sitton said the tip came in from a promotional announcement before the show aired, not the show itself.", "r": {"result": "Sitton berkata petua itu datang daripada pengumuman promosi sebelum rancangan itu disiarkan, bukan rancangan itu sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple at the hotel who called police went outside and lifted a tarp to look at Merhige's license plate and verify it was the vehicle sought, he said.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan di hotel itu yang menghubungi polis keluar dan mengangkat kain terpal untuk melihat plat Merhige dan mengesahkan ia adalah kenderaan yang dicari, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So many people don't make the call, and they made the call,\" Sitton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai orang tidak membuat panggilan, dan mereka membuat panggilan,\" kata Sitton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The monster's in a cage and now we can get out of protective mode and begin the process of healing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Raksasa itu berada dalam sangkar dan kini kita boleh keluar dari mod perlindungan dan memulakan proses penyembuhan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he's not \"jumping for joy\" at the arrest, \"because our daughter's room is still empty.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia tidak \"melompat kegembiraan\" pada penangkapan itu, \"kerana bilik anak perempuan kami masih kosong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's dresses and shoes in there that will never be worn again\".", "r": {"result": "Terdapat pakaian dan kasut di sana yang tidak akan dipakai lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the arrest won't bring his daughter back, he said, \"this is the first step toward justice.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penahanan itu tidak akan membawa anak perempuannya kembali, dia berkata, \"ini adalah langkah pertama ke arah keadilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... If there's anyone that deserves the death penalty, it would be someone who would go and execute my 6-year-old daughter while she is sleeping in her bed\".", "r": {"result": "... Jika ada sesiapa yang layak dihukum mati, ia adalah seseorang yang akan pergi dan membunuh anak perempuan saya yang berusia 6 tahun semasa dia tidur di atas katilnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Merhige made a first appearance in court on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Merhige membuat penampilan pertama di mahkamah pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is charged with four counts of premeditated murder and attempted first-degree murder.", "r": {"result": "Dia didakwa atas empat pertuduhan pembunuhan terancang dan percubaan pembunuhan tahap pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His next court appearance is February 1. He is being held without bond at the Palm Beach County jail.", "r": {"result": "Kemunculan mahkamah seterusnya ialah 1 Februari. Dia ditahan tanpa ikatan di penjara Palm Beach County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"America's Most Wanted\" host John Walsh told reporters he got involved in the case after his wife called him and told him she had been seeing news reports on it, and pushed him to air information on the suspect, who had been at large since Thanksgiving.", "r": {"result": "Hos \"America's Most Wanted\" John Walsh memberitahu pemberita dia terlibat dalam kes itu selepas isterinya menghubunginya dan memberitahu dia telah melihat laporan berita mengenainya, dan menolaknya untuk menyiarkan maklumat mengenai suspek, yang telah melarikan diri sejak Thanksgiving. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I really believed that the public would make the difference,\" said Walsh, who met with the Sittons on Tuesday, according to the AMW Web site.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benar-benar percaya bahawa orang ramai akan membuat perubahan,\" kata Walsh, yang bertemu dengan Sittons pada hari Selasa, menurut laman web AMW.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said Sitton's home had been under police protection and Sitton had patrolled his home nights with a shotgun since the incident.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata rumah Sitton telah berada di bawah perlindungan polis dan Sitton telah meronda malam-malam di rumahnya dengan senapang patah sejak kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walsh also said Merhige deserves the death penalty.", "r": {"result": "Walsh juga berkata Merhige layak menerima hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He killed four people, including a pregnant woman.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia membunuh empat orang termasuk seorang wanita hamil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He needs to pay\".", "r": {"result": "Dia perlu bayar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He cautioned the media to be gentle with the Sittons, saying, \"these are decent, wonderful, good people that are getting ready to go through hell\".", "r": {"result": "Dia mengingatkan media untuk bersikap lembut terhadap keluarga Sitton, dengan berkata, \"ini adalah orang yang baik, hebat, baik yang sedang bersiap sedia untuk melalui neraka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walsh has been involved in assisting crime victims since his 6-year-old son, Adam, was abducted and killed in 1981.", "r": {"result": "Walsh telah terlibat dalam membantu mangsa jenayah sejak anak lelakinya yang berusia 6 tahun, Adam, diculik dan dibunuh pada 1981.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to its Web site, \"America's Most Wanted\" has helped find more than 1,050 fugitives and bring home more than 50 missing children in its 22 years on the air.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laman webnya, \"America's Most Wanted\" telah membantu mencari lebih 1,050 pelarian dan membawa pulang lebih 50 kanak-kanak yang hilang dalam tempoh 22 tahun ke udara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- North Korea's chief nuclear negotiator will meet senior Russian officials next week to discuss ending the embattled nation's nuclear program, Russia's foreign ministry said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ketua perunding nuklear Korea Utara akan bertemu pegawai kanan Rusia minggu depan untuk membincangkan menamatkan program nuklear negara yang diserang itu, kata kementerian luar Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The talks involving Kim Kye Gwan, North Korea's first deputy foreign minister, and Russian deputy foreign ministers Vladimir Titov and Igor Morgulov will take place Thursday, the ministry said in a statement, according to Russia's RIA Novosti news agency.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan yang melibatkan Kim Kye Gwan, timbalan menteri luar negeri pertama Korea Utara, dan timbalan menteri luar Rusia Vladimir Titov dan Igor Morgulov akan berlangsung Khamis, kata kementerian itu dalam satu kenyataan, menurut agensi berita Rusia RIA Novosti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The meeting is \"part of efforts to resume the six-party talks\" related to North Korea's controversial nuclear program, according to Russia's foreign ministry.", "r": {"result": "Pertemuan itu adalah \"sebahagian daripada usaha untuk menyambung semula rundingan enam pihak\" berkaitan program nuklear kontroversi Korea Utara, menurut kementerian luar Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those talks involving officials from North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, the United States and Russia have been at a virtual standstill since last decade.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan yang melibatkan pegawai dari Korea Utara, Korea Selatan, China, Jepun, Amerika Syarikat dan Rusia telah terhenti secara maya sejak dekad lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tensions in and around the Korean Peninsula escalated even further in the past year, particularly after Pyongyang launched a long-range rocket, then conducted an underground nuclear test two months later.", "r": {"result": "Ketegangan di dalam dan sekitar Semenanjung Korea semakin memuncak pada tahun lalu, terutamanya selepas Pyongyang melancarkan roket jarak jauh, kemudian menjalankan ujian nuklear bawah tanah dua bulan kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea, China want to resume nuclear talks.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara, China mahu menyambung semula rundingan nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The international community widely criticized the moves, threatening yet more sanctions and punitive measures.", "r": {"result": "Masyarakat antarabangsa secara meluas mengkritik langkah itu, mengancam lebih banyak sekatan dan tindakan menghukum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yet North Korea remained defiant -- even threatening to attack South Korea and the United States.", "r": {"result": "Namun Korea Utara tetap menentang -- malah mengancam untuk menyerang Korea Selatan dan Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But things have taken a turn in recent weeks.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keadaan telah berubah dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this month, North Korea proposed high-level talks with the United States to \"ease tensions in the Korean Peninsula,\" its state news agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Awal bulan ini, Korea Utara mencadangkan rundingan peringkat tinggi dengan Amerika Syarikat untuk \"meredakan ketegangan di Semenanjung Korea,\" lapor agensi berita negaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More recently, while Kim was in Beijing for bilateral talks, the North Korea official and China's Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesu both issued statements calling for the resumption of talks to \"peacefully solve nuclear issues through dialogue\" with all relevant parties.", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini, semasa Kim berada di Beijing untuk rundingan dua hala, pegawai Korea Utara dan Naib Menteri Luar China Zhang Yesu kedua-duanya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menggesa rundingan disambung semula untuk \"menyelesaikan isu nuklear secara aman melalui dialog\" dengan semua pihak yang berkaitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama calls for reducing U.S., Russian nukes.", "r": {"result": "Obama menyeru untuk mengurangkan nuklear A.S., Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Analysts say the slaying of one of Latin America's best-known folk singers over the weekend shines a spotlight on problems with deep roots in Guatemala: violence, impunity and the pervasive presence of organized crime.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Penganalisis berkata pembunuhan salah seorang penyanyi rakyat Amerika Latin yang terkenal pada hujung minggu menyoroti masalah yang berakar umbi di Guatemala: keganasan, impunitas dan kehadiran jenayah terancang yang berleluasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It shows how far these groups have infiltrated.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa menunjukkan sejauh mana kumpulan ini telah menyusup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... It's a very large blow first of all to the country's image, and secondly to its government,\" said Miguel Castillo, a professor of political science at the University of Francisco Marroquin in Guatemala City.", "r": {"result": "... Ia satu tamparan yang sangat besar pertama sekali kepada imej negara, dan kedua kepada kerajaannya,\" kata Miguel Castillo, seorang profesor sains politik di Universiti Francisco Marroquin di Guatemala City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gunmen ambushed Argentinian folk singer Facundo Cabral when he was on his way to the airport in the nation's capital Saturday, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki bersenjata menyerang hendap penyanyi rakyat Argentina, Facundo Cabral ketika dia dalam perjalanan ke lapangan terbang di ibu negara itu Sabtu, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As investigators continued searching for suspects Monday, the high-profile shooting drew increasing attention throughout Latin America, where Cabral gained fame as a protest singer who pushed for peace.", "r": {"result": "Ketika penyiasat terus mencari suspek pada hari Isnin, tembakan berprofil tinggi itu menarik perhatian yang semakin meningkat di seluruh Amerika Latin, di mana Cabral mendapat kemasyhuran sebagai penyanyi protes yang mendesak keamanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Guatemalan people are quite shocked and outraged, and we have to face the situation like others we have faced in a country that is fighting to get out of this state of violence that has hit us so hard,\" Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom said in an interview Monday with Mexico's MVS Radio.", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat Guatemala agak terkejut dan marah, dan kami perlu menghadapi situasi seperti orang lain yang kami hadapi di negara yang berjuang untuk keluar daripada keadaan keganasan yang telah melanda kami dengan teruk,\" kata Presiden Guatemala Alvaro Colom dalam temu bual Isnin dengan Radio MVS Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Corruption and violence are high in Guatemala, according to the United Nations, which created a committee in 2006 to investigate those issues there.", "r": {"result": "Rasuah dan keganasan adalah tinggi di Guatemala, menurut Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, yang mewujudkan jawatankuasa pada 2006 untuk menyiasat isu tersebut di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 200,000 people have been killed in Guatemala since 1970, mostly as a result of organized crime, drug-trade violence and a 36-year civil war that ended in 1996.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 200,000 orang telah terbunuh di Guatemala sejak 1970, kebanyakannya akibat jenayah terancang, keganasan perdagangan dadah dan perang saudara selama 36 tahun yang berakhir pada 1996.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Violence in Guatemala drew international attention in May after investigators found the bodies of 27 dismembered and decapitated workers on a farm in a northern border province -- brutal evidence of what officials and analysts said is a dramatic spike in violence across the region as Mexican drug cartels expand their reach.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan di Guatemala menarik perhatian antarabangsa pada Mei selepas penyiasat menemui mayat 27 pekerja yang dikerat dan dipenggal di sebuah ladang di wilayah sempadan utara -- bukti kejam tentang apa yang dikatakan oleh pegawai dan penganalisis sebagai lonjakan dramatik dalam keganasan di seluruh wilayah sebagai kartel dadah Mexico meluaskan jangkauan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Colom Monday attributed Cabral's killing to \"organized crime,\" telling MVS Radio that evidence indicated the Nicaraguan businessman driving him to the airport was the attackers' intended target.", "r": {"result": "Colom Monday mengaitkan pembunuhan Cabral sebagai \"jenayah terancang,\" memberitahu MVS Radio bahawa bukti menunjukkan ahli perniagaan Nicaragua yang memandunya ke lapangan terbang adalah sasaran yang dimaksudkan oleh penyerang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But analyst Samuel Logan cautioned that in the run-up to Guatemala's September elections, government officials may have different motives in describing the situation.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penganalisis Samuel Logan mengingatkan bahawa menjelang pilihan raya September Guatemala, pegawai kerajaan mungkin mempunyai motif berbeza dalam menggambarkan situasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To say that this famous Argentine musician wasn't a target lends credence to the idea that Guatemala's a safe place to travel for musicians or just in general,\" said Logan, the managing director of Southern Pulse, an online information network focused on Latin America.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk mengatakan bahawa pemuzik Argentina yang terkenal ini bukan sasaran memberi kepercayaan kepada idea bahawa Guatemala adalah tempat yang selamat untuk melancong untuk pemuzik atau secara umum,\" kata Logan, pengarah urusan Southern Pulse, rangkaian maklumat dalam talian yang memberi tumpuan kepada bahasa Latin. Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's possible that hit-men targeted Cabral, Logan said.", "r": {"result": "Ada kemungkinan penyerang menyasarkan Cabral, kata Logan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Groups like Los Zetas have killed people simply for the songs that they sung publicly.", "r": {"result": "\"Kumpulan seperti Los Zetas telah membunuh orang hanya untuk lagu yang mereka nyanyikan secara terbuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My question was, what did he sing?", "r": {"result": "Soalan saya, apa yang dia nyanyi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What was his playlist?", "r": {"result": "Apakah senarai mainnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... It could have been just that simple,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "... Ia mungkin semudah itu,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent weeks, Guatemalan officials have touted arrests of members of Los Zetas as a sign that they're cracking down on crime.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini, pegawai Guatemala telah menggembar-gemburkan penahanan anggota Los Zetas sebagai tanda bahawa mereka sedang membanteras jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cabral's killing is one of many indications that the government's efforts have seen limited results, Castillo said.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan Cabral adalah salah satu daripada banyak petunjuk bahawa usaha kerajaan telah melihat hasil yang terhad, kata Castillo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The (criminal) organizations' structures have not been damaged.", "r": {"result": "\u201cStruktur pertubuhan (jenayah) tidak rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yes, there are a few accomplishments, but the long-term impact isn't so large,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ya, ada sedikit pencapaian, tetapi impak jangka panjangnya tidak begitu besar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Henry Brands, an assistant professor of public policy at Duke University who published an analysis of violence and politics in the Central American country last year, said Cabral's killing is \"very striking\".", "r": {"result": "Henry Brands, penolong profesor dasar awam di Universiti Duke yang menerbitkan analisis keganasan dan politik di negara Amerika Tengah tahun lepas, berkata pembunuhan Cabral adalah \"sangat mengejutkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It makes people sit up and take note, but the fact is that this is really not a new phenomenon in Guatemala,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa membuatkan orang ramai terduduk dan mengambil perhatian, tetapi hakikatnya ini sebenarnya bukan fenomena baharu di Guatemala,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Drug-fueled organized crime has had a strong presence in the Central American country for decades, he said.", "r": {"result": "Jenayah terancang yang didorong oleh dadah telah mempunyai kehadiran yang kuat di negara Amerika Tengah itu selama beberapa dekad, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is probably a depressingly familiar story for most Guatemalans.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini mungkin cerita yang sangat menyedihkan bagi kebanyakan orang Guatemala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "...The single dominant theme of Guatemalan politics is citizen insecurity,\" Brands said.", "r": {"result": "...Tema tunggal yang dominan dalam politik Guatemala ialah ketidakamanan rakyat,\" kata Brands.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The basic problem in Guatemala is that the crime is so deeply rooted in the social and institutional structures of the country that it's going to take a sort of exorcism to solve the problem\".", "r": {"result": "\"Masalah asas di Guatemala ialah jenayah itu berakar umbi dalam struktur sosial dan institusi negara sehingga ia akan mengambil sejenis eksorsisme untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalist Patzy Vasquez contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Patzy Vasquez menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Garrett Peterson was born, nurses couldn't rotate his head from side to side.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Garrett Peterson dilahirkan, jururawat tidak dapat memutar kepalanya dari sisi ke sisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doing so made him turn blue instantly.", "r": {"result": "Berbuat demikian membuatkan dia bertukar biru serta-merta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I will never forget seeing him for the first time like that,\" his mom, Natalie Peterson, said in a YouTube video posted by University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan lupa melihatnya buat kali pertama seperti itu,\" kata ibunya, Natalie Peterson, dalam video YouTube yang disiarkan oleh Hospital Kanak-kanak C.S. Mott Universiti Michigan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That was hard\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu sukar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garrett was born with tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve -- a fancy way of saying he had a hole between the lower chambers of his heart, which put extreme pressure on his lungs.", "r": {"result": "Garrett dilahirkan dengan tetralogi Fallot dengan injap pulmonari yang tidak hadir -- cara mewah untuk mengatakan dia mempunyai lubang di antara ruang bawah jantungnya, yang memberi tekanan yang melampau pada paru-parunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The pressure caused his airways to collapse; in essence, he was trying to breathe through tiny slits.", "r": {"result": "Tekanan itu menyebabkan saluran pernafasannya runtuh; pada dasarnya, dia cuba bernafas melalui celah-celah kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This condition is called severe tracheobronchomalacia.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan ini dipanggil tracheobronchomalacia teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In some ways the heart defect is relatively straightforward to fix,\" Dr. Richard Ohye, head of pediatric cardiovascular surgery at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, said in the video.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam beberapa cara kecacatan jantung agak mudah untuk diperbaiki,\" kata Dr Richard Ohye, ketua pembedahan kardiovaskular kanak-kanak di Hospital Kanak-kanak C.S. Mott, dalam video itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's the lung issues and the airway issues that are the bigger problem\".", "r": {"result": "\"Isu paru-paru dan saluran pernafasan adalah masalah yang lebih besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Petersons spent months watching their son turn blue four or five times a day as hospital staff struggled to revive him, according to a university press release.", "r": {"result": "Petersons menghabiskan beberapa bulan melihat anak mereka bertukar biru empat atau lima kali sehari ketika kakitangan hospital bergelut untuk memulihkannya, menurut kenyataan akhbar universiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garrett was put on a ventilator and heavy medication to prevent him from fighting the breathing tube.", "r": {"result": "Garrett telah memakai ventilator dan ubat berat untuk menghalangnya daripada melawan tiub pernafasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then in May 2013, Garrett's father, Jake Peterson, read an article about another baby with a similar breathing problem.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pada Mei 2013, bapa Garrett, Jake Peterson, membaca artikel tentang bayi lain yang mengalami masalah pernafasan yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kaiba Gionfriddo had a rare obstruction in his lungs called bronchial malacia.", "r": {"result": "Kaiba Gionfriddo mengalami sekatan yang jarang berlaku pada paru-parunya yang dipanggil malacia bronkial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Using an experimental technique never before tried on a human, Peterson read, doctors created a splint made out of biological material that effectively carved a path through Kaiba's blocked airway.", "r": {"result": "Menggunakan teknik eksperimen yang tidak pernah dicuba pada manusia sebelum ini, Peterson membaca, doktor mencipta bidai yang diperbuat daripada bahan biologi yang secara berkesan mengukir laluan melalui saluran pernafasan Kaiba yang tersumbat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The splint was created on a three-dimensional printer.", "r": {"result": "Belat itu dicipta pada pencetak tiga dimensi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's magical to me,\" Dr. Glenn Green, an associate professor of pediatric otolaryngology at the University of Michigan, told CNN at the time.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia ajaib bagi saya,\" kata Dr Glenn Green, seorang profesor bersekutu otolaryngologi pediatrik di Universiti Michigan, kepada CNN pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green implanted the splint in Kaiba.", "r": {"result": "Hijau menanam bidai di Kaiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're talking about taking dust and using it to build body parts\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami bercakap tentang mengambil habuk dan menggunakannya untuk membina bahagian badan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kaiba is now 2 years old and free of symptoms related to his bronchial malacia.", "r": {"result": "Kaiba kini berusia 2 tahun dan bebas daripada gejala yang berkaitan dengan malacia bronkialnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more about Kaiba's story.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut tentang kisah Kaiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Petersons decided to reach out to see if Green would be interested in helping Garrett.", "r": {"result": "Petersons memutuskan untuk menghubungi untuk melihat sama ada Green berminat untuk membantu Garrett.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Devices created with 3-D printers have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in humans.", "r": {"result": "Peranti yang dicipta dengan pencetak 3-D belum lagi diluluskan oleh Pentadbiran Makanan dan Dadah untuk digunakan pada manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green and his colleague, biomedical engineer Scott Hollister, had gotten emergency clearance from the FDA to try the treatment on Kaiba.", "r": {"result": "Green dan rakan sekerjanya, jurutera bioperubatan Scott Hollister, telah mendapat kebenaran kecemasan daripada FDA untuk mencuba rawatan pada Kaiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by December, Garrett was in critical condition.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi menjelang Disember, Garrett berada dalam keadaan kritikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His parents took him to the Michigan hospital, and Green obtained another emergency clearance from the FDA.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapanya membawanya ke hospital Michigan, dan Green mendapat satu lagi pelepasan kecemasan daripada FDA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After doing a CT scan of Garrett's trachea and bronchi, Hollister used a 3-D printer to create a splint out of a biopolymer called polycaprolactone.", "r": {"result": "Selepas melakukan imbasan CT pada trakea dan bronkus Garrett, Hollister menggunakan pencetak 3-D untuk mencipta serpihan daripada biopolimer yang dipanggil polycaprolactone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On January 31, Ohye sewed the splint around Garrett's right and left bronchi to expand his airway.", "r": {"result": "Pada 31 Januari, Ohye menjahit bidai di sekeliling bronkus kanan dan kiri Garrett untuk mengembangkan saluran pernafasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The doctors say the splint will be absorbed by Garrett's body during the next three years as his airways grow stronger.", "r": {"result": "Doktor mengatakan bahawa belat itu akan diserap oleh badan Garrett dalam tempoh tiga tahun akan datang apabila saluran pernafasannya semakin kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the meantime, Garrett is breathing easier and needs less help from the ventilator.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Garrett bernafas lebih mudah dan kurang memerlukan bantuan daripada ventilator.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a tremendous feeling to know that this device has saved another child,\" Hollister said in the press release.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah perasaan yang luar biasa untuk mengetahui bahawa peranti ini telah menyelamatkan seorang lagi kanak-kanak,\" kata Hollister dalam siaran akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We believe there are many other applications for these techniques, but to see the impact living and breathing in front of you is overwhelming\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami percaya terdapat banyak aplikasi lain untuk teknik ini, tetapi untuk melihat impak hidup dan pernafasan di hadapan anda adalah amat menggembirakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Severe tracheobronchomalacia has been a condition that has frustrated me for years,\" added Green.", "r": {"result": "\"Tracheobronchomalacia yang teruk telah menjadi keadaan yang telah mengecewakan saya selama bertahun-tahun,\" tambah Green.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've seen children die from it.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah melihat kanak-kanak mati akibatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To see this device work, for a second time, it's a major accomplishment and offers hope for these children\".", "r": {"result": "Untuk melihat peranti ini berfungsi, buat kali kedua, ia merupakan pencapaian besar dan menawarkan harapan untuk kanak-kanak ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green and Hollister will be participating in a Reddit \"Ask Me Anything\" Tuesday at noon ET.", "r": {"result": "Green dan Hollister akan mengambil bahagian dalam Reddit \"Ask Me Anything\" Selasa pada tengah hari ET.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three weeks after the surgery, Garrett was smiling at his parents.", "r": {"result": "Tiga minggu selepas pembedahan, Garrett tersenyum kepada ibu bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We haven't seen smiles for awhile, so getting smiles is very exciting,\" Natalie Peterson said in the video.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sudah lama tidak melihat senyuman, jadi mendapatkan senyuman adalah sangat mengujakan,\" kata Natalie Peterson dalam video itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors believe Garrett will be able to come off the ventilator fully within a matter of months.", "r": {"result": "Doktor percaya Garrett akan dapat melepaskan ventilator sepenuhnya dalam masa beberapa bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple plan to take their 18-month-old boy home for the first time then.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu merancang untuk membawa pulang anak lelaki mereka yang berusia 18 bulan buat kali pertama ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3-D printed hearts and lungs: The shape of medicine to come.", "r": {"result": "Hati dan paru-paru bercetak 3-D: Bentuk ubat yang akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- An opposition group reported Thursday that government forces have carried out a \"massacre\" in Hama province, killing 220 people there.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sebuah kumpulan pembangkang melaporkan pada Khamis bahawa tentera kerajaan telah melakukan \"pembunuhan beramai-ramai\" di wilayah Hama, membunuh 220 orang di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of the killings occurred in the village of Tremseh, the Local Coordination Committees of Syria said.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan pembunuhan berlaku di kampung Tremseh, kata Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Tempatan Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The day's death toll nationwide reached 287, making it the bloodiest day in Syria since the uprising against the government began 16 months ago, the opposition group told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Angka kematian hari itu di seluruh negara mencecah 287, menjadikannya hari paling berdarah di Syria sejak pemberontakan menentang kerajaan bermula 16 bulan lalu, kumpulan pembangkang memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As it has done consistently, Syrian state television blamed \"armed terrorist groups\" for the killings, accusing them of having shot \"indiscriminately at the people of Al-Tremseh village in Hama suburbs.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang telah dilakukan secara konsisten, televisyen kerajaan Syria menyalahkan \"kumpulan pengganas bersenjata\" atas pembunuhan itu, menuduh mereka telah menembak \"secara sembarangan ke arah penduduk kampung Al-Tremseh di pinggir bandar Hama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And after calls from the people of the village, the security forces clashed with the terrorist groups, arresting a number of them and confiscated their weapons\".", "r": {"result": "Dan selepas panggilan daripada penduduk kampung, pasukan keselamatan bertempur dengan kumpulan pengganas, menangkap beberapa daripada mereka dan merampas senjata mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Activists in the city of Hama told CNN that witnesses inside Tremseh told them by telephone that Syrian military forces had launched a full-scale attack against the opposition Free Syrian Army inside the town, which was surrounded by government tanks and artillery.", "r": {"result": "Aktivis di bandar Hama memberitahu CNN bahawa saksi di dalam Tremseh memberitahu mereka melalui telefon bahawa pasukan tentera Syria telah melancarkan serangan berskala penuh terhadap pembangkang Free Syrian Army di dalam bandar, yang dikelilingi oleh kereta kebal kerajaan dan meriam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The forces had shelled the town continuously from 5 a.m. until noon, when their tanks entered the village, three activists told CNN separately.", "r": {"result": "Tentera telah membedil bandar itu secara berterusan dari 5 pagi hingga tengah hari, apabila kereta kebal mereka memasuki kampung itu, tiga aktivis memberitahu CNN secara berasingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of them was willing to be identified publicly.", "r": {"result": "Tiada seorang pun daripada mereka bersedia untuk dikenal pasti secara terbuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syrian army forces, whose numbers were bolstered by the pro-regime militias called \"shabeha,\" accompanied the tanks into Tremseh, they said.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan tentera Syria, yang jumlahnya disokong oleh militia pro-rejim yang dipanggil \"shabeha,\" mengiringi kereta kebal itu ke Tremseh, kata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the government forces rained artillery rounds into the town, a number of village residents fled their houses into the streets, where many of them were shot dead by the government militias, the activists told CNN in separate telephone interviews.", "r": {"result": "Ketika tentera kerajaan menghujani peluru meriam ke dalam bandar, sebilangan penduduk kampung melarikan diri dari rumah mereka ke jalan raya, di mana ramai daripada mereka ditembak mati oleh militia kerajaan, aktivis memberitahu CNN dalam temu bual telefon berasingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN is not able to confirm their accounts because Western journalists have limited access to the country.", "r": {"result": "CNN tidak dapat mengesahkan akaun mereka kerana wartawan Barat mempunyai akses terhad ke negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The violence was also occurring farther south, in the capital, where 12 people were killed, the LCC said.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan juga berlaku lebih jauh ke selatan, di ibu negara, di mana 12 orang terbunuh, kata LCC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Damascus neighborhood of Shaghour was under siege by government forces, whose snipers were occupying the roofs of buildings, the LCC said.", "r": {"result": "Kejiranan Damsyik Shaghour telah dikepung oleh tentera kerajaan, yang penembak tepat telah menduduki bumbung bangunan, kata LCC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the capital city's suburb of Naher Aisha, government forces opened fire on a group of people who were demonstrating in condemnation of the Tremseh killings, LCC said.", "r": {"result": "Di pinggir bandar Naher Aisha, tentera kerajaan melepaskan tembakan ke arah sekumpulan orang yang berdemonstrasi mengecam pembunuhan Tremseh, kata LCC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The carnage came as a top Syrian diplomat who defected Wednesday said in an interview broadcast Thursday that he has sympathized with the opposition movement since it began in March 2011, but had held out hope that President Bashar al-Assad would change course.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan beramai-ramai itu berlaku ketika seorang diplomat Syria yang berpaling tadah Rabu berkata dalam satu wawancara yang disiarkan Khamis bahawa dia bersimpati dengan gerakan pembangkang sejak ia bermula pada Mac 2011, tetapi menaruh harapan bahawa Presiden Bashar al-Assad akan mengubah haluan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am from Day One with the revolution,\" Nawaf al-Fares, the former Syrian ambassador to Iraq, told Al Jazeera Arabic.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya dari Hari Pertama dengan revolusi,\" kata Nawaf al-Fares, bekas duta Syria ke Iraq, kepada Al Jazeera Arabic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Due to the political and personal circumstances, just a few people knew about that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Disebabkan keadaan politik dan peribadi, hanya beberapa orang yang tahu mengenainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Fares added, \"I had hope, and I was in direct contact with President Bashar.", "r": {"result": "Al-Fares menambah, \"Saya mempunyai harapan, dan saya berhubung secara langsung dengan Presiden Bashar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is now the former Syrian president, because he is a criminal and he is killing the Syrian people\".", "r": {"result": "Dia kini bekas presiden Syria, kerana dia seorang penjenayah dan dia membunuh rakyat Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syrian government authorities said al-Fares has been \"relieved of his duties\".", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa kerajaan Syria berkata al-Fares telah \"dilepaskan daripada tugasnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Fares is the second high-profile Sunni official to break with the regime in a week.", "r": {"result": "Al-Fares ialah pegawai Sunni berprofil tinggi kedua yang memecahkan rejim dalam masa seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manaf Tlas, a Republican Guard brigadier general and the son of a former defense minister, defected last week to protest the killing of civilians by government forces.", "r": {"result": "Manaf Tlas, seorang brigedier jeneral Pengawal Republikan dan anak kepada bekas menteri pertahanan, berpaling tadah minggu lalu untuk membantah pembunuhan orang awam oleh tentera kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The moves might be a sign that Sunni allies of the Alawite-dominated regime are displeased with the government's fierce crackdown on an opposition dominated by Sunnis.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan itu mungkin menjadi petanda bahawa sekutu Sunni rejim yang dikuasai Alawi tidak berpuas hati dengan tindakan keras kerajaan terhadap pembangkang yang didominasi oleh Sunni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the official Syrian Arab News Agency, al-Fares was sworn in as Syrian ambassador to Iraq in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Agensi Berita Arab Syria rasmi, al-Fares mengangkat sumpah sebagai duta Syria ke Iraq pada 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said al-Fares went to the Gulf Arab state of Qatar, Iraqi state TV reported.", "r": {"result": "Menteri Luar Iraq Hoshyar Zebari berkata al-Fares pergi ke negara Teluk Arab Qatar, lapor TV negara Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Qatari government has been sharply critical of al-Assad's regime.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Qatar telah mengkritik secara tajam rejim al-Assad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Fares \"made statements contrary to his job duty to defend the positions of the country and its issues, which requires legal accountability and discipline,\" the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Al-Fares \"membuat kenyataan bertentangan dengan tugas tugasnya untuk mempertahankan kedudukan negara dan isu-isunya, yang memerlukan akauntabiliti dan disiplin undang-undang,\" kata Kementerian Luar Syria dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement said he \"no longer has anything to do\" with the Syrian Embassy in Baghdad or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu berkata beliau \"tidak ada kaitan lagi\" dengan Kedutaan Syria di Baghdad atau Kementerian Luar Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syria's detached and deluded elite?", "r": {"result": "Elit Syria yang terpisah dan tertipu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Fares also announced his defection from the ruling Baath party, becoming the most senior member to leave.", "r": {"result": "Al-Fares juga mengumumkan pembelotannya daripada parti pemerintah Baath, menjadi ahli paling kanan yang meninggalkan parti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is from Deir Ezzor, the eastern province that has been hammered lately by Syrian forces, and hails from a tribe along the Syrian-Iraqi border.", "r": {"result": "Dia berasal dari Deir Ezzor, wilayah timur yang telah dibelasah akhir-akhir ini oleh tentera Syria, dan berasal dari suku di sepanjang sempadan Syria-Iraqi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To my brothers in the military, your military doctrine is to defend the homeland against external aggression and protect its borders,\" al-Fares said in a video statement given to the TV network Al Jazeera Arabic.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKepada saudara-saudara saya dalam tentera, doktrin ketenteraan anda adalah untuk mempertahankan tanah air daripada pencerobohan luar dan melindungi sempadannya,\u201d kata al-Fares dalam satu kenyataan video yang diberikan kepada rangkaian TV Al Jazeera Arabic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unclear when the video was shot.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas bila video itu dirakam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So did your fathers, sons and sisters become the enemies now?", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi adakah bapa, anak lelaki dan perempuan kamu menjadi musuh sekarang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And are they the ones who you should fight?", "r": {"result": "Dan adakah mereka yang patut kamu lawan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is that what you have learned in your military schools\"?", "r": {"result": "Adakah itu yang anda pelajari di sekolah tentera anda\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Fares said he was joining the revolution and called the government \"malicious\" and \"the killer of the people\".", "r": {"result": "Al-Fares berkata beliau menyertai revolusi dan menggelar kerajaan \"berniat jahat\" dan \"pembunuh rakyat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The conflict in Syria has raged for 16 months, defying international peace efforts and leaving world leaders scrambling to find a solution.", "r": {"result": "Konflik di Syria telah berlarutan selama 16 bulan, menentang usaha keamanan antarabangsa dan menyebabkan pemimpin dunia berebut-rebut mencari penyelesaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Venezuelan diesel shipments to Syria fuel controversy.", "r": {"result": "Penghantaran diesel Venezuela ke Syria menimbulkan kontroversi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Assad's bloody crackdown on the opposition has sparked international outrage, but he still enjoys the support of allies such as Russia, Iran and China.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan keras berdarah Al-Assad terhadap pembangkang telah mencetuskan kemarahan antarabangsa, tetapi dia masih menikmati sokongan sekutu seperti Rusia, Iran dan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russia and China, which are permanent U.N. Security Council members, have vetoed council draft resolutions that would have condemned the Syrian regime.", "r": {"result": "Rusia dan China, yang merupakan ahli tetap Majlis Keselamatan PBB, telah memveto draf resolusi majlis yang akan mengutuk rejim Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many other nations said such resolutions could have pushed al-Assad to stop the crackdown on dissidents seeking his ouster.", "r": {"result": "Banyak negara lain berkata resolusi seperti itu boleh mendorong al-Assad untuk menghentikan tindakan keras terhadap penentang yang mahu penyingkirannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meeting in private, the Security Council on Thursday discussed dueling draft resolutions on Syria.", "r": {"result": "Bertemu secara tertutup, Majlis Keselamatan pada Khamis membincangkan draf resolusi pertarungan mengenai Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ambassadors remain at odds primarily over whether a Western-backed resolution should invoke Chapter 7 of the U.N. charter, which could authorize sanctions and ultimately lead to an authorization of the use of force.", "r": {"result": "Duta besar kekal berselisih terutamanya sama ada resolusi yang disokong Barat harus menggunakan Bab 7 piagam PBB, yang boleh membenarkan sekatan dan akhirnya membawa kepada kebenaran penggunaan kekerasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday she is hopeful that Russia will back a \"serious\" measure in the Security Council.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Negara A.S. Hillary Clinton berkata Khamis beliau berharap Rusia akan menyokong langkah \"serius\" dalam Majlis Keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said his government dislikes a recent council draft resolution from Western nations.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Timbalan Menteri Luar Rusia Gennady Gatilov berkata kerajaannya tidak menyukai draf resolusi majlis baru-baru ini daripada negara Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have stated repeatedly that Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter is unacceptable to us,\" Gatilov said, according to state-run RIA Novosti.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah menyatakan berulang kali bahawa Bab 7 Piagam PBB tidak boleh diterima oleh kami,\" kata Gatilov, menurut RIA Novosti yang dikendalikan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Using the resolution to justify the use of force in the future is absolutely unacceptable to us\".", "r": {"result": "\"Menggunakan resolusi untuk mewajarkan penggunaan kekerasan pada masa hadapan sama sekali tidak boleh diterima oleh kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "German U.N. Ambassador Peter Wittig described the talks as \"good, calm and focused,\" but noted the disagreement over Chapter 7.", "r": {"result": "Duta Besar Jerman PBB Peter Wittig menyifatkan rundingan itu sebagai \"baik, tenang dan fokus,\" tetapi menyatakan percanggahan pendapat mengenai Bab 7.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese and Russian delegates told reporters before the meeting that invoking Chapter 7 would not be acceptable.", "r": {"result": "Perwakilan China dan Rusia memberitahu pemberita sebelum mesyuarat bahawa menggunakan Bab 7 tidak akan diterima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked about the meeting, French Ambassador Gerard Araud said, \"Before, we were 10 miles apart; now, we are 10 miles less five centimeters\".", "r": {"result": "Ditanya mengenai pertemuan itu, Duta Besar Perancis Gerard Araud berkata, \"Sebelum ini, kami berjarak 10 batu; kini, kami 10 batu kurang lima sentimeter\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The discussions at the ambassador level were to resume Friday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Perbincangan di peringkat duta disambung semula pada petang Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A vote on whether to renew the mandate for the 300-person U.N. observer force in Syria is at the heart of the discussions.", "r": {"result": "Undian sama ada untuk memperbaharui mandat untuk pasukan pemerhati PBB yang terdiri daripada 300 orang di Syria adalah di tengah-tengah perbincangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The current mandate expires July 20.", "r": {"result": "Mandat semasa tamat tempoh 20 Julai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Security Council President Nestor Osorio of Colombia said a \"reference to Chapter 7 is just trying to put real material into Kofi Annan's plan\".", "r": {"result": "Presiden Majlis Keselamatan Nestor Osorio dari Colombia berkata \"rujukan kepada Bab 7 hanya cuba memasukkan bahan sebenar ke dalam rancangan Kofi Annan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Annan, the former U.N. secretary-general who is now an international U.N. and Arab League envoy to Syria, told the council Wednesday from Geneva that he needed the threat of consequences to win more cooperation inside Syria.", "r": {"result": "Annan, bekas setiausaha agung PBB yang kini utusan antarabangsa PBB dan Liga Arab ke Syria, memberitahu majlis hari Rabu dari Geneva bahawa beliau memerlukan ancaman akibat untuk memenangi lebih banyak kerjasama di dalam Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His six-point peace plan has failed to win support by all sides.", "r": {"result": "Pelan damai enam mata beliau telah gagal mendapat sokongan semua pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opposition groups say more than 15,000 people have died since the violence began in March 2011.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pembangkang berkata lebih 15,000 orang telah terkorban sejak keganasan bermula pada Mac 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syrian ambassador to Iraq joins revolt, urges military to turn on regime.", "r": {"result": "Duta Syria ke Iraq menyertai pemberontakan, menggesa tentera menghidupkan rejim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Hamdi Alkhshali, Richard Roth, Teresa Shen, Yousuf Basil, Salma Abdelaziz, Joe Sterling, Caroline Faraj and Amir Ahmed contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Hamdi Alkhshali dari CNN, Richard Roth, Teresa Shen, Yousuf Basil, Salma Abdelaziz, Joe Sterling, Caroline Faraj dan Amir Ahmed menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Two words, delivered with index finger punctuating the air and directed at the president of the United States, made a little-known South Carolina congressman one of the most controversial men on the Internet -- at least Wednesday heading into Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua patah perkataan, yang disampaikan dengan jari telunjuk menujah ke udara dan ditujukan kepada presiden Amerika Syarikat, menjadikan ahli kongres Carolina Selatan yang kurang dikenali sebagai salah seorang lelaki paling kontroversi di Internet -- sekurang-kurangnya Rabu menuju Khamis .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many Facebook and Twitter users condemned Rep.", "r": {"result": "Ramai pengguna Facebook dan Twitter mengutuk Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Wilson for his outburst toward President Obama.", "r": {"result": "Joe Wilson kerana cetusannya terhadap Presiden Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As soon as Rep.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Wilson was identified as the person whose angry and audible outburst disrupted President Obama's health care speech to Congress, condemnation was swift -- and brutal.", "r": {"result": "Joe Wilson dikenal pasti sebagai orang yang kemarahannya dan boleh didengari mengganggu ucapan penjagaan kesihatan Presiden Obama kepada Kongres, kutukan adalah pantas -- dan kejam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within minutes, someone had altered Wilson's entry on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia:", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa minit, seseorang telah mengubah entri Wilson pada ensiklopedia dalam talian Wikipedia:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is a [expletive] that called the president of the United States a liar on national television and has no respect for the office he holds\".", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau adalah [kata-kata kasar] yang menggelar presiden Amerika Syarikat sebagai pembohong di televisyen nasional dan tidak menghormati jawatan yang dipegangnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the Web site scrubbed the sentence, an even more offensive entry wormed its way in.", "r": {"result": "Apabila laman web menyental ayat itu, entri yang lebih menyinggung masuk ke dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: \"You are disrespectful, sir\".", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: \"Anda tidak hormat, tuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon, the site disabled edit options for Wilson's entry, chalking it up to \"vandalism\".", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama kemudian, laman web itu melumpuhkan pilihan pengeditan untuk entri Wilson, menandakannya sebagai \"vandalisme\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Twitter, post after post urged users to condemn Wilson's breach of protocol, listing his Web site address and his congressional office phone number.", "r": {"result": "Di Twitter, siaran demi siaran menggesa pengguna mengecam pelanggaran protokol Wilson, menyenaraikan alamat laman webnya dan nombor telefon pejabat kongresnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Web surfers who visited http://www.joewilson.", "r": {"result": "Pelayar web yang melawat http://www.joewilson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "house.gov/ were greeted with the message: \"This site is down for maintenance.", "r": {"result": "house.gov/ disambut dengan mesej: \"Tapak ini tidak berfungsi untuk penyelenggaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please check back again soon\".", "r": {"result": "Sila semak semula sebentar lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those who called his office number either could not get through because the line was busy, or could not leave a message because the phone continued to ring without activating voice mail.", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang menghubungi nombor pejabatnya sama ada tidak dapat melalui kerana talian sibuk, atau tidak dapat meninggalkan mesej kerana telefon terus berdering tanpa mengaktifkan mel suara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If he's the face of the GOP, we'll have public option by Columbus Day\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Jika dia adalah wajah GOP, kami akan mempunyai pilihan awam menjelang Hari Columbus\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "wrote Andisheh Nouraee, a columnist for Creative Loafing, an alternative weekly in Atlanta, Georgia.", "r": {"result": "tulis Andisheh Nouraee, kolumnis untuk Creative Loafing, mingguan alternatif di Atlanta, Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats on Capitol Hill piled on the condemnation as well.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat di Capitol Hill menimbunkan kutukan itu juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Biggest disappointment of evening, the total lack of respect show by one member for the president,\" wrote Sen.", "r": {"result": "\"Kekecewaan terbesar pada malam ini, kekurangan rasa hormat yang ditunjukkan oleh seorang ahli kepada presiden,\" tulis Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Claire McCaskill of Missouri.", "r": {"result": "Claire McCaskill dari Missouri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Never acceptable to behave like a jerk\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak boleh diterima untuk berkelakuan seperti orang bodoh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As \"Joe Wilson\" trended on Twitter as the most popular conversation topic -- and on Google among the most searched terms -- the lawmaker's supporters fought back.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan \"Joe Wilson\" menjadi trend di Twitter sebagai topik perbualan paling popular -- dan di Google antara istilah yang paling dicari -- penyokong penggubal undang-undang itu melawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many set up Twitter accounts and posted their first tweets Wednesday night and early Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang menyediakan akaun Twitter dan menyiarkan tweet pertama mereka pada malam Rabu dan awal Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You have nothing to apologize for.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAwak tak ada apa-apa nak minta maaf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You should be applauded for standing up and speaking the truth,\" said Jamie Sawyer of Madison, Wisconsin.", "r": {"result": "Anda harus dipuji kerana berdiri dan bercakap benar,\" kata Jamie Sawyer dari Madison, Wisconsin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Good for him!", "r": {"result": "\"Baik untuk dia!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Too bad he had to apologize\" was a comment on the Lonely Conservative blog.", "r": {"result": "Sayang sekali dia terpaksa meminta maaf\" adalah komen di blog Lonely Conservative.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At last the little man found his voice tonight and called Obama what he surely is, a liar,\" said another blog, Sunlit Uplands.", "r": {"result": "\"Akhirnya lelaki kecil itu menemui suaranya malam ini dan memanggil Obama apa yang dia pasti, penipu,\" kata blog lain, Sunlit Uplands.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By early Thursday, genuine tweets about Wilson were interspersed with ads for male erectile dysfunction: \"Joe Wilson Cialis $1.9 Viagra $1.1 (Web site address)\".", "r": {"result": "Menjelang awal Khamis, tweet tulen tentang Wilson diselangi dengan iklan untuk disfungsi erektil lelaki: \"Joe Wilson Cialis $1.9 Viagra $1.1 (Alamat tapak web)\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though Wilson issued an apology, saying his emotions got the best of him, few online bought it.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Wilson mengeluarkan permohonan maaf, mengatakan bahawa emosinya mendapat yang terbaik daripada dirinya, hanya sedikit dalam talian yang membelinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Obama react to the \"You lie\"!", "r": {"result": "Tonton reaksi Obama terhadap \"You lie\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "outburst >>.", "r": {"result": "cetusan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the Internet, where speculation runs rife, tweeters pointed to a comment Wilson posted on Labor Day as evidence that his outburst was planned:", "r": {"result": "Di Internet, di mana spekulasi berleluasa, tweeter menunjuk kepada komen yang disiarkan Wilson pada Hari Buruh sebagai bukti bahawa cetusannya telah dirancang:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Happy Labor Day!", "r": {"result": "\"Selamat Hari Pekerja!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wonderful parade at Chapin, many people called out to oppose Obamacare which I assured them would be relayed tomorrow to DC,\" the tweet from Wilson's account said.", "r": {"result": "Perarakan indah di Chapin, ramai orang menyeru untuk menentang Obamacare yang saya jamin mereka akan dihantar esok ke DC,\" kata tweet dari akaun Wilson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Facebook, where users aren't impeded by Twitter's 140-character limitation, a prolonged and nasty war of words dominated Wilson's page.", "r": {"result": "Di Facebook, di mana pengguna tidak dihalang oleh pengehadan 140 aksara Twitter, perang kata-kata yang berpanjangan dan jahat menguasai halaman Wilson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have no problem being called a liberal hack by illogical, fear filled, unintelligent people.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mempunyai masalah untuk dipanggil penggodam liberal oleh orang yang tidak logik, penuh ketakutan, tidak cerdik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and actually, I will take it as a complement,\" wrote Janine Feczko.", "r": {"result": "dan sebenarnya, saya akan ambil ia sebagai pelengkap,\" tulis Janine Feczko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Name-calling was met by ad hominem attacks: \"Janine, I'm sure in the trailer park where you live they gush over your incredible intellect and witty commentary.", "r": {"result": "Panggilan nama disambut oleh serangan ad hominem: \"Janine, saya pasti di taman treler tempat anda tinggal mereka terpancar kebijaksanaan anda yang luar biasa dan ulasan lucu anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all that toothless grin and tripple chin screams Harvard Law,\" wrote Dan Colgan.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun senyuman tanpa gigi dan dagu tiga menjerit Harvard Law,\" tulis Dan Colgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nine hundred and 10 comments later, the battle raged on early Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan ratus 10 komen kemudian, pertempuran berlaku pada awal Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amid all this, the campaign of Democrat Rob Miller, who hopes to unseat the Republican Wilson in next year's midterm elections, raked in the dough: more than $200,000 from 5,000 individuals overnight and Thursday morning after Obama's speech, according to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.", "r": {"result": "Di tengah-tengah semua ini, kempen Demokrat Rob Miller, yang berharap untuk menggulingkan Wilson dari Republikan dalam pilihan raya pertengahan tahun depan, meraih doh: lebih daripada $200,000 daripada 5,000 individu semalaman dan pagi Khamis selepas ucapan Obama, menurut Jawatankuasa Kempen Kongres Demokratik. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, there were those who found humor in Wilson's heckle.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, terdapat mereka yang menemui jenaka dalam ejekan Wilson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A hastily created Web site, JoeWilsonIsYourPreExistingCondition, hurled a new insult at the politician with every click of the refresh button.", "r": {"result": "Tapak Web yang dibuat dengan tergesa-gesa, JoeWilsonIsYourPreExistingCondition, melemparkan penghinaan baharu kepada ahli politik itu dengan setiap klik butang muat semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Joe Wilson poured salt on your lawn,\" said one.", "r": {"result": "\"Joe Wilson menuang garam di halaman anda,\" kata seorang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Refresh.", "r": {"result": "Segarkan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Joe Wilson traded the dead batteries in walkman for the fresh ones in your TV remote\".", "r": {"result": "\"Joe Wilson menukar bateri yang mati dalam walkman dengan yang baru dalam alat kawalan jauh TV anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Refresh.", "r": {"result": "Segarkan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Joe Wilson yells 'Freebird' at concerts\".", "r": {"result": "\"Joe Wilson menjerit 'Freebird' di konsert\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not everyone, however, was busy assigning blame to Wilson.", "r": {"result": "Tidak semua orang, bagaimanapun, sibuk menugaskan kesalahan kepada Wilson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles actor and comic Paul Scheer decided to shoulder it.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon dan komik Los Angeles Paul Scheer memutuskan untuk memikulnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I apologize 4 yelling 'liar' during Obama's speech,\" he jokingly wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya minta maaf 4 jerit 'pembohong' semasa ucapan Obama,\" tulisnya secara berseloroh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sen McCain ate my Kit Kat while I was in the bathroom & he pretended like he didn't\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sen McCain makan Kit Kat saya semasa saya berada di dalam bilik air & dia berpura-pura seperti tidak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- What is Jaden Smith's crime?", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Apakah jenayah Jaden Smith?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last weekend, the up-and-coming young actor, who will turn 12 this July 8, starred in a remake of \"The Karate Kid\" that audiences flocked to beyond expectation and, from all available evidence, loved.", "r": {"result": "Hujung minggu lalu, pelakon muda yang akan datang, yang akan mencecah 12 tahun 8 Julai ini, membintangi pembuatan semula \"The Karate Kid\" yang digemari penonton di luar jangkaan dan, dari semua bukti yang ada, disukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given that Smith is front and center in more or less every frame of the 2 hour and 20 minute movie (and given that his performance, as a kid who hides his sadness behind a mask of surliness, is to this critic, at least a magnetic and affecting piece of acting), I hope we can all agree that Jaden Smith's presence on screen had a little something to do with the movie's success.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan Smith berada di hadapan dan tengah dalam lebih kurang setiap bingkai filem berdurasi 2 jam 20 minit (dan memandangkan persembahannya, sebagai seorang kanak-kanak yang menyembunyikan kesedihannya di sebalik topeng kemerahan, adalah bagi pengkritik ini, sekurang-kurangnya satu magnet. dan mempengaruhi sekeping lakonan), saya harap kita semua boleh bersetuju bahawa kehadiran Jaden Smith di skrin ada kaitan sedikit dengan kejayaan filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet Smith's rise has been greeted, in far too many quarters (including a number of comment boards on ew.com, like the one on my review), with bitter, gnashing resentment.", "r": {"result": "Namun, kebangkitan Smith telah disambut, terlalu banyak pihak (termasuk beberapa papan ulasan di ew.com, seperti yang ada pada ulasan saya), dengan kebencian yang pahit dan menyakitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This 11-year-old really has the haters foaming.", "r": {"result": "Budak 11 tahun ni memang berbuih benci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Excuse me, but what the heck is going on?", "r": {"result": "Maafkan saya, tetapi apa yang sedang berlaku?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's start with the indisputable fact that Smith got to be in the position he's in because his father is the biggest movie star on the planet.", "r": {"result": "Mari kita mulakan dengan fakta yang tidak dapat dipertikaikan bahawa Smith berada dalam kedudukan yang dia ada kerana bapanya adalah bintang filem terbesar di planet ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So where, exactly, should that piece of information lead us?", "r": {"result": "Jadi, ke manakah sebenarnya, maklumat itu harus membawa kita?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Should we hate Jaden Smith?", "r": {"result": "Patutkah kita membenci Jaden Smith?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Should we hate Will Smith?", "r": {"result": "Patutkah kita membenci Will Smith?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Should we hate every young actor or musician who ever got placed on the map of fame because of his or her parents?", "r": {"result": "Patutkah kita membenci setiap pelakon atau pemuzik muda yang pernah diletakkan di peta kemasyhuran kerana ibu bapanya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Take that, Miley Cyrus, Michael Douglas, and Jamie Lee Curtis.", "r": {"result": "(Ambil itu, Miley Cyrus, Michael Douglas, dan Jamie Lee Curtis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oh, but, of course, the rap on Jaden Smith is that he's all nepotism and nothing else, that he's a kind of grouchy preteen Tori Spelling in cornrows.", "r": {"result": "Oh, tetapi, sudah tentu, rap pada Jaden Smith adalah bahawa dia semua nepotisme dan tidak ada yang lain, bahawa dia adalah sejenis Tori Spelling praremaja yang pemarah di cornrows.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's been excoriated as a bad actor (even though, just a few years ago, most viewers had nothing but praise for the appealingly feisty and precocious performance he gave right next to his dad in \"The Pursuit of Happyness\").", "r": {"result": "Dia telah dipuja sebagai pelakon yang tidak baik (walaupun, hanya beberapa tahun yang lalu, kebanyakan penonton tidak mempunyai apa-apa selain pujian untuk persembahan yang sangat bersemangat dan sebelum waktunya yang dia berikan betul-betul di sebelah ayahnya dalam \"The Pursuit of Happyness\").", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's been called a brat, a spoiled no-talent, an ungrateful beneficiary of his lineage of stardom.", "r": {"result": "Dia digelar anak nakal, tidak berbakat manja, penerima manfaat yang tidak berterima kasih kepada keturunannya yang terkenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's been ripped up and down as \"insufferable\" for his appearance last week on \"The Late Show with David Letterman\".", "r": {"result": "Dia telah dirobek atas dan ke bawah sebagai \"tidak dapat ditanggung\" untuk penampilannya minggu lalu di \"The Late Show with David Letterman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I caught up with the Letterman spot a few days after the fact, when the anti-Jaden anger was already at full boil, and so I watched it with particular attention and fascination.", "r": {"result": "Saya terperangkap dengan tempat Letterman beberapa hari selepas fakta itu, apabila kemarahan anti-Jaden sudah memuncak, jadi saya menontonnya dengan perhatian dan daya tarikan yang khusus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's what I saw: Smith, seated opposite Letterman, conducted himself very differently from most child actors.", "r": {"result": "Inilah yang saya lihat: Smith, duduk bertentangan dengan Letterman, berkelakuan sangat berbeza daripada kebanyakan pelakon kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Usually, kids in show business know how to present themselves as cuddly pets.", "r": {"result": "Biasanya, kanak-kanak dalam perniagaan pertunjukan tahu bagaimana untuk menampilkan diri mereka sebagai haiwan peliharaan yang dipeluk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Smith was having none of that.", "r": {"result": "Smith tidak mengalami semua itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has a very quick mind, and his responses were fast and a little brusque from the start, he was toying with Letterman, putting him on the spot by giving him a lot less fake-nice, fake-sincere boilerplate chat-show banter than he wanted.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai fikiran yang sangat cepat, dan responsnya adalah pantas dan sedikit kasar dari awal, dia mempermainkan Letterman, meletakkan dia di tempat kejadian dengan memberinya lebih sedikit gurauan rancangan sembang yang palsu-nice, palsu-ikhlas daripada dia mahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Gee, who in his right mind would want less of that?", "r": {"result": "(Wah, siapa yang waras mahu kurang daripada itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's something that I've occasionally seen adults do, and yes, it was a little startling to see a kid this young with a movie to hawk go onto the Letterman show and assume that mock-confrontational, who's-really-in-charge-here?", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sesuatu yang kadang-kadang saya lihat orang dewasa lakukan, dan ya, agak memeranjatkan melihat seorang kanak-kanak semuda ini dengan filem untuk dijaja pergi ke rancangan Letterman dan menganggap konfrontasi olok-olok itu, siapa-benar-benar-bertugas- di sini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "stance.", "r": {"result": "pendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "stans"}}} {"src": "But it wouldn't have worked if it wasn't, in its way, a gripping little talk-show performance.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia tidak akan berjaya jika ia tidak, dengan caranya, persembahan ceramah kecil yang mencengkam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Letterman himself played at being taken back, but also was taken aback; it's always a good thing when Dave gets jolted out of his stuffy protective pose, his robo-irony.", "r": {"result": "(Letterman sendiri bermain untuk diambil semula, tetapi juga terkejut; ia sentiasa menjadi perkara yang baik apabila Dave tersentak daripada pose pelindungnya yang tersumbat, robo-ironynya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bottom line, for me: Smith was cocky as hell on Letterman, but he was also interesting.", "r": {"result": "Intinya, bagi saya: Smith sangat sombong pada Letterman, tetapi dia juga menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For eight minutes, he displayed the confidence to be non-ingratiating and, in the process, he seized your attention.", "r": {"result": "Selama lapan minit, dia mempamerkan keyakinan untuk tidak memujuk hati dan, dalam proses itu, dia menarik perhatian anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was brash; he acted like a Hollywood kid who truly had a mind of his own.", "r": {"result": "Dia kurang ajar; dia bertindak seperti kanak-kanak Hollywood yang benar-benar mempunyai fikiran sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perish the thought!", "r": {"result": "Binasa pemikiran!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet in the online universe of Jaden Hatred, that Letterman appearance played as one thing and one thing only: privilege.", "r": {"result": "Namun dalam alam semesta dalam talian Jaden Hatred, penampilan Letterman itu bermain sebagai satu perkara dan satu perkara sahaja: keistimewaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that, on the surface, is what the whole ragging-on-Jaden-Smith phenomenon is really all about the desire to tear down a child who enjoys the perks of celebrity royalty, even though he didn't earn them.", "r": {"result": "Dan itu, pada zahirnya, adalah keseluruhan fenomena ragging-on-Jaden-Smith sebenarnya tentang keinginan untuk meruntuhkan seorang kanak-kanak yang menikmati faedah royalti selebriti, walaupun dia tidak memperolehnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now he's getting a movie career handed to him!", "r": {"result": "Dan kini dia mendapat kerjaya filem diserahkan kepadanya!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can almost taste the class resentment, the jealousy of folks who only wish, deep down, that they'd gotten such an opportunity themselves and now want to scrawl their rage on Jaden Smith's image like Perez Hilton going crazy with his Magic Marker.", "r": {"result": "Anda hampir boleh merasai kemarahan kelas, kecemburuan orang yang hanya berharap, jauh di lubuk hati, bahawa mereka sendiri akan mendapat peluang sedemikian dan kini mahu mencoretkan kemarahan mereka pada imej Jaden Smith seperti Perez Hilton menjadi gila dengan Penanda Ajaibnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, what's most striking, and perhaps revealing, about this particular outpouring of toxic anger is that Jaden's famous father, Will Smith, isn't just another big movie star he's one of the most likable movie stars you could ever imagine.", "r": {"result": "Namun, apa yang paling menarik, dan mungkin mendedahkan, tentang kemarahan toksik yang mencurah-curah ini ialah bapa Jaden yang terkenal, Will Smith, bukan sekadar bintang filem besar yang dia adalah salah seorang bintang filem paling disukai yang pernah anda bayangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'd think that the general feeling about him, the nearly universal good will, would extend to giving the benefit of the doubt to his son.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan berfikir bahawa perasaan umum tentang dia, niat baik yang hampir universal, akan meluas hingga memberi manfaat keraguan kepada anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know that when I watched Jaden Smith in \"The Karate Kid,\" the echoes of his father in everything from his cool, appraising glare to the nimble speed of his responses is something I enjoyed like, say, hearing that raspy echo of Bob Dylan in Jakob Dylan's voice back in the \"One Headlight\" days.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu bahawa apabila saya menonton Jaden Smith dalam \"The Karate Kid,\" gema bapanya dalam segala-galanya daripada silaunya yang keren dan menilai kepada kelajuan lincah responsnya adalah sesuatu yang saya sukai seperti, katakan, mendengar gema serak Bob Dylan itu. dalam suara Jakob Dylan pada zaman \"One Headlight\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not as if this sort of situation happens every day; what would be so wrong with giving the son (or daughter) of fame a break and simply enjoying it?", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak seolah-olah situasi seperti ini berlaku setiap hari; apakah salahnya memberi rehat kepada anak lelaki (atau anak perempuan) yang terkenal itu dan hanya menikmatinya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hard to shake the feeling, though, that too many people are trying to turn Jaden Smith from what he is, which is an insolently charismatic and hard-working young actor, into a focal point of ill will over issues of class, fame, money, and yes, I'm going to say it race.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, sukar untuk menghilangkan perasaan bahawa terlalu ramai orang cuba mengubah Jaden Smith daripada apa adanya, yang merupakan seorang pelakon muda yang berkarisma dan bekerja keras, menjadi titik fokus niat jahat dalam isu kelas, kemasyhuran, wang, dan ya, saya akan mengatakan ia perlumbaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For let's be honest: Doesn't all the grousing about how Smith is \"arrogant,\" etc., carry a special, ugly tinge of rancor?", "r": {"result": "Sejujurnya: Bukankah semua keluhan tentang bagaimana Smith \"sombong,\" dan lain-lain, membawa kesan dendam yang istimewa dan jelik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doesn't the complaint that he's too big for his britches come painfully close to saying that he doesn't know his place?", "r": {"result": "Tidakkah keluhan bahawa dia terlalu besar untuk masalahnya datang dengan menyakitkan untuk mengatakan bahawa dia tidak tahu tempatnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do you think?", "r": {"result": "Apa pendapat kamu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Has the anger at Jaden Smith gotten ugly?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kemarahan pada Jaden Smith menjadi buruk?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do you believe it's really about?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang anda percaya ia sebenarnya tentang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And who out there likes him as an actor as much as I do?", "r": {"result": "Dan siapa di luar sana yang suka dia sebagai pelakon seperti saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that he truly does appear to be on his way to stardom, what sort of movie should he do next?", "r": {"result": "Sekarang setelah dia benar-benar nampaknya sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi terkenal, apakah jenis filem yang perlu dia lakukan seterusnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See full article at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat artikel penuh di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2010 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2010 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- US Airways Capt. Chesley \"Sully\" Sullenberger and First Officer Jeffrey Skiles were reunited in the cockpit Thursday for the first time since Sullenberger safely landed a disabled passenger plane in the Hudson River in January.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kapten US Airways Chesley \"Sully\" Sullenberger dan Pegawai Pertama Jeffrey Skiles telah disatukan semula di kokpit Khamis untuk kali pertama sejak Sullenberger selamat mendaratkan pesawat penumpang kurang upaya di Sungai Hudson pada Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thursday's flight was Chesley Sullenberger's first in his new role as an active management pilot for US Airways.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan Khamis adalah yang pertama Chesley Sullenberger dalam peranan baharunya sebagai juruterbang pengurusan aktif untuk US Airways.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was great to fly with Jeff again.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSangat bagus dapat terbang bersama Jeff sekali lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Being back in the cockpit felt very familiar.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke kokpit terasa sangat akrab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was like coming home,\" Sullenberger said of the flight from New York's LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina.", "r": {"result": "Ia seperti pulang ke rumah,\" kata Sullenberger mengenai penerbangan dari Lapangan Terbang LaGuardia New York ke Charlotte, Carolina Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even though several months had past since I've flown, it would seem like I had never left\".", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun beberapa bulan telah berlalu sejak saya terbang, nampaknya saya tidak pernah pergi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the first time Sullenberger had flown the New York to Charlotte route since the water on landing on January 15. A bird strike in the engines forced Flight 1549 to make an emergency landing in the icy waters between New York and New Jersey.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kali pertama Sullenberger menerbangkan laluan New York ke Charlotte sejak air mendarat pada 15 Januari. Satu serangan burung di enjin memaksa Penerbangan 1549 untuk melakukan pendaratan cemas di perairan berais antara New York dan New Jersey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The landing made heroes of Sullenberger and the flight's crew, who managed to lead passengers to safety with only a few minor injuries.", "r": {"result": "Pendaratan itu menjadikan Sullenberger dan kru penerbangan itu wira, yang berjaya membawa penumpang ke tempat selamat dengan hanya beberapa kecederaan ringan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Sullenberger talk about the flight >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Sullenberger bercakap tentang penerbangan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sullenberger has been honored with numerous awards, appeared on the \"Late Show With David Letterman,\" spoke before a joint session of Congress and even went to the Super Bowl.", "r": {"result": "Sullenberger telah dianugerahkan dengan pelbagai anugerah, muncul di \"Late Show With David Letterman,\" bercakap sebelum sesi bersama Kongres dan juga pergi ke Super Bowl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sullenberger said that, after the incident, he wanted to be reunited in the cockpit with Skiles and complete the flight.", "r": {"result": "Sullenberger berkata, selepas kejadian itu, dia mahu disatukan semula di kokpit dengan Skiles dan melengkapkan penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cheers filled the cabin when Sullenberger introduced himself, adding he had \"learned to wait\" for applause to die down before giving preflight announcements.", "r": {"result": "Sorakan memenuhi kabin apabila Sullenberger memperkenalkan dirinya, sambil menambah dia telah \"belajar menunggu\" untuk tepukan reda sebelum memberikan pengumuman sebelum penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four passengers from Flight 1549 returned for Thursday's trip, putting their lives once again in the hands of the man they affectionately call \"Sully\".", "r": {"result": "Empat penumpang dari Penerbangan 1549 kembali untuk perjalanan Khamis, meletakkan nyawa mereka sekali lagi di tangan lelaki yang mereka sayang panggil \"Sully\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christie Spears, who survived the \"miracle on the Hudson,\" reserved the same seat for today's trip.", "r": {"result": "Christie Spears, yang terselamat daripada \"keajaiban di Hudson,\" menempah tempat duduk yang sama untuk perjalanan hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What better flight to be on?", "r": {"result": "\"Penerbangan apa yang lebih baik untuk dinaiki?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What better captain to fly with?", "r": {"result": "Kapten apa yang lebih baik untuk terbang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wouldn't choose any other one,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak akan memilih yang lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barry Leonard, a regular commuter on the New York-Charlotte route, said the flight was a healing process for him.", "r": {"result": "Barry Leonard, penumpang biasa di laluan New York-Charlotte, berkata penerbangan itu merupakan proses penyembuhan untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other passengers said they felt like they were taking part in a historic event.", "r": {"result": "Penumpang lain berkata mereka berasa seperti mereka mengambil bahagian dalam acara bersejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With \"Sully\" at the controls, Pat Martinez said she felt like she won the lottery.", "r": {"result": "Dengan \"Sully\" di kawalan, Pat Martinez berkata dia berasa seperti dia memenangi loteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a smooth, calm flight -- just what you would expect from Sully\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah penerbangan yang lancar dan tenang -- seperti yang anda jangkakan daripada Sully\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thursday's flight also was Sullenberger's first in his new role as an active management pilot for US Airways.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan Khamis juga merupakan penerbangan pertama Sullenberger dalam peranan baharunya sebagai juruterbang pengurusan aktif untuk US Airways.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to his flying duties, Sullenberger will join the airline's flight operations safety management team, which helps airlines assess potential risks and act to mitigate them, US Airways said.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tambahan kepada tugas penerbangannya, Sullenberger akan menyertai pasukan pengurusan keselamatan operasi penerbangan syarikat penerbangan itu, yang membantu syarikat penerbangan menilai potensi risiko dan bertindak untuk mengurangkannya, kata US Airways.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both men took time off before returning to the cockpit, US Airways said, during which they completed requalification training.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua lelaki itu mengambil cuti sebelum kembali ke kokpit, kata US Airways, di mana mereka menamatkan latihan kelayakan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Skiles returned to work in April, US Airways said.", "r": {"result": "Skiles kembali berfungsi pada April, kata US Airways.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, he has flown more than 60 flights.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, dia telah menerbangkan lebih daripada 60 penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sullenberger completed his training September 11, and since the crash, he has flown two flights between Charlotte and Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Sullenberger menamatkan latihannya pada 11 September, dan sejak nahas itu, dia telah menerbangkan dua penerbangan antara Charlotte dan Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sullenberger said he plans to step back from his flying duties while he goes on a book tour in two weeks and starts teach other pilots at the flight training school.", "r": {"result": "Sullenberger berkata dia bercadang untuk berundur daripada tugas penerbangannya sementara dia melakukan lawatan buku dalam masa dua minggu dan mula mengajar juruterbang lain di sekolah latihan penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Skiles said that even after eight months away from the controls, Sullenberger did everything perfectly, even reaching over to his radio to change the frequency.", "r": {"result": "Skiles berkata walaupun selepas lapan bulan meninggalkan kawalan, Sullenberger melakukan segala-galanya dengan sempurna, malah menghubungi radionya untuk menukar frekuensi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sullenberger said the clear skies and nice weather made Thursday's flight go smoothly.", "r": {"result": "Sullenberger berkata langit yang cerah dan cuaca yang baik menjadikan penerbangan Khamis ini berjalan lancar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a beautiful day to fly,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah hari yang indah untuk terbang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This flight today was a lot longer than that one in January, and I was able to give [CEO Doug Parker] back his airplane without getting it wet first\".", "r": {"result": "\"Penerbangan hari ini jauh lebih lama daripada penerbangan itu pada bulan Januari, dan saya dapat mengembalikan semula [CEO Doug Parker] pesawatnya tanpa membuatnya basah terlebih dahulu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Adam Reiss contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Adam Reiss dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- When House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced that she would seek to keep her leadership role she stood flanked by a cheering phalanx of her female colleagues.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Apabila Ketua Minoriti Dewan Rakyat Nancy Pelosi mengumumkan bahawa dia akan berusaha untuk mengekalkan peranan kepimpinannya, dia berdiri diapit oleh phalanx bersorak rakan sekerja wanitanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pelosi, who prior to the Democratic Party's loss of the House in 2010 served as its first female speaker, sandwiched her announcement between pointed comments about the Democratic agenda and how she sees her party's policies as helpful to women.", "r": {"result": "Pelosi, yang sebelum kehilangan Dewan Rakyat Parti Demokrat pada 2010 berkhidmat sebagai penceramah wanita pertamanya, mengapit pengumumannya antara komen tajam tentang agenda Demokrat dan bagaimana dia melihat dasar partinya membantu wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pelosi said she would vie to keep her leadership role \"in order to continue work on empowering women\".", "r": {"result": "Pelosi berkata dia akan bersaing untuk mengekalkan peranan kepimpinannya \"untuk meneruskan usaha memperkasakan wanita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as even Democrats exult an election which saw, for the first time in history, women and minorities net the majority of House seats on their side of the aisle and a record 16 Democratic seats in the Senate, political experts warn against premature celebration.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi walaupun Demokrat bergembira dengan pilihan raya yang menyaksikan, buat pertama kali dalam sejarah, wanita dan minoriti memperoleh majoriti kerusi Dewan di sebelah mereka dan rekod 16 kerusi Demokrat di Senat, pakar politik memberi amaran terhadap perayaan pramatang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pelosi to run again for Democratic leader.", "r": {"result": "Pelosi akan bertanding semula untuk pemimpin Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An increase in the number of women does not automatically translate into increased political power.", "r": {"result": "Peningkatan bilangan wanita tidak secara automatik diterjemahkan kepada peningkatan kuasa politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats may have been able to woo female voters and throw tremendous support behind getting women elected to office, but that \"doesn't mean that is how they govern,\" said Jennifer Lawless, director of the Women & Politics Institute at American University.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat mungkin telah dapat memikat pengundi wanita dan memberikan sokongan yang besar di sebalik mendapatkan wanita dipilih untuk memegang jawatan, tetapi itu \"tidak bermakna begitulah cara mereka mentadbir,\" kata Jennifer Lawless, pengarah Institut Wanita & Politik di Universiti Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Moving forward in the direction that will improve women's social, economic and political autonomy takes time,\" she said -- time and the type of power that House Democrats currently lack.", "r": {"result": "\"Melangkah ke hadapan ke arah yang akan meningkatkan autonomi sosial, ekonomi dan politik wanita memerlukan masa,\" katanya -- masa dan jenis kuasa yang tidak dimiliki oleh Demokrat Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New U.S. House: Women and minorities to the left; white men to the right.", "r": {"result": "Rumah A.S. Baharu: Wanita dan minoriti di sebelah kiri; lelaki putih ke kanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats are the minority in the House and do not have control of that chamber's most powerful committees.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat adalah minoriti dalam Dewan dan tidak mempunyai kawalan ke atas jawatankuasa paling berkuasa dewan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That means they have far less control over the types of legislation that comes out of those committees.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna mereka mempunyai kawalan yang jauh ke atas jenis perundangan yang keluar daripada jawatankuasa tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And even within the Democratic House caucus, women are far outnumbered and outranked on some of the most powerful committees.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun dalam kaukus Dewan Demokratik, wanita jauh lebih ramai dan mengatasi beberapa jawatankuasa yang paling berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The most traditional measure (of political power) would be leadership positions, not just ranking positions on key committees but any membership on these committees,\" Lawless said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ukuran yang paling tradisional (kuasa politik) ialah jawatan kepimpinan, bukan sahaja kedudukan jawatan dalam jawatankuasa utama tetapi mana-mana keahlian dalam jawatankuasa ini,\" kata Lawless.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is only one Democratic woman, Rep.", "r": {"result": "Hanya ada seorang wanita Demokrat, Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shelley Berkley of Nevada, on the powerful House Ways and Means committee, which oversees tax writing, revenue and entitlement programs.", "r": {"result": "Shelley Berkley dari Nevada, dalam jawatankuasa House Ways and Means yang berkuasa, yang menyelia penulisan cukai, hasil dan program kelayakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are other male lawmakers ahead of her with seniority to serve as ranking member.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat ahli parlimen lelaki lain di hadapannya dengan kekananan untuk berkhidmat sebagai ahli berpangkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ranking Democrats on the Appropriations, Budget, Education and the Workforce and Energy and Commerce committees are also all men.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukan Demokrat dalam jawatankuasa Peruntukan, Belanjawan, Pendidikan dan Tenaga Kerja dan Tenaga dan Perdagangan juga semuanya lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York Rep.", "r": {"result": "New York Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Louise McIntosh Slaughter, one of the longest-serving women in Congress, is the ranking member on the House Rules Committee.", "r": {"result": "Louise McIntosh Slaughter, salah seorang wanita paling lama berkhidmat dalam Kongres, ialah ahli kedudukan dalam Jawatankuasa Peraturan Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the Senate has a greater share of women in leadership positions, there are no Republican women in top leadership roles.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Senat mempunyai bahagian yang lebih besar daripada wanita dalam jawatan kepimpinan, tidak ada wanita Republikan dalam peranan kepimpinan tertinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are also other questions of whether women indeed have an equal place at the political table, Lawless said.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga persoalan lain sama ada wanita sememangnya mempunyai tempat yang sama di meja politik, kata Lawless.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lawless added that there are questions, like who is sponsoring significant pieces of legislation?", "r": {"result": "Lawless menambah bahawa terdapat persoalan, seperti siapa yang menaja undang-undang yang penting?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who are the most outspoken members regarding women's issues?", "r": {"result": "Siapakah ahli yang paling lantang bersuara mengenai isu wanita?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are women leading the discussions on the fiscal cliff?", "r": {"result": "Adakah wanita mengetuai perbincangan mengenai jurang fiskal?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With their big political win, the new American electorate has arrived.", "r": {"result": "Dengan kemenangan besar politik mereka, pengundi baru Amerika telah tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those questions will perhaps best be answered when the new Congress convenes in January.", "r": {"result": "Soalan-soalan itu mungkin akan dijawab sebaik mungkin apabila Kongres baharu bersidang pada bulan Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, with such dramatic demographic and ideological differences in the House aEUR\" women and minorities make up the majority on the left, white men are the majority on the right aEUR\" Congress is likely headed for more partisan gridlock, said David Wasserman, House editor for the Cook Political Report.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, dengan perbezaan demografi dan ideologi yang begitu dramatik dalam Dewan aEUR\" wanita dan minoriti membentuk majoriti di sebelah kiri, lelaki kulit putih adalah majoriti di sebelah kanan aEUR\" Kongres mungkin menuju ke arah kesesakan yang lebih partisan, kata David Wasserman, editor Dewan. untuk Laporan Politik Tukang Masak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, \"It will be more difficult to pass a bill to address the debt,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, \"Ia akan menjadi lebih sukar untuk meluluskan rang undang-undang untuk menangani hutang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two parties and their newly remade majorities also will likely be at loggerheads on such issues as entitlement spending, immigration and health care reform, political experts say.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua parti dan majoriti mereka yang baru dibuat semula juga berkemungkinan akan bertelagah dalam isu seperti perbelanjaan kelayakan, imigresen dan pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan, kata pakar politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the upcoming policy debates, the Republican side of the aisle will find it tougher to utilize their dwindled female corps to reach out to their Democratic compatriots, political experts say.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perbahasan dasar yang akan datang, pihak Republikan di lorong akan merasa lebih sukar untuk menggunakan kor wanita mereka yang semakin berkurangan untuk mendekati rakan senegara mereka dari Demokrat, kata pakar politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For Republican women it was a bad night,\" Michele Swers, a Georgetown University professor of American government, said of Election Night.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi wanita Republikan ia adalah malam yang buruk,\" kata Michele Swers, seorang profesor kerajaan Amerika Universiti Georgetown, mengenai Malam Pilihan Raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the House, a number of Republican women lost races including Saratoga Springs, Utah, Mayor Mia Love, a Mormon of Haitian descent and rising Republican Party star who was given a high-profile speaking role at the Republican National Convention in August.", "r": {"result": "Di Dewan, sebilangan wanita Republikan tewas dalam perlumbaan termasuk Saratoga Springs, Utah, Datuk Bandar Mia Love, seorang Mormon berketurunan Haiti dan bintang Parti Republikan yang sedang meningkat naik yang diberi peranan bercakap berprofil tinggi di Konvensyen Nasional Republikan pada bulan Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others, such as tea party favorite and former presidential candidate Rep.", "r": {"result": "Lain-lain, seperti kegemaran parti teh dan bekas calon presiden Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota narrowly kept their seats.", "r": {"result": "Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota mengekalkan tempat duduk mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The majority of the Republican-held House seats are occupied by white men.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti kerusi Dewan yang dipegang Republikan diduduki oleh lelaki kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cathy McMorris Rogers of Washington, the GOP's top woman in the House, was elected Republican Conference Chairman on Wednesday, despite the fact that Wisconsin Rep.", "r": {"result": "Cathy McMorris Rogers dari Washington, wanita tertinggi GOP dalam Dewan, telah dipilih sebagai Pengerusi Persidangan Republikan pada hari Rabu, walaupun fakta bahawa Wisconsin Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's running mate, threw his support behind Rep.", "r": {"result": "Paul Ryan, rakan kongsi Mitt Romney, memberikan sokongannya kepada Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom Price of Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Tom Price dari Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're somewhat limited,\" Lawless said of the GOP leadership's ability to put forth women on key issues.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka agak terhad,\" kata Lawless tentang keupayaan kepimpinan GOP untuk mengemukakan wanita dalam isu utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Only 10% of the Republican Congress is women.", "r": {"result": "\u201cHanya 10% daripada Kongres Republikan adalah wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To the extent they want to be inclusive, it's not as if there's dozens and dozens of women who can speak for them.", "r": {"result": "Setakat mana mereka nak inklusif, tidaklah ada berpuluh-puluh wanita yang boleh bercakap untuk mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lack of numbers hurts\".", "r": {"result": "Kekurangan nombor menyakitkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London, England (CNN) -- The United Kingdom votes on a new government May 6 through a political system that dates back centuries.", "r": {"result": "London, England (CNN) -- United Kingdom mengundi kerajaan baharu 6 Mei melalui sistem politik yang wujud sejak berabad-abad lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When does an election happen?", "r": {"result": "Bilakah pilihan raya berlaku?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The UK has no written constitution.", "r": {"result": "UK tidak mempunyai perlembagaan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead the country's electoral system is based on a series of parliamentary acts dating back to the 17th century, when men wore the sort of tights and wigs still donned on ceremonial occasions by some officials of the Houses of Parliament.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya sistem pilihan raya negara adalah berdasarkan beberapa siri akta parlimen sejak abad ke-17, apabila lelaki memakai seluar ketat dan rambut palsu yang masih dipakai pada majlis istiadat oleh beberapa pegawai Dewan Parlimen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A general election is when voters nationwide choose lawmakers who will sit in the House of Commons, the lower chamber which initiates and approves legislation.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya umum ialah apabila pengundi di seluruh negara memilih penggubal undang-undang yang akan duduk di Dewan Rakyat, dewan rendah yang memulakan dan meluluskan perundangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An election must take place, by law, at least every five years.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya mesti diadakan, mengikut undang-undang, sekurang-kurangnya setiap lima tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That said, governments can call an election at any time during their term.", "r": {"result": "Yang berkata, kerajaan boleh mengadakan pilihan raya pada bila-bila masa sepanjang tempoh mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They could also be forced into an election if they lose a majority of lawmakers in the Commons.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga boleh dipaksa ke dalam pilihan raya jika mereka kehilangan majoriti ahli parlimen dalam Dewan Rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who calls an election?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang memanggil pilihan raya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The starting gun in a general election is traditionally fired when the prime minister travels to Buckingham Palace to ask the queen, the UK's head of state, to dissolve parliament by royal proclamation.", "r": {"result": "Pistol permulaan dalam pilihan raya umum secara tradisinya dilepaskan apabila perdana menteri pergi ke Istana Buckingham untuk meminta permaisuri, ketua negara UK, membubarkan parlimen melalui pengisytiharan diraja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An election must then take place within weeks.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya mesti diadakan dalam masa beberapa minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 1979, elections have been held between April and June.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 1979, pilihan raya telah diadakan antara April dan Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is customary for an election to be held on a Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Adalah menjadi kebiasaan untuk pilihan raya diadakan pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vote is conducted through the \"first past the post\" system whereby the candidate in each constituency with the most votes wins the seat.", "r": {"result": "Pengundian dijalankan melalui sistem \"first past the post\" di mana calon di setiap kawasan dengan undi terbanyak memenangi kerusi tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the queen is the head of state, then how come the UK a democracy?", "r": {"result": "Jika permaisuri adalah ketua negara, maka bagaimana pula UK sebuah negara demokrasi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although the UK is a monarchy, the powers of the reigning head of state have gradually dwindled since King Charles I was beheaded in 1649 following the English Civil War between Royalists and Parliamentarians.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun UK adalah monarki, kuasa ketua negara yang memerintah telah beransur-ansur berkurangan sejak Raja Charles I dipenggal pada 1649 berikutan Perang Saudara Inggeris antara Royalis dan Ahli Parlimen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, the monarch's role is largely ceremonial and mostly restricted to state functions and appearing on stamps and banknotes.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, peranan raja sebahagian besarnya adalah upacara dan kebanyakannya terhad kepada fungsi negeri dan tertera pada setem dan wang kertas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the monarch still retains formal powers and opens parliament each year.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi raja masih mengekalkan kuasa rasmi dan membuka parlimen setiap tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How does parliament function?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah parlimen berfungsi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The job of parliament is to make laws, scrutinize the actions of the government and debate issues of the day.", "r": {"result": "Tugas parlimen ialah menggubal undang-undang, meneliti tindakan kerajaan dan membahaskan isu-isu semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Commons -- which has green benches -- currently consists of 650 directly elected lawmakers known as Members of Parliament or MPs who each represent a geographical constituency.", "r": {"result": "Dewan Rakyat -- yang mempunyai bangku hijau -- kini terdiri daripada 650 ahli parlimen yang dipilih secara langsung dikenali sebagai Ahli Parlimen atau Ahli Parlimen yang masing-masing mewakili kawasan geografi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The upper house, the Lords -- which has red benches -- is mostly appointed by the government with members serving for life.", "r": {"result": "Dewan atasan, Lords -- yang mempunyai bangku merah -- kebanyakannya dilantik oleh kerajaan dengan anggota berkhidmat seumur hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its main duty is to vote on legislation passed by the Commons and, when necessary, to send it back for further debate.", "r": {"result": "Tugas utamanya ialah mengundi undang-undang yang diluluskan oleh Dewan Rakyat dan, apabila perlu, menghantarnya semula untuk perbahasan selanjutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In certain circumstances the government can force through legislation passed by the Commons but rejected by the Lords.", "r": {"result": "Dalam keadaan tertentu kerajaan boleh memaksa melalui undang-undang yang diluluskan oleh Dewan Rakyat tetapi ditolak oleh Yang Dipertuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How is an election decided?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah pilihan raya diputuskan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Voters do not elect the prime minister, or head of government, directly.", "r": {"result": "Pengundi tidak memilih perdana menteri, atau ketua kerajaan, secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rather, they vote to elect a candidate representing a particular party to serve as their local MP.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, mereka mengundi untuk memilih calon yang mewakili parti tertentu untuk berkhidmat sebagai ahli parlimen tempatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The leader of the party which wins the most seats is then asked by the Queen to form a government.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin parti yang memenangi kerusi terbanyak kemudiannya diminta oleh Ratu untuk membentuk kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The leader of the second largest party in the Commons becomes the \"Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition\".", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin parti kedua terbesar dalam Dewan Rakyat menjadi \"Pemimpin Pembangkang Baginda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MPs are elected by a plurality, rather than a majority, of votes.", "r": {"result": "Ahli parlimen dipilih melalui pluraliti, bukannya majoriti, undi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This means that a party can win a majority of seats in the Commons without achieving an overall majority in the overall popular vote.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna parti boleh memenangi majoriti kerusi dalam Dewan Rakyat tanpa mencapai majoriti keseluruhan dalam undi popular keseluruhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, because there are three main parties in the UK it is extremely rare for a party to win an outright majority.", "r": {"result": "Malah, kerana terdapat tiga parti utama di UK, sangat jarang parti itu memenangi majoriti secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The last prime minister elected by an outright majority was Stanley Baldwin, the Conservative Party leader, in 1931. In 2005, Tony Blair's Labour Party won just 35 percent of the vote but still controlled a 66-seat majority in the House of Commons.", "r": {"result": "Perdana menteri terakhir yang dipilih dengan majoriti langsung ialah Stanley Baldwin, pemimpin Parti Konservatif, pada 1931. Pada 2005, Parti Buruh pimpinan Tony Blair hanya memenangi 35 peratus undi tetapi masih menguasai majoriti 66 kerusi di Dewan Rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So who can I vote for?", "r": {"result": "Jadi siapa yang boleh saya undi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For most of the past century, British politics has been dominated by two parties, the left-wing Labour Party and the right-wing Conservative Party.", "r": {"result": "Untuk sebahagian besar abad yang lalu, politik British telah dikuasai oleh dua parti, Parti Buruh sayap kiri dan Parti Konservatif sayap kanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That said, the boundaries between left and right have been blurred as each has strived to occupy the strategically important center ground.", "r": {"result": "Yang berkata, sempadan antara kiri dan kanan telah kabur kerana masing-masing telah berusaha untuk menduduki kawasan tengah yang penting secara strategik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A third party, the centrist Liberal Democrats, usually picks up around 20 percent of votes but wins far fewer seats because it is squeezed between the two main parties.", "r": {"result": "Pihak ketiga, Liberal Demokrat yang berpusat, biasanya memperoleh kira-kira 20 peratus undi tetapi memenangi lebih sedikit kerusi kerana ia tersepit antara dua parti utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parties from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also send small numbers of lawmakers to Westminster.", "r": {"result": "Pihak dari Scotland, Wales dan Ireland Utara juga menghantar sejumlah kecil penggubal undang-undang ke Westminster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Full guide to UK political parties What happens if a party doesn't win a majority of seats?", "r": {"result": "Panduan penuh kepada parti politik UK Apakah yang berlaku jika parti tidak memenangi majoriti kerusi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If no party wins an overall majority -- a \"hung parliament\" --- then the leader of the party which takes the most seats will usually be invited by the monarch to form a government.", "r": {"result": "Jika tiada parti yang memenangi majoriti keseluruhan -- \"parlimen yang digantung\" --- maka pemimpin parti yang mengambil kerusi terbanyak biasanya akan dijemput oleh raja untuk membentuk kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But its powers will be limited because it cannot control a majority of votes in the Commons.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kuasanya akan terhad kerana ia tidak dapat mengawal majoriti undi di Dewan Rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The party will usually call another election within months in a fresh attempt to secure a majority.", "r": {"result": "Parti itu biasanya akan mengadakan pilihan raya lain dalam beberapa bulan dalam usaha baru untuk mendapatkan majoriti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What would a hung parliament mean in 2010?", "r": {"result": "Apakah maksud parlimen yang digantung pada tahun 2010?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The last time this happened was in 1974, when an election in February resulted in a hung parliament.", "r": {"result": "Kali terakhir ini berlaku pada tahun 1974, apabila pilihan raya pada bulan Februari mengakibatkan parlimen digantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A second election followed in October of the same year.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya kedua diikuti pada Oktober tahun yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many opinion pollsters and observers believe that the 2010 general election will result in a hung parliament.", "r": {"result": "Ramai peninjau pendapat dan pemerhati percaya bahawa pilihan raya umum 2010 akan menyebabkan parlimen digantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- An Amtrak train traveling from New York to Washington struck and killed a 14-year-old girl Tuesday morning, the rail operator said.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Sebuah kereta api Amtrak dalam perjalanan dari New York ke Washington melanggar dan membunuh seorang gadis berusia 14 tahun pagi Selasa, kata pengendali kereta api itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Details on how the accident occurred were not immediately available, and the girl was not named.", "r": {"result": "Butiran tentang bagaimana kemalangan itu berlaku tidak tersedia serta-merta, dan gadis itu tidak dinamakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Baltimore County Police Lt. Robert McCullough said there were other children at the scene who knew the victim.", "r": {"result": "Leftenan Polis Daerah Baltimore Robert McCullough berkata terdapat kanak-kanak lain di tempat kejadian yang mengenali mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly two hours after the fatality occurred, emergency management officials in Washington announced that one out of four railroad tracks between Washington and Maryland had been \"cleared for reduced speed service\".", "r": {"result": "Hampir dua jam selepas kematian itu berlaku, pegawai pengurusan kecemasan di Washington mengumumkan bahawa satu daripada empat landasan kereta api antara Washington dan Maryland telah \"dibersihkan untuk perkhidmatan kelajuan rendah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amtrak spokeswoman Tracy Connell said trains were traveling in both directions but had to take turns using the single set of tracks.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Amtrak, Tracy Connell berkata, kereta api bergerak dalam kedua-dua arah tetapi terpaksa bergilir-gilir menggunakan set trek tunggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amtrak halted all trains through the area near Essex, Maryland, to give investigators access to the scene.", "r": {"result": "Amtrak menghentikan semua kereta api melalui kawasan berhampiran Essex, Maryland, untuk memberi penyiasat akses ke tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said the teen was hit at 9:02 a.m. ET.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata remaja itu dipukul pada 9:02 pagi ET.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Connell said the incident occurred 11 miles north of the Baltimore, Maryland, rail station.", "r": {"result": "Connell berkata, kejadian itu berlaku 11 batu di utara stesen kereta api Baltimore, Maryland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Baltimore County Police and Amtrak were investigating.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Polis Daerah Baltimore dan Amtrak sedang menyiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- They look like typical Mormon missionaries.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Mereka kelihatan seperti mubaligh Mormon biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dressed in black pants, white shirts and black ties and carrying backpacks, the two men walk up a driveway and step though a gate.", "r": {"result": "Berpakaian seluar hitam, kemeja putih dan tali leher hitam serta membawa beg galas, kedua-dua lelaki itu berjalan di jalan masuk dan melangkah melalui pintu pagar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But their mission was anything but godly, say Las Vegas police, which released images of the men on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi misi mereka adalah sesuatu yang tidak baik, kata polis Las Vegas, yang mengeluarkan imej lelaki itu pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two are accused of posing as missionaries to rob a family home.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya dituduh menyamar sebagai mubaligh untuk merompak rumah keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They knocked on the victim's door asking to talk about religion, police say.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mengetuk pintu rumah mangsa meminta bercakap tentang agama, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After about five minutes, they allegedly jumped and punched the homeowner.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kira-kira lima minit, mereka dikatakan melompat dan menumbuk pemilik rumah berkenaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Something went around my neck.", "r": {"result": "\"Sesuatu melingkari leher saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A hand went around my mouth, and I screamed for my wife,\" Terence Delucia told CNN affiliate KTNV.", "r": {"result": "Satu tangan melingkari mulut saya, dan saya menjerit memanggil isteri saya,\" kata Terence Delucia kepada sekutu CNN KTNV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His screams woke his wife and daughter.", "r": {"result": "Jeritannya menyedarkan isteri dan anak perempuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both reportedly hid in their closets.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya dilaporkan bersembunyi di dalam almari mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two men took about $3,000 the family had been saving for a trip to Disneyland, along with three iPads and an iPod, KTNV reported.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua lelaki itu mengambil kira-kira $3,000 yang disimpan keluarga untuk perjalanan ke Disneyland, bersama tiga iPad dan iPod, lapor KTNV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then they fled.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian mereka melarikan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police describe the first suspect as a white male, between 22 and 28 years old, 5 feet 7 inches or 5 feet 8 inches tall, and 130 to 145 pounds.", "r": {"result": "Polis menggambarkan suspek pertama sebagai lelaki kulit putih, berumur antara 22 dan 28 tahun, tinggi 5 kaki 7 inci atau 5 kaki 8 inci, dan 130 hingga 145 paun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The second suspect is a black male, between 22 and 28 years old, 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 1 inch tall, and 190 to 210 pounds.", "r": {"result": "Suspek kedua ialah lelaki kulit hitam, berumur antara 22 dan 28 tahun, tinggi 5 kaki 10 inci hingga 6 kaki 1 inci, dan 190 hingga 210 paun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kristen Howey, a spokeswoman for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, called the crime \"senseless\".", "r": {"result": "Kristen Howey, jurucakap The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, menyebut jenayah itu \"tidak masuk akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The robbery took place on the morning of June 27.", "r": {"result": "Rompakan itu berlaku pada pagi 27 Jun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Thankfully, impersonating missionaries is very rare,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Syukurlah, menyamar sebagai mubaligh sangat jarang berlaku,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Amanda Watts contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Amanda Watts dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man accused of killing a dozen people in a shooting rampage at a Colorado movie theater had offered to plead guilty if authorities would spare his life.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang dituduh membunuh sedozen orang dalam kejadian tembakan di panggung wayang Colorado telah menawarkan untuk mengaku bersalah jika pihak berkuasa akan menyelamatkan nyawanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the prosecutor denied that request Monday, announcing that he will seek the state's highest punishment for shooting suspect James Holmes: the death penalty.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pendakwa raya menafikan permintaan itu pada hari Isnin, mengumumkan bahawa dia akan menuntut hukuman tertinggi negeri untuk menembak suspek James Holmes: hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is my determination and my intention that in this case, for James Eagan Holmes, justice is death,\" Arapahoe County District Attorney George Brauchler said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah keazaman saya dan niat saya bahawa dalam kes ini, bagi James Eagan Holmes, keadilan adalah kematian,\" kata Peguam Daerah Arapahoe, George Brauchler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking directly with dozens of victims' family members, Brauchler said, helped inform his choice.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap secara langsung dengan berpuluh-puluh ahli keluarga mangsa, Brauchler berkata, membantu memaklumkan pilihannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of them watched the prosecutor announce his intentions in court Monday.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mereka menyaksikan pendakwa raya mengumumkan hasratnya di mahkamah Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bryan Beard, whose close friend was killed in the massacre, said one thought ran through his mind: \"Thank goodness.", "r": {"result": "Bryan Beard, yang rakan karibnya terbunuh dalam pembunuhan beramai-ramai itu, berkata satu fikiran terlintas di fikirannya: \"Syukurlah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am so happy this is happening\".", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat gembira perkara ini berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The only way death will receive justice when somebody murders somebody else is death,\" Beard told CNN Denver affiliate KMGH-TV during a break in Monday's court proceedings.", "r": {"result": "\"Satu-satunya cara kematian akan menerima keadilan apabila seseorang membunuh orang lain ialah kematian,\" kata Beard kepada sekutu CNN Denver KMGH-TV semasa rehat dalam prosiding mahkamah Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I guess you fight fire with fire\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa awak lawan api dengan api\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beard told reporters that if Holmes is executed, he wants to attend.", "r": {"result": "Beard memberitahu pemberita bahawa jika Holmes dihukum bunuh, dia mahu hadir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've already said, give me a front-row ticket\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sudah kata, berikan saya tiket barisan hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New trial date.", "r": {"result": "Tarikh percubaan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the legal wrangling in the case is just revving up, and Holmes' trial won't begin until next year.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi perbalahan undang-undang dalam kes itu baru sahaja dibangkitkan, dan perbicaraan Holmes tidak akan bermula sehingga tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trial was originally scheduled for August, but a judge Monday pushed back the start date to February 3 and said it could be delayed further.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan pada asalnya dijadualkan pada Ogos, tetapi hakim pada hari Isnin menolak tarikh mula kepada 3 Februari dan berkata ia boleh ditangguhkan lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once it starts, the trial is expected to last four months.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja ia bermula, perbicaraan dijangka berlangsung selama empat bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Public defender Tamara Brady argued that it is important to provide enough time to present arguments in the case.", "r": {"result": "Pembela awam Tamara Brady berhujah bahawa adalah penting untuk menyediakan masa yang cukup untuk mengemukakan hujah dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Your honor, this case is the most important matter this courtroom and this courthouse will ever hear,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Yang Berhormat, kes ini adalah perkara paling penting di mahkamah ini dan mahkamah ini akan mendengarnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're trying to execute our client\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka cuba untuk melaksanakan pelanggan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week defense attorneys filed documents saying Holmes had offered to plead guilty and spend the rest of his life behind bars in exchange for avoiding the death penalty.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu peguam pembelaan memfailkan dokumen mengatakan Holmes telah menawarkan untuk mengaku bersalah dan menghabiskan sisa hidupnya di dalam penjara sebagai pertukaran untuk mengelak daripada hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors took the defense to task for publicly offering it, saying they hadn't been given enough information to even consider such a deal.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya mengambil tindakan pembelaan kerana menawarkannya secara terbuka, mengatakan mereka tidak diberi maklumat yang mencukupi untuk mempertimbangkan perjanjian sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Not only improper, but grossly improper,\" prosecutors said in a Thursday court filing.", "r": {"result": "\"Bukan sahaja tidak wajar, tetapi sangat tidak wajar,\" kata pendakwa raya dalam pemfailan mahkamah Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For the intended purpose of generating predictable publicity\".", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk tujuan yang dimaksudkan untuk menjana publisiti yang boleh diramal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case against Holmes.", "r": {"result": "Kes terhadap Holmes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorneys on both sides are under a gag order, leaving case watchers to divine tactics from court documents.", "r": {"result": "Peguam di kedua-dua pihak berada di bawah perintah gag, meninggalkan pemerhati kes kepada taktik ilahi dari dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal agents have said the 25-year-old former University of Colorado doctoral student planned the attack for months.", "r": {"result": "Ejen persekutuan berkata bekas pelajar kedoktoran Universiti Colorado berusia 25 tahun itu merancang serangan itu selama berbulan-bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said Holmes booby-trapped his apartment with explosives, then traveled to the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, armed with weapons, tear gas and body armor.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata Holmes memerangkap apartmennya dengan bahan letupan, kemudian pergi ke panggung wayang di Aurora, Colorado, bersenjatakan senjata, gas pemedih mata dan perisai badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He planned to ambush audience members during a screening of \"The Dark Knight Rises,\" authorities said, and he did.", "r": {"result": "Dia merancang untuk menyerang hendap penonton semasa tayangan \"The Dark Knight Rises,\" kata pihak berkuasa, dan dia melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Witnesses who spoke to CNN said the gunman roamed the theater, shooting randomly as people tried to scramble away or cowered between seats.", "r": {"result": "Saksi yang bercakap dengan CNN berkata lelaki bersenjata itu berkeliaran di teater, menembak secara rawak ketika orang ramai cuba melarikan diri atau ketakutan di antara tempat duduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the end of the July 20 rampage, 12 people were dead and 58 were wounded.", "r": {"result": "Pada akhir amuk 20 Julai, 12 orang maut dan 58 cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom Teves, the father of shooting victim Alex Teves, told CNN's Piers Morgan Live Monday night that he thinks Holmes should get the same mercy he showed his victims.", "r": {"result": "Tom Teves, bapa kepada mangsa tembak Alex Teves, memberitahu CNN Piers Morgan Live pada malam Isnin bahawa dia berpendapat Holmes harus mendapat belas kasihan yang sama seperti yang ditunjukkannya kepada mangsanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have no interest in understanding him,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak berminat untuk memahaminya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My interest would be to see him exterminated\".", "r": {"result": "\"Minat saya adalah untuk melihat dia dimusnahkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorneys prepare an insanity defense.", "r": {"result": "Peguam menyediakan pembelaan gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes faces 166 counts of murder and attempted murder for the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Holmes menghadapi 166 pertuduhan membunuh dan cubaan membunuh untuk tembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, a judge entered a standard plea of not guilty for Holmes.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, seorang hakim membuat pengakuan standard tidak bersalah untuk Holmes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His parents sat among reporters in the courtroom during Monday's hearing.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapanya duduk di kalangan wartawan di bilik mahkamah semasa perbicaraan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the prosecutor announced his plans to pursue the death penalty, Holmes' father put his arm around his mother.", "r": {"result": "Semasa pendakwa raya mengumumkan rancangannya untuk meneruskan hukuman mati, bapa Holmes memeluk ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both of them rocked back and forth.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya bergoyang ke sana ke mari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eerie sounds of cell phones amid disaster.", "r": {"result": "Bunyi telefon bimbit yang menakutkan di tengah bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes' attorneys have suggested they intend to pursue an insanity defense.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Holmes telah mencadangkan mereka berhasrat untuk meneruskan pembelaan gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the documents filed last Wednesday, his attorneys said they were still exploring a mental health defense, \"and counsel will vigorously present and argue any and all appropriate defenses at a trial or sentencing proceeding, as necessary\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam dokumen yang difailkan Rabu lalu, peguamnya berkata mereka masih meneroka pertahanan kesihatan mental, \"dan peguam akan bersungguh-sungguh membentangkan dan berhujah mana-mana dan semua pembelaan yang sesuai pada prosiding perbicaraan atau hukuman, jika perlu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peter Burns was outraged at the possibility of an insanity defense.", "r": {"result": "Peter Burns sangat marah dengan kemungkinan pertahanan gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His friend, Jessica Ghawi, was among those killed in the movie theater shooting.", "r": {"result": "Rakannya, Jessica Ghawi, adalah antara yang terbunuh dalam penggambaran panggung wayang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes' distracted appearance in court, he said, doesn't jibe with the details investigators have revealed about a man who they said created and executed a detailed, deadly plan.", "r": {"result": "Penampilan Holmes yang terganggu di mahkamah, katanya, tidak menghiraukan butiran yang didedahkan oleh penyiasat tentang seorang lelaki yang mereka katakan mencipta dan melaksanakan rancangan terperinci dan mematikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think this is an act,\" Burns told CNN Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ini adalah satu tindakan,\" kata Burns kepada CNN Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think this coward that shows up every day in court with this aloof look in his eyes that he's just spaced out -- well, I can't imagine somebody pulling off something like this to be in that case.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir pengecut ini yang muncul setiap hari di mahkamah dengan pandangan menyendiri di matanya bahawa dia baru sahaja menjauhkan diri -- baik, saya tidak dapat membayangkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu seperti ini untuk berada dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think as soon as he knows he goes into the courtroom, he knows exactly what's going on\".", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa sebaik sahaja dia tahu dia masuk ke bilik mahkamah, dia tahu betul-betul apa yang sedang berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burns said he wanted Holmes to receive the toughest punishment possible, but he questioned whether the death penalty -- with the lengthy court proceedings and appeals that come with it -- was the right approach.", "r": {"result": "Burns berkata dia mahu Holmes menerima hukuman yang paling berat, tetapi dia mempersoalkan sama ada hukuman mati -- dengan prosiding mahkamah yang panjang dan rayuan yang disertakan dengannya -- adalah pendekatan yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want justice, but at the same time we want closure,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mahukan keadilan, tetapi pada masa sama kami mahu penutupan,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Do we ever really get closure 17 years down the road\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah kita benar-benar mendapat penutupan 17 tahun lagi\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A Libyan rebel fighter collapses to the ground during a firefight in the city of Misrata.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang pejuang pemberontak Libya rebah ke tanah semasa pertempuran di bandar Misrata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shrapnel rips through an artery in his leg, and he is rapidly losing blood.", "r": {"result": "Serpihan pecah melalui arteri di kakinya, dan dia kehilangan darah dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Medics battle to save his life in an abandoned building that doubles as an emergency operating theater.", "r": {"result": "Pakar perubatan berjuang untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya di bangunan terbiar yang berfungsi sebagai dewan bedah kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They come under fire.", "r": {"result": "Mereka diserang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man dies.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Photographer Andre Liohn's images of the grim scene provide insight into the risky conditions under which medical personnel in conflict zones operate.", "r": {"result": "Imej jurugambar Andre Liohn tentang adegan suram itu memberikan gambaran tentang keadaan berisiko di mana kakitangan perubatan di zon konflik beroperasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It used to be that a red cross on a vehicle or building meant protection.", "r": {"result": "Dahulunya salib merah pada kenderaan atau bangunan bermaksud perlindungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But not anymore.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Assaults on medical personnel and facilities have become all too common, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Wednesday in releasing a new report.", "r": {"result": "Serangan ke atas kakitangan dan kemudahan perubatan telah menjadi terlalu biasa, kata Jawatankuasa Palang Merah Antarabangsa pada hari Rabu dalam mengeluarkan laporan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Violence against health-care facilities and personnel must end.", "r": {"result": "\"Keganasan terhadap kemudahan dan kakitangan penjagaan kesihatan mesti ditamatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a matter of life and death,\" said Yves Daccord, the director-general of the organization.", "r": {"result": "Ini soal hidup dan mati,\" kata Yves Daccord, ketua pengarah organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The human cost is staggering: civilians and fighters often die from their injuries simply because they are prevented from receiving timely medical assistance,\" Daccord said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kos manusia sangat mengejutkan: orang awam dan pejuang sering mati akibat kecederaan mereka hanya kerana mereka dihalang daripada menerima bantuan perubatan tepat pada masanya,\" kata Daccord.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read the opinion of ICRC Director-General, Yves Daccord.", "r": {"result": "Membaca pendapat daripada Ketua Pengarah ICRC, Yves Daccord.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Louis Lillywhite, former surgeon general of the British armed forces, said in World War II a British hospital on the front lines was able to function even with fighting on the premises.", "r": {"result": "Louis Lillywhite, bekas pakar bedah jeneral angkatan bersenjata British, berkata dalam Perang Dunia II sebuah hospital British di barisan hadapan dapat berfungsi walaupun dengan pertempuran di premis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Both the Germans and the British respected the neutrality of the area that was actually reserved as the hospital,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKedua-dua orang Jerman dan British menghormati kekecualian kawasan yang sebenarnya dikhaskan sebagai hospital,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And it was on the basis that they did not participate in any military activities at all\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan ia adalah atas dasar bahawa mereka tidak mengambil bahagian dalam sebarang aktiviti ketenteraan sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But these days, convincing warring parties of the neutrality of medical personnel is a challenge.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi hari ini, meyakinkan pihak yang berperang tentang sikap berkecuali kakitangan perubatan adalah satu cabaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michiel Hofman of Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) said in a place like Afghanistan, for instance, medics can only operate if there is no military presence whatsoever.", "r": {"result": "Michiel Hofman dari Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) berkata di tempat seperti Afghanistan, sebagai contoh, medik hanya boleh beroperasi jika tiada kehadiran tentera sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is the old concept of the gun-free hospital,\" Hofman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah konsep lama hospital tanpa senjata,\" kata Hofman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This concept was there for a reason.", "r": {"result": "\"Konsep ini ada sebabnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once there (are) guns inside a hospital, the hospital is no longer a neutral zone, and it will get attacked by different military forces\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila terdapat (ada) senjata api di dalam hospital, hospital itu bukan lagi zon neutral, dan ia akan diserang oleh pasukan tentera yang berbeza\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Red Cross report said that millions of lives could be saved if the delivery of health care were more respected.", "r": {"result": "Laporan Palang Merah berkata berjuta-juta nyawa boleh diselamatkan jika penyampaian penjagaan kesihatan lebih dihormati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The most shocking finding is that people die in large numbers not because they are direct victims of a roadside bomb or a shooting,\" said Robin Coupland, whose research in 16 countries formed the basis of the report.", "r": {"result": "\"Penemuan yang paling mengejutkan ialah orang mati dalam jumlah besar bukan kerana mereka menjadi mangsa langsung bom di tepi jalan atau tembakan,\" kata Robin Coupland, yang penyelidikannya di 16 negara membentuk asas laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They die because the ambulance does not get there in time, because health-care personnel are prevented from doing their work, because hospitals are themselves targets of attacks or simply because the environment is too dangerous for effective health care to be delivered\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mati kerana ambulans tidak sampai tepat pada masanya, kerana kakitangan penjagaan kesihatan dihalang daripada melakukan kerja mereka, kerana hospital sendiri menjadi sasaran serangan atau semata-mata kerana persekitaran terlalu berbahaya untuk penjagaan kesihatan yang berkesan untuk disampaikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Medical workers are becoming war's first casualties, Daccord said.", "r": {"result": "Pekerja perubatan menjadi mangsa pertama perang, kata Daccord.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hospitals in Sri Lanka and Somalia have been shelled, ambulances in Libya, shot at.", "r": {"result": "Hospital di Sri Lanka dan Somalia telah dibedil, ambulans di Libya, ditembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paramedics in Colombia were killed and the wounded in Afghanistan languished for hours in vehicles held at checkpoints.", "r": {"result": "Paramedik di Colombia terbunuh dan yang cedera di Afghanistan merebahkan diri selama berjam-jam dalam kenderaan yang ditahan di pusat pemeriksaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of it presents \"one of the most urgent yet overlooked humanitarian tragedies,\" Daccord said.", "r": {"result": "Kesemuanya membentangkan \"salah satu tragedi kemanusiaan yang paling mendesak namun diabaikan,\" kata Daccord.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The issue has been staring us in the face for years.", "r": {"result": "\"Isu itu telah merenung kami selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It must end\".", "r": {"result": "Ia mesti berakhir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Atika Shubert contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Atika Shubert dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea's enigmatic leader Kim Jong Il -- who, after succeeding his father 17 years ago, captained his poor, closed nation and antagonized its enemies -- is dead, state media reported Monday.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin penuh teka-teki Korea Utara Kim Jong Il -- yang, selepas menggantikan bapanya 17 tahun lalu, memimpin negaranya yang miskin, tertutup dan memusuhi musuh-musuhnya -- sudah mati, lapor media kerajaan hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim, 69, died at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, according to state media.", "r": {"result": "Kim, 69, meninggal dunia pada 8:30 pagi Sabtu, menurut media kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A tearful broadcaster reported that Kim died due to \"overwork\" after \"dedicating his life to the people\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang penyiar yang menangis melaporkan bahawa Kim meninggal dunia akibat \"terlalu kerja\" selepas \"mendedikasikan hidupnya kepada rakyat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kim suffered \"great mental and physical strain\" while on a train during a \"field guidance tour,\" North Korea's state-run KCNA news agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Kim mengalami \"ketegangan mental dan fizikal yang hebat\" semasa berada di dalam kereta api semasa \"lawatan bimbingan lapangan,\" lapor agensi berita KCNA yang dikendalikan kerajaan Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A look back at the life of Kim Jong Il.", "r": {"result": "Imbas kembali kehidupan Kim Jong Il.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More specifically, the agency reported that Kim suffered a heart attack and couldn't be saved despite the use of \"every possible first-aid measure\".", "r": {"result": "Lebih khusus lagi, agensi itu melaporkan bahawa Kim mengalami serangan jantung dan tidak dapat diselamatkan walaupun menggunakan \"setiap langkah pertolongan cemas yang mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had been treated for \"cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases for a long period,\" KCNA noted.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah dirawat untuk \"penyakit jantung dan serebrovaskular untuk tempoh yang lama,\" kata KCNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His funeral will be held December 28 and the national mourning period extends until December 29, said the news agency.", "r": {"result": "Pengebumian beliau akan diadakan pada 28 Disember dan tempoh perkabungan negara dilanjutkan sehingga 29 Disember, kata agensi berita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korean and communist party officials \"released a notice on Saturday informing\" members of the Workers' Party of Korea, military \"and all other people\" of Kim's passing, according to KCNA.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Korea Utara dan parti komunis \"mengeluarkan notis pada hari Sabtu memaklumkan\" anggota Parti Pekerja Korea, tentera \"dan semua orang lain\" tentang kematian Kim, menurut KCNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "South Korea's national security council convened after news broke about Kim's death and was still meeting as of 2 p.m. Monday, President Lee Myung-bak's office said.", "r": {"result": "Majlis keselamatan negara Korea Selatan bersidang selepas berita mengenai kematian Kim tersiar dan masih bermesyuarat setakat jam 2 petang. Isnin, kata pejabat Presiden Lee Myung-bak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president canceled the rest of his Monday schedule, and all members of South Korea's military have been placed on \"emergency alert,\" according to Lee's office.", "r": {"result": "Presiden membatalkan baki jadual hari Isnin, dan semua anggota tentera Korea Selatan telah diletakkan dalam \"berjaga-jaga kecemasan,\" menurut pejabat Lee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the alert -- which is short of the highest possible level -- South Korean forces will monitor North Korean troop movements closely and tighten security measures at sea, according to the ministry of defense.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah amaran -- yang tidak mencapai tahap tertinggi -- tentera Korea Selatan akan memantau pergerakan tentera Korea Utara dengan teliti dan mengetatkan langkah keselamatan di laut, menurut kementerian pertahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, South Korea's National Police Agency has ordered police across the country to be on emergency work shifts.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, Agensi Polis Kebangsaan Korea Selatan telah mengarahkan polis di seluruh negara untuk berada dalam syif kerja kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"South Korea's concern is warranted, frankly, because an insecure North Korea could well be an even more dangerous North Korea,\" a U.S. official said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kebimbangan Korea Selatan wajar, terus terang, kerana Korea Utara yang tidak selamat boleh menjadi Korea Utara yang lebih berbahaya,\" kata seorang pegawai AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The White House, meanwhile, released a statement saying U.S. officials are \"closely monitoring reports\" of Kim's death and are \"in close touch with our allies in South Korea and Japan\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Rumah Putih mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengatakan pegawai AS \"memantau dengan teliti laporan\" kematian Kim dan \"berhubungan rapat dengan sekutu kami di Korea Selatan dan Jepun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This Just In: Up-to-the minute news on the death of Kim Jong Il.", "r": {"result": "This Just In: Berita terkini mengenai kematian Kim Jong Il.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We remain committed to stability on the Korean peninsula, and to the freedom and security of our allies,\" the White House statement said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tetap komited terhadap kestabilan di semenanjung Korea, dan kepada kebebasan dan keselamatan sekutu kami,\u201d kata kenyataan Rumah Putih itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The son of Kim Il Song, founder of the communist nation, Kim Jong Il had been in power since 1994 when his father died of a heart attack at age 82.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki Kim Il Song, pengasas negara komunis, Kim Jong Il telah berkuasa sejak 1994 apabila bapanya meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung pada usia 82 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The enigmatic leader was a frequent thorn in the side of neighboring South Korea, as well as the United States.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin yang penuh teka-teki itu adalah duri yang kerap di sisi negara jiran Korea Selatan, serta Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been reports in recent years about his health, as well as that power will be transitioned to his son, Kim Jong Un.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat laporan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini mengenai kesihatannya, serta kuasa itu akan beralih kepada anaknya, Kim Jong Un.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea's nuclear program -- and international attempts to hinder its nuclear weaponry potential -- put Kim at odds with many world leaders in recent years, as did his governing style.", "r": {"result": "Program nuklear Korea Utara -- dan percubaan antarabangsa untuk menghalang potensi persenjataan nuklearnya -- meletakkan Kim bertentangan dengan ramai pemimpin dunia dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, begitu juga dengan gaya pemerintahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport: Send us your reaction.", "r": {"result": "iReport: Hantarkan reaksi anda kepada kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under his leadership, North Korea was largely closed off to outside influences, fearful of threats from its neighbors and subject to decades of political socialization.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah kepimpinannya, Korea Utara sebahagian besarnya tertutup kepada pengaruh luar, takut akan ancaman daripada jirannya dan tertakluk kepada sosialisasi politik selama beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, it also sought international aid after extensive famines that contributed to the deaths of tens of thousands of people.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, ia juga meminta bantuan antarabangsa selepas kebuluran yang meluas yang menyumbang kepada kematian berpuluh-puluh ribu orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both North Korea and South Korea have shown signs of concession in recent years -- Pyongyang has expressed willingness to engage with countries involved in multilateral talks aimed at North Korea's denuclearization, while Seoul recently sent humanitarian aid through U.N. agencies to help the malnourished population in the North.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan telah menunjukkan tanda-tanda konsesi dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini -- Pyongyang telah menyatakan kesediaan untuk melibatkan diri dengan negara-negara yang terlibat dalam rundingan pelbagai hala yang bertujuan untuk penghapusan nuklear Korea Utara, manakala Seoul baru-baru ini menghantar bantuan kemanusiaan melalui agensi-agensi PBB untuk membantu penduduk yang kekurangan zat makanan di negara itu. utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But relations between the two rival nations soured yet again when North Korea launched an attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, killing two South Korean marines and two civilians.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi hubungan antara kedua-dua negara yang bertelagah memburuk lagi apabila Korea Utara melancarkan serangan ke atas pulau Yeonpyeong Korea Selatan, membunuh dua marin Korea Selatan dan dua orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said earlier this fall that the greatest threat from North Korea is weapons of mass destruction.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Pertahanan A.S. Leon Panetta berkata awal musim gugur ini bahawa ancaman terbesar dari Korea Utara ialah senjata pemusnah besar-besaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"North Korea continues to defy the international community as it enhances its nuclear weapons, its ballistic missile programs and continues to engage in dangerous and destabilizing proliferation activities\".", "r": {"result": "\"Korea Utara terus menentang masyarakat antarabangsa kerana ia meningkatkan senjata nuklearnya, program peluru berpandu balistiknya dan terus terlibat dalam aktiviti percambahan yang berbahaya dan tidak stabil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The regime has been planning a nationwide, yearlong celebration in 2012 to show North Korea is \"strong and prosperous\" and also to honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Song, the communist nation's founder.", "r": {"result": "Rejim itu telah merancang perayaan sepanjang tahun di seluruh negara pada 2012 untuk menunjukkan Korea Utara \"kuat dan makmur\" dan juga untuk menghormati ulang tahun ke-100 kelahiran Kim Il Song, pengasas negara komunis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korean news reports earlier this fall indicated that Kim Jong Il had been traveling around the country and visiting China, a big change from 2009 when he was thought to be ill with cancer.", "r": {"result": "Laporan berita Korea Utara awal musim gugur ini menunjukkan bahawa Kim Jong Il telah mengembara di seluruh negara dan melawat China, perubahan besar daripada 2009 apabila dia dianggap menghidap kanser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two senior U.S. military officials said then that they believed the pace of North Korea's planned regime change from Kim to his 20-something son appeared to have slowed.", "r": {"result": "Dua pegawai kanan tentera AS berkata kemudian bahawa mereka percaya kadar perubahan rejim yang dirancang Korea Utara daripada Kim kepada anak lelakinya yang berusia 20-an nampaknya semakin perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The son, also known as Kim, started his career as a four-star general and in recent years was given more official duties by his father.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki itu, yang juga dikenali sebagai Kim, memulakan kerjayanya sebagai jeneral empat bintang dan sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini diberikan lebih banyak tugas rasmi oleh bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's clearly the designated successor,\" Mike Chinoy, a senior fellow at the U.S.-China Institute who once worked for CNN, said of Kim Jong Un.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia jelas pengganti yang ditetapkan,\" kata Mike Chinoy, seorang felo kanan di Institut A.S.-China yang pernah bekerja untuk CNN, mengenai Kim Jong Un.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This has been in place for a while\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini telah berlaku untuk seketika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinoy said he expected that, in the short-term, North Koreans would \"rally around the flag (and) hunker down\".", "r": {"result": "Chinoy berkata, beliau menjangkakan bahawa, dalam jangka pendek, rakyat Korea Utara akan \"berhimpun di sekeliling bendera (dan) membongkok\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But given the nation's deep-rooted economic and other problems, maintaining that unity and control without a overarching figure like Kim Jong Il in place may be more difficult.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi memandangkan masalah ekonomi dan lain-lain negara yang berakar umbi, mengekalkan perpaduan dan kawalan tanpa tokoh menyeluruh seperti Kim Jong Il di tempat mungkin lebih sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The deeper questions come over the long-term,\" Chinoy said.", "r": {"result": "\"Persoalan yang lebih mendalam datang dalam jangka panjang,\" kata Chinoy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A man opened fire at a Texas roller skating rink during a birthday party for one of his children, killing his estranged wife and four of her family members before turning the gun on himself, police said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang lelaki melepaskan tembakan ke arah gelanggang luncur roda Texas semasa majlis hari jadi untuk salah seorang anaknya, membunuh isterinya yang terasing dan empat ahli keluarganya sebelum menembak dirinya sendiri, kata polis Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tan Do, 35, and Trini Do, 29, were hosting the party at the Roller World Skating Rink in the Dallas suburb of Grand Prairie, Texas, on Saturday for one of their two children, Grand Prairie police said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Tan Do, 35, dan Trini Do, 29, menganjurkan parti itu di Roller World Skating Rink di pinggir bandar Dallas di Grand Prairie, Texas, pada hari Sabtu untuk seorang daripada dua anak mereka, kata polis Grand Prairie dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The couple had been involved in ongoing marital problems and it is believed that this led to the shooting,\" police said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pasangan itu telah terlibat dalam masalah rumah tangga yang berterusan dan dipercayai ini menyebabkan tembakan,\" kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Trini Do was among the deceased\".", "r": {"result": "\"Trini Do adalah antara yang meninggal dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police responded to a call of a shooting at 7:10 p.m. Saturday (8:10 p.m. ET).", "r": {"result": "Polis menjawab panggilan tembakan pada pukul 7:10 malam. Sabtu (8:10 p.m. ET).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers found the bodies of five people; a sixth person -- the suspect -- with a gunshot wound to the head; and four other people who had sustained non-life-threatening injuries.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai menemui mayat lima orang; orang keenam -- suspek -- dengan kesan tembakan di kepala; dan empat orang lain yang telah mengalami kecederaan yang tidak mengancam nyawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others who were killed included Trini Do's sisters, Lynn Ta, 16, and Michelle Ta, 28; her brother, Hien Ta, 21; and her sister-in-law, Thuy Nguyen, 25. \"It appears the suspect targeted his estranged wife and her family members,\" police said.", "r": {"result": "Orang lain yang terbunuh termasuk adik perempuan Trini Do, Lynn Ta, 16, dan Michelle Ta, 28; abangnya, Hien Ta, 21; dan kakak iparnya, Thuy Nguyen, 25. \"Nampaknya suspek menyasarkan isterinya yang terasing dan ahli keluarganya,\" kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple's two children were not harmed, and were in the care of other family members Sunday, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Dua anak pasangan itu tidak cedera, dan berada dalam jagaan ahli keluarga lain Ahad, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tan Do was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to police.", "r": {"result": "Tan Do telah dibawa ke hospital di mana dia disahkan meninggal dunia akibat luka tembakan yang dilakukan sendiri, menurut polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 30 people were attending the party at the time of the shooting, but the roller rink was not open to the public, police said.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 30 orang menghadiri parti itu pada masa tembakan, tetapi gelanggang roller tidak dibuka kepada orang ramai, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Employees of the rink were not injured.", "r": {"result": "Pekerja gelanggang itu tidak cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Witnesses were interviewed by police, and the police department's crisis counselors and chaplain were working with the survivors, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Saksi telah ditemu bual oleh polis, dan kaunselor krisis jabatan polis dan pendeta bekerja dengan mangsa yang terselamat, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Leslie Tripp contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Leslie Tripp dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Before the final whistle at Monday night's game between the Indianapolis Colts and the New York Giants, trumpeter Chris Botti had already won.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sebelum wisel penamat pada perlawanan malam Isnin antara Indianapolis Colts dan New York Giants, pemain trompet Chris Botti sudahpun menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Grammy-winning musician was on the field at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, to perform the national anthem for November 3's \"Monday Night Football\".", "r": {"result": "Pemuzik yang memenangi Grammy itu berada di padang di Stadium MetLife di East Rutherford, New Jersey, untuk menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan bagi \"Monday Night Football\" pada 3 November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No vocals, as we've become accustomed to -- just Botti and his instrument.", "r": {"result": "Tiada vokal, seperti yang kita sudah biasa -- hanya Botti dan alat muziknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What transpired was so affecting that it left viewers with chills and brought Colts wide receiver Reggie Wayne to tears.", "r": {"result": "Perkara yang berlaku sangat mempengaruhi sehingga membuatkan penonton menggigil dan membuatkan penerima lebar Colts Reggie Wayne menangis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm just blessed to be out there,\" Wayne later told ESPN.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hanya diberkati untuk berada di luar sana,\" Wayne kemudian memberitahu ESPN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His performance during Monday night's game pushed Wayne to eighth place on the all-time receiving yards list, ahead of James Lofton.", "r": {"result": "Persembahannya semasa perlawanan malam Isnin mendorong Wayne ke tempat kelapan dalam senarai ela menerima sepanjang masa, mendahului James Lofton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's an emotional game, man, and sometimes it comes out,\" Wayne continued.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah permainan emosi, kawan, dan kadang-kadang ia keluar,\" Wayne meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"An old wise guy once told me you shouldn't hold back your tears.", "r": {"result": "\"Seorang lelaki tua yang bijak pernah memberitahu saya bahawa anda tidak boleh menahan air mata anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tonight was a night with the tears\".", "r": {"result": "Malam ini adalah malam dengan air mata\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Botti, a native of Portland, Oregon, became devoted to playing the trumpet at 12 after hearing Miles Davis perform \"My Funny Valentine\".", "r": {"result": "Botti, yang berasal dari Portland, Oregon, menjadi setia untuk bermain sangkakala pada usia 12 tahun selepas mendengar Miles Davis membuat persembahan \"My Funny Valentine\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now 52, Botti's not only built a successful career as a trumpeter, he's also worked with some of the music industry's biggest names, from Frank Sinatra and Paul Simon to Joni Mitchell and Natalie Cole.", "r": {"result": "Kini berusia 52 tahun, Botti bukan sahaja membina kerjaya yang berjaya sebagai pemain trompet, dia juga bekerja dengan beberapa nama terbesar industri muzik, daripada Frank Sinatra dan Paul Simon kepada Joni Mitchell dan Natalie Cole.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His most recent release, \"Impressions,\" won the Grammy for best pop instrumental album in 2012.", "r": {"result": "Keluaran terbarunya, \"Impressions,\" memenangi Grammy untuk album instrumental pop terbaik pada tahun 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After his showing at MetLife, many are also saying that Botti turned in one of the best performances of \"The Star-Spangled Banner\" ever heard.", "r": {"result": "Selepas persembahannya di MetLife, ramai juga yang mengatakan bahawa Botti menghasilkan salah satu persembahan terbaik \"The Star-Spangled Banner\" yang pernah didengari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps, as one viewer suggested, even the best since Whitney Houston blew our minds at the 1991 Super Bowl.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin, seperti yang dicadangkan oleh seorang penonton, malah yang terbaik sejak Whitney Houston mengejutkan kami di Super Bowl 1991.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "BEIJING, China (CNN) -- An executive of the Chinese dairy company Sanlu Group pleaded guilty Wednesday over her role in the contaminated milk scandal that sickened nearly 300,000 infants, state-run media reported.", "r": {"result": "BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Seorang eksekutif syarikat tenusu China Sanlu Group mengaku bersalah pada hari Rabu berhubung peranannya dalam skandal susu tercemar yang menyebabkan hampir 300,000 bayi sakit, lapor media kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A salesgirl arranges powdered milk in China's Sichuan province in September.", "r": {"result": "Seorang jurujual menyusun susu tepung di wilayah Sichuan, China pada bulan September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tian Wenhua, Sanlu's former board chairwoman and general manager, and three other executives are on trial for producing and selling fake or substandard products, according to Xinhua news agency.", "r": {"result": "Tian Wenhua, bekas pengerusi lembaga dan pengurus besar Sanlu, dan tiga eksekutif lain sedang dibicarakan kerana mengeluarkan dan menjual produk palsu atau substandard, menurut agensi berita Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wenhua, 66, pleaded guilty on the first day of the trial at a court in Shijiazhuang, the capital of northern Hebei Province, Xinhua reported.", "r": {"result": "Wenhua, 66, mengaku bersalah pada hari pertama perbicaraan di mahkamah di Shijiazhuang, ibu kota Wilayah Hebei utara, lapor Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She told the court that she first received tainted milk complaints from consumers in mid-May -- four months before the issue became widely known -- according to the report.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu mahkamah bahawa dia mula menerima aduan susu tercemar daripada pengguna pada pertengahan Mei -- empat bulan sebelum isu itu diketahui secara meluas -- menurut laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wenhua led a working team to investigate the claims, Xinhua reported.", "r": {"result": "Wenhua mengetuai pasukan kerja untuk menyiasat dakwaan itu, lapor Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The three other executives are former deputy general managers Wang Yuliang and Hang Zhiqi, and Wu Jusheng, a former executive heading Sanlu's milk division.", "r": {"result": "Tiga eksekutif lain ialah bekas timbalan pengurus besar Wang Yuliang dan Hang Zhiqi, dan Wu Jusheng, bekas eksekutif yang mengetuai bahagian susu Sanlu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese investigators found melamine in nearly 70 milk products from more than 20 companies, according to quality control official Li Changjiang, who was eventually forced to resign.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat China menemui melamin dalam hampir 70 produk susu daripada lebih 20 syarikat, menurut pegawai kawalan kualiti Li Changjiang, yang akhirnya terpaksa meletak jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Ministry of Health has said the contamination likely caused the deaths of at least six babies.", "r": {"result": "Kementerian Kesihatan berkata pencemaran itu berkemungkinan menyebabkan kematian sekurang-kurangnya enam bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another 294,000 infants suffered from urinary problems, such as kidney stones.", "r": {"result": "294,000 lagi bayi mengalami masalah kencing, seperti batu karang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tainted formula came to light in September after babies who were fed milk powder produced by the Sanlu Group, which recently filed for bankruptcy, had developed kidney stones.", "r": {"result": "Formula tercemar itu terbongkar pada September selepas bayi yang diberi susu tepung yang dihasilkan oleh Kumpulan Sanlu, yang baru-baru ini memfailkan muflis, telah mengalami batu karang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Melamine is commonly used in coatings and laminates, wood adhesives, fabric coatings, ceiling tiles and flame retardants.", "r": {"result": "Melamin biasanya digunakan dalam salutan dan lamina, pelekat kayu, salutan fabrik, jubin siling dan kalis api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some Chinese dairy plants added the chemical to milk products so they would appear to have a higher protein level.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah kilang tenusu Cina menambah bahan kimia itu kepada produk susu supaya mereka kelihatan mempunyai tahap protein yang lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prior to the four Sanlu executives, at least eight people stood trial over charges of producing, adding melamine-laced \"protein powder\" to milk or selling the tainted milk to Sanlu or other dairies.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum empat eksekutif Sanlu itu, sekurang-kurangnya lapan orang dibicarakan atas tuduhan menghasilkan, menambah \"serbuk protein\" bercampur melamin ke dalam susu atau menjual susu tercemar itu kepada Sanlu atau kilang tenusu lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Victims of tainted baby formula are expected to be compensated by the 22 Chinese dairy producers that made the milk.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa susu formula bayi yang tercemar dijangka diberi pampasan oleh 22 pengeluar tenusu Cina yang membuat susu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The enterprises offered to shoulder the compensation liability,\" the country's Dairy Industry Association said Saturday, according to Xinhua.", "r": {"result": "\"Perusahaan yang ditawarkan untuk memikul liabiliti pampasan,\" kata Persatuan Industri Tenusu negara itu Sabtu, menurut Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By doing so, they hope to earn understanding and forgiveness of the families of the sickened children\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan berbuat demikian, mereka berharap dapat memahami dan memaafkan keluarga kanak-kanak yang sakit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group said victims will receive a one-off cash payment, but did not provide the amounts, according to Xinhua.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu berkata mangsa akan menerima bayaran tunai sekali sahaja, tetapi tidak memberikan jumlah itu, menurut Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The money for compensation is in place now and will soon be handed to the people who have custody of the sickened children through various channels,\" the association said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cWang pampasan sudah sedia ada dan tidak lama lagi akan diserahkan kepada orang ramai yang mempunyai hak penjagaan kanak-kanak yang sakit melalui pelbagai saluran,\u201d kata persatuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No date for the payments was given.", "r": {"result": "Tiada tarikh pembayaran diberikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dairies also raised money to cover medical bills for any after-effects suffered as a result of the poisoning, the association said.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat tenusu juga mengumpul wang untuk menampung bil perubatan bagi sebarang kesan selepas keracunan itu, kata persatuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)On the heels of the magical success of Disney's live-action \"Cinderella,\" the studio is eyeing another live-action retelling: \"Mulan\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Berikutan kejayaan ajaib filem aksi langsung Disney \"Cinderella,\" studio itu sedang mengintai satu lagi penceritaan semula aksi langsung: \"Mulan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disney bought a script by writing team Elizabeth Martin and Lauren Hynek that centers on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, the female warrior who was the main character in Disney's 1998 animated film.", "r": {"result": "Disney membeli skrip oleh pasukan penulis Elizabeth Martin dan Lauren Hynek yang berpusat pada legenda China Hua Mulan, pahlawan wanita yang menjadi watak utama dalam filem animasi Disney 1998.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Bender and J.C. Spink (\"We're the Millers) are producing the new project.", "r": {"result": "Chris Bender dan J.C. Spink (\"We're the Millers) sedang menghasilkan projek baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From Cinderella to Elsa (and Back to Cinderella): The Evolution of Disney Princesses.", "r": {"result": "Dari Cinderella ke Elsa (dan Kembali ke Cinderella): Evolusi Puteri Disney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 1998 film, directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, followed a young woman who disguises herself as a man so she can take her father's place in the army and go to war.", "r": {"result": "Filem 1998, diarahkan oleh Tony Bancroft dan Barry Cook, mengikuti seorang wanita muda yang menyamar sebagai lelaki supaya dia boleh mengambil tempat bapanya dalam tentera dan pergi berperang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the help of her trusty dragon sidekick Mushu, she becomes a skilled warrior and, eventually, one of the country's greatest heroines.", "r": {"result": "Dengan bantuan rakan kongsi naga yang dipercayainya, Mushu, dia menjadi seorang pahlawan yang mahir dan, akhirnya, salah seorang wirawati terhebat negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It earned $304.3 million worldwide, earned Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations and resulted in a 2005 direct-to-DVD sequel, \"Mulan II\".", "r": {"result": "Ia memperoleh $304.3 juta di seluruh dunia, memperoleh pencalonan Golden Globe dan Anugerah Akademi dan menghasilkan sekuel terus-ke-DVD 2005, \"Mulan II\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disney has been on a roll with its live-action versions of its classic animated films.", "r": {"result": "Disney telah popular dengan versi aksi langsung filem animasi klasiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cinderella,\" starring Lily James, has earned $336.2 million worldwide to date since hitting theaters three weeks ago.", "r": {"result": "\"Cinderella,\" lakonan Lily James, telah memperoleh $336.2 juta di seluruh dunia setakat ini sejak ditayangkan di pawagam tiga minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2010, the reimagined \"Alice in Wonderland\" grossed a staggering $1.02 billion and when \"Maleficent,\" starring Angelina Jolie as the iconic villainess, opened in May 2014, it went on to earn a stunning $758.4 million worldwide.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2010, \"Alice in Wonderland\" yang dibayangkan semula memperoleh kutipan $1.02 bilion yang mengejutkan dan apabila \"Maleficent,\" yang dibintangi oleh Angelina Jolie sebagai penjahat ikonik, dibuka pada Mei 2014, ia terus memperoleh $758.4 juta yang menakjubkan di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Beauty and the Beast': Meet the Cast of Disney's Live-Action Retelling.", "r": {"result": "'Beauty and the Beast': Temui Pelakon Menceritakan Semula Aksi Langsung Disney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disney is also making a live-action retelling of \"Beauty and the Beast,\" starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens.", "r": {"result": "Disney juga membuat penceritaan semula aksi langsung \"Beauty and the Beast,\" yang dibintangi oleh Emma Watson dan Dan Stevens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Audra McDonald just joined the cast of the project, which will be directed by Bill Condon.", "r": {"result": "Audra McDonald baru sahaja menyertai pelakon projek itu, yang akan diarahkan oleh Bill Condon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It hits theaters on March 17, 2017. And in 2016 Disney will release a new version of \"The Jungle Book\" and the sequel to\"Alice in Wonderland\".", "r": {"result": "Ia ditayangkan di pawagam pada 17 Mac 2017. Dan pada 2016 Disney akan mengeluarkan versi baharu \"The Jungle Book\" dan sekuel kepada \"Alice in Wonderland\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, a live-action version of \"Dumbo,\" which will be helmed by Tim Burton, is also in the works.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, versi aksi langsung \"Dumbo,\" yang akan diterajui oleh Tim Burton, juga sedang dalam usaha.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Best bad guys: The scariest Disney villains.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki jahat terbaik: Penjahat Disney yang paling menakutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Writing team Martin and Hynek met in high school, among other projects, have written for the Know Theatre of Cincinnati and rewrote a script for Amazon Studios.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan penulis yang ditemui Martin dan Hynek di sekolah menengah, antara projek lain, telah menulis untuk Know Theater of Cincinnati dan menulis semula skrip untuk Amazon Studios.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c)2015 The Hollywood Reporter.", "r": {"result": "(c)2015 The Hollywood Reporter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A New Hampshire teenager accused of killing a woman and severely injuring her daughter during a brutal home invasion was found guilty Tuesday of first degree murder and attempted murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang remaja New Hampshire yang dituduh membunuh seorang wanita dan mencederakan teruk anak perempuannya semasa pencerobohan rumah kejam didapati bersalah pada Selasa atas pembunuhan peringkat pertama dan cubaan membunuh serta dijatuhi hukuman penjara seumur hidup tanpa kemungkinan parol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steven Spader sat emotionless as the verdict was read in the trial for the gruesome murder of Kimberly Cates in Mont Vernon, New Hampshire, last year.", "r": {"result": "Steven Spader duduk tanpa emosi ketika keputusan dibacakan dalam perbicaraan untuk pembunuhan ngeri Kimberly Cates di Mont Vernon, New Hampshire, tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spader, 19, was convicted of breaking into Cates' home and hacking her to death with a machete, while his friend, 19-year-old Christopher Gribble, repeatedly stabbed her 11-year-old daughter Jaimie as she tried to defend her mother.", "r": {"result": "Spader, 19, disabitkan bersalah menceroboh rumah Cates dan menetaknya sehingga mati dengan parang, manakala rakannya, Christopher Gribble, 19, menikam berulang kali anak perempuannya Jaimie yang berusia 11 tahun ketika dia cuba mempertahankan ibunya. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I could go on for days about the depth of your depravity,\" said Judge Gillian Abramson.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh meneruskan selama beberapa hari tentang kedalaman kebejatan anda,\" kata Hakim Gillian Abramson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is sufficient to say, you belong in a cage\".", "r": {"result": "\"Cukuplah dengan mengatakan, anda berada dalam sangkar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A medical examiner determined Cates, a 42-year-old nurse, had died from \"multiple sharp injuries to the head, torso, left arm, and left leg\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang pemeriksa perubatan menentukan Cates, seorang jururawat berusia 42 tahun, telah meninggal dunia akibat \"berbilang kecederaan tajam di kepala, badan, lengan kiri, dan kaki kiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victim's daughter sustained serious knife injuries that required hours of surgery.", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuan mangsa mengalami kecederaan serius akibat pisau yang memerlukan pembedahan berjam-jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cates' husband, who was away on business at the time of the attack, addressed the court in a prepared statement.", "r": {"result": "Suami Cates, yang tiada urusan pada masa serangan itu, bercakap di mahkamah dalam satu kenyataan yang disediakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Kim and I had dreams, hopes, aspirations... now shattered,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya dan Kim mempunyai impian, harapan, cita-cita... kini berkecai,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With one phone call on a Sunday morning, all those dreams were lost\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan satu panggilan telefon pada pagi Ahad, semua impian itu hilang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His daughter, Jaimie, did not testify.", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuannya, Jaimie, tidak memberi keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three co-defendants brokered plea deals, pleading guilty to associated charges while testifying against Spader.", "r": {"result": "Tiga defendan bersama menjadi perantara perjanjian pengakuan, mengaku bersalah atas tuduhan berkaitan semasa memberi keterangan terhadap Spader.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gribble is expected to stand trial in February.", "r": {"result": "Gribble dijangka dibicarakan pada bulan Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- A murky Islamic militant group has described a deadly attack in China's Tiananmen Square last month as a \"jihadi operation\" and warned of more violence to come, according to an organization that monitors extremist websites.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Kumpulan militan Islam yang keruh menyifatkan serangan maut di Dataran Tiananmen China bulan lalu sebagai \"operasi jihad\" dan memberi amaran tentang lebih banyak keganasan akan datang, menurut sebuah organisasi yang memantau laman web pelampau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a speech posted online, Abdullah Mansour, the leader of the Turkestan Islamic Party (T.I.P.), said those who carried out the attack in the heavily policed center of Beijing were \"mujahideen,\" the SITE Intelligence Group said in a report late last week.", "r": {"result": "Dalam ucapan yang disiarkan dalam talian, Abdullah Mansour, ketua Parti Islam Turkestan (T.I.P.), berkata mereka yang melakukan serangan di pusat yang dikawal ketat di Beijing adalah \"mujahidin,\" kata Kumpulan Perisikan SITE dalam laporan lewat minggu lalu .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On October 28, a vehicle drove through security barriers into a crowd in Tiananmen Square, crashed into a pedestrian bridge in front of the Forbidden City and burst into flames.", "r": {"result": "Pada 28 Oktober, sebuah kenderaan memandu melalui penghadang keselamatan ke arah orang ramai di Dataran Tiananmen, merempuh jambatan pejalan kaki di hadapan Kota Larangan dan terbakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attack killed five people -- including the three in the vehicle -- and wounded 40 others.", "r": {"result": "Serangan itu membunuh lima orang -- termasuk tiga di dalam kenderaan itu -- dan mencederakan 40 yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese authorities have accused Uyghurs -- a Turkic-speaking, predominantly Muslim ethnic group from the western region of Xinjiang -- of carrying out the vehicle attack.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa China menuduh Uyghur -- sebuah kumpulan etnik berbahasa Turki, kebanyakannya Muslim dari wilayah barat Xinjiang -- melakukan serangan kenderaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "East Turkestan is the name used by many Uyghur groups to refer to Xinjiang.", "r": {"result": "Turkestan Timur adalah nama yang digunakan oleh banyak kumpulan Uyghur untuk merujuk kepada Xinjiang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frequent outbreaks of unrest have hit the resource-rich region, where the arrival of waves of Han Chinese people over the decades has fueled tensions with the Uyghurs.", "r": {"result": "Wabak pergolakan yang kerap telah melanda wilayah yang kaya dengan sumber, di mana kedatangan gelombang orang Cina Han selama beberapa dekad telah mencetuskan ketegangan dengan orang Uyghur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese authorities have cracked down heavily on violence involving Uyghurs, deepening resentment.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa China telah bertindak keras terhadap keganasan yang melibatkan Uyghur, meningkatkan kebencian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China links Islamic terrorist group to Tiananmen Square crash.", "r": {"result": "China mengaitkan kumpulan pengganas Islam dengan nahas Dataran Tiananmen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Only the beginning'.", "r": {"result": "'Hanya permulaan'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unclear from the SITE report if Mansour was claiming responsibility for the Tiananmen attack or just commenting on it.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas daripada laporan SITE jika Mansour mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan Tiananmen atau hanya mengulas mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he warned that \"such operations are only the beginning,\" according to SITE, and that Uyghur fighters will target the Great Hall of the People, a grand building next to Tiananman Square where the Chinese parliament meets and ceremonial events are held.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia memberi amaran bahawa \"operasi seperti itu hanyalah permulaan,\" menurut SITE, dan pejuang Uyghur akan menyasarkan Dewan Besar Rakyat, sebuah bangunan besar bersebelahan Dataran Tiananman di mana parlimen China bermesyuarat dan acara istiadat diadakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"O Chinese unbelievers, know that you have been fooling East Turkestan for the last 60 years, but now they have awakened,\" Mansour was quoted as saying by SITE.", "r": {"result": "\"Wahai orang Cina yang tidak percaya, ketahuilah bahawa anda telah memperbodohkan Turkestan Timur selama 60 tahun yang lalu, tetapi kini mereka telah sedar,\" Mansour dipetik sebagai berkata oleh SITE.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The people have learned who is the real enemy and they returned to their own religion.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRakyat telah mengetahui siapa musuh sebenar dan mereka kembali kepada agama mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They learned the lesson\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka belajar pelajaran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The audio recording of his speech was part of a roughly 8-minute video posted on the T.I.P.'s website on November 12, SITE said.", "r": {"result": "Rakaman audio ucapannya adalah sebahagian daripada video kira-kira 8 minit yang disiarkan di laman web T.I.P. pada 12 November, kata SITE.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His comments were referenced in a number of Chinese state-media outlets, including Xinhua, the official news agency.", "r": {"result": "Komennya dirujuk di beberapa media negara China, termasuk Xinhua, agensi berita rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese authorities have said they believe the Tiananmen attack was instigated by a separatist group, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (E.T.I.M.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa China berkata mereka percaya serangan Tiananmen dicetuskan oleh kumpulan pemisah, Gerakan Islam Turkestan Timur (E.T.I.M.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "), which Beijing has linked to outbreaks of violence in Xinjiang in the past.", "r": {"result": "), yang dikaitkan oleh Beijing dengan wabak keganasan di Xinjiang pada masa lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tiananmen crash: Terrorism or cry of desperation?", "r": {"result": "Nahas Tiananmen: Keganasan atau tangisan terdesak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Information vacuum'.", "r": {"result": "'Maklumat vakum'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The relationship between the E.T.I.M.", "r": {"result": "Hubungan antara E.T.I.M.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and the T.I.P. is unclear.", "r": {"result": "dan T.I.P. tidak jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some analysts suggest that the two may be part of the same organization.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah penganalisis mencadangkan bahawa kedua-duanya mungkin merupakan sebahagian daripada organisasi yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The T.I.P. has been cited in previous years as threatening revenge over Chinese treatment of Uyghurs, but little is known about the group.", "r": {"result": "Hujung. telah disebut pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya sebagai mengancam membalas dendam ke atas layanan Cina terhadap Uyghur, tetapi sedikit yang diketahui tentang kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As far as anyone knows, the Turkestan Islamic Party may only exist in name alone,\" said Nicholas Dynon, a researcher at Macquarie University in Australia.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSetahu sesiapa, Parti Islam Turkestan mungkin hanya wujud pada nama sahaja,\u201d kata Nicholas Dynon, seorang penyelidik di Universiti Macquarie di Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It has been referred to as one of the many jiangdu (or, Xinjiang independence) groups for many years, yet no one is quite sure whether or not they exist - at least in their own right\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia telah dirujuk sebagai salah satu daripada banyak kumpulan jiangdu (atau, kemerdekaan Xinjiang) selama bertahun-tahun, namun tiada siapa yang pasti sama ada mereka wujud atau tidak - sekurang-kurangnya dalam hak mereka sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The available evidence on separatist organizations in Xinjiang points to \"several disparate groups that neither have a history of coordination nor -- it would appear -- the means or will to coordinate,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Bukti yang ada mengenai pertubuhan pemisah di Xinjiang menunjukkan \"beberapa kumpulan berbeza yang tidak mempunyai sejarah penyelarasan mahupun -- ia akan muncul -- cara atau kehendak untuk menyelaraskan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What we know of them is largely through two diametrically opposed parties: the Chinese government and Uyghur diaspora groups,\" Dynon said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang kita tahu tentang mereka adalah sebahagian besarnya melalui dua parti yang bertentangan secara diametrik: kerajaan China dan kumpulan diaspora Uyghur,\" kata Dynon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And the truth about T.I.P. and its counterparts lies somewhere in the information vacuum between the two\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan kebenaran tentang T.I.P. dan rakan sejawatannya terletak di suatu tempat dalam kekosongan maklumat antara keduanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he was skeptical that the T.I.P. had carried out the Tiananmen attack.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia ragu-ragu bahawa T.I.P. telah melakukan serangan Tiananmen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Jiangdu groups have supposedly claimed responsibility for attacks outside of Xinjiang in the past, but such claims have never been verified,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKumpulan Jiangdu kononnya mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan di luar Xinjiang pada masa lalu, tetapi dakwaan sedemikian tidak pernah disahkan,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Katie Hunt contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Katie Hunt dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- President Barack Obama's re-election campaign is spending record amounts of money for online advertising and more than twice as much as his Republican rival, a CNN analysis of campaign finance data shows.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kempen pemilihan semula Presiden Barack Obama membelanjakan sejumlah besar wang untuk pengiklanan dalam talian dan lebih daripada dua kali ganda berbanding pesaingnya dari Parti Republikan, analisis CNN terhadap data kewangan kempen menunjukkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the first few months of 2012, Obama's campaign bought nearly $16.4 million worth of online ads after spending almost $2.2 million last year -- even though he didn't face a Democratic challenger.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa bulan pertama 2012, kempen Obama membeli hampir $16.4 juta nilai iklan dalam talian selepas membelanjakan hampir $2.2 juta tahun lepas -- walaupun dia tidak berdepan pencabar Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That means he is on pace to spend a record amount on digital ads, according to ad spending experts.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna dia pantas untuk membelanjakan jumlah rekod pada iklan digital, menurut pakar perbelanjaan iklan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The campaign for Mitt Romney, who survived a heated primary race to become the presumptive Republican nominee, spent $7.8 million for online ads this year, in addition to the $500,000 it spent in 2011. The numbers are compiled by the Federal Elections Commission from reports by the campaigns.", "r": {"result": "Kempen untuk Mitt Romney, yang terselamat daripada perlumbaan utama yang hangat untuk menjadi calon Republikan, membelanjakan $7.8 juta untuk iklan dalam talian tahun ini, sebagai tambahan kepada $500,000 yang dibelanjakan pada 2011. Angka-angka itu disusun oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Persekutuan daripada laporan oleh kempen-kempen tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zac Moffat, digital director for Romney's campaign, predicted online ad spending would pick up for both camps as the general election contest kicks into high gear.", "r": {"result": "Zac Moffat, pengarah digital untuk kempen Romney, meramalkan perbelanjaan iklan dalam talian akan meningkat untuk kedua-dua kem apabila pertandingan pilihan raya umum bermula ke tahap yang tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We plan to do a ton more now that the primaries are over,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami bercadang untuk melakukan lebih banyak lagi sekarang selepas pemilihan utama telah berakhir,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Obama campaign won't comment on its digital strategy.", "r": {"result": "Kempen Obama tidak akan mengulas mengenai strategi digitalnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moffat said that while TV ads are like hitting voters over the head with a hammer, Internet ads are more like using a scalpel.", "r": {"result": "Moffat berkata walaupun iklan TV seperti memukul kepala pengundi dengan tukul, iklan Internet lebih seperti menggunakan pisau bedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's campaign going to the dogs -- and cats and chickens.", "r": {"result": "Kempen Obama pergi kepada anjing -- dan kucing dan ayam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When it comes to reaching specific voters, Moffat said, \"you can be a lot more precise with your message online\".", "r": {"result": "Ketika datang untuk menjangkau pengundi tertentu, Moffat berkata, \"anda boleh menjadi lebih tepat dengan mesej anda dalam talian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plus, compared with broadcast, online ads are cheaper and easier to track.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, berbanding dengan siaran, iklan dalam talian adalah lebih murah dan lebih mudah untuk dijejaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can show the value of a particular message right away by seeing who clicks through or who spends time with a particular message,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami boleh menunjukkan nilai mesej tertentu dengan segera dengan melihat siapa yang mengklik atau yang meluangkan masa dengan mesej tertentu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can immediately demonstrate its value, and we have hard numbers to show a person's engagement\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami boleh segera menunjukkan nilainya, dan kami mempunyai nombor yang sukar untuk menunjukkan penglibatan seseorang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In theory, such targeted ads can help the candidates better engage with the key voters they need in what's sure to be a close election: the elusive swing state independents, the coveted Hispanic groups, the Catholics who vacillate between Republicans and Democrats.", "r": {"result": "Secara teorinya, iklan yang disasarkan sebegini boleh membantu calon-calon terlibat dengan lebih baik dengan pengundi utama yang mereka perlukan dalam pilihan raya yang pastinya akan menjadi pilihan raya yang rapat: parti bebas negeri yang sukar difahami, kumpulan Hispanik yang diidam-idamkan, Katolik yang bergolak antara Republikan dan Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The campaigns buy ad space on sites such as elNuevoHerald.com to reach Latino groups and SuburbanChicagoNews.com to find the Catholics who could vote either way, and look for independents on general news sites such as CNN or e-mail sites such as Yahoo!", "r": {"result": "Kempen membeli ruang iklan di tapak seperti elNuevoHerald.com untuk menjangkau kumpulan Latino dan SuburbanChicagoNews.com untuk mencari penganut Katolik yang boleh mengundi sama ada cara, dan mencari bebas di laman berita umum seperti CNN atau tapak e-mel seperti Yahoo!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They can find where these coveted voters specifically are online and get their message to them,\" said Kate Kaye, senior editor for ClickZ, a trade publication that covers the digital advertising industry, and author of \"Campaign '08: A Turning Point for Digital Media\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka boleh mencari di mana pengundi yang diidamkan ini secara khusus berada dalam talian dan menyampaikan mesej mereka kepada mereka,\" kata Kate Kaye, editor kanan untuk ClickZ, penerbitan perdagangan yang merangkumi industri pengiklanan digital dan pengarang \"Kempen '08: Titik Balik untuk Media Digital\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a major advantage\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia satu kelebihan utama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moffat also noted that Romney's campaign, like Obama's, has posted multiple videos to Hulu and YouTube to reach people who don't watch TV much.", "r": {"result": "Moffat juga menyatakan bahawa kempen Romney, seperti Obama, telah menyiarkan berbilang video ke Hulu dan YouTube untuk menjangkau orang yang tidak banyak menonton TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's another strong advantage to online video ads: You generally can't fast -forward through them like you can if you use a DVR to watch TV.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat satu lagi kelebihan kukuh untuk iklan video dalam talian: Anda biasanya tidak boleh memajukan iklan tersebut seperti yang anda boleh gunakan jika anda menggunakan DVR untuk menonton TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both campaigns have already spent millions on TV ads.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua kempen telah membelanjakan berjuta-juta untuk iklan TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Obama campaign spent nearly $13.3 million from January 19 to May 22, while the Romney campaign spent more than $15 million from November 22 to May 22, according to Kantar Media/Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks political ad spending.", "r": {"result": "Kempen Obama membelanjakan hampir $13.3 juta dari 19 Januari hingga 22 Mei, manakala kempen Romney membelanjakan lebih daripada $15 juta dari 22 November hingga 22 Mei, menurut Kantar Media/Campaign Media Analysis Group, yang menjejaki perbelanjaan iklan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Online, the Romney campaign has spent much of its early money on Google search terms.", "r": {"result": "Dalam talian, kempen Romney telah membelanjakan banyak wang awalnya untuk istilah carian Google.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Type in \"George Romney,\" Mitt's father, and an ad for his son appears on the top of the page.", "r": {"result": "Taipkan \"George Romney,\" bapa Mitt, dan iklan untuk anaknya muncul di bahagian atas halaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mayor Booker\" pulls up a \"Stand With Cory Booker\" ad from the Republican National Committee criticizing Obama.", "r": {"result": "\"Mayor Booker\" mengeluarkan iklan \"Stand With Cory Booker\" daripada Jawatankuasa Kebangsaan Republikan yang mengkritik Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Obama campaign is doing the same on Google, but ad buys for both sides may change, as the political debate shifts.", "r": {"result": "Kempen Obama melakukan perkara yang sama di Google, tetapi pembelian iklan untuk kedua-dua pihak mungkin berubah, apabila perdebatan politik berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When \"Buffet Rule\" was a hot topic a few weeks back, a Google search turned up a link to WhiteHouse.gov.", "r": {"result": "Apabila \"Peraturan Bufet\" menjadi topik hangat beberapa minggu yang lalu, carian Google menjumpai pautan ke WhiteHouse.gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That ad has since disappeared now that the term is no longer in the news.", "r": {"result": "Iklan itu telah hilang sekarang kerana istilah itu tidak lagi dalam berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney's online campaign seems pretty traditional so far.", "r": {"result": "Kempen dalam talian Romney nampaknya agak tradisional setakat ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Type Romney's name into Moat.com, a visual ad search site, and 20 ads appear, most with a simple message such as \"Stand with Mitt,\" \"Ready to Lead\" or \"Vote for Mitt\".", "r": {"result": "Taipkan nama Romney ke dalam Moat.com, tapak carian iklan visual dan 20 iklan muncul, kebanyakannya dengan mesej ringkas seperti \"Berdiri dengan Mitt,\" \"Bersedia untuk Memimpin\" atau \"Undi untuk Mitt\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In many of the ads, the candidate stands alone smiling confidently, looking off into the distance.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kebanyakan iklan, calon berdiri sendirian tersenyum dengan yakin, memandang ke kejauhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prove Mitt's not a unicorn, group says in satirizing 'birthers'.", "r": {"result": "Buktikan Mitt bukan unicorn, kata kumpulan dalam menyindir 'birthers'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What he is trying to do here is essentially show Romney is the strong leader, implying that Obama is the weaker leader,\" said Drew Westen, an Emory University psychology professor who wrote \"The Political Brain,\" a book about the role of emotion in deciding elections.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang dia cuba lakukan di sini pada asasnya menunjukkan Romney adalah pemimpin yang kuat, membayangkan bahawa Obama adalah pemimpin yang lebih lemah,\" kata Drew Westen, seorang profesor psikologi Universiti Emory yang menulis \"The Political Brain,\" sebuah buku mengenai peranan emosi dalam menentukan pilihanraya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For now, Romney's ads are most likely to show up online where readers may be sympathetic to his message, or on sites that would catch the attention of voters in a particular primary state.", "r": {"result": "Buat masa ini, iklan Romney berkemungkinan besar dipaparkan dalam talian di mana pembaca mungkin bersimpati dengan mesejnya, atau di tapak yang akan menarik perhatian pengundi di negeri utama tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a CNN analysis of Nielsen Online AdRelevance, which tracks online ad spending, Romney's campaign made its largest online ad purchase -- some $32,000 -- on DrudgeReport.com.", "r": {"result": "Menurut analisis CNN Nielsen Online AdRelevance, yang menjejaki perbelanjaan iklan dalam talian, kempen Romney membuat pembelian iklan dalam talian terbesarnya -- kira-kira $32,000 -- di DrudgeReport.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The site had more than 5 million Romney ad impressions between January and April.", "r": {"result": "Tapak ini mempunyai lebih daripada 5 juta tera iklan Romney antara Januari dan April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His ads also ran on local news sites such as TheState.com in South Carolina and OrlandoSentinel.com in Florida.", "r": {"result": "Iklannya juga disiarkan di tapak berita tempatan seperti TheState.com di South Carolina dan OrlandoSentinel.com di Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By comparison, Obama's campaign spent the most at Comcast.net, paying more than $1 million for ads that have appeared on the site more than 238 million times.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai perbandingan, kempen Obama membelanjakan paling banyak di Comcast.net, membayar lebih daripada $1 juta untuk iklan yang telah muncul di tapak lebih daripada 238 juta kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His ads also pop up regularly on general news sites such as CNN and The New York Times.", "r": {"result": "Iklannya juga kerap muncul di laman berita umum seperti CNN dan The New York Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also turn up in some unexpected places -- games.com, elyrics.net and match.com.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga muncul di beberapa tempat yang tidak dijangka -- games.com, elyrics.net dan match.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The images in the 145 Obama online ads that surface on Moat.com stand in stark contrast to Romney's.", "r": {"result": "Imej dalam 145 iklan dalam talian Obama yang muncul di Moat.com sangat berbeza dengan Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most feature first lady Michelle Obama or the president's entire family.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakannya menampilkan wanita pertama Michelle Obama atau seluruh keluarga presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's even one that features their dog, Bo.", "r": {"result": "Malah ada satu yang menampilkan anjing mereka, Bo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The messages encourage people to \"Enter to win dinner with Barack\" or \"Wish Michelle a Happy Mother's Day\" by clicking the ad.", "r": {"result": "Mesej tersebut menggalakkan orang ramai untuk \"Masuk untuk memenangi makan malam bersama Barack\" atau \"Selamat Hari Ibu kepada Michelle\" dengan mengklik iklan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It makes a lot of sense to put Michelle front and center,\" Emory's Westen said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah masuk akal untuk meletakkan Michelle di hadapan dan tengah,\" kata Emory's Westen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She is so much more popular than the president is at this point.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia jauh lebih popular daripada presiden pada ketika ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It makes him likable to be associated with her.", "r": {"result": "Ia membuatkan dia suka dikaitkan dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think Romney should be doing more of this, because his wife seems quite likable in a very different way.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir Romney sepatutnya melakukan lebih banyak perkara ini, kerana isterinya kelihatan agak disenangi dalam cara yang sangat berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will be key for Romney to share who he is in a real way with voters so they can feel some connection\".", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menjadi kunci bagi Romney untuk berkongsi siapa dirinya secara sebenar dengan pengundi supaya mereka dapat merasakan hubungan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Borrell Associates, which tracks ad spending, predicts online ad purchases will make up about 1.5% of the candidates' overall campaign ad budgets.", "r": {"result": "Borrell Associates, yang menjejaki perbelanjaan iklan, meramalkan pembelian iklan dalam talian akan membentuk kira-kira 1.5% daripada keseluruhan belanjawan iklan kempen calon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While that may not sound like much, Borrell said it would be $159 million more than in 2008 -- a sevenfold increase.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun itu mungkin tidak begitu banyak, Borrell berkata ia akan menjadi $159 juta lebih daripada pada tahun 2008 -- peningkatan tujuh kali ganda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's likely that as technology improves, that number will grow.", "r": {"result": "Dan kemungkinan besar apabila teknologi bertambah baik, jumlah itu akan bertambah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What TV and radio used to do exclusively is now something, with the improved technology, that online ads can do very well,\" Kaye said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang biasa dilakukan oleh TV dan radio secara eksklusif kini menjadi sesuatu, dengan teknologi yang dipertingkatkan, yang boleh dilakukan oleh iklan dalam talian dengan sangat baik,\" kata Kaye.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So you can be sure to see a lot more political presence online in the very near future\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi anda pasti dapat melihat lebih banyak kehadiran politik dalam talian dalam masa terdekat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- If there was ever a reunion for teen soap \"The O.C.,\" which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this week, former star Adam Brody would want it to be in the theater.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jika ada perjumpaan semula untuk sabun remaja \"The O.C.,\" yang meraikan ulang tahun ke-10 minggu ini, bekas bintang Adam Brody mahu ia berada di teater.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Like there wasn't enough drama.", "r": {"result": "(Seperti tidak cukup drama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 33-year-old actor starred in the series as the lovably sarcastic Seth Cohen, and he told CNN that he can envision \"The O.C.\" as a stage production.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon berusia 33 tahun itu membintangi siri itu sebagai Seth Cohen yang sangat sarkastik, dan dia memberitahu CNN bahawa dia boleh membayangkan \"The O.C.\" sebagai produksi pentas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll do 'The O.C. Reunion: The Play,' \" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan membuat 'The O.C. Reunion: The Play,' \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd like to do it on stage ... I think that's where it should live\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin melakukannya di atas pentas ... saya rasa di situlah ia sepatutnya hidup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if the public demanded a musical, Brody would comply.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika orang ramai menuntut muzikal, Brody akan mematuhinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can't sing really, but I'll do my best,\" he joked.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak boleh menyanyi sebenarnya, tetapi saya akan melakukan yang terbaik,\" katanya bergurau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll take the very low notes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan mengambil nota yang sangat rendah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since \"The O.C.\" ended in 2007, Brody has lined up a number of movie projects, including Friday's release, \"Lovelace\".", "r": {"result": "Sejak \"The O.C.\" berakhir pada tahun 2007, Brody telah membariskan beberapa projek filem, termasuk tayangan Jumaat, \"Lovelace\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film, directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, tells the story of adult actress Linda Lovelace.", "r": {"result": "Filem yang diarahkan oleh Rob Epstein dan Jeffrey Friedman itu mengisahkan tentang pelakon dewasa Linda Lovelace.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brody plays Lovelace's \"Deep Throat\" co-star, Harry Reems.", "r": {"result": "Brody memainkan watak pelakon bersama Lovelace \"Deep Throat\", Harry Reems.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aside from seeing \"Deep Throat,\" Brody said he prepared by watching \"'The Devil in Miss Jones,' the next porn with Harry Reems, and I read his biography from the '70s -- very lighthearted, before he sort of fell on hard times and resurrected himself\".", "r": {"result": "Selain daripada melihat \"Deep Throat,\" Brody berkata dia bersedia dengan menonton \"'The Devil in Miss Jones,' lucah seterusnya dengan Harry Reems, dan saya membaca biografinya dari '70-an -- sangat ringan, sebelum dia jatuh cinta. masa susah dan bangkit semula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when it came to Reems' unmistakable porn 'stache, the actor says he failed to live up to the task.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila bercakap mengenai 'stache lucah Reems, pelakon itu berkata dia gagal memenuhi tugas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To be perfectly honest, I didn't have the follicles nor the time to grow what I really needed to grow,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sejujurnya, saya tidak mempunyai folikel atau masa untuk mengembangkan apa yang saya perlukan untuk berkembang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Harry Reems is the first male porno star.", "r": {"result": "\"Harry Reems ialah bintang lucah lelaki pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the quintessential porno 'stache.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah stache lucah yang paling penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the ground zero for a porn 'stache, this is where it all began, so yeah, it is a lot to live up to.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah asas sifar untuk filem lucah, di sinilah semuanya bermula, jadi ya, banyak perkara yang perlu dihayati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unfortunately, I got the part a little bit on short notice; I would have liked a little more time\".", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, saya mendapat bahagian itu dalam masa yang singkat; Saya ingin sedikit masa lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Topher Gauk-Roger contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Topher Gauk-Roger dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Robert Molnar has a vision: an ocean race from New York to the Canadian Pacific city of Victoria, via the Arctic.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Robert Molnar mempunyai visi: perlumbaan lautan dari New York ke bandar Victoria di Pasifik Kanada, melalui Artik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because of climate change, we can do this race,\" Molnar told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Oleh kerana perubahan iklim, kita boleh melakukan perlumbaan ini,\" kata Molnar kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He pictures oceangoing sailboats hugging the Atlantic coast up through Halifax to western Greenland, then heading west through the Northwest Passage to Tuktoyaktuk on Canada's Arctic coastline, before rounding Alaska to Dutch Harbor and, at last, Victoria.", "r": {"result": "Dia menggambarkan perahu layar laut yang memeluk pantai Atlantik melalui Halifax ke Greenland barat, kemudian menuju ke barat melalui Laluan Barat Laut ke Tuktoyaktuk di pantai Artik Kanada, sebelum mengelilingi Alaska ke Dutch Harbour dan, akhirnya, Victoria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2017, Molnar plans to make this a reality in the form of the Sailing the Arctic Race, or STAR.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2017, Molnar merancang untuk menjadikan ini satu realiti dalam bentuk Perlumbaan Pelayaran Artik, atau STAR.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Arctic is the big attraction.", "r": {"result": "\"Artik adalah tarikan besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is a romanticism about it,\" says the 66-year-old, who spent decades working in advertising while nursing his passion for sailing.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat romantik mengenainya,\" kata lelaki berusia 66 tahun itu, yang menghabiskan beberapa dekad bekerja dalam pengiklanan sambil memupuk minatnya untuk belayar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Crossing the Atlantic has been done so many times, going around the world this way, that way.", "r": {"result": "\"Menyeberangi Atlantik telah dilakukan berkali-kali, mengelilingi dunia dengan cara ini, dengan cara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Crossing the Arctic by sail?", "r": {"result": "\"Menyeberangi Artik dengan belayar?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's only been done by a few people, and only six people have done it twice,\" he claims.", "r": {"result": "Itu hanya dilakukan oleh beberapa orang, dan hanya enam orang telah melakukannya dua kali,\" dakwanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"More people have been on the moon\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lebih ramai orang telah berada di bulan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the age of sail, the Arctic Ocean took hundreds of lives as explorers fought to navigate and conquer a vast, deadly stretch of water littered with sea ice and rocks.", "r": {"result": "Pada zaman pelayaran, Lautan Artik meragut ratusan nyawa ketika para penjelajah berjuang untuk mengemudi dan menakluki hamparan air yang luas dan mematikan yang dipenuhi dengan ais laut dan batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this week, Canadian authorities announced the discovery of a wreck from one of the most celebrated early, doomed voyages -- Sir John Franklin's 1845 expedition, during which all 129 crew members died.", "r": {"result": "Awal minggu ini, pihak berkuasa Kanada mengumumkan penemuan bangkai kapal dari salah satu pelayaran awal yang paling terkenal -- ekspedisi Sir John Franklin 1845, di mana kesemua 129 anak kapal meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sea ice conditions are much more favorable to shipping in the 21st century, and that makes Molnar confident his race can work.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan ais laut adalah lebih baik untuk penghantaran pada abad ke-21, dan itu menjadikan Molnar yakin kaumnya boleh bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My job is, number one, safety,\" he insists.", "r": {"result": "\"Tugas saya, nombor satu, keselamatan,\" tegasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't want anyone to get hurt.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak mahu sesiapa terluka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The race isn't easy because of the climate, the ice, but we can take care of that.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerlumbaan bukan mudah kerana iklim, ais, tetapi kami boleh menjaganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our route is designed with the recommendations of people who were captains there all their lives, looking over our shoulder.", "r": {"result": "Laluan kami direka bentuk dengan cadangan orang yang menjadi kapten di sana sepanjang hidup mereka, memandang ke atas bahu kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But it is dangerous.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi ia berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is definitely an extreme sport\".", "r": {"result": "Ia pastinya sukan lasak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Extreme sailing is a major industry with the Volvo Ocean Race, a round-the-world event lasting nine months, one of the sport's signature contests.", "r": {"result": "Pelayaran ekstrem ialah industri utama dengan Perlumbaan Lautan Volvo, acara pusingan dunia yang berlangsung selama sembilan bulan, salah satu pertandingan tandatangan sukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Molnar tells CNN he has Volvo Ocean Race participants prepared to take part in the inaugural race through the Northwest Passage, scheduled to begin in June 2017 and end in late September or early October.", "r": {"result": "Molnar memberitahu CNN bahawa dia mempunyai peserta Volvo Ocean Race yang bersedia untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perlumbaan sulung melalui Northwest Passage, yang dijadualkan bermula pada Jun 2017 dan berakhir pada akhir September atau awal Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We already have more people willing to attend than there are spaces for boats,\" he adds.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sudah mempunyai lebih ramai orang yang bersedia untuk hadir daripada ruang untuk bot,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to go with 20 to 25 boats and the good thing is we have so many people wanting to go.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mahu pergi dengan 20 hingga 25 bot dan perkara yang baik ialah kami mempunyai begitu ramai orang yang ingin pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That means we can pick who is the best-financed and who is the most experienced and, by doing so, we reduce the danger of trouble\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bermakna kita boleh memilih siapa yang paling dibiayai dan siapa yang paling berpengalaman dan, dengan berbuat demikian, kita mengurangkan bahaya masalah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richard Haworth, director of High Latitudes -- a company working with yachts to guide them through remote Arctic waters -- has reservations about the concept of an Arctic sailing race.", "r": {"result": "Richard Haworth, pengarah High Latitudes -- sebuah syarikat yang bekerja dengan kapal layar untuk membimbing mereka melalui perairan Artik terpencil -- mempunyai keraguan tentang konsep perlumbaan pelayaran Artik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All the races in the Southern Ocean currently, interestingly, have waypoints which keep them away from the main danger of icebergs,\" notes Haworth.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua kaum di Lautan Selatan pada masa ini, menariknya, mempunyai titik laluan yang menghalang mereka daripada bahaya utama gunung ais,\" kata Haworth.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This race, clearly, won't be able to do that.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerlumbaan ini, jelas, tidak akan dapat melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So that's a different safety philosophy.", "r": {"result": "Jadi itu falsafah keselamatan yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's doable, but it will persuade people to push the limits a bit more.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia boleh dilakukan, tetapi ia akan memujuk orang ramai untuk menolak had sedikit lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the things you don't do when you go up there is push the limits.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu perkara yang anda tidak lakukan apabila anda naik ke sana ialah menolak had.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You have to understand there is not so much help and assistance around.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda perlu faham bahawa tidak ada banyak bantuan dan bantuan di sekeliling.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would be surprised if that race happened without someone pushing the limits a bit too far and needing some assistance.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan terkejut jika perlumbaan itu berlaku tanpa seseorang menolak had terlalu jauh dan memerlukan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sooner or later, the Canadian authorities are going to get upset\".", "r": {"result": "Lambat laun, pihak berkuasa Kanada akan kecewa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mario Pelletier represents those authorities.", "r": {"result": "Mario Pelletier mewakili pihak berkuasa tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As assistant commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard, he shares Haworth's concerns.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai penolong pesuruhjaya Pengawal Pantai Kanada, beliau berkongsi kebimbangan Haworth.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pelletier is currently overseeing an intense and tricky Arctic shipping season which has forced a number of vessels to abandon planned crossings of the Northwest Passage.", "r": {"result": "Pelletier kini sedang mengawasi musim perkapalan Artik yang sengit dan rumit yang telah memaksa beberapa kapal untuk meninggalkan lintasan yang dirancang di Laluan Barat Laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his opinion, even planning a race three years from now is ambitious.", "r": {"result": "Pada pendapatnya, walaupun merancang perlumbaan tiga tahun dari sekarang adalah bercita-cita tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If we're talking the Northwest Passage, the ice conditions we're seeing -- with multi-year ice coming down from the high Arctic -- it would be a huge challenge for 2017,\" says Pelletier.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika kita bercakap mengenai Laluan Barat Laut, keadaan ais yang kita lihat -- dengan ais berbilang tahun turun dari Artik yang tinggi -- ia akan menjadi cabaran besar untuk 2017,\" kata Pelletier.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's certainly not something, with the conditions we see today, that is likely to happen.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSememangnya ia bukan sesuatu, dengan keadaan yang kita lihat hari ini, itu mungkin berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that is the first I've heard of it\".", "r": {"result": "Dan itulah yang pertama saya dengar mengenainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Molnar dismisses the suggestion his race will not go ahead, claiming the contested ownership of high Arctic waters is providing the political clout to push the event forward.", "r": {"result": "Molnar menolak cadangan kaumnya tidak akan diteruskan, mendakwa pemilikan perairan Artik yang dipertikaikan memberikan pengaruh politik untuk memajukan acara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It will happen, 110%,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan berlaku, 110%,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no way around it.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada jalan untuk mengatasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The support is surreal, I'm astonished.", "r": {"result": "Sokongan itu nyata, saya kagum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is a lot of political will to make this happen.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat banyak kemahuan politik untuk mewujudkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Canada wants to say, 'the Northwest Passage belongs to us.", "r": {"result": "\"Kanada ingin berkata, 'Laluan Barat Laut adalah milik kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' There is a reason the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, was just there.", "r": {"result": "' Ada sebab perdana menteri Kanada, Stephen Harper, berada di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He wants to make sure this is part of Canada.", "r": {"result": "Dia mahu memastikan ini adalah sebahagian daripada Kanada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will do that without the military.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami akan melakukannya tanpa tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We will do that with sport\".", "r": {"result": "Kami akan melakukannya dengan sukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The project is self-financed for now, though Molnar adds \"quite a bit of federal, provincial and local sponsorship\" has been secured.", "r": {"result": "Projek ini dibiayai sendiri buat masa ini, walaupun Molnar menambah \"sedikit penajaan persekutuan, wilayah dan tempatan\" telah diperolehi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His ultimate ambition, he says, is for the race to educate the world about the fragility of the Arctic.", "r": {"result": "Cita-cita utamanya, katanya, adalah untuk perlumbaan untuk mendidik dunia tentang kerapuhan Artik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "STAR's plans call for children at each stopover destination on the race route to engage in up to six months of related schoolwork prior to the race's visit, culminating in presentations to local political and industry leaders.", "r": {"result": "Rancangan STAR menyeru kanak-kanak di setiap destinasi persinggahan di laluan perlumbaan untuk terlibat dalam kerja sekolah berkaitan sehingga enam bulan sebelum lawatan perlumbaan, yang memuncak dengan pembentangan kepada pemimpin politik dan industri tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is almost the most important part of the race,\" says Molnar.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini hampir bahagian paling penting dalam perlumbaan, \" kata Molnar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The kids can tell those leaders they are messing stuff up now, big time.", "r": {"result": "\"Anak-anak boleh memberitahu pemimpin-pemimpin itu bahawa mereka mengacaukan perkara sekarang, masa yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are drilling, they are fracking, they are breaking stuff.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sedang menggerudi, mereka sedang pecah, mereka sedang memecahkan barang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those kids don't want to clean that up.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak itu tidak mahu membersihkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The kids will put propositions on the table for alternatives, under huge scrutiny, presented to the whole world.", "r": {"result": "\"Anak-anak akan meletakkan cadangan di atas meja untuk alternatif, di bawah penelitian besar, yang dibentangkan kepada seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think we will save the planet, but we can show people how beautiful this place is -- and just don't mess it up.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir kita akan menyelamatkan planet ini, tetapi kita boleh menunjukkan kepada orang ramai betapa cantiknya tempat ini -- dan jangan kacau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you go there, go there gently\".", "r": {"result": "Kalau pergi sana, pergilah dengan lembut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Republican Party's support for same-sex marriage is starting to grow.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sokongan Parti Republikan terhadap perkahwinan sejenis mula berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the past 16 months, the number of GOP legislators supporting equal access to civil marriage quadrupled -- from just two to eight.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tempoh 16 bulan yang lalu, bilangan penggubal undang-undang GOP yang menyokong akses sama rata kepada perkahwinan sivil meningkat empat kali ganda -- daripada hanya dua kepada lapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And recently, Republican Rep.", "r": {"result": "Dan baru-baru ini, Republikan Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Jolly of Florida, a swing-district legislator with a deep personal and religious belief in traditional marriage, made a case we will hear more -- a good society should confer the rights and responsibilities of civil marriage on same-sex couples while respecting the religious freedom of houses of worship to perform the sacrament of marriage only in the ways they see fit.", "r": {"result": "David Jolly dari Florida, seorang penggubal undang-undang daerah dengan kepercayaan peribadi dan agama yang mendalam dalam perkahwinan tradisional, membuat kes yang akan kita dengar lebih lanjut -- masyarakat yang baik harus memberikan hak dan tanggungjawab perkahwinan sivil kepada pasangan sejenis sambil menghormati kebebasan beragama di rumah ibadat untuk melaksanakan sakramen perkahwinan hanya mengikut cara yang mereka anggap patut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a matter of my Christian faith, I believe in traditional marriage.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMengikut kepercayaan Kristian saya, saya percaya pada perkahwinan tradisional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as a matter of constitutional principle I believe in a form of limited government that protects personal liberty.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi berdasarkan prinsip perlembagaan saya percaya kepada satu bentuk kerajaan terhad yang melindungi kebebasan peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To me, that means that the sanctity of one's marriage should be defined by their faith and by their church, not by their state.", "r": {"result": "Bagi saya, itu bermakna bahawa kesucian perkahwinan seseorang harus ditakrifkan oleh iman mereka dan oleh gereja mereka, bukan oleh negara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Accordingly, I believe it is fully appropriate for a state to recognize both traditional marriage as well as same-sex marriage, and therefore I support the recent decision by a Monroe County Circuit judge\".", "r": {"result": "\"Oleh itu, saya percaya adalah sesuai sepenuhnya bagi sesebuah negeri untuk mengiktiraf kedua-dua perkahwinan tradisional dan juga perkahwinan sejenis, dan oleh itu saya menyokong keputusan baru-baru ini oleh hakim Litar Daerah Monroe\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That July 17 decision applies only to Monroe County, Florida, home to Key West.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan 17 Julai itu hanya terpakai untuk Monroe County, Florida, rumah kepada Key West.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Florida's attorney general is appealing the ruling.", "r": {"result": "Peguam negara Florida merayu keputusan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jolly's view is consistent with core Republican values of limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility and stronger families.", "r": {"result": "Pandangan Jolly selaras dengan nilai teras Republikan mengenai kerajaan terhad, kebebasan individu, tanggungjawab peribadi dan keluarga yang lebih kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More conservatives are starting to understand that the sanctity of a couple's marriage should be determined by their faith and that the legality of their marriage should be determined by law -- equally applied to all.", "r": {"result": "Lebih ramai golongan konservatif mula memahami bahawa kesucian perkahwinan pasangan harus ditentukan oleh kepercayaan mereka dan kesahihan perkahwinan mereka harus ditentukan oleh undang-undang -- sama terpakai kepada semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This means that government should respect the right of churches to perform only blessings in which they believe, and it should respect the inherent right of citizens to marry the person they love, without using tax dollars to deny them that basic freedom.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna bahawa kerajaan harus menghormati hak gereja untuk melaksanakan hanya berkat yang mereka percayai, dan ia harus menghormati hak asasi warganegara untuk berkahwin dengan orang yang mereka cintai, tanpa menggunakan wang cukai untuk menafikan kebebasan asas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amen to that.", "r": {"result": "Amin untuk itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The foundation of the Republican Party respects personal freedom without unnecessary government intrusion.", "r": {"result": "Asas Parti Republikan menghormati kebebasan peribadi tanpa pencerobohan kerajaan yang tidak perlu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So why should marriage be any different?", "r": {"result": "Jadi mengapa perkahwinan harus berbeza?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The GOP's stance is changing beyond the halls of Congress.", "r": {"result": "Pendirian GOP berubah di luar dewan Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republican governors with traditional perspectives on marriage are finding principled, inclusive positions.", "r": {"result": "Gabenor Republikan dengan perspektif tradisional tentang perkahwinan mencari kedudukan berprinsip dan inklusif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Govs.", "r": {"result": "Govs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Christie of New Jersey, Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania and Brian Sandoval of Nevada have not changed their personal views of marriage, but they have responsibly refused to pursue costly and certain-to-lose litigation over the issue, choosing instead to focus on bread-and-butter issues.", "r": {"result": "Chris Christie dari New Jersey, Tom Corbett dari Pennsylvania dan Brian Sandoval dari Nevada tidak mengubah pandangan peribadi mereka tentang perkahwinan, tetapi mereka secara bertanggungjawab menolak untuk meneruskan litigasi yang mahal dan pasti akan kalah berhubung isu itu, sebaliknya memilih untuk memberi tumpuan kepada roti- isu dan mentega.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wisconsin Gov.", "r": {"result": "Wisconsin Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scott Walker, who has opposed same-sex marriage, said recently that his own views don't matter and that courts will resolve the issue.", "r": {"result": "Scott Walker, yang telah menentang perkahwinan sejenis, berkata baru-baru ini bahawa pandangannya sendiri tidak penting dan mahkamah akan menyelesaikan isu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Mexico Gov.", "r": {"result": "New Mexico Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Susana Martinez has allowed her state to move on as well, opting not to amend her state constitution in what would be a misguided attempt to prevent same-sex couples from experiencing the joys and challenges of marriage.", "r": {"result": "Susana Martinez telah membenarkan negerinya bergerak juga, memilih untuk tidak meminda perlembagaan negerinya dalam apa yang akan menjadi percubaan sesat untuk menghalang pasangan sejenis daripada mengalami kegembiraan dan cabaran perkahwinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attitudes toward employment discrimination against gays are also changing.", "r": {"result": "Sikap terhadap diskriminasi pekerjaan terhadap gay juga berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to Christie and Walker's public stands against discrimination, GOP Gov.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tambahan kepada pendirian awam Christie dan Walker menentang diskriminasi, GOP Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Snyder of Michigan said he was open to talks on the issue and Gov.", "r": {"result": "Rick Snyder dari Michigan berkata beliau terbuka untuk perbincangan mengenai isu itu dan Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jan Brewer of Arizona has suggested that state law could be updated to ensure American workers are judged on their qualifications, hard work and merit -- and not on their sexual orientation.", "r": {"result": "Jan Brewer dari Arizona telah mencadangkan bahawa undang-undang negeri boleh dikemas kini untuk memastikan pekerja Amerika dinilai berdasarkan kelayakan, kerja keras dan merit mereka -- dan bukan berdasarkan orientasi seksual mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These principled statements are not simply a defense mechanism to win votes in upcoming elections.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan berprinsip ini bukan sekadar mekanisme pertahanan untuk memenangi undi dalam pilihan raya akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They reflect a heartfelt acknowledgment that every citizen should be treated fairly and equally under the law and that gay and lesbian Americans are just as American as the rest of us.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mencerminkan pengakuan ikhlas bahawa setiap warganegara harus dilayan secara adil dan sama rata di bawah undang-undang dan bahawa gay dan lesbian Amerika adalah sama seperti orang Amerika yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Appeals court rejects Virginia same-sex marriage ban.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah rayuan menolak larangan perkahwinan sejenis di Virginia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The battle within the GOP for gay rights is not yet won.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran dalam GOP untuk hak gay belum lagi dimenangi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are outliers like Texas Gov.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat outliers seperti Texas Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Perry, who has likely done permanent damage to his presidential aspirations by suggesting being gay and or lesbian is like being an alcoholic -- you can choose not to do it.", "r": {"result": "Rick Perry, yang berkemungkinan telah melakukan kerosakan kekal terhadap aspirasi presidennya dengan mencadangkan menjadi gay dan atau lesbian adalah seperti seorang peminum alkohol -- anda boleh memilih untuk tidak melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These comments are harmful to gay and lesbian people and fly in the face of what straight people innately know about the immutability of sexual orientation.", "r": {"result": "Komen-komen ini berbahaya kepada gay dan lesbian dan terbang menghadapi apa yang diketahui oleh orang lurus secara semula jadi tentang ketidakbolehubah orientasi seksual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even worse, Perry's comments repel swing voters from considering worthy Republican policy solutions for fear that the GOP cares more about pursuing a narrow social agenda that threatens the freedom of their family and friends.", "r": {"result": "Lebih teruk lagi, komen Perry menolak pengundi swing daripada mempertimbangkan penyelesaian dasar Republikan yang layak kerana bimbang GOP lebih mengambil berat tentang meneruskan agenda sosial sempit yang mengancam kebebasan keluarga dan rakan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tide is turning in favor of freedom across the country.", "r": {"result": "Arus berubah memihak kepada kebebasan di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that means a more accepting and inclusive message is emerging.", "r": {"result": "Dan ini bermakna mesej yang lebih menerima dan inklusif muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The GOP is ready for change, and it's ready to welcome people with sincerely held beliefs on both sides of the marriage issue -- both in terms of party membership and in terms of primary politics.", "r": {"result": "GOP bersedia untuk perubahan, dan ia bersedia untuk mengalu-alukan orang yang mempunyai kepercayaan yang ikhlas dalam kedua-dua belah isu perkahwinan -- baik dari segi keahlian parti dan dari segi politik utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Across the country, Republican candidates are being judged on their substance and ability to advocate for economic freedom, and not because of their positions on marriage.", "r": {"result": "Di seluruh negara, calon Republikan dinilai berdasarkan kandungan dan keupayaan mereka untuk menyokong kebebasan ekonomi, dan bukan kerana kedudukan mereka mengenai perkahwinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An impressive number of Republican state legislators, 233, have stood up for the freedom to marry, and only three have lost their seats because of that stand.", "r": {"result": "Sebilangan besar penggubal undang-undang negeri Republikan, 233, telah mempertahankan kebebasan untuk berkahwin, dan hanya tiga telah kehilangan kerusi mereka kerana pendirian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That reflects a party and a country that's ready bury the politics of LGBT freedom in the graveyard of defunct wedge issues.", "r": {"result": "Itu mencerminkan sebuah parti dan negara yang bersedia menguburkan politik kebebasan LGBT dalam perkuburan isu-isu baji yang tidak berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bottom line is that even if your personal religious views do not align with same-sex marriage, someone else's do.", "r": {"result": "Intinya ialah walaupun pandangan agama peribadi anda tidak sejajar dengan perkahwinan sejenis, pandangan orang lain juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's OK.", "r": {"result": "Dan itu OK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We should be able to disagree, treat each other with respect and live our lives with freedom and equal opportunity under the law.", "r": {"result": "Kita seharusnya boleh tidak bersetuju, memperlakukan satu sama lain dengan hormat dan menjalani kehidupan kita dengan kebebasan dan peluang yang sama di bawah undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republican leaders are beginning to \"get it\" and that's good for an America that belongs to all of us.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Republikan mula \"mendapatkannya\" dan itu bagus untuk Amerika yang menjadi milik kita semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Danish political cartoonist Kurt Westergaard hid in a \"panic room\" inside his home as a man wielding an ax and knife cracked the glass in the home's front door, Danish police said Saturday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kartunis politik Denmark, Kurt Westergaard bersembunyi di dalam \"bilik panik\" di dalam rumahnya ketika seorang lelaki yang memegang kapak dan pisau memecahkan kaca di pintu depan rumah itu, kata polis Denmark pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said a home alarm alerted them to the scene in Aarhus at 10 p.m. Friday, and they were attacked by the suspect when they responded.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata penggera rumah memaklumkan mereka ke tempat kejadian di Aarhus pada pukul 10 malam. Jumaat, dan mereka diserang oleh suspek apabila mereka bertindak balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police shot the suspect.", "r": {"result": "Polis menembak suspek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Westergaard took his 5-year-old granddaughter into the \"panic room\" when he realized what was happening, Chief Superintendent Ole Madsen said.", "r": {"result": "Westergaard membawa cucu perempuannya yang berusia 5 tahun ke dalam \"bilik panik\" apabila dia menyedari apa yang berlaku, kata Ketua Penguasa Ole Madsen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Westergaard, who has been threatened for drawing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, is ordinarily accompanied by bodyguards when he leaves his home, but nobody was on guard at the house Friday, the Security and Intelligence Service told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Westergaard, yang telah diancam kerana melukis kartun Nabi Muhammad, biasanya ditemani oleh pengawal peribadi apabila dia meninggalkan rumahnya, tetapi tiada sesiapa yang berkawal di rumah itu pada hari Jumaat, Perkhidmatan Keselamatan dan Perisikan memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said Westergaard was \"being taken care of\" after the break-in, but wouldn't reveal his new location.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata Westergaard \"dijaga\" selepas pecah masuk, tetapi tidak akan mendedahkan lokasi baharunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspect, meanwhile, appeared in court Saturday, charged with attempted assassination, the Danish Intelligence and Security Service said.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, suspek hadir di mahkamah Sabtu, didakwa atas cubaan membunuh, kata Perkhidmatan Perisikan dan Keselamatan Denmark.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspect was shot in the right leg and left hand and hospitalized after the incident, police said.", "r": {"result": "Suspek ditembak di kaki kanan dan tangan kiri serta dimasukkan ke hospital selepas kejadian itu, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Video showed him appearing in court Saturday strapped onto a stretcher.", "r": {"result": "Video menunjukkan dia hadir di mahkamah Sabtu dengan diikat pada pengusung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities did not identify the suspect because the judge decided it would be illegal to disclose his name, said Madsen, with the East Jutland Police.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa tidak mengenal pasti suspek kerana hakim memutuskan adalah menyalahi undang-undang untuk mendedahkan namanya, kata Madsen, dengan Polis Jutland Timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said he was a 28-year-old Somali who has legal residency in Denmark and lives in Sjaelland, near Copenhagen.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata dia seorang warga Somalia berusia 28 tahun yang mempunyai pemastautin sah di Denmark dan tinggal di Sjaelland, dekat Copenhagen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspect was charged with the attempted assassination of Westergaard and a police officer on duty, the intelligence service said.", "r": {"result": "Suspek didakwa atas cubaan membunuh Westergaard dan seorang pegawai polis yang bertugas, kata perkhidmatan risikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judge ordered the suspect held for four weeks while the investigation proceeds.", "r": {"result": "Hakim memerintahkan suspek ditahan selama empat minggu sementara siasatan diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madsen said the man is the only suspect in the case, and he would not say whether police were investigating anyone else.", "r": {"result": "Madsen berkata lelaki itu adalah satu-satunya suspek dalam kes itu, dan dia tidak akan menyatakan sama ada polis sedang menyiasat orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police had no indication that an attack was being planned on Westergaard, Madsen said, though the intelligence service said the suspect had been under surveillance because of his terrorist links.", "r": {"result": "Polis tidak mempunyai petunjuk bahawa serangan sedang dirancang ke atas Westergaard, kata Madsen, walaupun perkhidmatan perisikan berkata suspek telah berada di bawah pengawasan kerana hubungan pengganasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Danish intelligence officials said the suspect is connected to al-Shabaab, al Qaeda's ally in east Africa.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai perisikan Denmark berkata suspek mempunyai kaitan dengan al-Shabaab, sekutu al Qaeda di timur Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Shabaab, the militant organization with alleged ties to the suspect, is waging a bloody battle against Somalia's transitional government and is currently on a U.S. government list of terrorist organizations.", "r": {"result": "Al-Shabaab, pertubuhan militan yang didakwa mempunyai hubungan dengan suspek, melancarkan pertempuran berdarah terhadap kerajaan peralihan Somalia dan kini berada dalam senarai organisasi pengganas kerajaan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a news conference in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, al-Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage said, \"We are very happy with the Somali national who attacked the house of the Danish cartoonist who previously insulted our prophet Mohammed.", "r": {"result": "Pada sidang akhbar di ibu kota Somalia, Mogadishu, jurucakap al-Shabaab Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage berkata, \"Kami sangat gembira dengan warga Somalia yang menyerang rumah kartunis Denmark yang sebelum ini menghina nabi kita Muhammad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is an honor for the Somali people.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah satu penghormatan bagi rakyat Somalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are telling that we are glad that anyone who insults Islam should be attacked wherever they are\".", "r": {"result": "Kami memberitahu bahawa kami gembira bahawa sesiapa yang menghina Islam harus diserang di mana sahaja mereka berada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident \"once again confirms the terrorist threat that is directed against Denmark and against cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, in particular,\" said Jakob Scharf, spokesman for the Danish Security and Intelligence Service.", "r": {"result": "Insiden itu \"sekali lagi mengesahkan ancaman pengganas yang ditujukan terhadap Denmark dan terhadap kartunis Kurt Westergaard, khususnya,\" kata Jakob Scharf, jurucakap Perkhidmatan Keselamatan dan Perisikan Denmark.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Westergaard's caricature of Muhammad -- showing the prophet wearing a bomb as a turban with a lit fuse -- sparked an uproar among Muslims in early 2006 after newspapers reprinted the images months later as a matter of free speech.", "r": {"result": "Karikatur Muhammad Westergaard -- menunjukkan nabi memakai bom sebagai serban dengan fius menyala -- mencetuskan kekecohan di kalangan umat Islam pada awal 2006 selepas akhbar mencetak semula imej itu beberapa bulan kemudian sebagai soal kebebasan bersuara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cartoon was first published by the Danish newspaper Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten in September 2005.", "r": {"result": "Kartun itu pertama kali diterbitkan oleh akhbar Denmark Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten pada September 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, Westergaard said he wanted his cartoon to say that some people exploited the prophet to legitimize terrorism.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, Westergaard berkata dia mahu kartunnya mengatakan bahawa sesetengah orang mengeksploitasi nabi untuk menghalalkan keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, many in the Muslim world interpreted the drawing as depicting their prophet as a terrorist.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, ramai di dunia Islam menafsirkan lukisan itu sebagai menggambarkan nabi mereka sebagai pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the years, Danish authorities have arrested other suspects who allegedly plotted against Westergaard's life.", "r": {"result": "Selama bertahun-tahun, pihak berkuasa Denmark telah menahan suspek lain yang didakwa berkomplot terhadap kehidupan Westergaard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After three such arrests in February 2008, Westergaard issued a statement, saying, \"Of course I fear for my life after the Danish Security and Intelligence Service informed me of the concrete plans of certain people to kill me.", "r": {"result": "Selepas tiga penangkapan sedemikian pada Februari 2008, Westergaard mengeluarkan kenyataan, dengan berkata, \"Sudah tentu saya takut untuk hidup saya selepas Perkhidmatan Keselamatan dan Perisikan Denmark memaklumkan saya tentang rancangan konkrit orang tertentu untuk membunuh saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, I have turned fear into anger and indignation.", "r": {"result": "Namun, saya telah menukar ketakutan kepada kemarahan dan kemarahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has made me angry that a perfectly normal everyday activity which I used to do by the thousand was abused to set off such madness\".", "r": {"result": "Ia telah membuat saya marah kerana aktiviti harian yang sangat biasa yang biasa saya lakukan oleh seribu orang telah disalahgunakan untuk mencetuskan kegilaan sedemikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scharf said authorities have taken measures to ensure Westergaard's safety, and that the protection has \"proven effective\".", "r": {"result": "Scharf berkata pihak berkuasa telah mengambil langkah untuk memastikan keselamatan Westergaard, dan bahawa perlindungan itu telah \"terbukti berkesan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Per Nyberg contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Per Nyberg dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- China's move to abolish re-education through labor camps -- under which tens of thousands have been imprisoned without trial -- may be no more than a cosmetic change, a new report from Amnesty International warns.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Tindakan China untuk memansuhkan pendidikan semula melalui kem buruh -- di mana puluhan ribu telah dipenjarakan tanpa perbicaraan -- mungkin tidak lebih daripada perubahan kosmetik, laporan baharu Amnesty International memberi amaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The human rights group says that while labor camps are being shut, research suggested that authorities are expanding the use of \"black jails,\" enforced drug rehabilitation clinics and \"brainwashing centers\" to take their place.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan hak asasi manusia mengatakan bahawa sementara kem buruh ditutup, penyelidikan mencadangkan pihak berkuasa memperluaskan penggunaan \"penjara hitam,\" klinik pemulihan dadah yang dikuatkuasakan dan \"pusat cuci otak\" untuk menggantikan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is a very real risk that the Chinese authorities will abolish one system of arbitrary detention only to expand the use of other types,\" the report said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat risiko yang sangat nyata bahawa pihak berkuasa China akan memansuhkan satu sistem penahanan sewenang-wenangnya hanya untuk memperluaskan penggunaan jenis lain,\" kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman from China's Ministry of Justice declined to comment on the Amnesty report.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Kementerian Kehakiman China enggan mengulas mengenai laporan Amnesty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Corinna-Barbara Francis, Amnesty International's China researcher, said the abolishment may only be a \"cosmetic change just to avert the public outcry over the abusive re-education through labor system\".", "r": {"result": "Corinna-Barbara Francis, penyelidik Amnesty International China, berkata pemansuhan itu mungkin hanya \"perubahan kosmetik semata-mata untuk mengelakkan bantahan orang ramai terhadap pendidikan semula yang kesat melalui sistem buruh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China said on November 15 that it would close its labor camps after earlier putting the policy under review, with the move hailed as the biggest change to China's criminal justice system in decades.", "r": {"result": "China berkata pada 15 November bahawa ia akan menutup kem buruhnya selepas lebih awal meletakkan dasar itu di bawah semakan, dengan langkah itu dipuji sebagai perubahan terbesar kepada sistem keadilan jenayah China dalam beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Detention without trial.", "r": {"result": "Penahanan tanpa perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The system was set up in 1950s and allows police to detain petty offenders -- such as thieves, prostitutes and drug addicts -- for up to four years without a trial.", "r": {"result": "Sistem itu ditubuhkan pada 1950-an dan membenarkan polis menahan pesalah kecil -- seperti pencuri, pelacur dan penagih dadah -- sehingga empat tahun tanpa perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to China's Ministry of Justice, the country had 351 labor camps at the end of 2012, with more than 50,000 inmates.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Kementerian Kehakiman China, negara itu mempunyai 351 kem buruh pada akhir 2012, dengan lebih 50,000 banduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other estimates have put the number of detainees much higher.", "r": {"result": "Anggaran lain telah meletakkan bilangan tahanan lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"re-education process\" has also been used to punish those detained for their political, religious or personal beliefs -- such as members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement or petitioners with complaints against local officials, Amnesty said.", "r": {"result": "\"Proses pendidikan semula\" juga telah digunakan untuk menghukum mereka yang ditahan kerana fahaman politik, agama atau peribadi mereka -- seperti ahli pergerakan kerohanian Falun Gong yang diharamkan atau pempetisyen dengan aduan terhadap pegawai tempatan, kata Amnesty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Torture is said to be rife at the camps.", "r": {"result": "Penyeksaan dikatakan berleluasa di kem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Detainees have told Amnesty International they were beaten, sometimes with electric batons, denied food, subjected to simulated drowning, injected with unknown drugs and subjected to the \"rack\" torture\".", "r": {"result": "Tahanan telah memberitahu Amnesty International bahawa mereka dipukul, kadangkala dengan belantan elektrik, dinafikan makanan, mengalami simulasi lemas, disuntik dengan dadah yang tidak diketahui dan dikenakan penyeksaan \"rak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brainwashing centers.", "r": {"result": "Pusat cuci otak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report said interviews with petitioners and Falun Gong practitioners revealed abuses were continuing despite the closure of the camps.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu berkata temu bual dengan pempetisyen dan pengamal Falun Gong mendedahkan penderaan berterusan walaupun kem ditutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some labor camps were being re-labeled as drug rehabilitation centers and released detainees were being sent to black jails -- unofficial detention centers set up in places like hotels or abandoned buildings -- or \"brainwashing centers,\" another form of arbitrary detention.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa kem buruh dilabel semula sebagai pusat pemulihan dadah dan tahanan yang dibebaskan dihantar ke penjara hitam -- pusat tahanan tidak rasmi yang didirikan di tempat seperti hotel atau bangunan terbiar -- atau \"pusat cuci otak,\" satu lagi bentuk penahanan sewenang-wenangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Zhi told Amnesty International she was released from a labor camp in Harbin in June 2013 but on her release staff from a brainwashing center were waiting for her at the gate.", "r": {"result": "Pengamal Falun Gong, Zhang Zhi memberitahu Amnesty International dia dibebaskan dari kem buruh di Harbin pada Jun 2013 tetapi pada masa pelepasannya kakitangan dari pusat cuci otak sedang menunggunya di pintu pagar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her family were able to intervene and prevented her from being taken away.", "r": {"result": "Keluarganya dapat campur tangan dan menghalangnya daripada dibawa pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She has since gone into hiding.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu dia bersembunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Chinese authorities must immediately end all forms of arbitrary detention and ensure that laws protecting detainees are brought into line with international human rights standards,\" Francis said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPihak berkuasa China mesti segera menamatkan semua bentuk penahanan sewenang-wenangnya dan memastikan undang-undang yang melindungi tahanan dibawa selaras dengan piawaian hak asasi manusia antarabangsa,\u201d kata Francis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This needs to be a fundamental change in the policies that are at the root of the repression and which strip detainees of their most basic rights\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini perlu menjadi perubahan asas dalam dasar yang menjadi punca penindasan dan yang melucutkan hak asasi tahanan mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girls strutting down the runway in The Savoy Hotel share many features - all are long-limbed, fine-boned and have glowing complexions.", "r": {"result": "Gadis-gadis yang berjalan di landasan di The Savoy Hotel berkongsi banyak ciri - semuanya berbadan panjang, bertulang halus dan berkulit cerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A silent army marching to the heavy music, past the front row A-listers peering out from behind their dark glasses.", "r": {"result": "Tentera yang senyap berarak mengikuti muzik yang berat, melepasi barisan hadapan A-lister yang mengintai keluar dari belakang cermin mata gelap mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But one girl is different: the only one with black skin in a battalion of white faces.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi seorang gadis berbeza: satu-satunya dengan kulit hitam dalam batalion muka putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nadja is one of the few black models lucky enough to make this year's cut for London Fashion Week.", "r": {"result": "Nadja adalah salah satu daripada beberapa model kulit hitam yang cukup bertuah untuk membuat potongan tahun ini untuk Minggu Fesyen London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lack of racial diversity in the fashion industry is a serious issue that needs to be tackled, according to supermodels Naomi Campbell and Iman, who this month launched a campaign to raise awareness of racism in the industry.", "r": {"result": "Kekurangan kepelbagaian kaum dalam industri fesyen adalah isu serius yang perlu ditangani, menurut model besar Naomi Campbell dan Iman, yang bulan ini melancarkan kempen untuk meningkatkan kesedaran tentang perkauman dalam industri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The absence of people of color on the runways and photography reinforces to our young girls that they're not beautiful enough, that they're not acceptable enough,\" said Iman, model and wife of David Bowie, to CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Ketiadaan orang berwarna di landasan dan fotografi menguatkan gadis muda kami bahawa mereka tidak cukup cantik, bahawa mereka tidak cukup diterima,\" kata Iman, model dan isteri David Bowie, kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The diversity that we live in, the world that we live in, is not what is shown on the runway.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKepelbagaian yang kita diami, dunia yang kita diami, bukanlah seperti yang ditunjukkan di landasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That to me is the concern.", "r": {"result": "Itu bagi saya kebimbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a bigger issue at large than just about runway and models\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah isu yang lebih besar pada umumnya daripada hanya mengenai landasan dan model\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Campbell and Iman, in a campaign spearheaded by former model agent Bethann Hardison, have written to the major fashion councils of New York, London, Milan and Paris calling for an end to racism.", "r": {"result": "Campbell dan Iman, dalam kempen yang diterajui oleh bekas ejen model Bethann Hardison, telah menulis surat kepada majlis fesyen utama New York, London, Milan dan Paris menyeru agar perkauman dihentikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Diversity Coalition,\" as the trio has named itself, identifies the fashion houses which \"consistently use one or no models of color\" in their runway shows - including Marc Jacobs, Victoria Beckham, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan and Rodarte.", "r": {"result": "\"Gabungan Kepelbagaian,\" seperti yang dinamakan oleh trio itu sendiri, mengenal pasti rumah fesyen yang \"secara konsisten menggunakan satu atau tiada model warna\" dalam pertunjukan landasan mereka - termasuk Marc Jacobs, Victoria Beckham, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan dan Rodarte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No matter the intention,\" their letter says, \"the result is racism\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak kira niat,\" kata surat mereka, \"hasilnya adalah perkauman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN reached out to each of those companies for comment, but has received no response.", "r": {"result": "CNN menghubungi setiap syarikat tersebut untuk mendapatkan komen, tetapi tidak menerima maklum balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Casting the 'imperfect model' at Fashion Week.", "r": {"result": "Melakonkan 'model tidak sempurna' di Minggu Fesyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Runways getting whiter.", "r": {"result": "Landasan semakin putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Campbell says the situation for black models has become worse - not better - since her debut.", "r": {"result": "Campbell berkata situasi untuk model kulit hitam telah menjadi lebih teruk - tidak lebih baik - sejak debutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I started modeling in '86 there was Asians, blacks, whites, Indians, Chinese.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya mula menjadi model pada '86 ada orang Asia, kulit hitam, kulit putih, India, Cina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was very diverse,\" Campbell told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat pelbagai,\" kata Campbell kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not like that today.", "r": {"result": "\u201cHari ini tidak begitu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's heart-breaking to me that we're in 2013 and we're sitting here talking about this.", "r": {"result": "Sungguh menyayat hati saya bahawa kita berada pada tahun 2013 dan kita duduk di sini bercakap tentang perkara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it has to be done and people need to know\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia perlu dilakukan dan orang ramai perlu tahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The numbers speak for themselves.", "r": {"result": "Nombor bercakap untuk diri mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At New York Fashion week in February, only 6% of designs were shown on black models, according to statistics compiled by blog Jezebel.", "r": {"result": "Pada minggu Fesyen New York pada bulan Februari, hanya 6% daripada reka bentuk ditunjukkan pada model hitam, menurut statistik yang disusun oleh blog Jezebel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vast majority of runway spots (82.7%) went to white models, with a growing proportion of Asian girls (9.1%).", "r": {"result": "Sebilangan besar tempat landasan (82.7%) pergi ke model putih, dengan perkadaran gadis Asia yang semakin meningkat (9.1%).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In London, renowned model agent Carole White, who managed Campbell's career for 17 years, says designers here also tend towards white models for their shows.", "r": {"result": "Di London, ejen model terkenal Carole White, yang menguruskan kerjaya Campbell selama 17 tahun, berkata pereka di sini juga cenderung kepada model kulit putih untuk persembahan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think clients have this perception that black girls do not sell products, which goes way back to the 50's.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir pelanggan mempunyai persepsi ini bahawa gadis kulit hitam tidak menjual produk, yang bermula sejak 50-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think it's engrained in every magazine editor.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa ia sudah terpahat dalam setiap editor majalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are more products for blonde and blue-eyed girls.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat lebih banyak produk untuk gadis berambut perang dan bermata biru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everything is geared to that\".", "r": {"result": "Semuanya ditujukan untuk itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White has only 13 black models on her books, out of the 300 or so girls she manages.", "r": {"result": "White hanya mempunyai 13 model hitam pada bukunya, daripada 300 atau lebih gadis yang diuruskannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She says the bar is set much higher for black models and they have to be flawless to get booked, so she cannot afford to take them on.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bar ditetapkan lebih tinggi untuk model hitam dan mereka perlu sempurna untuk ditempah, jadi dia tidak mampu untuk mengambilnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're more discerning about the type of black girl we take, because we know they have to be stunningly beautiful, have an incredible body.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami lebih arif tentang jenis gadis kulit hitam yang kami ambil, kerana kami tahu mereka mesti cantik memukau, mempunyai badan yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They have to be actually perfect\" she says, whereas white girls, can be more quirky-looking.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka harus benar-benar sempurna\" katanya, manakala gadis kulit putih, boleh kelihatan lebih aneh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Race and fashion: Still an issue?", "r": {"result": "Bangsa dan fesyen: Masih menjadi isu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Token diversity.", "r": {"result": "Kepelbagaian token.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back at The Savoy Hotel, Nadja is walking for Temperley London as one of only three non-white models in the cast.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke The Savoy Hotel, Nadja sedang berjalan ke Temperley London sebagai salah satu daripada tiga model bukan putih dalam barisan pelakon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She feels lucky to get work, but says it's harder for black models compared to their white peers.", "r": {"result": "Dia berasa bertuah kerana mendapat kerja, tetapi berkata ia lebih sukar untuk model kulit hitam berbanding rakan sebaya kulit putih mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I come to a show the hairdressers are not really ready for a black girl, for black hair.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya datang ke pertunjukan, pendandan rambut tidak benar-benar bersedia untuk seorang gadis kulit hitam, untuk rambut hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The makeup artists, they don't know how to do black skin.", "r": {"result": "Jurusolek, mereka tidak tahu bagaimana untuk melakukan kulit hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can feel it sometimes - to be a black girl it's a bit tougher than for a white girl or a European girl\".", "r": {"result": "Saya dapat merasakannya kadang-kadang - untuk menjadi seorang gadis kulit hitam ia agak sukar daripada seorang gadis kulit putih atau seorang gadis Eropah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nadja says she sometimes feels like the token black girl in a show.", "r": {"result": "Nadja berkata dia kadang-kadang berasa seperti gadis hitam token dalam pertunjukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would love to be booked for shows ... because I am me - for my personality, for the person, for the model I am and not because I will be the only black girl for the show\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat suka untuk ditempah untuk pertunjukan ... kerana saya adalah saya - untuk keperibadian saya, untuk orang itu, untuk model saya dan bukan kerana saya akan menjadi satu-satunya gadis kulit hitam untuk persembahan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This tokenistic attitude towards diversity is something Campbell, Iman and Hardison are trying to tackle.", "r": {"result": "Sikap tokenistik terhadap kepelbagaian ini adalah sesuatu yang cuba ditangani oleh Campbell, Iman dan Hardison.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But designers complain that they don't have enough good black models to choose from.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pereka mengadu bahawa mereka tidak mempunyai model hitam yang cukup bagus untuk dipilih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are not enough models coming to castings that are black,\" designer Alice Temperley told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak ada model yang mencukupi yang datang ke tuangan yang berwarna hitam, \" kata pereka Alice Temperley kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's basically not having the choice\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu pada dasarnya tidak mempunyai pilihan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lasting change.", "r": {"result": "Perubahan yang berkekalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iman also criticizes casting directors and stylists for their part in providing too few black models to designers.", "r": {"result": "Iman juga mengkritik pelakon pengarah dan penggaya kerana bahagian mereka dalam menyediakan terlalu sedikit model hitam kepada pereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She says it's an attitude that has to change.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata ia adalah sikap yang perlu diubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't want to ever hear again a young model telling me that [casting directors] have said to her: 'We are not seeing black models this season.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mahu mendengar lagi model muda memberitahu saya bahawa [pengarah pemutus] telah berkata kepadanya: 'Kami tidak melihat model kulit hitam musim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' To me that's offensive.", "r": {"result": "' Bagi saya itu menyinggung perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To me that's a racist remark\".", "r": {"result": "Bagi saya itu adalah kenyataan perkauman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Diversity Coalition hopes that by getting the conversation started and raising awareness of the lack of black models, they will force out discrimination from all corners of the industry.", "r": {"result": "Gabungan Kepelbagaian berharap dengan memulakan perbualan dan meningkatkan kesedaran tentang kekurangan model kulit hitam, mereka akan menghapuskan diskriminasi dari semua sudut industri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Campbell says they'll keep speaking out until they see real change that lasts from season to season.", "r": {"result": "Campbell berkata mereka akan terus bersuara sehingga mereka melihat perubahan sebenar yang berterusan dari musim ke musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't want this to be a trend.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tidak mahu ini menjadi trend.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We want this to last\".", "r": {"result": "Kami mahu ini berpanjangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In this famously fickle industry, these three women have a fight on their hands.", "r": {"result": "Dalam industri yang terkenal berubah-ubah ini, ketiga-tiga wanita ini bergaduh di tangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Netherlands plans to ban foreigners from the country's famed pot shops, a decision Amsterdam's tourism industry hopes goes up in smoke.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Belanda merancang untuk mengharamkan warga asing dari kedai periuk yang terkenal di negara itu, satu keputusan yang diharapkan industri pelancongan Amsterdam meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Dutch Cabinet late last month said the measure was needed to \"reduce nuisance and drugs tourism,\" arguing that \"substance use of minors has to be countered more strongly and that coffee shops have grown into large points of sale of cannabis that are hard to manage\".", "r": {"result": "Kabinet Belanda akhir bulan lalu berkata langkah itu diperlukan untuk \"mengurangkan gangguan dan pelancongan dadah,\" dengan alasan bahawa \"penggunaan bahan kanak-kanak di bawah umur perlu diatasi dengan lebih kuat dan kedai kopi telah berkembang menjadi tempat penjualan besar ganja yang sukar untuk digunakan. mengurus\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Known as the \"Weed Pass,\" the measure will turn coffee shops into private clubs for Dutch citizens over the age of 18. The memberships will last for a minimum of a year, and each shop will have a capped number of members.", "r": {"result": "Dikenali sebagai \"Weed Pass\", langkah itu akan menjadikan kedai kopi sebagai kelab persendirian untuk warga Belanda yang berumur 18 tahun ke atas. Keahlian akan bertahan selama sekurang-kurangnya setahun, dan setiap kedai akan mempunyai bilangan ahli yang dihadkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Persons who do not hold Dutch citizenship will not have access to the coffee shops,\" the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang yang tidak memegang kewarganegaraan Belanda tidak akan mempunyai akses ke kedai kopi,\" kata Kementerian Keselamatan dan Keadilan Belanda dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Cabinet expects that closure of coffee shops to foreign drugs tourists will ensure that they no longer travel to the Netherlands to purchase and consume cannabis.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKabinet menjangka penutupan kedai kopi kepada pelancong dadah asing akan memastikan mereka tidak lagi pergi ke Belanda untuk membeli dan mengambil ganja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, many of them can use the illegal markets available in their immediate surroundings,\" it says.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, ramai daripada mereka boleh menggunakan pasaran haram yang terdapat di persekitaran terdekat mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government said the measure also is needed to crack down on drug trafficking near the borders with Germany and Belgium.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan berkata langkah itu juga diperlukan untuk membanteras pengedaran dadah berhampiran sempadan dengan Jerman dan Belgium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The number of criminal organizations that will be dealt with will be doubled from 20 to 40%,\" the Ministry of Security and Justice said in its statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJumlah organisasi jenayah yang akan ditangani akan digandakan daripada 20 kepada 40%,\u201d kata Kementerian Keselamatan dan Keadilan dalam kenyataannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even in announcing the tougher stand, the government said Dutch drug use has \"remained more or less stable in the past decade\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi walaupun dalam mengumumkan pendirian yang lebih keras, kerajaan berkata penggunaan dadah Belanda telah \"kekal lebih kurang stabil dalam dekad yang lalu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the current plan, the measure will go into effect this year in the southern part of the country, and then for the rest of the country in 2012.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah pelan semasa, langkah itu akan berkuat kuasa tahun ini di bahagian selatan negara, dan kemudian untuk seluruh negara pada 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city of Amsterdam, including its mayor, has vowed to fight the measure.", "r": {"result": "Bandar Amsterdam, termasuk datuk bandarnya, telah berikrar untuk menentang langkah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Dutch government has decided upon this for the whole of the Netherlands.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKerajaan Belanda telah memutuskan perkara ini untuk seluruh Belanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amsterdam doesn't want it,\" said Machteld Ligtvoet, a spokeswoman for the Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board.", "r": {"result": "Amsterdam tidak mahukannya,\" kata Macteld Ligtvoet, jurucakap Lembaga Pelancongan & Konvensyen Amsterdam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ligtvoet added, \"Coffee shops are not actively promoted by our organization and are not used in order to attract tourists.", "r": {"result": "Ligtvoet menambah, \"Kedai kopi tidak dipromosikan secara aktif oleh organisasi kami dan tidak digunakan untuk menarik pelancong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the mere idea that one can buy and use soft drugs here is an attractive aspect of Amsterdam and its famous spirit of freedom\".", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, idea semata-mata bahawa seseorang boleh membeli dan menggunakan ubat-ubatan lembut di sini adalah aspek menarik dari Amsterdam dan semangat kebebasannya yang terkenal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board says the new measure should be dismissed because it discriminates against foreigners.", "r": {"result": "Lembaga Pelancongan & Konvensyen Amsterdam berkata langkah baharu itu harus ditolak kerana ia mendiskriminasi warga asing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The board also says it fears \"soft drugs will be sold on the street again, leading to more crime and dangerous situations\".", "r": {"result": "Lembaga itu juga berkata ia bimbang \"dadah lembut akan dijual di jalanan sekali lagi, membawa kepada lebih banyak jenayah dan situasi berbahaya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Netherlands is renowned for its coffee shops where anyone over the age of 18 can freely walk in and peruse a menu of marijuana and hashish delicacies.", "r": {"result": "Belanda terkenal dengan kedai kopinya di mana sesiapa yang berumur 18 tahun ke atas boleh masuk dengan bebas dan meneliti menu ganja dan makanan istimewa hashish.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Customers can purchase up to 5g of cannabis, and it can be smoked in regular joint fashion, as well as by bong and pipes.", "r": {"result": "Pelanggan boleh membeli sehingga 5g ganja, dan ia boleh dihisap secara bersama biasa, serta dengan bong dan paip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alcohol is strictly prohibited in the shops.", "r": {"result": "Alkohol dilarang sama sekali di kedai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twenty-three percent of Amsterdam tourists say they visit coffee shops during their stays, according to the Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board.", "r": {"result": "Dua puluh tiga peratus daripada pelancong Amsterdam mengatakan mereka mengunjungi kedai kopi semasa penginapan mereka, menurut Lembaga Pelancongan & Konvensyen Amsterdam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These tourists are an important (though not most important) economic factor of Amsterdam\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pelancong ini adalah faktor ekonomi yang penting (walaupun bukan yang paling penting) di Amsterdam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HIGH TIMES magazine has sponsored the Cannabis Cup for the past 24 years in Amsterdam, bringing together thousands of marijuana and hashish enthusiasts in the city known as the \"Mecca of Pot\".", "r": {"result": "Majalah HIGH TIMES telah menaja Piala Ganja selama 24 tahun yang lalu di Amsterdam, menghimpunkan beribu-ribu peminat ganja dan hashish di bandar yang dikenali sebagai \"Mecca of Pot\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year's Cannabis Cup is slated for November 20-24 and is not affected by the new measure.", "r": {"result": "Piala Cannabis tahun ini dijadualkan pada 20-24 November dan tidak terjejas oleh langkah baharu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the ban could affect next year's event.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi larangan itu boleh menjejaskan acara tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a result, HIGH TIMES is encouraging all who've always wanted to attend the Cannabis Cup and visit Amsterdam to do so this year,\" the magazine says on its website.", "r": {"result": "\"Akibatnya, HIGH TIMES menggalakkan semua yang sentiasa ingin menghadiri Piala Ganja dan melawat Amsterdam untuk melakukannya tahun ini,\" kata majalah itu di laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- What kind of politician is slashed in the face with a knife, and upon waking up in hospital the first thing they ask about is the election campaign?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Apakah jenis ahli politik yang dikelar di muka dengan pisau, dan apabila bangun di hospital perkara pertama yang mereka tanyakan ialah kempen pilihan raya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Answer: Park Geun-hye, South Korea's first female president, and a woman who has experienced her fair share of violence while working -- and growing up -- in government.", "r": {"result": "Jawapan: Park Geun-hye, presiden wanita pertama Korea Selatan, dan seorang wanita yang pernah mengalami keganasan semasa bekerja -- dan membesar -- dalam kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Park was left with an 11 centimeter wound across her cheek after she was attacked by a man at a political rally in 2006. Her apparently businesslike response after waking from surgery -- \"How is Daejeon\"?", "r": {"result": "Park ditinggalkan dengan luka 11 sentimeter di pipinya selepas dia diserang oleh seorang lelaki pada perhimpunan politik pada tahun 2006. Sambutannya yang kelihatan seperti perniagaan selepas bangun dari pembedahan -- \"Bagaimana Daejeon\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- referring to the party's campaign in that city, earned her the nickname \"Queen of Elections\".", "r": {"result": "-- merujuk kepada kempen parti di bandar itu, dia mendapat jolokan \"Ratu Pilihan Raya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The moniker finally held true in December 2012, when Park was elected president of a country which hasn't had a female ruler in over 1000 years -- not since Queen Jinseong in the 9th century.", "r": {"result": "Gelaran itu akhirnya menjadi kenyataan pada Disember 2012, apabila Park dipilih sebagai presiden sebuah negara yang tidak mempunyai pemerintah wanita selama lebih 1000 tahun -- bukan sejak Ratu Jinseong pada abad ke-9.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is a place with one of the highest levels of gender inequality in the world -- rated 111 worst out of 135 nations, by the World Economic Forum.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah tempat dengan salah satu tahap ketidaksamaan jantina tertinggi di dunia -- dinilai 111 terburuk daripada 135 negara, oleh Forum Ekonomi Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, if you're a working woman, South Korea is the worst developed country on the planet to live in, according to the Economist's Glass-ceiling Index.", "r": {"result": "Malah, jika anda seorang wanita yang bekerja, Korea Selatan adalah negara maju paling teruk di planet ini untuk didiami, menurut Indeks Siling Kaca Economist.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of which makes Park's position particularly remarkable.", "r": {"result": "Semua ini menjadikan kedudukan Park sangat luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But then, perhaps it's no surprise the 62-year-old should pursue the country's top job, given her upbringing.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemudian, mungkin tidak menghairankan lelaki berusia 62 tahun itu harus meneruskan pekerjaan teratas negara, memandangkan dia dibesarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her father was military hardman Park Chung-hee, president of South Korea from 1961 to his death in 1979 -- when his own intelligence chief shot him over dinner.", "r": {"result": "Bapanya ialah seorang ahli tentera Park Chung-hee, presiden Korea Selatan dari 1961 hingga kematiannya pada 1979 -- apabila ketua perisikannya sendiri menembaknya semasa makan malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The murder came five years after his wife, and Park Geun-hye's mother, was also killed by an assassin who had been targeting her husband.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan itu berlaku lima tahun selepas isterinya, dan ibu Park Geun-hye, turut dibunuh oleh seorang pembunuh upahan yang menyasarkan suaminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And so at the age of 22, Park Geun-hye was forced to take on the role of first lady, accompanying her father to official events and even welcoming U.S. President Jimmy Carter and wife Rosalynn to the country in 1979.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, pada usia 22 tahun, Park Geun-hye terpaksa mengambil peranan sebagai wanita pertama, menemani bapanya ke acara rasmi dan juga mengalu-alukan Presiden A.S. Jimmy Carter dan isteri Rosalynn ke negara itu pada tahun 1979.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Almost two decades later, Park, who holds a degree electronic engineering, entered politics of her own accord, and is known for her straight-talking style.", "r": {"result": "Hampir dua dekad kemudian, Park, yang memiliki ijazah kejuruteraan elektronik, menceburi bidang politik atas kerelaannya sendiri, dan terkenal dengan gaya bercakap lurusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is said to be an intensely private woman who has never married and mostly dines alone.", "r": {"result": "Dia dikatakan seorang wanita yang sangat tertutup yang tidak pernah berkahwin dan kebanyakannya makan sendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nation is her family, she likes to say.", "r": {"result": "Bangsa adalah keluarganya, dia suka mengatakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With North Korea on her doorstep -- a country which the U.N. recently denounced for human rights abuses \"comparable to Nazi-era atrocities\" -- there is now even greater international focus on Park's leadership.", "r": {"result": "Dengan Korea Utara di depan pintunya -- sebuah negara yang baru-baru ini dikecam oleh PBB kerana pencabulan hak asasi manusia \"setanding dengan kekejaman era Nazi\" -- kini terdapat tumpuan antarabangsa yang lebih besar terhadap kepimpinan Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She spoke to CNN's Leading Women about her vision for the fourth-largest economy in Asia, and the personal tragedies which forced her into the public spotlight from an early age.", "r": {"result": "Dia bercakap dengan Wanita Terkemuka CNN mengenai visinya untuk ekonomi keempat terbesar di Asia, dan tragedi peribadi yang memaksanya menjadi tumpuan umum sejak kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe the very fact that I was elected as the first female president of the Republic of Korea is testament to the dynamism of Korean society.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya percaya hakikat bahawa saya dipilih sebagai presiden wanita pertama Republik Korea adalah bukti kedinamikan masyarakat Korea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I feel an even greater sense of responsibility as president.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa tanggungjawab yang lebih besar sebagai presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I also feel that we can look forward to greater opportunities that enable women to fully tap into their potential and live out their dreams, given the dynamism of our society and the way the entire world is headed\".", "r": {"result": "Saya juga merasakan bahawa kita boleh menantikan peluang yang lebih besar yang membolehkan wanita memanfaatkan sepenuhnya potensi mereka dan mewujudkan impian mereka, memandangkan kedinamikan masyarakat kita dan cara hala tuju seluruh dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a time when we see fathers, especially young fathers, who would be more than willing to play their part in raising children and who are so willing to help their wives.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah masa di mana kita melihat bapa, terutama bapa muda, yang akan lebih daripada bersedia untuk memainkan peranan mereka dalam membesarkan anak-anak dan yang begitu bersedia untuk membantu isteri mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We see many young fathers who would find great reward, pleasure, and joy in raising their children\".", "r": {"result": "Kami melihat ramai bapa muda yang akan mendapat ganjaran besar, keseronokan, dan kegembiraan dalam membesarkan anak-anak mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can say my greatest mentor is the citizens of this country\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh katakan mentor terhebat saya ialah rakyat negara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I was a child I longed to become a teacher and after I got into college I had hoped to be able to contribute to the industrialization of my country by being involved in for instance in research in science and technology.", "r": {"result": "\"Semasa saya kecil saya teringin untuk menjadi seorang guru dan selepas saya masuk ke kolej, saya berharap dapat menyumbang kepada perindustrian negara saya dengan melibatkan diri contohnya dalam penyelidikan sains dan teknologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that is why I subsequently chose my major in electronic engineering in college\".", "r": {"result": "Dan itulah sebabnya saya kemudiannya memilih jurusan kejuruteraan elektronik di kolej\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With the sudden passing of my mother, heavy responsibilities and duties of the first lady were suddenly forced upon me.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDengan pemergian ibu secara mengejut, tanggungjawab dan tugas wanita pertama yang berat tiba-tiba dipaksa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was indeed an arduous task for me but I would say that my experience during those years continue to be very helpful to me even to this date\".", "r": {"result": "Ia sememangnya satu tugas yang sukar untuk saya tetapi saya akan mengatakan bahawa pengalaman saya selama tahun-tahun itu terus sangat membantu saya walaupun sehingga kini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After both of my parents passed away I lived a very normal life but then came the Asian economic crisis that buffeted South Korea in the late 1990s.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSelepas kedua-dua ibu bapa saya meninggal dunia, saya menjalani kehidupan yang sangat normal tetapi kemudian datang krisis ekonomi Asia yang melanda Korea Selatan pada akhir 1990-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was shocked to see what was transpiring in the country and I couldn't just sit idly back knowing how much it took to build up this country and to see this country being engulfed in crisis and to see our people suffer so much.", "r": {"result": "Saya terkejut melihat apa yang berlaku di negara ini dan saya tidak boleh berdiam diri mengetahui betapa banyak yang diperlukan untuk membina negara ini dan melihat negara ini dilanda krisis dan melihat rakyat kita menderita begitu banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why I decided to take up politics\".", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya saya mengambil keputusan untuk menyertai politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch: South Korea's president talks economy.", "r": {"result": "Tonton: Presiden Korea Selatan bercakap ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See: Park Geun-Hye on North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Lihat: Park Geun-Hye di Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Learn: South Korea's hopes for new president.", "r": {"result": "Belajar: Harapan Korea Selatan untuk presiden baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(AOL Autos) -- Old cars don't die, they just get resold.", "r": {"result": "(AOL Autos) -- Kereta lama tidak akan mati, ia hanya dijual semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Check out a vehicle history report to make sure your new used car won't blow smoke down the highway.", "r": {"result": "Semak laporan sejarah kenderaan untuk memastikan kereta terpakai baharu anda tidak akan mengeluarkan asap di lebuh raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're buying a used car, whether from a dealer or someone who put an ad in the paper, you'll want to know as much about it as you can.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda membeli kereta terpakai, sama ada daripada peniaga atau seseorang yang meletakkan iklan di kertas, anda pasti ingin mengetahui seberapa banyak yang anda boleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even without anyone trying to deceive you, the vehicle may have problems you can't see from a simple visual inspection or even a short test drive.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun tanpa sesiapa cuba menipu anda, kenderaan itu mungkin menghadapi masalah yang anda tidak dapat lihat daripada pemeriksaan visual yang mudah atau pun pandu uji yang singkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A vehicle history report prepared by a third party is one way to know what you're getting.", "r": {"result": "Laporan sejarah kenderaan yang disediakan oleh pihak ketiga ialah satu cara untuk mengetahui perkara yang anda perolehi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Combining information from state DMVs (Departments of Motor Vehicles) and RMVs (Registry of Motor Vehicles) as well as police reports and other sources, a vehicle history report can give you a comprehensive overview of where the car's been.", "r": {"result": "Menggabungkan maklumat daripada DMV negeri (Jabatan Kenderaan Bermotor) dan RMV (Pendaftaran Kenderaan Bermotor) serta laporan polis dan sumber lain, laporan sejarah kenderaan boleh memberi anda gambaran menyeluruh tentang tempat kereta itu berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here are some things to look for -- or look out for -- when you get a report on a vehicle.", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah beberapa perkara yang perlu dicari -- atau diperhatikan -- apabila anda mendapat laporan tentang kenderaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of these things is necessarily a reason not to buy a car, but you shouldn't make a decision without asking about anything you see on a vehicle history:", "r": {"result": "Tiada satu pun daripada perkara ini semestinya menjadi sebab untuk tidak membeli kereta, tetapi anda tidak sepatutnya membuat keputusan tanpa bertanya tentang apa-apa yang anda lihat pada sejarah kenderaan:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many owners.", "r": {"result": "Ramai pemilik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The more garages a car's been in, the less likely it's been lovingly cared for all its life.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak garaj kereta berada, semakin kecil kemungkinan ia dijaga dengan penuh kasih sayang sepanjang hayatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not everyone is as responsible about car care as you are.", "r": {"result": "Tidak semua orang bertanggungjawab tentang penjagaan kereta seperti anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rental cars and former taxis, for example, will often have undergone a lot of abuse, although they tend to be quite inexpensive.", "r": {"result": "Kereta sewa dan bekas teksi, sebagai contoh, selalunya akan mengalami banyak penyalahgunaan, walaupun mereka cenderung agak murah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Location, location, location.", "r": {"result": "Lokasi, lokasi, lokasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some parts of the country are more car-friendly than others.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa bahagian di negara ini lebih mesra kereta daripada yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Winter storms (with their accompanying salted roads) can be rough on cars, as obviously can floods, excessive heat or even sea air.", "r": {"result": "Ribut musim sejuk (dengan jalan masin yang mengiringinya) boleh menjadi kasar pada kereta, seperti yang jelas boleh banjir, haba yang berlebihan atau udara laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cars that have been where these are common may have hidden damage.", "r": {"result": "Kereta yang pernah berada di tempat biasa ini mungkin mengalami kerosakan tersembunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Name and description.", "r": {"result": "Nama dan huraian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Be sure the car in the report is the same as the car you're looking at.", "r": {"result": "Pastikan kereta dalam laporan adalah sama dengan kereta yang anda lihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carefully reviewing the vehicle description is one way to avoid various types of vehicle fraud, like VIN cloning.", "r": {"result": "Semak perihalan kenderaan dengan teliti adalah satu cara untuk mengelakkan pelbagai jenis penipuan kenderaan, seperti pengklonan VIN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A cloned vehicle involves using a vehicle identification number (VIN) from a legally owned, non-stolen vehicle to mask the identity of a similar make/model stolen vehicle.", "r": {"result": "Kenderaan klon melibatkan penggunaan nombor pengenalan kenderaan (VIN) daripada kenderaan milik sah yang tidak dicuri untuk menutup identiti kenderaan curi buatan/model serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reports, should include detailed descriptions of the vehicle, so you can make sure the car you're reading about is the same as the one you're looking at.", "r": {"result": "Laporan, hendaklah mengandungi penerangan terperinci tentang kenderaan itu, supaya anda boleh memastikan kereta yang anda baca adalah sama dengan kereta yang anda lihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suspicious markings.", "r": {"result": "Tanda yang mencurigakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Keep an eye out for records of body work that might indicate a prior unreported incident.", "r": {"result": "Perhatikan rekod kerja badan yang mungkin menunjukkan kejadian sebelum ini yang tidak dilaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vehicle history reports, like those from CARFAX, can be very comprehensive.", "r": {"result": "Laporan sejarah kenderaan, seperti dari CARFAX, boleh menjadi sangat komprehensif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the case of CARFAX, the company's database contains more than five billion records from thousands of public and private sources, including all DMVs in the United States and Canada and thousands of vehicle inspection stations, auto auctions, fleet management and rental agencies, automobile manufacturers, and fire and police departments.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes CARFAX, pangkalan data syarikat mengandungi lebih daripada lima bilion rekod daripada beribu-ribu sumber awam dan swasta, termasuk semua DMV di Amerika Syarikat dan Kanada dan beribu-ribu stesen pemeriksaan kenderaan, lelongan kereta, pengurusan armada dan agensi sewa, pengeluar kereta. , dan jabatan bomba dan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four years ago it was Shakira telling the world to \"Waka Waka\" ahead of South Africa 2010.", "r": {"result": "Empat tahun lalu Shakira memberitahu dunia kepada \"Waka Waka\" menjelang Afrika Selatan 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, with Brazil 2014 just months away, FIFA has announced U.S. artist Pitbull will team up with Jennifer Lopez for \"We Are One (Ola Ola),\" the official song of this year's World Cup.", "r": {"result": "Kini, dengan Brazil 2014 hanya beberapa bulan lagi, FIFA telah mengumumkan artis A.S. Pitbull akan bekerjasama dengan Jennifer Lopez untuk \"We Are One (Ola Ola),\" lagu rasmi Piala Dunia tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The duo will team up with Brazilian star Claudia Leitte to perform at the tournament's opening ceremony ahead of the host's first match with Croatia on Sao Paulo June 12.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya akan bergandingan dengan bintang Brazil, Claudia Leitte untuk beraksi pada majlis pembukaan kejohanan itu menjelang perlawanan pertama tuan rumah menentang Croatia di Sao Paulo 12 Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am very happy and thrilled to represent my country at the FIFA World Cup alongside these two amazing artists who I admire and respect,\" Leitte said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sangat gembira dan teruja untuk mewakili negara saya di Piala Dunia FIFA bersama dua artis hebat yang saya kagumi dan hormati,\u201d kata Leitte dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love sharing my culture and country to people through music.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka berkongsi budaya dan negara saya kepada orang ramai melalui muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest events on the planet, and I look forward to dancing samba with Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez in Brazil -- we are one\"!", "r": {"result": "Piala Dunia FIFA adalah salah satu acara terbesar di planet ini, dan saya tidak sabar untuk menari samba bersama Pitbull dan Jennifer Lopez di Brazil -- kami adalah satu\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American artist Pit Bull, who has previously worked with the likes of Christina Aguilera and Enrique Iglesias, spoke of his joy at being involved in the project.", "r": {"result": "Artis Amerika Pit Bull, yang sebelum ini pernah bekerja dengan orang seperti Christina Aguilera dan Enrique Iglesias, bercakap tentang kegembiraannya kerana terlibat dalam projek itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm honored to join Jennifer Lopez and Claudia Leitte at the FIFA World Cup to bring the world together,\" said Pitbull.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berbesar hati untuk menyertai Jennifer Lopez dan Claudia Leitte di Piala Dunia FIFA untuk menyatukan dunia,\" kata Pitbull.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I truly believe that this great game and the power of music will help unify us, because we are best when we are one\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benar-benar percaya bahawa permainan hebat ini dan kuasa muzik akan membantu menyatukan kami, kerana kami adalah yang terbaik apabila kami bersatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The World Cup song has been a tradition since the 1966 World Cup in England, when a song dedicated to tournament mascot, a lion named \"World Cup Willie\", was released.", "r": {"result": "Lagu Piala Dunia telah menjadi tradisi sejak Piala Dunia 1966 di England, apabila lagu yang didedikasikan untuk maskot kejohanan, seekor singa bernama \"World Cup Willie\", telah dikeluarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Essie Mae Washington-Williams, the biracial woman who revealed nine years ago she was the illegitimate daughter of former segregationist Sen.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Essie Mae Washington-Williams, wanita biracial yang mendedahkan sembilan tahun lalu dia adalah anak tidak sah taraf bekas pengasingan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Strom Thurmond, died Monday, her family's spokesman said.", "r": {"result": "Strom Thurmond, meninggal dunia Isnin, kata jurucakap keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was 87.", "r": {"result": "Dia berumur 87 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington-Williams kept her father's identity secret until six months after Thurmond, a segregationist leader for decades, died in June 2003 at age 100.", "r": {"result": "Washington-Williams merahsiakan identiti bapanya sehingga enam bulan selepas Thurmond, pemimpin pengasingan selama beberapa dekad, meninggal dunia pada Jun 2003 pada usia 100 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I never wanted to do anything to harm him or cause detriment to his life or to the lives of those around him,\" Washington-Williams said at a 2003 news conference, six months after her father died at the age of 100.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pernah mahu melakukan apa-apa untuk mencederakannya atau memudaratkan nyawanya atau orang di sekelilingnya,\" kata Washington-Williams pada sidang akhbar 2003, enam bulan selepas bapanya meninggal dunia pada usia 100 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She died at her Columbia, South Carolina, home of natural causes Monday morning, according to Frank Wheaton.", "r": {"result": "Dia meninggal dunia di Columbia, Carolina Selatan, rumah sebab semula jadi pagi Isnin, menurut Frank Wheaton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thurmond ran for president in 1948 on the ticket of the States' Rights Democratic Party, or Dixiecrats, a breakaway faction of Southern Democrats who believed strongly in racial segregation and were opposed to their party's civil rights program.", "r": {"result": "Thurmond bertanding sebagai presiden pada tahun 1948 atas tiket Parti Demokratik Hak Negara, atau Dixiecrats, puak pemisah Demokrat Selatan yang sangat percaya pada pengasingan kaum dan menentang program hak sivil parti mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thurmond joined the Republican Party in the 1960s and ultimately turned away from his segregationist past.", "r": {"result": "Thurmond menyertai Parti Republikan pada tahun 1960-an dan akhirnya berpaling dari masa lalu pengasingannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin: GOP needs to listen to blacks.", "r": {"result": "Martin: GOP perlu mendengar orang kulit hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My father did a lot of things to help other people, even though his public stance appeared opposite,\" Washington-Williams said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bapa saya melakukan banyak perkara untuk membantu orang lain, walaupun pendirian awamnya kelihatan bertentangan,\" kata Washington-Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was sensitive about his well-being and career and his family here in South Carolina\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sensitif tentang kesejahteraan dan kerjayanya serta keluarganya di sini di Carolina Selatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington-Williams said she went public only at the urging of her children, but rumors had persisted for years.", "r": {"result": "Washington-Williams berkata dia mendedahkan kepada umum hanya atas desakan anak-anaknya, tetapi khabar angin telah berterusan selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An attorney for the former senator's family confirmed in 2003 that Thurmond fathered a child with a teenage black housekeeper in 1925. Her mother, Carrie Butler, worked as a maid at the Thurmond family home in Edgefield, South Carolina.", "r": {"result": "Seorang peguam untuk keluarga bekas senator itu mengesahkan pada 2003 bahawa Thurmond melahirkan seorang anak dengan pembantu rumah remaja kulit hitam pada 1925. Ibunya, Carrie Butler, bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah di rumah keluarga Thurmond di Edgefield, Carolina Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time of Washington-Williams' birth, Butler was 16 and Thurmond was 22, unmarried and living in his parents' home.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa kelahiran Washington-Williams, Butler berusia 16 tahun dan Thurmond berusia 22 tahun, belum berkahwin dan tinggal di rumah ibu bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: MLK would hardly recognize America today.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: MLK hampir tidak mengenali Amerika hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Butler's sister took the girl to live in Pennsylvania when she was 6 months old.", "r": {"result": "Kakak Butler membawa gadis itu tinggal di Pennsylvania ketika dia berumur 6 bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She did not meet Thurmond until 1941, when she was 16.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak bertemu Thurmond sehingga 1941, ketika dia berusia 16 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her mother, who was ill and died a short time later, had insisted on introducing her to Thurmond, who acknowledged her as his daughter, the Washngton Post reported in 2003.", "r": {"result": "Ibunya, yang sakit dan meninggal dunia tidak lama kemudian, berkeras untuk memperkenalkannya kepada Thurmond, yang mengakuinya sebagai anak perempuannya, lapor Washngton Post pada 2003.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Throughout the years, the two kept up a relationship despite the divide over race, Washington-Williams said.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang tahun, kedua-duanya mengekalkan hubungan walaupun terdapat perbezaan kaum, kata Washington-Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When my father became a United States senator [in 1954], his communication and support continued\" she said, and \"his financial support was constant during various phases of my life.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila bapa saya menjadi senator Amerika Syarikat [pada tahun 1954], komunikasi dan sokongannya berterusan\" katanya, dan \"sokongan kewangannya berterusan sepanjang pelbagai fasa kehidupan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew him beyond his public image\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mengenalinya di luar imej awamnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said she tried -- to no avail -- to dissuade him of segregationist positions, which produced \"mixed emotions\" for her.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia cuba -- tidak berjaya -- untuk menghalangnya daripada jawatan pengasingan, yang menghasilkan \"emosi bercampur-campur\" untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Voting rights remain vulnerable.", "r": {"result": "Hak mengundi kekal terdedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I never did like the idea of his being a segregationist, but that was his life, and there wasn't anything I could do about that,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pernah menyukai idea dia menjadi pengasingan, tetapi itulah hidupnya, dan tiada apa yang boleh saya lakukan mengenainya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People we lost in 2013: The lives they lived.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang kita hilang pada 2013: Kehidupan yang mereka jalani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Chandler Friedman contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Chandler Friedman dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jos, Nigeria (CNN) -- At least 29 students at a college in Nigeria are dead Tuesday after an attack authorities suspect was carried out by Boko Haram Islamists, according to the Nigerian military.", "r": {"result": "Jos, Nigeria (CNN) -- Sekurang-kurangnya 29 pelajar di sebuah kolej di Nigeria maut Selasa selepas suspek pihak berkuasa serangan dilakukan oleh kumpulan Islam Boko Haram, menurut tentera Nigeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attackers also torched several buildings, the military said.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang juga membakar beberapa bangunan, kata tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were burnt bodies of students who cannot be easily identified,\" State Police Commissioner Sanusi Rafai said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat mayat pelajar yang terbakar yang tidak dapat dikenal pasti dengan mudah,\" kata Pesuruhjaya Polis Negeri Sanusi Rafai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attack happened at a federal college in Buni Yadi, near the the capital of Yobe state.", "r": {"result": "Serangan berlaku di sebuah kolej persekutuan di Buni Yadi, berhampiran ibu negeri Yobe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It came three days after President Goodluck Jonathan sent his top military chiefs to the northeastern part of the country to try to put down the violence there.", "r": {"result": "Ia berlaku tiga hari selepas Presiden Goodluck Jonathan menghantar ketua tentera tertingginya ke bahagian timur laut negara itu untuk cuba meredakan keganasan di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attackers escaped from the scene, military spokesman Capt. Eli Lazarus said.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang melarikan diri dari tempat kejadian, kata jurucakap tentera Kapten Eli Lazarus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No group, including Boko Haram, immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kumpulan, termasuk Boko Haram, segera mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Doctors frequently tell patients that they have to lose weight.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Doktor kerap memberitahu pesakit bahawa mereka perlu menurunkan berat badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the majority of them don't know how it feels to be overweight or what it really takes to lose weight.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi majoriti daripada mereka tidak tahu bagaimana perasaan berat badan berlebihan atau apa yang diperlukan untuk menurunkan berat badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I do.", "r": {"result": "Saya sudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Between my 17th and 19th birthday, I went from overweight teenager to lean adult by losing 99 pounds.", "r": {"result": "Antara hari jadi saya yang ke-17 dan ke-19, saya berubah daripada remaja berlebihan berat badan kepada dewasa kurus dengan kehilangan 99 paun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was a happy teenager from a loving family.", "r": {"result": "Saya adalah seorang remaja yang bahagia daripada keluarga yang penyayang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Food never served as a substitute for happiness in my life, and I had no reason for comfort eating.", "r": {"result": "Makanan tidak pernah menjadi pengganti kebahagiaan dalam hidup saya, dan saya tidak mempunyai sebab untuk selesa makan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My mother didn't like fast food and always cooked healthy meals.", "r": {"result": "Ibu saya tidak suka makanan segera dan sentiasa memasak makanan yang sihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowing that, it seems absurd that I weighed 264 pounds at 16.", "r": {"result": "Mengetahui itu, nampaknya tidak masuk akal bahawa saya mempunyai berat 264 paun pada 16.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The reason for my weight gain was simple: I loved food (I still do!", "r": {"result": "Sebab kenaikan berat badan saya adalah mudah: Saya suka makanan (saya masih suka!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "), I ate way too much, and I hated exercise.", "r": {"result": "), Saya makan terlalu banyak, dan saya tidak suka bersenam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, that's not totally true.", "r": {"result": "Nah, itu tidak sepenuhnya benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My friends and I were passionate soccer players -- sometimes I would even start sweating when my Xbox game got too exciting.", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan saya dan saya adalah pemain bola sepak yang bersemangat -- kadangkala saya akan mula berpeluh apabila permainan Xbox saya menjadi terlalu menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I don't eat greasy fast-food, stay away from sweet soft drinks and avoid candies, I won't get fat,\" I used to think.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya tidak makan makanan segera yang berminyak, jauhi minuman ringan manis dan elakkan gula-gula, saya tidak akan menjadi gemuk,\" saya pernah berfikir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So while my brother was having two potatoes, I ate four.", "r": {"result": "Jadi semasa abang saya makan dua biji kentang, saya makan empat biji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would have enjoyed a glass of milk in the morning if I hadn't already emptied the whole liter.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan menikmati segelas susu pada waktu pagi jika saya belum mengosongkan seluruh liter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He loved bread with some bacon; I preferred a lot of bacon with some bread.", "r": {"result": "Dia suka roti dengan beberapa bacon; Saya lebih suka banyak bacon dengan sedikit roti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you eat more calories than your body needs you will gain weight.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda makan lebih banyak kalori daripada keperluan badan anda, berat badan anda akan bertambah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's as simple as that.", "r": {"result": "Ia semudah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are constantly told to focus on what we're eating, and yet we forget to think about how much we are eating.", "r": {"result": "Kita sentiasa diberitahu untuk fokus pada apa yang kita makan, namun kita lupa untuk memikirkan berapa banyak yang kita makan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, I got bullied for being overweight.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, saya dibuli kerana berat badan berlebihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you're fat, you're a target.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda gemuk, anda menjadi sasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I struggled with the teasing in the beginning but got used to it very quickly.", "r": {"result": "Saya bergelut dengan usikan pada mulanya tetapi terbiasa dengannya dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was dangerous -- getting used to people picking on your size means you're accustomed to being that size so there is no need for change.", "r": {"result": "Itu berbahaya -- membiasakan diri dengan orang memilih saiz anda bermakna anda sudah terbiasa dengan saiz itu jadi tidak perlu menukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would still be extremely obese right now if it wasn't for a school trip to Paris in 2005.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih akan menjadi sangat obes sekarang jika bukan kerana lawatan sekolah ke Paris pada tahun 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I like French food and had a lot of it.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka makanan Perancis dan mempunyai banyak makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But on the trip I got food poisoning and lost 7 pounds.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dalam perjalanan saya mendapat keracunan makanan dan kehilangan 7 paun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those 7 pounds were the spark that started the fire.", "r": {"result": "7 paun itu adalah percikan api yang memulakan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I realized that sometimes you have to RSVP yes when life sends you an invitation for change.", "r": {"result": "Saya menyedari bahawa kadangkala anda perlu menjawab ya apabila kehidupan menghantar anda jemputan untuk perubahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At first I thought: \"Cool, I lost 7 pounds.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya saya berfikir: \"Sejuk, saya kehilangan 7 paun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I will try not to regain that weight\".", "r": {"result": "Saya akan cuba untuk tidak mendapatkan semula berat badan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then I remembered there was something called exercise, and that experts said it could help you lose weight.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian saya teringat ada sesuatu yang dipanggil senaman, dan pakar mengatakan ia boleh membantu anda menurunkan berat badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I started using my mother's elliptical machine.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya mula menggunakan mesin elips ibu saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I worked out for 15 to 20 minutes every single day.", "r": {"result": "Saya bersenam selama 15 hingga 20 minit setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I also tried to eat half of what I had eaten before.", "r": {"result": "Saya juga cuba makan separuh daripada apa yang saya makan sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of four potatoes I ate two; instead of drinking a whole bottle of milk, I would only drink half of it.", "r": {"result": "Daripada empat kentang saya makan dua; daripada minum sebotol susu, saya hanya akan minum separuh daripadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My body responded well: Within two years I had lost 99 pounds.", "r": {"result": "Badan saya bertindak balas dengan baik: Dalam masa dua tahun saya telah kehilangan 99 paun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(If I had known I would eventually be writing a weight loss story for CNN, I would have gone for 100).", "r": {"result": "(Jika saya tahu saya akhirnya akan menulis cerita penurunan berat badan untuk CNN, saya akan pergi untuk 100).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I realized that if you and your body are hungry for change, weight loss can be fun, instead of a burden.", "r": {"result": "Saya menyedari bahawa jika anda dan badan anda lapar untuk perubahan, penurunan berat badan boleh menjadi menyeronokkan, bukannya beban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luckily, I've never encountered the dreaded yo-yo effect.", "r": {"result": "Nasib baik, saya tidak pernah mengalami kesan yo-yo yang digeruni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have maintained my slimmer figure for seven years now.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah mengekalkan bentuk badan saya yang lebih langsing selama tujuh tahun sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I never stopped exercising.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pernah berhenti bersenam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After you've come so far, you don't want to take a risk and regain the weight because of laziness.", "r": {"result": "Selepas anda pergi jauh, anda tidak mahu mengambil risiko dan mendapatkan semula berat badan kerana malas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I purposefully gained 22 pounds working out in the gym because I wanted to build muscle.", "r": {"result": "Saya sengaja menambah 22 paun bersenam di gim kerana saya ingin membina otot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now my 6-foot 4-inch frame weighs 187 pounds.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang bingkai 6 kaki 4 inci saya mempunyai berat 187 paun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My body mass index is 22.", "r": {"result": "Indeks jisim badan saya ialah 22.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are countless books on how to lose weight.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat banyak buku tentang cara menurunkan berat badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the authors seem to have priceless pieces of advice they've skillfully converted into cash.", "r": {"result": "Semua pengarang nampaknya mempunyai nasihat yang tidak ternilai yang telah mereka tukar dengan mahir menjadi wang tunai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in the end, I believe losing weight is a simple trade:", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada akhirnya, saya percaya menurunkan berat badan adalah perdagangan yang mudah:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You feed your body the right amount of food and exercise.", "r": {"result": "Anda memberi badan anda jumlah makanan dan senaman yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In return, your body burns fat.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai balasan, badan anda membakar lemak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even your wallet gets a little lighter because you have to buy new clothes.", "r": {"result": "Dompet pun jadi ringan sikit sebab kena beli baju baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After seven years of medical education, I have learned a lot about the health dangers of being overweight.", "r": {"result": "Selepas tujuh tahun pendidikan perubatan, saya telah belajar banyak tentang bahaya kesihatan akibat berat badan berlebihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm glad I took life's invitation to change as a teen.", "r": {"result": "Saya gembira saya menerima jemputan hidup untuk berubah sebagai seorang remaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a doctor who has been where they are, I hope to help others who are struggling with their weight do the same.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai seorang doktor yang telah berada di tempat mereka berada, saya berharap dapat membantu orang lain yang bergelut dengan berat badan mereka melakukan perkara yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London, England (CNN) -- A proposed partnership between the French government and Google is stoking fears in France that the country's literary treasures will fall under commercial control of a U.S. technology company.", "r": {"result": "London, England (CNN) -- Cadangan perkongsian antara kerajaan Perancis dan Google mencetuskan kebimbangan di Perancis bahawa khazanah sastera negara itu akan berada di bawah kawalan komersial syarikat teknologi A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frederic Mitterand, the French minister of culture, has said that Google came to France with \"the attitude of a conqueror\" signing \"unacceptable\" and \"one-sided\" deals.", "r": {"result": "Frederic Mitterrand, menteri kebudayaan Perancis, telah berkata bahawa Google datang ke Perancis dengan \"sikap seorang penakluk\" menandatangani perjanjian \"tidak boleh diterima\" dan \"berpihak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told Le Monde newspaper that the deals involved \"excessive confidentiality, impossible exclusivity and casual --even leonine --clauses on copyright\".", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu akhbar Le Monde bahawa perjanjian itu melibatkan \"kerahsiaan yang berlebihan, eksklusiviti mustahil dan klausa kasual --malah leonine -- mengenai hak cipta\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For some, however, Mitterand's reaction is puzzling -- including one of the libraries concerned.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, bagi sesetengah pihak, reaksi Mitterand membingungkan -- termasuk salah satu perpustakaan berkenaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Believing that access to their archives can promote French culture, the city of Lyon's library has signed an agreement with Google, hoping to scan as many as 500,000 books in 10 years.", "r": {"result": "Percaya bahawa akses kepada arkib mereka boleh mempromosikan budaya Perancis, perpustakaan bandar Lyon telah menandatangani perjanjian dengan Google, dengan harapan dapat mengimbas sebanyak 500,000 buku dalam masa 10 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first text uploaded online was a rare 16th century collection of doomsday predictions from the French philosopher Nostradamus.", "r": {"result": "Teks pertama yang dimuat naik dalam talian ialah koleksi ramalan hari kiamat abad ke-16 yang jarang ditemui daripada ahli falsafah Perancis Nostradamus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the Lyon Library contract, Google will scan its books and manuscripts for free.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah kontrak Perpustakaan Lyon, Google akan mengimbas buku dan manuskripnya secara percuma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In exchange, the library gives Google the right to use the scanned documents commercially for the next 25 years.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai pertukaran, perpustakaan memberi Google hak untuk menggunakan dokumen yang diimbas secara komersial untuk 25 tahun akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I find it normal and good that that book is scanned in Lyon where it was written.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa biasa dan bagus buku itu diimbas di Lyon tempat ia ditulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I don't see the problem between using a method developed in the U.S. to promote heritage and culture in France or Europe.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya tidak nampak masalah antara menggunakan kaedah yang dibangunkan di A.S. untuk mempromosikan warisan dan budaya di Perancis atau Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't understand the problem,\" Patrick Bazin, Director of the Lyon Library, told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak faham masalahnya,\" Patrick Bazin, Pengarah Perpustakaan Lyon, memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The library's collection includes national literary treasures and collectibles, such as a 16th century bible, in 12 languages.", "r": {"result": "Koleksi perpustakaan termasuk khazanah dan koleksi sastera negara, seperti bible abad ke-16, dalam 12 bahasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That means security is a top concern and Google is therefore keeping the location of its scanning secret.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna keselamatan adalah kebimbangan utama dan oleh itu Google merahsiakan lokasi pengimbasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By putting them on the Internet, much larger circles of society, including non-specialists, can read these works and enjoy them and find them useful,\" Bazin added.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan meletakkannya di Internet, kalangan masyarakat yang lebih besar, termasuk bukan pakar, boleh membaca karya ini dan menikmatinya dan mendapati ia berguna,\" tambah Bazin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are works that touch upon all sorts of subjects of life, of the universe,\" he continued.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah karya yang menyentuh semua jenis subjek kehidupan, alam semesta,\" sambungnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They concern everyone and so they matter to everyone, and so they have to be made available to everyone by scanning them\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka membimbangkan semua orang dan jadi mereka penting kepada semua orang, jadi mereka perlu disediakan kepada semua orang dengan mengimbas mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the national level, officials like Mitterand have expressed a strong preference to keep the digitizing an internal affair, and even develop a rival to Google.", "r": {"result": "Di peringkat kebangsaan, pegawai seperti Mitterand telah menyatakan keutamaan yang kuat untuk mengekalkan pendigitan sebagai urusan dalaman, malah membangunkan saingan kepada Google.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So far the government has earmarked $1 billion dollars to boost its own online database, known as Gallica.", "r": {"result": "Setakat ini kerajaan telah memperuntukkan $1 bilion dolar untuk meningkatkan pangkalan data dalam taliannya sendiri, yang dikenali sebagai Gallica.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, in January, an independent review for the French culture ministry criticized the lack of progress made by Gallica, and recommended a public-private partnership with Google.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, pada bulan Januari, semakan bebas untuk kementerian kebudayaan Perancis mengkritik kekurangan kemajuan yang dibuat oleh Gallica, dan mengesyorkan perkongsian awam-swasta dengan Google.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since starting in 1997, Gallica has scanned less than one million documents and about 145,000 books, according to the UK's Financial Times newspaper.", "r": {"result": "Sejak bermula pada 1997, Gallica telah mengimbas kurang daripada satu juta dokumen dan kira-kira 145,000 buku, menurut akhbar Financial Times UK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, the report concluded that deals between Google and libraries around Europe were disproportionately favorable for Google, and a better distribution would need to be brokered without the exclusivity clauses for France.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, laporan itu menyimpulkan bahawa tawaran antara Google dan perpustakaan di seluruh Eropah adalah tidak seimbang untuk Google, dan pengedaran yang lebih baik perlu diuruskan tanpa klausa eksklusif untuk Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philippe Colombet, the head of Google Books in France, has said in the past that exclusivity was needed to guarantee a return on the investment of scanning, but that he welcomes a partnership with the state.", "r": {"result": "Philippe Colombet, ketua Buku Google di Perancis, telah berkata pada masa lalu bahawa eksklusiviti diperlukan untuk menjamin pulangan pelaburan pengimbasan, tetapi dia mengalu-alukan perkongsian dengan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement emailed to CNN, Colombet reiterated \"Google's commitment to work more than ever in partnership with publishers and other actors in the book industry to help create a virtuous ecosystem for books in the digital era\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan yang dihantar melalui e-mel kepada CNN, Colombet mengulangi \"komitmen Google untuk bekerja lebih daripada sebelumnya dalam perkongsian dengan penerbit dan pelakon lain dalam industri buku untuk membantu mewujudkan ekosistem yang baik untuk buku dalam era digital\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Currently Google has seven library partners in Europe, including Lyon.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa ini Google mempunyai tujuh rakan kongsi perpustakaan di Eropah, termasuk Lyon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is only scanning out-of-copyright works in Europe.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya mengimbas karya di luar hak cipta di Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the final details remain to be hammered out, the pace of Google's process makes it hard to eschew.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun butiran akhir masih belum diselesaikan, kepantasan proses Google menjadikannya sukar untuk dielakkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Google has already scanned more than 12 million books into its global index since the Google Books project launched at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2004.", "r": {"result": "Google telah mengimbas lebih daripada 12 juta buku ke dalam indeks globalnya sejak projek Buku Google dilancarkan di Pesta Buku Frankfurt pada tahun 2004.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Ruta Meilutyte's initial brush with swimming as a seven-year-old in Lithuania could never have foretold her success in the pool.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kecemerlangan awal Ruta Meilutyte dengan berenang ketika berusia tujuh tahun di Lithuania tidak pernah dapat meramalkan kejayaannya di kolam renang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I remember in my first session I jumped into the deep end and nearly drowned,\" Meilutyte told CNN's Human to Hero series.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya masih ingat dalam sesi pertama saya, saya melompat ke hujung yang dalam dan hampir lemas,\" kata Meilutyte kepada siri Human to Hero CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My coach kind of saved me\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jurulatih saya telah menyelamatkan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One can safely say that she has gotten much, much better.", "r": {"result": "Seseorang boleh mengatakan bahawa dia telah mendapat lebih banyak, lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only eight years after that frightening experience, Meilutyte became her country's maiden Olympic gold medalist in swimming by upsetting the reigning world champion in the 100-meter breaststroke at London 2012.", "r": {"result": "Hanya lapan tahun selepas pengalaman menakutkan itu, Meilutyte menjadi pemenang pingat emas Olimpik sulung negaranya dalam renang dengan mengecewakan juara dunia itu dalam acara 100 meter kuak dada di London 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, her path to success and \"rock star\" status in Lithuania, as her coach put it, hasn't been an easy one.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, laluannya menuju kejayaan dan status \"bintang rock\" di Lithuania, seperti yang dinyatakan oleh jurulatihnya, bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still not officially classified as an adult, she has had to deal with the death of her mother, who was hit by a car when Meilutyte was four and barely out of diapers.", "r": {"result": "Masih tidak diklasifikasikan secara rasmi sebagai orang dewasa, dia terpaksa berhadapan dengan kematian ibunya, yang dilanggar oleh kereta ketika Meilutyte berumur empat tahun dan hampir tidak memakai lampin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was also forced to adapt to a new country when she left Lithuania for England in 2009, a life-altering move instigated by her father who thought his daughter's prospects in both swimming and academics would improve.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga terpaksa menyesuaikan diri dengan negara baharu apabila dia meninggalkan Lithuania ke England pada 2009, satu langkah mengubah hidup yang dihasut oleh bapanya yang menganggap prospek anak perempuannya dalam bidang renang dan akademik akan bertambah baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was right.", "r": {"result": "Dia betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meilutyte trains in Plymouth, southwest England, and goes to the same school attended by Tom Daley, a bronze medalist in diving for Great Britain in 2012. Her coach Jon Rudd calls her a \"great scholar\".", "r": {"result": "Meilutyte berlatih di Plymouth, barat daya England, dan pergi ke sekolah yang sama yang dihadiri oleh Tom Daley, pemenang pingat gangsa dalam terjun untuk Great Britain pada 2012. Jurulatihnya Jon Rudd memanggilnya \"cendekiawan hebat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Lithuania, the pool is \"not great,\" Meilutyte said.", "r": {"result": "Di Lithuania, kolam itu \"tidak hebat,\" kata Meilutyte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't have a good training facility.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tidak mempunyai kemudahan latihan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also it's really hard to combine school with swimming.", "r": {"result": "Juga sangat sukar untuk menggabungkan sekolah dengan berenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You either do one or the other.", "r": {"result": "Anda sama ada melakukan satu atau yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We just decided to go to England because it would be a great time to balance school and swimming at the same time as college.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami hanya memutuskan untuk pergi ke England kerana ia akan menjadi masa yang sesuai untuk mengimbangi sekolah dan berenang pada masa yang sama dengan kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yes Lithuania and England are really a bit different, the people are different, but I got used to it really fast\".", "r": {"result": "Ya Lithuania dan England benar-benar berbeza, orangnya berbeza, tetapi saya terbiasa dengannya dengan cepat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's indeed apparent that Meilutyte, a bubbly blonde, is a quick learner.", "r": {"result": "Memang jelas bahawa Meilutyte, seorang berambut perang yang ceria, adalah seorang yang cepat belajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although she says the breaststroke was \"natural\" for her, it wasn't her original specialty.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia mengatakan kuak dada itu \"semula jadi\" untuknya, itu bukan kepakaran asalnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I did it once for a laugh, because I was a freestyler, and it went really well,\" Meilutyte said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melakukannya sekali untuk ketawa, kerana saya seorang gaya bebas, dan ia berjalan dengan baik,\" kata Meilutyte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So I kept competing in it and training until I got better and better.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJadi saya terus bersaing di dalamnya dan berlatih sehingga saya menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's quite a tough stroke but I really like it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah pukulan yang agak sukar tetapi saya sangat menyukainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's like a frog stroke\".", "r": {"result": "Ia seperti pukulan katak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She used to \"mess about\" in training and only took swimming seriously when she broke a national record in her age group.", "r": {"result": "Dia pernah \"mengarut\" dalam latihan dan hanya mengambil serius dalam renang apabila dia memecahkan rekod kebangsaan dalam kumpulan umurnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's when something clicked.", "r": {"result": "Itulah apabila sesuatu mengklik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She liked the feeling winning brought, and pushed herself further.", "r": {"result": "Dia suka perasaan kemenangan yang dibawa, dan mendorong dirinya lebih jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, not many, including Meilutyte herself, expected her to claim gold at the Olympics.", "r": {"result": "Namun, tidak ramai, termasuk Meilutyte sendiri, menjangka dia akan menuntut emas di Sukan Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a sport where half a second is a sizable progression, Meilutyte shaved about two seconds off her personal best in London, raising her level when it mattered most.", "r": {"result": "Dalam sukan di mana setengah saat adalah kemajuan yang besar, Meilutyte mencukur kira-kira dua saat dari prestasi peribadinya di London, meningkatkan tahapnya apabila ia paling penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the final, Meilutyte edged American 2011 world champion Rebecca Soni -- someone she looked up to as a role model -- by 0.08 seconds.", "r": {"result": "Pada perlawanan akhir, Meilutyte mengatasi juara dunia Amerika 2011, Rebecca Soni -- seseorang yang dipandangnya sebagai contoh teladan -- dengan 0.08 saat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Australia's Leisel Jones, one of the leading swimmers of her generation, was in the final, too.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Australia Leisel Jones, salah seorang perenang terkemuka generasinya, juga berada di final.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was all really surreal for quite a while,\" Meilutyte said.", "r": {"result": "\"Semuanya benar-benar nyata untuk seketika,\" kata Meilutyte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It takes a while to sink in because my mind wasn't preparing for anything like that.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia mengambil sedikit masa untuk tenggelam kerana fikiran saya tidak bersedia untuk perkara seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I never told myself I would win a medal\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pernah memberitahu diri saya akan memenangi pingat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soni would later win gold in the 200m breaststroke in London to successfully defend her 2008 Olympic title from Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Soni kemudiannya akan memenangi emas dalam acara 200m kuak dada di London untuk berjaya mempertahankan kejuaraan Olimpik 2008 dari Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I always looked up to her,\" Meilutyte said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sentiasa memandang tinggi kepadanya,\" kata Meilutyte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Being there with all the best swimmers of the world is something I always dreamed of\".", "r": {"result": "\"Berada di sana bersama semua perenang terbaik dunia adalah sesuatu yang selalu saya impikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now Meilutyte, at 16, is a role model.", "r": {"result": "Kini Meilutyte, pada usia 16 tahun, adalah model peranan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rudd said a breakout performance from Meilutyte had been \"brewing for a while\" and that there was nothing sinister behind her incredible improvement -- Chinese teen Ye Shiwen had to rebut accusations of possible drug use after her own world-record performances at London 2012.", "r": {"result": "Rudd berkata persembahan cemerlang daripada Meilutyte telah \"berkembang buat seketika\" dan tiada apa-apa yang jahat di sebalik peningkatan luar biasanya -- remaja Cina Ye Shiwen terpaksa menangkis tuduhan kemungkinan penggunaan dadah selepas persembahan rekod dunianya sendiri di London 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We didn't realistically know what she would do,\" Rudd said in July, following Meilutyte's victory.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami secara realistik tidak tahu apa yang dia akan lakukan,\" kata Rudd pada Julai, berikutan kemenangan Meilutyte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Her breaststroke was pretty tidy and we tidied it up even more.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKuala dadanya cukup kemas dan kami mengemaskannya dengan lebih banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She is a talented and vigilant worker.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia seorang pekerja yang berbakat dan berwaspada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you've got talent and work ethic, you've got a great kid\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda mempunyai bakat dan etika kerja, anda mempunyai anak yang hebat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Along with putting in the hours, Meilutyte is a fierce competitor.", "r": {"result": "Bersama dengan meluangkan masa, Meilutyte adalah pesaing yang sengit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For her, finishing second isn't good enough.", "r": {"result": "Baginya, menduduki tempat kedua tidak cukup baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think I am really competitive in everything,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir saya benar-benar berdaya saing dalam segala-galanya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love racing, I love winning, I hate losing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya suka berlumba, saya suka menang, saya benci kalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that's one of the properties I've got and one of the things that push me in training.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa itu salah satu sifat yang saya ada dan salah satu perkara yang mendorong saya dalam latihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've got goals I want to achieve\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ada matlamat yang ingin saya capai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As hard of a worker as Meilutyte is, she does admit that it's not easy leaving her warm bed for a cold pool in Plymouth to begin her day.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun seorang pekerja keras seperti Meilutyte, dia mengakui bahawa tidak mudah meninggalkan katilnya yang hangat ke kolam sejuk di Plymouth untuk memulakan harinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The usual starting time for training is 5:30 a.m., when most of her fellow students are sleeping.", "r": {"result": "Masa mula biasa untuk latihan ialah 5:30 pagi, apabila kebanyakan rakan pelajarnya sedang tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She usually trains 30 hours per week overall -- the toughest parts are the extended non-stop cardio sessions -- but must fulfill her commitments as a fulltime student.", "r": {"result": "Dia biasanya berlatih 30 jam seminggu secara keseluruhan -- bahagian yang paling sukar ialah sesi kardio tanpa henti yang dilanjutkan -- tetapi mesti memenuhi komitmennya sebagai pelajar sepenuh masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes she struggles to stay awake in the classroom.", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang dia sukar untuk berjaga di dalam kelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's no surprise that Meilutyte doesn't have much time to hang around with friends.", "r": {"result": "Tidak mengejutkan bahawa Meilutyte tidak mempunyai banyak masa untuk bergaul dengan rakan-rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You don't have much time to socialize,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak mempunyai banyak masa untuk bersosial,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have to train early so I can't stay up late, so obviously the social life gets affected a bit.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya perlu berlatih awal supaya saya tidak boleh berjaga malam, jadi jelas kehidupan sosial akan terjejas sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I don't mind.", "r": {"result": "Tapi saya tak kisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You get into a routine with it.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda masuk ke dalam rutin dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It all becomes a bit easier.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya menjadi lebih mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is an outcome at the end of this.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat hasil di penghujung ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is worth it\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah berbaloi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for fast food and the like, it's off limits.", "r": {"result": "Bagi makanan segera dan seumpamanya, ia adalah terlarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, mostly.", "r": {"result": "Nah, kebanyakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't count my calories,\" Meilutyte added.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mengira kalori saya,\" tambah Meilutyte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have to eat a lot, healthy food, not cakes, although I do like chocolate and cakes a lot\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya perlu makan banyak, makanan sihat, bukan kek, walaupun saya sangat suka coklat dan kek\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meilutyte's next major meet is next month's world championships in Barcelona, where she has a busy program competing in the 50m and 100m breaststroke, plus the 50m and 100m freestyle.", "r": {"result": "Pertemuan utama Meilutytes seterusnya ialah kejohanan dunia bulan depan di Barcelona, di mana dia mempunyai program yang sibuk bersaing dalam 50m dan 100m kuak dada, serta 50m dan 100m gaya bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yes, Meilutyte will continue to represent Lithuania, the former Soviet republic -- though she is sometimes asked if she wants to switch nationalities after spending four years in Britain.", "r": {"result": "Dan ya, Meilutyte akan terus mewakili Lithuania, bekas republik Soviet -- walaupun dia kadang-kadang ditanya sama ada dia mahu bertukar kerakyatan selepas menghabiskan empat tahun di Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some of my teammates from Lithuania also don't train in Lithuania,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Beberapa rakan sepasukan saya dari Lithuania juga tidak berlatih di Lithuania,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It doesn't really matter where you train -- as long as you go to competition and you have the Lithuanian T-shirt on, you are representing your country.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak kira di mana anda berlatih -- selagi anda pergi ke pertandingan dan anda memakai baju-T Lithuania, anda mewakili negara anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's what I train for, to represent my country, and I want the world to know about it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah tujuan saya berlatih, untuk mewakili negara saya, dan saya mahu dunia tahu mengenainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world has gotten to know Ruta Meilutyte, and there could be more to come.", "r": {"result": "Dunia telah mengenali Ruta Meilutyte, dan mungkin ada lagi yang akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- As outrage flares and more questions are raised over the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, President Barack Obama increasingly finds himself drawn to the center of the discussion.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ketika kemarahan memuncak dan lebih banyak persoalan ditimbulkan mengenai pembunuhan Michael Brown di Ferguson, Missouri, Presiden Barack Obama semakin mendapati dirinya tertarik ke tengah perbincangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has spoken publicly twice about the August 9 shooting of the unarmed African-American teen by a white police officer in the St. Louis suburb, as well as the resulting clashes between protesters and law enforcement.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah bercakap secara terbuka dua kali mengenai penembakan 9 Ogos ke atas remaja Afrika-Amerika yang tidak bersenjata oleh seorang pegawai polis kulit putih di pinggir bandar St. Louis, serta pertempuran yang terhasil antara penunjuk perasaan dan penguatkuasa undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also released a written statement shortly after Brown was killed.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga mengeluarkan kenyataan bertulis sejurus selepas Brown dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he's so far been cautious about wading too deeply into the controversy that is the subject of a local criminal investigation and a separate civil rights probe led by the Justice Department.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia setakat ini berhati-hati tentang mengharungi terlalu mendalam dalam kontroversi yang menjadi subjek siasatan jenayah tempatan dan siasatan hak sivil berasingan yang diketuai oleh Jabatan Kehakiman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Concerns about prosecutor in Brown case.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan tentang pendakwa dalam kes Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has spoken with elected and other leaders, and his public statements have been measured.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah bercakap dengan pemimpin yang dipilih dan pemimpin lain, dan kenyataan awamnya telah diukur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No presidential visits to Missouri are planned for now although Attorney General Eric Holder is due in Ferguson on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Tiada lawatan presiden ke Missouri dirancang buat masa ini walaupun Peguam Negara Eric Holder dijadualkan di Ferguson pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have to be very careful about not prejudging these events before investigations are completed.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya perlu berhati-hati untuk tidak membuat prasangka mengenai kejadian ini sebelum siasatan selesai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because, although these are, you know, issues of local jurisdiction -- you know, the DOJ works for me,\" Obama told reporters on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Kerana, walaupun ini, anda tahu, isu bidang kuasa tempatan -- anda tahu, DOJ bekerja untuk saya,\" kata Obama kepada pemberita pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And then when they're conducting an investigation, I've got to make sure that I don't look like I'm putting my thumb on the scales one way or the other\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan kemudian apabila mereka menjalankan siasatan, saya perlu memastikan bahawa saya tidak kelihatan seperti saya meletakkan ibu jari saya pada penimbang satu cara atau yang lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Should Obama be more forceful?", "r": {"result": "Patutkah Obama menjadi lebih kuat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But some believe Obama should be more forceful, especially following community and political criticism of the initial police response to street protests as excessive, and with those demonstrations becoming more violent.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sesetengah pihak percaya Obama harus lebih tegas, terutamanya berikutan kritikan masyarakat dan politik terhadap tindak balas awal polis terhadap protes jalanan sebagai keterlaluan, dan dengan demonstrasi itu menjadi lebih ganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This President knows better than most what happens in poor communities that have been antagonized historically by the hostile relationship between black people and the police department,\" Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson said Sunday on CBS's \"Face the Nation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Presiden ini lebih mengetahui daripada kebanyakan apa yang berlaku dalam komuniti miskin yang telah dimusuhi secara sejarah oleh hubungan bermusuhan antara orang kulit hitam dan jabatan polis,\" kata profesor Universiti Georgetown Michael Eric Dyson pada Ahad di \"Face the Nation\" CBS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is not enough for him to come on national television and pretend there is a false moral equivalency between police people who are armed and black people who are vulnerable constantly to this.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTidak cukup baginya untuk tampil di televisyen nasional dan berpura-pura wujud persamaan moral yang salah antara anggota polis yang bersenjata dan orang kulit hitam yang sentiasa terdedah kepada perkara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He needs to use his bully pulpit to step up and articulate this as a vision,\" Dyson said.", "r": {"result": "Dia perlu menggunakan mimbar pembulinya untuk meningkatkan dan menyatakan ini sebagai visi,\" kata Dyson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN political commentator and Morehouse College African-American studies professor Marc Lamont Hill wrote in an op-ed for CNN.com that Obama has \"placed the highest priority\" on people remaining calm.", "r": {"result": "Pengulas politik CNN dan profesor pengajian Afrika-Amerika Kolej Morehouse Marc Lamont Hill menulis dalam op-ed untuk CNN.com bahawa Obama telah \"meletakkan keutamaan tertinggi\" kepada orang yang kekal tenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"While this may seem reasonable on its face, particularly against the backdrop of rioting and looting, his words failed to acknowledge the legitimacy of black anger,\" Hill said.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun ini kelihatan munasabah pada wajahnya, terutamanya dengan latar belakang rusuhan dan rompakan, kata-katanya gagal untuk mengakui kesahihan kemarahan hitam,\" kata Hill.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The White House argues a big speech from Obama on race relations would be difficult right now.", "r": {"result": "Rumah Putih berhujah ucapan besar daripada Obama mengenai hubungan kaum akan menjadi sukar sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Pouring gasoline on a fire and lighting the match\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Mencurah petrol ke atas api dan menyalakan mancis\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "one senior White House official said.", "r": {"result": "seorang pegawai kanan Rumah Putih berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Administration officials said in their discussions with mayors, civil rights leaders and the Congressional Black Caucus, that they've been told Obama is doing the right thing.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai pentadbiran berkata dalam perbincangan mereka dengan datuk bandar, pemimpin hak sivil dan Kaukus Hitam Kongres, bahawa mereka telah diberitahu Obama melakukan perkara yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama talked to governor.", "r": {"result": "Obama bercakap dengan gabenor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his statement on Monday, Obama noted that he has been in touch with Missouri Gov.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kenyataannya pada hari Isnin, Obama menyatakan bahawa dia telah berhubung dengan Missouri Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jay Nixon, and the state's two senators, Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt.", "r": {"result": "Jay Nixon, dan dua senator negeri, Claire McCaskill dan Roy Blunt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The White House emphasized supportive statements it has received from both McCaskill, a Democrat, and more notably, Blunt, a Republican.", "r": {"result": "Rumah Putih menekankan kenyataan sokongan yang telah diterima daripada McCaskill, seorang Demokrat, dan lebih ketara, Blunt, seorang Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I explained to the President that I've been pleased with my conversations with the attorney general and civil rights division regarding their helpful understanding that they aren't taking over this investigation, but are conducting a parallel review of the events that led to Michael Brown's death,\" Blunt said in a statement on Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menjelaskan kepada Presiden bahawa saya gembira dengan perbualan saya dengan peguam negara dan bahagian hak sivil mengenai pemahaman mereka yang membantu bahawa mereka tidak mengambil alih penyiasatan ini, tetapi sedang menjalankan semakan selari tentang peristiwa yang membawa kepada Michael. Kematian Brown,\" kata Blunt dalam satu kenyataan pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I continue to believe that this is the best possible way to arrive at a transparent explanation that would be largely acceptable to all of those who have been impacted in the community by this tragedy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terus percaya bahawa ini adalah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan penjelasan yang telus yang sebahagian besarnya boleh diterima oleh semua mereka yang telah terjejas dalam masyarakat akibat tragedi ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will Obama visit Ferguson?", "r": {"result": "Adakah Obama akan melawat Ferguson?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama also has skirted the question of whether he plans to travel to Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Obama juga telah mengatasi persoalan sama ada dia merancang untuk pergi ke Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A senior White House official said such a visit is not in the cards now, but it has not been ruled out.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai kanan Rumah Putih berkata lawatan seperti itu tidak ada dalam kad sekarang, tetapi ia tidak diketepikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A visit by the President would tax law enforcement resources necessary for his protection instead of devoting those resources to calming the situation, the White House official said.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan oleh Presiden akan mengenakan cukai kepada sumber penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang diperlukan untuk perlindungannya dan bukannya menumpukan sumber tersebut untuk menenangkan keadaan, kata pegawai Rumah Putih itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Department of Justice's community policing program director, Ronald Davis, will be on the ground to advise law enforcement on how to deal with the protests peacefully, this official said.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah program kepolisan komuniti Jabatan Kehakiman, Ronald Davis, akan turun padang untuk menasihati penguatkuasa undang-undang tentang cara menangani protes secara aman, kata pegawai ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The White House also views what is happening in Ferguson as partly a policing issue.", "r": {"result": "Rumah Putih juga melihat apa yang berlaku di Ferguson sebagai sebahagian daripada isu kepolisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Better policing practices in working with the community and organizing the response to the protests could calm things down, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Amalan kepolisan yang lebih baik dalam bekerjasama dengan masyarakat dan mengatur tindak balas terhadap protes boleh menenangkan keadaan, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Calls for Obama to visit Ferguson aren't likely to ebb soon.", "r": {"result": "Seruan untuk Obama melawat Ferguson tidak mungkin akan surut tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, rapper and business mogul Sean \"Diddy\" Combs released a video on Instagram calling for such a step.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, penyanyi rap dan mogul perniagaan Sean \"Diddy\" Combs mengeluarkan video di Instagram menyeru langkah sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Obama, for real, get on a plane.", "r": {"result": "\"Obama, sebenarnya, naik kapal terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's serious,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ia serius,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Magazine: The Aftermath in Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Majalah: The Aftermath di Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Complete coverage of the Brown shooting.", "r": {"result": "Liputan lengkap penggambaran Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Look up at any presidential event and you're likely to see them: men dressed in black, armed to the teeth, looking back.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Tengok mana-mana acara presiden dan anda mungkin akan melihat mereka: lelaki berpakaian hitam, bersenjata ke gigi, melihat ke belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Countersniper teams \"will be familiar with every potential threat,\" according to the Secret Service.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan balas \"akan biasa dengan setiap ancaman yang berpotensi,\" menurut Perkhidmatan Rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's no secret; they're with the Secret Service.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan rahsia; mereka bersama Perkhidmatan Rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday at the inauguration, members of the U.S. Secret Service's elite countersniper unit will be out in force, taking roof-top positions along Pennsylvania Avenue and elsewhere as the presidential motorcade glides past throngs of people for the swearing in of Barack Obama.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa semasa perasmian, anggota unit penembak tepat elit Perkhidmatan Rahsia A.S. akan keluar berkuat kuasa, mengambil kedudukan atas bumbung di sepanjang Pennsylvania Avenue dan tempat lain ketika iring-iringan presiden meluncur melepasi orang ramai untuk mengangkat sumpah Barack Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Secret Service doesn't mind you knowing they are up there.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Rahsia tidak kisah anda mengetahui mereka berada di atas sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, their mere presence at the inauguration has a deterrent effect, they say.", "r": {"result": "Malah, kehadiran mereka pada perasmian itu mempunyai kesan pencegahan, kata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they are mum about many other details, including how many teams will be deployed, how long they work and about their custom firearms.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka tidak tahu tentang banyak butiran lain, termasuk bilangan pasukan yang akan digunakan, berapa lama mereka bekerja dan tentang senjata api tersuai mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch countersniper detail up-close >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton butiran countersniper dari dekat >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unit commander Lt. Bernard Hall jokingly calls the weapon a JAR -- \"Just Another Rifle\".", "r": {"result": "Komander unit Lt. Bernard Hall secara berseloroh memanggil senjata itu sebagai JAR -- \"Just Another Rifle\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since the unit formed in 1971, the unit has never had to fire a JAR to safeguard a person they are assigned to protect.", "r": {"result": "Sejak unit itu ditubuhkan pada tahun 1971, unit itu tidak pernah perlu melepaskan JAR untuk melindungi seseorang yang ditugaskan untuk mereka lindungi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When you look at that parade on the day of the inauguration, every building that we will pass by ... has been surveyed, and that is done by the Countersniper Team,\" said Secret Service director Mark Sullivan.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila anda melihat perbarisan itu pada hari perasmian, setiap bangunan yang akan kami lalui ... telah ditinjau, dan itu dilakukan oleh Pasukan Countersniper,\" kata pengarah Perkhidmatan Rahsia Mark Sullivan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They will be familiar with every building; they will be familiar with every potential threat\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka akan biasa dengan setiap bangunan; mereka akan biasa dengan setiap ancaman yang berpotensi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the absence of gunfire -- a welcome absence in this line of work -- doesn't mean they have never identified or mitigated a threat, Sullivan says.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ketiadaan tembakan -- ketiadaan dialu-alukan dalam bidang kerja ini -- tidak bermakna mereka tidak pernah mengenal pasti atau mengurangkan ancaman, kata Sullivan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The teams typically consist of two people, both armed with high-powered rifles, either of whom can shoot to deter an imminent threat.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan itu biasanya terdiri daripada dua orang, kedua-duanya bersenjatakan senapang berkuasa tinggi, yang mana satu daripada mereka boleh menembak untuk menghalang ancaman yang akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If one countersniper spots a threat, that person prepares to shoot while the other member takes on the role of \"wind caller,\" telling the shooter how to adjust his aim to counteract the wind.", "r": {"result": "Jika seorang penembak tepat mengesan ancaman, orang itu bersedia untuk menembak manakala ahli yang lain mengambil peranan sebagai \"pemanggil angin\", memberitahu penembak cara menyesuaikan matlamatnya untuk mengatasi angin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The wind caller takes cues from chimney smoke, flags or undulations from the atmosphere.", "r": {"result": "Pemanggil angin mengambil isyarat daripada asap cerobong, bendera atau gelombang dari atmosfera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a firing range outside of Washington, the team demonstrates its skills in a variety of positions.", "r": {"result": "Pada jarak tembak di luar Washington, pasukan itu menunjukkan kemahirannya dalam pelbagai posisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both men peer through high-powered binoculars looking for threats.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua lelaki mengintai melalui teropong berkuasa tinggi mencari ancaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Watch the threat area,\" an instructor shouts.", "r": {"result": "\"Perhatikan kawasan ancaman,\" jerit seorang pengajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thirty seconds pass before a target pops up down range.", "r": {"result": "Tiga puluh saat berlalu sebelum sasaran muncul dalam julat bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the countersnipers drops his binoculars and reaches for his weapon, shouting to his colleague.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang penembak tepat menjatuhkan teropongnya dan mencapai senjatanya, menjerit kepada rakan sekerjanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Left side.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelah kiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Left side,\" the wind reader responds.", "r": {"result": "Sebelah kiri,\" balas pembaca angin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shooter fires one shot.", "r": {"result": "Penembak melepaskan satu tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Center!", "r": {"result": "\"Pusat!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the middle,\" the instructor reports.", "r": {"result": "Di tengah,\" lapor pengajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the countersnipers can scan the crowds below, their focus is on looking for places where snipers might be concealed, team members say.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penembak tepat boleh mengimbas orang ramai di bawah, tumpuan mereka adalah untuk mencari tempat di mana penembak tepat mungkin disembunyikan, kata ahli pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All countersnipers go through nine weeks of intense training.", "r": {"result": "Semua pengintip balas menjalani latihan sengit selama sembilan minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Half of those who try out for the team fail.", "r": {"result": "Separuh daripada mereka yang mencuba pasukan gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fewer than 200 people have been assigned to the unit in its 30-plus year history, the service says.", "r": {"result": "Kurang daripada 200 orang telah ditugaskan ke unit itu dalam sejarah 30 tahun lebihnya, kata perkhidmatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are fewer than 100 countersnipers in the unit, a Secret Service spokesman says.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kurang daripada 100 penembak tepat dalam unit itu, kata jurucakap Perkhidmatan Rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This isn't a job for someone who can't handle extreme temperatures.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan kerja untuk seseorang yang tidak boleh mengendalikan suhu yang melampau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cold can be biting; the heat, blistering.", "r": {"result": "Sejuk boleh menggigit; panas, melepuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hall said officers have tricks for keeping mental focus in inclement weather.", "r": {"result": "Hall berkata pegawai mempunyai helah untuk mengekalkan fokus mental dalam cuaca buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When it's hot, we're probably thinking about the cold days in January.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApabila cuaca panas, kita mungkin terfikir tentang hari sejuk pada bulan Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When it's cold, we're probably thinking about August,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila cuaca sejuk, kami mungkin memikirkan tentang Ogos,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, in addition to the snipers, an estimated 8,000 police officers will be on duty, along with almost 1,000 FBI personnel, Transportation Security Administration screeners and others, including 10,000 National Guard troops.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, sebagai tambahan kepada penembak tepat, dianggarkan 8,000 pegawai polis akan bertugas, bersama-sama dengan hampir 1,000 kakitangan FBI, penyaring Pentadbiran Keselamatan Pengangkutan dan lain-lain, termasuk 10,000 tentera Pengawal Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Department of Homeland Security has said that another 20,000 members of the National Guard are being held in reserve.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri telah berkata bahawa 20,000 lagi anggota Pengawal Kebangsaan ditahan dalam simpanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think we are ready,\" said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa kami sudah bersedia,\u201d kata Setiausaha Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Michael Chertoff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't anticipate anything disruptive.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak menjangkakan apa-apa yang mengganggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of my job is to hope for the best and plan for the worst\".", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada tugas saya adalah mengharapkan yang terbaik dan merancang untuk yang terburuk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The European High Court ruled that a person has a \"right to be forgotten\".", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Tinggi Eropah memutuskan bahawa seseorang mempunyai \"hak untuk dilupakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In response, some think that the sky is falling.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tindak balas, ada yang berpendapat bahawa langit sedang runtuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I say the opposite.", "r": {"result": "Saya katakan sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mario Gonzalez, a Spanish citizen, was displeased that any Google search for his name turned up a 16-year-old report on a real estate auction connected with some old debts.", "r": {"result": "Mario Gonzalez, warganegara Sepanyol, tidak berpuas hati bahawa mana-mana carian Google untuk namanya memaparkan laporan berusia 16 tahun mengenai lelongan hartanah yang berkaitan dengan beberapa hutang lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gonzalez believed that this was out-of-date and irrelevant information with respect to him today.", "r": {"result": "Gonzalez percaya bahawa ini adalah maklumat lapuk dan tidak relevan berkenaan dengannya hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The European High Court agreed and ruled that the EU's right to privacy guarantees include a \"right to be forgotten\".", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Tinggi Eropah bersetuju dan memutuskan bahawa hak EU untuk jaminan privasi termasuk \"hak untuk dilupakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court ordered Google to remove links to archived newspaper pages that contained the old information after Gonzalez sued Google and the newspaper in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah memerintahkan Google mengalih keluar pautan ke halaman akhbar yang diarkibkan yang mengandungi maklumat lama selepas Gonzalez menyaman Google dan akhbar itu pada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The European Court ruled that a European's right to privacy includes the right to say, \"This is really old information, and it no longer reflects who I am\".", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Eropah memutuskan bahawa hak privasi orang Eropah termasuk hak untuk mengatakan, \"Ini benar-benar maklumat lama, dan ia tidak lagi menggambarkan siapa saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court held that someone's right to privacy overrides Google's economic interest and even the public's right to old and irrelevant information.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa hak privasi seseorang mengatasi kepentingan ekonomi Google dan juga hak orang ramai untuk mendapatkan maklumat lama dan tidak relevan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We should be jealous of our friends in Europe.", "r": {"result": "Kita patut cemburu dengan kawan-kawan kita di Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Europe protects individual rights, America persists in its belief that rights are for big corporations, people be damned.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan Eropah melindungi hak individu, Amerika tetap dengan kepercayaannya bahawa hak adalah untuk syarikat besar, orang terkutuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until recently, humans had comfort in knowing that mistakes were rarely forever.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga baru-baru ini, manusia berasa selesa kerana mengetahui bahawa kesilapan jarang berlaku selama-lamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Internet has brought us a \"mistakes are forever\" society.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Internet telah membawa kita kepada masyarakat \"kesilapan selama-lamanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, even a financial hiccup 16 years ago remained as prominent for Gonzalez, as if it happened yesterday.", "r": {"result": "Kini, walaupun masalah kewangan 16 tahun lalu tetap menonjol untuk Gonzalez, seolah-olah ia berlaku semalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, a revenge porn picture will remain on a victim's Google results forever, victimizing the subject every day.", "r": {"result": "Kini, gambar lucah balas dendam akan kekal pada hasil carian Google mangsa selama-lamanya, menjadikan subjek itu sebagai mangsa setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even deserved criticism, like an old criminal record, will remain forever -- as if it happened yesterday.", "r": {"result": "Malah kritikan yang wajar, seperti rekod jenayah lama, akan kekal selama-lamanya -- seolah-olah ia berlaku semalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Time is no longer linear for us.", "r": {"result": "Masa tidak lagi linear untuk kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is this how we want to live?", "r": {"result": "Beginikah kita mahu hidup?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Should we not have a right to be forgotten?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita tidak berhak untuk dilupakan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the Cold War, we despised totalitarian regimes that kept a dossier on every citizen, holding compromising information in store for the day that it served to discredit him or her.", "r": {"result": "Semasa Perang Dingin, kami menghina rejim totalitarian yang menyimpan dokumen mengenai setiap warganegara, menyimpan maklumat berkompromi untuk hari yang ia mencemarkan nama baiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember learning that the FBI kept files on dissidents in the '60s and '70s.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat mengetahui bahawa FBI menyimpan fail mengenai penentang pada tahun 60-an dan 70-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember learning a few months ago, thanks to Edward Snowden, that the NSA is spying on us.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat belajar beberapa bulan yang lalu, terima kasih kepada Edward Snowden, bahawa NSA mengintip kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nobody thinks that is a good thing.", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang menganggap itu adalah perkara yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Big Data's reaction, like anything that reins in companies' rights to abuse us, was a shriek of little substance.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi Big Data, seperti apa-apa sahaja yang mengekang hak syarikat untuk menyalahgunakan kami, adalah jerit kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Google doesn't like being told what to do, and critics raised an outcry about First Amendment rights.", "r": {"result": "Google tidak suka diberitahu perkara yang perlu dilakukan dan pengkritik menimbulkan bantahan tentang hak Pindaan Pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Google could have instituted a responsible policy like this on its own.", "r": {"result": "Google boleh melaksanakan dasar yang bertanggungjawab seperti ini sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Google's position is like that of a petulant child: \"You're not the boss of me\"!", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kedudukan Google adalah seperti seorang kanak-kanak yang pemarah: \"Anda bukan bos saya\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that is why we can't have nice things.", "r": {"result": "Dan itulah sebabnya kita tidak boleh mempunyai perkara yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, isn't there a little bad in this ruling?", "r": {"result": "Nah, tidakkah terdapat sedikit keburukan dalam keputusan ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Theoretically, yes.", "r": {"result": "Secara teorinya, ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This could be abused to get rid of important truthful information.", "r": {"result": "Ini boleh disalahgunakan untuk menyingkirkan maklumat penting yang benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is a bad thing, and I would find that intolerable if someone tried to abuse it to suppress legitimate criticism or information that the public has a right to know.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah perkara yang buruk, dan saya akan mendapati bahawa tidak boleh diterima jika seseorang cuba menyalahgunakannya untuk menyekat kritikan atau maklumat yang sah yang orang ramai berhak mengetahuinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the ruling does not say that old information must be deleted.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keputusan itu tidak mengatakan bahawa maklumat lama mesti dipadamkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It doesn't even say that Google has to comply with requests.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak mengatakan bahawa Google perlu mematuhi permintaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It just says that if a European requests that information come down, Google must respect the request but can refuse if it has good cause.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya mengatakan bahawa jika orang Eropah meminta maklumat itu diturunkan, Google mesti menghormati permintaan itu tetapi boleh menolak jika ia mempunyai sebab yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that good cause is where free expression and freedom of information remains intact.", "r": {"result": "Dan sebab yang baik itu adalah di mana kebebasan bersuara dan kebebasan maklumat kekal utuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One critic asked whether ex-Nazis could use this ruling to hide their participation in the Holocaust.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pengkritik bertanya sama ada bekas Nazi boleh menggunakan keputusan ini untuk menyembunyikan penyertaan mereka dalam Holocaust.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The answer to that is a resounding no.", "r": {"result": "Jawapan untuk itu adalah tidak jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ruling ends with an admonishment.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu berakhir dengan teguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"right to be forgotten\" does not apply if it appears for \"particular reasons\": if there is good cause to interfere with the citizen's right to privacy, including \"the role played by the data subject in public life,\" and if a majority of the evidence shows that the general public has a right to that information.", "r": {"result": "\"Hak untuk dilupakan\" tidak terpakai jika ia muncul atas \"sebab tertentu\": jika terdapat sebab yang baik untuk mengganggu hak privasi warganegara, termasuk \"peranan yang dimainkan oleh subjek data dalam kehidupan awam,\" dan jika majoriti bukti menunjukkan bahawa orang awam mempunyai hak untuk maklumat tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sorry, old Nazis, you can't use this to hide your involvement in the Holocaust.", "r": {"result": "Maaf, Nazi lama, anda tidak boleh menggunakan ini untuk menyembunyikan penglibatan anda dalam Holocaust.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, public figures and public events will never be erased.", "r": {"result": "Malah, tokoh awam dan acara awam tidak akan pernah dipadamkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This ruling is for you, the average Jose who just wants to live an obscure and private life.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan ini adalah untuk anda, Jose biasa yang hanya mahu menjalani kehidupan yang tidak jelas dan peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you lived in Europe, you would have regained that right today.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda tinggal di Eropah, anda akan mendapat semula hak itu hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York (CNN) -- The Indian diplomat whose arrest sparked a testy exchange between the United States and India won a dismissal of a federal indictment Monday, according to court documents.", "r": {"result": "New York (CNN) -- Diplomat India yang penahanannya mencetuskan pertukaran saksi antara Amerika Syarikat dan India memenangi penolakan dakwaan persekutuan Isnin, menurut dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Devyani Khobragade was arrested and strip searched by federal agents in New York City in December after federal authorities accused Khobragade of lying on a visa application about how much she paid her housekeeper.", "r": {"result": "Devyani Khobragade telah ditangkap dan dibogelkan oleh ejen persekutuan di New York City pada Disember selepas pihak berkuasa persekutuan menuduh Khobragade berbohong dalam permohonan visa mengenai berapa banyak yang dia bayar kepada penjaga rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was indicted on January 9 by a federal grand jury on one count of visa fraud and one count of making false statements.", "r": {"result": "Dia didakwa pada 9 Januari oleh juri besar persekutuan atas satu pertuduhan penipuan visa dan satu pertuduhan membuat kenyataan palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Khobragade then filed a motion to dismiss the charges, claiming she was \"cloaked in diplomatic immunity at the time of her arrest,\" according to the motion.", "r": {"result": "Khobragade kemudian memfailkan usul untuk menolak pertuduhan itu, mendakwa dia \"diselindungi dengan kekebalan diplomatik pada masa dia ditangkap,\" menurut usul itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court agreed, stating that Khobragade was \"appointed a Counselor to the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, a position that cloaked her with full diplomatic immunity,\" according to court documents.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah bersetuju, menyatakan bahawa Khobragade \"dilantik sebagai Kaunselor kepada Misi Tetap India ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, jawatan yang menyelubunginya dengan kekebalan diplomatik penuh,\" menurut dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was appointed to that position on January 8, a day before she was indicted.", "r": {"result": "Dia dilantik ke jawatan itu pada 8 Januari, sehari sebelum dia didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even if Khobragade had no immunity at the time of her arrest and has none now, her acquisition of immunity during the pendency of proceedings mandates dismissal,\" U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun Khobragade tidak mempunyai kekebalan pada masa dia ditangkap dan tidak mempunyai kekebalan sekarang, pemerolehan kekebalannya semasa menunggu prosiding mandat pemecatan,\" tulis Hakim Daerah A.S. Shira Scheindlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The government may not proceed on an indictment obtained when Khobragade was immune from the jurisdiction of the court,\" Scheindlin continued.", "r": {"result": "\"Kerajaan mungkin tidak meneruskan dakwaan yang diperoleh apabila Khobragade kebal daripada bidang kuasa mahkamah,\" sambung Scheindlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Khobragade's attorney, Daniel Arshack, said in a statement that Khobragade is pleased that \"the rule of law has prevailed\".", "r": {"result": "Peguam Khobragade, Daniel Arshack, berkata dalam satu kenyataan bahawa Khobragade gembira bahawa \"kedaulatan undang-undang telah berjaya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are heartened that the court agreed with our legal analysis and rejected the prosecution's arguments by dismissing the case,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berbesar hati bahawa mahkamah bersetuju dengan analisis undang-undang kami dan menolak hujah pihak pendakwaan dengan menolak kes itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "India's external affairs spokesman, Syed Akbaruddin, issued a statement welcoming the ruling.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap hal ehwal luar India, Syed Akbaruddin, mengeluarkan kenyataan mengalu-alukan keputusan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James Margolin, spokesman for the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, did not rule out the possibility of further charges.", "r": {"result": "James Margolin, jurucakap Pejabat Peguam Amerika Syarikat untuk Daerah Selatan New York, tidak menolak kemungkinan pertuduhan lanjut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As the court indicated in its decision, and as Devyani Khobragade has conceded, there is currently no bar to a new indictment against her for her alleged criminal conduct, and we intend to proceed accordingly,\" he said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh mahkamah dalam keputusannya, dan seperti yang telah diakui oleh Devyani Khobragade, pada masa ini tiada sekatan terhadap dakwaan baharu terhadapnya atas dakwaan kelakuan jenayahnya, dan kami berhasrat untuk meneruskannya,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Khobragade, who left the United States in January, is now working for the Indian Ministry of External Affairs in Delhi.", "r": {"result": "Khobragade, yang meninggalkan Amerika Syarikat pada Januari, kini bekerja untuk Kementerian Hal Ehwal Luar India di Delhi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her case drew international attention, with Indian officials demanding apologies from Washington, and the United States announcing it would withdraw one official from its embassy in New Delhi.", "r": {"result": "Kesnya menarik perhatian antarabangsa, dengan pegawai India menuntut permohonan maaf daripada Washington, dan Amerika Syarikat mengumumkan akan menarik balik seorang pegawai dari kedutaannya di New Delhi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Allison Malloy in New York and Harmeet Singh in New Delhi contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Allison Malloy dari CNN di New York dan Harmeet Singh di New Delhi menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Fourteen alleged members of the Gambino crime family have been indicted on charges including murder, racketeering, prostitution of minors and trying to locate and intimidate a sequestered jury, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Manhattan, New York, said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Empat belas ahli keluarga jenayah Gambino telah didakwa atas tuduhan termasuk pembunuhan, meragut, pelacuran kanak-kanak bawah umur dan cuba mencari dan menakut-nakutkan juri yang diasingkan, kata peguam A.S. untuk Daerah Selatan Manhattan, New York, kata Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, the Gambino family has lost one of its leaders, and many of its rising stars have now fallen,\" U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cHari ini, keluarga Gambino telah kehilangan salah seorang pemimpinnya, dan banyak bintang yang sedang meningkat naik kini telah jatuh,\u201d kata Peguam A.S. Preet Bharara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will continue to work with our partners at the FBI to eradicate the mafia and to keep organized crime from victimizing the businesses and the people of this city\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan terus bekerjasama dengan rakan kongsi kami di FBI untuk membasmi mafia dan memastikan jenayah terancang daripada menjadi mangsa perniagaan dan penduduk bandar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twelve people, including Daniel Marino, named by the U.S. attorney as the current boss of the Gambino crime family, were arrested Tuesday morning.", "r": {"result": "Dua belas orang, termasuk Daniel Marino, yang dinamakan oleh peguam A.S. sebagai bos semasa keluarga jenayah Gambino, telah ditangkap pagi Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One was arrested last week, and another was at large Tuesday afternoon, Bharara's office said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang ditahan minggu lalu, dan seorang lagi dibebaskan pada petang Selasa, kata pejabat Bharara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marino has been charged with murder in various cases, including the 1989 killing of Thomas Spinelli, a member of the family who testified before a federal grand jury about the mafia's members and activities.", "r": {"result": "Marino telah didakwa dengan pembunuhan dalam pelbagai kes, termasuk pembunuhan Thomas Spinelli pada 1989, seorang ahli keluarga yang memberi keterangan di hadapan juri besar persekutuan tentang ahli dan aktiviti mafia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other defendants, who authorities say include some high-ranking members of the Gambino crime family, also have serious charges brought against them.", "r": {"result": "Defendan lain, yang menurut pihak berkuasa termasuk beberapa anggota berpangkat tinggi keluarga jenayah Gambino, juga mempunyai tuduhan serius yang dikenakan terhadap mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Onofrio Modica is charged with jury tampering, which stems from 1992, when then-boss John J. Gotti was on trial on federal racketeering and murder charges.", "r": {"result": "Onofrio Modica didakwa dengan pengubahan juri, yang berpunca dari tahun 1992, apabila bos ketika itu John J. Gotti dibicarakan atas tuduhan pemerasan dan pembunuhan persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the U.S. attorney, Modica and other members of the Gambino family tried to locate the anonymous, sequestered jurors sitting on the trial.", "r": {"result": "Menurut peguam A.S., Modica dan ahli keluarga Gambino yang lain cuba mencari juri tanpa nama yang diasingkan yang sedang duduk dalam perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Modica was able to penetrate security measures and locate the hotel where the jury was sequestered, but the plan was called off after Gotti decided that the jury would not convict him, authorities allege.", "r": {"result": "Modica dapat menembusi langkah keselamatan dan mengesan hotel tempat juri diasingkan, tetapi rancangan itu dibatalkan selepas Gotti memutuskan bahawa juri tidak akan mensabitkannya, dakwa pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. attorney alleges several of the defendants also operated a prostitution business from 2008 to 2009, where young women and girls as young as 15 allegedly were recruited to be prostitutes and advertised on websites such as Craigslist.", "r": {"result": "Peguam A.S. mendakwa beberapa defendan juga menjalankan perniagaan pelacuran dari 2008 hingga 2009, di mana wanita muda dan gadis seawal 15 tahun didakwa telah diambil untuk menjadi pelacur dan diiklankan di laman web seperti Craigslist.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Bharara, the defendants drove the women to their appointments and kept approximately half the money paid to them.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Bharara, defendan-defendan menghalau wanita-wanita itu ke janji temu mereka dan menyimpan kira-kira separuh daripada wang yang dibayar kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The women allegedly were made available for sex to gamblers at weekly high-stakes poker games that authorities say were run by the defendants.", "r": {"result": "Wanita-wanita itu didakwa disediakan untuk seks kepada penjudi pada permainan poker mingguan yang menurut pihak berkuasa dikendalikan oleh defendan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read how rare it is for women and children to be involved.", "r": {"result": "Baca betapa jarangnya wanita dan kanak-kanak terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A press release from Bharara's office detailed the other charges against the defendants, including extortion; assault; trafficking of narcotics, such as cocaine, OxyContin and marijuana; wire fraud, which includes the alleged defrauding of several high-end New York restaurants by inflating invoice costs; loansharking; and gambling.", "r": {"result": "Siaran akhbar dari pejabat Bharara memperincikan pertuduhan lain terhadap defendan, termasuk pemerasan; serangan; pengedaran narkotik, seperti kokain, OxyContin dan ganja; penipuan wayar, yang merangkumi dakwaan penipuan beberapa restoran mewah New York dengan menaikkan kos invois; peminjaman; dan perjudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This case shows that it's still about making money illegally, by whatever means,\" FBI Special Agent-in-Charge George Venizelos said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kes ini menunjukkan bahawa ia masih mengenai membuat wang secara haram, dengan apa cara sekalipun,\" kata Ejen Khas FBI George Venizelos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No crime seemed too depraved to be exploited if it was a money-maker, including the sexual exploitation of a 15-year-old\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada jenayah yang kelihatan terlalu rosak untuk dieksploitasi jika ia adalah pembuat wang, termasuk eksploitasi seksual seorang remaja berusia 15 tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the U.S. attorney's office, the fourteen defendants are Marino, Modica, Thomas Orefice, Dominick DiFiore, Anthony Manzella, Michael Scotto, Michael Scarpaci, Thomas Scarpaci, David Eisler, Salvatore Borgia, Steve Maiurro, Keith Dellitalia, Suzanne Porcelli and Anthony Vecchione.", "r": {"result": "Menurut pejabat peguam A.S., empat belas defendan ialah Marino, Modica, Thomas Orefice, Dominick DiFiore, Anthony Manzella, Michael Scotto, Michael Scarpaci, Thomas Scarpaci, David Eisler, Salvatore Borgia, Steve Maiurro, Keith Dellitalia, Suzanne Porcelli dan Anthony Vecchione .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maiurro remains at large.", "r": {"result": "Maiurro kekal bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 13 defendants all entered not guilty pleas on Tuesday, according to the U.S. attorney's office, and they are expected to appear Wednesday before a federal judge who has been appointed to the case.", "r": {"result": "13 defendan kesemuanya membuat pengakuan tidak bersalah pada hari Selasa, menurut pejabat peguam A.S., dan mereka dijangka hadir hari Rabu di hadapan hakim persekutuan yang telah dilantik untuk kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama declared Monday that his stimulus plan is \"starting to work\" and that 2,000 transportation projects -- costing much less than expected -- are under way.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Presiden Obama mengisytiharkan Isnin bahawa rancangan rangsangannya \"mula berfungsi\" dan 2,000 projek pengangkutan -- menelan belanja jauh lebih rendah daripada jangkaan -- sedang dijalankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama on Monday says the transportation projects will help create or save jobs.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama pada hari Isnin berkata projek pengangkutan akan membantu mencipta atau menyelamatkan pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Competition for these projects is so fierce, and contractors are doing such a good job cutting costs, the projects are consistently coming in under budget,\" Obama said Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Persaingan untuk projek-projek ini sangat sengit, dan kontraktor melakukan kerja yang baik untuk mengurangkan kos, projek-projek secara konsisten datang di bawah bajet,\" kata Obama Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president gave a rapid-fire list of savings: a bid for road work in Connecticut is $8.4 million less than the state budgeted; Louisiana has a project coming in $4.7 million less than expected; projects in Colorado are averaging about 30 percent under the state forecast; and some bids in California are nearly half of what the state projected.", "r": {"result": "Presiden memberikan senarai penjimatan yang pantas: bidaan untuk kerja jalan di Connecticut adalah $8.4 juta kurang daripada bajet negeri; Louisiana mempunyai projek yang datang dalam $4.7 juta kurang daripada yang dijangkakan; projek di Colorado adalah purata kira-kira 30 peratus di bawah ramalan negeri; dan beberapa bidaan di California adalah hampir separuh daripada unjuran negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The administration said those savings will stretch the agency's $48 billion stimulus budget.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran berkata penjimatan itu akan memanjangkan bajet rangsangan $48 bilion agensi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our recovery dollars can go further, and we can do more projects,\" said Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dolar pemulihan kami boleh pergi lebih jauh, dan kami boleh melakukan lebih banyak projek,\" kata Setiausaha Pengangkutan Ray LaHood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is great news\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini berita baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LaHood hosted the president and vice president at his department's headquarters in Washington for the announcement.", "r": {"result": "LaHood menjadi tuan rumah kepada presiden dan naib presiden di ibu pejabat jabatannya di Washington untuk pengumuman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials did not give an overall estimate of money saved from competitive bids.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai tidak memberikan anggaran keseluruhan wang yang disimpan daripada bidaan kompetitif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The three leaders also claimed a victory in the amount of transportation work approved so far, saying the agency has approved its 2,000th infrastructure project as part of the stimulus.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga-tiga pemimpin itu juga mendakwa kemenangan dalam jumlah kerja pengangkutan yang diluluskan setakat ini, berkata agensi itu telah meluluskan projek infrastrukturnya yang ke-2,000 sebagai sebahagian daripada rangsangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some may have thought it would have taken months to get to this point,\" Obama said, \"but we have approved these projects in just 41 days\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sesetengah mungkin menyangka ia akan mengambil masa berbulan-bulan untuk sampai ke tahap ini,\" kata Obama, \"tetapi kami telah meluluskan projek ini dalam masa 41 hari sahaja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch as Obama says projects are coming in ahead of schedule >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton apabila Obama mengatakan projek akan datang lebih awal daripada jadual >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The stimulus bill was signed February 17, but transportation dollars did not begin flowing until later.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang rangsangan telah ditandatangani pada 17 Februari, tetapi dolar pengangkutan tidak mula mengalir sehingga kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president said the 2,000th transportation project to receive stimulus funds is one to widen and add an overpass to a stretch of Interstate 94 near Portage, Michigan.", "r": {"result": "Presiden berkata projek pengangkutan ke-2,000 untuk menerima dana rangsangan adalah projek untuk meluaskan dan menambah jejantas ke kawasan Interstate 94 berhampiran Portage, Michigan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vice President Joseph Biden plans to attend the groundbreaking in June.", "r": {"result": "Naib Presiden Joseph Biden merancang untuk menghadiri pecah tanah pada bulan Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama said the highway projects from the stimulus bill will create or save 150,000 jobs by the end of next year.", "r": {"result": "Obama berkata projek lebuh raya daripada rang undang-undang rangsangan akan mewujudkan atau menyelamatkan 150,000 pekerjaan menjelang akhir tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He pointed to the aggressive contractor interest in transportation projects, along with tax cuts going to millions of families from the stimulus plan, and implied it marks a turning point in the economic recovery effort.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menunjukkan minat kontraktor yang agresif dalam projek pengangkutan, bersama-sama dengan pemotongan cukai yang dikenakan kepada berjuta-juta keluarga daripada pelan rangsangan, dan membayangkan ia menandakan titik perubahan dalam usaha pemulihan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, I think it's safe to say that this plan is beginning to work,\" the president said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini, saya rasa selamat untuk mengatakan bahawa rancangan ini mula berfungsi,\" kata presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Abdullah al-Kidd -- a U.S. citizen -- was held in jail by the U.S. government for 16 days as a \"material witness\" in an ongoing terror investigation.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Abdullah al-Kidd -- seorang warga AS -- telah dipenjarakan oleh kerajaan AS selama 16 hari sebagai \"saksi material\" dalam siasatan keganasan yang sedang dijalankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was never charged, and never called to testify.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah didakwa, dan tidak pernah dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now the Supreme Court will decide whether the Kansas native can hold former Bush administration officials -- especially onetime Attorney General John Ashcroft -- personally liable for wrongful arrest and detention.", "r": {"result": "Kini Mahkamah Agung akan memutuskan sama ada warga Kansas itu boleh menahan bekas pegawai pentadbiran Bush -- terutama sekali Peguam Negara John Ashcroft -- secara peribadi bertanggungjawab atas penangkapan dan penahanan yang salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In oral arguments Wednesday, the justices appeared split along conservative-liberal lines about both the immunity question and the larger issue of when the government can hold in custody citizens it is unable to charge, for fear they may commit future crimes, including terrorism.", "r": {"result": "Dalam hujah lisan hari Rabu, hakim kelihatan berpecah mengikut garis konservatif-liberal mengenai kedua-dua persoalan imuniti dan isu yang lebih besar apabila kerajaan boleh menahan warganegara yang tidak dapat didakwa, kerana bimbang mereka mungkin melakukan jenayah masa depan, termasuk keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chief Justice John Roberts said allowing such a lawsuit to proceed would impose a \"heavy burden\" on government officials and police as they do their jobs, for fear \"if they guess wrong, it comes out of their pocket\".", "r": {"result": "Ketua Hakim Negara John Roberts berkata membenarkan tuntutan mahkamah seperti itu diteruskan akan mengenakan \"beban berat\" kepada pegawai kerajaan dan polis semasa mereka melakukan tugas mereka, kerana bimbang \"jika mereka salah sangka, ia akan keluar dari poket mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg called al-Kidd's experience \"obvious mistreatment\" that perhaps should leave someone accountable.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Hakim Ruth Bader Ginsburg menggelar pengalaman al-Kidd sebagai \"penganiayaan yang jelas\" yang mungkin menyebabkan seseorang bertanggungjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case -- with its issue of the limits of \"preventive\" detention, especially in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks -- is the only national security case the high court will address this term.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu -- dengan isu had penahanan \"pencegahan\", terutamanya susulan serangan pengganas 9/11 -- merupakan satu-satunya kes keselamatan negara yang akan ditangani oleh mahkamah tinggi pada penggal ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Material witness laws allow officials to detain those who may have knowledge of crimes committed by others to ensure they would testify in criminal proceedings, including before a grand jury and at trial.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang saksi material membenarkan pegawai menahan mereka yang mungkin mempunyai pengetahuan tentang jenayah yang dilakukan oleh orang lain untuk memastikan mereka akan memberi keterangan dalam prosiding jenayah, termasuk di hadapan juri besar dan di perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American Civil Liberties Union lawyers representing al-Kidd say the government has warped the law to allow open-ended arrests and confinement of citizens, without being later held accountable for those wrongfully held.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Kesatuan Kebebasan Sivil Amerika yang mewakili al-Kidd berkata kerajaan telah menyelewengkan undang-undang untuk membenarkan penangkapan terbuka dan kurungan rakyat, tanpa kemudiannya bertanggungjawab terhadap mereka yang ditahan secara salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Kidd was a college football player at the University of Idaho when he converted to Islam, changing his name from Lavoni Kidd.", "r": {"result": "Al-Kidd ialah pemain bola sepak kolej di Universiti Idaho apabila dia memeluk Islam, menukar namanya daripada Lavoni Kidd.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He eventually began volunteering at an Islamic charity led by a person being investigated for possible terrorism ties.", "r": {"result": "Dia akhirnya mula menjadi sukarelawan di badan amal Islam yang diketuai oleh seseorang yang sedang disiasat kerana kemungkinan hubungan keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was never implicated in wrongdoing, but was interviewed repeatedly and voluntarily by the FBI.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah terlibat dalam kesalahan, tetapi telah ditemu bual berulang kali dan secara sukarela oleh FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was never told his testimony would be needed in any prosecution, nor was he forbidden to leave the country.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah diberitahu keterangannya akan diperlukan dalam mana-mana pendakwaan, dan dia juga tidak dilarang meninggalkan negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Six months later, in March 2003, al-Kidd was about to board a plane at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, headed for Saudi Arabia study region for his doctorate.", "r": {"result": "Enam bulan kemudian, pada Mac 2003, al-Kidd hendak menaiki pesawat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Dulles di luar Washington, menuju ke wilayah pengajian Arab Saudi untuk mendapatkan ijazah kedoktorannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he was arrested by government agents armed with a material warrant.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia telah ditangkap oleh ejen kerajaan bersenjatakan waran material.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An affidavit submitted to a federal magistrate said al-Kidd had a one-way first class plane ticket, and that he was \"crucial\" to the prosecution of Sami Omar al-Hussayen.", "r": {"result": "Afidavit yang dikemukakan kepada majistret persekutuan berkata al-Kidd mempunyai tiket pesawat kelas pertama sehala, dan dia \"penting\" untuk pendakwaan Sami Omar al-Hussayen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was later revealed the ticket was two-way -- indicating he planned to return to the United States -- and he would fly coach class.", "r": {"result": "Ia kemudiannya mendedahkan tiket itu adalah dua hala -- menunjukkan dia merancang untuk kembali ke Amerika Syarikat -- dan dia akan terbang kelas jurulatih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his lawsuit, al-Kidd says he was held in three prisons in Virginia, Oklahoma, and Idaho, under high security with convicted criminals.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tuntutan mahkamahnya, al-Kidd berkata dia telah ditahan di tiga penjara di Virginia, Oklahoma, dan Idaho, di bawah kawalan keselamatan yang tinggi dengan penjenayah yang disabitkan kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He says he was routinely shackled, strip-searched, and left naked in a freezing cell while male and female guards watched.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia secara rutin dibelenggu, digeledah dibogelkan, dan dibiarkan telanjang di dalam sel beku manakala pengawal lelaki dan perempuan memerhati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was freed after more than two weeks, but only after agreeing to surrender his passport and confine his travel, among other conditions.", "r": {"result": "Dia dibebaskan selepas lebih dua minggu, tetapi hanya selepas bersetuju menyerahkan pasportnya dan mengehadkan perjalanannya, antara syarat lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He now teaches in Saudi Arabia and did not attend oral arguments at the high court.", "r": {"result": "Dia kini mengajar di Arab Saudi dan tidak menghadiri hujah lisan di mahkamah tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Hussayen, meanwhile, was charged with visa fraud and making false statements.", "r": {"result": "Al-Hussayen pula didakwa dengan penipuan visa dan membuat kenyataan palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was acquitted one some of the charges but the jury deadlocked on others.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah dibebaskan daripada beberapa pertuduhan tetapi juri menemui jalan buntu pada yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He agreed to be deported to avoid a retrial.", "r": {"result": "Dia bersetuju untuk dihantar pulang bagi mengelakkan perbicaraan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Kidd later sued corrections officials; that suit was settled out of court.", "r": {"result": "Al-Kidd kemudiannya menyaman pegawai pembetulan; saman itu diselesaikan di luar mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it is his separate suit against Ashcroft, holding him personally accountable as head of the Justice Department, that is the heart of the current legal fight.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia adalah saman berasingannya terhadap Ashcroft, yang menganggapnya bertanggungjawab secara peribadi sebagai ketua Jabatan Kehakiman, itulah nadi perjuangan undang-undang semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A federal appeals court had allowed his civil lawsuit to continue, but Ashcroft argues officials under his supervision obeyed the letter and spirit of the material witness law.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah rayuan persekutuan telah membenarkan tuntutan sivilnya diteruskan, tetapi Ashcroft berhujah pegawai di bawah pengawasannya mematuhi surat dan semangat undang-undang saksi material.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An arrest warrant was properly obtained under the law they said, and even if there were improper motives behind this particular detention, Ashcroft would still enjoy \"absolute\" immunity.", "r": {"result": "Waran tangkap telah diperoleh dengan betul di bawah undang-undang yang mereka katakan, dan walaupun terdapat motif yang tidak wajar di sebalik penahanan ini, Ashcroft masih akan menikmati imuniti \"mutlak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Previous lawsuits by a variety of civil liberty and human rights groups naming Ashcroft and other top Bush officials -- including Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and FBI Director Robert Mueller -- have almost unanimously been tossed out by federal courts on immunity grounds.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan undang-undang sebelum ini oleh pelbagai kumpulan kebebasan sivil dan hak asasi manusia yang menamakan Ashcroft dan pegawai tinggi Bush yang lain -- termasuk Naib Presiden Dick Cheney, Setiausaha Pertahanan Donald Rumsfeld, dan Pengarah FBI Robert Mueller -- hampir sebulat suara telah ditolak oleh mahkamah persekutuan pada alasan imuniti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In oral arguments, the justices debated the immediate intent of al-Kidd's detention: Was it to ensure his assistance in an ongoing prosecution, or was it aimed at unlimited detention and investigation?", "r": {"result": "Dalam hujah lisan, hakim membahaskan niat segera penahanan al-Kidd: Adakah ia untuk memastikan bantuannya dalam pendakwaan yang berterusan, atau adakah ia bertujuan untuk penahanan dan penyiasatan tanpa had?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Kidd claims investigators held him in a desperate attempt to implicate him in the investigation of his friend.", "r": {"result": "Al-Kidd mendakwa penyiasat menahannya dalam percubaan terdesak untuk mengaitkannya dalam penyiasatan rakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some members of the bench were clearly uncomfortable with the idea of blanket immunity for the highest government officials, whatever their reasons.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa ahli bangku simpanan jelas tidak selesa dengan idea imuniti menyeluruh untuk pegawai tertinggi kerajaan, apa pun alasan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Prosecutors can out of spite, out of pure investigative reasoning, out of whatever motive they have, just lock people up,\" said Justice Sonia Sotomayor, while clarifying that may not be what happened in al-Kidd's case.", "r": {"result": "\"Pendakwa raya boleh, walaupun dengan alasan penyiasatan tulen, atas apa jua motif yang mereka ada, hanya mengurung orang,\" kata Hakim Sonia Sotomayor, sambil menjelaskan bahawa mungkin bukan perkara yang berlaku dalam kes al-Kidd.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was more blunt, calling some of the allegations \"very disturbing\".", "r": {"result": "Hakim Ruth Bader Ginsburg lebih berterus-terang, menyebut beberapa dakwaan itu \"sangat mengganggu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are talking about the attorney general and the attorney general's immunity,\" she told the Justice Department lawyer arguing the case.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami bercakap tentang peguam negara dan kekebalan peguam negara,\" katanya kepada peguam Jabatan Kehakiman yang menghujahkan kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But there are allegations here that this man was kept awake, the lights shining in his cell for 24 hours, kept without clothes.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi ada dakwaan di sini bahawa lelaki ini terus terjaga, lampu menyinari dalam selnya selama 24 jam, disimpan tanpa pakaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that doesn't sound like the way one would treat someone whose testimony you want.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang ini tidak kelihatan seperti cara seseorang melayan seseorang yang anda inginkan keterangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is there a remedy that he has for that obvious mistreatment\"?", "r": {"result": "Adakah terdapat ubat yang dia ada untuk penganiayaan yang jelas itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the other side, Roberts warned making it easier to sue for violations of the law would open the floodgates to endless lawsuits.", "r": {"result": "Di sisi lain, Roberts memberi amaran memudahkan untuk menyaman atas pelanggaran undang-undang akan membuka pintu banjir kepada tindakan undang-undang yang tidak berkesudahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The allegation can so readily be made in every case under the material witness statute ... that this is one of those 'bad intent' cases, and the case has to proceed so that we can prove that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tuduhan itu boleh dibuat dengan mudah dalam setiap kes di bawah statut saksi material ... bahawa ini adalah salah satu daripada kes 'niat buruk' itu, dan kes itu perlu diteruskan supaya kita boleh membuktikannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberts wondered what an officer faced with deciding whether to proceed with a terror investigation or similarly serious matter would think.", "r": {"result": "Roberts tertanya-tanya apa yang akan difikirkan oleh seorang pegawai untuk memutuskan sama ada meneruskan siasatan keganasan atau perkara serius yang serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I'm the officer in that situation, I say, 'Well, I'm just not going to run the risk of having to sell the house'\" because his decision could be overturned someday by a court.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya pegawai dalam situasi itu, saya berkata, 'Baiklah, saya tidak akan menghadapi risiko terpaksa menjual rumah itu'\" kerana keputusannya boleh dibatalkan suatu hari nanti oleh mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Justice Elena Kagan is not participating in the case because she helped brief the case for the government last year as solicitor general, just before joining the high court.", "r": {"result": "Hakim Elena Kagan tidak mengambil bahagian dalam kes itu kerana dia membantu memberi penerangan kepada kerajaan tahun lalu sebagai peguam negara, sejurus sebelum menyertai mahkamah tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That leaves the possibility of a 4-4 tie, which would give victory to al-Kidd, allowing his lawsuit to proceed.", "r": {"result": "Itu meninggalkan kemungkinan seri 4-4, yang akan memberikan kemenangan kepada al-Kidd, membolehkan tuntutannya diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ashcroft has the support of the Obama administration, which argued the case in the high court, as well as several former attorneys general.", "r": {"result": "Ashcroft mendapat sokongan pentadbiran Obama, yang menghujahkan kes itu di mahkamah tinggi, serta beberapa bekas peguam negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We think the way that one vindicates one's rights is to use the process that is available to those that are arrested to seek their release,\" said Richard Samp of the Washington Legal Foundation, who filed the supporting brief.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berpendapat cara seseorang itu membela hak seseorang adalah dengan menggunakan proses yang tersedia untuk mereka yang ditangkap untuk mendapatkan pembebasan mereka,\" kata Richard Samp dari Yayasan Undang-undang Washington, yang memfailkan taklimat sokongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And in fact, Mr. al-Kidd did exactly that.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDan sebenarnya, Encik al-Kidd melakukan perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had a lawyer appointed for him.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai seorang peguam yang dilantik untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He went into court on several occasions and within 15 days after the time of his arrest he was released\".", "r": {"result": "Dia pergi ke mahkamah beberapa kali dan dalam masa 15 hari selepas masa penahanan dia dibebaskan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But about 30 former federal prosecutors are backing al-Kidd.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kira-kira 30 bekas pendakwa raya persekutuan menyokong al-Kidd.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lee Gelernt, the ACLU attorney, told CNN the government should not be allowed to do an \"end run\" around the law.", "r": {"result": "Lee Gelernt, peguam ACLU, memberitahu CNN bahawa kerajaan tidak boleh dibenarkan untuk melakukan \"perlawanan akhir\" di sekitar undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our client would like vindication for his own rights.", "r": {"result": "\"Anak guam kami ingin membela haknya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would like to see his reputation cleared.", "r": {"result": "Dia ingin melihat reputasinya dibersihkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I think, perhaps most of all in his mind, he would like to see the court say that this cannot be done anymore and so it doesn't happen to people in the future\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya fikir, mungkin yang paling penting dalam fikirannya, dia ingin melihat mahkamah mengatakan bahawa ini tidak boleh dilakukan lagi dan jadi ia tidak berlaku kepada orang pada masa hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is Ashcroft v. al-Kidd (10-98).", "r": {"result": "Kesnya ialah Ashcroft lwn al-Kidd (10-98).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A ruling is due by late June.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan dibuat pada akhir bulan Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- What do artificial whiskers and coffee-filled balloons have in common?", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Apakah persamaan misai tiruan dan belon berisi kopi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The answer is that they are both tools on experimental robots -- but they are also being put forward as possible ideas to help future planetary explorations.", "r": {"result": "Jawapannya ialah kedua-duanya adalah alat pada robot eksperimen -- tetapi mereka juga dikemukakan sebagai idea yang mungkin untuk membantu penerokaan planet masa hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Shrewbot\" is the latest in a line of robots developed by teams at the UK's Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL) that aims to test whether artificial whiskers could help a robot find its way around.", "r": {"result": "\"Shrewbot\" ialah yang terbaru dalam barisan robot yang dibangunkan oleh pasukan di Makmal Robotik Bristol (BRL) UK yang bertujuan untuk menguji sama ada misai tiruan boleh membantu robot mencari jalan keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inspired by the Etruscan shrew -- one of the world's tiniest mammals -- scientists wanted to find out if a robot could explore its environment using touch instead of vision, just as rats, mice and shrews find food in the dark.", "r": {"result": "Diilhamkan oleh cecak Etruscan -- salah satu mamalia terkecil di dunia -- saintis ingin mengetahui sama ada robot boleh meneroka persekitarannya menggunakan sentuhan dan bukannya penglihatan, sama seperti tikus, tikus dan cicak mencari makanan dalam gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Team leader Martin Pearson, who works at the Biotact project, said the research was primarily to assist biologists in their understanding of how an animal's touch sensing works.", "r": {"result": "Ketua pasukan Martin Pearson, yang bekerja di projek Biotact, berkata penyelidikan itu adalah terutamanya untuk membantu ahli biologi dalam pemahaman mereka tentang cara penderiaan sentuhan haiwan berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he added: \"Future robotic applications for this kind of sensing could be in search-and-rescue robots operating in smoke filled buildings or for sub-sea pipeline inspection robots in the murky depths of the sea\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia menambah: \"Aplikasi robot masa depan untuk penderiaan jenis ini mungkin dalam robot mencari dan menyelamat yang beroperasi di bangunan yang dipenuhi asap atau untuk robot pemeriksaan saluran paip bawah laut di kedalaman laut yang keruh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The idea has also been suggested as a way to explore planetary surfaces where there is limited vision.", "r": {"result": "Idea ini juga telah dicadangkan sebagai cara untuk meneroka permukaan planet di mana terdapat penglihatan yang terhad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking at a space conference at the UK's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, robotics expert and co-founder of the BRL, Alan Winfield, identified it as one of a number of advancements that might be useful to space scientists planning future missions.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap pada persidangan angkasa lepas di Makmal Rutherford Appleton UK, pakar robotik dan pengasas bersama BRL, Alan Winfield, mengenal pasti ia sebagai salah satu daripada beberapa kemajuan yang mungkin berguna kepada saintis angkasa lepas yang merancang misi masa depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was speculating that whiskers could provide a planetary rover with the ability to feel its way around,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya membuat spekulasi bahawa misai boleh menyediakan rover planet dengan keupayaan untuk merasakannya,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It may be that certain types of geology would be helped if you could, for instance, run the whiskers across the rock sample because you can get texture from whiskers.", "r": {"result": "\"Mungkin jenis geologi tertentu akan dibantu jika anda boleh, contohnya, menjalankan misai melintasi sampel batu kerana anda boleh mendapatkan tekstur daripada misai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can also imagine planets with thick, heavy atmospheres where vision would be completely useless.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda juga boleh membayangkan planet dengan atmosfera yang tebal dan berat di mana penglihatan akan menjadi tidak berguna sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the beauties of whiskers is that the whisker can get damaged but still works -- all the sensing is done at the root\".", "r": {"result": "Salah satu keindahan misai ialah misai boleh rosak tetapi masih berfungsi -- semua penderiaan dilakukan pada akarnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Winfield also pointed to research carried out by Cornell, the University of Chicago, iRobot Corp and Liquidia that produced a robotic gripper using coffee granules and a latex party balloon.", "r": {"result": "Winfield juga menunjukkan penyelidikan yang dijalankan oleh Cornell, Universiti Chicago, iRobot Corp dan Liquidia yang menghasilkan pencengkam robot menggunakan butiran kopi dan belon parti lateks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It exploits the way vacuum-packed coffee is rigid until the seal is broken and then the coffee granules can flow, adapting to the shape of an object it is pressed against.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengeksploitasi cara kopi yang dibungkus vakum menjadi tegar sehingga kedapnya dipecahkan dan kemudian butiran kopi boleh mengalir, menyesuaikan diri dengan bentuk objek yang ditekan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vacuum can then be restored and the balloon 'jams' solid to form a grip.", "r": {"result": "Vakum kemudiannya boleh dipulihkan dan belon 'jem' pepejal untuk membentuk cengkaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch how the gripper works at Cornell Creative Machines Lab.", "r": {"result": "Tonton cara penggenggam berfungsi di Makmal Mesin Kreatif Cornell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2010 \"jamming gripper\" researcher Heinrich Jaeger described in the Cornell Chronicle how the project had \"opened the door to applications none of us had originally thought about\".", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2010 penyelidik \"jamming gripper\" Heinrich Jaeger menerangkan dalam Cornell Chronicle bagaimana projek itu telah \"membuka pintu kepada aplikasi yang tidak pernah kami fikirkan pada asalnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of those applications, Winfield suggested, is a potential alternative for gathering samples on a planetary rover mission.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu aplikasi tersebut, Winfield mencadangkan, adalah alternatif yang berpotensi untuk mengumpul sampel pada misi rover planet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Almost any planetary exploration robot is likely to need a gripper to pick up or collect rock samples for analysis or collection,\" he said on his blog.", "r": {"result": "\u201cHampir mana-mana robot penerokaan planet berkemungkinan memerlukan pencengkam untuk mengambil atau mengumpul sampel batu untuk analisis atau pengumpulan,\u201d katanya di blognya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Something like the Jaeger-Lipson coffee balloon gripper would -- I think -- provide a much better solution.", "r": {"result": "\"Sesuatu seperti penggenggam belon kopi Jaeger-Lipson akan -- saya fikir -- memberikan penyelesaian yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This soft gripper avoids the hard control and computation because the soft material adapts itself to the thing it is gripping\".", "r": {"result": "Penggenggam lembut ini mengelakkan kawalan keras dan pengiraan kerana bahan lembut menyesuaikan dirinya dengan benda yang digenggamnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking to CNN, Jaeger said it would be exciting to work with space scientists.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap kepada CNN, Jaeger berkata ia akan menjadi menarik untuk bekerjasama dengan saintis angkasa lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's wonderful to see engineers and researchers come up with new ideas based on granular jamming.", "r": {"result": "\"Sungguh mengagumkan untuk melihat jurutera dan penyelidik menghasilkan idea baharu berdasarkan jamming berbutir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The main advantage of the jamming gripper is that it can deal effectively with very irregularly shaped objects and needs to cover only a fraction of the sample's surface in order to hold on to it.", "r": {"result": "\"Kelebihan utama pencengkam jamming ialah ia boleh menangani dengan berkesan objek berbentuk sangat tidak teratur dan perlu menutup hanya sebahagian kecil daripada permukaan sampel untuk memegangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Perhaps even more importantly for a rover mission on Mars -- there are no mechanical parts that can get clogged up by dust.", "r": {"result": "\"Mungkin lebih penting lagi untuk misi rover di Marikh -- tiada bahagian mekanikal yang boleh tersumbat oleh habuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A third advantage is that the gripper is exceedingly gentle.", "r": {"result": "\"Kelebihan ketiga ialah penggenggamnya sangat lembut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will put very little stress on the object to be gripped because it distributes the holding force over a large contact area that very closely conforms to the object's shape\".", "r": {"result": "Ia akan memberikan sedikit tekanan pada objek yang akan dicengkam kerana ia mengagihkan daya pegangan ke atas kawasan sentuhan yang besar yang sangat rapat dengan bentuk objek\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Winfield said this new field of \"soft robotics\" could be well suited to space exploration, explaining that the BRL is now working on touch sensors for robots.", "r": {"result": "Winfield berkata bidang baharu \"robotik lembut\" ini mungkin sangat sesuai untuk penerokaan angkasa lepas, menjelaskan bahawa BRL kini sedang mengusahakan penderia sentuhan untuk robot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's easy to see that giving planetary robots touch sensing could be useful, but there's another possibility ... the potential to allow Earth scientists to feel what the robot's sensor is feeling,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah mudah untuk melihat bahawa memberi robot planet penderiaan sentuhan boleh berguna, tetapi ada satu lagi kemungkinan ... potensi untuk membolehkan saintis Bumi merasakan apa yang dirasai oleh penderia robot itu,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Looking further into the future, Winfield believes so-called swarm robots -- large groups of simple robots that work together like social insects -- ones that can self-assemble and adapt to the environment in the way living creatures do, could also aid scientists exploring new worlds.", "r": {"result": "Melihat lebih jauh ke masa depan, Winfield percaya apa yang dipanggil robot swarm -- kumpulan besar robot ringkas yang berfungsi bersama seperti serangga sosial -- yang boleh berkumpul sendiri dan menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran seperti yang dilakukan oleh makhluk hidup, juga boleh membantu saintis. meneroka dunia baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Imagine that robots can actually remake parts of themselves -- we can't even do that in the lab yet -- but in theory you can imagine robots that can adapt their physical shape as well as their behaviors to meet a particular environment ... it's almost like evolution except these are mechanical devices,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bayangkan bahawa robot sebenarnya boleh membuat semula bahagian diri mereka sendiri -- kita tidak boleh melakukannya di makmal lagi -- tetapi secara teori anda boleh bayangkan robot yang boleh menyesuaikan bentuk fizikal mereka serta tingkah laku mereka untuk memenuhi persekitaran tertentu. . ia hampir seperti evolusi kecuali ini adalah peranti mekanikal,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, he also believes that this technology -- along with fully autonomous robots that can think for themselves -- is a long way off.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, dia juga percaya bahawa teknologi ini -- bersama robot autonomi sepenuhnya yang boleh berfikir sendiri -- masih jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This field is very much a concept that we are developing in the lab -- I wouldn't expect these swarms of robots in space any time soon,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bidang ini adalah konsep yang sedang kami bangunkan di makmal -- saya tidak akan menjangkakan kawanan robot ini di angkasa lepas dalam masa terdekat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Iran will test-fire missiles during \"war games\" this week, the semiofficial Mehr News Agency reported Sunday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Iran akan menguji peluru berpandu semasa \"permainan perang\" minggu ini, lapor Agensi Berita Mehr separuh rasmi Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The three-day exercise, which began Monday, will target desert bases made to look like airbases of \"extra-regional powers,\" the agency said.", "r": {"result": "Latihan tiga hari itu, yang bermula Isnin, akan menyasarkan pangkalan padang pasir yang dibuat kelihatan seperti pangkalan udara \"kuasa luar wilayah,\" kata agensi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"During the war games, long-range, medium-range, and short-range missiles will be used and will be fired from different points across the country at 100 designated targets,\" Brig.", "r": {"result": "\"Semasa permainan perang, peluru berpandu jarak jauh, sederhana dan jarak dekat akan digunakan dan akan ditembak dari titik berbeza di seluruh negara pada 100 sasaran yang ditetapkan,\" Brig.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amir Ali Hajizadeh told reporters, according to Mehr.", "r": {"result": "Amir Ali Hajizadeh memberitahu pemberita, menurut Mehr.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The point of the exercises, he said, is to give experts the chance to assess the \"precision and efficiency of warheads and missile systems,\" the agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Tujuan latihan, katanya, adalah untuk memberi peluang kepada pakar menilai \"ketepatan dan kecekapan kepala peledak dan sistem peluru berpandu,\" lapor agensi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The announcement came the same day that an embargo of Iranian oil from the European Union takes effect.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman itu datang pada hari yang sama bahawa embargo minyak Iran dari Kesatuan Eropah berkuat kuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The full embargo and other sanctions are meant to pressure Iran into giving up its nuclear program.", "r": {"result": "Embargo penuh dan sekatan lain bertujuan untuk menekan Iran supaya menghentikan program nuklearnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 80% of Iran's foreign revenues are derived from oil exports. Iran has repeatedly insisted that its nuclear program is for peaceful, civilian energy purposes only.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 80% daripada pendapatan asing Iran diperoleh daripada eksport minyak. Iran telah berulang kali menegaskan bahawa program nuklearnya adalah untuk tujuan tenaga awam yang aman sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it has rebuffed demands to halt its production of enriched uranium, and a November 8 report by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog found \"credible\" information that Tehran has carried out work toward nuclear weapons -- including tests of possible bomb components.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia telah menolak tuntutan untuk menghentikan pengeluaran uranium yang diperkaya, dan laporan 8 November oleh badan pemantau nuklear Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mendapati maklumat \"boleh dipercayai\" bahawa Tehran telah menjalankan kerja ke arah senjata nuklear -- termasuk ujian kemungkinan komponen bom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Shirzad Bozorgmehr contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Shirzad Bozorgmehr dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- From the world's biggest manufacturer of mobile phone batteries to a car company with global pretensions, BYD is a Chinese company that has roared onto the international stage energized by its workaholic founder Wang Chuanfu.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Daripada pengeluar bateri telefon mudah alih terbesar di dunia kepada syarikat kereta yang berpura-pura global, BYD ialah syarikat China yang telah merancak ke pentas antarabangsa dengan bertenaga oleh pengasasnya yang gila kerja Wang Chuanfu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Building his own dreams: Wang Chuanfu has turned BYD into an international company in less than 15 years.", "r": {"result": "Membina impiannya sendiri: Wang Chuanfu telah menjadikan BYD sebagai sebuah syarikat antarabangsa dalam masa kurang daripada 15 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang's hands-on approach to running a business with 130,000 employees -- he still eats in the company canteen and lives in a BYD-owned housing complex -- isn't too far removed from how he built the company from scratch in 1995 when he was 29 years old.", "r": {"result": "Pendekatan langsung Wang untuk menjalankan perniagaan dengan 130,000 pekerja -- dia masih makan di kantin syarikat dan tinggal di kompleks perumahan milik BYD -- tidak terlalu jauh daripada cara dia membina syarikat itu dari awal pada 1995 apabila dia berumur 29 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang trained as an engineer and studied the patents of other companies' mobile phone batteries, even taking them apart to see how they were made.", "r": {"result": "Wang dilatih sebagai jurutera dan mengkaji paten bateri telefon bimbit syarikat lain, malah membahagikannya untuk melihat bagaimana ia dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He raised some start-up capital from a relative to create his own mobile phone battery-making business in Shenzhen, the special economic zone just north of Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengumpul sedikit modal permulaan daripada seorang saudara untuk mencipta perniagaan pembuatan bateri telefon bimbitnya sendiri di Shenzhen, zon ekonomi khas di utara Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "BYD's business approach differed from the likes of Sony and Sanyo by substituting an automated system for one of China's biggest resources, physical labor.", "r": {"result": "Pendekatan perniagaan BYD berbeza daripada Sony dan Sanyo dengan menggantikan sistem automatik untuk salah satu sumber terbesar China, buruh fizikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Employing thousands of people was cheaper than installing expensive robotic assembly lines, and by 2000 BYD had become the biggest mobile phone battery maker in the world.", "r": {"result": "Menggajikan beribu-ribu orang adalah lebih murah daripada memasang talian pemasangan robotik yang mahal, dan menjelang 2000 BYD telah menjadi pembuat bateri telefon mudah alih terbesar di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang bought a failing Chinese car company in 2003 to enter the automobile market, and BYD now has a number of models available in China, including a plug-hybrid car cheaper than the market-leading Toyota Prius.", "r": {"result": "Wang membeli sebuah syarikat kereta China yang gagal pada tahun 2003 untuk memasuki pasaran automobil, dan BYD kini mempunyai beberapa model yang tersedia di China, termasuk kereta plug-hybrid yang lebih murah daripada Toyota Prius yang menerajui pasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The success of BYD has attracted plenty of attention from industry analysts and investors from the West, including Warren Buffet.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan BYD telah menarik banyak perhatian daripada penganalisis industri dan pelabur dari Barat, termasuk Warren Buffet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The billionaire American has invested $250 million in BYD, making even more people in the West sit up and take note of the company.", "r": {"result": "Jutawan Amerika itu telah melabur $250 juta dalam BYD, menjadikan lebih ramai orang di Barat duduk dan mengambil perhatian tentang syarikat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang isn't content to just compete in the hybrid and electric car market in China; he aims to keep BYD's meteoric rise going and make it the world's biggest car maker by 2025.", "r": {"result": "Wang tidak berpuas hati dengan hanya bersaing dalam pasaran kereta hibrid dan elektrik di China; dia menyasarkan untuk mengekalkan kenaikan mendadak BYD dan menjadikannya pembuat kereta terbesar di dunia menjelang 2025.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a big ambition.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah satu cita-cita besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January and February 2009 China was the world's biggest automobile consuming market for those months.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Januari dan Februari 2009 China merupakan pasaran penggunaan kereta terbesar di dunia untuk bulan-bulan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So based on this, China can sell more than 10 million automobiles this year.", "r": {"result": "Jadi berdasarkan ini, China boleh menjual lebih daripada 10 juta kereta tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So maybe China can exceed the USA and become the biggest market in the world,\" Wang told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Jadi mungkin China boleh melebihi AS dan menjadi pasaran terbesar di dunia,\" kata Wang kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "BYD stands for \"Build Your Dreams\" and Wang is trying to fulfill the aspiration among many in China of creating a national champion; a brand with international respect and reputation of quality.", "r": {"result": "BYD bermaksud \"Bina Impian Anda\" dan Wang cuba memenuhi aspirasi ramai di China untuk mencipta juara kebangsaan; jenama dengan penghormatan antarabangsa dan reputasi kualiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang believes the electric car can be that product, and BYD the company to do it.", "r": {"result": "Wang percaya kereta elektrik boleh menjadi produk itu, dan BYD syarikat untuk melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For new energy vehicles...China is on the same level or even leading other countries.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBagi kenderaan tenaga baharu...China berada pada tahap yang sama malah mendahului negara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the field of new energy cars, China hopes that Chinese companies can catch up with the rest of the world and catch up with the pace,\" said Wang.", "r": {"result": "Dalam bidang kereta tenaga baharu, China berharap syarikat China dapat mengejar seluruh dunia dan mengejar rentak,\u201d kata Wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the term \"Made in China\" still has a stigma attached to it.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi istilah \"Made in China\" masih mempunyai stigma yang melekat padanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The scandals of tainted milk and toys that had to be recalled rocked China in 2008 and diminished the reputation of Chinese products abroad.", "r": {"result": "Skandal susu tercemar dan mainan yang terpaksa ditarik balik menggegarkan China pada 2008 dan menjejaskan reputasi produk China di luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This kind of 'Made in China' is different from other types of 'Made in China.", "r": {"result": "\"Made in China\" jenis ini berbeza daripada jenis lain 'Made in China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' Our products have never been recalled, unlike many of our competitors.", "r": {"result": "' Produk kami tidak pernah ditarik balik, tidak seperti kebanyakan pesaing kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Judging from that, products made in China are sometimes better that those made elsewhere.", "r": {"result": "Berdasarkan itu, produk buatan China kadangkala lebih baik daripada yang dibuat di tempat lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As long as there are high-standards, Chinese manufacturing companies can definitely meet those standards,\" said Wang.", "r": {"result": "Selagi ada standard tinggi, syarikat pembuatan China pasti dapat memenuhi piawaian tersebut,\" kata Wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China also has acute environmental problems.", "r": {"result": "China juga mempunyai masalah alam sekitar yang teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and Wang is aware that being an entrepreneur also means having an eye on the environmental impact of his business.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan pemancar gas rumah hijau terbesar di dunia dan Wang sedar bahawa menjadi seorang usahawan juga bermakna memerhatikan kesan alam sekitar perniagaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As an entrepreneur, I think I have to consider both aspects.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebagai seorang usahawan, saya rasa saya perlu mengambil kira kedua-dua aspek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One part is the creation of a new business mode, or the revelation of new business competition.", "r": {"result": "Satu bahagian ialah penciptaan mod perniagaan baharu, atau pendedahan persaingan perniagaan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other is that it's for social responsibility, making our Earth bluer.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain ialah ia adalah untuk tanggungjawab sosial, menjadikan Bumi kita lebih biru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Urban pollution, reliance on petroleum and emission of carbon dioxide are three problems that entrepreneurs have to consider for basic social responsibility,\" said Wang.", "r": {"result": "\"Pencemaran bandar, pergantungan kepada petroleum dan pelepasan karbon dioksida adalah tiga masalah yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh usahawan untuk tanggungjawab sosial asas,\" kata Wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Zambian opposition leader Michael Sata took office after the incumbent president tearfully conceded in a televised speech, a rare moment in African politics following a recent string of troubled elections.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ketua pembangkang Zambia Michael Sata mengambil alih jawatan selepas presiden penyandangnya dengan sebak mengaku dalam ucapan yang disiarkan di televisyen, detik yang jarang berlaku dalam politik Afrika berikutan rentetan pilihan raya bermasalah baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rupiah Banda acknowledged he had lost the election and urged his supporters to maintain peace.", "r": {"result": "Rupiah Banda mengakui beliau telah kalah dalam pilihan raya dan menggesa penyokongnya mengekalkan keamanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now is not the time for violence and retribution,\" Banda said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang bukan masa untuk keganasan dan pembalasan,\" kata Banda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now is the time to unite and build tomorrow's Zambia together\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang adalah masa untuk bersatu dan membina Zambia esok bersama-sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He called on citizens to recognize Sata as the new president.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyeru rakyat mengiktiraf Sata sebagai presiden baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have no ill feeling in my heart, there is no malice in my words.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mempunyai perasaan sakit di hati saya, tidak ada niat jahat dalam kata-kata saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wish him well in his years as president,\" Banda said Friday, according to a statement on his party's website.", "r": {"result": "Saya mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada beliau dalam tahun-tahun sebagai presiden,\" kata Banda pada Jumaat, menurut satu kenyataan di laman web partinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zambians applauded the concession, relieved that it will ease transition following minor clashes this week as citizens demanded faster vote counting to curtail rigging.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk Zambia memuji konsesi itu, berasa lega kerana ia akan memudahkan peralihan berikutan pergaduhan kecil minggu ini apabila rakyat menuntut pengiraan undi yang lebih cepat untuk menyekat penipuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is an atmosphere of peace now that the election is over,\" said Nanty Nkwachi, a resident of the second-largest city of Kitwe.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat suasana aman sekarang setelah pilihan raya berakhir,\" kata Nanty Nkwachi, seorang penduduk bandar kedua terbesar Kitwe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm OK with the outcome.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya ok dengan keputusannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course I'm disappointed that my candidate lost, but I'm happy that democracy won\".", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu saya kecewa calon saya kalah, tetapi saya gembira demokrasi menang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zambia has remained relatively peaceful amid violence in nearby nations.", "r": {"result": "Zambia kekal aman di tengah-tengah keganasan di negara-negara berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Minor clashes flared up in major cities this week as residents demanded the release of the election results, but officials appealed for calm.", "r": {"result": "Pertembungan kecil berlaku di bandar-bandar utama minggu ini apabila penduduk menuntut keputusan pilihan raya dikeluarkan, tetapi pegawai merayu agar bertenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recent elections in Africa, including in Nigeria and Ivory Coast, have descended into chaos.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya baru-baru ini di Afrika, termasuk di Nigeria dan Ivory Coast, telah menjadi huru-hara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ivory Coast required international mediators when the incumbent president defied calls to cede power after he lost the election.", "r": {"result": "Ivory Coast memerlukan pengantara antarabangsa apabila presiden penyandangnya mengingkari seruan untuk menyerahkan kuasa selepas dia kalah dalam pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I hope other African nations can learn from Banda,\" said Mutheliso Phiri, 36 .", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya harap negara Afrika lain boleh belajar daripada Banda,\u201d kata Mutheliso Phiri, 36 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are a young but mature democracy.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami adalah demokrasi yang muda tetapi matang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My friends from Uganda and other places are sending me messages saying that we set a good example\".", "r": {"result": "Rakan-rakan saya dari Uganda dan tempat lain menghantar mesej kepada saya yang mengatakan bahawa kami menunjukkan contoh yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new president, a veteran politician who narrowly lost to Banda in 2008, is nicknamed \"King Cobra\" for his fiery tongue.", "r": {"result": "Presiden baharu itu, seorang ahli politik veteran yang kalah tipis kepada Banda pada 2008, digelar \"King Cobra\" kerana lidahnya yang berapi-api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The major critic of Chinese investment in the nation's copper industry has especially targeted foreign companies that mistreat Zambian workers.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik utama pelaburan China dalam industri tembaga negara telah menyasarkan syarikat asing yang menganiaya pekerja Zambia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, Chinese managers at a mine in the nation used shotguns to fire at unarmed workers protesting poor labor conditions.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lalu, pengurus China di sebuah lombong di negara itu menggunakan senapang patah untuk menembak pekerja tidak bersenjata yang membantah keadaan buruh yang buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 11 miners were wounded, reviving an outcry against foreign employers.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 11 pelombong cedera, menghidupkan semula bantahan terhadap majikan asing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysts said despite Sata's stance, the new leader will not jeopardize ties with his nation's major investor.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis berkata walaupun Sata berpendirian, pemimpin baharu itu tidak akan menjejaskan hubungan dengan pelabur utama negaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of the threats have been lip service to appease voters and show that he is tough,\" said Ayo Johnson, director of London-based Viewpoint Africa.", "r": {"result": "\"Banyak ancaman adalah kata-kata untuk menenangkan pengundi dan menunjukkan bahawa dia seorang yang keras,\" kata Ayo Johnson, pengarah Viewpoint Africa yang berpangkalan di London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Zambia needs the foreign exchange and the investments.", "r": {"result": "\"Zambia memerlukan pertukaran asing dan pelaburan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has a lot of young, poor but very educated youth with university degrees who feel disenfranchised and need the jobs the Chinese are providing\".", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai ramai belia muda, miskin tetapi sangat berpendidikan dengan ijazah universiti yang merasa kehilangan hak dan memerlukan pekerjaan yang disediakan oleh orang Cina\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michelle Mulenga is one such youth.", "r": {"result": "Michelle Mulenga adalah salah seorang belia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 29-year-old Kitwe resident hopes the new president will keep his pledge to provide more jobs.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk Kitwe berusia 29 tahun itu berharap presiden baharu itu akan mengekalkan ikrarnya untuk menyediakan lebih banyak pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We'll just have to wait and see,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita hanya perlu tunggu dan lihat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's a hardworking man and has done a good job in his past positions\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia seorang yang rajin dan telah melakukan kerja yang baik dalam jawatan masa lalunya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johnson said Chinese companies are \"shrewd and diplomatic investors\" and will ensure they accommodate the new government to tap into its resources and expand investments.", "r": {"result": "Johnson berkata syarikat China adalah \"pelabur yang bijak dan diplomatik\" dan akan memastikan mereka menampung kerajaan baharu untuk memanfaatkan sumbernya dan mengembangkan pelaburan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Banda became president three years ago after his predecessor died.", "r": {"result": "Banda menjadi presiden tiga tahun lalu selepas pendahulunya meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has enjoyed popularity in the nation, but most young voters wanted him out to validate the fact that Zambia is a democracy, according to Phiri.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah menikmati populariti di negara itu, tetapi kebanyakan pengundi muda mahu dia mengesahkan fakta bahawa Zambia adalah sebuah negara demokrasi, menurut Phiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"His party (Movement for Multiparty Democracy) has been in power since 1991,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cParti beliau (Gerakan Demokrasi Pelbagai Parti) telah berkuasa sejak 1991,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of people who voted were young ... they wanted change because they have not seen any other leadership\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai orang yang mengundi masih muda ... mereka mahukan perubahan kerana mereka tidak melihat mana-mana kepimpinan lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phiri said most youth today are becoming resentful of long-term rulers.", "r": {"result": "Phiri berkata kebanyakan belia hari ini menjadi marah terhadap pemerintah jangka panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was almost like their Gadhafi -- this was their way of revolting against a party they felt has been in power for too long,\" Phiri said, referring to the ousted Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia hampir seperti Gadhafi mereka -- ini adalah cara mereka memberontak terhadap parti yang mereka rasa telah berkuasa terlalu lama,\" kata Phiri, merujuk kepada pemerintah Libya yang digulingkan Moammar Gadhafi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. President Barack Obama applauded the outgoing leader for promoting democracy and a peaceful transition.", "r": {"result": "Presiden A.S. Barack Obama memuji pemimpin yang akan keluar kerana mempromosikan demokrasi dan peralihan yang aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States looks forward to working with the new president and building on the partnership between the two nations, Obama said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat berharap dapat bekerjasama dengan presiden baharu dan membina perkongsian antara kedua-dua negara, kata Obama dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rome (CNN)Italian authorities said they had launched a \"vast anti-terrorism operation\" Friday, going after suspects associated with al Qaeda who had discussed a range of targets, including the Vatican.", "r": {"result": "Rom (CNN)Pihak berkuasa Itali berkata mereka telah melancarkan \"operasi anti-keganasan besar-besaran\" pada Jumaat, mengejar suspek yang dikaitkan dengan Al Qaeda yang telah membincangkan pelbagai sasaran, termasuk Vatican.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some members of the terrorist cell had direct contact with al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before his death in Pakistan in 2011, wiretaps showed, Italy's state-run ANSA news agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa anggota sel pengganas mempunyai hubungan langsung dengan pemimpin Al Qaeda Osama bin Laden sebelum kematiannya di Pakistan pada 2011, wiretap menunjukkan, lapor agensi berita ANSA milik kerajaan Itali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And wiretaps and other intelligence revealed that the group planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as in Italy, according to Caligari Chief Prosecutor Mauro Mura.", "r": {"result": "Dan rakaman wayar dan risikan lain mendedahkan bahawa kumpulan itu merancang untuk melakukan serangan pengganas di Afghanistan dan Pakistan serta di Itali, menurut Ketua Pendakwa Caligari Mauro Mura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some evidence indicated the Vatican was among the targets considered, police said.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa bukti menunjukkan Vatican adalah antara sasaran yang dipertimbangkan, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Talk of this took place March 2010, around the time a possible suicide bomber from Afghanistan entered Italy, Mura said.", "r": {"result": "Perbincangan mengenai perkara ini berlaku pada Mac 2010, sekitar masa kemungkinan pengebom berani mati dari Afghanistan memasuki Itali, kata Mura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said, too, that some of the suspects were involved in a Pakistani market bombing in 2009 in which more than 300 people were killed and injured.", "r": {"result": "Polis juga berkata, beberapa suspek terbabit dalam pengeboman pasar Pakistan pada 2009 di mana lebih 300 orang terbunuh dan cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspects had been under surveillance for years, some as far back as 2005, police said.", "r": {"result": "Suspek telah berada di bawah pengawasan selama bertahun-tahun, beberapa sejak 2005, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday, Italian State Police closed in, carrying out raids in seven provinces in what they called a first-of-its-kind operation.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat, Polis Negara Itali menutup masuk, melakukan serbuan di tujuh wilayah dalam apa yang mereka namakan sebagai operasi pertama seumpamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the raids targeted the alleged terrorist cell's headquarters on the island of Sardinia.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu serbuan menyasarkan ibu pejabat sel yang didakwa pengganas di pulau Sardinia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The operation, which is still going on, is expected to result in the arrest of 18 people, most of them from Pakistan, said spokesman Paolo Meloni, who represents the police in Sassari, Sardinia, where the investigation is being coordinated.", "r": {"result": "Operasi yang masih berjalan itu dijangka mengakibatkan penahanan 18 orang, kebanyakannya dari Pakistan, kata jurucakap Paolo Meloni, yang mewakili polis di Sassari, Sardinia, di mana siasatan sedang diselaraskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some suspects had an abundance of weapons and moved cash around the world, police said.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa suspek mempunyai banyak senjata dan memindahkan wang tunai ke seluruh dunia, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One was apprehended on a flight from Italy to Pakistan while carrying 55,000 euros, or nearly $60,000, police said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang telah ditahan dalam penerbangan dari Itali ke Pakistan sambil membawa 55,000 euro, atau hampir $60,000, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meloni said the provinces in which the raids were being carried out included Frosinone and Macerata, which are in central Italy, as well as Bergamo, in the north.", "r": {"result": "Meloni berkata wilayah di mana serbuan dilakukan termasuk Frosinone dan Macerata, yang berada di tengah Itali, serta Bergamo, di utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of those expected to be arrested are suspected of having been involved in the 2009 car bombing in Pakistan, Meloni said.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa daripada mereka yang dijangka ditangkap disyaki terlibat dalam pengeboman kereta 2009 di Pakistan, kata Meloni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In that bombing, in a bazaar in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, 137 people were killed and more than 200 were injured.", "r": {"result": "Dalam pengeboman itu, di sebuah bazar di bandar Peshawar di barat laut Pakistan, 137 orang terbunuh dan lebih 200 orang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still other suspects are suspected of involvement in migrant trafficking, he said.", "r": {"result": "Masih lagi suspek lain disyaki terlibat dalam pemerdagangan migran, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said the group tried to recruit to its cause the migrants it transported.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata kumpulan itu cuba merekrut pendatang yang diangkut untuk tujuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Hada Messia reported from Rome, CNN's Don Melvin reported and wrote from London and CNN's Greg Botelho reported and wrote from Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Hada Messia dari CNN melaporkan dari Rom, Don Melvin dari CNN melaporkan dan menulis dari London dan Greg Botelho dari CNN melaporkan dan menulis dari Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- House Democrats unveiled their revised version of health care reform Tuesday, offering a proposal that includes a government-funded health insurance option, requires both individuals and employers to participate, and taxes the wealthy to help cover costs.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Dewan Demokrat melancarkan versi reformasi penjagaan kesihatan mereka yang disemak pada Selasa, menawarkan cadangan yang merangkumi pilihan insurans kesihatan yang dibiayai kerajaan, memerlukan kedua-dua individu dan majikan untuk mengambil bahagian, dan mengenakan cukai kepada golongan kaya untuk membantu menampung kos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama has urged Congress to work quickly on creating a health care reform bill.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama telah menggesa Kongres untuk bekerja dengan cepat dalam mewujudkan rang undang-undang pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democratic House leaders said the measure, titled \"America's Affordable Health Choices Act,\" met the requirements set by President Obama for health care reform by lowering costs to consumers and businesses, letting people keep their current plan if desired, and preventing denial of coverage due to pre-existing medical conditions.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Dewan Demokratik berkata langkah itu, bertajuk \"Akta Pilihan Kesihatan Mampu Milik Amerika,\" memenuhi keperluan yang ditetapkan oleh Presiden Obama untuk pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan dengan mengurangkan kos kepada pengguna dan perniagaan, membenarkan orang ramai mengekalkan rancangan semasa mereka jika dikehendaki, dan menghalang penafian perlindungan yang perlu dibayar. kepada keadaan perubatan yang sedia ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The House proposal will begin the process of fixing what's broken about our health care system, reducing costs for all, building on what works, and covering an estimated 97 percent of all Americans,\" Obama said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Cadangan Dewan akan memulakan proses membetulkan apa yang rosak tentang sistem penjagaan kesihatan kita, mengurangkan kos untuk semua, membina apa yang berkesan, dan meliputi anggaran 97 peratus daripada semua rakyat Amerika,\" kata Obama dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And by emphasizing prevention and wellness, it will also help improve the quality of health care for every American\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan dengan menekankan pencegahan dan kesejahteraan, ia juga akan membantu meningkatkan kualiti penjagaan kesihatan untuk setiap orang Amerika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Henry Waxman, D-California, said the bill is intended to repair a \"dysfunctional\" health care system that is draining the U.S. economy while leaving 46 million Americans without health insurance.", "r": {"result": "Henry Waxman, D-California, berkata rang undang-undang itu bertujuan untuk membaiki sistem penjagaan kesihatan \"tidak berfungsi\" yang meletihkan ekonomi AS sambil meninggalkan 46 juta rakyat Amerika tanpa insurans kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are going to accomplish what many people felt wouldn't happen in our lifetime,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan mencapai apa yang ramai orang rasa tidak akan berlaku dalam hidup kami,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But House Republicans slammed the Democrats' bill and pledged to try to amend it as three House committees begin considering the legislation later this week.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi House Republicans menyelar rang undang-undang Demokrat dan berjanji untuk cuba memindanya apabila tiga jawatankuasa Dewan mula mempertimbangkan undang-undang itu lewat minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, said the bill \"without any question will kill jobs, will limit access to health care, will raise taxes and will lead to a government takeover of health care\".", "r": {"result": "Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, berkata rang undang-undang itu \"tanpa sebarang persoalan akan membunuh pekerjaan, akan mengehadkan akses kepada penjagaan kesihatan, akan menaikkan cukai dan akan membawa kepada pengambilalihan kerajaan terhadap penjagaan kesihatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blunt said he will offer an amendment requiring all elected federal officials, including Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, to enroll in the new public insurance option.", "r": {"result": "Blunt berkata beliau akan menawarkan pindaan yang memerlukan semua pegawai persekutuan yang dipilih, termasuk Obama dan Naib Presiden Joe Biden, untuk mendaftar dalam pilihan insurans awam baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans and some fiscally conservative Democrats also question the cost of health care reform.", "r": {"result": "Republikan dan beberapa Demokrat konservatif secara fiskal juga mempersoalkan kos pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An earlier draft of the House Democrats' bill carried a price tag of $1 trillion over 10 years.", "r": {"result": "Draf awal rang undang-undang Dewan Demokrat membawa tanda harga $1 trilion dalam tempoh 10 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Congressional Budget Office said the revised house bill also would cost $1 trillion.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Belanjawan Kongres berkata bil rumah yang disemak juga akan menelan belanja $1 trilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, a senior Democratic House committee staffer said the CBO analysis only covered costs without factoring in cost-saving measures worth $500 billion over 10 years or the revenue from tax surcharges on wealthy Americans, estimated to raise more than $500 billion over a decade.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, kakitangan kanan jawatankuasa Dewan Demokratik berkata analisis CBO hanya meliputi kos tanpa mengambil kira langkah penjimatan kos bernilai $500 bilion dalam tempoh 10 tahun atau hasil daripada surcaj cukai ke atas rakyat Amerika yang kaya, dianggarkan mengumpul lebih $500 bilion dalam tempoh satu dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the CBO, the bill would cover 97 percent of Americans by 2015.", "r": {"result": "Menurut CBO, rang undang-undang itu akan meliputi 97 peratus rakyat Amerika menjelang 2015.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill includes tax surcharges on Americans in the top 1.2 percent of income.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu termasuk surcaj cukai ke atas rakyat Amerika dalam 1.2 peratus pendapatan teratas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It proposes a 5.4 percent surtax on couples earning more than $1 million, a 1.5 percent surtax on couples with income between $500,000 and $1 million, and a 1 percent surtax on joint incomes over $350,000 or individual income over $280,000.", "r": {"result": "Ia mencadangkan cukai tambahan 5.4 peratus ke atas pasangan yang berpendapatan lebih daripada $1 juta, cukai tambahan 1.5 peratus ke atas pasangan yang berpendapatan antara $500,000 dan $1 juta, dan surtax 1 peratus ke atas pendapatan bersama melebihi $350,000 atau pendapatan individu melebihi $280,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anticipating Republican complaints that the tax surcharges would harm small business owners who report their income as personal, Democratic sponsors said the measure would affect less than 5 percent of all small business owners.", "r": {"result": "Menjangkakan aduan Republikan bahawa surcaj cukai akan membahayakan pemilik perniagaan kecil yang melaporkan pendapatan mereka sebagai peribadi, penaja Demokrat berkata langkah itu akan menjejaskan kurang daripada 5 peratus daripada semua pemilik perniagaan kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Specific provisions of the bill include:", "r": {"result": "Peruntukan khusus rang undang-undang termasuk:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- A Health Insurance Exchange providing individuals and small business with choices for coverage, including a government-funded public option.", "r": {"result": "-- Pertukaran Insurans Kesihatan yang menyediakan individu dan perniagaan kecil dengan pilihan untuk perlindungan, termasuk pilihan awam yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- No more coverage exclusion for pre-existing conditions.", "r": {"result": "-- Tiada lagi pengecualian perlindungan untuk keadaan sedia ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- Affordability credits for low- and moderate-income individuals and families, available to those with incomes up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, or $43,000 for individuals and $88,000 for a family of four.", "r": {"result": "-- Kredit kemampuan untuk individu dan keluarga berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana, tersedia kepada mereka yang berpendapatan sehingga 400 peratus daripada paras kemiskinan persekutuan, atau $43,000 untuk individu dan $88,000 untuk empat keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- Limits on annual out-of-pocket spending.", "r": {"result": "-- Had perbelanjaan tahunan yang di luar poket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- Expanded Medicaid coverage to individuals and families with incomes at or below 133 percent of the federal poverty level.", "r": {"result": "-- Memperluaskan perlindungan Medicaid kepada individu dan keluarga dengan pendapatan pada atau di bawah 133 peratus daripada paras kemiskinan persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- Required participation by individuals, with a penalty of 2.5 percent of adjusted gross income for non-compliance.", "r": {"result": "-- Penyertaan yang diperlukan oleh individu, dengan penalti sebanyak 2.5 peratus daripada pendapatan kasar yang diselaraskan kerana ketidakpatuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- Requirement that businesses with payrolls exceeding $250,000 provide their employees with health coverage or contribute up to 8 percent of their payroll on their behalf.", "r": {"result": "-- Keperluan bahawa perniagaan dengan senarai gaji melebihi $250,000 menyediakan perlindungan kesihatan kepada pekerja mereka atau menyumbang sehingga 8 peratus daripada senarai gaji mereka bagi pihak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- A series of measures intended to reduce costs of Medicaid, Medicare and other existing systems.", "r": {"result": "-- Satu siri langkah yang bertujuan untuk mengurangkan kos Medicaid, Medicare dan sistem sedia ada lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement Tuesday from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups opposed some of the bill's proposals, calling for market forces and employer autonomy instead of mandated participation by businesses.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan Selasa daripada Dewan Perniagaan A.S. dan kumpulan perniagaan lain menentang beberapa cadangan rang undang-undang itu, meminta kuasa pasaran dan autonomi majikan dan bukannya penyertaan yang dimandatkan oleh perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Exempting some micro-businesses will not prevent this provision from killing many jobs,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mengecualikan beberapa perniagaan mikro tidak akan menghalang peruntukan ini daripada membunuh banyak pekerjaan,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The House bill now goes to three committees for debate and revision before consideration by the full chamber.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang Dewan kini diserahkan kepada tiga jawatankuasa untuk dibahas dan disemak sebelum dipertimbangkan oleh dewan penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Senate also is considering health reform measures that contain some of the House bill provisions.", "r": {"result": "Senat juga sedang mempertimbangkan langkah-langkah pembaharuan kesihatan yang mengandungi beberapa peruntukan rang undang-undang Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has said he wants both chambers to pass their respective proposals before Congress goes on its August recess as part of a timetable to get a final bill to his desk by the end of the year.", "r": {"result": "Obama berkata beliau mahu kedua-dua dewan meluluskan usul masing-masing sebelum Kongres memulakan rehat Ogos sebagai sebahagian daripada jadual waktu untuk mendapatkan bil terakhir ke mejanya menjelang akhir tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Republican Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia argued that the current economic conditions mean Congress should take its time on a major overhaul of the health care system.", "r": {"result": "House Republican Whip Eric Cantor dari Virginia berhujah bahawa keadaan ekonomi semasa bermakna Kongres perlu mengambil masa untuk membaik pulih besar-besaran sistem penjagaan kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's no need for us to be rushing into passing legislation before the end of this month at the potential cost of, really, millions of jobs,\" Cantor said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak perlu tergesa-gesa meluluskan undang-undang sebelum akhir bulan ini dengan potensi kos berjuta-juta pekerjaan,\" kata Cantor pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A CNN-Opinion Research Corp. survey released July 1 found that a slim majority -- 51 percent -- support Obama's health care plans, but most worry that their costs would go up, and only one in five think their families would be better off.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan CNN-Opinion Research Corp. yang dikeluarkan pada 1 Julai mendapati majoriti tipis -- 51 peratus -- menyokong rancangan penjagaan kesihatan Obama, tetapi kebanyakan bimbang kos mereka akan meningkat, dan hanya satu daripada lima berpendapat keluarga mereka akan lebih baik. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Deirdre Walsh contributed to this story.", "r": {"result": "Deirdre Walsh CNN menyumbang kepada cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- The recent arrest and sentencing of a British disc jockey in Dubai highlights the need for foreign travelers to pay close attention to the United Arab Emirates' strict rules on prohibited substances, a legal charity said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "DUBAI, Emiriah Arab Bersatu (CNN) -- Penangkapan dan hukuman baru-baru ini terhadap seorang pemain cakera padat British di Dubai menyerlahkan keperluan bagi pengembara asing untuk memberi perhatian yang teliti kepada peraturan ketat Emiriah Arab Bersatu mengenai bahan terlarang, kata sebuah badan amal pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Western tourists oblivious to the severe drugs laws in the UAE often end up in jail after arriving in the conservative Muslim country with tiny amounts of narcotics.", "r": {"result": "Pelancong Barat yang tidak menyedari undang-undang dadah yang teruk di UAE sering berakhir di penjara selepas tiba di negara Islam konservatif itu dengan sejumlah kecil narkotik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DJ Grooverider, whose real name is Raymond Bingham, was jailed Tuesday for four years in Dubai for possession of cannabis, said a spokesman for BBC Radio 1, where the he presented a weekly drum 'n bass show.", "r": {"result": "DJ Grooverider, yang nama sebenarnya Raymond Bingham, telah dipenjarakan pada hari Selasa selama empat tahun di Dubai kerana memiliki ganja, kata jurucakap BBC Radio 1, di mana dia mempersembahkan pertunjukan drum dan bass mingguan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was arrested November 23 after being caught with 2.16 grams of the drug at the airport, the BBC spokesman said.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditahan pada 23 November selepas ditangkap bersama 2.16 gram dadah di lapangan terbang, kata jurucakap BBC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's another incident of exactly the sort of case we've seen occurring with increased frequency,\" said Catherine Wolthuizen, chief executive of Fair Trials International.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah satu lagi insiden yang sama seperti kes yang kami lihat berlaku dengan kekerapan yang meningkat,\" kata Catherine Wolthuizen, ketua eksekutif Fair Trials International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The charity issued a warning to travelers earlier this month, urging them to read up on Dubai's restrictions and make sure they are free of any substances.", "r": {"result": "Badan amal itu mengeluarkan amaran kepada pelancong awal bulan ini, menggesa mereka membaca sekatan Dubai dan memastikan mereka bebas daripada sebarang bahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The warning followed a series of cases in which Dubai authorities arrested travelers with trace amounts of banned substances or seemingly innocuous items.", "r": {"result": "Amaran itu menyusuli beberapa siri kes di mana pihak berkuasa Dubai menahan pelancong dengan sejumlah kecil bahan terlarang atau barang yang kelihatan tidak berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fair Trials highlighted the case of a Swiss man jailed for having three poppy seeds on his shirt which apparently came from a sandwich he had eaten at the airport before departure.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan Adil menonjolkan kes seorang lelaki Switzerland yang dipenjarakan kerana mempunyai tiga biji popi pada bajunya yang nampaknya berasal dari sandwic yang dimakannya di lapangan terbang sebelum berlepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "UAE customs officials said the man was stopped after arriving in Dubai from Zurich on January 18, though it provided no other details on his case.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai kastam UAE berkata lelaki itu dihalang selepas tiba di Dubai dari Zurich pada 18 Januari, walaupun ia tidak memberikan butiran lain mengenai kesnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. State Department warns that poppy seeds are on the UAE's list of controlled substances.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara A.S. memberi amaran bahawa biji popi berada dalam senarai bahan terkawal UAE.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An official at the UAE's police labs who declined to be named said the Emirates only ban raw poppy seeds -- not baked -- because raw seeds could be planted for drug use.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai di makmal polis UAE yang enggan namanya didedahkan berkata, Emirates hanya mengharamkan biji popi mentah -- tidak dibakar -- kerana benih mentah boleh ditanam untuk kegunaan dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The British and U.S. governments have warnings in place for travelers to the UAE, alerting them to the severe penalties for being found with drugs, and the types of drugs which are illegal in the country.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan British dan A.S. telah menyediakan amaran untuk pelancong ke UAE, memaklumkan mereka tentang hukuman berat kerana didapati bersama dadah, dan jenis dadah yang menyalahi undang-undang di negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The possession and/or import of even the smallest amount of drugs can result in a minimum prison sentence of four years,\" states the advice from Britain's Foreign Office.", "r": {"result": "\"Memiliki dan/atau mengimport dadah walaupun jumlah terkecil boleh mengakibatkan hukuman penjara minimum empat tahun,\" kata nasihat dari Pejabat Luar Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The presence of drugs in the system is counted as possession\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kehadiran dadah dalam sistem dikira sebagai milikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some prescribed medications -- such as Valium or those used for hormone replacement therapy -- are forbidden even with a prescription, Fair Trials said.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah ubat yang ditetapkan -- seperti Valium atau yang digunakan untuk terapi penggantian hormon -- adalah dilarang walaupun dengan preskripsi, kata Fair Trials.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Codeine, which is available over the counter in Britain, is allowed only with a doctor's prescription, the Foreign Office states.", "r": {"result": "Codeine, yang boleh didapati di kaunter di Britain, hanya dibenarkan dengan preskripsi doktor, kata Pejabat Luar Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fair Trials mentioned the case of an unnamed 20-year-old who was traveling back to England from Pakistan.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan Adil menyebut kes seorang lelaki berusia 20 tahun yang tidak disebutkan namanya yang dalam perjalanan pulang ke England dari Pakistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The charity said he was arrested after customs officers allegedly found 0.02 grams of cannabis in his pocket.", "r": {"result": "Badan amal itu berkata, dia ditahan selepas pegawai kastam didakwa menemui 0.02 gram ganja di dalam poketnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "UAE customs officials told CNN the 20-year-old was arrested January 16 and actually was found with 0.67 grams of cannabis.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai kastam UAE memberitahu CNN bahawa lelaki berusia 20 tahun itu ditangkap pada 16 Januari dan sebenarnya didapati bersama 0.67 gram ganja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Travelers must be aware about and understand the laws of any country they visit,\" said a customs official, who also declined to be named.", "r": {"result": "\"Pengembara mesti sedar dan memahami undang-undang mana-mana negara yang mereka lawati,\" kata seorang pegawai kastam, yang juga enggan namanya disiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The BBC spokesman said Grooverider, who went to Dubai to work at a club, claimed he forgot the drugs were in the pocket of a pair of trousers.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap BBC berkata Grooverider, yang pergi ke Dubai untuk bekerja di sebuah kelab, mendakwa dia terlupa dadah itu berada di dalam poket seluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Grooverider is paying a very high price for a serious mistake,\" the Radio 1 spokesman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Grooverider membayar harga yang sangat tinggi untuk kesilapan yang serius,\" kata jurucakap Radio 1 itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fair Trials' Wolthuizen said one thing is clear: Travelers to the UAE must be careful.", "r": {"result": "Wolthuizen Ujian Adil berkata satu perkara yang jelas: Pengembara ke UAE mesti berhati-hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Emirates are quite happy to be known as having an unusually strict approach to enforcing their drug laws,\" Wolthuizen said.", "r": {"result": "\"The Emirates agak gembira kerana dikenali sebagai mempunyai pendekatan yang luar biasa ketat untuk menguatkuasakan undang-undang dadah mereka,\" kata Wolthuizen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are going to extraordinary lengths to enforce them\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka akan melakukan usaha yang luar biasa untuk menguatkuasakannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The United States and Yemen are taking on Islamic militants on the land and from the air amid fears that al Qaeda is exploiting the political chaos and leadership vacuum engulfing the unstable and impoverished Arabian Peninsula country.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Amerika Syarikat dan Yaman menentang militan Islam di darat dan dari udara di tengah-tengah kebimbangan bahawa Al Qaeda mengeksploitasi kekacauan politik dan kekosongan kepimpinan yang menyelubungi negara Semenanjung Arab yang tidak stabil dan miskin itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yemeni government forces are trying to wrest the southern town of Zinjibar from Islamic militants, and an American official said U.S. military-led airstrikes have resumed and top insurgents have been killed.", "r": {"result": "Tentera kerajaan Yaman cuba merampas bandar selatan Zinjibar daripada militan Islam, dan seorang pegawai Amerika berkata serangan udara yang diketuai tentera AS telah diteruskan dan pemberontak tertinggi telah terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. drone strikes had been conducted in the past in Yemen, but they had paused amid the unrest.", "r": {"result": "Serangan dron AS telah dilakukan pada masa lalu di Yaman, tetapi mereka telah berhenti seketika di tengah-tengah pergolakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN National Security Contributor Fran Townsend, a former Bush Homeland Security adviser, said the current airstrikes are an \"indication of the strength and confidence\" President Barack Obama has in the CIA, which directs the strikes.", "r": {"result": "Penyumbang Keselamatan Nasional CNN Fran Townsend, bekas penasihat Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Bush, berkata serangan udara semasa adalah \"petunjuk kekuatan dan keyakinan\" Presiden Barack Obama terhadap CIA, yang mengarahkan serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it's a resumption,\" Townsend said of the airstrikes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia adalah penyambungan semula,\" kata Townsend mengenai serangan udara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I do think it appears to be an intensification.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya fikir ia nampaknya semakin intensif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of that may be based on the threat environment and better intelligence\".", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripadanya mungkin berdasarkan persekitaran ancaman dan kecerdasan yang lebih baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Widespread tumult has engulfed Yemen for months, with thousands of demonstrators who oppose the rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh urging the president's departure.", "r": {"result": "Kekacauan yang meluas telah menyelubungi Yaman selama berbulan-bulan, dengan beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan yang menentang pemerintahan Presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh menggesa pemergian presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent weeks, anti-government tribal forces have battled with troops, and last Friday, the presidential compound was attacked, injuring Saleh and other senior officials, who were taken to Saudi Arabia for treatment.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini, pasukan puak antikerajaan telah bertempur dengan tentera, dan Jumaat lalu, perkarangan presiden diserang, mencederakan Saleh dan pegawai kanan lain, yang dibawa ke Arab Saudi untuk rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A six-nation Gulf Arab alliance has tried to broker a government-opposition agreement that would lead to Saleh's departure, a move that could end the conflict.", "r": {"result": "Perikatan Arab Teluk enam negara telah cuba menjadi perantara perjanjian kerajaan-pembangkang yang akan membawa kepada pemergian Saleh, satu langkah yang boleh menamatkan konflik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That initiative has fallen through, but efforts have re-emerged to end differences.", "r": {"result": "Inisiatif itu telah gagal, tetapi usaha telah muncul semula untuk menamatkan perbezaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State-run TV reported on Thursday that \"the deputy ministry of information calls upon the brethren in the opposition to arise to a level of positive thinking that will heal the wounds and restore the trust among all the players of the political process\".", "r": {"result": "TV kerajaan melaporkan pada hari Khamis bahawa \"timbalan kementerian penerangan menyeru saudara-saudara dalam pembangkang untuk bangkit ke tahap pemikiran positif yang akan menyembuhkan luka dan memulihkan kepercayaan di kalangan semua pemain proses politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Saleh long has been mired in another struggle -- the fight against al Qaeda in the Arabia Peninsula, al Qaeda's Yemen wing, and he has been a key ally of the United States in the fight against the militant group.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Saleh telah lama terperangkap dalam perjuangan lain -- memerangi al Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab, sayap Yaman al Qaeda, dan beliau telah menjadi sekutu utama Amerika Syarikat dalam memerangi kumpulan militan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Yemeni government has a strong partnership with the U.S. government, especially in the field of counterterrorism,\" said a Yemeni government official who has asked not to be named because he is not authorized to speak to the media.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKerajaan Yaman mempunyai kerjasama yang kuat dengan kerajaan AS, terutama dalam bidang memerangi keganasan,\u201d kata seorang pegawai kerajaan Yaman yang meminta untuk tidak dinamakan kerana tidak diberi kuasa untuk bercakap kepada media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Yemen and the United States have envisioned a nightmare scenario of AQAP taking advantage of the civil strife and exploiting the absence of Saleh and other top officials.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Yaman dan Amerika Syarikat telah membayangkan senario mimpi ngeri AQAP mengambil kesempatan daripada persengketaan awam dan mengeksploitasi ketiadaan Saleh dan pegawai atasan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A U.S. military official with knowledge of the Yemen campaign told CNN that U.S. military-led air operations recently resumed after a pause of some months and a top militant may have been killed.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai tentera AS yang mengetahui kempen Yaman memberitahu CNN bahawa operasi udara pimpinan tentera AS baru-baru ini disambung semula selepas berhenti beberapa bulan dan seorang militan terkemuka mungkin telah terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abu Ali al-Harithi, \"described as one of the most dangerous al Qaeda commanders in Shabwa province,\" has been killed in Yemeni security operations, state-run TV reported Thursday, citing an official military source.", "r": {"result": "Abu Ali al-Harithi, \"disifatkan sebagai salah seorang komander Al Qaeda paling berbahaya di wilayah Shabwa,\" telah terbunuh dalam operasi keselamatan Yaman, lapor TV kerajaan pada Khamis, memetik sumber rasmi tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The New York Times reported Thursday that American jets killed al-Harithi in an airstrike last Friday.", "r": {"result": "The New York Times melaporkan Khamis bahawa jet Amerika membunuh al-Harithi dalam serangan udara pada Jumaat lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. official also said the United States believes it probably killed al-Harithi in an airstrike in southern Yemen in recent days.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai AS itu juga berkata, Amerika Syarikat percaya ia mungkin membunuh al-Harithi dalam serangan udara di selatan Yaman dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he cautioned its \"very difficult\" to confirm the killing.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia memberi amaran \"sangat sukar\" untuk mengesahkan pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That official said the United States had paused airstrikes because it \"didn't have faith in the information available,\" to target individuals in Yemen during that time.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu berkata Amerika Syarikat telah menghentikan serangan udara kerana ia \"tidak mempercayai maklumat yang ada,\" untuk menyasarkan individu di Yaman pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the official could not say what led to the improved intelligence picture.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pegawai itu tidak dapat mengatakan apa yang membawa kepada gambaran risikan yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, a U.S. drone strike attempted but failed to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born radical Muslim cleric who moved to Yemen and has become a key figure in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, serangan dron AS cuba tetapi gagal untuk membunuh Anwar al-Awlaki, ulama Islam radikal kelahiran Amerika yang berpindah ke Yaman dan telah menjadi tokoh penting dalam al Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That attack came after the U.S. military swooped into a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2, and killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.", "r": {"result": "Serangan itu berlaku selepas tentera A.S. menyerbu ke kawasan di Abbottabad, Pakistan, pada 2 Mei, dan membunuh pemimpin Al Qaeda Osama bin Laden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Townsend said AQAP is dangerous and the administration is rightly concerned, noting that the chaos in Yemen \"benefits our enemies and not us\".", "r": {"result": "Townsend berkata AQAP adalah berbahaya dan pihak pentadbiran sememangnya prihatin, dengan menyatakan bahawa huru-hara di Yaman \"menguntungkan musuh kita dan bukan kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official Yemeni source cited by state TV reported other deaths in security operations, such as \"the killing of various commanders and members of al Qaeda in Abyan province\".", "r": {"result": "Sumber rasmi Yaman yang dipetik oleh TV kerajaan melaporkan kematian lain dalam operasi keselamatan, seperti \"pembunuhan pelbagai komander dan anggota al Qaeda di wilayah Abyan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People killed in operations included the \"media official of the organization, Ayman Al-Masri, and the terrorist Ali Saleh Farhan, the commander of the organization in Marib province\".", "r": {"result": "Orang yang terbunuh dalam operasi termasuk \"pegawai media pertubuhan itu, Ayman Al-Masri, dan pengganas Ali Saleh Farhan, komander organisasi di wilayah Marib\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, fighting continued in Zinjibar, an Abyan province town that had been taken over by militants.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, pertempuran berterusan di Zinjibar, sebuah bandar wilayah Abyan yang telah diambil alih oleh militan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state TV report said the government had ousted militants from the town.", "r": {"result": "Laporan TV kerajaan berkata kerajaan telah menggulingkan militan dari bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The heroes of the armed forces and with the help of the noble residents managed to clear the city of Zinjibar and caused al Qaeda serious losses in lives and weaponry,\" the state-run TV report said.", "r": {"result": "\"Wira tentera bersenjata dan dengan bantuan penduduk bangsawan berjaya membersihkan bandar Zinjibar dan menyebabkan Al Qaeda kehilangan nyawa dan persenjataan yang serius,\" kata laporan TV milik kerajaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, a senior security official loyal to the Yemeni government told CNN that nine Islamic militants and four Yemeni soldiers were killed in clashes overnight in Zinjibar.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum ini, seorang pegawai kanan keselamatan yang setia kepada kerajaan Yaman memberitahu CNN bahawa sembilan militan Islam dan empat tentera Yaman terbunuh dalam pertempuran semalaman di Zinjibar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Medical officials in Razi hospital near Zinjibar said Thursday that more than 40 people entered the hospital, all with wounds from bullets of explosives.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai perubatan di hospital Razi berhampiran Zinjibar berkata pada Khamis bahawa lebih 40 orang memasuki hospital, semuanya dengan luka akibat peluru letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Dead bodies are still in the streets of Zinjibar, but residents have evacuated the city, leaving those injured with no one to take them to the hospital,\" a medic at the hospital said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mayat masih berada di jalan-jalan di Zinjibar, tetapi penduduk telah mengosongkan bandar itu, menyebabkan mereka yang cedera tiada sesiapa yang membawa mereka ke hospital,\" kata seorang doktor di hospital itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recently, a U.S. official told CNN that AQAP is trying to position itself for greater power and influence, a sign of an evolving power struggle in the militant group since the killing of Osama bin Laden.", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini, seorang pegawai A.S. memberitahu CNN bahawa AQAP cuba meletakkan dirinya untuk kuasa dan pengaruh yang lebih besar, tanda perebutan kuasa yang berkembang dalam kumpulan militan itu sejak pembunuhan Osama bin Laden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are using the death of bin Laden as a way to bolster their own image,\" the U.S. official told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka menggunakan kematian bin Laden sebagai cara untuk meningkatkan imej mereka sendiri,\u201d kata pegawai AS itu kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The source declined to be identified because of the sensitive intelligence information that has led to this assessment.", "r": {"result": "Sumber itu enggan dikenal pasti kerana maklumat risikan sensitif yang telah membawa kepada penilaian ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a strong AQAP presence in Abyan, and the United States has long felt that the group is a growing threat.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kehadiran AQAP yang kukuh di Abyan, dan Amerika Syarikat telah lama merasakan bahawa kumpulan itu adalah ancaman yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are clearly trying to improve their capabilities,\" as they were even before bin Laden's death, the official said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka jelas cuba meningkatkan keupayaan mereka,\" seperti sebelum kematian bin Laden, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He noted the death of bin Laden, coming on the heels of the growing civil unrest in Yemen, gives the group the opportunity to both bolster its image and operate more freely.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata kematian bin Laden, yang datang selepas pergolakan awam yang semakin meningkat di Yaman, memberi peluang kepada kumpulan itu untuk meningkatkan imejnya dan beroperasi dengan lebih bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have seen a steady progression of al Qaeda presence in Yemen and efforts by them to organize and become more efficient,\" the official said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah melihat perkembangan berterusan kehadiran al-Qaeda di Yaman dan usaha mereka untuk mengatur dan menjadi lebih cekap,\" kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for Saleh -- wounded when the mosque at the presidential compound in Sanaa was attacked during Friday prayers -- Tareq al-Shami, the ruling party spokesmen, said the president will be back in Yemen \"within days and is now in very good health\".", "r": {"result": "Bagi Saleh -- cedera apabila masjid di perkarangan presiden di Sanaa diserang semasa solat Jumaat -- Tareq al-Shami, jurucakap parti pemerintah, berkata presiden akan kembali ke Yaman \"dalam beberapa hari dan kini dalam kesihatan yang sangat baik. \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The future of Yemen's government remains in question.", "r": {"result": "Masa depan kerajaan Yaman masih menjadi tanda tanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't know who will emerge in power,\" said Anthony H. Cordesman, who holds the Arleigh A. Burke chair in strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak tahu siapa yang akan muncul dalam kuasa,\" kata Anthony H. Cordesman, yang memegang kerusi Arleigh A. Burke dalam strategi di Pusat Kajian Strategik dan Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't know what kind of power vacuum will exist\" and how much it can be exploited, he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak tahu jenis vakum kuasa yang akan wujud\" dan berapa banyak ia boleh dieksploitasi, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're not likely to see a stable Yemen in the near future\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mungkin melihat Yaman yang stabil dalam masa terdekat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Joe Sterling contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Joe Sterling dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Mother Nature Network) -- Mother's Day poems come in all shapes and sizes.", "r": {"result": "(Rangkaian Alam Ibu) -- Puisi Hari Ibu datang dalam pelbagai bentuk dan saiz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many address the poet's memories of his mother.", "r": {"result": "Banyak menyuarakan kenangan penyair terhadap ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others describe the poet's gratitude for his mother.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain menggambarkan rasa terima kasih penyair terhadap ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some are very short.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang sangat pendek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some are very long.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang sangat panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes the mother-child relationship is complicated and the poet discusses the good times along with the bad.", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang hubungan ibu dan anak adalah rumit dan penyair membincangkan masa-masa baik bersama-sama dengan buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other times, it's a straightforward message of love and gratitude.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa lain, ia adalah mesej kasih sayang dan kesyukuran yang jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If nothing else, the poet almost always acknowledges the significant role a mother plays in the lives of her children.", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak ada yang lain, penyair hampir selalu mengakui peranan penting yang dimainkan oleh seorang ibu dalam kehidupan anak-anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Needless-to-say, with Mom being portrayed so many different ways in poetry, there are several avenues for approaching a selection of poems appropriate for Mother's Day.", "r": {"result": "Tidak perlu dikatakan, dengan Ibu digambarkan begitu banyak cara yang berbeza dalam puisi, terdapat beberapa cara untuk mendekati pilihan puisi yang sesuai untuk Hari Ibu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, we're here to help you.", "r": {"result": "Nah, kami di sini untuk membantu anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's a list of selected works to get you started with Mother's Day poems:", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah senarai karya terpilih untuk memulakan anda dengan puisi Hari Ibu:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mother Nature Network: Mother's Day song guide.", "r": {"result": "Mother Nature Network: Panduan lagu Hari Ibu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To My Mother\" by Robert Louis Stevenson.", "r": {"result": "\"Kepada Ibu Saya\" oleh Robert Louis Stevenson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Scottish poet evokes childhood memories in this four-line ode to Mom.", "r": {"result": "Penyair Scotland membangkitkan kenangan zaman kanak-kanak dalam pujian empat baris kepada Ibu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It appeared \"A Child's Garden of Verses,\" a collection of 65 poems by Stevenson first published in 1885 under the title \"Penny Whistles\".", "r": {"result": "Ia muncul \"A Child's Garden of Verses,\" koleksi 65 puisi oleh Stevenson yang pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1885 di bawah tajuk \"Penny Whistles\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You too, my mother, read my rhymes For love of unforgotten times, And you may chance to hear once more The little feet along the floor.", "r": {"result": "Anda juga, ibu saya, baca sajak saya Untuk cinta masa yang tidak dapat dilupakan, Dan anda mungkin berpeluang mendengar sekali lagi Kaki kecil di sepanjang lantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Kaddish\" by Allen Ginsberg.", "r": {"result": "\"Kaddish\" oleh Allen Ginsberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ginsberg, one of the leading voices of the Beat Generation, wrote this lengthy poem following the 1956 death of his mother.", "r": {"result": "Ginsberg, salah satu suara terkemuka Beat Generation, menulis puisi panjang ini selepas kematian ibunya pada 1956.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was published as part of a collection, \"Kaddish and Other Poems: 1958-1960.\" Its title refers to the traditional Jewish prayer recited during times of mourning.", "r": {"result": "Ia diterbitkan sebagai sebahagian daripada koleksi, \"Kaddish and Other Poems: 1958-1960.\" Tajuknya merujuk kepada doa tradisional Yahudi yang dibacakan semasa berkabung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To My Mother\" by Christina Rosetti.", "r": {"result": "\"Kepada Ibu Saya\" oleh Christina Rossetti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rosetti, a 19th century English poet best known for her lengthy poem called \"Goblin's Market,\" wrote this short piece about her mother in 1842:", "r": {"result": "Rosetti, seorang penyair Inggeris abad ke-19 yang terkenal dengan puisi panjangnya yang dipanggil \"Goblin's Market,\" menulis sekeping pendek tentang ibunya pada tahun 1842:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To-day's your natal day; Sweet flowers I bring: Mother, accept, I pray My offering.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini hari kelahiran anda; Bunga-bunga manis Ku bawa: Ibu terimalah, Kudoakan persembahanKu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And may you happy live, And long us bless; Receiving as you give Great happiness.", "r": {"result": "Dan semoga anda bahagia hidup, Dan panjangkan kami berkat; Menerima kerana anda memberi kebahagiaan yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mother Nature Network: Kids' Mother's Day crafts projects.", "r": {"result": "Mother Nature Network: Projek kraf Hari Ibu Kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Thanking My Mother for Piano Lessons\" by Diane Wakoski.", "r": {"result": "\"Terima Kasih Kepada Ibu Saya untuk Pelajaran Piano\" oleh Diane Wakoski.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wakoski, a contemporary poet who counts Allen Ginsberg among her influences, writes of the \"beauty that can come from even an ugly past\" in this poem that recounts, among other things, the financial struggles her mother accepted in order to make sure she could pay for her child's piano lessons.", "r": {"result": "Wakoski, seorang penyair kontemporari yang menganggap Allen Ginsberg antara pengaruhnya, menulis tentang \"kecantikan yang boleh datang dari masa lalu yang buruk\" dalam puisi ini yang menceritakan, antara lain, perjuangan kewangan yang diterima ibunya untuk memastikan dia boleh membayar untuk pelajaran piano anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mother o' Mine\" by Rudyard Kipling.", "r": {"result": "\"Mother o' Mine\" oleh Rudyard Kipling.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Nobel laureate, who lived from 1865 to 1936, wrote about the undying love of a mother in this 11-line poem:", "r": {"result": "Pemenang Hadiah Nobel, yang hidup dari tahun 1865 hingga 1936, menulis tentang kasih sayang seorang ibu yang kekal dalam puisi 11 baris ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I were hanged on the highest hill, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!", "r": {"result": "Jika aku digantung di atas bukit yang paling tinggi, Ibu o'mine, Wahai ibu o'mine!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know whose love would follow me still, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu cinta siapa yang akan mengikuti saya, ibu saya, ibu saya!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I were drowned in the deepest sea, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!", "r": {"result": "Jika aku tenggelam dalam lautan yang paling dalam, Ibu o'mine, Wahai ibu o' mine!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know whose tears would come down to me, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu air mata siapa yang akan turun kepada saya, ibu saya, wahai ibu saya!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I were damned of body and soul, I know whose prayers would make me whole, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!", "r": {"result": "Jika saya dikutuk jiwa dan raga, saya tahu doa siapa yang akan menyembuhkan saya, Ibu o'mine, Wahai ibu o'mine!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mother to Son\" by Langston Hughes.", "r": {"result": "\"Ibu kepada Anak\" oleh Langston Hughes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This lesser-known piece by the Harlem Renaissance writer takes the perspective of the mother speaking to her son and telling him that \"Life for me ain't been no crystal stair\".", "r": {"result": "Karya yang kurang dikenali oleh penulis Harlem Renaissance ini mengambil perspektif ibu bercakap dengan anaknya dan memberitahunya bahawa \"Hidup bagi saya bukanlah tangga kristal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It can be found in \"The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes\".", "r": {"result": "Ia boleh didapati dalam \"The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What I Learned From My Mother\" by Julia Kasdorf.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang Saya Belajar Daripada Ibu Saya\" oleh Julia Kasdorf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kasdorf is the second contemporary poet on our list.", "r": {"result": "Kasdorf ialah penyair kontemporari kedua dalam senarai kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She talks about how her mother taught her to comfort those in mourning, to offer healing and \"the blessing of your voice, your chaste touch\".", "r": {"result": "Dia bercakap tentang bagaimana ibunya mengajarnya untuk menghibur mereka yang berkabung, menawarkan kesembuhan dan \"berkat suaramu, sentuhan sucimu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you have a favorite Mother's Day poem?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda mempunyai puisi Hari Ibu kegemaran?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let us know in the comments below.", "r": {"result": "Beritahu kami dalam ulasan di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) Copyright 2010 Mother Nature Network.", "r": {"result": "(c) Hak Cipta 2010 Mother Nature Network.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The second most-dreaded question for new parents after \"Is your baby sleeping\"?", "r": {"result": "Soalan kedua yang paling digeruni untuk ibu bapa baru selepas \"Adakah bayi anda tidur\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Answer: \"Well, yes, for forty-five-minute stretches, but not during the night, and only after I conduct a two-hour-long routine including feeding, swaddling, singing, rocking, and an ancient tribal sleep dance\") is \"Where does he sleep\"?", "r": {"result": "(Jawapan: \"Ya, untuk regangan selama empat puluh lima minit, tetapi tidak pada waktu malam, dan hanya selepas saya menjalankan rutin selama dua jam termasuk memberi makan, membedung, menyanyi, bergoyang, dan tarian tidur suku kuno\" ) ialah \"Di mana dia tidur\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some say a baby should never sleep in the same bed as you, while others say it's the only way to go.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang mengatakan bayi tidak boleh tidur sekatil dengan anda, sementara yang lain mengatakan ia adalah satu-satunya cara untuk pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's because the response is usually just as complicated and the people who ask are often ready to pass judgment on it.", "r": {"result": "Itu kerana respons biasanya sama rumit dan orang yang bertanya selalunya bersedia untuk menghakiminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least, that's what more than 6,000 of you told us in our national survey about sleep habits, in which we set out to determine the differences between parents who put their babies down to sleep at night in a crib (for convenience's sake, we're calling them \"crib-sleepers\") and those who share a family bed with their children (co-sleepers).", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya, itulah yang lebih daripada 6,000 daripada anda memberitahu kami dalam tinjauan nasional kami tentang tabiat tidur, di mana kami menetapkan untuk menentukan perbezaan antara ibu bapa yang menidurkan bayi mereka pada waktu malam di dalam buaian (demi kemudahan, kami ' memanggil semula mereka \"kamar tidur bayi\") dan mereka yang berkongsi katil keluarga dengan anak-anak mereka (kamar tidur bersama).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here, an illuminating peek into the night lives of new families:", "r": {"result": "Di sini, pandangan yang mencerahkan ke dalam kehidupan malam keluarga baharu:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now, that's crazy\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang, itu gila\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When we were creating this survey, we imagined a giant pillow fight, with moms on one side of the bed yelling \"Safety\"!", "r": {"result": "Semasa kami membuat tinjauan ini, kami membayangkan perlawanan bantal gergasi, dengan ibu di sebelah katil menjerit \"Keselamatan\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and a posse on the other shouting \"Bonding\"!", "r": {"result": "dan seekor kuda di sebelah yang lain menjerit \"Bonding\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And we did hear those battle cries: Nearly half of all crib-sleepers admitted that they think co-sleepers are \"irresponsible\" and that parents who share a family bed are \"putting their baby's life at risk\".", "r": {"result": "Dan kami memang mendengar tangisan pertempuran itu: Hampir separuh daripada semua orang yang tidur di buaian mengakui bahawa mereka berpendapat bahawa mereka yang tidur bersama adalah \"tidak bertanggungjawab\" dan bahawa ibu bapa yang berkongsi katil keluarga \"membawa nyawa bayi mereka dalam bahaya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Guide to baby sleep.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Panduan untuk tidur bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another 39 percent think that co-sleeping parents are spoiling their baby.", "r": {"result": "39 peratus lagi berpendapat bahawa ibu bapa yang tidur bersama merosakkan bayi mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I know people who still have a three-year-old in bed with them because the kid won't sleep alone.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mengenali orang yang masih mempunyai seorang kanak-kanak berusia tiga tahun di atas katil dengan mereka kerana kanak-kanak itu tidak akan tidur bersendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, that's crazy\"!", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, itu gila\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "exclaims Patty Queen, a mom of two in Marion, North Carolina.", "r": {"result": "seru Patty Queen, seorang ibu kepada dua anak di Marion, North Carolina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Come on, people, you are only making it hard on the kids by keeping them in the bed with you\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ayuh, orang, kamu hanya menyusahkan anak-anak dengan meletakkan mereka di atas katil bersama kamu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another crib proponent, Esther Tune of Henderson, Nevada, considers co-sleeping to be \"the easy option\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi penyokong katil bayi, Esther Tune dari Henderson, Nevada, menganggap tidur bersama sebagai \"pilihan yang mudah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I never brought my kids into my bed -- even though it would have been easier.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pernah membawa anak-anak saya ke katil saya -- walaupun ia akan menjadi lebih mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe they're safer in their own crib\".", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya mereka lebih selamat dalam buaian mereka sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So what about the safety issue?", "r": {"result": "Jadi bagaimana dengan isu keselamatan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a 2005 policy statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warned that bed-sharing was associated with an increase in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and strongly recommended against the practice.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kenyataan dasar 2005, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) memberi amaran bahawa perkongsian katil dikaitkan dengan peningkatan sindrom kematian bayi mengejut (SIDS) dan amat disyorkan supaya tidak mengamalkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no evidence that co-sleeping can be done safely,\" adds John Kattwinkel, M.D., chairperson of the AAP's Task Force on SIDS.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada bukti bahawa tidur bersama boleh dilakukan dengan selamat,\" tambah John Kattwinkel, M.D., pengerusi Pasukan Petugas AAP mengenai SIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Baby sleep strategies.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Strategi tidur bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No wonder moms who co-sleep are twice as likely to feel judged compared with crib-sleepers.", "r": {"result": "Tidak hairanlah ibu yang tidur bersama dua kali lebih berkemungkinan merasa dinilai berbanding dengan katil bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In their defense, co-sleepers cite the work of James McKenna, Ph.D., an anthropologist whose research shows SIDS rates to be lower in countries where co-sleeping is the norm, and the attachment-parenting theories of Babytalk contributing editor William Sears, M.D. (Both experts believe parents can -- and must -- co-sleep safely; see Askdrsears.com for guidelines.", "r": {"result": "Dalam pembelaan mereka, rakan tidur memetik hasil kerja James McKenna, Ph.D., seorang ahli antropologi yang penyelidikannya menunjukkan kadar SIDS lebih rendah di negara-negara di mana tidur bersama adalah norma, dan teori keibubapaan lampiran editor penyumbang Babytalk William Sears, M.D. (Kedua-dua pakar percaya ibu bapa boleh -- dan mesti -- tidur bersama dengan selamat; lihat Askdrsears.com untuk mendapatkan garis panduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") Parenting.com: Why are infants still dying from SIDS?", "r": {"result": ") Parenting.com: Mengapa bayi masih mati akibat SIDS?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, co-sleepers were just as likely to choose their sleeping arrangement for safety reasons as crib-sleepers.", "r": {"result": "Malah, orang yang tidur bersama berkemungkinan memilih susunan tidur mereka atas sebab keselamatan seperti orang yang tidur di katil bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And they also slung some arrows: 40 percent of moms who planned to co-sleep believe that parents who use a crib won't have as close a bond with their babies as they do; another 20 percent feel that crib-sleepers are \"selfish\" and \"only thinking of their own sleep\".", "r": {"result": "Dan mereka juga menggantung beberapa anak panah: 40 peratus ibu yang merancang untuk tidur bersama percaya bahawa ibu bapa yang menggunakan katil bayi tidak akan mempunyai ikatan yang rapat dengan bayi mereka seperti yang mereka lakukan; 20 peratus lagi merasakan bahawa mereka yang tidur buaian adalah \"mementingkan diri sendiri\" dan \"hanya memikirkan tidur mereka sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Babies grow up more secure when they sleep with their moms for the first year of their lives,\" contends Phasinee Brown of Kansas City, Kansas.", "r": {"result": "\"Bayi membesar dengan lebih selamat apabila mereka tidur dengan ibu mereka untuk tahun pertama kehidupan mereka,\" kata Phasinee Brown dari Kansas City, Kansas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Learning to sleep solo.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Belajar tidur solo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Giving up control.", "r": {"result": "Berputus asa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The majority of parents agreed, however, that in the quest for rest, one size does not fit all babies.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, majoriti ibu bapa bersetuju bahawa dalam usaha untuk berehat, satu saiz tidak sesuai untuk semua bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After having three children,\" Trenny Suggs of Spring Hill, Tennessee, told us, \"I have learned that you have to do whatever is necessary to help your children sleep\".", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas mempunyai tiga orang anak,\" Trenny Suggs dari Spring Hill, Tennessee, memberitahu kami, \"Saya telah mengetahui bahawa anda perlu melakukan apa sahaja yang perlu untuk membantu anak anda tidur\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And for many of you, that means changing your game plan.", "r": {"result": "Dan bagi kebanyakan anda, ini bermakna menukar pelan permainan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to our results, only 11 percent of moms actually planned to co-sleep with their babies, but a whopping 42 percent ended up doing so once their little bundles arrived (see \"Best-Laid Plans\" on the previous page).", "r": {"result": "Menurut keputusan kami, hanya 11 peratus ibu yang benar-benar merancang untuk tidur bersama dengan bayi mereka, tetapi 42 peratus yang besar akhirnya berbuat demikian sebaik bungkusan kecil mereka tiba (lihat \"Pelan-Pelan Terbaik\" pada halaman sebelumnya).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"During my pregnancy, I studied controversial topics, such as co-sleeping, and thought I knew what I would do,\" shared one reader in California, who swore that she wouldn't co-sleep but now spends every night in bed with her 5-month-old daughter.", "r": {"result": "\"Semasa kehamilan saya, saya mempelajari topik kontroversi, seperti tidur bersama, dan fikir saya tahu apa yang akan saya lakukan,\" kongsi seorang pembaca di California, yang bersumpah bahawa dia tidak akan tidur bersama tetapi kini menghabiskan setiap malam di atas katil dengan anak perempuannya yang berumur 5 bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But children set their own schedules.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi kanak-kanak menetapkan jadual mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I never understood that having a baby means giving up complete control\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pernah faham bahawa mempunyai bayi bermakna melepaskan kawalan sepenuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parenting.com: Dreaming of sleep.", "r": {"result": "Parenting.com: Bermimpi tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The perfect sleep solution.", "r": {"result": "Penyelesaian tidur yang sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For all the stress that surrounds getting your baby to sleep, it's helpful to remember -- in a twisted sort of way, we admit -- that 51 percent of you report being tired all the time, regardless of whether your tot snoozes in a crib or in your bed.", "r": {"result": "Untuk semua tekanan yang menyelubungi membuat bayi anda tidur, adalah berguna untuk diingati -- dengan cara yang berpintal, kami akui -- bahawa 51 peratus daripada anda melaporkan letih sepanjang masa, tidak kira sama ada anak anda tidur lena di dalam katil bayi. atau di atas katil anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other words, there's no right or wrong answer to that frustrating question \"Where does your baby sleep\"?", "r": {"result": "Dalam erti kata lain, tiada jawapan yang betul atau salah untuk soalan yang mengecewakan \"Di mana bayi anda tidur\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Jaclyn Petrin of Princeton, New Jersey, said, \"I hope this survey helps parents understand that there is no perfect sleep solution.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dikatakan oleh Jaclyn Petrin dari Princeton, New Jersey, \"Saya harap tinjauan ini membantu ibu bapa memahami bahawa tidak ada penyelesaian tidur yang sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If there is, please let me know what it is\".", "r": {"result": "Jika ada, sila beritahu saya apa itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sorry, Jaclyn, no such luck.", "r": {"result": "Maaf, Jaclyn, tiada nasib seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Try a FREE TRIAL issue of Parenting Magazine - CLICK HERE!", "r": {"result": "Cuba keluaran PERCUBAAN PERCUMA Majalah Keibubapaan - KLIK DI SINI!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where are two of the fall season's best new shows?", "r": {"result": "Di manakah dua rancangan baharu terbaik musim luruh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It turns out, they're on The CW.", "r": {"result": "Ternyata, mereka berada di The CW.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Between last week's debut of \"The Flash\" and Monday's arrival of \"Jane the Virgin,\" the younger-skewing network is batting 1.000.", "r": {"result": "Antara kemunculan sulung \"The Flash\" minggu lalu dan ketibaan \"Jane the Virgin\" pada hari Isnin, rangkaian yang lebih muda itu mencatatkan 1.000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Critics have reacted positively to \"The Flash,\" a spinoff of \"Arrow\" and an origin story of the lightning fast superhero, as well as to \"Jane the Virgin,\" an adaptation of a Venezuelan program.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik telah bertindak balas secara positif terhadap \"The Flash\", spin-off \"Arrow\" dan kisah asal usul adiwira sepantas kilat, serta \"Jane the Virgin,\" adaptasi program Venezuela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Flash\": What's the verdict?", "r": {"result": "\"The Flash\": Apakah keputusannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Jane\" stars Gina Rodriguez as 23-year-old Jane Villanueva, the daughter of a young single mother who has taken her grandmother's advice to preserve her virginity to heart.", "r": {"result": "\"Jane\" dibintangi Gina Rodriguez sebagai Jane Villanueva yang berusia 23 tahun, anak kepada seorang ibu tunggal muda yang telah mengambil nasihat neneknya untuk mengekalkan keperawanannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when Jane accidentally gets pregnant during a doctor's visit -- it was accidental artificial insemination, to be exact -- Jane's life starts to look something like the telenovelas she watches with her mother and grandmother.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila Jane secara tidak sengaja hamil semasa lawatan doktor -- ia adalah permanian yang tidak disengajakan, tepatnya -- kehidupan Jane mula kelihatan seperti telenovela yang ditontonnya bersama ibu dan neneknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plot hinges on a twist that's soapy even by The CW's standards, but critics say \"Jane the Virgin\" works, and primarily because of star Rodriguez.", "r": {"result": "Plot ini bergantung pada kelainan yang sabun walaupun mengikut piawaian The CW, tetapi pengkritik mengatakan \"Jane the Virgin\" berfungsi, dan terutamanya kerana bintang Rodriguez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Los Angeles Times' Robert Lloyd has praised \"Jane\" as \"one of the best things to come out of the fall season,\" and \"The Wrap\" agreed that the freshman series is one of this fall's \"best new offerings\".", "r": {"result": "Robert Lloyd dari Los Angeles Times telah memuji \"Jane\" sebagai \"salah satu perkara terbaik untuk keluar dari musim gugur,\" dan \"The Wrap\" bersetuju bahawa siri pelajar baru adalah salah satu daripada \"tawaran baharu terbaik\" musim luruh ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(T)hanks to star Gina Rodriguez, who makes the lead character believable and likable, the journey to Jane's choice (about the pregnancy) and the inevitable consequences that follow make 'Jane the Virgin' highly entertaining and compelling television,\" The Wrap says in its review.", "r": {"result": "\"(T) terima kasih kepada bintang Gina Rodriguez, yang menjadikan watak utama boleh dipercayai dan disenangi, perjalanan ke pilihan Jane (tentang kehamilan) dan akibat yang tidak dapat dielakkan yang mengikuti menjadikan 'Jane the Virgin' sangat menghiburkan dan menarik,\" The Wrap kata dalam ulasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plot may seem overwhelming, \"but 'Jane' approaches the melodrama with a sly wink, and Rodriguez grounds it with a warmly genuine performance as Jane, whose relationship with her mother (Andrea Navedo) is already primed to be one of the show's best features,\" Entertainment Weekly said.", "r": {"result": "Plot itu mungkin kelihatan menggembirakan, \"tetapi 'Jane' mendekati melodrama itu dengan mengenyitkan mata, dan Rodriguez membuktikannya dengan persembahan tulen yang mesra sebagai Jane, yang hubungannya dengan ibunya (Andrea Navedo) sudah sedia menjadi salah satu persembahan terbaik. ciri,\" kata Entertainment Weekly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Where the series could get preachy, it's tempered, and above all, the whole thing's just a lot of fun\".", "r": {"result": "\"Di mana siri ini boleh mendapat khutbah, ia marah, dan lebih-lebih lagi, semuanya sangat menyeronokkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ratings for The CW's two new shows have been strong, too, as \"The Flash\" became The CW's highest-rated and most-watched premiere in five years when it bowed on October 7.", "r": {"result": "Penarafan untuk dua rancangan baharu The CW juga kukuh, kerana \"The Flash\" menjadi tayangan perdana The CW yang dinilai tertinggi dan paling banyak ditonton dalam tempoh lima tahun apabila ia tunduk pada 7 Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Jane\" didn't come close to \"The Flash's\" 4.8 million watching when it premiered Monday, but it also held its own against its competitors at 9 p.m. ET with an audience of 1.6 million and a rating of 0.6 in the adult demo of 18-49. That gives \"Jane\" the bragging rights of drawing The CW's biggest audience at 9 p.m. on Mondays in more than two years.", "r": {"result": "\"Jane\" tidak menghampiri 4.8 juta tontonan \"The Flash\" apabila ia ditayangkan pada Isnin, tetapi ia juga bertahan menentang pesaingnya pada pukul 9 malam. ET dengan penonton 1.6 juta dan rating 0.6 dalam demo dewasa 18-49. Itu memberikan \"Jane\" hak bermegah untuk menarik penonton terbesar The CW pada pukul 9 malam. pada hari Isnin dalam tempoh lebih daripada dua tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- At least 28 people were injured in two explosions at an opposition rally in the Thai capital of Bangkok on Sunday, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- Sekurang-kurangnya 28 orang cedera dalam dua letupan pada perhimpunan pembangkang di ibu negara Thailand, Bangkok pada Ahad, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A local journalist is among the injured, said Paradon Patthanathabut, the national security chief.", "r": {"result": "Seorang wartawan tempatan adalah antara yang cedera, kata Paradon Patthanathabut, ketua keselamatan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest blasts came just two days after another pair of explosions wounded more than two dozen people at an anti-government rally on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Letupan terbaru berlaku hanya dua hari selepas sepasang letupan lain mencederakan lebih dua dozen orang pada perhimpunan antikerajaan pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One man wounded at the protest Friday died Saturday, emergency officials said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki yang cedera dalam protes pada hari Jumaat meninggal dunia Sabtu, kata pegawai kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since demonstrations against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's government began in November, nine people have died and more than 450 have been wounded, according to authorities.", "r": {"result": "Sejak demonstrasi menentang kerajaan Perdana Menteri Yingluck Shinawatra bermula pada November, sembilan orang maut dan lebih 450 lagi cedera, menurut pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a bid to resolve the current crisis, Yingluck dissolved parliament last month and called for new elections to be held on February 2.", "r": {"result": "Dalam usaha untuk menyelesaikan krisis semasa, Yingluck membubarkan parlimen bulan lalu dan menggesa pilihan raya baharu diadakan pada 2 Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the move has done little to appease protesters.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi langkah itu tidak banyak membantu para penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have called on the Prime Minister to step down from her caretaker position and be replaced by an unelected \"people's council,\" which would see through electoral and political changes.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah menyeru Perdana Menteri untuk berundur daripada jawatan sementaranya dan digantikan oleh \"majlis rakyat\" yang tidak dipilih, yang akan melihat melalui perubahan pilihan raya dan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opposition Democrat Party has said it will boycott the elections.", "r": {"result": "Pembangkang Parti Demokrat telah berkata ia akan memboikot pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protest leaders have said they want to rid Thailand of the influence of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the older brother of Yingluck.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin protes berkata mereka mahu menyingkirkan Thailand daripada pengaruh bekas Perdana Menteri Thaksin Shinawatra, abang kepada Yingluck.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thaksin was ousted in a military coup in 2006 and has spent most of the time since then in exile overseas.", "r": {"result": "Thaksin telah digulingkan dalam rampasan kuasa tentera pada 2006 dan telah menghabiskan sebahagian besar masa sejak itu dalam buangan di luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he returns, he risks a two-year prison sentence on a corruption conviction, which he says was politically motivated.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia kembali, dia menghadapi risiko hukuman penjara dua tahun atas sabitan rasuah, yang menurutnya bermotifkan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The recent protests in Bangkok were prompted by a botched attempt by Yingluck's government to pass an amnesty bill that would have opened the door for her brother's return.", "r": {"result": "Protes baru-baru ini di Bangkok didorong oleh percubaan gagal oleh kerajaan Yingluck untuk meluluskan rang undang-undang pengampunan yang akan membuka pintu untuk kepulangan abangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Italy's World Cup title defense came to an embarrassing end with a dramatic 3-2 defeat by European footballing minnows Slovakia on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pertahanan kejuaraan Piala Dunia Itali berakhir memalukan dengan kekalahan dramatik 3-2 oleh pemain bola sepak Eropah, Slovakia pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The four-time champions followed 2006 runners-up France in making a first-round exit despite a frantic finale in which they had a goal disallowed.", "r": {"result": "Juara empat kali itu mengikuti naib juara 2006 Perancis dalam membuat penyingkiran pusingan pertama walaupun pada perlawanan akhir yang heboh di mana mereka mempunyai gol yang tidak dibenarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the first time that both finalists from the previous tournament have departed at such an early stage of soccer's biggest event, and only the fourth occasion that the titleholders crashed out at the opening hurdle.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah kali pertama kedua-dua finalis dari kejohanan sebelumnya telah berlepas pada peringkat awal acara terbesar bola sepak, dan hanya kali keempat pemegang gelaran tersingkir pada halangan pembukaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France were the last champions to exit in the first round in 2002, following Brazil in 1966 and Italy in 1950 -- having won the 1938 event before World War Two broke out.", "r": {"result": "Perancis adalah juara terakhir yang tersingkir pada pusingan pertama pada 2002, selepas Brazil pada 1966 dan Itali pada 1950 -- setelah memenangi acara 1938 sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua meletus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Troubled French team keeps low profile on return home.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Perancis yang bermasalah tidak berpromosi apabila pulang ke tanah air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slovakia progressed into the last 16 along with Paraguay, who topped Group F following a 0-0 draw with New Zealand.", "r": {"result": "Slovakia mara ke pusingan 16 terakhir bersama-sama Paraguay, yang mengungguli Kumpulan F selepas seri 0-0 dengan New Zealand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kiwis were knocked out of the tournament despite finishing unbeaten with three draws -- a sharp contrast to their only other finals appearance in 1982 which ended with three defeats.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Kiwi itu tersingkir daripada kejohanan walaupun menamatkan saingan tanpa kalah dengan tiga seri -- berbeza dengan satu-satunya penampilan akhir mereka yang lain pada 1982 yang berakhir dengan tiga kekalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slovakia 3-2 Italy.", "r": {"result": "Slovakia 3-2 Itali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Striker Robert Vittek scored two goals to help put World Cup debutants Slovakia into the second round with a famous victory in Johannesburg.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Robert Vittek menjaringkan dua gol untuk membantu meletakkan pemain pertama Piala Dunia Slovakia ke pusingan kedua dengan kemenangan terkenal di Johannesburg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The striker put his side ahead in the 25th minute with a smart finish after Italy's Daniel De Rossi gave the ball away to Marek Hamsik, who plays for Serie A club Napoli.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang itu meletakkan pasukannya di hadapan pada minit ke-25 dengan penyudah bijak selepas pemain Itali Daniel De Rossi memberikan bola kepada Marek Hamsik, yang bermain untuk kelab Serie A Napoli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He made it 2-0 with 17 minutes to play after again being set up by Hamsik, but Italy kept their hopes alive when Antonio Di Natale bundled in an 81st-minute goal after a shot by substitute Fabio Quagliarella was only parried.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjadikan kedudukan 2-0 ketika berbaki 17 minit selepas sekali lagi diatur oleh Hamsik, tetapi Itali mengekalkan harapan mereka apabila Antonio Di Natale meledak gol pada minit ke-81 selepas rembatan pemain gantian Fabio Quagliarella hanya ditepis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quagliarella thought he had equalized with five minutes to play, but his effort was ruled offside in a tight decision.", "r": {"result": "Quagliarella menyangka dia telah menyamakan kedudukan dengan masa berbaki lima minit, tetapi usahanya telah diperintah ofsaid dalam keputusan yang ketat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zdenko Strba had suffered a gaping wound in his knee just before halftime after a challenge by Gennaro Gattuso, but soldiered on until just before the end for the Slovaks.", "r": {"result": "Zdenko Strba telah mengalami kecederaan ternganga di lututnya sejurus sebelum separuh masa selepas dicabar oleh Gennaro Gattuso, tetapi terus bertahan sehingga sebelum tamat untuk Slovaks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His 86th-replacement Kamil Kopunek scored with his first touch of the ball when he coolly lifted the ball over onrushing goalkeeper Federico Marchetti, who was again deputizing for injured first-choice Gianluigi Buffon.", "r": {"result": "Penggantinya yang ke-86 Kamil Kopunek menjaringkan gol dengan sentuhan bola pertamanya apabila dia mengangkat bola dengan tenang ke atas penjaga gol Federico Marchetti, yang sekali lagi menggantikan Gianluigi Buffon yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quagliarella, who had a shot cleared off the line by Martin Skrtel in the 66th minute, finally got his reward in time added on with a sublime chip over goalkeeper Jan Mucha.", "r": {"result": "Quagliarella, yang mendapat rembatan ditepis Martin Skrtel pada minit ke-66, akhirnya mendapat ganjaran tepat pada masanya ditambah dengan cip yang hebat ke atas penjaga gol Jan Mucha.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it was too late for Italy, whose coach Marcello Lippi suffered an ignominious defeat after the highs of 2006 when he led his side to victory in a penalty shootout in the final against France.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sudah terlambat untuk Itali, yang mana jurulatihnya Marcello Lippi mengalami kekalahan memalukan selepas puncak 2006 apabila dia membawa pasukannya meraih kemenangan dalam penentuan sepakan penalti pada perlawanan akhir menentang Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I take full responsibility.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are no excuses because when a team comes to something as important as tonight's game with terror in their legs, their heads and their hearts, and they don't manage to express themselves, it means that the coach hasn't prepared them in the right way from a psychological, technical and physical perspective,\" Lippi said, reported AFP.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada alasan kerana apabila pasukan datang kepada sesuatu yang sama pentingnya dengan perlawanan malam ini dengan ketakutan di kaki, kepala dan hati mereka, dan mereka tidak dapat meluahkan perasaan mereka, itu bermakna jurulatih tidak menyediakan mereka dalam perlawanan itu. betul dari perspektif psikologi, teknikal dan fizikal,\" kata Lippi, lapor AFP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paraguay 0-0 New Zealand.", "r": {"result": "Paraguay 0-0 New Zealand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paraguay made up for a first-round exit four years ago with a comfortable draw against New Zealand in Polokwane.", "r": {"result": "Paraguay menebus pusingan pertama empat tahun lalu dengan keputusan seri yang selesa menentang New Zealand di Polokwane.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The South Americans knew a point would be enough to progress following an opening 1-1 draw with Italy and a 2-0 victory over Slovakia.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Selatan tahu satu mata sudah cukup untuk mara berikutan keputusan seri 1-1 dengan Itali dan kemenangan 2-0 ke atas Slovakia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kiwis needed to secure their first ever victory at the World Cup, but struggled to create clear-cut chances in a match of few opportunities.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Kiwi perlu memastikan kemenangan pertama mereka di Piala Dunia, tetapi bergelut untuk mencipta peluang yang jelas dalam perlawanan yang tidak banyak peluang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paraguay coach revamped Gerardo Martino his forward line-up with Lucas Barrios replaced by Oscar Cardozo, but his players found New Zealand's stubborn three-man defense as difficult to break down as the Italians and Slovaks had previously.", "r": {"result": "Jurulatih Paraguay merombak barisan penyerang Gerardo Martino dengan Lucas Barrios digantikan oleh Oscar Cardozo, tetapi pemainnya mendapati pertahanan tiga pemain New Zealand yang degil sukar untuk dipecahkan seperti yang dilakukan oleh Itali dan Slovakia sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paraguay will play the runners-up in Group E on Tuesday, while Slovakia will play that pool's winners the day before.", "r": {"result": "Paraguay akan menentang naib juara Kumpulan E pada hari Selasa, manakala Slovakia akan menentang pemenang kumpulan itu sehari sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- You know that part in this pop-soul smoothie's songs where the verse launches skyward into the chorus, Gavin DeGraw makes that I'm-pounding-these-piano-keys-so-hard!", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Anda tahu bahawa bahagian dalam lagu-lagu pop-soul smoothie ini di mana ayat itu melonjak ke langit ke dalam korus, Gavin DeGraw membuatkan saya berdebar-debar-kekunci-piano-ini-sekuat-kuatnya!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "face, and a bajillion turtle doves explode from a rooftop somewhere?", "r": {"result": "muka, dan merpati penyu meletup dari atas bumbung di suatu tempat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, there's a half-dozen good ones on his fourth full-length \"Sweeter\".", "r": {"result": "Nah, terdapat setengah dozen yang bagus pada \"Lebih Manis\" panjang penuh keempatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Grey's,' 'HIMYM': Fresh TV spoilers!", "r": {"result": "'Grey's,' 'HIMYM': Perusak TV baru!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Too bad the other half's weighed down by painfully mopey, girl-done-left-me blues.", "r": {"result": "Sayang sekali separuh lagi dibebani oleh mopey yang menyakitkan, girl-done-left-me blues.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "''Everybody hurts,'' DeGraw sighs.", "r": {"result": "''Semua orang sakit,'' DeGraw mengeluh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dude, you're telling us?", "r": {"result": "Kawan, awak beritahu kami?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See full article at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat artikel penuh di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- Charlie Sheen was \"very, very intoxicated, also apparently in a lot of pain\" last Thursday morning, according to a 911 call from a doctor who had just talked to the actor.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- Charlie Sheen \"sangat, sangat mabuk, juga nampaknya mengalami kesakitan yang teruk\" pagi Khamis lalu, menurut panggilan 911 daripada doktor yang baru bercakap dengan pelakon itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Kind of weird, the phone call I received,\" Dr. Paul Nassif told the Los Angeles Fire Department dispatcher in the recorded call, which was released by the fire department Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Agak pelik, panggilan telefon yang saya terima,\" kata Dr Paul Nassif kepada penghantar Jabatan Bomba Los Angeles dalam panggilan yang dirakam, yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak bomba hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Porn actress Kacey Jordan has told media outlets that a two-day party preceded Sheen's collapse.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon lucah Kacey Jordan telah memberitahu media bahawa pesta dua hari mendahului kejatuhan Sheen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paramedics went to Sheen's Los Angeles home and then took him by ambulance to a hospital, where he spent several hours.", "r": {"result": "Paramedik pergi ke rumah Sheen di Los Angeles dan kemudian membawanya dengan ambulans ke hospital, di mana dia menghabiskan beberapa jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen's representative later blamed a hernia for Sheen's pain and ambulance ride to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.", "r": {"result": "Wakil Sheen kemudiannya menyalahkan hernia atas kesakitan Sheen dan perjalanan ambulans ke Pusat Perubatan Cedars-Sinai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He did not respond to a CNN request for comment on the 911 call Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak menjawab permintaan CNN untuk mengulas mengenai panggilan 911 pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen's manager has said the actor is undergoing rehab at home, not in a residential facility.", "r": {"result": "Pengurus Sheen berkata pelakon itu sedang menjalani pemulihan di rumah, bukan di kemudahan kediaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His hit CBS sitcom \"Two and a Half Men\" has suspended production, with the network ordering additional episodes of \"Rules of Engagement\" to fill the gap in their Monday night schedule.", "r": {"result": "Sitkom CBS popularnya \"Two and a Half Men\" telah menggantung pengeluaran, dengan rangkaian itu memesan episod tambahan \"Rules of Engagement\" untuk mengisi jurang dalam jadual malam Isnin mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have a lot of work to do to be able to return the support I have received from so many people,\" Sheen said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai banyak kerja yang perlu dilakukan untuk dapat membalas sokongan yang saya terima daripada begitu ramai orang,\" kata Sheen dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "released Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "dikeluarkan hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It did not directly address the incident.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak langsung menangani kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Like Errol Flynn, who had to put down his sword on occasion, I just want to say, 'thank you,'\" Sheen said.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti Errol Flynn, yang terpaksa menghunus pedangnya sekali-sekala, saya hanya ingin berkata, 'terima kasih,'\" kata Sheen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dr. Paul Nassif, in an interview Tuesday by HLN's \"Showbiz Tonight,\" said he couldn't tell if Sheen, who is his friend, was drunk.", "r": {"result": "Dr Paul Nassif, dalam temu bual Selasa oleh HLN \"Showbiz Tonight,\" berkata dia tidak dapat mengetahui sama ada Sheen, yang merupakan rakannya, mabuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he told the emergency dispatcher last week was different.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia beritahu kepada penghantar kecemasan minggu lepas adalah berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I got him on the phone and he was very, very intoxicated, also apparently in a lot of pain,\" Nassif said on the 911 call.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menghubunginya melalui telefon dan dia sangat, sangat mabuk, juga nampaknya sangat kesakitan,\" kata Nassif pada panggilan 911.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told the dispatcher that Sheen was saying, \"Don't call 911.\".", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu penghantar bahawa Sheen berkata, \"Jangan hubungi 911.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nassif is a facial plastic surgeon and is not Sheen's medical doctor, Nassif told HLN.", "r": {"result": "Nassif ialah pakar bedah plastik muka dan bukan doktor perubatan Sheen, kata Nassif kepada HLN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheen and now ex-wife Brooke Mueller were married in Nassif's Beverly Hills home, Nassif said.", "r": {"result": "Sheen dan kini bekas isteri Brooke Mueller telah berkahwin di rumah Nassif di Beverly Hills, kata Nassif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nassif's wife, Adrienne Maloof-Nassif, appears on \"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills\".", "r": {"result": "Isteri Nassif, Adrienne Maloof-Nassif, muncul di \"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They wanted to get married, and a mutual friend introduced all of us, and they said, 'Let's get married, can we get married at your house?", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mahu berkahwin, dan rakan bersama memperkenalkan kami semua, dan mereka berkata, 'Mari kita berkahwin, bolehkah kita berkahwin di rumah kamu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' and that's how we met and soon after that we became very good friends,\" Nassif said.", "r": {"result": "' dan itulah cara kami bertemu dan tidak lama selepas itu kami menjadi kawan baik,\" kata Nassif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nassif drove Sheen home from the hospital, but he declined to provide details of their conversation.", "r": {"result": "Nassif memandu Sheen pulang dari hospital, tetapi dia enggan memberikan butiran perbualan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were things he said I don't feel comfortable\" disclosing, Nassif said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada perkara yang dia katakan saya tidak selesa\" mendedahkan, kata Nassif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At another point in the interview, Nassif added: \"Obviously we all want Charlie to keep his sobriety.", "r": {"result": "Pada titik lain dalam temu bual itu, Nassif menambah: \"Jelas sekali kita semua mahu Charlie menjaga ketenangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No one can push him into it\".", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang boleh mendorongnya ke dalamnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Not content with claiming every major club honor with Chelsea and over a century of caps for England -- now Frank Lampard is relishing a new challenge in MLS with New York City FC.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tidak berpuas hati dengan menuntut setiap penghormatan kelab utama bersama Chelsea dan lebih satu abad bermain untuk England -- kini Frank Lampard menikmati cabaran baharu dalam MLS bersama New York City FC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Obviously players tend to come here later in their careers, but for me personally I come here with a big determination to make an imprint on life here,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJelas sekali pemain cenderung untuk datang ke sini lewat dalam karier mereka, tetapi bagi saya secara peribadi, saya datang ke sini dengan keazaman besar untuk membuat jejak dalam kehidupan di sini,\u201d katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I made this move because I wanted to come here and do well\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya membuat langkah ini kerana saya mahu datang ke sini dan melakukannya dengan baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 36-year-old Lampard had a host of offers to prolong his career in the English Premier League or in Europe, but has opted for the Big Apple and the new franchise which starts in the 2015 season.", "r": {"result": "Lampard yang berusia 36 tahun mempunyai pelbagai tawaran untuk melanjutkan kariernya dalam Liga Perdana Inggeris atau di Eropah, tetapi telah memilih Big Apple dan francais baharu yang bermula pada musim 2015.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It feels really right,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRasanya betul-betul betul,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For me personally it's a great challenge to move from Chelsea to a different country and a great city like New York\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi saya secara peribadi adalah satu cabaran yang hebat untuk berpindah dari Chelsea ke negara lain dan bandar yang hebat seperti New York\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lampard left Chelsea as a club legend, having scored a record 211 goals in 649 appearances over 13 seasons.", "r": {"result": "Lampard meninggalkan Chelsea sebagai legenda kelab, setelah menjaringkan rekod 211 gol dalam 649 penampilan sepanjang 13 musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During that time he helped the Blues to three EPL titles, the English FA Cup on four occasions and the crowning glory, the 2012 European Champions League crown.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu dia membantu The Blues meraih tiga kejuaraan EPL, Piala FA Inggeris sebanyak empat kali dan kegemilangan, mahkota Liga Juara-Juara Eropah 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But last season it became clear that his Chelsea career was drawing to a close with manager Jose Mourinho looking to younger players.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi musim lalu menjadi jelas bahawa karier Chelseanya semakin hampir dengan pengurus Jose Mourinho mencari pemain yang lebih muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lampard said that he was not ruling out a future role at Chelsea but was \"totally committed\" to New York City FC.", "r": {"result": "Lampard berkata bahawa dia tidak menolak peranan masa depan di Chelsea tetapi \"komitmen sepenuhnya\" kepada New York City FC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm sure there is the possibility to go back later in some capacity,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pasti ada kemungkinan untuk kembali kemudian dalam beberapa kapasiti,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But I wanted to keep playing regularly and being important in a team\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi saya mahu terus bermain secara kerap dan menjadi penting dalam satu pasukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lampard, who has signed a two-year contact with New York, joins former Spanish international David Villa as the marquee players in the new venture.", "r": {"result": "Lampard, yang telah menandatangani hubungan dua tahun dengan New York, menyertai bekas pemain antarabangsa Sepanyol, David Villa sebagai pemain utama dalam usaha baharu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before signing a one-year extension to his Chelsea contract before the start of last season, Lampard had mulled over a move to Los Angeles Galaxy, the then club of his former England teammate David Beckham.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum menandatangani kontrak lanjutan setahun untuk kontrak Chelsea sebelum permulaan musim lalu, Lampard telah memikirkan untuk berpindah ke Los Angeles Galaxy, kelab bekas rakan sepasukannya di England, David Beckham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have been watching the MLS since the Beckham's and (Robbie) Keane arrived,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah menonton MLS sejak Beckham dan (Robbie) Keane tiba,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The league has improved and its the perfect fit for me in football and lifestyle terms\".", "r": {"result": "\"Liga telah bertambah baik dan ia sesuai untuk saya dari segi bola sepak dan gaya hidup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lampard's last action as an England player saw him take to the field in its final group match at the 2014 World Cup, a draw with Costa Rica, but having already been eliminated.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan terakhir Lampard sebagai pemain England menyaksikan dia turun ke padang dalam perlawanan terakhir kumpulan di Piala Dunia 2014, seri dengan Costa Rica, tetapi sudah tersingkir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was his 106th international cap with 29 goals to his name, an excellent scoring rate for a midfield player.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan cap antarabangsa yang ke-106 dengan 29 gol untuk namanya, kadar jaringan yang sangat baik untuk pemain tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York City FC sporting director Claudio Reyna described Lampard as \"one of the greatest players over the last 15 years\" at his official unveiling Thursday and had worked hard to persuade him to make the move.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah sukan New York City FC, Claudio Reyna menyifatkan Lampard sebagai \"salah seorang pemain terhebat sejak 15 tahun lalu\" pada pelancaran rasminya Khamis dan telah bekerja keras untuk memujuknya supaya berpindah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"New York sold me the vision of what they wanted to do,\" Lampard said.", "r": {"result": "\"New York menjual saya visi tentang apa yang mereka mahu lakukan,\" kata Lampard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think when I look back at the end of my career with Chelsea it's a period as good as it could be.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya fikir apabila saya melihat kembali pada penghujung karier saya bersama Chelsea, ia adalah tempoh yang sebaik mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have no regrets,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak menyesal,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yangon, Myanmar (CNN) -- The Myanmar government, which has freed hundreds of detainees in recent years, is setting up a committee to look into releasing political prisoners after long refusing to admit they were being held in the Southeast Asian country's jails.", "r": {"result": "Yangon, Myanmar (CNN) -- Kerajaan Myanmar, yang telah membebaskan ratusan tahanan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, sedang menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa untuk mengkaji pembebasan tahanan politik selepas lama enggan mengakui mereka ditahan di penjara negara Asia Tenggara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Thein Sein, whose government has introduced a string of political reforms that have led to improved ties with Western nations, ordered the establishment of the committee to define the term \"political prisoner\" and review relevant cases, authorities said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Thein Sein, yang kerajaannya telah memperkenalkan beberapa reformasi politik yang membawa kepada hubungan yang lebih baik dengan negara-negara Barat, mengarahkan penubuhan jawatankuasa itu untuk mentakrifkan istilah \"banduan politik\" dan mengkaji kes-kes yang berkaitan, kata pihak berkuasa Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Terrorized, starving and homeless: Myanmar's Rohingya still forgotten.", "r": {"result": "Diganas, kelaparan dan kehilangan tempat tinggal: Rohingya Myanmar masih dilupakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myanmar is gradually emerging from decades of authoritarian military rule that resulted in internal oppression and international isolation.", "r": {"result": "Myanmar beransur-ansur muncul daripada pemerintahan tentera autoritarian selama beberapa dekad yang mengakibatkan penindasan dalaman dan pengasingan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thein Sein, a former military official, has overseen the introduction of greater political freedoms, peace talks with ethnic rebels and the successful participation of pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her party in legislative elections.", "r": {"result": "Thein Sein, bekas pegawai tentera, telah mengawasi pengenalan kebebasan politik yang lebih besar, rundingan damai dengan pemberontak etnik dan kejayaan penyertaan pemimpin pro-demokrasi Aung San Suu Kyi dan partinya dalam pilihan raya perundangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Western governments have responded by easing economic sanctions and stepping up diplomatic ties.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Barat bertindak balas dengan melonggarkan sekatan ekonomi dan meningkatkan hubungan diplomatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In November, President Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S. president to visit Myanmar, giving a powerful symbolic nod to its fledgling reforms.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan November, Presiden Barack Obama menjadi presiden AS pertama yang duduk melawat Myanmar, memberikan anggukan simbolik yang kuat kepada pembaharuan barunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friday, the United States welcomed news of the committee's formation.", "r": {"result": "Jumaat, Amerika Syarikat mengalu-alukan berita mengenai pembentukan jawatankuasa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By establishing an inclusive, transparent review mechanism to ensure the release of all remaining political prisoners, the government has taken an important step towards national reconciliation,\" State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan mewujudkan mekanisme semakan yang inklusif dan telus untuk memastikan pembebasan semua tahanan politik yang masih ada, kerajaan telah mengambil langkah penting ke arah perdamaian nasional,\" kata jurucakap Jabatan Negara Victoria Nuland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From Burma to Myanmar: Land of rising expectations.", "r": {"result": "Dari Burma ke Myanmar: Tanah jangkaan yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doubts still remain about the commitment to lasting reform by officials in Myanmar, also known as Burma, in the light of sectarian unrest in the western state of Rakhine, recent fighting between the military and ethnic rebels in Kachin, and a heavy crackdown on protesters outside a copper mine project.", "r": {"result": "Keraguan masih kekal mengenai komitmen terhadap pembaharuan yang berkekalan oleh pegawai di Myanmar, juga dikenali sebagai Burma, memandangkan pergolakan mazhab di negeri barat Rakhine, pertempuran baru-baru ini antara tentera dan pemberontak etnik di Kachin, dan tindakan keras terhadap penunjuk perasaan di luar. projek lombong tembaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A stumbling block in talks.", "r": {"result": "Batu penghalang dalam perbincangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One stumbling block the Myanmar government has come up against in talks with other political parties and governments is its refusal to use the term \"political prisoner\" to describe some of those behind bars, according to Ye Htut, a spokesman for the president.", "r": {"result": "Satu halangan yang dihadapi kerajaan Myanmar dalam perbincangan dengan parti politik dan kerajaan lain ialah keengganannya menggunakan istilah \"banduan politik\" untuk menggambarkan beberapa orang yang berada di dalam penjara, menurut Ye Htut, jurucakap presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myanmar: Testing the limits of reform.", "r": {"result": "Myanmar: Menguji had reformasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We cannot negotiate because of this term,\" he said by phone.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tidak boleh berunding kerana penggal ini,\u201d katanya menerusi telefon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's why President Thein Sein instructed to form this committee to find the definition\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sebab itu Presiden Thein Sein mengarahkan untuk membentuk jawatankuasa ini untuk mencari definisi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government, which pledged to set up such a mechanism during Obama's visit, says it hopes the committee will include representatives from other political parties and groups representing political prisoners.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan, yang berjanji untuk menubuhkan mekanisme sedemikian semasa lawatan Obama, berkata ia berharap jawatankuasa itu akan memasukkan wakil daripada parti politik dan kumpulan lain yang mewakili tahanan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), a prisoner rights and support group, said the government had invited it to help with the committee's work.", "r": {"result": "Persatuan Bantuan untuk Tahanan Politik (AAPP), sebuah kumpulan hak banduan dan sokongan, berkata kerajaan telah menjemputnya untuk membantu kerja jawatankuasa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The initiative is \"a good sign,\" said Bo Kyi, joint secretary of AAPP, which is run by former political prisoners.", "r": {"result": "Inisiatif itu adalah \"petanda baik,\" kata Bo Kyi, setiausaha bersama AAPP, yang dikendalikan oleh bekas tahanan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he added that \"we have to wait and see until more political prisoners are released\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia menambah bahawa \"kita perlu menunggu dan melihat sehingga lebih banyak tahanan politik dibebaskan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds believed to still be in prison.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus dipercayai masih dalam penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aung San Suu Kyi spent many years under house arrest before authorities released her in 2011. A lot of members of her party, the National League for Democracy, were imprisoned under the military junta.", "r": {"result": "Aung San Suu Kyi menghabiskan masa bertahun-tahun di bawah tahanan rumah sebelum pihak berkuasa membebaskannya pada 2011. Ramai ahli partinya, Liga Demokrasi Kebangsaan, dipenjarakan di bawah junta tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new committee will try to determine the the number of political prisoners being held in Myanmar, Ye Htut said, noting that the government had received different estimates from different organizations.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa baharu itu akan cuba menentukan bilangan tahanan politik yang ditahan di Myanmar, kata Ye Htut, sambil menyatakan bahawa kerajaan telah menerima anggaran berbeza daripada organisasi berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The president also wants to release more political prisoners to implement national reconciliation,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPresiden juga mahu membebaskan lebih ramai tahanan politik untuk melaksanakan perdamaian nasional,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As many as several hundred political prisoners remain behind bars in Myanmar, Human Rights Watch, a U.S.-based advocacy group, said in a report last week.", "r": {"result": "Sebanyak beberapa ratus tahanan politik kekal di penjara di Myanmar, Human Rights Watch, sebuah kumpulan advokasi yang berpangkalan di AS, berkata dalam satu laporan minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Furthermore, it said, \"freed political prisoners face restrictions on travel and education, and lack adequate psychosocial support\".", "r": {"result": "Tambahan pula, ia berkata, \"banduan politik yang dibebaskan menghadapi sekatan ke atas perjalanan dan pendidikan, dan kekurangan sokongan psikososial yang mencukupi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked whether he would visit political prisoners around Myanmar, Bo Kyi of AAPP said he would rather \"see my colleagues outside, not in the jails\".", "r": {"result": "Ditanya sama ada beliau akan melawat tahanan politik di sekitar Myanmar, Bo Kyi dari AAPP berkata beliau lebih suka \"bertemu rakan sekerja saya di luar, bukan di penjara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalist Phyo Wai Lin reported from Yangon, and CNN's Jethro Mullen reported and wrote from Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Phyo Wai Lin melaporkan dari Yangon, dan Jethro Mullen dari CNN melaporkan dan menulis dari Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kocha Olarn in Bangkok, Thailand, contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Kocha Olarn CNN di Bangkok, Thailand, menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The second Powerball ticket holder in last month's record jackpot has come forward to claim winnings worth nearly $200 million before taxes, the Arizona Lottery said Friday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemegang tiket Powerball kedua dalam rekod jackpot bulan lepas telah tampil untuk menuntut kemenangan bernilai hampir $200 juta sebelum cukai, kata Loteri Arizona pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is difficult to express just how thankful we are for this wonderful gift,\" said the winner, a married man in his 30s whom the lottery said it would not identify publicly, at his request.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah sukar untuk menyatakan betapa kami bersyukur untuk hadiah yang indah ini,\" kata pemenang, seorang lelaki yang sudah berkahwin dalam lingkungan 30-an yang loteri berkata ia tidak akan dikenal pasti secara terbuka, atas permintaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are extremely grateful and feel fortunate to now have an increased ability to support our charities and causes.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami amat bersyukur dan berasa bertuah kerana kini mempunyai peningkatan keupayaan untuk menyokong badan amal dan tujuan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obviously, this has been incredibly overwhelming, and we have always cherished our privacy\".", "r": {"result": "Jelas sekali, ini sangat menggembirakan, dan kami sentiasa menghargai privasi kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The message directed reporters to the law firm Rhoads & Sinon LLP in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which did not immediately return a call on Friday night.", "r": {"result": "Mesej itu mengarahkan wartawan ke firma guaman Rhoads & Sinon LLP di Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, yang tidak segera membalas panggilan pada malam Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The winner lives in Fountain Hills, northeast of Phoenix, said Karen Bach, director of budget, communications and products at the Arizona Lottery.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang tinggal di Fountain Hills, timur laut Phoenix, kata Karen Bach, pengarah belanjawan, komunikasi dan produk di Arizona Lottery.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He and his wife relocated there about a year ago from Pennsylvania and had played Powerball in Arizona only twice, she said.", "r": {"result": "Dia dan isterinya berpindah ke sana kira-kira setahun yang lalu dari Pennsylvania dan telah bermain Powerball di Arizona hanya dua kali, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $587.6 million jackpot from the November 28 drawing had a cash option of $384.7 million before taxes.", "r": {"result": "Jackpot $587.6 juta daripada lukisan 28 November mempunyai pilihan tunai $384.7 juta sebelum cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Arizona winner has opted to take cash, $192.5 million, before taxes.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang Arizona telah memilih untuk mengambil wang tunai, $192.5 juta, sebelum cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fake lottery winner may be Facebook's most shared photo.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang loteri palsu mungkin foto yang paling banyak dikongsi oleh Facebook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the day of the drawing, he went to 4 Sons Food Store in Fountain Hills, \"handed the clerk a $20 bill and he said, 'I'd like 10 in Quick Pick Powerball tickets,'\" she told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari lukisan itu, dia pergi ke Kedai Makanan 4 Sons di Fountain Hills, \"menghulurkan bil $20 kepada kerani dan dia berkata, 'Saya mahu 10 tiket Quick Pick Powerball,'\" katanya kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The retailer tried to encourage him to spend the entire $20 and he said, 'No, $10 is all I want to spend.", "r": {"result": "\"Peruncit cuba menggalakkannya untuk membelanjakan keseluruhan $20 dan dia berkata, 'Tidak, $10 sahaja yang saya mahu belanjakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' Clearly, that was enough\".", "r": {"result": "' Jelas sekali, itu sudah cukup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He left his ticket overnight on the sun visor in his vehicle and retrieved it the next day, after he and his wife heard there had been a winner in Arizona.", "r": {"result": "Dia meninggalkan tiketnya semalaman pada pelindung matahari di dalam kenderaannya dan mendapatkannya pada keesokan harinya, selepas dia dan isterinya mendengar ada pemenang di Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then they compared the numbers on the ticket against those posted on the lottery website, she said.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian mereka membandingkan nombor pada tiket dengan yang disiarkan di laman web loteri, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They checked the numbers over and over again and were just absolutely shocked,\" Bach said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menyemak nombor berulang kali dan benar-benar terkejut,\" kata Bach.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, the couple has assembled a legal and financial team to guide them through the process and began meeting with them on Monday, going so far as to use a whiteboard to write down how they wanted to allocate their newfound assets, Bach said.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, pasangan itu telah mengumpulkan pasukan undang-undang dan kewangan untuk membimbing mereka melalui proses itu dan mula bertemu dengan mereka pada hari Isnin, setakat menggunakan papan putih untuk menulis bagaimana mereka mahu memperuntukkan aset baharu mereka, kata Bach.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Columns on the whiteboard included entries for financial, legal and \"fun,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Lajur di papan putih termasuk entri untuk kewangan, undang-undang dan \"keseronokan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple opted to claim the prize before the end of the year \"because of concerns over the fiscal cliff in 2013,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu memilih untuk menuntut hadiah itu sebelum akhir tahun \"kerana kebimbangan terhadap jurang fiskal pada 2013,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The winnings are to be awarded on about December 14, said Jeff Hatch-Miller, executive director of the Arizona Lottery.", "r": {"result": "Kemenangan akan diberikan pada kira-kira 14 Disember, kata Jeff Hatch-Miller, pengarah eksekutif Loteri Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hatch-Miller, who met Friday morning with the winner in a hotel suite in Scottsdale, said the winner likes what he does and has no immediate plans to change it.", "r": {"result": "Hatch-Miller, yang bertemu pagi Jumaat dengan pemenang di suite hotel di Scottsdale, berkata pemenang menyukai apa yang dia lakukan dan tidak mempunyai rancangan segera untuk mengubahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The winner said, 'You know, I like my job; I'd like to continue working my job,'\" Hatch-Miller said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pemenang berkata, 'Anda tahu, saya suka kerja saya; saya ingin terus bekerja dengan kerja saya,'\" kata Hatch-Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described the man's work as \"just a regular job, like yours or mine -- it's not a high-level job\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menyifatkan kerja lelaki itu sebagai \"hanya kerja biasa, seperti anda atau saya -- ia bukan pekerjaan peringkat tinggi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The winner's anonymity is not likely to last.", "r": {"result": "Kerahasiaan pemenang tidak mungkin kekal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokeswoman for the Arizona Lottery, Cindy Esquer, said it would release his name on Monday to news organizations that file Freedom of Information Act requests for it.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Loteri Arizona, Cindy Esquer, berkata ia akan mengeluarkan namanya pada hari Isnin kepada organisasi berita yang memfailkan permintaan Akta Kebebasan Maklumat untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two winners from Missouri claimed their half of the jackpot on November 30.", "r": {"result": "Dua pemenang dari Missouri menuntut separuh daripada jackpot mereka pada 30 November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prize is considered income by the IRS, meaning that the highest federal tax rate of 35% will apply.", "r": {"result": "Hadiah itu dianggap sebagai pendapatan oleh IRS, bermakna kadar cukai persekutuan tertinggi sebanyak 35% akan dikenakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each winner would therefore owe $67 million to the IRS, said Mark Luscombe, principal analyst at tax research firm CCH, in an interview last month.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, setiap pemenang akan berhutang $67 juta kepada IRS, kata Mark Luscombe, penganalisis utama di firma penyelidikan cukai CCH, dalam temu bual bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State taxes will also apply.", "r": {"result": "Cukai negeri juga akan dikenakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Arizona, a resident who has the winning ticket will be charged a 5% tax on the prize money.", "r": {"result": "Di Arizona, pemastautin yang mempunyai tiket yang menang akan dikenakan cukai 5% ke atas hadiah wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If a non-resident bought the winning ticket, a 6% rate will apply.", "r": {"result": "Jika bukan pemastautin membeli tiket yang menang, kadar 6% akan dikenakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resulting tax bill will be either $10 million or $11 million, according to CCH.", "r": {"result": "Bil cukai yang terhasil ialah sama ada $10 juta atau $11 juta, menurut CCH.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ohio cops share $1million Powerball prize.", "r": {"result": "Polis Ohio berkongsi hadiah Powerball $1 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Missouri charges residents and non-residents a 4% tax, making the tax liability there nearly $8 million.", "r": {"result": "Missouri mengenakan cukai 4% kepada penduduk dan bukan pemastautin, menjadikan liabiliti cukai di sana hampir $8 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taking both state and federal taxes into consideration means the Arizona winner would owe up to $78 million in taxes and take home $114 million.", "r": {"result": "Mengambil kira cukai negeri dan persekutuan bermakna pemenang Arizona akan berhutang sehingga $78 juta cukai dan membawa pulang $114 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Missouri winner's tax bill would total about $75 million, leaving a take of $117.5 million.", "r": {"result": "Bil cukai pemenang Missouri berjumlah kira-kira $75 juta, meninggalkan pengambilan sebanyak $117.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, in either case, the amount paid in state taxes could likely be deducted on the winners' federal tax returns, lowering the overall tax liability slightly.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, dalam mana-mana kes, jumlah yang dibayar dalam cukai negeri berkemungkinan boleh ditolak pada pulangan cukai persekutuan pemenang, mengurangkan sedikit liabiliti cukai keseluruhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)When the sound of gunfire rattled out of the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, it looked like the systematic murder of cartoonists and staff at the satirical magazine could have been the work of lone wolf extremists, two brothers named Said and Cherif Kouachi.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Apabila bunyi tembakan bergema dari pejabat Charlie Hebdo di Paris, nampaknya pembunuhan sistematik kartunis dan kakitangan di majalah satira itu boleh jadi adalah kerja pelampau serigala tunggal, dua beradik bernama Said dan Cherif Kouachi .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When a policewoman was gunned down the next day, police first thought the incident was unrelated.", "r": {"result": "Apabila seorang polis wanita ditembak mati pada keesokan harinya, polis mula-mula menyangka kejadian itu tidak berkaitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when that gunman, Amedy Coulibaly, took hostages at a kosher supermarket the next day, demanding that police stand down from a siege of the Kouachi brothers happening just outside the city, a web of connections started to become clear.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila lelaki bersenjata itu, Amedy Coulibaly, mengambil tebusan di pasar raya halal pada keesokan harinya, menuntut polis berhenti daripada pengepungan saudara Kouachi yang berlaku di luar bandar, jaringan perhubungan mula menjadi jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as investigators look into the horrific events that shook France and the world this month, it becomes clear that the links spread from Paris out to Yemen, Syria, Iraq and beyond.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila penyiasat meneliti peristiwa ngeri yang menggegarkan Perancis dan dunia bulan ini, menjadi jelas bahawa hubungan itu merebak dari Paris ke Yaman, Syria, Iraq dan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A week after the Charlie Hebdo killings, al Qaeda's Yemen affiliate, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, said that it had planned and funded the attack years earlier.", "r": {"result": "Seminggu selepas pembunuhan Charlie Hebdo, sekutu Al Qaeda Yaman, al Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab, berkata bahawa ia telah merancang dan membiayai serangan itu beberapa tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a video message, AQAP credited the American-born radical preacher Anwar al-Awlaki with giving the orders before he was killed in 2011.", "r": {"result": "Dalam mesej video, AQAP memuji pendakwah radikal kelahiran Amerika Anwar al-Awlaki dengan memberi arahan sebelum dia dibunuh pada 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Separately, a video emerged that appeared to show Coulibaly pledging allegiance to the leader of another terror group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.", "r": {"result": "Secara berasingan, muncul satu video yang menunjukkan Coulibaly berikrar taat setia kepada ketua kumpulan pengganas lain, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, yang memproklamirkan diri sebagai khalifah Negara Islam di Iraq dan Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through legal papers, jihadi websites, press reports and its own investigations, CNN has pieced together other connections.", "r": {"result": "Melalui kertas undang-undang, laman web jihad, laporan akhbar dan siasatannya sendiri, CNN telah menyatukan hubungan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When they were in their 20s, the Kouachi brothers were part of a circle of Parisian Islamists inspired by Farid Beyettoun, police allege in court papers seen by CNN.", "r": {"result": "Ketika mereka berusia 20-an, adik-beradik Kouachi adalah sebahagian daripada kumpulan Islamis Paris yang diilhamkan oleh Farid Beyettoun, dakwa polis dalam kertas mahkamah yang dilihat oleh CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later, Cherif Kouachi was in jail with Djamel Beghal, who was accused of being a top al Qaeda recruiter.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, Cherif Kouachi dipenjarakan bersama Djamel Beghal, yang dituduh sebagai perekrut terkemuka al Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coulibaly and his wife, Hayat Boumeddiene, often visited Beghal when he got out of prison, as did Kouachi.", "r": {"result": "Coulibaly dan isterinya, Hayat Boumeddiene, sering melawat Beghal apabila dia keluar dari penjara, begitu juga Kouachi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly are dead, but Boumeddiene is on the run, and investigators are continuing to look into who knows whom, and what the connections could reveal.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua adik-beradik Kouachi dan Coulibaly telah mati, tetapi Boumeddiene sedang dalam pelarian, dan penyiasat terus mencari siapa yang tahu siapa, dan apa yang boleh didedahkan oleh hubungan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Scott Bronstein and Florence Davey-Attlee contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Scott Bronstein dari CNN dan Florence Davey-Attlee menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Europe remained gripped by frigid temperatures and snow Friday, with the icy weather closing much of the Danube River to shipping and disrupting travel across the region.", "r": {"result": "Eropah kekal dicengkam oleh suhu sejuk dan salji pada Jumaat, dengan cuaca berais menutup sebahagian besar Sungai Danube untuk penghantaran dan mengganggu perjalanan merentasi rantau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Central and Eastern Europe have borne the brunt of the unseasonably bitter weather, which has led to hundreds of deaths and thousands of cases of frostbite and hypothermia.", "r": {"result": "Eropah Tengah dan Timur telah menanggung beban cuaca pahit yang tidak menentu, yang telah menyebabkan ratusan kematian dan ribuan kes radang dingin dan hipotermia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twenty-two countries have posted warnings for extreme cold temperatures and accumulating snow, CNN meteorologist Brandon Miller said.", "r": {"result": "Dua puluh dua negara telah menyiarkan amaran untuk suhu sejuk melampau dan salji terkumpul, kata ahli meteorologi CNN Brandon Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The big freeze is not likely to end any time soon, Miller said, with the Arctic air forecast to continue spilling deep into Europe, keeping temperatures well below average and allowing the snow to continue to pile higher and higher.", "r": {"result": "Pembekuan besar itu tidak mungkin berakhir dalam masa terdekat, kata Miller, dengan ramalan udara Artik akan terus tumpah jauh ke Eropah, mengekalkan suhu jauh di bawah purata dan membenarkan salji terus bertimbun lebih tinggi dan lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Ukraine, the worst-affected country, well over 100 people have died and more than 3,000 have sought hospital treatment.", "r": {"result": "Di Ukraine, negara yang paling teruk terjejas, lebih 100 orang telah meninggal dunia dan lebih 3,000 telah mendapatkan rawatan hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State news agency Ukrinform said more than 120 ships -- most of them foreign -- were trapped in the Kerch Strait, linking the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea, because of ice.", "r": {"result": "Agensi berita negara Ukrinform berkata lebih 120 kapal -- kebanyakannya asing -- terperangkap di Selat Kerch, menghubungkan Laut Azov ke Laut Hitam, kerana ais.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parts of the Danube River, one of the most important rivers in Europe for commerce, have nearly frozen over for the first time in 25 years.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada Sungai Danube, salah satu sungai terpenting di Eropah untuk perdagangan, hampir beku buat kali pertama dalam 25 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That has led at least four countries to halt shipping along sections of the 1,700-mile-long waterway because of the risk of damage to vessels' hulls.", "r": {"result": "Itu telah menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya empat negara menghentikan penghantaran di sepanjang bahagian laluan air sepanjang 1,700 batu kerana risiko kerosakan pada badan kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The river is also used for drinking water, irrigation and tourism.", "r": {"result": "Sungai ini juga digunakan untuk air minuman, pengairan dan pelancongan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The stretch of the Danube running through Romania has been closed indefinitely to traffic, Romanian state television network TVR reported Friday.", "r": {"result": "Hamparan Danube yang merentasi Romania telah ditutup selama-lamanya kepada lalu lintas, rangkaian televisyen negara Romania TVR melaporkan pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, most roads had reopened as of late Thursday, TVR reported, although major problems remain on the country's rail network.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, kebanyakan jalan raya telah dibuka semula pada lewat Khamis, lapor TVR, walaupun masalah utama masih kekal pada rangkaian rel negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romania's capital, Bucharest, reached a low of -24 degrees C for the second morning running Friday, its lowest temperature since the cold snap began two weeks ago.", "r": {"result": "Ibu negara Romania, Bucharest, mencecah paras terendah -24 darjah C untuk pagi kedua hari Jumaat, suhu terendah sejak musim sejuk bermula dua minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bucharest has not seen the mercury climb above the 0 degree Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) freezing point since January 24, Miller said.", "r": {"result": "Bucharest tidak pernah melihat merkuri mendaki melebihi takat beku 0 darjah Celsius (32 darjah Fahrenheit) sejak 24 Januari, kata Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The average high for this time of year is 3 degrees Celsius (37 degrees Fahrenheit).", "r": {"result": "Purata tinggi untuk masa tahun ini ialah 3 darjah Celsius (37 darjah Fahrenheit).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Snow is lying 11 inches deep in Bucharest but has piled up even higher to the west, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the capital, Sarajevo, has seen over 39 inches accumulate in the past two weeks, Miller said.", "r": {"result": "Salji terletak 11 inci dalam di Bucharest tetapi telah bertimbun lebih tinggi ke barat, di Bosnia dan Herzegovina, di mana ibu negara, Sarajevo, telah melihat lebih 39 inci terkumpul dalam dua minggu lalu, kata Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A year ago, the city was covered by less than half an inch of snow.", "r": {"result": "Setahun yang lalu, bandar itu dilitupi salji kurang daripada setengah inci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Balkan Peninsula has been hammered with a series of potent snow storms, the result of a jet stream that has sagged much farther south than normal, allowing storms to pick up moisture over the waters of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas and dump it on the already frozen landscape of the Balkans, Miller added.", "r": {"result": "Semenanjung Balkan telah dipukul dengan beberapa siri ribut salji yang kuat, hasil daripada aliran jet yang telah merosot jauh lebih jauh ke selatan daripada biasa, membolehkan ribut mengambil lembapan di atas perairan Laut Mediterranean dan Laut Aegean dan membuangnya ke laut yang sedia ada. landskap beku Balkan, tambah Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Serbia, the death toll from the cold snap rose to 16 on Friday, Interior Ministry emergencies official Predrag Maric told Serbian state news agency Tanjug.", "r": {"result": "Di Serbia, angka kematian akibat serangan sejuk meningkat kepada 16 pada hari Jumaat, pegawai kecemasan Kementerian Dalam Negeri Predrag Maric memberitahu agensi berita negara Serbia Tanjug.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The situation has improved, he is quoted as saying, since the government declared a state of emergency in 38 municipalities.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan bertambah baik, beliau dipetik sebagai berkata, sejak kerajaan mengisytiharkan darurat di 38 majlis perbandaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities are now focusing on getting food to people in the worst-affected areas, the news agency said.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa kini memberi tumpuan untuk mendapatkan makanan kepada orang ramai di kawasan yang paling teruk terjejas, kata agensi berita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five more people died of hypothermia overnight in Poland, according to the Interior Ministry, the website of the publicly funded Polish Radio reported, taking the total number of cold related deaths there to 97.", "r": {"result": "Lima lagi orang meninggal dunia akibat hipotermia semalaman di Poland, menurut Kementerian Dalam Negeri, laman web Radio Poland yang dibiayai awam melaporkan, menjadikan jumlah kematian berkaitan selsema di sana kepada 97.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turkish Airlines, the national flag carrier for Turkey, canceled 57 domestic and international flights Friday because of severe weather, the semiofficial Anatolian news agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Turkish Airlines, syarikat penerbangan kebangsaan untuk Turki, membatalkan 57 penerbangan domestik dan antarabangsa pada hari Jumaat kerana cuaca buruk, lapor agensi berita separuh rasmi Anatolia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a sign of the extreme weather conditions, the city hospital in Split, Croatia, has used two years' supply of plaster in only five days; a result of treating the high number of fractures caused by slips on the snowy and icy terrain, Miller said.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tanda keadaan cuaca yang melampau, hospital bandar di Split, Croatia, telah menggunakan bekalan plaster selama dua tahun dalam masa lima hari sahaja; hasil daripada merawat bilangan patah tulang yang tinggi disebabkan oleh gelinciran di kawasan bersalji dan berais, kata Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "South-east and western Europe can also expect more wintry weather over the weekend.", "r": {"result": "Eropah Tenggara dan barat juga boleh menjangkakan cuaca lebih sejuk pada hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Italy is braced Friday for heavy snowfall, with more than 40 deaths blamed on the cold snap so far, according to reports.", "r": {"result": "Itali bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi salji lebat pada Jumaat, dengan lebih 40 kematian dipersalahkan setakat ini, menurut laporan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "La Repubblica newspaper said it was expected to be the most difficult weekend for more than a decade, with the icy conditions extending as far south as Calabria.", "r": {"result": "Akhbar La Repubblica berkata ia dijangka menjadi hujung minggu paling sukar selama lebih sedekad, dengan keadaan berais menjangkau sejauh selatan Calabria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schools and offices were closed in Rome as city workers prepared to cope with as much as a foot of snow overnight.", "r": {"result": "Sekolah dan pejabat ditutup di Rom ketika pekerja bandar bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi salji setinggi satu kaki semalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mayor has issued an order requiring drivers to carry snow chains, and extra salt has been stockpiled for use on the roads.", "r": {"result": "Datuk Bandar telah mengeluarkan perintah yang memerlukan pemandu membawa rantai salji, dan garam tambahan telah disimpan untuk digunakan di jalan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Heavy snowfall a week ago paralyzed roads and trains in many cities across Italy, leading to wide criticism of authorities.", "r": {"result": "Salji lebat seminggu yang lalu melumpuhkan jalan raya dan kereta api di banyak bandar di seluruh Itali, yang membawa kepada kritikan meluas terhadap pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number of beds available for homeless people in Rome has almost doubled, from 1,300 to 2,500, and new shelters have been set up in many metro stations, which are being kept open overnight, officials said.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan katil yang tersedia untuk gelandangan di Rom meningkat hampir dua kali ganda, daripada 1,300 kepada 2,500, dan tempat perlindungan baharu telah disediakan di banyak stesen metro, yang dibuka semalaman, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Six Nations rugby match between Italy and England in Rome will go ahead Saturday as planned, English rugby union officials said.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan ragbi Enam Negara antara Itali dan England di Rom akan berlangsung Sabtu seperti yang dirancang, kata pegawai kesatuan ragbi Inggeris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some weather-related delays and cancellations have been reported at Italian airports.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa kelewatan dan pembatalan berkaitan cuaca telah dilaporkan di lapangan terbang Itali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Train services have been suspended in 12 regions, the Corriere della Sera newspaper reported.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan kereta api telah digantung di 12 wilayah, lapor akhbar Corriere della Sera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The center-north regions of Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo and Marche, where it has been snowing for several days, have been particularly affected by the bad weather.", "r": {"result": "Wilayah tengah-utara Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo dan Marche, di mana salji turun selama beberapa hari, telah terjejas terutamanya oleh cuaca buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Local trains are suspended.", "r": {"result": "Kereta api tempatan digantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the northern Italian city of Trieste, an icy wind is blowing at more than 80 miles per hour and is expected to strengthen, according to the regional civil protection agency.", "r": {"result": "Di bandar Trieste di utara Itali, angin berais bertiup lebih 80 batu sejam dan dijangka bertambah kuat, menurut agensi perlindungan awam serantau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An alert has been issued for strong winds over the next 36 hours, as people in the city report finding it difficult to remain standing in the gusts.", "r": {"result": "Amaran telah dikeluarkan untuk angin kencang dalam tempoh 36 jam akan datang, kerana orang ramai di bandar melaporkan sukar untuk kekal berdiri dalam tiupan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The famous canals of Venice started freezing over this week, preventing gondoliers from plying their trade on the city's picturesque waterways.", "r": {"result": "Terusan Venice yang terkenal mula membeku sejak minggu ini, menghalang para gondoli daripada menjalankan perniagaan mereka di laluan air yang indah di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many parts of England and Wales saw snow Thursday night and Friday morning.", "r": {"result": "Banyak bahagian di England dan Wales menyaksikan salji malam Khamis dan pagi Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Rev.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Franklin Graham has arrived in North Korea bearing a gift for North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, the country's official news agency reported Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Franklin Graham telah tiba di Korea Utara dengan membawa hadiah untuk pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong Il, lapor agensi berita rasmi negara itu Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rev.", "r": {"result": "Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Franklin Graham reportedly will oversee the delivery of $190,000 in equipment for a dental school.", "r": {"result": "Franklin Graham dilaporkan akan mengawasi penghantaran peralatan $190,000 untuk sekolah pergigian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Graham handed the present, which was not identified, to a high-ranking official Wednesday to give to Kim, the Korean Central News Agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Graham menyerahkan hadiah itu, yang tidak dikenal pasti, kepada seorang pegawai tinggi pada hari Rabu untuk diberikan kepada Kim, lapor Agensi Berita Pusat Korea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Graham, the son of the Rev.", "r": {"result": "Graham, anak kepada Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Billy Graham and the president of Samaritan's Purse, arrived Tuesday in North Korea's capital, Pyongyang, KCNA said.", "r": {"result": "Billy Graham dan presiden Samaritan's Purse, tiba pada hari Selasa di ibu negara Korea Utara, Pyongyang, kata KCNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On its Web site, Samaritan's Purse said Franklin Graham was to meet with high-level government officials and to inspect medical facilities that the organization has installed.", "r": {"result": "Di laman webnya, Samaritan's Purse berkata Franklin Graham akan bertemu dengan pegawai kerajaan peringkat tinggi dan untuk memeriksa kemudahan perubatan yang telah dipasang oleh organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe it is important to make visits like this to help improve relations and to have a better understanding with each other,\" Graham said, according to the Samaritan's Purse Web site.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya adalah penting untuk membuat lawatan seperti ini untuk membantu memperbaiki hubungan dan mempunyai persefahaman yang lebih baik antara satu sama lain,\" kata Graham, menurut laman web Samaritan's Purse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group said Graham will visit a hospital and also will oversee the delivery of $190,000 in equipment to outfit a dental school that can train up to 70 dentists per year.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu berkata Graham akan melawat hospital dan juga akan mengawasi penghantaran peralatan $190,000 untuk melengkapkan sekolah pergigian yang boleh melatih sehingga 70 doktor gigi setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "KCNA reported that Graham said he hoped he could act as a bridge for better relations between the United States and North Korea.", "r": {"result": "KCNA melaporkan bahawa Graham berkata dia berharap dia boleh bertindak sebagai jambatan untuk hubungan yang lebih baik antara Amerika Syarikat dan Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The visit marks Graham's third trip to North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan itu menandakan lawatan ketiga Graham ke Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His father visited the country in 1992 and 1994 and met with President Kim Il Sung, Samaritan's Purse said.", "r": {"result": "Bapanya melawat negara itu pada 1992 dan 1994 dan bertemu dengan Presiden Kim Il Sung, kata Samaritan's Purse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His mother, the late Ruth Bell Graham, attended a mission school in Pyongyang in 1934, the organization said.", "r": {"result": "Ibunya, mendiang Ruth Bell Graham, menghadiri sekolah misi di Pyongyang pada 1934, kata organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later this week, Graham is scheduled to travel to China, where he'll dedicate a clinic that Samaritan's Purse built, visit a city destroyed by last year's earthquake and speak at churches, the organization said.", "r": {"result": "Lewat minggu ini, Graham dijadualkan pergi ke China, di mana dia akan mendedikasikan sebuah klinik yang dibina oleh Samaritan's Purse, melawat bandar yang musnah akibat gempa bumi tahun lepas dan bercakap di gereja, kata organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Mashable) -- The United States no longer owns the world's fastest supercomputer.", "r": {"result": "(Mashable) -- Amerika Syarikat tidak lagi memiliki superkomputer terpantas di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A computer called Tianhe-1A, unveiled on Wednesday at a conference in Beijing, China, can run calculations faster than the previous speed leader, a computer at a U.S. lab in Tennessee.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah komputer bernama Tianhe-1A, yang didedahkan pada hari Rabu pada persidangan di Beijing, China, boleh menjalankan pengiraan lebih pantas daripada pendahulu kelajuan sebelumnya, sebuah komputer di makmal A.S. di Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new computer set a performance record by crunching 2.507 petaflops of data at once.", "r": {"result": "Komputer baharu itu mencatat rekod prestasi dengan memecah 2.507 petaflops data sekali gus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The previous leader, a computer called Cray XT5 Jaguar and located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, completed 1.75 petaflop calculations.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin sebelumnya, komputer bernama Cray XT5 Jaguar dan terletak di Makmal Kebangsaan Oak Ridge, menyelesaikan 1.75 pengiraan petaflop.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysts say the new record underscores China's place as a global tech leader.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis berkata rekod baharu itu menggariskan tempat China sebagai peneraju teknologi global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Nvidia, the computer technology company, the world's fastest computer will be operated as an open access system and will be used for large scale scientific computations.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Nvidia, syarikat teknologi komputer, komputer terpantas di dunia akan dikendalikan sebagai sistem akses terbuka dan akan digunakan untuk pengiraan saintifik berskala besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supercomputers, which essentially are many computers strung and networked together, fill entire rooms and even small warehouses.", "r": {"result": "Superkomputer, yang pada asasnya adalah banyak komputer yang dirangkai dan dirangkaikan bersama, memenuhi seluruh bilik dan juga gudang kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are often used to processes huge amounts of scientific data.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sering digunakan untuk memproses sejumlah besar data saintifik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Climate models, for example, are run using the supercomputing power that's found in U.S. national labs.", "r": {"result": "Model iklim, sebagai contoh, dijalankan menggunakan kuasa superkomputer yang terdapat di makmal kebangsaan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2010 MASHABLE.com.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2010 MASHABLE.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's Note: Lt. Gen.", "r": {"result": "Nota Editor: Lt. Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russel Honore led the military response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.", "r": {"result": "Russel Honore mengetuai tindak balas tentera terhadap Taufan Katrina dan Rita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Commanding General First U.S. Army, Honore commanded Joint Task Force - Katrina.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai Pemerintah Jeneral Pertama Tentera A.S., Honore memerintah Pasukan Petugas Bersama - Katrina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the aftermath of Katrina, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin called Honore \"a John Wayne dude\" who can \"get some stuff done\".", "r": {"result": "Selepas Katrina, Datuk Bandar New Orleans Ray Nagin memanggil Honore \"seorang lelaki John Wayne\" yang boleh \"menyelesaikan beberapa perkara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Honore, 60, is a native of Louisiana and has many relatives living there.", "r": {"result": "Honore, 60, berasal dari Louisiana dan mempunyai ramai saudara mara yang tinggal di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He retired from active service in March and is a CNN contributor.", "r": {"result": "Dia bersara daripada perkhidmatan aktif pada bulan Mac dan merupakan penyumbang CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The following is an edited interview with Honore conducted last night.", "r": {"result": "Berikut adalah temu bual yang disunting dengan Honore yang dijalankan malam tadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russel L. Honore says Americans must embrace a culture of preparedness for a host of disasters.", "r": {"result": "Russel L. Honore berkata rakyat Amerika mesti mengamalkan budaya kesiapsiagaan menghadapi pelbagai bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- How is this situation different from the response to Katrina?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bagaimanakah situasi ini berbeza daripada respons kepada Katrina?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katrina didn't have nearly the organized evacuation of the lower parishes that we've seen.", "r": {"result": "Katrina hampir tidak mempunyai pemindahan tersusun bagi paroki bawahan seperti yang kita lihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you start with this evacuation, you give it a thumbs-up.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda mulakan dengan pemindahan ini, anda memberikannya tanda ibu jari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The levees have been reinforced, they're in better shape.", "r": {"result": "Tambak telah diperkukuh, ia dalam keadaan yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The question is: Are they good enough?", "r": {"result": "Persoalannya ialah: Adakah mereka cukup baik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Katrina, the federal government left planners down there for over a year to write this plan that's being executed now.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Katrina, kerajaan persekutuan meninggalkan perancang di sana selama lebih setahun untuk menulis rancangan ini yang sedang dilaksanakan sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All indications are that there is good coordination, good collaboration.", "r": {"result": "Semua petunjuk menunjukkan bahawa terdapat penyelarasan yang baik, kerjasama yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evacuation is the easiest part of fighting hurricanes.", "r": {"result": "Pemindahan adalah bahagian paling mudah dalam memerangi taufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is like the pre-game show.", "r": {"result": "Ini seperti pertunjukan pra-permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You've got power, you've got cars.", "r": {"result": "Anda mempunyai kuasa, anda mempunyai kereta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hard part is after the storm, doing search and rescues, taking care of people who should have evacuated and didn't.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian yang sukar ialah selepas ribut, melakukan mencari dan menyelamat, menjaga orang yang sepatutnya berpindah dan tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People on the street have spent the past three years just trying to recover.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai di jalanan telah menghabiskan masa tiga tahun yang lalu hanya cuba untuk pulih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is a region that is really struggling, it's an area that is very nervous.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah wilayah yang benar-benar berjuang, ia adalah kawasan yang sangat gementar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We owe them the best that can be done.", "r": {"result": "Kami berhutang kepada mereka yang terbaik yang boleh dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What kind of condition are the levees in?", "r": {"result": "Apakah jenis keadaan yang terdapat pada tambak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government decided that we're going to fix the levees that were broken.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan memutuskan bahawa kami akan membetulkan tambak yang rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have been repaired in the finest fashion.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah dibaiki dengan cara terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But don't think that we're going to have 100 percent protection [from the levees].", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jangan fikir kita akan mendapat perlindungan 100 peratus [daripada tebing].", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a limit to what you can do to protect yourself from flooding.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat had untuk perkara yang boleh anda lakukan untuk melindungi diri anda daripada banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: Leaving home?", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Meninggalkan rumah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Share your story.", "r": {"result": "Kongsi cerita anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People talk about the Dutch.", "r": {"result": "Orang bercakap tentang Belanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Dutch don't get hurricanes.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Belanda tidak mendapat taufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you're dealing with a storm surge of 30 feet, you're talking about a whole different ballgame.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda berhadapan dengan gelombang ribut setinggi 30 kaki, anda bercakap tentang permainan bola yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have over 300 miles of levees.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai lebih 300 batu tambak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would not count on levees during a hurricane to save your life.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak akan bergantung pada tebing semasa taufan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Levees will give you early warning.", "r": {"result": "Tanggul akan memberi anda amaran awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're living behind a levee, you need to be prepared to evacuate at any time.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda tinggal di belakang tambak, anda perlu bersedia untuk berpindah pada bila-bila masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's Russel Honore's rule No.1. If you live along the Mississippi River or on the Gulf Coast, rule No.2 is: It's going to flood.", "r": {"result": "Itu peraturan Russel Honore No.1. Jika anda tinggal di sepanjang Sungai Mississippi atau di Pantai Teluk, peraturan No.2 ialah: Ia akan banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What about the people who didn't evacuate?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana dengan orang yang tidak berpindah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The key thing, if they're sheltered in place -- if you're at home now, you can still expect to lose power if you're within 120 miles of the storm, and well before the eye of the storm occurs.", "r": {"result": "Perkara utama, jika mereka terlindung di tempatnya -- jika anda berada di rumah sekarang, anda masih boleh mengharapkan kehilangan kuasa jika anda berada dalam lingkungan 120 batu dari ribut, dan jauh sebelum mata ribut itu berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... You need to be prepared to lose power for up to a week.", "r": {"result": "... Anda perlu bersedia untuk kehilangan kuasa sehingga seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You need to have food and water on hand, you need good batteries for your weather radio.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu mempunyai makanan dan air di tangan, anda memerlukan bateri yang baik untuk radio cuaca anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You need to be aware you could start seeing tornadoes on the coast.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu sedar anda boleh mula melihat puting beliung di pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch residents leaving >>.", "r": {"result": "Perhatikan penduduk pergi >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What are the longer term lessons?", "r": {"result": "Apakah pelajaran jangka panjang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to build a culture of preparedness.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu membina budaya persediaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to assure that every kid who goes to school in America knows how to swim.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu memberi jaminan bahawa setiap kanak-kanak yang bersekolah di Amerika tahu cara berenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number of EMS teams and ambulances is not tracking with the growth in population.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan pasukan EMS dan ambulans tidak menjejaki pertumbuhan populasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to teach more of our people first aid.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu mengajar lebih ramai orang kita tentang pertolongan cemas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The federal government ought to be there to back the states up, we need to build a culture of preparedness in each.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan persekutuan sepatutnya berada di sana untuk menyokong negeri-negeri, kita perlu membina budaya kesiapsiagaan di setiap negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why are we sending people there to issue them ice and water?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa kita menghantar orang ke sana untuk mengeluarkan ais dan air?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We should be empowering people to act locally.", "r": {"result": "Kita harus memperkasakan orang ramai untuk bertindak secara tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The key to hurricane preparation is family preparation.", "r": {"result": "Kunci kepada persiapan taufan ialah persediaan keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If families are prepared, we lose fewer lives.", "r": {"result": "Jika keluarga bersedia, kita kehilangan lebih sedikit nyawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Government has to set standards for institutions like nursing homes and hospitals and for homes where people with mental or physical disabilities are kept.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan perlu menetapkan piawaian untuk institusi seperti rumah jagaan dan hospital dan untuk rumah di mana orang kurang upaya mental atau fizikal disimpan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They should be evacuated well before the general population.", "r": {"result": "Mereka harus dipindahkan jauh sebelum penduduk umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have to decide how close we should have those types of institutions to the coastline and to areas that will probably be flooded.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu memutuskan sejauh mana kita harus mempunyai jenis institusi tersebut dengan pantai dan kawasan yang mungkin akan dinaiki air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That part of the population is just too vulnerable.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian populasi itu terlalu terdedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to create a national preparedness plan, with a local civil defense corps.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu membuat rancangan kesiapsiagaan negara, dengan kor pertahanan awam tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need dual trained teachers who can be disaster responders.", "r": {"result": "Kami memerlukan dua guru terlatih yang boleh bertindak balas bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to equip each high schools with satellite communications.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu melengkapkan setiap sekolah menengah dengan komunikasi satelit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need drugstores with generators in each geographical area ... If you lose power, people can still get medicine.", "r": {"result": "Kami memerlukan kedai ubat dengan generator di setiap kawasan geografi ... Jika anda kehilangan kuasa, orang masih boleh mendapatkan ubat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gas stations along interstate highways need to have generators.", "r": {"result": "Stesen minyak di sepanjang lebuh raya antara negeri perlu mempunyai penjana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need cellphone towers that could be lowered before the storm and then raised after the storm.", "r": {"result": "Kami memerlukan menara telefon bimbit yang boleh diturunkan sebelum ribut dan kemudian dinaikkan selepas ribut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For every dollar you spend in preparedness before the disaster you save $9 after the disaster.", "r": {"result": "Untuk setiap dolar yang anda belanjakan sebagai persediaan sebelum bencana, anda menjimatkan $9 selepas bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since Katrina, FEMA and DHS have focused on fixing the problems we saw with Katrina.", "r": {"result": "Sejak Katrina, FEMA dan DHS telah menumpukan pada menyelesaikan masalah yang kami lihat dengan Katrina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It looks like they've gotten there, but we face a hell of a lot of things more than just hurricanes.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya mereka sudah sampai ke sana, tetapi kita menghadapi banyak perkara yang lebih daripada sekadar taufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I went to some government buildings Friday down in New Orleans.", "r": {"result": "Saya pergi ke beberapa bangunan kerajaan pada hari Jumaat di New Orleans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They still don't have enough back-up power.", "r": {"result": "Mereka masih tidak mempunyai kuasa sandaran yang mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do you think of the decision by the Republican Party to scale back parts of its convention because of the storm?", "r": {"result": "Apakah pendapat anda tentang keputusan Parti Republikan untuk mengurangkan bahagian konvensyennya kerana ribut?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It seemed to be the appropriate thing to do.", "r": {"result": "Ia seolah-olah menjadi perkara yang sesuai untuk dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But let's turn this into something.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mari kita ubah ini menjadi sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American Red Cross has spent $20 million getting prepared for the storm.", "r": {"result": "Palang Merah Amerika telah membelanjakan $20 juta untuk bersiap sedia menghadapi ribut itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's turn it [the convention] into a fundraiser for the American Red Cross, let's turn this into a positive.", "r": {"result": "Mari kita jadikan ia [konvensyen] sebagai pengumpulan dana untuk Palang Merah Amerika, mari kita ubah ini menjadi positif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They should challenge the Democrats to see who can raise the most money.", "r": {"result": "Mereka harus mencabar Demokrat untuk melihat siapa yang boleh mengumpul wang paling banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this q-and-a are solely those of the subject of the interview.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam q-dan-a ini adalah semata-mata daripada subjek temu bual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The English Premier League has rejected a proposal to bring Scottish Premier League sides Celtic and Rangers into English football's top flight.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Liga Perdana Inggeris telah menolak cadangan untuk membawa pasukan Liga Perdana Scotland Celtic dan Rangers ke dalam liga utama bola sepak Inggeris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Glasgow-based sides, who have dominated their own league both competitively and financially in recent years, had hoped to be part of plans submitted by Bolton chairman Phil Gartside who is keen on a two-tier league of between 36 and 40 teams.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan yang berpangkalan di Glasgow, yang telah mendominasi liga mereka sendiri secara kompetitif dan kewangan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, berharap untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada rancangan yang dikemukakan oleh pengerusi Bolton Phil Gartside yang berminat untuk liga dua peringkat antara 36 dan 40 pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Celtic and Rangers would have been invited to join the lower of the two leagues under the plan, but the proposal was overwhelmingly rejected.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Celtic dan Rangers akan dijemput untuk menyertai bahagian bawah kedua-dua liga di bawah rancangan itu, tetapi cadangan itu ditolak dengan banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "English Premier League clubs will now consider whether to introduce a two-tier system as part of a wider strategic review.", "r": {"result": "Kelab Liga Perdana Inggeris kini akan mempertimbangkan sama ada untuk memperkenalkan sistem dua peringkat sebagai sebahagian daripada kajian strategik yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement from the Premier League said: \"Bolton Wanderers submitted a discussion paper detailing ideas concerning the restructuring of the Premier League into two tiers with the inclusion of Celtic and Rangers.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan Liga Perdana berkata: \"Bolton Wanderers menyerahkan kertas perbincangan yang memperincikan idea mengenai penstrukturan semula Liga Perdana kepada dua peringkat dengan kemasukan Celtic dan Rangers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The clubs welcomed the additional input into an ongoing process, however, they were of the opinion that bringing Celtic and Rangers into any form of Premier League set-up was not desirable or viable.", "r": {"result": "\"Kelab-kelab mengalu-alukan input tambahan ke dalam proses yang berterusan, bagaimanapun, mereka berpendapat bahawa membawa Celtic dan Rangers ke dalam sebarang bentuk susunan Liga Perdana adalah tidak wajar atau berdaya maju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The other relevant ideas contained within Bolton's paper will now be taken forward as part of the wider strategic review being undertaken by the Premier League since November 2008 with the aim of providing recommendations before December 2010.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Idea lain yang berkaitan yang terkandung dalam kertas Bolton kini akan dibawa ke hadapan sebagai sebahagian daripada kajian strategik yang lebih luas yang dijalankan oleh Liga Perdana sejak November 2008 dengan tujuan untuk memberikan cadangan sebelum Disember 2010.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rejection comes as Rangers revealed that they made a loss of nearly $22 million last year, compared with a profit of $11.3m the previous year.", "r": {"result": "Penolakan itu berlaku apabila Rangers mendedahkan bahawa mereka mengalami kerugian hampir $22 juta tahun lepas, berbanding keuntungan $11.3 juta pada tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rangers are currently seeking new owners, with former chairman David Murray keen to off-load his controlling stake.", "r": {"result": "Rangers kini sedang mencari pemilik baharu, dengan bekas pengerusi David Murray berminat untuk melepaskan pegangan kawalannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The club have also been hit by a fine by governing body UEFA for crowd trouble during their Champions League match against Unirea Urziceni on November 4 in Romania.", "r": {"result": "Kelab itu juga telah didenda oleh badan induk UEFA kerana masalah orang ramai semasa perlawanan Liga Juara-Juara menentang Unirea Urziceni pada 4 November di Romania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rangers have been fined $30,000 for the behaviour of their supporters while Romanian outfit have been hit with a fine of around $12,000 for their organisation at the Group G clash.", "r": {"result": "Renjer telah didenda $30,000 kerana kelakuan penyokong mereka manakala pakaian Romania telah dikenakan denda sekitar $12,000 untuk organisasi mereka pada pertembungan Kumpulan G.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- In the black market of prison life, cell phones have become perhaps the hottest commodity.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dalam pasaran gelap kehidupan penjara, telefon bimbit mungkin menjadi komoditi paling hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, Texas is among a growing number of state governments going after them.", "r": {"result": "Kini, Texas adalah antara semakin banyak kerajaan negeri yang mengejar mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds of contraband cell phones were found behind bars or in transit to Texas inmates in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus telefon bimbit seludup ditemui di belakang bar atau dalam transit ke banduan Texas pada 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tiny, easy to hide and an unmonitored link for convicts to the outside world, cell phones are valuable contraband, fetching a greater asking price from convicts than some shipments of illegal drugs.", "r": {"result": "Kecil, mudah disembunyikan dan pautan yang tidak dipantau untuk banduan ke dunia luar, telefon bimbit adalah seludup yang berharga, mendapatkan harga yang diminta daripada banduan daripada beberapa penghantaran dadah haram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Moriarty, inspector general for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, said that one phone can fetch as much as $2,000.", "r": {"result": "John Moriarty, inspektor jeneral untuk Jabatan Keadilan Jenayah Texas, berkata bahawa satu telefon boleh mendapatkan sebanyak $2,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It takes one crooked prison worker to populate a whole prison unit with them,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia memerlukan seorang pekerja penjara bengkok untuk mengisi keseluruhan unit penjara dengan mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 1,200 wireless phones sit in law enforcement evidence rooms, all found behind bars or in transit to Texas inmates in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 1,200 telefon wayarles berada di dalam bilik bukti penguatkuasaan undang-undang, semuanya ditemui di belakang bar atau dalam transit ke banduan Texas pada tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moriarty is the investigator and bloodhound the state of Texas uses to trail the illegal traffic.", "r": {"result": "Moriarty ialah penyiasat dan pemburu darah yang digunakan oleh negeri Texas untuk menjejaki trafik haram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These are not stupid people,\" he said of the coordinated efforts to slip phones into the prison and hide them.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bukan orang bodoh,\" katanya mengenai usaha yang diselaraskan untuk memasukkan telefon ke dalam penjara dan menyembunyikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are a lot of hands in between and they all want a piece of the action\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak tangan di antara dan mereka semua mahukan secebis tindakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Accomplices on the outside vary from family members, to friends to fellow criminals who buy or steal the phones and charge them with minutes.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang bersubahat di luar berbeza-beza daripada ahli keluarga, kepada rakan kepada rakan penjenayah yang membeli atau mencuri telefon dan mengecasnya dengan minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The contraband is then moved through an elaborate series of drop points and usually ferried into the walls of a prison by a guard or trustee -- an escape engineered in reverse.", "r": {"result": "Seludup itu kemudiannya dialihkan melalui satu siri titik pengguguran yang rumit dan biasanya dibawa ke dinding penjara oleh pengawal atau pemegang amanah -- pelarian yang direka bentuk secara terbalik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finding the dirty prison employee is often the key.", "r": {"result": "Mencari pekerja penjara yang kotor sering menjadi kunci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some of these guys make next to nothing, so you can see how easy it could be to corrupt them,\" Moriarty said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sesetengah daripada lelaki ini tidak menghasilkan apa-apa, jadi anda boleh melihat betapa mudahnya untuk merosakkan mereka,\" kata Moriarty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State Sen.", "r": {"result": "Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Whitmire, a Houston Democrat and the chair of the state senate's Criminal Justice Committee, became an ally of Moriarty's after one phone call in October.", "r": {"result": "John Whitmire, seorang Demokrat Houston dan pengerusi Jawatankuasa Keadilan Jenayah senat negeri, menjadi sekutu Moriarty selepas satu panggilan telefon pada bulan Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He picked up a phone slip from his secretary and called the number on it -- only to realize he had returned a call to a death row inmate's cell phone.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengambil slip telefon daripada setiausahanya dan menghubungi nombor yang tertera di dalamnya -- hanya untuk menyedari dia telah membalas panggilan telefon bimbit banduan hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The inmate, he said, was Richard Tabler -- a convicted double murderer who was sharing a wireless phone with nine other inmates.", "r": {"result": "Banduan itu, katanya, ialah Richard Tabler -- seorang pembunuh berganda yang disabitkan kesalahan yang berkongsi telefon tanpa wayar dengan sembilan banduan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At first I thought it was a hoax,\" said Whitmire, who said he called the state justice board and \"read them the riot act\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pada mulanya saya fikir ia adalah satu penipuan,\" kata Whitmire, yang berkata dia menghubungi lembaga keadilan negeri dan \"membaca mereka tindakan rusuhan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whitmire is one of the sponsors of a bill in the Texas Legislature that would crack down on convicts caught with phones and allow prison systems to monitor and detect cell signals.", "r": {"result": "Whitmire ialah salah seorang penaja rang undang-undang di Texas Legislature yang akan bertindak keras terhadap banduan yang ditangkap dengan telefon dan membenarkan sistem penjara memantau dan mengesan isyarat sel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's en route to Gov.", "r": {"result": "Ia dalam perjalanan ke Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Perry's desk after clearing both houses of the legislature this week.", "r": {"result": "meja Rick Perry selepas membersihkan kedua-dua dewan perundangan minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other efforts are under way at both the state and federal level.", "r": {"result": "Usaha lain sedang dijalankan di peringkat negeri dan persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January, U.S. Rep.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Januari, A.S. Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican, introduced legislation that would let prisons jam cell-phone signals within their walls.", "r": {"result": "Kevin Brady, seorang Republikan Texas, memperkenalkan undang-undang yang akan membenarkan penjara menyekat isyarat telefon bimbit di dalam dinding mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, Maryland Gov.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, Maryland Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin O'Malley asked the federal government for permission to do so in his state.", "r": {"result": "Martin O'Malley meminta kebenaran kerajaan persekutuan untuk berbuat demikian di negerinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prison officials in Arizona are training dogs to sniff out cell phones.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai penjara di Arizona sedang melatih anjing untuk menghidu telefon bimbit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A 17-year-old Connecticut high school student pleaded not guilty Wednesday in the slashing death of a classmate in a school stairwell in April, a court official said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang pelajar sekolah menengah Connecticut berusia 17 tahun mengaku tidak bersalah pada hari Rabu dalam membunuh seorang rakan sekelas di tangga sekolah pada April, kata seorang pegawai mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christopher Plaskon appeared in Milford Superior Court, where he waived his right to a probable cause hearing and elected to be tried by a three-judge panel rather than a 12-member jury, according to clerk Linda Kautzner.", "r": {"result": "Christopher Plaskon hadir di Mahkamah Tinggi Milford, di mana dia mengetepikan haknya untuk mendengar kemungkinan sebab dan dipilih untuk dibicarakan oleh panel tiga hakim dan bukannya juri 12 ahli, menurut kerani Linda Kautzner.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His attorney, Richard Meehan Jr., told CNN that he is considering a mental health defense.", "r": {"result": "Peguamnya, Richard Meehan Jr., memberitahu CNN bahawa dia sedang mempertimbangkan pertahanan kesihatan mental.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plaskon is suspected of slashing classmate Maren Sanchez, 16, at Jonathan Law High School in Milford on April 25. He was 16 at the time.", "r": {"result": "Plaskon disyaki menetak rakan sekelas Maren Sanchez, 16, di Sekolah Tinggi Jonathan Law di Milford pada 25 April. Dia berusia 16 tahun ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A witness saw Plaskon on top of the victim and tried unsuccessfully to pull him away, according to a probable cause statement in the case.", "r": {"result": "Seorang saksi melihat Plaskon berada di atas mangsa dan tidak berjaya menariknya, menurut pernyataan kemungkinan sebab dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another witness allegedly saw him discarding a bloody knife in a school corridor.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi saksi didakwa melihat dia membuang pisau berdarah di koridor sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state medical examiner's office concluded that Sanchez died from \"stab wounds to the trunk and neck\" and ruled the death a homicide.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat pemeriksa perubatan negeri membuat kesimpulan bahawa Sanchez meninggal dunia akibat \"luka tikaman pada batang dan leher\" dan memutuskan kematian itu sebagai pembunuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though the motive remains under investigation, police were looking into whether the boy was angry after Sanchez rejected him as a prom date.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun motif masih dalam siasatan, polis sedang meneliti sama ada budak itu marah selepas Sanchez menolaknya sebagai tarikh prom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I did it,\" Plaskon allegedly told a school police officer in the principal's office moments after the crime, according to the probable cause statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melakukannya,\" Plaskon didakwa memberitahu pegawai polis sekolah di pejabat pengetua sejurus selepas jenayah itu, menurut kenyataan kemungkinan punca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Just arrest me\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tangkap saya sahaja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plaskon was ordered held on $3 million bond in April.", "r": {"result": "Plaskon telah diperintahkan ditahan pada bon $3 juta pada bulan April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was charged as an adult and faces 25 to 60 years in prison if convicted.", "r": {"result": "Dia didakwa sebagai dewasa dan berdepan hukuman penjara 25 hingga 60 tahun jika sabit kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His next court appearance is July 30, Kautzner said.", "r": {"result": "Kemunculan mahkamah seterusnya ialah 30 Julai, kata Kautzner.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ELLENDALE, North Dakota (CNN) -- After surviving a near-fatal accident, Richard Olson recalls the doctor telling him, \"You may never walk again\".", "r": {"result": "ELLENDALE, North Dakota (CNN) -- Selepas terselamat daripada kemalangan yang hampir membawa maut, Richard Olson teringat doktor memberitahunya, \"Anda mungkin tidak akan berjalan lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bill Gross says he has put in $20,000 and 5,000 hours or more of volunteer time into Farm Rescue.", "r": {"result": "Bill Gross berkata dia telah memasukkan $20,000 dan 5,000 jam atau lebih masa sukarelawan ke dalam Farm Rescue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Ellendale, North Dakota, farmer had gotten caught in the power takeoff shaft of his farming equipment, and his injuries left him unable to plant his 2,500 acres of soybeans and corn.", "r": {"result": "Petani di Ellendale, North Dakota, telah terperangkap dalam aci berlepas kuasa peralatan pertaniannya, dan kecederaannya menyebabkan dia tidak dapat menanam kacang soya dan jagung seluas 2,500 ekar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The accident might have meant the end of his family's farm.", "r": {"result": "Kemalangan itu mungkin bermakna tamatnya ladang keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Enter Bill Gross and Farm Rescue.", "r": {"result": "Masukkan Bill Gross dan Farm Rescue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 2006, the successful UPS pilot has been, in his \"spare\" time, providing a helping hand and a hearty dose of hope for American family farmers like Olson.", "r": {"result": "Sejak tahun 2006, juruterbang UPS yang berjaya itu, dalam \"masa lapang\", memberikan bantuan dan harapan yang besar untuk petani keluarga Amerika seperti Olson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through his nonprofit, Gross, 41, and volunteers assist farmers who have suffered a major illness, injury or natural disaster.", "r": {"result": "Melalui bukan untungnya, Gross, 41, dan sukarelawan membantu petani yang telah mengalami penyakit besar, kecederaan atau bencana alam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, any of those crises can put an end to a farmer's livelihood.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, mana-mana krisis itu boleh menamatkan kehidupan petani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number of farms in America has decreased by 67 percent since 1910. Raised on a family farm in North Dakota, Gross says farms have changed since his childhood.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Jabatan Pertanian A.S., bilangan ladang di Amerika telah menurun sebanyak 67 peratus sejak 1910. Dibesarkan di ladang keluarga di North Dakota, Gross berkata ladang telah berubah sejak zaman kanak-kanaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Years ago, when there was an accident or an injury, neighbors would usually come and help each other,\" recalls Gross.", "r": {"result": "\"Bertahun-tahun yang lalu, apabila berlaku kemalangan atau kecederaan, jiran biasanya datang dan membantu antara satu sama lain,\" ingat Gross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Nowadays, there are fewer family farms and fewer children on those farms, and it's just not as easy for neighbors to help one another anymore\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pada masa kini, terdapat lebih sedikit ladang keluarga dan lebih sedikit kanak-kanak di ladang tersebut, dan bukan semudah itu untuk jiran membantu antara satu sama lain lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Farm Rescue's goal is to keep farmers afloat by helping with the farm labor through the planting and harvesting seasons.", "r": {"result": "Matlamat Farm Rescue adalah untuk memastikan petani terus bertahan dengan membantu buruh ladang melalui musim penanaman dan penuaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't give out money to farmers, this is not a handout or a bailout for any farm family,\" says Gross.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak memberi wang kepada petani, ini bukan pemberian atau penyelamatan untuk mana-mana keluarga ladang,\" kata Gross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's just to help them through the year so they can continue\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia hanya untuk membantu mereka sepanjang tahun supaya mereka boleh meneruskan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Olson says he doesn't know what he would have done without Farm Rescue's help.", "r": {"result": "Olson berkata dia tidak tahu apa yang dia akan lakukan tanpa bantuan Farm Rescue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I told my wife at the time we probably would have had to rent the land or something.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memberitahu isteri saya pada masa itu kami mungkin perlu menyewa tanah atau sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No doubt we would have not been able to do it ourselves,\" said Olson.", "r": {"result": "Tidak syak lagi kami tidak akan dapat melakukannya sendiri,\" kata Olson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Olson had sent an application to Farm Rescue and heard from Gross in less than two weeks.", "r": {"result": "Olson telah menghantar permohonan kepada Farm Rescue dan mendengar daripada Gross dalam masa kurang daripada dua minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Olson's request was granted, and today he is waiting to harvest the 2,500 acres of soybeans and corn.", "r": {"result": "Permintaan Olson telah diberikan, dan hari ini dia sedang menunggu untuk menuai 2,500 ekar kacang soya dan jagung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 2006, Farm Rescue has helped 59 farmers like Olson keep their land.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 2006, Farm Rescue telah membantu 59 petani seperti Olson mengekalkan tanah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Gross plans to help many more.", "r": {"result": "Dan Gross merancang untuk membantu ramai lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Gross and his Farm Rescue team helping a family farm in South Dakota >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Gross dan pasukan Farm Rescuenya membantu ladang keluarga di South Dakota >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By the end of the year, I feel fairly confident that the total family farms assisted since we started will be 63,\" says Gross.", "r": {"result": "\"Menjelang akhir tahun, saya berasa agak yakin bahawa jumlah ladang keluarga yang dibantu sejak kami bermula ialah 63,\" kata Gross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And our goal for 2009 is to reach a total of 100 farm families\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan matlamat kami untuk tahun 2009 adalah untuk mencapai sejumlah 100 keluarga ladang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Olson says that Farm Rescue's work supports the spirit of the American farmer.", "r": {"result": "Olson mengatakan bahawa kerja Farm Rescue menyokong semangat petani Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Olson talk about his accident and how Gross helped his farm survive >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Olson bercakap tentang kemalangannya dan cara Gross membantu ladangnya bertahan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're all proud of what we do.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami semua berbangga dengan apa yang kami lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're all proud of the independence that we have.", "r": {"result": "Kita semua berbangga dengan kemerdekaan yang kita miliki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And we want to do our own thing, but we can't always do our own thing,\" says Olson.", "r": {"result": "Dan kami mahu melakukan perkara kami sendiri, tetapi kami tidak selalu boleh melakukan perkara kami sendiri, \"kata Olson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They ask nothing of us; it's done for us.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka tidak meminta apa-apa daripada kami; ia telah dilakukan untuk kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Bill goes to another farmer that needs help -- and it's amazing\".", "r": {"result": "Dan Bill pergi ke petani lain yang memerlukan bantuan -- dan ia sangat mengagumkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gross says he has put in $20,000 of his own money and 5,000 hours or more of volunteer time into Farm Rescue.", "r": {"result": "Gross berkata dia telah memasukkan $20,000 daripada wangnya sendiri dan 5,000 jam atau lebih masa sukarelawan ke dalam Farm Rescue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To him, it's all worth it.", "r": {"result": "Baginya, semuanya berbaloi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Gross describe how family farms have changed and why he helps them today >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Gross menerangkan bagaimana ladang keluarga telah berubah dan sebab dia membantu mereka hari ini >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One day I'm up flying a Boeing 747 and the next day I'm down here working in the land helping these family farmers in rural America,\" says Gross.", "r": {"result": "\"Suatu hari saya menaiki Boeing 747 dan keesokan harinya saya ke sini bekerja di tanah membantu petani keluarga ini di luar bandar Amerika,\" kata Gross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's quite a difference but it brings me a lot of joy to see these families that need the help.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa agak berbeza tetapi ia membawa saya banyak kegembiraan untuk melihat keluarga ini yang memerlukan bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Most of our cases are success stories where we help the family out and the next year they're able to do it on their own\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kebanyakan kes kami adalah kisah kejayaan di mana kami membantu keluarga dan pada tahun berikutnya mereka dapat melakukannya sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charles Davis didn't sense a great deal of excitement leading up to Ferguson, Missouri, elections on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Charles Davis tidak merasakan keterujaan yang besar menjelang pilihan raya Ferguson, Missouri, pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His Ferguson Burger Bar & More is situated along the primary protest route in the city.", "r": {"result": "Ferguson Burger Bar & More miliknya terletak di sepanjang laluan protes utama di bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People have streamed in and out of the eatery since it opened just before Michael Brown was shot in August.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai telah mengalir masuk dan keluar dari kedai makan itu sejak dibuka sejurus sebelum Michael Brown ditembak pada bulan Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Along with handmade burgers and milkshakes, his patrons have been able to pick up voter registration forms from the counter where they place their orders.", "r": {"result": "Bersama-sama dengan burger dan milkshake buatan tangan, pelanggannya telah dapat mengambil borang pendaftaran pemilih dari kaunter tempat mereka membuat pesanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Davis saw voters wearing stickers and some customers mentioned the elections, it wasn't a regular point of discussion in the days before the polls opened.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Davis melihat pengundi memakai pelekat dan beberapa pelanggan menyebut pilihan raya, ia bukan perkara biasa perbincangan pada hari-hari sebelum pilihan raya dibuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of people didn't talk about it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai orang tidak bercakap mengenainya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a dead conversation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah perbualan yang mati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Davis, who is registered to vote in Illinois but whose wife voted in Ferguson on Tuesday, concedes that general and midterm elections don't excite him.", "r": {"result": "Davis, yang berdaftar untuk mengundi di Illinois tetapi isterinya mengundi di Ferguson pada hari Selasa, mengakui bahawa pilihan raya umum dan pertengahan penggal tidak menggembirakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in April 2015, when city elections are held?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada April 2015, apabila pilihan raya bandar diadakan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When three of the six City Council seats will be up for grabs?", "r": {"result": "Bilakah tiga daripada enam kerusi Majlis Bandaraya akan direbut?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, that's a different story.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, itu cerita yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That, I would definitely be excited,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Itu, saya pasti akan teruja,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're going to have to make some changes.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka perlu membuat beberapa perubahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not going to be the same ol', same ol', so I'm excited\".", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak akan menjadi ol yang sama, ol yang sama, jadi saya teruja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Numbers game.", "r": {"result": "Permainan nombor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since Officer Darren Wilson killed the unarmed Brown on a Ferguson street, much has been made of the city's supposed history of poor voter turnout.", "r": {"result": "Sejak Pegawai Darren Wilson membunuh Brown yang tidak bersenjata di jalan Ferguson, banyak yang telah dibuat mengenai sejarah bandar itu yang dikatakan mempunyai peratusan keluar mengundi yang lemah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a city that is two-thirds black, how, many asked, could the police force and local government be so overwhelmingly white?", "r": {"result": "Dalam sebuah bandar yang dua pertiga hitam, bagaimana, ramai yang bertanya, bolehkah pasukan polis dan kerajaan tempatan menjadi sangat putih?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even at Brown's funeral, some speakers used the occasion to call for social change, with one of Brown's cousins urging those in attendance to make their voices heard at the polls because \"we have had enough of seeing our brothers and sisters killed in the streets\".", "r": {"result": "Malah di pengebumian Brown, beberapa penceramah menggunakan kesempatan itu untuk menyeru perubahan sosial, dengan salah seorang sepupu Brown menggesa mereka yang hadir untuk membuat suara mereka didengari pada pilihan raya kerana \"kami sudah cukup melihat saudara-saudara kami dibunuh di jalanan\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To put it bluntly, voter turnout for Ferguson township was far from historic.", "r": {"result": "Secara terang-terangan, peratusan keluar mengundi untuk perbandaran Ferguson jauh dari sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of 24,334 registered voters, 10,222 cast ballots in Tuesday's election, a turnout of slightly more than 42%, according to an initial tally.", "r": {"result": "Daripada 24,334 pengundi berdaftar, 10,222 membuang undi pada pilihan raya Selasa, peratusan keluar mengundi lebih sedikit daripada 42%, menurut pengiraan awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There wasn't a wave of new voters, either, as only 204 residents registered to vote between August 11, the Monday after Brown was shot, and October 8, the registration deadline for Tuesday's election, said Rita Days, St. Louis County's director of elections.", "r": {"result": "Tiada gelombang pengundi baharu, sama ada, kerana hanya 204 penduduk mendaftar untuk mengundi antara 11 Ogos, hari Isnin selepas Brown ditembak, dan 8 Oktober, tarikh akhir pendaftaran untuk pilihan raya Selasa, kata Rita Days, pengarah St. Louis County daripada pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifty-six additional residents have registered since October 8, she said.", "r": {"result": "Lima puluh enam penduduk tambahan telah mendaftar sejak 8 Oktober, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, 42% is only the initial tally, and the county has two weeks to verify that figure with the state, so the number could rise or drop, Days said.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, 42% hanyalah pengiraan awal, dan daerah itu mempunyai dua minggu untuk mengesahkan angka itu dengan negeri, supaya jumlah itu boleh meningkat atau menurun, kata Days.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, she felt it was a strong turnout.", "r": {"result": "Namun, dia merasakan ia adalah peratusan keluar mengundi yang kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a very big number considering the last mayoral election, when Mayor (James) Knowles was elected -- that was 16%,\" Days said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah jumlah yang sangat besar memandangkan pemilihan Datuk Bandar yang lalu, apabila Datuk Bandar (James) Knowles dipilih -- iaitu 16%,\" kata Days.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But comparing municipal to general and midterm election turnouts is apple and oranges, Knowles said in an email.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi membandingkan jumlah keluar mengundi pilihan raya umum dan pertengahan penggal adalah epal dan oren, kata Knowles dalam e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 16.2% of voters first put Knowles in office in 2011, voter turnout for the annual city elections has never topped 12%.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 16.2% pengundi pertama kali meletakkan Knowles memegang jawatan pada 2011, peratusan keluar mengundi untuk pilihan raya bandar tahunan tidak pernah mendahului 12%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 2012 general election, however, lured 76.4% of voters to the polls.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan raya umum 2012, bagaimanapun, menarik 76.4% pengundi untuk mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alternate views.", "r": {"result": "Pandangan silih berganti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turnout, Knowles said, is dependent on a variety of factors, including top-tier races on the ballot, the number of contested races, tax increases and the weather.", "r": {"result": "Jumlah keluar mengundi, kata Knowles, bergantung kepada pelbagai faktor, termasuk perlumbaan peringkat teratas pada undian, bilangan perlumbaan yang dipertandingkan, kenaikan cukai dan cuaca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Turnout is low in all municipal elections, period,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPeratusan keluar mengundi adalah rendah dalam semua pilihan raya perbandaran, tempoh,\u201d tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To try and compare April municipal election turnout numbers to November general election turnout numbers, and interpolating something about what has been going on here with that data would be dishonest\".", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk mencuba dan membandingkan angka keluar mengundi pilihan raya perbandaran April dengan angka keluar mengundi pilihan raya umum November, dan menginterpolasi sesuatu tentang perkara yang berlaku di sini dengan data itu adalah tidak jujur\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked their impression of Tuesday's turnout, Knowles and the six City Council members declined to share their sentiments on the numbers.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya tanggapan mereka tentang kehadiran pada hari Selasa, Knowles dan enam ahli Majlis Bandaraya enggan berkongsi sentimen mereka mengenai jumlah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to thank everyone that took the time to come out in the dreary weather to exercise their right to vote,\" Knowles said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua orang yang meluangkan masa untuk keluar dalam cuaca suram untuk menggunakan hak mereka untuk mengundi,\" kata Knowles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I hope that our citizens will continue to engage in the community and be educated and active participants in government every day of the year\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berharap rakyat kita akan terus melibatkan diri dalam masyarakat dan menjadi peserta yang berpendidikan dan aktif dalam kerajaan setiap hari sepanjang tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While he didn't want to characterize the turnout number as good or bad, the mayor pointed out that 42% lags behind the county's preliminary number of 44%.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia tidak mahu menyifatkan jumlah keluar mengundi sebagai baik atau buruk, Datuk Bandar menegaskan bahawa 42% ketinggalan daripada jumlah awal daerah iaitu 44%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's also below the county's totals of 55.8% (2010) and 63.4% (2006) in comparable midterm elections.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga di bawah jumlah daerah sebanyak 55.8% (2010) dan 63.4% (2006) dalam pilihan raya pertengahan penggal setanding.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "County election records show it's also about 10 percentage points lower than Ferguson's turnout in the 2010 midterm, which saw 52.2% of registered voters cast ballots, and about 15 points lower than the city's 2006 turnout.", "r": {"result": "Rekod pilihan raya daerah menunjukkan ia juga kira-kira 10 mata peratusan lebih rendah daripada peratusan keluar mengundi Ferguson pada pertengahan penggal 2010, yang menyaksikan 52.2% pengundi berdaftar membuang undi, dan kira-kira 15 mata lebih rendah daripada peratusan keluar mengundi pada tahun 2006 di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Turnout in elections all across St. Louis County has been going down for years,\" Knowles said.", "r": {"result": "\"Peratusan keluar mengundi dalam pilihan raya di seluruh St. Louis County telah menurun selama bertahun-tahun,\" kata Knowles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others saw the numbers as a positive sign that voters are making sure their voices are heard in the voting booths.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain melihat angka itu sebagai petanda positif bahawa pengundi memastikan suara mereka didengari di bilik mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A big shout-out to the protesters who took their protest from the street to the ballot box,\" said community activist and Ferguson native John Gaskin.", "r": {"result": "\"Laungan besar kepada penunjuk perasaan yang membawa bantahan mereka dari jalan ke peti undi,\" kata aktivis masyarakat dan anak kelahiran Ferguson, John Gaskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protests have been a mainstay on Ferguson's streets since Brown was killed, with demonstrators calling for Officer Wilson to face charges and lambasting what they felt was a heavy-handed police response to the protests.", "r": {"result": "Protes telah menjadi tumpuan utama di jalan-jalan Ferguson sejak Brown dibunuh, dengan penunjuk perasaan menyeru Pegawai Wilson untuk menghadapi pertuduhan dan membidas apa yang mereka rasakan sebagai tindak balas polis yang berat terhadap protes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A grand jury is expected to decide soon whether Wilson will be charged with any crime, and Knowles told local media this week authorities to expect demonstrations and \"prepare for the worst\".", "r": {"result": "Juri besar dijangka memutuskan tidak lama lagi sama ada Wilson akan didakwa atas sebarang jenayah, dan Knowles memberitahu media tempatan minggu ini pihak berkuasa menjangkakan demonstrasi dan \"bersedia untuk yang terburuk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some voters undeterred.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pengundi tidak berputus asa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gaskin called Tuesday's turnout \"significant\" when you consider that the August primaries, held nine days after Brown was shot, drew only 25.8% of voters to the polls.", "r": {"result": "Gaskin menyebut peratusan keluar mengundi pada hari Selasa sebagai \"penting\" apabila anda menganggap bahawa pemilihan utama Ogos, yang diadakan sembilan hari selepas Brown ditembak, menarik hanya 25.8% pengundi ke dalam pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also lauded those who braved a chilly autumn rain to vote, despite an underwhelming ballot on which two congressional seats and the county executive post were highlights.", "r": {"result": "Beliau juga memuji mereka yang mengharungi hujan musim luruh yang sejuk untuk mengundi, walaupun undian yang kurang memberangsangkan di mana dua kerusi kongres dan jawatan eksekutif daerah menjadi tumpuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Precipitation wasn't the only factor vexing voters.", "r": {"result": "Kerpasan bukan satu-satunya faktor yang menjengkelkan pengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were other minor problems, said Days, the election director.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat masalah kecil lain, kata Days, pengarah pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two of the 11 city precincts ran low on paper ballots, causing delays, a complaint officials heard throughout the county, she said.", "r": {"result": "Dua daripada 11 presint bandar kehabisan kertas undi, menyebabkan kelewatan, kata pegawai aduan di seluruh daerah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Days also received a report from a local news outlet about ballot tampering at one precinct, but the media outlet did not provide her with basic details of the allegation, she said.", "r": {"result": "Days juga menerima laporan daripada saluran berita tempatan mengenai gangguan undi di satu presint, tetapi media itu tidak memberikan butiran asas dakwaan itu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Washington-based Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, which set up a hotline to report voting irregularities, received complaints that poll workers were requesting voters' photo IDs, which Missouri law doesn't require, and there were at least a couple of calls \"about potential police intimidations at the polling place,\" said the committee's director of public policy, Tanya Clay House.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa Peguam untuk Hak Sivil Di Bawah Undang-undang yang berpangkalan di Washington, yang menyediakan talian hangat untuk melaporkan penyelewengan pengundian, menerima aduan bahawa pekerja tinjauan pendapat meminta ID foto pengundi, yang tidak diperlukan oleh undang-undang Missouri, dan terdapat sekurang-kurangnya pasangan panggilan \"mengenai potensi ugutan polis di tempat mengundi,\" kata pengarah dasar awam jawatankuasa itu, Tanya Clay House.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gaskin heard reports that people were standing in line as long as an hour in some Ferguson and St. Louis County precincts, and he was impressed by the outcome of the races for county prosecuting attorney and county executive.", "r": {"result": "Gaskin mendengar laporan bahawa orang ramai berdiri dalam barisan selama sejam di beberapa presint Ferguson dan St. Louis County, dan dia kagum dengan keputusan perlumbaan untuk peguam pendakwa daerah dan eksekutif daerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latter went down to the wire, and preliminary numbers show it will likely be decided by less than 1 percent of the vote.", "r": {"result": "Yang terakhir turun ke wayar, dan nombor awal menunjukkan ia mungkin akan diputuskan oleh kurang daripada 1 peratus undian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the prosecutor's race, incumbent Robert McCulloch, who has faced criticism for his handling of the Brown case, ran unopposed, yet more than 11,000 voters cast write-in votes.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perlumbaan pendakwa raya, penyandang Robert McCulloch, yang telah menghadapi kritikan kerana mengendalikan kes Brown, bertanding tanpa bertanding, namun lebih 11,000 pengundi membuang undi tulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCulloch was handily re-elected, but the write-ins composed almost 5% of the vote.", "r": {"result": "McCulloch telah dipilih semula dengan mudah, tetapi senarai masuk terdiri hampir 5% undi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By comparison, the second-highest number of write-ins came in the county executive race, with 3,713, according to unofficial numbers.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai perbandingan, bilangan tulis masuk kedua tertinggi datang dalam perlumbaan eksekutif daerah, dengan 3,713, mengikut nombor tidak rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"St. Louis County is realizing not only do black lives matter, but it's quite obvious that so do their votes,\" Gaskin said, applauding Ferguson voters for \"turning anger and frustration into real, productive action\".", "r": {"result": "\"St. Louis County menyedari bukan sahaja kehidupan kulit hitam penting, tetapi ia agak jelas bahawa begitu juga undi mereka,\" kata Gaskin, memuji pengundi Ferguson kerana \"mengubah kemarahan dan kekecewaan menjadi tindakan nyata dan produktif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Looking ahead.", "r": {"result": "Memandang ke hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Engagement could be higher, Gaskin said, but he suspects that it will be come April.", "r": {"result": "Pertunangan mungkin lebih tinggi, kata Gaskin, tetapi dia mengesyaki bahawa ia akan datang April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are already \"some conversations on who's going to run,\" which he believes is \"definitely healthy for a community that needs to get politically engaged,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Sudah ada \"beberapa perbualan mengenai siapa yang akan bertanding,\" yang dia percaya \"pasti sihat untuk komuniti yang perlu terlibat secara politik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is a feeling among many residents that local leaders are \"insensitive, unaware of what's going on or not being honest with the public,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat perasaan di kalangan ramai penduduk bahawa pemimpin tempatan \"tidak sensitif, tidak menyedari apa yang berlaku atau tidak jujur dengan orang ramai,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think many people feel that way, and it will show at the ballot box,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa ramai orang berasa begitu, dan ia akan ditunjukkan di peti undi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are people in office in the city of Ferguson that need to be re-evaluated.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAda orang yang memegang jawatan di bandar Ferguson yang perlu dinilai semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think the community -- you can see from the turnout numbers -- is taking note of that\".", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa masyarakat -- anda boleh lihat daripada jumlah yang keluar mengundi -- mengambil perhatian mengenainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During his phone interview from Ferguson Burger Bar & More, Davis said he felt Gaskin's prediction was apt and shared a thought he's sure will be unpopular.", "r": {"result": "Semasa temu bual telefonnya daripada Ferguson Burger Bar & More, Davis berkata dia merasakan ramalan Gaskin adalah tepat dan berkongsi pendapat yang dia pasti tidak akan popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The community doesn't want to think about it because it's grieving and still in pain, he said, but if you can find anything positive in Brown's death, it's that residents are thirsty and excited for change.", "r": {"result": "Masyarakat tidak mahu memikirkannya kerana ia sedang bersedih dan masih dalam kesakitan, katanya, tetapi jika anda boleh menemui sesuatu yang positif dalam kematian Brown, ia adalah penduduk yang dahaga dan teruja untuk perubahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe that was God's plan, he posited.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin itu perancangan Tuhan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If none of that was going on, nothing would change.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika tiada perkara itu berlaku, tiada apa yang akan berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It'd be the same as it's been the last 60 years,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan sama seperti 60 tahun yang lalu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of unfortunate situations bring about positive situations, silver linings\".", "r": {"result": "\"Banyak situasi malang membawa situasi positif, lapisan perak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It's been difficult for die-hard fans of \"Breaking Bad\" to let go of the main character, Walter White -- and it turns out it's not been easy for the actor who portrayed him, either.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sukar bagi peminat tegar \"Breaking Bad\" untuk melepaskan watak utama, Walter White -- dan ternyata ia juga bukan perkara mudah untuk pelakon yang melakonkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bryan Cranston tells Parade magazine that it's been hard letting go of the years of portraying such a rich character.", "r": {"result": "Bryan Cranston memberitahu majalah Parade bahawa sukar untuk melepaskan bertahun-tahun menggambarkan watak yang begitu kaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Usually when you get a role they give you a set of circumstances: 'He can do this, but he can't do that,' \" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Biasanya apabila anda mendapat peranan, mereka memberi anda satu set keadaan: 'Dia boleh melakukan ini, tetapi dia tidak boleh melakukan itu,' \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With Walter White, over the course of six years, I covered it all.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan Walter White, sepanjang enam tahun, saya meliputi semuanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I could kill someone; I could caress my baby and kiss my son on the forehead.", "r": {"result": "Saya boleh membunuh seseorang; Saya boleh membelai bayi saya dan mencium dahi anak saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The whole spectrum of the human experience\".", "r": {"result": "Seluruh spektrum pengalaman manusia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The actor has taken on the role of President Lyndon B. Johnson in the Broadway production of \"All the Way\" and said the current president could learn a thing or two from the former leader.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon itu telah mengambil peranan sebagai Presiden Lyndon B. Johnson dalam produksi Broadway \"All the Way\" dan berkata presiden semasa boleh belajar satu atau dua perkara daripada bekas pemimpin itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are two things LBJ had that our current president doesn't have,\" Cranston told parade.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada dua perkara yang LBJ miliki yang tidak dimiliki oleh presiden kita sekarang,\" kata Cranston kepada perarakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One is extensive experience in Congress.", "r": {"result": "\"Salah satu pengalaman yang luas dalam Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the time he became vice president, Johnson not only knew everyone, he knew what their pet projects were.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa dia menjadi naib presiden, Johnson bukan sahaja mengenali semua orang, dia tahu apa projek haiwan kesayangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So he was ready to make deals and trades\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi dia bersedia untuk membuat perjanjian dan perdagangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The second thing is the (political) climate.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerkara kedua ialah iklim (politik).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In LBJ's time, politicians knew they'd have to cross the aisle: 'Our philosophies might be opposite, but I'm going to try to work with them.", "r": {"result": "Pada zaman LBJ, ahli politik tahu mereka perlu menyeberangi lorong: 'Falsafah kami mungkin bertentangan, tetapi saya akan cuba bekerjasama dengan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And what we have now is a digging-your-heels-in: 'They are trying to hurt the country.", "r": {"result": "' Dan apa yang kita ada sekarang ialah menggali-tumit-anda: 'Mereka cuba mencederakan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only our way is the right way' -- whether you're in the Republican or Democratic camp.", "r": {"result": "Hanya cara kami adalah cara yang betul' -- sama ada anda berada di kem Republikan atau Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is so polarizing and distrustful and disrespectful\".", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat polarisasi dan tidak percaya dan tidak menghormati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cranston is also moving on to blockbusters, with a part in the new film \"Godzilla,\" slated for release in May.", "r": {"result": "Cranston juga beralih ke filem blockbuster, dengan bahagian dalam filem baharu \"Godzilla,\" yang dijadualkan untuk ditayangkan pada bulan Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In it, Cranston plays a scientist.", "r": {"result": "Di dalamnya, Cranston memainkan seorang saintis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he had some trepidation about taking on the role.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia mempunyai sedikit keraguan untuk mengambil peranan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I initially turned it down -- I thought, 'I can't do \"Godzilla\" after \"Breaking Bad\"; that's a huge step down,' \" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pada mulanya menolaknya -- saya fikir, 'Saya tidak boleh melakukan \"Godzilla\" selepas \"Breaking Bad\"; itu satu langkah ke bawah,' \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But I was surprised at the level of the writing, and the director, Gareth Edwards, had some great ideas to strengthen the heart of the story.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi saya terkejut dengan tahap penulisan, dan pengarah, Gareth Edwards, mempunyai beberapa idea yang hebat untuk menguatkan hati cerita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And why not do something that's fun and escapist?", "r": {"result": "Dan mengapa tidak melakukan sesuatu yang menyeronokkan dan melarikan diri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I got down off my high horse and said, 'Yeah, let's do it.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya turun dari kuda tinggi saya dan berkata, 'Ya, mari kita lakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For more on Cranston's Parade interview visit Parade.com.", "r": {"result": "Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang wawancara Cranston's Parade, lawati Parade.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Evangeline Lilly is in three of the highest-profile movies of the last few years: the last two \"Hobbit\" movies (the final one out this week), and next year's Marvel extravaganza \"Ant-Man\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Evangeline Lilly berada dalam tiga daripada filem berprofil tertinggi beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini: dua filem terakhir \"Hobbit\" (yang terakhir keluar minggu ini) dan filem ekstravaganza Marvel tahun depan \"Ant-Man\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite all this, Lilly's heart is really in writing.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun semua ini, hati Lilly benar-benar menulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The actress, who first gained fame on the hit show \"Lost,\" recently spoke with CNN about \"The Hobbit\" and her current career and plans.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon itu, yang pertama kali mendapat kemasyhuran dalam rancangan popular \"Lost,\" baru-baru ini bercakap dengan CNN mengenai \"The Hobbit\" dan kerjaya serta rancangannya sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: You're now nearing the end of your journey on \"The Hobbit\"\" with \"The Battle of Five Armies\".", "r": {"result": "CNN: Anda kini menghampiri penghujung perjalanan anda di \"The Hobbit\"\" dengan \"The Battle of Five Armies\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What attracted you to the role of Tauriel?", "r": {"result": "Apakah yang menarik minat anda kepada peranan Tauriel?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lilly: 'The Hobbit' was one of my favorite books as a kid.", "r": {"result": "Lilly: 'The Hobbit' adalah salah satu buku kegemaran saya semasa kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was extremely honored to be representing Tolkien on the screen, and working with Peter Jackson.", "r": {"result": "Saya amat berbesar hati untuk mewakili Tolkien di skrin, dan bekerja dengan Peter Jackson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Working on that project is what inspired me to start writing [her children's book] \"The Squickerwonkers\" and get it published.", "r": {"result": "Mengusahakan projek itu adalah yang memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk mula menulis [buku anak-anaknya] \"The Squickerwonkers\" dan menerbitkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It really got me moving and inspired me to set off and do something with my writing.", "r": {"result": "Ia benar-benar membuatkan saya bergerak dan memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk memulakan dan melakukan sesuatu dengan penulisan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Tauriel is an original character created for the movie.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Tauriel ialah watak asal yang dicipta untuk filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What was it like tackling that?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana rasanya menanganinya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lilly: Tauriel was half as daunting as a character from the book.", "r": {"result": "Lilly: Tauriel adalah separuh menakutkan seperti watak dari buku itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "[With] Tauriel, there was no preconceived idea of who she should be.", "r": {"result": "[Dengan] Tauriel, tidak ada idea yang diandaikan tentang siapa dia sepatutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was a lot of freedom to really play with it, and be open to my own interpretation of her.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat banyak kebebasan untuk benar-benar bermain dengannya, dan terbuka kepada tafsiran saya sendiri tentang dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The scariest part was accepting the role in the first place -- I had to agree to play a character who would be very likely hated by most of the fans.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian yang paling menakutkan ialah menerima watak itu pada mulanya -- saya terpaksa bersetuju untuk melakonkan watak yang berkemungkinan besar akan dibenci oleh kebanyakan peminat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once I decided (that) I didn't have to live up to anyone's expectation of her, not knowing who she was.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja saya memutuskan (bahawa) saya tidak perlu memenuhi jangkaan sesiapa terhadapnya, tanpa mengetahui siapa dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Since she is not in the book, we don't know what will become of her.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Memandangkan dia tidak ada dalam buku itu, kita tidak tahu apa yang akan berlaku kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lilly: We left her in a situation where she had betrayed her king, and we weren't sure where her heart was at.", "r": {"result": "Lilly: Kami meninggalkannya dalam situasi di mana dia telah mengkhianati rajanya, dan kami tidak pasti di mana hatinya berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We start to realize where her alliances are, and who she cares about.", "r": {"result": "Kami mula menyedari di mana pakatannya, dan siapa yang dia ambil berat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it the dwarf or Legolas?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kerdil atau Legolas?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And she does more ass-kicking, which she does best.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia melakukan lebih banyak sepakan keldai, yang dia lakukan yang terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there's a lot more emotional material for Tauriel in this film, which is good to see.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat lebih banyak bahan emosi untuk Tauriel dalam filem ini, yang bagus untuk ditonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We get to know her better.", "r": {"result": "Kami lebih mengenalinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What made you decide to make the leap to writing?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apa yang membuatkan anda membuat keputusan untuk membuat lompatan kepada penulisan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lilly: When I finished shooting \"The Hobbit,\" I took two years off to be an author.", "r": {"result": "Lilly: Apabila saya selesai penggambaran \"The Hobbit,\" saya mengambil cuti selama dua tahun untuk menjadi pengarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of that time was spent trying to help publish a limited edition run of 1,000 books for San Diego Comic-Con.", "r": {"result": "Banyak masa itu dihabiskan untuk cuba membantu menerbitkan edisi terhad 1,000 buku untuk San Diego Comic-Con.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then Titan swept in and said they would publish in 2014.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian Titan menyapu masuk dan berkata mereka akan menerbitkan pada tahun 2014.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I started to work on \"Ant-Man,\" it was a return to being an actor for a little while.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya mula bekerja pada \"Ant-Man,\" ia adalah kembali untuk menjadi pelakon untuk seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was curious to see how it was -- and if there was a part of me that missed it.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin tahu bagaimana keadaannya -- dan jika ada sebahagian daripada saya yang merinduinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ultimately, my reaction was, \"God, I can't wait to get back to full-time writing\".", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, reaksi saya adalah, \"Ya Allah, saya tidak sabar untuk kembali menulis sepenuh masa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's nothing as pleasurable to me as writing.", "r": {"result": "Tiada apa yang menggembirakan saya seperti menulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was great affirmation that I was making the right choice and going in the right direction.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah penegasan yang hebat bahawa saya membuat pilihan yang betul dan menuju ke arah yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: So you see yourself doing less and less acting?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Jadi anda melihat diri anda semakin kurang berlakon?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lilly: Acting has always been something that happened, but never something I dreamed about and pursued.", "r": {"result": "Lilly: Lakonan selalu menjadi sesuatu yang berlaku, tetapi tidak pernah sesuatu yang saya impikan dan kejar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was fortunate to have such a wonderful job fall into my lap.", "r": {"result": "Saya bernasib baik kerana mempunyai pekerjaan yang begitu indah jatuh ke pangkuan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If this wasn't the right fit -- an amazing job that most people would covet -- I thought that writing would be that.", "r": {"result": "Jika ini tidak sesuai -- satu pekerjaan yang menakjubkan yang diingini oleh kebanyakan orang -- saya fikir bahawa menulis adalah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think I was right.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa saya betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: You just wrapped \"Ant-Man\".", "r": {"result": "CNN: Anda baru sahaja membungkus \"Manusia Semut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What was that experience like?", "r": {"result": "Apakah pengalaman itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lilly: I've been astounded to discover how good to their teams and crew that Marvel are.", "r": {"result": "Lilly: Saya terkejut apabila mengetahui betapa baiknya Marvel kepada pasukan dan krew mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're so collaborative, so smart with their stories.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sangat kolaboratif, begitu bijak dengan cerita mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have rich, dynamic characters which are so much fun to play.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mempunyai watak yang kaya dan dinamik yang sangat menyeronokkan untuk dimainkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I expected I'd be a cog in the wheel of a big machine -- I wasn't sure I'd like this experience.", "r": {"result": "Saya menjangkakan saya akan menjadi roda dalam mesin besar -- saya tidak pasti saya mahukan pengalaman ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I've been so astounded at how pleasurable the whole experience has been.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya sangat terkejut melihat betapa menyeronokkan keseluruhan pengalaman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Who is your character, Hope Van Dyne?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Siapa watak awak, Hope Van Dyne?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lilly: She is the daughter of the founders of The Avengers, Ant-Man and the Wasp.", "r": {"result": "Lilly: Dia adalah anak perempuan pengasas The Avengers, Ant-Man and the Wasp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is a very talented, intelligent, capable woman and a force to be reckoned with.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah seorang wanita yang sangat berbakat, bijak, berkebolehan dan kuasa yang perlu diperhitungkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This one is very much a heist film.", "r": {"result": "Yang ini adalah filem rompakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has all the fun, tension and drama of a good heist film.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai semua keseronokan, ketegangan dan drama filem rompakan yang bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The heist is being masterminded by myself, my father and Scott Lang.", "r": {"result": "Rompakan itu didalangi oleh saya sendiri, ayah saya dan Scott Lang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- A man who set himself on fire at the National Mall has died from his injuries, police said Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Seorang lelaki yang membakar diri di National Mall telah meninggal dunia akibat kecederaannya, kata polis Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities haven't been able to identify him due to the extent of his injuries, so they will conduct DNA tests and use dental records, said Officer Araz Alali, spokesman for D.C. Metropolitan police.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa tidak dapat mengenal pasti dia kerana tahap kecederaannya, jadi mereka akan menjalankan ujian DNA dan menggunakan rekod pergigian, kata Pegawai Araz Alali, jurucakap polis Metropolitan D.C.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man was taken to a hospital Friday night after officers rushed to the scene and found the man engulfed in flames.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu dibawa ke hospital malam Jumaat selepas pegawai bergegas ke tempat kejadian dan mendapati lelaki itu terbakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alali said authorities are trying to figure why the man self-immolated.", "r": {"result": "Alali berkata pihak berkuasa sedang cuba memikirkan mengapa lelaki itu membakar diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adam Stifel saw part of the incident while he was jogging.", "r": {"result": "Adam Stifel melihat sebahagian daripada kejadian itu semasa dia berjoging.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw a man sitting in flames,\" Stifel told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat seorang lelaki duduk dalam api,\" kata Stifel kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He had already doused himself in gasoline, I believe\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya dia telah menyiram dirinya dengan petrol\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stifel said five or six people used their shirts to pat out the fire.", "r": {"result": "Stifel berkata lima atau enam orang menggunakan baju mereka untuk memadamkan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he saw a red gasoline canister near the man.", "r": {"result": "Katanya, dia ternampak tong petrol berwarna merah berhampiran lelaki itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident occurred near the National Air and Space Museum.", "r": {"result": "Kejadian berlaku berhampiran Muzium Udara dan Angkasa Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The location where the man was found on fire is about six blocks from the U.S. Capitol, where a high speed car chase on Thursday ended with a woman being shot and killed by law enforcement officers.", "r": {"result": "Lokasi di mana lelaki itu ditemui terbakar adalah kira-kira enam blok dari Capitol A.S., di mana kejar mengejar kereta laju pada Khamis berakhir dengan seorang wanita ditembak dan dibunuh oleh pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Carol Cratty, Brian Todd and Skip Nocciolo contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Carol Cratty dari CNN, Brian Todd dan Skip Nocciolo menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Well, the Senate says climate change isn't a hoax.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Nah, Senat mengatakan perubahan iklim bukanlah satu penipuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phew.", "r": {"result": "Fuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But are we causing it?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi adakah kita menyebabkannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oh no-no-no, says half the Senate.", "r": {"result": "Oh tidak-tidak-tidak, kata separuh Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forty-nine senators (full list here) voted on Wednesday against an amendment that said climate change is happening and, crucially, that it's actually-for-real caused by human emissions.", "r": {"result": "Empat puluh sembilan senator (senarai penuh di sini) mengundi pada hari Rabu menentang pindaan yang mengatakan perubahan iklim sedang berlaku dan, yang penting, ia sebenarnya disebabkan oleh pelepasan manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's something scientists are pretty darn sure about, and have been for more than a decade.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sesuatu yang sangat diyakini oleh saintis, dan telah dilakukan selama lebih dari satu dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These votes -- particularly the not-a-hoax vote -- have been heralded by some in environmental circles, including Sen.", "r": {"result": "Undi-undi ini -- terutamanya undian bukan tipuan -- telah digembar-gemburkan oleh beberapa orang dalam kalangan alam sekitar, termasuk Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barbara Boxer, D-California, as a sign of progress, like a \"coming out\" party of sorts.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Boxer, D-California, sebagai tanda kemajuan, seperti parti yang \"keluar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least the senators are going on record, the argument goes.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya senator akan mencatatkan rekod, hujahnya berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least, in a 98-to-1 vote, they said, in public, that climate change is not a hoax.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya, dalam undian 98 berbanding 1, mereka berkata, di khalayak ramai, bahawa perubahan iklim bukanlah satu penipuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm not so sure.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "True, there would be value in knowing where every senator stands on climate change.", "r": {"result": "Benar, akan ada nilai untuk mengetahui kedudukan setiap senator mengenai perubahan iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Americans -- 61% of whom say climate change is real and 40% of whom know it's caused by people, according to to a 2014 Pew survey -- have a right to know where their elected officials fall on this and many other important policy issues.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Amerika -- 61% daripada mereka mengatakan perubahan iklim adalah nyata dan 40% daripada mereka tahu ia disebabkan oleh orang, menurut tinjauan Pew 2014 -- mempunyai hak untuk mengetahui di mana pegawai yang dipilih mereka terlibat dalam perkara ini dan banyak lagi isu dasar penting .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But -- and this is an important \"but\" -- that's not what we learned on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi -- dan ini adalah \"tetapi\" yang penting -- bukan itu yang kami pelajari pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We learned that 98 senators say climate change is happening -- without blaming humans for it.", "r": {"result": "Kami mengetahui bahawa 98 senator mengatakan perubahan iklim sedang berlaku -- tanpa menyalahkan manusia untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among them is Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, who is perhaps Washington's most vocal climate denier.", "r": {"result": "Antaranya ialah Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, yang mungkin penafi iklim paling lantang di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He continued that streak this week.", "r": {"result": "Dia meneruskan rentak itu minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Climate is changing, and climate has always changed, and always will, there's archaeological evidence of that, there's biblical evidence of that,\" Inhofe said on the Senate floor, according to Bloomberg News and others.", "r": {"result": "\"Iklim berubah, dan iklim sentiasa berubah, dan sentiasa akan, ada bukti arkeologi tentang itu, ada bukti alkitabiah tentang itu,\" kata Inhofe di tingkat Senat, menurut Bloomberg News dan lain-lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The hoax is that there are some people that are so arrogant to think that they are so powerful that they can change climate.", "r": {"result": "\"Tipuan adalah bahawa terdapat beberapa orang yang begitu angkuh untuk berfikir bahawa mereka sangat berkuasa sehingga mereka boleh mengubah iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Man can't change climate\".", "r": {"result": "Manusia tidak boleh mengubah iklim\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Helpful, huh?", "r": {"result": "Bermanfaat, ya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We also know that 49 senators voted against the amendment saying climate change is, in fact, caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases.", "r": {"result": "Kita juga tahu bahawa 49 senator mengundi menentang pindaan itu dengan mengatakan perubahan iklim, sebenarnya, disebabkan oleh pelepasan manusia gas rumah hijau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That could seem like a win for the left, at least an effort to pin down senators who don't buy the science saying humans do contribute.", "r": {"result": "Itu mungkin kelihatan seperti kemenangan untuk kiri, sekurang-kurangnya satu usaha untuk mengetepikan senator yang tidak membeli sains mengatakan manusia menyumbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But among the no votes was Sen.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi antara yang tiada undi ialah Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who said her reason for voting no simply was the word \"significantly,\" according to The Hill.", "r": {"result": "Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, yang berkata alasannya untuk tidak mengundi hanyalah perkataan \"secara ketara,\" menurut The Hill.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(The amendment said \"human activity significantly contributes\" to the warming climate.", "r": {"result": "(Pindaan itu mengatakan \"aktiviti manusia menyumbang dengan ketara\" kepada iklim pemanasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's an artful dodge.", "r": {"result": "Itu mengelak yang berseni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it means neither vote offers true clarity.", "r": {"result": "Dan ini bermakna tiada undian menawarkan kejelasan sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These votes are more witch hunt than substance.", "r": {"result": "Undi ini lebih banyak memburu ahli sihir daripada bahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The political left seems to want to embarrass the right for denying the facts of climate change.", "r": {"result": "Politik kiri nampaknya mahu memalukan pihak kanan kerana menafikan fakta perubahan iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The right, as Elana Schor of Politico smartly noted, played this brilliantly, appearing to take a the-Earth's-not-flat stance on this, while actually ceding next-to-nothing.", "r": {"result": "Pihak kanan, seperti yang dinyatakan dengan bijak oleh Elana Schor dari Politico, bermain ini dengan cemerlang, kelihatan mengambil pendirian yang tidak mendatar-Bumi tentang perkara ini, sementara sebenarnya menyerahkan kepada apa-apa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, the people we actually need to be listening to on this issue are not the politicians.", "r": {"result": "Sedangkan orang yang sebenarnya kita perlu dengar dalam isu ini bukanlah ahli politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're the climate scientists, who have been saying for years that the climate is changing, that human emissions of greenhouse gases are the driving cause, and that we need to act urgently to cut emissions.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah saintis iklim, yang telah bertahun-tahun mengatakan bahawa iklim sedang berubah, bahawa pelepasan manusia gas rumah hijau adalah punca pemacu, dan bahawa kita perlu bertindak segera untuk mengurangkan pelepasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hate doom-and-gloom climate politics as much as the next guy, but that's the reality.", "r": {"result": "Saya membenci politik iklim azab dan suram seperti lelaki seterusnya, tetapi itulah realitinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And here's the other part of it: There's time to act.", "r": {"result": "Dan inilah bahagian lain: Ada masa untuk bertindak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Congress should debate how to respond to climate change, not its very existence.", "r": {"result": "Kongres harus membahaskan cara bertindak balas terhadap perubahan iklim, bukan kewujudannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other voices that need to be heard in this debate are those of ordinary people, all over the world, who already are seeing their lives and livelihoods disturbed by warming temperatures and changing oceans.", "r": {"result": "Suara-suara lain yang perlu didengari dalam perdebatan ini ialah suara rakyat biasa, di seluruh dunia, yang sudah pun melihat kehidupan dan mata pencarian mereka terganggu oleh suhu yang memanas dan lautan yang berubah-ubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I met some of them last year at a 300,000-person climate rally in New York.", "r": {"result": "Saya bertemu sebahagian daripada mereka tahun lepas pada perhimpunan iklim 300,000 orang di New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're people like Bren Smith, this oyster farmer in Connecticut.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah orang seperti Bren Smith, penternak tiram di Connecticut ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, a young mom from the Marshall Islands, in the Pacific, whose nation may be sunk by rising sea levels.", "r": {"result": "Dan Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, seorang ibu muda dari Kepulauan Marshall, di Pasifik, yang negaranya mungkin tenggelam akibat kenaikan paras laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am fearful,\" she told me, \"but for the most part, I'm optimistic\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya takut,\" katanya kepada saya, \"tetapi sebahagian besarnya, saya optimis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Congress could take note, and so should we.", "r": {"result": "Kongres boleh mengambil perhatian, dan begitu juga kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We should listen to their stories.", "r": {"result": "Kita patut mendengar cerita mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Listen to the science.", "r": {"result": "Dengar ilmu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Debate the solutions.", "r": {"result": "Debatkan penyelesaiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And skip the rest.", "r": {"result": "Dan langkau yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's mostly hot air.", "r": {"result": "Ia kebanyakannya udara panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Provincetown is an oasis with the kind of light that inspires artists and writers, a town at the tip of Massachusetts' Cape Cod that celebrates the LGBT community.", "r": {"result": "Provincetown ialah sebuah oasis dengan jenis cahaya yang memberi inspirasi kepada artis dan penulis, sebuah bandar di hujung Cape Cod Massachusetts yang meraikan komuniti LGBT.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a small town of nearly 3,000 year-rounders that grows to 60,000 to 100,000 residents in summer, when many visitors come to celebrate Carnival, Family Week, Bear Week and more.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sebuah bandar kecil dengan hampir 3,000 penduduk sepanjang tahun yang berkembang kepada 60,000 hingga 100,000 penduduk pada musim panas, apabila ramai pelawat datang untuk meraikan Karnival, Minggu Keluarga, Minggu Beruang dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also come to see the Broadway theater types and drag queens who hawk their shows along Ptown's main drag, Commercial Street.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga datang untuk melihat jenis teater Broadway dan ratu seret yang menjaja rancangan mereka di sepanjang tarikan utama Ptown, Commercial Street.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Day tourists jump on the fast ferry from Boston to buy T-shirts and gawk, while nature lovers leave town to explore the many different sides of Cape Cod National Seashore.", "r": {"result": "Pelancong seharian menaiki feri laju dari Boston untuk membeli baju-T dan melongo, manakala pencinta alam semula jadi meninggalkan bandar untuk menerokai pelbagai sisi Cape Cod National Seashore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Around the world in 18 photos.", "r": {"result": "Di seluruh dunia dalam 18 gambar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Isn't that enough for a town of just three square miles?", "r": {"result": "Tidakkah itu cukup untuk sebuah bandar yang hanya seluas tiga batu persegi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there's more.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's also where Anthony Bourdain started as a dishwasher at the Flagship Bar & Grill, called the Dreadnaught in his classic chef's memoir, \"Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly\".", "r": {"result": "Ia juga tempat Anthony Bourdain bermula sebagai pencuci pinggan di Bar & Grill Utama, yang dipanggil Dreadnaught dalam memoir chef klasiknya, \"Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Bourdain returns to Massachusetts in this week's episode of \"Parts Unknown,\" we explore other reasons to love Ptown.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Bourdain kembali ke Massachusetts dalam episod \"Parts Unknown\" minggu ini, kami meneroka sebab lain untuk menyukai Ptown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country's oldest continuous art colony.", "r": {"result": "Koloni seni berterusan tertua di negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Look at the landscape and you'll know why Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning painted here.", "r": {"result": "Lihat landskap dan anda akan tahu sebab Jackson Pollock dan Willem de Kooning melukis di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's not just the beauty of the place; it's also the community that helps artists create and show their work.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia bukan hanya keindahan tempat itu; komuniti juga yang membantu artis mencipta dan menunjukkan karya mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Founded by local artists and townspeople a century ago, the Provincetown Art Association and Museum (PAAM) supports the town's incredible art scene through exhibitions, conversations and its Museum School.", "r": {"result": "Diasaskan oleh artis tempatan dan penduduk bandar seabad yang lalu, Persatuan Seni dan Muzium Provincetown (PAAM) menyokong pemandangan seni yang luar biasa di bandar ini melalui pameran, perbualan dan Sekolah Muziumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The colony is nestled in the town's East End, known for its large concentration of galleries (although other galleries are located throughout town).", "r": {"result": "Koloni ini terletak di East End bandar, yang terkenal dengan kepekatan galeri yang besar (walaupun galeri lain terletak di seluruh bandar).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Start at the PAAM building and wander down Commercial Street for more inspiration.", "r": {"result": "Mulakan di bangunan PAAM dan bersiar-siar di Jalan Komersial untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak inspirasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "10 things you didn't know about Vegas.", "r": {"result": "10 perkara yang anda tidak tahu tentang Vegas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A who's who of writers shacked up here.", "r": {"result": "Siapakah penulis yang terjebak di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the world's best writers, playwrights and poets have come to the Outer Cape.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa penulis, penulis drama dan penyair terbaik dunia telah datang ke Outer Cape.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Writers Norman Mailer and Jack Kerouac, poet e.e. cummings and playwright Eugene O'Neill were drawn to the beach shacks near Provincetown to write.", "r": {"result": "Penulis Norman Mailer dan Jack Kerouac, penyair e.e. cummings dan penulis drama Eugene O'Neill telah ditarik ke pondok pantai berhampiran Provincetown untuk menulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can write there, too: The National Park Service, which oversees the shacks now, and local non-profits help pick artists and writers for residencies at the shacks.", "r": {"result": "Anda juga boleh menulis di sana: Perkhidmatan Taman Negara, yang menyelia pondok sekarang, dan badan bukan untung tempatan membantu memilih artis dan penulis untuk tempat tinggal di pondok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Director John Waters can sometimes be spotted in town, as can Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Cunningham.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah John Waters kadangkala boleh dikesan di bandar, begitu juga dengan pengarang pemenang Hadiah Pulitzer Michael Cunningham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our understated favorite, often called the poet of Provincetown's off-season, is noted Pulitzer Prize- and National Book Award-winning poet Mary Oliver.", "r": {"result": "Kegemaran kami yang bersahaja, sering dipanggil penyair di luar musim Provincetown, terkenal sebagai penyair pemenang Hadiah Pulitzer dan Anugerah Buku Kebangsaan Mary Oliver.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's lived here for more than 40 years.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah tinggal di sini selama lebih daripada 40 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oliver's work quietly whispers of the beauty of the place: \"At Blackwater Pond the tossed waters have settled/after a night of rain.", "r": {"result": "Kerja Oliver secara senyap membisikkan keindahan tempat itu: \"Di Kolam Blackwater air yang dilambung telah mendap/selepas hujan semalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "/I dip my cupped hands.", "r": {"result": "/Saya celupkan tangan saya yang berbekam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "/I drink/a long time.", "r": {"result": "/saya minum/lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It tastes/like stone, leaves, fire.", "r": {"result": "Rasanya/seperti batu, daun, api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It falls cold/into my body, waking the bones.", "r": {"result": "Ia jatuh sejuk/ke dalam badan saya, membangunkan tulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hear them/deep inside me, whispering/oh what is that beautiful thing/that just happened\"?", "r": {"result": "Saya mendengar mereka / jauh di dalam saya, berbisik / oh apakah perkara yang indah itu / yang baru sahaja berlaku\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tennessee Williams made his mark here.", "r": {"result": "Tennessee Williams membuat tandanya di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American playwright Tennessee Williams spent just four summers in Provincetown in the 1940s, but the work he wrote here-- \"The Glass Menagerie\" and \"A Streetcar Named Desire\" -- is seminal.", "r": {"result": "Penulis drama Amerika Tennessee Williams menghabiskan hanya empat musim panas di Provincetown pada tahun 1940-an, tetapi karya yang ditulisnya di sini-- \"The Glass Menagerie\" dan \"A Streetcar Named Desire\" -- adalah penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival was launched in 2006. The festival presents the works of Tennessee Williams in September, two weeks before Columbus Day.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya Festival Teater Provincetown Tennessee Williams dilancarkan pada tahun 2006. Festival ini mempersembahkan karya Tennessee Williams pada bulan September, dua minggu sebelum Hari Columbus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten works have had their world premieres here.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh karya telah ditayangkan perdana dunia di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harvest your own cranberries.", "r": {"result": "Tuai cranberry anda sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cape Cod National Seashore stretches beyond the tiny enclave of Provincetown, protecting some 44,600 acres of seashores, marine life, dunes and more.", "r": {"result": "Pesisir Laut Negara Cape Cod melangkaui kawasan kecil Provincetown, melindungi kira-kira 44,600 ekar pantai, hidupan marin, bukit pasir dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While swimming, exploring the dunes and tide pools and hiking is popular during the summer season, there's also much to explore off-season.", "r": {"result": "Semasa berenang, menerokai bukit pasir dan kolam air pasang serta mendaki adalah popular semasa musim panas, terdapat juga banyak perkara untuk diterokai di luar musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Locals know you can gather certain fruits and berries, including cranberries and blueberries, at harvest time.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk tempatan tahu anda boleh mengumpulkan buah-buahan dan beri tertentu, termasuk cranberi dan beri biru, pada masa menuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a daily fruit limit of one gallon per person, while the limit on edible mushrooms is five gallons per person per day.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat had harian buah sebanyak satu gelen setiap orang, manakala had cendawan yang boleh dimakan ialah lima gelen setiap orang setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At most national park sites, visitors are not allowed to collect the park's resources for personal use.", "r": {"result": "Di kebanyakan tapak taman negara, pelawat tidak dibenarkan mengumpul sumber taman untuk kegunaan peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, limited foraging of certain foods is allowed within the national seashore, because it's a traditional use on Cape Cod.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, pengambilan makanan tertentu yang terhad dibenarkan di dalam pantai negara, kerana ia adalah penggunaan tradisional di Cape Cod.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "National Park Service foraging rules on Cape Cod (PDF).", "r": {"result": "Peraturan mencari makan Perkhidmatan Taman Negara di Cape Cod (PDF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Pilgrims came here first.", "r": {"result": "Jemaah datang ke sini dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Pilgrim Monument that towers over Provincetown honors the first landfall of the Mayflower Pilgrims in the so-called \"new world\" on November 21, 1620. The five-week stay was important: While anchored in Provincetown harbor, the Pilgrims wrote and signed the Mayflower Compact establishing the founding principle of self-rule for the group.", "r": {"result": "Monumen Pilgrim yang menjulang tinggi di Provincetown menghormati pendaratan pertama Jemaah Mayflower di apa yang dipanggil \"dunia baharu\" pada 21 November 1620. Penginapan selama lima minggu adalah penting: Semasa berlabuh di pelabuhan Provincetown, Jemaah haji menulis dan menandatangani Mayflower Compact mewujudkan prinsip asas pemerintahan sendiri untuk kumpulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apparently Provincetown was not to their liking as much as it is to ours: The Pilgrims left for Plymouth after a few weeks to establish a settlement there.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya Provincetown tidak begitu digemari oleh mereka seperti kami: Jemaah haji bertolak ke Plymouth selepas beberapa minggu untuk menubuhkan penempatan di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The monument was built between 1907 and 1910. Modern visitors who can climb to the top of the 252-foot-tall monument, get a sticker and bragging rights for the day.", "r": {"result": "Monumen ini dibina antara 1907 dan 1910. Pelawat moden yang boleh mendaki ke puncak monumen setinggi 252 kaki, mendapat pelekat dan hak bermegah untuk hari itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Portuguese came next.", "r": {"result": "Portugis datang seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the Portuguese fishing community that once thrived in Provincetown since the 1840s is mostly gone, a few fishing vessels and the culture's influence remain.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun komuniti nelayan Portugis yang pernah berkembang maju di Provincetown sejak tahun 1840-an kebanyakannya telah tiada, beberapa kapal nelayan dan pengaruh budaya kekal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A fine bowl of Portuguese soup can still be found at the Mayflower and Lobster Pot restaurants.", "r": {"result": "Semangkuk sup Portugis yang lazat masih boleh didapati di restoran Mayflower dan Lobster Pot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's worth standing in line at the Portuguese Bakery for the sweet, fried dough called mulosayos.", "r": {"result": "Dan berbaloi untuk beratur di Kedai Roti Portugis untuk mendapatkan doh goreng manis yang dipanggil mulosayos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Buy them hot.", "r": {"result": "(Beli panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") Want more?", "r": {"result": ") Mahu lebih?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People come to celebrate the town's Portuguese heritage during the town's annual festival.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai datang untuk meraikan warisan Portugis di bandar ini semasa perayaan tahunan bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spot the floating houses.", "r": {"result": "Lihat rumah terapung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scattered throughout Provincetown are homes dating back to the early 19th century.", "r": {"result": "Tersebar di seluruh Provincetown adalah rumah sejak awal abad ke-19.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are called Long Point Floaters, adorned with blue and white plaques of a house floating on water.", "r": {"result": "Mereka dipanggil Long Point Floaters, dihiasi dengan plak biru dan putih rumah terapung di atas air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These homes were originally built in the nearby community of Long Point.", "r": {"result": "Rumah-rumah ini pada asalnya dibina di komuniti berdekatan Long Point.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When shore fishing became more difficult around 1850, more than 30 homes were floated across the harbor to Provincetown.", "r": {"result": "Apabila memancing pantai menjadi lebih sukar sekitar tahun 1850, lebih daripada 30 rumah telah diapungkan merentasi pelabuhan ke Provincetown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plaques mark the homes that still exist today.", "r": {"result": "Plak itu menandakan rumah yang masih wujud sehingga kini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From whale hunting to whale watching.", "r": {"result": "Daripada memburu ikan paus hinggalah memerhati ikan paus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The whaling industry dominated Provincetown life during the 19th century.", "r": {"result": "Industri penangkapan ikan paus mendominasi kehidupan Provincetown pada abad ke-19.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although the discovery of oil in Pennsylvania would eventually reduce the demand for whale oil, the last whaler didn't stop sailing until the 1920s.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penemuan minyak di Pennsylvania akhirnya akan mengurangkan permintaan untuk minyak ikan paus, penangkap ikan paus terakhir tidak berhenti belayar sehingga tahun 1920-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 50 years later, the town became known for whale watching and preservation.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 50 tahun kemudian, bandar itu terkenal dengan pemerhatian dan pemeliharaan ikan paus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dolphin Fleet has been operating whale watch tours since the 1970s, and summer tourists crowd the ships during the summer.", "r": {"result": "Dolphin Fleet telah mengendalikan lawatan menonton ikan paus sejak tahun 1970-an, dan pelancong musim panas mengerumuni kapal semasa musim panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trips feature naturalists trained by the town's Center for Coastal Studies, which works to preserve marine life off the coast of Cape Cod.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan ini menampilkan naturalis yang dilatih oleh Pusat Kajian Pantai di bandar ini, yang berfungsi untuk memelihara hidupan marin di luar pantai Cape Cod.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The center offers programs year-round to educate adults and children alike on the wonders of humpback and right whales, seals and the area's magical tide pools.", "r": {"result": "Pusat ini menawarkan program sepanjang tahun untuk mendidik orang dewasa dan kanak-kanak tentang keajaiban ikan paus bungkuk dan paus kanan, anjing laut dan kolam air pasang ajaib di kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Science fiction flicks featuring aliens can be a little formulaic: Aliens invade American territory, mass destruction ensues, and nine times out of 10, Will Smith rides to the rescue.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Filem fiksyen sains yang memaparkan makhluk asing boleh menjadi sedikit formulaik: Orang asing menyerang wilayah Amerika, pemusnahan besar-besaran berlaku, dan sembilan kali daripada 10, Will Smith menunggang untuk menyelamatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A company operative (Sharlto Copley) gets an alien's attention in \"District 9.\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang koperasi syarikat (Sharlto Copley) mendapat perhatian orang asing di \"Daerah 9.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the alien-infested \"District 9,\" opening in theaters Friday, takes things in a different direction -- if the producer may say so himself.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi \"Daerah 9\" yang dipenuhi makhluk asing, yang dibuka di pawagam pada hari Jumaat, membawa perkara ke arah yang berbeza -- jika penerbit mungkin berkata demikian sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's utterly original,\" producer Peter Jackson -- yes, \"Lord of the Rings\" helmsman Peter Jackson -- told Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia benar-benar asli,\" kata penerbit Peter Jackson -- ya, jurumudi \"Lord of the Rings\" Peter Jackson -- memberitahu Entertainment Weekly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In an industry that's looking to make movies out of every obscure TV show, or sequels, or video games, you look at 'District 9' and it's unlike anything you've ever seen,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam industri yang ingin membuat filem daripada setiap rancangan TV yang tidak jelas, atau sekuel, atau permainan video, anda melihat 'Daerah 9' dan ia tidak seperti apa-apa yang pernah anda lihat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With its inventive plot and crowd-pleasing special effects, the low-profile, relatively low-budget ($30 million, a pittance these days) film was a hit at Comic-Con, creating a buzz before the film's release.", "r": {"result": "Dengan plot inventif dan kesan khas yang menarik perhatian orang ramai, filem berprofil rendah, bajet yang agak rendah ($30 juta, sedikit hari ini) mendapat sambutan hangat di Comic-Con, mencetuskan heboh sebelum filem itu ditayangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The brainchild of newcomer Neill Blomkamp, \"District 9\" is a mash-up of the director's love for science fiction with his rearing in an apartheid-divided South Africa.", "r": {"result": "Cetusan idea pendatang baru Neill Blomkamp, \"Daerah 9\" adalah gabungan kecintaan pengarah terhadap fiksyen sains dengan pembesarannya di Afrika Selatan yang berpecah apartheid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Set and shot in the shantytowns of Johannesburg, the film is a mix of action-movie shock and sociological food for thought.", "r": {"result": "Berlatarkan dan menjalani penggambaran di kawasan shantytown di Johannesburg, filem ini adalah gabungan kejutan filem aksi dan makanan sosiologi untuk difikirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mayhem begins when an alien spaceship runs out of fuel over South Africa in 1981, and simply hovers idly in the sky.", "r": {"result": "Kekacauan bermula apabila kapal angkasa asing kehabisan bahan api di Afrika Selatan pada tahun 1981, dan hanya berlegar-legar di langit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With no attack forthcoming, officials finally evacuate a group of aliens -- it turns out they've fled their home world -- and corral them into barbed-wire ghettos, effectively separating the shrimp-like creatures from the human populace.", "r": {"result": "Dengan tiada serangan yang akan datang, pegawai akhirnya memindahkan sekumpulan makhluk asing -- ternyata mereka telah melarikan diri dari dunia asal mereka -- dan mengurung mereka ke ghetto dawai berduri, dengan berkesan memisahkan makhluk seperti udang daripada populasi manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overseeing the aliens' camp is the corporation Multi-National United (MNU).", "r": {"result": "Menyelia kem makhluk asing ialah perbadanan Multi-National United (MNU).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's an obvious nod to South Africa's own violent and divisive history, but director Blomkamp says he isn't aiming for political commentary.", "r": {"result": "Ia jelas menunjukkan sejarah ganas dan perpecahan di Afrika Selatan, tetapi pengarah Blomkamp berkata dia tidak menyasarkan ulasan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is an organic thing that has grown out of me living in South Africa.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah perkara organik yang telah berkembang daripada saya tinggal di Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I didn't want to go, 'Here's a whole bunch of people that have been oppressed by this apartheid-esque society' and beat people over the head with it,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak mahu pergi, 'Inilah sekumpulan orang yang telah ditindas oleh masyarakat apartheid ini' dan memukul orang ramai dengannya,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wanted to say, 'This is the city I grew up in, and this is what it felt like,' with a science fiction veneer to it so that it doesn't take itself that seriously\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin berkata, 'Ini adalah bandar yang saya dibesarkan, dan inilah yang dirasakannya,' dengan venir fiksyen sains padanya supaya ia tidak menganggap dirinya begitu serius\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Documentary-like authenticity was of prime importance to Blomkamp, and was the reason for his casting of fellow South African unknown Sharlto Copley as leading man.", "r": {"result": "Ketulenan seperti dokumentari adalah sangat penting bagi Blomkamp, dan merupakan sebab beliau meletakkan Sharlto Copley dari Afrika Selatan yang tidak dikenali sebagai lelaki terkemuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Copley has no prior acting experience, but critics have lauded his portrayal of Wikus van de Merwe, a private-sector employee who goes from being the oppressor to one of the oppressed after an accidental run-in with some DNA-transforming alien goo.", "r": {"result": "Copley tidak mempunyai pengalaman berlakon sebelum ini, tetapi pengkritik telah memuji wataknya sebagai Wikus van de Merwe, seorang pekerja sektor swasta yang berubah daripada penindas kepada salah seorang yang tertindas selepas terserempak secara tidak sengaja dengan beberapa makhluk asing yang mengubah DNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Having grown up in South Africa, I was exposed to the tail end of apartheid as a child, [and] it's something I felt I could relate to,\" Copley said.", "r": {"result": "\"Setelah dibesarkan di Afrika Selatan, saya terdedah kepada hujung ekor apartheid sebagai seorang kanak-kanak, [dan] ia adalah sesuatu yang saya rasa boleh saya kaitkan,\" kata Copley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Playing the character, I saw so clearly how you discriminate.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMemainkan watak itu, saya melihat dengan jelas bagaimana anda mendiskriminasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... The film deals with things that are fundamentally human\".", "r": {"result": "... Filem ini membincangkan perkara-perkara yang pada asasnya manusia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"District 9\" is also fundamentally a thriller, and there's no shortage of gory, gritty scenes and clever special effects that will appeal to fans who like a little action with their sci-fi.", "r": {"result": "\"Daerah 9\" juga pada asasnya adalah sebuah thriller, dan tiada kekurangan adegan berdarah, berpasir dan kesan khas yang bijak yang akan menarik minat peminat yang menyukai sedikit aksi dengan fiksyen sains mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, the film has been praised for its masterful use of special effects, weaving the technology seamlessly into the documentary-style scenes.", "r": {"result": "Sememangnya, filem ini telah dipuji kerana menggunakan kesan khas yang mahir, menganyam teknologi dengan lancar ke dalam adegan gaya dokumentari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes the two are in the very same shot, Blomkamp said.", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang kedua-duanya berada dalam pukulan yang sama, kata Blomkamp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One of the first shots completed was a motherboard shot, where [computer-generated imagery] was incorporated into some of the handheld footage, and it felt like it was working, this idea of handheld stuff with [CGI],\" Blomkamp said.", "r": {"result": "\"Salah satu tangkapan pertama yang disiapkan ialah tangkapan papan induk, di mana [imej janaan komputer] telah dimasukkan ke dalam beberapa rakaman pegang tangan, dan rasanya ia berfungsi, idea barangan pegang tangan ini dengan [CGI],\" kata Blomkamp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It set a good tone; it captured the essence of what I was going for\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menetapkan nada yang baik; ia menangkap intipati apa yang saya mahukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not bad for a 29-year-old novice, who had previously directed short films and commercials.", "r": {"result": "Tidak buruk untuk seorang pemula berusia 29 tahun, yang sebelum ini pernah mengarahkan filem pendek dan iklan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that body of work was impressive enough to catch the eye of A-list producer Jackson, who originally had Blomkamp in mind for feature version of Halo, the video game.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi hasil kerja itu cukup mengagumkan untuk menarik perhatian pengeluar senarai A Jackson, yang pada asalnya memikirkan Blomkamp untuk versi ciri Halo, permainan video.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[Jackson] had received all of the crazy short films and commercials I had done, and once I met him and hung out and got familiar with the kind of filmmaking universe he set up down there, he did sign off on me as director of 'Halo,' \" Blomkamp recalled.", "r": {"result": "\"[Jackson] telah menerima semua filem pendek gila dan iklan yang saya lakukan, dan sebaik sahaja saya bertemu dengannya dan melepak dan membiasakan diri dengan jenis alam pembikinan filem yang dia sediakan di sana, dia telah menandatangani saya sebagai pengarah 'Salam,' \" ingat Blomkamp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, five months into the project, the plug was pulled on \"Halo\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, lima bulan selepas projek itu, palam itu ditarik pada \"Halo\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Right away, [Jackson] said, 'If you want, you can stay in New Zealand and we can just keep the momentum going and allow another film to take place,' \" Blomkamp said.", "r": {"result": "\"Segera, [Jackson] berkata, 'Jika anda mahu, anda boleh tinggal di New Zealand dan kami hanya boleh mengekalkan momentum dan membenarkan filem lain berlangsung,'\" kata Blomkamp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of Blomkamp's friends suggested his short film, \"Alive in Jo'burg,\" for feature treatment.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang rakan Blomkamp mencadangkan filem pendeknya, \"Alive in Jo'burg,\" untuk rawatan ciri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blomkamp ran with the concept, developing it alongside fellow screenwriter Terri Tatchell into \"District 9.\".", "r": {"result": "Blomkamp menjalankan konsep itu, mengembangkannya bersama rakan penulis skrip Terri Tatchell menjadi \"Daerah 9.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's pretty cool,\" Blomkamp said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia agak keren,\" kata Blomkamp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would've packed my bags and left had [Jackson] not said that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan mengemas beg saya dan pergi sekiranya [Jackson] tidak berkata demikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's been more than two years since Blomkamp started the project, and though he's found the experience exhausting, he has quite a final product to show off.", "r": {"result": "Sudah lebih daripada dua tahun sejak Blomkamp memulakan projek itu, dan walaupun dia mendapati pengalaman itu meletihkan, dia mempunyai produk akhir yang perlu dipertontonkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is nothing better than to come out the end of that process and have it play in a movie theater,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada yang lebih baik daripada menamatkan proses itu dan memainkannya di panggung wayang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For that first film, I got what I had set out to do, [and] that's a pretty awesome feeling\".", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk filem pertama itu, saya mendapat apa yang saya ingin lakukan, [dan] itu adalah perasaan yang sangat mengagumkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's JD Cargill contributed to this story.", "r": {"result": "JD Cargill dari CNN menyumbang kepada cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The U.N. Security Council approved sanctions Thursday against Nigeria's Boko Haram.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Majlis Keselamatan PBB meluluskan sekatan pada Khamis terhadap Boko Haram Nigeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It added the terrorist group to the United Nation's 1267 sanctions list, a list of al Qaeda-linked organizations subject to arms embargoes, travel bans and asset freezes.", "r": {"result": "Ia menambah kumpulan pengganas itu ke dalam senarai sekatan 1267 Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, senarai organisasi berkaitan al-Qaeda yang tertakluk kepada sekatan senjata, larangan perjalanan dan pembekuan aset.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, the Security Council took an important step in support of the government of Nigeria's efforts to defeat Boko Haram and hold its murderous leadership accountable for atrocities,\" said Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.", "r": {"result": "\u201cHari ini, Majlis Keselamatan mengambil langkah penting dalam menyokong usaha kerajaan Nigeria untuk mengalahkan Boko Haram dan mempertanggungjawabkan kepimpinan pembunuhnya atas kekejaman,\u201d kata Samantha Power, duta AS ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By adding Boko Haram to the U.N.'s 1267 sanctions list, the Security Council has helped to close off important avenues of funding, travel and weapons to Boko Haram, and shown global unity against their savage actions,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan menambahkan Boko Haram ke dalam senarai sekatan 1267 PBB, Majlis Keselamatan telah membantu menutup laluan penting pembiayaan, perjalanan dan senjata ke Boko Haram, dan menunjukkan perpaduan global menentang tindakan ganas mereka,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria had asked the United Nations to make the move as attacks in Africa's most populous nation appear to be escalating, spreading beyond Boko Haram's hotbed in the rural northeast.", "r": {"result": "Nigeria telah meminta Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk membuat langkah itu memandangkan serangan di negara paling ramai penduduk di Afrika itu nampaknya semakin meningkat, merebak di luar kawasan Boko Haram di timur laut luar bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twin blasts killed at least 118 people Tuesday at a market in the central city of Jos.", "r": {"result": "Letupan berkembar membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 118 orang pada Selasa di sebuah pasar di pusat bandar Jos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The explosions went off 20 to 30 minutes apart, sparking an inferno that sent crowds running and screaming, covered in blood.", "r": {"result": "Letupan itu berlaku selang 20 hingga 30 minit, mencetuskan api yang menyebabkan orang ramai berlari dan menjerit, berlumuran darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigerian authorities described the blasts as \"terrorist activities\" but declined to speculate on who might be responsible.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Nigeria menyifatkan letupan itu sebagai \"aktiviti pengganas\" tetapi enggan membuat spekulasi mengenai siapa yang mungkin bertanggungjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In separate attacks in Borno state this week, at least 30 people were killed by members of the terror group, according to local residents.", "r": {"result": "Dalam serangan berasingan di negeri Borno minggu ini, sekurang-kurangnya 30 orang terbunuh oleh anggota kumpulan pengganas itu, menurut penduduk tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boko Haram attackers swooped in on motorcycles Monday and killed 10 people in one village, residents said.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Boko Haram menyerbu dengan motosikal pada Isnin dan membunuh 10 orang dalam satu kampung, kata penduduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A day later, gunmen stormed a nearby village and killed 20 others, residents said.", "r": {"result": "Sehari kemudian, lelaki bersenjata menyerbu kampung berhampiran dan membunuh 20 yang lain, kata penduduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the attacks, Boko Haram set fire to homes and food stores, residents said, and fired machine guns.", "r": {"result": "Semasa serangan, Boko Haram membakar rumah dan kedai makanan, kata penduduk, dan menembak mesingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group has not claimed responsibility for those attacks.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu tidak mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both villages are close to where more than 200 girls were kidnapped from a school last month.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua kampung itu berdekatan dengan lebih 200 gadis diculik dari sebuah sekolah bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Boko Haram leader claimed responsibility in a chilling video and said he was willing to free the girls in exchange for imprisoned militants.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pemimpin Boko Haram mengaku bertanggungjawab dalam video yang menyeramkan dan berkata dia sanggup membebaskan gadis-gadis itu sebagai pertukaran untuk militan yang dipenjarakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The sanctions designation is the latest step in the international community's long-term effort to help Nigeria counter this terrorist threat,\" Power said.", "r": {"result": "\"Penetapan sekatan adalah langkah terbaru dalam usaha jangka panjang masyarakat antarabangsa untuk membantu Nigeria menentang ancaman pengganas ini,\" kata Power.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will continue doing everything we can to help the people of Nigeria bring back their girls, and we will work with the government of Nigeria to eliminate Boko Haram, including refuting their backwards and bloodthirsty ideology, because no child anywhere should ever be afraid to pursue a brighter future\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan terus melakukan segala yang kami mampu untuk membantu rakyat Nigeria membawa pulang gadis mereka, dan kami akan bekerjasama dengan kerajaan Nigeria untuk menghapuskan Boko Haram, termasuk menyangkal fahaman mundur dan dahagakan darah mereka, kerana tiada kanak-kanak di mana-mana pun boleh takut untuk mengejar masa depan yang lebih cerah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Richard Roth, Nana Karikari-apau, Faith Karimi and Catherine E. Shoichet contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Richard Roth dari CNN, Nana Karikari-apau, Faith Karimi dan Catherine E. Shoichet menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Patrick Vieira knows what it takes to win football's greatest prize -- and the former France star believes Africa is close to claiming a historic first World Cup title.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Patrick Vieira tahu apa yang diperlukan untuk memenangi hadiah terbesar bola sepak -- dan bekas bintang Perancis itu percaya Afrika hampir merangkul gelaran Piala Dunia pertama yang bersejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only three teams from the continent have ever reached the quarterfinal stage of the tournament -- Cameroon in 1990, Senegal in 2002 and Ghana in 2010 -- yet none have made it to the last four.", "r": {"result": "Hanya tiga pasukan dari benua itu pernah mara ke peringkat suku akhir kejohanan itu -- Cameroon pada 1990, Senegal pada 2002 dan Ghana pada 2010 -- namun tiada satu pun yang berjaya mara ke empat pasukan terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite high expectations, first sparked by Pele's prediction in 1977 that \"an African nation will win the World Cup before the year 2000,\" there have been a series of disappointments.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun jangkaan yang tinggi, pertama kali dicetuskan oleh ramalan Pele pada tahun 1977 bahawa \"negara Afrika akan memenangi Piala Dunia sebelum tahun 2000,\" terdapat beberapa siri kekecewaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Undoubted talent has often fallen foul to ill-discipline on the pitch, arguments off it, ego problems, administrative issues and sheer bad luck.", "r": {"result": "Bakat yang tidak diragui sering kali dilanggar dengan disiplin yang tidak baik di atas padang, pertikaian, masalah ego, isu pentadbiran dan nasib malang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Algeria will all be hoping to overcome these hurdles in Brazil this time and perhaps go even further than their predecessors.", "r": {"result": "Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria dan Algeria semuanya berharap untuk mengatasi halangan ini di Brazil kali ini dan mungkin pergi lebih jauh daripada pendahulu mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Vieira, who helped France to World Cup glory on home soil in 1998 -- coming on as a substitute to set up Emmanuel Petit's goal in the shock 3-0 final win over Brazil -- is convinced it will not be too long before an African champion is crowned.", "r": {"result": "Dan Vieira, yang membantu Perancis menjulang Piala Dunia di tanah sendiri pada 1998 -- masuk sebagai pemain gantian untuk menjaringkan gol Emmanuel Petit dalam kemenangan mengejut 3-0 ke atas Brazil -- yakin ia tidak akan terlalu lama sebelum Juara Afrika dinobatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe (they can) and I really hope they will win the World Cup in the near future because I think that will help African football to develop even better, even more,\" says Vieira, who was born in Senegal but moved to France as an eight-year-old.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya (mereka boleh) dan saya sangat berharap mereka akan memenangi Piala Dunia dalam masa terdekat kerana saya fikir ia akan membantu bola sepak Afrika untuk berkembang dengan lebih baik, malah lebih,\" kata Vieira, yang dilahirkan di Senegal tetapi berpindah ke Perancis sebagai seorang kanak-kanak berusia lapan tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And when you look at how many big names African football has produced in the last few years, it's unbelievable,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan apabila anda melihat berapa banyak nama besar bola sepak Afrika telah dihasilkan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, ia sukar dipercayai,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those big names include the likes of Samuel Eto'o, Didier Drogba and Yaya Toure, who would all love nothing more than to add a World Cup winners' medal to their lengthy list of honors in Brazil.", "r": {"result": "Nama-nama besar itu termasuk Samuel Eto'o, Didier Drogba dan Yaya Toure, yang semuanya tidak akan menyukai apa-apa selain menambah pingat pemenang Piala Dunia ke dalam senarai panjang penghormatan mereka di Brazil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But while Cameroon and Ivory Coast have such world-beaters among their ranks, Vieira feels they will need to be at the top of their game to avoid past disappointments.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sementara Cameroon dan Ivory Coast mempunyai pemain penenang dunia di kalangan mereka, Vieira merasakan mereka perlu berada di puncak permainan mereka untuk mengelakkan kekecewaan masa lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quality.", "r": {"result": "Kualiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ivory Coast has earned the nickname \"the chokers\" -- cruel given the quality of opposition the nation has faced -- after a talented set of individuals struggled to perform when it counted most, failing to make it out of the group stage in both the 2006 and 2010 World Cups.", "r": {"result": "Ivory Coast telah mendapat jolokan \"the chokers\" -- kejam memandangkan kualiti tentangan yang dihadapi negara -- selepas sekumpulan individu berbakat bergelut untuk beraksi apabila ia dikira paling ramai, gagal untuk keluar dari peringkat kumpulan dalam kedua-dua perlawanan. Piala Dunia 2006 dan 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You need quality.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda perlukan kualiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you look at the African national teams individually, they are really talented so they've got talent,\" Vieira says.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda melihat pasukan kebangsaan Afrika secara individu, mereka benar-benar berbakat jadi mereka mempunyai bakat,\" kata Vieira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But I think to be in the World Cup, you need your talented players to be at their best because the quality will make you win, the quality will make the difference.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi saya fikir untuk berada di Piala Dunia, anda memerlukan pemain berbakat anda berada pada tahap terbaik kerana kualiti akan membuatkan anda menang, kualiti akan membuat perbezaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Quality will make the player make the difference at the right time when your team needs you.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKualiti akan membuatkan pemain membuat perubahan pada masa yang tepat apabila pasukan anda memerlukan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You may just go on to create one chance and you need to score the chance to go to the next round\".", "r": {"result": "Anda hanya boleh mencipta satu peluang dan anda perlu menjaringkan peluang untuk ke pusingan seterusnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vieira, though, believes that for talented players to flourish they must be in a team that has togetherness and unity.", "r": {"result": "Vieira, bagaimanapun, percaya bahawa untuk pemain berbakat untuk berkembang mereka mesti berada dalam pasukan yang mempunyai kebersamaan dan perpaduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cameroon lacked in that department during its disastrous 2010 campaign, where the \"Indomitable Lions\" had been expected to do well in the first World Cup held on African soil.", "r": {"result": "Cameroon kekurangan jabatan itu semasa kempen buruknya pada 2010, di mana \"Singa Tak Tertahan\" telah dijangka akan beraksi dengan baik dalam Piala Dunia pertama yang diadakan di bumi Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eto'o threatened to snub the competition after being criticized by compatriot Roger Milla, himself a former World Cup star for Cameroon.", "r": {"result": "Eto'o mengancam untuk mengenepikan pertandingan selepas dikritik oleh rakan senegara Roger Milla, yang juga bekas bintang Piala Dunia untuk Cameroon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And when he did turn up, the four-time African player of the year -- who had just won the European Champions League for the third time, on this occasion with Inter Milan -- struggled in South Africa after not being used in his customary striker's role.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila dia muncul, pemain terbaik Afrika empat kali tahun ini -- yang baru memenangi Liga Juara-Juara Eropah untuk kali ketiga, pada kesempatan ini bersama Inter Milan -- bergelut di Afrika Selatan selepas tidak digunakan dalam kebiasaannya. peranan penyerang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsenal's Alex Song, meanwhile, found himself on the bench and coach Paul Le Guen was forced to quit after the team failed to register a point for the first time in six appearances at the finals.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Alex Song dari Arsenal mendapati dirinya berada di bangku simpanan dan jurulatih Paul Le Guen terpaksa meletak jawatan selepas pasukan itu gagal mencatat mata buat kali pertama dalam enam penampilan di peringkat akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would say togetherness (is important), and I think if you want to do well in the championship, in the World Cup, the team has to be together,\" Vieira says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan katakan kebersamaan (adalah penting), dan saya fikir jika anda mahu bermain dengan baik dalam kejuaraan, dalam Piala Dunia, pasukan perlu bersama,\" kata Vieira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It has to fight for the same objective and I believe that togetherness will make them go to the end\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia perlu memperjuangkan objektif yang sama dan saya percaya bahawa kebersamaan akan membuat mereka pergi ke penghujung\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unity.", "r": {"result": "Perpaduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Togetherness certainly played a role in France's 1998 win.", "r": {"result": "Kebersamaan pastinya memainkan peranan dalam kemenangan Perancis pada 1998.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aime Jacquet's squad was seen as representing a new France, with Vieira born in Senegal, Marcel Desailly from Ghana, Lilian Thuram from Guadeloupe, Zinedine Zidane's family hailing from Algeria, while others were of Polish and Armenian descent.", "r": {"result": "Skuad Aime Jacquet dilihat mewakili Perancis baharu, dengan Vieira dilahirkan di Senegal, Marcel Desailly dari Ghana, Lilian Thuram dari Guadeloupe, keluarga Zinedine Zidane berasal dari Algeria, manakala yang lain berketurunan Poland dan Armenia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We had the players from all around the world and I think we showed the diversity of the French national team, we showed what the diversity of the French people are,\" Vieira says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai pemain dari seluruh dunia dan saya fikir kami menunjukkan kepelbagaian pasukan kebangsaan Perancis, kami menunjukkan kepelbagaian orang Perancis,\" kata Vieira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We showed to the French nation what France is really\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menunjukkan kepada negara Perancis apa sebenarnya Perancis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If an African side's unity can ever be questioned then it could be argued that it has been a result of African football's structural failings.", "r": {"result": "Jika perpaduan pihak Afrika boleh dipersoalkan maka boleh dikatakan bahawa ia adalah hasil daripada kegagalan struktur bola sepak Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Federation Camerounaise de Football temporarily suspended Eto'o from playing for the national team in 2011 for instigating the boycott of a friendly in Algeria over unpaid bonuses.", "r": {"result": "Federation Camerounaise de Football menggantung sementara Eto'o daripada bermain untuk pasukan kebangsaan pada 2011 kerana menghasut boikot perlawanan persahabatan di Algeria kerana bonus yang tidak dibayar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Emmanuel Adebayor, meanwhile, has criticized the Togo Federation in the past for its poor organizational skills, blaming the governing body for his late return to English club Tottenham following the 2013 African Cup of Nations.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Emmanuel Adebayor mengkritik Persekutuan Togo pada masa lalu kerana kemahiran organisasinya yang lemah, menyalahkan badan induk itu kerana lewat kembali ke kelab Inggeris Tottenham selepas Piala Negara-Negara Afrika 2013.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The only problem in Africa is our leaders, who do not respect us,\" Eto'o told the Confederation of African Football's (CAF) official website.", "r": {"result": "\"Satu-satunya masalah di Afrika ialah pemimpin kami, yang tidak menghormati kami,\" kata Eto'o kepada laman web rasmi Konfederasi Bola Sepak Afrika (CAF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Until we are respected, other (continents) will never have any consideration for us\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sehingga kita dihormati, (benua) lain tidak akan pernah ada pertimbangan untuk kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vieira adds: \"I think what African football needs is better organization, better structure, and I think after that we'll help the players to be more professional when they're coming to play for their national team ... I think the structure around these players is not strong enough and I think if we don't have that, it will take time (for an African nation) to win the World Cup\".", "r": {"result": "Vieira menambah: \"Saya fikir apa yang diperlukan bola sepak Afrika ialah organisasi yang lebih baik, struktur yang lebih baik, dan saya fikir selepas itu kami akan membantu pemain untuk menjadi lebih profesional apabila mereka datang untuk bermain untuk pasukan kebangsaan mereka ... Saya fikir struktur itu di sekeliling pemain ini tidak cukup kuat dan saya fikir jika kita tidak memilikinya, ia akan mengambil masa (untuk negara Afrika) untuk memenangi Piala Dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man in charge of African football -- CAF president Issa Hayatou -- however, feels the structures put in place by his confederation and its member associations should allow for a nation or two to go far in Brazil.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang bertanggungjawab dalam bola sepak Afrika -- presiden CAF Issa Hayatou -- bagaimanapun, merasakan struktur yang ditetapkan oleh konfederasinya dan persatuan ahlinya sepatutnya membenarkan satu atau dua negara pergi jauh di Brazil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do not see why Africa cannot have one or two of our representatives reach the semifinals or even the final,\" he told CAF's official website.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak nampak mengapa Afrika tidak boleh mempunyai satu atau dua wakil kami ke separuh akhir atau pun final,\" katanya kepada laman web rasmi CAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Discipline.", "r": {"result": "Disiplin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two representatives from Africa reaching the semifinals or final would make for huge progress, given that there has never been more than one at a time to reach the knockout stages.", "r": {"result": "Dua wakil dari Afrika yang mara ke separuh akhir atau akhir akan mencapai kemajuan besar, memandangkan tidak pernah ada lebih daripada satu pada satu masa untuk mara ke peringkat kalah mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That statistic could well have been banished in 1998 had Cameroon's players kept their heads when it mattered most.", "r": {"result": "Statistik itu mungkin boleh dibuang pada tahun 1998 sekiranya pemain Cameroon mengekalkan kepala mereka apabila ia paling penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Indomitable Lions picked up three red cards in just three games, including two in the final group clash against Chile -- a match they drew, when victory would have been enough for a place in the second round alongside Nigeria.", "r": {"result": "The Indomitable Lions memungut tiga kad merah dalam hanya tiga perlawanan, termasuk dua dalam pertembungan kumpulan terakhir menentang Chile -- perlawanan yang mereka seri, apabila kemenangan sudah memadai untuk tempat ke pusingan kedua bersama Nigeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would talk about discipline (as being vital if an African team wants to win the World Cup),\" Vieira says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan bercakap tentang disiplin (sebagai penting jika pasukan Afrika mahu memenangi Piala Dunia),\" kata Vieira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Discipline and sacrifice, so that means you have to concentrate on your objective, you have to concentrate on what you have to do for the months to get at your best, and be at the peak of your game\".", "r": {"result": "\"Disiplin dan pengorbanan, jadi ini bermakna anda perlu menumpukan perhatian pada objektif anda, anda perlu menumpukan perhatian pada apa yang anda perlu lakukan selama beberapa bulan untuk mencapai yang terbaik, dan berada di puncak permainan anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Focus.", "r": {"result": "Fokus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hand-in-hand with discipline often comes focus -- something Nigeria lost for a split-second in 1994, denying the team a quarterfinal spot, long before Senegal and Ghana's heroics.", "r": {"result": "Berganding bahu dengan disiplin sering menjadi tumpuan -- sesuatu yang Nigeria kalah untuk sepersekian saat pada 1994, menafikan pasukan itu mendapat tempat suku akhir, jauh sebelum kepahlawanan Senegal dan Ghana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Super Eagles were just two minutes away from becoming only the second African team to reach the last eight at their debut World Cup, but let a 1-0 lead slip against Italy before conceding again in extra-time.", "r": {"result": "Super Eagles hanya tinggal dua minit untuk menjadi pasukan Afrika kedua yang mara ke peringkat lapan terakhir pada Piala Dunia sulung mereka, tetapi membiarkan pendahuluan 1-0 tergelincir menentang Itali sebelum bolos sekali lagi pada masa tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(You must) focus on your objective because when you are in the World Cup, you can get your head a little bit all over the place,\" Vieira says.", "r": {"result": "\"(Anda mesti) memberi tumpuan kepada objektif anda kerana apabila anda berada di Piala Dunia, anda boleh mendapatkan sedikit sebanyak di mana-mana,\" kata Vieira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And I think it's important for you to get focused on your objective, focused on what you want to achieve as a team\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan saya fikir adalah penting untuk anda fokus pada objektif anda, fokus pada apa yang anda mahu capai sebagai satu pasukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luck.", "r": {"result": "Nasib baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having all these ingredients is no guarantee for success, however, as at a major international tournament the winning team often needs a little luck along the way.", "r": {"result": "Mempunyai semua ramuan ini bukanlah jaminan untuk berjaya, bagaimanapun, kerana pada kejohanan antarabangsa utama pasukan yang menang selalunya memerlukan sedikit tuah sepanjang perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ghana found this out the hard way after a run to the last eight of the 2010 World Cup that captured the imagination of much of Africa -- but was brought to an end in the most controversial of circumstances.", "r": {"result": "Ghana mendapati ini dengan cara yang sukar selepas berlari ke pusingan lapan terakhir Piala Dunia 2010 yang menarik imaginasi sebahagian besar Afrika -- tetapi telah ditamatkan dalam keadaan yang paling kontroversi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the Black Stars' quarterfinal clash against Uruguay destined for penalties with the scores tied at 1-1 and just seconds remaining, Dominic Adiyiah saw his goal-bound header cleared off the line by Luis Suarez's hand.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pertembungan suku akhir Black Stars menentang Uruguay ditakdirkan untuk penentuan sepakan penalti dengan kedudukan terikat 1-1 dan hanya berbaki beberapa saat, Dominic Adiyiah melihat tandukannya yang terikat melepasi garisan dengan tangan Luis Suarez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suarez was sent off for his actions -- and widely condemned by the world of football afterwards -- but the damage had already been done as Asamoah Gyan missed the resulting spot-kick, before Uruguay went on to win the ensuing penalty shootout.", "r": {"result": "Suarez dilayangkan kad merah kerana tindakannya -- dan dikutuk secara meluas oleh dunia bola sepak selepas itu -- tetapi kerosakan itu telah pun berlaku apabila Asamoah Gyan terlepas sepakan penalti yang terhasil, sebelum Uruguay memenangi penentuan sepakan penalti berikutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luck was not on the side of Algeria in 1982, either.", "r": {"result": "Nasib tidak menyebelahi Algeria pada tahun 1982, sama ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the Desert Warriors having already played their final group game, West Germany knew that a one- or two-goal win over Austria would take the neighboring nations through to the second round at the expense of the debutant team.", "r": {"result": "Dengan Desert Warriors telah pun memainkan perlawanan terakhir kumpulan mereka, Jerman Barat tahu bahawa kemenangan satu atau dua gol ke atas Austria akan membawa negara jiran itu mara ke pusingan kedua dengan mengorbankan pasukan debutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After 10 minutes, West Germany took the lead, before the two teams proceeded to kick the ball around aimlessly for the rest of the match.", "r": {"result": "Selepas 10 minit, Jerman Barat mendahului, sebelum kedua-dua pasukan meneruskan untuk menendang bola tanpa tujuan untuk baki perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You need luck, because you will not win the best competition if you do not have luck.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAnda perlukan tuah, kerana anda tidak akan memenangi pertandingan terbaik jika anda tidak bernasib baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the luck, you have to provoke it to make it happen,\" says Vieira.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi nasib, anda perlu mencetuskannya untuk merealisasikannya,\" kata Vieira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think when you look at all the African teams who are playing in the World Cup, they lack one of the five ingredients (quality, togetherness, discipline, focus or luck).", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya fikir apabila anda melihat semua pasukan Afrika yang bermain di Piala Dunia, mereka kekurangan salah satu daripada lima ramuan (kualiti, kebersamaan, disiplin, fokus atau nasib).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So hopefully they will have built it all up in the last few weeks so they will get to the first game where the togetherness, the quality of the players, the focus, and of course the luck at the end (is all there), because luck is very important\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi diharapkan mereka akan membina semuanya dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini supaya mereka akan sampai ke perlawanan pertama di mana kebersamaan, kualiti pemain, tumpuan, dan sudah tentu nasib pada akhirnya (semuanya ada), kerana tuah itu amat penting\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Randy Travis suffered a stroke and underwent surgery to relieve pressure on his brain Wednesday evening, his publicist said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Randy Travis mengalami strok dan menjalani pembedahan untuk melegakan tekanan pada otaknya petang Rabu, kata publisitinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mr. Randy Travis is out of surgery and in critical condition,\" the hospital website announced Wednesday night.", "r": {"result": "\"Encik Randy Travis keluar dari pembedahan dan dalam keadaan kritikal,\" laman web hospital mengumumkan Rabu malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The stroke is \"a complication of his congestive heart failure\" for which he is being treated at The Heart Hospital at Baylor Plano in Texas, Kirt Webster said.", "r": {"result": "Strok adalah \"komplikasi kegagalan jantung kongestifnya\" yang mana dia dirawat di Hospital Jantung di Baylor Plano di Texas, kata Kirt Webster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will have updates as they become available,\" Webster said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan mempunyai kemas kini apabila ia tersedia,\" kata Webster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"His family and friends here with him at the hospital request your prayers and support\".", "r": {"result": "\"Keluarga dan rakan-rakannya di sini bersamanya di hospital memohon doa dan sokongan anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Word of his setback came just hours after his doctors said Travis had \"stabilized and he has shown signs of improvement\".", "r": {"result": "Berita tentang kemundurannya datang hanya beberapa jam selepas doktornya berkata Travis telah \"stabil dan dia telah menunjukkan tanda-tanda peningkatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country singer was initially hospitalized Sunday at Baylor Medical Center at McKinney, Texas, \"with a presumptive cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure,\" Dr. William Gray said.", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi negara itu pada mulanya dimasukkan ke hospital Ahad di Pusat Perubatan Baylor di McKinney, Texas, \"dengan anggapan kardiomiopati dan kegagalan jantung kongestif,\" kata Dr William Gray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travis, 54, was transferred to The Heart Hospital at Baylor Plano in Texas on Monday, Dr. Michael Mack said.", "r": {"result": "Travis, 54, telah dipindahkan ke Hospital Jantung di Baylor Plano di Texas pada hari Isnin, kata Dr Michael Mack.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We determined together in a joint decision that a higher level of specialized care was appropriate, and therefore we transferred him to The Heart Hospital,\" Mack said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memutuskan bersama dalam keputusan bersama bahawa tahap penjagaan khusus yang lebih tinggi adalah sesuai, dan oleh itu kami memindahkannya ke Hospital Jantung,\" kata Mack.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors implanted a device in his heart to help blood flow.", "r": {"result": "Doktor menanam alat di jantungnya untuk membantu pengaliran darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The singer \"underwent the placement of an Impella peripheral left ventricular assist device for stabilization prior to transferring hospitals,\" Travis spokesman Kirt Webster said in a written statement Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi itu \"menjalani penempatan peranti bantuan ventrikel kiri periferal Impella untuk penstabilan sebelum memindahkan hospital,\" kata jurucakap Travis Kirt Webster dalam satu kenyataan bertulis pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Randy Travis taught me country.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Randy Travis mengajar saya negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Mayo Clinic's website described the device as \"an implantable mechanical pump that helps pump blood from the lower chambers of your heart to the rest of your body\".", "r": {"result": "Laman web Mayo Clinic menggambarkan peranti itu sebagai \"pam mekanikal yang boleh diimplan yang membantu mengepam darah dari ruang bawah jantung anda ke seluruh badan anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travis' illness is related to his \"recently acquired viral cardiomyopathy,\" Webster said.", "r": {"result": "Penyakit Travis berkaitan dengan \"kardiomiopati virus yang diperolehnya baru-baru ini, \" kata Webster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travis had recently been on the road, performing in Detroit on June 28 and Chicago on June 29. He was set to do a show in Deadwood, South Dakota, on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Travis baru-baru ini berada di jalan raya, membuat persembahan di Detroit pada 28 Jun dan Chicago pada 29 Jun. Dia bersedia untuk membuat persembahan di Deadwood, South Dakota, pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He appeared well during business meetings on Friday and Saturday, Webster said.", "r": {"result": "Dia kelihatan baik semasa mesyuarat perniagaan pada hari Jumaat dan Sabtu, kata Webster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Then on Sunday, it hit him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kemudian pada hari Ahad, ia terkena kepadanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Viral cardiomyopathy is a disorder where a virus attacks the muscles of the heart, causing the heart to beat slower, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website.", "r": {"result": "Kardiomiopati virus ialah gangguan di mana virus menyerang otot jantung, menyebabkan jantung berdegup lebih perlahan, menurut laman web Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In some cases, the heart can stop, it said.", "r": {"result": "Dalam sesetengah kes, jantung boleh berhenti, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travis had a tough year in 2012 with arrests for assault and public intoxication, which earned him probation.", "r": {"result": "Travis mengalami tahun yang sukar pada 2012 dengan penahanan kerana serangan dan mabuk awam, yang menyebabkan dia menjalani percubaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travis was at the forefront of the \"New Traditionalist\" movement in the 1980s and 1990s, but he faded as the '90s wore on.", "r": {"result": "Travis berada di barisan hadapan pergerakan \"Tradisionalis Baru\" pada 1980-an dan 1990-an, tetapi dia semakin pudar apabila era 90-an berlalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He made a comeback after turning to gospel music in 1999. His song \"Three Wooden Crosses\" won song of the year in 2003 from both the Country Music Association and the Academy of Country Music.", "r": {"result": "Dia membuat kemunculan semula selepas beralih kepada muzik gospel pada tahun 1999. Lagunya \"Three Wooden Crosses\" memenangi lagu terbaik pada tahun 2003 daripada Persatuan Muzik Desa dan Akademi Muzik Desa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As one of country music's top-selling artists, Travis has won seven Grammys, 10 Academy of Country Music awards and 10 American Music Award statuettes.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai salah seorang artis terlaris muzik country, Travis telah memenangi tujuh Grammy, 10 anugerah Academy of Country Music dan 10 patung Anugerah Muzik Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His best-known songs also include \"Forever and Ever, Amen,\" \"Diggin' Up Bones\" and \"Deeper Than the Holler\".", "r": {"result": "Lagu-lagunya yang paling terkenal juga termasuk \"Forever and Ever, Amen,\" \"Diggin' Up Bones\" dan \"Deeper Than the Holler\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Anyone who has complained that today's movie industry lacks imagination, ambition and originality (and who hasn't?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sesiapa yang mengadu bahawa industri filem hari ini tidak mempunyai imaginasi, cita-cita dan keaslian (dan siapa yang tidak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") had better take a look at \"Cloud Atlas\".", "r": {"result": ") lebih baik lihat \"Atlas Awan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new film from \"The Matrix\" siblings Andy and Lana Wachowski, and their co-conspirator Tom Tykwer (\"Run Lola Run\"), spans centuries and continents, tells six separate stories and casts a dozen actors in three or more roles apiece.", "r": {"result": "Filem baharu daripada adik-beradik \"The Matrix\" Andy dan Lana Wachowski, dan konspirator bersama mereka Tom Tykwer (\"Run Lola Run\"), menjangkau berabad-abad dan benua, menceritakan enam cerita berasingan dan membawakan sedozen pelakon dalam tiga atau lebih peranan masing-masing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is enough ambition and audacity here to fill an entire multiplex, astonishing spectacle and philosophical heft to match.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat cukup cita-cita dan keberanian di sini untuk mengisi keseluruhan multipleks, tontonan yang menakjubkan dan kelebihan falsafah untuk dipadankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a bravura, rogue movie, the kind that has no business getting made.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah filem yang berani, penyangak, jenis yang tidak ada urusan dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Does it work?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ia berfungsi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No, not really -- not for me -- but there is something truly wondrous about a folly on this scale.", "r": {"result": "Tidak, tidak juga -- bukan untuk saya -- tetapi ada sesuatu yang benar-benar menakjubkan tentang kebodohan pada skala ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'll take it over another efficient cookie-cutter flick any day of the week.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan mengambil alih satu lagi kuis pemotong kuki yang cekap pada bila-bila hari dalam seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Mitchell's 2004 Booker-nominated novel begins midstream, well into what purports to be the diary of an innocent 19th century lawyer traveling the South Pacific in the company of unscrupulous mariners and brigands.", "r": {"result": "Novel 2004 Booker yang dicalonkan oleh David Mitchell bermula di tengah-tengah aliran, yang dikatakan sebagai diari seorang peguam abad ke-19 yang tidak bersalah mengembara ke Pasifik Selatan bersama pelaut dan pencuri yang tidak bertanggungjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a kind of literary relay, this manuscript is devoured by a young apprentice composer in the 1930s, who comments on it in his letters to his male lover.", "r": {"result": "Dalam sejenis penyampai sastera, manuskrip ini dimakan oleh seorang komposer perantis muda pada tahun 1930-an, yang mengulasnya dalam suratnya kepada kekasih lelakinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letters that turn up 40 years later when the lover -- a nuclear scientist -- is embroiled in a deadly corruption cover-up, which is the basis in turn for a pulp suspense novel read by a cranky British publisher, and so on and so forth -- all the way into the 23rd century and beyond.", "r": {"result": "Surat-surat yang muncul 40 tahun kemudian apabila kekasihnya -- seorang saintis nuklear -- terlibat dalam penutupan rasuah yang boleh membawa maut, yang seterusnya menjadi asas kepada novel saspens pulpa yang dibaca oleh penerbit British yang rewel, dan seterusnya dan sebagainya seterusnya -- sehingga ke abad ke-23 dan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Cloud Atlas' draws mixed reviews from TIFF.", "r": {"result": "'Cloud Atlas' mendapat ulasan bercampur-campur daripada TIFF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By most lights this would qualify as \"unfilmable\" (it's also brilliant - do read it), but apparently not.", "r": {"result": "Oleh kebanyakan lampu ini akan layak sebagai \"tidak boleh difilemkan\" (ia juga cemerlang - bacalah), tetapi nampaknya tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The movie adaptation is actually quite faithful, an honest and somewhat successful attempt to visualize Mitchell's shifting epochs and recurring themes.", "r": {"result": "Adaptasi filem ini sebenarnya agak setia, percubaan yang jujur dan agak berjaya untuk menggambarkan zaman Mitchell yang berubah-ubah dan tema berulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is more fragmented, though.", "r": {"result": "Ia lebih berpecah-belah, walaupun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where Mitchell explores his stories in large, discreet chunks, the filmmakers have sliced and diced them into far shorter sequences, so that it's not always clear which century we're in or what's going on, or why.", "r": {"result": "Di mana Mitchell meneroka ceritanya dalam potongan besar dan bijak, pembuat filem telah menghiris dan memotongnya ke dalam urutan yang jauh lebih pendek, supaya tidak sentiasa jelas di abad mana kita berada atau apa yang sedang berlaku, atau mengapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tactic is disorienting, but also distracts from how thin some of these stories actually are, once they have been boiled down to narrative essentials.", "r": {"result": "Taktiknya mengelirukan, tetapi juga mengalihkan perhatian daripada betapa nipisnya beberapa cerita ini, setelah ia disimpulkan kepada intipati naratif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Six tales in just under three hours -- that's less than 30 minutes each, not long enough to delve beneath the surface.", "r": {"result": "Enam cerita dalam masa kurang dari tiga jam -- iaitu kurang daripada 30 minit setiap satu, tidak cukup lama untuk menyelidiki di bawah permukaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The novel plays with literary form and adopts a different authorial voice for each tale.", "r": {"result": "Novel ini bermain dengan bentuk sastera dan menggunakan suara pengarang yang berbeza untuk setiap kisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The movie switches between costume drama to comedy to paranoia thriller to sci-fi fantasy, but seems flat in comparison.", "r": {"result": "Filem ini bertukar antara drama kostum kepada komedi kepada thriller paranoia kepada fantasi sci-fi, tetapi nampaknya datar jika dibandingkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's not much momentum or suspense to keep the ship afloat, just a prevailing curiosity about how on earth everything connects.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada banyak momentum atau ketegangan untuk memastikan kapal itu tetap terapung, hanya rasa ingin tahu yang lazim tentang bagaimana di bumi segala-galanya berhubung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're invited to pick out correspondences and motifs across the years, from the comet-shaped birthmark that crops up several times to a haunting melody that outlives its composer, as well as wider patterns of prejudice, repression, resistance and rebellion.", "r": {"result": "Kami dijemput untuk memilih surat-menyurat dan motif sepanjang tahun, daripada tanda lahir berbentuk komet yang muncul beberapa kali kepada melodi menghantui yang hidup lebih lama daripada komposernya, serta corak prasangka, penindasan, penentangan dan pemberontakan yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The movie's politics are strikingly progressive and sophisticated.", "r": {"result": "Politik filem ini sangat progresif dan canggih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the filmmakers' reach often exceeds their grasp.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jangkauan pembikin filem sering melebihi genggaman mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom Hanks talks 'Cloud Atlas' and more.", "r": {"result": "Tom Hanks bercakap 'Cloud Atlas' dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is exhilarating and impressive in the design is often undone in the detail.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang menggembirakan dan mengagumkan dalam reka bentuk sering dibatalkan secara terperinci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It makes some conceptual sense to cast the same actors in numerous roles -- it implies something about the human struggle and what one character calls \"perpetual recurrence\" -- but disguised and coated in layers of makeup, the stars (they include Tom Hanks, Jim Broadbent, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant and Ben Whishaw) repeatedly default to crass caricature.", "r": {"result": "Adalah masuk akal untuk melemparkan pelakon yang sama dalam pelbagai peranan -- ia membayangkan sesuatu tentang perjuangan manusia dan apa yang dipanggil oleh satu watak sebagai \"perpetual recurrence\" -- tetapi menyamar dan bersalut lapisan solek, bintang (mereka termasuk Tom Hanks, Jim Broadbent, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant dan Ben Whishaw) berulang kali lalai untuk membuat karikatur kasar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dramaturgy is frequently jarringly crude and ham-fisted; frenzied comic relief fails to hit the mark (Mitchell's very dry, English sense of humor eludes them).", "r": {"result": "Dramaturgi itu selalunya kasar dan berkepal; kelegaan komik kegilaan gagal mencapai sasaran (rasa humor bahasa Inggeris yang sangat kering Mitchell mengelak mereka).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are fleeting moments of inspiration -- the Wachowskis are clearly in their element in the corporatized neo-Seoul of the not-so distant future -- but a post-apocalyptic episode where everyone speaks an incomprehensible invented pidgin cries out for cutting, and the earliest seafaring tale is also a very long haul.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat detik-detik inspirasi yang singkat -- keluarga Wachowski jelas dalam elemen mereka dalam neo-Seoul korporat di masa depan yang tidak begitu jauh -- tetapi episod pasca-apokaliptik di mana semua orang bercakap tentang pidgin ciptaan yang tidak dapat difahami menjerit meminta dipotong, dan kisah pelayaran terawal juga merupakan perjalanan yang sangat panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In short, \"Cloud Atlas\" is all over the map: an event movie with vision and brains, it's also bombastic and ultimately enervating, getting lost in the fog of its own over-arching ambition.", "r": {"result": "Ringkasnya, \"Cloud Atlas\" berada di seluruh peta: filem acara dengan visi dan otak, ia juga bombastik dan akhirnya menyuburkan, tersesat dalam kabus cita-citanya yang terlalu melengkung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Humanitarian assistance from the United States began its journey to Japan Friday, as President Barack Obama extended a helping hand to the nation after it was hit by a devastating 8.9-magnitude earthquake and ensuing tsunami.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Bantuan kemanusiaan dari Amerika Syarikat memulakan perjalanannya ke Jepun pada hari Jumaat, ketika Presiden Barack Obama menghulurkan bantuan kepada negara itu selepas ia dilanda gempa bumi dahsyat 8.9 magnitud dan tsunami berikutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are eight warships either near Japan or headed for it.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat lapan kapal perang sama ada berhampiran Jepun atau menuju ke sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All are attached to the U.S. 7th Fleet, which is headquartered in Yokosuka, Japan.", "r": {"result": "Kesemuanya menyertai Armada Ke-7 A.S., yang beribu pejabat di Yokosuka, Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Navy personnel began loading tons of disaster relief supplies aboard the U.S. 7th Fleet command flagship, the USS Blue Ridge, currently in Singapore The vessel and its crew were scheduled to depart for Japan Saturday morning, according to a statement from U.S. 7th Fleet public affairs.", "r": {"result": "Anggota tentera laut mula memuatkan banyak bekalan bantuan bencana di atas kapal komando Armada Ke-7 A.S., USS Blue Ridge, yang kini berada di Singapura Kapal itu dan anak kapalnya dijadualkan berlepas ke Jepun pagi Sabtu, menurut kenyataan dari hal ehwal awam Armada Ke-7 A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The USS Essex was scheduled to leave Malaysia Friday evening carrying about 2,000 Marines from the 31st Marine Expeditionary movement.", "r": {"result": "USS Essex dijadualkan meninggalkan Malaysia petang Jumaat dengan membawa kira-kira 2,000 anggota Marin dari pergerakan Ekspedisi Marin ke-31.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The USS Harpers Ferry and the USS Germantown are en route to Japan from the Philippine Sea.", "r": {"result": "USS Harpers Ferry dan USS Germantown sedang dalam perjalanan ke Jepun dari Laut Filipina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The USS Ronald Reagan, a nuclear-powered carrier, has been pulled from a long-planned exercise off the Korean Peninsula and is now headed for the earthquake area, accompanied by USS Chancellorsville and the USS Preble.", "r": {"result": "USS Ronald Reagan, sebuah kapal pengangkut berkuasa nuklear, telah ditarik balik daripada latihan yang telah lama dirancang di luar Semenanjung Korea dan kini menuju ke kawasan gempa bumi, diiringi oleh USS Chancellorsville dan USS Preble.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the USS Tortuga has left its base at Sasebo, a port city in far southern Japan.", "r": {"result": "Dan USS Tortuga telah meninggalkan pangkalannya di Sasebo, sebuah bandar pelabuhan di jauh di selatan Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ship already has several landing craft on board, but it's heading to South Korea to take delivery of MH-53 cargo helicopters, which it will then carry to Japan.", "r": {"result": "Kapal itu sudah mempunyai beberapa kapal pendaratan di atas kapal, tetapi ia menuju ke Korea Selatan untuk mengambil penghantaran helikopter kargo MH-53, yang kemudiannya akan dibawa ke Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to the 7th Fleet ships that have already received orders to head to the island nation, all ships in the fleet that can carry helicopters or aircraft have been ordered to be ready to deploy within 24 hours, if necessary.", "r": {"result": "Selain kapal Armada Ke-7 yang telah menerima tempahan untuk menuju ke negara pulau itu, semua kapal dalam armada yang boleh membawa helikopter atau pesawat telah diarah bersedia untuk ditempatkan dalam tempoh 24 jam, jika perlu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fleet vessels not designed to carry aircraft must be able to deploy within 48 hours.", "r": {"result": "Kapal armada yang tidak direka untuk membawa pesawat mesti boleh digunakan dalam masa 48 jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fleet is also undertaking a full accounting of all personnel in Japan, as well as the condition of their family members.", "r": {"result": "Armada itu juga sedang menjalankan perakaunan penuh semua kakitangan di Jepun, serta keadaan ahli keluarga mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, no reports of injuries among 7th Fleet personnel have been received and no major damage has been reported among fleet assets, according to the public affairs statement.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, tiada laporan kecederaan di kalangan kakitangan Armada Ke-7 telah diterima dan tiada kerosakan besar dilaporkan dalam kalangan aset armada, menurut kenyataan hal ehwal awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The public affairs statement pointed out that the 7th Fleet is not conducting full-scale disaster response operations, which would only come after a formal request from the Japanese government.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan hal ehwal awam itu menegaskan bahawa Armada Ke-7 tidak menjalankan operasi tindak balas bencana berskala penuh, yang hanya akan dibuat selepas permintaan rasmi daripada kerajaan Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not just the military that is taking steps to get help to victims of Friday's earthquake.", "r": {"result": "Bukan hanya tentera yang mengambil langkah untuk mendapatkan bantuan kepada mangsa gempa bumi Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Federal Emergency Management Agency and its partner agencies are on standby in case their assistance is needed, the agency said in a news release.", "r": {"result": "Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Persekutuan dan agensi rakan kongsinya bersiap sedia sekiranya bantuan mereka diperlukan, kata agensi itu dalam satu kenyataan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, six Los Angeles County canine disaster search teams have been activated.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, enam pasukan pencarian bencana anjing Los Angeles County telah diaktifkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dogs were trained by the Search Dog Foundation and are now getting health clearance from their veterinarians to ensure they are ready to deploy.", "r": {"result": "Anjing-anjing itu dilatih oleh Yayasan Anjing Pencarian dan kini mendapat kelulusan kesihatan daripada doktor haiwan mereka untuk memastikan mereka bersedia untuk ditempatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They will be part of a Los Angeles task force mobilized along with one from Virginia by the U.S. Agency for International Development.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan menjadi sebahagian daripada pasukan petugas Los Angeles yang digerakkan bersama-sama dengan satu dari Virginia oleh Agensi Pembangunan Antarabangsa A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each team will come with more than 70 personnel and approximately 75 tons of search and rescue equipment, in addition to the search and rescue dogs.", "r": {"result": "Setiap pasukan akan datang dengan lebih daripada 70 kakitangan dan kira-kira 75 tan peralatan mencari dan menyelamat, sebagai tambahan kepada anjing mencari dan menyelamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On behalf of the American people, I wish to convey our sympathy, thoughts and prayers to the people of Japan who have been affected by this devastating earthquake and tsunami,\" said Rajiv Shah, the administrator for USAID, in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBagi pihak rakyat Amerika, saya ingin menyampaikan simpati, pemikiran dan doa kami kepada rakyat Jepun yang telah terjejas akibat gempa bumi dan tsunami yang dahsyat ini,\u201d kata Rajiv Shah, pentadbir USAID, dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are working with the government of Japan to provide any assistance needed in the rescue effort as quickly as possible\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami bekerjasama dengan kerajaan Jepun untuk menyediakan sebarang bantuan yang diperlukan dalam usaha menyelamat secepat mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agency also is dispatching a disaster assistance response team.", "r": {"result": "Agensi itu juga sedang menghantar pasukan tindak balas bantuan bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "California Gov.", "r": {"result": "California Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jerry Brown said in a news release that he has \"directed California's Emergency Management Agency to make state resources available to the Japanese government\".", "r": {"result": "Jerry Brown berkata dalam siaran berita bahawa dia telah \"mengarahkan Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan California untuk menyediakan sumber negeri kepada kerajaan Jepun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig even promised assistance from Major League Baseball.", "r": {"result": "Pesuruhjaya Besbol Bud Selig malah menjanjikan bantuan daripada Besbol Liga Utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Citing \"our shared love of baseball for more than a century,\" Selig said in a statement that Japan is \"a particularly special place to us\" and that MLB will provide aid in the coming days and weeks.", "r": {"result": "Memetik \"cinta bersama kami terhadap besbol selama lebih daripada satu abad,\" Selig berkata dalam satu kenyataan bahawa Jepun adalah \"tempat yang istimewa kepada kami\" dan bahawa MLB akan memberikan bantuan dalam beberapa hari dan minggu akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American Red Cross is communicating with the Japanese Red Cross Society and its global partners, according to a statement from the agency.", "r": {"result": "Palang Merah Amerika sedang berkomunikasi dengan Persatuan Palang Merah Jepun dan rakan kongsi globalnya, menurut satu kenyataan daripada agensi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So far, the American Red Cross has not received any requests for blood from its Japanese counterparts, or from the U.S. or Japanese governments.", "r": {"result": "Setakat ini, Palang Merah Amerika tidak menerima sebarang permintaan darah daripada rakan sejawatannya di Jepun, atau daripada kerajaan A.S. atau Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The organization is encouraging people with loved ones in Japan to use the Red Cross \"Safe and Well\" website, an online tool which helps families connect during natural disasters and emergencies.", "r": {"result": "Organisasi itu menggalakkan orang yang mempunyai orang tersayang di Jepun untuk menggunakan tapak web \"Selamat dan Baik\" Palang Merah, alat dalam talian yang membantu keluarga berhubung semasa bencana alam dan kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier in the day, Obama described his country's assistance priorities at a news conference.", "r": {"result": "Terdahulu, Obama menerangkan keutamaan bantuan negaranya pada sidang akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I offer our Japanese friends whatever assistance is needed,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menawarkan rakan Jepun kami apa sahaja bantuan yang diperlukan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today's events remind us how fragile life can be\".", "r": {"result": "\"Peristiwa hari ini mengingatkan kita betapa rapuhnya kehidupan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the main U.S. assistance to Japan would probably be \"lift capacity\" in the form of heavy equipment to help clean up damaged infrastructure.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata bantuan utama AS kepada Jepun mungkin adalah \"kapasiti angkat\" dalam bentuk peralatan berat untuk membantu membersihkan infrastruktur yang rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. government is taking inventory of how many military personnel are in Japan to provide help, he said, adding that American citizens in Japan will also receive assistance.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan A.S. sedang mengambil inventori berapa ramai anggota tentera di Jepun untuk memberikan bantuan, katanya sambil menambah bahawa rakyat Amerika di Jepun juga akan menerima bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama called the earthquake and tsunami \"a potentially catastrophic disaster,\" saying the images of destruction were \"simply heartbreaking\".", "r": {"result": "Obama menyifatkan gempa bumi dan tsunami itu sebagai \"bencana yang berpotensi membawa bencana,\" berkata imej kemusnahan itu \"hanya menyayat hati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a session of the President's Export Council on Friday morning at the Old Executive Office Building, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged \"immediate disaster relief assistance\" and said, \"We are working closely with the government of Japan to provide additional help,\" according to a State Department statement.", "r": {"result": "Pada sesi Majlis Eksport Presiden pada pagi Jumaat di Bangunan Pejabat Eksekutif Lama, Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton berjanji \"bantuan bantuan bencana segera\" dan berkata, \"Kami bekerjasama rapat dengan kerajaan Jepun untuk memberikan bantuan tambahan,\" menurut kepada kenyataan Jabatan Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The State Department on Friday said there were no immediate reports of casualties among the tens of thousands of U.S. citizens -- tourists, military personnel and others -- in Japan.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara pada hari Jumaat berkata tiada laporan segera mengenai kematian di kalangan puluhan ribu rakyat AS -- pelancong, anggota tentera dan lain-lain -- di Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The State Department issued an alert against nonessential travel to Japan because of the earthquake and tsunami.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara mengeluarkan amaran terhadap perjalanan yang tidak penting ke Jepun kerana gempa bumi dan tsunami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The alert said that Tokyo airports were closed and others also may be closed or restricted, and that public transportation in Tokyo and other areas has been interrupted.", "r": {"result": "Amaran itu mengatakan bahawa lapangan terbang Tokyo ditutup dan yang lain juga mungkin ditutup atau dihadkan, dan pengangkutan awam di Tokyo dan kawasan lain telah terganggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The alert also said strong aftershocks are likely \"for weeks\" and included instructions for what to do if caught in an earthquake or aftershock.", "r": {"result": "Amaran itu juga mengatakan gempa susulan yang kuat mungkin \"berminggu-minggu\" dan termasuk arahan untuk tindakan yang perlu dilakukan jika terperangkap dalam gempa bumi atau gempa susulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It urged U.S. citizens in Japan to contact family and friends to let them know of their well-being.", "r": {"result": "Ia menggesa warga AS di Jepun menghubungi keluarga dan rakan-rakan untuk memberitahu mereka tentang kesejahteraan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American Airlines told CNN that it would resume flights into Japan on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "American Airlines memberitahu CNN bahawa ia akan menyambung semula penerbangan ke Jepun pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both American and Delta Airlines canceled flights into Tokyo Friday.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua American dan Delta Airlines membatalkan penerbangan ke Tokyo pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unclear if flights to other Japanese airports also were affected.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada penerbangan ke lapangan terbang Jepun lain turut terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, Delta, United and Continental airlines announced they were waiving change fees for people whose travel plans involving Japan were affected by the disaster.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, syarikat penerbangan Delta, United dan Continental mengumumkan mereka mengetepikan yuran pertukaran untuk orang yang rancangan perjalanannya melibatkan Jepun terjejas akibat bencana itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Yokota Air Base, a U.S. Air Force facility in Japan, accommodated 11 commercial planes carrying more than 500 passengers, after the flights were diverted to the base when the earthquake closed Tokyo's Narita International Airport, according to a news release from the Air Force's 374th Airlift Wing.", "r": {"result": "Pangkalan Udara Yokota, kemudahan Tentera Udara A.S. di Jepun, menempatkan 11 pesawat komersial yang membawa lebih 500 penumpang, selepas penerbangan dilencongkan ke pangkalan itu apabila gempa bumi menutup Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Narita di Tokyo, menurut siaran berita dari Tentera Udara ke-374. Sayap Airlift.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Volunteers from various organizations brought food, water and cots for the stranded passengers and helped them register with the Red Cross.", "r": {"result": "Sukarelawan dari pelbagai organisasi membawa makanan, air dan katil bayi untuk penumpang yang terkandas dan membantu mereka mendaftar dengan Palang Merah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the State Department, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Janice Jacobs said a 24-hour consular task force has been set up to help Americans affected by the earthquake.", "r": {"result": "Di Jabatan Negara, Penolong Setiausaha Negara bagi Hal Ehwal Konsular Janice Jacobs berkata pasukan petugas konsular 24 jam telah ditubuhkan untuk membantu rakyat Amerika yang terjejas oleh gempa bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Americans in Japan who need help, or people seeking information about a loved one in Japan, can send an e-mail to japanemergencyusc@state.gov, Jacobs said.", "r": {"result": "Orang Amerika di Jepun yang memerlukan bantuan, atau orang yang mencari maklumat tentang orang tersayang di Jepun, boleh menghantar e-mel ke japanemergencyusc@state.gov, kata Jacobs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Americans outside Japan but in tsunami-affected areas who need help, or people seeking information about an American in affected areas outside Japan, can e-mail pacifictsunamiusc@state.gov, she said.", "r": {"result": "Orang Amerika di luar Jepun tetapi di kawasan yang dilanda tsunami yang memerlukan bantuan, atau orang yang mencari maklumat tentang orang Amerika di kawasan terjejas di luar Jepun, boleh menghantar e-mel kepada pacifictsunamiusc@state.gov, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A telephone information line also has been set up at 1-888-407-4747, said Jacobs, who encouraged people to use the e-mail options if possible.", "r": {"result": "Talian maklumat telefon juga telah disediakan di 1-888-407-4747, kata Jacobs, yang menggalakkan orang ramai menggunakan pilihan e-mel jika boleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When seeking information about Americans in Japan or other affected areas, Jacobs said, people should provide the full name, birth date and location of the person, as well as any pre-existing medical conditions, and if they are elderly or a child.", "r": {"result": "Apabila mencari maklumat tentang rakyat Amerika di Jepun atau kawasan lain yang terjejas, Jacobs berkata, orang ramai harus memberikan nama penuh, tarikh lahir dan lokasi orang itu, serta sebarang keadaan perubatan yang sedia ada, dan jika mereka warga emas atau kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kim Hutcherson, Michael Martinez, Ed Henry, Barbara Starr, Elise Labott, Larry Shaughnessy, Dave Alsup and Bonney Kapp contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Kim Hutcherson dari CNN, Michael Martinez, Ed Henry, Barbara Starr, Elise Labott, Larry Shaughnessy, Dave Alsup dan Bonney Kapp menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- After a judge temporarily lifted a gag order so that he could respond to allegations made on YouTube by his ex-wife, comedian Steve Harvey Tuesday released court documents saying those allegations are false.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Selepas hakim menarik balik perintah gag untuk sementara waktu supaya dia boleh menjawab dakwaan yang dibuat di YouTube oleh bekas isterinya, pelawak Steve Harvey Selasa mengeluarkan dokumen mahkamah yang mengatakan dakwaan itu palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mary Harvey posted a series of videos on YouTube last month about the breakup of the couple's marriage and the bitter fight that followed.", "r": {"result": "Mary Harvey menyiarkan beberapa siri video di YouTube bulan lepas tentang keretakan rumah tangga pasangan itu dan pergaduhan sengit yang menyusul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She alleged that following their 2005 divorce, Harvey \"turned my son against me, had me evicted from our house, thrown out, all the businesses, all the money, the cars ... He manipulated the courts, everything against me\".", "r": {"result": "Dia mendakwa bahawa selepas perceraian mereka pada 2005, Harvey \"membalikkan anak saya terhadap saya, menyuruh saya dihalau dari rumah kami, dibuang, semua perniagaan, semua wang, kereta ... Dia memanipulasi mahkamah, segala-galanya terhadap saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steve Harvey could not respond at the time because of a gag order in the case, said attorney Bobbie Edmonds.", "r": {"result": "Steve Harvey tidak dapat bertindak balas pada masa itu kerana perintah gag dalam kes itu, kata peguam Bobbie Edmonds.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Edmonds released a statement Tuesday saying the judge had temporarily lifted the order so Harvey could respond.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Edmonds mengeluarkan kenyataan pada hari Selasa mengatakan hakim telah menarik balik perintah itu buat sementara waktu supaya Harvey boleh bertindak balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the documents released Tuesday are redacted, but they say the court found that Mary Harvey:", "r": {"result": "Beberapa dokumen yang dikeluarkan Selasa telah disunting, tetapi mereka mengatakan mahkamah mendapati bahawa Mary Harvey:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- \"was not homeless or evicted from her home and was awarded three homes in the property settlement;\".", "r": {"result": "-- \"tidak kehilangan tempat tinggal atau diusir dari rumahnya dan telah dianugerahkan tiga rumah dalam penyelesaian harta itu;\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- that Harvey \"did not take, withhold or turn the child against Mary Lee Harvey;\".", "r": {"result": "-- bahawa Harvey \"tidak mengambil, menahan atau menjadikan kanak-kanak itu menentang Mary Lee Harvey;\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- that Mary Harvey \"willingly placed the child on an airplane and sent him to Mr. Harvey without his knowledge;\".", "r": {"result": "-- bahawa Mary Harvey \"rela meletakkan kanak-kanak itu di atas kapal terbang dan menghantarnya kepada Encik Harvey tanpa pengetahuannya;\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- and that Harvey has primary custody of the 13-year-old.", "r": {"result": "-- dan Harvey mempunyai hak penjagaan utama kanak-kanak berusia 13 tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, the court documents said, Mary Harvey received $40,000 a month from Harvey until March 2009 and received $1.5 million from him in March 2009.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, dokumen mahkamah berkata, Mary Harvey menerima $40,000 sebulan daripada Harvey sehingga Mac 2009 dan menerima $1.5 juta daripadanya pada Mac 2009.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the series of videos, Mary Harvey included excerpts of letters and e-mails she said she intercepted between Harvey and his current wife, Marjorie, near the end of her 16-year relationship with him.", "r": {"result": "Dalam siri video itu, Mary Harvey menyertakan petikan surat dan e-mel yang dikatakan dia memintas antara Harvey dan isterinya sekarang, Marjorie, pada penghujung hubungannya selama 16 tahun dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said on their second wedding anniversary, \"it hit me really hard\" when she intercepted a love letter from a mistress -- the woman he would later move in with and marry.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata pada ulang tahun perkahwinan mereka yang kedua, \"ia sangat melanda saya\" apabila dia memintas surat cinta daripada seorang perempuan simpanan -- wanita yang dia kemudiannya akan berpindah dan berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Edmonds said in late January Marjorie Harvey was \"contemplating\" filing a defamation suit against Mary Harvey because of the accusations against her.", "r": {"result": "Edmonds berkata pada akhir Januari Marjorie Harvey \"memikirkan\" memfailkan saman fitnah terhadap Mary Harvey kerana tuduhan terhadapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 2005 divorce between Steve and Mary Harvey, according to the court documents released Tuesday, \"was granted on the grounds of irreconcilable differences and his current wife was not named in the original divorce proceeding, nor was she the cause of the marital breakup\".", "r": {"result": "Perceraian 2005 antara Steve dan Mary Harvey, menurut dokumen mahkamah yang dikeluarkan Selasa, \"diberikan atas alasan perbezaan yang tidak dapat didamaikan dan isterinya sekarang tidak dinamakan dalam prosiding perceraian asal, dan juga bukan punca perpecahan rumah tangga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attempts by CNN to contact Mary Harvey and her attorney on Tuesday were unsuccessful.", "r": {"result": "Percubaan CNN untuk menghubungi Mary Harvey dan peguamnya pada hari Selasa tidak berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A court hearing was held Monday in Collins County, Texas, on the matter.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan mahkamah telah diadakan pada hari Isnin di Collins County, Texas, mengenai perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harvey asked for sanctions against his ex-wife for allegedly violating the injunction barring her from talking about the family law case in the media or on the internet, and he was allowed to respond.", "r": {"result": "Harvey meminta sekatan terhadap bekas isterinya kerana didakwa melanggar injunksi yang menghalangnya daripada bercakap mengenai kes undang-undang keluarga di media atau di internet, dan dia dibenarkan menjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harvey \"is authorized to publish this order for the limited purpose of refuting the allegations of respondent Mary Lee Harvey,\" the documents said.", "r": {"result": "Harvey \"diberi kuasa untuk menerbitkan pesanan ini untuk tujuan terhad untuk menyangkal dakwaan responden Mary Lee Harvey,\" kata dokumen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"... all prior injunctions and gag orders remain in full force and effect\".", "r": {"result": "\"... semua injunksi dan perintah gag sebelum ini kekal berkuat kuasa dan berkesan sepenuhnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judge also ordered Mary Harvey to remove the videos from the internet -- YouTube and any other sites where they were located.", "r": {"result": "Hakim juga memerintahkan Mary Harvey untuk mengalih keluar video daripada internet -- YouTube dan mana-mana tapak lain di mana ia berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A hearing is set for March 10, the documents said.", "r": {"result": "Satu perbicaraan ditetapkan pada 10 Mac, kata dokumen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Edmonds said that hearing is on contempt of court allegations against Mary Harvey.", "r": {"result": "Edmonds berkata bahawa pendengaran adalah atas tuduhan menghina mahkamah terhadap Mary Harvey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"During the contempt hearing, the court will listen to the evidence of the parties and determine if there is a violation of the orders and impose the appropriate sanctions and punishment\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semasa perbicaraan penghinaan, mahkamah akan mendengar keterangan pihak-pihak dan menentukan sama ada terdapat pelanggaran perintah dan mengenakan sekatan dan hukuman yang sewajarnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Alan Duke contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Alan Duke dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Do I stay or do I go?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Adakah saya kekal atau saya pergi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Almost everyone has already boarded the plane, including dozens of journalists.", "r": {"result": "Hampir semua orang sudah menaiki pesawat termasuk berpuluh-puluh wartawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airport staff, including lots of security guards, are now glaring at me.", "r": {"result": "Kakitangan lapangan terbang, termasuk ramai pengawal keselamatan, kini menjeling ke arah saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the flight many people believe will carry Edward Snowden from Moscow to Havana.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah penerbangan yang dipercayai ramai orang akan membawa Edward Snowden dari Moscow ke Havana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there's no sign of Snowden.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tiada tanda Snowden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My cameraman is already on the plane.", "r": {"result": "Jurukamera saya sudah berada di dalam pesawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's supposed to message me if there's a confirmed sighting.", "r": {"result": "Dia sepatutnya menghantar mesej kepada saya jika terdapat penampakan yang disahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The stakes are high.", "r": {"result": "Taruhannya tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I get on and Snowden doesn't we're committing to a Moscow-Havana round trip that will take us a long way from the story.", "r": {"result": "Jika saya naik dan Snowden tidak, kita akan melakukan perjalanan pergi balik Moscow-Havana yang akan membawa kita jauh dari cerita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are too many scenarios and no safe bets.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat terlalu banyak senario dan tiada pertaruhan selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I don't see him and don't board, he could still join the aircraft on the tarmac later.", "r": {"result": "Kalau saya tak nampak dia dan tak naik, dia masih boleh sertai pesawat di landasan nanti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another journalist is already tweeting excitedly about a VIP van parked next to the plane.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi wartawan sudah membuat tweet teruja tentang sebuah van VIP yang diletakkan di sebelah pesawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm constantly on the phone with CNN HQ.", "r": {"result": "Saya sentiasa melalui telefon dengan HQ CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bosses make a decision.", "r": {"result": "Bos membuat keputusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's only one way to know for sure.", "r": {"result": "Hanya ada satu cara untuk mengetahui dengan pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Go for it.", "r": {"result": "Berusaha untuk mendapatkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Snowden 'free man'.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Snowden 'lelaki bebas'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a story with so few confirmed facts, sending us on a flight to Havana, despite the uncertain outcome, was considered a valuable insurance policy.", "r": {"result": "Untuk cerita dengan fakta yang sangat sedikit yang disahkan, menghantar kami dalam penerbangan ke Havana, walaupun keputusannya tidak menentu, dianggap sebagai polisi insurans yang berharga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I step on board I see a frenzy of men with video cameras and flight attendants trying to stop them.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya melangkah di atas kapal, saya melihat kegilaan lelaki dengan kamera video dan pramugari cuba menghalang mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there's no Snowden.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak ada Snowden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So we wait, nervously glancing between the door and the tarmac.", "r": {"result": "Jadi kami menunggu, dengan gelisah memandang antara pintu dan jalan tar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is an unusually high number of men in police-like uniforms surrounding the plane.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat bilangan lelaki yang luar biasa tinggi berpakaian seragam seperti polis mengelilingi pesawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A hungry media pack is desperately looking for any sign of the man as the clock ticks down to our departure time.", "r": {"result": "Pek media yang kelaparan sedang bermati-matian mencari sebarang tanda lelaki itu ketika jam menunjukkan masa berlepas kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The door closes.", "r": {"result": "Pintu ditutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plane pushes back.", "r": {"result": "Pesawat itu menolak ke belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But hope is not dead.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi harapan tidak mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He could still be whisked out to meet the plane.", "r": {"result": "Dia masih boleh dibawa keluar untuk bertemu kapal terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's not what happens.", "r": {"result": "Bukan itu yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Minutes later the Snowden-less jet is in the air bound for Cuba.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa minit kemudian jet tanpa Snowden berada di udara menuju ke Cuba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The story remains on the ground somewhere in Moscow.", "r": {"result": "Kisah itu kekal di tanah di suatu tempat di Moscow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After takeoff, we do a row-by-row search.", "r": {"result": "Selepas berlepas, kami melakukan carian baris demi baris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We look in the galleys, the washrooms.", "r": {"result": "Kami melihat di dapur, bilik air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I stick my head in the curtained-off rest area for the flight crew.", "r": {"result": "Saya melekatkan kepala saya di kawasan rehat yang bertirai untuk kru penerbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A grey haired Russian man stares back with confusion in the dark space.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki Rusia berambut kelabu merenung ke belakang dengan kekeliruan di ruang gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Izvinite\".", "r": {"result": "\"Izvinite\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Excuse me.", "r": {"result": "Maafkan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It all confirms what we were already pretty sure of.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya mengesahkan apa yang kami sudah pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: No-show leaves reporters stuck on plane.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Tidak hadir meninggalkan wartawan terperangkap di dalam pesawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's only one area we can't check - the cockpit.", "r": {"result": "Hanya ada satu kawasan yang kita tidak boleh periksa - kokpit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It seems unlikely Russian authorities or Aeroflot would allow Snowden to travel in the secure pointy end of the aircraft.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya tidak mungkin pihak berkuasa Rusia atau Aeroflot akan membenarkan Snowden mengembara di bahagian hujung pesawat yang selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the circumstances of this story fit the general rule I've developed through living in Russia.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keadaan cerita ini sesuai dengan peraturan umum yang saya bangunkan sepanjang tinggal di Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anything, no matter how logic defying, is possible.", "r": {"result": "Apa-apa sahaja, tidak kira betapa logiknya menentang, adalah mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I keep a close eye on the crew coming and going from the cockpit just in case.", "r": {"result": "Saya sentiasa memerhati kru yang datang dan keluar dari kokpit untuk berjaga-jaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frustrated journalists huddle around seat 17a.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan yang kecewa berkumpul di kerusi 17a.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its emptiness mocks us.", "r": {"result": "Kekosongannya mengejek kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some earlier reports said this was where Snowden would be sitting.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa laporan awal mengatakan ini adalah tempat Snowden akan duduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A good part of the flight is spent debating theories on Snowden's plans for escape and his chances of success.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian besar penerbangan dihabiskan untuk membahaskan teori mengenai rancangan Snowden untuk melarikan diri dan peluangnya untuk berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What role Russia and Ecuador?", "r": {"result": "Apakah peranan Rusia dan Ecuador?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's all just speculation with a little logic thrown in.", "r": {"result": "Itu semua hanya spekulasi dengan sedikit logik yang dilemparkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other words, like so many people around the world right now, we're all just guessing.", "r": {"result": "Dalam erti kata lain, seperti ramai orang di seluruh dunia sekarang, kita semua hanya meneka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at least we knew he wasn't on the aircraft.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya kami tahu dia tidak berada di dalam pesawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back on earth, my colleagues at CNN had no way of being so certain.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke bumi, rakan sekerja saya di CNN tidak mempunyai cara untuk menjadi begitu pasti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moments before takeoff, I'd communicated by phone there was no sign of Snowden.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa saat sebelum berlepas, saya telah berkomunikasi melalui telefon bahawa tiada tanda Snowden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that didn't mean he wasn't on board somewhere.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi itu tidak bermakna dia tidak berada di atas kapal di suatu tempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as we crossed the globe I had no way of passing on the results of our detailed search.", "r": {"result": "Dan semasa kami merentasi dunia, saya tidak mempunyai cara untuk menyampaikan hasil carian terperinci kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neither Aeroflot nor the Russian government had confirmed or denied if he was on the flight.", "r": {"result": "Aeroflot mahupun kerajaan Rusia tidak mengesahkan atau menafikan jika dia berada dalam penerbangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So my news organization was still tracking its path across Russia, Northern Europe, the Atlantic, Canada and the eastern states of America.", "r": {"result": "Jadi organisasi berita saya masih menjejaki laluannya merentasi Rusia, Eropah Utara, Atlantik, Kanada dan negeri-negeri timur Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We even flew very close to CNN's world headquarters in Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Kami juga terbang sangat dekat dengan ibu pejabat dunia CNN di Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: How hunt humiliated U.S.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Bagaimana pemburuan memalukan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not until the aircraft doors opened at our destination and I first felt the sticky, warm Havana air that I was able to call in again and confirm definitively Snowden had not left Russia on that flight.", "r": {"result": "Sehinggalah pintu pesawat dibuka di destinasi kami dan saya mula-mula merasakan udara Havana yang melekit dan hangat barulah saya dapat menghubungi masuk semula dan mengesahkan dengan pasti Snowden tidak meninggalkan Rusia dalam penerbangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ah Havana.", "r": {"result": "Ah Havana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A much dreamed of travel destination for this Australian journalist.", "r": {"result": "Destinasi pelancongan yang diimpikan oleh wartawan Australia ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those dreams would remain unfulfilled.", "r": {"result": "Impian itu akan tetap tidak tercapai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'd arrived with no accreditation or visa.", "r": {"result": "Saya tiba tanpa akreditasi atau visa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I couldn't legally enter the country.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak boleh memasuki negara ini secara sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My Cuban adventure involved one hour in the transit lounge desperately negotiating with officials to allow me back on the same aircraft for the return flight to Moscow.", "r": {"result": "Pengembaraan Cuba saya melibatkan satu jam di lounge transit yang berunding dengan pegawai untuk membenarkan saya kembali ke pesawat yang sama untuk penerbangan pulang ke Moscow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No rum.", "r": {"result": "Tiada rum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No sweet cigar scent.", "r": {"result": "Tiada bau cerut manis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No music.", "r": {"result": "Tiada muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But during my brief time in the soulless transit area there were still many incredibly warm Cuban smiles.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dalam masa singkat saya di kawasan transit tanpa jiwa masih terdapat banyak senyuman Cuba yang luar biasa hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The return flight was even less eventful.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan pergi balik adalah lebih kurang acara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Time was spent writing this account and editing the video story of our travels.", "r": {"result": "Masa telah dihabiskan untuk menulis akaun ini dan mengedit cerita video perjalanan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In total we endured around 30 hours of pretty darn comfortable business class travel for little journalistic result.", "r": {"result": "Secara keseluruhan, kami telah melalui sekitar 30 jam perjalanan kelas perniagaan yang cukup selesa untuk hasil kewartawanan yang sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not the stuff that inspires enormous work satisfaction in my trade.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan perkara yang memberi inspirasi kepada kepuasan kerja yang besar dalam perdagangan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But after arriving back in Moscow and while sitting in this city's horrific traffic, one senior CNN editor thanked me for making the journey.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selepas tiba kembali di Moscow dan semasa duduk dalam lalu lintas yang mengerikan di bandar ini, seorang editor kanan CNN mengucapkan terima kasih kepada saya kerana membuat perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the time consuming, sleep depriving, costly act necessary to confirm Snowden wasn't on that flight was highly valuable in our coverage of a story where basic questions remain unanswered.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata tindakan yang memakan masa, kurang tidur, mahal yang diperlukan untuk mengesahkan Snowden tidak berada dalam penerbangan itu adalah sangat berharga dalam liputan kami tentang cerita di mana soalan asas masih tidak dijawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What will Edward Snowden do next?", "r": {"result": "Apakah yang akan dilakukan oleh Edward Snowden seterusnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Women at two Kansas colleges are on edge after warnings that the same man may have raped 13 women at the schools in the last eight years.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Wanita di dua kolej Kansas berasa gelisah selepas memberi amaran bahawa lelaki yang sama mungkin telah merogol 13 wanita di sekolah itu dalam tempoh lapan tahun yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kansas Attorney General Steve Six says each victim has described her attacker in a similar way.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Negara Kansas Steve Six berkata setiap mangsa telah menggambarkan penyerangnya dengan cara yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The University of Kansas and Kansas State University have alerted students to possible danger for those who stay in town during spring break, which starts Monday.", "r": {"result": "Universiti Kansas dan Kansas State University telah memaklumkan pelajar tentang kemungkinan bahaya bagi mereka yang tinggal di bandar semasa cuti musim bunga, yang bermula Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thirteen rapes have happened during breaks in the school year in the last eight years near the colleges.", "r": {"result": "Tiga belas rogol telah berlaku semasa rehat dalam tahun persekolahan dalam lapan tahun lepas berhampiran kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eight happened near Kansas State University in Manhattan.", "r": {"result": "Lapan berlaku berhampiran Kansas State University di Manhattan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five happened about 85 miles away, in Lawrence, where the University of Kansas is located.", "r": {"result": "Lima berlaku kira-kira 85 batu jauhnya, di Lawrence, di mana terletaknya Universiti Kansas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators say the same person may be responsible for all 13 rapes.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat berkata orang yang sama mungkin bertanggungjawab atas kesemua 13 rogol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Students like Carly Wagner, a senior at Kansas State, are taking precautions.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar seperti Carly Wagner, seorang senior di Kansas State, mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said she and her roommates already make sure to look out for each other.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia dan rakan sebiliknya sudah memastikan untuk menjaga satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"None of us ever walk alone at night.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada seorang pun daripada kita yang pernah berjalan sendirian pada waktu malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We go pick each other up or make sure that there's no case where you have to be alone at night,\" she told CNN affiliate WIBW.", "r": {"result": "Kami pergi menjemput satu sama lain atau pastikan tiada kes di mana anda perlu bersendirian pada waktu malam,\" katanya kepada sekutu CNN WIBW.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kansas attorney general, Steve Six, said Wednesday that similarities in the attacks lead investigators to believe they may be looking for the same person.", "r": {"result": "Peguam negara Kansas, Steve Six, berkata pada hari Rabu bahawa persamaan dalam serangan menyebabkan penyiasat percaya mereka mungkin mencari orang yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those similarities include \"the age of the victims, the location of the rapes in off-campus housing\" and \"the fact they occurred during breaks in the school session\".", "r": {"result": "Persamaan itu termasuk \"umur mangsa, lokasi rogol di perumahan luar kampus\" dan \"fakta ia berlaku semasa rehat dalam sesi persekolahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, each victim has described her attacker in a similar way.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, setiap mangsa telah menggambarkan penyerangnya dengan cara yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators are looking for a white man in his twenties of average height and weight.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat sedang mencari seorang lelaki kulit putih dalam lingkungan purata dua puluhan tinggi dan berat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has also been reported to have covered his face during the attacks, Six said.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga telah dilaporkan telah menutup mukanya semasa serangan, kata Six.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The University of Kansas sent an e-mail to students Monday warning those staying on campus for spring break.", "r": {"result": "Universiti Kansas menghantar e-mel kepada pelajar Isnin memberi amaran kepada mereka yang tinggal di kampus untuk cuti musim bunga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If staying in Lawrence, students should take reasonable precautions, as some reported sexual assaults and other crimes have occurred during breaks,\" read the warning, which did not refer specifically to the past rapes.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika tinggal di Lawrence, pelajar harus mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga yang munasabah, kerana beberapa serangan seksual yang dilaporkan dan jenayah lain telah berlaku semasa rehat,\" baca amaran itu, yang tidak merujuk secara khusus kepada rogol yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The University of Kansas also posted recommendations on its Web site, including checking locks on home and apartment doors, walking in groups and knowing the location of campus emergency buttons.", "r": {"result": "Universiti Kansas juga menyiarkan cadangan di laman webnya, termasuk memeriksa kunci pada pintu rumah dan apartmen, berjalan dalam kumpulan dan mengetahui lokasi butang kecemasan kampus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The specific dangers during college breaks have been on the university's radar for some time, says Jill Jess, a university spokeswoman.", "r": {"result": "Bahaya khusus semasa rehat kolej telah berada dalam radar universiti untuk beberapa waktu, kata Jill Jess, jurucakap universiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before winter break, the university offered free self-defense classes to students as a result of the past attacks, she said.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum cuti musim sejuk, universiti itu menawarkan kelas pertahanan diri percuma kepada pelajar akibat serangan masa lalu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kansas State warned its students, faculty and staff of the past attacks in an e-mail last month.", "r": {"result": "Kansas State memberi amaran kepada pelajar, fakulti dan kakitangannya tentang serangan masa lalu dalam e-mel bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the second e-mail that campus officials have sent out in recent years regarding the rapes.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah e-mel kedua yang dihantar oleh pegawai kampus dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini mengenai rogol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's scary to walk around campus or be on a college campus not knowing at night what goes on and who can be around,\" one student told CNN affiliate KTKA.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah menakutkan untuk berjalan di sekitar kampus atau berada di kampus kolej tanpa mengetahui pada waktu malam apa yang berlaku dan siapa yang boleh berada di sekeliling,\" kata seorang pelajar kepada sekutu CNN KTKA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kansas State Women's Center has also been working diligently over the past year to make students aware of the rapes, said Mary Todd, the center director.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Wanita Negeri Kansas juga telah bekerja dengan gigih sepanjang tahun lalu untuk menyedarkan pelajar tentang rogol, kata Mary Todd, pengarah pusat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She has worked with some of the victims and has learned from their accounts that there was often no sign of forced entry.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah bekerja dengan beberapa mangsa dan telah mengetahui daripada akaun mereka bahawa selalunya tiada tanda kemasukan paksa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This has led her to believe the attacker entered residences during the day, when a lot of students feel safe leaving doors unlocked.", "r": {"result": "Ini telah menyebabkan dia percaya penyerang memasuki kediaman pada siang hari, apabila ramai pelajar berasa selamat meninggalkan pintu tidak berkunci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By emphasizing such details, she said, the center hopes students will keep their doors locked.", "r": {"result": "Dengan menekankan butiran sedemikian, katanya, pusat itu berharap pelajar akan memastikan pintu mereka terkunci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Women's Center and a group called Wildcats Against Rape have distributed pamphlets at campus buildings as well as several off-campus locations.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Wanita dan kumpulan bernama Wildcats Against Rape telah mengedarkan risalah di bangunan kampus serta beberapa lokasi di luar kampus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attorney general's office warned the entire community Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat peguam negara memberi amaran kepada seluruh masyarakat pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We encourage women to be safe, but we encourage everybody in the community to also look out,\" Six said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menggalakkan wanita untuk selamat, tetapi kami menggalakkan semua orang dalam komuniti untuk turut berwaspada,\" kata Six.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Look out for your friends, call if you see something suspicious and just be vigilant during the spring break time\".", "r": {"result": "\"Berhati-hati dengan rakan anda, hubungi jika anda melihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan dan hanya berwaspada semasa waktu rehat musim bunga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It has the curves of a Lamborghini, looks like something an astronaut might take into space and weighs only 10.3 ounces.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ia mempunyai lengkungan seperti Lamborghini, kelihatan seperti sesuatu yang mungkin dibawa oleh angkasawan ke angkasa dan beratnya hanya 10.3 auns.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amazon's Kindle e-reader is wireless and can hold about 200 books, plus newspapers and magazines.", "r": {"result": "E-pembaca Kindle Amazon adalah tanpa wayar dan boleh memuatkan kira-kira 200 buku, serta surat khabar dan majalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amazon.com's electronic Kindle reader -- a device meant to remove the paper from the page and make reading both more convenient and eco-friendly -- is celebrating its first birthday.", "r": {"result": "Pembaca Kindle elektronik Amazon.com -- peranti yang bertujuan untuk mengeluarkan kertas daripada halaman dan menjadikan bacaan lebih mudah dan mesra alam -- sedang meraikan hari lahirnya yang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Released in November 2007, the Kindle has sold more than a quarter million units.", "r": {"result": "Dikeluarkan pada November 2007, Kindle telah menjual lebih daripada suku juta unit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its texts account for 10 percent of Amazon's book sales despite the fact that 200,000 titles -- a tiny fraction of the books offered on the site -- are available in digital form.", "r": {"result": "Teksnya menyumbang 10 peratus daripada jualan buku Amazon walaupun pada hakikatnya 200,000 judul -- sebahagian kecil daripada buku yang ditawarkan di tapak -- tersedia dalam bentuk digital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While exact sales figures are hard to come by, recent estimates have put the Kindle's sales on par with other high-profile mobile devices in their first year.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun angka jualan yang tepat sukar diperoleh, anggaran terkini telah meletakkan jualan Kindle setanding dengan peranti mudah alih berprofil tinggi lain pada tahun pertama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amazon.com says that the Kindle is currently sold out due to heavy demand.", "r": {"result": "Amazon.com mengatakan bahawa Kindle kini dijual kerana permintaan yang tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So what has spurred its success?", "r": {"result": "Jadi apa yang telah mendorong kejayaannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, electronic books have been around, in small numbers, for about a decade.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, buku elektronik telah wujud, dalam jumlah yang kecil, selama kira-kira satu dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder and CEO, has admitted that the book is \"elegantly suited to its purpose.", "r": {"result": "Malah Jeff Bezos, pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Amazon, telah mengakui bahawa buku itu \"secara elegan sesuai dengan tujuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hard to improve on\".", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk diperbaiki\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One thing that's helped the Kindle is marketing.", "r": {"result": "Satu perkara yang membantu Kindle ialah pemasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where other readers failed to connect with consumers, the Kindle has excelled.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pembaca lain gagal berhubung dengan pengguna, Kindle telah cemerlang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The media-savvy Bezos has hardly been publicity shy, gaining his electronic toy a level of exposure most CEOs couldn't begin to fathom.", "r": {"result": "Bezos yang mahir media hampir tidak malu dengan publisiti, memperoleh mainan elektroniknya tahap pendedahan yang tidak dapat difahami oleh kebanyakan CEO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can't discount the prominence of having Amazon behind this,\" says Paul Reynolds, technology editor at Consumer Reports.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak boleh menolak menonjolkan Amazon di sebalik ini,\" kata Paul Reynolds, editor teknologi di Consumer Reports.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Jeff Bezos is respected for what he's done with Amazon, and if he feels this is a future product in media, people are willing to trust him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jeff Bezos dihormati kerana apa yang dia lakukan dengan Amazon, dan jika dia merasakan ini adalah produk masa depan dalam media, orang ramai sanggup mempercayainya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second, the gadget has been heralded by Oprah Winfrey, whose influence in the publishing world is immense.", "r": {"result": "Kedua, alat itu telah digembar-gemburkan oleh Oprah Winfrey, yang pengaruhnya dalam dunia penerbitan sangat besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's also been embraced by some prominent writers, including Nobel laureate Toni Morrison and best-selling thriller author James Patterson.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga telah diterima oleh beberapa penulis terkemuka, termasuk pemenang Nobel Toni Morrison dan pengarang thriller terlaris James Patterson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Third, with more and more consumers accustomed to reading text on their cell phones and BlackBerrys, the world finally may be ready for an electronic version of a book.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga, dengan semakin ramai pengguna terbiasa membaca teks pada telefon bimbit dan BlackBerry mereka, dunia akhirnya mungkin bersedia untuk versi elektronik buku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I checked it out on Amazon and thought it was an intriguing idea, a great way to have a lot of books that don't take up a lot of space,\" says Emily Branch of Florida, who was moved to buy a Kindle after seeing the hosts of \"The View\" chatting about it.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menyemaknya di Amazon dan fikir ia adalah idea yang menarik, cara terbaik untuk mempunyai banyak buku yang tidak mengambil banyak ruang, \" kata Emily Branch of Florida, yang tergerak untuk membeli Kindle selepas melihat hos \"The View\" berbual mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I figured if I didn't like it I could return it within 30 days,\" Branch says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir jika saya tidak menyukainya, saya boleh mengembalikannya dalam masa 30 hari,\" kata Branch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There wasn't a chance of that happening once I got it in my hands though\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada kemungkinan perkara itu berlaku sebaik sahaja saya mendapatnya.\"", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One clutter-killing Kindle can hold about 200 books.", "r": {"result": "Satu Kindle boleh memuatkan kira-kira 200 buku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And while other e-readers such as Sony's Reader must connect through a USB port to upload content, the Kindle is a wireless device, thanks to Whispernet, which is powered by Sprint's high-speed data network.", "r": {"result": "Dan sementara e-pembaca lain seperti Sony's Reader mesti menyambung melalui port USB untuk memuat naik kandungan, Kindle ialah peranti wayarles, terima kasih kepada Whispernet, yang dikuasakan oleh rangkaian data berkelajuan tinggi Sprint.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think the Whispernet is what sets the Kindle apart from all the other e-readers on the market,\" says Leslie Nicoll of Portland, Maine, who co-authored \"The Amazon Kindle F.A.Q.\" book after her tech-loving teenage daughter urged her to get a Kindle.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir Whispernet adalah yang membezakan Kindle daripada semua e-pembaca lain di pasaran,\" kata Leslie Nicoll dari Portland, Maine, yang mengarang bersama \"The Amazon Kindle FAQ.\" buku selepas anak perempuan remajanya yang suka teknologi mendesaknya untuk mendapatkan Kindle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Branch, Nicoll says she likes the Kindle's low-impact effect on her bookshelves.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Branch, Nicoll berkata dia suka kesan rendah Kindle pada rak bukunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't have to worry about giving it to someone else, reselling it on Amazon or finding a place to store it in my house,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak perlu risau untuk memberikannya kepada orang lain, menjualnya semula di Amazon atau mencari tempat untuk menyimpannya di rumah saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For the enjoyment and convenience, it has given me in the past seven months, I consider that it has paid for itself already\".", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk keseronokan dan kemudahan, ia telah memberi saya dalam tempoh tujuh bulan yang lalu, saya menganggap bahawa ia telah membayar untuk dirinya sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Readers can visit Amazon's online store and upload a new book right to their Kindle.", "r": {"result": "Pembaca boleh melawati kedai dalam talian Amazon dan memuat naik buku baharu terus ke Kindle mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Subscribers also can have electronic versions of The New York Times and other newspapers and magazines delivered automatically to their Kindles in time for reading with their morning cup of coffee.", "r": {"result": "Pelanggan juga boleh mendapatkan versi elektronik The New York Times dan akhbar serta majalah lain yang dihantar secara automatik ke Kindle mereka tepat pada masanya untuk membaca dengan secawan kopi pagi mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The large and tightly interacting collection of Kindle features, that go far beyond those of any other previous e-Book attempt, will cause the Kindle to be the first e-Book to succeed,\" wrote one reviewer on an Amazon discussion board.", "r": {"result": "\"Koleksi ciri Kindle yang besar dan berinteraksi rapat, yang jauh melebihi percubaan e-Book sebelumnya, akan menyebabkan Kindle menjadi e-Book pertama yang berjaya,\" tulis seorang pengulas di papan perbincangan Amazon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But not everything in Kindle world is roses and gumdrops.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak semua dalam dunia Kindle adalah mawar dan gula-gula getah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a difference between modest early success and making a centuries-old print format obsolete.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat perbezaan antara kejayaan awal yang sederhana dan menjadikan format cetakan berkurun lamanya menjadi usang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kindle sells for $359, a steep price for the average reader in the current economic climate.", "r": {"result": "Kindle dijual pada harga $359, harga yang tinggi untuk pembaca biasa dalam iklim ekonomi semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not going to pay $360 for that.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan membayar $360 untuk itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can get books for free,\" says Nikki Johnson, a college student in Atlanta, Georgia, speaking for traditionalists who are wary of giving up their bound paper volumes.", "r": {"result": "Saya boleh mendapatkan buku secara percuma,\" kata Nikki Johnson, seorang pelajar kolej di Atlanta, Georgia, bercakap untuk tradisionalis yang berhati-hati untuk melepaskan jilid kertas terikat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's nothing like reading a nice paperback,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak ada yang seperti membaca buku kertas yang bagus,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's nothing like holding or carrying a book, having that tangible quality and it being more than just a piece of data\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada apa-apa seperti memegang atau membawa buku, mempunyai kualiti yang ketara dan ia lebih daripada sekadar sekeping data\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So in an unforgiving economy and in a stubbornly old-fashioned medium, will the Kindle ever expand from a tech novelty to a mainstream accessory?", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, dalam ekonomi yang tidak memaafkan dan dalam medium kuno yang keras kepala, adakah Kindle akan berkembang daripada kebaharuan teknologi kepada aksesori arus perdana?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It might be too soon to tell.", "r": {"result": "Ia mungkin terlalu awal untuk memberitahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blockbuster writers such as J.K. Rowling, author of the \"Harry Potter\" series, have said they'll never allow their books to appear on the market in electronic form.", "r": {"result": "Penulis blokbuster seperti J.K. Rowling, pengarang siri \"Harry Potter\", berkata mereka tidak akan membenarkan buku mereka muncul di pasaran dalam bentuk elektronik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet future, better versions of e-readers may seduce younger consumers who grew up on PSPs and iPhones.", "r": {"result": "Namun pada masa hadapan, versi e-pembaca yang lebih baik mungkin memikat pengguna muda yang membesar menggunakan PSP dan iPhone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A next-generation model of the Kindle is due in 2009. Early reports indicate the new device will be thinner and will have fixed some current design bugs, such as poorly placed buttons that cause readers to turn pages accidentally.", "r": {"result": "Model Kindle generasi akan datang akan tiba pada tahun 2009. Laporan awal menunjukkan peranti baharu itu akan menjadi lebih nipis dan akan membetulkan beberapa pepijat reka bentuk semasa, seperti butang yang diletakkan dengan buruk yang menyebabkan pembaca membuka halaman secara tidak sengaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it's certainly a ways away from hitting the mainstream ... because of the price and the experience a reader gets from long-form reading,\" says Reynolds of Consumer Reports.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir ia adalah satu cara yang jauh untuk mencecah arus perdana... kerana harga dan pengalaman yang diperoleh pembaca daripada pembacaan dalam bentuk panjang,\" kata Reynolds dari Consumer Reports.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whether these ... are successful, stand-alone devices remains to be seen.", "r": {"result": "\"Sama ada ini ... berjaya, peranti yang berdiri sendiri masih perlu dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From what I've seen and heard, I think the technology is here to stay\".", "r": {"result": "Daripada apa yang saya lihat dan dengar, saya rasa teknologi ini akan kekal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Mega Millions jackpot winners and Washington state residents Jim and Carolyn McCullar stepped forward on Thursday to claim their half of a $380 million prize during a Washington State Lottery news conference.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemenang jackpot Mega Millions dan penduduk negeri Washington Jim dan Carolyn McCullar melangkah ke hadapan pada hari Khamis untuk menuntut separuh daripada hadiah $380 juta mereka semasa sidang akhbar Loteri Negeri Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I had faith one day that we were going to hit it,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai keyakinan suatu hari nanti bahawa kami akan mencapainya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You got to have faith\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda mesti mempunyai kepercayaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jim McCullar, 68, had previously worked as a real estate agent from Ephrata, with a population of just more than 6,000 in central Washington.", "r": {"result": "Jim McCullar, 68, sebelum ini bekerja sebagai ejen hartanah dari Ephrata, dengan populasi hanya lebih 6,000 orang di tengah Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said that he was initially scared to come forward, saying he felt like \"a field mouse\" as hawks circled overhead.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bahawa dia pada mulanya takut untuk tampil ke hadapan, berkata dia berasa seperti \"tikus padang\" apabila helang mengelilingi atas kepala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All we saw were predators and we were afraid to do anything until we got down here with police protection,\" McCullar said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang kami lihat hanyalah pemangsa dan kami takut untuk melakukan apa sahaja sehingga kami tiba di sini dengan perlindungan polis,\" kata McCullar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He then opened his wallet and counted the money inside.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian membuka dompetnya dan mengira wang di dalamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I got eight dollars,\" he said, raising the oversized check for $190 million dollars over his head.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mendapat lapan dolar,\" katanya sambil menaikkan cek bersaiz $190 juta dolar di atas kepalanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I couldn't get this in my wallet\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak dapat memasukkan ini dalam dompet saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other winner, with whom the family will split the $380 million jackpot, has yet to come forward.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang lain, dengan siapa keluarga akan membahagikan jackpot $380 juta, masih belum muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That person is from Idaho.", "r": {"result": "Orang itu berasal dari Idaho.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The McCullars' ticket was sold at a Safeway store in Ephrata, lottery officials said.", "r": {"result": "Tiket McCullars dijual di kedai Safeway di Ephrata, kata pegawai loteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Store manager Geoff Bell told CNN affiliate KREM that the phones began to ring off the hook when news surfaced that the store had sold one of the two winning tickets.", "r": {"result": "Pengurus kedai Geoff Bell memberitahu sekutu CNN KREM bahawa telefon mula berdering apabila berita muncul bahawa kedai itu telah menjual salah satu daripada dua tiket yang menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's great for the community.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa bagus untuk masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's nice that Safeway can be a part of helping somebody make some dreams come true for them,\" Bell told the affiliate.", "r": {"result": "Seronoknya Safeway boleh menjadi sebahagian daripada membantu seseorang merealisasikan beberapa impian untuk mereka,\" kata Bell kepada ahli gabungan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ticket in Idaho was sold in Post Falls, near the border with Washington state.", "r": {"result": "Tiket di Idaho telah dijual di Post Falls, berhampiran sempadan dengan negeri Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday's Mega Millions numbers were 4, 8, 15, 25, 47 and 42 (42 was the Mega Ball number).", "r": {"result": "Nombor Mega Millions hari Selasa ialah 4, 8, 15, 25, 47 dan 42 (42 ialah nombor Mega Ball).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As days went by without a winner, residents in the 42 states that take part in the Mega Millions drawing rushed to stores to buy more and more tickets, pushing the jackpot to $380 million, the second-highest in the drawing's history.", "r": {"result": "Ketika hari berlalu tanpa pemenang, penduduk di 42 negeri yang mengambil bahagian dalam lukisan Mega Millions bergegas ke kedai untuk membeli lebih banyak tiket, melonjakkan jackpot kepada $380 juta, yang kedua tertinggi dalam sejarah lukisan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The highest was $390 million in 2007.", "r": {"result": "Yang tertinggi ialah $390 juta pada tahun 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Veteran Rep.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Boehner of Ohio became the 61st speaker of the House of Representatives Wednesday as Republicans officially took charge of the chamber for the first time in four years and dramatically changed Washington's political landscape.", "r": {"result": "John Boehner dari Ohio menjadi speaker ke-61 Dewan Perwakilan pada hari Rabu apabila Republikan secara rasmi mengambil alih dewan itu buat kali pertama dalam tempoh empat tahun dan secara dramatik mengubah landskap politik Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats maintained control of the Senate for the new 112th Congress, but with a reduced majority.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat mengekalkan kawalan Senat untuk Kongres ke-112 yang baharu, tetapi dengan majoriti yang berkurangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The change likely presages a stark ideological conflict with President Barack Obama, who is preparing to defend his legislative accomplishments of the past two years and position himself for a re-election campaign in 2012.", "r": {"result": "Perubahan itu berkemungkinan menimbulkan konflik ideologi yang ketara dengan Presiden Barack Obama, yang sedang bersiap untuk mempertahankan pencapaian perundangan beliau sejak dua tahun lalu dan meletakkan dirinya untuk kempen pemilihan semula pada 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ninety-four new House members were sworn in Wednesday, along with 13 new senators.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan puluh empat ahli Dewan Rakyat baharu mengangkat sumpah pada hari Rabu, bersama 13 senator baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new House has the largest freshman class with no previous experience in elective office since 1948.", "r": {"result": "Rumah baharu ini mempunyai kelas pelajar baharu terbesar tanpa pengalaman sebelumnya dalam pejabat elektif sejak 1948.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans now hold a 242-193 majority in the House.", "r": {"result": "Republikan kini memegang majoriti 242-193 dalam Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats hold at 53-47 majority in the Senate.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat memegang majoriti 53-47 di Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boehner, first elected to the House in 1990, inherited the speaker's gavel from Rep.", "r": {"result": "Boehner, pertama kali dipilih ke Dewan pada 1990, mewarisi palu penceramah daripada Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nancy Pelosi, D-California.", "r": {"result": "Nancy Pelosi, D-California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boehner's rise to the top position caps a remarkable political comeback.", "r": {"result": "Kenaikan Boehner ke kedudukan teratas menghadkan kemunculan semula politik yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was voted out of the House leadership in 1998 after Republicans unexpectedly lost seats to Democrats that year.", "r": {"result": "Beliau telah diundi keluar daripada kepimpinan Dewan pada 1998 selepas Republikan secara tidak dijangka kehilangan kerusi kepada Demokrat pada tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten of Boehner's 11 siblings were present when he was formally sworn in by Michigan Rep.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh daripada 11 adik-beradik Boehner hadir apabila dia secara rasmi mengangkat sumpah oleh Michigan Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Dingell, the longest-serving member of the House.", "r": {"result": "John Dingell, ahli Dewan yang paling lama berkhidmat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hard work and tough decisions will be required of the 112th Congress.", "r": {"result": "\"Kerja keras dan keputusan yang sukar akan diperlukan daripada Kongres ke-112.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No longer can we fall short,\" Boehner said after taking the gavel.", "r": {"result": "Kita tidak boleh gagal lagi,\" kata Boehner selepas mengambil palu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No longer can we kick the can down the road.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKita tidak boleh menendang tin ke jalan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The people voted to end business as usual, and today we begin carrying out their instructions\".", "r": {"result": "Rakyat mengundi untuk menamatkan perniagaan seperti biasa, dan hari ini kami mula melaksanakan arahan mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He promised minority Democrats \"an honest debate\" and \"a fair and open process\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menjanjikan Demokrat minoriti \"perdebatan yang jujur\" dan \"proses yang adil dan terbuka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a great deal of scar tissue that's been built up on both sides of the aisle,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak tisu parut yang telah dibina di kedua-dua belah lorong,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But \"we can disagree without being disagreeable\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi \"kita boleh tidak bersetuju tanpa menjadi tidak bersetuju\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pelosi, before handing over the gavel, reiterated that House Democrats are prepared to work with the Republicans on proposals to help the middle class, create jobs, and cut the deficit.", "r": {"result": "Pelosi, sebelum menyerahkan palu, mengulangi bahawa Demokrat Dewan bersedia untuk bekerjasama dengan Republikan mengenai cadangan untuk membantu kelas pertengahan, mencipta pekerjaan, dan mengurangkan defisit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We extend the hand of friendship,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menghulurkan tangan persahabatan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But where we cannot find common ground, we must stand our ground\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi di mana kita tidak dapat mencari titik persamaan, kita mesti berdiri teguh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also appeared to predict a quick Democratic resurgence, promising that \"two years from now when we come together, things will be different\".", "r": {"result": "Dia juga kelihatan meramalkan kebangkitan Demokrat yang cepat, menjanjikan bahawa \"dua tahun dari sekarang apabila kita bersatu, perkara akan berbeza\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first order of business for the new House majority was passage of a new set of rules to govern the chamber.", "r": {"result": "Urusan perniagaan pertama untuk majoriti Dewan baru ialah kelulusan set peraturan baharu untuk mentadbir dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a nod to GOP freshmen with ties to the conservative Tea Party, all new legislation will be required to include a \"Constitutional Authority Statement,\" specifying which section of the Constitution allows for passage of the bill.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tanda setuju kepada mahasiswa baru GOP yang mempunyai hubungan dengan Parti Teh konservatif, semua undang-undang baharu perlu memasukkan \"Pernyataan Pihak Berkuasa Perlembagaan,\" yang menyatakan bahagian Perlembagaan mana yang membenarkan rang undang-undang diluluskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Constitution will be read aloud on the House floor on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Perlembagaan akan dibacakan dengan kuat di tingkat Dewan pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The newly independent Republic of South Sudan has announced the death of a prominent renegade rebel leader.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Republik Sudan Selatan yang baru merdeka telah mengumumkan kematian seorang pemimpin pemberontak pemberontak yang terkenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lt. Gen.", "r": {"result": "Lt. Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George Athor and one of his soldiers were killed in a clash with the country's military, Vice President Riek Machar told reporters Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "George Athor dan seorang askarnya terbunuh dalam pertempuran dengan tentera negara itu, kata Naib Presiden Riek Machar kepada pemberita Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said they had infiltrated South Sudan on their way out of Rwanda via the eastern border area of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata mereka telah menyusup masuk ke Sudan Selatan dalam perjalanan keluar dari Rwanda melalui kawasan sempadan timur Republik Demokratik Congo dan Uganda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The claim has not been verified by an independent body.", "r": {"result": "Tuntutan itu belum disahkan oleh badan bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A dissident commander of the Sudan People's Liberation Army, or SPLA, Athor rebelled after losing a gubernatorial election in the spring of 2010. He called for numerous orchestrated clashes after the announcement of his defeat.", "r": {"result": "Seorang komander penentang Tentera Pembebasan Rakyat Sudan, atau SPLA, Athor memberontak selepas kalah dalam pilihan raya gabenor pada musim bunga 2010. Dia menyeru untuk mengadakan banyak pertempuran yang dirancang selepas pengumuman kekalahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Under the banner of his South Sudan Democratic Movement (SSDM) and its military wing, the South Sudan Army, Gen.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDi bawah panji-panji Pergerakan Demokratik Sudan Selatan (SSDM) dan sayap tenteranya, Tentera Sudan Selatan, Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Athor was considered the most powerful post-election insurrectionist\" the Geneva-based independent research project said in its 2011 report on what was then southern Sudan.", "r": {"result": "Athor dianggap sebagai pemberontak pasca pilihan raya yang paling berkuasa\" projek penyelidikan bebas yang berpangkalan di Geneva itu berkata dalam laporan 2011 mengenai kawasan yang ketika itu merupakan selatan Sudan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Small Arms Survey says that although both the government of South Sudan and the SPLA have alleged that Athor received support from the Sudan government in Khartoum, there is no independent evidence to support these claims.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan Senjata Kecil mengatakan bahawa walaupun kedua-dua kerajaan Sudan Selatan dan SPLA telah mendakwa bahawa Athor menerima sokongan daripada kerajaan Sudan di Khartoum, tidak ada bukti bebas untuk menyokong dakwaan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The death of Athor was not part of a government plan, because the government had declared general amnesty to all rebel groups in South Sudan, the vice president told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Kematian Athor bukan sebahagian daripada rancangan kerajaan, kerana kerajaan telah mengisytiharkan pengampunan am kepada semua kumpulan pemberontak di Sudan Selatan, kata naib presiden kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government is appealing to all of Athor's followers to heed the amnesty, which was declared on July 9 when the country celebrated its independence from Sudan.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan merayu kepada semua pengikut Athor supaya mematuhi pengampunan, yang diisytiharkan pada 9 Julai ketika negara itu meraikan kemerdekaannya daripada Sudan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Prendergast, co-founder of the Enough Project, said the reported death of Athor \"highlights the urgency with which the South Sudan government, with international support, must address inter-communal divisions within the South.", "r": {"result": "John Prendergast, pengasas bersama Projek Enough, berkata kematian Athor yang dilaporkan \"menyerlahkan betapa mendesaknya kerajaan Sudan Selatan, dengan sokongan antarabangsa, mesti menangani perpecahan antara kaum di Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another Athor will emerge tomorrow unless real progress is made in providing political and economic opportunities that feel marginalized in the process of independence\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi Athor akan muncul esok melainkan kemajuan sebenar dicapai dalam menyediakan peluang politik dan ekonomi yang dirasakan terpinggir dalam proses kemerdekaan\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Enough Project works to expose genocide and crimes against humanity.", "r": {"result": "Projek Enough berfungsi untuk mendedahkan pembunuhan beramai-ramai dan jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Inside the Charles Manson room at the Museum of Death in Hollywood, Anne Forde looks at crime scene photos from the 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Di dalam bilik Charles Manson di Muzium Kematian di Hollywood, Anne Forde melihat foto tempat kejadian jenayah dari pembunuhan Tate-LaBianca 1969.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was a kid when he was involved in these crimes,\" says Forde, who grew up in County Cork, Ireland.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya masih kecil ketika dia terlibat dalam jenayah ini,\" kata Forde, yang dibesarkan di County Cork, Ireland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's just been a fascination for me ever since\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia hanya menjadi tarikan bagi saya sejak itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"His eyes just stand out and look crazy,\" says Debbie Roberts, who was visiting the museum from Kentucky.", "r": {"result": "\"Matanya menonjol dan kelihatan gila,\" kata Debbie Roberts, yang melawat muzium dari Kentucky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can see how people followed him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya dapat melihat bagaimana orang mengikutinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few miles away on Saturday mornings, Scott Michaels is hosting the \"Helter Skelter Tragical History Tour\".", "r": {"result": "Beberapa batu jauhnya pada pagi Sabtu, Scott Michaels menganjurkan \"Helter Skelter Tragical History Tour\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For $65, you can buy a bus seat to see where the murders took place, as Michaels tells the story of Helter Skelter.", "r": {"result": "Dengan harga $65, anda boleh membeli tempat duduk bas untuk melihat tempat pembunuhan berlaku, kerana Michaels menceritakan kisah Helter Skelter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have people from around the world that sign up,\" says Michaels.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai orang dari seluruh dunia yang mendaftar,\" kata Michaels.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We added an additional anniversary tour, which is sold out\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menambah lawatan ulang tahun tambahan, yang habis dijual\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "August 9 marks the 45th anniversary of the murders of Sharon Tate and four others on Cielo Drive in the Benedict Canyon neighborhood of Los Angeles.", "r": {"result": "9 Ogos menandakan ulang tahun ke-45 pembunuhan Sharon Tate dan empat yang lain di Cielo Drive di kawasan kejiranan Benedict Canyon di Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tate, who was 8A 1/2 months pregnant and married to movie director Roman Polanski, was stabbed 16 times as she pleaded for the life of her unborn child.", "r": {"result": "Tate, yang hamil 8A 1/2 bulan dan berkahwin dengan pengarah filem Roman Polanski, ditikam 16 kali ketika dia merayu untuk nyawa anaknya yang belum lahir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next night, supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and Rosemary LaBianca were tortured and killed inside their home near Hollywood.", "r": {"result": "Malam berikutnya, eksekutif pasar raya Leno LaBianca dan Rosemary LaBianca telah diseksa dan dibunuh di dalam rumah mereka berhampiran Hollywood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fast facts: Manson family murders.", "r": {"result": "Fakta pantas: Pembunuhan keluarga Manson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, Charles Manson, who was convicted of orchestrating the murders, has been the focus of continued fascination.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, Charles Manson, yang disabitkan bersalah mendalangi pembunuhan itu, telah menjadi tumpuan minat yang berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People seem to be fascinated by things that are strange and bizarre,\" says Vincent Bugliosi, sitting in his Los Angeles-area living room.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai nampaknya terpesona dengan perkara yang pelik dan pelik,\" kata Vincent Bugliosi, duduk di ruang tamunya di kawasan Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bugliosi is the man who prosecuted Manson and his \"family\" and co-wrote the book \"Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders\".", "r": {"result": "Bugliosi ialah lelaki yang mendakwa Manson dan \"keluarganya\" dan bersama-sama menulis buku \"Helter Skelter: Kisah Benar Pembunuhan Manson\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With more than 7 million copies sold, it is still the best-selling true crime book.", "r": {"result": "Dengan lebih daripada 7 juta salinan terjual, ia masih merupakan buku jenayah sebenar yang paling laris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bugliosi believes people are still fascinated by the Tate-LaBianca murders for two reasons: the gruesome nature of the murders and the lasting image people have of Charles Manson, with the maniacal stare and the swastika on his forehead.", "r": {"result": "Bugliosi percaya orang ramai masih terpesona dengan pembunuhan Tate-LaBianca kerana dua sebab: sifat pembunuhan yang mengerikan dan imej kekal yang dimiliki orang tentang Charles Manson, dengan tatapan gila dan swastika di dahinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The name Manson has become a metaphor for evil, and there's a side of human nature that's fascinated by pure unalloyed evil,\" says Bugliosi.", "r": {"result": "\"Nama Manson telah menjadi metafora untuk kejahatan, dan ada sisi sifat manusia yang terpesona oleh kejahatan murni yang tidak bercampur,\" kata Bugliosi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are, however, people who continue to support Manson.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat orang yang terus menyokong Manson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has received more mail than any other inmate in state history.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah menerima lebih banyak surat daripada banduan lain dalam sejarah negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to California's Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Manson still gets about 35 letters a week.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Jabatan Pembetulan dan Pemulihan California, Manson masih menerima kira-kira 35 surat seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Online, there are multiple Charles Manson websites, including mansondirect.com, which features audio messages from Manson in prison.", "r": {"result": "Dalam talian, terdapat berbilang tapak web Charles Manson, termasuk mansondirect.com, yang menampilkan mesej audio daripada Manson di penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manson's Facebook page has 70,000 \"likes\".", "r": {"result": "Halaman Facebook Manson mempunyai 70,000 \"suka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is an unusual case.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni kes luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not a whodunnit.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan orang bodoh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is a why dunnit,\" says Brian Davis, the host of the Internet radio channel TLB, which stands for Tate La Bianca.", "r": {"result": "Inilah sebab mengapa dunnit,\" kata Brian Davis, hos saluran radio Internet TLB, yang bermaksud Tate La Bianca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Davis operates the channel, which has an irregular schedule and averages a few hundred listeners, from his home in Roanoke, Virginia.", "r": {"result": "Davis mengendalikan saluran itu, yang mempunyai jadual yang tidak teratur dan purata beberapa ratus pendengar, dari rumahnya di Roanoke, Virginia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Davis says he has been studying the Manson case off and on for 10 years and labels himself as \"down the middle\".", "r": {"result": "Davis berkata dia telah mengkaji kes Manson selama 10 tahun dan melabelkan dirinya sebagai \"di tengah-tengah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He thinks a lot of the Manson image was created by Bugliosi and the media, and he wonders if Manson really brainwashed the killers.", "r": {"result": "Dia fikir banyak imej Manson dicipta oleh Bugliosi dan media, dan dia tertanya-tanya jika Manson benar-benar mencuci otak para pembunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think Manson ordered those murders,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir Manson mengarahkan pembunuhan itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manson, who turns 80 in November, has been denied parole 12 times.", "r": {"result": "Manson, yang berusia 80 tahun pada bulan November, telah dinafikan parol sebanyak 12 kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His next parole hearing isn't scheduled until 2027, when, if he's still alive, he'll be 92 years old.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan parol seterusnya tidak dijadualkan sehingga 2027, apabila, jika dia masih hidup, dia akan berusia 92 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- Thousands of photos taken during John F. Kennedy's 1,036 days as president remain unseen since White House photographer Cecil Stoughton printed and logged them in his darkroom five decades ago.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- Beribu-ribu gambar yang diambil sepanjang 1,036 hari John F. Kennedy sebagai presiden kekal tidak kelihatan sejak jurugambar Rumah Putih Cecil Stoughton mencetak dan mencatatnya di dalam bilik gelapnya lima dekad lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Stoughton's family auctioned them last month, collector and filmmaker Keya Morgan purchased about 15,000 of the images, including many showing private Kennedy family moments.", "r": {"result": "Apabila keluarga Stoughton melelongnya bulan lalu, pengumpul dan pembuat filem Keya Morgan membeli kira-kira 15,000 imej itu, termasuk banyak yang menunjukkan momen peribadi keluarga Kennedy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was there all the time, and he trusted him with his life,\" Morgan said of Stoughton.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia berada di sana sepanjang masa, dan dia mempercayainya dengan hidupnya,\" kata Morgan mengenai Stoughton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most captured public events, but usually just a few shots from an event would have been released, Morgan said.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan acara awam yang ditangkap, tetapi biasanya hanya beberapa gambar daripada acara akan dikeluarkan, kata Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The boxes likely hold surprises, but it could take years for him to examine each image, he said.", "r": {"result": "Kotak itu mungkin mempunyai kejutan, tetapi ia boleh mengambil masa bertahun-tahun untuk dia memeriksa setiap imej, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would say 95% of these photos have never been published or seen by anyone, and that is because there are just way too many,\" Morgan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan katakan 95% daripada gambar ini tidak pernah diterbitkan atau dilihat oleh sesiapa, dan itu kerana terdapat terlalu banyak,\" kata Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morgan gave CNN the first peek inside the boxes after the photographs were delivered to him in Los Angeles this week.", "r": {"result": "Morgan memberi CNN intipan pertama di dalam kotak selepas gambar-gambar itu dihantar kepadanya di Los Angeles minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reaching into a box and pulling out a stack of photos is like traveling through time, he said.", "r": {"result": "Mencapai ke dalam kotak dan mengeluarkan timbunan foto adalah seperti mengembara melalui masa, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He pulled out a stack of 5-by-5 black-and-white photos, some stuck together by the years.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengeluarkan timbunan gambar hitam-putih 5-kali-5, ada yang melekat bersama-sama selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They appeared to be in the same sequence in which Stoughton developed them in his White House darkroom.", "r": {"result": "Mereka kelihatan berada dalam urutan yang sama di mana Stoughton membangunkannya di bilik gelap Rumah Putihnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This first stack showed Caroline Kennedy's fifth birthday party, her last with her father.", "r": {"result": "Timbunan pertama ini menunjukkan parti hari jadi kelima Caroline Kennedy, yang terakhir bersama bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Kennedy was assassinated five days before her sixth.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Kennedy telah dibunuh lima hari sebelum keenamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another batch revealed a 2-year-old John Kennedy Jr. -- known then as John-John -- reaching into his parakeet's cage while his mother held him.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi kumpulan mendedahkan John Kennedy Jr. yang berusia 2 tahun -- dikenali ketika itu sebagai John-John -- mencapai ke dalam sangkar burung parkitnya semasa ibunya memegangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the younger John Kennedy who first stirred Morgan's interest in Stoughton's photo archives in 1997. Kennedy was his friend and a client of his New York gallery, he said.", "r": {"result": "John Kennedy yang lebih mudalah yang mula-mula membangkitkan minat Morgan terhadap arkib foto Stoughton pada 1997. Kennedy ialah rakannya dan pelanggan galeri New Yorknya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He called me one night and said 'I need this photo, you know, the photo of me under the desk, but not the famous one,'\" Morgan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia menelefon saya pada suatu malam dan berkata 'Saya perlukan foto ini, anda tahu, foto saya di bawah meja, tetapi bukan foto yang terkenal,'\" kata Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"famous one\" of a young Kennedy under the Oval Office desk while his father worked above him was taken by photographer Stanley Tretick for LOOK magazine in October 1963.", "r": {"result": "\"Yang terkenal\" seorang Kennedy muda di bawah meja Oval Office semasa bapanya bekerja di atasnya telah diambil oleh jurugambar Stanley Tretick untuk majalah LOOK pada Oktober 1963.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Kennedy wanted a photo taken a year earlier by Stoughton, he said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Kennedy mahukan gambar diambil setahun lebih awal oleh Stoughton, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morgan found a surprise this weekend preparing for an interview with CNN's Don Lemon.", "r": {"result": "Morgan mendapati kejutan hujung minggu ini bersiap sedia untuk temu bual dengan Don Lemon dari CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was an unknown photo of Caroline playing with another girl in the same spot under her father's desk.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah gambar Caroline yang tidak diketahui bermain dengan seorang gadis lain di tempat yang sama di bawah meja bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morgan did not immediately know if the other girl was a Kennedy cousin or a friend.", "r": {"result": "Morgan tidak segera mengetahui sama ada gadis lain itu adalah sepupu Kennedy atau kawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kennedy cousins may recognize themselves in photos they had long forgotten or have never seen.", "r": {"result": "Sepupu Kennedy mungkin mengenali diri mereka dalam foto yang telah lama mereka lupakan atau tidak pernah dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's impossible for anyone to have seen these because Cecil was so secretive,\" Morgan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mustahil sesiapa pun melihatnya kerana Cecil sangat berahsia,\" kata Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was so protective and he had all these items locked up\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia sangat melindungi dan dia telah mengunci semua barang-barang ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morgan bought several hundred photos from Stoughton in the last years of his life, including the one that is apparently the only existing photo of Kennedy with Marilyn Monroe.", "r": {"result": "Morgan membeli beberapa ratus gambar daripada Stoughton pada tahun-tahun terakhir hidupnya, termasuk foto yang nampaknya merupakan satu-satunya foto Kennedy bersama Marilyn Monroe yang sedia ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cecil was with President Kennedy basically all the time and even in some fairly intimate moments,\" Morgan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Cecil bersama Presiden Kennedy pada dasarnya sepanjang masa dan bahkan dalam beberapa saat yang agak intim,\" kata Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is shocking at the incredible volume of photos that he took, including some that are highly sensitive and private\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia mengejutkan dengan jumlah gambar yang luar biasa yang diambilnya, termasuk beberapa yang sangat sensitif dan peribadi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since Morgan is busy writing a book and producing a documentary about Monroe's mysterious death, combing through his newly-acquired Kennedy collection will be slow, he said.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan Morgan sibuk menulis buku dan menghasilkan dokumentari mengenai kematian misteri Monroe, menyisir koleksi Kennedy yang baru diperolehnya akan menjadi perlahan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He will start posting the first of the Kennedy images on his website LincolnImages.com for licensing, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan mula menyiarkan imej Kennedy yang pertama di laman webnya LincolnImages.com untuk pelesenan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morgan also claims the largest collection of Lincoln photos, but the numbers are minuscule compared to Kennedy's.", "r": {"result": "Morgan juga mendakwa koleksi terbesar gambar Lincoln, tetapi jumlahnya sangat kecil berbanding dengan Kennedy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only 129 unique images of Lincoln are known to exist, he said.", "r": {"result": "Hanya 129 imej unik Lincoln diketahui wujud, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Barack Obama praised basketball star LeBron James for wearing an \"I Can't Breathe\" protest shirt during his pre-game warmup last week.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Barack Obama memuji bintang bola keranjang LeBron James kerana memakai baju protes \"Saya Tidak Bernafas\" semasa memanaskan badan sebelum perlawanan minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You know, I think LeBron did the right thing,\" Obama told People magazine in their issue out Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tahu, saya fikir LeBron melakukan perkara yang betul,\" kata Obama kepada majalah People dalam keluaran mereka pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We forget the role that Muhammad Ali, Arthur Ashe and Bill Russell played in raising consciousness\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami lupa peranan yang dimainkan oleh Muhammad Ali, Arthur Ashe dan Bill Russell dalam meningkatkan kesedaran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Cleveland Cavaliers player wore the shirt, which shows support for Eric Garner, the unarmed African American man who died after a white police officer put him in a chokehold, before the Cavaliers played the Brooklyn Nets on Dec.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Cleveland Cavaliers itu memakai baju itu, yang menunjukkan sokongan kepada Eric Garner, lelaki Afrika-Amerika yang tidak bersenjata yang meninggal dunia selepas seorang pegawai polis kulit putih meletakkannya dalam keadaan tercekik, sebelum Cavaliers bermain Brooklyn Nets pada Disember.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "RELATED: Obamas say they're still affected by everyday racism.", "r": {"result": "BERKAITAN: Obamas berkata mereka masih dipengaruhi oleh perkauman setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other athletes in both major league and college sports have worn the shirts, and others protesting the recent deaths of African Americans at the hands of white police officers, during warmups in recent weeks, prompting controversy and some criticism from police.", "r": {"result": "Atlet lain dalam kedua-dua liga utama dan sukan kolej telah memakai baju itu, dan yang lain membantah kematian warga Afrika Amerika baru-baru ini di tangan pegawai polis kulit putih, semasa pemanasan badan dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini, mencetuskan kontroversi dan beberapa kritikan daripada polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Obama encouraged other athletes to speak out on issues important to them.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Obama menggalakkan atlet lain untuk bercakap mengenai isu-isu penting kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We went through a long stretch there where [with] well-paid athletes the notion was: just be quiet and get your endorsements and don't make waves,\" Obama said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami melalui perjalanan yang panjang di sana di mana [dengan] atlet bergaji tinggi tanggapannya ialah: hanya diam dan dapatkan sokongan anda dan jangan membuat gelombang,\" kata Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"LeBron is an example of a young man who has, in his own way and in a respectful way, tried to say, 'I'm part of this society, too' and focus attention.", "r": {"result": "\"LeBron adalah contoh seorang lelaki muda yang, dengan caranya sendiri dan dengan cara yang hormat, cuba berkata, 'Saya juga sebahagian daripada masyarakat ini' dan menumpukan perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd like to see more athletes do that,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin melihat lebih ramai atlet melakukannya,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Not just around this issue, but around a range of issues\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bukan hanya sekitar isu ini, tetapi sekitar pelbagai isu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Alfonso Ribeiro didn't make us wait long before he revived \"The Carlton\" on \"Dancing With the Stars\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Alfonso Ribeiro tidak membuat kami menunggu lama sebelum dia menghidupkan semula \"The Carlton\" pada \"Dancing With the Stars\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday night, the former \"Fresh Prince of Bel Air\" star dusted off his old familiar moves in week four of the competition.", "r": {"result": "Pada malam Isnin, bekas bintang \"Fresh Prince of Bel Air\" itu menyapu pergerakan lamanya yang biasa dalam minggu keempat pertandingan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The theme of the week was \"Most Memorable Year,\" and \"Dancing\" saved the best for last.", "r": {"result": "Tema minggu itu ialah \"Tahun Paling Kenang\" dan \"Tarian\" menyimpan yang terbaik untuk yang terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After watching the other nine celebrities and their pro dancing partners run through sambas, rumbas and jives, Ribeiro and pro dancer Witney Carson took the floor with a jazz routine set to Tom Jones' \"It's Not Unusual\" -- a.k.a. the song that Ribeiro's \"Fresh Prince\" character, Carlton Banks, couldn't help but dance to.", "r": {"result": "Selepas menonton sembilan selebriti lain dan rakan tarian pro mereka berlari melalui sambas, rumbas dan jives, Ribeiro dan penari pro Witney Carson turun padang dengan set rutin jazz kepada Tom Jones \"It's Not Unusual\" -- a.k.a. lagu yang Ribeiro's \" Watak Putera Segar, Carlton Banks, tidak dapat menahan diri untuk menari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dressed in a costume straight out of his \"Fresh Prince's\" character's closet -- a v-neck sweater and a bow tie -- Ribeiro looked like he was having a blast re-creating those exuberant dance steps along with Carson.", "r": {"result": "Memakai kostum terus keluar dari almari watak \"Putera Segar\" -- baju sejuk v-leher dan tali leher -- Ribeiro kelihatan seperti sedang berseronok mencipta semula langkah tarian yang meriah itu bersama Carson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judges were thrilled, giving the couple a perfect score.", "r": {"result": "Para hakim sangat teruja, memberikan pasangan itu skor yang sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ribeiro acknowledged that playing Will Smith's dorkier cousin during \"Fresh Prince's\" six-season run in the '90s did leave him pigeonholed as an actor, but he has no grudge against the dance that's come to bear his character's name.", "r": {"result": "Ribeiro mengakui bahawa memainkan watak sepupu Will Smith yang lebih dorkier semasa larian enam musim \"Fresh Prince's\" pada tahun 90-an memang menyebabkan dia terperangkap sebagai pelakon, tetapi dia tidak berdendam terhadap tarian yang membawa nama wataknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love the Carlton dance.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka tarian Carlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love how it makes people feel,\" he said in an interview.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka perasaan orang ramai,\" katanya dalam satu temu bual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I certainly don't do it a lot.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya pastinya tidak banyak melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I love the fact that people have this nostalgic look at that dance.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya suka fakta bahawa orang mempunyai pandangan nostalgia pada tarian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... This was all for the fans\".", "r": {"result": "... Ini semua untuk peminat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Viewers haven't been as overjoyed with fashion designer Betsey Johnson's performance.", "r": {"result": "Penonton tidak begitu gembira dengan persembahan pereka fesyen Betsey Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was the latest star to exit the series on Monday night.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah bintang terbaru yang keluar dari siri itu pada malam Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- The Michael Jackson song \"This Is It,\" released Monday, was co-written and recorded in 1983 with singer-songwriter Paul Anka, Anka and the Jackson estate confirmed Monday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Lagu Michael Jackson \"This Is It,\" dikeluarkan Isnin, ditulis bersama dan dirakam pada 1983 dengan penyanyi-penulis lagu Paul Anka, Anka dan estet Jackson disahkan petang Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jackson's estate and Sony Music Entertainment did not realize this history when they picked the song out of boxes of tapes in their archives, leading to a big surprise Monday when Anka called them, Anka said.", "r": {"result": "Harta pusaka Jackson dan Sony Music Entertainment tidak menyedari sejarah ini apabila mereka memilih lagu itu daripada kotak pita dalam arkib mereka, yang membawa kepada kejutan besar Isnin apabila Anka menghubungi mereka, kata Anka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jackson, who became busy with the success of his \"Thriller\" album, never finished the duet recording that was intended for Anka's \"Walk a Fine Line\" album, Anka said.", "r": {"result": "Jackson, yang mula sibuk dengan kejayaan album \"Thriller\", tidak pernah menghabiskan rakaman duet yang ditujukan untuk album \"Walk a Fine Line\" Anka, kata Anka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Latin hip-hop singer Safire recorded and released the song in 1990 -- under the title \"I Never Heard,\" Anka said.", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi hip-hop Latin Safire merakam dan mengeluarkan lagu itu pada 1990 -- di bawah tajuk \"I Never Heard,\" kata Anka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Somebody just innocently found this tape and did not know somebody recorded it with him,\" Anka said.", "r": {"result": "\"Seseorang secara tidak sengaja menjumpai pita ini dan tidak tahu seseorang merakamnya dengannya,\" kata Anka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Estate spokesman James Bates acknowledged to CNN that the \"song was written with the legendary Paul Anka\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap ladang James Bates mengakui kepada CNN bahawa \"lagu itu ditulis dengan legenda Paul Anka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We picked the song because the lyrics were appropriate given the name Michael gave his tour,\" Bates said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memilih lagu itu kerana liriknya bersesuaian dengan nama yang diberikan Michael dalam lawatannya,\" kata Bates.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was just a coincidence that the song's first words were the same as Jackson's last planned tour, Anka said.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya satu kebetulan bahawa kata-kata pertama lagu itu adalah sama dengan lawatan terakhir Jackson yang dirancang, kata Anka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Monday's release of the lilting love song was part of the promotion for the Sony movie \"Michael Jackson's This Is It,\" which comes out in two weeks.", "r": {"result": "Pelancaran lagu cinta lilting pada hari Isnin adalah sebahagian daripada promosi untuk filem Sony \"Michael Jackson's This Is It,\" yang keluar dalam masa dua minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anka said it was \"an honest mistake\" that the estate's special administrators quickly resolved Monday.", "r": {"result": "Anka berkata ia adalah \"kesilapan jujur\" yang diselesaikan oleh pentadbir khas estet pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They realized the mistake,\" Anka said \"They apologized and they've given me rightfully what I own.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menyedari kesilapan itu,\" kata Anka \"Mereka meminta maaf dan mereka telah memberikan saya hak milik saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's 50-50, right down the middle\".", "r": {"result": "Ia 50-50, betul-betul di tengah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rob Stringer, chairman of Sony's Columbia/Epic Label Group, was quoted in The New York Times on Sunday as saying he did not know the origins of the song.", "r": {"result": "Rob Stringer, pengerusi Kumpulan Label Columbia/Epic Sony, dipetik dalam The New York Times pada hari Ahad sebagai berkata dia tidak tahu asal usul lagu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anka, who is heard playing piano on the song, said producers did a beautiful job of completing it.", "r": {"result": "Anka, yang kedengaran bermain piano pada lagu itu, berkata penerbit melakukan kerja yang baik untuk menyiapkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Backing vocals from Jackson's brothers and orchestration were added to the spare voice and piano track recorded 26 years ago in Anka's studio.", "r": {"result": "Vokal sandaran daripada abang-abang Jackson dan orkestra telah ditambah pada suara ganti dan trek piano yang dirakam 26 tahun lalu di studio Anka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The original version, with just Jackson and Anka, will be included in the two-disc soundtrack, along with the orchestral version, Sony said.", "r": {"result": "Versi asal, dengan hanya Jackson dan Anka, akan disertakan dalam runut bunyi dua cakera, bersama-sama dengan versi orkestra, kata Sony.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The orchestral version will play at the close of the film, which will feature Jackson's career highlights and last rehearsals, Sony said.", "r": {"result": "Versi orkestra akan dimainkan pada penutupan filem itu, yang akan menampilkan sorotan kerjaya Jackson dan latihan terakhir, kata Sony.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The CD will be released on October 27, coincidental with the debut of the movie, Sony said.", "r": {"result": "CD itu akan dikeluarkan pada 27 Oktober, bertepatan dengan penampilan sulung filem itu, kata Sony.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits such as 'Billie Jean,' 'Smooth Criminal,' 'Human Nature,' and 'Thriller' arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film,\" Sony said.", "r": {"result": "\"Disc one menampilkan master album asal beberapa hits terbesar Michael seperti 'Billie Jean,' 'Smooth Criminal,' 'Human Nature,' dan 'Thriller' yang disusun dalam urutan yang sama seperti yang muncul dalam filem itu,\" kata Sony. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The second disc includes \"early demo versions\" of Jackson classics \"She's Out Of My Life,\" \"Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'\" and \"Beat It,\" Sony said.", "r": {"result": "Cakera kedua termasuk \"versi demo awal\" klasik Jackson \"She's Out Of My Life,\" \"Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'\" dan \"Beat It,\" kata Sony.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This disc also features a recently discovered spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled 'Planet Earth,\" the company said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ckera ini juga memaparkan puisi perkataan yang dituturkan baru-baru ini daripada Michael Jackson bertajuk 'Planet Earth,\" kata syarikat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The just-released song got widespread airplay on radio shows across the United States Monday, according to Nielsen BDS, a company that tracks music airplay.", "r": {"result": "Lagu yang baru dikeluarkan itu mendapat tayangan yang meluas di rancangan radio di seluruh Amerika Syarikat Isnin, menurut Nielsen BDS, sebuah syarikat yang menjejaki tayangan muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It the 21st most-played song on the 1,300 stations monitored by Nielsen, with at least 680 \"spins\" by mid-afternoon, the company said.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan lagu ke-21 paling banyak dimainkan di 1,300 stesen yang dipantau oleh Nielsen, dengan sekurang-kurangnya 680 \"putaran\" menjelang tengah hari, kata syarikat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Thousands of demonstrators marched through cities across Europe on Saturday, calling for an immediate end to Israel's attacks on Gaza.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui bandar-bandar di seluruh Eropah pada hari Sabtu, menggesa agar segera menghentikan serangan Israel ke atas Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A protester swings a club at a police horse Saturday night near London's Israeli Embassy.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penunjuk perasaan menghayunkan sebuah kelab ke arah kuda polis malam Sabtu berhampiran Kedutaan Israel London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Up to 20,000 people were gathered outside the Israeli Embassy in London, England, at the peak of protests there, London Metropolitan Police said.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga 20,000 orang berkumpul di luar Kedutaan Israel di London, England, pada kemuncak protes di sana, kata Polis Metropolitan London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A police officer was knocked unconscious Saturday night as the protests turned unruly, the police said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai polis pengsan malam Sabtu ketika protes menjadi tidak terkawal, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The London crowd dismantled barriers placed in front of the embassy and began pelting officers with sticks, rocks and pieces of the metal barriers, police said.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai London merungkai penghadang yang diletakkan di hadapan kedutaan dan mula membaling pegawai dengan kayu, batu dan kepingan besi penghadang, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three people were arrested.", "r": {"result": "Tiga orang telah ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Organizers including the Stop the War Coalition and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign expected more than 100,000 people to join the London march to protest Israel's ongoing attacks on Gaza.", "r": {"result": "Penganjur termasuk Gabungan Hentikan Perang dan Kempen Solidariti Palestin menjangkakan lebih 100,000 orang akan menyertai perarakan London untuk membantah serangan berterusan Israel ke atas Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Celebrities including musician Annie Lennox and Bianca Jagger, musician Mick Jagger's ex-wife, spoke at a rally before the procession, which went from Hyde Park to the Israeli Embassy in Kensington, West London.", "r": {"result": "Selebriti termasuk pemuzik Annie Lennox dan Bianca Jagger, bekas isteri pemuzik Mick Jagger, bercakap pada perhimpunan sebelum perarakan, yang pergi dari Hyde Park ke Kedutaan Israel di Kensington, London Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch demonstrators throw bottles, metal at police >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan penunjuk perasaan membaling botol, logam ke arah polis >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lauren Booth, the sister-in-law of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, also spoke at the rally, The Times newspaper reported.", "r": {"result": "Lauren Booth, kakak ipar bekas Perdana Menteri Tony Blair, turut berucap pada perhimpunan itu, lapor akhbar The Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During her speech, Booth criticized Blair over his attempts to bring about a resolution to the conflict.", "r": {"result": "Semasa ucapannya, Booth mengkritik Blair atas percubaannya untuk membawa penyelesaian kepada konflik itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tony Blair's only comment regarding the cease-fire has been to say that it can only take place after the tunnels in Gaza are destroyed,\" The Times quoted her as saying.", "r": {"result": "\"Satu-satunya komen Tony Blair mengenai gencatan senjata ialah mengatakan bahawa ia hanya boleh berlaku selepas terowong di Gaza dimusnahkan,\" The Times memetik beliau sebagai berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What he is suggesting means that after the massacre, people will have no access to food, kerosene and medicines that came through those tunnels.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang dia cadangkan bermakna selepas pembunuhan beramai-ramai, orang ramai tidak akan mendapat akses kepada makanan, minyak tanah dan ubat-ubatan yang datang melalui terowong tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is not a cease-fire; that is a slow agonizing death,\" she said, according to The Times.", "r": {"result": "Itu bukan gencatan senjata; itu adalah kematian yang menyakitkan secara perlahan,\" katanya, menurut The Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone issued a statement backing the demonstration.", "r": {"result": "Bekas Datuk Bandar London, Ken Livingstone mengeluarkan kenyataan menyokong demonstrasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every day, we see appalling pictures of children slaughtered by Israeli bombs, missiles and other sophisticated weapons,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSetiap hari, kita melihat gambar mengerikan kanak-kanak yang disembelih oleh bom Israel, peluru berpandu dan senjata canggih lain,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yet with more than 700 dead and thousands more seriously wounded, the international community is allowing Israel to continue its completely disproportionate onslaught accompanied by an Orwellian litany of lies\".", "r": {"result": "\"Namun dengan lebih daripada 700 orang mati dan ribuan lagi cedera parah, masyarakat antarabangsa membenarkan Israel meneruskan serangan yang tidak seimbang dengan disertai pembohongan Orwellian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, the British Press Association reported that similar demonstrations took place in other British cities, including Newcastle and Edinburgh.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Persatuan Akhbar British melaporkan bahawa demonstrasi serupa berlaku di bandar-bandar British yang lain, termasuk Newcastle dan Edinburgh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands took part in a rally through the center of Edinburgh calling for an end to the military campaign.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu orang mengambil bahagian dalam perhimpunan melalui pusat Edinburgh menyeru untuk menamatkan kempen ketenteraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 300 shoes and red paint were thrown toward the U.S. consulate in the Scottish capital, the PA said.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 300 kasut dan cat merah dilemparkan ke arah konsulat AS di ibu negara Scotland, kata PA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands demonstrated in other European cities, according to local media reports, including Innsbruck, Austria; Paris, France; Milan, Italy; Berlin, Germany; and Oslo, Norway.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu berdemonstrasi di bandar-bandar Eropah lain, menurut laporan media tempatan, termasuk Innsbruck, Austria; Paris, Perancis; Milan, Itali; Berlin, Jerman; dan Oslo, Norway.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport: Protests in Paris.", "r": {"result": "iReport: Protes di Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Washington, pro-Palestinian activists rallied outside the temporary residence of President-elect Barack Obama on Saturday and called on the incoming leader to stop the violence in Gaza.", "r": {"result": "Di Washington, aktivis pro-Palestin berhimpun di luar kediaman sementara Presiden terpilih Barack Obama pada hari Sabtu dan menggesa pemimpin yang akan datang itu menghentikan keganasan di Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 3,000 people carrying signs and chanting \"Free Palestine\" flooded Lafayette Park between the White House and the Hay-Adams Hotel, where the president-elect is living with his family.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 3,000 orang membawa papan tanda dan melaungkan \"Bebaskan Palestin\" membanjiri Taman Lafayette di antara Rumah Putih dan Hotel Hay-Adams, tempat presiden yang dipilih itu tinggal bersama keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carrying a flag and wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh head scarf, Abdel-Kader Elkabil exhorted the president-elect to take action.", "r": {"result": "Membawa bendera dan memakai tudung kepala keffiyeh Palestin, Abdel-Kader Elkabil menggesa presiden yang dipilih untuk mengambil tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Please, Mr. Obama, do something.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTolong, Encik Obama, lakukan sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We love you.", "r": {"result": "Kami sayang awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We voted for you,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Kami mengundi anda,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm expecting you to do something.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mengharapkan awak melakukan sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... You're the only one who can do something\".", "r": {"result": "... Kau sahaja yang boleh buat sesuatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asma Mobin-Uddin drove to Washington with a group of 500 activists from Ohio.", "r": {"result": "Asma Mobin-Uddin memandu ke Washington bersama sekumpulan 500 aktivis dari Ohio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said she voted for Obama because she believed he could \"make a difference\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia mengundi Obama kerana dia percaya dia boleh \"membuat perubahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"President Obama, look in the eyes of your kids and look in the eyes of the kids in that region,\" she said at the rally.", "r": {"result": "\"Presiden Obama, lihat mata anak-anak anda dan lihat mata kanak-kanak di rantau itu,\" katanya pada perhimpunan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Please, stop the violence, stop the hate, stop the occupation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tolong, hentikan keganasan, hentikan kebencian, hentikan pendudukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israelis say their Gaza military operation, which started December 27, is targeting rocket-launching sites, Hamas infrastructure and the movement's leaders in an effort to stop militants from sending rockets into southern Israel.", "r": {"result": "Israel berkata operasi ketenteraan Gaza mereka, yang bermula 27 Disember, menyasarkan tapak pelancaran roket, infrastruktur Hamas dan pemimpin pergerakan itu dalam usaha menghalang militan daripada menghantar roket ke selatan Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palestinian medical sources said that more than 800 Palestinians have been killed in the attacks, including 235 children, and about 3,300 people have been wounded.", "r": {"result": "Sumber perubatan Palestin berkata bahawa lebih 800 rakyat Palestin telah terbunuh dalam serangan itu, termasuk 235 kanak-kanak, dan kira-kira 3,300 orang telah cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thirteen Israelis, including 10 soldiers, have died since the operation began.", "r": {"result": "Tiga belas warga Israel, termasuk 10 tentera, telah terkorban sejak operasi bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Rachel Streitfeld and Mona Larijani contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Rachel Streitfeld dan Mona Larijani dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A flat tire saw Stephane Peterhansel's lead in the Dakar Rally cut to seven and a half minutes by American Bobby Gordon who finished second behind stage eight winner Nani Roma.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tayar pancit menyaksikan Stephane Peterhansel mendahului dalam Rali Dakar dipotong kepada tujuh minit setengah oleh Amerika Bobby Gordon yang menduduki tempat kedua di belakang pemenang peringkat lapan Nani Roma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peterhansel suffered a puncture 30km from the end of the stage between Copiapo and Antofagasta and saw his overall lead whittled down to seven minutes 36 seconds by Gordon.", "r": {"result": "Peterhansel mengalami tusukan 30km dari penghujung pentas antara Copiapo dan Antofagasta dan menyaksikan pendahuluan keseluruhannya dikurangkan kepada tujuh minit 36 saat oleh Gordon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American lost out to Roma, from Spain, by just five seconds and is still awaiting his first stage win in the 2012 rally.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Amerika itu tewas kepada Roma, dari Sepanyol, dengan hanya lima saat dan masih menunggu kemenangan peringkat pertamanya dalam rali 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defending champion Nasser Al-Attiyah, from Qatar, was disrupted by technical problems and had to stop on several occasions.", "r": {"result": "Juara bertahan Nasser Al-Attiyah, dari Qatar, terganggu oleh masalah teknikal dan terpaksa berhenti beberapa kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He now trails Peterhansel by over 45 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Dia kini mengekori Peterhansel dengan lebih 45 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pole Krzysztof Holowczyc is third, 12 seconds behind Gordon and 7 minutes 48 secs behind the leader.", "r": {"result": "Pole Krzysztof Holowczyc di tempat ketiga, 12 saat di belakang Gordon dan 7 minit 48 saat di belakang pendahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peterhansel is a Dakar legend with three car titles and six on motorbikes, all coming before the grueling endurance event moved to South America in 2009 but he didn't enjoy his best stage on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Peterhansel adalah legenda Dakar dengan tiga gelaran kereta dan enam motosikal, semuanya datang sebelum acara ketahanan yang melelahkan berpindah ke Amerika Selatan pada 2009 tetapi dia tidak menikmati tahap terbaiknya pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told the Dakar Rally's official website: \"I am losing loads of time.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu laman web rasmi Rali Dakar: \"Saya kehilangan banyak masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I drove quite slowly in the rocky parts because I was scared of punctures.", "r": {"result": "Saya memandu agak perlahan di bahagian berbatu kerana takut tercucuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And despite this... I had one 30 km from the finish.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun ini... Saya mempunyai satu 30 km dari penamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a bad special, but that is the way it is.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah istimewa yang teruk, tetapi begitulah keadaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Gordon started three minutes before us, and 180 kilometres from here we had got to 30 seconds behind him.", "r": {"result": "\u201cGordon bermula tiga minit sebelum kami, dan 180 kilometer dari sini kami perlu 30 saat di belakangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that when he saw us he stepped it up, leaving us in the dust.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir apabila dia melihat kami dia meningkatkannya, meninggalkan kami dalam debu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He can win this thing, so it is essential for him to manage this situation as well as he can\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia boleh memenangi perkara ini, jadi penting baginya untuk menguruskan situasi ini dengan sebaik mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defending motorcycle champion Marc Coma sealed the 20th stage win of his Dakar Rally career as rival Cyril Despres got stuck in the mud.", "r": {"result": "Juara bertahan motosikal, Marc Coma melakar kemenangan peringkat ke-20 dalam karier Rali Dakarnya apabila saingan Cyril Despres tersangkut dalam lumpur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stage eight saw Coma, from Spain, snatch the lead from the Frenchman and build a lead of one minute and 26 seconds.", "r": {"result": "Peringkat lapan menyaksikan Coma, dari Sepanyol, merampas pendahuluan daripada pemain Perancis itu dan membina pendahuluan satu minit 26 saat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despres spent ten minutes trying to extricate himself from a patch of mud and cut a frustrated figure at the end of the stage.", "r": {"result": "Despres menghabiskan sepuluh minit cuba melepaskan dirinya dari tompokan lumpur dan memotong figura yang kecewa di penghujung pentas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said: \"There was a torrent of mud between the inspection of the reconnaissance car two days ago and today.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata: \u201cTerdapat limpahan lumpur antara pemeriksaan kereta peninjau dua hari lalu dan hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Therefore, it did not appear in the road book and I was the first to fall into the trap.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, ia tidak muncul dalam buku jalan dan saya adalah orang pertama yang jatuh ke dalam perangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was no way I could have avoided it.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak mungkin saya dapat mengelaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am awaiting the organisers' decision: after Ullevalseter, Goncalves and a few others had gone through, they took a detour, otherwise there would have been 200 vehicles trapped in the mud.", "r": {"result": "Saya sedang menunggu keputusan penganjur: selepas Ullevalseter, Goncalves dan beberapa yang lain telah melalui, mereka mengambil lencongan, jika tidak terdapat 200 kenderaan terperangkap dalam lumpur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So I fail to see why I and the others should be the only ones to pay the price.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJadi saya gagal untuk melihat mengapa saya dan yang lain harus menjadi satu-satunya yang membayar harga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I do not think we will let this be\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya tidak fikir kita akan membiarkan ini berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Manchester City continued their lavish spending spree by sealing the capture of England international James Milner from Aston Villa in a deal reportedly worth $37 million.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Manchester City meneruskan perbelanjaan mewah mereka dengan menyegel penangkapan pemain antarabangsa England James Milner dari Aston Villa dalam perjanjian yang dilaporkan bernilai $37 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Milner put pen to paper on a five-year deal with the English Premier League side as Stephen Ireland traveled in the opposite direction.", "r": {"result": "Milner meletakkan pena di atas kertas pada perjanjian lima tahun dengan pasukan Liga Perdana Inggeris ketika Stephen Ireland mengembara ke arah yang bertentangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 24-year-old is the latest in a long line of big-name players to sign for Roberto Mancini's side, who are bankrolled by Abu Dhabi oil billionaire Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 24 tahun itu adalah pemain terbaharu dalam barisan panjang pemain terkenal yang menandatangani untuk pasukan Roberto Mancini, yang dibiayai oleh jutawan minyak Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this week City bought striker Mario Balotelli from Inter Milan, to add to the signings of ex-Barcelona midfielder Yaya Toure, Germany defender Jerome Boateng, Serbian defender Aleksander Kolarov as well as Spain winger David Silva in deals that amounted to a reported $195 million.", "r": {"result": "Awal minggu ini City membeli penyerang Mario Balotelli dari Inter Milan, untuk menambah pembelian bekas pemain tengah Barcelona Yaya Toure, pertahanan Jerman Jerome Boateng, pertahanan Serbia Aleksander Kolarov serta pemain sayap Sepanyol David Silva dalam perjanjian berjumlah AS$195 juta. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Milner's transfer was mooted long before he went to the World Cup with England, but he played his last game for Villa in their 3-0 defeat of West Ham on the opening day of the Premier League season on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Perpindahan Milner sudah lama diperkatakan sebelum dia pergi ke Piala Dunia bersama England, tetapi dia bermain perlawanan terakhirnya untuk Villa dalam kekalahan 3-0 mereka ke atas West Ham pada hari pembukaan musim Liga Perdana pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told City's official website: \"It didn't take too much selling by the boss when you see the players who are already here and the plans for the club.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu laman web rasmi City: \"Ia tidak memerlukan terlalu banyak penjualan oleh bos apabila anda melihat pemain yang sudah berada di sini dan rancangan untuk kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The last thing he said to me was \"be ready for the next game,\" and then he said \"be ready to win the Premier League,\" and that's my ultimate aim - that's what I want to do and why I'm here.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkara terakhir yang dia katakan kepada saya ialah \"bersedia untuk perlawanan seterusnya,\" dan kemudian dia berkata \"bersedia untuk memenangi Liga Perdana,\" dan itulah matlamat utama saya - itulah yang saya mahu lakukan dan mengapa saya berada di sini .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a lot of competition to get there, it's where we all want to be.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTerdapat banyak persaingan untuk ke sana, di sinilah kita semua mahu berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm ambitious and I want to win trophies here.", "r": {"result": "Saya bercita-cita tinggi dan saya mahu memenangi trofi di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe this is a great place to do that and I believe we will do it.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya ini adalah tempat yang bagus untuk melakukan itu dan saya percaya kita akan melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hopefully, sooner rather than later.", "r": {"result": "Mudah-mudahan, lebih cepat daripada kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The move seems to have gone on a long time - now all I want to do is get out on the field and play.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPergerakan itu nampaknya telah berlangsung lama \u2013 kini apa yang saya mahu lakukan ialah keluar ke padang dan bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm ready and raring to go now we've finally got everything done.", "r": {"result": "Saya sudah bersedia dan berhasrat untuk pergi sekarang kita akhirnya selesai semuanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can't wait to start a new chapter\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak sabar untuk memulakan lembaran baru\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mancini said he was delighted to finally seal the deal for Milner: \"I am very happy to have James with us, everybody knows we have admired him for some time.", "r": {"result": "Mancini berkata dia gembira akhirnya menandatangani perjanjian untuk Milner: \"Saya sangat gembira mempunyai James bersama kami, semua orang tahu kami mengaguminya sejak sekian lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is an excellent midfielder, who can play in a number of positions.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia seorang pemain tengah yang cemerlang, yang boleh bermain di beberapa posisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is important for the team, and I am looking forward to seeing him play for us.", "r": {"result": "Ini penting untuk pasukan, dan saya tidak sabar untuk melihat dia bermain untuk kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have a very strong squad, and this signing is a very important one for us.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai skuad yang sangat kuat, dan pembelian ini sangat penting untuk kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"James is already a very good player, who has proved he can play at the very top level.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJames sudah menjadi pemain yang sangat bagus, yang telah membuktikan dia boleh bermain di peringkat teratas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he is also young and a good character\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia juga muda dan perwatakan yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for Ireland, the 23-year-old ended his five-year association with City to move to Villa Park, after slipping down the pecking order at Eastlands.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Ireland, pemain berusia 23 tahun itu menamatkan pergaulan lima tahunnya dengan City untuk berpindah ke Villa Park, selepas tergelincir di Eastlands.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told Villa's official website: \"For me, my number one target is to work hard for my team-mates, show them what I can bring to the table, show them they can rely on me and that I am going to work hard for them week in, week out\".", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu laman web rasmi Villa: \"Bagi saya, sasaran nombor satu saya ialah bekerja keras untuk rakan sepasukan, tunjukkan kepada mereka apa yang boleh saya bawa ke meja, tunjukkan mereka boleh bergantung kepada saya dan saya akan bekerja keras untuk mereka minggu masuk, minggu keluar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holon, Israel (CNN) -- She never displayed the boundless energy of other children -- all she seemed to do was cry.", "r": {"result": "Holon, Israel (CNN) -- Dia tidak pernah mempamerkan tenaga yang tidak terhingga seperti kanak-kanak lain -- yang dia nampaknya hanya menangis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her mother couldn't figure out why until a doctor examined her baby girl and broke the news.", "r": {"result": "Ibunya tidak tahu mengapa sehingga seorang doktor memeriksa bayi perempuannya dan memberitahu berita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had a heart condition that would eventually kill her if left untreated.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai penyakit jantung yang akhirnya akan membunuhnya jika tidak dirawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors said surgery should be done when she turned one but there was no one able to do it in her home town.", "r": {"result": "Doktor berkata pembedahan perlu dilakukan apabila dia berumur satu tahun tetapi tiada siapa yang dapat melakukannya di kampung halamannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family did not have the money to go elsewhere.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga itu tidak mempunyai wang untuk pergi ke tempat lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was torture.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah penyeksaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The longer she waited, the worse her daughter would get.", "r": {"result": "Semakin lama dia menunggu, semakin teruk anak perempuannya akan menjadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then something happened that changed everything.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian sesuatu berlaku yang mengubah segala-galanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "War broke out in Syria and eventually spread to their town.", "r": {"result": "Peperangan meletus di Syria dan akhirnya merebak ke bandar mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They tried to wait it out but it raged on with non-stop ferocity.", "r": {"result": "Mereka cuba menunggunya tetapi ia berterusan dengan keganasan tanpa henti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Escape from ruins.", "r": {"result": "Melarikan diri dari runtuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then six months ago, the girl and her mother escaped what was left of their home.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian enam bulan lalu, gadis itu dan ibunya melarikan diri dari rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they could not escape their child's medical problems.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka tidak dapat lari daripada masalah perubatan anak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girl had turned four and her condition was getting worse -- as doctors predicted.", "r": {"result": "Gadis itu berusia empat tahun dan keadaannya semakin teruk -- seperti yang diramalkan oleh doktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She could not play or walk or talk.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia tidak boleh bermain atau berjalan atau bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She would get tired.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan letih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She could not indulge in anything,\" her mother said.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak boleh menikmati apa-apa,\" kata ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She could only eat very little\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia hanya boleh makan sedikit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The child's mother asked us to keep their identity secret because of what happened after they left Syria.", "r": {"result": "Ibu kanak-kanak itu meminta kami merahsiakan identiti mereka kerana apa yang berlaku selepas mereka meninggalkan Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their journey eventually landed them in Israel, which is technically still at war with Syria and has been for decades.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan mereka akhirnya mendaratkan mereka di Israel, yang secara teknikalnya masih berperang dengan Syria dan sudah berdekad lamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family worries they will be seen as traitors or spies when they return to their homeland if their neighbors find out they've been inside the \"enemy state\".", "r": {"result": "Keluarga bimbang mereka akan dilihat sebagai pengkhianat atau pengintip apabila mereka pulang ke tanah air mereka jika jiran mereka mengetahui mereka telah berada di dalam \"negeri musuh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the family acknowledge their journey to Israel saved the girl's life.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keluarga itu mengakui perjalanan mereka ke Israel menyelamatkan nyawa gadis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oxygen starved.", "r": {"result": "Kebuluran oksigen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their perilous journey from Syria first landed them in a refugee camp with hundreds of thousands of others.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan berbahaya mereka dari Syria mula-mula mendaratkan mereka di kem pelarian bersama ratusan ribu yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Desperate and dirty, the camp was no place for a sickly child whose heart condition was slowly but surely starving her of oxygen.", "r": {"result": "Terdesak dan kotor, kem itu bukan tempat untuk seorang kanak-kanak yang sakit yang keadaan jantungnya perlahan-lahan tetapi pasti kelaparan oksigen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We all have in the heart two pumps but she has only one that is working,\" explained Dr. Sion Houri, the head of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita semua mempunyai dua pam dalam jantung tetapi dia hanya mempunyai satu yang berfungsi,\" jelas Dr. Sion Houri, ketua Unit Rawatan Rapi Pediatrik di Pusat Perubatan Wolfson di Holon, Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have two tubes in our body -- one going to the lung, one going to the body.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai dua tiub dalam badan -- satu ke paru-paru, satu ke badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The one going to the lung was severely narrowed\".", "r": {"result": "Yang pergi ke paru-paru itu sangat menyempit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dr. Houri is from an organization called \"Save a Child's Heart\".", "r": {"result": "Dr. Houri berasal dari organisasi yang dipanggil \"Save a Child's Heart\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Founded in Israel in 1995 by another surgeon at the Wolfson, the non-profit organization's mission is to provide heart surgery to children wherever they are.", "r": {"result": "Ditubuhkan di Israel pada tahun 1995 oleh pakar bedah lain di Wolfson, misi organisasi bukan untung itu adalah untuk menyediakan pembedahan jantung kepada kanak-kanak di mana sahaja mereka berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So far they have treated 3,200 children from 44 nations.", "r": {"result": "Setakat ini mereka telah merawat 3,200 kanak-kanak dari 44 negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week they added another nation to their list, Syria.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu mereka menambah negara lain ke dalam senarai mereka, Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The civil war across the border sent them a child in need they would probably never been able to help due to the breakdown in relations between the two neighbors.", "r": {"result": "Perang saudara merentasi sempadan menghantar mereka seorang kanak-kanak yang memerlukan yang mungkin tidak akan dapat mereka bantu kerana keretakan hubungan antara kedua-dua jiran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Save a Child's Heart heard about the little girl's plight, they jumped through all the necessary security hoops to get her the treatment she badly needed.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Save a Child's Heart mendengar tentang nasib gadis kecil itu, mereka melompat melalui semua gelung keselamatan yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang amat diperlukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bridge stereotypes.", "r": {"result": "Stereotaip jambatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We hope that we can contribute in our small way first and foremost to the medical care to the children in our neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berharap kami dapat menyumbang secara kecil-kecilan terlebih dahulu untuk penjagaan perubatan kepada kanak-kanak di kawasan kejiranan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We also believe that this has the ability to bring people closer together to bridge stereotypes,\" said Simon Fisher, the executive Director of Save a Child's Heart.", "r": {"result": "Kami juga percaya bahawa ini mempunyai keupayaan untuk mendekatkan orang ramai untuk merapatkan stereotaip,\" kata Simon Fisher, Pengarah eksekutif Save a Child's Heart.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the treatment is free for the patients, the organization relies on donations to pay the bills that invariably need to be settled.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun rawatan adalah percuma untuk pesakit, organisasi bergantung pada derma untuk membayar bil-bil yang selalu perlu diselesaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A team of doctors and nurses at the Wolfson performed open-heart surgery on the girl.", "r": {"result": "Sepasukan doktor dan jururawat di Wolfson melakukan pembedahan jantung terbuka ke atas gadis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though it was a major operation, doctors say it is a relatively simple procedure that often produces amazingly fast results.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ia adalah pembedahan besar, doktor mengatakan ia adalah prosedur yang agak mudah yang selalunya menghasilkan keputusan yang luar biasa pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can see differences that are absolutely crazy.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh melihat perbezaan yang benar-benar gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kids that were thought to be retarded all of a sudden start talking and walking, all they needed was a little bit of oxygen,\" Dr. Houri added.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak yang dianggap terencat tiba-tiba mula bercakap dan berjalan, yang mereka perlukan hanyalah sedikit oksigen,\" tambah Dr. Houri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Healthy child.", "r": {"result": "Anak sihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We met the little girl three days after surgery.", "r": {"result": "Kami bertemu gadis kecil itu tiga hari selepas pembedahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her curly hair, big brown eyes and huge smile captivated everyone around her.", "r": {"result": "Rambut kerintingnya, mata coklat besar dan senyuman lebar memikat semua orang di sekelilingnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was playing with bright colored plastic toys strewn alongside her bed.", "r": {"result": "Dia bermain dengan mainan plastik berwarna cerah berselerak di tepi katilnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though still hooked up to a machine, she acted like any typical four-year old, rather than the sickly, constantly exhausted child she was until very recently.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun masih disambungkan ke mesin, dia bertindak seperti kanak-kanak berusia empat tahun biasa, dan bukannya kanak-kanak yang uzur dan sentiasa keletihan sehingga baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Thank God, thank God, my daughter has recovered.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAlhamdulillah, alhamdulillah anak saya sudah sembuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is so much better than before,\" her mother explained.", "r": {"result": "Dia jauh lebih baik daripada sebelumnya,\" jelas ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is incredibly relieved.", "r": {"result": "Dia berasa sangat lega.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had been worried about how she would be treated -- like so many others who have come to the hospital from far afield.", "r": {"result": "Dia bimbang tentang bagaimana dia akan dirawat -- seperti ramai orang lain yang datang ke hospital dari jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the moment there are young heart patients being treated from the West Bank, Ethiopia, Sudan, China and Tanzania.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa ini terdapat pesakit jantung muda yang dirawat dari Tebing Barat, Ethiopia, Sudan, China dan Tanzania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for the little Syrian girl who has survived a war and now open-heart surgery, she will need one more operation in about a year's time as her body grows.", "r": {"result": "Bagi gadis kecil Syria yang terselamat daripada peperangan dan kini menjalani pembedahan jantung terbuka, dia memerlukan satu pembedahan lagi dalam masa kira-kira setahun apabila badannya membesar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As she sits on the bed recovering from surgery, the little girl begins to sing a lullaby asking God to protect her baby brother.", "r": {"result": "Semasa dia duduk di atas katil pulih daripada pembedahan, gadis kecil itu mula menyanyikan lagu ninabobo meminta Tuhan melindungi adik lelakinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It turns out she was the one who needed protection the most.", "r": {"result": "Ternyata dialah yang paling memerlukan perlindungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mere fact the wide-eyed infant is able to sing easily without losing her breath is evidence enough to give her mother a sense of hope she hasn't felt since before her country was plunged into war.", "r": {"result": "Fakta bahawa bayi yang bermata besar itu boleh menyanyi dengan mudah tanpa kehilangan nafas adalah bukti yang cukup untuk memberi ibunya rasa harapan yang tidak pernah dia rasai sejak sebelum negaranya terjerumus ke dalam peperangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Andrew have met to discuss concerns that more revelations could surface about the prince's friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, a U.S. financier who was sentenced to 18 months in prison in 2008 for soliciting a minor for prostitution, according to a royal source who spoke on the condition of anonymity.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Ratu Elizabeth II dan Putera Andrew telah bertemu untuk membincangkan kebimbangan bahawa lebih banyak pendedahan boleh timbul mengenai persahabatan putera itu dengan Jeffrey Epstein, seorang pembiaya A.S. yang dijatuhi hukuman penjara 18 bulan pada 2008 kerana meminta kanak-kanak bawah umur untuk pelacuran, menurut sumber diraja yang bercakap dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prince Andrew's office recently declined to comment when asked about the prince's friendship with Epstein.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Putera Andrew baru-baru ini enggan mengulas apabila ditanya mengenai persahabatan putera itu dengan Epstein.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also called the Duke of York, Prince Andrew is Queen Elizabeth's second son and the brother of Prince Charles, who is next in line to the throne.", "r": {"result": "Juga dipanggil Duke of York, Putera Andrew ialah anak kedua Ratu Elizabeth dan abang kepada Putera Charles, yang seterusnya dalam barisan takhta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also is the United Kingdom's special representative for international trade and investment.", "r": {"result": "Beliau juga merupakan wakil khas United Kingdom untuk perdagangan dan pelaburan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The queen and Prince Andrew discussed Epstein, the royal source said, but details about their talk were not immediately available.", "r": {"result": "Permaisuri dan Putera Andrew membincangkan Epstein, kata sumber diraja, tetapi butiran mengenai perbincangan mereka tidak tersedia dengan serta-merta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The British government periodically reviews the prince's position.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan British mengkaji semula kedudukan putera raja secara berkala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next meeting is scheduled to happen this summer.", "r": {"result": "Mesyuarat seterusnya dijadualkan pada musim panas ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some politicians and royal commentators have said that Prince Andrew is an embarrassment to Britain and the royal family.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa ahli politik dan pengulas diraja telah berkata bahawa Putera Andrew memalukan Britain dan keluarga diraja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In leaked diplomatic documents published by WikiLeaks last year, the U.S. ambassador in the central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan, Tatiana Gfoeller, reportedly said that the prince -- during a business lunch in 2008 -- was \"astonishingly candid.", "r": {"result": "Dalam dokumen diplomatik yang bocor yang diterbitkan oleh WikiLeaks tahun lepas, duta AS di negara Asia tengah Kyrgyzstan, Tatiana Gfoeller, dilaporkan berkata bahawa putera raja itu -- semasa makan tengah hari perniagaan pada 2008 -- adalah \"sangat jujur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The discussion at times verged on the rude (from the British side)\".", "r": {"result": "Perbincangan itu kadang-kadang bertentangan dengan kekasaran (dari pihak British)\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prince has not commented publicly on characterizations put forth in the leaked documents.", "r": {"result": "Putera raja itu tidak mengulas secara terbuka mengenai pencirian yang dikemukakan dalam dokumen yang bocor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[Prince] Andrew hasn't really done the royal family any favors,\" said royal historian Christopher Warwick.", "r": {"result": "\"[Putera] Andrew tidak benar-benar melakukan apa-apa kebaikan kepada keluarga diraja,\" kata ahli sejarah diraja Christopher Warwick.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As fourth in line to the throne, he is a senior member of the royal family\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai barisan keempat takhta, dia adalah ahli kanan keluarga diraja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All members of the royal family have an ambassadorial responsibility, particularly the senior members.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemua ahli kerabat diraja mempunyai tanggungjawab kedutaan, khususnya anggota kanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of the royal remit is to take the monarchy abroad and wave the flag for Britain plc.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada tugas diraja adalah untuk membawa monarki ke luar negara dan mengibarkan bendera untuk Britain plc.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have to recognize how immensely marvelous the queen is, she's never put a foot wrong,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "Kita harus menyedari betapa hebatnya permaisuri itu, dia tidak pernah tersilap langkah,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Thair Shaikh contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Thair Shaikh dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Manchester United finally lost patience with manager David Moyes Tuesday after a disastrous first season in charge of the English Premier League champions.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Manchester United akhirnya hilang sabar dengan pengurus David Moyes pada Selasa selepas musim pertama yang membawa bencana kepada juara Liga Perdana Inggeris itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Manchester United announces that David Moyes has left the club,\" said the English Premier League team in a statement on the club's official Twitter feed.", "r": {"result": "\u201cManchester United mengumumkan bahawa David Moyes telah meninggalkan kelab,\u201d kata pasukan Liga Perdana Inggeris itu dalam satu kenyataan di laman Twitter rasmi kelab itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The club would like to place on record its thanks for the hard work, honesty and integrity he brought to the role\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kelab ini ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih atas kerja keras, kejujuran dan integriti yang dibawanya untuk memegang jawatan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moyes succeeded Alex Ferguson last May but has overseen a lackluster campaign, with the club lying seventh in the table having amassed 57 points from 34 games.", "r": {"result": "Moyes menggantikan Alex Ferguson pada Mei lalu tetapi telah menyelia kempen hambar, dengan kelab itu berada di tangga ketujuh dalam carta liga setelah mengumpul 57 mata daripada 34 perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "United slipped to an 11th league defeat this season against the Scot's former club Everton at Goodison Park on Sunday -- a result that finally ended any mathematical chance of participating in next season's Champions League.", "r": {"result": "United tergelincir kepada kekalahan liga ke-11 musim ini menentang bekas kelab Scotland Everton di Goodison Park pada hari Ahad -- keputusan yang akhirnya menamatkan sebarang peluang matematik untuk menyertai Liga Juara-Juara musim depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The three-time winner of the European club football's biggest prize is now 13 points behind fourth-placed Arsenal with four games remaining.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang tiga kali hadiah terbesar bola sepak kelab Eropah itu kini ketinggalan 13 mata di belakang Arsenal di tangga keempat dengan baki empat perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The last time United failed to qualify was in 1995 and their chances of even playing in the Europa League next season are slim.", "r": {"result": "Kali terakhir United gagal layak adalah pada tahun 1995 dan peluang mereka untuk bermain dalam Liga Europa musim depan adalah tipis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The football and the results have been poor,\" former Manchester United defender Gary Neville told Sky Sports News.", "r": {"result": "\"Bola sepak dan keputusannya adalah buruk,\" kata bekas pemain pertahanan Manchester United, Gary Neville kepada Sky Sports News.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The performances have got worse and worse\".", "r": {"result": "\"Persembahan semakin teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon after Moyes' departure was confirmed, United appointed current player-coach Ryan Giggs as caretaker manager.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas pemergian Moyes disahkan, United melantik jurulatih pemain semasa Ryan Giggs sebagai pengurus sementara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ryan Giggs, the club's most decorated player, will assume responsibility for the first team until a permanent appointment can be made,\" said United in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRyan Giggs, pemain kelab yang paling dihormati, akan memikul tanggungjawab untuk pasukan utama sehingga pelantikan tetap boleh dibuat,\u201d kata United dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The club will make no further comment on this process until it is concluded\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kelab tidak akan membuat ulasan lanjut mengenai proses ini sehingga ia selesai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moyes, who turns 51 on Friday, signed a six-year-deal with English football's most successful club last May, when the outgoing Ferguson personally endorsed his appointment.", "r": {"result": "Moyes, yang genap 51 tahun pada hari Jumaat, menandatangani perjanjian enam tahun dengan kelab paling berjaya bola sepak Inggeris Mei lalu, apabila Ferguson yang bersara secara peribadi mengesahkan pelantikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"David is a man of great integrity with a strong work ethic ... There is no question he has all the qualities we expect of a manager at this club,\" Ferguson said of his compatriot.", "r": {"result": "\"David seorang yang berintegriti tinggi dengan etika kerja yang kuat... Tidak dinafikan dia mempunyai semua kualiti yang kami harapkan daripada seorang pengurus di kelab ini,\" kata Ferguson mengenai rakan senegaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ferguson also implored United fans to stand by Moyes when he addressed them following his last game in charge at Old Trafford last season, which ended with his 13th league title in a trophy-laden 27-year reign.", "r": {"result": "Ferguson juga meminta penyokong United untuk menyokong Moyes apabila dia bercakap kepada mereka selepas perlawanan terakhirnya di Old Trafford musim lalu, yang berakhir dengan kejuaraan liga ke-13 dalam pemerintahan 27 tahun yang sarat trofi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But United's owners, the American Glazer family, have clearly had second thoughts following a persistently stuttering campaign -- which has led to the club falling down football's rich list.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pemilik United, keluarga Glazer Amerika, jelas berfikiran dua kali berikutan kempen yang berterusan gagap -- yang telah menyebabkan kelab itu jatuh dalam senarai kaya bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January it was reported that United's share price had fallen 16% since Moyes took over, while Deloitte's annual football money table placed the Old Trafford team outside of the world's top three richest clubs for the first time in 17 years.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Januari dilaporkan bahawa harga saham United telah jatuh 16% sejak Moyes mengambil alih, manakala jadual wang bola sepak tahunan Deloitte meletakkan pasukan Old Trafford di luar tiga kelab terkaya dunia untuk pertama kali dalam 17 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moyes opened his account with a 2-0 win against Wigan in the FA Charity Shield match at Wembley in August and followed it with a convincing 4-1 win at Swansea in the opening game of the league season.", "r": {"result": "Moyes membuka akaunnya dengan kemenangan 2-0 menentang Wigan dalam perlawanan FA Charity Shield di Wembley pada Ogos dan diikuti dengan kemenangan meyakinkan 4-1 di Swansea pada perlawanan pembukaan musim liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But pressure soon started piling up in September with league defeats against arch rivals Liverpool, Manchester City and, embarrassingly, West Bromwich Albion at Old Trafford -- the Midlands' club first win at the \"Theater of Dreams\" for 34 years.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tekanan tidak lama kemudian mula memuncak pada September dengan kekalahan liga menentang musuh ketat Liverpool, Manchester City dan, memalukan, West Bromwich Albion di Old Trafford -- kemenangan pertama kelab Midlands di \"Theater of Dreams\" selama 34 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "United also endured embarrassing exits from both domestic knockout competitions, losing at home to Swansea in the third round of the FA Cup and going down on penalties against another struggling Premier League team -- Sunderland -- in the League Cup semifinals.", "r": {"result": "United juga mengalami penyingkiran memalukan daripada kedua-dua pertandingan kalah mati domestik, tewas di tempat sendiri kepada Swansea pada pusingan ketiga Piala FA dan tewas menerusi sepakan penalti menentang satu lagi pasukan Liga Perdana yang bergelut -- Sunderland -- dalam separuh akhir Piala Liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hopes of Champions League glory were ended by Bayern Munich in the quarterfinals earlier this month, with the reigning European champion winning 4-2 on aggregate.", "r": {"result": "Harapan untuk kegemilangan Liga Juara-Juara ditamatkan oleh Bayern Munich pada suku akhir awal bulan ini, dengan penyandang juara Eropah itu menang dengan agregat 4-2.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Netherlands Louis van Gaal has been installed as the favorite to succeed Moyes on a permanent basis by British bookmaker.", "r": {"result": "Belanda Louis van Gaal telah dilantik sebagai pilihan untuk menggantikan Moyes secara tetap oleh pembuat taruhan British.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Current player-coach Ryan Giggs and his former United team-mate Nicky Butt are reportedly set to be placed in caretaker charge for Saturday's home game with Norwich City.", "r": {"result": "Jurulatih pemain semasa Ryan Giggs dan bekas rakan sepasukannya di United, Nicky Butt dilaporkan akan diletakkan sebagai penjaga sementara untuk perlawanan di tempat sendiri menentang Norwich City, Sabtu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the biggest art heists in Los Angeles history began when a housekeeper left the home of an elderly bedridden couple.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu rompakan seni terbesar dalam sejarah Los Angeles bermula apabila seorang pembantu rumah meninggalkan rumah pasangan warga emas terlantar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was a small window of opportunity for the crime to have occurred,\" Los Angeles Police art theft detective Don Hrycyk said Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat peluang kecil untuk jenayah itu berlaku,\" kata detektif kecurian seni Polis Los Angeles, Don Hrycyk pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the housekeeper returned, hooks appeared where paintings once hung.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pembantu rumah kembali, mata kail muncul di mana lukisan pernah digantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The elderly couple, Anton and Susan Roland, were too disabled to be aware of the daytime burglary in their home in Encino, California, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan warga emas, Anton dan Susan Roland, terlalu kurang upaya untuk menyedari kejadian pecah rumah pada waktu siang di rumah mereka di Encino, California, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In all, 12 paintings were stolen, including a watercolor by Marc Chagall entitled \"Le Paysans\" and a water-based media on paper by Diego Rivera entitled \"Mexican Peasant\".", "r": {"result": "Secara keseluruhan, 12 lukisan telah dicuri, termasuk cat air oleh Marc Chagall bertajuk \"Le Paysans\" dan media berasaskan air di atas kertas oleh Diego Rivera bertajuk \"Petani Mexico\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It took six years for the FBI and Los Angeles investigators to receive a big break in the case in which a $200,000 reward was being offered: an overseas tipster gave information that ultimately led investigators to set up an undercover purchase of the paintings from a man in a West Los Angeles area hotel.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengambil masa enam tahun untuk penyiasat FBI dan Los Angeles untuk menerima rehat besar dalam kes di mana ganjaran $200,000 ditawarkan: seorang penipu di luar negara memberikan maklumat yang akhirnya menyebabkan penyiasat membuat pembelian menyamar lukisan itu daripada seorang lelaki di sebuah hotel kawasan Los Angeles Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nine of the paintings were recovered in that operation in October, and those works are valued at up to $12 million, authorities told reporters Friday.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan daripada lukisan itu ditemui dalam operasi itu pada Oktober, dan karya itu bernilai sehingga $12 juta, kata pihak berkuasa kepada pemberita pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The remaining three paintings are still being sought.", "r": {"result": "Baki tiga lukisan masih dalam pencarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the greatest value we've had in recent history,\" Hrycyk said of the $12 million art theft.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah nilai terbesar yang kami ada dalam sejarah baru-baru ini,\" kata Hrycyk mengenai kecurian seni bernilai $12 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "$5 million bail.", "r": {"result": "ikat jamin $5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Raul Espinoza, 45, has been charged with receiving stolen property and has pleaded not guilty to the felony.", "r": {"result": "Raul Espinoza, 45, telah didakwa menerima harta curi dan telah mengaku tidak bersalah terhadap jenayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is being held on $5 million bail, said spokesman Ricardo Santiago of the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditahan dengan ikat jamin $5 juta, kata jurucakap Pejabat Peguam Daerah Los Angeles, Ricardo Santiago.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Espinoza's public defender wasn't immediately available for comment.", "r": {"result": "Pertahanan awam Espinoza tidak segera tersedia untuk mendapatkan ulasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities are still investigating the case, the FBI's Bill Lewis said at Friday's press conference.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa masih menyiasat kes itu, kata Bill Lewis dari FBI pada sidang akhbar Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lewis is the assistant director in charge at the FBI in Los Angeles.", "r": {"result": "Lewis ialah penolong pengarah yang bertanggungjawab di FBI di Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI and Los Angeles police believe other people were involved in the theft.", "r": {"result": "FBI dan polis Los Angeles percaya orang lain terlibat dalam kecurian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The art was so valuable that the pieces would have been tough to fence, officials said.", "r": {"result": "Seni itu sangat berharga sehinggakan kepingan itu sukar untuk dipagar, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's why these types of crimes don't make sense,\" Hrycyk said.", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah sebabnya jenis jenayah ini tidak masuk akal,\" kata Hrycyk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Maybe a person has the ability to commit the crime ... but then to profit from it, it's going to be very difficult.", "r": {"result": "\"Mungkin seseorang mempunyai keupayaan untuk melakukan jenayah itu... tetapi kemudian untuk mendapat keuntungan daripadanya, ia akan menjadi sangat sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As you can see, it's been six years since the crime occurred, and still the art was not sold.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang anda boleh lihat, sudah enam tahun sejak jenayah itu berlaku, dan seni itu masih tidak dijual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These things are one of a kind, irreplaceable and have historical and cultural value,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerkara ini adalah satu daripada jenis, tidak boleh ditukar ganti dan mempunyai nilai sejarah dan budaya,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"L.A. is the second largest area for the visual arts in this country, and we need to have the resources to pursue these types of crimes\".", "r": {"result": "\"L.A. ialah kawasan kedua terbesar untuk seni visual di negara ini, dan kita perlu mempunyai sumber untuk meneruskan jenis jenayah ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mystery deepens.", "r": {"result": "Misteri semakin mendalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators don't have good descriptions for the three other paintings, other than one was by Hungarian artist Endre Szasz.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat tidak mempunyai huraian yang baik untuk tiga lukisan lain, selain satu lukisan oleh artis Hungary Endre Szasz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's because the couple had a large amount of art in their home.", "r": {"result": "Itu kerana pasangan itu mempunyai banyak seni di rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The recovered paintings no longer have their frames.", "r": {"result": "Lukisan yang dipulihkan tidak lagi mempunyai bingkainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are not in as good a shape as they were when they were taken, but luckily, for how they've been treated, they're not that bad,\" Hrycyk said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka tidak berada dalam keadaan yang baik seperti ketika mereka diambil, tetapi bernasib baik, untuk bagaimana mereka telah dilayan, mereka tidak begitu teruk,\" kata Hrycyk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rolands died before the nine paintings were recovered.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Rolands meninggal dunia sebelum sembilan lukisan itu ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anton Roland died four months after the theft and Susan Roland died earlier this year, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Anton Roland meninggal dunia empat bulan selepas kecurian dan Susan Roland meninggal dunia awal tahun ini, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The art insurance company now owns the paintings after making a payout to the couple, but under typical policies, a family is allowed to buy back the art and regain title from the insurers, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat insurans seni kini memiliki lukisan itu selepas membuat pembayaran kepada pasangan itu, tetapi di bawah polisi biasa, sebuah keluarga dibenarkan membeli semula seni itu dan mendapatkan semula gelaran daripada syarikat insurans, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the meantime, a $25,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the conspirators, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, ganjaran $25,000 ditawarkan untuk maklumat yang membawa kepada penahanan dan sabitan ke atas konspirator, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The FBI and the LAPD will not give up on any investigation until we have been able to recover the artifacts and bring the people responsible to justice,\" the FBI's Lewis said.", "r": {"result": "\"FBI dan LAPD tidak akan berputus asa dalam sebarang siasatan sehingga kami dapat memulihkan artifak dan membawa orang yang bertanggungjawab ke muka pengadilan,\" kata Lewis dari FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The paintings reclaimed.", "r": {"result": "Lukisan-lukisan itu dituntut semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's a list of the recovered paintings:", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah senarai lukisan yang dipulihkan:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Blue Bottle\" by Hans Hofmann, 1947, signed and dated lower right corner, 49 3/4\" x 62 1/8\" unframed.", "r": {"result": "\"Botol Biru\" oleh Hans Hofmann, 1947, ditandatangani dan bertarikh sudut kanan bawah, 49 3/4\" x 62 1/8\" tidak berbingkai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"La Femme en Rouge\" by Chaim Soutine, circa 1926, signed lower right, oil on canvas, 29 7/8\" x 21 3/4\" unframed.", "r": {"result": "\"La Femme en Rouge\" oleh Chaim Soutine, sekitar tahun 1926, ditandatangani kanan bawah, minyak di atas kanvas, 29 7/8\" x 21 3/4\" tidak berbingkai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Figur mit Hund\" by Emil Nolde, circa 1912, signed lower right corner, oil on canvas, 31 5/8\" x 27 9/16\" unframed.", "r": {"result": "\"Figur mit Hund\" oleh Emil Nolde, sekitar tahun 1912, ditandatangani sudut kanan bawah, minyak di atas kanvas, 31 5/8\" x 27 9/16\" tidak berbingkai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"La Vielle Dame au Chien\" by Chaim Soutine, circa 1919, no signature noted, oil on canvas, 36 1/4\" x 25 5/8\" unframed.", "r": {"result": "\"La Vielle Dame au Chien\" oleh Chaim Soutine, sekitar tahun 1919, tiada tandatangan dicatat, minyak di atas kanvas, 36 1/4\" x 25 5/8\" tidak berbingkai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Le Paysans\" by Marc Chagall, circa 1976, signed lower right, watercolor, gouache, and ink on paper, 24\" x 18 1/2\" framed.", "r": {"result": "\"Le Paysans\" oleh Marc Chagall, sekitar tahun 1976, ditandatangani bahagian bawah kanan, cat air, gouache dan dakwat di atas kertas, berbingkai 24\" x 18 1/2\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Fin de Seance\" by Lyonel Feininger, circa 1910, signed and dated upper left corner, oil on canvas, 37 3/8\" x 33 3/4\" framed.", "r": {"result": "\"Fin de Seance\" oleh Lyonel Feininger, sekitar tahun 1910, ditandatangani dan bertarikh sudut kiri atas, minyak di atas kanvas, berbingkai 37 3/8\" x 33 3/4\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Portrait of Alicia Alanova\" by Keis Van Dongen, circa 1933, signed lower right, oil on canvas, 25 5/8\" x 21 1/2\" unframed, but with the original inner liner still secured to the stretcher.", "r": {"result": "\"Potret Alicia Alanova\" oleh Keis Van Dongen, sekitar tahun 1933, ditandatangani sebelah kanan bawah, minyak di atas kanvas, 25 5/8\" x 21 1/2\" tidak berbingkai, tetapi dengan pelapik dalam asal masih diikat pada pengusung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cubist Still Life\" by Arshile Gorky, circa 1928-1929, unsigned, oil on canvas, 22 1/8\" x 15 1/8\" framed.", "r": {"result": "\"Cubist Still Life\" oleh Arshile Gorky, sekitar 1928-1929, tidak ditandatangani, minyak di atas kanvas, berbingkai 22 1/8\" x 15 1/8\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mexican Peasant\" by Diego Rivera, circa 1938, signed and dated lower left, water-based media on paper, 14 7/8\" x 10 3/8\" framed.", "r": {"result": "\"Petani Mexico\" oleh Diego Rivera, sekitar tahun 1938, ditandatangani dan bertarikh kiri bawah, media berasaskan air di atas kertas, berbingkai 14 7/8\" x 10 3/8\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- While some criticism targeting President Obama is racially motivated, the fight over health care isn't, former President Clinton told CNN.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Walaupun beberapa kritikan yang menyasarkan Presiden Obama bermotifkan perkauman, pergaduhan terhadap penjagaan kesihatan tidak, kata bekas Presiden Clinton kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former President Clinton says Democrats need to win the health care debate \"on the merits\".", "r": {"result": "Bekas Presiden Clinton berkata Demokrat perlu memenangi perbahasan penjagaan kesihatan \"mengenai merit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe that some of the right-wing extremists which oppose President Obama are also racially prejudiced and would prefer not to have an African-American president,\" Clinton told CNN's Larry King in a wide-ranging interview that aired Monday evening.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya bahawa beberapa pelampau sayap kanan yang menentang Presiden Obama juga mempunyai prejudis perkauman dan lebih suka untuk tidak mempunyai presiden Afrika-Amerika,\" kata Clinton kepada Larry King dari CNN dalam wawancara meluas yang disiarkan petang Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But I don't believe that all the people who oppose him on health care -- and all the conservatives -- are racists.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi saya tidak percaya bahawa semua orang yang menentangnya dalam penjagaan kesihatan -- dan semua konservatif -- adalah rasis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I believe if he were white, every single person who opposes him now would be opposing him then\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya percaya jika dia berkulit putih, setiap orang yang menentangnya sekarang akan menentangnya ketika itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton discussed a variety of issues facing the Obama administration -- from health care to the war in Afghanistan -- on the eve of the fifth annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative.", "r": {"result": "Clinton membincangkan pelbagai isu yang dihadapi pentadbiran Obama -- daripada penjagaan kesihatan hingga perang di Afghanistan -- pada malam sebelum mesyuarat tahunan kelima Clinton Global Initiative.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Regarding race, the former president was referring to an outburst from Rep.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai kaum, bekas presiden itu merujuk kepada cetusan daripada Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, who shouted, \"You lie\"!", "r": {"result": "Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, yang menjerit, \"Anda berbohong\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "at Obama during the president's recent joint address to Congress and also former President Carter's assessment that racism is an obstacle for the current president.", "r": {"result": "di Obama semasa ucapan bersama presiden baru-baru ini kepada Kongres dan juga penilaian bekas Presiden Carter bahawa perkauman adalah penghalang kepada presiden semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"While I have devoted my life to getting rid of racism, I think this [health care] is a fight that my president and our party -- this is one we need to win on the merits,\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun saya telah menumpukan hidup saya untuk menyingkirkan perkauman, saya fikir ini [penjagaan kesihatan] adalah perjuangan yang presiden saya dan parti kita - ini adalah satu yang kita perlukan untuk menang berdasarkan merit,\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Clinton say he thinks a health care bill will pass >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Clinton berkata dia berpendapat rang undang-undang penjagaan kesihatan akan lulus >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the Arab-Israeli conflict -- which Clinton tried to address while in the White House -- the former president said it's an issue that first has to be addressed by the Palestinians and Israelis.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai konflik Arab-Israel -- yang cuba ditangani Clinton semasa berada di Rumah Putih -- bekas presiden itu berkata ia adalah isu yang perlu ditangani oleh rakyat Palestin dan Israel terlebih dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has set up meetings with leaders from both sides this week as the U.N. General Assembly meets in New York.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan pemimpin dari kedua-dua pihak minggu ini ketika Perhimpunan Agung PBB bertemu di New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"First, it's more up to them than it is to President Obama,\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pertama, ia lebih terpulang kepada mereka berbanding Presiden Obama,\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think if we can just get them to start talking again around the two-state solutions, around restoring a sense of normalcy and creating a Palestinian state ... I think you would be surprised how quickly at least they would come down to all the same issues that they were down to in 2000 when I made my proposal\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir jika kita boleh meminta mereka mula bercakap semula mengenai penyelesaian dua negara, sekitar memulihkan rasa normal dan mewujudkan negara Palestin ... saya fikir anda akan terkejut betapa cepatnya sekurang-kurangnya mereka akan turun ke semua isu yang sama yang mereka hadapi pada tahun 2000 apabila saya membuat cadangan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In August, Clinton made headlines when he traveled to North Korea to gain the release of two detained U.S. journalists, Euna Lee and Laura Ling.", "r": {"result": "Pada Ogos, Clinton menjadi tajuk utama apabila dia pergi ke Korea Utara untuk mendapatkan pembebasan dua wartawan AS yang ditahan, Euna Lee dan Laura Ling.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During his visit, Clinton met with reclusive leader Kim Jong Il, whose government is under U.N. sanctions for its efforts to develop a nuclear weapons program.", "r": {"result": "Semasa lawatannya, Clinton bertemu dengan pemimpin tertutup Kim Jong Il, yang kerajaannya berada di bawah sekatan PBB atas usahanya membangunkan program senjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked about how it felt to help the journalists, Clinton said, \"It was humbling, and it was a wonderful feeling.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya tentang perasaan membantu wartawan, Clinton berkata, \"Ia merendah diri, dan ia adalah perasaan yang indah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're really fine young women\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka benar-benar wanita muda yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton also discussed the conflict in Afghanistan, addressing top U.S. Gen.", "r": {"result": "Clinton juga membincangkan konflik di Afghanistan, menangani Jeneral A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stanley McChrystal's report warning Obama that more troops are needed within the coming year or the nearly 8-year-old war \"will likely result in failure,\" according to a copy of a 66-page document obtained by The Washington Post.", "r": {"result": "Laporan Stanley McChrystal memberi amaran kepada Obama bahawa lebih banyak tentera diperlukan dalam tahun akan datang atau perang hampir 8 tahun \"kemungkinan akan mengakibatkan kegagalan,\" menurut salinan dokumen setebal 66 muka surat yang diperoleh The Washington Post.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has promised to ask \"tough questions\" before deciding whether to send additional troops to Afghanistan, saying it was necessary to have a clear strategy in place before deploying resources.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah berjanji untuk bertanya \"soalan sukar\" sebelum memutuskan sama ada untuk menghantar tentera tambahan ke Afghanistan, dengan berkata adalah perlu untuk mempunyai strategi yang jelas sebelum menggunakan sumber.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My guess is that he will say, 'You may be right, general, but we still have this ongoing election count, let's wait until that happens, let's see what the new government's going to be, let's see if both the top two finishers are going to be in the government, which is a possibility,'\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tekaan saya ialah dia akan berkata, 'Anda mungkin betul, umum, tetapi kita masih mempunyai pengiraan pilihan raya yang sedang berjalan ini, mari kita tunggu sehingga itu berlaku, mari kita lihat bagaimana kerajaan baru akan menjadi, mari kita lihat jika kedua-dua penamat terbaik. akan berada dalam kerajaan, yang merupakan satu kemungkinan,'\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And if that means there's going to be more broad-based support because we got everybody together right after the election was over, then it's clear that more soldiers will be even more effective\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan jika itu bermakna akan ada sokongan yang lebih meluas kerana kami mengumpulkan semua orang sejurus selepas pilihan raya berakhir, maka jelas bahawa lebih ramai tentera akan menjadi lebih berkesan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton, a New York resident, also touched on a New York Times report that Obama administration officials have urged New York Gov.", "r": {"result": "Clinton, seorang penduduk New York, juga menyentuh laporan New York Times bahawa pegawai pentadbiran Obama telah menggesa New York Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David A. Paterson to withdraw from the 2010 race.", "r": {"result": "David A. Paterson untuk menarik diri daripada perlumbaan 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White House officials acknowledged to CNN that aides have conveyed to Paterson's camp they are aware of the governor's unpopularity and the political troubles it could cause.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Rumah Putih mengakui kepada CNN bahawa pembantu telah menyampaikan kepada kem Paterson bahawa mereka sedar tentang ketidakpopularan gabenor dan masalah politik yang boleh ditimbulkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Well, first of all, I have no direct knowledge of it,\" Clinton said, adding later, \"The truth is I can't criticize either one of them\".", "r": {"result": "\"Nah, pertama sekali, saya tidak mempunyai pengetahuan langsung mengenainya,\" kata Clinton, sambil menambah kemudian, \"Sebenarnya saya tidak boleh mengkritik salah satu daripada mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think Paterson is in a tough spot, but he's done a better job than he's gotten credit for,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa Paterson berada di tempat yang sukar, tetapi dia melakukan kerja yang lebih baik daripada yang dia dapat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So he's done some good things.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJadi dia telah melakukan beberapa perkara yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that he will do what he thinks is right for the people of New York in the end and for himself.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir dia akan melakukan apa yang difikirkannya betul untuk rakyat New York pada akhirnya dan untuk dirinya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think the president understandably wants to hold on to the governorship of the fourth biggest state of the country\".", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa presiden difahamkan mahu memegang jawatan gabenor negeri keempat terbesar di negara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's an Internet feud between polar opposites: East Coast vs.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah pertelingkahan Internet antara kutub bertentangan: Pantai Timur lwn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "West Coast, old school vs.", "r": {"result": "Pantai Barat, sekolah lama lwn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "new media, Ivy League gravitas vs.", "r": {"result": "media baharu, Ivy League gravitas lwn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Silicon Valley geekery.", "r": {"result": "geekery Lembah Silikon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one corner is Princeton University.", "r": {"result": "Di satu sudut ialah Universiti Princeton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the other, Facebook.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu lagi, Facebook.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At stake is the credibility of Princeton's research and -- gasp!", "r": {"result": "Yang dipertaruhkan ialah kredibiliti penyelidikan Princeton dan -- terkejut!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- the future viability of Mark Zuckerberg's network.", "r": {"result": "-- daya maju masa depan rangkaian Mark Zuckerberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or, at least, the hearts and minds of the thousands of observers taking sides on social media.", "r": {"result": "Atau, sekurang-kurangnya, hati dan fikiran ribuan pemerhati yang berpihak di media sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It all started last week when a group of Princeton researchers published a paper that suggested Facebook could lose a whopping 80% of its users by 2017. They based their projection on epidemiological models, typically used to chart the spread of disease, using the demise of Myspace as a case study.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya bermula minggu lalu apabila sekumpulan penyelidik Princeton menerbitkan sebuah kertas yang mencadangkan Facebook boleh kehilangan 80% penggunanya menjelang 2017. Mereka mendasarkan unjuran mereka pada model epidemiologi, biasanya digunakan untuk mencatatkan penyebaran penyakit, menggunakan kematian Myspace sebagai kajian kes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Data \"suggests that Facebook has already reached the peak of its popularity and has entered a decline phase,\" the researchers wrote in the paper, which has not been peer-reviewed.", "r": {"result": "Data \"menunjukkan bahawa Facebook telah mencapai kemuncak popularitinya dan telah memasuki fasa penurunan,\" tulis para penyelidik dalam kertas itu, yang belum disemak oleh rakan sebaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recent research has suggested, and Facebook has admitted, that younger users are abandoning Facebook for other social platforms.", "r": {"result": "Penyelidikan terkini telah mencadangkan, dan Facebook telah mengakui, bahawa pengguna yang lebih muda meninggalkan Facebook untuk platform sosial yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even so, many observers were skeptical of Princeton's methodology.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun begitu, ramai pemerhati meragui metodologi Princeton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's an old journalistic trick: Just add the words 'research' or 'study' to a sensational claim for instant credibility,\" wrote Slate's Will Oremus, who criticized news outlets for reporting uncritically on the paper.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah helah kewartawanan lama: Hanya tambahkan perkataan 'penyelidikan' atau 'kajian' kepada tuntutan sensasi untuk kredibiliti segera, \" tulis Slate's Will Oremus, yang mengkritik saluran berita kerana melaporkan secara tidak kritis di atas kertas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Best of all, you're absolved of any responsibility for verifying its truth, since everyone knows journalists aren't qualified to dispute scientific findings\".", "r": {"result": "\"Paling penting, anda dibebaskan daripada sebarang tanggungjawab untuk mengesahkan kebenarannya, kerana semua orang tahu wartawan tidak layak untuk mempertikaikan penemuan saintifik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, Facebook fired back.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Khamis, Facebook bertindak balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But instead of a canned statement or a point-by-point renunciation of the researchers' methods, they took a more playful tack.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bukannya kenyataan yang tidak jelas atau penolakan titik demi titik kaedah penyelidik, mereka mengambil taktik yang lebih suka bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Using the same robust methodology featured in the paper, we attempted to find out more about this 'Princeton University' -- and you won't believe what we found\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Menggunakan metodologi teguh yang sama yang dipaparkan dalam kertas kerja, kami cuba untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang 'Universiti Princeton' ini -- dan anda tidak akan percaya apa yang kami temui\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Facebook data scientist Mike Develin wrote in a blog post on his page.", "r": {"result": "Saintis data Facebook Mike Develin menulis dalam catatan blog di halamannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An examination of Facebook and Google patterns spells bad news ahead for the university, Develin said, tongue firmly planted in a sarcastic cheek.", "r": {"result": "Pemeriksaan terhadap corak Facebook dan Google meramalkan berita buruk di hadapan universiti, kata Develin, lidah tertancap di pipi sindiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This trend suggests that Princeton will have only half its current enrollment by 2018, and by 2021 it will have no students at all, agreeing with the previous graph of scholarly scholarliness.", "r": {"result": "\"Trend ini menunjukkan bahawa Princeton hanya akan mempunyai separuh pendaftaran semasa menjelang 2018, dan menjelang 2021 ia tidak akan mempunyai pelajar sama sekali, bersetuju dengan graf keilmuan ilmiah sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Based on our robust scientific analysis, future generations will only be able to imagine this now-rubble institution that once walked this earth,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "Berdasarkan analisis saintifik kami yang mantap, generasi akan datang hanya dapat membayangkan institusi yang kini runtuhan ini yang pernah berjalan di bumi ini,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Although this research has not yet been peer-reviewed, every Like for this post counts as a peer review.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun penyelidikan ini belum lagi disemak rakan sebaya, setiap Suka untuk siaran ini dikira sebagai semakan rakan sebaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Start reviewing\"!", "r": {"result": "Mula menyemak\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By Friday afternoon his post had attracted more than 8,100 likes and comments such as \"well played\"!", "r": {"result": "Menjelang petang Jumaat siarannya telah menarik lebih 8,100 suka dan komen seperti \"bermain dengan baik\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You come at the king of social media, you best not miss,\" wrote Chris Taylor on Mashable.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda datang kepada raja media sosial, anda sebaiknya tidak ketinggalan,\" tulis Chris Taylor di Mashable.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNET called it \"the comeback of all comebacks\".", "r": {"result": "CNET memanggilnya \"kemunculan semula semua kemunculan semula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The smackdown also spilled over to Twitter, where the Huffington Post called it a \"nerd brawl\" and most observers gave credit to Facebook for having a sense of humor.", "r": {"result": "Smackdown itu juga merebak ke Twitter, di mana Huffington Post menyebutnya sebagai \"pergaduhan nerd\" dan kebanyakan pemerhati memberi pujian kepada Facebook kerana mempunyai rasa humor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Princeton University spokesman did not immediately respond Friday to CNN's request for comment.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Universiti Princeton tidak segera menjawab permintaan CNN untuk komen pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In reality, neither institution is in danger of wasting away any time soon.", "r": {"result": "Pada hakikatnya, kedua-dua institusi tidak berada dalam bahaya untuk musnah dalam masa terdekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Princeton received 24,498 applicants for its current freshman class and accepted only 7.4% of them, reaffirming its status as one of the nation's elite universities.", "r": {"result": "Princeton menerima 24,498 pemohon untuk kelas pelajar baru semasa dan menerima hanya 7.4% daripada mereka, mengesahkan statusnya sebagai salah satu universiti elit negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as of September 2013 Facebook had 1.2 billion monthly active users.", "r": {"result": "Dan sehingga September 2013 Facebook mempunyai 1.2 bilion pengguna aktif bulanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DUBAI (CNN) -- A court in Dubai sentenced two men Wednesday to 15 years in prison for the rape and kidnapping of a 15-year-old French boy.", "r": {"result": "DUBAI (CNN) -- Mahkamah di Dubai menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 15 tahun kepada dua lelaki pada Rabu atas kesalahan merogol dan menculik seorang budak lelaki Perancis berusia 15 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Veronique Robert, mother of the 15-year-old French-Swiss teen, speaking outside a court in Dubai.", "r": {"result": "Veronique Robert, ibu kepada remaja Perancis-Swiss berusia 15 tahun, bercakap di luar mahkamah di Dubai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The boy's mother, Veronique Robert, was visibly upset after the sentence was read and promised to appeal.", "r": {"result": "Ibu kanak-kanak itu, Veronique Robert, kelihatan kecewa selepas hukuman dibacakan dan berjanji untuk merayu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert, a French journalist, brought the case to the media's attention in recent months in an effort to shed light on what she deemed to be injustices in the pro-Western emirate of Dubai.", "r": {"result": "Robert, seorang wartawan Perancis, membawa kes itu kepada perhatian media dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini dalam usaha untuk menjelaskan apa yang dia anggap sebagai ketidakadilan di emiriah pro-Barat di Dubai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert said Wednesday's sentence was too lenient for a crime that she believes is tantamount to attempted murder because one of her son's attackers was knowingly HIV-positive at the time of the rape.", "r": {"result": "Robert berkata hukuman pada hari Rabu terlalu ringan untuk jenayah yang dia percaya sama dengan cubaan membunuh kerana salah seorang penyerang anaknya secara sedar positif HIV pada masa rogol itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She refrained from asking the death penalty for her son's attackers, but said she hoped the sentence would be much longer.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengelak daripada meminta hukuman mati bagi penyerang anaknya, tetapi berkata dia berharap hukuman itu akan lebih lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman for the Dubai government, Habib al Mulla, told CNN the sentence was in accordance with international standards and was not lenient.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap kerajaan Dubai, Habib al Mulla, memberitahu CNN hukuman itu mengikut piawaian antarabangsa dan tidak ringan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today's verdict has proven that the system is efficient and is fair to all parties involved,\" al Mulla said.", "r": {"result": "\"Keputusan hari ini telah membuktikan bahawa sistem itu cekap dan adil kepada semua pihak yang terlibat,\" kata al Mulla.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case began in July, when the two men, 36 and 18, kidnapped and raped the French teenager at knifepoint.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu bermula pada Julai, apabila dua lelaki itu, 36 dan 18, menculik dan merogol remaja Perancis itu dengan pisau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert contacted French diplomats, who took up the allegations with Dubai authorities.", "r": {"result": "Robert menghubungi diplomat Perancis, yang menerima dakwaan itu dengan pihak berkuasa Dubai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Mulla said police action was swift and arrests were made within 24 hours.", "r": {"result": "Al Mulla berkata tindakan polis adalah pantas dan tangkapan dibuat dalam tempoh 24 jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Robert has said the case was botched from the start, beginning with her son's examination by a doctor who said her son was gay.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Robert berkata kes itu gagal sejak awal, bermula dengan pemeriksaan anaknya oleh doktor yang mengatakan anaknya itu gay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Homosexuality in Dubai is illegal, and the teen could have faced as much as a year in prison.", "r": {"result": "Homoseksual di Dubai adalah haram, dan remaja itu mungkin menghadapi penjara selama setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert's son has since returned to France and was not in court for Wednesday's sentencing.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki Robert telah kembali ke Perancis dan tidak berada di mahkamah untuk hukuman pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert has also said Dubai authorities repeatedly concealed evidence -- confirmed in court papers -- that one of the attackers was HIV-positive.", "r": {"result": "Robert juga berkata pihak berkuasa Dubai berulang kali menyembunyikan bukti -- disahkan dalam kertas mahkamah -- bahawa salah seorang penyerang adalah positif HIV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert said her son, who is still awaiting test results to find out whether he has the virus, could have gotten treatment much sooner had they known.", "r": {"result": "Robert berkata anaknya, yang masih menunggu keputusan ujian untuk mengetahui sama ada dia menghidap virus itu, boleh mendapatkan rawatan lebih awal sekiranya mereka mengetahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dubai authorities deny any evidence was concealed.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Dubai menafikan sebarang bukti disembunyikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case has shed light on Dubai's attitudes toward rape and homosexuality, which some Western observers have said is outdated.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu telah menjelaskan sikap Dubai terhadap rogol dan homoseksual, yang beberapa pemerhati Barat mengatakan sudah lapuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Mulla, however, said Wednesday's sentencing and the government's handling of the case proves the country's system works.", "r": {"result": "Al Mulla, bagaimanapun, berkata hukuman pada hari Rabu dan pengendalian kerajaan kes itu membuktikan sistem negara itu berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's today's verdict which proves that there is a system,\" al Mulla said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah keputusan hari ini yang membuktikan bahawa terdapat sistem,\" kata al Mulla.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The system is working properly.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSistem ini berfungsi dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, if there is any room for any improvement in the system, we'll definitely look into it, consider it, and if there's any room for improvement, we'll implement it\".", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, jika terdapat sebarang ruang untuk sebarang penambahbaikan dalam sistem, kami pasti akan menelitinya, mempertimbangkannya, dan jika ada ruang untuk penambahbaikan, kami akan melaksanakannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mother has already filed suit in courts in Paris and Geneva, Switzerland seeking compensation from Sheikh Khalifa, president of the United Arab Emirates, and the prime minister and vice president of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum.", "r": {"result": "Ibu itu telah memfailkan saman di mahkamah di Paris dan Geneva, Switzerland untuk mendapatkan pampasan daripada Sheikh Khalifa, presiden Emiriah Arab Bersatu, dan perdana menteri dan naib presiden Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed al Maktoum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is also suing others, including the Dubai police chief.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menyaman orang lain, termasuk ketua polis Dubai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert started a Web site over the summer, boycottdubai.com, demanding better treatment for children who suffer sexual assault there.", "r": {"result": "Robert memulakan laman web pada musim panas, boycottdubai.com, menuntut layanan yang lebih baik untuk kanak-kanak yang mengalami serangan seksual di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a press conference last month, she proclaimed, \"We are here because I just would like first justice for my son; and second for every girl and boy who was raped and even had no chance to speak\".", "r": {"result": "Pada sidang akhbar bulan lalu, dia menyatakan, \"Kami berada di sini kerana saya hanya mahukan keadilan pertama untuk anak saya; dan kedua untuk setiap gadis dan lelaki yang dirogol malah tidak mempunyai peluang untuk bercakap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert said she will drop all her pending cases if the government sets up rape clinics, recognizes the status of rape victims, and takes precautions after rape against sexually-transmitted diseases.", "r": {"result": "Robert berkata dia akan menggugurkan semua kesnya yang belum selesai jika kerajaan menubuhkan klinik rogol, mengiktiraf status mangsa rogol, dan mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga selepas rogol terhadap penyakit menular seksual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the wake of Wednesday's verdict, Robert said a Dubai government official told her the emirate plans to open its first rape clinic, which she said was a small victory.", "r": {"result": "Susulan keputusan hari Rabu, Robert berkata seorang pegawai kerajaan Dubai memberitahunya rancangan emiriah untuk membuka klinik rogol pertamanya, yang menurutnya adalah kemenangan kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government has not yet officially announced its plans to open such a facility.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan masih belum mengumumkan secara rasmi rancangannya untuk membuka kemudahan sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Mulla told CNN that Dubai believes a reception center for rape victims is \"a good solution\".", "r": {"result": "Al Mulla memberitahu CNN bahawa Dubai percaya pusat penerimaan mangsa rogol adalah \"satu penyelesaian yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are considering it,\" he said, regarding Robert's request.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami sedang mempertimbangkannya,\u201d katanya, berhubung permintaan Robert.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We believe it's good.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami percaya ia bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's good for the victims, and it's good for the whole system\".", "r": {"result": "Ia baik untuk mangsa, dan ia baik untuk keseluruhan sistem\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN correspondent Wilf Dinnick contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan CNN Wilf Dinnick menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Two children died Saturday in the suburbs of the Syrian capital -- not because of guns, bombs or other weapons, but because of malnutrition, activists and an opposition group said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua kanak-kanak maut Sabtu di pinggir ibu kota Syria -- bukan kerana senjata api, bom atau senjata lain, tetapi kerana kekurangan zat makanan, kata aktivis dan kumpulan pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two boys suffered from marasmus, a type of acute malnutrition that can very quickly lead to death if not treated, the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua budak lelaki itu mengalami marasmus, sejenis kekurangan zat makanan akut yang boleh menyebabkan kematian dengan cepat jika tidak dirawat, kata pembangkang Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ibrahim Khalil was 4; Ammar Arafa was even younger, but his exact age wasn't known, opposition activist Ahmed Al-Muadami said from the town, Moadamiyet al-Sham, in the Damascus suburbs.", "r": {"result": "Ibrahim Khalil was 4; Ammar Arafa lebih muda, tetapi usia sebenar beliau tidak diketahui, kata aktivis pembangkang Ahmed Al-Muadami dari bandar, Moadamiyet al-Sham, di pinggir bandar Damsyik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moadamiyet al-Sham was one of the areas affected by the alleged chemical weapons attack August 21. It was the first town United Nations inspectors visited this week to gather evidence about the attack and speak to the wounded.", "r": {"result": "Moadamiyet al-Sham adalah salah satu kawasan yang terjejas akibat serangan senjata kimia pada 21 Ogos. Ia merupakan bandar pertama pemeriksa Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang melawat minggu ini untuk mengumpul bukti mengenai serangan itu dan bercakap dengan mereka yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Muadami said the town has been under siege by Syrian troops since last November and that the situation there is \"disastrous\".", "r": {"result": "Al-Muadami berkata bandar itu telah dikepung oleh tentera Syria sejak November lalu dan keadaan di sana adalah \"malapetaka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We ran out of food supplies and we cannot get anything into the town,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami kehabisan bekalan makanan dan kami tidak boleh mendapatkan apa-apa ke dalam bandar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors lacked the medicine and necessary nutrients to treat the children because of the siege, the Syrian Observatory said.", "r": {"result": "Doktor kekurangan ubat dan nutrien yang diperlukan untuk merawat kanak-kanak itu kerana pengepungan, kata Balai Cerap Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We haven't seen a piece of bread for six months now,\" said another resident, Abu Alnour.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak melihat sekeping roti selama enam bulan sekarang,\" kata seorang lagi penduduk, Abu Alnour.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We went through our food supplies, local produce and cattle\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami melalui bekalan makanan, hasil tempatan dan lembu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said government checkpoints and snipers are blocking all the roads leading into the town and are not allowing anything in or out.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata pusat pemeriksaan kerajaan dan penembak tepat menghalang semua jalan menuju ke bandar dan tidak membenarkan apa-apa masuk atau keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Syrian government typically calls rebels \"armed terrorists\".", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Syria biasanya memanggil pemberontak sebagai \"pengganas bersenjata\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Red Crescent tried to send an aid shipment into the town in early July but the government forces denied them access, and that was the last aid shipment we heard about,\" Al-Muadami said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bulan Sabit Merah cuba menghantar penghantaran bantuan ke bandar itu pada awal Julai tetapi tentera kerajaan menafikan mereka akses, dan itu adalah penghantaran bantuan terakhir yang kami dengar,\" kata Al-Muadami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The barrier and checkpoint at Moadamiyet al-Sham is well known in the region and is staffed by security forces, militiamen and regime loyalists, the opposition Syrian Network for Human Rights says.", "r": {"result": "Penghalang dan pusat pemeriksaan di Moadamiyet al-Sham terkenal di rantau ini dan dikendalikan oleh pasukan keselamatan, anggota militia dan penyokong setia rejim, kata pembangkang Syrian Network for Human Rights.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 12,000 people in the town are now in desperate need of food items and medicine, he said.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 12,000 penduduk di bandar itu kini sangat memerlukan bahan makanan dan ubat-ubatan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those who are seriously injured or sick are trapped.", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang cedera parah atau sakit terperangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attack at Syria funeral: 'Children's bodies were maimed and burnt,' witness says.", "r": {"result": "Serangan di pengebumian Syria: 'Mayat kanak-kanak cacat dan dibakar,' kata saksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The town has been without power for 10 months, and residents are suffering water shortages because shelling has destroyed water pipes, he said.", "r": {"result": "Pekan itu telah terputus bekalan elektrik selama 10 bulan, dan penduduk mengalami kekurangan air kerana tembakan telah memusnahkan paip air, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If we were able to get those two children out of the town to be treated in a hospital, they would have been alive now,\" Al-Muadami said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika kami dapat membawa dua kanak-kanak itu keluar dari bandar untuk dirawat di hospital, mereka pasti masih hidup sekarang,\" kata Al-Muadami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Videos purportedly showing the boys shows their ribs protruding and their limbs stick-thin.", "r": {"result": "Video yang kononnya menunjukkan budak lelaki itu menunjukkan rusuk mereka menonjol dan anggota badan mereka nipis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One video is said to show Ibrahim while still alive, on respiratory support; two others show Ibrahim and Ammar lying dead on their hospital beds.", "r": {"result": "Satu video dikatakan menunjukkan Ibrahim semasa masih hidup, mengenai sokongan pernafasan; dua yang lain menunjukkan Ibrahim dan Ammar terbaring mati di atas katil hospital mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Muadami said activists in the town filmed the videos and posted them online.", "r": {"result": "Al-Muadami berkata aktivis di bandar itu merakam video dan menyiarkannya dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of the videos or reports of violence, as the Syrian government has restricted access to international journalists.", "r": {"result": "CNN tidak boleh secara bebas mengesahkan ketulenan video atau laporan keganasan, kerana kerajaan Syria telah menyekat akses kepada wartawan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The International Committee of the Red Cross on Thursday reported acute shortages of vital medical supplies, food and water in a number of areas that have been sealed off for months, where the ICRC and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent have not been given access.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa Antarabangsa Palang Merah pada hari Khamis melaporkan kekurangan bekalan perubatan penting, makanan dan air di beberapa kawasan yang telah ditutup selama berbulan-bulan, di mana ICRC dan Bulan Sabit Merah Arab Syria tidak diberikan akses.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In large parts of rural Damascus, for example, people are dying because they lack medical supplies and because there are not enough medical personnel to attend to them.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDi sebahagian besar kawasan pedalaman Damsyik, sebagai contoh, orang ramai mati kerana kekurangan bekalan perubatan dan kerana tidak cukup kakitangan perubatan untuk merawat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also go hungry because aid can't get through to them on a regular basis,\" said Magne Barth, head of the ICRC's delegation in Syria.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga kelaparan kerana bantuan tidak dapat disalurkan kepada mereka secara tetap,\" kata Magne Barth, ketua delegasi ICRC di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group said more than 100,000 people have reportedly been killed since the fighting began more than two years ago.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu berkata lebih 100,000 orang dilaporkan terbunuh sejak pertempuran bermula lebih dua tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds of people die every day, it said.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus orang mati setiap hari, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Across the country Saturday, 39 people died amid shelling, air strikes, cluster bombs and missiles, according to the opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria.", "r": {"result": "Di seluruh negara Sabtu, 39 orang maut di tengah-tengah tembakan, serangan udara, bom berkelompok dan peluru berpandu, menurut Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Tempatan Syria pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten children were among the dead, the group said, but it wasn't clear whether that number included the two boys in Moadamiyet al-Sham.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh kanak-kanak adalah antara yang maut, kata kumpulan itu, tetapi tidak jelas sama ada jumlah itu termasuk dua budak lelaki di Moadamiyet al-Sham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Melissa Gray contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Melissa Grey dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "AMSTETTEN, Austria (CNN) -- Three children freed from a cellar in which their mother had been imprisoned and raped by her own father for 24 years had never seen daylight, police in Austria have confirmed.", "r": {"result": "AMSTETTEN, Austria (CNN) -- Tiga kanak-kanak yang dibebaskan dari bilik bawah tanah di mana ibu mereka telah dipenjarakan dan dirogol oleh bapanya sendiri selama 24 tahun tidak pernah melihat siang hari, polis di Austria mengesahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A hidden, narrow bedroom found in the cellar of the house where Josef Fritzl held his daughter captive.", "r": {"result": "Bilik tidur yang tersembunyi dan sempit ditemui di ruang bawah tanah rumah tempat Josef Fritzl menahan anak perempuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police spokesman Franz Polzer told CNN that 73-year-old Josef Fritzl admitted holding his daughter, Elisabeth Fritzl, 42, hostage in the windowless cell and fathering seven children by her.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap polis Franz Polzer memberitahu CNN bahawa Josef Fritzl yang berusia 73 tahun mengaku telah menahan anak perempuannya, Elisabeth Fritzl, 42, sebagai tebusan di dalam sel tanpa tingkap dan mempunyai tujuh anak olehnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The mother had memories [of the outside world] and got used to the situation,\" Polzer told a press conference Monday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "\"Ibu mempunyai kenangan [dunia luar] dan terbiasa dengan keadaan itu,\" kata Polzer pada sidang akhbar petang Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The others knew nothing else\".", "r": {"result": "\"Yang lain tidak tahu apa-apa lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The main question reverberating from the small Austrian town: How could a man keep his daughter locked in his basement for 24 years, where she gave birth to seven of his children while her mother and three of those children lived upstairs without an inkling of the horrors in the cellar?", "r": {"result": "Persoalan utama yang berkumandang dari bandar kecil Austria: Bagaimana seorang lelaki boleh menyimpan anak perempuannya terkunci di ruang bawah tanahnya selama 24 tahun, di mana dia melahirkan tujuh orang anaknya manakala ibunya dan tiga daripada kanak-kanak itu tinggal di tingkat atas tanpa perasaan ngeri. dalam bilik bawah tanah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fritzl explained Elisabeth's disappearance by saying she had run away from home, a story backed up by letters he forced Elisabeth to write, including one that begged her parents not to look for her.", "r": {"result": "Fritzl menjelaskan kehilangan Elisabeth dengan mengatakan dia telah melarikan diri dari rumah, sebuah cerita yang disokong oleh surat yang dia memaksa Elisabeth untuk menulis, termasuk yang merayu ibu bapanya untuk tidak mencarinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other letters made it seem the missing daughter had left the three children on the parents' doorstep -- when in fact they had been born in captivity in the family's basement.", "r": {"result": "Surat-surat lain menunjukkan bahawa anak perempuan yang hilang itu telah meninggalkan ketiga-tiga anak itu di depan pintu rumah ibu bapa -- padahal mereka telah dilahirkan dalam kurungan di ruang bawah tanah keluarga itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elisabeth told police that she and her three children Kerstin, 19; Stefan, 18; and Felix, 5, did not see the light of day during their entire time in captivity underneath the building in Amstetten, a rural town about 150 km (93 miles) west of Vienna.", "r": {"result": "Elisabeth memberitahu polis bahawa dia dan tiga anaknya Kerstin, 19; Stefan, 18; dan Felix, 5, tidak melihat cahaya matahari sepanjang masa mereka dalam kurungan di bawah bangunan di Amstetten, sebuah bandar luar bandar kira-kira 150 km (93 batu) barat Vienna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elisabeth is described as \"very disturbed\" and having trouble talking to police about her ordeal, reports CNN correspondent Fred Pleitgen.", "r": {"result": "Elisabeth digambarkan sebagai \"sangat terganggu\" dan menghadapi masalah bercakap dengan polis tentang pengalaman pahitnya, lapor wartawan CNN Fred Pleitgen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She went missing in 1984, when she was 18 years old, police have said.", "r": {"result": "Dia hilang pada 1984, ketika dia berusia 18 tahun, polis berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More details also emerged at the news conference about the basement dungeon in which the daughter and her children were kept -- and how her father managed to keep them captive for more than two decades.", "r": {"result": "Butiran lanjut juga muncul pada sidang akhbar mengenai penjara bawah tanah tempat anak perempuan dan anak-anaknya disimpan -- dan bagaimana bapanya berjaya menahan mereka selama lebih dua dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See inside the cellar prison >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat di dalam penjara bawah tanah >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The authorities have revealed that the prison, constructed in the basement of the 1960s building, ran underneath both the building itself and the garden outside.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa telah mendedahkan bahawa penjara, yang dibina di bawah tanah bangunan 1960-an, terletak di bawah kedua-dua bangunan itu sendiri dan taman di luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The entrance was via a small door, hidden behind cupboards in the basement, controlled by an electronic keyless-entry system.", "r": {"result": "Pintu masuk adalah melalui pintu kecil, tersembunyi di sebalik almari di ruang bawah tanah, dikawal oleh sistem kemasukan tanpa kunci elektronik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Polzer said that the prison was hard to find, even if someone was looking for it, and had been soundproofed.", "r": {"result": "Polzer berkata bahawa penjara itu sukar ditemui, walaupun seseorang sedang mencarinya, dan telah kalis bunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even though they shouted and called they were not in a position to let anyone hear them,\" Polzer told the press conference.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun mereka menjerit dan menelefon mereka tidak berada dalam kedudukan untuk membiarkan sesiapa mendengarnya,\" kata Polzer pada sidang media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Polzer said that Fritzl made clear to his wife and other children that the area was out of bounds and they were not to go into the basement.", "r": {"result": "Polzer berkata bahawa Fritzl menjelaskan kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya yang lain bahawa kawasan itu berada di luar batasan dan mereka tidak boleh masuk ke ruangan bawah tanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He bought food and took it to his captives in the evening.", "r": {"result": "Dia membeli makanan dan membawanya kepada tawanannya pada waktu petang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a report on details of the case >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton laporan mengenai butiran kes itu >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Detectives made the grim discovery about the cellar earlier this month after Kerstin was hospitalized in Amstetten after falling unconscious and taken to a hospital in Amstetten by her grandfather with a SOS note from her mother hidden on her.", "r": {"result": "Detektif membuat penemuan suram tentang bilik bawah tanah itu awal bulan ini selepas Kerstin dimasukkan ke hospital di Amstetten selepas pengsan dan dibawa ke hospital di Amstetten oleh datuknya dengan nota SOS daripada ibunya disorokkan padanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A DNA test was later carried out which revealed her grandfather, Josef Fritzl, was also her father, according to ORF, Austria's state-run news agency.", "r": {"result": "Ujian DNA kemudiannya dijalankan yang mendedahkan datuknya, Josef Fritzl, juga bapanya, menurut ORF, agensi berita kerajaan Austria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That sparked a police investigation, which revealed that Fritzl fathered at least six children with his daughter, forcing her and three of the surviving children to live in the cellar of his house, according to ORF's Peter Schmitzberger.", "r": {"result": "Itu mencetuskan siasatan polis, yang mendedahkan bahawa Fritzl mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya enam anak dengan anak perempuannya, memaksa dia dan tiga anak yang masih hidup untuk tinggal di bilik bawah tanah rumahnya, menurut Peter Schmitzberger dari ORF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch police describe the captives' jail >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton polis menggambarkan penjara tawanan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, police searched the hidden rooms where Fritzl admitted he kept his daughter and their children, including sleeping quarters, a kitchen and a bathroom, which Fritzl told police he built, Polzer said.", "r": {"result": "Pada Ahad, polis menggeledah bilik tersembunyi di mana Fritzl mengaku dia menyimpan anak perempuannya dan anak-anak mereka, termasuk tempat tidur, dapur dan bilik mandi, yang Fritzl memberitahu polis yang dibinanya, kata Polzer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amstetten police say they were put on Fritzl's trail following an anonymous tip off.", "r": {"result": "Polis Amstetten berkata mereka telah dijejaki Fritzl berikutan maklumat tanpa nama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They apprehended the pair on Saturday near the hospital and once police assured the daughter that she would never have contact with her father again, \"she was able to tell the whole story,\" Schmitzberger said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menahan pasangan itu pada hari Sabtu berhampiran hospital dan sebaik polis memberi jaminan kepada anak perempuannya bahawa dia tidak akan menghubungi bapanya lagi, \"dia dapat menceritakan keseluruhannya,\" kata Schmitzberger.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elisabeth said her father began sexually abusing her at age 11. On August 8, 1984 -- weeks before she was reported missing -- her father enticed her into the basement, where he drugged her, put her in handcuffs and locked her in a room, she told police.", "r": {"result": "Elisabeth berkata bapanya mula menderanya secara seksual pada usia 11 tahun. Pada 8 Ogos 1984 -- minggu sebelum dia dilaporkan hilang -- bapanya menariknya ke ruang bawah tanah, di mana dia membiusnya, meletakkannya di gari dan mengurungnya di dalam bilik. , dia memberitahu polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the next 24 years, she was constantly raped by her father, resulting in the six surviving children, she said, according to the police statement.", "r": {"result": "Selama 24 tahun akan datang, dia sentiasa dirogol oleh bapanya, mengakibatkan enam anak terselamat, katanya, menurut kenyataan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also told police she gave birth to twins in 1996, but one of the babies died a few days later as a result of neglect, and Fritzl removed the infant's body and burned it in an oven.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga memberitahu polis dia melahirkan anak kembar pada 1996, tetapi salah seorang daripada bayi itu meninggal dunia beberapa hari kemudian akibat pengabaian, dan Fritzl mengeluarkan mayat bayi itu dan membakarnya dalam ketuhar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She told police that only her father supplied her and her children with food and clothing, and that she did not think his wife knew anything about their situation.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu polis bahawa hanya bapanya yang membekalkan dia dan anak-anaknya dengan makanan dan pakaian, dan dia tidak menyangka isterinya tahu apa-apa tentang keadaan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fritzl lived upstairs with his wife, Rosemarie, who police said had no idea about her husband's other family living in the cellar.", "r": {"result": "Fritzl tinggal di tingkat atas bersama isterinya, Rosemarie, yang polis berkata tidak tahu tentang keluarga suaminya yang lain tinggal di bilik bawah tanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple adopted three of the children that Fritzl had with his daughter, according to police.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu mengambil tiga anak angkat Fritzl bersama anak perempuannya, menurut polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told his wife that his missing daughter had dropped the unwanted children off at the house because she could not take care of them, police said.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu isterinya bahawa anak perempuannya yang hilang telah menghantar anak-anak yang tidak diingini di rumah kerana dia tidak dapat menjaga mereka, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Kerstin fell ill, Fritzl apparently told his wife and the hospital that his \"missing\" daughter had dropped off the sick girl on his doorstep.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Kerstin jatuh sakit, Fritzl nampaknya memberitahu isterinya dan pihak hospital bahawa anak perempuannya yang \"hilang\" telah menurunkan gadis yang sakit itu di depan pintu rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an effort to find out about Kerstin's condition, the hospital and police asked the media to put out a bulletin requesting any information about the girl or her missing mother, attorney general Gerhard Sedlacek told NTV.", "r": {"result": "Dalam usaha untuk mengetahui keadaan Kerstin, hospital dan polis meminta media mengeluarkan buletin meminta sebarang maklumat mengenai gadis itu atau ibunya yang hilang, kata peguam negara Gerhard Sedlacek kepada NTV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometime later, Fritzl brought Elisabeth out of the cellar, telling his wife that she had returned home with her two children after a 24-year absence, police said.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa ketika kemudian, Fritzl membawa Elisabeth keluar dari bilik bawah tanah, memberitahu isterinya bahawa dia telah pulang ke rumah bersama dua anaknya selepas tidak hadir selama 24 tahun, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He took Elisabeth to the hospital to talk with doctors about Kerstin's condition, and at that point, authorities became aware of her situation, Sedlacek said.", "r": {"result": "Dia membawa Elisabeth ke hospital untuk bercakap dengan doktor tentang keadaan Kerstin, dan pada ketika itu, pihak berkuasa menyedari keadaannya, kata Sedlacek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Fred Pleitgen, Ben Brumfield and Nadine Schmidt contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Fred Pleitgen dari CNN, Ben Brumfield dan Nadine Schmidt menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Many trials in recent years have implicated our ongoing national struggles with race.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Banyak percubaan dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini telah membabitkan perjuangan negara kita yang berterusan dengan kaum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But few have gotten as much attention as that of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed young Trayvon Martin 17 months ago in Sanford, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi hanya sedikit yang mendapat perhatian seperti George Zimmerman, yang menembak dan membunuh Trayvon Martin muda 17 bulan lalu di Sanford, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps the uncertainty of what really happened that night is part of what drew us: Since only two people knew exactly what transpired and one of them is dead, we're free to speculate and argue to our heart's content.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin ketidakpastian tentang apa yang sebenarnya berlaku pada malam itu adalah sebahagian daripada apa yang menarik perhatian kami: Memandangkan hanya dua orang yang mengetahui dengan tepat apa yang berlaku dan seorang daripada mereka sudah mati, kami bebas untuk membuat spekulasi dan berhujah sepuas-puasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It may also be the fact that this young black man wasn't killed by the police, but by an ordinary citizen.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin juga fakta bahawa pemuda kulit hitam ini tidak dibunuh oleh polis, tetapi oleh seorang warganegara biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So anybody could put himself or herself in the place of Zimmerman or Martin.", "r": {"result": "Jadi sesiapa sahaja boleh meletakkan dirinya di tempat Zimmerman atau Martin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The verdict by itself says very little about race in America.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu dengan sendirinya mengatakan sedikit tentang perlumbaan di Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Juries don't ponder such things; their job is to answer particular legal questions (in this case: Did Zimmerman kill Martin in self defense?", "r": {"result": "Juri tidak memikirkan perkara sedemikian; tugas mereka adalah untuk menjawab soalan undang-undang tertentu (dalam kes ini: Adakah Zimmerman membunuh Martin dalam mempertahankan diri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ")-- which may not be the ones the rest of us are asking.", "r": {"result": ")-- yang mungkin bukan yang kita minta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And so Zimmerman's acquittal wasn't much of a surprise.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, pembebasan Zimmerman bukanlah sesuatu yang mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: When blacks killed by non-blacks, justice rarely served.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Apabila orang kulit hitam dibunuh oleh orang bukan kulit hitam, keadilan jarang dilaksanakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trayvon Martin couldn't give his side of the story, leaving ample room for reasonable doubt.", "r": {"result": "Trayvon Martin tidak dapat memberikan pendapatnya, meninggalkan ruang yang cukup untuk keraguan yang munasabah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More importantly, under Florida law, it's perfectly legal to follow someone for even the worst of reasons, confront them, and even start a fight with them.", "r": {"result": "Lebih penting lagi, di bawah undang-undang Florida, adalah sah untuk mengikuti seseorang walaupun atas sebab yang paling teruk, berdepan dengan mereka, malah memulakan pergaduhan dengan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then when you lose the advantage to the point where you believe you're in danger of \"great bodily harm,\" you can shoot the other person dead.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian apabila anda kehilangan kelebihan sehingga ke tahap di mana anda percaya anda berada dalam bahaya \"kecederaan tubuh yang besar,\" anda boleh menembak mati orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The law forgives, whether forgiveness is deserved or not.", "r": {"result": "Hukum memaafkan, sama ada pengampunan itu wajar atau tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zimmerman could have had the soul of Martin Luther King or Bull Connor, and it wouldn't have made a difference to whether he was innocent or guilty under this law.", "r": {"result": "Zimmerman mungkin mempunyai jiwa Martin Luther King atau Bull Connor, dan ia tidak akan membuat perbezaan sama ada dia tidak bersalah atau bersalah di bawah undang-undang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Social media erupts in anger, sadness over Zimmerman verdict.", "r": {"result": "Media sosial meletus dalam kemarahan, kesedihan atas keputusan Zimmerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's \"standing your ground,\" the legal world that gun advocates have created and this case has highlighted.", "r": {"result": "Itulah \"teguh pendirian anda,\" dunia undang-undang yang telah dicipta oleh penyokong senjata dan kes ini telah diketengahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gun rights supporters have a Hollywood fantasy in which a brave homeowner uses his gun to fight off a vicious criminal gang intent on killing his family, but this case showed a far less romantic reality: A nebbishy neighborhood watch volunteer with a never-to-be fulfilled dream of becoming a cop chased down a kid who just wanted to get his Skittles back to his dad's house to watch a basketball game.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong hak senjata mempunyai fantasi Hollywood di mana seorang pemilik rumah yang berani menggunakan senjatanya untuk melawan geng penjenayah yang kejam yang berniat membunuh keluarganya, tetapi kes ini menunjukkan realiti yang jauh lebih romantis: Seorang sukarelawan menonton kejiranan yang cuai dan tidak akan pernah menjadi. impian menjadi polis mengejar seorang kanak-kanak yang hanya mahu membawa Skittlesnya pulang ke rumah ayahnya untuk menonton permainan bola keranjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The state laws governing who you're allowed to shoot and when may not have been built with race in mind, but out in the real world, our perception of what's threatening is still colored profoundly by race.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang negeri yang mengawal siapa yang anda dibenarkan untuk menembak dan bila mungkin tidak dibina dengan mengambil kira kaum, tetapi di dunia nyata, persepsi kita tentang perkara yang mengancam masih diwarnai secara mendalam oleh kaum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bill O'Reilly wondered the other day if, after an acquittal, people would \"run out and cause trouble\".", "r": {"result": "Bill O'Reilly tertanya-tanya pada hari lain jika, selepas dibebaskan, orang akan \"kehabisan dan menimbulkan masalah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, you know how those people are.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, anda tahu bagaimana orang-orang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The head of the Miami-Dade police went to a black church to warn, \"Riots are not acceptable and riots are not expected\".", "r": {"result": "Ketua polis Miami-Dade pergi ke gereja hitam untuk memberi amaran, \"Rusuhan tidak boleh diterima dan rusuhan tidak dijangka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, if they aren't expected, why was the warning necessary?", "r": {"result": "Nah, jika mereka tidak dijangka, mengapa amaran itu perlu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were warnings of riots from many corners, just as there were those who saw in this case an excuse to pick at race like a scab, for no reason other than sending their audiences to greater heights of resentment.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat amaran tentang rusuhan dari banyak sudut, sama seperti ada mereka yang melihat dalam kes ini alasan untuk berlumba-lumba seperti kudis, tanpa sebab selain menyebabkan penonton mereka kemarahan yang lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rush Limbaugh, for instance, read a story about the Justice Department sending mediators to Sanford to help local officials defuse tensions, and saw a conspiracy from a White House practically taken over by Black Panthers.", "r": {"result": "Rush Limbaugh, misalnya, membaca cerita tentang Jabatan Kehakiman yang menghantar pengantara ke Sanford untuk membantu pegawai tempatan meredakan ketegangan, dan melihat konspirasi dari Rumah Putih yang boleh diambil alih oleh Black Panthers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Doing what's right not just about law.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Melakukan perkara yang betul bukan hanya mengenai undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Stoking the racial stuff is the way Obama was raised,\" said Limbaugh, the most prominent race-baiter in America.", "r": {"result": "\"Memperkatakan perkara perkauman adalah cara Obama dibesarkan,\" kata Limbaugh, pengumpan kaum paling terkemuka di Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's got a chip on his shoulder about it, and he's here to square the deal.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mempunyai cip di bahunya mengenai perkara itu, dan dia di sini untuk menyelesaikan perjanjian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And (Attorney General Eric) Holder too.", "r": {"result": "Dan (Peguam Negara Eric) Pemegang juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think all of these guys have an anger about them\".", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa semua lelaki ini mempunyai kemarahan terhadap mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even as we scorn repellent hate-mongers like Limbaugh, it's good to remind ourselves that we all make assumptions about other people, and we'd all benefit from examining them.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kita mencemuh penolak kebencian seperti Limbaugh, adalah baik untuk mengingatkan diri kita bahawa kita semua membuat andaian tentang orang lain dan kita semua akan mendapat manfaat daripada memeriksa mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Much of our reaction to cases like this one is built on what we assume other people are like, regardless of what we know about them as individuals.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan reaksi kita terhadap kes seperti ini dibina berdasarkan apa yang kita anggap orang lain, tanpa mengira apa yang kita ketahui tentang mereka sebagai individu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's what turns a kid walking down the street with candy in his pocket into a threat that should be met with a gun at the ready.", "r": {"result": "Itulah yang menjadikan seorang kanak-kanak yang berjalan di jalan dengan gula-gula di dalam poketnya menjadi ancaman yang harus dihadapi dengan pistol sedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Paul Waldman.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Paul Waldman semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Muslim and moderate.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Muslim dan sederhana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two words that describe Bangladesh, where Hillary Clinton arrived Saturday as part of a three-nation tour of Asia.", "r": {"result": "Dua perkataan yang menggambarkan Bangladesh, tempat Hillary Clinton tiba pada hari Sabtu sebagai sebahagian daripada lawatan tiga negara Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She left China where diplomatic drama over a Chinese human rights activist overshadowed all else and stepped foot in Bangladesh amid political turmoil involving the disappearance of a key opposition leader.", "r": {"result": "Dia meninggalkan China di mana drama diplomatik ke atas seorang aktivis hak asasi manusia China membayangi segala-galanya dan menjejakkan kaki di Bangladesh di tengah-tengah pergolakan politik yang melibatkan kehilangan seorang pemimpin utama pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her presence, the first by a secretary of state since 2003, reflects America's interest in growing ties with Asian nations and puts Bangladesh, one of the world's most impoverished nations strategically located near India, China and Myanmar, on center stage.", "r": {"result": "Kehadirannya, yang pertama oleh setiausaha negara sejak 2003, mencerminkan minat Amerika dalam mengembangkan hubungan dengan negara-negara Asia dan meletakkan Bangladesh, salah satu negara paling miskin di dunia yang terletak secara strategik berhampiran India, China dan Myanmar, di peringkat tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cinton's trip, said a senior State Department official, is an opportunity to improve America's bilateral relationship with Bangladesh, a democratic Muslim-majority nation that is seen by Washington as a viable alternative to extremism.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan Cinton, kata seorang pegawai kanan Jabatan Negara, adalah peluang untuk memperbaiki hubungan dua hala Amerika dengan Bangladesh, sebuah negara demokrasi majoriti Islam yang dilihat oleh Washington sebagai alternatif yang berdaya maju kepada ekstremisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a bilateral relationship that was initially troubled because of U.S. support for Pakistan in Bangladesh's war of independence, won in 1971. But ties between the two nations have improved considerably and the United States is now Bangladesh's largest trading partner.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah hubungan dua hala yang pada mulanya bermasalah kerana sokongan AS terhadap Pakistan dalam perang kemerdekaan Bangladesh, dimenangi pada 1971. Tetapi hubungan antara kedua-dua negara telah bertambah baik dengan ketara dan Amerika Syarikat kini menjadi rakan dagang terbesar Bangladesh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton will meet with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister Dipu Moni, and is expected to stress the importance of democratic institutions and ways to improve conditions for the 160 million Bangladeshis who live in a country the size of Iowa.", "r": {"result": "Clinton akan bertemu dengan Perdana Menteri Sheikh Hasina dan Menteri Luar Dipu Moni, dan dijangka menekankan kepentingan institusi demokrasi dan cara untuk memperbaiki keadaan bagi 160 juta warga Bangladesh yang tinggal di negara sebesar Iowa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington sees Bangladesh, the world's largest contributor of personnel to U.N. peacekeeping forces, as a willing partner on counterterrorism and global security, the State Department official said.", "r": {"result": "Washington melihat Bangladesh, penyumbang terbesar kakitangan dunia kepada pasukan pengaman PBB, sebagai rakan kongsi yang bersedia dalam memerangi keganasan dan keselamatan global, kata pegawai Jabatan Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton will discuss development issues with micro-credit guru and Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus and Fazle Hasan Abed, the founder of BRAC, a large non-profit that works to alleviate poverty.", "r": {"result": "Clinton akan membincangkan isu pembangunan dengan guru kredit mikro dan pemenang Hadiah Nobel Muhammad Yunus dan Fazle Hasan Abed, pengasas BRAC, sebuah organisasi bukan untung besar yang berusaha untuk mengurangkan kemiskinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton will also meet with Khaleda Zia, leader of the opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP) amid considerable political tension.", "r": {"result": "Clinton juga akan bertemu dengan Khaleda Zia, ketua pembangkang Parti Kebangsaan Bangladesh (BNP) di tengah-tengah ketegangan politik yang agak besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zia's party and the ruling Awami League have accused each other in the abduction of key BNP lawmaker Ilyas Ali.", "r": {"result": "Parti Zia dan Liga Awami yang memerintah telah menuduh antara satu sama lain dalam penculikan ahli parlimen utama BNP, Ilyas Ali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The disappearance has sparked rallies and strikes that have led to deaths of at least four people, according to Amnesty International.", "r": {"result": "Kehilangan itu telah mencetuskan perhimpunan dan mogok yang telah menyebabkan kematian sekurang-kurangnya empat orang, menurut Amnesty International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ali's disappearance is the latest in a spate of disappearances in which security forces have been implicated, although they deny detaining those missing, Amnesty said.", "r": {"result": "Kehilangan Ali adalah yang terbaru dalam siri kehilangan di mana pasukan keselamatan telah terlibat, walaupun mereka menafikan menahan mereka yang hilang, kata Amnesty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 20 people have \"disappeared\" in Bangladesh this year, the global monitoring group said.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 20 orang telah \"hilang\" di Bangladesh tahun ini, kata kumpulan pemantau global itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton is visiting Bangladesh 12 years after her husband, Bill Clinton, did so as the first U.S. president to make such a trip.", "r": {"result": "Clinton melawat Bangladesh 12 tahun selepas suaminya, Bill Clinton, berbuat demikian sebagai presiden A.S. pertama yang melakukan perjalanan sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hillary Clinton goes next to neighboring India, where she is scheduled to stop in Kolkata, near the Bangladeshi border, and New Delhi.", "r": {"result": "Hillary Clinton pergi bersebelahan dengan negara jiran India, di mana dia dijadualkan singgah di Kolkata, berhampiran sempadan Bangladesh, dan New Delhi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There, she will meet with the feisty chief minister, Mamata Bannerji, who dismantled 34 years of communism in last year's West Bengal state elections but is very much opposed to allowing large foreign retailers like Wal-Mart in India.", "r": {"result": "Di sana, dia akan bertemu dengan ketua menteri yang bersemangat, Mamata Bannerji, yang memusnahkan komunisme selama 34 tahun dalam pilihan raya negeri Bengal Barat tahun lalu tetapi sangat menentang membenarkan peruncit asing yang besar seperti Wal-Mart di India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ironically, Clinton's visit to New Delhi coincides with that of an Iranian trade delegation that is looking for ways to circumvent tough U.S. sanctions that have proven crippling to the economy of the Islamic republic.", "r": {"result": "Ironinya, lawatan Clinton ke New Delhi bertepatan dengan delegasi perdagangan Iran yang sedang mencari jalan untuk memintas sekatan keras AS yang telah terbukti melumpuhkan ekonomi republik Islam itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zine el Abidine Ben Ali will be remembered as the first leader to be toppled in what became known as the Arab Spring.", "r": {"result": "Zine el Abidine Ben Ali akan dikenang sebagai pemimpin pertama yang digulingkan dalam apa yang dikenali sebagai Arab Spring.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After nearly 24 years in power, he became the former president of Tunisia.", "r": {"result": "Selepas hampir 24 tahun berkuasa, beliau menjadi bekas presiden Tunisia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just over a year ago a young fruit seller in the city of Sidi Bouzid took the desperate step of setting himself on fire to protest the oppressive conditions inside his country.", "r": {"result": "Hanya lebih setahun yang lalu seorang penjual buah-buahan muda di bandar Sidi Bouzid mengambil langkah terdesak membakar dirinya untuk membantah keadaan yang menindas di dalam negaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite a hospital visit by the then president, coupled with vows to cut prices of basic foods, end censorship and ensure police did not use live ammunition on protesters, Ben Ali failed to quell growing unrest.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun lawatan ke hospital oleh presiden ketika itu, ditambah dengan ikrar untuk mengurangkan harga makanan asas, menamatkan penapisan dan memastikan polis tidak menggunakan peluru hidup ke atas penunjuk perasaan, Ben Ali gagal memadamkan pergolakan yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mohamed Bouazizi succumbed to his injuries and his death triggered uprisings across Tunisia that spread through the Arab world, leading to regime change in Egypt and Libya.", "r": {"result": "Mohamed Bouazizi meninggal dunia akibat kecederaannya dan kematiannya mencetuskan pemberontakan di seluruh Tunisia yang merebak ke seluruh dunia Arab, membawa kepada perubahan rejim di Mesir dan Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly 250 people died during the Tunisian violence that led to Ben Ali's ouster.", "r": {"result": "Hampir 250 orang maut semasa keganasan Tunisia yang membawa kepada penyingkiran Ben Ali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 75-year-old fled with his wife Leila to Saudi Arabia, and attempts to return him for trial have so far proved fruitless.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki berusia 75 tahun itu melarikan diri bersama isterinya Leila ke Arab Saudi, dan percubaan untuk mengembalikannya untuk dibicarakan setakat ini terbukti tidak membuahkan hasil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other family members were reported to be in Canada.", "r": {"result": "Ahli keluarga lain dilaporkan berada di Kanada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ben Ali is facing a military tribunal in absentia, along with dozens of former senior officials, for his alleged role in the killing of protesters in January 2011. The former president and his wife already have been tried in absentia and sentenced to 35 years in prison for corruption.", "r": {"result": "Ben Ali menghadapi tribunal tentera tanpa kehadiran, bersama-sama dengan berpuluh-puluh bekas pegawai kanan, atas dakwaan peranannya dalam pembunuhan penunjuk perasaan pada Januari 2011. Bekas presiden dan isterinya telah pun dibicarakan tanpa hadir dan dijatuhi hukuman penjara 35 tahun untuk rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although he has not appeared in court to defend himself, Ben Ali insists he is merely a \"scapegoat,\" unfairly portrayed and discredited by political opponents seeking to make a break with their country's past.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia tidak hadir di mahkamah untuk membela diri, Ben Ali menegaskan dia hanyalah \"kambing hitam\", yang digambarkan secara tidak adil dan dihina oleh lawan politik yang cuba memecahkan masa lalu negara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement released by his lawyer last June he said he was a victim of \"injustice\" and that he had always worked for what he thought was \"the good of the Tunisian people, improving living standards and progressing on the path to modernity\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh peguamnya pada Jun lalu, dia berkata dia menjadi mangsa \"ketidakadilan\" dan bahawa dia sentiasa bekerja untuk apa yang difikirkannya sebagai \"kebaikan rakyat Tunisia, meningkatkan taraf hidup dan maju di jalan menuju kemodenan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Tunisian people chose a different path after more than two decades under single-party rule.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi rakyat Tunisia memilih jalan yang berbeza selepas lebih dua dekad di bawah pemerintahan parti tunggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The French and U.S.-educated Ben Ali trained as a soldier and later became head of the defense ministry's intelligence section -- a connection that analysts believe helped him maintain a grip on power during his presidency.", "r": {"result": "Ben Ali yang berpendidikan Perancis dan A.S. dilatih sebagai seorang askar dan kemudian menjadi ketua bahagian perisikan kementerian pertahanan -- hubungan yang dipercayai oleh penganalisis membantunya mengekalkan cengkaman kuasa semasa menjadi presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After serving as ambassador to Poland and ashort-lived appointment as prime minister, he became president in a 1987 bloodless coup, replacing Habib Bourguiba, who was declared medically unfit.", "r": {"result": "Selepas berkhidmat sebagai duta ke Poland dan pelantikan singkat sebagai perdana menteri, beliau menjadi presiden dalam rampasan kuasa tanpa pertumpahan darah pada 1987, menggantikan Habib Bourguiba, yang diisytiharkan tidak sihat dari segi perubatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ben Ali was returned to office in five elections -- in 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009 -- often with claims of more than 90% voter support.", "r": {"result": "Ben Ali kembali memegang jawatan dalam lima pilihan raya -- pada 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004 dan 2009 -- selalunya dengan dakwaan lebih daripada 90% sokongan pengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, his years in power were marked by allegations of corruption and repression.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, tahun-tahun beliau berkuasa ditandai dengan dakwaan rasuah dan penindasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shortly after Ben Ali's overthrow, Tunisian Ben Salah told CNN: \"You didn't want to be overheard saying something against Ben Ali.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas penggulingan Ben Ali, Ben Salah dari Tunisia memberitahu CNN: \"Anda tidak mahu didengari berkata sesuatu terhadap Ben Ali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fear left with Ben Ali, May he and that fear never come back\".", "r": {"result": "Ketakutan ditinggalkan dengan Ben Ali, Semoga dia dan ketakutan itu tidak akan kembali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dr Claire Spencer, who heads the Middle East and North Africa Program at London-based think-tank Chatham House, said the former president used his intelligence background to clamp down on the freedom of speech.", "r": {"result": "Dr Claire Spencer, yang mengetuai Program Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara di badan pemikir Chatham House yang berpangkalan di London, berkata bekas presiden itu menggunakan latar belakang kecerdasannya untuk mengekang kebebasan bersuara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was more of a police state,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia lebih kepada sebuah negara polis,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was a great atmosphere of distrust.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat suasana ketidakpercayaan yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Liberalization of the economy started as a good idea but it deviated from benefiting the rest of the population.", "r": {"result": "\u201cLiberalisasi ekonomi bermula sebagai idea yang baik tetapi ia menyimpang daripada memberi manfaat kepada seluruh penduduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His inner circle was top slicing any company that was making a profit\".", "r": {"result": "Lingkaran dalamannya adalah yang paling atas menghiris mana-mana syarikat yang mengaut keuntungan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such corruption and high unemployment are two factors that are thought to have pushed Mohamed Bouazizi to self-immolation.", "r": {"result": "Rasuah dan pengangguran yang tinggi adalah dua faktor yang dianggap mendorong Mohamed Bouazizi untuk membakar diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dr Spencer believes that in the end, Ben Ali became a victim of his own political blindness.", "r": {"result": "Dr Spencer percaya bahawa akhirnya, Ben Ali menjadi mangsa kebutaan politiknya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He looked like someone who believed his own myth and to be out of touch with what was happening in Tunisia\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia kelihatan seperti seseorang yang mempercayai mitosnya sendiri dan tidak mengetahui apa yang berlaku di Tunisia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Seiji Ozawa is Asia's most successful conductor, a maestro in a quintessentially Western art form, and a die-hard Boston Red Sox fan.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seiji Ozawa ialah konduktor yang paling berjaya di Asia, seorang maestro dalam bentuk seni Barat, dan peminat tegar Boston Red Sox.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the affable 74-year-old is used to crossing cultural boundaries.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi lelaki mesra berusia 74 tahun itu sudah biasa melintasi sempadan budaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Born in Manchuria during the Japanese occupation - his father a Buddhist, his mother a Presbyterian - he was raised in Tokyo, and greatly influenced by western culture and a Christian upbringing.", "r": {"result": "Dilahirkan di Manchuria semasa pendudukan Jepun - bapanya seorang Buddha, ibunya seorang Presbyterian - dia dibesarkan di Tokyo, dan sangat dipengaruhi oleh budaya barat dan didikan Kristian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His love of music was first explored through the church, but later he studied at the Toho School of Music in Tokyo.", "r": {"result": "Kecintaannya terhadap muzik mula-mula diterokai melalui gereja, tetapi kemudiannya dia belajar di Sekolah Muzik Toho di Tokyo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A career as a pianist was curtailed when the 16-year-old sports-loving Ozawa broke two fingers during a rugby match.", "r": {"result": "Kerjaya sebagai pemain piano telah disekat apabila Ozawa yang gemar sukan berusia 16 tahun patah dua jari semasa perlawanan ragbi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From Toho he traveled to Europe and New York to further his studies.", "r": {"result": "Dari Toho dia mengembara ke Eropah dan New York untuk melanjutkan pelajaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a steep learning curve where he learnt how to deal first-hand with other cultures and prejudices.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah keluk pembelajaran yang curam di mana dia belajar cara menangani secara langsung dengan budaya dan prasangka lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have many problem, beginning.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mempunyai banyak masalah, bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Um... maybe now, I don't know, but beginning especially.", "r": {"result": "Um... mungkin sekarang, saya tidak tahu, tetapi bermula terutamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was difficult.", "r": {"result": "Ia sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some people ask me, 'You came from China, you came from Japan, do you really understand Bach or do you really understand Mozart?", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah orang bertanya kepada saya, 'Anda datang dari China, anda datang dari Jepun, adakah anda benar-benar memahami Bach atau adakah anda benar-benar memahami Mozart?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "'\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After years abroad, his return to Japan in 1962 to conduct the NHK Symphony Orchestra for six months was far from a happy homecoming; the orchestra rebelled and refused to play for him.", "r": {"result": "Selepas bertahun-tahun di luar negara, kepulangannya ke Jepun pada tahun 1962 untuk mengendalikan Orkestra Simfoni NHK selama enam bulan adalah jauh daripada kepulangan yang menggembirakan; orkestra itu memberontak dan enggan bermain untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I made mistake, and I think it was too soon [for me] to take a professional orchestra for six months and at the end I think they had enough.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tersilap, dan saya rasa terlalu cepat [untuk saya] mengambil orkestra profesional selama enam bulan dan pada akhirnya saya rasa mereka sudah cukup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think I was a little bit stuck up... I mean, I was conducting the best orchestra in Japan already I'm still 26 or 27. Very young.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa saya agak buntu... Maksud saya, saya sedang mengendalikan orkestra terbaik di Jepun sejak saya masih 26 atau 27 tahun. Sangat muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I think I'm sure during rehearsal I say something not so nice.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya rasa saya pasti semasa latihan saya mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak begitu bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in Japan very bad if conductor say something not so nice.", "r": {"result": "Dan di Jepun sangat buruk jika konduktor mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak begitu baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I learned, so I become more careful and I think I started more studying, so not make mistake.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya belajar, jadi saya menjadi lebih berhati-hati dan saya fikir saya mula belajar lebih banyak, jadi jangan tersilap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But in a way, it may sound very strange, but really it did me good that boycott\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi dalam satu cara, ia mungkin kedengaran sangat pelik, tetapi benar-benar ia telah membantu saya memboikot itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It meant Ozawa explored opportunities outside of Japan, directing festivals and orchestras across Europe, Canada and the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna Ozawa meneroka peluang di luar Jepun, mengarahkan festival dan orkestra di seluruh Eropah, Kanada dan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He became musical director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra a post he held for 29 years until 2004.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjadi pengarah muzik Boston Symphony Orchestra jawatan yang dipegangnya selama 29 tahun sehingga 2004.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He left Boston for Vienna to embrace a new challenge with the State Opera.", "r": {"result": "Dia meninggalkan Boston ke Vienna untuk menerima cabaran baharu dengan State Opera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As well as the challenge of a new city and repertory, Ozawa believes it was a move that rounded out his musical education, even if he was 68-years-old at the time.", "r": {"result": "Selain cabaran bandar baru dan perbendaharaan, Ozawa percaya ia adalah satu langkah yang melengkapkan pendidikan muziknya, walaupun dia berusia 68 tahun pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When a young conductor his interest in opera had been fostered by his early tutor Herbert von Karajan.", "r": {"result": "Apabila seorang konduktor muda minatnya dalam opera telah dipupuk oleh tutor awalnya Herbert von Karajan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He said if you don't study this, one half of Mozart you'll never touch and almost 99 percent of Wagner, almost 100 percent of Puccini and Verdi, you know, half of Mozart is gone\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia berkata jika anda tidak mengkaji ini, separuh daripada Mozart anda tidak akan pernah menyentuh dan hampir 99 peratus daripada Wagner, hampir 100 peratus daripada Puccini dan Verdi, anda tahu, separuh daripada Mozart telah hilang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Ozawa will step down from his position at the Vienna State Opera next summer, he will remain active in directing, conducting and educating the next generation in classical music.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Ozawa akan berundur daripada jawatannya di Vienna State Opera pada musim panas akan datang, dia akan kekal aktif dalam mengarah, mengendalikan dan mendidik generasi akan datang dalam muzik klasik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have big hope all Asiatic people and countries... everybody love music basically,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai harapan besar kepada semua orang dan negara Asia... semua orang pada dasarnya menyukai muzik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Teaching has become, I think, more and more important my life, really\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pengajaran telah menjadi, saya fikir, semakin penting kehidupan saya, benar-benar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Atlanta (CNN)A fake name on a Facebook post can still get you in real trouble, especially when you're threatening to shoot every white cop you see.", "r": {"result": "Atlanta (CNN)Nama palsu pada siaran Facebook masih boleh menyebabkan anda menghadapi masalah, terutamanya apabila anda mengancam untuk menembak setiap polis kulit putih yang anda lihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ebony Dickens of East Point, Georgia, posted her Facebook rant under the name Tiffany Milan, police said.", "r": {"result": "Ebony Dickens dari East Point, Georgia, menyiarkan kata-kata kasar Facebooknya di bawah nama Tiffany Milan, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All Black ppl should rise up and shoot at every white cop in the nation starting NOW,\" said the post made on Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang kulit hitam harus bangkit dan menembak setiap polis kulit putih di negara ini bermula SEKARANG,\" kata siaran itu pada Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I condone black on white killings.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya membenarkan pembunuhan hitam atas pembunuhan putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hell they condone crimes against us\".", "r": {"result": "Neraka mereka membenarkan jenayah terhadap kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The post was removed a day later, just before Dickens was arrested, CNN affiliate WSB reported.", "r": {"result": "Jawatan itu telah dialih keluar sehari kemudian, sejurus sebelum Dickens ditangkap, lapor sekutu CNN WSB.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought about shooting every white cop I see in the head until I'm either caught by the police or killed by them.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terfikir untuk menembak setiap polis kulit putih yang saya lihat di kepala sehingga saya sama ada ditangkap oleh polis atau dibunuh oleh mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think I can pull it off.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa saya boleh menariknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Might kill at least 15 tomorrow, I'm plotting now\".", "r": {"result": "Mungkin membunuh sekurang-kurangnya 15 orang esok, saya merancang sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Needless to say, it got law enforcement's attention.", "r": {"result": "Tidak perlu dikatakan, ia mendapat perhatian penguatkuasa undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not only the East Point police, but Atlanta police -- whose homeland security unit \"worked diligently ... to identify the true identity of the poster and her whereabouts,\" said Atlanta police spokeswoman Elizabeth Espy -- as well as the FBI and federal Homeland Security Department.", "r": {"result": "Bukan sahaja polis East Point, tetapi polis Atlanta -- yang unit keselamatan tanah airnya \"bekerja dengan gigih ... untuk mengenal pasti identiti sebenar poster itu dan lokasinya,\" kata jurucakap polis Atlanta Elizabeth Espy -- serta FBI dan persekutuan. Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's 15 people that she's talking about killing within a day or so, so whether she is serious or not that's something that we have to take seriously,\" East Point police Lt. Cliff Chandler told WSB.", "r": {"result": "\"Itu 15 orang yang dia bercakap tentang membunuh dalam masa sehari atau lebih, jadi sama ada dia serius atau tidak itu sesuatu yang perlu kami ambil perhatian serius,\" kata polis East Point Lt. Cliff Chandler kepada WSB.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police in East Point -- a city of about 34,000 people just south of Atlanta -- said in a statement that, in addition to detailing how many police might die and threatening white officers specifically, the posts \"indicated that the acts were being plotted and were in motion\".", "r": {"result": "Polis di East Point -- sebuah bandar dengan kira-kira 34,000 orang di selatan Atlanta -- dalam satu kenyataan berkata, selain memperincikan bilangan polis yang mungkin mati dan mengancam pegawai kulit putih secara khusus, siaran itu \"menunjukkan bahawa perbuatan itu sedang dirancang dan sedang bergerak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After connecting Dickens to the Facebook post, authorities obtained a search warrant for her residence.", "r": {"result": "Selepas menghubungkan Dickens ke siaran Facebook, pihak berkuasa mendapatkan waran geledah untuk kediamannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They took her into custody while executing that warrant.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membawanya ke dalam tahanan semasa melaksanakan waran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A firearm along with three computers was located during the search,\" East Point police said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSenjata api bersama tiga komputer ditemui semasa pencarian,\u201d kata polis East Point.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dickens, 33, appeared in court Wednesday on a charge of disseminating information related to terrorist acts.", "r": {"result": "Dickens, 33, hadir di mahkamah Rabu atas pertuduhan menyebarkan maklumat berkaitan perbuatan pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A judge set a $10,000 bond for her and banned her from social media.", "r": {"result": "Seorang hakim menetapkan bon $10,000 untuknya dan melarangnya daripada media sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was then transferred to Fulton County Jail, where she remained until bonding out at 6:19 a.m. Thursday, according to county sheriff's office spokeswoman Tracy Flanagan.", "r": {"result": "Dia kemudian dipindahkan ke Penjara Fulton County, di mana dia kekal sehingga terikat pada 6:19 pagi Khamis, menurut jurucakap pejabat sheriff daerah Tracy Flanagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- An Iranian delegation met with officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, on Monday as diplomatic wrangling continues over Tehran's controversial nuclear program.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Delegasi Iran bertemu dengan pegawai Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa di Vienna, Austria, pada hari Isnin ketika perbalahan diplomatik berterusan berhubung program nuklear kontroversi Tehran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are the first negotiations between Iran and the agency in three months -- the two sides held talks in Tehran in January and February, according to Iran's state-run Press TV.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah rundingan pertama antara Iran dan agensi itu dalam tiga bulan -- kedua-dua pihak mengadakan perbincangan di Tehran pada Januari dan Februari, menurut Press TV yang dikendalikan kerajaan Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The aim of the current meeting is to \"devise a framework for answering questions about Tehran's nuclear energy program,\" Press TV said in an article on its website, citing the Iranian ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh.", "r": {"result": "Matlamat mesyuarat semasa adalah untuk \"merangka rangka kerja untuk menjawab soalan mengenai program tenaga nuklear Tehran,\" kata Press TV dalam artikel di laman webnya, memetik duta Iran ke IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In March, the IAEA noted what it called a sharp and troubling increase in Iran's uranium enrichment capabilities.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Mac, IAEA mencatatkan apa yang dipanggil peningkatan mendadak dan membimbangkan dalam keupayaan pengayaan uranium Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iran denies allegations that it is working on nuclear weapons and says its program is solely directed toward developing civilian nuclear energy.", "r": {"result": "Iran menafikan dakwaan bahawa ia sedang mengusahakan senjata nuklear dan mengatakan programnya ditujukan semata-mata ke arah membangunkan tenaga nuklear awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Western powers and Israel say they think Iran is evading international inspections and intent on developing nuclear weapons.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kuasa Barat dan Israel berkata mereka fikir Iran mengelak daripada pemeriksaan antarabangsa dan berhasrat untuk membangunkan senjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This sentiment has led to sweeping sanctions targeting Iran's economy, government and its leaders.", "r": {"result": "Sentimen ini telah membawa kepada sekatan menyeluruh yang menyasarkan ekonomi Iran, kerajaan dan pemimpinnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Key world powers met with Iran last month about its intentions for its nuclear program and announced that the next meeting would take place in late May in Baghdad.", "r": {"result": "Kuasa dunia utama bertemu dengan Iran bulan lepas mengenai hasratnya untuk program nuklearnya dan mengumumkan bahawa mesyuarat seterusnya akan berlangsung pada akhir Mei di Baghdad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The talks involved the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- the United States, France, Russia, China, and Britain -- as well as Germany, referred to as the P5+1.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan itu melibatkan lima anggota tetap Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu -- Amerika Syarikat, Perancis, Rusia, China, dan Britain -- serta Jerman, yang disebut sebagai P5+1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ben Brumfield and Marilia Brochetto contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ben Brumfield dan Marilia Brochetto dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Francois Hollande, the newly-inaugurated President of France, may be as notable for what he has not done as for what he has.", "r": {"result": "Francois Hollande, Presiden Perancis yang baru dilantik, mungkin begitu terkenal dengan apa yang dia tidak lakukan dan apa yang dia miliki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has never held national elective office despite being at the center of French politics for more than a decade, and he has never been married despite a three-decade relationship and four children with Segolene Royale, another of the country's top Socialist politicians.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah memegang jawatan elektif negara walaupun berada di tengah-tengah politik Perancis selama lebih daripada satu dekad, dan dia tidak pernah berkahwin walaupun mempunyai hubungan tiga dekad dan empat anak dengan Segolene Royale, seorang lagi ahli politik Sosialis terkemuka negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande led the Socialist Party for 11 years and was leader when Royale ran unsuccessfully for president against Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007.", "r": {"result": "Hollande mengetuai Parti Sosialis selama 11 tahun dan menjadi pemimpin apabila Royale tidak berjaya bertanding sebagai presiden menentang Nicolas Sarkozy pada 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande and Royale split up a month before that election, and he is now seeing journalist Valerie Trierweiler, who appeared, smiling with him, as he celebrated his victory Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Hollande dan Royale berpisah sebulan sebelum pilihan raya itu, dan dia kini melihat wartawan Valerie Trierweiler, yang muncul, tersenyum bersamanya, ketika dia meraikan kemenangannya Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He immediately spooked markets, and Germany, France's key ally in the European Union, with his victory speech.", "r": {"result": "Dia segera menakutkan pasaran, dan Jerman, sekutu utama Perancis dalam Kesatuan Eropah, dengan ucapan kemenangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Austerity can no longer be something that is inevitable,\" he said, apparently undercutting the belt-tightening that his predecessor and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have urged on European countries beset by debt.", "r": {"result": "\"Penjimatan tidak lagi boleh menjadi sesuatu yang tidak dapat dielakkan,\" katanya, nampaknya mengurangkan pengetatan tali pinggang yang didesak oleh pendahulunya dan Canselor Jerman Angela Merkel ke atas negara Eropah yang dibelenggu hutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande emerged as his party's candidate for president after the downfall of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was once considered the Socialist favorite to defeat Sarkozy.", "r": {"result": "Hollande muncul sebagai calon presiden partinya selepas kejatuhan Dominique Strauss-Kahn, yang pernah dianggap sebagai kegemaran Sosialis untuk mengalahkan Sarkozy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Strauss-Kahn was arrested in May 2011 after a New York hotel maid alleged that he tried to rape her.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Strauss-Kahn telah ditangkap pada Mei 2011 selepas pembantu hotel New York mendakwa bahawa dia cuba merogolnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charges against the former IMF chief were later dropped in the United States, but he has been warned he could be investigated in France over accusations he participated in a prostitution ring.", "r": {"result": "Tuduhan terhadap bekas ketua IMF itu kemudiannya digugurkan di Amerika Syarikat, tetapi dia telah diberi amaran dia boleh disiasat di Perancis atas tuduhan dia menyertai kumpulan pelacuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Hollande was not an accidental candidate despite the way he has come to power, one commentator said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Hollande bukanlah calon yang tidak disengajakan walaupun cara dia berkuasa, kata seorang pengulas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's been preparing this campaign for 18 months now, much before DSK's demise,\" journalist Agnes Poirier said, referring to Strauss-Kahn.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah menyediakan kempen ini selama 18 bulan sekarang, jauh sebelum kematian DSK,\" kata wartawan Agnes Poirier, merujuk kepada Strauss-Kahn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some say that he knew, like actually many others in the party, that DSK was doomed: His colorful private life was always bound to prevent his running for president,\" Poirer told CNN before the final vote.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada yang mengatakan bahawa dia tahu, seperti kebanyakan orang lain dalam parti itu, bahawa DSK telah ditakdirkan: Kehidupan peribadinya yang penuh warna sentiasa terikat untuk menghalangnya bertanding sebagai presiden,\" kata Poirer kepada CNN sebelum undian terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In that respect, he's not a candidate by default.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam hal itu, dia bukan calon secara lalai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's simply a less charismatic personality than DSK and less antagonistic than Sarkozy\".", "r": {"result": "Dia hanya personaliti yang kurang berkarisma daripada DSK dan kurang antagonis daripada Sarkozy\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Born in 1954 in the northern city of Rouen, Hollande was the son of a doctor and a social worker.", "r": {"result": "Dilahirkan pada tahun 1954 di bandar Rouen di utara, Hollande merupakan anak kepada seorang doktor dan pekerja sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was educated at the elite Ecole Nationale d'Administration, where he met Royale in 1978.", "r": {"result": "Beliau mendapat pendidikan di Ecole Nationale d'Administration elit, di mana beliau bertemu Royale pada tahun 1978.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande has represented the southern Correze region in parliament since 1988 but has never held higher elective office than that post.", "r": {"result": "Hollande telah mewakili wilayah Correze selatan di parlimen sejak 1988 tetapi tidak pernah memegang jawatan elektif yang lebih tinggi daripada jawatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 57-year-old's electoral appeal is built around his affability, but the candidate was dogged during the campaign by questions from even within his own party about whether he has the charisma and decisiveness to be president.", "r": {"result": "Rayuan pilihan raya berusia 57 tahun itu dibina berdasarkan kebolehan beliau, tetapi calon itu diganggu semasa kempen dengan soalan dari dalam partinya sendiri sama ada beliau mempunyai karisma dan ketegasan untuk menjadi presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande said: \"There's always a risk when the candidate becomes president: Will he deliver what is expected of him?", "r": {"result": "Hollande berkata: \"Selalu ada risiko apabila calon menjadi presiden: Adakah dia akan melaksanakan apa yang diharapkan daripadanya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a choice, it's always an important moment for a country because it has to choose between two risks: Either you keep the candidate who is on his way out or take the new candidate that we don't know.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah pilihan, ia sentiasa menjadi detik penting bagi sesebuah negara kerana ia perlu memilih antara dua risiko: Sama ada anda mengekalkan calon yang sedang dalam perjalanan keluar atau mengambil calon baharu yang kita tidak tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a gamble\".", "r": {"result": "Ia satu perjudian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But after five years of Sarkozy's hyperactive presidency, during which time France's economic status has taken a knock, polls suggested voters were keen for a change from the president's flamboyancy.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selepas lima tahun jawatan presiden hiperaktif Sarkozy, di mana pada masa itu status ekonomi Perancis telah merosot, tinjauan mencadangkan pengundi berminat untuk perubahan daripada presiden yang flamboyan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the first round of voting, former President Jacques Chirac added his support to Hollande, though Chirac was a center-right president, like Sarkozy.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum pusingan pertama pengundian, bekas Presiden Jacques Chirac menambah sokongannya kepada Hollande, walaupun Chirac adalah presiden kanan tengah, seperti Sarkozy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chirac biographer Jean-Luc Barre told French TV channel BFM TV: \"He said last June that he will vote for Francois Hollande.", "r": {"result": "Ahli biografi Chirac Jean-Luc Barre memberitahu saluran TV Perancis BFM TV: \"Dia berkata pada Jun lalu bahawa dia akan mengundi Francois Hollande.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... He has said it a few times since and then again 10 days ago\".", "r": {"result": "... Dia telah mengatakannya beberapa kali sejak dan kemudian lagi 10 hari lalu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the campaign, Hollande admitted that half of those who declare they will vote for him were primarily voting against Sarkozy.", "r": {"result": "Semasa kempen itu, Hollande mengakui bahawa separuh daripada mereka yang mengisytiharkan mereka akan mengundinya terutamanya mengundi menentang Sarkozy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What the French want is coherence, stability and justice,\" Hollande said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang Perancis inginkan ialah kepaduan, kestabilan dan keadilan,\" kata Hollande.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I am in a favorable position today, it's because my fellow citizens want to make the effort to straighten out the country, and at the same time they want it to be just and equitable -- no one left out of national solidarity and no one left out of the contributions which must be made\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya berada dalam kedudukan yang baik hari ini, ia adalah kerana rakyat saya ingin berusaha untuk meluruskan negara, dan pada masa yang sama mereka mahu ia adil dan saksama -- tiada siapa yang terlepas daripada perpaduan nasional dan tidak satu tertinggal daripada sumbangan yang mesti dibuat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To his critics that sounded as if Hollande wants to revive left-wing tax and social policies of the past, a view reinforced in the first speech of his campaign when he attacked the financial community.", "r": {"result": "Bagi pengkritiknya yang kedengaran seolah-olah Hollande mahu menghidupkan semula cukai sayap kiri dan dasar sosial masa lalu, pandangan diperkukuh dalam ucapan pertama kempennya apabila dia menyerang komuniti kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't want to drive the markets crazy, I don't want to create trouble but rather order and rules and norms.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak mahu menggilakan pasaran, saya tidak mahu menimbulkan kekacauan tetapi lebih kepada perintah dan peraturan serta norma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have to struggle against financial excesses ... those who speculate with sovereign debt, those who develop financial products which have done so much harm,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu berjuang menentang lebihan kewangan... mereka yang membuat spekulasi dengan hutang kerajaan, mereka yang membangunkan produk kewangan yang telah banyak mendatangkan kemudaratan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But given the constraints of international finance and economic structures, observers said Hollande will not really have room to maneuver to shift France radically to the left.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi memandangkan kekangan kewangan antarabangsa dan struktur ekonomi, pemerhati berkata Hollande tidak akan mempunyai ruang untuk bergerak untuk mengalihkan Perancis secara radikal ke kiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande has been criticized for declining to spell exactly what his economic policies will be, although he has pledged to increase taxes on the rich, boost social spending and create thousands of state jobs.", "r": {"result": "Hollande telah dikritik kerana enggan mengeja dengan tepat apa dasar ekonominya, walaupun dia telah berjanji untuk meningkatkan cukai ke atas orang kaya, meningkatkan perbelanjaan sosial dan mewujudkan beribu-ribu pekerjaan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has also vowed to renegotiate the eurozone fiscal agreement, but analysts said Hollande will likely be a pragmatic leader.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga berikrar untuk merundingkan semula perjanjian fiskal zon euro, tetapi penganalisis berkata Hollande mungkin akan menjadi pemimpin yang pragmatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Economy: Unspoken issue in election.", "r": {"result": "Ekonomi: Isu tak terkata dalam pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The word one hears most often to describe Hollande's style is \"sympa,\" French slang for sympathetic, but his victory also owes a great deal to Strauss-Kahn's misfortune.", "r": {"result": "Perkataan yang paling sering didengari untuk menggambarkan gaya Hollande ialah \"sympa,\" slang Perancis untuk simpati, tetapi kemenangannya juga berhutang besar kepada nasib malang Strauss-Kahn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)With the ongoing protests over the shooting death by police of black teenager Tony Robinson in Madison, Wisconsin, the racist chanting of fraternity members at the University of Oklahoma, and now the inexcusable shootings of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, it's safe to say that the always-strained race relations in this country are being pushed to the breaking point.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Dengan protes yang berterusan berhubung kes tembak mati oleh polis terhadap remaja kulit hitam Tony Robinson di Madison, Wisconsin, laungan perkauman ahli persaudaraan di Universiti Oklahoma, dan kini penembakan yang tidak dapat dimaafkan terhadap dua pegawai polis di Ferguson, Missouri, ia adalah selamat untuk mengatakan bahawa hubungan kaum yang sentiasa tegang di negara ini sedang didorong ke titik putus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the point with the most stress is the delicate relationship between police forces and the minority communities that they serve.", "r": {"result": "Dan perkara yang paling tertekan ialah hubungan halus antara pasukan polis dan komuniti minoriti yang mereka berkhidmat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To approach things from a more positive angle, the situation is dire enough that we absolutely have to try to uncover the good and not dwell on the negative.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mendekati sesuatu dari sudut yang lebih positif, keadaannya cukup teruk sehingga kita benar-benar perlu cuba untuk mendedahkan kebaikan dan tidak memikirkan negatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The best time to make things better is when it seems that everything is getting worse.", "r": {"result": "Masa terbaik untuk memperbaiki keadaan adalah apabila nampaknya segala-galanya semakin buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This unacceptable status quo can motivate us to take the necessary steps to address the problems, which are not going to disappear unless we honestly deal with them.", "r": {"result": "Status quo yang tidak boleh diterima ini boleh mendorong kita untuk mengambil langkah-langkah yang perlu untuk menangani masalah, yang tidak akan hilang melainkan kita menanganinya dengan jujur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When things are going wrong, responsible people can begin by saying the right things.", "r": {"result": "Apabila berlaku sesuatu yang salah, orang yang bertanggungjawab boleh bermula dengan mengatakan perkara yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama said on Twitter, \"Violence against police is unacceptable.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama berkata di Twitter, \"Keganasan terhadap polis tidak boleh diterima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our prayers are with the officers in MO.", "r": {"result": "Doa kami bersama pegawai di MO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Path to justice is one all of us must travel together\".", "r": {"result": "Jalan menuju keadilan adalah jalan yang harus kita tempuh bersama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Congressional Black Caucus issued a statement saying, \"The CBC understands the frustrations in Ferguson, but a response of violence is not the answer during this transformative moment in our country\".", "r": {"result": "Kaukus Hitam Kongres mengeluarkan kenyataan dengan mengatakan, \"CBC memahami kekecewaan di Ferguson, tetapi tindak balas keganasan bukanlah jawapan semasa detik transformatif ini di negara kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Attorney General Eric Holder noted, \"This was not someone trying to bring healing to Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Dan Peguam Negara Eric Holder menyatakan, \"Ini bukan seseorang yang cuba membawa penyembuhan kepada Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... This was a damn punk, a punk who was trying to sow discord\".", "r": {"result": "... Ini adalah seorang punk sial, seorang punk yang cuba menyemai perbalahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the most part, authorities in Missouri have been careful not to blame the peaceful protesters.", "r": {"result": "Untuk sebahagian besar, pihak berkuasa di Missouri telah berhati-hati untuk tidak menyalahkan penunjuk perasaan yang aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Surely, not all responses have been as measured, but the gravity of the situation will hopefully bring out the best in people.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, tidak semua tindak balas telah diukur, tetapi keterukan keadaan itu diharapkan akan memberikan yang terbaik kepada orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While we pause for a moment to let passions cool, we can use the time to consider how best to move forward with common resolve instead of mutual recrimination.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kita berhenti seketika untuk membiarkan nafsu menjadi dingin, kita boleh menggunakan masa untuk mempertimbangkan cara terbaik untuk bergerak ke hadapan dengan keazaman bersama dan bukannya saling menuduh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The way forward is to engage citizens in the community -- to bring them into the room when decisions are being made about policing policies and procedures to make sure that those policies and procedures address the community's real concerns.", "r": {"result": "Langkah ke hadapan ialah melibatkan rakyat dalam komuniti -- untuk membawa mereka ke dalam bilik apabila keputusan dibuat tentang dasar dan prosedur kepolisan untuk memastikan bahawa dasar dan prosedur tersebut menangani kebimbangan sebenar masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's about putting law enforcement officers in the community as welcome members of that community -- as guarantors of the safety and security of the people instead of intimidating outside forces.", "r": {"result": "Dan ini mengenai meletakkan pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang dalam komuniti sebagai ahli komuniti yang dialu-alukan -- sebagai penjamin keselamatan dan keselamatan orang ramai dan bukannya menakut-nakutkan kuasa luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This approach would benefit both the community and the police.", "r": {"result": "Pendekatan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat dan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm certain that officers would rather be appreciated and valued by the people they serve than be pressured to fill city coffers by issuing unnecessary citations, as noted in the DOJ report on Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Saya pasti bahawa pegawai lebih suka dihargai dan dihargai oleh orang yang mereka berkhidmat daripada ditekan untuk mengisi tabung bandar dengan mengeluarkan petikan yang tidak perlu, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam laporan DOJ mengenai Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nobody becomes a cop because they secretly long to be a collection agent.", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang menjadi polis kerana diam-diam ingin menjadi ejen pengumpulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the easiest ways to integrate law enforcement officers into the community is to physically put them on the sidewalks by increasing the number of cops who work good old-fashioned foot beats.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu cara paling mudah untuk menyepadukan pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang ke dalam komuniti adalah dengan meletakkan mereka secara fizikal di kaki lima dengan menambah bilangan polis yang bekerja dengan baik mengikut rentak kaki kuno.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers who view the world through a patrol car window are separated from the people they serve by more than a sheet of glass.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai yang melihat dunia melalui tingkap kereta peronda dipisahkan daripada orang yang mereka layani oleh lebih daripada sekeping kaca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Being encased in a vehicle alienates a person from the world around them.", "r": {"result": "Terbungkus dalam kenderaan mengasingkan seseorang daripada dunia sekelilingnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cop on the beat is not just a quaint notion from old movies, he can be a bridge between police forces and the people they serve.", "r": {"result": "Polis yang bertindak bukan sekadar tanggapan aneh dari filem lama, dia boleh menjadi jambatan antara pasukan polis dan orang yang mereka layani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another idea is to give cops bicycles, which has brought so many law enforcement officials in touch with other cyclists in the community.", "r": {"result": "Idea lain ialah memberikan basikal kepada polis, yang telah membawa begitu ramai pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang berhubung dengan penunggang basikal lain dalam komuniti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lack of community policing is one of the shortcomings cited in the DOJ report on Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Kekurangan kepolisan komuniti adalah salah satu kelemahan yang disebut dalam laporan DOJ mengenai Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In areas where the gulf between law enforcement and the neighborhood is too wide, mediators can be used to initially bring the two sides together.", "r": {"result": "Di kawasan yang jurang antara penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan kawasan kejiranan terlalu luas, pengantara boleh digunakan untuk menyatukan kedua-dua pihak pada mulanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, both sides ultimately have the same goal of safe and peaceful neighborhoods.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, kedua-dua pihak akhirnya mempunyai matlamat yang sama iaitu kejiranan yang selamat dan aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both police departments and members of the community can take proactive steps to come together on more than a purely professional level.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua jabatan polis dan anggota masyarakat boleh mengambil langkah proaktif untuk bersatu di lebih daripada tahap profesional semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A tech services company in the South Bronx recently hosted a video game competition with police officers and residents of the neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah syarikat perkhidmatan teknologi di Bronx Selatan baru-baru ini menganjurkan pertandingan permainan video dengan pegawai polis dan penduduk kejiranan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The event left local teenagers saying things about the cops like \"basically they're like us\".", "r": {"result": "Peristiwa itu menyebabkan remaja tempatan mengatakan perkara tentang polis seperti \"pada dasarnya mereka seperti kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ultimately, police should be considered members of the community -- a notion that needs to be encouraged by police departments and neighborhoods alike.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, polis harus dianggap sebagai ahli masyarakat -- satu tanggapan yang perlu digalakkan oleh jabatan polis dan kawasan kejiranan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Communities can make the local cops part of their neighborhood celebrations.", "r": {"result": "Komuniti boleh menjadikan polis tempatan sebagai sebahagian daripada perayaan kejiranan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Orleans Police Det.", "r": {"result": "Det. Polis New Orleans", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Winston Harbin became a minor Internet celebrity for his impromptu dancing with local people during Mardi Gras.", "r": {"result": "Winston Harbin menjadi selebriti Internet kecil kerana menari dadakan dengan orang tempatan semasa Mardi Gras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Besides just being fun, Harbin's interaction with the community helped foster the type of mutual appreciation and respect that are essential to effective community policing.", "r": {"result": "Selain sekadar berseronok, interaksi Harbin dengan komuniti membantu memupuk jenis penghargaan dan penghormatan bersama yang penting untuk kepolisan komuniti yang berkesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fear and mistrust among minority communities toward police are the legacy of many decades of racism, unequal treatment, bias, subjective stereotyping and lack of opportunity.", "r": {"result": "Ketakutan dan ketidakpercayaan dalam kalangan masyarakat minoriti terhadap polis adalah warisan perkauman selama beberapa dekad, layanan tidak sama rata, berat sebelah, stereotaip subjektif dan kekurangan peluang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is times like now, when that anger and resentment are boiling, that we address it.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah masa seperti sekarang, apabila kemarahan dan kebencian itu mendidih, bahawa kita menanganinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the right approach, we can begin to change the attitude between the black community and the police from \"HandsUpDon'tShoot\" to \"HandsTogetherInTrust\".", "r": {"result": "Dengan pendekatan yang betul, kita boleh mula mengubah sikap antara masyarakat kulit hitam dan polis daripada \"HandsUpDon'tShoot\" kepada \"HandsTogetherInTrust\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It wasn't easy for David Kizelewicz to make ends meet as a single father of four on a construction worker's salary after his first divorce.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bukan mudah bagi David Kizelewicz untuk menampung kehidupan sebagai bapa tunggal kepada empat anak dengan gaji pekerja binaan selepas perceraian pertamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he did his best to cook dinner each night and to spend quality time with his kids on weekends, and somehow, \"they ended up smarter than me,\" he jokes.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia melakukan yang terbaik untuk memasak makan malam setiap malam dan menghabiskan masa berkualiti bersama anak-anaknya pada hujung minggu, dan entah bagaimana, \"mereka akhirnya lebih bijak daripada saya,\" dia bergurau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fast forward a few decades and Kizelewicz, now 63, is raising another family.", "r": {"result": "Maju pantas beberapa dekad dan Kizelewicz, kini 63, membesarkan keluarga lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He still makes dinner most nights but now he has a bigger home, a stable job and a wife whose additional income makes things much easier.", "r": {"result": "Dia masih membuat makan malam hampir setiap malam tetapi kini dia mempunyai rumah yang lebih besar, pekerjaan yang stabil dan seorang isteri yang pendapatan tambahannya memudahkan urusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some people cautioned him against remarrying at 49, saying he was too old to start a new family.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah orang memberi amaran kepadanya supaya tidak berkahwin semula pada usia 49, dengan mengatakan dia terlalu tua untuk memulakan keluarga baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had two complicated marriages behind him when his now-wife Natalie -- his son's coworker -- agreed to a date.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai dua perkahwinan yang rumit di belakangnya apabila isterinya kini Natalie - rakan sekerja anaknya - bersetuju untuk berjanji temu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was 48 and dating for the first time since his children left the home; she was 29 and had just ended what she described as an emotionally abusive marriage to her first husband, with whom she had a daughter.", "r": {"result": "Dia berusia 48 tahun dan berpacaran buat kali pertama sejak anak-anaknya meninggalkan rumah; dia berusia 29 tahun dan baru sahaja menamatkan apa yang disifatkannya sebagai perkahwinan yang mendera secara emosi dengan suami pertamanya, dengan siapa dia mempunyai seorang anak perempuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She resisted at first because of the age difference, but when she finally gave in they immediately hit it off during their first date at Olive Garden.", "r": {"result": "Dia menentang pada mulanya kerana perbezaan umur, tetapi apabila dia akhirnya mengalah, mereka segera melakukannya semasa tarikh pertama mereka di Olive Garden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, 13 years and one child later, David and Natalie say they're happier than they ever were in their previous marriages.", "r": {"result": "Kini, 13 tahun dan seorang anak kemudian, David dan Natalie berkata mereka lebih bahagia berbanding sebelum ini dalam perkahwinan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They know what they want from the relationship and from each other.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tahu apa yang mereka mahukan daripada perhubungan dan antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lifetime friendship is medicine for the soul.", "r": {"result": "Persahabatan seumur hidup adalah ubat untuk jiwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In your first marriage, you're starting out and struggling,\" said Kizelewicz, now a construction supervisor who lives north of Orlando.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam perkahwinan pertama anda, anda bermula dan bergelut,\" kata Kizelewicz, kini penyelia pembinaan yang tinggal di utara Orlando.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a lot easier to raise kids when you have money to raise them and give them the things they want\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah lebih mudah untuk membesarkan anak-anak apabila anda mempunyai wang untuk membesarkan mereka dan memberi mereka perkara yang mereka mahukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's been a long road to happiness.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah jalan yang panjang untuk kebahagiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Kizelewicz was married to the mother of his children and another woman after that, but both relationships ended in divorce.", "r": {"result": "David Kizelewicz telah berkahwin dengan ibu kepada anak-anaknya dan wanita lain selepas itu, tetapi kedua-dua hubungan berakhir dengan perceraian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With this his third marriage and Natalie's second, in some ways the couple is beating the odds.", "r": {"result": "Dengan ini perkahwinan ketiga dan Natalie kedua, dalam beberapa cara pasangan itu mengalahkan kemungkinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 2009 study found that, because boomers divorce and remarry in such large numbers, it is more likely that later-in-life remarriages will end in divorce.", "r": {"result": "Satu kajian pada tahun 2009 mendapati bahawa, kerana boomer bercerai dan berkahwin semula dalam jumlah yang begitu besar, kemungkinan besar perkahwinan semula di kemudian hari akan berakhir dengan perceraian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Kizelewiczs and others say lessons learned from past marriages can help nurture future relationships.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keluarga Kizelewicz dan yang lain berkata pelajaran yang diperoleh daripada perkahwinan lepas boleh membantu memupuk hubungan masa depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're just so grateful to have a good marriage this time that there's nothing to really fight over,\" Natalie Kizelewicz said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami amat bersyukur kerana mempunyai perkahwinan yang baik kali ini sehingga tiada apa yang perlu dipertikaikan,\" kata Natalie Kizelewicz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We rarely argue and I think it's because we get along so well\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami jarang bertengkar dan saya fikir ia adalah kerana kami bergaul dengan baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also draw upon David's experience raising children.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga menggunakan pengalaman Daud membesarkan anak-anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All the tricks the kids try to pull, if they try to lie or pull the wool over our eyes, he already knows and he knows what to do,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua helah yang cuba ditarik oleh kanak-kanak, jika mereka cuba berbohong atau menarik bulu ke mata kita, dia sudah tahu dan dia tahu apa yang perlu dilakukan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second marriages often fail because individuals don't take the time to figure out what went wrong in the first union or acknowledge their role in the unhappy marriage, said psychotherapist and relationship specialist Lisa Brateman, who has a private practice in New York.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan kedua sering gagal kerana individu tidak mengambil masa untuk memikirkan apa yang salah dalam kesatuan pertama atau mengakui peranan mereka dalam perkahwinan yang tidak bahagia, kata pakar psikoterapi dan perhubungan Lisa Brateman, yang mempunyai amalan persendirian di New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everyone likes to blame the other person and say he did this or he was too controlling, but were you so passive that you let it continue\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang suka menyalahkan orang lain dan mengatakan dia melakukan ini atau dia terlalu mengawal, tetapi adakah anda terlalu pasif sehingga membiarkannya berterusan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she said.", "r": {"result": "dia berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What were you so fearful of that you lost your voice for so many years\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang anda takutkan sehingga anda kehilangan suara anda selama bertahun-tahun\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dating after 50. For some women, being on their own after years of financial dependency causes them to rush into relationships without considering whether the person is right for them, she said.", "r": {"result": "Berpacaran selepas 50. Bagi sesetengah wanita, bersendirian selepas bertahun-tahun bergantung pada kewangan menyebabkan mereka tergesa-gesa menjalin hubungan tanpa mengambil kira sama ada orang itu sesuai untuk mereka, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The more you know yourself, your wants and your needs, the healthier your decisions will be if you're 18 or 55.", "r": {"result": "Semakin anda mengenali diri anda, kehendak anda dan keperluan anda, semakin sihat keputusan anda jika anda berumur 18 atau 55 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Relationships are about enhancing your life rather than giving you a life,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hubungan adalah tentang meningkatkan kehidupan anda daripada memberi anda kehidupan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As divorces rates among couples over 50 have doubled in the last 20 years, many are remarrying and starting new families.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan kadar perceraian dalam kalangan pasangan berumur lebih 50 tahun meningkat dua kali ganda dalam tempoh 20 tahun yang lalu, ramai yang berkahwin semula dan memulakan keluarga baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1980, 19% of married people ages 50 and older were in remarriages compared with 30% in 2009, according to a study by the National Center for Family & Marriage Research.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1980, 19% orang berkahwin berumur 50 tahun ke atas telah berkahwin semula berbanding 30% pada tahun 2009, menurut kajian oleh Pusat Penyelidikan Keluarga & Perkahwinan Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not everyone is looking for marriage, but the desire for love and companionship is still alive and well, said Terri Orbuch, psychologist and relationship expert at OurTime.com, a dating website for the 50-and-over crowd.", "r": {"result": "Tidak semua orang mencari perkahwinan, tetapi keinginan untuk cinta dan persahabatan masih hidup dan sihat, kata Terri Orbuch, pakar psikologi dan perhubungan di OurTime.com, laman web temu janji untuk orang ramai yang berumur 50 tahun ke atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for those who have done a bit of soul-searching, the approach to finding a new mate often is more refined.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagi mereka yang telah melakukan sedikit pencarian jiwa, pendekatan untuk mencari pasangan baru selalunya lebih halus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Baby boomers are more settled in their behaviors and patterns of life.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBaby boomer lebih menetap dalam tingkah laku dan corak kehidupan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are concerned about whether it is worth changing ... to allow someone new into their life,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bimbang sama ada ia berbaloi untuk berubah...untuk membenarkan seseorang yang baharu masuk ke dalam hidup mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And, the majority of baby boomers are more focused on compatibility, and finding someone who makes them happy, than they were when they were younger\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan, majoriti baby boomer lebih tertumpu pada keserasian, dan mencari seseorang yang menggembirakan mereka, berbanding ketika mereka masih muda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boomers who spoke with Orbuch for her forthcoming book, \"Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship,\" had three major takeaways from unsuccessful marriages, she said.", "r": {"result": "Boomers yang bercakap dengan Orbuch untuk bukunya yang akan datang, \"Mencari Cinta Lagi: 6 Langkah Mudah untuk Hubungan Baharu dan Bahagia,\" mempunyai tiga perkara penting daripada perkahwinan yang tidak berjaya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first is that communication is key, and not just \"maintenance communication\".", "r": {"result": "Yang pertama ialah komunikasi adalah kunci, dan bukan hanya \"komunikasi penyelenggaraan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can't only talk about work, family, who does what around the house or your relationship.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAnda tidak boleh hanya bercakap tentang kerja, keluarga, yang melakukan apa di sekeliling rumah atau hubungan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To communicate well, partners need to reveal more about themselves\".", "r": {"result": "Untuk berkomunikasi dengan baik, pasangan perlu mendedahkan lebih banyak tentang diri mereka sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On turning 40. Second, make sure you partner knows that he or she is important to you.", "r": {"result": "Pada usia 40 tahun. Kedua, pastikan pasangan anda tahu bahawa dia penting untuk anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Life gets busy and stressed and it is important that your spouse knows you don't take them for granted.", "r": {"result": "\"Hidup menjadi sibuk dan tertekan dan adalah penting pasangan anda tahu anda tidak mengambil mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Give them frequent affirmation, though simple gestures (hug, kiss, turn on the coffee pot in the morning, bring in the newspaper) and words (thank you, you are the best partner, you look so beautiful today)\".", "r": {"result": "Beri mereka penegasan yang kerap, walaupun isyarat mudah (peluk, cium, hidupkan periuk kopi pada waktu pagi, bawa surat khabar) dan kata-kata (terima kasih, anda adalah pasangan terbaik, anda kelihatan sangat cantik hari ini)\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And last but not least, talk about money, early and often, she said.", "r": {"result": "Dan akhir sekali, bercakap tentang wang, awal dan kerap, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifty percent of the divorced singles in her study said that they fought so much about money in their first marriage that they anticipated money will be a problem in their next relationship.", "r": {"result": "Lima puluh peratus daripada perseorangan yang bercerai dalam kajiannya berkata bahawa mereka terlalu banyak bergaduh tentang wang dalam perkahwinan pertama mereka sehinggakan mereka menjangkakan wang akan menjadi masalah dalam hubungan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Divorced singles said they have learned that they would discuss money with their partner early on and more often, so that it isn't such an issue.", "r": {"result": "\"Bujang yang bercerai berkata mereka telah mengetahui bahawa mereka akan membincangkan wang dengan pasangan mereka lebih awal dan lebih kerap, supaya ia tidak menjadi isu sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They would devise a plan they both could live with,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan merangka rancangan yang boleh mereka jalani bersama,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David and Natalie Kizelewicz both had jobs when they started dating and still do, which helps them maintain a comfortable lifestyle with some money left over for a vacation each year.", "r": {"result": "David dan Natalie Kizelewicz kedua-duanya mempunyai pekerjaan apabila mereka mula berkencan dan masih melakukannya, yang membantu mereka mengekalkan gaya hidup yang selesa dengan baki wang untuk bercuti setiap tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were also able to buy a car for Natalie's daughter and help her with living expenses while she's in college, something David was unable to do for his first four children.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga dapat membeli kereta untuk anak perempuan Natalie dan membantunya dengan perbelanjaan sara hidup semasa dia di kolej, sesuatu yang David tidak dapat lakukan untuk empat anak pertamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My older kids might be a little resentful of the younger kids because they can see that they have an easier life,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anak-anak saya yang lebih tua mungkin sedikit marah dengan anak-anak yang lebih muda kerana mereka dapat melihat bahawa mereka mempunyai kehidupan yang lebih mudah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But I gave them the best years of my life.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi saya memberikan mereka tahun-tahun terbaik dalam hidup saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If they wanted to go to college, they could, and now they're all happily married or own homes and have good jobs.", "r": {"result": "Jika mereka mahu pergi ke kolej, mereka boleh, dan kini mereka semua bahagia berkahwin atau memiliki rumah dan mempunyai pekerjaan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're successful in life\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka berjaya dalam hidup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In order to maintain their lifestyle, he estimates he'll be working for at least another 10 years until their youngest goes to college.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengekalkan gaya hidup mereka, dia menganggarkan dia akan bekerja sekurang-kurangnya 10 tahun lagi sehingga anak bongsu mereka pergi ke kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, that's OK, he said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, tidak mengapa, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I hate being bored\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benci bosan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When it comes to a blended family, they have it all: adult children from previous marriages and grandchildren who are older than their 13-year-old daughter.", "r": {"result": "Apabila bercakap tentang keluarga campuran, mereka mempunyai semuanya: anak dewasa daripada perkahwinan terdahulu dan cucu yang lebih tua daripada anak perempuan mereka yang berumur 13 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plus, they've had custody of Natalie's 7-year-old nephew since he was an infant.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, mereka mempunyai hak penjagaan anak saudara Natalie yang berusia 7 tahun sejak dia masih bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The staggered ages and familial ties are confusing to outsiders, but everyone gets along, he said.", "r": {"result": "Usia yang berperingkat dan hubungan kekeluargaan mengelirukan orang luar, tetapi semua orang akur, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His grandchildren play with his children younger as if they were cousins.", "r": {"result": "Cucu-cucunya bermain dengan anak-anaknya yang lebih kecil seolah-olah mereka sepupu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When David's grandson was in the same school as his daughter, he got a kick out of telling everyone she was his aunt, he said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila cucu David berada di sekolah yang sama dengan anak perempuannya, dia mendapat sepakan daripada memberitahu semua orang bahawa dia adalah ibu saudaranya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The do's and don'ts of dating after 50. It wasn't much of a stretch for David's adult children to adjust to Natalie, especially since his oldest son set them up, the couple said.", "r": {"result": "Perkara yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan untuk berpacaran selepas 50 tahun. Tidak sukar bagi anak-anak David yang sudah dewasa untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan Natalie, lebih-lebih lagi sejak anak sulungnya menetapkan mereka, kata pasangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Early on, Natalie's family and daughter approved of him despite the age difference because he treated her so well, she said.", "r": {"result": "Pada awalnya, keluarga dan anak perempuan Natalie merestuinya walaupun berbeza umur kerana dia melayannya dengan baik, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They said he was the best thing that ever happened to me,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka berkata dia adalah perkara terbaik yang pernah berlaku kepada saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw how he raised his kids and doted on them, so I knew he would be a good father\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat bagaimana dia membesarkan anak-anaknya dan menyayangi mereka, jadi saya tahu dia akan menjadi bapa yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kizelewiczes have also dealt with medical problems, a common issue for couples marrying late in life.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Kizelewicze juga telah menangani masalah perubatan, isu biasa bagi pasangan yang berkahwin lewat usia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two weeks after the birth of their daughter, David had prostate surgery after being diagnosed with cancer a month before the baby's due date.", "r": {"result": "Dua minggu selepas kelahiran anak perempuan mereka, David menjalani pembedahan prostat selepas disahkan menghidap kanser sebulan sebelum tarikh kelahiran bayi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Years later, he has it under control as a result of the couple's combined efforts to stay on top of appointments and medications, Natalie said.", "r": {"result": "Bertahun-tahun kemudian, dia dapat mengawalnya sebagai hasil usaha gabungan pasangan itu untuk mengikuti temu janji dan ubat-ubatan, kata Natalie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Otherwise, Natalie no longer feels the age difference as much as she used to, she said.", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak, Natalie tidak lagi merasakan perbezaan umur seperti dulu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David has slowed down a bit, but so has she.", "r": {"result": "David telah perlahan sedikit, tetapi begitu juga dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their 7-year-old nephew seems to notice, asking how old David will be when the boy reaches his age.", "r": {"result": "Anak saudara mereka yang berumur 7 tahun nampaknya perasan, bertanyakan berapa umur David apabila budak itu mencapai umurnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He tells him, 'I'm going to live until I'm 100; don't you worry,'\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia memberitahunya, 'Saya akan hidup sehingga saya berumur 100 tahun; jangan risau,'\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David also thinks about it sometimes -- when Natalie is 60, he'll be 80.", "r": {"result": "David juga kadang-kadang memikirkannya -- apabila Natalie berumur 60 tahun, dia akan berusia 80 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Though we have a really good life right now, that's the only thing I kind of worry about,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun kami mempunyai kehidupan yang sangat baik sekarang, itu satu-satunya perkara yang saya bimbangkan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's time to come, but so far it's been great.", "r": {"result": "\u201cItu masa yang akan datang, tetapi setakat ini ia hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Age hasn't really caught up to us\".", "r": {"result": "Usia tidak benar-benar mengejar kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Follow CNN Living on Facebook and Emanuella Grinberg on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Ikuti CNN Living di Facebook dan Emanuella Grinberg di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Toby Lyles contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Toby Lyles CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LONDON, England (CNN) -- Two giants in the world of club football clash on Saturday in a game so entwined in Spanish history and culture it even has its own nickname.", "r": {"result": "LONDON, England (CNN) -- Dua gergasi dalam dunia bola sepak kelab bertembung pada hari Sabtu dalam permainan yang begitu terjalin dalam sejarah dan budaya Sepanyol malah mempunyai nama jolokan tersendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many ingredients combine to create the potent El Clasico brew, a game that pitches Real Madrid against Barcelona.", "r": {"result": "Banyak ramuan bergabung untuk mencipta minuman El Clasico yang mujarab, permainan yang membawa Real Madrid menentang Barcelona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barcelona give then champions Real Madrid a guard of honour before last season's El Clasico.", "r": {"result": "Barcelona memberikan juara Real Madrid pengawal kehormatan sebelum El Clasico musim lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivalry between city-clubs for national dominance is common to most nations, but in Spain there is extra spice between the two largest conurbations in that Barcelona is situated in, and representative of, the autonomous region of Catalonia.", "r": {"result": "Persaingan antara kelab-kelab bandar untuk penguasaan negara adalah perkara biasa bagi kebanyakan negara, tetapi di Sepanyol terdapat rempah tambahan antara dua konurbasi terbesar di mana Barcelona terletak di, dan mewakili, wilayah autonomi Catalonia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Catalan community is distinct within Spain with its own language, culture and strong sense of identity; situated on the banks of the Mediterranean, the team is seen as an extension to this, hence the club's motto of \"more than a club\" and the appearance of the Catalan national flag on its badge.", "r": {"result": "Komuniti Catalan adalah berbeza dalam Sepanyol dengan bahasa, budaya dan jati diri yang kuat; terletak di tebing Mediterranean, pasukan itu dilihat sebagai lanjutan daripada ini, justeru motto kelab \"lebih daripada sebuah kelab\" dan penampilan bendera kebangsaan Catalan pada lencananya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real, on the other hand, hail from the capital Madrid, home to the offices of government, the Royal Palace and the larger population.", "r": {"result": "Real, sebaliknya, berasal dari ibu kota Madrid, rumah kepada pejabat kerajaan, Istana Diraja dan penduduk yang lebih besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, Spain's King Alfonso XIII gave the club patronage in 1920 and consequently the Royal Crown appears on the side's badge to this day.", "r": {"result": "Malah, Raja Sepanyol Alfonso XIII memberi naungan kelab pada tahun 1920 dan akibatnya Mahkota Diraja muncul pada lencana pihak sehingga hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rifts between the two sides have been exacerbated with wrangles over player transfers down the ages too.", "r": {"result": "Keretakan antara kedua-dua belah pihak telah diburukkan lagi dengan perbalahan mengenai perpindahan pemain sejak berzaman juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both clubs laid claim to the signature of the all-time great Alfredo Di Stefano, only for Real to win through and to reap the rewards of his 307 goals for the side.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua kelab menuntut tandatangan Alfredo Di Stefano yang hebat sepanjang zaman, hanya untuk Real menang dan meraih ganjaran daripada 307 golnya untuk pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barcelona fans threw a pig's head onto the pitch in the 2002 El Clasico European Cup semifinal to vent their anger at former Barca player Luis Figo, who moved to Real two years earlier.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong Barcelona melemparkan kepala babi ke atas padang pada separuh akhir El Clasico Piala Eropah 2002 untuk melepaskan kemarahan mereka terhadap bekas pemain Barca Luis Figo, yang berpindah ke Real dua tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More recently Real Madrid let the talent of Cameroon's Samuel Eto'o leave their ranks, only for the striker to move to Barca where he has so far netted over one hundred goals.", "r": {"result": "Baru-baru ini Real Madrid membiarkan bakat pemain Cameroon Samuel Eto'o meninggalkan barisan mereka, hanya untuk penyerang itu berpindah ke Barca di mana dia telah menjaringkan lebih seratus gol setakat ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another thorn in the side of Barcelona fans is the edge Real have over their rivals in the silverware stakes: since the first meeting of the clubs in 1902, Real have accumulated 31 league championships and a record 9 European Cups against Barcelona's tally of 18 league titles and two European Cups.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi duri di sisi peminat Barcelona ialah kelebihan Real berbanding pesaing mereka dalam pertaruhan perak: sejak pertemuan pertama kelab pada tahun 1902, Real telah mengumpul 31 kejuaraan liga dan rekod 9 Piala Eropah menentang jumlah 18 kejuaraan liga oleh Barcelona. dan dua Piala Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Which way do you think El Clasico and the Primera Liga title will go?", "r": {"result": "Ke arah manakah anda fikir El Clasico dan gelaran Liga Primera akan pergi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let us know in the Sound Off box below.", "r": {"result": "Beritahu kami dalam kotak Sound Off di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With this in mind, Saturday's meeting between the two clubs at Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu stadium, which can hold over 70-thousand passionate fans, threatens to be as explosive as ever.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pemikiran ini, pertemuan hari Sabtu antara kedua-dua kelab di stadium Santiago Bernabeu Madrid, yang boleh menampung lebih 70-ribu peminat ghairah, mengancam untuk menjadi letupan seperti biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Especially as this season, under the tutelage of Catalan manager Pep Guardiola, Barcelona have seen their 12-point lead at the top of the table eaten up by their previously written-off arch-rivals.", "r": {"result": "Terutamanya musim ini, di bawah bimbingan pengurus Catalan, Pep Guardiola, Barcelona telah menyaksikan kelebihan 12 mata mereka di puncak carta dimakan oleh musuh ketat mereka sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So could the destiny of this year's Primera Liga hinge on the second installment of this season's El Clasico?", "r": {"result": "Jadi adakah takdir Liga Perdana tahun ini bergantung pada ansuran kedua El Clasico musim ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Below are the viewpoints of two ardent fans ahead of the game:", "r": {"result": "Di bawah ialah pandangan dua peminat setia menjelang perlawanan:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dani Linares-Lopez, Real Madrid fan:", "r": {"result": "Dani Linares-Lopez, peminat Real Madrid:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real fan Dani Linares shares a pre-El Clasico drink with a fellow fanatic befores last season's game.", "r": {"result": "Peminat sebenar Dani Linares berkongsi minuman pra-El Clasico dengan rakan fanatik sebelum perlawanan musim lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm a Real Madrid supporter -- we can't fear the Catalans.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya penyokong Real Madrid -- kami tidak boleh takut dengan orang Catalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was at the Bernabeu last year when Madrid beat Barcelona 4-1 and they had to give our players a guard of honor as the champions.", "r": {"result": "Saya berada di Bernabeu tahun lepas apabila Madrid menewaskan Barcelona 4-1 dan mereka terpaksa memberikan pemain kami kawalan kehormatan sebagai juara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was beautiful.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah indah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're out to take the title again as we've got nothing else to focus on.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami berhasrat untuk merangkul kejuaraan semula kerana kami tidak mempunyai apa-apa lagi untuk diberi tumpuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We'll go out all guns blazing and I think we'll win because we're more up for it than they are.", "r": {"result": "Kami akan mengeluarkan semua senjata api dan saya fikir kami akan menang kerana kami lebih bersedia untuk itu daripada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do think Barcelona will still win the league by a point, though.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya fikir Barcelona masih akan memenangi liga dengan satu mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you never know because Barcelona have the Champions League and the Spanish Cup final to distract them and a few injuries would change things.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda tidak pernah tahu kerana Barcelona mempunyai Liga Juara-Juara dan final Piala Sepanyol untuk mengalih perhatian mereka dan beberapa kecederaan akan mengubah keadaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some bookmakers paid out on Barcelona winning the title after they beat Madrid at the Camp Nou.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSesetengah pembuat taruhan membayar untuk Barcelona memenangi kejuaraan selepas mereka menewaskan Madrid di Camp Nou.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everyone thought it was all over, even me.", "r": {"result": "Semua orang fikir semuanya sudah berakhir, walaupun saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Juande Ramos has turned it around by training the players harder and now they're really fit.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Juande Ramos telah mengubahnya dengan melatih pemain dengan lebih gigih dan kini mereka benar-benar cergas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We've been winning ugly but we've kept on winning.", "r": {"result": "Kami telah menang secara buruk tetapi kami terus menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramos should be given the job permanently if we win the title\".", "r": {"result": "Ramos harus diberikan jawatan itu secara kekal jika kami memenangi kejuaraan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prediction: 2-1 or 3-2 to Real Madrid.", "r": {"result": "Ramalan: 2-1 atau 3-2 kepada Real Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reda Benzakour, Barcelona fan:", "r": {"result": "Reda Benzacour, peminat Barcelona:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barca fan Reda Benzakour with Barcelona forward Lionel Messi.", "r": {"result": "Peminat Barca Reda Benzacour bersama penyerang Barcelona Lionel Messi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a Barca fan El Clasico is THE game that I look forward for the whole season.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebagai peminat Barca, El Clasico adalah perlawanan yang saya nantikan sepanjang musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year was a frustrating and bitter experience.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas adalah pengalaman yang mengecewakan dan pahit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frustrating during the first leg in Camp Nou where Barca dominated the whole game but failed to score an equalizer.", "r": {"result": "Mengecewakan semasa perlawanan pertama di Camp Nou di mana Barca menguasai keseluruhan permainan tetapi gagal menjaringkan gol penyamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bitter because during the second leg at the Bernabeu, we were humiliated by the score and the Barca players gave a \"guard of honor\" for Real players for the title won before the game.", "r": {"result": "Pahit kerana semasa perlawanan kedua di Bernabeu, kami dimalukan dengan jaringan dan pemain Barca memberikan \"guard of honour\" untuk pemain Real untuk gelaran yang dimenangi sebelum perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a Barca fan, this was the worst of scenarios and the culmination of years of humiliation.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebagai peminat Barca, ini adalah senario terburuk dan kemuncak penghinaan selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real will have to attack if they want to win this game and stay in the race for the title.", "r": {"result": "Real perlu menyerang jika mereka mahu memenangi perlawanan ini dan kekal dalam perebutan gelaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I'm confident that Barca will bring a good result from Madrid.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya yakin Barca akan membawa keputusan yang baik dari Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also I'm sure the Barca players are keen to avenge last year's humiliation.", "r": {"result": "Saya juga pasti pemain Barca berminat untuk membalas dendam atas penghinaan tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will decide the title because if we win it will give us a 7 point-lead and confidence to go forward and for Real it will take the wind out of their sails\".", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menentukan kejuaraan kerana jika kami menang ia akan memberikan kami kelebihan 7 mata dan keyakinan untuk mara ke hadapan dan bagi Real ia akan menghilangkan angin dari layar mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seoul (CNN)In the first few days after the Sewol disappeared beneath the Yellow Sea, divers pulled body after body from the watery wreckage, bringing the dead home.", "r": {"result": "Seoul (CNN)Dalam beberapa hari pertama selepas Sewol hilang di bawah Laut Kuning, penyelam menarik mayat demi mayat dari serpihan air, membawa mayat pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And throughout the following days, weeks and months, Park Eun-mi waited to see if one of them was her 16-year-old daughter, Huh Da-yun.", "r": {"result": "Dan sepanjang hari, minggu dan bulan berikutnya, Park Eun-mi menunggu untuk melihat sama ada salah seorang daripada mereka ialah anak perempuannya yang berusia 16 tahun, Huh Da-yun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The divers stopped searching months ago because of the winter and water conditions, and the South Korean ferry remains on the bottom of the sea floor.", "r": {"result": "Penyelam berhenti mencari beberapa bulan lalu kerana keadaan musim sejuk dan air, dan feri Korea Selatan kekal di dasar laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sewol sank on April 16, killing 304 people, mostly high school students who were on their way to a field trip to Jeju island, off South Korea's southern coast.", "r": {"result": "Sewol tenggelam pada 16 April, membunuh 304 orang, kebanyakannya pelajar sekolah menengah yang dalam perjalanan ke pulau Jeju, di luar pantai selatan Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We kept waiting with belief in finding our daughter.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami terus menunggu dengan penuh keyakinan untuk mencari anak perempuan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I thought once, 'Somebody will be the last person and what if it's Da-yun?", "r": {"result": "Saya pernah berfikir, 'Seseorang akan menjadi orang terakhir dan bagaimana jika ia Da-yun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'\" Park said.", "r": {"result": "'\" kata Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A year later, Park's life remains at a standstill.", "r": {"result": "Setahun kemudian, kehidupan Park kekal terhenti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nine have yet to be found.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan masih belum ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We, the families of the missing victims, are still living the day -- April 16, 2014,\" said Park, who is in poor health, but refusing treatment.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami, keluarga mangsa yang hilang, masih menjalani hari -- 16 April 2014,\" kata Park, yang dalam keadaan tidak sihat, tetapi enggan menerima rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I cannot think about anything except to find my daughter and other missing people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak boleh memikirkan apa-apa kecuali untuk mencari anak perempuan saya dan orang lain yang hilang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Park's case is an unsettling one -- emblematic of what remains unresolved a year after the Sewol ferry sank.", "r": {"result": "Kes Park adalah satu kes yang meresahkan -- melambangkan perkara yang masih belum dapat diselesaikan setahun selepas feri Sewol karam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dozens associated with the ferry disaster have been sent to jail on criminal charges.", "r": {"result": "Puluhan yang dikaitkan dengan bencana feri itu telah dihantar ke penjara atas tuduhan jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But families say the underlying problems that led to the sinking of the Sewol are far from resolved.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keluarga mengatakan masalah asas yang membawa kepada tenggelamnya Sewol masih jauh dari penyelesaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On April 16, the Sewol ferry, carrying hundreds of high school students, began sinking after taking a sharp turn.", "r": {"result": "Pada 16 April, feri Sewol, yang membawa ratusan pelajar sekolah menengah, mula karam selepas mengambil selekoh tajam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Passengers were told repeatedly by the crew members to stay where they were as rescuers would arrive soon.", "r": {"result": "Penumpang diberitahu berulang kali oleh anak kapal untuk tinggal di tempat mereka kerana penyelamat akan tiba tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of them listened to the instructions and remained in place.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mereka mendengar arahan dan kekal di tempatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the ferry tilted sideways, water seeped in and objects in the ship toppled over, injuring people and blocking their way out.", "r": {"result": "Apabila feri itu condong ke tepi, air meresap masuk dan objek di dalam kapal tumbang, mencederakan orang ramai dan menghalang laluan keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anger over how the crew failed to evacuate the passengers intensified when video surfaced of the ferry's captain in his underwear leaping into the arms of the Korean Coast Guard while hundreds remained trapped in the vessel.", "r": {"result": "Kemarahan terhadap bagaimana anak kapal gagal memindahkan penumpang semakin menjadi-jadi apabila muncul video mengenai kapten feri dalam seluar dalam melompat ke dalam pelukan Pengawal Pantai Korea manakala ratusan masih terperangkap di dalam kapal itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Divers had to pluck the bodies from the water one-by-one, bringing the youngsters back to land in black body bags where they were met with the gut-wrenching cries of their families.", "r": {"result": "Penyelam terpaksa mengeluarkan mayat dari air satu demi satu, membawa anak-anak muda itu kembali ke darat dalam beg mayat hitam di mana mereka disambut dengan tangisan yang menyayat hati keluarga mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, the one year anniversary of the disaster, South Korea's President Park Geun-hye called for the salvage of the Sewol's wreck \"as soon as possible\".", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Khamis, ulang tahun satu tahun bencana itu, Presiden Korea Selatan Park Geun-hye meminta penyelamatan bangkai kapal Sewol \"secepat mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Recently, there was an announcement that it is technically possible to salvage Sewol ferry.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBaru-baru ini, terdapat pengumuman bahawa secara teknikal mungkin untuk menyelamatkan feri Sewol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe that it is now time to earnestly prepare to salvage,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya sudah tiba masanya untuk bersungguh-sungguh bersiap sedia untuk menyelamatkannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A government study on raising the ferry released last week identified a crane and floating dock as the safest way to look for the missing.", "r": {"result": "Kajian kerajaan mengenai menaikkan feri yang dikeluarkan minggu lalu mengenal pasti kren dan dok terapung sebagai cara paling selamat untuk mencari mangsa yang hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sewol ferry is over 20 years old and there are fears it could fall apart during the extraction, according to the South Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.", "r": {"result": "Feri Sewol berusia lebih 20 tahun dan terdapat kebimbangan ia boleh rosak semasa pengekstrakan, menurut Kementerian Lautan dan Perikanan Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agency anticipates a complicated technical operation to remove the ferry, which would weigh about 10,200 tons above water.", "r": {"result": "Agensi itu menjangkakan operasi teknikal yang rumit untuk mengalihkan feri itu, yang akan mempunyai berat kira-kira 10,200 tan di atas air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The process could take over a year and a half, and that it would cost the South Korean government anywhere from $91 million to $182 million.", "r": {"result": "Proses itu boleh mengambil masa lebih satu setengah tahun, dan ia akan menelan belanja kerajaan Korea Selatan dari $91 juta hingga $182 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victims' families have demanded that the ship be recovered in order to thoroughly investigate the accident.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga mangsa telah menuntut agar kapal itu dipulihkan bagi menyiasat secara menyeluruh kemalangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since the days immediately after the disaster, families have criticized the government over its response.", "r": {"result": "Sejak hari-hari sejurus selepas bencana itu, keluarga telah mengkritik kerajaan atas tindak balasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Communication over the rescue efforts were jumbled, paving way for rumors and hoaxes.", "r": {"result": "Komunikasi mengenai usaha menyelamat bercelaru, membuka jalan kepada khabar angin dan penipuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Criticism swirled over the South Korean Coast Guard's effectiveness in carrying out the rescue operation.", "r": {"result": "Kritikan berpusing mengenai keberkesanan Pengawal Pantai Korea Selatan dalam menjalankan operasi menyelamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The captain of the first coast guard ship sent to rescue the Sewol passengers was found guilty of negligence and making false reports.", "r": {"result": "Kapten kapal pengawal pantai pertama yang dihantar untuk menyelamatkan penumpang Sewol didapati bersalah kerana cuai dan membuat laporan palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The recovery efforts have also taken a deadly toll with a total of six deaths -- a diver searching the Sewol died in May, and in July, five people died after a helicopter carrying emergency workers involved in the operation crashed.", "r": {"result": "Usaha pemulihan juga telah membawa maut dengan jumlah enam kematian -- seorang penyelam yang mencari Sewol meninggal dunia pada Mei, dan pada Julai, lima orang maut selepas sebuah helikopter yang membawa pekerja kecemasan yang terlibat dalam operasi itu terhempas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Park, the South Korean president, pledged major reforms, dismantled the coast guard and vowed an investigation into what went wrong.", "r": {"result": "Park, presiden Korea Selatan, berjanji melakukan pembaharuan besar-besaran, membongkar pengawal pantai dan berjanji akan menyiasat apa yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That promised investigation has been hampered by politics and disagreements between the families and the government over who should participate in the investigation.", "r": {"result": "Siasatan yang dijanjikan itu telah dihalang oleh politik dan perselisihan faham antara keluarga dan kerajaan mengenai siapa yang harus mengambil bahagian dalam siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this month, several dozens of family members marched to Seoul from Ansan, the suburb where most of the students had resided.", "r": {"result": "Awal bulan ini, beberapa berpuluh-puluh ahli keluarga berarak ke Seoul dari Ansan, pinggir bandar di mana kebanyakan pelajar tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the families shaved their heads to demand political action.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa keluarga itu mencukur kepala mereka untuk menuntut tindakan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Several laws have been passed to inspect cargo weight and increase oversight in the industry.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa undang-undang telah diluluskan untuk memeriksa berat kargo dan meningkatkan pengawasan dalam industri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the case of Sewol, the ferry was found to be loaded with double its capacity.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes Sewol, feri itu didapati memuatkan dua kali ganda kapasitinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its cargo wasn't secured properly, which threw the ship off balance as the containers tumbled and knocked the vessel off balance.", "r": {"result": "Kargonya tidak diamankan dengan betul, yang menyebabkan kapal tidak seimbang apabila kontena terjatuh dan menyebabkan kapal hilang keseimbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An inexperienced crew and redesigns of the ship to handle more passengers and cargo were also cited as factors in the disaster.", "r": {"result": "Krew yang tidak berpengalaman dan reka bentuk semula kapal itu untuk mengendalikan lebih ramai penumpang dan kargo turut disebut sebagai faktor bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sinking spurred a debate about the shortcomings of the government and what preventive measures should have been taken.", "r": {"result": "Tenggelam itu mencetuskan perdebatan tentang kelemahan kerajaan dan apakah langkah pencegahan yang sepatutnya diambil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The tragedy of Sewol was also virtually caused by accumulation of corruption, irregularity and going blind eyes,\" Park said on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Tragedi Sewol juga hampir berpunca daripada pengumpulan rasuah, penyelewengan dan buta mata,\" kata Park pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Corruption and deep-rooted evil are issues that can lead to taking away people's lives.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRasuah dan kejahatan yang berakar umbi adalah isu yang boleh meragut nyawa manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We take this very seriously\".", "r": {"result": "Kami memandang serius perkara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the immediate aftermath, South Korean prosecutors arrested the captain, crew members and business associates.", "r": {"result": "Sejurus selepas itu, pendakwa raya Korea Selatan menahan kapten, anak kapal dan rakan perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sewol's captain, Lee Joon-seok, who was widely derided for jumping to safety, was sentenced to 36 years in prison for abandonment causing death and injury, and violating sea laws.", "r": {"result": "Kapten Sewol, Lee Joon-seok, yang diejek secara meluas kerana melompat ke tempat selamat, dijatuhi hukuman penjara 36 tahun kerana ditinggalkan menyebabkan kematian dan kecederaan, dan melanggar undang-undang laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In July, the body of a billionaire Yoo Byung Eun, who was believed to have connections to the company that owned the ferry, was found decomposing in a plum field.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Julai, mayat jutawan Yoo Byung Eun, yang dipercayai mempunyai hubungan dengan syarikat yang memiliki feri itu, ditemui reput di ladang plum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But some families say that wider, systematic problems that allowed the disaster to occur haven't been addressed.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sesetengah keluarga mengatakan bahawa masalah yang lebih luas dan sistematik yang membolehkan bencana berlaku belum ditangani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether the ferry will be raised and an independent investigation will be held remains to be seen.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada feri itu akan dinaikkan dan siasatan bebas akan diadakan masih belum dapat dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's KJ Kwon and journalist Jungeun Kim contributed to this report in Seoul.", "r": {"result": "KJ Kwon CNN dan wartawan Jungeun Kim menyumbang kepada laporan ini di Seoul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- I believed we had learned lessons from the George Zimmerman case in how to better handle cases like the Michael Brown shooting.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Saya percaya kami telah belajar daripada kes George Zimmerman tentang cara mengendalikan kes seperti tembakan Michael Brown dengan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zimmerman, you'll recall, was charged with shooting Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager in Sanford, Florida, in 2012. I was Zimmereman's lawyer.", "r": {"result": "Zimmerman, anda akan ingat, didakwa menembak Trayvon Martin, seorang remaja kulit hitam yang tidak bersenjata di Sanford, Florida, pada tahun 2012. Saya adalah peguam Zimmereman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That case caught national attention for the shooting itself, but almost more for the way law enforcement was perceived to have mishandled it and for the racial animus it exposed over how young blacks are treated in the criminal justice system.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu menarik perhatian negara kerana tembakan itu sendiri, tetapi hampir lebih kepada cara penguatkuasaan undang-undang dianggap salah mengendalikannya dan untuk permusuhan perkauman yang didedahkan mengenai cara orang kulit hitam muda dilayan dalam sistem keadilan jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unfortunately, I'm not sure that all of the right people have learned all of the right lessons from that case.", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, saya tidak pasti bahawa semua orang yang betul telah mempelajari semua pelajaran yang betul daripada kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, as the days drag on in Ferguson, Missouri, it seems that some involved, particularly in the law enforcement hierarchy, are not handling the Michael Brown case better than the Zimmerman case.", "r": {"result": "Kini, ketika hari semakin berlarutan di Ferguson, Missouri, nampaknya beberapa yang terlibat, terutamanya dalam hierarki penguatkuasaan undang-undang, tidak mengendalikan kes Michael Brown dengan lebih baik daripada kes Zimmerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, this time it's being handled worse.", "r": {"result": "Malah, kali ini ia ditangani lebih teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some observations on Ferguson:", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pemerhatian tentang Ferguson:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The social media response has been amazing.", "r": {"result": "Sambutan media sosial sangat mengagumkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An event these days -- whether it be the Michael Brown shooting, the Donald Sterling uproar, the questionable death of Kendrick Johnson in Georgia -- gains a life online via social media, keeping it in the forefront of our national conversation.", "r": {"result": "Satu peristiwa hari ini -- sama ada penembakan Michael Brown, kekecohan Donald Sterling, kematian Kendrick Johnson yang dipersoalkan di Georgia -- mendapat kehidupan dalam talian melalui media sosial, mengekalkannya di hadapan perbualan nasional kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though there are down sides, one of social media's strong positives is that it allows for an open, quick and national discourse.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun terdapat kelemahan, salah satu positif kuat media sosial ialah ia membolehkan wacana terbuka, cepat dan nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the crackdown on the press in Ferguson this week, it was citizens with cell phones who provided pictures and helped set the editorial agenda.", "r": {"result": "Dengan tindakan keras terhadap akhbar di Ferguson minggu ini, rakyat yang mempunyai telefon bimbit yang memberikan gambar dan membantu menetapkan agenda editorial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Ferguson Police Department has fallen far short of expectations.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Polis Ferguson telah jauh di luar jangkaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While we still don't know -- and likely won't for a while -- what exactly happened and why the officer fired those fatal shots, the way the Ferguson police department reacted was poor and made matters worse, not better.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kita masih tidak tahu -- dan mungkin tidak akan buat seketika -- apa sebenarnya yang berlaku dan mengapa pegawai itu melepaskan tembakan maut itu, cara pihak polis Ferguson bertindak balas adalah buruk dan memburukkan keadaan, bukan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A sensitive response -- informed by an awareness that this shooting would lead to a powerful, communitywide reactionaEUR\"would have acknowledged the trauma inflicted on the entire black community.", "r": {"result": "Sambutan yang sensitif -- dimaklumkan oleh kesedaran bahawa penangkapan ini akan membawa kepada reaksi yang kuat dan seluruh komuniti.EUR\"akan mengakui trauma yang ditimbulkan ke atas seluruh komuniti kulit hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While I still maintain that the integrity of the investigation is paramount (if charges are being considered, we must make sure that the witnesses were not tainted by leaked information or coached in their answers to the perceived events), the police mishandled the situation in important ways, and in ways that undermined or destroyed the black community's faith that this would be handled properly.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun saya masih berpendapat bahawa integriti penyiasatan adalah yang paling utama (jika pertuduhan sedang dipertimbangkan, kita mesti memastikan bahawa saksi tidak dicemari oleh maklumat yang bocor atau dilatih dalam jawapan mereka kepada peristiwa yang dianggap), polis salah menangani situasi dalam penting. cara, dan dengan cara yang melemahkan atau memusnahkan kepercayaan masyarakat kulit hitam bahawa ini akan dikendalikan dengan betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Critics rip police tactics, use of military equipment.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik merobek taktik polis, penggunaan peralatan tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The name of the officer who shot Michael was finally released Friday.", "r": {"result": "Nama pegawai yang menembak Michael akhirnya dibebaskan pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is Officer Darren Wilson, a six-year veteran of the department.", "r": {"result": "Beliau ialah Pegawai Darren Wilson, seorang veteran enam tahun jabatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was time to do this.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah masa untuk melakukan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least now that point of frustration has ended.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya sekarang titik kekecewaan itu telah berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the decision also to release the videotape of the previous robbery event in which Michael Brown was suspected was a further insult to the sensitivities that exist in this now cultural event.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keputusan juga untuk mengeluarkan pita video peristiwa rompakan sebelum ini di mana Michael Brown disyaki adalah satu lagi penghinaan terhadap sensitiviti yang wujud dalam acara kebudayaan sekarang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If it had to be done, it should have been well separated.", "r": {"result": "Sekiranya ia perlu dilakukan, ia sepatutnya dipisahkan dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We shouldn't forget that the law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation, from the Justice Department and the FBI to the St. Louis County Sherriff, had already had the officer's name, his background, his disciplinary record, his medical records--and are still gathering the other information necessary to begin drilling into who he was before this shooting and what happened to him during it.", "r": {"result": "Kita tidak harus lupa bahawa agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang terlibat dalam penyiasatan, daripada Jabatan Kehakiman dan FBI kepada Sherrif Daerah St. Louis, telah pun mempunyai nama pegawai itu, latar belakangnya, rekod disiplinnya, rekod perubatannya--dan masih mengumpul maklumat lain yang diperlukan untuk memulakan penggerudian tentang siapa dia sebelum penembakan ini dan apa yang berlaku kepadanya semasa kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The coordinated interaction between these agencies is a good definition of transparency, not piecemeal distribution of snippets of information.", "r": {"result": "Interaksi yang diselaraskan antara agensi ini adalah definisi yang baik tentang ketelusan, bukan pengedaran sedikit demi sedikit coretan maklumat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The police chief's decision to come out with a statement early in the investigation defending his officer was a poor decision, as it polarized an already tense environment and was insensitive to Ferguson's African-American community.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan ketua polis untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan pada awal penyiasatan mempertahankan pegawainya adalah keputusan yang tidak baik, kerana ia menimbulkan persekitaran yang sudah tegang dan tidak sensitif terhadap komuniti Afrika-Amerika Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Missouri state troopers take over security in Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Askar negeri Missouri mengambil alih keselamatan di Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How the police reacted to the civil unrest is a mixed bag.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana polis bertindak balas terhadap pergolakan awam adalah satu perkara yang bercampur-campur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While law enforcement agencies have both the right and the obligation to maintain civil order and peace, they must do so in a way that is sensitive to the issues that are being addressed in protests.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang mempunyai kedua-dua hak dan kewajipan untuk mengekalkan ketenteraman dan keamanan awam, mereka mesti berbuat demikian dengan cara yang sensitif terhadap isu-isu yang sedang ditangani dalam protes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I do not have a concern with an appropriate police presence, and I believe police should act to stop destruction of property or the use of the protest for personal gain or profit, such as looting stores.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak mempunyai kebimbangan dengan kehadiran polis yang sesuai, dan saya percaya polis harus bertindak untuk menghentikan pemusnahan harta benda atau penggunaan protes untuk kepentingan peribadi atau keuntungan, seperti merompak kedai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That said, nothing justifies use of an aggressive police presence without proper cause.", "r": {"result": "Yang berkata, tiada apa yang membenarkan penggunaan kehadiran polis yang agresif tanpa sebab yang sewajarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was no basis for a military-style response, even though the law enforcement could justify it by looking at their textbooks.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada asas untuk tindak balas ala tentera, walaupun penguatkuasa undang-undang boleh membenarkannya dengan melihat buku teks mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This did not warrant a textbook response.", "r": {"result": "Ini tidak menjamin respons buku teks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This warranted -- demanded -- a response that carried the respect appropriate in such difficult times.", "r": {"result": "Ini memerlukan -- menuntut -- respons yang membawa penghormatan yang sesuai dalam masa yang sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We also now know that a lesser response, as has happened since estate police took over, worked to lessen tensions.", "r": {"result": "Kita juga kini tahu bahawa tindak balas yang kurang, seperti yang berlaku sejak polis estet mengambil alih, berjaya mengurangkan ketegangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5 things to know about the Michael Brown shooting.", "r": {"result": "5 perkara yang perlu diketahui tentang penggambaran Michael Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the very least, I sincerely hope that the police agencies involved maintained their own video log of events witnessed and reacted to by law enforcement.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya, saya sangat berharap agar agensi polis yang terlibat mengekalkan log video mereka sendiri tentang peristiwa yang disaksikan dan bertindak balas oleh penguatkuasa undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If those actions were necessary in response to threats or inappropriate actions from protesters, I would give the department deference.", "r": {"result": "Jika tindakan itu perlu sebagai tindak balas terhadap ugutan atau tindakan tidak wajar daripada penunjuk perasaan, saya akan memberi penghormatan kepada jabatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they are going to have to justify tear gas and rubber bullets, and that will be tough to do in a situation as socially charged as this one.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka perlu mewajarkan gas pemedih mata dan peluru getah, dan itu akan menjadi sukar untuk dilakukan dalam situasi yang melibatkan sosial seperti ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will be and should be, a review of police activities in response to the shooting; not to place blame, but as a learning tool.", "r": {"result": "Akan ada dan harus ada, kajian semula aktiviti polis sebagai tindak balas kepada tembakan; bukan untuk menyalahkan, tetapi sebagai alat pembelajaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We were dangerously close to a meltdown in Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Kami hampir mencecah kehancuran di Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We now look back at how Seminole County, Florida, handled the Zimmerman matter and must acknowledge they did a better job than Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang kita melihat kembali bagaimana Seminole County, Florida, mengendalikan perkara Zimmerman dan mesti mengakui mereka melakukan kerja yang lebih baik daripada Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The protesters, setting aside for a moment the looters and hooligans, have acted in a very appropriate and responsible way.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan, mengenepikan seketika perompak dan samseng, telah bertindak dengan cara yang sangat sesuai dan bertanggungjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our country was built upon the concept of seeking appropriate redress of actions by our government.", "r": {"result": "Negara kita dibina di atas konsep mencari pembetulan tindakan yang sewajarnya oleh kerajaan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not only allowed and appropriate, but it is ingrained in our national fabric and the nation would be weaker without it.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan sahaja dibenarkan dan sesuai, malah ia sudah sebati dengan negara kita dan negara akan menjadi lebih lemah tanpanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The people who take advantage of a situation that allows them to loot and steal -- which they continued doing early Saturday -- should face significant consequences.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang mengambil kesempatan daripada situasi yang membolehkan mereka merompak dan mencuri -- yang terus mereka lakukan pada awal Sabtu -- harus menghadapi akibat yang ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not only have they committed individual crimes by their actions, but they have desecrated the very purpose of the respectful protesters and in doing so damaged the national perspective of the protest itself.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bukan sahaja melakukan jenayah individu melalui tindakan mereka, tetapi mereka telah mencemarkan tujuan penunjuk perasaan yang dihormati dan dengan berbuat demikian merosakkan perspektif nasional protes itu sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their actions distract attention from the important, underlying reasons for the protest and threaten to turn the process into a dangerous, counterproductive battle between themselves and the police presence.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan mereka mengalihkan perhatian daripada sebab-sebab penting yang mendasari protes dan mengancam untuk mengubah proses itu menjadi pertempuran yang berbahaya dan tidak produktif antara mereka dan kehadiran polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Looting, tensions dash tenuous peace in Ferguson's streets.", "r": {"result": "Rompakan, ketegangan menimbulkan kedamaian yang lemah di jalan-jalan Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The response Friday night and early Saturday by law enforcement was restrained; they deserve credit.", "r": {"result": "Sambutan malam Jumaat dan awal Sabtu oleh penguatkuasa undang-undang telah dihalang; mereka berhak mendapat pujian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even more so, the protesters who tried to block the looters stand as testament to the true purpose of their involvement: peaceful pleas for change.", "r": {"result": "Lebih-lebih lagi, penunjuk perasaan yang cuba menghalang perompak berdiri sebagai bukti tujuan sebenar penglibatan mereka: rayuan aman untuk perubahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The governor of Missouri should have taken stronger action and done so much sooner.", "r": {"result": "Gabenor Missouri sepatutnya mengambil tindakan yang lebih kuat dan melakukan lebih awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While he may have hoped that this incident could be addressed properly at the local level, Gov.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun beliau mungkin berharap insiden ini dapat ditangani dengan baik di peringkat tempatan, Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jay Dixon should have realized that wasn't going to happen by the end of the first 24-hour period.", "r": {"result": "Jay Dixon sepatutnya sedar bahawa ia tidak akan berlaku pada penghujung tempoh 24 jam pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At that point, having an elected official unconnected with the police department involved would have given the proper appearance of impartiality and would have put the strength of the entire state behind this event.", "r": {"result": "Pada ketika itu, mempunyai seorang pegawai yang dipilih tidak berkaitan dengan jabatan polis yang terlibat akan memberikan penampilan yang wajar dan tidak memihak dan akan meletakkan kekuatan seluruh negeri di belakang acara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm very glad that Dixon finally became involved in the process, and I believe his presentation to the church affirming the state's commitment was necessary.", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat gembira kerana Dixon akhirnya terlibat dalam proses itu, dan saya percaya pembentangannya kepada gereja yang mengesahkan komitmen kerajaan adalah perlu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His promise to handle this matter to the end, in a transparent way, and to seek justice wherever that may lead, was the right position for the governor to take.", "r": {"result": "Janjinya untuk menangani perkara ini hingga akhir, dengan cara yang telus, dan untuk mencari keadilan di mana sahaja yang mungkin membawanya, adalah kedudukan yang tepat untuk diambil oleh gabenor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(P.S.--Don't try to make jokes about how you look on camera when you're dealing with a national tragedy.", "r": {"result": "(P.S.--Jangan cuba membuat jenaka tentang penampilan anda pada kamera apabila anda berhadapan dengan tragedi negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Barack Obama should have a voice in the public reaction to this event, but he needs to be circumspect in his presentation.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Barack Obama sepatutnya mempunyai suara dalam reaksi orang ramai terhadap acara ini, tetapi dia perlu berhati-hati dalam pembentangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have, in the past, expressed my chagrin that Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman matter -- not because he involved himself with a national tragedy, but because he took a side in a pending case where he should be very reluctant to do so.", "r": {"result": "Saya pernah, pada masa lalu, meluahkan kekesalan saya bahawa Obama menyuntik dirinya ke dalam perkara Zimmerman -- bukan kerana dia melibatkan dirinya dengan tragedi negara, tetapi kerana dia mengambil bahagian dalam kes yang belum selesai di mana dia sepatutnya sangat keberatan untuk berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I appreciate his more inclusive and tempered response to this troubling shooting.", "r": {"result": "Saya menghargai tindak balasnya yang lebih inklusif dan sabar terhadap penggambaran yang merisaukan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Obama, can't you see black anger in Ferguson?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Obama, tidakkah anda melihat kemarahan hitam di Ferguson?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Traditional media have handled this case well.", "r": {"result": "Media tradisional telah mengendalikan kes ini dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Across the board, media outlets have presented a number of well-balanced reviews of the relevant issues.", "r": {"result": "Di seluruh lembaga, saluran media telah membentangkan beberapa ulasan yang seimbang tentang isu-isu yang berkaitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The traditional media learned a good deal from the Zimmerman case: Reporting on the Michael Brown shooting has been much better founded in both the rules of evidence, the rules of the court and the statutes that deal with such issues as self-defense, \"imminent fear of great bodily injury,\" and police procedures.", "r": {"result": "Media tradisional belajar banyak daripada kes Zimmerman: Pelaporan mengenai tembakan Michael Brown telah diasaskan dengan lebih baik dalam kedua-dua peraturan bukti, peraturan mahkamah dan undang-undang yang menangani isu-isu seperti mempertahankan diri, \"akan berlaku. takut kecederaan badan yang besar,\" dan prosedur polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The media have learned to understand the subject and the applicable statutes before commenting on the case.", "r": {"result": "Media telah belajar memahami subjek dan undang-undang yang berkenaan sebelum mengulas kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Full coverage on Ferguson shooting and protests.", "r": {"result": "Liputan penuh mengenai penembakan dan bantahan Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There has also been a greater level of fairness in reporting, and also a necessary acknowledgment that precious few facts are available yet.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga tahap keadilan yang lebih tinggi dalam pelaporan, dan juga pengakuan yang perlu bahawa beberapa fakta berharga masih tersedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The media have asked the right questions, but have hesitated to fuel speculation.", "r": {"result": "Media telah bertanya soalan yang betul, tetapi teragak-agak untuk mencetuskan spekulasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that is the essence of responsible reporting.", "r": {"result": "Dan itulah intipati pelaporan yang bertanggungjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. Army is establishing a suicide prevention board to examine the mental health of its recruiters around the country after the fourth suicide in three years by Houston, Texas-based recruiters, according to Army officials.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Tentera A.S. sedang menubuhkan lembaga pencegahan bunuh diri untuk memeriksa kesihatan mental perekrutnya di seluruh negara selepas bunuh diri keempat dalam tiga tahun oleh perekrut yang berpangkalan di Houston, Texas, menurut pegawai Tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Army Recruiting Command is examining recruiters all over the country for job-related and combat-related stress.", "r": {"result": "Komando Pengambilan Tentera sedang memeriksa perekrut di seluruh negara untuk tekanan berkaitan pekerjaan dan pertempuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The board will look at how to handle the high-stress climate facing recruiters who may be both under pressure from their job and victims of post-combat deployment stress, according to Douglas Smith, a spokesman from the U.S. Army Recruiting command.", "r": {"result": "Lembaga akan melihat cara mengendalikan iklim tekanan tinggi yang dihadapi oleh perekrut yang mungkin berada di bawah tekanan daripada pekerjaan mereka dan mangsa tekanan penempatan selepas pertempuran, menurut Douglas Smith, jurucakap dari perintah Pengambilan Tentera A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The United States Army Recruiting Command is deeply concerned by the instances of suicide within the Houston Recruiting Battalion,\" said a statement released by the Recruiting Command.", "r": {"result": "\"Komando Pengambilan Tentera Amerika Syarikat amat prihatin dengan kejadian bunuh diri dalam Batalion Pengambilan Houston,\" kata satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Komando Pengambilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The board's objective will be to prevent future suicides, increase suicide awareness, analyze trends and highlight additional tools and resources to combat suicide within the Recruiting Command\".", "r": {"result": "\"Objektif lembaga adalah untuk mencegah bunuh diri pada masa hadapan, meningkatkan kesedaran bunuh diri, menganalisis trend dan menyerlahkan alat dan sumber tambahan untuk memerangi bunuh diri dalam Perintah Pengambilan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Army's examination comes after a sergeant first class, a member of the Houston Recruiting Battalion and an Iraq combat veteran, killed himself at his home earlier this month.", "r": {"result": "Pemeriksaan Tentera datang selepas seorang sarjan kelas pertama, seorang anggota Batalion Pengambilan Houston dan seorang veteran tempur Iraq, membunuh diri di rumahnya awal bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN has chosen not to name any of the recruiters.", "r": {"result": "CNN telah memilih untuk tidak menamakan mana-mana perekrut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sergeant's was the second suicide within the ranks of the battalion within weeks, Army officials said.", "r": {"result": "Sarjan itu adalah bunuh diri kedua dalam barisan batalion dalam tempoh beberapa minggu, kata pegawai tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In August, a staff sergeant, a combat veteran in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, also killed himself.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Ogos, seorang sarjan kakitangan, seorang veteran tempur dalam peperangan di Afghanistan dan Iraq, turut membunuh dirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another Houston recruiter killed himself in 2007 and a yet another in 2005, Army records show.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi perekrut Houston membunuh dirinya pada tahun 2007 dan seorang lagi pada tahun 2005, rekod Tentera menunjukkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Army Recruiting Command is sending a team -- including a chaplain and a psychologist -- to assist the Houston recruiters.", "r": {"result": "Komando Pengambilan Tentera sedang menghantar satu pasukan -- termasuk seorang pendeta dan ahli psikologi -- untuk membantu para perekrut Houston.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The team was scheduled to show up in mid-September, but because of the severe hurricane damage the arrival was delayed until October, officials said.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan itu dijadualkan muncul pada pertengahan September, tetapi disebabkan kerosakan taufan yang teruk, ketibaan telah ditangguhkan sehingga Oktober, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A chaplain from Army Recruiting Command in Fort Knox, Kentucky, was sent to be with the battalion shortly after the latest victim's death, Smith said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pendeta dari Komando Pengambilan Tentera di Fort Knox, Kentucky, dihantar untuk bersama batalion itu sejurus selepas kematian mangsa terbaru, kata Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said recruiters receive annual suicide prevention training, and commanders have additional tools to help their soldiers cope.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata perekrut menerima latihan pencegahan bunuh diri tahunan, dan komander mempunyai alat tambahan untuk membantu askar mereka menghadapi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The members of the Houston battalion received their last training in December 2007, according to an Army statement.", "r": {"result": "Anggota batalion Houston menerima latihan terakhir mereka pada Disember 2007, menurut kenyataan Tentera Darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Army Recruiting Command is examining recruiters all over the country for both job-related and combat-related stress problems, but is giving special attention to the Houston battalion at the moment, according to Smith.", "r": {"result": "Komando Pengambilan Tentera sedang memeriksa perekrut di seluruh negara untuk masalah tekanan berkaitan pekerjaan dan pertempuran, tetapi memberi perhatian khusus kepada batalion Houston pada masa ini, menurut Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We do not have any other circumstances with our recruiters around the country like we do with the Houston unit,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mempunyai sebarang keadaan lain dengan perekrut kami di seluruh negara seperti yang kami lakukan dengan unit Houston,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deaths of the two recruiters this year also caught the eye of U.S. Sen.", "r": {"result": "Kematian dua perekrut tahun ini turut menarik perhatian Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Cornyn from Texas.", "r": {"result": "John Cornyn dari Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cornyn wrote a letter to Army Secretary Pete Geren this month about the suicide rate in the battalion.", "r": {"result": "Cornyn menulis surat kepada Setiausaha Tentera Pete Geren bulan ini mengenai kadar bunuh diri dalam batalion itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Due to the recurring deployments that have proven necessary to sustain operations in the Middle East, it is likely that a large majority of our recruiters are also veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Disebabkan penempatan berulang yang terbukti perlu untuk mengekalkan operasi di Timur Tengah, kemungkinan besar majoriti perekrut kami juga veteran perang di Iraq dan Afghanistan,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Many of our military recruiters work in recruiting offices and facilities remote from the military installations at which their fellow soldiers serve.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai perekrut tentera kami bekerja dalam merekrut pejabat dan kemudahan yang jauh dari pemasangan tentera di mana rakan-rakan tentera mereka berkhidmat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As such, many of them lack the same access to peer support networks and important services for dealing with stress, anxiety, PTSD and other conditions that may directly result from their prior combat service,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, ramai daripada mereka tidak mempunyai akses yang sama kepada rangkaian sokongan rakan sebaya dan perkhidmatan penting untuk menangani tekanan, kebimbangan, PTSD dan keadaan lain yang mungkin berpunca secara langsung daripada perkhidmatan pertempuran terdahulu mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A veteran's advocacy group says Houston has one of the top recruiting operations in the United States but there is a good deal of stress in bringing in new recruits when the Army is stretched.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan advokasi veteran mengatakan Houston mempunyai salah satu operasi perekrutan teratas di Amerika Syarikat tetapi terdapat banyak tekanan dalam membawa masuk rekrut baru apabila Tentera Darat diregangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The suicides in the Houston battalion are a very loud, very bright alarm that Army officials and politicians can't afford to ignore,\" said Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense.", "r": {"result": "\"Kes bunuh diri di batalion Houston adalah penggera yang sangat kuat, sangat terang yang tidak dapat diabaikan oleh pegawai Tentera dan ahli politik,\" kata Paul Sullivan, pengarah eksekutif Veteran untuk Common Sense.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While recruiting among all of the services has been on target for more than a year, the stress levels on recruiters to bring in new service members can be crushing with extended hours and, many times, six- or seven-day work weeks.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pengambilan di kalangan semua perkhidmatan telah mencapai sasaran selama lebih daripada setahun, tahap tekanan pada perekrut untuk membawa masuk anggota perkhidmatan baharu boleh dihancurkan dengan masa yang dilanjutkan dan, banyak kali, enam atau tujuh hari minggu bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Army officials said Cornyn was correct in saying one of the problems for recruiters is they work in locations often far from bases where they can get the mental health help that is readily available to other troops.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai tentera berkata Cornyn betul dalam berkata salah satu masalah bagi perekrut ialah mereka bekerja di lokasi yang selalunya jauh dari pangkalan di mana mereka boleh mendapatkan bantuan kesihatan mental yang sedia ada kepada tentera lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the United States at war for the past seven years, the vast majority of recruiters have combat experience, Smith said.", "r": {"result": "Dengan Amerika Syarikat berperang selama tujuh tahun yang lalu, sebahagian besar perekrut mempunyai pengalaman pertempuran, kata Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The recruiter suicides come at a time when the total number of suicides in the Army's ranks has been growing, Army officials said.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan diri perekrut datang pada masa apabila jumlah kes bunuh diri dalam barisan Tentera semakin meningkat, kata pegawai Tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through August there had been 93 active duty suicides in the Army.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang Ogos terdapat 93 kes bunuh diri aktif dalam Tentera Darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year there were 115 active duty suicides, the highest for the Army since the Vietnam War, according to Army statistics.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas terdapat 115 kes bunuh diri aktif, yang tertinggi untuk Tentera sejak Perang Vietnam, menurut statistik Tentera Darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- Fighting raged on along the turbulent Thai-Cambodian border Friday, one day after a military source said local commanders from both sides had agreed to a cease-fire.", "r": {"result": "Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- Pertempuran berlaku di sepanjang sempadan Thai-Kemboja yang bergolak pada hari Jumaat, sehari selepas sumber tentera berkata komander tempatan dari kedua-dua pihak telah bersetuju untuk gencatan senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thai military spokesman Col.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap tentera Thailand Kol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sansern Kawekumnerd said Friday that another Thai soldier died and four soldiers were injured in the fighting.", "r": {"result": "Sansern Kawekumnerd berkata pada hari Jumaat bahawa seorang lagi askar Thai mati dan empat askar cedera dalam pertempuran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least six Thai soldiers and one civilian have been killed in the clashes that started last week.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya enam askar Thai dan seorang awam terbunuh dalam pertempuran yang bermula minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cambodia has said three of its troops have been killed in the fighting.", "r": {"result": "Kemboja berkata tiga daripada tenteranya telah terbunuh dalam pertempuran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cease-fire agreed upon Thursday was forged at the unit commander level but not at the higher levels of the militaries, a Thai military source said.", "r": {"result": "Gencatan senjata yang dipersetujui pada Khamis itu dipalsukan di peringkat komander unit tetapi bukan di peringkat tinggi tentera, kata sumber tentera Thai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The source, who asked not to be named because he is not authorized to speak publicly, had said if peace persisted, higher-ranking commanders might meet on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Sumber itu, yang enggan namanya disiarkan kerana dia tidak diberi kuasa untuk bercakap secara terbuka, berkata jika keamanan berterusan, komander berpangkat tinggi mungkin bertemu pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The commanders would be Thailand's 2nd Region commander, Lt. Gen Tawatchai Samutsakorn, and Lt. Gen.", "r": {"result": "Komander itu ialah komander Wilayah ke-2 Thailand, Lt. Jen Tawatchai Samutsakorn, dan Lt. Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chea Mon, Cambodia's 5th Army Region commander.", "r": {"result": "Chea Mon, komander Wilayah Tentera ke-5 Kemboja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cambodia's government spokesman could not be reached for comment.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap kerajaan Kemboja tidak dapat dihubungi untuk mendapatkan komen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clashes between the two started April 22 as both sides accused each other of trying to seize ancient temples.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran antara kedua-duanya bermula 22 April ketika kedua-dua pihak menuduh antara satu sama lain cuba merampas kuil purba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thailand calls the temples Ta Kwai and Ta Muen, while Cambodia calls them Ta Krabey and Ta Moan.", "r": {"result": "Thailand memanggil kuil Ta Kwai dan Ta Muen, manakala Kemboja memanggilnya Ta Krabey dan Ta Moan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Much of the border between the two countries remains in dispute.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian besar sempadan antara kedua-dua negara masih dalam pertikaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both sides claim the disputed temples are in their country.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua pihak mendakwa kuil yang dipertikaikan berada di negara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indonesia has offered to provide observers to the border area and help both sides resolve the crisis diplomatically.", "r": {"result": "Indonesia telah menawarkan untuk menyediakan pemerhati ke kawasan sempadan dan membantu kedua-dua pihak menyelesaikan krisis secara diplomatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya met with Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Menteri Luar Thailand Kasit Piromya bertemu dengan Menteri Luar Indonesia Marty Natalegawa di Jakarta, Indonesia, pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indonesia holds the chair of the the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).", "r": {"result": "Indonesia memegang pengerusi Persatuan Negara-Negara Asia Tenggara (ASEAN).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Natalegawa also said Thailand welcomes the deployment of an Indonesian observer team to the disputed area.", "r": {"result": "Natalegawa juga berkata Thailand mengalu-alukan penempatan pasukan pemerhati Indonesia ke kawasan yang dipertikaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This idea was first agreed upon in an emergency meeting of ASEAN's Foreign Ministers in February, also in Jakarta.", "r": {"result": "Idea ini mula-mula dipersetujui dalam mesyuarat tergempar Menteri Luar ASEAN pada Februari, juga di Jakarta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The observers have not been deployed, after Thailand later stated their presence was not needed.", "r": {"result": "Pemerhati belum dikerahkan, selepas Thailand kemudian menyatakan kehadiran mereka tidak diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just want to reassure that Thailand will work very earnestly and in a very serious manner with Indonesia in the role of Indonesia as a great facilitator,\" the Thai foreign minister said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hanya ingin meyakinkan bahawa Thailand akan bekerja dengan sangat bersungguh-sungguh dan dengan cara yang sangat serius dengan Indonesia dalam peranan Indonesia sebagai fasilitator yang hebat,\" kata menteri luar Thailand itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged both nations to pursue \"an effective and verifiable cease-fire\".", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu Ban Ki-moon telah menggesa kedua-dua negara untuk meneruskan \"gencatan senjata yang berkesan dan boleh disahkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February, fighting flared up along another disputed border area between the two nations, prompting the U.N. Security Council to issue a statement calling on both sides to implement a cease-fire.", "r": {"result": "Pada Februari, pertempuran meletus di sepanjang satu lagi kawasan sempadan yang dipertikaikan antara kedua-dua negara, mendorong Majlis Keselamatan PBB mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menggesa kedua-dua pihak melaksanakan gencatan senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those clashes stemmed from a longstanding conflict related to the 11th-century Preah Vihear temple.", "r": {"result": "Pertembungan itu berpunca daripada konflik lama yang berkaitan dengan kuil Preah Vihear abad ke-11.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Cambodia and Thailand lay claim to the temple, which sits atop a cliff on Cambodian soil but has its most accessible entrance on the Thai side.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Kemboja dan Thailand menuntut kuil itu, yang terletak di atas tebing di tanah Kemboja tetapi mempunyai pintu masuk yang paling mudah diakses di sebelah Thai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kocha Olarn and Kathy Quiano contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Kocha Olarn dan Kathy Quiano dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Two teenage girls from Great Britain will fly home Thursday after spending a year behind bars in Ghana for drug-smuggling, the British High Commission in the west African country said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua remaja perempuan dari Great Britain akan terbang pulang Khamis selepas menghabiskan setahun di penjara di Ghana kerana penyeludupan dadah, kata Suruhanjaya Tinggi Britain di negara Afrika barat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girls were stopped by customs officials at Accra trying to smuggle drugs back to Britain.", "r": {"result": "Gadis-gadis itu dihalang oleh pegawai kastam di Accra yang cuba menyeludup dadah kembali ke Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ghanaian police arrested the teenagers, identified as Yasemin Vatansever and Yatunde Diya, in July 2007 as they prepared to board a British Airways flight to London.", "r": {"result": "Polis Ghana menahan remaja terbabit, dikenali sebagai Yasemin Vatansever dan Yatunde Diya, pada Julai 2007 ketika mereka bersiap sedia untuk menaiki penerbangan British Airways ke London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When officials searched their laptop bags as part of departure formalities, they found about 13 lbs (6 kg) of cocaine.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pegawai menggeledah beg komputer riba mereka sebagai sebahagian daripada formaliti berlepas, mereka menemui kira-kira 13 paun (6 kg) kokain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girls, now 17, were 16 at the time of their arrest.", "r": {"result": "Gadis-gadis itu, kini 17, berusia 16 tahun pada masa mereka ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They faced a maximum sentence of three years.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berdepan hukuman maksimum tiga tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "UK media have named the girls as Yatunde Diya and Yasemin Vatansever of north London.", "r": {"result": "Media UK telah menamakan gadis-gadis itu sebagai Yatunde Diya dan Yasemin Vatansever dari utara London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January, a juvenile court in Ghana sentenced the pair to nine months in jail for trying to smuggle cocaine out of the country.", "r": {"result": "Pada Januari, mahkamah juvana di Ghana menjatuhkan hukuman penjara sembilan bulan kepada pasangan itu kerana cuba menyeludup kokain keluar dari negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, a British Foreign Office spokesman said the teens would not have to serve the full sentence because they had already spent more than six months in custody.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, jurucakap Pejabat Luar Britain berkata remaja itu tidak perlu menjalani hukuman penuh kerana mereka telah menghabiskan lebih daripada enam bulan dalam tahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But soon afterward, Ghanaian authorities changed their minds.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak lama selepas itu, pihak berkuasa Ghana mengubah fikiran mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girls were housed in a correctional home for girls in the country's capital, Accra.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak perempuan itu ditempatkan di rumah pemulihan untuk kanak-kanak perempuan di ibu negara negara itu, Accra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fair Trials International, a UK-based group that provided legal assistance to the pair, called the girls \"pawns in a larger operation\".", "r": {"result": "Fair Trials International, sebuah kumpulan yang berpangkalan di UK yang memberikan bantuan undang-undang kepada pasangan itu, menggelar gadis-gadis itu \"bidak dalam operasi yang lebih besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities in Ghana had said a man paid the girls PS6,000 (about $11,700) to fly to Ghana to retrieve the laptop bags containing the drugs from two of his associates, according to the country's national news agency.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa di Ghana berkata seorang lelaki membayar gadis itu PS6,000 (kira-kira $11,700) untuk terbang ke Ghana untuk mendapatkan beg komputer riba yang mengandungi dadah daripada dua rakannya, menurut agensi berita nasional negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those men have not been caught.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu belum ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The girls have served their full sentences, but the men who groomed them and lured them to Ghana remain free to target other vulnerable young women,\" said Catherine Wolthuizen, Fair Trials' chief executive, in a statement this week.", "r": {"result": "\"Gadis-gadis itu telah menjalani hukuman penuh, tetapi lelaki yang mendandan mereka dan memikat mereka ke Ghana tetap bebas untuk menyasarkan wanita muda lain yang terdedah,\" kata Catherine Wolthuizen, ketua eksekutif Fair Trials, dalam satu kenyataan minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ghana and other West African countries have become a transit point for drugs headed to Europe.", "r": {"result": "Ghana dan negara-negara Afrika Barat yang lain telah menjadi tempat transit dadah menuju ke Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girls were arrested in a joint Britain-Ghana drug detection operation, the UK's customs agency said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Gadis-gadis itu ditahan dalam operasi pengesanan dadah bersama Britain-Ghana, kata agensi kastam UK pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Laura Maestro contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Laura Maestro dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a moment Jose Diaz knew he didn't want to miss.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah seketika Jose Diaz tahu dia tidak mahu ketinggalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The day laborer and undocumented immigrant waited for more than 10 years to see it.", "r": {"result": "Buruh harian dan pendatang tanpa izin menunggu selama lebih 10 tahun untuk melihatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I missed work today,\" he said, \"but I felt like I had to be here\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terlepas kerja hari ini,\" katanya, \"tetapi saya rasa saya terpaksa berada di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Diaz was in the crowd cheering after California Gov.", "r": {"result": "Diaz berada dalam orang ramai bersorak selepas California Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jerry Brown signed a law Thursday that will allow undocumented immigrants to get driver's licenses in his state.", "r": {"result": "Jerry Brown menandatangani undang-undang Khamis yang akan membenarkan pendatang tanpa izin mendapatkan lesen memandu di negerinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is only the first step,\" Brown said from the steps of Los Angeles City Hall, adding that he hopes other states will follow California's example.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini hanya langkah pertama,\" kata Brown dari tangga Dewan Bandaraya Los Angeles, sambil menambah bahawa dia berharap negeri lain akan mengikuti contoh California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When a million people without their documents drive legally and with respect in the state of California, the rest of this country will have to stand up and take notice,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila sejuta orang tanpa dokumen mereka memandu secara sah dan hormat di negeri California, seluruh negara ini perlu bangkit dan mengambil perhatian,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No longer are undocumented people in the shadows.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada lagi orang yang tidak berdokumen dalam bayang-bayang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are alive and well and respected in the state of California\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka masih hidup dan sihat serta dihormati di negeri California\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new measure, known as Assembly Bill 60, requires the California Department of Motor Vehicle issue driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants who can prove their identities, have established California residency and pass driving exams.", "r": {"result": "Langkah baharu itu, yang dikenali sebagai Rang Undang-undang Perhimpunan 60, memerlukan Jabatan Kenderaan Bermotor California mengeluarkan lesen memandu kepada pendatang tanpa izin yang boleh membuktikan identiti mereka, telah menubuhkan kediaman California dan lulus peperiksaan memandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The law goes into effect no later than January 1, 2015.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang ini berkuat kuasa selewat-lewatnya pada 1 Januari 2015.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Details about how the new licenses will look and the exact process for obtaining them are still in the works.", "r": {"result": "Butiran tentang rupa lesen baharu dan proses yang tepat untuk mendapatkannya masih dalam kerja-kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even so, supporters of the measure cheered the signing of the law.", "r": {"result": "Namun begitu, penyokong langkah itu bersorak pemeteraian undang-undang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To have a license is not a luxury.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMemiliki lesen bukanlah satu kemewahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is a necessity, because in cars we go to work, to school and shopping and without a license really we are limited in many things,\" said Frida Hinojosa, an undocumented immigrant.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah satu keperluan, kerana dalam kereta kita pergi ke tempat kerja, ke sekolah dan membeli-belah dan tanpa lesen sebenarnya kita terhad dalam banyak perkara,\" kata Frida Hinojosa, seorang pendatang tanpa izin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For more than a year, driver's licenses and other state benefits have been at the heart of a battle in the nationwide immigration debate.", "r": {"result": "Selama lebih setahun, lesen memandu dan faedah negeri lain telah menjadi nadi kepada perdebatan dalam perdebatan imigresen di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supporters of licenses for undocumented immigrants argue that it's safer to have more drivers trained and insured, and opponents argue that such systems are rife with fraud.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong lesen untuk pendatang tanpa izin berpendapat bahawa adalah lebih selamat untuk mempunyai lebih ramai pemandu yang terlatih dan diinsuranskan, dan pihak lawan berpendapat bahawa sistem sedemikian penuh dengan penipuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rules vary from state to state.", "r": {"result": "Peraturan berbeza dari negeri ke negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January, New Mexico Gov.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Januari, New Mexico Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Susana Martinez said she would push to repeal the state law allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.", "r": {"result": "Susana Martinez berkata beliau akan mendesak untuk memansuhkan undang-undang negeri yang membenarkan pendatang tanpa izin mendapatkan lesen memandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That same month, the governor of Illinois signed a new law that would allow undocumented immigrants to get temporary licenses.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan yang sama, gabenor Illinois menandatangani undang-undang baharu yang membenarkan pendatang tanpa izin mendapatkan lesen sementara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In at least 45 states, officials have said recipients of deferred action -- the Obama administration's program for young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children -- are eligible for driver's licenses, according to the National Immigration Law Center.", "r": {"result": "Di sekurang-kurangnya 45 negeri, pegawai berkata penerima tindakan tertunda -- program pentadbiran Obama untuk pendatang muda tanpa izin yang dibawa ke Amerika Syarikat semasa kanak-kanak - layak mendapat lesen memandu, menurut Pusat Undang-undang Imigresen Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in some states, like Arizona and Nebraska, officials have stepped up efforts to stop licenses from being issued, the law center said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di beberapa negeri, seperti Arizona dan Nebraska, pegawai telah meningkatkan usaha untuk menghentikan lesen daripada dikeluarkan, kata pusat undang-undang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- As the global community commemorates World AIDS Day on Wednesday, international health organizations report both promising and sobering trends.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ketika komuniti global memperingati Hari AIDS Sedunia pada hari Rabu, organisasi kesihatan antarabangsa melaporkan kedua-dua trend yang menjanjikan dan membimbangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the United Nations says new HIV infections have declined by almost 20 percent worldwide over the past decade, the estimated number of children living with HIV or AIDS in 11 Asian countries has increased by 46 percent between 2001 and 2009, the World Health Organization's South-East Asia office said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengatakan jangkitan HIV baru telah menurun hampir 20 peratus di seluruh dunia sepanjang dekad yang lalu, anggaran bilangan kanak-kanak yang hidup dengan HIV atau AIDS di 11 negara Asia telah meningkat sebanyak 46 peratus antara 2001 dan 2009, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia Selatan- Pejabat Asia Timur berkata Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In 2001, an estimated 89,000 children were living with HIV/AIDS,\" said Vismita Gupta-Smith, public information and advocacy officer for WHO's regional office in New Delhi, India.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada 2001, dianggarkan 89,000 kanak-kanak hidup dengan HIV/AIDS,\" kata Vismita Gupta-Smith, pegawai maklumat awam dan advokasi untuk pejabat wilayah WHO di New Delhi, India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In 2009, there are an estimated 130,000 children living with HIV infection,\" including recent HIV infection, advanced HIV infection and AIDS.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada tahun 2009, terdapat kira-kira 130,000 kanak-kanak yang hidup dengan jangkitan HIV,\" termasuk jangkitan HIV baru-baru ini, jangkitan HIV lanjutan dan AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 11 countries in the region are Bangladesh, Bhutan, North Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor-Liste.", "r": {"result": "11 negara di rantau ini ialah Bangladesh, Bhutan, Korea Utara, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand dan Timor-Liste.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a report by a United Nations program released last month shows some encouraging news, including drops in AIDS-related deaths and new HIV cases.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi laporan oleh program Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang dikeluarkan bulan lalu menunjukkan beberapa berita yang menggalakkan, termasuk penurunan dalam kematian berkaitan AIDS dan kes HIV baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Data from the 2010 global report by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) shows that an estimated 2.6 million people became newly infected with HIV, compared with the estimated 3.1 million people infected in 1999.", "r": {"result": "Data daripada laporan global 2010 oleh Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) menunjukkan bahawa dianggarkan 2.6 juta orang baru dijangkiti HIV, berbanding dengan anggaran 3.1 juta orang yang dijangkiti pada tahun 1999.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also in 2009, approximately 1.8 million people died from AIDS-related illnesses, compared with the roughly 2.1 million in 2004, according to UNAIDS.", "r": {"result": "Juga pada tahun 2009, kira-kira 1.8 juta orang mati akibat penyakit berkaitan AIDS, berbanding dengan kira-kira 2.1 juta pada tahun 2004, menurut UNAIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among young people in 15 of the most severely affected countries, the rate of new HIV infections has fallen by more than 25 percent, led by young people adopting safer sexual practices, according to UNAIDS.", "r": {"result": "Di kalangan golongan muda di 15 negara yang paling teruk terjejas, kadar jangkitan HIV baharu telah menurun lebih daripada 25 peratus, diketuai oleh golongan muda yang mengamalkan amalan seksual yang lebih selamat, menurut UNAIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are breaking the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic with bold actions and smart choices,\" said Michel Sidibe, executive director of UNAIDS.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memecahkan trajektori wabak AIDS dengan tindakan berani dan pilihan bijak,\" kata Michel Sidibe, pengarah eksekutif UNAIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Investments in the AIDS response are paying off, but gains are fragile -- the challenge now is how we can all work to accelerate progress\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pelaburan dalam tindak balas AIDS membuahkan hasil, tetapi keuntungan adalah rapuh -- cabarannya sekarang ialah bagaimana kita semua boleh berusaha untuk mempercepatkan kemajuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But not all the news from the UNAIDS report, which covered 182 countries, was good.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak semua berita dari laporan UNAIDS, yang meliputi 182 negara, adalah baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even though the number of new HIV infections is decreasing, there are two new HIV infections for every one person starting HIV treatment,\" UNAIDS said.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun bilangan jangkitan HIV baharu semakin berkurangan, terdapat dua jangkitan HIV baharu bagi setiap orang yang memulakan rawatan HIV,\" kata UNAIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the region most affected by the epidemic, with 69 percent of all new HIV infections, according to UNAIDS.", "r": {"result": "Afrika Sub-Sahara terus menjadi wilayah yang paling terjejas oleh wabak itu, dengan 69 peratus daripada semua jangkitan HIV baharu, menurut UNAIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In seven countries, mostly in eastern Europe and central Asia, new HIV infection rates have increased by 25 percent.", "r": {"result": "Di tujuh negara, kebanyakannya di timur Eropah dan Asia tengah, kadar jangkitan HIV baharu telah meningkat sebanyak 25 peratus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "UNAIDS said in the Asia-Pacific region, 90 percent of countries have laws that obstruct the rights of people living with HIV.", "r": {"result": "UNAIDS berkata di rantau Asia Pasifik, 90 peratus negara mempunyai undang-undang yang menghalang hak orang yang hidup dengan HIV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the lower numbers of new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths, UNAIDS said the demand for resources is surpassing the supply.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun bilangan jangkitan HIV baharu dan kematian berkaitan AIDS lebih rendah, UNAIDS berkata permintaan untuk sumber melebihi bekalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Donor governments' disbursements for the AIDS response in 2009 stood at $7.6 billion, lower than the $7.7 billion available in 2008,\" UNAIDS said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pengeluaran kerajaan penderma untuk tindak balas AIDS pada 2009 berjumlah $7.6 bilion, lebih rendah daripada $7.7 bilion yang ada pada 2008,\" kata UNAIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Declines in international investments will affect low-income countries the most -- nearly 90 percent rely on international funding for their AIDS programs\".", "r": {"result": "\"Penurunan dalam pelaburan antarabangsa paling banyak menjejaskan negara berpendapatan rendah -- hampir 90 peratus bergantung pada pembiayaan antarabangsa untuk program AIDS mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday marks the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.", "r": {"result": "Selasa menandakan ulang tahun ke-40 keputusan Mahkamah Agung Roe lwn. Wade.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a 7-2 ruling on January 22, 1973, the justices declared laws prohibiting abortion violated a woman's constitutional right to privacy.", "r": {"result": "Dalam keputusan 7-2 pada 22 Januari 1973, hakim mengisytiharkan undang-undang yang melarang pengguguran mencabuli hak perlembagaan wanita untuk privasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also said states could regulate abortion procedures in the interest of a woman's health or in protecting a potential human life starting at the end of the pregnancy's first trimester.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga berkata negeri boleh mengawal prosedur pengguguran demi kepentingan kesihatan wanita atau melindungi nyawa manusia yang berpotensi bermula pada akhir trimester pertama kehamilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abortion was legal under common law in the United States leading up to the 19th century, says Leslie Reagan, professor of history and law at the University of Illinois and author of \"When Abortion was a Crime\".", "r": {"result": "Pengguguran adalah sah di bawah undang-undang biasa di Amerika Syarikat yang membawa kepada abad ke-19, kata Leslie Reagan, profesor sejarah dan undang-undang di Universiti Illinois dan pengarang \"When Abortion was a Crime\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Early laws only prohibited the use of toxic substances to cause miscarriages after \"quickening,\" or when a woman feels her child move -- usually four or five months into the pregnancy.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang awal hanya melarang penggunaan bahan toksik untuk menyebabkan keguguran selepas \"mempercepatkan\", atau apabila seorang wanita merasakan anaknya bergerak -- biasanya empat atau lima bulan selepas kehamilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That was the moral point where people understood there was a life,\" Reagan says.", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah titik moral di mana orang memahami ada kehidupan, \" kata Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, the definition of life has been debated many times over, but Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, takrif kehidupan telah diperdebatkan berkali-kali, tetapi Roe lwn Wade kekal sebagai undang-undang negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Millennials have the power to protect Roe v. Wade.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Milenium mempunyai kuasa untuk melindungi Roe lwn Wade.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Learn more about the events leading up to this historic decision, and what's happened in the four decades since the ruling:", "r": {"result": "Ketahui lebih lanjut tentang peristiwa yang membawa kepada keputusan bersejarah ini dan perkara yang berlaku dalam empat dekad sejak keputusan itu:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1821: Connecticut passes the first law in the United States to restrict abortion.", "r": {"result": "1821: Connecticut meluluskan undang-undang pertama di Amerika Syarikat untuk menyekat pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It prohibits the use of a toxic substance to cause a miscarriage after \"quickening\".", "r": {"result": "Ia melarang penggunaan bahan toksik untuk menyebabkan keguguran selepas \"mempercepatkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A number of other states follow.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa negeri lain menyusul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1873: Anthony Comstock, head of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, lobbies to pass the Comstock Law, a federal law banning the selling or distributing of materials related to contraception and abortion.", "r": {"result": "1873: Anthony Comstock, ketua Persatuan Penindasan Maksiat New York, melobi untuk meluluskan Undang-undang Comstock, undang-undang persekutuan yang melarang penjualan atau pengedaran bahan yang berkaitan dengan kontrasepsi dan pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1930s: The number of abortions increases significantly during the Great Depression.", "r": {"result": "1930-an: Bilangan pengguguran meningkat dengan ketara semasa Kemelesetan Besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Depression years make vivid the relationship between economics and reproduction,\" Reagan writes.", "r": {"result": "\"Tahun-tahun Kemurungan menjadikan hubungan yang jelas antara ekonomi dan pembiakan, \" tulis Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Married women with children found it impossible to bear the expense of another, and unmarried women could not afford to marry\".", "r": {"result": "\"Wanita yang sudah berkahwin dan mempunyai anak tidak dapat menanggung perbelanjaan orang lain, dan wanita yang belum berkahwin tidak mampu untuk berkahwin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dangerous practice of unregulated abortions led to a high U.S. maternal mortality rate, Reagan says.", "r": {"result": "Amalan berbahaya pengguguran tidak terkawal membawa kepada kadar kematian ibu A.S. yang tinggi, kata Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In her book, she cites a study done in 1931 showing illegal procedures are responsible for 14% of maternal deaths.", "r": {"result": "Dalam bukunya, dia memetik kajian yang dilakukan pada tahun 1931 menunjukkan prosedur haram bertanggungjawab untuk 14% kematian ibu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1950s: Hospitals start to form \"therapeutic abortion boards\" to decide whether doctors can perform an abortion on a case-by-case basis, according to Reagan.", "r": {"result": "1950-an: Hospital mula membentuk \"papan pengguguran terapeutik\" untuk memutuskan sama ada doktor boleh melakukan pengguguran mengikut kes, menurut Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Therapeutic abortions are allowed by law if the mother's life is in danger.", "r": {"result": "Pengguguran terapeutik dibenarkan oleh undang-undang jika nyawa ibu berada dalam bahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hospital restrictions generated resentment among physicians who felt \"shackled\" by the law, Reagan writes.", "r": {"result": "Sekatan hospital menjana kebencian di kalangan doktor yang merasa \"dibelenggu\" oleh undang-undang, tulis Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1955: Planned Parenthood organizes a conference, \"Abortion in the United States,\" that includes testimony from sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, abortionist G. Lotrell Timanus and Planned Parenthod's then-medical director Mary Calderone.", "r": {"result": "1955: Planned Parenthood menganjurkan persidangan, \"Abortion in the United States,\" yang merangkumi keterangan daripada penyelidik seks Alfred Kinsey, pengguguran kandungan G. Lotrell Timanus dan pengarah perubatan Planned Parenthod pada masa itu Mary Calderone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A record of the conference is published in 1958, launching a national discussion on reformed abortion laws.", "r": {"result": "Rekod persidangan itu diterbitkan pada tahun 1958, melancarkan perbincangan nasional mengenai undang-undang pengguguran yang diperbaharui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1960s: Pat Maginnis founds the Society for Humane Abortion, later becoming one of the first people to publicly campaign for legalizing abortion.", "r": {"result": "1960-an: Pat Maginnis mengasaskan Persatuan Pengguguran Kemanusiaan, kemudian menjadi salah satu orang pertama yang berkempen secara terbuka untuk menghalalkan pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They thought she was insane,\" Reagan says of Maginnis' fellow pro-choice advocates.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka fikir dia gila,\" kata Reagan mengenai rakan penyokong pro-pilihan Maginnis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're trying to start talking about reform... and having her out there was hurting them\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka cuba mula bercakap tentang pembaharuan... dan kehadirannya di luar sana mencederakan mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1962: Sherri Finkbine, an Arizona mother of four, travels to Sweden after a local hospital denies her request for a legal abortion.", "r": {"result": "1962: Sherri Finkbine, seorang ibu empat anak di Arizona, pergi ke Sweden selepas hospital tempatan menolak permintaannya untuk pengguguran yang sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finkbine had taken the drug thalidomide, which researchers linked to birth defects.", "r": {"result": "Finkbine telah mengambil ubat thalidomide, yang dikaitkan oleh penyelidik dengan kecacatan kelahiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hospital was initially going to perform the procedure but withdrew its offer after Finkbine told her story to the local newspaper in hopes of alerting mothers to the dangers of the drug.", "r": {"result": "Hospital itu pada mulanya akan melakukan prosedur itu tetapi menarik balik tawarannya selepas Finkbine menceritakan kisahnya kepada akhbar tempatan dengan harapan dapat menyedarkan ibu tentang bahaya dadah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resulting publicity threw her into the middle of a worldwide debate.", "r": {"result": "Publisiti yang terhasil membawanya ke tengah-tengah perdebatan di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1969: A group of young women in Chicago starts \"Jane,\" an underground system that helps women find safe and affordable illegal abortions.", "r": {"result": "1969: Sekumpulan wanita muda di Chicago memulakan \"Jane,\" sistem bawah tanah yang membantu wanita mencari pengguguran haram yang selamat dan berpatutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eventually they learn to perform the procedures themselves, completing nearly 12,000 abortions from 1969 to 1973, according to a documentary about the group.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya mereka belajar untuk melakukan prosedur itu sendiri, menyelesaikan hampir 12,000 pengguguran dari 1969 hingga 1973, menurut dokumentari tentang kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two significant court cases -- People v. Belous and Doe v. Scott, which reached the Supreme Court in 1971 -- declare abortion laws unconstitutional.", "r": {"result": "Dua kes mahkamah penting -- People lwn Belous dan Doe lwn. Scott, yang sampai ke Mahkamah Agung pada 1971 -- mengisytiharkan undang-undang pengguguran tidak mengikut perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That prompted people all over the place to start putting together cases... challenging state abortion laws,\" Reagan says.", "r": {"result": "\"Itu mendorong orang di seluruh tempat untuk mula menyusun kes... mencabar undang-undang pengguguran negeri,\" kata Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1970: By the early 1970s, 20 states have passed abortion reform or repeal laws.", "r": {"result": "1970: Menjelang awal 1970-an, 20 negeri telah meluluskan reformasi pengguguran atau memansuhkan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hawaii, Alaska, New York and Washington state have legalized abortion.", "r": {"result": "Hawaii, Alaska, New York dan negeri Washington telah menghalalkan pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1972: The Supreme Court legalizes the use of birth control pills for all women, regardless of marital status.", "r": {"result": "1972: Mahkamah Agung menghalalkan penggunaan pil perancang untuk semua wanita, tanpa mengira status perkahwinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the decision, only married women were able to receive the pill through a doctor's prescription.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum keputusan itu, hanya wanita yang sudah berkahwin sahaja yang boleh menerima pil itu melalui preskripsi doktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1973: The Supreme Court settles Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, declaring abortion a right-to-privacy issue and hospital therapeutic abortion boards unconstitutional.", "r": {"result": "1973: Mahkamah Agung menyelesaikan Roe lwn Wade dan Doe lwn Bolton, mengisytiharkan pengguguran sebagai isu hak untuk privasi dan lembaga pengguguran terapeutik hospital tidak mengikut perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Though often overlooked since, (Bolton) was as important as Roe,\" Reagan writes.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun sering diabaikan sejak itu, (Bolton) sama pentingnya dengan Roe,\" tulis Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Court held in Doe v. Bolton that policies designed to restrict access to abortion ... violated the rights of women to health care and of physicians to practice\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mahkamah memutuskan dalam Doe lwn. Bolton bahawa dasar yang direka untuk menyekat akses kepada pengguguran ... melanggar hak wanita untuk penjagaan kesihatan dan doktor untuk berlatih\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1976: In Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth, the Supreme Court declares a statute that requires parental and spousal consent for abortions unconstitutional.", "r": {"result": "1976: Dalam Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri lwn Danforth, Mahkamah Agung mengisytiharkan statut yang memerlukan persetujuan ibu bapa dan pasangan untuk pengguguran tidak mengikut perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Congress enacts the Hyde Amendment for the first time, banning the use of federal funds for abortion except in cases of rape, incest or endangerment of the mother's life.", "r": {"result": "Kongres menggubal Pindaan Hyde buat kali pertama, melarang penggunaan dana persekutuan untuk pengguguran kecuali dalam kes rogol, sumbang mahram atau membahayakan nyawa ibu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This amendment has been attached to the congressional appropriations bill and approved by Congress every year since then.", "r": {"result": "Pindaan ini telah dilampirkan pada rang undang-undang peruntukan kongres dan diluluskan oleh Kongres setiap tahun sejak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1983: In Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health, the Supreme Court declares unconstitutional an Ohio law that requires all abortions after the first trimester be performed at a hospital, a 24-hour waiting period and parental consent for girls younger than 15.", "r": {"result": "1983: Di Pusat Kesihatan Reproduktif Akron lwn. Akron, Mahkamah Agung mengisytiharkan melanggar perlembagaan undang-undang Ohio yang mewajibkan semua pengguguran selepas trimester pertama dilakukan di hospital, tempoh menunggu 24 jam dan kebenaran ibu bapa untuk kanak-kanak perempuan di bawah umur 15 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1989: The Supreme Court deals a blow to anti-abortion forces in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services by striking down a law that requires doctors to test the viability of the fetus before an performing any abortion.", "r": {"result": "1989: Mahkamah Agung memberi tamparan kepada pasukan anti-pengguguran dalam Webster lwn. Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Reproduktif dengan membatalkan undang-undang yang memerlukan doktor menguji daya maju janin sebelum melakukan sebarang pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three justices said they would allow restrictions on abortion but only if the restrictions had a rational basis.", "r": {"result": "Tiga hakim berkata mereka akan membenarkan sekatan ke atas pengguguran tetapi hanya jika sekatan itu mempunyai asas yang rasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1992: Supporters on either side of the abortion issue are left confused after the Supreme Court rules on Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania.", "r": {"result": "1992: Penyokong di kedua-dua belah isu pengguguran dibiarkan keliru selepas Mahkamah Agung membuat keputusan mengenai Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "v. Casey.", "r": {"result": "lwn Casey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court says abortion regulations that present an \"undue burden\" on women's constitutional right will be prohibited; critics say \"undue burden\" is too vague.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah berkata peraturan pengguguran yang memberikan \"beban tidak wajar\" ke atas hak perlembagaan wanita akan dilarang; pengkritik mengatakan \"beban yang tidak wajar\" adalah terlalu kabur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1994: President Bill Clinton signs the Abortion-Clinic Protection Bill into law, which is designed to protect abortion clinics from attacks, blockades and acts of intimidation by pro-life protesters.", "r": {"result": "1994: Presiden Bill Clinton menandatangani Rang Undang-undang Perlindungan Klinik Pengguguran menjadi undang-undang, yang direka untuk melindungi klinik pengguguran daripada serangan, sekatan dan tindakan ugutan oleh penunjuk perasaan pro-kehidupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2000: The Food and Drug Administration approves the abortion pill RU-486. The drug enables a woman to terminate a pregnancy within seven weeks from her last menstrual period, without the need for a surgical abortion.", "r": {"result": "2000: Pentadbiran Makanan dan Dadah meluluskan pil pengguguran RU-486. Ubat ini membolehkan seorang wanita menamatkan kehamilan dalam tempoh tujuh minggu dari haid terakhirnya, tanpa memerlukan pengguguran pembedahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2003: President George W. Bush signs the \"partial-birth abortion\" bill, outlawing the procedure known as intact dilation and extraction (D&X).", "r": {"result": "2003: Presiden George W. Bush menandatangani rang undang-undang \"pengguguran separa kelahiran\", yang melarang prosedur yang dikenali sebagai pelebaran dan pengekstrakan utuh (D&X).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Federal judges quickly issue injunctions that temporarily nullify the law's effect for many abortion providers.", "r": {"result": "Hakim persekutuan dengan cepat mengeluarkan injunksi yang membatalkan sementara kesan undang-undang untuk banyak penyedia pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2004: About 800,000 demonstrators gather in Washington for the \"March for Women's Lives,\" a protest against Bush's reproductive rights policies.", "r": {"result": "2004: Kira-kira 800,000 penunjuk perasaan berkumpul di Washington untuk \"March for Women's Lives,\" protes terhadap dasar hak reproduktif Bush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the largest abortion-rights demonstration since a 1992 rally that drew at least 500,000 participants.", "r": {"result": "Ini merupakan demonstrasi hak pengguguran terbesar sejak perhimpunan 1992 yang menarik sekurang-kurangnya 500,000 peserta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2007: The Supreme Court upholds the partial-birth abortion law 5-4 in the first federal restriction on a particular abortion method since Roe v. Wade.", "r": {"result": "2007: Mahkamah Agung menyokong undang-undang pengguguran separa kelahiran 5-4 dalam sekatan persekutuan pertama ke atas kaedah pengguguran tertentu sejak Roe lwn. Wade.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a bitter dissent read from the bench, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says the majority's opinion \"cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away a right declared again and again by this court\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam percanggahan pahit yang dibacakan daripada panel, Hakim Ruth Bader Ginsburg berkata pendapat majoriti \"tidak boleh difahami sebagai apa-apa selain usaha untuk menghapuskan hak yang diisytiharkan berulang kali oleh mahkamah ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2009: President Barack Obama ends a ban on the use of U.S. foreign aid funds by international family planning programs that provided abortions or advice on obtaining one.", "r": {"result": "2009: Presiden Barack Obama menamatkan larangan penggunaan dana bantuan asing A.S. oleh program perancangan keluarga antarabangsa yang menyediakan pengguguran atau nasihat untuk mendapatkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ban had first been instituted in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan.", "r": {"result": "Larangan itu pertama kali dimulakan pada tahun 1984 oleh Presiden Ronald Reagan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George Tiller, a physician who performed late-term abortions, is shot and killed in Wichita, Kansas.", "r": {"result": "George Tiller, seorang doktor yang melakukan pengguguran jangka lewat, ditembak dan dibunuh di Wichita, Kansas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tiller, who had been subject to antiabortion protests and harassment for more than 20 years, was the first abortion provider killed since 1998.", "r": {"result": "Tiller, yang telah mengalami protes dan gangguan antiaborsi selama lebih 20 tahun, merupakan penyedia pengguguran pertama yang terbunuh sejak 1998.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2011: Voters in Mississippi reject the \"personhood\" amendment, which would have outlawed all forms of abortion, including for cases of rape, incest and life-threatening pregnancies.", "r": {"result": "2011: Pengundi di Mississippi menolak pindaan \"keperibadian\", yang akan mengharamkan semua bentuk pengguguran, termasuk untuk kes rogol, sumbang mahram dan kehamilan yang mengancam nyawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Research from the Alan Guttmacher Institute finds the number of abortions is at its lowest level since Roe v. Wade, remaining steady at about 1.2 million reported procedures in 2011, down 25% since the all-time high in 1990.", "r": {"result": "Penyelidikan daripada Institut Alan Guttmacher mendapati bilangan pengguguran berada pada tahap paling rendah sejak Roe lwn. Wade, kekal stabil pada kira-kira 1.2 juta prosedur yang dilaporkan pada 2011, turun 25% sejak tertinggi sepanjang masa pada 1990.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2012: Susan G. Komen for the Cure announces it will cut off funding to affiliates of Planned Parenthood.", "r": {"result": "2012: Susan G. Komen for the Cure mengumumkan ia akan menghentikan pembiayaan kepada ahli gabungan Planned Parenthood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The organization reverses the decision three days later amid a public outcry.", "r": {"result": "Organisasi itu membalikkan keputusan itu tiga hari kemudian di tengah-tengah bantahan orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Supreme Court upholds President Obama's Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Agung menyokong Akta Penjagaan Mampu Mampu Presiden Obama, lebih dikenali sebagai Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Starting in 2014, the level of abortion coverage each woman will receive will depend on their state's policy, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.", "r": {"result": "Bermula pada tahun 2014, tahap perlindungan pengguguran yang akan diterima oleh setiap wanita bergantung pada dasar negara mereka, menurut Yayasan Keluarga Kaiser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ACA prohibits states from including abortion in any essential benefits package and no plan in an insurance exchange is required to offer abortion coverage.", "r": {"result": "BPR melarang negeri daripada memasukkan pengguguran dalam mana-mana pakej faedah penting dan tiada pelan dalam pertukaran insurans diperlukan untuk menawarkan perlindungan pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, states can bar all plans participating in the exchanges from covering abortions.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, negeri boleh menghalang semua rancangan yang menyertai pertukaran daripada meliputi pengguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sources: \"When Abortion Was A Crime,\" by Leslie Reagan; Kaiser Family Foundation; 4,000 Years For Choice; NPR; National Right to Life.", "r": {"result": "Sumber: \"When Abortion Was A Crime,\" oleh Leslie Reagan; Yayasan Keluarga Kaiser; 4,000 Tahun Untuk Pilihan; NPR; Hak Kebangsaan untuk Hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Juan Martin del Potro is facing a lengthy spell on the sidelines after the world No.8 announced he will undergo wrist surgery on Monday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Juan Martin del Potro berdepan tempoh yang panjang di luar pasukan selepas pemain nombor 8 dunia itu mengumumkan dia akan menjalani pembedahan pergelangan tangan pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 2009 U.S. Open champion, who needs surgery to fix a problem with his left wrist, had a similar operation on his right wrist in 2010 and was subsequently out for eight months.", "r": {"result": "Juara Terbuka A.S. 2009 itu, yang memerlukan pembedahan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pergelangan tangan kirinya, menjalani pembedahan yang sama pada pergelangan tangan kanannya pada 2010 dan kemudiannya diketepikan selama lapan bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Argentine first felt pain in his left wrist in August 2012 and he took painkillers to deal with the injury at last year's U.S. Open.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Argentina itu mula merasakan sakit di pergelangan tangan kirinya pada Ogos 2012 dan dia mengambil ubat penahan sakit untuk menangani kecederaan itu pada Terbuka A.S. tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the problem resurfaced at January's Australian Open, the first grand slam of 2014, where Del Potro lost in the second round to Roberto Bautista Agut.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi masalah itu timbul semula pada Terbuka Australia Januari, grand slam pertama 2014, di mana Del Potro tewas pada pusingan kedua kepada Roberto Bautista Agut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to tell you that after a period of medical treatment, in which we tried to be competitive on a tennis court, and following new examinations done today, my doctor Richard Berger, decided that I should have surgery to fix the problem on my left wrist,\" the 25-year-old said on his official Facebook page.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin memberitahu anda bahawa selepas tempoh rawatan perubatan, di mana kami cuba berdaya saing di gelanggang tenis, dan selepas pemeriksaan baru yang dilakukan hari ini, doktor saya Richard Berger, memutuskan bahawa saya perlu menjalani pembedahan untuk menyelesaikan masalah saya. pergelangan tangan kiri,\" kata pemain berusia 25 tahun itu di laman Facebook rasminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Obviously, it's not the easiest choice or the happiest moment of my career.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJelas sekali, ia bukan pilihan paling mudah atau detik paling menggembirakan dalam karier saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I experienced a similar situation and I know how hard it is to be out of the tour, the desire to return, the endless weeks of recovery and how difficult it is to start fighting for the top spots in the rankings again\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mengalami situasi yang sama dan saya tahu betapa sukarnya untuk keluar dari jelajah, keinginan untuk kembali, minggu pemulihan yang tidak berkesudahan dan betapa sukarnya untuk mula berjuang untuk tempat teratas dalam ranking semula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since returning from his right wrist injury in 2010, Del Potro has claimed 11 titles -- most recently defeating Bernard Tomic to win January's Sydney International event.", "r": {"result": "Sejak kembali daripada kecederaan pergelangan tangan kanannya pada 2010, Del Potro telah merangkul 11 kejuaraan -- yang terbaru menewaskan Bernard Tomic untuk memenangi acara Antarabangsa Sydney pada Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As always, thank you to those who express their support in any part of Argentina and the world, during tournaments, on the streets or social networks,\" added Del Potro.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSeperti biasa, terima kasih kepada mereka yang menyatakan sokongan mereka di mana-mana bahagian Argentina dan dunia, semasa kejohanan, di jalanan atau rangkaian sosial,\u201d tambah Del Potro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The strength you send me and my desire will be crucial during my recovery\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kekuatan yang anda berikan kepada saya dan keinginan saya akan menjadi penting semasa pemulihan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The highlight of Del Potro's career so far came at Flushing Meadows five years ago, when he beat Roger Federer in five sets to win his first grand slam title.", "r": {"result": "Kemuncak kerjaya Del Potro setakat ini berlaku di Flushing Meadows lima tahun lalu, apabila dia menewaskan Roger Federer dalam lima set untuk memenangi gelaran grand slam pertamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(EW.com) -- Animated movies have topped the box office for the past four weekends, but this time around, audiences were ready to embrace something a bit edgier.", "r": {"result": "(EW.com) -- Filem animasi telah mengungguli box office sejak empat hujung minggu lalu, tetapi kali ini, penonton sudah bersedia untuk menerima sesuatu yang lebih menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As such, Warner Bros.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, Warner Bros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' horror film \"The Conjuring\" easily topped a crowded weekend with an eye-popping $41.5 million.", "r": {"result": "' filem seram \"The Conjuring\" dengan mudah mengungguli hujung minggu yang sesak dengan kutipan $41.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $20 million James Wan-directed title garnered the best horror debut of the year, trumping The Purge's $34.1 million bow in May.", "r": {"result": "Gelaran arahan James Wan bernilai $20 juta itu memperoleh debut seram terbaik tahun ini, mengatasi kutipan $34.1 juta The Purge pada bulan Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also had the second-best debut ever for an R-rated horror film, trailing only Paranormal Activity 3, which opened with $52.6 million in 2011. The film notched a powerful $14,306 per theater average, and if it receives strong word-of-mouth (which seems likely), it could become a $100 million smash.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mempunyai penampilan pertama kedua terbaik untuk filem seram bertaraf R, hanya mengekori Paranormal Activity 3, yang dibuka dengan $52.6 juta pada tahun 2011. Filem itu mencatatkan purata $14,306 setiap teater, dan jika ia menerima perkataan-of- yang kuat. mulut (yang nampaknya berkemungkinan), ia boleh menjadi smesy $100 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Audiences, which were 53 percent female and 59 percent above the age of 25, issued The Conjuring an excellent \"A-\" CinemaScore grade -- an especially impressive rating given the fact that the horror genre that has seen its fair share of \"D\" and \"F\" grades.", "r": {"result": "Khalayak, yang terdiri daripada 53 peratus wanita dan 59 peratus di atas umur 25 tahun, mengeluarkan The Conjuring gred CinemaScore \"A-\" yang sangat baik -- penilaian yang sangat mengagumkan memandangkan hakikat bahawa genre seram yang telah menyaksikan bahagian yang saksama daripada \"D\" dan gred \"F\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Conjuring's debut marks a career high for Wan, who broke onto the scene in 2004 with his $55.2 million hit Saw, a film so buzzy it steered horror films into the torture direction for years after its release.", "r": {"result": "Kemunculan sulung The Conjuring menandakan kerjaya yang tinggi untuk Wan, yang menceburkan diri ke tempat kejadian pada tahun 2004 dengan $55.2 juta hit Saw, sebuah filem yang begitu heboh sehingga mengarahkan filem seram ke arah penyeksaan selama bertahun-tahun selepas tayangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2011, Wan scored a spookier hit with Insidious, which, like The Conjuring, starred Patrick Wilson.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2011, Wan menjaringkan hit yang lebih menakutkan dengan Insidious, yang, seperti The Conjuring, membintangi Patrick Wilson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Insidious earned $54 million against a $1.5 million budget and now has a sequel hitting theaters on September 13. The Conjuring will easily outgross both of those films, though it's all but guaranteed that Wan's next effort, Fast & Furious 7, will be his biggest hit yet.", "r": {"result": "Insidious memperoleh $54 juta berbanding bajet $1.5 juta dan kini mempunyai sekuel yang ditayangkan di pawagam pada 13 September. The Conjuring dengan mudah akan mengatasi kedua-dua filem tersebut, walaupun semuanya dijamin bahawa usaha Wan seterusnya, Fast & Furious 7, akan menjadi hit terbesarnya belum lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despicable Me 2 held strong in second place, dipping 43 percent to $25.1 million in its third weekend.", "r": {"result": "Despicable Me 2 kekal kukuh di tempat kedua, merosot 43 peratus kepada $25.1 juta pada hujung minggu ketiganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $76 million sequel from Universal and Illumination Entertainment needed only 17 days to surpass the original Despicable Me's $251.5 million domestic total.", "r": {"result": "Sekuel $76 juta daripada Universal dan Illumination Entertainment hanya memerlukan 17 hari untuk mengatasi jumlah domestik asal Despicable Me yang bernilai $251.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, the film has earned $276.2 million.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, filem itu telah memperoleh $276.2 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overseas, Despicable Me 2 has already surpassed the $300 million mark, pushing its worldwide total to $584.6 million.", "r": {"result": "Di luar negara, Despicable Me 2 telah melepasi paras $300 juta, menjadikan jumlahnya di seluruh dunia kepada $584.6 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In third place, Turbo started its box office run at a snail's pace.", "r": {"result": "Di tempat ketiga, Turbo memulakan larian box officenya pada kadar siput.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $135 million animated comedy, featuring the voice of Ryan Reynolds as a radioactive snail, grossed $21.5 million in its first weekend -- the worst debut for a DreamWorks Animation film since 2006's Flushed Away opened with $18.8 million.", "r": {"result": "Komedi animasi bernilai $135 juta, yang menampilkan suara Ryan Reynolds sebagai siput radioaktif, mengutip $21.5 juta pada hujung minggu pertamanya -- penampilan pertama terburuk untuk filem DreamWorks Animation sejak Flushed Away 2006 dibuka dengan $18.8 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hot on the heels of Monsters University and Despicable Me 2, it's likely that Turbo suffered because audiences have had their fill of family fare over the past few weeks.", "r": {"result": "Sedang hangat di Universiti Monsters dan Despicable Me 2, kemungkinan Turbo menderita kerana penonton telah kenyang dengan tambang keluarga sejak beberapa minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fortunately, the crowds that did see Turbo liked what they saw and gave it an \"A\" CinemaScore grade, which could help word-of-mouth in the future, though there's almost no chance the film matches its budget domestically.", "r": {"result": "Nasib baik, orang ramai yang melihat Turbo menyukai apa yang mereka lihat dan memberikannya gred CinemaScore \"A\", yang boleh membantu dari mulut ke mulut pada masa hadapan, walaupun hampir tiada peluang filem itu sepadan dengan bajetnya di dalam negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turbo's lackluster debut casts some shadow on Fox and DreamWorks Animation's infant relationship.", "r": {"result": "Kemunculan sulung Turbo yang hambar memberi bayangan pada hubungan bayi Fox dan DreamWorks Animation.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this year, Fox distributed The Croods, its first DreamWorks Animation-produced film in a five-year deal between the studios.", "r": {"result": "Awal tahun ini, Fox mengedarkan The Croods, filem pertama terbitan DreamWorks Animation dalam perjanjian lima tahun antara studio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The caveman comedy grossed $186 million domestically and $582 million worldwide.", "r": {"result": "Komedi manusia gua itu mengaut $186 juta di dalam negara dan $582 juta di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fact that Turbo will come nowhere close to those numbers makes its opening all the more disappointing.", "r": {"result": "Fakta bahawa Turbo tidak akan mendekati nombor tersebut menjadikan pembukaannya semakin mengecewakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grown Ups 2 fell 52 percent from its first weekend to $20 million in its second frame.", "r": {"result": "Grown Ups 2 jatuh 52 peratus daripada hujung minggu pertamanya kepada $20 juta dalam rangka kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sony's $80 million Adam Sandler comedy continues to perform well despite its critical savaging, and it has now earned $79.5 million after ten days.", "r": {"result": "Komedi Sony Adam Sandler yang bernilai $80 juta terus menunjukkan prestasi yang baik walaupun komedinya kritikal, dan kini telah memperoleh $79.5 juta selepas sepuluh hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grown Ups 2 is on track to pass the $100 million mark with ease, and it will become Sandler's 13th live-action comedy to reach that milestone.", "r": {"result": "Grown Ups 2 berada di landasan untuk melepasi markah $100 juta dengan mudah, dan ia akan menjadi komedi aksi langsung ke-13 Sandler untuk mencapai kejayaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether you love Sandler or hate him, you can't deny his remarkable box office record.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada anda suka Sandler atau benci dia, anda tidak boleh menafikan rekod box officenya yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fifth place, Red 2 took in $18.5 million, 15 percent less than the original Red's $21.8 million opening in 2010. The Summit sequel starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Mary Louise Parker, and John Malkovich, got a big budget-boost from its predecessor, but like The Expendables 2, that didn't grow the film's audience at the box office.", "r": {"result": "Di tempat kelima, Red 2 memperoleh $18.5 juta, 15 peratus kurang daripada pembukaan asal Red $21.8 juta pada tahun 2010. Sekuel Summit yang dibintangi oleh Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Mary Louise Parker, dan John Malkovich, mendapat peningkatan bajet yang besar daripada filem itu. pendahulu, tetapi seperti The Expendables 2, itu tidak meningkatkan penonton filem itu di box office.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Red cost only $58 million and ultimately earned $199 million worldwide, Red 2 cost $85 million, and its weaker American debut suggests it won't climb nearly as high at the box office.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Red berharga $58 juta dan akhirnya memperoleh $199 juta di seluruh dunia, Red 2 berharga $85 juta, dan penampilan pertamanya di Amerika yang lebih lemah menunjukkan ia tidak akan naik hampir setinggi di box office.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Audiences gave Red 2 a \"B+\" CinemaScore grade.", "r": {"result": "Khalayak memberikan Red 2 gred CinemaScore \"B+\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. The Conjuring -- $41.5 million.", "r": {"result": "1. The Conjuring -- $41.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Despicable Me 2 -- $25 million.", "r": {"result": "2. Despicable Me 2 -- $25 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Turbo -- $21.5 million.", "r": {"result": "3. Turbo -- $21.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Grown Ups 2 -- $20 million.", "r": {"result": "4. Dewasa 2 -- $20 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. Red 2 -- $18 million.", "r": {"result": "5. Merah 2 -- $18 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Further down the chart, R.I.P.D., in which Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges play cops in the afterlife, bombed with $12.8 million in its first three days.", "r": {"result": "Lebih jauh ke bawah carta, R.I.P.D., di mana Ryan Reynolds dan Jeff Bridges bermain sebagai polis di akhirat, mengebom dengan $12.8 juta dalam tiga hari pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film also stars Mary Louise Parker, which means that both she and Reynolds faced themselves at the box office this weekend -- and both fared poorly.", "r": {"result": "Filem ini juga dibintangi oleh Mary Louise Parker, yang bermaksud bahawa dia dan Reynolds menghadapi diri mereka di box office hujung minggu ini -- dan kedua-duanya bernasib buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In press notes sent to journalists this morning, Universal admits \"In this crowded marketplace, R.I.P.D.", "r": {"result": "Dalam nota akhbar yang dihantar kepada wartawan pagi ini, Universal mengakui \"Di pasar yang sesak ini, R.I.P.D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "did not find the size audience it needed and Universal is disappointed in the weekend result\".", "r": {"result": "tidak menemui saiz penonton yang diperlukan dan Universal kecewa dengan keputusan hujung minggu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The studio says the action comedy cost $130 million (though its budget has been reported at $154 million), which makes R.I.P.D.", "r": {"result": "Studio itu mengatakan komedi aksi itu berharga $130 juta (walaupun bajetnya telah dilaporkan pada $154 juta), yang menjadikan R.I.P.D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "an expensive misfire for the studio that hasn't suffered a major misstep since Battleship.", "r": {"result": "kemalangan yang mahal untuk studio yang tidak mengalami kesilapan besar sejak Battleship.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year at the box office has been riddled with costly mistakes, and R.I.P.D.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini di box office telah dipenuhi dengan kesilapan yang mahal, dan R.I.P.D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "joins the ranks of After Earth, White House Down, The Lone Ranger, and Jack the Giant Slayer -- big-budget tentpoles that audiences firmly rejected.", "r": {"result": "menyertai barisan After Earth, White House Down, The Lone Ranger dan Jack the Giant Slayer -- tiang khemah bajet besar yang ditolak dengan tegas oleh penonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crowds issued R.I.P.D.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai mengeluarkan R.I.P.D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "a negative \"C+\" CinemaScore.", "r": {"result": "CinemaScore \"C+\" negatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So for those of you keeping score: Turbo, Red 2, and R.I.P.D.", "r": {"result": "Jadi bagi anda yang mengekalkan skor: Turbo, Red 2 dan R.I.P.D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "collectively cost $350 million and earned $52.8 million this weekend at the box office.", "r": {"result": "secara kolektif menelan kos $350 juta dan memperoleh $52.8 juta hujung minggu ini di box office.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Conjuring, meanwhile, cost $20 million and earned $41.5 million.", "r": {"result": "The Conjuring pula menelan belanja $20 juta dan memperoleh $41.5 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the original story at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat cerita asal di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CLICK HERE to Try 2 RISK FREE issues of Entertainment Weekly.", "r": {"result": "KLIK DI SINI untuk Mencuba 2 terbitan Hiburan Mingguan PERCUMA RISIKO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly and Time Inc. All rights reserved.", "r": {"result": "(c) 2011 Entertainment Weekly dan Time Inc. Hak cipta terpelihara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- You couldn't make it up: Edward Snowden granted temporary asylum in Russia -- a country with an unrivaled history of listening in to other people's phone calls, bedroom consultations or private discussions -- as a \"whistleblower\" on the American National Security Agency's legally sanctioned and publicly acknowledged activities.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Anda tidak boleh menebusnya: Edward Snowden memberikan suaka sementara di Rusia -- sebuah negara yang mempunyai sejarah tiada tandingan mendengar panggilan telefon orang lain, rundingan bilik tidur atau perbincangan peribadi -- sebagai \"pemberi maklumat\" mengenai aktiviti Agensi Keselamatan Kebangsaan Amerika yang dibenarkan secara sah dan diakui secara umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is in it for Moscow?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang ada di Moscow?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A bit of fun of course, for one thing.", "r": {"result": "Sedikit menyeronokkan tentu saja, untuk satu perkara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Soviet and now Russian habit has always been to answer criticisms of their conduct with the playground insult \"and you're another\".", "r": {"result": "Kebiasaan Soviet dan kini Rusia sentiasa menjawab kritikan terhadap kelakuan mereka dengan penghinaan taman permainan \"dan anda seorang lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Snowden in transit through Moscow was a chance to posture as a defender of human rights in answer to Western -- for them most woundingly U.S. -- comments on the recent Russian record.", "r": {"result": "Snowden dalam transit melalui Moscow adalah satu peluang untuk berlagak sebagai pembela hak asasi manusia sebagai jawapan kepada Barat -- bagi mereka yang paling menyakitkan A.S. -- mengulas mengenai rekod Rusia baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have also been Russians, concerned to work for human rights in their own country, more ready than ever to believe that the West has let them down in contesting renewed Kremlin pressure on civil society, and who have been willing to use Snowden as a symbol of their commitment to universal values.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga orang Rusia, prihatin untuk bekerja untuk hak asasi manusia di negara mereka sendiri, lebih bersedia daripada sebelumnya untuk mempercayai bahawa Barat telah mengecewakan mereka dalam menentang tekanan Kremlin yang diperbaharui ke atas masyarakat sivil, dan yang telah bersedia menggunakan Snowden sebagai simbol komitmen mereka terhadap nilai sejagat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But President Putin has no sympathy for turncoats; and has no need for extra ways to signal his distaste for the United States.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Presiden Putin tidak mempunyai simpati untuk turncoats; dan tidak memerlukan cara tambahan untuk menunjukkan rasa tidak sukanya terhadap Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he or the Russian FSB [ the Federal Security Service in Russia] had supposed that Snowden had valuable intelligence to offer they would have taken him in sooner, and they must have checked that out right away.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia atau FSB Rusia [Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Persekutuan di Rusia] menyangka bahawa Snowden mempunyai perisikan yang berharga untuk ditawarkan, mereka akan menerimanya lebih awal, dan mereka mesti menyemaknya dengan segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a contract worker reportedly determined at the outset to break his contract, Snowden would not seem to be much of an intelligence catch.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan seorang pekerja kontrak dilaporkan bertekad pada awalnya untuk memutuskan kontraknya, Snowden nampaknya tidak banyak menangkap perisikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would certainly not seem to Putin to be a hero.", "r": {"result": "Dia pastinya tidak menganggap Putin sebagai seorang wira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the Russian president tried to mitigate the possible provision of asylum for Snowden by the condition that he would not be permitted to harm Russia's US \"partners\" while under Moscow's protection.", "r": {"result": "Dan presiden Rusia cuba mengurangkan kemungkinan penyediaan suaka untuk Snowden dengan syarat bahawa dia tidak akan dibenarkan untuk membahayakan \"rakan kongsi\" AS Rusia semasa di bawah perlindungan Moscow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So if Snowden would not seem to Moscow to be a likely long- or even short-term intelligence asset, or even what Lenin would have described as a \"useful idiot,\" why have the Russians given him temporary asylum?", "r": {"result": "Jadi, jika Snowden nampaknya Moscow tidak menjadi aset perisikan jangka panjang atau jangka pendek, atau bahkan apa yang Lenin akan gambarkan sebagai \"bodoh yang berguna,\" mengapa Rusia memberinya suaka sementara?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It seems probable to me that he has become an embarrassment, and because they couldn't quite think of anything else to do with him.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya mungkin bagi saya bahawa dia telah menjadi malu, dan kerana mereka tidak dapat memikirkan apa-apa lagi yang berkaitan dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Snowden has been allowed to stay at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow -- or at least so it is said -- for too long simply to be handed over to U.S. officials.", "r": {"result": "Snowden telah dibenarkan tinggal di Lapangan Terbang Sheremetyevo di Moscow -- atau sekurang-kurangnya begitu dikatakan -- terlalu lama untuk diserahkan kepada pegawai AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he was to have been sent to face trial in the USA Snowden would naturally be questioned there as to whom he had seen in Moscow, which might or might not be embarrassing to the Russians.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia dihantar untuk menghadapi perbicaraan di Amerika Syarikat, Snowden secara semula jadi akan dipersoalkan di sana tentang siapa dia telah berjumpa di Moscow, yang mungkin memalukan atau tidak kepada Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Besides, there is no extradition treaty between Moscow and Washington -- and Moscow would have had to explain why they had agreed that Snowden should be sent to the U.S. after all this time.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, tiada perjanjian ekstradisi antara Moscow dan Washington -- dan Moscow terpaksa menjelaskan mengapa mereka bersetuju bahawa Snowden harus dihantar ke A.S. selepas sekian lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muddle is often a better explanation for the actions of any government than finely balanced policy making, and Russia is certainly no exception to that rule.", "r": {"result": "Kekacauan selalunya merupakan penjelasan yang lebih baik untuk tindakan mana-mana kerajaan daripada membuat dasar yang seimbang, dan Rusia pastinya tidak terkecuali daripada peraturan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moscow's handling of the Snowden case has been hesitant, with no clear persons or institution directing affairs.", "r": {"result": "Pengendalian Moscow terhadap kes Snowden telah teragak-agak, tanpa orang atau institusi yang jelas mengarahkan hal ehwal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Giving him temporary asylum is not a solution.", "r": {"result": "Memberinya suaka sementara bukanlah penyelesaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It merely puts the case into a different context, while making it harder for Moscow to return him to face trial in the U.S., to send him off to another country, or to grant him permanent asylum in Russia for that matter.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya meletakkan kes itu ke dalam konteks yang berbeza, sambil menyukarkan Moscow untuk mengembalikannya untuk menghadapi perbicaraan di A.S., menghantarnya ke negara lain, atau memberinya suaka kekal di Rusia untuk perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Russians may hope that the American administration will tire of pressing its case, and that Snowden can be conveniently forgotten.", "r": {"result": "Pihak Rusia mungkin berharap bahawa pentadbiran Amerika akan penat menekan kesnya, dan Snowden boleh dilupakan dengan mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He will not of course be allowed -- if he is given permanent leave to stay in Russia, studies his Chekhov and Dostoevsky, and accepts one of the offers of marriage that he has had -- to take an active role as a human rights activist in his adopted country.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu dia tidak akan dibenarkan -- jika dia diberi cuti kekal untuk tinggal di Rusia, mengkaji Chekhov dan Dostoevskynya, dan menerima salah satu tawaran perkahwinan yang dia miliki -- untuk mengambil peranan aktif sebagai aktivis hak asasi manusia di negara angkatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Kremlin will have absorbed the lesson that the present U.S. administration has been prepared over the years to turn a blind eye to Russian misbehavior for the sake of what it sees as realism in pursuing its immediate foreign policy interests.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Kremlin akan mengambil pengajaran bahawa pentadbiran A.S. sekarang telah bersedia selama bertahun-tahun untuk menutup mata terhadap salah laku Rusia demi apa yang dilihatnya sebagai realisme dalam mengejar kepentingan dasar luar negerinya yang segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So why, Russian policy makers may think, make too much fuss over Snowden?", "r": {"result": "Jadi mengapa, pembuat dasar Rusia mungkin berfikir, membuat terlalu banyak kekecohan mengenai Snowden?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There has been speculation of arranging a swap of Snowden for a Russian refugee in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat spekulasi mengatur pertukaran Snowden untuk pelarian Rusia di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would prefer to think that too dishonorable for the United States to contemplate.", "r": {"result": "Saya lebih suka berfikir bahawa terlalu tidak bermaruah untuk direnungkan oleh Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Andrew Wood.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Andrew Wood semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Euro 2012 hosts Ukraine were brought back down to earth after their opening match heroics as France clinched a 2-0 victory in stormy Donetsk.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tuan rumah Euro 2012, Ukraine diturunkan semula ke bumi selepas aksi pembukaan penuh heroik ketika Perancis meraih kemenangan 2-0 di Donetsk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Play in the Group D match was suspended for 58 minutes as spectacular torrential rain and forked lightning put the players' safety at risk.", "r": {"result": "Permainan dalam perlawanan Kumpulan D digantung selama 58 minit kerana hujan lebat yang menakjubkan dan kilat bercabang membahayakan keselamatan pemain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the teams returned to the field, the French made their superior technical ability count as clinical second-half strikes from Jeremy Menez and Yohan Cabaye sealed a comfortable win.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pasukan kembali ke padang, Perancis menjadikan keupayaan teknikal unggul mereka dikira apabila serangan klinikal separuh masa kedua daripada Jeremy Menez dan Yohan Cabaye memastikan kemenangan selesa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Group D's other game, England won a thrilling contest against Sweden to dump the Scandinavians out of the tournament.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perlawanan lain Kumpulan D, England memenangi pertandingan mendebarkan menentang Sweden untuk menyingkirkan warga Scandinavia daripada kejohanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soccer Live: Euro 2012 day 8 as it happened.", "r": {"result": "Bola Sepak Langsung: Euro 2012 hari ke-8 seperti yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young striker Danny Welbeck hit a brilliant winner 13 minutes from time after Sweden briefly led through Olof Mellberg's double strike.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang muda Danny Welbeck menjaringkan gol kemenangan cemerlang 13 minit sebelum tamat permainan selepas Sweden mendahului seketika menerusi jaringan berganda Olof Mellberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Andy Carroll and Theo Walcott were also on target for England in the 3-2 triumph, their first ever competitive victory over the Swedes.", "r": {"result": "Andy Carroll dan Theo Walcott juga menjadi sasaran untuk England dalam kemenangan 3-2, kemenangan kompetitif pertama mereka ke atas Sweden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ukraine 0-2 France.", "r": {"result": "Ukraine 0-2 Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Group D favorites France proved too good for hosts Ukraine in a rain-affected Euro 2012 clash in Donetsk.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan pilihan Kumpulan D Perancis terbukti terlalu bagus untuk tuan rumah Ukraine dalam pertembungan Euro 2012 yang dilanda hujan di Donetsk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a huge thunderstorm caused play to be suspended for almost an hour during the first half, Jeremy Menez and Yohan Cabaye struck after the break to seal victory for Laurent Blanc's side.", "r": {"result": "Selepas ribut petir yang hebat menyebabkan permainan dihentikan selama hampir sejam pada separuh masa pertama, Jeremy Menez dan Yohan Cabaye melakukan serangan selepas rehat untuk memastikan kemenangan buat pasukan Laurent Blanc.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The game begun amid torrential rain and within five minutes of kick-off, Dutch referee Bjorn Kuipers ordered the teams off the field as thunder and treacherous forked lightning engulfed the Donbass Arena.", "r": {"result": "Permainan bermula di tengah-tengah hujan lebat dan dalam masa lima minit sepak mula, pengadil Belanda Bjorn Kuipers mengarahkan pasukan keluar padang ketika guruh dan kilat bercabang berbahaya menyambar Arena Donbass.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The continuation of the match looked in doubt as large puddles of water began to form on the pitch but 58 minutes later, the teams re-emerged to clearer skies.", "r": {"result": "Kesinambungan perlawanan kelihatan diragui apabila lopak air besar mula terbentuk di atas padang tetapi 58 minit kemudian, pasukan muncul semula ke langit yang lebih cerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ukraine, despite the cacophonous roar from the crowd that greeted their every thrust forward, found it tough to cope with France's slicker passing and movement.", "r": {"result": "Ukraine, di sebalik raungan riuh rendah daripada orang ramai yang menyambut setiap tujahan mereka ke hadapan, mendapati sukar untuk mengatasi hantaran dan pergerakan yang lebih licin Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Home goalkeeper Andriy Pyatov was forced into a wonderful save with his feet to deny Menez, before batting away a Phillippe Mexes header.", "r": {"result": "Penjaga gol tuan rumah, Andriy Pyatov terpaksa melakukan penyelamatan hebat dengan kakinya untuk menafikan Menez, sebelum menepis tandukan Phillippe Mexes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Veteran striker Andriy Shevchenko, a two-goal hero in Ukraine's opening match against Sweden, again looked the hosts' most potent threat.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang veteran Andriy Shevchenko, wira dua gol dalam perlawanan pembukaan Ukraine menentang Sweden, sekali lagi kelihatan ancaman paling kuat tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He saw one rasping strike palmed away by Hugo Lloris and then sent a thunderous long-range effort whistling inches over the bar shortly after the break.", "r": {"result": "Dia melihat satu rembatan deras ditepis oleh Hugo Lloris dan kemudian menghantar satu percubaan jarak jauh yang kuat bersiul beberapa inci di atas palang sejurus selepas rehat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But just as Ukraine were finding their rhythm, France swept up the field and broke the deadlock.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ketika Ukraine mencari rentak mereka, Perancis menyapu bersih padang dan memecahkan kebuntuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After some fine interplay between Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema, Menez cut inside Yevhen Selin and drilled a shot in at the near post.", "r": {"result": "Selepas beberapa interaksi yang baik antara Franck Ribery dan Karim Benzema, Menez memotong bahagian dalam Yevhen Selin dan melakukan rembatan di tiang berhampiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three minutes later, Cabaye latched on to Benzema's pass and buried an effort past Pyatov from 15 yards.", "r": {"result": "Tiga minit kemudian, Cabaye mengumpan hantaran Benzema dan membenamkan percubaan melepasi Pyatov dari jarak 15 ela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The goals completely deflated the Ukrainians, who escaped going further behind when Cabaye blasted against the post after a mesmerizing spell of French possession.", "r": {"result": "Gol itu mengempiskan pemain Ukraine itu, yang terlepas lebih jauh di belakang apabila Cabaye meledak tiang selepas penguasaan bola Perancis yang memukau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The win stretches Le Bleus' unbeaten run to an imposing 23 games and it also made a bit of history.", "r": {"result": "Kemenangan itu melebarkan rekod tanpa kalah Le Bleus kepada 23 perlawanan yang mengagumkan dan ia juga mencipta sedikit sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is, incredibly, the first time they have won a European Championship match without either Zinedine Zidane or Michel Platini in their side.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah, luar biasa, kali pertama mereka memenangi perlawanan Kejohanan Eropah tanpa Zinedine Zidane atau Michel Platini dalam pasukan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "England 3-2 Sweden.", "r": {"result": "England 3-2 Sweden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "England striker Danny Welbeck's sumptuous late winner settled a topsy-turvy match as Sweden were sent crashing out of Euro 2012.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang lewat penyerang England, Danny Welbeck, menyelesaikan perlawanan yang membosankan apabila Sweden tersingkir daripada Euro 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Manchester United man's cheeky backheel sealed the points for England after Olof Mellberg's brace for Sweden had threatened to derail their more illustrious opponents.", "r": {"result": "Tumit belakang lelaki Manchester United itu mengesahkan mata untuk England selepas dua jaringan Olof Mellberg untuk Sweden telah mengancam untuk menggagalkan lawan mereka yang lebih tersohor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a sweet, if nerve-jangling, victory for the English, for whom Sweden had become something of a bogey team in international tournaments.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah satu kemenangan yang manis, jika menggegarkan, bagi Inggeris, yang baginya Sweden telah menjadi pasukan yang bogey dalam kejohanan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But where England failed in Euro 1992 and the World Cups of 2002 and 2006, they succeeded in Kiev to put themselves in a strong position in Group D.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila England gagal dalam Euro 1992 dan Piala Dunia 2002 dan 2006, mereka berjaya di Kiev untuk meletakkan diri mereka dalam kedudukan yang kukuh dalam Kumpulan D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A point in their final pool match against Ukraine, in which the talismanic Wayne Rooney returns from suspension, will be enough to see England into the quarter-finals.", "r": {"result": "Satu mata dalam perlawanan terakhir mereka menentang Ukraine, di mana Wayne Rooney kembali daripada penggantungan, sudah cukup untuk menyaksikan England mara ke suku akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roy Hodgson's side were on top in the first half and their pressure told when Steven Gerrard sent an inch-perfect cross into the box for Carroll to plant a trademark bullet header past Andreas Isaksson.", "r": {"result": "Skuad kendalian Roy Hodgson berada di atas pada separuh masa pertama dan tekanan mereka memberitahu apabila Steven Gerrard menghantar hantaran lintang yang sempurna ke dalam kotak untuk Carroll membuat tandukan peluru tanda dagangan melepasi Andreas Isaksson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Carroll's wild challenge on Kim Kallstrom then produced the free-kick that led to Sweden's somewhat scrappy equalizer.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi cabaran liar Carroll terhadap Kim Kallstrom kemudian menghasilkan sepakan percuma yang membawa kepada gol penyamaan yang agak buruk Sweden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zlatan Ibrahimovic hit the set-piece against the wall before his miscued volley fell to Mellberg, whose shot was parried by Joe Hart only to bounce off Glen Johnson and over the line.", "r": {"result": "Zlatan Ibrahimovic terkena bola mati ke dinding sebelum sepakannya yang tersasar jatuh kepada Mellberg, yang rembatannya ditepis Joe Hart hanya untuk melantun keluar dari Glen Johnson dan melepasi garisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Scandinavians, needing a win, then went in front when Mellberg rose unmarked to head home his second goal from Sebastian Larsson's free-kick.", "r": {"result": "Skuad Scandinavia itu, yang memerlukan kemenangan, kemudian mendahului apabila Mellberg bangkit tanpa disedari untuk menanduk masuk gol keduanya daripada sepakan percuma Sebastian Larsson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But England hit back when an Ashley Young corner was cleared straight to Walcott, whose 20-yard strike deceived Isaksson and flew into the middle of the net.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi England membalasnya apabila sepakan sudut Ashley Young ditepis terus ke Walcott, yang mana serangan sejauh 20 ela memperdaya Isaksson dan melesat ke tengah gawang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Substitute Walcott was then instrumental in England's third goal, racing to the byline and cutting the ball back for Welbeck to flick home a stunning backheel.", "r": {"result": "Pemain gantian Walcott kemudiannya memainkan peranan penting dalam gol ketiga England, berlumba ke garisan tepi dan memotong bola ke belakang untuk Welbeck menjaringkan gol belakang yang menakjubkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guatemala City, Guatemala (CNN) -- In a country where 20% of people live on less than a dollar a day, Richard Grinnell is doing his level best to help the impoverished people of Guatemala.", "r": {"result": "Bandaraya Guatemala, Guatemala (CNN) -- Di negara di mana 20% orang hidup dengan pendapatan kurang daripada satu dolar sehari, Richard Grinnell melakukan yang terbaik untuk membantu penduduk Guatemala yang miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grinnell runs an American charity here called Helps International, which arranges medical procedures done by American doctors and provides stoves to the poorest of the poor.", "r": {"result": "Grinnell menjalankan sebuah badan amal Amerika di sini yang dipanggil Helps International, yang mengatur prosedur perubatan yang dilakukan oleh doktor Amerika dan menyediakan dapur kepada golongan miskin yang paling miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So when he heard that 15 small American charities that have nothing to do with foreign aid claimed to have sent $40 million worth of medicines to Guatemala in a single year, he was surprised, to say the least.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, apabila dia mendengar bahawa 15 badan amal kecil Amerika yang tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan bantuan asing mendakwa telah menghantar ubat-ubatan bernilai $40 juta ke Guatemala dalam satu tahun, dia terkejut, sekurang-kurangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grinnell said his charity runs 15,000 clinics throughout Guatemala at a cost of about $300,000 a year.", "r": {"result": "Grinnell berkata badan amalnya menjalankan 15,000 klinik di seluruh Guatemala dengan kos kira-kira $300,000 setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Any charity that spends even a million dollars a year would be huge,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mana-mana badan amal yang membelanjakan walaupun satu juta dolar setahun akan menjadi besar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Documents obtained by CNN show that Charity Services International, a private South Carolina company, claimed to have shipped nearly $40 million in medicines and other donations on behalf of 15 small charities to Guatemala in 2010. Those same charities also reported sending another $10 million to Guatemala the next year.", "r": {"result": "Dokumen yang diperolehi oleh CNN menunjukkan bahawa Charity Services International, sebuah syarikat swasta South Carolina, mendakwa telah menghantar hampir $40 juta dalam bentuk ubat-ubatan dan sumbangan lain bagi pihak 15 badan amal kecil ke Guatemala pada tahun 2010. Badan amal yang sama itu juga melaporkan menghantar $10 juta lagi ke Guatemala tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to its tax filings, one of those American charities, The Breast Cancer Society of Mesa, Arizona, claimed to have shipped $22 million of donations by itself in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Menurut pemfailan cukainya, salah satu badan amal Amerika, The Breast Cancer Society of Mesa, Arizona, mendakwa telah menghantar $22 juta derma dengan sendirinya pada tahun 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a joint investigation by CNN, the Tampa Bay Times and the Center for Investigative Reporting could find no trace of even a fraction of those donations.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi siasatan bersama oleh CNN, Tampa Bay Times dan Pusat Pelaporan Penyiasatan tidak menemui sebarang kesan walaupun sebahagian kecil daripada derma tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN traveled across Guatemala to find these medicines, starting with the Order of Malta, which was listed as the biggest recipient of Charity Services International's alleged donations.", "r": {"result": "CNN mengembara ke seluruh Guatemala untuk mencari ubat-ubatan ini, bermula dengan Order of Malta, yang disenaraikan sebagai penerima terbesar sumbangan Charity Services International yang didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the American charity donations were funneled through the downtown Guatemala City office of the Order of Malta, a centuries-old charity with links to the Catholic Church that is accorded diplomatic status by some countries.", "r": {"result": "Semua sumbangan amal Amerika disalurkan melalui pejabat pusat bandar Guatemala City Order of Malta, sebuah badan amal berabad-abad yang mempunyai pautan kepada Gereja Katolik yang diberikan status diplomatik oleh beberapa negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the downtown building listed as the Order of Malta's headquarters, a building manager said it had been five years since the Order of Malta had offices there.", "r": {"result": "Di bangunan pusat bandar yang disenaraikan sebagai ibu pejabat Order of Malta, seorang pengurus bangunan berkata sudah lima tahun sejak Order of Malta mempunyai pejabat di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside another office building with an impressive sign saying it was the \"Embassy\" of the Order of Malta, an assistant said no one was inside.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam bangunan pejabat lain dengan papan tanda yang mengagumkan mengatakan ia adalah \"Kedutaan\" Perintah Malta, seorang pembantu berkata tiada sesiapa di dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About an hour's drive outside the capital, a guard stood outside a gated iron fence with a sign for the Order of Malta.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira sejam memandu di luar ibu negara, seorang pengawal berdiri di luar pagar besi berpagar dengan tanda untuk Order of Malta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The guard said the fence surrounded a warehouse with donated medicines, but he refused to allow CNN access.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal itu berkata, pagar mengelilingi sebuah gudang dengan ubat-ubatan yang disumbangkan, tetapi dia enggan membenarkan akses CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman for the Order of Malta , Enrique Hegel, later told CNN that it received two or three shipments a month in 2010 and 2011 from American charities, \"depending on the season\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Order of Malta, Enrique Hegel, kemudian memberitahu CNN bahawa ia menerima dua atau tiga penghantaran sebulan pada 2010 dan 2011 daripada badan amal Amerika, \"bergantung pada musim\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would not respond to other questions.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak akan menjawab soalan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert Gramajo, who signed for some of those donations in 2010 and 2011, said he never saw any dollar amounts listed for the goods he received.", "r": {"result": "Robert Gramajo, yang menandatangani beberapa sumbangan itu pada 2010 dan 2011, berkata dia tidak pernah melihat sebarang jumlah dolar disenaraikan untuk barangan yang diterimanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also told CNN that the Order of Malta closed a clinic that had offered free mammograms for Guatemalan women in 2011 because there were no funds to continue its operation.", "r": {"result": "Beliau juga memberitahu CNN bahawa Order of Malta menutup sebuah klinik yang menawarkan mamogram percuma untuk wanita Guatemala pada 2011 kerana tiada dana untuk meneruskan operasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gramajo, who said he left the Order of Malta two years ago, now operates his own charity.", "r": {"result": "Gramajo, yang berkata dia meninggalkan Order of Malta dua tahun lalu, kini mengendalikan badan amalnya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's this all about?", "r": {"result": "Apa ini semua?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charity watchdog groups said some American charities want to impress potential donors and therefore claim huge amounts of dollar values in medicines and other goods shipped abroad to poor countries.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pemantau amal berkata beberapa badan amal Amerika mahu menarik perhatian bakal penderma dan oleh itu menuntut sejumlah besar nilai dolar dalam ubat-ubatan dan barangan lain yang dihantar ke luar negara ke negara miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In reality, these charities send small amounts of goods and state regulators say they inflate the values time and time again.", "r": {"result": "Pada hakikatnya, badan amal ini menghantar sejumlah kecil barangan dan pengawal selia negeri mengatakan mereka meningkatkan nilai itu dari semasa ke semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roy Tidwell, CEO of Charity Services International, declined to say what precisely comprised the millions of dollars of goods sent to Guatemala, citing confidentiality for his clients.", "r": {"result": "Roy Tidwell, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Charity Services International, enggan menyatakan apa sebenarnya yang terdiri daripada berjuta-juta dolar barangan yang dihantar ke Guatemala, memetik kerahsiaan untuk pelanggannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he said in an e-mail that all the donations were valued by the charities and not by his shipping office.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia berkata dalam e-mel bahawa semua derma itu dinilai oleh badan amal dan bukan oleh pejabat perkapalannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's not so, according to a spokeswoman for the Breast Cancer Society, one of the 15 small charities that donated items to Guatemala through Charity Services International.", "r": {"result": "Bukan begitu, menurut jurucakap Persatuan Kanser Payudara, salah satu daripada 15 badan amal kecil yang menyumbangkan barangan kepada Guatemala melalui Charity Services International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spokeswoman Kristina Hixson said it was Charity Services International that provided all the valuations.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Kristina Hixson berkata ia adalah Perkhidmatan Amal Antarabangsa yang menyediakan semua penilaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hixon also said Breast Cancer Society had \"amended\" some of its IRS filings to eliminate $12 million worth of claimed donations to Guatemala.", "r": {"result": "Hixon juga berkata Persatuan Kanser Payudara telah \"meminda\" beberapa pemfailan IRSnya untuk menghapuskan derma yang dituntut bernilai $12 juta kepada Guatemala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, she said the Breast Cancer Society had given \"$36 million of medicines and supplies to those in desperate need\" to other Central American countries and to West African nations.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, beliau berkata Persatuan Kanser Payudara telah memberikan \"$36 juta ubat dan bekalan kepada mereka yang sangat memerlukan\" kepada negara Amerika Tengah yang lain dan kepada negara Afrika Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tampa Bay Times' charity checker.", "r": {"result": "Penyemak amal Tampa Bay Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back in the Guatemalan countryside, Richard Grinnell said he has never even heard of the Order of Malta nor any of the American charities that claimed to have donated millions and millions of dollars' worth of supplies.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke kawasan luar bandar Guatemala, Richard Grinnell berkata dia tidak pernah mendengar tentang Order of Malta mahupun mana-mana badan amal Amerika yang mendakwa telah menderma bekalan bernilai berjuta-juta dolar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People in rural parts of the country, he said, are so impoverished that even a few dollars a day more and free medicine would mean the world.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk di kawasan luar bandar, katanya, sangat miskin sehinggakan walaupun beberapa dolar sehari lebih dan ubat percuma akan bermakna dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The huge donations claimed by these American charities, he said, just don't happen in his world.", "r": {"result": "Derma besar yang dituntut oleh badan amal Amerika ini, katanya, tidak berlaku dalam dunianya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Center for Investigative Reporting: More on this story.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Pelaporan Penyiasatan: Lebih lanjut mengenai cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Anderson Cooper 360deg weeknights 10pm ET.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Anderson Cooper 360deg malam minggu 10 malam ET.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the latest from AC360deg click here.", "r": {"result": "Untuk maklumat terkini dari AC360deg klik di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a weekend of intense investigation, authorities are piecing together more details about Friday's fatal shooting at Los Angeles International Airport, including the suspect's behavior earlier in the week and a warning from his family that may have come minutes too late.", "r": {"result": "Selepas penyiasatan sengit pada hujung minggu, pihak berkuasa mengumpul lebih banyak butiran mengenai kejadian tembakan maut pada hari Jumaat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Los Angeles, termasuk tingkah laku suspek awal minggu dan amaran daripada keluarganya yang mungkin terlambat beberapa minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers sent to check on Paul Ciancia's welfare arrived at his apartment less than an hour after the shooting started, police said Monday.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai yang dihantar untuk memeriksa kebajikan Paul Ciancia tiba di apartmennya kurang sejam selepas tembakan bermula, kata polis Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here is a rundown to get you up to speed:", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah ikhtisar untuk mempercepatkan anda:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspect.", "r": {"result": "Suspek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ciancia, 23, of Los Angeles, is charged with murder of a federal officer and commission of violence in an international airport.", "r": {"result": "Ciancia, 23, dari Los Angeles, didakwa membunuh pegawai persekutuan dan melakukan keganasan di lapangan terbang antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was shot by officers Friday and was in critical condition at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditembak oleh pegawai pada hari Jumaat dan berada dalam keadaan kritikal di Pusat Perubatan UCLA Ronald Reagan pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A source said Ciancia was unable to speak to investigators.", "r": {"result": "Sumber berkata Ciancia tidak dapat bercakap dengan penyiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clues about a motive.", "r": {"result": "Petunjuk tentang motif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday that more investigation is necessary to uncover a motive for the attack.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Negara Eric Holder berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa lebih banyak siasatan diperlukan untuk mendedahkan motif serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a note found on Ciancia indicated that he wanted to kill Transportation Security Administration employees to \"instill fear\" in what the suspect called the agents' \"traitorous minds,\" FBI Special Agent in Charge David Bowdich said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi nota yang ditemui pada Ciancia menunjukkan bahawa dia mahu membunuh pekerja Pentadbiran Keselamatan Pengangkutan untuk \"menimbulkan ketakutan\" dalam apa yang dikatakan oleh suspek sebagai \"fikiran pengkhianat\" ejen, kata Ejen Khas FBI yang Bertanggungjawab David Bowdich.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to someone who knew Ciancia and his three roommates well, Ciancia began asking for a ride to the airport days before the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Menurut seseorang yang mengenali Ciancia dan tiga rakan sebiliknya dengan baik, Ciancia mula meminta tumpangan ke lapangan terbang beberapa hari sebelum penembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He claimed he needed to fly to New Jersey to help his sick father, but he never said what day he needed to leave, the source said.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendakwa dia perlu terbang ke New Jersey untuk membantu bapanya yang sakit, tetapi dia tidak pernah memberitahu hari apa dia perlu pergi, kata sumber itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday, Ciancia burst into a roommate's room and demanded a ride to the airport immediately, said the source, who spoke to CNN on the condition of anonymity.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat, Ciancia menceroboh masuk ke dalam bilik rakan sebilik dan meminta perjalanan ke lapangan terbang dengan segera, kata sumber itu, yang bercakap dengan CNN dengan syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The roommate obliged.", "r": {"result": "Rakan sebilik itu terpaksa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators don't think the roommate had any idea of Ciancia's plans.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat tidak fikir rakan sebilik itu tidak tahu rancangan Ciancia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The near-save.", "r": {"result": "Yang hampir-menjimatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Around the same time, Ciancia was sending text messages to family members in Pennsville, New Jersey.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, Ciancia menghantar mesej teks kepada ahli keluarga di Pennsville, New Jersey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One suggested that something bad would happen.", "r": {"result": "Seseorang mencadangkan bahawa sesuatu yang buruk akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although Ciancia has no known history of mental illness, he said in the texts that he was unhappy, and the messages were alarming enough that Ciancia's father decided to call police.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Ciancia tidak mempunyai sejarah penyakit mental yang diketahui, dia berkata dalam teks bahawa dia tidak berpuas hati, dan mesej itu cukup membimbangkan sehingga bapa Ciancia memutuskan untuk menghubungi polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I felt that it was pretty serious.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya merasakan ia agak serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It sounded as if Paul Ciancia in California was thinking about harming himself, so obviously I knew I needed to make a phone call to the LAPD,\" Pennsville Police Chief Allen Cummings told CNN's Jake Tapper on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Kedengarannya seolah-olah Paul Ciancia di California berfikir untuk mencederakan dirinya, jadi jelas saya tahu saya perlu membuat panggilan telefon ke LAPD,\" kata Ketua Polis Pennsville Allen Cummings kepada Jake Tapper dari CNN pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cummings spoke with a lieutenant there, who told him the department was in the middle of responding to a shooting at LAX.", "r": {"result": "Cummings bercakap dengan seorang leftenan di sana, yang memberitahunya jabatan itu sedang bertindak balas terhadap tembakan di LAX.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At this point, we weren't connecting the dots,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada ketika ini, kami tidak menyambungkan titik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They did later when a reporter called the police chief, asking him to comment on the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Mereka melakukannya kemudian apabila seorang wartawan menghubungi ketua polis, memintanya mengulas mengenai tembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles Police Department Cmdr. Andy Smith says police were first called to check on Ciancia at 10:06 a.m. Officers arrived at his apartment six minutes later, according to Smith.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Polis Los Angeles Cmdr. Andy Smith berkata polis mula-mula dipanggil untuk memeriksa Ciancia pada 10:06 pagi. Pegawai tiba di apartmennya enam minit kemudian, menurut Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ciancia was already gone.", "r": {"result": "Ciancia sudah tiada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The timeline provided Monday by police differed from that offered earlier by Rep.", "r": {"result": "Garis masa yang disediakan oleh polis pada Isnin berbeza daripada yang ditawarkan sebelum ini oleh Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.", "r": {"result": "Michael McCaul, R-Texas, pengerusi Jawatankuasa Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said police had arrived at Ciancia's apartment about 45 minutes after the suspect had left for the airport.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata polis telah tiba di pangsapuri Ciancia kira-kira 45 minit selepas suspek bertolak ke lapangan terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the LAPD account, they arrived 52 minutes after the shooting, which began about 9:20 a.m., according to police.", "r": {"result": "Menurut akaun LAPD, mereka tiba 52 minit selepas tembakan, yang bermula kira-kira 9:20 pagi, menurut polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not immediately clear when Ciancia left for the airport.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas apabila Ciancia bertolak ke lapangan terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attack.", "r": {"result": "Serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 9:20 a.m. Friday, Ciancia walked up to a Transportation Security Administration checkpoint in Terminal 3. He pulled a .", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira jam 9:20 pagi Jumaat, Ciancia berjalan ke pusat pemeriksaan Pentadbiran Keselamatan Pengangkutan di Terminal 3. Dia menarik .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "223-caliber assault rifle from a bag and shot TSA officer Gerardo Hernandez \"at point-blank range,\" according to a court document filed by an FBI agent.", "r": {"result": "Senapang serbu berkaliber 223 dari beg dan menembak pegawai TSA Gerardo Hernandez \"pada jarak dekat,\" menurut dokumen mahkamah yang difailkan oleh ejen FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ciancia then went up an escalator but returned to shoot Hernandez again, apparently after seeing him move.", "r": {"result": "Ciancia kemudian menaiki eskalator tetapi kembali menembak Hernandez sekali lagi, nampaknya selepas melihat dia bergerak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He continued walking and shooting.", "r": {"result": "Dia terus berjalan dan menembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Witnesses said he went from person to person, asking, \"Are you TSA\"?", "r": {"result": "Saksi berkata dia pergi dari orang ke orang, bertanya, \"Adakah anda TSA\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just shook my head,\" traveler Leon Saryan told CNN's Anderson Cooper.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hanya menggelengkan kepala,\" kata pengembara Leon Saryan kepada Anderson Cooper dari CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And he kept going\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan dia terus pergi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chaos and terror inside LAX Terminal 3. The victims.", "r": {"result": "Kekacauan dan keganasan di dalam Terminal 3 LAX. Mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hernandez, 39, was the first TSA officer to die in the line of duty since the agency was created in 2001.", "r": {"result": "Hernandez, 39, adalah pegawai TSA pertama yang meninggal dunia dalam menjalankan tugas sejak agensi itu diwujudkan pada 2001.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He took pride in his duty for the American public and for the TSA mission,\" said his wife, Ana Hernandez.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia berbangga dengan tugasnya untuk orang awam Amerika dan untuk misi TSA,\" kata isterinya, Ana Hernandez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple, who married in 1998, have two children.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan yang berkahwin pada 1998 itu mempunyai dua orang anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two other TSA officers -- James Speer, 54, and Tony Grigsby, 36 -- were wounded but were released from the hospital.", "r": {"result": "Dua lagi pegawai TSA -- James Speer, 54, dan Tony Grigsby, 36 -- cedera tetapi dibenarkan keluar dari hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grigsby, who was shot in the foot, told reporters Monday he was injured while helping an elderly man move to a safe area.", "r": {"result": "Grigsby, yang ditembak di kaki, memberitahu pemberita pada Isnin dia cedera ketika membantu seorang lelaki warga emas berpindah ke kawasan selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I turned around and there was a gunman,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya berpaling dan ada seorang lelaki bersenjata,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Shot me twice\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tembak saya dua kali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A traveler who was shot in the leg, 29-year-old Brian Ludmer of Lake Forest, Illinois, was in fair condition Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pengembara yang ditembak di kaki, Brian Ludmer, 29 tahun dari Lake Forest, Illinois, berada dalam keadaan baik Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The police response.", "r": {"result": "Jawapan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TSA officers are unarmed.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai TSA tidak bersenjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So it was airport police officers who eventually shot Ciancia multiple times in the chest, also striking him in the face and neck.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, pegawai polis lapangan terbang yang akhirnya menembak Ciancia berkali-kali di dada, juga memukulnya di muka dan leher.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Airport Police Chief Patrick Gannon said the FBI told him that his officers were 60 seconds behind Ciancia.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Polis Lapangan Terbang Patrick Gannon berkata FBI memberitahunya bahawa pegawainya berada 60 saat di belakang Ciancia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He praised their response, even though he acknowledged that he had moved his officers away from positions inside the checkpoints during the past year.", "r": {"result": "Dia memuji maklum balas mereka, walaupun dia mengakui bahawa dia telah memindahkan pegawainya daripada jawatan di dalam pusat pemeriksaan sepanjang tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The threat ... at the airport does not exist behind security at that podium; the threat exists from the curbline on,\" Gannon said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ancaman ... di lapangan terbang tidak wujud di sebalik keselamatan di podium itu; ancaman wujud dari garis tepi jalan,\" kata Gannon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So ... we have our people stationed throughout the airport\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi ... kami mempunyai orang kami ditempatkan di seluruh lapangan terbang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holder said Monday that the investigation will include a review of security measures at LAX and other airports.", "r": {"result": "Holder berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa siasatan akan termasuk kajian semula langkah keselamatan di LAX dan lapangan terbang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The responsibility for protecting airport security is not a TSA function but something that I think we need to certainly examine, given what happened in Los Angeles,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tanggungjawab untuk melindungi keselamatan lapangan terbang bukanlah fungsi TSA tetapi sesuatu yang saya fikir kita perlu pasti meneliti, memandangkan apa yang berlaku di Los Angeles,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Travel delays.", "r": {"result": "Kelewatan perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident forced authorities to shut down parts of the airport, evacuate travelers and put a temporary hold on some departures and landings.", "r": {"result": "Insiden itu memaksa pihak berkuasa menutup sebahagian lapangan terbang, memindahkan pelancong dan menahan sementara beberapa pelepasan dan pendaratan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 167,050 airline passengers were affected by the incident Friday as a result of cancellations, delays or diversions to other airports, according to LAX.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 167,050 penumpang syarikat penerbangan terjejas oleh insiden itu pada Jumaat akibat pembatalan, kelewatan atau pengalihan ke lapangan terbang lain, menurut LAX.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One airline, JetBlue, temporarily moved its operations to Long Beach Airport.", "r": {"result": "Satu syarikat penerbangan, JetBlue, memindahkan operasinya buat sementara waktu ke Lapangan Terbang Long Beach.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Saturday, an additional 40 flights were affected, including 30 that were canceled, involving about 4,000 passengers, according to Los Angeles International Airport.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Sabtu, 40 penerbangan tambahan terjejas, termasuk 30 yang dibatalkan, melibatkan kira-kira 4,000 penumpang, menurut Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to FlightAware, a flight tracking website, airlines canceled 236 flights into or out of LAX after the incident Friday morning and 27 more Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Menurut FlightAware, sebuah laman web penjejakan penerbangan, syarikat penerbangan membatalkan 236 penerbangan masuk atau keluar dari LAX selepas kejadian pagi Jumaat dan 27 lagi Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An additional 919 flights were delayed over the two days, FlightAware said.", "r": {"result": "Tambahan 919 penerbangan telah ditangguhkan selama dua hari, kata FlightAware.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of those cancellations and delays may have been caused by problems other than the shooting, however.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa pembatalan dan kelewatan itu mungkin disebabkan oleh masalah selain daripada penangkapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airport was operating normally Monday morning.", "r": {"result": "Lapangan terbang beroperasi seperti biasa pagi Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suspect's family responds.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga suspek bertindak balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ciancia's family, in a statement read Monday afternoon by attorney John Jordan in New Jersey, said they were \"shocked and numbed by the tragic events of last Friday\".", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Ciancia, dalam satu kenyataan yang dibacakan petang Isnin oleh peguam John Jordan di New Jersey, berkata mereka \"terkejut dan mati rasa dengan peristiwa tragis Jumaat lalu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is most important for us as a family to express our deep and sincere sympathy to the Hernandez family,\" the Ciancia family said.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah paling penting bagi kami sekeluarga untuk melahirkan rasa simpati yang mendalam dan tulus kepada keluarga Hernandez,\" kata keluarga Ciancia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(By) all accounts, Officer Hernandez was an exemplary member of the law enforcement community and a good family man.", "r": {"result": "\"(Dengan) semua akaun, Pegawai Hernandez adalah ahli teladan dalam komuniti penguatkuasa undang-undang dan seorang lelaki keluarga yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our hearts go out to his family and many others who grieve his passing.", "r": {"result": "Hati kami turut berdukacita kepada keluarga beliau dan ramai lagi yang bersedih atas pemergian beliau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We wish to convey, too, our hopes that those who were wounded during this incident will experience quick and full recoveries.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami juga ingin menyampaikan harapan kami agar mereka yang cedera semasa kejadian ini akan pulih dengan cepat dan sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We also regret the inconvenience experienced by thousands of travelers as well as the administration and the employees of the Los Angeles airport\".", "r": {"result": "Kami juga kesal dengan kesulitan yang dialami oleh ribuan pengembara serta pihak pentadbiran dan pekerja lapangan terbang Los Angeles\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Ciancia family said they would \"continue to love and care for\" Paul.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Ciancia berkata mereka akan \"terus menyayangi dan mengambil berat\" Paul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will support him during the difficult times ahead.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami akan menyokongnya semasa masa sukar akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While we do not mean to minimize the grief and distress experienced by many other families, we hope that the public will understand that this is a very difficult time for our family, too,\" the family said.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kami tidak bermaksud untuk meminimumkan kesedihan dan kesusahan yang dialami oleh banyak keluarga lain, kami berharap orang ramai akan memahami bahawa ini adalah masa yang sangat sukar untuk keluarga kami juga,\" kata keluarga itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's next?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang akan datang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If convicted, Ciancia could face the death penalty or life in prison without parole.", "r": {"result": "Jika sabit kesalahan, Ciancia boleh menghadapi hukuman mati atau penjara seumur hidup tanpa parol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. attorney general would decide whether to pursue a death sentence.", "r": {"result": "Peguam negara A.S. akan memutuskan sama ada akan meneruskan hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TSA Administrator John Pistole said the shooting has prompted a review of security protocol with partner agencies.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbir TSA John Pistole berkata penembakan itu telah mendorong semakan protokol keselamatan dengan agensi rakan kongsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCaul said better coordination with local law enforcement could improve security at checkpoints.", "r": {"result": "McCaul berkata penyelarasan yang lebih baik dengan penguatkuasa undang-undang tempatan boleh meningkatkan keselamatan di pusat pemeriksaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the congressman acknowledged that \"it's very difficult to stop these types of attacks\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ahli kongres itu mengakui bahawa \"sangat sukar untuk menghentikan jenis serangan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's almost like an open shopping mall,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia hampir seperti pusat membeli-belah terbuka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Don't arm the TSA.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Jangan mempersenjatai TSA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moscow, Russia (CNN) -- A Russian scientist who was part of a swap for 10 Russian spies caught in the United States is now in England, his brother told CNN Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Moscow, Rusia (CNN) -- Seorang saintis Rusia yang menjadi sebahagian daripada pertukaran untuk 10 pengintip Rusia yang ditangkap di Amerika Syarikat kini berada di England, abangnya memberitahu CNN Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Igor Sutyagin \"is in a small town on the outskirts of London,\" but doesn't know exactly where, his brother Dmitry said.", "r": {"result": "Igor Sutyagin \"berada di sebuah bandar kecil di pinggir London,\" tetapi tidak tahu di mana dengan tepat, kata abangnya Dmitry.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He thinks he needs to take stock and consider what's going on in Russia, (and) in England,\" said Dmitry Sutyagin, who lives just outside Moscow.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia fikir dia perlu mengambil kira dan mempertimbangkan apa yang berlaku di Rusia, (dan) di England,\" kata Dmitry Sutyagin, yang tinggal di luar Moscow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sutyagin was convicted of espionage in Russia in 2004, according to Human Rights Watch, which said his trial and conviction were seriously flawed.", "r": {"result": "Sutyagin telah disabitkan dengan pengintipan di Rusia pada 2004, menurut Human Rights Watch, yang mengatakan perbicaraan dan sabitannya adalah cacat serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington denies that he was a spy.", "r": {"result": "Washington menafikan bahawa dia adalah seorang pengintip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amnesty International warned Thursday that sending him abroad as part of the swap could amount to forcible exile, a violation of international law.", "r": {"result": "Amnesty International memberi amaran pada hari Khamis bahawa menghantarnya ke luar negara sebagai sebahagian daripada pertukaran itu boleh menyebabkan pengasingan secara paksa, satu pelanggaran undang-undang antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His mother told Amnesty he had been forced to confess to spying in order to be freed from prison in a remote arctic region of Russia.", "r": {"result": "Ibunya memberitahu Amnesty bahawa dia telah dipaksa untuk mengaku mengintip untuk dibebaskan dari penjara di kawasan terpencil Artik Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sutyagin is one of four people handed over on Friday in exchange for the 10 people who confessed in the United States to spying for Russia.", "r": {"result": "Sutyagin adalah salah seorang daripada empat orang yang diserahkan pada hari Jumaat sebagai pertukaran untuk 10 orang yang mengaku di Amerika Syarikat untuk mengintip untuk Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States and Russia completed the swap Friday, exchanging them on chartered planes at an airport in Vienna, Austria, a U.S. official and Russian media said.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat dan Rusia menyelesaikan pertukaran pada hari Jumaat, menukar mereka dengan pesawat sewaan di lapangan terbang di Vienna, Austria, kata seorang pegawai A.S. dan media Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The elaborately choreographed transfer -- which took place while the planes sat on the ground for about an hour -- was reminiscent of a scene from the Cold War.", "r": {"result": "Pemindahan dengan koreografi yang rumit -- yang berlaku semasa pesawat-pesawat itu duduk di atas tanah selama kira-kira sejam -- mengingatkan adegan Perang Dingin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorney General Eric Holder said none of the 10 had passed classified information and therefore none had been charged with espionage.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Negara Eric Holder berkata tiada seorang pun daripada 10 itu telah memberikan maklumat sulit dan oleh itu tiada seorang pun yang didakwa melakukan pengintipan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the plea agreements, the defendants disclosed their true identities in court, admitted to being agents for Russia, and forfeited assets attributable to the criminal offenses, the Justice Department said in a news release.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah perjanjian pengakuan itu, defendan mendedahkan identiti sebenar mereka di mahkamah, mengaku sebagai ejen untuk Rusia, dan kehilangan aset yang dikaitkan dengan kesalahan jenayah, kata Jabatan Kehakiman dalam satu kenyataan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Richard Murphy\" and \"Cynthia Murphy\" admitted they are Russian citizens named Vladimir Guryev and Lydia Guryev, the Justice Department said.", "r": {"result": "\"Richard Murphy\" dan \"Cynthia Murphy\" mengakui mereka adalah warga Rusia bernama Vladimir Guryev dan Lydia Guryev, kata Jabatan Kehakiman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Michael Zottoli\" and \"Patrica Mills\" admitted they are Russian citizens named Mikhail Kutsik and Natalia Pereverzeva.", "r": {"result": "\"Michael Zottoli\" dan \"Patrica Mills\" mengakui mereka adalah warga Rusia bernama Mikhail Kutsik dan Natalia Pereverzeva.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Donald Howard Heathfield\" and \"Tracey Lee Ann Foley\" admitted they are Russian citizens named Andrey Bezrukov and Elena Vavilova, and \"Juan Lazaro\" admitted that he is a Russian citizen named Mikhail Anatonoljevich Vasenkov.", "r": {"result": "\"Donald Howard Heathfield\" dan \"Tracey Lee Ann Foley\" mengakui mereka adalah warganegara Rusia bernama Andrey Bezrukov dan Elena Vavilova, dan \"Juan Lazaro\" mengakui bahawa dia adalah warganegara Rusia bernama Mikhail Anatonoljevich Vasenkov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vicky Pelaez, Anna Chapman and Mikhail Semenko operated in the United States under their true names, and Chapman and Semenko admitted they are Russian citizens, the Justice Department said.", "r": {"result": "Vicky Pelaez, Anna Chapman dan Mikhail Semenko beroperasi di Amerika Syarikat di bawah nama sebenar mereka, dan Chapman dan Semenko mengakui mereka adalah warga Rusia, kata Jabatan Kehakiman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities have lost track of an 11th suspect, who was detained in Cyprus, released on bail, and then failed to check in with authorities as he had promised to do.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa telah kehilangan jejak suspek ke-11, yang ditahan di Cyprus, dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin, dan kemudian gagal mendaftar masuk dengan pihak berkuasa seperti yang dijanjikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Moscow, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree Friday pardoning four Russians imprisoned for alleged contact with Western intelligence agencies, the Kremlin press service said, according to state-run RIA Novosti.", "r": {"result": "Di Moscow, Presiden Rusia Dmitry Medvedev menandatangani dekri Jumaat mengampuni empat warga Rusia yang dipenjarakan kerana didakwa berhubung dengan agensi perisikan Barat, kata perkhidmatan akhbar Kremlin, menurut RIA Novosti yang dikendalikan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Three of the Russian prisoners were convicted of treason in the form of espionage on behalf of a foreign power and are serving lengthy prison terms,\" the Justice Department said in a letter to U.S. District Judge Kimba M. Wood, who handled the case in the United States.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiga daripada tahanan Rusia telah disabitkan dengan pengkhianatan dalam bentuk pengintipan bagi pihak kuasa asing dan sedang menjalani hukuman penjara yang panjang,\" kata Jabatan Kehakiman dalam surat kepada Hakim Daerah A.S. Kimba M. Wood, yang mengendalikan kes itu di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Russian prisoners have all served a number of years in prison and some are in poor health.", "r": {"result": "\"Banduan Rusia semuanya telah menjalani beberapa tahun penjara dan ada yang dalam keadaan kesihatan yang tidak baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Russian government has agreed to release the Russian prisoners and their family members for resettlement\".", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Rusia telah bersetuju untuk membebaskan tahanan Rusia dan ahli keluarga mereka untuk penempatan semula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The individuals pardoned by Russia are Alexander Zaporozhsky, Gennady Vasilenko, Sergei Skripal, and Sutyagin.", "r": {"result": "Individu yang diampunkan oleh Rusia ialah Alexander Zaporozhsky, Gennady Vasilenko, Sergei Skripal, dan Sutyagin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All four appealed to the Russian president to free them after admitting their crimes against the Russian state, press secretary Natalia Timakova said.", "r": {"result": "Keempat-empat mereka merayu kepada presiden Rusia untuk membebaskan mereka selepas mengakui jenayah mereka terhadap negara Rusia, kata setiausaha akhbar Natalia Timakova.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner denied Thursday that Sutyagin had been a spy.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di Washington, jurucakap Jabatan Negara Mark Toner menafikan Khamis bahawa Sutyagin adalah seorang pengintip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Arkady Irshenko, Richard Allen Greene and Bharati Naik contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Arkady Irshenko dari CNN, Richard Allen Greene dan Bharati Naik menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "PARIS, France (CNN) -- France bears responsibility for deporting Jews to their deaths in concentration camps during World War II, the country's highest court ruled Monday.", "r": {"result": "PARIS, Perancis (CNN) -- Perancis memikul tanggungjawab menghantar pulang orang Yahudi sehingga kematian mereka di kem tahanan semasa Perang Dunia II, mahkamah tertinggi negara itu memutuskan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jews and foreigners are rounded up in Paris in May 1941.", "r": {"result": "Orang Yahudi dan orang asing ditangkap di Paris pada Mei 1941.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, the Council of State said, \"measures taken since the end of the Second World War have compensated for the damage\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, Majlis Negara berkata, \"langkah-langkah yang diambil sejak akhir Perang Dunia Kedua telah mengimbangi kerosakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Northern France was directly occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II while the south of the country was ruled by the Vichy government that collaborated with Adolf Hitler.", "r": {"result": "Perancis Utara secara langsung diduduki oleh Nazi Jerman semasa Perang Dunia II manakala selatan negara itu diperintah oleh kerajaan Vichy yang bekerjasama dengan Adolf Hitler.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France's role in the deportation of its Jews was a taboo subject for decades after the war.", "r": {"result": "Peranan Perancis dalam pengusiran orang Yahudinya adalah subjek tabu selama beberapa dekad selepas perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trial of Maurice Papon, a civil servant in the collaborationist Vichy government, for deporting Jews, forced the country to confront its role in the Holocaust.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan Maurice Papon, seorang penjawat awam dalam kerajaan Vichy yang bekerjasama, kerana menghantar pulang orang Yahudi, memaksa negara itu untuk menghadapi peranannya dalam Holocaust.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Papon was convicted in 1998 by a French court for complicity in crimes against humanity for his role in the deportation of 1,590 Jews from the city of Bordeaux.", "r": {"result": "Papon telah disabitkan pada tahun 1998 oleh mahkamah Perancis kerana terlibat dalam jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan kerana peranannya dalam pengusiran 1,590 orang Yahudi dari bandar Bordeaux.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of the deportees later perished at the concentration camp at Auschwitz in modern day Poland.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan orang yang dihantar pulang kemudiannya terkorban di kem tahanan di Auschwitz di Poland zaman moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Papon died in February 2007, aged 96, after serving part of his term and then being freed on health grounds.", "r": {"result": "Papon meninggal dunia pada Februari 2007, berusia 96 tahun, selepas menjalani sebahagian daripada penggalnya dan kemudian dibebaskan atas alasan kesihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were approximately 350,000 Jews in France at the time of the country's defeat by Germany in 1940. At least half of those were refugees who had already fled Germany or countries already under Nazi occupation, according to the Web site of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kira-kira 350,000 orang Yahudi di Perancis pada masa kekalahan negara itu oleh Jerman pada tahun 1940. Sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada mereka adalah pelarian yang telah melarikan diri dari Jerman atau negara-negara yang sudah berada di bawah pendudukan Nazi, menurut laman web Muzium Memorial Holocaust Amerika Syarikat. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 77,000 Jews were deported to their deaths from French transit camps between 1942 and the end of German occupation in December 1944. Of these, around a third were French citizens and more than 8,000 were children under 13.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 77,000 orang Yahudi telah dihantar pulang dari kem transit Perancis antara tahun 1942 dan berakhirnya pendudukan Jerman pada Disember 1944. Daripada jumlah ini, kira-kira satu pertiga adalah warganegara Perancis dan lebih daripada 8,000 adalah kanak-kanak di bawah umur 13 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Manhattan clinic where Joan Rivers suffered cardiac arrest disputed a report that it happened during a biopsy of her vocal cords.", "r": {"result": "Klinik Manhattan tempat Joan Rivers mengalami serangan jantung mempertikaikan laporan bahawa ia berlaku semasa biopsi pita suaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman for the Yorkville Endoscopy clinic gave CNN its first public statement since Rivers fell ill during a procedure.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap klinik Endoskopi Yorkville memberikan CNN kenyataan umum pertamanya sejak Rivers jatuh sakit semasa prosedur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While federal privacy laws limit what medical providers can make public, the statement counters a New York newspaper report quoting an unidentified source saying a doctor made a \"spur-of-the-moment\" decision \"to take a scalpel to a polyp-like growth on her vocal cord\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun undang-undang privasi persekutuan mengehadkan perkara yang boleh didedahkan oleh penyedia perubatan, kenyataan itu menentang laporan akhbar New York yang memetik sumber tidak dikenali yang mengatakan seorang doktor membuat keputusan \"segera\" \"untuk mengambil pisau bedah kepada pertumbuhan seperti polip. pada pita suaranya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A biopsy of the vocal cords has never been performed at Yorkville Endoscopy,\" the clinic's statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Biopsi pita suara tidak pernah dilakukan di Yorkville Endoscopy,\" kata kenyataan klinik itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivers, 81, died last Thursday in New York's Mount Sinai Hospital, where she was rushed a week earlier after she stopped breathing and her heart stopped beating during treatment at Yorkville Endoscopy.", "r": {"result": "Rivers, 81, meninggal dunia Khamis lalu di Hospital Mount Sinai New York, di mana dia dikejarkan seminggu lebih awal selepas dia berhenti bernafas dan jantungnya berhenti berdegup semasa rawatan di Yorkville Endoscopy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many questions have been raised about what that treatment was given and what might have gone wrong that led to the comedian's death.", "r": {"result": "Banyak persoalan telah dibangkitkan mengenai rawatan yang diberikan dan apa yang mungkin salah yang menyebabkan kematian pelawak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Few answers have been made public because of medical privacy rules, but the New York State Health Department confirmed the agency is investigating.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jawapan telah didedahkan kepada umum kerana peraturan privasi perubatan, tetapi Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri New York mengesahkan agensi itu sedang menyiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The clinic statement also seemed to address speculation that her cardiac arrest could have been related to the anesthesia used to sedate Rivers while an endoscope, which is a long, flexible camera, was used to examine her throat.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan klinik itu juga seolah-olah menangani spekulasi bahawa serangan jantungnya mungkin berkaitan dengan anestesia yang digunakan untuk menenangkan Rivers manakala endoskop, yang merupakan kamera yang panjang dan fleksibel, digunakan untuk memeriksa kerongkongnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"General anesthesia has never been administered at Yorkville Endoscopy,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anestesia am tidak pernah diberikan di Yorkville Endoscopy,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The type of sedation used at Yorkville Endoscopy is monitored anesthesia care.", "r": {"result": "\"Jenis sedasi yang digunakan di Yorkville Endoscopy adalah penjagaan anestesia yang dipantau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our anesthesiologists utilize light to moderate sedation\".", "r": {"result": "Pakar anestesi kami menggunakan ubat penenang ringan hingga sederhana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only licensed medical doctors who are board-certified anesthesiologists administer anesthesia at the clinic, the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Hanya doktor perubatan berlesen yang merupakan pakar bius yang diperakui lembaga yang memberikan anestesia di klinik itu, kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our anesthesiologists monitor the patient continuously utilizing state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, and remain at the bedside throughout the procedure and into recovery,\" it said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pakar anestesi kami memantau pesakit secara berterusan menggunakan peralatan pemantauan terkini, dan kekal di sisi katil sepanjang prosedur dan dalam pemulihan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The clinic's statement also appeared to address criticism that Rivers should have been treated in a hospital and not a clinic because of her advanced age.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan klinik itu juga muncul untuk menangani kritikan bahawa Rivers sepatutnya dirawat di hospital dan bukannya di klinik kerana usianya yang lanjut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yorkville Endoscopy has strict policies in place for the criteria of who gets treated in this center versus in a hospital,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Yorkville Endoskopi mempunyai dasar yang ketat untuk kriteria siapa yang dirawat di pusat ini berbanding di hospital,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every patient is pre-screened by their gastroenterologist, an anesthesiologist and a nurse for appropriateness to be treated at Yorkville Endoscopy.", "r": {"result": "\"Setiap pesakit diperiksa terlebih dahulu oleh pakar gastroenterologi mereka, pakar bius dan jururawat untuk kesesuaian untuk dirawat di Yorkville Endoscopy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some patients are also pre-screened by their personal physicians\".", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pesakit juga menjalani pemeriksaan awal oleh doktor peribadi mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The clinic is also well-equipped and staffed to handle emergencies, including for tracheal intubation when a patient stops breathing, the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Klinik itu juga dilengkapi dengan baik dan mempunyai kakitangan untuk mengendalikan kecemasan, termasuk untuk intubasi trakea apabila pesakit berhenti bernafas, kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yorkville Endoscopy has all necessary airway equipment, including a fiber optic scope available for emergency intubation,\" it said.", "r": {"result": "\"Yorkville Endoskopi mempunyai semua peralatan saluran udara yang diperlukan, termasuk skop gentian optik yang tersedia untuk intubasi kecemasan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Three to four board certified anesthesiologists are on duty at Yorkville Endoscopy at any given time\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiga hingga empat pakar bius bertauliah bertugas di Yorkville Endoscopy pada bila-bila masa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of its doctors are certified for advance cardiac life support and many of the nurses also work in hospital intensive care units and emergency rooms, it said.", "r": {"result": "Semua doktornya diperakui untuk sokongan hayat jantung lanjutan dan ramai jururawat juga bekerja di unit rawatan rapi hospital dan bilik kecemasan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivers was a pointed, pioneering comedian.", "r": {"result": "Rivers ialah seorang pelawak yang runcing dan perintis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivers was undergoing an apparently minor elective procedure at the clinic when she suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest, according to the New York Fire Department.", "r": {"result": "Rivers sedang menjalani prosedur elektif yang nampaknya kecil di klinik apabila dia mengalami serangan jantung dan pernafasan, menurut Jabatan Bomba New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paramedics took her by ambulance to Mount Sinai Hospital, about a mile from the clinic, where she was initially listed in critical condition.", "r": {"result": "Paramedik membawanya dengan ambulans ke Hospital Mount Sinai, kira-kira satu batu dari klinik, di mana dia pada mulanya disenaraikan dalam keadaan kritikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivers spent a week on life support before she was pronounced dead on September 4.", "r": {"result": "Rivers menghabiskan masa seminggu untuk bantuan hidup sebelum dia disahkan meninggal dunia pada 4 September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "25 of Joan Rivers' best jokes.", "r": {"result": "25 jenaka terbaik Joan Rivers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The outpatient clinic is now being investigated by the New York State Department of Health, spokesman James O'Hara said.", "r": {"result": "Klinik pesakit luar itu kini disiasat oleh Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri New York, kata jurucakap James O'Hara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivers' death also has triggered an investigation by the New York medical examiner's office, its spokeswoman, Julie Bolcer, told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Kematian Rivers juga telah mencetuskan siasatan oleh pejabat pemeriksa perubatan New York, jurucakapnya, Julie Bolcer, memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The cause and manner of death will be announced at some point,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPunca dan cara kematian akan diumumkan pada satu ketika,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Howard Stern: I cried 'like a baby' at Rivers' funeral.", "r": {"result": "Howard Stern: Saya menangis 'seperti bayi' di pengebumian Rivers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Two years ago, Carlo Ratti, the head of MIT's Senseable City Lab, decided to find out what happened when city residents disposed of trash.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua tahun lalu, Carlo Ratti, ketua Makmal Bandar Senseable MIT, memutuskan untuk mengetahui apa yang berlaku apabila penduduk bandar membuang sampah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His team recruited 500 volunteers in Seattle to put sensor tags on items they were throwing away, and the researchers tracked the travels of the trash.", "r": {"result": "Pasukannya merekrut 500 sukarelawan di Seattle untuk meletakkan tag sensor pada item yang mereka buang, dan penyelidik menjejaki perjalanan sampah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the 3,000 discarded items that were tracked and visualized in the research, some traveled considerable distances, with one, an ink cartridge, being shipped to the East before winding up in Baja California, a journey of nearly 4,000 miles.", "r": {"result": "Daripada 3,000 item yang dibuang yang dijejaki dan digambarkan dalam penyelidikan, ada yang menempuh jarak yang agak jauh, dengan satu, kartrij dakwat, dihantar ke Timur sebelum berakhir di Baja California, perjalanan hampir 4,000 batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When you have all these traces of trash moving around,\" said Ratti, \"you can ask yourself how can we make the system more efficient.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila anda mempunyai semua kesan sampah ini bergerak,\" kata Ratti, \"anda boleh bertanya kepada diri sendiri bagaimana kami boleh menjadikan sistem lebih cekap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then we can make better decisions.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian kita boleh membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And perhaps we will not throw away the plastic bottles that go every day to the dump\".", "r": {"result": "Dan mungkin kita tidak akan membuang botol plastik yang setiap hari pergi ke tempat pembuangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ratti, a civil engineer and architect, spoke at the TED2011 conference in Long Beach, California, in March and was interviewed by CNN.", "r": {"result": "Ratti, seorang jurutera awam dan arkitek, bercakap pada persidangan TED2011 di Long Beach, California, pada bulan Mac dan ditemu bual oleh CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Carlo Ratti's TED Talk.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Ceramah TED Carlo Ratti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cities are 2% of the earth's crust but they are 50% of the world's population,\" and consume 75% of the world's energy, he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bandar adalah 2% daripada kerak bumi tetapi mereka adalah 50% daripada penduduk dunia,\" dan menggunakan 75% daripada tenaga dunia, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As computer technology has advanced in past decades, cities have been transformed into digital networks that can be analyzed and activated to improve urban living, Ratti said.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan teknologi komputer telah maju dalam beberapa dekad yang lalu, bandar telah diubah menjadi rangkaian digital yang boleh dianalisis dan diaktifkan untuk meningkatkan kehidupan bandar, kata Ratti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ratti sees technology as a two-way street.", "r": {"result": "Ratti melihat teknologi sebagai jalan dua hala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can use it to make sense of the physical world, digitizing what's out there as he did with the Seattle trash project.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh menggunakannya untuk memahami dunia fizikal, mendigitalkan perkara di luar sana seperti yang dia lakukan dengan projek sampah Seattle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you can also take something that's purely digital and make it real in the physical world.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda juga boleh mengambil sesuatu yang digital semata-mata dan menjadikannya nyata dalam dunia fizikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among other projects he has worked on was the \"Digital Water Pavilion,\" a building built for an expo in Zaragoza, Spain, with exterior and internal walls produced by flowing water controlled by a computerized system.", "r": {"result": "Antara projek lain yang pernah diusahakannya ialah \"Digital Water Pavilion,\" sebuah bangunan yang dibina untuk ekspo di Zaragoza, Sepanyol, dengan dinding luaran dan dalaman yang dihasilkan oleh air mengalir yang dikawal oleh sistem berkomputer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you approach the building to enter, sensors stop the water flow to create a doorway you can step through without getting wet.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda menghampiri bangunan untuk masuk, penderia menghentikan aliran air untuk mencipta pintu yang boleh anda lalui tanpa basah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Rolling Stone) -- The following is an excerpt of an article from the November 11, 2010 issue of \"Rolling Stone\".", "r": {"result": "(Rolling Stone) -- Berikut ialah petikan artikel daripada \"Rolling Stone\" keluaran 11 November 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This issue is available Friday, October 29th on newsstands and online via Rolling Stone's premium subscription plan.", "r": {"result": "Isu ini tersedia pada hari Jumaat, 29 Oktober di gerai surat khabar dan dalam talian melalui pelan langganan premium Rolling Stone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In July, shortly after his Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour wrapped up, Conan O'Brien began visiting the set of his new talk show, at Warner Bros.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Julai, sejurus selepas Jelajah Dilarang Undang-undang Daripada Menjadi Lucu dalam Jelajah Televisyen selesai, Conan O'Brien mula melawat set rancangan bual bicara baharunya, di Warner Bros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Studios in Burbank, California.", "r": {"result": "Studio di Burbank, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For various reasons, the show had not been staffed yet, nor had the set been built, so on those days, O'Brien would occasionally pause en route to his office and stand alone in a giant, empty warehouse.", "r": {"result": "Atas pelbagai sebab, persembahan itu masih belum diberi kakitangan, mahupun set itu dibina, jadi pada hari itu, O'Brien kadang-kadang berhenti sebentar dalam perjalanan ke pejabatnya dan berdiri sendirian di gudang gergasi yang kosong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As career metaphors go, one could do worse: At least the warehouse wasn't on fire, or dripping blood from the ceiling, or filled, floor to rafters, with an existentially crushing number of identical wooden crates, like the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.", "r": {"result": "Apabila metafora kerjaya berjalan, seseorang boleh menjadi lebih teruk: Sekurang-kurangnya gudang itu tidak terbakar, atau menitiskan darah dari siling, atau dipenuhi, lantai ke kasau, dengan bilangan peti kayu yang serupa yang wujud, seperti gudang di hujung daripada Raiders of the Lost Ark.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Video: Behind the scenes at Conan's death-defying RS cover shoot.", "r": {"result": "Video: Di sebalik tabir di penggambaran muka depan RS Conan yang menentang maut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Brien had lost his dream job as host of \"The Tonight Show\" in January, at a speed (seven months!", "r": {"result": "O'Brien telah kehilangan pekerjaan impiannya sebagai hos \"The Tonight Show\" pada bulan Januari, dengan pantas (tujuh bulan!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") almost as humiliating as the circumstances of his departure (ousted for Jay Leno, which is the comedy-world equivalent of being left at the altar for a cast member of \"Jersey Shore\").", "r": {"result": ") hampir sama memalukan seperti keadaan pemergiannya (digulingkan untuk Jay Leno, yang setara dengan dunia komedi yang ditinggalkan di altar untuk ahli pelakon \"Jersey Shore\").", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My wife says those first couple of months, the thing I said most often was, 'Wait a minute, what just happened?", "r": {"result": "\"Isteri saya berkata dalam beberapa bulan pertama, perkara yang paling kerap saya katakan ialah, 'Tunggu sebentar, apa yang baru berlaku?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'\" O'Brien recalls.", "r": {"result": "'\" O'Brien ingat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Conan' premieres November 8 on TBS.", "r": {"result": "'Conan' ditayangkan pada 8 November di TBS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those weeks after the tour, where not much was going on, Conan was miserable,\" confirms his wife, Liza Powel, a blunt and dryly funny former advertising executive with whom O'Brien has two children.", "r": {"result": "\"Minggu-minggu selepas lawatan itu, di mana tidak banyak yang berlaku, Conan berasa sengsara,\" mengesahkan isterinya, Liza Powel, seorang bekas eksekutif pengiklanan yang tumpul dan lucu dengan O'Brien mempunyai dua anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That was when he was the most depressed\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah ketika dia paling tertekan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Powel says she had \"all sorts of grand designs\" about keeping her idled spouse busy: He would be responsible for camp drop-offs, he would cook dinner at least one night a week.", "r": {"result": "Powel berkata dia mempunyai \"semua jenis reka bentuk besar\" tentang memastikan pasangannya yang terbiar sibuk: Dia akan bertanggungjawab untuk menghantar ke kem, dia akan memasak makan malam sekurang-kurangnya satu malam seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of which ended up happening.", "r": {"result": "Tiada satu pun yang akhirnya berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Brien did go for long bicycle rides, and read lots of history books.", "r": {"result": "O'Brien memang pergi berbasikal panjang, dan membaca banyak buku sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a parents' night at their son Beckett's preschool, there was a stack of volunteer sign-up sheets, and O'Brien, who still had too much time on his hands, became overly ambitious and started signing up for everything: \"Oh, I'd love to come talk to the kids about natural history\"!", "r": {"result": "Pada malam ibu bapa di prasekolah anak lelaki mereka Beckett, terdapat timbunan helaian pendaftaran sukarelawan, dan O'Brien, yang masih mempunyai terlalu banyak masa, menjadi terlalu bercita-cita tinggi dan mula mendaftar untuk segala-galanya: \"Oh, Saya ingin datang bercakap dengan kanak-kanak tentang sejarah semula jadi\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Listen to two tracks from Conan O'Brien's live album recorded with Jack White.", "r": {"result": "Dengarkan dua lagu daripada album langsung Conan O'Brien yang dirakam dengan Jack White.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was in the house all the time,\" Powel recalls.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia berada di dalam rumah sepanjang masa, \" ingat Powel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I said, 'This can't last -- it'll drive us crazy!", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berkata, 'Ini tidak boleh bertahan -- ia akan membuat kita gila!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' Literally every 10 minutes, he'd poke his head in the room and say, 'I don't wanna bother you, but do you know where the Band-Aids are?", "r": {"result": "' Secara harfiah setiap 10 minit, dia akan menjenguk kepalanya di dalam bilik dan berkata, 'Saya tidak mahu mengganggu anda, tetapi adakah anda tahu di mana Band-Aids itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' 'I don't wanna bother you, but do you know how to use the phone?", "r": {"result": "' 'Saya tidak mahu mengganggu anda, tetapi adakah anda tahu bagaimana untuk menggunakan telefon?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' He was so sweet about it, and I felt like such a jerk.", "r": {"result": "' Dia sangat manis mengenainya, dan saya berasa seperti orang bodoh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But seriously, I almost rented an office for him\".", "r": {"result": "Tapi serius, saya hampir menyewa pejabat untuk dia\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The morning after O'Brien's final \"Tonight Show\" -- his second-highest- rated episode ever, quadrupling his average nightly viewership -- he and Powel drove up to a resort in Montecito.", "r": {"result": "Pagi selepas \"Tonight Show\" terakhir O'Brien -- episod kedua tertingginya yang pernah dilihat, menambah empat kali ganda purata penonton setiap malam -- dia dan Powel memandu ke sebuah resort di Montecito.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I felt like I'd just been in a car accident,\" O'Brien says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berasa seperti baru sahaja mengalami kemalangan kereta,\" kata O'Brien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Like a crazy mix of elation, anger, sorrow.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti campuran kegembiraan, kemarahan, kesedihan yang gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Confusion was a big one\".", "r": {"result": "Kekeliruan adalah satu yang besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That night, when they entered the dining room and the other guests stood up and applauded, O'Brien says, \"It almost made me cry\".", "r": {"result": "Malam itu, apabila mereka memasuki ruang makan dan tetamu lain berdiri dan bertepuk tangan, O'Brien berkata, \"Ia hampir membuat saya menangis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Photos: From \"Seinfeld\" to \"Mad Men,\" see TV stars on the cover of \"Rolling Stone\".", "r": {"result": "Foto: Daripada \"Seinfeld\" kepada \"Mad Men,\" lihat bintang TV pada muka depan \"Rolling Stone\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An overachieving golden boy since high school (where he was class valedictorian), on through college (Harvard, where he was twice voted president of \"The Harvard Lampoon,\" something that had only happened once before in the history of the venerable humor magazine) and his early career (staff gigs at \"Saturday Night Live\" and \"The Simpsons\", the twin Holy Grails of the comedy world for the aspiring writer), O'Brien had been plucked from obscurity to host a major-network talk show -- at a time when people still watched network television -- when he was a preposterously young-looking 30 years old.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki emas yang cemerlang sejak sekolah menengah (di mana dia menjadi ahli valedictorian kelas), sehingga ke kolej (Harvard, di mana dia dua kali dipilih sebagai presiden \"The Harvard Lampoon,\" sesuatu yang hanya berlaku sekali sebelum ini dalam sejarah majalah humor yang dihormati) dan kerjaya awalnya (pertunjukan kakitangan di \"Saturday Night Live\" dan \"The Simpsons\", Holy Grails kembar dunia komedi untuk penulis yang bercita-cita tinggi), O'Brien telah dipetik daripada ketidakjelasan untuk menjadi tuan rumah rancangan bual bicara rangkaian utama - - pada masa orang masih menonton televisyen rangkaian -- ketika dia berusia 30 tahun yang kelihatan muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Losing \"The Tonight Show\" was the first time he had ever failed so publicly, and in such epic fashion.", "r": {"result": "Kehilangan \"The Tonight Show\" adalah kali pertama dia pernah gagal secara terbuka, dan dengan cara yang begitu epik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His longtime sidekick, Andy Richter, has said, \"It was traumatic for Conan\".", "r": {"result": "Kawan lamanya, Andy Richter, telah berkata, \"Ia adalah traumatik untuk Conan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I hated to see him in such a state of tension and unhappiness,\" Powel says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benci melihatnya dalam keadaan tegang dan tidak gembira,\" kata Powel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was very painful for him to let go of this hallowed ground that he'd finally got a chance to stand on\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sangat menyakitkan baginya untuk melepaskan tanah suci ini yang akhirnya dia mendapat peluang untuk berdiri di atasnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, she goes on, \"There were so many factors at work, such a confluence of change that had to do with so much more than him.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, dia meneruskan, \"Terdapat banyak faktor di tempat kerja, pertemuan perubahan sedemikian yang mempunyai kaitan dengan lebih banyak daripada dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The truth is, \"The Tonight Show\" was the definition of cultural relevancy for decades.", "r": {"result": "Sebenarnya, \"The Tonight Show\" ialah takrifan perkaitan budaya selama beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And all of a sudden, it's not.", "r": {"result": "Dan tiba-tiba, ia tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's not Conan's fault.", "r": {"result": "Itu bukan salah Conan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not anybody's fault.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan salah sesiapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It just happened.", "r": {"result": "Ia baru berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's no longer a show he should be pinning his life's hopes on hosting\".", "r": {"result": "Dan ia bukan lagi pertunjukan yang dia sepatutnya meletakkan harapan hidupnya pada pengacaraan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What does Conan have that you don't?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang Conan ada yang anda tidak miliki?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read O'Brien's 1996 \"Rolling Stone\" cover story.", "r": {"result": "Baca cerita muka depan \"Rolling Stone\" O'Brien 1996.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, the spontaneous pro-Conan Internet campaign generated by fans in January -- complete with Shepard Fairey-style iconography and its very own slogan, \"I'm With Coco\" -- was driven largely by young people for whom the venerable institution of \"The Tonight Show\" meant little or nothing.", "r": {"result": "Sememangnya, kempen Internet pro-Conan spontan yang dihasilkan oleh peminat pada bulan Januari -- lengkap dengan ikonografi gaya Shepard Fairey dan slogannya sendiri, \"Saya Bersama Coco\" -- sebahagian besarnya didorong oleh golongan muda yang dihormati institusi \"The Tonight Show\" bermakna sedikit atau tidak sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For some, the show might have even made O'Brien less cool by association.", "r": {"result": "Bagi sesetengah orang, persembahan itu mungkin telah menjadikan O'Brien kurang keren dengan persatuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Tonight Show\" had been unhip for a very, very long time, not just for the past 17 years it has been hosted by Jay Leno, but for (let's be honest) pretty much all of the Eighties -- really, the last time it was hip, Johnny Carson and his guests were still chain-smoking on the air -- and so watching O'Brien move behind the desk of desks felt less like an ascension and more like a loss, a co-opting of our guy.", "r": {"result": "\"Pertunjukan Malam Ini\" telah dimulakan untuk masa yang sangat lama, bukan sahaja selama 17 tahun yang lalu ia telah dihoskan oleh Jay Leno, tetapi untuk (sejujurnya) hampir semua Eighties -- benar-benar, yang terakhir Pada masa yang menyeronokkan, Johnny Carson dan tetamunya masih menghisap rokok di udara -- dan melihat O'Brien bergerak di belakang meja meja berasa kurang seperti kenaikan dan lebih seperti kehilangan, mengikut pilihan lelaki kami .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Consequently, when O'Brien was undone by NBC's fecklessness and Leno's treachery, it only affirmed what we knew all along: He'd thrown his lot in with the wrong crowd.", "r": {"result": "Akibatnya, apabila O'Brien dibatalkan oleh kecerobohan NBC dan pengkhianatan Leno, ia hanya mengesahkan apa yang kita ketahui selama ini: Dia telah membuang nasibnya dengan orang ramai yang salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overnight, O'Brien not only regained the underdog status he'd held for much of his career, but actually found himself in a wholly new position: rebranded as an indie icon.", "r": {"result": "Semalaman, O'Brien bukan sahaja mendapat semula status underdog yang pernah dipegangnya sepanjang kariernya, tetapi sebenarnya mendapati dirinya berada dalam kedudukan baharu: dijenamakan semula sebagai ikon indie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the months that followed, he grew a beard, played Bonnaroo and cut an improvised spoken-word single and a rock covers album for Jack White's label.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan-bulan berikutnya, dia menumbuhkan janggut, memainkan Bonnaroo dan memotong single perkataan improvisasi serta album cover rock untuk label Jack White.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(\"Conan's was the only late-night show I ever wanted to play,\" White says.", "r": {"result": "(\"Conan adalah satu-satunya pertunjukan lewat malam yang saya mahu mainkan, \" kata White.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Letterman is so cold to people, and Leno is for senior citizens.", "r": {"result": "\"Letterman sangat dingin kepada orang, dan Leno adalah untuk warga emas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I played a live guitar solo on Conan's desk once.", "r": {"result": "Saya bermain gitar secara live secara solo di atas meja Conan sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I did that on Letterman, he'd probably have had a coronary\".", "r": {"result": "Jika saya berbuat demikian pada Letterman, dia mungkin menghidap penyakit koronari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") When O'Brien announced his 30-city comedy tour via Twitter, without any traditional promotion whatsoever, it sold out in hours.", "r": {"result": ") Apabila O'Brien mengumumkan jelajah komedi 30 bandarnya melalui Twitter, tanpa sebarang promosi tradisional, ia habis dijual dalam beberapa jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Did a retired firefighter fall off an Amtrak train as it sped toward Chicago?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Adakah seorang pesara bomba terjatuh dari kereta api Amtrak ketika ia memecut ke arah Chicago?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is what authorities are wondering as they continue their search for Charlie Dowd, 69, who has been missing since Friday.", "r": {"result": "Itulah yang pihak berkuasa tertanya-tanya ketika mereka meneruskan pencarian mereka untuk Charlie Dowd, 69, yang telah hilang sejak Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The retired San Francisco firefighter went missing while traveling to visit family, Amtrak police said.", "r": {"result": "Anggota bomba San Francisco yang bersara hilang ketika dalam perjalanan untuk melawat keluarga, kata polis Amtrak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dowd spoke to his son by cell phone Thursday night, saying he was just outside of Denver, according to his family.", "r": {"result": "Dowd bercakap dengan anaknya melalui telefon bimbit malam Khamis, mengatakan dia berada di luar Denver, menurut keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when his train arrived in Chicago on Friday, he was not on it.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila kereta apinya tiba di Chicago pada hari Jumaat, dia tidak berada di dalamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His luggage, cell phone and medication were found in his sleeping car, the family said on a Facebook page they set up to find him.", "r": {"result": "Bagasi, telefon bimbit dan ubatnya ditemui di dalam keretanya yang sedang tidur, kata keluarga itu di laman Facebook yang mereka sediakan untuk mencarinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is torture not knowing where he is.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa satu penyeksaan kerana tidak mengetahui di mana dia berada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Torture,\" his daughter, Jennifer Dowd, told CNN affiliate KMTV.", "r": {"result": "Penyeksaan,\" anak perempuannya, Jennifer Dowd, memberitahu sekutu CNN KMTV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amtrak officials told the family that a door of the train was found ajar and passengers saw him acting disoriented near a door, the daughter said.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Amtrak memberitahu keluarga bahawa pintu kereta api itu ditemui dalam keadaan terbuka dan penumpang melihat dia bertindak tidak arah berhampiran pintu, kata anak perempuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amtrak officials said he could have fallen off the train somewhere between Colorado and Nebraska, Jennifer Dowd told the affiliate.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Amtrak berkata dia mungkin terjatuh dari kereta api di suatu tempat antara Colorado dan Nebraska, kata Jennifer Dowd kepada ahli gabungan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Family members flew to the area and are searching for him.", "r": {"result": "Ahli keluarga terbang ke kawasan itu dan mencarinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dowd takes medication for high blood pressure and heart disease, his daughter said.", "r": {"result": "Dowd mengambil ubat untuk tekanan darah tinggi dan penyakit jantung, kata anak perempuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family asks anyone with information to contact Amtrak Police or the family on a Facebook page they set up for him.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga itu meminta sesiapa yang mempunyai maklumat untuk menghubungi Polis Amtrak atau keluarga di halaman Facebook yang mereka sediakan untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crews search after cruise passenger goes overboard.", "r": {"result": "Krew mencari penumpang pelayaran melampaui batas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Chinese Super League club Shanghai Shenhua have pulled off an audacious transfer coup by signing former France international Nicolas Anelka from English team Chelsea.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong (CNN) -- Kelab Liga Super China Shanghai Shenhua telah menarik balik rampasan kuasa perpindahan yang berani dengan menandatangani bekas pemain antarabangsa Perancis Nicolas Anelka daripada pasukan Inggeris, Chelsea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Images of the striker were splashed across the Shanghai team's official website Monday, together with a statement saying the 32-year-old would be joining the club in January on a two-year contract.", "r": {"result": "Imej penyerang itu tersebar di laman web rasmi pasukan Shanghai pada hari Isnin, bersama-sama dengan kenyataan mengatakan pemain berusia 32 tahun itu akan menyertai kelab itu pada Januari dengan kontrak dua tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The move was later confirmed by Chelsea, who signed Anelka for APS15 million in 2008 but accepted his transfer request with his current deal to expire at the end of this season.", "r": {"result": "Perpindahan itu kemudiannya disahkan oleh Chelsea, yang menandatangani Anelka untuk APS15 juta pada 2008 tetapi menerima permintaan perpindahannya dengan perjanjian semasanya akan tamat pada akhir musim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not only good for Shenhua but also beneficial for Chinese football,\" club spokesperson Ma Yue told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bukan sahaja baik untuk Shenhua tetapi juga bermanfaat untuk bola sepak China,\" kata jurucakap kelab Ma Yue kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The joining of Anelka to Football Association Super League will promote the League's brand for sure\".", "r": {"result": "\"Penyertaan Anelka ke Liga Super Persatuan Bola Sepak pasti akan mempromosikan jenama Liga itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No details were given about how much the contract was worth, but a club official denied reports that Anelka's weekly salary would be as high as APS200,000 ($312,000).", "r": {"result": "Tiada butiran diberikan mengenai nilai kontrak itu, tetapi seorang pegawai kelab menafikan laporan bahawa gaji mingguan Anelka akan setinggi APS200,000 ($312,000).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anelka has rarely featured for Chelsea this season under new manager Andre Villas-Boas, and was almost certain to leave Stamford Bridge during European football's January transfer window after asking to leave.", "r": {"result": "Anelka jarang beraksi untuk Chelsea musim ini di bawah pengurus baharu Andre Villas-Boas, dan hampir pasti akan meninggalkan Stamford Bridge semasa jendela perpindahan bola sepak Eropah pada Januari selepas meminta untuk pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Versailles-born player, who became a Muslim in 2004, has scored 59 goals in 184 games for the club.", "r": {"result": "Pemain kelahiran Versailles itu, yang menjadi Muslim pada 2004, telah menjaringkan 59 gol dalam 184 perlawanan untuk kelab itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having played for some of Europe's top teams, including Spain's Real Madrid and England's Arsenal and Liverpool, Anelka's transfers have so far totaled almost $133 million, making him one of the world's most expensive players in those terms.", "r": {"result": "Setelah bermain untuk beberapa pasukan terkemuka Eropah, termasuk Real Madrid Sepanyol dan Arsenal dan Liverpool di England, perpindahan Anelka setakat ini berjumlah hampir $133 juta, menjadikannya antara pemain paling mahal di dunia dalam syarat tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, his questionable attitude during his early career led to him being nicknamed \"Le Sulk\" at Arsenal and being banned for 45 days at Real after refusing to train.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, sikapnya yang meragukan semasa kerjaya awalnya menyebabkan dia digelar \"Le Sulk\" di Arsenal dan digantung selama 45 hari di Real selepas enggan berlatih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2008, Anelka moved to Chelsea in a APS15 million deal from Bolton, where he resurrected his career after a short spell in Turkey with Fenerbahce.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2008, Anelka berpindah ke Chelsea dalam perjanjian APS15 juta dari Bolton, di mana dia menghidupkan semula kerjayanya selepas tempoh singkat di Turki bersama Fenerbahce.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He helped the London club win the domestic championship in 2009-10.", "r": {"result": "Dia membantu kelab London itu memenangi kejuaraan domestik pada 2009-10.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anelka's international career came to a controversial halt during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, when he was sent home in disgrace after clashing with coach Raymond Domenech.", "r": {"result": "Kerjaya antarabangsa Anelka terhenti penuh kontroversi semasa Piala Dunia 2010 di Afrika Selatan, apabila dia dihantar pulang dalam keadaan memalukan selepas bertelagah dengan jurulatih Raymond Domenech.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was given an 18-match ban after refusing to apologize, but said he had already decided to retire from the national team.", "r": {"result": "Dia digantung 18 perlawanan selepas enggan memohon maaf, tetapi berkata dia sudah memutuskan untuk bersara daripada pasukan kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reports have also linked Shenhua with another veteran Chelsea striker, Didier Drogba -- a target of Chinese rivals Dalian Aerbin.", "r": {"result": "Laporan juga mengaitkan Shenhua dengan seorang lagi penyerang veteran Chelsea, Didier Drogba -- sasaran pesaing China Dalian Aerbin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, Shenhua owner Zhu Jun said last week that former France international Jean Tigana will become the club's new coach, according to the Shanghai Daily website.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, pemilik Shenhua Zhu Jun berkata minggu lalu bahawa bekas pemain antarabangsa Perancis Jean Tigana akan menjadi jurulatih baharu kelab itu, menurut laman web Shanghai Daily.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tigana should be in the city by the middle of this month.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTigana sepatutnya berada di bandar pada pertengahan bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had already made a one-year coaching plan for the team,\" Zhu said.", "r": {"result": "Dia sudah membuat rancangan kejurulatihan selama setahun untuk pasukan itu,\" kata Zhu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shenhua finished 11th in the 16-team Chinese Super League this year, having been runners-up in 2005, 2006 and 2008.", "r": {"result": "Shenhua menduduki tempat ke-11 dalam 16 pasukan Liga Super China tahun ini, setelah menjadi naib juara pada 2005, 2006 dan 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Haolan Hong contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Haolan Hong dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Gov.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Paterson pledged to keep fighting for same-sex marriage in New York after the state Senate on Wednesday killed a bill that would have legalized the practice.", "r": {"result": "David Paterson berjanji untuk terus memperjuangkan perkahwinan sejenis di New York selepas Senat negeri pada Rabu membunuh rang undang-undang yang akan menghalalkan amalan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill had Paterson's support and had passed the state Assembly.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu mendapat sokongan Paterson dan telah meluluskan Dewan Undangan Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supporters predicted a close vote going into Wednesday's Senate debate.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong meramalkan undian rapat menjelang perbahasan Senat Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But eight of Paterson's fellow Democrats, including two members of the Senate leadership, joined a unanimous Republican caucus on the 38-24 vote.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi lapan rakan Demokrat Paterson, termasuk dua ahli kepimpinan Senat, menyertai kaukus Republikan sebulat suara pada undian 38-24.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement issued Wednesday afternoon, Paterson said, \"It is always darkest before the dawn.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan petang Rabu, Paterson berkata, \"Ia sentiasa paling gelap sebelum subuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As disappointed as we are today, let's get up tomorrow and redouble our efforts,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cWalaupun kita kecewa hari ini, mari kita bangkit esok dan gandakan usaha kita,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are going to lay the foundation to make people feel comfortable to vote their conscience and not fear political backlash\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan meletakkan asas untuk membuat orang berasa selesa untuk mengundi hati nurani mereka dan tidak takut kepada tindak balas politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport: Protesters flock to Times Square.", "r": {"result": "iReport: Penunjuk perasaan berpusu-pusu ke Times Square.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supporters promised to bring back the bill for \"as many do-overs as is necessary to get us home,\" as Majority Leader Pedro Espada put it before the vote.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong berjanji untuk membawa balik rang undang-undang untuk \"sebanyak do-over yang diperlukan untuk membawa kami pulang,\" sebagaimana Ketua Majoriti Pedro Espada meletakkannya sebelum pengundian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's never a good time for civil rights.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak pernah ada masa yang sesuai untuk hak sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's never, ever, ever, ever a good time for civil rights.", "r": {"result": "Tidak pernah, pernah, pernah, masa yang sesuai untuk hak sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I get that,\" said Sen.", "r": {"result": "Saya faham,\" kata Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom Duane, a Manhattan Democrat who was the chamber's first openly gay member.", "r": {"result": "Tom Duane, seorang Demokrat Manhattan yang merupakan ahli gay pertama dewan secara terbuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But the paradox is, it's always the time to be on the right side of history\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi paradoksnya ialah, ia sentiasa menjadi masa untuk berada di sebelah kanan sejarah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only one senator spoke against the bill during Wednesday's debate.", "r": {"result": "Hanya seorang senator bercakap menentang rang undang-undang itu semasa perbahasan Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ruben Diaz argued that the issue should be put to a statewide referendum and pointed out that 31 states have banned same-sex marriages in statewide votes.", "r": {"result": "Ruben Diaz berhujah bahawa isu itu harus dikemukakan kepada referendum seluruh negeri dan menegaskan bahawa 31 negeri telah mengharamkan perkahwinan sejenis dalam undi seluruh negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Diaz, a Democrat and a Pentecostal minister from the Bronx, said many New York religious leaders opposed the bill and called on Republicans to join him in defending \"traditional values\".", "r": {"result": "Diaz, seorang Demokrat dan menteri Pentakosta dari Bronx, berkata ramai pemimpin agama New York menentang rang undang-undang itu dan menyeru Republikan untuk menyertainya dalam mempertahankan \"nilai tradisional\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If we take it to the people, the people oppose it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKalau kita bawa kepada rakyat, rakyat menentangnya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a Marist College poll released Wednesday found that 51 percent of New Yorkers questioned favored legalizing same-sex marriage, with 42 percent opposed.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tinjauan Marist College yang dikeluarkan pada hari Rabu mendapati bahawa 51 peratus penduduk New York yang dipersoalkan lebih suka menghalalkan perkahwinan sejenis, dengan 42 peratus menentang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A June poll by Qunnipiac University poll reported a similar spread of 51 percent to 41 percent.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan Jun oleh tinjauan Universiti Quinnipiac melaporkan penyebaran yang sama sebanyak 51 peratus hingga 41 peratus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport: Signs read 'I un-heart NY'.", "r": {"result": "iReport: Papan tanda berbunyi 'I un-heart NY'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Sen.", "r": {"result": "Dan Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eric Adams, a Brooklyn Democrat, said that most of the 31 states Diaz cited as voting against same-sex marriage \"at one time or another sold blacks into slavery\".", "r": {"result": "Eric Adams, seorang Demokrat Brooklyn, berkata bahawa kebanyakan daripada 31 negeri yang dipetik Diaz sebagai mengundi menentang perkahwinan sejenis \"pada satu masa atau yang lain menjual orang kulit hitam sebagai hamba\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because the majority is in one place does not mean they're in the right place,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Oleh kerana majoriti berada di satu tempat tidak bermakna mereka berada di tempat yang betul,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're in the position right now where we have to lead the country to the right place\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berada dalam kedudukan sekarang di mana kami perlu membawa negara ke tempat yang betul\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Passage would have made New York the sixth U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage and only the second, along with New Hampshire, to do so without a court's prodding.", "r": {"result": "Passage akan menjadikan New York negeri keenam A.S. yang menghalalkan perkahwinan sejenis dan hanya yang kedua, bersama New Hampshire, untuk berbuat demikian tanpa desakan mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts and Iowa also have legalized marriages between gay couples, but federal law bars recognition of those unions across state lines.", "r": {"result": "Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts dan Iowa juga telah menghalalkan perkahwinan antara pasangan gay, tetapi undang-undang persekutuan menghalang pengiktirafan kesatuan tersebut di seluruh negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Evan Buxbaum contributed to this story.", "r": {"result": "Evan Buxbaum dari CNN menyumbang kepada cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- \"RIP NEDA, The World cries seeing your last breath, you didn't die in vain.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"RIP NEDA, Dunia menangis melihat nafas terakhir anda, anda tidak mati dengan sia-sia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We remember you\".", "r": {"result": "Kami ingat awak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People tend to a woman called Neda as she lies on the street.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai cenderung kepada seorang wanita bernama Neda kerana dia berbaring di jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That Twitter post was from a man who said he is a guitarist from Nashville, Tennessee.", "r": {"result": "Siaran Twitter itu adalah dari seorang lelaki yang mengatakan dia seorang pemain gitar dari Nashville, Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amid the hundreds of images of Saturday's crackdown on protesters in Iran that were distributed to the world over the Internet, it was the graphic video showing the dying moments of a young woman shot in the heart that touched a nerve for many people around the world.", "r": {"result": "Di tengah-tengah ratusan imej tindakan keras Sabtu ke atas penunjuk perasaan di Iran yang diedarkan kepada dunia melalui Internet, video grafik yang menunjukkan detik-detik kematian seorang wanita muda yang ditembak di dalam hati yang menyentuh saraf bagi ramai orang di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like most of the information coming out of Tehran, it is impossible to verify her name, Neda, or the circumstances of her apparent death, which was captured close-up on a bystander's camera.", "r": {"result": "Seperti kebanyakan maklumat yang keluar dari Tehran, adalah mustahil untuk mengesahkan namanya, Neda, atau keadaan kematiannya yang jelas, yang dirakamkan secara dekat pada kamera pemerhati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN ran a pixilated version of the video, which was posted on YouTube.", "r": {"result": "CNN menyiarkan versi pixilated video, yang disiarkan di YouTube.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another amateur video captured images of Neda and her father attending what appeared to be a peaceful protest, just moments before the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi video amatur merakamkan imej Neda dan bapanya menghadiri apa yang kelihatan seperti protes aman, beberapa saat sebelum penembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Neda and her father moments before the shooting >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Neda dan bapanya beberapa saat sebelum penggambaran >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It shows a woman in jeans and white sneakers collapsed on the street, as the person with the camera -- most likely from a cell phone -- runs toward her and focuses on her face.", "r": {"result": "Ia menunjukkan seorang wanita berseluar jeans dan kasut putih rebah di jalan, ketika orang yang berkamera -- kemungkinan besar dari telefon bimbit -- berlari ke arahnya dan memfokuskan pada wajahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a portion of the video and how the Twitter community is responding >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton sebahagian daripada video dan cara komuniti Twitter bertindak balas >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One blogger posted that Neda was protesting with her father in Tehran when pro-government Basiji militia opened fire and shot her.", "r": {"result": "Seorang blogger menyiarkan bahawa Neda sedang memprotes dengan bapanya di Tehran apabila militia Basiji yang pro-kerajaan melepaskan tembakan dan menembaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The final moments of her tender young life leaked into the pavement of Karegeh Street today, captured by cell phone cameras,\" the unnamed blogger posted on Newsvine.com.", "r": {"result": "\"Detik-detik terakhir kehidupan mudanya yang lembut bocor ke kaki lima Jalan Karegeh hari ini, ditangkap oleh kamera telefon bimbit,\" penulis blog yang tidak dinamakan itu menyiarkan di Newsvine.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And not long after, took on new life, flickering across computer screens around the world on YouTube, and even CNN\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan tidak lama kemudian, menjalani kehidupan baru, berkelip-kelip merentasi skrin komputer di seluruh dunia di YouTube, dan juga CNN\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People on Twitter started forming a discussion group with the \"hashtag\" #neda to post their comments about her death and media coverage of the killing, as well.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai di Twitter mula membentuk kumpulan perbincangan dengan \"hashtag\" #neda untuk menyiarkan komen mereka tentang kematiannya dan liputan media mengenai pembunuhan itu juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch report from CNN's Octavia Nasr >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton laporan daripada Octavia Nasr CNN >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It became one of the top \"trending topics\" on Twitter by Saturday evening, early Sunday Tehran time.", "r": {"result": "Ia menjadi salah satu \"topik arah aliran\" teratas di Twitter menjelang petang Sabtu, awal Ahad waktu Tehran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Neda, ojala que tu muerte no sea en vano,\" one poster tweeted in Spanish.", "r": {"result": "\"Neda, ojala que tu muerte no sea en vano,\" satu poster tweet dalam bahasa Sepanyol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Neda, I hope that your death is not in vain\".", "r": {"result": "\u201cNeda, saya harap kematian awak tidak sia-sia\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tokyo, Japan(CNN) -- Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is used to political lashings.", "r": {"result": "Tokyo, Jepun(CNN) -- Perdana Menteri Jepun Naoto Kan sudah biasa dengan sebatan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the latest one is not from an opposition party -- it's from his own wife.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi yang terbaru bukan dari parti pembangkang -- ia dari isterinya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a book released this week titled, \"What On Earth Will Change in Japan After You Become Prime Minister,\" first lady Nobuko Kan writes bluntly about her husband's shortcomings.", "r": {"result": "Dalam buku yang dikeluarkan minggu ini bertajuk, \"What On Earth Will Change in Japan After You Become Prime Minister,\" wanita pertama Nobuko Kan menulis secara terus terang tentang kekurangan suaminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The book says the prime minister is unable to cook a simple meal and has no fashion sense.", "r": {"result": "Buku itu mengatakan perdana menteri tidak dapat memasak hidangan yang ringkas dan tidak mempunyai selera fesyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's the blunt review of her husband's ability to govern that will raise eyebrows.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ulasan terus terang tentang keupayaan suaminya untuk mentadbir yang akan menaikkan kening.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She writes that her husband -- a grassroots politician -- is a good off the cuff speaker and is suited to working in supporting political roles.", "r": {"result": "Dia menulis bahawa suaminya -- seorang ahli politik akar umbi -- adalah seorang penceramah yang baik dan sesuai untuk bekerja dalam menyokong peranan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as the world's second-largest economy's prime minister, she questions, \"Is it okay that this man is prime minister?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebagai perdana menteri ekonomi kedua terbesar di dunia, dia mempersoalkan, \"Adakah wajar lelaki ini menjadi perdana menteri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because I know him well\".", "r": {"result": "Sebab saya kenal dia dengan baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nobuko Kan says that her husband has trouble reading prepared scripts.", "r": {"result": "Nobuko Kan berkata bahawa suaminya menghadapi masalah membaca skrip yang disediakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of his policy speech as prime minister, she writes that she couldn't give him a passing grade for his delivery.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai ucapan dasar beliau sebagai perdana menteri, dia menulis bahawa dia tidak dapat memberinya gred lulus untuk penghantarannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The marriage between the Kans spans four decades, and is widely regarded by the public as a pairing of equal minds.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan antara Kans menjangkau empat dekad, dan dianggap secara meluas oleh orang ramai sebagai pasangan yang mempunyai fikiran yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prime minister speaks publicly about his sharp-tongued wife and how she is his toughest critic.", "r": {"result": "Perdana menteri bercakap secara terbuka tentang isterinya yang berlidah tajam dan bagaimana dia adalah pengkritiknya yang paling keras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In her book, she notes that most of their conversations are about politics.", "r": {"result": "Dalam bukunya, dia menyatakan bahawa kebanyakan perbualan mereka adalah mengenai politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They disagree and debate the issues, she writes, from capital punishment to tax reform.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak bersetuju dan membahaskan isu, dia menulis, daripada hukuman mati kepada pembaharuan cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The book is selling fast at a bookstore in downtown Tokyo.", "r": {"result": "Buku ini laris terjual di kedai buku di pusat bandar Tokyo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yuko Soma, editor of Gentosha Inc. publishing company, says it issued 15,000 books for its first edition that went on sale Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Yuko Soma, editor syarikat penerbitan Gentosha Inc., berkata ia mengeluarkan 15,000 buku untuk edisi pertamanya yang mula dijual Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sales have been so brisk, the company was publishing a second edition of 30,000 books, Soma said Friday morning.", "r": {"result": "Jualan begitu pesat, syarikat itu menerbitkan edisi kedua 30,000 buku, kata Soma pagi Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By Friday afternoon, Soma called CNN to say the publisher was boosting the second edition print to 60,000.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang petang Jumaat, Soma menelefon CNN untuk mengatakan penerbit meningkatkan cetakan edisi kedua kepada 60,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soma said the initial idea for the book came from Yusuke Nakagawa, an author and lifelong friend of the Kans.", "r": {"result": "Soma berkata idea awal untuk buku itu datang daripada Yusuke Nakagawa, seorang pengarang dan rakan seumur hidup Kans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nakagawa helped Kan come up with the idea of a \"spicy tell-all,\" Soma said.", "r": {"result": "Nakagawa membantu Kan menghasilkan idea \"semuanya pedas,\" kata Soma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Japanese voters may not react badly to this unconventional turn by a first lady.", "r": {"result": "Pengundi Jepun mungkin tidak bertindak balas dengan buruk terhadap giliran wanita pertama yang tidak konvensional ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The last prime minister's wife, Miyuki Hatoyama, was embraced by the public for her quirks.", "r": {"result": "Isteri perdana menteri terakhir, Miyuki Hatoyama, dipeluk oleh orang ramai kerana kebiasaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hatoyama wrote that her soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus, which was very beautiful and green.", "r": {"result": "Hatoyama menulis bahawa jiwanya menunggang UFO berbentuk segi tiga dan pergi ke Venus, yang sangat cantik dan hijau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On a Japanese talk show, Hatoyama also claimed actor Tom Cruise was Japanese in a previous life and Cruise would know her if they met.", "r": {"result": "Dalam rancangan bual bicara Jepun, Hatoyama turut mendakwa pelakon Tom Cruise adalah orang Jepun dalam kehidupan sebelumnya dan Cruise akan mengenalinya jika mereka bertemu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the same talk show, Hatoyama said she and her husband get energy by \"eating the sun\".", "r": {"result": "Pada rancangan bual bicara yang sama, Hatoyama berkata dia dan suaminya mendapat tenaga dengan \"memakan matahari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Japanese voters took the eccentricities in stride, disapproving of then-prime minister Yukio Hatoyama for his policies, not his wife's quirks.", "r": {"result": "Pengundi Jepun mengambil sikap aneh, tidak menyetujui perdana menteri ketika itu Yukio Hatoyama atas dasar-dasarnya, bukan kebiasaan isterinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prime Minister Naoto Kan appears to have been left out of the writing of his wife's book.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Naoto Kan nampaknya telah ditinggalkan dalam penulisan buku isterinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Talking to reporters, the prime minister joked, \"I'm afraid to read it\".", "r": {"result": "Bercakap kepada pemberita, perdana menteri bergurau, \"Saya takut membacanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- The 24-year-old son of the late Benazir Bhutto, groomed to take the reins of power in Pakistan, came of age politically Thursday, exactly five years after the assassination of his mother.", "r": {"result": "Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Anak lelaki kepada mendiang Benazir Bhutto berusia 24 tahun, dipersiapkan untuk mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan di Pakistan, dewasa dari segi politik Khamis, tepat lima tahun selepas pembunuhan ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari flexed his tender political muscles at a rally with his father, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, near the family home in Sindh province ahead of next year's elections.", "r": {"result": "Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari melenturkan otot politiknya pada perhimpunan bersama bapanya, Presiden Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, berhampiran rumah keluarga di wilayah Sindh menjelang pilihan raya tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He delivered a political stump speech acknowledging problems in Pakistan, such as the devastation caused by floods.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menyampaikan ucapan tunggul politik yang mengakui masalah di Pakistan, seperti kemusnahan akibat banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also slammed the terror that led to his mother's killing and asked why there have been no convictions for the crime.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menyelar keganasan yang membawa kepada pembunuhan ibunya dan bertanya mengapa tidak ada sabitan untuk jenayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also backed Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani blogger who became an international cause celebre after she was shot by the Taliban in October this year for supporting the education of girls -- a practice much reviled and feared by Islamic militants.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menyokong Malala Yousafzai, penulis blog muda Pakistan yang menjadi selebriti antarabangsa selepas dia ditembak oleh Taliban pada Oktober tahun ini kerana menyokong pendidikan kanak-kanak perempuan -- amalan yang sangat dihina dan ditakuti oleh militan Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bhutto-Zardari said that the government has adopted law that protects women in property disputes and from domestic abuse.", "r": {"result": "Bhutto-Zardari berkata bahawa kerajaan telah menerima pakai undang-undang yang melindungi wanita dalam pertikaian harta dan daripada penderaan rumah tangga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He tied the assault on Malala to the killing of his mother, condemning and confidently rejecting threats.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengaitkan serangan ke atas Malala dengan pembunuhan ibunya, mengutuk dan dengan yakin menolak ugutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To those who attack Malala, I say, if you attack one Malala, thousands of Malalas will be born,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kepada mereka yang menyerang Malala, saya katakan, jika anda menyerang satu Malala, beribu-ribu Malala akan lahir,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are the followers of Bhutto.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami adalah pengikut Bhutto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you kill one Bhutto, a Bhutto will emerge from each household\".", "r": {"result": "Jika anda membunuh satu Bhutto, Bhutto akan muncul dari setiap rumah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For every Benazir Bhutto slain, or martyred, he said, \"every woman will become a Benazir\".", "r": {"result": "Bagi setiap Benazir Bhutto yang dibunuh, atau syahid, dia berkata, \"setiap wanita akan menjadi Benazir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You will stamp out one lantern, then millions of lights will burn bright\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda akan memadamkan satu tanglung, maka berjuta-juta lampu akan menyala terang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bhutto, the first woman elected prime minister in a Muslim nation, led Pakistan twice, from 1988 to 1990 and then again from 1993 to 1996.", "r": {"result": "Bhutto, wanita pertama yang dipilih sebagai perdana menteri di negara Islam, memimpin Pakistan dua kali, dari 1988 hingga 1990 dan sekali lagi dari 1993 hingga 1996.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both times she was prime minister, she was dismissed from office amid allegations of corruption.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua kali beliau menjadi perdana menteri, beliau telah dipecat daripada jawatan di tengah-tengah dakwaan rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was killed in 2007, shortly after returning to Pakistan from a self-imposed, eight-year exile to run in the country's general elections.", "r": {"result": "Dia dibunuh pada 2007, sejurus selepas kembali ke Pakistan dari buangan selama lapan tahun untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bhutto-Zardari lived most of his life in Dubai and London during his family's exile.", "r": {"result": "Bhutto-Zardari menjalani sebahagian besar hidupnya di Dubai dan London semasa keluarganya dalam buangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After his mother's death, he was picked to serve as chairman of the Pakistan People's Party, the ruling political party.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kematian ibunya, dia dipilih untuk berkhidmat sebagai pengerusi Parti Rakyat Pakistan, parti politik yang memerintah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our party will never fear any terrorist,\" he told the crowd Thursday in Urdu, the Pakistani language that isn't his native tongue.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPihak kami tidak akan takut kepada mana-mana pengganas,\u201d katanya kepada orang ramai pada Khamis dalam bahasa Urdu, bahasa Pakistan yang bukan bahasa ibundanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our road is the road to democracy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jalan kita adalah jalan menuju demokrasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His speech had a populist tinge and a warning to his party's enemies.", "r": {"result": "Ucapannya berbau populis dan memberi amaran kepada musuh partinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Bhuttoism is an ideology for the poor,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bhuttoisme adalah ideologi untuk golongan miskin,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You will cut our hands, but we will raise our flags.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda akan memotong tangan kami, tetapi kami akan menaikkan bendera kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They will sew our lips, but we will chant, 'Long live Bhutto.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan menjahit bibir kita, tetapi kita akan melaungkan, 'Hidup Bhutto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the speech, President Zardari, who also has been accused of corruption, took the podium after his son spoke, beaming with pride.", "r": {"result": "Selepas ucapan itu, Presiden Zardari, yang juga telah dituduh rasuah, menaiki podium selepas anaknya bercakap, berseri-seri dengan bangganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He has to learn with you.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia kena belajar dengan awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has to learn about Pakistan, learn how to work with you, learn your thinking.", "r": {"result": "Dia perlu belajar tentang Pakistan, belajar bagaimana bekerja dengan anda, belajar pemikiran anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And God willing, his elders and your elders are with him,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Dan insya-Allah, orang tuanya dan orang tua kamu bersamanya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told the crowd that Bhutto-Zardari's \"education is finished, and his training has begun\".", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu orang ramai bahawa \"pendidikan Bhutto-Zardari telah selesai, dan latihannya telah bermula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The nation is yours, it is with you, we are all with you, congratulations to Bilawal and the coming generations,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cNegara adalah milik anda, ia bersama anda, kami semua bersama anda, tahniah kepada Bilawal dan generasi akan datang,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One Pakistani journalist was quick to praise Bhutto-Zardari for his command of Urdu -- seen as a political feat of sorts.", "r": {"result": "Seorang wartawan Pakistan pantas memuji Bhutto-Zardari kerana menguasai bahasa Urdu -- dilihat sebagai satu kejayaan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamid Mir, speaking on GEO TV, said that Bhutto-Zardari \"cannot speak Urdu clearly, and this speech was very impressive because he worked very hard to spontaneously deliver the speech in perfect Urdu\".", "r": {"result": "Hamid Mir, bercakap di GEO TV, berkata bahawa Bhutto-Zardari \"tidak boleh bercakap Urdu dengan jelas, dan ucapan ini sangat mengagumkan kerana dia bekerja keras untuk secara spontan menyampaikan ucapan dalam bahasa Urdu yang sempurna\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five years on though, the Bhutto murder case remains unresolved.", "r": {"result": "Lima tahun kemudian, kes pembunuhan Bhutto masih tidak dapat diselesaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Pakistani special prosecutor accused a court of dragging out the case against five men accused in connection with the December 27, 2007, killing of Bhutto.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pendakwa raya khas Pakistan menuduh mahkamah mengheret keluar kes terhadap lima lelaki yang dituduh berhubung pembunuhan Bhutto pada 27 Disember 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Several times, the court has rejected our request\" for hearings in the case, Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali, a special prosecutor with the Federal Investigation Agency, told CNN on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Beberapa kali, mahkamah telah menolak permintaan kami\" untuk perbicaraan dalam kes itu, Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali, seorang pendakwa khas dengan Agensi Siasatan Persekutuan, memberitahu CNN pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: 7 indicted in connection with Bhutto assassination.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: 7 didakwa berkaitan dengan pembunuhan Bhutto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The five men, who were indicted by an anti-terror court, are accused of having links to Beitullah Mehsud, the late leader of the Pakistani Taliban believed to be the mastermind behind the attack on Bhutto.", "r": {"result": "Lima lelaki itu, yang didakwa oleh mahkamah antikeganasan, didakwa mempunyai kaitan dengan Beitullah Mehsud, mendiang ketua Taliban Pakistan yang dipercayai dalang di sebalik serangan ke atas Bhutto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The men are due back in court on January 5, Ali said.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu akan kembali ke mahkamah pada 5 Januari, kata Ali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Who are the Pakistan Taliban?", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Siapa Taliban Pakistan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The special prosecutor has sent two letters to Interpol asking for the arrest of former President Pervez Musharraf, who has been accused of failing to protect Bhutto despite threats to her life.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya khas telah menghantar dua surat kepada Interpol meminta penahanan bekas Presiden Pervez Musharraf, yang telah dituduh gagal melindungi Bhutto walaupun mengancam nyawanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch: Video is of escapee who tried to kill Pakistan's former president, say police.", "r": {"result": "Tonton: Video adalah tentang pelarian yang cuba membunuh bekas presiden Pakistan, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Musharraf has been in self-imposed exile in London and Dubai after leaving Pakistan in 2008. In August 2012, Pakistani authorities confiscated his property and froze his bank account.", "r": {"result": "Musharraf telah berada dalam buangan sendiri di London dan Dubai selepas meninggalkan Pakistan pada 2008. Pada Ogos 2012, pihak berkuasa Pakistan merampas hartanya dan membekukan akaun banknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former military ruler has denied having anything to do with Bhutto's killing.", "r": {"result": "Bekas pemerintah tentera itu menafikan ada kaitan dengan pembunuhan Bhutto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bhutto survived an assassination attempt in October 2007 in Karachi during her homecoming that killed 139 people.", "r": {"result": "Bhutto terselamat daripada cubaan pembunuhan pada Oktober 2007 di Karachi semasa kepulangannya yang membunuh 139 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The following December, she was killed in a gun-suicide bomb attack as she was wrapping up a campaign rally in Rawalpindi ahead of parliamentary elections.", "r": {"result": "Pada Disember berikutnya, dia terbunuh dalam serangan bom bunuh diri dengan senjata api ketika dia sedang menyelesaikan perhimpunan kempen di Rawalpindi menjelang pilihan raya parlimen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mehsud, the alleged architect of the attack, was killed in a U.S. drone strike in August 2009 in Pakistan's volatile Waziristan province, according to authorities.", "r": {"result": "Mehsud, yang dikatakan arkitek serangan itu, terbunuh dalam serangan dron AS pada Ogos 2009 di wilayah Waziristan yang tidak menentu di Pakistan, menurut pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He denied being behind the attack on Bhutto, according to statements released by his spokesman shortly after the former prime minister's killing.", "r": {"result": "Dia menafikan berada di belakang serangan ke atas Bhutto, menurut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan jurucakapnya sejurus selepas pembunuhan bekas perdana menteri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But authorities said Mehsud chose a teenager from his own tribe to act as the as the suicide bomber in the attack on Bhutto.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pihak berkuasa berkata Mehsud memilih seorang remaja dari sukunya sendiri untuk bertindak sebagai pengebom berani mati dalam serangan ke atas Bhutto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suicide bomber was taken to Rawalpindi by three members of the Taliban, who handed him over to two others who provided him temporary housing and gave him information on when and where Bhutto could be targeted, according to Ali, the special prosecutor.", "r": {"result": "Pengebom berani mati itu telah dibawa ke Rawalpindi oleh tiga anggota Taliban, yang menyerahkannya kepada dua yang lain yang memberikannya perumahan sementara dan memberinya maklumat tentang bila dan di mana Bhutto boleh menjadi sasaran, menurut Ali, pendakwa raya khas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Pakistan police: 3 boys arrested on way to suicide bomb training.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Polis Pakistan: 3 budak lelaki ditahan dalam perjalanan ke latihan bom berani mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Chelsea J. Carter and Joe Sterling contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Chelsea J. Carter dan Joe Sterling dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charlottesville, Virginia (CNN) -- The search for missing University of Virginia student Hannah Graham now includes the use of an aerial drone -- the first time, according to authorities, one has been used in the search for a missing person in the state.", "r": {"result": "Charlottesville, Virginia (CNN) -- Pencarian pelajar Universiti Virginia yang hilang Hannah Graham kini termasuk penggunaan dron udara -- kali pertama, menurut pihak berkuasa, satu telah digunakan dalam mencari orang yang hilang di negeri itu .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The addition of the drone to the seach effort comes more than two weeks after Graham disappeared from an area of Charlottesville known as the Downtown Mall.", "r": {"result": "Penambahan dron itu ke dalam usaha pencarian datang lebih dua minggu selepas Graham hilang dari kawasan Charlottesville yang dikenali sebagai Pusat Beli-belah Downtown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The drone has a high-quality camera, and it will \"look closer\" at objects of interest, said John Coggin, chief engineer of the Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership and one of the members of the team operating the drone.", "r": {"result": "Drone itu mempunyai kamera berkualiti tinggi, dan ia akan \"melihat lebih dekat\" pada objek yang menarik, kata John Coggin, ketua jurutera Perkongsian Penerbangan Mid-Atlantic dan salah seorang ahli pasukan yang mengendalikan dron itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the drone worked from overhead Wednesday, more than 50 law enforcement personnel participated in the search in Fairfax County.", "r": {"result": "Ketika dron itu berfungsi dari atas hari Rabu, lebih 50 anggota penguatkuasa undang-undang mengambil bahagian dalam pencarian di Fairfax County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where is Hannah Graham?", "r": {"result": "Mana Hannah Graham?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators believe Jesse Matthew, 32, was the last person with Graham, who was last seen September 13. He has been charged with abduction with the intent to defile in the case, and he is being held in jail in isolation, according to Charlottesville police.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat percaya Jesse Matthew, 32, adalah orang terakhir bersama Graham, yang kali terakhir dilihat pada 13 September. Dia telah didakwa dengan penculikan dengan niat untuk mencemarkan kes itu, dan dia ditahan di penjara secara berasingan, menurut polis Charlottesville .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Matthew is being held in isolation in a Virginia jail cell.", "r": {"result": "Matthew ditahan secara berasingan di dalam sel penjara Virginia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities are offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the safe return of the 18-year-old, a second-year student at the university.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa menawarkan ganjaran $100,000 untuk maklumat yang membawa kepada kepulangan dengan selamat pelajar berusia 18 tahun itu, pelajar tahun kedua di universiti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 3,000 tips to Graham's possible whereabouts have poured in, Carter Johnson, a police spokesman, said.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 3,000 petua tentang kemungkinan keberadaan Graham telah mengalir masuk, kata jurucakap polis, Carter Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As part of the search effort, police have asked owners of large parcels of property in surrounding counties to search their land and report back.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha mencari, polis telah meminta pemilik petak besar harta di daerah sekitar untuk menggeledah tanah mereka dan melaporkan kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The drone is expected to help with the search of vast tracts of land in the country.", "r": {"result": "Drone itu dijangka membantu pencarian di kawasan tanah yang luas di negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hannah Graham disappearance: What we know.", "r": {"result": "Kehilangan Hannah Graham: Apa yang kita tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The search of Wednesday also included U.S. Route 29, outside of Charlottesville, where another woman reportedly disappeared.", "r": {"result": "Pencarian pada hari Rabu juga termasuk Laluan 29 A.S., di luar Charlottesville, di mana seorang wanita lain dilaporkan hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The search follows reports that Virginia State Police found a \"new forensic link\" between the Graham case and the death of Morgan Harrington, a 20-year-old Virginia Tech student, who went missing after attending a Metallica concert in Charlottesville in October 2009.", "r": {"result": "Pencarian itu berikutan laporan bahawa Polis Negeri Virginia menemui \"hubungan forensik baharu\" antara kes Graham dan kematian Morgan Harrington, seorang pelajar Virginia Tech berusia 20 tahun, yang hilang selepas menghadiri konsert Metallica di Charlottesville pada Oktober 2009.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harrington was last seen hitchhiking along U.S. Route 29, and her remains were found on a farm months later.", "r": {"result": "Kali terakhir Harrington dilihat menumpang di sepanjang Laluan 29 A.S., dan mayatnya ditemui di ladang beberapa bulan kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Almost from the start, speculation was raised about the possibility of a connection between Graham's disappearance and Harrington's death.", "r": {"result": "Hampir dari awal, spekulasi ditimbulkan tentang kemungkinan ada kaitan antara kehilangan Graham dan kematian Harrington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No arrests have been made in Harrington's case, and the cause of her death is still under investigation.", "r": {"result": "Tiada tangkapan telah dibuat dalam kes Harrington, dan punca kematiannya masih dalam siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jason Morris, Ed Lavandera, Jean Casarez and journalist Betsy Kaufman contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jason Morris dari CNN, Ed Lavandera, Jean Casarez dan wartawan Betsy Kaufman menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Three people are dead, including a gunman who opened fire in a courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware, Monday morning, Delaware State Police said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tiga orang maut, termasuk seorang lelaki bersenjata yang melepaskan tembakan di mahkamah di Wilmington, Delaware, pagi Isnin, kata Polis Negeri Delaware.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two Capitol Police officers were wounded in the gunfight, but their injuries aren't life threatening because they were wearing bulletproof vests, police said.", "r": {"result": "Dua pegawai Polis Capitol cedera dalam pertempuran itu, tetapi kecederaan mereka tidak mengancam nyawa kerana mereka memakai jaket kalis peluru, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man entered the lobby of at the New Castle County Courthouse around 8 a.m. and began shooting, said State Police Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu memasuki lobi di Mahkamah Daerah New Castle sekitar jam 8 pagi dan mula menembak, kata Polis Negeri Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul Shavack.", "r": {"result": "Paul Shavack.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He acted alone, Shavack said, and the shooting was not an act of terrorism.", "r": {"result": "Dia bertindak sendirian, kata Shavack, dan penembakan itu bukan tindakan keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two who are dead are women, but Shavack declined to give details about them.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua yang maut adalah wanita, tetapi Shavack enggan memberikan butiran mengenai mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "News reports said the gunman's estranged wife was among the victims, but Shavack said he could not confirm that a family member was involved.", "r": {"result": "Laporan berita menyebut isteri lelaki bersenjata itu yang berpisah antara mangsa, tetapi Shavack berkata dia tidak dapat mengesahkan bahawa ahli keluarga terbabit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described the shooter as white and between the ages of 50 and 60.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyifatkan penembak itu berkulit putih dan berumur antara 50 hingga 60 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said it's unclear how the gunman died.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata tidak jelas bagaimana lelaki bersenjata itu mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are investigating whether he killed himself or police killed him.", "r": {"result": "Mereka sedang menyiasat sama ada dia membunuh diri atau polis membunuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutor gunned down outside Texas courthouse.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwaraya ditembak mati di luar mahkamah Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jose Beltran, a Court of Common Pleas worker, told the News Journal in Wilmington that he was walking into the courthouse lobby when he heard shots.", "r": {"result": "Jose Beltran, seorang pekerja Court of Common Pleas, memberitahu Jurnal Berita di Wilmington bahawa dia sedang berjalan ke lobi mahkamah apabila dia mendengar tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw two shots,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat dua tembakan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw people going on the ground so I just made a U-turn and ran out of the building.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya melihat orang ramai turun ke tanah jadi saya hanya membuat pusingan U dan berlari keluar dari bangunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After that I don't know what happened\".", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu saya tidak tahu apa yang berlaku\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomas Warren told the newspaper that as he approached the courthouse entrance to report for jury duty, he saw what appeared to be the body of a man lying on his stomach.", "r": {"result": "Thomas Warren memberitahu akhbar itu bahawa ketika dia menghampiri pintu masuk mahkamah untuk melaporkan diri bagi tugas juri, dia melihat apa yang kelihatan seperti mayat seorang lelaki terbaring di atas perutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Local and federal authorities, including agents from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, responded.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa tempatan dan persekutuan, termasuk ejen dari Biro Alkohol, Tembakau, Senjata Api dan Bahan Letupan AS, bertindak balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The courthouse was evacuated and police did a floor-by-floor search of the 12-story building to make sure there was only the single gunman and there were no more threats, Shavack said.", "r": {"result": "Bangunan mahkamah telah dipindahkan dan polis melakukan pemeriksaan lantai demi tingkat di bangunan 12 tingkat itu untuk memastikan hanya terdapat seorang lelaki bersenjata dan tiada lagi ancaman, kata Shavack.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shooting came on the day the police chief of Wilmington was in Philadelphia to attend a roundtable discussion about gun safety.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan itu berlaku pada hari ketua polis Wilmington berada di Philadelphia untuk menghadiri perbincangan meja bulat mengenai keselamatan senjata api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vice President Joe Biden, law enforcement officials and members of Congress were attending.", "r": {"result": "Naib Presiden Joe Biden, pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang dan ahli Kongres hadir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Biden, who served as a senator from Delaware for many years, acknowledged Monday's shooting.", "r": {"result": "Biden, yang berkhidmat sebagai senator dari Delaware selama bertahun-tahun, mengakui penembakan pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Wilmington has been dealing with a murder rate that exceeds any number a city of its size should be dealing with,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Wilmington telah berhadapan dengan kadar pembunuhan yang melebihi jumlah yang perlu dihadapi oleh sebuah bandar sebesarnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city's population is 71,305, according to 2011 census figures.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk bandar ini ialah 71,305, mengikut angka banci 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were 23 murders in the city that year, according to FBI statistics.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat 23 pembunuhan di bandar itu pada tahun itu, menurut statistik FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Monday afternoon Joseph R. \"Beau\" Biden, Delaware's Attorney General and the son of the vice president, spoke at a news conference about the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Petang Isnin Joseph R. \"Beau\" Biden, Peguam Negara Delaware dan anak naib presiden, bercakap pada sidang akhbar mengenai tembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not a random act of violence,\" he said, but stems for a long custody dispute that \"has lasted in our court system for many years\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bukan tindakan keganasan yang rambang,\" katanya, tetapi berpunca daripada pertikaian hak penjagaan yang lama yang \"telah berlarutan dalam sistem mahkamah kita selama bertahun-tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Biden and other law enforcement authorities would not publicly name the shooter or the deceased, saying that they wanted to continue with the process of their investigation first.", "r": {"result": "Biden dan pihak berkuasa penguatkuasaan undang-undang lain tidak akan menamakan penembak atau si mati secara terbuka, mengatakan bahawa mereka mahu meneruskan proses siasatan mereka terlebih dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The officers who survived the shooting were treated and released from a hospital, police chief William Jopp said.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai yang terselamat daripada tembakan itu dirawat dan dikeluarkan dari hospital, kata ketua polis William Jopp.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The New Castle County Courthouse will be closed Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Daerah New Castle akan ditutup pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jake Carpenter, Stephanie Gallman and Laura Ly contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jake Carpenter dari CNN, Stephanie Gallman dan Laura Ly menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Syrian Electronic Army -- a group of pro-Syrian regime hackers that has aggressively targeted major news organizations and activists -- may operate in cyberspace, but its attacks can have real-life impact.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tentera Elektronik Syria -- sekumpulan penggodam rejim pro-Syria yang secara agresif menyasarkan organisasi dan aktivis berita utama -- mungkin beroperasi di alam siber, tetapi serangannya boleh memberi kesan kehidupan sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The power of misinformation was amply demonstrated when the group hacked the Associated Press Twitter feed Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Kekuatan maklumat yang salah telah ditunjukkan apabila kumpulan itu menggodam suapan Twitter Associated Press pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fake AP message -- which read, \"Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured,\" -- caused a brief flurry of panic and sent stocks plummeting.", "r": {"result": "Mesej AP palsu -- yang berbunyi, \"Pecah: Dua Letupan di Rumah Putih dan Barack Obama cedera,\" -- menyebabkan panik seketika dan menyebabkan saham jatuh menjunam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tweet was quickly revealed as false, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered from its 145-point dip, but it was nearly a day before the AP Twitter account was restored to life.", "r": {"result": "Tweet itu dengan cepat didedahkan sebagai palsu, dan Purata Perindustrian Dow Jones pulih daripada penurunan 145 mata, tetapi hampir sehari sebelum akaun Twitter AP dihidupkan semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, fresh questions are being asked about what the Syrian Electronic Army is, where it's from and how it operates.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, soalan baru ditanya tentang apa itu Tentera Elektronik Syria, dari mana asalnya dan cara ia beroperasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In its own words, on is website, the Syrian Electronic Army says, \"We are a group of enthusiastic Syrian youths who could not stay passive towards the massive distortion of facts about the recent uprising in Syria\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam kata-katanya sendiri, di laman web ini, Tentera Elektronik Syria berkata, \"Kami adalah sekumpulan pemuda Syria yang bersemangat yang tidak boleh kekal pasif terhadap penyelewengan besar-besaran fakta mengenai pemberontakan baru-baru ini di Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the past few months, the group claims to have hacked British broadcaster the BBC and U.S. outlets CBS News and NPR, as well as Columbia University and rights group Human Rights Watch.", "r": {"result": "Sejak beberapa bulan lalu, kumpulan itu mendakwa telah menggodam penyiar British, BBC dan saluran A.S. CBS News dan NPR, serta Universiti Columbia dan kumpulan hak asasi Human Rights Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group even compromised the Twitter account Monday of the head of world soccer, FIFA President Sepp Blatter and FIFA's official account for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu malah telah menjejaskan akaun Twitter ketua bola sepak dunia pada Isnin, Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter dan akaun rasmi FIFA untuk Piala Dunia 2014 di Brazil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But much about the Syrian Electronic Army remains unknown.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi banyak tentang Tentera Elektronik Syria masih tidak diketahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Tacit support' from Syria.", "r": {"result": "'Sokongan tersirat' dari Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One key question revolves around how close the group is to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which has been involved in a bloody civil war for more than two years.", "r": {"result": "Satu persoalan utama berkisar tentang betapa rapatnya kumpulan itu dengan kerajaan Presiden Syria Bashar al-Assad, yang telah terlibat dalam perang saudara berdarah selama lebih dua tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On that subject, all the signs are of \"tacit support,\" says Helmi Noman, a senior researcher at the Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai subjek itu, semua tanda adalah \"sokongan tersirat,\" kata Helmi Noman, penyelidik kanan di Makmal Warganegara, Munk School of Global Affairs di University of Toronto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has been tracking the Syrian Electronic Army since May 2011, when it first emerged as an organized group with a Facebook page and then its own website.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah menjejaki Tentera Elektronik Syria sejak Mei 2011, apabila ia mula-mula muncul sebagai kumpulan tersusun dengan halaman Facebook dan kemudian laman webnya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What we know is their domain name was registered by the Syrian Computer Society.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApa yang kami tahu nama domain mereka didaftarkan oleh Persatuan Komputer Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We looked into the Syrian Computer Society and discovered that it was headed by al-Assad in the 1990s, before he was president,\" said Noman.", "r": {"result": "Kami meneliti Persatuan Komputer Syria dan mendapati ia diketuai oleh al-Assad pada 1990-an, sebelum beliau menjadi presiden,\" kata Noman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's hosted on the network of the Syrian government, which is interesting because it's the first time we've seen a group with questionable activities being hosted on a national computer network\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia dihoskan pada rangkaian kerajaan Syria, yang menarik kerana ia adalah kali pertama kami melihat kumpulan dengan aktiviti yang boleh dipersoalkan dihoskan pada rangkaian komputer nasional\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al-Assad has also backed the group by name and \"expressed his appreciation for their work and described them as a real army on the Internet,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Al-Assad juga telah menyokong kumpulan itu dengan nama dan \"menyatakan penghargaannya atas kerja mereka dan menyifatkan mereka sebagai tentera sebenar di Internet,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Noman and his fellow researchers do \"not have evidence that this group is actually a Syrian government operation\".", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, Noman dan rakan penyelidiknya \"tidak mempunyai bukti bahawa kumpulan ini sebenarnya adalah operasi kerajaan Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even if it were, he points out, the Syrian government would be unlikely to be open about it.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun begitu, beliau menegaskan, kerajaan Syria tidak mungkin bersikap terbuka mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is in part because it could face legal and political consequences for its actions -- for example, over the financial loss suffered as a result of the fake AP tweet, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ini sebahagiannya kerana ia boleh menghadapi akibat undang-undang dan politik atas tindakannya -- sebagai contoh, atas kerugian kewangan yang dialami akibat tweet AP palsu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who the individual members of the Syrian Electronic Army are and where they're from is also shrouded in mystery.", "r": {"result": "Siapa anggota individu Tentera Elektronik Syria dan dari mana mereka berasal juga diselubungi misteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group has sought to recruit volunteers through its Facebook page, inviting them to flood selected websites with pre-prepared spam comments, said Noman.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu telah berusaha untuk merekrut sukarelawan melalui laman Facebooknya, menjemput mereka untuk membanjiri laman web terpilih dengan komen spam yang telah disediakan terlebih dahulu, kata Noman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Of course, we cannot tell if these volunteers are from Syria only, or from other countries,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSudah tentu, kita tidak dapat mengetahui sama ada sukarelawan ini dari Syria sahaja, atau dari negara lain,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many people are familiar with Anonymous, the hacker collective that is known for its DDOS, or distributed denial of service, attacks that take websites offline, and backed the 2011 Occupy movement and WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang biasa dengan Anonymous, kolektif penggodam yang terkenal dengan DDOS, atau penolakan perkhidmatan yang diedarkan, serangan yang membawa tapak web di luar talian dan menyokong pergerakan Occupy 2011 dan Julian Assange dari WikiLeaks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But while the Syrian Electronic Army's activities bear some similarities to those of Anonymous, the group is quite different in other ways, said Noman.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sementara aktiviti Tentera Elektronik Syria mempunyai beberapa persamaan dengan Anonymous, kumpulan itu agak berbeza dari segi lain, kata Noman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not only do its domain name and registration betray clear connections with Syria, but its members are reachable through the group's website, Facebook and Twitter pages.", "r": {"result": "Nama domain dan pendaftarannya bukan sahaja mengkhianati hubungan yang jelas dengan Syria, tetapi ahlinya boleh dihubungi melalui laman web kumpulan itu, halaman Facebook dan Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disrupting the flow.", "r": {"result": "Mengganggu aliran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group also appears robust, bouncing back despite the efforts of U.S. authorities and Twitter to suspend its activities.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu juga kelihatan teguh, bangkit walaupun ada usaha pihak berkuasa AS dan Twitter untuk menangguhkan aktivitinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Noman has noted an evolution in the Syrian Electronic Army's methods over time.", "r": {"result": "Dan Noman telah mencatatkan evolusi dalam kaedah Tentera Elektronik Syria dari semasa ke semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Early attacks focused on apparently irrelevant websites, but later efforts shifted first toward compromising the Facebook pages of organizations seen as hostile to the Syrian government, and now high-profile Twitter accounts.", "r": {"result": "Serangan awal tertumpu pada laman web yang nampaknya tidak relevan, tetapi usaha kemudian beralih terlebih dahulu ke arah menjejaskan halaman Facebook organisasi yang dilihat memusuhi kerajaan Syria, dan kini akaun Twitter berprofil tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They demonstrate interest in disrupting the flow of information, especially the flow of information from international media,\" Noman said of the group.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menunjukkan minat untuk mengganggu aliran maklumat, terutamanya aliran maklumat daripada media antarabangsa,\" kata Noman mengenai kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is not surprising because it is in line with what the Syrian government itself has tried to do, in accusing the regional and international media of being biased against it, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ini tidak menghairankan kerana ia selaras dengan apa yang cuba dilakukan oleh kerajaan Syria sendiri, dalam menuduh media serantau dan antarabangsa bersikap berat sebelah terhadapnya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday's attack on the AP Twitter feed shows \"an escalation in depth but not in scale,\" Noman said.", "r": {"result": "Serangan Selasa ke atas suapan Twitter AP menunjukkan \"peningkatan secara mendalam tetapi tidak dalam skala,\" kata Noman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the Syrian Electronic Army has compromised the Twitter accounts of several international media organizations before, the kind of message sent to the AP feed was more disturbing.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Tentera Elektronik Syria telah menjejaskan akaun Twitter beberapa organisasi media antarabangsa sebelum ini, jenis mesej yang dihantar ke suapan AP adalah lebih mengganggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attack on BBC Weather's Twitter feed, for example, was hard to take seriously.", "r": {"result": "Serangan ke atas suapan Twitter BBC Weather, sebagai contoh, sukar untuk diambil serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Syrian Electronic Army Was Here,\" read one tweet.", "r": {"result": "\"Tentera Elektronik Syria Telah Di Sini,\" baca satu tweet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Saudi weather station down due to head-on collision with camel,\" said another.", "r": {"result": "\"Stesen cuaca Saudi terbabas akibat perlanggaran langsung dengan unta,\" kata seorang lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others were more inflammatory -- \"Hazardous fog warning for North Syria: Erdogan orders terrorists to launch chemical weapons at civilian areas\" -- but still not credible.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain lebih menghasut -- \"Amaran kabut berbahaya untuk Syria Utara: Erdogan mengarahkan pengganas untuk melancarkan senjata kimia di kawasan awam\" -- tetapi masih tidak boleh dipercayai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is worrying about the AP Twitter hack is that next time there is breaking news on Twitter, people will wonder if it's true or just another compromise, Noman said.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang membimbangkan tentang penggodaman AP Twitter ialah apabila terdapat berita terkini di Twitter, orang ramai akan tertanya-tanya sama ada ia benar atau hanya satu lagi kompromi, kata Noman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a warning to everyone to step up their own online security measures -- and be aware that not all they read may be true.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah amaran kepada semua orang untuk meningkatkan langkah keselamatan dalam talian mereka sendiri -- dan sedar bahawa tidak semua yang mereka baca mungkin benar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "READ MORE: AP hack proves Twitter has a serious cybersecurity problem.", "r": {"result": "BACA LEBIH LANJUT: Hack AP membuktikan Twitter mempunyai masalah keselamatan siber yang serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "READ MORE: FIFA chief Blatter's Twitter account hacked.", "r": {"result": "BACA LEBIH LANJUT: Akaun Twitter ketua FIFA Blatter digodam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Britain's Duke and Duchess of Cambridge leave Britain on their three-week visit to New Zealand and Australia this weekend with their baby son Prince George.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Duke dan Duchess of Cambridge Britain meninggalkan Britain dalam lawatan tiga minggu mereka ke New Zealand dan Australia hujung minggu ini bersama bayi lelaki mereka Putera George.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A \"hub and spoke\" system has been put in place allowing for the new parents to travel to engagements during the day and return to their son in the evening, much like parents the world over who trudge off to work in the morning only to dash home in the evening to catch baby before bedtime.", "r": {"result": "Sistem \"hab dan bercakap\" telah disediakan yang membolehkan ibu bapa baharu pergi ke majlis pertunangan pada siang hari dan kembali kepada anak lelaki mereka pada waktu petang, sama seperti ibu bapa di seluruh dunia yang bersusah payah pergi bekerja pada waktu pagi hanya untuk berlari. pulang pada waktu petang untuk menangkap bayi sebelum tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Granted most parents in the workforce don't get to enjoy legions of adoring fans waving flags, parading \"We love u\"!", "r": {"result": "Memang kebanyakan ibu bapa dalam tenaga kerja tidak dapat menikmati legiun peminat memuja mengibarkan bendera, mengarak \"We love u\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "banners and requesting royal selfies, but perhaps this will give William and Kate a taste of their much-longed-for opportunity to feel \"normal\".", "r": {"result": "sepanduk dan meminta swafoto diraja, tetapi mungkin ini akan memberikan William dan Kate merasai peluang yang sangat mereka rindukan untuk berasa \"normal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It comes as no surprise that George is joining the royal roadshow, but it is Prince William's late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, who is being credited, yet again, with paving the way for her son and grandson.", "r": {"result": "Tidak menghairankan bahawa George menyertai jerayawara diraja, tetapi mendiang ibu Putera William, Diana, Puteri Wales, yang dikreditkan, sekali lagi, dengan membuka jalan untuk anak lelaki dan cucunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pundits promptly took to their columns comparing the cold, unfeeling Queen Elizabeth -- who left her children behind as she took off on a six-month tour -- to Diana who defied convention and broke with tradition by insisting on taking a then nine-month-old Prince William to Australia and New Zealand in 1983.", "r": {"result": "Pakar segera mengambil bahagian dalam ruangan mereka membandingkan Ratu Elizabeth yang dingin dan tidak berperasaan -- yang meninggalkan anak-anaknya semasa dia memulakan lawatan selama enam bulan -- dengan Diana yang menentang konvensyen dan melanggar tradisi dengan berkeras untuk mengambil masa sembilan bulan itu. -Putera William yang tua ke Australia dan New Zealand pada tahun 1983.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In order to do a fair comparison, however, surely we must look at the big picture.", "r": {"result": "Untuk melakukan perbandingan yang adil, bagaimanapun, kita mesti melihat gambaran besarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A full 30 years had passed between royal tours, during which time advances in modern aviation made travel much speedier.", "r": {"result": "30 tahun penuh telah berlalu antara lawatan diraja, di mana kemajuan masa dalam penerbangan moden menjadikan perjalanan lebih pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People's attitudes towards royalty had shifted, and as popular as she was, Diana was merely a princess ... not the Queen.", "r": {"result": "Sikap orang ramai terhadap diraja telah berubah, dan sepopular dia, Diana hanyalah seorang puteri ... bukan Ratu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aussie hysteria may have made Prince Charles and Princess Diana's trip Down Under look like quite the rock star tour, but when the Queen and Prince Philip set off in 1953, the world was on the cusp of global hysteria.", "r": {"result": "Histeria Australia mungkin menjadikan perjalanan Putera Charles dan Puteri Diana Down Under kelihatan seperti jelajah bintang rock, tetapi apabila Ratu dan Putera Philip berangkat pada 1953, dunia berada di puncak histeria global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Bermuda alone, all 38,000 residents of the island nation rolled out to get a glimpse of their new queen.", "r": {"result": "Di Bermuda sahaja, kesemua 38,000 penduduk negara pulau itu melancarkan perjalanan untuk melihat sekilas ratu baharu mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the days before Internet, social media, 24-hour TV news -- when most families still gathered around the wireless to hear the day's events -- theirs was the biggest show in town.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari-hari sebelum Internet, media sosial, berita TV 24 jam -- ketika kebanyakan keluarga masih berkumpul di sekitar wayarles untuk mendengar acara hari itu -- rancangan mereka adalah rancangan terbesar di bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The royal couple embarked on the six-month tour of the Commonwealth just five months after her coronation.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan diraja itu memulakan jelajah Komanwel selama enam bulan hanya lima bulan selepas pertabalannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were to travel across five continents on the most ambitious royal tour ever undertaken.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan mengembara merentasi lima benua dalam lawatan diraja paling bercita-cita tinggi yang pernah dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The countries to be visited included Canada, Jamaica, Panama, Fiji, Tonga, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Libya, Australia and New Zealand -- most of which had never seen a reigning British monarch set foot on its soil.", "r": {"result": "Negara-negara yang akan dilawati termasuk Kanada, Jamaica, Panama, Fiji, Tonga, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Libya, Australia dan New Zealand -- yang kebanyakannya tidak pernah melihat raja British yang memerintah menjejakkan kaki di buminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the course of the trip the Queen covered 43,618 miles by land, air and sea.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang perjalanan Ratu menempuh 43,618 batu melalui darat, udara dan laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was pulled in every direction, and so strenuous was the tour that there were concerns for her health.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditarik ke setiap arah, dan lawatan itu sangat berat sehinggakan terdapat kebimbangan terhadap kesihatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decision had been made to leave Prince Charles and his sister Anne at home.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan telah dibuat untuk meninggalkan Putera Charles dan kakaknya Anne di rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Modern child-rearing experts might say the best place for a child is with its parents, but anyone who has flown 23 hours with an infant might beg to differ.", "r": {"result": "Pakar pembesaran kanak-kanak moden mungkin mengatakan tempat terbaik untuk kanak-kanak adalah dengan ibu bapanya, tetapi sesiapa yang telah terbang 23 jam dengan bayi mungkin mengeluh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Imagine if you will flying 17 hours to Bermuda on a four-engine prop with two toddlers in tow and not a Nintendo or iPad to be seen.", "r": {"result": "Bayangkan jika anda akan terbang 17 jam ke Bermuda dengan prop empat enjin dengan dua kanak-kanak kecil di belakangnya dan bukan Nintendo atau iPad untuk dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'd have gotten drunk twice and still landed sober.", "r": {"result": "Anda telah mabuk dua kali dan masih sedarkan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relief on landing would be instantly mitigated by marching bands and a slew of dignitaries waiting to greet your fried and frazzled self.", "r": {"result": "Kelegaan semasa mendarat akan dikurangkan dengan serta-merta oleh pancaragam dan sekumpulan orang kenamaan yang menunggu untuk menyambut diri anda yang goreng dan letih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Picture then a five-year-old Prince Charles face down on the tarmac, kicking his little hands and feet at having to wear long white socks as his three-year-old sister Anne, a veritable shade of puce, screams, \"I want my pony\"!", "r": {"result": "Kemudian bayangkan seorang Putera Charles yang berusia lima tahun menghadap ke bawah di atas tar, menendang tangan dan kaki kecilnya kerana terpaksa memakai stokin panjang berwarna putih ketika adik perempuannya Anne yang berusia tiga tahun, dengan warna puce, menjerit, \"Saya mahu kuda poni saya\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No doubt the royal spawn would have been much more mild-mannered, but you can see how quickly things could head south in a haze of Governors, Honor Guards, Tribal Chiefs and jet lag ... and that's only the first leg.", "r": {"result": "Tidak syak lagi keturunan diraja akan menjadi lebih lembut, tetapi anda dapat melihat betapa cepatnya keadaan boleh menuju ke selatan dalam jerebu Gabenor, Pengawal Kehormatan, Ketua Puak dan jet lag ... dan itu hanya pusingan pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A thoroughly miserable experience for parents and tots alike.", "r": {"result": "Pengalaman yang sangat menyedihkan untuk ibu bapa dan anak kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On a personal level, it must have been a horrendous decision for the Queen to leave her children behind, but it's not as if they were left in a Dickensian workhouse.", "r": {"result": "Pada peringkat peribadi, ia mesti menjadi keputusan yang mengerikan bagi Ratu untuk meninggalkan anak-anaknya, tetapi ia tidak seolah-olah mereka ditinggalkan di rumah kerja Dickensian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rather, they were left in the loving care of a doting grandmother and a nanny whom they adored.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, mereka ditinggalkan dalam penjagaan penuh kasih sayang seorang nenek yang menyayangi dan pengasuh yang mereka puja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jumping ahead 30 years, Diana did indeed insist on taking William on her six-week tour of Australia and New Zealand.", "r": {"result": "Melangkah ke hadapan 30 tahun, Diana sememangnya berkeras untuk membawa William dalam lawatan enam minggunya ke Australia dan New Zealand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While not exactly a short hop, the family did enjoy the benefits of jet propulsion and first class.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun bukan satu lompatan yang singkat, mereka sekeluarga menikmati faedah pendorongan jet dan kelas pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On landing in Alice Springs there was not a marching band or honor guard to be seen, simply a few local officials who frankly were more interested in seeing baby William.", "r": {"result": "Semasa mendarat di Alice Springs, tiada pasukan kawad atau pengawal kehormat kelihatan, hanya beberapa pegawai tempatan yang terus terang lebih berminat untuk melihat bayi William.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a brief photo call, William and his nanny were whisked away to Woomargama, a working sheep and cattle ranch in southern Australia.", "r": {"result": "Selepas bergambar ringkas, William dan pengasuhnya dibawa pergi ke Woomargama, sebuah ladang biri-biri dan lembu yang bekerja di selatan Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "William was to stay there throughout the trip, and his parents had made plans to visit nine times.", "r": {"result": "William akan tinggal di sana sepanjang perjalanan, dan ibu bapanya telah membuat rancangan untuk melawat sembilan kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "William and Kate are taking things a step further next month by only being parted from George for a couple of nights during their three-week inaugural tour as a family.", "r": {"result": "William dan Kate mengambil langkah lebih jauh bulan depan dengan hanya berpisah dengan George selama beberapa malam semasa lawatan sulung mereka selama tiga minggu sebagai sebuah keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Revolutionary as Diana was, it is due to the Queen's forward thinking that the monarchy has continued to adapt and evolve, and that William and Kate are now able to reap the benefits.", "r": {"result": "Revolusioner seperti Diana, ia disebabkan oleh pemikiran ke hadapan Ratu bahawa monarki terus menyesuaikan diri dan berkembang, dan William dan Kate kini dapat meraih faedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In hindsight, it is easy to criticize the Queen for being a bad mother and abandoning her children, but had she stayed home and abandoned her royal duties, the critics would have screamed even louder.", "r": {"result": "Jika difikirkan semula, adalah mudah untuk mengkritik Ratu kerana menjadi ibu yang jahat dan meninggalkan anak-anaknya, tetapi jika dia tinggal di rumah dan meninggalkan tugas dirajanya, pengkritik akan menjerit lebih kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nothing happens without the Queen's approval.", "r": {"result": "Tiada apa yang berlaku tanpa persetujuan Ratu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yes, Diana was permitted to take William on tour, but you can bet it was as a result of having to leave her own children behind that the Queen gave the go-ahead.", "r": {"result": "Ya, Diana dibenarkan untuk membawa William dalam lawatan, tetapi anda boleh bertaruh kerana terpaksa meninggalkan anak-anaknya sendiri, Ratu memberi kebenaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Diana should be credited for many of the positive changes within the monarchy, but it is the Queen who should be given the credit this time around.", "r": {"result": "Diana patut dipuji kerana banyak perubahan positif dalam monarki, tetapi Ratulah yang patut diberi penghargaan kali ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "READ: Prince George at eight months: Portrait of a young royal on brink of adventure.", "r": {"result": "BACA: Putera George pada lapan bulan: Potret seorang diraja muda di ambang pengembaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- Malala Yousufzai, the Pakistani teenager who defied Taliban attackers to promote education for girls, says she's \"feeling all right\" after two weekend surgeries.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Malala Yousufzai, remaja Pakistan yang menentang penyerang Taliban untuk mempromosikan pendidikan untuk kanak-kanak perempuan, berkata dia \"perasaan baik-baik saja\" selepas dua pembedahan hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors attached a titanium plate to her skull and implanted a cochlear device to restore hearing to her left ear.", "r": {"result": "Doktor memasang plat titanium pada tengkoraknya dan memasang alat koklea untuk memulihkan pendengaran pada telinga kirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: The girl the Taliban wanted dead.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Gadis yang dimahukan Taliban mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm happy that both of the operations are successful,\" she said Monday from her bed at a Birmingham hospital.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya gembira kerana kedua-dua pembedahan itu berjaya,\" katanya pada Isnin dari katilnya di hospital Birmingham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can walk a little bit and I'm feeling better\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh berjalan sedikit dan saya berasa lebih baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She hopes to be fully recovered in about a month, she said.", "r": {"result": "Dia berharap dapat pulih sepenuhnya dalam masa kira-kira sebulan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Malala \"has no long-lasting brain injuries\" after being shot in the head by Taliban gunmen last October, her brain surgeon, Dr. Anwen White, said Monday.", "r": {"result": "Malala \"tidak mengalami kecederaan otak yang berpanjangan\" selepas ditembak di kepala oleh lelaki bersenjata Taliban Oktober lalu, kata pakar bedah otaknya, Dr. Anwen White, Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Malala's journey from near death to recovery.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Perjalanan Malala dari hampir kematian kepada pemulihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She won't need any further surgery,\" White said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak akan memerlukan sebarang pembedahan lanjut,\" kata White.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The five-hour operation took place Sunday at a Birmingham hospital.", "r": {"result": "Pembedahan selama lima jam itu berlangsung Ahad di sebuah hospital Birmingham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After surgeons attached the titanium plate and inserted the implant, the 15-year-old Malala was \"very focused and enthusiastic,\" White said.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pakar bedah memasang plat titanium dan memasukkan implan, Malala yang berusia 15 tahun itu \"sangat fokus dan bersemangat,\" kata White.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shortly after the shooting, Malala's brain swelled dangerously, so doctors in Pakistan extracted a section of her skull about the size of a hand.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas tembakan itu, otak Malala membengkak dengan berbahaya, jadi doktor di Pakistan mengeluarkan bahagian tengkoraknya kira-kira sebesar tangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Otherwise, the pressure in her cranium would have caused severe brain damage, likely killing her.", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak, tekanan dalam tengkoraknya akan menyebabkan kerosakan otak yang teruk, mungkin membunuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors then temporarily implanted the skull piece in her abdomen -- a common procedure to preserve bone fragments for later use.", "r": {"result": "Doktor kemudian menanam kepingan tengkorak itu buat sementara waktu di dalam perutnya -- prosedur biasa untuk mengekalkan serpihan tulang untuk kegunaan kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The skull piece would have no longer fit properly without the addition of some titanium parts, as her head and the bone fragment have changed.", "r": {"result": "Sekeping tengkorak itu tidak akan muat dengan betul tanpa penambahan beberapa bahagian titanium, kerana kepala dan serpihan tulangnya telah berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Titanium also has a low incidence of infection and can be handcrafted to near perfection, doctors said.", "r": {"result": "Titanium juga mempunyai insiden jangkitan yang rendah dan boleh dibuat dengan hampir sempurna, kata doktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pakistan's Malala: Global symbol, but still just a kid.", "r": {"result": "Malala Pakistan: Simbol global, tetapi masih kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Saturday, before the surgery, Malala credited her survival to \"the prayers of the people\".", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Sabtu, sebelum pembedahan, Malala mengkreditkan kelangsungan hidupnya sebagai \"doa orang ramai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because of these prayers, God has given me this new life and I want to serve and I want every girl, every child to be educated,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDisebabkan doa-doa ini, Tuhan memberi saya kehidupan baru ini dan saya mahu berkhidmat dan saya mahu setiap gadis, setiap anak dididik,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's already talking about furthering her cause,\" said the hospital's medical director, Dr. Dave Rosser.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia sudah bercakap tentang meneruskan perjuangannya,\" kata pengarah perubatan hospital itu, Dr Dave Rosser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The terrorists have said they will target her again.", "r": {"result": "Pengganas telah berkata mereka akan menyasarkannya lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Malala had become deaf when gunfire from the attack broke the delicate bones that help turn sound into sensory impulses to the brain.", "r": {"result": "Malala menjadi pekak apabila tembakan daripada serangan itu mematahkan tulang halus yang membantu mengubah bunyi menjadi impuls deria ke otak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cochlear device will not allow her to hear completely naturally, Rosser said.", "r": {"result": "Peranti koklea tidak akan membenarkan dia mendengar sepenuhnya secara semula jadi, kata Rosser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it will restore enough function to the damaged ear to allow her to hear things such as an approaching car, which obviously is important for safety.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia akan memulihkan fungsi yang mencukupi pada telinga yang rosak untuk membolehkan dia mendengar perkara seperti kereta yang menghampiri, yang jelas penting untuk keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- American sprinter Tyson Gay will miss the remainder of the athletics season after undergoing surgery on a hip problem.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pelari pecut Amerika Tyson Gay akan terlepas baki musim olahraga selepas menjalani pembedahan pada masalah pinggul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gay, 28, will now miss the world championships in Daegu, South Korea, which are set to get under way on August 27.", "r": {"result": "Gay, 28, kini akan terlepas kejohanan dunia di Daegu, Korea Selatan, yang akan berlangsung pada 27 Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former 100 and 200 meters world champion had an arthroscopic procedure on Tuesday and will now focus on preparing for the 2012 season and the Olympic Games in London.", "r": {"result": "Bekas juara dunia 100 dan 200 meter itu menjalani prosedur arthroscopic pada hari Selasa dan kini akan memberi tumpuan kepada persiapan untuk musim 2012 dan Sukan Olimpik di London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Dr. Marc Philippon from the Steadman Philippon Research Institute in Colorado in the USA, performed an arthroscopic procedure to address an impingement in Tyson's right hip and to correct a labral tear that has been bothering him for some time,\" read a statement from Gay's manager on the IAAF web site.", "r": {"result": "\"Dr. Marc Philippon dari Institut Penyelidikan Steadman Philippon di Colorado di Amerika Syarikat, melakukan prosedur arthroscopic untuk menangani kecederaan pada pinggul kanan Tyson dan untuk membetulkan koyakan labral yang mengganggunya sejak beberapa lama,\" baca kenyataan dari Gay's pengurus di laman web IAAF.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Dr. Philippon and his team will oversee Tyson's rehabilitation and believes Tyson will resume his normal base training in the fall as he prepares for 2012.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dr. Philippon dan pasukannya akan mengawasi pemulihan Tyson dan percaya Tyson akan meneruskan latihan asasnya yang biasa pada musim gugur ketika dia bersedia untuk 2012.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gay -- who recorded the fastest 100m time this year when he ran 9.79 seconds in Florida in June -- was expected to be one of the main challengers to Jamaica's reigning world and Olympic champion over 100 and 200 meters Usain Bolt.", "r": {"result": "Gay -- yang mencatat masa 100m terpantas tahun ini apabila dia berlari 9.79 saat di Florida pada Jun -- dijangka menjadi salah satu pencabar utama kepada juara dunia Jamaica dan juara Olimpik lebih 100 dan 200 meter Usain Bolt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kentucky-born Gay was forced to withdraw from the semifinals of the U.S. trials after recording a time of 10.01 secs in his heat.", "r": {"result": "Gay yang berasal dari Kentucky terpaksa menarik diri daripada separuh akhir ujian A.S. selepas mencatat masa 10.01 saat dalam kepanasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. national record holder has also set the second and third fastest times ever over 100m, behind Bolt's world record of 9.58 secs.", "r": {"result": "Pemegang rekod kebangsaan AS itu juga mencatatkan masa kedua dan ketiga terpantas sepanjang 100m, di belakang rekod dunia Bolt 9.58 saat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The championships in South Korea will run until September 4.", "r": {"result": "Kejohanan di Korea Selatan akan berlangsung sehingga 4 September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Crew members piloting a Qantas passenger flight from Thailand to London returned to Bangkok shortly after takeoff early Friday after detecting vibrations and high temperature in one of the aircraft's engines, according to a statement released by the airline.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Anggota krew yang memandu penerbangan penumpang Qantas dari Thailand ke London kembali ke Bangkok sejurus selepas berlepas awal Jumaat selepas mengesan getaran dan suhu tinggi dalam salah satu enjin pesawat itu, menurut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh syarikat penerbangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Qantas called the crew's decision \"a precaution, in line with procedure\".", "r": {"result": "Qantas menggelar keputusan kru itu sebagai \"langkah berjaga-jaga, selaras dengan prosedur\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The aircraft can fly safely on three engines and landed normally in Bangkok,\" the Qantas statement read.", "r": {"result": "\"Pesawat itu boleh terbang dengan selamat menggunakan tiga enjin dan mendarat seperti biasa di Bangkok,\" kata kenyataan Qantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airline stated that the 307 passengers on board the Boeing 747 aircraft would be \"accommodated on alternative onward services\".", "r": {"result": "Syarikat penerbangan itu menyatakan bahawa 307 penumpang di dalam pesawat Boeing 747 itu akan \"ditempatkan pada perkhidmatan seterusnya alternatif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident occurred three days after an engine on a Cathay Pacific flight caught fire, forcing an emergency landing in Singapore.", "r": {"result": "Insiden itu berlaku tiga hari selepas enjin dalam penerbangan Cathay Pacific terbakar, memaksa pendaratan cemas di Singapura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The engine was manufactured by Rolls Royce.", "r": {"result": "Enjin itu dihasilkan oleh Rolls Royce.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last November, the pilots of a Qantas A380 headed to Sydney, Australia, returned the aircraft to Singapore after one of its engines caught fire.", "r": {"result": "November lalu, juruterbang sebuah Qantas A380 menuju ke Sydney, Australia, memulangkan pesawat itu ke Singapura selepas salah satu enjinnya terbakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A report released the following month by the Australian Transport Safety Board identified a potential manufacturing defect in the engine, also manufactured by Rolls Royce.", "r": {"result": "Laporan yang dikeluarkan pada bulan berikutnya oleh Lembaga Keselamatan Pengangkutan Australia mengenal pasti kemungkinan kecacatan pembuatan dalam enjin, juga dikeluarkan oleh Rolls Royce.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defect, according to the board report, was in the oil pipes, which can become cracked, allowing oil to leak.", "r": {"result": "Kecacatan itu, menurut laporan lembaga itu, adalah pada paip minyak, yang boleh menjadi retak, membolehkan minyak bocor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York (CNN) -- The United States metes out certifications to other countries for their cooperation on drug trafficking, but as the nation with the biggest demand for illegal drugs, who evaluates the United States?", "r": {"result": "New York (CNN) -- Amerika Syarikat mengeluarkan pensijilan kepada negara lain untuk kerjasama mereka dalam pengedaran dadah, tetapi sebagai negara yang mempunyai permintaan terbesar untuk dadah haram, siapa yang menilai Amerika Syarikat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bolivian President Evo Morales posed that question in an interview with CNN en EspaA+-ol, reiterating a recent comment that drew attention.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Bolivia Evo Morales mengemukakan soalan itu dalam temu bual dengan CNN en EspaA+-ol, mengulangi komen baru-baru ini yang menarik perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relations between Bolivia and the United States are at a low point as the Morales government accuses the United States of trying to destabilize it, while the United States counters that Bolivia is dropping the ball in the fight against drugs.", "r": {"result": "Hubungan antara Bolivia dan Amerika Syarikat berada pada tahap yang rendah kerana kerajaan Morales menuduh Amerika Syarikat cuba menggugat kestabilannya, manakala Amerika Syarikat membalas bahawa Bolivia menjatuhkan bola dalam memerangi dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since coming into office, Morales has expelled the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Sejak memegang jawatan, Morales telah memecat A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. ambassador.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran Penguatkuasaan Dadah dan duta A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Since we don't have an ambassador here, since we don't have DEA, and no dead and injured and no military bases from the U.S. here, they decertify us,\" Morales said Monday in the interview, which came during his visit to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly.", "r": {"result": "\"Memandangkan kami tidak mempunyai duta di sini, kerana kami tidak mempunyai DEA, dan tiada yang mati dan cedera dan tiada pangkalan tentera dari A.S. di sini, mereka menafikan kami,\" kata Morales dalam temu bual itu, yang datang semasa lawatannya. ke New York untuk menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morales accused the DEA and the U.S. State Department of using their agents in other countries for political purposes.", "r": {"result": "Morales menuduh DEA dan Jabatan Negara A.S. menggunakan ejen mereka di negara lain untuk tujuan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The origins of drug trafficking are in the demand, not the supply,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAsal usul pengedaran dadah adalah dalam permintaan, bukan bekalan,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So I'd like for some international organism to certify or decertify the United States for their responsibility on the issue of drug trafficking\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi saya ingin beberapa organisma antarabangsa memperakui atau mengesahkan Amerika Syarikat atas tanggungjawab mereka dalam isu pengedaran dadah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Bolivian president vowed to take his idea to regional bodies in Latin America to see if other countries agree.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Bolivia itu berikrar untuk membawa ideanya kepada badan serantau di Amerika Latin untuk melihat sama ada negara lain bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morales, an ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, accused the United States of trying to taint all \"anti-imperialist\" countries with the drug-trafficking label.", "r": {"result": "Morales, sekutu Presiden Venezuela Hugo Chavez, menuduh Amerika Syarikat cuba mencemarkan semua negara \"anti-imperialis\" dengan label pengedaran dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The comment was related to the arrest this year of retired Bolivian Gen.", "r": {"result": "Komen itu berkaitan dengan penahanan tahun ini ke atas pesara Bolivia Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rene Sanabria, a former anti-drug czar who was arrested in Panama and extradited to the United States to face drug trafficking charges.", "r": {"result": "Rene Sanabria, bekas czar antidadah yang ditangkap di Panama dan diekstradisi ke Amerika Syarikat untuk menghadapi tuduhan mengedar dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time of his arrest, Sanabria was working as an aide to a minister close to Morales.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa penahanannya, Sanabria bekerja sebagai pembantu kepada seorang menteri yang rapat dengan Morales.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morales alleged that the arrested general and the United States were working together on a plan to smear his country's reputation.", "r": {"result": "Morales mendakwa jeneral yang ditahan itu dan Amerika Syarikat bekerjasama dalam rancangan untuk mencemarkan nama baik negaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have information that he is negotiating his years in prison in exchange for something,\" Morales said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai maklumat bahawa dia sedang berunding selama bertahun-tahun dalam penjara sebagai pertukaran untuk sesuatu,\" kata Morales.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His anti-American rhetoric comes at a time when Morales is facing domestic pressures.", "r": {"result": "Retorik anti-Amerika beliau datang pada masa Morales menghadapi tekanan domestik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indigenous communities are protesting the proposed construction of a highway through a national park where they live.", "r": {"result": "Masyarakat orang asli membantah cadangan pembinaan lebuh raya melalui taman negara tempat mereka tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The indigenous groups have also called for an end to hydrocarbon extraction from the area.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan orang asli juga menggesa untuk menghentikan pengekstrakan hidrokarbon dari kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Morales called the demands unrealistic, noting that 90% of Bolivia's natural gas flows through that area.", "r": {"result": "Morales menyebut tuntutan itu tidak realistik, dengan menyatakan bahawa 90% daripada gas asli Bolivia mengalir melalui kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To cease means to leave the Bolivian people without resources,\" he said, adding that the government remains open to dialogue with the protesters.", "r": {"result": "\"Berhenti bermakna meninggalkan rakyat Bolivia tanpa sumber,\" katanya sambil menambah bahawa kerajaan tetap terbuka untuk berdialog dengan penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, he also blamed the United States for stoking protest marches against the highway.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, beliau juga menyalahkan Amerika Syarikat kerana mencetuskan perarakan bantahan terhadap lebuh raya itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robin Williams, who died Monday at age 63, was Peter Pan to some, Mrs. Doubtfire to others, and a beloved actor to many.", "r": {"result": "Robin Williams, yang meninggal dunia pada hari Isnin pada usia 63 tahun, adalah Peter Pan bagi sesetengah orang, Puan Doubtfire bagi yang lain, dan seorang pelakon yang disayangi ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fortunately, if you want to revisit his work or see him play his role as an alien on '70s sitcom \"Mork and Mindy\" for the first time, subscription services like Netflix and Hulu Plus offer several of his works for instant streaming.", "r": {"result": "Nasib baik, jika anda ingin melihat semula kerjanya atau melihatnya memainkan peranannya sebagai orang asing di sitkom '70-an \"Mork and Mindy\" buat kali pertama, perkhidmatan langganan seperti Netflix dan Hulu Plus menawarkan beberapa karyanya untuk penstriman segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Listen: Robin Williams talks to Whoopi Goldberg about his legacy.", "r": {"result": "Dengar: Robin Williams bercakap dengan Whoopi Goldberg tentang legasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Much of Williams' filmography is available for purchase or rental from either iTunes or Amazon, but if you have a subscription to a streaming service, here's where to find some of his most memorable films.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan filemografi Williams tersedia untuk dibeli atau disewa daripada iTunes atau Amazon, tetapi jika anda mempunyai langganan perkhidmatan penstriman, di sinilah tempat untuk mencari beberapa filemnya yang paling diingati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NETFLIX STREAMING.", "r": {"result": "PENYIARAN NETFLIX.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Adventures of Baron Munchausen\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pengembaraan Baron Munchausen\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Birdcage\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sangkar Burung\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Fisher King\".", "r": {"result": "\"Raja Nelayan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hook\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kait\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Jumanji\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jumanji\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Popeye\".", "r": {"result": "\"Popeye\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"World's Greatest Dad\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ayah Terhebat di Dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meryl Streep remembers Robin Williams on 'Today'.", "r": {"result": "Meryl Streep mengingati Robin Williams pada 'Hari Ini'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "AMAZON PRIME.", "r": {"result": "AMAZON PRIME.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Birdcage\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sangkar Burung\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Popeye\".", "r": {"result": "\"Popeye\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Robin Williams: Weapons of Self-Destruction\".", "r": {"result": "\"Robin Williams: Senjata Pemusnah Diri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"World's Greatest Dad\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ayah Terhebat di Dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HULU PLUS.", "r": {"result": "HULU PLUS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hook\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kait\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Moscow on the Hudson\".", "r": {"result": "\"Moscow di Hudson\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mork and Mindy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mork dan Mindy\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the original story at EW.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat cerita asal di EW.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Complete coverage of Robin Williams.", "r": {"result": "Liputan lengkap Robin Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It all sounds eerily familiar.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Semuanya seperti biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A new iPhone.", "r": {"result": "iPhone baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Massive sales.", "r": {"result": "Jualan besar-besaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, an apparent glitch that, while it doesn't affect everyone, is prevalent enough to irk customers and catch the eyes of tech journalists everywhere.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, gangguan yang jelas, walaupun ia tidak menjejaskan semua orang, cukup berleluasa untuk mengganggu pelanggan dan menarik perhatian wartawan teknologi di mana-mana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Poor battery life on the iPhone 4S, released on October 14 to great fanfare and record sales, has been the new model's Achilles' heel in the minds of many users.", "r": {"result": "Hayat bateri yang lemah pada iPhone 4S, dikeluarkan pada 14 Oktober untuk sambutan hebat dan rekod jualan, telah menjadi tumpuan Achilles model baharu itu dalam fikiran ramai pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While complaints about the perceived problem haven't reached the fevered pitch that last year's iPhone 4 release saw about its so-called \"death grip\" problem, they don't seem to be going away.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun aduan tentang masalah yang dirasakan belum mencapai tahap yang paling hangat yang dikeluarkan oleh iPhone 4 tahun lepas melihat tentang masalah yang dipanggil \"cengkaman maut\", ia nampaknya tidak akan hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were, of course, the expected number of early-adopter quibbles with the phone: from troubles with new carrier Sprint, to a sometimes slow-moving camera, to limits on the voice-activated Siri \"personal assistant\" outside the United States.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, jumlah yang dijangkakan untuk berdalih pengguna awal dengan telefon: daripada masalah dengan pembawa baharu Sprint, kepada kamera yang kadangkala bergerak perlahan, hingga mengehadkan \"pembantu peribadi\" Siri yang diaktifkan suara di luar Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as most of those gripes either got sorted or users got used to the limitations, complaints about the phone's battery life have persisted.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kerana kebanyakan rungutan itu sama ada diselesaikan atau pengguna membiasakan diri dengan batasan, aduan tentang hayat bateri telefon masih berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A post on the Apple support forums, begun on October 15 to discuss battery problems, was still active Tuesday -- two weeks and 185 pages worth of comments later.", "r": {"result": "Siaran di forum sokongan Apple, yang bermula pada 15 Oktober untuk membincangkan masalah bateri, masih aktif pada hari Selasa -- ulasan bernilai dua minggu dan 185 halaman kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I purchased what I thought was a top-of-the-line product only to be terribly disappointed,\" one user wrote Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya membeli produk yang saya anggap sebagai produk teratas tetapi sangat kecewa,\" tulis seorang pengguna pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is my first iPhone and may well be my last\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah iPhone pertama saya dan mungkin yang terakhir saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Battery life was a frequent complaint about the iPhone 3GS, but concerns about the phone's short battery life seemed to have been addressed on the next-generation iPhone 4.", "r": {"result": "Hayat bateri adalah aduan yang kerap mengenai iPhone 3GS, tetapi kebimbangan mengenai hayat bateri telefon yang singkat nampaknya telah ditangani pada iPhone 4 generasi akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Apple's official specs, the iPhone 4S should have enough juice in the battery for up to eight hours of talk time, six hours of Internet surfing, 10 hours of video viewing and 200 hours on standby.", "r": {"result": "Menurut spesifikasi rasmi Apple, iPhone 4S sepatutnya mempunyai jus yang mencukupi dalam bateri sehingga lapan jam masa bercakap, enam jam melayari Internet, 10 jam menonton video dan 200 jam dalam keadaan siap sedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(All activities on a 3G connection -- 2G and wireless have different figures).", "r": {"result": "(Semua aktiviti pada sambungan 3G -- 2G dan wayarles mempunyai angka yang berbeza).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of those numbers are within an hour or so of the iPhone 4, except for one.", "r": {"result": "Semua nombor tersebut berada dalam masa sejam atau lebih daripada iPhone 4, kecuali satu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The older phone's specifications promise 300 hours of standby power: a full 50% more than the 4S.", "r": {"result": "Spesifikasi telefon lama menjanjikan 300 jam kuasa siap sedia: 50% lebih daripada 4S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Users complaining on the Apple forum and elsewhere say that their phones aren't lasting anywhere near even that reduced length of time.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna yang mengadu di forum Apple dan di tempat lain mengatakan bahawa telefon mereka tidak bertahan hampir walaupun tempoh masa yang dikurangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Various independent tests of the new phone have suggested that some phones have problems with poor battery life, while others don't.", "r": {"result": "Pelbagai ujian bebas bagi telefon baharu telah mencadangkan bahawa sesetengah telefon mempunyai masalah dengan hayat bateri yang lemah, manakala yang lain tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The general consensus among tech-inclined owners is that the problem may not lie with the battery itself, but with the way the phone utilizes Apple's latest mobile operating system, iOS 5.", "r": {"result": "Konsensus umum di kalangan pemilik yang cenderung kepada teknologi ialah masalahnya mungkin bukan terletak pada bateri itu sendiri, tetapi dengan cara telefon itu menggunakan sistem pengendalian mudah alih terbaru Apple, iOS 5.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Specifically, the theory goes, its location-based services are a power drain.", "r": {"result": "Secara khusus, teorinya berkata, perkhidmatan berasaskan lokasinya adalah longkang kuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the phone is constantly trying to pinpoint where it is, it will suck power even when the user isn't actively doing something with the phone.", "r": {"result": "Jika telefon sentiasa cuba untuk menentukan di mana ia berada, ia akan menghisap kuasa walaupun apabila pengguna tidak aktif melakukan sesuatu dengan telefon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(For a comparison, think about how quickly your battery drains when you forget to turn off Wi-Fi searches while you're driving.", "r": {"result": "(Untuk perbandingan, fikirkan betapa cepat bateri anda habis apabila anda terlupa mematikan carian Wi-Fi semasa anda memandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new phone also has a more powerful processor -- the same one that's in the iPad 2. That could cut battery life, even though Apple CEO Tim Cook specifically said that it wouldn't during the iPhone 4S unveiling event last month.", "r": {"result": "Telefon baharu itu juga mempunyai pemproses yang lebih berkuasa -- yang sama yang terdapat dalam iPad 2. Itu boleh mengurangkan hayat bateri, walaupun Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Apple Tim Cook secara khusus mengatakan bahawa ia tidak akan berlaku semasa acara pelancaran iPhone 4S bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apparently, reading from the well-worn Apple playbook, the company has not commented publicly about the battery complaints.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya, membaca dari buku permainan Apple yang usang, syarikat itu tidak mengulas secara terbuka mengenai aduan bateri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Messages and e-mails to Apple seeking comment on these complaints were not returned.", "r": {"result": "Mesej dan e-mel kepada Apple yang meminta komen mengenai aduan ini tidak dikembalikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's unclear whether the company acknowledges there's a battery problem (although there have been reports that Apple is contacting iPhone 4S users to try to get to the bottom of it).", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada syarikat itu mengakui terdapat masalah bateri (walaupun terdapat laporan bahawa Apple menghubungi pengguna iPhone 4S untuk cuba menyelesaikannya).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And while it's too early for direct comparisons, the extended silence looks remarkably like the public-relations two-step that was Apple's handling of the iPhone 4's antenna issues.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun masih terlalu awal untuk membuat perbandingan secara langsung, kesunyian yang diperluaskan kelihatan seperti perhubungan awam dua langkah yang merupakan pengendalian Apple terhadap isu antena iPhone 4.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(As you may recall, Consumer Reports and others said the iPhone 4 had antenna problems that caused it to drop calls.", "r": {"result": "(Seperti yang anda ingat, Laporan Pengguna dan lain-lain berkata iPhone 4 mempunyai masalah antena yang menyebabkan ia menghentikan panggilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People dubbed the situation \"Antennagate\".", "r": {"result": "Orang menggelarkan situasi itu sebagai \"Antennagate\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First, the company refused to publicly acknowledge the issue.", "r": {"result": "Pertama, syarikat itu enggan mengakui isu itu secara terbuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, there was a software patch apparently aimed at fixing it (although Apple never explicitly said so).", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, terdapat tampung perisian yang nampaknya bertujuan untuk membetulkannya (walaupun Apple tidak pernah secara eksplisit berkata demikian).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There would eventually be a news conference in which then-CEO Steve Jobs spent most of the time denying there was any real problem, then announcing that the company would give away free bumpers -- minimalist iPhone cases -- to prevent dropped calls.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya akan ada sidang akhbar di mana CEO ketika itu Steve Jobs menghabiskan sebahagian besar masa menafikan terdapat sebarang masalah sebenar, kemudian mengumumkan bahawa syarikat itu akan memberikan bampar percuma -- sarung iPhone minimalis -- untuk mengelakkan panggilan terputus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But before that, there were the private e-mails and public statements saying, in essence, that users were holding their phones wrong.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebelum itu, terdapat e-mel peribadi dan kenyataan awam yang mengatakan, pada dasarnya, pengguna salah memegang telefon mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, weeks after the free-bumper news conference, Jobs and others doubled back, saying that there was never really much of a problem and discontinuing the freebie program.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, beberapa minggu selepas sidang berita bumper percuma, Jobs dan yang lain kembali, mengatakan bahawa tidak pernah ada banyak masalah dan menghentikan program percuma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Apple's silence persists (the company has said in the past that it spends time researching potential problems before addressing them publicly), users and observers are complaining and speculating in the vacuum.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan Apple masih berdiam diri (syarikat itu telah berkata pada masa lalu bahawa ia menghabiskan masa meneliti masalah yang berpotensi sebelum menanganinya secara terbuka), pengguna dan pemerhati mengeluh dan membuat spekulasi dalam ruang hampa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's not always pretty.", "r": {"result": "Dan itu tidak selalu cantik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It hits you when you least expect it.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia memukul anda apabila anda tidak menjangkakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It slips away under a mask of dormant inactivity.", "r": {"result": "Ia terlepas di bawah topeng ketidakaktifan yang tidak aktif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it can ruin your entire day,\" TechCrunch's Jordan Crook wrote Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Dan ia boleh merosakkan sepanjang hari anda,\" tulis Jordan Crook dari TechCrunch pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's your iPhone 4S battery life, and it sucks\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah hayat bateri iPhone 4S anda, dan ia menyebalkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)He might have just won one of sport's most prestigious events, but it wasn't long before Jordan Spieth's thoughts turned to his autistic sister in the glow of victory.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Dia mungkin baru sahaja memenangi salah satu acara sukan yang paling berprestij, tetapi tidak lama kemudian fikiran Jordan Spieth beralih kepada kakaknya yang autistik dalam cahaya kemenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 21-year-old golfer equaled Tiger Woods' 1997 record winning score of 18 under par to realize his childhood ambitions of donning the green jacket on Sunday as he swept through the field to become Masters champion at Augusta.", "r": {"result": "Pemain golf berusia 21 tahun itu menyamai rekod kemenangan Tiger Woods pada 1997 iaitu 18 di bawah par untuk merealisasikan cita-cita zaman kanak-kanaknya untuk menyarung jaket hijau pada hari Ahad ketika dia menyapu bersih padang untuk menjadi juara Masters di Augusta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An ice-cool display made him the second-youngest winner -- behind only Woods, who was 155 days younger that year -- and only the fifth man to have led from start to finish over the tournament's four days.", "r": {"result": "Persembahan sejuk menjadikan dia pemenang kedua termuda -- di belakang hanya Woods, yang 155 hari lebih muda pada tahun itu -- dan hanya lelaki kelima yang mendahului dari awal hingga akhir sepanjang empat hari kejohanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I miss her a lot, and I wish she could have been here,\" Spieth told CNN's Don Riddell in the aftermath of his triumph as he opened up about younger sibling Ellie, who was not able to attend the tournament.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat merinduinya, dan saya harap dia boleh berada di sini,\" kata Spieth kepada CNN Don Riddell selepas kejayaannya ketika dia membuka bicara tentang adik Ellie, yang tidak dapat menghadiri kejohanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But I can't wait to get back to her and maybe let her try on the jacket.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi saya tidak sabar untuk kembali kepadanya dan mungkin membiarkan dia mencuba jaket itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll have to bring her back a present from here.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya perlu membawa pulang hadiah dari sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's what she'll be expecting\".", "r": {"result": "Itulah yang dia akan jangkakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amid all the pressure of playing professional golf, Spieth's 14-year-old sister provides him with perspective.", "r": {"result": "Di tengah-tengah tekanan bermain golf profesional, kakak Spieth yang berusia 14 tahun memberikannya perspektif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How has she shaped my upbringing?", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimana dia membentuk didikan saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, she's the most special part of our family.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah bahagian paling istimewa dalam keluarga kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's the funniest part of our family,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah bahagian paling kelakar dalam keluarga kami,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love having her around.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka ada dia dekat sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's an incredible sister, my biggest supporter.", "r": {"result": "Dia seorang kakak yang luar biasa, penyokong terbesar saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is somebody who you can watch and then reflect on the big picture of life and understand that all these frustrations in a day, or in a round of golf, are really secondary.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah seseorang yang boleh anda tonton dan kemudian renungkan gambaran besar kehidupan dan faham bahawa semua kekecewaan ini dalam sehari, atau dalam pusingan golf, benar-benar sekunder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We wouldn't have that realization without her\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak akan mendapat kesedaran itu tanpa dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the age of just 14, the prodigy from Texas -- who was named after basketball legend Michael Jordan -- had been clear about what he wanted: his aim was to take the Masters title one day.", "r": {"result": "Pada usia hanya 14 tahun, anak ajaib dari Texas itu -- yang dinamakan sempena legenda bola keranjang Michael Jordan -- telah jelas tentang apa yang dia mahukan: matlamatnya adalah untuk merangkul gelaran Masters suatu hari nanti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he betrayed virtually no sign of nerves throughout his stunningly dominant performance, letting slip only a muttered \"oh dear\" when he marginally sliced a tee shot halfway through the final round.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia hampir tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda kegelisahan sepanjang persembahannya yang sangat dominan, membiarkan tergelincir hanya dengan menggumam \"sayang\" apabila dia sedikit menghiris pukulan tee pada pertengahan pusingan akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, Spieth lost the lead just before the nine-hole turn on the last day -- but he never looked like being denied this time, beating Phil Mickelson's Masters record of 26 birdies for good measure.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lalu, Spieth kehilangan pendahulu sejurus sebelum pusingan sembilan lubang pada hari terakhir -- tetapi dia tidak pernah kelihatan seperti dinafikan kali ini, mengatasi rekod Master Phil Mickelson iaitu 26 birdie untuk ukuran yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To sit with this jacket on and to be a part of the history of Augusta National and the Masters was something I watched slip away last year,\" said Spieth, who described the reality of winning as \"even better\" than his dreams.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk duduk dengan jaket ini dan menjadi sebahagian daripada sejarah Augusta National dan Masters adalah sesuatu yang saya lihat hilang tahun lalu,\" kata Spieth, yang menyifatkan realiti kemenangan sebagai \"lebih baik\" daripada impiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I had a chip on my shoulder (about that).", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mempunyai cip di bahu saya (mengenai itu).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I carried some momentum into this week and it all came together, right at the right time\".", "r": {"result": "Saya membawa sedikit momentum ke minggu ini dan semuanya datang bersama-sama, tepat pada masa yang sesuai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shown a picture of himself wearing one of the most coveted pieces of clothing in sport, Spieth, born in Dallas, added: \"Putting on the jacket, it looks good.", "r": {"result": "Ditunjukkan gambar dirinya memakai salah satu pakaian yang paling diidamkan dalam sukan, Spieth, yang dilahirkan di Dallas, menambah: \"Memakai jaket, ia kelihatan bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It looks good.", "r": {"result": "Ia kelihatan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm OK wearing green\"!", "r": {"result": "Saya ok pakai hijau\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He couldn't stop grinning as he said that he hoped to be finishing his final Masters appearance in 50 years' time, but added that he would \"still remember what it was like walking up the 18th hole today\".", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak boleh berhenti menyeringai sambil berkata bahawa dia berharap untuk menamatkan penampilan terakhir Masters dalam masa 50 tahun, tetapi menambah bahawa dia akan \"masih ingat bagaimana ia berjalan di lubang ke-18 hari ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as he looked less far ahead, he revealed that he would be staying true to his roots at next year's Champions Dinner.", "r": {"result": "Dan memandangkan dia tidak melihat jauh ke hadapan, dia mendedahkan bahawa dia akan kekal dengan asal-usulnya pada Makan Malam Juara tahun depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked what he would put on the menu for that event, he said: \"It would be some form of Texas BBQ\".", "r": {"result": "Ditanya apa yang dia akan letakkan pada menu untuk acara itu, dia berkata: \"Ia akan menjadi beberapa bentuk Texas BBQ\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The unassuming Spieth's success brings to mind other stars whose supreme ability and self-belief saw them become major champions in the early days of their careers.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan Spieth yang bersahaja mengingatkan bintang lain yang kebolehan tertinggi dan keyakinan diri menyaksikan mereka menjadi juara utama pada hari-hari awal kerjaya mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1985, German tennis player Boris Becker stunned Wimbledon when, at the age of 17, he defeated Kevin Curren to become the event's youngest ever men's champion -- a record that still stands today.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1985, pemain tenis Jerman, Boris Becker mengejutkan Wimbledon apabila, pada usia 17 tahun, dia mengalahkan Kevin Curren untuk menjadi juara lelaki termuda dalam acara itu -- rekod yang masih kekal sehingga kini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Becker said people \"thought I had done something I wasn't supposed to do, something that shouldn't have been possible.", "r": {"result": "Becker berkata orang ramai \" menyangka saya telah melakukan sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya saya lakukan, sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I did it -- and then I did it again at 18, just to make the point\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya melakukannya -- dan kemudian saya melakukannya sekali lagi pada usia 18 tahun, hanya untuk menyatakan maksudnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American player Michael Chang was 118 days younger than Becker when he won the French Open in 1989, while Swiss star Martina Hingis was just 16 when she triumphed at the 1997 Australian Open.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Amerika Michael Chang adalah 118 hari lebih muda daripada Becker apabila dia memenangi Terbuka Perancis pada 1989, manakala bintang Switzerland Martina Hingis hanya 16 tahun apabila dia memenangi Terbuka Australia 1997.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, at the age of only 15, Martin Odegaard became Norway's youngest international footballer when he played in a friendly against the United Arab Emirates, provoking huge media interest and the attention of Europe's top clubs, before he signed for Spanish giant Real Madrid.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lalu, pada usia hanya 15 tahun, Martin Odegaard menjadi pemain bola sepak antarabangsa termuda Norway apabila dia bermain dalam perlawanan persahabatan menentang Emiriah Arab Bersatu, mencetuskan minat besar media dan perhatian kelab terkemuka Eropah, sebelum dia menandatangani kontrak dengan gergasi Sepanyol, Real Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For them, as for Spieth, perhaps success was meant to be from the earliest days.", "r": {"result": "Bagi mereka, seperti bagi Spieth, mungkin kejayaan adalah dari zaman awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as he looked at a picture of himself with a golf club in hand, taken at the age of 6 or 7 at his grandparents' home in North Carolina, he reflected on the determination that had put him in the green jacket, referring to another Major winner.", "r": {"result": "Dan ketika dia melihat gambar dirinya dengan kayu golf di tangan, yang diambil pada usia 6 atau 7 tahun di rumah datuk dan neneknya di North Carolina, dia merenung keazaman yang telah meletakkan dia dalam jaket hijau, merujuk kepada yang lain. Pemenang utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How about the focus on that swing\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimana dengan tumpuan pada hayunan itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he asked.", "r": {"result": "dia tanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's a little John Daly-like there, isn't it\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Itu sedikit seperti John Daly di sana, bukan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal over a federal law banning felons from having bulletproof vests or body armor.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Mahkamah Agung telah menolak rayuan berhubung undang-undang persekutuan yang melarang penjenayah daripada memakai jaket kalis peluru atau perisai badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 7-2 decision on Monday not to intervene was a reaffirmation of congressional authority over a wide range of commerce.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan 7-2 pada hari Isnin untuk tidak campur tangan adalah pengesahan semula pihak berkuasa kongres ke atas pelbagai perdagangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The order was one of several hundred pending appeals the court summarily disposed of by the court.", "r": {"result": "Perintah itu adalah satu daripada beberapa ratus rayuan yang belum selesai yang diputuskan oleh mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By refusing to accept the case for review, the justices let stand the conviction of Cedrick Alderman, a Washington state man who was stopped by police in 2005 on suspicion of selling cocaine.", "r": {"result": "Dengan enggan menerima kes itu untuk semakan, hakim membenarkan sabitan Cedrick Alderman, seorang lelaki negeri Washington yang dihalang polis pada 2005 kerana disyaki menjual kokain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officers then discovered he was wearing a bulletproof vest.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai kemudian mendapati dia memakai jaket kalis peluru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That in itself did not violate state law, but because Alderman was an ex-felon -- convicted of armed robbery in 1999 -- and the vest was manufactured in California, he was convicted under federal law.", "r": {"result": "Itu sendiri tidak melanggar undang-undang negeri, tetapi kerana Alderman adalah bekas penjenayah -- disabitkan dengan rompakan bersenjata pada tahun 1999 -- dan jaket itu dibuat di California, dia telah disabitkan di bawah undang-undang persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison.", "r": {"result": "Dia dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 18 bulan di persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Congress had passed the law in 2002 in response to a series of high-profile shootings involving police, including bank robbers wearing body armor.", "r": {"result": "Kongres telah meluluskan undang-undang pada 2002 sebagai tindak balas kepada siri tembakan berprofil tinggi yang melibatkan polis, termasuk perompak bank yang memakai perisai badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alderman's lawyers argued owning such equipment had nothing to do with interstate commerce, and that Congress had no power to intervene.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Alderman berhujah memiliki peralatan sedemikian tidak ada kaitan dengan perdagangan antara negeri, dan Kongres tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk campur tangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The federal power claimed is the authority to regulate anything -- from possession of french fries to the local theft of a Hershey's kiss,\" his lawyers told the high court.", "r": {"result": "\"Kuasa persekutuan yang didakwa adalah pihak berkuasa untuk mengawal apa sahaja -- daripada pemilikan kentang goreng kepada kecurian tempatan ciuman Hershey,\" peguamnya memberitahu mahkamah tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opponents of the sweeping health care reform law promoted by President Obama have made similar arguments, saying constitutional authority by the government has been improperly exceeded.", "r": {"result": "Penentang undang-undang reformasi penjagaan kesihatan menyeluruh yang dipromosikan oleh Presiden Obama telah membuat hujah yang sama, mengatakan kuasa perlembagaan oleh kerajaan telah dilampaui secara tidak wajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In particular, nearly a dozen states and private groups have challenged a provision of the law requiring Americans to have some form of health insurance by 2014 or pay a tax penalty.", "r": {"result": "Khususnya, hampir sedozen negeri dan kumpulan swasta telah mencabar peruntukan undang-undang yang menghendaki rakyat Amerika mempunyai beberapa bentuk insurans kesihatan menjelang 2014 atau membayar penalti cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia strongly dissented from the court's refusal to intervene in the Alderman case.", "r": {"result": "Hakim Clarence Thomas dan Antonin Scalia sangat tidak bersetuju dengan keengganan mahkamah untuk campur tangan dalam kes Alderman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today, the court tacitly accepts the nullification of our recent Commerce Clause jurisprudence,\" wrote Thomas in a seven-page dissent.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini, mahkamah secara diam-diam menerima pembatalan undang-undang Klausa Perdagangan kami baru-baru ini,\" tulis Thomas dalam perbezaan tujuh muka surat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The court's failure to step in \"threatens the proper limits on Congress's commerce power and may allow Congress to exercise police powers that our Constitution reserves to the states,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Kegagalan mahkamah untuk bertindak \"mengancam had sewajarnya pada kuasa perdagangan Kongres dan mungkin membenarkan Kongres melaksanakan kuasa polis yang diperuntukkan oleh Perlembagaan kita kepada negeri-negeri,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is Alderman v. U.S. (09-1555).", "r": {"result": "Kesnya ialah Alderman lwn A.S. (09-1555).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other pending cases:", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes lain yang belum selesai:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The justices let stand the criminal conviction of an Oregon man who was found guilty despite votes from two jurors to acquit him.", "r": {"result": "Hakim membenarkan sabitan jenayah terhadap seorang lelaki Oregon yang didapati bersalah walaupun mendapat undian daripada dua juri untuk membebaskannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At issue was whether the Constitution requires a unanimous jury verdict to convict a person of a felony.", "r": {"result": "Persoalannya ialah sama ada Perlembagaan memerlukan keputusan juri sebulat suara untuk mensabitkan seseorang dengan jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oregon and Louisiana alone among states allow criminal convictions by non-unanimous verdicts in some crimes.", "r": {"result": "Oregon dan Louisiana sahaja di antara negeri membenarkan sabitan jenayah dengan keputusan tidak sebulat suara dalam beberapa jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alonso Herrera was convicted by a 10-2 jury vote in 2008 for unauthorized use of a vehicle -- borrowing a friend's car and not bringing it back.", "r": {"result": "Alonso Herrera disabitkan dengan undian juri 10-2 pada 2008 kerana menggunakan kenderaan tanpa kebenaran -- meminjam kereta rakan dan tidak membawanya balik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He served 13 months behind bars.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkhidmat selama 13 bulan di penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is Herrera v. Oregon (10-344).", "r": {"result": "Kesnya ialah Herrera lwn Oregon (10-344).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The justices rejected for a second time the appeal of an outspoken figure in the \"birther\" movement involving whether President Obama is in fact a U.S. citizen.", "r": {"result": "Hakim menolak buat kali kedua rayuan seorang tokoh yang lantang dalam gerakan \"birther\" yang melibatkan sama ada Presiden Obama sebenarnya adalah warga AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorney Orly Taitz has been challenging a $20,000 fine imposed by a federal judge who determined the California attorney had filed a frivolous lawsuit.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Orly Taitz telah mencabar denda $20,000 yang dikenakan oleh hakim persekutuan yang menentukan peguam California telah memfailkan tuntutan mahkamah remeh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taitz had represented Capt. Connie Rhodes, an Army physician from Columbus, Georgia, who protested her pending deployment to Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Taitz telah mewakili Kapten Connie Rhodes, seorang doktor Tentera dari Columbus, Georgia, yang memprotes penempatannya yang belum selesai ke Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taitz had argued in court the deployment was illegal because Obama had no authority to act as commander in chief because he was unconstitutionally serving as president.", "r": {"result": "Taitz telah berhujah di mahkamah bahawa penempatan itu adalah menyalahi undang-undang kerana Obama tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk bertindak sebagai ketua komander kerana dia berkhidmat sebagai presiden secara tidak mengikut perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A motion for a restraining order was ultimately rejected by Judge Clay Land of the Middle District of Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Usul untuk perintah sekatan akhirnya ditolak oleh Hakim Tanah Liat dari Daerah Tengah Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to court records, Taitz then filed for a rehearing, and publicly labeled the ruling an \"act of treason\".", "r": {"result": "Menurut rekod mahkamah, Taitz kemudian memfailkan perbicaraan semula, dan secara terbuka melabelkan keputusan itu sebagai \"tindakan pengkhianatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rhodes later said that second motion, which also was rejected, was filed without her consent.", "r": {"result": "Rhodes kemudiannya berkata bahawa usul kedua, yang juga ditolak, telah difailkan tanpa persetujuannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Land then ruled the lawyer had filed \"frivolous\" litigation, had abused the civil judicial process, and fined her.", "r": {"result": "Land kemudian memutuskan peguam telah memfailkan litigasi \"sembrono\", telah menyalahgunakan proses kehakiman sivil, dan mendendanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The high court in August had rejected a similar motion for relief from Taitz.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah tinggi pada Ogos telah menolak usul serupa untuk pelepasan daripada Taitz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The justices had also dismissed earlier, unrelated lawsuits from individuals questioning Obama's citizenship.", "r": {"result": "Hakim juga telah menolak sebelum ini, tindakan undang-undang yang tidak berkaitan daripada individu yang mempersoalkan kewarganegaraan Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State birth certificate records show he was born August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.", "r": {"result": "Rekod sijil kelahiran negeri menunjukkan dia dilahirkan pada 4 Ogos 1961, di Honolulu, Hawaii.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His mother is a native of Kansas; his father was born in Kenya.", "r": {"result": "Ibunya berasal dari Kansas; bapanya dilahirkan di Kenya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among the claims of various \"birther\" movement organizers are that the president was born in Kenya or Indonesia; that his birth certificate is a forgery; and that he had dual American-British citizenship at birth because of his father's Kenyan heritage and therefore is not a \"natural born\" citizen, as is required to be eligible for president under the U.S. Constitution.", "r": {"result": "Antara dakwaan pelbagai penganjur gerakan \"birther\" ialah presiden itu dilahirkan di Kenya atau Indonesia; bahawa sijil kelahirannya adalah pemalsuan; dan bahawa dia mempunyai dua kewarganegaraan Amerika-British semasa lahir kerana warisan Kenya bapanya dan oleh itu bukan warganegara \"lahir semula jadi\", seperti yang diperlukan untuk layak menjadi presiden di bawah Perlembagaan A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is Taitz v. MacDonald (10-541).", "r": {"result": "Kesnya ialah Taitz lwn MacDonald (10-541).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the high court said no to the claims of a Native American inmate who wanted to grow his hair long behind bars, for what he said were a necessary part of his religious rights.", "r": {"result": "Dan mahkamah tinggi berkata tidak terhadap dakwaan seorang banduan Orang Asli Amerika yang ingin memanjangkan rambutnya di balik jeruji besi, kerana apa yang dikatakannya adalah sebahagian daripada hak agamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iron Thunderhorse, a 66-year-old practitioner of Native American shaminism, also claimed Texas corrections officials denied him the right to wear a colored headband and to use a pipe in his cell as part of his tribal ceremonies.", "r": {"result": "Iron Thunderhorse, seorang pengamal shaminisme asli Amerika berusia 66 tahun, juga mendakwa pegawai pembetulan Texas menafikannya hak untuk memakai ikat kepala berwarna dan menggunakan paip di dalam selnya sebagai sebahagian daripada upacara puaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At issue was whether a prison grooming rule violated a federal law protecting the rights of prisoners to religious practice.", "r": {"result": "Isunya ialah sama ada peraturan penjagaan penjara melanggar undang-undang persekutuan yang melindungi hak banduan terhadap amalan agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The inmate claims corrections staff has harassed him about his religion, confiscating his medicine bag, religious medallion, and quartz crystal.", "r": {"result": "Banduan itu mendakwa kakitangan pembetulan telah mengganggunya tentang agamanya, merampas beg ubatnya, medali agama, dan kristal kuarza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Thunderhorse, an altercation with a guard four years ago resulted him being denied the right to conduct pipe ceremonies in his cell, or being allowed to have musical instruments.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Thunderhorse, pertengkaran dengan seorang pengawal empat tahun lalu menyebabkan dia dinafikan hak untuk menjalankan upacara paip di dalam selnya, atau dibenarkan memiliki alat muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinion says it does allow the man to wear a plain white headband.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat mengatakan ia membenarkan lelaki itu memakai ikat kepala putih polos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thunderhorse is serving a 99-year prison term for robbery, rape, kidnapping and attempted escape.", "r": {"result": "Thunderhorse sedang menjalani hukuman penjara 99 tahun kerana merompak, merogol, menculik dan cubaan melarikan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Connecticut native says in his legal filings he is \"Hereditary Grand Sachem and Powwamanitomp (shaman) of the Quinnipiac Thunder Clan\".", "r": {"result": "Orang asli Connecticut itu berkata dalam pemfailan undang-undangnya bahawa dia adalah \"Hereditary Grand Sachem dan Powwamanitomp (bomoh) dari Quinnipiac Thunder Clan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lower federal courts have had differing views over the level of deference owed by prison officials to inmate religious practices that conflict with grooming rules.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah persekutuan yang lebih rendah mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza mengenai tahap penghormatan yang perlu dibayar oleh pegawai penjara terhadap amalan agama banduan yang bercanggah dengan peraturan dandanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Obama administration had recommend the court turn aside the appeal, which it did without comment.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran Obama telah mengesyorkan mahkamah mengenepikan rayuan, yang ia lakukan tanpa komen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is Iron Thunderhorse v. Pierce (09-1353.).", "r": {"result": "Kesnya ialah Iron Thunderhorse lwn Pierce (09-1353.).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A woman who helped raise a child with her female partner in Vermont before the pair split can visit the girl in Virginia even though that state doesn't recognize same-sex unions, a court ruled Friday.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Seorang wanita yang membantu membesarkan anak dengan pasangan wanitanya di Vermont sebelum pasangan itu berpisah boleh melawat gadis itu di Virginia walaupun negeri itu tidak mengiktiraf kesatuan sesama jenis, keputusan mahkamah pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Janet Jenkins with Isabella, the daughter she helped raise with former partner Lisa Miller.", "r": {"result": "Janet Jenkins dengan Isabella, anak perempuan yang dia bantu besarkan bersama bekas pasangan Lisa Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Virginia's Supreme Court ruled that Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller's civil union in 2000 gave Vermont, and its law on same-sex unions, jurisdiction over their subsequent custody and visitation disputes.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Agung Virginia memutuskan bahawa kesatuan sivil Janet Jenkins dan Lisa Miller pada tahun 2000 memberikan Vermont, dan undang-undangnya mengenai kesatuan sesama jantina, bidang kuasa ke atas hak penjagaan dan pertikaian lawatan mereka yang berikutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller moved to Virginia with the child in 2003, and a Vermont court granted Jenkins visitation rights.", "r": {"result": "Miller berpindah ke Virginia bersama kanak-kanak itu pada tahun 2003, dan mahkamah Vermont memberikan hak lawatan Jenkins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Miller took the case to a Virginia court, which ruled that Jenkins had no such rights there.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Miller membawa kes itu ke mahkamah Virginia, yang memutuskan bahawa Jenkins tidak mempunyai hak sedemikian di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case was considered by legal experts to be the first conflict between two state courts over a major legal question arising from same-sex unions.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu dianggap oleh pakar undang-undang sebagai konflik pertama antara dua mahkamah negeri berhubung persoalan undang-undang utama yang timbul daripada kesatuan sesama jantina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jenkins' attorney, Joseph Price of the Washington law firm Arent Fox, said Friday's ruling \"just affirms the old principle that when these kinds of custody and visitation disputes begin in one state, that's where they should remain\".", "r": {"result": "Peguam Jenkins, Joseph Price dari firma undang-undang Washington Arent Fox, berkata keputusan hari Jumaat \"hanya mengesahkan prinsip lama bahawa apabila pertikaian hak penjagaan dan lawatan seperti ini bermula di satu negeri, di situlah mereka harus kekal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can't shop them around to another state,\" Price said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak boleh membelinya di negeri lain,\" kata Price.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Virginia really had no choice but to enforce judgments and judicial orders from Vermont\".", "r": {"result": "\"Virginia benar-benar tiada pilihan selain menguatkuasakan penghakiman dan perintah kehakiman dari Vermont\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vermont is one of the few states that allow same-sex partners to enter into a civil union.", "r": {"result": "Vermont adalah salah satu daripada beberapa negeri yang membenarkan pasangan sesama jenis untuk memasuki kesatuan sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two years after Vermont recognized Miller and Jenkins' relationship, Miller gave birth to a daughter, Isabella, conceived through artificial insemination.", "r": {"result": "Dua tahun selepas Vermont mengiktiraf hubungan Miller dan Jenkins, Miller melahirkan seorang anak perempuan, Isabella, yang dikandung melalui inseminasi buatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The relationship deteriorated, and Miller and the baby moved to Virginia.", "r": {"result": "Hubungan itu merosot, dan Miller dan bayi itu berpindah ke Virginia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Vermont court later granted Miller a dissolution of the civil union and granted custody of the child to her and visitation rights to Jenkins.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Vermont kemudian memberikan Miller pembubaran kesatuan sivil dan memberikan hak penjagaan kanak-kanak itu kepadanya dan hak lawatan kepada Jenkins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller then asked the courts in Virginia -- which does not recognize same-sex unions or marriages -- to take jurisdiction of the dispute.", "r": {"result": "Miller kemudian meminta mahkamah di Virginia -- yang tidak mengiktiraf kesatuan sesama jantina atau perkahwinan -- untuk mengambil bidang kuasa pertikaian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Virginia state judge eventually ruled that Jenkins had no \"parentage or visitation rights\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang hakim negeri Virginia akhirnya memutuskan bahawa Jenkins tidak mempunyai \"hak keibubapaan atau lawatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Virginia high court ruling Friday returned the case to Vermont's control, meaning Jenkins can visit the girl, who is now 6.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan mahkamah tinggi Virginia pada Jumaat mengembalikan kes itu kepada kawalan Vermont, bermakna Jenkins boleh melawat gadis itu, yang kini berusia 6 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller's attorney, Mathew Staver, said he was \"disappointed the state sidestepped the larger legal questions\".", "r": {"result": "Peguam Miller, Mathew Staver, berkata beliau \"kecewa negara mengetepikan soalan undang-undang yang lebih besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This case shows that one state is not an island in the same-sex marriage dispute, and underscores having state laws that protect traditional one-man, one-woman marriages,\" said Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, a law firm that fights on behalf of what it calls \"traditional families\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kes ini menunjukkan bahawa satu negeri bukanlah sebuah pulau dalam pertikaian perkahwinan sejenis, dan menggariskan mempunyai undang-undang negeri yang melindungi perkahwinan tradisional seorang lelaki, seorang wanita,\" kata Staver, pengerusi Liberty Counsel, sebuah firma undang-undang yang berjuang bagi pihak apa yang dipanggil \"keluarga tradisional\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller said in 2005 that she was doing what was best for her daughter and was no longer a lesbian.", "r": {"result": "Miller berkata pada 2005 bahawa dia melakukan yang terbaik untuk anak perempuannya dan bukan lagi lesbian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am Isabella's mom.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ibu Isabella.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I did conceive her; I birthed her,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Saya memang mengandungkan dia; Saya melahirkannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm raising her.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sedang membesarkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in my opinion, Isabella needs to stay with me 100 percent of the time, because I am the only person that she identifies as a mom\".", "r": {"result": "Dan pada pendapat saya, Isabella perlu tinggal bersama saya 100 peratus sepanjang masa, kerana saya adalah satu-satunya orang yang dia kenal pasti sebagai seorang ibu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller lives with Isabella in Winchester, Virginia.", "r": {"result": "Miller tinggal bersama Isabella di Winchester, Virginia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jenkins did not offer an immediate reaction to the ruling but said in 2005 that she was only fighting for her rights as a parent.", "r": {"result": "Jenkins tidak menawarkan reaksi segera terhadap keputusan itu tetapi berkata pada 2005 bahawa dia hanya memperjuangkan haknya sebagai ibu bapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Justice will be served for Isabella,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Keadilan akan ditegakkan untuk Isabella,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe that.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya percaya itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I'll do whatever it takes.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya akan melakukan apa sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'll be with her for as long as I can, or I'll be without her for as long as I have to, but I'm her mom.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan bersamanya selama yang saya boleh, atau saya akan tanpa dia selama yang saya perlu, tetapi saya ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's born here [in Vermont].", "r": {"result": "\"Dia dilahirkan di sini [di Vermont].", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's always here\".", "r": {"result": "Dia sentiasa ada di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Price said Jenkins, who lives in Fair Haven, Vermont, was supposed to visit Isabella last weekend, but Miller didn't appear with the girl.", "r": {"result": "Price berkata Jenkins, yang tinggal di Fair Haven, Vermont, sepatutnya melawat Isabella hujung minggu lalu, tetapi Miller tidak muncul bersama gadis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friday's ruling comes a week after the California Supreme Court's refusal to delay its recent decision legalizing same-sex marriage in the state.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan Jumaat dibuat seminggu selepas keengganan Mahkamah Agung California untuk menangguhkan keputusan baru-baru ini yang menghalalkan perkahwinan sejenis di negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Massachusetts also allows same-sex marriages; Vermont and three other states permit civil unions, and 12 other states give gay and lesbian couples some legal rights.", "r": {"result": "Massachusetts juga membenarkan perkahwinan sejenis; Vermont dan tiga negeri lain membenarkan kesatuan sivil, dan 12 negeri lain memberi pasangan gay dan lesbian beberapa hak undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Virginia amended its constitution in 2007 to decree that marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman.", "r": {"result": "Virginia meminda perlembagaannya pada tahun 2007 untuk memutuskan bahawa perkahwinan ditakrifkan sebagai kesatuan antara seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- In my previous CNN opinion piece, I explained to readers my reasons why President Obama should not be re-elected.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dalam ulasan CNN saya sebelum ini, saya menjelaskan kepada pembaca sebab saya mengapa Presiden Obama tidak sepatutnya dipilih semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many keen readers responded: If those are the reasons to vote against Obama, then what are the reasons to vote for Mitt Romney?", "r": {"result": "Ramai pembaca yang berminat menjawab: Jika itu adalah sebab untuk mengundi menentang Obama, maka apakah sebab untuk mengundi Mitt Romney?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Why debate is crucial for Obama, too.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Mengapa perdebatan juga penting untuk Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is an entirely fair question; Romney's obligation is to make the case to the American people why he should be president.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah soalan yang sama sekali adil; Kewajipan Romney adalah untuk membuat kes kepada rakyat Amerika mengapa dia harus menjadi presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here, then, are my reasons to vote for Romney.", "r": {"result": "Inilah sebab saya mengundi Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Business and management career success.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan kerjaya perniagaan dan pengurusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American economy is in desperate need of a turnaround artist.", "r": {"result": "Ekonomi Amerika sangat memerlukan artis pemulihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mitt Romney has made his career in the private sector doing exactly that -- turning around failing business and enterprises.", "r": {"result": "Mitt Romney telah membuat kerjayanya dalam sektor swasta melakukan perkara itu -- memulihkan perniagaan dan perusahaan yang gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During his time at Bain Capital, Romney was responsible for building companies that Americans shop at everyday -- Staples, Domino's Pizza, Sports Authority, and Brookstone.", "r": {"result": "Semasa berada di Bain Capital, Romney bertanggungjawab membina syarikat yang dibeli oleh rakyat Amerika setiap hari -- Staples, Domino's Pizza, Sports Authority dan Brookstone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, not all of his investments were successful and some companies failed, but on the whole, Bain Capital's returns for its investors were nothing short of stellar.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, tidak semua pelaburannya berjaya dan beberapa syarikat gagal, tetapi secara keseluruhannya, pulangan Bain Capital untuk pelaburnya adalah cemerlang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In its independent analysis of Bain's record, The Wall Street Journal reported, \"Bain produced about $2.5 billion in gains for its investors in the 77 deals, on about $1.1 billion invested.", "r": {"result": "Dalam analisis bebasnya terhadap rekod Bain, The Wall Street Journal melaporkan, \"Bain menghasilkan kira-kira $2.5 bilion keuntungan untuk pelaburnya dalam 77 tawaran, pada kira-kira $1.1 bilion yang dilaburkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Overall, Bain recorded roughly 50% to 80% annual gains in this period, which experts said was among the best track records for buyout firms in that era\".", "r": {"result": "Secara keseluruhannya, Bain mencatatkan kira-kira 50% hingga 80% keuntungan tahunan dalam tempoh ini, yang menurut pakar adalah antara rekod prestasi terbaik untuk firma pembelian pada era itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How to watch, clip and share the debate.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana untuk menonton, klip dan berkongsi perbahasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney was one of the most successful venture capitalists of the late 1980s and 1990s.", "r": {"result": "Romney adalah salah seorang pemodal teroka paling berjaya pada akhir 1980-an dan 1990-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Obama administration attacks Romney's business career, but praises that of billionaire investor and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran Obama menyerang kerjaya perniagaan Romney, tetapi memuji kerjaya pelabur bilionair dan CEO Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's quite the double standard.", "r": {"result": "Itu agak double standard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps, they should heed President Bill Clinton, who called Romney's business record \"sterling\".", "r": {"result": "Mungkin, mereka harus mempedulikan Presiden Bill Clinton, yang menggelar rekod perniagaan Romney sebagai \"sterling\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Obama, light a cig; Romney, throw deep.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Obama, nyalakan rokok; Romney, buang jauh-jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney's success didn't end at Bain.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan Romney tidak berakhir di Bain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1999, he left to rescue the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics from the verge of collapse.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1999, dia pergi untuk menyelamatkan Olimpik Musim Sejuk Salt Lake City dari ambang kehancuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney took control and managed the Olympics from debt and disaster into a national success.", "r": {"result": "Romney mengawal dan menguruskan Olimpik daripada hutang dan bencana kepada kejayaan negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Romney can thrive in the private sector, where 5 of 10 small businesses fail within five years, and the public sector, where regulations and inefficiencies often stifle success, surely he can help the U.S. economy back to its feet.", "r": {"result": "Jika Romney boleh berkembang maju dalam sektor swasta, di mana 5 daripada 10 perniagaan kecil gagal dalam tempoh lima tahun, dan sektor awam, di mana peraturan dan ketidakcekapan sering membantutkan kejayaan, pastinya dia boleh membantu ekonomi A.S. kembali bangkit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Executive governing experience.", "r": {"result": "Pengalaman mentadbir eksekutif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney took office as governor of Massachusetts in 2003, at a time when the state was undergoing its own recession.", "r": {"result": "Romney memegang jawatan sebagai gabenor Massachusetts pada tahun 2003, pada masa negeri itu mengalami kemelesetan sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the dot-com bubble burst, Massachusetts lost more than 200,000 jobs and had a $3 billion budget shortfall.", "r": {"result": "Selepas gelembung dot-com pecah, Massachusetts kehilangan lebih daripada 200,000 pekerjaan dan mengalami kekurangan bajet $3 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney closed the budget deficit without raising state taxes, but by raising fees and closing tax loopholes.", "r": {"result": "Romney menutup defisit belanjawan tanpa menaikkan cukai negeri, tetapi dengan menaikkan yuran dan menutup kelemahan cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although the number of jobs created during his term was ranked near the bottom compared with other states, Massachusetts did progress from shedding jobs to creating tens of thousands.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun bilangan pekerjaan yang dicipta semasa penggalnya berada di kedudukan paling bawah berbanding dengan negeri lain, Massachusetts mengalami kemajuan daripada kehilangan pekerjaan kepada mencipta puluhan ribu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The unemployment rate dropped from 5.6% to 4.7%.", "r": {"result": "Kadar pengangguran turun daripada 5.6% kepada 4.7%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he accomplished all this with a Democrat legislature.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia mencapai semua ini dengan badan perundangan Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, Massachusetts topped the nation in eighth grade math and reading scores in 2007, the last year of Romney's term.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Penilaian Kebangsaan Kemajuan Pendidikan, Massachusetts mendahului negara dalam markah matematik gred lapan dan bacaan pada tahun 2007, tahun terakhir penggal Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Romney did inherit what was arguably already the best school system in the country, he continued his own conservative reforms and was a good steward of the state education system in place.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Romney mewarisi apa yang boleh dikatakan sudah menjadi sistem sekolah terbaik di negara ini, dia meneruskan pembaharuan konservatifnya sendiri dan merupakan pengurus yang baik dalam sistem pendidikan negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today it consistently ranks as the best state education system in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini ia secara konsisten menduduki tempat sebagai sistem pendidikan negeri terbaik di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And thanks to Romney's state-led health care reform, in 2012, Massachusetts had the lowest percentage of uninsured, at 4.9%, according to a Gallup survey.", "r": {"result": "Dan terima kasih kepada pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan yang diketuai oleh Romney, pada tahun 2012, Massachusetts mempunyai peratusan paling rendah yang tidak diinsuranskan, pada 4.9%, menurut tinjauan Gallup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Character and leadership.", "r": {"result": "Watak dan kepimpinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To hear many in the mainstream media describe Mitt Romney, he's out-of-touch, stiff, insensitive and uncaring.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mendengar ramai dalam media arus perdana menggambarkan Mitt Romney, dia tidak peka, kaku, tidak sensitif dan tidak mengambil berat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In reality, Mitt Romney, the man, husband and leader, is a deeply benevolent, compassionate, and generous man.", "r": {"result": "Pada hakikatnya, Mitt Romney, lelaki, suami dan pemimpin, adalah seorang yang sangat baik hati, belas kasihan, dan pemurah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A But he must tell his story.", "r": {"result": "A Tetapi dia mesti menceritakan kisahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, in July 1996, Romney closed down all of Bain Capital and sent his employees to New York City to search for the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, pada Julai 1996, Romney menutup semua Bain Capital dan menghantar pekerjanya ke New York City untuk mencari anak perempuan Robert Gay, 14 tahun, rakan kongsi di Bain Capital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had snuck off to a rave party in New York City and had been missing for three days.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah pergi ke pesta sambutan hangat di New York City dan telah hilang selama tiga hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney set up a command search center in New York City, coordinated with the New York Police Department, put up posters all over the city, and sent out alerts.", "r": {"result": "Romney menubuhkan pusat carian perintah di New York City, diselaraskan dengan Jabatan Polis New York, memasang poster di seluruh bandar, dan menghantar amaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't long before the young girl was found in a basement suffering from ecstasy withdrawal.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama kemudian gadis muda itu ditemui di ruang bawah tanah yang mengalami pengeluaran ekstasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Referring to Romney's efforts, Gay said: \"It was the most amazing thing, and I'll never forget this to the day I die\".", "r": {"result": "Merujuk kepada usaha Romney, Gay berkata: \"Ia adalah perkara yang paling menakjubkan, dan saya tidak akan melupakannya sehingga hari saya mati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Why you shouldn't vote for Obama.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Mengapa anda tidak sepatutnya mengundi Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the Republican Convention, Ted and Pat Oparowski told the tear-jerking story of their 14-year-old son, David, who was diagnosed with terminal Hodgkin's disease.", "r": {"result": "Di Konvensyen Republikan, Ted dan Pat Oparowski menceritakan kisah mencuit air mata tentang anak lelaki mereka yang berusia 14 tahun, David, yang disahkan menghidap penyakit Hodgkin terminal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney visited him frequently, becoming a close friend.", "r": {"result": "Romney kerap melawatnya, menjadi kawan rapat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At David's request, he wrote the young man's will and gave the eulogy at his funeral.", "r": {"result": "Atas permintaan Daud, dia menulis surat wasiat pemuda itu dan memberikan pujian pada pengebumiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are the untold stories of a good and decent man.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah kisah-kisah yang tidak terperi tentang seorang lelaki yang baik dan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2011, Romney and his wife, Ann, gave almost 30% of their income to charity, more than $4 million.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2011, Romney dan isterinya, Ann, memberikan hampir 30% daripada pendapatan mereka kepada badan amal, lebih daripada $4 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Romney likes to say, compassion isn't measured by welfare or food stamps, but by the ability to lift people off welfare and food stamps.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang Romney suka katakan, belas kasihan tidak diukur dengan kebajikan atau setem makanan, tetapi dengan keupayaan untuk mengeluarkan orang daripada setem kebajikan dan makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each year he gives millions of his own dollars to help people in such a way.", "r": {"result": "Setiap tahun dia memberikan berjuta-juta dolarnya sendiri untuk membantu orang ramai dengan cara sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney's plan.", "r": {"result": "rancangan Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After four years of President Obama's failed economic leadership, Romney would bring to the White House a specific, detailed plan for returning to fiscal responsibility and job creation.", "r": {"result": "Selepas empat tahun kepimpinan ekonomi Presiden Obama yang gagal, Romney akan membawa ke Rumah Putih satu rancangan terperinci dan khusus untuk kembali kepada tanggungjawab fiskal dan penciptaan pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His plan would cut federal spending as a share of GDP to 20% by 2016. It would reform our complex tax code by reducing tax rates 20% across the board while eliminating loopholes, specifically those for the highest earners, and maintaining revenue neutrality.", "r": {"result": "Rancangannya akan mengurangkan perbelanjaan persekutuan sebagai bahagian KDNK kepada 20% menjelang 2016. Ia akan memperbaharui kod cukai kompleks kami dengan mengurangkan kadar cukai sebanyak 20% secara menyeluruh sambil menghapuskan kelemahan, khususnya bagi yang berpendapatan tertinggi, dan mengekalkan neutraliti hasil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It would also reduce the U.S. corporate tax rate, now the highest in the world, to 25%.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga akan mengurangkan kadar cukai korporat A.S., kini yang tertinggi di dunia, kepada 25%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under a Romney administration, the largest drivers of our debt would be reformed by giving more choice and responsibility to individuals rather than bureaucrats for managing their Medicare and Social Security.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah pentadbiran Romney, pemacu terbesar hutang kita akan diperbaharui dengan memberi lebih banyak pilihan dan tanggungjawab kepada individu dan bukannya birokrat untuk menguruskan Medicare dan Keselamatan Sosial mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the case of Medicaid, it would be block granted and sent back to the states.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes Medicaid, ia akan diberikan blok dan dihantar semula ke negeri-negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney's plan will reduce onerous regulations and taxes, like Obamacare, and usher in a new era of fiscal certainty for business owners and entrepreneurs.", "r": {"result": "Rancangan Romney akan mengurangkan peraturan dan cukai yang membebankan, seperti Obamacare, dan menyambut era baru kepastian fiskal untuk pemilik perniagaan dan usahawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In debates, presidential candidates' tics and tells matter.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perbahasan, tics dan memberitahu calon presiden adalah perkara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney will also champion energy independence, will approve the Keystone pipeline and stop the Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory war on coal.", "r": {"result": "Romney juga akan memperjuangkan kebebasan tenaga, akan meluluskan saluran paip Keystone dan menghentikan perang peraturan Agensi Perlindungan Alam Sekitar terhadap arang batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Borrowing from his experience in Massachusetts, Romney will push for more school choice for parents and students, performance pay for teachers, and, with 3 million skilled jobs going begging, new skills training for skilled workers.", "r": {"result": "Meminjam daripada pengalamannya di Massachusetts, Romney akan mendorong lebih banyak pilihan sekolah untuk ibu bapa dan pelajar, gaji prestasi untuk guru, dan, dengan 3 juta pekerjaan mahir akan mengemis, latihan kemahiran baharu untuk pekerja mahir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, his pick of Rep.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, pilihan Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paul Ryan as his vice presidential candidate cements his conservative credentials as a fiscal reformer bent on tackling the debt and entitlements, something our current president ignored.", "r": {"result": "Paul Ryan sebagai calon naib presiden mengukuhkan kelayakan konservatifnya sebagai pembaharu fiskal yang bertekad untuk menangani hutang dan kelayakan, sesuatu yang diabaikan oleh presiden kita sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney's experience and success in both government and business, his leadership in public office, as well as his compassion in private, make him a man qualified and equipped to lead America's comeback, certainly more qualified than Barack Obama before his candidacy for the White House in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Pengalaman dan kejayaan Romney dalam kedua-dua kerajaan dan perniagaan, kepimpinannya dalam jawatan awam, serta belas kasihannya secara peribadi, menjadikannya seorang lelaki yang layak dan dilengkapi untuk memimpin kemunculan semula Amerika, pastinya lebih layak daripada Barack Obama sebelum pencalonannya untuk Rumah Putih pada tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of William Bennett.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat William Bennett semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei may not be allowed to leave his native China, but his art is free to travel the globe, and some of it is now on display in Washington.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Artis pembangkang China Ai Weiwei mungkin tidak dibenarkan meninggalkan negara asalnya China, tetapi seninya bebas untuk mengembara ke seluruh dunia, dan sebahagian daripadanya kini dipamerkan di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ai Weiwei: According to What\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Ai Weiwei: Menurut Apa\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "marks the first North American exhibition of Ai's work.", "r": {"result": "menandakan pameran pertama karya Ai di Amerika Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His art sprawls around an entire floor in the Smithsonian Institution's Hirshhorn Museum.", "r": {"result": "Seninya tersebar di seluruh lantai di Muzium Hirshhorn Institut Smithsonian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The outspoken artist, blogger, filmmaker and architect is perhaps best known for helping design the famous \"Bird's Nest\" Olympic stadium for the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Artis, penulis blog, pembuat filem dan arkitek yang lantang bersuara mungkin terkenal kerana membantu mereka bentuk stadium Olimpik \"Sarang Burung\" yang terkenal untuk Sukan Musim Panas 2008 di Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the artwork on display includes photos taken of the stadium while under construction.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa karya seni yang dipamerkan termasuk gambar yang diambil di stadium semasa dalam pembinaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai later said he regretted his work on it because instead of the venue becoming a place for all, it became a place for the elite.", "r": {"result": "Ai kemudiannya berkata dia kesal dengan kerjanya kerana bukannya tempat itu menjadi tempat untuk semua, ia menjadi tempat untuk golongan elit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai was on his way to Hong Kong in April 2011 when he was taken into custody at Beijing's international airport and detained for 81 days amid a government crackdown on political activists.", "r": {"result": "Ai dalam perjalanan ke Hong Kong pada April 2011 apabila dia ditahan di lapangan terbang antarabangsa Beijing dan ditahan selama 81 hari di tengah-tengah tindakan keras kerajaan terhadap aktivis politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His studio in Beijing was raided, and his wife and several employees were taken into custody for questioning.", "r": {"result": "Studionya di Beijing telah diserbu, dan isterinya serta beberapa pekerja telah ditahan untuk disoal siasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seven weeks after Ai was taken into custody, state news agency Xinhua reported that Beijing police said his company evaded a \"huge amount of taxes\" and \"intentionally destroyed accounting documents\".", "r": {"result": "Tujuh minggu selepas Ai ditahan, agensi berita Xinhua melaporkan bahawa polis Beijing berkata syarikatnya mengelak \"cukai yang besar\" dan \"memusnahkan dokumen perakaunan dengan sengaja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai Weiwei loses tax evasion appeal.", "r": {"result": "Ai Weiwei kalah dalam rayuan pengelakan cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My detention was an extreme condition for any human to endure.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPenahanan saya adalah syarat yang melampau untuk ditanggung oleh mana-mana manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many, including my family and the people who know me and care about the incident, were frustrated by the lack of an explanation or reason,\" Ai said in a statement to the museum.", "r": {"result": "Ramai, termasuk keluarga saya dan orang yang mengenali saya dan mengambil berat tentang kejadian itu, kecewa dengan kekurangan penjelasan atau alasan,\" kata Ai dalam satu kenyataan kepada muzium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Going through these events allowed me to rethink my art and the activities necessary for an artist,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Melalui acara ini membolehkan saya memikirkan semula seni saya dan aktiviti yang diperlukan untuk seorang artis,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai was released on one year's probation in June 2011, with heavy restrictions imposed on his movements.", "r": {"result": "Ai dibebaskan dalam tempoh percubaan setahun pada Jun 2011, dengan sekatan berat dikenakan ke atas pergerakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Chinese government still holds his passport.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan China masih memegang pasportnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai's criticism of the Chinese government gained attention following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake that left nearly 90,000 people dead or missing.", "r": {"result": "Kritikan Ai terhadap kerajaan China mendapat perhatian berikutan gempa bumi Sichuan 2008 yang menyebabkan hampir 90,000 orang mati atau hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of the victims were students who died when their poorly constructed schools collapsed on them.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mangsa adalah pelajar yang maut apabila sekolah mereka yang tidak dibina runtuh menimpa mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai has compiled a list of more than 5,000 of those students.", "r": {"result": "Ai telah menyusun senarai lebih daripada 5,000 pelajar tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of the list is on display at the museum, accompanied by audio of people reading the names of the students.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada senarai itu dipamerkan di muzium, diiringi audio orang membaca nama pelajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai Weiwei will not be silenced.", "r": {"result": "Ai Weiwei tidak akan diam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai also has a work called \"Snake Ceiling\" on display, made of hundreds of backpacks latched together in the shape of a snake.", "r": {"result": "Ai juga mempunyai karya yang dipanggil \"Siling Ular\" yang dipamerkan, diperbuat daripada ratusan beg galas yang diikat bersama dalam bentuk ular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are meant to represent children's backpacks left behind after the earthquake.", "r": {"result": "Ini bertujuan untuk mewakili beg galas kanak-kanak yang ditinggalkan selepas gempa bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai said he saw numerous piles of backpacks outside schools when he traveled to Sichuan following the disaster.", "r": {"result": "Ai berkata dia melihat banyak timbunan beg galas di luar sekolah ketika dia pergi ke Sichuan berikutan bencana itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the works take a personal tone, with pictures of Ai at a hospital following surgery to relieve pressure on his brain following what he said was from a beating by Chinese police.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa karya mengambil nada peribadi, dengan gambar Ai di hospital selepas pembedahan untuk melegakan tekanan pada otaknya berikutan apa yang dikatakannya akibat dipukul oleh polis China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A medical scan shows the damage caused to his skull and brain.", "r": {"result": "Imbasan perubatan menunjukkan kerosakan yang disebabkan pada tengkorak dan otaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The exhibit will be on display at the Hirshhorn through February before it moves on to other venues in the United States and Canada.", "r": {"result": "Pameran itu akan dipamerkan di Hirshhorn hingga Februari sebelum ia beralih ke tempat lain di Amerika Syarikat dan Kanada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And having this work on the doorstep of policy-makers certainly isn't lost on museum officials.", "r": {"result": "Dan mempunyai kerja ini di depan pintu penggubal dasar sudah tentu tidak hilang pada pegawai muzium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ai Weiwei's art and his activism resonate far beyond the art world and encourage an expanded dialogue on crucial social, cultural, and political issues of the day,\" said Hirshhorn Museum Director Richard Koshalek in a catalogue detailing the exhibit.", "r": {"result": "\"Seni dan aktivisme Ai Weiwei bergema jauh di luar dunia seni dan menggalakkan dialog yang diperluaskan mengenai isu sosial, budaya dan politik yang penting pada hari ini,\" kata Pengarah Muzium Hirshhorn Richard Koshalek dalam katalog yang memperincikan pameran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ai Weiwei paints bleak picture of his and China's future.", "r": {"result": "Ai Weiwei melukis gambaran suram tentang masa depannya dan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the personal toll his work has taken on him, Ai said the struggle has been worth it.", "r": {"result": "Di sebalik tol peribadi yang ditanggung olehnya, Ai berkata perjuangan itu berbaloi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The struggle is worthwhile if it provides new ways to communicate with people and society,\" Ai said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerjuangan itu berbaloi jika ia menyediakan cara baharu untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang ramai dan masyarakat,\u201d kata Ai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Alexis Lai contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Alexis Lai dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kot Chutta, Pakistan (CNN) -- From behind the steel bars of his jail cell, Muhammad Ismail described with uncanny ease how he shot and killed his wife, his mother-in-law, and sister-in-law.", "r": {"result": "Kot Chutta, Pakistan (CNN) -- Dari sebalik jeriji besi sel penjaranya, Muhammad Ismail menggambarkan dengan mudah bagaimana dia menembak dan membunuh isterinya, ibu mertuanya dan kakak iparnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first shot hit the side of her body,\" Ismail said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTembakan pertama mengenai bahagian badannya,\u201d kata Ismail.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I left her there and went next door and killed my wife's mother and sister.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tinggalkan dia di sana dan pergi ke sebelah dan membunuh ibu dan adik isteri saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I made sure they were all dead.", "r": {"result": "Saya pastikan mereka semua sudah mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then I locked the door and left the house\".", "r": {"result": "Kemudian saya kunci pintu dan keluar dari rumah\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without any apparent regret, Ismail said he would do it again.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa rasa menyesal, Ismail berkata dia akan melakukannya sekali lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am proud of what I did.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya bangga dengan apa yang saya lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why I turned myself over to the police\".", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya saya menyerahkan diri kepada polis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ismail's confession to the triple-murder that took place last February in a village in central Pakistan is a rare and chilling first-hand account of a so-called \"honor\" killing -- the murder of women who are usually accused of dishonoring their families by being unfaithful or disobedient.", "r": {"result": "Pengakuan Ismail terhadap pembunuhan tiga kali ganda yang berlaku pada Februari lalu di sebuah perkampungan di tengah Pakistan adalah kisah yang jarang berlaku dan menyeramkan mengenai apa yang dipanggil pembunuhan \"penghormatan\" -- pembunuhan wanita yang biasanya dituduh tidak menghormati keluarga mereka dengan tidak setia atau tidak taat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British court convicts parents of murder in \"honor\" killing.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah British mensabitkan ibu bapa atas kesalahan membunuh dalam pembunuhan \"menghormati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ismail accused his wife of eight months of repeatedly flirting with other men and spending long hours away from home.", "r": {"result": "Ismail menuduh isterinya lapan bulan berulang kali bercumbu dengan lelaki lain dan menghabiskan masa berjam-jam jauh dari rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My wife never made me happy,\" said the 20-year-old who played drums in a traditional Pakistani wedding band before his arrest.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIsteri saya tidak pernah menggembirakan saya,\u201d kata lelaki berusia 20 tahun itu yang bermain gendang dalam kumpulan perkahwinan tradisional Pakistan sebelum ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was like a prostitute.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia seperti pelacur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She never took care of me\".", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah menjaga saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reported 943 women were \"killed in the name of honor\" in Pakistan last year, an increase of more than 100 from 2010.", "r": {"result": "Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Pakistan melaporkan 943 wanita \"dibunuh atas nama kehormatan\" di Pakistan tahun lalu, peningkatan lebih daripada 100 daripada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rights groups blame the increase in \"honor\" murders partly on what they call an ineffective justice system in Pakistan that too often allows killers to go unpunished.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan hak asasi manusia menyalahkan peningkatan pembunuhan \"penghormatan\" sebahagiannya atas apa yang mereka panggil sistem keadilan yang tidak berkesan di Pakistan yang terlalu kerap membenarkan pembunuh tidak dihukum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite his videotaped confession to CNN and an earlier confession to police, prosecutors say Ismail can soon be a free man if his victims' family agrees to accept compensation for the killings.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pengakuannya yang dirakamkan kepada CNN dan pengakuan terdahulu kepada polis, pendakwa raya berkata Ismail tidak lama lagi boleh bebas jika keluarga mangsanya bersetuju menerima pampasan bagi pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Receiving blood money is an option for victims in many conservative Muslim societies under the Islamic principal that mercy is more noble than revenge.", "r": {"result": "Menerima wang darah adalah pilihan bagi mangsa dalam kebanyakan masyarakat Islam konservatif di bawah prinsip Islam bahawa belas kasihan lebih mulia daripada membalas dendam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But women's rights activists complain that in patriarchal societies like Pakistan, \"honor\" killers regularly bully and threaten the female victim's family into accepting blood money.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi aktivis hak wanita mengadu bahawa dalam masyarakat patriarki seperti Pakistan, pembunuh \"menghormati\" kerap membuli dan mengancam keluarga mangsa wanita untuk menerima wang darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When it comes to the crime we have a natural reaction of shock and horror, but when we see the justice system not work, our heart breaks,\" said legal advisor and rights activist Bushra Syed.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila bercakap mengenai jenayah, kami mempunyai reaksi semula jadi yang terkejut dan seram, tetapi apabila kami melihat sistem keadilan tidak berfungsi, hati kami hancur,\" kata penasihat undang-undang dan aktivis hak asasi manusia Bushra Syed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to human rights lawyer Zia Ahmed Awan, victims' families in Pakistan are also at a disadvantage because \"honor\" killings often take place in male-dominated communities where women are often viewed as property with few rights to defend themselves and little access to legal aid.", "r": {"result": "Menurut peguam hak asasi manusia Zia Ahmed Awan, keluarga mangsa di Pakistan juga berada dalam kerugian kerana pembunuhan \"penghormatan\" sering berlaku dalam komuniti yang didominasi lelaki di mana wanita sering dilihat sebagai harta dengan sedikit hak untuk membela diri dan sedikit akses kepada undang-undang. bantuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In parts of the country there is hardly any legal help for women,\" Awan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Di bahagian negara hampir tidak ada bantuan undang-undang untuk wanita,\" kata Awan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This crime is growing because the courts and laws are not responding to the cries for help\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jenayah ini semakin meningkat kerana mahkamah dan undang-undang tidak bertindak balas terhadap jeritan meminta pertolongan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Awan said police, lawmakers and judges in these communities are too often either corrupt or lack the proper resources and power to investigate and prosecute crimes.", "r": {"result": "Awan berkata polis, penggubal undang-undang dan hakim dalam komuniti ini terlalu kerap melakukan rasuah atau kekurangan sumber dan kuasa yang sewajarnya untuk menyiasat dan mendakwa jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead they regularly defer to a traditional system of justice where powerful tribal leaders and male heads of families rule on disputes, he said.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya mereka kerap menunda kepada sistem keadilan tradisional di mana ketua puak yang berkuasa dan ketua keluarga lelaki memerintah dalam pertikaian, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1999 Awan set up Pakistan's first hotline for female victims of abuse and families who lost loved ones to \"honor\" murders.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1999 Awan menubuhkan talian hotline pertama Pakistan untuk mangsa penderaan wanita dan keluarga yang kehilangan orang tersayang untuk \"menghormati\" pembunuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He called it the Madadgar Help Center.", "r": {"result": "Dia memanggilnya Pusat Bantuan Madadgar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today Awan has help centers in four cities, providing thousands of victims and families shelter, legal advice, and medical care, often free of charge.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini Awan mempunyai pusat bantuan di empat bandar, menyediakan beribu-ribu mangsa dan keluarga tempat tinggal, nasihat guaman dan rawatan perubatan, selalunya percuma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mother suspected in UK \"honor\" murder' implicates husband in teen's killing.", "r": {"result": "Ibu yang disyaki dalam pembunuhan \"menghormati\" UK membabitkan suami dalam pembunuhan remaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamida Bibi called Awan's help center in Karachi after her newlywed daughter's husband allegedly killed her for having an affair.", "r": {"result": "Hamida Bibi menghubungi pusat bantuan Awan di Karachi selepas suami anak perempuannya yang baru berkahwin didakwa membunuhnya kerana mempunyai hubungan sulit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Somebody told us to come here because they could help us,\" Bibi said.", "r": {"result": "\"Seseorang menyuruh kami datang ke sini kerana mereka boleh membantu kami,\" kata Bibi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They said they would listen\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka berkata mereka akan mendengar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Awan said the fight against \"murders for honor\" is slowly paying off; that police are making more arrests, the courts are prosecuting more cases, and the media is paying attention.", "r": {"result": "Awan berkata perjuangan menentang \"pembunuhan demi kehormatan\" perlahan-lahan membuahkan hasil; bahawa polis membuat lebih banyak tangkapan, mahkamah mendakwa lebih banyak kes, dan media memberi perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But rights groups agree the steady increase in such deaths and the possibility that confessed killers like Muhammad Ismail are often set free are stark signs that the fight is far from over.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kumpulan hak asasi manusia bersetuju peningkatan berterusan dalam kematian seperti itu dan kemungkinan pembunuh yang mengaku seperti Muhammad Ismail sering dibebaskan adalah petanda jelas bahawa perjuangan masih jauh dari berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Grand fireworks and spectacular choreography brought to a close the Beijing Games Sunday as one of the most remarkable Olympics in recent history were declared at an end.", "r": {"result": "BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Bunga api yang hebat dan koreografi yang menakjubkan telah menutup Sukan Beijing Ahad sebagai salah satu Sukan Olimpik paling luar biasa dalam sejarah baru-baru ini telah diisytiharkan sebagai penamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A dancer performs Sunday during the Olympics Closing Ceremony in Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penari membuat persembahan Ahad semasa Majlis Penutupan Olimpik di Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fireworks across China's capital as a crowd of more than 90,000 at the landmark \"Bird's Nest\" National Stadium watched the pyrotechnics.", "r": {"result": "Bunga api di seluruh ibu negara China ketika lebih 90,000 orang di Stadium Nasional \"Sarang Burung\" mercu tanda menyaksikan piroteknik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ceremony marked a climax to a Games that has delivered many world-breaking sporting performances and redefined the international image of the communist nation.", "r": {"result": "Majlis itu menandakan kemuncak kepada Sukan yang telah menyampaikan banyak persembahan sukan yang memecah dunia dan mentakrifkan semula imej antarabangsa negara komunis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tonight, we come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever,\" IOC President Jacques Rogge said.", "r": {"result": "\"Malam ini, kita sampai ke penghujung 16 hari mulia yang akan kita hargai selama-lamanya,\" kata Presiden IOC Jacques Rogge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world\".", "r": {"result": "\"Melalui Sukan ini, dunia belajar lebih banyak tentang China, dan China belajar lebih banyak tentang dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These were truly exceptional games,\" he said, declaring them formally closed.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah permainan yang benar-benar luar biasa,\" katanya, mengisytiharkan ia ditutup secara rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joining the sportsmen and women at the event were a delegation from London, host of the 2012 Summer Games, including soccer star David Beckham who rode into the stadium on a red double-decker bus.", "r": {"result": "Menyertai ahli sukan dan wanita pada acara itu ialah delegasi dari London, tuan rumah Sukan Musim Panas 2012, termasuk bintang bola sepak David Beckham yang menaiki bas dua tingkat berwarna merah ke stadium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a gallery of the Closing Ceremony >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton galeri Majlis Penutup >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was also in attendance while London's mayor, Boris Johnson received the Olympic flag from Beijing Mayor Go Jinlong.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Britain Gordon Brown turut hadir manakala Datuk Bandar London, Boris Johnson menerima bendera Olimpik daripada Datuk Bandar Beijing Go Jinlong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch preparations under way in London >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan persiapan sedang dijalankan di London >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China had invested more than $40 billion in the games, which it viewed as a chance to show the world its dramatic economic progress.", "r": {"result": "China telah melabur lebih $40 bilion dalam permainan itu, yang dilihatnya sebagai peluang untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia kemajuan ekonominya yang dramatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unlike previous Summer Olympics, logistics appeared to run smoothly for the Games.", "r": {"result": "Tidak seperti Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas sebelum ini, logistik kelihatan berjalan lancar untuk Sukan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also impressive was the emergence of a new world sporting superpower -- the host nation.", "r": {"result": "Turut mengagumkan ialah kemunculan kuasa besar sukan dunia baharu -- negara tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China, which won its first Summer Olympic gold medal in 1984, clinched first place in the gold medal standings long before the final hours of sporting competition came to a close.", "r": {"result": "China, yang memenangi pingat emas Olimpik Musim Panas pertamanya pada 1984, merangkul tempat pertama dalam kedudukan pingat emas lama sebelum waktu terakhir pertandingan sukan berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States led the overall Medals table.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat mengetuai jadual Pingat keseluruhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other spectacular sporting accomplishments were recorded at the Beijing Olympics: U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps became the face of the Games, winning a record eight Olympic gold medals in a single Games.", "r": {"result": "Pencapaian sukan menakjubkan lain dicatatkan di Sukan Olimpik Beijing: Perenang AS Michael Phelps menjadi wajah Sukan itu, memenangi rekod lapan pingat emas Olimpik dalam satu Sukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See a timeline of daily highlights >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat garis masa sorotan harian >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt won three golds -- in the 100-meter dash, 200-meter dash and 4x100-meter relay.", "r": {"result": "Pelari pecut Jamaica Usain Bolt memenangi tiga emas -- dalam acara lari 100 meter, 200 meter dan lari berganti-ganti 4x100 meter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a gallery of Olympic moments.", "r": {"result": "Tonton galeri detik Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, questions and criticism remained about China's stance on free speech and political protest.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, persoalan dan kritikan kekal mengenai pendirian China terhadap kebebasan bersuara dan protes politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Objections were raised over certain Web sites being blocked.", "r": {"result": "Bantahan telah dibangkitkan mengenai laman web tertentu yang disekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And although Chinese organizers had created designated \"protest zones,\" people allowed to protest appeared non-existent.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun penganjur China telah mewujudkan \"zon protes\" yang ditetapkan, orang yang dibenarkan untuk membantah nampaknya tidak wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Demonstrators at unauthorized protests were detained.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan pada protes tanpa kebenaran telah ditahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the final weekend of the Olympics, U.S. diplomatic officials raised concern to Beijing over eight Americans arrested the previous week for planning or staging protests.", "r": {"result": "Pada hujung minggu terakhir Sukan Olimpik, pegawai diplomatik AS membangkitkan kebimbangan kepada Beijing mengenai lapan rakyat Amerika yang ditahan minggu sebelumnya kerana merancang atau mengadakan protes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another shadow was cast during the opening weekend when grisly attack at a Beijing tourist site saw U.S. volleyball coach Hugh McCutcheon's father-in-law fatally stabbed by a Chinese man who then committed suicide.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi bayangan dilemparkan pada hujung minggu pembukaan apabila serangan mengerikan di tapak pelancongan Beijing menyaksikan bapa mertua jurulatih bola tampar AS Hugh McCutcheon maut ditikam oleh seorang lelaki China yang kemudian membunuh diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch as two elderly Chinese women face detention >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan dua wanita warga emas Cina menghadapi tahanan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Worries over pollution and its impact on athletes seemed to fade away.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan terhadap pencemaran dan kesannya kepada atlet nampaknya semakin pudar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Distance running events ran smoothly, and while the air was thick with smog on many days during the Games, foreign media did not report widespread health concerns by the tens of thousands of foreigners attending the Games.", "r": {"result": "Acara lari jarak jauh berjalan lancar, dan ketika udara tebal dengan asap selama beberapa hari semasa Sukan itu, media asing tidak melaporkan kebimbangan kesihatan yang meluas oleh puluhan ribu warga asing yang menghadiri temasya itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Deep in a remote, hot, dry patch of northwestern Australia lies one of the earliest detectable signs of life on the planet, tracing back nearly 3.5 billion years, scientists say.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jauh di kawasan terpencil, panas dan kering di barat laut Australia terletak salah satu tanda kehidupan terawal yang boleh dikesan di planet ini, menjejak kembali hampir 3.5 bilion tahun, kata saintis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At that time, the Earth -- relatively speaking -- wasn't into its adulthood yet.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, Bumi -- secara relatifnya -- belum mencapai usia dewasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scientists estimate the planet formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago; minerals known as zircons, indicating water, and continents existed within 100 million and 200 million years after that on what was still a scalding planet.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis menganggarkan planet terbentuk kira-kira 4.5 bilion tahun yang lalu; mineral yang dikenali sebagai zirkon, menunjukkan air, dan benua wujud dalam tempoh 100 juta dan 200 juta tahun selepas itu di tempat yang masih menjadi planet yang panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The existence of water suggests that life was possible.", "r": {"result": "Kewujudan air menunjukkan bahawa kehidupan adalah mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what did it look like, and when did it start?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagaimana rupanya, dan bilakah ia bermula?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The discovery from the Dresser Formation, a much examined outcrop of rocks in Western Australia's Pilbara region, documented in a paper published online this week in the Astrobiology journal may help answer those questions.", "r": {"result": "Penemuan dari Formasi Dresser, singkapan batuan yang banyak diperiksa di wilayah Pilbara, Australia Barat, yang didokumenkan dalam makalah yang diterbitkan dalam talian minggu ini dalam jurnal Astrobiology mungkin membantu menjawab soalan-soalan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New species discovered in Australian rainforest.", "r": {"result": "Spesies baru ditemui di hutan hujan Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It centers on something called microbially induced sedimentary structures, commonly shortened to the acronym MISS.", "r": {"result": "Ia berpusat pada sesuatu yang dipanggil struktur sedimen teraruh mikrob, biasanya dipendekkan kepada akronim MISS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a mouthful to many, but some scientists believe this phenomenon could be the key to finding the first demonstrable evidence of life.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah suapan kepada ramai, tetapi sesetengah saintis percaya fenomena ini boleh menjadi kunci untuk mencari bukti pertama kehidupan yang boleh dibuktikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A MISS forms via a process involving microorganisms (found in what's called microbial mats) with rocks (or sediment), something that can only happens under certain conditions.", "r": {"result": "MISS terbentuk melalui proses yang melibatkan mikroorganisma (terdapat dalam apa yang dipanggil tikar mikrob) dengan batu (atau sedimen), sesuatu yang hanya boleh berlaku dalam keadaan tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the study's lead author, Nora Noffke of Old Dominion University, notes, \"The signal of early life forms has been preserved more clearly in MISS\" compared with other prehistoric finds.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai pengarang utama kajian, Nora Noffke dari Old Dominion University, menyatakan, \"Isyarat bentuk kehidupan awal telah dipelihara dengan lebih jelas dalam MISS\" berbanding dengan penemuan prasejarah yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another unique thing about them, unlike some other geological phenomena, is that a MISS structure formed a few billion years ago can look much like one a few hundred-thousand years old.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi perkara unik tentang mereka, tidak seperti beberapa fenomena geologi lain, ialah struktur MISS yang terbentuk beberapa bilion tahun yang lalu boleh kelihatan seperti struktur yang berusia beberapa ratus ribu tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet another is that it can show not just evidence of one organism but an entire ecosystem, one in which living things coexisted with one another.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi ialah ia boleh menunjukkan bukan sahaja bukti satu organisma tetapi keseluruhan ekosistem, satu ekosistem di mana makhluk hidup wujud bersama antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's exactly what the study's co-authors -- Noffke, Daniel Christian, David Wacey and Robert Hazen -- say they found in Australia, noting that \"this MISS displays the same associations that are known from modern as well as fossil\" finds.", "r": {"result": "Itulah yang dikatakan oleh pengarang bersama kajian -- Noffke, Daniel Christian, David Wacey dan Robert Hazen -- yang mereka temui di Australia, dengan menyatakan bahawa \"MISS ini memaparkan persatuan yang sama yang diketahui dari moden dan juga fosil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The MISS also shows microbes that act like \"modern cyanobacteria,\" which the co-authors explain are \"known to be the first oxygen-producing organisms in the fossil record\".", "r": {"result": "MISS juga menunjukkan mikrob yang bertindak seperti \"cyanobacteria moden,\" yang dijelaskan oleh pengarang bersama sebagai \"dikenali sebagai organisma penghasil oksigen pertama dalam rekod fosil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given all that, the scientists write: \"We conclude that the MISS in the Dresser Formation record a complex microbial ecosystem, hitherto unknown, and represent one of the most ancient signs of life on Earth\".", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan semua itu, para saintis menulis: \"Kami menyimpulkan bahawa MISS dalam Formasi Dresser merekodkan ekosistem mikrob yang kompleks, sehingga kini tidak diketahui, dan mewakili salah satu tanda kehidupan paling kuno di Bumi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ancient African coins that could change history of Australia.", "r": {"result": "Syiling Afrika purba yang boleh mengubah sejarah Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fact this find was in Western Australia is no accident.", "r": {"result": "Fakta penemuan ini berada di Australia Barat bukanlah kebetulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The area has long been a treasure trove for Earth scientists delving into the past.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan itu telah lama menjadi harta karun bagi saintis Bumi yang menyelidiki masa lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stromatolites found in Warrawoona trace back about 3.45 billion years, while microfossils from Marble Bar go back to 3.47 billion years, notes University of Washington scientist Roger Buick.", "r": {"result": "Stromatolit yang ditemui di Warrawoona menjejak kembali kira-kira 3.45 bilion tahun, manakala mikrofosil dari Marble Bar kembali ke 3.47 bilion tahun, kata saintis Universiti Washington Roger Buick.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Dresser Formation is the oldest rock succession of sedimentary rocks that was never affected by any tectonics,\" or big changes in the surface caused by earthquakes and the like, said Noffke.", "r": {"result": "\"Formasi Dresser ialah penggantian batuan tertua bagi batuan sedimen yang tidak pernah terjejas oleh sebarang tektonik,\" atau perubahan besar pada permukaan yang disebabkan oleh gempa bumi dan seumpamanya, kata Noffke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those rocks were just sitting there, nothing ever happened to them.", "r": {"result": "\"Batu-batu itu hanya duduk di sana, tidak pernah berlaku kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That means any life is nicely preserved\".", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna mana-mana kehidupan dipelihara dengan baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The oldest MISS previously known, though, came from South Africa and dated to 3.2 billion years ago.", "r": {"result": "MISS tertua yang diketahui sebelum ini, bagaimanapun, berasal dari Afrika Selatan dan bertarikh 3.2 bilion tahun yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's young relative to the Dresser Formation find, which the Astrobiology report says is about 3.48 billion years old.", "r": {"result": "Itu relatif muda kepada penemuan Dresser Formation, yang menurut laporan Astrobiology berusia kira-kira 3.48 bilion tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "20 Australia discoveries.", "r": {"result": "20 penemuan Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fact this MISS from Australia has a very similar makeup to recent ones is telling, Noffke said.", "r": {"result": "Fakta MISS dari Australia ini mempunyai solekan yang hampir sama dengan yang baru-baru ini memberitahu, kata Noffke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A pessimist may see this as indication that there's been little evolution in that respect over that very considerable stretch of time.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pesimis mungkin melihat ini sebagai petunjuk bahawa terdapat sedikit evolusi dalam hal itu sepanjang tempoh masa yang sangat panjang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the flip side, this shows that things were pretty complex even way back then.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, ini menunjukkan bahawa perkara-perkara agak rumit walaupun pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was not that individual cell that was fighting for itself,\" Noffke said.", "r": {"result": "\"Bukan sel individu itu yang berjuang untuk dirinya sendiri, \" kata Noffke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was intelligent enough to function in this environment very, very successfully.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia cukup pintar untuk berfungsi dalam persekitaran ini dengan sangat, sangat berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If cells work together, they have access to a larger set of experiences\".", "r": {"result": "Jika sel berfungsi bersama, mereka mempunyai akses kepada set pengalaman yang lebih besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Australia discovery features \"a complex system of microbial mats,\" which are \"complex communities of microbes\" -- or extremely small living things -- \"usually organized into layers that can be seen with the naked eye,\" notes NASA.", "r": {"result": "Penemuan Australia mempunyai \"sistem tikar mikrob yang kompleks,\" yang merupakan \"komuniti mikrob yang kompleks\" -- atau makhluk hidup yang sangat kecil -- \"biasanya disusun dalam lapisan yang boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar, \" kata NASA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They were one of the earliest ecosystems on Earth\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah salah satu ekosistem terawal di Bumi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. space agency is interested in MISS and microbial mats because scientists are looking for them on Mars to possibly show life once existed there.", "r": {"result": "Agensi angkasa AS berminat dengan MISS dan tikar mikrob kerana saintis mencari mereka di Marikh untuk mungkin menunjukkan kehidupan pernah wujud di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Western Australia discovery could help in that regard, the latest study's authors point out, especially give \"the similarity of the early history of Earth and the early history of Mars\".", "r": {"result": "Penemuan Australia Barat boleh membantu dalam hal itu, kata pengarang kajian terkini, terutamanya memberikan \"persamaan sejarah awal Bumi dan sejarah awal Marikh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If there was life,\" said Noffke, \"then MISS is one of the likely targets\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika ada kehidupan,\" kata Noffke, \"maka MISS adalah salah satu sasaran yang mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rare 'Asian unicorn' caught on camera.", "r": {"result": "'Unicorn Asia' yang jarang ditangkap di kamera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)James Holmes made his introduction to the world in a Colorado cinema filled with spectators watching a midnight showing of the new Batman movie, \"The Dark Knight Rises,\" in June 2012.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)James Holmes membuat pengenalannya kepada dunia dalam pawagam Colorado yang dipenuhi dengan penonton yang menonton tayangan tengah malam filem Batman baharu, \"The Dark Knight Rises,\" pada Jun 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The moment became one of the deadliest shootings in U.S. history.", "r": {"result": "Detik itu menjadi salah satu tembakan paling maut dalam sejarah AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes is accused of opening fire on the crowd, killing 12 people and injuring or maiming 70 others in Aurora, a suburb of Denver.", "r": {"result": "Holmes dituduh melepaskan tembakan ke arah orang ramai, membunuh 12 orang dan mencederakan atau mencederakan 70 yang lain di Aurora, pinggir bandar Denver.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes appeared like a comic book character: He resembled the Joker, with red-orange hair, similar to the late actor Heath Ledger's portrayal of the villain in an earlier Batman movie, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Holmes muncul seperti watak buku komik: Dia menyerupai Joker, dengan rambut merah-oren, serupa dengan pelakon mendiang Heath Ledger yang menggambarkan penjahat dalam filem Batman terdahulu, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Holmes was hardly a cartoon.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Holmes bukan kartun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said he wore body armor and carried several guns, including an AR-15 rifle, with lots of ammo.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata dia memakai perisai badan dan membawa beberapa senjata api, termasuk senapang AR-15, dengan banyak peluru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also wore a gas mask.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga memakai topeng gas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes says he was insane at the time of the shootings, and that is his legal defense and court plea: not guilty by reason of insanity.", "r": {"result": "Holmes berkata dia tidak siuman pada masa tembakan, dan itu adalah pembelaan undang-undang dan pengakuan mahkamah: tidak bersalah kerana gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors aren't swayed and will seek the death penalty.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya tidak terpengaruh dan akan menuntut hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opening statements in his trial are scheduled to begin Monday.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan pembukaan dalam perbicaraan beliau dijadualkan bermula Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes admits to the shootings but says he was suffering \"a psychotic episode\" at the time, according to court papers filed in July 2013 by the state public defenders, Daniel King and Tamara A. Brady.", "r": {"result": "Holmes mengakui tembakan itu tetapi berkata dia mengalami \"episod psikotik\" pada masa itu, menurut kertas mahkamah yang difailkan pada Julai 2013 oleh pembela awam negeri, Daniel King dan Tamara A. Brady.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Evidence \"revealed thus far in the case supports the defense's position that Mr. Holmes suffers from a severe mental illness and was in the throes of a psychotic episode when he committed the acts that resulted in the tragic loss of life and injuries sustained by moviegoers on July 20, 2012,\" the public defenders wrote.", "r": {"result": "Bukti \"yang didedahkan setakat ini dalam kes itu menyokong pendirian pihak pembelaan bahawa Encik Holmes mengalami penyakit mental yang teruk dan sedang mengalami episod psikotik apabila dia melakukan perbuatan yang mengakibatkan kehilangan nyawa dan kecederaan yang dialami oleh penonton wayang pada 20 Julai 2012,\" tulis pembela umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes no longer looks like a dazed Joker, as he did in his first appearance before a judge in 2012. He appeared dramatically different in January when jury selection began for his trial: 9,000 potential jurors were summoned for duty, described as one of the nation's largest jury calls.", "r": {"result": "Holmes tidak lagi kelihatan seperti Joker yang terpinga-pinga, seperti yang dia lakukan dalam penampilan pertamanya di hadapan hakim pada 2012. Dia kelihatan berbeza secara dramatik pada Januari apabila pemilihan juri bermula untuk perbicaraannya: 9,000 bakal juri telah dipanggil untuk bertugas, digambarkan sebagai salah seorang daripada negara itu. panggilan juri terbesar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes now has a cleaner look, with a mustache, button-down shirt and khaki pants.", "r": {"result": "Holmes kini mempunyai rupa yang lebih bersih, dengan misai, kemeja berbutang dan seluar khaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January, he had a beard and eyeglasses.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Januari, dia mempunyai janggut dan cermin mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If this new image sounds like one of an academician, it may be because Holmes, now 27, once was one.", "r": {"result": "Jika imej baharu ini kedengaran seperti seorang ahli akademik, ia mungkin kerana Holmes, kini 27, dahulu adalah seorang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just before the shooting, Holmes was a doctoral student in neuroscience, and he was studying how the brain works, with his schooling funded by a U.S. government grant.", "r": {"result": "Sejurus sebelum penembakan, Holmes adalah pelajar kedoktoran dalam bidang neurosains, dan dia sedang mengkaji bagaimana otak berfungsi, dengan persekolahannya dibiayai oleh geran kerajaan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet for all his learning, Holmes apparently lacked the capacity to command his own mind, according to the case against him.", "r": {"result": "Namun untuk semua pembelajarannya, Holmes nampaknya tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengawal fikirannya sendiri, mengikut kes terhadapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A jury will ultimately decide Holmes' fate.", "r": {"result": "Juri akhirnya akan memutuskan nasib Holmes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That panel is made up of 12 jurors and 12 alternates.", "r": {"result": "Panel itu terdiri daripada 12 juri dan 12 pemain ganti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are 19 women and five men, and almost all are white and middle-aged.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah 19 wanita dan lima lelaki, dan hampir semuanya berkulit putih dan pertengahan umur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trial could last until autumn.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan boleh berlangsung sehingga musim luruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When jury summonses were issued in January, each potential juror stood a 0.2% chance of being selected, District Attorney George Brauchler told the final jury this month.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saman juri dikeluarkan pada bulan Januari, setiap bakal juri mempunyai peluang 0.2% untuk dipilih, Peguam Daerah George Brauchler memberitahu juri akhir bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described the approaching trial as \"four to five months of a horrible roller coaster through the worst haunted house you can imagine\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menyifatkan percubaan yang semakin hampir sebagai \"empat hingga lima bulan roller coaster yang mengerikan melalui rumah berhantu paling teruk yang anda boleh bayangkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jury will have to render verdicts on each of the 165 counts against Holmes, including murder and attempted murder charges.", "r": {"result": "Juri perlu membuat keputusan bagi setiap 165 pertuduhan terhadap Holmes, termasuk dakwaan pembunuhan dan cubaan membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, victims and their relatives are challenging all media outlets \"to stop the gratuitous use of the name and likeness of mass killers, thereby depriving violent individuals the media celebrity and media spotlight they so crave,\" the No Notoriety group says.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, mangsa dan saudara-mara mereka mencabar semua saluran media \"untuk menghentikan penggunaan nama dan rupa pembunuh beramai-ramai secara sembarangan, sekali gus menafikan individu ganas daripada selebriti media dan sorotan media yang mereka dambakan,\" kata kumpulan No Notoriety.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are joined by victims from eight other mass shootings in recent U.S. history.", "r": {"result": "Mereka disertai oleh mangsa daripada lapan tembakan besar-besaran lain dalam sejarah AS baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Raised in central coastal California and in San Diego, James Eagan Holmes is the son of a mathematician father noted for his work at the FICO firm that provides credit scores and a registered nurse mother, according to the U-T San Diego newspaper.", "r": {"result": "Dibesarkan di pantai tengah California dan di San Diego, James Eagan Holmes ialah anak kepada seorang bapa ahli matematik yang terkenal dengan kerjanya di firma FICO yang menyediakan skor kredit dan ibu jururawat berdaftar, menurut akhbar U-T San Diego.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes also has a sister, Chris, a musician, who's five years younger, the newspaper said.", "r": {"result": "Holmes juga mempunyai seorang kakak, Chris, seorang pemuzik, yang lima tahun lebih muda, kata akhbar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His childhood classmates remember him as a clean-cut, bespectacled boy with an \"exemplary\" character who \"never gave any trouble, and never got in trouble himself,\" The Salinas Californian reported.", "r": {"result": "Rakan sekelasnya pada zaman kanak-kanak mengingatinya sebagai seorang budak lelaki yang bersih, berkaca mata dengan perwatakan \"teladan\" yang \"tidak pernah memberi sebarang masalah, dan tidak pernah mengalami masalah sendiri,\" lapor The Salinas Californian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His family then moved down the California coast, where Holmes grew up in the San Diego-area neighborhood of Rancho Penasquitos, which a neighbor described as \"kind of like Mayberry,\" the San Diego newspaper said.", "r": {"result": "Keluarganya kemudian berpindah ke pantai California, tempat Holmes dibesarkan di kawasan kejiranan Rancho Penasquitos di kawasan San Diego, yang digambarkan oleh jiran sebagai \"seperti Mayberry,\" kata akhbar San Diego.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes attended Westview High School, which says its school district sits in \"a primarily middle- to upper-middle-income residential community\".", "r": {"result": "Holmes bersekolah di Westview High School, yang mengatakan daerah sekolahnya terletak di \"komuniti kediaman berpendapatan sederhana ke atas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There, Holmes ran cross-country, played soccer and later worked at a biotechnology internship at the Salk Institute and Miramar College, which attracts academically talented students.", "r": {"result": "Di sana, Holmes berlari merentas desa, bermain bola sepak dan kemudian bekerja di latihan bioteknologi di Institut Salk dan Kolej Miramar, yang menarik pelajar berbakat akademik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By then, his peers described him as standoffish and a bit of a wiseacre, the San Diego newspaper said.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, rakan sebayanya menyifatkan dia sebagai seorang yang pemalu dan agak bijak, kata akhbar San Diego.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes attended college fairly close to home, in a neighboring area known as Southern California's \"inland empire\" because it's more than an hour's drive from the coast, in a warm, low-desert climate.", "r": {"result": "Holmes menghadiri kolej yang agak dekat dengan rumah, di kawasan jiran yang dikenali sebagai \"empayar pedalaman\" California Selatan kerana jaraknya lebih sejam perjalanan dari pantai, dalam iklim padang pasir yang hangat dan rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He entered the University of California, Riverside, in 2006 as a scholarship student.", "r": {"result": "Beliau memasuki Universiti California, Riverside, pada tahun 2006 sebagai pelajar biasiswa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2008 he was a summer camp counselor for disadvantaged children, age 7 to 14, at Camp Max Straus, run by Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2008 beliau adalah seorang kaunselor kem musim panas untuk kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib baik, berumur 7 hingga 14 tahun, di Camp Max Straus, dikendalikan oleh Big Brothers Big Sisters Yahudi Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He graduated from UC Riverside in 2010 with the highest honors and a bachelor's degree in neuroscience.", "r": {"result": "Beliau lulus dari UC Riverside pada tahun 2010 dengan kepujian tertinggi dan ijazah sarjana muda dalam bidang neurosains.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Academically, he was at the top of the top,\" Chancellor Timothy P. White said.", "r": {"result": "\"Secara akademik, dia berada di puncak teratas,\" kata Canselor Timothy P. White.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He seemed destined for even higher achievement.", "r": {"result": "Dia seolah-olah ditakdirkan untuk pencapaian yang lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By 2011, he had enrolled as a doctoral student in the neuroscience program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, the largest academic health center in the Rocky Mountain region.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang 2011, beliau telah mendaftar sebagai pelajar kedoktoran dalam program neurosains di Kampus Perubatan Universiti Colorado Anschutz di Aurora, pusat kesihatan akademik terbesar di rantau Rocky Mountain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The doctoral in neuroscience program attended by Holmes focuses on how the brain works, with an emphasis on processing of information, behavior, learning and memory.", "r": {"result": "Program kedoktoran dalam neurosains yang dihadiri oleh Holmes memberi tumpuan kepada cara otak berfungsi, dengan penekanan pada pemprosesan maklumat, tingkah laku, pembelajaran dan ingatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes was one of six pre-thesis Ph.D. students in the program who were awarded a neuroscience training grant from the National Institutes of Health.", "r": {"result": "Holmes adalah salah satu daripada enam pra-tesis Ph.D. pelajar dalam program yang telah dianugerahkan geran latihan neurosains daripada Institut Kesihatan Nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The grant rewards outstanding neuroscientists who will make major contributions to neurobiology.", "r": {"result": "Geran ini memberi ganjaran kepada ahli sains saraf yang cemerlang yang akan membuat sumbangan besar kepada neurobiologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A syllabus that listed Holmes as a student at the medical school shows he was to have delivered a presentation about microRNA biomarkers.", "r": {"result": "Sukatan pelajaran yang menyenaraikan Holmes sebagai pelajar di sekolah perubatan menunjukkan dia telah menyampaikan pembentangan tentang biomarker mikroRNA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Holmes struggled, and his own mental health took an ominous turn.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Holmes bergelut, dan kesihatan mentalnya sendiri mengalami perubahan yang tidak menyenangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In March 2012, he told a classmate he wanted to kill people, and that he would do so \"when his life was over,\" court documents said.", "r": {"result": "Pada Mac 2012, dia memberitahu rakan sekelasnya dia mahu membunuh orang, dan dia akan berbuat demikian \"apabila hayatnya sudah tamat,\" kata dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes was \"denied access to the school after June 12, 2012, after he made threats to a professor,\" according to court documents.", "r": {"result": "Holmes \"dilarang masuk ke sekolah itu selepas 12 Jun 2012, selepas dia membuat ugutan kepada seorang profesor,\" menurut dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About that time, Holmes was a patient of University of Colorado psychiatrist Lynne Fenton.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, Holmes adalah seorang pesakit psikiatri Universiti Colorado, Lynne Fenton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fenton was so concerned about Holmes' behavior that she mentioned it to her colleagues, saying he could be a danger to others, CNN affiliate KMGH-TV reported, citing sources with knowledge of the investigation.", "r": {"result": "Fenton sangat mengambil berat tentang tingkah laku Holmes sehingga dia menyebutnya kepada rakan sekerjanya, mengatakan dia boleh menjadi bahaya kepada orang lain, lapor sekutu CNN KMGH-TV, memetik sumber yang mempunyai pengetahuan tentang penyiasatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fenton's concerns surfaced in early June, sources told the Denver station.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan Fenton muncul pada awal Jun, sumber memberitahu stesen Denver.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes began to fantasize about killing \"a lot of people\" in early June, nearly six weeks before the shootings, the station reported, citing unidentified sources familiar with the investigation.", "r": {"result": "Holmes mula berkhayal tentang membunuh \"ramai orang\" pada awal Jun, hampir enam minggu sebelum tembakan, lapor stesen itu, memetik sumber tidak dikenali yang biasa dengan penyiasatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes' psychiatrist contacted several members of a \"behavioral evaluation and threat assessment\" team to say Holmes could be a danger to others, the station reported.", "r": {"result": "Pakar psikiatri Holmes menghubungi beberapa ahli pasukan \"penilaian tingkah laku dan penilaian ancaman\" untuk mengatakan Holmes boleh menjadi bahaya kepada orang lain, lapor stesen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At issue was whether to order Holmes held for 72 hours to be evaluated by mental health professionals, the station reported.", "r": {"result": "Yang menjadi persoalan ialah sama ada mahu mengarahkan Holmes ditahan selama 72 jam untuk dinilai oleh profesional kesihatan mental, lapor stesen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Fenton made initial phone calls about engaging the BETA team\" in \"the first 10 days\" of June, but it \"never came together\" because in the period Fenton was having conversations with team members, Holmes began the process of dropping out of school, a source told KMGH.", "r": {"result": "\"Fenton membuat panggilan telefon awal mengenai penglibatan pasukan BETA\" dalam \"10 hari pertama\" bulan Jun, tetapi ia \"tidak pernah bersatu\" kerana dalam tempoh Fenton mengadakan perbualan dengan ahli pasukan, Holmes memulakan proses berhenti sekolah , sumber memberitahu KMGH.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense attorneys have rejected the prosecution's assertions that Holmes was barred from campus.", "r": {"result": "Peguam pembela telah menolak dakwaan pihak pendakwaan bahawa Holmes telah dihalang dari kampus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Citing statements from the university, Holmes' attorneys have argued that his access was revoked because that's normal procedure when a student drops enrollment.", "r": {"result": "Memetik kenyataan daripada universiti, peguam Holmes berhujah bahawa aksesnya dibatalkan kerana itu adalah prosedur biasa apabila pelajar berhenti mendaftar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What caused this turn for the worse for Holmes has yet to be clearly detailed.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang menyebabkan perubahan ini menjadi lebih buruk bagi Holmes masih belum diperincikan dengan jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the months before the shooting, he bought four weapons and more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa bulan sebelum tembakan, dia membeli empat senjata dan lebih 6,000 butir peluru, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said he also booby-trapped his third-floor apartment with explosives, but police weren't fooled.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata dia juga memerangkap apartmennya di tingkat tiga dengan bahan letupan, tetapi polis tidak tertipu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After Holmes was caught in the cinema parking lot immediately after the shooting, bomb technicians went to the apartment and neutralized the explosives.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Holmes ditangkap di tempat letak kereta pawagam sejurus selepas tembakan, juruteknik bom pergi ke apartmen dan meneutralkan bahan letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No one was injured at the apartment building.", "r": {"result": "Tiada sesiapa yang cedera di bangunan pangsapuri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nine minutes before Holmes went into the movie theater, he called a University of Colorado switchboard, public defender Brady has said in court.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan minit sebelum Holmes masuk ke panggung wayang, dia menghubungi papan suis Universiti Colorado, kata pertahanan awam Brady di mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number he called can be used to get in contact with faculty members during off hours, Brady said.", "r": {"result": "Nombor yang dipanggilnya boleh digunakan untuk berhubung dengan ahli fakulti pada waktu cuti, kata Brady.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Court documents have also revealed that investigators have obtained text messages that Holmes exchanged with someone before the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Dokumen mahkamah juga mendedahkan bahawa penyiasat telah memperoleh mesej teks yang Holmes bertukar dengan seseorang sebelum penembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That person was not named, and the content of the texts has not been made public.", "r": {"result": "Orang itu tidak dinamakan, dan kandungan teksnya belum didedahkan kepada umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to The New York Times, Holmes sent a text message to a fellow graduate student, a woman, about two weeks before the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Menurut The New York Times, Holmes menghantar mesej teks kepada rakan pelajar siswazah, seorang wanita, kira-kira dua minggu sebelum penembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She asked if he had left Aurora yet, reported the newspaper, which didn't identify her.", "r": {"result": "Dia bertanya sama ada dia telah meninggalkan Aurora lagi, lapor akhbar itu, yang tidak mengenal pasti dirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No, he had two months left on his lease, Holmes wrote back, according to the Times.", "r": {"result": "Tidak, dia mempunyai baki dua bulan dalam pajakannya, Holmes menulis kembali, menurut Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked if she had heard of \"dysphoric mania,\" a form of bipolar disorder marked by the highs of mania and the dark and sometimes paranoid delusions of major depression.", "r": {"result": "Dia bertanya sama ada dia pernah mendengar tentang \"mania dysphoric,\" satu bentuk gangguan bipolar yang ditandai dengan tahap mania yang tinggi dan khayalan gelap dan kadang kala paranoid akibat kemurungan utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The woman asked if the disorder could be managed with treatment.", "r": {"result": "Wanita itu bertanya sama ada gangguan itu boleh diuruskan dengan rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was,\" Holmes wrote her, according to the Times.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia,\" tulis Holmes kepadanya, menurut Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he warned she should stay away from him \"because I am bad news,\" the newspaper reported.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia memberi amaran bahawa dia harus menjauhinya \"kerana saya berita buruk,\" lapor akhbar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was her last contact with Holmes.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah hubungan terakhirnya dengan Holmes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the shooting, Holmes' family issued a brief statement: \"Our hearts go out to those who were involved in this tragedy and to the families and friends of those involved,\" they said, without giving any information about their son.", "r": {"result": "Selepas penembakan itu, keluarga Holmes mengeluarkan kenyataan ringkas: \"Hati kami berdukacita kepada mereka yang terlibat dalam tragedi ini dan kepada keluarga serta rakan mereka yang terlibat,\" kata mereka, tanpa memberikan sebarang maklumat mengenai anak mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, prosecutors have refused to offer a plea deal to Holmes.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, pendakwa raya enggan menawarkan perjanjian pengakuan kepada Holmes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Holmes, \"justice is death,\" said Brauchler, the district attorney.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Holmes, \"keadilan adalah kematian,\" kata Brauchler, peguam daerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In December, Holmes' parents, who will be attending the trial, issued another statement: They asked that their son's life be spared and that he be sent to an institution for mentally ill people for the rest of his life, if he's found not guilty by reason of insanity.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Disember, ibu bapa Holmes, yang akan menghadiri perbicaraan, mengeluarkan kenyataan lain: Mereka meminta supaya nyawa anak lelaki mereka diselamatkan dan dia dihantar ke institusi untuk pesakit mental sepanjang hayatnya, jika dia didapati tidak bersalah oleh sebab gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is not a monster,\" Robert and Arlene Holmes wrote, saying the death penalty is \"morally wrong, especially when the condemned is mentally ill\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia bukan raksasa,\" tulis Robert dan Arlene Holmes, berkata hukuman mati adalah \"salah dari segi moral, terutamanya apabila yang dihukum sakit mental\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is a human being gripped by a severe mental illness,\" the parents said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia adalah manusia yang dicengkam oleh penyakit mental yang teruk,\" kata ibu bapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The matter will be settled by the jury.", "r": {"result": "Perkara itu akan diselesaikan oleh juri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ana Cabrera and Sara Weisfeldt contributed to this report from Denver.", "r": {"result": "Ana Cabrera dan Sara Weisfeldt dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini dari Denver.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Misrata, Libya (CNN) -- NATO said Tuesday that it lost contact with a U.S. unmanned helicopter flying surveillance for the organization over the central coastal area of Libya.", "r": {"result": "Misrata, Libya (CNN) -- NATO berkata pada hari Selasa bahawa ia terputus hubungan dengan helikopter tanpa pemandu Amerika Syarikat yang menerbangkan pengawasan untuk organisasi itu di kawasan pantai tengah Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Contact with the Fire Scout was lost at 7:20 a.m., said Wing Cmdr. Mike Bracken, a NATO spokesman.", "r": {"result": "Hubungan dengan Pengakap Bomba terputus pada 7:20 pagi, kata Wing Cmdr. Mike Bracken, jurucakap NATO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Pentagon source told CNN that the Fire Scout belonged to the U.S. Navy.", "r": {"result": "Sumber Pentagon memberitahu CNN bahawa Pengakap Bomba adalah milik Tentera Laut A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libyan state television reported that an \"Apache helicopter was downed in the area of Majr in Zliten,\" claiming it was the fifth NATO aircraft to be downed.", "r": {"result": "Televisyen negara Libya melaporkan bahawa \"helikopter Apache telah dijatuhkan di kawasan Major di Zliten,\" mendakwa ia adalah pesawat NATO kelima yang ditembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Apache is a manned attack helicopter.", "r": {"result": "Apache ialah helikopter penyerang berawak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bracken denied that NATO had lost any attack helicopters during the alliance's mission in Libya.", "r": {"result": "Bracken menafikan bahawa NATO telah kehilangan sebarang helikopter serangan semasa misi pakatan itu di Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The loss for NATO came as the military chiefs of the 15 nations participating in the Libya campaign met in London and two influential U.S. senators introduced a resolution expressing support for limited U.S. involvement in Libya -- part of an effort to counter rising pressure from U.S. lawmakers to withdraw backing for the mission.", "r": {"result": "Kehilangan NATO datang ketika ketua tentera dari 15 negara yang mengambil bahagian dalam kempen Libya bertemu di London dan dua senator AS yang berpengaruh memperkenalkan resolusi menyatakan sokongan untuk penglibatan AS yang terhad di Libya -- sebahagian daripada usaha untuk mengatasi tekanan yang meningkat daripada penggubal undang-undang AS untuk menarik balik sokongan untuk misi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resolution, introduced by John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, and John McCain, R-Arizona, authorizes the commitment of U.S. forces for one year while stressing the lack of support for any use of American ground troops.", "r": {"result": "Resolusi itu, yang diperkenalkan oleh John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, dan John McCain, R-Arizona, membenarkan komitmen tentera A.S. selama satu tahun sambil menekankan kekurangan sokongan untuk sebarang penggunaan tentera darat Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libya state TV on Tuesday reported a NATO strike southwest of Tripoli in Nalut city, resulting in \"material and human damages\".", "r": {"result": "TV kerajaan Libya pada hari Selasa melaporkan serangan NATO di barat daya Tripoli di bandar Nalut, mengakibatkan \"kerosakan material dan manusia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libyan forces were also continuing their attacks.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Libya juga meneruskan serangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At 6 p.m. in Misrata, a CNN employee saw three Grad-type rockets strike the center of the city, slightly wounding a 13-year-old boy in front of a bicycle shop.", "r": {"result": "Pada pukul 6 petang. di Misrata, seorang pekerja CNN melihat tiga roket jenis Grad menyerang pusat bandar, mencederakan sedikit seorang budak lelaki berusia 13 tahun di hadapan sebuah kedai basikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Dafniya, between Tripoli and Misrata, five rebels were killed and 31 were wounded in clashes along the frontline, according to officials at Misrata's Al-Hikma Hospital.", "r": {"result": "Di Dafniya, antara Tripoli dan Misrata, lima pemberontak terbunuh dan 31 cedera dalam pertempuran di barisan hadapan, menurut pegawai di Hospital Al-Hikma Misrata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Libyan war erupted from anti-government protests in February.", "r": {"result": "Perang Libya meletus daripada protes anti-kerajaan pada bulan Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Following a United Nations mandate to protect civilians, NATO began bombing military targets in March.", "r": {"result": "Berikutan mandat Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk melindungi orang awam, NATO mula mengebom sasaran tentera pada bulan Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, strongman Moammar Gadhafi still maintains control in Tripoli.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, orang kuat Moammar Gadhafi masih mengekalkan kawalan di Tripoli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday, Human Rights Watch said that Libyan government forces had planted more than 150 landmines in at least one location in the Nafusa Mountains in western Libya.", "r": {"result": "Selasa, Human Rights Watch berkata bahawa tentera kerajaan Libya telah menanam lebih daripada 150 periuk api di sekurang-kurangnya satu lokasi di Pergunungan Nafusa di barat Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The global monitoring group visited the site, inspected mines that had been removed, and interviewed the rebel fighters who removed them.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pemantau global melawat tapak itu, memeriksa lombong yang telah dialihkan, dan menemu bual pejuang pemberontak yang mengeluarkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These antipersonnel landmines pose a huge threat to civilians,\" said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch.", "r": {"result": "\"Ranjau darat antipersonil ini menimbulkan ancaman besar kepada orang awam,\" kata Steve Goose, pengarah senjata di Human Rights Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"More than 150 countries have banned landmines, but Libya continues to defy this global trend\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lebih 150 negara telah mengharamkan periuk api, tetapi Libya terus menentang trend global ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The human rights group said it has confirmed Gadhafi's use of five types of landmines in six locations in Libya.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan hak asasi manusia itu berkata ia telah mengesahkan penggunaan lima jenis periuk api oleh Gadhafi di enam lokasi di Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NATO officials stressed that it was Gadhafi who was deliberately and indiscriminately targeting his own people as the alliance faced questions over a series of incidents over the weekend and into Monday that resulted in allegations of civilian casualties and strikes on Libyan opposition vehicles.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai NATO menegaskan bahawa Gadhafi yang sengaja dan sewenang-wenangnya menyasarkan rakyatnya sendiri ketika pakatan itu menghadapi persoalan berhubung beberapa siri insiden pada hujung minggu dan ke hari Isnin yang mengakibatkan dakwaan orang awam terkorban dan serangan ke atas kenderaan pembangkang Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Let's not lose sight that it is the Gadhafi regime which started this crisis,\" Bracken said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jangan kita terlepas pandang bahawa rejim Gadhafi yang memulakan krisis ini,\" kata Bracken.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libya said that 15 people, including three children, were killed in Monday's incident.", "r": {"result": "Libya berkata bahawa 15 orang, termasuk tiga kanak-kanak, terbunuh dalam kejadian Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libyan government spokesman Musa Ibrahim said the attack included strikes from eight rockets.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap kerajaan Libya Musa Ibrahim berkata, serangan itu termasuk serangan daripada lapan roket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You are planting the seeds of hatred, NATO,\" Ibrahim said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda menanam benih kebencian, NATO,\" kata Ibrahim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five houses and a farm were hit Sunday in the Surman area, west of Tripoli, he said.", "r": {"result": "Lima rumah dan sebuah ladang dipukul Ahad di kawasan Surman, barat Tripoli, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the homes belongs to Khaled el-Kweldi, a top aide to Gadhafi, Ibrahim said.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu rumah milik Khaled el-Kweldi, pembantu utama Gadhafi, kata Ibrahim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Libyan leader was not home at the time of the attack, but three children were killed, Ibrahim said.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Libya itu tiada di rumah ketika serangan itu, tetapi tiga kanak-kanak terbunuh, kata Ibrahim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NATO said a residential building west of Tripoli was targeted early Monday.", "r": {"result": "NATO berkata sebuah bangunan kediaman di barat Tripoli disasarkan awal Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"NATO is aware of allegations that this strike caused civilian casualties,\" Bracken said.", "r": {"result": "\"NATO menyedari dakwaan bahawa mogok ini menyebabkan orang awam terkorban,\" kata Bracken.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That is something we cannot independently verify, but I say again that this was a legitimate military target\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu adalah sesuatu yang kita tidak boleh mengesahkan secara bebas, tetapi saya katakan sekali lagi bahawa ini adalah sasaran tentera yang sah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would not detail how NATO came to determine that the target was a command-and-control communications node except to say that 17 satellite dishes could be seen in aerial imagery.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak akan memperincikan bagaimana NATO datang untuk menentukan bahawa sasaran itu adalah nod komunikasi arahan dan kawalan kecuali mengatakan bahawa 17 hidangan satelit boleh dilihat dalam imejan udara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bracken said the center was involved in coordinating attacks on the Libyan people.", "r": {"result": "Bracken berkata pusat itu terlibat dalam menyelaraskan serangan ke atas rakyat Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Monday's strike in Surman came a day after NATO acknowledged an errant airstrike in Tripoli may have caused \"a number of civilian casualties\".", "r": {"result": "Serangan Isnin di Surman berlaku sehari selepas NATO mengakui serangan udara yang salah di Tripoli mungkin telah menyebabkan \"beberapa orang awam terkorban\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Libya's government said Sunday that nine people were killed and six wounded when a NATO strike hit a residential neighborhood in the Libyan capital.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Libya berkata Ahad bahawa sembilan orang terbunuh dan enam cedera apabila serangan NATO melanda kawasan kejiranan kediaman di ibu negara Libya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NATO said Sunday that a military missile site was the intended target.", "r": {"result": "NATO berkata Ahad bahawa tapak peluru berpandu tentera adalah sasaran yang dimaksudkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"However, it appears that one weapon did not strike the intended target and that there may have been a weapons system failure,\" a NATO statement said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBagaimanapun, nampaknya satu senjata tidak mengenai sasaran yang dimaksudkan dan mungkin terdapat kegagalan sistem senjata,\u201d kata kenyataan NATO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Saturday, NATO expressed regret after its aircraft mistakenly struck vehicles aligned with the Libyan opposition in the key and hotly contested eastern oil city of al-Brega.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Sabtu, NATO menyatakan kekesalan selepas pesawatnya tersilap melanggar kenderaan yang sejajar dengan pembangkang Libya di bandar minyak timur al-Brega yang menjadi tumpuan yang hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, Libyan opposition leader Mahmoud Jibril arrived Tuesday in Beijing for meetings with Chinese officials, state media reported.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, ketua pembangkang Libya Mahmoud Jibril tiba di Beijing pada Selasa untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan pegawai China, lapor media kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jibril, chairman of the executive board of the opposition Transitional National Council, will be in China for two days, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei.", "r": {"result": "Jibril, pengerusi lembaga eksekutif Majlis Kebangsaan Peralihan pembangkang, akan berada di China selama dua hari, menurut jurucakap Kementerian Luar Hong Lei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"China's major task is to promote peace and encourage talks,\" Hong said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tugas utama China ialah mempromosikan keamanan dan menggalakkan perbincangan,\" kata Hong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"China has followed closely the development of the situation in Libya, and calls for the political resolution of the Libyan crisis\".", "r": {"result": "\"China telah mengikuti perkembangan situasi di Libya, dan menyeru penyelesaian politik krisis Libya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the rebels \"an important political power of Libya\".", "r": {"result": "Kementerian Luar Negeri menggelar pemberontak sebagai \"kuasa politik penting Libya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That recognition comes a month after Jibril said that China bolstered the opposition movement's stature by purchasing a shipment of oil from the opposition group for $160 million.", "r": {"result": "Pengiktirafan itu datang sebulan selepas Jibril berkata bahawa China meningkatkan kedudukan pergerakan pembangkang dengan membeli penghantaran minyak daripada kumpulan pembangkang dengan harga $160 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have maintained contacts with both sides of Libya, and urge them to take actions that are conducive to the interest of the people of the country,\" Hong said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah mengekalkan hubungan dengan kedua-dua pihak Libya, dan menggesa mereka untuk mengambil tindakan yang kondusif untuk kepentingan rakyat negara itu,\" kata Hong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We believe that the future of Libya should be determined by the Libyan people themselves, and China will respect the independent choice of the Libyan people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami percaya bahawa masa depan Libya harus ditentukan oleh rakyat Libya sendiri, dan China akan menghormati pilihan bebas rakyat Libya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In May, Jibril met in Paris with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister Francois Fillon.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Mei, Jibril bertemu di Paris dengan Presiden Perancis Nicolas Sarkozy dan Perdana Menteri Francois Fillon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France has been a strong backer of the Libyan rebels and the NATO air campaign.", "r": {"result": "Perancis telah menjadi penyokong kuat pemberontak Libya dan kempen udara NATO.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also in May, Jibril tried to secure formal recognition for the interim council from the White House, but failed.", "r": {"result": "Juga pada bulan Mei, Jibril cuba mendapatkan pengiktirafan rasmi untuk majlis sementara daripada Rumah Putih, tetapi gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the United States views the group as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton berkata Amerika Syarikat memandang kumpulan itu sebagai wakil rakyat Libya yang sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For weeks, NATO forces have been targeting forces loyal to Gadhafi in an effort to prevent them from inflicting civilian casualties.", "r": {"result": "Selama berminggu-minggu, tentera NATO telah menyasarkan pasukan yang setia kepada Gadhafi dalam usaha untuk menghalang mereka daripada menyebabkan orang awam terkorban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of those strikes have come from missiles fired from ships located offshore or from aircraft flying above the North African nation.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan serangan itu datang daripada peluru berpandu yang ditembak dari kapal yang terletak di luar pesisir atau dari pesawat yang terbang di atas negara Afrika Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ben Wedeman, Elizabeth Joseph, Jack Maddox, Per Nyberg and Helena Hong contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ben Wedeman dari CNN, Elizabeth Joseph, Jack Maddox, Per Nyberg dan Helena Hong menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nairobi, Kenya (CNN) -- An American woman who was trampled to death by an elephant in Kenya, where she lived with her family, was a librarian who was determined to see that schools and libraries be built in poor villages, a former boss said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Nairobi, Kenya (CNN) -- Seorang wanita Amerika yang mati dipijak gajah di Kenya, tempat dia tinggal bersama keluarganya, adalah seorang pustakawan yang bertekad untuk memastikan sekolah dan perpustakaan dibina di kampung miskin, bekas bos kata Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before moving with her husband to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi in 2006, Sharon Brown was a reference librarian at Antioch University New England in Keene, New Hampshire, said library director Marcy Leversee, who hired Brown in 2005.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum berpindah bersama suaminya ke ibu kota Kenya, Nairobi pada 2006, Sharon Brown adalah pustakawan rujukan di Universiti Antioch New England di Keene, New Hampshire, kata pengarah perpustakaan Marcy Leversee, yang mengupah Brown pada 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brown and her toddler daughter, who also died in the incident, were on a guided forest hike Monday near the Castle Forest Lodge, about 65 miles north of Nairobi, when the incident occurred, said lodge spokeswoman Melia Van Leer.", "r": {"result": "Brown dan anak perempuannya, yang turut maut dalam kejadian itu, sedang mendaki hutan berpandu Isnin berhampiran Castle Forest Lodge, kira-kira 65 batu di utara Nairobi, ketika kejadian itu berlaku, kata jurucakap pondok Melia Van Leer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Van Leer speculated the elephant was in a herd of about 20 that were spotted later in the day with their calves.", "r": {"result": "Van Leer membuat spekulasi bahawa gajah itu berada dalam kumpulan kira-kira 20 yang dikesan pada lewat hari dengan betis mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elephants can be particularly defensive when they are sheltering their young, she said.", "r": {"result": "Gajah boleh menjadi sangat defensif apabila mereka melindungi anak mereka, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Nairobi, Brown was a librarian at the International School of Kenya, according to a security guard at the school.", "r": {"result": "Di Nairobi, Brown adalah seorang pustakawan di Sekolah Antarabangsa Kenya, menurut seorang pengawal keselamatan di sekolah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her husband, Jeff, worked there as a fifth-grade teacher, according to the school's Web site.", "r": {"result": "Suaminya, Jeff, bekerja di sana sebagai guru tingkatan lima, menurut laman web sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sharon Brown only spent a year at Antioch, Leversee said, because when she got the opportunity to work in Kenya, she felt it was a chance that was too good to pass up.", "r": {"result": "Sharon Brown hanya menghabiskan masa setahun di Antioch, kata Leversee, kerana apabila dia mendapat peluang bekerja di Kenya, dia merasakan peluang itu terlalu baik untuk dilepaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Antioch, she worked with graduate students in environmental sciences and clinical psychology.", "r": {"result": "Di Antioch, dia bekerja dengan pelajar siswazah dalam sains alam sekitar dan psikologi klinikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sharon was a quiet, open person.", "r": {"result": "\"Sharon seorang yang pendiam dan terbuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Very present,\" Leversee said.", "r": {"result": "Sangat hadir,\" kata Leversee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She believed that every exchange was a mutual learning.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia percaya setiap pertukaran adalah pembelajaran bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She opened the exchange by listening.", "r": {"result": "Dia membuka pertukaran dengan mendengar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was a cherished colleague,\" Leversee said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia adalah rakan sekerja yang dihargai,\" kata Leversee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To me, she was a citizen of the world in the finest sense\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi saya, dia adalah warga dunia dalam erti kata yang terbaik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Browns became passionate about Africa after serving in the Peace Corps, Leversee said.", "r": {"result": "The Browns menjadi ghairah tentang Afrika selepas berkhidmat dalam Peace Corps, kata Leversee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was where Sharon Brown became committed to promoting education.", "r": {"result": "Di situlah Sharon Brown menjadi komited untuk mempromosikan pendidikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leversee said she didn't know where they served, but Sharon Brown \"had an affinity for Africa\".", "r": {"result": "Leversee berkata dia tidak tahu di mana mereka berkhidmat, tetapi Sharon Brown \"mempunyai pertalian dengan Afrika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brown had said that while in the Peace Corps, she totally immersed herself in the culture of the villagers, even asking the women to teach her how they washed clothes.", "r": {"result": "Brown telah berkata bahawa semasa berada di Peace Corps, dia benar-benar melibatkan diri dalam budaya penduduk kampung, malah meminta wanita itu mengajarnya cara mereka mencuci pakaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Peace Corps supervisor told Leversee that Brown provided the women and children with their very first books.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penyelia Peace Corps memberitahu Leversee bahawa Brown menyediakan buku pertama mereka kepada wanita dan kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leversee said she didn't know the name of the village.", "r": {"result": "Leversee berkata dia tidak tahu nama kampung itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Van Leer, the property around the lodge is full of elephants, but encounters with humans \"don't normally end in tragedy\".", "r": {"result": "Menurut Van Leer, harta tanah di sekitar rumah persinggahan penuh dengan gajah, tetapi pertemuan dengan manusia \"biasanya tidak berakhir dengan tragedi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been no tragic incidents with elephants in the area since 2001, she said.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada kejadian tragis dengan gajah di kawasan itu sejak 2001, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This area has wild animals, and I always warn my clients and everyone else to be aware of the danger,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kawasan ini mempunyai haiwan liar, dan saya sentiasa memberi amaran kepada pelanggan saya dan orang lain supaya sedar tentang bahaya itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But from now we won't allow children out anymore.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi mulai sekarang kami tidak akan membenarkan kanak-kanak keluar lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The young child could have been saved\".", "r": {"result": "Anak kecil itu boleh diselamatkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. Embassy in Nairobi refused comment Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Kedutaan A.S. di Nairobi enggan mengulas Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's David McKenzie, Melissa Gray and Deb Krajnak contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "David McKenzie dari CNN, Melissa Gray dan Deb Krajnak menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Some of the biggest names in tennis have faltered at Indian Wells, but Novak Djokovic showed his grit to beat Marin Cilic after being comprehensively outplayed in the first set.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Beberapa nama terbesar dalam tenis telah goyah di Indian Wells, tetapi Novak Djokovic menunjukkan ketabahannya untuk menewaskan Marin Cilic selepas dikalahkan secara menyeluruh pada set pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Djokovic will now have one eye on the crystal trophy as rivals Andy Murray and Stanislas Wawrinka crashed out against lowly opponents.", "r": {"result": "Djokovic kini akan memerhatikan trofi kristal apabila saingan Andy Murray dan Stanislas Wawrinka tersingkir menentang lawan yang rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world No.2 -- twice the winner at Indian Wells in 2008 and 2011 -- booked his place in the quarterfinals of the Masters 1000 tournament with a 1-6 6-2 6-3 victory in California on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Pemain nombor dua dunia itu -- dua kali menang di Indian Wells pada 2008 dan 2011 -- menempah tempat ke suku akhir kejohanan Masters 1000 dengan kemenangan 1-6 6-2 6-3 di California pada Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cilic, seeded 24th, surged ahead to a 5-0 lead on his way to winning the first set, but Djokovic claims not to have been fazed.", "r": {"result": "Cilic, pilihan ke-24, melonjak ke hadapan untuk mendahului 5-0 dalam perjalanannya untuk memenangi set pertama, tetapi Djokovic mendakwa tidak terganggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was composed and mentally calm, regardless of the score line,\" he told reporters.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tenang dan mental tenang, tanpa mengira garisan markah,\u201d katanya kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just accepted the fact that he came out of the blocks better than I did\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hanya menerima hakikat bahawa dia keluar dari blok lebih baik daripada saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The match ended as a sweeping victory for the Serbian, who did not face a break point while taking the remaining sets.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan itu berakhir dengan kemenangan besar buat pemain Serbia itu, yang tidak berdepan mata putus semasa mengambil baki set.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Djokovic finds himself the top-ranked player remaining at the first ATP Masters tournament of the year after the shock exit of world No.1 Rafael Nadal in the third round and other high-seeded contenders in round four.", "r": {"result": "Djokovic mendapati dirinya sebagai pemain ranking teratas yang kekal pada kejohanan ATP Masters pertama tahun ini selepas tersingkir mengejut pemain nombor satu dunia, Rafael Nadal pada pusingan ketiga dan pesaing pilihan tinggi lain dalam pusingan empat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roger Federer is now the only other player from the top 10 remaining in the tournament.", "r": {"result": "Roger Federer kini merupakan satu-satunya pemain lain daripada 10 teratas yang tinggal dalam kejohanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He reached the last eight with a 6-4 6-4 victory over German veteran Tommy Haas, but was robbed of the enticing prospect of an all-Swiss quarterfinal.", "r": {"result": "Dia mara ke peringkat lapan terakhir dengan kemenangan 6-4 6-4 ke atas veteran Jerman Tommy Haas, tetapi dirampas prospek menarik untuk suku akhir seluruh Switzerland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The stage had been set for a clash between third-seeded Wawrinka -- still racing from January's Australian Open victory undefeated in 2014 before the match -- and former world No.1.", "r": {"result": "Peringkat telah ditetapkan untuk pertembungan antara pilihan ketiga Wawrinka -- masih berlumba daripada kemenangan Terbuka Australia Januari tanpa kalah pada 2014 sebelum perlawanan -- dan bekas No.1 dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But 32-year-old Federer will now meet Kevin Anderson in the last eight after the South African defeated Wawrinka in three sets (7-6 (7/1) 4-6 6-1).", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Federer yang berusia 32 tahun kini akan bertemu Kevin Anderson dalam pusingan lapan terakhir selepas pemain Afrika Selatan itu menewaskan Wawrinka dalam tiga set (7-6 (7/1) 4-6 6-1).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the end of a 13-match winning streak this year, the 28-year-old Swiss was reflective: \"I don't feel the pressure of losing a match, because I knew it's going to happen,\" Wawrinka told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Pada penghujung kemenangan berturut-turut 13 perlawanan tahun ini, pemain Switzerland berusia 28 tahun itu berfikir: \"Saya tidak merasakan tekanan untuk kalah dalam perlawanan, kerana saya tahu ia akan berlaku,\" kata Wawrinka kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not going to keep winning every tournament\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan terus memenangi setiap kejohanan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wawrinka was not alone in faltering in the round of 16.", "r": {"result": "Wawrinka tidak bersendirian dalam goyah dalam pusingan 16.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Andy Murray was left to ponder his form after once again failing to reach the latter stages of the tournament.", "r": {"result": "Andy Murray dibiarkan merenung prestasinya selepas sekali lagi gagal mencapai peringkat akhir kejohanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world No.5 is yet to reach a final since having back surgery in September, and his limp performance against 23-year-old Raonic left him bemused.", "r": {"result": "Pemain No.5 dunia itu masih belum layak ke final sejak menjalani pembedahan belakang pada September, dan prestasi lemahnya menentang Raonic yang berusia 23 tahun membuatkan dia terpinga-pinga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll need to have a think about it and have a look at what happened,\" Murray told reporters after the 4-6 7-5 6-3 defeat.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya perlu memikirkannya dan melihat apa yang berlaku,\" kata Murray kepada pemberita selepas kekalahan 4-6 7-5 6-3.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's going to come down to confidence.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan turun kepada keyakinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's no other explanation for missing those shots\".", "r": {"result": "Tiada penjelasan lain untuk terlepas tangkapan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Raonic, the 10th seed, will now face Nadal's conqueror Alexandr Dolgopolov.", "r": {"result": "Raonic, pilihan ke-10, kini akan menentang penakluk Nadal, Alexandr Dolgopolov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Order was restored in the women's tournament, where second-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska and sixth-seeded Simona Halep both recorded wins.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukan telah dipulihkan dalam kejohanan wanita, di mana pilihan kedua Agnieszka Radwanska dan pilihan keenam Simona Halep kedua-duanya mencatatkan kemenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romanian Halep was first to book a place in the semis of the WTA singles, strolling to a 6-2 6-2 victory over unseeded Australian Casey Dellacqua.", "r": {"result": "Halep dari Romania pertama kali menempah tempat ke separuh akhir perseorangan WTA, dengan kemenangan 6-2 6-2 ke atas pemain bukan pilihan Australia, Casey Dellacqua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World No.3 Radwanska joined her later in the afternoon.", "r": {"result": "No.3 dunia Radwanska menyertainya pada sebelah petang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She completed a three-set victory over Serbia's Jelena Jankovic (7-5 2-6 6-4) to set up a rematch of last month's semi-final in Doha.", "r": {"result": "Dia melengkapkan kemenangan tiga set ke atas pemain Serbia Jelena Jankovic (7-5 2-6 6-4) untuk mengatur perlawanan ulangan separuh akhir bulan lalu di Doha.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After that defeat, Radwanska will be hoping for a different result on Friday when the two will meet for a shot at the final.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kekalahan itu, Radwanska akan mengharapkan keputusan berbeza pada hari Jumaat apabila kedua-duanya akan bertemu untuk pukulan di final.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Commerce City, Colorado (CNN) -- Maria Zepeda-Sanchez remembers the excitement of the \"change\" argument in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Commerce City, Colorado (CNN) -- Maria Zepeda-Sanchez mengingati keseronokan hujah \"perubahan\" pada tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was really a change then,\" she said with a nostalgic smile.", "r": {"result": "\"Benar-benar ada perubahan ketika itu,\" katanya sambil tersenyum nostalgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People were really anxious to have a new person\".", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai benar-benar bimbang untuk mempunyai orang baru\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Working the phones for President Barack Obama again four years later, though, change has a new -- and to her troubling -- meaning.", "r": {"result": "Mengerjakan telefon untuk Presiden Barack Obama sekali lagi empat tahun kemudian, bagaimanapun, perubahan mempunyai makna baru -- dan yang merisaukannya --.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Different.", "r": {"result": "\"Berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a little different,\" she said of the then and now reaction when calling Latino voters in Colorado.", "r": {"result": "Ia sedikit berbeza,\" katanya mengenai reaksi dahulu dan sekarang apabila memanggil pengundi Latino di Colorado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was more hype I think back in 2008, yes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia lebih gembar-gembur yang saya fikirkan pada tahun 2008, ya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now?", "r": {"result": "Dan sekarang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some people are still really excited,\" Zepeda-Sanchez said during a brief break from her phone bank work.", "r": {"result": "\"Sesetengah orang masih sangat teruja,\" kata Zepeda-Sanchez semasa berehat sebentar dari kerja bank telefonnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Others say, 'Oh, I don't know, well, I haven't made up my mind.", "r": {"result": "\"Yang lain berkata, 'Oh, saya tidak tahu, saya belum membuat keputusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then comes the sales pitch, and the new reality of incumbency -- of 2012.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian datanglah promosi jualan, dan realiti baharu penyandang jawatan -- tahun 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Well you say, 'he has done this, and this,'\" Zepeda-Sanchez told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Baiklah anda berkata, 'dia telah melakukan ini, dan ini,'\" Zepeda-Sanchez memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And they say, 'Well he promised a lot of things.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan mereka berkata, 'Baiklah dia menjanjikan banyak perkara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Latinos made up 13% of the Colorado vote four years ago, and 61% voted for then-Sen.", "r": {"result": "Orang Latin membentuk 13% undi Colorado empat tahun lalu, dan 61% mengundi Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama as he turned Colorado blue after GOP presidential victories in 1996, 2000 and 2004.", "r": {"result": "Obama ketika dia menjadikan Colorado biru selepas kemenangan presiden GOP pada 1996, 2000 dan 2004.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this time, battleground Colorado is tougher territory.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kali ini, medan pertempuran Colorado adalah wilayah yang lebih sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not that Latinos have switched loyalties and plan to give significantly higher support to GOP nominee Mitt Romney compared to John McCain four years ago.", "r": {"result": "Bukan bermakna orang Latin telah menukar kesetiaan dan merancang untuk memberikan sokongan yang jauh lebih tinggi kepada calon GOP, Mitt Romney berbanding John McCain empat tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The question is not will Obama dominate the Latino vote, it is whether Latino turnout will rival 2008 levels -- here and in other key battlegrounds.", "r": {"result": "Persoalannya bukankah Obama akan mendominasi undi Latino, ia adalah sama ada kehadiran Latino akan menyaingi tahap 2008 -- di sini dan di medan pertempuran utama yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zepeda-Sanchez is a little worried.", "r": {"result": "Zepeda-Sanchez sedikit risau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yes, yes, it is a little bit harder,\" she says of the then and now.", "r": {"result": "\"Ya, ya, ia lebih sukar sedikit,\" katanya tentang dahulu dan sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sometimes some of them say, 'Well I don't know who to vote for - these two evils, you know.", "r": {"result": "\"Kadang-kadang sesetengah daripada mereka berkata, 'Saya tidak tahu siapa yang hendak diundi - dua kejahatan ini, anda tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is a battle-tested volunteer.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah sukarelawan yang diuji dalam pertempuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And shrugs off the idea that this time around is more discouraging.", "r": {"result": "Dan mengenepikan idea bahawa kali ini lebih mengecewakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You go, 'You know, you voted for this person last time.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda pergi, 'Anda tahu, anda telah mengundi orang ini kali terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Give him another chance.", "r": {"result": "Beri dia peluang lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... He needs four more years to do what he needs to do.", "r": {"result": "... Dia memerlukan empat tahun lagi untuk melakukan apa yang dia perlu lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As critical as Latino turnout is for Obama in Colorado, the intensity -- and strength -- of the evangelical vote is a pivotal piece of Romney's path to victory in the state.", "r": {"result": "Sama pentingnya dengan kehadiran orang Latin yang keluar mengundi untuk Obama di Colorado, keamatan -- dan kekuatan -- undian evangelis adalah bahagian penting dalam laluan Romney menuju kemenangan di negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He cannot win unless he wins convincingly among evangelicals,\" said Pastor Gino Geraci of the Cavalry South Denver Chapel in Littleton, a close-in Denver suburb.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak boleh menang melainkan dia menang dengan meyakinkan di kalangan evangelis,\" kata Pastor Gino Geraci dari Cavalry South Denver Chapel di Littleton, pinggir bandar Denver yang berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Math backs up that assessment; white evangelicals made up 23% of the Colorado electorate in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Matematik menyokong penilaian itu; evangelis kulit putih membentuk 23% daripada pengundi Colorado pada tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Think about life, think about liberty, think about character and then cast your ballot,\" was part of Geraci's Sunday sermon at Calvary South Denver.", "r": {"result": "\"Fikirkan tentang kehidupan, fikirkan tentang kebebasan, fikirkan tentang watak dan kemudian berikan undi anda,\" adalah sebahagian daripada khutbah Ahad Geraci di Calvary South Denver.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Geraci steered clear of any mention of the candidates or political party from the pulpit, though in an interview he made it clear he will vote for Romney -- but not without some hesitation.", "r": {"result": "Geraci mengelak sebarang sebutan mengenai calon atau parti politik dari mimbar, walaupun dalam satu temu bual dia menyatakan dengan jelas dia akan mengundi Romney -- tetapi bukan tanpa teragak-agak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was a little frustrated because he seems to have equivocated on the issue of life, and then he has come down quite dramatically on the issue of life,\" Geraci said at a suburban sanctuary that was once a supermarket.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya agak kecewa kerana dia seolah-olah telah bertele-tele dalam isu kehidupan, dan kemudian dia turun secara dramatik mengenai isu kehidupan,\" kata Geraci di sebuah kawasan perlindungan pinggir bandar yang pernah menjadi pasar raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In talking to many of his 1,200 congregants, Geraci said the consistent complaint is unhappiness with both major presidential candidates.", "r": {"result": "Ketika bercakap dengan ramai daripada 1,200 jemaahnya, Geraci berkata aduan yang konsisten itu adalah rasa tidak senang dengan kedua-dua calon presiden utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The frustration of not wanting to vote for either,\" Geraci said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kekecewaan kerana tidak mahu mengundi sama ada,\" kata Geraci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So I feel my role is to encourage people to vote\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi saya rasa peranan saya adalah untuk menggalakkan orang ramai untuk mengundi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will they?", "r": {"result": "Adakah mereka akan", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Geraci said his conversations convince him the combination of economic and values concerns are going to motivate a high evangelical turnout -- \"a far greater turnout\" than in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Geraci berkata perbualannya meyakinkannya gabungan kebimbangan ekonomi dan nilai akan mendorong kehadiran evangelis yang tinggi -- \"jumlah keluar mengundi yang jauh lebih besar\" berbanding tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Visits to the competing campaign headquarters and satellite offices provide instant proof of the urgent emphasis on turnout - the so-called ground game, including nudging less reliable voters to take advantage of Colorado's early voting window, which opens October 22.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan ke ibu pejabat kempen dan pejabat satelit yang bersaing memberikan bukti segera tentang penekanan segera terhadap jumlah keluar mengundi - yang dipanggil permainan darat, termasuk mendorong pengundi yang kurang dipercayai untuk mengambil kesempatan daripada tingkap pengundian awal Colorado, yang dibuka pada 22 Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are, I believe, at ground zero in the presidential election,\" is the view of veteran Democratic strategist Michael Stratton.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami, saya percaya, berada di titik sifar dalam pilihan raya presiden,\" adalah pandangan ahli strategi veteran Demokrat Michael Stratton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Heading into the final four weeks, Stratton said Colorado is again up for grabs -- and a new University of Denver poll released this past weekend backs that up.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang empat minggu terakhir, Stratton berkata Colorado sekali lagi boleh direbut -- dan tinjauan pendapat Universiti Denver baharu yang dikeluarkan pada hujung minggu lalu menyokongnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the survey, Obama received 47% support to 43% for Romney.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tinjauan itu, Obama menerima 47% sokongan kepada 43% untuk Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just shy of six in 10 Coloradans said the economy was the top issue, and they gave Romney a slight edge (50%-to 45%) when asked which candidate would do a better job on the economy.", "r": {"result": "Hanya segan enam daripada 10 orang Coloradans berkata ekonomi adalah isu utama, dan mereka memberi Romney sedikit kelebihan (50% hingga 45%) apabila ditanya calon mana yang akan melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik dalam ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Poll: Obama slightly ahead in Colorado, Romney won debate.", "r": {"result": "Undian: Obama mendahului sedikit di Colorado, Romney memenangi perdebatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Before the concept of red and blue, before the concept of purple, you remember they called Colorado a ticket splitter state,\" Stratton said in a coffee shop interview across the street from his Denver office.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelum konsep merah dan biru, sebelum konsep ungu, anda masih ingat mereka memanggil Colorado sebagai negeri pembahagi tiket,\" kata Stratton dalam temu bual kedai kopi di seberang jalan dari pejabatnya di Denver.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bill Clinton won Colorado in 1992, but lost it in 1996. George W. Bush carried it twice, but never with more than 52% of the vote.", "r": {"result": "Bill Clinton memenangi Colorado pada tahun 1992, tetapi kalah pada tahun 1996. George W. Bush membawanya dua kali, tetapi tidak pernah dengan lebih daripada 52% undian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then Obama returned Colorado to the blue column in 2008, winning rather comfortably with 54%.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian Obama mengembalikan Colorado ke lajur biru pada 2008, menang agak selesa dengan 54%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, however, unemployment in the state has risen a bit, from 7.2% when Obama took office to 8.2% now.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, bagaimanapun, pengangguran di negeri ini telah meningkat sedikit, daripada 7.2% semasa Obama memegang jawatan kepada 8.2% sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the University of Denver poll, 23% of Coloradans said their personal economic situation had improved over the past year, 41% said it has stayed the same, and 36% said it was worse.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tinjauan pendapat Universiti Denver, 23% daripada orang Coloradans berkata keadaan ekonomi peribadi mereka telah bertambah baik sepanjang tahun lalu, 41% berkata ia kekal sama, dan 36% berkata keadaannya lebih teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to evangelicals, Stratton said Romney can safely count on deep support from the state's Mormon voters - like Romney members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tambahan kepada evangelis, Stratton berkata Romney boleh mengharapkan sokongan mendalam daripada pengundi Mormon negeri itu - seperti ahli Romney dari Gereja Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In some places, as you know, there are concerns about Mormonism,\" Stratton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Di beberapa tempat, seperti yang anda tahu, terdapat kebimbangan mengenai Mormonisme,\" kata Stratton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People here all know Mormons.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang di sini semua mengenali Mormon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are family people.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah orang keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You won't hear as in some parts of the country, 'who are these people?", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak akan mendengar seperti di beberapa bahagian negara, 'siapa orang ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are they some weird cult or something?", "r": {"result": "Adakah mereka kultus pelik atau sesuatu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' ... The Mormon thing helps him here\".", "r": {"result": "' ... Perkara Mormon membantu dia di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The keys for the president, he said, are healthy turnout among Latinos and a heavy focus on suburban women.", "r": {"result": "Kunci untuk presiden, katanya, adalah peratusan keluar mengundi yang sihat di kalangan orang Latin dan tumpuan berat kepada wanita pinggir bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On that front, Stratton believes the GOP convention gave Democrats some help.", "r": {"result": "Di hadapan itu, Stratton percaya konvensyen GOP memberi sedikit bantuan kepada Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some of this regressive rhetoric about getting rid of Planned Parenthood or taking birth control out of a women's health plan - that is troublesome to voters,\" Stratton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Beberapa retorik regresif ini tentang menyingkirkan Planned Parenthood atau mengambil kawalan kelahiran daripada rancangan kesihatan wanita - yang menyusahkan pengundi,\" kata Stratton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Women are a larger majority of voters in Colorado than they are in a lot of states\".", "r": {"result": "\"Wanita adalah majoriti pengundi yang lebih besar di Colorado berbanding mereka di banyak negeri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both campaigns said having Denver as the site of last week's first presidential debate helped bring extra enthusiasm to their state organizations.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua kempen itu berkata menjadikan Denver sebagai tapak debat presiden pertama minggu lalu membantu membawa semangat tambahan kepada organisasi negeri mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It will be close here,\" Stratton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan dekat di sini,\" kata Stratton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It will be close in Colorado regardless\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia akan dekat di Colorado tanpa mengira\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More battleground coverage from CNN's John King:", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak liputan medan pertempuran dari John King dari CNN:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Revived auto industry gives Obama advantage in Michigan.", "r": {"result": "Industri auto yang dihidupkan semula memberi kelebihan kepada Obama di Michigan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iowa's six electoral votes could be decisive.", "r": {"result": "Enam undi pilihan raya Iowa boleh menjadi penentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Ohio, swing state politics have real-life impact.", "r": {"result": "Di Ohio, politik negeri swing mempunyai kesan kehidupan sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "African-American turnout critical for Obama in Pennsylvania.", "r": {"result": "Jumlah keluar mengundi Afrika-Amerika kritikal untuk Obama di Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A video of a frail and unamused looking Nelson Mandela surrounded by South African President Jacob Zuma and other officials has prompted cries of political exploitation by the government.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sebuah video Nelson Mandela yang kelihatan lemah dan tidak bermaya dikelilingi oleh Presiden Afrika Selatan Jacob Zuma dan pegawai lain telah mencetuskan laungan eksploitasi politik oleh kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the footage released by the South African Broadcasting Corp., the 94-year-old Mandela sits in a chair at his Johannesburg home, barely moving and never smiling as leaders from the governing African National Congress arrange themselves for a photo opportunity.", "r": {"result": "Dalam rakaman yang dikeluarkan oleh South African Broadcasting Corp., Mandela yang berusia 94 tahun duduk di kerusi di rumahnya di Johannesburg, hampir tidak bergerak dan tidak pernah tersenyum ketika pemimpin dari Kongres Kebangsaan Afrika yang memerintah mengatur diri mereka untuk peluang bergambar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At one point Mandela's grandson takes a picture with flash, causing him to close his eyes and purse his lips.", "r": {"result": "Pada satu ketika cucu Mandela mengambil gambar dengan kilat, menyebabkan dia menutup mata dan mencebikkan bibirnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former president is sensitive to flash photography from his years laboring in quarries during his imprisonment under the country's apartheid government.", "r": {"result": "Bekas presiden itu sensitif terhadap fotografi kilat selama bertahun-tahun bekerja di kuari semasa dipenjarakan di bawah kerajaan apartheid negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zuma says Mandela is in \"good shape,\" but the footage seems to show him looking anything but -- and the stunt provoked outrage from many in South Africa who accused the ANC and SABC of parading the country's anti-apartheid hero on television for their own benefit.", "r": {"result": "Zuma berkata Mandela berada dalam \"keadaan baik,\" tetapi rakaman itu nampaknya menunjukkan dia tidak kelihatan -- dan aksi itu menimbulkan kemarahan ramai di Afrika Selatan yang menuduh ANC dan SABC mengarak wira anti-apartheid negara itu di televisyen untuk mereka faedah sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Very sad seeing the footage of Madiba.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSangat sedih melihat rakaman Madiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And who was the idiot who took a pic of him with a flash?", "r": {"result": "Dan siapakah orang bodoh yang mengambil gambarnya dengan kilat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disgraceful.", "r": {"result": "memalukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leave him alone\", tweeted Johannesburg radio DJ John Robbie, using the clan name by which Mandela is widely referred to in South Africa.", "r": {"result": "Biarkan dia sendirian\", tweet DJ radio Johannesburg John Robbie, menggunakan nama klan yang mana Mandela dirujuk secara meluas di Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another Twitter user, Brent Lindeque, wrote: \"After everything Madiba has done for us this is how they treat him.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi pengguna Twitter, Brent Lindeque, menulis: \"Selepas semua yang Madiba lakukan untuk kami, inilah cara mereka melayannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like an animal at the zoo.", "r": {"result": "Seperti haiwan di zoo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shame on the ANC\"!", "r": {"result": "Memalukan ANC\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[A]fter months of attacking media for 'invading' Mandela's privacy, ANC today released an invasive video of a clearly ailing and grim Mandela,\" tweeted journalist Geoffrey York.", "r": {"result": "\"[Selepas berbulan-bulan menyerang media kerana 'menceroboh' privasi Mandela, ANC hari ini mengeluarkan video invasif Mandela yang jelas sakit dan muram,\" tweet wartawan Geoffrey York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One Johannesburg radio station wrote: \"The way #Madiba was paraded on SABC TV this evening was horrible!", "r": {"result": "Sebuah stesen radio Johannesburg menulis: \"Cara #Madiba diarak di SABC TV petang ini sungguh mengerikan!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grotesque 'journalism'.", "r": {"result": "'Jurnalisme' yang menjijikkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All involved should hang their heads in shame\"!", "r": {"result": "Semua yang terlibat harus menggantung kepala mereka kerana malu\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mandela endured 27 years in prison before becoming the country's first black president in 1994. He has become increasingly frail over the years and has been hospitalized three times in the past five months, most recently for a lung infection in March.", "r": {"result": "Mandela dipenjara selama 27 tahun sebelum menjadi presiden kulit hitam pertama di negara itu pada 1994. Dia menjadi semakin lemah sejak beberapa tahun dan telah dimasukkan ke hospital tiga kali dalam tempoh lima bulan, yang terbaru kerana jangkitan paru-paru pada Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ANC may have been critical of the media in the past for not respecting Mandela's privacy since his withdrawal from public life, but the party rejected any criticism of Monday's house call.", "r": {"result": "ANC mungkin mengkritik media pada masa lalu kerana tidak menghormati privasi Mandela sejak menarik diri daripada kehidupan awam, tetapi parti itu menolak sebarang kritikan terhadap panggilan ke rumah Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The African National Congress has noted the determined efforts by some sections of our society to degrade the visit of the National Office Bearers to Comrade Nelson Mandela,\" party spokesman Jackson Mthembu said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Kongres Kebangsaan Afrika telah mencatat usaha gigih beberapa bahagian masyarakat kita untuk merendahkan lawatan Pembawa Pejabat Kebangsaan kepada Komrad Nelson Mandela,\" kata jurucakap parti Jackson Mthembu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mthembu said the visit \"was in line with the accepted norms of Ubuntu that we value our elderly,\" and the party \"stands by its statements that President Mandela is in good health and in good spirits\".", "r": {"result": "Mthembu berkata lawatan itu \"selaras dengan norma Ubuntu yang diterima bahawa kami menghargai warga tua kami,\" dan parti itu \"berpendirian dengan kenyataan bahawa Presiden Mandela berada dalam keadaan sihat dan bersemangat baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"South Africans are called upon to appreciate that Tata is 94 years old; he will thus be frail and not as active and energetic as we all fondly remember him.", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat Afrika Selatan diminta untuk menghargai Tata berusia 94 tahun; dia akan menjadi lemah dan tidak aktif dan bertenaga seperti yang kita semua ingat kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is no reason to be alarmed by the visuals of an elderly person who clearly is receiving the necessary care and attention\".", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada sebab untuk bimbang dengan visual orang tua yang jelas menerima penjagaan dan perhatian yang diperlukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Geoffrey York countered on Twitter: \"ANC misses point.", "r": {"result": "Geoffrey York membalas di Twitter: \"ANC terlepas mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Criticism was because of its political exploitation of Mandela; not because of 'fear' of the images\".", "r": {"result": "Kritikan adalah kerana eksploitasi politiknya terhadap Mandela; bukan kerana 'takut' pada imej\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another user, Siya_Ntshoko, wrote: \"[T]he #ANC has no compunction about using a 94 year old frail man to canvass for votes - anything for nostalgia\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi pengguna, Siya_Ntshoko, menulis: \"[T] dia #ANC tidak menyesal menggunakan lelaki uzur berusia 94 tahun untuk mengundi - apa sahaja untuk nostalgia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video released Monday was the first of the former leader since his birthday last July.", "r": {"result": "Video yang dikeluarkan Isnin adalah yang pertama daripada bekas pemimpin itu sejak hari lahirnya Julai lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mandela, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, has a history of lung problems dating back to when he was a political prisoner on Robben Island during apartheid.", "r": {"result": "Mandela, pemenang Hadiah Keamanan Nobel, mempunyai sejarah masalah paru-paru sejak dia menjadi tahanan politik di Pulau Robben semasa apartheid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He contracted tuberculosis during his imprisonment.", "r": {"result": "Dia dijangkiti batuk kering semasa dipenjarakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He underwent treatment for a lung infection and had surgery to remove gallstones over the Christmas holiday in 2012, one of his longest hospital stays since his release from prison in 1990.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjalani rawatan untuk jangkitan paru-paru dan menjalani pembedahan untuk membuang batu karang semasa cuti Krismas pada 2012, salah satu rawatan paling lama di hospital sejak dibebaskan dari penjara pada 1990.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dana Ford and CNN Wires contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Dana Ford dan CNN Wires menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- At 14 years old, most teenagers think the stress of entering high school is enough.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pada usia 14 tahun, kebanyakan remaja menganggap tekanan memasuki sekolah menengah sudah memadai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Chinese golfer Andy Zhang, who enters high school next year, wasn't satisfied vying for girls and grades.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pemain golf China Andy Zhang, yang memasuki sekolah menengah tahun depan, tidak berpuas hati bersaing untuk perempuan dan gred.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would rather take on the likes of Bubba Watson, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson.", "r": {"result": "Dia lebih suka mengambil orang seperti Bubba Watson, Tiger Woods dan Phil Mickelson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zhang has earned a spot as the youngest golfer to ever compete in the U.S. Open, which tees off Thursday at The Olympic Club in San Francisco, California, according to the USGA.", "r": {"result": "Zhang telah mendapat tempat sebagai pemain golf termuda yang pernah bertanding di Terbuka A.S., yang akan bermula Khamis di The Olympic Club di San Francisco, California, menurut USGA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Going into the week as an alternate, Zhang didn't think his chances were very good until England's Paul Casey withdrew with a shoulder injury and Zhang got called up.", "r": {"result": "Memasuki minggu sebagai pemain gantian, Zhang tidak menyangka peluangnya sangat baik sehingga pemain England Paul Casey menarik diri kerana kecederaan bahu dan Zhang dipanggil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In true teenage fashion, Zhang said his cell phone \"exploded\" at the news.", "r": {"result": "Dalam fesyen remaja yang sebenar, Zhang berkata telefon bimbitnya \"meletup\" mendengar berita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everybody started texting me,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang mula menghantar mesej kepada saya,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm just really excited\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat teruja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Official site of U.S. Open.", "r": {"result": "Tapak rasmi A.S. Open.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zhang grew up in Shandong Province in China, according to Yahoo Sports.", "r": {"result": "Zhang dibesarkan di Wilayah Shandong di China, menurut Yahoo Sports.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He began golfing at the age of 6 and started working with a private coach at the age of 7.", "r": {"result": "Dia mula bermain golf pada usia 6 tahun dan mula bekerja dengan jurulatih swasta pada usia 7 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three years later, his mother brought him to the United States for his first U.S. tournament in San Diego, California.", "r": {"result": "Tiga tahun kemudian, ibunya membawanya ke Amerika Syarikat untuk kejohanan A.S. pertamanya di San Diego, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He won the U.S. Kids Golf title for his age group that year and told his mom he wanted to stay.", "r": {"result": "Dia memenangi gelaran Golf Kanak-kanak A.S. untuk kumpulan umurnya pada tahun itu dan memberitahu ibunya dia mahu kekal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He looked at me and said, 'Mom, I don't want to go back to China.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia memandang saya dan berkata, 'Ibu, saya tidak mahu pulang ke China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to stay here.", "r": {"result": "Saya mahu tinggal di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love the golf courses,\" Zhang's mother Hui Li told Golf Week.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka padang golf,\" kata ibu Zhang Hui Li kepada Minggu Golf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zhang and his family then moved to Florida, where he began attending IMG Leadbetter Academy in Bradenton.", "r": {"result": "Zhang dan keluarganya kemudian berpindah ke Florida, di mana dia mula menghadiri IMG Leadbetter Academy di Bradenton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other notable athletes to come out of IMG academies include American football star Eli Manning and tennis stars Andre Agassi and Maria Sharapova.", "r": {"result": "Atlet terkenal lain yang keluar dari akademi IMG termasuk bintang bola sepak Amerika Eli Manning dan bintang tenis Andre Agassi dan Maria Sharapova.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While at IMG Zhang had a notable success.", "r": {"result": "Semasa di IMG Zhang mempunyai kejayaan yang ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February, he set an IMG Junior Golf Tour record with a 9-under-par finish at the World Golf Village in Jacksonville, Florida, according to IMG Academy's blog.", "r": {"result": "Pada Februari, dia mencipta rekod Jelajah Golf Junior IMG dengan penamat 9 bawah par di Perkampungan Golf Dunia di Jacksonville, Florida, menurut blog IMG Academy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also has lays claim to two regional youth championships in 2009 and 2010, according to the U.S. Kids Golf Foundation.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga telah membuat tuntutan untuk dua kejohanan remaja serantau pada 2009 dan 2010, menurut Yayasan Golf Kanak-kanak A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when his parents moved Zhang to the states, they never dreamed he would reach a national stage so early in his career.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila ibu bapanya memindahkan Zhang ke negeri-negeri, mereka tidak pernah membayangkan dia akan mencapai peringkat kebangsaan seawal kerjayanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The task is undoubtedly daunting.", "r": {"result": "Tugas itu tidak dinafikan menakutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Usually when I go to tournaments I have friends who are my same age who I can talk to,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Biasanya apabila saya pergi ke kejohanan saya mempunyai kawan yang sebaya dengan saya yang boleh saya ajak berbual,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But here it's like Bubba Watson, Aaron Baddeley.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi di sini ia seperti Bubba Watson, Aaron Baddeley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was like wow\".", "r": {"result": "Saya seperti wow\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watson picked up on Zhang's nerves during a shared practice round, telling media that the young player was very quiet.", "r": {"result": "Watson menyinggung perasaan Zhang semasa pusingan latihan bersama, memberitahu media bahawa pemain muda itu sangat pendiam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Or maybe I just talk too much,\" Watson said.", "r": {"result": "\"Atau mungkin saya hanya bercakap terlalu banyak, \" kata Watson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zhang later tweeted that he had a \"great practice round with Bubba ... thanks for all the help\"!", "r": {"result": "Zhang kemudiannya menulis tweet bahawa dia mempunyai \"pusingan latihan yang hebat dengan Bubba ... terima kasih atas semua bantuan\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, former World No.1 Woods, who failed to make the U.S. Open when he tried at age 15, told reporters recently that Zhang deserved the spot.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, bekas pemain No.1 Dunia Woods, yang gagal ke Terbuka A.S. ketika mencuba pada usia 15 tahun, memberitahu pemberita baru-baru ini bahawa Zhang berhak mendapat tempat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's the great thing about this game, it's not handed to you.", "r": {"result": "\u201cItulah perkara yang hebat tentang permainan ini, ia tidak diserahkan kepada anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to go out there and put up the numbers and he did,\" Woods said.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu pergi ke sana dan meletakkan nombor dan dia melakukannya,\" kata Woods.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zhang will tee off Thursday morning with Hiroyuki Fujita and Mark Wilson who are 42 and 37 in the world respectively.", "r": {"result": "Zhang akan bermain pada pagi Khamis dengan Hiroyuki Fujita dan Mark Wilson yang masing-masing berusia 42 dan 37 tahun di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I take this as a learning experience, if I can make the cut that would be awesome,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menganggap ini sebagai pengalaman pembelajaran, jika saya boleh membuat potongan yang hebat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But I can't put any expectations to it, because I'm 14.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi saya tidak boleh meletakkan sebarang jangkaan kepadanya, kerana saya berumur 14 tahun.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The USGA reports that Zhang will surpass Tadd Fujikawa, who played in the Open in 2006 at the age of 15, as the youngest player in the event's history.", "r": {"result": "USGA melaporkan bahawa Zhang akan mengatasi Tadd Fujikawa, yang bermain di Terbuka pada 2006 pada usia 15 tahun, sebagai pemain termuda dalam sejarah acara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zhang's chance at stardom comes just days after female Chinese golfer Shanshan Feng won her first LPGA title, becoming the first Chinese national to win a major title -- a testimony to the sport's growing popularity in China.", "r": {"result": "Peluang Zhang menjadi terkenal datang hanya beberapa hari selepas pemain golf wanita China, Shanshan Feng memenangi gelaran LPGA pertamanya, menjadi warga China pertama memenangi gelaran utama -- satu bukti kepada populariti sukan itu yang semakin meningkat di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York (CNN) -- A New York hardware clerk who pleaded guilty to abducting, smothering and dismembering an 8-year-old boy was sentenced Wednesday to 40 years to life behind bars on charges of second degree murder and kidnapping in the second degree.", "r": {"result": "New York (CNN) -- Seorang kerani perkakasan New York yang mengaku bersalah menculik, mencekik dan memotong anggota kanak-kanak lelaki berusia 8 tahun dijatuhi hukuman penjara seumur hidup 40 tahun pada hari Rabu atas tuduhan membunuh dan menculik darjah dua pada peringkat kedua. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As part of a plea deal, Levi Aron will be eligible for parole after 40 years, though could serve life in prison.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian pengakuan, Levi Aron layak mendapat parol selepas 40 tahun, walaupun boleh menjalani hukuman penjara seumur hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aron was accused of snatching Leiby Kletzky last summer from the Brooklyn boy's neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Aron dituduh merampas Leiby Kletzky pada musim panas lalu dari kawasan kejiranan budak Brooklyn itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His attorney, Howard Greenberg, said he asked for protective custody for Aron \"because there are a lot of sick and demented people\".", "r": {"result": "Peguamnya, Howard Greenberg, berkata dia meminta perlindungan perlindungan untuk Aron \"kerana terdapat ramai orang yang sakit dan hilang akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"sentence was 40 years, not life\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hukuman itu 40 tahun, bukan seumur hidup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plea deal was announced in early August and at the time Aron's attorney, Jennifer L. McCann, said she was \"glad we were able to come up with an amenable resolution that both sides agreed to\".", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian pengakuan itu diumumkan pada awal Ogos dan pada masa itu peguam Aron, Jennifer L. McCann, berkata dia \"gembira kami dapat menghasilkan resolusi yang boleh diterima yang kedua-dua pihak bersetuju\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police say Leiby's dismembered body was found in Aron's freezer and inside a suitcase in a nearby trash bin.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata mayat Leiby yang dipotong-potong ditemui di dalam peti sejuk Aron dan di dalam beg pakaian dalam tong sampah berhampiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York City's chief medical examiner said the Brooklyn boy was drugged before he was slain.", "r": {"result": "Ketua pemeriksa perubatan New York City berkata budak lelaki Brooklyn itu diberi ubat sebelum dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The autopsy results for Leiby listed a cocktail of four prescription and over-the-counter drugs in the boy's system: cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxant; quetiapine, an antipsychotic drug; hydrocodone, a pain medication; and acetaminophen, the drug in Tylenol.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan bedah siasat untuk Leiby menyenaraikan koktel empat ubat preskripsi dan over-the-counter dalam sistem budak lelaki itu: cyclobenzaprine, pelemas otot; quetiapine, ubat antipsikotik; hidrokodon, ubat sakit; dan acetaminophen, ubat dalam Tylenol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Aron and Leiby were members of the borough's close-knit Orthodox Jewish community, although police say it doesn't appear that they knew each other.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Aron dan Leiby adalah ahli komuniti Yahudi Ortodoks yang rapat di daerah itu, walaupun polis mengatakan bahawa mereka tidak mengenali antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kletzky's family released a statement saying they have \"finally received some partial closure on one aspect of this nightmare\".", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Kletzky mengeluarkan kenyataan mengatakan mereka \"akhirnya menerima beberapa penutupan sebahagian daripada satu aspek mimpi ngeri ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Yon Pomrenze contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Yon Pomrenze dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)The Red Bull Formula One team has had its trophy cabinet cleared out by thieves in a smash-and-grab burglary Friday night.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) Pasukan Formula Satu Red Bull telah dibersihkan kabinet trofinya oleh pencuri dalam pecah rumah smesy-and-grab malam Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The British-based marque has won 50 grands prix, four constructor titles and four drivers' world championships in its 10-year history.", "r": {"result": "Marque yang berpangkalan di Britain itu telah memenangi 50 grand prix, empat gelaran pembina dan empat kejuaraan dunia pemandu dalam sejarah 10 tahunnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The spoils of this success had been on display in the reception to its factory, which is based on an industrial estate in Milton Keynes, England.", "r": {"result": "Harta rampasan kejayaan ini telah dipamerkan dalam sambutan ke kilangnya, yang berpusat di kawasan perindustrian di Milton Keynes, England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are obviously devastated by this serious factory break-in, which saw offenders drive a vehicle through our front entrance and steal more than 60 trophies which took years and hard work to accumulate,\" Red Bull team principal Christian Horner said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami jelas kecewa dengan pencerobohan kilang yang serius ini, yang menyaksikan pesalah memandu kenderaan melalui pintu masuk depan kami dan mencuri lebih daripada 60 trofi yang mengambil masa bertahun-tahun dan kerja keras untuk dikumpul,\" kata ketua pasukan Red Bull, Christian Horner dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The break in caused significant damage and was very upsetting for our night officers who were on duty at the time.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPemecahan masuk menyebabkan kerosakan yang ketara dan amat mendukacitakan pegawai malam kami yang bertugas ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Beyond the aggressive nature of this break in, we are perplexed why anyone would take these trophies.", "r": {"result": "\"Di sebalik sifat agresif pencerobohan ini, kami bingung mengapa ada orang yang mengambil trofi ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The value to the team is of course extraordinarily high due to the sheer hard work and effort that went into winning each and every one.", "r": {"result": "\u201cNilai kepada pasukan sudah tentu luar biasa tinggi kerana kerja keras dan usaha yang dilakukan untuk memenangi setiap satu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But their intrinsic value is low; they would be of little benefit to those outside of the team and, in addition to that, many of the trophies on display were replicas\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi nilai intrinsik mereka adalah rendah; mereka akan memberi sedikit manfaat kepada mereka di luar pasukan dan, di samping itu, banyak trofi yang dipamerkan adalah replika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Smash and grab.", "r": {"result": "Hancurkan dan rebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thames Valley Police are investigating the incident which took place just before 01:30 Friday.", "r": {"result": "Polis Thames Valley sedang menyiasat kejadian yang berlaku sebelum jam 01:30 Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement by the police, who are appealing for witnesses, detailed the robbery was carried out by around six men.", "r": {"result": "Satu kenyataan polis, yang merayu untuk mendapatkan saksi, memperincikan rompakan itu dilakukan oleh sekitar enam lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Two cars were involved in the burglary,\" the statement added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDua kereta terlibat dalam pecah rumah,\u201d tambah kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A silver 4x4 which was used to drive through the entrance and a further dark colored, black or dark blue Mercedes estate car.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebuah 4x4 perak yang digunakan untuk memandu melalui pintu masuk dan sebuah lagi kereta estet Mercedes berwarna gelap, hitam atau biru tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both are believed to have foreign number plates\".", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya dipercayai mempunyai nombor plat asing\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Red Bull said it would be review access to its factory following the incident.", "r": {"result": "Red Bull berkata ia akan mengkaji semula akses ke kilangnya berikutan insiden itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The team has a reputation as one of the most open in the secretive world of F1.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan ini mempunyai reputasi sebagai salah satu yang paling terbuka dalam dunia rahsia F1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- This story is about how to know when to give up on a man, and when to stick with him.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kisah ini adalah tentang bagaimana untuk mengetahui masa untuk menyerah pada seorang lelaki, dan bila untuk berpegang padanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's about Chris Johnson.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengenai Chris Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I didn't know who Johnson was before this NFL season began.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu siapa Johnson sebelum musim NFL ini bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I haven't closely followed football since Joe Namath led my home team, the New York Jets, to victory in Super Bowl III, 42 Super Bowls ago.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak mengikuti bola sepak secara dekat sejak Joe Namath mengetuai pasukan tuan rumah saya, New York Jets, untuk memenangi Super Bowl III, 42 Super Bowls yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now that I've been sucked into a fantasy football league by my extended family, I know Chris Johnson.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang saya telah disedut ke dalam liga bola sepak fantasi oleh keluarga besar saya, saya mengenali Chris Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was a top draft choice for my team.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah pilihan draf teratas untuk pasukan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The computer picked him.", "r": {"result": "Komputer memilihnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, all ESPN fantasy football leagues chose Chris Johnson in their drafts this year.", "r": {"result": "Malah, semua liga bola sepak fantasi ESPN memilih Chris Johnson dalam draf mereka tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's how good he was.", "r": {"result": "Itulah betapa baiknya dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He didn't even show up for the pre-season until his team, the Tennessee Titans, agreed to sign a contract worth more than $50 million.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak muncul untuk pramusim sehingga pasukannya, Tennessee Titans, bersetuju untuk menandatangani kontrak bernilai lebih daripada $50 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johnson was a fantasy football owner's fantasy man.", "r": {"result": "Johnson ialah lelaki fantasi pemilik bola sepak fantasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hero falls down a hole.", "r": {"result": "Wira jatuh ke dalam lubang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Week 1: Johnson's first game of the year is a bust -- 24 yards on nine carries.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 1: Perlawanan pertama Johnson tahun ini adalah awek -- 24 ela dengan sembilan bawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My son, who's in elementary school, is an unusually good strategic thinker for his age.", "r": {"result": "Anak saya, yang berada di sekolah rendah, adalah seorang pemikir strategik yang luar biasa baik untuk umurnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Let's trade him,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Mari kita menukar dia,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can't trade Chris Johnson,\" I tell him.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak boleh menukar Chris Johnson,\" saya memberitahunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to teach my son the value of patience.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin mengajar anak saya erti kesabaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You don't give up on a human being after one bad performance.", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak berputus asa dengan manusia selepas satu prestasi buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A friend who follows the NFL reinforces the patience theme.", "r": {"result": "Rakan yang mengikuti NFL mengukuhkan tema kesabaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can't trade Johnson,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak boleh menukar Johnson,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's explosive.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia meletup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was off his stride the first game because he missed the pre-season holding out for that big contract\".", "r": {"result": "Dia gagal pada perlawanan pertama kerana dia terlepas pramusim yang bertahan untuk kontrak besar itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Week 2: Another bomb.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 2: Satu lagi bom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifty-three yards on 24 carries.", "r": {"result": "Lima puluh tiga ela pada 24 membawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know this about football.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu ini tentang bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It takes 10 yards to get a first down.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengambil masa 10 ela untuk turun pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johnson is averaging less than three yards a carry.", "r": {"result": "Johnson mempunyai purata kurang daripada tiga ela setiap pembawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Could it be -- I'd need to punt Johnson?", "r": {"result": "Mungkinkah -- saya perlu menumbuk Johnson?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More pleas from my son to trade.", "r": {"result": "Lagi rayuan anak saya untuk berniaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can see the writing on the wall: One bad week as a father -- \"Mom, trade Dad\".", "r": {"result": "Saya dapat melihat tulisan di dinding: Satu minggu yang teruk sebagai seorang bapa -- \"Ibu, tukarkan Ayah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Week 3: Johnson's worst game yet.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 3: Permainan Johnson yang paling teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I start reading the fantasy football sports columnists.", "r": {"result": "Saya mula membaca kolumnis sukan bola sepak fantasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are real sports columnists who write about fantasy teams comprised of real players arranged in fantasy lineups chosen by real people.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah kolumnis sukan sebenar yang menulis tentang pasukan fantasi yang terdiri daripada pemain sebenar yang disusun dalam barisan fantasi yang dipilih oleh orang sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some are losing faith in Johnson, but hope still prevails.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang hilang kepercayaan kepada Johnson, tetapi harapan masih ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Wait and see\" is their collective advice.", "r": {"result": "\"Tunggu dan lihat\" adalah nasihat kolektif mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Week 4: Finally, a 100-yard game.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 4: Akhirnya, permainan 100 ela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not a blockbuster.", "r": {"result": "Bukan blockbuster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a glimmer of hope.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi secebis harapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Week 5: The glimmer disappears.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 5: Kilauan itu hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I come across an ESPN.com photo showing Johnson's offensive line wasn't creating big holes for him.", "r": {"result": "Saya terjumpa foto ESPN.com yang menunjukkan barisan serangan Johnson tidak mencipta lubang besar untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, there are less-obvious holes Johnson isn't seeing -- champions have to create their own opportunities.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, terdapat lubang yang kurang jelas yang Johnson tidak nampak -- juara perlu mencipta peluang mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My son's voice -- \"Trade him, dad, trade him\"!", "r": {"result": "Suara anak saya -- \"Tukar dia, ayah, tukar dia\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "-- rings in my ears.", "r": {"result": "-- berdesing di telinga saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hero, hopeless.", "r": {"result": "Wira, putus asa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I come across a Sports Illustrated cover story from last year with Johnson's photo: \"Crash course: Hard hits and short careers,\" in which SI's Tim Layden writes that, at 24, Johnson is at the height of his powers.", "r": {"result": "Saya menjumpai cerita muka depan Sports Illustrated dari tahun lepas dengan foto Johnson: \"Crash course: Hard hit and short careers,\" di mana Tim Layden dari SI menulis bahawa, pada usia 24 tahun, Johnson berada di puncak kuasanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Johnson rushes with a palpable urgency befitting a man who runs a 4.24 in the 40, a speed all but unheard of in a running back.", "r": {"result": "\"Johnson bergegas dengan keadaan mendesak yang ketara sesuai dengan seorang lelaki yang berlari 4.24 dalam 40, kelajuan yang tidak pernah didengari dalam larian belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he's urgent away from the field as well.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia juga segera meninggalkan padang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite having three years remaining on the rookie contract he signed out of East Carolina in July 2008, he had his deal restructured just before the start of training camp, reportedly quadrupling in his salary for 2010. Because Johnson knows he is also this: endangered\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mempunyai baki tiga tahun dalam kontrak rookie yang ditandatanganinya dari East Carolina pada Julai 2008, perjanjiannya distruktur semula sejurus sebelum permulaan kem latihan, dilaporkan meningkat empat kali ganda dalam gajinya untuk 2010. Kerana Johnson tahu dia juga ini: terancam\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Endangered?", "r": {"result": "Terancam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My first draft pick -- endangered.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan draf pertama saya -- terancam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why, according to the NFL Players Association, is the average running back's career 2.6 years?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa, menurut Persatuan Pemain NFL, adalah purata kerjaya lari belakang 2.6 tahun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We get hit on every play,\" then-Redskins' running back Larry Johnson tells SI.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mendapat pukulan pada setiap permainan,\" kata Larry Johnson yang berlari ke belakang Redskins kepada SI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On every one of those hits, we're the hittee, not the hitter.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada setiap pukulan itu, kami adalah pemukul, bukan pemukul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We run the ball, guys are taking shots at our legs, our hips.", "r": {"result": "Kami berlari bola, lelaki sedang mengambil tembakan di kaki atau pinggul anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then when we're not running the ball, we're pass-blocking, which means some strong safety or outside linebacker is getting a 30 yard run at us while we're stationary\".", "r": {"result": "Kemudian apabila kami tidak berlari bola, kami melakukan penghalang hantaran, yang bermaksud beberapa keselamatan yang kuat atau penjaga garisan luar sedang berlari 30 ela ke arah kami semasa kami tidak bergerak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Week 6: Johnson's team, the Tennessee Titans, had a bye.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 6: Pasukan Johnson, Tennessee Titans, mengucapkan selamat tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A week off.", "r": {"result": "Cuti seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We hoped a week of rest and reflection would be enough for Johnson to explode when he returned.", "r": {"result": "Kami berharap seminggu berehat dan renungan akan mencukupi untuk Johnson meletup apabila dia kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By this point, my son knows not to ask about trading: He knows no team owners in our league would take Johnson.", "r": {"result": "Pada ketika ini, anak saya tahu untuk tidak bertanya tentang perdagangan: Dia tahu tiada pemilik pasukan dalam liga kami akan mengambil Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Week 7: Johnson's worst game yet.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 7: Permainan Johnson yang paling teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten carries.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh membawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eighteen yards.", "r": {"result": "Lapan belas ela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm thinking the Titans should draft me.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir Titans patut merangka saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weeks 8 and 9: Well, the rhythm of this tale doesn't change.", "r": {"result": "Minggu 8 dan 9: Nah, irama kisah ini tidak berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What now?", "r": {"result": "Apa sekarang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, here we are on the eve of week 10. Some of the real/fantasy sports writers are so fed up with Johnson, they're saying it's time to just drop him.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, di sini kita berada pada malam minggu ke-10. Beberapa penulis sukan sebenar/fantasi terlalu muak dengan Johnson, mereka mengatakan sudah tiba masanya untuk menggugurkan dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nothing in return.", "r": {"result": "Tiada balasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just let the $50 million fantasy man go.", "r": {"result": "Biarkan lelaki fantasi $50 juta itu pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you know what?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda tahu apa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now is the time I want to keep Johnson more than ever.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang adalah masa saya mahu mengekalkan Johnson lebih daripada sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can't help rooting for an underdog.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak dapat membantu untuk mencari yang tidak berdaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know that every champion has been an underdog at least once.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu bahawa setiap juara telah menjadi underdog sekurang-kurangnya sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forget the conventional wisdom of sports writers.", "r": {"result": "Lupakan kebijaksanaan konvensional penulis sukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm reaching out to the Association for Applied Sports Psychology.", "r": {"result": "Saya menghubungi Persatuan Psikologi Sukan Gunaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Head games.", "r": {"result": "Permainan kepala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Glenn Pfenninger, head of the Ignite Performance Group in Dallas, Texas, says he and I have a lot in common.", "r": {"result": "Glenn Pfenninger, ketua Kumpulan Ignite Performance di Dallas, Texas, berkata dia dan saya mempunyai banyak persamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's a fantasy football guy, too.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga seorang lelaki bola sepak fantasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We both own Chris Johnson.", "r": {"result": "Kami berdua memiliki Chris Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm doing a real interview and my expert is stuck in the fantasy world.", "r": {"result": "Saya sedang melakukan temu bual sebenar dan pakar saya terperangkap dalam dunia fantasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I transition him back softly.", "r": {"result": "Saya peralihan dia kembali dengan lembut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What would you do to help Chris Johnson if you could\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Apakah yang akan anda lakukan untuk membantu Chris Johnson jika anda boleh\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Have Johnson put together a highlight reel and watch some of his greater plays,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Suruh Johnson menyusun kekili sorotan dan menonton beberapa lakonan hebatnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"See that he can be explosive.", "r": {"result": "\"Lihat bahawa dia boleh meletup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mentally envision doing that on a more consistent basis.", "r": {"result": "Membayangkan secara mental melakukan itu secara lebih konsisten.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's good for him whether he's lacking in confidence right now or not\".", "r": {"result": "Itu bagus untuknya sama ada dia kurang keyakinan sekarang atau tidak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Have him and his offensive line spend more time together.", "r": {"result": "Minta dia dan barisan serangannya meluangkan lebih banyak masa bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch tapes together.", "r": {"result": "Tonton pita bersama-sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Get to know each other better.", "r": {"result": "Kenali antara satu sama lain dengan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are you listening, Titans?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda mendengar, Titans?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please, get the word to Johnson and the offensive line.", "r": {"result": "Tolong, sampaikan berita kepada Johnson dan barisan serangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another call: It's Eddie O'Connor, clinical sports psychologist.", "r": {"result": "Panggilan lain: Eddie O'Connor, ahli psikologi sukan klinikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He describes himself as an NFL addict.", "r": {"result": "Dia menggambarkan dirinya sebagai penagih NFL.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He consults with athletes, coaches and parents at all levels of play.", "r": {"result": "Dia berunding dengan atlet, jurulatih dan ibu bapa di semua peringkat permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I see performance slump,\" O'Connor says, \"it's almost always related to a lack of focus\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya melihat kemerosotan prestasi,\" kata O'Connor, \"ia hampir selalu berkaitan dengan kekurangan tumpuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe, now that Johnson has a great contract, he's not as motivated.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin, sekarang Johnson mempunyai kontrak yang hebat, dia tidak begitu bermotivasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps he's \"stuck on his bad performance, so his focus is on not making mistakes.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin dia \"terperangkap pada prestasi buruknya, jadi tumpuannya adalah untuk tidak melakukan kesilapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When you focus on what you don't want to do, you're not thinking about what you do want to do.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila anda memberi tumpuan kepada perkara yang anda tidak mahu lakukan, anda tidak memikirkan apa yang anda mahu lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The time it takes to translate 'don't' into 'do' is too long for performance in sport\".", "r": {"result": "Masa yang diperlukan untuk menterjemah 'jangan' kepada 'buat' terlalu lama untuk prestasi dalam sukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So how can we help our fantasy man?", "r": {"result": "Jadi bagaimana kita boleh membantu lelaki fantasi kita?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Start with what's worked in the past and get in the moment.", "r": {"result": "Mulakan dengan apa yang berjaya pada masa lalu dan dapatkan pada masa ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you're not completely in the moment,\" O'Connor warns, \"if you're thinking about the past or the future, you're missing details.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda tidak sepenuhnya pada masa ini,\" O'Connor memberi amaran, \"jika anda berfikir tentang masa lalu atau masa depan, anda kehilangan butiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're not interacting with what's right in front of you.", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak berinteraksi dengan apa yang ada di hadapan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're trapped in the past or future\".", "r": {"result": "Anda terperangkap dalam masa lalu atau masa depan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if you miss details, your performance in any area of life will suffer.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika anda terlepas butiran, prestasi anda dalam mana-mana bidang kehidupan akan terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm so in the moment, I don't even realize this piece is twice as long as it's supposed to be.", "r": {"result": "Saya begitu pada masa ini, saya tidak menyedari sekeping ini dua kali lebih panjang daripada yang sepatutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three times.", "r": {"result": "Tiga kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More head games.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak permainan kepala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford University, has documented the kind of praise that helps children (and adults) succeed, and the kind that hurts.", "r": {"result": "Carol Dweck, seorang profesor psikologi di Universiti Stanford, telah mendokumentasikan jenis pujian yang membantu kanak-kanak (dan orang dewasa) berjaya, dan jenis pujian yang menyakitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You need to praise the process, strategies, persistence, taking on of challenges.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda perlu memuji proses, strategi, kegigihan, menyahut cabaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's what builds resilience,\" Dweck says.", "r": {"result": "Itulah yang membina daya tahan,\" kata Dweck.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When you tell kids they're brilliant, they become afraid of making a mistake -- afraid you'll rescind your gifted label.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila anda memberitahu anak-anak mereka cemerlang, mereka menjadi takut untuk membuat kesilapan -- takut anda akan membatalkan label berbakat anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When they have a setback or difficulty they have trouble figuring out what to do next.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila mereka mengalami kemunduran atau kesukaran mereka menghadapi masalah untuk memikirkan apa yang perlu dilakukan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They think 'Gee, I guess I'm not so great.", "r": {"result": "Mereka fikir 'Ya, saya rasa saya tidak begitu hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do I do now?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang saya buat sekarang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A $50 million contract can put someone into a \"fixed mindset\".", "r": {"result": "Kontrak $50 juta boleh meletakkan seseorang ke dalam \"minda tetap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's an idea, she says, like \"'Some people have it.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah idea, katanya, seperti \"'Sesetengah orang memilikinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some don't.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have it.", "r": {"result": "I memilikinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The problem with this mindset,\" she says, \"is that you have to prove that you have it all the time.", "r": {"result": "\"Masalah dengan pemikiran ini, \" katanya, \"adalah anda perlu membuktikan bahawa anda memilikinya sepanjang masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every play becomes a referendum on whether you have it or not.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSetiap perlawanan menjadi referendum sama ada anda memilikinya atau tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The alternative, Dweck says, is a \"growth mindset,\" an idea that \" 'I'm this person who works hard, who learns constantly.", "r": {"result": "Alternatifnya, kata Dweck, ialah \"minda pertumbuhan,\" idea bahawa \" 'Saya adalah orang yang bekerja keras, yang belajar secara berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' Then when you have a few bad games you say, 'Hey, what am I doing wrong?", "r": {"result": "' Kemudian apabila anda mempunyai beberapa permainan buruk anda berkata, 'Hei, apa yang saya lakukan salah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' \" and try to correct it.", "r": {"result": "' \"dan cuba betulkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That growth mindset is what's needed to get our Chris Johnson back on track.", "r": {"result": "Pemikiran pertumbuhan itulah yang diperlukan untuk mengembalikan Chris Johnson ke landasan yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So here we are, loaded with insight, rooting for a comeback, cheering for the underdog.", "r": {"result": "Jadi di sinilah kita, sarat dengan pandangan, berhasrat untuk kembali, bersorak untuk yang tidak diunggulkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I still believe Chris Johnson will be a hero on my fantasy team and on his real team.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih percaya Chris Johnson akan menjadi wira dalam pasukan fantasi saya dan dalam pasukan sebenar beliau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before I finish writing, I get an e-mail from another psychologist, Robert Simmermon in Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum saya selesai menulis, saya mendapat e-mel daripada ahli psikologi lain, Robert Simmermon di Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'd asked him how a standout can come back from a deep, deep slump.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah bertanya kepadanya bagaimana seorang yang menonjol boleh kembali dari kemerosotan yang mendalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the hero's journey,\" he writes, \"the hero who was on top, the greatest, in the journey home, falls into a deep hole.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam perjalanan wira,\" dia menulis, \"pahlawan yang berada di atas, yang paling hebat, dalam perjalanan pulang, jatuh ke dalam lubang yang dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All is lost and all but a few of the most loyal remain hopeful.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya hilang dan semua kecuali beberapa yang paling setia tetap berharap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One by one, the loyal give up hope.", "r": {"result": "Satu persatu yang setia putus harapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the darkest hour.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah jam paling gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, there is a rumbling.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, ada bunyi gemuruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is slight, then more potent until; THE GIANT PHOENIX IS THRUST OUT OF THE HOLE.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sedikit, kemudian lebih kuat sehingga; PHOENIX GIANT TERUS KELUAR DARI LUBANG.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "THE HERO ON THE BACK OF THIS MAGNIFICENT BIRD IS ALIVE AND WELL.", "r": {"result": "WIRA DI BELAKANG BURUNG YANG HEBAT INI HIDUP DAN SIHAT.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HE IS READY TO CONTINUE AND FINISH HIS QUEST\".", "r": {"result": "DIA BERSEDIA UNTUK MENERUSKAN DAN MENYELESAIKAN PERSOALANNYA\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's where fantasy meets reality.", "r": {"result": "Di situlah fantasi bertemu realiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hopefully this Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Semoga hari Ahad ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Michael Schulder.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Michael Schulder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- A suspected terrorist linked to several Indonesian bombings in the past decade was killed in a protracted firefight Saturday in the Central Java town of Temanggung, two law enforcement sources told CNN.", "r": {"result": "JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- Seorang suspek pengganas yang dikaitkan dengan beberapa pengeboman Indonesia dalam sedekad lalu terbunuh dalam pertempuran berlarutan Sabtu di bandar Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, dua sumber penguatkuasaan undang-undang memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A poster in Malang, East Java, Indonesia, has under \"dicari,\" or\"wanted,\" Noordin Top.", "r": {"result": "Poster di Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, mempunyai di bawah \"dicari,\" atau \"dikehendaki,\" Noordin Top.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another raid by police Saturday averted a planned assassination attempt on Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi serbuan oleh polis Sabtu menghalang percubaan pembunuhan yang dirancang ke atas Presiden Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Noordin M. Top was killed during a raid by the anti-terrorism unit Detachment 88 that began Friday and lasted 18 hours into Saturday, said a police source and a security analyst with close ties to the police.", "r": {"result": "Noordin M. Top terbunuh semasa serbuan oleh unit anti-keganasan Detasmen 88 yang bermula Jumaat dan berlangsung 18 jam hingga Sabtu, kata sumber polis dan seorang penganalisis keselamatan yang mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Official confirmation of Top's identity will come next week after DNA results, said Indonesia's National Police Chief, Bambang Hendarso.", "r": {"result": "Pengesahan rasmi identiti Top akan dibuat minggu depan selepas keputusan DNA, kata Ketua Polis Negara Indonesia, Bambang Hendarso.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indonesia's anti-terrorism forces had been hunting Top for the past six years.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan antikeganasan Indonesia telah memburu Top sejak enam tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is also the main suspect in last month's twin hotel bombings in Jakarta.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga suspek utama dalam pengeboman hotel berkembar bulan lalu di Jakarta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement attributed to Top, 40, a Malaysian-born explosives expert, claimed responsibility for the attacks that targeted Jakarta's JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels.", "r": {"result": "Satu kenyataan yang dikaitkan dengan Top, 40, pakar bahan letupan kelahiran Malaysia, mengaku bertanggungjawab atas serangan yang menyasarkan hotel JW Marriott dan Ritz-Carlton di Jakarta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The coordinated bombings killed seven people and the two suspected bombers, and wounded more than 50. Watch more about the raid >>.", "r": {"result": "Pengeboman yang diselaraskan membunuh tujuh orang dan dua pengebom yang disyaki, dan mencederakan lebih daripada 50. Tonton lebih lanjut mengenai serbuan itu >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the first major terrorist attack in Indonesia in more than three years.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan serangan pengganas besar pertama di Indonesia dalam tempoh lebih tiga tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Top is reportedly an officer, recruiter, bomb-maker and trainer for a splinter group of the militant organization Jemaah Islamiyah, which has ties to al Qaeda.", "r": {"result": "Top dilaporkan seorang pegawai, perekrut, pembuat bom dan jurulatih bagi kumpulan serpihan pertubuhan militan Jemaah Islamiyah, yang mempunyai kaitan dengan al Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He allegedly was involved in a previous attack on the Marriott in Jakarta in August 2003, as well as attacks on a Bali nightclub in 2002 and the Australian embassy in Jakarta in 2004, according to the FBI.", "r": {"result": "Dia didakwa terlibat dalam serangan sebelumnya ke atas Marriott di Jakarta pada Ogos 2003, serta serangan ke atas kelab malam Bali pada 2002 dan kedutaan Australia di Jakarta pada 2004, menurut FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February 2006, the FBI added Top to its list of 10 suspected terrorists who have not been charged in the United States, and are wanted only for questioning.", "r": {"result": "Pada Februari 2006, FBI menambahkan Top ke dalam senarai 10 suspek pengganas yang belum didakwa di Amerika Syarikat, dan dikehendaki hanya untuk disoal siasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ramifications of Top's death were not immediately clear.", "r": {"result": "Akibat kematian Top tidak serta-merta jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a huge advance in Indonesia's fight against terror,\" said Sidney Jones, a senior Asia adviser for the International Crisis Group, a global nonpartisan advisory organization.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah kemajuan besar dalam memerangi keganasan Indonesia,\" kata Sidney Jones, penasihat kanan Asia untuk International Crisis Group, sebuah organisasi penasihat bukan partisan global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But this is not the end of it because we still don't know the extent of the network and the funding source of Noordin's network\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi ini bukan penamat kerana kita masih tidak tahu sejauh mana rangkaian dan sumber pembiayaan rangkaian Noordin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three to four people were believed to be holed up in the house in Temanggung, police said.", "r": {"result": "Tiga hingga empat orang dipercayai bersembunyi di dalam rumah di Temanggung, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Security forces had launched a raid on the house after two people believed to be nephews of its owner were arrested earlier in the day, according to the official Antara News Agency.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan keselamatan telah melancarkan serbuan ke atas rumah itu selepas dua orang dipercayai anak saudara pemiliknya ditahan awal hari itu, menurut Agensi Berita Antara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Police officers entered the house and fired profusely inside the house while other policemen surrounded the house and opened its windows by force,\" Antara said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPegawai polis memasuki rumah dan melepaskan tembakan ke arah dalam rumah manakala anggota polis lain mengepung rumah itu dan membuka tingkapnya secara paksa,\u201d kata Antara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the gunfire ended, local television showed police with their helmets off, shaking hands and carrying caskets into the house, suggesting that those inside the house had been killed or captured.", "r": {"result": "Selepas tembakan tamat, televisyen tempatan menunjukkan polis menanggalkan topi keledar, berjabat tangan dan membawa keranda ke dalam rumah, menunjukkan bahawa mereka yang berada di dalam rumah telah dibunuh atau ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on Saturday, in a house on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesian police killed two militants believed to be connected with a 2004 bombing and found a cache of explosives in an early morning raid, the national police chief said.", "r": {"result": "Juga pada hari Sabtu, di sebuah rumah di pinggir Jakarta, polis Indonesia membunuh dua militan yang dipercayai ada kaitan dengan pengeboman pada 2004 dan menemui simpanan bahan letupan dalam serbuan awal pagi, kata ketua polis negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hendarso said that police found about 100 kg (220 lbs) of explosives along with bomb-making materials and a truck, which they did not immediately open for fear it might have been rigged to explode.", "r": {"result": "Hendarso berkata, polis menemui kira-kira 100 kg (220 lbs) bahan letupan bersama bahan membuat bom dan sebuah trak, yang mereka tidak segera membukanya kerana bimbang ia mungkin dicurangi untuk meletup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those bomb-making materials were going to be used in an attack on the president, Hendarso said.", "r": {"result": "Bahan-bahan membuat bom itu akan digunakan dalam serangan ke atas presiden, kata Hendarso.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two militants killed are believed to be connected with the 2004 bombing of the Australian embassy in Jakarta in which 16 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded, Hendarso said.", "r": {"result": "Dua militan yang terbunuh dipercayai ada kaitan dengan pengeboman kedutaan Australia di Jakarta pada 2004 di mana 16 orang terbunuh dan lebih 200 cedera, kata Hendarso.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, a man identified as Suryana, who uses the aliases Yayan and Gepeng, was arrested in north Jakarta on suspicion of terrorism charges, said Nanan Soekarna, police inspector general.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, seorang lelaki dikenali sebagai Suryana, yang menggunakan nama samaran Yayan dan Gepeng, telah ditahan di Jakarta utara kerana disyaki dakwaan keganasan, kata Nanan Soekarna, Ketua Polis Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soekarna could not say whether Suryana was connected with last month's hotel bombings or other incidents.", "r": {"result": "Soekarna tidak dapat menyatakan sama ada Suryana ada kaitan dengan pengeboman hotel bulan lalu atau insiden lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Andy Saputra contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Andy Saputra dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) -- A Malaysian court has ruled that an Iranian man suspected of being involved with a series of bombs that went off in Bangkok in February can be extradited to Thailand.", "r": {"result": "Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CNN) -- Mahkamah Malaysia telah memutuskan bahawa seorang lelaki Iran yang disyaki terlibat dengan beberapa siri bom yang meletup di Bangkok pada Februari boleh diekstradisi ke Thailand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Masoud Sedaghatzadeh is wanted by the Thai authorities for his alleged involvement in the Bangkok blasts along with several other Iranians.", "r": {"result": "Masoud Sedaghatzadeh dikehendaki oleh pihak berkuasa Thailand atas dakwaan penglibatannya dalam letupan Bangkok bersama beberapa warga Iran yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not yet clear when Sedaghatzadeh will be extradited, as he plans to file an application to a higher court in Malaysia, seeking his release from prison.", "r": {"result": "Masih belum jelas bila Sedaghatzadeh akan diekstradisi, kerana dia merancang untuk memfailkan permohonan ke mahkamah lebih tinggi di Malaysia, memohon pembebasannya dari penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The explosions in Bangkok did not cause any deaths, but the Thai authorities have said they were intended for Israeli diplomats.", "r": {"result": "Letupan di Bangkok tidak menyebabkan sebarang kematian, tetapi pihak berkuasa Thailand berkata ia bertujuan untuk diplomat Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The devices used explosive materials that are not available in Thailand and were most likely smuggled in, the police have said.", "r": {"result": "Peranti itu menggunakan bahan letupan yang tidak terdapat di Thailand dan kemungkinan besar diseludup masuk, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Bangkok blasts came a day after a device attached to an Israeli Embassy van in New Delhi exploded, and another device, found on an embassy car in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, was safety detonated.", "r": {"result": "Letupan Bangkok berlaku sehari selepas peranti yang dipasang pada van Kedutaan Israel di New Delhi meletup, dan peranti lain, yang ditemui pada kereta kedutaan di Tbilisi, ibu negara Georgia, telah diletupkan keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli officials blamed Iran for the attacks, but Tehran has denied the accusations.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Israel menyalahkan Iran atas serangan itu, tetapi Teheran menafikan tuduhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, the Malaysian judge, Justice S.M Komathy Suppiah, ruled that Sedaghatzadeh be remanded in prison for as many as 15 days, pending an extradition order from the Minister of Home Affairs.", "r": {"result": "Pada Isnin, hakim Malaysia, Hakim S.M Komathy Suppiah, memutuskan Sedaghatzadeh direman di penjara selama 15 hari, sementara menunggu perintah ekstradisi daripada Menteri Dalam Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In my view, the conduct of the respondent is inconsistent with that of an innocent man,\" she said, referring to Sedaghatzadeh.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada pandangan saya, kelakuan responden tidak konsisten dengan seorang lelaki yang tidak bersalah,\" katanya merujuk kepada Sedaghatzadeh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm allowing the application for extradition and the respondent is to be detained in prison pending an order from the minister for his render\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya membenarkan permohonan untuk ekstradisi dan responden akan ditahan di penjara sementara menunggu perintah daripada menteri untuk memberikannya.\"", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Malaysian prosecutor, Kamal Baharin Omar, said Sedaghatzadeh, 31, was arrested at Kuala Lumpur airport on February 15, a day after one of the bombs went off at a house in Bangkok.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya Malaysia, Kamal Baharin Omar, berkata Sedaghatzadeh, 31, ditahan di lapangan terbang Kuala Lumpur pada 15 Februari, sehari selepas salah satu bom meletup di sebuah rumah di Bangkok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mr. Kamal said the Thai police had CCTV footage showing Sedaghatzadeh entering and leaving the house where the explosives were detonated.", "r": {"result": "Encik Kamal berkata polis Thailand mempunyai rakaman CCTV yang menunjukkan Sedaghatzadeh masuk dan keluar dari rumah di mana bahan letupan diletupkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He questioned why Sedaghatzadeh would leave the house and flee to Kuala Lumpur if he was not connected to the explosives.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempersoalkan mengapa Sedaghatzadeh akan meninggalkan rumah dan melarikan diri ke Kuala Lumpur jika dia tidak disambungkan dengan bahan letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All the actions subsequent to the explosion do not show the innocence of the respondent,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemua tindakan susulan letupan itu tidak menunjukkan responden tidak bersalah,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sedaghatzadeh's lawyer, Mohamad Nashir Hussin, argued that the Thai police had not been able to show that the respondent was involved in the incident.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Sedaghatzadeh, Mohamad Nashir Hussin, berhujah bahawa polis Thailand tidak dapat menunjukkan bahawa responden terlibat dalam kejadian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's no evidence that the respondent had any contact or had even seen the explosives in the house,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada bukti bahawa responden mempunyai sebarang kenalan atau pernah melihat bahan letupan di dalam rumah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sedaghatzadeh, who was handcuffed and dressed in a polo shirt and jeans, told the court that he would file a habeas corpus, an application asking to be released from prison.", "r": {"result": "Sedaghatzadeh, yang digari dan berpakaian kemeja polo dan seluar jeans, memberitahu mahkamah bahawa dia akan memfailkan habeas corpus, permohonan meminta dibebaskan dari penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I require more time to defend myself,\" he said through a translator.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya memerlukan lebih banyak masa untuk mempertahankan diri,\u201d katanya menerusi penterjemah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Thai authorities have detained two Iranian suspects in the case: Saeid Moradi, 28, whose legs were blown off by his own bomb; and Mohammad Khazaei, 42, who was taken into custody at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport as he tried to board a plane to Malaysia.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Thailand telah menahan dua suspek warga Iran dalam kes itu: Saeid Moradi, 28, yang kakinya diterbangkan bomnya sendiri; dan Mohammad Khazaei, 42, yang ditahan di Lapangan Terbang Suvarnabhumi Bangkok ketika dia cuba menaiki pesawat ke Malaysia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both are being held at a Bangkok prison until their next court appearance.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya ditahan di penjara Bangkok sehingga penampilan mahkamah seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They and Sedaghatzadeh face charges that include joint assembly of explosive devices, joint possession of explosive devices without permits and causing an explosion injuring other persons.", "r": {"result": "Mereka dan Sedaghatzadeh menghadapi pertuduhan termasuk pemasangan bersama alat letupan, pemilikan bersama alat letupan tanpa permit dan menyebabkan letupan mencederakan orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moradi also faces charges of attempted killing of state officials on duty and the intentional attempted killing of other persons.", "r": {"result": "Moradi juga menghadapi tuduhan cubaan membunuh pegawai negeri yang bertugas dan cubaan membunuh orang lain dengan sengaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two other suspects in the case are still at large, according to Gen.", "r": {"result": "Dua lagi suspek dalam kes itu masih bebas, menurut Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pansiri Prapawat, the deputy national police chief who is heading the investigation into the bombings.", "r": {"result": "Pansiri Prapawat, timbalan ketua polis negara yang mengetuai siasatan ke atas pengeboman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are Nikkahfard Javad, a 52-year-old Iranian man, and Rohani Leila, an Iranian woman.", "r": {"result": "Mereka ialah Nikkahfard Javad, seorang lelaki Iran berusia 52 tahun, dan Rohani Leila, seorang wanita Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thailand has issued an arrest warrant for the suspects and sent their names to Interpol's wanted list, Pansiri said.", "r": {"result": "Thailand telah mengeluarkan waran tangkap untuk suspek dan menghantar nama mereka ke senarai dikehendaki Interpol, kata Pansiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- U.S. and North Korean officials are meeting Wednesday in Beijing to settle the details of a plan to allow the resumption of food aid to the North.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pegawai A.S. dan Korea Utara mengadakan pertemuan hari Rabu di Beijing untuk menyelesaikan butiran rancangan untuk membenarkan penyambungan semula bantuan makanan kepada Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The talks take place against a backdrop of bellicose images and rhetoric from Pyongyang.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan itu berlangsung dengan berlatar belakangkan imej dan retorik yang tidak menyenangkan dari Pyongyang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korean television this week aired footage of a military unit carrying out live-fire drills in sight of a South Korean island.", "r": {"result": "Televisyen Korea Utara minggu ini menyiarkan rakaman unit tentera yang menjalankan latihan tembakan langsung di hadapan sebuah pulau Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert King, the U.S. special envoy for North Korean human rights issues, is holding talks with representatives from Pyongyang on Wednesday to \"finalize all of the technical arrangements so that the nutritional assistance can begin to move,\" according to the U.S. State Department.", "r": {"result": "Robert King, utusan khas AS untuk isu hak asasi manusia Korea Utara, sedang mengadakan perbincangan dengan wakil dari Pyongyang pada hari Rabu untuk \"memuktamadkan semua pengaturan teknikal supaya bantuan pemakanan boleh mula bergerak,\" menurut Jabatan Negara AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea last week announced an agreement to freeze its nuclear and missile tests, along with uranium enrichment programs, and allow the return of U.N. nuclear inspectors.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara minggu lalu mengumumkan perjanjian untuk membekukan ujian nuklear dan peluru berpandunya, bersama-sama dengan program pengayaan uranium, dan membenarkan pemulangan pemeriksa nuklear PBB.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States said it would provide 240,000 metric tons of nutritional assistance to the impoverished country.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat berkata ia akan menyediakan 240,000 tan metrik bantuan pemakanan kepada negara miskin itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "GPS: The price of negotiating with North Korea.", "r": {"result": "GPS: Harga berunding dengan Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States had suspended shipments of food aid to North Korea in 2009 amid tensions over Pyongyang's nuclear program and concerns that the supplies were not reaching those most in need.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat telah menggantung penghantaran bantuan makanan ke Korea Utara pada 2009 di tengah-tengah ketegangan mengenai program nuklear Pyongyang dan kebimbangan bahawa bekalan tidak sampai kepada mereka yang paling memerlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deal last week to resume the deliveries came after the the two countries revived negotiations that had stalled after the death in December of the longtime North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian minggu lalu untuk menyambung semula penghantaran dibuat selepas kedua-dua negara menghidupkan semula rundingan yang terhenti selepas kematian pemimpin lama Korea Utara Kim Jong Il pada Disember.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The talks Wednesday will focus on issues such as what ports will be used to dock incoming ships, how the distribution of the food will be monitored and which nongovernmental organizations will be involved.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan Rabu itu akan memberi tumpuan kepada isu-isu seperti pelabuhan apa yang akan digunakan untuk melabuhkan kapal yang masuk, bagaimana pengagihan makanan itu akan dipantau dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan yang akan terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The talks will be the final phase in implementing U.S. food aid, according to the State Department.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan itu akan menjadi fasa terakhir dalam melaksanakan bantuan makanan A.S., menurut Jabatan Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agreement was cautiously welcomed by U.S. officials in the hope that a new era in relations with the North would begin and lead to a resumption of multilateral talks aimed at the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian itu disambut dengan berhati-hati oleh pegawai A.S. dengan harapan bahawa era baharu dalam hubungan dengan Utara akan bermula dan membawa kepada penyambungan semula rundingan pelbagai hala yang bertujuan untuk menghapuskan nuklear di semenanjung Korea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Pyongyang has stepped up its rhetoric against the South Korean president, Lee Myung-bak, and his government since Kim Jong Un took over from his father, Kim Jong Il, as North Korean leader.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Pyongyang telah meningkatkan retoriknya terhadap presiden Korea Selatan, Lee Myung-bak, dan kerajaannya sejak Kim Jong Un mengambil alih daripada bapanya, Kim Jong Il, sebagai pemimpin Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The footage on North Korean television this week showed tanks repositioning and an artillery machine being prepared, overlooking waters that have seen a number of violent incidents over the years.", "r": {"result": "Rakaman di televisyen Korea Utara minggu ini menunjukkan kereta kebal mengubah kedudukan dan mesin meriam sedang disediakan, menghadap ke perairan yang telah menyaksikan beberapa insiden ganas selama ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea shelled Yeonpyeong Island in November 2010, killing four South Koreans, claiming it was responding to a South Korean military drill in the area.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara membedil Pulau Yeonpyeong pada November 2010, membunuh empat warga Korea Selatan, mendakwa ia bertindak balas terhadap latihan tentera Korea Selatan di kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fiery rhetoric accompanied the military actions.", "r": {"result": "Retorik berapi-api mengiringi tindakan ketenteraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deputy commander Li Gum-chol said, \"We will turn Seoul into a sea of flames by our strong and cruel artillery firepower, which cannot be compared to our artillery shelling on Yeonpyeong Island.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan komander Li Gum-chol berkata, \"Kami akan menjadikan Seoul sebagai lautan api dengan kuasa tembakan artileri kami yang kuat dan kejam, yang tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan tembakan artileri kami di Pulau Yeonpyeong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are training hard, concentrating on revenge to shock Lee Myung-bak's traitorous group and the military warmongers in South Korea\".", "r": {"result": "Kami berlatih bersungguh-sungguh, menumpukan pada balas dendam untuk mengejutkan kumpulan pengkhianat Lee Myung-bak dan pejuang tentera di Korea Selatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States and South Korea are carrying out annual joint military drills, which North Korea has condemned as a provocation.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat dan Korea Selatan sedang menjalankan latihan ketenteraan bersama tahunan, yang dikutuk Korea Utara sebagai provokasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, Pyongyang is staging its own.", "r": {"result": "Kini, Pyongyang sedang membuat persembahan sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Paula Hancocks contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Paula Hancocks dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NEW YORK (CNN) -- A Somali suspect in the hijacking of the U.S.-flagged Maersk Alabama last month pleaded not guilty to 10 counts including piracy, hostage-taking, and firearms charges in U.S. District Court in New York on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "NEW YORK (CNN) -- Seorang suspek warga Somalia dalam rampasan Maersk Alabama yang berbendera AS bulan lalu mengaku tidak bersalah atas 10 pertuduhan termasuk pertuduhan lanun, pengambilan tebusan dan senjata api di Mahkamah Daerah A.S. di New York pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse arrived in the United States on April 21.", "r": {"result": "Abduwali Abduhadir Muse tiba di Amerika Syarikat pada 21 April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse faces life in prison if convicted in any of eight of the 10 counts, according to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.", "r": {"result": "Abduwali Abduhadir Muse berdepan hukuman penjara seumur hidup jika sabit kesalahan dalam mana-mana lapan daripada 10 pertuduhan, menurut Peguam A.S. untuk Daerah Selatan New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. Navy took Muse into custody April 12 after the hijacking in the Indian Ocean.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Laut A.S. membawa Muse ke dalam tahanan pada 12 April selepas rampasan di Lautan Hindi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He arrived in the United States April 21.", "r": {"result": "Dia tiba di Amerika Syarikat pada 21 April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At his arraignment Thursday, Muse stood before Judge Loretta Preska wearing navy-blue prison garb and a bright orange undershirt.", "r": {"result": "Pada perbicaraan hari Khamis, Muse berdiri di hadapan Hakim Loretta Preska dengan memakai pakaian penjara berwarna biru laut dan seluar dalam oren terang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defendant appeared dejected as he listened to the proceedings through the voice of an interpreter, looking downwards at his lap and feet most of the time.", "r": {"result": "Defendan kelihatan kecewa ketika dia mendengar prosiding melalui suara jurubahasa, memandang ke bawah pada pangkuan dan kakinya pada kebanyakan masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The indictment charges Muse with eight counts that each could carry a maximum sentence of life in prison: piracy, possession of a machine gun while seizing a ship by force, hostage-taking, conspiracy to commit hostage-taking, possession of a machine gun during hostage-taking, kidnapping, conspiracy to commit kidnapping, and possession of a machine gun during kidnapping.", "r": {"result": "Dakwaan itu mendakwa Muse dengan lapan pertuduhan yang masing-masing boleh membawa hukuman maksimum penjara seumur hidup: cetak rompak, pemilikan mesingan semasa merampas kapal secara paksa, tebusan, konspirasi untuk melakukan pengambilan tebusan, pemilikan mesingan semasa tebusan, penculikan, konspirasi untuk melakukan penculikan, dan memiliki mesingan semasa penculikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The remaining two charges carry a maximum sentence of 20 years behind bars: seizing a ship by force and conspiracy to seize a ship by force.", "r": {"result": "Baki dua pertuduhan membawa hukuman maksimum 20 tahun di penjara: merampas kapal secara paksa dan konspirasi untuk merampas kapal secara paksa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense attorney Phil Weinstein asked the court for time for the defense to conduct its own investigation into the case, and the judge agreed, setting the next hearing date for September 17.", "r": {"result": "Peguam bela Phil Weinstein meminta mahkamah memberi masa untuk pihak pembelaan menjalankan siasatan sendiri terhadap kes itu, dan hakim bersetuju, menetapkan tarikh perbicaraan seterusnya pada 17 September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weinstein then expressed concern over Muse's treatment under incarceration, alleging that prison officials were administering medication to him without proper consent and were denying him phone calls to his family in Somalia.", "r": {"result": "Weinstein kemudian menyatakan kebimbangan terhadap rawatan Muse di bawah tahanan, mendakwa bahawa pegawai penjara memberikan ubat kepadanya tanpa kebenaran yang sewajarnya dan menafikannya panggilan telefon kepada keluarganya di Somalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weinstein also expressed concern about Muse's detention conditions.", "r": {"result": "Weinstein juga menyatakan kebimbangan mengenai keadaan penahanan Muse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's been held in administrative segregation since his arrest, which means he's detained alone for 23 out of 24 hours a day,\" Weinstein told reporters gathered outside the courthouse.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah ditahan dalam pengasingan pentadbiran sejak ditangkap, yang bermakna dia ditahan bersendirian selama 23 daripada 24 jam sehari,\" kata Weinstein kepada pemberita yang berkumpul di luar mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's unable to communicate with anyone except for us\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan sesiapa kecuali kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muse's defense team was joined outside the courthouse by Idd Beddel Mohamed, deputy permanent representative to Somalia's mission to the United Nations in New York.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan pertahanan Muse telah disertai di luar mahkamah oleh Idd Beddel Mohamed, timbalan wakil tetap kepada misi Somalia ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu di New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told reporters his government is monitoring the proceedings and working with the federal public defenders to ensure proper legal protection for Muse.", "r": {"result": "Beliau memberitahu pemberita kerajaannya sedang memantau prosiding dan bekerjasama dengan pembela awam persekutuan untuk memastikan perlindungan undang-undang yang sewajarnya untuk Muse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have full confidence in the U.S. legal system and we believe justice will be served,\" Mohamed told reporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai keyakinan penuh terhadap sistem perundangan AS dan kami percaya keadilan akan ditegakkan,\" kata Mohamed kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See timeline of events that led to piracy case >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat garis masa peristiwa yang membawa kepada kes cetak rompak >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There had been questions about Muse's age, with his father in Somalia telling defense attorneys his son was only 15. But, a U.S. magistrate judge ruled that Muse is in fact older than 18 and can be tried as an adult.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat persoalan mengenai umur Muse, dengan bapanya di Somalia memberitahu peguam bela, anaknya hanya berusia 15 tahun. Tetapi, hakim majistret A.S. memutuskan bahawa Muse sebenarnya lebih tua daripada 18 tahun dan boleh dibicarakan sebagai orang dewasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, the defense team continues to raise questions about Muse's exact age.", "r": {"result": "Namun, pasukan pertahanan terus menimbulkan persoalan mengenai usia sebenar Muse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They say they are working with Mohamed and other Somali officials to try to secure proper documentation of Muse's birth date.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata mereka bekerjasama dengan Mohamed dan pegawai Somalia yang lain untuk cuba mendapatkan dokumentasi yang betul mengenai tarikh lahir Muse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pirates attacked the Maersk Alabama, a cargo ship, April 8 about 350 miles off the Somali coast, according to the criminal complaint.", "r": {"result": "Lanun menyerang Maersk Alabama, sebuah kapal kargo, 8 April kira-kira 350 batu dari pantai Somalia, menurut aduan jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They boarded the ship after firing gunshots, according to crew members quoted in the complaint.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menaiki kapal selepas melepaskan tembakan, menurut anak kapal yang dipetik dalam aduan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muse was carrying a gun and was the first alleged pirate on the ship, the complaint said.", "r": {"result": "Muse membawa pistol dan merupakan lanun pertama yang didakwa di atas kapal itu, kata aduan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the complaint, Muse fired his gun at the Maersk's captain, Richard Phillips, and then took $30,000 from the ship's safe after he forced Phillips to open it.", "r": {"result": "Menurut aduan itu, Muse melepaskan pistolnya ke arah kapten Maersk, Richard Phillips, dan kemudian mengambil $30,000 dari peti besi kapal itu selepas dia memaksa Phillips membukanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Maersk crew member managed to tackle Muse and tie his hands, leading to a deal with the pirates: They would leave the ship if Muse was returned to them and if they got a life boat, the complaint said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang anak kapal Maersk berjaya mengatasi Muse dan mengikat tangannya, membawa kepada perjanjian dengan lanun: Mereka akan meninggalkan kapal jika Muse dikembalikan kepada mereka dan jika mereka mendapat bot penyelamat, kata aduan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phillips boarded the life boat with them and the ship's crew freed Muse, who then boarded the life boat, according to the criminal complaint.", "r": {"result": "Phillips menaiki bot penyelamat bersama mereka dan kru kapal membebaskan Muse, yang kemudian menaiki bot penyelamat, menurut aduan jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the next three days, the life boat floated near the Maersk with the U.S. Navy's USS Bainbridge nearby.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tempoh tiga hari berikutnya, bot penyelamat itu terapung berhampiran Maersk dengan USS Bainbridge Tentera Laut A.S. berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On April 12, Muse boarded the USS Bainbridge and demanded safe passage for himself and the other pirates in exchange for Phillips' release.", "r": {"result": "Pada 12 April, Muse menaiki USS Bainbridge dan menuntut laluan selamat untuk dirinya dan lanun lain sebagai pertukaran untuk pembebasan Phillips.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But while he was aboard, Navy SEALs, or special forces, shot and killed the three remaining pirates and freed Phillips.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi semasa dia berada di atas kapal, Navy SEAL, atau pasukan khas, menembak dan membunuh tiga lanun yang tinggal dan membebaskan Phillips.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The criminal complaint said Muse \"conducted himself as the leader\" of the pirates who allegedly took over the Maersk Alabama.", "r": {"result": "Aduan jenayah mengatakan Muse \"mengadakan dirinya sebagai ketua\" lanun yang didakwa mengambil alih Maersk Alabama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, defense attorneys said they believe Muse will be exonerated in the end.", "r": {"result": "Namun, peguam bela berkata mereka percaya Muse akan dibebaskan pada akhirnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The complaint says that [Muse] requested ... from the Americans to come aboard the Navy ship, and they granted him that permission,\" defense attorney Fiona Doherty told reporters Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Aduan itu mengatakan bahawa [Muse] meminta ... daripada Amerika untuk menaiki kapal Tentera Laut, dan mereka memberinya kebenaran itu,\" kata peguam bela Fiona Doherty kepada pemberita Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And from there, that's where he was trying to negotiate for the safe release of Captain Phillips\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan dari situ, di situlah dia cuba berunding untuk pembebasan Kapten Phillips dengan selamat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Move over hotels; vacation rentals are the place to be for summer value.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Beralih ke hotel; sewa percutian adalah tempat yang sesuai untuk nilai musim panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A two-bedroom rental property often costs less than a hotel room, while allowing guests some familiar comforts of home, such as a living room and full-size kitchen.", "r": {"result": "Hartanah sewa dua bilik tidur selalunya berharga kurang daripada bilik hotel, sambil membenarkan tetamu beberapa keselesaan rumah yang biasa, seperti ruang tamu dan dapur bersaiz penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TripAdvisor's vacation rental TripIndex rates the value of renting a home during the summer at 15 popular U.S. vacation destinations.", "r": {"result": "Sewaan percutian TripIndex TripAdvisor menilai nilai menyewa rumah semasa musim panas di 15 destinasi percutian popular A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The best value on the list is a scorcher: Palm Springs, California.", "r": {"result": "Nilai terbaik dalam senarai adalah terik: Palm Springs, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you can endure the desert heat -- 105 degrees is average for summer -- you'll find cool prices.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda boleh menahan panas padang pasir -- 105 darjah adalah purata untuk musim panas -- anda akan mendapat harga yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For $1,250 on average, a family of four can stay for a week in a vacation rental, pay for basic groceries, one dinner at a restaurant and a one-day bike rental.", "r": {"result": "Untuk $1,250 secara purata, empat keluarga boleh tinggal selama seminggu dalam sewa percutian, membayar barangan runcit asas, makan malam di restoran dan sewa basikal sehari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Be sure to book a place with a pool.", "r": {"result": "Pastikan anda menempah tempat dengan kolam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The index looks at the average cost of this package at 15 destinations using more than 4,000 rental listings on TripAdvisor.", "r": {"result": "Indeks melihat kos purata pakej ini di 15 destinasi menggunakan lebih daripada 4,000 penyenaraian sewa di TripAdvisor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the 15 locations, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, comes in last at $3,600.", "r": {"result": "Daripada 15 lokasi, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, mendapat tempat terakhir pada $3,600.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the second most expensive spot of La Jolla, California, prices out at $1,000 less.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, tempat kedua paling mahal di La Jolla, California, berharga $1,000 kurang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The San Diego weather, beautiful beaches and family friendly activities offer a great West Coast beach experience.", "r": {"result": "Cuaca San Diego, pantai yang indah dan aktiviti mesra keluarga menawarkan pengalaman pantai Pantai Barat yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With California destinations on both ends of the list, four spots in Florida and a handful of other states, families looking for vacation rentals have plenty of choices this summer.", "r": {"result": "Dengan destinasi California di kedua-dua hujung senarai, empat tempat di Florida dan segelintir negeri lain, keluarga yang mencari sewa percutian mempunyai banyak pilihan pada musim panas ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click through the gallery above to see TripAdvisor's ranking of 15 top spots.", "r": {"result": "Klik galeri di atas untuk melihat kedudukan 15 tempat teratas TripAdvisor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Germany's much-loved model train manufacturer, Maerklin, has filed for bankruptcy, leaving fans around the world wondering whether it's the last stop for the company's toy business.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pengeluar kereta api model yang digemari ramai di Jerman, Maerklin, telah memfailkan kebankrapan, membuatkan peminat di seluruh dunia tertanya-tanya sama ada ia adalah perhentian terakhir untuk perniagaan mainan syarikat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This Maerklin train has a video in the front so users get a driver's view.", "r": {"result": "Kereta api Maerklin ini mempunyai video di hadapan supaya pengguna mendapat pandangan pemandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maerklin has been building toy trains for nearly 150 years and its railroads made their way into countries as far away as Australia and New Zealand.", "r": {"result": "Maerklin telah membina kereta api mainan selama hampir 150 tahun dan landasan kereta apinya menuju ke negara-negara jauh seperti Australia dan New Zealand.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company said it applied for insolvency proceedings Wednesday after talks to secure credit from banks broke down.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat itu berkata ia memohon prosiding insolvensi pada hari Rabu selepas perbincangan untuk mendapatkan kredit daripada bank gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite intensive negotiations, the commercial banks did not extend their lines of credit, Maerklin said.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun terdapat rundingan yang intensif, bank perdagangan tidak melanjutkan talian kredit mereka, kata Maerklin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is sad,\" shopper Frank Steen, 39, said at London's famous Hamleys toy store.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menyedihkan,\" kata pembeli Frank Steen, 39, di kedai mainan Hamleys yang terkenal di London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With fewer older brands around, all we're left with is Japanese plastic\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan lebih sedikit jenama lama di sekeliling kita, kita hanya tinggal plastik Jepun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although Maerklin generated a turnover of around $165 million in 2008, it struggled to obtain a credit extension beyond January 31, it said.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Maerklin menjana perolehan sekitar $165 juta pada 2008, ia bergelut untuk mendapatkan lanjutan kredit selepas 31 Januari, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite financial difficulties, the company still planned to set up its stall Thursday at the Nuremberg Toy Fair.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun menghadapi masalah kewangan, syarikat itu masih merancang untuk membuka gerainya pada Khamis di Pameran Mainan Nuremberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Railway devotees will have plenty to look forward to after Maerklin boss Dietmar Mundil promised to bring 400 new products to the show.", "r": {"result": "Penganut kereta api akan mempunyai banyak perkara untuk dinantikan selepas bos Maerklin Dietmar Mundil berjanji untuk membawa 400 produk baharu ke pameran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- International observers Monday applauded the first free presidential election in Guinea in more than 50 years, saying it was democratic, inclusive and transparent.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemerhati antarabangsa pada Isnin memuji pilihan raya presiden percuma pertama di Guinea dalam tempoh lebih 50 tahun, berkata ia adalah demokratik, inklusif dan telus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the first time since independence that the people of Guinea have had a chance to be regarded as human beings politically, to express themselves politically,\" said Carter Center official John Stremlau, who is in the west African nation as a monitor.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah kali pertama sejak kemerdekaan bahawa rakyat Guinea mempunyai peluang untuk dianggap sebagai manusia secara politik, untuk menyatakan diri mereka secara politik,\" kata pegawai Carter Center John Stremlau, yang berada di negara Afrika barat sebagai pemantau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The people were given the opportunity and conducted themselves on election day with dignity, in an orderly and peaceful way,\" said Stremlau, the vice president of the Carter Center's peace programs and co-leader of its election observation mission.", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat diberi peluang dan menjalankan diri mereka pada hari pilihan raya dengan bermaruah, dengan cara yang teratur dan aman,\" kata Stremlau, naib presiden program keamanan Carter Center dan ketua bersama misi pemerhatian pilihan rayanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Results should be available Wednesday, and will almost certainly show a runoff will be required, said Deborah Hakes of the Carter Center.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan sepatutnya tersedia pada hari Rabu, dan hampir pasti menunjukkan larian akan diperlukan, kata Deborah Hakes dari Carter Center.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Voters came out in large numbers, they were enthusiastic and often showed great patience, the Carter Center said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Pengundi keluar beramai-ramai, mereka bersemangat dan sering menunjukkan kesabaran yang tinggi, kata Pusat Carter dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Counting of ballots was transparent, in full view of everyone at polling stations, it added.", "r": {"result": "Pengiraan undi adalah telus, dengan pandangan penuh semua orang di pusat mengundi, tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country has been ruled by a series of authoritarian and military dictators since it gained independence from France, its former colonial master, in 1958.", "r": {"result": "Negara ini telah diperintah oleh beberapa siri diktator autoritarian dan tentera sejak ia memperoleh kemerdekaan daripada Perancis, bekas tuan kolonialnya, pada tahun 1958.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most recent coup came in December 2008, the day after the death of longtime President Lansana Conte, who himself seized power in 1984.", "r": {"result": "Rampasan kuasa terbaharu berlaku pada Disember 2008, sehari selepas kematian Presiden lama Lansana Conte, yang sendiri merampas kuasa pada 1984.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Capt. Moussa Dadis Camara led the 2008 coup and promised elections and the introduction of civilian rule, but by the following summer it seemed clear that he planned to run for president himself, according to the U.S. State Department.", "r": {"result": "Kapten Moussa Dadis Camara mengetuai rampasan kuasa 2008 dan menjanjikan pilihan raya dan pengenalan pemerintahan awam, tetapi pada musim panas berikutnya nampaknya jelas bahawa dia merancang untuk bertanding jawatan presiden sendiri, menurut Jabatan Negara AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opposition organized a protest against him in a stadium in the capital Conakry in September 2009, but the military attacked the demonstrators.", "r": {"result": "Pembangkang menganjurkan protes terhadapnya di sebuah stadium di ibu negara Conakry pada September 2009, tetapi tentera menyerang penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 150 people were killed, more than 100 were raped and at least 1,000 were injured, according to the U.S. government and international human rights groups.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 150 orang terbunuh, lebih 100 dirogol dan sekurang-kurangnya 1,000 cedera, menurut kerajaan A.S. dan kumpulan hak asasi manusia antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least 100 bodies were never found, Human Rights Watch said.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya 100 mayat tidak pernah ditemui, kata Human Rights Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Camara was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt by an aide in December 2009, and flown abroad for medical treatment.", "r": {"result": "Camara cedera parah dalam percubaan pembunuhan oleh seorang pembantu pada Disember 2009, dan diterbangkan ke luar negara untuk rawatan perubatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He survived, but agreed not to return to the country.", "r": {"result": "Dia terselamat, tetapi bersetuju untuk tidak pulang ke negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Minister of Defense Brig.", "r": {"result": "Menteri Pertahanan Brig.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sekouba Konate became interim president, paving the way for the elections Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Sekouba Konate menjadi presiden sementara, membuka jalan untuk pilihan raya Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twenty-four candidates are running for president, including four former prime ministers, according to Human Rights Watch, which has been cautiously optimistic about the vote.", "r": {"result": "Dua puluh empat calon bertanding jawatan presiden, termasuk empat bekas perdana menteri, menurut Human Rights Watch, yang optimistik dengan berhati-hati mengenai undian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Defense Ministry's promise to keep the military in barracks during the election period, and to back whoever wins is a very positive sign,\" Human Rights Watch said Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Janji Kementerian Pertahanan untuk mengekalkan tentera di berek semasa tempoh pilihan raya, dan menyokong sesiapa yang menang adalah petanda yang sangat positif,\" kata Human Rights Watch pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A successful, credible election could finally end over 50 years of authoritarian and abusive rule,\" the activist group said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pilihan raya yang berjaya dan boleh dipercayai akhirnya boleh menamatkan pemerintahan autoritarian dan kesat selama lebih 50 tahun,\" kata kumpulan aktivis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The new president and government will have their work cut out for them,\" HRW's Corinne Dufka said.", "r": {"result": "\"Presiden dan kerajaan baharu akan menyelesaikan tugas mereka,\" kata Corinne Dufka dari HRW.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They should waste no time addressing the deep-rooted causes of years of crisis -- endemic corruption, impunity, crushing poverty, and the inequitable distribution of natural resource wealth\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka tidak perlu membuang masa untuk menangani punca krisis yang berakar umbi selama bertahun-tahun -- rasuah endemik, sewenang-wenangnya, kemiskinan yang memusnahkan, dan pengagihan kekayaan sumber asli yang tidak saksama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The country's electoral officials, cell phone companies and U.S. embassy have worked together to set up a system where voters can send text messages if they see voter fraud or intimidation, U.S. Ambassador Patricia Newton Moller said.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai pilihan raya negara itu, syarikat telefon bimbit dan kedutaan AS telah bekerjasama untuk menubuhkan sistem di mana pengundi boleh menghantar mesej teks jika mereka melihat penipuan atau ugutan pengundi, kata Duta Besar AS Patricia Newton Moller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guinea, a country of about 10 million people, has rich reserves of bauxite, an important aluminum ore -- possibly as much as half the world's reserves, according to the State Department.", "r": {"result": "Guinea, sebuah negara dengan kira-kira 10 juta penduduk, mempunyai rizab bauksit yang kaya, bijih aluminium yang penting -- mungkin sebanyak separuh rizab dunia, menurut Jabatan Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also has gold and diamond mines, and grows rice, coffee, bananas, pineapples and palm products.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mempunyai lombong emas dan berlian, serta menanam beras, kopi, pisang, nanas dan hasil kelapa sawit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gaza (CNN) -- Israel late Saturday authorized an extension of the humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza for another 24 hours at the request of the United Nations, Israeli officials told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Gaza (CNN) -- Israel lewat Sabtu membenarkan pelanjutan gencatan senjata kemanusiaan di Gaza selama 24 jam lagi atas permintaan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, kata pegawai Israel kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Hamas rejected a cease-fire extension, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Hamas menolak lanjutan gencatan senjata, kata jurucakap Hamas Sami Abu Zuhri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Any humanitarian cease-fire that does not include the withdrawal of the occupation soldiers from Gaza borders and allowing citizens to return to their homes and evacuate casualties is unacceptable,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebarang gencatan senjata kemanusiaan yang tidak termasuk pengunduran tentera pendudukan dari sempadan Gaza dan membenarkan rakyat pulang ke rumah mereka dan memindahkan mangsa yang terkorban adalah tidak boleh diterima,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prior to Hamas' rejection, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat also expressed concerns about occupation.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum penolakan Hamas, ketua perunding Palestin Saeb Erakat turut menyatakan kebimbangan mengenai pendudukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm very, very worried,\" Erakat told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat, sangat bimbang,\" kata Erakat kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are witnessing the gradual reoccupation of Gaza\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menyaksikan pendudukan semula Gaza secara beransur-ansur\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The developments came as a tenuous cease-fire both parties agreed to earlier appeared to be shattered, with at least eight militant rockets again hurtling toward Israel as diplomats pushed for a longer truce in a conflict that has killed more than 1,000 people -- mostly civilians.", "r": {"result": "Perkembangan itu berlaku apabila gencatan senjata lemah yang dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua pihak sebelum ini kelihatan hancur, dengan sekurang-kurangnya lapan roket militan sekali lagi meluncur ke arah Israel ketika diplomat mendesak gencatan senjata lebih lama dalam konflik yang telah mengorbankan lebih 1,000 orang -- kebanyakannya orang awam .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Israeli Security Cabinet late Saturday agreed to extend the cease-fire, starting at 5 p.m. ET, on the condition that Israel Defense Forces continues dismantling and destroying militant tunnels from Gaza into Israel, according to senior Israeli officials.", "r": {"result": "Kabinet Keselamatan Israel lewat Sabtu bersetuju melanjutkan gencatan senjata, bermula jam 5 petang. ET, dengan syarat Pasukan Pertahanan Israel terus membongkar dan memusnahkan terowong militan dari Gaza ke Israel, menurut pegawai kanan Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lt. Col Peter Lerner, an IDF spokesman, told CNN that dozens of tunnels provided militants \"easy infiltration\" to carry out attacks against Israelis.", "r": {"result": "Lt. Kol Peter Lerner, jurucakap IDF, memberitahu CNN bahawa berpuluh-puluh terowong menyediakan militan \"penyusupan mudah\" untuk melakukan serangan terhadap Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will do what it takes in order to stop this threat,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan melakukan apa yang diperlukan untuk menghentikan ancaman ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to take this threat off of the table\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami perlu menghapuskan ancaman ini dari meja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Senior Israeli officials said IDF would \"act against any violations of the cease-fire\" during this period.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai kanan Israel berkata IDF akan \"bertindak terhadap sebarang pelanggaran gencatan senjata\" dalam tempoh ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Cabinet was to reconvene Sunday to discuss the continuation of the military operation, the officials said.", "r": {"result": "Kabinet akan bersidang semula Ahad untuk membincangkan kesinambungan operasi ketenteraan, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israel had earlier agreed to extend the truce for four hours, but Hamas spokesman Abu Zuhri said there would be no extension.", "r": {"result": "Israel sebelum ini bersetuju untuk melanjutkan gencatan senjata selama empat jam, tetapi jurucakap Hamas Abu Zuhri berkata tidak akan ada lanjutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The original cease-fire started at 8 a.m. Saturday (1 a.m. ET).", "r": {"result": "Gencatan senjata asal bermula pada 8 pagi Sabtu (1 pagi ET).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The temporary truce enabled Palestinians to move medical supplies into Gaza, families to emerge from shelters and people to dig the dead from piles of rubble.", "r": {"result": "Gencatan senjata sementara itu membolehkan rakyat Palestin memindahkan bekalan perubatan ke Gaza, keluarga keluar dari tempat perlindungan dan orang ramai menggali orang mati dari timbunan runtuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prospect of an extension faded quickly as the IDF accused militants of exploiting the humanitarian window by firing at Israel for the second time, with three rockets hitting the Sha'ar HaNegev regional council.", "r": {"result": "Prospek lanjutan itu pudar dengan cepat apabila IDF menuduh militan mengeksploitasi tingkap kemanusiaan dengan menembak Israel untuk kali kedua, dengan tiga roket mengenai majlis wilayah Sha'ar HaNegev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier Saturday, moments after the cease-fire officially ended, another three mortars were fired from Gaza and hit Israel in the Eshkol regional council.", "r": {"result": "Awal hari Sabtu, beberapa saat selepas gencatan senjata tamat secara rasmi, tiga lagi mortar ditembak dari Gaza dan mengenai Israel dalam majlis wilayah Eshkol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No casualties or damage were reported.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kemalangan jiwa atau kerosakan dilaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At about 4 p.m. ET, IDF said four rockets had been fired in the last hour: two were intercepted above Ashkelon, one was intercepted above the Shfela region and another came down in the Hof Ashkelon regional council.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira jam 4 petang. ET, IDF berkata empat roket telah dilepaskan dalam sejam terakhir: dua dipintas di atas Ashkelon, satu dipintas di atas wilayah Shfela dan satu lagi jatuh di majlis wilayah Hof Ashkelon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Residents back in harm's way?", "r": {"result": "Penduduk kembali dalam bahaya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The IDF said many Gaza residents were returning to previously evacuated areas despite repeated warnings, placing themselves at risk.", "r": {"result": "IDF berkata ramai penduduk Gaza kembali ke kawasan yang telah dipindahkan sebelum ini walaupun diberi amaran berulang kali, meletakkan diri mereka dalam risiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It said operations against the tunnel threat continued and defensive positions were being maintained.", "r": {"result": "Ia berkata operasi menentang ancaman terowong diteruskan dan kedudukan pertahanan dikekalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli government officials told CNN that the United Nations has asked for a 24-hour humanitarian cease-fire extension.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai kerajaan Israel memberitahu CNN bahawa Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu telah meminta lanjutan gencatan senjata kemanusiaan 24 jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We owe to the people of both Israel and Gaza our renewed effort to consolidate this pause in fighting into a more sustainable ceasefire,\" U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in statement, reiterating his call for seven-day humanitarian cease-fire.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berhutang kepada rakyat Israel dan Gaza usaha baharu kami untuk menyatukan jeda ini dalam memerangi gencatan senjata yang lebih mampan,\" kata Setiausaha Agung PBB Ban Ki-moon dalam satu kenyataan, mengulangi gesaannya untuk gencatan senjata kemanusiaan tujuh hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palestinians found more than 100 bodies in areas that have been too dangerous to enter in recent days because of Israeli bombardment, Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra from the Gaza Ministry of Health told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Palestin menemui lebih 100 mayat di kawasan yang terlalu berbahaya untuk dimasuki sejak kebelakangan ini kerana pengeboman Israel, kata Dr Ashraf al-Qedra dari Kementerian Kesihatan Gaza kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly 1,050 Palestinians have been killed and about 6,000 wounded since the start of an Israeli operation, al-Qedra said.", "r": {"result": "Hampir 1,050 rakyat Palestin telah terbunuh dan kira-kira 6,000 cedera sejak permulaan operasi Israel, kata al-Qedra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The IDF reported that two Israeli soldiers wounded in Gaza in the past week died on Saturday, bringing to 42 the number of Israeli troops killed in the current operation.", "r": {"result": "IDF melaporkan bahawa dua askar Israel yang cedera di Gaza pada minggu lalu meninggal dunia pada hari Sabtu, menjadikan jumlah tentera Israel terbunuh dalam operasi semasa kepada 42 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The possibility of a longer truce seems to have passed, according to comments from the Hamas camp.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan gencatan senjata yang lebih lama nampaknya telah berlalu, menurut komen dari kem Hamas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There won't been any talks about extending the cease-fire as long as there aren't talks about breaking the siege,\" said Israa Al-Mudalal of the Gaza Ministry of Foreign Affairs.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak akan ada sebarang perbincangan mengenai melanjutkan gencatan senjata selagi tidak ada perbincangan mengenai memecahkan kepungan,\" kata Israa Al-Mudalal dari Kementerian Luar Negeri Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She accused Israel of \"escalating the situation\" in the so-called buffer zone and of not letting medical workers remove bodies in certain areas.", "r": {"result": "Dia menuduh Israel \"meningkatkan keadaan\" dalam apa yang dipanggil zon penampan dan tidak membenarkan pekerja perubatan mengeluarkan mayat di kawasan tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can't stop the firing (of rockets) until we have a real solution to this problem,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak boleh menghentikan tembakan (roket) sehingga kami mempunyai penyelesaian sebenar untuk masalah ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There will be no peace as long as the siege continues\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak akan ada keamanan selagi pengepungan berterusan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two senior Hamas officials, Izzat Risheq and Jamal Nazal, told CNN that the truce negotiations were tense and difficult.", "r": {"result": "Dua pegawai kanan Hamas, Izzat Risheq dan Jamal Nazal, memberitahu CNN bahawa rundingan gencatan senjata adalah tegang dan sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Paris on Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and other diplomats pushed for an extended truce.", "r": {"result": "Di Paris pada hari Sabtu, Setiausaha Negara AS John Kerry dan diplomat lain mendesak gencatan senjata berpanjangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He met with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.", "r": {"result": "Beliau bertemu dengan Menteri Luar Turki Ahmet Davutoglu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The passions of the conflict, meanwhile, echoed across the world.", "r": {"result": "Keghairahan konflik, sementara itu, bergema di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 40 protesters were arrested in Paris on Saturday when a banned pro-Palestinian demonstration turned violent, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 40 penunjuk perasaan telah ditangkap di Paris pada hari Sabtu apabila demonstrasi pro-Palestin yang diharamkan bertukar menjadi ganas, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police brandished shields as they faced off with protesters in a cloud of tear gas at Place de la RA(c)publique, a busy pedestrian square in central Paris.", "r": {"result": "Polis mengacungkan perisai ketika mereka berhadapan dengan penunjuk perasaan dalam awan gas pemedih mata di Place de la RA(c)publique, dataran pejalan kaki yang sibuk di tengah Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Angry protesters hurled glass shards and rocks at police, set a small fire and smashed a bus shelter.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan yang marah membaling serpihan kaca dan batu ke arah polis, menyalakan api kecil dan menghancurkan sebuah pondok bas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'There is no Eid'.", "r": {"result": "'Tiada hari raya'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A CNN team visiting the hardest-hit areas in northern Gaza where many of the newly-discovered bodies were discovered saw entire blocks of buildings reduced to rubble.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan CNN melawat kawasan paling teruk dilanda di utara Gaza di mana banyak mayat yang baru ditemui telah ditemui melihat keseluruhan blok bangunan menjadi runtuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wish this cease-fire had never happened,\" one man in Beit Hanoun told CNN, \"And I would have never found out my home is destroyed\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya harap gencatan senjata ini tidak pernah berlaku,\" kata seorang lelaki di Beit Hanoun kepada CNN, \"Dan saya tidak akan pernah mengetahui rumah saya musnah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another woman in Beit Hanoun meets a neighbor as she navigates her way through mounds of rubble and metal.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi wanita di Beit Hanoun bertemu dengan jiran semasa dia mengharungi timbunan runtuhan dan logam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Did you see my home\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah anda melihat rumah saya\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's gone.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa sudah tiada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nothing is left,\" the neighbor responds.", "r": {"result": "Tiada apa yang tinggal,\" balas jiran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Families took advantage of the cease-fire to stock up on provisions.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga mengambil kesempatan daripada gencatan senjata untuk menyimpan bekalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are more people in the streets,\" said a mother of five in Khan Younis, who did not want to be named.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat lebih ramai orang di jalanan,\" kata seorang ibu kepada lima anak di Khan Younis, yang tidak mahu namanya disiarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People who were afraid before, go out now out of necessity.", "r": {"result": "\u201cOrang yang sebelum ini takut, keluar sekarang kerana terpaksa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People with sick kids go to the hospital today.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang mempunyai anak yang sakit pergi ke hospital hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buy Pampers today.", "r": {"result": "Beli Pampers hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buy food today.", "r": {"result": "Beli makanan hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I went to get bread for my family today\".", "r": {"result": "Saya pergi ambil roti untuk keluarga saya hari ini\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"When my husband goes to the mosque to pray, I pray that he comes back.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \u201cApabila suami saya pergi ke masjid untuk solat, saya berdoa agar dia kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... If someone killed a cat in America, people make a bigger deal about it than children dying in Gaza\".", "r": {"result": "... Jika seseorang membunuh kucing di Amerika, orang ramai membuat perkara yang lebih besar mengenainya daripada kanak-kanak yang mati di Gaza\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the Muslim world prepared to celebrate the Eid holiday in two days, Gaza residents buried the dead.", "r": {"result": "Ketika dunia Islam bersiap sedia untuk menyambut hari raya Aidilfitri dalam masa dua hari, penduduk Gaza mengebumikan jenazah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no Eid,\" the woman in Khan Younis said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada hari raya,\" kata wanita di Khan Younis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the Gaza Strip, it would be absurd for anyone to bake cookies\".", "r": {"result": "\"Di Semenanjung Gaza, adalah tidak masuk akal bagi sesiapa sahaja untuk membakar biskut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israel Defense Forces have accused militants of hiding weapons in shelters and schools and firing rockets at civilians.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Pertahanan Israel telah menuduh militan menyembunyikan senjata di tempat perlindungan dan sekolah serta menembak roket ke arah orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The IDF said it will keep working to \"locate and neutralize tunnels\" being used by militants during the cease-fire and will respond with force if militants target Israeli civilians or soldiers.", "r": {"result": "IDF berkata ia akan terus berusaha untuk \"mencari dan meneutralkan terowong\" yang digunakan oleh militan semasa gencatan senjata dan akan bertindak balas dengan kekerasan jika militan menyasarkan orang awam atau tentera Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctor: 'We are preparing ourselves for death'.", "r": {"result": "Doktor: 'Kami sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk kematian'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bloodshed is pushing hospitals in Gaza to the limit.", "r": {"result": "Pertumpahan darah mendorong hospital di Gaza ke had.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At South Gaza's European Hospital, the flood of bloodied children and adults has overwhelmed doctors.", "r": {"result": "Di Hospital Eropah Selatan Gaza, banjir kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa yang berlumuran darah telah membebankan doktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We sometimes work 20 hours continuous,\" Dr. Jamal Abu Hilal said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami kadang-kadang bekerja 20 jam berterusan,\" kata Dr Jamal Abu Hilal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors here say they're sick of stitching up bodies mutilated by shrapnel.", "r": {"result": "Doktor di sini mengatakan mereka muak menjahit mayat yang dicacatkan oleh serpihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We feel exhausted.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami berasa letih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We feel anxious.", "r": {"result": "Kami berasa cemas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We feel depressed,\" Hilal's colleague Dr. Shadi said.", "r": {"result": "Kami berasa tertekan,\" kata rakan sekerja Hilal, Dr. Shadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one room, surgeons worked on a child mangled by shrapnel.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu bilik, pakar bedah mengusahakan seorang kanak-kanak yang hancur terkena serpihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rest of the boy's family was killed.", "r": {"result": "Selebihnya keluarga budak itu terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Not even one square meter is safe in Gaza strip,\" Dr. Hassen al-Masri said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada satu meter persegi pun selamat di jalur Gaza,\" kata Dr. Hassen al-Masri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He, too, is afraid of dying in the conflict.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga takut mati dalam konflik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The doctor carries his identification papers with him all the time, even while treating patients -- just in case.", "r": {"result": "Doktor membawa kertas pengenalannya bersamanya sepanjang masa, walaupun semasa merawat pesakit -- untuk berjaga-jaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are preparing ourselves for death\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk kematian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Casualties mount in West Bank.", "r": {"result": "Korban meningkat di Tebing Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The violence has also expanded to the West Bank.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan juga telah berkembang ke Tebing Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least four Palestinians were killed in outbreaks of violence in several parts of the West Bank, according to medical sources.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya empat rakyat Palestin terbunuh dalam wabak keganasan di beberapa bahagian Tebing Barat, menurut sumber perubatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 23-year-old man was shot near Huwara village outside Nablus by Jewish settlers, a doctor at the Rafidia Hospital said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki berusia 23 tahun ditembak berhampiran kampung Huwara di luar Nablus oleh peneroka Yahudi, kata seorang doktor di Hospital Rafidia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The circumstances of his death are unclear, but it led to clashes between protesters and the Israeli military in which another man was killed, medical sources said.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan kematiannya tidak jelas, tetapi ia membawa kepada pertempuran antara penunjuk perasaan dan tentera Israel di mana seorang lagi terbunuh, kata sumber perubatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two more men were killed during clashes with Israeli troops at a checkpoint north of Hebron in Beir Ummar in the West Bank, according to Palestinian medical sources.", "r": {"result": "Dua lagi lelaki terbunuh semasa pertempuran dengan tentera Israel di pusat pemeriksaan di utara Hebron di Beir Ummar di Tebing Barat, menurut sumber perubatan Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The violent protests came after the U.N. shelter in Gaza was hit, killing 16 people and wounding a couple hundred more -- most of them women and children.", "r": {"result": "Bantahan ganas itu berlaku selepas pusat perlindungan PBB di Gaza dilanda, membunuh 16 orang dan mencederakan beberapa ratus lagi -- kebanyakannya wanita dan kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Video from the school showed chaos amid pools of blood.", "r": {"result": "Video dari sekolah menunjukkan huru-hara di tengah-tengah kumpulan darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were so many victims than many gurneys included two wounded children.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat begitu ramai mangsa daripada banyak gurney termasuk dua kanak-kanak yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bloodshed left the U.N. Secretary-General exasperated.", "r": {"result": "Pertumpahan darah itu menyebabkan Setiausaha Agung PBB berang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am telling to the parties -- both Israelis and Hamas, Palestinians -- that it is morally wrong to kill your own people,\" Ban said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memberitahu pihak-pihak -- kedua-dua Israel dan Hamas, Palestin -- bahawa secara moral membunuh rakyat anda sendiri adalah salah,\" kata Ban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"whole world has been watching, is watching with great concern.", "r": {"result": "\"Seluruh dunia telah menonton, sedang menonton dengan penuh kebimbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You must stop fighting and enter into dialogue\".", "r": {"result": "Anda mesti berhenti bergaduh dan masuk ke dalam dialog\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Americans fighting for Israel.", "r": {"result": "Amerika berjuang untuk Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is Hamas using human shields in Gaza?", "r": {"result": "Adakah Hamas menggunakan perisai manusia di Gaza?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is Hamas' endgame in Gaza?", "r": {"result": "Apakah kesudahan Hamas di Gaza?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is Israel's endgame in Gaza?", "r": {"result": "Apakah kesudahan Israel di Gaza?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Map: Tension felt around the world.", "r": {"result": "Peta: Ketegangan dirasai di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. ends ban on flights in Ben Gurion.", "r": {"result": "A.S. menamatkan larangan penerbangan di Ben Gurion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Karl Penhaul reported from Gaza; Ray Sanchez wrote from New York and Chelsea J. Carter reported and wrote from Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Karl Penhaul dari CNN melaporkan dari Gaza; Ray Sanchez menulis dari New York dan Chelsea J. Carter melaporkan dan menulis dari Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Yousuf Basil, Salma Abdelaziz, Ben Wedeman, Elise Labott, Richard Roth, Ian Lee,Tal Heinrich, Tim Lister and Samira Said contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Yousuf Basil dari CNN, Salma Abdelaziz, Ben Wedeman, Elise Labott, Richard Roth, Ian Lee, Tal Heinrich, Tim Lister dan Samira Said menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Secretary of State John Kerry got the money shot he wanted on Tuesday -- the chief negotiators for Israel and the Palestinians framed by his lanky embrace as they shook hands to launch \"sustained, continuous and substantive\" talks on a long-sought Middle East peace treaty.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Setiausaha Negara John Kerry mendapat wang yang dia mahukan pada hari Selasa -- ketua perunding untuk Israel dan Palestin yang dibingkai oleh pelukan kurusnya ketika mereka berjabat tangan untuk melancarkan perbincangan \"berterusan, berterusan dan substantif\" mengenai perjanjian damai Timur Tengah yang telah lama dicari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now the question is whether the negotiations expected to last nine months will bring an even more historic image, with President Barack Obama bringing together Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to sign a final-status agreement that creates a sovereign Palestinian state in what is now part of Israel.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang persoalannya ialah sama ada rundingan yang dijangka berlangsung selama sembilan bulan akan membawa imej yang lebih bersejarah, dengan Presiden Barack Obama membawa bersama Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu dan Presiden Palestin Mahmoud Abbas untuk menandatangani perjanjian berstatus akhir yang mewujudkan negara Palestin yang berdaulat di yang kini menjadi sebahagian daripada Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Middle East dispute, perhaps the world's most intractable in the past six decades, entered a new phase with Kerry's announcement that the first direct talks in three years would proceed in earnest in the next two weeks in either Israel or the Palestinian territories.", "r": {"result": "Pertikaian Timur Tengah, mungkin yang paling sukar diatasi di dunia dalam tempoh enam dekad yang lalu, memasuki fasa baharu dengan pengumuman Kerry bahawa rundingan langsung pertama dalam tempoh tiga tahun akan diteruskan secara bersungguh-sungguh dalam dua minggu akan datang sama ada di Israel atau wilayah Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flanked by Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erakat, Kerry said \"all core issues\" toward achieving a two-state solution would be on the table.", "r": {"result": "Diapit oleh Menteri Kehakiman Israel Tzipi Livni dan ketua perunding Palestin Saeb Erakat, Kerry berkata \"semua isu teras\" ke arah mencapai penyelesaian dua negara akan dibincangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our objective will be to achieve a final status agreement over the course of the next nine months,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Objektif kami adalah untuk mencapai perjanjian status muktamad dalam tempoh sembilan bulan akan datang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Acknowledging the obstacles from years of hostility and mistrust, Kerry said the process would be difficult but that he believed an agreement could be achieved.", "r": {"result": "Mengakui halangan daripada permusuhan dan ketidakpercayaan selama bertahun-tahun, Kerry berkata proses itu akan menjadi sukar tetapi dia percaya persetujuan boleh dicapai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When somebody tells you that Israelis and Palestinians cannot find common ground or address the issues that divide them, don't believe them,\" Kerry said, adding: \"While I understand the skepticism, I don't share it and I don't think we have time for it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila seseorang memberitahu anda bahawa rakyat Israel dan Palestin tidak dapat mencari titik persamaan atau menangani isu yang memecahbelahkan mereka, jangan percaya mereka,\" kata Kerry sambil menambah: \"Walaupun saya memahami keraguan itu, saya tidak berkongsinya dan saya tidak ' tidak fikir kita mempunyai masa untuk itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Major obstacles that date back decades in the Middle East conflict include established Jewish settlements in territory claimed by the Palestinians, the status of Palestinian refugees seeking to return to the region, and control of Jerusalem, particularly its Muslim holy sites.", "r": {"result": "Halangan utama yang bermula sejak beberapa dekad dalam konflik Timur Tengah termasuk penempatan Yahudi yang ditubuhkan di wilayah yang dituntut oleh rakyat Palestin, status pelarian Palestin yang ingin kembali ke wilayah itu, dan kawalan Baitulmaqdis, khususnya tapak suci umat Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: John Kerry's bold push for peace.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: dorongan berani John Kerry untuk keamanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kerry has pushed to resume negotiations in order to stave off a showdown over the Israel-Palestinian question at the U.N. General Assembly in September.", "r": {"result": "Kerry telah mendesak untuk menyambung semula rundingan untuk mengelakkan pertikaian berhubung persoalan Israel-Palestin di Perhimpunan Agung PBB pada September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His efforts, including multiple meetings in the region with each side in recent months, sought to assure the Israelis that their security concerns would be addressed while convincing Palestinians that an agreement was in their best long-term interest.", "r": {"result": "Usaha beliau, termasuk beberapa pertemuan di rantau ini dengan setiap pihak dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini, berusaha untuk meyakinkan Israel bahawa kebimbangan keselamatan mereka akan ditangani sambil meyakinkan rakyat Palestin bahawa perjanjian adalah untuk kepentingan jangka panjang mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that everyone involved here believes that we cannot pass along to another generation the responsibility of ending a conflict that is in our power to resolve in our time,\" Kerry said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir semua orang yang terlibat di sini percaya bahawa kita tidak boleh mewariskan kepada generasi lain tanggungjawab untuk menamatkan konflik yang berada dalam kuasa kita untuk diselesaikan pada zaman kita,\" kata Kerry.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They should not be expected to bear that burden and we should not leave it to them.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka tidak sepatutnya memikul beban itu dan kita tidak seharusnya menyerahkannya kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They should not be expected to bear the pain of continued conflict or perpetual war\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak sepatutnya dijangka menanggung penderitaan akibat konflik yang berterusan atau peperangan yang berterusan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, President Barack Obama held a 30-minute meeting with the negotiators in which he \"underscored that while the parties have much work to do in the days and months ahead, the United States stands ready to support them in their efforts to achieve peace,\" White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, Presiden Barack Obama mengadakan pertemuan selama 30 minit dengan perunding di mana beliau \"menegaskan bahawa walaupun pihak-pihak mempunyai banyak kerja untuk dilakukan pada hari-hari dan bulan-bulan mendatang, Amerika Syarikat bersedia untuk menyokong mereka dalam usaha mereka untuk mencapai keamanan. ,\" kata jurucakap Rumah Putih Jay Carney kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both sides face opposition to the negotiations from their people, with hardliners calling the concept of negotiations an unacceptable climate of concession.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua pihak menghadapi tentangan terhadap rundingan daripada rakyat mereka, dengan penyokong tegar menggelar konsep rundingan sebagai iklim konsesi yang tidak boleh diterima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In comments after Kerry's announcement, Livni and Erakat expressed gratitude for his efforts to get the talks going.", "r": {"result": "Dalam komen selepas pengumuman Kerry, Livni dan Erakat melahirkan rasa terima kasih atas usahanya untuk meneruskan perbincangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Erakat cited both Kerry and Obama \"for your relentless efforts and unwavering commitment to achieve a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israel\".", "r": {"result": "Erakat memetik kedua-dua Kerry dan Obama \"atas usaha gigih anda dan komitmen yang tidak berbelah bahagi untuk mencapai keamanan yang adil dan berkekalan antara Palestin dan Israel\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Palestinians have suffered enough and no one benefits more from a lasting peace than Palestinians,\" he said, expressing delight that all core issues were on the table.", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat Palestin sudah cukup menderita dan tiada siapa yang mendapat manfaat lebih daripada keamanan yang berkekalan berbanding rakyat Palestin,\" katanya sambil menyatakan kegembiraan kerana semua isu teras telah dibincangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was time for Palestinians to have a sovereign state, he added.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tiba masanya untuk rakyat Palestin mempunyai negara yang berdaulat, tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Livni praised Kerry \"for not giving up,\" adding that \"we are hopeful but we cannot be naA-ve\".", "r": {"result": "Livni memuji Kerry \"kerana tidak berputus asa,\" sambil menambah bahawa \"kami berharap tetapi kami tidak boleh naA-ve\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We all know that it's not going to be easy.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita semua tahu bahawa ia tidak akan mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's going to be hard, with ups and downs,\" she said, calling for the new talks to be \"a spark of hope, even if small, to emerge out of cynicism and pessimism\".", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menjadi sukar, dengan pasang surut,\" katanya, menyeru agar rundingan baharu itu menjadi \"cetusan harapan, walaupun kecil, untuk muncul daripada sinis dan pesimisme\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To help set up the revived talks, Netanyahu prodded the Israeli government into approving the release of 104 Palestinian prisoners -- a move that flies in the face of popular sentiment in Israel.", "r": {"result": "Untuk membantu mengadakan rundingan yang dihidupkan semula, Netanyahu mendesak kerajaan Israel supaya meluluskan pembebasan 104 tahanan Palestin -- satu langkah yang terbang dalam menghadapi sentimen popular di Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some observers called the prisoner release to be done in stages a possible sign of a new negotiating environment.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pemerhati memanggil pembebasan banduan dilakukan secara berperingkat sebagai tanda kemungkinan persekitaran rundingan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another sign of a different atmosphere was Kerry's declaration that both sides agreed to negotiate in private.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi tanda suasana berbeza ialah pengisytiharan Kerry bahawa kedua-dua pihak bersetuju untuk berunding secara tertutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States will be a facilitator and a senior State Department official called it an \"indispensable role\".", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat akan menjadi fasilitator dan pegawai kanan Jabatan Negara menyebutnya sebagai \"peranan yang amat diperlukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the talks are direct negotiations between the two sides.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi rundingan itu adalah rundingan langsung antara kedua-dua pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The only announcement you will hear about meetings it's the one that I just made, and I will be the only one by agreement authorized to comment publicly on the talks in consultation obviously with the parties\".", "r": {"result": "\"Satu-satunya pengumuman yang anda akan dengar tentang mesyuarat ialah pengumuman yang baru saya buat, dan saya akan menjadi satu-satunya melalui persetujuan yang diberi kuasa untuk mengulas secara terbuka mengenai rundingan secara jelas dengan pihak-pihak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he said.", "r": {"result": "katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That means that no one should consider any reports, articles or even rumors reliable unless they come directly from me and I guarantee you they won't\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bermakna tiada siapa yang harus menganggap sebarang laporan, artikel atau khabar angin boleh dipercayai melainkan ia datang terus daripada saya dan saya jamin anda tidak akan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aaron David Miller of the Woodrow Wilson International Center, a Middle East specialist, said such \"radio silence\" was unprecedented for Middle East negotiations in his memory.", "r": {"result": "Aaron David Miller dari Pusat Antarabangsa Woodrow Wilson, pakar Timur Tengah, berkata \"senyap radio\" seperti itu tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini untuk rundingan Timur Tengah dalam ingatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a mark of real seriousness on one hand and respect for Kerry on the other,\" Miller told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah tanda kesungguhan sebenar di satu pihak dan penghormatan terhadap Kerry di sisi lain,\" Miller memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amanpour: Barriers to Israel peace less now, says President Carter.", "r": {"result": "Amanpour: Halangan kepada keamanan Israel berkurangan sekarang, kata Presiden Carter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opponents of the peace talks insist that divisions remain too deep to overcome.", "r": {"result": "Penentang rundingan damai menegaskan bahawa perpecahan kekal terlalu dalam untuk diatasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dating back to the creation of Israel in 1947, the Middle East conflict has spawned a tortuous peace process that yielded iconic images but no satisfactory solution.", "r": {"result": "Bermula sejak penciptaan Israel pada tahun 1947, konflik Timur Tengah telah melahirkan proses damai yang berliku-liku yang menghasilkan imej ikonik tetapi tiada penyelesaian yang memuaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the most famous photos was the 1993 shot of President Bill Clinton looking on as Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat shook hands over an agreement intended to bring a full peace treaty by 1999.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu gambar yang paling terkenal ialah tangkapan 1993 Presiden Bill Clinton memandang Perdana Menteri Israel Yitzak Rabin dan pemimpin Pertubuhan Pembebasan Palestin Yasser Arafat berjabat tangan atas perjanjian yang bertujuan untuk membawa perjanjian damai penuh menjelang 1999.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rabin was assassinated two years later later by a Jewish law student who said he wanted to halt the peace process.", "r": {"result": "Rabin telah dibunuh dua tahun kemudian oleh seorang pelajar undang-undang Yahudi yang berkata dia mahu menghentikan proses damai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Livni referred to the failure of previous peace efforts in her comments Tuesday, saying \"it's not our intention to argue about the past, but to create solutions and make decisions about the future\".", "r": {"result": "Livni merujuk kegagalan usaha damai sebelum ini dalam komennya pada hari Selasa, berkata \"bukan niat kami untuk berhujah tentang masa lalu, tetapi untuk mencipta penyelesaian dan membuat keputusan tentang masa depan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The newest round of talks began Monday night with an Iftar dinner to break the fast in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, then continued Tuesday morning with negotiators also meeting with Obama before joining Kerry for the announcement that took place an hour later than scheduled.", "r": {"result": "Pusingan terbaharu rundingan bermula Isnin malam dengan jamuan buka puasa berbuka puasa di bulan suci Ramadan, kemudian diteruskan pagi Selasa dengan perunding turut bertemu dengan Obama sebelum menyertai Kerry untuk pengumuman yang berlangsung sejam lewat daripada yang dijadualkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Livni and attorney Isaac Molho, an aide to Netanyahu, represented Israel while Erakat and Fatah official Mohammad Shtayyeh spoke for the Palestinians.", "r": {"result": "Livni dan peguam Isaac Molho, pembantu kepada Netanyahu, mewakili Israel manakala pegawai Erakat dan Fatah Mohammad Shtayyeh bercakap untuk Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk also took part as the U.S. envoy to the talks.", "r": {"result": "Bekas duta A.S. ke Israel Martin Indyk turut mengambil bahagian sebagai utusan A.S. ke rundingan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Americans, stay open to both sides in Mideast talks.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Rakyat Amerika, kekal terbuka kepada kedua-dua pihak dalam rundingan Timur Tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jill Dougherty, Adam Aigner-Treworgy, Michael Schwartz and Ashley Fantz contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jill Dougherty dari CNN, Adam Aigner-Treworgy, Michael Schwartz dan Ashley Fantz menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Didier Drogba muscled his way through for a late winner to put Chelsea into the FA Cup final with a 2-1 victory over Arsenal at Wembley on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Didier Drogba berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan kemenangan lewat untuk meletakkan Chelsea ke final Piala FA dengan kemenangan 2-1 ke atas Arsenal di Wembley pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A bare-chested Drogba is congratulated by Salomon Kalou after scoring the winner at Wembley.", "r": {"result": "Drogba yang bertelanjang dada diucapkan tahniah oleh Salomon Kalou selepas menjaringkan gol kemenangan di Wembley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The all-London clash rarely hit the heights on a difficult pitch, but Drogba's 84th minute strike gave Guus Hiddink's men a deserved victory and leaves them in contention for three trophies.", "r": {"result": "Pertembungan seluruh London jarang mencecah ketinggian di padang yang sukar, tetapi jaringan Drogba pada minit ke-84 memberikan anak buah Guus Hiddink kemenangan yang sewajarnya dan menyebabkan mereka bersaing untuk merebut tiga trofi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dutchman Hiddink, who took temporary charge of the Blues in February and has lost only one match, said Drogba had proved his worth again.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Belanda, Hiddink, yang mengambil alih sementara The Blues pada Februari dan hanya kalah satu perlawanan, berkata Drogba telah membuktikan kemampuannya sekali lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is proving already he is so dangerous, very strong and physically fit,\" he told Press Association.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia sudah membuktikan dia sangat berbahaya, sangat kuat dan cergas dari segi fizikal,\" katanya kepada Press Association.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We respect each other very much but also challenge each other without thinking this is a big name\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sangat menghormati antara satu sama lain tetapi juga mencabar satu sama lain tanpa memikirkan ini adalah nama besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsenal went ahead in the 18th minute as Theo Walcott's volley deflected past Petr Cech, but Florent Malouda equalized for Chelsea just after the half hour mark.", "r": {"result": "Arsenal mendahului pada minit ke-18 apabila sepakan voli Theo Walcott melencong melepasi Petr Cech, tetapi Florent Malouda menyamakan kedudukan untuk Chelsea sejurus selepas setengah jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chelsea looked the stronger against an Arsenal team missing key defenders and goalkeeper Manuel Almunia and it came as no surprise when Ivory Coast star Drogba scored a typical winner.", "r": {"result": "Chelsea kelihatan lebih kuat menentang pasukan Arsenal yang kehilangan pemain pertahanan utama dan penjaga gol Manuel Almunia dan ia tidak mengejutkan apabila bintang Ivory Coast Drogba menjaringkan gol kemenangan biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He latched on to Frank Lampard's hopeful volleyed through ball, shrugged off Mikael Silvestre before rounding Lukasz Fabianksi to roll the ball into an empty net.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengejar bola tendangan voli Frank Lampard, menepis Mikael Silvestre sebelum membulatkan Lukasz Fabianksi untuk melancarkan bola ke gawang kosong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ivory Coast international Drogba scored the winning goal against Manchester United in the 2007 FA Cup final and may get the chance to repeat the trick.", "r": {"result": "Pemain antarabangsa Ivory Coast Drogba menjaringkan gol kemenangan menentang Manchester United pada perlawanan akhir Piala FA 2007 dan mungkin mendapat peluang untuk mengulangi helah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quintuple chasing United play Everton in the second semifinal, also at Wembley, on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Quintuple mengejar United menentang Everton pada separuh akhir kedua, juga di Wembley, pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chelsea, who are a still challenging third in the Premier League and semifinals of the Champions League, showed their character after falling behind to Walcott's strike.", "r": {"result": "Chelsea, yang masih berada di tangga ketiga yang mencabar dalam Liga Perdana dan separuh akhir Liga Juara-Juara, mempamerkan perwatakan mereka selepas ketinggalan dengan jaringan Walcott.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The England international winger connected with a chipped cross from Kieran Gibbs and his effort took a cruel deflection off Ashley Cole's arm to beat Cech.", "r": {"result": "Pemain sayap antarabangsa England itu disambungkan dengan hantaran lintang Kieran Gibbs dan usahanya menepis lengan Ashley Cole untuk menewaskan Cech.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsenal had made a fine start, but without injured central defender William Gallas and with Fabianski showing a lack of authority in goal, Chelsea came back strongly into the game.", "r": {"result": "Arsenal telah membuat permulaan yang baik, tetapi tanpa pertahanan tengah William Gallas yang cedera dan dengan Fabianski menunjukkan kekurangan autoriti dalam gawang, Chelsea bangkit semula dengan kuat ke dalam permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Malouda went close with a cross shot which eluded Fabianski, but he was not be denied soon afterwards as picked out by Lampard he cut inside Emmanuel Eboue and beat Fabianski at his near post.", "r": {"result": "Malouda menghampiri dengan rembatan lintang yang berjaya dielakkan Fabianski, tetapi dia tidak dinafikan tidak lama kemudian kerana diambil oleh Lampard dia memotong bahagian dalam Emmanuel Eboue dan menewaskan Fabianski di tiang terdekatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More slack defending from Denilson allowed Nicolas Anelka time to shoot and his shot hit the post with Fabianski beaten.", "r": {"result": "Pertahanan yang lebih kendur daripada Denilson memberikan masa Nicolas Anelka untuk merembat dan rembatannya mengenai tiang dengan Fabianski dipukul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walcott looked occasionally dangerous on the flank and twice sent in crosses which might have been converted, but Chelsea looked the more threatening and the teams were spared extra time when Drogba powered through to score.", "r": {"result": "Walcott sekali-sekala kelihatan berbahaya di sayap dan dua kali menghantar hantaran lintang yang mungkin telah ditukar, tetapi Chelsea kelihatan lebih mengancam dan pasukan terluang masa tambahan apabila Drogba berkuasa untuk menjaringkan gol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was left to rue their defensive errors and the performance of his 20-year-old Polish goalkeeper.", "r": {"result": "Pengurus Arsenal, Arsene Wenger dibiarkan mengecam kesilapan pertahanan mereka dan prestasi penjaga gol Poland berusia 20 tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's a great goalkeeper but it was not his greatest day,\" Wenger said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia seorang penjaga gol yang hebat tetapi ia bukan hari terbaiknya,\" kata Wenger.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Inexperience, yes.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada pengalaman, ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a game when any mistake could be costly\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah satu permainan apabila sebarang kesilapan boleh menjadi mahal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- One of the victims Jerry Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing has filed a lawsuit against Penn State University, accusing the school of concealing the abuse.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Salah seorang mangsa Jerry Sandusky disabitkan dengan penderaan seksual telah memfailkan saman terhadap Penn State University, menuduh sekolah itu menyembunyikan penderaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorneys for the boy the grand jury identified as \"Victim 1\" filed the lawsuit Friday, claiming the university was more concerned with \"protecting the reputation and commercial viability of its football program\" than rooting out a sexual predator of children.", "r": {"result": "Peguam untuk budak lelaki itu yang dikenal pasti sebagai \"Mangsa 1\" memfailkan tuntutan mahkamah pada hari Jumaat, mendakwa universiti itu lebih prihatin dengan \"melindungi reputasi dan daya maju komersial program bola sepaknya\" daripada menghapuskan pemangsa seksual kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It further accused ousted Penn State President Graham Spanier, head football coach Joe Paterno, and former administrators Tim Curley and Gary Schultz of knowing that \"Sandusky was a dangerous, sociopathic sexual predator who had previously raped, sodomized, and/or otherwise seriously harmed young boys on the Penn State campus, and who was substantially likely to continue to engage in similar conduct in the future\".", "r": {"result": "Ia selanjutnya menuduh Presiden Penn State Graham Spanier yang digulingkan, ketua jurulatih bola sepak Joe Paterno, dan bekas pentadbir Tim Curley dan Gary Schultz mengetahui bahawa \"Sandusky adalah pemangsa seksual sosiopati yang berbahaya yang sebelum ini telah merogol, meliwat, dan/atau sebaliknya mencederakan anak muda dengan serius. lelaki di kampus Penn State, dan yang berkemungkinan besar akan terus terlibat dalam kelakuan yang sama pada masa hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plaintiff was identified as 18-year-old \"John Doe C,\" who said during earlier court proceedings that Sandusky had repeatedly performed oral sex on him when he was a minor.", "r": {"result": "Plaintif dikenal pasti sebagai \"John Doe C\" berusia 18 tahun, yang berkata semasa prosiding mahkamah sebelum ini bahawa Sandusky telah berulang kali melakukan seks oral ke atasnya ketika dia masih di bawah umur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Penn State to host sex abuse conference.", "r": {"result": "Penn State menjadi tuan rumah persidangan penderaan seks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The university takes these cases very seriously but cannot otherwise comment on pending litigation,\" school spokesman David La Torre said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pihak universiti memandang serius kes ini tetapi tidak boleh mengulas mengenai litigasi yang belum selesai,\" kata jurucakap sekolah David La Torre.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"President Erickson and the Board of Trustees have publicly emphasized that their goal is to find solutions that rest on the principle of justice for the victims\".", "r": {"result": "\"Presiden Erickson dan Lembaga Pemegang Amanah telah secara terbuka menekankan bahawa matlamat mereka adalah untuk mencari penyelesaian yang berlandaskan prinsip keadilan untuk mangsa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sandusky, a former assistant football coach at the university, was convicted in June of sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period.", "r": {"result": "Sandusky, bekas penolong jurulatih bola sepak di universiti itu, disabitkan bersalah pada Jun kerana mendera 10 budak lelaki secara seksual dalam tempoh 15 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He continues to maintain his innocence.", "r": {"result": "Dia terus mengekalkan sifat tidak bersalahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former FBI Director Louis Freeh released a 267-page university-funded report last month that blamed Spanier, Paterno, Curley and Schultz for taking part in a cover-up to avoid bad publicity.", "r": {"result": "Bekas Pengarah FBI Louis Freeh mengeluarkan laporan 267 muka surat yang dibiayai oleh universiti pada bulan lalu yang menyalahkan Sepanyol, Paterno, Curley dan Schultz kerana mengambil bahagian dalam penyamaran untuk mengelakkan publisiti buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report has been criticized for its limited scope: Neither graduate assistant Mike McQueary -- who reported seeing Sandusky abuse one boy -- nor Sandusky or Paterno, who died in January, were interviewed by Freeh's investigators.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu telah dikritik kerana skop terhadnya: Baik pembantu siswazah Mike McQueary -- yang melaporkan melihat Sandusky mendera seorang budak lelaki -- mahupun Sandusky atau Paterno, yang meninggal dunia pada Januari, tidak ditemu bual oleh penyiasat Freeh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spanier, Curley and Schultz could not be immediately reached for comment Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Spanier, Curley dan Schultz tidak dapat dihubungi segera untuk mendapatkan komen pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Curley and Schultz still face felony perjury counts amid accusations of lying to a grand jury and failing to report suspected child abuse.", "r": {"result": "Curley dan Schultz masih menghadapi tuduhan sumpah bohong jenayah di tengah-tengah tuduhan berbohong kepada juri besar dan gagal melaporkan penderaan kanak-kanak yang disyaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have pleaded not guilty.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah mengaku tidak bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorneys for Spanier on Wednesday blasted the review, calling it a \"blundering, indefensible indictment\" and \"a flat-out distortion of facts\" that was \"infused with bias and innuendo\".", "r": {"result": "Peguam untuk Spanier pada hari Rabu mengecam semakan itu, menyebutnya sebagai \"dakwaan yang keliru, tidak dapat dipertahankan\" dan \"penyelewengan fakta secara terang-terangan\" yang \"disediakan dengan berat sebelah dan sindiran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- If Liverpool end this season with a first English league title since 1990, then perhaps the club can look back to a hand dealt by fate on April 6, 2014.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jika Liverpool menamatkan musim ini dengan kejuaraan liga Inggeris pertama sejak 1990, maka mungkin kelab itu boleh melihat kembali ke tangan yang ditakdirkan pada 6 April 2014.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Multiple hands, in fact, and some arms -- as Brendan Rodgers' team returned to the top of the Premier League table with a controversial 2-1 win at West Ham.", "r": {"result": "Banyak tangan, sebenarnya, dan beberapa senjata -- ketika pasukan Brendan Rodgers kembali ke puncak carta Liga Perdana dengan kemenangan kontroversial 2-1 di West Ham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First the outstretched limb of home defender James Tomkins, seeking to stop the progress of Luis Suarez, allowed Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard to put his team ahead from the penalty spot.", "r": {"result": "Mula-mula anggota pertahanan tuan rumah James Tomkins yang terulur, yang cuba menghalang kemaraan Luis Suarez, membenarkan kapten Liverpool, Steven Gerrard meletakkan pasukannya di hadapan daripada sepakan penalti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then the flailing hand of former $50 million Reds flop Andy Carroll clouted the head of Simon Mignolet at a corner.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pukulan tangan bekas pemain Reds bernilai $50 juta Andy Carroll menyerang kepala Simon Mignolet di sudut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As an encore, he knocked the visiting goalkeeper's arm away from the ball, allowing Guy Demel to equalize in stoppage time.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai encore, dia mengetuk lengan penjaga gol pelawat dari bola, membolehkan Guy Demel menyamakan kedudukan pada masa kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Referee Anthony Taylor overruled his linesman, who had flagged for a foul by Carroll -- much to the anger of the Liverpool players watching the replay on the big screen at Upton Park.", "r": {"result": "Pengadil Anthony Taylor mengetepikan penjaga garisannya, yang telah didakwa kerana kekasaran oleh Carroll -- yang menimbulkan kemarahan pemain Liverpool menonton ulangan di skrin besar di Upton Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Taylor got that wrong, he made up for it in the second half by awarding Liverpool another penalty which Gerrard again converted.", "r": {"result": "Jika Taylor melakukan kesilapan itu, dia menebusnya pada separuh masa kedua dengan menghadiahkan satu lagi penalti kepada Liverpool yang sekali lagi disempurnakan oleh Gerrard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "West Ham keeper Adrian had appeared to make contact with the ball with his outstretched hand before the onrushing Jon Flanagan sprawled to the grass.", "r": {"result": "Penjaga West Ham Adrian kelihatan melakukan sentuhan dengan bola dengan tangannya yang dihulurkan sebelum Jon Flanagan yang meluru terbaring ke rumput.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rodgers, however, believed the official got that one right.", "r": {"result": "Rodgers, bagaimanapun, percaya pegawai itu mendapat yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The first penalty was clear and I thought the second one was a penalty as well,\" the Liverpool manager said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPenalty pertama adalah jelas dan saya fikir yang kedua adalah penalti juga,\u201d kata pengurus Liverpool itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Jon gets a touch on the ball and touches it past the goalkeeper.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJon mendapat sentuhan pada bola dan menyentuhnya melepasi penjaga gol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The keeper gets a touch on the ball, but also takes him\".", "r": {"result": "Penjaga mendapat sentuhan pada bola, tetapi juga mengambilnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "West Ham counterpart Sam Allardyce, whose team remained mid-table and seemingly safe from relegation, was less impressed.", "r": {"result": "Rakan sejawat West Ham, Sam Allardyce, yang pasukannya kekal di pertengahan jadual dan kelihatan selamat daripada penyingkiran, kurang terkesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Flanagan is going down before Adrian plays the ball,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Flanagan akan turun sebelum Adrian bermain bola,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(The ref) thinks Adrian hasn't played the ball and he has.", "r": {"result": "\u201c(Pengadil) berpendapat Adrian belum bermain bola dan dia pernah bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel let down, the lads feel really let down.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya berasa kecewa, pemain berasa sangat kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We took Liverpool right to the wire\".", "r": {"result": "Kami membawa Liverpool terus ke hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that is where the title race appears to be headed, with five rounds remaining for most teams.", "r": {"result": "Dan di situlah perlumbaan kejuaraan nampaknya menuju, dengan baki lima pusingan untuk kebanyakan pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Liverpool, four points clear of third-placed Manchester City having played two games more, will face a big test of their aspirations when the two teams meet at Anfield next Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Liverpool, empat mata di depan Manchester City yang berada di tangga ketiga yang bermain lebih dua perlawanan, akan menghadapi ujian besar terhadap aspirasi mereka apabila kedua-dua pasukan bertemu di Anfield Ahad depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Reds then go to struggling Norwich before hosting Chelsea, second in the table at the end of this weekend -- two points adrift, also with five to play.", "r": {"result": "The Reds kemudian pergi ke Norwich yang bergelut sebelum menerima kunjungan Chelsea, kedua dalam carta hujung minggu ini -- dua mata di belakang, juga dengan lima untuk bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was Liverpool's ninth successive win, and the club will likely have to beat the record of 12 in a row set back in 1990 to have a chance of denying City a second title in three seasons.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kemenangan kesembilan berturut-turut Liverpool, dan kelab itu berkemungkinan perlu mengatasi rekod 12 perlawanan berturut-turut pada tahun 1990 untuk berpeluang menafikan gelaran kedua City dalam tiga musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We'll just keep our focus, keep that concentration.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami hanya akan mengekalkan fokus kami, mengekalkan tumpuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It didn't matter that Manchester City or Chelsea won yesterday -- it can't affect us,\" Rodgers said.", "r": {"result": "Tidak kira Manchester City atau Chelsea menang semalam -- ia tidak boleh menjejaskan kami,\" kata Rodgers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to control ourselves and our own emotions and get the job done.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami perlu mengawal diri dan emosi sendiri dan menyelesaikan tugas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was a real tough game today, but we got a great result\".", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah perlawanan yang sukar hari ini, tetapi kami mendapat keputusan yang hebat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rodgers said Liverpool have extra incentive to win the title, with this month being the 25th anniversary of the Hillsborough stadium disaster which claimed 96 lives during a crush at the FA Cup semifinal against Nottingham Forest.", "r": {"result": "Rodgers berkata Liverpool mempunyai insentif tambahan untuk memenangi kejuaraan, dengan bulan ini merupakan ulang tahun ke-25 bencana stadium Hillsborough yang mengorbankan 96 nyawa ketika dihempap di separuh akhir Piala FA menentang Nottingham Forest.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are 96 people in the sky that will always be supporting this team,\" the Northern Irishman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat 96 orang di langit yang akan sentiasa menyokong pasukan ini,\" kata warga Ireland Utara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to do it for the great support and the football family of Liverpool.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mahu melakukannya untuk sokongan hebat dan keluarga bola sepak Liverpool.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If we're to achieve anything this year, certainly they will always be in our thoughts -- the 96 in the sky and the families that go with them\".", "r": {"result": "Jika kita ingin mencapai apa-apa tahun ini, pastinya mereka akan sentiasa dalam fikiran kita -- 96 di langit dan keluarga yang pergi bersama mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, the race for England's fourth place in next season's Champions League turned in Everton's favor on Sunday as Liverpool's city rivals thrashed the incumbents Arsenal 3-0.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, perlumbaan untuk tempat keempat England dalam Liga Juara-Juara musim depan memihak kepada Everton pada hari Ahad apabila saingan Liverpool membelasah penyandang Arsenal 3-0.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Strikers Steven Naismith and Romelu Lukaku scored before former Everton favorite Mikel Arteta netted an own-goal, putting Roberto Martinez's team just a point behind the Londoners with a game in hand.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Steven Naismith dan Romelu Lukaku menjaringkan gol sebelum bekas kegemaran Everton, Mikel Arteta menjaringkan gol sendiri, meletakkan pasukan Roberto Martinez hanya satu mata di belakang Londoners dengan satu perlawanan dalam tangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The implications today were quite unique.", "r": {"result": "\"Implikasi hari ini agak unik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We were hoping for a result but what was needed today was breaking many barriers,\" said the Spanish manager, who has impressed since taking over after David Moyes left to join Manchester United.", "r": {"result": "Kami mengharapkan keputusan tetapi apa yang diperlukan hari ini adalah memecahkan banyak halangan,\" kata pengurus Sepanyol itu, yang mempamerkan aksi mengagumkan sejak mengambil alih tugas selepas David Moyes meninggalkan Manchester United.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In 22 games we have played against Arsenal we only scored one goal or less: today we kept a clean sheet and scored three and looked like we could have scored more.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam 22 perlawanan kami menentang Arsenal, kami hanya menjaringkan satu gol atau kurang: hari ini kami mengekalkan rekod bersih dan menjaringkan tiga dan nampaknya kami boleh menjaringkan lebih banyak gol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The performance had an arrogant focus which was very pleasing to see\".", "r": {"result": "\"Persembahan itu mempunyai tumpuan yang angkuh yang sangat menggembirakan untuk dilihat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsene Wenger, whose team had topped the table for large parts of this season, admitted Arsenal's morale was flagging after some heavy away defeats against the leading teams.", "r": {"result": "Arsene Wenger, yang pasukannya telah mendahului liga untuk sebahagian besar musim ini, mengakui moral Arsenal semakin lemah selepas beberapa kekalahan di tempat lawan menentang pasukan terkemuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They have taken something of our charisma from the team.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka telah mengambil sesuatu daripada karisma kami daripada pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is that belief?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kepercayaan itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it fear?", "r": {"result": "Adakah ia takut?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is it confidence\"?", "r": {"result": "Adakah keyakinan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said the Frenchman, who has guided Arsenal into Europe's top competition for 16 successive years.", "r": {"result": "kata lelaki Perancis itu, yang telah membimbing Arsenal ke saingan teratas Eropah selama 16 tahun berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wouldn't question the spirit of this team.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak akan mempersoalkan semangat pasukan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are focused and want to do well but they have lost something on the confidence front\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka fokus dan mahu melakukan yang terbaik tetapi mereka telah kehilangan sesuatu di hadapan keyakinan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Norwich sacked manager Chris Hughton on Sunday after the 1-0 defeat by West Brom left the club one place above the relegation zone, but five points clear of the bottom three teams.", "r": {"result": "Norwich memecat pengurus Chris Hughton pada Ahad selepas kekalahan 1-0 kepada West Brom menyebabkan kelab itu satu tempat di atas zon penyingkiran, tetapi lima mata di hadapan tiga pasukan terbawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The club's under-18 team coach Neil Adams was appointed to take the place of the former Tottenham player until the end of this season.", "r": {"result": "Jurulatih pasukan bawah 18 tahun kelab itu Neil Adams dilantik menggantikan bekas pemain Tottenham itu sehingga akhir musim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HONG KONG, China (CNN) -- As General Motors heads toward insolvency, the company that was once the biggest on the planet is still riding high in the world's most populous country.", "r": {"result": "HONG KONG, China (CNN) -- Ketika General Motors menuju ke arah insolvensi, syarikat yang pernah menjadi terbesar di planet ini masih berada di peringkat tinggi di negara paling ramai penduduk di dunia itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China is one bright spot in GM's dismal fortunes, but U.S. consumer activists have raised concerns.", "r": {"result": "China adalah satu titik terang dalam nasib malang GM, tetapi aktivis pengguna A.S. telah menimbulkan kebimbangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the storied American company prepares to financially dismantle its operations between good and poor performing assets, GM China is becoming the crown jewel in the company's operations.", "r": {"result": "Ketika syarikat Amerika bertingkat itu bersedia untuk membongkar operasinya dari segi kewangan antara aset berprestasi baik dan buruk, GM China menjadi permata mahkota dalam operasi syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If there's a good GM and a bad GM, China is definitely going to be in the good GM side,\" said Michael Dunne, an auto analyst and managing director of J.D. Power and Associates China.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika ada GM yang baik dan GM yang buruk, China pasti akan berada di pihak GM yang baik,\" kata Michael Dunne, penganalisis auto dan pengarah urusan J.D. Power and Associates China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the company's build-up in China is raising concern for U.S. consumer advocates and members of the U.S. Congress.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi peningkatan syarikat di China menimbulkan kebimbangan terhadap penyokong pengguna A.S. dan ahli Kongres A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of particular concern are plans to build cars for the U.S. market in China after thousands of GM workers were laid off at U.S. plants.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan khusus ialah rancangan untuk membina kereta untuk pasaran AS di China selepas beribu-ribu pekerja GM diberhentikan di kilang AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Do we really want the United States of America to export its auto industry paid for by the taxpayer, and un-employ workers to a dictatorship to a country like China\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah kita benar-benar mahu Amerika Syarikat mengeksport industri autonya yang dibayar oleh pembayar cukai, dan membuang pekerja kepada pemerintahan diktator ke negara seperti China\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said consumer advocate Ralph Nader.", "r": {"result": "kata peguam bela pengguna Ralph Nader.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Where's our self-respect as a nation\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Di mana maruah diri kita sebagai sebuah negara\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adds U.S. Sen.", "r": {"result": "Tambah Sen A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio: \"That cannot be a part of their restructuring of this company.", "r": {"result": "Sherrod Brown, seorang Demokrat dari Ohio: \"Itu tidak boleh menjadi sebahagian daripada penstrukturan semula syarikat ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their business plan cannot include more outsourcing of jobs while taking taxpayer money\".", "r": {"result": "Rancangan perniagaan mereka tidak boleh memasukkan lebih banyak penyumberan luar pekerjaan sambil mengambil wang pembayar cukai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Industry analysts say the decision is a simple matter of dollars and cents: GM is now the third-biggest car manufacturer in China, which has recently overtaken the U.S. as the world's largest car market.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis industri berkata keputusan itu adalah perkara mudah dalam dolar dan sen: GM kini merupakan pengeluar kereta ketiga terbesar di China, yang baru-baru ini telah mengatasi A.S. sebagai pasaran kereta terbesar di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our business is run as separate joint-ventures here in China in partnership with SAIC ... so we're profitable, we fund our own investment and we would be largely independent of any action that took place in the US,\" said Kevin Wale, president and managing director of GM China.", "r": {"result": "\"Perniagaan kami dijalankan sebagai usaha sama berasingan di sini di China dengan kerjasama SAIC ... jadi kami untung, kami membiayai pelaburan kami sendiri dan kami akan bebas daripada sebarang tindakan yang berlaku di AS,\" kata Kevin Wale, presiden dan pengarah urusan GM China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It seems as though they have enough going on out here that they will remain insulated from the bankruptcy back home,\" adds Dunne.", "r": {"result": "\"Nampaknya seolah-olah mereka mempunyai cukup banyak perkara di sini bahawa mereka akan kekal terlindung daripada kebankrapan di rumah,\" tambah Dunne.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I see GM weathering the storm in Asia and holding on to what they've accomplished here and being able to ride it out here\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat GM mengharungi badai di Asia dan berpegang kepada apa yang telah mereka capai di sini dan mampu mengharunginya di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Andrew Stevens and Jim Acosta contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Andrew Stevens dan Jim Acosta dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HARARE, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- Zimbabwe police arrested on Friday a magistrate who ordered the release of a senior opposition politician granted bail by the country's High Court, a lawyer said.", "r": {"result": "HARARE, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- Polis Zimbabwe pada Jumaat menahan seorang majistret yang memerintahkan pembebasan seorang ahli politik kanan pembangkang yang dibenarkan ikat jamin oleh Mahkamah Tinggi negara itu, kata seorang peguam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Zimbabwean policeman patrols outside the entrance of Mutare Magistrates court.", "r": {"result": "Seorang anggota polis Zimbabwe membuat rondaan di luar pintu masuk mahkamah Majistret Mutare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The order to release the politician had been suspended when state lawyers appealed the HIgh Court decision.", "r": {"result": "Perintah untuk membebaskan ahli politik itu telah digantung apabila peguam negeri merayu keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trust Maanda, a lawyer in Mutare city about 300 kilometers (186 miles) east of Harare, told CNN by phone that magistrate Livingstone Chipadze had been arrested.", "r": {"result": "Trust Maanda, seorang peguam di bandar Mutare kira-kira 300 kilometer (186 batu) timur Harare, memberitahu CNN melalui telefon bahawa majistret Livingstone Chipadze telah ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is in police custody.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia dalam tahanan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The police are saying he ordered the release of Roy Bennett in compliance with the High Court ruling,\" said Maanda.", "r": {"result": "Polis mengatakan dia mengarahkan pembebasan Roy Bennett sebagai mematuhi keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi,\" kata Maanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bennett is the choice of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) for deputy agriculture minister under the power-sharing government formed last month.", "r": {"result": "Bennett adalah pilihan pembangkang Pergerakan Perubahan Demokratik (MDC) untuk timbalan menteri pertanian di bawah kerajaan perkongsian kuasa yang dibentuk bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday, Chipadze ordered Bennett be released from a prison in Mutare as had been ruled by the High Court last week.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Rabu, Chipadze mengarahkan Bennett dibebaskan dari penjara di Mutare seperti yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, that order, which required Bennett to post $2,000 as bail, was suspended after the state filed an appeal with Zimbabwe's Supreme Court.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, perintah itu, yang memerlukan Bennett membayar $2,000 sebagai jaminan, telah digantung selepas negara memfailkan rayuan dengan Mahkamah Agung Zimbabwe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can confirm the arrest, but I will be in position to tell you the charge he will face later,\" said a police official in Mutare over the phone.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh mengesahkan penahanan itu, tetapi saya akan bersedia untuk memberitahu anda pertuduhan yang akan dihadapinya nanti,\" kata seorang pegawai polis di Mutare melalui telefon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is likely to go to court on Saturday or Monday.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia berkemungkinan akan ke mahkamah pada hari Sabtu atau Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But most magistrates here [in Mutare] have gone on strike over his arrest\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kebanyakan majistret di sini [di Mutare] telah melancarkan mogok atas penahanannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chipadze joins Bennett in prison in Mutare.", "r": {"result": "Chipadze menyertai Bennett di penjara di Mutare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bennett was arrested on February 13 and is facing charges of possessing arms for the purposes of banditry, terrorism and sabotage.", "r": {"result": "Bennett telah ditangkap pada 13 Februari dan menghadapi pertuduhan memiliki senjata bagi tujuan penyamun, keganasan dan sabotaj.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The continued detention of Bennett, an ally of MDC leader and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, is seen by many as a crack in the foundation of the coalition Tsvangirai formed with President Robert Mugabe.", "r": {"result": "Penahanan berterusan Bennett, sekutu pemimpin MDC dan Perdana Menteri Morgan Tsvangirai, dilihat oleh banyak pihak sebagai retakan dalam asas pakatan Tsvangirai yang dibentuk dengan Presiden Robert Mugabe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, a Zimbabwe High Court judge Friday ordered the immediate release of three human rights activists in state \"safe custody\" to testify against human rights activist Jestina Mukoko, who is facing charges of plotting to topple Mugabe.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Zimbabwe pada Jumaat memerintahkan pembebasan segera tiga aktivis hak asasi manusia dalam \"jagaan selamat\" negeri untuk memberi keterangan terhadap aktivis hak asasi manusia Jestina Mukoko, yang menghadapi tuduhan merancang untuk menjatuhkan Mugabe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opposition MDC activists Fannie Tembo, Lloyd Tarumbwa and Terry Musona have been missing since October last year after they were abducted from their homes under the cover of darkness.", "r": {"result": "Aktivis MDC pembangkang Fannie Tembo, Lloyd Tarumbwa dan Terry Musona telah hilang sejak Oktober tahun lalu selepas mereka diculik dari rumah mereka di bawah perlindungan kegelapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lawyers Chris Mhike and Innocent Chagonda took the state to the High Court in an attempt to win the release the trio.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Chris Mhike dan Innocent Chagonda membawa negeri itu ke Mahkamah Tinggi dalam usaha untuk memenangi pembebasan ketiga-tiga mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the state represented by Nelson Mutsonziwa had opposed the application, saying the three would be state witnesses when the trial of Mukoko starts.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi negeri yang diwakili oleh Nelson Mutsonziwa telah menentang permohonan itu, berkata ketiga-tiga mereka akan menjadi saksi negara apabila perbicaraan Mukoko bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The MDC lawyers then successfully argued that the three were bread winners for their families and the state had not provided their families with assistance while they are in custody.", "r": {"result": "Peguam MDC kemudiannya berjaya berhujah bahawa ketiga-tiga mereka adalah penerima rezeki untuk keluarga mereka dan negeri tidak memberikan bantuan kepada keluarga mereka semasa mereka dalam tahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Delivering the judgment, Justice Ben Hlatswayo said, \"I order the immediate release of Fannie Tembo, Lloyd Tarumbwa and Terry Musona from police custody or the custody of any other state agent.", "r": {"result": "Menyampaikan penghakiman, Hakim Ben Hlatswayo berkata, \"Saya memerintahkan pembebasan serta-merta Fannie Tembo, Lloyd Tarumbwa dan Terry Musona daripada tahanan polis atau jagaan mana-mana ejen negara yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This order stands enforceable notwithstanding the noting or filing of an appeal\".", "r": {"result": "Perintah ini tetap boleh dikuatkuasakan walaupun terdapat nota atau pemfailan rayuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relatives of the three who were milling around the High Court could not hide their joy after Mhike told them of Hlatswayo's ruling.", "r": {"result": "Saudara-mara mereka bertiga yang berpusing-pusing di sekitar Mahkamah Tinggi tidak dapat menyembunyikan kegembiraan mereka selepas Mhike memberitahu mereka tentang keputusan Hlatswayo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Samsung and Apple were ordered Friday to stand off in court once again after a federal judge struck more than $450 million that a jury last August ordered Samsung to pay Apple.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Samsung dan Apple diperintahkan pada Jumaat untuk berdiri di mahkamah sekali lagi selepas hakim persekutuan mencecah lebih $450 juta yang juri pada Ogos lalu mengarahkan Samsung membayar Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some of the awards rested on impermissible legal theories,\" U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh wrote in her ruling.", "r": {"result": "\"Beberapa anugerah bergantung pada teori undang-undang yang tidak dibenarkan,\" tulis Hakim Daerah A.S. Lucy Koh dalam keputusannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jury had awarded Apple more than $1 billion in damages total after finding Samsung had copied both the design and software features of the iPhone.", "r": {"result": "Juri telah menganugerahkan Apple lebih daripada $1 bilion jumlah ganti rugi selepas mendapati Samsung telah menyalin kedua-dua reka bentuk dan ciri perisian iPhone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new \"trial on damages\" affects the formula, and thus the amount, that Samsung must pay to Apple.", "r": {"result": "\"Percubaan ganti rugi\" baharu menjejaskan formula, dan dengan itu jumlah, yang mesti dibayar oleh Samsung kepada Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will focus on several Samsung products specifically, after Koh questioned the damages ordered because of them.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan memberi tumpuan kepada beberapa produk Samsung secara khusus, selepas Koh mempersoalkan kerosakan yang dipesan kerana mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are the Galaxy Prevail, Gem, Indulge, Infuse 4G, Galaxy SII AT&T, Captivate, Continuum, Droid Charge, Epic 4G, Exhibit 4G, Galaxy Tab, Nexus S 4G, Replenish and Transform.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah Galaxy Prevail, Gem, Indulge, Infuse 4G, Galaxy SII AT&T, Captivate, Continuum, Droid Charge, Epic 4G, Exhibit 4G, Galaxy Tab, Nexus S 4G, Replenish and Transform.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple vs.", "r": {"result": "Apple lwn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung: A peace treaty.", "r": {"result": "Samsung: Perjanjian damai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just under $600 million of the earlier award to Apple involving other Samsung products still stands, according to Koh.", "r": {"result": "Hanya di bawah $600 juta daripada anugerah awal kepada Apple yang melibatkan produk Samsung lain masih kekal, menurut Koh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung, which recently logged record-breaking sales of its latest Galaxy phone, is locked in a tight race with Apple to see who will dominate the U.S. smartphone market.", "r": {"result": "Samsung, yang baru-baru ini mencatatkan rekod jualan telefon Galaxy terbarunya, sedang bersaing ketat dengan Apple untuk melihat siapa yang akan menguasai pasaran telefon pintar A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That rivalry has spilled out into court on multiple occasions.", "r": {"result": "Persaingan itu telah merebak ke mahkamah beberapa kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last summer, a South Korean court found that both parties had infringed on each other's patents, banning the sale of the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, two iPad models and Samsung's Galaxy S2. Yet the damages ordered in that case paled compared to those at stake when the two tech giants faced off last year in a U.S. federal court in Northern California.", "r": {"result": "Musim panas lalu, mahkamah Korea Selatan mendapati bahawa kedua-dua pihak telah melanggar paten masing-masing, mengharamkan penjualan iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, dua model iPad dan Galaxy S2 Samsung. Namun ganti rugi yang diperintahkan dalam kes itu berkurangan berbanding dengan yang dipertaruhkan apabila dua gergasi teknologi itu berdepan tahun lalu di mahkamah persekutuan A.S. di California Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple accused Samsung of copying the design of the iPhone and iPad, suing Samsung for $2.5 billion.", "r": {"result": "Apple menuduh Samsung menyalin reka bentuk iPhone dan iPad, menyaman Samsung sebanyak $2.5 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung countersued Apple for $519 million, also for patent infringement.", "r": {"result": "Samsung menyaman balas Apple sebanyak $519 juta, juga untuk pelanggaran paten.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patent battle continues.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran paten berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After sifting through 109 pages of jury instructions and their notes and memories from weeks of testimony, a nine-person jury found Samsung was guilty of \"willful\" violations of a number of Apple's patents and recommended that Apple get more than $1 billion in compensation.", "r": {"result": "Selepas menyaring 109 muka surat arahan juri dan nota serta kenangan mereka dari minggu kesaksian, sembilan orang juri mendapati Samsung bersalah atas pelanggaran \"sengaja\" beberapa paten Apple dan mengesyorkan agar Apple mendapat lebih daripada $1 bilion pampasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jury did not recommend awarding Samsung any money in its counterclaims.", "r": {"result": "Juri tidak mengesyorkan memberikan Samsung sebarang wang dalam tuntutan balasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a huge win for Apple,\" Mark Lemley, a Stanford law professor, said then.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah kemenangan besar untuk Apple,\" kata Mark Lemley, seorang profesor undang-undang Stanford, ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The award \"is just large enough to make it the largest surviving patent verdict in history\".", "r": {"result": "Anugerah itu \"cukup besar untuk menjadikannya keputusan paten terbesar yang masih ada dalam sejarah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In December, Judge Koh issued a ruling denying Samsung's request for a new trial based on the company's claim the jury foreman, Velvin Hogan, was prejudiced against the company because he had been sued by Seagate, his former employer.", "r": {"result": "Pada Disember, Hakim Koh mengeluarkan keputusan menafikan permintaan Samsung untuk perbicaraan baharu berdasarkan dakwaan syarikat itu, mandur juri, Velvin Hogan, berprasangka buruk terhadap syarikat itu kerana dia telah disaman oleh Seagate, bekas majikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung became the largest investor in Seagate after selling a division to the hard-drive maker in 2011.", "r": {"result": "Samsung menjadi pelabur terbesar di Seagate selepas menjual bahagian kepada pembuat cakera keras pada 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- \"I AM\" is a new CNN.com feature built on the belief that the labels we use for one another don't really reveal who we are.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"SAYA\" ialah ciri CNN.com baharu yang dibina atas kepercayaan bahawa label yang kita gunakan untuk satu sama lain tidak benar-benar mendedahkan siapa kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We present a collection of people who may surprise you.", "r": {"result": "Kami membentangkan koleksi orang yang mungkin mengejutkan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They not only defy their labels, but they've done it in very public and dramatic ways.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bukan sahaja menentang label mereka, tetapi mereka telah melakukannya secara terbuka dan dramatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This week, I AM presents four African-Americans who challenge conventional notions of blackness.", "r": {"result": "Minggu ini, I AM mempersembahkan empat orang Afrika-Amerika yang mencabar tanggapan konvensional tentang kegelapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But then defining what it means to be black has long been a matter of debate within the African-American community.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemudian mentakrifkan maksud menjadi hitam telah lama menjadi perdebatan dalam komuniti Afrika-Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The R&B singer, Billy Paul, once had a song called, \"Am I Black Enough\"?", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi R&B, Billy Paul, pernah mempunyai lagu berjudul, \"Am I Black Enough\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well are they?", "r": {"result": "Adakah mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You be the judge.", "r": {"result": "Anda menjadi hakim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barbara Hillary -- At the age of 75, she became the first African American woman to reach the North Pole.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Hillary -- Pada usia 75 tahun, dia menjadi wanita Afrika Amerika pertama yang sampai ke Kutub Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maurice Ashley -- Is the first and only African American to attain the coveted title of International Grand Master of Chess.", "r": {"result": "Maurice Ashley -- Adalah orang Afrika Amerika pertama dan satu-satunya yang mencapai gelaran Sarjana Besar Catur Antarabangsa yang diidamkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bliss Broyard -- Author of \"One Drop: My Father's Hidden Life -- A Story of Race & Family Secrets,\" learned her father was black just before his death.", "r": {"result": "Bliss Broyard -- Pengarang \"One Drop: My Father's Hidden Life -- A Story of Race & Family Secrets,\" mengetahui bapanya berkulit hitam sejurus sebelum kematiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marvin Perkins -- As an African American elder in the Mormon church, Perkins says he is one of the world's best kept secrets in the world.", "r": {"result": "Marvin Perkins -- Sebagai seorang penatua Afrika Amerika di gereja Mormon, Perkins berkata dia adalah salah satu rahsia terbaik dunia yang disimpan di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Faulty electrical wiring is already suspected in the deaths of several U.S. troops in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pendawaian elektrik yang rosak sudah pun disyaki menyebabkan kematian beberapa tentera AS di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now contractors who worked in Afghanistan are reporting similar problems at American bases there.", "r": {"result": "Kini kontraktor yang bekerja di Afghanistan melaporkan masalah yang sama di pangkalan Amerika di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In July, Sen.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Julai, Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Byron Dorgan held a hearing on troop electrocutions.", "r": {"result": "Byron Dorgan mengadakan perbicaraan mengenai renjatan elektrik tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He wants a faster response to the problem.", "r": {"result": "Dia mahu tindak balas yang lebih cepat terhadap masalah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In general, the electrical power systems in the camp can be described as a disaster waiting to happen,\" electrician Noris Rogers wrote to his bosses at military contractor KBR about conditions at one base in 2005. The letter warned of \"extreme dangers\" of electrical shock and fire hazards at the facility.", "r": {"result": "\"Secara umum, sistem kuasa elektrik di kem boleh digambarkan sebagai bencana yang menunggu untuk berlaku,\" juruelektrik Noris Rogers menulis kepada bosnya di kontraktor tentera KBR mengenai keadaan di satu pangkalan pada 2005. Surat itu memberi amaran tentang \"bahaya melampau\" kejutan elektrik dan bahaya kebakaran di kemudahan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rogers, who left Afghanistan shortly after writing that letter, told CNN that the work done by KBR at one U.S. base in Kabul was \"by far\" the worst he has seen in 20-plus years in the trade.", "r": {"result": "Rogers, yang meninggalkan Afghanistan sejurus selepas menulis surat itu, memberitahu CNN bahawa kerja yang dilakukan oleh KBR di satu pangkalan AS di Kabul adalah \"setakat ini\" yang paling teruk yang pernah dilihatnya dalam 20 tahun lebih dalam perdagangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a complete whole, the electrical work at the camp was very dangerous,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSecara keseluruhannya, kerja elektrik di kem itu sangat berbahaya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that I don't believe any of it was done safely\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan saya tidak fikir ia akan menjadi keterlaluan untuk mengatakan bahawa saya tidak percaya mana-mana perkara itu telah dilakukan dengan selamat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeff Bliss says he saw similar electrical hazards when he worked as an electrician in Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Jeff Bliss berkata dia melihat bahaya elektrik yang sama semasa dia bekerja sebagai juruelektrik di Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bliss, also a former KBR electrician, told a Senate Democratic Policy Committee meeting in 2008 that \"the carelessness and disregard for quality work at KBR was pervasive\".", "r": {"result": "Bliss, juga bekas juruelektrik KBR, memberitahu mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Dasar Demokratik Senat pada 2008 bahawa \"kecuaian dan mengabaikan kerja berkualiti di KBR adalah berleluasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one case, Bliss said, a soldier at a field command post received a 400-volt shock from wiring that other soldiers told him had been installed by a plumber and a security guard.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kes, Bliss berkata, seorang askar di pos arahan medan menerima kejutan 400 volt daripada pendawaian yang dikatakan oleh askar lain kepadanya telah dipasang oleh tukang paip dan pengawal keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 20-year veteran of the trade said KBR hired many unqualified or unlicensed electricians, and relied heavily on non-American workers who were unfamiliar with U.S. standards and spoke little or no English.", "r": {"result": "Veteran perdagangan selama 20 tahun itu berkata KBR mengupah ramai juruelektrik yang tidak berkelayakan atau tidak berlesen, dan sangat bergantung kepada pekerja bukan Amerika yang tidak biasa dengan piawaian A.S. dan sedikit atau tidak bercakap bahasa Inggeris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I saw firsthand how KBR's carelessness unnecessarily put people's lives in danger,\" he testified.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya melihat sendiri bagaimana kecuaian KBR yang tidak semestinya menyebabkan nyawa orang ramai dalam bahaya,\u201d katanya memberi keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bliss, Rogers and three other experienced electricians who worked for KBR in 2005 and 2006 told CNN that their warnings to supervisors were ignored.", "r": {"result": "Bliss, Rogers dan tiga juruelektrik berpengalaman lain yang bekerja untuk KBR pada 2005 dan 2006 memberitahu CNN bahawa amaran mereka kepada penyelia tidak diendahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The electricians showed CNN photographs they say show dangerous wiring, and overloaded or badly wired circuit panels that have caused fires at U.S. installations.", "r": {"result": "Juruelektrik menunjukkan gambar CNN yang mereka katakan menunjukkan pendawaian berbahaya, dan panel litar yang terlebih muatan atau berwayar teruk yang telah menyebabkan kebakaran di pemasangan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And several U.S. soldiers who were stationed in Afghanistan said they received electrical shocks themselves or knew soldiers who suffered them.", "r": {"result": "Dan beberapa askar A.S. yang ditempatkan di Afghanistan berkata mereka menerima renjatan elektrik sendiri atau mengenali askar yang mengalaminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The soldiers said they preferred to not be identified because of possible retribution from the Army.", "r": {"result": "Askar-askar itu berkata mereka lebih suka tidak dikenali kerana kemungkinan pembalasan daripada Tentera Darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "KBR would not comment on specific criticism about the company's work in Afghanistan, but it has consistently denied any improper electrical work or responsibility for deaths or injuries.", "r": {"result": "KBR tidak akan mengulas mengenai kritikan khusus tentang kerja syarikat di Afghanistan, tetapi ia secara konsisten menafikan sebarang kerja elektrik yang tidak betul atau tanggungjawab untuk kematian atau kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The electrical standards in Iraq are nowhere near those of Western standards,\" it told CNN in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Piawaian elektrik di Iraq tidak sama dengan piawaian Barat,\" katanya kepada CNN dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So we are adapting to an environment that existed long before KBR got on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi kami menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran yang wujud lama sebelum KBR turun ke tanah di Iraq dan Afghanistan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Iraq, at least 18 U.S. troops are known to have died by electrocution -- many while on U.S. bases being managed by various military contractors, including KBR.", "r": {"result": "Di Iraq, sekurang-kurangnya 18 tentera A.S. diketahui telah mati akibat renjatan elektrik -- kebanyakannya semasa berada di pangkalan A.S. diuruskan oleh pelbagai kontraktor tentera, termasuk KBR.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Pentagon would not say whether there were any fatalities or serious injuries from electrocutions in Afghanistan, telling CNN it would not comment on an ongoing investigation by the Defense Department's inspector general.", "r": {"result": "Pentagon tidak akan menyatakan sama ada terdapat sebarang kematian atau kecederaan serius akibat renjatan elektrik di Afghanistan, memberitahu CNN ia tidak akan mengulas mengenai siasatan yang sedang dijalankan oleh inspektor jeneral Jabatan Pertahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Pentagon said it considers electrical dangers to be \"a very serious issue,\" and has launched widespread inspections in Afghanistan and Iraq to fix any electrical hazards and ensure that future installations comply with U.S. electrical code.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Pentagon berkata ia menganggap bahaya elektrik sebagai \"isu yang sangat serius,\" dan telah melancarkan pemeriksaan meluas di Afghanistan dan Iraq untuk membetulkan sebarang bahaya elektrik dan memastikan pemasangan masa depan mematuhi kod elektrik AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, who leads the Democratic Policy Committee, said the accounts from Afghanistan show \"some of the same problems exist in both war theaters\".", "r": {"result": "Byron Dorgan dari North Dakota, yang mengetuai Jawatankuasa Dasar Demokratik, berkata akaun dari Afghanistan menunjukkan \"beberapa masalah yang sama wujud di kedua-dua panggung perang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think the problem has been fixed,\" Dorgan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir masalah itu telah diselesaikan,\" kata Dorgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think at this point the Pentagon has bitten the bullet to say, 'We're going to fix these problems in a very significant way, and we're going to cause contractors to be accountable for their work.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir pada ketika ini Pentagon telah menggigit peluru untuk berkata, 'Kami akan menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan cara yang sangat penting, dan kami akan menyebabkan kontraktor bertanggungjawab terhadap kerja mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' I think, as a result of it not being fixed, I think there are risks\".", "r": {"result": "' Saya fikir, akibat ia tidak diperbaiki, saya fikir ada risiko\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dorgan said he was \"outraged\" at the Defense Department for not moving faster to fix electrical hazards.", "r": {"result": "Dorgan berkata dia \"marah\" kepada Jabatan Pertahanan kerana tidak bergerak lebih pantas untuk membetulkan bahaya elektrik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our soldiers shouldn't be taking risks by taking showers,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAskar kita tidak sepatutnya mengambil risiko dengan mandi,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They ought to be able to expect that the electrical work at their military base is not going to result in their death or injury because of shoddy workmanship\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka sepatutnya boleh menjangkakan bahawa kerja-kerja elektrik di pangkalan tentera mereka tidak akan mengakibatkan kematian atau kecederaan mereka kerana mutu kerja yang kurang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "KBR has already come under fire for its work in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "KBR telah mendapat kecaman kerana kerjanya di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Army's lead investigator into the death of Staff Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Ketua penyiasat Tentera ke atas kematian Staf Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ryan Maseth, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, recently wrote that she would recommend Maseth's cause of death be changed to \"negligent homicide\".", "r": {"result": "Ryan Maseth, dari Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, baru-baru ini menulis bahawa dia akan mengesyorkan punca kematian Maseth ditukar kepada \"pembunuhan cuai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her report accused KBR of failing to properly supervise or inspect its work, but the Army has yet to make a final ruling on the case.", "r": {"result": "Laporannya menuduh KBR gagal menyelia atau memeriksa kerjanya dengan betul, tetapi Tentera Darat masih belum membuat keputusan muktamad mengenai kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maseth was found dead in the shower in his Baghdad quarters in January 2008. Two of the soldiers who told CNN that they suffered shocks in Afghanistan said they were in showers at the time as well.", "r": {"result": "Maseth ditemui mati di bilik mandi di kuartersnya di Baghdad pada Januari 2008. Dua daripada askar yang memberitahu CNN bahawa mereka mengalami kejutan di Afghanistan berkata mereka sedang mandi pada masa itu juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Army inspectors recently found KBR failed to do proper electrical wiring on bases in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Pemeriksa tentera baru-baru ini mendapati KBR gagal melakukan pendawaian elektrik yang betul di pangkalan di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their report found that incidents of electric shock were happening an average of every three days for nearly two years, and that the company was in serious violation of its contract.", "r": {"result": "Laporan mereka mendapati bahawa insiden renjatan elektrik berlaku secara purata setiap tiga hari selama hampir dua tahun, dan syarikat itu telah melanggar kontraknya dengan serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Twelve jurors must decide whether the marriage of a Mexican soap opera actress to a California pizza delivery man was a fact built on love or fiction designed to fool immigration agents.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Dua belas juri mesti memutuskan sama ada perkahwinan pelakon sinetron Mexico dengan lelaki penghantar piza California adalah fakta yang dibina atas cinta atau fiksyen yang direka untuk memperdaya ejen imigresen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The question is apparently not easy for jurors who told the judge late Wednesday that they needed to return for more deliberations Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Soalan itu nampaknya tidak mudah bagi juri yang memberitahu hakim lewat Rabu bahawa mereka perlu kembali untuk perbincangan lebih lanjut pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their answer could send the couple to prison.", "r": {"result": "Jawapan mereka boleh menghantar pasangan itu ke penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jurors can compare the tearful testimony of the actress proclaiming love for her husband to evidence that she engaged in a romance with a photographer less than a year after her wedding.", "r": {"result": "Juri boleh membandingkan kesaksian sebak pelakon yang menyatakan cinta kepada suaminya dengan bukti bahawa dia bercinta dengan jurugambar kurang dari setahun selepas perkahwinannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prosecutor argued Fernanda Romero paid Kent Ross $5,000 to be her husband in June, 2005 so she could get a U.S. work visa.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berhujah Fernanda Romero membayar Kent Ross $5,000 untuk menjadi suaminya pada Jun, 2005 supaya dia boleh mendapatkan visa kerja A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why would anybody have to be paid to marry her\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Mengapa sesiapa perlu dibayar untuk berkahwin dengannya\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "asked defense lawyer Michael Nasitir, pointing to the beautiful actress-singer-model.", "r": {"result": "tanya peguam bela Michael Nasitir sambil menunjuk ke arah pelakon-penyanyi-model yang cantik itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romero and Ross were both 23 when they had a Los Angeles wedding.", "r": {"result": "Romero dan Ross kedua-duanya berusia 23 tahun ketika mereka mengadakan perkahwinan di Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only the bride's mother and a handful of others attended, but Romero said a larger wedding was impossible because he is a Mormon and she's a devout Catholic.", "r": {"result": "Hanya ibu pengantin perempuan dan segelintir yang lain hadir, tetapi Romero berkata perkahwinan yang lebih besar adalah mustahil kerana dia seorang Mormon dan dia seorang penganut Katolik yang taat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was no honeymoon, which Special Assistant U.S. Attorney James Left argued was evidence of a sham marriage.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada bulan madu, yang dihujahkan oleh Penolong Khas Peguam A.S. James Left sebagai bukti perkahwinan palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You'd figure they could go somewhere, Palm Springs, San Diego,\" Left said during closing arguments Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda fikir mereka boleh pergi ke suatu tempat, Palm Springs, San Diego,\" kata Left semasa hujah penutup pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They did have pictures together, which the prosecution suggested were staged to show immigration officials who would decide on her green card.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mempunyai gambar bersama, yang dicadangkan pihak pendakwaan diadakan untuk menunjukkan pegawai imigresen yang akan memutuskan kad hijaunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When immigration agents conducted a surprise \"bed check\" at Romero's Los Angeles apartment in October, 2007, they found her, but not him.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ejen imigresen melakukan \"pemeriksaan katil\" mengejut di pangsapuri Romero di Los Angeles pada Oktober, 2007, mereka menemuinya, tetapi bukan dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They found Ross at a Hollywood apartment, they testified.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menemui Ross di sebuah apartmen Hollywood, mereka memberi keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romero testified that she really loved Ross when they got married and she intended to build a life with him.", "r": {"result": "Romero memberi keterangan bahawa dia sangat mencintai Ross apabila mereka berkahwin dan dia berhasrat untuk membina kehidupan bersamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first months were \"very loving, fun,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Bulan-bulan pertama adalah \"sangat penyayang, menyeronokkan, \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We socialized together, passionate.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami bersosial bersama, bersemangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the honeymoon stage\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah peringkat bulan madu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But his drinking and late-night cavorting split them just seven months after their wedding, she said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi minuman kerasnya dan kegilaan lewat malam memisahkan mereka hanya tujuh bulan selepas perkahwinan mereka, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We started to fight a lot, sweat a lot, throw things.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mula bergaduh, banyak berpeluh, membuang barang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not healthy\".", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak sihat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her defense lawyer argued jurors only have to conclude that the marriage was real when it began.", "r": {"result": "Peguam pembelanya berhujah juri hanya perlu membuat kesimpulan bahawa perkahwinan itu benar apabila ia bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are all kinds of marriages,\" Nasitir said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat pelbagai jenis perkahwinan,\" kata Nasitir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No one else knows if people are in love\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada orang lain yang tahu jika orang bercinta\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is unusual because marriage fraud charges are usually litigated by immigration authorities rather than prosecuted as criminal cases.", "r": {"result": "Kes ini adalah luar biasa kerana tuduhan penipuan perkahwinan biasanya dibicarakan oleh pihak imigresen dan bukannya didakwa sebagai kes jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. District Judge Manuel Real blocked the defense from using much of the evidence they said would show it was only investigated because Romero was turned in by a vengeful photographer angry that she rebuffed his romantic advances.", "r": {"result": "Hakim Daerah A.S. Manuel Real menyekat pihak pembelaan daripada menggunakan banyak bukti yang mereka katakan akan menunjukkan ia hanya disiasat kerana Romero telah diserahkan oleh seorang jurugambar yang penuh dendam yang marah kerana dia menolak tindakan romantiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She met Markus Klinko at a Hollywood casting call about the same time her marriage was \"on the rocks,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Dia bertemu Markus Klinko pada panggilan pemutus Hollywood pada masa yang sama perkahwinannya \"di atas batu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Klinko, a 49-year-old Swiss native, is the star of his own reality TV show, Bravo's \"Double Exposure\".", "r": {"result": "Klinko, seorang warga Switzerland berusia 49 tahun, adalah bintang rancangan TV realitinya sendiri, Bravo's \"Double Exposure\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romero said the relationship initially was \"professional and creative,\" but she eventually engaged in a \"short affair\" with Klinko as he helped with her modeling career.", "r": {"result": "Romero berkata hubungan itu pada mulanya adalah \"profesional dan kreatif,\" tetapi dia akhirnya terlibat dalam \"hubungan singkat\" dengan Klinko ketika dia membantu kerjaya peragaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I felt very pressured and I was vulnerable,\" Romero said as she cried.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berasa sangat tertekan dan saya terdedah,\" kata Romero sambil menangis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was the biggest mistake I've done in my life\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah kesilapan terbesar yang pernah saya lakukan dalam hidup saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her friendship with Klinko turned into a nightmare when she decided to end the affair, she said.", "r": {"result": "Persahabatannya dengan Klinko bertukar menjadi mimpi ngeri apabila dia memutuskan untuk menamatkan hubungan itu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mr. Klinko wanted more and more and he knew I wasn't able to give it to him,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Encik Klinko mahu lebih dan dia tahu saya tidak mampu memberikannya kepadanya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Klinko threatened to turn her in to immigration officials, she said.", "r": {"result": "Klinko mengancam untuk menyerahkannya kepada pegawai imigresen, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was losing it, he was very psycho,\" Romero said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia kehilangannya, dia sangat psiko,\" kata Romero.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was very scared, because he wouldn't stop\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat takut, kerana dia tidak akan berhenti\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The federal complaint against Romero said the immigration investigation began after agents were given evidence gathered by a private detective hired by Klinko.", "r": {"result": "Aduan persekutuan terhadap Romero berkata, siasatan imigresen bermula selepas ejen diberi keterangan yang dikumpul oleh detektif swasta yang diupah oleh Klinko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Klinko testified for the prosecution last week he said it was \"completely incorrect\" that his motivation was to get Romero deported.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Klinko memberi keterangan untuk pendakwaan minggu lalu, dia berkata \"sama sekali tidak betul\" bahawa motivasinya adalah untuk membuat Romero dihantar pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, the investigator was gathering evidence to be used in a lawsuit against Michael Ball, the founder and owner of the Rock & Republic fashion company, Klinko said.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, penyiasat sedang mengumpul bukti untuk digunakan dalam tuntutan mahkamah terhadap Michael Ball, pengasas dan pemilik syarikat fesyen Rock & Republic, kata Klinko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The criminal complaint named Ball as a target of the federal investigation, alleging that he helped arrange the sham marriage while Romero was modeling for his company.", "r": {"result": "Aduan jenayah itu menamakan Ball sebagai sasaran penyiasatan persekutuan, mendakwa bahawa dia membantu mengatur perkahwinan palsu semasa Romero menjadi model untuk syarikatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Klinko said his lawyer turned the evidence over to the government only because he feared Klinko might be extorted by Ball.", "r": {"result": "Klinko berkata peguamnya menyerahkan bukti kepada kerajaan hanya kerana dia bimbang Klinko mungkin diperas oleh Ball.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My case has never been against Fernanda,\" Klinko said after his testimony.", "r": {"result": "\"Kes saya tidak pernah terhadap Fernanda,\" kata Klinko selepas keterangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wish her the best\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya doakan yang terbaik untuk dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They could get between 15 and 21 months in prison if convicted, though such cases usually produce shorter sentences, according to the prosecutor.", "r": {"result": "Mereka boleh dipenjara antara 15 dan 21 bulan jika sabit kesalahan, walaupun kes seperti itu biasanya menghasilkan hukuman yang lebih pendek, menurut pendakwa raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romero's show business career began in Mexico at age 16 when she joined the ensemble Frizzby, her Internet Movie Database biography says.", "r": {"result": "Kerjaya perniagaan pertunjukan Romero bermula di Mexico pada usia 16 tahun apabila dia menyertai ensemble Frizzby, kata biografi Pangkalan Data Filem Internetnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group toured Mexico and Central America, releasing two top-10 singles, it says.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu melawat Mexico dan Amerika Tengah, mengeluarkan dua perseorangan 10 teratas, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She started hosting television shows and appearing on commercials in Mexico when she was 18, it says.", "r": {"result": "Dia mula mengacara rancangan televisyen dan muncul dalam iklan di Mexico ketika dia berusia 18 tahun, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romero has appeared in print and TV ad campaigns for Rock and Republic, Clean and Clear, Pepsi, Apple and JCPenney, it says.", "r": {"result": "Romero telah muncul dalam kempen iklan cetak dan TV untuk Rock and Republic, Clean and Clear, Pepsi, Apple dan JCPenney, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was cast in Telemundo's original production 'Wounded Soul,' where she was not only a lead actress, but also a lead singer, performing two songs in the soap opera's soundtrack,\" her online biography says.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia dilakonkan dalam produksi asal Telemundo 'Wounded Soul,' di mana dia bukan sahaja pelakon utama, tetapi juga penyanyi utama, mempersembahkan dua lagu dalam runut bunyi sinetron itu,\" kata biografi dalam taliannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Kentucky pastor who starred in a reality show about snake-handling in church has died -- of a snakebite.", "r": {"result": "Seorang paderi Kentucky yang membintangi rancangan realiti mengenai pengendalian ular di gereja telah meninggal dunia -- akibat dipatuk ular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jamie Coots died Saturday evening after refusing to be treated, Middlesboro police said.", "r": {"result": "Jamie Coots meninggal dunia petang Sabtu selepas enggan dirawat, kata polis Middlesboro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On \"Snake Salvation,\" the ardent Pentecostal believer said that he believed that a passage in the Bible suggests poisonous snakebites will not harm believers as long as they are anointed by God.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai \"Keselamatan Ular,\" penganut Pentakosta yang bersemangat itu berkata bahawa dia percaya bahawa petikan dalam Alkitab menunjukkan gigitan ular berbisa tidak akan membahayakan orang percaya selagi mereka diurapi oleh Tuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The practice is illegal in most states, but still goes on, primarily in the rural South.", "r": {"result": "Amalan ini menyalahi undang-undang di kebanyakan negeri, tetapi masih berterusan, terutamanya di kawasan luar bandar Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coots was a third-generation \"serpent handler\" and aspired to one day pass the practice and his church, Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name, on to his adult son, Little Cody.", "r": {"result": "Coots ialah \"pengendali ular\" generasi ketiga dan bercita-cita untuk satu hari meneruskan amalan itu dan gerejanya, Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name, kepada anak lelaki dewasanya, Little Cody.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Geographic show featured Coots and cast handling all kinds of poisonous snakes -- copperheads, rattlers, cottonmouths.", "r": {"result": "Pertunjukan National Geographic menampilkan Coots dan pelakon yang mengendalikan semua jenis ular berbisa -- kepala tembaga, kompang, mulut kapas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The channel's website shows a picture of Coots, goateed, wearing a fedora.", "r": {"result": "Laman web saluran menunjukkan gambar Coots, berkambing, memakai fedora.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even after losing half of his finger to a snake bite and seeing others die from bites during services,\" Coots \"still believes he must take up serpents and follow the Holiness faith,\" the website says.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun selepas kehilangan separuh jarinya akibat gigitan ular dan melihat orang lain mati akibat dipatuk semasa perkhidmatan,\" Coots \"masih percaya dia mesti mengambil ular dan mengikuti iman Holiness,\" kata laman web itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A faithful death: Why a snake handler refused treatment.", "r": {"result": "Kematian yang setia: Mengapa pengendali ular enggan dirawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, National Geographic Channels spokeswoman Stephanie Montgomery sent CNN this statement: \"In following Pastor Coots for our series Snake Salvation, we were constantly struck by his devout religious convictions despite the health and legal peril he often faced.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Ahad, jurucakap National Geographic Channels Stephanie Montgomery menghantar kepada CNN kenyataan ini: \"Dalam mengikuti Pastor Coots untuk siri Penyelamat Ular kami, kami sentiasa terkejut dengan keyakinan agamanya yang taat walaupun menghadapi bahaya kesihatan dan undang-undang yang sering dihadapinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those risks were always worth it to him and his congregants as a means to demonstrate their unwavering faith.", "r": {"result": "\"Risiko itu sentiasa berbaloi untuk dia dan jemaahnya sebagai cara untuk menunjukkan iman mereka yang tidak berbelah bahagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We were honored to be allowed such unique access to Pastor Jamie and his congregation during the course of our show, and give context to his method of worship.", "r": {"result": "Kami berbesar hati kerana diberi akses unik kepada Pastor Jamie dan jemaahnya semasa persembahan kami, dan memberikan konteks kepada kaedah ibadatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time\".", "r": {"result": "Fikiran kami bersama keluarganya pada masa yang sukar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February 2013, Coots was given one year of probation for crossing into Tennessee with venomous snakes.", "r": {"result": "Pada Februari 2013, Coots diberi satu tahun percubaan kerana menyeberang ke Tennessee dengan ular berbisa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was previously arrested in 2008 for keeping 74 snakes in his home, according to National Geographic.", "r": {"result": "Dia sebelum ini ditangkap pada 2008 kerana menyimpan 74 ekor ular di rumahnya, menurut National Geographic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tennessee banned snake handling in 1947 after five people were bitten in churches over two years' time, the channel says on the show site.", "r": {"result": "Tennessee mengharamkan pengendalian ular pada 1947 selepas lima orang digigit di gereja dalam tempoh dua tahun, kata saluran itu di tapak rancangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On one episode, Coots, who collected snakes, is shown trying to wrest a Western diamondback out of its nook under a rock deep in East Texas.", "r": {"result": "Pada satu episod, Coots, yang mengumpul ular, ditunjukkan cuba merampas intan berlian Barat keluar dari sudutnya di bawah batu jauh di Texas Timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's wearing a cowboy hat and a T-shirt that says \"The answer to Y2K - JESUS\".", "r": {"result": "Dia memakai topi koboi dan kemeja-T yang bertulis \"Jawapan kepada Y2K - YESUS\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The pastor is helped by his son and a couple of church members.", "r": {"result": "Pendeta dibantu oleh anaknya dan beberapa ahli gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He'll give up, just sooner or later,\" one of the members says.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia akan berputus asa, lambat laun,\" kata salah seorang ahli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Just be careful.", "r": {"result": "\"Sila berhati-hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ease him out\".", "r": {"result": "Permudahkan dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group bags two snakes, which a disappointed Coots says hardly justifies the trip to Texas.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu membawa dua ekor ular, yang menurut Coots yang kecewa hampir tidak membenarkan perjalanan ke Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Catching two snakes the first day, 'course we'd hoped for more,\" Coots says in the video.", "r": {"result": "\"Menangkap dua ular pada hari pertama, sudah tentu kami berharap lebih banyak lagi,\" kata Coots dalam video itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We knew that the next day we was gonna have to try to hunt harder and hope for more snakes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tahu bahawa keesokan harinya kami perlu berusaha untuk memburu lebih keras dan berharap untuk lebih banyak ular\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Death of snake handling preacher shines light on lethal Appalachian tradition.", "r": {"result": "Kematian pendakwah pengendalian ular menyinari tradisi Appalachian yang membawa maut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pastor dances with venomous snakes.", "r": {"result": "Pastor menari dengan ular berbisa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "PADUCAH, Kentucky (CNN) -- The aunt of former U.S. soldier Steven Green told jurors tearfully Monday that \"We did not send a rapist and murderer to Iraq\" as defense lawyers worked to save her nephew from a death sentence.", "r": {"result": "PADUCAH, Kentucky (CNN) -- Ibu saudara bekas askar AS Steven Green memberitahu juri dengan sebak pada hari Isnin bahawa \"Kami tidak menghantar perogol dan pembunuh ke Iraq\" ketika peguam bela berusaha menyelamatkan anak saudaranya daripada hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former U.S. soldier Steven Green has been convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl.", "r": {"result": "Bekas tentera AS Steven Green telah disabitkan dengan kesalahan merogol dan membunuh seorang gadis Iraq berusia 14 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patty Ruth, a Texas elementary school principal, told a civilian jury about Green's childhood as a reader who loved to be hugged by relatives.", "r": {"result": "Patty Ruth, seorang pengetua sekolah rendah Texas, memberitahu juri awam tentang zaman kanak-kanak Green sebagai pembaca yang suka dipeluk oleh saudara mara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do not know how we got to this spot,\" Ruth said in emotional testimony.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak tahu bagaimana kami sampai ke tempat ini,\" kata Ruth dalam keterangan yang penuh emosi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do not know how this happened\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak tahu bagaimana ini berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green was convicted last week in U.S. District Court in Kentucky of murder, rape, conspiracy and obstruction of justice in connection with a 2006 rape-and-murder south of Baghdad.", "r": {"result": "Green disabitkan minggu lalu di Mahkamah Daerah A.S. di Kentucky atas tuduhan membunuh, merogol, berkonspirasi dan menghalang keadilan berhubung kes rogol dan pembunuhan pada 2006 di selatan Baghdad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A jury found him guilty of raping a 14-year-old girl, then killing her and setting her body on fire to destroy evidence.", "r": {"result": "Juri mendapati dia bersalah merogol seorang gadis berusia 14 tahun, kemudian membunuhnya dan membakar mayatnya untuk memusnahkan bukti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green also was found guilty of killing the girl's parents and 6-year-old sister.", "r": {"result": "Green juga didapati bersalah membunuh ibu bapa gadis itu dan adik perempuannya yang berusia 6 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He could become the first former U.S. soldier to face the death penalty for war crimes before a civilian court, where he was tried because he had been discharged from the military before his crimes came to light.", "r": {"result": "Dia boleh menjadi bekas tentera A.S. pertama yang menghadapi hukuman mati bagi jenayah perang di hadapan mahkamah awam, di mana dia dibicarakan kerana dia telah diberhentikan daripada tentera sebelum jenayahnya terbongkar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four other former soldiers are in prison for their roles in the crimes and the cover-up that followed.", "r": {"result": "Empat bekas tentera lain berada di penjara kerana peranan mereka dalam jenayah dan penutupan yang berlaku selepas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green faces either death or life in prison without the possibility of parole.", "r": {"result": "Green menghadapi sama ada kematian atau penjara seumur hidup tanpa kemungkinan parol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His fate will be in the hands of the jury by week's end.", "r": {"result": "Nasibnya akan berada di tangan juri menjelang akhir minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defense has presented relatives and medical professionals who have pieced together a picture of Green's childhood as troubled and stressful.", "r": {"result": "Pihak pembelaan telah membentangkan saudara-mara dan profesional perubatan yang telah mengumpulkan gambar zaman kanak-kanak Green sebagai bermasalah dan tertekan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It included the breakup of his parents' marriage, routine beatings to the point of injury by an older brother and being moved about through Texas by his mother.", "r": {"result": "Ia termasuk perpecahan perkahwinan ibu bapanya, pukulan rutin sehingga kecederaan oleh seorang abang dan dipindahkan melalui Texas oleh ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ruth, the final witness scheduled by the defense, said that when the idea of the military came up for her nephew, she was unsure the Army would accept him.", "r": {"result": "Ruth, saksi terakhir yang dijadualkan oleh pihak pembelaan, berkata bahawa apabila idea tentera muncul untuk anak saudaranya, dia tidak pasti Tentera akan menerimanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even after he received a high school diploma through a correspondence course, she said, \"I could not picture or imagine how he could make it through basic training\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun selepas dia menerima diploma sekolah tinggi melalui kursus surat-menyurat, dia berkata, \"Saya tidak dapat membayangkan atau membayangkan bagaimana dia boleh berjaya melalui latihan asas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ruth said when she saw a picture of her nephew before his September 2005 deployment, she knew he wasn't \"Stevie\" anymore, standing as tall as his father in the photo at Fort Benning, Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Ruth berkata apabila dia melihat gambar anak saudaranya sebelum ditempatkan pada September 2005, dia tahu dia bukan \"Stevie\" lagi, berdiri sama tinggi dengan bapanya dalam foto di Fort Benning, Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he returned from Iraq 11 months later, he was \"remarkably thin,\" Ruth said, and she noticed circles under his eyes.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia kembali dari Iraq 11 bulan kemudian, dia \"sangat kurus,\" kata Ruth, dan dia melihat bulatan di bawah matanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green and his father spent a night at the Ruth home, his aunt said, and she remembered him pacing the yard while smoking.", "r": {"result": "Green dan bapanya bermalam di rumah Ruth, kata ibu saudaranya, dan dia teringat dia mundar-mandir di halaman sambil merokok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He fell asleep wearing his fatigues, she said.", "r": {"result": "Dia tertidur dengan kepenatannya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When asked by the defense about the rape-murder plot that left an Iraqi family dead near Yusufiya, about 20 miles south of Baghdad, Ruth responded, \"He's my Steve.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ditanya oleh pihak pembelaan tentang rancangan pembunuhan rogol yang menyebabkan sebuah keluarga Iraq mati berhampiran Yusufiya, kira-kira 20 batu di selatan Baghdad, Ruth menjawab, \"Dia Steve saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can't stop loving someone\".", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak boleh berhenti mencintai seseorang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were other family members in the court on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat ahli keluarga lain di mahkamah pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Green's father, John, an oil field worker from Midland, Texas, looked on quietly.", "r": {"result": "Bapa Green, John, seorang pekerja ladang minyak dari Midland, Texas, memandang dengan senyap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He did not testify.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak memberi keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ruth, who is John Green's sister, noted for the jury that Green's mother is not at the trial this week.", "r": {"result": "Ruth, yang merupakan kakak kepada John Green, menyatakan kepada juri bahawa ibu Green tidak hadir dalam perbicaraan minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mother is moving and had to attend a going-away party, Ruth said.", "r": {"result": "Ibu sedang berpindah dan terpaksa menghadiri majlis perpisahan, kata Ruth.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Final arguments are expected Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Hujah akhir dijangka hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- You know the drill.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Anda tahu latihan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pony up a little (or a lot) more scratch at America's top theme parks, sports stadiums, wildlife sanctuaries, lounges and museums and you can expect a different deal.", "r": {"result": "Kuda naik sedikit (atau banyak) lagi calar di taman tema, stadium sukan, tempat perlindungan hidupan liar, lounge dan muzium terkemuka Amerika dan anda boleh mengharapkan tawaran yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The VIP deal.", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian VIP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But where and when does it pay to go VIP?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di mana dan bila ia membayar untuk pergi VIP?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You should always take those three letters with a grain of salt, but sometimes they really do sweeten the pot, provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience or just save your sanity.", "r": {"result": "Anda harus sentiasa mengambil tiga huruf itu dengan sebutir garam, tetapi kadang-kadang ia benar-benar memaniskan periuk, memberikan pengalaman sekali dalam seumur hidup atau hanya menyelamatkan kewarasan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here are 12 VIP options in nine categories that are worth the extra cash.", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah 12 pilihan VIP dalam sembilan kategori yang bernilai wang tunai tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Theme parks.", "r": {"result": "Taman Tema.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If money was no object, who wouldn't do the whole destination amusement park thing differently?", "r": {"result": "Jika wang bukan objek, siapa yang tidak akan melakukan keseluruhan taman hiburan destinasi secara berbeza?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As in, no lines anywhere, front row seating everywhere and a personal park operative to maneuver you through the madness.", "r": {"result": "Seperti dalam, tiada barisan di mana-mana, tempat duduk barisan hadapan di mana-mana dan pengendali taman peribadi untuk menggerakkan anda melalui kegilaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Disney World Premium VIP Tour (from $315 per hour) is about as close to that parallel universe as it gets in the Magic Kingdom, Epcot and beyond.", "r": {"result": "Jelajah VIP Premium Disney World (dari $315 sejam) adalah hampir sama dengan alam semesta selari seperti yang berlaku di Magic Kingdom, Epcot dan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The package includes a door-to-door resort guide overseeing your own personally customized, multipark itinerary -- with all the line-skipping, special-seating and headache-saving that groups of up to 10 can pack into six hours.", "r": {"result": "Pakej ini termasuk panduan tempat peranginan dari pintu ke pintu yang mengawasi jadual perjalanan berbilang taman yang disesuaikan secara peribadi anda sendiri -- dengan semua laluan melangkau, tempat duduk khas dan penjimatan sakit kepala yang kumpulan sehingga 10 boleh dibungkus dalam enam jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Six Flags VIP Tour (from $199) also offers fully customized tours for private groups, assigning a hands-on guide to keep you oriented and on-task with preferred everything from parking to show and restaurant seating to front-of-line privileges on most rides.", "r": {"result": "Jelajah VIP Six Flags (dari $199) juga menawarkan lawatan tersuai sepenuhnya untuk kumpulan persendirian, memberikan panduan praktikal untuk memastikan anda berorientasikan dan pada tugas dengan segala-galanya pilihan daripada tempat letak kereta ke pameran dan tempat duduk restoran kepada keistimewaan barisan hadapan pada kebanyakan tunggangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Major League baseball.", "r": {"result": "besbol Liga Utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unless you're about to be tackled by security at midfield, stepping onto the actual turf at one of the world's most venerable sports venues is strictly reserved for pro athletes and umps, right?", "r": {"result": "Melainkan anda akan ditangani oleh keselamatan di bahagian tengah, melangkah ke padang sebenar di salah satu tempat sukan yang paling dihormati di dunia adalah dikhaskan untuk atlet pro dan ump, bukan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not if you book The Wrigley Field Experience (from $25,000) for a private VIP event.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jika anda menempah The Wrigley Field Experience (dari $25,000) untuk acara VIP peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then the hallowed home of the Chicago Cubs, the nation's second-oldest ballpark, is yours for the experiencing at home-plate level.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian rumah suci Chicago Cubs, taman permainan bola kedua tertua di negara, adalah milik anda untuk merasai pengalaman di peringkat home-plate.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Customized events let you tour \"The Friendly Confines,\" play ball right on the field with accompanying scoreboard and sound system, and even take batting practice with legends of the game.", "r": {"result": "Acara tersuai membolehkan anda melawati \"The Friendly Confines\", bermain bola tepat di atas padang dengan papan mata dan sistem bunyi yang disertakan, malah melakukan latihan memukul dengan legenda permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will they play the Seventh Inning Stretch song for you?", "r": {"result": "Adakah mereka akan memainkan lagu Seventh Inning Stretch untuk anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You bet.", "r": {"result": "Anda bertaruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wildlife.", "r": {"result": "Hidupan liar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not that jockeying for position to glimpse gorillas among the weekend zoo crowd isn't a privilege in its own right.", "r": {"result": "Bukannya berebut kedudukan untuk melihat gorila di kalangan orang ramai di zoo hujung minggu bukanlah satu keistimewaan tersendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It might even inspire some comparisons with the guy standing beside you.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mungkin memberi inspirasi kepada beberapa perbandingan dengan lelaki yang berdiri di sebelah anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just know that there are premium animal encounters to be had at some of America's most popular wildlife parks and attractions from coast to coast.", "r": {"result": "Ketahuilah bahawa terdapat pertemuan haiwan premium yang boleh dilakukan di beberapa taman hidupan liar yang paling popular di Amerika dan tarikan dari pantai ke pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Left Coast: San Diego Zoo's Exclusive VIP Experience (from $599) provides a customized, intimate journey through one of the world's most famous zoos.", "r": {"result": "Pantai Kiri: Pengalaman VIP Eksklusif Zoo San Diego (dari $599) menyediakan perjalanan intim yang disesuaikan melalui salah satu zoo paling terkenal di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tour includes up-close animal encounters, a special lunch and access to off-exhibit areas tailored to your zoological hankerings.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan ini termasuk pertemuan haiwan dari dekat, makan tengah hari istimewa dan akses ke kawasan luar pameran yang disesuaikan dengan keinginan zoologi anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Right Coast: SeaWorld Orlando's Private VIP Tour (from $299) lets guests dodge crowds for intimate feeding sessions with dolphins, sea lions and stingrays -- plus jump to the front of every ride line and enjoy reserved seating at live shows -- before their own feeding at Sharks Underwater Grill.", "r": {"result": "Pantai Kanan: Jelajah VIP Peribadi SeaWorld Orlando (dari $299) membolehkan tetamu mengelak orang ramai untuk sesi memberi makan intim dengan ikan lumba-lumba, singa laut dan ikan pari -- serta melompat ke hadapan setiap barisan tunggangan dan menikmati tempat duduk yang ditempah di pertunjukan langsung -- sebelum mereka sendiri memberi makan di Sharks Underwater Grill.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollywood.", "r": {"result": "Hollywood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollywood studios have been inviting folks for behind-the-scenes peeks since the silent era, when Universal boss Carl Laemmle came up with the idea of selling bleacher seats during shoots for 25 cents a pop.", "r": {"result": "Studio-studio Hollywood telah menjemput orang ramai untuk mengintip di belakang tabir sejak era senyap, apabila bos Universal Carl Laemmle mencetuskan idea untuk menjual kerusi bleacher semasa penggambaran dengan harga 25 sen satu pop.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the standard 45-minute Universal Studios Tour is more or less a warmup for the theme park, the Exclusive Universal Studios VIP Experience ($299) at the world's largest movie and TV studio includes a personal park guide, VIP meal service, hours of front-of-line ride benefits and back-lot access to otherwise off-limits sound stages, props warehouses, costume departments and all those immortal exterior sets from your favorite old Jim Carrey and Michael J. Fox flicks.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun 45 minit Universal Studios Tour standard adalah lebih kurang pemanasan untuk taman tema, Exclusive Universal Studios VIP Experience ($299) di studio filem dan TV terbesar di dunia termasuk pemandu taman peribadi, perkhidmatan makan VIP, jam di hadapan. -faedah perjalanan talian dan akses back-lot ke peringkat bunyi yang tidak terhad, gudang alat peraga, jabatan pakaian dan semua set luaran abadi daripada filem Jim Carrey dan Michael J. Fox lama kegemaran anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Warner Bros.", "r": {"result": "Warner Bros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Studios is home of \"Casablanca,\" \"Rebel without a Cause,\" \"Two and a Half Men\" and the Warner Bros.", "r": {"result": "Studios ialah rumah bagi \"Casablanca\", \"Rebel without a Cause\", \"Two and a Half Men\" dan Warner Bros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "VIP Tour ($52), which whisks guests for more than two hours around the 100-acre lot of Hollywood's oldest studio.", "r": {"result": "Jelajah VIP ($52), yang membawa tetamu selama lebih daripada dua jam di sekitar lot 100 ekar studio tertua di Hollywood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No two tours are the same here, because this is workingman's Hollywood.", "r": {"result": "Tiada dua lawatan yang sama di sini, kerana ini adalah Hollywood pekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You're seeing life on the lot as it plays out during the week without the aid of a theme park ride: through props departments, craft shops, sets of hit TV series and sound stages.", "r": {"result": "Anda melihat kehidupan di tempat yang berbeza semasa ia bermain sepanjang minggu tanpa bantuan perjalanan taman tema: melalui jabatan prop, kedai kraf, set siri TV popular dan pentas bunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Museum.", "r": {"result": "Muzium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You love the American Museum of National History's great Fossil Halls, the Earth and space section covering the universe's 13-billion-year history and those fascinating human origins dioramas.", "r": {"result": "Anda menyukai Dewan Fosil yang hebat di Muzium Sejarah Negara Amerika, bahagian Bumi dan angkasa lepas yang merangkumi sejarah 13 bilion tahun alam semesta dan diorama asal usul manusia yang menarik itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you'd love it even more without all those other humans milling around.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda akan lebih menyukainya tanpa semua manusia lain yang berkeliaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Take it from Ben Stiller and Robin Willia ... er, Theodore Roosevelt -- New York's natural history museum is an entirely different place outside regular public hours.", "r": {"result": "Ambil daripada Ben Stiller dan Robin Willia ... eh, Theodore Roosevelt -- muzium sejarah semula jadi New York adalah tempat yang sama sekali berbeza di luar waktu awam biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the American Museum of Natural History's VIP Tour ($500 for a group of up to five) can't guarantee you'll befriend Sacajawea or a T-Rex that fetches rib bones (that stuff only happens after sundown), the facility's premier private tour (9-10 a.m., before doors officially open) walks you through the place like it's your own.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Jelajah VIP Muzium Sejarah Alam Amerika ($500 untuk sekumpulan sehingga lima orang) tidak dapat menjamin anda akan berkawan dengan Sacajawea atau T-Rex yang mengambil tulang rusuk (perkara itu hanya berlaku selepas matahari terbenam), peribadi utama kemudahan itu. lawatan (9-10 a.m., sebelum pintu dibuka secara rasmi) memandu anda melalui tempat itu seperti tempat anda sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, when all the regular guests arrive, you get pre-seating at the Space Show, IMAX viewing and access to special exhibits.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, apabila semua tetamu tetap tiba, anda mendapat pra-tempat duduk di Space Show, tontonan IMAX dan akses kepada pameran khas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tough to come up with a sequel as good as that.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk menghasilkan sekuel sebaik itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Live music.", "r": {"result": "Muzik secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Snagging any old seat to hear The Eagles crank out \"Take It Easy\" for the millionth time or watch Sting, LL Cool J, Ozzy Osbourne and Kiss strut on stage (no, not all together) means a call to TicketMaster.", "r": {"result": "Menonton mana-mana tempat duduk lama untuk mendengar The Eagles mengeluarkan \"Take It Easy\" untuk kali kejuta atau menonton Sting, LL Cool J, Ozzy Osbourne dan Kiss strut di atas pentas (tidak, tidak semuanya) bermakna panggilan ke TicketMaster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sitting front row at any of these upcoming summer concert tours, attending a pre-show party and doing a meet-and-greet photo op with some of these stars means a trip to VIP Nation.", "r": {"result": "Duduk di barisan hadapan di mana-mana lawatan konsert musim panas yang akan datang ini, menghadiri parti pra-pertunjukan dan melakukan op foto bertemu dan bersalaman dengan beberapa bintang ini bermakna perjalanan ke Negara VIP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The preferred concert seating company, specializing in premium VIP packages and rare access to your favorite musical artists, can probably help you get that special moment with Gene Simmons you've been waiting for all these years.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat tempat duduk konsert pilihan, yang mengkhusus dalam pakej VIP premium dan akses jarang kepada artis muzik kegemaran anda, mungkin boleh membantu anda mendapatkan detik istimewa itu dengan Gene Simmons yang anda tunggu selama ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dining.", "r": {"result": "Makan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can get the \"private room\" VIP treatment with great city views at any lofty restaurant worth its African salt-crusted sea bass.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh mendapatkan layanan VIP \"bilik peribadi\" dengan pemandangan bandar yang hebat di mana-mana restoran tinggi yang bernilai ikan siakap berkerak garam Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for the real gravity-defying haute dining experience you have to lose the walls, the floor and the windows and do Dinner in the Sky -- a singular multicourse dining adventure that seats you and your closest 21 VIP friends or business associates at a table suspended up to 18 stories high by a specialized crane and equipment.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi untuk pengalaman santapan haute yang menentang graviti sebenar anda perlu kehilangan dinding, lantai dan tingkap dan melakukan Dinner in the Sky -- pengembaraan makan pelbagai hidangan tunggal yang menempatkan anda dan 21 rakan VIP atau rakan perniagaan terdekat anda di meja digantung sehingga 18 tingkat tinggi oleh kren dan peralatan khusus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Developed by Europe-based Events in the Sky, the U.S.-authorized experience can be set up in virtually any 100-foot by 50-foot space accessible by a large truck.", "r": {"result": "Dibangunkan oleh Events in the Sky yang berpangkalan di Eropah, pengalaman yang dibenarkan oleh A.S. boleh disediakan di hampir mana-mana ruang 100 kaki kali 50 kaki yang boleh diakses oleh trak besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still miss the Rainbow Room?", "r": {"result": "Masih rindukan Rainbow Room?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tennis.", "r": {"result": "Tenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Can you believe it?", "r": {"result": "boleh percaya tak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The World Series is just two months away and the Super Bowl is in less than half a year!", "r": {"result": "Siri Dunia hanya tinggal dua bulan lagi dan Super Bowl akan berlangsung kurang daripada setengah tahun!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Welcome to the sports doldrums of late August and early September.", "r": {"result": "Selamat datang ke kemelut sukan akhir Ogos dan awal September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is there a classic American sporting event happening somewhere at this time worth dropping a bundle on to experience in the most pampered manner possible?", "r": {"result": "Adakah terdapat acara sukan klasik Amerika yang berlangsung di suatu tempat pada masa ini yang patut dilepaskan untuk menikmati pengalaman dengan cara yang paling dimanjakan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Flushing Meadows, New York, home of tennis' U.S. Open.", "r": {"result": "Di Flushing Meadows, New York, tempat tenis Terbuka A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are four basic ways to experience the greatest Grand Slam tournament (if you're not British, French or Australian) in racquet sports.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat empat cara asas untuk mengalami kejohanan Grand Slam terhebat (jika anda bukan British, Perancis atau Australia) dalam sukan raket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Not at all.", "r": {"result": "1. Tidak sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. In your living room, on ESPN.", "r": {"result": "2. Di ruang tamu anda, di ESPN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. In the nosebleeds watching Serena Williams -- or is that Roger Federer?", "r": {"result": "3. Dalam hidung berdarah menonton Serena Williams -- atau adakah itu Roger Federer?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. With a U.S. Open Supreme Package (from $700 up to $1,850), which includes VIP parking, loge level seating, breakfast in the Media Dining Room, exclusive dining access and a $200 U.S. Open Event Card for each guest.", "r": {"result": "4. Dengan Pakej Terbuka Tertinggi A.S. (dari $700 sehingga $1,850), yang termasuk tempat letak kereta VIP, tempat duduk aras log, sarapan pagi di Ruang Makan Media, akses makan eksklusif dan Kad Acara Terbuka A.S. $200 untuk setiap tetamu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vegas.", "r": {"result": "Vegas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pure.", "r": {"result": "tulen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lavo.", "r": {"result": "Lavo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moon.", "r": {"result": "Bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rain.", "r": {"result": "Hujan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hyde.", "r": {"result": "Hyde.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do any -- or all -- of these syllables spell a brilliant time in Vegas to you?", "r": {"result": "Adakah mana-mana -- atau semua -- suku kata ini mengeja masa yang cemerlang di Vegas kepada anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If so, the V Card ($149.99) might just make it even smarter -- allowing you to cut through long lines, escape crazy cover charges and score two-for-one drinks at some of the most happening venues all over the Vegas Strip.", "r": {"result": "Jika ya, Kad V ($149.99) mungkin menjadikannya lebih bijak -- membolehkan anda memotong barisan yang panjang, melarikan diri dari caj perlindungan yang gila dan mendapat minuman dua untuk satu di beberapa tempat yang paling kerap berlaku di seluruh Vegas Strip.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Introduced last year on the heels of Vegas' VIP-for-a-weekend \"club crawl\" services, the V Card lets frequent Vegas visitors check off 40-plus ultra lounges, nightclubs and all-hours pool parties over the course of several visits.", "r": {"result": "Diperkenalkan tahun lepas selepas perkhidmatan VIP-untuk-hujung minggu \"club crawl\" Vegas, Kad V membolehkan pengunjung Vegas yang kerap memeriksa 40-lebih lounge ultra, kelab malam dan pesta kolam sepanjang jam sepanjang beberapa lawatan. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or one really crazy weekend.", "r": {"result": "Atau satu hujung minggu yang sangat gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seven years after Tom Cruise famously jumped on a couch during an \"Oprah\" taping to declare his love for Katie Holmes, the actor and actress are ending their marriage, Cruise's attorney said Friday.", "r": {"result": "Tujuh tahun selepas Tom Cruise terkenal melompat di atas sofa semasa rakaman \"Oprah\" untuk menyatakan cintanya terhadap Katie Holmes, pelakon dan pelakon itu menamatkan perkahwinan mereka, kata peguam Cruise pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes filed for divorce Thursday, according to Cruise's lawyer Bert Fields.", "r": {"result": "Holmes memfailkan perceraian Khamis, menurut peguam Cruise Bert Fields.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tom is very sad about it and is concentrating on the kids,\" Fields said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tom sangat sedih mengenainya dan menumpukan perhatian kepada anak-anak,\" kata Fields.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why you think TomKat split.", "r": {"result": "Mengapa anda fikir TomKat berpecah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cruise's publicist, Amanda Lundberg, confirmed the pending divorce -- which was first reported by People, like CNN a division of Time Warner -- and urged people to respect \"their privacy to work this out\".", "r": {"result": "Publisiti Cruise, Amanda Lundberg, mengesahkan perceraian yang belum selesai -- yang pertama kali dilaporkan oleh People, seperti CNN bahagian Time Warner -- dan menggesa orang ramai untuk menghormati \"privasi mereka untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jonathan Wolfe, an attorney for Holmes, called the issue \"a personal and private matter for Katie and her family\".", "r": {"result": "Jonathan Wolfe, seorang peguam untuk Holmes, menyebut isu itu sebagai \"perkara peribadi dan peribadi untuk Katie dan keluarganya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Katie's primary concern remains, as it has always been, her daughter's best interest,\" Wolfe said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Kebimbangan utama Katie kekal, seperti biasa, kepentingan terbaik anak perempuannya,\" kata Wolfe dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom always wanted to be a father.", "r": {"result": "Tom sentiasa mahu menjadi seorang bapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple wed in Italy in November 2006, seven months after their daughter, Suri, was born.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu berkahwin di Itali pada November 2006, tujuh bulan selepas anak perempuan mereka, Suri, dilahirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pictures of the family have often appeared in tabloid magazines in the years since, though the couple have steered clear of controversy and frequently appeared together at events.", "r": {"result": "Gambar keluarga itu sering muncul dalam majalah tabloid sejak beberapa tahun, walaupun pasangan itu telah mengelak daripada kontroversi dan sering muncul bersama di acara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the June edition of Playboy, Cruise, 49, said he loved Holmes, 33, as much as when they got hitched 5 1/2 years earlier.", "r": {"result": "Dalam Playboy edisi Jun, Cruise, 49, berkata dia menyayangi Holmes, 33, sama seperti ketika mereka diikat 5 1/2 tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She is an extraordinary person, and if you spent five minutes with her, you'd see it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia seorang yang luar biasa, dan jika anda meluangkan masa lima minit bersamanya, anda akan melihatnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm just happy, and I have been since the moment I met her.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya gembira, dan saya begitu gembira sejak saya bertemu dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What we have is very special\".", "r": {"result": "Apa yang kita ada sangat istimewa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cruise is one of Hollywood's most recognizable stars, starring in \"Taps\" and \"The Outsiders\" before breaking out in the 1983 film \"Risky Business\".", "r": {"result": "Cruise adalah salah satu bintang Hollywood yang paling dikenali, membintangi \"Taps\" dan \"The Outsiders\" sebelum muncul dalam filem 1983 \"Risky Business\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's appeared in a host of widely seen films since, including Oscar-nominated roles in \"Born on the Fourth of July,\" \"Jerry Maguire\" and \"Magnolia\" and the hit action series \"Mission Impossible\".", "r": {"result": "Dia muncul dalam pelbagai filem sejak itu, termasuk peranan yang dicalonkan Oscar dalam \"Born on the Fourth of July,\" \"Jerry Maguire\" dan \"Magnolia\" dan siri aksi hit \"Mission Impossible\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suri plays stylist for mom Katie Holmes.", "r": {"result": "Suri memainkan jurugaya untuk ibu Katie Holmes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes became known to America as an actress on the teen drama TV series \"Dawson's Creek,\" which aired between 1998 and 2003. She has since appeared in several productions, including the movie \"Batman Begins\" and TV miniseries \"The Kennedys\".", "r": {"result": "Holmes dikenali oleh Amerika sebagai pelakon dalam siri TV drama remaja \"Dawson's Creek,\" yang disiarkan antara 1998 dan 2003. Sejak itu dia muncul dalam beberapa produksi, termasuk filem \"Batman Begins\" dan minisiri TV \"The Kennedys\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two began dating in 2005, and months into their relationship Cruise made headlines by jumping on a couch as an open-mouthed Oprah Winfrey watched because he couldn't contain his excitement about Holmes.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya mula berkencan pada tahun 2005, dan beberapa bulan selepas hubungan mereka, Cruise menjadi berita utama dengan melompat di atas sofa ketika Oprah Winfrey yang ternganga melihat kerana dia tidak dapat menahan keterujaannya tentang Holmes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It just happened,\" Cruise said, according to a story on Oprah.com recapping the interview.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia hanya berlaku,\" kata Cruise, menurut cerita di Oprah.com yang mengimbas temu bual itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's amazing, and I'd think the same of her even if she wasn't with me -- she's just amazing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia hebat, dan saya akan fikir perkara yang sama tentang dia walaupun dia tidak bersama saya -- dia sangat mengagumkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HLN: Yes, but... what will Suri blog about?", "r": {"result": "HLN: Ya, tetapi... apakah yang akan diblogkan oleh Suri?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Holmes mentioned on the talk show how she'd grown up dreaming that she'd someday marry the \"Top Gun\" star.", "r": {"result": "Holmes menyebut dalam rancangan bual bicara itu bagaimana dia membesar dengan bermimpi bahawa suatu hari nanti dia akan berkahwin dengan bintang \"Top Gun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their marriage was Holmes' first and the third for Cruise, who'd earlier been married to actresses Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan mereka adalah Holmes yang pertama dan yang ketiga untuk Cruise, yang sebelum ini telah berkahwin dengan pelakon Mimi Rogers dan Nicole Kidman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had two children from his marriage with the Academy Award-winning Kidman before their divorce in 2001.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai dua anak hasil perkahwinannya dengan Kidman yang memenangi Anugerah Akademi sebelum perceraian mereka pada tahun 2001.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom and Nicole's son is a budding DJ.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki Tom dan Nicole ialah seorang DJ yang baru berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Indian tourism authorities will be holding English classes for auto-rickshaw drivers in New Delhi as the city prepares to host the Commonwealth Games in 2010.", "r": {"result": "NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Pihak berkuasa pelancongan India akan mengadakan kelas Bahasa Inggeris untuk pemandu beca di New Delhi ketika bandar itu bersedia untuk menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Komanwel pada 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Auto-rickshaw drivers are being taught English ahead of the Commenwealth Games.", "r": {"result": "Pemandu beca kereta sedang diajar bahasa Inggeris menjelang Sukan Komanwel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 40,000 natural gas-fueled auto-rickshaws, or motorized three-wheeled taxis, run on the Indian capital's dilapidated roads, according to the city government statistics.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 40,000 kereta beca berbahan api gas asli, atau teksi tiga roda bermotor, berjalan di jalan usang di ibu negara India itu, menurut perangkaan kerajaan bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city is expected to host around 100,000 tourists during the Commonwealth Games scheduled from October 3-14 in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Bandar ini dijangka menjadi tuan rumah kepada kira-kira 100,000 pelancong semasa Sukan Komanwel yang dijadualkan dari 3-14 Oktober 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 9,000 athletes and officials of 52 Commonwealth countries are likely to participate.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 9,000 atlet dan pegawai 52 negara Komanwel berkemungkinan mengambil bahagian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 8,000 auto-rickshaw drivers will be enrolled in the training program that will involve classes in yoga, life skills, first aid, spoken English and psychometric tests, federal Tourism Secretary Sujit Banerjee announced Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 8,000 pemandu beca akan didaftarkan dalam program latihan yang akan melibatkan kelas yoga, kemahiran hidup, pertolongan cemas, ujian pertuturan Bahasa Inggeris dan psikometrik, kata Setiausaha Pelancongan persekutuan Sujit Banerjee pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each trainee will be paid Rs 200, or about $4, daily for attending the program spread over 200 sessions for a year.", "r": {"result": "Setiap pelatih akan dibayar Rs 200, atau kira-kira $4, setiap hari untuk menghadiri program yang tersebar di 200 sesi selama setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indian auto-rickshaw drivers have often been accused of overcharging, refusing short trips and misbehavior.", "r": {"result": "Pemandu beca kereta India sering dituduh mengenakan bayaran berlebihan, menolak perjalanan singkat dan salah laku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Traffic authorities have in the past opened a range of avenues for passengers to lodge their complaints -- such as on help lines, via text messages or simply calling a telephone number printed on the three-wheeled cabs.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa trafik pada masa lalu telah membuka pelbagai cara untuk penumpang membuat aduan -- seperti di talian bantuan, melalui mesej teks atau hanya menghubungi nombor telefon yang dicetak pada teksi beroda tiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The India image that we strive to convey to a foreign tourist depends, to a large degree, on how good the taxi/auto-rickshaw (driver) that he or she meets is in his demeanor and conduct,\" Banerjee remarked.", "r": {"result": "\"Imej India yang kami cuba sampaikan kepada pelancong asing bergantung, pada tahap yang besar, pada sejauh mana kebaikan teksi/beca kenderaan (pemandu) yang dia temui dalam gelagat dan kelakuannya,\" kata Banerjee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)A look at Oklahoma City, 20 years later.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Lihat di Oklahoma City, 20 tahun kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A fly-by of Pluto, 4 billion miles away.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah fly-by Pluto, 4 bilion batu jauhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the struggle to save the last male northern white rhino in the world.", "r": {"result": "Dan perjuangan untuk menyelamatkan badak putih utara jantan terakhir di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are your best videos of the week:", "r": {"result": "Ini ialah video terbaik anda pada minggu ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On April 19, 1995, the Alfred R. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was bombed by two disaffected young Americans.", "r": {"result": "Pada 19 April 1995, Bangunan Persekutuan Alfred R. Murrah di Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, telah dibom oleh dua orang muda Amerika yang tidak terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One hundred sixty-eight people died in the terrorist attack, including 19 children.", "r": {"result": "Seratus enam puluh lapan orang maut dalam serangan pengganas itu, termasuk 19 kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the 20th anniversary of the tragedy approaches, CNN captured video of the memorial that stands on the site today.", "r": {"result": "Ketika ulang tahun ke-20 tragedi itu semakin hampir, CNN merakam video peringatan yang berdiri di tapak hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video is at the top of this story.", "r": {"result": "Video berada di bahagian atas cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The use of marijuana as a medicinal treatment actually dates back millennia, to at least 2730 B.C. CNN's Sanjay Gupta looks at the history of the herb in medicine -- including its prescription by Queen Victoria's doctor.", "r": {"result": "Penggunaan ganja sebagai rawatan perubatan sebenarnya bermula sejak ribuan tahun, sekurang-kurangnya 2730 B.C. Sanjay Gupta dari CNN melihat sejarah herba dalam perubatan -- termasuk preskripsinya oleh doktor Queen Victoria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just because you're a politician doesn't mean you come naturally to glad-handing.", "r": {"result": "Hanya kerana anda seorang ahli politik tidak bermakna anda datang secara semula jadi untuk gembira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From the \"swing and miss\" to the \"smile, the cameras are rolling,\" the video age has captured a number of strange attempts by politicians attempting to look socially casual.", "r": {"result": "Daripada \"ayunan dan rindu\" kepada \"senyuman, kamera sedang bergolek,\" zaman video telah menangkap beberapa percubaan aneh oleh ahli politik yang cuba kelihatan kasual secara sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just as Jimmy Fallon become the go-to guy for viral video, newly minted \"Late Late Show\" host James Corden began staking his claim.", "r": {"result": "Sama seperti Jimmy Fallon menjadi pilihan untuk video tular, hos \"Late Late Show\" yang baru dicetak James Corden mula mempertaruhkan dakwaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Lisa France addresses the latest late-night matchups.", "r": {"result": "Lisa France dari CNN menangani perlawanan larut malam terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Thursday, a video of ESPN reporter Britt McHenry insulting a tow company clerk came out -- and immediately went viral.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Khamis, video wartawan ESPN Britt McHenry menghina seorang kerani syarikat tunda keluar -- dan segera menjadi tular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McHenry was suspended for a week.", "r": {"result": "McHenry digantung selama seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are just four countries in the entire world that don't guarantee any form of paid maternity leave.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat hanya empat negara di seluruh dunia yang tidak menjamin sebarang bentuk cuti bersalin berbayar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. is one of them.", "r": {"result": "A.S. adalah salah satunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This and other details of women's status in the United States are examined in this video, as well as a remarkable series by CNN's Jessica Ravitz.", "r": {"result": "Ini dan butiran lain tentang status wanita di Amerika Syarikat diperiksa dalam video ini, serta siri yang luar biasa oleh Jessica Ravitz dari CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five northern white rhinoceroses are left in the entire world.", "r": {"result": "Lima ekor badak sumbu putih utara tinggal di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All are in captivity -- and just one is male.", "r": {"result": "Semua dalam kurungan -- dan hanya seorang lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's now being protected by armed guards around the clock.", "r": {"result": "Dia kini dilindungi oleh pengawal bersenjata sepanjang masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TEPCO, the Japanese utility, sent a robot in to examine the remains of the Fukushima nuclear plant, destroyed in a 2011 tsunami.", "r": {"result": "TEPCO, utiliti Jepun, menghantar robot masuk untuk memeriksa sisa loji nuklear Fukushima, yang musnah dalam tsunami 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What it recorded was startling.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dirakamkan amat mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leave it to NASA to create a car that might make the problems of parallel parking a thing of the past.", "r": {"result": "Serahkan kepada NASA untuk mencipta kereta yang mungkin menjadikan masalah tempat letak kereta selari sebagai perkara yang sudah berlalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oh, and it'll also probably work well on space missions.", "r": {"result": "Oh, dan ia juga mungkin akan berfungsi dengan baik pada misi angkasa lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former NFL player Aaron Hernandez was found guilty of murder earlier this week.", "r": {"result": "Bekas pemain NFL Aaron Hernandez didapati bersalah atas tuduhan membunuh awal minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What happened at his trial?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang berlaku pada perbicaraannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video:", "r": {"result": "Tonton video:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This summer, after nine years traveling through space, the New Horizons spacecraft is scheduled to reach Pluto.", "r": {"result": "Musim panas ini, selepas sembilan tahun mengembara melalui ruang angkasa, kapal angkasa New Horizons dijadualkan untuk sampai ke Pluto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What will we learn?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang akan kita pelajari?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some new pictures offer clues.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa gambar baharu menawarkan petunjuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "January 26, 2015. President Obama plans to cut short a trip to India to visit Saudi Arabia.", "r": {"result": "26 Januari 2015. Presiden Obama merancang untuk memendekkan perjalanan ke India untuk melawat Arab Saudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, we're leading off with his reasons for traveling to both countries.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, kami mendahului dengan alasan beliau melancong ke kedua-dua negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We'll bring you up to speed on a measles outbreak in California and tell you \"just the facts\" about the disease.", "r": {"result": "Kami akan memberitahu anda tentang wabak campak di California dan memberitahu anda \"hanya fakta\" tentang penyakit itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if you have a telescope and clear skies, you'll find out why tonight is a good one for asteroid-gazing.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika anda mempunyai teleskop dan langit yang cerah, anda akan mengetahui sebab malam ini sesuai untuk melihat asteroid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On this page you will find today's show Transcript and a place for you to request to be on the CNN Student News Roll Call.", "r": {"result": "Pada halaman ini anda akan menemui Transkrip rancangan hari ini dan tempat untuk anda meminta untuk berada di Panggilan Gulungan Berita Pelajar CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TRANSCRIPT.", "r": {"result": "TRANSKRIP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here to access the transcript of today's CNN Student News program.", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk mengakses transkrip program Berita Pelajar CNN hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please note that there may be a delay between the time when the video is available and when the transcript is published.", "r": {"result": "Sila ambil perhatian bahawa mungkin terdapat kelewatan antara masa apabila video tersedia dan apabila transkrip diterbitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Student News is created by a team of journalists who consider the Common Core State Standards, national standards in different subject areas, and state standards when producing the show.", "r": {"result": "Berita Pelajar CNN dicipta oleh pasukan wartawan yang menganggap Piawaian Negeri Teras Biasa, piawaian kebangsaan dalam bidang subjek yang berbeza dan piawaian negeri semasa menghasilkan rancangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ROLL CALL.", "r": {"result": "ROLL CALL.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8r\u014dl \u02cck\u00f4l"}}} {"src": "For a chance to be mentioned on the next CNN Student News, comment on the bottom of this page with your school name, mascot, city and state.", "r": {"result": "Untuk peluang untuk disebut pada Berita Pelajar CNN seterusnya, komen di bahagian bawah halaman ini dengan nama sekolah, maskot, bandar dan negeri anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We will be selecting schools from the comments of the previous show.", "r": {"result": "Kami akan memilih sekolah daripada komen rancangan sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You must be a teacher or a student age 13 or older to request a mention on the CNN Student News Roll Call!", "r": {"result": "Anda mestilah seorang guru atau pelajar berumur 13 tahun ke atas untuk meminta sebutan pada Panggilan Gulungan Berita Pelajar CNN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thank you for using CNN Student News!", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Berita Pelajar CNN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Three self-proclaimed anarchists who plotted to blow up a bridge with plastic explosives pleaded guilty Wednesday in federal court in Cleveland.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tiga orang yang mengaku anarkis yang merancang untuk meletupkan jambatan dengan bahan letupan plastik mengaku bersalah pada hari Rabu di mahkamah persekutuan di Cleveland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After an undercover operation, the FBI arrested five suspects in the plot on April 30 of this year.", "r": {"result": "Selepas operasi penyamaran, FBI menahan lima suspek dalam plot itu pada 30 April tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI called the plan an act of domestic terrorism.", "r": {"result": "FBI menggelar rancangan itu sebagai tindakan keganasan domestik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ohio defendants Brandon Baxter, 20, of Lakewood, and Connor Stevens, 20, of Berea admitted their roles in a plan to remotely detonate improvised devices containing C-4 explosives, with the goal of toppling a bridge over Cuyahoga Valley National Park near Cleveland, according to Northern Ohio District U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach.", "r": {"result": "Defendan Ohio, Brandon Baxter, 20, dari Lakewood, dan Connor Stevens, 20, dari Berea mengakui peranan mereka dalam rancangan untuk meletupkan peranti buatan sendiri yang mengandungi bahan letupan C-4 dari jauh, dengan matlamat untuk merobohkan sebuah jambatan di atas Taman Negara Lembah Cuyahoga berhampiran Cleveland, menurut Peguam A.S. Daerah Ohio Utara Steven Dettelbach.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Homegrown terror isn't just Islamist.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Keganasan tempatan bukan sahaja Islamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Indianapolis conspirator, Douglas Wright, 26, also pleaded guilty Wednesday to the same charges -- conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and use of an explosive device to destroy property used in interstate commerce, said Dettelbach and Stephen Anthony, who heads the FBI field division in Cleveland.", "r": {"result": "Seorang konspirator Indianapolis, Douglas Wright, 26, juga mengaku bersalah pada hari Rabu atas pertuduhan yang sama -- konspirasi untuk menggunakan senjata pemusnah besar-besaran, percubaan menggunakan senjata pemusnah besar-besaran dan penggunaan alat letupan untuk memusnahkan harta benda yang digunakan dalam perdagangan antara negeri, kata Dettelbach dan Stephen Anthony, yang mengetuai bahagian medan FBI di Cleveland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A fourth defendant, Anthony Hayne, 35, of Cleveland, pleaded guilty to the same charges in July and faces a recommended sentence of 14 to 19 years in prison.", "r": {"result": "Defendan keempat, Anthony Hayne, 35, dari Cleveland, mengaku bersalah atas pertuduhan yang sama pada Julai dan berdepan hukuman penjara yang disyorkan 14 hingga 19 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fifth defendant, Ohio native Joshua Stafford, is undergoing examinations and awaits a competency hearing after he attempted to take his own life, according to an official with the U.S. attorney's office in Cleveland.", "r": {"result": "Defendan kelima, warga Ohio Joshua Stafford, sedang menjalani pemeriksaan dan menunggu pendengaran kecekapan selepas dia cuba membunuh dirinya sendiri, menurut seorang pegawai di pejabat peguam AS di Cleveland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said the defendants had considered several targets during a period of several months before settling on the bridge connecting Brecksville and Sagamore Hills in Ohio.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata, defendan telah mempertimbangkan beberapa sasaran dalam tempoh beberapa bulan sebelum menetap di jambatan yang menghubungkan Brecksville dan Sagamore Hills di Ohio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. attorney's office spokesman Mike Tobin said the three defendants who pleaded guilty Wednesday will face prison terms of from 30 years to life when they are sentenced in early November.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap pejabat peguam AS Mike Tobin berkata ketiga-tiga defendan yang mengaku bersalah Rabu akan berdepan hukuman penjara dari 30 tahun hingga seumur hidup apabila mereka dijatuhkan hukuman pada awal November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Chris Stevens died in the service of his country.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Chris Stevens meninggal dunia dalam perkhidmatan negaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He died doing what he loved most -- working to build bridges of understanding and mutual respect between the people of the United States and the people of the Middle East and North Africa.", "r": {"result": "Dia meninggal dunia melakukan apa yang paling dia suka -- bekerja untuk membina jambatan persefahaman dan saling menghormati antara rakyat Amerika Syarikat dan rakyat Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was loved by many more Libyans than those who hated him for being an American.", "r": {"result": "Dia disayangi oleh lebih ramai orang Libya daripada mereka yang membencinya kerana menjadi orang Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few dozen fanatics penetrated his compound.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa dozen fanatik menembusi kawasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 30,000 people in Benghazi demonstrated in protest over his death.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 30,000 orang di Benghazi berdemonstrasi sebagai protes atas kematiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris was successful because he embodied the traits that have always endeared America to the world -- a commitment to democratic principles, and respect for others, regardless of race, religion or culture.", "r": {"result": "Chris berjaya kerana dia menjelmakan ciri-ciri yang sentiasa memikat hati Amerika kepada dunia -- komitmen terhadap prinsip demokrasi, dan menghormati orang lain, tanpa mengira bangsa, agama atau budaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris regarded and liked each person he met as an individual.", "r": {"result": "Chris menganggap dan menyukai setiap orang yang ditemuinya sebagai individu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He respected their views, whether or not he agreed.", "r": {"result": "Dia menghormati pandangan mereka, sama ada dia bersetuju atau tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of his friends told us a tale that reflects his success on a small scale.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang kawannya memberitahu kami kisah yang menggambarkan kejayaannya dalam skala kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Picnicking in the Libyan countryside, they met a local family.", "r": {"result": "Berkelah di kawasan pedalaman Libya, mereka bertemu dengan keluarga tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris immediately greeted them and suggested that they be photographed together.", "r": {"result": "Chris segera menyapa mereka dan mencadangkan mereka bergambar bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The young son of the patriarch of the family, suspicious and negative toward Americans, refused to participate.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki patriark keluarga itu, curiga dan negatif terhadap orang Amerika, enggan mengambil bahagian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So Chris continued chatting with the others.", "r": {"result": "Jadi Chris terus berbual dengan yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When it was time to leave, the initially suspicious son presented Chris with a bouquet of flowers.", "r": {"result": "Apabila tiba masa untuk pergi, anak lelaki yang mulanya mencurigakan menghadiahkan Chris sejambak bunga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is because you were so respectful to my father,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini kerana kamu sangat menghormati ayah saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris was not willing to be the kind of diplomat who would strut around in fortified compounds.", "r": {"result": "Chris tidak sanggup menjadi jenis diplomat yang akan berjalan-jalan di kawasan berkubu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He amazed and impressed the Libyans by walking the streets with the lightest of escorts, sitting in sidewalk cafes, chatting with passers-by.", "r": {"result": "Dia kagum dan mengagumkan orang Libya dengan berjalan di jalanan dengan pengiring yang paling ringan, duduk di kafe kaki lima, berbual dengan orang yang lalu lalang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was a risk to being accessible.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat risiko untuk diakses.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He knew it, and he accepted it.", "r": {"result": "Dia tahu, dan dia menerimanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What Chris never would have accepted was the idea that his death would be used for political purposes.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang tidak pernah Chris terima ialah idea bahawa kematiannya akan digunakan untuk tujuan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were security shortcomings, no doubt.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kelemahan keselamatan, tidak syak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both internal and outside investigations have identified and publicly disclosed them.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua siasatan dalaman dan luar telah mengenal pasti dan mendedahkannya secara terbuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steps are being taken to prevent their reoccurrence.", "r": {"result": "Langkah-langkah sedang diambil untuk mengelakkan kejadian itu berulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris would not have wanted to be remembered as a victim.", "r": {"result": "Chris tidak mahu dikenang sebagai mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris knew, and accepted, that he was working under dangerous circumstances.", "r": {"result": "Chris tahu, dan menerima, bahawa dia bekerja dalam keadaan berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He did so -- just as so many of our diplomatic and development professionals do every day -- because he believed the work was vitally important.", "r": {"result": "Dia berbuat demikian -- sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh kebanyakan profesional diplomatik dan pembangunan kita setiap hari -- kerana dia percaya kerja itu amat penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would have wanted the critical work he was doing to build bridges of mutual understanding and respect -- the kind of work that made him literally thousands of friends and admirers across the broader Middle East -- to continue.", "r": {"result": "Dia pastinya mahu kerja kritikal yang dia lakukan untuk membina jambatan persefahaman dan saling menghormati -- jenis kerja yang menjadikan dia beribu-ribu kawan dan pengagum di seluruh Timur Tengah yang lebih luas -- diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So rather than engage in endless recriminations, his family is working to continue building the bridges he so successfully began.", "r": {"result": "Jadi daripada terlibat dalam tuduhan yang tidak berkesudahan, keluarganya berusaha untuk terus membina jambatan yang berjaya dimulakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through the J. Christopher Stevens Fund, and thanks to the tremendous outpouring of support from around the world, including a generous contribution from the government of Libya, the family of Christopher Stevens is working to support programs that build bridges between the people of the United States and the broader Middle East.", "r": {"result": "Melalui Dana J. Christopher Stevens, dan terima kasih kepada limpahan sokongan yang luar biasa dari seluruh dunia, termasuk sumbangan murah hati daripada kerajaan Libya, keluarga Christopher Stevens berusaha untuk menyokong program yang membina jambatan antara rakyat United Negeri dan Timur Tengah yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This fall, together with a coalition of public and private partners, the family will launch a Virtual Exchange Initiative that will fuel the largest ever increase in people-to-people exchanges between the United States and the broader Middle East.", "r": {"result": "Musim luruh ini, bersama-sama dengan gabungan rakan kongsi awam dan swasta, keluarga itu akan melancarkan Inisiatif Pertukaran Maya yang akan memacu peningkatan terbesar dalam pertukaran orang-ke-orang antara Amerika Syarikat dan Timur Tengah yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are working with the Peace Corps to expand its reach into schools and communities across this country.", "r": {"result": "Kami sedang bekerjasama dengan Peace Corps untuk meluaskan jangkauannya ke sekolah dan komuniti di seluruh negara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family will support university fellowships for promising students interested in foreign relations and the Middle East, and looks forward to a symposium on \"The Arab Spring and the Future of U.S. Diplomacy\" planned in Chris' honor by the University of California's Hastings College of the Law.A. We have received letters from thousands of people all over the world who were touched by his example.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga itu akan menyokong persekutuan universiti untuk pelajar yang menjanjikan yang berminat dalam hubungan luar dan Timur Tengah, dan menantikan simposium mengenai \"The Arab Spring and the Future of U.S. Diplomacy\" yang dirancang untuk menghormati Chris oleh Kolej Hastings Universiti California. Undang-undang.A. Kami telah menerima surat daripada beribu-ribu orang di seluruh dunia yang tersentuh dengan teladan beliau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His openness touched a chord in their hearts.", "r": {"result": "Keterbukaannya menyentuh hati mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would have wanted to be remembered for that.", "r": {"result": "Dia pasti mahu diingati untuk itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of Jan Stevens.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Jan Stevens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paris (CNN) -- Al Jazeera will not broadcast video it received showing killings in France blamed on Mohammed Merah, it announced Tuesday, saying the material \"does not meet our Code of Ethics\".", "r": {"result": "Paris (CNN) -- Al Jazeera tidak akan menyiarkan video yang diterimanya menunjukkan pembunuhan di Perancis yang dipersalahkan ke atas Mohammed Merah, ia mengumumkan Selasa, dengan mengatakan bahan itu \"tidak memenuhi Kod Etika kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The network is \"also declining all requests for copies,\" it said on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Rangkaian itu \"juga menolak semua permintaan untuk salinan,\" katanya di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decision came after Al Jazeera's Paris bureau chief said the network received video of the shootings in the mail.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu dibuat selepas ketua biro Paris Al Jazeera berkata rangkaian itu menerima video tembakan dalam mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The edited footage contains images of the killings of seven people, along with music, religious singing and readings from the Quran, bureau chief Zied Tarrouche said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Rakaman yang disunting mengandungi imej pembunuhan tujuh orang, bersama dengan muzik, nyanyian agama dan bacaan al-Quran, kata ketua biro Zied Tarrouche pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can hear the gunshots at the time of the killings.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAnda boleh mendengar bunyi tembakan pada masa pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... You can hear the cries of the victims,\" he said on CNN affiliate BFM-TV.", "r": {"result": "... Anda boleh mendengar tangisan mangsa,\" katanya di sekutu CNN BFM-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Jazeera gave the material to the police, he said.", "r": {"result": "Al Jazeera memberikan bahan itu kepada polis, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the network's decision not to broadcast it, French President Nicolas Sarkozy asked television stations not to show the footage \"out of respect for the victims and out of respect for the republic\".", "r": {"result": "Sebelum keputusan rangkaian untuk tidak menyiarkannya, Presiden Perancis Nicolas Sarkozy meminta stesen televisyen supaya tidak menayangkan rakaman itu \"untuk menghormati mangsa dan menghormati republik itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I ask the heads of all television channels that have these images in their possession not to distribute them under any circumstances,\" the French leader said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya meminta ketua semua saluran televisyen yang mempunyai imej ini untuk tidak mengedarkannya dalam apa jua keadaan,\" kata pemimpin Perancis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Merah, the suspect in the shootings, was killed Thursday at the end of a 32-hour siege at the apartment in the city of Toulouse where he was holed up.", "r": {"result": "Merah, suspek dalam tembakan itu, terbunuh pada Khamis pada akhir pengepungan selama 32 jam di apartmen di bandar Toulouse di mana dia bersembunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was wanted for the killings of three French paratroopers, a rabbi and three children ages 4, 5, and 7. Two other people were seriously wounded in shootings blamed on him.", "r": {"result": "Dia dikehendaki kerana membunuh tiga anggota payung terjun Perancis, seorang rabbi dan tiga kanak-kanak berumur 4, 5, dan 7 tahun. Dua lagi cedera parah akibat tembakan yang dipersalahkan ke atasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video arrived by mail Monday on a USB stick along with an unsigned letter claiming al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks, Tarrouche told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Video itu tiba melalui mel pada hari Isnin pada kayu USB bersama-sama dengan surat yang tidak ditandatangani yang mendakwa al Qaeda bertanggungjawab atas serangan itu, Tarrouche memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The memory stick contained two clips with a total of 25 minutes of material, Tarrouche told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Kayu memori itu mengandungi dua klip dengan jumlah bahan selama 25 minit, kata Tarrouche kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Jazeera kept a copy when police took the original, he said.", "r": {"result": "Al Jazeera menyimpan salinan apabila polis mengambil yang asal, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video of the shootings on March 11, 15 and 19 was apparently recorded by a camera around the gunman's neck, Tarrouche said.", "r": {"result": "Video tembakan pada 11, 15 dan 19 Mac nampaknya dirakam oleh kamera di leher lelaki bersenjata itu, kata Tarrouche.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said earlier they believed Merah had filmed the killings and that they had recovered video after he was killed.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata sebelum ini mereka percaya Merah telah merakam pembunuhan itu dan mereka telah menemui video selepas dia dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Separately, the Israeli government confirmed Tuesday that Merah had visited Israel and the West Bank for three days in September 2010, but did not offer details about what he did there.", "r": {"result": "Secara berasingan, kerajaan Israel mengesahkan Selasa bahawa Merah telah melawat Israel dan Tebing Barat selama tiga hari pada September 2010, tetapi tidak memberikan butiran tentang apa yang dilakukannya di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He crossed from Jordan via the Allenby Bridge, where he underwent procedural questioning by Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet, and was allowed to enter, government spokesman Mark Regev said.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyeberang dari Jordan melalui Jambatan Allenby, di mana dia menjalani soal siasat prosedur oleh perkhidmatan keselamatan dalaman Israel, Shin Bet, dan dibenarkan masuk, kata jurucakap kerajaan Mark Regev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, police charged Merah's brother, Abdelkader, with complicity in seven murders and two attempted murders and took him into custody, the Paris prosecutor's office said.", "r": {"result": "Pada Ahad, polis mendakwa abang Merah, Abdelkader, bersubahat dalam tujuh pembunuhan dan dua cubaan membunuh dan membawanya ke dalam tahanan, kata pejabat pendakwa raya Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities also charged the brother with conspiracy to prepare acts of terrorism and group theft, the prosecutor's office said.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa juga mendakwa adik lelaki itu dengan konspirasi untuk menyediakan tindakan keganasan dan pencurian kumpulan, kata pejabat pendakwa raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abdelkader Merah feels he is being made a scapegoat for the crimes his brother is accused of, his lawyer Anne-Sophie Laguens said.", "r": {"result": "Abdelkader Merah merasakan dia dijadikan kambing hitam untuk jenayah yang dituduh abangnya, kata peguamnya Anne-Sophie Laguens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He feels Mohammed Merah's acts were \"reprehensible,\" Laguens said on BFM-TV, adding: \"The impression we are getting today is that because we weren't able to put his brother on trial because he is no longer with us, then maybe we are coming down on the only person that is present\".", "r": {"result": "Dia merasakan perbuatan Mohammed Merah adalah \"tercela,\" kata Laguens di BFM-TV, sambil menambah: \"Tanggapan yang kami dapat hari ini ialah kerana kami tidak dapat membicarakan adiknya kerana dia tidak lagi bersama kami, maka mungkin kami akan turun kepada satu-satunya orang yang hadir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police also questioned Mohammed Merah's mother and his brother's girlfriend, but have released them without charge, the Paris prosecutor said.", "r": {"result": "Polis juga menyoal ibu Mohammed Merah dan teman wanita abangnya, tetapi telah membebaskan mereka tanpa tuduhan, kata pendakwa raya Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Questions have been raised as to why Merah -- a petty criminal who was placed under surveillance by French authorities after visiting Pakistan and Afghanistan -- was not being more closely watched.", "r": {"result": "Persoalan telah dibangkitkan mengapa Merah -- penjenayah kecil yang diletakkan di bawah pengawasan pihak berkuasa Perancis selepas melawat Pakistan dan Afghanistan -- tidak diawasi dengan lebih teliti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He claimed to have attended an al Qaeda training camp, according to Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, and was on the U.S. no-fly list for that reason, a U.S. intelligence official said.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendakwa telah menghadiri kem latihan al Qaeda, menurut pendakwa raya Paris Francois Molins, dan berada dalam senarai larangan terbang AS atas sebab itu, kata seorang pegawai perisikan AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prime Minister Francois Fillon told French radio station RTL that \"there was no single element\" that would have allowed the police to arrest Merah before the killings began.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Francois Fillon memberitahu stesen radio Perancis RTL bahawa \"tiada unsur tunggal\" yang akan membenarkan polis menangkap Merah sebelum pembunuhan bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was tracked down by police 10 days after the first shooting on March 11.", "r": {"result": "Dia dikesan polis 10 hari selepas tembakan pertama pada 11 Mac.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In that attack, Imad Ibn Ziaten, a paratrooper of North African origin, arranged to meet a man in Toulouse who said he wanted to buy a scooter Ziaten had advertised online, the interior minister said.", "r": {"result": "Dalam serangan itu, Imad Ibn Ziaten, seorang pasukan payung yang berasal dari Afrika Utara, mengatur untuk bertemu seorang lelaki di Toulouse yang mengatakan dia ingin membeli skuter yang diiklankan Ziaten dalam talian, kata menteri dalam negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victim said in the ad that he was in the military.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa berkata dalam iklan bahawa dia berada dalam tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four days later, two other soldiers were shot dead and another injured by a black-clad man wearing a motorcycle helmet in a shopping center in the city of Montauban, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Toulouse.", "r": {"result": "Empat hari kemudian, dua lagi askar ditembak mati dan seorang lagi cedera oleh seorang lelaki berpakaian hitam memakai topi keledar motosikal di sebuah pusat beli-belah di bandar Montauban, kira-kira 50 kilometer (30 batu) dari Toulouse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the third attack, at the private Jewish school Ozar Hatorah on March 19, a man wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a motor scooter pulled up and shot a teacher and three children -- two of them the teacher's young sons -- in the head.", "r": {"result": "Dalam serangan ketiga, di sekolah Yahudi swasta Ozar Hatorah pada 19 Mac, seorang lelaki yang memakai topi keledar motosikal dan memandu skuter bermotor berhenti dan menembak seorang guru dan tiga kanak-kanak -- dua daripadanya anak lelaki guru itu -- di kepala .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other victim, the daughter of the school's director, was killed in front of her father.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa lain, anak perempuan pengarah sekolah itu, dibunuh di hadapan bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said the same guns were used in all three attacks.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata senjata yang sama digunakan dalam ketiga-tiga serangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Bharati Naik, Kevin Flower, Louis Fraysse, Anna Prichard and Laura Smith-Spark contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Bharati Naik, Kevin Flower, Louis Fraysse, Anna Prichard dan Laura Smith-Spark dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- On the backs of iPods, iPhones and iPads, and on the bottom of Mac laptops, an inscription reads: \"Designed by Apple in California.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Di bahagian belakang iPod, iPhone dan iPad, dan di bahagian bawah komputer riba Mac, terdapat tulisan: \"Direka oleh Apple di California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Assembled in China\".", "r": {"result": "Dipasang di China\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The parts themselves come from more than 150 companies from various parts of the world.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian itu sendiri datang daripada lebih daripada 150 syarikat dari pelbagai bahagian dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The majority of those antennas, glass, metal, sensors and silicon are manufactured overseas.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti antena, kaca, logam, penderia dan silikon tersebut dikeluarkan di luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How Apple finds parts and manufactures its products, almost entirely abroad, is standard protocol in the technology industry.", "r": {"result": "Cara Apple mencari alat ganti dan mengeluarkan produknya, hampir keseluruhannya di luar negara, adalah protokol standard dalam industri teknologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Electronics companies say Asian manufacturing plants are more affordable and more versatile than those found anywhere else in the world.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat elektronik berkata kilang pembuatan Asia lebih berpatutan dan lebih serba boleh berbanding yang terdapat di tempat lain di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as the most valuable tech company in the world, Apple is seen by many as a role model in business.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebagai syarikat teknologi paling berharga di dunia, Apple dilihat oleh ramai orang sebagai model peranan dalam perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And its reliance on cheap overseas labor -- most notably at factories in China run by manufacturer Foxconn -- has come under increased scrutiny in recent media coverage by CNN, The New York Times and other outlets.", "r": {"result": "Dan pergantungannya kepada buruh luar negara yang murah -- terutamanya di kilang-kilang di China yang dikendalikan oleh pengilang Foxconn -- telah mendapat perhatian yang semakin meningkat dalam liputan media baru-baru ini oleh CNN, The New York Times dan cawangan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Foxconn, owned by Hon Hai Precision Industry, counts Apple among its business clients, which also include Amazon.com, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and many other tech giants.", "r": {"result": "Foxconn, yang dimiliki oleh Hon Hai Precision Industry, mengira Apple antara pelanggan perniagaannya, yang juga termasuk Amazon.com, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft dan banyak gergasi teknologi lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple has reported violations at its facilities, and Foxconn has come under fire for a slew of worker suicides in 2010 and conditions that workers-rights groups say are inhumane.", "r": {"result": "Apple telah melaporkan pelanggaran di kemudahannya, dan Foxconn telah mendapat kecaman kerana membunuh diri pekerja pada tahun 2010 dan syarat yang dikatakan kumpulan hak pekerja adalah tidak berperikemanusiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Workers at Foxconn and other plants in Asia must stay busy to keep up with the world's seemingly insatiable demand for Apple products.", "r": {"result": "Pekerja di Foxconn dan kilang lain di Asia mesti kekal sibuk untuk bersaing dengan permintaan dunia yang nampaknya tidak pernah puas untuk produk Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the last three months of 2011, Apple sold 37 million iPhones, 15.4 million iPads, 15.4 million iPods and 5.2 million Mac computers, according to the company's financial report.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tempoh tiga bulan terakhir 2011, Apple menjual 37 juta iPhone, 15.4 juta iPad, 15.4 juta iPod dan 5.2 juta komputer Mac, menurut laporan kewangan syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That netted Apple $46.3 billion in revenue and $13.1 billion in profit, which is double what Apple made during the same period a year before.", "r": {"result": "Itu menghasilkan pendapatan Apple $46.3 bilion dan keuntungan $13.1 bilion, iaitu dua kali ganda daripada hasil Apple dalam tempoh yang sama setahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where does all that profit come from?", "r": {"result": "Dari mana datangnya semua keuntungan itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Take the iPhone, for example.", "r": {"result": "Ambil iPhone, sebagai contoh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The iPhone 4S sells for $199 if the customer signs a two-year cellular contract.", "r": {"result": "iPhone 4S dijual pada harga $199 jika pelanggan menandatangani kontrak selular dua tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But AT&T, Sprint Nextel and Verizon Wireless pay Apple much more for the phones in order to sell them at a lower price, a process called subsidizing.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi AT&T, Sprint Nextel dan Verizon Wireless membayar Apple lebih banyak untuk telefon untuk menjualnya pada harga yang lebih rendah, satu proses yang dipanggil subsidi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To get a so-called \"unlocked\" or contract-free iPhone, expect to pay at least $649 to Apple.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mendapatkan iPhone yang dipanggil \"tidak berkunci\" atau tanpa kontrak, jangkakan untuk membayar sekurang-kurangnya $649 kepada Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The costs of parts and manufacturing for Apple's iPhone 4S is estimated to be $196, according to industry research firm IHS iSuppli.", "r": {"result": "Kos alat ganti dan pembuatan untuk iPhone 4S Apple dianggarkan $196, menurut firma penyelidikan industri IHS iSuppli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's $453 less than Apple charges for a contract-free phone.", "r": {"result": "Itu $453 kurang daripada caj Apple untuk telefon tanpa kontrak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marketing and research can add up, but no matter which way you cut it, Apple is making a sizable profit on each phone it sells, said iSuppli analyst Tom Dinges.", "r": {"result": "Pemasaran dan penyelidikan boleh menambah, tetapi tidak kira cara anda memotongnya, Apple memperoleh keuntungan yang besar pada setiap telefon yang dijualnya, kata penganalisis iSuppli Tom Dinges.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple has more than 60,000 employees, most of whom work in its retail stores.", "r": {"result": "Apple mempunyai lebih daripada 60,000 pekerja, kebanyakannya bekerja di kedai runcitnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To build parts and assemble products, Apple has a long list of partners.", "r": {"result": "Untuk membina bahagian dan memasang produk, Apple mempunyai senarai panjang rakan kongsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's partly done to avoid being dependent on any one manufacturer and to get favorable deals on each part from the many competing companies.", "r": {"result": "Itu sebahagiannya dilakukan untuk mengelak daripada bergantung kepada mana-mana pengilang dan untuk mendapatkan tawaran yang menggalakkan pada setiap bahagian daripada banyak syarikat yang bersaing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, Apple tries to minimize the number of companies with which it signs deals, Dinges said.", "r": {"result": "Namun, Apple cuba meminimumkan bilangan syarikat yang menandatangani perjanjian, kata Dinges.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That way, Apple wields more influence because it's among the biggest-spending clients, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dengan cara itu, Apple mempunyai lebih banyak pengaruh kerana ia antara pelanggan yang berbelanja terbesar, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They'd rather be a mile deep in a supplier than divide the business up amongst five,\" Dinges said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka lebih suka berada sejauh satu batu dalam pembekal daripada membahagikan perniagaan itu kepada lima,\" kata Dinges.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You're going to take care of your biggest customers first\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda akan menjaga pelanggan terbesar anda terlebih dahulu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In its supplier report, Apple says 156 companies account for 97% of the money spent on materials, manufacturing and assembly for its coveted gadgets.", "r": {"result": "Dalam laporan pembekalnya, Apple berkata 156 syarikat menyumbang 97% daripada wang yang dibelanjakan untuk bahan, pembuatan dan pemasangan untuk alat yang diidamkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the client is a powerhouse like Apple, winning a contract to be one of those 156 is a major event.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pelanggan adalah kuasa besar seperti Apple, memenangi kontrak untuk menjadi salah satu daripada 156 itu adalah acara utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Wall Street parlance, it moves stock.", "r": {"result": "Dalam bahasa Wall Street, ia menggerakkan saham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Being anointed by Apple boosts a supplier's credibility, but Apple is a shrewd negotiator, from how it develops an iPad to how it leases or builds the retail store it's sold in.", "r": {"result": "Diurapi oleh Apple meningkatkan kredibiliti pembekal, tetapi Apple adalah seorang perunding yang bijak, daripada cara ia membangunkan iPad kepada cara ia memajak atau membina kedai runcit tempat ia dijual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This reportedly forces Apple's partners to push workers and cut corners in order to wring profits.", "r": {"result": "Ini dilaporkan memaksa rakan kongsi Apple untuk menolak pekerja dan mengambil jalan keluar untuk memerah keuntungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple told CNN in a statement that its expectations for suppliers to operate responsibly increase each year.", "r": {"result": "Apple memberitahu CNN dalam satu kenyataan bahawa jangkaan untuk pembekal beroperasi secara bertanggungjawab meningkat setiap tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple says it conducted 229 audits of suppliers last year and reported its findings publicly online.", "r": {"result": "Apple berkata ia menjalankan 229 audit pembekal tahun lepas dan melaporkan penemuannya secara terbuka dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain,\" Apple said in the statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mengambil berat tentang setiap pekerja dalam rantaian bekalan kami di seluruh dunia,\" kata Apple dalam kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menegaskan bahawa pembekal kami menyediakan keadaan kerja yang selamat, melayan pekerja dengan maruah dan hormat, serta menggunakan proses pembuatan yang bertanggungjawab terhadap alam sekitar di mana-mana sahaja produk Apple dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our suppliers must live up to these requirements if they want to keep doing business with Apple\".", "r": {"result": "Pembekal kami mesti memenuhi keperluan ini jika mereka mahu terus menjalankan perniagaan dengan Apple\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Tragedy struck at a Pennsylvania circus Friday after a startled elephant stomped its trainer to death, police said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tragedi melanda sarkas Pennsylvania pada Jumaat selepas seekor gajah yang terkejut menghentak jurulatihnya sehingga mati, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People at the Irem Shrine in Wilkes-Barre, which has been hosting the James Hamid Circus all week, rushed to help but not before the trainer sustained life-threatening injuries, said police Lt. Steven Oshefski.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai di Kuil Irem di Wilkes-Barre, yang menjadi tuan rumah Sirkus James Hamid sepanjang minggu, bergegas membantu tetapi tidak sebelum jurulatih itu mengalami kecederaan yang mengancam nyawa, kata polis Lt. Steven Oshefski.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unclear what spooked the elephant, but the pachyderm was calmed by those on the scene.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas apa yang menakutkan gajah itu, tetapi pachyderm itu ditenangkan oleh mereka yang berada di tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The victim is not being identified until next-of-kin have been notified, Oshefski said.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa tidak dikenal pasti sehingga waris terdekat dimaklumkan, kata Oshefski.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident was classified as a workplace accident and the investigation has been turned over to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.", "r": {"result": "Insiden itu diklasifikasikan sebagai kemalangan di tempat kerja dan siasatan telah diserahkan kepada Pentadbiran Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A balloon vendor at the circus told CNN affiliate WBRE that the death was shocking.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penjual belon di sarkas memberitahu sekutu CNN WBRE bahawa kematian itu mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the 30 years I've been doing my vending, I've never heard an animal killing their trainer and all,\" said Ed Conrad.", "r": {"result": "\"Selama 30 tahun saya menjalankan jualan, saya tidak pernah mendengar haiwan membunuh jurulatih mereka dan semuanya,\" kata Ed Conrad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So something must have happened\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi sesuatu mesti telah berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oshefski said the elephant came into contact with electrical wires, but it was unclear what exactly startled the animal.", "r": {"result": "Oshefski berkata, gajah itu bersentuhan dengan wayar elektrik, tetapi tidak jelas apa sebenarnya yang mengejutkan haiwan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Animal rights activists decried the use of animals in circuses.", "r": {"result": "Aktivis hak haiwan mengecam penggunaan haiwan dalam sarkas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It should come as no surprise that elephants and other animals sometimes snap and attack circus employees and members of the public,\" said Robbyn Brooks of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak hairanlah bahawa gajah dan haiwan lain kadangkala membentak dan menyerang pekerja sarkas dan orang awam,\" kata Robbyn Brooks dari People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"PETA has obtained shocking photos and video of circus trainers as they beat elephants and subject them to violent training methods using barbaric devices such as bullhooks,\" Brooks said.", "r": {"result": "\"PETA telah memperoleh gambar dan video jurulatih sarkas yang mengejutkan ketika mereka memukul gajah dan tertakluk kepada kaedah latihan ganas menggunakan alat biadab seperti mata lembu,\" kata Brooks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Circus members observed a moment of silence for the elephant handler who died, WBRE reported.", "r": {"result": "Anggota sarkas memerhati seketika senyap untuk pawang gajah yang maut, lapor WBRE.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The circus, however, made a decision almost immediately after the death that the performance would go on.", "r": {"result": "Sarkas, bagaimanapun, membuat keputusan hampir sejurus selepas kematian bahawa persembahan akan diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "February 4, 2014. Subjects covered on CNN Student News this Tuesday include the U.S. stock market, the Federal Reserve, and immigration reform.", "r": {"result": "4 Februari 2014. Subjek yang diliputi di Berita Pelajar CNN Selasa ini termasuk pasaran saham A.S., Rizab Persekutuan dan pembaharuan imigresen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We also jump back into history with a bit of Olympic trivia, and we show you what the future holds for some female ski jumpers.", "r": {"result": "Kami juga melompat kembali ke dalam sejarah dengan sedikit trivia Olimpik, dan kami menunjukkan kepada anda masa depan untuk beberapa pelompat ski wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On this page you will find today's show Transcript, the Daily Curriculum, and a place for you to leave feedback.", "r": {"result": "Pada halaman ini anda akan menemui Transkrip rancangan hari ini, Kurikulum Harian dan tempat untuk anda meninggalkan maklum balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TRANSCRIPT.", "r": {"result": "TRANSKRIP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here to access the transcript of today's CNN Student News program.", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk mengakses transkrip program Berita Pelajar CNN hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please note that there may be a delay between the time when the video is available and when the transcript is published.", "r": {"result": "Sila ambil perhatian bahawa mungkin terdapat kelewatan antara masa apabila video tersedia dan apabila transkrip diterbitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DAILY CURRICULUM.", "r": {"result": "KURIKULUM HARIAN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here for a printable version of the Daily Curriculum (PDF).", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk versi cetak Kurikulum Harian (PDF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Media Literacy Question of the Day:", "r": {"result": "Soalan Literasi Media Hari ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What sources would you consult to learn more about the factors that impact the stock market?", "r": {"result": "Apakah sumber yang akan anda rujuk untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang faktor yang memberi kesan kepada pasaran saham?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Key Concepts: Identify or explain these subjects you heard about in today's show:", "r": {"result": "Konsep Utama: Kenal pasti atau terangkan subjek yang anda dengar dalam rancangan hari ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. volatility.", "r": {"result": "1. turun naik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. the Federal Reserve.", "r": {"result": "2. Rizab Persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. ski jumping.", "r": {"result": "3. lompat ski.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fast Facts: How well were you listening to today's program?", "r": {"result": "Fakta Cepat: Sejauh manakah anda mendengar program hari ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. How would you describe the performance of the U.S. stock market so far this year?", "r": {"result": "1. Bagaimanakah anda menerangkan prestasi pasaran saham A.S. setakat tahun ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the video, what are some of the reasons behind that performance?", "r": {"result": "Menurut video itu, apakah antara sebab di sebalik persembahan itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Who is Janet Yellen?", "r": {"result": "2. Siapa Janet Yellen?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To what office was she recently confirmed?", "r": {"result": "Ke pejabat mana dia baru-baru ini disahkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. According to the video, what signs could indicate that there might be room for a compromise between Democrats and Republicans on the issue of immigration?", "r": {"result": "3. Menurut video itu, apakah tanda-tanda yang boleh menunjukkan bahawa mungkin terdapat ruang untuk kompromi antara Demokrat dan Republikan mengenai isu imigresen?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. What sport did Jessica Jerome start participating in at age 7?", "r": {"result": "4. Sukan apakah yang Jessica Jerome mula sertai pada usia 7 tahun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the report, why were women not allowed to compete in this sport on the Olympic level until this year?", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan itu, mengapa wanita tidak dibenarkan bertanding dalam sukan ini di peringkat Olimpik sehingga tahun ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Explain how women's ski jumping became an Olympic sport.", "r": {"result": "Terangkan bagaimana lompat ski wanita menjadi sukan Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Discussion Questions:", "r": {"result": "Soalan Perbincangan:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. What is meant by the term \"emerging markets\"?", "r": {"result": "1. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan istilah \"pasaran baru muncul\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Explain how what's happening with economies in those markets might ultimately affect the U.S. stock market.", "r": {"result": "Terangkan bagaimana perkara yang berlaku dengan ekonomi dalam pasaran tersebut mungkin akhirnya mempengaruhi pasaran saham A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. What do you know about the Federal Reserve and its role in the U.S. economy?", "r": {"result": "2. Apakah yang anda ketahui tentang Rizab Persekutuan dan peranannya dalam ekonomi A.S.?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why do you think that the policies pursued by its chairperson can have an impact on the stock market?", "r": {"result": "Mengapakah anda berpendapat bahawa dasar yang dijalankan oleh pengerusinya boleh memberi kesan kepada pasaran saham?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. What is meant by the term \"undocumented immigrant\"?", "r": {"result": "3. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan istilah \"pendatang tanpa izin\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Based on what you saw and heard in the report, what primary point separates Democrats and Republicans on the issue of undocumented immigrants?", "r": {"result": "Berdasarkan apa yang anda lihat dan dengar dalam laporan itu, apakah perkara utama yang membezakan Demokrat dan Republikan dalam isu pendatang tanpa izin?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In your opinion, what action, if any, should be taken with regard to undocumented immigrants?", "r": {"result": "Pada pendapat anda, apakah tindakan, jika ada, yang perlu diambil berkenaan dengan pendatang tanpa izin?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Explain.", "r": {"result": "Terangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Are there any sports you'd like to see in the Winter Olympics that aren't currently part of the Games?", "r": {"result": "4. Adakah terdapat sebarang sukan yang anda ingin lihat dalam Sukan Olimpik Musim Sejuk yang bukan sebahagian daripada Sukan itu pada masa ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Explain.", "r": {"result": "Terangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Student News is created by a team of journalists and educators who consider the Common Core State Standards, national standards in different subject areas, and state standards when producing the show and curriculum.", "r": {"result": "Berita Pelajar CNN dicipta oleh sekumpulan wartawan dan pendidik yang mempertimbangkan Piawaian Negeri Teras Biasa, piawaian kebangsaan dalam bidang mata pelajaran yang berbeza dan piawaian negeri semasa menghasilkan rancangan dan kurikulum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We hope you use our free daily materials along with the program, and we welcome your feedback on them.", "r": {"result": "Kami berharap anda menggunakan bahan harian percuma kami bersama-sama dengan program ini, dan kami mengalu-alukan maklum balas anda mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FEEDBACK.", "r": {"result": "MAKLUM BALAS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8f\u0113d\u02ccbak"}}} {"src": "We're looking for your feedback about CNN Student News.", "r": {"result": "Kami sedang mencari maklum balas anda tentang Berita Pelajar CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please use this page to leave us comments about today's program, including what you think about our stories and our resources.", "r": {"result": "Sila gunakan halaman ini untuk meninggalkan kami ulasan tentang program hari ini, termasuk pendapat anda tentang cerita kami dan sumber kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, feel free to tell us how you use them in your classroom.", "r": {"result": "Juga, sila beritahu kami cara anda menggunakannya dalam bilik darjah anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The educators on our staff will monitor this page and may respond to your comments as well.", "r": {"result": "Pendidik kakitangan kami akan memantau halaman ini dan mungkin membalas komen anda juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thank you for using CNN Student News!", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Berita Pelajar CNN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here to submit your Roll Call request.", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk menyerahkan permintaan Roll Call anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Enjoy the latest pictures of the former Kate Middleton.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Nikmati gambar terkini bekas Kate Middleton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're the last you'll see for a while.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah yang terakhir yang anda akan lihat untuk seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Duchess of Cambridge made her last official appearance Friday at a variety of spots across London, enjoying tours of a learning center and a church that hosts a youth charity.", "r": {"result": "Duchess of Cambridge membuat penampilan rasmi terakhirnya pada hari Jumaat di pelbagai tempat di seluruh London, menikmati lawatan ke pusat pembelajaran dan gereja yang menganjurkan badan amal belia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former, the Stephen Lawrence Centre, is named for an aspiring architect who was stabbed to death at age 18 in 1993. His mother, Baroness Lawrence, escorted Catherine and her husband, Prince William, around the facility.", "r": {"result": "Yang pertama, Pusat Stephen Lawrence, dinamakan sempena calon arkitek yang mati ditikam pada usia 18 tahun pada 1993. Ibunya, Baroness Lawrence, mengiringi Catherine dan suaminya, Putera William, di sekitar kemudahan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Catherine, 33, is scheduled to give birth in mid- to late April, she said this month.", "r": {"result": "Catherine, 33, dijadualkan bersalin pada pertengahan hingga akhir April, katanya bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It will be the second child for her and Prince William, 32. Their son, Prince George, was born in July 2013.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menjadi anak kedua untuknya dan Putera William, 32. Anak lelaki mereka, Putera George, dilahirkan pada Julai 2013.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MADISON COUNTY, Virginia (CNN) -- Amidst the tranquility of a fishing trip at the Rose River Farm in Madison County, a wounded warrior says he almost feels \"semi-normal again\".", "r": {"result": "MADISON COUNTY, Virginia (CNN) -- Di tengah-tengah ketenangan perjalanan memancing di Ladang Sungai Rose di Madison County, seorang pahlawan yang cedera berkata dia hampir berasa \"separa normal semula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson's Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing helps rehabilitate wounded servicemembers.", "r": {"result": "Projek Healing Waters Fly Fishing Kapten Tentera Laut Bersara Ed Nicholson membantu memulihkan anggota perkhidmatan yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The amputee is one of about 1,000 servicemen and veterans who have reaped the benefits of the therapeutic art of fly-fishing, with the help of retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang diamputasi adalah salah seorang daripada kira-kira 1,000 askar dan veteran yang telah mendapat manfaat daripada seni terapeutik memancing lalat, dengan bantuan bersara Kapten Tentera Laut Ed Nicholson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The demons of war, you just don't set them aside,\" says Nicholson, 67. \"But once you get out on the river, the serenity is incredibly healing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Syaitan-syaitan perang, anda hanya tidak mengetepikan mereka,\" kata Nicholson, 67. \"Tetapi sebaik sahaja anda keluar di sungai, ketenangan itu sangat menyembuhkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While recovering from cancer surgery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2004, Nicholson witnessed wounded and disabled men and women -- many of them amputees -- struggling with their injuries.", "r": {"result": "Semasa pulih daripada pembedahan kanser di Pusat Perubatan Tentera Walter Reed pada tahun 2004, Nicholson menyaksikan lelaki dan wanita yang cedera dan kurang upaya -- ramai daripada mereka dipotong -- bergelut dengan kecederaan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Other than being in Vietnam and seeing people in the process of getting hurt, I never really had a full appreciation for the recovery part and what happened after they came home.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSelain berada di Vietnam dan melihat orang ramai dalam proses kecederaan, saya tidak pernah benar-benar menghargai bahagian pemulihan dan apa yang berlaku selepas mereka pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My recovery was nothing compared to what they were facing.", "r": {"result": "Pemulihan saya tidak seberapa berbanding dengan apa yang mereka hadapi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It planted the seed that maybe there's something I could do,\" Nicholson says.", "r": {"result": "Ia menanam benih yang mungkin ada sesuatu yang boleh saya lakukan, \"kata Nicholson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The solution was obvious to Nicholson, who says being an outdoorsman is in his blood: Get them out of the hospital and into nature.", "r": {"result": "Penyelesaiannya jelas kepada Nicholson, yang berkata menjadi orang luar adalah dalam darahnya: Bawa mereka keluar dari hospital dan ke alam semula jadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through free classes and outings, Nicholson's organization, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, helps rehabilitate injured and disabled servicemembers and veterans.", "r": {"result": "Melalui kelas dan lawatan percuma, organisasi Nicholson, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, membantu memulihkan anggota perkhidmatan dan veteran yang cedera dan kurang upaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We would run these classes that would better prepare them to be fishermen when the weather got nice and we could move outside, start casting lessons and go fishing,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan menjalankan kelas-kelas ini yang lebih baik menyediakan mereka untuk menjadi nelayan apabila cuaca baik dan kami boleh bergerak ke luar, memulakan pelajaran dan pergi memancing,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicholson and ty flying instructor John Colburn saw that the discipline of tying flies, which requires patience and training, benefited veterans recovering from injuries.", "r": {"result": "Nicholson dan pengajar terbang ty John Colburn melihat bahawa disiplin mengikat lalat, yang memerlukan kesabaran dan latihan, memberi manfaat kepada veteran yang pulih daripada kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it helped them relax.", "r": {"result": "Dan ia membantu mereka berehat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You have a guy who lost a leg and we get him out there wading in a stream -- he gets a boost.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda mempunyai seorang lelaki yang kehilangan kaki dan kami membawanya ke sana mengharung sungai -- dia mendapat rangsangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or a guy who lost an arm, we start him casting.", "r": {"result": "Atau seorang lelaki yang kehilangan tangan, kita mulakan dia berlakon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has a chance to use his new arm and actually do something that's enjoyable,\" says Nicholson.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai peluang untuk menggunakan lengan baharunya dan sebenarnya melakukan sesuatu yang menyeronokkan,\" kata Nicholson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you know someone who should be a CNN Hero?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda mengenali seseorang yang sepatutnya menjadi Wira CNN?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nominations are open at CNN.com/Heroes.", "r": {"result": "Pencalonan dibuka di CNN.com/Heroes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ed [is] showing us that if you have the will, they will find a way,\" says Army Staff Sgt.", "r": {"result": "\"Ed [sedang] menunjukkan kepada kami bahawa jika anda mempunyai kehendak, mereka akan mencari jalan,\" kata Staf Tentera Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brian Mancini, who lost his right eye after being hit by an explosive device in Iraq in July 2007. \"It shows you that life's not over, it's only beginning\".", "r": {"result": "Brian Mancini, yang kehilangan mata kanannya selepas terkena bahan letupan di Iraq pada Julai 2007. \"Ia menunjukkan kepada anda bahawa kehidupan belum berakhir, ia hanya bermula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Mancini describe how Nicholson's program helped his healing process >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Mancini menerangkan bagaimana program Nicholson membantu proses penyembuhannya >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One soldier with a brain injury says tying flies, building fly rods and casting have helped him with his motor skills.", "r": {"result": "Seorang askar yang mengalami kecederaan otak berkata mengikat lalat, membina batang lalat dan melontar telah membantunya dengan kemahiran motornya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others on the catch-and-release outing describe feeling normal for the first time in a long time.", "r": {"result": "Orang lain dalam acara tangkap dan lepas menggambarkan perasaan normal buat kali pertama dalam masa yang lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch wounded servicemen discuss the role of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing in their recovery >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton askar yang cedera membincangkan peranan Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing dalam pemulihan mereka >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Between the pain, the medication, the realization that their life has been changed, they're doing something that gives them a great deal of pleasure and that they can look forward to,\" Nicholson says.", "r": {"result": "\"Antara kesakitan, ubat-ubatan, kesedaran bahawa kehidupan mereka telah berubah, mereka melakukan sesuatu yang memberi mereka banyak keseronokan dan yang mereka boleh nantikan, \" kata Nicholson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Nicholson as he helps wounded soldiers through fly-fishing >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Nicholson semasa dia membantu askar yang cedera melalui pancingan lalat >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First Lt. Ferris Butler, an active participant in Project Healing Waters, agrees.", "r": {"result": "Lt. Ferris Butler Pertama, peserta aktif dalam Project Healing Waters, bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you compound losing body parts with losing friends, just getting in the water is a release,\" he says, adding that fishing gave him enhanced dexterity because it helped him learn to walk on prosthetics in the water.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda menggabungkan kehilangan anggota badan dengan kehilangan kawan, hanya masuk ke dalam air adalah satu pelepasan,\" katanya, sambil menambah bahawa memancing memberikannya ketangkasan yang dipertingkatkan kerana ia membantunya belajar berjalan menggunakan prostetik di dalam air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 2005, Nicholson's program has grown to more than 50 locations nationwide with \"more to come,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 2005, program Nicholson telah berkembang kepada lebih daripada 50 lokasi di seluruh negara dengan \"lebih banyak akan datang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With support from The Federation of Fly Fishers and Trout Unlimited, the group is establishing long-term relationships with hospital and military staff, participants and volunteers.", "r": {"result": "Dengan sokongan daripada The Federation of Fly Fishers dan Trout Unlimited, kumpulan itu menjalin hubungan jangka panjang dengan kakitangan hospital dan tentera, peserta dan sukarelawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Participants across the country can attend outings during the spring, summer and fall.", "r": {"result": "Peserta di seluruh negara boleh menghadiri lawatan semasa musim bunga, musim panas dan musim luruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An indoor component focuses on classroom activities.", "r": {"result": "Komponen dalaman memberi tumpuan kepada aktiviti bilik darjah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicholson, who rises early and spends the better part of his day running operations for his organization, once thought he'd spend his golden years enjoying his favorite pastimes: fishing and hunting.", "r": {"result": "Nicholson, yang bangun awal dan menghabiskan sebahagian besar harinya menjalankan operasi untuk organisasinya, pernah terfikir dia akan menghabiskan masa emasnya dengan menikmati hobi kegemarannya: memancing dan memburu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he says he welcomes the direction his life has taken.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia berkata dia mengalu-alukan hala tuju hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm doing something that gives me as much satisfaction and gratification of anything that I've really done.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melakukan sesuatu yang memberi saya kepuasan dan kepuasan terhadap apa sahaja yang saya lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I loved serving my country.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka berkhidmat untuk negara saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was proud to serve for 30 years.", "r": {"result": "Saya bangga berkhidmat selama 30 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I'm incredibly satisfied with what I'm doing now\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya sangat berpuas hati dengan apa yang saya lakukan sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Want to get involved?", "r": {"result": "Ingin terlibat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Check out Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and see how to help.", "r": {"result": "Lihat Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing dan lihat cara untuk membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Sebastian Vettel led from start to finish to claim the Canadian Grand Prix Sunday to extend his title lead as he searches for a fourth straight Formula One world championship.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sebastian Vettel mendahului dari awal hingga akhir untuk menuntut Grand Prix Kanada Ahad untuk melanjutkan kejuaraannya ketika dia mencari kejuaraan dunia Formula Satu keempat berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Red Bull star pulled clear from pole position and was never seriously challenged as he finished with a winning margin of over 14 seconds from second placed Fernando Alonso.", "r": {"result": "Bintang Red Bull itu melepasi kedudukan terdepan dan tidak pernah dicabar secara serius apabila dia menamatkan saingan dengan margin kemenangan lebih 14 saat daripada tempat kedua Fernando Alonso.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lewis Hamilton, who started on the front row with Vettel in his Mercedes, claimed the final podium spot, overtaken in the closing stages by the charging Alonso, who had started sixth on the grid in his Ferrari.", "r": {"result": "Lewis Hamilton, yang bermula di barisan hadapan dengan Vettel dengan Mercedesnya, meraih tempat podium terakhir, dipintas pada peringkat penutup oleh Alonso yang sedang mengecas, yang bermula di tempat keenam di grid dengan Ferrari miliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But up front, Vettel was untouchable, claiming his first win at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Montreal and his 29th career triumph.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di hadapan, Vettel tidak boleh disentuh, mendakwa kemenangan pertamanya di Litar Gilles Villeneuve di Montreal dan kemenangan ke-29 dalam kariernya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Interactive: Results and standings.", "r": {"result": "Interaktif: Keputusan dan kedudukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has left him 36 points clear of two-time champion Alonso in the title race.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah meninggalkannya 36 mata di hadapan juara dua kali Alonso dalam perlumbaan kejuaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kimi Raikkonen occupied third spot, a further eight points adrift.", "r": {"result": "Kimi Raikkonen menduduki tempat ketiga, ketinggalan lapan mata lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Finn was way off the pace in his Lotus, but came home ninth to be in the points for a remarkable 24th straight race, equaling the record of seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher.", "r": {"result": "Pemandu Finland itu jauh di luar rentak dalam Lotusnya, tetapi pulang ke tempat kesembilan untuk mendapat mata untuk perlumbaan ke-24 berturut-turut yang menakjubkan, menyamai rekod juara dunia tujuh kali Michael Schumacher.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Webber battled a damaged front wing to claim fourth for Red Bull, who increased their lead in the constructors' race over Ferrari.", "r": {"result": "Mark Webber menentang sayap depan yang rosak untuk menuntut tempat keempat untuk Red Bull, yang meningkatkan pendahuluan mereka dalam perlumbaan pembina mengatasi Ferrari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Monaco winner Nico Rosberg finished fifth in the second Mercedes ahead of Jean-Eric Vergne in the Toro Rosso.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang Monaco Nico Rosberg menduduki tempat kelima dalam Mercedes kedua di hadapan Jean-Eric Vergne dalam Toro Rosso.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Britain's Paul Di Resta, adopting a one-stop strategy in the Force India, finished seventh with Felipe Massa in eighth for Ferrari.", "r": {"result": "Paul Di Resta dari Britain, menggunakan strategi sehenti dalam Force India, menduduki tempat ketujuh dengan Felipe Massa di tempat kelapan untuk Ferrari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adrian Sutil claimed the final point for Force India.", "r": {"result": "Adrian Sutil mendapat mata terakhir untuk Force India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vettel was delighted to break his win drought in Canada after coming so close on previous occasions.", "r": {"result": "Vettel berbesar hati untuk merungkai kemarau kemenangannya di Kanada selepas hampir begitu dekat pada kesempatan sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We had good races here before but it didn't come together to win, \" he said at the victory celebration.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai perlumbaan yang baik di sini sebelum ini tetapi ia tidak bersatu untuk menang,\" katanya pada sambutan kemenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I lost it in the last lap two years ago which was my fault but I made up for that today\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tewas pada pusingan terakhir dua tahun lalu yang merupakan kesalahan saya tetapi saya menebusnya hari ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alonso, clearly the crowd favorite with the fans, who roared their appreciation as he overtook his old rival Hamilton for second, was pleased to limit his losses on Vettel.", "r": {"result": "Alonso, yang jelas digemari peminat, yang merakamkan penghargaan mereka apabila dia mengatasi pesaing lamanya, Hamilton untuk tempat kedua, berbesar hati untuk mengehadkan kekalahannya ke atas Vettel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think second tastes of victory, because we scored some good points after a very difficult weekend\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa kemenangan kedua, kerana kami memperoleh beberapa mata yang baik selepas hujung minggu yang sangat sukar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamilton, who is fourth in the title race, was also satisfied as Mercedes maintained their good start to the season.", "r": {"result": "Hamilton, yang berada di tempat keempat dalam perlumbaan kejuaraan, juga berpuas hati kerana Mercedes mengekalkan permulaan baik mereka pada musim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We just have to keep pushing so we can get closer to these guys\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami hanya perlu terus mendesak supaya kami boleh lebih dekat dengan lelaki ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His old team McLaren suffered another disappointing race, with Sergio Perez and Jenson Button in 11th and 12th.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan lamanya McLaren mengalami satu lagi perlumbaan mengecewakan, dengan Sergio Perez dan Jenson Button di tempat ke-11 dan ke-12.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the first time McLaren has been out of the points in 64 races.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kali pertama McLaren kehilangan mata dalam 64 perlumbaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young Finn Valtteri Bottas, who was a surprise third on the grid for Williams, also slipped back through the field to come home 14th, continuing his team's pointless start to the campaign.", "r": {"result": "Pemain muda Finn Valtteri Bottas, yang menduduki tempat ketiga mengejut dalam grid untuk Williams, juga kembali ke padang untuk pulang ke tempat ke-14, meneruskan permulaan sia-sia pasukannya untuk kempen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Willkommen.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Willkommen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bienvenue.", "r": {"result": "Bienvenue.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Welcome.", "r": {"result": "Selamat datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Set in the seedy underbelly of early 1930s Berlin, the movie \"Cabaret\" largely takes place in the fictional Kit Kat Klub, a gaudy, raunchy cabaret full of drunks, dancers, glitz and -- apparently -- odors.", "r": {"result": "Berlatarkan bahagian bawah perut awal 1930-an Berlin, filem \"Cabaret\" sebahagian besarnya mengambil tempat dalam fiksyen Kit Kat Klub, kabaret yang mencolok dan cabul yang penuh dengan pemabuk, penari, kemewahan dan -- nampaknya -- bau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film's director, Bob Fosse, preferred that his actors rehearse in costume, and while Liza Minnelli (as Sally Bowles) had been fitted for her dress, Joel Grey (as Master of Ceremonies) learned his tailcoat was not ready yet.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah filem itu, Bob Fosse, lebih suka pelakonnya berlatih dalam kostum, dan sementara Liza Minnelli (sebagai Sally Bowles) telah dipasang untuk pakaiannya, Joel Gray (sebagai Master of Ceremonies) mengetahui kot ekornya masih belum siap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So the costumer provided him with an old coat from backstage.", "r": {"result": "Jadi pelanggan itu memberikannya kot lama dari belakang pentas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to tell you about this coat,\" Grey told CNN before the January 31 screening of the film at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin memberitahu anda tentang ini kot,\" kata Gray kepada CNN sebelum tayangan filem itu pada 31 Januari di Teater Ziegfeld di New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was the coat of a thousand men.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah kot seribu lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It had come from stock, and it had been worn by many, many actors for many, many years\".", "r": {"result": "Ia datang dari stok, dan ia telah dipakai oleh ramai, ramai pelakon selama bertahun-tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And never washed,\" Minnelli interjected.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan tidak pernah mencuci,\" Minnelli mencelah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That was way before anybody knew anything about, ya know, keepin' it nice,\" Grey said.", "r": {"result": "\"Itu adalah cara sebelum sesiapa tahu apa-apa tentang, ya, pastikan ia bagus,\" kata Gray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other words, the coat was a relic from the pre-antiperspirant era, and when Grey \"got warm, all the lives of these other actors, dancers or whoever came back\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam erti kata lain, kot itu adalah peninggalan dari era pra-antiperspirant, dan apabila Gray \"menjadi hangat, semua kehidupan pelakon, penari atau sesiapa sahaja yang kembali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I kept looking at him and going, 'What?", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terus memandangnya dan berkata, 'Apa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What?", "r": {"result": "Apa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' \" Minnelli recalled.", "r": {"result": "' \"Minnelli teringat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The screening was a homecoming of sorts for the cast, because the film made its world premiere at the same theater on February 13, 1972.", "r": {"result": "Tayangan itu adalah semacam kepulangan untuk pelakon, kerana filem itu membuat tayangan perdana dunia di teater yang sama pada 13 Februari 1972.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although billed as the \"40th anniversary,\" the festivities came just shy of the 41st anniversary because a vertical scratch ran along an entire reel of the film.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ditakrifkan sebagai \"ulang tahun ke-40,\" perayaan itu datang hanya untuk ulang tahun ke-41 kerana goresan menegak berlaku di sepanjang gulungan filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Computer technology couldn't remedy it so more than 1 million frames were restored by hand.", "r": {"result": "Teknologi komputer tidak dapat membetulkannya sehingga lebih daripada 1 juta bingkai telah dipulihkan dengan tangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cabaret\" made its Blu-ray debut last week.", "r": {"result": "\"Kabaret\" membuat debut Blu-ray minggu lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film is only loosely based on the 1966 Broadway musical of the same name.", "r": {"result": "Filem ini hanya berdasarkan muzikal Broadway 1966 dengan nama yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Broadway show was based on the 1951 nonmusical play \"I Am a Camera\" and Christopher Isherwood's 1945 book \"The Berlin Stories,\" which included his earlier 1939 short novel \"Goodbye to Berlin\".", "r": {"result": "Pertunjukan Broadway adalah berdasarkan drama bukan muzikal 1951 \"I Am a Camera\" dan buku 1945 Christopher Isherwood \"The Berlin Stories,\" yang termasuk novel pendek 1939 awalnya \"Goodbye to Berlin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many details -- including characters, story lines and songs -- were added, removed or interchanged for the film adaptation.", "r": {"result": "Banyak butiran -- termasuk watak, jalan cerita dan lagu -- telah ditambah, dialih keluar atau ditukar ganti untuk adaptasi filem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, the Sally Bowles character was originally British, and Brian Roberts' name in \"I Am a Camera\" and the novels was Christopher Isherwood (the writer had used his own name as the fictional narrator).", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, watak Sally Bowles pada asalnya adalah British, dan nama Brian Roberts dalam \"I Am a Camera\" dan novelnya ialah Christopher Isherwood (penulis telah menggunakan namanya sendiri sebagai narator fiksyen).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, there was no romance between Brian/Chris and Sally, and Brian was only bisexual in the movie.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, tiada percintaan antara Brian/Chris dan Sally, dan Brian hanya biseksual dalam filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was the first one hired,\" Minnelli said, \"and I remember one of the first things our producer said was, 'Tell me what you think of the story.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya adalah orang pertama yang diupah,\" kata Minnelli, \"dan saya masih ingat salah satu perkara pertama yang dikatakan oleh pengeluar kami ialah, 'Beritahu saya pendapat anda tentang cerita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And I said 'Really?", "r": {"result": "' Dan saya berkata 'Betul ke?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And he said 'Yes.", "r": {"result": "' Dan dia berkata 'Ya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And I said, 'I think that the man should be gay so that leaves that wonderful relationship and it just opens up all sorts of emotions that couldn't have been there in the play\".", "r": {"result": "' Dan saya berkata, 'Saya fikir lelaki itu harus menjadi gay supaya meninggalkan hubungan yang indah itu dan ia hanya membuka pelbagai jenis emosi yang tidak mungkin ada dalam drama itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In \"Goodbye to Berlin,\" Sally was supposed to be untalented, so there was some criticism upon the film's release that Minnelli was too polished a dancer.", "r": {"result": "Dalam \"Selamat tinggal ke Berlin,\" Sally sepatutnya tidak berbakat, jadi terdapat beberapa kritikan apabila filem itu dikeluarkan bahawa Minnelli terlalu menggilap seorang penari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, director Fosse worked tirelessly to make the Kit Kat dancers look unpolished and unkempt.", "r": {"result": "Malah, pengarah Fosse bertungkus-lumus membuat penari Kit Kat kelihatan tidak digilap dan tidak terawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Louise Quick, who portrayed one of the dancers, said Fosse \"wanted it to seem more real, shaggy\".", "r": {"result": "Louise Quick, yang menggambarkan salah seorang penari, berkata Fosse \"ingin ia kelihatan lebih nyata, berbulu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked the dancers to pluck their eyebrows and then draw them in, not shave their legs and put on weight.", "r": {"result": "Dia meminta penari untuk mencabut kening mereka dan kemudian menariknya, tidak mencukur kaki mereka dan menambah berat badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was the first time in history that he allowed dancers to eat during rehearsal,\" she laughed.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah kali pertama dalam sejarah dia membenarkan penari makan semasa latihan,\" katanya ketawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grey added, \"When 'Cabaret' came out, it was so unlike the usual Hollywood musical\".", "r": {"result": "Gray menambah, \"Apabila 'Cabaret' keluar, ia sangat berbeza dengan muzikal Hollywood biasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fosse was not a fan of people \"erupting into song,\" Grey said, explaining the director's realistic approach to movie musicals.", "r": {"result": "Fosse bukan peminat orang yang \"meletus menjadi lagu,\" kata Gray, menjelaskan pendekatan realistik pengarah terhadap muzikal filem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Movie musicals were in ill-repute.", "r": {"result": "\"Filem muzikal berada dalam reputasi buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They weren't doing well at the box office.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak berjaya di box office.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a matter of fact, Bob had had a big failure right before, (1969's 'Sweet Charity,' his screen debut) so he was intent on making it more adult -- more relevant\".", "r": {"result": "Sebenarnya, Bob pernah mengalami kegagalan besar sebelum ini, (1969 'Sweet Charity', debut skrinnya) jadi dia berhasrat untuk menjadikannya lebih dewasa -- lebih relevan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fosse's \"Cabaret\" was replete with political satire and heavy issues such as abortion, death, Nazis and the Holocaust.", "r": {"result": "\"Kabaret\" Fosse penuh dengan sindiran politik dan isu berat seperti pengguguran, kematian, Nazi dan Holocaust.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the musical numbers in which characters sang to each other were cut for the movie.", "r": {"result": "Semua nombor muzik di mana watak menyanyi antara satu sama lain telah dipotong untuk filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was no change for me from stage to film,\" said Grey, who had originated the emcee role onstage and won the 1966 Tony Award for best featured actor in a musical.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada perubahan untuk saya dari pentas ke filem,\" kata Grey, yang telah memulakan peranan juruacara di atas pentas dan memenangi Anugerah Tony 1966 untuk pelakon utama dalam muzikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was the same dark character, and I somehow felt empowered to make him even darker in the film.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah watak gelap yang sama, dan saya entah bagaimana berasa diberi kuasa untuk menjadikannya lebih gelap dalam filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You couldn't miss his intention in a close-up.", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak boleh terlepas niatnya dalam jarak dekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whereas if you're sitting in a balcony watching it on the stage, you're saying, 'So, is this funny or not?", "r": {"result": "Manakala jika anda duduk di balkoni menontonnya di atas pentas, anda akan berkata, 'Jadi, adakah ini lucu atau tidak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was no denying or question of what the intention was of this movie,\" Grey said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada penafian atau persoalan tentang niat filem ini,\" kata Gray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are so many people who have said over the years: 'Oh, 'Cabaret' is so much fun!", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat begitu ramai orang yang telah berkata selama ini: 'Oh, 'Kabaret' sangat menyeronokkan!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such a great movie!", "r": {"result": "Filem yang begitu hebat!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I had the best time!", "r": {"result": "Saya mempunyai masa yang terbaik!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And I think to myself: Did they get it?", "r": {"result": "' Dan saya berfikir kepada diri saya sendiri: Adakah mereka mendapatnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film's most controversial line was a lyric to the song \"If You Could See Her\".", "r": {"result": "Barisan filem yang paling kontroversi ialah lirik lagu \"If You Could See Her\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Grey slow-danced with Quick dressed in a gorilla suit, the last line of the song went: \"If you could see her through my eyes, she wouldn't look Jewish at all\".", "r": {"result": "Ketika Gray menari perlahan dengan Quick berpakaian sut gorila, baris terakhir lagu itu berbunyi: \"Jika anda dapat melihatnya melalui mata saya, dia tidak akan kelihatan seperti Yahudi sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lyric and gorilla costume were meant to show how anti-Semitism was beginning to run rampant in Berlin, but Grey said it caused problems in the New York stage production.", "r": {"result": "Kostum lirik dan gorila itu bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana anti-Semitisme mula berleluasa di Berlin, tetapi Gray berkata ia menyebabkan masalah dalam produksi pentas New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were a number of Jewish groups who missed the point of that song,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat beberapa kumpulan Yahudi yang terlepas maksud lagu itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They just thought that we were saying Jews were ugly\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka hanya menyangka bahawa kami mengatakan Yahudi itu hodoh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The line was replaced with \"She isn't a meeskite at all,\" but the response was tepid.", "r": {"result": "Talian itu digantikan dengan \"Dia bukan orang gila sama sekali,\" tetapi jawapannya adalah lembut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Meeskite was an old Yiddish term to describe an unattractive woman.", "r": {"result": "(Meeskite ialah istilah lama Yiddish untuk menggambarkan seorang wanita yang tidak menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") Grey, who is Jewish, said the lyrics didn't offend him and he was hesitant about changing them.", "r": {"result": ") Grey, yang berbangsa Yahudi, berkata lirik itu tidak menyinggung perasaannya dan dia teragak-agak untuk menukarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I conveniently forgot about the change a few times,\" he said with a nod.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terlupa tentang perubahan itu beberapa kali,\" katanya sambil mengangguk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fosse passed away in 1987. Daughter Nicole Fosse told CNN that when the famed director and choreographer worked, he \"asked people to do something they had never done before\".", "r": {"result": "Fosse meninggal dunia pada 1987. Anak perempuan Nicole Fosse memberitahu CNN bahawa apabila pengarah dan koreografer terkenal itu bekerja, dia \"meminta orang ramai melakukan sesuatu yang tidak pernah mereka lakukan sebelum ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Actress Marisa Berenson was still new to show business at the time she was cast as Natalia Landauer.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon Marisa Berenson masih baru untuk menunjukkan perniagaan pada masa dia berlakon sebagai Natalia Landauer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cabaret\" was her second film, and she remembered Fosse as a great director who brought out the best in her and found unique ways to challenge her.", "r": {"result": "\"Cabaret\" ialah filem keduanya, dan dia mengingati Fosse sebagai pengarah hebat yang mengeluarkan yang terbaik dalam dirinya dan menemui cara unik untuk mencabarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He played tricks on me and used to whisper erotic things in my ear before scenes so that I would kind of blush and feel strange,\" she said, \"which I did.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mempermainkan saya dan pernah membisikkan perkara erotik di telinga saya sebelum adegan supaya saya menjadi merah dan berasa pelik,\" katanya, \"yang saya lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And, you know, all that to get a good performance, and so I learned a lot and it was really wonderful\".", "r": {"result": "Dan, anda tahu, semua itu untuk mendapatkan prestasi yang baik, jadi saya belajar banyak dan ia sangat mengagumkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the song goes, \"Life is a cabaret, old chum,\" and that appears to have been the case for this cast as well.", "r": {"result": "Seperti lagu itu, \"Life is a cabaret, old chum,\" dan nampaknya itu juga berlaku untuk pelakon ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were so close,\" Minnelli said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sangat rapat,\" kata Minnelli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were in a world of our own, and I think that shows\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berada dalam dunia kami sendiri, dan saya fikir itu menunjukkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The actress/singer called the filming \"one of the best beginning to end experiences I ever had.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon/penyanyi itu menggelar penggambaran \"salah satu pengalaman permulaan hingga akhir terbaik yang pernah saya alami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And every Friday night, (Fosse) gave a party on the set.", "r": {"result": "Dan setiap malam Jumaat, (Fosse) mengadakan pesta di set.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, there's a scene in the movie where you see somebody playing the saw.", "r": {"result": "Malah, terdapat adegan dalam filem di mana anda melihat seseorang bermain gergaji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That was a stagehand who played the saw\".", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah pentas yang bermain gergaji\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"Making the movie was so much fun, and so weird and bizarre and very sensual\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \"Membuat filem itu sangat menyeronokkan, dan begitu pelik dan pelik dan sangat sensual\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Cabaret\" won eight Academy Awards, including best director (Fosse), best actress (Minnelli) and best supporting actor (Grey).", "r": {"result": "\"Cabaret\" memenangi lapan Anugerah Akademi, termasuk pengarah terbaik (Fosse), pelakon terbaik (Minnelli) dan pelakon pembantu terbaik (Grey).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It lost the best picture Oscar to \"The Godfather\".", "r": {"result": "Ia kehilangan gambar terbaik Oscar kepada \"The Godfather\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They said my name and my father (director Vincente Minnelli) screamed so loudly,\" Minnelli said, \"screamed in my ear -- that I still have tinnitus.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menyebut nama saya dan bapa saya (pengarah Vincente Minnelli) menjerit dengan kuat,\" kata Minnelli, \"menjerit di telinga saya - bahawa saya masih mengalami tinnitus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I do\"!", "r": {"result": "Saya sudi\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jerusalem (CNN) -- Israeli security forces and intelligence officers raided a Palestinian television station overnight and took computers, tapes, transmitters and paperwork, the director of the station said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Baitulmaqdis (CNN) -- Pasukan keselamatan dan pegawai perisikan Israel menyerbu sebuah stesen televisyen Palestin semalaman dan mengambil komputer, pita, pemancar dan kertas kerja, kata pengarah stesen itu Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad called it \"piracy\".", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Palestin Salam Fayyad menggelarnya sebagai \"cetak rompak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The raid began at 2 a.m., Wattan TV director Muamar Orabi said.", "r": {"result": "Serbuan bermula pada pukul 2 pagi, kata pengarah Wattan TV Muamar Orabi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Four night-shift employees were detained for more than three hours inside the offices after their mobile phones were taken,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cEmpat pekerja syif malam telah ditahan lebih tiga jam di dalam pejabat selepas telefon bimbit mereka diambil,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Israel Defense Forces confirmed the raid had taken place.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Pertahanan Israel mengesahkan serbuan telah berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli Ministry of Communications spokesman Yehiel Shavi said Wattan broadcasts \"were interfering with the signals of Israeli broadcasters\" and said the interference had been stopped \"with the assistance of the IDF\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Kementerian Perhubungan Israel Yehiel Shavi berkata siaran Wattan \"mengganggu isyarat penyiar Israel\" dan berkata gangguan itu telah dihentikan \"dengan bantuan IDF\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The IDF said repeated requests had been made to Wattan to stop its broadcasts because they interfered with Israeli broadcasters and flight communications at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv.", "r": {"result": "IDF berkata permintaan berulang telah dibuat kepada Wattan untuk menghentikan siarannya kerana mereka mengganggu penyiar Israel dan komunikasi penerbangan di lapangan terbang Ben Gurion di Tel Aviv.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Orabi said his station had never received a complaint about transmission frequencies, and said the response was disproportionate even if that was the reason for the raid.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Orabi berkata stesennya tidak pernah menerima aduan mengenai frekuensi penghantaran, dan berkata tindak balas adalah tidak seimbang walaupun itu adalah punca serbuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why destroy the TV station when they could have just confiscated the two transmitters\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Mengapa memusnahkan stesen TV sedangkan mereka boleh merampas dua pemancar\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he asked.", "r": {"result": "dia tanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not the first time this has happened.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni bukan kali pertama berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wattan TV was destroyed 10 years ago, in March 2002,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Wattan TV telah musnah 10 tahun lalu iaitu pada Mac 2002,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The station called the raid an act of piracy and vowed to continue its work.", "r": {"result": "Stesen itu menggelar serbuan itu sebagai tindakan lanun dan berikrar untuk meneruskan kerjanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Wattan TV deplores this aggressive behavior against an efficient and effective media organization and will work through its contacts with local and international media and human rights organizations to expose this criminal act,\" the station said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Wattan TV kesal dengan tingkah laku agresif ini terhadap organisasi media yang cekap dan berkesan dan akan bekerjasama melalui hubungannya dengan media tempatan dan antarabangsa serta organisasi hak asasi manusia untuk mendedahkan perbuatan jenayah ini,\" kata stesen itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Wattan will work on restoring all the stolen equipment and transmitters and continue interrupted broadcasting\".", "r": {"result": "\"Wattan akan berusaha memulihkan semua peralatan dan pemancar yang dicuri dan meneruskan penyiaran yang terganggu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fayyad issued a statement saying: \"This piracy and raids of Palestinian media institutions brings back to mind the practices during the beginning of the second Intifadah when Israeli occupation forces raided and sabotaged many Palestinian media institutions including Palestine TV, Voice of Palestine, and Wattan TV\".", "r": {"result": "Fayyad mengeluarkan kenyataan dengan mengatakan: \"Pelanunan dan serbuan institusi media Palestin ini mengingatkan kembali amalan semasa permulaan Intifadah kedua apabila tentera pendudukan Israel menyerbu dan mensabotaj banyak institusi media Palestin termasuk TV Palestin, Voice of Palestine, dan Wattan TV \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said officials will work to put the station back on air immediately.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata pegawai akan berusaha untuk menyiarkan semula stesen itu dengan segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fayyad also said the Middle East Quartet -- the United States, the United Nations, the European Union, and Russia -- bears responsibility for not preventing Israel from carrying out such actions, according to the statement.", "r": {"result": "Fayyad juga berkata Kuartet Timur Tengah -- Amerika Syarikat, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, Kesatuan Eropah, dan Rusia -- memikul tanggungjawab untuk tidak menghalang Israel daripada melakukan tindakan sedemikian, menurut kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These dangerous violations of the Israeli occupation forces reveal the extent of failure and shortcomings of the Quartet\" and the \"clear incapability of the Quartet to perform its duties,\" Fayyad said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pelanggaran berbahaya terhadap pasukan pendudukan Israel ini mendedahkan sejauh mana kegagalan dan kelemahan Kuartet\" dan \"ketidakupayaan jelas Kuartet untuk melaksanakan tugasnya,\" kata Fayyad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Enas Muthaffar contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Enas Muthaffar dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Venezuela's President severed diplomatic relations with Panama Wednesday, accusing the Central American nation of being a \"lackey\" for the United States in a conspiracy plot against his government.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Venezuela memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Panama pada hari Rabu, menuduh negara Amerika Tengah itu sebagai \"kurang\" bagi Amerika Syarikat dalam plot konspirasi terhadap kerajaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are maneuvers by the U.S. government plotting with a lackey government that has a right-wing president who is leaving in the next few months, who is not worthy of his people, who has been working actively against Venezuela,\" President Nicolas Maduro said in televised remarks.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat gerakan oleh kerajaan A.S. yang berkomplot dengan kerajaan antek yang mempunyai presiden sayap kanan yang akan pergi dalam beberapa bulan akan datang, yang tidak layak untuk rakyatnya, yang telah bekerja secara aktif menentang Venezuela,\" kata Presiden Nicolas Maduro. dalam ucapan di televisyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He accused Panama of pushing for regional organizations to intervene in Venezuela.", "r": {"result": "Dia menuduh Panama mendesak organisasi serantau untuk campur tangan di Venezuela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a result, Maduro said he was cutting off diplomatic and political ties and freezing trade relations with Panama's current government \"in defense of the homeland's sovereignty\".", "r": {"result": "Akibatnya, Maduro berkata beliau memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dan politik serta membekukan hubungan perdagangan dengan kerajaan Panama sekarang \"dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan tanah air\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli said in a Twitter post that he was surprised by Venezuela's decision.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Panama Ricardo Martinelli berkata dalam catatan Twitter bahawa beliau terkejut dengan keputusan Venezuela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Panama only longs for its brother country to find peace and strengthen its democracy,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Panama hanya mendambakan negara saudaranya mencari keamanan dan mengukuhkan demokrasinya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest bout of diplomatic wrangling comes after weeks of anti-government protests in Venezuela, which are the biggest threat Maduro has faced since his election last year.", "r": {"result": "Pergaduhan diplomatik terbaru berlaku selepas beberapa minggu protes anti-kerajaan di Venezuela, yang merupakan ancaman terbesar yang dihadapi Maduro sejak pemilihannya tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement late Wednesday, Panama's government denied Maduro's accusations and said it had tried to encourage action by the Organization of American States to help promote dialogue, democracy and human rights in Venezuela.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan lewat Rabu, kerajaan Panama menafikan tuduhan Maduro dan berkata ia telah cuba menggalakkan tindakan oleh Pertubuhan Negara-negara Amerika untuk membantu mempromosikan dialog, demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia di Venezuela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We reject as unacceptable the insults uttered by President Nicolas Maduro against our country and its highest authority.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami menolak sebagai tidak boleh diterima penghinaan yang diucapkan oleh Presiden Nicolas Maduro terhadap negara kami dan pihak berkuasa tertingginya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The foul language used is inappropriate for the president of a brother country,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Bahasa kesat yang digunakan tidak sesuai untuk presiden negara saudara,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month Maduro expelled three U.S. diplomats form Venezuela, accusing them of conspiring against his government.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu Maduro mengusir tiga diplomat AS dari Venezuela, menuduh mereka bersubahat menentang kerajaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States expelled three Venezuelan diplomats last week in retaliation.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat mengusir tiga diplomat Venezuela minggu lalu sebagai tindakan balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The State Department has repeatedly denied Venezuela's accusations that it's funding opposition efforts to topple Maduro's government or involved in other conspiracy plots.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara telah berulang kali menafikan tuduhan Venezuela bahawa ia membiayai usaha pembangkang untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Maduro atau terlibat dalam plot konspirasi lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Venezuela, rather than trying to distract from its own failings by making up false accusations against diplomats from the United States, the government ought to focus on addressing the legitimate grievances of the Venezuelan people,\" U.S. President Barack Obama told reporters last month.", "r": {"result": "\u201cVenezuela, daripada cuba mengalih perhatian daripada kegagalannya sendiri dengan membuat tuduhan palsu terhadap diplomat dari Amerika Syarikat, kerajaan sepatutnya menumpukan perhatian kepada menangani rungutan sah rakyat Venezuela,\u201d kata Presiden AS Barack Obama kepada pemberita bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- Young stars shone at the Olympic pool Monday as Yannick Agnel of France won his second gold medal of the London Games, American teen sensation Missy Franklin won her first and a 15-year-old Lithuanian stunned the women's 100-meter breaststroke field.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Bintang muda bersinar di kolam Olimpik Isnin apabila Yannick Agnel dari Perancis memenangi pingat emas keduanya Sukan London, sensasi remaja Amerika Missy Franklin memenanginya yang pertama dan seorang warga Lithuania berusia 15 tahun mengejutkan 100- wanita meter bidang kuak dada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 20-year-old Agnel, just a day after swimming an amazing anchor leg in leading France to victory in the men's 4x100 meter free style relay, routed the field in the 200-meter freestyle.", "r": {"result": "Agnel yang berusia 20 tahun, hanya sehari selepas berenang kaki sauh yang menakjubkan dalam membawa Perancis meraih kemenangan dalam acara lari berganti-ganti gaya bebas 4x100 meter lelaki, melepasi padang dalam acara 200 meter gaya bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He beat both silver medalists, Park Taehwan of South Korea and Yang Sun of China, by 1.79 seconds.", "r": {"result": "Dia menewaskan kedua-dua pemenang pingat perak, Park Taehwan dari Korea Selatan dan Yang Sun dari China, dengan 1.79 saat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ryan Lochte of the United States finished fourth.", "r": {"result": "Ryan Lochte dari Amerika Syarikat menduduki tempat keempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Franklin, just 17, swam an American record 58.33 in the 100-meter backstroke, ahead of Australia's Emily Seebohm and Japan's Aya Terakawa.", "r": {"result": "Franklin, baru 17 tahun, berenang rekod Amerika 58.33 dalam acara 100 meter kuak lentang, mendahului Emily Seebohm dari Australia dan Aya Terakawa dari Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seebohm led at the halfway point but with the two side-by-side, the young American overpowered her down the stretch.", "r": {"result": "Seebohm mendahului pada titik separuh jalan tetapi dengan kedua-dua pemain bersebelahan, pemain muda Amerika itu mengatasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only 20 minutes earlier Franklin had swum in the 200-meter freestyle semifinals, qualifying for Tuesday's final.", "r": {"result": "Hanya 20 minit sebelum itu Franklin telah berenang di separuh akhir 200 meter gaya bebas, layak ke perlawanan akhir Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lithuanian Ruta Meilutyte won her country's first swimming medal ever as an independent nation, winning gold in the final medal event of the night, the women's 100-meter breaststroke.", "r": {"result": "Ruta Meilutyte dari Lithuania memenangi pingat renang pertama negaranya sebagai negara merdeka, memenangi emas dalam acara pingat akhir malam itu, 100 meter kuak dada wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's too much for me,\" the clearly overwhelmed 15-year-old said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia terlalu banyak untuk saya,\" kata pemain berusia 15 tahun itu yang jelas terharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can't believe it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak percaya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Matt Grevers of the United States won the men's 100-meter backstroke.", "r": {"result": "Matt Grevers dari Amerika Syarikat memenangi acara 100 meter kuak lentang lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hearts of the host nation were broken when teen diving star Tom Daley failed to bring home a medal in the 10-meter synchronized platform event.", "r": {"result": "Hati negara tuan rumah hancur apabila bintang terjun remaja Tom Daley gagal membawa pulang pingat dalam acara 10 meter platform seirama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 18-year-old and his appropriately-named partner Pete Waterfield finished fourth, with favorites Yuan Cao and Yanquan Zhang of China taking gold.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 18 tahun itu dan pasangannya yang dinamakan Pete Waterfield menduduki tempat keempat, dengan pasangan kegemaran Yuan Cao dan Yanquan Zhang dari China meraih emas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The disappointment was tempered somewhat by the men's gymnastics team, which took bronze, its first medal in the sport in 100 years.", "r": {"result": "Kekecewaan itu dibalas oleh pasukan gimnastik lelaki, yang meraih gangsa, pingat pertama dalam sukan itu dalam tempoh 100 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the results were first announced Great Britain was to get silver, but the fourth-place Japanese team protested a score for one of its gymnasts.", "r": {"result": "Apabila keputusan pertama diumumkan, Great Britain akan mendapat perak, tetapi pasukan Jepun yang menduduki tempat keempat membantah skor untuk salah seorang gimnasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judges upped Kohei Uchimura's mark on the pommel horse, giving Japan 271.952 to Great Britain's 271.711 and Ukraine's 271.526. As many expected, China won the team title, as it did in two of the past three Olympics.", "r": {"result": "Para hakim meningkatkan markah Kohei Uchimura pada kuda pommel, memberikan Jepun 271.952 kepada Great Britain 271.711 dan Ukraine 271.526. Seperti yang dijangkakan ramai, China memenangi kejuaraan pasukan, seperti yang berlaku dalam dua daripada tiga Sukan Olimpik yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States drew level with China for the total number of medals so far, with 17 apiece, but nine of China's are gold, compared with five for Team USA.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat seri dengan China untuk jumlah pingat setakat ini, dengan 17 setiap satu, tetapi sembilan daripada China adalah emas, berbanding lima untuk Pasukan USA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In equestrian, Queen Elizabeth's granddaughter Zara Phillips had a good day in Greenwich, where she and Great Britain are in medal contention.", "r": {"result": "Dalam sukan ekuestrian, cucu Ratu Elizabeth, Zara Phillips, menikmati hari yang baik di Greenwich, di mana dia dan Great Britain berada dalam perebutan pingat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As 50,000 people, including Prince William and Prince Harry, watched, Phillips cleared all 28 jumps during the cross-country portion of the team eventing contest.", "r": {"result": "Ketika 50,000 orang, termasuk Putera William dan Putera Harry, menonton, Phillips melepasi kesemua 28 lompatan semasa bahagian merentas desa pertandingan acara berpasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Germany leads the competition, which concludes Tuesday, with Great Britain second and Sweden third.", "r": {"result": "Jerman mendahului pertandingan itu, yang berakhir Selasa, dengan Great Britain kedua dan Sweden ketiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, a controversy was averted as the International Olympic Committee and the International Judo Federation approved allowing Saudi judo competitor Wojdan Shaherkani to wear her headscarf, Saudi National Olympic Committee spokesman Razan Baker told CNN's Nic Robertson.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, kontroversi dapat dielakkan apabila Jawatankuasa Olimpik Antarabangsa dan Persekutuan Judo Antarabangsa meluluskan membenarkan pesaing judo Saudi Wojdan Shaherkani memakai tudungnya, kata jurucakap Jawatankuasa Olimpik Kebangsaan Saudi Razan Baker kepada CNN Nic Robertson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year is the first time every nation has sent women athletes to the Olympics.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini adalah kali pertama setiap negara menghantar atlet wanita ke Sukan Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Saudi Arabia was the last nation to agree to send women.", "r": {"result": "Arab Saudi adalah negara terakhir yang bersetuju menghantar wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her first match is on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan pertamanya adalah pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Money, medals and more: The Olympics by the numbers.", "r": {"result": "Wang, pingat dan banyak lagi: Sukan Olimpik mengikut nombor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Allysen Miller contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Allysen Miller dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It took five tries and almost 15 years, but there is no question that North Korea's successful launch of a satellite into orbit on December 11 is a major technological achievement.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ia mengambil masa lima percubaan dan hampir 15 tahun, tetapi tidak ada persoalan bahawa kejayaan Korea Utara melancarkan satelit ke orbit pada 11 Disember adalah pencapaian teknologi yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not, however, a serious military threat to the United States or other nations.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, ia bukanlah ancaman ketenteraan yang serius kepada Amerika Syarikat atau negara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea still has a long way to go before they can turn the orbiting of a baby satellite, reportedly tumbling out of control, into the ability to threaten others at long distance with a nuclear weapon.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara masih mempunyai perjalanan yang jauh sebelum mereka boleh mengubah orbit satelit bayi, yang dilaporkan jatuh di luar kawalan, kepada keupayaan untuk mengancam orang lain pada jarak jauh dengan senjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the past is any guide, North Korea's launch of an Unha-3 rocket will have international security repercussions far out of proportion to its military capability.", "r": {"result": "Jika masa lalu adalah mana-mana panduan, pelancaran roket Unha-3 Korea Utara akan mempunyai kesan keselamatan antarabangsa yang jauh di luar kadar keupayaan ketenteraannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea's first attempt in launching a satellite in April 1998 under Kim Jong Il failed, but it triggered a panic in the U.S. Proponents of elaborate anti-missile weapons seized on the launch as proof that dictators of small, undeterrable countries could soon attack the U.S. with nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles.", "r": {"result": "Percubaan pertama Korea Utara dalam melancarkan satelit pada April 1998 di bawah Kim Jong Il gagal, tetapi ia mencetuskan panik di A.S. Penyokong senjata antipeluru berpandu terperinci yang dirampas pada pelancaran sebagai bukti bahawa diktator negara kecil yang tidak dapat dihalang boleh menyerang A.S. dengan peluru berpandu balistik antara benua bersenjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Why did North Korea launch a rocket?", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Mengapa Korea Utara melancarkan roket?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, a commission chaired by Donald Rumsfeld made headlines with its warning that \"A nation with a well-developed, Scud-based ballistic missile infrastructure would be able to achieve first flight of a long-range missile, up to and including intercontinental ballistic missile range (greater than 5,500 kilometers), within about five years of deciding to do so\".", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, suruhanjaya yang dipengerusikan oleh Donald Rumsfeld menjadi tajuk utama dengan amarannya bahawa \"Negara dengan infrastruktur peluru berpandu balistik berasaskan Scud yang maju akan dapat mencapai penerbangan pertama peluru berpandu jarak jauh, sehingga dan termasuk antara benua. julat peluru berpandu balistik (lebih daripada 5,500 kilometer), dalam masa kira-kira lima tahun selepas membuat keputusan untuk berbuat demikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea and Iran had Scud-based missile infrastructures: They were clearly trying to do so.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara dan Iran mempunyai infrastruktur peluru berpandu berasaskan Scud: Mereka jelas cuba melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifteen years later, they have not come close to succeeding.", "r": {"result": "Lima belas tahun kemudian, mereka tidak hampir berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the warning achieved its purpose: Missile defense programs and budgets soared and have never come down.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi amaran itu mencapai tujuannya: Program dan belanjawan pertahanan peluru berpandu melonjak dan tidak pernah turun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our nation today spends about $10 billion a year on such programs, even though the threat never developed as predicted.", "r": {"result": "Negara kita hari ini membelanjakan kira-kira $10 bilion setahun untuk program sedemikian, walaupun ancaman itu tidak pernah berkembang seperti yang diramalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We can expect similar warnings now that Kim Jong Un has done what his father never could.", "r": {"result": "Kita boleh mengharapkan amaran yang sama sekarang bahawa Kim Jong Un telah melakukan apa yang tidak pernah dilakukan oleh bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this is the really tragic news.", "r": {"result": "Dan ini adalah berita yang sangat tragis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Success raises stakes for U.S. missile defense system.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan meningkatkan kepentingan untuk sistem pertahanan peluru berpandu AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Governments meeting in emergency session in Seoul and Tokyo will have to produce more than statements of condemnation.", "r": {"result": "Mesyuarat kerajaan dalam sesi tergempar di Seoul dan Tokyo perlu mengeluarkan lebih daripada kenyataan kutukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They will likely support more anti-missile programs.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mungkin akan menyokong lebih banyak program antipeluru berpandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S., feeling the pressure from them and from defense hawks at home, may increase efforts to field more of the systems it is developing.", "r": {"result": "A.S., merasakan tekanan daripada mereka dan daripada penjaja pertahanan di rumah, mungkin meningkatkan usaha untuk meletakkan lebih banyak sistem yang sedang dibangunkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We deploy about 30 ground-based interceptors in silos in Alaska and California.", "r": {"result": "Kami menggunakan kira-kira 30 pemintas berasaskan darat dalam silo di Alaska dan California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These systems have some ability to hit a long-range rocket, like the Unha-3 should it be turned into a missile and aimed at the U.S. Some in Congress will no doubt demand that we deploy more.", "r": {"result": "Sistem ini mempunyai sedikit keupayaan untuk memukul roket jarak jauh, seperti Unha-3 sekiranya ia diubah menjadi peluru berpandu dan ditujukan kepada A.S. Beberapa di Kongres pasti akan menuntut kami menggunakan lebih banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are fielding interceptors at sea aboard Aegis-class destroyers and cruisers that have some capability against short-range missiles, with plans to grow the program to longer-range missiles and deploy them in Eastern Europe.", "r": {"result": "Kami menurunkan pemintas di laut di atas kapal pemusnah dan kapal penjelajah kelas Aegis yang mempunyai sedikit keupayaan menentang peluru berpandu jarak dekat, dengan rancangan untuk mengembangkan program itu kepada peluru berpandu jarak jauh dan menggunakan mereka di Eropah Timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. Defense Department just recently approved arms sales to Japan to help that nation upgrade its Aegis anti-missile system.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Pertahanan A.S. baru-baru ini meluluskan penjualan senjata ke Jepun untuk membantu negara itu menaik taraf sistem antipeluru berpandu Aegisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pressures will mount to deploy more capable anti-missile systems in Asia.", "r": {"result": "Tekanan akan meningkat untuk menggunakan sistem antipeluru berpandu yang lebih berkebolehan di Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: North Korea silences doubters, raises fears with rocket launch.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Korea Utara mendiamkan orang yang ragu-ragu, menimbulkan ketakutan dengan pelancaran roket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China and Russia will almost certainly react to these deployments, believing that they are aimed at them, not North Korea or Iran.", "r": {"result": "China dan Rusia hampir pasti akan bertindak balas terhadap penempatan ini, percaya bahawa mereka ditujukan kepada mereka, bukan Korea Utara atau Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This will chill efforts to negotiate reductions in Cold War stockpiles of nuclear weapons.", "r": {"result": "Ini akan meredakan usaha untuk merundingkan pengurangan stok senjata nuklear Perang Dingin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How can we reduce, they will ask, if the U.S. is racing to ring us with new weapons?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana kita boleh mengurangkan, mereka akan bertanya, jika A.S. berlumba-lumba untuk memanggil kita dengan senjata baru?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is no reason for this cycle of action and reaction.", "r": {"result": "Tiada sebab untuk kitaran tindakan dan tindak balas ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is no threat that warrants the panicked deployment of untested and unreliable anti-missile weapons.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada ancaman yang menjamin penyebaran panik senjata anti-peluru berpandu yang belum teruji dan tidak boleh dipercayai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As my colleague and North Korean expert Philip Yun notes, \"A successful launch was only a matter of time, and it shows a level of technical sophistication that was always there.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh rakan sekerja saya dan pakar Korea Utara Philip Yun, \"Pelancaran yang berjaya hanyalah menunggu masa, dan ia menunjukkan tahap kecanggihan teknikal yang sentiasa ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to take North Korea seriously but not make it more than it really is\".", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu mengambil serius Korea Utara tetapi tidak menjadikannya lebih daripada yang sebenarnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I pointed out in 2009, after North Korea's third failed attempt, that the nation was a long way from having a nuclear-armed ICBM.", "r": {"result": "Saya menegaskan pada tahun 2009, selepas percubaan ketiga Korea Utara yang gagal, bahawa negara itu masih jauh daripada memiliki ICBM bersenjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is still true after this successful launch.", "r": {"result": "Itu masih benar selepas pelancaran yang berjaya ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea would have to achieve three additional breakthroughs.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara perlu mencapai tiga kejayaan tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First, it would have to demonstrate the reliability of its launcher.", "r": {"result": "Pertama, ia perlu menunjukkan kebolehpercayaan pelancarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first four tests failed.", "r": {"result": "Empat ujian pertama gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This one succeeded.", "r": {"result": "Yang ini berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will the next?", "r": {"result": "Adakah yang seterusnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes, you really do have to be a rocket scientist to answer questions like this.", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang, anda benar-benar perlu menjadi saintis roket untuk menjawab soalan seperti ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The one I consult is David Wright of the Union of Concerned Scientists.", "r": {"result": "Yang saya rujuk ialah David Wright dari Kesatuan Saintis Prihatin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He writes, \"From past launches, we knew that North Korea has been able to build or buy working components for a rocket.", "r": {"result": "Dia menulis, \"Dari pelancaran yang lalu, kami tahu bahawa Korea Utara telah dapat membina atau membeli komponen yang berfungsi untuk roket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The main difficulty is getting all the parts to work together and at the same time, given the enormous complexity of rockets.", "r": {"result": "Kesukaran utama adalah mendapatkan semua bahagian untuk bekerja bersama-sama dan pada masa yang sama, memandangkan kerumitan besar roket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even with this success, North Korea has no confidence in the reliability of the rocket, which undermines its utility for military purposes\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dengan kejayaan ini, Korea Utara tidak yakin dengan kebolehpercayaan roket itu, yang menjejaskan kegunaannya untuk tujuan ketenteraan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second, it will have to develop a nuclear warhead small enough and reliable enough to fit on a missile.", "r": {"result": "Kedua, ia perlu membangunkan kepala peledak nuklear yang cukup kecil dan boleh dipercayai untuk dimuatkan pada peluru berpandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea (unlike Iran) has twice tested nuclear devices, but these are believed to be too large and heavy for use in a warhead.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara (tidak seperti Iran) telah dua kali menguji peranti nuklear, tetapi ini dipercayai terlalu besar dan berat untuk digunakan dalam hulu peledak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea would need several more nuclear tests to achieve this capability.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara memerlukan beberapa lagi ujian nuklear untuk mencapai keupayaan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: China's reaction.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Reaksi China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Third, as North Korea's long history demonstrates, it is very hard to get something up into space -- and it is just as hard to bring it safely down.", "r": {"result": "Ketiga, seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh sejarah panjang Korea Utara, sangat sukar untuk membawa sesuatu ke angkasa lepas -- dan sama sukarnya untuk menurunkannya dengan selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "North Korea will have to develop and test a re-entry vehicle that can survive the temperatures, pressures and vibration of coming back into the Earth's atmosphere and the accuracy to land where targeted.", "r": {"result": "Korea Utara perlu membangunkan dan menguji kenderaan kemasukan semula yang boleh bertahan daripada suhu, tekanan dan getaran yang kembali ke atmosfera Bumi dan ketepatan untuk mendarat di tempat yang disasarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is a long journey from initial satellite launch to an ICBM.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah perjalanan yang panjang dari pelancaran satelit awal kepada ICBM.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ask Iran.", "r": {"result": "Tanya Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iran first launched a low-Earth orbit-satellite in 2009, the same feat North Korea has now duplicated, but Iran does not now, nor is it likely to have anytime soon, an ICBM.", "r": {"result": "Iran mula-mula melancarkan satelit orbit Bumi rendah pada 2009, pencapaian yang sama Korea Utara kini telah ditiru, tetapi Iran tidak sekarang, dan tidak mungkin mempunyai ICBM dalam masa terdekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A new study from the Congressional Research Service concludes that contrary to predictions in the late 1990s that Iran or North Korea or both would have ICBMs by 2015, \"It is increasingly uncertain whether Iran will be able to achieve an ICBM capability by 2015.\".", "r": {"result": "Satu kajian baru dari Perkhidmatan Penyelidikan Kongres menyimpulkan bahawa bertentangan dengan ramalan pada akhir 1990-an bahawa Iran atau Korea Utara atau kedua-duanya akan mempunyai ICBM menjelang 2015, \"Ia semakin tidak pasti sama ada Iran akan dapat mencapai keupayaan ICBM menjelang 2015.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, the lessons are: Don't underestimate North Korea.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, pengajarannya ialah: Jangan memandang rendah Korea Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Don't count on this regime disappearing anytime soon.", "r": {"result": "Jangan harap rejim ini akan hilang dalam masa terdekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But don't panic.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jangan panik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Don't start an arms race that undermines your greater strategic stability goals.", "r": {"result": "Jangan mulakan perlumbaan senjata yang menjejaskan matlamat kestabilan strategik anda yang lebih besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to take a deep breath and work with our allies to get North Korea back to the bargaining table and off the test ranges.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu menarik nafas panjang dan bekerjasama dengan sekutu kita untuk mengembalikan Korea Utara ke meja tawar-menawar dan keluar dari julat ujian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Joe Cirincione.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Joe Cirincione semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Alfred Matthew Yankovic has come a long way from the teen chopping up '70s disco hits for the Dr. Demento radio comedy hour.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Alfred Matthew Yankovic telah melangkah jauh dari remaja itu mencincang hits disko tahun 70-an untuk jam komedi radio Dr. Demento.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the years, he's taught us everything from where to buy quilts at a discount price to what teen spirit smells like.", "r": {"result": "Selama bertahun-tahun, dia telah mengajar kami segala-galanya daripada tempat membeli selimut pada harga diskaun sehinggalah bau semangat remaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But now, \"Weird Al\" is no longer just doing funny spoofs of Madonna and Michael Jackson; he's educating the Internet on how to properly use the Oxford comma.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kini, \"Weird Al\" bukan lagi sekadar melakukan penipuan lucu terhadap Madonna dan Michael Jackson; dia sedang mendidik Internet tentang cara menggunakan koma Oxford dengan betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While he's sold more than 12 million albums, earned three Grammys and racked up four gold records, Yankovic may be at his artistic peak with the sublime new single, \"Word Crimes\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia telah menjual lebih daripada 12 juta album, memperoleh tiga Grammy dan meraih empat rekod emas, Yankovic mungkin berada di kemuncak seninya dengan single baharu yang mengagumkan, \"Word Crimes\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yankovic has turned Robin Thicke's not so humble brag about his dangling participle into something that could follow in the grand tradition of \"Schoolhouse Rock\" and, he says, \"ostensibly be part of a school curriculum\".", "r": {"result": "Yankovic telah mengubah kemegahan Robin Thicke yang tidak begitu merendah diri tentang participle yang tergantung menjadi sesuatu yang boleh mengikut tradisi besar \"Schoolhouse Rock\" dan, katanya, \"kononnya menjadi sebahagian daripada kurikulum sekolah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've taken a song that people had a problem with because it was slightly misogynistic, and I made it into a song about grammar,\" Yankovic said in an interview with CNN's \"The Lead with Jake Tapper\" on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah mengambil lagu yang orang ramai mempunyai masalah kerana ia sedikit misoginis, dan saya menjadikannya lagu tentang tatabahasa,\" kata Yankovic dalam temu bual dengan CNN \"The Lead with Jake Tapper\" pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yankovic molds Thicke's catchy, but borderline sexist, \"Blurred Lines\" into a linguistic piece de resistance, waxing grammatical about those who confuse irony and coincidence.", "r": {"result": "Yankovic membentuk \"Garis Kabur\" Thicke yang menarik, tetapi berbatasan dengan seksis, menjadi linguistik tentang rintangan, menambah tatabahasa tentang mereka yang mengelirukan ironi dan kebetulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though Yankovic insisted that he loves all the songs equally off his new album, \"Mandatory Fun,\" when pressed, Yankovic said his tribute to the fundamentals of style \"might be\" his best track yet.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Yankovic menegaskan bahawa dia menyukai semua lagu sama rata dalam album baharunya, \"Mandatory Fun,\" apabila ditekan, Yankovic berkata penghormatannya kepada asas-asas gaya \"mungkin\" lagu terbaiknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The artist's dedication to proper English syntax seems to have struck a chord with the Internet at large.", "r": {"result": "Dedikasi artis terhadap sintaks bahasa Inggeris yang betul nampaknya telah menarik perhatian Internet secara amnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As of this writing, more than 2.5 million people took three minutes out of their day to watch Yankovic's lesson on literally versus figuratively.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga berita ini ditulis, lebih daripada 2.5 juta orang meluangkan masa tiga minit untuk menonton pelajaran Yankovic secara literal berbanding kiasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not alone.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak bersendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm not the only grammar nerd out there,\" Yankovic said about the song's success.", "r": {"result": "Saya bukan satu-satunya nerd tatabahasa di luar sana,\" kata Yankovic mengenai kejayaan lagu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a lot of people who share my pain\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat ramai orang yang berkongsi kesakitan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Word Crimes\" is the second of eight tracks Yankovic released on YouTube.", "r": {"result": "\"Word Crimes\" ialah lagu kedua daripada lapan lagu Yankovic yang dikeluarkan di YouTube.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The singer, rapper and musical virtuoso intends to release eight parodies in eight days to help promote his new record.", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi, penyanyi rap dan virtuoso muzik itu berhasrat untuk mengeluarkan lapan parodi dalam masa lapan hari untuk membantu mempromosikan rekod baharunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Yankovic politely deflects on whether he knows which tracks will connect with his audience.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Yankovic dengan sopan menolak sama ada dia tahu trek mana yang akan berhubung dengan penontonnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love all the songs equally,\" Yankovic said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka semua lagu sama rata,\" kata Yankovic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's no lead single on this album because I don't know what people are going to respond to the most\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada single utama dalam album ini kerana saya tidak tahu apa yang orang akan balas paling banyak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whereas Yankovic's previous hits relied more on simple word substitution -- see \"Like a Surgeon\" or \"Fat\" -- his new songs are more textured.", "r": {"result": "Manakala lagu hits Yankovic sebelum ini lebih bergantung kepada penggantian perkataan mudah -- lihat \"Like a Surgeon\" atau \"Fat\" -- lagu baharunya lebih bertekstur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The artist partially credits his new freedom to how the music ecosystem has evolved since he emerged on the scene in the 1980s.", "r": {"result": "Artis itu sebahagiannya menghargai kebebasan baharunya kepada bagaimana ekosistem muzik telah berkembang sejak dia muncul di tempat kejadian pada 1980-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"MTV doesn't really stand for music television anymore,\" Yankovic said.", "r": {"result": "\"MTV tidak benar-benar mewakili televisyen muzik lagi,\" kata Yankovic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Internet is the new MTV\".", "r": {"result": "\"Internet ialah MTV baharu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Less concerned with the relatively rigid formula required to rhyme his way on to the bygone \"Total Request Live,\" Yankovic said taking record and television executives out of the equation has given him more musical latitude.", "r": {"result": "Kurang prihatin dengan formula yang agak tegar yang diperlukan untuk meneruskan perjalanannya ke \"Total Request Live\" yang lalu, kata Yankovic, mengambil eksekutif rakaman dan televisyen daripada persamaan telah memberinya lebih banyak latitud muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It does allow me to try things I wouldn't have tried before,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia membolehkan saya mencuba perkara yang saya tidak akan cuba sebelum ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now, it's basically, 'What do I like?", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang, pada dasarnya, 'Apa yang saya suka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do the fans like?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang peminat suka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch The Lead with Jake Tapper weekdays at 4pm ET.", "r": {"result": "Tonton The Lead bersama Jake Tapper pada hari kerja pada pukul 4 petang ET.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the latest on The Lead with Jake Tapper click here.", "r": {"result": "Untuk maklumat terkini tentang The Lead with Jake Tapper klik di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Ooh, burn!", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ooh, terbakar!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You know that tribute to Woody Allen's lifetime achievement at the Golden Globes on Sunday night?", "r": {"result": "Anda tahu penghormatan kepada pencapaian seumur hidup Woody Allen di Golden Globes pada malam Ahad?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well, it left out one tiny detail, says his son.", "r": {"result": "Nah, ia meninggalkan satu butiran kecil, kata anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Missed the Woody Allen tribute,\" Ronan Farrow tweeted, \"did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Terlepas penghormatan Woody Allen,\" Ronan Farrow tweet, \"adakah mereka meletakkan bahagian di mana seorang wanita secara terbuka mengesahkan dia mencabulnya pada usia 7 tahun sebelum atau selepas Annie Hall\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's a reference to Allen's adopted daughter, Dylan, who accused the director of molesting her 20 years ago.", "r": {"result": "Itu merujuk kepada anak angkat Allen, Dylan, yang menuduh pengarah itu mencabulnya 20 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, why would Allen's own son allude to the allegation?", "r": {"result": "Jadi, mengapa anak lelaki Allen sendiri merujuk kepada dakwaan itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's part of the messy, convoluted story that is Woody Allen's personal life.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sebahagian daripada cerita yang tidak kemas dan berbelit-belit iaitu kehidupan peribadi Woody Allen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Accusations.", "r": {"result": "Tuduhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Farrow is the child Allen fathered with actress Mia Farrow.", "r": {"result": "Farrow adalah anak Allen yang dilahirkan dengan pelakon Mia Farrow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Or is he?", "r": {"result": "(Atau adakah dia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More on that later).", "r": {"result": "Lebih lanjut mengenainya kemudian).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mia Farrow also adopted several other children -- Dylan among them.", "r": {"result": "Mia Farrow juga mengambil beberapa anak angkat lain -- Dylan antara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a 12-year relationship, the couple split after Mia Farrow learned that Allen was having an affair with Soon-Yi, a daughter Mia Farrow adopted before she began dating Allen.", "r": {"result": "Selepas hubungan selama 12 tahun, pasangan itu berpisah selepas Mia Farrow mengetahui bahawa Allen mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan Soon-Yi, seorang anak perempuan yang Mia Farrow angkat sebelum dia mula berkencan dengan Allen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Soon-Yi is now Allen's wife).", "r": {"result": "(Soon-Yi kini isteri Allen).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same year, Dylan said Allen inappropriately touched her.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun yang sama, Dylan berkata Allen menyentuhnya secara tidak wajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(A court case was later dropped).", "r": {"result": "(Kes mahkamah kemudiannya digugurkan).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm scared of him, his image,\" Dylan -- who goes by another name now -- told Vanity Fair in October.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya takut dengan dia, imejnya,\" Dylan -- yang menggunakan nama lain sekarang -- memberitahu Vanity Fair pada Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have never been asked to testify.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak pernah diminta untuk memberi keterangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I could talk to the seven-year-old Dylan, I would tell her to be brave, to testify\".", "r": {"result": "Jika saya boleh bercakap dengan Dylan yang berusia tujuh tahun, saya akan memberitahu dia supaya berani, untuk memberi keterangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Woody Allen's lawyer Elkan Abramowitz told the magazine that Allen still denies the allegations.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Woody Allen, Elkan Abramowitz memberitahu majalah itu bahawa Allen masih menafikan dakwaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Award show.", "r": {"result": "Persembahan anugerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Which brings us back to Sunday night where Allen, 78, was honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Award.", "r": {"result": "Yang membawa kita kembali ke malam Ahad di mana Allen, 78, telah dianugerahkan dengan Anugerah Cecil B. DeMille.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Right before the segment aired, Mia Farrow tweeted she'd be switching the channel:", "r": {"result": "Sejurus sebelum segmen itu disiarkan, Mia Farrow menulis tweet dia akan menukar saluran:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Time to grab some icecream & switch over to #GIRLS\".", "r": {"result": "\"Masa untuk ambil aiskrim & tukar kepada #GIRLS\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Ronan Farrow went for the jugular with his tweet.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Ronan Farrow pergi untuk jugular dengan tweetnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And his mom retweeted it -- as did many, many others.", "r": {"result": "Dan ibunya mengetweet semula -- begitu juga dengan ramai orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5 things we learned from the 2014 Golden Globes.", "r": {"result": "5 perkara yang kami pelajari daripada Golden Globes 2014.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reaction.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The reaction was swift and mixed.", "r": {"result": "Reaksinya pantas dan bercampur-campur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many took Farrow's side, including correspondent Luke Russert (son of legendary journalist Tim) who tweeted a link to the Vanity Fair article.", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang memihak kepada Farrow, termasuk koresponden Luke Russert (anak wartawan legenda Tim) yang mentweet pautan ke artikel Vanity Fair.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others said Allen's personal life shouldn't take away from his filmmaking achievements.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain berkata kehidupan peribadi Allen tidak sepatutnya mengambil alih daripada pencapaian pembikinan filemnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sorry to hear @RonanFarrow's rage, and @thelist which fuels it, but Woody is one of the greatest film directors and deserved the tribute,\" tweeted Antonio Vantaggiato.", "r": {"result": "\"Maaf mendengar kemarahan @RonanFarrow, dan @thelist yang menyemarakkannya, tetapi Woody adalah salah seorang pengarah filem terhebat dan patut diberi penghormatan,\" tweet Antonio Vantaggiato.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paternity.", "r": {"result": "Paterniti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "p\u0259\u02c8tern\u0259d\u0113"}}} {"src": "Now, on to that bit about Ronan Farrow maybe, possibly not being Allen's son.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, mengenai sedikit tentang Ronan Farrow mungkin, mungkin bukan anak Allen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the Vanity Fair interview, his mom calls Frank Sinatra the great love of her life and said the two \"never really split up\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual Vanity Fair, ibunya memanggil Frank Sinatra cinta yang hebat dalam hidupnya dan berkata kedua-duanya \"tidak pernah benar-benar berpisah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked if her son was Sinatra's, Mia Farrow answered, \"Possibly\".", "r": {"result": "Ditanya sama ada anaknya adalah milik Sinatra, Mia Farrow menjawab, \"Mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronan's response?", "r": {"result": "Jawapan Ronan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Listen, we're all *possibly* Frank Sinatra's son\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengar, kami semua *mungkin* anak lelaki Frank Sinatra\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When a parent really isn't yours.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ibu bapa benar-benar bukan milik anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ronan talks Allen, Sinatra.", "r": {"result": "Ronan bercakap dengan Allen, Sinatra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- What if the same number of young people who serve in our armed forces, defending the country, were enlisted to go on offense here at home, fighting persistent but solvable national problems -- the dropout crisis, national parks in need of restoration, and childhood hunger?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bagaimana jika bilangan orang muda yang sama yang berkhidmat dalam angkatan tentera kita, mempertahankan negara, telah disenaraikan untuk melakukan kesalahan di sini di rumah, memerangi masalah negara yang berterusan tetapi boleh diselesaikan -- krisis keciciran, taman negara yang memerlukan pemulihan, dan kelaparan zaman kanak-kanak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a big idea, one that could make a period of service -- either military or civilian -- a civic rite of passage for America's young people.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah idea yang besar, idea yang boleh menjadikan tempoh perkhidmatan -- sama ada tentera atau awam -- satu upacara sivik untuk anak-anak muda Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This week, the Franklin Project, an initiative of the Aspen Institute, released a \"Plan of Action\" to establish a large-scale 21st century system for voluntary national service.", "r": {"result": "Minggu ini, Projek Franklin, sebuah inisiatif Institut Aspen, mengeluarkan \"Pelan Tindakan\" untuk mewujudkan sistem abad ke-21 berskala besar untuk perkhidmatan negara sukarela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sparked by a stirring speech by Gen.", "r": {"result": "Dicetuskan oleh ucapan yang mengharukan oleh Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stanley McChrystal at the Aspen Ideas Festival last year, the plan calls for establishing 1 million full-time service opportunities every year for young adults, ages 18 to 28, putting domestic national service on par with the more than 1 million Americans on active duty in our armed forces.", "r": {"result": "Stanley McChrystal di Festival Idea Aspen tahun lepas, rancangan itu memerlukan penubuhan 1 juta peluang perkhidmatan sepenuh masa setiap tahun untuk golongan dewasa muda, berumur 18 hingga 28, meletakkan perkhidmatan negara domestik setanding dengan lebih 1 juta rakyat Amerika yang bertugas aktif di angkatan tentera kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a plan that is strongly endorsed not only by nonprofit, philanthropic and private sector leaders, but also people who have dedicated their lives to our national security, including former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former National Security Advisor Gen.", "r": {"result": "Ia merupakan pelan yang disokong kuat bukan sahaja oleh pemimpin sektor bukan untung, dermawan dan swasta, tetapi juga orang yang telah mendedikasikan hidup mereka untuk keselamatan negara kita, termasuk bekas Setiausaha Negara Madeleine Albright dan Condoleezza Rice, bekas Setiausaha Pertahanan Robert Gates, bekas Setiausaha Negara. Penasihat Keselamatan Negara Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jim Jones, and McChrystal, who is chairman of the initiative's leadership council.", "r": {"result": "Jim Jones, dan McChrystal, yang merupakan pengerusi majlis kepimpinan inisiatif itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Linking military and civilian service as \"two sides of the same coin\" is perhaps the Franklin Project's most resonant chord.", "r": {"result": "Mengaitkan perkhidmatan ketenteraan dan awam sebagai \"dua belah syiling yang sama\" mungkin merupakan kord yang paling bergema bagi Projek Franklin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A vibrant nation requires a shared sense of commitment and shared experience of service and sacrifice.", "r": {"result": "Negara yang cergas memerlukan rasa komitmen bersama dan berkongsi pengalaman perkhidmatan dan pengorbanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as McCrystal observes, \"Less than 1% of Americans serve in the militaryaEUR\"a historic low during wartimeaEUR\"leading to a broad, complacent assumption that serving the nation is someone else's job\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi seperti yang diperhatikan oleh McCrystal, \"Kurang daripada 1% rakyat Amerika berkhidmat dalam tenteraEUR\"menjadi rendah dalam sejarah semasa perangEUR\"membawa kepada anggapan luas dan berpuas hati bahawa berkhidmat kepada negara adalah tugas orang lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plan calls for expanding federal programs that are already working, including AmeriCorps, and generating energy behind new ideas.", "r": {"result": "Pelan itu memerlukan pengembangan program persekutuan yang sudah berfungsi, termasuk AmeriCorps, dan menjana tenaga di sebalik idea baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, the plan proposes that President Obama ask all federal agencies to examine how they might tap citizens in service to meet their missions.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, rancangan itu mencadangkan supaya Presiden Obama meminta semua agensi persekutuan untuk memeriksa bagaimana mereka boleh memanfaatkan rakyat dalam perkhidmatan untuk memenuhi misi mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FEMA is already saving $60 million by utilizing national service participants to respond to disasters.", "r": {"result": "FEMA sudah pun menjimatkan $60 juta dengan menggunakan peserta perkhidmatan negara untuk bertindak balas terhadap bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We can also expand the opportunities provided by the GI Bill to encourage veterans to continue their service at home -- in schools and community centers -- so the nation can continue to benefit from their dedication to a greater cause.", "r": {"result": "Kami juga boleh memperluaskan peluang yang disediakan oleh Rang Undang-undang GI untuk menggalakkan veteran meneruskan perkhidmatan mereka di rumah -- di sekolah dan pusat komuniti -- supaya negara boleh terus mendapat manfaat daripada dedikasi mereka untuk tujuan yang lebih besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The demand for opportunities to serve has been growing dramatically.", "r": {"result": "Permintaan untuk peluang untuk berkhidmat telah berkembang dengan mendadak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2011, AmeriCorps received 582,000 applications for only 80,000 positions, and the Peace Corps received 150,000 applications for 4,000 full-time placements.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2011, AmeriCorps menerima 582,000 permohonan untuk hanya 80,000 jawatan, dan Peace Corps menerima 150,000 permohonan untuk 4,000 penempatan sepenuh masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is an overwhelming desire among the rising millennial generation to give back.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat keinginan yang sangat besar di kalangan generasi milenium yang semakin meningkat untuk memberi kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Missing are clear pathways and opportunities to serve.", "r": {"result": "Hilang adalah laluan dan peluang yang jelas untuk berkhidmat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As recent polling demonstrates, four in five voters support voluntary national service.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh pengundian baru-baru ini, empat daripada lima pengundi menyokong perkhidmatan negara secara sukarela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Plan of Action\" calls for tapping this wellspring of American idealism to meet pressing national challenges.", "r": {"result": "\"Pelan Tindakan\" menyeru untuk memanfaatkan sumber idealisme Amerika ini untuk menghadapi cabaran negara yang mendesak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "High on the list is the nation's dropout crisis.", "r": {"result": "Paling tinggi dalam senarai ialah krisis keciciran negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each year, more than a million students fail to graduate with their senior class.", "r": {"result": "Setiap tahun, lebih daripada sejuta pelajar gagal menamatkan pengajian dengan kelas senior mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dropouts are eight times more likely to be incarcerated, and three times more likely to be unhealthy or unemployed.", "r": {"result": "Keciciran adalah lapan kali lebih berkemungkinan untuk dipenjarakan, dan tiga kali lebih berkemungkinan tidak sihat atau menganggur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Absent effective intervention, the 10 million students who are projected to drop out in the next decade will cost the nation $3 trillion in lost wages, health care expenses, welfare benefits and incarceration costs.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa campur tangan yang berkesan, 10 juta pelajar yang diunjurkan akan tercicir dalam dekad akan datang akan menyebabkan negara kehilangan $3 trilion gaji, perbelanjaan penjagaan kesihatan, faedah kebajikan dan kos pemenjaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The good news is that research has shown that future dropouts can be identified, as early as the sixth grade, by early warning signs such as high absence rate, poor behaviors and getting an \"F\" in math or English.", "r": {"result": "Berita baiknya ialah penyelidikan telah menunjukkan bahawa keciciran pada masa hadapan boleh dikenal pasti, seawal gred enam, dengan tanda amaran awal seperti kadar ketidakhadiran yang tinggi, tingkah laku buruk dan mendapat \"F\" dalam matematik atau bahasa Inggeris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's needed to close the gap?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang diperlukan untuk menutup jurang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More people power.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak kuasa rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've seen the power of having young adults serve in our school through AmeriCorps,\" said Los Angeles Superintendent of Schools John Deasy.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah melihat kuasa mendapatkan orang dewasa muda berkhidmat di sekolah kami melalui AmeriCorps,\" kata Penguasa Sekolah Los Angeles John Deasy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When a student doesn't show up to school, they get them back in.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila pelajar tidak hadir ke sekolah, mereka akan masuk semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When they're behind academically, they help catch them up.", "r": {"result": "Apabila mereka ketinggalan dari segi akademik, mereka membantu mengejar mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These young people bring an infectious energy and idealism that makes a huge difference.", "r": {"result": "Golongan muda ini membawa tenaga berjangkit dan idealisme yang membuat perubahan besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only problem is that we don't have enough of them -- we need to scale up national service and tap more young people to give a year of service.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya masalah ialah kita tidak cukup daripada mereka -- kita perlu meningkatkan perkhidmatan negara dan memanfaatkan lebih ramai orang muda untuk berkhidmat selama setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a resource you can't put a price tag on\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sumber yang anda tidak boleh meletakkan tanda harga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Franklin Project's \"Plan of Action\" has a powerful response: Calling for 120,000 young people to serve as full-time tutors and mentors in the nation's \"dropout factories:\" the lowest-performing high schools and the elementary and middle schools.", "r": {"result": "\"Pelan Tindakan\" Projek Franklin mempunyai respons yang kuat: Menyeru 120,000 orang muda untuk berkhidmat sebagai tutor dan mentor sepenuh masa di \"kilang tercicir\" negara: sekolah menengah berprestasi paling rendah dan sekolah rendah dan menengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is just one example of how young people, perhaps the nation's greatest untapped resource, can help America succeed.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanyalah satu contoh bagaimana golongan muda, mungkin sumber terbesar negara yang belum diterokai, boleh membantu Amerika berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One day, the most commonly asked question of a young adult can and should be, \"Where will you give your year of service\"?", "r": {"result": "Suatu hari, soalan yang paling biasa ditanyakan kepada orang dewasa muda boleh dan sepatutnya, \"Di manakah anda akan memberikan tahun perkhidmatan anda\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The answer to that question is the key to our nation's future success.", "r": {"result": "Jawapan kepada persoalan itu adalah kunci kejayaan masa depan negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Michael Brown and Andrew Hauptman.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Michael Brown dan Andrew Hauptman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Colorado Springs (CNN) -- Nearly 500 homes have been destroyed in what authorities believe is the worst wildfire in Colorado history.", "r": {"result": "Colorado Springs (CNN) -- Hampir 500 rumah telah musnah dalam apa yang pihak berkuasa percaya sebagai kebakaran hutan terburuk dalam sejarah Colorado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every single one of them has a story, and there are sure to be plenty more told as Friday's forecast predicts more scorching heat and strong winds.", "r": {"result": "Setiap satu daripada mereka mempunyai cerita, dan pastinya banyak lagi yang akan diceritakan kerana ramalan hari Jumaat meramalkan lebih panas terik dan angin kencang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bill and Karen Moreau are sitting in a hotel room 15 miles away from the home they planned to spend the rest of their lives in.", "r": {"result": "Bill dan Karen Moreau duduk di dalam bilik hotel 15 batu dari rumah yang mereka rancang untuk menghabiskan sisa hidup mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the past three nights, they've struggled to sleep, dreaming fitfully that they are again walking its 7,000 square feet of hardwood floors.", "r": {"result": "Selama tiga malam yang lalu, mereka sukar untuk tidur, bermimpi dengan baik bahawa mereka sekali lagi berjalan di atas lantai kayu keras seluas 7,000 kaki persegi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They open their huge front doors, and are immediately soothed by the view from large windows, an expanse of lush timber.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membuka pintu depan yang besar, dan segera ditenangkan dengan pemandangan dari tingkap besar, hamparan kayu yang subur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We had the most beautiful home,\" Karen Moreau said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai rumah yang paling indah,\" kata Karen Moreau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's just so sad that it's gone\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sangat menyedihkan bahawa ia telah tiada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As firefighters and a cavalcade of responders battle the Black Forest Fire near Colorado Springs, families like the Moreaus are torn between absolute gratitude that they are safe, and sorrow that they've nothing left of their homes besides memories.", "r": {"result": "Ketika anggota bomba dan pasukan berkuda yang bertindak balas memerangi Kebakaran Hutan Hitam berhampiran Colorado Springs, keluarga seperti Moreaus terbelah antara rasa syukur sepenuhnya kerana mereka selamat, dan kesedihan kerana mereka tidak mempunyai apa-apa lagi selain kenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Residents hope for the best, brace for the worst.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk mengharapkan yang terbaik, bersiap sedia untuk yang terburuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Around 3 p.m. Tuesday, Bill Moreau got a call at work from a friend warning him that he'd better get home.", "r": {"result": "Lebih kurang pukul 3 petang. Selasa, Bill Moreau mendapat panggilan di tempat kerja daripada rakan yang memberi amaran kepadanya bahawa lebih baik dia pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Black Forest Fire was headed toward his neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Api Hutan Hitam menghala ke kawasan kejiranannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That day, there was little indication that the fire would pick up as it has, moving with a ferocity that has shocked seasoned emergency professionals.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari itu, terdapat sedikit petunjuk bahawa api akan meningkat seperti yang berlaku, bergerak dengan keganasan yang telah mengejutkan profesional kecemasan berpengalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moreau met his wife, Karen, and their 30-year-old son, Craig, at home and saw smoke billowing two to three miles away.", "r": {"result": "Moreau bertemu isterinya, Karen, dan anak lelaki mereka yang berusia 30 tahun, Craig, di rumah dan melihat asap berkepul dua hingga tiga batu jauhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just as Californians prepare themselves for an earthquake and Floridians for a hurricane, Colorado residents know what they need to grab from home in case of a wildfire.", "r": {"result": "Sama seperti orang California mempersiapkan diri mereka untuk gempa bumi dan orang Florid untuk ribut taufan, penduduk Colorado tahu apa yang mereka perlu ambil dari rumah sekiranya berlaku kebakaran hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because the smoke seemed relatively far away, they thought they had time.", "r": {"result": "Kerana asap kelihatan agak jauh, mereka fikir mereka mempunyai masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I said, 'Well, let's get some stuff ready,' \" Bill Moreau said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berkata, 'Baiklah, mari kita sediakan beberapa barangan,'\" kata Bill Moreau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They grabbed their passports, birth certificates and some clothes.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mengambil pasport, sijil kelahiran dan beberapa pakaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bill got his computer.", "r": {"result": "Bill mendapat komputernya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After a while, it was just random,\" Karen said.", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas beberapa ketika, ia hanya rawak,\" kata Karen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You start to think, 'Well, what else do I take?", "r": {"result": "\"Anda mula berfikir, 'Nah, apa lagi yang saya ambil?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every year of their 34-year marriage, Bill has given her a Santa for Christmas.", "r": {"result": "Setiap tahun perkahwinan mereka selama 34 tahun, Bill telah memberikannya Santa untuk Krismas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a moment, she thought about taking them.", "r": {"result": "Untuk seketika, dia berfikir untuk mengambil mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought, 'that's dumb, I really don't need to do that,' \" Karen Moreau said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir, 'itu bodoh, saya benar-benar tidak perlu berbuat demikian,' \" kata Karen Moreau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So she left them.", "r": {"result": "Jadi dia meninggalkan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fleeing a fast-moving fire.", "r": {"result": "Melarikan diri dari api yang bergerak pantas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family had three cars, so each person took one.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga itu mempunyai tiga kereta, jadi setiap orang mengambil satu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lucy, the family lab, jumped into Karen's car.", "r": {"result": "Lucy, makmal keluarga, melompat ke dalam kereta Karen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Karen and Craig drove away, heading toward the Moreaus' other son's house about five miles away.", "r": {"result": "Karen dan Craig memandu pergi, menuju ke rumah anak lelaki Moreau yang lain kira-kira lima batu jauhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That son, Kevin, and his wife, Sylvia, had a baby eight days ago.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki itu, Kevin, dan isterinya, Sylvia, mempunyai bayi lapan hari lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bill lingered a bit.", "r": {"result": "Bill termenung sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He watched the fire with a local news photographer.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyaksikan kebakaran itu bersama jurugambar berita tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suddenly, the fire lurched toward them.", "r": {"result": "Tiba-tiba, api menyambar ke arah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It went through the woods like a demon,\" he recalled.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia melalui hutan seperti syaitan,\" dia ingat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was hard to take your eyes away from it.", "r": {"result": "\"Sukar untuk mengalihkan pandangan anda daripadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The smoke didn't go straight up.", "r": {"result": "Asap tidak langsung naik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It billowed, and it churned.", "r": {"result": "Ia berkepul-kepul, dan ia bergolak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was like it had a life.", "r": {"result": "Ia seperti mempunyai kehidupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was chewing up the woods.", "r": {"result": "Ia sedang mengunyah hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Study warns of continued wildfires in western U.S.", "r": {"result": "Kajian memberi amaran tentang kebakaran hutan berterusan di barat A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You could hear propane tanks exploding,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh mendengar kereta kebal propana meletup,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every time [the fire] would hit a house, the smoke would turn jet black for a second.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSetiap kali [kebakaran] melanda sebuah rumah, asap akan menjadi hitam pekat seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It ran through that neighborhood faster than you could run\".", "r": {"result": "Ia berlari melalui kawasan kejiranan itu lebih cepat daripada yang anda boleh lari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moreau had to get out, and get out fast.", "r": {"result": "Moreau terpaksa keluar, dan keluar dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So he pulled out and joined the thick traffic of other people trying to get out.", "r": {"result": "Jadi dia menarik diri dan menyertai lalu lintas padat orang lain yang cuba keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not long after he arrived at his son Kevin and Sylvia's house, the fire had spread their way.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama selepas dia tiba di rumah anaknya Kevin dan Sylvia, api telah merebak ke arah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Smoke was billowing above the couple's house.", "r": {"result": "Asap berkepul-kepul di atas rumah pasangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, police cars raced up to the home, and officers told everyone to leave.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, kereta polis berlari ke rumah, dan pegawai memberitahu semua orang untuk pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Huge air tanker planes were flying right over the house,\" Bill Moreau said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pesawat tangki udara yang besar terbang tepat di atas rumah,\" kata Bill Moreau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kevin and Sylvia, concerned about their baby Emmet, tried to keep steady and calm.", "r": {"result": "Kevin dan Sylvia, yang mengambil berat tentang bayi mereka Emmet, cuba untuk tetap stabil dan tenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They asked the Moreaus: What should we take?", "r": {"result": "Mereka bertanya kepada Moreau: Apa yang perlu kami ambil?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Karen Moreau told them: Your wedding album, photo albums, Emmet's Pack 'n Play.", "r": {"result": "Karen Moreau memberitahu mereka: Album perkahwinan anda, album foto, Emmet's Pack 'n Play.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The entire family jumped into their cars and took off.", "r": {"result": "Seluruh keluarga melompat ke dalam kereta mereka dan berlepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At this point, drivers were moving fast, and some seemed panicked.", "r": {"result": "Pada ketika ini, pemandu bergerak laju, dan ada yang kelihatan panik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I almost got hit by someone pulling a horse trailer,\" Bill Moreau said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya hampir dilanggar oleh seseorang yang menarik treler kuda,\" kata Bill Moreau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 15 miles south, they found a hotel far away from the fire.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 15 batu ke selatan, mereka menemui sebuah hotel yang jauh dari kebakaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch: Woman records wildfire evacuation.", "r": {"result": "Tonton: Wanita merekodkan pemindahan kebakaran hutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next day.", "r": {"result": "Keesokan harinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday, around 5 a.m., Bill Moreau was feeling anxious.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Rabu, sekitar jam 5 pagi, Bill Moreau berasa cemas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He couldn't sleep.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak boleh tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was worried about his house.", "r": {"result": "Dia risau tentang rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fire couldn't be that bad, he thought, at least not dangerous enough to keep him from driving in the direction of his home with Lucy in the front seat of his Jeep.", "r": {"result": "Kebakaran tidak boleh seteruk itu, dia fikir, sekurang-kurangnya tidak cukup berbahaya untuk menghalangnya daripada memandu ke arah rumahnya dengan Lucy di tempat duduk hadapan Jeepnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He parked about a mile away and hiked the rest of the way in.", "r": {"result": "Dia meletak kereta kira-kira satu batu jauhnya dan mendaki sepanjang perjalanan masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relief fell over him.", "r": {"result": "Rasa lega menimpanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The house was fine.", "r": {"result": "Rumah itu baik-baik saja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So Bill Moreau sat on his deck, sipped some water while Lucy slurped from her water bowl.", "r": {"result": "Jadi Bill Moreau duduk di geladaknya, meneguk sedikit air manakala Lucy menyedut dari mangkuk airnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before he left to return to the hotel, he even watered his wife's flowers.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum dia bertolak pulang ke hotel, dia sempat menyiram pokok bunga isterinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back at the hotel, he was feeling pretty good.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke hotel, dia berasa cukup baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Things were going to work out and they'd be home soon enough, he thought.", "r": {"result": "Segalanya akan berjalan lancar dan mereka akan pulang tidak lama lagi, fikirnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At around 5 p.m. Thursday, Kevin and Sylvia came charging down the hotel hall.", "r": {"result": "Lebih kurang jam 5 petang. Khamis, Kevin dan Sylvia datang mengecas dewan hotel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The look on their faces was ... I was thought, 'Oh, no, did the kids' house burn down?", "r": {"result": "\"Raut wajah mereka adalah ... Saya terfikir, 'Oh, tidak, adakah rumah kanak-kanak itu terbakar?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And then they said to me, 'Your house is on fire.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan kemudian mereka berkata kepada saya, 'Rumah kamu terbakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turn on the news.", "r": {"result": "Hidupkan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He, Karen and the rest of the family watched flames lick their roof.", "r": {"result": "Dia, Karen dan ahli keluarga yang lain melihat api menjilat bumbung mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The picture was so clear that Bill Moreau was able to see Lucy's water bowl.", "r": {"result": "Gambar itu sangat jelas sehingga Bill Moreau dapat melihat mangkuk air Lucy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's just unbelievable to watch your house burn down on the news,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sungguh sukar dipercayai untuk melihat rumah anda terbakar di atas berita,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'People have been so nice'.", "r": {"result": "'Orang ramai sangat baik'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday, Karen Moreau said sadness just comes over her and she has to take a minute.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat, Karen Moreau berkata kesedihan datang kepadanya dan dia perlu mengambil sedikit masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She broke down in front of a hotel clerk who walked around the counter to hug her.", "r": {"result": "Dia rosak di hadapan seorang kerani hotel yang berjalan di sekitar kaunter untuk memeluknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People have been so nice,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai sangat baik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just felt better after she did that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berasa lebih baik selepas dia melakukan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The baby is bringing more joy than they thought possible.", "r": {"result": "Bayi itu membawa lebih banyak kegembiraan daripada yang mereka fikirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Emmet is getting held a lot,\" Bill Moreau said.", "r": {"result": "\"Emmet sering ditahan,\" kata Bill Moreau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the Moreaus try to push on, officials say that the Black Forest Fire has scorched close to 16,000 acres and killed at least two people.", "r": {"result": "Sementara Moreaus cuba meneruskan, pegawai mengatakan bahawa Kebakaran Hutan Hitam telah menghanguskan hampir 16,000 ekar dan membunuh sekurang-kurangnya dua orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said Friday that they are surveying about 7,000 homes in the area.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata pada hari Jumaat bahawa mereka sedang meninjau kira-kira 7,000 rumah di kawasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At an 11 a.m. briefing Friday, El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said workers plan to have a couple of updates about homes throughout the day.", "r": {"result": "Pada taklimat 11 pagi Jumaat, Syerif Daerah El Paso Terry Maketa berkata pekerja merancang untuk mendapatkan beberapa maklumat terkini tentang rumah sepanjang hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marked units are moving through neighborhoods, and if they see a door ajar or flames approaching a home, they call for firefighters, the sheriff said.", "r": {"result": "Unit yang ditanda bergerak melalui kawasan kejiranan, dan jika mereka melihat pintu terbuka atau api menghampiri rumah, mereka memanggil anggota bomba, kata sheriff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said that he feels more encouraged about results of efforts to battle the Black Forest Fire and that authorities \"gained some tremendous ground\" when it came to identifying hotspots and saving structures.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bahawa dia berasa lebih digalakkan tentang hasil usaha untuk memerangi Kebakaran Hutan Hitam dan pihak berkuasa \"mendapat beberapa alasan yang hebat\" apabila ia datang untuk mengenal pasti titik panas dan menyelamatkan struktur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To me, it was the turning point we were looking for,\" he said, though he acknowledged conditions could change.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi saya, ia adalah titik perubahan yang kami cari,\" katanya, walaupun dia mengakui keadaan boleh berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 750 firefighters have helped contain the blaze by 5%.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 750 anggota bomba telah membantu mengawal kebakaran sebanyak 5%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the help of helicopters and air tankers, they established a loose perimeter.", "r": {"result": "Dengan bantuan helikopter dan kapal tangki udara, mereka membentuk perimeter yang longgar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fire's evacuation area was 93,000 acres, affecting approximately 38,000 people and 13,000 homes, and the flames were estimated to have burned through 15,700 acres, Maketa said.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan pemindahan kebakaran adalah 93,000 ekar, menjejaskan kira-kira 38,000 orang dan 13,000 rumah, dan api dianggarkan telah terbakar melalui 15,700 ekar, kata Maketa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are you there?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda di sana?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Send an iReport.", "r": {"result": "Hantar iReport.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were other fires in the state as well, including in Grand and Huerfano counties.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kebakaran lain di negeri ini juga, termasuk di daerah Grand dan Huerfano.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Black Forest was the biggest of the blazes.", "r": {"result": "Black Forest adalah kebakaran terbesar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gallery: Wildfire photographer Kari Greer goes inside the inferno.", "r": {"result": "Galeri: Jurugambar kebakaran hutan Kari Greer masuk ke dalam neraka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Paul Vercammen reported from Colorado Springs, and Ashley Fantz wrote in Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Paul Vercammen dari CNN melaporkan dari Colorado Springs, dan Ashley Fantz menulis di Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's today, with another person developing the disease every 68 seconds.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 5 juta rakyat Amerika hidup dengan Alzheimer hari ini, dengan orang lain menghidap penyakit itu setiap 68 saat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By 2050, the number of people living with Alzheimer's disease is expected to triple.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang 2050, bilangan orang yang hidup dengan penyakit Alzheimer dijangka meningkat tiga kali ganda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As if those numbers weren't staggering enough, consider this: Alzheimer's disease is the only cause of death among the top 10 (it's currently ranked No.6) in the United States that can't be prevented, cured or slowed down.", "r": {"result": "Seolah-olah angka itu tidak cukup mengejutkan, pertimbangkan ini: Penyakit Alzheimer adalah satu-satunya punca kematian di kalangan 10 teratas (kini berada di kedudukan No.6) di Amerika Syarikat yang tidak boleh dicegah, disembuhkan atau diperlahankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ask any expert, and he or she will tell you that early diagnosis is key to helping patients live better day to day, so even though the disease is still progressing, the symptoms are less harsh.", "r": {"result": "Tanya mana-mana pakar, dan dia akan memberitahu anda bahawa diagnosis awal adalah kunci untuk membantu pesakit hidup lebih baik dari hari ke hari, jadi walaupun penyakit itu masih berlanjutan, simptomnya kurang teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our hope is that if we could identify patients who are developing the disease early, it would give us a much better opportunity to intervene with treatments, and it's much more likely for those treatments to be effective,\" says Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.", "r": {"result": "\"Harapan kami ialah jika kami dapat mengenal pasti pesakit yang menghidap penyakit ini lebih awal, ia akan memberi kami peluang yang lebih baik untuk campur tangan dengan rawatan, dan kemungkinan besar rawatan tersebut berkesan,\" kata Dr. Keith Black, pengerusi. pembedahan saraf di Pusat Perubatan Cedars-Sinai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But while early diagnosis leads to early intervention, some news out of the 2013 Alzheimer's Association International Conference is troubling: An expert panel found 16 online tests for Alzheimer's disease scored poorly on scales of overall scientific validity, reliability and ethical factors.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sementara diagnosis awal membawa kepada campur tangan awal, beberapa berita daripada Persidangan Antarabangsa Persatuan Alzheimer 2013 merisaukan: Panel pakar mendapati 16 ujian dalam talian untuk penyakit Alzheimer mendapat markah buruk pada skala kesahihan saintifik keseluruhan, kebolehpercayaan dan faktor etika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Self-diagnosis behavior ... is increasingly popular online, and freely accessible quizzes that call themselves 'tests' for Alzheimer's are available on the Internet,\" says Julie Robillard, who presented the data this week in Boston.", "r": {"result": "\"Tingkah laku diagnosis diri ... semakin popular dalam talian, dan kuiz yang boleh diakses secara bebas yang memanggil diri mereka sebagai 'ujian' untuk Alzheimer tersedia di Internet, \" kata Julie Robillard, yang membentangkan data minggu ini di Boston.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"However, little is known about the scientific validity and reliability of these offerings and ethics-related factors, including research and commercial conflict of interest, confidentiality and consent\".", "r": {"result": "\"Walau bagaimanapun, sedikit yang diketahui tentang kesahihan saintifik dan kebolehpercayaan tawaran dan faktor berkaitan etika ini, termasuk penyelidikan dan konflik kepentingan komersial, kerahsiaan dan persetujuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Frankly,\" Robillard adds, \"what we found online was distressing and potentially harmful\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terus terang,\" tambah Robillard, \"apa yang kami dapati dalam talian adalah menyedihkan dan berpotensi membahayakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robillard and her colleagues at the University of British Columbia found that unique monthly visitors for the parent sites hosting the online tests reached as high as 8.8 million.", "r": {"result": "Robilard dan rakan-rakannya di University of British Columbia mendapati bahawa pelawat bulanan unik untuk tapak induk yang menganjurkan ujian dalam talian mencapai setinggi 8.8 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same conference, another study concluded that the misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in Medicare patients who actually have vascular dementia or Parkinson's disease leads to substantial excess costs of care.", "r": {"result": "Pada persidangan yang sama, kajian lain menyimpulkan bahawa salah diagnosis penyakit Alzheimer dalam pesakit Medicare yang sebenarnya mempunyai demensia vaskular atau penyakit Parkinson membawa kepada kos penjagaan yang berlebihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The study, conducted by Analysis Group, Inc. and Eli Lilly and Co., found the costs of erroneous care to be in excess of $14,000 a year per patient .", "r": {"result": "Kajian yang dijalankan oleh Analysis Group, Inc. dan Eli Lilly and Co., mendapati kos penjagaan yang salah adalah melebihi $14,000 setahun bagi setiap pesakit .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The silver lining: Those excess costs decline and eventually dissipate following a correct diagnosis.", "r": {"result": "Lapisan perak: Kos berlebihan tersebut menurun dan akhirnya hilang selepas diagnosis yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Recent developments in technology have greatly improved our ability to properly diagnose patients with cognitive impairment,\" said Analysis Group's Noam Kirson.", "r": {"result": "\"Perkembangan terkini dalam teknologi telah meningkatkan keupayaan kami untuk mendiagnosis pesakit dengan kecacatan kognitif dengan betul,\" kata Noam Kirson dari Kumpulan Analisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our results suggest that there are economic benefits to properly diagnosing -- as early as possible -- the cause of the cognitive impairment\".", "r": {"result": "\"Keputusan kami menunjukkan bahawa terdapat faedah ekonomi untuk mendiagnosis dengan betul -- seawal mungkin -- punca kemerosotan kognitif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you suspect a family member or friend is developing Alzheimer's, take a look at these 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's Disease, put together by the Alzheimer's Association:", "r": {"result": "Jika anda mengesyaki ahli keluarga atau rakan menghidap Alzheimer, lihat 10 tanda amaran Penyakit Alzheimer ini, yang disusun oleh Persatuan Alzheimer:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1.Memory changes that disrupt daily life.", "r": {"result": "1.Perubahan ingatan yang mengganggu kehidupan seharian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2.Challenges in planning or solving problems.", "r": {"result": "2.Cabaran dalam merancang atau menyelesaikan masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3.Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work, or at leisure.", "r": {"result": "3. Kesukaran menyelesaikan tugas biasa di rumah, di tempat kerja, atau di waktu lapang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4.Confusion with time or place.", "r": {"result": "4.Kekeliruan dengan masa atau tempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5.Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships.", "r": {"result": "5. Masalah memahami imej visual dan hubungan ruang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6.New problems with words in speaking or writing.", "r": {"result": "6. Masalah baru dengan perkataan dalam pertuturan atau penulisan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "7.Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps.", "r": {"result": "7. Tersalah letak perkara dan kehilangan keupayaan untuk menjejaki semula langkah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8.Decreased or poor judgment.", "r": {"result": "8. Penghakiman menurun atau lemah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "9.Withdrawal from work or social activities.", "r": {"result": "9. Menarik diri daripada kerja atau aktiviti sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "10.Changes in mood and personality.", "r": {"result": "10.Perubahan mood dan personaliti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rather than diagnose Alzheimer's disease at home, head to your doctor's office.", "r": {"result": "Daripada mendiagnosis penyakit Alzheimer di rumah, pergi ke pejabat doktor anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can also find more information at www.alz.org, or by calling the Alzheimer's Association's 24-hour hotline at (800) 272-3900.", "r": {"result": "Anda juga boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut di www.alz.org, atau dengan menghubungi talian hotline 24 jam Persatuan Alzheimer di (800) 272-3900.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The importance of early detection and early intervention can't be stressed strongly enough.", "r": {"result": "Kepentingan pengesanan awal dan campur tangan awal tidak boleh ditekankan dengan cukup kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It could mean added years of lucidity and life for you or someone you love.", "r": {"result": "Ini mungkin bermakna menambah tahun kejernihan dan kehidupan untuk anda atau seseorang yang anda sayangi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first chapter in fighting Alzheimer's.", "r": {"result": "Bab pertama dalam memerangi Alzheimer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Australian cruiser met the disguised German vessel in the waters off western Australia two years after the two became enemies in World War II.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kapal penjelajah Australia bertemu dengan kapal Jerman yang menyamar di perairan barat Australia dua tahun selepas kedua-duanya menjadi musuh dalam Perang Dunia II.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The gun turret of the Sydney II was discovered with the rest of the vessel in March 2008.", "r": {"result": "Turret meriam Sydney II ditemui bersama kapal yang lain pada Mac 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Australian ship approached, trying to determine whether the vessel was friendly.", "r": {"result": "Kapal Australia menghampiri, cuba menentukan sama ada kapal itu mesra.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What resulted was Australia's worst naval disaster: the sinking of the Australian ship and the loss of its entire crew of 645. The wreckage wasn't found until last year, leading to decades of conspiracy theories about what actually happened.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang mengakibatkan bencana laut terburuk di Australia: kapal Australia tenggelam dan kehilangan seluruh anak kapalnya seramai 645 orang. Bangkai itu tidak ditemui sehingga tahun lepas, yang membawa kepada teori konspirasi berdekad-dekad tentang apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday a long-awaited report on the sinking of the Sydney II ended the mystery that began when it met its fate, November 19, 1941.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Rabu laporan yang ditunggu-tunggu mengenai tenggelamnya Sydney II menamatkan misteri yang bermula apabila ia menemui nasibnya, 19 November 1941.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Made to look like a cargo ship, the German vessel was in fact a military raider that fired on the Australians when they got close.", "r": {"result": "Dibuat kelihatan seperti kapal kargo, kapal Jerman itu sebenarnya adalah penceroboh tentera yang menembak ke arah Australia apabila mereka hampir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sydney fired back and, in the end, both ships went down.", "r": {"result": "Sydney membalas tembakan dan, akhirnya, kedua-dua kapal tumbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 300 of the sailors on board the German vessel, the Kormoran, survived.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 300 kelasi di atas kapal Jerman, Kormoran, terselamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But because they were the only witnesses to the disaster, some doubted their accounts, leading to various theories about the real fate of the Sydney.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kerana mereka adalah satu-satunya saksi bencana itu, ada yang meragui akaun mereka, membawa kepada pelbagai teori tentang nasib sebenar Sydney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the wrecks of both ships were located in March 2008, an Australian commission began an inquiry to formally close the book on the loss of the Sydney.", "r": {"result": "Selepas bangkai kedua-dua kapal ditemui pada Mac 2008, suruhanjaya Australia memulakan siasatan untuk menutup secara rasmi buku mengenai kehilangan Sydney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The results confirm the accounts provided by the German sailors.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan mengesahkan akaun yang disediakan oleh kelasi Jerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They said the Sydney closed in on the Kormoran until it was parallel with the German ship, little more than 1,000 yards away.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata Sydney menutup Kormoran sehingga ia selari dengan kapal Jerman, lebih kurang 1,000 ela jauhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sydney obviously thought the ship was friendly and was taken by surprise when, after she asked what she believed to be (a friendly ship) to give her secret call sign, the response was a number of salvos that destroyed Sydney's bridge and amidships superstructure and a torpedo strike that crippled the ship and her forward guns,\" the report said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sydney jelas menganggap kapal itu mesra dan terkejut apabila, selepas dia bertanya apa yang dipercayainya (kapal mesra) untuk memberikan tanda panggilan rahsianya, tindak balasnya adalah beberapa salvo yang memusnahkan jambatan Sydney dan struktur atas kapal dan serangan torpedo yang melumpuhkan kapal dan senjata hadapannya,\" kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sydney had given up its tactical advantage of speed and armaments by getting so close to an unknown vessel, the report said.", "r": {"result": "Sydney telah melepaskan kelebihan taktikal kelajuan dan persenjataannya dengan mendekati kapal yang tidak diketahui, kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While that may have been an error of judgment by the Australian captain, Joseph Burnett, the report accepted that other factors -- which may never be known -- influenced his decision.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun itu mungkin kesilapan penghakiman oleh kapten Australia, Joseph Burnett, laporan itu menerima bahawa faktor lain - yang mungkin tidak pernah diketahui - mempengaruhi keputusannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It can never be known what matters were, in fact, operating in Capt. Burnett's mind when he decided to take the Sydney to the position described.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia tidak dapat diketahui apa yang penting, sebenarnya, beroperasi dalam fikiran Kapten Burnett apabila dia memutuskan untuk membawa Sydney ke kedudukan yang diterangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nor can it be known what advice, if any, he sought from or was given by other officers on the bridge,\" the report says.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga tidak dapat diketahui apa nasihat, jika ada, yang dia minta atau diberikan oleh pegawai lain di jambatan itu,\" kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What is known, however, is that, in trying to identify the sighted ship, Capt. Burnett was performing his duty as a commanding officer\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimanapun, apa yang diketahui ialah, dalam usaha mengenal pasti kapal yang kelihatan itu, Kapten Burnett sedang menjalankan tugasnya sebagai pegawai pemerintah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The German ship inflicted \"enormous damage\" on the Sydney during a battle that is believed to have lasted about 35 minutes and left 70 percent of the Sydney's crew dead or incapacitated, said Cmdr. Jack Rush, the lawyer who presented the evidence gathered by investigators to a commission of inquiry led by a retired judge.", "r": {"result": "Kapal Jerman itu menyebabkan \"kerosakan besar\" di Sydney semasa pertempuran yang dipercayai berlangsung kira-kira 35 minit dan menyebabkan 70 peratus anak kapal Sydney maut atau hilang upaya, kata Cmdr. Jack Rush, peguam yang membentangkan bukti yang dikumpul oleh penyiasat kepada suruhanjaya siasatan yang diketuai oleh seorang hakim bersara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is likely that Burnett, the navigator, and all of the Sydney's senior officers were taken out on the first salvo, Rush said.", "r": {"result": "Berkemungkinan Burnett, pelayar, dan semua pegawai kanan Sydney telah dibawa keluar pada salvo pertama, kata Rush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A torpedo tore into the Sydney's bow, flooding the forward end of the ship, while the Kormoran fired an estimated 87 rounds from its 15-cm (5.9-inch) guns into the Australian cruiser.", "r": {"result": "Torpedo mengoyak ke dalam haluan Sydney, membanjiri bahagian hadapan kapal itu, manakala Kormoran melepaskan kira-kira 87 das tembakan dari senapang 15 cm (5.9 inci) ke kapal penjelajah Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Sydney limped away and sank sometime between 2 hours to 4 1/2 hours later, Rush said.", "r": {"result": "Sydney terpincang-pincang dan tenggelam antara 2 jam hingga 4 1/2 jam kemudian, kata Rush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the battle, however, the Kormoran itself was hit by an Australian shell that damaged its engines and set the vessel ablaze.", "r": {"result": "Semasa pertempuran, bagaimanapun, Kormoran sendiri telah terkena peluru Australia yang merosakkan enjinnya dan membakar kapal itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With hundreds of mines aboard, its captain ordered the crew to abandon ship, fearing the fire would set those off.", "r": {"result": "Dengan beratus-ratus lombong di atas kapal, kaptennya mengarahkan anak kapal untuk meninggalkan kapal, bimbang kebakaran akan menyebabkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charges were set and the ship was scuttled.", "r": {"result": "Pertuduhan telah ditetapkan dan kapal itu terbabas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 80 of the Kormoran's crew of nearly 400 were lost.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 80 daripada hampir 400 anak kapal Kormoran telah hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A search began only five days after the battle, when the Sydney failed to return to port in Fremantle.", "r": {"result": "Pencarian bermula hanya lima hari selepas pertempuran, apabila Sydney gagal kembali ke pelabuhan di Fremantle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And an 11-day delay by Australia's government in announcing the ship's loss fueled what a 1999 parliamentary report called \"a proliferation of theories\" about the fate of the crew -- that the ship was actually sunk by a Japanese submarine, that survivors were machine-gunned in the water or that the government hid bodies after they washed up on the beach.", "r": {"result": "Dan kelewatan selama 11 hari oleh kerajaan Australia dalam mengumumkan kehilangan kapal itu mencetuskan apa yang disebut oleh laporan parlimen 1999 sebagai \"percambahan teori\" tentang nasib anak kapal -- bahawa kapal itu sebenarnya ditenggelamkan oleh kapal selam Jepun, bahawa yang terselamat adalah mesin. -ditembak di dalam air atau kerajaan menyembunyikan mayat selepas mereka dihanyutkan di pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The commission thoroughly investigated all the theories and speculations surrounding the disaster and found no substance in any of them, said Terence Cole, president of the commission.", "r": {"result": "Suruhanjaya itu menyiasat dengan teliti semua teori dan spekulasi yang mengelilingi bencana itu dan tidak menemui sebarang bahan dalam mana-mana daripada mereka, kata Terence Cole, presiden suruhanjaya itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Researchers found the Sydney's wreckage in the Indian Ocean, about 207 km (128 miles) off Australia's west coast.", "r": {"result": "Penyelidik menemui serpihan Sydney di Lautan Hindi, kira-kira 207 km (128 batu) dari pantai barat Australia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The commission was appointed in May 2008 and began its inquiry in January.", "r": {"result": "Suruhanjaya itu dilantik pada Mei 2008 dan memulakan siasatannya pada Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For a long time our nation has struggled to understand how our greatest maritime disaster occurred.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSejak sekian lama negara kita bergelut untuk memahami bagaimana bencana maritim terbesar kita berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The unanswered questions have haunted the families of those brave sailors and airman that never came home,\" Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, the chief of the Australian Defence Force, said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "Soalan-soalan yang tidak dijawab telah menghantui keluarga kelasi dan juruterbang berani yang tidak pernah pulang ke rumah,\" kata Ketua Angkatan Udara Marshal Angus Houston, ketua Angkatan Pertahanan Australia, dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- After sushi and ramen, Japanese beef is on the list of must-eats for many visitors to Japan.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Selepas sushi dan ramen, daging lembu Jepun berada dalam senarai makanan wajib bagi ramai pengunjung ke Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But other than knowing that it tastes great and costs a lot, many tourists turn up with little knowledge of what to expect from Japanese beef.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selain mengetahui bahawa rasanya enak dan kos yang tinggi, ramai pelancong datang dengan sedikit pengetahuan tentang apa yang diharapkan daripada daging lembu Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Considered the caviar of beef in Japan, Wagyu (which literally means \"Japanese cow\") refers to specific breeds of cattle that come from a direct, traceable and pure bloodline.", "r": {"result": "Dianggap sebagai kaviar daging lembu di Jepun, Wagyu (yang secara harfiah bermaksud \"lembu Jepun\") merujuk kepada baka lembu tertentu yang berasal dari garis keturunan langsung, boleh dikesan dan tulen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are four Wagyu breeds: black (accounting for more than 90% of Wagyu beef), brown/red, shorthorn and polled.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat empat baka Wagyu: hitam (mengandungi lebih daripada 90% daging Wagyu), coklat/merah, tanduk pendek dan polled.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent years, efficient marketing efforts have elevated Wagyu to near-divine status among foodies.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, usaha pemasaran yang cekap telah meningkatkan Wagyu kepada status hampir dewa dalam kalangan penggemar makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they've also led to confusion about what Wagyu is and what separates Wagyu beef from the even-more heralded Kobe beef.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka juga telah menyebabkan kekeliruan tentang apa itu Wagyu dan apa yang membezakan daging Wagyu daripada daging lembu Kobe yang lebih terkenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's help for beef eaters visiting Japan.", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah bantuan untuk pemakan daging lembu yang melawat Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is Wagyu beef?", "r": {"result": "Apakah daging lembu Wagyu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For more than 200 years during the Edo Period (1603-1867), Japan's isolation from the outside world ensured the purity of its livestock, which over time became more and more homogenized.", "r": {"result": "Selama lebih daripada 200 tahun semasa Zaman Edo (1603-1867), pengasingan Jepun dari dunia luar memastikan kesucian ternakannya, yang lama-kelamaan menjadi semakin homogen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the country opened to world trade in the subsequent Meiji Era, Wagyu breeding accelerated.", "r": {"result": "Apabila negara itu dibuka kepada perdagangan dunia pada Era Meiji berikutnya, pembiakan Wagyu dipercepatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unlike cattle in other countries, which are often bred for a range of traits, Wagyu were and are raised with one goal in mind: supreme flavor.", "r": {"result": "Tidak seperti lembu di negara lain, yang sering dibiakkan untuk pelbagai sifat, Wagyu telah dan dibesarkan dengan satu matlamat dalam fikiran: rasa tertinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Genetics is everything,\" says Jason Morgan, owner of The Meat Guy, a Nagoya-based meat importing business.", "r": {"result": "\"Genetik adalah segala-galanya,\" kata Jason Morgan, pemilik The Meat Guy, sebuah perniagaan pengimportan daging yang berpangkalan di Nagoya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu's striking characteristic is its pervasive marbling.", "r": {"result": "Ciri-ciri Wagyu yang menarik ialah guli yang berleluasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Achieving optimum and evenly distributed fat is a slow process.", "r": {"result": "Mencapai lemak optimum dan teragih sama rata adalah proses yang perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu are typically bred for upward of 30 months.", "r": {"result": "Wagyu biasanya dibiakkan selama 30 bulan ke atas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By contrast, most United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) beef comes from cattle that's about 22 months old.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, kebanyakan daging lembu Jabatan Pertanian Amerika Syarikat (USDA) berasal daripada lembu yang berumur kira-kira 22 bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fattening period is longer than it is on most Western ranches.", "r": {"result": "Tempoh penggemukan adalah lebih lama daripada kebanyakan ladang Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu cows eat plentifully and frequently.", "r": {"result": "Lembu wagyu makan dengan banyak dan kerap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Japan's lack of vast pastures means Wagyu tend to live a sedentary life, which also contributes to generous marbling.", "r": {"result": "Kekurangan padang rumput yang luas di Jepun bermakna Wagyu cenderung untuk menjalani kehidupan yang tidak aktif, yang juga menyumbang kepada marbling yang murah hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu grades.", "r": {"result": "Gred Wagyu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Japan has a sophisticated numbering system for tracing each piece of beef produced.", "r": {"result": "Jepun mempunyai sistem penomboran yang canggih untuk mengesan setiap keping daging lembu yang dihasilkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Livestock Breeding Center (NLBC) maintains records on each cow's ancestry, birthplace, ranch location, fattening days and other details.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Pembiakan Ternakan Kebangsaan (NLBC) mengekalkan rekod mengenai setiap keturunan lembu, tempat kelahiran, lokasi ladang, hari penggemukan dan butiran lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Restaurants can usually provide a 10-digit tracking number for any steak upon request, which has a code that links directly to the NLBC database.", "r": {"result": "Restoran biasanya boleh memberikan nombor penjejakan 10 digit untuk sebarang stik atas permintaan, yang mempunyai kod yang memaut terus ke pangkalan data NLBC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, the Japan Meat Grading Association gives each carcass a score based on its yield (A-C) and level of marbling, firmness, color and overall quality (1-5), with A5 being the highest possible mark.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, Persatuan Penggredan Daging Jepun memberikan setiap karkas skor berdasarkan hasil (A-C) dan tahap marbling, ketegasan, warna dan kualiti keseluruhan (1-5), dengan A5 sebagai tanda tertinggi yang mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most Japanese Wagyu beef is in the A4-A5 range.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan daging lembu Wagyu Jepun berada dalam julat A4-A5.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu yields and pricing.", "r": {"result": "Hasil dan harga Wagyu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the care that goes into raising Wagyu cows translates into consumer prices that are typically higher than in many Western countries.", "r": {"result": "Semua penjagaan yang dilakukan dalam menternak lembu Wagyu diterjemahkan kepada harga pengguna yang biasanya lebih tinggi daripada di banyak negara Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Visitors to Japan should expect to pay anywhere from AY=5,000 ($46) to upward of AY=15,000 ($138) per person for a meal of authentic Wagyu beef.", "r": {"result": "Pelawat ke Jepun harus mengharapkan untuk membayar mana-mana sahaja dari AY=5,000 ($46) hingga ke atas AY=15,000 ($138) setiap orang untuk hidangan daging lembu Wagyu asli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the Oak Door Steakhouse at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo, meat designated F1 (a mix of two pure breeds, such as Wagyu and Angus) is more popular than pure Wagyu beef because it's cheaper yet still yields good quality.", "r": {"result": "Di Oak Door Steakhouse di Grand Hyatt Tokyo, daging yang ditetapkan F1 (campuran dua baka tulen, seperti Wagyu dan Angus) adalah lebih popular daripada daging Wagyu tulen kerana ia lebih murah namun masih menghasilkan kualiti yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Eating Wagyu is considered an investment,\" says Troy Lee, chef de cuisine at Oak Door.", "r": {"result": "\"Makan Wagyu dianggap sebagai pelaburan,\" kata Troy Lee, chef de cuisine di Oak Door.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"F1 is the most-consumed beef in Japan.", "r": {"result": "\"F1 adalah daging lembu yang paling banyak digunakan di Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For most families, Wagyu beef is a delicacy reserved for special occasions\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi kebanyakan keluarga, daging lembu Wagyu adalah makanan istimewa yang dikhaskan untuk majlis-majlis khas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu cows have a high yield of prime cuts.", "r": {"result": "Lembu wagyu mempunyai hasil pemotongan utama yang tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the United States, you can only use three of four cuts for steaks, whereas in Japan you can get high-quality beef from nearly all parts of the cow,\" says Morgan.", "r": {"result": "\"Di Amerika Syarikat, anda hanya boleh menggunakan tiga daripada empat potongan untuk stik, manakala di Jepun anda boleh mendapatkan daging lembu berkualiti tinggi dari hampir semua bahagian lembu,\" kata Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The emphasis is on quality, not quantity.", "r": {"result": "Penekanan adalah pada kualiti, bukan kuantiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NLBC figures put the total Wagyu population at around 1.7 million cows as of December 2012, compared with roughly 33 million beef cattle in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Angka NLBC meletakkan jumlah populasi Wagyu pada kira-kira 1.7 juta ekor lembu pada Disember 2012, berbanding dengan kira-kira 33 juta lembu daging di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How to eat Wagyu beef.", "r": {"result": "Cara makan daging lembu Wagyu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most chefs recommend Wagyu steaks be cooked a little longer than those from Western countries -- medium-rare or even medium.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan tukang masak mengesyorkan stik Wagyu dimasak lebih lama sedikit daripada yang berasal dari negara Barat -- sederhana jarang atau sederhana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Otherwise, \"they can be like eating a stick of butter,\" says Lee.", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak, \"mereka boleh menjadi seperti makan sebatang mentega,\" kata Lee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steaks aren't the only way to enjoy Wagyu.", "r": {"result": "Steak bukan satu-satunya cara untuk menikmati Wagyu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Traditional preparation methods include sukiyaki and shabu-shabu, one-pot dishes that render out more of the fat than grilling.", "r": {"result": "Kaedah penyediaan tradisional termasuk sukiyaki dan shabu-shabu, hidangan satu periuk yang menghasilkan lebih banyak lemak daripada memanggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sukiyaki simmers thinly sliced beef in a pot with vegetables, usually bathed in a sauce made with soy sauce, sugar and sake.", "r": {"result": "Sukiyaki mereneh daging lembu yang dihiris nipis dalam periuk dengan sayur-sayuran, biasanya dimandikan dengan sos yang dibuat dengan kicap, gula dan sake.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A raw egg is served with the dish, used for dipping the beef after it's extracted from the broth.", "r": {"result": "Telur mentah dihidangkan bersama hidangan, digunakan untuk mencelup daging lembu selepas ia diekstrak daripada sup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shabu-shabu is a light and healthy meal made with strips of meat even thinner than those used for sukiyaki.", "r": {"result": "Shabu-shabu ialah hidangan ringan dan sihat yang dibuat dengan kepingan daging yang lebih nipis daripada yang digunakan untuk sukiyaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The beef strips are briefly cooked in a simmering kombu kelp broth.", "r": {"result": "Potongan daging lembu dimasak sebentar dalam sup kombu kelp yang mendidih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, there's beef tartar or \"nigiri Wagyu sushi,\" though this is a relatively rare preparation in Japan.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, terdapat tartar daging lembu atau \"sushi nigiri Wagyu,\" walaupun ini adalah penyediaan yang agak jarang berlaku di Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No matter how it's prepared, virtually all restaurants in Japan have a signature dipping sauce or sauces, which often contain miso, sesame or citrus juice.", "r": {"result": "Tidak kira bagaimana ia disediakan, hampir semua restoran di Jepun mempunyai sos atau sos pencicah yang istimewa, yang selalunya mengandungi miso, bijan atau jus sitrus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu beef myth: Fatty means unhealthy.", "r": {"result": "Mitos daging lembu wagyu: Berlemak bermaksud tidak sihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Health-conscious eaters may be wary of the web of fat (called \"shimofuri\") woven through slabs of Wagyu.", "r": {"result": "Pemakan yang mementingkan kesihatan mungkin berhati-hati dengan jaringan lemak (dipanggil \"shimofuri\") yang ditenun melalui kepingan Wagyu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, pure Wagyu contains mostly monounsaturated fatty acids (aka \"the good fats\") rich in Omega-3s.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, Wagyu tulen mengandungi kebanyakannya asid lemak tak tepu tunggal (aka \"lemak baik\") yang kaya dengan Omega-3.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One study from the Japan Livestock Industry Association says Wagyu has up to 30% more unsaturated fat than Angus cattle.", "r": {"result": "Satu kajian dari Persatuan Industri Ternakan Jepun mengatakan Wagyu mempunyai sehingga 30% lebih lemak tak tepu daripada lembu Angus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You may have heard about the fifth \"primary taste\" on top of sweet, sour, salty and bitter: umami, a term and concept that originated in Japan, which describes a subtle sweetness and aroma.", "r": {"result": "Anda mungkin pernah mendengar tentang \"rasa utama\" kelima di atas manis, masam, masin dan pahit: umami, istilah dan konsep yang berasal dari Jepun, yang menggambarkan rasa manis dan aroma yang halus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The presence of unsaturated fats is what makes Wagyu beef so full of umami goodness.", "r": {"result": "Kehadiran lemak tak tepu inilah yang menjadikan daging lembu Wagyu penuh dengan kebaikan umami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu cows are rarely, if ever, given antibiotics.", "r": {"result": "Lembu wagyu jarang, jika pernah, diberi antibiotik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the primary purposes of administering antibiotics, says Morgan, is to make an animal more feed-efficient.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu tujuan utama pemberian antibiotik, kata Morgan, adalah untuk menjadikan haiwan lebih cekap makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This philosophy runs counter to the goal of Wagyu ranching, which is to raise fat, hungry cattle.", "r": {"result": "Falsafah ini bertentangan dengan matlamat penternakan Wagyu, iaitu menternak lembu yang gemuk dan lapar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myth 2: Japanese cows drink beer and get massages.", "r": {"result": "Mitos 2: Lembu Jepun minum bir dan mendapatkan urutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While it's true that the Matsusaka Cattle Council's website advocates using beer to stimulate a cow's appetite in humid summer months and massages for uniformity of fat and improved circulation, it cites no actual case studies.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun benar bahawa laman web Majlis Lembu Matsusaka menyokong penggunaan bir untuk merangsang selera lembu pada bulan-bulan musim panas yang lembap dan urutan untuk keseragaman lemak dan peredaran yang lebih baik, ia tidak menyebut kajian kes sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At best, these techniques may be used sporadically by small-scale farms.", "r": {"result": "Paling baik, teknik ini boleh digunakan secara sporadis oleh ladang berskala kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some ranches may use sake to enhance the luster of an animal's coat and Japanese TV programs have depicted ranches with prongs in cattle pens that animals rub up against to simulate a massage.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah ladang mungkin menggunakan sake untuk meningkatkan kilauan kot haiwan dan program TV Jepun telah menggambarkan ladang dengan serampang dalam kandang lembu yang digosok haiwan untuk mensimulasikan urutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But we remain skeptical.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kami tetap ragu-ragu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While it's amusing to entertain notions of Wagyu cows happily guzzling beer while receiving rubdowns, there's no evidence to suggest such practices have ever been commonplace.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun lucu untuk melayan tanggapan tentang lembu Wagyu dengan gembira meneguk bir sambil menerima sapuan, tiada bukti yang menunjukkan amalan sebegitu adalah perkara biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kobe Beef Marketing and Distribution Promotion Association states that neither massages nor the feeding of beer or sake to cows is part of its standard rearing methods.", "r": {"result": "Persatuan Pemasaran dan Promosi Pengedaran Daging Lembu Kobe menyatakan bahawa urutan mahupun pemberian bir atau sake kepada lembu bukanlah sebahagian daripada kaedah pemeliharaan standardnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How's he going to feel a massage through his leather jacket, anyway\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Bagaimana dia akan merasakan urutan melalui jaket kulitnya, pula\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "asks Morgan.", "r": {"result": "tanya Morgan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myth 3: Wagyu beef and Kobe beef are the same thing.", "r": {"result": "Mitos 3: Daging Wagyu dan daging Kobe adalah perkara yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A common misperception is that all Wagyu beef is Kobe beef.", "r": {"result": "Tanggapan salah yang biasa ialah semua daging lembu Wagyu adalah daging lembu Kobe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, only .", "r": {"result": "Sebenarnya, hanya .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "06% of beef consumed in Japan bears the Kobe distinction, and only 3,000 cattle each year are certified as Kobe grade.", "r": {"result": "06% daging lembu yang digunakan di Jepun mempunyai pengiktirafan Kobe, dan hanya 3,000 lembu setiap tahun disahkan sebagai gred Kobe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't until February 2012 that the first Kobe beef shipment was sent outside Japan -- to Macau.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga Februari 2012, penghantaran daging lembu Kobe yang pertama dihantar ke luar Jepun -- ke Macau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first (small) export to the United States was in November 2012.", "r": {"result": "Eksport (kecil) pertama ke Amerika Syarikat adalah pada November 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wagyu beef types are named for the region in which the cattle are raised, including, confusingly, Kobe.", "r": {"result": "Jenis daging lembu wagyu dinamakan untuk wilayah di mana lembu diternak, termasuk, mengelirukan, Kobe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the impressive level of marbling in its Wagyu beef, the Kansai region produces the three \"king\" varieties: Matsusaka, Kobe and Ohmi.", "r": {"result": "Untuk tahap marbling yang mengagumkan dalam daging lembu Wagyunya, wilayah Kansai menghasilkan tiga jenis \"raja\": Matsusaka, Kobe dan Ohmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, beef from other areas can be equally tasty, says Lee of the Oak Door.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, daging lembu dari kawasan lain boleh menjadi sama enak, kata Lee dari Oak Door.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kumamoto Wagyu, for example, comes from the rare Japanese brown breed and is a good choice for those seeking a leaner cut.", "r": {"result": "Kumamoto Wagyu, sebagai contoh, berasal dari baka coklat Jepun yang jarang ditemui dan merupakan pilihan yang baik untuk mereka yang mencari potongan yang lebih kurus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although many ranching outfits in Australia and the United States are now raising Wagyu crossbreeds, only four facilities in Japan are certified to export Wagyu beef to the United States.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun banyak pakaian penternakan di Australia dan Amerika Syarikat kini menaikkan baka kacukan Wagyu, hanya empat kemudahan di Jepun yang diperakui untuk mengeksport daging lembu Wagyu ke Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, the easiest and tastiest place to get authentic Wagyu beef remains Japan.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, tempat paling mudah dan sedap untuk mendapatkan daging lembu Wagyu asli kekal Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just one more reason to visit.", "r": {"result": "Hanya satu lagi sebab untuk melawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Turkey has arrested a person -- working for an undisclosed nation's intelligence service -- on suspicion of helping three British girls who are thought to have entered Syria to join ISIS, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Turki telah menahan seorang -- bekerja untuk perkhidmatan perisikan negara yang tidak didedahkan -- kerana disyaki membantu tiga gadis Britain yang dianggap telah memasuki Syria untuk menyertai ISIS, kata Menteri Luar Turki Mevlut Cavusoglu Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This person was working for a country that is part of an international anti-ISIS coalition, Cavusoglu said.", "r": {"result": "Orang ini bekerja untuk sebuah negara yang merupakan sebahagian daripada gabungan anti-ISIS antarabangsa, kata Cavusoglu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Separately, a Turkish official speaking on condition of anonymity said that the suspect is not Turkish, and is not a citizen of the country for which he was working.", "r": {"result": "Secara berasingan, seorang pegawai Turki yang tidak mahu namanya disiarkan berkata, suspek bukan warga Turki, dan bukan warganegara negara tempat dia bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who has been recruited to ISIS from the West?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang telah direkrut ke ISIS dari Barat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Britain's Foreign Office on Thursday released a statement about the arrest.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Luar Britain pada Khamis mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai penahanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are aware that an arrest has been made by the Turkish National Police and that the Metropolitan Police have informed the families of the three girls,\" the statement read.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami sedar bahawa tangkapan telah dibuat oleh Polis Negara Turki dan Polis Metropolitan telah memaklumkan kepada keluarga tiga gadis itu,\u201d kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There has been close cooperation between ourselves and the Turkish authorities, and the Foreign Secretary is in regular contact with his Turkish counterpart.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTerdapat kerjasama rapat antara kami dan pihak berkuasa Turki, dan Setiausaha Luar sentiasa berhubung dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Turki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As soon as the UK received this information it was acted upon appropriately\".", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja UK menerima maklumat ini, ia telah diambil tindakan sewajarnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Girls' ISIS checklist: Makeup, underwear.", "r": {"result": "Senarai semak ISIS perempuan: Solekan, seluar dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Atika Shubert contributed to this report from London.", "r": {"result": "Atika Shubert dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini dari London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Fannie Mae said it will set aside the loan of a woman who shot herself as sheriff's deputies tried to evict her from her foreclosed home.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Fannie Mae berkata ia akan mengetepikan pinjaman seorang wanita yang menembak dirinya sendiri ketika timbalan sheriff cuba mengusirnya dari rumahnya yang dirampas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fannie Mae foreclosed on the Akron, Ohio, home of Addie Polk, 90, after acquiring the mortgage in 2007.", "r": {"result": "Fannie Mae merampas rumah di Akron, Ohio, rumah Addie Polk, 90, selepas memperoleh gadai janji itu pada 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Addie Polk, 90, of Akron, Ohio, became a symbol of the nation's home mortgage crisis when she was hospitalized after shooting herself at least twice in the upper body Wednesday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Addie Polk, 90, dari Akron, Ohio, menjadi simbol krisis gadai janji rumah negara apabila dia dimasukkan ke hospital selepas menembak dirinya sekurang-kurangnya dua kali di bahagian atas badan petang Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday, Fannie Mae spokesman Brian Faith said the mortgage association had decided to halt action against Polk and sign the property \"outright\" to her.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat, jurucakap Fannie Mae Brian Faith berkata persatuan gadai janji telah memutuskan untuk menghentikan tindakan terhadap Polk dan menandatangani harta itu \"terus terang\" kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're going to forgive whatever outstanding balance she had on the loan and give her the house,\" Faith said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan memaafkan sebarang baki tertunggak yang dia ada dalam pinjaman dan memberikan rumah itu,\" kata Faith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Given the circumstances, we think it's appropriate\".", "r": {"result": "\"Memandangkan keadaan, kami fikir ia sesuai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Residents of Akron have rallied behind Polk, who is being treated at Akron General Medical Center.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk Akron telah berkumpul di belakang Polk, yang sedang dirawat di Pusat Perubatan Am Akron.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was listed in critical condition Friday afternoon, according to Akron City Council President Marco Sommerville.", "r": {"result": "Dia disenaraikan dalam keadaan kritikal petang Jumaat, menurut Presiden Majlis Bandaraya Akron Marco Sommerville.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Rep.", "r": {"result": "A.S. Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, mentioned Polk on the House floor Friday during debate over the latest economic rescue proposal.", "r": {"result": "Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, menyebut Polk di tingkat Dewan pada hari Jumaat semasa perdebatan mengenai cadangan menyelamat ekonomi terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This bill does nothing for the Addie Polks of the world,\" Kucinich said after telling her story.", "r": {"result": "\"Rang undang-undang ini tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk Addie Polks di dunia,\" kata Kucinich selepas menceritakan kisahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This bill fails to address the fact that millions of homeowners are facing foreclosure, are facing the loss of their home.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRang undang-undang ini gagal menangani fakta bahawa berjuta-juta pemilik rumah menghadapi rampasan, berdepan kehilangan rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This bill will take care of Wall Street, and the market may go up for a few days, but democracy is going downhill\".", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang ini akan menjaga Wall Street, dan pasaran mungkin naik untuk beberapa hari, tetapi demokrasi semakin menurun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neighbor Robert Dillon, 62, used a ladder to enter a second-story bathroom window of Polk's home after he and the deputies heard loud noises inside, Dillon said.", "r": {"result": "Jiran Robert Dillon, 62, menggunakan tangga untuk memasuki tingkap bilik mandi tingkat dua di rumah Polk selepas dia dan timbalannya mendengar bunyi kuat di dalam, kata Dillon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was calling her name as I went in, and she wasn't responding,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memanggil namanya semasa saya masuk, dan dia tidak menjawab,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He found her lying on a bed, and he could see she was breathing.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendapati dia berbaring di atas katil, dan dia dapat melihat dia bernafas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also noticed a long-barreled handgun on the bed, but thought she just had it there for protection.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga melihat pistol berlaras panjang di atas katil, tetapi menyangka dia hanya menyimpannya di sana untuk perlindungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He touched her on the shoulder.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyentuh bahunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Then she kind of moved toward me a little and I saw that blood, and I said, 'Oh, no.", "r": {"result": "\"Kemudian dia bergerak ke arah saya sedikit dan saya melihat darah itu, dan saya berkata, 'Oh, tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miss Polk musta done shot herself,' \" Dillon said.", "r": {"result": "Miss Polk mesti selesai menembak dirinya sendiri,'\" kata Dillon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He hurried downstairs and let the deputies in.", "r": {"result": "Dia bergegas turun ke bawah dan membenarkan timbalan menteri masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said they told him they found Polk's car keys, pocketbook and life insurance policy laid out neatly where they could be found, suggesting that she intended to kill herself.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata mereka memberitahunya bahawa mereka menjumpai kunci kereta, buku poket dan polisi insurans hayat Polk yang diletakkan dengan kemas di mana ia boleh ditemui, menunjukkan bahawa dia berniat untuk membunuh diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a lot of people like Miss Polk right now.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat ramai orang seperti Miss Polk sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's the sad thing about it,\" said Sommerville, who had met Polk before and rushed to the scene when contacted by police.", "r": {"result": "Itulah perkara yang menyedihkan mengenainya,\" kata Sommerville, yang pernah bertemu Polk sebelum ini dan bergegas ke tempat kejadian ketika dihubungi polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They might not be as old as her, some could be as old as her.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mungkin tidak setua dia, mungkin ada yang setua dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is just a major problem\".", "r": {"result": "Ini hanya masalah besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Polk's neighbor describe what he saw >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton jiran Polk menerangkan apa yang dilihatnya >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2004, Polk took out a 30-year, 6.375 percent mortgage for $45,620 with a Countrywide Home Loan office in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2004, Polk mengeluarkan gadai janji 30 tahun, 6.375 peratus untuk $45,620 dengan pejabat Pinjaman Rumah Countrywide di Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same day, she also took out an $11,380 line of credit.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari yang sama, dia juga mengeluarkan kredit $11,380.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the next couple of years, Polk missed payments on the 101-year-old home that she and her late husband purchased in 1970. In 2007, Fannie Mae assumed the mortgage and later filed for foreclosure.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa tahun akan datang, Polk terlepas pembayaran ke atas rumah berusia 101 tahun yang dia dan arwah suaminya beli pada tahun 1970. Pada tahun 2007, Fannie Mae mengambil alih gadai janji dan kemudian memfailkan perampasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deputies had tried to serve Polk's eviction notice more than 30 times before Wednesday's incident, Sommerville said.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan menteri telah cuba menyampaikan notis pengusiran Polk lebih daripada 30 kali sebelum kejadian Rabu, kata Sommerville.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She never came to the door, but the notes the deputies left would always disappear, so they knew she was inside and ambulatory, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak pernah datang ke pintu, tetapi nota yang ditinggalkan timbalan menteri akan sentiasa hilang, jadi mereka tahu dia berada di dalam dan sedang berada di dalam bilik, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city is creating programs to help people keep their homes, Sommerville said.", "r": {"result": "Bandar ini sedang mencipta program untuk membantu orang ramai menjaga rumah mereka, kata Sommerville.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But what do you do when there's just so many people out there and the economy is in the shape that it's in\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi apa yang anda lakukan apabila terdapat begitu ramai orang di luar sana dan ekonomi berada dalam keadaan seperti itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many businesses and individuals have called since Wednesday offering to help Polk, Sommerville said.", "r": {"result": "Banyak perniagaan dan individu telah menghubungi sejak Rabu menawarkan untuk membantu Polk, kata Sommerville.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're going to do an evaluation to see what's best for her,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan melakukan penilaian untuk melihat apa yang terbaik untuknya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If she's strong enough and can go home, I think we should work with her to where she goes back home.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika dia cukup kuat dan boleh pulang ke rumah, saya fikir kita harus bekerjasama dengannya ke tempat dia pulang ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If not, we need to find another place for her to live where she won't have to worry about this ever again\".", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak, kita perlu mencari tempat lain untuk dia tinggal di mana dia tidak perlu risau tentang perkara ini lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For his part, Dillon hopes his neighbor of 38 years can return to her home.", "r": {"result": "Bagi pihaknya, Dillon berharap jirannya yang berusia 38 tahun dapat pulang ke rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She loves that house,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia suka rumah itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I hope they can get her back in.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya harap mereka boleh mendapatkan dia kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That would make me feel better because I don't know what they're going to put in there once she leaves\".", "r": {"result": "Itu akan membuatkan saya berasa lebih baik kerana saya tidak tahu apa yang mereka akan letakkan di sana sebaik sahaja dia pergi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the neighborhood is declining because so many people have lost their homes.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata kejiranan semakin berkurangan kerana begitu ramai orang kehilangan tempat tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a lot of vacant houses around here.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak rumah kosong di sekitar sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Now I'm going to have a house on my left and a house on my right, vacant,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "... Sekarang saya akan mempunyai sebuah rumah di sebelah kiri saya dan sebuah rumah di sebelah kanan saya, kosong,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That don't make me feel good, because we were good neighbors, we trusted each other, and we looked out for each other.", "r": {"result": "\"Itu tidak membuatkan saya berasa baik, kerana kami adalah jiran yang baik, kami mempercayai antara satu sama lain, dan kami saling menjaga antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This neighborhood is shot, to me, from what it used to be,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Kawasan kejiranan ini, bagi saya, daripada keadaan dahulu,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I moved here, if it were like it is now, I would have never moved here.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemasa saya berpindah ke sini, kalaulah seperti sekarang, saya tidak akan pernah berpindah ke sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it was a nice neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia adalah kejiranan yang bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll just tough it out.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan kuatkan sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm too old to start thinking about buying another house\".", "r": {"result": "Saya terlalu tua untuk mula berfikir untuk membeli rumah lain\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sommerville said that by the time people call for help with an impending foreclosure, it's usually too late.", "r": {"result": "Sommerville berkata bahawa pada masa orang meminta bantuan dengan perampasan yang akan berlaku, ia biasanya sudah terlambat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm glad it's not too late for Miss Polk, because she could have taken her life,\" Sommerville said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya gembira masih belum terlambat untuk Miss Polk, kerana dia boleh mengambil nyawanya,\" kata Sommerville.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Miss Polk will probably end up on her feet.", "r": {"result": "\"Cik Polk mungkin akan mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I'm not sure if anybody else will\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya tidak pasti sama ada orang lain akan melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jim Kavanagh, Brad Lendon and Mallory Simon contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jim Kavanagh dari CNN, Brad Lendon dan Mallory Simon menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- By now, unless you live under a boulder large enough to block data signals, you know that New York Rep.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sekarang, melainkan anda tinggal di bawah batu yang cukup besar untuk menyekat isyarat data, anda tahu bahawa New York Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anthony Weiner is embroiled in a scandal involving an extremely personal picture sent from his Twitter account to a Seattle college student.", "r": {"result": "Anthony Weiner terlibat dalam skandal yang melibatkan gambar yang sangat peribadi yang dihantar dari akaun Twitternya kepada seorang pelajar kolej Seattle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weiner says his account was hacked, but can't say \"with certitude\" if the picture is a fake.", "r": {"result": "Weiner berkata akaunnya telah digodam, tetapi tidak boleh mengatakan \"dengan pasti\" jika gambar itu palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This much we know.", "r": {"result": "Ini banyak yang kita tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what else does the story that has Washington all a-twitter reveal about everyone's favorite microblogging service?", "r": {"result": "Sebagai permulaan, tiada arus deras atau air pasang surut berbahaya di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Twitter is very effective at spreading the news, but it can't control it.", "r": {"result": "1. Twitter sangat berkesan untuk menyebarkan berita, tetapi ia tidak dapat mengawalnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Twitter itself, the Weiner story couldn't have broken at a less appropriate time.", "r": {"result": "Untuk Twitter sendiri, cerita Weiner tidak mungkin pecah pada masa yang kurang sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company's CEO, Dick Costolo, and a large portion of its PR team were hunkered down at the All Things Digital conference in beautiful Rancho Palos Verdes, California, preparing to launch -- of all things -- its new photo-sharing service.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat itu, Dick Costolo, dan sebahagian besar pasukan PRnya telah berkumpul di persidangan All Things Digital di Rancho Palos Verdes, California yang indah, sedang bersedia untuk melancarkan -- semua perkara -- perkhidmatan perkongsian foto baharunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Costolo deftly batted away questions about Weiner with a \"no comment\".", "r": {"result": "Costolo dengan cekap menjawab soalan mengenai Weiner dengan \"tiada komen\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for a company that is anxious to prove its maturity, talking about ways to share pictures on Twitter at a time when the most famous example of that is a lewd underwear snap could only have been frustrating.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagi sebuah syarikat yang ingin membuktikan kematangannya, bercakap tentang cara untuk berkongsi gambar di Twitter pada masa contoh yang paling terkenal ialah gambar seluar dalam yang lucah boleh mengecewakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Maybe this is a good time to launch Twitter photo-sharing after all.", "r": {"result": "2. Mungkin ini adalah masa yang baik untuk melancarkan perkongsian foto Twitter selepas semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reports emerged Thursday that the mysterious sender of that photo may well have exploited a security flaw in yFrog, a third-party photo-sharing service.", "r": {"result": "Laporan muncul Khamis bahawa pengirim misteri foto itu mungkin telah mengeksploitasi kecacatan keselamatan dalam yFrog, perkhidmatan perkongsian foto pihak ketiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The loophole would have allowed anyone to send a picture from Weiner's account using tools no more advanced than e-mail.", "r": {"result": "Kelemahan itu akan membenarkan sesiapa sahaja menghantar gambar dari akaun Weiner menggunakan alat yang tidak lebih maju daripada e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "YFrog has since disabled the e-mail feature.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu YFrog telah melumpuhkan ciri e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, that's a strong argument for sharing photos directly and securely from your Twitter account -- which is exactly what Twitter is launching.", "r": {"result": "Namun, itu adalah hujah yang kukuh untuk berkongsi foto secara terus dan selamat dari akaun Twitter anda -- yang sebenarnya Twitter sedang melancarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Checking Twitter on a Friday night is the new normal.", "r": {"result": "3. Memeriksa Twitter pada malam Jumaat adalah kebiasaan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "College student Gennette Cordova, recipient of the offending tweet, wrote for the New York Daily News that she first learned about it when logging into Twitter on a Friday night.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar kolej Gennette Cordova, penerima tweet yang menyinggung perasaan itu, menulis untuk New York Daily News bahawa dia pertama kali mengetahui mengenainya apabila log masuk ke Twitter pada malam Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you think that's unusual activity for a co-ed on a Friday night, get with the 21st century.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda fikir itu adalah aktiviti luar biasa untuk acara bersama pada malam Jumaat, dapatkan abad ke-21.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A dozen of Cordova's friends had already seen the Weiner tweet, she wrote.", "r": {"result": "Sedozen rakan Cordova sudah melihat tweet Weiner, tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Twitter tracking firm Sysomos, Friday is the third-biggest day of the week for tweeting (after Tuesday and Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Menurut firma penjejakan Twitter Sysomos, hari Jumaat adalah hari ketiga terbesar dalam seminggu untuk tweet (selepas Selasa dan Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") Social media, it seems, is how we like to relax after hitting the books.", "r": {"result": ") Media sosial, nampaknya, adalah bagaimana kita suka berehat selepas memukul buku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Account hacking is more common than you might think.", "r": {"result": "4. Penggodaman akaun adalah lebih biasa daripada yang anda fikirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If it turns out Weiner's account was hacked, he can take comfort in one thing: It happened to one of his main detractors, Fox News, too.", "r": {"result": "Jika ternyata akaun Weiner telah digodam, dia boleh berasa selesa dalam satu perkara: Ia juga berlaku kepada salah seorang pengkritik utamanya, Fox News.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2009, followers of the network's official Twitter feed were puzzled to see a tweet about host Bill O'Reilly's sexual orientation, the result of an 18-year-old hacker called GMZ uncovering the account's password.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2009, pengikut suapan Twitter rasmi rangkaian itu hairan melihat tweet tentang orientasi seksual hos Bill O'Reilly, hasil penggodam berusia 18 tahun yang dipanggil GMZ mendedahkan kata laluan akaun tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fox News was only the first in a series of GMZ attacks on Twitter accounts including those of Britney Spears, Facebook, the Huffington Post, and Barack Obama himself.", "r": {"result": "Fox News hanyalah yang pertama dalam siri serangan GMZ pada akaun Twitter termasuk milik Britney Spears, Facebook, Huffington Post dan Barack Obama sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Little more than a year later, hundreds of accounts -- including the one owned by tech pundit John C. Dvorak -- were hacked by a spammer looking to advertise a weight-loss product.", "r": {"result": "Lebih kurang setahun kemudian, beratus-ratus akaun -- termasuk yang dimiliki oleh pakar teknologi John C. Dvorak -- telah digodam oleh spammer yang ingin mengiklankan produk penurunan berat badan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. There are plenty of things you can do to keep your account secure.", "r": {"result": "5. Terdapat banyak perkara yang boleh anda lakukan untuk memastikan akaun anda selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twitter has spent years beefing up its security and dishing out advice on how you can help.", "r": {"result": "Twitter telah menghabiskan masa bertahun-tahun untuk meningkatkan keselamatannya dan memberikan nasihat tentang cara anda boleh membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The top tips: Use a strong password with numbers and unusual characters; use the more secure URL \"https://twitter.com/\"; be wary of links and e-mail phishing scammers that pretend to be Twitter employees asking for your password.", "r": {"result": "Petua teratas: Gunakan kata laluan yang kukuh dengan nombor dan aksara luar biasa; gunakan URL yang lebih selamat \"https://twitter.com/\"; berhati-hati dengan pautan dan penipu pancingan data e-mel yang berpura-pura menjadi pekerja Twitter yang meminta kata laluan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. Always double-check the person you're tweeting.", "r": {"result": "6. Sentiasa semak semula orang yang anda tweet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gennette Cordova's take on why Weiner, whom she doesn't know, may have tweeted at her?", "r": {"result": "Pandangan Gennette Cordova tentang mengapa Weiner, yang tidak dikenalinya, mungkin telah menulis tweet kepadanya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because her name is alphabetically close to that of Ginger Lee, a Tennessee exotic dancer that Weiner also followed on Twitter until recently.", "r": {"result": "Kerana namanya mengikut abjad hampir dengan Ginger Lee, penari eksotik Tennessee yang turut diikuti Weiner di Twitter sehingga baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's entirely possible, given that Twitter auto-suggests who you might be trying to reach once you start typing their names.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah mungkin sepenuhnya, memandangkan Twitter auto-mencadangkan orang yang anda mungkin cuba hubungi sebaik sahaja anda mula menaip nama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One false click, and that racy message intended for your spouse may be winging its way to your mom instead.", "r": {"result": "Satu klik palsu, dan mesej rancak yang ditujukan untuk pasangan anda mungkin akan menuju ke ibu anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "7. Washington may be obsessed with Weiner, but Twitter users have already moved on.", "r": {"result": "7. Washington mungkin taksub dengan Weiner, tetapi pengguna Twitter telah pun berpindah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You might expect the Twitter hashtag that denotes the scandal, \"#Weinergate\", to be popular right now.", "r": {"result": "Anda mungkin menjangkakan hashtag Twitter yang menandakan skandal, \"#Weinergate\", menjadi popular sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But you'd be wrong.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi anda akan silap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It isn't even in the top 10.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak termasuk dalam 10 teratas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beltway pundits and politicians may be talking about little else, but Twitter's 200 million users have other things on their minds.", "r": {"result": "Pakar dan ahli politik Beltway mungkin bercakap tentang perkara lain, tetapi 200 juta pengguna Twitter mempunyai perkara lain di fikiran mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The top trending hashtags in the U.S. Friday morning?", "r": {"result": "Hashtag sohor kini teratas di pagi Jumaat A.S.?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"#myperfectmorning\" and \"DunkinDonuts\".", "r": {"result": "\"#myperfectmorning\" dan \"DunkinDonuts\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8. Social media can bring unwanted attention -- but mostly from old media.", "r": {"result": "8. Media sosial boleh membawa perhatian yang tidak diingini -- tetapi kebanyakannya daripada media lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another sign that Twitter users care little about the scandal: As of Friday, Cordova's account was being followed by less than 800 people.", "r": {"result": "Satu lagi tanda bahawa pengguna Twitter tidak mengambil berat tentang skandal itu: Setakat hari Jumaat, akaun Cordova telah diikuti oleh kurang daripada 800 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Compare that to Sohaib Athar, the tweeter who first noticed the Seal Team 6 raid on Abottabad that killed Osama Bin Laden.", "r": {"result": "Bandingkan dengan Sohaib Athar, tweeter yang pertama kali menyedari serbuan Pasukan Seal 6 ke atas Abottabad yang membunuh Osama Bin Laden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Athar's sudden fame gained him roughly 100,000 new followers.", "r": {"result": "Kemasyhuran Athar secara tiba-tiba menyebabkan dia mendapat kira-kira 100,000 pengikut baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cordova's biggest beef isn't with anyone on Twitter -- it's with the New York Post, which she alleges wrangled an interview out of her under false pretenses.", "r": {"result": "Daging lembu terbesar Cordova bukan dengan sesiapa pun di Twitter -- ia dengan New York Post, yang didakwanya telah membuat temu bual dengannya dengan alasan palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "9. Social media is really hard to quit.", "r": {"result": "9. Media sosial memang sukar untuk berhenti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Weiner may be done talking about the scandal to reporters, but he hasn't stopped tweeting.", "r": {"result": "Weiner mungkin sudah selesai bercakap tentang skandal itu kepada wartawan, tetapi dia tidak berhenti menulis tweet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cordova's initial response to the scandal was to disable her accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and the question-and-answer social site Formspring.", "r": {"result": "Tanggapan awal Cordova terhadap skandal itu adalah untuk melumpuhkan akaunnya di Twitter, Facebook, dan laman sosial soal jawab Formspring.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within days, however, she was back and tweeting up a storm.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, dalam beberapa hari, dia kembali dan membuat tweet mengenai ribut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her new tagline?", "r": {"result": "Tagline baru dia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can't believe I'm back on Twitter\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak percaya saya kembali di Twitter\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As fellow social media addicts, we here at Mashable.com understand perfectly.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai rakan-rakan penagih media sosial, kami di sini di Mashable.com memahami dengan sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Two days after the ferry they were on sank after colliding with a cargo ship, 82 people remained unaccounted for Sunday in waters between southern Philippine islands, a Coast Guard official said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua hari selepas feri yang mereka naiki karam selepas bertembung dengan sebuah kapal kargo, 82 orang masih belum ditemui pada Ahad di perairan antara pulau-pulau selatan Filipina, kata seorang pegawai Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities have found the bodies of 38 people and rescued another 750, said Coast Guard spokeswoman Dawn Baterbonia.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa telah menemui mayat 38 orang dan menyelamatkan 750 lagi, kata jurucakap Pengawal Pantai Dawn Baterbonia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident occurred around 9 p.m. Friday in the Mactan Channel about 2 miles northwest of Cebu City, the capital of Cebu province.", "r": {"result": "Kejadian berlaku sekitar jam 9 malam. Jumaat di Selat Mactan kira-kira 2 batu barat laut Bandaraya Cebu, ibu kota wilayah Cebu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The passenger ship -- MV St. Thomas Aquinas -- was coming from nearby Butuan City and the cargo ship -- the Sulpicio, which had about 20 people aboard -- was leaving Cebu for the province of Davao in Mindanao.", "r": {"result": "Kapal penumpang -- MV St. Thomas Aquinas -- datang dari Bandar Butuan yang berhampiran dan kapal kargo -- Sulpicio, yang dinaiki kira-kira 20 orang -- berlepas dari Cebu menuju wilayah Davao di Mindanao.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The passenger ferry sank, but not before sending out a distress call heard by Coast Guard officials.", "r": {"result": "Feri penumpang karam, tetapi tidak sebelum menghantar panggilan kecemasan yang didengari oleh pegawai Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cargo vessel involved in the crash -- along with Navy, Coast Guard and commercial vessels -- was helping in the rescue efforts.", "r": {"result": "Kapal kargo yang terlibat dalam nahas itu -- bersama Tentera Laut, Pengawal Pantai dan kapal komersial -- sedang membantu dalam usaha menyelamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident recalls one of the worst maritime disasters in world history dating to December 20, 1987, also off the Philippines.", "r": {"result": "Insiden itu mengimbas kembali salah satu bencana maritim terburuk dalam sejarah dunia sejak 20 Disember 1987, juga di luar Filipina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Between 1,700 and more than 4,000 people were killed when the ferry Dona Paz collided with the tanker MT Victor.", "r": {"result": "Antara 1,700 dan lebih 4,000 orang terbunuh apabila feri Dona Paz bertembung dengan kapal tangki MT Victor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number of casualties has varied; many claim the Dona Paz was extremely overcrowded.", "r": {"result": "Jumlah korban adalah berbeza-beza; ramai yang mendakwa Dona Paz sangat sesak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philippines arrest Chinese 'poachers' after reef collision.", "r": {"result": "Filipina menahan 'pemburu haram' China selepas perlanggaran terumbu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ships collide in North Sea.", "r": {"result": "Kapal berlanggar di Laut Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Greg Botelho and Sara Mazloumsaki contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Greg Botelho dari CNN dan Sara Mazloumsaki menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- With the wind in her hair, the ice cold air on her cheeks and powder flying from her skis, Grete Eliassen took her sport to new extremes.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dengan angin bertiup di rambutnya, udara sejuk berair di pipinya dan bedak terbang dari skinya, Grete Eliassen membawa sukannya ke tahap keterlaluan baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American hit the ramp hard, soaring 31 feet above the snow before returning to earth a world-record holder.", "r": {"result": "Orang Amerika itu memukul tanjakan dengan kuat, menjulang 31 kaki di atas salji sebelum kembali ke bumi sebagai pemegang rekod dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That monumental leap in Utah three and a half years ago confirmed Eliassen's status as a force in her emerging discipline.", "r": {"result": "Lompatan monumental di Utah tiga setengah tahun lalu mengesahkan status Eliassen sebagai kuasa dalam disiplinnya yang baru muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Less than a decade after turning her back on downhill ski racing, it was a moment for the freestyle star to savor.", "r": {"result": "Kurang daripada sedekad selepas membelakangi perlumbaan ski menuruni bukit, ia adalah detik untuk bintang gaya bebas itu menikmatinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was on the Norwegian national team but I quit ski racing because it wasn't fun for me anymore,\" she told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berada dalam pasukan kebangsaan Norway tetapi saya berhenti dari perlumbaan ski kerana ia tidak menyeronokkan untuk saya lagi,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love powder, I love getting air\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka bedak, saya suka mendapatkan udara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a teenager Eliassen had to choose between following her dream and pursuing her passion.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai seorang remaja Eliassen terpaksa memilih antara mengikuti impiannya atau mengejar minatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Downhill racing and a shot at Olympic gold was a possibility, but she opted for a career in the discipline she loved -- freestyle skiing.", "r": {"result": "Perlumbaan menuruni bukit dan pukulan emas Olimpik adalah satu kemungkinan, tetapi dia memilih kerjaya dalam disiplin yang dia gemari -- ski gaya bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought I would go to the Winter Olympics for ski racing, when I decided that wasn't my passion I let my Olympic dream go,\" said the 27-year-old, who was born in the U.S. but has a Norwegian father.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir saya akan pergi ke Sukan Olimpik Musim Sejuk untuk perlumbaan ski, apabila saya memutuskan itu bukan minat saya, saya melepaskan impian Olimpik saya,\" kata pemain berusia 27 tahun itu, yang dilahirkan di A.S. tetapi mempunyai bapa warga Norway. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With Russia's first Winter Games drawing ever closer, the two-time X Games gold medal winner could get one last chance to fulfill her childhood dream.", "r": {"result": "Dengan Sukan Musim Sejuk pertama Rusia semakin hampir, pemenang pingat emas X Games dua kali itu boleh mendapat peluang terakhir untuk memenuhi impian zaman kanak-kanaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slopestyle is a freestyle skiing discipline that sees competitors tackle a variety of obstacles, such as jumps and rails, as they descend a downhill course.", "r": {"result": "Slopestyle ialah disiplin ski gaya bebas yang menyaksikan pesaing menangani pelbagai halangan, seperti lompatan dan rel, semasa mereka menuruni laluan menuruni bukit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rather than being ranked by time, skiers are judged on the variety and difficulty of the tricks they perform as they traverse the obstacles.", "r": {"result": "Daripada dinilai mengikut masa, pemain ski dinilai berdasarkan kepelbagaian dan kesukaran helah yang mereka lakukan semasa mereka merentasi halangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Sochi 2014, it will be part of the Olympics for the first time.", "r": {"result": "Di Sochi 2014, ia akan menjadi sebahagian daripada Olimpik buat kali pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've been watching the Olympics since I was a little girl,\" said Eliassen, who is based in Salt Lake City -- which hosted the 2002 Winter Games.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah menonton Sukan Olimpik sejak saya masih kecil,\" kata Eliassen, yang berpangkalan di Salt Lake City - yang menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Musim Sejuk 2002.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's my favorite show every four years, watching all the female athletes.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah persembahan kegemaran saya setiap empat tahun, menonton semua atlet wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've been following my heart the whole time having fun, now it's back in my sights.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mengikut kata hati sepanjang masa berseronok, kini ia kembali dalam pandangan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is crazy how dreams you think could never happen can happen.", "r": {"result": "Sungguh gila bagaimana impian yang anda fikirkan tidak boleh berlaku boleh berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is my only shot at the Olympics.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni satu-satunya pukulan saya di Sukan Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm getting older and I've competed a lot in this sport, I know this will be my one and only shot\".", "r": {"result": "Saya semakin tua dan saya telah banyak bersaing dalam sukan ini, saya tahu ini akan menjadi satu-satunya pukulan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slopestyle is the latest event to make the transition from the modern, high-octane world of the X Games into the ancient, rarefied confines of the Olympic arena.", "r": {"result": "Slopestyle ialah acara terbaharu untuk membuat peralihan daripada dunia Sukan X yang moden dan beroktan tinggi kepada kurungan kuno dan jarang di arena Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Eliassen is embracing this new chapter in the short history of her sport, she is also keen to pay tribute to slopestyle's X Games roots.", "r": {"result": "Semasa Eliassen menerima bab baharu ini dalam sejarah pendek sukannya, dia juga berminat untuk memberi penghormatan kepada akar X Games slopestyle.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The X Games has always been our Olympics because in the past we never had the Olympics,\" explained Eliassen.", "r": {"result": "\"Sukan X sentiasa menjadi Olimpik kami kerana pada masa lalu kami tidak pernah mempunyai Sukan Olimpik,\" jelas Eliassen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This year is definitely going to be different.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTahun ini pastinya berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We can look at snowboarding, where usually in an Olympic year it's a little toned down at the X Games, some athletes don't do it.", "r": {"result": "Kita boleh melihat papan salji, di mana biasanya pada tahun Olimpik ia agak lemah pada Sukan X, sesetengah atlet tidak melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For our sport it's important to do it all, all of the contests which have been there since the beginning like the X Games.", "r": {"result": "\u201cUntuk sukan kami, penting untuk melakukan semuanya, semua pertandingan yang telah ada sejak awal seperti Sukan X.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's the birthplace of our sport\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah tempat kelahiran sukan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The inclusion of slopestyle in the Olympic program has brought Eliassen under the umbrella of the U.S. ski team, giving her access to coaches and facilities which were previously inaccessible.", "r": {"result": "Kemasukan gaya cerun dalam program Olimpik telah membawa Eliassen di bawah payung pasukan ski A.S., memberikannya akses kepada jurulatih dan kemudahan yang sebelum ini tidak boleh diakses.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Before the Olympics my training consisted of going to the gym, building up my muscle to prevent injury,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelum Sukan Olimpik latihan saya terdiri daripada pergi ke gim, membina otot saya untuk mengelakkan kecederaan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But now we're part of the U.S. ski team I have a strength and conditioning coach, I have an air awareness coach for trampoline skills -- anything in the air and more gymnastic.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi sekarang kami adalah sebahagian daripada pasukan ski A.S., saya mempunyai jurulatih kekuatan dan penyaman udara, saya mempunyai jurulatih kesedaran udara untuk kemahiran trampolin -- apa sahaja di udara dan lebih gimnastik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's been so much more coverage of our sport.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat lebih banyak liputan mengenai sukan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've done way more media interviews.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah melakukan lebih banyak wawancara media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm just really excited to be a part of it\".", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat teruja untuk menjadi sebahagian daripadanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Olympics and the media circus which accompanies the Games has helped slopestyle's profile hit new heights.", "r": {"result": "Sukan Olimpik dan sarkas media yang mengiringi Sukan itu telah membantu profil slopestyle mencapai tahap yang lebih tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eliassen hopes the young sport can continue to go from strength to strength.", "r": {"result": "Eliassen berharap sukan muda itu dapat terus berkembang dari kekuatan ke kekuatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I turned professional age 17, I won the U.S. Open, shortly after that I won the X Games and I kept winning and winning,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berusia 17 tahun profesional, saya memenangi Terbuka A.S., tidak lama selepas itu saya memenangi Sukan X dan saya terus menang dan menang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've been in the sport for over a decade now, which is incredible.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah berada dalam sukan ini selama lebih sedekad sekarang, yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've seen it grow from such a little thing ... I was the only girl in my terrain park, now I see girls in there every day, which is amazing.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah melihatnya berkembang daripada perkara kecil ... Saya adalah satu-satunya gadis di taman rupa bumi saya, kini saya melihat gadis di sana setiap hari, yang menakjubkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now I get to see it grow into the Olympics, which is really cool\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang saya dapat melihat ia berkembang menjadi Sukan Olimpik, yang sangat hebat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The final U.S. selection competitions take place in December and January.", "r": {"result": "Pertandingan pemilihan akhir A.S. berlangsung pada bulan Disember dan Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Eliassen is picked she will complete a journey which began when she was a child bouncing on a trampoline in her parents' backyard.", "r": {"result": "Jika Eliassen dipilih, dia akan melengkapkan perjalanan yang bermula semasa dia masih kecil melantun di atas trampolin di halaman rumah ibu bapanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I had a little garden trampoline,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai trampolin taman kecil,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have a bigger trampoline now, you can jump really high, which is crazy.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mempunyai trampolin yang lebih besar sekarang, anda boleh melompat dengan sangat tinggi, yang gila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not sure how I learned all of these tricks on my garden trampoline, but I did\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pasti bagaimana saya mempelajari semua helah ini pada trampolin taman saya, tetapi saya melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pushing the envelope has always been Eliassen's style, culminating in her history-making leap in 2010.", "r": {"result": "Menolak sampul surat sentiasa menjadi gaya Eliassen, yang memuncak dalam lompatannya yang mencipta sejarah pada tahun 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I did my world record jump, I jumped 31 feet,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya melakukan lompatan rekod dunia saya, saya melompat 31 kaki,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You don't do that first.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAwak jangan buat macam tu dulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You start off with a small jump and you build up to a medium jump.", "r": {"result": "Anda bermula dengan lompatan kecil dan anda membina lompatan sederhana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's always progression.", "r": {"result": "Ia sentiasa perkembangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You start off small and you work your way up.", "r": {"result": "Anda bermula dari yang kecil dan anda bekerja dengan cara anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our sport is all about progression and making things look newer, the other sports are quite regimented.", "r": {"result": "\"Sukan kami adalah mengenai kemajuan dan menjadikan perkara kelihatan lebih baru, sukan lain agak rejimen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You never know what you're going to see in our sport\".", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak pernah tahu apa yang anda akan lihat dalam sukan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Come February, slopestyle fans could see Eliassen with a gold medal around her neck.", "r": {"result": "Datang Februari, peminat gaya cerun dapat melihat Eliassen dengan pingat emas di lehernya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The trainer at the center of a doping scandal that stunned the world of horse racing was banned for eight years Thursday by the governing body of the sport of Britain.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jurulatih yang menjadi pusat skandal doping yang mengejutkan dunia lumba kuda telah diharamkan selama lapan tahun Khamis oleh badan induk sukan Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mahmood Al Zarooni, who worked at the world famous Godolphin operation in Newmarket, was handed the punishment by a disciplinary panel of the British Horseracing Authority (BHA), sitting in London.", "r": {"result": "Mahmood Al Zarooni, yang bekerja di operasi Godolphin terkenal di dunia di Newmarket, telah dijatuhkan hukuman itu oleh panel disiplin British Horseracing Authority (BHA), yang duduk di London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 37-year-old admitted a \"catastrophic error\" in administering prohibited anabolic steroids -- ethylestranol and stanozolol -- to 15 leading thoroughbreds.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki berusia 37 tahun itu mengakui \"kesilapan bencana\" dalam mentadbir steroid anabolik yang dilarang -- ethylestranol dan stanozolol -- kepada 15 baka terkemuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleven of the horses tested positive when a doping control team from the BHA visited Godolphin's Moulton Paddocks Stables on April 9. Al Zarooni volunteered information about the other four.", "r": {"result": "Sebelas daripada kuda itu diuji positif apabila pasukan kawalan doping dari BHA melawat Godolphin's Moulton Paddocks Stables pada 9 April. Al Zarooni menawarkan maklumat secara sukarela tentang empat yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All 15 horses, including the former 1,000 Guineas favorite Certify, were banned from racing for six months earlier Thursday by the BHA.", "r": {"result": "Kesemua 15 kuda, termasuk bekas 1,000 Guinea kegemaran Certify, dilarang berlumba selama enam bulan awal Khamis oleh BHA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zero tolerance.", "r": {"result": "Toleransi sifar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We believe that the eight-year disqualification issued to Mahmood Al Zarooni, together with the six-month racing restriction placed on the horses in question by the BHA, will serve to reassure the public, and the sport's participants, that use of performance-enhancing substances in British racing will not be tolerated,\" said BHA chief executive Paul Bittar.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami percaya bahawa kehilangan kelayakan lapan tahun yang dikeluarkan kepada Mahmood Al Zarooni, bersama-sama dengan sekatan perlumbaan enam bulan yang dikenakan ke atas kuda yang dipersoalkan oleh BHA, akan memberi jaminan kepada orang ramai, dan peserta sukan itu, bahawa penggunaan prestasi- meningkatkan bahan dalam perlumbaan British tidak akan diterima,\" kata ketua eksekutif BHA Paul Bittar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Godolphin, one of the world's most successful stables, is owned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai.", "r": {"result": "Godolphin, salah satu kandang kuda yang paling berjaya di dunia, dimiliki oleh Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, pemerintah Dubai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He issued a statement Wednesday admitting he was \"appalled and angered\" by the revelations of doping in his racing empire and had ordered the lockdown of his British operation.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengeluarkan kenyataan hari Rabu mengakui dia \"terkejut dan marah\" dengan pendedahan doping dalam empayar perlumbaannya dan telah mengarahkan penutupan operasi Britishnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can assure the racing public that no horse will run from that yard this season until I have been absolutely assured by my team that the entire yard is completely clean,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh memberi jaminan kepada orang ramai yang perlumbaan bahawa tiada kuda akan lari dari halaman itu musim ini sehingga saya benar-benar diyakinkan oleh pasukan saya bahawa keseluruhan halaman itu bersih sepenuhnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prompt action.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bittar acknowledged this prompt action: \"The next objective for BHA is to take the necessary steps to ensure that overall confidence in the integrity of the sport is not at risk.", "r": {"result": "Bittar mengakui tindakan segera ini: \"Objektif seterusnya untuk BHA adalah untuk mengambil langkah-langkah yang perlu bagi memastikan keyakinan keseluruhan terhadap integriti sukan ini tidak berisiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We welcome the proactive response of Godolphin and Sheikh Mohammed in announcing their intention to review the procedures of this stable and the need to ensure that all horses formerly trained by Mahmood Al Zarooni are tested and cleared before they race again\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mengalu-alukan respons proaktif Godolphin dan Sheikh Mohammed dalam mengumumkan hasrat mereka untuk mengkaji semula prosedur kandang ini dan keperluan untuk memastikan semua kuda yang dilatih oleh Mahmood Al Zarooni sebelum ini diuji dan dibersihkan sebelum mereka berlumba lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Zarooni, who has trained a string of big race winners since joining Godolphin in March 2010, was charged with rule breaches related to prohibited substances, duty to keep medication records, and conduct prejudicial to racing.", "r": {"result": "Al Zarooni, yang telah melatih beberapa pemenang perlumbaan besar sejak menyertai Godolphin pada Mac 2010, didakwa dengan pelanggaran peraturan yang berkaitan dengan bahan terlarang, kewajipan untuk menyimpan rekod ubat-ubatan, dan melakukan prejudis kepada perlumbaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the hearing, he gave his reaction in a statement: \"First and foremost, I would like to apologize to his Highness, Sheikh Mohammed, as well as all those involved in Godolphin and the public.", "r": {"result": "Selepas perbicaraan, beliau memberikan reaksinya dalam satu kenyataan: \"Pertama sekali, saya ingin memohon maaf kepada Yang Amat Mulia, Sheikh Mohammed, serta semua yang terlibat dalam Godolphin dan orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trainer apology.", "r": {"result": "Jurulatih memohon maaf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I accept it was my responsibility to be aware of the rules regarding prohibited substances in Britain.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya menerima tanggungjawab saya untuk mengetahui peraturan mengenai bahan terlarang di Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can only apologize.", "r": {"result": "Saya hanya mampu memohon maaf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have made a catastrophic error\".", "r": {"result": "Saya telah membuat kesilapan besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Simon Crisford, Godolphin's racing manager, who accompanied Al Zarooni to the hearing, expressed his thoughts to gathered reporters.", "r": {"result": "Simon Crisford, pengurus perlumbaan Godolphin, yang mengiringi Al Zarooni ke perbicaraan, menyatakan fikirannya kepada pemberita yang berkumpul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Mr Al Zarooni acted with awful recklessness and caused tremendous damage, not only to Godolphin and British racing,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Encik Al Zarooni bertindak secara melulu dan menyebabkan kerosakan yang besar, bukan sahaja kepada Godolphin dan perlumbaan British,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it will take a very long time for Godolphin to regain the trust of the British public.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya fikir ia akan mengambil masa yang sangat lama untuk Godolphin untuk mendapatkan semula kepercayaan orang ramai British.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're shocked and completely outraged by the actions he has taken\".", "r": {"result": "Kami terkejut dan sangat marah dengan tindakan yang dia lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bittar said the case had highlighted \"inconsistencies\" about what substances are permitted to be used in the training of horses in different parts of the world.", "r": {"result": "Bittar berkata kes itu telah menyerlahkan \"ketidakkonsistenan\" tentang bahan apa yang dibenarkan untuk digunakan dalam latihan kuda di bahagian lain di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The use of anabolic horses is permitted for out-of-competition use in Australian racing, such as helping to overcome injuries.", "r": {"result": "Penggunaan kuda anabolik dibenarkan untuk kegunaan di luar persaingan dalam perlumbaan Australia, seperti membantu mengatasi kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"While around the world, horseracing bodies quite rightly adopt a zero tolerance policy to the presence of anabolic steroids when carrying out post-race testing, the approach is not so consistent for horses in training.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun di seluruh dunia, badan lumba kuda dengan tepat mengamalkan dasar toleransi sifar terhadap kehadiran steroid anabolik semasa menjalankan ujian selepas perlumbaan, pendekatan itu tidak begitu konsisten untuk kuda dalam latihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In an age of increasing international travel and competition we will put the subject on the agenda for discussion with our international colleagues,\" Bittar added.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam era perjalanan dan persaingan antarabangsa yang semakin meningkat, kami akan meletakkan subjek itu dalam agenda untuk perbincangan dengan rakan sekerja antarabangsa kami,\" tambah Bittar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The way we watch TV is changing.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Cara kita menonton TV berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People want to decide when, where and on what screen they watch their favorite shows.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai mahu memutuskan bila, di mana dan pada skrin yang mereka tonton rancangan kegemaran mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the simplest tools for viewing your shows from any device is the Slingbox, which is releasing two new models of its popular TV-streaming tool.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu alatan paling mudah untuk melihat rancangan anda daripada mana-mana peranti ialah Slingbox, yang mengeluarkan dua model baharu alat penstriman TVnya yang popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Slingbox is a device that streams content from cable and satellite providers to mobile devices and computer, allowing you to watch whatever is playing on your TV or recorded on your DVR far from your home.", "r": {"result": "Slingbox ialah peranti yang menstrim kandungan daripada pembekal kabel dan satelit ke peranti mudah alih dan komputer, membolehkan anda menonton apa sahaja yang dimainkan di TV anda atau dirakam pada DVR anda jauh dari rumah anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of having to plant yourself in front of the living room television to watch a new episode of \"Breaking Bad,\" you can watch a live or DVR stream of it from another room, state or country using a smartphone, tablet or computer.", "r": {"result": "Daripada perlu meletakkan diri anda di hadapan televisyen ruang tamu untuk menonton episod baharu \"Breaking Bad\", anda boleh menonton strim langsung atau DVR daripada bilik, negeri atau negara lain menggunakan telefon pintar, tablet atau komputer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two new Slingbox models add in some key features that were absent from the previous model, the Slingbox Pro HD.", "r": {"result": "Dua model Slingbox baharu menambah beberapa ciri utama yang tiada daripada model sebelumnya, Slingbox Pro HD.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The smaller $180 Slingbox 350 can stream videos up to 1080p and has simplified the set-up process.", "r": {"result": "Slingbox 350 $180 yang lebih kecil boleh menstrim video sehingga 1080p dan telah memudahkan proses persediaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $300 Slingbox 500 also streams1080p HD content and has a variety of connection options, including HDMI, component and composite for linking to your other devices and television set.", "r": {"result": "Slingbox 500 $300 juga menstrim kandungan HD 1080p dan mempunyai pelbagai pilihan sambungan, termasuk HDMI, komponen dan komposit untuk memaut ke peranti dan set televisyen anda yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 500 adds a rough first go of a promising new feature called SlingProjector which makes it possible to stream content, such as photos, from your mobile devices or computers back to the TV.", "r": {"result": "500 menambah ciri baharu yang menjanjikan yang dipanggil SlingProjector yang membolehkan anda menstrim kandungan, seperti foto, dari peranti mudah alih atau komputer anda kembali ke TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The old trapezoid design has been overhauled.", "r": {"result": "Reka bentuk trapezoid lama telah dirombak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Slingbox 350 is a small and light box covered in pattern of small diamond shapes.", "r": {"result": "Slingbox 350 ialah kotak kecil dan ringan yang diliputi dalam corak bentuk berlian kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The larger Slingbox 500 has a slick undulating rectangle body, that while pretty to look at, makes it difficult to stack other boxes on top of it.", "r": {"result": "Slingbox 500 yang lebih besar mempunyai badan segi empat tepat beralun yang licin, walaupun cantik untuk dilihat, menyukarkan untuk menyusun kotak lain di atasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the many people playing device Jenga in their entertainment centers, that means the 500 will always have to be perched on top of the Xbox, DVR, DVD player or Wii.", "r": {"result": "Bagi ramai orang yang memainkan peranti Jenga di pusat hiburan mereka, ini bermakna 500 akan sentiasa diletakkan di atas Xbox, DVR, pemain DVD atau Wii.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company is also updating the companion software, SlingPlayer, and temporarily dropping its price from $30 to $15 for iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat itu juga mengemas kini perisian pendamping, SlingPlayer, dan menurunkan harganya buat sementara waktu daripada $30 kepada $15 untuk aplikasi iOS, Android dan Windows Phone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Slingbox 350 and 500 go on sale this Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Slingbox 350 dan 500 mula dijual pada Ahad ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The announcement isn't a complete surprise.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman itu bukanlah satu kejutan yang lengkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The devices were spotted earlier this month on the shelves of a Best Buy by Dave Zatz.", "r": {"result": "Peranti itu dikesan awal bulan ini di rak Best Buy oleh Dave Zatz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's been four years since the last Slingbox hardware release; that's eons in gadget years.", "r": {"result": "Dan sudah empat tahun sejak keluaran perkakasan Slingbox terakhir; itu eons dalam tahun alat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In that time, Slingbox was bought by satellite company EchoStar.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, Slingbox telah dibeli oleh syarikat satelit EchoStar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Slingbox is a makeshift solution to cable's slow move onto the Internet and mobile devices.", "r": {"result": "Slingbox ialah penyelesaian sementara untuk pergerakan perlahan kabel ke Internet dan peranti mudah alih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are a host of business reasons these companies don't stream all their content on demand to any device with an Internet connection.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat pelbagai sebab perniagaan syarikat ini tidak menstrim semua kandungan mereka atas permintaan ke mana-mana peranti dengan sambungan Internet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, content is still expensive to produce and advertisers pay less for online placement than they do for television airtime.", "r": {"result": "Contohnya, kandungan masih mahal untuk dihasilkan dan pengiklan membayar lebih sedikit untuk peletakan dalam talian berbanding masa siaran televisyen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's estimated that by the end of 2012, 3.58 million people in the United States will have opted out of cable for alternative services such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime according to the Convergence Consulting Group.", "r": {"result": "Dianggarkan bahawa menjelang akhir tahun 2012, 3.58 juta orang di Amerika Syarikat akan menarik diri daripada kabel untuk perkhidmatan alternatif seperti Netflix, Hulu dan Amazon Prime menurut Convergence Consulting Group.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These consumers, called cord cutters, will only account for 3.6% of subscribers.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna ini, yang dipanggil pemotong kord, hanya akan menyumbang 3.6% daripada pelanggan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not enough to leave behind a profitable-but-aging business model just yet.", "r": {"result": "Tidak cukup untuk meninggalkan model perniagaan yang menguntungkan tetapi sudah tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cord cutters cobble together an alternative to cable using a combination of services and sometimes illegal streaming sites.", "r": {"result": "Pemotong kord menggabungkan alternatif kepada kabel menggunakan gabungan perkhidmatan dan kadangkala tapak penstriman haram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It can be hard work that requires time and a larger amount of technical know-how than many cable subscribers are likely to have.", "r": {"result": "Ia boleh menjadi kerja keras yang memerlukan masa dan jumlah pengetahuan teknikal yang lebih besar daripada yang mungkin dimiliki oleh kebanyakan pelanggan kabel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many shows are available for streaming, but the market is heavily fragmented.", "r": {"result": "Banyak rancangan tersedia untuk penstriman, tetapi pasaran sangat berpecah-belah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some shows are available for free online but delayed, others through subscription services.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah rancangan tersedia secara percuma dalam talian tetapi ditangguhkan, yang lain melalui perkhidmatan langganan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can buy episodes through stores like iTunes or download official apps for the channels you like.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh membeli episod melalui kedai seperti iTunes atau memuat turun apl rasmi untuk saluran yang anda suka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of the solutions only work if you have cable, like the HBO Go app that requires you also have a cable subscription.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah penyelesaian hanya berfungsi jika anda mempunyai kabel, seperti apl HBO Go yang memerlukan anda juga mempunyai langganan kabel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Slingbox is a pat solution for people willing to pay for cable or satellite subscriptions, who want to watch shows on other devices (a trend called \"place shifting\").", "r": {"result": "Slingbox ialah penyelesaian tepuk untuk orang yang sanggup membayar untuk langganan kabel atau satelit, yang ingin menonton rancangan pada peranti lain (trend yang dipanggil \"perubahan tempat\").", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It does have its limitations.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai batasannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only one person can control the TV at a time, so if you're trying to stream \"True Blood\" from a hotel in New York while your husband and kids are watching \"SpongeBob\" at home in California, their channel will change.", "r": {"result": "Hanya seorang yang boleh mengawal TV pada satu-satu masa, jadi jika anda cuba menstrim \"True Blood\" dari hotel di New York semasa suami dan anak-anak anda menonton \"SpongeBob\" di rumah di California, saluran mereka akan berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, it is still one of the better options in a market of imperfect solutions.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, ia masih merupakan salah satu pilihan yang lebih baik dalam pasaran penyelesaian yang tidak sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until cable companies and content creators embrace A la carte television, tools like Slingbox are a necessary stopgap for a lot of people.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga syarikat kabel dan pencipta kandungan menerima televisyen A la carte, alatan seperti Slingbox adalah tempat yang diperlukan untuk ramai orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first time I walked down the main drag in Wan Chai in Hong Kong, I couldn't believe what I saw; all the mama bars there and prostitutes openly in the street outside trying to get guys to go in.", "r": {"result": "Kali pertama saya menyusuri seretan utama di Wan Chai di Hong Kong, saya tidak percaya dengan apa yang saya lihat; semua mama bar di sana dan pelacur secara terbuka di jalan di luar cuba mendapatkan lelaki untuk masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within the first week I'd already been offered cocaine, though I didn't take it at that stage.", "r": {"result": "Dalam minggu pertama saya telah ditawarkan kokain, walaupun saya tidak mengambilnya pada peringkat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I did, it was easy to get.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya melakukannya, ia adalah mudah untuk mendapatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know 100 guys between the ages of 20 and 50, and I'd say around 30 of them were regular cocaine users.", "r": {"result": "Saya mengenali 100 lelaki berumur antara 20 dan 50 tahun, dan saya boleh katakan kira-kira 30 daripada mereka adalah pengguna kokain biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not all were working in banking, but most were, of the ones I knew.", "r": {"result": "Tidak semua bekerja dalam bidang perbankan, tetapi kebanyakannya, mereka yang saya kenali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were all Westerners.", "r": {"result": "Mereka semua orang Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know guys in banking in London, Chicago and Sydney and they've all got the same pressures as Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Saya mengenali lelaki dalam bidang perbankan di London, Chicago dan Sydney dan mereka semua mempunyai tekanan yang sama seperti Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yes, I know some cocaine users in those cities, but the ratio of the people I know to the ratio of people I know who are drug users is minimal -- it's almost non-existent.", "r": {"result": "Ya, saya mengenali beberapa pengguna kokain di bandar-bandar tersebut, tetapi nisbah orang yang saya kenali kepada nisbah orang yang saya kenali sebagai pengguna dadah adalah minimum -- ia hampir tidak wujud.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So it can only really be down to two things -- the availability of it and how many people do it; the general acceptance of it in Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Jadi ia hanya boleh bergantung kepada dua perkara -- ketersediaannya dan bilangan orang yang melakukannya; penerimaan umum mengenainya di Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I read the news of the murders in Wan Chai, allegedly by a British banker, my first reaction was \"I hope I don't know him, please don't be someone I know,\" because it easily could have been.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya membaca berita pembunuhan di Wan Chai, yang didakwa oleh seorang jurubank British, reaksi pertama saya ialah \"Saya harap saya tidak mengenalinya, tolong jangan jadi orang yang saya kenali,\" kerana ia boleh jadi begitu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew some guys who were seriously screwed up and now I realize just how much I had changed in Hong Kong, almost inhuman at times.", "r": {"result": "Saya mengenali beberapa lelaki yang benar-benar kacau dan kini saya menyedari betapa saya telah berubah di Hong Kong, kadang-kadang hampir tidak berperikemanusiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Getting drugs.", "r": {"result": "Mendapat dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The guy that I used, you could give him a phone call or a text message from 4 p.m. onwards and within an hour -- I think his record was 10 minutes -- one of his drivers was sitting in a car outside the office.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang saya gunakan, anda boleh memberinya panggilan telefon atau mesej teks dari pukul 4 petang. seterusnya dan dalam masa sejam -- saya rasa rekodnya adalah 10 minit -- salah seorang pemandunya sedang duduk di dalam kereta di luar pejabat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'd just tell people you were popping down for a cigarette.", "r": {"result": "Anda hanya akan memberitahu orang yang anda keluar untuk rokok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'd dive over into his car, he would just drive around the corner, and by the time you got out 30 seconds later, you've got cocaine and you've given him the money.", "r": {"result": "Anda akan terjun ke dalam keretanya, dia hanya akan memandu di selekoh, dan pada masa anda keluar 30 saat kemudian, anda telah mendapat kokain dan anda telah memberinya wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had four or five delivery points that were his favorite delivery points and they were all within walking distance of the office.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai empat atau lima tempat penghantaran yang merupakan tempat penghantaran kegemarannya dan semuanya berada dalam jarak berjalan kaki dari pejabat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if your guy was busy or not answering, then you knew that someone else had a guy and they could get some off him.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika lelaki anda sibuk atau tidak menjawab, maka anda tahu bahawa orang lain mempunyai lelaki dan mereka boleh mendapatkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the hundred nights that I wanted to get cocaine, I think I can only remember one night when I couldn't get any.", "r": {"result": "Daripada seratus malam yang saya ingin mendapatkan kokain, saya rasa saya hanya ingat satu malam apabila saya tidak dapat apa-apa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You could walk into almost any bar in Wan Chai and stand there and have a drink and you would soon pick up the signs of another cocaine user; they're going to the toilet every 20 minutes, their nose is running, they're talking rubbish, really quickly.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh masuk ke hampir mana-mana bar di Wan Chai dan berdiri di sana dan minum dan tidak lama lagi anda akan melihat tanda-tanda pengguna kokain lain; mereka akan ke tandas setiap 20 minit, hidung mereka mengalir, mereka bercakap menyampah, sangat cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They wouldn't say no if they had some on them.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak akan mengatakan tidak jika mereka mempunyai beberapa pada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It felt like some unofficial club where you only knew members first names -- but you all looked out for each other on the drug front.", "r": {"result": "Rasanya seperti beberapa kelab tidak rasmi di mana anda hanya tahu nama pertama ahli -- tetapi anda semua saling menjaga antara satu sama lain di bahagian dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A gram would cost between $90 to $130 (HK$700 and HK$1,000).", "r": {"result": "Satu gram berharga antara $90 hingga $130 (HK$700 dan HK$1,000).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the start I was doing it once a month, and after a few years I found myself doing it four times a week.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya saya melakukannya sekali sebulan, dan selepas beberapa tahun saya mendapati diri saya melakukannya empat kali seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would do one gram for one night out.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan melakukan satu gram untuk satu malam keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But then quite often I would find myself on a three or four-day bender.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemudian agak kerap saya akan mendapati diri saya berada di bengkok tiga atau empat hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You could do that because there are a couple of bars in Wan Chai that stay open until 9 a.m. And then when one of those kicks you out you can just walk across the road to another bar that's opening at 9 a.m. -- as long as you can make it across the road without being hit.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh berbuat demikian kerana terdapat beberapa bar di Wan Chai yang terus dibuka sehingga jam 9 pagi. Dan kemudian apabila salah satu daripada itu menendang anda keluar, anda boleh berjalan di seberang jalan ke bar lain yang dibuka pada jam 9 pagi -- selagi anda boleh menyeberang jalan tanpa dilanggar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bars that stayed open until 9 a.m. -- they weren't the mama bars with the girls standing outside, but inside there were always prostitutes asking you to buy a drink for them at an inflated price.", "r": {"result": "Bar yang dibuka sehingga jam 9 pagi -- bukan bar mama dengan gadis-gadis yang berdiri di luar, tetapi di dalamnya sentiasa ada pelacur meminta anda membeli minuman untuk mereka pada harga yang melambung tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then generally it wouldn't take long for them to ask you if you wanted to go back to a hotel with them.", "r": {"result": "Dan secara amnya, mereka tidak akan mengambil masa yang lama untuk bertanya kepada anda jika anda mahu kembali ke hotel bersama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'd never have to ask them.", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak perlu bertanya kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I personally always said no because I was more interested in my beer and coke.", "r": {"result": "Saya secara peribadi selalu berkata tidak kerana saya lebih berminat dengan bir dan kok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'No one was really that worried'.", "r": {"result": "'Tiada siapa yang benar-benar bimbang'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you weren't going on a bender, and you were just out drinking until 3 a.m., you could go to work and function.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda tidak pergi membengkok, dan anda baru keluar minum sehingga pukul 3 pagi, anda boleh pergi bekerja dan berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was one of them -- I was still functioning.", "r": {"result": "Saya adalah salah seorang daripada mereka -- saya masih berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But if I had a three-day bender then I had to make up excuses for being off sick, or whatever, or somebody would cover for you.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jika saya mempunyai bengkok selama tiga hari maka saya terpaksa membuat alasan untuk tidak sakit, atau apa sahaja, atau seseorang akan melindungi anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Generally, no one was really that worried.", "r": {"result": "Secara amnya, tiada siapa yang benar-benar bimbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In my office there were three guys who would regularly go AWOL for three or four days, and of course the wives would worry and would be ringing everybody.", "r": {"result": "Di pejabat saya ada tiga lelaki yang akan kerap melakukan AWOL selama tiga atau empat hari, dan sudah tentu isteri-isteri akan bimbang dan akan menelefon semua orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People would be trying to get hold of them but you kind of knew, \"they're alright, they're just in a bar somewhere, on cocaine, and they'll turn up in a few days looking ashamed and promising they won't do it again, for a week\".", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai akan cuba menangkap mereka tetapi anda agak tahu, \"mereka tidak apa-apa, mereka hanya berada di bar di suatu tempat, dengan kokain, dan mereka akan muncul dalam beberapa hari dengan wajah malu dan berjanji bahawa mereka akan menang' jangan buat lagi, selama seminggu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you were out in Wan Chai you knew you weren't going to get into trouble with the law.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda berada di luar di Wan Chai, anda tahu anda tidak akan menghadapi masalah dengan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You could go into the toilet, into the cubicle, and chop your cocaine up on the ledge behind the toilet.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh masuk ke dalam tandas, ke dalam bilik, dan memotong kokain anda di birai di belakang tandas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You could clearly see that was going on -- the people who were regularly going into the toilet every 20 minutes -- not covering up the noise they were making when they were doing it.", "r": {"result": "Anda dapat melihat dengan jelas perkara itu berlaku -- orang yang kerap masuk ke tandas setiap 20 minit -- tidak menutup bunyi yang mereka keluarkan semasa mereka melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The women were obviously very, very easily accessible if you wanted it.", "r": {"result": "Wanita itu jelas sangat, sangat mudah diakses jika anda mahukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew guys whose number one priority was the drinking, I knew guys whose number one priority was the drugs, and I knew guys whose number one priority was the women.", "r": {"result": "Saya kenal lelaki yang keutamaan nombor satunya ialah minum, saya kenal lelaki yang keutamaan nombor satunya ialah dadah, dan saya kenal lelaki yang keutamaan nombor satunya ialah wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Generally the guys in the last of those groups, you wouldn't see them around as much because they'd be off with a woman somewhere.", "r": {"result": "Biasanya lelaki dalam kumpulan terakhir itu, anda tidak akan melihat mereka di sekeliling kerana mereka akan pergi dengan seorang wanita di suatu tempat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong can break you as a person.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong boleh memecahkan anda sebagai seorang manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That scene in Wan Chai with these girly bars everywhere, getting cocaine whenever you need it, being able to stay up and drink all night, you end up believing that that's the norm.", "r": {"result": "Adegan di Wan Chai dengan bar gadis di mana-mana, mendapatkan kokain pada bila-bila masa anda memerlukannya, dapat berjaga dan minum sepanjang malam, anda akhirnya percaya bahawa itu adalah kebiasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you go to other cities, it's like \"why haven't they got somewhere that stays open all night.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda pergi ke bandar lain, ia seperti \"mengapa mereka tidak mendapat tempat yang tetap dibuka sepanjang malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a pain in the arse to try to get cocaine from somebody\".", "r": {"result": "Sungguh menyakitkan untuk cuba mendapatkan kokain daripada seseorang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wouldn't have got out of it in Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak akan keluar dari itu di Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would have been destroyed.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan dimusnahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leaving Hong Kong saved my life.", "r": {"result": "Meninggalkan Hong Kong menyelamatkan nyawa saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- As voting was taking place in the German general election Sunday, attention was already turning to what coalition will rule the country.", "r": {"result": "BERLIN, Jerman (CNN) -- Ketika pengundian sedang berlangsung dalam pilihan raya umum Jerman Ahad, perhatian sudah beralih kepada gabungan yang akan memerintah negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Social Democrats handing out flowers hope their party will stay in the ruling coalition.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat Sosial mengedarkan bunga berharap parti mereka akan kekal dalam gabungan pemerintah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Few doubt that Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, CDU, will win most votes.", "r": {"result": "Sedikit yang meragui bahawa Kesatuan Demokratik Kristian Angela Merkel, CDU, akan memenangi undi terbanyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, will Merkel continue the current center right-center left \"grand coalition\" with the Social Democrats or will the votes suffice for a coalition with the business liberal but centrist Liberal Democrats or the FDP, a constellation Germans refer to as \"Black-Yellow\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi, adakah Merkel akan meneruskan \"gabungan besar\" tengah kanan-tengah kiri semasa dengan Demokrat Sosial atau adakah undian mencukupi untuk gabungan dengan Liberal Demokrat liberal tetapi berpusat atau FDP, buruj yang dirujuk oleh Jerman sebagai \"Hitam-Kuning \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a press conference ostensibly to outline Germany's position at this week's G-20 summit Merkel apparently let the cat out of the bag.", "r": {"result": "Pada sidang akhbar yang kononnya untuk menggariskan kedudukan Jerman pada sidang kemuncak G-20 minggu ini, Merkel nampaknya membiarkan kucing itu keluar dari begnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are in a time of crisis,\" she said, \"and I believe we can pull out of the crisis faster with a Black-Yellow government\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kita berada dalam masa krisis,\" katanya, \"dan saya percaya kita boleh keluar daripada krisis dengan lebih cepat dengan kerajaan Hitam-Kuning\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But some political analysts believe she would prefer to keep the Social Democrats as the junior coalition partner.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi beberapa penganalisis politik percaya dia lebih suka mengekalkan Demokrat Sosial sebagai rakan gabungan muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Polls indicate the CDU and FDP could gain a razor thin majority to form a governing coalition.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan menunjukkan CDU dan FDP boleh memperoleh majoriti tipis untuk membentuk gabungan pemerintah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Recent polls put their combined tally at around 48 percent.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan baru-baru ini meletakkan jumlah gabungan mereka sekitar 48 peratus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is not exactly a large majority, but it's two percent more than the left of center parties, the Social Democrats, the Green Party, and the left wing \"Die Linke,\" who would reach about 46 percent if polls are accurate.", "r": {"result": "Itu bukanlah majoriti besar, tetapi ia lebih dua peratus daripada kiri parti tengah, Demokrat Sosial, Parti Hijau, dan sayap kiri \"Die Linke,\" yang akan mencapai kira-kira 46 peratus jika tinjauan adalah tepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Liberal Democrats have been in opposition since 1998 and at a rally in Berlin, their leader Guido Westerwelle was sure his time has come.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat Liberal telah menjadi pembangkang sejak 1998 dan pada perhimpunan di Berlin, pemimpin mereka Guido Westerwelle pasti masanya telah tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think the voters won't allow a coalition of the left to be in power.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa pengundi tidak akan membenarkan gabungan kiri berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think they want a conservative government and they will vote to put us in power,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir mereka mahu kerajaan konservatif dan mereka akan mengundi untuk meletakkan kami berkuasa,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Westerwelle is eyeing the post of foreign minister under a future Merkel government.", "r": {"result": "Westerwelle sedang mengintai jawatan menteri luar di bawah kerajaan Merkel masa depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's at stake in the German election >>.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dipertaruhkan dalam pilihan raya Jerman >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A government of CDU and FDP, conservatives and liberal would probably be more business friendly than the current grand coalition.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan CDU dan FDP, konservatif dan liberal mungkin lebih mesra perniagaan daripada gabungan besar semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both the CDU and FDP want to cut taxes to further jumpstart Europe's largest economy which emerged from its deepest recession only a few months ago.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua CDU dan FDP mahu mengurangkan cukai untuk terus melonjakkan ekonomi terbesar Eropah yang muncul daripada kemelesetan paling teruk hanya beberapa bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even optimistic economists believe cutting taxes will be all but impossible for a government which will inherit the largest public deficit in German history after the current government was forced to ruin in its public finances to bail out banks and industrial companies in the wake of the international financial crisis.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ahli ekonomi yang optimis percaya bahawa pemotongan cukai akan menjadi mustahil bagi kerajaan yang akan mewarisi defisit awam terbesar dalam sejarah Jerman selepas kerajaan semasa terpaksa merosakkan kewangan awamnya untuk menyelamatkan bank dan syarikat perindustrian berikutan situasi antarabangsa. krisis kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it appears more trouble lies ahead.", "r": {"result": "Dan nampaknya lebih banyak masalah menanti di hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After the economic crisis we will see a social crisis,\" says Henrik Enderlein an economics professor at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas krisis ekonomi kita akan melihat krisis sosial,\" kata Henrik Enderlein seorang profesor ekonomi di Hertie School of Governance di Berlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Enderlein believes a coalition with the liberals would put Merkel under pressure to implement wider ranging tax breaks than she feels are sustainable.", "r": {"result": "Enderlein percaya gabungan dengan golongan liberal akan meletakkan Merkel di bawah tekanan untuk melaksanakan pelepasan cukai yang lebih luas daripada yang dia rasa mampan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is why some believe Merkel would not mind continuing her coalition with the Social Democrats who oppose tax cuts and call them irresponsible in a time of disastrous public deficits.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya sesetengah pihak percaya Merkel tidak keberatan untuk meneruskan gabungannya dengan Demokrat Sosial yang menentang pemotongan cukai dan memanggil mereka sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab dalam masa defisit awam yang teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Social Democratic contender running against Merkel, Frank Walter Steinmeier, however, has all but given up any hopes of winning.", "r": {"result": "Pencabar Sosial Demokrat yang bertanding menentang Merkel, Frank Walter Steinmeier, bagaimanapun, telah melepaskan sebarang harapan untuk menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to prevent a \"black--yellow\" coalition,\" he keeps repeating at rallies.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mahu menghalang gabungan \"hitam--kuning\",\" dia terus mengulangi di perhimpunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Confidence sounds different.", "r": {"result": "Keyakinan terdengar berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Polls currently have the Social Democrats at around 26 percent of the vote, a disastrous figure for a party that in 1998 gained more than 40 percent.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan pada masa ini mempunyai Demokrat Sosial pada kira-kira 26 peratus undi, angka yang buruk bagi parti yang pada 1998 memperoleh lebih daripada 40 peratus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Social Democrat ranks were decimated in the seven years they ruled the country under Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pangkat Demokrat Sosial telah dihancurkan dalam tempoh tujuh tahun mereka memerintah negara di bawah Canselor Gerhard Schroeder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many traditional left wing SPD voters felt Schroeder betrayed the powerful labor wing of the party by cutting social benefits while making it easier for companies to fire employees in times of crisis.", "r": {"result": "Ramai pengundi tradisional sayap kiri SPD merasakan Schroeder mengkhianati sayap buruh berkuasa parti itu dengan mengurangkan faedah sosial sambil memudahkan syarikat memecat pekerja semasa krisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The SPD was further hit when many loyal members splintered off and joined the left wing party die Linke which also incorporates remnants of the former communist party that rules East Germany.", "r": {"result": "SPD terus terjejas apabila ramai ahli setia berpecah dan menyertai parti sayap kiri die Linke yang turut menggabungkan saki baki bekas parti komunis yang memerintah Jerman Timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now Steinmeier is trying to lead the Social Democrats out of the impasse and he realizes his real chance to stay in power would be as the junior partner to Merkel.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang Steinmeier cuba membawa Demokrat Sosial keluar dari kebuntuan dan dia menyedari peluang sebenar untuk kekal berkuasa adalah sebagai rakan kongsi muda kepada Merkel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steinmeier would keep his post as foreign minister and many political experts in Berlin think this might be what both Merkel and Steinmeier are really striving for.", "r": {"result": "Steinmeier akan mengekalkan jawatannya sebagai menteri luar negeri dan ramai pakar politik di Berlin berpendapat ini mungkin yang diusahakan oleh kedua-dua Merkel dan Steinmeier.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They worked very well together,\" said Gero Neugebauer of the Freie Universitat Berlin.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka bekerja dengan sangat baik bersama-sama,\" kata Gero Neugebauer dari Freie Universitat Berlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The atmosphere was very good and that is very important for such a coalition\".", "r": {"result": "\"Suasananya sangat baik dan itu sangat penting untuk gabungan seperti itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Germans it seems like the two choices are realistic: A coalition of CDU and FDP, or a grand coalition of CDU and SPD, like the one that is currently governing the country.", "r": {"result": "Bagi orang Jerman, nampaknya dua pilihan itu realistik: Gabungan CDU dan FDP, atau gabungan besar CDU dan SPD, seperti yang kini mentadbir negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those options haven't exactly fired up the election campaigns.", "r": {"result": "Pilihan-pilihan itu tidak betul-betul mencetuskan kempen pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Merkel and Steinmeier were loath to attacking each other and both of them cancelled several scheduled TV appearances which would have seen them go head to head.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Merkel dan Steinmeier enggan menyerang antara satu sama lain dan kedua-dua mereka membatalkan beberapa penampilan TV yang dijadualkan yang akan menyaksikan mereka berdepan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This election seems kind of lame,\" one young summed it up when I asked him near Berlin's technical university.", "r": {"result": "\"Pilihan raya ini kelihatan agak tempang,\" seorang pemuda merumuskannya apabila saya bertanya kepadanya berhampiran universiti teknikal Berlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "International experts have a similar opinion.", "r": {"result": "Pakar antarabangsa mempunyai pendapat yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One issue they feel has gotten short shrift was the war in Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Satu isu yang mereka rasa telah mendapat sedikit masa adalah perang di Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Germans have the third largest troop contingent in the country with about 4,200 soldiers stationed in the north.", "r": {"result": "Jerman mempunyai kontinjen tentera ketiga terbesar di negara ini dengan kira-kira 4,200 tentera ditempatkan di utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Afghanistan played only a minor role in the election campaigns and in their only televised debate, Merkel and Steinmeier devoted less than three minutes to the issue, less than a week after a German ground commander had called an air strike that killed almost 100 Afghans and possibly also civilians.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Afghanistan hanya memainkan peranan kecil dalam kempen pilihan raya dan dalam satu-satunya perbahasan televisyen mereka, Merkel dan Steinmeier menumpukan kurang daripada tiga minit untuk isu itu, kurang daripada seminggu selepas seorang komander darat Jerman memanggil serangan udara yang membunuh hampir 100 warga Afghanistan dan mungkin juga orang awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is simply not high on the political agenda,\" says Jan Techau of the German Council on Foreign Relations., \"Most Germans are against the war in Afghanistan and having German troops there, but they don't care about it enough for it to influence the way they vote\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sememangnya tidak penting dalam agenda politik,\" kata Jan Techau dari Majlis Hubungan Luar Jerman., \"Kebanyakan orang Jerman menentang perang di Afghanistan dan mempunyai tentera Jerman di sana, tetapi mereka tidak mengambil berat mengenainya. mempengaruhi cara mereka mengundi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So Merkel and Steinmeier were careful to keep Afghanistan off the campaign agenda as best they could because they agree German troops need to stay in Afghanistan like they agree on so many topics.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, Merkel dan Steinmeier berhati-hati untuk menghalang Afghanistan daripada agenda kempen sebaik mungkin kerana mereka bersetuju tentera Jerman perlu tinggal di Afghanistan seperti mereka bersetuju dalam banyak topik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That did not make for an exciting campaign, but it could make for a good continuation of the grand coalition.", "r": {"result": "Itu tidak menjadikan kempen yang menarik, tetapi ia boleh memastikan kesinambungan yang baik bagi gabungan besar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A conservative billionaire businessman and a former center-left president will face off in a runoff election in Chile's presidential race, based on official early results released Sunday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang ahli perniagaan jutawan konservatif dan bekas presiden berhaluan tengah akan berdepan dalam pemilihan larian dalam perlumbaan presiden Chile, berdasarkan keputusan awal rasmi yang dikeluarkan Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With more than 98 percent of polling stations counted, billionaire businessman Sebastian Pinera led ex-president Eduardo Frei with 44 percent of the vote to Frei's 30 percent, Chile's interior ministry reported.", "r": {"result": "Dengan lebih 98 peratus pusat mengundi dikira, ahli perniagaan jutawan Sebastian Pinera mendahului bekas presiden Eduardo Frei dengan 44 peratus undi kepada 30 peratus Frei, lapor kementerian dalam negeri Chile.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a victory for all the Chileans who want change,\" Pinera said Sunday night.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah kemenangan untuk semua warga Chile yang mahukan perubahan,\u201d kata Pinera malam Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frei began campaigning for the second-round immediately, asking in a speech for the supporters of the two other candidates who had their presidential ambitions dashed to join his cause.", "r": {"result": "Frei mula berkempen untuk pusingan kedua serta-merta, meminta dalam ucapan untuk penyokong dua calon lain yang mempunyai cita-cita presiden mereka terputus untuk menyertai perjuangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frei said if he is elected, women and young people will have an important role in his government.", "r": {"result": "Frei berkata jika beliau dipilih, wanita dan golongan muda akan mempunyai peranan penting dalam kerajaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He explicitly asked for those who voted for Marco Enriquez-Ominami and Jorge Arrate, who were eliminated in Sunday's ballot, to vote for him in the runoff.", "r": {"result": "Dia secara jelas meminta mereka yang mengundi Marco Enriquez-Ominami dan Jorge Arrate, yang tersingkir dalam undi Ahad, untuk mengundinya dalam pusingan akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a concession speech, Enriquez-Ominami said that he would not endorse either candidate.", "r": {"result": "Dalam ucapan konsesi, Enriquez-Ominami berkata bahawa beliau tidak akan menyokong mana-mana calon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The winner will follow the footsteps of a very popular president, Michelle Bachelet, who will be leaving office with high approval ratings for steering the country through the global economic downturn, and promoting progressive social reforms.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang akan mengikuti jejak seorang presiden yang sangat popular, Michelle Bachelet, yang akan meninggalkan pejabat dengan penarafan kelulusan tinggi untuk mengemudi negara melalui kemelesetan ekonomi global, dan menggalakkan pembaharuan sosial yang progresif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under Chile's constitutional term limits, a president cannot run for a second consecutive term.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah had penggal perlembagaan Chile, seorang presiden tidak boleh bertanding untuk penggal kedua berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bachelet endorsed Frei, a member of her same left-leaning coalition, but another leftist candidate who ran as an independent -- Enriquez-Ominami -- made an impressive run, pulling in 20 percent of the vote and splitting votes for the ruling party.", "r": {"result": "Bachelet menyokong Frei, ahli gabungannya yang berhaluan kiri, tetapi seorang lagi calon berhaluan kiri yang bertanding sebagai calon bebas -- Enriquez-Ominami -- membuat larian yang mengagumkan, memperoleh 20 peratus undi dan membelah undi untuk parti pemerintah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those who voted for him, \"have affirmed the desire for Chile to move forward and toward the future,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka yang mengundinya, \"telah mengesahkan keinginan untuk Chile bergerak ke hadapan dan ke arah masa depan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If Pinera triumphs in the expected January runoff election, it would mark the first time since the fall of the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship that a conservative wins at the polls.", "r": {"result": "Jika Pinera menang dalam pilihan raya larian Januari yang dijangkakan, ia akan menandakan kali pertama sejak kejatuhan pemerintahan diktator Augusto Pinochet yang konservatif menang dalam pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the 19 years since Pinochet's fall, all the presidents have come from the left-leaning coalition.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tempoh 19 tahun sejak kejatuhan Pinochet, semua presiden berasal dari gabungan berhaluan kiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pinera, 60, is one of the country's wealthiest businessmen who previously served as a senator and president of the National Renovation party.", "r": {"result": "Pinera, 60, merupakan antara ahli perniagaan terkaya di negara ini yang pernah berkhidmat sebagai senator dan presiden parti Ubahsuai Nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since completing one term as president, Frei returned to politics as a Christian Democrat senator who has campaigned on continuing Bachelet's policies.", "r": {"result": "Sejak menamatkan satu penggal sebagai presiden, Frei kembali ke politik sebagai senator Demokrat Kristian yang telah berkempen untuk meneruskan dasar Bachelet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Frei and Pinera were household names before the election, it was the 36-year-old Enriquez-Ominami who made a political name for himself in this presidential election.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Frei dan Pinera adalah nama ramai sebelum pilihan raya, Enriquez-Ominami yang berusia 36 tahun yang mencipta nama politik untuk dirinya dalam pilihan raya presiden ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He worked as a television director before being elected as a congressman for the Socialist party in 2005. The son of a guerrilla leader from the 1970s, Enriquez-Ominami forged his own political path, breaking from the leftist coalition and running on his own.", "r": {"result": "Beliau bekerja sebagai pengarah televisyen sebelum dipilih sebagai ahli kongres untuk parti Sosialis pada tahun 2005. Anak kepada seorang pemimpin gerila dari tahun 1970-an, Enriquez-Ominami menempa laluan politiknya sendiri, melepaskan diri daripada pakatan kiri dan berjalan sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A fourth candidate, Arrate of the Communist Party, garnered 6 percent of Sunday's vote, according to the early vote figures.", "r": {"result": "Calon keempat, Arrate dari Parti Komunis, memperoleh 6 peratus undi Ahad, menurut angka undian awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jose Callejon scored a late winner for Real Madrid against Mallorca on Saturday evening as Jose Mourinho's men fought back from a goal down to defeat Mallorca 2-1 and extend their lead at the top of La Liga.", "r": {"result": "Jose Callejon menjaringkan gol kemenangan lewat untuk Real Madrid menentang Mallorca pada petang Sabtu ketika anak buah Jose Mourinho bangkit daripada ketinggalan untuk menewaskan Mallorca 2-1 dan melebarkan kedudukan mereka di puncak La Liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli international Tomer Hemed gave Mallorca the lead in the 39th minute which they held on to until the last quarter of the match.", "r": {"result": "Pemain antarabangsa Israel Tomer Hemed memberikan Mallorca pendahuluan pada minit ke-39 yang mereka tahan sehingga suku terakhir perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Substitute Gonzalo Higuain leveled the scores in the 71st minute before Callejon netted five minutes from the end to give Real an eight-point cushion over rivals Barcelona who play Real Betis at the Nou Camp on Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Pemain gantian Gonzalo Higuain menyamakan kedudukan pada minit ke-71 sebelum Callejon menjaringkan lima minit sebelum tamat untuk memberikan Real kelebihan lapan mata ke atas pencabar Barcelona yang menentang Real Betis di Nou Camp pada hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Third-placed Valencia missed the chance to move within one point of Barca as they slumped to a 1-0 home defeat to Real Sociedad.", "r": {"result": "Valencia yang berada di tempat ketiga terlepas peluang untuk bergerak dalam jarak satu mata di belakang Barca apabila mereka tewas 1-0 di tempat sendiri kepada Real Sociedad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "French winger Antoine Griezmann's deflected shot in the 55 minute proving enough to earn Sociedad a vital win.", "r": {"result": "Rembatan melencong pemain sayap Perancis Antoine Griezmann pada minit ke-55 sudah cukup untuk membolehkan Sociedad meraih kemenangan penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, Sevilla and Espanyol played out a 0-0 draw, while bottom-of-the-table Real Zaragoza earned a point with a 1-1 draw as they hosted mid-table Getafe.", "r": {"result": "Terdahulu, Sevilla dan Espanyol bermain seri 0-0, manakala Real Zaragoza di tangga tercorot memperoleh satu mata dengan keputusan seri 1-1 ketika mereka menjadi tuan rumah Getafe di papan tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mauricio Lanzaro gave them the lead with a well-executed header in the 39th minute, but 11 minutes from time Zaragoza defender Javier Paredes scored an own goal.", "r": {"result": "Mauricio Lanzaro memberikan mereka pendahuluan dengan tandukan yang dilaksanakan dengan baik pada minit ke-39, tetapi 11 minit sebelum tamat perlawanan pertahanan Zaragoza Javier Paredes menjaringkan gol sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It denied the home side a valuable three points which would have put them in touch with fellow strugglers Sporting Gijon and Villarreal.", "r": {"result": "Ia menafikan pasukan tuan rumah tiga mata berharga yang akan meletakkan mereka berhubung dengan rakan seperjuangan Sporting Gijon dan Villarreal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile in Italy, Saturday's only fixture between Catania and Roma was abandoned 20 minutes into the second half due to a waterlogged pitch.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu di Itali, satu-satunya perlawanan Sabtu antara Catania dan Roma terbengkalai 20 minit separuh masa kedua kerana padang berair.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The kick-off had already been delayed due to a torrential downpour, but further rain during the game forced referee to Paolo Tagliavento to take the players off and eventually force a premature end to the match with the score a 1-1.", "r": {"result": "Sepak mula telah ditangguhkan kerana hujan lebat, tetapi hujan lebat semasa perlawanan memaksa pengadil kepada Paolo Tagliavento untuk mengeluarkan pemain dan akhirnya memaksa perlawanan ditamatkan sebelum waktunya dengan kedudukan 1-1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicola Legrottaglie put the hosts ahead in the 24th minute but Roma responded with an equalizer three minutes later courtesy of a strike from Daniele De Rossi.", "r": {"result": "Nicola Legrottaglie meletakkan tuan rumah di hadapan pada minit ke-24 tetapi Roma membalas dengan gol penyamaan tiga minit kemudian hasil jaringan Daniele De Rossi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN Student News) -- April 23, 2014. This Wednesday, we cover subjects related to civics, science and animal behavior.", "r": {"result": "(CNN Student News) -- 23 April 2014. Rabu ini, kami meliputi subjek berkaitan sivik, sains dan tingkah laku haiwan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our first two reports center on Supreme Court cases, and our third examines the challenges still facing search crews more than a month after a massive landslide in Washington state.", "r": {"result": "Dua laporan pertama kami tertumpu pada kes Mahkamah Agung, dan ketiga kami meneliti cabaran yang masih dihadapi kru pencarian lebih sebulan selepas tanah runtuh besar-besaran di negeri Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We also explore the lingering effects of a 2010 oil spill and show you how some people are recovering from that.", "r": {"result": "Kami juga meneroka kesan berlarutan daripada tumpahan minyak 2010 dan menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana sesetengah orang pulih daripada itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On this page you will find today's show Transcript, the Daily Curriculum, and a place for you to leave feedback.", "r": {"result": "Pada halaman ini anda akan menemui Transkrip rancangan hari ini, Kurikulum Harian dan tempat untuk anda meninggalkan maklum balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TRANSCRIPT.", "r": {"result": "TRANSKRIP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here to access the transcript of today's CNN Student News program.", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk mengakses transkrip program Berita Pelajar CNN hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please note that there may be a delay between the time when the video is available and when the transcript is published.", "r": {"result": "Sila ambil perhatian bahawa mungkin terdapat kelewatan antara masa apabila video tersedia dan apabila transkrip diterbitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DAILY CURRICULUM.", "r": {"result": "KURIKULUM HARIAN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here for a printable version of the Daily Curriculum (PDF).", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk versi cetak Kurikulum Harian (PDF).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Media Literacy Question of the Day:", "r": {"result": "Soalan Literasi Media Hari ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What might be some challenges associated with reporting on a Supreme Court decision?", "r": {"result": "Apakah beberapa cabaran yang mungkin berkaitan dengan melaporkan keputusan Mahkamah Agung?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Key Concepts: Identify or explain these subjects you heard about in today's show:", "r": {"result": "Konsep Utama: Kenal pasti atau terangkan subjek yang anda dengar dalam rancangan hari ini:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. affirmative action.", "r": {"result": "1. tindakan afirmatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. copyright.", "r": {"result": "2. hak cipta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Gulf oil spill.", "r": {"result": "3. Tumpahan minyak Teluk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fast Facts: How well were you listening to today's program?", "r": {"result": "Fakta Cepat: Sejauh manakah anda mendengar program hari ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. What decision did Michigan's voters make in 2006 regarding affirmative action in their state's public colleges?", "r": {"result": "1. Apakah keputusan yang dibuat oleh pengundi Michigan pada tahun 2006 mengenai tindakan afirmatif di kolej awam negeri mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What decision did a lower court make regarding that vote?", "r": {"result": "Apakah keputusan yang dibuat oleh mahkamah rendah mengenai undian itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How did the U.S. Supreme Court rule on the lower court's decision?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah Mahkamah Agung A.S. memutuskan keputusan mahkamah rendah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. What is Aereo?", "r": {"result": "2. Apakah itu Aereo?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What arguments did the Supreme Court hear yesterday regarding Aereo?", "r": {"result": "Apakah hujah yang didengar oleh Mahkamah Agung semalam mengenai Aereo?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What do television broadcasters say about Aereo?", "r": {"result": "Apakah yang dikatakan penyiar televisyen tentang Aereo?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How does Aereo respond to this argument?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah Aereo bertindak balas terhadap hujah ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What is the debate around \"public\" versus \"private\" performance?", "r": {"result": "Apakah perdebatan mengenai prestasi \"awam\" berbanding \"swasta\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. What natural disaster struck Oso, Washington, one month ago?", "r": {"result": "3. Apakah bencana alam yang melanda Oso, Washington, sebulan yang lalu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What does the area look like today?", "r": {"result": "Apakah rupa kawasan itu hari ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What challenges exist for search crews?", "r": {"result": "Apakah cabaran yang wujud untuk krew carian?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What progress has been made?", "r": {"result": "Apakah kemajuan yang telah dicapai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How have crews been able to make progress?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah krew telah dapat membuat kemajuan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What has become the site of a memorial as well as a source of strength for the recovery effort?", "r": {"result": "Apakah yang telah menjadi tapak peringatan serta sumber kekuatan untuk usaha pemulihan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. What happened in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010?", "r": {"result": "4. Apakah yang berlaku di Teluk Mexico pada 20 April 2010?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Which oil company was found to be partly responsible for the spill?", "r": {"result": "Syarikat minyak manakah yang didapati sebahagiannya bertanggungjawab terhadap tumpahan itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How did it compensate some of those affected by the spill?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah ia memberi pampasan kepada sesetengah mereka yang terjejas oleh tumpahan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How did the spill impact beaches near Orange Beach, Alabama?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah tumpahan memberi kesan kepada pantai berhampiran Pantai Orange, Alabama?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What evidence suggests that it continues to impact the environment there?", "r": {"result": "Apakah bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa ia terus memberi kesan kepada alam sekitar di sana?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What are some of the different opinions about the oil company's efforts to clean up the beaches?", "r": {"result": "Apakah beberapa pendapat berbeza tentang usaha syarikat minyak itu untuk membersihkan pantai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Discussion Questions:", "r": {"result": "Soalan Perbincangan:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. What is your opinion of affirmative action policies?", "r": {"result": "1. Apakah pendapat anda tentang dasar tindakan afirmatif?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you think that race, gender and national origin should be factored into college admissions?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda fikir bangsa, jantina dan asal negara harus diambil kira dalam kemasukan kolej?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why or why not?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa atau mengapa tidak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In your opinion, who or what should determine whether these factors should be used to admit students to public colleges?", "r": {"result": "Pada pendapat anda, siapa atau apakah yang harus menentukan sama ada faktor ini harus digunakan untuk memasukkan pelajar ke kolej awam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. How do you think that the Gulf oil spill affected some lives and businesses in the region?", "r": {"result": "2. Pada pendapat anda, bagaimanakah tumpahan minyak Teluk menjejaskan beberapa nyawa dan perniagaan di rantau ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why do you think that some people chose to keep their businesses?", "r": {"result": "Pada pendapat anda, mengapakah sesetengah orang memilih untuk mengekalkan perniagaan mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why might that not have been an option for others?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa itu mungkin tidak menjadi pilihan untuk orang lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What challenges might business owners face in recovering from any disaster?", "r": {"result": "Apakah cabaran yang mungkin dihadapi oleh pemilik perniagaan untuk pulih daripada sebarang bencana?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Student News is created by a team of journalists and educators who consider the Common Core State Standards, national standards in different subject areas, and state standards when producing the show and curriculum.", "r": {"result": "Berita Pelajar CNN dicipta oleh sekumpulan wartawan dan pendidik yang mempertimbangkan Piawaian Negeri Teras Biasa, piawaian kebangsaan dalam bidang mata pelajaran yang berbeza dan piawaian negeri semasa menghasilkan rancangan dan kurikulum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We hope you use our free daily materials along with the program, and we welcome your feedback on them.", "r": {"result": "Kami berharap anda menggunakan bahan harian percuma kami bersama-sama dengan program ini, dan kami mengalu-alukan maklum balas anda mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "FEEDBACK.", "r": {"result": "MAKLUM BALAS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8f\u0113d\u02ccbak"}}} {"src": "We're looking for your feedback about CNN Student News.", "r": {"result": "Kami sedang mencari maklum balas anda tentang Berita Pelajar CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please use this page to leave us comments about today's program, including what you think about our stories and our resources.", "r": {"result": "Sila gunakan halaman ini untuk meninggalkan kami ulasan tentang program hari ini, termasuk pendapat anda tentang cerita kami dan sumber kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also, feel free to tell us how you use them in your classroom.", "r": {"result": "Juga, sila beritahu kami cara anda menggunakannya dalam bilik darjah anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The educators on our staff will monitor this page and may respond to your comments as well.", "r": {"result": "Pendidik kakitangan kami akan memantau halaman ini dan mungkin membalas komen anda juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thank you for using CNN Student News!", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Berita Pelajar CNN!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here to submit your Roll Call request.", "r": {"result": "Klik di sini untuk menyerahkan permintaan Roll Call anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The boyfriend convicted of strangling and drowning a famed swimsuit designer in a bathtub at a chic New York hotel was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison, the maximum sentence for second-degree murder, the Manhattan District Attorney's office said Monday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Teman lelaki yang disabitkan kesalahan mencekik dan menenggelamkan pereka pakaian renang terkenal dalam tab mandi di sebuah hotel bergaya New York dijatuhi hukuman penjara 25 tahun penjara seumur hidup, hukuman maksimum bagi pembunuhan tahap kedua, kata pejabat Peguam Daerah Manhattan. Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A jury convicted 27-year-old Nicholas Brooks, son of \"You Light Up My Life\" composer Joseph Brooks, in New York Supreme Court in July for the murder of his girlfriend, Sylvie Cachay.", "r": {"result": "Juri mensabitkan Nicholas Brooks, 27 tahun, anak kepada komposer \"You Light Up My Life\" Joseph Brooks, di Mahkamah Agung New York pada Julai kerana membunuh teman wanitanya, Sylvie Cachay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have come a long way in our recognition and understanding of domestic violence, but there is much more we have to do to better protect individuals like Ms. Cachay,\" District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. said in a statement Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah melangkah jauh dalam pengiktirafan dan pemahaman tentang keganasan rumah tangga, tetapi banyak lagi yang perlu kami lakukan untuk melindungi individu seperti Cik Cachay dengan lebih baik,\" kata Peguam Daerah Cyrus R. Vance Jr. dalam satu kenyataan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cachay's bruised body was found submerged in water in an overflowing bathtub at the Soho House New York club and hotel on December 9, 2010, police said.", "r": {"result": "Mayat Cachay yang lebam ditemui ditenggelami air dalam tab mandi yang melimpah di kelab dan hotel Soho House New York pada 9 Disember 2010, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A guest staying on a lower floor reported to hotel management that water was leaking through the ceiling, according to court documents.", "r": {"result": "Seorang tetamu yang menginap di tingkat bawah melaporkan kepada pengurusan hotel bahawa air bocor melalui siling, menurut dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A hotel employee investigating the source of the leak entered Cachay's room and discovered her body, the documents say.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pekerja hotel yang menyiasat punca kebocoran memasuki bilik Cachay dan menemui mayatnya, kata dokumen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brooks' attorney, Jeffrey Hoffman, said Monday he and his client plan to appeal.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Brooks, Jeffrey Hoffman, berkata pada hari Isnin dia dan anak guamnya merancang untuk merayu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We expect to have a successful appeal and be back in court as a result of that,\" Hoffman told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menjangkakan rayuan akan berjaya dan akan kembali ke mahkamah akibatnya,\" kata Hoffman kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said they relied on interviews with hotel employees and surveillance videos from the location to charge Brooks.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata mereka bergantung pada wawancara dengan pekerja hotel dan video pengawasan dari lokasi untuk mengenakan Brooks.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cachay's body had bruising on the neck and bite marks when she was discovered, police said.", "r": {"result": "Mayat Cachay mempunyai kesan lebam di leher dan kesan gigitan ketika ditemui, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An autopsy indicated the designer suffered injuries consistent with neck compression, court records show.", "r": {"result": "Bedah siasat menunjukkan pereka mengalami kecederaan yang konsisten dengan mampatan leher, rekod mahkamah menunjukkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cachay had internal hemorrhaging, injuries to her scalp and cuts to her lips and mouth, the documents say.", "r": {"result": "Cachay mengalami pendarahan dalaman, kecederaan pada kulit kepala dan luka di bibir dan mulutnya, kata dokumen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sylvie Cachay was one of those rare individuals who truly sparkled when she spoke,\" publicist Kate Godici said about Cachay in July when Brooks was convicted.", "r": {"result": "\"Sylvie Cachay adalah salah seorang daripada individu jarang yang benar-benar bersinar apabila dia bercakap,\" kata publisiti Kate Godici mengenai Cachay pada Julai apabila Brooks disabitkan kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She will be deeply and painfully missed, yet celebrated, honored and never forgotten\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia akan sangat dirindui, namun diraikan, dihormati dan tidak pernah dilupakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After heading the swimwear team at Victoria's Secret, Cachay debuted her own luxury line of swimwear in 2006 to rave reviews.", "r": {"result": "Selepas mengetuai pasukan pakaian renang di Victoria's Secret, Cachay memperkenalkan barisan pakaian renang mewahnya sendiri pada tahun 2006 untuk mendapat sambutan hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The collection became a celebrity favorite.", "r": {"result": "Koleksi itu menjadi kegemaran selebriti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brooks' father, Joseph Brooks, 73, committed suicide in May 2011, New York police said.", "r": {"result": "Bapa Brooks, Joseph Brooks, 73, membunuh diri pada Mei 2011, kata polis New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Oscar-winning songwriter was facing 11 rape and sexual assault charges, New York Police Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Penulis lagu yang memenangi Oscar itu menghadapi 11 pertuduhan rogol dan serangan seksual, kata Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Polis New York Paul Browne kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nicholas Brooks will be up for parole in 25 years.", "r": {"result": "Nicholas Brooks akan mendapat parol dalam tempoh 25 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Public attitudes about HIV and AIDS have changed dramatically since the first AIDS cases were reported 30 years ago.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sikap awam tentang HIV dan AIDS telah berubah secara mendadak sejak kes AIDS pertama dilaporkan 30 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in many parts of the world, the stigma is still powerful.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di banyak bahagian dunia, stigma masih kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Hero Patricia Sawo, a pastor and AIDS activist in Kitale, Kenya, recently spoke with CNN's Kathleen Toner about how much has changed since she was diagnosed with HIV -- and how much work remains to be done.", "r": {"result": "Wira CNN Patricia Sawo, seorang paderi dan aktivis AIDS di Kitale, Kenya, baru-baru ini bercakap dengan Kathleen Toner dari CNN tentang betapa banyak perubahan sejak dia didiagnosis dengan HIV -- dan berapa banyak kerja yang perlu dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kathleen Toner: What was the stigma like when you tested positive for HIV in 1999?", "r": {"result": "Kathleen Toner: Apakah stigma anda apabila anda disahkan positif HIV pada tahun 1999?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patricia Sawo: It was hard in those days.", "r": {"result": "Patricia Sawo: Sukar pada zaman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No one wanted to take care of people with AIDS.", "r": {"result": "Tiada siapa yang mahu menjaga orang yang menghidap AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So for me, that was the worst part of it.", "r": {"result": "Jadi bagi saya, itu adalah bahagian yang paling teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was going to die, and die alone.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan mati, dan mati sendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I was worried not only for myself, but for my children.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya bimbang bukan sahaja untuk diri saya sendiri, tetapi untuk anak-anak saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was afraid.", "r": {"result": "Saya takut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The stigma was the painful part of it.", "r": {"result": "Stigma adalah bahagian yang menyakitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After I went public, within one week, I lost my job, my husband lost his job ... the landlord wanted us out of his house.", "r": {"result": "Selepas saya umum, dalam masa satu minggu, saya kehilangan pekerjaan, suami saya kehilangan pekerjaannya ... tuan rumah mahu kami keluar dari rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I'd died in those days, I was not going to die of AIDS.", "r": {"result": "Jika saya mati pada masa itu, saya tidak akan mati kerana AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was dying of the stigma.", "r": {"result": "Saya mati kerana stigma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: You mentioned your children.", "r": {"result": "Toner: Anda menyebut anak-anak anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Did the stigma impact them?", "r": {"result": "Adakah stigma itu memberi kesan kepada mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sawo: My kids went through it because people knew I was HIV-positive.", "r": {"result": "Sawo: Anak-anak saya melaluinya kerana orang tahu saya positif HIV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember one day I visited my children in school, and they were crying because their friends wouldn't play with them.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat suatu hari saya melawat anak-anak saya di sekolah, dan mereka menangis kerana rakan-rakan mereka tidak akan bermain dengan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their parents had told them not to, because they said they might get infected.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa mereka telah memberitahu mereka tidak, kerana mereka berkata mereka mungkin dijangkiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was testing my children so they would know their own HIV status.", "r": {"result": "Saya sedang menguji anak-anak saya supaya mereka tahu status HIV mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I told them (to tell the other children) that your parents are better than their parents, because at least they know their status and you know your status.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya memberitahu mereka (untuk memberitahu anak-anak lain) bahawa ibu bapa anda lebih baik daripada ibu bapa mereka, kerana sekurang-kurangnya mereka tahu status mereka dan anda tahu status anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their parents probably don't even know their status, so they are the ones who are at risk.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa mereka mungkin tidak tahu status mereka, jadi merekalah yang berisiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It caused a big problem in the school.", "r": {"result": "Ia menimbulkan masalah besar di sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I had decided to educate the community.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya telah memutuskan untuk mendidik masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: Tell me some of the other ways you're trying to change people's attitudes in your work as an AIDS activist.", "r": {"result": "Toner: Beritahu saya beberapa cara lain yang anda cuba mengubah sikap orang dalam kerja anda sebagai aktivis AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sawo: I do a lot of work in the church.", "r": {"result": "Sawo: Saya melakukan banyak kerja di gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before I tested HIV-positive, I personally believed that HIV was a disease for sinners.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum saya menguji HIV positif, saya secara peribadi percaya bahawa HIV adalah penyakit bagi orang berdosa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So for me, HIV was about people outside the church.", "r": {"result": "Jadi bagi saya, HIV adalah mengenai orang di luar gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believed it, I preached it, and I thought if they changed their lives -- even if they are HIV-positive -- God would heal them.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya, saya menyampaikannya, dan saya fikir jika mereka mengubah hidup mereka -- walaupun mereka positif HIV -- Tuhan akan menyembuhkan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2002, I realized my attitude was wrong.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2002, saya menyedari sikap saya salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HIV is not a moral issue.", "r": {"result": "HIV bukan isu moral.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is a virus which, with the correct information and knowledge, can be taken care of.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah virus yang, dengan maklumat dan pengetahuan yang betul, boleh dijaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So the church must change its attitude.", "r": {"result": "Jadi gereja mesti mengubah sikapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The church leaders must change their way of preaching.", "r": {"result": "Para pemimpin gereja mesti mengubah cara mereka berdakwah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, I do pastors workshops and train church leaders.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, saya membuat bengkel pastor dan melatih pemimpin gereja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I take them through HIV information and lead them to be able to begin congregational responses on HIV and AIDS.", "r": {"result": "Saya membawa mereka melalui maklumat HIV dan memimpin mereka untuk dapat memulakan respons jemaah tentang HIV dan AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As church leaders, we need to shepherd and take care of the people, and that's why we need all information of all kinds.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai pemimpin gereja, kita perlu menggembala dan menjaga orang ramai, dan itulah sebabnya kita memerlukan semua jenis maklumat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm also a trained HIV counselor and peer educator.", "r": {"result": "Saya juga seorang kaunselor HIV terlatih dan pendidik rakan sebaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are also young people that I've mentored.", "r": {"result": "Ada juga anak muda yang saya tunjuk ajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've taken them through accepting their status (as HIV-positive).", "r": {"result": "Saya telah menerima mereka dengan menerima status mereka (sebagai HIV-positif).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are many young people that now go out in schools.", "r": {"result": "Dan terdapat ramai anak muda yang kini keluar ke sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are teachers that I've helped who even speak about their HIV status in schools.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah guru yang saya bantu dan bercakap tentang status HIV mereka di sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: You're doing so much work.", "r": {"result": "Toner: Anda sedang melakukan banyak kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Has the situation improved?", "r": {"result": "Adakah keadaan bertambah baik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sawo: Things have gotten better where stigma has been reduced, because there, people have accurate information.", "r": {"result": "Sawo: Keadaan menjadi lebih baik di mana stigma telah dikurangkan, kerana di sana, orang ramai mempunyai maklumat yang tepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are areas where people don't have the knowledge and look at it as a punishment or curse, or maybe as a traditional illness or taboo.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada kawasan di mana orang tidak mempunyai pengetahuan dan melihatnya sebagai hukuman atau kutukan, atau mungkin sebagai penyakit tradisional atau pantang larang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... We have to educate.", "r": {"result": "... Kita kena mendidik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Toner: What is your hope for the future?", "r": {"result": "Toner: Apakah harapan anda untuk masa depan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sawo: My dream is that finally we will have an AIDS-free world.", "r": {"result": "Sawo: Impian saya ialah akhirnya kita akan mempunyai dunia yang bebas AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the information that we have now, HIV is something we can deal with.", "r": {"result": "Dengan maklumat yang kita ada sekarang, HIV adalah sesuatu yang boleh kita tangani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People don't have to die of AIDS.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai tidak perlu mati akibat AIDS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "HIV is something that can end with the people who have it.", "r": {"result": "HIV adalah sesuatu yang boleh berakhir dengan orang yang menghidapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the right information, attitude change and access to treatment, HIV can end with us.", "r": {"result": "Dengan maklumat yang betul, perubahan sikap dan akses kepada rawatan, HIV boleh berakhir dengan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's still a lot of work to do, especially in Africa.", "r": {"result": "Masih banyak kerja yang perlu dilakukan, terutamanya di Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But HIV is something that we can overcome.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi HIV adalah sesuatu yang boleh kita atasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See the full story on CNN Hero Patricia Sawo: Church leader reverses stance on HIV, reaches out to those affected.", "r": {"result": "Lihat cerita penuh di CNN Hero Patricia Sawo: Pemimpin Gereja membalikkan pendirian terhadap HIV, mendekati mereka yang terjejas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "BEIJING, China (CNN) -- China's president has vowed to continue the economic reforms that have transformed the once poverty-riddled nation into an industrial powerhouse.", "r": {"result": "BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Presiden China berikrar untuk meneruskan pembaharuan ekonomi yang telah mengubah negara yang dahulunya dilanda kemiskinan itu kepada sebuah kuasa perindustrian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Deng Xiaoping envisioned a modern, prosperous China.", "r": {"result": "Deng Xiaoping membayangkan China yang moden dan makmur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking on the 30th anniversary of China's decision to open itself up to the outside world, President Hu Jintao told a crowd of 6,000 at Beijing's Great Hall of the People: \"Standing still and regressing will lead only to a dead end\".", "r": {"result": "Bercakap pada ulang tahun ke-30 keputusan China untuk membuka diri kepada dunia luar, Presiden Hu Jintao memberitahu 6,000 orang di Dewan Besar Rakyat Beijing: \"Berdiri diam dan mundur hanya akan membawa kepada jalan buntu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping was the architect of the economic reform movement, which was to set the country on a radical new course when the first policies were approved on December 18, 1978.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin China Deng Xiaoping adalah arkitek gerakan reformasi ekonomi, yang akan menetapkan negara pada landasan baru yang radikal apabila dasar pertama diluluskan pada 18 Disember 1978.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Reform and opening up are the fundamental causes of all the achievements and progress we have made,\" Hu said, according to state-run media.", "r": {"result": "\"Pembaharuan dan keterbukaan adalah punca asas semua pencapaian dan kemajuan yang telah kami capai,\" kata Hu, menurut media yang dikendalikan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said Deng's vision three decades ago was \"completely correct\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata visi Deng tiga dekad lalu adalah \"benar-benar betul\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the past 30 years, China has maintained an average annual growth rate of 9.8 percent -- triple the world average, China's Xinhua news agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang 30 tahun lalu, China mengekalkan kadar pertumbuhan tahunan purata sebanyak 9.8 peratus -- tiga kali ganda purata dunia, lapor agensi berita China Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch as China marks 30 years of reform >>.", "r": {"result": "Saksikan China menandakan 30 tahun pembaharuan >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Chinese gross domestic product soared from 360 billion yuan ($53 billion) in 1978 to 24.95 trillion yuan ($3.7 trillion) in 2007, making China the world's fourth-largest economy, according to Xinhua.", "r": {"result": "Keluaran dalam negara kasar China melonjak daripada 360 bilion yuan ($53 bilion) pada 1978 kepada 24.95 trilion yuan ($3.7 trilion) pada 2007, menjadikan China ekonomi keempat terbesar di dunia, menurut Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Hu warned the Chinese people not to grow complacent, especially in the midst of the global economic crisis.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, Hu memberi amaran kepada rakyat China supaya tidak leka, terutamanya di tengah-tengah krisis ekonomi global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said China must continue to concentrate on economic development and diversification.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata China mesti terus menumpukan kepada pembangunan ekonomi dan kepelbagaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We must adhere to the correct direction of reform and opening up so as to build a system that is full of vigor, highly efficient, more open and has a favorable environment for scientific development,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita mesti berpegang kepada hala tuju pembaharuan dan keterbukaan yang betul bagi membina sistem yang penuh bertenaga, cekap tinggi, lebih terbuka dan mempunyai persekitaran yang menggalakkan untuk pembangunan saintifik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Maya is about to become the most famous CIA operative since Valerie Plame.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Maya bakal menjadi pengendali CIA paling terkenal sejak Valerie Plame.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Except that's not her real name.", "r": {"result": "Kecuali itu bukan nama sebenar dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're not allowed to know her real name.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak dibenarkan mengetahui nama sebenar dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maya is the name of her character in the film \"Zero Dark Thirty\", which is already generating controversy for its depiction of the hunt for Osama bin Laden.", "r": {"result": "Maya adalah nama wataknya dalam filem \"Zero Dark Thirty\", yang sudah menimbulkan kontroversi kerana penggambarannya memburu Osama bin Laden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This has an only-in-Washington feel, a collision between our celebrity culture and the need to protect our spies from having their identities exposed.", "r": {"result": "Ini mempunyai rasa hanya di Washington, pertembungan antara budaya selebriti kita dan keperluan untuk melindungi pengintip kita daripada mendedahkan identiti mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So the operative somehow becomes a movie star (played by Jessica Chastain) while remaining in the shadows.", "r": {"result": "Jadi operator itu entah bagaimana menjadi bintang filem (lakonan Jessica Chastain) sambil kekal dalam bayang-bayang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps inevitably, questions are mounting about the CIA employee, her personality and her contacts with the filmmakers.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin tidak dapat dielakkan, persoalan timbul tentang pekerja CIA, personalitinya dan hubungannya dengan pembuat filem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And she can't properly defend herself because she's not allowed to talk to the press.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia tidak boleh mempertahankan dirinya dengan betul kerana dia tidak dibenarkan bercakap dengan akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thus it was that the Washington Post ran a highly unusual front-page profile of someone whose name is unknown.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, Washington Post menyiarkan profil muka depan yang sangat luar biasa bagi seseorang yang namanya tidak diketahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The woman was passed over for a promotion, the story says, and is an abrasive sort who e-mailed colleagues saying they didn't deserve to share in a prestigious award she received for her role in the mission.", "r": {"result": "Wanita itu telah diluluskan untuk kenaikan pangkat, kata cerita itu, dan merupakan jenis kasar yang menghantar e-mel kepada rakan sekerja mengatakan mereka tidak layak untuk berkongsi anugerah berprestij yang diterimanya untuk peranannya dalam misi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(By the way, what does it take to get a government promotion if helping eliminate the world's top terrorist doesn't qualify?", "r": {"result": "(Dengan cara ini, apakah yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan kenaikan pangkat kerajaan jika membantu menghapuskan pengganas terkemuka dunia tidak layak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch: Is Zero Dark Thirty coverage unfair to female CIA operative?", "r": {"result": "Tonton: Adakah liputan Zero Dark Thirty tidak adil kepada pengendali CIA wanita?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the movie, Maya seems to have a messianic streak, saying after a female colleague was killed during an attack in Afghanistan: \"I believe I was spared so I could finish the job\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam filem itu, Maya nampaknya mempunyai corak mesianik, berkata selepas seorang rakan sekerja wanita terbunuh semasa serangan di Afghanistan: \"Saya percaya saya terselamat supaya saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Did the real-life Maya actually say that?", "r": {"result": "Adakah Maya sebenar benar-benar berkata demikian?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who knows?", "r": {"result": "Siapa tahu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kathryn Bigelow, the director, says she tried to approach the project as a journalist.", "r": {"result": "Kathryn Bigelow, pengarah, berkata dia cuba mendekati projek itu sebagai seorang wartawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even the best docudramas tend to mix reconstructed facts with cinematic liberties.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dokumen drama terbaik pun cenderung mencampurkan fakta yang dibina semula dengan kebebasan sinematik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Zero Dark Thirty's' screenwriter on interrogation debate.", "r": {"result": "Penulis skrip 'Zero Dark Thirty's' mengenai perbahasan soal siasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zero Dark Thirty is generating plenty of controversy, before its opening next week, because it spends roughly half an hour showing an al-Qaeda detainee being waterboarded, beaten and stripped naked in front of Maya in the quest for information on bin Laden's whereabouts.", "r": {"result": "Zero Dark Thirty menimbulkan banyak kontroversi, sebelum pembukaannya minggu depan, kerana ia menghabiskan kira-kira setengah jam untuk menunjukkan seorang tahanan Al-Qaeda dibogelkan, dipukul dan dibogelkan di hadapan Maya dalam usaha mencari maklumat tentang keberadaan Osama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN analyst Peter Bergen says the film could provide \"the misleading picture that coercive interrogation techniques used by the CIA on al Qaeda detainees -- such as waterboarding, physical abuse and sleep deprivation -- were essential to finding bin Laden\".", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis CNN Peter Bergen berkata filem itu boleh memberikan \"gambaran mengelirukan bahawa teknik soal siasat paksa yang digunakan oleh CIA ke atas tahanan al Qaeda -- seperti waterboarding, penderaan fizikal dan kurang tidur -- adalah penting untuk mencari Osama Laden\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hardly surprising that this has become the film's flash point.", "r": {"result": "Tidak menghairankan bahawa ini telah menjadi titik kilat filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Liberals and conservatives in this country spent much of the Bush years arguing over whether waterboarding is torture and whether such coercive techniques, whatever they are called, helped or hurt in the war on terror.", "r": {"result": "Liberal dan konservatif di negara ini menghabiskan banyak masa Bush untuk mempertikaikan sama ada waterboarding adalah penyeksaan dan sama ada teknik paksaan itu, apa sahaja panggilan mereka, membantu atau menyakiti dalam perang melawan keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch: Jon Stewart, media critic, takes on Fox News.", "r": {"result": "Tonton: Jon Stewart, pengkritik media, mengambil alih Fox News.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From a filmmaker's point of view, torture scenes are obviously more exciting than a CIA staffer quietly piecing together clues.", "r": {"result": "Dari sudut pandangan pembuat filem, adegan penyeksaan jelas lebih menarik daripada kakitangan CIA secara senyap-senyap menyusun petunjuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the controversy will spur box-office sales.", "r": {"result": "Dan kontroversi itu akan merangsang jualan box-office.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal deny taking a stance about the role of torture in the pursuit of bin Laden.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Bigelow dan penulis skrip Mark Boal menafikan mengambil pendirian tentang peranan penyeksaan dalam usaha mengejar Osama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This movie has been and will continue to be put in political boxes,\" Boal told The Wrap.", "r": {"result": "\"Filem ini telah dan akan terus dimasukkan ke dalam kotak politik,\" kata Boal kepada The Wrap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Before we even wrote it, some people said it was an Obama campaign commercial, which was preposterous.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebelum kami menulisnya, sesetengah orang berkata ia adalah iklan kempen Obama, yang tidak masuk akal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now it's pro-torture, which is preposterous\".", "r": {"result": "Dan sekarang ia adalah pro-penyiksaan, yang tidak masuk akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch: From Joe Scarborough to Rush Limbaugh, the conservative media meltdown.", "r": {"result": "Tonton: Dari Joe Scarborough hingga Rush Limbaugh, kemelut media konservatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the pro-Obama suggestion is, well, less than preposterous.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi cadangan pro-Obama adalah, baik, kurang daripada tidak masuk akal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bigelow made this film with the help of officials at the Pentagon, CIA and White House who provided her with extraordinary access.", "r": {"result": "Bigelow membuat filem ini dengan bantuan pegawai di Pentagon, CIA dan White House yang memberikannya akses yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama makes only a brief appearance, but the movie highlights the biggest success of his first term, culminating a manhunt that began after the 9/11 attacks.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama hanya membuat penampilan ringkas, tetapi filem itu menonjolkan kejayaan terbesar dalam penggal pertamanya, yang memuncak pemburuan yang bermula selepas serangan 9/11.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The film can only help burnish his reputation, and the cooperation began soon after one of the most classified missions in U.S. history.", "r": {"result": "Filem itu hanya boleh membantu membakar reputasinya, dan kerjasama itu bermula tidak lama selepas salah satu misi paling sulit dalam sejarah A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When a director gets that kind of official help, it raises troubling questions about the objectivity of those rendering the instant history.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pengarah mendapat bantuan rasmi seperti itu, ia menimbulkan persoalan yang membimbangkan tentang objektiviti mereka yang memaparkan sejarah segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Did torture really net bin Laden?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Adakah penyeksaan benar-benar menjaringkan bin Laden?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an e-mail to the Pentagon last year, CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf wrote: \"I know we don't 'pick favorites' but it makes sense to get behind the winning horse.", "r": {"result": "Dalam e-mel kepada Pentagon tahun lepas, jurucakap CIA Marie Harf menulis: \"Saya tahu kita tidak 'memilih kegemaran' tetapi masuk akal untuk berada di belakang kuda yang menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Mark and Kathryn's movie is going to be the first and the biggest.", "r": {"result": "... Filem Mark dan Kathryn akan menjadi yang pertama dan terbesar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's got the most money behind it, and two Oscar winners on board.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai wang terbanyak di belakangnya, dan dua pemenang Oscar di atas kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's just not a close call\".", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan panggilan rapat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch: The Pope tweets -- how Twitter scours the globe for VIPs.", "r": {"result": "Tonton: The Pope tweet -- bagaimana Twitter menjelajah dunia untuk mendapatkan VIP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bigelow has every right to work whatever sources she can, and every administration tries to influence media coverage, but rarely do Hollywood and government work so obviously hand in glove.", "r": {"result": "Bigelow mempunyai hak untuk bekerja apa sahaja sumber yang dia boleh, dan setiap pentadbiran cuba mempengaruhi liputan media, tetapi jarang sekali Hollywood dan kerajaan bekerja dengan begitu jelas sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for Maya, we may never learn whether she liked her portrayal in \"Zero Dark Thirty\".", "r": {"result": "Bagi Maya, kita mungkin tidak akan mengetahui sama ada dia menyukai wataknya dalam \"Zero Dark Thirty\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Valerie Plame was outed against her will; even if Maya's real-life counterpart decides to resign and go public, she would be prohibited by secrecy agreements from discussing her role in the mission.", "r": {"result": "Valerie Plame telah keluar menentang kehendaknya; walaupun rakan sejawat Maya memutuskan untuk meletakkan jawatan dan mendedahkannya kepada umum, dia akan dilarang oleh perjanjian rahsia daripada membincangkan peranannya dalam misi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most likely outcome is that the CIA operative who helped nab bin Laden will remain an unknown if flawed heroine.", "r": {"result": "Hasil yang paling mungkin adalah bahawa operasi CIA yang membantu menangkap bin Laden akan kekal sebagai heroin yang tidak diketahui jika cacat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Howard Kurtz.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini hanyalah pendapat Howard Kurtz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- India's Virender Sehwag plundered the highest score in one-day international cricket as his team routed the West Indies by 153-runs Thursday to clinch their five-match series.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Virender Sehwag dari India merampas markah tertinggi dalam kriket antarabangsa sehari ketika pasukannya mengalahkan Hindia Barat dengan 153 larian Khamis untuk merangkul siri lima perlawanan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opener Sehwag has a reputation for fast scoring, but surpassed himself with a brutal knock of 219 off just 149 balls in India's highest-ever one-day total of 418 for five wickets in 50 overs.", "r": {"result": "Pemain pembuka Sehwag mempunyai reputasi untuk menjaringkan gol pantas, tetapi mengatasi dirinya dengan ketukan kejam sebanyak 219 daripada hanya 149 bola dalam jumlah sehari tertinggi India sebanyak 418 untuk lima wiket dalam 50 over.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sehwag broke the previous best of 200 not out by his legendary compatriot Sachin Tendulkar as he took advantage of a perfect batting wicket at the Holkar Stadium in Indore.", "r": {"result": "Sehwag memecah rekod terbaik sebelum ini daripada 200 yang tidak ditewaskan oleh rakan senegara legendanya Sachin Tendulkar ketika dia memanfaatkan wiket pukulan yang sempurna di Stadium Holkar di Indore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He picked up 25 boundaries and seven sixes, surviving a dropped catch by West Indies captain Darren Sammy while on 170.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengambil 25 sempadan dan tujuh berenam, terselamat daripada tangkapan yang dijatuhkan oleh kapten Hindia Barat Darren Sammy manakala pada 170.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was finally caught in the deep off Kieron Pollard after putting on 176 for the first wicket with Gautam Gambhir (67) and 140 for the second with Suresh Raina (55).", "r": {"result": "Dia akhirnya terperangkap di dalam Kieron Pollard selepas melakukan 176 untuk wiket pertama dengan Gautam Gambhir (67) dan 140 untuk yang kedua dengan Suresh Raina (55).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was cheering for Sachin when he got his double-hundred and it's great to emulate that,\" the 33-year-old Sehwag told AFP.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bersorak untuk Sachin apabila dia mendapat dua ratus dan sangat bagus untuk mencontohinya,\" kata Sehwag yang berusia 33 tahun kepada AFP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The pitch was great and allowed you to play your shots.", "r": {"result": "\u201cLadangnya bagus dan membolehkan anda memainkan pukulan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think you can get a double-hundred like this when you're experienced.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir anda boleh mendapat dua ratus seperti ini apabila anda berpengalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The last time I played 47 overs I got 175, this time I got 200.\".", "r": {"result": "Kali terakhir saya bermain 47 over saya mendapat 175, kali ini saya mendapat 200.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The West Indies, who were looking to level the series at 2-2, were always behind the run chase as debutant leg-spinner Rahul Sharma picked up three wickets in his first three overs for the home side.", "r": {"result": "West Indies, yang sedang berusaha untuk menyamakan kedudukan 2-2, sentiasa berada di belakang mengejar larian ketika pemain pertama yang melakukan pemutar kaki, Rahul Sharma memungut tiga wiket dalam tiga over pertamanya untuk pasukan tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only a fine 96 from wicketkeeper Denesh Ramdin saved them from total humiliation as they fell 3-1 down in the series.", "r": {"result": "Hanya denda 96 daripada penjaga gawang Denesh Ramdin menyelamatkan mereka daripada penghinaan sepenuhnya apabila mereka tumbang 3-1 dalam siri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sehwag is skippering India in the series in the absence of the rested Mahendra Singh Dhoni and had scored just 46 runs in the previous three matches.", "r": {"result": "Sehwag menjadi kapten India dalam siri ini tanpa kehadiran Mahendra Singh Dhoni yang direhatkan dan hanya menjaringkan 46 larian dalam tiga perlawanan sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The final game will be played in Chennai Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan akhir akan berlangsung di Chennai Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The United States isn't leaving anything to chance.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Amerika Syarikat tidak meninggalkan apa-apa kepada peluang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While it pursues a diplomatic solution to the Syria crisis by sending Secretary of State John Kerry to meet with his Russian counterpart in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday, it has also started arming the rebels.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ia mengejar penyelesaian diplomatik kepada krisis Syria dengan menghantar Setiausaha Negara John Kerry untuk bertemu dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Rusia di Geneva, Switzerland, pada hari Khamis, ia juga telah mula mempersenjatai pemberontak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two rebel groups, though, say the arms have yet to reach them.", "r": {"result": "Dua kumpulan pemberontak, bagaimanapun, berkata senjata masih belum sampai kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, a Vladimir Putin-penned editorial in The New York Times has at least one White House official saying it's an indication the Russian president is \"now fully invested in Syria's chemical disarmament\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, editorial yang ditulis oleh Vladimir Putin dalam The New York Times mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya seorang pegawai Rumah Putih mengatakan ia adalah petunjuk presiden Rusia \"kini dilaburkan sepenuhnya dalam pelucutan senjata kimia Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a U.N. report says that both sides -- the regime and the rebels -- have committed war crimes in Syria's bloody 2-year-old civil war.", "r": {"result": "Dan laporan PBB mengatakan bahawa kedua-dua pihak -- rejim dan pemberontak -- telah melakukan jenayah perang dalam perang saudara berdarah Syria selama 2 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here are the five things to pay attention to today.", "r": {"result": "Berikut adalah lima perkara yang perlu diberi perhatian hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Giving peace a chance.", "r": {"result": "1. Memberi peluang kedamaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the diplomatic focus shifts to Geneva, the talks get down to the nuts and bolts of how to identify, verify and ultimately destroy the Syrian regime's chemical weapons stockpile, a senior State Department official told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Apabila tumpuan diplomatik beralih kepada Geneva, perbincangan itu tertumpu kepada persoalan bagaimana untuk mengenal pasti, mengesahkan dan akhirnya memusnahkan simpanan senjata kimia rejim Syria, seorang pegawai kanan Jabatan Negara memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Expect the sessions to last two or three days.", "r": {"result": "Jangkakan sesi berlangsung dua atau tiga hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A final deal may take much longer, but the State Department says the United States is looking for a \"credible and authentic way forward\" that is \"verifiable and that can happen expeditiously\".", "r": {"result": "Perjanjian akhir mungkin mengambil masa lebih lama, tetapi Jabatan Negara berkata Amerika Syarikat sedang mencari \"jalan ke hadapan yang boleh dipercayai dan sahih\" yang \"boleh disahkan dan itu boleh berlaku dengan cepat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have talked nine times since an August 21 chemical weapons attack in Syria that prompted the U.S. to urge military action against the regime.", "r": {"result": "Kerry dan Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov telah bercakap sembilan kali sejak serangan senjata kimia pada 21 Ogos di Syria yang mendorong AS menggesa tindakan ketenteraan terhadap rejim itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S., British and French diplomats also are hashing over similar matters in New York.", "r": {"result": "Diplomat A.S., British dan Perancis juga sedang mencincang perkara yang sama di New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A senior State Department official says the Syrian opposition is not pleased about recent developments.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai kanan Jabatan Negara berkata pembangkang Syria tidak berpuas hati dengan perkembangan terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're upset,\" the official says \"They don't trust this at all\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka kecewa,\" kata pegawai itu \"Mereka tidak mempercayai ini sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are complicated matters with competing interests.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah perkara yang rumit dengan kepentingan yang bersaing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Expect any final deal to go to the U.N. Security Council to be put into a formal resolution.", "r": {"result": "Jangkakan sebarang perjanjian muktamad untuk dibawa ke Majlis Keselamatan PBB untuk dimasukkan ke dalam resolusi rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And to add to the intrigue, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says the U.N. report on last month's attack will probably be published Monday.", "r": {"result": "Dan untuk menambah tipu daya, Menteri Luar Perancis Laurent Fabius berkata laporan PBB mengenai serangan bulan lepas mungkin akan diterbitkan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there will \"certainly be indications\" that the attack originated with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime, he said in a radio interview Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Dan \"pastinya akan ada petunjuk\" bahawa serangan itu berasal dari rejim Presiden Syria Bashar al-Assad, katanya dalam satu wawancara radio Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Looming over the talks is the military strike card that President Barack Obama continues to hold.", "r": {"result": "Menuju perbincangan adalah kad serangan tentera yang terus dipegang oleh Presiden Barack Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked Congress this week to put the authorization on hold, but the card isn't going back in the deck just yet.", "r": {"result": "Dia meminta Kongres minggu ini untuk menangguhkan kebenaran, tetapi kad itu tidak akan kembali ke geladak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the way that diplomacy works,\" said former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who was America's top diplomat in the Clinton administration.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah cara diplomasi berfungsi,\u201d kata bekas Setiausaha Negara Madeleine Albright, yang merupakan diplomat tertinggi Amerika dalam pentadbiran Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You use the threat of the use of force to get some action in diplomacy, and then diplomacy just to figure out what you do about the threat of the use of force\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda menggunakan ancaman penggunaan kekerasan untuk mendapatkan beberapa tindakan dalam diplomasi, dan kemudian diplomasi hanya untuk mengetahui apa yang anda lakukan mengenai ancaman penggunaan kekerasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, some say it doesn't give the White House a lot of wiggle room.", "r": {"result": "Namun, ada yang mengatakan ia tidak memberikan Rumah Putih banyak ruang goyang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If diplomacy fails, he's painted himself into a corner,\" said Sen.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika diplomasi gagal, dia melukis dirinya ke sudut,\" kata Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina.", "r": {"result": "Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The leader of the free world can't say all these things at the end of the day and do nothing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pemimpin dunia bebas tidak boleh mengatakan semua perkara ini pada penghujung hari dan tidak melakukan apa-apa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Rebels and their guns.", "r": {"result": "2. Pemberontak dan senjata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These things don't happen quickly.", "r": {"result": "Perkara-perkara ini tidak berlaku dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was back in June that officials familiar with the matter told CNN that the United States planned to send small arms, ammunition and, potentially, anti-tank weapons to Syria's rebels.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Jun, pegawai yang mengetahui perkara itu memberitahu CNN bahawa Amerika Syarikat merancang untuk menghantar senjata kecil, peluru dan, berpotensi, senjata anti kereta kebal kepada pemberontak Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Concerns about who the White House could trust kept the process on the slow track.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan tentang siapa yang boleh dipercayai oleh Rumah Putih menyebabkan proses itu berjalan perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But no more.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Funded and organized by the CIA, the weapons began reaching moderate Syrian rebels two weeks ago, a U.S. official tells CNN.", "r": {"result": "Dibiayai dan dianjurkan oleh CIA, senjata itu mula mencapai pemberontak Syria sederhana dua minggu lalu, seorang pegawai AS memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A coordinated effort is being made among the many supporters of the moderate opposition to get them the assistance they need,\" Kerry said during a Google+ Hangout discussion this week.", "r": {"result": "\"Usaha yang diselaraskan sedang dibuat di kalangan ramai penyokong pembangkang sederhana untuk mendapatkan bantuan yang mereka perlukan,\" kata Kerry semasa perbincangan Hangout Google+ minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not so, opposition groups said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Tidak begitu, kumpulan pembangkang berkata Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Syrian National Coalition and the Free Syrian Army deny they have received weapons.", "r": {"result": "Gabungan Kebangsaan Syria dan Tentera Pembebasan Syria menafikan mereka telah menerima senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have some promises from the U.S. administration of shipment of weapons in a short period of time, but until now we have not received any,\" said Louay al-Mokdad, the Free Syrian Army political and media coordinator.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mempunyai beberapa janji daripada pentadbiran AS untuk penghantaran senjata dalam tempoh yang singkat, tetapi sehingga kini kami tidak menerima apa-apa,\u201d kata Louay al-Mokdad, penyelaras politik dan media Tentera Syria Bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're waiting to see what the White House has to say about that.", "r": {"result": "Kami sedang menunggu untuk melihat apa yang dikatakan oleh Rumah Putih mengenai perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Other government business.", "r": {"result": "3. Lain-lain urusan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obamacare.", "r": {"result": "Obamacare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u014d\u02c8b\u00e4m\u0259\u02ccker"}}} {"src": "Government funding.", "r": {"result": "Pembiayaan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An energy efficiency bill.", "r": {"result": "Bil kecekapan tenaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relieved of an impending vote on whether to give the president the authorization to attack Syria, Congress is moving on to other matters.", "r": {"result": "Dilepaskan daripada undian yang akan berlaku sama ada untuk memberi presiden kebenaran untuk menyerang Syria, Kongres beralih kepada perkara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet, Syria continues to bubble under the surface.", "r": {"result": "Namun, Syria terus menggelegak di bawah permukaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Congress will be watching these negotiations very closely,\" Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warns.", "r": {"result": "\"Kongres akan memerhatikan rundingan ini dengan teliti,\" Ketua Majoriti Senat Harry Reid memberi amaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If there is any indication they're not serious or they're being used as a ploy to delay, then Congress stands ready to return\" to a resolution that would authorize a military strike on Syria.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika terdapat sebarang petunjuk bahawa mereka tidak serius atau mereka digunakan sebagai muslihat untuk menangguhkan, maka Kongres bersedia untuk kembali\" kepada resolusi yang akan membenarkan serangan tentera ke atas Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether the votes are there to approve such a resolution is another matter.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada ada undi untuk meluluskan resolusi sedemikian adalah perkara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for now, there's a different deadline looming over Congress.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi buat masa ini, terdapat tarikh akhir yang berbeza menjelang Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If there's no spending plan by early October, there could be a government shutdown.", "r": {"result": "Jika tiada rancangan perbelanjaan menjelang awal Oktober, mungkin terdapat penutupan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Pointing fingers.", "r": {"result": "4. Menuding jari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finger-pointing is a popular pastime when the topic is Syria.", "r": {"result": "Menuding jari adalah hobi popular apabila topiknya adalah Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government blames the rebels.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan menyalahkan pemberontak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rebels blame the government.", "r": {"result": "Pemberontak menyalahkan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United Nations blames both.", "r": {"result": "PBB menyalahkan kedua-duanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A U.N. report, released Wednesday, says that both sides have committed grave crimes in violation of international law.", "r": {"result": "Laporan PBB, yang dikeluarkan Rabu, mengatakan bahawa kedua-dua pihak telah melakukan jenayah berat yang melanggar undang-undang antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.N. Human Rights Council says government forces are committing crimes against humanity by attacking civilian populations.", "r": {"result": "Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia PBB berkata tentera kerajaan melakukan jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan dengan menyerang penduduk awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "War crimes like murder, torture and hostage-taking are the charges against the opposition.", "r": {"result": "Jenayah perang seperti pembunuhan, penyeksaan dan pengambilan tebusan adalah tuduhan terhadap pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no military solution to this conflict,\" the report says.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada penyelesaian tentera untuk konflik ini,\" kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Those who supply arms create but an illusion of victory\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka yang membekalkan senjata mencipta tetapi ilusi kemenangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Denials and more finger-pointing are likely from both sides.", "r": {"result": "Penafian dan lebih banyak menuding jari berkemungkinan daripada kedua-dua belah pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. Putin's turn.", "r": {"result": "5. Giliran Putin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama got his say Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Obama mendapat kata-katanya pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday night, Putin took a stab at winning friends and influencing people in a piece published by The New York Times.", "r": {"result": "Pada malam Rabu, Putin mengambil pukulan untuk memenangi kawan dan mempengaruhi orang dalam satu karya yang diterbitkan oleh The New York Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the op-ed, Putin says it's time \"to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam op-ed, Putin berkata sudah tiba masanya \"untuk bercakap terus kepada rakyat Amerika dan pemimpin politik mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He challenges Obama across the board.", "r": {"result": "Dia mencabar Obama secara menyeluruh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He says striking Syria would kill innocent people, spread violence across the region and cloud other Middle East peace efforts.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata tindakan menyerang Syria akan membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah, menyebarkan keganasan di seluruh wilayah dan mengaburkan usaha damai Timur Tengah yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It would also \"unleash a new wave of terrorism\".", "r": {"result": "Ia juga akan \"melancarkan gelombang baru keganasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said skipping the United Nations to go it alone \"would constitute an act of aggression\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata melangkau Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk melakukannya sendirian \"akan membentuk satu tindakan pencerobohan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sarin gas attack?", "r": {"result": "Serangan gas sarin?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's in there too.", "r": {"result": "Itu pun dalam tu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Obama squarely puts the blame for the alleged sarin attack on the Assad regime, Putin writes, \"There is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian army, but by opposition forces to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Obama secara terang-terangan meletakkan kesalahan atas dakwaan serangan sarin ke atas rejim Assad, Putin menulis, \"Terdapat banyak sebab untuk mempercayai ia digunakan bukan oleh tentera Syria, tetapi oleh pasukan pembangkang untuk mencetuskan campur tangan oleh penaung asing mereka yang berkuasa, yang akan berpihak kepada fundamentalis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not a lot of middle ground as talks start in Geneva.", "r": {"result": "Tidak banyak jalan tengah kerana perbincangan bermula di Geneva.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democratic Sen.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert Menendez of New Jersey said the piece made him almost want to throw up.", "r": {"result": "Robert Menendez dari New Jersey berkata karya itu membuatkan dia hampir mahu muntah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin ended with a swipe at Obama, with a reference to the Tuesday night address in which the president said that while America can't be a global cop, it ought to act in certain situations.", "r": {"result": "Putin berakhir dengan sapuan kepada Obama, dengan merujuk kepada ucapan Selasa malam di mana presiden berkata walaupun Amerika tidak boleh menjadi polis global, ia harus bertindak dalam situasi tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's what makes us exceptional,\" Obama said.", "r": {"result": "\"Itulah yang menjadikan kami luar biasa,\" kata Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With humility, but with resolve, let us never lose sight of that essential truth\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan kerendahan hati, tetapi dengan keazaman, jangan sekali-kali kita melupakan kebenaran penting itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin's answer to that?", "r": {"result": "Jawapan Putin untuk itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Amat berbahaya untuk menggalakkan orang ramai melihat diri mereka sebagai luar biasa, apa pun motivasinya,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are all different,\" the Russian leader concluded, \"but when we ask for the Lord's blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kita semua berbeza,\" pemimpin Rusia itu membuat kesimpulan, \"tetapi apabila kita meminta berkat Tuhan, kita tidak boleh lupa bahawa Tuhan menciptakan kita sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Internet responded with variations on \"Oh no, he didn't\"!", "r": {"result": "Internet bertindak balas dengan variasi pada \"Oh tidak, dia tidak\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the administration's reaction was to brush it off.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi reaksi pentadbiran adalah untuk menolaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A senior White House official says it's \"all irrelevant,\" suggesting that Putin is already all in when it comes to forcing Syria to give up its chemical weapons.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai kanan Rumah Putih berkata ia \"semuanya tidak relevan,\" menunjukkan bahawa Putin sudah bersedia untuk memaksa Syria melepaskan senjata kimianya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin \"now owns this,\" the official added of the Russian plan to have Syria's leadership give up its chemical weapons.", "r": {"result": "Putin \"kini memiliki ini,\" tambah pegawai itu mengenai rancangan Rusia untuk meminta kepimpinan Syria melepaskan senjata kimianya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He has fully asserted ownership of it, and he needs to deliver\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah menegaskan sepenuhnya pemilikan itu, dan dia perlu menyerahkannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's see if he does.", "r": {"result": "Mari kita lihat jika dia melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Barbara Starr, Steve Brusk, Jamie Crawford, Jake Tapper, Elise Labott, Barbara Starr, John King, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Starr dari CNN, Steve Brusk, Jamie Crawford, Jake Tapper, Elise Labott, Barbara Starr, John King, Jake Tapper dan Dana Bash menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Sebastian Vettel is on track to become Formula One's youngest double world champion after topping the qualifying timesheets for Sunday's Singapore Grand Prix.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sebastian Vettel berada di landasan untuk menjadi juara dunia berganda termuda Formula Satu selepas mengungguli rekod masa kelayakan untuk Grand Prix Singapura Ahad ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 24-year-old headed off Red Bull teammate Mark Webber to claim his 11th pole position this season as he seeks a ninth victory from 14 races.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 24 tahun itu mengetuai rakan sepasukan Red Bull, Mark Webber untuk merebut petak pertama ke-11 musim ini ketika dia memburu kemenangan kesembilan daripada 14 perlumbaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That would give him another championship crown -- the first was clinched at the last race of 2010, but this one would be with five to go as he seeks to build on his 112-point lead in the night event.", "r": {"result": "Itu akan memberikannya satu lagi mahkota kejuaraan -- yang pertama diraih pada perlumbaan terakhir 2010, tetapi yang ini akan berbaki lima lagi ketika dia berusaha untuk membina kelebihan 112 mata dalam acara malam itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vettel can beat the mark of second-placed Fernando Alonso, who was 25 when he won his second title with Renault in 2006.", "r": {"result": "Vettel boleh mengalahkan pemain tempat kedua Fernando Alonso, yang berusia 25 tahun ketika memenangi gelaran kedua bersama Renault pada 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Spaniard could delay Vettel's celebrations if he finishes fourth on a testing Marina Bay Street Circuit where he led from the start to win last year from Vettel and Webber -- and also triumphed with Renault in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pemain Sepanyol itu boleh menangguhkan sambutan Vettel jika dia menduduki tempat keempat dalam ujian Litar Jalan Marina Bay di mana dia mendahului dari awal untuk menang tahun lalu daripada Vettel dan Webber -- dan juga menang bersama Renault pada 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How the F1 title can be won: Vettel on the verge.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana gelaran F1 boleh dimenangi: Vettel di ambang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alonso will have to improve on Saturday's qualifying, where he was fifth fastest ahead of Ferrari teammate Felipe Massa.", "r": {"result": "Alonso perlu menambah baik pada kelayakan Sabtu ini, di mana dia berada di tempat kelima terpantas di hadapan rakan sepasukan Ferrari, Felipe Massa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Red Bull team boss Christian Horner downplayed chances of the title being decided this weekend.", "r": {"result": "Bos pasukan Red Bull, Christian Horner memperkecilkan peluang kejuaraan diputuskan hujung minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The moon and stars have got to line up.", "r": {"result": "\"Bulan dan bintang perlu beratur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We haven't booked anything for a party should we win.", "r": {"result": "Kami belum menempah apa-apa untuk parti sekiranya kami menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're focused on the race,\" he told reporters in quotes carried by AFP.", "r": {"result": "Kami memberi tumpuan kepada perlumbaan,\" katanya kepada pemberita dalam petikan yang dibawa oleh AFP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vettel set the pace in the first two sessions before clocking an unbeatable one minute 44.381 seconds in his only run of Q3 to give Red Bull a perfect record in qualifying this season.", "r": {"result": "Vettel menetapkan rentak dalam dua sesi pertama sebelum mencatatkan satu minit 44.381 saat yang tidak dapat dikalahkan dalam satu-satunya larian Q3 untuk memberikan Red Bull rekod sempurna dalam kelayakan musim ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vettel fastest in Singapore practice.", "r": {"result": "Vettel terpantas dalam latihan Singapura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I decided to abort my second run when I made a mistake because it is very easy to damage the car so I went wide,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mengambil keputusan untuk menggugurkan larian kedua apabila melakukan kesilapan kerana ia sangat mudah merosakkan kereta sehingga saya tergelincir,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was quite happy with my first lap.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya cukup gembira dengan pusingan pertama saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think the circuit ramped up at the end and I think it was possible to go faster, but I'm very happy.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa litar meningkat pada penghujung dan saya fikir ia mungkin untuk berjalan lebih pantas, tetapi saya sangat gembira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a very difficult track with such a long lap to get everything right.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah trek yang sangat sukar dengan pusingan yang begitu panjang untuk memperbaiki semuanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think we learned from our mistakes that we made last year\".", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa kami belajar daripada kesilapan yang kami lakukan tahun lepas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Webber then surged into second with 1:44.732 to push past McLaren's former world champions Jenson Button (1:44.804) and Lewis Hamilton (1:44.809).", "r": {"result": "Webber kemudian melonjak ke tempat kedua dengan 1:44.732 untuk menewaskan bekas juara dunia McLaren, Jenson Button (1:44.804) dan Lewis Hamilton (1:44.809).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamilton was unable to make a second run due to a fuel problem, and watched from the pits as his time was beaten.", "r": {"result": "Hamilton tidak dapat membuat larian kedua kerana masalah bahan api, dan memerhati dari lubang ketika masanya ditewaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alonso timed 1:44.874 to be well clear of Massa (1:45.800) and the Mercedes of Nico Rosberg -- whose legendary teammate Michael Schumacher failed to set a time along with Force India's Adrian Sutil and Paul di Resta -- who both opted to conserve tires.", "r": {"result": "Alonso mencatat masa 1:44.874 untuk mengatasi Massa (1:45.800) dan Mercedes dari Nico Rosberg -- yang rakan sepasukan legenda Michael Schumacher gagal menetapkan masa bersama-sama dengan pemain Force India Adrian Sutil dan Paul di Resta -- yang kedua-duanya memilih untuk menjimatkan tayar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Is this the dream for families traveling by air or their worst nightmare?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Adakah ini impian keluarga yang melakukan perjalanan melalui udara atau mimpi ngeri terburuk mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomson Airways, the third biggest airline in the UK, is considering new seating configurations that'll seat parents and kids face-to-face around a table.", "r": {"result": "Thomson Airways, syarikat penerbangan ketiga terbesar di UK, sedang mempertimbangkan konfigurasi tempat duduk baharu yang akan menempatkan ibu bapa dan anak-anak bersemuka di sekeliling meja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Promo photos for the rear-of-the-plane concept look good, showing a relaxed mom and dad presiding over a well-behaved brood.", "r": {"result": "Foto promosi untuk konsep belakang pesawat kelihatan bagus, menunjukkan ibu dan ayah yang santai mengetuai anak induk yang berkelakuan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Families like this may actually exist, in which case Thomson is on to a winner.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga seperti ini sebenarnya mungkin wujud, dalam hal ini Thomson akan menjadi pemenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parents looking forward to corralling irksome offspring into middle seats while they binge-watch blockbuster movies may think differently.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa tidak sabar-sabar untuk mengaitkan anak-anak yang menjengkelkan ke tempat duduk tengah semasa mereka menonton filem blockbuster mungkin berfikir secara berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Child-free zone and snack bar.", "r": {"result": "Zon bebas kanak-kanak dan bar snek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flying family circle setup is one of several ideas Thomson is considering for the new fleet of 47 Boeing 737 MAX aircraft it has on order.", "r": {"result": "Persediaan bulatan keluarga terbang adalah salah satu daripada beberapa idea yang sedang dipertimbangkan oleh Thomson untuk armada baharu 47 pesawat Boeing 737 MAX yang dipesannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on the drawing board are \"couple pods,\" featuring a table (for champagne, according to the airline) sandwiched between two seats with mood lighting.", "r": {"result": "Juga pada papan lukisan adalah \"polong berpasangan,\" yang memaparkan meja (untuk champagne, menurut syarikat penerbangan) diapit di antara dua tempat duduk dengan pencahayaan suasana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As a possible sop to parents deprived of their movie marathon, Thomson is also looking at on-board childcare services.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai langkah yang mungkin kepada ibu bapa yang dilucutkan daripada maraton filem mereka, Thomson juga melihat perkhidmatan penjagaan kanak-kanak di atas kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Flight attendants will be trained to engage kids with entertainments like crafts and quizzes that related to the destination.", "r": {"result": "Pramugari akan dilatih untuk melibatkan kanak-kanak dengan hiburan seperti kraf dan kuiz yang berkaitan dengan destinasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are plans to keep adults happy, with a \"beach snack bar\" in premium cabins and a zoning system deployed to create a child-free zone.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat rancangan untuk memastikan orang dewasa gembira, dengan \"bar snek pantai\" di kabin premium dan sistem pengezonan digunakan untuk mewujudkan zon bebas kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unusual innovations.", "r": {"result": "Inovasi luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thomson may also introduce resort concierges on board, offering recommendations about the destination.", "r": {"result": "Thomson juga boleh memperkenalkan concierge resort di atas kapal, menawarkan cadangan tentang destinasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inflight entertainment systems will allow last-minute bookings and room upgrades.", "r": {"result": "Sistem hiburan dalam penerbangan akan membenarkan tempahan saat akhir dan naik taraf bilik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Thomson spokeswoman told CNN that all the ideas were genuine plans that could be introduced as the new fleet is rolled out over the next five years.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Thomson memberitahu CNN bahawa semua idea itu adalah rancangan tulen yang boleh diperkenalkan apabila armada baharu itu dilancarkan dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said some were already being trialed.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata ada yang sedang dibicarakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airline's concepts follow a slew of other speculative in-flight innovations created by industry players attempting to raise profit margins or outdo competitors.", "r": {"result": "Konsep syarikat penerbangan itu mengikuti pelbagai inovasi dalam penerbangan spekulatif lain yang dicipta oleh pemain industri yang cuba meningkatkan margin keuntungan atau mengatasi pesaing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Air New Zealand recently touted its Skycouch -- a three-seat row that can be converted into a futon in economy class.", "r": {"result": "Air New Zealand baru-baru ini menggembar-gemburkan Skycouchnya -- barisan tiga tempat duduk yang boleh ditukar menjadi futon dalam kelas ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Manufacturer Airbus this year filed a patent for saddle seats -- an idea once floated by low-cost carrier Ryanair but largely dismissed as a marketing stunt.", "r": {"result": "Pengilang Airbus tahun ini memfailkan paten untuk tempat duduk pelana -- idea yang pernah diapungkan oleh syarikat penerbangan tambang rendah Ryanair tetapi sebahagian besarnya ditolak sebagai aksi pemasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico City, Mexico (CNN) -- What was Hurricane Karl weakened Friday to a tropical storm after making landfall, but the heavy rain it spawned could still cause mudslides and flash floods in the Mexican interior, forecasters said.", "r": {"result": "Mexico City, Mexico (CNN) -- Apakah Taufan Karl melemahkan Jumaat kepada ribut tropika selepas mendarat, tetapi hujan lebat yang ditimbulkannya masih boleh menyebabkan banjir lumpur dan banjir kilat di pedalaman Mexico, kata peramal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Karl was downgraded after coming ashore as a Category 3 hurricane about 10 miles (15 kilometers) north of Veracruz, Mexico, CNN's satellite and radar estimates showed.", "r": {"result": "Karl diturunkan tarafnya selepas tiba di darat sebagai taufan Kategori 3 kira-kira 10 batu (15 kilometer) di utara Veracruz, Mexico, menurut anggaran satelit dan radar CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm is forecast to weaken to a tropical depression later Friday or Saturday and dissipate over the mountains of Mexico on Sunday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Friday evening.", "r": {"result": "Ribut itu diramalkan akan lemah kepada lekukan tropika lewat Jumaat atau Sabtu dan meresap di atas pergunungan Mexico pada hari Ahad, kata Pusat Taufan Kebangsaan A.S. pada petang Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It added the Mexican government has discontinued all coastal watches and warnings.", "r": {"result": "Ia menambah kerajaan Mexico telah menghentikan semua jam tangan dan amaran pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm delivered torrents of rain and fierce winds several hours before it hit land around 11:30 a.m. (12:30 p.m. ET).", "r": {"result": "Ribut itu menyebabkan hujan lebat dan angin kencang beberapa jam sebelum melanda daratan sekitar jam 11:30 pagi (12:30 tengah hari ET).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Photographs sent to CNN's iReport by Ricardo Arcaraz, who lives in Veracruz, showed heavy rain and trees on top of power lines.", "r": {"result": "Gambar yang dihantar ke iReport CNN oleh Ricardo Arcaraz, yang tinggal di Veracruz, menunjukkan hujan lebat dan pokok di atas talian elektrik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He reported widespread outages.", "r": {"result": "Dia melaporkan gangguan yang meluas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maximum sustained winds later weakened to around 70 mph (115 kph) with higher gusts, according to the Hurricane Center.", "r": {"result": "Angin berkekalan maksimum kemudiannya lemah kepada sekitar 70 mph (115 kph) dengan tiupan yang lebih tinggi, menurut Pusat Taufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Karl, located about 75 miles (115 kilometers) east of Puebla Mexico, was moving west-southwest at about 9 mph (15 kph), it said.", "r": {"result": "Karl, yang terletak kira-kira 75 batu (115 kilometer) timur Puebla Mexico, sedang bergerak ke barat-barat daya pada kira-kira 9 mph (15 kph), katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Satellite images and surface observations from Mexico suggest Karl is weakening rapidly as it passes through steep mountains, the Hurricane Center added.", "r": {"result": "Imej satelit dan pemerhatian permukaan dari Mexico mencadangkan Karl semakin lemah dengan cepat ketika ia melalui pergunungan curam, tambah Pusat Taufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "High winds remain a threat, though forecasters said they will likely weaken too in the coming days.", "r": {"result": "Angin kencang kekal sebagai ancaman, walaupun peramal berkata ia mungkin akan lemah juga pada hari-hari akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The homes of at least 3,000 families in central Mexico were damaged, the state-run Notimex news agency reported.", "r": {"result": "Kediaman sekurang-kurangnya 3,000 keluarga di tengah Mexico telah rosak, lapor agensi berita Notimex yang dikendalikan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tropical storm force winds are occurring in a small area near the center.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAngin kuat ribut tropika berlaku di kawasan kecil berhampiran pusat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These winds will continue to spread inland along the track of the center tonight but should decrease rapidly as Karl weakens,\" the Hurricane Center said.", "r": {"result": "Angin ini akan terus merebak ke pedalaman di sepanjang landasan pusat malam ini tetapi akan berkurangan dengan cepat apabila Karl semakin lemah,\" kata Pusat Taufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Potentially dangerous rain also was forecast.", "r": {"result": "Hujan yang berpotensi berbahaya juga telah diramalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Karl is expected to produce rainfall accumulations of 5 to 10 inches across portions of south-central Mexico, with isolated amounts of 15 inches possible in the mountains,\" the center said.", "r": {"result": "\"Karl dijangka menghasilkan pengumpulan hujan 5 hingga 10 inci merentasi bahagian selatan-tengah Mexico, dengan jumlah terpencil 15 inci mungkin di pergunungan,\" kata pusat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mudslides\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hujan ini boleh menyebabkan banjir kilat dan tanah runtuh yang mengancam nyawa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Within the past day or so, some 8 inches of rain has fallen in Veracruz, according to CNN meteorologist Brandon Miller.", "r": {"result": "Dalam tempoh sehari lalu, kira-kira 8 inci hujan telah turun di Veracruz, menurut ahli meteorologi CNN Brandon Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some local flooding was already reported, the Mexican Interior Ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa banjir tempatan telah dilaporkan, kata Kementerian Dalam Negeri Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials closed some roads and urged evacuations for large, low-lying areas in Veracruz.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai menutup beberapa jalan dan menggesa pemindahan untuk kawasan besar dan rendah di Veracruz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexico's National System for Civil Protection issued a red alert, the highest level, for central and southern Veracruz.", "r": {"result": "Sistem Kebangsaan bagi Perlindungan Awam Mexico mengeluarkan amaran merah, tahap tertinggi, untuk Veracruz tengah dan selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An orange alert was in place for northern Veracruz and the states of Hidalgo, Tlaxcala and Puebla.", "r": {"result": "Amaran jingga telah disediakan untuk utara Veracruz dan negeri Hidalgo, Tlaxcala dan Puebla.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A yellow alert was issued for the states of Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi and Oaxaca.", "r": {"result": "Amaran kuning telah dikeluarkan untuk negeri Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi dan Oaxaca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mexican President Felipe Calderon also sent a warning Friday morning on his Twitter account.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Mexico Felipe Calderon juga menghantar amaran pagi Jumaat di akaun Twitternya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"An alert for Hurricane Karl in the nation's central states,\" it said, adding that Karl \"could convert to a Category 4. It will enter through Veracruz around midday\".", "r": {"result": "\"Amaran untuk Taufan Karl di negeri tengah negara,\" katanya, sambil menambah bahawa Karl \"boleh menukar kepada Kategori 4. Ia akan masuk melalui Veracruz sekitar tengah hari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Texas could be spared any major problems because a storm surge occurs only near the landfall location, said CNN meteorologist Sean Morris.", "r": {"result": "Texas boleh terhindar daripada sebarang masalah besar kerana lonjakan ribut berlaku hanya berhampiran lokasi pendaratan, kata pakar meteorologi CNN Sean Morris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coastal flood advisories have been issued for south Texas, which means forecasters expect a small amount of coastal flooding but nothing serious, Morris said.", "r": {"result": "Amaran banjir pantai telah dikeluarkan untuk selatan Texas, yang bermaksud peramal menjangkakan sejumlah kecil banjir pantai tetapi tiada yang serius, kata Morris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A larger threat to south Texas will come from several inches of rain that could cause flooding and mudslides.", "r": {"result": "Ancaman yang lebih besar ke selatan Texas akan datang dari beberapa inci hujan yang boleh menyebabkan banjir dan tanah runtuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The area could see as much as 4 inches by Sunday, with isolated amounts of up to 6 inches in far southern Texas.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan itu boleh melihat sebanyak 4 inci menjelang Ahad, dengan jumlah terpencil sehingga 6 inci di jauh di selatan Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN meteorologists Brandon Miller and Mari Ramos contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ahli meteorologi CNN Brandon Miller dan Mari Ramos menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Donna Summer, the \"Queen of Disco\" whose hits included \"Hot Stuff,\" \"Bad Girls,\" \"Love to Love You Baby\" and \"She Works Hard for the Money,\" has died, a representative said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Donna Summer, \"Queen of Disco\" yang hitsnya termasuk \"Hot Stuff,\" \"Bad Girls,\" \"Love to Love You Baby\" dan \"She Works Hard for the Money,\" telah meninggal dunia, kata seorang wakil. Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was 63.", "r": {"result": "Dia berumur 63 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her publicist, Brian Edwards, said Summer was suffering from cancer.", "r": {"result": "Publisitinya, Brian Edwards, berkata Summer menderita kanser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She died surrounded by her family in Florida, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dia meninggal dunia dikelilingi oleh keluarganya di Florida, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Early this morning, we lost Donna Summer Sudano, a woman of many gifts, the greatest being her faith,\" a family statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Awal pagi ini, kami kehilangan Donna Summer Sudano, seorang wanita yang mempunyai banyak anugerah, yang paling hebat ialah kepercayaannya,\" kata satu kenyataan keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"While we grieve her passing, we are at peace celebrating her extraordinary life and her continued legacy.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSementara kami bersedih dengan pemergiannya, kami tenang meraikan kehidupannya yang luar biasa dan warisan berterusannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Words truly can't express how much we appreciate your prayers and love for our family at this sensitive time\".", "r": {"result": "Kata-kata benar-benar tidak dapat menyatakan betapa kami menghargai doa dan kasih sayang anda untuk keluarga kami pada masa yang sensitif ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Summer first rose to fame the mid-'70s, thanks to \"Love to Love You Baby\".", "r": {"result": "Musim panas mula menjadi terkenal pada pertengahan tahun 70-an, terima kasih kepada \"Love to Love You Baby\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The song, with Summer's whispered vocals and orgasmic groans helped define the mid-'70s disco trend and hit No.2 in 1976. Summer followed the song with such hits as \"I Feel Love,\" \"Last Dance\" and a disco-fied version of the Richard Harris hit \"MacArthur Park,\" which outdid Harris' version by hitting No.1 on Billboard's Hot 100 singles chart.", "r": {"result": "Lagu itu, dengan vokal berbisik Summer dan rintihan orgasmik membantu menentukan trend disko pertengahan tahun 70-an dan mencapai No.2 pada tahun 1976. Summer mengikuti lagu itu dengan lagu hits seperti \"I Feel Love,\" \"Last Dance\" dan lagu disko. versi Richard Harris mencecah \"MacArthur Park,\" yang mengatasi versi Harris dengan mencecah No.1 pada carta single Hot 100 Billboard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was Summer's first of four chart-toppers.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah yang pertama musim panas daripada empat carta teratas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fans, friends react to Summer's death.", "r": {"result": "Peminat, rakan bertindak balas terhadap kematian Summer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But with her 1979 album \"Bad Girls,\" Summer broke out of the disco mold as the genre, which had become renewed by the success of the \"Saturday Night Fever\" soundtrack, was feeling a backlash.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan albumnya pada 1979 \"Bad Girls,\" Summer keluar dari acuan disko kerana genre, yang telah diperbaharui oleh kejayaan runut bunyi \"Saturday Night Fever\", mendapat reaksi balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Bad Girls\" demonstrated Summer's vocal and stylistic range and produced two No.1 hits, \"Hot Stuff\" and \"Bad Girls,\" as well as a Top 10 ballad, \"Dim All the Lights\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bad Girls\" memperagakan rangkaian vokal dan gaya Summer dan menghasilkan dua hits No.1, \"Hot Stuff\" dan \"Bad Girls,\" serta balada Top 10, \"Dim All the Lights\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Summer had some trouble adjusting to the changing times.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, Summer menghadapi masalah untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her next album, \"The Wanderer,\" went for more of a rock feel.", "r": {"result": "Album beliau yang seterusnya, \"The Wanderer,\" lebih kepada rasa rock.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It produced a Top 10 hit in the title track but fared relatively poorly on the charts -- especially after the success of \"Bad Girls,\" a double album that spent five weeks at No.1.", "r": {"result": "Ia menghasilkan Top 10 hit dalam lagu tajuk tetapi agak teruk dalam carta -- terutamanya selepas kejayaan \"Bad Girls,\" album berganda yang menghabiskan masa lima minggu di No.1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't until 1983's \"She Works Hard for the Money,\" which became a ubiquitous video as well as a big radio hit, that Summer's fame approached its late '70s zenith.", "r": {"result": "Sehinggalah pada tahun 1983 \"She Works Hard for the Money,\" yang menjadi video di mana-mana serta popular radio, kemasyhuran Summer menghampiri kemuncak lewat tahun 70-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch 2008 Donna Summer interview.", "r": {"result": "Tonton wawancara Donna Summer 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Recording Academy, which presented five Grammys to Summer, said she \"had a dynamic voice and unique musical style that helped define the dance music genre in the '70s.", "r": {"result": "Akademi Rakaman, yang menyampaikan lima Grammy kepada Summer, berkata dia \"mempunyai suara yang dinamik dan gaya muzik unik yang membantu menentukan genre muzik tarian pada tahun 70-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She also was an artist who crossed many musical genres, as evidenced by her Grammy wins in the R&B, rock, inspirational and dance categories,\" Recording Academy President Neil Portnow said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia juga seorang artis yang merentasi banyak genre muzik, seperti yang dibuktikan oleh kemenangan Grammynya dalam kategori R&B, rock, inspirasi dan tarian,\" kata Presiden Akademi Rakaman Neil Portnow.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Her talent was a true gift to the music industry, and our thoughts and sympathies are with her family, friends and fans throughout the world during this difficult time\".", "r": {"result": "\"Bakatnya adalah hadiah sebenar kepada industri muzik, dan fikiran serta simpati kami bersama keluarga, rakan dan peminatnya di seluruh dunia pada masa yang sukar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't like to be categorized because I think that I am an instrument, and if you play me, I'll make whatever particular sound is supposed to come out for that color,\" Summer told CNN in a 2008 interview.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak suka dikategorikan kerana saya fikir saya adalah instrumen, dan jika anda memainkan saya, saya akan membuat apa sahaja bunyi tertentu yang sepatutnya keluar untuk warna itu,\" kata Summer kepada CNN dalam temu bual 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And so, in the overall spectrum of things, I'm just trying to be true to my -- what I feel my mission is\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi, dalam spektrum keseluruhan perkara, saya hanya cuba untuk menjadi benar kepada saya -- apa yang saya rasa misi saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollywood publicist Michael Levine said he was hired in 2002 to help Summer \"rebrand and reinvent her image\".", "r": {"result": "Publisiti Hollywood Michael Levine berkata dia telah diupah pada 2002 untuk membantu Summer \"menjenamakan semula dan mencipta semula imejnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The legacy of Donna Summer, America's disco queen, is lasting.", "r": {"result": "Warisan Donna Summer, ratu disko Amerika, berkekalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was a victim of her own success,\" Levine said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia adalah mangsa kejayaannya sendiri,\" kata Levine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The disco diva imprint was so great that she wanted to break beyond that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jejak diva disko sangat hebat sehingga dia mahu melampaui itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She would always bring a gift when she came to our office, which is not common,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia selalu membawa hadiah apabila dia datang ke pejabat kami, yang bukan perkara biasa,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Celebrity reaction to news of Summer's death was immediate.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi selebriti terhadap berita kematian Summer adalah serta-merta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Share your images or memories of Donna Summer.", "r": {"result": "Kongsi imej atau kenangan anda tentang Donna Summer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can't believe we've lost another wonderful singer,\" Dolly Parton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak percaya kami telah kehilangan seorang lagi penyanyi hebat,\" kata Dolly Parton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Donna, like Whitney (Houston), had one of the greatest voices ever.", "r": {"result": "\"Donna, seperti Whitney (Houston), mempunyai salah satu suara yang paling hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I loved her records.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka rekod dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was the disco queen, and will remain so.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah ratu disko, dan akan kekal begitu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew her and found her to be one of the most likable and fun people ever.", "r": {"result": "Saya mengenalinya dan mendapati dia adalah antara orang yang paling disenangi dan menyeronokkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She will be missed and remembered\".", "r": {"result": "Dia akan dirindui dan diingati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chaka Khan said she was Summer's friend for three decades.", "r": {"result": "Chaka Khan berkata dia adalah kawan Summer selama tiga dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She is one of the few black women I could speak German with and she is one of the few friends I had in this business,\" Khan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia adalah salah seorang daripada segelintir wanita kulit hitam yang saya boleh bercakap dalam bahasa Jerman dan dia adalah salah seorang daripada segelintir rakan yang saya ada dalam perniagaan ini,\" kata Khan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Summer moved to Germany in the early '70s to perform in several musicals.", "r": {"result": "Musim panas berpindah ke Jerman pada awal 70-an untuk membuat persembahan dalam beberapa muzikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was shocked to hear about Donna,\" singer Barbra Streisand said in a statement released by her publicist.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya terkejut mendengar tentang Donna,\" kata penyanyi Barbra Streisand dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh publisitinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She was so vital the last time I saw her a few months ago.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia sangat penting pada kali terakhir saya melihatnya beberapa bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I loved doing the duet with her.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka berduet dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had an amazing voice and was so talented\".", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai suara yang menakjubkan dan sangat berbakat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She will be terribly missed.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia akan sangat dirindui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was truly the #Disco Queen\"!", "r": {"result": "Dia benar-benar #Ratu Disko\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Singer La Toya Jackson said in a Twitter posting.", "r": {"result": "Penyanyi La Toya Jackson berkata dalam catatan Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will miss Donna Summer!", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan merindui Donna Summer!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She changed the world of music with her beautiful voice and incredible talent,\" Janet Jackson told Twitter followers.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengubah dunia muzik dengan suaranya yang indah dan bakat yang luar biasa,\" kata Janet Jackson kepada pengikut Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whitney.", "r": {"result": "\"Whitney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tina Marie.", "r": {"result": "Tina Marie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vesta.", "r": {"result": "Vesta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now Donna Summer.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang Donna Summer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The choir in heaven has a new member.", "r": {"result": "Koir di syurga mempunyai ahli baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They will be singing up a beautiful storm:)\" actress Niecy Nash tweeted.", "r": {"result": "Mereka akan menyanyikan ribut yang indah:)\" tweet pelakon Niecy Nash.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Rest in Peace dear Donna Summer.", "r": {"result": "\"Rehat dengan tenang sayang Donna Summer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Your voice was the heartbeat and soundtrack of a decade,\" music producer Quincy Jones tweeted.", "r": {"result": "Suara anda adalah degupan jantung dan runut bunyi selama sedekad,\" tweet penerbit muzik Quincy Jones.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ". \"I thought she was a very gracious and a very nice person.", "r": {"result": ". \"Saya fikir dia seorang yang sangat peramah dan sangat baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Always beautifully gowned and well spoken.", "r": {"result": "Sentiasa berpakaian cantik dan bertutur dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I liked her,\" said legendary soul singer Aretha Franklin.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka dia,\" kata penyanyi jiwa legenda Aretha Franklin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A very good singer.", "r": {"result": "\"Penyanyi yang sangat baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We won't forget all those many hits she put out there.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak akan melupakan semua hits yang dia keluarkan di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You know, 'Bad Girls' and 'Last Dance' and all the hits.", "r": {"result": "Anda tahu, 'Bad Girls' dan 'Last Dance' dan semua lagu hits.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We won't forget those.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak akan melupakan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My heart goes out to her family and to her friends and fans.", "r": {"result": "Hati saya tertuju kepada keluarganya dan kepada rakan dan peminatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's really a sad day\".", "r": {"result": "Ia benar-benar hari yang menyedihkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Summer's honor to the Salvation Army.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga meminta bahawa sebagai ganti bunga, derma boleh dibuat sebagai penghormatan Musim Panas kepada Salvation Army.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People we've lost in 2012: The lives they lived.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang telah kita hilangkan pada 2012: Kehidupan yang mereka lalui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Todd Leopold, Josh Levs and Rachel Wells contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Todd Leopold dari CNN, Josh Levs dan Rachel Wells menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rio de Janeiro (CNN) -- Soldiers in full combat gear move silently through a sprawling shantytown in northern Rio de Janeiro, pointing weapons down narrow alleys and poking through sacks of cement in search of drugs.", "r": {"result": "Rio de Janeiro (CNN) -- Askar dengan peralatan tempur lengkap bergerak secara senyap melalui sebuah bandar kumuh yang luas di utara Rio de Janeiro, mengacukan senjata ke lorong-lorong sempit dan menyeluk guni simen untuk mencari dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Residents walk by, barely looking at the troops sent in to occupy the Complexo da Mare as an emergency response to escalating violence in the city's notorious favelas.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk berjalan kaki, hampir tidak melihat tentera yang dihantar untuk menduduki Complexo da Mare sebagai tindak balas kecemasan terhadap keganasan yang semakin meningkat di kawasan favela terkenal di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 2,500 army troops and marines have moved in to reinforce police in an operation aimed at securing the slum, home to 130,000 people, ahead of the World Cup, which runs from June 12 to July 13... Seizing control from drug gangs was deemed a priority because the shantytown lies just a few kilometers from Rio's international airport.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 2,500 askar tentera dan marin telah berpindah untuk mengukuhkan polis dalam operasi yang bertujuan untuk mengawal kawasan setinggan, yang menempatkan 130,000 orang, menjelang Piala Dunia, yang berlangsung dari 12 Jun hingga 13 Julai... Merampas kawalan daripada kumpulan dadah dianggap keutamaan kerana shantytown terletak hanya beberapa kilometer dari lapangan terbang antarabangsa Rio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not a peaceful operation because we have three different criminal gangs here and they are rivals,\" Gen.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa bukan operasi aman kerana kami mempunyai tiga kumpulan penjenayah yang berbeza di sini dan mereka adalah saingan,\u201d Jen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roberto Escoto told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Roberto Escoto memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rio state government requested the army occupation after a series of attacks against police posts.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan negeri Rio meminta pendudukan tentera selepas beberapa siri serangan terhadap pos polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The troops will remain until at least July 31, after the World Cup ends, Escoto said.", "r": {"result": "Tentera akan kekal sehingga sekurang-kurangnya 31 Julai, selepas Piala Dunia berakhir, kata Escoto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's an emergency,\" Escoto said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia kecemasan,\" kata Escoto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The state police so far don't have enough policeman and enough equipment to operate in all the city\".", "r": {"result": "\"Polis negeri setakat ini tidak mempunyai anggota polis yang mencukupi dan peralatan yang mencukupi untuk beroperasi di seluruh bandar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's also the latest campaign in Rio's so-called \"pacification\" program launched in 2008. Officials say that after neglecting security in the city's poorest neighborhoods for decades, police have now seized control from drug gangs in dozens of slums.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga merupakan kempen terbaharu dalam program Rio yang dipanggil \"mendamaikan\" yang dilancarkan pada 2008. Para pegawai berkata bahawa selepas mengabaikan keselamatan di kawasan kejiranan termiskin di bandar itu selama beberapa dekad, polis kini telah merampas kawalan daripada kumpulan dadah di berpuluh-puluh kawasan setinggan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While soldiers have provided support during the initial campaign, they have been replaced by police posts in most operations.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun askar telah memberikan sokongan semasa kempen awal, mereka telah digantikan oleh pos polis dalam kebanyakan operasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for the Complexo da Mare, officials decided more drastic measures were needed.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi untuk Complexo da Mare, pegawai memutuskan langkah yang lebih drastik diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unlike many of the favelas that cling to the hills near Rio's picturesque beaches, the Complexo da Mare is a sprawling, mostly flat shantytown that combines 15 different neighborhoods in the city's smoggy north zone.", "r": {"result": "Tidak seperti kebanyakan favela yang berpaut pada bukit berhampiran pantai Rio yang indah, Complexo da Mare ialah sebuah bandar shanty yang luas, kebanyakannya rata yang menggabungkan 15 kawasan kejiranan yang berbeza di zon utara berkabus di bandar ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cement-block houses are covered with colorful graffiti and loops of tangled wire hang overhead, evidence of the do-it-yourself electricity that powers most homes.", "r": {"result": "Rumah blok simen dilitupi dengan grafiti berwarna-warni dan gelung wayar berselirat digantung di atas kepala, bukti kuasa elektrik buat sendiri yang menggerakkan kebanyakan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schoolchildren play soccer on a synthetic-turf court while residents sit at plastic tables set up in the street, drinking beer and listening to music blast over speakers, seemingly oblivious to the heavily armed soldiers who march by.", "r": {"result": "Kanak-kanak sekolah bermain bola sepak di gelanggang rumput sintetik manakala penduduk duduk di meja plastik yang disediakan di jalan, minum bir dan mendengar letupan muzik di atas pembesar suara, seolah-olah tidak menyedari tentera bersenjata lengkap yang berarak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When asked, they refuse to talk about the military occupation.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ditanya, mereka enggan bercakap mengenai pendudukan tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Troops have set up checkpoints at the entrances to the favela and patrol the streets on foot and in armored personnel carriers.", "r": {"result": "Tentera telah menyediakan pusat pemeriksaan di pintu masuk ke favela dan meronda di jalan-jalan dengan berjalan kaki dan dalam pengangkut kakitangan berperisai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soldiers with metal detectors and trained dogs search for hidden caches of arms or drugs.", "r": {"result": "Askar dengan pengesan logam dan anjing terlatih mencari tembolok senjata atau dadah yang tersembunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So far, they have registered more than a half dozen gun battles.", "r": {"result": "Setakat ini, mereka telah mencatatkan lebih daripada setengah dozen pertempuran senjata api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resurgence in violence in some of the favelas already pacified has raised alarms in a city that will host many of the 600,000 international fans attending the World Cup.", "r": {"result": "Kebangkitan semula dalam keganasan di beberapa favela yang sudah tenang telah menimbulkan kebimbangan di bandar yang akan menjadi tuan rumah kepada ramai daripada 600,000 peminat antarabangsa yang menghadiri Piala Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rio also will host the Olympic Games in 2016.", "r": {"result": "Rio juga akan menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Olimpik pada 2016.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tourists strolling along Copacabana Beach at the other end of the city said they were taking precautions, but not overly worried.", "r": {"result": "Pelancong yang bersiar-siar di sepanjang Pantai Copacabana di hujung bandar itu berkata mereka mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga, tetapi tidak terlalu bimbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Peter, a Belgian businessman in town for a conference, said he was given a brochure with a list of security suggestions when he arrived.", "r": {"result": "Peter, seorang ahli perniagaan Belgium di bandar untuk persidangan, berkata dia telah diberikan risalah dengan senarai cadangan keselamatan apabila dia tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I feel safe here, but I know where not to go,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berasa selamat di sini, tetapi saya tahu ke mana tidak boleh pergi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Simon, a Danish exchange student, agreed that a little knowledge goes a long way.", "r": {"result": "Simon, seorang pelajar pertukaran Denmark, bersetuju bahawa sedikit pengetahuan akan membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Use common sense, grab a cab in the evening,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Gunakan akal, ambil teksi pada waktu petang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Don't use public transportation at night\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jangan gunakan pengangkutan awam pada waktu malam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the Complexo da Mare, Escoto said the military will have everything under control.", "r": {"result": "Di Complexo da Mare, Escoto berkata tentera akan mengawal segala-galanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can assure you that Brazil has conducted a very well-planned operation to secure the 12 cities,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh memberi jaminan bahawa Brazil telah menjalankan operasi yang sangat terancang untuk mengamankan 12 bandar itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Rio de Janeiro will be prepared for the World Cup,\" he added, before his aides whisked him off, part of their policy never to let their top commander stay in one place for long in hostile territory.", "r": {"result": "\"Rio de Janeiro akan bersedia untuk Piala Dunia,\" tambahnya, sebelum pembantunya membawanya pergi, sebahagian daripada dasar mereka untuk tidak pernah membiarkan komander tertinggi mereka tinggal lama di satu tempat di wilayah yang bermusuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- At 81, China Machado is probably the world's oldest signed model.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pada usia 81 tahun, China Machado mungkin model tertua yang ditandatangani di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just last month, the grandmother of two inked a contract with IMG models, the agency that represents Amazons such as Gisele, Kate Moss and Lily Cole.", "r": {"result": "Baru bulan lepas, nenek kepada dua orang anak itu menandatangani kontrak dengan model IMG, agensi yang mewakili Amazon seperti Gisele, Kate Moss dan Lily Cole.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Already this year, Shanghai-born Machado has bagged the front cover of New York Magazine.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun ini, Machado yang dilahirkan di Shanghai telah menggondol muka depan Majalah New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Can you imagine\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Boleh awak bayangkan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she laughs over the phone from New York.", "r": {"result": "dia ketawa melalui telefon dari New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You know, I never dreamt this in my whole life\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tahu, saya tidak pernah bermimpi ini sepanjang hidup saya\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also features in luxury store Barney's Fall ad campaign, styled by former Vogue Paris editor-in-chief Carine Roitfeld, alongside the likes of Naomi Campbell and Crystal Renn.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga tampil dalam kempen iklan Barney's Fall kedai mewah, yang digayakan oleh bekas ketua pengarang Vogue Paris Carine Roitfeld, bersama orang-orang seperti Naomi Campbell dan Crystal Renn.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the past few weeks, she shot a fashion spread for Vogue -- \"Italian ... or Spanish Vogue, I can't remember\" -- with photographer Bruce Weber, which will feature in the coming months.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa minggu lalu, dia merakam penyebaran fesyen untuk Vogue -- \"Bahasa Itali ... atau Vogue Sepanyol, saya tidak ingat\" -- dengan jurugambar Bruce Weber, yang akan dipaparkan dalam beberapa bulan akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(It's) of me -- with all these 20-year-olds he always photographs,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"(Ini) saya -- dengan semua remaja berusia 20 tahun ini dia selalu mengambil gambar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not that she's phased -- breaking the mould is nothing new for Machado.", "r": {"result": "Bukannya dia berperingkat -- memecahkan acuan bukanlah perkara baru bagi Machado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Machado had started modelling in Paris in 1954 for Givenchy and Balenciaga and claims to have been the highest paid catwalk model of her time.", "r": {"result": "Machado telah memulakan peragaan di Paris pada tahun 1954 untuk Givenchy dan Balenciaga dan mendakwa sebagai model catwalk dengan bayaran tertinggi pada zamannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her big break came in 1958. Oleg Cassini, who would later become known for designing First Lady Jackie Kennedy's state wardrobe in the 1960s, spotted Machado in Paris and offered her a contract to come to New York to model one of his collections.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan besarnya datang pada tahun 1958. Oleg Cassini, yang kemudiannya dikenali kerana mereka bentuk almari pakaian negara Wanita Pertama Jackie Kennedy pada tahun 1960-an, melihat Machado di Paris dan menawarkan kontrak kepadanya untuk datang ke New York untuk memodelkan salah satu koleksinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rest is history.", "r": {"result": "Selebihnya adalah sejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The day I arrived I met Diana Vreeland (legendary fashion editor at Harper's Bazaar and Vogue) and she introduced me to (Richard) Avedon,\" remembers Machado.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada hari saya tiba saya bertemu Diana Vreeland (editor fesyen legenda di Harper's Bazaar dan Vogue) dan dia memperkenalkan saya kepada (Richard) Avedon,\" ingat Machado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She became Avedon's muse, working with him exclusively for three years -- and in 1959, Machado was the first non-Caucasian model to feature on the cover of a fashion magazine, gracing the front of Harper's Bazaar in an image shot by legendary photographer Richard Avedon.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjadi muse Avedon, bekerja dengannya secara eksklusif selama tiga tahun -- dan pada tahun 1959, Machado adalah model bukan Kaukasia pertama yang dipaparkan di muka depan majalah fesyen, menghiasi bahagian hadapan Harper's Bazaar dalam gambar yang diambil oleh jurugambar legenda Richard Avedon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the cover that almost wasn't, although Machado didn't know that at the time.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kulit muka yang hampir tidak, walaupun Machado tidak mengetahuinya pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Race and fashion: Still an issue?", "r": {"result": "Bangsa dan fesyen: Masih menjadi isu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Years later, Avedon told her that the magazine's publisher at the time, Robert F. MacLeod said to him, \"Listen, we can't publish these pictures.", "r": {"result": "Bertahun-tahun kemudian, Avedon memberitahunya bahawa penerbit majalah itu pada masa itu, Robert F. MacLeod berkata kepadanya, \"Dengar, kami tidak boleh menerbitkan gambar-gambar ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girl is not white\".", "r": {"result": "Perempuan tu tak putih\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Avedon was due to renew his contract with the magazine, and said he wouldn't sign unless they published his photographs of Machado.", "r": {"result": "Avedon sepatutnya memperbaharui kontraknya dengan majalah itu, dan berkata dia tidak akan menandatangani melainkan mereka menerbitkan gambar Machadonya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She says: \"(Avedon) had sort of blackmailed them into putting these pictures into the magazine\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata: \"(Avedon) telah memeras ugut mereka untuk memasukkan gambar-gambar ini ke dalam majalah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Machado says she probably reached the height of her fame as a model in 1960. \"I had, you know, tons of write-ups on me as being the most famous model ever, on the runway.", "r": {"result": "Machado berkata dia mungkin mencapai kemuncak kemasyhurannya sebagai model pada tahun 1960. \"Saya mempunyai, anda tahu, banyak catatan mengenai saya sebagai model paling terkenal pernah, di landasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every advert that came out (featuring Machado), it would say stupidly 'The Great China' on it.", "r": {"result": "\"Setiap iklan yang keluar (menampilkan Machado), ia akan mengatakan bodoh 'The Great China' di atasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I felt like ... a circus\"!", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa seperti ... sarkas\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Machado says that her childhood in China -- when she was 16, she and members of her family fled Shanghai during WWII -- had made her \"such a practical person\" and she found modelling \"frivolous\".", "r": {"result": "Machado berkata bahawa zaman kanak-kanaknya di China -- ketika berusia 16 tahun, dia dan ahli keluarganya melarikan diri dari Shanghai semasa Perang Dunia II -- telah menjadikannya \"seorang yang praktikal\" dan dia mendapati pemodelan \"sembrono\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So Machado moved behind the camera.", "r": {"result": "Jadi Machado bergerak di belakang kamera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She took over as fashion editor at Harper's Bazaar in the early 60s when Diana Vreeland left.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengambil alih sebagai editor fesyen di Harper's Bazaar pada awal 60-an apabila Diana Vreeland pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They took me as an offbeat character,\" she recalls, but she stayed for 11 years, mainly working with Avedon.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menganggap saya sebagai watak luar biasa,\" dia ingat, tetapi dia tinggal selama 11 tahun, terutamanya bekerja dengan Avedon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the late 1980s, she was instrumental in the launch of Lear's Magazine -- \"a magazine for women over 45,\" she says -- at a time when magazines didn't talk to that readership.", "r": {"result": "Pada penghujung 1980-an, dia memainkan peranan penting dalam pelancaran Majalah Lear -- \"majalah untuk wanita berusia lebih 45 tahun,\" katanya -- pada masa majalah tidak bercakap dengan pembaca itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were way ahead of our time,\" says Machado.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami jauh mendahului masa kami,\" kata Machado.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were 21 years ago\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami 21 tahun lalu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The magazine won awards and built a readership, but folded after six years, the victim of an unclear vision, according to the New York Times.", "r": {"result": "Majalah itu memenangi anugerah dan membina pembaca, tetapi dilipat selepas enam tahun, mangsa penglihatan yang tidak jelas, menurut New York Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Machado's current new beginning started a couple of years ago when her daughter brought the then creative director of U.S. fashion magazine, Dennis Freedman over for dinner.", "r": {"result": "Permulaan baharu Machado sekarang bermula beberapa tahun lalu apabila anak perempuannya membawa pengarah kreatif majalah fesyen A.S., Dennis Freedman untuk makan malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After dinner he said to me, 'I'm going to do 20 pages on you.", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas makan malam dia berkata kepada saya, 'Saya akan membuat 20 muka surat pada awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And I thought, 'This guy is nuts!", "r": {"result": "' Dan saya fikir, 'Lelaki ini gila!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I haven't been photographed in 20 years.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak bergambar selama 20 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And since then, every month, I'm in some magazine.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan sejak itu, setiap bulan, saya berada dalam beberapa majalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's crazy,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Ia gila,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How a small-town girl became China's first supermodel.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana seorang gadis bandar kecil menjadi supermodel pertama di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ivan Bart, head of IMG Models, who has overseen Machado joining the agency, says that despite her age her appeal is obvious.", "r": {"result": "Ivan Bart, ketua Model IMG, yang telah mengawasi Machado menyertai agensi itu, mengatakan bahawa walaupun usianya sudah tua, rayuannya jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"First of all, she's legendary,\" he says, adding that she's \"this amazing woman who has given so much to the fashion industry ... and also, oh, by the way, she happens to be in her 80s.", "r": {"result": "\"Pertama sekali, dia adalah legenda,\" katanya, sambil menambah bahawa dia \"wanita hebat ini yang telah memberi begitu banyak kepada industri fesyen ... dan juga, oh, kebetulan, dia berusia 80-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How inspirational is that for any woman of any age\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Betapa inspirasinya untuk mana-mana wanita pada sebarang umur\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among other things, he'd love to put her on the runway -- where she started over half a century ago.", "r": {"result": "Antara lain, dia ingin meletakkannya di landasan -- tempat dia bermula lebih setengah abad yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Oh my god, how funny, how funny, how funny\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Ya tuhan, betapa lucunya, betapa lucunya, betapa lucunya\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she chuckles.", "r": {"result": "dia ketawa kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Well, I'm a great dancer so I'm sure I'm not so worried about going on a runway\".", "r": {"result": "\"Baiklah, saya seorang penari yang hebat jadi saya pasti saya tidak begitu risau untuk menaiki landasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, always practical, Machado says she'd like, perhaps to be a spokesperson of some kind.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, sentiasa praktikal, Machado berkata dia ingin, mungkin menjadi jurucakap sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is, she claims, one of the few people who know the history of fashion, perhaps because she's lived it.", "r": {"result": "Dia, dakwanya, salah seorang daripada segelintir orang yang mengetahui sejarah fesyen, mungkin kerana dia telah menjalaninya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're signing up for something that might be a little unusual,\" she says, \"for someone who might be interested in seeing that a woman can be active until this age and, you know, not look so bad without plastic surgery\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sedang mendaftar untuk sesuatu yang mungkin agak luar biasa,\" katanya, \"untuk seseorang yang mungkin berminat untuk melihat bahawa seorang wanita boleh aktif sehingga usia ini dan, anda tahu, tidak kelihatan begitu buruk tanpa pembedahan plastik\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation said Tuesday it will look into alleged juror misconduct in the murder trial of Jason Young, a man convicted of beating his pregnant wife to death.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Biro Siasatan Negeri Carolina Utara hari ini berkata ia akan meneliti dakwaan salah laku juri dalam perbicaraan kes pembunuhan Jason Young, seorang lelaki yang disabitkan kesalahan memukul isterinya yang sedang mengandung sehingga mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Judge Donald Stephens requested the investigation after receiving information from employees of a TV station concerning Facebook posts by people who purported to know that a juror might have improperly discussed the trial with members of the public.", "r": {"result": "Hakim Donald Stephens meminta penyiasatan itu selepas menerima maklumat daripada pekerja stesen TV mengenai siaran Facebook oleh orang yang kononnya mengetahui bahawa seorang juri mungkin telah membincangkan perbicaraan dengan orang awam secara tidak wajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In spite of the fact that this type of gossip is usually baseless, any information reported to the court that challenges the integrity of a jury verdict has to be investigated.", "r": {"result": "\u201cWalaupun hakikatnya gosip jenis ini biasanya tidak berasas, sebarang maklumat yang dilaporkan kepada mahkamah yang mencabar integriti keputusan juri perlu disiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The integrity of the court system is more important than any person, any case, or any verdict,\" he wrote in a letter addressed to the director of the SBI.", "r": {"result": "Integriti sistem mahkamah lebih penting daripada mana-mana orang, mana-mana kes, atau mana-mana keputusan,\" tulisnya dalam surat yang ditujukan kepada pengarah SBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "N.C. Department of Justice spokeswoman Noelle Talley later said that the SBI would open an investigation.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Jabatan Kehakiman N.C. Noelle Talley kemudian berkata bahawa SBI akan membuka siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To his letter, Stephens attached a copy of the social media conversation in question, in which one post reads: \"My hairdresser is friends with a woman in the jury.", "r": {"result": "Pada suratnya, Stephens melampirkan salinan perbualan media sosial yang dipersoalkan, di mana satu catatan berbunyi: \"Penata rambut saya berkawan dengan seorang wanita dalam juri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was supposedly texting her telling her how the vote was going\".", "r": {"result": "Dia sepatutnya menghantar mesej kepadanya memberitahunya bagaimana undian itu berjalan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the allegations of juror misconduct prove true, they would also have to be shown to have had an impact on deliberations to affect the verdict, said Assistant District Attorney Howard Cummings.", "r": {"result": "Jika dakwaan salah laku juri terbukti benar, ia juga perlu ditunjukkan mempunyai kesan ke atas perbincangan untuk menjejaskan keputusan itu, kata Penolong Peguam Daerah Howard Cummings.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I still have all the faith in the jury,\" he said, characterizing the claims as unsubstantiated and \"just junk\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya masih menaruh kepercayaan penuh kepada juri,\" katanya sambil menyifatkan dakwaan itu sebagai tidak berasas dan \"hanya sampah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Months after his first trial ended in a hung jury, Young, 37, was convicted this week of first-degree murder.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa bulan selepas perbicaraan pertamanya berakhir dalam juri yang digantung, Young, 37, telah disabitkan minggu ini dengan pembunuhan peringkat pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jason Young convicted of beating pregnant wife to death.", "r": {"result": "Jason Young disabitkan kesalahan memukul isteri yang mengandung hingga mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michelle Young was discovered dead in 2006 in the bedroom of her Raleigh home.", "r": {"result": "Michelle Young ditemui mati pada 2006 di bilik tidur rumahnya di Raleigh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her husband, Jason, first went on trial in June but a jury could not unanimously agree on a verdict.", "r": {"result": "Suaminya, Jason, pertama kali dibicarakan pada bulan Jun tetapi juri tidak dapat sebulat suara bersetuju dengan keputusan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that was not the case Monday, when several of Michelle Young's relatives embraced and wiped away tears after this jury's decision was announced.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi itu tidak berlaku pada hari Isnin, apabila beberapa saudara mara Michelle Young memeluk dan mengesat air mata selepas keputusan juri ini diumumkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Afterward, Stephens ordered Young to be sentenced to life in prison without chance of parole.", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu, Stephens mengarahkan Young dijatuhkan hukuman penjara seumur hidup tanpa peluang parol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defense had argued that intruders, and not the defendant, had killed Michelle Young.", "r": {"result": "Pihak pembelaan telah berhujah bahawa penceroboh, dan bukan defendan, telah membunuh Michelle Young.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They pointed to what they described as holes in the prosecution's case -- including the lack of blood in Jason Young's car and on the jeans he supposedly wore the night his wife died.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menunjukkan apa yang mereka sifatkan sebagai lubang dalam kes pendakwaan -- termasuk kekurangan darah dalam kereta Jason Young dan pada seluar jeans yang kononnya dipakainya pada malam kematian isterinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "InSession's Lena Jakobsson and Beth Karas contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Lena Jakobsson dan Beth Karas dari InSession menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Fireworks going off inside his own house, a car crash in his first week at Manchester City, throwing a dart at a youth team player and that iconic image of a t-shirt adorned with the words, \"Why always me\"?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bunga api menyala di dalam rumahnya sendiri, kemalangan kereta pada minggu pertamanya di Manchester City, melemparkan anak panah ke arah pemain pasukan remaja dan imej ikonik kemeja-T yang dihiasi dengan perkataan, \"Kenapa selalu saya? \"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The English Premier League will miss the crazy antics of Mario Balotelli.", "r": {"result": "Liga Perdana Inggeris akan merindui telatah gila Mario Balotelli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 22-year-old has returned to Italy after signing a four-and-a-half-year deal with AC Milan following an action-packed spell with a club he last season helped end a 44-year wait for the league title.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 22 tahun itu telah kembali ke Itali selepas menandatangani kontrak selama empat setengah tahun dengan AC Milan berikutan aksi penuh aksi bersama kelab yang dia membantu menamatkan penantian selama 44 tahun untuk kejuaraan liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Sink or swim for 'Super Mario'?", "r": {"result": "'Tenggelam atau berenang untuk 'Super Mario'?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has struggled to regain the form that took Italy to the final of Euro 2012, where he was the tournament's joint top scorer with three goals.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah bergelut untuk mendapatkan semula prestasi yang membawa Itali ke final Euro 2012, di mana dia adalah penjaring terbanyak bersama kejohanan itu dengan tiga gol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I didn't start the season very well with City so I am coming to Milan to revive myself and to do well,\" said the Italy striker, who has completed a return to Serie A in a deal said to be worth around $30 million.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak memulakan musim dengan baik dengan City jadi saya datang ke Milan untuk memulihkan diri saya dan bermain dengan baik,\" kata penyerang Itali itu, yang telah menyelesaikan kembali ke Serie A dalam perjanjian yang dikatakan bernilai sekitar $30 juta .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have wanted to play for Milan for a long time, but I was with other teams.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sudah lama mahu bermain untuk Milan, tetapi saya bersama pasukan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When this chance came along I grabbed it.", "r": {"result": "Apabila peluang ini datang, saya merebutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I hope Milan can become a big club again\".", "r": {"result": "Saya harap Milan boleh menjadi kelab besar semula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli was welcomed to the San Siro on Thursday's transfer deadline day as Milan's website reported his arrival with the banners \"Yes always you\"!", "r": {"result": "Balotelli dialu-alukan ke San Siro pada hari tarikh akhir perpindahan Khamis kerana laman web Milan melaporkan ketibaannya dengan sepanduk \"Ya sentiasa anda\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and \"One of us\".", "r": {"result": "dan \"Salah seorang daripada kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It published a roundup of Italian newspaper headlines, one of which read: \"Mamma and Papa wanted him home\" -- a reference to Balotelli's foster parents Silvia and Francesco, who adopted him from his Ghanaian immigrant family at the age of three.", "r": {"result": "Ia menerbitkan sekumpulan tajuk utama akhbar Itali, salah satunya berbunyi: \"Mamma dan Papa mahu dia pulang\" -- merujuk kepada ibu bapa angkat Balotelli, Silvia dan Francesco, yang mengambilnya sebagai anak angkat daripada keluarga pendatang Ghana pada usia tiga tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli went to Manchester from Milan's city rival Internazionale for $37.8 million in 2010, one of several big-money deals funded by the English club's Abu Dhabi owners.", "r": {"result": "Balotelli pergi ke Manchester dari saingan bandar Milan, Internazionale untuk $37.8 juta pada 2010, salah satu daripada beberapa tawaran wang besar yang dibiayai oleh pemilik kelab Inggeris itu, Abu Dhabi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He helped City win the FA Cup that season, its first trophy since 1976, but his time there was dogged by controversy ever since he crashed his car while en-route to the training ground just days after his arrival.", "r": {"result": "Dia membantu City memenangi Piala FA musim itu, trofi pertamanya sejak 1976, tetapi masanya di sana dilanda kontroversi sejak dia merempuh keretanya ketika dalam perjalanan ke padang latihan hanya beberapa hari selepas ketibaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli tussles with manager Mancini.", "r": {"result": "Balotelli bergaduh dengan pengurus Mancini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this month, photographs emerged of him having a \"training ground bust-up\" with manager Roberto Mancini.", "r": {"result": "Awal bulan ini, gambar muncul tentang dia mempunyai \"perkelahian tempat latihan\" dengan pengurus Roberto Mancini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli endured a love-hate relationship with Mancini, with whom he had previously worked at Inter Milan and who has acted as a father figure for the player.", "r": {"result": "Balotelli mengalami hubungan cinta-benci dengan Mancini, yang pernah bekerja dengannya di Inter Milan sebelum ini dan bertindak sebagai figura bapa kepada pemain itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli said he spoke at length with the 48-year-old before farewelling his City teammates at a meal on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Balotelli berkata dia bercakap panjang dengan pemain berusia 48 tahun itu sebelum mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada rakan sepasukan City pada majlis makan pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a very emotional for me,\" he told City's website.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sangat emosional untuk saya,\" katanya kepada laman web City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I spoke with Roberto before I went to speak to the players.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya bercakap dengan Roberto sebelum saya pergi bercakap dengan pemain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We spoke for some time about lots of things.", "r": {"result": "Kami bercakap untuk beberapa lama tentang banyak perkara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was sad, and I was too.", "r": {"result": "Dia sedih, dan saya juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it was a good conversation.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia adalah perbualan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli settles dispute with Man City.", "r": {"result": "Balotelli menyelesaikan pertikaian dengan Man City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love Roberto, he has been very important for my career, and I will always thank him for having trust and faith in me.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya suka Roberto, dia sangat penting untuk karier saya, dan saya akan sentiasa berterima kasih kepadanya kerana mempercayai dan mempercayai saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Being at City was an important part of my life and career.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBerada di City adalah bahagian penting dalam hidup dan kerjaya saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I needed to grow up like a player and as a person and it has been a very good experience for me\".", "r": {"result": "Saya perlu membesar seperti seorang pemain dan sebagai seorang individu dan ia merupakan pengalaman yang sangat baik untuk saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli's first Premier League goals in November 2010 were overshadowed by a red card, the first of four he would go on to receive during his City career.", "r": {"result": "Gol pertama Balotelli dalam Liga Perdana pada November 2010 telah dibayangi oleh kad merah, gol pertama daripada empat gol yang akan dia terima sepanjang karier Citynya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli continued to catch attention both on and off the pitch, none more so than in October 2011 after a firework was set off in the bathroom of his home.", "r": {"result": "Balotelli terus menarik perhatian di dalam dan di luar padang, tidak lebih daripada pada Oktober 2011 selepas bunga api dinyalakan di bilik air di rumahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Time to get tough on racism in football.", "r": {"result": "Masa untuk bersikap keras terhadap perkauman dalam bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Emergency services were called to deal with that incident which occurred the day before he scored twice in City's 6-1 win at rival Manchester United and revealed that infamous t-shirt -- and days later he was bizarrely named as the public face of a fireworks safety campaign.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan kecemasan dipanggil untuk menangani insiden itu yang berlaku sehari sebelum dia menjaringkan dua gol dalam kemenangan City 6-1 ke atas pesaingnya Manchester United dan mendedahkan baju-t yang terkenal itu -- dan beberapa hari kemudian dia secara pelik dinamakan sebagai muka umum bunga api. kempen keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He broke a 48-hour curfew to visit a curry restaurant in December 2011 before a game against Chelsea, which was quickly followed by a training-ground bust-up with teammate Micah Richards.", "r": {"result": "Dia melanggar perintah berkurung 48 jam untuk melawat restoran kari pada Disember 2011 sebelum perlawanan menentang Chelsea, yang kemudiannya diikuti dengan pergaduhan tempat latihan dengan rakan sepasukan Micah Richards.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trouble continued to follow Balotelli around and he was given a four-match ban in January 2012 after appearing to stamp on the head of Tottenham's Scott Parker during a Premier League game.", "r": {"result": "Masalah terus mengekori Balotelli dan dia dikenakan penggantungan empat perlawanan pada Januari 2012 selepas kelihatan mengecap di kepala Scott Parker dari Tottenham semasa perlawanan Liga Perdana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He gatecrashed an Inter Milan press conference in March 2012 when the club was preparing to unveil new manager Andrea Stramaccioni, which was followed with another red card in the game at Arsenal.", "r": {"result": "Dia gagal dalam sidang akhbar Inter Milan pada Mac 2012 ketika kelab itu sedang bersiap untuk mendedahkan pengurus baharu Andrea Stramaccioni, yang diikuti dengan satu lagi kad merah dalam perlawanan di Arsenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Balotelli scored just 20 Premier League goals in two years, and his only assist in 54 top-flight appearances famously led to Sergio Aguero's title-winning strike on the final day of last season.", "r": {"result": "Balotelli hanya menjaringkan 20 gol Liga Perdana dalam tempoh dua tahun, dan satu-satunya bantuannya dalam 54 penampilan di liga utama membawa kepada jaringan Sergio Aguero yang memenangi gelaran pada hari terakhir musim lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Authorities have found a massive underground drug smuggling tunnel snaking through the U.S.-Mexican border, and law officers are marveling over its sophistication.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pihak berkuasa telah menemui terowong penyeludupan dadah bawah tanah besar-besaran yang menyelinap melalui sempadan A.S.-Mexico, dan pegawai undang-undang kagum dengan kecanggihannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The uncompleted tunnel measures 48 feet in the U.S. and 35 feet in Mexico.", "r": {"result": "Terowong yang belum siap itu berukuran 48 kaki di A.S. dan 35 kaki di Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is one of the most elaborate tunnels I've seen,\" Border Patrol agent Michael Scioli said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah salah satu terowong paling rumit yang pernah saya lihat,\" kata ejen Peronda Sempadan Michael Scioli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Border Patrol agents found the uncompleted tunnel last week, the patrol said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Ejen Peronda Sempadan menemui terowong yang belum siap minggu lepas, kata peronda itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Measuring 48 feet in the United States and 35 feet in Mexico, the tunnel contains side walls framed with 2-by-4 wooden studs and ceiling construction.", "r": {"result": "Berukuran 48 kaki di Amerika Syarikat dan 35 kaki di Mexico, terowong itu mengandungi dinding sisi yang dibingkai dengan stud kayu 2-by-4 dan pembinaan siling.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's elegant in the sense it has electrical work wired into the Mexico side.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia elegan dalam erti kata ia mempunyai kerja elektrik yang disambungkan ke bahagian Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It even has a hose for ventilation and lightning,\" Scioli said.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mempunyai hos untuk pengudaraan dan kilat,\" kata Scioli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The development points to successes law officers are having in uncovering the tunnels, with an additional 16 tunnels found since October 1. But it also underscores the skills and savvy of the drug smuggling industry.", "r": {"result": "Perkembangan itu menunjukkan kejayaan yang dicapai oleh pegawai undang-undang dalam mendedahkan terowong itu, dengan tambahan 16 terowong ditemui sejak 1 Oktober. Tetapi ia juga menekankan kemahiran dan kebijaksanaan industri penyeludupan dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A resident tipped off the patrol about construction activity through the wall of a building in Nogales, Arizona.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penduduk memberitahu rondaan mengenai aktiviti pembinaan melalui dinding bangunan di Nogales, Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Agents arrested two people cutting a hole.", "r": {"result": "Ejen menahan dua orang memotong lubang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London, England (CNN) -- \"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death... I assure you it is much, much more important than that\".", "r": {"result": "London, England (CNN) -- \"Sesetengah orang percaya bola sepak adalah soal hidup dan mati... Saya memberi jaminan kepada anda bahawa ia jauh lebih penting daripada itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Bill Shankly, the legendary former manager of English club Liverpool, pointed out shortly before he passed away in 1981, the significance of the beautiful game can never be underestimated -- and that doesn't just apply to fans of the sport, either.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Bill Shankly, bekas pengurus legenda kelab Inggeris Liverpool, sejurus sebelum dia meninggal dunia pada tahun 1981, kepentingan permainan yang indah itu tidak boleh dipandang remeh -- dan itu tidak hanya terpakai kepada peminat sukan itu, sama ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soccer can affect lives on a national and international scale, inspiring revolutions and causing wars as well as having the capability to create peace and lift entire nations.", "r": {"result": "Bola sepak boleh menjejaskan kehidupan pada skala nasional dan antarabangsa, mencetuskan revolusi dan menyebabkan peperangan serta mempunyai keupayaan untuk mewujudkan keamanan dan mengangkat seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Football War\" between Honduras and El Salvador in 1969 is perhaps the most famous example of the sport's wider implications.", "r": {"result": "\"Perang Bola Sepak\" antara Honduras dan El Salvador pada tahun 1969 mungkin merupakan contoh paling terkenal tentang implikasi sukan yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two Central American nations famously came to blows following their qualification match for the 1970 World Cup.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua negara Amerika Tengah itu terkenal dengan kekecewaan berikutan perlawanan kelayakan mereka untuk Piala Dunia 1970.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pedro Pinto's World Cup predictions.", "r": {"result": "Ramalan Piala Dunia Pedro Pinto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this wasn't the first time, and definitely won't be the last, that the worlds of football and politics collide with remarkable results.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ini bukan kali pertama, dan pastinya bukan yang terakhir, dunia bola sepak dan politik bertembung dengan keputusan yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Mussolini manipulates the \"man in black,\" 1934. \"Il Duce\" was determined to use this World Cup on home soil to showcase his fascist Italy.", "r": {"result": "1. Mussolini memanipulasi \"lelaki berbaju hitam,\" 1934. \"Il Duce\" berazam untuk menggunakan Piala Dunia ini di tanah air untuk mempamerkan Itali fasisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mussolini had his own trophy created for the event -- the Coppa Del Duce -- which was six times the size of the Jules Rimet, and to this day allegations remain the tournament was fixed so that only Italy would collect it.", "r": {"result": "Mussolini mempunyai trofi sendiri yang dicipta untuk acara itu -- Coppa Del Duce -- yang bersaiz enam kali ganda daripada Jules Rimet, dan sehingga hari ini dakwaan kekal kejohanan itu telah ditetapkan supaya hanya Itali yang akan mengumpulnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the BBC's \"World Cup Stories\" book by Chris Hunt, there were suggestions that the Italian dictator himself picked the referees.", "r": {"result": "Menurut buku \"World Cup Stories\" oleh Chris Hunt, terdapat cadangan bahawa diktator Itali itu sendiri yang memilih pengadil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the semifinal against Austria, Mussolini's Azzurri team won 2-1, but after the game their opponents complained the game was fixed.", "r": {"result": "Pada separuh akhir menentang Austria, pasukan Azzurri kendalian Mussolini menang 2-1, tetapi selepas perlawanan lawan mereka mengadu permainan telah ditetapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The World Cup's missing men.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki hilang Piala Dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The referee even played for them,\" said Austrian striker Josef Bican.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPengadil juga bermain untuk mereka,\u201d kata penyerang Austria, Josef Bican.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I passed for the ball out to the right wing, one of our players, Cicek, ran for it and the referee headed it back to the Italians.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApabila saya menghantar bola ke sayap kanan, salah seorang pemain kami, Cicek, berlari untuk mendapatkannya dan pengadil menanduknya semula kepada Itali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unbelievable\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sukar dipercayai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Austrian star humiliates Nazis, 1938. Austria had one of the game's greatest sides in the 1930s, but when the Nazis annexed their neighbors, the nation's \"Wunderteam\" were forced to withdraw from the World Cup and merge with Germany.", "r": {"result": "2. Bintang Austria memalukan Nazi, 1938. Austria mempunyai salah satu pasukan terbesar dalam permainan pada tahun 1930-an, tetapi apabila Nazi mengilhakan jiran mereka, \"Wunderteam\" negara itu terpaksa menarik diri daripada Piala Dunia dan bergabung dengan Jerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Star striker Matthias Sindelar so opposed his nation's loss of independence that he refused to play for Germany.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang bintang Matthias Sindelar begitu menentang kehilangan kemerdekaan negaranya sehingga dia enggan bermain untuk Jerman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He pleaded old age, but Germany's manager Sepp Herberger would later recall: \"I almost had the impression that discomfort and rejection, linked to the political developments, had prompted his refusal\".", "r": {"result": "Dia merayu usia tua, tetapi pengurus Jerman Sepp Herberger kemudiannya akan ingat: \"Saya hampir mendapat tanggapan bahawa ketidakselesaan dan penolakan, dikaitkan dengan perkembangan politik, telah mendorong penolakannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who will be the World Cup's best player?", "r": {"result": "Siapakah yang akan menjadi pemain terbaik Piala Dunia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During a so-called \"Reconciliation Game\" to mark the merging of the two sides, Sindelar made his feelings quite clear in a 2-0 win for Austria.", "r": {"result": "Semasa apa yang dipanggil \"Permainan Rekonsiliasi\" untuk menandakan penggabungan kedua-dua pihak, Sindelar menyatakan perasaannya agak jelas dalam kemenangan 2-0 untuk Austria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to German historian Nils Havemann's book \"Fussball unterm Hakenkreuz,\" the center-forward scored his beloved country's first and then, when the second goal went in, he danced in celebration in front of Nazi officials.", "r": {"result": "Menurut buku sejarah Jerman Nils Havemann \"Fussball unterm Hakenkreuz,\" penyerang tengah itu menjaringkan gol pertama negara tercintanya dan kemudian, apabila gol kedua masuk, dia menari dalam perayaan di hadapan pegawai Nazi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1939, Sindelar and his girlfriend were killed in his apartment by a gas leak.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1939, Sindelar dan teman wanitanya terbunuh di apartmennya akibat kebocoran gas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Controversy still reigns over whether it was murder or suicide -- or just an accident.", "r": {"result": "Kontroversi masih berlaku sama ada ia adalah pembunuhan atau bunuh diri -- atau hanya kemalangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Algerians play for independence, 1958. Halfway through Algeria's War of Independence, the French national team called up a handful of Algerians playing in the French soccer league for the World Cup in Sweden.", "r": {"result": "3. Algeria bermain untuk kemerdekaan, 1958. Di tengah-tengah Perang Kemerdekaan Algeria, pasukan kebangsaan Perancis memanggil segelintir Algeria bermain dalam liga bola sepak Perancis untuk Piala Dunia di Sweden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given the chance of glory, fame and fortune, the players chose national identity instead.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan peluang kegemilangan, kemasyhuran dan kekayaan, pemain memilih identiti nasional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rather than attend a pre-tournament friendly against Switzerland, they decided to flee France, gather at the headquarters of the Front Liberation National in Tunisia and launch an \"illegal\" national team, risking arrest for desertion in the process.", "r": {"result": "Daripada menghadiri perlawanan persahabatan pra-kejohanan menentang Switzerland, mereka memutuskan untuk melarikan diri dari Perancis, berkumpul di ibu pejabat Front Liberation National di Tunisia dan melancarkan pasukan kebangsaan \"tidak sah\", berisiko ditangkap kerana ditinggalkan dalam proses itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who will win the World Cup?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang akan memenangi Piala Dunia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rachid Maflouki had won the French championship with Saint Etienne before getting the call from Les Bleus, but decided there were more important matters at stake than his personal success.", "r": {"result": "Rachid Maflouki telah memenangi kejuaraan Perancis bersama Saint Etienne sebelum mendapat panggilan daripada Les Bleus, tetapi memutuskan ada perkara yang lebih penting yang dipertaruhkan daripada kejayaan peribadinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I didn't hesitate,\" he told Ian Hawkey, author of \"Feet of the Chameleon\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak teragak-agak,\" katanya kepada Ian Hawkey, pengarang \"Feet of the Chameleon\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Okay, I would have to give up my club.", "r": {"result": "\"Baiklah, saya terpaksa melepaskan kelab saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yes, I was thinking about the World Cup, but what did that count for in comparison with my country's independence\"?", "r": {"result": "Dan ya, saya sedang memikirkan tentang Piala Dunia, tetapi apa yang dikira berbanding dengan kemerdekaan negara saya\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. Zaire players crack under Presidential pressure, 1974. It's remembered as one of the World Cup's funniest moments, but the truth is much darker.", "r": {"result": "4. Pemain Zaire retak di bawah tekanan Presiden, 1974. Ia diingati sebagai salah satu detik paling lucu Piala Dunia, tetapi kebenarannya lebih gelap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Already 3-0 down and facing a Brazilian free-kick, Zaire's right-back Ilunga Mwepu seemingly forgot the rules of the game, charged at the ball and hoofed it away before the whistle had even been blown.", "r": {"result": "Sudah ketinggalan 3-0 dan berdepan sepakan percuma Brazil, bek kanan Zaire, Ilunga Mwepu seolah-olah terlupa peraturan permainan, menyerang bola dan mencabutnya sebelum wisel dibunyikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Leopards, the first sub-Saharan African nation to reach the finals, had already been humiliated 9-0 by Yugoslavia before losing 2-0 to Scotland, and were told by President Mobutu's henchmen that if they lost to Brazil by more than three goals they wouldn't be allowed to return home.", "r": {"result": "Leopards, negara Afrika sub-Sahara pertama yang mara ke pusingan akhir, telah dimalukan 9-0 oleh Yugoslavia sebelum tewas 2-0 kepada Scotland, dan diberitahu oleh pengikut Presiden Mobutu bahawa jika mereka kalah kepada Brazil dengan lebih daripada tiga gol mereka tidak akan dibenarkan pulang ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten World Cup headlines yet to be written.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh tajuk utama Piala Dunia masih belum ditulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Do you think I'd deliberately make myself look like an idiot?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah anda fikir saya sengaja membuat diri saya kelihatan seperti orang bodoh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to remember we were playing for our lives,\" he said in the book \"Death or Glory, the Dark History of the World Cup\" by Jon Spurling.", "r": {"result": "Anda harus ingat kami bermain untuk hidup kami,\" katanya dalam buku \"Death or Glory, the Dark History of the World Cup\" oleh Jon Spurling.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mwepu's act of \"madness,\" it turns out, was in fact a very sane attempt to waste time.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan \"kegilaan\" Mwepu, ternyata, sebenarnya adalah percubaan yang sangat waras untuk membuang masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. The German nation divided, 1974. East Germany versus West at the 1974 World Cup was perhaps the most politically-charged match of all time.", "r": {"result": "5. Negara Jerman berpecah, 1974. Jerman Timur lawan Barat pada Piala Dunia 1974 mungkin merupakan perlawanan paling berunsur politik sepanjang zaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the Second World War, the divided nation had become the main arena for the Cold War, and this fixture in Hamburg represented a head-to-head between the two ideologies.", "r": {"result": "Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, negara yang berpecah itu telah menjadi arena utama untuk Perang Dingin, dan perlawanan di Hamburg ini mewakili pertembungan antara kedua-dua ideologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although the game was actually the last in the group and it had become clear that both teams would qualify from the group stage, that did not diminish the tension surrounding the clash.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun perlawanan itu sebenarnya yang terakhir dalam kumpulan dan jelas menunjukkan kedua-dua pasukan akan layak dari peringkat kumpulan, itu tidak mengurangkan ketegangan di sekeliling pertembungan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten shocking World Cup moments.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh detik Piala Dunia yang mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With home advantage, European champions West Germany were favorites but it was the East German Jurgen Sparwasser who scored the only goal of the game.", "r": {"result": "Dengan kelebihan di tempat sendiri, juara Eropah, Jerman Barat menjadi pilihan tetapi pemain Jerman Timur Jurgen Sparwasser yang menjaringkan gol tunggal perlawanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "East Germany heralded their triumph, but the victory was rendered a little hollow after they were knocked out in the next round and their bitter rivals went on to win the tournament.", "r": {"result": "Jerman Timur melakar kejayaan mereka, tetapi kemenangan itu sedikit kosong selepas mereka tersingkir pada pusingan seterusnya dan saingan sengit mereka memenangi kejohanan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6. Argentine junta swaps grain for glory, 1978. Argentina's junta, which had seized power just a couple of years earlier, was determined to use the World Cup it was hosting as propaganda for the regime.", "r": {"result": "6. Junta Argentina menukar bijirin untuk kegemilangan, 1978. Junta Argentina, yang telah merampas kuasa hanya beberapa tahun sebelum itu, bertekad untuk menggunakan Piala Dunia yang dianjurkannya sebagai propaganda untuk rejim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a 1986 article by journalist Maria Laura Avignolo of Britain's Sunday Times, and supported by David Yallop in his book \"How They Stole the Game,\" the junta used bribery and intimidation to help win the cup.", "r": {"result": "Menurut artikel 1986 oleh wartawan Maria Laura Avignolo dari Sunday Times Britain, dan disokong oleh David Yallop dalam bukunya \"How They Stole the Game,\" junta menggunakan rasuah dan intimidasi untuk membantu memenangi piala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Controversy over new World Cup ball.", "r": {"result": "Kontroversi bola Piala Dunia baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the group stages, Argentina needed to beat Peru by four goals in their last game to progress.", "r": {"result": "Di peringkat kumpulan, Argentina perlu menewaskan Peru dengan empat gol dalam perlawanan terakhir mereka untuk mara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "General Jorge Videla made a timely pre-match visit to the Peruvian dressing-room to talk to the players about \"Latin American unity\" before the host nation rattled six past a side that had previously held eventual finalists Holland to a goalless draw.", "r": {"result": "Jeneral Jorge Videla membuat lawatan pra-perlawanan tepat pada masanya ke bilik persalinan Peru untuk bercakap dengan pemain mengenai \"perpaduan Amerika Latin\" sebelum negara tuan rumah itu menewaskan enam pasukan yang sebelum ini mengikat finalis Belanda hingga seri tanpa jaringan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Avignolo claimed that in the weeks following the Peru game, an impromptu cargo of 35,000 tonnes of wheat left Argentina for Lima and that the military regime issued an interest-free loan of $50 million to the Peruvian government.", "r": {"result": "Avignolo mendakwa bahawa dalam beberapa minggu selepas perlawanan Peru, kargo dadakan sebanyak 35,000 tan gandum meninggalkan Argentina ke Lima dan bahawa rejim tentera mengeluarkan pinjaman tanpa faedah sebanyak $50 juta kepada kerajaan Peru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "7. Iran's football revolution, 1998. They may have been two of the least significant footballing sides at France '98, but nevertheless this fixture caught the world's imagination because Iran and the United States had been at loggerheads since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.", "r": {"result": "7. Revolusi bola sepak Iran, 1998. Mereka mungkin dua pasukan bola sepak yang paling kurang penting di Perancis '98, namun perlawanan ini menarik imaginasi dunia kerana Iran dan Amerika Syarikat telah bertelagah sejak Revolusi Islam pada 1979.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although political relations were strained, the clash of civilizations never quite happened on the pitch.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun hubungan politik tegang, pertembungan tamadun tidak pernah berlaku di atas padang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, both sides showed the utmost respect, swapping flowers, gifts and photographs before the kick-off.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, kedua-dua pihak menunjukkan rasa hormat yang tinggi, bertukar bunga, hadiah dan gambar sebelum sepak mula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Iranians won 2-1, but, celebrations back home had a destabilizing effect as hundreds of thousands of young people, including women, partied in the streets in defiance of government warnings.", "r": {"result": "Iran menang 2-1, tetapi, perayaan di tanah air mempunyai kesan yang tidak stabil apabila ratusan ribu orang muda, termasuk wanita, berpesta di jalanan kerana mengingkari amaran kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In my neighborhood everybody goes out into the streets,\" one young Iranian told the BBC's Jim Muir.", "r": {"result": "\"Di kawasan kejiranan saya, semua orang keluar ke jalanan,\" kata seorang pemuda Iran kepada Jim Muir dari BBC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a good excuse for boys and girls to mix, and in a way it's political, because it's a demand for social change\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah alasan yang baik untuk lelaki dan perempuan untuk bergaul, dan dalam satu cara ia adalah politik, kerana ia adalah tuntutan untuk perubahan sosial\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8. Germany enjoys \"Partyotism,\" 2006. The tournament slogan \"A time to make friends\" pretty much said it all.", "r": {"result": "8. Jerman menikmati \"Partyotisme,\" 2006. Slogan kejohanan \"Satu masa untuk berkawan\" hampir mengatakan semuanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The organizers of Germany 2006 set out to woo the world, and in the process the country learned to love themselves.", "r": {"result": "Penganjur Jerman 2006 berusaha untuk memikat dunia, dan dalam proses itu negara belajar untuk menyayangi diri mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A combination of a flawless summer and coach Jurgen Klinsmann's free-flowing football injected a feel-good factor back into the national psyche, and Germans realized they could enjoy patriotism again -- or as the local media billed it, \"partyotism\".", "r": {"result": "Gabungan musim panas yang sempurna dan bola sepak jurulatih Jurgen Klinsmann menyuntik faktor perasaan gembira kembali ke dalam jiwa negara, dan rakyat Jerman menyedari mereka boleh menikmati patriotisme sekali lagi -- atau seperti yang disebut oleh media tempatan, \"partyotisme\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the space of one month, Klinsmann managed to bring together a society ashamed of displays of nationalism and still divided along East-West lines, turning Germany into a nation of face-painting, flag-waving patriots,\" Hunt said in his \"World Cup Stories\" book.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam tempoh satu bulan, Klinsmann berjaya menyatukan masyarakat yang malu dengan paparan nasionalisme dan masih berpecah di sepanjang garis Timur-Barat, menjadikan Jerman sebagai negara yang melukis muka, patriot mengibarkan bendera,\" kata Hunt dalam bukunya \" Buku Cerita Piala Dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Never mind the final,\" Britain's The Times newspaper wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak kisah final,\" tulis akhbar The Times Britain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Germans are the real World Cup winners\".", "r": {"result": "\"Rakyat Jerman adalah pemenang Piala Dunia sebenar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "9. The Koreas refuse to play nicely, 2008. North and South Korea both successfully managed to qualify for South Africa 2010, but there were plenty of bad-tempered squabbles along the way.", "r": {"result": "9. Korea enggan bermain dengan baik, 2008. Korea Utara dan Selatan kedua-duanya berjaya melayakkan diri ke Afrika Selatan 2010, tetapi terdapat banyak pertengkaran di sepanjang jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bickering got so bad that world governing body FIFA eventually had to intervene after North Korea announced it would not let the South play its national anthem or wave its flag on their territory.", "r": {"result": "Perbalahan semakin teruk sehingga badan induk dunia FIFA akhirnya terpaksa campur tangan selepas Korea Utara mengumumkan ia tidak akan membenarkan Selatan memainkan lagu kebangsaannya atau mengibarkan benderanya di wilayah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So determined were the North Koreans that they were even prepared to play their \"home\" game abroad.", "r": {"result": "Begitu tekad Korea Utara sehingga mereka bersedia untuk bermain permainan \"rumah\" mereka di luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the end, the fixture took place in Shanghai, where the North Korean coach complained that their rivals had poisoned their food.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, perlawanan itu berlangsung di Shanghai, di mana jurulatih Korea Utara itu mengadu bahawa saingan mereka telah meracuni makanan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement about the match, the North's football association said: \"It was beyond all doubt that the incident was a product of a deliberate act perpetrated by adulterated foodstuff as [the players] could not get up all of a sudden just before the match\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan mengenai perlawanan itu, persatuan bola sepak North berkata: \"Tidak diragukan lagi bahawa insiden itu adalah hasil daripada perbuatan yang disengajakan oleh bahan makanan yang dicemari kerana [pemain] tidak boleh bangun secara tiba-tiba sejurus sebelum perlawanan. \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a report by the BBC, the South's soccer federation -- Korea Football Association -- said a sports doctor had examined the North Korean players and found no serious problem.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan BBC, persekutuan bola sepak Selatan -- Persatuan Bola Sepak Korea -- berkata seorang doktor sukan telah memeriksa pemain Korea Utara dan mendapati tiada masalah serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "10. Football diplomacy between old enemies, 2008-09. Serious sport is war minus the shooting, remarked English author George Orwell.", "r": {"result": "10. Diplomasi bola sepak antara musuh lama, 2008-09. Sukan yang serius adalah peperangan tanpa menembak, kata pengarang Inggeris George Orwell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So it was refreshing last year when Armenia and Turkey used the beautiful game to make peace.", "r": {"result": "Jadi ia menyegarkan tahun lepas apabila Armenia dan Turki menggunakan permainan indah itu untuk berdamai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The leaders of the two countries met up to watch a World Cup qualifier between their nations after almost a century of bitterness following the killing of hundreds of thousands of Armenians by Turks during World War One.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin kedua-dua negara bertemu untuk menyaksikan perlawanan kelayakan Piala Dunia antara negara mereka selepas hampir satu abad kepahitan berikutan pembunuhan ratusan ribu rakyat Armenia oleh Turki semasa Perang Dunia Pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Turkish President Abdullah Gul attended the initial game in Armenia in 2008, which the hosts lost 2-0, and his counterpart Serzh Sarkisian agreed to join him for the return fixture the following year for further thawing of diplomatic relations.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Turki Abdullah Gul menghadiri perlawanan awal di Armenia pada 2008, yang mana tuan rumah tewas 2-0, dan rakan sejawatannya Serzh Sarkisian bersetuju untuk menyertainya pada perlawanan timbal balik tahun berikutnya untuk mencairkan lagi hubungan diplomatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No doubt the fact that neither side had a chance of qualifying for South Africa helped keep things civil.", "r": {"result": "Tidak dinafikan fakta bahawa kedua-dua pihak tidak mempunyai peluang untuk layak ke Afrika Selatan membantu mengekalkan keadaan sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lab results are back in the case of a teenager who died in a police shooting in St. Louis last week, and they show gun residue on the clothing and body of Vonderrit Myers, authorities said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan makmal kembali dalam kes seorang remaja yang maut dalam tembakan polis di St. Louis minggu lalu, dan mereka menunjukkan sisa pistol pada pakaian dan badan Vonderrit Myers, kata pihak berkuasa Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The residue was found on Myers' shirt, jeans and hand, according to a release from St. Louis police.", "r": {"result": "Sisa itu ditemui pada baju Myers, seluar jeans dan tangan, menurut kenyataan polis St. Louis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its presence on his hand could mean that he discharged a firearm, was near a firearm when it went off or that Myers touched something with gun residue on it, police said.", "r": {"result": "Kehadirannya pada tangannya boleh bermakna dia melepaskan senjata api, berada berhampiran senjata api apabila ia meledak atau Myers menyentuh sesuatu dengan sisa pistol di atasnya, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People shot at close range could also have residue deposited on their hands.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang ditembak dari jarak dekat juga boleh mempunyai sisa yang disimpan di tangan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myers was fatally shot Wednesday by a St. Louis officer, who was off-duty but wearing his uniform while moonlighting for a security company.", "r": {"result": "Myers maut ditembak pada hari Rabu oleh pegawai St. Louis, yang tidak bertugas tetapi memakai pakaian seragamnya ketika menerangi bulan untuk sebuah syarikat keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police have said the teenager fired a pistol three times at the officer.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata remaja itu melepaskan pistol tiga kali ke arah pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myers' relatives have said they don't believe that account.", "r": {"result": "Saudara-mara Myers telah berkata mereka tidak percaya akaun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shooting sparked street protests, with residents pointing out similarities to the August killing of Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson, Missouri.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan itu mencetuskan protes jalanan, dengan penduduk menunjukkan persamaan dengan pembunuhan Michael Brown pada Ogos di Ferguson, Missouri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myers and Brown were both 18 and black and killed by white police officers.", "r": {"result": "Myers dan Brown kedua-duanya berumur 18 tahun dan kulit hitam dan dibunuh oleh pegawai polis kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, unlike Myers, authorities say Brown was not armed.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, tidak seperti Myers, pihak berkuasa berkata Brown tidak bersenjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're done as a police union standing in the shadows in these cases.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah selesai sebagai kesatuan polis yang berdiri di bawah bayang-bayang dalam kes ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are actively defending the officer involved in the shooting,\" Jeff Roorda, business manger of the St. Louis Police Officers Association, told reporters Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Kami secara aktif mempertahankan pegawai yang terlibat dalam penembakan itu,\" kata Jeff Roorda, pengurus perniagaan Persatuan Pegawai Polis St. Louis, kepada pemberita Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mother grieves for son killed in shootout.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bersedih kerana anak lelaki maut dalam tembak-menembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the gun residue results on Myers confirm the officer's account of what happened.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata, keputusan sisa pistol pada Myers mengesahkan akaun pegawai mengenai apa yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We saw in the wake of the Michael Brown Ferguson shooting that there was a public outcry, fueled largely by agitators in Ferguson where they demanded that police immediately release details,\" Roorda said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami melihat selepas insiden tembakan Michael Brown Ferguson bahawa terdapat bantahan awam, didorong sebahagian besarnya oleh pengacau di Ferguson di mana mereka menuntut polis segera mengeluarkan butiran,\" kata Roorda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That happened in this case.", "r": {"result": "\u201cItu berlaku dalam kes ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police immediately, as information became apparent and known to them, released these facts.", "r": {"result": "Polis segera, apabila maklumat menjadi jelas dan diketahui oleh mereka, mengeluarkan fakta ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Even with that, we still saw violence in the street,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "... Walaupun dengan itu, kami masih melihat keganasan di jalan raya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myers was struck by seven or eight bullets, St. Louis Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Graham said last week.", "r": {"result": "Myers telah terkena tujuh atau lapan peluru, kata Pemeriksa Perubatan St. Louis Dr Michael Graham minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police say the officer fired his pistol 17 times.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata pegawai itu melepaskan pistolnya sebanyak 17 kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All but one gunshot wound were to the lower extremities,\" Graham said.", "r": {"result": "\"Semua kecuali satu luka tembak adalah di bahagian bawah kaki,\" kata Graham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The one fatal wound was to the head\".", "r": {"result": "\"Satu luka maut ialah di kepala\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Svay Pak is a poor fishing village on the outskirt of Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh, known globally as a destination for child sex.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Svay Pak ialah sebuah perkampungan nelayan yang miskin di pinggir ibu kota Kemboja, Phnom Penh, yang terkenal di seluruh dunia sebagai destinasi seks kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a place where mothers sell their own daughters to child traffickers, who supply them to brothels locally and across the country.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah tempat di mana ibu menjual anak perempuan mereka sendiri kepada pengedar kanak-kanak, yang membekalkan mereka ke rumah pelacuran di dalam dan di seluruh negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But how has such a perverse trade been able to take root, let alone flourish here?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagaimana perdagangan songsang itu boleh berakar umbi, apatah lagi berkembang di sini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mark Capaldi, senior researcher for Ecpat International, an organization committed to combating the sexual exploitation of children, says several factors have made Cambodia a prime destination for child sex offenders.", "r": {"result": "Mark Capaldi, penyelidik kanan untuk Ecpat International, sebuah organisasi yang komited untuk memerangi eksploitasi seksual kanak-kanak, berkata beberapa faktor telah menjadikan Kemboja destinasi utama bagi pesalah seks kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Insufficiently enforced laws, corruption, and the failure to address more overarching problems such as poverty and the negative side effects of globalization have made it a challenge for the country to shed the unenviable reputation as a destination for child sex,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Undang-undang yang tidak dikuatkuasakan dengan secukupnya, rasuah, dan kegagalan menangani masalah yang lebih menyeluruh seperti kemiskinan dan kesan sampingan negatif globalisasi telah menjadikan satu cabaran bagi negara untuk membuang reputasi yang tidak dicemburui sebagai destinasi seks kanak-kanak,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The authors of a 2011 Ecpat International report identified a number of cultural and sociological factors that made Cambodian children \"particularly vulnerable to adult predators\".", "r": {"result": "Pengarang laporan Ecpat International 2011 mengenal pasti beberapa faktor budaya dan sosiologi yang menjadikan kanak-kanak Kemboja \"terutama terdedah kepada pemangsa dewasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It has been observed that Cambodian children are indeed expected to abide by rules set forth by adults, and saying 'no' to an adult is not easily tolerated,\" reads the report.", "r": {"result": "\"Telah diperhatikan bahawa kanak-kanak Kemboja sememangnya dijangka mematuhi peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh orang dewasa, dan mengatakan 'tidak' kepada orang dewasa tidak mudah diterima,\" kata laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what of the acceptance and willing participation of so many locals, including parents themselves, in the trade?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagaimana dengan penerimaan dan penyertaan rela ramai penduduk tempatan, termasuk ibu bapa sendiri, dalam perdagangan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Don Brewster -- head of Agape International Missions, which aids Cambodian child survivors of the sex trade -- part of the answer as to why so many adults in Svay Pak are able to abnegate their parental duty to protect may lie in Cambodia's brutal recent past, which left behind a fractured society.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Don Brewster -- ketua Misi Antarabangsa Agape, yang membantu kanak-kanak Kemboja yang terselamat dalam perdagangan seks -- sebahagian daripada jawapan mengapa begitu ramai orang dewasa di Svay Pak dapat mengabaikan tanggungjawab ibu bapa mereka untuk melindungi mungkin terletak pada keganasan Kemboja baru-baru ini. masa lalu, yang meninggalkan masyarakat yang retak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What this country went through was unique in history,\" says Brewster, of the Khmer Rouge's systematic destruction of religious, educational and social structures -- not least of which the family unit -- during its genocidal 1975-79 reign.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang dilalui negara ini adalah unik dalam sejarah,\" kata Brewster, mengenai pemusnahan sistematik Khmer Rouge terhadap struktur agama, pendidikan dan sosial -- tidak terkecuali unit keluarga -- semasa pemerintahan genosid 1975-79.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Pol Pot's maniacal experiment ended, 2 million people were dead, and society's institutions almost erased.", "r": {"result": "Apabila eksperimen gila Pol Pot berakhir, 2 juta orang mati, dan institusi masyarakat hampir terhapus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You lost your educated people and the system of educating them; you lost the moral compass that Buddhism provided,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda kehilangan orang terpelajar anda dan sistem mendidik mereka; anda kehilangan kompas moral yang disediakan oleh agama Buddha,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Delhi (CNN) -- India's famed yoga guru, Baba Ramdev, ended his hunger strike Tuesday, a day after he was briefly detained at a New Delhi stadium for protesting alleged government corruption.", "r": {"result": "New Delhi (CNN) -- Guru yoga terkenal India, Baba Ramdev, menamatkan mogok laparnya Selasa, sehari selepas dia ditahan sebentar di stadium New Delhi kerana membantah dakwaan rasuah kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramdev's anti-corruption fast started on August 9 and ended Tuesday at the same stadium where he had been detained.", "r": {"result": "Puasa antirasuah Ramdev bermula pada 9 Ogos dan berakhir Selasa di stadium yang sama tempat dia ditahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The end to the fast was televised as many watched the bearded yoga teacher sip what appeared to be lemon juice.", "r": {"result": "Penghujung puasa disiarkan di televisyen apabila ramai yang menonton guru yoga berjanggut itu menghirup minuman yang kelihatan seperti jus lemon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramdev, whose yoga television programs have been watched by millions, is seeking repatriation of Indian money he says is stashed in foreign banks.", "r": {"result": "Ramdev, yang program televisyen yoganya telah ditonton oleh berjuta-juta orang, sedang mencari penghantaran pulang wang India yang dikatakan disimpan di bank asing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has also criticized the ruling Congress party, blaming it for chronic graft.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga telah mengkritik parti Kongres yang memerintah, menyalahkannya kerana rasuah kronik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, police briefly detained Ramdev after he tried to lead an anti-corruption march toward the national parliament building, police said.", "r": {"result": "Pada Isnin, polis menahan Ramdev secara ringkas selepas dia cuba mengetuai perarakan antirasuah ke arah bangunan parlimen negara, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was transported to the stadium, where he was detained for hours.", "r": {"result": "Dia dibawa ke stadium, di mana dia ditahan selama berjam-jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramdev and his supporters stayed overnight at the venue despite being released.", "r": {"result": "Ramdev dan penyokongnya bermalam di venue walaupun dibebaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He ended his protest fast and left the stadium with his supporters Tuesday after police told him to leave because of security concerns ahead of India's Independence Day on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Dia menamatkan protesnya dengan pantas dan meninggalkan stadium bersama penyokongnya pada Selasa selepas polis menyuruhnya pergi kerana kebimbangan keselamatan menjelang Hari Kemerdekaan India pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the protest Monday, several senior politicians from the opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance joined Ramdev.", "r": {"result": "Semasa protes Isnin, beberapa ahli politik kanan dari pembangkang nasionalis Hindu Bharatiya Janata Parti Perikatan Demokrasi Kebangsaan yang diketuai menyertai Ramdev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramdev also voiced a stinging assessment of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his handling of corruption allegations.", "r": {"result": "Ramdev juga menyuarakan penilaian pedas terhadap Perdana Menteri Manmohan Singh kerana beliau mengendalikan dakwaan rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A government official offered his own criticism.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai kerajaan menawarkan kritikannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ramdev has lost his identity as a fighter.", "r": {"result": "\u201cRamdev telah kehilangan identitinya sebagai seorang pejuang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has now succumbed to the pressure of (the) BJP and also the NDA partners.", "r": {"result": "Dia kini telah tunduk kepada tekanan BJP dan juga rakan kongsi NDA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is no doubt about it.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada keraguan mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To that extent he has completely lost his credibility,\" federal minister M. Veerappa Moily told reporters Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Setakat itu dia telah kehilangan kredibilitinya sepenuhnya,\" kata menteri persekutuan M. Veerappa Moily kepada pemberita Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- California Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor ruled Thursday that two autopsy photos of Michael Jackson can be submitted as evidence during the upcoming trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, a person inside the courtroom told CNN.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi California Michael Pastor memutuskan Khamis bahawa dua gambar bedah siasat Michael Jackson boleh dikemukakan sebagai bukti semasa perbicaraan Dr. Conrad Murray yang akan datang, kata seseorang di dalam bilik mahkamah kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter.", "r": {"result": "Murray didakwa melakukan pembunuhan tanpa sengaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities allege that he gave Jackson propofol, a surgical anesthetic drug, that combined with several sedatives found in his blood to kill the singer on June 25, 2009, the Los Angeles County coroner has said.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa mendakwa dia memberi Jackson propofol, ubat bius pembedahan, yang digabungkan dengan beberapa ubat penenang yang ditemui dalam darahnya untuk membunuh penyanyi itu pada 25 Jun 2009, kata koroner Los Angeles County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jury selection in Murray's trial began last month and will continue into early May.", "r": {"result": "Pemilihan juri dalam perbicaraan Murray bermula bulan lalu dan akan diteruskan hingga awal Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opening statements and testimony are scheduled to begin May 9.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan pembukaan dan keterangan dijadualkan bermula 9 Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley and his team had filed a motion Tuesday to allow jurors to see the photos, arguing that California courts \"permit (prosecutors) to admit autopsy photographs, as they are relevant, (that) will illustrate the testimony of witnesses and will enhance the jury's understanding of the prosecution's case\".", "r": {"result": "Peguam Daerah Los Angeles County Steve Cooley dan pasukannya telah memfailkan usul pada hari Selasa untuk membenarkan juri melihat gambar itu, dengan alasan bahawa mahkamah California \"membenarkan (pendakwa) untuk menerima gambar bedah siasat, kerana ia relevan, (yang) akan menggambarkan keterangan saksi dan akan meningkatkan kefahaman juri terhadap kes pendakwaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The photographs will be \"properly redacted as deemed appropriate,\" the prosecution said.", "r": {"result": "Gambar-gambar itu akan \"disunting dengan betul seperti yang difikirkan sesuai,\" kata pihak pendakwaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These limited photographs will help demonstrate that Michael Jackson was generally in excellent health and that, while thin, his body weight was within the normal range,\" the prosecution said in its motion, adding that the medical examiner and other experts may reference the autopsy photos during the trial.", "r": {"result": "\"Gambar-gambar terhad ini akan membantu menunjukkan bahawa Michael Jackson secara amnya berada dalam kesihatan yang sangat baik dan, walaupun kurus, berat badannya berada dalam julat normal,\" kata pihak pendakwaan dalam usulnya, sambil menambah bahawa pemeriksa perubatan dan pakar lain mungkin merujuk bedah siasat. gambar semasa perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defense has argued that Jackson self-administered the propofol in a desperate attempt to get sleep before a rehearsal.", "r": {"result": "Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa Jackson mentadbir sendiri propofol dalam percubaan terdesak untuk tidur sebelum latihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Murray told investigators he was trying to wean Jackson off propofol in the last days of his life, but that he used it along with other drugs to help the pop star sleep that last morning.", "r": {"result": "Murray memberitahu penyiasat bahawa dia cuba menghilangkan Jackson daripada propofol pada hari-hari terakhir hidupnya, tetapi dia menggunakannya bersama-sama dengan ubat lain untuk membantu bintang pop itu tidur pagi tadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The defense claims that the singer's dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, injected Jackson with powerful painkillers dozens of times in the last months of his life, unknown to Murray.", "r": {"result": "Pihak pembelaan mendakwa bahawa pakar dermatologi penyanyi itu, Dr Arnold Klein, menyuntik Jackson dengan ubat penahan sakit yang kuat berpuluh-puluh kali pada bulan-bulan terakhir hidupnya, yang tidak diketahui oleh Murray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Medical Board of California and Los Angeles County coroner investigated Klein after Jackson's death, but he was never charged, and no action was taken to revoke his medical license.", "r": {"result": "Lembaga Perubatan California dan koroner Daerah Los Angeles menyiasat Klein selepas kematian Jackson, tetapi dia tidak pernah didakwa, dan tiada tindakan diambil untuk membatalkan lesen perubatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this month, Michael Jackson's dermatologist was ordered to give copies of the pop star's medical records to Murray's attorneys.", "r": {"result": "Awal bulan ini, pakar dermatologi Michael Jackson telah diperintahkan untuk memberikan salinan rekod perubatan bintang pop itu kepada peguam Murray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Defense attorney Ed Chernoff argued he needed the financial and medical information to make the case that Jackson, who he said was \"a desperate man in many respects,\" gave himself the fatal dose of surgical anesthesia while the doctor was not watching.", "r": {"result": "Peguam pembela Ed Chernoff berhujah dia memerlukan maklumat kewangan dan perubatan untuk membuat kes bahawa Jackson, yang menurutnya adalah \"lelaki terdesak dalam banyak hal,\" memberi dirinya dos bius pembedahan yang maut sementara doktor tidak melihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Judge Pastor did not order estate executors to give the defense detailed financial information about money the singer owed when he died.", "r": {"result": "Hakim Pastor tidak mengarahkan wasi harta pusaka memberikan maklumat kewangan terperinci kepada pembelaan tentang wang yang terhutang penyanyi itu apabila dia meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he did say that Jackson's former business manager, Tohme Tohme, must testify in Murray's trial.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia mengatakan bahawa bekas pengurus perniagaan Jackson, Tohme Tohme, mesti memberi keterangan dalam perbicaraan Murray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)The Solar Impulse 2, the experimental plane attempting to fly around the world without using a drop of fuel, has been grounded by the weather in China.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) Solar Impulse 2, pesawat eksperimen yang cuba terbang mengelilingi dunia tanpa menggunakan setitik bahan api, telah dibumikan oleh cuaca di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What was supposed to be an overnight pit stop in the southwestern city of Chongqing has now stretched into a two-and-a-half week stay.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang sepatutnya menjadi perhentian bermalam di bandar barat daya Chongqing kini telah menetap selama dua setengah minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's an unexpected layover that is testing the patience of the pilots and more than 60 team members, just a quarter of the way along a journey that will cover some 35,000 kilometers (21,748 miles) over five months.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah persinggahan yang tidak dijangka yang menguji kesabaran juruterbang dan lebih daripada 60 ahli pasukan, hanya satu perempat perjalanan sepanjang perjalanan yang akan meliputi kira-kira 35,000 kilometer (21,748 batu) dalam tempoh lima bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can believe that your will can influence the weather,\" says pilot Bertrand Piccard, who comes from a long family line of explorers.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh percaya bahawa kehendak anda boleh mempengaruhi cuaca,\" kata juruterbang Bertrand Piccard, yang berasal dari barisan keluarga penjelajah yang panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But \"then you'll be really disappointed because it doesn't work.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi \"kemudian anda akan sangat kecewa kerana ia tidak berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Or you just know that it's an adventure you do with the forces of nature\".", "r": {"result": "\"Atau anda hanya tahu bahawa ia adalah pengembaraan yang anda lakukan dengan kuasa alam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Piccard, along with Andre Borschberg, a Swiss engineer, are taking turns flying the single-seater aircraft, which took off from Abu Dhabi on March 9 and has successfully flown through Oman, India, and Myanmar.", "r": {"result": "Piccard, bersama Andre Borschberg, seorang jurutera Switzerland, bergilir-gilir menerbangkan pesawat satu tempat duduk itu, yang berlepas dari Abu Dhabi pada 9 Mac dan telah berjaya terbang melalui Oman, India dan Myanmar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is much at stake.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat banyak yang dipertaruhkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their mission, which the pilots say is aimed at proving the power of renewable energy, and inspiring innovation, has been 12 years in the making.", "r": {"result": "Misi mereka, yang menurut juruterbang adalah bertujuan untuk membuktikan kuasa tenaga boleh diperbaharui, dan memberi inspirasi kepada inovasi, telah 12 tahun dalam pembikinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In many ways, it has become Piccard and Borschberg's raison d'etre.", "r": {"result": "Dalam banyak cara, ia telah menjadi raison d'etre Piccard dan Borschberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But so far, the Solar Impulse 2 has been spending a lot of time on the ground.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi setakat ini, Solar Impulse 2 telah menghabiskan banyak masa di lapangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest setback came when a Thursday takeoff was canceled, because the cross winds in Nanjing, the plane's destination, were forecast to be too strong around its expected landing time.", "r": {"result": "Kemunduran terbaru berlaku apabila berlepas pada hari Khamis dibatalkan, kerana angin lintang di Nanjing, destinasi pesawat, diramalkan terlalu kuat sekitar waktu pendaratan yang dijangkakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because of its weight, at just 2,300 kilograms -- about the same as a large SUV -- the aircraft needs near perfect weather conditions, including cross winds of less than 4 knots, or about 7 kilometers an hour, in order to fly.", "r": {"result": "Disebabkan beratnya, pada hanya 2,300 kilogram -- hampir sama dengan SUV besar -- pesawat itu memerlukan keadaan cuaca yang hampir sempurna, termasuk angin silang kurang daripada 4 knot, atau kira-kira 7 kilometer sejam, untuk terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the team is used to waiting, they are clearly eager to move on.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pasukan sudah biasa menunggu, mereka jelas bersemangat untuk meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our boss is the sun,\" says Solar Impulse spokeswoman Claudia Durgnat.", "r": {"result": "\"Bos kami ialah matahari,\" kata jurucakap Solar Impulse Claudia Durgnat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Durgnat says there may be a tiny window ahead, with the next possible departure from Chongqing on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Durgnat berkata mungkin ada tingkap kecil di hadapan, dengan kemungkinan berlepas seterusnya dari Chongqing pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not good before, and the days after don't look very clear\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia tidak baik sebelum ini, dan hari-hari selepas itu tidak kelihatan sangat jelas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even with the delay, Durgnat says, the plane technically isn't behind schedule.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dengan kelewatan, Durgnat berkata, pesawat itu secara teknikalnya tidak mengikut jadual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's because the team needs to wait until the end of the month for the northern hemisphere days to get longer, before the plane can venture across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii.", "r": {"result": "Itu kerana pasukan itu perlu menunggu sehingga akhir bulan untuk tempoh hari hemisfera utara menjadi lebih lama, sebelum pesawat itu boleh menerokai Lautan Pasifik ke Hawaii.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With more than 17,000 solar cells along the tops of its wings and fuselage, the Solar Impulse 2 stores up energy during the day, in order to power the motors that carry it through the night, typically at speeds no faster than a car on a highway.", "r": {"result": "Dengan lebih daripada 17,000 sel solar di sepanjang bahagian atas sayap dan fiuslajnya, Solar Impulse 2 menyimpan tenaga pada siang hari, untuk menggerakkan motor yang membawanya sepanjang malam, biasanya pada kelajuan tidak lebih laju daripada kereta di lebuh raya .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside a specially constructed tent at the end of the runway at Chongqing International Airport, a skeleton team of less than a dozen people works to complete the day's tasks.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam khemah yang dibina khas di penghujung landasan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Chongqing, sepasukan rangka kurang daripada sedozen orang bekerja untuk menyelesaikan tugasan hari itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rest of the crew has been waiting for weeks in Nanjing.", "r": {"result": "Selebihnya kru telah menunggu selama berminggu-minggu di Nanjing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even with the extended stay, no time is wasted.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dengan tempoh tinggal yang panjang, tiada masa yang terbuang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Piccard spends a few hours of the afternoon in the cockpit, training to prepare for the Solar Impulse's crossings over the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, what the team calls \"the moment of truth\".", "r": {"result": "Piccard menghabiskan beberapa jam waktu tengah hari di kokpit, berlatih untuk bersiap sedia untuk penyeberangan Solar Impulse merentasi Lautan Pasifik dan Atlantik, yang dipanggil oleh pasukan sebagai \"saat kebenaran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plane will then return to Abu Dhabi, where it had taken off.", "r": {"result": "Pesawat itu kemudiannya akan kembali ke Abu Dhabi, tempat ia berlepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearby, two technicians repair a couple of the flight computers, which display critical information in the cockpit, punching extra holes in their casings so they don't overheat.", "r": {"result": "Berdekatan, dua juruteknik membaiki beberapa komputer penerbangan, yang memaparkan maklumat penting dalam kokpit, menebuk lubang tambahan pada selongsongnya supaya tidak terlalu panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, Borschberg has returned to Switzerland to rest and get medical treatment for a migraine and a skin condition.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Borschberg telah kembali ke Switzerland untuk berehat dan mendapatkan rawatan perubatan untuk migrain dan masalah kulit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The team expects him back in China early next week.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan itu menjangkakan dia kembali ke China awal minggu depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Borschberg is still scheduled to fly first leg of the Pacific crossing, which could last up to five days and nights.", "r": {"result": "Borschberg masih dijadualkan terbang pada pusingan pertama lintasan Pasifik, yang boleh bertahan sehingga lima hari dan malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The airplane is ready.", "r": {"result": "\"Kapal terbang sudah siap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mission control center is ready.", "r": {"result": "Pusat kawalan misi sudah sedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We've been waiting for that moment since so long,\" says Piccard.", "r": {"result": "Kami telah menunggu detik itu sejak sekian lama,\" kata Piccard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Borschberg and Piccard, who piloted an earlier version of the plane across the U.S. in 2013, are no strangers to adventure.", "r": {"result": "Borschberg dan Piccard, yang memandu versi awal pesawat itu merentasi A.S. pada 2013, bukanlah orang asing dalam pengembaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Borschberg is a former fighter pilot, and Piccard was part of the first team to circumnavigate the earth nonstop in a balloon in 1999.", "r": {"result": "Borschberg ialah bekas juruterbang pejuang, dan Piccard adalah sebahagian daripada pasukan pertama yang mengelilingi bumi tanpa henti dalam belon pada tahun 1999.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Providence, Rhode Island (CNN) -- Tuesday's election in the littlest of states is causing the biggest of stirs.", "r": {"result": "Providence, Rhode Island (CNN) -- Pilihan raya Selasa di negeri terkecil menyebabkan kekecohan terbesar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When President Barack Obama hits the campaign trail here Friday to lend his star power to Jorge Elorza, the first-time candidate running in the city's deadlocked mayoral race, he won't be the most famous politician in the Ocean State that day.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Presiden Barack Obama mencapai jejak kempen di sini pada hari Jumaat untuk meminjamkan kuasa bintangnya kepada Jorge Elorza, calon kali pertama bertanding dalam perlumbaan datuk bandar yang menemui jalan buntu, dia tidak akan menjadi ahli politik paling terkenal di Ocean State pada hari itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That distinction belongs to the politician running against Elorza, the larger than life man who's never lost a political race, the man who served as Providence's mayor twice before -- and who was forced to resign each time in disgrace: Buddy Cianci.", "r": {"result": "Perbezaan itu dimiliki oleh ahli politik yang bertanding melawan Elorza, lelaki yang lebih besar daripada seumur hidup yang tidak pernah kalah dalam perlumbaan politik, lelaki yang berkhidmat sebagai datuk bandar Providence dua kali sebelum ini -- dan yang terpaksa meletakkan jawatan setiap kali kerana memalukan: Buddy Cianci.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You're not going to get a Pulitzer Prize or an Emmy by saying 'Buddy Cianci is a convicted felon.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak akan mendapat Hadiah Pulitzer atau Emmy dengan mengatakan 'Buddy Cianci adalah seorang penjenayah yang disabitkan kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' Cianci told CNN at his Providence headquarters this week.", "r": {"result": "' Cianci memberitahu CNN di ibu pejabat Providencenya minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Everybody knows that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semua orang tahu itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He added: \"I'm probably the most vetted candidate in America right now.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah: \"Saya mungkin calon yang paling disemak di Amerika sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They know everything about me\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka tahu segala-galanya tentang saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cianci, a back-slapping machine politician reminiscent of a bygone era, served as the city's mayor from 1975 to 1984 and then again from 1991 to 2002, epochs recalled locally as Buddy I and Buddy II.", "r": {"result": "Cianci, seorang ahli politik mesin yang menampar belakang mengingatkan zaman dahulu, berkhidmat sebagai datuk bandar dari 1975 hingga 1984 dan sekali lagi dari 1991 hingga 2002, zaman dipanggil semula sebagai Buddy I dan Buddy II.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buddy I came crashing down after Cianci was convicted of using a fire log and a lit cigarette to assault a man he accused of having an affair with his wife.", "r": {"result": "Buddy I rebah selepas Cianci disabitkan kesalahan menggunakan kayu api dan sebatang rokok menyala untuk menyerang seorang lelaki yang didakwanya mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan isterinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Buddy II ended after Cianci was convicted on federal corruption charges.", "r": {"result": "Buddy II berakhir selepas Cianci disabitkan dengan tuduhan rasuah persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the end of his 2002 trial, the judge rebuked Cianci before sentencing him to federal prison for five years.", "r": {"result": "Pada akhir perbicaraan 2002, hakim menegur Cianci sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman penjara persekutuan selama lima tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In this mayor's two administrations, there has been more corruption in the city of Providence than in the history of this state,\" said Judge Ernest Torres.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam dua pentadbiran datuk bandar ini, terdapat lebih banyak rasuah di bandar Providence berbanding dalam sejarah negeri ini,\u201d kata Hakim Ernest Torres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cianci isn't shying away from his past.", "r": {"result": "Cianci tidak lari dari masa lalunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've made mistakes in my life obviously, I've paid the price,\" he told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah membuat kesilapan dalam hidup saya jelas, saya telah membayar harganya,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We all stumble, I stumbled.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKita semua tersadung, saya tersadung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That doesn't prevent me from running for office...I've done my time, and I think I'm a contributing member to this society and this city\".", "r": {"result": "Itu tidak menghalang saya daripada bertanding jawatan...Saya telah menghabiskan masa saya, dan saya fikir saya adalah ahli yang menyumbang kepada masyarakat ini dan bandar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Cianci's stumbles didn't prevent him from running for office, his 37-year-old opponent hopes that they'll prevent him from capturing it.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun tersandung Cianci tidak menghalangnya daripada bertanding jawatan, lawannya yang berusia 37 tahun berharap mereka akan menghalangnya daripada menawannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have a storied history of corruption here in our city,\" Elorza said at a recent press conference.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai sejarah rasuah di sini di bandar kami,\" kata Elorza pada sidang akhbar baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And those incidents of corruption are very well-documented in Mr. Cianci's administration\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan kejadian rasuah itu sangat didokumentasikan dalam pentadbiran Encik Cianci\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three former U.S. attorneys -- among them current U.S. Sen.", "r": {"result": "Tiga bekas peguam A.S. -- antaranya A.S. Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheldon Whitehouse -- doubled down on those sentiments, urging voters to reject Cianci at a press conference they convened October 14. \"I would very much doubt that the return of this particular shadow would do our applications any good,\" said Whitehouse, referring to federal grant applications.", "r": {"result": "Sheldon Whitehouse -- menggandakan sentimen tersebut, menggesa pengundi untuk menolak Cianci pada sidang akhbar yang mereka adakan pada 14 Oktober. \"Saya amat meragui bahawa pengembalian bayang-bayang ini akan memberi manfaat kepada permohonan kami,\" kata Whitehouse, merujuk kepada permohonan geran persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for Buddy, it's a familiar refrain.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagi Buddy, ia adalah ungkapan biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, it's Cianci's past -- warts and all -- that lay at the heart of the campaign message driving the 73-year-old's \"final rodeo\" -- the quest for a Buddy III.", "r": {"result": "Sebenarnya, masa lalu Cianci -- ketuat dan segalanya -- yang menjadi inti mesej kempen memacu \"rodeo terakhir\" lelaki berusia 73 tahun itu -- usaha untuk mendapatkan Buddy III.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They can talk all they want about me and my background,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka boleh bercakap semua yang mereka mahu tentang saya dan latar belakang saya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The question is: if you went into a hospital and you had to have open heart surgery, would you want the intern to do it or would you want the experienced doctor even though the doctor might have had a couple of problems in his life?", "r": {"result": "\"Persoalannya ialah: jika anda pergi ke hospital dan anda terpaksa menjalani pembedahan jantung terbuka, adakah anda mahu pelatih melakukannya atau adakah anda mahu doktor yang berpengalaman walaupun doktor itu mungkin mengalami beberapa masalah dalam hidupnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everyone in Providence it seems has an opinion about Cianci, and they typically fall into one of three categories.", "r": {"result": "Semua orang di Providence nampaknya mempunyai pendapat tentang Cianci, dan mereka biasanya termasuk dalam salah satu daripada tiga kategori.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are those that love him, such as Sandra Perrone.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang menyayanginya, seperti Sandra Perrone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think of him as a Robin Hood\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menganggap dia sebagai Robin Hood\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she told CNN.", "r": {"result": "dia memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just think he should be given another chance\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya cuma rasa dia patut diberi peluang lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are those that don't.", "r": {"result": "Ada yang tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Buddy Cianci is someone who's very flashy,\" said Joshua Shockly.", "r": {"result": "\"Buddy Cianci adalah seseorang yang sangat mencolok,\" kata Joshua Shockly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it's all show with him, there's not any substance behind what he does\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa itu semua pertunjukan dengan dia, tidak ada apa-apa bahan di sebalik apa yang dia lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then there are the conflicted.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian ada yang bercanggah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cianci \"is someone who is incredibly charming, actually very intelligent, very funny, (and) very glib,\" said Kent Mallard.", "r": {"result": "Cianci \"adalah seseorang yang sangat menawan, sebenarnya sangat pintar, sangat lucu, (dan) sangat pandai,\" kata Kent Mallard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But somebody who I would never vote for for mayor\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi seseorang yang saya tidak akan undi untuk Datuk Bandar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think Buddy Cianci loves this city and that he did some good things for this city,\" added Shockly.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa Buddy Cianci suka bandar ini dan dia melakukan beberapa perkara yang baik untuk bandar ini,\" tambah Shockly.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I just don't think this city needs somebody like him at this point in time where Providence and Rhode Island in general needs to take a step forward out of a past which has really kept us kind of behind everyone else\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir bandar ini memerlukan seseorang seperti dia pada masa ini di mana Providence dan Rhode Island secara amnya perlu mengorak langkah ke hadapan daripada masa lalu yang benar-benar membuatkan kami agak ketinggalan di belakang orang lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That even Cianci's detractors concede that there is much to like and admire about the man reveals the underlying conflict facing voters in the city of nearly 180,000 as they head to the polls on Tuesday: Do they go with the candidate with a shadowy past but who nevertheless worked tirelessly to bring a once blighted, ne'er do well city out from those very shadows?", "r": {"result": "Malah pengkritik Cianci mengakui bahawa terdapat banyak yang disukai dan dikagumi tentang lelaki itu mendedahkan konflik asas yang dihadapi pengundi di bandar yang mempunyai hampir 180,000 orang ketika mereka menuju ke pilihan raya pada hari Selasa: Adakah mereka pergi bersama calon dengan masa lalu yang gelap tetapi siapa yang bekerja tanpa mengenal penat lelah untuk membawa bandar yang pernah rosak dan tidak berjaya keluar dari bayang-bayang itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or do they go with the less experienced and younger Elorza, a candidate who Obama -- a politician who knows a little something about being young and inexperienced and running for office -- says will \"will bring honest leadership to Providence\"?", "r": {"result": "Atau adakah mereka pergi dengan Elorza yang kurang berpengalaman dan lebih muda, seorang calon yang Obama -- seorang ahli politik yang tahu sedikit tentang menjadi muda dan tidak berpengalaman dan bertanding jawatan -- akan \"akan membawa kepimpinan yang jujur kepada Providence\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of positive things happened while (Buddy) was in office but a lot of negative things happened,\" said resident Dennis Emsley.", "r": {"result": "\"Banyak perkara positif berlaku semasa (Buddy) berada di pejabat tetapi banyak perkara negatif berlaku,\" kata penduduk Dennis Emsley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I mean, he's a celebrity, he has a certain cache, but there are other candidates that are more connected to what's going on in the city today and that are going to be more able to lead the city into the future and I don't think that'd be Buddy Cianci\".", "r": {"result": "\"Maksud saya, dia seorang selebriti, dia mempunyai tembolok tertentu, tetapi ada calon lain yang lebih berkaitan dengan apa yang berlaku di bandar hari ini dan yang akan lebih mampu memimpin bandar itu ke masa depan dan saya tidak Tak sangka itu Buddy Cianci\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for any other celebrity -- presidential or otherwise -- campaigning against a Buddy III, Cianci says his opponent can have them.", "r": {"result": "Bagi mana-mana selebriti lain -- presiden atau sebaliknya -- berkempen menentang Buddy III, Cianci berkata lawannya boleh memilikinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You know what they all have in common?", "r": {"result": "\"Kau tahu apa persamaan mereka semua?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of them live in the city of Providence\".", "r": {"result": "Tiada seorang pun daripada mereka tinggal di bandar Providence\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Timothy Jones Jr. allegedly went on a 700-mile journey that began in South Carolina with the bodies of his five young children wrapped in garbage bags in the back of his SUV, authorities said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Timothy Jones Jr. didakwa melakukan perjalanan sejauh 700 batu yang bermula di South Carolina dengan mayat lima anaknya yang masih kecil dibungkus dalam beg sampah di belakang SUVnya, kata pihak berkuasa hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jones, a 32-year-old computer tech and Mississippi State University graduate, told neighbors last week that he was moving his children from their home near Lexington to another state.", "r": {"result": "Jones, seorang teknologi komputer berusia 32 tahun dan lulusan Universiti Negeri Mississippi, memberitahu jiran minggu lalu bahawa dia memindahkan anak-anaknya dari rumah mereka berhampiran Lexington ke negeri lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The father of five was being held Wednesday in a Mississippi jail in connection with the deaths of his children, ages 1 to 8, whose bodies were dumped in Alabama.", "r": {"result": "Bapa kepada lima anak itu ditahan Rabu di penjara Mississippi berhubung kematian anak-anaknya, berumur 1 hingga 8 tahun, yang mayatnya dibuang di Alabama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's still unclear how or why Jones allegedly killed his children, but acting Sheriff Lewis McCarty of Lexington County told reporters that Jones drove for several days with their decomposing bodies in the back of his SUV.", "r": {"result": "Ia masih tidak jelas bagaimana atau mengapa Jones didakwa membunuh anak-anaknya, tetapi pemangku Syerif Lewis McCarty dari Lexington County memberitahu wartawan bahawa Jones memandu selama beberapa hari dengan mayat mereka yang reput di belakang SUVnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is believed he killed the children at the same time, and that the crime happened in Lexington County, McCarty said.", "r": {"result": "Dipercayai dia membunuh kanak-kanak itu pada masa yang sama, dan jenayah itu berlaku di Lexington County, kata McCarty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't understand why he did it but, yes, these children were in the car, deceased, in garbage bags for some period of time,\" McCarty said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak faham mengapa dia melakukannya tetapi, ya, kanak-kanak ini berada di dalam kereta, meninggal dunia, dalam beg sampah untuk beberapa tempoh masa,\" kata McCarty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Jones was picked up Saturday at a police checkpoint in Mississippi, he seemed \"very strange, maybe somewhat disoriented, a little bit on the violent side,\" McCarty said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Jones dijemput pada hari Sabtu di pusat pemeriksaan polis di Mississippi, dia kelihatan \"sangat pelik, mungkin agak keliru, sedikit di pihak yang ganas,\" kata McCarty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the car, police later found \"cleaning material, they saw blood, they saw children's clothing but no children\".", "r": {"result": "Di dalam kereta, polis kemudian menemui \"bahan pembersih, mereka melihat darah, mereka melihat pakaian kanak-kanak tetapi tiada kanak-kanak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCarty said Jones, who allegedly was in possession of synthetic marijuana and a drug called \"bath salts,\" faces five counts of murder when he's returned to South Carolina.", "r": {"result": "McCarty berkata Jones, yang didakwa memiliki ganja sintetik dan dadah yang dipanggil \"garam mandian,\" menghadapi lima pertuduhan membunuh apabila dia kembali ke Carolina Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sheriff said Jones led investigators in Alabama to the remains believed to be those of his children.", "r": {"result": "Sheriff berkata Jones mengetuai penyiasat di Alabama ke mayat yang dipercayai anak-anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The remains have been returned to South Carolina, where autopsies will be performed.", "r": {"result": "Mayat telah dikembalikan ke Carolina Selatan, di mana bedah siasat akan dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm a father and I'm a grandfather and in all of my years of law enforcement I have never seen a case like this,\" McCarty said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya seorang bapa dan saya seorang datuk dan sepanjang tahun penguatkuasaan undang-undang saya tidak pernah melihat kes seperti ini,\" kata McCarty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We all see things in our careers that have an impact.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKita semua melihat perkara dalam kerjaya kita yang memberi impak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This case has impacted every person ... who had anything at all to do with it\".", "r": {"result": "Kes ini telah memberi kesan kepada setiap orang ... yang mempunyai apa-apa kaitan dengannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Late Tuesday, Albert Santa Cruz, Mississippi's public safety commissioner, called the crime \"unconscionable\".", "r": {"result": "Lewat Selasa, Albert Santa Cruz, pesuruhjaya keselamatan awam Mississippi, menggelar jenayah itu \"tidak wajar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement, South Carolina Gov.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan, South Carolina Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nikki Haley called the deaths of the five children and Monday's shooting of two Charleston County deputies, one fatally, in an unrelated incident \"moments that truly shock our conscience\".", "r": {"result": "Nikki Haley menyifatkan kematian lima kanak-kanak itu dan penembakan pada Isnin ke atas dua timbalan timbalan Charleston County, seorang maut, dalam insiden yang tidak berkaitan sebagai \"saat-saat yang benar-benar mengejutkan hati nurani kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These events bring a sadness like no other,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Peristiwa-peristiwa ini membawa kesedihan yang tidak seperti yang lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We grieve together for our lost ones, and we pray together for those touched by these horrific tragedies\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berduka bersama untuk mereka yang hilang, dan kami berdoa bersama untuk mereka yang tersentuh oleh tragedi ngeri ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parents speak out.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa bersuara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Standing before television cameras with his wife sobbing by his side, Jones' father spoke to reporters Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Berdiri di hadapan kamera televisyen dengan isterinya menangis teresak-esak di sisinya, bapa Jones bercakap kepada wartawan Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We know that the angels are with us, but your prayers are helping us cope,\" Tim Jones said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tahu bahawa para malaikat bersama kami, tetapi doa anda membantu kami mengatasinya,\" kata Tim Jones.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We do not have all the answers and we may never have all of them, but anyone who knows little Tim will agree that he is not the animal that he will be portrayed through the media\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mempunyai semua jawapan dan kami mungkin tidak pernah mempunyai semuanya, tetapi sesiapa yang mengenali Tim kecil akan bersetuju bahawa dia bukan haiwan yang dia akan digambarkan melalui media\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described his son as \"a very loving father, brother and son\" and said the family was heartbroken.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyifatkan anaknya sebagai \"bapa, abang dan anak yang sangat penyayang\" dan berkata keluarga itu sedih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At this time, we need to use all our strength to say goodbye to our grandchildren and be allowed privacy to grieve,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPada masa ini, kami perlu menggunakan seluruh kekuatan kami untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada anak cucu dan dibenarkan privasi untuk berduka,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Child welfare investigation.", "r": {"result": "Siasatan kebajikan kanak-kanak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Child welfare authorities said they had received an abuse complaint involving at least one of the children on August 7 but interviews with Jones, the children and neighbors determined there was no imminent danger, said Jackie Swindler, a representative of the South Carolina Department of Social Services.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa kebajikan kanak-kanak berkata mereka telah menerima aduan penderaan melibatkan sekurang-kurangnya seorang daripada kanak-kanak itu pada 7 Ogos tetapi temu bual dengan Jones, kanak-kanak dan jiran-jiran mendapati tiada bahaya yang akan berlaku, kata Jackie Swindler, wakil Jabatan Perkhidmatan Sosial Carolina Selatan. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"DSS did not see any visible signs of abuse,\" he said, adding that the agency planned to follow up within 45 days.", "r": {"result": "\"DSS tidak melihat sebarang tanda penderaan yang boleh dilihat,\" katanya sambil menambah agensi itu merancang untuk membuat susulan dalam tempoh 45 hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At the time, there was nothing to alarm them\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pada masa itu, tiada apa yang mencemaskan mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities said Jones picked up the children at school and day care on August 28.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa berkata Jones menjemput kanak-kanak itu di sekolah dan jagaan harian pada 28 Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to an affidavit for the child endangerment charges against him, he admitted that he forced the five children out of his car that day near a Wal-Mart store in Lexington County.", "r": {"result": "Menurut afidavit untuk pertuduhan membahayakan kanak-kanak terhadapnya, dia mengakui bahawa dia memaksa lima kanak-kanak itu keluar dari keretanya pada hari itu berhampiran kedai Wal-Mart di Lexington County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Parts of the affidavit are blacked out.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian afidavit digelapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The children's mother, who shared custody of the children with her ex-husband, reported them missing on September 3 after not being able to contact Jones.", "r": {"result": "Ibu kanak-kanak itu, yang berkongsi hak penjagaan anak-anak dengan bekas suaminya, melaporkan mereka hilang pada 3 September selepas tidak dapat menghubungi Jones.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was supposed to bring the children to stay with her the day before.", "r": {"result": "Dia sepatutnya membawa anak-anak tinggal bersamanya sehari sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We feel that the deaths took place early on,\" McCarty said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami merasakan bahawa kematian berlaku lebih awal,\" kata McCarty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jones was being held in Smith County, Mississippi, on drug and child endangerment charges and is awaiting extradition to South Carolina for prosecution.", "r": {"result": "Jones telah ditahan di Smith County, Mississippi, atas tuduhan dadah dan membahayakan kanak-kanak dan sedang menunggu ekstradisi ke Carolina Selatan untuk pendakwaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A grisly discovery.", "r": {"result": "Satu penemuan yang mengerikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The children's remains were discovered off a dirt road in Wilcox County, not far from Camden, said Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Mayat kanak-kanak itu ditemui di luar jalan tanah di Wilcox County, tidak jauh dari Camden, kata Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steve Jarrett of the Alabama Department of Public Safety.", "r": {"result": "Steve Jarrett dari Jabatan Keselamatan Awam Alabama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A multistate search for the children and their father involved the FBI and state law enforcement agencies.", "r": {"result": "Pencarian berbilang negeri untuk kanak-kanak dan bapa mereka melibatkan FBI dan agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Jones was arrested Saturday in Mississippi, a check of the National Criminal Information Center found he was wanted in South Carolina.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Jones ditangkap hari Sabtu di Mississippi, pemeriksaan Pusat Maklumat Jenayah Kebangsaan mendapati dia dikehendaki di South Carolina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Missing nursing student's remains found in Tennessee.", "r": {"result": "Mayat pelajar kejururawatan yang hilang ditemui di Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maryland mother accused of suffocating kids, 1 and 3. CNN's Suzanne Presto contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ibu Maryland dituduh menyesakkan kanak-kanak, 1 dan 3. Suzanne Presto dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Serie A side Napoli have completed the signing of Argentine international Gonzalo Higuain from Real Madrid.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Serie A Napoli telah melengkapkan pembelian pemain antarabangsa Argentina, Gonzalo Higuain dari Real Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement on the Spanish club's website published Saturday confirmed that the 25-year-old striker was on his way to Italy.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan di laman web kelab Sepanyol yang diterbitkan Sabtu mengesahkan bahawa penyerang berusia 25 tahun itu dalam perjalanan ke Itali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Real Madrid C. F. announces that Gonzalo Higuain has been transferred to Naples,\" read the statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Real Madrid C. F. mengumumkan bahawa Gonzalo Higuain telah dipindahkan ke Naples,\" baca kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The club would like to express their gratitude for his years of dedication and professionalism, and wishes him luck in this new step\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kelab ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas dedikasi dan profesionalismenya selama bertahun-tahun, dan mendoakan kejayaannya dalam langkah baharu ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Higuain, who is reported to have cost Napoli in the region of $50 million, spent six-and-a-half seasons at the Bernabeu and scored a total of 107 goals in 187 appearances.", "r": {"result": "Higuain, yang dilaporkan telah menelan belanja Napoli dalam lingkungan $50 juta, menghabiskan enam setengah musim di Bernabeu dan menjaringkan 107 gol dalam 187 penampilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Argentine joins a growing list of new signings as Napoli's new manager Rafa Benitez prepares for an assault on both the Serie A title and the Champions League.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Argentina itu menyertai senarai pemain baharu yang semakin meningkat ketika pengurus baharu Napoli, Rafa Benitez bersiap sedia untuk menyerang kedua-dua kejuaraan Serie A dan Liga Juara-Juara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Striker Jose Callejon and defender Raul Albiol both joined the Italian club from Madrid earlier this month while Belgian international winger Dries Mertens signed from Dutch club PSV Eindhoven in June.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Jose Callejon dan pertahanan Raul Albiol kedua-duanya menyertai kelab Itali itu dari Madrid awal bulan ini manakala pemain sayap antarabangsa Belgium Dries Mertens menandatangani kontrak dari kelab Belanda PSV Eindhoven pada Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Benitez has also signed Liverpool goalkeeper Jose Reina on a one-year loan deal.", "r": {"result": "Benitez juga telah menandatangani penjaga gol Liverpool Jose Reina dengan perjanjian pinjaman selama setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Higuain is expected to fill the void left by last season's top scorer in Serie A Edinson Cavani.", "r": {"result": "Higuain dijangka mengisi kekosongan yang ditinggalkan penjaring terbanyak musim lalu dalam Serie A Edinson Cavani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Uruguayan striker, who scored 29 goals for Napoli last term, joined French champions Paris Saint Germain earlier this month in a deal worth a French record EUR64 million ($84 million).", "r": {"result": "Penyerang Uruguay itu, yang menjaringkan 29 gol untuk Napoli musim lalu, menyertai juara Perancis Paris Saint Germain awal bulan ini dalam perjanjian bernilai rekod Perancis EUR64 juta ($84 juta).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- For the second straight year, Taylor Swift won entertainer of the year at the Academy of Country Music Awards.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Untuk tahun kedua berturut-turut, Taylor Swift memenangi penghibur tahun ini di Anugerah Muzik Negara Akademi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to say to my fellow nominees in this category, I respect you so much and I love you,\" said the 22-year-old star, who was the only female nominated in the category this year.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin katakan kepada rakan-rakan pencalonan dalam kategori ini, saya sangat menghormati anda dan saya sayangkan anda,\" kata bintang berusia 22 tahun itu, yang merupakan satu-satunya wanita yang dicalonkan dalam kategori itu tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She beat out Kenny Chesney, Jason Aldean, Brad Paisley and Blake Shelton.", "r": {"result": "Dia menewaskan Kenny Chesney, Jason Aldean, Brad Paisley dan Blake Shelton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To the fans for voting, thank you for doing this.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKepada peminat yang mengundi, terima kasih kerana melakukan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is exciting,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Ini menarik,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Thank you\"!", "r": {"result": "\"Terima kasih\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Swift's award was the last to be handed out Sunday night in Las Vegas during the 47th annual awards show.", "r": {"result": "Anugerah Swift adalah yang terakhir disampaikan malam Ahad di Las Vegas semasa pertunjukan anugerah tahunan ke-47.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier winners included Lady Antebellum and country power couple, Shelton and Miranda Lambert.", "r": {"result": "Pemenang awal termasuk Lady Antebellum dan pasangan kuasa negara, Shelton dan Miranda Lambert.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lambert snagged top awards for female vocalist of the year and album of the year for \"Four the Record\".", "r": {"result": "Lambert merangkul anugerah teratas untuk vokalis wanita tahun ini dan album terbaik untuk \"Four the Record\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I own every record in this category and I've been listening and listening, thinking -- man, not going to get it.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya memiliki setiap rekod dalam kategori ini dan saya telah mendengar dan mendengar, berfikir - lelaki, tidak akan mendapatkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every record is amazing and I'm so thrilled,\" she said after winning the album award.", "r": {"result": "Setiap rekod adalah menakjubkan dan saya sangat teruja,\" katanya selepas memenangi anugerah album itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her husband, who hosted the show alongside Reba McEntire for the second year in a row, won male vocalist of the year.", "r": {"result": "Suaminya, yang mengacarakan rancangan itu bersama Reba McEntire untuk tahun kedua berturut-turut, memenangi vokalis lelaki tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lady Antebellum, which led in group nominations with five, won the vocal group of the year award, while American Idol alum Scotty McCreery took home the award for new artist.", "r": {"result": "Lady Antebellum, yang mendahului dalam pencalonan kumpulan dengan lima, memenangi anugerah kumpulan vokal tahun ini, manakala alum American Idol Scotty McCreery membawa pulang anugerah untuk artis baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Eli Young Band walked away with one of the first awards of the night -- song of the year -- for \"Crazy Girl\".", "r": {"result": "Pancaragam Eli Young pergi dengan salah satu anugerah pertama malam itu -- lagu tahun ini -- untuk \"Crazy Girl\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunday's show featured performances by Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Toby Keith, Brad Paisley and Sara Evans, among others.", "r": {"result": "Pertunjukan hari Ahad menampilkan persembahan oleh Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Toby Keith, Brad Paisley dan Sara Evans, antara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About an hour and a half into the show, which was broadcast by CBS, a real-life couple took to the stage to get married as Martina McBride and Pat Monahan sang the song \"Marry me\".", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira satu setengah jam dalam rancangan itu, yang disiarkan oleh CBS, pasangan hidup sebenar naik ke pentas untuk berkahwin ketika Martina McBride dan Pat Monahan menyanyikan lagu \"Marry me\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chesney had been up for nine awards, the most of any artist, while Swift led solo female nominations with three.", "r": {"result": "Chesney telah memenangi sembilan anugerah, paling banyak daripada mana-mana artis, manakala Swift mengetuai pencalonan wanita solo dengan tiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chesney has won entertainer of the year four times since 2004.", "r": {"result": "Chesney telah memenangi penghibur terbaik empat kali sejak 2004.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His domination of the country music awards included a nomination for male vocalist of the year, his 10th; two album of the year nods for \"Hemingway's Whiskey;\" double nominations for single record of the year and vocal event of the year as artist and producer on \"You and Tequila\".", "r": {"result": "Penguasaannya terhadap anugerah muzik negara termasuk pencalonan untuk vokalis lelaki tahun ini, yang ke-10; dua album terbaik tahun ini untuk \"Hemingway's Whisky;\" pencalonan berganda untuk rekod tunggal tahun dan acara vokal tahun ini sebagai artis dan penerbit \"You and Tequila\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That tune was also up for song of the year.", "r": {"result": "Lagu itu juga sesuai untuk lagu tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Swift was nominated for entertainer of the year for the third year in a row, female vocalist for a fifth year and for video of the year for \"Mean\".", "r": {"result": "Swift telah dicalonkan untuk penghibur tahun ini untuk tahun ketiga berturut-turut, vokalis wanita untuk tahun kelima dan untuk video tahun ini untuk \"Min\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Keith's homage to the ubiquitous party drink container -- \"Red Solo Cup\" -- was honored with three ACM nominations, including for video of the year and a double nomination as artist and producer for single record of the year.", "r": {"result": "Penghormatan Keith kepada bekas minuman parti di mana-mana -- \"Piala Solo Merah\" -- diberi penghormatan dengan tiga pencalonan ACM, termasuk untuk video tahun ini dan pencalonan berganda sebagai artis dan penerbit untuk rekod tunggal tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The list of first-time nominees included Grace Potter with three, Aaron Lewis with two, and Thompson Square and Love and Theft earned single nominations.", "r": {"result": "Senarai calon kali pertama termasuk Grace Potter dengan tiga, Aaron Lewis dengan dua, dan Thompson Square dan Love and Theft memperoleh pencalonan tunggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A U.S. sailor who died last week of medical complications was the 3,000th death among coalition forces in the Afghanistan war, according to CNN's count based on information provided by the U.S. Defense Department and the International Security Assistance Force.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang kelasi A.S. yang meninggal dunia minggu lalu akibat komplikasi perubatan adalah kematian ke-3,000 dalam kalangan pasukan gabungan dalam perang Afghanistan, menurut kiraan CNN berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan oleh Jabatan Pertahanan A.S. dan Pasukan Bantuan Keselamatan Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Petty Officer 1st Class Ryan J. Wilson, 26, of Shasta, California, died May 20 in Manama, Bahrain, the Defense Department reported in an e-mail Friday.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Kecil Kelas 1 Ryan J. Wilson, 26, dari Shasta, California, meninggal dunia pada 20 Mei di Manama, Bahrain, Jabatan Pertahanan melaporkan dalam e-mel Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wilson, assigned to U.S. Naval Forces Central Command in Bahrain, was supporting the Afghanistan mission, the e-mail said.", "r": {"result": "Wilson, yang ditugaskan di Komando Pusat Angkatan Laut A.S. di Bahrain, menyokong misi Afghanistan, kata e-mel itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Home and Away: Casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Di Rumah dan Pergi: Korban di Afghanistan, Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was the 1,974th U.S. death in the war that started October 7, 2001, and the 3,000th overall death from the U.S.-led international coalition engaged in Operation Enduring Freedom.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah kematian ke-1,974 AS dalam perang yang bermula 7 Oktober 2001, dan kematian keseluruhan ke-3,000 daripada gabungan antarabangsa pimpinan AS yang terlibat dalam Operasi Kebebasan Bertahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The coalition includes 50 countries.", "r": {"result": "Gabungan itu merangkumi 50 negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Britain has the second-largest number of dead from the mission at 414, according to the CNN figures.", "r": {"result": "Britain mempunyai jumlah kematian kedua terbesar daripada misi itu iaitu 414, menurut angka CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Allen: U.S. troop drawdown to begin 'very shortly'.", "r": {"result": "Allen: Pengunduran tentera A.S. akan bermula 'tidak lama lagi'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "120 girls poisoned at Afghan school.", "r": {"result": "120 gadis diracun di sekolah Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Emily Smith contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Emily Smith dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- John \"Junior\" Gotti, son of the late Gambino family mob boss John Gotti, was arrested in New York on Tuesday and faces a number of federal charges including racketeering, conspiracy to commit murder and drug trafficking, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- John \"Junior\" Gotti, anak kepada mendiang bos perusuh keluarga Gambino, John Gotti, ditahan di New York pada Selasa dan berdepan beberapa pertuduhan persekutuan termasuk meragut, berkonspirasi untuk membunuh dan mengedar dadah, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John \"Junior\" Gotti, seen in September 2006, has had three criminal trials end in mistrials.", "r": {"result": "John \"Junior\" Gotti, dilihat pada September 2006, telah menjalani tiga perbicaraan jenayah yang berakhir dengan percubaan salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gotti was among six people indicted by a Florida grand jury, said Robert O'Neill, U.S. attorney for the Middle District of Florida.", "r": {"result": "Gotti adalah antara enam orang yang didakwa oleh juri besar Florida, kata Robert O'Neill, peguam A.S. untuk Daerah Tengah Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The indictments were unsealed Tuesday with the arrest of five defendants, including Gotti, he said.", "r": {"result": "Dakwaan itu dibuka Selasa dengan penahanan lima defendan, termasuk Gotti, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Negotiations were under way for the surrender of the sixth person named in the indictment, O'Neill said.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan sedang dijalankan untuk penyerahan orang keenam yang dinamakan dalam dakwaan, kata O'Neill.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All six suspects were charged under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, a law used to target organized crime groups -- in this case, the Gambino crime family.", "r": {"result": "Kesemua enam suspek didakwa di bawah Akta Pertubuhan Pengaruh dan Rasuah Racketeer persekutuan, atau RICO, undang-undang yang digunakan untuk menyasarkan kumpulan jenayah terancang -- dalam kes ini, keluarga jenayah Gambino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gotti appeared Tuesday afternoon before a judge, who ordered him held without bail.", "r": {"result": "Gotti hadir petang Selasa di hadapan hakim, yang memerintahkan dia ditahan tanpa jaminan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His attorney, Charles Carnesi, told reporters the charges against his client were baseless.", "r": {"result": "Peguamnya, Charles Carnesi, memberitahu pemberita pertuduhan terhadap anak guamnya adalah tidak berasas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can guarantee you that this case will be based on people who have been convicted of various crimes who do not want to go to jail,\" Carnesi said outside the courthouse.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh memberi jaminan kepada anda bahawa kes ini akan berdasarkan orang yang telah disabitkan dengan pelbagai jenayah yang tidak mahu pergi ke penjara,\" kata Carnesi di luar mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Let's face it, they have the money, they have the resources, they have an army of agents and most of all they have the ability to go to people who are willing to lie and say, 'OK, here's the key.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMari kita hadapi, mereka mempunyai wang, mereka mempunyai sumber, mereka mempunyai tentera ejen dan yang paling penting mereka mempunyai keupayaan untuk pergi kepada orang yang sanggup berbohong dan berkata, \u2018OK, inilah kuncinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's the way out.", "r": {"result": "Inilah jalan keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' \" Watch authorities talk about 'significant evidence' >>.", "r": {"result": "' \" Tonton pihak berkuasa bercakap tentang 'bukti penting' >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The indictment alleges Gotti was involved in three slayings in New York City -- those of George Grosso, who died in December 1988 in Queens; Louis DiBono, killed in October 1990 in the parking garage of the former World Trade Center; and Bruce John Gotterup, slain in November 1991 at the Boardwalk at the Rockaways in Queens.", "r": {"result": "Dakwaan itu mendakwa Gotti terlibat dalam tiga pembunuhan di New York City -- pembunuhan George Grosso, yang meninggal dunia pada Disember 1988 di Queens; Louis DiBono, dibunuh pada Oktober 1990 di garaj tempat letak kereta bekas Pusat Dagangan Dunia; dan Bruce John Gotterup, dibunuh pada November 1991 di Boardwalk di Rockaways di Queens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gotti is the first person charged in Grosso's death, which was listed as an unsolved homicide and was investigated with assistance from the New York Police Department's Cold Case Squad, O'Neill said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "Gotti adalah orang pertama yang didakwa dalam kematian Grosso, yang disenaraikan sebagai pembunuhan yang tidak dapat diselesaikan dan disiasat dengan bantuan daripada Skuad Kes Dingin Jabatan Polis New York, kata O'Neill dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gotti is charged in one indictment, and the five others in another one.", "r": {"result": "Gotti didakwa dalam satu dakwaan, dan lima yang lain dalam satu lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Gotti being led away in handcuffs.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Gotti dibawa pergi dalam keadaan bergari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carnesi said he was surprised by the judge's decision to hold Gotti without bail.", "r": {"result": "Carnesi berkata beliau terkejut dengan keputusan hakim menahan Gotti tanpa jaminan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said it would be his preference to keep Gotti in New York as long as possible \"so that we can maintain contact with him\" and suggested he enter his not-guilty plea by video to the Florida court.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata adalah keutamaannya untuk mengekalkan Gotti di New York selama mungkin \"supaya kami dapat mengekalkan hubungan dengannya\" dan mencadangkan dia memasukkan pengakuan tidak bersalahnya melalui video ke mahkamah Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gotti, 44, of Oyster Bay, New York, has served as an associate, soldier, captain and de facto boss in the organization, the indictment alleges, as well as a member of a captains' committee formed in the early 1990s to assist in the administration of the family.", "r": {"result": "Gotti, 44, dari Oyster Bay, New York, telah berkhidmat sebagai sekutu, askar, kapten dan bos de facto dalam organisasi itu, dakwaan dakwaan, serta ahli jawatankuasa kapten yang dibentuk pada awal 1990-an untuk membantu dalam pentadbiran keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His co-defendants are John Burke, 47, a New York prison inmate; James Cadicamo, 33, of Tampa, Florida; David D'Arpino, 33, of Howard Beach, New York; Michael Finnerty, 43, of Oceanside, New York; and Guy Peden, 47, of Wantagh, New York.", "r": {"result": "Defendan bersamanya ialah John Burke, 47, seorang banduan penjara New York; James Cadicamo, 33, dari Tampa, Florida; David D'Arpino, 33, dari Howard Beach, New York; Michael Finnerty, 43, dari Oceanside, New York; dan Guy Peden, 47, dari Wantagh, New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burke and Peden are also accused of participating in the murder of Gotterup, according to authorities, and Burke and D'Arpino are charged in the death of John Gebert, who was killed in 1996 in Queens.", "r": {"result": "Burke dan Peden juga dituduh mengambil bahagian dalam pembunuhan Gotterup, menurut pihak berkuasa, dan Burke dan D'Arpino didakwa dalam kematian John Gebert, yang dibunuh pada 1996 di Queens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, Cadicamo is charged with conspiring to beat or kill a man named Michael Malone to prevent Malone's testimony in a case, and with retaliating against Malone for his cooperation with authorities.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, Cadicamo didakwa bersubahat untuk memukul atau membunuh seorang lelaki bernama Michael Malone untuk menghalang keterangan Malone dalam kes, dan dengan membalas dendam terhadap Malone atas kerjasamanya dengan pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A number of cases culminated in the indictment, which names people in Florida and New York, the prosecutor said.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa kes memuncak dalam dakwaan, yang menamakan orang di Florida dan New York, kata pendakwa raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think what you have here is, you have the Gambino crime family reaching out to Tampa, Florida\" and \"trying to gain a foothold,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir apa yang anda ada di sini ialah, anda mempunyai keluarga jenayah Gambino yang menghubungi Tampa, Florida\" dan \"cuba untuk bertapak,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All six defendants face a maximum sentence of life in prison, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Kesemua enam defendan berdepan hukuman maksimum penjara seumur hidup, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If convicted of the charges involving Malone, Cadicamo could face the death penalty.", "r": {"result": "Jika disabitkan dengan pertuduhan yang melibatkan Malone, Cadicamo boleh menghadapi hukuman mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[Gambino crime family] enterprise members engaged in public acts and displays of violence -- shootings, stabbings, baseball bat beatings and murder -- designed to create and maintain fear and dread in others so that the GCF enterprise could defend and expand its unlawful dominion and influence in certain geographical areas,\" according to a statement issued by O'Neill's office.", "r": {"result": "\"Ahli perusahaan [keluarga jenayah Gambino] terlibat dalam tindakan awam dan paparan keganasan -- tembakan, tikaman, pukulan kayu besbol dan pembunuhan -- direka untuk mewujudkan dan mengekalkan ketakutan dan ketakutan pada orang lain supaya perusahaan GCF dapat mempertahankan dan mengembangkan tindakannya yang menyalahi undang-undang. penguasaan dan pengaruh di kawasan geografi tertentu,\" menurut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh pejabat O'Neill.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"GCF enterprise members worked to establish and maintain GCF enterprise footholds, or operational bases, in various parts of the United States of America, specifically including the city of Tampa, Florida\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ahli perusahaan GCF berusaha untuk menubuhkan dan mengekalkan kedudukan perusahaan, atau pangkalan operasi GCF, di pelbagai bahagian di Amerika Syarikat, khususnya termasuk bandar Tampa, Florida\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Gambino family also is accused of crimes including robbery, bribery, kidnapping, extortion, home invasions and money laundering, among others, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Gambino juga dituduh melakukan jenayah termasuk rompakan, rasuah, penculikan, peras ugut, pencerobohan rumah dan pengubahan wang haram, antara lain, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Members of the organization \"invested some of their criminal income for the acquisition of interests in other businesses,\" including window and glass businesses, valet parking businesses and bars or nightclubs, prosecutors allege.", "r": {"result": "Ahli organisasi \"melaburkan sebahagian daripada pendapatan jenayah mereka untuk memperoleh kepentingan dalam perniagaan lain,\" termasuk perniagaan tingkap dan kaca, perniagaan letak kereta valet dan bar atau kelab malam, dakwa pendakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carnesi questioned why, if Gotti is involved in drug trafficking and murder, informants such as Sammy \"The Bull\" Gravano have never suggested it.", "r": {"result": "Carnesi mempersoalkan mengapa, jika Gotti terlibat dalam pengedaran dan pembunuhan dadah, pemberi maklumat seperti Sammy \"The Bull\" Gravano tidak pernah mencadangkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can go down the line as to any of these individuals who made deals with the government.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh turun padang mengenai mana-mana individu ini yang membuat perjanjian dengan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... They don't know anything of this,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "... Mereka tidak tahu apa-apa tentang ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In late 2006, a third mistrial was declared in a federal racketeering case against Gotti.", "r": {"result": "Pada penghujung tahun 2006, perbicaraan ketiga telah diisytiharkan dalam kes raket persekutuan terhadap Gotti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charges against him included racketeering and extortion.", "r": {"result": "Tuduhan terhadapnya termasuk meragut dan memeras ugut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors said they would not retry Gotti, who was accused of ordering attacks on radio talk show host Curtis Sliwa after the Guardian Angels founder criticized Gotti's father on his radio show.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berkata mereka tidak akan membicarakan semula Gotti, yang dituduh mengarahkan serangan ke atas pengacara rancangan bual bicara radio Curtis Sliwa selepas pengasas Guardian Angels mengkritik bapa Gotti dalam rancangan radionya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sliwa was shot three times but recovered and testified against Gotti.", "r": {"result": "Sliwa ditembak tiga kali tetapi pulih dan memberi keterangan terhadap Gotti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked Gotti's feelings on the newest charges, Carnesi said, \"He was very disappointed to have to go through all this again.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya perasaan Gotti mengenai tuduhan terbaru, Carnesi berkata, \"Dia sangat kecewa kerana terpaksa melalui semua ini sekali lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can imagine the toll it took on him and his family to have to fight three times in the course of a year, to feel that, OK, perhaps it's over ... because the government itself came to the conclusion, no more.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh bayangkan tol yang dia dan keluarganya terpaksa bertarung tiga kali dalam tempoh setahun, untuk merasakan bahawa, OK, mungkin sudah berakhir ... kerana kerajaan sendiri membuat kesimpulan, tidak lebih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's very disheartening for him to be back here again\".", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat mendukacitakan untuk dia kembali ke sini lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gotti's father, who was nicknamed the \"Teflon Don\" because prosecutors had trouble making charges stick against him, died in prison in 2002 of throat cancer.", "r": {"result": "Bapa Gotti, yang digelar \"Teflon Don\" kerana pendakwa menghadapi masalah membuat tuduhan terhadapnya, meninggal dunia dalam penjara pada 2002 akibat kanser tekak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Kevin Bohn and Kimberly Segal contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Kevin Bohn dan Kimberly Segal dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nation paused Monday to remember the Rev.", "r": {"result": "Negara berhenti pada hari Isnin untuk mengingati Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights icon who would have turned 83 this year had a bullet not cut short his life.", "r": {"result": "Martin Luther King Jr., ikon hak sivil yang akan berusia 83 tahun tahun ini mempunyai peluru yang tidak memendekkan hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Barack Obama marked the holiday with a service project at the Browne Education Campus in Washington on Monday morning.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Barack Obama menandakan percutian itu dengan projek perkhidmatan di Kampus Pendidikan Browne di Washington pada pagi Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He told the group it was the third year that he, his wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha have engaged in some sort of service on King's birthday.", "r": {"result": "Dia memberitahu kumpulan itu adalah tahun ketiga dia, isterinya Michelle dan anak perempuannya Malia dan Sasha telah terlibat dalam beberapa jenis perkhidmatan pada hari lahir King.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Malia was present Monday, Sasha \"couldn't make it today,\" the president said.", "r": {"result": "Semasa Malia hadir pada hari Isnin, Sasha \"tidak dapat hadir hari ini,\" kata presiden itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're going to be doing a whole bunch of stuff to make the (school) facilities even better than they already are,\" Obama said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan melakukan banyak perkara untuk menjadikan kemudahan (sekolah) lebih baik daripada yang sedia ada,\" kata Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said there is \"no better way\" to honor King's life than by doing something on behalf of others.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata \"tiada cara yang lebih baik\" untuk menghormati nyawa Raja daripada melakukan sesuatu bagi pihak orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's nobody who can't serve, nobody who can't help somebody else,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sesiapa yang tidak boleh berkhidmat, tiada siapa yang tidak boleh membantu orang lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whether you're 7, or 6, or whether you're 76, you can find the opportunity to make an enormous amount of difference in your community\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sama ada anda berumur 7, atau 6, atau sama ada anda berumur 76 tahun, anda boleh mencari peluang untuk membuat perbezaan yang besar dalam komuniti anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later Monday, the first couple will attend the Let Freedom Ring Celebration at the Kennedy Center.", "r": {"result": "Isnin depan, pasangan pertama akan menghadiri Sambutan Let Freedom Ring di Pusat Kennedy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In America blog: Full Martin Luther King Jr. Day coverage.", "r": {"result": "Di blog Amerika: Liputan penuh Hari Martin Luther King Jr.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is scheduled to speak at the King Day at the Dome rally in Columbia, South Carolina on Monday, according to organizers of the event.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Negara A.S. Eric Holder dijadualkan berucap pada Hari Raja di perhimpunan Dome di Columbia, Carolina Selatan pada hari Isnin, menurut penganjur acara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The event will \"commemorate Dr. King's life, draw attention to economic and educational equalities in the state, and protest the Confederate battle flag flying in front of the (state capitol) building,\" organizers said.", "r": {"result": "Acara itu akan \"memperingati kehidupan Dr. King, menarik perhatian kepada persamaan ekonomi dan pendidikan di negeri ini, dan membantah bendera pertempuran Konfederasi yang berkibar di hadapan bangunan (ibukota negeri),\" kata penganjur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A federal holiday to honor King, who was assassinated in April 1968, was first observed in 1986. In 1994, Congress also designated it a national day of service.", "r": {"result": "Cuti persekutuan untuk menghormati Raja, yang dibunuh pada April 1968, pertama kali diperhatikan pada tahun 1986. Pada tahun 1994, Kongres juga menetapkannya sebagai hari perkhidmatan kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, a group including Washington Mayor Vincent Gray, civil rights activist Dick Gregory and the Rev.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, kumpulan termasuk Datuk Bandar Washington Vincent Gray, aktivis hak sivil Dick Gregory dan Rev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Sharpton placed a wreath at the memorial honoring King.", "r": {"result": "Al Sharpton meletakkan kalungan bunga di tugu peringatan menghormati Raja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We must be reminded as to why Dr. King has been the one to deserve such a monument and such a holiday,\" Sharpton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita mesti diingatkan mengapa Dr. King adalah orang yang layak mendapat monumen dan percutian sedemikian,\" kata Sharpton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"... What he did was hold a banner of freedom and equality that actually transformed this nation\".", "r": {"result": "\"... Apa yang beliau lakukan ialah memegang panji kebebasan dan kesaksamaan yang sebenarnya mengubah negara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, park rangers also placed wreaths at the memorial.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Ahad, renjer taman turut meletakkan kalungan bunga di tugu peringatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Members of King's family stood beside the towering 30-foot statue of him as crowds sang \"Happy Birthday\" at a ceremony.", "r": {"result": "Ahli keluarga King berdiri di sebelah patungnya yang menjulang 30 kaki ketika orang ramai menyanyikan \"Selamat Hari Lahir\" pada satu majlis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're celebrating the best of what we are, but also what we must become, knowing that we've not arrived there yet,\" Martin Luther King III said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami meraikan yang terbaik daripada apa yang kami ada, tetapi juga apa yang kami mesti jadi, mengetahui bahawa kami belum tiba di sana lagi,\" kata Martin Luther King III.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the civil rights leader's birthday -- January 15, 1968 -- Martin Luther King Jr. was planning a \"poor people's campaign\" to bring together Americans from all walks of life to demand \"decent jobs with decent pay,\" his son said.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari lahir pemimpin hak sivil itu -- 15 Januari 1968 -- Martin Luther King Jr. sedang merancang \"kempen rakyat miskin\" untuk mengumpulkan rakyat Amerika dari semua lapisan masyarakat untuk menuntut \"pekerjaan yang layak dengan gaji yang berpatutan,\" kata anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He did not live to see that come to fruition, and so, 44 years later, we're still challenging our nation, particularly in light of the fact that there's so much poverty rampant in this nation,\" Martin Luther King III said.", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau tidak hidup untuk melihat perkara itu menjadi kenyataan, jadi, 44 tahun kemudian, kami masih mencabar negara kami, terutamanya memandangkan terdapat begitu banyak kemiskinan yang berleluasa di negara ini,\" kata Martin Luther King III.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Martin Luther King Jr. memorial in Washington opened to the public last year.", "r": {"result": "Memorial Martin Luther King Jr. di Washington dibuka kepada orang ramai tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunday's ceremony came several days after officials confirmed that a controversial quote on one side of the monument would be corrected.", "r": {"result": "Upacara Ahad diadakan beberapa hari selepas pegawai mengesahkan bahawa petikan kontroversi di satu sisi monumen itu akan diperbetulkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The line currently reads: \"I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness\".", "r": {"result": "Baris itu pada masa ini berbunyi: \"Saya adalah ahli gendang untuk keadilan, keamanan dan kebenaran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The quote, which holds a prominent place among more than a dozen King's most notable lines at the site, sparked controversy last summer when poet Maya Angelou said it made the civil rights leader appear arrogant.", "r": {"result": "Petikan itu, yang memegang tempat terkemuka di kalangan lebih sedozen baris King yang paling terkenal di laman web itu, mencetuskan kontroversi musim panas lalu apabila penyair Maya Angelou berkata ia menjadikan pemimpin hak sivil itu kelihatan sombong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King's original words, from a 1968 sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, were: \"If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice.", "r": {"result": "Kata-kata asal King, dari khutbah 1968 di Ebenezer Baptist Church di Atlanta, adalah: \"Jika anda ingin mengatakan bahawa saya adalah major drum, katakan bahawa saya adalah major drum untuk keadilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Say that I was a drum major for peace.", "r": {"result": "Katakan bahawa saya adalah major drum untuk keamanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was a drum major for righteousness.", "r": {"result": "Saya adalah major drum untuk kebenaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And all of the other shallow things will not matter\".", "r": {"result": "Dan semua perkara cetek yang lain tidak akan penting\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Angelou said that leaving out the \"if\" changes the meaning.", "r": {"result": "Angelou berkata bahawa meninggalkan \"jika\" mengubah makna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has given the National Park Service 30 days to consult with the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, members of the King family and others to decide on a more accurate version of the quote, an official at the Interior Department said last week.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Dalam Negeri Ken Salazar telah memberi tempoh 30 hari kepada Perkhidmatan Taman Negara untuk berunding dengan Yayasan Projek Memorial Kebangsaan Martin Luther King Jr., ahli keluarga Raja dan lain-lain untuk memutuskan versi petikan yang lebih tepat, seorang pegawai di Jabatan Dalam Negeri kata minggu lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King's son said Sunday that he supported the move, because future generations may not know the context of the quote.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki King berkata Ahad bahawa dia menyokong langkah itu, kerana generasi akan datang mungkin tidak mengetahui konteks petikan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It could be confusing.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia boleh mengelirukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For us today, no, but for generations yet unborn, they may not understand,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Bagi kita hari ini, tidak, tetapi untuk generasi yang belum lahir, mereka mungkin tidak faham,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A suspected Nazi war criminal died in Philadelphia overnight Tuesday, just hours before a U.S. court ruling cleared the way for him to be extradited to Germany to face trial.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penjenayah perang Nazi yang disyaki meninggal dunia di Philadelphia semalaman Selasa, hanya beberapa jam sebelum keputusan mahkamah A.S. membuka jalan untuk dia diekstradisi ke Jerman untuk menghadapi perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Johann Breyer, 89, died at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital of unknown causes, according to James Burke of the U.S. Marshals Service.", "r": {"result": "Johann Breyer, 89, meninggal dunia di Hospital Universiti Thomas Jefferson tanpa sebab yang tidak diketahui, menurut James Burke dari Perkhidmatan Marshal A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy Rice granted the U.S. government's request for an extradition certification \"based on Breyer's role as a Nazi 'Death's Head Guard,' in the murder of 216,000 European Jews at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau death camp\" and one other location from 1943 to 1945.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Rabu, Hakim Majistret A.S. Timothy Rice membenarkan permintaan kerajaan A.S. untuk pensijilan ekstradisi \"berdasarkan peranan Breyer sebagai 'Ketua Pengawal Kematian' Nazi, dalam pembunuhan 216,000 orang Yahudi Eropah di kem kematian Auschwitz II-Birkenau\" dan satu lagi. lokasi dari 1943 hingga 1945.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As outlined by Germany, a death camp guard such as Breyer could not have served at Auschwitz during the peak of the Nazi reign of terror in 1944 without knowing that hundreds of thousands of human beings were being brutally slaughtered in gas chambers and then burned on site,\" Judge Rice said in court documents released Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti yang digariskan oleh Jerman, pengawal kem kematian seperti Breyer tidak boleh berkhidmat di Auschwitz semasa kemuncak pemerintahan keganasan Nazi pada tahun 1944 tanpa mengetahui bahawa ratusan ribu manusia disembelih dengan kejam di dalam bilik gas dan kemudian dibakar tapak,\" kata Hakim Rice dalam dokumen mahkamah yang dikeluarkan Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was facing 158 counts of contributing to murder, one charge for each trainload of European Jews who were forcibly deported to Auschwitz, in southern Poland, between May and October 1944, according to court documents.", "r": {"result": "Dia menghadapi 158 pertuduhan menyumbang kepada pembunuhan, satu pertuduhan bagi setiap muatan kereta api Yahudi Eropah yang dihantar pulang secara paksa ke Auschwitz, di selatan Poland, antara Mei dan Oktober 1944, menurut dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Breyer's attorney was not immediately available for comment Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Breyer tidak serta-merta tersedia untuk mengulas pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An exact extradition date had not been set.", "r": {"result": "Tarikh ekstradisi yang tepat belum ditetapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Breyer was arrested in Philadelphia last month and held without bail.", "r": {"result": "Breyer telah ditangkap di Philadelphia bulan lalu dan ditahan tanpa jaminan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was awaiting the extradition hearing when his health deteriorated and he was transferred to the hospital on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Dia sedang menunggu perbicaraan ekstradisi apabila kesihatannya merosot dan dia dipindahkan ke hospital pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had lived in the United States since the 1950s, most recently with his family in a red brick row house in northeast Philadelphia.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah tinggal di Amerika Syarikat sejak 1950-an, yang terbaru bersama keluarganya di rumah deretan bata merah di timur laut Philadelphia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. case against Breyer dates to the 1990s, when federal authorities sought to strip him of his U.S. citizenship, arguing that Nazis were not eligible.", "r": {"result": "Kes A.S. terhadap Breyer bermula pada 1990-an, apabila pihak berkuasa persekutuan berusaha untuk melucutkan kewarganegaraan A.S., dengan alasan bahawa Nazi tidak layak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Breyer maintained his citizenship, however, after he was able to establish that his mother was born in Pennsylvania and returned to Germany before World War I. After World War II, Breyer migrated to the United States in 1952 and claimed citizenship as a displaced person.", "r": {"result": "Breyer mengekalkan kewarganegaraannya, bagaimanapun, selepas dia dapat mengesahkan bahawa ibunya dilahirkan di Pennsylvania dan kembali ke Jerman sebelum Perang Dunia I. Selepas Perang Dunia II, Breyer berhijrah ke Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 1952 dan menuntut kewarganegaraan sebagai orang yang berpindah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities alleged that he admitted to serving as a guard but deliberately made false statements to minimize his role in the Holocaust.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa mendakwa bahawa dia mengaku berkhidmat sebagai pengawal tetapi sengaja membuat kenyataan palsu untuk meminimumkan peranannya dalam Holocaust.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Philadelphia man accused of war crimes as Nazi death-camp guard.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki Philadelphia dituduh melakukan jenayah perang sebagai pengawal kem kematian Nazi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Owner of art collection suspected to contain Nazi loot dies.", "r": {"result": "Pemilik koleksi seni yang disyaki mengandungi rampasan Nazi mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An extraordinary story of Holocaust defiance.", "r": {"result": "Kisah luar biasa tentang penentangan Holocaust.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The emerging process of 3-D printing, which uses computer-created digital models to create real-world objects, has produced everything from toys to jewelry to food.", "r": {"result": "Proses pencetakan 3-D yang muncul, yang menggunakan model digital ciptaan komputer untuk mencipta objek dunia sebenar, telah menghasilkan segala-galanya daripada mainan kepada barang kemas kepada makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soon, however, 3-D printers may be spitting out something far more complex, and controversial: human organs.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, tidak lama lagi, pencetak 3-D mungkin akan mengeluarkan sesuatu yang jauh lebih kompleks, dan kontroversi: organ manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For years now, medical researchers have been reproducing human cells in laboratories by hand to create blood vessels, urine tubes, skin tissue and other living body parts.", "r": {"result": "Selama bertahun-tahun, penyelidik perubatan telah menghasilkan semula sel manusia di makmal dengan tangan untuk mencipta saluran darah, tiub air kencing, tisu kulit dan bahagian badan hidup yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But engineering full organs, with their complicated cell structures, is much more difficult.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kejuruteraan organ penuh, dengan struktur sel yang rumit, adalah lebih sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Enter 3-D printers, which because of their precise process can reproduce the vascular systems required to make organs viable.", "r": {"result": "Masukkan pencetak 3-D, yang kerana prosesnya yang tepat boleh menghasilkan semula sistem vaskular yang diperlukan untuk menjadikan organ berdaya maju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Scientists are already using the machines to print tiny strips of organ tissue.", "r": {"result": "Para saintis sudah menggunakan mesin untuk mencetak jalur kecil tisu organ.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And while printing whole human organs for surgical transplants is still years away, the technology is rapidly developing.", "r": {"result": "Dan sementara mencetak keseluruhan organ manusia untuk pemindahan pembedahan masih bertahun-tahun lagi, teknologi ini berkembang pesat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The mechanical process isn't all that complicated.", "r": {"result": "\"Proses mekanikal tidak begitu rumit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tricky part is the materials, which are biological in nature,\" said Mike Titsch, editor-in-chief of 3D Printer World, which covers the industry.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian yang sukar ialah bahan, yang bersifat biologi,\" kata Mike Titsch, ketua editor 3D Printer World, yang meliputi industri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It isn't like 3-D printing plastic or metal.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bukan seperti plastik atau logam cetakan 3-D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plastic doesn't die if you leave it sitting on an open-air shelf at room temperature for too long\".", "r": {"result": "Plastik tidak akan mati jika anda membiarkannya di atas rak terbuka pada suhu bilik terlalu lama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The idea of printing a human kidney or liver in a lab may seem incomprehensible, even creepy.", "r": {"result": "Idea mencetak buah pinggang atau hati manusia dalam makmal mungkin kelihatan tidak dapat difahami, malah menyeramkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But to many scientists in the field, bioprinting holds great promise.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kepada ramai saintis dalam bidang ini, bioprinting memegang janji yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authentic printed organs could be used for drug or vaccine testing, freeing researchers from less accurate methods such as tests on animals or on synthetic models.", "r": {"result": "Organ bercetak tulen boleh digunakan untuk ujian dadah atau vaksin, membebaskan penyelidik daripada kaedah yang kurang tepat seperti ujian ke atas haiwan atau model sintetik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then there's the hope that 3-D printers could someday produce much-needed organs for transplants.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian ada harapan bahawa pencetak 3-D suatu hari nanti boleh menghasilkan organ yang sangat diperlukan untuk pemindahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Americans are living longer, and as we get deeper into old age our organs are failing more.", "r": {"result": "Orang Amerika hidup lebih lama, dan apabila kita semakin tua, organ kita semakin gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 18 people die in the United States each day waiting in vain for transplants because of a shortage of donated organs -- a problem that Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and a pioneer in bioprinting, calls \"a major health crisis\".", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 18 orang mati di Amerika Syarikat setiap hari menunggu sia-sia untuk pemindahan kerana kekurangan organ yang didermakan -- masalah yang Anthony Atala, pengarah Institut Wake Forest untuk Perubatan Regeneratif dan perintis dalam pencetakan bio, memanggil \"kesihatan utama krisis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An 'exciting new area of medicine'.", "r": {"result": "Satu 'bidang perubatan baru yang menarik'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bioprinting works like this: Scientists harvest human cells from biopsies or stem cells, then allow them to multiply in a petri dish.", "r": {"result": "Bioprinting berfungsi seperti ini: Para saintis menuai sel manusia daripada biopsi atau sel stem, kemudian membenarkannya membiak dalam piring petri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resulting mixture, a sort of biological ink, is fed into a 3-D printer, which is programmed to arrange different cell types, along with other materials, into a precise three-dimensional shape.", "r": {"result": "Campuran yang terhasil, sejenis dakwat biologi, dimasukkan ke dalam pencetak 3-D, yang diprogramkan untuk menyusun jenis sel yang berbeza, bersama-sama dengan bahan lain, ke dalam bentuk tiga dimensi yang tepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors hope that when placed in the body, these 3-D-printed cells will integrate with existing tissues.", "r": {"result": "Doktor berharap apabila diletakkan di dalam badan, sel-sel cetakan 3-D ini akan berintegrasi dengan tisu sedia ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The process already is seeing some success.", "r": {"result": "Prosesnya sudah nampak kejayaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year a 2-year-old girl in Illinois, born without a trachea, received a windpipe built with her own stem cells.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berusia 2 tahun di Illinois, yang dilahirkan tanpa trakea, menerima tenggorokan yang dibina dengan sel stemnya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. government has funded a university-led \"body on a chip\" project that prints tissue samples that mimic the functions of the heart, liver, lungs and other organs.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan A.S. telah membiayai projek \"body on a chip\" yang diterajui universiti yang mencetak sampel tisu yang meniru fungsi jantung, hati, paru-paru dan organ lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The samples are placed on a microchip and connected with a blood substitute to keep the cells alive, allowing doctors to test specific treatments and monitor their effectiveness.", "r": {"result": "Sampel diletakkan pada mikrocip dan disambungkan dengan pengganti darah untuk memastikan sel hidup, membolehkan doktor menguji rawatan khusus dan memantau keberkesanannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is an exciting new area of medicine.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah bidang perubatan baharu yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has the potential for being a very important breakthrough,\" said Dr. Jorge Rakela, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix and a member of the American Liver Foundation's medical advisory committee.", "r": {"result": "Ia berpotensi untuk menjadi satu kejayaan yang sangat penting,\" kata Dr. Jorge Rakela, pakar gastroenterologi di Mayo Clinic di Phoenix dan ahli jawatankuasa penasihat perubatan Yayasan Hati Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Three-D printing allows you to be closer to what is happening in real life, where you have multiple layers of cells,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pencetakan tiga-D membolehkan anda lebih dekat dengan apa yang berlaku dalam kehidupan sebenar, di mana anda mempunyai berbilang lapisan sel,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With current 2-D models, \"if you grow more than one or two layers, the cells at the bottom suffocate from lack of oxygen\".", "r": {"result": "Dengan model 2-D semasa, \"jika anda membesar lebih daripada satu atau dua lapisan, sel-sel di bahagian bawah lemas kerana kekurangan oksigen\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To accelerate the development of bioprinted organs, a Virginia foundation that supports regenerative medicine research announced in December it will award a $1 million prize for the first organization to print a fully functioning liver.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mempercepatkan pembangunan organ bioprinted, sebuah yayasan Virginia yang menyokong penyelidikan perubatan regeneratif mengumumkan pada bulan Disember ia akan menganugerahkan hadiah $1 juta untuk organisasi pertama yang mencetak hati yang berfungsi sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One early contender for the prize is Organovo, a California start-up that has been a leader in bioprinting human body parts for commercial purposes.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pesaing awal untuk hadiah itu ialah Organovo, syarikat permulaan California yang telah menjadi peneraju dalam pencetakan bio bahagian tubuh manusia untuk tujuan komersial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Using cells from donated tissue or stem cells, Organovo is developing what it hopes will be authentic models of human organs, primarily livers, for drug testing.", "r": {"result": "Menggunakan sel daripada tisu atau sel stem yang didermakan, Organovo sedang membangunkan apa yang diharapkannya akan menjadi model tulen organ manusia, terutamanya hati, untuk ujian dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company has printed strips of human liver tissue in its labs, although they are still very small: four by four by one millimeter, or about one-fourth the size of a dime.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat itu telah mencetak jalur tisu hati manusia di makmalnya, walaupun ia masih sangat kecil: empat dengan empat kali satu milimeter, atau kira-kira satu perempat saiz sepeser pun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each strip takes about 45 minutes to print, and it takes another two days for the cells to grow and mature, said Organovo CEO Keith Murphy.", "r": {"result": "Setiap jalur mengambil masa kira-kira 45 minit untuk mencetak, dan ia mengambil masa dua hari lagi untuk sel membesar dan matang, kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Organovo Keith Murphy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The models can then survive for about 40 days.", "r": {"result": "Model itu kemudiannya boleh bertahan selama kira-kira 40 hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Organovo has also built models of human kidneys, bone, cartilage, muscle, blood vessels and lung tissue, he said.", "r": {"result": "Organovo juga telah membina model buah pinggang manusia, tulang, rawan, otot, saluran darah dan tisu paru-paru, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Basically what it allows you to do is build tissue the way you assemble something with Legos,\" Murphy said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada asasnya apa yang anda boleh lakukan ialah membina tisu dengan cara anda memasang sesuatu dengan Legos, \" kata Murphy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So you can put the right cells in the right places.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi anda boleh meletakkan sel yang betul di tempat yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can't just pour them into a mold\".", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak boleh hanya menuangkannya ke dalam acuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ethical concerns.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan etika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not everyone is comfortable with this bold new future of lab-built body parts, however.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, tidak semua orang selesa dengan masa depan baharu yang berani ini bagi bahagian badan yang dibina di makmal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A research director at Gartner Inc., the information-technology research and advisory firm, believes 3-D bioprinting is advancing so quickly that it will spark a major ethical debate by 2016.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah penyelidikan di Gartner Inc., firma penyelidikan dan penasihat teknologi maklumat, percaya pencetakan bio 3-D sedang berkembang dengan pantas sehingga ia akan mencetuskan perdebatan etika utama menjelang 2016.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Three-D bioprinting facilities with the ability to print human organs and tissue will advance far faster than general understanding and acceptance of the ramifications of this technology,\" Pete Basiliere said in a recent report.", "r": {"result": "\"Kemudahan pencetakan bio tiga-D dengan keupayaan untuk mencetak organ dan tisu manusia akan maju jauh lebih cepat daripada pemahaman umum dan penerimaan kesan teknologi ini,\" kata Pete Basiliere dalam laporan baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These initiatives are well-intentioned, but raise a number of questions that remain unanswered,\" Basiliere added.", "r": {"result": "\"Inisiatif ini bertujuan baik, tetapi menimbulkan beberapa soalan yang masih belum dijawab,\" tambah Basiliere.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What happens when complex 'enhanced' organs involving nonhuman cells are made?", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang berlaku apabila organ 'dipertingkatkan' kompleks yang melibatkan sel bukan manusia dibuat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who will control the ability to produce them?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang akan mengawal keupayaan untuk menghasilkannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who will ensure the quality of the resulting organs\"?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang akan memastikan kualiti organ yang terhasil\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bioprinted organs are also likely to be expensive, which could put them out of reach of all but the wealthiest patients.", "r": {"result": "Organ bercetak bio juga berkemungkinan mahal, yang boleh menyebabkan ia tidak dapat dicapai oleh semua orang kecuali pesakit terkaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Murphy said Organovo only uses human cells in creating tissues, and doesn't see any ethical problems with what his company is doing.", "r": {"result": "Murphy berkata Organovo hanya menggunakan sel manusia dalam mencipta tisu, dan tidak melihat sebarang masalah etika dengan apa yang syarikatnya lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People used to worry about doing research on cadavers ... and that dissipated very quickly,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dulu orang ramai bimbang tentang membuat penyelidikan mengenai mayat... dan itu hilang dengan cepat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't think there's any controversy if you're producing good data and helping people with health conditions\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak fikir terdapat sebarang kontroversi jika anda menghasilkan data yang baik dan membantu orang yang mempunyai keadaan kesihatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most experts, including Wake Forest's Atala, don't think we'll see complex 3-D-printed organs, suitable for transplants, for years if not decades.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan pakar, termasuk Wake Forest's Atala, tidak menyangka kita akan melihat organ bercetak 3-D yang kompleks, sesuai untuk pemindahan, selama bertahun-tahun atau bahkan beberapa dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, they believe the next step will be printing strips of tissue, or patches, that could be used to repair livers and other damaged organs.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, mereka percaya langkah seterusnya ialah mencetak jalur tisu, atau tampalan, yang boleh digunakan untuk membaiki hati dan organ lain yang rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are very eager to put pieces of tissue to work for surgical transplants,\" said Organovo's Murphy, who hopes his company will be ready to begin clinical trials within five years.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sangat tidak sabar-sabar untuk meletakkan kepingan tisu berfungsi untuk pemindahan pembedahan,\" kata Murphy dari Organovo, yang berharap syarikatnya akan bersedia untuk memulakan ujian klinikal dalam tempoh lima tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course, any use of 3-D-printed tissue in surgical procedures would require approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, sebarang penggunaan tisu bercetak 3-D dalam prosedur pembedahan memerlukan kelulusan oleh Pentadbiran Makanan dan Ubat-ubatan A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That review process could take up to a decade.", "r": {"result": "Proses semakan itu boleh mengambil masa sehingga satu dekad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By then, the notion of a surgeon putting a 3-D-printed kidney into a patient may not seem so bizarre.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, tanggapan pakar bedah meletakkan buah pinggang bercetak 3-D ke dalam pesakit mungkin tidak kelihatan begitu pelik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then again, this swiftly evolving technology may create new moral conundrums.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian sekali lagi, teknologi yang berkembang pesat ini boleh mencipta teka-teki moral baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The ethical questions are bound to be the same concerns we have seen in the past.", "r": {"result": "\"Persoalan etika pasti menjadi kebimbangan yang sama yang kita lihat pada masa lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many major medical breakthroughs have suffered moral resistance, from organ transplants to stem cells,\" said Titsch of 3D Printer World.", "r": {"result": "Banyak penemuan perubatan utama telah mengalami rintangan moral, daripada pemindahan organ kepada sel stem,\" kata Titsch dari Dunia Pencetak 3D.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Will only the rich be able to afford it?", "r": {"result": "\u201cAdakah hanya orang kaya sahaja yang mampu membelinya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are we playing God?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita bermain Tuhan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the end, saving lives tends to trump all objections\".", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, menyelamatkan nyawa cenderung mengatasi semua bantahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Family members of thousands of Colombians who were killed or who disappeared are suing Chiquita Brands International, alleging the produce company is liable because of its payments to paramilitaries.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ahli keluarga ribuan warga Colombia yang terbunuh atau hilang menyaman Chiquita Brands International, mendakwa syarikat pengeluaran itu bertanggungjawab kerana pembayarannya kepada paramilitari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're holding them accountable,\" said Paul Wolf, a Washington-based attorney who is handling cases for family members of more than 2,000 victims.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami meminta mereka bertanggungjawab,\" kata Paul Wolf, seorang peguam yang berpangkalan di Washington yang mengendalikan kes untuk ahli keluarga lebih daripada 2,000 mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chiquita counters their claims and says the lawsuits should be dismissed.", "r": {"result": "Chiquita menentang dakwaan mereka dan berkata tindakan undang-undang itu harus ditolak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The company, which had more than 200 banana farms in Colombia before selling them in 2004, argues that it was a victim of extortion and has no responsibility for any crimes armed groups committed.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat itu, yang mempunyai lebih 200 ladang pisang di Colombia sebelum menjualnya pada 2004, berhujah bahawa ia adalah mangsa pemerasan dan tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang jenayah yang dilakukan kumpulan bersenjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A federal judge in Florida is weighing whether the lawsuits, which constitute more than 4,000 claims against Chiquita, will go to trial.", "r": {"result": "Seorang hakim persekutuan di Florida sedang menimbang sama ada tindakan undang-undang, yang merangkumi lebih daripada 4,000 tuntutan terhadap Chiquita, akan dibawa ke perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2007, Chiquita pleaded guilty and paid a $25 million fine for violating U.S. antiterrorism laws when it provided payments to the right-wing paramilitary United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, known as the AUC.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2007, Chiquita mengaku bersalah dan membayar denda $25 juta kerana melanggar undang-undang antikeganasan A.S. apabila ia memberikan bayaran kepada pasukan sayap kanan United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, yang dikenali sebagai AUC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But family members and representatives of people killed by paramilitaries say the criminal case settlement wasn't enough.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ahli keluarga dan wakil orang yang dibunuh oleh paramilitari berkata penyelesaian kes jenayah tidak mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a something entirely distinct, the reparations that (Chiquita) must make for the victims that suffered the consequences of the armed groups,\" said Ivan Cepeda, a Colombian lawmaker and victims' advocate.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah sesuatu yang berbeza sepenuhnya, ganti rugi yang (Chiquita) mesti lakukan untuk mangsa yang mengalami akibat daripada kumpulan bersenjata,\" kata Ivan Cepeda, ahli parlimen Colombia dan peguam bela mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chiquita spokesman Ed Loyd said the civil lawsuits are \"entirely without merit\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Chiquita Ed Loyd berkata tindakan undang-undang sivil adalah \"sepenuhnya tanpa merit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Chiquita gave in to the extortion demands only to protect its employees from being kidnapped and killed,\" he said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cChiquita tunduk kepada tuntutan peras ugut itu hanya untuk melindungi pekerjanya daripada diculik dan dibunuh,\u201d katanya dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Once the company became aware that these payments could potentially violate U.S. law, the company voluntarily disclosed the facts to the government and cooperated fully with the government's investigation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila syarikat menyedari bahawa pembayaran ini berpotensi melanggar undang-undang A.S., syarikat itu secara sukarela mendedahkan fakta kepada kerajaan dan bekerjasama sepenuhnya dengan penyiasatan kerajaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lawsuits, however, allege that the company knew it was funding terrorism.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan undang-undang itu, bagaimanapun, mendakwa bahawa syarikat itu tahu ia membiayai keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lawsuit Wolf filed on behalf family members of 677 victims in March alleged that Chiquita officials \"were aware that their acts and omissions assisted in the violations of international law\" and \"acted willfully, wantonly and recklessly, with the intent to aid the terrorist acts of the AUC\".", "r": {"result": "Saman Wolf yang difailkan bagi pihak ahli keluarga 677 mangsa pada bulan Mac mendakwa bahawa pegawai Chiquita \"sedar bahawa tindakan dan peninggalan mereka membantu dalam pelanggaran undang-undang antarabangsa\" dan \"bertindak dengan sengaja, sembarangan dan melulu, dengan niat untuk membantu tindakan pengganas daripada AUC\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under the guise of protecting the Colombian public from leftist rebel groups, the AUC committed numerous human rights abuses, according to the U.S. State Department and Human Rights Watch.", "r": {"result": "Bertopengkan untuk melindungi orang awam Colombia daripada kumpulan pemberontak berhaluan kiri, AUC melakukan banyak pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, menurut Jabatan Negara A.S. dan Pemerhati Hak Asasi Manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The abuses included \"the massacre of hundreds of civilians, the forced displacement of entire villages and the kidnapping of political figures to force recognition of AUC demands,\" then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said in 2001, when he designated the group a terrorist organization.", "r": {"result": "Penderaan itu termasuk \"pembunuhan beramai-ramai ratusan orang awam, pemindahan paksa seluruh kampung dan penculikan tokoh politik untuk memaksa pengiktirafan tuntutan AUC,\" ketika itu A.S. Setiausaha Negara Colin Powell berkata pada 2001, apabila beliau menamakan kumpulan itu sebagai organisasi pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In their criminal case, federal prosecutors accused the Cincinnati-based company of paying more than $1.7 million to the AUC in two parts of Colombia where the company grew bananas.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes jenayah mereka, pendakwa raya persekutuan menuduh syarikat yang berpangkalan di Cincinnati membayar lebih daripada $1.7 juta kepada AUC di dua bahagian Colombia di mana syarikat itu menanam pisang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As part of those proceedings, Chiquita acknowledged that it had also made payments to the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -- known as the FARC -- from 1989 to at least 1997.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai sebahagian daripada prosiding itu, Chiquita mengakui bahawa ia juga telah membuat pembayaran kepada Angkatan Bersenjata Revolusioner Colombia yang berhaluan kiri -- dikenali sebagai FARC -- dari 1989 hingga sekurang-kurangnya 1997.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At least one pending lawsuit -- also filed by Wolf -- seeks damages from Chiquita for hundreds of killings and disappearances related to the FARC.", "r": {"result": "Sekurang-kurangnya satu tuntutan mahkamah yang belum selesai -- juga difailkan oleh Wolf -- menuntut ganti rugi daripada Chiquita untuk ratusan pembunuhan dan kehilangan yang berkaitan dengan FARC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is unclear when U.S. District Judge Kenneth A. Marra will rule on whether the cases will go to trial, Wolf said.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas bila Hakim Daerah A.S. Kenneth A. Marra akan memutuskan sama ada kes itu akan dibawa ke perbicaraan, kata Wolf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a motion filed this month asking the judge to dismiss the lawsuits, Chiquita argued that the suits did not show any connection between Chiquita and violence in Colombia \"apart from the one fact that Chiquita has admitted -- that it authorized its Colombian subsidiary to accede to the extortion demands of right-wing and left-wing armed groups in Colombia in order to prevent retaliation against its employees\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam usul yang difailkan bulan ini meminta hakim menolak tuntutan mahkamah, Chiquita berhujah bahawa saman itu tidak menunjukkan sebarang kaitan antara Chiquita dan keganasan di Colombia \"selain daripada satu fakta yang Chiquita telah mengakui -- bahawa ia membenarkan anak syarikat Colombianya untuk bersetuju. kepada tuntutan pemerasan kumpulan bersenjata sayap kanan dan sayap kiri di Colombia untuk mengelakkan tindakan balas terhadap pekerjanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the lawsuits go to trial, Wolf said it is impossible to estimate the damages that could be awarded, but he said he hopes it will be a large figure that stops similar situations from occurring in the future.", "r": {"result": "Jika saman itu dibawa ke perbicaraan, Wolf berkata adalah mustahil untuk menganggarkan ganti rugi yang boleh diberikan, tetapi dia berkata dia berharap ia akan menjadi angka besar yang menghalang situasi serupa daripada berlaku pada masa hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These kinds of lawsuits raise the price-tag for them (Chiquita).", "r": {"result": "\u201cTuntutan seperti ini menaikkan tanda harga untuk mereka (Chiquita).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are not completely powerless people who if they're killed, it doesn't matter, and nobody can do anything about it,\" Wolf said.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan orang yang tidak berkuasa sepenuhnya yang jika mereka dibunuh, ia tidak penting, dan tiada siapa boleh berbuat apa-apa mengenainya,\" kata Wolf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It does matter, because they can sue for billions of dollars\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia penting, kerana mereka boleh menyaman berbilion dolar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Catherine E. Shoichet and journalist Fernando Ramos contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Catherine E. Shoichet dari CNN dan wartawan Fernando Ramos menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Intan Suci Nurhati was on her way to a religious gathering when her sisters called to say they were under attack.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Intan Suci Nurhati sedang dalam perjalanan ke majlis keagamaan apabila adik-beradiknya menelefon memberitahu mereka diserang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They were running for their safety as they called,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka berlari untuk keselamatan mereka seperti yang mereka panggil,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I heard, I realized how far it was to the main compound, and I was like, 'Oh, my God.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya mendengar, saya menyedari betapa jauhnya ia ke perkarangan utama, dan saya seperti, 'Ya Tuhanku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nurhati and her family are members of a Muslim minority sect called the Ahmadi, who hold annual gatherings in each country where they have a community.", "r": {"result": "Nurhati dan keluarganya adalah ahli mazhab minoriti Islam yang dipanggil Ahmadi, yang mengadakan perhimpunan tahunan di setiap negara di mana mereka mempunyai komuniti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was in July 2005 that the Indonesian gathering came under attack by -- Nurhati estimates -- 10,000 people throwing stones.", "r": {"result": "Pada Julai 2005, perhimpunan Indonesia diserang oleh -- Nurhati menganggarkan -- 10,000 orang membaling batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The protesters outnumbered the Ahmadi by 100 to 1.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan mengatasi Ahmadi dengan 100 berbanding 1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nurhati was on her way to the gathering in Parung, West Java province, from the capital Jakarta with a member of the Indonesian Parliament when the attack happened.", "r": {"result": "Nurhati dalam perjalanan ke perhimpunan di Parung, wilayah Jawa Barat, dari ibu kota Jakarta bersama seorang anggota Parlimen Indonesia ketika serangan itu berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By the time she arrived, houses and books had been burned, she said.", "r": {"result": "Ketika dia tiba, rumah dan buku telah dibakar, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No one was killed, but there were some minor injuries from the throwing of rocks.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTiada sesiapa yang maut, tetapi terdapat beberapa kecederaan ringan akibat dibaling batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We decided to call off the conference.", "r": {"result": "Kami memutuskan untuk membatalkan persidangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unsafe to go on with the gathering,\" said Nurhati, 27, a graduate student studying climate change at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Adalah tidak selamat untuk meneruskan perhimpunan itu,\" kata Nurhati, 27, pelajar siswazah yang mempelajari perubahan iklim di Institut Teknologi Georgia di Atlanta, Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was so much anger in their faces,\" said Nurhati, a native of Indonesia who has been living in the United States for 10 years.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTerpancar kemarahan di wajah mereka,\u201d kata Nurhati, anak jati Indonesia yang telah menetap di Amerika Syarikat selama 10 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police provided buses to get the Ahmadi community to safety, but Nurhati does not know of any arrests or prosecutions as a result of the attack.", "r": {"result": "Polis menyediakan bas untuk menyelamatkan masyarakat Ahmadi, tetapi Nurhati tidak mengetahui sebarang penahanan atau pendakwaan akibat serangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was really disappointing.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa benar-benar mengecewakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have the right to be there.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai hak untuk berada di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the police were trying to minimize the clashes, rather than trying to say we have the right to be there,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi polis cuba meminimumkan pertempuran, bukannya cuba mengatakan kami berhak berada di sana,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indonesia -- the most populous Muslim country in the world -- is often touted as an example of tolerance and democracy in the Islamic world.", "r": {"result": "Indonesia -- negara paling ramai penduduk Islam di dunia -- sering disebut-sebut sebagai contoh toleransi dan demokrasi dalam dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a huge new study suggests it's actually among the most restrictive countries in the world when it comes to religion.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kajian baru yang besar mencadangkan ia sebenarnya antara negara yang paling ketat di dunia apabila ia berkaitan dengan agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The study charted publicly reported incidents of religious violence, intolerance, intimidation and discrimination in 198 countries and territories from mid-2006 to mid-2008, its authors said.", "r": {"result": "Kajian itu mencatatkan insiden keganasan agama, sikap tidak bertoleransi, ugutan dan diskriminasi yang dilaporkan secara terbuka di 198 negara dan wilayah dari pertengahan 2006 hingga pertengahan 2008, kata pengarangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brian Grim, the lead researcher on the project, said he worked on the study for more than three years.", "r": {"result": "Brian Grim, penyelidik utama projek itu, berkata dia mengusahakan kajian itu selama lebih tiga tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report looks not only at legal restrictions, but also at how laws are implemented and how social tensions restrict freedom of religion, even where there is no official or legal bar against the practice.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu bukan sahaja melihat pada sekatan undang-undang, tetapi juga bagaimana undang-undang dilaksanakan dan bagaimana ketegangan sosial menyekat kebebasan beragama, walaupun tidak ada sekatan rasmi atau undang-undang terhadap amalan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indonesia has both.", "r": {"result": "Indonesia mempunyai kedua-duanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, more than two out of three people around the world live in countries with high or very high restrictions on religion, according to the report, which claims to be the first to systematically measure religious discrimination.", "r": {"result": "Malah, lebih dua daripada tiga orang di seluruh dunia tinggal di negara yang mempunyai sekatan yang tinggi atau sangat tinggi terhadap agama, menurut laporan itu, yang mendakwa mereka yang pertama mengukur diskriminasi agama secara sistematik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It produced some surprising findings and makes it possible to compare countries in ways that could not be done before, its authors say.", "r": {"result": "Ia menghasilkan beberapa penemuan yang mengejutkan dan memungkinkan untuk membandingkan negara dengan cara yang tidak dapat dilakukan sebelum ini, kata pengarangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Most reports don't try to quantify,\" Grim said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kebanyakan laporan tidak cuba mengukur, \" kata Grim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What you are left with is studies that don't allow you to see patterns\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang anda tinggalkan ialah kajian yang tidak membenarkan anda melihat corak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The study, \"Global Restrictions on Religion,\" found some interesting ones.", "r": {"result": "Kajian, \"Sekatan Global terhadap Agama,\" mendapati beberapa yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For example, \"religion-related violence happens in the majority of countries, but only in one in 10 does that escalate\" to terrorism causing casualties, Grim said.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai contoh, \"keganasan berkaitan agama berlaku di kebanyakan negara, tetapi hanya dalam satu daripada 10 perkara itu meningkat\" kepada keganasan yang menyebabkan kematian, kata Grim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The study tracked violence between religious groups in 126 countries -- 64 percent of the countries in the survey.", "r": {"result": "Kajian itu mengesan keganasan antara kumpulan agama di 126 negara -- 64 peratus daripada negara dalam tinjauan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there was religion-related terrorism leading to injury or death in only 17 countries -- 9 percent of those in the study.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat keganasan berkaitan agama yang membawa kepada kecederaan atau kematian di hanya 17 negara -- 9 peratus daripada mereka dalam kajian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In about a quarter of all countries, majority groups use force or threat of force against minority religions, according to the study, from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life in Washington.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kira-kira satu perempat daripada semua negara, kumpulan majoriti menggunakan kekerasan atau ancaman kekerasan terhadap agama minoriti, menurut kajian itu, dari Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly half of all countries restrict the activities of foreign missionaries or prohibit them altogether.", "r": {"result": "Hampir separuh daripada semua negara menyekat aktiviti mubaligh asing atau melarang mereka sama sekali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ninety percent have some requirement that religious groups register with the government, usually in return for some benefit such as a tax exemption.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan puluh peratus mempunyai beberapa keperluan bahawa kumpulan agama mendaftar dengan kerajaan, biasanya sebagai balasan untuk beberapa faedah seperti pengecualian cukai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in 40 percent of countries, those registration requirements result in major problems for those groups.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di 40 peratus negara, keperluan pendaftaran tersebut mengakibatkan masalah besar bagi kumpulan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Others often focus on naming and shaming, but this one is looking more in depth at what goes on on the street in countries -- what affects a person's ability to freely practice religion in society,\" Grim said.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang lain sering memberi tumpuan kepada menamakan dan memalukan, tetapi yang ini melihat lebih mendalam tentang apa yang berlaku di jalanan di negara-negara - apa yang mempengaruhi keupayaan seseorang untuk mengamalkan agama secara bebas dalam masyarakat,\" kata Grim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sometimes, one incident of violence can affect a whole country\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kadangkala, satu kejadian keganasan boleh menjejaskan seluruh negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report also makes it possible to compare what kinds of restrictions are placed on religious practices in different countries.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu juga memungkinkan untuk membandingkan jenis sekatan yang dikenakan ke atas amalan agama di negara yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China, for example, has tight legal controls on the practice of religion, but has has relatively little social conflict over faith.", "r": {"result": "China, sebagai contoh, mempunyai kawalan undang-undang yang ketat ke atas amalan agama, tetapi mempunyai konflik sosial yang agak kecil terhadap kepercayaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "India, by contrast, has only moderate government restrictions on religious observance, but very high levels of social hostility -- primarily between Muslims and Hindus.", "r": {"result": "India, sebaliknya, hanya mempunyai sekatan sederhana kerajaan terhadap pematuhan agama, tetapi tahap permusuhan sosial yang sangat tinggi -- terutamanya antara orang Islam dan Hindu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brazil has the lowest ratings in both categories among the 25 largest countries in the world, while Pakistan has the highest, followed closely by Indonesia.", "r": {"result": "Brazil mempunyai penarafan terendah dalam kedua-dua kategori dalam kalangan 25 negara terbesar di dunia, manakala Pakistan mempunyai penarafan tertinggi, diikuti rapat oleh Indonesia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt, Iran and Bangladesh also rate poorly for religious freedom, while Japan, the United States, South Africa, Italy and the United Kingdom score well.", "r": {"result": "Mesir, Iran dan Bangladesh juga menilai rendah untuk kebebasan beragama, manakala Jepun, Amerika Syarikat, Afrika Selatan, Itali dan United Kingdom mendapat markah yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "European governments place more restrictions on religion than do governments in sub-Saharan Africa or South America, the survey concluded.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Eropah meletakkan lebih banyak sekatan ke atas agama berbanding kerajaan di sub-Sahara Afrika atau Amerika Selatan, tinjauan itu menyimpulkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the U.S. has a low level of government restriction on religion, it does experience a moderate amount of social tension, the report found.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun A.S. mempunyai tahap sekatan kerajaan yang rendah terhadap agama, ia mengalami ketegangan sosial yang sederhana, laporan itu mendapati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The test is not whether someone who belongs to the majority faith and is affluent and is socially advanced feels restrictions, but whether religious minorities do,\" said Alan Cooperman, associate director of research at the Pew Forum.", "r": {"result": "\"Ujian bukanlah sama ada seseorang yang tergolong dalam agama majoriti dan kaya serta maju dari segi sosial merasakan sekatan, tetapi sama ada minoriti agama merasakannya,\" kata Alan Cooperman, pengarah penyelidikan bersekutu di Forum Pew.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So in the United States, what does a Muslim woman who wears a hijab in a small city feel\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi di Amerika Syarikat, apa yang dirasakan oleh seorang wanita Islam yang memakai tudung di sebuah kota kecil\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Religious discrimination in the United States is not simply a matter of people feeling uncomfortable, he added.", "r": {"result": "Diskriminasi agama di Amerika Syarikat bukan hanya soal orang yang berasa tidak selesa, tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Law enforcement officials report to the FBI every year on hate crimes, including religious bias,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang melaporkan kepada FBI setiap tahun mengenai jenayah kebencian, termasuk berat sebelah agama,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were about 1,400 each year [in the study], and they were reported in nearly all 50 states.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat kira-kira 1,400 setiap tahun [dalam kajian], dan mereka dilaporkan di hampir semua 50 negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those crimes run the gamut, but they include arsons\".", "r": {"result": "Jenayah-jenayah itu dijalankan secara meluas, tetapi ia termasuk pembakaran\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. was also marked down because of the Bush administration's \"global war on terror,\" Grim said.", "r": {"result": "A.S. juga telah ditandakan kerana \"perang global menentang keganasan\" pentadbiran Bush, kata Grim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The fact [is] that we have detainees from a war that at least one side is calling religion-related -- the Guantanamo detainees,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hakikatnya [adalah] kita mempunyai tahanan daripada peperangan yang sekurang-kurangnya satu pihak memanggil berkaitan agama -- tahanan Guantanamo,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neither the September 11, 2001, attacks and their aftermath, nor the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas this year were included in the time period covered by the study, he said, but both could have increased the U.S. score for social hostilities based on religion, Grim said.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada serangan 11 September 2001 dan akibatnya, mahupun tembakan di Fort Hood di Texas tahun ini tidak termasuk dalam tempoh masa yang diliputi oleh kajian itu, katanya, tetapi kedua-duanya boleh meningkatkan skor AS untuk permusuhan sosial berdasarkan agama , kata Grim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Scores are not fixed.", "r": {"result": "\"Skor tidak tetap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Situations can change, which is why we are looking at this as an over-time study,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Situasi boleh berubah, sebab itu kami melihat ini sebagai kajian lebih masa,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Countries and societies will change in how they respond to the situations they face\".", "r": {"result": "\"Negara dan masyarakat akan berubah dalam cara mereka bertindak balas terhadap situasi yang mereka hadapi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, the authors plan to revisit the question of religious restrictions regularly, so they can track changes over time, and the U.S. might rank differently when the Fort Hood shootings are included -- if investigators rule that they were motivated at least partly by religion.", "r": {"result": "Malah, pengarang merancang untuk menyemak semula persoalan sekatan agama dengan kerap, supaya mereka dapat menjejaki perubahan dari semasa ke semasa, dan A.S. mungkin mempunyai kedudukan yang berbeza apabila penembakan Fort Hood disertakan -- jika penyiasat memutuskan bahawa mereka didorong sekurang-kurangnya sebahagiannya oleh agama .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The study authors do not assign motives to incidents of discrimination, instead relying on local sources to determine the causes.", "r": {"result": "Penulis kajian tidak menetapkan motif kepada insiden diskriminasi, sebaliknya bergantung kepada sumber tempatan untuk menentukan puncanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The study does not rank countries from \"best\" to \"worst\" -- saying such a list would not be meaningful -- but instead groups them into those with very high restrictions, high restrictions, moderate or low.", "r": {"result": "Kajian itu tidak menilai negara daripada \"terbaik\" hingga \"terburuk\" -- mengatakan senarai sedemikian tidak bermakna -- sebaliknya mengelompokkannya kepada negara yang mempunyai sekatan yang sangat tinggi, sekatan tinggi, sederhana atau rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It does not include North Korea, because there is not enough reliable data from the reclusive communist state, the authors said.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak termasuk Korea Utara, kerana tidak ada data yang boleh dipercayai dari negara komunis yang tertutup itu, kata penulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Tricia Escobedo in Atlanta, Georgia, contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Tricia Escobedo dari CNN di Atlanta, Georgia, menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LONDON, England (CNN) -- Ali Herbert has spent the last seven months being \"a walking blood bank\" aboard one of the the world's largest hospital ships.", "r": {"result": "LONDON, England (CNN) -- Ali Herbert telah menghabiskan tujuh bulan terakhir sebagai \"bank darah berjalan\" di atas salah satu kapal hospital terbesar di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of volunteers join the massive hospital ship \"Africa Mercy\" every year.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu sukarelawan menyertai kapal hospital besar \"Africa Mercy\" setiap tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 50-year-old nurse and grandmother from the UK resigned from her position in a hospital to volunteer aboard a ship that provides free medical treatment to some of the world's poorest people.", "r": {"result": "Jururawat dan nenek berusia 50 tahun dari UK itu meletakkan jawatannya di sebuah hospital untuk menjadi sukarelawan di atas kapal yang menyediakan rawatan perubatan percuma kepada beberapa orang termiskin di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like any of the 450 volunteer crew members currently aboard the Africa Mercy, Herbert can be called on at any time of the day to give blood, as the ship has no facilities for storing blood products.", "r": {"result": "Seperti mana-mana daripada 450 anak kapal sukarelawan yang kini berada di dalam Africa Mercy, Herbert boleh dipanggil pada bila-bila masa sepanjang hari untuk memberikan darah, kerana kapal itu tidak mempunyai kemudahan untuk menyimpan produk darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead the ship operates a system where there are usually 30 donors for each blood type.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya kapal itu mengendalikan sistem di mana biasanya terdapat 30 penderma untuk setiap jenis darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Herbert says she recently helped a young woman who needed an amputation.", "r": {"result": "Herbert berkata dia baru-baru ini membantu seorang wanita muda yang memerlukan amputasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This young woman required a below-the-knee amputation, but was very weak so I was called in to give her blood as our blood groups matched,\" she told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Wanita muda ini memerlukan amputasi di bawah lutut, tetapi sangat lemah jadi saya dipanggil untuk memberikan darahnya kerana kumpulan darah kami sepadan,\" katanya kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was an amazing experience because two minutes after giving my blood, I saw it go straight into her arm.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa satu pengalaman yang menakjubkan kerana dua minit selepas memberikan darah saya, saya melihat ia terus ke lengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the UK you have no idea what happens with your blood,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "Di UK anda tidak tahu apa yang berlaku dengan darah anda,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Africa Mercy,\" currently docked off the coast of Benin, West Africa, also operates as a floating hospital with medical facilities including six state-of-the-art operating theaters, an ophthalmic unit, two CT scanners and 78 hospital beds onboard.", "r": {"result": "\"Africa Mercy,\" yang kini berlabuh di luar pantai Benin, Afrika Barat, juga beroperasi sebagai hospital terapung dengan kemudahan perubatan termasuk enam dewan bedah tercanggih, unit oftalmik, dua pengimbas CT dan 78 katil hospital di atas kapal. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Mercy Ships charity began in 1978 and since then has been credited with providing medical services valued at $748 million, performing more than 41,000 operations and impacting approximately two million people.", "r": {"result": "Badan amal Mercy Ships bermula pada tahun 1978 dan sejak itu telah dikreditkan dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan perubatan bernilai $748 juta, melakukan lebih daripada 41,000 operasi dan memberi kesan kepada kira-kira dua juta orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mercy Ships CEO Samuel Smith says the charity has been able to help so many people through what he calls a \"unique business model\".", "r": {"result": "Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Mercy Ships Samuel Smith berkata badan amal itu telah dapat membantu ramai orang melalui apa yang beliau panggil sebagai \"model perniagaan yang unik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of volunteers join the ship every year, and they not only do it for free but also have to pay for accommodation aboard the vessels; some like Herbert, pay around $600 a month.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu sukarelawan menyertai kapal setiap tahun, dan mereka bukan sahaja melakukannya secara percuma tetapi juga perlu membayar penginapan di atas kapal; ada yang seperti Herbert, membayar sekitar $600 sebulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See more images of volunteers onboard the ship >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat lebih banyak imej sukarelawan di atas kapal >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This allows almost all our resources to go into state-of-the-art medical facilities,\" Smith told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini membolehkan hampir semua sumber kami pergi ke kemudahan perubatan yang canggih,\" kata Smith kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It costs about $1.25 million every month to maintain, has three wards and a small intensive care unit operated by top surgeons from around the world.", "r": {"result": "Ia menelan belanja kira-kira $1.25 juta setiap bulan untuk diselenggara, mempunyai tiga wad dan unit rawatan rapi kecil yang dikendalikan oleh pakar bedah terkemuka dari seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Would you give up your holiday to volunteer on the hospital ship?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda akan melepaskan percutian anda untuk menjadi sukarelawan di kapal hospital?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sound Off below.", "r": {"result": "Bunyi Mati di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of them is Dr. Joe Nasser, a Canadian surgeon and one of the short-term volunteers.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang daripada mereka ialah Dr. Joe Nasser, seorang pakar bedah Kanada dan salah seorang sukarelawan jangka pendek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nasser is currently on board for three weeks, time he took off instead of going on holiday with his family.", "r": {"result": "Nasser kini berada di atas kapal selama tiga minggu, masa dia berlepas daripada pergi bercuti bersama keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a wonderful thing to do, a great humanitarian gesture,\" Nasser told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia satu perkara yang menarik untuk dilakukan, satu isyarat kemanusiaan yang hebat,\" kata Nasser kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is tremendous need here, as these countries are very poor and have very few resources of any kind\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat keperluan yang sangat besar di sini, kerana negara-negara ini sangat miskin dan mempunyai sumber yang sangat sedikit dalam apa jua bentuk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described a recent surgery he performed on a 14-year-old boy with a benign but \"extremely aggressive tumor\" that had \"invaded\" almost the whole of the young man's face, leaving him completely disfigured.", "r": {"result": "Dia menggambarkan pembedahan baru-baru ini yang dilakukannya ke atas seorang budak lelaki berusia 14 tahun dengan tumor jinak tetapi \"amat agresif\" yang telah \"menyerang\" hampir keseluruhan muka lelaki muda itu, menyebabkan dia cacat sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Following successful surgery to remove the tumor, the boy was given a more \"acceptable appearance,\" Nasser said.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pembedahan yang berjaya untuk membuang tumor, budak lelaki itu diberikan \"penampilan yang boleh diterima,\" kata Nasser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The charity behind \"Africa Mercy\" was founded by Texas-based Don Stephens and his wife Deyon.", "r": {"result": "Badan amal di sebalik \"Africa Mercy\" diasaskan oleh Don Stephens yang berpangkalan di Texas dan isterinya Deyon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple took out a bank loan in 1978 and purchased a retired luxury ocean liner for $1 million.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu membuat pinjaman bank pada tahun 1978 dan membeli kapal laut mewah bersara dengan harga $1 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their dream was to create a modern, mobile hospital that would provide free surgery and treatment to the world's poorest people.", "r": {"result": "Impian mereka adalah untuk mewujudkan hospital bergerak moden yang akan menyediakan pembedahan dan rawatan percuma kepada rakyat termiskin di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1982 she sailed to Africa with 350 crew and a new name, the \"Anastasis\".", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1982 dia belayar ke Afrika dengan 350 anak kapal dan nama baru, \"Anastasis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was the first of five ships that have served in more than 150 ports in developing nations around the world.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah yang pertama daripada lima kapal yang telah berkhidmat di lebih daripada 150 pelabuhan di negara membangun di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, the Don and Deyon Stephens were presented with the Humanitarian Award from Variety, the international children's charity for their 30-year commitment to treating the world's poor.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, Don dan Deyon Stephens telah diberikan Anugerah Kemanusiaan daripada Variety, badan amal kanak-kanak antarabangsa atas komitmen 30 tahun mereka untuk merawat golongan miskin di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Don Stephens said the idea came after he stayed on a tropical island, and a storm occurred.", "r": {"result": "Don Stephens berkata idea itu datang selepas dia tinggal di sebuah pulau tropika, dan ribut berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was a hurricane, and I heard that one of the girls had prayed for a ship to come with everything that was needed to clear up the storm damage,\" Stephens told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat taufan, dan saya mendengar bahawa salah seorang gadis telah berdoa agar kapal datang dengan segala yang diperlukan untuk membersihkan kerosakan ribut,\" kata Stephens kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was like a laser beam going off.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia seperti pancaran laser padam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I couldn't get the idea out of my mind and I knew it was what I wanted to do\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak dapat mengeluarkan idea itu dari fikiran saya dan saya tahu ia adalah apa yang saya mahu lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to complicated surgeries, Mercy Ships also trains local medical professionals in modern health care techniques.", "r": {"result": "Selain pembedahan yang rumit, Mercy Ships juga melatih profesional perubatan tempatan dalam teknik penjagaan kesihatan moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The charity also develops construction and agriculture projects.", "r": {"result": "Badan amal itu juga membangunkan projek pembinaan dan pertanian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We then hope the countries' health care systems can be better off after we leave for the next country,\" Stephens said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami kemudian berharap sistem penjagaan kesihatan negara boleh menjadi lebih baik selepas kami berlepas ke negara seterusnya,\" kata Stephens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finding that next country takes a lot of research and coordination with local governments and diplomacy.", "r": {"result": "Mencari negara seterusnya memerlukan banyak penyelidikan dan penyelarasan dengan kerajaan tempatan dan diplomasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2010 the ship will go to Togo, then South Africa.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2010 kapal itu akan pergi ke Togo, kemudian Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mercy Ships is also planning to go to the Democratic Republic of Congo.", "r": {"result": "Mercy Ships juga merancang untuk pergi ke Republik Demokratik Congo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We need approval from the local governments and safety is also important.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami memerlukan kelulusan daripada kerajaan tempatan dan keselamatan juga penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fortunately, Mercy Ships has a very good reputation, particularly in Africa,\" explained CEO Samuel Smith.", "r": {"result": "Nasib baik, Mercy Ships mempunyai reputasi yang sangat baik, terutamanya di Afrika,\" jelas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Samuel Smith.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People know that we're here to help, regardless of race, religion and political affiliation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai tahu bahawa kami di sini untuk membantu, tanpa mengira kaum, agama dan fahaman politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- When Benedetto Vigna set out to create a 3D motion sensor that had the strength to resist the stress of rough and tumble yet the smarts to detect human movement, it would have been easy to look for answers in academic papers and the latest scientific theories.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Apabila Benedetto Vigna berhasrat untuk mencipta penderia gerakan 3D yang mempunyai kekuatan untuk menahan tekanan yang kasar dan terhempas tetapi pintar untuk mengesan pergerakan manusia, adalah mudah untuk mencari jawapan dalam kertas akademik dan teori sains terkini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, the Italian nuclear-physicist-come-microelectronic-specialist cast conventional wisdom aside and sought inspiration in the architectural splendor of the Japanese city of Kyoto.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, pakar nuklear-fizik-kedatangan-mikroelektronik-pakar Itali itu mengetepikan kebijaksanaan konvensional dan mencari inspirasi dalam kemegahan seni bina bandar Jepun Kyoto.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was here, in early 2003, that Vigna came to wonder at the towering Toji Pagoda -- a 58-meter-tall wooden structure that has remained unmoved for more than 1,200 years despite being situated in an active earthquake zone.", "r": {"result": "Di sinilah, pada awal 2003, Vigna tertanya-tanya tentang Pagoda Toji yang menjulang tinggi -- struktur kayu setinggi 58 meter yang kekal tidak berganjak selama lebih 1,200 tahun walaupun terletak dalam zon gempa bumi yang aktif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See also: The new age of driverless cars.", "r": {"result": "Lihat juga: Zaman baharu kereta tanpa pemandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he paced around the majestic five-storey monument, Vigna began to consider whether he could transfer the engineering philosophy that underpinned the ancient building to the problems he faced in the high-tech world of micro-processers.", "r": {"result": "Semasa dia berjalan di sekitar monumen lima tingkat yang megah itu, Vigna mula mempertimbangkan sama ada dia boleh memindahkan falsafah kejuruteraan yang menyokong bangunan purba itu kepada masalah yang dihadapinya dalam dunia pemproses mikro berteknologi tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a single pillar (in the Toji Pagoda) and then it is like a flower with different levels of floors,\" Vigna explained.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat satu tiang (di Pagoda Toji) dan kemudian ia seperti bunga dengan aras lantai yang berbeza,\" jelas Vigna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When there is an earthquake ... structure(s) like this don't go down because you have only one pillar.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApabila berlaku gempa bumi... struktur (s) seperti ini jangan turun kerana anda hanya mempunyai satu tiang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Usually if you have two pillars, because of movement in the earth, then you may have some breakage.", "r": {"result": "Biasanya jika anda mempunyai dua tiang, kerana pergerakan di dalam bumi, maka anda mungkin mengalami sedikit kerosakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Instead of making (the sensor devices) like we were at the time with a lot of pillars ... we found a way to make a single pillar structure to make it more robust\".", "r": {"result": "\"Daripada membuat (peranti sensor) seperti kami pada masa itu dengan banyak tiang ... kami menemui cara untuk membuat struktur tiang tunggal untuk menjadikannya lebih teguh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vigna's observation led to a flurry of excited development at his company, STMicroelectronics, in Milan, Italy, upon his return from Japan.", "r": {"result": "Pemerhatian Vigna membawa kepada perkembangan teruja di syarikatnya, STMicroelectronics, di Milan, Itali, sekembalinya dari Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just five weeks later and the first micro-electrical mechanical sensor (MEMS) device with Vigna's single-pillar theory was validated by his colleagues.", "r": {"result": "Hanya lima minggu kemudian dan peranti sensor mekanikal mikro elektrik (MEMS) pertama dengan teori tiang tunggal Vigna telah disahkan oleh rakan sekerjanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MEMS were not a new invention at the time but using this off-beat technique to make the tiny silicon components more resilient whilst maintaining performance was a major breakthrough.", "r": {"result": "MEMS bukanlah ciptaan baharu pada masa itu tetapi menggunakan teknik off-beat ini untuk menjadikan komponen silikon kecil lebih berdaya tahan sementara mengekalkan prestasi adalah satu kejayaan besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After many years of research \"we had the industrial solution from a performance point of view, form a cost point of view (and) from a quality point of view to realize our business idea,\" Vigna enthused.", "r": {"result": "Selepas bertahun-tahun penyelidikan \"kami mempunyai penyelesaian industri dari sudut prestasi, membentuk sudut pandangan kos (dan) dari sudut kualiti untuk merealisasikan idea perniagaan kami,\" Vigna bersemangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See also: Teen builds one-man submarine for $2,000. The first company to pick up STMicroelectronics' newly developed technology -- perhaps aptly given its eastern origins -- was Nintendo in 2005.", "r": {"result": "Lihat juga: Remaja membina kapal selam seorang lelaki dengan harga $2,000. Syarikat pertama yang mengambil teknologi STMicroelectronics yang baru dibangunkan -- mungkin sesuai dengan asal usul timurnya -- ialah Nintendo pada tahun 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Japanese gaming giant used the devices to detect and interact with user movement in the control pads of its Nintendo Wii system (which subsequently became one of the most popular computer consoles of all time).", "r": {"result": "Gergasi permainan Jepun menggunakan peranti tersebut untuk mengesan dan berinteraksi dengan pergerakan pengguna dalam pad kawalan sistem Nintendo Wiinya (yang kemudiannya menjadi salah satu konsol komputer paling popular sepanjang zaman).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Versions of Vigna's MEMS chips have since been applied to desktop computers and are now an integral feature of smartphone and tablet devices.", "r": {"result": "Versi cip MEMS Vigna telah digunakan pada komputer meja dan kini menjadi ciri penting peranti telefon pintar dan tablet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "MEMS is the component responsible for enabling users to flick between apps, tilt their smartphones to engender movement in a game they may be playing as well as stabilizing camera images when pictures are taken.", "r": {"result": "MEMS ialah komponen yang bertanggungjawab untuk membolehkan pengguna menjentik antara aplikasi, mencondongkan telefon pintar mereka untuk menghasilkan pergerakan dalam permainan yang mungkin mereka mainkan serta menstabilkan imej kamera apabila gambar diambil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without Vigna's eureka moment, it can safely be concluded that cellphone technology would be nowhere near as advanced as it is today.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa detik eureka Vigna, boleh disimpulkan dengan selamat bahawa teknologi telefon bimbit tidak akan semaju sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sometimes I think about this and I am glad to see that what I started (has been useful) and I like when I hear people, especially in the crisis times, saying thanks to MEMS we have a job,\" Vigna said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kadang-kadang saya terfikir tentang perkara ini dan saya gembira melihat apa yang saya mulakan (berguna) dan saya suka apabila saya mendengar orang ramai, terutamanya dalam masa krisis, mengucapkan terima kasih kepada MEMS kami mempunyai pekerjaan,\" kata Vigna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See also: Ex-cop builds robot from household goods.", "r": {"result": "Lihat juga: Bekas polis membina robot daripada barangan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While content with the progress of his invention thus far, Vigna believes MEMS still has much more to give in the years to come.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun berpuas hati dengan kemajuan ciptaannya setakat ini, Vigna percaya MEMS masih mempunyai banyak lagi untuk diberikan pada tahun-tahun akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The technology has already ballooned into a billion dollar industry with 18 million sensors now produced every week (of which STMicroelectronics are responsible for around 60%).", "r": {"result": "Teknologi ini telah berkembang menjadi industri bernilai bilion dolar dengan 18 juta penderia kini dihasilkan setiap minggu (yang mana STMicroelectronics bertanggungjawab untuk sekitar 60%).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He highlights a strew of potential new uses, including indoor mapping, healthcare devices that measure movement over a certain period as well as a exciting new smartphone applications.", "r": {"result": "Beliau mengetengahkan pelbagai potensi kegunaan baharu, termasuk pemetaan dalaman, peranti penjagaan kesihatan yang mengukur pergerakan dalam tempoh tertentu serta aplikasi telefon pintar baharu yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today there are many applications using MEMS,\" Vigna said.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini terdapat banyak aplikasi menggunakan MEMS, \" kata Vigna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you go on the internet you are looking at about tens of thousands of applications\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda pergi ke internet, anda melihat kira-kira puluhan ribu aplikasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This (field) is a place where big companies, but also start-ups, can think about new applications and make it happen,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"(Bidang) ini adalah tempat di mana syarikat besar, tetapi juga syarikat baru, boleh memikirkan permohonan baharu dan merealisasikannya,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- A House ethics investigative panel has charged a high-ranking Democratic congresswoman with violating House rules by seeking federal assistance for a bank with financial ties to her husband.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Panel penyiasat etika Dewan telah mendakwa seorang anggota kongres Demokrat berpangkat tinggi kerana melanggar peraturan Dewan dengan mendapatkan bantuan persekutuan untuk sebuah bank yang mempunyai hubungan kewangan dengan suaminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the House ethics committee, California Rep.", "r": {"result": "Menurut jawatankuasa etika Dewan, California Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maxine Waters helped arrange a meeting in September 2008 between Massachusetts-based OneUnited Bank and Treasury Department officials.", "r": {"result": "Maxine Waters membantu mengatur pertemuan pada September 2008 antara pegawai OneUnited Bank dan Jabatan Perbendaharaan yang berpangkalan di Massachusetts.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "OneUnited Bank ultimately received $12 million in bailout funds.", "r": {"result": "OneUnited Bank akhirnya menerima dana bailout $12 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters is a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee.", "r": {"result": "Waters ialah ahli kanan Jawatankuasa Perkhidmatan Kewangan Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters, according to a preliminary report, called then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson during the height of the financial crisis \"and requested that Treasury Department officials meet with representatives from the National Bankers Association,\" an organization representating over 100 minority-owned banks.", "r": {"result": "Waters, menurut laporan awal, memanggil Setiausaha Perbendaharaan ketika itu Henry Paulson semasa kemuncak krisis kewangan \"dan meminta pegawai Jabatan Perbendaharaan bertemu dengan wakil daripada Persatuan Jurubank Kebangsaan,\" sebuah organisasi yang mewakili lebih 100 bank milik minoriti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A meeting was in fact granted, however, the discussion at the meeting focused on a single bank -- OneUnited.", "r": {"result": "\"Mesyuarat sebenarnya telah diberikan, bagaimanapun, perbincangan pada mesyuarat itu tertumpu kepada satu bank -- OneUnited.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters' husband had been a board member of the bank from 2004 to 2008 and, at the time of the meeting, was a stock holder of the bank\".", "r": {"result": "Suami Waters telah menjadi ahli lembaga bank dari 2004 hingga 2008 dan, pada masa mesyuarat itu, adalah pemegang saham bank itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report states that Waters approached Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Massachusetts, to say that she was \"in a predicament because her husband had been involved in the bank, but 'OneUnited people' were coming to her for help\".", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu menyatakan bahawa Waters menghubungi Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perkhidmatan Kewangan, Barney Frank, D-Massachusetts, untuk mengatakan bahawa dia \"dalam kesusahan kerana suaminya telah terlibat dalam bank, tetapi 'orang OneUnited' datang kepadanya untuk mendapatkan bantuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters, \"according to (Frank) ... knew she should say no, but it bothered her.", "r": {"result": "Waters, \"menurut (Frank) ... tahu dia harus berkata tidak, tetapi ia mengganggunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was clear to (Frank) that this was a 'conflict of interest problem.", "r": {"result": "Jelas kepada (Frank) bahawa ini adalah 'masalah konflik kepentingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Frank's advice to Waters, the report states, was to 'stay out of it.", "r": {"result": "Nasihat Frank kepada Waters, laporan itu menyatakan, adalah untuk 'menjauhinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Waters' 2008 financial disclosure statement -- as mentioned in the report -- her husband had two investments in OneUnited at the time valued between $500,000 and $1 million.", "r": {"result": "Menurut penyata pendedahan kewangan Waters 2008 -- seperti yang disebut dalam laporan itu -- suaminya mempunyai dua pelaburan dalam OneUnited pada masa itu bernilai antara $500,000 dan $1 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is substantial reason to believe that Rep.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada sebab yang kukuh untuk mempercayai bahawa Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters' conduct may have violated\" House rules, the report concludes.", "r": {"result": "Tingkah laku Waters mungkin telah melanggar\" peraturan Dewan, laporan itu menyimpulkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters, a 71-year-old 10-term Democrat representing the Watts section of Los Angeles, insists she did nothing wrong.", "r": {"result": "Waters, seorang Demokrat 10 penggal berusia 71 tahun yang mewakili bahagian Watts Los Angeles, menegaskan dia tidak melakukan kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have not violated any House rules,\" she said in a statement released Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak melanggar mana-mana peraturan Dewan,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I simply will not be forced to admit to something I did not do\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan dipaksa untuk mengakui sesuatu yang saya tidak lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters asserted that \"the record will clearly show that in advocating on behalf of minority banks neither my office nor I benefited in any way, engaged in improper action or influenced anyone.", "r": {"result": "Waters menegaskan bahawa \"rekod itu akan menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa dalam menyokong bagi pihak bank minoriti baik pejabat saya mahupun saya tidak mendapat manfaat dalam apa jua cara, terlibat dalam tindakan tidak wajar atau mempengaruhi sesiapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... The case against me has no merit\".", "r": {"result": "... Kes terhadap saya tiada merit\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waters stressed that the meeting \"was requested and scheduled on behalf of the (National Bankers Association), not on behalf of OneUnited Bank as has been suggested\".", "r": {"result": "Waters menegaskan bahawa mesyuarat itu \"telah diminta dan dijadualkan bagi pihak (Persatuan Jurubank Kebangsaan), bukan bagi pihak OneUnited Bank seperti yang telah dicadangkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The announcement by the ethics committee means Waters may now face a trial by committee members tasked with determining whether there is \"clear and convincing evidence\" she broke congressional rules.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman oleh jawatankuasa etika bermakna Waters kini mungkin menghadapi perbicaraan oleh ahli jawatankuasa yang ditugaskan untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat \"bukti yang jelas dan meyakinkan\" dia melanggar peraturan kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also facing a possible ethics committee trial: Rep.", "r": {"result": "Juga menghadapi kemungkinan percubaan jawatankuasa etika: Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charlie Rangel, D-New York.", "r": {"result": "Charlie Rangel, D-New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rangel, the former chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, has been accused of 13 violations of House rules involving alleged financial wrongdoing and harming the credibility of Congress.", "r": {"result": "Rangel, bekas pengerusi Jawatankuasa Cara dan Cara Dewan yang menulis cukai, telah dituduh melakukan 13 pelanggaran peraturan Dewan yang melibatkan dakwaan salah laku kewangan dan menjejaskan kredibiliti Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both trials could take place in September -- only a few weeks before the midterm elections.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua perbicaraan boleh dilakukan pada bulan September -- hanya beberapa minggu sebelum pilihan raya pertengahan penggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prospect of inquiries into two high-profile Democrats has compounded the fears of congressional Democrats nervous about their prospects in November.", "r": {"result": "Prospek siasatan terhadap dua Demokrat berprofil tinggi telah menambahkan kebimbangan Demokrat kongres yang gementar tentang prospek mereka pada bulan November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The growing likelihood of trials for Waters and Rangel also adds the explosive element of race to the political equation.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan percubaan yang semakin meningkat untuk Waters dan Rangel juga menambah unsur letupan kaum kepada persamaan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both representatives are leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus, and OneUnited Bank is one of the largest minority-owned banks in America.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua wakil adalah ketua Kaukus Hitam Kongres, dan OneUnited Bank ialah salah satu bank milik minoriti terbesar di Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Alan Silverleib, Craig Broffman and Deirdre Walsh contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Alan Silverleib dari CNN, Craig Broffman dan Deirdre Walsh menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Indonesia's government has stepped in at the eleventh hour to help save an Indonesian woman on death row in Saudi Arabia from being executed this weekend.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kerajaan Indonesia telah bertindak pada jam kesebelas untuk membantu menyelamatkan seorang wanita Indonesia yang dihukum mati di Arab Saudi daripada dihukum mati hujung minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Satinah Binti Jumadi Ahmad, a 40-year old working as a housemaid in the Gulf kingdom, was sentenced to death in 2011 after she reportedly admitted to killing her 70-year-old female employer and stealing approximately $10,000. She said it was in self-defense as her boss had been trying to attack her at the time.", "r": {"result": "Satinah Binti Jumadi Ahmad, 40 tahun bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah di kerajaan Teluk, dijatuhi hukuman mati pada 2011 selepas dia dilaporkan mengaku membunuh majikan wanitanya yang berusia 70 tahun dan mencuri kira-kira $10,000. Dia berkata ia adalah untuk mempertahankan diri kerana bosnya cuba menyerangnya pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was facing execution on Saturday unless the dead woman's family received 7 million Saudi riyals ($1.8 million) in financial compensation, known as diyya or \"blood money\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menghadapi hukuman mati pada hari Sabtu melainkan keluarga wanita yang maut itu menerima 7 juta riyal Saudi ($1.8 juta) sebagai pampasan kewangan, yang dikenali sebagai diyya atau \"wang darah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A pardon would likely follow if the payment is made.", "r": {"result": "Pengampunan mungkin akan berlaku jika pembayaran dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Campaigners in Indonesia had raised just over half that sum with donations coming from the public, businesses and NGOs, Jakarta's Foreign Ministry said in a statement last week.", "r": {"result": "Kempen di Indonesia telah mengumpulkan lebih separuh daripada jumlah itu dengan sumbangan yang datang daripada orang ramai, perniagaan dan NGO, kata Kementerian Luar Jakarta dalam satu kenyataan minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But on Thursday, a statement on the official website of the Indonesian President's Cabinet Secretariat confirmed that Indonesia's government would pay the full amount -- a figure that had been negotiated down from an initial request of 10 million Saudi riyals, Indonesian Foreign Ministry official Tatang Budie Utama Razak told CNN in February.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada Khamis, satu kenyataan di laman web rasmi Sekretariat Kabinet Presiden Indonesia mengesahkan bahawa kerajaan Indonesia akan membayar jumlah penuh -- angka yang telah dirundingkan daripada permintaan awal 10 juta riyal Saudi, pegawai Kementerian Luar Indonesia Tatang Budie Utama Razak memberitahu CNN pada Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With the government's offer to pay 7 million riyals, Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Djoko Suyanto, said Satinah has been saved from the death penalty, at the Buraidah prison in Saudi Arabia,\" the statement read.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDengan tawaran kerajaan untuk membayar 7 juta riyal, Menteri Koordinator Hal Ehwal Politik dan Keselamatan, Djoko Suyanto, berkata Satinah telah diselamatkan daripada hukuman mati, di penjara Buraidah di Arab Saudi,\u201d kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The statement quoted Suyanto as saying a task force representing the Indonesian government had met with Saudi officials and the dead woman's family on Wednesday when a figure was agreed.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan itu memetik Suyanto sebagai berkata pasukan petugas yang mewakili kerajaan Indonesia telah bertemu dengan pegawai Arab Saudi dan keluarga wanita yang maut pada hari Rabu apabila angka dipersetujui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He did not confirm whether the family had made any additional demands.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak mengesahkan sama ada keluarga itu telah membuat sebarang tuntutan tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Saudi authorities have yet to confirm whether the execution will be canceled.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Saudi masih belum mengesahkan sama ada pelaksanaan itu akan dibatalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Letter to the King.", "r": {"result": "Surat kepada Raja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The execution was initially scheduled for August 2011 but has been postponed five times due to the intervention of the Indonesian government, Jakarta's Foreign Ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Pelaksanaan hukuman mati itu pada mulanya dijadualkan pada Ogos 2011 tetapi telah ditangguhkan lima kali kerana campur tangan kerajaan Indonesia, kata Kementerian Luar Jakarta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yudhoyono has written King Abdullah twice over the last two years, while Ahmad's brother and daughter have also written a letter to the victim's family, according to the ministry.", "r": {"result": "Yudhoyono telah menulis surat kepada Raja Abdullah dua kali dalam tempoh dua tahun lepas, manakala abang dan anak perempuan Ahmad juga telah menulis surat kepada keluarga mangsa, menurut kementerian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 41 other Indonesian workers face possible death sentences in Saudi Arabia on charges ranging from black magic to stealing, adultery and murder, according to the Indonesian Foreign Ministry and local nonprofit groups.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 41 pekerja Indonesia lain berdepan kemungkinan hukuman mati di Arab Saudi atas tuduhan daripada ilmu hitam hingga mencuri, berzina dan membunuh, menurut Kementerian Luar Indonesia dan kumpulan bukan untung tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2011, Indonesian housemaid Darsem Binti Dawud Tawar was pardoned after the Indonesian government paid the required compensation of 2 million riyals ($533,000).", "r": {"result": "Pada 2011, pembantu rumah Indonesia Darsem Binti Dawud Tawar telah diampunkan selepas kerajaan Indonesia membayar pampasan yang diperlukan sebanyak 2 juta riyal ($533,000).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had been sentenced to death two years before for murdering a relative of her Yemeni employer in Saudi Arabia.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah dijatuhi hukuman mati dua tahun sebelum ini kerana membunuh saudara majikannya dari Yaman di Arab Saudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She claimed she acted in self-defense after he allegedly tried to rape her.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendakwa dia bertindak untuk mempertahankan diri selepas dia didakwa cuba merogolnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ruyati Binti Sapubi, also an Indonesian maid working in Saudi Arabia, was executed in June 2011 for allegedly killing her employer.", "r": {"result": "Ruyati Binti Sapubi, juga pembantu rumah warga Indonesia yang bekerja di Arab Saudi, dihukum bunuh pada Jun 2011 kerana didakwa membunuh majikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her beheading caused public outrage in Indonesia and a diplomatic protest when Saudi authorities did not inform Jakarta of the date of her execution.", "r": {"result": "Pemenggalan kepalanya menyebabkan kemarahan orang ramai di Indonesia dan protes diplomatik apabila pihak berkuasa Arab Saudi tidak memberitahu Jakarta mengenai tarikh hukuman matinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moratorium.", "r": {"result": "Moratorium.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Indonesian government later announced a full moratorium on sending workers to the Gulf kingdom, which ended in February when the two governments signed a new agreement guaranteeing domestic workers a monthly wage, time off and contact with loved ones.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Indonesia kemudiannya mengumumkan moratorium penuh penghantaran pekerja ke kerajaan Teluk, yang berakhir pada Februari apabila kedua-dua kerajaan menandatangani perjanjian baharu yang menjamin pekerja rumah tangga mendapat gaji bulanan, masa cuti dan berhubung dengan orang tersayang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Human rights groups say the pact is a step toward ensuring the protection of foreign workers' basic rights in Saudi Arabia.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan hak asasi manusia berkata pakatan itu adalah satu langkah ke arah memastikan perlindungan hak asasi pekerja asing di Arab Saudi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it fails to address a worrying trend of domestic helpers filing complaints of exploitation and abuse, only to face counterallegations by their employers of \"theft, witchcraft or adultery,\" according to Human Rights Watch.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia gagal menangani trend membimbangkan pembantu rumah yang memfailkan aduan tentang eksploitasi dan penderaan, hanya untuk menghadapi dakwaan balas oleh majikan mereka tentang \"kecurian, sihir atau perzinaan,\" menurut Human Rights Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The penalties for these crimes are harsh in the deeply conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which practices a puritanical form of Islam.", "r": {"result": "Hukuman bagi jenayah ini adalah keras di kerajaan Arab Saudi yang sangat konservatif, yang mengamalkan bentuk Islam yang puritan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Around 1.5 million women -- mostly from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines -- work in Saudi Arabia as domestic workers, according to Human Rights Watch.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 1.5 juta wanita -- kebanyakannya dari Indonesia, Sri Lanka, dan Filipina -- bekerja di Arab Saudi sebagai pembantu rumah, menurut Human Rights Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They make up less than a quarter of the kingdom's 8 million foreign workers but account for most of the complaints received by embassies of sending countries, the organization said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membentuk kurang daripada satu perempat daripada 8 juta pekerja asing kerajaan tetapi menyumbang sebahagian besar aduan yang diterima oleh kedutaan negara pengirim, kata organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Marie-Louise Gumuchian and Paul Armstrong contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Marie-Louise Gumuchian dan Paul Armstrong dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The European economy may be experiencing a downturn, but the continent's wealthiest football clubs have once again bucked the trend according to financial adviser Deloitte.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ekonomi Eropah mungkin mengalami kemelesetan, tetapi kelab bola sepak terkaya di benua itu sekali lagi menentang trend itu menurut penasihat kewangan Deloitte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Football Money League shows that the combined revenue of Europe's top soccer clubs was EUR4.4 billion ($5.8 billion) for the 2010-11 season, a 3% rise on the previous year.", "r": {"result": "Liga Wang Bola Sepak menunjukkan bahawa hasil gabungan kelab bola sepak terkemuka Eropah ialah EUR4.4 bilion ($5.8 bilion) untuk musim 2010-11, peningkatan 3% berbanding tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spanish giants Real Madrid have been named Europe's highest-earning club for the seventh year in a row.", "r": {"result": "Gergasi Sepanyol, Real Madrid telah dinamakan sebagai kelab berpendapatan tertinggi Eropah untuk tahun ketujuh berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nine-time European champions' revenue of EUR479.5 million ($635 million) is an increase on EUR438.6 million for 2009-10.", "r": {"result": "Perolehan juara Eropah sembilan kali itu sebanyak EUR479.5 juta ($635 juta) adalah peningkatan pada EUR438.6 juta untuk 2009-10.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real's archrivals and reigning Spanish and European champions Barcelona were second on the 20-club list with a revenue of EUR450.7 million ($597 million).", "r": {"result": "Seteru utama Real dan juara bertahan Sepanyol dan Eropah, Barcelona, menduduki tempat kedua dalam senarai 20 kelab dengan pendapatan EUR450.7 juta ($597 juta).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Madrid giants are closing in on Manchester United's record of topping the list for eight consecutive years.", "r": {"result": "Gergasi Madrid itu semakin hampir dengan rekod Manchester United yang mendahului senarai itu selama lapan tahun berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The top six clubs in the money league have remained the same for the fourth year in a row.", "r": {"result": "Enam kelab teratas dalam liga wang kekal sama untuk tahun keempat berturut-turut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Continued growth of the top 20 clubs during 2010-11 emphasizes the strength of football's top clubs, especially in these tough economic times,\" Deloitte partner Dan Jones said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pertumbuhan berterusan 20 kelab terbaik sepanjang 2010-11 menekankan kekuatan kelab-kelab terkemuka bola sepak, terutamanya dalam masa ekonomi yang sukar ini,\" kata rakan kongsi Deloitte Dan Jones.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whilst revenue growth has slowed from 8% in 2009-10 to 3% in 2010-11, their large and loyal supporter bases, ability to drive strong broadcast audiences and continuing attraction to corporate partners has made them relatively resilient to the economic downturn\".", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun pertumbuhan hasil telah perlahan daripada 8% pada 2009-10 kepada 3% pada 2010-11, asas penyokong mereka yang besar dan setia, keupayaan untuk memacu khalayak penyiaran yang kuat dan tarikan berterusan kepada rakan kongsi korporat telah menjadikan mereka agak berdaya tahan menghadapi kegawatan ekonomi\" .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "England boasted the most teams in the list with a total of six.", "r": {"result": "England membanggakan pasukan terbanyak dalam senarai dengan jumlah enam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Premier League champions United were third on the list, having generated EUR367 million ($486 million), up from EUR349.8 million.", "r": {"result": "Juara Liga Perdana, United berada di tempat ketiga dalam senarai itu, setelah menjana EUR367 juta ($486 juta), meningkat daripada EUR349.8 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The London duo of Arsenal and Chelsea were fifth and sixth on the list respectively.", "r": {"result": "Duo London Arsenal dan Chelsea masing-masing berada di tempat kelima dan keenam dalam senarai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arsene Wenger's Arsenal boasted a revenue of EUR251.1 million ($332 million), down on last year's figure of EUR274.1 million.", "r": {"result": "Arsenal kendalian Arsene Wenger mencatatkan pendapatan sebanyak EUR251.1 juta ($332 juta), turun berbanding angka tahun lepas sebanyak EUR274.1 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chelsea, backed by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, saw revenue fall from EUR255.9 million in 2009-10 to EUR249.8 million ($330 million).", "r": {"result": "Chelsea, disokong oleh jutawan Rusia Roman Abramovich, menyaksikan pendapatan jatuh daripada EUR255.9 juta pada 2009-10 kepada EUR249.8 juta ($330 juta).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The other English clubs on the list were ninth-placed Liverpool (EUR203.3 million), Tottenham Hotspur in 11th with EUR181 million and big-spending Premier League leaders Manchester City in 12th on EUR169.9 million.", "r": {"result": "Kelab Inggeris lain dalam senarai itu ialah Liverpool di tempat kesembilan (EUR203.3 juta), Tottenham Hotspur di tempat ke-11 dengan EUR181 juta dan pendahulu Liga Perdana yang berbelanja besar, Manchester City di tempat ke-12 dengan EUR169.9 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four-time European champions Bayern Munich were the leading German club on the list in fourth place having generated EUR321.4 million ($425 million) -- a small decrease on the previous period.", "r": {"result": "Juara Eropah empat kali Bayern Munich adalah kelab Jerman terkemuka dalam senarai di tempat keempat setelah menjana EUR321.4 juta ($425 juta) -- penurunan kecil pada tempoh sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tenth-placed Schalke, Borussia Dortmund in 16th and Hamburg, 18th, were Germany's other representatives.", "r": {"result": "Schalke di tempat kesepuluh, Borussia Dortmund di tempat ke-16 dan Hamburg, ke-18, adalah wakil Jerman yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five Italian clubs made the top 20 with city rivals AC Milan (EUR235.1 million) and Inter (EUR211.4 million) seventh and eighth respectively as both suffered reductions in revenues.", "r": {"result": "Lima kelab Itali menduduki 20 teratas dengan pesaing bandar AC Milan (EUR235.1 juta) dan Inter (EUR211.4 juta) masing-masing di tempat ketujuh dan kelapan kerana kedua-duanya mengalami pengurangan dalam pendapatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Serie A leaders Juventus were 10th with Roma rising three places to 15th and Napoli up to 20th after qualifying for the European Champions League.", "r": {"result": "Pendahulu Serie A, Juventus berada di tangga ke-10 dengan Roma naik tiga anak tangga ke tangga ke-15 dan Napoli naik ke tangga ke-20 selepas layak ke Liga Juara-Juara Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France had two clubs on the list, with 14th-placed Marseille (EUR150.4 million) and Lyon (EUR132.8 million) in 17th position.", "r": {"result": "Perancis mempunyai dua kelab dalam senarai itu, dengan Marseille di tempat ke-14 (EUR150.4 juta) dan Lyon (EUR132.8 juta) di kedudukan ke-17.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It might be time to slide over that Facebook app on the homescreen of your smartphone -- to make room for another Facebook app.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin sudah tiba masanya untuk meluncur ke atas apl Facebook itu pada skrin utama telefon pintar anda -- untuk memberi ruang kepada apl Facebook yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paper, a news-consumption app akin to existing options like Flipboard, Feedly and Zite, will be released for the iPhone in the United States on February 3, with other versions presumably to follow.", "r": {"result": "Paper, aplikasi penggunaan berita serupa dengan pilihan sedia ada seperti Flipboard, Feedly dan Zite, akan dikeluarkan untuk iPhone di Amerika Syarikat pada 3 Februari, dengan versi lain mungkin akan menyusul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The idea is to present longer-form Facebook content in a more attractive, magazine-style way that will encourage users to linger over posts, stories and images.", "r": {"result": "Ideanya adalah untuk mempersembahkan kandungan Facebook dalam bentuk yang lebih panjang dengan cara yang lebih menarik, gaya majalah yang akan menggalakkan pengguna untuk berlama-lama melihat siaran, cerita dan imej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Paper makes storytelling more beautiful with an immersive design and fullscreen, distraction-free layouts,\" the company said in a post on the site.", "r": {"result": "\"Kertas menjadikan penceritaan lebih indah dengan reka bentuk yang mengasyikkan dan skrin penuh, susun atur tanpa gangguan,\" kata syarikat itu dalam catatan di laman web itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've also made it easier to craft and share beautiful stories of your own\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami juga telah memudahkan untuk membuat dan berkongsi cerita indah anda sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first section of the new app will be your Facebook News Feed.", "r": {"result": "Bahagian pertama apl baharu akan menjadi Suapan Berita Facebook anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It won't have all the functions of the native Facebook app, but it will present your friends' posts, along with stories from other news categories, in a slicker, prettier package.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak akan mempunyai semua fungsi apl Facebook asli, tetapi ia akan membentangkan siaran rakan anda, bersama-sama dengan cerita daripada kategori berita lain, dalam pakej yang lebih licin dan cantik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Facebook, the News Feed section will feature a new design for photos and video and the ability to read longer written posts.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Facebook, bahagian Suapan Berita akan menampilkan reka bentuk baharu untuk foto dan video serta keupayaan untuk membaca catatan bertulis yang lebih panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Users can then customize the app by adding more than a dozen other topics, \"from photography and sports to food, science and design\".", "r": {"result": "Pengguna kemudiannya boleh menyesuaikan apl dengan menambahkan lebih daripada sedozen topik lain, \"daripada fotografi dan sukan kepada makanan, sains dan reka bentuk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Facebook promises \"a rich mix of content from emerging voices and well-known publications\".", "r": {"result": "Facebook menjanjikan \"campuran kandungan yang kaya daripada suara yang muncul dan penerbitan terkenal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There will be no buttons to push.", "r": {"result": "Tidak akan ada butang untuk ditekan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, users will be able to flip through stories and other posts by tilting the phone in various ways and swiping with their fingers.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, pengguna akan dapat menyelak cerita dan siaran lain dengan menyengetkan telefon dalam pelbagai cara dan meleret dengan jari mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When posting your own stories, Paper will let you look at a preview before sharing.", "r": {"result": "Apabila menyiarkan cerita anda sendiri, Paper akan membenarkan anda melihat pratonton sebelum berkongsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paper will be the first release from Facebook Creative Labs, which is devoted exclusively to developing new mobile apps for the site.", "r": {"result": "Paper akan menjadi keluaran pertama dari Facebook Creative Labs, yang dikhaskan secara eksklusif untuk membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih baharu untuk tapak tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the early days of its 2012 public stock offering, Facebook was knocked by some for not having fully realized how to make money off of the rapidly growing mobile market.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari-hari awal tawaran saham awam 2012, Facebook diketuk oleh sesetengah pihak kerana tidak menyedari sepenuhnya cara untuk membuat wang daripada pasaran mudah alih yang berkembang pesat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that appears to have turned around in a big way, and Paper could give the company another mobile platform on which to advertise.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi itu nampaknya telah berubah secara besar-besaran, dan Paper boleh memberi syarikat itu satu lagi platform mudah alih untuk mengiklankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday, Facebook reported that 945 million of its 1.2 billion users visited the site via a smartphone or tablet in the last few months and that mobile represented 53% of the site's advertising revenue -- up from 23% last year and zero in 2011.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Rabu, Facebook melaporkan bahawa 945 juta daripada 1.2 bilion penggunanya melawat tapak melalui telefon pintar atau tablet dalam beberapa bulan lepas dan mudah alih itu mewakili 53% daripada hasil pengiklanan tapak itu -- meningkat daripada 23% tahun lepas dan sifar pada 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Doctors Without Borders has embarked on a massive vaccination campaign in three African countries to combat an outbreak of meningitis that has killed hundreds of people, the organization said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Doktor Tanpa Sempadan telah memulakan kempen vaksinasi besar-besaran di tiga negara Afrika untuk memerangi wabak meningitis yang telah membunuh ratusan orang, kata organisasi itu pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A child gets vaccinated against meningitis in Niger in August 2007.", "r": {"result": "Seorang kanak-kanak mendapat vaksin meningitis di Niger pada Ogos 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vaccinations are being carried out in Niger, Nigeria, and Chad -- part of a large swath of what is known as the \"meningitis belt\" of sub-Saharan Africa, the organization said.", "r": {"result": "Pemvaksinan sedang dijalankan di Niger, Nigeria dan Chad -- sebahagian daripada kawasan yang dikenali sebagai \"tali pinggang meningitis\" di sub-Sahara Afrika, kata organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"belt\" stretches from Senegal to Ethiopia.", "r": {"result": "\"Tali pinggang\" terbentang dari Senegal ke Ethiopia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doctors Without Borders, widely known by its French name, Medecins Sans Frontieres, said medical teams have treated and vaccinated 5.4 million people and plan on vaccinating another 1.7 million -- making the vaccination campaign the organization's largest ever.", "r": {"result": "Doctors Without Borders, yang dikenali secara meluas dengan nama Perancisnya, Medecins Sans Frontieres, berkata pasukan perubatan telah merawat dan memberi vaksin kepada 5.4 juta orang dan merancang untuk memberi vaksin kepada 1.7 juta lagi -- menjadikan kempen vaksinasi itu sebagai yang terbesar dalam sejarah organisasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group said more than 1,900 people have died in this outbreak since January.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu berkata lebih 1,900 orang telah meninggal dunia dalam wabak ini sejak Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 56,000 cases have been reported in Nigeria, Niger and Chad alone, the organization said.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 56,000 kes telah dilaporkan di Nigeria, Niger dan Chad sahaja, kata organisasi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month, the World Health Organization said the disease was at epidemic level in 76 areas of in Niger and Nigeria, and a spokesman in Nigeria, Dr. Olaokun Soyinka, said the outbreak was \"bigger than usual\".", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia berkata penyakit itu berada pada tahap wabak di 76 kawasan di Niger dan Nigeria, dan jurucakap di Nigeria, Dr. Olaokun Soyinka, berkata wabak itu \"lebih besar daripada biasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In March, the organization said a total of 24,868 suspected cases had been reported in the \"meningitis belt,\" including 1,513 deaths.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Mac, organisasi itu berkata sejumlah 24,868 kes yang disyaki telah dilaporkan dalam \"tali pinggang meningitis,\" termasuk 1,513 kematian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The outbreak began around the start of the year, Soyinka told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Wabak itu bermula sekitar awal tahun ini, kata Soyinka kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It usually peaks in the dry season because of dust, winds and cold nights, before dipping around May when the rains come, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ia biasanya memuncak pada musim kemarau kerana habuk, angin dan malam yang sejuk, sebelum mencelup sekitar Mei apabila hujan datang, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, the thin lining that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord, according to the World Health Organization.", "r": {"result": "Meningitis adalah jangkitan pada meninges, lapisan nipis yang mengelilingi otak dan saraf tunjang, menurut Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Several different bacteria can cause meningitis but Neisseria meningitidis -- which is to blame for the current outbreak -- is one of the most important because of its potential to cause epidemics.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa bakteria berbeza boleh menyebabkan meningitis tetapi Neisseria meningitidis -- yang harus dipersalahkan untuk wabak semasa -- adalah salah satu yang paling penting kerana potensinya menyebabkan wabak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It's the billionaires' equivalent of lining up all night for the new iPhone.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ini adalah persamaan jutawan dengan beratur sepanjang malam untuk iPhone baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Multinational corporations and the ultra-rich are racing to get their hands on a Gulfstream 650, the newest and most envy-inducing private jet on the market.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat multinasional dan orang kaya berlumba-lumba untuk mendapatkan Gulfstream 650, jet peribadi terbaharu dan paling menimbulkan iri hati di pasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Order one tomorrow, plunk down $65M and you'll see your plane in 2017.", "r": {"result": "Pesan satu esok, dapatkan $65J dan anda akan melihat pesawat anda pada tahun 2017.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gulfstream says over 200 have been ordered so far and it's strictly first come, first serve.", "r": {"result": "Gulfstream berkata lebih 200 telah ditempah setakat ini dan ia adalah siapa cepat dia dapat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Industry insiders believe Disney, Nike and Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone are among the current customers.", "r": {"result": "Orang dalam industri percaya bos Disney, Nike dan Formula 1 Bernie Ecclestone adalah antara pelanggan semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's not any jumping ahead of anyone,\" says Gulfstream's Regional Vice President for International Sales, Roger Sperry, but he admits it isn't for lack of effort.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak ada apa-apa yang mendahului sesiapa pun,\" kata Naib Presiden Serantau untuk Jualan Antarabangsa Gulfstream, Roger Sperry, tetapi dia mengakui ia bukan kerana kekurangan usaha.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They try all the time,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mencuba sepanjang masa, \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The appeal of the G650 -- that can carry up to 18 people -- comes down to size, speed and range.", "r": {"result": "Daya tarikan G650 -- yang boleh membawa sehingga 18 orang -- bergantung kepada saiz, kelajuan dan jarak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With a top speed of Mach 0.925 -- close to the speed of sound -- it is faster than any other civilian aircraft in use.", "r": {"result": "Dengan kelajuan tertinggi Mach 0.925 -- hampir dengan kelajuan bunyi -- ia lebih pantas daripada pesawat awam lain yang digunakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The range of up to 7,000 nautical miles means passengers could fly from London to Buenos Aires without refueling (a headache for the jet-setting, long-range business crowd).", "r": {"result": "Julat sehingga 7,000 batu nautika bermakna penumpang boleh terbang dari London ke Buenos Aires tanpa mengisi minyak (menyedihkan bagi orang ramai yang mengatur jet, perniagaan jarak jauh).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new plane has been a boon for Gulfstream after the financial crisis put a squeeze on the business jet industry.", "r": {"result": "Pesawat baharu itu telah menjadi rahmat untuk Gulfstream selepas krisis kewangan memberi tekanan kepada industri jet perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Given how difficult the market has been since 2008 to have something the market is fighting to get, instead of fighting to sell, is pretty good,\" says Paul Sheridan from aviation consultancy Ascend.", "r": {"result": "\"Memandangkan betapa sukarnya pasaran sejak 2008 untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang pasaran sedang berjuang untuk mendapatkan, bukannya berjuang untuk menjual, ia cukup bagus,\" kata Paul Sheridan dari perundingan penerbangan Ascend.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The G650 is positioned to appeal to the growing Chinese market, where customers prefer bigger, more expensive planes.", "r": {"result": "G650 berkedudukan untuk menarik pasaran China yang semakin berkembang, di mana pelanggan memilih pesawat yang lebih besar dan lebih mahal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wang Jianlin, chairman of the Wanda Group and one of China's richest men, told Fortune magazine he wants to add one to his fleet.", "r": {"result": "Wang Jianlin, pengerusi Kumpulan Wanda dan salah seorang lelaki terkaya China, memberitahu majalah Fortune dia mahu menambah satu pada armadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this year the company flew one to Shanghai for the Asian Business Aviation Conference, a key event for meeting Chinese customers.", "r": {"result": "Awal tahun ini syarikat itu telah terbang ke Shanghai untuk Persidangan Penerbangan Perniagaan Asia, acara penting untuk bertemu pelanggan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: China's airports worst for on-time flights.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Lapangan terbang China paling teruk untuk penerbangan tepat masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The G650 is not the only option for those seeking a long-range, large business jet.", "r": {"result": "G650 bukan satu-satunya pilihan bagi mereka yang mencari jet perniagaan jarak jauh yang besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Boeing and Airbus produce private planes with a long range and luxury options, basically modified versions of their commercial planes.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Boeing dan Airbus mengeluarkan pesawat persendirian dengan pilihan jarak jauh dan mewah, pada dasarnya versi diubah suai bagi pesawat komersial mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One Airbus customer has even bought an A380 super-jumbo for private use.", "r": {"result": "Malah seorang pelanggan Airbus telah membeli A380 super-jumbo untuk kegunaan peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can do features which the Chinese market particularly appreciates, such as a large round table which is the focus of Asian life.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami boleh melakukan ciri-ciri yang amat dihargai oleh pasaran China, seperti meja bulat besar yang menjadi tumpuan kehidupan Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We can do Karaoke bars,\" says David Velupillai of Airbus.", "r": {"result": "Kami boleh membuat bar Karaoke,\" kata David Velupillai dari Airbus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysts say those planes just don't appeal to the status conscious the way the Gulfstream does, with its signature large, oval windows and sleek exterior.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis berkata pesawat-pesawat itu tidak menarik kepada status sedar seperti yang dilakukan oleh Gulfstream, dengan tandatangannya yang besar, tingkap bujur dan bahagian luar yang anggun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They just don't look as good.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka kelihatan tidak begitu baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that counts for something,\" says Sheridan.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa itu penting untuk sesuatu,\" kata Sheridan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gulfstream have added a number of bells and whistles to the new jets, including lower cabin altitude, which the company say reduces fatigue on long-range flights, and the ability to use your iPhone to control cabin features including window shades, temperature, lighting and displays.", "r": {"result": "Gulfstream telah menambah beberapa loceng dan wisel pada jet baharu, termasuk ketinggian kabin yang lebih rendah, yang dikatakan syarikat itu mengurangkan keletihan pada penerbangan jarak jauh, dan keupayaan untuk menggunakan iPhone anda untuk mengawal ciri kabin termasuk rona tingkap, suhu, pencahayaan dan paparan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's not easy being the belle of the ball.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bukan mudah untuk menjadi pemain utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One thing it does is stirs up the competition.", "r": {"result": "Satu perkara yang dilakukannya ialah membangkitkan persaingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Canadian aviation company Bombardier is launching the Global 7000 in 2016 and Global 8000 in 2017. Both promise an even longer range than the G650; the Global 8000 will be able to fly from New York to Hong Kong non-stop.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat penerbangan Kanada Bombardier melancarkan Global 7000 pada 2016 dan Global 8000 pada 2017. Kedua-duanya menjanjikan jarak yang lebih jauh daripada G650; Global 8000 akan dapat terbang dari New York ke Hong Kong tanpa henti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rush to make wealthy business travelers dreams a reality is just beginning.", "r": {"result": "Tergesa-gesa untuk menjadikan pengembara perniagaan kaya bermimpi menjadi kenyataan baru sahaja bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hong Kong is in the midst of its longest series of political protests since the 1997 handover.", "r": {"result": "Hong Kong berada di tengah-tengah siri protes politiknya yang paling lama sejak penyerahan tahun 1997.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pro-democracy activists say they are making good on a long-threatened vow to try and paralyze the city's financial district -- a key business hub for the region and beyond -- through sit-ins and civil disobedience.", "r": {"result": "Aktivis pro-demokrasi berkata mereka menepati ikrar yang telah lama terancam untuk mencuba dan melumpuhkan daerah kewangan bandar itu -- hab perniagaan utama untuk rantau ini dan seterusnya -- melalui duduk-duduk dan ketidaktaatan sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clashes between students and police this weekend have been the most heated in a long summer of anti-Beijing protests.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran antara pelajar dan polis hujung minggu ini adalah yang paling hangat dalam bantahan anti-Beijing musim panas yang panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dozens have been reported injured by authorities.", "r": {"result": "Puluhan telah dilaporkan cedera oleh pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their goal is to pressure China into giving the former British colony full universal suffrage.", "r": {"result": "Matlamat mereka adalah untuk menekan China supaya memberikan hak pilih sejagat sepenuhnya kepada bekas jajahan British itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beijing has so far refused to cede ground on its stance, setting the scene for growing, and more intense, clashes.", "r": {"result": "Beijing setakat ini enggan melepaskan pendiriannya, menetapkan tempat untuk pertempuran yang semakin meningkat dan lebih sengit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here are five things to know about Hong Kong as political tensions ratchet up:", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah lima perkara yang perlu diketahui tentang Hong Kong apabila ketegangan politik meningkat:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. It's not just another Chinese city.", "r": {"result": "1. Ia bukan hanya bandar Cina yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A city of towering skyscrapers on China's southeastern tip, Hong Kong is home to 7 million people.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah bandar pencakar langit yang menjulang tinggi di hujung tenggara China, Hong Kong adalah rumah kepada 7 juta orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the city was returned to China in 1997 a deal was struck promising \"a high degree of autonomy\" to Hong Kong under a formula dubbed \"One Country, Two Systems\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila bandar itu dikembalikan ke China pada tahun 1997, satu perjanjian telah dicapai yang menjanjikan \"autonomi yang tinggi\" kepada Hong Kong di bawah formula yang digelar \"Satu Negara, Dua Sistem\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city's Basic Law or \"mini-constitution\" has allowed the city to carry on with its own legal and financial system and Hong Kong enjoys civil liberties unseen in mainland China such as an independent judiciary, freedom of the press and the right to protest.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang Asas atau \"perlembagaan mini\" bandar itu telah membenarkan bandar itu meneruskan sistem perundangan dan kewangannya sendiri dan Hong Kong menikmati kebebasan sivil yang tidak kelihatan di tanah besar China seperti badan kehakiman yang bebas, kebebasan akhbar dan hak untuk membantah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also states that \"universal suffrage\" is the ultimate aim for Hong Kong but it does not give a timetable or detail how political reform should take shape.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga menyatakan bahawa \"undi sejagat\" adalah matlamat utama untuk Hong Kong tetapi ia tidak memberikan jadual waktu atau perincian bagaimana reformasi politik harus dibentuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Currently, Hong Kong's leader, known as the chief executive, is elected by a 1,200-strong committee stacked with Beijing loyalists.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa ini, pemimpin Hong Kong, yang dikenali sebagai ketua eksekutif, dipilih oleh 1,200 jawatankuasa yang terdiri daripada penyokong setia Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. People are fed up.", "r": {"result": "2. Orang ramai sudah muak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Surveys show that the government's approval rating is sinking, while distrust of China's central government in Beijing is at its highest level since the handover.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan menunjukkan bahawa penarafan kelulusan kerajaan semakin merosot, manakala ketidakpercayaan terhadap kerajaan pusat China di Beijing berada pada tahap tertinggi sejak penyerahan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Discontent, especially among the young, is driven by a widening wealth gap and many resent the influx of free-spending mainland Chinese visitors to the city who buy up everything from apartments to baby milk formula.", "r": {"result": "Ketidakpuasan hati, terutamanya di kalangan golongan muda, didorong oleh jurang kekayaan yang semakin meluas dan ramai yang membenci kebanjiran pelawat China tanah besar yang berbelanja percuma ke bandar yang membeli segala-galanya daripada pangsapuri hingga susu formula bayi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A survey released on September 21 said that one in five people were considering emigrating.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan yang dikeluarkan pada 21 September mengatakan bahawa satu daripada lima orang sedang mempertimbangkan untuk berhijrah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest wave of protests came after Beijing in August rejected demands for people to freely choose the city's next leader in 2017.", "r": {"result": "Gelombang bantahan terbaru berlaku selepas Beijing pada Ogos menolak tuntutan supaya orang ramai bebas memilih pemimpin seterusnya di bandar itu pada 2017.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pro-democracy groups responded by unleashing threats to disrupt the city's Central financial district -- where many big banks and other businesses are located -- in a campaign known as \"Occupy Central\".", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pro-demokrasi bertindak balas dengan mengeluarkan ancaman untuk mengganggu daerah kewangan Pusat bandar -- tempat banyak bank besar dan perniagaan lain berada -- dalam kempen yang dikenali sebagai \"Occupy Central\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democracy supporters come from a broad cross section of society including students, religious leaders, university professors and financial professionals.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong demokrasi datang daripada pelbagai lapisan masyarakat termasuk pelajar, pemimpin agama, profesor universiti dan profesional kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After months of forewarning, Occupy Central began formally on Sunday, with thousands of protesters, many wearing eye and clothing protection, beginning a sit in around government buildings.", "r": {"result": "Selepas berbulan-bulan memberi amaran awal, Occupy Central bermula secara rasmi pada hari Ahad, dengan beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan, ramai yang memakai pelindung mata dan pakaian, mula duduk di sekitar bangunan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Supporters want to force discussions, and even concessions, over Beijing's influence on Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong mahu memaksa perbincangan, dan juga konsesi, mengenai pengaruh Beijing di Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "17-year-old Hong Kong student prepares for democracy.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar Hong Kong berusia 17 tahun bersedia untuk demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Not everyone supports the protests.", "r": {"result": "3. Tidak semua orang menyokong protes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pro-Beijing groups like \"The Silent Majority for Hong Kong\" say the activists will \"endanger Hong Kong\" and create chaos.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pro-Beijing seperti \"The Silent Majority for Hong Kong\" berkata aktivis itu akan \"membahayakan Hong Kong\" dan membuat huru-hara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They have held their own rallies against Occupy Central and ran advertising campaigns in local media to highlight their fears.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah mengadakan perhimpunan mereka sendiri menentang Occupy Central dan menjalankan kempen pengiklanan di media tempatan untuk menyerlahkan ketakutan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The biggest rally, on August 17, was attended by thousands, although questions were raised about its legitimacy amid reports that marchers were paid to show up.", "r": {"result": "Perhimpunan terbesar, pada 17 Ogos, dihadiri oleh beribu-ribu, walaupun soalan dibangkitkan tentang kesahihannya di tengah-tengah laporan bahawa perarakan dibayar untuk hadir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Businesses fear that any campaign targeting the city's financial district will harm Hong Kong's reputation as a safe and stable place to do business.", "r": {"result": "Perniagaan bimbang bahawa sebarang kempen yang menyasarkan daerah kewangan bandar akan menjejaskan reputasi Hong Kong sebagai tempat yang selamat dan stabil untuk menjalankan perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An opinion poll conducted this month by Chinese University said that 46% did not support the Occupy Central campaign, while 31% backed the civil disobedience movement.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan pendapat yang dijalankan bulan ini oleh Universiti China mengatakan bahawa 46% tidak menyokong kempen Occupy Central, manakala 31% menyokong gerakan ketidaktaatan sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "4. China thinks Hong Kong is \"confused\".", "r": {"result": "4. China berpendapat Hong Kong \"keliru\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beijing, in a policy document released in June, said that Hong Kong does not enjoy \"full autonomy\" and residents are \"confused or lopsided in their understanding\" of \"One Country, Two Systems\".", "r": {"result": "Beijing, dalam dokumen dasar yang dikeluarkan pada Jun, berkata Hong Kong tidak menikmati \"autonomi penuh\" dan penduduk \"keliru atau berat sebelah dalam pemahaman mereka\" tentang \"Satu Negara, Dua Sistem\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rhetoric indicates that Beijing is unlikely to budge on its prescription for electoral reform in the city.", "r": {"result": "Retorik itu menunjukkan bahawa Beijing tidak mungkin berganjak pada preskripsinya untuk reformasi pilihan raya di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Li Fei, a senior Chinese official, suggested that screening candidates was necessary to ensure the chief executive \"loves China, loves Hong Kong and will safeguard the country's sovereignty, security and development interests\".", "r": {"result": "Li Fei, seorang pegawai kanan China, mencadangkan bahawa saringan calon adalah perlu untuk memastikan ketua eksekutif \"mencintai China, mencintai Hong Kong dan akan menjaga kedaulatan, keselamatan dan kepentingan pembangunan negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China has also sought to blame the pro-democracy opposition in Hong Kong on interference by Britain and the United States.", "r": {"result": "China juga telah berusaha untuk menyalahkan pembangkang pro-demokrasi di Hong Kong atas campur tangan oleh Britain dan Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All eyes are on Beijing and how it will respond to the growing waves of protests.", "r": {"result": "Semua mata tertumpu kepada Beijing dan bagaimana ia akan bertindak balas terhadap gelombang protes yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The central government is in a tricky situation of not being able to be seen as backing down on its stance but at the same time needing to be wary over the use of force and the implications of doing so.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan pusat berada dalam situasi yang sukar kerana tidak boleh dilihat sebagai berundur pada pendiriannya tetapi pada masa yang sama perlu berhati-hati terhadap penggunaan kekerasan dan implikasi daripada berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5. The government says Hong Kong should accept deal on offer.", "r": {"result": "5. Kerajaan berkata Hong Kong harus menerima tawaran yang ditawarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Hong Kong government says its people should accept the deal on electoral reform offered by Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Hong Kong berkata rakyatnya harus menerima perjanjian mengenai pembaharuan pilihan raya yang ditawarkan oleh Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new framework will allow Hong Kong's 5 million registered voters to select their leader, although candidates must be approved by a committee similar to the one that selected the city's top official in 2012.", "r": {"result": "Rangka kerja baharu itu akan membolehkan 5 juta pengundi berdaftar Hong Kong memilih pemimpin mereka, walaupun calon mesti diluluskan oleh jawatankuasa yang serupa dengan yang memilih pegawai tertinggi bandar itu pada 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Critics say that this means only candidates favored by Beijing will appear on the ballot, but Hong Kong's current chief executive, C.Y. Leung, writing in an op ed for CNN, says that this is not the case.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik mengatakan bahawa ini bermakna hanya calon yang digemari oleh Beijing akan muncul dalam undian, tetapi ketua eksekutif Hong Kong semasa, C.Y. Leung, menulis dalam op ed untuk CNN, mengatakan bahawa ini tidak berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have not even started to discuss the detailed but crucial aspects of the nominating process for potential chief executive candidates,\" he writes.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami belum mula membincangkan aspek terperinci tetapi penting dalam proses penamaan calon ketua eksekutif yang berpotensi,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Raw emotion -- for or against the proposed political reform -- will get us nowhere\".", "r": {"result": "\"Emosi mentah -- untuk atau menentang pembaharuan politik yang dicadangkan -- tidak akan membawa kita ke mana-mana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- After months of stalemate, the Senate late Tuesday passed a huge government spending bill that includes billions of dollars requested by President Bush to continue the war in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Selepas berbulan-bulan buntu, Senat lewat Selasa meluluskan rang undang-undang perbelanjaan kerajaan yang besar termasuk berbilion dolar yang diminta oleh Presiden Bush untuk meneruskan perang di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White House officials have said President Bush would sign off on the spending plan if the Iraq money was added.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Rumah Putih berkata Presiden Bush akan menandatangani rancangan perbelanjaan jika wang Iraq ditambah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The roughly $555 billion bill -- which passed 76-17 -- also preserves thousands of earmarks for lawmakers who will deliver them to constituents just in time for the holidays.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang kira-kira $555 bilion -- yang diluluskan 76-17 -- juga mengekalkan beribu-ribu peruntukan untuk penggubal undang-undang yang akan menyerahkannya kepada konstituen tepat pada masanya untuk cuti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The final vote came at about 11 p.m. ET Tuesday -- after hours of debate that included two more attempts by Senate Democrats to tie war funding to a plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Undian terakhir dibuat kira-kira jam 11 malam. ET Selasa -- selepas beberapa jam perbahasan yang termasuk dua lagi percubaan oleh Senat Demokrat untuk mengikat pembiayaan perang dengan rancangan untuk mengundurkan tentera A.S. dari Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those efforts failed, as have dozens of others in the House and Senate since Democrats took control of Congress last year.", "r": {"result": "Usaha itu gagal, seperti juga berpuluh-puluh orang lain di Dewan dan Senat sejak Demokrat menguasai Kongres tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier, members voted to add $40 billion for the war in Iraq that had been removed by the House -- which passed the spending bill on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Terdahulu, ahli mengundi untuk menambah $40 bilion untuk perang di Iraq yang telah disingkirkan oleh Dewan -- yang meluluskan rang undang-undang perbelanjaan pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plan also includes $30 billion for troops in Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Rancangan itu juga termasuk $30 bilion untuk tentera di Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut who co-sponsored the push to reinstate the Iraq money, called its approval \"a very powerful bipartisan message of support for our men and women serving in Iraq\".", "r": {"result": "Joe Lieberman, seorang bebas dari Connecticut yang menaja bersama desakan untuk mengembalikan wang Iraq, menggelar kelulusannya sebagai \"mesej sokongan dua parti yang sangat kuat untuk lelaki dan wanita kami yang berkhidmat di Iraq\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White House officials have said Bush would sign the spending plan if the Iraq money was added.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Rumah Putih berkata Bush akan menandatangani rancangan perbelanjaan jika wang Iraq ditambah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the weeks leading up to the vote, Bush had repeatedly pushed members of Congress to approve a military spending bill that did not place troop-withdrawal requirements on the military in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Dalam minggu-minggu menjelang pengundian, Bush telah berulang kali mendesak ahli Kongres untuk meluluskan rang undang-undang perbelanjaan ketenteraan yang tidak meletakkan keperluan pengunduran tentera ke atas tentera di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bill wraps together 11 of the 12 government spending bills for 2008 -- except for that of the Department of Defense, which was already funded.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang itu membungkus 11 daripada 12 rang undang-undang perbelanjaan kerajaan untuk 2008 -- kecuali untuk Jabatan Pertahanan, yang telah dibiayai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Facing a president determined to keep spending in check and a unified Republican minority in the House and Senate, Democrats have been stymied at nearly every turn in their attempts to increase spending on their domestic priorities.", "r": {"result": "Menghadapi seorang presiden yang bertekad untuk terus berbelanja dan minoriti Republikan bersatu dalam Dewan dan Senat, Demokrat telah dihalang di hampir setiap langkah dalam percubaan mereka untuk meningkatkan perbelanjaan bagi keutamaan domestik mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fearing a politically dangerous government shutdown, Democratic leaders ultimately gave in to Bush's top line number and trimmed $22 billion from the measure.", "r": {"result": "Takut penutupan kerajaan yang berbahaya dari segi politik, pemimpin Demokrat akhirnya menyerah kepada nombor barisan teratas Bush dan mengurangkan $22 bilion daripada langkah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Democrats stemmed their losses somewhat by shifting some funding from the president's priorities to their own.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Demokrat menahan kerugian mereka dengan mengalihkan beberapa pembiayaan daripada keutamaan presiden kepada mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And they added billions more above Bush's top line in \"emergency\" funding for veterans health care, California fires, border security and more.", "r": {"result": "Dan mereka menambah berbilion-bilion lagi di atas barisan teratas Bush dalam pembiayaan \"kecemasan\" untuk penjagaan kesihatan veteran, kebakaran California, keselamatan sempadan dan banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government spending watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense, which scrambled Monday to pore over the nearly 1,500-page bill that was made public late Sunday night, said it has identified almost 9,000 earmarks worth $7.4 billion.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pemantau perbelanjaan kerajaan, Taxpayers for Common Sense, yang bergegas pada hari Isnin untuk meneliti bil hampir 1,500 muka surat yang didedahkan kepada umum lewat malam Ahad, berkata ia telah mengenal pasti hampir 9,000 tanda peruntukan bernilai $7.4 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of the earmarks avoided normal congressional scrutiny and were \"airdropped\" -- or slipped in without going through normal committee consideration -- into the final bill, the group said.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan peruntukan itu mengelak daripada pemeriksaan biasa kongres dan \"terjatuh\" -- atau tergelincir tanpa melalui pertimbangan jawatankuasa biasa -- ke dalam rang undang-undang akhir, kata kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Sen.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert Byrd, D-West Virginia, chairman of the budget-writing appropriations committee, said the spending plan represents a dramatic decrease in pork-barrel projects from the one approved by Bush two years ago -- when Republicans controlled Congress.", "r": {"result": "Robert Byrd, D-West Virginia, pengerusi jawatankuasa peruntukan penulisan belanjawan, berkata pelan perbelanjaan itu mewakili penurunan dramatik dalam projek tong babi daripada projek yang diluluskan oleh Bush dua tahun lalu -- apabila Republikan mengawal Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The total dollars that are earmarked is reduced -- hear me now -- by 43 percent,\" Byrd said Tuesday from the Senate floor.", "r": {"result": "\"Jumlah dolar yang diperuntukkan dikurangkan -- dengar saya sekarang -- sebanyak 43 peratus,\" kata Byrd pada hari Selasa dari tingkat Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That ain't chicken feed\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu bukan makanan ayam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arguing for a plan that would have begun pulling troops from Iraq within 90 days, Sen.", "r": {"result": "Berhujah untuk rancangan yang akan mula menarik tentera dari Iraq dalam tempoh 90 hari, Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, became emotional as he called the Bush administration's efforts in Iraq \"a continuing quagmire\".", "r": {"result": "Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, menjadi beremosi apabila beliau menggelar usaha pentadbiran Bush di Iraq \"sebuah rawa yang berterusan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The best way to end this charade and protect our troops and our national security is to put the Iraqis on notice that they need to take responsibility for their future,\" Kennedy said.", "r": {"result": "\"Cara terbaik untuk menamatkan sandiwara ini dan melindungi tentera kita dan keselamatan negara kita adalah dengan memberi perhatian kepada rakyat Iraq bahawa mereka perlu bertanggungjawab untuk masa depan mereka,\" kata Kennedy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Unless there's a binding timeline for the redeployment of our troops, the Iraqis will not feel the need to make the compromises essential for a political solution\".", "r": {"result": "\"Melainkan ada garis masa yang mengikat untuk penempatan semula tentera kita, rakyat Iraq tidak akan merasakan keperluan untuk menjadikan kompromi itu penting untuk penyelesaian politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The measure now goes back to the House for approval in its revised form.", "r": {"result": "Langkah itu kini kembali kepada Dewan untuk kelulusan dalam bentuk yang disemak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she expects the bill to pass the House, although she will vote against it because of the war funds added in the Senate version.", "r": {"result": "Speaker Dewan Rakyat Nancy Pelosi berkata beliau menjangkakan rang undang-undang itu akan meluluskan Dewan, walaupun beliau akan mengundi menentangnya kerana dana perang ditambah dalam versi Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ted Barrett contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ted Barrett dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The U.S. Coast Guard closed 98 miles of the Mississippi River from New Orleans, Louisiana, southward after a fuel barge and a tanker collided early Wednesday, spilling more than 400,000 gallons of fuel oil.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pengawal Pantai A.S. menutup 98 batu Sungai Mississippi dari New Orleans, Louisiana, ke arah selatan selepas tongkang bahan api dan sebuah kapal tangki berlanggar awal Rabu, menumpahkan lebih 400,000 gelen minyak bahan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coast Guard personnel try to contain a fuel oil spill in the Mississippi River in New Orleans on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Kakitangan Pengawal Pantai cuba menahan tumpahan minyak bahan api di Sungai Mississippi di New Orleans pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The closure -- on what is a major shipping route between the Midwest and the Gulf of Mexico -- could last days, and the cleanup could take weeks, said Capt. Lincoln Stroh, the Coast Guard chief in New Orleans.", "r": {"result": "Penutupan itu -- di laluan perkapalan utama antara Midwest dan Teluk Mexico -- boleh bertahan beberapa hari, dan pembersihan boleh mengambil masa beberapa minggu, kata Kapten Lincoln Stroh, ketua Pengawal Pantai di New Orleans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The collision between the Liberian-flagged chemical tanker Tintomara and the barge pushed by the tug Mel Oliver happened about 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, splitting the barge nearly in half and dumping more than 419,000 gallons of oil into the river, the Coast Guard said.", "r": {"result": "Perlanggaran antara kapal tangki kimia berbendera Liberia Tintomara dan tongkang yang ditolak oleh kapal tunda Mel Oliver berlaku kira-kira 1:30 pagi Rabu, membelah tongkang hampir separuh dan membuang lebih 419,000 gelen minyak ke dalam sungai, kata Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The accident happened just north of the massive bridges connecting downtown New Orleans to the west bank of the Mississippi, the Coast Guard said.", "r": {"result": "Kemalangan itu berlaku di utara jambatan besar yang menghubungkan pusat bandar New Orleans ke tebing barat Mississippi, kata Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tanker was undamaged.", "r": {"result": "Kapal tangki itu tidak rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See a map of where the spill happened >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat peta tempat tumpahan berlaku >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Coast Guard said Wednesday evening that the tug had no properly licensed crew on board at the time of the collision.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal Pantai berkata petang Rabu bahawa kapal tunda itu tidak mempunyai krew berlesen yang betul di atas kapal pada masa perlanggaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No injuries were reported, and the National Transportation Safety Board said it has dispatched investigators to look into the accident.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kecederaan dilaporkan, dan Lembaga Keselamatan Pengangkutan Kebangsaan berkata ia telah menghantar penyiasat untuk melihat kemalangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The accident left a sheen of oil over much of the river and its banks.", "r": {"result": "Kemalangan itu meninggalkan kilauan minyak di sebahagian besar sungai dan tebingnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Booms were deployed to contain the oil, and skimmers are being used to suck it off the surface, said Petty Officer Thomas Blue, a Coast Guard spokesman.", "r": {"result": "Boom telah digunakan untuk mengandungi minyak, dan skimmer digunakan untuk menyedutnya dari permukaan, kata Pegawai Kecil Thomas Blue, jurucakap Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch scenes from the oil spill >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton adegan dari tumpahan minyak >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The spill is much smaller than the ones that followed Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when the Coast Guard estimated that more than 7 million gallons of oil were dumped into the Mississippi and nearby waterways.", "r": {"result": "Tumpahan itu jauh lebih kecil daripada yang berlaku selepas Taufan Katrina pada tahun 2005, apabila Pengawal Pantai menganggarkan bahawa lebih daripada 7 juta gelen minyak telah dibuang ke Mississippi dan laluan air berdekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Wilma Subra, a chemist who advises the Louisiana Environmental Action Network, said the oil could affect wildlife and work its way up the food chain into residents, many of whom fish for subsistence.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Wilma Subra, seorang ahli kimia yang menasihati Rangkaian Tindakan Alam Sekitar Louisiana, berkata minyak itu boleh menjejaskan hidupan liar dan meningkatkan rantaian makanan kepada penduduk, kebanyakannya menangkap ikan untuk sara hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a spill that occurred in a very urban area, and it can impact a very large number of people,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah tumpahan yang berlaku di kawasan yang sangat bandar, dan ia boleh memberi kesan kepada sebilangan besar orang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The oil, widely used as marine fuel, is heavier than diesel but lighter than crude, and it is likely to stick to rocks, trees and wildlife, Stroh said.", "r": {"result": "Minyak itu, digunakan secara meluas sebagai bahan api marin, lebih berat daripada diesel tetapi lebih ringan daripada mentah, dan ia berkemungkinan melekat pada batu, pokok dan hidupan liar, kata Stroh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some will evaporate with sunlight, but there will be residuals in the waterway which need to be cleaned up,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada yang akan sejat dengan cahaya matahari, tetapi akan ada sisa di laluan air yang perlu dibersihkan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, State Department of Environmental Quality officials said the oil is so thick that it could sink, which would complicate the cleanup, the Times-Picayune of New Orleans reported.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, pegawai Jabatan Kualiti Alam Sekitar Negeri berkata minyak itu sangat tebal sehingga boleh tenggelam, yang akan menyukarkan pembersihan, lapor Times-Picayune dari New Orleans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Mississippi is the primary source of drinking water for the region, and workers have deployed booms around intakes for local water systems, said Paul Book, the head of the cleanup effort for barge owners American Commercial Lines.", "r": {"result": "Mississippi ialah sumber utama air minuman untuk rantau ini, dan pekerja telah menggunakan ledakan di sekitar saluran air untuk sistem air tempatan, kata Paul Book, ketua usaha pembersihan untuk pemilik tongkang American Commercial Lines.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Water intakes in the oil spill area -- those for Algiers, Gretna, St. Bernard Parish and Plaquemines Parish -- were closed to prevent contamination, though residents there still could get water through their taps because of reserve supplies, the Times-Picayune reported.", "r": {"result": "Pengambilan air di kawasan tumpahan minyak -- untuk Algiers, Gretna, St. Bernard Parish dan Plaquemines Parish -- ditutup untuk mengelakkan pencemaran, walaupun penduduk di sana masih boleh mendapatkan air melalui paip mereka kerana bekalan simpanan, lapor Times-Picayune .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A swifter-than-normal current quickly drew the slick downstream.", "r": {"result": "Arus yang lebih deras daripada biasa dengan cepat menarik arus yang licin ke hilir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Coast Guard initially closed 29 miles of the river but expanded that to 98 miles by Wednesday evening, the service said.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal Pantai pada mulanya menutup 29 batu dari sungai tetapi mengembangkannya kepada 98 batu menjelang petang Rabu, kata perkhidmatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The heavy, sticky oil left a \"real strong\" smell hanging over much of downtown New Orleans, said Carl Bauder, who runs a barber shop near the foot of Canal Street.", "r": {"result": "Minyak yang berat dan melekit itu meninggalkan bau yang \"benar-benar kuat\" di kebanyakan pusat bandar New Orleans, kata Carl Bauder, yang mengusahakan kedai gunting rambut berhampiran kaki Canal Street.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Coast Guard's closure of traffic shut down commuter ferries across the river, said Bauder, who lives in the West Bank neighborhood of Algiers.", "r": {"result": "Penutupan lalu lintas Pengawal Pantai menutup feri komuter di seberang sungai, kata Bauder, yang tinggal di kejiranan Tebing Barat di Algiers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[The oil has] done a lot of damage to our Moonwalk area and down by the aquarium,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"[Minyak telah] melakukan banyak kerosakan di kawasan Moonwalk kami dan di bawah akuarium,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Department of Environmental Quality officials said they didn't believe breathing the air near the river would be a problem, adding that emergency personnel were checking the air with portable monitors and hadn't found dangerous hydrocarbon levels, the Times-Picayune reported.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Jabatan Kualiti Alam Sekitar berkata mereka tidak percaya menghirup udara berhampiran sungai akan menjadi masalah, sambil menambah bahawa kakitangan kecemasan sedang memeriksa udara dengan monitor mudah alih dan tidak menemui paras hidrokarbon berbahaya, lapor Times-Picayune.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Orleans is among the largest U.S. ports.", "r": {"result": "New Orleans adalah antara pelabuhan A.S. terbesar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 30 ships were queued early Wednesday afternoon, waiting to pass through the closed zone, Coast Guard spokeswoman Jaclyn Young said.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 30 kapal beratur awal petang Rabu, menunggu untuk melalui zon tertutup, kata jurucakap Pengawal Pantai Jaclyn Young.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ships approaching the mouth of the river from the Gulf of Mexico were being asked to stay out, Stroh said.", "r": {"result": "Kapal-kapal yang menghampiri muara sungai dari Teluk Mexico diminta untuk tidak keluar, kata Stroh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- First-degree murder charges have been filed against a man who Baltimore, Maryland, police believe killed an off-duty detective by striking him in the head during a dispute over a parking space, authorities said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pertuduhan pembunuhan peringkat pertama telah difailkan terhadap seorang lelaki yang dipercayai polis Baltimore, Maryland, membunuh seorang detektif yang tidak bertugas dengan memukul kepalanya semasa pertikaian mengenai tempat letak kereta, kata pihak berkuasa Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sian James, 25, is suspected in the death of Brian Stevenson, an 18-year police veteran, who was out celebrating his 38th birthday with a friend late Saturday night when an argument ensued over a parking spot outside a restaurant, police said.", "r": {"result": "Sian James, 25, disyaki dalam kematian Brian Stevenson, seorang veteran polis berusia 18 tahun, yang keluar meraikan hari jadinya yang ke-38 bersama seorang rakan lewat malam Sabtu apabila berlaku pertengkaran di tempat letak kereta di luar sebuah restoran, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to witnesses, James picked up a piece of concrete and threw it at Stevenson, hitting him in the head.", "r": {"result": "Menurut saksi, James mengambil sekeping konkrit dan melemparkannya ke arah Stevenson, memukulnya di kepala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attack occurred around 10 p.m. Stevenson was rushed to Johns Hopkins hospital, where he died.", "r": {"result": "Serangan berlaku sekitar jam 10 malam. Stevenson dikejarkan ke hospital Johns Hopkins, di mana dia meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police say James fled the scene and was apprehended later at a nearby night club.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata James melarikan diri dari tempat kejadian dan ditahan kemudian di sebuah kelab malam berhampiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Dozens of officers, investigators and civilian personnel put their lives on hold and worked throughout the night to identify Mr. James as a suspect and bring him to Justice.", "r": {"result": "\"Berpuluh-puluh pegawai, penyiasat dan kakitangan awam meletakkan nyawa mereka dan bekerja sepanjang malam untuk mengenal pasti Encik James sebagai suspek dan membawanya ke Kehakiman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm very proud and honored to lead such a dedicated group of public safety professionals,\" said Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld.", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat berbangga dan berbesar hati untuk mengetuai kumpulan profesional keselamatan awam yang berdedikasi,\" kata Pesuruhjaya Polis Baltimore Frederick Bealefeld.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He described Stevenson as a \"fantastic\" detective.", "r": {"result": "Dia menggambarkan Stevenson sebagai seorang detektif yang \"hebat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To lose his life in this manner is senseless,\" Bealefeld said at a press conference early Sunday morning.", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk kehilangan nyawanya dengan cara ini adalah tidak masuk akal,\" kata Bealefeld pada sidang media awal pagi Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Detective Stevenson was a good man, a good investigator and a great public servant to the people of Baltimore,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Detektif Stevenson adalah seorang yang baik, seorang penyiasat yang baik dan seorang penjawat awam yang hebat kepada penduduk Baltimore,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"His death is an incredible tragedy to not only his family, but to the entire city and to every man and woman who wears the police uniform\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kematiannya adalah tragedi yang luar biasa bukan sahaja kepada keluarganya, tetapi kepada seluruh bandar dan kepada setiap lelaki dan wanita yang memakai seragam polis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was not immediately clear whether the attacker knew Stevenson was a police detective.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada penyerang itu mengetahui Stevenson adalah seorang detektif polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The infiltration of a Middle Eastern terror network by a mole who helped foil a plot to blow up a U.S.-bound plane was a \"phenomenal,\" \"brilliant\" and \"powerful\" success, experts said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Penyusupan rangkaian pengganas Timur Tengah oleh seekor tahi lalat yang membantu menggagalkan komplot untuk meletupkan pesawat ke AS adalah satu kejayaan yang \"penomenal\", \"cemerlang\" dan \"berkuasa\", kata pakar pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's unclear how much of the credit should go to the United States or to Saudi Arabia, for whom sources say the mole was working, but both countries have delivered a practical and psychological setback to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, analysts on the region said.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas berapa banyak kredit yang harus disalurkan kepada Amerika Syarikat atau Arab Saudi, yang mana sumber mengatakan tahi lalat itu berkesan, tetapi kedua-dua negara telah memberikan kemunduran praktikal dan psikologi kepada al Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab, kata penganalisis di rantau itu .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Western officials describe that affiliate as al Qaeda's most dangerous.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Barat menyifatkan sekutu itu sebagai yang paling berbahaya bagi al Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a devastating blow to al Qaeda, though not a fatal one,\" said Juan Zarate, who was deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism under President George W. Bush.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah satu tamparan hebat kepada al Qaeda, walaupun bukan satu yang membawa maut,\" kata Juan Zarate, yang merupakan timbalan penasihat keselamatan negara untuk memerangi keganasan di bawah Presiden George W. Bush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What this demonstrates is that we have the ability to get on the inside\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang ditunjukkan ini ialah kami mempunyai keupayaan untuk masuk ke dalam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the plot, by the same group that launched a failed attempt to bomb a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas 2009, demonstrates the continued \"rise of the affiliates,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Dan plot, oleh kumpulan yang sama yang melancarkan percubaan yang gagal untuk mengebom pesawat penerbangan ke AS pada Krismas 2009, menunjukkan \"kebangkitan sekutu\" yang berterusan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have a decimated al Qaeda core -- the al Qaeda of 2001 that we have battled and really dismantled in many ways has metastasized and is now presenting itself in this regional form\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai teras al-Qaeda yang musnah -- al-Qaeda tahun 2001 yang telah kami perangi dan benar-benar dibongkar dalam banyak cara telah bermetastasis dan kini muncul dalam bentuk serantau ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This latest intelligence success marks the deepest known penetration into al Qaeda, said Ali Soufan, a former FBI official who oversaw highly sensitive international terrorism cases.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan perisikan terbaru ini menandakan penembusan paling mendalam yang diketahui ke dalam al Qaeda, kata Ali Soufan, bekas pegawai FBI yang menyelia kes keganasan antarabangsa yang sangat sensitif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he noted many intelligence efforts remain secret.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia menyatakan banyak usaha perisikan kekal rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a major success for the CIA and for the intelligence community,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah kejayaan besar untuk CIA dan untuk komuniti perisikan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And, he noted, as in this case with Saudi Arabia, \"overseas most of our work is done in cooperation with friendly services\".", "r": {"result": "Dan, katanya, seperti dalam kes ini dengan Arab Saudi, \"di luar negara kebanyakan kerja kami dilakukan dengan kerjasama perkhidmatan mesra\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the al Qaeda affiliate groups trying to carry out terrorist operations today, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is the closest version to the network Osama bin Laden led, Soufan said.", "r": {"result": "Daripada kumpulan gabungan al Qaeda yang cuba menjalankan operasi pengganas hari ini, al Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab adalah versi paling hampir dengan rangkaian yang diketuai Osama bin Laden, kata Soufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bruce Riedel, who spent 30 years in the CIA and was a senior adviser on the Middle East to four presidents, said thwarting the bomb plot is \"primarily a Saudi success story\" -- and not their first.", "r": {"result": "Bruce Riedel, yang menghabiskan 30 tahun di CIA dan merupakan penasihat kanan di Timur Tengah kepada empat presiden, berkata menggagalkan rancangan bom itu \"terutamanya kisah kejayaan Saudi\" -- dan bukan yang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They foiled the AQAP plot in October 2010 to send bombs to the U.S. on FedEx and UPS planes,\" he noted.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menggagalkan rancangan AQAP pada Oktober 2010 untuk menghantar bom ke A.S. pada pesawat FedEx dan UPS,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That plot was foiled by an informant.", "r": {"result": "Plot itu digagalkan oleh seorang pemberi maklumat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some details remain unknown.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa butiran masih tidak diketahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This time, Riedel said, Saudi intelligence managed to \"get access to AQAP's plot and actually get the bomb\".", "r": {"result": "Kali ini, Riedel berkata, perisikan Saudi berjaya \"mendapatkan akses kepada plot AQAP dan benar-benar mendapatkan bom\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, thwarting this attack doesn't damage the organization substantially in the big picture, analysts said.", "r": {"result": "Namun, menggagalkan serangan ini tidak merosakkan organisasi dengan ketara dalam gambaran besar, kata penganalisis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"While this is a good technical success, the harsh reality is that in Yemen, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is growing, getting more powerful, recruiting more assets and taking advantage of the fact that Yemen is essentially the Humpty Dumpty of the Arabian Peninsula -- it's falling apart, broken,\" said Riedel, now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun ini adalah kejayaan teknikal yang baik, realiti yang teruk ialah di Yaman, al Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab berkembang, semakin berkuasa, merekrut lebih banyak aset dan mengambil kesempatan daripada fakta bahawa Yaman pada dasarnya adalah Humpty Dumpty of the Arabian Peninsula. -- ia runtuh, rosak,\" kata Riedel, kini seorang felo kanan di Brookings Institution.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank added that while it is a \"big intelligence success\" for the United States and Saudi Arabia, \"there's a limit to their success as well\".", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis keganasan CNN Paul Cruickshank menambah bahawa walaupun ia adalah \"kejayaan perisikan besar\" untuk Amerika Syarikat dan Arab Saudi, \"ada had untuk kejayaan mereka juga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The operation did not lead intelligence services to Ibrahim al-Asiri, the chief bomb maker for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or to the location where he makes the bombs.", "r": {"result": "Operasi itu tidak membawa perkhidmatan perisikan kepada Ibrahim al-Asiri, ketua pembuat bom untuk al Qaeda di Semenanjung Arab, atau ke lokasi di mana dia membuat bom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They were able to take out Fahd al-Quso, who's a senior operational planner in the group, but they were not able to take out this very dangerous bomb maker who's ingenious at making bombs,\" Cruickshank noted.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka dapat mengeluarkan Fahd al-Quso, yang merupakan perancang operasi kanan dalam kumpulan itu, tetapi mereka tidak dapat mengeluarkan pembuat bom yang sangat berbahaya ini yang bijak membuat bom,\" kata Cruickshank.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Information from the mole led to a CIA drone strike Sunday in Yemen that killed al-Quso, 37, a senior operative of the al Qaeda affiliate.", "r": {"result": "Maklumat daripada tahi lalat itu membawa kepada serangan dron CIA Ahad di Yaman yang membunuh al-Quso, 37, seorang pegawai kanan sekutu al Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was a suspect in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen.", "r": {"result": "Dia adalah suspek dalam pengeboman USS Cole pada 2000 di Yaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was convicted in a Yemeni court but escaped from jail.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah disabitkan di mahkamah Yaman tetapi melarikan diri dari penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All the analysts who spoke to CNN expressed concern that a mole's involvement was leaked to the media.", "r": {"result": "Semua penganalisis yang bercakap dengan CNN menyatakan kebimbangan bahawa penglibatan tahi lalat telah dibocorkan kepada media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think authorities, particularly the CIA, would rather not talk about this right now,\" said Zarate, now a senior adviser on counterterrorism for the Center for Strategic and International Studies.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir pihak berkuasa, khususnya CIA, lebih suka tidak bercakap mengenai perkara ini sekarang,\" kata Zarate, kini penasihat kanan antikeganasan untuk Pusat Kajian Strategik dan Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These kinds of sources \"can lead to additional counterterrorism successes or insights,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Sumber jenis ini \"boleh membawa kepada kejayaan atau pandangan kontraterorisme tambahan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So the fact that this is now front page news certainly doesn't help\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi hakikat bahawa ini kini berita muka depan sudah tentu tidak membantu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Soufan, who runs a consultancy group on security issues, said, \"When you're doing operations like this, you have to do whatever you can do to protect sources and methods -- not only of the CIA but also of the other intelligence services that were involved in this.", "r": {"result": "Soufan, yang mengendalikan kumpulan perunding mengenai isu keselamatan, berkata, \"Apabila anda melakukan operasi seperti ini, anda perlu melakukan apa sahaja yang anda boleh lakukan untuk melindungi sumber dan kaedah -- bukan sahaja CIA tetapi juga perkhidmatan perisikan lain. yang terlibat dalam hal ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because down the road they will be hesitant to cooperate with us\".", "r": {"result": "Kerana di jalan raya mereka akan teragak-agak untuk bekerjasama dengan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Zarate said, there may be a bit of a silver lining in the leak.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, Zarate berkata, mungkin terdapat sedikit kesan dalam kebocoran itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think what this will do is it will increase the amount of vigilance and mistrust within al Qaeda circles to outsiders.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir apa yang akan dilakukan ini adalah meningkatkan jumlah kewaspadaan dan ketidakpercayaan dalam kalangan al Qaeda kepada orang luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They need outsiders to supplement their ranks and allow them to plot against the West.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memerlukan orang luar untuk menambah barisan mereka dan membenarkan mereka merancang menentang Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... It will create layers of distrust and will create inefficiencies,\" Zarate said.", "r": {"result": "... Ia akan mewujudkan lapisan ketidakpercayaan dan akan mewujudkan ketidakcekapan,\" kata Zarate.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Real Madrid came from behind to beat cross-city rivals Atletico 3-1 in the first leg of their Copa Del Rey quarterfinal tie at the Santiago Bernabeu on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Real Madrid bangkit daripada ketinggalan untuk menewaskan seteru rentas kota, Atletico 3-1 dalam perlawanan pertama suku akhir Copa Del Rey mereka di Santiago Bernabeu pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real fell behind to a goal from Uruguay's Diego Forlan after seven minutes before defender Sergio Ramos headed an equalizer for the home team six minutes later.", "r": {"result": "Real ketinggalan dengan gol daripada Diego Forlan dari Uruguay selepas tujuh minit sebelum pertahanan Sergio Ramos menanduk masuk gol penyamaan untuk pasukan tuan rumah enam minit kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cristiano Ronaldo followed up his hat-trick against Villarreal on Saturday with Los Blancos' second goal on the hour mark, before Germany playmaker Mesut Ozil sealed the victory with Real's third one minute from time.", "r": {"result": "Cristiano Ronaldo menyusuli hatriknya menentang Villarreal pada hari Sabtu dengan gol kedua Los Blancos pada tanda sejam, sebelum perancang Jerman Mesut Ozil memastikan kemenangan dengan gol ketiga Real satu minit sebelum tamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Real head coach Jose Mourinho was pleased his team were able to find a third goal, but warned against complacency ahead of the second leg at Atletico's Vicente Calderon Stadium on January 20.", "r": {"result": "Ketua jurulatih Real Jose Mourinho gembira pasukannya dapat mencari gol ketiga, tetapi memberi amaran supaya tidak berpuas hati menjelang perlawanan kedua di Stadium Vicente Calderon Atletico pada 20 Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why were EPL players snubbed in all-star selection?", "r": {"result": "Mengapakah pemain EPL dihina dalam pemilihan semua bintang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is very important to reach the second leg with the advantage,\" Mourinho told the club's official website.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah sangat penting untuk mencapai perlawanan kedua dengan kelebihan,\" kata Mourinho di laman web rasmi kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The third goal gives us a little peace of mind, but we still have to play another 90 minutes in the Vicente Calderon, where Atletico are very strong.", "r": {"result": "\u201cGol ketiga memberikan kami sedikit ketenangan, tetapi kami masih perlu bermain 90 minit lagi di Vicente Calderon, di mana Atletico sangat kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The outcome is still undecided\".", "r": {"result": "Keputusan masih belum diputuskan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Thursday's other tie, Spanish Primera Liga strugglers Almeria claimed a 1-0 victory at home to Deportivo La Coruna.", "r": {"result": "Dalam perlawanan lain Khamis, pasukan bergelut Liga Primera Sepanyol, Almeria meraih kemenangan 1-0 di tempat sendiri kepada Deportivo La Coruna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The match at Estadio del Mediterraneo was settled by an own goal from Deportivo's Norwegian defender Knut Olav Rindaroy after 34 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan di Estadio del Mediterraneo diselesaikan dengan jaringan sendiri daripada pemain pertahanan Deportivo dari Norway, Knut Olav Rindaroy selepas 34 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The second leg will be played at Deportivo's Riazor stadium on January 19.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan kedua akan berlangsung di stadium Deportivo Riazor pada 19 Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Of the two of us, Linda is the fan of professional football.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Daripada kami berdua, Linda adalah peminat bola sepak profesional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And every football fan realizes football games are extremely violent.", "r": {"result": "Dan setiap peminat bola sepak menyedari permainan bola sepak adalah sangat ganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are both also feminists.", "r": {"result": "Kami berdua juga feminis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And every feminist knows the women's movement denounces all forms of violence.", "r": {"result": "Dan setiap feminis tahu pergerakan wanita mengecam semua bentuk keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For a woman who is a football fan, this can be hard to reconcile.", "r": {"result": "Bagi seorang wanita yang peminat bola sepak, ini sukar untuk didamaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So it was surprising to turn on the TV and find these opposing mindsets coexisting on the football field: Tough, hyper-masculine football players were wearing pink, a color associated with women and girls, femininity -- and sometimes vulnerability -- and also widely known to represent breast cancer.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, adalah mengejutkan untuk menghidupkan TV dan mendapati pemikiran yang bertentangan ini wujud bersama di padang bola sepak: Pemain bola sepak yang tegar dan hiper-maskulin memakai merah jambu, warna yang dikaitkan dengan wanita dan perempuan, kewanitaan -- dan kadangkala terdedah -- dan juga secara meluas. diketahui mewakili kanser payudara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who could not be delighted, at first, to see such an apparent break in gender stereotypes?", "r": {"result": "Siapa yang tidak boleh gembira, pada mulanya, melihat pemecahan yang jelas dalam stereotaip jantina?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The NFL, it seems, has officially teamed up with the American Cancer Society with the \"A Crucial Catch\" campaign throughout October to fundraise and spread awareness about breast cancer.", "r": {"result": "NFL, nampaknya, telah bekerjasama secara rasmi dengan American Cancer Society dengan kempen \"A Crucial Catch\" sepanjang Oktober untuk mengumpul dana dan menyebarkan kesedaran tentang kanser payudara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The campaign encourages women to get mammograms annually (even though the current state of knowledge is that screening benefits fewer and harms more women than once believed).", "r": {"result": "Kempen ini menggalakkan wanita untuk mendapatkan mamogram setiap tahun (walaupun keadaan pengetahuan semasa adalah bahawa pemeriksaan memberi manfaat lebih sedikit dan membahayakan lebih ramai wanita daripada yang dipercayai).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Does anyone doubt that the NFL's support of breast cancer awareness is mainly a strategy designed to give the impression that the NFL cares about women, and generate more female football fans?", "r": {"result": "Adakah sesiapa meragui bahawa sokongan NFL terhadap kesedaran kanser payudara adalah terutamanya strategi yang direka untuk memberi gambaran bahawa NFL mengambil berat tentang wanita, dan menjana lebih ramai peminat bola sepak wanita?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, from a public relations perspective, the pink ribbon is worth its weight in gold.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, dari perspektif perhubungan awam, reben merah jambu berbaloi dengan emas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Breast cancer has been the cause of choice for corporate marketers for almost two decades, sure to draw a crowd and profits.", "r": {"result": "Kanser payudara telah menjadi punca pilihan bagi pemasar korporat selama hampir dua dekad, pasti menarik ramai dan mengaut keuntungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there is another women's issue, domestic violence, that touches many women and men, some of whom are professional football players.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada satu lagi isu wanita, keganasan rumah tangga, yang menyentuh ramai wanita dan lelaki, sebahagian daripada mereka adalah pemain bola sepak profesional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This, too, is an issue that would resonate with fans.", "r": {"result": "Ini juga merupakan isu yang akan bergema dengan peminat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as it happens, \"Pinkotober\" is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month.", "r": {"result": "Dan seperti yang berlaku, \"Pinkotober\" juga merupakan Bulan Kesedaran Keganasan Rumah Tangga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Might the NFL throw the power of its brand behind this problem?", "r": {"result": "Mungkinkah NFL membuang kuasa jenamanya di sebalik masalah ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It would be a profound gesture from a perfect pulpit.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menjadi isyarat yang mendalam dari mimbar yang sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, the most recent high-profile discussions in America about domestic violence have centered on the violent actions of Ray Rice, Baltimore Ravens' running back, who was suspended from play when a video was released showing him punching and knocking out his future wife.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, perbincangan berprofil tinggi terkini di Amerika mengenai keganasan rumah tangga tertumpu pada tindakan ganas Ray Rice, Baltimore Ravens yang melarikan diri, yang digantung daripada permainan apabila video dikeluarkan menunjukkan dia menumbuk dan mengetuk bakal isterinya. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Rice is by no means the only professional football player identified as a batterer.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Rice bukanlah satu-satunya pemain bola sepak profesional yang dikenal pasti sebagai pemukul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even in very recent NFL history, again and again other star players have been implicated in violence in their personal lives, including Vikings running back Adrian Peterson; San Francisco 49ers' defensive end Ray McDonald, who was arrested last weekend on felony domestic violence charges; and Denver Broncos' wide receiver Rod Smith, to name only a few.", "r": {"result": "Malah dalam sejarah NFL yang sangat baru-baru ini, lagi dan lagi pemain bintang lain telah terlibat dalam keganasan dalam kehidupan peribadi mereka, termasuk Vikings mengejar Adrian Peterson; Penamat pertahanan San Francisco 49ers, Ray McDonald, yang ditangkap hujung minggu lalu atas tuduhan keganasan rumah tangga jenayah; dan penerima lebar Denver Broncos Rod Smith, untuk menamakan beberapa sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incidence of intimate partner abuse in the United States is alarmingly high: One out of three women experiences this kind of violence, according to the American Psychological Association and World Health Organization.", "r": {"result": "Insiden penderaan pasangan intim di Amerika Syarikat adalah sangat tinggi: Satu daripada tiga wanita mengalami keganasan seperti ini, menurut Persatuan Psikologi Amerika dan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since this violence is committed primarily by men, it can accurately be described as a men's issue, too.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan keganasan ini dilakukan terutamanya oleh lelaki, ia boleh digambarkan dengan tepat sebagai isu lelaki juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Think of the impact of having a bastion of hyper-masculinity, like the NFL, shining a light on it.", "r": {"result": "Fikirkan kesan mempunyai benteng hiper-kelelakian, seperti NFL, menyinarinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of course the NFL has long been reluctant to focus on domestic violence.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu NFL telah lama enggan memberi tumpuan kepada keganasan rumah tangga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even a recent set of PSA's on the issue have been late in coming, short in duration and far from enough.", "r": {"result": "Malah satu set PSA baru-baru ini mengenai isu itu telah lewat datang, jangka masa pendek dan jauh dari mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indeed, the league has repeatedly avoided, minimized and downplayed players' aggression on and off the field, responding only when negative press refuses to die down -- as in NFL commissioner Roger Goodell's finally admitting, weeks after revelations about the Ray Rice abuse incident, that he'd handled it poorly.", "r": {"result": "Malah, liga telah berulang kali mengelak, meminimumkan dan meremehkan pencerobohan pemain di dalam dan di luar padang, bertindak balas hanya apabila akhbar negatif enggan mati -- seperti pesuruhjaya NFL Roger Goodell yang akhirnya mengakui, beberapa minggu selepas pendedahan tentang insiden penderaan Ray Rice, bahawa dia telah menanganinya dengan buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ESPN's live feed of Goodell's remarks revealed a stream of Twitter comments from players themselves who found his mea culpa to be pointless.", "r": {"result": "Suapan langsung ESPN mengenai kenyataan Goodell mendedahkan aliran komen Twitter daripada pemain sendiri yang mendapati mea culpanya tidak berguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This avoidance may be an attempt to manage public opinion.", "r": {"result": "Pengelakan ini mungkin merupakan percubaan untuk menguruskan pendapat umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It might also be based in something psychologists call a shield of denial.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mungkin berdasarkan sesuatu yang dipanggil oleh ahli psikologi sebagai perisai penafian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Simply speaking, denial is necessary for effective human functioning, to provide psychological protection from thoughts and feelings, such as the prospect of death, too devastating to contemplate for prolonged periods.", "r": {"result": "Ringkasnya, penafian adalah perlu untuk fungsi manusia yang berkesan, untuk memberikan perlindungan psikologi daripada pemikiran dan perasaan, seperti prospek kematian, terlalu dahsyat untuk direnungkan untuk tempoh yang berpanjangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shielding oneself in denial enables a person to get on with life, or with the game or the season.", "r": {"result": "Melindungi diri dalam penafian membolehkan seseorang meneruskan kehidupan, atau dengan permainan atau musim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is nothing unusual about this human process; people prefer to feel good, not bad.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada yang luar biasa tentang proses manusia ini; orang lebih suka berasa baik, bukan buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are moments when it's important, even necessary, to examine individual and cultural ideas instead of denying them.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada ketikanya penting, malah perlu, untuk meneliti idea individu dan budaya dan bukannya menafikannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The painful truth about domestic violence is that it is harmful and terrifying and forces individuals to face an agonizing reality.", "r": {"result": "Kebenaran yang menyakitkan tentang keganasan rumah tangga ialah ia berbahaya dan menakutkan dan memaksa individu untuk menghadapi realiti yang menyakitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under a shield of denial, people predictably avoid the emotional pain of realizing that domestic violence is going on all around us, including in the NFL itself.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah perisai penafian, orang ramai boleh diramalkan mengelakkan kesakitan emosi apabila menyedari bahawa keganasan rumah tangga berlaku di sekeliling kita, termasuk dalam NFL itu sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But by staying shielded, by not speaking out against men's violence against women, we quietly accept it.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan tetap dilindungi, dengan tidak bersuara menentang keganasan lelaki terhadap wanita, kami secara senyap menerimanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is untenable.", "r": {"result": "Ini tidak boleh dipertahankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is a purple ribbon to denote Domestic Violence Awareness, but there is no ubiquitous ribbon culture to gather around.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat reben ungu untuk menunjukkan Kesedaran Keganasan Rumah Tangga, tetapi tidak ada budaya reben di mana-mana untuk berkumpul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The NFL can help.", "r": {"result": "NFL boleh membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the NFL to show it is serious about supporting women, why not lower the shield of denial about domestic violence and put the issue out there before the fans?", "r": {"result": "Untuk NFL menunjukkan ia serius untuk menyokong wanita, mengapa tidak menurunkan perisai penafian tentang keganasan rumah tangga dan meletakkan isu itu di luar sana sebelum peminat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- What if this was your town?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bagaimana jika ini adalah bandar anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's the haunting question being chanted in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri.", "r": {"result": "Itulah soalan menghantui yang dilaungkan di jalan-jalan Ferguson, Missouri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It demands an answer.", "r": {"result": "Ia menuntut jawapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ever since an unarmed black teen was shot and killed by Ferguson police five days ago, what's unfolded has been positively un-American.", "r": {"result": "Sejak seorang remaja kulit hitam yang tidak bersenjata ditembak dan dibunuh oleh polis Ferguson lima hari lalu, apa yang berlaku adalah secara positif bukan warga Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Ferguson police chief has refused to name the officer who shot Michael Brown or to reveal key details about the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Ketua polis Ferguson enggan menamakan pegawai yang menembak Michael Brown atau mendedahkan butiran penting mengenai tembakan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His force has responded to protesters with a surplus of militarism and a deficit of sense, skill or humanity.", "r": {"result": "Pasukannya telah bertindak balas kepada penunjuk perasaan dengan lebihan ketenteraan dan defisit rasa, kemahiran atau kemanusiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They've run roughshod over freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and the right to be young and African-American and presumed innocent.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah bertindak kasar terhadap kebebasan akhbar, kebebasan berhimpun dan hak untuk menjadi muda dan Afrika-Amerika dan dianggap tidak bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LZ Granderson: How many unarmed people have to die?", "r": {"result": "LZ Granderson: Berapa ramai orang yang tidak bersenjata perlu mati?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There has been a vacuum of leadership at every scale of this story.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kekosongan kepimpinan pada setiap skala cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mayor has seemed flat-footed.", "r": {"result": "Datuk Bandar telah kelihatan berkaki rata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The governor was too long silent, then finally issued a statement, saying he would visit Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Gabenor terlalu lama berdiam diri, kemudian akhirnya mengeluarkan kenyataan, mengatakan dia akan melawat Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The President has kept his distance since issuing a statement of his own.", "r": {"result": "Presiden telah menjaga jarak sejak mengeluarkan kenyataannya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nowhere thus far has there been a political leader like Robert Kennedy in Indianapolis after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., wading at once into the charged scene with physical courage and quiet moral authority -- sharing in grief, naming the tragedy, earning the trust needed to call for peace.", "r": {"result": "Setakat ini tidak ada pemimpin politik seperti Robert Kennedy di Indianapolis selepas pembunuhan Martin Luther King Jr., mengharungi serta-merta ke tempat kejadian dengan keberanian fizikal dan kuasa moral yang tenang -- berkongsi dalam kesedihan, menamakan tragedi itu, memperoleh kepercayaan diperlukan untuk menyeru kedamaian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fortunately -- if that's a word that may be used in this situation -- everyday Americans have been filling this void.", "r": {"result": "Nasib baik -- jika itu perkataan yang boleh digunakan dalam situasi ini -- setiap hari rakyat Amerika telah mengisi kekosongan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Citizens in Ferguson and across Missouri have protested and organized marches and vigils.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk di Ferguson dan seluruh Missouri telah memprotes dan menganjurkan perarakan dan berjaga-jaga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "African-Americans unleashed a wave of commentary on social media, highlighting how swiftly stereotypes can indict and convict black men in the court of public opinion.", "r": {"result": "Orang Afrika-Amerika melancarkan gelombang ulasan di media sosial, menonjolkan betapa pantas stereotaip boleh menuduh dan mensabitkan lelaki kulit hitam di mahkamah pendapat umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then when journalists covering the story were manhandled by the police and locked up for reporting the story, Twitter exploded and people across the country -- indeed, the world -- began to amplify their voices in a burgeoning, turbulent virtual square called #Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian apabila wartawan yang membuat liputan cerita itu telah dikendalikan oleh polis dan dikurung kerana melaporkan cerita itu, Twitter meletup dan orang di seluruh negara -- sememangnya, dunia -- mula menguatkan suara mereka di dataran maya yang sedang berkembang pesat bernama #Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now libertarians who have long mistrusted the heavy hand of government find themselves in common cause with social-justice progressives who cannot believe that this is happening half a century after the Civil Rights Act became law.", "r": {"result": "Kini golongan libertarian yang telah lama tidak mempercayai tangan berat kerajaan mendapati diri mereka mempunyai tujuan yang sama dengan progresif keadilan sosial yang tidak percaya bahawa ini berlaku setengah abad selepas Akta Hak Sivil menjadi undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What these citizens from the right, left and all points between are saying is simple: No one in the United States should get away with this kind of abuse of power.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang diperkatakan oleh rakyat dari kanan, kiri dan semua titik di antaranya adalah mudah: Tiada seorang pun di Amerika Syarikat harus terlepas daripada penyalahgunaan kuasa seperti ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We may disagree on taxes and health care and immigration.", "r": {"result": "Kami mungkin tidak bersetuju tentang cukai dan penjagaan kesihatan dan imigresen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But we can agree that the most basic form of civic power -- the force necessary to protect a community -- must in a democracy be subject to the kind of accountability that is utterly missing in Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kita boleh bersetuju bahawa bentuk kuasa sivik yang paling asas -- kuasa yang diperlukan untuk melindungi komuniti -- mesti dalam demokrasi tertakluk kepada jenis akauntabiliti yang hilang sama sekali dalam Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To be sure, some perspective is important: There is still so much unknown about the killing.", "r": {"result": "Yang pasti, beberapa perspektif adalah penting: Masih banyak yang tidak diketahui tentang pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Twitter wave obliterates context and thrusts forward only the most sensational aspects of a story.", "r": {"result": "Gelombang Twitter melenyapkan konteks dan memajukan hanya aspek yang paling sensasi dalam sesebuah cerita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And plenty of partisans on the left and right are taking Ferguson as a chance to bash the other side for its failed policies and ideologies.", "r": {"result": "Dan banyak partisan di kiri dan kanan mengambil Ferguson sebagai peluang untuk menyerang pihak lain kerana dasar dan ideologinya yang gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But let's be very clear.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mari kita menjadi sangat jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's happening in Ferguson is not just politics.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang berlaku di Ferguson bukan hanya politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not what historian Daniel Boorstin called a \"pseudo-event\".", "r": {"result": "Ia bukanlah apa yang disebut oleh ahli sejarah Daniel Boorstin sebagai \"peristiwa palsu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's real.", "r": {"result": "Ia nyata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a spark of anger and alienation that emerged first from African-Americans who bear the petty humiliations and mortal dangers of second-class treatment.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah percikan kemarahan dan pengasingan yang muncul pertama kali daripada orang Afrika-Amerika yang menanggung penghinaan kecil dan bahaya maut daripada layanan kelas kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now it's spreading.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang dah merebak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Complete coverage on Ferguson shooting and protests.", "r": {"result": "Liputan lengkap mengenai penembakan dan bantahan Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In this age of contagion, when pent-up frustration and a desire to change social norms can cascade quickly into tea parties or Arab Springs or marriage equality movements, it's not easy to say where this spark will lead.", "r": {"result": "Pada zaman penularan ini, apabila kekecewaan yang terpendam dan keinginan untuk mengubah norma sosial boleh melantun dengan cepat ke dalam pesta minum teh atau Arab Springs atau gerakan kesaksamaan perkahwinan, tidak mudah untuk mengatakan ke mana percikan ini akan membawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as events unfold, we would do well to ask ourselves a basic question.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila peristiwa berlaku, sebaiknya kita bertanya kepada diri sendiri soalan asas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It comes from the exam that immigrants take to become citizens of the United States, and it is surprising in its simple profundity:", "r": {"result": "Ia datang daripada peperiksaan yang diambil oleh pendatang untuk menjadi warganegara Amerika Syarikat, dan ia mengejutkan dalam kedalaman yang mudah:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What is the rule of law\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Apakah kedaulatan undang-undang\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alas, the killing of Michael Brown is awakening many to the meaning of that question -- and to the consequences of ignorance.", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, pembunuhan Michael Brown menyedarkan ramai orang kepada maksud soalan itu -- dan akibat daripada kejahilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rule of law must mean, at the barest minimum, that the government tells us which of its agents has slayed an unarmed citizen.", "r": {"result": "Kedaulatan undang-undang mesti bermakna, sekurang-kurangnya, bahawa kerajaan memberitahu kita yang mana ejennya telah membunuh seorang warganegara yang tidak bersenjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It must mean administering justice in a way that is credible, transparent and responsive to the people.", "r": {"result": "Ia mesti bermakna melaksanakan keadilan dengan cara yang boleh dipercayai, telus dan responsif kepada rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It must also mean an end to the looting in Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga mesti bermakna penamatan kepada rompakan di Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it also should have meant that we never got to a scene like Ferguson.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia juga sepatutnya bermakna kita tidak pernah sampai ke adegan seperti Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5 things to know about Michael Brown's shooting.", "r": {"result": "5 perkara yang perlu diketahui tentang penggambaran Michael Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So now it's time for each of us not to be spectators, merely watching the flames in the streets or the pundits on the screen, but to be citizens.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, sudah tiba masanya untuk setiap daripada kita tidak menjadi penonton, hanya menonton api di jalanan atau pakar di skrin, tetapi menjadi rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's time to look around our own communities and consider just how we see and treat each other.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tiba masanya untuk melihat sekeliling komuniti kita sendiri dan mempertimbangkan cara kita melihat dan memperlakukan satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How over-martialized and under-professionalized our own police forces may be.", "r": {"result": "Betapa keterlaluan dan kurang profesionalnya pasukan polis kita sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How little empathy exists among people of different races and social classes.", "r": {"result": "Betapa sedikitnya empati wujud dalam kalangan orang yang berlainan bangsa dan kelas sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How so many of our neighbors see \"the rule of law\" as a cruel, cynical joke.", "r": {"result": "Betapa ramai jiran kita melihat \"kedaulatan undang-undang\" sebagai jenaka yang kejam dan sinis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And how we can change all that.", "r": {"result": "Dan bagaimana kita boleh mengubah semua itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What if this were your town?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana jika ini adalah bandar anda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our task now is to live like it already is.", "r": {"result": "Tugas kita sekarang adalah untuk hidup seperti sedia ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- After generations of conflict, the clamor of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute has the tendency to drown out other voices and stories from the region.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Selepas konflik bergenerasi-generasi, desakan pertikaian Israel-Palestin mempunyai kecenderungan untuk menenggelamkan suara dan cerita lain dari rantau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The work of multimedia artist Dor Guez -- whose identity as a Palestinian Christian living in Israel makes him \"a minority within a minority\" -- aims to rectify this.", "r": {"result": "Karya artis multimedia Dor Guez -- yang identitinya sebagai seorang Kristian Palestin yang tinggal di Israel menjadikannya \"minoriti dalam minoriti\" -- bertujuan untuk membetulkan perkara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through the use of video, historical photographs and documents, the Jaffa-based Guez tells the narrative of a marginalized community.", "r": {"result": "Melalui penggunaan video, gambar dan dokumen sejarah, Guez yang berpangkalan di Jaffa menceritakan naratif komuniti terpinggir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not about supporting one cause or another,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bukan tentang menyokong satu sebab atau yang lain, \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's about having this voice heard among other voices\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini mengenai suara ini didengari antara suara-suara lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guez, whose first solo show in the U.K., \"40 Days,\" opens in London's Mosaic Rooms gallery on April 12, focuses on depicting the experiences of the Middle East's Palestinian Christian minorities, including his own family.", "r": {"result": "Guez, yang pertunjukan solo pertamanya di U.K., \"40 Days,\" dibuka di galeri Mosaic Rooms London pada 12 April, memfokuskan pada penggambaran pengalaman minoriti Kristian Palestin Timur Tengah, termasuk keluarganya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While his father is of Jewish-Tunisian descent, Guez's mother is a Christian Palestinian, her family hailing from Lod, known in Arabic as al-Lyddan, ancient city 15 kilometers (9 miles) southeast of Tel Aviv.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun bapanya berketurunan Yahudi-Tunisia, ibu Guez adalah seorang Kristian Palestin, keluarganya berasal dari Lod, yang dikenali dalam bahasa Arab sebagai al-Lyddan, bandar purba 15 kilometer (9 batu) tenggara Tel Aviv.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city is home to the Church of St. George, a major shrine to the 4th-century Christian martyr.", "r": {"result": "Bandar ini adalah rumah kepada Gereja St. George, sebuah kuil utama kepada martir Kristian abad ke-4.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The cemetery is where my grandfather is buried, my great-grandfather, for many generations back,\" Guez says.", "r": {"result": "\"Tanah perkuburan adalah tempat dikebumikan datuk saya, moyang saya, sejak beberapa generasi dahulu,\" kata Guez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It can be under Israeli, Turkish, British regime; we have zero control over it, being a weak and small minority -- weak in numbers, not in education.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia boleh di bawah rejim Israel, Turki, British; kita tidak mempunyai kawalan ke atasnya, sebagai minoriti yang lemah dan kecil -- lemah dalam bilangan, bukan dalam pendidikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But we have a connection to the place itself\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kami mempunyai sambungan ke tempat itu sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: A great year for Middle East cinema.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Tahun yang hebat untuk pawagam Timur Tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the territory was claimed by the newly declared state of Israel in 1948, the Arabs were expelled, with only about 1,050 remaining.", "r": {"result": "Apabila wilayah itu dituntut oleh negara Israel yang baru diisytiharkan pada tahun 1948, orang Arab telah diusir, dengan hanya kira-kira 1,050 yang tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of Guez's family resettled in London, Oman and Cairo, but others remained, finding themselves in an \"extremely complicated and difficult\" situation, he says.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian keluarga Guez menetap di London, Oman dan Kaherah, tetapi yang lain kekal, mendapati diri mereka berada dalam situasi \"sangat rumit dan sukar\", katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have pressure from both groups -- the Muslim Palestinians and the Israelis -- to identify with their goals,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mendapat tekanan daripada kedua-dua kumpulan -- Palestin Muslim dan Israel -- untuk mengenal pasti matlamat mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that in the case of the Christian Palestinians, we really got stuck in between sometimes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir dalam kes orang Kristian Palestin, kita benar-benar terperangkap di antara kadang-kadang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guez says the community had to negotiate their identity against two majority groups -- Israeli Jews and Muslim Arabs -- displaying a dual attitude towards both groups to protect their identity.", "r": {"result": "Guez berkata masyarakat itu perlu merundingkan identiti mereka terhadap dua kumpulan majoriti -- Yahudi Israel dan Arab Islam -- menunjukkan sikap dwi-dua terhadap kedua-dua kumpulan untuk melindungi identiti mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the one hand, he says, they demonstrated their will to integrate, but they also had a clear desire to maintain a distinct cultural identity.", "r": {"result": "Di satu pihak, katanya, mereka menunjukkan keinginan mereka untuk berintegrasi, tetapi mereka juga mempunyai keinginan yang jelas untuk mengekalkan identiti budaya yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Both Jewish society and Muslim society fail to understand the versatility of the Christian minority, as well as its religious, social and cultural needs,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kedua-dua masyarakat Yahudi dan masyarakat Islam gagal memahami fleksibiliti minoriti Kristian, serta keperluan agama, sosial dan budayanya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, the majority of Palestinian Christians live outside Israel and the Palestinian territories.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, majoriti penganut Kristian Palestin tinggal di luar Israel dan wilayah Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are about 120,000 Christian Arabs in Israel.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Kementerian Luar Negeri Israel, terdapat kira-kira 120,000 orang Arab Kristian di Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guez's art draws heavily on the Christian Palestinian Archive, an electronic database he started that catalogs photographs, passports, birth certificates and other documents from the community's history.", "r": {"result": "Seni Guez banyak menggunakan Arkib Kristian Palestin, pangkalan data elektronik yang dia mulakan yang mengkatalogkan gambar, pasport, sijil kelahiran dan dokumen lain dari sejarah masyarakat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It started out as a family archive but quickly snowballed to include members of the Palestinian Christian diaspora throughout the world, he says.", "r": {"result": "Ia bermula sebagai arkib keluarga tetapi dengan cepat berubah menjadi ahli diaspora Kristian Palestin di seluruh dunia, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I started thinking, 'Why don't we as a community have our own archive, when almost every culture around the world has one?", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mula berfikir, 'Mengapa kita sebagai komuniti tidak mempunyai arkib kita sendiri, sedangkan hampir setiap budaya di seluruh dunia mempunyai arkib?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' \" he says.", "r": {"result": "' \" dia cakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Obviously, it's because of political reasons.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJelas sekali, ia adalah atas sebab politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of Christians around the Middle East don't want to build an archive because it will be interpreted as a political act of separation\".", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang Kristian di sekitar Timur Tengah tidak mahu membina arkib kerana ia akan ditafsirkan sebagai tindakan pemisahan politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: Oman's love for the arts.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Kecintaan Oman terhadap seni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Omar Al-Qattan, secretary of the board of trustees behind the Mosaic Rooms, said Guez's personal background informed his work.", "r": {"result": "Omar Al-Qattan, setiausaha lembaga pemegang amanah di sebalik Bilik Mosaic, berkata latar belakang peribadi Guez memaklumkan kerjanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He is the product of two conflicting realities -- the creation of the state of Israel which made it possible for his father's Jewish Tunisian family to immigrate to Israel and the dispossession of his mother's family,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia adalah hasil daripada dua realiti yang bercanggah -- penciptaan negara Israel yang membolehkan keluarga Tunisia Yahudi bapanya berhijrah ke Israel dan kehilangan keluarga ibunya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guez's focus on the fate of the region's minorities was particularly poignant \"in a time of great sectarian tension -- in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and quite possibly elsewhere,\" Al-Qattan says.", "r": {"result": "Tumpuan Guez terhadap nasib minoriti di rantau itu amat memeritkan \"dalam masa ketegangan mazhab yang hebat -- di Mesir, Syria, Iraq dan mungkin di tempat lain,\" kata Al-Qattan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guez says his work had provoked strong reactions in Israel.", "r": {"result": "Guez berkata kerjanya telah menimbulkan reaksi keras di Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some of them are very supportive, but a lot of them are like, 'You're a traitor -- why should a museum in Israel show the narrative of Palestinians?", "r": {"result": "\"Sesetengah daripada mereka sangat menyokong, tetapi ramai daripada mereka seperti, 'Anda pengkhianat - mengapa perlu sebuah muzium di Israel menunjukkan naratif rakyat Palestin?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' \" he says.", "r": {"result": "' \" dia cakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that's a part of the dialogue with audience.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya rasa itu sebahagian daripada dialog dengan penonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would have been surprised if it was received quietly -- not that I think of what I do as something provocative.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan terkejut jika ia diterima secara senyap -- bukannya saya menganggap apa yang saya lakukan sebagai sesuatu yang provokatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rather, he says, his work is about asking \"what is nationality\" and \"creating a community through individual voices\".", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, katanya, kerjanya adalah tentang bertanya \"apa itu kewarganegaraan\" dan \"mewujudkan komuniti melalui suara individu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that what unifies people is a will,\" he says, adding that there are \"many different voices within what we call Palestine.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir bahawa apa yang menyatukan orang adalah kehendak,\" katanya, sambil menambah bahawa terdapat \"banyak suara berbeza dalam apa yang kita panggil Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that's something that's very important to remember\".", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa itu sesuatu yang sangat penting untuk diingati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Egyptian capital of Cairo has become the focus of efforts to reach a lasting cease-fire in the 10-day conflict in Gaza.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ibu kota Mesir, Kaherah telah menjadi tumpuan usaha untuk mencapai gencatan senjata yang berkekalan dalam konflik 10 hari di Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The negotiations are shrouded in secrecy.", "r": {"result": "Rundingan itu diselubungi kerahsiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But an Israeli delegation was in Cairo on Thursday amid hopes that new life can be breathed into an Egyptian effort unveiled earlier this week.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi delegasi Israel berada di Kaherah pada hari Khamis di tengah-tengah harapan bahawa kehidupan baru dapat dihirup ke dalam usaha Mesir yang diumumkan awal minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The initiative is ongoing and we are in touch with all relevant parties,\" including the United States, Israel and the Palestinians, an Egyptian official told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Inisiatif ini berterusan dan kami berhubung dengan semua pihak yang berkaitan,\" termasuk Amerika Syarikat, Israel dan Palestin, seorang pegawai Mesir memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We hope the Palestinian leaders will accept the initiative for the protection of the Palestinian people,\" he said before going on to urge Hamas \"to stop fire immediately and accept the initiative to avoid further bloodshed\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berharap pemimpin Palestin akan menerima inisiatif untuk melindungi rakyat Palestin,\" katanya sebelum menggesa Hamas \"untuk menghentikan tembakan serta-merta dan menerima inisiatif untuk mengelakkan pertumpahan darah selanjutnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Israeli team led by Yoram Cohen -- the head of Israel's domestic security agency Shin Bet -- spent several hours in Cairo, according to Egyptian sources.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Israel diketuai oleh Yoram Cohen -- ketua agensi keselamatan domestik Israel Shin Bet -- menghabiskan beberapa jam di Kaherah, menurut sumber Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli officials would not comment on the Israeli envoys' movements.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Israel tidak akan mengulas mengenai pergerakan utusan Israel itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamas also has a delegation in Cairo, even though it officially rejected the Egyptian proposal, and says the talks are continuing.", "r": {"result": "Hamas juga mempunyai delegasi di Kaherah, walaupun ia secara rasmi menolak cadangan Mesir, dan berkata rundingan itu diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Osama Hamdan, a Hamas spokesman based in Beirut, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday: \"No one is talking against having a cease-fire, but we want a fair cease-fire to protect our own people for a long time, to protect them from the Israeli military attacks, from the siege, from the arrests\".", "r": {"result": "Osama Hamdan, jurucakap Hamas yang berpangkalan di Beirut, memberitahu Wolf Blitzer CNN pada hari Rabu: \"Tiada siapa yang bercakap menentang gencatan senjata, tetapi kami mahu gencatan senjata yang adil untuk melindungi rakyat kami untuk masa yang lama, untuk melindungi mereka daripada serangan tentera Israel, daripada kepungan, daripada penangkapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, is also involved in the negotiations.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Pihak Berkuasa Palestin, Mahmoud Abbas, turut terlibat dalam rundingan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamas' demands.", "r": {"result": "Tuntutan Hamas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials close to him echo Egyptian optimism that progress is being made.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai yang rapat dengannya menyuarakan keyakinan Mesir bahawa kemajuan sedang dicapai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nabil Shaath, a member of the PLO's Central Committee, told CNN: \"I expect that we will reach an agreement very soon -- a cease-fire that will stop the bloodshed, killing and destruction in Gaza\".", "r": {"result": "Nabil Shaath, ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat PLO, memberitahu CNN: \"Saya menjangkakan kita akan mencapai persetujuan tidak lama lagi -- gencatan senjata yang akan menghentikan pertumpahan darah, pembunuhan dan kemusnahan di Gaza\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All other matters will be discussed afterwards: Hamas' demands for opening the Gaza crossings, ending the siege and releasing prisoners\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semua perkara lain akan dibincangkan selepas itu: Tuntutan Hamas untuk membuka lintasan Gaza, menamatkan kepungan dan membebaskan tahanan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among the prisoners Hamas wants freed are some who were among about 1,000 who were released as part of the 2011 deal in which captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was also freed, but have since been re-arrested.", "r": {"result": "Antara tahanan yang mahu dibebaskan oleh Hamas ialah beberapa daripada kira-kira 1,000 yang dibebaskan sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian 2011 di mana askar tawanan Israel Gilad Shalit turut dibebaskan, tetapi sejak itu telah ditangkap semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These are all legitimate demands by Hamas, but the priority is for an immediate ceasefire,\" Shaath told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni semua adalah tuntutan yang sah oleh Hamas, tetapi keutamaan adalah untuk gencatan senjata segera,\u201d kata Shaath kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another senior Palestinian official, Saeb Erakat, who is traveling with Abbas, said: \"We are trying, along with the UN, to extend the temporary humanitarian ceasefire that took place earlier today [Thursday] on a rolling basis.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi pegawai kanan Palestin, Saeb Erakat, yang dalam perjalanan bersama Abbas, berkata: \"Kami cuba, bersama-sama PBB, untuk melanjutkan gencatan senjata kemanusiaan sementara yang berlaku awal hari ini [Khamis] secara berterusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While there is no plan at this point for a comprehensive ceasefire agreement, but we are trying to extend the current one by another six or 10 hours -- or even several days if possible\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun tidak ada rancangan pada ketika ini untuk perjanjian gencatan senjata yang komprehensif, tetapi kami cuba melanjutkan perjanjian semasa enam atau 10 jam lagi -- atau bahkan beberapa hari jika boleh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the humanitarian pause for five hours Thursday was soon followed by renewed firing in both directions.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, jeda kemanusiaan selama lima jam Khamis tidak lama kemudian diikuti dengan tembakan semula di kedua-dua arah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt's role.", "r": {"result": "peranan Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The wording of the original Egyptian plan Monday said that \"during the period of the ceasefire...", "r": {"result": "Perkataan rancangan asal Mesir pada hari Isnin mengatakan bahawa \"sepanjang tempoh gencatan senjata...", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "crossings shall be opened and movements of persons and goods shall be facilitated once the security situation becomes stable\".", "r": {"result": "lintasan hendaklah dibuka dan pergerakan orang dan barang hendaklah dipermudahkan apabila keadaan keselamatan menjadi stabil\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This language and the sequencing are important, because Hamas is demanding the immediate opening of crossings so that food, medical supplies and other essential goods -- as well as the free movement of people -- can begin.", "r": {"result": "Bahasa ini dan penjujukan adalah penting, kerana Hamas menuntut pembukaan segera lintasan supaya makanan, bekalan perubatan dan barangan keperluan lain -- serta pergerakan bebas orang -- boleh bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysts say Hamas wants and needs to show the people of Gaza that it has won concessions after ten days of bombardment in which more than 200 people have been killed and thousands more have been forced to leave their homes.", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis berkata Hamas mahu dan perlu menunjukkan kepada penduduk Gaza bahawa ia telah memenangi konsesi selepas sepuluh hari pengeboman di mana lebih 200 orang telah terbunuh dan beribu-ribu lagi telah dipaksa meninggalkan rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One Israeli official told CNN that Israel's military strikes \"have been very successful,\" bringing closer the prospect of what the official called a period of \"sustainable quiet\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai Israel memberitahu CNN bahawa serangan tentera Israel \"telah sangat berjaya,\" mendekatkan prospek apa yang disebut oleh pegawai itu sebagai tempoh \"tenang yang mampan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said there was no such thing as a perfect solution, but that operations in previous years, especially Operation Cast Lead in 2008-09, had been followed by years of relative peace.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata tidak ada penyelesaian yang sempurna, tetapi operasi pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, terutamanya Operasi Cast Lead pada 2008-09, telah diikuti dengan keamanan relatif selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official also suggested that Israel -- with Egypt's help -- was ready to consider reopening the Rafah border crossing, but needed guarantees that tunnels between Egypt and Gaza would not be dug anew.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu juga mencadangkan Israel -- dengan bantuan Mesir -- bersedia untuk mempertimbangkan untuk membuka semula lintasan sempadan Rafah, tetapi memerlukan jaminan bahawa terowong antara Mesir dan Gaza tidak akan digali semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tunnels have been used for smuggling weapons and material for making rockets.", "r": {"result": "Terowong telah digunakan untuk menyeludup senjata dan bahan untuk membuat roket.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he said that the government of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Cairo was much more cooperative than that of its predecessor, Mohamed Morsy, in sealing the tunnels.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia berkata bahawa kerajaan Presiden Mesir Abdel Fattah el-Sisi di Kaherah adalah lebih kerjasama daripada yang terdahulu, Mohamed Morsy, dalam menutup terowong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This would bring Israel closer to its goal of what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has described as the demilitarization of Gaza.", "r": {"result": "Ini akan membawa Israel lebih dekat kepada matlamatnya yang disifatkan oleh Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu sebagai demilitarisasi Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We agreed to the Egyptian proposal in order to give an opportunity for the demilitarization of the [Gaza] Strip -- from missiles, from rockets and from tunnels -- through diplomatic means,\" he said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami bersetuju dengan cadangan Mesir untuk memberi peluang untuk demilitarisasi Semenanjung [Gaza] -- daripada peluru berpandu, dari roket dan dari terowong -- melalui cara diplomatik,\" katanya pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Observers say that for Israel, allowing the Egyptians a diplomatic triumph in brokering a deal would be a small price to pay for close coordination in preventing Hamas from replenishing its armory.", "r": {"result": "Pemerhati mengatakan bahawa bagi Israel, membenarkan Mesir mencapai kejayaan diplomatik dalam pembrokeran perjanjian akan menjadi harga yang kecil untuk membayar penyelarasan rapat dalam menghalang Hamas daripada menambah senjatanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli officials say they believe Hamas is isolated diplomatically and in the Arab world, and are encouraged by the absence of protests across the Arab world in support of Hamas.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Israel berkata mereka percaya Hamas terpencil secara diplomatik dan di dunia Arab, dan digalakkan oleh ketiadaan protes di seluruh dunia Arab untuk menyokong Hamas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other efforts.", "r": {"result": "Usaha lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Egyptian initiative is not the only game in town, with President Abbas due to travel to Turkey on Friday, according to Shaath.", "r": {"result": "Inisiatif Mesir bukanlah satu-satunya permainan di bandar ini, dengan Presiden Abbas akan pergi ke Turki pada hari Jumaat, menurut Shaath.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Diplomats say Turkey and Qatar have been working on a different formula for a cease-fire, with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu saying he is involved in \"intense diplomacy\" to reach a truce.", "r": {"result": "Diplomat berkata Turki dan Qatar telah mengusahakan formula berbeza untuk gencatan senjata, dengan Menteri Luar Turki Ahmet Davutoglu berkata beliau terlibat dalam \"diplomasi sengit\" untuk mencapai gencatan senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamas' political leader Khaled Meshaal --- who lives in Qatar -- also was in Turkey this week.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin politik Hamas, Khaled Meshaal --- yang tinggal di Qatar -- juga berada di Turki minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Israel is unlikely to give that track the time of day.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Israel tidak mungkin memberikan trek itu masa hari itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its relations with Turkey are poor, and won't be improved after Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of attempting \"systematic genocide\" of the Palestinian people.", "r": {"result": "Hubungannya dengan Turki adalah lemah, dan tidak akan diperbaiki selepas Perdana Menteri Turki Tayyip Erdogan menuduh Israel cuba \"pembunuhan beramai-ramai secara sistematik\" terhadap rakyat Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And both Egypt and Israel are wary of Qatar's ambitions in the region, and its close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood.", "r": {"result": "Dan kedua-dua Mesir dan Israel berhati-hati dengan cita-cita Qatar di rantau ini, dan hubungan rapatnya dengan Ikhwanul Muslimin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood have fled to Qatar since Morsy was ousted as President last year.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa anggota Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir telah melarikan diri ke Qatar sejak Morsy digulingkan sebagai Presiden tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Humanitarian cease-fire ends in Gaza.", "r": {"result": "Gencatan senjata kemanusiaan berakhir di Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'They went to the beach to play': Deaths of 4 children add to growing toll in Gaza conflict.", "r": {"result": "'Mereka pergi ke pantai untuk bermain': Kematian 4 kanak-kanak menambah jumlah korban dalam konflik Gaza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mideast crisis: How it's happened and why we should care.", "r": {"result": "Krisis Timur Tengah: Bagaimana ia berlaku dan mengapa kita perlu mengambil berat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Salma Abdelaziz, Kareem Khadeer and Ali Younes contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Salma Abdelaziz dari CNN, Kareem Khadeer dan Ali Younes menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- A federal judge ruled on Thursday to allow same-sex couples to marry in California, starting on August 18, handing another victory to supporters of gay rights in a case that both sides have said is likely to end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Seorang hakim persekutuan memutuskan pada hari Khamis untuk membenarkan pasangan sejenis berkahwin di California, bermula pada 18 Ogos, memberikan satu lagi kemenangan kepada penyokong hak gay dalam kes yang kedua-dua belah pihak berkata berkemungkinan akan berakhir di Mahkamah Agung A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker in San Francisco struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage last week, ruling that voter-approved Proposition 8 violates the U.S. Constitution.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Hakim Daerah A.S. Vaughn Walker di San Francisco telah membatalkan larangan negeri itu terhadap perkahwinan sejenis minggu lalu, memutuskan bahawa Proposisi 8 yang diluluskan oleh pengundi melanggar Perlembagaan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Walker had issued a temporary stay on his decision, which on Thursday he said he would lift.", "r": {"result": "Walker telah mengeluarkan penangguhan sementara atas keputusannya, yang pada hari Khamis dia berkata dia akan membatalkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The high-profile case is being watched closely by supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage, as many say it is likely to make its way to the U.S. Supreme Court.", "r": {"result": "Kes berprofil tinggi itu diperhatikan dengan teliti oleh penyokong dan penentang perkahwinan sejenis, kerana ramai yang mengatakan ia berkemungkinan akan sampai ke Mahkamah Agung A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If it does, the case could result in a landmark decision on whether people in the United States are allowed to marry others of the same sex.", "r": {"result": "Jika ia berlaku, kes itu boleh mengakibatkan keputusan penting sama ada orang di Amerika Syarikat dibenarkan berkahwin dengan orang yang sama jantina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Same-sex marriage is legal in five U.S. states and in the District of Columbia, while civil unions are permitted in New Jersey.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan sejenis adalah sah di lima negeri A.S. dan di Daerah Columbia, manakala kesatuan sivil dibenarkan di New Jersey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The five states are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa and New Hampshire.", "r": {"result": "Lima negeri itu ialah Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa dan New Hampshire.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Same-sex couples in California were permitted to marry, briefly, before Proposition 8 passed in 2008.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan sejenis di California dibenarkan berkahwin, secara ringkas, sebelum Proposisi 8 diluluskan pada tahun 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today's ruling means that in less than one week, equality under the law will be restored for millions of loving families across California,\" said Rick Jacobs, founder of the Courage Campaign.", "r": {"result": "\"Keputusan hari ini bermakna dalam masa kurang daripada satu minggu, kesaksamaan di bawah undang-undang akan dipulihkan untuk berjuta-juta keluarga penyayang di seluruh California,\" kata Rick Jacobs, pengasas Kempen Keberanian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dozens of same-sex couples gathered outside City Hall in San Francisco ahead of Walker's decision, hoping they would be allowed to marry.", "r": {"result": "Berpuluh-puluh pasangan sejenis berkumpul di luar Dewan Bandaraya di San Francisco menjelang keputusan Walker, dengan harapan mereka akan dibenarkan berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many waved rainbow flags and carried signs that read: \" 'I DO' support the freedom to marry\".", "r": {"result": "Ramai yang mengibarkan bendera pelangi dan membawa papan tanda bertulis: \"'SAYA' menyokong kebebasan untuk berkahwin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The crowd erupted in cheers after the judge's decision, though couples there must now wait at least another week or so to get married.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai bersorak gembira selepas keputusan hakim, walaupun pasangan di sana kini perlu menunggu sekurang-kurangnya seminggu lagi untuk berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Proposition 8 is part of a long line of seesaw rulings, court cases, debates and protests over the controversial issue of same-sex marriage.", "r": {"result": "Proposisi 8 adalah sebahagian daripada barisan panjang keputusan jungkat-jungkit, kes mahkamah, perbahasan dan bantahan berhubung isu kontroversi perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Proposition 8 defines marriage as a union between a man and woman and passed in California with some 52 percent of the vote in November 2008.", "r": {"result": "Proposisi 8 mentakrifkan perkahwinan sebagai penyatuan antara seorang lelaki dan wanita dan diluluskan di California dengan kira-kira 52 peratus undian pada November 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opponents of same-sex marriage have said their best bet lies with higher courts and have appealed the federal judge's ruling.", "r": {"result": "Penentang perkahwinan sejenis telah berkata pertaruhan terbaik mereka terletak pada mahkamah yang lebih tinggi dan telah merayu keputusan hakim persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case heads next to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals before possibly going to the U.S. Supreme Court.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu menuju di sebelah Mahkamah Rayuan Litar A.S. ke-9 sebelum mungkin pergi ke Mahkamah Agung A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By allowing his stay to remain in place until August 18, Walker gave supporters of Proposition 8 more time for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to weigh in on the case.", "r": {"result": "Dengan membenarkan penginapannya kekal di tempatnya sehingga 18 Ogos, Walker memberi penyokong Proposition 8 lebih banyak masa untuk Mahkamah Rayuan Litar A.S. ke-9 untuk mempertimbangkan kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The appeals court could allow same-sex marriages to move forward, or it could put them on hold indefinitely as the case winds its way through the legal system.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah rayuan boleh membenarkan perkahwinan sejenis diteruskan, atau ia boleh menangguhkan mereka selama-lamanya apabila kes itu merebak melalui sistem perundangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Judge Walker is in fact making victims out of these people who might now go get married and then not know what the status of their relationship is,\" said Tom McClusky, a leader of the legislative arm of the Family Research Council, which does not support same-sex marriage.", "r": {"result": "\"Hakim Walker sebenarnya menjadikan mangsa daripada orang-orang ini yang kini mungkin akan berkahwin dan kemudian tidak mengetahui status hubungan mereka,\" kata Tom McClusky, ketua cabang perundangan Majlis Penyelidikan Keluarga, yang tidak menyokong perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People in the United States are split over the idea of allowing same-sex couples to marry.", "r": {"result": "Orang di Amerika Syarikat berpecah belah kerana idea membenarkan pasangan sejenis berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Forty-nine percent of respondents said they think gay and lesbian couples have the constitutional right to marry and to have their marriages recognized by law, while 51 percent said those rights do not exist, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll.", "r": {"result": "Empat puluh sembilan peratus responden berkata mereka berpendapat pasangan gay dan lesbian mempunyai hak perlembagaan untuk berkahwin dan perkahwinan mereka diiktiraf oleh undang-undang, manakala 51 peratus berkata hak tersebut tidak wujud, menurut Tinjauan Perbadanan Penyelidikan CNN/Pendapat yang baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The president's top counterterrorism adviser says there is indisputable evidence that dozens of terrorist groups have sought weapons of mass destruction.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Penasihat antikeganasan tertinggi presiden berkata terdapat bukti yang tidak dapat dipertikaikan bahawa berpuluh-puluh kumpulan pengganas telah mencari senjata pemusnah besar-besaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a U.S. intelligence official who is not authorized to speak for attribution said although al Qaeda clearly wants a nuclear weapons capability, it hasn't gotten very far.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi seorang pegawai perisikan A.S. yang tidak diberi kuasa untuk bercakap untuk pengiktirafan berkata walaupun al Qaeda jelas mahukan keupayaan senjata nuklear, ia tidak begitu jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At this point, they don't appear to have made much progress, but we continue to review every bit of information that comes in to determine whether they've advanced their efforts in any way whatsoever,\" said the official.", "r": {"result": "\"Pada ketika ini, mereka nampaknya tidak membuat banyak kemajuan, tetapi kami terus menyemak setiap maklumat yang masuk untuk menentukan sama ada mereka telah memajukan usaha mereka dalam apa cara sekalipun,\" kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Developing a nuclear device involves a highly sophisticated technical process, and al Qaeda doesn't seem to have mastered it based on what we know now\".", "r": {"result": "\"Membangunkan peranti nuklear melibatkan proses teknikal yang sangat canggih, dan al Qaeda nampaknya tidak menguasainya berdasarkan apa yang kita ketahui sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The concern that terrorists will get hold of nuclear material and use it in an attack is a far greater threat than the older concern of global nuclear war, according to the president's Nuclear Posture Review.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan bahawa pengganas akan mendapatkan bahan nuklear dan menggunakannya dalam serangan adalah ancaman yang jauh lebih besar daripada kebimbangan lama perang nuklear global, menurut Kajian Postur Nuklear presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a briefing kicking off President Obama's nuclear security summit on Monday, presidential adviser John Brennan said al Qaeda in particular has been actively trying to acquire a nuclear weapon for the past 15 years.", "r": {"result": "Pada taklimat memulakan sidang kemuncak keselamatan nuklear Presiden Obama pada hari Isnin, penasihat presiden John Brennan berkata al Qaeda khususnya telah secara aktif cuba memperoleh senjata nuklear sejak 15 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Al Qaeda is especially notable for its longstanding interest in weapons [of] useable nuclear material and the requisite expertise that would allow it to develop a yield-producing improvised nuclear device,\" said Brennan.", "r": {"result": "\"Al Qaeda amat terkenal kerana minatnya yang lama dalam senjata [dari] bahan nuklear yang boleh digunakan dan kepakaran yang diperlukan yang membolehkannya membangunkan peranti nuklear buatan yang menghasilkan hasil,\" kata Brennan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With a nuclear capability, al Qaeda would be able to achieve what Brennan called its sole objective.", "r": {"result": "Dengan keupayaan nuklear, al Qaeda akan dapat mencapai apa yang disebut oleh Brennan sebagai objektif tunggalnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They would have the ability not only to threaten our security and world order in an unprecedented manner, but also to kill and injure many thousands of innocent men, women and children,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka akan mempunyai keupayaan bukan sahaja untuk mengancam keselamatan dan ketenteraman dunia kita dengan cara yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini, tetapi juga untuk membunuh dan mencederakan beribu-ribu lelaki, wanita dan kanak-kanak yang tidak bersalah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials are concerned not only about the possibility that terrorists could get full-fledged nuclear weapons, but also about the threat that radioactive material could be spread by simpler devices.", "r": {"result": "Para pegawai bimbang bukan sahaja tentang kemungkinan pengganas boleh mendapatkan senjata nuklear sepenuhnya, tetapi juga tentang ancaman bahawa bahan radioaktif boleh disebarkan oleh peranti yang lebih mudah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen wrote in 2008 that \"there is plenty of evidence that [al Qaeda] has experimented with crude chemical and biological weapons, and also attempted to acquire radioactive materials suitable for a 'dirty' bomb, a device that marries conventional explosives to radioactive materials\".", "r": {"result": "Penganalisis keselamatan negara CNN Peter Bergen menulis pada tahun 2008 bahawa \"terdapat banyak bukti bahawa [al Qaeda] telah bereksperimen dengan senjata kimia dan biologi mentah, dan juga cuba untuk memperoleh bahan radioaktif yang sesuai untuk bom 'kotor', peranti yang mengawinkan senjata konvensional. bahan letupan kepada bahan radioaktif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Organized crime and criminal gangs are well aware of the terrorist group's interest in acquiring bomb-making materials, which has led criminals to pursue getting those items for their own profit, according to Brennan.", "r": {"result": "Jenayah terancang dan kumpulan penjenayah amat menyedari minat kumpulan pengganas itu dalam memperoleh bahan pembuatan bom, yang telah menyebabkan penjenayah mengejar mendapatkan barangan tersebut untuk keuntungan mereka sendiri, menurut Brennan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When pressed by reporters about whether there was specific intelligence indicating an active threat now, Brennan would only say, \"I think you can point to a lot of al Qaeda activities and public statements that underscore their determination to carry out attacks against the U.S. and Western interests\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila ditekan oleh wartawan tentang sama ada terdapat perisikan khusus yang menunjukkan ancaman aktif sekarang, Brennan hanya akan berkata, \"Saya fikir anda boleh menunjukkan banyak aktiviti al Qaeda dan kenyataan awam yang menekankan keazaman mereka untuk melakukan serangan terhadap A.S. dan Barat. kepentingan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nuclear weapons expert David Albright said it is unclear what terrorists are up to and when they might act.", "r": {"result": "Pakar senjata nuklear David Albright berkata tidak jelas apa yang dilakukan oleh pengganas dan bila mereka mungkin bertindak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All the evidence supports that al Qaeda is looking to try to gather the capabilities to make a nuclear weapon.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemua bukti menyokong bahawa al Qaeda sedang mencari untuk cuba mengumpulkan keupayaan untuk membuat senjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not easy to do.", "r": {"result": "Bukan senang nak buat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they're learning,\" he told CNN on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka sedang belajar,\" katanya kepada CNN pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're doing the things that one would need to do to get nuclear weapons -- get help from those who know, start looking around for loose nukes ... look into black markets, can you buy it?", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka melakukan perkara yang perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan senjata nuklear -- dapatkan bantuan daripada mereka yang tahu, mula mencari-cari nuklear longgar... lihat pasaran gelap, bolehkah anda membelinya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why this summit is so important.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya sidang kemuncak ini sangat penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We do need to secure the nuclear explosive materials much better.", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu mengamankan bahan letupan nuklear dengan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it has to be done internationally\".", "r": {"result": "Dan ia perlu dilakukan di peringkat antarabangsa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A new report released on Monday indicates there have been 18 documented cases of theft or loss of the two key ingredients of a nuclear weapon.", "r": {"result": "Laporan baru yang dikeluarkan pada hari Isnin menunjukkan terdapat 18 kes kecurian atau kehilangan dua bahan utama senjata nuklear yang didokumenkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Securing the Bomb 2010,\" a report from the Nuclear Threat Initiative, cites two incidents in particular.", "r": {"result": "\"Menjaga Bom 2010,\" laporan daripada Inisiatif Ancaman Nuklear, memetik dua insiden khususnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In November 2007, a group of armed men attacked a nuclear facility in South Africa that contained hundreds of kilograms of highly enriched uranium.", "r": {"result": "Pada November 2007, sekumpulan lelaki bersenjata menyerang kemudahan nuklear di Afrika Selatan yang mengandungi ratusan kilogram uranium yang sangat diperkaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The men were stopped, but they escaped capture.", "r": {"result": "Orang-orang itu dihalang, tetapi mereka terlepas dari ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in February 2006, a Russian man was arrested in the country of Georgia with nearly 80 grams of highly enriched uranium.", "r": {"result": "Dan pada Februari 2006, seorang lelaki Rusia telah ditangkap di negara Georgia dengan hampir 80 gram uranium yang sangat diperkaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was some evidence suggesting the uranium came from a Russian nuclear fuel plant.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat beberapa bukti yang menunjukkan uranium berasal dari loji bahan api nuklear Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The author of a book called \"Peddling Peril,\" Albright also worries about whether Pakistan's nuclear stockpile is secure, despite assurances from both the United States and Pakistan that it is.", "r": {"result": "Pengarang buku berjudul \"Peddling Peril,\" Albright juga bimbang sama ada simpanan nuklear Pakistan selamat, walaupun jaminan dari Amerika Syarikat dan Pakistan bahawa ia adalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pakistan \"has had many leaks from its program of classified information and sensitive nuclear equipment, and so you have to worry that it could be acquired in Pakistan,\" Albright said.", "r": {"result": "Pakistan \"mempunyai banyak kebocoran daripada program maklumat sulit dan peralatan nuklear sensitifnya, jadi anda perlu bimbang ia boleh diperoleh di Pakistan,\" kata Albright.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However the U.S. intelligence official said there is no indication that terrorists have gotten anything from Pakistan, and added there is confidence right now in Pakistan's security apparatus.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun pegawai perisikan A.S. berkata tidak ada petunjuk bahawa pengganas telah mendapat apa-apa daripada Pakistan, dan menambah terdapat keyakinan pada aparat keselamatan Pakistan sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Pakistanis store their nuclear stockpile in a way that makes it difficult to put the pieces together; that is, components are located in different places.", "r": {"result": "Orang Pakistan menyimpan stok nuklear mereka dengan cara yang menyukarkan untuk meletakkan kepingan itu bersama-sama; iaitu komponen terletak di tempat yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official said Pakistan has put the appropriate safeguards in place.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu berkata Pakistan telah meletakkan perlindungan yang sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jerusalem (CNN) -- Israel approved construction permits for more than 550 settlement units in East Jerusalem, officials said, escalating tensions with Palestinians amid negotiations.", "r": {"result": "Baitulmaqdis (CNN) -- Israel meluluskan permit pembinaan untuk lebih 550 unit penempatan di Baitulmaqdis Timur, kata pegawai, meningkatkan ketegangan dengan rakyat Palestin di tengah-tengah rundingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The city council committee Wednesday evening approved issuing the construction permits, which is considered the last stage before building of settlements can start.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa majlis bandar raya petang Rabu meluluskan pengeluaran permit pembinaan, yang dianggap peringkat terakhir sebelum pembinaan penempatan boleh dimulakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The local planning and building committee had dealt with request of private enterprises to approve building permits for 386 units in Har Homa, 136 units in Neve Yakov and 36 units in Pisgat Zeev for plans approved years ago,\" the Jerusalem municipality said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Jawatankuasa perancangan dan bangunan tempatan telah menangani permintaan perusahaan swasta untuk meluluskan permit bangunan untuk 386 unit di Har Homa, 136 unit di Neve Yakov dan 36 unit di Pisgat Zeev untuk pelan yang diluluskan beberapa tahun lalu,\" kata majlis perbandaran Jerusalem dalam satu kenyataan. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The areas are considered disputed, with settlements illegal under international law.", "r": {"result": "Kawasan itu dianggap dipertikaikan, dengan penempatan haram di bawah undang-undang antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A member of the municipality council rejected the plans.", "r": {"result": "Seorang ahli majlis perbandaran menolak rancangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I oppose to this annexation for new buildings, what Israel and the municipality are doing is constructing unilaterally without consultation with anyone,\" said Pepe Alola, who also serves as chairman of Meretz party.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menentang pengilhakan ini untuk bangunan baharu, apa yang Israel dan perbandaran lakukan adalah membina secara unilateral tanpa berunding dengan sesiapa,\" kata Pepe Alola, yang juga berkhidmat sebagai pengerusi parti Meretz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Israeli settlement watch group described it as another blow to peace efforts.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah kumpulan pemerhati penempatan Israel menyifatkan ia sebagai satu lagi tamparan kepada usaha damai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a shameful decision for a government that seeks a solution for a two-state solution would choose to issue so many permits for settlements units in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah satu keputusan yang memalukan bagi kerajaan yang mencari penyelesaian untuk penyelesaian dua negara akan memilih untuk mengeluarkan begitu banyak permit bagi unit penempatan di Baitulmaqdis Timur dan Tebing Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is not the first time ... just another development of making a solution for Jerusalem much more difficult,\" said Lior Amihai, deputy director of Peace Now.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan kali pertama ... hanya satu lagi perkembangan untuk membuat penyelesaian untuk Baitulmaqdis jauh lebih sukar,\" kata Lior Amihai, timbalan pengarah Peace Now.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palestinian officials said it will sabotage ongoing talks between the two sides.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Palestin berkata ia akan mensabotaj rundingan yang sedang berjalan antara kedua-dua pihak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is deliberately sending a strong message to the United States, Europe and the rest of the world that he has no intention of adhering to international law and the will of the international community,\" said Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestinian Executive Committee.", "r": {"result": "\"Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu sengaja menghantar mesej yang kuat kepada Amerika Syarikat, Eropah dan seluruh dunia bahawa beliau tidak berniat untuk mematuhi undang-undang antarabangsa dan kehendak masyarakat antarabangsa,\" kata Hanan Ashrawi, ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In July, U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry engaged Israelis and Palestinians to start a nine-month negotiation process that will lead to a framework on future agreements.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Julai, Setiausaha Negara A.S. John Kerry melibatkan rakyat Israel dan Palestin untuk memulakan proses rundingan sembilan bulan yang akan membawa kepada rangka kerja perjanjian masa depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the April deadline nears, efforts have not yielded any agreement.", "r": {"result": "Apabila tarikh akhir April semakin hampir, usaha tidak membuahkan sebarang persetujuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israel seized Jerusalem in 1967 and later annexed the city unilaterally, a move the international community does not recognize.", "r": {"result": "Israel merampas Baitulmaqdis pada tahun 1967 dan kemudian mengilhakkan bandar itu secara unilateral, satu langkah yang tidak diakui oleh masyarakat antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be part of their future state in any final status negotiations.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Palestin mahu Baitulmaqdis Timur menjadi sebahagian daripada negara masa depan mereka dalam sebarang rundingan status terakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israel considers Jerusalem its \"eternal and undivided \" capital.", "r": {"result": "Israel menganggap Baitulmaqdis sebagai ibu kotanya yang \"kekal dan tidak berbelah bahagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It is the place where the \"Air Ball\" chant was invented.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ia adalah tempat di mana nyanyian \"Air Ball\" dicipta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is or has been home to Crazy Towel Guy, Viking Guy and Bunch of Guys.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah atau telah menjadi rumah kepada Crazy Towel Guy, Viking Guy dan Bunch of Guys.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A man once distracted an opponent's free-throw shooter by rising from his seat and dancing while wearing a dark blue Speedo and nothing else.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki pernah mengalih perhatian penembak lontaran percuma lawan dengan bangkit dari tempat duduknya dan menari sambil memakai Speedo biru tua dan tidak ada yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That guy became a pastor.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki itu menjadi paderi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The college basketball fans at Cameron Indoor Stadium, where there are just 9,314 seats, are not only known for being loud, they take pride in getting into opponents' heads.", "r": {"result": "Peminat bola keranjang kolej di Stadium Tertutup Cameron, di mana hanya terdapat 9,314 tempat duduk, bukan sahaja terkenal dengan suara yang lantang, mereka juga berbangga apabila mendapat tempat di kepala lawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are a coordinated cacophony that gives the Duke Blue Devils a home-court advantage only a handful of teams have.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah hiruk-pikuk yang diselaraskan yang memberikan Duke Blue Devils kelebihan gelanggang rumah yang hanya dimiliki oleh segelintir pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Duke University has won nearly 84% of its games in Cameron since 1940.", "r": {"result": "Universiti Duke telah memenangi hampir 84% permainannya di Cameron sejak 1940.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Cameron Crazies are so famous, they were even in a Coke commercial.", "r": {"result": "Cameron Crazies sangat terkenal, malah mereka pernah dalam iklan Coke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But recently, the young fans have been the subject of scorn from former Crazies, other basketball fans, the media and even Duke's legendary coach, Mike Krzyzewski.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi baru-baru ini, peminat muda telah menjadi bahan cemuhan daripada bekas Crazies, peminat bola keranjang lain, media dan juga jurulatih legenda Duke, Mike Krzyzewski.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They haven't been their old selves, and they haven't been filling the undergraduate students section, not even to cheer on a top-10 team.", "r": {"result": "Mereka bukan diri lama mereka, dan mereka tidak mengisi bahagian pelajar sarjana muda, malah tidak untuk bersorak dengan pasukan 10 terbaik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Duke has 1,000 spots for undergrads but has sold up to 400 of those seats to other Duke fans this year.", "r": {"result": "Duke mempunyai 1,000 tempat untuk pelajar bawahan tetapi telah menjual sehingga 400 daripada tempat duduk tersebut kepada peminat Duke yang lain tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Duke enters the heart of conference play, student attendance has picked up recently, senior Ellie Garrett, one of two student ticket line monitors, said in an e-mail.", "r": {"result": "Ketika Duke memasuki nadi permainan persidangan, kehadiran pelajar telah meningkat baru-baru ini, kata senior Ellie Garrett, salah seorang daripada dua pemantau laluan tiket pelajar, dalam e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The smaller undergrad crowds is not a new trend; there have been fewer of them in Section 17 for the past few seasons.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai undergrad yang lebih kecil bukanlah satu trend baharu; terdapat lebih sedikit daripada mereka dalam Seksyen 17 untuk beberapa musim yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this season, the lack of passion has been noticeable.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi musim ini, kekurangan keghairahan telah ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coach K had these words after a January victory at Maryland, according to the Chronicle: \"This team is trying to develop and don't just watch them, be with them.", "r": {"result": "Jurulatih K mempunyai kata-kata ini selepas kemenangan Januari di Maryland, menurut Chronicle: \"Pasukan ini cuba berkembang dan bukan hanya menonton mereka, bersama mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They need your support.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memerlukan sokongan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This Saturday let's be out there at noon [they won against St. John's] and be the Cameron Crazies.", "r": {"result": "Sabtu ini mari kita berada di luar sana pada tengah hari [mereka menang menentang St. John's] dan menjadi Cameron Crazies.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you don't want to do it, then don't, but it will be a mistake.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda tidak mahu melakukannya, maka jangan, tetapi ia akan menjadi satu kesilapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think sometimes you just take things for granted\".", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa kadang-kadang awak ambil mudah sahaja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The students responded to the coach's call; Garrett said Section 17 was over capacity.", "r": {"result": "Para pelajar menyahut panggilan jurulatih; Garrett berkata Seksyen 17 melebihi kapasiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Longtime Duke fan Julian King says there are several reasons Cameron is a different place these days.", "r": {"result": "Peminat lama Duke Julian King berkata terdapat beberapa sebab Cameron menjadi tempat yang berbeza hari ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "King -- who grew up in Durham, has seen hundreds of games in Cameron and runs the message board forum Duke Basketball Report -- points a finger at a tech-rich culture, a student body more focused on academics, conference expansion and the team's \"ridiculous success\".", "r": {"result": "King -- yang dibesarkan di Durham, telah melihat ratusan permainan di Cameron dan mengendalikan forum papan mesej Duke Basketball Report -- menuding jari pada budaya yang kaya dengan teknologi, sebuah badan pelajar yang lebih tertumpu pada akademik, pengembangan persidangan dan pasukan \"kejayaan yang tidak masuk akal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No question Duke is one of the most beloved teams and one of the most hated -- in large part because it wins so much.", "r": {"result": "Tidak mengapa Duke adalah salah satu pasukan yang paling disayangi dan salah satu yang paling dibenci -- sebahagian besarnya kerana ia menang begitu banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With four national titles and fourth place on the all-time victories list, the Blue Devils are on TV and the front pages of newspapers and sports websites constantly.", "r": {"result": "Dengan empat gelaran kebangsaan dan tempat keempat dalam senarai kemenangan sepanjang zaman, Blue Devils sentiasa berada di TV dan muka depan akhbar dan laman web sukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People get spoiled; they get used to (winning),\" King said.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai menjadi manja; mereka terbiasa dengan (menang),\" kata King.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But the secret of Cameron, and people who haven't been around a while don't realize, but Cameron really became a great place out of frustration\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi rahsia Cameron, dan orang yang sudah lama tidak ke sana tidak menyedari, tetapi Cameron benar-benar menjadi tempat yang hebat kerana kekecewaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He explained that in the 1970s, other teams came in with their stars -- David Thompson of North Carolina State, John Lucas of Maryland and Phil Ford of North Carolina -- and whipped Duke's butt.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjelaskan bahawa pada 1970-an, pasukan lain datang dengan bintang mereka -- David Thompson dari North Carolina State, John Lucas dari Maryland dan Phil Ford dari North Carolina -- dan menyebat punggung Duke.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since there was no beating them on the court, Duke fans turned to making fun of them, King said.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan tidak ada yang mengalahkan mereka di gelanggang, peminat Duke berpaling untuk mengejek mereka, kata King.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And those fans, including the most raucous ones known as Bunch of Guys, were often hilarious and often downright offensive.", "r": {"result": "Dan peminat-peminat itu, termasuk yang paling riuh yang dikenali sebagai Bunch of Guys, selalunya kelakar dan selalunya menyinggung perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Caulton Tudor, columnist for the News & Observer in Raleigh, said the fans sometimes crossed the line, but they were spontaneous.", "r": {"result": "Caulton Tudor, kolumnis untuk Berita & Pemerhati di Raleigh, berkata peminat kadang-kadang melepasi garisan, tetapi mereka spontan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They've turned into the Mormon Tabernacle Choir,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka telah bertukar menjadi Koir Mormon Tabernacle,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They are orchestrated.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka didalangi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everybody knows exactly what's next\".", "r": {"result": "Semua orang tahu apa yang seterusnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Duke, students will work on a cheer sheet and hand them out to those who attend games.", "r": {"result": "Di Duke, pelajar akan membuat helaian sorak dan menyerahkannya kepada mereka yang menghadiri permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some students have complained that new cheers are needed.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pelajar telah mengadu bahawa sorakan baru diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also say there needs to be better coordination.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga mengatakan perlu ada penyelarasan yang lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are other factors at play, King and Tudor said, and these could affect all schools.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat faktor lain yang bermain, King dan Tudor berkata, dan ini boleh menjejaskan semua sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the early 1980s, when Coach K was new to Duke and the Devils were beginning to win consistently again, there were no fans texting on cellphones or updating Facebook pages, Tudor said.", "r": {"result": "Pada awal 1980-an, apabila Jurulatih K baru bersama Duke dan Devils mula menang secara konsisten sekali lagi, tiada peminat menghantar mesej melalui telefon bimbit atau mengemas kini halaman Facebook, kata Tudor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sure, some brought books so they could study during breaks, but their attention spans were longer and more focused on basketball.", "r": {"result": "Pasti, ada yang membawa buku supaya mereka boleh belajar semasa rehat, tetapi rentang perhatian mereka lebih panjang dan lebih tertumpu pada bola keranjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These days, not so much.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, tidak begitu banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There also were no huge TVs in the dorms, where students don't have to wait for hours in cold lines to get into the arena, where they might stand (or jump up and down) in closer-than-close quarters for three-plus hours.", "r": {"result": "Juga tiada TV besar di asrama, di mana pelajar tidak perlu menunggu berjam-jam dalam barisan sejuk untuk masuk ke arena, di mana mereka mungkin berdiri (atau melompat ke atas dan ke bawah) dalam suku yang lebih dekat daripada dekat selama tiga- tambah jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today's students can also watch anywhere on campus on computers or smartphones.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar masa kini juga boleh menonton di mana-mana sahaja di kampus menggunakan komputer atau telefon pintar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And there are now 12 teams in the Atlantic Coast Conference (two more schools join the league next season), and old school rivalries have been diminished as a result, said Tudor, who has seen more than 300 games in Cameron since 1957.", "r": {"result": "Dan kini terdapat 12 pasukan dalam Persidangan Pantai Atlantik (dua lagi sekolah menyertai liga musim depan), dan saingan sekolah lama telah berkurangan akibatnya, kata Tudor, yang telah menyaksikan lebih daripada 300 perlawanan di Cameron sejak 1957.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like many superconferences, the ACC has grown so big that schools sometimes play conference opponents only once a year instead of twice.", "r": {"result": "Seperti kebanyakan persidangan super, ACC telah berkembang begitu besar sehinggakan sekolah kadangkala bermain lawan persidangan hanya sekali setahun dan bukannya dua kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Duke, it means people don't care about some games as much anymore, King said.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Duke, ini bermakna orang ramai tidak begitu mengambil berat tentang beberapa permainan lagi, kata King.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hard to get worked up about a revenge game if a year separates a loss and the next contest.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk memikirkan perlawanan balas dendam jika setahun memisahkan kekalahan dan pertandingan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Things will get better, Jeff Kovacs, a former crazy known as Mullet Man, wrote in a letter to Blue Devil fans on Duke Basketball Report.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan akan menjadi lebih baik, Jeff Kovacs, bekas orang gila yang dikenali sebagai Mullet Man, menulis dalam surat kepada peminat Blue Devil di Duke Basketball Report.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You may think that the Crazies aren't up to the standards of the past, but maybe this current crop is merely going through its own growing pains,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda mungkin berfikir bahawa orang Gila tidak mencapai standard masa lalu, tetapi mungkin tanaman semasa ini hanya melalui kesakitannya sendiri,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Maybe they aren't spoiled and complacent.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMungkin mereka tidak manja dan leka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maybe they are learning on the job\".", "r": {"result": "Mungkin mereka sedang belajar di tempat kerja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Garrett wrote that students were anxious to be part of the tradition.", "r": {"result": "Garrett menulis bahawa pelajar ingin menjadi sebahagian daripada tradisi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People are painting up, making signs, and counting down the minutes until the doors to Cameron open,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai sedang melukis, membuat tanda, dan mengira detik sehingga pintu ke Cameron dibuka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A betting man would probably wager that Section 17 will be full on Saturday when Duke is host to Maryland, which fancies itself one of Duke's rivals (Duke fans feel a little differently).", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki pertaruhan mungkin akan bertaruh bahawa Seksyen 17 akan penuh pada hari Sabtu apabila Duke menjadi tuan rumah kepada Maryland, yang menganggap dirinya sebagai salah satu saingan Duke (peminat Duke berasa sedikit berbeza).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coming off a miraculous comeback win against the No.5 North Carolina Tar Heels, Duke and its Crazies have to have their swagger back.", "r": {"result": "Mendapat kemenangan semula yang ajaib menentang No.5 North Carolina Tar Heels, Duke dan Craziesnya perlu kembali berlagak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the spontaneity and enthusiasm return with it, the Terrapins might just want to invest in some earplugs.", "r": {"result": "Jika spontan dan semangat kembali bersamanya, Terrapins mungkin hanya mahu melabur dalam beberapa penyumbat telinga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the Tar Heels, when they come March 3, well, it'll be as crazy that day as ever in Cameron.", "r": {"result": "Dan Tumit Tar, apabila mereka datang pada 3 Mac, ia akan menjadi gila hari itu seperti biasa di Cameron.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)What do you get when you combine Japanese culture, rock and musical theater?", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Apakah yang anda dapat apabila anda menggabungkan budaya Jepun, rock dan teater muzikal?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chaos.", "r": {"result": "huru hara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or more precisely KAO=S -- a band of spellbinding musicians presenting vivid visual performances unlike anything you may have ever seen.", "r": {"result": "Atau lebih tepat lagi KAO=S -- kumpulan pemuzik yang memukau mempersembahkan persembahan visual yang jelas tidak seperti apa-apa yang pernah anda lihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Following the devastating tsunami in 2011, the trio came together with the mission of creating something beautiful out of the turmoil.", "r": {"result": "Berikutan tsunami yang dahsyat pada 2011, ketiga-tiga mereka bersatu dengan misi mencipta sesuatu yang indah daripada kegawatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result is an unusual musical style that blends the vocals and raw acoustic guitar of frontman Shuji Yamagiri with traditional Japanese instruments like the three-string Tsugaru-shamisen played by a musician known as Jack.", "r": {"result": "Hasilnya ialah gaya muzik luar biasa yang menggabungkan vokal dan gitar akustik mentah vokalis Shuji Yamagiri dengan instrumen tradisional Jepun seperti Tsugaru-shamisen tiga tali yang dimainkan oleh seorang pemuzik yang dikenali sebagai Jack.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The two instrumentalists are accompanied by powerful sword dancing from \"Lady Samurai,\" aka Kaori Kawabuchi.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua pemain instrumental diiringi dengan tarian pedang yang kuat daripada \"Lady Samurai,\" aka Kaori Kawabuchi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Music gives me imagination or inspiration by just listening to it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMuzik memberi saya imaginasi atau inspirasi dengan hanya mendengarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's like I tell a story by using my body,\" Kawabuchi says of dancing with a samurai sword known as a katana.", "r": {"result": "Ia seperti saya bercerita dengan menggunakan badan saya,\" kata Kawabuchi tentang menari dengan pedang samurai yang dikenali sebagai katana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I get an image from the sound by the (band) members under the conditions on that day, energy given by the audience, and the atmosphere\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mendapat imej dari bunyi oleh ahli (band) dalam keadaan pada hari itu, tenaga yang diberikan oleh penonton, dan suasana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kawabuchi's energetic sword dancing is a fluid, swift selection of movements that translate the musicians' deeply personal sound into a visual spectacle for the band's growing international audience.", "r": {"result": "Tarian pedang bertenaga Kawabuchi adalah pilihan pergerakan yang lancar dan pantas yang menterjemahkan bunyi peribadi pemuzik menjadi tontonan visual untuk penonton antarabangsa yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since their conception, the band has played several high-profile gigs outside of Japan, including at the venerated annual SXSW music and media festival in Austin, Texas.", "r": {"result": "Sejak konsep mereka, kumpulan itu telah memainkan beberapa gig berprofil tinggi di luar Jepun, termasuk di festival muzik dan media tahunan SXSW yang dihormati di Austin, Texas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They've also completed a tour of the United States as well as performed for fans at festivals in Germany and England.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga telah menyelesaikan lawatan ke Amerika Syarikat serta membuat persembahan untuk peminat di festival di Jerman dan England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Band leader Yamagiri adds: \"A strength and characteristic of our band is, we have [Kawabuchi] between us, and through her movement, she expresses the feeling of sadness and delight that we try to express in our play, using her body.", "r": {"result": "Ketua kumpulan Yamagiri menambah: \"Kekuatan dan ciri kumpulan kami ialah, kami mempunyai [Kawabuchi] di antara kami, dan melalui pergerakannya, dia meluahkan perasaan sedih dan gembira yang kami cuba ungkapkan dalam permainan kami, menggunakan tubuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it makes it easier for an overseas audience to understand.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya fikir ia memudahkan penonton luar negara untuk memahami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She can deliver feminine delicacy and tenderness, and also intensity, which is even stronger than men\".", "r": {"result": "Dia boleh memberikan kelezatan dan kelembutan feminin, dan juga intensiti, yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch the video to learn more about how KAO=S is turning their live gigs into a visually stimulating sensory experience.", "r": {"result": "Tonton video untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara KAO=S mengubah pertunjukan langsung mereka menjadi pengalaman deria yang merangsang visual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Thanks to dedicated people like Bob and Katherine Rude, many homeless animals in Maryland will have a warm home this winter.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Terima kasih kepada orang yang berdedikasi seperti Bob dan Katherine Rude, banyak haiwan gelandangan di Maryland akan mempunyai rumah yang hangat pada musim sejuk ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bob and Katherine Rude run an animal shelter out of their home in Harwood, Maryland.", "r": {"result": "Bob dan Katherine Rude menjalankan tempat perlindungan haiwan dari rumah mereka di Harwood, Maryland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Maryland couple currently cares for 116 cats and six dogs at Rude Ranch Animal Rescue, which they run out of their home in Harwood.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan Maryland itu kini menjaga 116 kucing dan enam anjing di Rude Ranch Animal Rescue, yang mereka kehabisan dari rumah mereka di Harwood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We take in a lot of abused and neglected animals; animals that for whatever reason find themselves down on their luck,\" Katherine said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menerima banyak haiwan yang didera dan diabaikan; haiwan yang atas sebab apa pun mendapati diri mereka tidak beruntung,\" kata Katherine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It all started a decade ago when the couple found a group of cats in an alley behind a restaurant.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya bermula sedekad lalu apabila pasangan itu menemui sekumpulan kucing di sebuah lorong di belakang sebuah restoran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They began working with other organizations to help place the cats, but quickly realized that they could do more.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mula bekerjasama dengan organisasi lain untuk membantu menempatkan kucing, tetapi dengan cepat menyedari bahawa mereka boleh melakukan lebih banyak lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See how 100 cats live in one house >>.", "r": {"result": "Lihat bagaimana 100 ekor kucing tinggal dalam satu rumah >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The more we got involved, and the more we found out about the world of animal rescue, the more we found out there was a lot more need.", "r": {"result": "\"Semakin banyak kami terlibat, dan semakin kami mengetahui tentang dunia penyelamatan haiwan, semakin kami mendapati terdapat lebih banyak keperluan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "...We felt we could fill a void,\" Katherine said.", "r": {"result": "...Kami merasakan kami boleh mengisi kekosongan,\" kata Katherine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few years later, they bought a ranch house in Harwood and converted it into a shelter.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa tahun kemudian, mereka membeli sebuah rumah ladang di Harwood dan mengubahnya menjadi tempat perlindungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eventually, Bob and Katherine left their government jobs to work at the shelter full time.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, Bob dan Katherine meninggalkan kerja kerajaan mereka untuk bekerja di pusat perlindungan sepenuh masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They now work seven days a week, morning through night, caring for their cats and dogs.", "r": {"result": "Mereka kini bekerja tujuh hari seminggu, pagi hingga malam, menjaga kucing dan anjing mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now we're doing adoptions, we're doing search and rescue, we're helping people out with spay and neuters, and we're helping out other animal controls with animals that they can't place, but think deserve a shot at a life,\" Katherine said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang kami melakukan pengangkatan, kami melakukan pencarian dan penyelamatan, kami membantu orang ramai dengan spay dan neuters, dan kami membantu kawalan haiwan lain dengan haiwan yang mereka tidak boleh letakkan, tetapi fikir patut mendapat pukulan dalam kehidupan,\" kata Katherine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Rudes originally planned on keeping the shelter on one floor, and living in the rest of the house.", "r": {"result": "The Rudes pada asalnya merancang untuk mengekalkan tempat perlindungan di satu tingkat, dan tinggal di seluruh rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they quickly found that many of the cats required full-time care, so they expanded the shelter throughout their home.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka dengan cepat mendapati bahawa banyak kucing memerlukan penjagaan sepenuh masa, jadi mereka mengembangkan tempat perlindungan di seluruh rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We still have a bedroom that's sort of ours, but we share it with a bunch of special-needs animals.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami masih mempunyai bilik tidur seperti milik kami, tetapi kami berkongsi dengan sekumpulan haiwan keperluan khas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have anywhere from two or three dogs and 10 to 12 cats that share a bed with us,\" Bob says.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai dua atau tiga anjing dan 10 hingga 12 kucing yang berkongsi katil dengan kami,\" kata Bob.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The extra space has allowed the Rudes to take in cats that most shelters cannot.", "r": {"result": "Ruang tambahan telah membolehkan Rudes mengambil kucing yang kebanyakan tempat perlindungan tidak boleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cats that require special attention or medical care -- those that have been abused or are suffering from feline immunodeficiency virus, for example -- all have a place at the ranch.", "r": {"result": "Kucing yang memerlukan perhatian khusus atau penjagaan perubatan -- mereka yang telah didera atau mengalami virus kekurangan imuniti kucing, contohnya -- semuanya mempunyai tempat di ladang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katherine says this was one reason they started their own shelter.", "r": {"result": "Katherine berkata ini adalah salah satu sebab mereka memulakan tempat perlindungan mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was for ... the ones that maybe don't have an alternative, don't have somewhere else to go.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah untuk ... mereka yang mungkin tidak mempunyai alternatif, tidak mempunyai tempat lain untuk pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We figured they had as much of a chance at a life as someone else,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Kami fikir mereka mempunyai banyak peluang dalam kehidupan seperti orang lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Working with the animals is incredibly rewarding, Bob says, but expanding the shelter has also increased the number of mouths to feed.", "r": {"result": "Bekerja dengan haiwan adalah sangat bermanfaat, kata Bob, tetapi memperluaskan tempat perlindungan juga telah meningkatkan bilangan mulut untuk diberi makan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For the evening meal, we go through about 25 cans of cat food.", "r": {"result": "\u201cUntuk makan malam, kami melalui kira-kira 25 tin makanan kucing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the whole day, we go through about 40-50. ...We go through about 100 pounds of dry food a week for the cats, [and] 10,000 pounds of cat litter a year,\" Bob said.", "r": {"result": "Untuk sepanjang hari, kami melalui kira-kira 40-50. ...Kami menjalani kira-kira 100 paun makanan kering seminggu untuk kucing, [dan] 10,000 paun sampah kucing setahun,\" kata Bob.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even buying in bulk hasn't helped the Rudes escape the financial woes that have begun to plague most business owners.", "r": {"result": "Malah membeli secara pukal tidak membantu Rudes melarikan diri daripada masalah kewangan yang telah mula melanda kebanyakan pemilik perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katherine says that so far, they have been able to support themselves but are concerned about rising costs and falling donations.", "r": {"result": "Katherine mengatakan bahawa setakat ini, mereka telah dapat menyara diri mereka sendiri tetapi bimbang tentang kenaikan kos dan penurunan derma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, demand for the Rudes' help is increasing.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, permintaan untuk bantuan Rudes semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Higher costs of food and supplies, as well as the foreclosure crisis, have affected people's ability to care for their pets, Katherine says.", "r": {"result": "Kos makanan dan bekalan yang lebih tinggi, serta krisis perampasan, telah menjejaskan keupayaan orang ramai untuk menjaga haiwan kesayangan mereka, kata Katherine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"[Pet] adoptions have pretty much dropped off the face of the earth right now, but people are calling more and more to turn animals in,\" Bob said.", "r": {"result": "\"Penggunaan [Haiwan Peliharaan] telah hampir jatuh dari muka bumi sekarang, tetapi orang ramai memanggil lebih banyak lagi untuk menghidupkan haiwan,\" kata Bob.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And as more people turn to them to care for their pets, the Rudes have no plans to change their tune.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila lebih ramai orang beralih kepada mereka untuk menjaga haiwan kesayangan mereka, Rudes tidak bercadang untuk menukar lagu mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 1997, they have helped rescue or place more than 3,000 cats.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 1997, mereka telah membantu menyelamatkan atau menempatkan lebih daripada 3,000 kucing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katherine estimates that they have helped make 2,500 to 2,700 adoptions to families or individuals.", "r": {"result": "Katherine menganggarkan bahawa mereka telah membantu membuat 2,500 hingga 2,700 anak angkat kepada keluarga atau individu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're getting a home, they're going to have individual people doting on them, and that's what we want for all of the residents here,\" Katherine says.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mendapat rumah, mereka akan mempunyai individu yang menyayangi mereka, dan itulah yang kami mahukan untuk semua penduduk di sini,\" kata Katherine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama signed landmark legislation Monday giving the Food and Drug Administration new power to regulate the manufacturing, marketing and sale of tobacco.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Presiden Obama menandatangani undang-undang penting pada hari Isnin memberikan kuasa baharu kepada Pentadbiran Makanan dan Dadah untuk mengawal selia pembuatan, pemasaran dan penjualan tembakau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Obama says the new law \"represents change that's been decades in the making\".", "r": {"result": "Presiden Obama berkata undang-undang baharu itu \"mewakili perubahan yang telah dibuat selama beberapa dekad\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act gives the FDA power to ban candy-flavored and fruit-flavored cigarettes, widely considered appealing to first-time smokers, including youths.", "r": {"result": "Akta Pencegahan Merokok Keluarga dan Kawalan Tembakau memberikan kuasa FDA untuk mengharamkan rokok berperisa gula-gula dan berperisa buah-buahan, yang secara meluas dianggap menarik kepada perokok kali pertama, termasuk golongan muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also prohibits tobacco companies from using terms such as \"low tar,\" \"light\" or \"mild,\" requires larger warning labels on packages, and restricts advertising of tobacco products.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga melarang syarikat tembakau daripada menggunakan istilah seperti \"tar rendah,\" \"ringan\" atau \"ringan\", memerlukan label amaran yang lebih besar pada bungkusan, dan mengehadkan pengiklanan produk tembakau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also requires tobacco companies to reduce levels of nicotine in cigarettes.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga memerlukan syarikat tembakau untuk mengurangkan tahap nikotin dalam rokok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The new law \"represents change that's been decades in the making,\" Obama said during a bill-signing ceremony in the White House Rose Garden.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang baharu itu \"mewakili perubahan yang telah dibuat selama beberapa dekad,\" kata Obama semasa majlis menandatangani rang undang-undang di White House Rose Garden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The decades-long effort to protect our children [has] emerged victorious.", "r": {"result": "\"Usaha selama beberapa dekad untuk melindungi anak-anak kita [telah] muncul sebagai pemenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Today, change has come\".", "r": {"result": "... Hari ini, perubahan telah datang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite a significant decrease in the percentage of Americans who smoke in recent decades, more than 400,000 Americans still die from tobacco-related illnesses every year, the president noted.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penurunan ketara dalam peratusan rakyat Amerika yang merokok dalam beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini, lebih daripada 400,000 rakyat Amerika masih mati akibat penyakit berkaitan tembakau setiap tahun, kata presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tobacco-related health care costs exceed $100 billion annually.", "r": {"result": "Kos penjagaan kesihatan berkaitan tembakau melebihi $100 bilion setiap tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Altria Group, which owns Philip Morris USA, the nation's biggest cigarette company, previously called congressional passage of the law \"an important step forward\".", "r": {"result": "Altria Group, yang memiliki Philip Morris USA, syarikat rokok terbesar di negara itu, sebelum ini menggelar pengesahan undang-undang kongres sebagai \"langkah penting ke hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, however, it also expressed \"First Amendment reservations about certain provisions, including those that could restrict a manufacturer's ability to communicate truthful information to adult consumers about tobacco products\".", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, pada masa yang sama, ia juga menyatakan \"tempahan Pindaan Pertama tentang peruntukan tertentu, termasuk peruntukan yang boleh menyekat keupayaan pengeluar untuk menyampaikan maklumat yang benar kepada pengguna dewasa tentang produk tembakau\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Phillip Morris makes such brands as Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Chesterfield and Basic.", "r": {"result": "Phillip Morris membuat jenama seperti Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Chesterfield dan Basic.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A narrow majority of adult Americans opposes the law, according to a Gallup Poll released Monday.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti sempit orang dewasa Amerika menentang undang-undang, menurut Tinjauan Gallup yang dikeluarkan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifty-two percent of Americans -- including most smokers -- are opposed to the measure, while 46 percent support it.", "r": {"result": "Lima puluh dua peratus rakyat Amerika -- termasuk kebanyakan perokok -- menentang langkah itu, manakala 46 peratus menyokongnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The survey was conducted June 14-17.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan telah dijalankan pada 14-17 Jun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before signing the bill, the president acknowledged the struggle that young people in particular face when they try to stop smoking.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum menandatangani rang undang-undang itu, presiden mengakui perjuangan yang dihadapi golongan muda khususnya apabila mereka cuba berhenti merokok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I know because I was one of those teenagers.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tahu kerana saya adalah salah seorang daripada remaja itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know how difficult it can be when you get started at a young age,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu betapa sukarnya apabila anda bermula pada usia muda,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Sending a letter will soon be a little more expensive, the U.S. Postal Service announced Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Menghantar surat tidak lama lagi akan menjadi lebih mahal, Perkhidmatan Pos A.S. mengumumkan pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. Postal Service announced Tuesday a 2-cent increase on first-class stamps, effective May 11.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Pos A.S. mengumumkan hari Selasa kenaikan 2 sen pada setem kelas pertama, berkuat kuasa 11 Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The price for a first-class mail stamp will increase 2 cents to 44 cents, starting May 11.", "r": {"result": "Harga untuk setem mel kelas pertama akan meningkat 2 sen kepada 44 sen, mulai 11 Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Postal Service said the price increase was necessary because of rising production costs.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Pos berkata kenaikan harga itu perlu kerana kos pengeluaran yang meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under law, the price of stamps is not allowed to rise faster than the U.S. consumer price index, which measures inflation.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah undang-undang, harga setem tidak dibenarkan naik lebih cepat daripada indeks harga pengguna A.S., yang mengukur inflasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a written release, the increase will cost the typical family about $3 a year.", "r": {"result": "Menurut keluaran bertulis, kenaikan itu akan membebankan keluarga biasa kira-kira $3 setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Whether you're a consumer or run a business, the Postal Service continues to offer a good deal during a time when we're all looking for ways to save,\" said spokesman Stephen M. Kearney.", "r": {"result": "\"Sama ada anda seorang pengguna atau menjalankan perniagaan, Perkhidmatan Pos terus menawarkan tawaran yang baik semasa kita semua mencari cara untuk berjimat,\" kata jurucakap Stephen M. Kearney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until the new prices go into effect, customers can buy \"Forever Stamps\" at the current 42-cent rate.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga harga baharu berkuat kuasa, pelanggan boleh membeli \"Setem Selamanya\" pada kadar 42 sen semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Forever Stamp is always honored for a 1-ounce letter with no need for additional postage,\" Kearney said.", "r": {"result": "\"Setem Selamanya sentiasa diberi penghormatan untuk surat 1 auns tanpa memerlukan bayaran pos tambahan,\" kata Kearney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: Mail five days a week?", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Mel lima hari seminggu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Billions of the Forever Stamps have been sold since being introduced in April 2007, according to the Postal Service.", "r": {"result": "Berbilion Setem Selamanya telah dijual sejak diperkenalkan pada April 2007, menurut Perkhidmatan Pos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The first refuge of tyrants and buffoons is to blame someone else for the messes they make.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tempat perlindungan pertama orang zalim dan badut ialah menyalahkan orang lain atas kekacauan yang mereka buat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the world stage, that usually means blaming America when things do not go their way.", "r": {"result": "Di pentas dunia, itu biasanya bermakna menyalahkan Amerika apabila keadaan tidak menjadi seperti mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's an old trick.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah helah lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's easy to spot.", "r": {"result": "Ia mudah dikesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it doesn't work as well as it used to.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia tidak berfungsi dengan baik seperti dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russia's Vladimir Putin is using it to bolster his standing ahead of Sunday's presidential election.", "r": {"result": "Vladimir Putin dari Rusia menggunakannya untuk mengukuhkan kedudukannya menjelang pilihan raya presiden Ahad ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Iranian regime just dusted off the old trick in advance of Friday's election, the first national vote since the disputed, probably stolen, 2009 election.", "r": {"result": "Rejim Iran hanya membersihkan helah lama sebelum pilihan raya Jumaat, undi nasional pertama sejak pilihan raya 2009 yang dipertikaikan, mungkin dicuri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So have Egypt and Syria, blaming \"foreign conspirators\" for their people's demands for democratic change.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga Mesir dan Syria, menyalahkan \"konspirator asing\" atas tuntutan rakyat mereka untuk perubahan demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, with elections approaching, has blamed his cancer on the CIA.", "r": {"result": "Malah Presiden Venezuela Hugo Chavez, dengan pilihan raya yang semakin hampir, telah menyalahkan kansernya kepada CIA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is, indeed, a flattering collection of critics.", "r": {"result": "Itulah, sememangnya, koleksi pengkritik yang menyanjung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blame-America ploy is nothing new.", "r": {"result": "Muslihat menyalahkan-Amerika bukanlah perkara baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first chapter of the Dictators' Handbook instructs practitioners to find an external enemy to help them preserve their rule.", "r": {"result": "Bab pertama Buku Panduan Diktator mengarahkan pengamal untuk mencari musuh luar untuk membantu mereka mengekalkan pemerintahan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "OK, there is no such book, but the strategy is as familiar as paying \"supporters\" to attend a pro-government demonstration, or simply stealing an election.", "r": {"result": "OK, tidak ada buku seperti itu, tetapi strateginya sudah biasa seperti membayar \"penyokong\" untuk menghadiri demonstrasi pro-kerajaan, atau sekadar mencuri pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By blaming mysterious and powerful outsiders, rulers can shift their problems and distract the population from their legitimate grievances.", "r": {"result": "Dengan menyalahkan orang luar yang misteri dan berkuasa, pemerintah boleh mengalihkan masalah mereka dan mengalih perhatian penduduk daripada rungutan sah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And when it really works, the tactic can rally the people behind the leader as they passionately take up the cause against evil foreigners who would harm their country.", "r": {"result": "Dan apabila ia benar-benar berkesan, taktik itu boleh mengumpulkan orang-orang di belakang pemimpin kerana mereka bersemangat untuk memerangi orang asing yang jahat yang akan membahayakan negara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What could be better?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang lebih baik?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The scam worked like a charm for decades in the Middle East, where dictators blamed the U.S. and Israel for their countries' multiplying ills.", "r": {"result": "Penipuan itu berfungsi seperti azimat selama beberapa dekad di Timur Tengah, di mana diktator menyalahkan A.S. dan Israel atas penyakit yang berlipat ganda di negara mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the search for excuses, like a knife that has been used too many times, is not cutting as sharply as it used to.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mencari alasan, seperti pisau yang telah digunakan terlalu banyak, tidak memotong dengan tajam seperti dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2009, when hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets accusing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of stealing the election, the regime blamed \"Western powers\" for the outcry.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2009, apabila ratusan ribu rakyat Iran turun ke jalan raya menuduh Presiden Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mencuri pilihan raya, rejim menyalahkan \"kuasa Barat\" atas bantahan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ahead of Friday's parliamentary elections in Iran, authorities first decimated the opposition and then accused America of a secret plot.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang pilihan raya parlimen pada hari Jumaat di Iran, pihak berkuasa mula-mula menumpaskan pembangkang dan kemudian menuduh Amerika mempunyai rancangan rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities imprisoned those who dared to speak out, including reporters, and carried out scores of public executions as a way to intimidate dissenters.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa memenjarakan mereka yang berani bersuara, termasuk wartawan, dan melakukan banyak hukuman mati di hadapan awam sebagai cara untuk menakut-nakutkan pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The regime still faces profound internal divisions -- between hard-liners and harder-liners.", "r": {"result": "Rejim masih menghadapi perpecahan dalaman yang mendalam -- antara yang tegar dan yang tegar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it would still like a strong turnout to make its stifling grip on power look like a warm embrace.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia masih memerlukan kehadiran yang kuat untuk menjadikan cengkaman yang menyesakkan pada kuasa kelihatan seperti pelukan hangat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To pre-empt anyone from interpreting low voting numbers as rejection of the regime, the government warned that a malevolent U.S. is afraid of a turnout and is working to keep Iranians from voting.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menghalang sesiapa sahaja daripada mentafsirkan bilangan undi yang rendah sebagai penolakan terhadap rejim, kerajaan memberi amaran bahawa A.S. yang jahat takut akan kehadiran dan sedang berusaha untuk menghalang rakyat Iran daripada mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It further claimed that turnout was high when voting was just starting, despite observations to the contrary.", "r": {"result": "Ia seterusnya mendakwa bahawa peratusan keluar mengundi adalah tinggi ketika pengundian baru bermula, walaupun pemerhatian sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Egypt, the U.S. and Israel have been blamed for practically everything, from starting uprisings to fomenting sectarian clashes.", "r": {"result": "Di Mesir, A.S. dan Israel telah dipersalahkan atas segala-galanya, daripada memulakan pemberontakan hingga mencetuskan pertembungan mazhab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ruling military council is resisting pressure for change.", "r": {"result": "Majlis tentera yang memerintah menentang tekanan untuk perubahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When protesters demand democracy, the military council hints it's America's doing, suggesting \"hidden powers\" are creating unrest, and then detaining American democracy workers.", "r": {"result": "Apabila penunjuk perasaan menuntut demokrasi, majlis tentera membayangkan ia dilakukan oleh Amerika, mencadangkan \"kuasa tersembunyi\" mewujudkan kekacauan, dan kemudian menahan pekerja demokrasi Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egyptian authorities walk a fine line, seeking to benefit from anti-American sentiment without cutting off Washington's generous aid.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Mesir berjalan dengan baik, berusaha untuk mendapat manfaat daripada sentimen anti-Amerika tanpa memotong bantuan murah hati Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syria's Bashar al-Assad has blamed a variety of villains for his woes, as he continues to kill regime opponents by the thousands.", "r": {"result": "Bashar al-Assad dari Syria telah menyalahkan pelbagai penjahat atas kesengsaraannya, kerana dia terus membunuh penentang rejim sehingga beribu-ribu orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He even tried to provoke fighting with Israel by rushing people across the border last summer, but the people saw through his scheme.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga cuba mencetuskan pergaduhan dengan Israel dengan menyerbu orang ramai melintasi sempadan musim panas lalu, tetapi rakyat melihat melalui rancangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters want Assad out.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan mahu Assad keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, the president claims, \"The external conspiracy is clear to everybody\".", "r": {"result": "Namun, presiden mendakwa, \"Konspirasi luar jelas kepada semua orang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Russia, no one doubts that Vladimir Putin will win Sunday's presidential election.", "r": {"result": "Di Rusia, tiada siapa yang meragui bahawa Vladimir Putin akan memenangi pilihan raya presiden Ahad ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has run Russia for more than a dozen years, including an early stint as prime minister.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah mengendalikan Rusia selama lebih daripada sedozen tahun, termasuk tugas awal sebagai perdana menteri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He won the presidency twice, and when he hit the term-limit block, he anointed a successor as president while he became prime minister yet again.", "r": {"result": "Dia memenangi jawatan presiden dua kali, dan apabila dia mencapai blok had penggal, dia melantik pengganti sebagai presiden semasa dia menjadi perdana menteri sekali lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he announced a few months ago that he would seek the presidency, Russians felt insulted.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia mengumumkan beberapa bulan lalu bahawa dia akan mencari jawatan presiden, rakyat Rusia berasa terhina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the merciless Moscow cold, thousands have protested against Putin, because they believe his actions are an affront to democracy.", "r": {"result": "Di sebalik kedinginan Moscow yang kejam, beribu-ribu telah memprotes Putin, kerana mereka percaya tindakannya adalah penghinaan kepada demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in utterly predictable fashion, Putin blames the the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dengan cara yang boleh diramal, Putin menyalahkan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He took a jab at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and dismissed his critics by accusing them of following Clinton's \"signal\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menjeling Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton dan menolak pengkritiknya dengan menuduh mereka mengikut \"isyarat\" Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a rant reminiscent of moldy Cold War politics, he said the United States wanted to weaken Russia, a rival nuclear power.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kata-kata kasar yang mengingatkan politik Perang Dingin yang berkulat, beliau berkata Amerika Syarikat mahu melemahkan Rusia, kuasa nuklear saingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin will win because he still enjoys a great deal of support, and because he has denied Russians a chance to fairly weigh the alternatives by undermining the opposition at every turn and monopolizing media coverage.", "r": {"result": "Putin akan menang kerana dia masih menikmati banyak sokongan, dan kerana dia telah menafikan peluang Rusia untuk menimbang secara adil alternatif dengan melemahkan pembangkang pada setiap masa dan memonopoli liputan media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His charges that the U.S. orchestrated opposition to his rule only serve to show his nervousness and weakness.", "r": {"result": "Tuduhannya bahawa A.S. mendalangi penentangan terhadap pemerintahannya hanya menunjukkan kegelisahan dan kelemahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Venezuela, Chavez is facing stronger opposition than at any time in his dozen years in power.", "r": {"result": "Di Venezuela, Chavez berdepan tentangan yang lebih kuat berbanding bila-bila masa sepanjang berbelas tahun berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He too has made warnings about U.S. misdeeds a hallmark of his rule.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga telah membuat amaran tentang salah laku A.S. sebagai ciri pemerintahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he was diagnosed with cancer, as had been several Latin American presidents, he suggested a mysterious Washington link to the illnesses.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia didiagnosis dengan kanser, seperti beberapa presiden Amerika Latin, dia mencadangkan hubungan misteri Washington dengan penyakit itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The search for a distraction, for someone to blame for all that ails a president or a country does not mean that outsiders are completely free of blame.", "r": {"result": "Mencari gangguan, untuk seseorang untuk dipersalahkan atas semua yang melanda presiden atau negara tidak bermakna bahawa orang luar benar-benar bebas daripada kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it does point to regimes that want to change the subject, that want the people to think about something else, anything, other than whether or not they should stay in power.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia menunjukkan kepada rejim yang ingin menukar topik, yang mahu rakyat memikirkan sesuatu yang lain, apa sahaja, selain sama ada mereka harus terus berkuasa atau tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Frida Ghitis.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Frida Ghitis semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "LAWRENCE, Kansas (CNN) -- It started with a sore throat.", "r": {"result": "LAWRENCE, Kansas (CNN) -- Ia bermula dengan sakit tekak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then her chest was burning.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian dadanya membara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arielle Spiridigliozzi is one of 350 students who have contracted H1N1 at the University of Kansas.", "r": {"result": "Arielle Spiridigliozzi adalah salah seorang daripada 350 pelajar yang telah dijangkiti H1N1 di Universiti Kansas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "University of Kansas freshman Arielle Spiridigliozzi said she thought her symptoms were signs of allergies, or maybe even a sinus infection.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar baru Universiti Kansas Arielle Spiridigliozzi berkata dia menyangka simptomnya adalah tanda-tanda alahan, atau mungkin juga jangkitan sinus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It couldn't be H1N1, she thought.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak mungkin H1N1, fikirnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it was.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia adalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I mean, I'd never, ever guessed that coming into freshman year I would get the friggin' swine flu,\" Spiridigliozzi said.", "r": {"result": "\"Maksud saya, saya tidak pernah meneka bahawa apabila memasuki tahun pertama saya akan mendapat selesema babi,\" kata Spiridigliozzi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now she accessorizes her royal blue T-shirt with a mask.", "r": {"result": "Kini dia mengaksesi kemeja-T biru dirajanya dengan topeng.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A stuffy nose, body aches, fever and coughing make up the litany of symptoms, Spiridigliozzi, 18, and her roommate, Kaitlyn Perry, 18, said they have suffered.", "r": {"result": "Hidung tersumbat, sakit badan, demam dan batuk membentuk litani simptom, Spiridigliozzi, 18, dan rakan sebiliknya, Kaitlyn Perry, 18, berkata mereka telah menderita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For more than a day, the girls have been stuck in their suite, on what they call \"lockdown\".", "r": {"result": "Selama lebih daripada sehari, gadis-gadis itu telah terperangkap di dalam suite mereka, pada apa yang mereka panggil \"lockdown\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch more about life on \"lockdown\" >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton lebih lanjut tentang kehidupan di \"lockdown\" >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "University officials have asked the girls to stay in their dorm suite to limit exposure to other students.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai universiti telah meminta gadis-gadis itu tinggal di bilik asrama mereka untuk mengehadkan pendedahan kepada pelajar lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The school provides door-to-door delivery from the campus dining hall, giving the girls one less reason to have to leave their immediate four walls.", "r": {"result": "Sekolah ini menyediakan penghantaran dari pintu ke pintu dari dewan makan kampus, memberikan kanak-kanak perempuan satu alasan yang kurang untuk meninggalkan empat dinding terdekat mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spiridigliozzi has abided by the the university's request, worried that she could infect another.", "r": {"result": "Spiridigliozzi telah mematuhi permintaan universiti, bimbang dia boleh menjangkiti orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she doesn't understand how she ended up in this situation in the first place.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia tidak faham bagaimana dia akhirnya dalam keadaan ini pada mulanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We took all the necessary precautions.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mengambil semua langkah berjaga-jaga yang diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like, we really did.", "r": {"result": "Seperti, kami benar-benar melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't like I was licking the handlebars of the bus or anything,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan seperti saya menjilat hendal bas atau apa-apa sahaja,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was hand sanitizing.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sedang mencuci tangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was being very careful.", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat berhati-hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't know how this happened\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu bagaimana ini berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she only has to look to her roommates for an answer, as illness has rapidly made its way through her suite.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia hanya perlu mencari jawapan kepada rakan sebiliknya, kerana penyakit telah memasuki biliknya dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Perry became ill it struck her suddenly.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Perry jatuh sakit ia menyerangnya secara tiba-tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While shopping, she came down with a fever and started feeling like she didn't have the strength to stand, she said.", "r": {"result": "Semasa membeli-belah, dia mengalami demam dan mula rasa seperti tidak kuat untuk berdiri, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perry's flu hasn't been confirmed as an H1N1 strain, but a third roommate, the first to get sick, they said, was diagnosed with H1N1. Then a fourth roommate got sick, illustrative of a spreading flu pattern the girls said is obvious from the empty seats in classes.", "r": {"result": "Selesema Perry belum disahkan sebagai strain H1N1, tetapi rakan sebilik ketiga, yang pertama jatuh sakit, kata mereka, telah didiagnosis dengan H1N1. Kemudian rakan sebilik keempat jatuh sakit, menggambarkan corak selesema yang merebak yang dikatakan oleh gadis-gadis itu jelas dari tempat duduk kosong di dalam kelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The university estimates about 340 students, or 1 percent of the student body, have flu they suspect is H1N1, said Patricia Denning, medical chief of staff at Watkins Health Center.", "r": {"result": "Universiti menganggarkan kira-kira 340 pelajar, atau 1 peratus daripada badan pelajar, menghidap selesema yang mereka syak ialah H1N1, kata Patricia Denning, ketua kakitangan perubatan di Pusat Kesihatan Watkins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number of cases could be higher if students were not seeking care from campus doctors and nurses, she added.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan kes mungkin lebih tinggi jika pelajar tidak mendapatkan rawatan daripada doktor dan jururawat kampus, tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said she has not heard of any students being hospitalized because of the flu.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia tidak pernah mendengar ada pelajar dimasukkan ke hospital kerana selesema.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vaccines are unlikely to help much this year, because supplies are not expected until late October and require about five weeks from the first inoculation -- two are required -- before they become effective.", "r": {"result": "Vaksin tidak mungkin banyak membantu tahun ini, kerana bekalan tidak dijangka sehingga akhir Oktober dan memerlukan kira-kira lima minggu dari inokulasi pertama -- dua diperlukan -- sebelum ia berkesan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, to make life easier for the sick, the school's medical center has distributed what it calls a \"flu kit,\" which includes a mask and a home-care instruction sheet, Denning said.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, untuk memudahkan kehidupan orang sakit, pusat perubatan sekolah itu telah mengedarkan apa yang dipanggil \"kit selesema,\" yang termasuk topeng dan helaian arahan penjagaan di rumah, kata Denning.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tip sheet borrows from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's information on H1N1. It says to drink lots of fluids, eat three small meals a day and get plenty of rest, Denning said.", "r": {"result": "Lembaran petua meminjam daripada maklumat Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit mengenai H1N1. Ia mengatakan untuk minum banyak cecair, makan tiga kali kecil sehari dan dapatkan banyak rehat, kata Denning.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And so it just goes through simple common-sense things that we all know we need to do that sometimes, when mothers and dads aren't around to remind them, this will help remind them,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi, ia hanya melalui perkara-perkara yang masuk akal yang kita semua tahu kita perlu lakukan itu kadang-kadang, apabila ibu dan bapa tiada untuk mengingatkan mereka, ini akan membantu mengingatkan mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spiridigliozzi and Perry will get to wander outdoors again once their fevers have dissipated for at least 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medications, they said.", "r": {"result": "Spiridigliozzi dan Perry akan bersiar-siar di luar rumah sekali lagi apabila demam mereka hilang selama sekurang-kurangnya 24 jam tanpa bantuan ubat penurun demam, kata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are eager to get back to their normal lives.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak sabar-sabar untuk kembali ke kehidupan normal mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spiridigliozzi is tired of the soup and Jell-O, and Perry looks forward to playing Frisbee again.", "r": {"result": "Spiridigliozzi bosan dengan sup dan Jell-O, dan Perry tidak sabar untuk bermain Frisbee lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So boring\" is how Spiridigliozzi described their isolation.", "r": {"result": "\"Begitu membosankan\" adalah cara Spiridigliozzi menggambarkan pengasingan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With all this free time, at least the freshmen -- on campus for only two weeks -- aren't falling too far behind in their school work.", "r": {"result": "Dengan semua masa lapang ini, sekurang-kurangnya pelajar baru -- di kampus selama dua minggu sahaja -- tidak ketinggalan dalam kerja sekolah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I got all my homework done,\" Perry said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menyiapkan semua kerja rumah saya,\" kata Perry.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Yeah, I've gotten all my homework done for the next two weeks, probably,\" added Spiridigliozzi.", "r": {"result": "\"Ya, saya telah menyiapkan semua kerja rumah saya untuk dua minggu akan datang, mungkin,\" tambah Spiridigliozzi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's John Bonifield contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "John Bonifield dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria and four neighboring countries will share intelligence and border surveillance in the hunt for more than 200 Nigerian girls still held by Boko Haram, and Western nations will provide technical expertise and training to the new regional African effort against the extreme Islamists.", "r": {"result": "Nigeria dan empat negara jiran akan berkongsi risikan dan pengawasan sempadan dalam memburu lebih daripada 200 gadis Nigeria yang masih dipegang oleh Boko Haram, dan negara-negara Barat akan menyediakan kepakaran teknikal dan latihan kepada usaha Afrika serantau baru menentang Islamis melampau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The plan was announced Saturday at the conclusion of a security summit in Paris hosted by French President Francois Hollande.", "r": {"result": "Pelan itu diumumkan Sabtu pada akhir sidang kemuncak keselamatan di Paris yang dihoskan oleh Presiden Perancis Francois Hollande.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande described Boko Haram as now a bigger terror threat than first portrayed -- beyond Nigeria and even Africa.", "r": {"result": "Hollande menyifatkan Boko Haram kini sebagai ancaman keganasan yang lebih besar daripada yang pertama digambarkan -- melangkaui Nigeria dan juga Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Boko Haram is an organization that is linked to terrorism in Africa and whose will is to destabilize the north of Nigeria, certainly, and all the neighboring countries of Nigeria and beyond that region,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBoko Haram ialah sebuah pertubuhan yang dikaitkan dengan keganasan di Afrika dan yang berhasrat untuk menggugat kestabilan utara Nigeria, sudah tentu, dan semua negara jiran Nigeria dan di luar wilayah itu,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cameroon President Paul Biya was more forceful in describing how partnering countries will \"take stronger measures to eradicate\" the extremist Islamist group.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Cameroon Paul Biya lebih tegas dalam menggambarkan bagaimana negara-negara rakan kongsi akan \"mengambil langkah lebih kuat untuk menghapuskan\" kumpulan Islam ekstremis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're here to declare war on Boko Haram,\" Biya said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami di sini untuk mengisytiharkan perang terhadap Boko Haram,\" kata Biya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the summit took place Saturday, reports emerged about the latest apparent Boko Haram attack, this one in Cameroon.", "r": {"result": "Semasa sidang kemuncak berlangsung pada hari Sabtu, laporan muncul mengenai serangan Boko Haram yang jelas, yang berlaku di Cameroon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hollande said one Cameroonian soldier was killed in the Friday night attack against Chinese nationals in northern Cameroon, which is known as a stronghold for the Islamic extremists.", "r": {"result": "Hollande berkata seorang askar Cameroon terbunuh dalam serangan malam Jumaat terhadap warga China di utara Cameroon, yang dikenali sebagai kubu kuat pelampau Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ten Chinese nationals are missing after the attack, a Chinese official said Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Sepuluh warga China hilang selepas serangan itu, kata seorang pegawai China pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One injured person was being treated by a Chinese medical team in the Chadian capital of N'Djamena, said Lu Quinjiang, first counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Yaounde, Cameroon's capital.", "r": {"result": "Seorang yang cedera sedang dirawat oleh pasukan perubatan China di N'Djamena, ibu kota Chad, kata Lu Quinjiang, kaunselor pertama Kedutaan China di Yaounde, ibu negara Cameroon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigerian military.", "r": {"result": "tentera Nigeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France \"will not intervene\" militarily in Nigeria because Nigeria \"has military forces that are available and efficient,\" Hollande said during an interview with France 24 that aired late Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Perancis \"tidak akan campur tangan\" secara ketenteraan di Nigeria kerana Nigeria \"mempunyai pasukan tentera yang sedia dan cekap,\" kata Hollande semasa wawancara dengan France 24 yang disiarkan lewat Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Nigerian military suffered an embarrassing setback in April when it retracted a report that nearly all the kidnapped girls were released.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Nigeria mengalami kemunduran yang memalukan pada April apabila ia menarik balik laporan bahawa hampir semua gadis yang diculik telah dibebaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, the girls, taken from a boarding school in Chibok, were still missing.", "r": {"result": "Malah, gadis-gadis yang diambil dari sekolah berasrama penuh di Chibok, masih hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria now has 20,000 troops, plus aircraft and intelligence sources, in parts of its nation where Boko Haram is active, said President Goodluck Jonathan.", "r": {"result": "Nigeria kini mempunyai 20,000 tentera, termasuk pesawat dan sumber perisikan, di bahagian negaranya di mana Boko Haram aktif, kata Presiden Goodluck Jonathan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Boko Haram is no longer a local terror group,\" Jonathan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Boko Haram bukan lagi kumpulan pengganas tempatan,\" kata Jonathan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is clearly operating as an al Qaeda operation\" in central Africa, he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia jelas beroperasi sebagai operasi al Qaeda\" di Afrika tengah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The major challenge that we have faced in our search and rescue operation so far has been the deluge of misinformation about the whereabouts of the girls and the circumstances of their disappearance,\" the President added.", "r": {"result": "\"Cabaran utama yang kami hadapi dalam operasi mencari dan menyelamat kami setakat ini ialah kebanjiran maklumat salah tentang lokasi gadis-gadis itu dan keadaan kehilangan mereka,\" tambah Presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boko Haram's guerrilla campaign has claimed 12,000 lives, with 8,000 people injured or maimed since 2009, Jonathan said.", "r": {"result": "Kempen gerila Boko Haram telah meragut 12,000 nyawa, dengan 8,000 orang cedera atau cacat sejak 2009, kata Jonathan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria will coordinate patrols, pool intelligence and exchange weapons and human trafficking information with Benin, Cameroon, Chad and Niger, according to the agreement reached at the summit.", "r": {"result": "Nigeria akan menyelaraskan rondaan, mengumpulkan maklumat risikan dan bertukar-tukar senjata serta maklumat pemerdagangan manusia dengan Benin, Cameroon, Chad dan Niger, menurut perjanjian yang dicapai pada sidang kemuncak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "France, the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union \"will coordinate their support for this regional cooperation\" through technical expertise, training programs and support for border-area management programs, a summit statement said.", "r": {"result": "Perancis, Amerika Syarikat, United Kingdom dan Kesatuan Eropah \"akan menyelaraskan sokongan mereka untuk kerjasama serantau ini\" melalui kepakaran teknikal, program latihan dan sokongan untuk program pengurusan kawasan sempadan, kata satu kenyataan sidang kemuncak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The participants agreed that the United Kingdom will host a follow-up meeting next month to review the action plan.", "r": {"result": "Para peserta bersetuju bahawa United Kingdom akan menganjurkan mesyuarat susulan bulan depan untuk menyemak pelan tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the meantime, participants committed to accelerating international sanctions against Boko Haram and its leaders through the United Nations.", "r": {"result": "Dalam pada itu, peserta komited untuk mempercepatkan sekatan antarabangsa terhadap Boko Haram dan pemimpinnya melalui Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boko Haram translates as \"Western education is a sin\" in the Hausa language.", "r": {"result": "Boko Haram diterjemahkan sebagai \"Pendidikan Barat adalah dosa\" dalam bahasa Hausa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The militant group says its aim is to impose a stricter enforcement of Sharia law across Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, which is split between a majority Muslim north and a mostly Christian south.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan militan itu berkata matlamatnya adalah untuk mengenakan penguatkuasaan undang-undang Syariah yang lebih ketat di seluruh Nigeria, negara paling ramai penduduk di Afrika, yang berpecah antara utara majoriti Muslim dan selatan kebanyakannya Kristian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boko Haram's attacks have intensified in recent years.", "r": {"result": "Serangan Boko Haram semakin meningkat sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The summit.", "r": {"result": "Puncak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Nigerian President joined Saturday's summit of African presidents and U.S., UK and EU representatives on the growing threat from Boko Haram as American officials expressed concerns about his military's ability to rescue hundreds of schoolgirls abducted last month.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Nigeria itu menyertai sidang kemuncak presiden Afrika dan wakil A.S., UK dan EU pada Sabtu mengenai ancaman Boko Haram yang semakin meningkat ketika pegawai Amerika menyatakan kebimbangan mengenai keupayaan tenteranya menyelamatkan ratusan pelajar perempuan yang diculik bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The terror group abducted an estimated 276 girls on April 14 from a boarding school in Chibok in northeastern Nigeria.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pengganas itu menculik kira-kira 276 gadis pada 14 April dari sebuah sekolah berasrama penuh di Chibok di timur laut Nigeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dozens escaped, but more than 200 girls are still missing.", "r": {"result": "Berpuluh-puluh melarikan diri, tetapi lebih daripada 200 kanak-kanak perempuan masih hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigerians have accused their government of not acting swiftly or efficiently enough to protect the girls seized in the dead of night.", "r": {"result": "Warga Nigeria menuduh kerajaan mereka tidak bertindak pantas atau cekap untuk melindungi gadis-gadis yang dirampas di tengah malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the criticism shows no signs of abating, even from allies who've pledged to help in the rescue mission.", "r": {"result": "Dan kritikan itu tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda reda, walaupun daripada sekutu yang telah berjanji untuk membantu dalam misi menyelamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States, China and Britain are among a handful of nations providing advice.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat, China dan Britain adalah antara segelintir negara yang memberikan nasihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States is using drones and manned surveillance aircraft in the search, but has said Nigeria is reluctant to use the information provided.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat menggunakan dron dan pesawat pengawasan berawak dalam pencarian, tetapi berkata Nigeria enggan menggunakan maklumat yang diberikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The division in the north that mainly is engaging with Boko Haram, the 7th Division, has recently shown signs of real fear,\" said Alice Friend, African Affairs director for the Department of Defense.", "r": {"result": "\"Bahagian di utara yang kebanyakannya terlibat dengan Boko Haram, Bahagian ke-7, baru-baru ini menunjukkan tanda-tanda ketakutan sebenar,\" kata Alice Friend, pengarah Hal Ehwal Afrika untuk Jabatan Pertahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They do not have the capabilities, the training or the equipment that Boko Haram does, and Boko Haram is exceptionally brutal and indiscriminate in their attacks\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka tidak mempunyai keupayaan, latihan atau peralatan yang Boko Haram lakukan, dan Boko Haram sangat kejam dan tanpa pandang bulu dalam serangan mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would say an even greater concern is the incapacity of the Nigerian military and the Nigerian government's failure to provide leadership to the military,\" Friend said Thursday at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan mengatakan kebimbangan yang lebih besar ialah ketidakupayaan tentera Nigeria dan kegagalan kerajaan Nigeria untuk memberikan kepimpinan kepada tentera,\" kata Friend Khamis pada pendengaran Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Luar Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For now, the United States is not sharing raw intelligence from its surveillance aircraft with Nigeria's armed forces because the countries have not established the intelligence-sharing protocols and safeguards needed for such an agreement, Pentagon spokesman Col.", "r": {"result": "Buat masa ini, Amerika Syarikat tidak berkongsi risikan mentah daripada pesawat pengawasannya dengan angkatan tentera Nigeria kerana negara-negara itu belum mewujudkan protokol perkongsian risikan dan perlindungan yang diperlukan untuk perjanjian sedemikian, jurucakap Pentagon Kol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steve Warren said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Steve Warren berkata pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's also concern about how the information will be used by a military that's been accused of human rights violations itself.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga kebimbangan tentang cara maklumat itu akan digunakan oleh tentera yang dituduh melakukan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia itu sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have sought assurances from them... that they will use any information that we pass to them from this (intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance) support in a manner consistent with international humanitarian and human rights law,\" Friend explained.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah meminta jaminan daripada mereka... bahawa mereka akan menggunakan apa-apa maklumat yang kami sampaikan kepada mereka daripada sokongan (pengawasan perisikan dan peninjauan) ini dengan cara yang konsisten dengan undang-undang kemanusiaan dan hak asasi manusia antarabangsa,\" jelas Friend.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria has been accused of not doing enough to protect the girls abducted from a militant hotbed that was already under a state of emergency.", "r": {"result": "Nigeria telah dituduh tidak melakukan cukup untuk melindungi gadis-gadis yang diculik dari sarang militan yang sudah berada dalam keadaan darurat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a spokesman for the military defended the nation's response.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jurucakap tentera mempertahankan tindak balas negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Borno State is under a state of emergency, over 90,000 square kilometers,\" said Maj.", "r": {"result": "\"Negeri Borno berada di bawah keadaan kecemasan, lebih 90,000 kilometer persegi,\" kata Mej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chris Olukolade.", "r": {"result": "Chris Olukolade.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Are you saying we should deploy ... soldiers in over 90,000 kilometers -- one soldier per kilometer?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah anda mengatakan kami harus mengerahkan ... askar di lebih 90,000 kilometer -- seorang askar setiap kilometer?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can imagine that expense for one of the states under a state of emergency\".", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh bayangkan perbelanjaan itu untuk salah satu negeri di bawah keadaan kecemasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before we had \"16 and Pregnant,\" push-up bras for tweens or mandatory sex education, girls like Donna Liska-Johnson learned about the birds and the bees from author Judy Blume.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum kami mempunyai \"16 dan Hamil,\" coli tekan tubi untuk remaja atau pendidikan seks wajib, gadis seperti Donna Liska-Johnson belajar tentang burung dan lebah daripada pengarang Judy Blume.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Liska-Johnson was 11 years old when her aunt gave her a copy of Blume's breakthrough novel, \"Are You There God?", "r": {"result": "Liska-Johnson berumur 11 tahun ketika ibu saudaranya memberinya salinan novel terobosan Blume, \"Are You There God?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's Me, Margaret\".", "r": {"result": "Ini Saya, Margaret\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She formed an instant bond with 12-year-old Margaret Simon who, like her, was embarking upon puberty at a time when people didn't talk openly about boys, bras and periods.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjalinkan hubungan segera dengan Margaret Simon yang berusia 12 tahun yang, seperti dia, sedang memulakan akil baligh pada masa orang ramai tidak bercakap secara terbuka tentang kanak-kanak lelaki, coli dan haid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had finally found someone she could relate to.", "r": {"result": "Dia akhirnya menemui seseorang yang boleh dikaitkan dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would close my door and the world would fall away,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan menutup pintu saya dan dunia akan runtuh,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blume's first-person narrative \"always connected me with the character because she wrote so close to the heart\".", "r": {"result": "Naratif orang pertama Blume \"sentiasa menghubungkan saya dengan watak itu kerana dia menulis begitu dekat dengan hati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Believe it or not, it's been nearly 43 years since \"Are You There God\"?", "r": {"result": "Percaya atau tidak, sudah hampir 43 tahun sejak \"Are You There God\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "jump-started Blume's prolific career, which changed the way a generation of readers learned about menstruation, masturbation and sex, among other growing pains.", "r": {"result": "Memulakan kerjaya prolifik Blume, yang mengubah cara generasi pembaca belajar tentang haid, onani dan seks, antara kesakitan yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though she's had her critics over the years, Blume, who turned 75 this year, can still draw a crowd in this latest chapter of her career, which includes a forthcoming novel and the first major motion picture adaptation of one of her novels -- and it's not \"Are You There God\"?", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia mempunyai pengkritiknya selama bertahun-tahun, Blume, yang berusia 75 tahun pada tahun ini, masih boleh menarik orang ramai dalam bab terbaharu kerjayanya ini, yang merangkumi novel yang akan datang dan filem adaptasi utama pertama bagi salah satu novelnya -- dan ia bukan \"Are You There God\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tiger Eyes,\" which opened June 7, may not be Blume's most popular book, but it's the one she and son Lawrence Blume (the inspiration for Fudge) had always wanted to bring to the big screen.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiger Eyes,\" yang dibuka pada 7 Jun, mungkin bukan buku Blume yang paling popular, tetapi ia adalah buku yang dia dan anak lelakinya Lawrence Blume (inspirasi untuk Fudge) sentiasa mahu dibawa ke skrin besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both said they felt a strong connection to lead character Davey Wexler, a teen whose mother uproots her from New Jersey to visit relatives in New Mexico after her father is killed in an armed robbery.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya berkata mereka merasakan hubungan yang kuat untuk memimpin watak Davey Wexler, seorang remaja yang ibunya mencabutnya dari New Jersey untuk melawat saudara-mara di New Mexico selepas bapanya terbunuh dalam rompakan bersenjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plus, it was the only novel they could film in 23 days on a budget that only allowed them to cast three professional actors from outside New Mexico, said Lawrence Blume, who directed the film and co-wrote the screenplay with his mother.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, ia adalah satu-satunya novel yang mereka boleh filem dalam 23 hari dengan bajet yang hanya membenarkan mereka melakonkan tiga pelakon profesional dari luar New Mexico, kata Lawrence Blume, yang mengarahkan filem itu dan menulis lakon layar bersama ibunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, they managed to pull together a strong cast that included Willa Holland, best known for her roles in the OC and Gossip Girl and former pink Power Ranger Amy Jo Johnson.", "r": {"result": "Namun, mereka berjaya mengumpulkan pelakon yang kuat termasuk Willa Holland, yang terkenal dengan peranannya dalam OC dan Gossip Girl dan bekas Power Ranger merah jambu Amy Jo Johnson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American Indian activist Russell Means was cast as the father of Wolf, who is played by Means' real-life son, actor Tatanka Means.", "r": {"result": "Aktivis India Amerika Russell Means dilakonkan sebagai bapa kepada Wolf, yang dilakonkan oleh anak lelaki sebenar Means, pelakon Tatanka Means.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even Blume and her husband, the film's executive producer George Cooper (who she met while writing the book, dedicating it to him), have cameos.", "r": {"result": "Malah Blume dan suaminya, penerbit eksekutif filem George Cooper (yang ditemuinya semasa menulis buku itu, mendedikasikannya kepadanya), mempunyai kameo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because of religious themes in the movie and Blume's own heritage, the film has shown at Jewish film festivals including the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, where it was screened on a Sunday afternoon in February.", "r": {"result": "Kerana tema keagamaan dalam filem dan warisan Blume sendiri, filem ini telah ditayangkan di festival filem Yahudi termasuk Festival Filem Yahudi Atlanta, di mana ia ditayangkan pada petang Ahad pada bulan Februari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Blume's fans, though, it probably didn't matter which film was showing as long as she was there to talk about it.", "r": {"result": "Bagi peminat Blume, bagaimanapun, ia mungkin tidak kisah filem mana yang ditayangkan selagi dia ada di sana untuk bercakap mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A sold-out crowd showed up to the suburban Atlanta movie theater for a screening and Q&A of \"Tiger Eyes,\" many carrying tattered copies of Blume's books for her to sign afterward.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai yang habis dijual hadir ke panggung wayang pinggir bandar Atlanta untuk tayangan dan Soal Jawab \"Tiger Eyes,\" ramai yang membawa salinan lusuh buku Blume untuk ditandatanganinya selepas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among them was Donna Liska-Johnson, now a 44-year-old special education teacher with a bookshelf full of first edition Judy Blume novels procured via eBay.", "r": {"result": "Antaranya ialah Donna Liska-Johnson, kini seorang guru pendidikan khas berusia 44 tahun dengan rak buku yang penuh dengan novel Judy Blume edisi pertama yang diperoleh melalui eBay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She arrived two hours early with copies of \"Are You There God\"?", "r": {"result": "Dia tiba dua jam lebih awal dengan salinan \"Are You There God\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and \"Tiger Eyes\" in hand and a purple fabric flower in her hair, a play on the word bloom, she said.", "r": {"result": "dan \"Mata Harimau\" di tangan dan bunga kain ungu di rambutnya, permainan pada perkataan mekar, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When her turn came to meet her hero, she got choked up, struggling for words and fighting back tears while her husband gently rubbed her back.", "r": {"result": "Apabila gilirannya tiba untuk bertemu heronya, dia tersekat-sekat, bergelut untuk berkata-kata dan menahan air mata manakala suaminya mengusap perlahan belakangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can die happy now,\" she said after regaining composure.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh mati gembira sekarang,\" katanya selepas kembali tenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's kind of like meeting a superhero\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia seperti bertemu dengan superhero\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Across the table, Blume smiled patiently and nodded her head in the gracious, knowing way of someone who's used to this sort of thing.", "r": {"result": "Di seberang meja, Blume tersenyum dengan sabar dan menganggukkan kepalanya dengan cara yang ramah, mengetahui cara seseorang yang sudah biasa dengan perkara seperti ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Normally, Blume keeps a box of tissues on the table at book signings, she said, keenly aware of her effect on fans.", "r": {"result": "Biasanya, Blume menyimpan sekotak tisu di atas meja semasa menandatangani buku, katanya, amat menyedari kesannya terhadap peminat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Usually, they're mothers and wives, teachers, doctors or cancer survivors (like Blume herself) in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.", "r": {"result": "Biasanya, mereka ialah ibu dan isteri, guru, doktor atau mangsa kanser (seperti Blume sendiri) dalam lingkungan umur 20-an, 30-an, 40-an dan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In her presence, though, they revert to gushing, hand-wringing teens who show their excitement through nervous laughter, professions of adoration or tears.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, di hadapannya, mereka kembali kepada remaja yang memerah tangan yang menunjukkan keterujaan mereka melalui ketawa gementar, profesion pemujaan atau air mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I represent to them something from their childhood, wherever she was in her life when she was reading those books,\" Blume later said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mewakili mereka sesuatu dari zaman kanak-kanak mereka, di mana sahaja dia berada dalam hidupnya ketika dia membaca buku-buku itu,\" kata Blume kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dressed in a sleek black ensemble of straight-legged jeans, fitted leather jacket, short leather boots and patchwork scarf, Blume carried herself with the poise and confidence of someone who has spent decades in the public eye writing and talking about herself.", "r": {"result": "Memakai ensembel hitam anggun seluar jeans lurus kaki, jaket kulit yang dipasang, but kulit pendek dan selendang patchwork, Blume membawa dirinya dengan ketenangan dan keyakinan seseorang yang telah menghabiskan beberapa dekad di mata umum menulis dan bercakap tentang dirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To answer some of the recurring questions, she maintains a website decorated with cartoon bodies bearing Blume's head and containing annotated bibliographies, information on her battle with censorship and tidbits like her favorite color.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menjawab beberapa soalan yang berulang, dia mengekalkan tapak web yang dihiasi dengan badan kartun yang mengandungi kepala Blume dan mengandungi bibliografi beranotasi, maklumat tentang pertempurannya dengan penapisan dan berita gembira seperti warna kegemarannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She wears her signature friendly grin whether she's chatting with a fan or demanding extra lighting for a book signing.", "r": {"result": "Dia memakai senyuman mesra tandatangannya sama ada dia berbual dengan peminat atau menuntut pencahayaan tambahan untuk menandatangani buku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She doesn't hesitate to speak her mind if, say, someone asks her to sign the 1981 unauthorized biography purportedly \"based on firsthand information from the writer herself\".", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak teragak-agak untuk meluahkan fikirannya jika, katakan, seseorang memintanya menandatangani biografi tanpa kebenaran 1981 yang dikatakan \"berdasarkan maklumat langsung daripada penulis sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not sure if I want to sign this.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak pasti sama ada saya mahu menandatangani ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I didn't even write it\"!", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak menulisnya pun\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she wondered out loud before deciding to acquiesce with the note, \"Do not believe anything you read in this book\"!", "r": {"result": "dia tertanya-tanya dengan kuat sebelum memutuskan untuk akur dengan nota itu, \"Jangan percaya apa-apa yang anda baca dalam buku ini\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fan apologized, but Blume flashed her grin and told her not to worry.", "r": {"result": "Peminat itu meminta maaf, tetapi Blume menyeringai dan memberitahunya supaya jangan risau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Don't be sorry.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJangan menyesal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm so glad you came,\" she said, beaming.", "r": {"result": "Saya sangat gembira anda datang,\" katanya, berseri-seri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blume is evolving with the times in other ways, having cultivated a respectable Twitter following of more than 82,000 \"tweeps\" whom she gave out a shout-out to during Sunday's screening.", "r": {"result": "Blume berkembang mengikut zaman dengan cara lain, setelah memupuk pengikut Twitter yang dihormati lebih daripada 82,000 \"tweeps\" yang dia beri jeritan semasa tayangan Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She uses Twitter to share information about screenings and thoughts like how one advantage of turning 75 is that she no longer has to take off her shoes at airport security.", "r": {"result": "Dia menggunakan Twitter untuk berkongsi maklumat tentang penyaringan dan pemikiran seperti satu kelebihan apabila mencapai usia 75 tahun ialah dia tidak perlu lagi menanggalkan kasutnya di keselamatan lapangan terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Otherwise, little has changed over the years within the pages of her classics, she said.", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak, sedikit yang berubah selama bertahun-tahun dalam halaman klasiknya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sure, in new editions, Margaret's sanitary napkin and belt have been replaced with adhesive pads.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, dalam edisi baharu, tuala wanita dan tali pinggang Margaret telah digantikan dengan pad pelekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fudge, the insufferable younger brother of Peter Hatcher, has new electronics.", "r": {"result": "Fudge, adik lelaki Peter Hatcher yang tidak terpengaruh, mempunyai elektronik baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Otherwise, the struggles of her protagonists still resonate with her devoted fanbase.", "r": {"result": "Jika tidak, perjuangan protagonisnya masih bergema dengan peminat setianya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't think people change; electronics change, the things we have change, but the way we live doesn't change,\" Blume said as she waited in the lobby Sunday for the screening.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak fikir orang berubah; elektronik berubah, perkara yang kita ada berubah, tetapi cara hidup kita tidak berubah,\" kata Blume sambil menunggu di lobi Ahad untuk tayangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few changes were made in transition from novel to film, which became the natural focus of questions after the screening.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa perubahan telah dibuat dalam peralihan daripada novel kepada filem, yang menjadi tumpuan semula jadi soalan selepas tayangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why was the relationship between Davey's mother and her nerdy suitor downplayed, one person wondered, or why did Davey's aunt became her mother's sister in the film instead of her father's sister?", "r": {"result": "Mengapa hubungan antara ibu Davey dan pelamar kutu bukunya direndahkan, satu orang tertanya-tanya, atau mengapa ibu saudara Davey menjadi kakak ibunya dalam filem itu dan bukannya kakak ayahnya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blume and her son assured the audience that changes were made to preserve the film's narrative flow, which can be challenging in adapting a first-person novel.", "r": {"result": "Blume dan anak lelakinya meyakinkan penonton bahawa perubahan telah dibuat untuk mengekalkan aliran naratif filem, yang boleh mencabar dalam mengadaptasi novel orang pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's only so many times she can go to her room and slam the door,\" Blume told the audience.", "r": {"result": "\"Hanya banyak kali dia boleh pergi ke biliknya dan mengetuk pintu,\" kata Blume kepada penonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think a lot of stuff in the movie is better than the book\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa banyak perkara dalam filem itu lebih baik daripada buku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also told the audience that cries a lot when she's writing, especially if she's on the right track.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga memberitahu penonton bahawa banyak menangis apabila dia menulis, terutamanya jika dia berada di landasan yang betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I know it's working when I'm writing a book if I'm laughing or crying,\" she told the audience during a Q&A session after the screening.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tahu ia berkesan apabila saya menulis buku jika saya ketawa atau menangis,\" katanya kepada penonton semasa sesi Soal Jawab selepas tayangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If so, it bodes well for the film, during which she still tears up even though she's seen it several times.", "r": {"result": "Jika ya, ia adalah petanda yang baik untuk filem itu, di mana dia masih menangis walaupun dia telah menontonnya beberapa kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Audience member Melissa Rabb admitted that she \"cried like a baby\" during the screening.", "r": {"result": "Ahli penonton Melissa Rabb mengakui bahawa dia \"menangis seperti bayi\" semasa tayangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her real reason for showing up was to meet Blume for the second time in her life.", "r": {"result": "Sebab sebenar dia muncul adalah untuk bertemu Blume buat kali kedua dalam hidupnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She'd brought with her a copy of \"Deenie\" that Blume signed 30 years ago, when the author visited Rabb's elementary school in Calhoun, Georgia.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah membawa bersamanya salinan \"Deenie\" yang ditandatangani Blume 30 tahun lalu, ketika pengarang melawat sekolah rendah Rabb di Calhoun, Georgia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the book signing, the two shared stories of cancer treatment while Blume signed Rabb's tattered paperback for the second time.", "r": {"result": "Semasa menandatangani buku, kedua-duanya berkongsi cerita tentang rawatan kanser manakala Blume menandatangani kertas lusuh Rabb untuk kali kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Glad we're both still here 30 years later\".", "r": {"result": "\"Gembira kita berdua masih di sini 30 tahun kemudian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Beijing (CNN) -- China said Sunday it plans to increase its defense budget by 11.2%, following similar increases in years past and coming on the heels of a renewed U.S. push in the region.", "r": {"result": "Beijing (CNN) -- China berkata Ahad ia merancang untuk meningkatkan belanjawan pertahanannya sebanyak 11.2%, berikutan peningkatan yang sama pada tahun-tahun lalu dan datang susulan dorongan AS yang diperbaharui di rantau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The planned increase would lift spending to some 670 billion yuan ($106.4 billion) in 2012, which is almost 68 billion more than 2011 spending, said Li Zhaoxing, spokesman for the National People's Congress.", "r": {"result": "Peningkatan yang dirancang itu akan meningkatkan perbelanjaan kepada kira-kira 670 bilion yuan ($106.4 bilion) pada 2012, iaitu hampir 68 bilion lebih daripada perbelanjaan 2011, kata Li Zhaoxing, jurucakap Kongres Rakyat Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By comparison, the proposed U.S. defense budget for the 2013 fiscal year is $613.9 billion, including $525.4 billion in base spending.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai perbandingan, cadangan belanjawan pertahanan A.S. untuk tahun fiskal 2013 ialah $613.9 bilion, termasuk $525.4 bilion dalam perbelanjaan asas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That budget cuts half a trillion dollars in spending increases over the next 10 years.", "r": {"result": "Bajet itu mengurangkan setengah trilion dolar dalam peningkatan perbelanjaan dalam tempoh 10 tahun akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Li spoke a day before the annual session of the Chinese legislature is scheduled to start in Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Li bercakap sehari sebelum sesi tahunan badan perundangan China dijadualkan bermula di Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Chinese government follows the principle of coordinating defense development with economic development.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKerajaan China mengikut prinsip menyelaraskan pembangunan pertahanan dengan pembangunan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It sets the country's defense spending according to the requirement of national defense and the level of economic development,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ia menetapkan perbelanjaan pertahanan negara mengikut keperluan pertahanan negara dan tahap pembangunan ekonomi,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, China announced it would increase its defense budget by close to 13%.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lepas, China mengumumkan akan meningkatkan belanjawan pertahanannya hampir 13%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It reported a 7.5% increase the year before.", "r": {"result": "Ia melaporkan peningkatan 7.5% pada tahun sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Li stressed that China's defense spending will go primary toward living expenses, training, maintenance and equipment, China's state news agency Xinhua reported.", "r": {"result": "Li menegaskan bahawa perbelanjaan pertahanan China akan digunakan untuk perbelanjaan sara hidup, latihan, penyelenggaraan dan peralatan, lapor agensi berita negara China Xinhua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given the country's population, long coastline and large territory, the outlays are low, he said.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan penduduk negara ini, pantai yang panjang dan wilayah yang luas, perbelanjaan adalah rendah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The limited military strength of China is solely for safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will not pose a threat to any country,\" the news agency reported Li as saying.", "r": {"result": "\"Kekuatan tentera China yang terhad adalah semata-mata untuk menjaga kedaulatan negara dan integriti wilayahnya, dan tidak akan menimbulkan ancaman kepada mana-mana negara,\" lapor agensi berita Li sebagai berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, China's announcement is sure to stoke concerns among some its neighbors.", "r": {"result": "Namun, pengumuman China pasti mencetuskan kebimbangan di kalangan beberapa negara jirannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China regards Taiwan as part of its territory and has vowed to use force against the island if it ever formally sought independence.", "r": {"result": "China menganggap Taiwan sebagai sebahagian daripada wilayahnya dan telah berikrar untuk menggunakan kekerasan terhadap pulau itu jika ia secara rasmi menuntut kemerdekaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China also has claimed a significant portion of the South China Sea as its own territorial waters, putting it in conflict with other nations that have made claims on portions of the region.", "r": {"result": "China juga telah menuntut sebahagian besar Laut China Selatan sebagai perairan wilayahnya sendiri, meletakkannya dalam konflik dengan negara lain yang telah membuat tuntutan ke atas bahagian rantau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The move is similarly sure to raise eyebrows in Washington, where President Barack Obama is pursuing a more aggressive approach in the region.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan itu juga pasti akan menimbulkan keresahan di Washington, di mana Presiden Barack Obama meneruskan pendekatan yang lebih agresif di rantau ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During last year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, the president stressed the importance of the Pacific to global economic security.", "r": {"result": "Semasa sidang kemuncak Kerjasama Ekonomi Asia-Pasifik tahun lepas, presiden menekankan kepentingan Pasifik kepada keselamatan ekonomi global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this year, Obama and top defense officials unveiled a new U.S. defense strategy that focuses heavily on the Asia-Pacific region, a fast-growing economic powerhouse with numerous potential flashpoints that the administration has identified as crucial to U.S. interests.", "r": {"result": "Dan tahun ini, Obama dan pegawai tertinggi pertahanan melancarkan strategi pertahanan A.S. baharu yang memberi tumpuan kepada rantau Asia-Pasifik, sebuah kuasa ekonomi yang berkembang pesat dengan pelbagai potensi titik kilat yang dikenal pasti oleh pentadbiran sebagai penting untuk kepentingan A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The strategy calls for the United States to increase its military's \"institutional weight and focus on enhanced presence, power projection, and deterrence in Asia-Pacific,\" said Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.", "r": {"result": "Strategi itu memerlukan Amerika Syarikat untuk meningkatkan \"berat institusi tenteranya dan memberi tumpuan kepada kehadiran yang dipertingkatkan, unjuran kuasa, dan pencegahan di Asia Pasifik,\" kata Setiausaha Pertahanan Leon Panetta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Xinhua, while welcoming a peaceful U.S. role in the region, cautioned in a commentary then against the United States acting like a \"bull in a china shop\".", "r": {"result": "Xinhua, sambil mengalu-alukan peranan AS yang aman di rantau itu, memberi amaran dalam ulasan ketika itu terhadap tindakan Amerika Syarikat seperti \"lembu jantan di kedai cina\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Steven Jiang contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Steven Jiang dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON -- President Obama said Thursday he intends to nominate a top Los Angeles International Airport police department official to head the Transportation Security Administration, the agency charged with protecting airplanes and other forms of transportation from terrorists.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON -- Presiden Obama berkata Khamis beliau bercadang untuk mencalonkan pegawai tertinggi jabatan polis Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Los Angeles untuk mengetuai Pentadbiran Keselamatan Pengangkutan, agensi yang ditugaskan melindungi kapal terbang dan bentuk pengangkutan lain daripada pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Erroll Southers has served as the state's deputy director of homeland security and a special agent with the FBI.", "r": {"result": "Erroll Southers telah berkhidmat sebagai timbalan pengarah keselamatan tanah air negeri dan ejen khas dengan FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Erroll Southers currently is the department's chief of homeland security and intelligence.", "r": {"result": "Erroll Southers kini adalah ketua keselamatan dan perisikan tanah air jabatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His name had been floated for the federal job earlier this year and was warmly received by unions and airport screeners, who say Southers will embrace collective bargaining for screeners.", "r": {"result": "Namanya telah diapungkan untuk tugas persekutuan awal tahun ini dan diterima dengan baik oleh kesatuan sekerja dan penyaring lapangan terbang, yang mengatakan Southers akan menerima perundingan kolektif untuk penyaring.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now \"the question of bargaining rights at TSA is not a matter of 'if' but 'when,' \" said John Gage, president of the American Federation of Government Employees, in a statement applauding the choice.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang \"persoalan hak tawar-menawar di TSA bukan soal 'jika' tetapi 'bila,' \" kata John Gage, presiden Persekutuan Kakitangan Kerajaan Amerika, dalam satu kenyataan memuji pilihan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are confident that the appointment of Mr. Southers as administrator will help put that matter to bed\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami yakin bahawa pelantikan Encik Southers sebagai pentadbir akan membantu menyelesaikan perkara itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Screeners had an often hostile relationship with the Bush administration, which opposed unionization, saying it would hinder the agency's ability to quickly respond to emergencies.", "r": {"result": "Penyaring mempunyai hubungan yang sering bermusuhan dengan pentadbiran Bush, yang menentang kesatuan sekerja, mengatakan ia akan menghalang keupayaan agensi untuk bertindak balas dengan cepat terhadap kecemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The airport's police department, which Southers has helped manage since early 2007, is the largest such operation in the country, with approximately 1,200 employees.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan polis lapangan terbang itu, yang dibantu oleh Southers sejak awal 2007, merupakan operasi terbesar seumpama itu di negara ini, dengan kira-kira 1,200 pekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His new job would give him much greater responsibilities, managing the TSA's roughly 50,000 employees.", "r": {"result": "Pekerjaan baharunya akan memberinya tanggungjawab yang lebih besar, menguruskan kira-kira 50,000 pekerja TSA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those employees include some 45,000 screeners, known as transportation security officers, who provide security at 450 airports nationwide, and an undisclosed number of federal air marshals -- plainclothes officers tasked with preventing or interrupting hijackings.", "r": {"result": "Pekerja tersebut termasuk kira-kira 45,000 penyaring, dikenali sebagai pegawai keselamatan pengangkutan, yang menyediakan keselamatan di 450 lapangan terbang di seluruh negara, dan bilangan marshal udara persekutuan yang tidak didedahkan -- pegawai berpakaian biasa yang ditugaskan untuk mencegah atau mengganggu rampasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sorry to see him go, actually,\" said Marshall McClain, president of the Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association.", "r": {"result": "\"Maaf melihat dia pergi, sebenarnya,\" kata Marshall McClain, presiden Persatuan Pegawai Keamanan Lapangan Terbang Los Angeles.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Out of the new management team, I would say he was the most well-received and most well-liked\".", "r": {"result": "\"Daripada pasukan pengurusan baharu, saya akan katakan dia adalah yang paling mendapat sambutan dan paling disukai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McClain said Southers brought more weaponry to the department's tactical team, increased the focus on intelligence, and had the team train with security forces from Israel's El Al Airlines.", "r": {"result": "McClain berkata Southers membawa lebih banyak senjata kepada pasukan taktikal jabatan itu, meningkatkan tumpuan pada perisikan, dan menyuruh pasukan itu berlatih dengan pasukan keselamatan dari El Al Airlines Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Some of the things that the Israelis do may just shock the consciousness of the U.S., but they are second to none,\" McClain said.", "r": {"result": "\"Beberapa perkara yang dilakukan oleh Israel mungkin hanya mengejutkan kesedaran A.S., tetapi ia tidak ada duanya,\" kata McClain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He did step up the game quite a bit\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia telah meningkatkan permainan dengan agak banyak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's announcement sets in motion a confirmation process that will begin with the Senate Commerce Committee collecting background information on Southers.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman Obama menggerakkan proses pengesahan yang akan bermula dengan Jawatankuasa Perdagangan Senat mengumpul maklumat latar belakang mengenai Southers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A confirmation hearing will come later, after Southers is formally nominated.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan pengesahan akan datang kemudian, selepas orang Selatan dicalonkan secara rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Thursday praised Obama's choice, saying Southers' \"expertise in counterterrorism and airport security will be a great asset to the department\".", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Janet Napolitano pada hari Khamis memuji pilihan Obama, berkata Southers \"kepakaran dalam memerangi keganasan dan keselamatan lapangan terbang akan menjadi aset besar kepada jabatan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition to serving as assistant chief of the Los Angeles Airport Police, Southers is associate director at the Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events at the University of Southern California.", "r": {"result": "Selain berkhidmat sebagai penolong ketua Polis Lapangan Terbang Los Angeles, Southers ialah pengarah bersekutu di Pusat Analisis Risiko dan Ekonomi Peristiwa Keganasan di Universiti California Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Previously, he served as the state's deputy director of homeland security, and as a police officer with the Santa Monica Police Department and special agent with the FBI.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum ini, beliau berkhidmat sebagai timbalan pengarah keselamatan tanah air negeri, dan sebagai pegawai polis dengan Jabatan Polis Santa Monica dan ejen khas dengan FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The administration said Southers is a senior fellow at the University of California-Los Angeles School of Public Affairs and holds a bachelor's degree from Brown University as well as a master's degree from the University of Southern California, where he is currently pursuing a doctorate in policy, planning and development.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran berkata, Southers ialah felo kanan di University of California-Los Angeles School of Public Affairs dan memegang ijazah sarjana muda dari Brown University serta ijazah sarjana dari University of Southern California, di mana beliau sedang mengikuti pengajian peringkat doktor falsafah dalam bidang polisi. , perancangan dan pembangunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- Lindsay Lohan missed her flight back home from a Hawaiian vacation, but she will be back in Los Angeles in time for an important court appearance Wednesday, her spokesman said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Los Angeles (CNN) -- Lindsay Lohan terlepas penerbangan pulang dari percutian Hawaii, tetapi dia akan kembali ke Los Angeles tepat pada masanya untuk penampilan penting di mahkamah pada hari Rabu, kata jurucakapnya pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Los Angeles County Judge Stephanie Sautner ordered Lohan to appear in court so she can determine whether the actress is keeping up with her probation provisions, including the requirement that she work at least 12 days a month at the county morgue.", "r": {"result": "Hakim Daerah Los Angeles Stephanie Sautner mengarahkan Lohan untuk hadir ke mahkamah supaya dia boleh menentukan sama ada aktres itu mematuhi peruntukan percubaannya, termasuk keperluan bahawa dia bekerja sekurang-kurangnya 12 hari sebulan di bilik mayat daerah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Lindsay was delayed in Hawaii due to a travel-related issue,\" Lohan spokesman Steve Honig said.", "r": {"result": "\"Lindsay telah ditangguhkan di Hawaii kerana isu berkaitan perjalanan,\" kata jurucakap Lohan, Steve Honig.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She will be heading back this evening in time to appear in court tomorrow\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia akan pulang petang ini tepat pada masanya untuk hadir di mahkamah esok\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The missed flight, however, forced the cancellation of Lohan's interview with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, which was set to be taped Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan yang terlepas itu, bagaimanapun, memaksa pembatalan temu bual Lohan dengan hos rancangan bual bicara Ellen DeGeneres, yang ditetapkan untuk dirakam pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Lindsay offered to tape 'Ellen' tomorrow, but the show was unable to shift things around, and tomorrow is their last day of taping for the season,\" Honig said.", "r": {"result": "\"Lindsay menawarkan untuk merakam 'Ellen' esok, tetapi rancangan itu tidak dapat mengubah keadaan, dan esok adalah hari terakhir rakaman mereka untuk musim ini,\" kata Honig.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Ellen\" interview was to be Lohan's only planned appearance to promote her just-published Playboy magazine photo spread.", "r": {"result": "Temu bual \"Ellen\" adalah satu-satunya penampilan Lohan yang dirancang untuk mempromosikan penyebaran foto majalah Playboynya yang baru diterbitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There is no indication that Lohan, 25, will have any difficulty in court Wednesday, compared with many of her numerous appearances in the past two years.", "r": {"result": "Tiada petunjuk bahawa Lohan, 25, akan menghadapi sebarang kesukaran di mahkamah pada hari Rabu, berbanding dengan banyak penampilannya dalam tempoh dua tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sautner sentenced Lohan to 30 days in jail last month after she admitted that she violated her probation on a necklace theft conviction, but the sheriff sent her home after a few hours because of jail overcrowding.", "r": {"result": "Sautner menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 30 hari kepada Lohan bulan lalu selepas dia mengakui bahawa dia melanggar percubaannya atas sabitan kecurian rantai, tetapi sheriff menghantarnya pulang selepas beberapa jam kerana kesesakan penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judge also ordered the actress to work at least 12 days a month at the Los Angeles County morgue until she completes the 53 remaining days on her court-ordered community service.", "r": {"result": "Hakim juga memerintahkan aktres itu bekerja sekurang-kurangnya 12 hari sebulan di rumah mayat Los Angeles County sehingga dia melengkapkan baki 53 hari dalam perkhidmatan masyarakat yang diarahkan mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She must also attend 18 psychotherapy sessions.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga mesti menghadiri 18 sesi psikoterapi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the actress stays on track, her probation would be eased March 29, Sautner said.", "r": {"result": "Jika pelakon itu kekal di landasan yang betul, percubaannya akan dilonggarkan pada 29 Mac, kata Sautner.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If she doesn't keep up with the requirements, she will serve the additional 270 days behind bars, the judge said.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia tidak memenuhi syarat, dia akan menjalani tambahan 270 hari di balik penjara, kata hakim itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is what we really call putting the keys to the jail in the defendant's hands,\" Sautner told Lohan.", "r": {"result": "\"Inilah yang sebenarnya kita panggil meletakkan kunci penjara di tangan defendan,\" kata Sautner kepada Lohan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Sautner sentenced Lohan to 120 days in jail in May, she ended up serving 35 days of home confinement instead, because of jail overcrowding and state rules that give prisoners credit for good behavior.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Sautner menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 120 hari kepada Lohan pada bulan Mei, dia akhirnya menjalani kurungan di rumah selama 35 hari, kerana kesesakan penjara dan peraturan negeri yang memberi penghargaan kepada banduan atas tingkah laku yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors said Lohan missed 12 of 20 scheduled workdays at a downtown Los Angeles women's center, part of the court-ordered community service imposed in May when she pleaded guilty to stealing a necklace from a Venice, California, jewelry store.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berkata Lohan terlepas 12 daripada 20 hari kerja yang dijadualkan di pusat wanita pusat bandar Los Angeles, sebahagian daripada perkhidmatan masyarakat yang diarahkan mahkamah yang dikenakan pada Mei apabila dia mengaku bersalah mencuri rantai dari kedai barang kemas Venice, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lohan, 25, was already on probation for two drunken driving convictions from 2007.", "r": {"result": "Lohan, 25, telah pun dalam percubaan untuk dua sabitan memandu dalam keadaan mabuk dari 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also canceled 14 of 19 scheduled appointments for court-ordered psychotherapy, they said.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga membatalkan 14 daripada 19 pelantikan yang dijadualkan untuk psikoterapi yang diperintahkan mahkamah, kata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"From what I see of you, you need a structure,\" Sautner told Lohan last month, instructing her to return to court each month, starting December 14, to show she is complying with the schedule.", "r": {"result": "\"Daripada apa yang saya lihat tentang anda, anda memerlukan struktur,\" kata Sautner kepada Lohan bulan lalu, mengarahkannya kembali ke mahkamah setiap bulan, mulai 14 Disember, untuk menunjukkan dia mematuhi jadual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lindsay Lohan's legal woes, which began four years ago with two drunken driving arrests, have been compounded by her failure to attend counseling classes, and alcohol and drug test failures.", "r": {"result": "Masalah undang-undang Lindsay Lohan, yang bermula empat tahun lalu dengan dua tangkapan memandu dalam keadaan mabuk, telah ditambah dengan kegagalannya menghadiri kelas kaunseling, dan kegagalan ujian alkohol dan dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her probation is scheduled to end within a year unless Lohan breaks any laws before then.", "r": {"result": "Percubaan beliau dijadualkan berakhir dalam tempoh setahun melainkan Lohan melanggar mana-mana undang-undang sebelum itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has been extended several times because of violations, including the failed alcohol and drug tests.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah dilanjutkan beberapa kali kerana pelanggaran, termasuk ujian alkohol dan dadah yang gagal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jack Hannah contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jack Hannah dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- I have suffered from debilitating panic attacks since 1986.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Saya mengalami serangan panik yang melemahkan sejak 1986.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were brought on by what happened on January 10, when I was a young reporter at WIS-TV in Columbia, South Carolina, and witnessed the electric chair execution of a convicted killer.", "r": {"result": "Mereka dibawa oleh apa yang berlaku pada 10 Januari, ketika saya adalah seorang wartawan muda di WIS-TV di Columbia, Carolina Selatan, dan menyaksikan hukuman mati kerusi elektrik terhadap pembunuh yang disabitkan kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I volunteered for the assignment.", "r": {"result": "Saya menawarkan diri untuk tugasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was an important case.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah kes penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James Terry Roach was 17 when he committed the crime -- borderline mentally disabled, with a degenerative brain disorder.", "r": {"result": "James Terry Roach berusia 17 tahun ketika dia melakukan jenayah itu -- orang cacat mental sempadan, dengan gangguan otak yang merosot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities had every reason to commute his sentence.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa mempunyai alasan untuk meringankan hukumannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former President Jimmy Carter and Mother Teresa sent in pleas on his behalf -- but to no avail.", "r": {"result": "Bekas Presiden Jimmy Carter dan Mother Teresa menghantar rayuan bagi pihaknya -- tetapi tidak berjaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the morning of the 10th, Roach was strapped into the electric chair and the switch thrown.", "r": {"result": "Pada pagi 10hb, Roach telah diikat pada kerusi elektrik dan suis dilemparkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His body slammed into the back of the chair and instantly tensed up.", "r": {"result": "Badannya dihempas ke belakang kerusi dan serta-merta tegang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For one solid minute, electricity coursed through his body.", "r": {"result": "Selama satu minit, elektrik mengalir melalui tubuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Executioners paused for one minute, then once again threw the switch.", "r": {"result": "Algojo berhenti seketika selama satu minit, kemudian sekali lagi melemparkan suis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For 60 more seconds his body absorbed electricity.", "r": {"result": "Selama 60 saat lagi tubuhnya menyerap elektrik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A short time later, he was pronounced dead.", "r": {"result": "Tidak lama kemudian, dia disahkan meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of reporters probably could have distanced themselves emotionally and moved on.", "r": {"result": "Ramai wartawan mungkin boleh menjauhkan diri mereka secara emosi dan meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But something happened to me in those few minutes.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sesuatu berlaku kepada saya dalam beberapa minit itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Afterward, I was anxious, couldn't sleep, and found myself reliving the execution over and over in my mind.", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu, saya cemas, tidak boleh tidur, dan mendapati diri saya mengingati pelaksanaan hukuman mati itu berulang kali dalam fikiran saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I came back to work after a couple of days off.", "r": {"result": "Saya kembali bekerja selepas beberapa hari cuti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The assignment desk had planned to take it easy on me, but as luck would have it, there was some kind of fatal accident, and I was sent on the story.", "r": {"result": "Meja tugasan telah merancang untuk mengambil mudah pada saya, tetapi nasib baik, terdapat beberapa jenis kemalangan maut, dan saya telah dihantar pada cerita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A large garbage truck was picking up a dumpster and accidentally made contact with power lines.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah lori sampah besar sedang mengambil tong sampah dan secara tidak sengaja tersentuh talian elektrik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, my first story back was another electrocution.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, cerita pertama saya kembali adalah satu lagi renjatan elektrik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Heading back to the station I had my first panic attack.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke stesen, saya mengalami serangan panik pertama saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People have told me, \"I get panic-stricken, and nervous too.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai memberitahu saya, \"Saya panik, dan gementar juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It happens\".", "r": {"result": "Ia berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But getting nervous is not a panic attack.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi menjadi gementar bukanlah serangan panik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An attack makes you feel as if your world is ending.", "r": {"result": "Serangan membuatkan anda berasa seolah-olah dunia anda akan berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Your heart is racing, you begin to hyperventilate, every nerve in your body is exploding -- it seems you're about to die, and you have an overwhelming sense of doom.", "r": {"result": "Jantung anda berdegup kencang, anda mula mengalami hiperventilasi, setiap saraf dalam badan anda meletup -- nampaknya anda hampir mati, dan anda mempunyai rasa azab yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Why do we keep executing people?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Mengapa kita terus bunuh orang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My initial reaction to a panic attack was to find something to drink -- beer, wine, anything to calm down after work.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi awal saya terhadap serangan panik ialah mencari sesuatu untuk diminum -- bir, wain, apa sahaja untuk menenangkan diri selepas bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But eventually I had to make a deal with myself: No drinking to help \"take the edge off\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi akhirnya saya terpaksa membuat perjanjian dengan diri saya sendiri: Jangan minum untuk membantu \"menghilangkan kelebihan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I was going to drink, it would be when I felt good -- pounding a few back to ease anxiety would lead me down a road I didn't want to take.", "r": {"result": "Jika saya akan minum, ia akan menjadi apabila saya berasa baik -- menumbuk beberapa punggung untuk mengurangkan kebimbangan akan membawa saya ke jalan yang saya tidak mahu lalui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the late '80s and early '90s panic attacks came on to one degree or another almost daily, and of course the deal with myself was violated all too often.", "r": {"result": "Pada penghujung 80-an dan awal 90-an, serangan panik berlaku hampir setiap hari, dan sudah tentu perjanjian dengan diri saya dilanggar terlalu kerap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I sought help, and was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.", "r": {"result": "Saya mendapatkan bantuan, dan telah didiagnosis dengan Gangguan Tekanan Pasca Trauma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was embarrassed and humiliated, but kept it to myself.", "r": {"result": "Saya malu dan terhina, tetapi saya simpan sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For years it was very difficult.", "r": {"result": "Selama bertahun-tahun ia sangat sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead of getting better, it seemed to be getting worse.", "r": {"result": "Daripada bertambah baik, ia kelihatan semakin teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I withdrew, and couldn't be by myself without thinking the panic attacks would send me -- in my term -- \"cycling out of control\".", "r": {"result": "Saya menarik diri, dan tidak boleh bersendirian tanpa memikirkan serangan panik akan menghantar saya -- dalam istilah saya -- \"berbasikal di luar kawalan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I remember taking a writing test at CNN in 1989 and having three punishing panic attacks that were so bad I almost got up and walked out of the building.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat mengambil ujian menulis di CNN pada tahun 1989 dan mengalami tiga serangan panik yang sangat teruk sehingga saya hampir bangun dan berjalan keluar dari bangunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Professional support made things get better, but the attacks never completely went away.", "r": {"result": "Sokongan profesional menjadikan keadaan menjadi lebih baik, tetapi serangan tidak pernah hilang sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Certain situations and environments could take me back and an attack would come on, my heart feeling as though it would burst through my chest, worried that I would just collapse on the ground gasping for breath while sweat was trickling down the side of my face.", "r": {"result": "Situasi dan persekitaran tertentu boleh membawa saya kembali dan serangan akan datang, jantung saya rasa seolah-olah ia akan pecah melalui dada saya, bimbang saya akan rebah di tanah sambil tercungap-cungap sambil peluh mengalir di tepi muka saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "OK, now imagine that happening while you're getting ready to do an on-camera interview, or tethered to a live shot, or the very worst -- sitting in the anchor chair.", "r": {"result": "OK, sekarang bayangkan perkara itu berlaku semasa anda bersiap sedia untuk melakukan temu bual pada kamera, atau ditambatkan pada tangkapan langsung, atau yang paling teruk -- duduk di kerusi sauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't just happening to me, it was happening to me in front of millions of people.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan sahaja berlaku kepada saya, ia berlaku kepada saya di hadapan berjuta-juta orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have been a journalist a long time.", "r": {"result": "Saya sudah lama menjadi wartawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Along the way I have picked up what I consider a nice collection of awards and honors, and reported on everything imaginable: hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, wars, elections, you name it.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang perjalanan saya telah mengambil apa yang saya anggap sebagai koleksi anugerah dan penghormatan yang bagus, dan melaporkan segala-galanya yang boleh dibayangkan: taufan, gempa bumi, banjir, kebakaran, peperangan, pilihan raya, sebut saja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am proud of that work, but still feel a huge sense of failure every time I let panic attacks get the best of me.", "r": {"result": "Saya bangga dengan kerja itu, tetapi masih merasakan kegagalan yang besar setiap kali saya membiarkan serangan panik mengatasi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is hard to describe a panic attack to someone who hasn't lived through it.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk menggambarkan serangan panik kepada seseorang yang tidak pernah mengalaminya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As well as an overwhelming sense of dread, a physical weight is on your shoulders -- as if something terrible is going to happen.", "r": {"result": "Di samping rasa takut yang teramat sangat, beban fizikal berada di bahu anda -- seolah-olah sesuatu yang dahsyat akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But my colleagues never seemed to know anything was wrong.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi rakan sekerja saya nampaknya tidak pernah tahu apa-apa yang salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I couldn't concentrate, or felt like I couldn't get through a live shot I would sometimes say, \"Ugh, I don't feel good.", "r": {"result": "Jika saya tidak dapat menumpukan perhatian, atau berasa seperti saya tidak dapat melalui pukulan langsung, saya kadang-kadang akan berkata, \"Ugh, saya rasa tidak sedap hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I didn't sleep well last night\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tak tidur lena semalam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was all very believable.", "r": {"result": "Semuanya sangat boleh dipercayai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once, I was anchoring a live environment show on CNN on a weekend morning.", "r": {"result": "Suatu ketika, saya sedang melabuhkan rancangan persekitaran langsung di CNN pada pagi hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When I started to read the headlines, I was hyperventilating and couldn't make a sound.", "r": {"result": "Apabila saya mula membaca tajuk utama, saya mengalami hiperventilasi dan tidak dapat mengeluarkan bunyi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People at home were seeing video of what I was supposed to be talking about.", "r": {"result": "Orang di rumah sedang melihat video tentang perkara yang sepatutnya saya bincangkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I reached down, took a drink of water and told the producer I was just choking for a second.", "r": {"result": "Saya mencapai ke bawah, mengambil minum air dan memberitahu pengeluar saya hanya tercekik seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hour show went off without a hitch from there on.", "r": {"result": "Pertunjukan sejam berjalan tanpa sebarang halangan dari situ.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have flown nearly a million miles on Delta Airlines alone, and on nearly every flight I worried about a panic attack, and on a few of them, suffered through the full-blown thing.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah terbang hampir sejuta batu dengan Delta Airlines sahaja, dan pada hampir setiap penerbangan saya bimbang tentang serangan panik, dan pada beberapa daripada mereka, mengalami perkara yang teruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One time a flight attendant walked down the aisle and asked me if I needed oxygen.", "r": {"result": "Suatu ketika seorang pramugari berjalan di lorong dan bertanya kepada saya sama ada saya memerlukan oksigen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sheer ridiculousness of the whole episode made me laugh and the panic passed, like it always does.", "r": {"result": "Kelucuan sepanjang episod itu membuatkan saya ketawa dan panik berlalu, seperti selalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What I went through is nothing compared with troops returning home from war zones struggling with PTSD, and my heart goes out to them.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang saya lalui tidak ada apa-apanya berbanding dengan tentera yang pulang dari zon perang yang bergelut dengan PTSD, dan hati saya terdetik kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am healthy, happy where I am in life, and have been blessed with great jobs and great friends.", "r": {"result": "Saya sihat, gembira di mana saya berada, dan telah dikurniakan pekerjaan yang hebat dan kawan-kawan yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am still reporting, anchoring and doing live shots.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih melaporkan, berlabuh dan melakukan syot langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you tune in, you won't see me collapse in a fit of panic.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda menonton, anda tidak akan melihat saya rebah dalam keadaan panik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am doing a lot better.", "r": {"result": "Saya melakukan lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than once in my life, I thought there was no way to get through this.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada sekali dalam hidup saya, saya fikir tidak ada cara untuk melalui ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I vividly remember being on a warm, sunny beach in the throes of a panic attack and wondering if my life would ever be normal again -- if I would ever again simply be able to close my eyes and be at ease.", "r": {"result": "Saya masih ingat dengan jelas berada di pantai yang hangat dan cerah dalam serangan panik dan tertanya-tanya sama ada hidup saya akan normal semula -- jika saya akan sekali lagi hanya dapat menutup mata saya dan berasa tenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For those going through anxiety issues, I have a message: You can get better, you can work through it.", "r": {"result": "Bagi mereka yang mengalami masalah kebimbangan, saya ada mesej: Anda boleh menjadi lebih baik, anda boleh mengatasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It may be therapy, medication, or just the realization that you aren't alone.", "r": {"result": "Ia mungkin terapi, ubat, atau hanya kesedaran bahawa anda tidak bersendirian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I kept a journal during the worst period of my panic attacks which helps me to remember how far I've come since my darkest hours -- when I felt as though the sun would never come up again.", "r": {"result": "Saya menyimpan jurnal semasa tempoh paling teruk serangan panik saya yang membantu saya mengingati sejauh mana saya telah melangkah sejak waktu paling gelap saya -- apabila saya merasakan seolah-olah matahari tidak akan muncul lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It isn't easy to write about this.", "r": {"result": "Bukan mudah untuk menulis tentang ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A big part of me still considers myself a failure for having to cope with this condition.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian besar daripada saya masih menganggap diri saya gagal kerana terpaksa menghadapi keadaan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet by and large, I have made peace with myself -- things are a lot better.", "r": {"result": "Namun pada umumnya, saya telah berdamai dengan diri saya sendiri -- keadaan menjadi lebih baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can look inside, and ask myself: \"What's the worst that will happen\"?", "r": {"result": "Saya boleh melihat ke dalam, dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri: \"Apakah yang paling teruk yang akan berlaku\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I've found the worst thing that can happen is giving in to the fear.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya dapati perkara terburuk yang boleh berlaku ialah menyerah kepada ketakutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Sean Callebs.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat Sean Callebs semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- While California's Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a ban on same-sex marriages that voters voters passed in November, the fight will undoubtedly go forward.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Walaupun Mahkamah Agung California pada hari Selasa mengekalkan pengharaman perkahwinan sesama jantina yang diluluskan oleh pengundi pada bulan November, perjuangan sudah pasti akan diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four states -- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts and Iowa -- currently allow same-sex marriages.", "r": {"result": "Empat negeri -- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts dan Iowa -- pada masa ini membenarkan perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ruling by the court allows about 18,000 same-sex marriages performed before the ban to remain valid.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan mahkamah membenarkan kira-kira 18,000 perkahwinan sejenis dilakukan sebelum larangan itu kekal sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The decision was met with chants of \"shame on you\" from a crowd of about 1,000 people gathered outside the court building in San Francisco on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan itu disambut dengan laungan \"memalukan awak\" daripada kira-kira 1,000 orang berkumpul di luar bangunan mahkamah di San Francisco pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Proposition 8 passed in the 2008 general election with about 52.5 percent of the vote.", "r": {"result": "Usul 8 diluluskan pada pilihan raya umum 2008 dengan kira-kira 52.5 peratus undi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "California had been issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples since the state Supreme Court ruled in May 2008 that the unions were legal.", "r": {"result": "California telah mengeluarkan lesen perkahwinan kepada pasangan sejenis sejak Mahkamah Agung negeri memutuskan pada Mei 2008 bahawa kesatuan itu sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport.com: Couples' thoughts on Prop 8?", "r": {"result": "iReport.com: Pemikiran pasangan tentang Prop 8?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the question now remains whether gay rights activists across the country will take their fight -- despite the California ruling -- to state courts, push for ballot initiatives or simply pressure state politicians to move legislation.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi persoalannya kini kekal sama ada aktivis hak gay di seluruh negara akan berjuang -- walaupun keputusan California -- ke mahkamah negeri, mendesak inisiatif undi atau sekadar menekan ahli politik negeri untuk memindahkan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Currently, four states -- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts and Iowa -- approved of same-sex marriages.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa ini, empat negeri -- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts dan Iowa -- meluluskan perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vermont's legislature passed a law making same-sex marriages legal that will take effect in September.", "r": {"result": "Badan perundangan Vermont meluluskan undang-undang yang menjadikan perkahwinan sejenis sah yang akan berkuat kuasa pada bulan September.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Hampshire and Rhode Island remain the New England states that have not approved the marriages into law.", "r": {"result": "New Hampshire dan Rhode Island kekal sebagai negeri New England yang tidak meluluskan perkahwinan itu menjadi undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most recently, on May 6, same-sex marriage became legal in Maine when Democratic Gov.", "r": {"result": "Terbaru, pada 6 Mei, perkahwinan sejenis menjadi sah di Maine apabila Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Baldacci signed a bill less than an hour after the state Legislature approved it.", "r": {"result": "John Baldacci menandatangani rang undang-undang kurang daripada sejam selepas Badan Perundangan negeri meluluskannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have come to believe that this is a question of fairness and of equal protection under the law and that a civil union is not equal to civil marriage,\" he said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mula percaya bahawa ini adalah soal keadilan dan perlindungan sama rata di bawah undang-undang dan bahawa kesatuan sivil tidak sama dengan perkahwinan sivil,\" katanya dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he raised the possibility that the residents of the state would overturn the law.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia membangkitkan kemungkinan bahawa penduduk negeri itu akan membatalkan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Just as the Maine Constitution demands that all people are treated equally under the law, it also guarantees that the ultimate political power in the state belongs to the people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sama seperti Perlembagaan Maine menuntut semua orang dilayan sama rata di bawah undang-undang, ia juga menjamin bahawa kuasa politik muktamad di negeri ini adalah milik rakyat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fight for same-sex marriage in New Hampshire, meanwhile, has hit a roadblock.", "r": {"result": "Perjuangan untuk perkahwinan sejenis di New Hampshire, sementara itu, telah menemui halangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The House and Senate have approved allowing gay couples to marry.", "r": {"result": "Dewan dan Senat telah meluluskan membenarkan pasangan gay berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Gov.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Lynch, a three-term Democrat, said last week that he would sign a same-sex marriage bill only if it provides \"the strongest and clearest protections for religious institutions and associations, and for the individuals working with such institutions\".", "r": {"result": "John Lynch, seorang Demokrat selama tiga penggal, berkata minggu lalu bahawa dia akan menandatangani rang undang-undang perkahwinan sejenis hanya jika ia menyediakan \"perlindungan paling kukuh dan paling jelas untuk institusi dan persatuan agama, dan untuk individu yang bekerja dengan institusi sedemikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lynch said that any such measure needs to \"make clear that [clergy and other religious officials] cannot be forced to act in ways that violate their deeply held religious principles\".", "r": {"result": "Lynch berkata bahawa apa-apa langkah sedemikian perlu \"menjelaskan bahawa [pendeta dan pegawai agama lain] tidak boleh dipaksa untuk bertindak dengan cara yang melanggar prinsip agama mereka yang dipegang secara mendalam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Wednesday, the House fell two votes short of approving Lynch's language, 186-188. The chamber voted to send the legislation to a committee to be considered further.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Rabu, Dewan kehilangan dua undian untuk meluluskan bahasa Lynch, 186-188. Dewan mengundi untuk menghantar undang-undang kepada jawatankuasa untuk dipertimbangkan lebih lanjut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others state have implemented same-sex marriages.", "r": {"result": "Negeri lain telah melaksanakan perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Interactive: States that allow same-sex unions >>.", "r": {"result": "Interaktif: Negeri yang membenarkan kesatuan sesama jantina >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In April, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled unanimously that it is illegal to discriminate against same-sex couples by denying them the right to marry.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan April, Mahkamah Agung Iowa memutuskan sebulat suara bahawa adalah haram mendiskriminasi pasangan sejenis dengan menafikan hak mereka untuk berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first gay marriages in the state took place April 27.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan gay pertama di negeri ini berlangsung pada 27 April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The District of Columbia voted May 5 to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere, though it does not itself give marriage licenses to same-sex couples.", "r": {"result": "District of Columbia mengundi pada 5 Mei untuk mengiktiraf perkahwinan sejenis yang dilakukan di tempat lain, walaupun ia sendiri tidak memberikan lesen perkahwinan kepada pasangan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that measure faces a potentially large hurdle: being sent to Congress for a review and vote, setting up what would amount to a straight up-or-down vote on same-sex marriage.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi langkah itu menghadapi halangan yang berpotensi besar: dihantar ke Kongres untuk semakan dan undian, menetapkan apa yang akan berjumlah undi lurus ke atas atau ke bawah pada perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because Washington is not a state, its legislation must pass congressional muster.", "r": {"result": "Kerana Washington bukan sebuah negeri, undang-undangnya mesti meluluskan himpunan kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some measures approved by overwhelmingly Democratic Washington voters, including a restrictive gun law and a proposal decriminalizing medical marijuana use, have been vetoed by Congress in recent years.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa langkah yang diluluskan oleh pengundi Washington yang sangat Demokrat, termasuk undang-undang senjata api yang ketat dan cadangan menyahjenayah penggunaan ganja perubatan, telah diveto oleh Kongres dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In New York, Gov.", "r": {"result": "Di New York, Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "David Paterson introduced legislation in April to make same-sex marriage legal.", "r": {"result": "David Paterson memperkenalkan undang-undang pada bulan April untuk menjadikan perkahwinan sejenis sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The time has come to act.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMasanya sudah tiba untuk bertindak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The time has come for leadership.", "r": {"result": "Masanya telah tiba untuk kepimpinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The time has come to bring marriage equality to the state of New York,\" the Democratic governor said.", "r": {"result": "Masanya telah tiba untuk membawa kesaksamaan perkahwinan ke negeri New York,\" kata gabenor Demokrat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The legislation would allow same-sex couples in the state to enter into civil marriages and enjoy the same rights afforded to heterosexual married couples.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang itu akan membenarkan pasangan sejenis di negeri ini untuk memasuki perkahwinan sivil dan menikmati hak sama yang diberikan kepada pasangan suami isteri heteroseksual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A similar bill died in the state Senate in 2007.", "r": {"result": "Rang undang-undang yang sama meninggal dunia di Senat negeri pada tahun 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gay rights advocates in nearby New Jersey have said they believe that the state could be the next to pass same-sex marriage into law.", "r": {"result": "Penyokong hak gay di New Jersey yang berdekatan telah berkata mereka percaya bahawa negeri itu boleh menjadi yang seterusnya untuk meluluskan perkahwinan sejenis menjadi undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although the state already recognizes civil unions for gays and lesbians, its legislature will have to take up the issue.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun negeri sudah mengiktiraf kesatuan sivil untuk gay dan lesbian, badan perundangannya perlu mengambil isu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, recent CNN polling has shown that a slim majority of Americans are against legal recognition of same-sex marriage.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, tinjauan CNN baru-baru ini telah menunjukkan bahawa majoriti tipis rakyat Amerika menentang pengiktirafan undang-undang perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fifty-four percent of Americans questioned in an April 23-26 CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll said that marriages between gay or lesbian couples should not be recognized as valid, but 44 percent said they should be considered legal.", "r": {"result": "Lima puluh empat peratus rakyat Amerika yang disoal siasat dalam tinjauan pendapat CNN/Opinion Research Corp pada 23-26 April mengatakan bahawa perkahwinan antara pasangan gay atau lesbian tidak boleh diiktiraf sebagai sah, tetapi 44 peratus berkata mereka harus dianggap sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there was a large gap between the opinions of younger and older people, with younger people far more likely to approve of gay marriage.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat jurang yang besar antara pendapat orang yang lebih muda dan orang yang lebih tua, dengan orang yang lebih muda lebih cenderung untuk menyetujui perkahwinan gay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nearly six in 10 people ages 18 to 34 said same-sex marriages should be legal.", "r": {"result": "Hampir enam daripada 10 orang berumur 18 hingga 34 tahun berkata perkahwinan sejenis harus sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just over four in 10 people ages 35 to 49 agreed, and the number was similar for 50- to 64-year-olds.", "r": {"result": "Hanya lebih empat daripada 10 orang berumur 35 hingga 49 tahun bersetuju, dan bilangannya adalah serupa untuk mereka yang berumur 50 hingga 64 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only 24 percent of people 65 and older agreed.", "r": {"result": "Hanya 24 peratus daripada orang 65 tahun ke atas bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The survey's sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.", "r": {"result": "Ralat persampelan tinjauan ialah tambah atau tolak 3 mata peratusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the marriage debate is also changing for some Republicans, who have long opposed same-sex marriages.", "r": {"result": "Dan perdebatan perkahwinan juga berubah untuk sesetengah Republikan, yang telah lama menentang perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a speech April 17 to the conservative gay-rights group Log Cabin Republicans, Steve Schmidt -- an architect of Republican Sen.", "r": {"result": "Dalam ucapan 17 April kepada kumpulan konservatif hak gay Log Cabin Republicans, Steve Schmidt -- seorang arkitek Sen Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign -- said that allowing same-sex marriage is in line with the conservative credo of keeping government out of people's private lives.", "r": {"result": "Kempen presiden John McCain pada 2008 -- mengatakan bahawa membenarkan perkahwinan sejenis adalah selaras dengan kredo konservatif untuk menjauhkan kerajaan daripada kehidupan peribadi rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is a sound conservative argument to be made for same-sex marriage,\" said Schmidt, who was McCain's campaign manager.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat hujah konservatif yang kukuh untuk dibuat untuk perkahwinan sejenis,\" kata Schmidt, yang merupakan pengurus kempen McCain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe conservatives, more than liberals, insist that rights come with responsibilities.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya percaya konservatif, lebih daripada liberal, menegaskan bahawa hak datang dengan tanggungjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No other exercise of one's liberty comes with greater responsibilities than marriage.", "r": {"result": "Tiada pelaksanaan kebebasan seseorang yang lain datang dengan tanggungjawab yang lebih besar daripada perkahwinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a marriage, two people are completely responsible to and for each other\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam perkahwinan, dua orang bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya kepada dan untuk satu sama lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schmidt says he knows that his is a minority view.", "r": {"result": "Schmidt berkata dia tahu bahawa pandangannya adalah minoriti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the presidential campaign, McCain ran against same-sex marriage.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kempen presiden, McCain menentang perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McCain's own daughter Meghan recently said the Republican Party needs to embrace issues facing gays and lesbians -- most notably, approving of same-sex marriage.", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuan McCain sendiri, Meghan, baru-baru ini berkata, Parti Republikan perlu menerima isu yang dihadapi gay dan lesbian -- terutamanya, meluluskan perkahwinan sejenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although moderates such as Schmidt and Meghan McCain approve, opposition is coming mainly from the party's base: conservatives.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun golongan sederhana seperti Schmidt dan Meghan McCain meluluskan, pembangkang datang terutamanya daripada asas parti: konservatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the fight among conservatives and religious groups will probably heat up as more states begin to examine marriage rights.", "r": {"result": "Dan pergaduhan di kalangan konservatif dan kumpulan agama mungkin akan semakin panas apabila lebih banyak negeri mula meneliti hak perkahwinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Dana Bash, Alan Duke, Peter Hamby, Laurie Segall and Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Dana Bash CNN, Alan Duke, Peter Hamby, Laurie Segall dan Paul Steinhauser menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- What is seen by some as the holy four-day weekend for geek culture at San Diego Comic-Con has gone mainstream in a big way for the past few years.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Apa yang dilihat oleh sesetengah pihak sebagai hujung minggu empat hari yang suci untuk budaya geek di San Diego Comic-Con telah menjadi arus perdana secara besar-besaran sejak beberapa tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are you a Comic-Con beginner?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda seorang pemula Comic-Con?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Get the rules right!", "r": {"result": "Dapatkan peraturan yang betul!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Starting today, there will be panels called \"I Can't Write, I Can't Draw, But I Love Comics\"!", "r": {"result": "Mulai hari ini, akan ada panel yang dipanggil \"Saya Tidak Boleh Menulis, Saya Tidak Boleh Melukis, Tetapi Saya Suka Komik\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and \"Indie Comics Marketing 101\" taking place alongside \"USA Network's 'Psych' \" and \"Aloha, Earth\"!", "r": {"result": "dan \"Indie Comics Marketing 101\" berlangsung bersama-sama \"USA Network's 'Psych' \" dan \"Aloha, Earth\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "a panel about CBS' upcoming remake of \"Hawaii Five-0.\".", "r": {"result": "panel mengenai pembuatan semula \"Hawaii Five-0\" CBS yang akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this recent spate of panels about movie and TV properties with no sci-fi or comic book elements has some fans fuming.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi deretan panel baru-baru ini tentang sifat filem dan TV tanpa unsur sci-fi atau buku komik menimbulkan kemarahan peminat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The mainstream TV and film representation at Comic-Con has outstripped the original essence of the convention,\" said iReporter Brad Powers who attended Comic-Con the past two years, mainly for the panels on \"Lost\".", "r": {"result": "\"Perwakilan TV dan filem arus perdana di Comic-Con telah mengatasi intipati asal konvensyen itu,\" kata iReporter Brad Powers yang menghadiri Comic-Con sejak dua tahun lalu, terutamanya untuk panel mengenai \"Lost\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He believed that this \"mainstreaming\" of the convention has played a hand in it being filled to capacity.", "r": {"result": "Beliau percaya bahawa \"pengarusutamaan\" konvensyen ini telah memainkan peranan dalam pengisiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Going to San Diego Comic-Con?", "r": {"result": "Pergi ke San Diego Comic-Con?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For one panel, Powers said he arrived a full 45 minutes before it was set to begin.", "r": {"result": "Untuk satu panel, Powers berkata dia tiba penuh 45 minit sebelum ia ditetapkan untuk bermula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Thirty minutes passed and I thought for sure I was getting closer to the front door.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTiga puluh minit berlalu dan saya fikir pasti saya semakin hampir ke pintu depan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Finally, 10 minutes after the start, some nice Con attendee started walking back through the line to let everyone know that they were full up and no one else would be getting in\".", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya, 10 minit selepas permulaan, beberapa peserta Con yang baik mula berjalan kembali melalui barisan untuk memberitahu semua orang bahawa mereka kenyang dan tiada orang lain akan masuk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Powers is not attending the convention this year since \"Lost\" has ended.", "r": {"result": "Powers tidak menghadiri konvensyen tahun ini sejak \"Lost\" telah berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One iReporter, Michelle Cruz, has not attended in years.", "r": {"result": "Seorang iReporter, Michelle Cruz, sudah bertahun-tahun tidak hadir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't even try anymore,\" she said\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mencuba lagi,\" katanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They should have a Commercialism-Con and bring back Comic-Con the way it used to be\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka sepatutnya mempunyai Commercialism-Con dan mengembalikan Comic-Con seperti dahulu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's too crowded, too commercial, and, oh yea, it sells out before you even know who's gonna be there,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia terlalu sesak, terlalu komersial, dan, oh ya, ia terjual sebelum anda tahu siapa yang akan berada di sana,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd be really disappointed spending my money and seeing that I was gonna go to a panel discussion about [the Fox series] 'Glee.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benar-benar kecewa menghabiskan wang saya dan melihat bahawa saya akan pergi ke perbincangan panel mengenai [siri Fox] 'Glee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fact that \"Glee\" attended last year (and is returning this year) certainly seemed to fuel anger among some Comic-Con devotees.", "r": {"result": "Hakikat bahawa \"Glee\" telah menghadiri tahun lepas (dan akan kembali tahun ini) nampaknya menyemarakkan kemarahan di kalangan beberapa penganut Comic-Con.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It used to be the coolest thing in the world and now it's just a reason not to drive downtown for a few days\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia pernah menjadi perkara paling hebat di dunia dan kini ia hanya alasan untuk tidak memandu ke pusat bandar selama beberapa hari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Erin O'Donoghue, a hardcore fan of \"Chuck,\" is one of those who disagrees.", "r": {"result": "Erin O'Donoghue, peminat tegar \"Chuck,\" adalah salah seorang yang tidak bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am not one of those who believe it should remain solely in the realm of comics and their related forms of media,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bukan salah seorang yang percaya ia harus kekal semata-mata dalam bidang komik dan bentuk media berkaitannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I personally really enjoy the fact that SDCC has become a celebration of popular culture and every entertainment medium\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya secara peribadi sangat menikmati hakikat bahawa SDCC telah menjadi perayaan budaya popular dan setiap medium hiburan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even those who have covered the convention have differing opinions about it.", "r": {"result": "Malah mereka yang telah membuat liputan konvensyen tersebut mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vic Holtreman of Screenrant.com doesn't think that non-genre panels are a very good idea.", "r": {"result": "Vic Holtreman dari Screenrant.com tidak berpendapat bahawa panel bukan genre adalah idea yang sangat bagus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I guess the studios figure, well, as long as we're here we might as well throw this movie out there.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa pihak studio menganggap, selagi kita berada di sini, kita juga boleh membuang filem ini di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Maybe we give this a little boost,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "... Mungkin kita beri sedikit rangsangan ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Last year, at one of the studio panels, they had the Mike Judge film, 'Extract,' and people saw the footage.", "r": {"result": "\"Tahun lepas, di salah satu panel studio, mereka mempunyai filem Mike Judge, 'Ekstrak,' dan orang ramai melihat rakaman itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then the movie completely tanked\".", "r": {"result": "Kemudian filem itu benar-benar tenggelam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fanbolt.com's Emma Loggins, on the other hand, sees a place for these kinds of panels at Comic-Con.", "r": {"result": "Emma Loggins dari Fanbolt.com, sebaliknya, melihat tempat untuk panel jenis ini di Comic-Con.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think that what it's really about is anything that has a strong fan base.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir perkara itu sebenarnya adalah apa sahaja yang mempunyai peminat yang kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It also brings in other people to the convention that otherwise wouldn't be interested,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga membawa masuk orang lain ke konvensyen yang sebaliknya tidak akan berminat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quite a few people she has talked to, however, disagree with her.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa orang yang dia bercakap dengannya tidak bersetuju dengannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She even recalls a quite vocal reaction last year to a movie that, on the surface, would seem like a good fit.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga mengimbau reaksi yang agak lantang tahun lepas terhadap filem yang, pada zahirnya, nampaknya sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Con-goers were protesting at the Summit Entertainment booth saying ... with signs, 'Twilight Ruined Comic Con,' because fans couldn't get into see panels earlier in the day because of the thousands of 'Twilight' fans that descended on Hall H.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Penonton mengadakan protes di gerai Summit Entertainment sambil berkata ... dengan papan tanda, 'Twilight Ruined Comic Con,' kerana peminat tidak dapat melihat panel pada awal hari kerana beribu-ribu peminat 'Twilight' yang turun pada Dewan H.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, those fans can breathe a sigh of relief, since the cast of \"The Twilight Saga\" won't be there -- this year.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, peminat mereka boleh menarik nafas lega, memandangkan pelakon \"The Twilight Saga\" tidak akan hadir -- tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there are plenty of other panels, such as one for Will Ferrell's cop comedy \"The Other Guys,\" which will ensure the debate continues.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat banyak panel lain, seperti satu untuk komedi polis Will Ferrell \"The Other Guys,\" yang akan memastikan perdebatan diteruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palm Beach, Florida (CNN) -- For years, Army veteran Roy Foster's motto has been \"No man left behind\".", "r": {"result": "Palm Beach, Florida (CNN) -- Selama bertahun-tahun, moto veteran Tentera Roy Foster ialah \"Tiada lelaki yang tertinggal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This month, he's broadened it to include women.", "r": {"result": "Bulan ini, dia meluaskannya kepada wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In November, Foster was recognized at \"CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute\" as a Top 10 CNN Hero of 2009 for his efforts to help male veterans struggling with homelessness and addiction.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan November, Foster telah diiktiraf di \"CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute\" sebagai Top 10 CNN Hero of 2009 atas usahanya membantu veteran lelaki yang bergelut dengan gelandangan dan ketagihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His nonprofit, Faith*Hope*Love*Charity, has provided food, housing, counseling, employment and medical services to more than 1,100 veterans.", "r": {"result": "Badan bukan untungnya, Faith*Hope*Love*Charity, telah menyediakan makanan, perumahan, kaunseling, pekerjaan dan perkhidmatan perubatan kepada lebih 1,100 veteran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was somewhat overwhelmed at the tribute.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya agak terharu dengan penghormatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To be a part of something that you love doing -- to be honored in doing it was, you know, strange,\" recalled Foster, 54. \"But then to be showcased internationally was tremendous.", "r": {"result": "Menjadi sebahagian daripada sesuatu yang anda suka lakukan -- untuk diberi penghormatan dalam melakukannya adalah, anda tahu, pelik,\" kata Foster, 54. \"Tetapi untuk dipamerkan di peringkat antarabangsa adalah sesuatu yang luar biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it's still reaping benefits today\".", "r": {"result": "Dan ia masih menuai faedah hari ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among those benefits is Foster's recent opening of the First Stop Resource Center and Housing Program in Palm Beach, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Antara faedah tersebut ialah pembukaan Pusat Sumber Pertama dan Program Perumahan Foster baru-baru ini di Palm Beach, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The center and program widen the scope of support services his organization has been offering through its original Stand Down House.", "r": {"result": "Pusat dan program ini meluaskan skop perkhidmatan sokongan yang ditawarkan oleh organisasinya melalui Stand Down House yang asal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also bring Foster's long-held dream to fruition.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga membawa impian Foster yang telah lama dipegang menjadi kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Twenty years ago, the dream was to be able to provide assistance and services for homeless veterans and their entire family,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDua puluh tahun lalu, impiannya adalah untuk dapat memberikan bantuan dan perkhidmatan untuk veteran gelandangan dan seluruh keluarga mereka,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We did come up with Stand Down House 10 years ago, but there was never that support for the family or the female veterans.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memang membuat Stand Down House 10 tahun lalu, tetapi tidak pernah ada sokongan itu untuk keluarga atau veteran wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, we've been fortunate enough to complete that vision\".", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, kami cukup bernasib baik untuk menyempurnakan visi itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you know a hero?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda tahu seorang wira?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nominations are open for 2010 CNN Heroes.", "r": {"result": "Pencalonan dibuka untuk Wira CNN 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The First Stop Resource Center assists veterans and their families through various periods of crises, including homelessness and addiction.", "r": {"result": "Pusat Sumber Perhentian Pertama membantu veteran dan keluarga mereka melalui pelbagai tempoh krisis, termasuk kehilangan tempat tinggal dan ketagihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before its addition, Foster and his team had to send veterans in need from one partner aid agency to another over multiple days, in multiple locations -- increasing the risk of losing clients back to the streets.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum penambahan itu, Foster dan pasukannya terpaksa menghantar veteran yang memerlukan daripada satu agensi bantuan rakan kongsi ke agensi bantuan yang lain selama beberapa hari, di berbilang lokasi -- meningkatkan risiko kehilangan pelanggan kembali ke jalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the new resource center, veterans in need are able to meet with any of First Stop's 15 community aid partners under one roof in a single visit.", "r": {"result": "Di pusat sumber baharu, veteran yang memerlukan dapat bertemu dengan mana-mana daripada 15 rakan bantuan komuniti First Stop di bawah satu bumbung dalam satu lawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They can receive assistance with housing, legal, medical care, employment, child care, education, pensions, food stamps and transportation needs.", "r": {"result": "Mereka boleh menerima bantuan dengan perumahan, undang-undang, penjagaan perubatan, pekerjaan, penjagaan kanak-kanak, pendidikan, pencen, setem makanan dan keperluan pengangkutan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were looking to establish a place where we will not lose them in that process of 'hurry up and wait,' \" Foster said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sedang mencari untuk mewujudkan tempat di mana kami tidak akan kehilangan mereka dalam proses 'cepat dan tunggu,'\" kata Foster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to centralize it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mahu memusatkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We want to get their needs addressed and ... get these service members back out into the community.", "r": {"result": "Kami mahu mendapatkan keperluan mereka ditangani dan ... mendapatkan ahli perkhidmatan ini kembali ke dalam komuniti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's what it's about\".", "r": {"result": "Itu pasal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First Stop's housing program is geared toward female veterans and veterans with children.", "r": {"result": "Program perumahan First Stop menjurus kepada veteran wanita dan veteran yang mempunyai anak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Set adjacent to the organization's original Stand Down House for male veterans, the two new residence buildings can provide temporary housing for up to eight single female veterans and two small families.", "r": {"result": "Terletak bersebelahan dengan Stand Down House asal organisasi untuk veteran lelaki, dua bangunan kediaman baharu boleh menyediakan perumahan sementara untuk sehingga lapan veteran wanita bujang dan dua keluarga kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is only the second transitional housing facility in the nation available to veterans with children, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.", "r": {"result": "Ia hanya kemudahan perumahan peralihan kedua di negara yang tersedia untuk veteran yang mempunyai anak, menurut Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're trying to empower the family structure, because if the family struggles, the soldier struggles.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami cuba memperkasakan struktur keluarga, kerana jika keluarga bergelut, askar juga bergelut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the soldier struggles, it puts everyone at risk,\" Foster said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila askar bergelut, ia meletakkan semua orang berisiko,\" kata Foster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barbara Williams is First Stop's first female resident.", "r": {"result": "Barbara Williams ialah penduduk wanita pertama First Stop.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Operation Desert Storm veteran, Williams fell on hard times after losing her job last year.", "r": {"result": "Seorang veteran Operasi Desert Storm, Williams mengalami masa-masa sukar selepas kehilangan pekerjaannya tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, she and her daughters have a roof over their heads and the hope of better days to come.", "r": {"result": "Kini, dia dan anak perempuannya mempunyai bumbung di atas kepala mereka dan harapan untuk hari yang lebih baik akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My pride is restored,\" said Williams, 40. \"I'm able to just go off to look for jobs and not worry about where am I going to go when I come home.", "r": {"result": "\"Kebanggaan saya kembali pulih,\" kata Williams, 40. \"Saya hanya boleh pergi mencari pekerjaan dan tidak bimbang tentang ke mana saya akan pergi apabila saya pulang ke rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's just so much relief\".", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat lega\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The seed money for the new housing facility arrived shortly after Foster was announced as a Top 10 CNN Hero.", "r": {"result": "Wang benih untuk kemudahan perumahan baharu itu tiba sejurus selepas Foster diumumkan sebagai Top 10 CNN Hero.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A local veteran and recovering addict who was touched by Foster's story approached him with a donation that covered the first year's housing budget, about $44,000. The furnishings were donated by a local veterans' motorcycle club.", "r": {"result": "Seorang veteran tempatan dan penagih yang semakin pulih yang tersentuh dengan cerita Foster mendekatinya dengan sumbangan yang meliputi bajet perumahan tahun pertama, kira-kira $44,000. Perabot itu disumbangkan oleh kelab motosikal veteran tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Believe it, there are people in America that do care, and we were blessed to come across these individuals,\" Foster said.", "r": {"result": "\"Percayalah, ada orang di Amerika yang mengambil berat, dan kami diberkati untuk bertemu dengan individu ini,\" kata Foster.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And the thing that I appreciate the most is it is done for veterans by veterans.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan perkara yang paling saya hargai ialah ia dilakukan untuk veteran oleh veteran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... We are going to leave no man, or woman or family behind\".", "r": {"result": "... Kami tidak akan meninggalkan lelaki, atau wanita atau keluarga\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Want to get involved?", "r": {"result": "Ingin terlibat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Check out the Stand Down House website and see how to help.", "r": {"result": "Semak tapak web Stand Down House dan lihat cara untuk membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Security Agency program that collects data on nearly every U.S. phone call isn't legal, a privacy review board said Thursday in a newly released report.", "r": {"result": "Program Agensi Keselamatan Negara yang mengumpul data pada hampir setiap panggilan telefon AS adalah tidak sah, menurut lembaga semakan privasi pada Khamis dalam laporan yang baru dikeluarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moreover, the five-member Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board said it's been largely useless in thwarting terrorism.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, Lembaga Pemantauan Privasi dan Kebebasan Sivil lima anggota berkata ia sebahagian besarnya tidak berguna dalam menggagalkan keganasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have not identified a single instance involving a threat to the United States in which the program made a concrete difference in the outcome of a counterterrorism investigation,\" the board wrote in the report released Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mengenal pasti satu pun contoh yang melibatkan ancaman kepada Amerika Syarikat di mana program itu membuat perbezaan konkrit dalam hasil siasatan memerangi keganasan,\" tulis lembaga itu dalam laporan yang dikeluarkan Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite Obama's NSA changes, phone records still collected.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun perubahan NSA Obama, rekod telefon masih dikumpul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The board said it had identified only one instance in which the program helped authorities identify a terrorist in the last seven years.", "r": {"result": "Lembaga itu berkata ia telah mengenal pasti hanya satu contoh di mana program itu membantu pihak berkuasa mengenal pasti pengganas dalam tempoh tujuh tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the board said law enforcement would have found the suspect anyway, even without the NSA program.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi lembaga itu berkata penguatkuasaan undang-undang akan menemui suspek, walaupun tanpa program NSA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The board doesn't have any legal teeth, so its recommendations won't change government practices the way a court ruling might.", "r": {"result": "Lembaga itu tidak mempunyai gigi undang-undang, jadi pengesyorannya tidak akan mengubah amalan kerajaan seperti keputusan mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the findings are a stinging rebuke of President Barack Obama's legal defense of the program, in which the NSA tracks millions of telephone calls each day, harvesting the telephone numbers involved, the time calls are placed and how long they last.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penemuan itu adalah teguran pedas terhadap pembelaan undang-undang Presiden Barack Obama terhadap program itu, di mana NSA menjejaki berjuta-juta panggilan telefon setiap hari, mengumpul nombor telefon yang terlibat, masa panggilan dibuat dan berapa lama ia bertahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The recommendations of the board add to the growing chorus calling for an end to the government's dragnet collection of Americans' phone records, said Sen.", "r": {"result": "Syor lembaga itu menambah kepada korus yang semakin meningkat yang menyeru untuk menamatkan koleksi dragnet kerajaan bagi rekod telefon rakyat Amerika, kata Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.", "r": {"result": "Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kehakiman Senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The report reaffirms the conclusion of many that the Section 215 bulk phone records program has not been critical to our national security, is not worth the intrusion on Americans' privacy, and should be shut down immediately,\" Leahy said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Laporan itu mengesahkan kesimpulan ramai bahawa program rekod telefon pukal Seksyen 215 tidak kritikal kepada keselamatan negara kita, tidak berbaloi dengan pencerobohan privasi rakyat Amerika, dan harus ditutup serta-merta,\" kata Leahy dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The report appropriately calls into question the legality and constitutionality of the program, and underscores the need to change the law to rein in the government's overbroad interpretation of Section 215.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Laporan itu sewajarnya mempersoalkan kesahihan dan perlembagaan program itu, dan menggariskan keperluan untuk mengubah undang-undang untuk mengekang tafsiran melampaui jalan kerajaan bagi Seksyen 215.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A majority of the board -- formed as part of the federal government's response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks -- agreed with critics of the NSA that the program raises constitutional concerns.", "r": {"result": "Majoriti lembaga -- dibentuk sebagai sebahagian daripada tindak balas kerajaan persekutuan terhadap serangan pengganas 11 September 2001 -- bersetuju dengan pengkritik NSA bahawa program itu menimbulkan kebimbangan perlembagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Board concludes that Section 215 does not provide an adequate legal basis to support the program,\" it wrote its report.", "r": {"result": "\"Lembaga menyimpulkan bahawa Seksyen 215 tidak menyediakan asas undang-undang yang mencukupi untuk menyokong program itu,\" ia menulis laporannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN reviewed a copy of the report.", "r": {"result": "CNN menyemak salinan laporan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The board said the law authorizes the FBI to collect records related to a specific investigation, but not bulk collection of data that \"cannot be regarded as 'relevant' to any FBI investigation\".", "r": {"result": "Lembaga itu berkata undang-undang memberi kuasa kepada FBI untuk mengumpul rekod yang berkaitan dengan penyiasatan tertentu, tetapi bukan pengumpulan pukal data yang \"tidak boleh dianggap sebagai 'berkaitan' dengan mana-mana penyiasatan FBI\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What Obama changed at the NSA: 5 takeaways.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang Obama ubah di NSA: 5 takeaways.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The law also \"does not authorize the NSA to collect anything,\" the board said.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang juga \"tidak membenarkan NSA untuk mengumpul apa-apa,\" kata lembaga itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, after a report by an outside review group appointed by Obama, the President announced changes to the program.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, selepas laporan oleh kumpulan semakan luar yang dilantik oleh Obama, Presiden mengumumkan perubahan kepada program itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among other things, the NSA must now ask a judge each time an analyst wants to look at the data, and the agency will eventually lose its role as custodian of the information.", "r": {"result": "Antara lain, NSA kini mesti meminta hakim setiap kali penganalisis ingin melihat data, dan agensi itu akhirnya akan kehilangan peranannya sebagai penjaga maklumat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Obama said he felt it important to keep the program intact.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Obama berkata beliau merasakan penting untuk memastikan program itu utuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The review group turned up no indication that this database has been intentionally abused,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kumpulan semakan tidak menunjukkan sebarang tanda bahawa pangkalan data ini telah disalahgunakan dengan sengaja,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And I believe it is important that the capability that this program is designed to meet is preserved\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan saya percaya adalah penting bahawa keupayaan yang dirancang untuk memenuhi program ini dipelihara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One privacy advocate called the changes \"window dressing\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang peguam bela privasi menggelar perubahan itu sebagai \"perhiasan tingkap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The government is now studying whether to require telephone companies to hold the data, or to create a new third-party agency to collect the data.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan kini sedang mengkaji sama ada mahu menghendaki syarikat telefon memegang data itu, atau mewujudkan agensi pihak ketiga baharu untuk mengumpul data.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Rafael Nadal has been No.1 in the world rankings before.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Rafael Nadal pernah menduduki tempat No.1 dalam ranking dunia sebelum ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In two stints, in fact.", "r": {"result": "Dalam dua tugas, sebenarnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's safe to say getting to top spot for a third time is a little extra special for the Spaniard.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi boleh dikatakan untuk menduduki tempat teratas buat kali ketiga adalah sesuatu yang istimewa buat pemain Sepanyol itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Nadal reached the final of the China Open in Beijing, he was guaranteed of overtaking Novak Djokovic when the rankings are released Monday.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Nadal mara ke final Terbuka China di Beijing, dia dijamin akan memintas Novak Djokovic apabila ranking dikeluarkan Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The exclamation point for Nadal would be beating the defending champion in Sunday's title match.", "r": {"result": "Tanda seru untuk Nadal ialah menewaskan juara bertahan dalam perlawanan kejuaraan Ahad ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"(This is) a great year, one of the best years of my career without any doubt,\" Nadal said on the ATP Tour's official website after Saturday's semifinal opponent Tomas Berdych retired due to a back injury at 4-2 down in the opening set.", "r": {"result": "\u201c(Ini) tahun yang hebat, salah satu tahun terbaik dalam karier saya tanpa sebarang keraguan,\u201d kata Nadal di laman web rasmi ATP Tour selepas lawan separuh akhir Sabtu, Tomas Berdych bersara kerana kecederaan belakang ketika ketinggalan 4-2 pada pembukaan. ditetapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It sure is special be back to the top position of the rankings after more than a half year without playing tennis.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia pasti istimewa untuk kembali ke kedudukan teratas ranking selepas lebih setengah tahun tanpa bermain tenis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I worked hard every day with the right attitude I think, and because of that, I am today in this situation.", "r": {"result": "Saya bekerja keras setiap hari dengan sikap yang betul yang saya fikirkan, dan kerana itu, saya hari ini berada dalam situasi ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am number one today, but it's not (assured) for the end of the season\".", "r": {"result": "Saya nombor satu hari ini, tetapi ia tidak (dipastikan) untuk penghujung musim\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}}