{"src": "When the crisis came, with interest rates moving up sharply in the secondary market for government bonds, the first reaction was denial; then a wave of austerity measures.", "r": {"result": "Apabila krisis datang, dengan kadar faedah meningkat secara mendadak dalam pasaran sekunder untuk bon kerajaan, reaksi pertama ialah penafian; maka gelombang langkah penjimatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Argentina brought back Domingo Cavallo, the architect of its Houdini-like escape from hyperinflation half a decade earlier.", "r": {"result": "Argentina membawa balik Domingo Cavallo, arkitek melarikan diri seperti Houdini daripada hiperinflasi setengah dekad sebelumnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Greeks voted in a new, reforming government under George Papandreou, which promptly found so many skeletons in the cupboard that it had to go cap in hand to its European partners soon after.", "r": {"result": "Orang Yunani mengundi dalam kerajaan baharu yang melakukan pembaharuan di bawah George Papandreou, yang segera menemui begitu banyak rangka di dalam almari sehingga ia terpaksa pergi bersama rakan kongsi Eropahnya tidak lama kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In both cases, the IMF (in the Greek case, together with the European Union) kept on lending long after it became clear that the country was insolvent.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kedua-dua kes, IMF (dalam kes Yunani, bersama-sama dengan Kesatuan Eropah) terus memberi pinjaman lama selepas menjadi jelas bahawa negara itu tidak solven.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The political pressure was just too great not to do so; until the end, lenders hoped that the risk premium might one day start to fall, and that a combination of austerity and cheap loans from international institutions would make the problem go away.", "r": {"result": "Tekanan politik terlalu besar untuk tidak berbuat demikian; sehingga akhir, pemberi pinjaman berharap bahawa premium risiko mungkin suatu hari nanti akan mula jatuh, dan gabungan penjimatan dan pinjaman murah daripada institusi antarabangsa akan menyelesaikan masalah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The increasingly hectic political moves over the last week in Greece are also reminding many veterans of emerging market crises of the Argentine case.", "r": {"result": "Pergerakan politik yang semakin sibuk sepanjang minggu lalu di Greece juga mengingatkan ramai veteran tentang krisis pasaran baru muncul kes Argentina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Greek government will surely fall if it loses the referendum; Argentina's cabinet became a revolving door for ministers before finally defaulting in chaotic fashion.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Greece pasti akan tumbang jika ia kalah dalam referendum; Kabinet Argentina menjadi pintu pusingan bagi para menteri sebelum akhirnya gagal dalam keadaan huru-hara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Greece shows that all of the eurozone is now potentially subject to wrenching debt crises of the type that were once the prerogative of emerging markets.", "r": {"result": "Greece menunjukkan bahawa semua zon euro kini berpotensi tertakluk kepada krisis hutang yang menyusahkan jenis yang pernah menjadi hak prerogatif pasaran baru muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cause of the problem is often similar -- a pegged exchange rate at an artificial rate, combined with massive debts issued in a foreign currency.", "r": {"result": "Punca masalah selalunya serupa -- kadar pertukaran yang ditambat pada kadar buatan, digabungkan dengan hutang besar yang dikeluarkan dalam mata wang asing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once the peg failed, Argentina's banking system imploded; Argentines could not touch their savings for years, and the economy collapsed, before rebounding sharply.", "r": {"result": "Apabila tambatan gagal, sistem perbankan Argentina meletup; Argentina tidak dapat menyentuh simpanan mereka selama bertahun-tahun, dan ekonomi merudum, sebelum pulih dengan mendadak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For the Republic by the Rio de la Plata, a commodity boom eventually helped to turn the economy around.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Republik oleh Rio de la Plata, ledakan komoditi akhirnya membantu memulihkan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No similar positive shock from foreign demand is going to save the Greeks -- they simply do not produce enough of a range of goods to benefit.", "r": {"result": "Tiada kejutan positif yang serupa daripada permintaan asing akan menyelamatkan orang Yunani -- mereka tidak menghasilkan cukup pelbagai barangan untuk mendapat manfaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether Greece can avoid the wholesale destruction of its banking system is unclear, especially if a \"no\" vote arrives.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada Greece boleh mengelakkan kemusnahan borong sistem perbankannya tidak jelas, terutamanya jika undi \"tidak\" tiba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps Papandreou should make sure there is a helicopter on standby, to rescue him from the presidential palace should he be forced to flee from angry protesters -- as Argentine President Fernando de la Rue was in December 2001.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin Papandreou harus memastikan ada helikopter bersiap sedia, untuk menyelamatkannya dari istana presiden sekiranya dia terpaksa melarikan diri daripada penunjuk perasaan yang marah -- seperti Presiden Argentina Fernando de la Rue pada Disember 2001.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Heads bowed, solemn, they filed by.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kepala tunduk, sungguh-sungguh, mereka difailkan oleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rich, the powerful.", "r": {"result": "Yang kaya, yang berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The famous and the family.", "r": {"result": "Yang terkenal dan keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of them bidding goodbye to anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela on Wednesday, the first of three days his body will lie in state at the seat of South Africa's government.", "r": {"result": "Kesemua mereka mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada ikon anti-apartheid Nelson Mandela pada hari Rabu, yang pertama daripada tiga hari mayatnya akan dibaringkan dalam negeri di kerusi kerajaan Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First was South African President Jacob Zuma.", "r": {"result": "Pertama ialah Presiden Afrika Selatan Jacob Zuma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then came Mandela's widow, GraASSa Machel, and former wife Winnie Mandela, both wearing black turbans.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian datang balu Mandela, GraASSa Machel, dan bekas isteri Winnie Mandela, kedua-duanya memakai serban hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In near silence, dozens of family members passed by as military honor guards dressed in white flanked the coffin on each end.", "r": {"result": "Dalam keadaan senyap, berpuluh-puluh ahli keluarga berlalu ketika pengawal kehormat tentera berpakaian putih mengapit keranda di setiap hujungnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were others in Pretoria, too.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat orang lain di Pretoria juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former South African leaders Thabo Mbeki and F.W. de Klerk, the country's last apartheid-era president and Nobel Peace Prize winner.", "r": {"result": "Bekas pemimpin Afrika Selatan Thabo Mbeki dan F.W. de Klerk, presiden era apartheid terakhir negara itu dan pemenang Hadiah Keamanan Nobel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U2's Bono also paused for a moment before moving on.", "r": {"result": "Bono U2 juga berhenti seketika sebelum meneruskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So did Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga Presiden Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first several hours was reserved for family and dignitaries, but the public was to be allowed to file past his casket later Wednesday, as well as on Thursday and Friday.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa jam pertama dikhaskan untuk keluarga dan orang kenamaan, tetapi orang ramai dibenarkan untuk memfailkan kerandanya lewat Rabu, serta pada Khamis dan Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Viewing hours were expected to be limited to daylight.", "r": {"result": "Waktu tontonan dijangka terhad kepada siang hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Long lines are expected to form early in the morning.", "r": {"result": "Barisan panjang dijangka terbentuk pada awal pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Saturday, a military aircraft is to take Mandela's remains from a Pretoria airbase to Mthatha, the main town in the province of Eastern Cape.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Sabtu, sebuah pesawat tentera akan membawa jenazah Mandela dari pangkalan udara Pretoria ke Mthatha, bandar utama di wilayah Eastern Cape.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thousands of mourners are expected to line the streets leading from Mthatha airport to watch as the military moves Mandela's casket on a gun carriage to the remote village of Qunu, where the former leader spent his childhood.", "r": {"result": "Beribu-ribu orang yang berkabung dijangka berbaris di jalan-jalan menuju dari lapangan terbang Mthatha untuk menonton ketika tentera memindahkan keranda Mandela di atas gerabak senjata ke perkampungan terpencil Qunu, tempat bekas pemimpin itu menghabiskan masa kecilnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Historic venue.", "r": {"result": "Tempat bersejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hearse carrying the casket of the former South African leader, who died last week at 95, arrived early Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Kereta jenazah yang membawa keranda bekas pemimpin Afrika Selatan itu, yang meninggal dunia minggu lalu pada usia 95 tahun, tiba awal Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It weaved through streets lined with people in Pretoria, the capital, on its way to the Union Buildings.", "r": {"result": "Ia menyusuri jalan-jalan yang dipenuhi orang ramai di Pretoria, ibu negara, dalam perjalanan ke Bangunan Kesatuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The somber mood Wednesday was a sharp change from the celebratory atmosphere at a memorial event on Tuesday, in Johannesburg.", "r": {"result": "Suasana muram pada hari Rabu adalah perubahan mendadak daripada suasana perayaan pada acara peringatan pada hari Selasa, di Johannesburg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a very poignant moment,\" Khehla Shubane, who served time in prison with Mandela.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah detik yang sangat menyentuh hati,\" Khehla Shubane, yang menjalani hukuman penjara bersama Mandela.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not the Mandela who was in control of things that were happening around him, inspiring people.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni bukan Mandela yang mengawal perkara yang berlaku di sekelilingnya, memberi inspirasi kepada orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is a Mandela who's in death now\".", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah Mandela yang sedang dalam kematian sekarang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the body arrived, an honor guard stood at attention and a hushed crowd looked on as eight military officers, led by a chaplain, carried the coffin inside.", "r": {"result": "Semasa mayat tiba, seorang pengawal kehormat berdiri di hadapan dan orang ramai yang terdiam memandang ketika lapan pegawai tentera, diketuai oleh seorang pendeta, membawa keranda ke dalam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police helicopters hovered overhead.", "r": {"result": "Helikopter polis berlegar di atas kepala.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A South African flag hung outside at half staff.", "r": {"result": "Bendera Afrika Selatan digantung di luar pada separuh kakitangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mandela's grandson, Mandla Mandela, and Defense Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula led a group of mourners wearing black who walked behind the coffin.", "r": {"result": "Cucu Mandela, Mandla Mandela, dan Menteri Pertahanan Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula mengetuai sekumpulan pelayat berpakaian hitam yang berjalan di belakang keranda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mandela's casket was placed under a dome, close to where, in 1994, he had taken the oath of office to become South Africa's first democratically elected president.", "r": {"result": "Keranda Mandela diletakkan di bawah kubah, dekat dengan tempat, pada tahun 1994, dia telah mengangkat sumpah jawatan untuk menjadi presiden pertama Afrika Selatan yang dipilih secara demokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On that day, crowds converged around the building to witness history being made.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari itu, orang ramai berkumpul di sekitar bangunan untuk menyaksikan sejarah tercipta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mandela, a former political prisoner, became South Africa's first post-apartheid black leader.", "r": {"result": "Mandela, bekas tahanan politik, menjadi pemimpin kulit hitam pasca-apartheid pertama di Afrika Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World leaders gather.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin dunia berkumpul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The commemorative events have taken on an epic scale.", "r": {"result": "Peristiwa peringatan telah mengambil skala epik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuesday's memorial was billed as one of the largest gatherings of global leaders in recent history.", "r": {"result": "Memorial Selasa telah ditakrifkan sebagai salah satu perhimpunan terbesar pemimpin global dalam sejarah baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From U.S. President Barack Obama to Cuban President Raul Castro, praise for the statesman came from all sides in a four-hour memorial service at Johannesburg FNB stadium.", "r": {"result": "Daripada Presiden A.S. Barack Obama kepada Presiden Cuba Raul Castro, pujian untuk negarawan itu datang dari semua pihak dalam upacara peringatan empat jam di stadium Johannesburg FNB.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again,\" Obama said to cheers.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak akan melihat orang seperti Nelson Mandela lagi,\" kata Obama sambil bersorak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To the people of South Africa -- people of every race and every walk of life -- the world thanks you for sharing Nelson Mandela with us,\" he added, calling him a \"giant of history\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kepada penduduk Afrika Selatan -- rakyat dari setiap kaum dan setiap lapisan masyarakat -- dunia mengucapkan terima kasih kerana berkongsi Nelson Mandela dengan kami,\" tambahnya sambil menggelarnya \"gergasi sejarah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rain poured throughout the service, but did little to dampen the mood.", "r": {"result": "Hujan mencurah-curah sepanjang perkhidmatan, tetapi tidak banyak menjejaskan suasana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inside the stadium, the atmosphere was celebratory, with people dancing and singing songs from the anti-apartheid struggle.", "r": {"result": "Di dalam stadium, suasana meriah, dengan orang ramai menari dan menyanyikan lagu perjuangan anti-apartheid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Posters bearing Mandela's likeness hung around them.", "r": {"result": "Poster yang mengandungi rupa Mandela tergantung di sekeliling mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was there that, 23 years earlier, Mandela had delivered his first speech after he was released from prison, hailed by supporters as the hope of a new South Africa.", "r": {"result": "Di sanalah, 23 tahun sebelum itu, Mandela telah menyampaikan ucapan pertamanya selepas dia dibebaskan dari penjara, dipuji oleh penyokong sebagai harapan Afrika Selatan yang baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also known as Soccer City, the stadium was where Mandela made his last public appearance at the World Cup final in July 2010.", "r": {"result": "Juga dikenali sebagai Soccer City, stadium itu adalah tempat Mandela membuat penampilan awam terakhirnya di final Piala Dunia pada Julai 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Queen Elizabeth II and four other leaders who couldn't attend.", "r": {"result": "Ratu Elizabeth II dan empat pemimpin lain yang tidak dapat hadir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barack Obama's speech in full.", "r": {"result": "Ucapan Barack Obama sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Tom Watkins, Robyn Curnow and Marie-Louise Gumuchian contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Tom Watkins dari CNN, Robyn Curnow dan Marie-Louise Gumuchian menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A bird with an estimated 20- to 24-foot wingspan was identified in South Carolina.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seekor burung dengan anggaran sayap sepanjang 20 hingga 24 kaki telah dikenal pasti di South Carolina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's evidence that dinosaurs roamed what's now a national park in Alaska, and a 9-foot-tall stegomastodon was unearthed in New Mexico.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat bukti bahawa dinosaur berkeliaran di kawasan yang kini menjadi taman negara di Alaska, dan stegomastodon setinggi 9 kaki telah ditemui di New Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And those are just the fossil finds made across the United States this summer.", "r": {"result": "Dan itu hanyalah penemuan fosil yang dibuat di seluruh Amerika Syarikat pada musim panas ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're fascinated by magnificent prehistoric creatures, there's plenty more exploration to be done.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda terpesona dengan makhluk prasejarah yang mengagumkan, terdapat banyak lagi penerokaan yang perlu dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No need to worry about a Jurassic Park attack.", "r": {"result": "Tidak perlu risau tentang serangan Jurassic Park.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These eight \"fossil finds\" offer unique family-friendly, T.-Rex-free ways for paleontologists of all ages to explore prehistoric life.", "r": {"result": "Lapan \"penemuan fosil\" ini menawarkan cara unik yang mesra keluarga, bebas T.-Rex untuk ahli paleontologi semua peringkat umur untuk meneroka kehidupan prasejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So pack up your family and start uncovering some of the planet's most fascinating previous inhabitants.", "r": {"result": "Jadi kemaskan keluarga anda dan mulakan penemuan beberapa penduduk terdahulu yang paling menarik di planet ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Denali National Park, Alaska.", "r": {"result": "Taman Negara Denali, Alaska.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just this month, as tracks of large, plant-eating dinosaur herds were discovered in Alaska's Denali National Park, scientists gained a new picture of prehistoric Arctic wildlife.", "r": {"result": "Hanya pada bulan ini, apabila jejak kawanan dinosaur besar yang memakan tumbuhan ditemui di Taman Negara Denali Alaska, para saintis memperoleh gambaran baharu tentang hidupan liar Artik prasejarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tracks ranged from 5 to 24 inches and came from hadrosaurs -- plant-eating, duck-billed dinosaurs.", "r": {"result": "Jejak ini berkisar antara 5 hingga 24 inci dan berasal dari hadrosaur -- dinosaur pemakan tumbuhan, paruh itik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hadrosaurs were prevalent during the late Cretaceous period nearly 70 million years ago, and the new tracks only add to Alaska's rich dinosaur history.", "r": {"result": "Hadrosaur berleluasa semasa tempoh Cretaceous lewat hampir 70 juta tahun yang lalu, dan trek baharu hanya menambah sejarah dinosaur Alaska yang kaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We discovered the first dinosaur tracks in 2005, and now since we know what to look for, we've since discovered thousands of tracks,\" said Denali park ranger Kris Fister.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menemui trek dinosaur pertama pada tahun 2005, dan kini kerana kami tahu apa yang perlu dicari, kami telah menemui ribuan trek,\" kata renjer taman Denali Kris Fister.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Here, these tracks are unique because it houses traces of the entire ecosystem,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Di sini, trek ini unik kerana ia menempatkan kesan keseluruhan ekosistem,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Birds, insects and plant life -- it really paints a picture of what life was in the area\".", "r": {"result": "\"Burung, serangga dan hidupan tumbuhan -- ia benar-benar menggambarkan gambaran kehidupan di kawasan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tracks are not accessible through guided hikes or paved trails, but experienced hikers can find them nestled in Denali's back country, Fister said.", "r": {"result": "Trek itu tidak boleh diakses melalui pendakian berpandu atau laluan berturap, tetapi pejalan kaki berpengalaman boleh menemuinya terletak di kawasan belakang Denali, kata Fister.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska.", "r": {"result": "Monumen Nasional Katil Fosil Agate, Nebraska.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What exactly is a beardog?", "r": {"result": "Apakah sebenarnya anjing janggut?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Take a tour through the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument in Nebraska, where 20 million years ago the land now known as the Agate was a grassy plain comparable to Africa's Serengeti.", "r": {"result": "Ikuti lawatan melalui Monumen Nasional Katil Fosil Agate di Nebraska, di mana 20 juta tahun dahulu tanah yang kini dikenali sebagai Agate adalah dataran berumput yang setanding dengan Serengeti di Afrika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Agate, roaming animals once included the beardog (Amphicyon), a 6-foot-long hunting creature that actually is not related to the bear or the dog.", "r": {"result": "Di Agate, haiwan berkeliaran pernah termasuk anjing janggut (Amphicyon), makhluk memburu sepanjang 6 kaki yang sebenarnya tidak berkaitan dengan beruang atau anjing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's also evidence of the dinohyus (large pig-like animal) and a short rhinoceros called a Menoceras.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat juga bukti tentang dinohyus (haiwan besar seperti babi) dan badak sumbu pendek yang dipanggil Menoceras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As rock weathered and terrain shifted, these species died off and became fossilized, and they are now visible in the Agate cliffs.", "r": {"result": "Apabila batuan luluhawa dan rupa bumi berubah, spesies ini mati dan menjadi fosil, dan mereka kini boleh dilihat di tebing Agate.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Montour Fossil Pit, Pennsylvania.", "r": {"result": "Lubang Fosil Montour, Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stake your claim at the Montour Preserve and fossil pit, an excavation site about 230 miles northeast of Pittsburgh where visitors can dig for fossils.", "r": {"result": "Pertaruhkan tuntutan anda di Montour Preserve dan lubang fosil, tapak penggalian kira-kira 230 batu di timur laut Pittsburgh di mana pelawat boleh menggali fosil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Montour's marine fossils date to the Devonian Period, about 400 million years ago.", "r": {"result": "Fosil marin Montour bertarikh pada Zaman Devon, kira-kira 400 juta tahun dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And even more fun: All collected artifacts are yours to keep.", "r": {"result": "Dan lebih menyeronokkan: Semua artifak yang dikumpul adalah milik anda untuk disimpan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fossils include trilobites (relatives of horseshoe crabs with segmented bodies and frog-like eyes), pelecypods (early ancestors of oysters, mussels and clams) and gastropods (snails).", "r": {"result": "Fosil termasuk trilobit (saudara ketam ladam dengan badan bersegmen dan mata seperti katak), pelecypod (nenek moyang awal tiram, kerang dan kerang) dan gastropod (siput).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One tip: Wait until after a good rain shower to go fossil hunting.", "r": {"result": "Satu petua: Tunggu sehingga selepas hujan yang baik untuk pergi memburu fosil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sometimes the rain can make the fossils easier to spot in the rock.", "r": {"result": "Kadang-kadang hujan boleh menjadikan fosil lebih mudah dikesan di dalam batu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dinosaur National Monument, Utah.", "r": {"result": "Monumen Nasional Dinosaur, Utah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Quarry Exhibit Hall is the unquestioned star of Dinosaur National Monument's show.", "r": {"result": "Dewan Pameran Kuari ialah bintang yang tidak dipersoalkan dalam pertunjukan Monumen Nasional Dinosaur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 1,500 dinosaur bones from up to 149 million years ago and an 80-foot mural reveal the history of the dinosaurs and their eventual demise.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 1,500 tulang dinosaur dari sehingga 149 juta tahun yang lalu dan mural 80 kaki mendedahkan sejarah dinosaur dan kematian akhirnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bone displays include meat-eating reptiles like the 20-foot long Allosaurus and massive, grass-eating dinos like the Camarasaurus, Diplodocus and Stegosaurus.", "r": {"result": "Pameran tulang termasuk reptilia pemakan daging seperti Allosaurus sepanjang 20 kaki dan dino pemakan rumput yang besar seperti Camarasaurus, Diplodocus dan Stegosaurus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Outside the exhibit hall, this monument to dinosaurs still has a rich variety of wildlife throughout the area.", "r": {"result": "Di luar dewan pameran, monumen dinosaur ini masih mempunyai pelbagai jenis hidupan liar di seluruh kawasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adventurous visitors can take a whitewater rafting trip through remote canyon areas.", "r": {"result": "Pelawat yang sukakan cabaran boleh melakukan perjalanan arung jeram melalui kawasan ngarai terpencil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hell Creek Beds, Montana.", "r": {"result": "Katil Hell Creek, Montana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hell Creek is a fossil lover's heaven.", "r": {"result": "Hell Creek ialah syurga pencinta fosil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Expansive and well-preserved, the rock bed formation spans four states -- Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming -- although the main park is squarely in Montana.", "r": {"result": "Luas dan terpelihara dengan baik, pembentukan batuan menjangkau empat negeri -- Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota dan Wyoming -- walaupun taman utama terletak tepat di Montana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fossils date to the late Cretaceous period, 65 million to 70 million years ago, and were discovered in 1902 by paleontologist Barnum Brown.", "r": {"result": "Fosil berasal dari zaman Cretaceous lewat, 65 juta hingga 70 juta tahun yang lalu, dan ditemui pada tahun 1902 oleh ahli paleontologi Barnum Brown.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, families can take guided, private day digging tours with experienced paleontologists to hunt fossils.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, keluarga boleh mengambil lawatan menggali hari peribadi berpandu dengan ahli paleontologi berpengalaman untuk memburu fosil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in Hell Creek, abundant species include the distinctively horned ceratopsians; the duck-billed herbivore creatures called hadrosaurs; and theropods, the lizard-like carnivorous dinosaurs.", "r": {"result": "Dan di Hell Creek, spesies yang banyak termasuk ceratopsians bertanduk tersendiri; makhluk herbivor berparuh itik yang dipanggil hadrosaur; dan theropod, dinosaur karnivor seperti biawak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there's another reason historians love the Hell Creek beds: The chemical presence of iridium in some rocks gives credence to the theory of a dinosaur extinction caused by a meteor.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ada satu lagi sebab ahli sejarah menyukai katil Hell Creek: Kehadiran kimia iridium dalam beberapa batu memberikan kepercayaan kepada teori kepupusan dinosaur yang disebabkan oleh meteor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ghost Ranch, New Mexico.", "r": {"result": "Ladang Hantu, New Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Play Ghost (Ranch) buster at this spot's Museum of Paleontology.", "r": {"result": "Main Ghost (Ranch) buster di Muzium Paleontologi tempat ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This New Mexican museum includes bones of the coelophysis, a slender, two-legged carnivore that was over 9 feet long and grazed the ranch's grassy plains nearly 220 million years ago.", "r": {"result": "Muzium New Mexico ini termasuk tulang coelophysis, karnivor berkaki dua langsing yang panjangnya lebih 9 kaki dan meragut dataran berumput ladang itu hampir 220 juta tahun yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other dinosaurs on display include the 6-foot-long therapod Tawa hallae and Vancleavea, an underwater reptile.", "r": {"result": "Dinosaur lain yang dipamerkan termasuk therapod Tawa hallae sepanjang 6 kaki dan Vancleavea, reptilia bawah air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After a tour of the museum, venture into the Coelophysis Quarry, where red beds of rock have preserved the remains of at least 1,000 rare species.", "r": {"result": "Selepas lawatan ke muzium, terokai Kuari Coelophysis, di mana lapisan batu merah telah memelihara tinggalan sekurang-kurangnya 1,000 spesies yang jarang ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite, Wyoming.", "r": {"result": "Tapak Trek Dinosaur Red Gulch, Wyoming.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With walkways and set excavation areas, Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite in Wyoming is the perfect site for an introduction to paleontology and dino-digging.", "r": {"result": "Dengan laluan pejalan kaki dan kawasan penggalian yang ditetapkan, Tapak Jejak Dinosaur Red Gulch di Wyoming ialah tapak yang sesuai untuk pengenalan kepada paleontologi dan penggalian dino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Plus, the track site, named for being an area where footprints and fossils are preserved, includes managers of the excavation sites to help beginning visitors identify dinosaur tracks in the sand.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, tapak trek, dinamakan sebagai kawasan di mana tapak kaki dan fosil dipelihara, termasuk pengurus tapak penggalian untuk membantu pelawat permulaan mengenal pasti jejak dinosaur di dalam pasir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fossil collection is permitted on most days, barring road closures and fire danger, and the rewards for a fossil hunt are great.", "r": {"result": "Pengumpulan fosil dibenarkan pada kebanyakan hari, kecuali penutupan jalan dan bahaya kebakaran, dan ganjaran untuk pemburuan fosil adalah hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trilobites, brachiopods (shell creatures) and all invertebrate fossils can be collected for personal use and without permit.", "r": {"result": "Trilobit, brachiopod (makhluk cangkang) dan semua fosil invertebrata boleh dikumpul untuk kegunaan peribadi dan tanpa kebenaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And some of those fossils date 167 million years.", "r": {"result": "Dan beberapa fosil itu berusia 167 juta tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, if you want to search like a professional paleontologist for vertebrate fossils -- with bones and teeth -- a permit is required.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, jika anda ingin mencari seperti ahli paleontologi profesional untuk fosil vertebrata -- dengan tulang dan gigi -- permit diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "La Brea Tar Pits at the Page Museum, California.", "r": {"result": "La Brea Tar Pits di Muzium Halaman, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They call it Excavation 101. And it begins with a fossil deposit, a grid and the careful removal of dirt to find a bone.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memanggilnya Penggalian 101. Dan ia bermula dengan deposit fosil, grid dan penyingkiran kotoran dengan teliti untuk mencari tulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of the Page Museum in Los Angeles, the La Brea Tar Pits' outside pits and the museum's inside exhibits create a must-see attraction for West Coast fossil lovers.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada Muzium Halaman di Los Angeles, lubang luar La Brea Tar Pits dan pameran dalam muzium mencipta tarikan yang mesti dilihat untuk pencinta fosil Pantai Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are outside options where viewers can observe excavations of California's rich wildlife, explore prehistoric fossils and learn the basics of excavation.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat pilihan luar di mana penonton boleh melihat penggalian hidupan liar California yang kaya, meneroka fosil prasejarah dan mempelajari asas penggalian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the Page Museum, visitors look at expansive fossil exhibits, including full replicas of the smilodon, an extinct saber-toothed cat.", "r": {"result": "Di Muzium Halaman, pelawat melihat pameran fosil yang luas, termasuk replika penuh smilodon, seekor kucing bertaring pedang yang telah pupus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The museum's Fossil Lab allows visitors to peer though the glass walls to watch fossils get cleaned, enhanced and prepared for viewing.", "r": {"result": "Makmal Fosil muzium membolehkan pelawat melihat melalui dinding kaca untuk melihat fosil dibersihkan, dipertingkatkan dan disediakan untuk dilihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The two people who died and the 19 others who fell ill at a central Arizona resort after spending time in a sauna-like \"sweatbox\" were attending a program by self-help expert James Arthur Ray, authorities said Saturday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Dua orang yang maut dan 19 yang lain yang jatuh sakit di pusat peranginan Arizona tengah selepas menghabiskan masa dalam \"kotak peluh\" seperti sauna sedang menghadiri program oleh pakar bantu diri James Arthur Ray, kata pihak berkuasa Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two people died and were 19 injured after spending up to two hours inside this \"sweatbox\" at an Arizona resort.", "r": {"result": "Dua orang maut dan 19 cedera selepas menghabiskan masa sehingga dua jam di dalam \"kotak peluh\" ini di pusat peranginan Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The dead were identified as James Shore of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Kirby Brown of Westtown, New York, Sheriff Lloyd Waugh told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa yang maut dikenal pasti sebagai James Shore dari Milwaukee, Wisconsin, dan Kirby Brown dari Westtown, New York, kata Sheriff Lloyd Waugh kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were among the 50 or so visitors at the Angel Valley Resort near Sedona attending Ray's \"Spiritual Warrior\" program.", "r": {"result": "Mereka adalah antara 50 atau lebih pengunjung di Angel Valley Resort berhampiran Sedona yang menghadiri program \"Spiritual Warrior\" Ray.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nineteen others were treated for injuries sustained in the sweatbox, a dome-like structure covered with tarps and blankets.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan belas yang lain telah dirawat kerana kecederaan yang dialami dalam kotak peluh, struktur seperti kubah yang ditutup dengan tarp dan selimut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hot rocks and water are used to create steam in the enclosed environment.", "r": {"result": "Batu dan air panas digunakan untuk menghasilkan wap dalam persekitaran tertutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Waugh said investigators are looking into evidence that \"may turn this into a criminal prosecution\".", "r": {"result": "Waugh berkata penyiasat sedang meneliti bukti yang \"mungkin mengubahnya menjadi pendakwaan jenayah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators are looking into similar events held previously in other locations by Ray, who refused to speak with officers at the scene, Waugh said.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat sedang meneliti peristiwa serupa yang diadakan sebelum ini di lokasi lain oleh Ray, yang enggan bercakap dengan pegawai di tempat kejadian, kata Waugh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A follow-up interview is expected to happen.", "r": {"result": "Satu temu bual susulan dijangka akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ray's publicist, Howard Bragman, did not immediately return calls from CNN on Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Publisiti Ray, Howard Bragman, tidak segera membalas panggilan daripada CNN pada hari Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ray posted a noted late Friday on his Twitter page, saying: \"I'm shocked & saddened by the tragedy occurring in Sedona.", "r": {"result": "Ray menyiarkan pada lewat Jumaat di laman Twitternya, berkata: \"Saya terkejut dan sedih dengan tragedi yang berlaku di Sedona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My deep heartfelt condolences to family & friends of those who lost their lives\".", "r": {"result": "Ucapan takziah yang mendalam kepada keluarga & rakan-rakan mereka yang kehilangan nyawa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Saturday he posted another message, saying he's \"spending the weekend in prayer and meditation for all involved in this difficult time; and I ask you to join me in doing the same\".", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Sabtu dia menghantar mesej lain, mengatakan dia \"menghabiskan hujung minggu dalam doa dan meditasi untuk semua yang terlibat dalam masa yang sukar ini; dan saya meminta anda untuk menyertai saya dalam melakukan perkara yang sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The self-help guru is widely known for his programs that claim to teach individuals to create wealth through all aspects of their lives -- financially, mentally, physically and spiritually.", "r": {"result": "Guru bantu diri itu terkenal dengan programnya yang mendakwa mengajar individu mencipta kekayaan melalui semua aspek kehidupan mereka -- dari segi kewangan, mental, fizikal dan rohani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ray, whose company is based in Carlsbad, California, has appeared on a variety of national programs, including CNN's \"Larry King Live\".", "r": {"result": "Ray, yang syarikatnya berpangkalan di Carlsbad, California, telah muncul dalam pelbagai program nasional, termasuk \"Larry King Live\" CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In that appearance, Ray was about to address 3,000 people in Phoenix, Arizona.", "r": {"result": "Dalam penampilan itu, Ray akan bercakap kepada 3,000 orang di Phoenix, Arizona.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked what he thinks about critics of his teachings, Ray told King:", "r": {"result": "Ditanya pendapatnya tentang pengkritik ajarannya, Ray memberitahu King:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Well, you know, it's interesting, Larry, because any time a new idea comes to the fore, it goes through three phases.", "r": {"result": "\"Nah, anda tahu, ia menarik, Larry, kerana bila-bila masa idea baru muncul, ia melalui tiga fasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's first ridiculed.", "r": {"result": "Mula-mula diejek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then it's violently opposed.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian ia ditentang dengan ganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then it's finally accepted as self-evident, normally after the opposition dies\".", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian ia akhirnya diterima sebagai jelas, biasanya selepas pembangkang mati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Angel Valley Resort advertises itself as \"a place to relax and heal ... where powerful earth energies are present and active\".", "r": {"result": "Angel Valley Resort mengiklankan dirinya sebagai \"tempat untuk berehat dan menyembuhkan ... di mana tenaga bumi yang berkuasa hadir dan aktif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was founded in April 2002 by Michael and Amayra Hamilton, both of whom are teachers and counselors there.", "r": {"result": "Ia diasaskan pada April 2002 oleh Michael dan Amayra Hamilton, kedua-duanya adalah guru dan kaunselor di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The resort is on 70 secluded valley acres 20 minutes from Sedona, surrounded by thousands of acres of national forest, according to the Web site.", "r": {"result": "Resort ini terletak di 70 ekar lembah terpencil 20 minit dari Sedona, dikelilingi oleh beribu-ribu ekar hutan negara, menurut laman web itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has Internal Revenue Service nonprofit status as a religious organization, its Web site says.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai status bukan untung Perkhidmatan Hasil Dalaman sebagai organisasi keagamaan, kata laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are twenty marked vortexes and angel sites to experience connection with Earth and spirit, deep relaxation, and balancing,\" an online brochure says.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat dua puluh pusaran bertanda dan tapak malaikat untuk mengalami hubungan dengan Bumi dan semangat, kelonggaran yang mendalam dan pengimbangan,\" kata sebuah risalah dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Angel Valley offers two labyrinths and an Angel Wheel for going inward, finding answers and getting insights\".", "r": {"result": "\"Angel Valley menawarkan dua labirin dan Roda Malaikat untuk masuk ke dalam, mencari jawapan dan mendapatkan cerapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No information about the sweat lodge could be found on the Web site Saturday morning, and numerous internal links were not functioning.", "r": {"result": "Tiada maklumat tentang pondok peluh boleh ditemui di laman web pagi Sabtu, dan banyak pautan dalaman tidak berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The use of sweat lodges for spiritual and physical cleansing is a part of several Native American tribes' cultures.", "r": {"result": "Penggunaan pondok peluh untuk pembersihan rohani dan fizikal adalah sebahagian daripada budaya beberapa puak asli Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A traditional Native American sweat lodge is a small dome-like structure made up of willow branches carefully tied together and covered in canvas.", "r": {"result": "Pondok peluh Orang Asli Amerika tradisional ialah struktur kecil seperti kubah yang terdiri daripada dahan willow yang diikat dengan teliti dan ditutup dengan kanvas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rocks are heated in a nearby fire pit and placed inside the lodge, and water is poured over them to create steam.", "r": {"result": "Batu dipanaskan di dalam lubang api berhampiran dan diletakkan di dalam pondok, dan air dituangkan ke atasnya untuk menghasilkan wap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are curious to find out what happened there,\" Richard Moreno, a member of Pira Manso Pueblo tribe, told KPHO-TV.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami ingin tahu apa yang berlaku di sana,\" kata Richard Moreno, ahli suku Pira Manso Pueblo, kepada KPHO-TV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've been participating in the sweat lodge since the age of 3 and I've never recalled being sick from being in the sweat lodge\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah menyertai pondok peluh sejak umur 3 tahun dan saya tidak pernah teringat sakit kerana berada di pondok peluh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Moreno told the station he has never been to a lodge that held more than 20 people.", "r": {"result": "Moreno memberitahu stesen itu dia tidak pernah ke pondok yang memuatkan lebih daripada 20 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Nick Valencia contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Nick Valencia dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It seemed a promising development, a team of investigators tearing up a basement in hopes of answering a three-decade-old question: What happened to Etan Patz?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ia nampaknya satu perkembangan yang menjanjikan, sekumpulan penyiasat merobek ruang bawah tanah dengan harapan dapat menjawab soalan berusia tiga dekad: Apa yang berlaku kepada Etan Patz?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a tantalizing lead offering hope that investigators would solve the mystery -- at last -- of what happened to the 6-year-old boy who disappeared on his way to the school bus stop 33 years ago.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah ketua yang menggoda yang menawarkan harapan bahawa penyiasat akan menyelesaikan misteri -- akhirnya -- tentang apa yang berlaku kepada budak lelaki berusia 6 tahun yang hilang dalam perjalanan ke perhentian bas sekolah 33 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been a series of such leads over the years in the case, which changed the nation's attitudes toward children's safety and helped launch the missing children's movement.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat beberapa siri petunjuk sedemikian selama bertahun-tahun dalam kes itu, yang mengubah sikap negara terhadap keselamatan kanak-kanak dan membantu melancarkan pergerakan kanak-kanak yang hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First there was the drifter living in a drainage tunnel with pictures of boys who looked eerily similar to Etan.", "r": {"result": "Mula-mula ada hanyut yang tinggal di dalam terowong saliran dengan gambar budak lelaki yang kelihatan sangat mirip dengan Etan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A rash of false leads that took investigators as far afield as Israel chasing look-alikes.", "r": {"result": "Ruam petunjuk palsu yang membawa penyiasat sejauh Israel mengejar yang serupa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, most recently, a cadaver dog picking up the scent of human remains in a basement near Etan's home.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, yang terbaru, seekor anjing mayat memungut bau mayat manusia di ruang bawah tanah berhampiran rumah Etan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each time, the result has been the same: sometimes a few answers, often more questions, and rarely anything resembling the full truth for Etan's parents, Stan and Julie Patz.", "r": {"result": "Setiap kali, keputusannya adalah sama: kadangkala beberapa jawapan, selalunya lebih banyak soalan, dan jarang sesuatu yang menyerupai kebenaran penuh untuk ibu bapa Etan, Stan dan Julie Patz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family has endured years of crank calls and far-fetched theories on the home telephone number they never changed in hope Etan might some day try to call.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga itu telah mengalami panggilan engkol selama bertahun-tahun dan teori yang mengada-adakan mengenai nombor telefon rumah yang tidak pernah mereka ubah dengan harapan Etan suatu hari nanti akan cuba menghubungi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They exacted the biggest emotional cost, riding Stan and Julie on a steep vertical incline up the tracks, to plunge straight back down to hell every time,\" journalist Lisa Cohen writes in her definitive account of the case, \"After Etan: The Missing Child Case That Held America Captive\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menuntut kos emosi yang paling besar, menunggang Stan dan Julie di atas landasan menegak yang curam, untuk terjun terus ke neraka setiap kali,\" wartawan Lisa Cohen menulis dalam akaun muktamadnya mengenai kes itu, \"After Etan: The Missing Kes Kanak-kanak Yang Menjadikan Amerika Tawanan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such dramatic ups and downs have long been part-and-parcel of the investigation into Etan's disappearance.", "r": {"result": "Kejatuhan dramatik seperti itu telah lama menjadi sebahagian daripada penyiasatan mengenai kehilangan Etan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the days and weeks after he went missing in May, 1979, police, the family and neighborhood volunteers worked tirelessly tracking down leads, according to Cohen.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa hari dan minggu selepas dia hilang pada Mei, 1979, polis, keluarga dan sukarelawan kejiranan bekerja tanpa mengenal penat lelah menjejak petunjuk, menurut Cohen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the two weeks following Etan's disappearance, police put in more than 4,000 hours on the case, interviewing some 500 people, Cohen writes in her book.", "r": {"result": "Dalam dua minggu selepas kehilangan Etan, polis meluangkan masa lebih 4,000 jam untuk kes itu, menemu bual kira-kira 500 orang, tulis Cohen dalam bukunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police cruisers swarmed the neighborhood as volunteers plastered the area with 10,000 posters, according to Cohen's account.", "r": {"result": "Kapal penjelajah polis mengerumuni kawasan kejiranan ketika sukarelawan menampal kawasan itu dengan 10,000 poster, menurut akaun Cohen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then came the first letdown.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian datang kekecewaan pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The police officers who'd camped in the Patz home, answering phones and dispatching detectives to follow up on possible leads, packed up and left, the emergency phase of the response over.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai polis yang berkhemah di rumah Patz, menjawab telefon dan menghantar detektif untuk membuat susulan tentang kemungkinan petunjuk, berkemas dan pergi, fasa kecemasan respons telah tamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In their place, they left a legal pad next to the phone and instructions to log each call.", "r": {"result": "Di tempat mereka, mereka meninggalkan pad undang-undang di sebelah telefon dan arahan untuk log setiap panggilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What had been a stream of calls slowed to a trickle, but kept coming, with their stories of boys matching Etan's description seen in places near and far.", "r": {"result": "Satu aliran panggilan menjadi perlahan, tetapi terus datang, dengan cerita mereka tentang budak lelaki yang sepadan dengan penerangan Etan yang dilihat di tempat-tempat yang dekat dan jauh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None panned out.", "r": {"result": "Tiada yang menyorot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three years later, in 1982, the roller-coaster would start its climb again with reports that a man, Juan Antonio Ramos, had swiped a boy's book bag and tried to lure him and another boy into the drainage tunnel where he was living.", "r": {"result": "Tiga tahun kemudian, pada tahun 1982, roller-coaster itu akan memulakan pendakiannya semula dengan laporan bahawa seorang lelaki, Juan Antonio Ramos, telah meleret beg buku seorang budak lelaki dan cuba menarik dia dan seorang lagi budak lelaki ke dalam terowong saliran tempat dia tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police found photos of young boys among the man's possessions, and took them to Etan's parents to see if their son was one of them.", "r": {"result": "Polis menemui gambar budak lelaki di antara harta benda lelaki itu, dan membawanya kepada ibu bapa Etan untuk melihat sama ada anak mereka adalah salah seorang daripada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Almost three years into their ordeal, the half-formed scab covering their private life and private pain was being picked off yet again to ooze fresh blood,\" Cohen wrote in her book.", "r": {"result": "\"Hampir tiga tahun dalam pengalaman pahit mereka, kudis separuh terbentuk yang menutupi kehidupan peribadi mereka dan kesakitan peribadi telah diambil sekali lagi untuk mengeluarkan darah segar,\" tulis Cohen dalam bukunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They greeted the news with the now familiar mix of trepidation tinged with the faint hope, one that could never be discounted, that new exposure could yield new information\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menyambut berita itu dengan campuran gementar yang kini biasa diwarnai dengan harapan yang samar, satu yang tidak boleh diketepikan, bahawa pendedahan baru boleh menghasilkan maklumat baru\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case didn't pan out, at least initially, and Ramos vanished.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu tidak menjadi, sekurang-kurangnya pada mulanya, dan Ramos hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Interest moved on to other reports, Cohen wrote in her book: A photo in Israel, another in Massachusetts.", "r": {"result": "Minat beralih kepada laporan lain, Cohen menulis dalam bukunya: Foto di Israel, satu lagi di Massachusetts.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A cab driver who said he picked up the boy the morning of his disappearance.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pemandu teksi yang berkata dia menjemput budak itu pada pagi kehilangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like the other leads, nothing came of them.", "r": {"result": "Seperti petunjuk lain, tiada apa yang datang daripada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1988, the cycle began turning again.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1988, kitaran mula berputar semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators turned their attention back to Ramos after locating him in a Pennsylvania prison -- where he was serving time on a molestation conviction.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat mengalihkan perhatian mereka kembali kepada Ramos selepas mengesannya di penjara Pennsylvania -- tempat dia menjalani hukuman atas sabitan mencabul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They brought Ramos back to New York for questioning, and got a bombshell, Cohen writes.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membawa Ramos kembali ke New York untuk disoal siasat, dan mendapat kejutan, tulis Cohen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ramos acknowledged picking up a boy he believed was Etan and bringing him back to his apartment for sex, according to Cohen.", "r": {"result": "Ramos mengakui menjemput seorang budak lelaki yang dipercayainya adalah Etan dan membawanya pulang ke apartmennya untuk seks, menurut Cohen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he said the boy declined his advances, so he took him to the subway and waved goodbye.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia berkata budak itu menolak pendahuluannya, jadi dia membawanya ke kereta bawah tanah dan melambai selamat tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three years later, in 1991, after helping secure another conviction against Ramos, federal authorities visited the Patz family again.", "r": {"result": "Tiga tahun kemudian, pada tahun 1991, selepas membantu mendapatkan sabitan lagi terhadap Ramos, pihak berkuasa persekutuan melawat keluarga Patz sekali lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were there to deliver the news the family had long dreaded -- that investigators believed their son was dead and they believed Ramos was responsible, Cohen writes.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berada di sana untuk menyampaikan berita yang telah lama ditakuti keluarga itu -- bahawa penyiasat percaya anak mereka telah mati dan mereka percaya Ramos bertanggungjawab, tulis Cohen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The words were not earth-shattering; they weren't saying anything that twelve years into the case both parents didn't already know,\" Cohen writes in her book.", "r": {"result": "\"Kata-kata itu tidak menghancurkan bumi; mereka tidak mengatakan apa-apa selama dua belas tahun dalam kes yang tidak diketahui oleh kedua ibu bapanya, \" tulis Cohen dalam bukunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But now for the first time law enforcement was sitting across the table, telling them that the weight of evidence supported their worst fears\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi sekarang buat pertama kali penguatkuasaan undang-undang duduk di seberang meja, memberitahu mereka bahawa berat bukti menyokong ketakutan terburuk mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the same time, the federal authorities said they'd come to the end of their journey, saying only New York state prosecutors could take the case to court.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa yang sama, pihak berkuasa persekutuan berkata mereka akan sampai ke penghujung perjalanan mereka, dengan mengatakan hanya pendakwa raya negeri New York boleh membawa kes itu ke mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They never have.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak pernah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There have been more milestones since that day in 1991.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat lebih banyak pencapaian sejak hari itu pada tahun 1991.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the summer of 2000, New York investigators examined evidence from the basement of the apartment building where Ramos once lived.", "r": {"result": "Pada musim panas 2000, penyiasat New York memeriksa bukti dari ruang bawah tanah bangunan pangsapuri tempat Ramos pernah tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2001, Stan Patz had his son declared legally dead, and in 2004, a judge found Ramos liable for Etan's death in a wrongful death civil lawsuit.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2001, Stan Patz meminta anaknya diisytiharkan mati secara sah, dan pada tahun 2004, seorang hakim mendapati Ramos bertanggungjawab atas kematian Etan dalam tuntutan sivil kematian yang salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But none of those milestones brought them closer to what the family has long said it wants, barring the return of their son: a criminal conviction.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tiada satu pun daripada peristiwa penting itu yang membawa mereka lebih dekat kepada apa yang telah lama dikatakan oleh keluarga itu, menghalang kepulangan anak lelaki mereka: sabitan jenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2010, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance reopened the investigation after his election, something he had promised to do during his campaign.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2010, Peguam Daerah Manhattan Cyrus Vance membuka semula penyiasatan selepas pemilihannya, sesuatu yang dijanjikan untuk dilakukan semasa kempennya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The promise that authorities were closer to mounting a criminal case seemed alluringly close last week, when investigators flooded the neighborhood and began dismantling the basement where handyman Othniel Miller once had a workshop.", "r": {"result": "Janji bahawa pihak berkuasa lebih hampir untuk melancarkan kes jenayah nampaknya hampir rapat minggu lalu, apabila penyiasat membanjiri kawasan kejiranan dan mula membongkar ruang bawah tanah tempat tukang Othniel Miller pernah mengadakan bengkel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Etan knew the man and had sometimes helped him with odd jobs before he disappeared, Cohen said in a Monday interview on CNN.", "r": {"result": "Etan mengenali lelaki itu dan kadang-kadang membantunya dengan pekerjaan ganjil sebelum dia menghilangkan diri, kata Cohen dalam wawancara Isnin di CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities had looked at the basement workshop years ago, but never tore up the place as they were doing last week, she noted.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa telah melihat bengkel ruang bawah tanah tahun lalu, tetapi tidak pernah mengoyakkan tempat itu seperti yang mereka lakukan minggu lalu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators recently renewed their interest in Miller, 75, in part after interviewing him about his connection to the basement.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat baru-baru ini memperbaharui minat mereka terhadap Miller, 75, sebahagiannya selepas menemu bualnya tentang kaitannya dengan ruang bawah tanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During the interview, a source said he blurted out, \"What if the body was moved\"?", "r": {"result": "Semasa temu bual, sumber berkata dia berkata, \"Bagaimana jika mayat itu digerakkan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About a month ago, a cadaver dog picked up the scent of human remains.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira sebulan yang lalu, seekor anjing mayat mencium bau mayat manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then investigators began to tear down drywall and cut through concrete in search of clues.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian penyiasat mula meruntuhkan dinding kering dan memotong konkrit untuk mencari petunjuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a huge number of resources being thrown into this case,\" forensic scientist Lawrence Kobilinsky said Monday in an appearance on CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah sejumlah besar sumber yang dimasukkan ke dalam kes ini,\" kata saintis forensik Lawrence Kobilinsky pada hari Isnin dalam penampilan di CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It shows you that this case is still alive in the minds, (of) not only the public, but certainly, of law enforcement\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menunjukkan kepada anda bahawa kes ini masih hidup dalam fikiran, bukan sahaja orang ramai, tetapi pastinya, penguatkuasaan undang-undang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mike Huff, a retired police detective and cold-case investigator in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who now heads the International Association of Cold Case Investigators, said as he watched coverage of the case, the kinds of details that were emerging led him to believe investigators were confident they had finally come up with a solid line on hard physical evidence in the case.", "r": {"result": "Mike Huff, seorang detektif polis bersara dan penyiasat kes sejuk di Tulsa, Oklahoma, yang kini mengetuai Persatuan Penyiasat Kes Dingin Antarabangsa, berkata ketika dia melihat liputan kes itu, jenis butiran yang muncul menyebabkan dia percaya penyiasat adalah yakin mereka akhirnya telah menghasilkan garis kukuh mengenai bukti fizikal yang kukuh dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The big news came over the weekend, when it leaked out that investigators had recovered a chunk of concrete that appeared to be stained with blood.", "r": {"result": "Berita besar itu datang pada hujung minggu, apabila ia bocor bahawa penyiasat telah menemui ketulan konkrit yang kelihatan berlumuran darah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I thought, 'Man, this is going to be a slam dunk, they already know the answer to this story,'\" Huff said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir, 'Man, ini akan menjadi slam dunk, mereka sudah tahu jawapan kepada cerita ini,'\" kata Huff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, suddenly, once again, nothing.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, tiba-tiba, sekali lagi, tiada apa-apa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blood wasn't blood, it turned out.", "r": {"result": "Darah itu bukan darah, ternyata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No human remains had been found.", "r": {"result": "Tiada mayat manusia ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Etan's family learned Sunday the search had come up empty.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Etan mendapat tahu Ahad bahawa pencarian telah kosong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not clear where the investigation goes from here.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas ke mana penyiasatan pergi dari sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Through his attorney and daughter, Miller has denied any role in Etan's disappearance.", "r": {"result": "Melalui peguam dan anak perempuannya, Miller telah menafikan sebarang peranan dalam kehilangan Etan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cases as old as this one can be tough to crack, Huff said.", "r": {"result": "Kes setua ini boleh menjadi sukar untuk dipecahkan, kata Huff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The longer it gets away, the more you really have to have hopes and prayers for technology to come into it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Semakin lama ia berlalu, semakin banyak anda benar-benar perlu menaruh harapan dan doa agar teknologi memasukinya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While investigators didn't get the answers they wanted -- again -- Huff says there's still some good to take out of the effort.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penyiasat tidak mendapat jawapan yang mereka inginkan -- sekali lagi -- Huff berkata masih ada kebaikan yang perlu diambil daripada usaha itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a success that 33 years later, somebody is still looking at it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah satu kejayaan apabila 33 tahun kemudian, seseorang masih melihatnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Rolling Stone) -- With 2012 halfway done, Adele's 21 and Gotye's \"Somebody That I Used to Know\" (featuring Kimbra) are the biggest selling album and digital song of the year in the U.S. respectively, Billboard reports.", "r": {"result": "(Rolling Stone) -- Dengan 2012 separuh jalan, 21 karya Adele dan \"Somebody That I Used To Know\" karya Adele (menampilkan Kimbra) adalah album terlaris dan lagu digital tahun ini di A.S., lapor Billboard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"21\" has continued its amazing run a year after its initial release, selling 3.69 million copies through the sales week that ended July 1, the mid-year point for tracker Nielsen SoundScan.", "r": {"result": "\"21\" telah meneruskan lariannya yang menakjubkan setahun selepas keluaran awalnya, menjual 3.69 juta salinan sepanjang minggu jualan yang berakhir 1 Julai, titik pertengahan tahun untuk penjejak Nielsen SoundScan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was the best selling album halfway through last year as well, with 2.5 million copies sold.", "r": {"result": "Ia juga merupakan album terlaris separuh tahun lalu, dengan 2.5 juta salinan terjual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the first time in SoundScan's 21-year history that the same record has been the top seller in the first halves of any two years.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah kali pertama dalam sejarah 21 tahun SoundScan bahawa rekod yang sama telah menjadi penjual teratas dalam separuh pertama mana-mana dua tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If \"21\" continues to fly off the shelves at this rate, it could be the first record in the SoundScan era to top the year-end charts twice.", "r": {"result": "Jika \"21\" terus keluar dari rak pada kadar ini, ia boleh menjadi rekod pertama dalam era SoundScan untuk mengungguli carta akhir tahun dua kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"21's\" midway-point sales figures also mark another first in the SoundScan era -- it's the first time just one album has sold over a millioncopies in the year's first six months.", "r": {"result": "Angka jualan mata pertengahan \"21\" juga menandakan satu lagi yang pertama dalam era SoundScan -- ia merupakan kali pertama hanya satu album telah terjual lebih sejuta salinan dalam enam bulan pertama tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The runner-up, Lionel Richie's \"Tuskegee,\" has moved 912,000 copies.", "r": {"result": "Naib juara, \"Tuskegee\" karya Lionel Richie, telah memindahkan 912,000 naskhah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To cap it all off, Adele's 2008 record, \"19,\" finds itself as the tenth-highest selling record so far this year with 539,000 sold, making her the first artist to have two albums in the top 10 since Justin Bieber scored a pair halfway through 2010 with \"My World 2.0\" at No.2 and \"My World\" at No.9.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menutup semuanya, rekod Adele 2008, \"19,\" mendapati dirinya sebagai rekod jualan kesepuluh tertinggi setakat tahun ini dengan 539,000 terjual, menjadikannya artis pertama yang mempunyai dua album dalam 10 teratas sejak Justin Bieber menjaringkan sepasang pertengahan tahun 2010 dengan \"Dunia Saya 2.0\" di No.2 dan \"Dunia Saya\" di No.9.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for Gotye's ubiquitous \"Somebody That I Used to Know,\" that track has a digital sales figure of 5.50 million for the year to date, according to SoundScan.", "r": {"result": "Bagi lagu \"Somebody That I Used To Know\" Gotye di mana-mana, lagu itu mempunyai angka jualan digital sebanyak 5.50 juta untuk tahun ini setakat ini, menurut SoundScan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Odds are looking good that the track will become the first to sell six million downloads in a year.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan besar bahawa trek itu akan menjadi yang pertama menjual enam juta muat turun dalam setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Somebody\" also marks the first time a song has sold over 5 million in the first half of a year, though Gotye's smash wasn't alone in that feat, joined by Fun.", "r": {"result": "\"Somebody\" juga menandakan kali pertama lagu telah terjual lebih 5 juta dalam separuh pertama tahun, walaupun kejayaan Gotye tidak bersendirian dalam pencapaian itu, disertai oleh Fun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'s \"We Are Young\" (featuring Janelle Monae), which has sold 5.09 million.", "r": {"result": "\"We Are Young\" (menampilkan Janelle Monae), yang telah terjual 5.09 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A quick rundown of the top selling albums this year finds breakout British boy band One Direction's \"Up All Night\" sitting at third with 889,000 copies sold.", "r": {"result": "Ikhtisar ringkas album terlaris tahun ini mendapati kumpulan lelaki British yang terkenal \"Up All Night\" One Direction menduduki tempat ketiga dengan 889,000 salinan terjual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whitney Houston's Whitney: The Greatest Hits sold 818,000 to place it at No.4, while the compilation Now 41 takes the fifth spot with 714,000. You can check out the full list of top selling albums here.", "r": {"result": "Whitney Houston: The Greatest Hits menjual 818,000 untuk meletakkannya di No.4, manakala kompilasi Now 41 menduduki tempat kelima dengan 714,000. Anda boleh menyemak senarai penuh album terlaris di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the singles side, following Gotye and Fun.", "r": {"result": "Di bahagian perseorangan, mengikuti Gotye dan Fun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "is Carly Rae Jepsen's \"Call Me Maybe\" with 4,064,000 sold.", "r": {"result": "ialah \"Call Me Maybe\" karya Carly Rae Jepsen dengan 4,064,000 terjual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the Number 4 spot is Kelly Clarkson's \"Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)\" with 3,324,000 sold, while Nicki Minaj's \"Starships\" comes in at No.5 with 3,158,000. You can check out the full list of top selling digital songs here.", "r": {"result": "Di tempat Nombor 4 ialah \"Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)\" Kelly Clarkson dengan 3,324,000 terjual, manakala \"Starships\" Nicki Minaj berada di No.5 dengan 3,158,000. Anda boleh menyemak senarai penuh lagu digital terlaris di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "See full story at RollingStone.com.", "r": {"result": "Lihat cerita penuh di RollingStone.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Could there be an American team in Formula One for the first time in more than 25 years?", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Mungkinkah terdapat pasukan Amerika dalam Formula Satu buat kali pertama dalam tempoh lebih 25 tahun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NASCAR team co-owner Gene Haas has thrown his hat into the ring to enter a new team into the F1 world championship.", "r": {"result": "Pemilik bersama pasukan NASCAR Gene Haas telah melemparkan topinya ke dalam gelanggang untuk memasukkan pasukan baharu ke kejohanan dunia F1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month the sport's governing body, the FIA, asked prospective entrants to make \"an expression of interest\" to join the grid as a 12th team for the start of the 2015 or 2016 season.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu badan induk sukan itu, FIA, meminta bakal peserta untuk membuat \"ungkapan minat\" untuk menyertai grid sebagai pasukan ke-12 untuk permulaan musim 2015 atau 2016.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Haas, who co-owns Stewart-Haas Racing in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, said Friday that he has answered the call.", "r": {"result": "Haas, yang memiliki bersama Stewart-Haas Racing dalam Siri Piala Pecut NASCAR, berkata pada hari Jumaat bahawa dia telah menjawab panggilan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have responded to the FIA's 'call for expression of interest' regarding a Formula One entry on behalf of Haas Racing Development,\" the American businessman said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah menyahut 'seruan untuk menyatakan minat' FIA berhubung penyertaan Formula Satu bagi pihak Haas Racing Development,\" kata ahli perniagaan Amerika itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We respect the FIA's evaluation process and will share more details in the coming weeks\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menghormati proses penilaian FIA dan akan berkongsi butiran lanjut dalam beberapa minggu akan datang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Haas has already tasted success in the premier U.S. racing series when the Stewart-Haas Team, which he founded with three-time Sprint Cup champion driver Tony Stewart, won the 2011 Sprint Cup Series championship.", "r": {"result": "Haas telah pun mengecap kejayaan dalam siri perlumbaan terulung A.S. apabila Pasukan Stewart-Haas, yang diasaskannya bersama pemandu juara Piala Sprint tiga kali Tony Stewart, memenangi kejuaraan Siri Piala Sprint 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "F1 last expanded the grid in 2010 when three new teams joined.", "r": {"result": "Kali terakhir F1 mengembangkan grid pada 2010 apabila tiga pasukan baharu menyertainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of the trio, two are still racing in their current guises -- Caterham and Marussia.", "r": {"result": "Daripada ketiga-tiga mereka, dua masih berlumba dalam samaran mereka sekarang -- Caterham dan Marussia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Spanish Hispania (HRT) team withdrew from the sport at the end of 2012 because of financial difficulties.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Hispania Sepanyol (HRT) menarik diri daripada sukan itu pada penghujung 2012 kerana masalah kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The last U.S. backed team ran a limited number of races during the 1985 and 1986 seasons under the Lola-Hart moniker.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan terakhir yang disokong A.S. menjalankan beberapa perlumbaan yang terhad pada musim 1985 dan 1986 di bawah nama Lola-Hart.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other American teams to enter the sport include Eagle, which debuted in 1966, Shadow and Penkse, both of which raced in the 1970s.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Amerika lain untuk menyertai sukan ini termasuk Eagle, yang memulakan kerjaya pada tahun 1966, Shadow dan Penkse, yang kedua-duanya berlumba pada tahun 1970-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The USF1 team launched an unsuccessful bid to join F1 for the 2010 season after difficulties securing financial backing.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan USF1 melancarkan bidaan yang tidak berjaya untuk menyertai F1 bagi musim 2010 selepas kesukaran mendapatkan sokongan kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FIA had given parties interesting in joining F1 until January 3 2014 to register their interest but it is not yet known whether there are any other prospective entries.", "r": {"result": "FIA telah memberi pihak yang berminat untuk menyertai F1 sehingga 3 Januari 2014 untuk mendaftarkan minat mereka tetapi masih belum diketahui sama ada terdapat sebarang penyertaan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- Here is a roundup of the main themes President Barack Obama touched on during Tuesday's State of the Union address:", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Berikut ialah rangkuman tema utama yang disentuh oleh Presiden Barack Obama semasa ucapan State of the Union pada Selasa:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Immigration.", "r": {"result": "Imigresen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama praised his administration's efforts at increasing border security by \"putting more boots on the southern border than at any time in our history,\" but recognized that there is still work to be done.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukannya: Obama memuji usaha pentadbirannya dalam meningkatkan keselamatan sempadan dengan \"meletakkan lebih banyak but di sempadan selatan berbanding bila-bila masa dalam sejarah kita,\" tetapi menyedari bahawa masih ada kerja yang perlu dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He specifically addressed creating a path for illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship and fixing the legal immigration system by cutting waiting periods and reducing bureaucracy.", "r": {"result": "Beliau secara khusus menangani mewujudkan laluan bagi pendatang tanpa izin untuk mendapatkan kewarganegaraan dan membetulkan sistem imigresen yang sah dengan mengurangkan tempoh menunggu dan mengurangkan birokrasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"Send me a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months, and I will sign it right away\".", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Hantar saya rang undang-undang pembaharuan imigresen yang komprehensif dalam beberapa bulan akan datang, dan saya akan menandatanganinya dengan segera\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Fact Check: Illegal border crossings at lowest levels in 40 years.", "r": {"result": "Semakan Fakta CNN: Lintasan sempadan haram pada tahap paling rendah dalam 40 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gun Control.", "r": {"result": "Kawalan senjata api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: \"They deserve a vote\".", "r": {"result": "Di mana dia berdiri: \"Mereka berhak mendapat undi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's words about the victims of gun violence echoed in the House Chamber, summing up the president's stance on gun control.", "r": {"result": "Kata-kata Obama mengenai mangsa keganasan senjata api bergema di Dewan Dewan, merumuskan pendirian presiden mengenai kawalan senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama called for a congressional vote on a series of gun control measures, including background checks in all gun sales and the prevention of anyone buying guns for resale to criminals.", "r": {"result": "Obama menggesa undian kongres untuk beberapa siri langkah kawalan senjata, termasuk pemeriksaan latar belakang dalam semua penjualan senjata api dan pencegahan sesiapa sahaja yang membeli senjata api untuk dijual semula kepada penjenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's emotional plea might lead to vote on guns.", "r": {"result": "Rayuan emosi Obama mungkin membawa kepada mengundi senjata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"Senators of both parties are working together on tough new laws to prevent anyone from buying guns for resale to criminals.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Senator kedua-dua parti bekerjasama dalam undang-undang baharu yang sukar untuk menghalang sesiapa daripada membeli senjata untuk dijual semula kepada penjenayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police chiefs are asking our help to get weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines off our streets, because these police chiefs, they're tired of seeing their guys and gals being outgunned.", "r": {"result": "Ketua polis meminta bantuan kami untuk mendapatkan senjata perang dan majalah peluru besar-besaran dari jalan-jalan kami, kerana ketua polis ini, mereka bosan melihat lelaki dan perempuan mereka dikalahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each of these proposals deserves a vote in Congress\".", "r": {"result": "Setiap cadangan ini layak mendapat undian di Kongres\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They deserve -- they deserve a simple vote\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka layak -- mereka berhak mendapat undian mudah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5 things we learned from the State of the Union.", "r": {"result": "5 perkara yang kami pelajari daripada Negara Kesatuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Climate change.", "r": {"result": "Perubahan iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama recognized the extreme shifts in climate over the past 15 years and advocated a transition to more sustainable and environment-friendly sources of energy, such as wind and solar, in order to reduce America's dependence on oil.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukannya: Obama mengiktiraf perubahan melampau dalam iklim sejak 15 tahun lalu dan menganjurkan peralihan kepada sumber tenaga yang lebih mampan dan mesra alam, seperti angin dan suria, untuk mengurangkan pergantungan Amerika kepada minyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama also proposed the creation of an Energy Security Trust dedicated to shifting our cars and trucks off oil.", "r": {"result": "Obama juga mencadangkan penciptaan Amanah Keselamatan Tenaga khusus untuk mengalihkan kereta dan trak kami daripada minyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Kami boleh memilih untuk mempercayai bahawa Superstorm Sandy, dan kemarau paling teruk dalam beberapa dekad, dan kebakaran hutan terburuk yang pernah dilihat beberapa negeri semuanya hanyalah kebetulan yang aneh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science and act before it's too late\".", "r": {"result": "Atau kita boleh memilih untuk mempercayai pertimbangan sains yang luar biasa dan bertindak sebelum terlambat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I urge this Congress to pursue a bipartisan, market-based solution to climate change, like the one John McCain and Joe Lieberman worked on together a few years ago.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menggesa Kongres ini untuk meneruskan penyelesaian dwipartisan, berasaskan pasaran untuk perubahan iklim, seperti yang diusahakan oleh John McCain dan Joe Lieberman bersama beberapa tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But if Congress won't act soon to protect future generations, I will\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jika Kongres tidak akan bertindak segera untuk melindungi generasi akan datang, saya akan melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Fact Check: Wind energy breezes into the record books.", "r": {"result": "Semakan Fakta CNN: Angin tenaga angin masuk ke dalam buku rekod.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Minimum Wage.", "r": {"result": "Gaji minimum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8\u02ccminim\u0259m \u02c8\u02ccw\u0101j"}}} {"src": "Where he stands: What is one thing Obama and Mitt Romney agreed on last year?", "r": {"result": "Di mana dia berdiri: Apakah satu perkara yang dipersetujui Obama dan Mitt Romney tahun lepas?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Minimum wage.", "r": {"result": "Gaji minimum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {"pronunciation": "\u02c8\u02ccminim\u0259m \u02c8\u02ccw\u0101j"}}} {"src": "Obama recommended raising the federal wage to $9 an hour to help working families.", "r": {"result": "Obama mengesyorkan menaikkan gaji persekutuan kepada $9 sejam untuk membantu keluarga yang bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"Here's an idea that Gov.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Ini adalah idea bahawa Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney and I actually agreed on last year.", "r": {"result": "Saya dan Romney sebenarnya bersetuju pada tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's tie the minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on\".", "r": {"result": "Mari kita ikat gaji minimum dengan kos sara hidup, supaya ia akhirnya menjadi upah yang anda boleh hidup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We know our economy's stronger when we reward an honest day's work with honest wages.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tahu ekonomi kami lebih kukuh apabila kami memberi ganjaran kepada kerja yang jujur dengan gaji yang jujur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But today, a full-time worker making the minimum wage earns $14,500 a year.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi hari ini, pekerja sepenuh masa yang membuat gaji minimum memperoleh $14,500 setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even with the tax relief we've put in place, a family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dengan pelepasan cukai yang telah kami sediakan, sebuah keluarga dengan dua anak yang mendapat gaji minimum masih hidup di bawah paras kemiskinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's wrong\".", "r": {"result": "Itu salah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNNMoney.com: The impact of $9 minimum wage.", "r": {"result": "CNNMoney.com: Kesan gaji minimum $9.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Troop withdrawal.", "r": {"result": "pengunduran pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama announced that 34,000 American troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by next February and promised the war in Afghanistan will be over by the end of 2014.", "r": {"result": "Di mana dia berdiri: Obama mengumumkan bahawa 34,000 tentera Amerika akan berundur dari Afghanistan menjelang Februari depan dan berjanji perang di Afghanistan akan berakhir menjelang akhir 2014.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"Beyond 2014, America's commitment to a unified and sovereign Afghanistan will endure, but the nature of our commitment will change.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang beliau katakan: \"Selepas 2014, komitmen Amerika kepada Afghanistan yang bersatu dan berdaulat akan kekal, tetapi sifat komitmen kami akan berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are negotiating an agreement with the Afghan government that focuses on two missions: training and equipping Afghan forces so that the country does not again slip into chaos, and counterterrorism efforts that allow us to pursue the remnants of al Qaeda and their affiliates\".", "r": {"result": "Kami sedang merundingkan perjanjian dengan kerajaan Afghanistan yang menumpukan kepada dua misi: melatih dan melengkapkan pasukan Afghanistan supaya negara tidak lagi tergelincir ke dalam kekacauan, dan usaha menentang keganasan yang membolehkan kami mengejar saki-baki al Qaeda dan sekutu mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Address gave foreign policy short shrift.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Alamat memberikan dasar luar negeri singkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Debt & Deficit.", "r": {"result": "Hutang & Defisit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama's plan to reduce the national debt focuses on how to avoid the sequester and continue to reduce deficits without cutting education and job training, while asking the wealthiest Americans to pay more.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukannya: Rancangan Obama untuk mengurangkan hutang negara tertumpu kepada cara untuk mengelakkan penyitaan dan terus mengurangkan defisit tanpa mengurangkan pendidikan dan latihan pekerjaan, sambil meminta rakyat Amerika yang paling kaya membayar lebih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama argued that over the last few years, \"both parties have worked together to reduce the deficit by more than $2.5 trillion -- mostly through spending cuts\" and that the government is \"halfway towards the goal of $4 trillion in deficit reduction\".", "r": {"result": "Obama berhujah bahawa sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, \"kedua-dua pihak telah bekerjasama untuk mengurangkan defisit sebanyak lebih daripada $2.5 trilion -- kebanyakannya melalui pemotongan perbelanjaan\" dan bahawa kerajaan \"separuh jalan ke arah matlamat pengurangan defisit $4 trilion\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"To hit the rest of our deficit reduction target, we should do what leaders in both parties have already suggested, and save hundreds of billions of dollars by getting rid of tax loopholes and deductions for the well-off and well-connected.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang beliau katakan: \"Untuk mencapai sasaran pengurangan defisit yang lain, kita harus melakukan apa yang telah dicadangkan oleh para pemimpin dalam kedua-dua parti, dan menjimatkan ratusan bilion dolar dengan menyingkirkan kelemahan dan potongan cukai untuk golongan berada dan berada- bersambung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... Now is our best chance for bipartisan, comprehensive tax reform that encourages job creation and helps bring down the deficit\".", "r": {"result": "... Kini adalah peluang terbaik kami untuk reformasi cukai menyeluruh dua partisan yang menggalakkan penciptaan pekerjaan dan membantu mengurangkan defisit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "GOP's Rubio rips Obama, says his plans will hurt middle class.", "r": {"result": "Rubio GOP merobek Obama, berkata rancangannya akan menjejaskan kelas pertengahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Medicare.", "r": {"result": "Medicare.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama took a firm stance against cutting funds for Medicare -- one of the federal government's largest line items -- while acknowledging its contribution to the nation's debt.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukannya: Obama mengambil pendirian tegas menentang pemotongan dana untuk Medicare -- salah satu item barisan terbesar kerajaan persekutuan -- sambil mengiktiraf sumbangannya kepada hutang negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama advocated the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles plan and offered to reduce taxpayer subsidies to prescription drug companies.", "r": {"result": "Obama menyokong rancangan Simpson-Bowles dwipartisan dan menawarkan untuk mengurangkan subsidi pembayar cukai kepada syarikat ubat preskripsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"Yes, the biggest driver of our long-term debt is the rising cost of health care for an aging population.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Ya, pemacu terbesar hutang jangka panjang kami ialah peningkatan kos penjagaan kesihatan untuk penduduk yang semakin tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And those of us who care deeply about programs like Medicare must embrace the need for modest reforms -- otherwise, our retirement programs will crowd out the investments we need for our children, and jeopardize the promise of a secure retirement for future generations.", "r": {"result": "Dan mereka yang sangat mengambil berat tentang program seperti Medicare mesti menerima keperluan untuk pembaharuan yang sederhana -- jika tidak, program persaraan kami akan menyekat pelaburan yang kami perlukan untuk anak-anak kami, dan menjejaskan janji persaraan yang selamat untuk generasi akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But we can't ask senior citizens and working families to shoulder the entire burden of deficit reduction while asking nothing more from the wealthiest and most powerful\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kita tidak boleh meminta warga emas dan keluarga bekerja untuk memikul seluruh beban pengurangan defisit sambil meminta apa-apa lagi daripada yang paling kaya dan paling berkuasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We'll bring down costs by changing the way our government pays for Medicare, because our medical bills shouldn't be based on the number of tests ordered or days spent in the hospital.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan mengurangkan kos dengan mengubah cara kerajaan kami membayar Medicare, kerana bil perubatan kami tidak seharusnya berdasarkan bilangan ujian yang dipesan atau hari yang dihabiskan di hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They should be based on the quality of care that our seniors receive\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka harus berdasarkan kualiti penjagaan yang diterima oleh warga emas kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State of the Union, Twitter-style.", "r": {"result": "State of the Union, ala Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roads and Bridges.", "r": {"result": "Jalan dan Jambatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: In an effort to create more jobs in the United States and improve the nation's infrastructure, Obama proposed a \"Fix-It First\" program, to put people to work on nearly 70,000 failing bridges, as well as roads.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukannya: Dalam usaha untuk mewujudkan lebih banyak pekerjaan di Amerika Syarikat dan menambah baik infrastruktur negara, Obama mencadangkan program \"Betulkan Dahulu\", untuk meletakkan orang ramai bekerja di hampir 70,000 jambatan yang gagal, serta jalan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"Ask any CEO where they'd rather locate and hire: a country with deteriorating roads and bridges, or one with high-speed rail and Internet, high-tech schools and self-healing power grids.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Tanya mana-mana CEO di mana mereka lebih suka mencari dan mengupah: sebuah negara dengan jalan raya dan jambatan yang semakin rosak, atau negara yang mempunyai kereta api berkelajuan tinggi dan Internet, sekolah berteknologi tinggi dan grid kuasa penyembuhan diri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The CEO of Siemens America -- a company that brought hundreds of new jobs to North Carolina -- has said that if we upgrade our infrastructure, they'll bring even more jobs.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Siemens America -- sebuah syarikat yang membawa ratusan pekerjaan baharu ke North Carolina -- telah berkata bahawa jika kami meningkatkan infrastruktur kami, mereka akan membawa lebih banyak pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I know that you want these job-creating projects in your districts\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya tahu anda mahukan projek mewujudkan pekerjaan ini di daerah anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama keeps pressure on Republicans with jobs plan.", "r": {"result": "Obama terus menekan Republikan dengan rancangan pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Universal Preschool.", "r": {"result": "Prasekolah Universal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama advocated for widespread enrollment in preschool, praising states like Georgia and Oklahoma that make it a priority.", "r": {"result": "Di mana dia berdiri: Obama menyokong pendaftaran meluas di prasekolah, memuji negeri seperti Georgia dan Oklahoma yang menjadikannya keutamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Enrollment in preschool, Obama says, means students grow up more likely to read and do math at grade level, graduate high school, hold a job, and form more stable families of their own.", "r": {"result": "Pendaftaran di prasekolah, kata Obama, bermakna pelajar membesar lebih cenderung untuk membaca dan membuat matematik di peringkat gred, menamatkan sekolah menengah, memegang pekerjaan dan membentuk keluarga mereka sendiri yang lebih stabil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"I propose working with states to make high-quality preschool available to every child in America.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Saya mencadangkan bekerjasama dengan negeri untuk menyediakan prasekolah berkualiti tinggi kepada setiap kanak-kanak di Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every dollar we invest in high-quality early education can save more than $7 later on -- by boosting graduation rates, reducing teen pregnancy, even reducing violent crime.", "r": {"result": "Setiap dolar yang kita laburkan dalam pendidikan awal berkualiti tinggi boleh menjimatkan lebih daripada $7 kemudian -- dengan meningkatkan kadar pengijazahan, mengurangkan kehamilan remaja, malah mengurangkan jenayah kekerasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... So let's do what works, and make sure none of our children start the race of life already behind.", "r": {"result": "... Jadi mari kita lakukan apa yang berkesan, dan pastikan tidak ada anak kita yang memulakan perlumbaan kehidupan yang sudah ketinggalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's give our kids that chance\".", "r": {"result": "Mari beri peluang kepada anak-anak kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "5 education ideas from the State of the Union.", "r": {"result": "5 idea pendidikan dari Negara Kesatuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Congress.", "r": {"result": "Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama had a lot of demands for Congress on Tuesday night.", "r": {"result": "Di mana dia berdiri: Obama mempunyai banyak tuntutan untuk Kongres pada malam Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked Congress to vote on just about every issue and called for lawmakers to work together to be more effective by successfully solving problems regardless of party divisions.", "r": {"result": "Beliau meminta Kongres mengundi hampir setiap isu dan menyeru penggubal undang-undang bekerjasama untuk menjadi lebih berkesan dengan berjaya menyelesaikan masalah tanpa mengira perpecahan parti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"The American people don't expect government to solve every problem.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Rakyat Amerika tidak mengharapkan kerajaan menyelesaikan setiap masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They don't expect those of us in this chamber to agree on every issue.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak mengharapkan kami di dewan ini bersetuju dalam setiap isu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they do expect us to put the nation's interests before party\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka mengharapkan kita mengutamakan kepentingan negara daripada parti\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama dares Congress to get the job done.", "r": {"result": "Obama berani Kongres untuk menyelesaikan kerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Foreign policy and America's future.", "r": {"result": "Dasar luar dan masa depan Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where he stands: Obama's plan for America's future focuses on maintaining the nation's image as a role model for freedom in the world while reducing waste and wartime spending.", "r": {"result": "Kedudukannya: Rancangan Obama untuk masa depan Amerika menumpukan pada mengekalkan imej negara sebagai model peranan untuk kebebasan di dunia sambil mengurangkan pembaziran dan perbelanjaan masa perang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What he said: \"In defense of freedom, we'll remain the anchor of strong alliances, from the Americas to Africa, from Europe to Asia.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dia katakan: \"Dalam mempertahankan kebebasan, kami akan kekal sebagai sauh pakatan yang kuat, dari Amerika ke Afrika, dari Eropah ke Asia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the Middle East, we will stand with citizens as they demand their universal rights, and support stable transitions to democracy\".", "r": {"result": "Di Timur Tengah, kami akan berdiri bersama rakyat kerana mereka menuntut hak sejagat mereka, dan menyokong peralihan yang stabil kepada demokrasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But as Americans, we all share the same proud title: We are citizens.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi sebagai rakyat Amerika, kita semua berkongsi gelaran yang sama: Kita adalah rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a word that doesn't just describe our nationality or legal status.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah perkataan yang bukan sahaja menggambarkan kewarganegaraan atau status undang-undang kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It describes the way we're made.", "r": {"result": "Ia menerangkan cara kita dibuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It describes what we believe.", "r": {"result": "Ia menggambarkan apa yang kita percaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It captures the enduring idea that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations; that our rights are wrapped up in the rights of others; and that well into our third century as a nation, it remains the task of us all, as citizens of these United States, to be the authors of the next great chapter in our American story\".", "r": {"result": "Ia menangkap idea kekal bahawa negara ini hanya berfungsi apabila kita menerima kewajipan tertentu antara satu sama lain dan kepada generasi akan datang; bahawa hak kita terbungkus dalam hak orang lain; dan sehingga ke abad ketiga kita sebagai sebuah negara, ia tetap menjadi tugas kita semua, sebagai rakyat Amerika Syarikat ini, untuk menjadi pengarang bab hebat seterusnya dalam kisah Amerika kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Analysis: Obama's vision to nudge country to the left.", "r": {"result": "Analisis: Visi Obama untuk mendorong negara ke kiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Joe Paterno could soon regain his title as the winningest coach in major college football history.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Joe Paterno tidak lama lagi boleh mendapatkan semula gelarannya sebagai jurulatih paling menang dalam sejarah bola sepak kolej utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 112 Penn State victories that the NCAA voided -- 111 of them Paterno's -- when it sanctioned Penn State University following the Jerry Sandusky scandal are likely being restored as part of a proposed settlement with the NCAA.", "r": {"result": "112 kemenangan Penn State yang dibatalkan NCAA -- 111 daripadanya Paterno -- apabila ia membenarkan Penn State University berikutan skandal Jerry Sandusky berkemungkinan dipulihkan sebagai sebahagian daripada cadangan penyelesaian dengan NCAA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Penn State's board of trustees unanimously approved it, and now the NCAA and a judge will have to accept the settlement.", "r": {"result": "Lembaga pemegang amanah Penn State sebulat suara meluluskannya, dan kini NCAA dan hakim perlu menerima penyelesaian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The settlement is part of a lawsuit filed by Pennsylvania state Sen.", "r": {"result": "Penyelesaian itu adalah sebahagian daripada tuntutan mahkamah yang difailkan oleh Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jake Corman.", "r": {"result": "Jake Corman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suit began as a way to force the $60 million fine money the NCAA levied on Penn State to stay within the state of Pennsylvania, but it became a way to give Penn State supporters a place to legally challenge the validity of the sanctions.", "r": {"result": "Saman itu bermula sebagai cara untuk memaksa wang denda $60 juta yang dikenakan NCAA ke atas Penn State untuk kekal dalam negeri Pennsylvania, tetapi ia menjadi satu cara untuk memberi penyokong Penn State tempat untuk mencabar kesahihan sekatan secara sah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among them, the most controversial, was the loss of Paterno's wins between 1998, when the first report of abuse against then-assistant coach Sandusky was made, to 2011, when Sandusky was charged with abusing 10 boys, many of them on campus.", "r": {"result": "Antaranya, yang paling kontroversi, ialah kehilangan kemenangan Paterno antara 1998, apabila laporan pertama penderaan terhadap penolong jurulatih ketika itu Sandusky dibuat, hingga 2011, apabila Sandusky didakwa mendera 10 budak lelaki, kebanyakannya di kampus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sandusky was convicted in 2012 of abusing the victims and is serving a 30- to 60-year sentence, which means he will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars.", "r": {"result": "Sandusky disabitkan pada 2012 kerana mendera mangsa dan sedang menjalani hukuman 30 hingga 60 tahun, yang bermakna dia mungkin akan menghabiskan sisa hidupnya di penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same year, Paterno died at age 85.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun yang sama, Paterno meninggal dunia pada usia 85 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Penn State paid Paterno's estate $5.76 million after his death.", "r": {"result": "Penn State membayar harta pusaka Paterno $5.76 juta selepas kematiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Today is a great victory for everyone who has fought for the truth in the Sandusky tragedy,\" the Paterno family said Friday in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\"Hari ini adalah kemenangan besar bagi semua orang yang telah berjuang untuk kebenaran dalam tragedi Sandusky,\" kata keluarga Paterno pada hari Jumaat dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The repeal of the consent decree and the return of the wins to the University and Joe Paterno confirm that the NCAA and the Board of Trustees acted prematurely and irresponsibly in the unprecedented sanctions the NCAA imposed on the University, the players, coaches and the community\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pemansuhan dekri persetujuan dan pengembalian kemenangan kepada Universiti dan Joe Paterno mengesahkan bahawa NCAA dan Lembaga Pemegang Amanah bertindak lebih awal dan tidak bertanggungjawab dalam sekatan yang belum pernah berlaku sebelum ini yang NCAA dikenakan ke atas Universiti, pemain, jurulatih dan komuniti \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Paterno, who was fired days after Sandusky was charged, still has many supporters who believe he was wronged by the university's harsh reaction to the allegations against Sandusky.", "r": {"result": "Paterno, yang dipecat beberapa hari selepas Sandusky didakwa, masih mempunyai ramai penyokong yang percaya dia telah dianiaya oleh reaksi keras universiti terhadap dakwaan terhadap Sandusky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at least some of Sandusky's victims disagree.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya beberapa mangsa Sandusky tidak bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Marci Hamilton, a Philadelphia attorney who represents some of them, said it's another example of protecting the powerful over the vulnerable.", "r": {"result": "Marci Hamilton, seorang peguam Philadelphia yang mewakili sebahagian daripada mereka, berkata ia adalah satu lagi contoh untuk melindungi pihak berkuasa daripada mereka yang terdedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At least the money is still going to be used for the benefit of survivors in Pennsylvania.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekurang-kurangnya wang itu masih akan digunakan untuk manfaat mangsa yang terselamat di Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Powerful institutions involved in child sex abuse scandals are typically more concerned about their leaders' pristine reputations (regardless of what they have done) than money.", "r": {"result": "Institusi berkuasa yang terlibat dalam skandal penderaan seks kanak-kanak biasanya lebih mementingkan reputasi murni pemimpin mereka (tidak kira apa yang telah mereka lakukan) daripada wang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This settlement follows the trend,\" she said in an email to CNN.", "r": {"result": "Penyelesaian ini mengikut trend,\" katanya dalam e-mel kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Howard Janet, lawyer for another victim, said in a statement: \"Any effort by Penn State officials or others that implies the NCAA's action suggests the University had no responsibility for the molestation of adolescent boys by the defensive coordinator of its football team -- which often took place in team showers -- is ludicrous\".", "r": {"result": "Howard Janet, peguam untuk mangsa lain, berkata dalam satu kenyataan: \"Sebarang usaha oleh pegawai Penn State atau pihak lain yang membayangkan tindakan NCAA menunjukkan Universiti tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap pencabulan remaja lelaki oleh penyelaras pertahanan pasukan bola sepaknya -- yang sering berlaku dalam pasukan mandi -- adalah menggelikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a statement from the Penn State board of trustees, in addition to restoring 112 wins the proposed settlement would dedicate the $60 million to helping victims of child abuse and to preventing such abuse.", "r": {"result": "Menurut kenyataan daripada lembaga pemegang amanah Penn State, selain memulihkan 112 kemenangan, penyelesaian yang dicadangkan akan mendedikasikan $60 juta untuk membantu mangsa penderaan kanak-kanak dan untuk mencegah penderaan sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another Philadelphia attorney, Tom Kline, who represented victims including one who was assaulted after administrators were informed of allegations in 2001, said: \"Penn State institutionally has demonstrated significant good faith in the past two and half years, and deserved real relief from the overbearing sanctions to which it previously agreed -- especially relating to the $60 million fine.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi peguam Philadelphia, Tom Kline, yang mewakili mangsa termasuk seorang yang diserang selepas pentadbir dimaklumkan mengenai dakwaan pada tahun 2001, berkata: \"Penn State secara institusi telah menunjukkan niat baik yang ketara dalam dua setengah tahun yang lalu, dan berhak mendapat pelepasan sebenar daripada sikap sombong itu. sekatan yang dipersetujui sebelum ini -- terutamanya berkaitan denda $60 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But, we must not lose sight -- in between the chants of 'restore the wins' and 'restore the statute' pertaining to strong feeling relating to (the late) Joe Paterno, that the remaining issue is the individual accountability of the administrators in charge when Jerry Sandusky was enable to commit his horrible acts on young boys\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi, kita tidak boleh terlepas pandang -- di antara laungan 'pulihkan kemenangan' dan 'pulihkan statut' yang berkaitan dengan perasaan kuat yang berkaitan dengan (mendiang) Joe Paterno, bahawa isu selebihnya ialah akauntabiliti individu pentadbir. bertanggungjawab apabila Jerry Sandusky dapat melakukan perbuatan mengerikannya terhadap budak-budak muda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three administrators, including the former president and former athletic director, have been charged with covering up some of Sandusky's crimes.", "r": {"result": "Tiga pentadbir, termasuk bekas presiden dan bekas pengarah olahraga, telah didakwa menutup beberapa jenayah Sandusky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors allege they knew about at least two incidents reported to the university, but lied about it before a grand jury.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya mendakwa mereka mengetahui sekurang-kurangnya dua insiden yang dilaporkan kepada universiti, tetapi berbohong mengenainya di hadapan juri besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Penn State hired an independent investigator to look into what happened, the investigator found that Paterno was also part of a coverup, creating a divide among Pennsylvanians and provoking a visceral response from his family and supporters who maintain he was not aware that Sandusky was a pedophile.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Penn State mengupah penyiasat bebas untuk melihat apa yang berlaku, penyiasat mendapati bahawa Paterno juga merupakan sebahagian daripada penyamaran, mewujudkan perpecahan di kalangan penduduk Pennsylvania dan mencetuskan tindak balas mendalam daripada keluarga dan penyokongnya yang menyatakan bahawa dia tidak menyedari bahawa Sandusky adalah seorang pedofil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That independent report, done by former FBI director Louis Freeh, was what the NCAA relied on when it sanctioned the university.", "r": {"result": "Laporan bebas itu, yang dilakukan oleh bekas pengarah FBI Louis Freeh, adalah yang NCAA bergantung pada apabila ia membenarkan universiti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dottie Sandusky, Jerry Sandusky's wife, issued her own statement, again insisting her husband was innocent.", "r": {"result": "Dottie Sandusky, isteri Jerry Sandusky, mengeluarkan kenyataannya sendiri, sekali lagi menegaskan suaminya tidak bersalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am thankful that a small but significant part of this great injustice has been rectified with the restoration of Joe Paterno's win record.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya bersyukur kerana sebahagian kecil tetapi ketara daripada ketidakadilan besar ini telah diperbetulkan dengan pemulihan rekod kemenangan Joe Paterno.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe and Penn State did not cover anything up because there was simply nothing to cover up,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Joe dan Penn State tidak menutup apa-apa kerana tiada apa-apa yang perlu ditutup,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hopefully, as the media's false narrative continues to unravel, more people will realize this obvious reality\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semoga, apabila naratif palsu media terus terbongkar, lebih ramai orang akan menyedari realiti yang jelas ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 112 victories include all of Paterno's 111 wins at the school in those 14 seasons, plus the team's last victory of 2011, by which time Paterno had been fired over the Sandusky scandal.", "r": {"result": "112 kemenangan itu termasuk kesemua 111 kemenangan Paterno di sekolah itu dalam 14 musim tersebut, ditambah dengan kemenangan terakhir pasukan pada 2011, di mana Paterno telah dipecat kerana skandal Sandusky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before those wins were vacated, Paterno had amassed 409 victories in 46 seasons at Penn State, the most of any major college head coach.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum kemenangan itu dikosongkan, Paterno telah mengumpul 409 kemenangan dalam 46 musim di Penn State, yang paling banyak daripada mana-mana ketua jurulatih kolej utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN\"s Sara Ganim contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Sara Ganim dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Esra'a al Shafei, a recent university graduate in Bahrain, is young, Muslim and frustrated.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Esra'a al Shafei, graduan universiti baru-baru ini di Bahrain, masih muda, beragama Islam dan kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young Muslims, pictured here in Afghanistan, are increasingly using technology to engage the world.", "r": {"result": "Anak muda Islam, digambarkan di Afghanistan, semakin menggunakan teknologi untuk melibatkan dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 23-year-old says the complexity of who she is as a Muslim is being distorted by extremists and the media coverage of them.", "r": {"result": "Wanita berusia 23 tahun itu berkata kerumitan siapa dirinya sebagai seorang Muslim sedang diputarbelitkan oleh pelampau dan liputan media mengenai mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Channeling her frustration, she started Mideastyouth.com, a Web site she describes as a place for young people in the region to \"show a different side of our religion\" and discuss topics big and small, taboo and not.", "r": {"result": "Menyalurkan kekecewaannya, dia memulakan Mideastyouth.com, laman web yang disifatkannya sebagai tempat untuk golongan muda di rantau ini untuk \"menunjukkan sisi berbeza agama kita\" dan membincangkan topik besar dan kecil, tabu dan tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She represents a generation of Muslims who are using technology to express themselves, connect with others, challenge traditional power structures and create an identity in an era when Islamic extremists often grab the headlines.", "r": {"result": "Dia mewakili generasi Muslim yang menggunakan teknologi untuk mengekspresikan diri mereka, berhubung dengan orang lain, mencabar struktur kuasa tradisional dan mencipta identiti dalam era ketika pelampau Islam sering menjadi tajuk utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think the word that clearly defines the younger generation and also separates them from their parents is 'globalized,'\" said Reza Aslan, the author of two books on Islam, including the recently published \"How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization and the End of the War on Terror\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir perkataan yang jelas mentakrifkan generasi muda dan juga memisahkan mereka daripada ibu bapa mereka adalah 'globalisasi,'\" kata Reza Aslan, pengarang dua buku mengenai Islam, termasuk yang diterbitkan baru-baru ini \"How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalisasi dan Pengakhiran Perang Melawan Keganasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Access to technology lags in countries with large Muslim populations compared with Europe and the United States.", "r": {"result": "Akses kepada teknologi ketinggalan di negara yang mempunyai populasi Islam yang besar berbanding dengan Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Access also varies between those countries depending on a variety of factors such as governmental control and economic development.", "r": {"result": "Akses juga berbeza-beza antara negara tersebut bergantung kepada pelbagai faktor seperti kawalan kerajaan dan pembangunan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the numbers of people using the Web and cell phones are growing -- and quickly.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bilangan orang yang menggunakan Web dan telefon bimbit semakin meningkat -- dan dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The percentage increases of Internet users in places like Iran, Pakistan and Egypt are astronomical during the past five years,\" Aslan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Peratusan peningkatan pengguna Internet di tempat seperti Iran, Pakistan dan Mesir adalah astronomi dalam tempoh lima tahun yang lalu,\" kata Aslan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A recent study by Forrester Research predicted growth rates for Web usage would continue to soar in the region during the next five years.", "r": {"result": "Kajian terbaru oleh Forrester Research meramalkan kadar pertumbuhan untuk penggunaan Web akan terus melonjak di rantau ini dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A battle over interpretation.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran untuk tafsiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Shafei, who spoke to CNN by phone from Bahrain, said her Islamic identity was partly shaped by a childhood that included Christian classmates and American and British teachers.", "r": {"result": "Al Shafei, yang bercakap dengan CNN melalui telefon dari Bahrain, berkata identiti Islamnya sebahagiannya dibentuk oleh zaman kanak-kanak yang termasuk rakan sekelas Kristian dan guru Amerika dan British.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also grew up in a country that was relatively progressive enough to appoint a female Jewish ambassador recently.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga dibesarkan di negara yang agak progresif untuk melantik seorang duta Yahudi wanita baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Islam is much more relaxed here,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Islam lebih santai di sini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But it doesn't mean we're not good Muslims\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi ia tidak bermakna kita bukan orang Islam yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She discovered blogs, and the more she read, the more she grew frustrated with the nature of the dialogue.", "r": {"result": "Dia menemui blog, dan semakin banyak dia membaca, semakin dia kecewa dengan sifat dialog itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No one was talking to each other,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sesiapa bercakap antara satu sama lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006 was the turning point for her.", "r": {"result": "Konflik antara Hizbullah dan Israel pada 2006 merupakan titik perubahan baginya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was really annoyed by how the Western and Arab media were covering it,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat marah dengan cara media Barat dan Arab membuat liputan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Both sides were sticking to the extremes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kedua-dua pihak berpegang kepada keterlaluan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She said she started her Web site that year to provide the world -- and media -- a different perspective on Islam.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia memulakan laman webnya pada tahun itu untuk menyediakan dunia -- dan media -- perspektif berbeza tentang Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're not as simplistic as the media would often make of us,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak semudah yang media sering buat mengenai kami,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Shafei said the Web site's discussion subjects range from the political to the taboo, including homosexuality, premarital sex and atheism.", "r": {"result": "Al Shafei berkata subjek perbincangan laman web itu terdiri daripada politik hingga pantang larang, termasuk homoseksual, seks sebelum berkahwin dan ateisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The anonymity provided by the Web helps foster such discussion, she said.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa nama yang diberikan oleh Web membantu memupuk perbincangan sedemikian, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She is, however, careful to avoid talking about some topics, which could get her in trouble.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, dia berhati-hati untuk mengelak bercakap tentang beberapa topik, yang boleh menyebabkan dia menghadapi masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I always remind myself that I have my limitations,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sentiasa mengingatkan diri saya bahawa saya mempunyai batasan saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are various issues that I am unable to tackle for security reasons\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat pelbagai isu yang saya tidak dapat tangani atas sebab keselamatan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Al Shafei said she hopes that Web sites such as hers could help fight extremist Islamic groups by defeating their arguments through cultural and religious dialogue.", "r": {"result": "Al Shafei berkata beliau berharap laman web sepertinya dapat membantu memerangi kumpulan Islam ekstremis dengan mengalahkan hujah mereka melalui dialog budaya dan agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she concedes there's catching up to do.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia mengakui ada usaha yang perlu dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to move faster\" because extremist groups are more widespread in traditional media such as newspapers and radio stations, which are still consumed by more people than new media such as Web sites, she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita perlu bergerak lebih pantas\" kerana kumpulan pelampau lebih meluas dalam media tradisional seperti akhbar dan stesen radio, yang masih digunakan oleh lebih ramai orang daripada media baharu seperti laman web, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The extremists' lure.", "r": {"result": "Daya tarikan golongan pelampau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some extremists are adept at using technology and new media as well.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pelampau mahir menggunakan teknologi dan media baharu juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The killings of journalist Daniel Pearl, U.S. businessman Nicholas Berg and Eugene Armstrong, an American contractor working in Iraq, were all recorded and later broadcast on the Web.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhan wartawan Daniel Pearl, ahli perniagaan AS Nicholas Berg dan Eugene Armstrong, seorang kontraktor Amerika yang bekerja di Iraq, semuanya dirakam dan kemudian disiarkan di Web.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's long been a concern that the Web is being used by extremist groups such as al Qaeda to recruit young Muslims to their cause.", "r": {"result": "Sudah lama menjadi kebimbangan bahawa Web digunakan oleh kumpulan pelampau seperti al Qaeda untuk merekrut anak muda Islam untuk tujuan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, Bruce Etling, who co-authored recent studies of the Arabic and Persian blogospheres at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, said he found little evidence of such activity.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, Bruce Etling, yang mengarang bersama kajian terbaru blogosfera Arab dan Parsi di Pusat Berkman untuk Internet & Masyarakat Universiti Harvard, berkata beliau mendapati sedikit bukti aktiviti sedemikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In the Arabic blogosphere we found no specific clusters related to extremism, and when it was discussed, it tended to be in negative terms,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam blogosphere Arab kami tidak menemui gugusan khusus berkaitan ekstremisme, dan apabila ia dibincangkan, ia cenderung dari segi negatif,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a counter-narrative we were surprised to find\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah naratif balas yang kami terkejut dapati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are several possible reasons why, he explained.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat beberapa kemungkinan sebabnya, jelasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's difficult for extremist groups to maintain a static presence on the Web -- they constantly have to move to avoid being found.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk kumpulan pelampau mengekalkan kehadiran statik di Web -- mereka sentiasa perlu bergerak untuk mengelak daripada ditemui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Additionally, popular sites such as Facebook have strict terms of usage, which make it difficult for extremist groups -- and their sympathizers -- to build a following.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, tapak popular seperti Facebook mempunyai syarat penggunaan yang ketat, yang menyukarkan kumpulan pelampau -- dan simpatisan mereka -- untuk membina pengikut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aslan, who is also the executive editor of the social-networking Web site Mecca.com, said that research has consistently shown that the Internet is not an effective recruiting tool for extremists.", "r": {"result": "Aslan, yang juga editor eksekutif laman web rangkaian sosial Mecca.com, berkata penyelidikan secara konsisten menunjukkan bahawa Internet bukanlah alat merekrut yang berkesan untuk pelampau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said extremist groups use the Web more as a marketing and communication tool.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata kumpulan pelampau menggunakan Web lebih sebagai alat pemasaran dan komunikasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Nobody, absolutely nobody, straps a bomb on their body because they were recruited from the Internet,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sesiapa, sama sekali tiada siapa, mengikat bom pada badan mereka kerana mereka direkrut dari Internet,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It takes an enormous amount of personal face-to-face contact and time in order to recruit a young person into the cause of jihad\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia memerlukan sejumlah besar hubungan bersemuka peribadi dan masa untuk merekrut seorang anak muda ke dalam perjuangan jihad\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Web and the streets.", "r": {"result": "Web dan jalan-jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Observers say that like other young people around the world, Muslims mostly use technology such as cell phones and the Web for social and recreational reasons, not political.", "r": {"result": "Pemerhati mengatakan bahawa seperti orang muda lain di seluruh dunia, orang Islam kebanyakannya menggunakan teknologi seperti telefon bimbit dan Web untuk tujuan sosial dan rekreasi, bukan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jared Cohen traveled through the Middle East from 2004 through 2006 for his book, \"Children of Jihad: A Young American's Travels Among the Youth of the Middle East\".", "r": {"result": "Jared Cohen mengembara melalui Timur Tengah dari 2004 hingga 2006 untuk bukunya, \"Children of Jihad: A Young American's Travels Among the Youth of the Middle East\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He joined the U.S. State Department in September, 2006.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menyertai Jabatan Negara A.S. pada September, 2006.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said his travels showed him that the same tools young Muslims are using to socialize also are helping them organize.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata perjalanannya menunjukkan kepadanya bahawa alat yang sama yang digunakan oleh anak muda Islam untuk bersosial juga membantu mereka mengatur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While at an underground party in Iran a few years ago, he asked the Iranians how they heard about the gathering.", "r": {"result": "Semasa berada di sebuah parti bawah tanah di Iran beberapa tahun lalu, dia bertanya kepada rakyat Iran bagaimana mereka mendengar tentang perhimpunan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They told him that if he were to go to the marketplace during the day and turn on his Bluetooth, he could receive random messages with details on where to go and at what time.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memberitahunya bahawa jika dia pergi ke pasar pada siang hari dan menghidupkan Bluetoothnya, dia boleh menerima mesej rawak dengan butiran tentang ke mana hendak pergi dan pada waktu berapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Western-style parties and music are prohibited in Iran, so young people hold them secretly to evade security.", "r": {"result": "Pesta dan muzik ala Barat dilarang di Iran, jadi orang muda menahannya secara rahsia untuk mengelakkan keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cohen said the partygoers were dismissive when asked if they were afraid of the security forces finding out.", "r": {"result": "Cohen berkata para pengunjung parti itu menolak apabila ditanya sama ada mereka takut pasukan keselamatan mengetahuinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No one over 30 knows what Bluetooth does,\" the young Iranians told him.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sesiapa yang berumur lebih daripada 30 tahu apa yang dilakukan oleh Bluetooth,\" kata anak muda Iran itu kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That knowledge and tech savviness played a significant role in the recent protests after the disputed Iranian election.", "r": {"result": "Pengetahuan dan kecemerlangan teknologi itu memainkan peranan penting dalam protes baru-baru ini selepas pilihan raya Iran yang dipertikaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters used Twitter, cell phones and other social-networking tools to organize and spread word of what was happening on the streets.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan menggunakan Twitter, telefon bimbit dan alat rangkaian sosial lain untuk mengatur dan menyebarkan berita tentang apa yang berlaku di jalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The impact on Islam: A new identity?", "r": {"result": "Kesan kepada Islam: Satu identiti baharu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The post-election fallout in Iran is one example that portends a broader generational and hierarchical struggle in the Muslim community, some experts say.", "r": {"result": "Kejatuhan pasca pilihan raya di Iran adalah satu contoh yang menggambarkan perjuangan generasi dan hierarki yang lebih luas dalam masyarakat Islam, kata beberapa pakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are a lot of young Muslims.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat ramai anak muda Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By some estimates, about 60 percent of Muslims in the Middle East are under the age of 30.", "r": {"result": "Mengikut beberapa anggaran, kira-kira 60 peratus umat Islam di Timur Tengah berumur di bawah 30 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What the printing press is to Christianity in the 16th century, that's what the Internet is doing to Islam now,\" Aslan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang dilakukan oleh mesin cetak kepada agama Kristian pada abad ke-16, itulah yang Internet lakukan kepada Islam sekarang,\" kata Aslan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It has opened up the monopoly over the interpretation of Islam that used to solely belong to the religious class\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia telah membuka monopoli ke atas tafsiran Islam yang dahulunya hanya tergolong dalam golongan agamawan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some clerical authorities, well aware of the challenges posed to their influence by the powers of the Web, are becoming more tech savvy and are building a digital presence, Aslan says.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pihak berkuasa perkeranian, menyedari cabaran yang ditimbulkan kepada pengaruh mereka oleh kuasa Web, menjadi lebih celik teknologi dan membina kehadiran digital, kata Aslan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But their interpretations and authority increasingly have competition from sites created by young Muslims such as al Shafei and online communities found on Facebook and Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tafsiran dan kuasa mereka semakin mendapat saingan daripada laman web yang dicipta oleh anak muda Islam seperti al Shafei dan komuniti dalam talian yang terdapat di Facebook dan Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, emerging technology also could be a force that helps forge a new, more global Islamic identity.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, teknologi baru muncul juga boleh menjadi kuasa yang membantu membentuk identiti Islam baharu yang lebih global.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Syrian Muslims can now talk to Muslims in Pakistan, Indonesia, the U.S. or Europe.", "r": {"result": "Orang Islam Syria kini boleh bercakap dengan orang Islam di Pakistan, Indonesia, A.S. atau Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"During the 20th century, the parents of this generation were struggling to define for themselves some conception of a pan-Arab or pan-Muslim unity,\" Aslan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Semasa abad ke-20, ibu bapa generasi ini sedang bergelut untuk menentukan sendiri beberapa konsep perpaduan pan-Arab atau pan-Muslim,\" kata Aslan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But that was elusive because there are so many things geopolitically that separate the Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi itu sukar difahami kerana terdapat begitu banyak perkara secara geopolitik yang memisahkan dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"With the Internet, those boundaries, those borders are irrelevant\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan Internet, sempadan itu, sempadan itu tidak relevan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Sweden's royals will soon be welcoming an American into the family, after the royal court announced Thursday the engagement of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill, a wealthy New York financier.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Keluarga diraja Sweden tidak lama lagi akan mengalu-alukan seorang warga Amerika ke dalam keluarga, selepas mahkamah diraja mengumumkan Khamis pertunangan Puteri Madeleine dan Christopher O'Neill, seorang pembiaya New York yang kaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The brown-haired, blue-eyed princess described O'Neill as her \"soulmate\" and said he had opened her heart -- perhaps reflecting her heartbreak after a previous engagement was called off in 2010 amid reports of infidelity by her then fiance.", "r": {"result": "Puteri berambut coklat dan bermata biru itu menyifatkan O'Neill sebagai \"jodohnya\" dan berkata dia telah membuka hatinya -- mungkin mencerminkan kesedihan hatinya selepas pertunangan sebelum ini dibatalkan pada 2010 di tengah-tengah laporan perselingkuhan oleh tunangnya ketika itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Princess Madeleine Therese Amelie Josephine, to give her full name, is the youngest child of Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia and fourth in line to the Scandanavian nation's throne.", "r": {"result": "Puteri Madeleine Therese Amelie Josephine, untuk memberikan nama penuhnya, adalah anak bongsu Raja Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf dan Ratu Silvia dan keempat dalam barisan takhta negara Scandanavia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple, who live in New York, met through mutual friends, Madeleine said, in an interview released by the royal court along with the engagement announcement.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu, yang tinggal di New York, bertemu melalui rakan bersama, kata Madeleine, dalam temu bual yang dikeluarkan oleh mahkamah diraja bersama-sama dengan pengumuman pertunangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madeleine, 30, said they had been great friends at first before romance blossomed, sharing the same humor and having \"a lot of fun together\".", "r": {"result": "Madeleine, 30, berkata mereka berkawan baik pada mulanya sebelum percintaan berkembang, berkongsi jenaka yang sama dan \"sangat seronok bersama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read more: When UK's William and Kate got married.", "r": {"result": "Baca lebih lanjut: Apabila William dan Kate dari UK berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I appreciate Chris for his warmth and his humor.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menghargai Chris untuk kemesraan dan humornya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has a very big heart and he manages to make everyone in his presence feel good.", "r": {"result": "Dia mempunyai hati yang sangat besar dan dia berjaya membuat semua orang di hadapannya berasa baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christopher is a very thoughtful and generous person,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Christopher seorang yang sangat bertimbang rasa dan pemurah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Love struck quicker for O'Neill, who said that \"from the very outset, I immediately felt something special with Madeleine\".", "r": {"result": "Cinta melanda lebih cepat untuk O'Neill, yang berkata bahawa \"dari awal lagi, saya serta-merta merasakan sesuatu yang istimewa dengan Madeleine\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Princess Madeleine said the proposal, earlier this month, had been \"very romantic and intimate\" but that they wanted to keep the details to themselves.", "r": {"result": "Puteri Madeleine berkata cadangan itu, awal bulan ini, adalah \"sangat romantis dan intim\" tetapi mereka mahu menyimpan butirannya untuk diri mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neill, who has dual British-American citizenship, confirmed he had taken the traditional route and asked her father, the king, for her hand in marriage.", "r": {"result": "O'Neill, yang mempunyai dua kewarganegaraan British-Amerika, mengesahkan dia telah mengambil laluan tradisional dan meminta bapanya, raja, untuk berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The king gave his consent and \"requested the approval by the Swedish Government, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Swedish Constitution,\" the court announcement said.", "r": {"result": "Raja memberikan persetujuannya dan \"meminta kelulusan oleh Kerajaan Sweden, mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam Perlembagaan Sweden,\" kata pengumuman mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Queen Silvia is quoted by Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet as saying: \"The princess is very happy and so are we.", "r": {"result": "Ratu Silvia dipetik oleh akhbar harian Sweden Aftonbladet sebagai berkata: \"Puteri sangat gembira dan kami juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is a real dream-son-in-law\".", "r": {"result": "Dia betul-betul menantu idaman\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The wedding will take place in summer 2013 but a date has not yet been announced.", "r": {"result": "Perkahwinan itu akan berlangsung pada musim panas 2013 tetapi tarikhnya masih belum diumumkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neill may have been reassured by the fact he's not the first commoner to marry into Sweden's royal family in recent years.", "r": {"result": "O'Neill mungkin telah diyakinkan dengan fakta bahawa dia bukan orang biasa pertama yang berkahwin dengan keluarga diraja Sweden dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madeleine's elder sister, Crown Princess Victoria, wed her former personal trainer in June 2010. Gym owner Daniel Westling was given the title Prince Daniel, Duke of Vaestergoetland, on their marriage.", "r": {"result": "Kakak perempuan Madeleine, Puteri Mahkota Victoria, berkahwin dengan bekas jurulatih peribadinya pada Jun 2010. Pemilik gim Daniel Westling telah diberi gelaran Putera Daniel, Duke of Vaestergoetland, atas perkahwinan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple had a daughter in February who became second in line to the throne of Sweden, as the first grandchild of the king and queen.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu mempunyai seorang anak perempuan pada Februari yang menjadi barisan kedua takhta Sweden, sebagai cucu pertama raja dan permaisuri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "O'Neill, 38, says he is still working on learning Swedish but has been given a warm welcome by the royal family.", "r": {"result": "O'Neill, 38, berkata dia masih berusaha untuk mempelajari bahasa Sweden tetapi telah mendapat sambutan hangat oleh keluarga diraja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brides no longer wedded to white.", "r": {"result": "Pengantin perempuan tidak lagi berkahwin dengan putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I felt part of the family right from the very beginning.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya berasa sebahagian daripada keluarga sejak awal lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madeleine's family is very warm and we have a very good time when we all see each other,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Madeleine sangat mesra dan kami mempunyai masa yang sangat baik apabila kami semua bertemu antara satu sama lain,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Born in London, where his late father Paul O'Neill was posted from his native New York, Christopher was educated at a Swiss boarding school before gaining an MBA from Columbia Business School in New York, according to an official biography provided by the Swedish court.", "r": {"result": "Dilahirkan di London, tempat mendiang bapanya Paul O'Neill ditempatkan dari negara asalnya New York, Christopher telah mendapat pendidikan di sekolah berasrama penuh Switzerland sebelum memperoleh MBA dari Columbia Business School di New York, menurut biografi rasmi yang disediakan oleh mahkamah Sweden .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 16-year career within the field of finance followed.", "r": {"result": "Kerjaya selama 16 tahun dalam bidang kewangan diikuti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is currently a partner and head of research at Noster Capital, which has offices in New York and London -- as well as being a keen sportsman and Chelsea Football Club fan.", "r": {"result": "Beliau kini merupakan rakan kongsi dan ketua penyelidikan di Noster Capital, yang mempunyai pejabat di New York dan London -- serta menjadi ahli sukan dan peminat Kelab Bola Sepak Chelsea.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His mother, Eva Maria O'Neill, is quoted by the court as saying: \"As the mother of Christopher O'Neill I am delighted at the happy news.", "r": {"result": "Ibunya, Eva Maria O'Neill, dipetik oleh mahkamah sebagai berkata: \"Sebagai ibu kepada Christopher O'Neill, saya gembira dengan berita gembira itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I look forward to welcoming Princess Madeleine, who I am very fond of, into our family.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak sabar untuk mengalu-alukan Puteri Madeleine, yang sangat saya sayangi, ke dalam keluarga kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wish them both all possible happiness\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mendoakan kebahagiaan mereka berdua\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple will remain in New York for the time being but have not ruled out a move to Sweden in future.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu akan kekal di New York buat masa ini tetapi tidak menolak perpindahan ke Sweden pada masa hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madeleine reportedly moved to New York in 2010 to get over her split from ex-fiance Jonas Bergstrom, which came just two months before her sister's wedding.", "r": {"result": "Madeleine dilaporkan berpindah ke New York pada 2010 untuk mengatasi perpisahannya dengan bekas tunang Jonas Bergstrom, yang datang hanya dua bulan sebelum perkahwinan kakaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The broken tryst followed reports that Bergstrom was \"intimate\" with a Norwegian college student and handball star while they were engaged.", "r": {"result": "Percubaan yang rosak itu menyusuli laporan bahawa Bergstrom \"berhubungan intim\" dengan seorang pelajar kolej Norway dan bintang bola baling semasa mereka bertunang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Per Nyberg contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Per Nyberg dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coral Gables, Florida (CNN) -- World War II U.S. Navy veteran Tony Snetro doesn't need any help running around the bases.", "r": {"result": "Coral Gables, Florida (CNN) -- Veteran Tentera Laut A.S. Perang Dunia II Tony Snetro tidak memerlukan sebarang bantuan berlari di sekitar pangkalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At 93 years of age, he's the oldest member on the \"Young Viejos\" softball team, as well as one of the originals.", "r": {"result": "Pada usia 93 tahun, dia ialah ahli tertua dalam pasukan bola lisut \"Young Viejos\", serta salah satu pemain asal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was there when the league for players 65 years and older started more than a decade ago in Coral Gables, Florida.", "r": {"result": "Dia berada di sana ketika liga untuk pemain 65 tahun ke atas bermula lebih sedekad lalu di Coral Gables, Florida.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Little by little, as it built up, we had enough men to make two teams,\" says Snetro.", "r": {"result": "\"Sedikit demi sedikit, apabila ia dibina, kami mempunyai cukup lelaki untuk membuat dua pasukan,\" kata Snetro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With an average age of close to 80, they're not as fast as they once were.", "r": {"result": "Dengan purata umur hampir 80 tahun, mereka tidak sepantas dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, a few can't even make it out of the batter's box.", "r": {"result": "Malah, sebilangan kecil tidak dapat keluar dari kotak adunan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some players use a pinch runner once they finally make contact with the ball.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah pemain menggunakan pelari cubit apabila mereka akhirnya membuat sentuhan dengan bola.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of those players is the starting catcher, Augustin Gonzalez.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang pemain itu ialah penangkap permulaan, Augustin Gonzalez.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bending down is a major challenge for the second-oldest player on the team, and running to first base is certainly out of the question.", "r": {"result": "Membongkok ke bawah adalah cabaran utama bagi pemain kedua tertua dalam pasukan, dan berlari ke pangkalan pertama pastinya tidak menjadi persoalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, the 88-year-old backstop shows up for games every Tuesday and Thursday, slowly taking his position behind the plate while his teammates cheer him on.", "r": {"result": "Namun, pemain belakang berusia 88 tahun itu muncul untuk perlawanan setiap Selasa dan Khamis, perlahan-lahan mengambil kedudukan di belakang plat sambil rakan sepasukannya memberi semangat kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If a miracle exists, this is a miracle, because to have people here 80 and 90 years old playing ball, I think that's remarkable,\" says 81-year-old Manny Alvarez.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika keajaiban wujud, ini adalah satu keajaiban, kerana untuk mempunyai orang di sini berusia 80 dan 90 tahun bermain bola, saya fikir itu luar biasa,\" kata Manny Alvarez, 81 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alvarez had a close call five years ago, suffering a heart attack while playing in the outfield.", "r": {"result": "Alvarez mempunyai panggilan rapat lima tahun lalu, mengalami serangan jantung ketika bermain di luar padang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With two stents in his artery, three months later he was back on the diamond, taking his regular position.", "r": {"result": "Dengan dua stent di arterinya, tiga bulan kemudian dia kembali pada berlian, mengambil kedudukan biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nothing was going to keep him from rejoining his pals.", "r": {"result": "Tiada apa-apa yang akan menghalangnya daripada menyertai semula rakan-rakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are all blessed,\" Alvarez says quietly.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami semua diberkati,\" kata Alvarez perlahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Juan Montes fondly recalls playing alongside former Major Leaguer Cookie Rojas when they were teenagers in Havana, Cuba.", "r": {"result": "Juan Montes teringat bermain bersama bekas Cookie Major Leaguer Rojas semasa mereka remaja di Havana, Cuba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Montes' father would tell him that only Rojas had the desire to be a baseball player.", "r": {"result": "Bapa Montes akan memberitahunya bahawa hanya Rojas yang mempunyai keinginan untuk menjadi pemain besbol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You don't have that hunger,\" the elder Montes would tell his son.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda tidak mempunyai kelaparan itu,\" Montes yang lebih tua akan memberitahu anaknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Besides, you're too heavy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lagipun awak terlalu berat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The team's name is a mix of English and Spanish and means young old men.", "r": {"result": "Nama pasukan adalah gabungan bahasa Inggeris dan Sepanyol dan bermaksud lelaki tua muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Montes, 74, says it's older players like Snetro who inspire him now.", "r": {"result": "Montes, 74, berkata pemain yang lebih tua seperti Snetro yang memberi inspirasi kepadanya sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Tony is a symbol for us to come here,\" Montes says, adding, \"Why should I stay home in bed while there are guys out there\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Tony adalah simbol untuk kami datang ke sini,\" kata Montes sambil menambah, \"Mengapa saya perlu tinggal di rumah di atas katil sedangkan ada lelaki di luar sana\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's Snetro's message as well.", "r": {"result": "Itu mesej Snetro juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you feel good, don't just sit in a rocking chair,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda berasa baik, jangan hanya duduk di kerusi goyang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Get up and move around!", "r": {"result": "\"Bangun dan bergeraklah!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'd be surprised, by doing this your mind stays sharper\".", "r": {"result": "Anda akan terkejut, dengan melakukan ini fikiran anda akan menjadi lebih tajam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Snetro's secret to his everlasting youth?", "r": {"result": "Rahsia Snetro untuk awet muda?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I eat hot peppers,\" he proudly states.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya makan lada panas,\" katanya dengan bangga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Almost every day since I was a kid raised in Connecticut\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hampir setiap hari sejak saya masih kecil dibesarkan di Connecticut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The question now is how much longer Snetro can play.", "r": {"result": "Persoalannya sekarang ialah berapa lama lagi Snetro boleh bermain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The good lord knows that number,\" he says with a smile.", "r": {"result": "\"Tuan yang baik tahu nombor itu,\" katanya sambil tersenyum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't know it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tidak tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's up to him\".", "r": {"result": "Terpulang pada dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he points to the sky, he says, \"Who knows, maybe another year or two\".", "r": {"result": "Sambil menunjuk ke langit, dia berkata, \"Siapa tahu, mungkin satu atau dua tahun lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Snetro looks around the field and jokingly says, \"I gotta play until I'm 100 years old\".", "r": {"result": "Snetro melihat sekeliling padang dan secara berseloroh berkata, \"Saya perlu bermain sehingga saya berumur 100 tahun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- At least 40 people were killed and more than 100 hurt Friday in clashes between tens of thousands of anti-government protesters and security forces outside Sanaa University in Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, medical officials on the scene said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sekurang-kurangnya 40 orang terbunuh dan lebih 100 cedera pada Jumaat dalam pertempuran antara puluhan ribu penunjuk perasaan antikerajaan dan pasukan keselamatan di luar Universiti Sanaa di Sanaa, ibu negara Yaman, kata pegawai perubatan di tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Ali Abdullah Saleh announced that a state of emergency had been declared, and he expressed his \"deep regret\" over the casualties.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh mengumumkan bahawa keadaan darurat telah diisytiharkan, dan beliau menyatakan \"kesalan yang mendalam\" terhadap mangsa yang terkorban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Interior Ministry official said both sides suffered casualties in the violence.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri berkata kedua-dua pihak mengalami kecederaan dalam keganasan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The official would not be named because he is not authorized to speak to the media.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai itu tidak akan dinamakan kerana dia tidak diberi kuasa untuk bercakap kepada media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Witnesses said the clashes began after government supporters and anti-government demonstrators threw rocks at each other.", "r": {"result": "Saksi berkata, pertempuran bermula selepas penyokong kerajaan dan penunjuk perasaan antikerajaan membaling batu antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Security forces shot into the air and then into the crowd; they also fired tear gas to try to disperse the crowd, witnesses said.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan keselamatan menembak ke udara dan kemudian ke orang ramai; mereka juga melepaskan gas pemedih mata untuk cuba menyuraikan orang ramai, kata saksi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Orders had been issued earlier to all security apparatus to protect the protesters and the opposition, and to separate them,\" Saleh said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perintah telah dikeluarkan lebih awal kepada semua aparat keselamatan untuk melindungi penunjuk perasaan dan pembangkang, dan untuk memisahkan mereka,\" kata Saleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time the firing began, however, the two sides were far apart -- meaning security forces could not protect the protesters, Saleh said.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa tembakan bermula, bagaimanapun, kedua-dua pihak berada jauh -- bermakna pasukan keselamatan tidak dapat melindungi penunjuk perasaan, kata Saleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also said the protesters opened fire in an area that was full of people.", "r": {"result": "Beliau juga berkata penunjuk perasaan melepaskan tembakan di kawasan yang dipenuhi orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Their protests have to be carried out in places away from houses of ordinary people, in order to prevent any friction between them and the people living in those areas,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBantahan mereka perlu dilakukan di tempat yang jauh dari rumah orang biasa, bagi mengelak sebarang pergeseran antara mereka dengan penduduk di kawasan tersebut,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Therefore we have today announced a state of emergency in all regions and the ban of any acts of armed violence in order to preserve the safety and security of citizens,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cOleh itu kami hari ini mengumumkan keadaan darurat di semua wilayah dan larangan sebarang tindakan keganasan bersenjata demi memelihara keselamatan dan keselamatan rakyat,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman for the Yemeni Embassy in Washington, Mohammed Albasha, called on senior security authorities to bring the perpetrators of Friday's violence to justice.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Kedutaan Yaman di Washington, Mohammed Albasha, menggesa pihak berkuasa keselamatan kanan untuk membawa pelaku keganasan pada hari Jumaat ke muka pengadilan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Separate statements from France and the United States, however, called on the Yemeni government to allow peaceful protests, implying that they believe the Yemeni government was responsible for the deaths and injuries.", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan berasingan dari Perancis dan Amerika Syarikat, bagaimanapun, menggesa kerajaan Yaman membenarkan protes aman, membayangkan bahawa mereka percaya kerajaan Yaman bertanggungjawab atas kematian dan kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is now imperative to stop attacks by security forces and pro-government armed groups against individuals exercising their right of expression and demonstration,\" the French Foreign Ministry said in a written statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKini adalah penting untuk menghentikan serangan oleh pasukan keselamatan dan kumpulan bersenjata pro-kerajaan terhadap individu yang menggunakan hak bersuara dan demonstrasi mereka,\u201d kata Kementerian Luar Perancis dalam satu kenyataan bertulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We again urge the Yemeni authorities, as they have previously pledged to do, to protect peaceful demonstrators, to guarantee the civil and political rights, and to adopt concrete and credible measures reaching out to the aspirations of the country\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sekali lagi menggesa pihak berkuasa Yaman, seperti yang mereka ikrarkan sebelum ini, untuk melindungi penunjuk perasaan yang aman, untuk menjamin hak sivil dan politik, dan untuk mengambil langkah konkrit dan boleh dipercayai untuk mencapai aspirasi negara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. President Barack Obama also urged Saleh to stick to his pledge to protect peaceful demonstrations.", "r": {"result": "Presiden AS Barack Obama juga menggesa Saleh supaya berpegang pada ikrarnya untuk melindungi demonstrasi aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The United States stands for a set of universal rights, including the freedom of expression and assembly, as well as political change that meets the aspirations of the Yemeni people,\" he said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAmerika Syarikat mewakili satu set hak sejagat, termasuk kebebasan bersuara dan berhimpun, serta perubahan politik yang memenuhi aspirasi rakyat Yaman,\u201d katanya dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a statement Friday saying that the U.S. is \"alarmed by today's violence in Sanaa against anti-government protesters\" and that she joins Obama in \"condemning the violence\".", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Negara A.S. Hillary Clinton mengeluarkan kenyataan pada hari Jumaat mengatakan bahawa A.S. \"biar dengan keganasan hari ini di Sanaa terhadap penunjuk perasaan anti-kerajaan\" dan bahawa beliau menyertai Obama dalam \"mengutuk keganasan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. is \"seeking to verify reports that this is the result of actions by the security forces,\" Clinton said, adding that \"all perpetrators of violence should should be held accountable and brought to justice\".", "r": {"result": "A.S. sedang \"berusaha untuk mengesahkan laporan bahawa ini adalah hasil tindakan oleh pasukan keselamatan,\" kata Clinton sambil menambah bahawa \"semua pelaku keganasan harus bertanggungjawab dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amnesty International went further, saying the shootings were part of an \"apparently coordinated sniper attack\" on protesters.", "r": {"result": "Amnesty International pergi lebih jauh, berkata tembakan itu adalah sebahagian daripada \"serangan penembak tepat yang diselaraskan\" ke atas penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This appears to have been a sniper attack with security forces deliberately shooting to kill protesters from strategic vantage points,\" said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini nampaknya serangan penembak tepat dengan pasukan keselamatan sengaja menembak untuk membunuh penunjuk perasaan dari sudut pandangan strategik,\" kata Philip Luther, timbalan pengarah Amnesty International untuk Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters were reportedly chanting anti-government slogans at a protest camp near Sanaa University when armed men in plain clothes, believed to be members of the security forces, started shooting live rounds from the top of nearby buildings, Amnesty International said.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan dilaporkan melaungkan slogan antikerajaan di kem protes berhampiran Universiti Sanaa apabila lelaki bersenjata berpakaian biasa, dipercayai anggota pasukan keselamatan, mula menembak secara langsung dari atas bangunan berhampiran, kata Amnesty International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Members of the security forces also shot at protesters at street level around the same time, it said.", "r": {"result": "Anggota pasukan keselamatan juga menembak penunjuk perasaan di aras jalan pada masa yang sama, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group said it heard from a witness that the shooting started from different buildings and continued for more than 30 minutes.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu berkata ia mendengar daripada saksi bahawa tembakan bermula dari bangunan berbeza dan berterusan selama lebih 30 minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamid al-Ahmar, a member of parliament and leader of Yemen's opposition Islah Party, also blamed the government.", "r": {"result": "Hamid al-Ahmar, ahli parlimen dan ketua parti pembangkang Yaman, Parti Islah, turut menyalahkan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The attacks on protesters are unacceptable, and the end of the regime is near,\" he declared.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSerangan terhadap penunjuk perasaan tidak boleh diterima, dan penghujung rejim sudah hampir,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Saleh has brought upon himself a life of disgrace after the killing of innocent protesters\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saleh telah membawa ke atas dirinya kehidupan yang memalukan selepas pembunuhan penunjuk perasaan yang tidak bersalah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yemen has been wracked by weeks of unrest, with thousands protesting Saleh's government.", "r": {"result": "Yaman telah dilanda pergolakan berminggu-minggu, dengan beribu-ribu membantah kerajaan Saleh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "High unemployment has fueled much of the anger among a growing young population steeped in poverty.", "r": {"result": "Kadar pengangguran yang tinggi telah mencetuskan banyak kemarahan di kalangan penduduk muda yang semakin meningkat yang tenggelam dalam kemiskinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The protesters also cite government corruption and a lack of political freedom.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan juga menyebut rasuah kerajaan dan kekurangan kebebasan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president has said he will not run for another term in the next round of elections.", "r": {"result": "Presiden telah berkata beliau tidak akan bertanding untuk satu penggal lagi dalam pusingan pilihan raya akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also has pledged to bring a new constitution to a vote by the end of the year and transfer government power to an elected parliamentary system.", "r": {"result": "Beliau juga telah berjanji untuk membawa perlembagaan baharu kepada undian menjelang akhir tahun dan memindahkan kuasa kerajaan kepada sistem parlimen yang dipilih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalist Hakim Almasmari contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Hakim Almasmari menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Vice President Joe Biden delivered a rousing address to the NAACP in Houston on Thursday, bolstering support for President Barack Obama and drawing sharp contrasts with the Republican Party on civil rights issues.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Naib Presiden Joe Biden menyampaikan ucapan yang menggembirakan kepada NAACP di Houston pada hari Khamis, mengukuhkan sokongan untuk Presiden Barack Obama dan menunjukkan kontras yang ketara dengan Parti Republikan dalam isu hak sivil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the heels of recent voter identification disputes, Biden strayed from his typical campaign speech to zero in on voting rights, arguing that Republicans were making it more difficult for certain group to vote.", "r": {"result": "Berikutan pertikaian pengenalan pengundi baru-baru ini, Biden menyimpang daripada ucapan kempennya yang biasa kepada sifar mengenai hak mengundi, dengan alasan bahawa Republikan menyukarkan kumpulan tertentu untuk mengundi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By implementing laws requiring voters to present official identification at the voting booth, Biden said, the GOP sees \"a different future, where voting is made harder, not easier\".", "r": {"result": "Dengan melaksanakan undang-undang yang memerlukan pengundi mengemukakan pengenalan rasmi di pondok mengundi, Biden berkata, GOP melihat \"masa depan yang berbeza, di mana pengundian dibuat lebih sukar, bukan lebih mudah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Democrats have said that such laws are politically motivated and intended to suppress minority voting, given that fewer people in minority groups carry government-issued IDs.", "r": {"result": "Demokrat telah berkata bahawa undang-undang sedemikian adalah bermotifkan politik dan bertujuan untuk menyekat pengundian minoriti, memandangkan lebih sedikit orang dalam kumpulan minoriti membawa ID yang dikeluarkan kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans, meanwhile, make the case that such laws prevent fraud and protect the integrity of the system.", "r": {"result": "Republikan, sementara itu, membuat kes bahawa undang-undang sedemikian menghalang penipuan dan melindungi integriti sistem.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The issue was a hot topic this week at the NAACP convention, where Attorney General Eric Holder spoke Tuesday and lambasted states that have considered or attempted to implement such laws, including Texas, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.", "r": {"result": "Isu itu menjadi topik hangat minggu ini di konvensyen NAACP, di mana Peguam Negara Eric Holder bercakap pada hari Selasa dan mengecam negara yang telah mempertimbangkan atau cuba melaksanakan undang-undang tersebut, termasuk Texas, Wisconsin dan Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Appealing to the group's founding, Biden on Thursday urged the crowd to \"remember what (the NAACP) at its core was all about\".", "r": {"result": "Merayu kepada penubuhan kumpulan itu, Biden pada hari Khamis menggesa orang ramai untuk \"mengingat apa (NAACP) pada terasnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was about the right to vote, because when you have the right to vote, you have the right to change things,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia mengenai hak untuk mengundi, kerana apabila anda mempunyai hak untuk mengundi, anda mempunyai hak untuk mengubah perkara,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He called on the crowd to imagine what the Justice Department would look like under a Mitt Romney administration.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyeru orang ramai untuk membayangkan bagaimana rupa Jabatan Kehakiman di bawah pentadbiran Mitt Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Imagine the recommendations and who he's likely to pick for attorney general or head of the civil rights division,\" he said, drawing scorn from the audience.", "r": {"result": "\"Bayangkan cadangan dan siapa yang mungkin dia pilih sebagai peguam negara atau ketua bahagian hak sivil,\" katanya sambil menghina penonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vice president also touched on a number of other issues, including energy, health care, women's issues and education.", "r": {"result": "Naib presiden turut menyentuh beberapa isu lain, termasuk tenaga, penjagaan kesihatan, isu wanita dan pendidikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In each instance, he compared Obama's policies with those of the Republican Party.", "r": {"result": "Dalam setiap contoh, dia membandingkan dasar Obama dengan dasar Parti Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He particularly faulted the GOP for obstructing what he considers key legislation since Obama took office.", "r": {"result": "Dia terutamanya menyalahkan GOP kerana menghalang apa yang dianggapnya sebagai perundangan penting sejak Obama memegang jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Their discipline is amazing, they have never let up,\" Biden said, referring to congressional Republicans.", "r": {"result": "\"Disiplin mereka sangat mengagumkan, mereka tidak pernah berputus asa,\" kata Biden, merujuk kepada Republikan kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But neither has my guy.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi lelaki saya tidak mempunyai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neither has President Barack Obama.", "r": {"result": "Begitu juga dengan Presiden Barack Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has not given up.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak berputus asa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He continues to be driven by the character of his convictions\".", "r": {"result": "Dia terus didorong oleh watak keyakinannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This was Biden's first time addressing the convention as vice president, the NAACP said.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah kali pertama Biden berucap pada konvensyen itu sebagai naib presiden, kata NAACP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The vice president is a longtime friend to the NAACP,\" said Roslyn Brock, the group's chairwoman.", "r": {"result": "\"Naib presiden adalah kawan lama kepada NAACP,\" kata Roslyn Brock, pengerusi kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He has been a strong advocate for justice and equality over his decades of service in the Senate and the White House\".", "r": {"result": "\"Beliau telah menjadi penyokong kuat untuk keadilan dan kesaksamaan selama berdekad-dekad perkhidmatannya di Senat dan Rumah Putih\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president will miss the event because of a \"scheduling conflict,\" his campaign said.", "r": {"result": "Presiden akan terlepas acara itu kerana \"konflik penjadualan,\" kata kempennya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We declined a few weeks ago, and (the) NAACP was pleased (Vice President Joe Biden) was able to attend,\" an Obama-Biden campaign official told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menolak beberapa minggu yang lalu, dan (NAACP) gembira (Naib Presiden Joe Biden) dapat hadir,\" kata pegawai kempen Obama-Biden kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president's schedule for Thursday initially appeared wide open, but a senior administration official confirmed Thursday morning that Obama and the first lady will give an interview to CBS during the day.", "r": {"result": "Jadual presiden untuk Khamis pada mulanya kelihatan terbuka luas, tetapi seorang pegawai kanan pentadbiran mengesahkan pagi Khamis bahawa Obama dan wanita pertama akan memberikan temu bual kepada CBS pada siang hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, the president did make a brief appearance in a pre-taped video that ran before the vice president appeared.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, presiden membuat penampilan ringkas dalam video pra-rakam yang disiarkan sebelum naib presiden muncul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you keep standing with me ... I know we can arrive there together,\" the president said after delivering a few lines from his typical stump speech on helping middle-class Americans.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika anda terus berdiri bersama saya ... saya tahu kita boleh tiba di sana bersama-sama,\" kata presiden selepas menyampaikan beberapa baris daripada ucapan tunggulnya yang tipikal untuk membantu rakyat Amerika kelas pertengahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hilary Shelton, the NAACP Washington Bureau director and a senior vice president in the organization, said the White House never confirmed a visit.", "r": {"result": "Hilary Shelton, pengarah Biro NAACP Washington dan naib presiden kanan dalam organisasi itu, berkata Rumah Putih tidak pernah mengesahkan lawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They were trying to work out something,\" Shelton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka cuba menyelesaikan sesuatu,\" kata Shelton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As to why Obama could not attend, he added, \"It was that something could not be moved.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai mengapa Obama tidak dapat hadir, beliau menambah, \"Ia adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh dialihkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Something was crucial.", "r": {"result": "Sesuatu adalah penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And unfortunately, they couldn't move it in a way they could get him here this week\".", "r": {"result": "Dan malangnya, mereka tidak dapat memindahkannya dengan cara mereka boleh membawanya ke sini minggu ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama addressed the convention in 2009. Last year, first lady Michelle Obama spoke to the group.", "r": {"result": "Obama berucap pada konvensyen itu pada 2009. Tahun lepas, wanita pertama Michelle Obama bercakap dengan kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Biden's speech Thursday came one day after Romney was booed during his own remarks at the NAACP convention, when the Republican vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Obama's signature health care law.", "r": {"result": "Ucapan Biden Khamis dibuat sehari selepas Romney dicemuh semasa ucapannya sendiri di konvensyen NAACP, apabila Republikan itu berikrar untuk memansuhkan Akta Penjagaan Mampu, undang-undang penjagaan kesihatan tandatangan Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In comparison, Biden drew thunderous applause after trumpeting health care reform and emphasized that the law ensures coverage to \"8 million black Americans who never would have had insurance\".", "r": {"result": "Sebagai perbandingan, Biden mendapat tepukan gemuruh selepas melaungkan pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan dan menekankan bahawa undang-undang memastikan perlindungan kepada \"8 juta orang kulit hitam Amerika yang tidak pernah mempunyai insurans\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The one time the crowd gave a negative reaction occurred when Biden began to close his remarks.", "r": {"result": "Satu ketika orang ramai memberikan reaksi negatif berlaku apabila Biden mula menutup ucapannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He received a standing ovation from about half the audience at the end.", "r": {"result": "Dia menerima tepukan gemuruh daripada kira-kira separuh penonton pada penghujungnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, Romney said the negative reaction he experienced Wednesday didn't come as a surprise.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, Romney berkata reaksi negatif yang dialaminya pada hari Rabu bukanlah sesuatu yang mengejutkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think we expected that,\" he said on Fox Business Network.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir kami menjangkakan itu,\" katanya di Fox Business Network.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am going to give the same message to the NAACP that I give across the country, which is that Obamacare is killing jobs\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan memberikan mesej yang sama kepada NAACP yang saya berikan di seluruh negara, iaitu Obamacare membunuh pekerjaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two African-American members of the House of Representatives found themselves split after Romney's appearance.", "r": {"result": "Dua ahli Afrika-Amerika Dewan Perwakilan mendapati diri mereka berpecah selepas kemunculan Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He gets credit for attendance,\" Rep.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mendapat kredit untuk kehadiran,\" Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cedric Richmond, a Louisiana Democrat, said on CNN's \"The Situation Room\".", "r": {"result": "Cedric Richmond, seorang Demokrat Louisiana, berkata di \"Bilik Situasi\" CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But perfect attendance doesn't qualify you to be class president.", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi kehadiran yang sempurna tidak melayakkan anda menjadi presiden kelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I thought it was a good gesture to go, but I thought his content was lacking\".", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir ia adalah isyarat yang baik untuk pergi, tetapi saya fikir kandungannya kurang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina, also said on \"The Situation Room\" that he expects Romney to get about 10% of the black vote come November, suggesting the GOP candidate's focus should be on unemployment and home foreclosures.", "r": {"result": "Tim Scott, seorang Republikan dari Carolina Selatan, juga berkata pada \"Bilik Situasi\" bahawa dia menjangkakan Romney akan mendapat kira-kira 10% undi hitam pada bulan November, mencadangkan tumpuan calon GOP harus diberikan kepada pengangguran dan perampasan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"African-American unemployment since 2008 is up 40%,\" Scott said.", "r": {"result": "\"Pengangguran Afrika-Amerika sejak 2008 meningkat 40%,\" kata Scott.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Home closures 25%.", "r": {"result": "\"Penutupan rumah 25%.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So what we have is the same message that works for the rest of America, works for the black community, too\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi apa yang kami ada ialah mesej yang sama yang berfungsi untuk seluruh Amerika, juga berfungsi untuk komuniti kulit hitam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney draws boos from NAACP, support from conservatives.", "r": {"result": "Romney menarik ejekan daripada NAACP, sokongan daripada konservatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Dan Lothian, Shawna Shepherd, Shannon Travis and Ed Payne and contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Dan Lothian dari CNN, Shawna Shepherd, Shannon Travis dan Ed Payne dan menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "San Francisco, California (CNN) -- Officials have agreed to pay $1.5 million to the daughter of a man fatally shot in the back by a transit police officer on New Year's Day 2009 in Oakland, California.", "r": {"result": "San Francisco, California (CNN) -- Pegawai telah bersetuju untuk membayar $1.5 juta kepada anak perempuan seorang lelaki yang maut ditembak di belakang oleh seorang pegawai polis transit pada Hari Tahun Baru 2009 di Oakland, California.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A bystander's cell-phone video of the shooting on a transit platform was widely circulated on the Internet and on news shows.", "r": {"result": "Video telefon bimbit pemerhati tentang penggambaran di platform transit telah disebarkan secara meluas di Internet dan di rancangan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Bay Area Rapid Transit train system late Wednesday announced the settlement over the killing of Oscar Grant, 22.", "r": {"result": "Sistem kereta api Bay Area Rapid Transit lewat Rabu mengumumkan penyelesaian atas pembunuhan Oscar Grant, 22.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's been a little over a year since we experienced the tragic death of Oscar Grant,\" BART Board President James Fang said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah lebih setahun lebih sejak kami mengalami kematian tragis Oscar Grant,\" kata Presiden Lembaga BART James Fang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No matter what anyone's opinion of the case may be, the sad fact remains this incident has left Tatiana without a father.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTidak kira apa pendapat sesiapa mengenai kes itu, hakikat yang menyedihkan tetap kejadian ini telah menyebabkan Tatiana tanpa bapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The $1.5 million settlement will provide financial support for her\".", "r": {"result": "Penyelesaian $1.5 juta akan memberikan sokongan kewangan untuknya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grant's daughter, Tatiana, is 5.", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuan Grant, Tatiana, berumur 5 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video showed then-Officer Johannes Mehserle, 27, pulling his gun and shooting Grant in the back as another officer kneeled on Grant.", "r": {"result": "Video itu menunjukkan Pegawai ketika itu Johannes Mehserle, 27, menarik pistolnya dan menembak Grant di belakang ketika seorang lagi pegawai melutut di atas Grant.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mehserle might have intended to draw and fire his Taser rather than his gun, according to a court filing by his attorney.", "r": {"result": "Mehserle mungkin berniat untuk menarik dan menembak Tasernya daripada pistolnya, menurut pemfailan mahkamah oleh peguamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shooting sparked large protests in Oakland and led to Mehserle's arrest on a murder charge.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan itu mencetuskan protes besar di Oakland dan membawa kepada penahanan Mehserle atas tuduhan membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case against him is pending.", "r": {"result": "Kes terhadapnya masih belum selesai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Initially, attorney John Burris asked for $50 million in a wrongful-death lawsuit filed on behalf of Grant's daughter.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya, peguam John Burris meminta $50 juta dalam tuntutan mahkamah kematian salah yang difailkan bagi pihak anak perempuan Grant.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burris was not immediately available for comment on the settlement.", "r": {"result": "Burris tidak serta-merta tersedia untuk mengulas mengenai penyelesaian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The transit system's police department has made several changes since the shooting.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan polis sistem transit telah membuat beberapa perubahan sejak kejadian tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The department has increased training hours for officers, is requiring them to report all \"use-of-force incidents,\" and is tapping the public's help in searching for a new police chief, the transit system said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan itu telah menambah jam latihan untuk pegawai, memerlukan mereka melaporkan semua \"insiden penggunaan kekerasan,\" dan memanfaatkan bantuan orang ramai dalam mencari ketua polis baharu, kata sistem transit itu dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This settlement is critical in our efforts to move forward,\" said Carole Ward Allen, a BART board member.", "r": {"result": "\"Penyelesaian ini penting dalam usaha kami untuk bergerak ke hadapan,\" kata Carole Ward Allen, ahli lembaga BART.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're working hard to make the police department the best it can be for our officers, our customers and our community\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami bekerja keras untuk menjadikan jabatan polis yang terbaik untuk pegawai kami, pelanggan kami dan komuniti kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Three crew members were killed and one was injured Wednesday when a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter crashed in waters near James Island in LaPush, Washington, officials said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tiga anak kapal terbunuh dan seorang cedera Rabu apabila sebuah helikopter Pengawal Pantai A.S. terhempas di perairan berhampiran Pulau James di LaPush, Washington, kata pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The surviving crew member is hospitalized in Seattle with non-life threatening injuries, said Coast Guard Rear Adm.", "r": {"result": "Anak kapal yang terselamat dimasukkan ke hospital di Seattle dengan kecederaan yang tidak mengancam nyawa, kata Laksamana Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gary Blore.", "r": {"result": "Gary Blore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The helicopter, a MH-60 Jayhawk, was flying to Sitka, Alaska, after departing the Coast Guard Air Station in Astoria, Oregon.", "r": {"result": "Helikopter itu, MH-60 Jayhawk, sedang terbang ke Sitka, Alaska, selepas berlepas dari Stesen Udara Pengawal Pantai di Astoria, Oregon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Coast Guard lost communication with the helicopter around 9:30 a.m. PT (12:30 p.m. ET),\" said Blore.", "r": {"result": "\"Pengawal Pantai kehilangan komunikasi dengan helikopter itu sekitar 9:30 pagi PT (12:30 tengah hari ET),\" kata Blore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Rescue crews were launched shortly after that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Krew penyelamat dilancarkan tidak lama selepas itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The survivor was pulled from the water by a good samaritan and transferred to a medical facility, said the Coast Guard.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa yang terselamat telah ditarik dari air oleh seorang samaritan yang baik dan dipindahkan ke kemudahan perubatan, kata Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The recovery phase for those killed is continuing, said Blore.", "r": {"result": "Fasa pemulihan bagi mereka yang terbunuh sedang diteruskan, kata Blore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The helicopter is in the water, inverted,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cHelikopter itu berada di dalam air, terbalik,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are power lines down at the beach\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat talian elektrik terputus di pantai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Federal Aviation Administration has issued a flight restriction in the area near the crash to allow response crews to search without distractions, said the Coast Guard.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran Penerbangan Persekutuan telah mengeluarkan sekatan penerbangan di kawasan berhampiran nahas untuk membolehkan kru tindak balas mencari tanpa gangguan, kata Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Coast Guard will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the accident, said Blore.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal Pantai akan menjalankan siasatan untuk menentukan punca kemalangan, kata Blore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With his voice cracking at times, Blore told reporters at a media briefing Wednesday afternoon that accidents such as this are deeply personal to members of the Coast Guard.", "r": {"result": "Dengan suaranya yang serak kadang-kadang, Blore memberitahu pemberita pada taklimat media petang Rabu bahawa kemalangan seperti ini sangat peribadi kepada anggota Pengawal Pantai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We all have flown helicopters, we have flown the same machine.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami semua telah menerbangkan helikopter, kami telah menerbangkan mesin yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This hits close to home,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ini berlaku dekat dengan rumah,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Patrick Oppmann contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Patrick Oppmann dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The widow of suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is \"doing everything she can to assist with the investigation,\" of the Boston Marathon bombing, attorney Amato DeLuca said in a statement Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Balu suspek Tamerlan Tsarnaev \"melakukan segala yang dia boleh untuk membantu siasatan,\" mengenai pengeboman Boston Marathon, kata peguam Amato DeLuca dalam satu kenyataan Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katherine Russell last saw her husband Thursday, just hours before he died in a gun battle with police, according to a source close to the family.", "r": {"result": "Katherine Russell kali terakhir bertemu suaminya pada Khamis, hanya beberapa jam sebelum dia mati dalam pertempuran senjata dengan polis, menurut sumber yang rapat dengan keluarga itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She was handing off her 2-year-old daughter to stay with him while she went to work, the source said.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyerahkan anak perempuannya yang berusia 2 tahun untuk tinggal bersamanya semasa dia pergi bekerja, kata sumber itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FBI wants to interview Russell about her husband, but for now, agents only have been able to talk to her lawyer.", "r": {"result": "FBI mahu menemu bual Russell tentang suaminya, tetapi buat masa ini, ejen hanya boleh bercakap dengan peguamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She knew nothing about it at any time,\" DeLuca told CNN's Chris Lawrence, referring to the bomb plot.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia tidak tahu apa-apa mengenainya pada bila-bila masa,\" kata DeLuca kepada CNN Chris Lawrence, merujuk kepada plot bom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russell, 24, learned through news reports that the father of her daughter was suspected in the attack, DeLuca said.", "r": {"result": "Russell, 24, mengetahui melalui laporan berita bahawa bapa kepada anak perempuannya disyaki dalam serangan itu, kata DeLuca.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's my understanding\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu pemahaman saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hearing that news devastated her, he added, saying Monday that she's \"very distraught\" and \"cries a lot\".", "r": {"result": "Mendengar berita itu mengecewakannya, dia menambah, berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa dia \"sangat kecewa\" dan \"sangat menangis\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The reports of involvement by her husband and brother-in-law came as an absolute shock to them all,\" DeLuca's Tuesday statement said.", "r": {"result": "\"Laporan penglibatan suami dan abang iparnya mengejutkan mereka semua,\" kata kenyataan DeLuca pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife, Katie deeply mourns the pain and loss to innocent victims -- students, law enforcement, families and our community.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai ibu, kakak, anak perempuan, isteri, Katie amat meratapi kesakitan dan kehilangan mangsa yang tidak bersalah -- pelajar, penguatkuasa undang-undang, keluarga dan komuniti kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the aftermath of this tragedy, she, her daughter and her family are trying to come to terms with these events\".", "r": {"result": "Selepas tragedi ini, dia, anak perempuannya dan keluarganya cuba untuk menerima peristiwa ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Timeline: A look at Tamerlan's past.", "r": {"result": "Garis masa: Melihat masa lalu Tamerlan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The whole family is a mess, to put it bluntly,\" he said Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Seluruh keluarga kucar-kacir, secara terang-terangan,\" katanya Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're very distraught.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka sangat kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're upset.", "r": {"result": "Mereka kecewa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their lives have been unalterably changed.", "r": {"result": "Kehidupan mereka telah berubah tanpa ubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're upset because of what happened, the people that were injured, that were killed.", "r": {"result": "Mereka kecewa kerana apa yang berlaku, orang yang cedera, yang terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's an awful, terrible thing\".", "r": {"result": "Ia satu perkara yang mengerikan dan dahsyat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tsarnaev's domestic violence arrest.", "r": {"result": "Penangkapan keganasan rumah tangga Tsarnaev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tsarnaev and Russell met when she was a student at Suffolk University in Boston, although it is unclear when they began dating.", "r": {"result": "Tsarnaev dan Russell bertemu ketika dia seorang pelajar di Universiti Suffolk di Boston, walaupun tidak jelas bila mereka mula berkencan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The couple married on June 21, 2010, according to marriage records at the Cambridge City Hall.", "r": {"result": "Pasangan itu berkahwin pada 21 Jun 2010, menurut rekod perkahwinan di Dewan Bandaraya Cambridge.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleven months earlier, Tsarnaev was arrested, accused of domestic assault and battery against his girlfriend at his home in Cambridge, police records said.", "r": {"result": "Sebelas bulan sebelum itu, Tsarnaev telah ditangkap, dituduh melakukan serangan domestik dan bateri terhadap teman wanitanya di rumahnya di Cambridge, kata rekod polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The police report was redacted to hide the girlfriend's name, and a police spokesman would not confirm it was Russell.", "r": {"result": "Laporan polis telah disunting untuk menyembunyikan nama teman wanita itu, dan jurucakap polis tidak akan mengesahkan ia adalah Russell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The woman, who was \"crying hysterically,\" called 911 to report that she was \"beat up by her boyfriend\" on the afternoon of July 28, 2009, Cambridge Police Officer Angela Pereira wrote in the arrest report.", "r": {"result": "Wanita itu, yang \"menangis histeria,\" menelefon 911 untuk melaporkan bahawa dia \"dipukul oleh teman lelakinya\" pada tengah hari 28 Julai 2009, Pegawai Polis Cambridge Angela Pereira menulis dalam laporan penangkapan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tsarnaev told Pereira and another officer that his girlfriend \"was yelling at him because of another girl\".", "r": {"result": "Tsarnaev memberitahu Pereira dan pegawai lain bahawa teman wanitanya \"menjerit kepadanya kerana gadis lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Suspect says brother was brains behind attack.", "r": {"result": "Suspek berkata abang adalah otak di sebalik serangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I asked the suspect if he had hit the victim, and he stated 'Yes, I slapped her,' \" Pereira wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bertanya kepada suspek sama ada dia telah memukul mangsa, dan dia menyatakan 'Ya, saya menamparnya,'\" tulis Pereira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girlfriend told police Tsarnaev hit the left side of her face.", "r": {"result": "Teman wanita itu memberitahu polis Tsarnaev memukul bahagian kiri mukanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No visible marks were seen,\" Pereira said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada tanda yang kelihatan kelihatan,\" kata Pereira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NPR's Laura Sullivan reported Friday on an interview with unnamed women she described as Russell's close friends and college roommates.", "r": {"result": "Laura Sullivan dari NPR melaporkan pada hari Jumaat pada temu bual dengan wanita yang tidak disebutkan namanya yang disifatkannya sebagai kawan rapat Russell dan rakan sebilik kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They described Tamerlan as very controlling and very manipulative of their friend,\" Sullivan said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menyifatkan Tamerlan sebagai sangat mengawal dan sangat manipulatif terhadap rakan mereka,\" kata Sullivan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They say he was combative and angry.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka kata dia agresif dan marah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would often call (Russell) names and insult her.", "r": {"result": "Dia sering memanggil nama (Russell) dan menghinanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He would call her a slut and a prostitute, and they remember fights that they would get into where he would fly into rages and sometimes throw furniture or throw things\".", "r": {"result": "Dia akan memanggilnya perempuan murahan dan pelacur, dan mereka ingat pergaduhan yang mereka akan sampai ke tempat dia akan marah dan kadang-kadang melempar perabot atau membuang barang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russell dropped out of school after she became pregnant in her senior year, the women told Sullivan.", "r": {"result": "Russell berhenti sekolah selepas dia hamil pada tahun seniornya, wanita itu memberitahu Sullivan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They say that she really pulled away from her friends, that she cut off contact with them, and she also cut off contact with her family members which her friends had been in contact with,\" she reported.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mengatakan bahawa dia benar-benar menjauhkan diri daripada rakan-rakannya, bahawa dia memutuskan hubungan dengan mereka, dan dia juga memutuskan hubungan dengan ahli keluarganya yang pernah dihubungi oleh rakan-rakannya,\" lapornya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Did one brother brainwash the other?", "r": {"result": "Adakah seorang saudara mencuci otak yang lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wife is staying with parents.", "r": {"result": "Isteri tinggal bersama ibu bapa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russell was born and raised in suburban Providence, Rhode Island, a Christian who converted to Islam after marrying Tsarnaev.", "r": {"result": "Russell dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Providence pinggir bandar, Rhode Island, seorang Kristian yang memeluk Islam selepas berkahwin dengan Tsarnaev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's an observant Muslim and wears a headscarf, her lawyer said.", "r": {"result": "Dia seorang Muslim yang taat dan bertudung, kata peguamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katie -- that's what family and friends call her -- is staying now with her parents in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, but before last week she was living in Cambridge and working as a home health aide, he said.", "r": {"result": "Katie -- itulah panggilan keluarga dan rakan-rakannya -- kini tinggal bersama ibu bapanya di North Kingstown, Rhode Island, tetapi sebelum minggu lalu dia tinggal di Cambridge dan bekerja sebagai pembantu kesihatan di rumah, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She worked many, many hours\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia bekerja banyak, banyak jam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her husband took care of their daughter each day while she was at work, her lawyer said.", "r": {"result": "Suaminya menjaga anak perempuan mereka setiap hari semasa dia bekerja, kata peguamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She would go off in the morning, she would work 'til late at night,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia akan pergi pada waktu pagi, dia akan bekerja sehingga larut malam,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She called to see how her daughter was and that kind of stuff, like any person would\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia menelefon untuk melihat keadaan anak perempuannya dan perkara seperti itu, seperti mana-mana orang.\"", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A killer in the family.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuh dalam keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Widow is not talking yet.", "r": {"result": "Janda belum bercakap lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Russell family hired DeLuca on Saturday, after federal agents contacted them asking to interview her, he said.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga Russell mengupah DeLuca pada hari Sabtu, selepas ejen persekutuan menghubungi mereka meminta menemu bualnya, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For now, he is the one speaking to the FBI.", "r": {"result": "Buat masa ini, dia yang bercakap dengan FBI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She understands the need for doing it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia memahami keperluan untuk melakukannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the way the government looks at it, and she understands this.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah cara kerajaan melihatnya, dan dia memahami perkara ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a threat to national security, and she gets that.", "r": {"result": "Ia satu ancaman kepada keselamatan negara, dan dia faham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And she's a really good person, very sympathetic to that.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia seorang yang sangat baik, sangat bersimpati dengan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Katie's just trying to bring up her daughter\".", "r": {"result": "Katie hanya cuba membesarkan anak perempuannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What we know about the suspects.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang kita tahu tentang suspek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the statement released Tuesday, DeLuca said Russell is very close to her family.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Selasa, DeLuca berkata Russell sangat rapat dengan keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She is fortunate to have the support of her loving family now, as they, too, struggle to come to terms with these events and the deep sorrow we all feel following the events of last week,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia bertuah kerana mendapat sokongan keluarga tersayangnya sekarang, kerana mereka juga bergelut untuk menerima peristiwa ini dan kesedihan yang mendalam yang kami semua rasai berikutan peristiwa minggu lalu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The injuries and loss of life -- to people who came to celebrate a race and a holiday -- has caused profound distress and sorrow to Katie and her family\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kecederaan dan kehilangan nyawa -- kepada orang yang datang untuk meraikan perlumbaan dan percutian -- telah menyebabkan kesusahan dan kesedihan yang mendalam kepada Katie dan keluarganya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family released its own statement Friday, after learning Tsarnaev had died.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga itu mengeluarkan kenyataannya sendiri pada hari Jumaat, selepas mengetahui Tsarnaev telah meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our daughter has lost her husband today, the father of her child,\" the family said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anak perempuan kami telah kehilangan suaminya hari ini, bapa kepada anaknya,\" kata keluarga itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We cannot begin to comprehend how this horrible tragedy occurred.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKita tidak boleh mula memahami bagaimana tragedi ngeri ini berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the aftermath of the Patriots' Day horror, we know that we never really knew Tamerlan Tsarnaev.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kengerian Hari Patriots, kita tahu bahawa kita tidak pernah benar-benar mengenali Tamerlan Tsarnaev.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our hearts are sickened by the knowledge of the horror he has inflicted.", "r": {"result": "Hati kita sakit dengan pengetahuan tentang kengerian yang ditimbulkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please respect our family's privacy in this difficult time\".", "r": {"result": "Tolong hormati privasi keluarga kami dalam masa yang sukar ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- The top Senate Republican on Tuesday laid out a hard-line negotiating stance on upcoming budget battles, rejecting any tax increases and demanding \"significant\" reforms in exchange for his vote to raise the debt ceiling.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Ahli Senat Republikan tertinggi pada hari Selasa meletakkan pendirian berunding keras mengenai pertarungan bajet yang akan datang, menolak sebarang kenaikan cukai dan menuntut pembaharuan \"penting\" sebagai pertukaran untuk undinya untuk menaikkan siling hutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're going to require as a condition for raising the debt ceiling something really important about the debt,\" Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, told reporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan memerlukan sebagai syarat untuk menaikkan siling hutang sesuatu yang sangat penting mengenai hutang itu,\" kata Ketua Minoriti Senat Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without providing specifics, McConnell said it would take \"something the markets would view as significant, something the American people would view as significant, something foreign countries would view as significant\" in order for him to vote to increase how much the United States can borrow.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa memberikan butiran khusus, McConnell berkata ia akan mengambil \"sesuatu yang dipandang oleh pasaran sebagai penting, sesuatu yang rakyat Amerika akan lihat sebagai penting, sesuatu yang akan dilihat oleh negara asing sebagai penting\" agar beliau mengundi untuk meningkatkan jumlah pinjaman yang boleh dipinjam oleh Amerika Syarikat. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Congress must reach an agreement on the debt ceiling before the United States reaches its legal borrowing limit of $14.29 trillion.", "r": {"result": "Kongres mesti mencapai persetujuan mengenai siling hutang sebelum Amerika Syarikat mencapai had pinjaman undang-undangnya sebanyak $14.29 trilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McConnell said the Treasury Department has indicated the nation would reach its debt ceiling \"sometime between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July\".", "r": {"result": "McConnell berkata Jabatan Perbendaharaan telah menunjukkan negara itu akan mencapai siling hutangnya \"kadang-kadang antara Hari Peringatan dan Keempat Julai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He called for \"something real, something measurable\" that will begin to reduce the national debt.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menggesa \"sesuatu yang nyata, sesuatu yang boleh diukur\" yang akan mula mengurangkan hutang negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McConnell also made clear that he opposes generating more revenue through higher taxes to tackle the deficit and debt problems.", "r": {"result": "McConnell juga menjelaskan bahawa beliau menentang menjana lebih banyak hasil melalui cukai yang lebih tinggi untuk menangani masalah defisit dan hutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"From my point of view, taxes are not on the table because we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem,\" McConnell said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dari sudut pandangan saya, cukai tidak di atas meja kerana kami tidak mempunyai masalah pendapatan, kami mempunyai masalah perbelanjaan,\" kata McConnell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Virginia, suggested mandatory caps on government spending and a balanced budget amendment as possible reforms to accompany a measure raising the debt ceiling.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Majoriti Dewan Eric Cantor, R-Virginia, mencadangkan had mandatori ke atas perbelanjaan kerajaan dan pindaan bajet seimbang sebagai pembaharuan yang mungkin untuk mengiringi langkah menaikkan siling hutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're only talking about doing this if we can be assured there are guarantees in place that spending doesn't get out of control again,\" Cantor said of allowing more borrowing by the federal government.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami hanya bercakap tentang melakukan ini jika kami boleh yakin ada jaminan bahawa perbelanjaan tidak akan hilang kawalan lagi,\" kata Cantor mengenai membenarkan lebih banyak pinjaman oleh kerajaan persekutuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few minutes after McConnell spoke, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, noted that Republicans and Democrats have widely differing views on how best to strengthen the nation's fiscal situation.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa minit selepas McConnell bercakap, Ketua Majoriti Senat Harry Reid, D-Nevada, menyatakan bahawa Republikan dan Demokrat mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza secara meluas tentang cara terbaik untuk mengukuhkan keadaan fiskal negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reid accused Republicans -- including House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, who has released a 2012 budget proposal -- of seeking to protect the wealthy and their special interests.", "r": {"result": "Reid menuduh Republikan -- termasuk Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Belanjawan Dewan Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, yang telah mengeluarkan cadangan belanjawan 2012 -- berusaha untuk melindungi golongan kaya dan kepentingan khusus mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The only thing Republicans fought to protect were the richest of the rich,\" Reid said of last week's budget negotiations on a spending plan for the rest of the current fiscal year.", "r": {"result": "\"Satu-satunya perkara Republikan berjuang untuk melindungi adalah yang terkaya di antara orang kaya,\" kata Reid mengenai rundingan bajet minggu lalu mengenai rancangan perbelanjaan untuk sepanjang tahun fiskal semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is clear once again that the two parties' priorities are significantly different,\" Reid said of Ryan's proposal, adding it would provide no help for the middle class.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah jelas sekali lagi bahawa keutamaan kedua-dua pihak adalah jauh berbeza,\" kata Reid mengenai cadangan Ryan, sambil menambah ia tidak akan memberikan bantuan untuk kelas pertengahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama, who is presenting his long-term debt reduction plan on Wednesday, should address inequities in the tax code that benefit moneyed interests, Reid said, calling for a halt to subsidies for oil companies and deductions for companies that transfer jobs overseas.", "r": {"result": "Obama, yang membentangkan rancangan pengurangan hutang jangka panjangnya pada hari Rabu, harus menangani ketidaksamaan dalam kod cukai yang menguntungkan kepentingan wang, kata Reid, menggesa agar subsidi untuk syarikat minyak dihentikan dan potongan untuk syarikat yang memindahkan pekerjaan ke luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reid also said additional revenue must be part of any long-range fiscal solution.", "r": {"result": "Reid juga berkata hasil tambahan mesti menjadi sebahagian daripada sebarang penyelesaian fiskal jangka panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He didn't give specifics, but Democrats generally favor increasing the tax rate for families earning more than $250,000 a year to the levels of the 1990s, before tax cuts implemented by the Bush administration.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak memberikan secara spesifik, tetapi Demokrat secara umumnya lebih suka menaikkan kadar cukai untuk keluarga yang berpendapatan lebih daripada $250,000 setahun ke tahap 1990-an, sebelum pemotongan cukai dilaksanakan oleh pentadbiran Bush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, Reid rejected the contention that reforming Social Security must be part of deficit reduction strategy, saying: \"That has nothing to do with the deficit.", "r": {"result": "Di samping itu, Reid menolak pertikaian bahawa pembaharuan Keselamatan Sosial mesti menjadi sebahagian daripada strategi pengurangan defisit, dengan berkata: \"Itu tiada kaitan dengan defisit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Zero.", "r": {"result": "Sifar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Social Security has not contributed one penny to the deficit\".", "r": {"result": "Keselamatan Sosial tidak menyumbang satu sen pun kepada defisit\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Washington battles over spending cuts, the Treasury Department reported Tuesday that the deficit for the first six months of the 2011 fiscal year has reached $829.4 billion.", "r": {"result": "Ketika Washington berjuang untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan, Jabatan Perbendaharaan melaporkan pada hari Selasa bahawa defisit untuk enam bulan pertama tahun fiskal 2011 telah mencecah $829.4 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the latest monthly figures from Treasury, in March the federal government took in $150.9 billion, but outlays were $339 billion, for a monthly deficit of $188.2 billion.", "r": {"result": "Menurut angka bulanan terkini dari Perbendaharaan, pada bulan Mac kerajaan persekutuan mengambil $150.9 bilion, tetapi perbelanjaan ialah $339 bilion, untuk defisit bulanan sebanyak $188.2 bilion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's slightly better than the $222.5 billion deficit in February, probably because the looming tax filing deadline increased receipts.", "r": {"result": "Itu lebih baik sedikit daripada defisit $222.5 bilion pada bulan Februari, mungkin kerana tarikh akhir pemfailan cukai yang semakin meningkat meningkatkan penerimaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joe Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut who is part of the Democratic caucus, said the deficit issue requires a comprehensive approach in which \"everyone is going to have to take some loss\".", "r": {"result": "Joe Lieberman, seorang bebas dari Connecticut yang merupakan sebahagian daripada kaukus Demokrat, berkata isu defisit memerlukan pendekatan yang komprehensif di mana \"semua orang akan mengalami kerugian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We can't keep spending a trillion and a half more every year than we're bringing in, even though it's hard now to say we have to cut these programs,\" Lieberman said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak boleh terus membelanjakan satu trilion setengah lebih setiap tahun daripada yang kami bawa, walaupun sekarang sukar untuk mengatakan kami perlu memotong program ini,\" kata Lieberman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If we don't begin to do that, and at some point think about raising taxes, the whole American economy will come close to collapse\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika kita tidak mula melakukan itu, dan pada satu ketika berfikir tentang menaikkan cukai, seluruh ekonomi Amerika akan hampir runtuh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Scott Spoerry, Deirdre Walsh, Ted Barrett and Tom Cohen contributed to this story.", "r": {"result": "Scott Spoerry dari CNN, Deirdre Walsh, Ted Barrett dan Tom Cohen menyumbang kepada cerita ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lagos, Nigeria (CNN) -- Home to some 70 million Muslims, Nigeria is stepping up efforts to capitalize on the growing popularity of the one of the world's fastest-growing financial sectors: Islamic banking.", "r": {"result": "Lagos, Nigeria (CNN) -- Rumah kepada kira-kira 70 juta umat Islam, Nigeria sedang meningkatkan usaha untuk memanfaatkan populariti yang semakin meningkat bagi salah satu sektor kewangan yang paling pesat berkembang di dunia: perbankan Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this year the Central Bank of Nigeria announced a final set of regulations which introduced Islamic banking to the country.", "r": {"result": "Awal tahun ini Bank Pusat Nigeria mengumumkan satu set peraturan terakhir yang memperkenalkan perbankan Islam ke negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Christian Purefoy discussed the sector's potential with Hajara Adeola, managing director of Lotus Capital, one of the groups helping to pave the way for Islamic finance in Nigeria.", "r": {"result": "Christian Purefoy dari CNN membincangkan potensi sektor itu dengan Hajara Adeola, pengarah urusan Lotus Capital, salah satu kumpulan yang membantu membuka jalan bagi kewangan Islam di Nigeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adeola says there is a growing appetite for this form of banking.", "r": {"result": "Adeola berkata terdapat selera yang semakin meningkat untuk bentuk perbankan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is working in Nigeria and there is a lot of interest in doing Islamic banking, in West Africa in particular,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bekerja di Nigeria dan terdapat banyak minat untuk melakukan perbankan Islam, khususnya di Afrika Barat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spread across the Middle East and other parts of the world, a slew of Islamic financial institutions have been offering interest-free services that advocates say can provide a more sustainable alternative to conventional banking practices.", "r": {"result": "Tersebar di seluruh Timur Tengah dan bahagian lain di dunia, sebilangan besar institusi kewangan Islam telah menawarkan perkhidmatan tanpa faedah yang dikatakan penyokong boleh memberikan alternatif yang lebih mampan kepada amalan perbankan konvensional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The industry, which exists in more than 50 countries, is estimated to be worth around $1 trillion and has the potential to eventually be worth $5 trillion, according to ratings agency Moody's.", "r": {"result": "Industri itu, yang wujud di lebih 50 negara, dianggarkan bernilai sekitar $1 trilion dan berpotensi akhirnya bernilai $5 trilion, menurut agensi penarafan Moody's.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charging and paying interest is not allowed in Islamic finance because it is prohibited under Sharia law.", "r": {"result": "Mengenakan dan membayar faedah tidak dibenarkan dalam kewangan Islam kerana ia dilarang di bawah undang-undang Syariah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, if a bank is providing finance for an infrastructure project, for example, the bank and customer agree to share the risk of investment and divide any earnings.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, jika bank menyediakan kewangan untuk projek infrastruktur, contohnya, bank dan pelanggan bersetuju untuk berkongsi risiko pelaburan dan membahagikan sebarang pendapatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"One of the most well known (principles) is the lack of interest or usury, so you can't own a return simply for having money -- which is what interest is,\" Adeola says.", "r": {"result": "\"Salah satu (prinsip) yang paling terkenal ialah kekurangan faedah atau riba, jadi anda tidak boleh memiliki pulangan semata-mata kerana mempunyai wang -- iaitu faedah,\" kata Adeola.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You would have to somehow employ that money into productive use and then you can earn a return on that money\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda perlu menggunakan wang itu untuk kegunaan produktif dan kemudian anda boleh memperoleh pulangan daripada wang itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Islamic banks are not allowed to trade in financial risk areas or deal in mortgage-backed securities or credit-default swaps.", "r": {"result": "Bank Islam tidak dibenarkan berdagang dalam bidang risiko kewangan atau berurusan dalam sekuriti bersandarkan gadai janji atau pertukaran lalai kredit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investing in Islamically unacceptable businesses such as alcohol and cigarette makers, casinos and adult-entertainment companies is also forbidden.", "r": {"result": "Melabur dalam perniagaan yang tidak boleh diterima secara Islam seperti pembuat arak dan rokok, kasino dan syarikat hiburan dewasa juga dilarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In June, Jaiz Bank International became the first group to be allowed to open a Shariah-compliant bank in Nigeria after gaining an approval in principal from the country's Central Bank.", "r": {"result": "Pada Jun, Jaiz Bank International menjadi kumpulan pertama yang dibenarkan membuka bank patuh Syariah di Nigeria selepas mendapat kelulusan prinsipal daripada Bank Pusat negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adeola believes Nigeria has the potential to become one of the largest Islamic banking sectors in the world.", "r": {"result": "Adeola percaya Nigeria mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi salah satu sektor perbankan Islam terbesar di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is a huge market,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah pasaran yang besar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's about 70 million Muslims in Nigeria.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTerdapat kira-kira 70 juta orang Islam di Nigeria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Research shows approximately 30% of the Muslim population typically would be interested in Islamic finance and if you look at the projection they made for the size of the market, it is really quite tremendous -- and that's just the domestic\".", "r": {"result": "Penyelidikan menunjukkan kira-kira 30% daripada penduduk Islam biasanya berminat dengan kewangan Islam dan jika anda melihat unjuran yang mereka buat untuk saiz pasaran, ia benar-benar sangat besar -- dan itu hanya dalam negeri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Central Bank's decision has met opposition from some Christian leaders in Nigeria, who argue that the move could increase religious violence in a country whose population is almost evenly divided between Muslims and Christians.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi keputusan Bank Pusat itu mendapat tentangan daripada beberapa pemimpin Kristian di Nigeria, yang berpendapat bahawa langkah itu boleh meningkatkan keganasan agama di negara yang penduduknya hampir sama rata antara Muslim dan Kristian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a VOA news report in mid-July, the Christian Association of Nigeria said the introduction of Islamic banking could stir up religious tensions at a time when security forces are fighting Islamic fundamentalists who want an independent state in northern Nigeria ruled by Islamic law.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan berita VOA pada pertengahan Julai, Persatuan Kristian Nigeria berkata pengenalan perbankan Islam boleh mencetuskan ketegangan agama pada masa pasukan keselamatan memerangi fundamentalis Islam yang mahukan sebuah negara merdeka di utara Nigeria diperintah oleh undang-undang Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Adeola says that Islamic finance is not a threat and can appeal to the country's Christian community as well its Muslims.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Adeola berkata bahawa kewangan Islam bukanlah satu ancaman dan boleh menarik minat masyarakat Kristian di negara itu serta umat Islamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Islamic finance is universal,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kewangan Islam adalah universal,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is nothing about it that offends anyone or offends their faith or their principles.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTiada apa-apa mengenainya yang menyinggung perasaan sesiapa atau menyinggung kepercayaan atau prinsip mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If anything, there are many Christians who like to invest with us because it's also in line with their own ethical values\".", "r": {"result": "Jika ada, terdapat ramai orang Kristian yang suka melabur dengan kami kerana ia juga selari dengan nilai etika mereka sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christian Purefoy and Teo Kermeliotis contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Christian Purefoy dan Teo Kermeliotis menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)One of the most pernicious phrases in the debate over how to counter extremist use of social media is \"whack-a-mole\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Salah satu frasa yang paling berbahaya dalam perdebatan tentang cara menentang penggunaan media sosial yang melampau ialah \"whack-a-mole\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In national security circles, many believe that suspending social media accounts used by violent extremists is a pointless endeavor.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kalangan keselamatan negara, ramai yang percaya bahawa menggantung akaun media sosial yang digunakan oleh pelampau ganas adalah satu usaha yang sia-sia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They argue that, as in the children's arcade game \"Whac-a-Mole,\" suspending accounts is a fruitless endeavor because, they claim, new accounts are created for every account that is suspended.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berpendapat bahawa, seperti dalam permainan arked kanak-kanak \"Whac-a-Mole,\" menggantung akaun adalah usaha yang sia-sia kerana, mereka mendakwa, akaun baharu dibuat untuk setiap akaun yang digantung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To examine this assumption, technologist Jonathon Morgan and I collected data on millions of Twitter accounts, including tens of thousands used by ISIS supporters, and found substantial evidence to the contrary.", "r": {"result": "Untuk meneliti andaian ini, ahli teknologi Jonathon Morgan dan saya mengumpul data pada berjuta-juta akaun Twitter, termasuk berpuluh-puluh ribu yang digunakan oleh penyokong ISIS, dan menemui bukti besar yang bertentangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In September 2014, Twitter began to crack down on ISIS supporters who used its platform, suspending tens of thousands of accounts over the course of several months.", "r": {"result": "Pada September 2014, Twitter mula bertindak keras terhadap penyokong ISIS yang menggunakan platformnya, menggantung berpuluh-puluh ribu akaun selama beberapa bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While many users did create new accounts during the first month of the crackdown, the number of new accounts plunged after September, even though suspensions increased.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ramai pengguna telah membuat akaun baharu pada bulan pertama tindakan keras, bilangan akaun baharu menjunam selepas September, walaupun penggantungan meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twitter has indicated that its suspensions fell at least at the high end of our estimated figure, possibly even higher still.", "r": {"result": "Twitter telah menunjukkan bahawa penggantungannya jatuh sekurang-kurangnya pada paras tertinggi anggaran kami, mungkin lebih tinggi lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The result is that suspensions are outpacing the number of new accounts successfully created, possibly by a wide margin.", "r": {"result": "Hasilnya ialah penggantungan melebihi bilangan akaun baharu yang berjaya dibuat, mungkin dengan margin yang luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The size of ISIS's support network on Twitter is shrinking as a result.", "r": {"result": "Saiz rangkaian sokongan ISIS di Twitter semakin mengecil akibatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Additionally, we found that the suspensions targeted some of the most active and effective users in the network, the professional activists who empowered ISIS to broadcast its propaganda to unsuspecting audiences by spamming hashtags such as #WorldCup and #CakeBoss.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, kami mendapati bahawa penggantungan itu menyasarkan beberapa pengguna yang paling aktif dan berkesan dalam rangkaian, aktivis profesional yang memberi kuasa kepada ISIS untuk menyiarkan propagandanya kepada khalayak yang tidak curiga dengan menghantar spam hashtag seperti #WorldCup dan #CakeBoss.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not only has ISIS suffered a blow to its ability to spam others, its supporters on Twitter are so weakened that they are now hoist by their own petard.", "r": {"result": "Bukan sahaja ISIS telah mengalami tamparan terhadap keupayaannya untuk menghantar spam kepada orang lain, penyokongnya di Twitter sangat lemah sehingga mereka kini dinaikkan oleh kelopak mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hashtag that ISIS uses to promote its own messages has been taken over by opposing spammers, trolls and activists, who frequently tweet five times as much anti-ISIS content as ISIS can muster on any given day.", "r": {"result": "Hashtag yang ISIS gunakan untuk mempromosikan mesejnya sendiri telah diambil alih oleh penentang spammer, troll dan aktivis, yang kerap tweet lima kali lebih banyak kandungan anti-ISIS daripada ISIS boleh kumpulkan pada hari tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ISIS content continues to be available online, of course.", "r": {"result": "Kandungan ISIS terus tersedia dalam talian, sudah tentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The number of suspensions is not sufficient to completely deny them the use of Twitter.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan penggantungan tidak mencukupi untuk menafikan mereka sepenuhnya menggunakan Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But their audience is shrinking and their ability to game Twitter with manipulative tactics such as auto-tweeting \"bots\" has been significantly diminished.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penonton mereka semakin berkurangan dan keupayaan mereka untuk bermain Twitter dengan taktik manipulatif seperti \"bot\" auto-tweet telah berkurangan dengan ketara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An estimated 10% of tweets sent by ISIS supporters are directed at rebuilding their social networks rather than disseminating propaganda, and that doesn't account for the additional impact of time lost to the process of creating new accounts and waiting for followers to find them.", "r": {"result": "Dianggarkan 10% tweet yang dihantar oleh penyokong ISIS ditujukan untuk membina semula rangkaian sosial mereka dan bukannya menyebarkan propaganda, dan itu tidak mengambil kira kesan tambahan masa yang hilang kepada proses mencipta akaun baharu dan menunggu pengikut menemuinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are worthy goals, and they detract from ISIS's ability to accomplish its online strategy of intimidation, provocation and recruitment, which is discussed at more length in my new book with Jessica Stern, ISIS: The State of Terror.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah matlamat yang layak, dan ia menjejaskan keupayaan ISIS untuk mencapai strategi dalam talian untuk intimidasi, provokasi dan pengambilan pekerja, yang dibincangkan dengan lebih panjang dalam buku baharu saya dengan Jessica Stern, ISIS: The State of Terror.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "ISIS users call the suspensions \"devastating\" and their fury provides evidence that suspensions hit them where it hurts.", "r": {"result": "Pengguna ISIS memanggil penggantungan itu \"memusnahkan\" dan kemarahan mereka memberikan bukti bahawa penggantungan melanda mereka di mana ia menyakitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But that doesn't mean suspensions are ineffective, any more than a cold day outside invalidates decades of temperature trends that show the impact of climate change.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi itu tidak bermakna penggantungan tidak berkesan, lebih daripada hari yang sejuk di luar membatalkan dekad aliran suhu yang menunjukkan kesan perubahan iklim.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The view outside your window, especially if you are an analyst or journalist following a couple hundred terrorist accounts, will not always accurately reflect an online climate where tens of thousands of accounts are in play.", "r": {"result": "Pandangan di luar tingkap anda, terutamanya jika anda seorang penganalisis atau wartawan yang mengikuti beberapa ratus akaun pengganas, tidak akan sentiasa menggambarkan iklim dalam talian dengan tepat di mana berpuluh-puluh ribu akaun sedang dimainkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While our study was only a preliminary look at this issue, it examined a body of data that dwarfs any existing study on the subject.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kajian kami hanyalah tinjauan awal pada isu ini, kajian ini meneliti kumpulan data yang mengerdilkan mana-mana kajian sedia ada mengenai subjek tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While future research will help clarify the impact of suspensions over time, it is not likely to ever fully settle the complaints of the whack-a-mole crowd, who are as persistent as their favorite metaphor.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun penyelidikan pada masa hadapan akan membantu menjelaskan kesan penggantungan dari semasa ke semasa, ia tidak mungkin menyelesaikan sepenuhnya aduan orang ramai, yang berterusan seperti metafora kegemaran mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nevertheless, it's time to move the serious debate away from the question of whether suspensions are effective and toward more complex issues with a better grounding in the available data.", "r": {"result": "Namun begitu, sudah tiba masanya untuk mengalihkan perdebatan serius daripada persoalan sama ada penggantungan berkesan dan ke arah isu yang lebih kompleks dengan asas yang lebih baik dalam data yang tersedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are complications that arise from the suspension process.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat komplikasi yang timbul daripada proses penggantungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the most notable we observed in our study was the question of how people in the network behave under pressure.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu yang paling ketara yang kami perhatikan dalam kajian kami ialah persoalan bagaimana orang dalam rangkaian berkelakuan di bawah tekanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our analysis suggested that the social network of ISIS supporters on Twitter is becoming more insular, with users following each other more and becoming less and less exposed to outside influences.", "r": {"result": "Analisis kami mencadangkan bahawa rangkaian sosial penyokong ISIS di Twitter menjadi lebih tidak jelas, dengan pengguna semakin mengikuti satu sama lain dan semakin kurang terdedah kepada pengaruh luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While it is harder to enter the network in the first place and to stay there as an active user, it is possible that this echo-chamber effect might lead new users to radicalize more swiftly and more intensely.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun lebih sukar untuk memasuki rangkaian pada mulanya dan kekal di sana sebagai pengguna aktif, ada kemungkinan kesan ruang gema ini mungkin menyebabkan pengguna baharu melakukan radikalisasi dengan lebih pantas dan lebih sengit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tampering with an online social network, through suspensions or other means, is a form of social engineering, and we need to better understand what that means for users.", "r": {"result": "Mengganggu rangkaian sosial dalam talian, melalui penggantungan atau cara lain, adalah satu bentuk kejuruteraan sosial dan kita perlu memahami dengan lebih baik maksudnya untuk pengguna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We would be better served by research into such new questions than by continuing a tired debate about whether suspensions are effective at degrading the size and online distribution networks of extremist groups.", "r": {"result": "Kami akan mendapat lebih baik melalui penyelidikan terhadap soalan baharu sebegini daripada meneruskan perbahasan yang meletihkan tentang sama ada penggantungan berkesan merendahkan saiz dan rangkaian pengedaran dalam talian kumpulan pelampau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's time to take this debate to the next level, and let the whack-a-mole mole stay whacked.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tiba masanya untuk membawa perdebatan ini ke peringkat seterusnya, dan biarkan tahi lalat pukulan tetap dipukul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- An intense typhoon made landfall in the southern Philippines early Tuesday amid fears that it could be worse than a 2011 storm that killed more than 1,200 people.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Taufan kencang mendarat di selatan Filipina awal Selasa di tengah-tengah kebimbangan bahawa ia mungkin lebih buruk daripada ribut 2011 yang mengorbankan lebih 1,200 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Typhoon Bopha struck the southern island of Mindanao shortly before 4:45 a.m. (3:45 p.m. Monday ET), the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Center reported.", "r": {"result": "Taufan Bopha melanda pulau selatan Mindanao sejurus sebelum 4:45 pagi (3:45 petang Isnin ET), Pusat Pengurusan dan Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Kebangsaan melaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm packed top winds of 175 kph (110 mph) as it came ashore over the city of Baganga, and millions of people -- many of whom live in remote and unprepared communities -- were in the storm's path, Philippine authorities and aid groups said.", "r": {"result": "Ribut itu membawa angin kencang 175 kph (110 mph) ketika ia mendarat di bandar Baganga, dan berjuta-juta orang -- kebanyakannya tinggal di komuniti terpencil dan tidak bersedia -- berada di laluan ribut, pihak berkuasa Filipina dan kumpulan bantuan berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The tightly packed but powerful storm threatened to bring devastating flash floods and landslides.", "r": {"result": "Ribut yang padat tetapi kuat itu mengancam untuk membawa banjir kilat dan tanah runtuh yang dahsyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "High winds could blast some homes into sticks, uproot trees and cut power for days, government officials warned.", "r": {"result": "Angin kencang boleh meletupkan beberapa rumah menjadi kayu, mencabut pokok dan memutuskan bekalan elektrik selama beberapa hari, pegawai kerajaan memberi amaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm weakened slightly as it moved west across Mindanao during the course of the morning, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration said.", "r": {"result": "Ribut itu menjadi lemah sedikit ketika ia bergerak ke barat merentasi Mindanao pada waktu pagi, kata Pentadbiran Perkhidmatan Atmosfera, Geofizik dan Astronomi Filipina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were no immediate reports of casualties.", "r": {"result": "Tiada laporan segera mengenai kemalangan jiwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm, dubbed \"Pablo\" in the Philippines, had blown up into a super typhoon at one point Monday, with sustained winds greater than 240 kph -- the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center reported.", "r": {"result": "Ribut itu, yang digelar \"Pablo\" di Filipina, telah meletup menjadi taufan super pada satu ketika Isnin, dengan angin berterusan melebihi 240 kph -- bersamaan dengan taufan Kategori 5 di Lautan Atlantik, Pusat Amaran Taufan Bersama melaporkan .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That wind speed is two and a half times the top winds of Severe Tropical Storm Washi, known in the Philippines as Sendong, whose heavy rains set off landslides that swept away entire villages in the same region a year ago.", "r": {"result": "Kelajuan angin itu adalah dua setengah kali ganda angin tertinggi Ribut Tropika Teruk Washi, yang dikenali di Filipina sebagai Sendong, yang hujan lebatnya mengakibatkan tanah runtuh yang menghanyutkan seluruh kampung di wilayah yang sama setahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Many emotional people in (Mindanao) trying to prepare for Pablo with Sendong fresh in their minds,\" Carin van der Hor, the Philippines director for the children's charity Plan International, wrote Monday on Twitter.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai orang emosi di (Mindanao) cuba bersedia untuk Pablo dengan Sendong segar dalam fikiran mereka,\" Carin van der Hor, pengarah Filipina untuk badan amal kanak-kanak Plan International, menulis pada hari Isnin di Twitter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the fishing village of Hinatuan, officials had warned coastal and island residents to evacuate to government shelters in the final hours before the storm hit, CNN affiliate ABS-CBN reported.", "r": {"result": "Di perkampungan nelayan Hinatuan, pegawai telah memberi amaran kepada penduduk pantai dan pulau untuk berpindah ke pusat perlindungan kerajaan pada beberapa jam terakhir sebelum ribut melanda, lapor sekutu CNN ABS-CBN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At sea near the storm, waves reached as high as 52 feet, according to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.", "r": {"result": "Di laut berhampiran ribut, ombak mencecah setinggi 52 kaki, menurut Pusat Amaran Taufan Bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On land, the outer bands of the storm had already begun to bring intense rain and high winds to coastal communities before landfall was made, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council.", "r": {"result": "Di darat, jalur luar ribut sudah mula membawa hujan lebat dan angin kencang kepada komuniti pantai sebelum daratan dibuat, menurut Majlis Pengurangan dan Pengurusan Risiko Bencana Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Government agencies had moved millions of dollars worth of relief supplies into position for quick delivery to storm-hit regions and put emergency crews, the military and hospitals on standby.", "r": {"result": "Agensi kerajaan telah memindahkan bekalan bantuan bernilai berjuta-juta dolar ke kedudukan untuk penghantaran cepat ke kawasan yang dilanda ribut dan meletakkan kru kecemasan, tentera dan hospital bersiap sedia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "School classes were suspended in many cities, and at least 80 flights were canceled, according to the disaster agency.", "r": {"result": "Kelas sekolah telah digantung di banyak bandar, dan sekurang-kurangnya 80 penerbangan dibatalkan, menurut agensi bencana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The threat to Mindanao comes just weeks ahead of the first anniversary of Washi, whose heavy rains set off flash floods in the middle of the night that swept away entire villages.", "r": {"result": "Ancaman terhadap Mindanao datang hanya beberapa minggu sebelum ulang tahun pertama Washi, yang hujan lebatnya menyebabkan banjir kilat pada tengah malam yang menghanyutkan seluruh kampung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 1,200 people died and hundreds of thousands were left homeless, prompting a humanitarian crisis.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 1,200 orang mati dan ratusan ribu kehilangan tempat tinggal, menyebabkan krisis kemanusiaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Stormy weather in recent months also has caused death and destruction in other areas of the Philippines, where poor infrastructure leaves many communities highly vulnerable.", "r": {"result": "Cuaca ribut sejak beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini juga telah menyebabkan kematian dan kemusnahan di kawasan lain di Filipina, di mana infrastruktur yang lemah menyebabkan banyak komuniti sangat terdedah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Severe flooding in the region of the capital, Manila, killed more than 80 people in August.", "r": {"result": "Banjir teruk di wilayah ibu negara, Manila, mengorbankan lebih 80 orang pada Ogos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Tropical Cyclone Son-Tinh left at least 27 people dead after sweeping across the central Philippines in October.", "r": {"result": "Dan Siklon Tropika Son-Tinh menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya 27 orang maut selepas melanda seluruh tengah Filipina pada Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Palau, a tiny island nation roughly 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) east of Mindanao, had a close shave with Bopha as the typhoon churned past, catching some outlying parts of the archipelago.", "r": {"result": "Palau, sebuah negara kepulauan kecil kira-kira 1,000 kilometer (600 batu) timur Mindanao, bercukur rapat dengan Bopha ketika taufan itu melanda, menangkap beberapa bahagian terpencil di kepulauan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was headed right toward Palau,\" said Derek Williams, a meteorologist for the U.S. National Weather Service in Guam.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa menghala terus ke Palau,\u201d kata Derek Williams, pakar meteorologi untuk Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan A.S. di Guam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But at the last minute, \"it just turned to the west and fortunately went south of them,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pada saat-saat akhir, \"ia hanya membelok ke barat dan mujur ke selatan mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I really think they escaped the brunt of the storm,\" Williams said in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, noting that Palau doesn't usually get hit by strong typhoons.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya benar-benar fikir mereka terlepas daripada ribut itu,\" kata Williams dalam temu bual dengan Perbadanan Penyiaran Australia, sambil menyatakan bahawa Palau biasanya tidak dilanda taufan kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bopha nonetheless brought down a lot of trees and caused widespread power outages in Palau, according to Williams.", "r": {"result": "Bopha bagaimanapun menumbangkan banyak pokok dan menyebabkan gangguan bekalan elektrik yang meluas di Palau, menurut Williams.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The fast movement of the system really prevented a lot of flooding,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPergerakan pantas sistem itu benar-benar menghalang banyak banjir,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think probably only a few inches of rain fell, so that's certainly good news, because Palau itself is susceptible to mudslides\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir mungkin hanya beberapa inci hujan yang turun, jadi itu sudah tentu berita baik, kerana Palau sendiri terdedah kepada banjir lumpur\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Michael Pearson reported from Atlanta and CNN's Jethro Mullen reported from Hong Kong.", "r": {"result": "Michael Pearson dari CNN melaporkan dari Atlanta dan CNN Jethro Mullen melaporkan dari Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- South Korean pop star Rain, who stars in \"Ninja Assassin,\" releasing nationwide on Wednesday, has all the trimmings of an international superstar in the making.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Bintang pop Korea Selatan Rain, yang membintangi \"Ninja Assassin,\" yang dikeluarkan di seluruh negara pada hari Rabu, mempunyai semua hiasan superstar antarabangsa dalam pembuatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His talent, good looks and charming swagger have captured the devotion of the Asian continent, where tickets to his concerts evaporate in minutes.", "r": {"result": "Bakatnya, ketampanan dan kesombongan yang menawan telah menarik minat benua Asia, di mana tiket ke konsertnya hilang dalam beberapa minit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was hailed as one of People magazine's most beautiful two years ago, and, despite being relatively unknown to most Americans, beat Stephen Colbert in a Time magazine online poll of most influential people in 2007.", "r": {"result": "Dia dipuji sebagai salah seorang majalah People yang paling cantik dua tahun lalu, dan, walaupun agak tidak dikenali oleh kebanyakan rakyat Amerika, mengalahkan Stephen Colbert dalam tinjauan dalam talian majalah Time untuk orang paling berpengaruh pada tahun 2007.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet Rain's climb from unknown backup dancer to a member of Asia's A-list wasn't easy: His lack of Western features caused many music labels to look right past him and getting his footing in the United States has been particularly difficult.", "r": {"result": "Namun pendakian Rain daripada penari sandaran yang tidak dikenali menjadi ahli senarai A Asia bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah: Kekurangan ciri-ciri Baratnya menyebabkan banyak label muzik memandang tepat ke hadapannya dan mencapai kedudukannya di Amerika Syarikat amat sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite having six albums under his belt and selling out a two-day Madison Square Garden tour in 2006, Rain's \"Justin Timberlake meets Usher\" brand of bubble-gum pop never saturated pop charts here as it did in the East.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mempunyai enam album di bawah tali pinggangnya dan menjual jelajah Madison Square Garden selama dua hari pada tahun 2006, jenama \"Justin Timberlake meets Usher\" jenama pop bubble-gum tidak pernah tepu carta pop di sini seperti yang berlaku di Timur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Rain isn't one to accept defeat.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Rain bukan seorang yang menerima kekalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The more criticism I get, the more it gives me a stronger urge to win.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemakin banyak kritikan yang saya terima, semakin ia memberi saya dorongan yang lebih kuat untuk menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I try harder,\" he told CNN's Talk Asia.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya berusaha lebih keras,\" katanya kepada Talk Asia CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The more times I was turned down, the more I believed I was getting closer to making it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSemakin banyak kali saya ditolak, semakin saya percaya saya semakin hampir untuk melakukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of people in Korea say that failure is the mother of success, so I believed that more times I failed, the more likely I was to succeed,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang di Korea mengatakan bahawa kegagalan adalah ibu kepada kejayaan, jadi saya percaya semakin banyak kali saya gagal, semakin besar kemungkinan saya berjaya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 27-year-old tested Hollywood waters with last year's \"Speed Racer,\" but the action film, which he now calls a \"warming up period,\" failed to give him cross-over recognition.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 27 tahun itu menguji perairan Hollywood dengan \"Speed Racer\" tahun lalu, tetapi filem aksi itu, yang kini dipanggilnya sebagai \"tempoh memanaskan badan,\" gagal memberikannya pengiktirafan silang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, Rain has a second shot at swimming in the American mainstream with another Wachowski produced film, the cut 'em and gut 'em \"Ninja Assassin,\" where the pop star does most of his own stunts.", "r": {"result": "Kini, Rain mempunyai peluang kedua untuk berenang dalam arus perdana Amerika dengan sebuah lagi filem terbitan Wachowski, the cut 'em and gut 'em \"Ninja Assassin,\" di mana bintang pop itu melakukan kebanyakan aksinya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I put my heart and soul into this movie,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya meletakkan hati dan jiwa saya dalam filem ini,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rain trained hard for months to get ready for the movie's slick violence.", "r": {"result": "Hujan berlatih keras selama berbulan-bulan untuk bersiap sedia menghadapi keganasan filem itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For about a year, I couldn't eat properly, I was working out from 7 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSelama lebih kurang setahun saya tidak dapat makan dengan betul, saya bersenam dari pukul 7 pagi hingga 5 petang,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I went through a lot of pain in my efforts to get 100 percent close to the character that I was playing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melalui banyak kesakitan dalam usaha saya untuk mendekati 100 peratus watak yang saya lakonkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To get the opportunity to finally become an American household name, though, it's worth it.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mendapatkan peluang akhirnya menjadi nama rumah Amerika, walaupun, ia berbaloi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After all, Rain isn't the type of guy who shies away from a challenge.", "r": {"result": "Lagipun, Rain bukan jenis lelaki yang mengelak daripada cabaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What I want to do now is start from the bottom again and build up a name in the U.S.,\" Rain said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang saya mahu lakukan sekarang ialah bermula dari bawah sekali lagi dan membina nama di A.S.,\" kata Rain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I experienced firsthand what it means to be poor, what it means to go hungry, and that I think may be the reason, the root cause of why I'm able to work so hard even these days,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mengalami sendiri apa ertinya miskin, apa ertinya kelaparan, dan saya fikir mungkin sebab itu, punca utama mengapa saya boleh bekerja keras walaupun pada hari ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm hoping people expect a lot from this movie, because I think they will not be disappointed\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya harap orang ramai mengharapkan banyak daripada filem ini, kerana saya fikir mereka tidak akan kecewa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Severe weather tore through the Southeast Sunday night and Monday, killing at least two people and injuring more than 100.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Cuaca buruk melanda Tenggara Ahad malam dan Isnin, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya dua orang dan mencederakan lebih 100.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Weather Service confirms tornadoes touched down in Alabama and Arkansas.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan mengesahkan puting beliung mendarat di Alabama dan Arkansas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Possible tornadoes were also reported in Mississippi and Tennessee.", "r": {"result": "Kemungkinan puting beliung turut dilaporkan di Mississippi dan Tennessee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alabama Gov.", "r": {"result": "Alabama Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Robert Bentley declared a State of Emergency for all of the state's 67 counties.", "r": {"result": "Robert Bentley mengisytiharkan Darurat untuk semua 67 daerah di negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Alabama Red Cross estimates 211 homes have been destroyed and 218 suffered major damage, making them unlivable.", "r": {"result": "Palang Merah Alabama menganggarkan 211 rumah telah musnah dan 218 mengalami kerosakan besar, menjadikannya tidak dapat didiami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disaster relief crews are responding to the immediate needs of storm victims across the Southeast.", "r": {"result": "Krew bantuan bencana bertindak balas terhadap keperluan segera mangsa ribut di seluruh Tenggara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are ways you can help.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat cara anda boleh membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Red Cross.", "r": {"result": "Palang Merah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Alabama Red Cross dispatched two emergency response vehicles to provide food to storm victims and opened shelters in Clay, Center Point and St. Clair County.", "r": {"result": "Palang Merah Alabama menghantar dua kenderaan tindak balas kecemasan untuk menyediakan makanan kepada mangsa ribut dan membuka tempat perlindungan di Clay, Center Point dan St. Clair County.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Disaster teams in Arkansas are helping several displaced families secure emergency shelter after the storms damaged their homes.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan bencana di Arkansas membantu beberapa keluarga yang kehilangan tempat tinggal mendapatkan tempat perlindungan kecemasan selepas ribut merosakkan rumah mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Local residents can volunteer at the Alabama Red Cross call bank.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk tempatan boleh menjadi sukarelawan di bank panggilan Palang Merah Alabama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Contact Whitney Somerville with the Red Cross for details.", "r": {"result": "Hubungi Whitney Somerville dengan Palang Merah untuk mendapatkan butiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Go online to make a donation to the Red Cross Disaster Relief fund or text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 donation from your mobile device.", "r": {"result": "Pergi ke dalam talian untuk membuat derma kepada dana Bantuan Bencana Palang Merah atau teks REDCROSS ke 90999 untuk menderma $10 derma daripada peranti mudah alih anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Salvation Army.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Salvation Army of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi is providing relief services in Jefferson and Chilton counties.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Keselamatan Alabama, Louisiana dan Mississippi menyediakan perkhidmatan bantuan di daerah Jefferson dan Chilton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Five mobile feeding units sent to the area served over 400 meals on Monday.", "r": {"result": "Lima unit makanan mudah alih yang dihantar ke kawasan itu menyediakan lebih 400 hidangan pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The organization is assessing additional needs and says it expects to maintain an extended presence in the damaged areas.", "r": {"result": "Organisasi sedang menilai keperluan tambahan dan mengatakan ia menjangka untuk mengekalkan kehadiran lanjutan di kawasan yang rosak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To support the Salvation Army's Emergency Disaster Services fund, go online or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769).", "r": {"result": "Untuk menyokong dana Perkhidmatan Bencana Kecemasan Salvation Army, pergi dalam talian atau hubungi 1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Designate donations for \"January 2012 Tornado Relief\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapkan derma untuk \"Bantuan Tornado Januari 2012\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alabama Tornado Animals.", "r": {"result": "Haiwan Tornado Alabama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alabama Tornado Animals is a group of local Alabama animal rescuers committed to helping lost pets find their way home.", "r": {"result": "Alabama Tornado Animals ialah sekumpulan penyelamat haiwan Alabama tempatan yang komited untuk membantu haiwan peliharaan yang hilang mencari jalan pulang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group began in April 2011 after a deadly tornado outbreak devastated the region.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu bermula pada April 2011 selepas wabak puting beliung maut memusnahkan wilayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group is again helping to reunite lost pets with their families after Monday's severe weather.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu sekali lagi membantu menyatukan semula haiwan peliharaan yang hilang dengan keluarga mereka selepas cuaca buruk pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail reports of missing or found pets with a description, post to Facebook or tweet @ALtornadopets.", "r": {"result": "Laporan e-mel tentang haiwan peliharaan yang hilang atau ditemui dengan penerangan, hantar ke Facebook atau tweet @ALtornadopets.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samaritan's Purse.", "r": {"result": "Dompet orang Samaria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samaritan's Purse sent a Disaster Relief Unit, a tractor-trailer with emergency equipment and supplies, to Trussville, Alabama, northeast of Birmingham.", "r": {"result": "Samaritan's Purse menghantar Unit Bantuan Bencana, treler traktor dengan peralatan dan bekalan kecemasan, ke Trussville, Alabama, timur laut Birmingham.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The organization is coordinating volunteers to help with cleanup efforts.", "r": {"result": "Organisasi ini menyelaraskan sukarelawan untuk membantu usaha pembersihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Log on for more information on how to participate.", "r": {"result": "Log masuk untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut tentang cara untuk menyertai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samaritan's Purse also responded to the April 2011 tornado outbreak in the Southeast and continues to rebuild homes destroyed in that storm.", "r": {"result": "Samaritan's Purse juga bertindak balas terhadap wabak puting beliung April 2011 di Tenggara dan terus membina semula rumah yang musnah dalam ribut itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To support the Samaritan's Purse US Disaster Relief fund, make a donation online.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menyokong dana Samaritan's Purse US Disaster Relief, buat derma dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tokyo (CNN) -- U.S. Navy personnel are taking precautionary measures after instruments aboard an aircraft carrier docked in Japan detected low levels of radioactivity from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the Navy said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Tokyo (CNN) -- Anggota Tentera Laut A.S. mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga selepas instrumen di dalam kapal pengangkut pesawat yang berlabuh di Jepun mengesan tahap radioaktiviti rendah dari loji nuklear Fukushima Daiichi, kata Tentera Laut Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The USS George Washington was docked for maintenance in Yokosuka, about 175 miles (280 kilometers) from the plant in Okuma, when instruments detected the radiation at 7 a.m. Tuesday (6 p.m. ET Monday), the Navy said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "USS George Washington berlabuh untuk penyelenggaraan di Yokosuka, kira-kira 175 batu (280 kilometer) dari loji di Okuma, apabila instrumen mengesan sinaran itu pada 7 pagi Selasa (6 petang ET Isnin), kata Tentera Laut dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Personnel will limit outdoor activities and secure external ventilation systems there and at a nearby air facility in Atsugi.", "r": {"result": "Kakitangan akan mengehadkan aktiviti luar dan menjamin sistem pengudaraan luaran di sana dan di kemudahan udara berdekatan di Atsugi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is no appreciable health risk, and we are being very conservative in our recommendations,\" U.S. Naval Forces Japan Commander Rear Adm.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada risiko kesihatan yang ketara, dan kami sangat konservatif dalam cadangan kami,\" Komander Tentera Laut A.S. Jepun, Laksamana Muda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Richard Wren said.", "r": {"result": "Richard Wren berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a recorded video message, Wren said the additional radiation exposure over the past 12 hours had been less than one month's exposure to naturally occurring background radiation.", "r": {"result": "Dalam mesej video yang dirakam, Wren berkata pendedahan sinaran tambahan dalam tempoh 12 jam yang lalu adalah kurang daripada satu bulan pendedahan kepada sinaran latar belakang yang berlaku secara semula jadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Workers are scrambling to cool down fuel rods and prevent a full meltdown in three reactors at the earthquake-hit Fukushima Daiichi plant.", "r": {"result": "Pekerja sedang berebut untuk menyejukkan rod bahan api dan menghalang keruntuhan sepenuhnya dalam tiga reaktor di loji Fukushima Daiichi yang dilanda gempa bumi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan warned Tuesday that the risk of further releases of radioactive material from the plant remains \"very high\".", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri Jepun Naoto Kan memberi amaran pada hari Selasa bahawa risiko pelepasan selanjutnya bahan radioaktif daripada loji itu kekal \"sangat tinggi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Radioactive steam has been released intentionally to lessen growing pressure in the reactors.", "r": {"result": "Stim radioaktif telah dibebaskan dengan sengaja untuk mengurangkan tekanan yang semakin meningkat dalam reaktor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But radiation levels at the plant increased Tuesday to \"levels that can impact human health,\" Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi paras sinaran di loji itu meningkat Selasa kepada \"paras yang boleh memberi kesan kepada kesihatan manusia,\" kata Ketua Setiausaha Kabinet Yukio Edano kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The announcement came after an explosion at the plant's No.2 reactor.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman itu dibuat selepas letupan di reaktor No.2 loji itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, Edano said, the building housing the No.4 unit -- which had been shut down before Friday's earthquake -- was burning Tuesday morning. On Monday the Navy said it was repositioning ships after tests had detected low levels of radioactivity on 17 U.S. Navy helicopter crew members that had been conducting disaster relief missions in Japan.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, Edano berkata, bangunan yang menempatkan unit No.4 -- yang telah ditutup sebelum gempa bumi Jumaat lalu -- terbakar pagi Selasa. Pada hari Isnin Tentera Laut berkata ia sedang mengubah kedudukan kapal selepas ujian telah mengesan tahap radioaktiviti yang rendah pada 17 anak kapal helikopter Tentera Laut A.S. yang telah menjalankan misi bantuan bencana di Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "No further contamination was detected after the crew members washed with soap and water, the Navy said.", "r": {"result": "Tiada pencemaran selanjutnya dikesan selepas anak kapal mencuci dengan sabun dan air, kata Tentera Laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Navy's Monday statement, however, provided some perspective, noting that the maximum potential radiation dose received by ship personnel when it passed through the area was \"less than the radiation exposure received from about one month of exposure to natural background radiation from sources such as rocks, soil, and the sun\".", "r": {"result": "Kenyataan Isnin Tentera Laut, bagaimanapun, memberikan beberapa perspektif, menyatakan bahawa dos radiasi berpotensi maksimum yang diterima oleh kakitangan kapal apabila ia melalui kawasan itu adalah \"kurang daripada pendedahan radiasi yang diterima daripada kira-kira satu bulan pendedahan kepada sinaran latar belakang semula jadi daripada sumber seperti batu, tanah, dan matahari\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Larry Shaughnessy and Bob Kovach contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Larry Shaughnessy dan Bob Kovach dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- For the past week, Mitt Romney brought his presidential campaign abroad to England, Israel and Poland, leaving his initial footprint on the foreign policy landscape.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sejak minggu lalu, Mitt Romney membawa kempen presidennya ke luar negara ke England, Israel dan Poland, meninggalkan jejak awalnya pada landskap dasar luar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He may have ventured off path once or twice, but, to paraphrase J.R.R Tolkien, not all those who travel are lost.", "r": {"result": "Dia mungkin telah keluar dari laluan sekali atau dua kali, tetapi, untuk menghuraikan J.R.R Tolkien, tidak semua mereka yang mengembara tersesat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He blazed his own trail, one that will do him much good at home and abroad.", "r": {"result": "Dia melancarkan jejaknya sendiri, yang akan memberinya banyak kebaikan di dalam dan luar negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before he even left for London, liberal commentators, on both sides of the Atlantic, jumped all over his alleged gaffe on Britain's readiness for the Olympics.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum dia pergi ke London, pengulas liberal, di kedua-dua belah Atlantik, melontarkan semua dakwaannya tentang kesediaan Britain untuk Sukan Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney was asked a question by Brian Williams, which he answered like a technocrat, an expert, and one of the few men in the world who has run an Olympic Games.", "r": {"result": "Romney ditanya soalan oleh Brian Williams, yang dijawabnya seperti seorang teknokrat, pakar, dan salah seorang daripada segelintir lelaki di dunia yang pernah mengendalikan Sukan Olimpik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Dorothy Rabinowitz so wisely noted, \"He did what a man who prizes his authority on a subject does -- he answered.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Dorothy Rabinowitz dengan bijak, \"Dia melakukan apa yang dilakukan oleh seorang lelaki yang menghargai kuasanya dalam sesuatu subjek -- dia menjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He reflected on possibilities.", "r": {"result": "Dia memikirkan kemungkinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a serious subject -- his subject\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah subjek yang serius -- subjeknya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he's to be blamed for anything, it's speaking too much like an expert and not a politician.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia dipersalahkan atas apa-apa, ia bercakap terlalu banyak seperti seorang pakar dan bukan ahli politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Critics of Romney often patronize him for sounding too scripted and too much like a politician.", "r": {"result": "Pengkritik Romney sering membelanya kerana kedengarannya terlalu skrip dan terlalu seperti ahli politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now, when he speaks openly and freely, they criticize him for not being enough of a politician or diplomat.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang, apabila dia bercakap secara terbuka dan bebas, mereka mengkritiknya kerana tidak cukup sebagai ahli politik atau diplomat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They can't have it both ways.", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak boleh mempunyai kedua-dua cara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From England he traveled to Israel, where he strongly backed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli people and subtly distanced himself from President Barack Obama by vocalizing bolder action against Iran.", "r": {"result": "Dari England dia pergi ke Israel, di mana dia menyokong kuat Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu dan rakyat Israel dan secara halus menjauhkan diri daripada Presiden Barack Obama dengan menyuarakan tindakan yang lebih berani terhadap Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We must not delude ourselves into thinking that containment is an option,\" Romney said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita tidak boleh menipu diri sendiri untuk berfikir bahawa pembendungan adalah satu pilihan,\" kata Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We must lead the effort to prevent Iran from building and possessing nuclear weapons capability.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKita mesti mengetuai usaha untuk menghalang Iran daripada membina dan memiliki keupayaan senjata nuklear.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We should employ any and all measures to dissuade the Iranian regime from its nuclear course\".", "r": {"result": "Kita harus menggunakan apa-apa dan semua langkah untuk menghalang rejim Iran daripada laluan nuklearnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Romney on Iran is just like Obama.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Romney tentang Iran sama seperti Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But rather than focus on Iran, our most pressing foreign policy dilemma, the liberal media manufactured another alleged gaffe -- Romney's comments on the cultural differences between Israelis and Palestinians.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi daripada menumpukan perhatian kepada Iran, dilema dasar luar negara kami yang paling mendesak, media liberal mengeluarkan satu lagi dakwaan penyelewengan -- komen Romney mengenai perbezaan budaya antara Israel dan Palestin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Again, much ado about nothing.", "r": {"result": "Sekali lagi, banyak bercerita tentang apa-apa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hard to dispute the powerful and rich culture of the Jewish people, especially when quoting \"The Wealth and Poverty of Nations\" by David Landes, an erudite Harvard professor.", "r": {"result": "Sukar untuk mempertikaikan budaya orang Yahudi yang berkuasa dan kaya, terutamanya apabila memetik \"The Wealth and Poverty of Nations\" oleh David Landes, seorang profesor Harvard yang terpelajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To his credit, Romney didn't let this slow him down.", "r": {"result": "Untuk kreditnya, Romney tidak membiarkan ini melambatkan dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He concluded the trip by traveling to Poland for a full embrace of Lech Walesa and the Polish people, a strong contrast to the cold shoulder Obama gave to Poland earlier in his presidency.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengakhiri perjalanan itu dengan mengembara ke Poland untuk pelukan penuh Lech Walesa dan rakyat Poland, berbeza dengan bahu dingin yang diberikan Obama kepada Poland sebelum menjadi presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2008, despite direct threats from Russia, Poland agreed to accept U.S. missile defense sites.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2008, walaupun ancaman langsung dari Rusia, Poland bersetuju untuk menerima tapak pertahanan peluru berpandu AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2009, Obama folded to Russian criticism and abandoned the missile system, in turn abandoning the Polish people.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2009, Obama menerima kritikan Rusia dan meninggalkan sistem peluru berpandu, seterusnya meninggalkan rakyat Poland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a not so subtle jab to the president, Romney declared in Poland, \"I believe it is critical to stand by those who have stood by America.", "r": {"result": "Dalam jelingan yang tidak begitu halus kepada presiden, Romney mengisytiharkan di Poland, \"Saya percaya adalah penting untuk berdiri bersama mereka yang telah menyokong Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Solidarity was a great movement that freed a nation.", "r": {"result": "Solidariti adalah gerakan besar yang membebaskan sebuah negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And it is with solidarity that America and Poland face the future\".", "r": {"result": "Dan dengan perpaduan bahawa Amerika dan Poland menghadapi masa depan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney's closeness to Walesa and the Polish freedom fighters is nothing short of Reaganesque.", "r": {"result": "Keakraban Romney dengan Walesa dan pejuang kemerdekaan Poland tidak kurang daripada Reaganesque.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a time when the president tries desperately to compare him to George W. Bush, Romney is making Obama look and feel more like Jimmy Carter.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa presiden cuba bermati-matian untuk membandingkannya dengan George W. Bush, Romney menjadikan Obama kelihatan dan berasa lebih seperti Jimmy Carter.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: When did the GOP become the whiners?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Bilakah GOP menjadi perengek?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To those who doubt Romney's political adroitness, examine his deep respect for Catholicism both in Poland and here in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Kepada mereka yang meragui kepandaian politik Romney, periksa rasa hormatnya yang mendalam terhadap agama Katolik di Poland dan di sini di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking of the Soviet Union, Romney added, \"The false gods of the all-powerful state claim the allegiance of a lonely few.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap tentang Kesatuan Soviet, Romney menambah, \"Dewa-dewa palsu negara yang berkuasa menuntut kesetiaan segelintir orang yang kesepian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is for us, in this generation and beyond, to show all the world what free people and free economies can achieve for the good of all\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah untuk kita, dalam generasi ini dan seterusnya, untuk menunjukkan kepada seluruh dunia apa yang boleh dicapai oleh orang bebas dan ekonomi bebas untuk kebaikan semua\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given that the controversial Department of Health and Human Services' contraception mandate, viewed by many Catholics as a direct threat to their religious conscience, went into effect August 1 for all employers, other than churches and houses of worship (religiously affiliated institutions such as Catholic hospitals and universities have a one-year exemption before they must comply), this statement is timely and bold.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan mandat kontraseptif Jabatan Kesihatan dan Perkhidmatan Manusia yang kontroversi, yang dilihat oleh ramai penganut Katolik sebagai ancaman langsung kepada hati nurani agama mereka, berkuat kuasa 1 Ogos untuk semua majikan, selain gereja dan rumah ibadat (institusi yang bergabung dengan agama seperti Katolik hospital dan universiti mempunyai pengecualian satu tahun sebelum mereka mesti mematuhi), kenyataan ini tepat pada masanya dan berani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Romney also embraced Pope John Paul II, a Polish and Catholic hero, one of the men most responsible for the fall of Communism.", "r": {"result": "Romney juga memeluk Pope John Paul II, seorang wira Poland dan Katolik, salah seorang lelaki yang paling bertanggungjawab untuk kejatuhan Komunisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And here, in 1979, a son of Poland, Pope John Paul II, spoke words that would bring down an empire and bring freedom to millions who lived in bondage.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDan di sini, pada tahun 1979, seorang anak lelaki Poland, Pope John Paul II, mengucapkan kata-kata yang akan menjatuhkan sebuah empayar dan membawa kebebasan kepada berjuta-juta orang yang hidup dalam perhambaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Be not afraid' -- those words changed the world,\" Romney said.", "r": {"result": "'Jangan takut' -- kata-kata itu mengubah dunia,\" kata Romney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The contrast could not be clearer -- \"Be not afraid\" or \"You didn't build that\" -- one man's vision of hope, resolution and encouragement versus condescension, apathy and inertness.", "r": {"result": "Perbezaannya tidak boleh lebih jelas -- \"Jangan takut\" atau \"Anda tidak membinanya\" -- visi seseorang lelaki tentang harapan, resolusi dan galakan berbanding merendahkan diri, sikap tidak peduli dan lengai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If this is the electoral choice Romney can frame for the nation, he will be one step closer to the White House.", "r": {"result": "Jika ini adalah pilihan pilihan raya yang boleh Romney rangka untuk negara, dia akan selangkah lebih dekat ke Rumah Putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of William J. Bennett.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat yang dinyatakan dalam ulasan ini adalah pendapat William J. Bennett semata-mata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Mark Zuckerberg believes that connectivity is a human right.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Mark Zuckerberg percaya bahawa ketersambungan adalah hak asasi manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or at least that's how he's framing his new project, Internet.org, a partnership with leading companies in the smartphone industry to bring Internet access to the developing world.", "r": {"result": "Atau sekurang-kurangnya begitulah cara dia merangka projek baharunya, Internet.org, perkongsian dengan syarikat terkemuka dalam industri telefon pintar untuk membawa akses Internet ke dunia membangun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You could be generous and call this enlightened self-interest, but more likely, Internet.org is a canny business move dressed up to sound like charity.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh bermurah hati dan memanggil kepentingan diri yang tercerahkan ini, tetapi lebih berkemungkinan, Internet.org ialah langkah perniagaan yang cerdik dan bergaya seperti amal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his overly earnest manifesto about the project, Zuckerberg declares, \"For almost ten years, Facebook has been on a mission to make the world more open and connected.", "r": {"result": "Dalam manifestonya yang terlalu bersungguh-sungguh mengenai projek itu, Zuckerberg mengisytiharkan, \"Selama hampir sepuluh tahun, Facebook telah menjalankan misi untuk menjadikan dunia lebih terbuka dan berhubung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For us, that means the entire world aEUR\" not just the richest, most developed countries.", "r": {"result": "Bagi kami, ini bermakna seluruh dunia aEUR\" bukan sahaja negara terkaya, paling maju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We've made good progress, and today we connect more than 1.15 billion people through Facebook each month.", "r": {"result": "Kami telah mencapai kemajuan yang baik, dan hari ini kami menghubungkan lebih daripada 1.15 bilion orang melalui Facebook setiap bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as we started thinking about connecting the next 5 billion people, we realized something important: the vast majority of people in the world don't have any access to the internet\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi semasa kami mula berfikir tentang menghubungkan 5 bilion orang seterusnya, kami menyedari sesuatu yang penting: sebahagian besar orang di dunia tidak mempunyai sebarang akses kepada internet\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other words, how do we help these people become our customers?", "r": {"result": "Dalam erti kata lain, bagaimana kita membantu orang ini menjadi pelanggan kita?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Companies that support Internet.org include Ericsson, Mediatek, Opera, Samsung, Nokia and Qualcomm.", "r": {"result": "Syarikat yang menyokong Internet.org termasuk Ericsson, Mediatek, Opera, Samsung, Nokia dan Qualcomm.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They make their money building smartphones or the systems and services that help them run.", "r": {"result": "Mereka membuat wang mereka membina telefon pintar atau sistem dan perkhidmatan yang membantu mereka berjalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Internet.org has a three-part plan for achieving its goal.", "r": {"result": "Internet.org mempunyai rancangan tiga bahagian untuk mencapai matlamatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "1. Develop cheaper means of access, specifically low-cost smartphones.", "r": {"result": "1. Bangunkan cara akses yang lebih murah, khususnya telefon pintar kos rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "2. Find data efficiencies that will allow services like Facebook to work with less bandwidth.", "r": {"result": "2. Cari kecekapan data yang akan membolehkan perkhidmatan seperti Facebook berfungsi dengan jalur lebar yang kurang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "3. Create business models that will incentivize companies of all types to provide cheaper, more plentiful Internet access in the targeted regions.", "r": {"result": "3. Cipta model perniagaan yang akan memberi insentif kepada semua jenis syarikat untuk menyediakan akses Internet yang lebih murah dan banyak di kawasan yang disasarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While this outline sounds refreshing, the fact is, Facebook and its partners have been pursuing them quite actively already.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun garis besar ini kedengaran menyegarkan, hakikatnya, Facebook dan rakan kongsinya telah mengejarnya dengan cukup aktif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Internet.org is simply benevolent branding on what these companies were hard at work doing.", "r": {"result": "Internet.org hanyalah penjenamaan yang baik tentang perkara yang telah dilakukan oleh syarikat-syarikat ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Samsung and Nokia, for example, have been pushing their way into developing markets with low-cost smartphones.", "r": {"result": "Samsung dan Nokia, sebagai contoh, telah berusaha keras untuk membangunkan pasaran dengan telefon pintar kos rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In terms of data efficiency, Facebook has developed two projects, Facebook Zero and Facebook on Every Phone, which allow the social network to run on feature phones with little bandwidth.", "r": {"result": "Dari segi kecekapan data, Facebook telah membangunkan dua projek, Facebook Zero dan Facebook on Every Phone, yang membolehkan rangkaian sosial berjalan pada telefon berciri dengan lebar jalur yang sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These apps have propelled Facebook's recent growth in Africa and Mexico.", "r": {"result": "Aplikasi ini telah mendorong pertumbuhan Facebook baru-baru ini di Afrika dan Mexico.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New business models have emerged in regions like the Philippines, Mexico and Egypt, where Facebook partnered with handset makers and mobile carriers to preload its services onto phones in exchange for incentivizing upgrades and more expensive data plans.", "r": {"result": "Model perniagaan baharu telah muncul di wilayah seperti Filipina, Mexico dan Mesir, di mana Facebook bekerjasama dengan pembuat telefon bimbit dan pembawa mudah alih untuk pramuat perkhidmatannya ke telefon sebagai pertukaran untuk meningkatkan insentif dan pelan data yang lebih mahal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will Zuckerberg's new initiative operate differently than these existing ventures?", "r": {"result": "Adakah inisiatif baharu Zuckerberg beroperasi secara berbeza daripada usaha niaga sedia ada ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The name certainly implies so.", "r": {"result": "Nama itu sudah tentu membayangkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The .org domain it uses in its name is one of the original top-level domains created specifically for nonprofits.", "r": {"result": "Domain .org yang digunakan dalam namanya ialah salah satu domain peringkat teratas asal yang dibuat khusus untuk organisasi bukan untung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, it is also used by academic institutions, open-source and community projects, and the philanthropic parts of for-profit corporations.", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, ia juga digunakan oleh institusi akademik, projek sumber terbuka dan komuniti, dan bahagian dermawan bagi syarikat untung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A number of articles mistakenly referred to Internet.org as a nonprofit.", "r": {"result": "Sebilangan artikel tersilap merujuk kepada Internet.org sebagai organisasi bukan untung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's easy to see how they were confused.", "r": {"result": "Sangat mudah untuk melihat bagaimana mereka keliru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the opening lines of his essay about the new project, Zuckerberg writes, \"It may not actually be proi!", "r": {"result": "Dalam baris pembukaan eseinya tentang projek baharu itu, Zuckerberg menulis, \"Ia mungkin sebenarnya tidak proi!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)The slaying of prominent Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov in the heart of Moscow has shocked Russia and the wider world.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Pembunuhan pengkritik Kremlin terkenal Boris Nemtsov di tengah-tengah Moscow telah mengejutkan Rusia dan dunia yang lebih luas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His murder, two days before a planned opposition march, has also outraged fellow opposition figures and prompted a slew of speculation over who could be behind it.", "r": {"result": "Pembunuhannya, dua hari sebelum perarakan pembangkang yang dirancang, juga telah menimbulkan kemarahan rakan-rakan pembangkang dan mencetuskan pelbagai spekulasi mengenai siapa yang boleh berada di belakangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some government critics pointed fingers in the direction of President Vladimir Putin or one of his supporters.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pengkritik kerajaan menuding jari ke arah Presiden Vladimir Putin atau salah seorang penyokongnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State media reported Nemtsov had received threats linked to his stance on the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris.", "r": {"result": "Media kerajaan melaporkan Nemtsov telah menerima ancaman yang dikaitkan dengan pendiriannya terhadap serangan Charlie Hebdo di Paris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kremlin suggested Nemtsov may have been killed by enemies of Russia intent on creating political discord.", "r": {"result": "Kremlin mencadangkan Nemtsov mungkin telah dibunuh oleh musuh-musuh Rusia yang berniat untuk mewujudkan perselisihan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The leader of Russia's Communist Party similarly blamed anti-Russian \"provocation,\" according to the official news agency Tass.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Parti Komunis Rusia juga menyalahkan \"provokasi\" anti-Rusia, menurut agensi berita rasmi Tass.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So who was Boris Nemtsov?", "r": {"result": "Jadi siapakah Boris Nemtsov?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And how did he make so many enemies?", "r": {"result": "Dan bagaimana dia membuat begitu banyak musuh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov, 55, was a top official with the Republican Party of Russia/Party of People's Freedom, a liberal opposition group.", "r": {"result": "Nemtsov, 55, adalah pegawai tertinggi dengan Parti Republikan Rusia/Parti Kebebasan Rakyat, sebuah kumpulan pembangkang liberal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had been arrested several times for speaking against Putin's government.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah ditangkap beberapa kali kerana bercakap menentang kerajaan Putin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The most recent arrests were in 2011 when he protested the results of parliamentary elections and in 2012 when tens of thousands protested against Putin.", "r": {"result": "Penangkapan terbaharu adalah pada 2011 apabila beliau membantah keputusan pilihan raya parlimen dan pada 2012 apabila berpuluh-puluh ribu membantah Putin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had most recently been critical of the Kremlin's handling of the Ukraine crisis.", "r": {"result": "Beliau baru-baru ini mengkritik cara Kremlin menangani krisis Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opposition leader Ilya Yashin said his friend had been working on a report about Russian troops and their involvement in Ukraine.", "r": {"result": "Ketua pembangkang Ilya Yashin berkata rakannya telah membuat laporan mengenai tentera Rusia dan penglibatan mereka di Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a blog entry, published on the website of radio station Echo of Moscow, Nemtsov wrote last weekend that the Kremlin now accused him of being behind the protests in Kiev's Maidan, or Independence Square, which led to the ouster of Ukraine's pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanokovych.", "r": {"result": "Dalam entri blog, yang diterbitkan di laman web stesen radio Echo of Moscow, Nemtsov menulis hujung minggu lalu bahawa Kremlin kini menuduhnya berada di belakang protes di Maidan Kiev, atau Dataran Kemerdekaan, yang membawa kepada penyingkiran Presiden pro-Moscow Ukraine. Viktor Yanokovych.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He posted a picture from an \"anti-Maidan\" protest held in Moscow which showed a marcher holding a sign with his face under the words \"Maidan organizer\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menyiarkan gambar dari protes \"anti-Maidan\" yang diadakan di Moscow yang menunjukkan perarakan memegang papan tanda dengan mukanya di bawah perkataan \"penganjur Maidan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Kremlin has changed its concept,\" Nemtsov wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Kremlin telah mengubah konsepnya,\" tulis Nemtsov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It used to say it's the State Department who organized the Maidan, and now they say it's me\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dulu kata Jabatan Negara yang menganjurkan Maidan, dan sekarang mereka kata saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a hard-hitting interview conducted only hours before his death with Newsweek magazine, Nemtsov said Russia was \"drowning\" under Putin's leadership and was swiftly becoming a fascist state.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual keras yang dijalankan hanya beberapa jam sebelum kematiannya dengan majalah Newsweek, Nemtsov berkata Rusia \"tenggelam\" di bawah kepimpinan Putin dan dengan pantas menjadi negara fasis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Due to the policy of Vladimir Putin, a country with unparalleled potential is sinking, an economy which accumulated untold currency reserves is collapsing,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Disebabkan dasar Vladimir Putin, sebuah negara yang mempunyai potensi yang tidak dapat ditandingi semakin tenggelam, ekonomi yang terkumpul rizab mata wang yang tidak terhitung semakin merudum,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This government wades into a costly, fratricidal war in Ukraine and into pointless confrontation with the West.", "r": {"result": "\"Kerajaan ini mengharungi perang saudara yang mahal di Ukraine dan ke dalam konfrontasi sia-sia dengan Barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We all feel the effects of this insane policy\".", "r": {"result": "Kita semua merasai kesan dasar gila ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov accused Putin of using \"Goebbels-style propaganda\" -- a reference to Nazi Germany's propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels -- to brainwash his fellow countrymen.", "r": {"result": "Nemtsov menuduh Putin menggunakan \"propaganda ala Goebbels\" -- merujuk kepada menteri propaganda Nazi Jerman Joseph Goebbels -- untuk mencuci otak rakan senegaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One element of this was to implant them \"with a virus of inferiority complex towards the West, the belief that the only thing we can do to amaze the world is use force, violence and aggression,\" Nemtsov said.", "r": {"result": "Satu elemen daripada ini adalah untuk menanam mereka \"dengan virus kompleks rendah diri terhadap Barat, kepercayaan bahawa satu-satunya perkara yang boleh kita lakukan untuk memukau dunia ialah menggunakan kekerasan, keganasan dan pencerobohan,\" kata Nemtsov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin has condemned Nemtsov's murder and ordered a swift investigation.", "r": {"result": "Putin telah mengutuk pembunuhan Nemtsov dan mengarahkan siasatan segera dijalankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Kremlin has denied direct involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.", "r": {"result": "Kremlin telah menafikan penglibatan langsung dalam konflik di timur Ukraine.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov was also known for -- and may have made enemies from -- his anti-corruption stance.", "r": {"result": "Nemtsov juga dikenali kerana -- dan mungkin telah membuat musuh daripada -- pendirian anti-rasuahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Early in his career, Nemtsov won praise for his efforts as governor of Nizhniy Novgorod, a large city and major economic hub.", "r": {"result": "Pada awal kerjayanya, Nemtsov mendapat pujian atas usahanya sebagai gabenor Nizhniy Novgorod, sebuah bandar besar dan hab ekonomi utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov was also a vocal critic of the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi, calling them one of the most \"outrageous swindles\" in recent Russian history.", "r": {"result": "Nemtsov juga merupakan pengkritik lantang Sukan Olimpik Musim Sejuk 2014 yang diadakan di Sochi, menggelarnya sebagai salah satu \"penipuan yang keterlaluan\" dalam sejarah Rusia baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a 2013 report, he questioned where $20 billion to $30 billion had gone, saying preparations for the Games had been characterized by \"embezzlement\" and \"unprecedented corruption\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam laporan 2013, beliau mempersoalkan ke mana hilangnya $20 bilion hingga $30 bilion, berkata persiapan untuk Sukan itu dicirikan oleh \"penggelapan\" dan \"rasuah yang tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a restaurant interview with CNN's Anthony Bourdain last year, Nemtsov lamented the situation for business owners.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual restoran dengan Anthony Bourdain dari CNN tahun lalu, Nemtsov mengeluh keadaan pemilik perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a country of corruption.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni negara rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if you have business, you are in a very unsafe situation.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika anda mempunyai perniagaan, anda berada dalam keadaan yang sangat tidak selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everybody can press you and destroy your business.", "r": {"result": "Semua orang boleh menekan anda dan memusnahkan perniagaan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's it,\" Nemtsov said.", "r": {"result": "Itu sahaja,\" kata Nemtsov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the same interview, he did offer a hint of optimism.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual yang sama, dia menawarkan sedikit keyakinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is my country.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni negara saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Russian people are in bit of trouble.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Rusia berada dalam sedikit masalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russian court doesn't work.", "r": {"result": "Mahkamah Rusia tidak berfungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Russian education decline every year.", "r": {"result": "Pendidikan Rusia merosot setiap tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I believe that Russia has a chance to be free.", "r": {"result": "Saya percaya bahawa Rusia mempunyai peluang untuk bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Has a chance.", "r": {"result": "Ada peluang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's difficult, but we must do it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Ia sukar, tetapi kita mesti melakukannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement after his death, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Nemtsov had always worked toward a more democratic and prosperous Russia.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan selepas kematiannya, Setiausaha Negara AS John Kerry berkata Nemtsov sentiasa berusaha ke arah Rusia yang lebih demokratik dan makmur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In every post, he sought to reform and open Russia, and to empower the Russian people to have a greater say in the life of their country,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDalam setiap jawatan, beliau berusaha untuk melakukan pembaharuan dan membuka Rusia, dan memperkasakan rakyat Rusia untuk mempunyai suara yang lebih besar dalam kehidupan negara mereka,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Years before he became a key opposition leader, Nemtsov served as deputy Prime Minister under former President Boris Yeltsin, the first post-Soviet President.", "r": {"result": "Bertahun-tahun sebelum beliau menjadi pemimpin utama pembangkang, Nemtsov berkhidmat sebagai timbalan Perdana Menteri di bawah bekas Presiden Boris Yeltsin, Presiden pertama pasca-Soviet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back in the 1990s, he was a high-flier bound for greater things.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1990-an, dia adalah seorang yang sangat bersemangat untuk melakukan perkara yang lebih besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he lost out in the struggle to succeed Yeltsin and had been marginalized since Putin was elected, said Peter Baker, author of \"Kremlin Rising\" and a New York Times reporter.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia tewas dalam perjuangan untuk menggantikan Yeltsin dan telah dipinggirkan sejak Putin dipilih, kata Peter Baker, pengarang \"Kremlin Rising\" dan wartawan New York Times.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was a person who had been fierce in his criticism of Putin.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBeliau adalah seorang yang keras dalam mengkritik Putin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He'd clearly gotten under Putin's skin on a number of occasions.", "r": {"result": "Dia jelas terperangkap di bawah kulit Putin beberapa kali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A number of people had become his enemies,\" Baker said.", "r": {"result": "Sebilangan orang telah menjadi musuhnya,\" kata Baker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Baker said Nemtsov tried to work with Putin's regime at first but soon switched to the opposition.", "r": {"result": "Baker berkata Nemtsov cuba bekerjasama dengan rejim Putin pada mulanya tetapi tidak lama kemudian beralih kepada pembangkang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"History will remember him as someone who took chances, who risked his life literally to speak out in a country where speaking out is not encouraged, to say the least,\" Baker said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sejarah akan mengingatinya sebagai seorang yang mengambil peluang, yang mempertaruhkan nyawanya secara literal untuk bersuara di negara yang tidak digalakkan untuk bersuara, sekurang-kurangnya,\" kata Baker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Nemtsov killing: A chilling historical parallel?", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Pembunuhan Nemtsov: Persamaan sejarah yang menyeramkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov was a man who impressed many who met him with his energy and passion for his homeland.", "r": {"result": "Nemtsov adalah seorang lelaki yang mengagumkan ramai yang bertemu dengannya dengan tenaga dan semangat untuk tanah airnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sir Andrew Wood, a former UK ambassador to Russia, told CNN that Nemtsov, whom he knew personally in the 1990s, was a \"genuine Russian patriot\" who opposed what the Kremlin had come to stand for.", "r": {"result": "Sir Andrew Wood, bekas duta UK ke Rusia, memberitahu CNN bahawa Nemtsov, yang dikenalinya secara peribadi pada 1990-an, adalah \"patriot Rusia tulen\" yang menentang apa yang diperjuangkan oleh Kremlin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was enthusiastic, he was engaging, I think he was always true to his beliefs, he didn't take himself over-seriously, but he did his best to promote liberal reform then, and he had been before a very successful mayor of one of the central towns, Nizhniy Novgorod\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia bersemangat, dia terlibat, saya fikir dia sentiasa berpegang pada kepercayaannya, dia tidak menganggap dirinya terlalu serius, tetapi dia melakukan yang terbaik untuk mempromosikan pembaharuan liberal ketika itu, dan dia pernah menjadi Datuk Bandar yang sangat berjaya. salah satu bandar tengah, Nizhniy Novgorod\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul paid tribute to Nemtsov \"as a real patriot, who believed in the possibility of Russia's greatness\" and said he wept for both Nemtsov's family and the country he loved.", "r": {"result": "Bekas Duta Besar A.S. Michael McFaul memberi penghormatan kepada Nemtsov \"sebagai patriot sebenar, yang percaya pada kemungkinan kehebatan Rusia\" dan berkata dia menangis untuk kedua-dua keluarga Nemtsov dan negara yang dia cintai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Politics aside, he was always a loyal, loving friend of mine for 20 years.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKetepikan politik, dia sentiasa setia dan menyayangi kawan saya selama 20 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We all will miss him dearly,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Kami semua akan sangat merinduinya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin, in a telegram to Nemtsov's mother Dina Eydman, also paid tribute to Nemtsov's integrity.", "r": {"result": "Putin, dalam telegram kepada ibu Nemtsov Dina Eydman, juga memberi penghormatan kepada integriti Nemtsov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Boris Nemtsov, left his mark on the history of Russia, in politics and public life.", "r": {"result": "\"Boris Nemtsov, meninggalkan jejaknya pada sejarah Rusia, dalam politik dan kehidupan awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He worked on important positions in the difficult transition period for our country.", "r": {"result": "Beliau bekerja pada jawatan penting dalam tempoh peralihan yang sukar untuk negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He always openly and honestly stated his position, defended his point of view,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Beliau sentiasa secara terbuka dan jujur menyatakan pendiriannya, mempertahankan pandangannya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Putin vowed that her son's killers would be \"properly punished\".", "r": {"result": "Putin berikrar bahawa pembunuh anaknya akan \"dihukum dengan sewajarnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov's death has shocked Russia, but it may not have come as a total surprise.", "r": {"result": "Kematian Nemtsov telah mengejutkan Rusia, tetapi ia mungkin tidak mengejutkan sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov acknowledged in an interview with Russian newspaper Sobesednik this month that he was \"a little bit\" afraid that his mother's fear -- that Putin would have him killed -- would come true.", "r": {"result": "Nemtsov mengakui dalam temu bual dengan akhbar Rusia Sobesednik bulan ini bahawa dia \"sedikit\" takut bahawa ketakutan ibunya - bahawa Putin akan membunuhnya - akan menjadi kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, he added, \"I'm not afraid of him that much.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, dia menambah, \"Saya tidak begitu takut kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If I was afraid I wouldn't be heading an opposition party and do what I'm doing\".", "r": {"result": "Jika saya takut saya tidak akan mengetuai parti pembangkang dan melakukan apa yang saya lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nemtsov's lawyer Vadim Prokhorov told Russian media that Nemtsov's life had been threatened on social media in recent weeks.", "r": {"result": "Peguam Nemtsov, Vadim Prokhorov memberitahu media Rusia bahawa nyawa Nemtsov telah terancam di media sosial dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he didn't walk around with bodyguards, noted Julia Ioffe, a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine who has covered Russian politics extensively.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia tidak berjalan-jalan dengan pengawal peribadi, kata Julia Ioffe, seorang penulis penyumbang kepada The New York Times Magazine yang telah membuat liputan politik Rusia secara meluas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was a very overt message of bravery,\" Ioffe told CNN's \"AC360.\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah mesej keberanian yang sangat terang-terangan,\" kata Ioffe kepada CNN \"AC360.\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What we've seen in return is a very overt message of fear.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang kami lihat sebagai balasan adalah mesej ketakutan yang sangat jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People in the opposition will not believe anything that comes out of the Kremlin in terms of who did this.", "r": {"result": "Orang dalam pembangkang tidak akan percaya apa-apa yang keluar dari Kremlin dari segi siapa yang melakukan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They perceive this as a message directly sent to them.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menganggap ini sebagai mesej yang dihantar terus kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you see Boris Nemtsov's body lying with the Kremlin as a backdrop, they understand that's a message directed to them\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda melihat mayat Boris Nemtsov berbaring dengan Kremlin sebagai latar belakang, mereka faham bahawa itu adalah mesej yang ditujukan kepada mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his final Newsweek interview, Nemtsov spoke of the need for \"an alternative vision, a different idea of Russia.", "r": {"result": "Dalam wawancara Newsweek terakhirnya, Nemtsov bercakap tentang keperluan untuk \"visi alternatif, idea yang berbeza tentang Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our idea is the one of a democratic and open Russia.", "r": {"result": "Idea kami adalah idea Rusia yang demokratik dan terbuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A country which is not applying bandit methods to its own citizens and neighbors\".", "r": {"result": "Sebuah negara yang tidak menggunakan kaedah penyamun kepada rakyat dan jirannya sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crowds mourn Boris Nemtsov.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai meratapi Boris Nemtsov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Alla Eshchenko, Frederik Pleitgen, Steve Almasy and Brian Walker contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Alla Eshchenko dari CNN, Frederik Pleitgen, Steve Almasy dan Brian Walker menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross will wait until an NFL investigator meets with Jonathan Martin before holding his own meeting, the team said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pemilik Miami Dolphins Stephen Ross akan menunggu sehingga penyiasat NFL bertemu dengan Jonathan Martin sebelum mengadakan pertemuannya sendiri, kata pasukan itu pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ross had announced on Monday that he would fly to an undisclosed location on Wednesday to talk to the offensive lineman about why he left the NFL team last month.", "r": {"result": "Ross telah mengumumkan pada hari Isnin bahawa dia akan terbang ke lokasi yang tidak didedahkan pada hari Rabu untuk bercakap dengan penjaga garisan yang menyerang tentang sebab dia meninggalkan pasukan NFL bulan lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin's sudden departure two weeks ago ignited a controversy over locker room hazing, perceived bullying and racial slurs among professional football players.", "r": {"result": "Pemergian mengejut Martin dua minggu lalu mencetuskan kontroversi berhubung hazing bilik persalinan, persepsi buli dan penghinaan perkauman dalam kalangan pemain bola sepak profesional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to get to the bottom of it,\" Ross told reporters in Miami on Monday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mahu sampai ke bahagian bawahnya,\" kata Ross kepada pemberita di Miami pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to get to hear what the real facts are.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mahu mendengar apa fakta sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's been so much said and done to date that I don't think anybody really knows what has happened, because nobody has really spoken with Jonathan Martin directly\".", "r": {"result": "Terdapat begitu banyak yang diperkatakan dan dilakukan sehingga kini sehingga saya tidak fikir sesiapa yang benar-benar tahu apa yang telah berlaku, kerana tiada siapa yang benar-benar bercakap dengan Jonathan Martin secara langsung\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The league and Ted Wells, who was appointed to investigate the controversy, asked Ross and Dolphins' President Tom Garfinkel to wait \"until they have the opportunity to meet with him,\" Garfinkel said in a statement to CNN on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Liga dan Ted Wells, yang dilantik untuk menyiasat kontroversi itu, meminta Ross dan Presiden Dolphins Tom Garfinkel untuk menunggu \"sehingga mereka mempunyai peluang untuk bertemu dengannya,\" kata Garfinkel dalam satu kenyataan kepada CNN pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Out of deference to the process, we will cooperate with their request,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSebagai menghormati proses itu, kami akan bekerjasama dengan permintaan mereka,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We look forward to meeting with Jonathan as soon as possible\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berharap dapat bertemu dengan Jonathan secepat mungkin\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin, 24, left the Dolphins last month because of \"harassment that went far beyond the traditional locker room hazing,\" his lawyer said.", "r": {"result": "Martin, 24, meninggalkan Dolphins bulan lalu kerana \"gangguan yang melampaui hazing bilik persalinan tradisional,\" kata peguamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Days later, the team suspended veteran lineman Richie Incognito, 30, for conduct detrimental to the team.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa hari kemudian, pasukan itu menggantung pemain garisan veteran Richie Incognito, 30, kerana kelakuan yang memudaratkan pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Incognito said in an interview over the weekend that his vulgar text messages and voice mail to Martin were misunderstood because \"people don't know how Jon and I communicate to one another\".", "r": {"result": "Inkognito berkata dalam temu bual pada hujung minggu bahawa mesej teks kasar dan mel suaranya kepada Martin telah disalahfahamkan kerana \"orang ramai tidak tahu bagaimana Jon dan saya berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The world has changed, with social media and everything today, but one thing that will not change, there will be no racial slurs or harassing or bullying in that workplace, in that locker room and outside the locker room,\" Ross said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dunia telah berubah, dengan media sosial dan segala-galanya hari ini, tetapi satu perkara yang tidak akan berubah, tidak akan ada penghinaan kaum atau gangguan atau buli di tempat kerja itu, di bilik persalinan itu dan di luar bilik persalinan,\" kata Ross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ross, a real estate developer, has exchanged his own text messages with Martin in recent days, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ross, seorang pemaju hartanah, telah bertukar-tukar mesej teksnya sendiri dengan Martin dalam beberapa hari kebelakangan ini, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would like to hear from him, what had happened, why he felt that way, the whole origin, what we did or what we could have done to really prevent something like this from happening,\" Ross said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya ingin mendengar daripadanya, apa yang telah berlaku, mengapa dia berasa begitu, keseluruhan asal usul, apa yang kami lakukan atau apa yang boleh kami lakukan untuk benar-benar menghalang perkara seperti ini daripada berlaku,\" kata Ross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to hear the facts,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mahu mendengar fakta,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"From the facts, I can then say 'Hey, were we right?", "r": {"result": "\"Daripada fakta, saya kemudian boleh berkata 'Hei, adakah kami betul?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Were we wrong?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kita salah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' and what have you.", "r": {"result": "' dan apa yang anda ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can't just deal with speculation, and I will not deal with speculation\".", "r": {"result": "Anda tidak boleh hanya berurusan dengan spekulasi, dan saya tidak akan berurusan dengan spekulasi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Incognito acknowledged in an interview aired on \"Fox NFL Sunday\" that he used racist and vulgar language in voice mails and text messages to Martin but said it was \"coming from a place of love\".", "r": {"result": "Inkognito mengakui dalam temu bual yang disiarkan di \"Fox NFL Sunday\" bahawa dia menggunakan bahasa perkauman dan kesat dalam mel suara dan mesej teks kepada Martin tetapi berkata ia \"datang dari tempat cinta\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate,\" he told Fox Sports reporter Jay Glazer.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTidak kira seburuk mana pun dan selusar mana pun bunyinya, itulah cara kami berkomunikasi,\u201d katanya kepada wartawan Fox Sports Jay Glazer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's how our friendship was\".", "r": {"result": "\"Begitulah persahabatan kita\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"For instance, a week before this went down, Jonathan Martin text me on my phone 'I will murder your whole F-ing family,'\" Incognito told Glazer.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai contoh, seminggu sebelum ini berlaku, Jonathan Martin menghantar mesej kepada saya melalui telefon saya 'Saya akan membunuh seluruh keluarga F-ing awak,'\" kata Inkognito kepada Glazer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now, do I think Jonathan Martin was going to murder my family?", "r": {"result": "\"Sekarang, adakah saya fikir Jonathan Martin akan membunuh keluarga saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not one bit\".", "r": {"result": "Tidak sedikit pun\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Martin has not spoken publicly since the controversy erupted, his attorney David Cornwell broke the silence on his behalf with a prepared statement last week.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Martin tidak bercakap secara terbuka sejak kontroversi itu tercetus, peguamnya David Cornwell memecah kesunyian bagi pihaknya dengan kenyataan yang disediakan minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin tried \"to befriend ... teammates who subjected him to the abuse with the hope that doing so would end the harassment\" -- something Cornwell called \"a textbook reaction of victims of bullying\".", "r": {"result": "Martin cuba \"berkawan ... rakan sepasukan yang menyebabkan dia didera dengan harapan bahawa berbuat demikian akan menamatkan gangguan\" -- sesuatu yang dipanggil Cornwell sebagai \"tindak balas buku teks mangsa buli\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The taunting did not stop, however, the lawyer said.", "r": {"result": "Ejekan itu tidak berhenti, bagaimanapun, kata peguam itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He cited \"a malicious physical attack on him by a teammate and daily vulgar comments,\" and a threat of a group sexual assault against Martin's sister.", "r": {"result": "Dia memetik \"serangan fizikal berniat jahat terhadapnya oleh rakan sepasukan dan komen kesat setiap hari,\" dan ancaman serangan seksual kumpulan terhadap kakak Martin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Eventually, Jonathan made a difficult choice,\" Cornwell said of Martin leaving the Dolphins.", "r": {"result": "\"Akhirnya, Jonathan membuat pilihan yang sukar,\" kata Cornwell mengenai Martin meninggalkan Dolphins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"... Jonathan looks forward to getting back to playing football.", "r": {"result": "\u201c... Jonathan tidak sabar untuk kembali bermain bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the meantime, he will cooperate fully with the NFL investigation\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, dia akan bekerjasama sepenuhnya dengan penyiasatan NFL\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ross said he called for the independent investigation by the NFL because he knew the objectivity of a team investigation could be questioned.", "r": {"result": "Ross berkata dia menggesa penyiasatan bebas oleh NFL kerana dia tahu objektiviti penyiasatan pasukan boleh dipersoalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We need to look at ourselves,\" Ross said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita perlu melihat diri kita sendiri,\" kata Ross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to examine everything internally.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKita perlu meneliti segala-galanya secara dalaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I know that this is so appalling to me\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu bahawa ini sangat mengerikan kepada saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Ross also said he wanted to avoid overreacting.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Ross juga berkata dia mahu mengelakkan tindak balas yang berlebihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He formed a committee to help guide the changes, including former Dolphin coach Don Shula and quarterback Dan Marino.", "r": {"result": "Dia membentuk jawatankuasa untuk membantu membimbing perubahan, termasuk bekas jurulatih Dolphin Don Shula dan quarterback Dan Marino.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We all know that the football locker room is a different workplace than most of us are accustomed to,\" Ross said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita semua tahu bahawa bilik persalinan bola sepak adalah tempat kerja yang berbeza daripada kebanyakan kita biasa,\" kata Ross.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Basically, I don't want to make any excuses.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSecara asasnya, saya tidak mahu membuat sebarang alasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to know that our workplace going onward will be the best workplace that you can find in the NFL\".", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin tahu bahawa tempat kerja kami akan menjadi tempat kerja terbaik yang boleh anda temui di NFL\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ross said he had \"total confidence\" in head coach Joe Philbin.", "r": {"result": "Ross berkata dia mempunyai \"keyakinan penuh\" terhadap ketua jurulatih Joe Philbin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The only issue that Incognito \"sidestepped and wouldn't answer\" in his Fox Sports interview concerned the allegation that Miami coaches had ordered a \"code red\" instructing the veteran to \"toughen up\" the younger Martin, Glazer said.", "r": {"result": "Satu-satunya isu yang Inkognito \"tepis dan tidak akan jawab\" dalam wawancara Fox Sportsnya ialah dakwaan bahawa jurulatih Miami telah mengarahkan \"kod merah\" yang mengarahkan veteran itu untuk \"menguatkan\" Martin yang lebih muda, kata Glazer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Incognito said \"legal issues\" prevented him from answering.", "r": {"result": "Inkognito berkata \"isu undang-undang\" menghalangnya daripada menjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The face of bullying in America\".", "r": {"result": "\"Wajah buli di Amerika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Right, wrong or indifferent, because of all this, you've become the face of bullying in America,\" Glazer told Incognito.", "r": {"result": "\"Betul, salah atau acuh tak acuh, kerana semua ini, anda telah menjadi wajah buli di Amerika,\" kata Glazer kepada Incognito.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Someone thinks of a bully, they think of Richie Incognito\".", "r": {"result": "\"Seseorang memikirkan pembuli, mereka memikirkan Richie Incognito\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This isn't an issue about bullying,\" Incognito said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini bukan isu tentang buli,\" kata Inkognito.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is an issue of my and Jon's relationship, where I've taken stuff too far, and I didn't know it was hurting him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah isu hubungan saya dan Jon, di mana saya telah mengambil perkara terlalu jauh, dan saya tidak tahu ia menyakitinya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A profanity-filled voice mail from Incognito to Martin that has been made public was intended to shock him so \"his buddy\" would call him back, he said.", "r": {"result": "Mel suara penuh kata-kata kotor daripada Inkognito kepada Martin yang telah didedahkan kepada umum bertujuan untuk mengejutkannya supaya \"kawannya\" akan menghubunginya semula, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I understand why a lot of eyebrows get raised,\" Incognito said, \"when people don't know how Jon and I communicate to one another\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya faham mengapa banyak kening terangkat,\" kata Inkognito, \"apabila orang tidak tahu cara Jon dan saya berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Incognito: \"I'm not a racist\".", "r": {"result": "Inkognito: \"Saya bukan seorang perkauman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When it's on the screen it sounds like I'm a racist pig, it sounds like I'm a meathead,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApabila ia berada di skrin, ia berbunyi seperti saya babi perkauman, ia bunyi seperti saya kepala daging,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It sounds like a lot of things it is not.", "r": {"result": "\"Bunyinya seperti banyak perkara yang tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I wanted to clear the air just being saying that I'm a good person\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya mahu membersihkan udara hanya dengan mengatakan bahawa saya seorang yang baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He acknowledged using the n-word in his communications with Martin, who is African-American.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengakui menggunakan perkataan-n dalam komunikasinya dengan Martin, yang berbangsa Afrika-Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm not a racist and to judge me by that one word is wrong,\" Incognito said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bukan seorang perkauman dan menilai saya dengan satu perkataan itu adalah salah,\" kata Incognito.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It, in no way, shape or form, is ever acceptable for me to use that word, even if it's friend to friend in a voice mail\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia, sama sekali, bentuk atau bentuk, tidak pernah diterima untuk saya menggunakan perkataan itu, walaupun ia rakan kepada rakan dalam mel suara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said \"it was a joke\".", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata \"ia adalah gurauan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The word is \"thrown around a lot\" in NFL locker rooms and it's \"a word that I've heard Jon use a lot,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Perkataan itu \"banyak dilemparkan\" di bilik persalinan NFL dan ia adalah \"perkataan yang sering saya dengar Jon gunakan, \" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a lot of colorful words thrown around in the locker room that we don't use in everyday life\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat banyak perkataan berwarna-warni yang dilemparkan di dalam bilik persalinan yang tidak kita gunakan dalam kehidupan seharian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Martin was his \"best friend\" on the team, Incognito said.", "r": {"result": "Martin ialah \"kawan baiknya\" dalam pasukan itu, kata Incognito.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can ask anybody in the Miami Dolphins' locker room, who had Jon Martin's back the absolute most, and they'll undoubtedly tell you me,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh bertanya kepada sesiapa sahaja di bilik persalinan Miami Dolphins, yang paling banyak menyokong Jon Martin, dan mereka pasti akan memberitahu anda kepada saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Incognito said he was \"miffed\" by \"how I missed this and I never saw it coming\".", "r": {"result": "Inkognito berkata dia \"terkejut\" dengan \"bagaimana saya terlepas ini dan saya tidak pernah melihatnya datang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Glazer asked Incognito what he would say to his former teammate today if he were in the room.", "r": {"result": "Glazer bertanya kepada Inkognito apa yang akan dia katakan kepada bekas rakan sepasukannya hari ini jika dia berada di dalam bilik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think I would give him a big hug right now, because we've been through so much and I'd be like 'Dude, what's going on?", "r": {"result": "\"Saya rasa saya akan memeluknya dengan erat sekarang, kerana kami telah melalui begitu banyak dan saya akan berkata 'Kawan, apa yang berlaku?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Why didn't you come to me?", "r": {"result": "Kenapa awak tidak datang kepada saya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'\" he said.", "r": {"result": "'\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If he were to say 'listen, you took it way too far, you hurt me.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika dia berkata 'dengar, anda mengambilnya terlalu jauh, anda menyakiti saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' You know, I would just apologize and explain to him exactly what I explained to you.", "r": {"result": "' Awak tahu, saya cuma minta maaf dan terangkan kepadanya apa yang saya jelaskan kepada awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I would apologize to his family that they took it as malicious.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya akan meminta maaf kepada keluarganya bahawa mereka menganggapnya sebagai berniat jahat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I never meant it that way\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya tidak pernah bermaksud begitu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Dan Moriarty contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Dan Moriarty dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Kevin James trained for 14 months to play a biology teacher who moonlights as a mixed martial arts fighter to raise money for his school in \"Here Comes the Boom\".", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kevin James berlatih selama 14 bulan untuk memainkan watak seorang guru biologi yang menjadi pejuang seni mempertahankan diri campuran untuk mengumpul wang untuk sekolahnya dalam \"Here Comes the Boom\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James said training included working out three times a day, drinking greens, running and sparring.", "r": {"result": "James berkata latihan termasuk bersenam tiga kali sehari, minum sayur-sayuran, berlari dan sparring.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet, he was moving pretty slowly when he dropped by CNN last week.", "r": {"result": "Namun, dia bergerak agak perlahan apabila dia singgah di CNN minggu lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I threw my back out ... getting into a town car.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mencampakkan punggung saya... masuk ke dalam kereta bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That'll show you the kind of shape I'm in now.", "r": {"result": "Itu akan menunjukkan kepada anda bentuk yang saya ada sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How far I've let myself go,\" the self-deprecating comic said.", "r": {"result": "Sejauh mana saya telah membiarkan diri saya pergi,\" kata komik yang mencela diri sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James co-wrote and co-produced the action comedy, which hits theaters on Friday.", "r": {"result": "James menulis dan menerbitkan bersama komedi aksi itu, yang ditayangkan di pawagam pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's already garnering positive feedback.", "r": {"result": "Ia sudah mendapat maklum balas positif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among his favorite early viewer reactions: \"God forgive me, I think I honestly liked this Kevin James movie\".", "r": {"result": "Antara reaksi penonton awal kegemarannya: \"Tuhan maafkan saya, saya rasa saya sejujurnya menyukai filem Kevin James ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some people have the idea that \"Here Comes the Boom\" is \"just going to be Paul Blart falling around a ring, being the fat guy, tripping over his own feet,\" James said.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah orang mempunyai idea bahawa \"Here Comes the Boom\" adalah \"hanya akan menjadi Paul Blart yang jatuh di sekeliling cincin, menjadi lelaki gemuk, tersandung di atas kakinya sendiri,\" kata James.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But the UFC gave us their blessing to make this movie.", "r": {"result": "\u201cTetapi UFC memberikan kami restu mereka untuk membuat filem ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... I had to promise them I'm going to make this thing as realistic as possible and it's going to be something that they haven't seen in me before\".", "r": {"result": "... Saya terpaksa berjanji kepada mereka bahawa saya akan menjadikan perkara ini serealistik mungkin dan ia akan menjadi sesuatu yang mereka tidak pernah lihat dalam diri saya sebelum ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As several MMA sites have reported, this is the first film that's actually been allowed to use the UFC brand name.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dilaporkan beberapa tapak MMA, ini adalah filem pertama yang benar-benar dibenarkan menggunakan nama jenama UFC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So far it seems MMA fans like the way the sport is represented.", "r": {"result": "Setakat ini nampaknya peminat MMA menyukai cara sukan ini diwakili.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fight Network's Sarah Davis wrote, \"I can appreciate all the cameos made by UFC personalities and fighters, whether they play themselves or not and there are a lot of fight scenes with superman punches, Kimura locks and body shots\".", "r": {"result": "Sarah Davis dari Fight Network menulis, \"Saya boleh menghargai semua penampilan hebat yang dibuat oleh personaliti dan pejuang UFC, sama ada mereka bermain sendiri atau tidak dan terdapat banyak adegan pergaduhan dengan tumbukan superman, kunci Kimura dan pukulan badan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since \"The King of Queens,\" James has made a name for himself in the PG arena, headlining family films like \"Paul Blart: Mall Cop\" and \"Zookeeper\".", "r": {"result": "Sejak \"The King of Queens,\" James telah mencipta nama di arena PG, mengetengahkan filem keluarga seperti \"Paul Blart: Mall Cop\" dan \"Zookeeper\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then there are his PG-13 endeavors, which include ensemble comedies like \"Hitch,\" \"I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry\" and \"Grown Ups\".", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian terdapat usaha PG-13 beliau, yang termasuk komedi ensemble seperti \"Hitch,\" \"I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry\" dan \"Grown Ups\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite some critical reviews, James' flicks have consistently performed well at the box office.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun terdapat beberapa ulasan kritikal, filem James secara konsisten menunjukkan prestasi yang baik di box office.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Entertainment Weekly reported after \"Zookeeper's\" 2011 release, 41% of moviegoers listed \"actor in a leading role\" as their reason for seeing the flick about talking animals.", "r": {"result": "Seperti yang dilaporkan Entertainment Weekly selepas tayangan \"Zookeeper's\" 2011, 41% penonton filem menyenaraikan \"pelakon dalam peranan utama\" sebagai alasan mereka melihat filem tentang haiwan bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James said he doesn't feel the need to defend his recent films, and he won't apologize for playing \"the goofy guy falling down\".", "r": {"result": "James berkata dia tidak merasakan keperluan untuk mempertahankan filem terbarunya, dan dia tidak akan meminta maaf kerana memainkan \"lelaki bodoh jatuh ke bawah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love doing it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka melakukannya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It cracks me up sometimes what people will say about 'Paul Blart,' \" the 2009 flick he co-wrote and starred in as a Segway-riding security guard at a New Jersey mall.", "r": {"result": "\"Kadang-kadang saya membingungkan apa yang orang akan katakan tentang 'Paul Blart,' \" filem 2009 yang ditulisnya bersama dan dibintanginya sebagai pengawal keselamatan yang menunggang Segway di pusat beli-belah New Jersey.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is for families and for kids\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini untuk keluarga dan untuk kanak-kanak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Here Comes the Boom\" is a very different kind of physical comedy, full of knockouts and arm bars.", "r": {"result": "\"Here Comes the Boom\" ialah jenis komedi fizikal yang sangat berbeza, penuh dengan kalah mati dan palang lengan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everything that happens in the film is something that has happened during a real MMA fight, James said, noting, \"There was a ring that broke.", "r": {"result": "Semua yang berlaku dalam filem itu adalah sesuatu yang telah berlaku semasa pertarungan MMA sebenar, James berkata, sambil menyatakan, \"Ada cincin yang pecah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A guy got thrown through the ring.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki tercampak melalui gelanggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There was a rain fight.", "r": {"result": "Berlaku pergaduhan hujan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These are all from real life\".", "r": {"result": "Ini semua dari kehidupan sebenar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James, who was a wrestler and a football player once upon a time, has been a fan of the UFC since watching the first fight in 1993. He said it was his \"love of trying to be physical and trying to portray what these guys go through\" that led him to the project.", "r": {"result": "James, yang merupakan ahli gusti dan pemain bola sepak suatu ketika dahulu, telah menjadi peminat UFC sejak menonton pertarungan pertama pada tahun 1993. Dia berkata ia adalah \"cintanya untuk cuba menjadi fizikal dan cuba menggambarkan apa yang dilakukan oleh lelaki ini. melalui\" yang membawanya ke projek itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As for the other half of the story: \"I also have teachers that I remember from when I was going to school that have inspired me,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Bagi separuh lagi cerita: \"Saya juga mempunyai guru yang saya ingat semasa saya di sekolah yang telah memberi inspirasi kepada saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've also had really crappy teachers, unfortunately, where they don't really care that much and you think it's a great time then because you're in class ... but literally there is nothing for you later on down the road.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya juga mempunyai guru yang sangat buruk, malangnya, di mana mereka tidak begitu peduli dan anda fikir ia adalah masa yang tepat kerana anda berada di dalam kelas ... tetapi sebenarnya tiada apa-apa untuk anda di kemudian hari di jalan raya. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I kind of just wanted to tie these two worlds together\".", "r": {"result": "Saya hanya mahu mengikat dua dunia ini bersama-sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's tough,\" he added, \"because you're trying to blend a big comedy with inspiration, with heart and realistic fighting.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sukar,\" tambahnya, \"kerana anda cuba menggabungkan komedi besar dengan inspirasi, dengan hati dan perjuangan yang realistik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "... There are a lot of ingredients in this one\".", "r": {"result": "... Ada banyak bahan dalam yang ni\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James hopes audiences will enjoy the idea of a \"common, everyday guy\" fighting in the Octagon for a good cause.", "r": {"result": "James berharap penonton akan menikmati idea \"orang biasa, setiap hari\" berjuang di Octagon untuk tujuan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You can watch 'James Bond' and enjoy it because it's something that you would never do,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda boleh menonton 'James Bond' dan menikmatinya kerana ia sesuatu yang anda tidak akan pernah lakukan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I could never be James Bond.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak boleh menjadi James Bond.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then there are movies where you watch because you're seeing yourself through the eyes of the character.", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian terdapat filem di mana anda menonton kerana anda melihat diri anda melalui mata watak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I think I'm the latter\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya rasa saya yang terakhir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Part of James' appeal as the everyman is his size, which is occasionally written into his story lines, as fans of \"The King of Queens\" already know.", "r": {"result": "Sebahagian daripada daya tarikan James sebagai setiap orang adalah saiznya, yang kadangkala ditulis dalam jalan ceritanya, seperti yang sudah diketahui oleh peminat \"The King of Queens\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While he said he doesn't mind the jokes, his mother is not a fan.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia berkata dia tidak kisah dengan jenaka, ibunya bukan peminat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I do a movie where I have to have (a son) and it's a chubby kid, my mother is always like, 'You were never like that.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika saya membuat filem di mana saya perlu mempunyai (anak lelaki) dan ia adalah seorang kanak-kanak yang gempal, ibu saya selalu berkata, 'Kamu tidak pernah seperti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' She gets so upset about it,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "' Dia sangat kecewa mengenainya, \"katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's his own kids, who are 7, 5 and 17 months, who have greatly influenced his professional decisions.", "r": {"result": "Anak-anaknya sendiri, yang berumur 7, 5 dan 17 bulan, yang telah banyak mempengaruhi keputusan profesionalnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want to do movies that I'm proud of where my kids, at some point, can see and I can feel comfortable sitting there watching it with them,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mahu membuat filem yang saya banggakan di mana anak-anak saya, pada satu ketika, boleh lihat dan saya boleh berasa selesa duduk di sana menontonnya bersama mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And just that move people.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan hanya itu yang menggerakkan orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That make people feel a little bit better about themselves when they leave the theater\".", "r": {"result": "Itu membuatkan orang berasa sedikit lebih baik tentang diri mereka apabila mereka meninggalkan teater\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "James will next appear in \"Little Boy\" and \"Grown Ups 2,\" which is due out in July 2013. He's also gearing up to star alongside Kevin Hart in \"Valet Guys,\" the comedy he co-wrote about two valet parking attendants who witness a murder.", "r": {"result": "James seterusnya akan muncul dalam \"Little Boy\" dan \"Grown Ups 2,\" yang akan dikeluarkan pada Julai 2013. Dia juga bersiap sedia untuk membintangi bersama Kevin Hart dalam \"Valet Guys,\" komedi yang dia tulis bersama tentang dua atendan parkir valet. yang menyaksikan pembunuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A jet crashed Sunday near Freeport, a city on the island of Grand Bahama, killing all nine people on board, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sebuah jet terhempas Ahad berhampiran Freeport, sebuah bandar di pulau Grand Bahama, membunuh kesemua sembilan orang di dalamnya, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The flight originated from Nassau, the capital, according to a statement from the Federal Aviation Administration, which said it will investigate.", "r": {"result": "Penerbangan itu berasal dari Nassau, ibu negara, menurut kenyataan Pentadbiran Penerbangan Persekutuan, yang mengatakan ia akan menyiasat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cause of the crash was not immediately clear.", "r": {"result": "Punca nahas itu tidak diketahui dengan segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Inspector Terecita Pinder of the Royal Bahamas Police Force confirmed that all those on board died.", "r": {"result": "Inspektor Terecita Pinder dari Pasukan Polis Diraja Bahamas mengesahkan bahawa semua penumpang di dalam pesawat itu meninggal dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police have not released their identities.", "r": {"result": "Polis tidak mendedahkan identiti mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Andrew Young, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Myles and Ruth Munroe were among the victims.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Andrew Young, bekas duta AS ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, Myles dan Ruth Munroe adalah antara mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Myles Munroe is the senior pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship, that group's website says.", "r": {"result": "Myles Munroe ialah paderi kanan Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship, kata laman web kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His wife, Ruth, serves as co-pastor.", "r": {"result": "Isterinya, Ruth, berkhidmat sebagai paderi bersama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Ambassador Young expresses his deep sadness over the tragic death of his friends Dr. Myles and Mrs. Ruth Munroe.", "r": {"result": "\"Duta Besar Young meluahkan rasa sedihnya yang mendalam atas kematian tragis rakannya Dr. Myles dan Puan Ruth Munroe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He offers condolences to the Munroe family and the families of the other souls who lost their lives as a result of this shocking plane crash,\" the Andrew Young Foundation said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga Munroe dan keluarga arwah lain yang kehilangan nyawa akibat nahas pesawat yang mengejutkan ini,\" kata Yayasan Andrew Young dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young is a scheduled speaker at a conference starting Monday in Freeport.", "r": {"result": "Young ialah penceramah berjadual pada persidangan bermula Isnin di Freeport.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the Global Leadership Forum will continue this week, according to Munroe's organization.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Forum Kepimpinan Global akan diteruskan minggu ini, menurut organisasi Munroe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"On behalf of Myles Munroe International and ITWLA.", "r": {"result": "\"Bagi pihak Myles Munroe International dan ITWLA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We would like to inform you that the Global Leadership Forum will continue,\" Myles Munroe International posted on its Facebook page.", "r": {"result": "Kami ingin memaklumkan kepada anda bahawa Forum Kepimpinan Global akan diteruskan,\" tulis Myles Munroe International di laman Facebooknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is what Dr. Munroe would have wanted\".", "r": {"result": "\"Inilah yang Dr. Munroe mahukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ITWLA is International Third World Leaders Association, which was founded by Munroe.", "r": {"result": "ITWLA ialah Persatuan Pemimpin Dunia Ketiga Antarabangsa, yang diasaskan oleh Munroe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Ric Ward contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Ric Ward CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The cause of a deadly Washington Metro subway crash last month remains a mystery, with one problem identified by investigators persisting even after engineers replaced a key part that was believed to be faulty, a top Metro official said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Punca nahas kereta api bawah tanah Washington Metro yang maut bulan lepas kekal misteri, dengan satu masalah yang dikenal pasti oleh penyiasat berterusan walaupun selepas jurutera menggantikan bahagian penting yang dipercayai rosak, kata seorang pegawai tinggi Metro pada Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators are shown at the crash scene in Washington.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat ditunjukkan di tempat kejadian di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nine people were killed in the June 22 accident.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan orang terbunuh dalam kemalangan 22 Jun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a congressional hearing, Jim Graham said Metro replaced a device that was \"fluttering,\" signaling the presence of a train one moment and not the next.", "r": {"result": "Pada perbicaraan kongres, Jim Graham berkata Metro menggantikan peranti yang \"berkibar\", menandakan kehadiran kereta api satu saat dan bukan yang berikutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You'd think that that would remedy the issue, that ... we would have solved the problem,\" said Graham, chairman of Metro's board of directors.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda akan berfikir bahawa itu akan membetulkan isu itu, bahawa ... kami akan menyelesaikan masalah itu,\" kata Graham, pengerusi lembaga pengarah Metro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In fact, the new device ... continued the same fluttering as the former device\".", "r": {"result": "\"Malah, peranti baharu itu ... terus berkibar seperti peranti sebelumnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're left with a very compelling mystery as to what is going on here,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami ditinggalkan dengan misteri yang sangat menarik tentang apa yang berlaku di sini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Transportation Safety Board, which is leading the investigation, acknowledged that Metro's system of detecting trains continues to have unexplained, intermittent failures.", "r": {"result": "Lembaga Keselamatan Pengangkutan Kebangsaan, yang mengetuai penyiasatan, mengakui bahawa sistem pengesan kereta api Metro terus mengalami kegagalan yang tidak dapat dijelaskan dan sekejap-sekejap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sometimes it's working; sometimes it's not, even with those changes,\" NTSB member Deborah Hersman told a House committee.", "r": {"result": "\"Kadang-kadang ia berfungsi; kadang-kadang ia tidak, walaupun dengan perubahan itu,\" ahli NTSB Deborah Hersman memberitahu jawatankuasa Dewan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've walked back the cable to see if there might be some cabling issues.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah mengundurkan kabel untuk melihat sama ada terdapat beberapa masalah kabel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a lot of challenges here and we're changing out some components and trying to identify what the problem is,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat banyak cabaran di sini dan kami sedang menukar beberapa komponen dan cuba mengenal pasti masalahnya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Metro has said it will operate the subway trains on manual control until officials have identified and fixed the problem with the automatic train system.", "r": {"result": "Metro berkata ia akan mengendalikan kereta api bawah tanah dengan kawalan manual sehingga pegawai mengenal pasti dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan sistem kereta api automatik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nine people were killed and scores were injured during the June 22 crash just north of the Red Line's Fort Totten station.", "r": {"result": "Sembilan orang terbunuh dan ramai lagi cedera semasa nahas 22 Jun di utara stesen Fort Totten di Red Line.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At Tuesday's hearing, a passenger on one of the trains gave a dramatic description of the accident.", "r": {"result": "Pada perbicaraan Selasa, seorang penumpang di salah satu kereta api memberikan penerangan dramatik mengenai kemalangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patrick Tuite of Kensington, Maryland, said he had just put down his newspaper and closed his eyes to relax when he heard a screeching sound, someone yelling and \"one of the loudest bangs I've ever heard in my life\".", "r": {"result": "Patrick Tuite dari Kensington, Maryland, berkata dia baru sahaja meletakkan akhbarnya dan memejamkan matanya untuk berehat apabila dia mendengar bunyi jeritan, seseorang menjerit dan \"salah satu dentuman paling kuat pernah saya dengar dalam hidup saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tuite said in the impact, he hit the seat in front of him.", "r": {"result": "Tuite berkata dalam impak, dia terlanggar kerusi di hadapannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Tuite peered into the forward-most car, he saw extensive damage.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Tuite mengintai ke dalam kereta paling hadapan, dia melihat kerosakan yang meluas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The floor of the car had collapsed \"accordion-like,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Lantai kereta itu telah runtuh \"seperti akordion,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We could hear the people at this point in the first car,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami dapat mendengar orang ramai pada ketika ini di dalam kereta pertama,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And it was pretty chaotic.", "r": {"result": "\"Dan ia agak huru-hara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were screaming; they were upset,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menjerit; mereka kecewa,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the collision had jammed the doors between the cars, making it impossible to reach victims in the front car.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi perlanggaran itu telah menyekat pintu di antara kereta-kereta itu, menjadikannya mustahil untuk mencapai mangsa di dalam kereta hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It wasn't until he got off the train that he realized the first car was thrust into the air, he said.", "r": {"result": "Sehinggalah dia turun dari kereta api barulah dia menyedari kereta pertama itu terhumban ke udara, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia's Congressional delegate, chided the NTSB for making prohibitively costly safety recommendations while ignoring cheaper, common sense solutions, such as putting the newer, more robust rail cars at the front and back of trains.", "r": {"result": "Eleanor Holmes Norton, perwakilan Kongres Daerah Columbia, menegur NTSB kerana membuat cadangan keselamatan yang sangat mahal sambil mengabaikan penyelesaian yang lebih murah dan akal, seperti meletakkan kereta rel yang lebih baharu dan lebih mantap di hadapan dan belakang kereta api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Over and over again, you said, 'Do the impossible,' \" Norton, a Democrat, said, referring to NTSB recommendations that Metro replace older cars with sturdier new ones.", "r": {"result": "\"Berulang kali, anda berkata, 'Lakukan yang mustahil,'\" kata Norton, seorang Demokrat, merujuk kepada saranan NTSB supaya Metro menggantikan kereta lama dengan kereta baharu yang lebih kukuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why didn't the transportation board at least recommend this rather low-tech, low-cost step\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Mengapa lembaga pengangkutan tidak mengesyorkan sekurang-kurangnya langkah berteknologi rendah dan kos rendah ini\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hersman said the NTSB's role is to push for safety improvements.", "r": {"result": "Hersman berkata peranan NTSB adalah untuk mendesak peningkatan keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We do make recommendations, Ms. Norton, and we don't have to pay for them, so we recognize that frustration,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami memang membuat cadangan, Cik Norton, dan kami tidak perlu membayarnya, jadi kami menyedari kekecewaan itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But our charge is not to [consider costs].", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi caj kami bukan untuk [mempertimbangkan kos].", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our charge is to recommend what we think is in the best interest of the safety community.", "r": {"result": "Tanggungan kami adalah untuk mengesyorkan perkara yang kami fikirkan demi kepentingan komuniti keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are the conscience and the compass of the transportation industry, and they [transportation providers and regulators] get to decide if and how they implement it,\" Hersman said.", "r": {"result": "Kami adalah hati nurani dan kompas industri pengangkutan, dan mereka [penyedia pengangkutan dan pengawal selia] boleh memutuskan sama ada dan bagaimana mereka melaksanakannya,\" kata Hersman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington (CNN) -- U.S. airstrikes have killed two top-level and one mid-level ISIS leader, a senior U.S. military official tells CNN.", "r": {"result": "Washington (CNN) -- Serangan udara AS telah mengorbankan dua pemimpin peringkat atasan dan seorang pemimpin ISIS peringkat pertengahan, seorang pegawai kanan tentera AS memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Haji Mutazz was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's deputy in Iraq; Abd al Basit was his military emir in Iraq; and Radwan Talib was his Mosul emir.", "r": {"result": "Haji Mutazz ialah timbalan Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi di Iraq; Abd al Basit ialah emir tenteranya di Iraq; dan Radwan Talib ialah emir Mosulnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their deaths resulted from multiple strikes going back to mid-November -- it has taken until now to determine conclusively they were killed.", "r": {"result": "Kematian mereka berpunca daripada beberapa serangan sejak pertengahan November -- sehingga kini diperlukan untuk menentukan secara muktamad mereka terbunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama says U.S. 'hammering' ISIS.", "r": {"result": "Obama berkata A.S. 'memalu' ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can confirm that since mid-November, targeted coalition airstrikes successfully killed multiple senior and mid-level leaders within the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,\" said Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya boleh mengesahkan bahawa sejak pertengahan November, serangan udara pakatan yang disasarkan berjaya membunuh beberapa pemimpin peringkat kanan dan pertengahan dalam Negara Islam Iraq dan Levant,\" kata setiausaha akhbar Pentagon, Rear Adm.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Kirby, in a statement on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "John Kirby, dalam satu kenyataan pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We believe that the loss of these key leaders degrades ISIL's ability to command and control current operations against Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish and other local forces in Iraq,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami percaya kehilangan pemimpin utama ini merendahkan keupayaan ISIL untuk memerintah dan mengawal operasi semasa terhadap Pasukan Keselamatan Iraq, termasuk Kurdish dan pasukan tempatan lain di Iraq,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "News of the killings was first disclosed by Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.", "r": {"result": "Berita tentang pembunuhan itu mula-mula didedahkan oleh Pengerusi Ketua Bersama Martin Dempsey dalam temu bual dengan Wall Street Journal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everything to know about the rise of ISIS.", "r": {"result": "Semua yang perlu diketahui tentang kebangkitan ISIS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In addition, President Barack Obama signed deployment orders yesterday for 1,300 troops to Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, Presiden Barack Obama menandatangani arahan penempatan semalam untuk 1,300 tentera ke Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is the lion's share of the 1,500 additional troops he authorized last month.", "r": {"result": "Ini adalah bahagian terbesar daripada 1,500 tentera tambahan yang diberi kuasanya bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By February, the U.S. will have roughly 3,000 U.S. troops on the ground.", "r": {"result": "Menjelang Februari, A.S. akan mempunyai kira-kira 3,000 tentera A.S. di darat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. troops are also going further afield than they previously were: There are now nearly 300 U.S. forces at Al Asad base in Anbar province, up from just 50 earlier this month.", "r": {"result": "Tentera A.S. juga semakin jauh daripada sebelumnya: Kini terdapat hampir 300 tentera A.S. di pangkalan Al Asad di wilayah Anbar, meningkat daripada hanya 50 pada awal bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. military is following through on announced plans to deploy these military advisers and trainers outside of Baghdad and Erbil.", "r": {"result": "Tentera A.S. sedang mengikuti rancangan yang diumumkan untuk menempatkan penasihat dan jurulatih tentera ini di luar Baghdad dan Erbil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same week that a report documented massive overspending at the General Services Administration, a video emerged Thursday showing an agency employee joking about the excess spending and saying he would never be investigated for it.", "r": {"result": "Pada minggu yang sama laporan mendokumentasikan perbelanjaan berlebihan besar-besaran di Pentadbiran Perkhidmatan Am, sebuah video muncul Khamis menunjukkan seorang pekerja agensi bergurau tentang lebihan perbelanjaan dan mengatakan dia tidak akan pernah disiasat untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video also mentions an awards program for employees that gave out $200,000 worth of taxpayer-funded iPods, electronics and gift cards to entry-level government employees.", "r": {"result": "Video itu juga menyebut program anugerah untuk pekerja yang memberikan iPod, elektronik dan kad hadiah yang dibiayai oleh pembayar cukai bernilai $200,000 kepada kakitangan kerajaan peringkat permulaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I buy everything your field office can't afford,\" raps the employee in the video.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya membeli semua yang pejabat lapangan anda tidak mampu,\" rap pekerja dalam video itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll never be under OIG investigation\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak akan pernah berada di bawah siasatan OIG\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "OIG refers to the Office of the Inspector General, who originally looked into the GSA's spending on a 2010 training conference held in Las Vegas.", "r": {"result": "OIG merujuk kepada Pejabat Ketua Inspektor, yang pada asalnya meneliti perbelanjaan GSA pada persidangan latihan 2010 yang diadakan di Las Vegas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His report found the federal agency spent $822,000 on the event, including $75,000 on team-building exercises, $6,000 on commemorative coins, and $6,000 on canteens, keychains, and T-shirts.", "r": {"result": "Laporannya mendapati agensi persekutuan membelanjakan $822,000 untuk acara itu, termasuk $75,000 untuk latihan membina pasukan, $6,000 untuk syiling peringatan dan $6,000 untuk kantin, rantai kunci dan baju-T.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The revelations prompted GSA Administrator Martha Johnson to resign this week.", "r": {"result": "Pendedahan itu mendorong Pentadbir GSA Martha Johnson meletak jawatan minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa's office, which is investigating the excess spending, received the video from the inspector general and released it to the public on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Pejabat Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pemantauan Dewan Darrell Issa, yang sedang menyiasat perbelanjaan berlebihan, menerima video daripada ketua pemeriksa dan mengeluarkannya kepada umum pada hari Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video was the winning entry in an employee video contest at the 2010 conference.", "r": {"result": "Video itu adalah penyertaan pemenang dalam pertandingan video pekerja pada persidangan 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In handing out the award for the video, the deputy commissioner of the Public Building Service appears to mock oversight of the GSA.", "r": {"result": "Semasa menyampaikan anugerah untuk video itu, timbalan pesuruhjaya Perkhidmatan Bangunan Awam nampaknya mengejek pengawasan GSA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The revelations about the GSA's overspending are prompting outrage among lawmakers who are furious about taxpayer money being wasted.", "r": {"result": "Pendedahan mengenai perbelanjaan berlebihan GSA mencetuskan kemarahan di kalangan penggubal undang-undang yang berang kerana wang pembayar cukai dibazirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The inspector general's staff briefed congressional investigators Wednesday, and a source familiar with the briefing told CNN they were \"pretty astonished at the blatant misuse of funds\".", "r": {"result": "Kakitangan inspektor jeneral memberi taklimat kepada penyiasat kongres pada hari Rabu, dan sumber yang biasa dengan taklimat itu memberitahu CNN bahawa mereka \"agak terkejut dengan penyalahgunaan dana secara terang-terangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "John Mica, R-Florida, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Rep.", "r": {"result": "John Mica, R-Florida, pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pengangkutan dan Infrastruktur Dewan, dan Rep.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeff Denham, R-California, chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Development, plan to hold a hearing on the matter April 19.", "r": {"result": "Jeff Denham, R-California, pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kecil Pembangunan Ekonomi, merancang untuk mengadakan pendengaran mengenai perkara itu pada 19 April.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Over the course of the past few days, some of the outrageous spending habits of the GSA have surfaced, and it is unbelievable,\" Mica said in a statement Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Sejak beberapa hari lalu, beberapa tabiat perbelanjaan GSA yang keterlaluan telah muncul, dan ia sukar dipercayai,\" kata Mica dalam satu kenyataan Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"First, it was reported that the agency spent $800,000 on a lavish training conference in Las Vegas, and yesterday we learned of an equally over-the-top employee award program that handed out $200,000 worth of taxpayer funded iPods, electronics and gift cards for questionable reasons at best\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pertama, dilaporkan bahawa agensi itu membelanjakan $800,000 untuk persidangan latihan mewah di Las Vegas, dan semalam kami mengetahui tentang program anugerah pekerja yang sama-sama over-the-top yang menyerahkan iPod, elektronik dan kad hadiah yang dibiayai oleh pembayar cukai bernilai $200,000 untuk alasan yang boleh dipersoalkan sebaik-baiknya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More damaging videos may soon emerge.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak video yang merosakkan mungkin akan muncul tidak lama lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A congressional source familiar with the investigation of the GSA told CNN on Thursday that the agency had an internal website with video clips and pictures from the Las Vegas conference.", "r": {"result": "Sumber kongres yang biasa dengan penyiasatan GSA memberitahu CNN pada hari Khamis bahawa agensi itu mempunyai laman web dalaman dengan klip video dan gambar dari persidangan Las Vegas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The site isn't online anymore, but Issa's committee is demanding more information about it.", "r": {"result": "Tapak itu tidak lagi dalam talian, tetapi jawatankuasa Issa menuntut lebih banyak maklumat mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A GSA spokesman issued a statement saying, \"This video is another example of the complete lack of judgment exhibited during the 2010 Western Regions Conference.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap GSA mengeluarkan kenyataan dengan mengatakan, \"Video ini adalah satu lagi contoh kekurangan penghakiman yang dipamerkan semasa Persidangan Wilayah Barat 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our agency continues to be appalled by this indefensible behavior, and we are taking every step possible to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again\".", "r": {"result": "Agensi kami terus terkejut dengan tingkah laku yang tidak dapat dipertahankan ini, dan kami mengambil setiap langkah yang mungkin untuk memastikan tiada perkara seperti ini berlaku lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mica's committee was already looking into the GSA's budget when this week's report came out.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa Mica sudah meneliti bajet GSA apabila laporan minggu ini keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier this year, committee members noticed that, at a time when other federal agencies' administrative budges were being cut and going down, the GSA's was dramatically increasing.", "r": {"result": "Pada awal tahun ini, ahli jawatankuasa menyedari bahawa, pada masa perbelanjaan pentadbiran agensi persekutuan lain telah dipotong dan menurun, GSA meningkat secara mendadak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The committee requested more details from the GSA about its budget and held hearings on the issue.", "r": {"result": "Jawatankuasa itu meminta butiran lanjut daripada GSA tentang belanjawannya dan mengadakan pendengaran mengenai isu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The GSA witness at the hearings, Robert Peck, promised details but committee members did not receive them.", "r": {"result": "Saksi GSA pada pendengaran itu, Robert Peck, menjanjikan butiran tetapi ahli jawatankuasa tidak menerimanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A congressional panel said Tuesday that Peck was fired.", "r": {"result": "Panel kongres berkata pada hari Selasa bahawa Peck telah dipecat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before she stepped down, GSA Administrator Johnson called the details in the report \"egregious\" and \"absolutely unacceptable\".", "r": {"result": "Sebelum dia meletak jawatan, Pentadbir GSA Johnson menyebut butiran dalam laporan itu \"mengerikan\" dan \"sama sekali tidak boleh diterima\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She also announced measures including disciplinary action against several senior management officials.", "r": {"result": "Beliau juga mengumumkan langkah termasuk tindakan tatatertib terhadap beberapa pegawai pengurusan kanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among other items cited in the inspector general's report was a $12,000 finder's fee paid to an outside company to book the resort complex for the convention, even though the GSA has planners on staff for that very purpose.", "r": {"result": "Antara perkara lain yang disebut dalam laporan ketua pemeriksa adalah yuran pencari $12,000 yang dibayar kepada syarikat luar untuk menempah kompleks resort untuk konvensyen itu, walaupun GSA mempunyai perancang kakitangan untuk tujuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The report said the GSA portrayed certain events as awards ceremonies simply to justify the catering bill.", "r": {"result": "Laporan itu berkata GSA menggambarkan acara tertentu sebagai upacara anugerah semata-mata untuk mewajarkan bil katering.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a GSA deputy administrator who initially asked for the investigation, saying there was questionable spending for the 2010 event.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah timbalan pentadbir GSA yang pada mulanya meminta siasatan, mengatakan terdapat perbelanjaan yang boleh dipersoalkan untuk acara 2010.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The GSA employs nearly 13,000 people across the country and is the federal agency that buys and manages goods and services for the government, ranging from envelopes to real estate and office buildings.", "r": {"result": "GSA menggaji hampir 13,000 orang di seluruh negara dan merupakan agensi persekutuan yang membeli dan mengurus barangan dan perkhidmatan untuk kerajaan, daripada sampul surat kepada hartanah dan bangunan pejabat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "London (CNN) -- Three \"extremely traumatized\" women are being cared for by a charity after managing to leave a London house where they had allegedly been held captive for more than 30 years.", "r": {"result": "London (CNN) -- Tiga wanita \"amat trauma\" sedang dijaga oleh sebuah badan amal selepas berjaya meninggalkan sebuah rumah di London di mana mereka didakwa telah ditawan selama lebih 30 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the women -- a 30-year-old Briton -- \"appears to have been in servitude for her entire life,\" Metropolitan Police Detective Inspector Kevin Hyland said.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang wanita -- seorang warga Britain berusia 30 tahun -- \"nampaknya telah menjadi hamba sepanjang hayatnya,\" kata Inspektor Detektif Polis Metropolitan Kevin Hyland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She and the other two women, a 57-year-old from Ireland and a 69-year-old from Malaysia, have been taken to a place of safety.", "r": {"result": "Dia dan dua lagi wanita, 57 tahun dari Ireland dan 69 tahun dari Malaysia, telah dibawa ke tempat selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Experts and charities explain how they might recover from their ordeal.", "r": {"result": "Pakar dan badan amal menerangkan bagaimana mereka boleh pulih daripada kesukaran mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How are the three women faring?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana keadaan ketiga-tiga wanita itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A television documentary on forced marriages relating to the work of Freedom Charity prompted one of the victims to call for help; that organization's founder Aneeta Prem told CNN the women were coping despite their ordeal.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah dokumentari televisyen mengenai perkahwinan paksa yang berkaitan dengan kerja Freedom Charity mendorong salah seorang mangsa untuk meminta bantuan; pengasas pertubuhan itu Aneeta Prem memberitahu CNN bahawa wanita-wanita itu berjaya mengatasinya walaupun mengalami kesukaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've seen them on a number of occasions,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya telah melihat mereka beberapa kali,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They're doing remarkably well considering how harrowing it's been for them.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka menunjukkan prestasi yang sangat baik memandangkan betapa menyedihkan bagi mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every effort has been made to ensure they're being taken care of, but it's going to be a very long journey.", "r": {"result": "Segala usaha telah dibuat untuk memastikan mereka dijaga, tetapi ia akan menjadi perjalanan yang sangat panjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Now we've heard of the arrests of the two people allegedly involved in this and that's going to be another journey in itself.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSekarang kami telah mendengar tentang penahanan dua orang yang didakwa terlibat dalam perkara ini dan itu akan menjadi satu lagi perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's going to be very difficult.", "r": {"result": "Ia akan menjadi sangat sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're really pleased with the work that we've done in partnership with the police and they're to be commended for taking this seriously\".", "r": {"result": "Kami sangat gembira dengan kerja yang kami lakukan dengan kerjasama polis dan mereka patut dipuji kerana mengambil serius perkara ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How can victims of slavery or abuse be rehabilitated?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah mangsa perhambaan atau penderaan boleh dipulihkan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Time is of the essence when suspected victims of slavery or imprisonment are rescued, and the first moments are known as the \"golden hour\".", "r": {"result": "Masa adalah penting apabila mangsa yang disyaki perhambaan atau pemenjaraan diselamatkan, dan detik-detik pertama dikenali sebagai \"jam emas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ann Reed, anti-trafficking response co-ordinator for the Salvation Army which helps trafficking victims in the UK for the first 45 days, said it was very important to quickly give them back their self-worth.", "r": {"result": "Ann Reed, penyelaras tindak balas antipemerdagangan manusia untuk Salvation Army yang membantu mangsa pemerdagangan di UK untuk 45 hari pertama, berkata adalah sangat penting untuk mengembalikan nilai diri mereka dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Many victims will have had no opportunity to make decisions for themselves, even down to the smallest things like when to sleep or what to eat.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai mangsa tidak akan mempunyai peluang untuk membuat keputusan untuk diri mereka sendiri, walaupun kepada perkara-perkara kecil seperti masa untuk tidur atau apa yang perlu dimakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So it's important to put them on a road to recovery by giving them a safe environment, allowing them to choose when to eat and sleep, making them feel at home, offering them kindness and compassion\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi adalah penting untuk meletakkan mereka di jalan menuju pemulihan dengan memberi mereka persekitaran yang selamat, membolehkan mereka memilih masa untuk makan dan tidur, membuat mereka berasa seperti di rumah, menawarkan mereka kebaikan dan belas kasihan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It can be as basic as playing cards with the victims to put them at their ease, she said.", "r": {"result": "Ia boleh menjadi asas seperti bermain kad dengan mangsa untuk menenangkan mereka, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each case is different, with this latest being the most extreme one that Reed said she had ever heard about.", "r": {"result": "Setiap kes adalah berbeza, dengan yang terbaru ini adalah yang paling ekstrem yang Reed katakan pernah dia dengar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I assume it will take many years for the victims in this case to recover, although we do not know the full details.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya mengandaikan ia akan mengambil masa bertahun-tahun untuk mangsa dalam kes ini pulih, walaupun kita tidak mengetahui butiran penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a complete one-off\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah satu kali yang lengkap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How do people who have been held captive find resilience?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah orang yang telah ditawan mendapat daya tahan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Captives in similar situations draw strength from each other, Reed said, just as the three women who escaped this year after 11 years of sexual abuse in Cleveland, U.S., did.", "r": {"result": "Tawanan dalam situasi yang sama menarik kekuatan antara satu sama lain, kata Reed, sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh tiga wanita yang melarikan diri tahun ini selepas 11 tahun penderaan seksual di Cleveland, A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In that notorious case one of the victims, Michelle Knight, credited Gina DeJesus -- with whom she shared a dark room measuring about 7 feet by 11A 1/2 feet -- for saving her life.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes yang terkenal itu, salah seorang mangsa, Michelle Knight, memuji Gina DeJesus -- dengan siapa dia berkongsi bilik gelap berukuran kira-kira 7 kaki kali 11A 1/2 kaki -- kerana menyelamatkan nyawanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I never let her fall, and she never let me fall,\" Knight told the trial of her tormentor Ariel Castro.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pernah membiarkan dia jatuh, dan dia tidak pernah membiarkan saya jatuh,\" Knight memberitahu perbicaraan penyiksanya Ariel Castro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She nursed me back to health when I was dying from his abuse.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia merawat saya kembali sihat ketika saya hampir mati akibat penderaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My friendship with Gina is the only good thing to come from this situation\".", "r": {"result": "Persahabatan saya dengan Gina adalah satu-satunya perkara yang baik untuk datang dari situasi ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She returned the favor, at a cost to herself, placing herself in between Castro and DeJesus, taking on physical and sexual abuse herself to protect her friend, said Frank Ochberg, a pioneer in trauma research who testified in the case.", "r": {"result": "Dia membalas budi itu, dengan bayaran untuk dirinya sendiri, meletakkan dirinya di antara Castro dan DeJesus, mengambil penderaan fizikal dan seksual untuk melindungi rakannya, kata Frank Ochberg, perintis dalam penyelidikan trauma yang memberi keterangan dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Being the oldest, Knight often served as doctor, nurse and pediatrician for Amanda Berry and the young child that Castro fathered.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai yang tertua, Knight sering berkhidmat sebagai doktor, jururawat dan pakar pediatrik untuk Amanda Berry dan anak kecil yang dilahirkan Castro.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She acted as the midwife, when it was born, delivering Berry's baby in a plastic swimming pool.", "r": {"result": "Dia bertindak sebagai bidan, ketika dilahirkan, melahirkan bayi Berry di kolam renang plastik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Somehow, Knight, Berry and DeJesus kept hope.", "r": {"result": "Entah bagaimana, Knight, Berry dan DeJesus menyimpan harapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Knight said, \"We said we'll all get out alive some day and we did\".", "r": {"result": "Seperti kata Knight, \"Kami berkata kami semua akan keluar hidup-hidup suatu hari nanti dan kami melakukannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Castro was sentenced to life imprisonment but was later found hanging in his prison cell.", "r": {"result": "Castro dijatuhi hukuman penjara seumur hidup tetapi kemudiannya didapati tergantung di dalam sel penjaranya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How many more victims of domestic slavery are there?", "r": {"result": "Berapa ramai lagi mangsa perhambaan domestik yang ada?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities have rescued about 1,200 men and women in England and Wales since July 2011, according to the Salvation Army.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa telah menyelamatkan kira-kira 1,200 lelaki dan wanita di England dan Wales sejak Julai 2011, menurut Salvation Army.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of those victims have endured sexual abuse in brothels, forced labor or domestic servitude.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mangsa tersebut telah mengalami penderaan seksual di rumah pelacuran, buruh paksa atau perhambaan domestik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "UK Special Envoy for Human Trafficking Anthony Steen told CNN he was not surprised by this case as there were likely to be many cases of domestic slavery in the country.", "r": {"result": "Duta Khas UK untuk Pemerdagangan Manusia Anthony Steen memberitahu CNN beliau tidak terkejut dengan kes ini kerana kemungkinan terdapat banyak kes perhambaan domestik di negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't know the number but we know it's pretty huge.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tidak tahu jumlahnya tetapi kami tahu ia agak besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Domestics are hidden away,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Domestik disembunyikan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The difference between slavery when it was manifest in America -- as it was in England -- was that you could see it everywhere,\" Steen said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perbezaan antara perhambaan apabila ia nyata di Amerika -- seperti yang berlaku di England -- ialah anda boleh melihatnya di mana-mana,\" kata Steen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Since then having abolished it, it's grown, it's got bigger and bigger -- in fact they say it's between 10 and 20 times the size it was in the 1800s\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sejak itu setelah memansuhkannya, ia berkembang, ia menjadi lebih besar dan lebih besar -- malah mereka mengatakan ia antara 10 dan 20 kali ganda saiznya pada tahun 1800-an\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Steen said the largest number of people involved in slavery in Britain were in brothels, and that group was followed by men held against their will in debt bondage.", "r": {"result": "Steen berkata bilangan terbesar orang yang terlibat dalam perhambaan di Britain adalah di rumah pelacuran, dan kumpulan itu diikuti oleh lelaki yang ditahan di luar kehendak mereka dalam ikatan hutang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Shadow City\" was the title of one recent report into human trafficking in London, which explored where the abuses were taking place.", "r": {"result": "\"Shadow City\" ialah tajuk satu laporan terbaru mengenai pemerdagangan manusia di London, yang meneroka tempat penderaan itu berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Increasingly the authorities and many residents in London know there is a criminal activity called human trafficking,\" it concluded.", "r": {"result": "\"Semakin lama pihak berkuasa dan ramai penduduk di London mengetahui terdapat aktiviti jenayah yang dipanggil pemerdagangan manusia,\" ia menyimpulkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What they don't usually know, accurately, is what human trafficking actually constitutes and what forms are taking place around them.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang mereka biasanya tidak tahu, dengan tepat, ialah apa sebenarnya pemerdagangan manusia dan bentuk apa yang berlaku di sekeliling mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most London residents imagine that it does not touch directly on their lives -- that the exploitation takes place in brothels run by foreign gangs controlling foreign women.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan penduduk London membayangkan bahawa ia tidak menyentuh langsung kehidupan mereka -- bahawa eksploitasi berlaku di rumah pelacuran yang dikendalikan oleh kumpulan asing yang mengawal wanita asing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's nearer than they think\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia lebih dekat daripada yang mereka sangka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Salvation Army's Ann Reed said if anyone had concerns about neighbors, they should contact police.", "r": {"result": "Ann Reed dari Salvation Army berkata jika sesiapa mempunyai kebimbangan tentang jiran, mereka harus menghubungi polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Causes for suspicion could be if there were several people living in a house, people buying large amounts of food, inhabitants struggling physically or those who were malnourished.", "r": {"result": "Punca syak wasangka boleh jadi jika terdapat beberapa orang yang tinggal di sebuah rumah, orang yang membeli sejumlah besar makanan, penduduk yang bergelut secara fizikal atau mereka yang kekurangan zat makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They may not go often, or be under the control of others.", "r": {"result": "Mereka mungkin tidak kerap pergi, atau berada di bawah kawalan orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How do victims of domestic servitude live?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanakah mangsa perhambaan domestik hidup?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such victims often sleep on the floor in the kitchen, eat the leftover remains of the household and have no days off, Steen said.", "r": {"result": "Mangsa seperti itu sering tidur di atas lantai di dapur, makan sisa rumah dan tidak mempunyai hari cuti, kata Steen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Domestic slavery is rampant particularly in the Middle East countries, in Africa and in Europe.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerhambaan domestik berleluasa terutamanya di negara-negara Timur Tengah, di Afrika dan di Eropah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By and large it's people who have had their passports removed, they have no pay and are exploited and used.", "r": {"result": "Pada umumnya, mereka yang telah mengeluarkan pasport mereka, mereka tidak mempunyai gaji dan dieksploitasi dan digunakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's not trafficking but slavery by any other word, except that you don't see it.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia bukan pemerdagangan tetapi perhambaan dengan perkataan lain, kecuali anda tidak melihatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The problem with this case is that you never know when it will appear: with millions of houses and people it's all behind closed doors.", "r": {"result": "Masalah dengan kes ini ialah anda tidak tahu bila ia akan muncul: dengan berjuta-juta rumah dan orang ramai, semuanya tertutup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This exposes a problem in all western countries.", "r": {"result": "Ini mendedahkan masalah di semua negara barat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not the police you should blame it's the next-door neighbor, but you don't know what to look for.", "r": {"result": "Bukan polis yang patut anda salahkan tetapi jiran sebelah rumah, tetapi anda tidak tahu apa yang perlu dicari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These people will be damaged for life.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMereka ini akan rosak seumur hidup.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They will never recover\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka tidak akan pulih\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The 9-year-old boy who sneaked onto a plane for a trip to Las Vegas is back in his hometown of Minneapolis, a family spokesman said Saturday night.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Kanak-kanak lelaki berusia 9 tahun yang menyelinap ke dalam pesawat untuk perjalanan ke Las Vegas telah kembali ke kampung halamannya di Minneapolis, kata jurucakap keluarga pada malam Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Spokesman V. J. Smith would not provide details.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap V. J. Smith tidak akan memberikan butiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said he would speak with the boy's father Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata dia akan bercakap dengan bapa budak itu hari Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Crew members aboard a Delta Air Lines flight October 3 became suspicious of their child passenger and then found that he had no ticket or boarding pass.", "r": {"result": "Anggota anak kapal yang menaiki penerbangan Delta Air Lines pada 3 Oktober berasa curiga dengan penumpang anak mereka dan kemudian mendapati dia tidak mempunyai tiket atau pas masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was placed in a foster home as authorities began an investigation.", "r": {"result": "Dia ditempatkan di rumah angkat ketika pihak berkuasa memulakan siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Transportation Security Administration has said the boy went through security at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, although it has not explained how he did so without a boarding pass.", "r": {"result": "Pentadbiran Keselamatan Pengangkutan berkata budak lelaki itu melalui keselamatan di Minneapolis-St. Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Paul, walaupun ia tidak menjelaskan bagaimana dia berbuat demikian tanpa pas masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An airport spokesman said video shows the boy chatted with a Delta agent when he reached the gate and moved toward the plane when the agent became distracted.", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap lapangan terbang berkata, video menunjukkan budak lelaki itu berbual dengan ejen Delta apabila dia sampai di pintu pagar dan bergerak ke arah pesawat apabila ejen itu terganggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Father: 'No one stepped up to help'.", "r": {"result": "Bapa: 'Tiada siapa yang melangkah untuk membantu'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'He's got a behavioral problem,' dad says.", "r": {"result": "'Dia mempunyai masalah tingkah laku,' kata ayah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Janet DiGiacomo contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Janet DiGiacomo dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Protesters on Khreshchatyk, the main street of the Ukraine capital Kiev, have warned of \"blood and war\" from their position on a barricade made of snow and wood.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Penunjuk perasaan di Khreshchatyk, jalan utama ibu kota Ukraine Kiev, telah memberi amaran tentang \"darah dan perang\" dari kedudukan mereka di atas penghadang yang diperbuat daripada salji dan kayu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Their would-be savior is Vitali Klitschko, a man all too familiar with blood and war during an illustrious boxing career which appears to have finally come to a close with Dr Ironfist announcing his plan to focus solely on politics rather than pugilism.", "r": {"result": "Bakal penyelamat mereka ialah Vitali Klitschko, seorang lelaki yang terlalu akrab dengan darah dan peperangan semasa karier tinju terkenal yang nampaknya akhirnya berakhir dengan Dr Ironfist mengumumkan rancangannya untuk menumpukan perhatian semata-mata pada politik dan bukannya pugilisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The older of the Klitschko brothers is not used to losing -- he suffered just two defeats in his 47-fight professional career and has been World Boxing Council heavyweight champion since beating Sam Peter in October 2008.", "r": {"result": "Yang lebih tua daripada adik-beradik Klitschko tidak biasa kalah -- dia hanya mengalami dua kekalahan dalam karier profesionalnya selama 47 perlawanan dan telah menjadi juara heavyweight Majlis Tinju Dunia sejak menewaskan Sam Peter pada Oktober 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the 42-year-old has a bigger fight ahead of him as an opposition leader to current president Viktor Yanukovych, and is seen as the popular choice to lead his country out of its current mire.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pemain berusia 42 tahun itu mempunyai pertarungan yang lebih besar di hadapannya sebagai pemimpin pembangkang kepada presiden sekarang Viktor Yanukovych, dan dilihat sebagai pilihan popular untuk memimpin negaranya keluar dari kemelut semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Talking about a possible return to the ring, Klitschko, who has been named Champion Emeritus by the WBC, said: \"That is something I currently cannot imagine.", "r": {"result": "Bercakap tentang kemungkinan kembali ke gelanggang, Klitschko, yang telah dinobatkan sebagai Juara Emeritus oleh WBC, berkata: \"Itu sesuatu yang tidak dapat saya bayangkan pada masa ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My focus is on politics in Ukraine and I feel the people there need me\".", "r": {"result": "Tumpuan saya adalah pada politik di Ukraine dan saya rasa rakyat di sana memerlukan saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The heavyweight is seen as the public's political savior in a country where foreign reserves fell 9% last month to $19 billion, with the treasury in the precarious position of having only sufficient funds to stay afloat for a few weeks.", "r": {"result": "Wajaran berat dilihat sebagai penyelamat politik orang ramai di negara di mana rizab asing jatuh 9% bulan lalu kepada $19 bilion, dengan perbendaharaan dalam kedudukan tidak menentu yang hanya mempunyai dana yang mencukupi untuk terus bertahan selama beberapa minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There had been talks of a loan from the International Monetary Fund and closer ties to the European Union but those discussions have since stalled with Yanukovych instead opening talks with Russian president Vladimir Putin over possible much-needed loans.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat perbincangan mengenai pinjaman daripada Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa dan hubungan yang lebih erat dengan Kesatuan Eropah tetapi perbincangan itu sejak itu terhenti dengan Yanukovych sebaliknya membuka perbincangan dengan presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin mengenai kemungkinan pinjaman yang sangat diperlukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Of that Putin meeting, Klitschko said: \"No one from the media or among Ukraine's citizens knows the true aim of this visit and we will only know afterwards.", "r": {"result": "Mengenai pertemuan Putin itu, Klitschko berkata: \"Tiada seorang pun daripada media atau dalam kalangan rakyat Ukraine mengetahui matlamat sebenar lawatan ini dan kami hanya akan tahu selepas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm sure that the visit is wrong and nobody knows the conditions of these negotiations\".", "r": {"result": "Saya pasti lawatan itu salah dan tiada siapa yang tahu syarat-syarat rundingan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Klitschko has entered politics under the befitting Udar (Punch) party banner, a nod to his illustrious sporting career.", "r": {"result": "Klitschko telah memasuki politik di bawah sepanduk parti Udar (Punch) yang sesuai, satu tanda kepada kerjaya sukannya yang terkenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement, the WBC paid tribute to the boxer following his decision: \"With the current extreme and delicate political situation in Ukraine, Vitali has answered his country's call to fight for human rights and equality.", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan, WBC memberi penghormatan kepada petinju itu berikutan keputusannya: \u201cDengan situasi politik semasa yang melampau dan rumit di Ukraine, Vitali telah menjawab seruan negaranya untuk memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia dan kesaksamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Accordingly, Vitali will not be able to provide the WBC with a predictable timeframe to return to the ring.", "r": {"result": "Sehubungan itu, Vitali tidak akan dapat memberikan WBC jangka masa yang boleh diramal untuk kembali ke gelanggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In light of these considerations, the WBC Supreme Council and the WBC Board of Governors have voted unanimously to name Vitali Klitschko WBC Heavyweight Champion Emeritus.", "r": {"result": "\"Berdasarkan pertimbangan ini, Majlis Tertinggi WBC dan Lembaga Gabenor WBC telah mengundi sebulat suara untuk menamakan Vitali Klitschko WBC Heavyweight Champion Emeritus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Very few fights have received such an honorable distinction, which will entitle Vitali to fight for the WBC heavyweight championship when he is ready to return to the ring\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sangat sedikit pertarungan telah menerima penghormatan yang begitu mulia, yang akan melayakkan Vitali bertarung untuk kejuaraan heavyweight WBC apabila dia bersedia untuk kembali ke gelanggang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Following the WBC's announcement, Klitschko added: \"I thank the WBC and its president Jose Sulaiman for the support in our battle for democracy and freedom in Ukraine\".", "r": {"result": "Berikutan pengumuman WBC, Klitschko menambah: \"Saya berterima kasih kepada WBC dan presidennya Jose Sulaiman atas sokongan dalam perjuangan kami untuk demokrasi dan kebebasan di Ukraine\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Madrid, Spain (CNN) -- An unemployed security guard from Ecuador is Spain's top snoozer.", "r": {"result": "Madrid, Sepanyol (CNN) -- Pengawal keselamatan yang menganggur dari Ecuador adalah orang terhebat di Sepanyol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pedro Soria Lopez, 62, was able to nap for 17 minutes and register a 70-decibel snore while sprawled out on a couch in the middle of a crowded shopping mall in what's been billed as the first-ever Spanish National Siesta Championship, CNN sister network CNN Plus reported.", "r": {"result": "Pedro Soria Lopez, 62, dapat melelapkan mata selama 17 minit dan mencatat dengkuran 70 desibel sambil terbaring di atas sofa di tengah-tengah pusat membeli-belah yang sesak dalam apa yang disifatkan sebagai Kejohanan Siesta Kebangsaan Sepanyol yang pertama, saudara CNN. rangkaian CNN Plus melaporkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The grand siesta champ won the first cash prize of 1,000 euros (about $1,400) in credit to purchase goods at the shopping center in Madrid.", "r": {"result": "Juara tidur besar itu memenangi hadiah wang tunai pertama sebanyak 1,000 euro (kira-kira $1,400) secara kredit untuk membeli barangan di pusat beli-belah di Madrid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The competitors started off by lying down on blue sofas, some in pajamas.", "r": {"result": "Pesaing bermula dengan berbaring di atas sofa biru, sebahagiannya memakai baju tidur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each got to eat a lunch ahead of time, then had twenty minutes to get as much z's as they could squeeze in.", "r": {"result": "Masing-masing perlu makan tengah hari lebih awal daripada masa, kemudian mempunyai dua puluh minit untuk mendapatkan z sebanyak yang mereka boleh masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds of contestants took part in the siesta championship which began October 14 and ended Saturday.", "r": {"result": "Ratusan peserta mengambil bahagian dalam kejohanan tidur siang yang bermula 14 Oktober dan berakhir Sabtu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The intricate rules award points to contestants depending on how long they sleep during the 20-minute competition time, any unusual positions they sleep in, eye-catching pajamas they might be wearing, and yes, a lot of extra points for snoring.", "r": {"result": "Peraturan rumit memberikan mata kepada peserta bergantung pada berapa lama mereka tidur dalam masa pertandingan selama 20 minit, sebarang posisi luar biasa yang mereka tidur, baju tidur yang menarik perhatian yang mungkin mereka pakai, dan ya, banyak mata tambahan untuk berdengkur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sponsors say it's meant to raise eyes to the problem of a country that's become so fast-paced that many say the traditional siesta is at risk.", "r": {"result": "Penaja berkata ia bertujuan untuk melihat masalah negara yang menjadi begitu pantas sehingga ramai yang mengatakan tidur siang tradisional berisiko.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The modern life is a danger that we feel is against the siesta.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKehidupan moden adalah bahaya yang kami rasa bertentangan dengan tidur siang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you sleep la siesta everyone has the image that your life is calm, you have a good life.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda tidur la siesta semua orang mempunyai imej bahawa hidup anda tenang, anda mempunyai kehidupan yang baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then, the modern life is a direct attack,\" said Daniel Blanco, president of the National Association of Friends of the Siesta earlier in the competition.", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian, kehidupan moden adalah serangan langsung,\" kata Daniel Blanco, presiden Persatuan Kebangsaan Kawan Siesta sebelum pertandingan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His group, which includes about 50 of his friends across Spain, persuaded a shopping center, Islazul, to host and pay prize money for the siesta competition.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulannya, termasuk kira-kira 50 rakannya di seluruh Sepanyol, memujuk sebuah pusat membeli-belah, Islazul, untuk menjadi tuan rumah dan membayar hadiah untuk pertandingan tidur siang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the competition, the siesta is limited to 20 minutes, a duration which the organizers and some doctors say is optimal; a quick nap after lunch to get refreshed, without entering a deep sleep cycle.", "r": {"result": "Dalam pertandingan itu, tidur siang dihadkan kepada 20 minit, tempoh yang menurut penganjur dan beberapa doktor adalah optimum; tidur sebentar selepas makan tengah hari untuk mendapatkan kesegaran, tanpa memasuki kitaran tidur yang nyenyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the traditional siesta in Spain often lasts an hour or more.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidur siang tradisional di Sepanyol selalunya berlangsung sejam atau lebih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bustling shopping center where the siesta championship is being held is a prime example of the changing times in Spain.", "r": {"result": "Pusat beli-belah yang sibuk di mana kejohanan tidur siang diadakan adalah contoh utama perubahan zaman di Sepanyol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The stores don't close at lunchtime -- which is what used to happen with Spanish shops -- so instead of sleeping the siesta, people are working or shopping.", "r": {"result": "Kedai-kedai tidak tutup pada waktu makan tengah hari -- yang biasa berlaku dengan kedai-kedai Sepanyol -- jadi daripada tidur tidur siang, orang ramai bekerja atau membeli-belah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Siesta lovers complain that Spain's frenetic push to compete in the global economy means longer, more pressure-package workdays, even if some Spanish workers still get a two-hour lunch break.", "r": {"result": "Pencinta Siesta mengadu bahawa desakan Sepanyol untuk bersaing dalam ekonomi global bermakna lebih lama, lebih banyak hari kerja pakej tekanan, walaupun beberapa pekerja Sepanyol masih mendapat rehat makan tengah hari selama dua jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Al Goodman contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Al Goodman dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Netherlands is reeling from the death of a volunteer soccer official at an amateur football match over the weekend which has led to three Dutch teenagers being charged with manslaughter.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Belanda terkejut dengan kematian seorang pegawai bola sepak sukarelawan pada perlawanan bola sepak amatur pada hujung minggu yang menyebabkan tiga remaja Belanda didakwa atas tuduhan membunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two 15-year-olds and a 16-year-old -- all Amsterdam club Nieuw Sloten players -- were arrested and charged by Dutch police after the death of a 41-year-old linesman Richard Nieuwenhuizen, who was beaten by players following a match against his club Buitenboys in the city of Almere.", "r": {"result": "Dua pemain berusia 15 tahun dan 16 tahun -- kesemua pemain kelab Amsterdam Nieuw Sloten -- telah ditangkap dan didakwa oleh polis Belanda selepas kematian seorang penjaga garisan berusia 41 tahun Richard Nieuwenhuizen, yang dipukul oleh pemain yang mengikutinya. perlawanan menentang kelabnya Buitenboys di bandar Almere.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nieuwenhuizen's son was playing in the match when the incident occurred.", "r": {"result": "Anak lelaki Nieuwenhuizen sedang bermain dalam perlawanan ketika kejadian itu berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Two 15-year-olds and a 16-year-old from Amsterdam, under suspicion of seriously assaulting a 41-year-old linesman of the Buitenboys from Almere, will on Thursday appear before a judge at the Almere court,\" the prosecutor's office said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dua remaja berusia 15 tahun dan 16 tahun dari Amsterdam, disyaki menyerang secara serius seorang penjaga garisan berusia 41 tahun Buitenboys dari Almere, akan hadir di hadapan hakim di mahkamah Almere pada hari Khamis,\" kata pendakwa raya. pejabat berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The suspects will appear on charges of manslaughter, assault and public violence\".", "r": {"result": "\"Suspek akan hadir atas tuduhan membunuh, menyerang dan keganasan awam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The judge will now decide whether to keep the three youths in detention in Amsterdam.", "r": {"result": "Hakim kini akan memutuskan sama ada akan menahan ketiga-tiga pemuda itu dalam tahanan di Amsterdam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nieuwenhuizen is the second man to die during an amateur football game following the death of a 77-year-old, who was the victim of a karate kick by a 32-year-old footballer during a game on December 3 2011.", "r": {"result": "Nieuwenhuizen adalah lelaki kedua yang mati semasa permainan bola sepak amatur berikutan kematian seorang lelaki berusia 77 tahun, yang menjadi mangsa tendangan karate oleh pemain bola sepak berusia 32 tahun semasa perlawanan pada 3 Disember 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a press conference, Bernard Fransen, president of KNVB amateur football, said he was \"very shocked\" by the tragic incident.", "r": {"result": "Pada sidang akhbar, Bernard Fransen, presiden bola sepak amatur KNVB, berkata dia \"sangat terkejut\" dengan insiden tragis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Amateur football matches will be canceled this weekend and a minute's silence will be observed during professional football matches,\" he told reporters.", "r": {"result": "\"Perlawanan bola sepak amatur akan dibatalkan hujung minggu ini dan senyap seminit akan diperhatikan semasa perlawanan bola sepak profesional,\" katanya kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nieuwenhuizen's death has resonated across the globe with FIFA president Sepp Blatter extending his condolences.", "r": {"result": "Kematian Nieuwenhuizen telah bergema di seluruh dunia dengan presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter mengucapkan takziah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Football is a mirror of society and sadly, the same ills that afflict society -- in this case violence -- also manifest themselves in our game,\" said Blatter, according to a statement on fifa.com.", "r": {"result": "\"Bola sepak adalah cermin masyarakat dan malangnya, penyakit yang sama yang menimpa masyarakat -- dalam kes ini keganasan -- juga nyata dalam permainan kami,\" kata Blatter, menurut satu kenyataan di fifa.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Nevertheless, I remain convinced that football -- through the example set by the tireless efforts of people like Mr Nieuwenhuizen -- is a force for good, and we must continue to use its positive example to educate people against these wrongs\".", "r": {"result": "\"Namun begitu, saya tetap yakin bahawa bola sepak -- melalui contoh yang ditunjukkan oleh usaha gigih orang seperti Encik Nieuwenhuizen -- adalah kekuatan untuk kebaikan, dan kita mesti terus menggunakan contoh positifnya untuk mendidik orang ramai menentang kesalahan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On its website Nieuw Sloten said it was \"deeply shocked\" by Nieuwenhuizen's death, adding that it would ban for life the players found to be responsible, as well pulling its team from the league and temporarily suspending all operations as a club.", "r": {"result": "Di laman webnya Nieuw Sloten berkata ia \"sangat terkejut\" dengan kematian Nieuwenhuizen, sambil menambah bahawa ia akan mengharamkan seumur hidup pemain yang didapati bertanggungjawab, serta menarik pasukannya daripada liga dan menggantung sementara semua operasi sebagai sebuah kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Violence should not be on the football fields,\" said a statement on the Nieuw Sloten website.", "r": {"result": "\"Keganasan tidak sepatutnya berlaku di padang bola sepak,\" kata satu kenyataan di laman web Nieuw Sloten.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And certainly not against referees, linesmen and all those others who volunteer each year to help over a million amateur footballers.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDan pastinya tidak menentang pengadil, penjaga garisan dan semua orang lain yang menawarkan diri setiap tahun untuk membantu lebih sejuta pemain bola sepak amatur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We must do everything possible to eliminate these excesses.", "r": {"result": "Kita mesti melakukan segala yang mungkin untuk menghapuskan keterlaluan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nieuwenhuizen was pronounced dead at 5.30 p.m. local time on Monday in the hospital of Nieuwegein, according to his club Buitenboys.", "r": {"result": "Nieuwenhuizen disahkan meninggal dunia pada 5.30 petang. waktu tempatan pada hari Isnin di hospital Nieuwegein, menurut kelabnya Buitenboys.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Buitenboys wish the family much strength with this loss,\" said the Buitenboys website.", "r": {"result": "\"Buitenboys mendoakan keluarga yang kuat dengan kehilangan ini,\" kata laman web Buitenboys.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Dutch Football Association is deeply shocked.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPersatuan Bola Sepak Belanda amat terkejut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After intervention of the police and the arrival of an ambulance, he was in critical condition and transported to a hospital.", "r": {"result": "Selepas campur tangan polis dan ketibaan ambulans, dia berada dalam keadaan kritikal dan dibawa ke hospital.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There he died Monday afternoon,\" reported the website of the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB).", "r": {"result": "Di sana dia meninggal dunia petang Isnin,\" lapor laman web Persatuan Bola Sepak Diraja Belanda (KNVB).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The KNVB's director of amateur football, Anton Binnenmars, added: \"Let me, on behalf of the entire KNVB and all its members, offer my sympathy to the families and friends of the victim.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah bola sepak amatur KNVB, Anton Binnenmars, menambah: \"Biarlah saya, bagi pihak seluruh KNVB dan semua ahlinya, mengucapkan simpati kepada keluarga dan rakan mangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is outrageous that someone enjoying a hobby can be victim of such aggression\".", "r": {"result": "Adalah keterlaluan bahawa seseorang yang menikmati hobi boleh menjadi mangsa pencerobohan sedemikian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite a population of 17.5 million, Holland has built an outstanding reputation for developing young footballers over the years, with its amateur youth clubs providing a strong breeding ground for the country's professional clubs.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun mempunyai populasi 17.5 juta, Holland telah membina reputasi cemerlang untuk membangunkan pemain bola sepak muda selama ini, dengan kelab remaja amaturnya menyediakan tempat pembiakan yang kukuh untuk kelab profesional negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All amateur football has been cancelled this weekend in Holland.", "r": {"result": "Semua bola sepak amatur telah dibatalkan hujung minggu ini di Belanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The increasing use of the Internet by political campaigns presents hackers and spammers with growing opportunities for abuse, according to two Internet experts.", "r": {"result": "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Peningkatan penggunaan Internet oleh kempen politik memberikan penggodam dan pengirim spam dengan peluang yang semakin meningkat untuk penyalahgunaan, menurut dua pakar Internet.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oliver Friedrichs is director of emerging technologies for Symantec.", "r": {"result": "Oliver Friedrichs ialah pengarah teknologi baru muncul untuk Symantec.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oliver Friedrichs, director of emerging technologies for Symantec, a computer security firm, said he has seen attacks of only moderate severity but warns much more damage could be done.", "r": {"result": "Oliver Friedrichs, pengarah teknologi baru muncul untuk Symantec, sebuah firma keselamatan komputer, berkata dia telah melihat serangan hanya tahap sederhana tetapi memberi amaran lebih banyak kerosakan boleh dilakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those attacks include: phishing, or e-mails designed to look legitimate but which take respondents to fraudulent sites; adware, or ads that appear through pop-ups or banners on Web pages; and spyware, which secretly monitors computer users.", "r": {"result": "Serangan tersebut termasuk: pancingan data, atau e-mel yang direka bentuk untuk kelihatan sah tetapi membawa responden ke tapak penipuan; adware, atau iklan yang muncul melalui pop timbul atau sepanduk pada halaman Web; dan perisian pengintip, yang memantau pengguna komputer secara rahsia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fraudulent Web sites and plain old lies are also used.", "r": {"result": "Laman web penipuan dan pembohongan lama yang biasa juga digunakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Campaigns, extremists and others who may not be associated with the campaigns are very likely to start participating in these types of attacks, if not in this election, then in future elections,\" Friedrichs said in a presentation this week to a Black Hat computer information security conference in Washington.", "r": {"result": "\"Kempen, pelampau dan lain-lain yang mungkin tidak dikaitkan dengan kempen berkemungkinan besar akan mula mengambil bahagian dalam jenis serangan ini, jika tidak dalam pilihan raya ini, maka dalam pilihan raya akan datang,\" kata Friedrichs dalam pembentangan minggu ini kepada komputer Black Hat persidangan keselamatan maklumat di Washington.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Symantec, an e-mail was sent last week to several hundred people urging them to click on a link to see a video of Democratic presidential candidate Sen.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Symantec, e-mel telah dihantar minggu lalu kepada beberapa ratus orang menggesa mereka untuk mengklik pada pautan untuk melihat video calon presiden Demokrat Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hillary Clinton.", "r": {"result": "Hillary Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The people who did so inadvertently downloaded a malicious code that made their computers start spewing spam.", "r": {"result": "Orang yang berbuat demikian secara tidak sengaja memuat turun kod hasad yang membuatkan komputer mereka mula memuntahkan spam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other incidents have involved the theft of money and personal information.", "r": {"result": "Kejadian lain melibatkan kecurian wang dan maklumat peribadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2004, for instance, supporters of the Democratic presidential ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards received an e-mail soliciting donations.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2004, sebagai contoh, penyokong tiket presiden Demokrat John Kerry dan John Edwards menerima e-mel meminta derma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It provided a link to a site on which people were directed to enter their credit card information.", "r": {"result": "Ia memberikan pautan ke tapak yang orang diarahkan untuk memasukkan maklumat kad kredit mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was bogus.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities don't know how much money was collected, where it went or how much credit card information was compromised.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa tidak tahu berapa banyak wang yang dikumpul, ke mana ia pergi atau berapa banyak maklumat kad kredit telah dikompromi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With Internet fundraising proving to be a blockbuster success for candidates, Friedrichs said he believes more thieves will try to exploit it.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pengumpulan dana Internet terbukti menjadi kejayaan besar bagi calon, Friedrichs berkata beliau percaya lebih ramai pencuri akan cuba mengeksploitasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some cons operate through \"typo squatting\".", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah keburukan beroperasi melalui \"mencangkung kesilapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For $8 a month, anyone can register a domain name that closely resembles the Internet address of a campaign.", "r": {"result": "Untuk $8 sebulan, sesiapa sahaja boleh mendaftarkan nama domain yang hampir sama dengan alamat Internet kempen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If an attacker then establishes a Web site that closely resembles a candidate's, unsuspecting supporters could make donations.", "r": {"result": "Jika penyerang kemudiannya menubuhkan tapak Web yang hampir sama dengan calon, penyokong yang tidak curiga boleh membuat derma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The campaign would never get the money, but the attacker would.", "r": {"result": "Kempen tidak akan mendapat wang, tetapi penyerang akan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friedrichs said his research shows that typo squatting is in wide use.", "r": {"result": "Friedrichs berkata kajiannya menunjukkan bahawa kesilapan menaip digunakan secara meluas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hundreds of domain names close to those of the presidential candidates have been registered, some of them in India and China.", "r": {"result": "Beratus-ratus nama domain yang hampir dengan calon presiden telah didaftarkan, sebahagian daripadanya di India dan China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These domain names have been used to establish Web sites on which to sell advertising or make political points.", "r": {"result": "Nama domain ini telah digunakan untuk menubuhkan laman web yang digunakan untuk menjual pengiklanan atau membuat perkara politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others are used to mock candidates.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain digunakan untuk mengejek calon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A slip of the finger while navigating to Clinton's Web site, for instance, could send a user to Hillaryclingon.com, which portrays the former first lady as a character from \"Star Trek\".", "r": {"result": "Sedikit jari semasa menavigasi ke laman web Clinton, misalnya, boleh menghantar pengguna ke Hillaryclingon.com, yang menggambarkan bekas wanita pertama itu sebagai watak dari \"Star Trek\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Candidate Web sites themselves also can be hacked, and visitors to the sites could find their computers infected with viruses or worms.", "r": {"result": "Laman Web calon sendiri juga boleh digodam, dan pelawat ke tapak tersebut boleh mendapati komputer mereka dijangkiti virus atau cecacing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm sure it is happening now, \" said Tom Kellermann, vice president of security awareness for Core Security Technologies.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pasti ia berlaku sekarang,\" kata Tom Kellermann, naib presiden kesedaran keselamatan untuk Teknologi Keselamatan Teras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kellermann said all Web sites, including political ones, are targets.", "r": {"result": "Kellermann berkata semua laman web, termasuk laman web politik, adalah sasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Web sites are being attacked on a daily basis by individuals, non-state actors, organized criminals and state actors,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cLaman web diserang setiap hari oleh individu, pelakon bukan negara, penjenayah terancang dan pelakon negara,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Web sites are seen now as the perfect storm because you can attack the users that use them to access the information and visitors who use those sites, who trust those sites\".", "r": {"result": "\"Laman web dilihat kini sebagai ribut yang sempurna kerana anda boleh menyerang pengguna yang menggunakannya untuk mengakses maklumat dan pelawat yang menggunakan tapak tersebut, yang mempercayai tapak tersebut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Internet might also be used to distribute disinformation about candidates.", "r": {"result": "Internet juga mungkin digunakan untuk mengedarkan maklumat salah tentang calon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Politically motivated hackers could even post inaccurate information on a candidate's site, Friedrichs said.", "r": {"result": "Penggodam yang bermotifkan politik juga boleh menyiarkan maklumat yang tidak tepat pada tapak calon, kata Friedrichs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attackers are rarely caught, according to Friedrichs.", "r": {"result": "Penyerang jarang ditangkap, menurut Friedrichs.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is easy for \"attackers to remain completely anonymous and to never be discovered,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Adalah mudah untuk \"penyerang kekal tanpa nama dan tidak pernah ditemui,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the exploitation and corruption of political information on the Internet grows as Friedrichs predicts, he said he fears the public could become wary of Internet fundraising and even become suspicious of political information available on the Web.", "r": {"result": "Jika eksploitasi dan rasuah maklumat politik di Internet berkembang seperti yang diramalkan oleh Friedrichs, beliau berkata beliau bimbang orang ramai boleh menjadi berhati-hati dengan pengumpulan dana Internet malah menjadi curiga dengan maklumat politik yang tersedia di Web.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It certainly has the potential to not only disrupt but potentially cause voters to lose faith in the electoral system,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa sudah tentu berpotensi bukan sahaja mengganggu tetapi berpotensi menyebabkan pengundi hilang kepercayaan terhadap sistem pilihan raya,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "E-mail to a friend.", "r": {"result": "E-mel kepada rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- One simple tweet can help push the start button for action, thanks in part to the viral nature of social media.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Satu tweet ringkas boleh membantu menekan butang mula untuk bertindak, sebahagiannya disebabkan sifat viral media sosial.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Luke Crane, who says he works at Kickstarter and describes himself as a self-publisher of role-playing games, floated out a question on Monday evening: \"Why are there so few lady game creators\"?", "r": {"result": "Luke Crane, yang mengatakan dia bekerja di Kickstarter dan menggambarkan dirinya sebagai penerbit sendiri permainan main peranan, melontarkan soalan pada petang Isnin: \"Mengapa terdapat begitu sedikit pencipta permainan wanita\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His inquiry touched on a controversy that's been brewing for a long time.", "r": {"result": "Siasatan beliau menyentuh kontroversi yang telah lama tercetus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Women's role in the gaming industry is part of a greater conversation about gender roles and stereotypes in the scientific, techie and geek spheres.", "r": {"result": "Peranan wanita dalam industri permainan adalah sebahagian daripada perbualan yang lebih luas tentang peranan jantina dan stereotaip dalam sfera saintifik, teknikal dan geek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These fields are often said to be dominated by men.", "r": {"result": "Bidang-bidang ini sering dikatakan dikuasai oleh kaum lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But are they really?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi adakah mereka benar-benar?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As the discussion continued, Twitter user Filamena Young apparently was the first person to start using the #1ReasonWhy hashtag.", "r": {"result": "Semasa perbincangan diteruskan, pengguna Twitter Filamena Young nampaknya adalah orang pertama yang mula menggunakan hashtag #1ReasonWhy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others adopted it as well.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain juga mengamalkannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Grievances were aired, issues were discussed, and the tag started getting more and more attention.", "r": {"result": "Keluhan telah disiarkan, isu telah dibincangkan, dan tag mula mendapat perhatian yang lebih dan lebih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, talk started turning into something more.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, perbualan mula bertukar menjadi sesuatu yang lebih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The #1ReasonMentor hashtag popped up to help women interested in the video gaming industry to meet others who are working in the field, and vice versa.", "r": {"result": "Hashtag #1ReasonMentor muncul untuk membantu wanita yang berminat dalam industri permainan video untuk bertemu orang lain yang bekerja dalam bidang tersebut, dan begitu juga sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's a very abbreviated snapshot of the discussion:", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah petikan perbincangan yang sangat singkat:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you have trouble viewing this page, please visit Storify to see the post.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda menghadapi masalah melihat halaman ini, sila lawati Storify untuk melihat siaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After we at CNN saw this exchange taking place, we were inspired to share it with our reader community and keep the mentoring and leadership conversation going.", "r": {"result": "Selepas kami di CNN melihat pertukaran ini berlaku, kami telah diilhamkan untuk berkongsi dengan komuniti pembaca kami dan meneruskan perbualan bimbingan dan kepimpinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are you a female interested in the video game industry, or do you know someone who is?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda seorang wanita yang berminat dalam industri permainan video, atau adakah anda mengenali seseorang yang berminat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What female techies and geeks do you admire, and what qualities can best help a woman, or anyone, succeed?", "r": {"result": "Apakah juruteknik dan geek wanita yang anda kagumi, dan apakah kualiti terbaik yang boleh membantu wanita, atau sesiapa sahaja, berjaya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Do you have a mentor, or can you think of a good mentor for women interested in the video gaming world, or science and technology?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda mempunyai mentor, atau bolehkah anda memikirkan mentor yang baik untuk wanita yang berminat dalam dunia permainan video, atau sains dan teknologi?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And what suggestions do you have for those seeking a mentor, or for those who want to become mentors?", "r": {"result": "Dan apakah cadangan yang anda ada untuk mereka yang mencari mentor, atau bagi mereka yang ingin menjadi mentor?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Share your views in the comments area below or post your commentary on CNN iReport.", "r": {"result": "Kongsi pandangan anda di ruang komen di bawah atau siarkan ulasan anda di CNN iReport.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You can find us on Twitter, too, via @cnnireport and @cnntech.", "r": {"result": "Anda boleh menemui kami di Twitter juga, melalui @cnnireport dan @cnntech.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The third \"B\" in the collapse of our national security system and the State Department hit this week.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- \"B\" ketiga dalam keruntuhan sistem keselamatan negara kita dan Jabatan Negara melanda minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The release of five very high-value terrorist leaders as a swap for one U.S. serviceman was the third strike against the Obama administration's policy of defeat, dishonesty and self-delusion.", "r": {"result": "Pembebasan lima pemimpin pengganas yang sangat bernilai tinggi sebagai pertukaran untuk seorang anggota tentera AS adalah mogok ketiga terhadap dasar kekalahan, ketidakjujuran dan penipuan diri pentadbiran Obama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Congress starts investigating the Bergdahl case it must broaden the analysis to look at the common patterns which connect it to the administration's approach on two other national security questions: Boko Haram and Benghazi.", "r": {"result": "Apabila Kongres mula menyiasat kes Bergdahl, ia mesti meluaskan analisis untuk melihat corak biasa yang menghubungkannya dengan pendekatan pentadbiran dalam dua soalan keselamatan negara yang lain: Boko Haram dan Benghazi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The first was Hillary Clinton's State Department's decision from 2011 to 2013 to reject requests by the FBI, CIA, Justice Department and many congressmen and senators on both sides of the aisle to list Nigeria's Boko Haram as a terrorist organization.", "r": {"result": "Yang pertama ialah keputusan Jabatan Negara Hillary Clinton dari 2011 hingga 2013 untuk menolak permintaan oleh FBI, CIA, Jabatan Kehakiman dan ramai ahli kongres dan senator di kedua-dua belah lorong untuk menyenaraikan Boko Haram Nigeria sebagai organisasi pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Well before Boko Haram abducted more than 200 girls from a school in northern Nigeria in April, the State Department's arguments for keeping the Nigerian extremist group off the list were almost exactly the arguments used to distort what happened in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, and to justify releasing five extraordinarily dangerous Taliban leaders.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum Boko Haram menculik lebih 200 gadis dari sebuah sekolah di utara Nigeria pada bulan April, hujah Jabatan Negara untuk menghalang kumpulan pelampau Nigeria daripada senarai adalah hampir tepat hujah yang digunakan untuk memutarbelitkan apa yang berlaku di Benghazi, Libya, pada 11 September, 2012, dan untuk mewajarkan membebaskan lima pemimpin Taliban yang sangat berbahaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boko Haram, we were told, was a local organization without aspirations to international terrorism.", "r": {"result": "Boko Haram, kami diberitahu, adalah sebuah pertubuhan tempatan tanpa aspirasi kepada keganasan antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This assessment required us to ignore the fact that Boko Haram's first base camp in northern Nigeria was called \"Afghanistan\" in honor of the Taliban.", "r": {"result": "Penilaian ini memerlukan kami untuk mengabaikan fakta bahawa kem pangkalan pertama Boko Haram di utara Nigeria dipanggil \"Afghanistan\" sebagai penghormatan kepada Taliban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It required us to ignore the fact that the group burned Christian churches on Christmas Day.", "r": {"result": "Ia memerlukan kami untuk mengabaikan fakta bahawa kumpulan itu membakar gereja Kristian pada Hari Krismas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It required us to ignore the fact that members of Boko Haram went to Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan for training.", "r": {"result": "Ia memerlukan kami untuk mengabaikan fakta bahawa ahli Boko Haram pergi ke Yaman, Arab Saudi dan Afghanistan untuk latihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of this, self-delusional \"experts\" in the State Department assured us, meant that Boko Haram was a \"real\" terrorist organization.", "r": {"result": "Tiada satu pun daripada ini, \"pakar\" yang mengkhayalkan diri sendiri di Jabatan Negara memberi jaminan kepada kami, bermakna Boko Haram adalah organisasi pengganas \"sebenar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then in 2012 came riots in Cairo and Benghazi, among other places in the Muslim world.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pada 2012 berlaku rusuhan di Kaherah dan Benghazi, antara tempat lain di dunia Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "These were not caused by vicious, anti-American religious extremists, the experts assured us -- that would have violated the State Department ethos of appeasing others and blaming ourselves -- but by a YouTube video.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan disebabkan oleh pelampau agama yang kejam dan anti-Amerika, pakar memberi jaminan kepada kami -- itu akan melanggar etos Jabatan Negara untuk menenangkan orang lain dan menyalahkan diri sendiri -- tetapi melalui video YouTube.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton eventually went so far as to disavow the content of the video on behalf of the American people.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Negara ketika itu Hillary Clinton akhirnya bertindak lebih jauh untuk menafikan kandungan video itu bagi pihak rakyat Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just as the apology machine began to run at full speed, blaming the obscure filmmaker and absolving the mob of its permanent willingness to attack the United States for any reason, along came the attack that killed the American ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi.", "r": {"result": "Sama seperti mesin permohonan maaf mula berjalan dengan laju, menyalahkan pembuat filem yang tidak jelas dan membebaskan gerombolan itu dari kesediaan kekalnya untuk menyerang Amerika Syarikat atas apa jua sebab, bersama-sama datang serangan yang membunuh duta Amerika dan tiga orang Amerika lain di Benghazi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The self-deluding national security machine lied to the entire country and denied what really happened at Benghazi.", "r": {"result": "Jentera keselamatan negara yang menipu diri sendiri berbohong kepada seluruh negara dan menafikan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku di Benghazi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The driving force in the lies was the Clinton State Department, which specifically asked for the intelligence community analysis to be changed.", "r": {"result": "Penggerak dalam pembohongan itu ialah Jabatan Negara Clinton, yang secara khusus meminta analisis komuniti perisikan diubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now we have the most disastrous of the three \"B's\": Bergdahl.", "r": {"result": "Sekarang kita mempunyai yang paling berbahaya daripada tiga \"B\": Bergdahl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While we can be glad an American soldier has been returned from captivity, the release of five senior enemy commanders is a defeat of the first order.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kita boleh gembira kerana seorang askar Amerika telah kembali dari tahanan, pembebasan lima komander kanan musuh adalah kekalahan perintah pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taliban leader Mullah Omar declared the swap a great victory.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Taliban Mullah Omar mengisytiharkan pertukaran itu sebagai kemenangan besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Taliban got everything it asked for.", "r": {"result": "Taliban mendapat semua yang diminta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This swap was a surrender, not a negotiation.", "r": {"result": "Pertukaran ini adalah penyerahan diri, bukan rundingan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's likely that the five Taliban leaders will all go into action immediately.", "r": {"result": "Berkemungkinan lima pemimpin Taliban akan bertindak segera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The notion that their presence in Qatar restricts them is just one more example of self-delusion and dishonesty by the State Department.", "r": {"result": "Tanggapan bahawa kehadiran mereka di Qatar menyekat mereka hanyalah satu lagi contoh penipuan diri dan ketidakjujuran oleh Jabatan Negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both the Treasury and the State Department have identified Qatar as a hot bed of fundraising for radical Islamists.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Perbendaharaan dan Jabatan Negara telah mengenal pasti Qatar sebagai pusat pengumpulan dana yang hangat untuk Islam radikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Qataris have consistently meddled in Middle Eastern countries on the side of radicals and against the U.S.", "r": {"result": "Qatar telah secara konsisten mencampuri negara-negara Timur Tengah di pihak radikal dan menentang A.S.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The return of the senior Taliban commanders is as big a defeat as America has suffered in a very long time.", "r": {"result": "Kepulangan komander kanan Taliban adalah satu kekalahan besar seperti yang dialami oleh Amerika sejak sekian lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Who knows how many will die when these five leaders resume their war against the West?", "r": {"result": "Siapa tahu berapa ramai yang akan mati apabila kelima-lima pemimpin ini menyambung semula perang mereka terhadap Barat?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taliban video shows Bowe Bergdahl's release in Afghanistan.", "r": {"result": "Video Taliban menunjukkan pembebasan Bowe Bergdahl di Afghanistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Barack Obama released the five Taliban leaders without ever consulting his Afghan \"allies,\" who must feel very threatened between the previous week's announcement by the president of an arbitrary American withdrawal date and now the unilateral release of five of their mortal enemies.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Barack Obama membebaskan lima pemimpin Taliban tanpa berunding dengan \"sekutu\" Afghannya, yang pasti berasa sangat terancam antara pengumuman minggu sebelumnya oleh presiden mengenai tarikh pengunduran sewenang-wenangnya Amerika dan kini pembebasan unilateral lima musuh mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Left's selfishness, self-centeredness and duplicity abandons allies when they become \"inconvenient\".", "r": {"result": "Sikap mementingkan diri sendiri, mementingkan diri sendiri dan bermuka dua golongan Kiri meninggalkan sekutu apabila mereka menjadi \"menyusahkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama's foreign policy successes seem to come at enormous cost to other people.", "r": {"result": "Kejayaan dasar luar Obama nampaknya mendatangkan kos yang besar kepada orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The president's argument that we simply had to cut a deal for Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Hujah presiden bahawa kami hanya perlu memotong perjanjian untuk Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bowe Bergdahl because of his health goes against the American experience in every recent war.", "r": {"result": "Bowe Bergdahl kerana kesihatannya bertentangan dengan pengalaman Amerika dalam setiap perang baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Vietnam, many American prisoners of war were held longer than Bergdahl and 114 died in captivity.", "r": {"result": "Di Vietnam, ramai tawanan perang Amerika ditahan lebih lama daripada Bergdahl dan 114 mati dalam kurungan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the Korean War, more than 7,100 Americans became prisoners of war and just over 2,700 are known to have died in captivity.", "r": {"result": "Dalam Perang Korea, lebih daripada 7,100 orang Amerika menjadi tawanan perang dan lebih daripada 2,700 diketahui telah mati dalam tahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The six soldiers at center of Bergdahl debate.", "r": {"result": "Enam askar di pusat perbahasan Bergdahl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What President Obama really did this week is to guarantee a much lower military interest in risking life and limb to take high-value prisoners alive given that there is now a possibility that they will released in the future.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang Presiden Obama benar-benar lakukan minggu ini adalah untuk menjamin kepentingan ketenteraan yang jauh lebih rendah dalam mempertaruhkan nyawa dan anggota badan untuk mengambil tahanan bernilai tinggi hidup-hidup memandangkan kini terdapat kemungkinan bahawa mereka akan dibebaskan pada masa hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, missions will be more focused on killing than capturing these targets.", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, misi akan lebih tertumpu pada pembunuhan daripada menangkap sasaran ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hillary Clinton wanted tougher deal for Bergdahl, former officials say.", "r": {"result": "Hillary Clinton mahu perjanjian yang lebih sukar untuk Bergdahl, kata bekas pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Obama team clearly believed that chanting \"We Don't Leave Americans Behind\" would be a winning argument.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan Obama jelas percaya bahawa melaungkan \"Kami Tidak Meninggalkan Orang Amerika\" akan menjadi hujah yang menang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Every spokesperson for the administration repeated the line.", "r": {"result": "Setiap jurucakap pentadbiran mengulangi talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Susan Rice, now national security adviser, replayed her post-Benghazi role of going on Sunday shows and either misleading or lying to the American people, claiming that this was \"a joyous day\".", "r": {"result": "Susan Rice, kini penasihat keselamatan negara, memainkan semula peranannya selepas Benghazi menghadiri rancangan Ahad dan sama ada mengelirukan atau berbohong kepada rakyat Amerika, dengan mendakwa bahawa ini adalah \"hari yang menggembirakan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One final example of the Left's passion for self-delusion and dishonesty.", "r": {"result": "Satu contoh terakhir keghairahan golongan Kiri untuk menipu diri sendiri dan tidak jujur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel asserted that we never negotiated with the Taliban.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha Pertahanan Chuck Hagel menegaskan bahawa kami tidak pernah berunding dengan Taliban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Other administration figures took up that claim.", "r": {"result": "Tokoh pentadbiran lain menerima tuntutan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Five tough ethics issues in Bergdahl swap.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Lima isu etika yang sukar dalam pertukaran Bergdahl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is so pathetic a lie it is hard to understand how he could say it with a straight face.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah pembohongan yang sangat menyedihkan sehingga sukar untuk memahami bagaimana dia boleh mengatakannya dengan muka lurus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The claim is that the Qataris talked to the Taliban.", "r": {"result": "Dakwaannya ialah Qatar bercakap dengan Taliban.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In this case, of course, the Qataris were our agents and were negotiating for us.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kes ini, sudah tentu, Qatar adalah ejen kami dan sedang berunding untuk kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But we are asked to indulge the deceit.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kita diminta untuk melayan penipuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The State Department may be the second-most urgent reform target after Veterans Affairs.", "r": {"result": "Jabatan Negara mungkin menjadi sasaran reformasi kedua paling mendesak selepas Hal Ehwal Veteran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Congress should link together the three \"B's\" and understand that we are faced with delusion across our national security apparatus.", "r": {"result": "Kongres harus menghubungkan ketiga-tiga \"B\" dan memahami bahawa kita berhadapan dengan khayalan di seluruh peralatan keselamatan negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Join us on Facebook.com/CNNOpinion.", "r": {"result": "Sertai kami di Facebook.com/CNNOpinion.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Chinese authorities were explicit: Tear down the nation's first sex-themed amusement park before it gets going full steam.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pihak berkuasa China secara eksplisit: Runtuhkan taman hiburan bertema seks yang pertama di negara itu sebelum ia menjadi semakin kuat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Visitors catch a glimpse of Love Land, billed as China's first-ever sex theme park, in southwest China.", "r": {"result": "Pengunjung melihat sekilas Love Land, yang dinamakan sebagai taman tema seks pertama di China, di barat daya China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Love Land had not opened its doors yet, but authorities in the city of Chongqing -- a sprawling metropolis on the banks of the Yangtze River -- got all hot and bothered over the park's plans to display naked human sculptures, giant replica genitals and a photo gallery on the history of sex, the state-run China Daily reported.", "r": {"result": "Love Land masih belum membuka pintunya, tetapi pihak berkuasa di bandar Chongqing -- sebuah kota metropolis yang luas di tebing Sungai Yangtze -- menjadi panas dan terganggu dengan rancangan taman itu untuk mempamerkan arca manusia berbogel, kemaluan replika gergasi dan galeri foto mengenai sejarah seks, lapor akhbar China Daily.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lu Xiaoqing, park manager, told the newspaper he got the idea for building Love Land after a visit to a sex park in Jeju, a popular destination in South Korea.", "r": {"result": "Lu Xiaoqing, pengurus taman, memberitahu akhbar itu dia mendapat idea untuk membina Love Land selepas melawat taman seks di Jeju, destinasi popular di Korea Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Love Land would include sex-technique workshops and sex education to help adults \"enjoy a harmonious sex life,\" Lu said.", "r": {"result": "Love Land akan menyertakan bengkel teknik seks dan pendidikan seks untuk membantu orang dewasa \"menikmati kehidupan seks yang harmoni,\" kata Lu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sex is a taboo subject in China, but people really need to have more access to information about it,\" he told the newspaper.", "r": {"result": "\"Seks adalah subjek tabu di China, tetapi orang ramai benar-benar perlu mempunyai lebih banyak akses kepada maklumat mengenainya,\" katanya kepada akhbar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are building the park for the good of the public\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami membina taman untuk kebaikan orang ramai\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whatever Lu's intentions, the newspaper said Chinese officials saw it another way: \"vulgar, ill-minded and misleading\".", "r": {"result": "Walau apa pun niat Lu, akhbar itu berkata pegawai China melihatnya dengan cara lain: \"kasar, jahat fikiran dan mengelirukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The park was to open in October but was demolished over the weekend -- thongs, replicas of derrieres and all.", "r": {"result": "Taman itu akan dibuka pada bulan Oktober tetapi telah dirobohkan pada hujung minggu -- tali, replika derrieres dan semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reactions posted on the Internet were varied, according to the China Daily.", "r": {"result": "Reaksi yang disiarkan di Internet adalah berbeza-beza, menurut China Daily.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some thought sex was best left behind closed doors, while others argued that a real need for sex education existed in China.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah berpendapat seks lebih baik ditinggalkan secara tertutup, sementara yang lain berpendapat bahawa keperluan sebenar untuk pendidikan seks wujud di China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sex is a matter of privacy.", "r": {"result": "\"Seks adalah soal privasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not for publicity,\" said Xia Xueluan, a sociology professor at Beijing University.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan untuk publisiti,\" kata Xia Xueluan, seorang profesor sosiologi di Universiti Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The officials in Chongquing apparently agreed.", "r": {"result": "Para pegawai di Chongquing nampaknya bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NEW YORK (CNN) -- It's a good thing Chrisette Michele didn't choke last week when she heard the news she had a No.1 album on her hands.", "r": {"result": "NEW YORK (CNN) -- Nasib baik Chrisette Michele tidak tersedak minggu lalu apabila dia mendengar berita dia mempunyai album No.1 di tangannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chrisette Michele's album \"Epiphany\" debuted at No.1 earlier in May.", "r": {"result": "Album Chrisette Michele \"Epiphany\" memulakan kerjaya di No.1 pada awal Mei.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was backstage at the David Letterman show on a couch, probably eating grapes,\" says the singer-songwriter.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berada di belakang pentas di pertunjukan David Letterman di atas sofa, mungkin sedang makan anggur,\" kata penyanyi dan penulis lagu itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I always eat grapes before I go on\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya selalu makan anggur sebelum saya pergi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The acid and pectin in the fruit help prepare her voice for performing, the 26-year-old goes on to explain.", "r": {"result": "Asid dan pektin dalam buah itu membantu menyediakan suaranya untuk membuat persembahan, lanjut wanita berusia 26 tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But nothing, she says, could have prepared her for the excitement she'd feel upon learning her sophomore album, \"Epiphany,\" debuted atop the Billboard 200 chart.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tiada apa, katanya, yang dapat menyediakannya untuk keseronokan yang dia rasai apabila mengetahui album keduanya, \"Epiphany,\" mula muncul di puncak carta Billboard 200.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She had to go chill out at a lakeside ranch for a couple of days to let it all sink in.", "r": {"result": "Dia terpaksa berehat di ladang tepi tasik selama beberapa hari untuk membiarkan semuanya tenggelam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this isn't Michele's first big career moment: She won a Grammy this year in the Best Urban/Alternative Performance category for her single, \"Be OK,\" featuring will.i.am.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ini bukan detik kerjaya besar pertama Michele: Dia memenangi Grammy tahun ini dalam kategori Persembahan Bandar/Alternatif Terbaik untuk singlenya, \"Be OK,\" yang menampilkan will.i.am.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The song first appeared on her soul-tinged 2007 debut album \"I Am,\" for which she penned all her own lyrics.", "r": {"result": "Lagu itu mula-mula muncul pada album sulungnya pada 2007 yang penuh semangat \"I Am,\" yang mana dia menulis semua liriknya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This time around, Michele, whose voice has earned her comparisons to Billie Holiday and Jill Scott, relinquished some songwriting duties to R&B singer Ne-Yo.", "r": {"result": "Kali ini, Michele, yang suaranya telah dibandingkan dengan Billie Holiday dan Jill Scott, melepaskan beberapa tugas menulis lagu kepada penyanyi R&B Ne-Yo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele talked to CNN about the experience of sharing pen and paper, the real-life epiphany behind \"Epiphany\" and why she likes making mischief.", "r": {"result": "Michele bercakap dengan CNN tentang pengalaman berkongsi pen dan kertas, pencerahan kehidupan sebenar di sebalik \"Epiphany\" dan sebab dia suka membuat nakal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Michele belt out a tune >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Michele menyanyikan lagu >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Have you had a big epiphany recently?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Adakah anda mengalami pencerahan besar baru-baru ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: I have epiphanies all the time, because I'm always thinking.", "r": {"result": "Michele: Saya mempunyai epiphanies sepanjang masa, kerana saya sentiasa berfikir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm a thinker.", "r": {"result": "Saya seorang pemikir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm always writing poetry, I'm always coming to conclusions.", "r": {"result": "Saya selalu menulis puisi, saya selalu membuat kesimpulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest epiphany is that I really don't have to be afraid of anybody.", "r": {"result": "Epiphany terkini ialah saya benar-benar tidak perlu takut kepada sesiapa pun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the reason why it was an epiphany was when I first started, I was so afraid that maybe they won't like me.", "r": {"result": "Dan sebab mengapa ia adalah epiphany adalah ketika saya mula-mula mula, saya sangat takut bahawa mungkin mereka tidak akan menyukai saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I was just being myself, I was being really honest.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya hanya menjadi diri saya sendiri, saya benar-benar jujur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And so I felt that if they didn't like me that would really hurt.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya merasakan bahawa jika mereka tidak menyukai saya, itu akan sangat menyakitkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I found out that there's a lot more lovers out there than I realized, and the world is much smaller than I thought.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya mendapati bahawa terdapat lebih ramai kekasih di luar sana daripada yang saya sedar, dan dunia ini jauh lebih kecil daripada yang saya fikirkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And so there's no need to be afraid.", "r": {"result": "Jadi tidak perlu takut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Tell me about the single.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Beritahu saya tentang single itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: \"Epiphany\" is about a girl who's sitting on her couch and saying \"You know what?", "r": {"result": "Michele: \"Epiphany\" adalah mengenai seorang gadis yang sedang duduk di sofanya dan berkata \"Anda tahu apa?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm sick and tired of waiting for these phone calls.", "r": {"result": "Saya muak dan bosan menunggu panggilan telefon ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm sick and tired of waiting for him to come home\".", "r": {"result": "Saya sakit dan penat menunggu dia pulang\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think I'm just about over being his girlfriend.", "r": {"result": "Saya rasa saya sudah hampir menjadi teman wanitanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And that's her epiphany.", "r": {"result": "Dan itulah pencerahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's her a-ha moment.", "r": {"result": "Itulah saat a-ha dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: How does this album demonstrate how you've progressed as an artist?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bagaimanakah album ini menunjukkan kemajuan anda sebagai seorang artis?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: One way is that I didn't write some of the songs.", "r": {"result": "Michele: Satu cara ialah saya tidak menulis beberapa lagu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pride destroyed!", "r": {"result": "Kesombongan musnah!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ego smashed!", "r": {"result": "Ego hancur!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pens, pencils thrown across the room!", "r": {"result": "Pen, pensel dilemparkan ke seluruh bilik!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was so tough at first.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat sukar pada mulanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But then I started working with Ne-Yo.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kemudian saya mula bekerja dengan Ne-Yo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ne-Yo is the easiest person to talk to, and he made my experiences come to life with his lyrics.", "r": {"result": "Ne-Yo ialah orang yang paling mudah untuk bercakap dengannya, dan dia menjadikan pengalaman saya dihidupkan dengan liriknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was afraid that if somebody took the pen and the pad that it would suddenly turn into somebody else.", "r": {"result": "Saya takut jika seseorang mengambil pen dan pad itu tiba-tiba ia akan bertukar menjadi orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he did a wonderful job of capturing Chrisette Michele and it was a beautiful experience.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia melakukan kerja yang hebat untuk menangkap Chrisette Michele dan ia adalah pengalaman yang indah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Who's your favorite jazz performer in the world?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Siapa penghibur jazz kegemaran anda di dunia?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: Ella Fitzgerald.", "r": {"result": "Michele: Ella Fitzgerald.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I can't narrow it down to just one.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya tidak boleh menyempitkannya kepada satu sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I get excited when we talk about jazz.", "r": {"result": "Saya teruja apabila kita bercakap tentang jazz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Which living jazz musician would you like to work with?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Pemuzik jazz hidup manakah yang anda ingin bekerjasama?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: Diana Krall.", "r": {"result": "Michele: Diana Krall.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A female piano player is always pretty cool to me.", "r": {"result": "Seorang pemain piano wanita sentiasa cantik bagi saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I went to school, did jazz and there weren't a lot of ladies who sat down and did those jazz things at the keys that she does.", "r": {"result": "Saya pergi ke sekolah, bermain jazz dan tidak ramai wanita yang duduk dan melakukan perkara jazz itu pada kunci yang dia lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Why don't you think young people appreciate jazz as much?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Mengapa anda tidak fikir orang muda sangat menghargai jazz?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: I'm an advocate of music in schools.", "r": {"result": "Michele: Saya seorang penyokong muzik di sekolah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's important to me that music is in as many schools as possible across this country and across the world.", "r": {"result": "Adalah penting bagi saya bahawa muzik berada di seberapa banyak sekolah yang mungkin di seluruh negara ini dan di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I think that it's a lost art form because kids aren't as exposed to it as maybe they used to be, or should be.", "r": {"result": "Saya fikir ia adalah satu bentuk seni yang hilang kerana kanak-kanak tidak terdedah kepadanya seperti dahulu, atau sepatutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was exposed heavily to jazz and that's why I love it.", "r": {"result": "Saya banyak terdedah kepada jazz dan itulah sebabnya saya menyukainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: I hear you're a bit of a prankster.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Saya dengar awak agak gurauan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: When I was in school I used to prank my teachers all the time.", "r": {"result": "Michele: Semasa saya di sekolah, saya selalu mengejek guru saya sepanjang masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I was really, really nice.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya benar-benar baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I love to make people laugh.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka membuat orang ketawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And even in those pranks, the teachers would laugh most of the time.", "r": {"result": "Dan walaupun dalam gurauan itu, guru-guru akan ketawa pada kebanyakan masa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What's your favorite album of 2009 so far?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apakah album kegemaran anda pada tahun 2009 setakat ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: Mine (smiles mischievously).", "r": {"result": "Michele: Milik saya (senyum nakal).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Besides yours.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Selain awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Michele: What is in my iPod right now on repeat is John Legend's \"Evolver\".", "r": {"result": "Michele: Apa yang ada dalam iPod saya sekarang berulang ialah \"Evolver\" John Legend.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I can't get enough of that record.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak boleh cukup dengan rekod itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I also love Adele's new album.", "r": {"result": "Saya juga suka album baharu Adele.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's incredible, especially the live side.", "r": {"result": "Ia luar biasa, terutamanya bahagian langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those are two that are on my radar.", "r": {"result": "Itu adalah dua yang ada dalam radar saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- India is looking to Pakistan for answers after online threats and text messages sparked mass panic among migrant workers and students who hail from the country's northeast.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- India mencari jawapan kepada Pakistan selepas ancaman dalam talian dan mesej teks mencetuskan panik besar-besaran dalam kalangan pekerja asing dan pelajar yang berasal dari timur laut negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indian Home Minister Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde said in a statement issued Monday that \"elements based in Pakistan\" had used social media to circulate false pictures and stories.", "r": {"result": "Menteri Dalam Negeri India Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde berkata dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Isnin bahawa \"elemen yang berpangkalan di Pakistan\" telah menggunakan media sosial untuk menyebarkan gambar dan cerita palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Students and workers from the northeastern state of Assam said last week they received text messages threatening retribution for ethnic violence that has gripped their state in recent weeks.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar dan pekerja dari negeri timur laut Assam berkata minggu lalu mereka menerima mesej teks yang mengancam pembalasan atas keganasan etnik yang mencengkam negeri mereka sejak beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The texts and rumors prompted thousands of people to flee cities across India, including Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad and Bangalore, the country's technology and outsourcing hub.", "r": {"result": "Teks dan khabar angin itu mendorong beribu-ribu orang meninggalkan bandar di seluruh India, termasuk Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad dan Bangalore, hab teknologi dan penyumberan luar negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pictures showed crowded station platforms and packed railway carriages although the situation is now calmer.", "r": {"result": "Gambar menunjukkan platform stesen yang sesak dan gerabak kereta api yang penuh sesak walaupun keadaan kini lebih tenang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rumors send thousands fleeing in India.", "r": {"result": "Khabar angin menghantar beribu-ribu melarikan diri di India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Indian government also said on Monday that it had blocked a total of 245 web pages for hosting provocative content.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan India juga berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa ia telah menyekat sejumlah 245 halaman web untuk menganjurkan kandungan provokatif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It said that images and video had been doctored, inciting comments from bloggers and users of social media and the sending of \"hate SMSes\".", "r": {"result": "Ia berkata bahawa imej dan video telah direka, menghasut komen daripada blogger dan pengguna media sosial dan penghantaran \"SMS kebencian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The initial response from international social networking sites indicates that such content has been hosted from outside the country and to a large extent from a neighboring country (Pakistan),\" according to a statement from India's Information and Technology Ministry.", "r": {"result": "\"Maklum balas awal daripada laman rangkaian sosial antarabangsa menunjukkan bahawa kandungan sedemikian telah dihoskan dari luar negara dan sebahagian besarnya dari negara jiran (Pakistan),\" menurut kenyataan Kementerian Maklumat dan Teknologi India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mass text messages to more than five people have also been banned.", "r": {"result": "Mesej teks massa kepada lebih daripada lima orang juga telah diharamkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shinde said he had expressed his concern about the misuse of social networking sites in a phone call to Rehman Malik, Pakistan's interior minister.", "r": {"result": "Shinde berkata beliau telah menyatakan kebimbangannya mengenai penyalahgunaan laman rangkaian sosial dalam panggilan telefon kepada Rehman Malik, menteri dalam negeri Pakistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He asked for Pakistan's cooperation in investigating the claims.", "r": {"result": "Dia meminta kerjasama Pakistan dalam menyiasat dakwaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, according to media reports, Malik said he would investigate only if India provided evidence to back up its assertion that the content originated in Pakistan.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, menurut laporan media, Malik berkata beliau akan menyiasat hanya jika India memberikan bukti untuk menyokong dakwaannya bahawa kandungan itu berasal dari Pakistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "India's northeast is home to more than 200 ethnic and tribal groups.", "r": {"result": "Timur laut India adalah rumah kepada lebih daripada 200 kumpulan etnik dan suku kaum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Violence erupted in Assam in July after two Muslim boys were shot by members of the Bodos tribe, local police said.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan meletus di Assam pada Julai selepas dua budak lelaki Islam ditembak oleh anggota suku Bodos, kata polis tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Muslims retaliated by killing four Bodos.", "r": {"result": "Orang Islam bertindak balas dengan membunuh empat Bodos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That triggered widespread rioting and since then at least 80 people have died and more than 300,000 have been displaced.", "r": {"result": "Itu mencetuskan rusuhan yang meluas dan sejak itu sekurang-kurangnya 80 orang telah mati dan lebih 300,000 telah dipindahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Bodos, who are mainly Hindu, migrated to India decades ago but they fear being marginalized by the increasing number of Muslims, who cross the border illegally from Bangladesh.", "r": {"result": "Kaum Bodos, yang kebanyakannya beragama Hindu, berhijrah ke India beberapa dekad lalu tetapi mereka takut dipinggirkan oleh peningkatan jumlah umat Islam, yang menyeberangi sempadan secara haram dari Bangladesh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Robert Downey Jr. is making headlines for walking out of an interview with a British journalist who dared to veer away from the superhero movie Downey was there to promote.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Robert Downey Jr. menjadi berita utama kerana keluar daripada temu bual dengan seorang wartawan Britain yang berani menyimpang dari filem adiwira Downey yang hadir untuk mempromosikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The journalist instead started asking personal questions about the actor's political beliefs and \"dark periods\" of addiction and jail time.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan itu sebaliknya mula bertanya soalan peribadi tentang kepercayaan politik pelakon dan \"masa gelap\" ketagihan dan masa penjara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Twitter, of course, is abuzz: Did journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy go too far?", "r": {"result": "Twitter, tentu saja, heboh: Adakah wartawan Krishnan Guru-Murthy pergi terlalu jauh?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Must every interview be a license for a journalist to ask anything he'd like?", "r": {"result": "Mesti setiap temu duga menjadi lesen untuk wartawan bertanya apa sahaja yang dia mahu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From the start of the 7-minute television interview, it seems evident that Downey is not particularly interested in being there, even if being there was, ultimately, a benefit to him -- after all, he's promoting his latest film, \"Avengers: Age of Ultron\".", "r": {"result": "Dari permulaan wawancara televisyen selama 7 minit, nampaknya jelas bahawa Downey tidak begitu berminat untuk berada di sana, walaupun berada di sana, akhirnya, memberi manfaat kepadanya -- lagipun, dia mempromosikan filem terbarunya, \"Avengers: Zaman Ultron\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He grows increasingly agitated, even as the line of questioning remains on-topic; his attitude, meanwhile, grew increasingly smug.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjadi semakin gelisah, walaupun garis soal jawab tetap pada topik; sikapnya pula semakin menyampah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His eyes glaze over as the reporter talks, he makes condescending comments and gestures that seem intended to intimidate and imply he's much smarter than Guru-Murthy, and he repeatedly looks toward his handler as if to say, \"Do I really have to sit here with this guy\"?", "r": {"result": "Matanya berkaca-kaca ketika wartawan bercakap, dia membuat komen dan gerak isyarat merendahkan yang seolah-olah bertujuan untuk menakut-nakutkan dan membayangkan dia jauh lebih bijak daripada Guru-Murthy, dan dia berulang kali memandang ke arah pengendalinya seolah-olah berkata, \"Adakah saya benar-benar perlu duduk di sini? dengan lelaki ini\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At one point, he makes fun of Guru-Murthy for seeming nervous, saying, \"Your foot is starting to jump a little bit.", "r": {"result": "Pada satu ketika, dia mengejek Guru-Murthy kerana kelihatan gugup, berkata, \"Kakimu mula melompat sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You better get to your next question\".", "r": {"result": "Lebih baik anda pergi ke soalan seterusnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's after Guru-Murthy asks Downey whether he thinks he is \"free from all of that,\" referring to Downey's history of \"taking drugs, drinking\" that the building tension comes to a head.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selepas Guru-Murthy bertanya kepada Downey sama ada dia fikir dia \"bebas daripada semua itu,\" merujuk kepada sejarah Downey \"mengambil dadah, meminum\" bahawa ketegangan bangunan semakin reda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm sorry,\" says Downey, \"What are we doing\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Saya minta maaf,\" kata Downey, \"Apa yang kita lakukan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To which Guru-Murthy replies, \"I'm just asking questions,\" which indeed was so.", "r": {"result": "Guru-Murthy menjawab, \"Saya hanya bertanya soalan,\" yang memang begitu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Downey has the right to refuse to answer the question, of course, but that's not what he does next.", "r": {"result": "Downey mempunyai hak untuk menolak menjawab soalan itu, sudah tentu, tetapi bukan itu yang dia lakukan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Instead, he throws the celebrity interview equivalent of a tantrum: He smiles arrogantly, says \"bye\"!", "r": {"result": "Sebaliknya, dia melemparkan temu bual selebriti yang setara dengan tantrum: Dia tersenyum angkuh, berkata \"bye\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and stands up to leave.", "r": {"result": "dan berdiri untuk pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He sure showed him!", "r": {"result": "Dia pasti menunjukkan kepadanya!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's true that we live in a culture where we feel we have the right to know everything about celebrities -- who they're dating, what they're eating, where they vacation, what they meant when they made that comment 10 years ago.", "r": {"result": "Memang benar bahawa kita hidup dalam budaya di mana kita rasa kita berhak untuk mengetahui segala-galanya tentang selebriti -- siapa yang mereka temui, apa yang mereka makan, di mana mereka bercuti, apa yang mereka maksudkan apabila mereka membuat komen itu 10 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalists often go too far, even if it's their job.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan sering bertindak terlalu jauh, walaupun itu adalah tugas mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And certainly not every journalist is good at his job.", "r": {"result": "Dan pastinya tidak setiap wartawan bagus dalam tugasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But while Downey may be understandably tired of answering questions about his past, questions that have been asked before, his business is our business.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi walaupun Downey mungkin bosan menjawab soalan tentang masa lalunya, soalan yang telah ditanya sebelum ini, perniagaannya adalah perniagaan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The entertainment industry is about entertaining people.", "r": {"result": "Industri hiburan adalah mengenai menghiburkan orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As such, we tend to like to watch actors who seem like they want to be watched.", "r": {"result": "Oleh yang demikian, kita cenderung suka menonton pelakon yang kelihatan seperti mahu ditonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is why most celebrities, especially those with a big budget movie to promote, agree to interviews and seek out recognition in general.", "r": {"result": "Inilah sebabnya mengapa kebanyakan selebriti, terutamanya mereka yang mempunyai filem bajet besar untuk dipromosikan, bersetuju untuk temu duga dan mencari pengiktirafan secara umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when the recognition no longer serves them?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila pengiktirafan itu tidak lagi melayani mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then they want to bemoan it?", "r": {"result": "Kemudian mereka mahu meratapinya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What Downey seemed to misunderstand is that the interview format gives journalists the right to ask questions.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang Downey nampak salah faham ialah format temu bual memberikan wartawan hak untuk bertanya soalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's what an interview is.", "r": {"result": "Itulah temuduga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He certainly can decline to answer questions he does not feel are appropriate, or even ones he simply doesn't feel like answering.", "r": {"result": "Dia pastinya boleh menolak untuk menjawab soalan yang dia rasa tidak sesuai, atau pun soalan yang dia tidak mahu menjawab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he does not have the right to be absolved for behavior that is rude, demeaning, and disrespectful -- even if he's a celebrity, and even if he felt uncomfortable or put-off.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia tidak mempunyai hak untuk dibebaskan kerana tingkah laku yang kasar, merendahkan dan tidak menghormati -- walaupun dia seorang selebriti, dan walaupun dia berasa tidak selesa atau berlengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What the video shows is a movie star with a bullying streak.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang ditunjukkan oleh video itu ialah seorang bintang filem dengan aksi buli.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After he removes his microphone and his handlers begin hustling him out with kid gloves, the actor cannot resist a parting shot.", "r": {"result": "Selepas dia mengeluarkan mikrofonnya dan pengendalinya mula menghalaunya keluar dengan sarung tangan kanak-kanak, pelakon itu tidak dapat menahan pukulan perpisahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He turns to the reporter, being sure to look directly at the camera on the way, and says, \"You seem okay.", "r": {"result": "Dia menoleh ke arah wartawan, memastikan untuk melihat terus ke arah kamera dalam perjalanan, dan berkata, \"Nampaknya anda baik-baik saja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's just getting a little Diane Sawyer in here,\" followed by what sounds like, \"and you're kind of a schmuck\".", "r": {"result": "Ia baru sahaja mendapatkan Diane Sawyer sedikit di sini,\" diikuti dengan apa yang terdengar seperti, \"dan anda agak bodoh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Downey might not have been \"in the mood\" to be questioned... and those days, those moods, are understandable.", "r": {"result": "Downey mungkin tidak \"bersemangat\" untuk dipersoalkan... dan hari itu, perasaan itu, boleh difahami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We all have them.", "r": {"result": "Kita semua mempunyai mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yet in this case, that's, well, too bad.", "r": {"result": "Namun dalam kes ini, itu, terlalu buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The actor has agreed to an interview as part of his job.", "r": {"result": "Pelakon itu telah bersetuju untuk temu duga sebagai sebahagian daripada tugasnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He has agreed to engage in a conversation with another professional human being.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah bersetuju untuk terlibat dalam perbualan dengan manusia profesional lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Given the terms, he is not entitled to call all the shots.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan syarat, dia tidak berhak untuk memanggil semua tembakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That he thinks he can is perhaps our own, celebrity-obsessed doing -- we revere the famous; is it any surprise when they reveal that they, too, regard themselves as better than everyone else?", "r": {"result": "Yang dia fikir dia boleh mungkin adalah perbuatan kita sendiri yang mementingkan selebriti -- kita menghormati yang terkenal; adakah sesuatu yang mengejutkan apabila mereka mendedahkan bahawa mereka juga menganggap diri mereka lebih baik daripada orang lain?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's still on him.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia masih pada dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A Florida police department is investigating one of its officers after he shot a 61-year-old woman in the back with a Taser on Tuesday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jabatan polis Florida sedang menyiasat salah seorang pegawainya selepas dia menembak seorang wanita berusia 61 tahun di belakang menggunakan Taser pada petang Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident was captured on videotape by a nearby witness.", "r": {"result": "Kejadian itu dirakamkan dalam rakaman video oleh saksi berhampiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officer Terry Mahan of the Tallahassee Police Department and other officers responded to complaints about open-air drug sales in the area, the police department said in a statement Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai Terry Mahan dari Jabatan Polis Tallahassee dan pegawai lain menjawab aduan mengenai penjualan dadah secara terbuka di kawasan itu, kata jabatan polis dalam satu kenyataan Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Probable-cause affidavits paint a scene in which officers feared for their safety because of angry residents berating police and calling others to the scene.", "r": {"result": "Afidavit berkemungkinan melukiskan adegan di mana pegawai takut akan keselamatan mereka kerana penduduk yang marah memarahi polis dan memanggil orang lain ke tempat kejadian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police had detained three people when Viola Young \"approached the police car inquiring about one of the individuals arrested,\" the statement said.", "r": {"result": "Polis telah menahan tiga orang apabila Viola Young \"mendekati kereta polis untuk bertanya tentang salah seorang individu yang ditahan,\" kata kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"An officer advised her to stay back, and a second officer approached Young and attempted to place her under arrest\".", "r": {"result": "\"Seorang pegawai menasihatkannya untuk berundur, dan pegawai kedua mendekati Young dan cuba menahannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the video, Young can be seen yanking her arm out of Mahan's grasp before turning and walking in the opposite direction.", "r": {"result": "Dalam video itu, Young boleh dilihat menarik lengannya daripada genggaman Mahan sebelum berpaling dan berjalan ke arah bertentangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She takes only a few steps before the officer fires a Taser cartridge into Young's back.", "r": {"result": "Dia mengambil hanya beberapa langkah sebelum pegawai itu menembak kartrij Taser ke belakang Young.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The woman collapses face-down on the pavement, then rolls over onto her back.", "r": {"result": "Wanita itu rebah menghadap ke bawah di atas turapan, kemudian berguling ke belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another police officer approaches Young and arrests her.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi pegawai polis mendekati Young dan menangkapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a narrative included in a probable-cause affidavit, Mahan wrote that he went to the scene after officers there called for backup.", "r": {"result": "Dalam naratif yang disertakan dalam afidavit berkemungkinan sebab, Mahan menulis bahawa dia pergi ke tempat kejadian selepas pegawai di sana memanggil sandaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he got there, he saw two officers engaged with two suspects on the ground, and \"there was a crowd of people that had gathered around them and were yelling at the officers,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia tiba di sana, dia melihat dua pegawai terlibat dengan dua suspek di atas tanah, dan \"terdapat orang ramai yang berkumpul di sekeliling mereka dan menjerit kepada pegawai,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Mahan put one arrested suspect in the back of a patrol car, Young pulled up, forcing Mahan \"to take [his] focus off of one of the arrestees and engage her,\" Mahan said in his report.", "r": {"result": "Ketika Mahan meletakkan seorang suspek yang ditahan di belakang kereta peronda, Young berhenti, memaksa Mahan \"mengalihkan tumpuan [nya] daripada salah seorang yang ditahan dan melibatkannya,\" kata Mahan dalam laporannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Young's actions obstructed officers while in the course of completing their legal duties,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Tindakan Young menghalang pegawai semasa dalam menyelesaikan tugas undang-undang mereka,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mahan told Young to leave.", "r": {"result": "Mahan menyuruh Young pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She responded that she wanted to know what was going, but Mahan told her, \"now was not the time for that,\" and instructed her to leave again.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjawab bahawa dia ingin tahu apa yang berlaku, tetapi Mahan memberitahunya, \"sekarang bukan masa untuk itu,\" dan mengarahkannya untuk pergi semula.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She refused, he wrote.", "r": {"result": "Dia menolak, dia menulis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I informed Viola Young that she was under arrest and reached out and took her left arm.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya memaklumkan Viola Young bahawa dia ditahan dan menghulurkan tangan dan memegang tangan kirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young yanked away, turned and began to move away from me in an attempt to defeat her lawful arrest,\" Mahan wrote.", "r": {"result": "Young menarik diri, berpaling dan mula menjauhi saya dalam usaha untuk mengalahkan penahanannya yang sah,\" tulis Mahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I deployed my Taser, and fired one cartridge striking Young in the back.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menggunakan Taser saya, dan menembak satu kartrij mengenai Young di belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young was incapacitated and fell to the ground\".", "r": {"result": "Young tidak berupaya dan jatuh ke tanah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mahan took Young into custody \"without any further resistance,\" he wrote in his report.", "r": {"result": "Mahan membawa Young ke dalam tahanan \"tanpa sebarang tentangan lanjut,\" tulisnya dalam laporannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Texas student tased by police exits coma, enters rehabilitation.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar Texas diuji polis keluar dari koma, memasuki pemulihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From another officer's narrative, it appears police had to leave soon after the arrests \"due to the hostility of the individuals remaining at the scene\".", "r": {"result": "Daripada naratif pegawai lain, nampaknya polis terpaksa beredar sejurus selepas tangkapan \"kerana permusuhan individu yang tinggal di tempat kejadian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Young was medically cleared by Leon County Emergency Medical Services before being sent to the Leon County Jail, along with the other three individuals arrested, police said.", "r": {"result": "Young telah dibersihkan secara perubatan oleh Perkhidmatan Perubatan Kecemasan Leon County sebelum dihantar ke Penjara Leon County, bersama tiga individu lain yang ditahan, kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of the four faces drug-related charges.", "r": {"result": "Tiada seorang pun daripada empat mereka menghadapi pertuduhan berkaitan dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They all were charged with resisting an officer without violence, and Laguna Young was charged with a probation violation that Leon County Jail records indicate stems from a previous conviction on cocaine and drug paraphernalia charges.", "r": {"result": "Mereka semua didakwa menentang seorang pegawai tanpa keganasan, dan Laguna Young didakwa dengan pelanggaran percubaan yang ditunjukkan oleh rekod Penjara Daerah Leon berpunca daripada sabitan terdahulu atas tuduhan kokain dan peralatan dadah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Family wants answers in Florida teen's death after Tasering.", "r": {"result": "Keluarga mahukan jawapan dalam kematian remaja Florida selepas Tasering.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Laguna Young was the only one of the four who had not been released as of Wednesday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Laguna Young adalah satu-satunya daripada empat yang belum dibebaskan setakat petang Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not clear if Laguna Young, 41, is related to Viola Young.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada Laguna Young, 41, mempunyai kaitan dengan Viola Young.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After reviewing the video of the tasing incident, Tallahassee Police Chief Michael DeLeo called for an internal investigation, he said.", "r": {"result": "Selepas meneliti video kejadian tasing itu, Ketua Polis Tallahassee Michael DeLeo meminta siasatan dalaman dijalankan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will conduct a thorough investigation into this incident.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami akan menjalankan siasatan menyeluruh berhubung kejadian ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We want to be transparent with the community by sharing what we can at this point, including the video,\" DeLeo said in a statement.", "r": {"result": "Kami mahu telus dengan komuniti dengan berkongsi apa yang kami boleh pada ketika ini, termasuk video,\" kata DeLeo dalam satu kenyataan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mahan has been placed on administrative leave with pay while the investigation is being conducted, DeLeo said.", "r": {"result": "Mahan telah diletakkan dalam cuti pentadbiran dengan gaji sementara siasatan sedang dijalankan, kata DeLeo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because the case is now part of an internal affairs investigation, \"this will preclude us from making any other statements, other than what is in our release, in regards to this case until the full investigation is complete,\" police spokesman Officer David Northway said.", "r": {"result": "Oleh kerana kes itu kini merupakan sebahagian daripada siasatan hal ehwal dalaman, \"ini akan menghalang kami daripada membuat sebarang kenyataan lain, selain daripada apa yang ada dalam pembebasan kami, berhubung kes ini sehingga siasatan penuh selesai,\" kata jurucakap polis David Northway. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Using a Taser on an 8-year-old?", "r": {"result": "Menggunakan Taser pada kanak-kanak berumur 8 tahun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mom sues police, city.", "r": {"result": "Ibu saman polis, bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(WIRED) -- Apple has scheduled a company-only Wednesday memorial service for former CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs, who passed away two weeks ago.", "r": {"result": "(WIRED) -- Apple telah menjadualkan perkhidmatan peringatan hari Rabu untuk bekas CEO dan pengasas bersama Steve Jobs, yang meninggal dunia dua minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Employees at Apple's Cupertino campus will attend in person, and various retail stores will close for at least an hour in order for employees to view a live broadcast of the service.", "r": {"result": "Pekerja di kampus Apple Cupertino akan hadir sendiri, dan pelbagai kedai runcit akan ditutup selama sekurang-kurangnya sejam untuk pekerja melihat siaran langsung perkhidmatan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an email to employees, CEO Tim Cook said that the memorial is being held \"to take time to remember the incredible things Steve achieved in his life and the many ways he made our world a better place\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam e-mel kepada pekerja, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Tim Cook berkata bahawa peringatan itu diadakan \"untuk meluangkan masa mengingati perkara luar biasa yang dicapai Steve dalam hidupnya dan banyak cara dia menjadikan dunia kita tempat yang lebih baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The memorial will be held at an outdoor amphitheater at Apple's headquarters, and could last from one to three hours.", "r": {"result": "Memorial itu akan diadakan di amfiteater luar di ibu pejabat Apple, dan boleh berlangsung dari satu hingga tiga jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Apple Stores rarely close during operating hours.", "r": {"result": "Kedai Apple jarang ditutup semasa waktu operasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Such partial closures normally occur only to accommodate major product launches.", "r": {"result": "Penutupan separa seperti itu biasanya berlaku hanya untuk menampung pelancaran produk utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jobs passed away on October 5 at the age of 56 due to complications relating to pancreatic cancer.", "r": {"result": "Jobs meninggal dunia pada 5 Oktober pada usia 56 tahun akibat komplikasi yang berkaitan dengan kanser pankreas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Makeshift memorials were erected at Apple's headquarters, as well as at Apple Stores around the world, to celebrate and honor the life of Apple's longtime CEO.", "r": {"result": "Memorial sementara telah didirikan di ibu pejabat Apple, serta di Kedai Apple di seluruh dunia, untuk meraikan dan menghormati kehidupan CEO Apple yang lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A private funeral was held October 7, followed by a larger memorial service attended by coworkers, friends and a number of industry leaders.", "r": {"result": "Satu pengebumian persendirian telah diadakan pada 7 Oktober, diikuti dengan upacara peringatan yang lebih besar yang dihadiri oleh rakan sekerja, rakan dan beberapa pemimpin industri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Subscribe to WIRED magazine for less than $1 an issue and get a FREE GIFT!", "r": {"result": "Langgan majalah WIRED untuk terbitan kurang daripada $1 dan dapatkan HADIAH PERCUMA!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Click here!", "r": {"result": "Tekan di sini!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- DNA tests confirm that Ariel Castro is the father of a 6-year-old girl born to one of the three women he is accused of keeping in captivity for more than a decade, the Ohio attorney general's office said Friday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ujian DNA mengesahkan bahawa Ariel Castro ialah bapa kepada seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berusia 6 tahun yang dilahirkan oleh salah seorang daripada tiga wanita yang didakwanya ditahan dalam kurungan selama lebih sedekad, kata pejabat peguam negara Ohio pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Castro's DNA did not match that from any other open Ohio cases, according to Dan Tierney, a spokesman for the attorney general's office.", "r": {"result": "DNA Castro tidak sepadan dengan mana-mana kes terbuka Ohio yang lain, menurut Dan Tierney, jurucakap pejabat peguam negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "National results are pending through the FBI, he said.", "r": {"result": "Keputusan kebangsaan sedang menunggu melalui FBI, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amanda Berry's 6-year-old daughter was among those rescued Monday when Berry escaped from the home where police say she had been held since Castro allegedly lured her into his car on April 21, 2003.", "r": {"result": "Anak perempuan Amanda Berry berusia 6 tahun adalah antara yang diselamatkan Isnin apabila Berry melarikan diri dari rumah di mana polis mengatakan dia telah ditahan sejak Castro didakwa menariknya ke dalam keretanya pada 21 April 2003.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also freed: Michelle Knight, who disappeared in 2002, and Georgina \"Gina\" DeJesus, who vanished in 2004.", "r": {"result": "Juga dibebaskan: Michelle Knight, yang hilang pada tahun 2002, dan Georgina \"Gina\" DeJesus, yang hilang pada tahun 2004.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The man accused of abducting them spent Friday in a 9-by-9-foot northern Ohio jail cell with a bed, sink, toilet, steel door and window, through which he is watched around-the-clock, said Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office spokesman John O'Brien.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki yang dituduh menculik mereka menghabiskan hari Jumaat di dalam sel penjara Ohio utara seluas 9 kaki 9 kaki dengan katil, singki, tandas, pintu keluli dan tingkap, di mana dia diperhatikan sepanjang masa, kata Pejabat Syerif Daerah Cuyahoga. jurucakap John O'Brien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Castro is on suicide prevention -- which is standard procedure for high-profile inmates -- according to O'Brien.", "r": {"result": "Castro melakukan pencegahan bunuh diri -- yang merupakan prosedur standard untuk banduan berprofil tinggi -- menurut O'Brien.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A day earlier, a judge ordered he be held Thursday on $8 million bond on kidnapping and rape charges.", "r": {"result": "Sehari sebelum itu, seorang hakim memerintahkan dia ditahan Khamis dengan bon $8 juta atas tuduhan penculikan dan rogol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty said he would seek additional charges against Castro for \"each and every act of sexual violence, each day of kidnapping, all his attempted murders and each act of aggravated murder\".", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa Raya Daerah Cuyahoga, Timothy McGinty berkata, dia akan menuntut pertuduhan tambahan terhadap Castro untuk \"setiap dan setiap tindakan keganasan seksual, setiap hari penculikan, semua cubaan membunuhnya dan setiap perbuatan pembunuhan yang teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attempted and aggravated murders refer to instances in which Castro allegedly forced miscarriages, according to McGinty.", "r": {"result": "Percubaan dan pembunuhan yang teruk merujuk kepada kejadian di mana Castro didakwa memaksa keguguran, menurut McGinty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to an initial incident report obtained by CNN, Knight told investigators that she became pregnant at least five times while in captivity, and each time Castro would repeatedly starve and punch her in the stomach to induce a miscarriage.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan insiden awal yang diperoleh CNN, Knight memberitahu penyiasat bahawa dia hamil sekurang-kurangnya lima kali semasa dalam kurungan, dan setiap kali Castro akan berulang kali kelaparan dan menumbuk perutnya untuk menyebabkan keguguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors are assessing whether to pursue the death penalty, if Castro is convicted.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya sedang menilai sama ada akan meneruskan hukuman mati, jika Castro disabitkan kesalahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN exclusive: Castro's daughter says 'he is dead to me'.", "r": {"result": "Eksklusif CNN: Anak perempuan Castro berkata 'dia sudah mati kepada saya'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, questions continue to surround Knight, whose disappearance generated far less publicity and attention than did those of Berry and DeJesus.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, persoalan terus menyelubungi Knight, yang kehilangannya kurang menjana publisiti dan perhatian berbanding Berry dan DeJesus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cleveland police removed Knight's name from an FBI database of missing people in November 2003 -- 15 months after her family reported her missing -- police said.", "r": {"result": "Polis Cleveland mengeluarkan nama Knight daripada pangkalan data FBI orang hilang pada November 2003 -- 15 bulan selepas keluarganya melaporkan kehilangannya -- kata polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They did so after \"failing to locate a parent, guardian or other reporting person to confirm that Ms. Knight was still missing\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka berbuat demikian selepas \"gagal mengesan ibu bapa, penjaga atau orang lain yang melaporkan untuk mengesahkan bahawa Cik Knight masih hilang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police said, though, that her missing person's case remained open and was checked on as recently as November 2012.", "r": {"result": "Polis berkata, bagaimanapun, bahawa kes kehilangannya masih terbuka dan telah diperiksa baru-baru ini pada November 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even as of Friday night, Knight hadn't spoken yet with her mother, Barbara, a family spokesperson said.", "r": {"result": "Malah pada malam Jumaat, Knight masih belum bercakap dengan ibunya, Barbara, kata jurucakap keluarga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In fact, Knight's family then had no idea where she was and had asked police for information on her whereabouts.", "r": {"result": "Malah, keluarga Knight kemudiannya tidak tahu di mana dia berada dan telah meminta polis untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang keberadaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her grandmother, Deborah Knight, went to the house where DeJesus is staying on Friday, said she'd heard Knight might be there and \"besides, Gina's parents here have been waiting to meet us\".", "r": {"result": "Neneknya, Deborah Knight, pergi ke rumah tempat tinggal DeJesus pada hari Jumaat, berkata dia mendengar Knight mungkin berada di sana dan \"selain itu, ibu bapa Gina di sini telah menunggu untuk bertemu kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without delving into specifics, a source close to the investigation told CNN that Knight \"is in a safe place and very comfortable\".", "r": {"result": "Tanpa menyelidiki secara spesifik, sumber yang rapat dengan penyiasatan memberitahu CNN bahawa Knight \"berada di tempat yang selamat dan sangat selesa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cleveland police have been subject to intense criticism from some quarters over their handling of missing persons cases, but city officials have said they did everything they could to find the missing women.", "r": {"result": "Polis Cleveland telah menerima kritikan hebat daripada sesetengah pihak berhubung pengendalian kes orang hilang, tetapi pegawai bandar telah berkata mereka melakukan segala yang mereka mampu untuk mencari wanita yang hilang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Friday's statement, city officials said police checked on Knight's case in November.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kenyataan hari Jumaat, pegawai bandar berkata polis memeriksa kes Knight pada November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knight has been discharged from Cleveland's MetroHealth Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Tina Shaerban-Arundel said Friday hours after the hospital said in a Facebook posting that she was in \"good spirits\" and \"extremely grateful\" for the flowers, gifts and the support of the Cleveland Courage Fund.", "r": {"result": "Knight telah dibenarkan keluar dari Pusat Perubatan MetroHealth Cleveland, jurucakap hospital Tina Shaerban-Arundel berkata pada Jumaat beberapa jam selepas hospital itu berkata dalam catatan Facebook bahawa dia berada dalam \"semangat yang baik\" dan \"sangat berterima kasih\" untuk bunga, hadiah dan sokongan Dana Cleveland Courage.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latter is a vehicle for raising that helps nonprofit organizations provide services to the three women.", "r": {"result": "Yang terakhir ialah kenderaan untuk meningkatkan yang membantu organisasi bukan untung menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada tiga wanita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Berry and DeJesus were released days ago and are now staying with relatives.", "r": {"result": "Berry dan DeJesus telah dibebaskan beberapa hari lalu dan kini tinggal bersama saudara mara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Woman crushed by news her father allegedly abducted her friend.", "r": {"result": "Wanita kecewa dengan berita bapanya didakwa menculik rakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the initial report, the women told investigators that they were chained in the basement of the home, but later moved upstairs to rooms on the second floor.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laporan awal, wanita itu memberitahu penyiasat bahawa mereka dirantai di ruang bawah tanah rumah, tetapi kemudian berpindah ke tingkat atas ke bilik di tingkat dua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were allowed out of the home only twice, and then just briefly, according to the document.", "r": {"result": "Mereka dibenarkan keluar dari rumah hanya dua kali, dan kemudian hanya sebentar, menurut dokumen itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Castro would frequently test the women by pretending to leave and then discipline any of them if they had moved, according to a law enforcement source.", "r": {"result": "Castro akan kerap menguji wanita itu dengan berpura-pura pergi dan kemudian mendisiplinkan mana-mana daripada mereka jika mereka telah berpindah, menurut sumber penguatkuasaan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Storm Pusztay, who lives behind the house, told CNN's Piers Morgan on Friday that he spotted Castro a few times outside with the girl he believes was Berry's daughter.", "r": {"result": "Ribut Pusztay, yang tinggal di belakang rumah, memberitahu Piers Morgan CNN pada hari Jumaat bahawa dia ternampak Castro beberapa kali di luar bersama gadis yang dia percaya adalah anak perempuan Berry.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speakers often blasted loud music from the front of the house, Pusztay recalled, while dogs walked on the property.", "r": {"result": "Pembesar suara sering meletupkan muzik kuat dari hadapan rumah, Pusztay ingat, manakala anjing berjalan di atas harta itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The neighbor added that Castro's yard was further obscured by tarps he put up, and trees.", "r": {"result": "Jiran itu menambah bahawa halaman rumah Castro terus dikaburkan oleh tarps yang dia pasang, dan pokok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's so upsetting, because he was so close,\" said Pusztay, who had three daughters living with him.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sangat menjengkelkan, kerana dia sangat rapat,\" kata Pusztay, yang mempunyai tiga anak perempuan yang tinggal bersamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Castro has confessed to some of the allegations aginst him, a law enforcement source closely involved with the investigation told CNN on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Castro telah mengakui beberapa dakwaan terhadapnya, sumber penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang terlibat rapat dengan penyiasatan itu memberitahu CNN pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Neighbor feels 'fooled' by Cleveland abduction suspect.", "r": {"result": "Jiran berasa 'diperdaya' oleh suspek penculikan Cleveland.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities have also been reviewing a lengthy document described by a law enforcement source as \"more of a diary\" in which the source said Castro cites being abused by family members as justification for his actions.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa juga telah menyemak dokumen panjang yang disifatkan oleh sumber penguatkuasa undang-undang sebagai \"lebih kepada diari\" di mana sumber itu berkata Castro memetik didera oleh ahli keluarga sebagai justifikasi untuk tindakannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday, they boarded up his Seymour Avenue home to preserve the crime scene, said Cleveland's deputy police chief Ed Tomba.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat, mereka menaiki rumahnya di Seymour Avenue untuk mengekalkan tempat kejadian, kata timbalan ketua polis Cleveland Ed Tomba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Authorities plan to later erect a fence around the home.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa kemudiannya merancang untuk mendirikan pagar di sekeliling rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ordeal has rattled neighbors like Juan Perez, who had viewed Castro as a \"very social, happy-go-lucky ... good guy\" but now think just the opposite.", "r": {"result": "Pengalaman pahit itu telah menggusarkan jiran seperti Juan Perez, yang telah melihat Castro sebagai \"sangat sosial, gembira-go-lucky ... lelaki yang baik\" tetapi kini berfikir sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We feel lied to and we're ashamed because we couldn't help earlier,\" an emotional Perez told CNN on Friday.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berasa dibohongi dan kami malu kerana kami tidak dapat membantu lebih awal,\" kata Perez yang penuh emosi kepada CNN pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"... I just can't put it all together still\".", "r": {"result": "\"... Saya tidak boleh menyatukan semuanya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Greg Botelho, Pamela Brown, Susan Candiotti and Kristen Kiraly contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Greg Botelho dari CNN, Pamela Brown, Susan Candiotti dan Kristen Kiraly menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York (CNN) -- This week I was sent on a three-day work trip to New York because, for some unfathomable reason, these people trust me outside the confines of my cube.", "r": {"result": "New York (CNN) -- Minggu ini saya dihantar dalam perjalanan kerja selama tiga hari ke New York kerana, atas sebab yang tidak dapat difahami, orang ini mempercayai saya di luar batasan kubus saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Generally speaking, I don't mind being there.", "r": {"result": "Secara umumnya, saya tidak kisah berada di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I like my cube.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka kiub saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has Tiki torches.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai obor Tiki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nevertheless, they were sending me out on an assignment with real journalistic merit.", "r": {"result": "Walau bagaimanapun, mereka menghantar saya untuk tugasan dengan merit kewartawanan yang sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Mind you, this wasn't it.", "r": {"result": "(Ingatlah, ini bukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This will make you dumber.", "r": {"result": "Ini akan membuat anda bodoh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, on the morning of my flight I poked around several sites to see what was trending in the Big Apple.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, pada pagi penerbangan saya, saya menjelajah beberapa tapak untuk melihat apa yang menjadi trend di Big Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Surely there was something locally interesting going on that people were talking about all over the Web -- something culturally relevant and noteworthy that could give us a deeper glimpse into the psyche and spirit of New York.", "r": {"result": "Pastinya terdapat sesuatu yang menarik secara tempatan yang sedang dibincangkan oleh orang ramai di seluruh Web -- sesuatu yang relevan dari segi budaya dan patut diberi perhatian yang boleh memberi kita gambaran yang lebih mendalam tentang jiwa dan semangat New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Conclusion: It seems they like a sports team known as the Yankees.", "r": {"result": "Kesimpulan: Nampaknya mereka suka pasukan sukan yang dikenali sebagai Yankees.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fortunately, when the rest of the Web gives you Yankees, there's always Reddit.", "r": {"result": "Nasib baik, apabila seluruh Web memberi anda Yankees, sentiasa ada Reddit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And after a simple search for \"New York City,\" I found a newly uploaded photo that was becoming somewhat popular with users on that site.", "r": {"result": "Dan selepas carian mudah untuk \"New York City,\" saya menemui foto yang baru dimuat naik yang menjadi agak popular dengan pengguna di tapak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The image showed wall art from somewhere in the city depicting one of Nintendo's Mario Brothers throwing a vitamin and yelling, \"GET YO' FIX\".", "r": {"result": "Imej itu menunjukkan seni dinding dari suatu tempat di bandar yang menggambarkan salah seorang Mario Brothers Nintendo melemparkan vitamin dan menjerit, \"GET YO' FIX\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Locally interesting?", "r": {"result": "Menarik secara tempatan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not really.", "r": {"result": "Tidak juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Culturally relevant?", "r": {"result": "Relevan dari segi budaya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Doubtful.", "r": {"result": "Meragukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Noteworthy?", "r": {"result": "Perlu diberi perhatian?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hardly.", "r": {"result": "hampir tidak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it was popular on Reddit, and that's good enough for me.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia popular di Reddit, dan itu cukup bagus untuk saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I have fairly low standards.", "r": {"result": "Saya mempunyai standard yang agak rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Which is to say, I have none.", "r": {"result": "Maksudnya, saya tiada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Seriously.", "r": {"result": "(Serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I like Olive Garden.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka Olive Garden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later I learned the art was actually the character Dr. Mario, who I believe was an alter ego of Super Mario -- the Italian plumber who got freaky with a princess in the Mushroom Kingdom.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian saya mengetahui seni itu sebenarnya ialah watak Dr. Mario, yang saya percaya adalah alter ego Super Mario -- tukang paip Itali yang gemar dengan seorang puteri di Kerajaan Cendawan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wasn't immediately aware of this because my fascist parents wouldn't let me have a Nintendo as a kid.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak segera menyedari perkara ini kerana ibu bapa fasis saya tidak membenarkan saya mempunyai Nintendo semasa kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I admit it was a bit of a first-world problem, but to this day I'm still bitter to be the only one from my generation who doesn't know the secret \"Thirty Lives\" cheat code to \"Contra\".", "r": {"result": "Saya akui ia adalah sedikit masalah dunia pertama, tetapi sehingga hari ini saya masih pahit untuk menjadi satu-satunya dari generasi saya yang tidak mengetahui rahsia \"Thirty Lives\" cheat code kepada \"Contra\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Speaking of my parents ... this is the part of the column where my dad turns to my mom and asks, \"What the hell is he talking about\"?", "r": {"result": "Bercakap tentang ibu bapa saya ... ini adalah bahagian ruangan di mana ayah saya berpaling kepada ibu saya dan bertanya, \"Apa yang dia cakapkan\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then my mom says, \"Some sort of video game thing\".", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian ibu saya berkata, \"Semacam perkara permainan video\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And then he says, \"This is stupid\".", "r": {"result": "Dan kemudian dia berkata, \"Ini bodoh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he's right.", "r": {"result": "Dan dia betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is pretty stupid.", "r": {"result": "Ini agak bodoh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But finding Dr. Mario was a good excuse for an urban adventure in New York.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mencari Dr. Mario adalah alasan yang baik untuk pengembaraan bandar di New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And a short flight later I was there, walking through the terminal at LaGuardia, which is the city's way of immediately reminding visitors to use Purell.", "r": {"result": "Dan penerbangan singkat kemudian saya berada di sana, berjalan melalui terminal di LaGuardia, yang merupakan cara bandar untuk segera mengingatkan pengunjung untuk menggunakan Purell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Often.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As soon as I checked into my hotel I quickly logged onto Reddit and found that some of the commenters had already discussed the art's location.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja saya mendaftar masuk ke hotel saya, saya segera log masuk ke Reddit dan mendapati bahawa beberapa pengulas telah membincangkan lokasi seni itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This was helpful.", "r": {"result": "Ini membantu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dr. Mario was in Chinatown at the corner of Walker Street and Cortlandt Alley.", "r": {"result": "Dr. Mario berada di Chinatown di sudut Jalan Walker dan Cortlandt Alley.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also on that corner?", "r": {"result": "Juga di sudut itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nothing you ever need to see.", "r": {"result": "Tiada apa yang anda perlu lihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, after a short ride downtown on the Q train and wandering about with the help of maps on my iPhone, I finally spotted the art off in the distance.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, selepas perjalanan singkat ke pusat bandar menaiki kereta api Q dan bersiar-siar dengan bantuan peta pada iPhone saya, akhirnya saya melihat seni itu di kejauhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iceberg!", "r": {"result": "gunung ais!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Right ahead!", "r": {"result": "Betul ke hadapan!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There it was.", "r": {"result": "Itu tadi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That thing I saw on the Internet!", "r": {"result": "Perkara itu yang saya lihat di Internet!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sadly, it was a feeling similar to poking your head through the sun gate at Machu Picchu and seeing the ancient ruins for the first time after four days of hiking the Inca Trail.", "r": {"result": "Malangnya, ia adalah perasaan yang serupa dengan menusuk kepala anda melalui pintu matahari di Machu Picchu dan melihat runtuhan purba buat kali pertama selepas empat hari mendaki Inca Trail.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only, Machu Picchu is one of the most amazing wonders on the face of the planet.", "r": {"result": "Cuma, Machu Picchu adalah salah satu keajaiban yang paling menakjubkan di muka planet ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And this was Dr. Mario throwing a vitamin.", "r": {"result": "Dan ini adalah Dr. Mario yang membuang vitamin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anthropologists won't be knocking on my door.", "r": {"result": "Ahli antropologi tidak akan mengetuk pintu saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But I guess it says something about the spirit of discovery and the possibilities that stem from random curiosities found online.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi saya rasa ia mengatakan sesuatu tentang semangat penemuan dan kemungkinan yang berpunca daripada rasa ingin tahu rawak yang ditemui dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's usually fun involved with a completely pointless adventure.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya ada keseronokan yang terlibat dengan pengembaraan yang sia-sia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Without Dr. Mario, I wouldn't have ventured off into this particular part of town.", "r": {"result": "Tanpa Dr. Mario, saya tidak akan pergi ke bahagian tertentu di bandar ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I wouldn't have enjoyed roasted pork and wonton soup at a little hole-in-the-wall called Wo Hop.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak akan menikmati daging babi panggang dan sup wonton di lubang kecil yang dipanggil Wo Hop.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I wouldn't have met two really nice tourists from Charlotte on the subway.", "r": {"result": "Dan saya tidak akan bertemu dengan dua pelancong yang sangat baik dari Charlotte di kereta bawah tanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Granted, I might have otherwise napped and built a small fort out of my hotel bed sheets.", "r": {"result": "Memang, saya mungkin telah tidur siang dan membina kubu kecil daripada cadar hotel saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, that was kind of a lost opportunity.", "r": {"result": "Jadi, itu adalah peluang yang hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, still ... totally worth it.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, masih ... benar-benar berbaloi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The moral of the story is this: Somewhere in your city there's something completely unimportant and you should totally go see it.", "r": {"result": "Moral cerita ini ialah: Di suatu tempat di bandar anda terdapat sesuatu yang tidak penting dan anda harus pergi melihatnya sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Remember, though.", "r": {"result": "Ingat, walaupun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The world is a strange, dirty place.", "r": {"result": "Dunia adalah tempat yang aneh dan kotor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So use Purell.", "r": {"result": "Jadi gunakan Purell.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Often.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Jack Quavis doesn't shy away from heated political discussions; in fact, he encourages them.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jack Quavis tidak mengelak daripada perbincangan politik yang hangat; malah, dia menggalakkan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Politics is an ever-present topic in his one-room barbershop in Buffalo, New York.", "r": {"result": "Politik adalah topik yang sentiasa ada di kedai gunting rambut satu biliknya di Buffalo, New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jack Quavis gives a customer a haircut at his Buffalo, New York, barbershop.", "r": {"result": "Jack Quavis memberi pelanggan potongan rambut di kedai gunting rambutnya di Buffalo, New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's the owner of Taylor Mae'd Barber Shop, an old-fashioned place with one distinguishing feature -- customers can share their thoughts on camera about current events while Quavis trims their hair.", "r": {"result": "Dia pemilik Kedai Gunting Rambut Taylor Mae'd, tempat lama dengan satu ciri yang membezakan -- pelanggan boleh berkongsi pendapat mereka pada kamera tentang acara semasa semasa Quavis menggunting rambut mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm tired of the average person not being heard,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya bosan dengan orang biasa tidak didengari,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At the barber shop, guys will open up.", "r": {"result": "\"Di kedai gunting rambut, lelaki akan buka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everybody's eager to talk about something\".", "r": {"result": "Semua orang tidak sabar-sabar untuk bercakap tentang sesuatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Politics, though often a taboo subject at social events and many workplaces, is the topic of choice in his shop, said Quavis.", "r": {"result": "Politik, walaupun sering menjadi subjek tabu di acara sosial dan banyak tempat kerja, menjadi topik pilihan di kedainya, kata Quavis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's one barber chair used for haircuts.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat satu kerusi gunting rambut yang digunakan untuk menggunting rambut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The others form a makeshift seating area.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain membentuk ruang tempat duduk sementara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Photos and bumper stickers cover the walls, along with a handful of ponytails from past customers.", "r": {"result": "Foto dan pelekat bampar menutupi dinding, bersama-sama dengan segelintir ekor kuda daripada pelanggan terdahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a small, cozy kind of place,\" said Quavis, one where visitors \"can speak their mind and not be ridiculed for it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah jenis tempat yang kecil dan selesa,\" kata Quavis, tempat pelawat \"boleh bercakap fikiran mereka dan tidak boleh diejek kerananya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Men share opinions with Quavis that they wouldn't be comfortable discussing with their closest friends, said the longtime New York resident.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki berkongsi pendapat dengan Quavis bahawa mereka tidak akan selesa berbincang dengan rakan terdekat mereka, kata penduduk lama New York itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They trust me\".", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka mempercayai saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"More or less, I'm not a threat to them.", "r": {"result": "\u201cLebih kurang, saya bukan ancaman kepada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm not going to judge them for their opinions\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak akan menilai mereka kerana pendapat mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quavis, 46, founded Taylor Mae'd a decade ago and began recording videos of his conversations with customers in December 2008.", "r": {"result": "Quavis, 46, mengasaskan Taylor Mae'd sedekad lalu dan mula merakam video perbualannya dengan pelanggan pada Disember 2008.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an introductory video on his Web site, Quavis explains his goal.", "r": {"result": "Dalam video pengenalan di laman webnya, Quavis menerangkan matlamatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is a chance to take a look and see what Americans are passionate about\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah peluang untuk melihat dan melihat apa yang diminati rakyat Amerika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also offers a warning: \"If strong opinions offend you, then maybe this isn't the Web site for you\".", "r": {"result": "Dia juga menawarkan amaran: \"Jika pendapat yang kuat menyinggung perasaan anda, maka mungkin ini bukan laman web untuk anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Perhaps surprisingly, many customers allow their discussions to be filmed and shared online.", "r": {"result": "Mungkin menghairankan, ramai pelanggan membenarkan perbincangan mereka dirakam dan dikongsi dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quavis posts his barbershop videos on CNN's iReport.com and his personal Web site, All Buzzed Up.", "r": {"result": "Quavis menyiarkan video kedai gunting rambutnya di iReport.com CNN dan laman web peribadinya, All Buzzed Up.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though the men speak with obvious fervor, they manage to stay calm and still as scissors fly through their hair.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun lelaki itu bercakap dengan semangat yang jelas, mereka berjaya bertenang dan diam sambil gunting berterbangan di rambut mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quavis heard plenty of political chatter when he worked as a bartender, but says those conversations were never as civil as those in the barbershop.", "r": {"result": "Quavis mendengar banyak bualan politik semasa dia bekerja sebagai pelayan bar, tetapi berkata perbualan itu tidak pernah sama seperti di kedai gunting rambut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During a typical recorded conversation, Quavis will ask about a current legislative issue, then let the customer talk as he goes to work.", "r": {"result": "Semasa perbualan biasa yang dirakam, Quavis akan bertanya tentang isu perundangan semasa, kemudian biarkan pelanggan bercakap semasa dia pergi bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Often, the energetic barber will jump in to share his observations.", "r": {"result": "Selalunya, tukang gunting yang bertenaga akan melompat untuk berkongsi pemerhatiannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I try to keep them guided by what's going on in the news today,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya cuba memastikan mereka berpandukan apa yang berlaku dalam berita hari ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Inauguration Day, Quavis recorded two interviews with customers.", "r": {"result": "Pada Hari Perasmian, Quavis merekodkan dua temu bual dengan pelanggan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both seemed excited to see Barack Obama as president and happy that George W. Bush was leaving office.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-duanya kelihatan teruja melihat Barack Obama sebagai presiden dan gembira kerana George W. Bush akan meninggalkan jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'd give him a four out of 10,\" said one customer, referring to Bush's performance.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan memberinya empat daripada 10,\" kata seorang pelanggan, merujuk kepada persembahan Bush.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What'd he get a four for\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Untuk apa dia dapat empat\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "asked Quavis.", "r": {"result": "tanya Quavis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Just for taking the job,\" he joked, making Quavis laugh so hard that he had to stop shaving the man's head.", "r": {"result": "\"Hanya kerana mengambil kerja itu,\" dia bergurau, membuatkan Quavis ketawa terbahak-bahak sehingga dia terpaksa berhenti mencukur kepala lelaki itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Quavis and customers take on heated political topics >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Quavis dan pelanggan membincangkan topik politik hangat >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of Quavis' favorite topics these days is the ideological divide among politicians.", "r": {"result": "Salah satu topik kegemaran Quavis hari ini ialah perpecahan ideologi di kalangan ahli politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have battled over health care reform for months now, seemingly unable to reach an agreement.", "r": {"result": "Republikan dan Demokrat di Capitol Hill telah bergelut mengenai pembaharuan penjagaan kesihatan selama berbulan-bulan sekarang, nampaknya tidak dapat mencapai persetujuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The barber talks quickly and passionately, letting a few choice words slip when he's on the subject.", "r": {"result": "Tukang gunting rambut bercakap dengan pantas dan bersemangat, membiarkan beberapa perkataan pilihan tergelincir apabila dia membincangkan perkara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our government's a joke right now,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kerajaan kita buat lawak sekarang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If [politicians] stop being Democrats and Republicans and start being people, maybe these issues wouldn't be so tough.", "r": {"result": "\"Jika [ahli politik] berhenti menjadi Demokrat dan Republikan dan mula menjadi orang, mungkin isu ini tidak akan begitu sukar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Don't vote along party lines, vote with what you think is true\".", "r": {"result": "Jangan mengundi mengikut parti, mengundi dengan apa yang anda fikirkan benar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Several customers have echoed Quavis' sentiments.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa pelanggan telah menyuarakan sentimen Quavis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They've got to stop catering to big business and special interest groups -- got to listen to the people more,\" said Larry Switzer, a frequent Taylor Mae'd patron who shared his thoughts on camera.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka perlu berhenti melayan perniagaan besar dan kumpulan berkepentingan khas -- perlu mendengar lebih banyak orang,\" kata Larry Switzer, penaung Taylor Mae'd yang kerap berkongsi pendapatnya di kamera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You would think that we would be in their special interest,\" said Quavis, chuckling.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda akan fikir bahawa kami akan menjadi kepentingan istimewa mereka,\" kata Quavis sambil ketawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he trims Switzer's hair, the two chat like old buddies.", "r": {"result": "Sambil dia memotong rambut Switzer, mereka berdua berbual seperti kawan lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His 400-square-foot shop, which specializes in men's haircuts, sits on a busy road a few miles south from the heart of Buffalo.", "r": {"result": "Kedainya seluas 400 kaki persegi, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam potongan rambut lelaki, terletak di jalan yang sibuk beberapa batu ke selatan dari tengah-tengah Buffalo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Bethlehem Steel plant, which closed in 2001, looms down the street.", "r": {"result": "Kilang Bethlehem Steel, yang ditutup pada tahun 2001, kelihatan di hadapan jalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A couple thousand acres, sitting there wasted,\" said Quavis.", "r": {"result": "\"Beberapa ribu ekar, duduk di sana sia-sia,\" kata Quavis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The economy has taken its toll on Taylor Mae'd as with many independent barbershops across the country, said Quavis.", "r": {"result": "Ekonomi telah menjejaskan Taylor Mae'd seperti juga banyak kedai gunting rambut bebas di seluruh negara, kata Quavis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Customers go longer between haircuts and stories of being laid off from jobs seem more and more common.", "r": {"result": "Pelanggan pergi lebih lama antara potongan rambut dan kisah diberhentikan dari pekerjaan kelihatan semakin biasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But, despite it all, Quavis remains optimistic.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi, di sebalik semua itu, Quavis tetap optimis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's held a variety of jobs, but said he likes being a barber best.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah memegang pelbagai pekerjaan, tetapi mengatakan dia paling suka menjadi tukang gunting rambut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's the best job I've ever had,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah pekerjaan terbaik yang pernah saya miliki,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I love the guys who come here; I love their opinions; I love what it's all about\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya suka lelaki yang datang ke sini; Saya suka pendapat mereka; Saya suka perkara itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tom Ammo visits the barbershop once a week.", "r": {"result": "Tom Ammo melawat kedai gunting rambut sekali seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He drops by Taylor Mae'd every Thursday morning with donuts and coffee, and he and Quavis record a video talking about current events.", "r": {"result": "Dia mampir ke Taylor Mae'd setiap pagi Khamis dengan donat dan kopi, dan dia dan Quavis merakam video bercakap tentang peristiwa semasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some days, the ironworker will spend a couple of hours at the shop.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa hari, tukang besi akan menghabiskan beberapa jam di kedai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There aren't many places you can do that,\" said Ammo.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak banyak tempat yang boleh anda lakukan,\" kata Ammo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Barbershops are a dying breed -- the kind of barbershop where you can go in and hang out with the guys\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kedai gunting rambut adalah baka yang hampir mati -- jenis kedai gunting rambut di mana anda boleh masuk dan bergaul dengan lelaki\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ammo, 45, has known Quavis since high school.", "r": {"result": "Ammo, 45, mengenali Quavis sejak sekolah menengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The men often talk about the government, but recently branched out to sports.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki sering bercakap tentang kerajaan, tetapi baru-baru ini bercabang kepada sukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ammo now gives his predictions for upcoming Buffalo Bills NFL games during his weekly visit.", "r": {"result": "Ammo kini memberikan ramalannya untuk permainan NFL Buffalo Bills yang akan datang semasa lawatan mingguannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's a people person,\" said Ammo, referring to Quavis.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia orang ramai,\" kata Ammo, merujuk kepada Quavis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Not too many people have the gift of gab and the ability to get people to talk\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak terlalu ramai orang yang mempunyai karunia bercakap-cakap dan kebolehan untuk membuat orang bercakap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ammo said he's never liked public speaking, but finds being on camera a different experience.", "r": {"result": "Ammo berkata dia tidak pernah menyukai pengucapan awam, tetapi mendapati berada di depan kamera adalah pengalaman yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was petrified to do a speech in high school or talk in front of crowds,\" Ammo said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya sangat ketakutan untuk membuat ucapan di sekolah menengah atau bercakap di hadapan orang ramai,\" kata Ammo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But when he puts the cam on, I'm at ease and everything flows\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi apabila dia memakai kamera, saya tenang dan semuanya mengalir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quavis said his friends scoffed at the idea when he first decided to start recording videos, but he's starting to see a change in opinions.", "r": {"result": "Quavis berkata rakan-rakannya mengejek idea itu apabila dia mula-mula memutuskan untuk mula merakam video, tetapi dia mula melihat perubahan dalam pendapat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Slowly but surely, more and more people are coming around,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Perlahan tetapi pasti, semakin ramai orang datang ke sini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The barber says he doesn't affiliate with any political party.", "r": {"result": "Tukang gunting rambut mengatakan dia tidak bergabung dengan mana-mana parti politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm a realist, neither Democrat nor Republican\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya seorang yang realis, bukan Demokrat mahupun Republikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His opinions are often influenced by his customers' various viewpoints.", "r": {"result": "Pendapatnya sering dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai sudut pandangan pelanggannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even if I disagree with something, if everyone else thinks it's the best for this country, I'll go ahead with it\".", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun saya tidak bersetuju dengan sesuatu, jika semua orang fikir ia adalah yang terbaik untuk negara ini, saya akan meneruskannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washington politicians could learn a thing or two from Taylor Mae'd and other small barbershops, said Quavis.", "r": {"result": "Ahli politik Washington boleh belajar satu atau dua perkara daripada Taylor Mae'd dan kedai gunting rambut kecil lain, kata Quavis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whether discussing the economy, health care, or another political topic, everyone seems to find a way to agree.", "r": {"result": "Sama ada membincangkan ekonomi, penjagaan kesihatan atau topik politik lain, semua orang nampaknya mencari jalan untuk bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Somehow or another, when men come into a barbershop, we manage to find common ground\".", "r": {"result": "\"Entah bagaimana, apabila lelaki datang ke kedai gunting rambut, kami berjaya mencari titik persamaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- A U.S. Marine accused of raping a 19-year-old Japanese woman last year was found guilty Thursday of \"committing wrongful sexual contact and indecent acts,\" the U.S. military said, but he was acquitted of rape.", "r": {"result": "TOKYO, Jepun (CNN) -- Seorang Marin AS yang dituduh merogol seorang wanita Jepun berusia 19 tahun tahun lalu didapati bersalah pada Khamis kerana \"melakukan hubungan seksual yang salah dan perbuatan tidak senonoh,\" kata tentera AS, tetapi dia dibebaskan daripada tuduhan merogol .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sentencing hearing for Lance Cpl.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan hukuman untuk Lance Kpl.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Larry A. Dean, 20, is scheduled to begin on Friday.", "r": {"result": "Larry A. Dean, 20, dijadualkan bermula pada hari Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dean is among four Marines under court-martial in the case.", "r": {"result": "Dean adalah antara empat Marin di bawah mahkamah tentera dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The others are Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lanaeus J. Braswell, 25; Gunnery Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Lanaeus J. Braswell, 25; Gunnery Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carl M. Anderson, 39; and Gunnery Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Carl M. Anderson, 39; dan Gunnery Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jarvis D. Raynor, 34, the military said.", "r": {"result": "Jarvis D. Raynor, 34, kata tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Local media reported that the four men met the woman in a restaurant in Hiroshima on October 14, 2007, then allegedly attacked and raped her in a car in nearby parking lot.", "r": {"result": "Media tempatan melaporkan bahawa empat lelaki itu bertemu wanita itu di sebuah restoran di Hiroshima pada 14 Oktober 2007, kemudian didakwa menyerang dan merogolnya di dalam sebuah kereta di tempat letak kereta berhampiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Japanese authorities investigated but decided in November not to file charges.", "r": {"result": "Pihak berkuasa Jepun menyiasat tetapi memutuskan pada November untuk tidak memfailkan tuduhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dean also was found guilty of conspiracy to commit indecent acts and two minor charges.", "r": {"result": "Dean juga didapati bersalah atas komplot untuk melakukan perbuatan tidak senonoh dan dua pertuduhan kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was acquitted of conspiracy to kidnap or rape.", "r": {"result": "Dia dibebaskan daripada konspirasi untuk menculik atau merogol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is similar to a recent alleged sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl involving a U.S. Marine on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu serupa dengan dakwaan serangan seksual baru-baru ini ke atas seorang gadis berusia 14 tahun yang melibatkan seorang Marin A.S. di pulau Okinawa di selatan Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That case sparked outrage and stirred memories of an earlier rape committed by U.S. servicemen.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu mencetuskan kemarahan dan membangkitkan kenangan tentang rogol sebelum ini yang dilakukan oleh anggota tentera AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Staff Sgt.", "r": {"result": "Kakitangan Sgt.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tyrone Luther Hadnott, 38, was charged last month with the rape of a child under 16, abusive sexual contact with a child, making a false official statement, adultery and kidnapping, the military said.", "r": {"result": "Tyrone Luther Hadnott, 38, didakwa bulan lalu atas tuduhan merogol kanak-kanak bawah 16 tahun, hubungan seksual yang kesat dengan kanak-kanak, membuat kenyataan rasmi palsu, zina dan penculikan, kata tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February, Japanese authorities released Hadnott after the girl dropped the allegations, but the Marine Corps conducted its own investigation to see if Hadnott violated codes of military justice.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Februari, pihak berkuasa Jepun membebaskan Hadnott selepas gadis itu menggugurkan dakwaan itu, tetapi Kor Marin menjalankan siasatan sendiri untuk melihat sama ada Hadnott melanggar kod keadilan tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The military is holding him at a Marine facility.", "r": {"result": "Tentera menahannya di kemudahan Marin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 40,000 U.S. troops are stationed in Japan, most of them on Okinawa, which accounts for less than 1 percent of Japan's total area.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 40,000 tentera A.S. ditempatkan di Jepun, kebanyakannya di Okinawa, yang menyumbang kurang daripada 1 peratus daripada jumlah kawasan Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. military presence has at times bred resentment among locals, who have long complained about crime, noise and accidents.", "r": {"result": "Kehadiran tentera A.S. ada kalanya menimbulkan kemarahan di kalangan penduduk tempatan, yang telah lama mengadu tentang jenayah, bunyi bising dan kemalangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Anti-American sentiment boiled over in 1995, after three American servicemen were convicted in the kidnapping and gang rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl.", "r": {"result": "Sentimen anti-Amerika memuncak pada 1995, selepas tiga anggota tentera Amerika disabitkan bersalah dalam penculikan dan rogol berkumpulan seorang pelajar sekolah Okinawa berusia 12 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two years ago, a U.S. civilian military employee was jailed for nine years for raping two women.", "r": {"result": "Dua tahun lalu, seorang pekerja tentera awam A.S. dipenjarakan selama sembilan tahun kerana merogol dua wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The point-blank shooting of two New York City police officers this weekend is testing whether Mayor Bill de Blasio's brand of unapologetic liberalism can work in a city that's spent decades under mayors who made law and order a top priority.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan kosong dua pegawai polis New York City hujung minggu ini menguji sama ada jenama liberalisme tanpa maaf Datuk Bandar Bill de Blasio boleh berfungsi di bandar yang menghabiskan beberapa dekad di bawah datuk bandar yang menjadikan undang-undang dan perintah sebagai keutamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Blasio's pledge to reform police practices helped sweep him into office last year.", "r": {"result": "Ikrar De Blasio untuk memperbaharui amalan polis membantu beliau menyandang jawatan pada tahun lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in recent weeks he's pushed for the right of demonstrators to gather to protest the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, two unarmed African-American men, at the hands of white police officers.", "r": {"result": "Dan dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini dia mendesak hak penunjuk perasaan untuk berkumpul bagi membantah pembunuhan Michael Brown dan Eric Garner, dua lelaki Afrika-Amerika yang tidak bersenjata, di tangan pegawai polis kulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But critics -- including those in the police force -- are accusing him of fomenting an anti-police fervor that contributed to the killings of officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pengkritik -- termasuk mereka dalam pasukan polis -- menuduhnya mencetuskan semangat anti-polis yang menyumbang kepada pembunuhan pegawai Wenjian Liu dan Rafael Ramos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, de Blasio tried to reduce tension in the city.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, de Blasio cuba mengurangkan ketegangan di bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have to get everyone to move away from anger and hatred,\" he said during an afternoon press conference.", "r": {"result": "\"Kita perlu meminta semua orang menjauhkan diri daripada kemarahan dan kebencian,\" katanya semasa sidang media petang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If there are differences, we have to address them peacefully.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJika terdapat perbezaan, kita perlu menanganinya secara aman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have to give people faith that their concerns can be heard peacefully across the spectrum and we have to move forward\".", "r": {"result": "Kita perlu memberi kepercayaan kepada orang ramai bahawa kebimbangan mereka boleh didengari secara aman merentasi spektrum dan kita perlu bergerak ke hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said New York will not \"be the kind of city it was meant to be if there is a division between our police and the community\".", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata New York tidak akan \"menjadi bandar seperti yang dimaksudkan jika terdapat perpecahan antara polis dan masyarakat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The police are our protectors and they must be respected as such,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPolis adalah pelindung kita dan mereka mesti dihormati seperti itu,\u201d tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the murders this weekend were \"an attack on all of us\" during luncheon remarks at the Police Athletic League shortly before his afternoon press conference.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata pembunuhan hujung minggu ini adalah \"serangan ke atas kita semua\" semasa ucapan makan tengah hari di Liga Olahraga Polis sejurus sebelum sidang akhbar petangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the mayor also called for a hiatus from the protests that have gripped the city and the nation, saying the should focus instead on Liu and Ramos' families.", "r": {"result": "Dan datuk bandar juga menyeru supaya penangguhan daripada protes yang telah mencengkam bandar dan negara, dengan berkata ia sepatutnya memberi tumpuan kepada keluarga Liu dan Ramos.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's time for everyone to put aside political debates, put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in due time,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah tiba masanya untuk semua orang mengetepikan perbahasan politik, mengetepikan bantahan, mengetepikan semua perkara yang akan kita bincangkan pada masa yang sesuai,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Let's accompany these families on their difficult journey.", "r": {"result": "\u201cMari kita menemani keluarga ini dalam perjalanan sukar mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's see them through the funerals ... then the debate can begin again\".", "r": {"result": "Mari kita lihat mereka melalui pengebumian ... kemudian perbahasan boleh dimulakan semula\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But during his afternoon press conference, he also pushed back against his critics, calling remarks from the head of the city's police union \"wrong and mistaken\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi semasa sidang akhbar petangnya, dia juga menolak pengkritiknya, dengan menyebut kenyataan daripada ketua kesatuan polis bandar itu \"salah dan silap\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Blasio also accused the media of contributing to the atmosphere of tension between police and protesters.", "r": {"result": "De Blasio juga menuduh media menyumbang kepada suasana ketegangan antara polis dan penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What are you guys gonna do -- are you going to keep dividing us\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang kamu akan lakukan -- adakah kamu akan terus memecahbelahkan kami\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "a visibly angry de Blasio asked reporters, asserting that the media had unfairly focused on a few examples of violence that did not reflect the majority of protesters.", "r": {"result": "de Blasio yang kelihatan marah bertanya kepada wartawan, menegaskan bahawa media telah memberi tumpuan secara tidak adil pada beberapa contoh keganasan yang tidak menggambarkan majoriti penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You all are part of this, too,\" he added.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda semua adalah sebahagian daripada ini juga,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have spoken out on the killings of Brown and Garner, calling for Americans to open up a dialogue on race and law enforcement and sharing their own experiences with racism.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Barack Obama dan Peguam Negara Eric Holder telah bercakap mengenai pembunuhan Brown dan Garner, menyeru rakyat Amerika untuk membuka dialog mengenai perkauman dan penguatkuasaan undang-undang serta berkongsi pengalaman mereka sendiri dengan perkauman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Obama has launched a task force to examine cases where there may be uneven applications of the law and propose fixes.", "r": {"result": "Obama telah melancarkan pasukan petugas untuk memeriksa kes-kes yang mungkin terdapat penggunaan undang-undang yang tidak sekata dan mencadangkan pembetulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But a startling divide between how white Americans and minorities view the criminal justice system, revealed by a new CNN/ORC poll, underscores the challenge facing both de Blasio and Obama as they struggle to find a solution to broken relationship between the police and the communities they serve.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi perbezaan yang mengejutkan antara cara orang Amerika kulit putih dan minoriti melihat sistem keadilan jenayah, yang didedahkan oleh tinjauan pendapat CNN/ORC baharu, menggariskan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh kedua-dua de Blasio dan Obama ketika mereka berjuang untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada hubungan yang rosak antara polis dan masyarakat. mereka berkhidmat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The nationwide poll, conducted largely before Liu and Ramos were shot and released Monday, shows 57 percent of white Americans think none or almost none of the police in their area are prejudiced against blacks.", "r": {"result": "Tinjauan di seluruh negara, yang dijalankan sebahagian besarnya sebelum Liu dan Ramos ditembak dan dibebaskan Isnin, menunjukkan 57 peratus rakyat Amerika kulit putih berpendapat tiada atau hampir tiada polis di kawasan mereka berprasangka buruk terhadap orang kulit hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just a quarter of non-white Americans feel the same.", "r": {"result": "Hanya seperempat orang bukan kulit putih Amerika merasakan perkara yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And while 50 percent of white Americans say the criminal justice system treats blacks fairly, only 21 percent of non-white Americans agree.", "r": {"result": "Dan sementara 50 peratus orang kulit putih Amerika mengatakan sistem keadilan jenayah melayan orang kulit hitam secara adil, hanya 21 peratus orang bukan kulit putih Amerika bersetuju.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shooting this weekend prompted police departments from Colorado to Washington, DC, to warn their officers to remain vigilant and watch out for potential copycat violence against them.", "r": {"result": "Tembakan pada hujung minggu ini mendorong jabatan polis dari Colorado ke Washington, DC, untuk memberi amaran kepada pegawai mereka supaya terus berwaspada dan berhati-hati terhadap potensi keganasan peniru terhadap mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said this weekend on CNN that de Blasio had sparked \"intense, anti-police hatred\" with his support for protesters.", "r": {"result": "Bekas Datuk Bandar New York City Rudy Giuliani berkata hujung minggu ini di CNN bahawa de Blasio telah mencetuskan \"kebencian yang kuat dan anti-polis\" dengan sokongannya kepada penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Patrick Lynch, the head of NYPD's police union, also lashed out at de Blasio, saying that there's blood on the hands of those who have supported the protesters and it \"starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor\".", "r": {"result": "Patrick Lynch, ketua kesatuan polis NYPD, juga menyelar de Blasio, mengatakan bahawa ada darah di tangan mereka yang telah menyokong penunjuk perasaan dan ia \"bermula di tangga dewan bandar di pejabat datuk bandar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While de Blasio tried to downplay the politics of the situation during a press conference this weekend, Giuliani and others -- largely Republicans -- have argued his policies are directly to blame.", "r": {"result": "Ketika de Blasio cuba merendahkan politik situasi semasa sidang akhbar hujung minggu ini, Giuliani dan yang lain -- sebahagian besarnya dari Republikan -- telah berhujah bahawa polisinya secara langsung dipersalahkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is the right time to talk about [de Blasio's] policies.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIa adalah masa yang sesuai untuk bercakap mengenai dasar [de Blasio].", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His policies of allowing protests to get out of control, and of his not emphasizing enough the importance of fatherhood, the importance of education, the importance of an alternative to a public education system that is failing the black children,\" Giuliani, a Republican, said on Fox News this weekend.", "r": {"result": "Dasar beliau yang membenarkan protes keluar dari kawalan, dan beliau tidak cukup menekankan kepentingan kebapaan, kepentingan pendidikan, kepentingan alternatif kepada sistem pendidikan awam yang mengecewakan kanak-kanak kulit hitam,\" Giuliani, seorang Republikan, kata di Fox News hujung minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Giuliani also placed the blame on \"propaganda\" from the President.", "r": {"result": "Giuliani juga meletakkan kesalahan pada \"propaganda\" daripada Presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've had four months of propaganda starting with the President, that everybody should hate the police.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mempunyai empat bulan propaganda bermula dengan Presiden, bahawa semua orang harus membenci polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't care how you want to describe it, that's what those protests are all about,\" Giuliani said.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak kisah bagaimana anda mahu menggambarkannya, itulah yang dimaksudkan dengan protes itu,\" kata Giuliani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Others took aim at Holder.", "r": {"result": "Yang lain membidik Holder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sickened by these barbaric acts, which sadly are a predictable outcome of divisive anti-cop rhetoric of #ericholder & #mayordeblasio,\" tweeted former New York Gov.", "r": {"result": "\"Kesal dengan tindakan biadab ini, yang malangnya adalah hasil yang boleh diramalkan daripada retorik anti-polis yang memecahbelahkan #ericholder & #mayordeblasio,\" tweet bekas Gabenor New York.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "George Pataki, a Republican.", "r": {"result": "George Pataki, seorang Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still, tensions between the police and the city's mayors are nothing new, and indeed haven't yet reached the breaking point they saw under former Mayor David Dinkins, who oversaw -- and was unable to control -- an all-out riot by police in 1992.", "r": {"result": "Namun, ketegangan antara polis dan datuk bandar bukan perkara baru, dan sememangnya masih belum mencapai titik kemusnahan yang mereka lihat di bawah bekas Datuk Bandar David Dinkins, yang menyelia -- dan tidak dapat mengawal -- rusuhan habis-habisan oleh polis pada tahun 1992.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, much of the criticism from police was the same: \"He never supports us on anything,\" an officer quoted by the New York Times said at the time.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, kebanyakan kritikan daripada polis adalah sama: \"Dia tidak pernah menyokong kami dalam apa-apa pun,\" kata seorang pegawai yang dipetik oleh New York Times pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said Monday, however, that his first 10 years in the police force, in 1970, \"were around this type of tension\".", "r": {"result": "Pesuruhjaya Polis New York City Bill Bratton berkata Isnin, bagaimanapun, bahawa 10 tahun pertamanya dalam pasukan polis, pada 1970, \"berada di sekitar jenis ketegangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bratton cautioned against politicizing the tragedy, but agreed that the shooting of the two officers this weekend \"was a direct spinoff\" of the recent protests, and that de Blasio has work to do in rebuilding support within the police community.", "r": {"result": "Bratton memberi amaran agar tidak mempolitikkan tragedi itu, tetapi bersetuju bahawa penembakan dua pegawai itu pada hujung minggu ini \"adalah spinoff langsung\" protes baru-baru ini, dan bahawa de Blasio mempunyai kerja yang perlu dilakukan dalam membina semula sokongan dalam komuniti polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think he has lost [the trust of] some officers,\" Bratton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir dia telah kehilangan [kepercayaan] beberapa pegawai,\" kata Bratton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The 20 jurors to be selected in the Orlando, Florida, murder trial of Casey Anthony will cost the court system an estimated $361,000, according to court administrators.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- 20 juri yang akan dipilih dalam perbicaraan pembunuhan Casey Anthony di Orlando, Florida, akan menelan kos sistem mahkamah dianggarkan $361,000, menurut pentadbir mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to a cost breakdown spreadsheet obtained by \"In Session\" on truTV, these expenses include everything from housing, transportation and three daily meals, to wages associated with the sheriff's office, court clerks and courthouse facilities for the duration of the trial.", "r": {"result": "Menurut hamparan pecahan kos yang diperoleh oleh \"Dalam Sesi\" di truTV, perbelanjaan ini termasuk segala-galanya daripada perumahan, pengangkutan dan tiga kali makan harian, kepada upah yang dikaitkan dengan pejabat sherif, kerani mahkamah dan kemudahan mahkamah sepanjang tempoh perbicaraan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The jurors will be sequestered for the trial, in which Anthony, who turns 25 on Saturday, faces a capital murder charge in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.", "r": {"result": "Para juri akan diasingkan untuk perbicaraan, di mana Anthony, yang berusia 25 tahun pada hari Sabtu, menghadapi pertuduhan pembunuhan besar-besaran dalam kematian anak perempuannya yang berusia 2 tahun, Caylee.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The girl was reporting missing in July 2008, and investigators found her body after five months of intense searches.", "r": {"result": "Gadis itu dilaporkan hilang pada Julai 2008, dan penyiasat menemui mayatnya selepas lima bulan pencarian sengit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prior to a jury being seated, the Orange County Clerk of Courts Office will be required to pay nearly $4,000 in jury selection costs.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum juri duduk, Pejabat Kerani Mahkamah Daerah Orange akan dikehendaki membayar hampir $4,000 dalam kos pemilihan juri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's an estimate of the expenses, but it's certainly not all-inclusive,\" court spokeswoman Karen Levey told the Orlando Sentinel.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah anggaran perbelanjaan, tetapi ia pastinya tidak termasuk semua,\" kata jurucakap mahkamah Karen Levey kepada Orlando Sentinel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, she added, the cost breakdown per juror is \"fairly accurate\".", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, tambahnya, pecahan kos bagi setiap juri adalah \"agak tepat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Orange County Clerk of Courts Lydia Gardner told the newspaper that \"funding for the Casey Anthony trial is in serious jeopardy\" and that she \"informed both the chief justice of the state Supreme Court as well as Chief (Judge) Belvin Perry of these dire circumstances\".", "r": {"result": "Kerani Mahkamah Daerah Orange Lydia Gardner memberitahu akhbar itu bahawa \"pembiayaan untuk perbicaraan Casey Anthony berada dalam bahaya serius\" dan bahawa dia \"memaklumkan kedua-dua ketua hakim Mahkamah Agung negeri serta Ketua (Hakim) Belvin Perry tentang keadaan yang teruk ini \".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Florida Gov.", "r": {"result": "Florida Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rick Scott in February proposed cutting state spending by more than $5 billion this fiscal year.", "r": {"result": "Rick Scott pada bulan Februari mencadangkan mengurangkan perbelanjaan negeri sebanyak lebih daripada $5 bilion tahun fiskal ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That includes a cut of about 8.4 percent -- or nearly $40 million -- to the state courts' budget for 2011-12, according to the governor's web site.", "r": {"result": "Itu termasuk pemotongan kira-kira 8.4 peratus -- atau hampir $40 juta -- kepada bajet mahkamah negeri untuk 2011-12, menurut laman web gabenor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a statement released Thursday, Levey said the chief judge knows that Gardner \"has concerns regarding her office's ability to cover the costs that her office is responsible for, ... such as jury sequestration\".", "r": {"result": "Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Khamis, Levey berkata ketua hakim tahu bahawa Gardner \"mempunyai kebimbangan mengenai keupayaan pejabatnya untuk menampung kos yang ditanggung oleh pejabatnya, ... seperti pengasingan juri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Levey added that the legislative session is in its early stages and talks of a continuance in the case on \"are extremely premature\".", "r": {"result": "Levey menambah bahawa sesi perundangan berada di peringkat awal dan perbincangan mengenai kesinambungan dalam kes itu mengenai \"sangat pramatang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jury selection in Casey Anthony's murder trail is scheduled to start May 9, and Levey stressed that the date \"has not been continued\".", "r": {"result": "Pemilihan juri dalam jejak pembunuhan Casey Anthony dijadualkan bermula 9 Mei, dan Levey menegaskan bahawa tarikh itu \"belum diteruskan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Aletse Mellado of \"In Session\" contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Aletse Mellado dari \"Dalam Sesi\" menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chiara de Blasio, daughter of New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, has struggled with clinical depression and drug abuse, the 19-year-old revealed in a YouTube video posted Christmas Eve.", "r": {"result": "Chiara de Blasio, anak perempuan kepada Datuk Bandar New York yang dilantik Bill de Blasio, telah bergelut dengan kemurungan klinikal dan penyalahgunaan dadah, dedah lelaki berusia 19 tahun itu dalam video YouTube yang disiarkan pada Malam Krismas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've had depression, like clinical depression, for my entire adolescence,\" de Blasio says in the video.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mengalami kemurungan, seperti kemurungan klinikal, sepanjang masa remaja saya,\" kata de Blasio dalam video itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It made it easier, the more I drank and did drugs, to share some common ground with people that I wouldn't have.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia menjadikan lebih mudah, semakin saya minum dan melakukan dadah, untuk berkongsi beberapa persamaan dengan orang yang saya tidak akan mempunyai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It didn't start out as a huge thing for me but then it became a really huge thing for me\".", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak bermula sebagai perkara yang besar untuk saya tetapi kemudian ia menjadi perkara yang sangat besar untuk saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the video, de Blasio speaks about drinking and smoking marijuana when she was in college, as well as the outpatient treatment that started her on the road to recovery.", "r": {"result": "Dalam video itu, de Blasio bercakap tentang meminum dan menghisap ganja ketika dia di kolej, serta rawatan pesakit luar yang memulakannya di jalan menuju pemulihan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Blasio's father sailed to a landslide victory last month over Republican candidate Joe Lhota to become New York's first Democratic mayor in more than 20 years.", "r": {"result": "Bapa De Blasio berlayar dengan kemenangan besar bulan lalu ke atas calon Republikan Joe Lhota untuk menjadi Datuk Bandar Demokrat pertama New York dalam tempoh lebih 20 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One key to his victory was a connection with voters, formed in part via his mixed-race family, particularly his son, Dante, and wife, Chirlane McCray, who played a prominent role on the campaign trail.", "r": {"result": "Satu kunci kemenangannya ialah hubungan dengan pengundi, yang dibentuk sebahagiannya melalui keluarga campurannya, terutamanya anaknya, Dante, dan isteri, Chirlane McCray, yang memainkan peranan penting dalam jejak kempen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chiara's story has until now stayed out of the public eye.", "r": {"result": "Kisah Chiara sehingga kini tidak menjadi perhatian umum.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As parents, our instinct has been to protect our daughter and privately help her through a deeply personal struggle,\" her parents said in an e-mail to supporters that linked to the video.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebagai ibu bapa, naluri kami adalah untuk melindungi anak perempuan kami dan secara peribadi membantunya melalui perjuangan yang sangat peribadi,\" kata ibu bapanya dalam e-mel kepada penyokong yang dikaitkan dengan video itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But not only has Chiara committed to her own health, she is also committed to helping young people everywhere who face similar challenges\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi bukan sahaja Chiara komited terhadap kesihatannya sendiri, dia juga komited untuk membantu golongan muda di mana-mana sahaja yang menghadapi cabaran yang sama\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Professionally shot and edited, the YouTube video was released under an account bearing Chiara de Blasio's name.", "r": {"result": "Dirakam dan disunting secara profesional, video YouTube itu dikeluarkan di bawah akaun yang mengandungi nama Chiara de Blasio.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It directs viewers to visit ok2talk.org, an organization that encourages youth who struggle with mental illness to talk about their experiences.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengarahkan penonton untuk melawat ok2talk.org, sebuah organisasi yang menggalakkan belia yang bergelut dengan penyakit mental untuk bercakap tentang pengalaman mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the video, Chiara de Blasio has completed treatment and is now trying to reach out to others.", "r": {"result": "Menurut video itu, Chiara de Blasio telah menyelesaikan rawatan dan kini cuba menghubungi orang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's just important for people to realize, anybody who is watching this, that if you're suffering and if you're depressed, you're dealing with mental illness, and you think that it might have something to do with your drug abuse or drinking, or if you're just suffering from both of those at the same time and you think that they're completely unrelated to one another,\" she says, \"getting sober is always a positive thing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah penting bagi orang ramai untuk menyedari, sesiapa sahaja yang menonton ini, bahawa jika anda menderita dan jika anda tertekan, anda berhadapan dengan penyakit mental, dan anda fikir ia mungkin ada kaitan dengan penyalahgunaan dadah anda. atau minum, atau jika anda hanya mengalami kedua-duanya pada masa yang sama dan anda fikir mereka tidak berkaitan sama sekali,\" katanya, \"bersedia sentiasa merupakan perkara yang positif\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Blasio makes minimal reference to her parents, not naming either and mentioning only that both were \"very emotionally committed to try to figure out some way to get me better\".", "r": {"result": "De Blasio membuat rujukan minimum kepada ibu bapanya, tidak menamakan sama ada dan hanya menyebut bahawa kedua-duanya \"sangat komited dari segi emosi untuk cuba mencari cara untuk menjadikan saya lebih baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Participating in her father's campaign after completing treatment \"was like the greatest thing ever,\" de Blasio says, although she doesn't specify that it was the mayoral race.", "r": {"result": "Mengambil bahagian dalam kempen bapanya selepas menyelesaikan rawatan \"seperti perkara paling hebat yang pernah ada,\" kata de Blasio, walaupun dia tidak menyatakan bahawa ia adalah perlumbaan datuk bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "White House Drug Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske issued a statement Tuesday afternoon praising the young de Blasio for speaking out.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah Dasar Dadah Rumah Putih Gil Kerlikowske mengeluarkan kenyataan petang Selasa memuji de Blasio muda kerana bersuara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Chiara is giving a voice to the millions who suffer from substance use and mental health disorders, and we encourage others to join her,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Chiara memberi suara kepada berjuta-juta yang menderita akibat penggunaan bahan dan gangguan kesihatan mental, dan kami menggalakkan orang lain untuk menyertainya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"By talking about addiction in the light of day -- and by celebrating recovery out loud -- we can help correct the misinformation and stigma that too often become obstacles for the millions of Americans who deserve to live healthy, productive lives,\" Kerlikowske said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dengan bercakap tentang ketagihan di siang hari -- dan dengan meraikan pemulihan dengan lantang -- kami boleh membantu membetulkan maklumat yang salah dan stigma yang terlalu kerap menjadi halangan bagi berjuta-juta rakyat Amerika yang berhak menjalani kehidupan yang sihat dan produktif,\" kata Kerlikowske .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "De Blasio decided to speak out \"because people are suffering from this disease and dying from this disease every day.", "r": {"result": "De Blasio memutuskan untuk bersuara \"kerana orang ramai menderita penyakit ini dan mati akibat penyakit ini setiap hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And we really can't do anything as a society to help those people until we start talking about it,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "Dan kita benar-benar tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa sebagai masyarakat untuk membantu orang-orang itu sehingga kita mula bercakap mengenainya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And nobody can do sobriety on their own\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan tiada siapa yang boleh melakukan ketenangan sendiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New York (CNN) -- Prosecutors in New York on Thursday accused three Lebanese financial institutions of money laundering that benefited the militant group Hezbollah, and they demanded forfeitures and penalties totaling hundreds of millions of dollars.", "r": {"result": "New York (CNN) -- Pendakwa raya di New York pada Khamis menuduh tiga institusi kewangan Lubnan melakukan pengubahan wang haram yang menguntungkan kumpulan militan Hizbullah, dan mereka menuntut pelucuthakan serta penalti berjumlah ratusan juta dolar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A civil action alleges that hundreds of millions of dollars in drug profits and other money were laundered through the Lebanese Canadian Bank as well as two exchange houses.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan sivil mendakwa bahawa ratusan juta dolar dalam keuntungan dadah dan wang lain telah dicuci melalui Bank Kanada Lubnan serta dua rumah pertukaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The primary method, it alleges, was by mingling that cash with the finances of legitimate businesses -- primarily a network of about 30 U.S.-based car exporters, who shipped more than $1 billion worth of cars from the United States to West Africa for sale.", "r": {"result": "Kaedah utama, didakwa, adalah dengan mencampurkan wang tunai itu dengan kewangan perniagaan yang sah -- terutamanya rangkaian kira-kira 30 pengeksport kereta yang berpangkalan di AS, yang menghantar lebih daripada $1 bilion kereta bernilai dari Amerika Syarikat ke Afrika Barat untuk dijual. .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It said dealers in about 10 states were involved, but there was no evidence the U.S.-based businesses were aware of the Hezbollah connection.", "r": {"result": "Ia berkata peniaga di kira-kira 10 negeri terlibat, tetapi tiada bukti perniagaan yang berpangkalan di AS mengetahui hubungan Hizbullah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors said in their announcement, \"Cash from the sale of the cars in West Africa was mixed with proceeds from narcotics trafficking, and then transferred to Lebanon through (Hezbollah)-controlled money-laundering channels,\" and \"part of the proceeds was used to support (Hezbollah)\".", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya berkata dalam pengumuman mereka, \"Wang tunai daripada penjualan kereta di Afrika Barat dicampur dengan hasil daripada pengedaran narkotik, dan kemudian dipindahkan ke Lubnan melalui saluran pengubahan wang haram (Hizbullah) yang dikawal,\" dan \"sebahagian daripada hasil itu digunakan. untuk menyokong (Hizbullah)\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The filing says the bank permitted Hezbollah-related entities to move as much as $260,000 a day through their accounts, without disclosing the source or purpose of the money.", "r": {"result": "Pemfailan itu mengatakan bank itu membenarkan entiti berkaitan Hizbullah memindahkan sebanyak $260,000 sehari melalui akaun mereka, tanpa mendedahkan sumber atau tujuan wang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February, the U.S. Treasury Department designated the Lebanese Canadian Bank as a \"financial institution of primary money laundering concern\".", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan Februari, Jabatan Perbendaharaan A.S. telah menetapkan Bank Kanada Lubnan sebagai \"institusi kewangan kebimbangan utama pengubahan wang haram\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since then, the bank has been acquired by the subsidiary in Lebanon of Societe Generale.", "r": {"result": "Sejak itu, bank itu telah diambil alih oleh anak syarikat di Lubnan Societe Generale.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before the acquisition, the accused bank had 35 branches in Lebanon and had grown in recent years from assets of $2.83 billion in 2005 to $5.18 billion in 2009.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum pengambilalihan, bank tertuduh mempunyai 35 cawangan di Lubnan dan telah berkembang dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini daripada aset $2.83 bilion pada 2005 kepada $5.18 bilion pada 2009.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors on Thursday demanded the bank's assets be forfeited due to the alleged wrongdoing.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya pada Khamis menuntut aset bank itu dilucuthakkan kerana salah laku yang didakwa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The chairman of Lebanese Canadian Bank, Georges Zard Abou Jaoude, told CNN on Thursday, \"We deny any relation whatsoever with Hezbollah\".", "r": {"result": "Pengerusi Bank Kanada Lubnan, Georges Zard Abou Jaoude, memberitahu CNN pada hari Khamis, \"Kami menafikan sebarang hubungan dengan Hizbullah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said that the before the bank's sale, \"All the accounts were scrutinized, through three international auditors.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata sebelum penjualan bank itu, \"Semua akaun telah diteliti, melalui tiga juruaudit antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We didn't have any evidence backing all these allegations\".", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak mempunyai sebarang bukti yang menyokong semua dakwaan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He added that the bank had used safeguards to prevent transactions by known money launders.", "r": {"result": "Beliau menambah bahawa bank itu telah menggunakan perlindungan untuk menghalang transaksi oleh pengubahan wang haram yang diketahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We never had any transaction or any connection with any name which was blacklisted.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami tidak pernah mempunyai sebarang transaksi atau sebarang kaitan dengan mana-mana nama yang telah disenaraihitamkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The moment a name appeared on the screen, we froze the account,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja nama muncul di skrin, kami membekukan akaun itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN was not able to reach Hezbollah officials immediately for comment.", "r": {"result": "CNN tidak dapat menghubungi pegawai Hizbullah dengan segera untuk mendapatkan komen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the group's chief political strategist, speaking to The New York Times this week, said the group had no relationship to the Lebanese Canadian Bank and dismissed the American allegations of a drug connection as politically motivated propaganda.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ketua strategi politik kumpulan itu, bercakap kepada The New York Times minggu ini, berkata kumpulan itu tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan Bank Kanada Lubnan dan menolak dakwaan Amerika berhubung kaitan dadah sebagai propaganda bermotifkan politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, prosecutors in Virginia also indicted a Lebanese man they allege was at the center of the laundering network and who they say has ties to Hezbollah -- although he is not a member of the group.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, pendakwa raya di Virginia juga mendakwa seorang lelaki Lubnan yang mereka dakwa berada di tengah-tengah rangkaian pencucian haram dan yang mereka katakan mempunyai hubungan dengan Hizbullah -- walaupun dia bukan ahli kumpulan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They assert that Ayman Joumaa coordinated the smuggling and sale of at least 90 tons of cocaine destined for the United States and laundered hundreds of millions of dollars for drug gangs in Mexico and Colombia such as the notorious Zetas.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menegaskan bahawa Ayman Joumaa menyelaraskan penyeludupan dan penjualan sekurang-kurangnya 90 tan kokain yang ditujukan untuk Amerika Syarikat dan mencuci ratusan juta dolar untuk kumpulan dadah di Mexico dan Colombia seperti Zetas yang terkenal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to the indictment, Joumaa laundered as much as $200 million a month and made bulk cash deliveries to South America in amounts as high as $4 million.", "r": {"result": "Menurut dakwaan, Joumaa mencuci sebanyak $200 juta sebulan dan membuat penghantaran tunai pukal ke Amerika Selatan dalam jumlah setinggi $4 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He moved the money,\" said Brian Dodd, the Drug Enforcement Administration agent who coordinated the Joumaa investigation.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia memindahkan wang itu,\" kata Brian Dodd, ejen Pentadbiran Penguatkuasaan Dadah yang menyelaraskan siasatan Joumaa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He couldn't have survived without Hezbollah.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia tidak boleh bertahan tanpa Hizbullah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And he was a source of revenue for Hezbollah\".", "r": {"result": "Dan dia adalah sumber pendapatan bagi Hizbullah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joumaa is not in custody, and officials would only say they believe him to be in the Middle East.", "r": {"result": "Joumaa tidak dalam tahanan, dan pegawai hanya akan mengatakan mereka percaya dia berada di Timur Tengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hezbollah, which the United States has designated a terrorist organization, is an influential member of the government in Lebanon.", "r": {"result": "Hizbullah, yang telah ditetapkan oleh Amerika Syarikat sebagai organisasi pengganas, adalah anggota kerajaan yang berpengaruh di Lubnan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it also has a history of terror attacks against American interests, dating back to the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in 1983.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia juga mempunyai sejarah serangan pengganas terhadap kepentingan Amerika, sejak pengeboman Kedutaan A.S. pada tahun 1983.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now Hezbollah may be using criminal proceeds to help pay for its militant operations, according to DEA agent Derek Maltz.", "r": {"result": "Kini Hizbullah mungkin menggunakan hasil jenayah untuk membantu membayar operasi militannya, menurut ejen DEA Derek Maltz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The worldwide demand for drugs is actually helping terror groups fund their activities,\" Maltz said.", "r": {"result": "\"Permintaan seluruh dunia untuk dadah sebenarnya membantu kumpulan pengganas membiayai aktiviti mereka,\" kata Maltz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"And these groups want to destroy America\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dan kumpulan ini mahu memusnahkan Amerika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jonathan Schanzer, an ex-Treasury Department terror finance analyst who is with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said, \"Hezbollah can do a lot of damage, and the more money that rolls in, the more problematic that will be.", "r": {"result": "Jonathan Schanzer, bekas penganalisis kewangan keganasan Jabatan Perbendaharaan yang bersama Yayasan Pertahanan Demokrasi, berkata, \"Hizbullah boleh melakukan banyak kerosakan, dan lebih banyak wang yang masuk, lebih banyak masalah yang akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You have an organization right now that has been operating a massive criminal enterprise,\" he said, \"and using that money to further its aims in the region -- which is about creating a little mini-state inside of Lebanon, amassing weapons, threatening Israel, providing assistance to the insurgency in Iraq, providing assistance to other terrorist organizations around the world\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda mempunyai organisasi sekarang yang telah mengendalikan perusahaan jenayah besar-besaran,\" katanya, \"dan menggunakan wang itu untuk meneruskan matlamatnya di rantau ini -- iaitu mengenai mewujudkan sebuah negara mini kecil di dalam Lubnan, mengumpul senjata, mengancam Israel, memberikan bantuan kepada pemberontakan di Iraq, memberikan bantuan kepada organisasi pengganas lain di seluruh dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schanzer said this week's allegations raised concerns about how many other unseen activities -- financial or military -- Hezbollah may be conducting.", "r": {"result": "Schanzer berkata dakwaan minggu ini menimbulkan kebimbangan tentang berapa banyak aktiviti ghaib lain -- kewangan atau ketenteraan -- Hizbullah mungkin akan dijalankan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the recent moves by prosecutors against Hezbollah's money supply could take a toll on the militant group's potency, he said -- along with a reduction in funds from its main backers, Syria and Iran, in the wake of tightened international sanctions.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tindakan baru-baru ini oleh pendakwa raya terhadap bekalan wang Hizbullah boleh menjejaskan potensi kumpulan militan itu, katanya -- bersama-sama dengan pengurangan dana daripada penyokong utamanya, Syria dan Iran, berikutan sekatan antarabangsa yang diperketatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Their arm gets a little bit shorter,\" he said, \"and their influence begins to wane just a little bit\".", "r": {"result": "\"Lengan mereka menjadi sedikit lebih pendek,\" katanya, \"dan pengaruh mereka mula berkurangan sedikit sahaja\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Nada Husseini and Tim Lister contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Nada Husseini dari CNN dan Tim Lister menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- At five months pregnant, Jennifer Cramblett and her same-sex partner, Amanda Zinkon, learned that Cramblett had been inseminated with the wrong sperm, and that the donor was of a different race.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ketika hamil lima bulan, Jennifer Cramblett dan pasangan sejenisnya, Amanda Zinkon, mengetahui bahawa Cramblett telah disemai dengan sperma yang salah, dan pendermanya adalah daripada bangsa yang berbeza.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two years later, Cramblett and Zinkon are moms to a mixed race African-American girl named Payton, whom they love \"unconditionally\".", "r": {"result": "Dua tahun kemudian, Cramblett dan Zinkon adalah ibu kepada seorang gadis campuran Afrika-Amerika bernama Payton, yang mereka cintai \"tanpa syarat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even that bond hasn't been enough to protect them from the emotional and social challenges they admittedly, were not prepared for.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ikatan itu tidak mencukupi untuk melindungi mereka daripada cabaran emosi dan sosial yang mereka akui, tidak bersedia untuk menghadapinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There are things I don't feel I have the background to even know.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada perkara yang saya rasa saya tidak mempunyai latar belakang untuk mengetahui.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is things we have to go out and research and talk to people and figure out how to do as simple as a daily chore of doing your hair,\" Cramblett told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah perkara yang kita perlu keluar dan menyelidik dan bercakap dengan orang ramai dan memikirkan cara melakukan semudah tugas harian anda, \"kata Cramblett kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last week, Cramblett sued Midwest Sperm Bank with the goal to force them to change the policies that led to the mix-up and to obtain the funds her family needs to receive ongoing counseling and relocate to a more diverse community.", "r": {"result": "Minggu lalu, Cramblett menyaman Midwest Sperm Bank dengan matlamat untuk memaksa mereka mengubah dasar yang membawa kepada percampuran dan mendapatkan dana yang diperlukan keluarganya untuk menerima kaunseling berterusan dan berpindah ke komuniti yang lebih pelbagai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mix-up.", "r": {"result": "Percampuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cramblett said her \"shock\" came when she called Midwest Sperm Bank in April 2012 to secure more vials for a second pregnancy.", "r": {"result": "Cramblett berkata \"kejutannya\" datang apabila dia menghubungi Midwest Sperm Bank pada April 2012 untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak botol untuk kehamilan kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I called to order that sperm and the vials, I asked them for (donor) 380 and they came back on the line and said I do believe we have sent you donor number 330, are you sure that's not what you asked for\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya menelefon untuk memesan sperma dan botol itu, saya meminta mereka (penderma) 380 dan mereka kembali ke talian dan berkata saya percaya kami telah menghantar penderma nombor 330 kepada anda, adakah anda pasti itu bukan yang anda minta\" ?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "said Cramblett.", "r": {"result": "kata Cramblett.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They came back on the line and then had asked me if I had requested an African-American donor.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka kembali ke talian dan kemudian bertanya kepada saya sama ada saya telah meminta penderma Afrika-Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At that point, I said no, 380 was blond-haired, blue-eyed, resembling my partner, Amanda.", "r": {"result": "Pada ketika itu, saya berkata tidak, 380 berambut perang, bermata biru, menyerupai pasangan saya, Amanda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They said we believe 330 is an African-American donor.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berkata kami percaya 330 adalah penderma Afrika-Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We can no longer talk to you anymore,\" said Cramblett.", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak boleh bercakap dengan anda lagi,\" kata Cramblett.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mix-up stemmed from Midwest Sperm Bank's record-keeping procedures, according to a complaint filed in Circuit Court in Cook County, Illinois, where the company's main office is located.", "r": {"result": "Campuran itu berpunca daripada prosedur penyimpanan rekod Midwest Sperm Bank, menurut aduan yang difailkan di Circuit Court di Cook County, Illinois, di mana pejabat utama syarikat itu terletak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The sperm bank's records are kept manually, ink-on-paper, not electronically, according to the lawsuit.", "r": {"result": "Rekod bank sperma disimpan secara manual, dakwat di atas kertas, bukan secara elektronik, menurut tuntutan mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"To the person who sent Jennifer vials of sperm in September, 2011, the number '380' looked like '330',\" the complaint stated.", "r": {"result": "\"Kepada orang yang menghantar botol sperma Jennifer pada September, 2011, nombor '380' kelihatan seperti '330',\" aduan itu menyatakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN called Midwest Sperm Bank.", "r": {"result": "CNN memanggil Midwest Sperm Bank.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A woman who answered the phone and refused to identify herself said, \"sorry, we have absolutely no comment\".", "r": {"result": "Seorang wanita yang menjawab telefon dan enggan mengenal pasti dirinya berkata, \"maaf, kami langsung tiada komen\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN also reached out to the sperm bank's attorney, Marc Groedel, and received no response.", "r": {"result": "CNN juga menghubungi peguam bank sperma, Marc Groedel, dan tidak menerima sebarang jawapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attorney Scott Bakal, listed on the complaint, hung up the phone with a quick \"goodbye\".", "r": {"result": "Peguam Scott Bakal, yang disenaraikan dalam aduan itu, meletakkan telefon dengan cepat \"selamat tinggal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The basis of the lawsuit and why we are doing what we are doing is so that somebody is held accountable.", "r": {"result": "\"Asas tuntutan mahkamah dan mengapa kami melakukan apa yang kami lakukan adalah supaya seseorang dipertanggungjawabkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This isn't going to happen to anybody else,\" said Cramblett.", "r": {"result": "Ini tidak akan berlaku kepada orang lain,\" kata Cramblett.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Utah university investigates suspected sperm switch.", "r": {"result": "Universiti Utah menyiasat suis sperma yang disyaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lack of racial diversity in their town.", "r": {"result": "Kekurangan kepelbagaian kaum di bandar mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With the birth of Payton, Cramblett and Zinkon were confronted with raising their mixed race child in Uniontown, Ohio, a rural community south of Akron that, according to the last census, is 98% white.", "r": {"result": "Dengan kelahiran Payton, Cramblett dan Zinkon berhadapan dengan membesarkan anak bangsa campuran mereka di Uniontown, Ohio, sebuah komuniti luar bandar di selatan Akron yang, menurut bancian terakhir, adalah 98% berkulit putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cramblett suffers from \"stress and anxiety\" just thinking of Payton having to attend and all-white school and being \"stigmatized or unrecognized\".", "r": {"result": "Cramblett mengalami \"tekanan dan kebimbangan\" hanya memikirkan Payton perlu menghadiri dan sekolah serba putih dan \"distigma atau tidak diiktiraf\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I want my child to be raised around people that maybe look like her, and unfortunately, we are not going to get all of those assets there in Uniontown, Ohio,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mahu anak saya dibesarkan di sekeliling orang yang mungkin kelihatan seperti dia, dan malangnya, kami tidak akan mendapatkan semua aset itu di Uniontown, Ohio,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want her to grow up in a community where she feels accepted, feels like it's normal to be who she is\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mahu dia membesar dalam komuniti di mana dia berasa diterima, berasa seperti biasa untuk menjadi siapa dia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in spite of their strong wish to relocate, Cramblett and Zinkon don't have the financial means to do so, Cramblett's attorney Timothy Misny told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di sebalik hasrat kuat mereka untuk berpindah, Cramblett dan Zinkon tidak mempunyai kemampuan kewangan untuk berbuat demikian, peguam Cramblett, Timothy Misny memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Uniontown is a wonderful town, wonderful people, but there are no biracial children and no mixed marriages.", "r": {"result": "\"Uniontown adalah sebuah bandar yang indah, orang yang hebat, tetapi tidak ada anak biracial dan tiada perkahwinan campur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We need to relocate Jennifer and her family to a town that offers that type of diverse culture,\" Misny said.", "r": {"result": "Kami perlu memindahkan Jennifer dan keluarganya ke bandar yang menawarkan jenis budaya yang pelbagai itu,\" kata Misny.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And since the sperm bank is responsible for the mix-up, the bank should be held financially accountable, said Misny.", "r": {"result": "Dan memandangkan bank sperma bertanggungjawab terhadap percampuran itu, bank itu harus bertanggungjawab dari segi kewangan, kata Misny.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are asking they change policy so it never happens again,\" Misny said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami meminta mereka menukar dasar supaya ia tidak berlaku lagi,\" kata Misny.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The lawsuit also seeks \"compensation to receive the kind of counseling they will need going forward, and also to relocate to an area that is more demographically in tune with their family,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Tuntutan itu juga menuntut \"pampasan untuk menerima jenis kaunseling yang mereka perlukan pada masa hadapan, dan juga untuk berpindah ke kawasan yang lebih demografi selaras dengan keluarga mereka,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At times she (Cramblett) feels that she is underwater.", "r": {"result": "\"Ada kalanya dia (Cramblett) merasakan bahawa dia berada di bawah air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She loves her child to death.", "r": {"result": "Dia sayangkan anaknya sampai mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But what she needs is assistance in handling it properly,\" Misny said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apa yang dia perlukan adalah bantuan dalam mengendalikannya dengan betul,\" kata Misny.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Time-lapse video reveals secret life of an embryo, helps women conceive.", "r": {"result": "Video selang masa mendedahkan kehidupan rahsia embrio, membantu wanita hamil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cramblett received a refund from the bank for the insemination vials she purchased, but the bank kept the payment for the insemination procedure.", "r": {"result": "Cramblett menerima bayaran balik daripada bank untuk botol inseminasi yang dibelinya, tetapi bank menyimpan bayaran untuk prosedur inseminasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In spite of the complicated legal means she has been forced to adopt, Cramblett said her daughter's future is what's really at stake.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun cara undang-undang yang rumit dia telah dipaksa untuk mengambil anak angkat, Cramblett berkata masa depan anak perempuannya adalah yang sebenarnya dipertaruhkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's going to know what she is and where she came from and how all this happened.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia akan tahu siapa dia dan dari mana dia datang dan bagaimana semua ini berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She's going to know that we love her unconditionally.", "r": {"result": "Dia akan tahu bahawa kita mencintainya tanpa syarat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everybody around her loves her.", "r": {"result": "Semua orang di sekelilingnya menyayanginya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, I think she's going to know why we did what we did\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi, saya rasa dia akan tahu mengapa kami melakukan apa yang kami lakukan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "11 myths fertility doctors hear.", "r": {"result": "11 mitos yang didengari oleh doktor kesuburan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Ole Gunnar Solskjaer rescued Manchester United in 1999 to help the club win the Champions League, and he has now been charged with the task of saving Cardiff City from relegation into English football's second tier.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ole Gunnar Solskjaer menyelamatkan Manchester United pada 1999 untuk membantu kelab itu memenangi Liga Juara-Juara, dan dia kini telah dipertanggungjawabkan dengan tugas menyelamatkan Cardiff City daripada tersingkir ke peringkat kedua bola sepak Inggeris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 40-year-old Norwegian famously came off the substitutes' bench for United in Barcelona to score the winner in stoppage time, giving them a 2-1 victory against Bayern Munich -- a win that wrapped up the Treble for Alex Ferguson's men.", "r": {"result": "Pemain Norway berusia 40 tahun itu terkenal sebagai pemain gantian untuk United di Barcelona untuk menjaringkan gol kemenangan pada masa kecederaan, memberikan mereka kemenangan 2-1 menentang Bayern Munich -- kemenangan yang melengkapkan Treble untuk anak buah Alex Ferguson.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cardiff's Malaysian owner Vincent Tan will be hoping Solskjaer, who has been given a 12-month rolling contract, can work similar magic for the struggling Welsh side after appointing the former Molde boss as Malky Mackay's successor on Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Pemilik Cardiff dari Malaysia, Vincent Tan berharap Solskjaer, yang telah diberikan kontrak bergulir selama 12 bulan, dapat melakukan keajaiban serupa untuk pasukan Wales yang bergelut selepas melantik bekas bos Molde itu sebagai pengganti Malky Mackay pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cardiff, who lost 2-0 to Arsenal on Wednesday, currently sit one point and one place above the English Premier League relegation zone.", "r": {"result": "Cardiff, yang tewas 2-0 kepada Arsenal pada hari Rabu, kini menduduki satu mata dan satu tempat di atas zon penyingkiran Liga Perdana Inggeris.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Solskjaer, who attended the match at the Emirates Stadium alongside Tan, promised the Cardiff fans a positive brand of football.", "r": {"result": "Solskjaer, yang menghadiri perlawanan di Stadium Emirates bersama Tan, menjanjikan penyokong Cardiff satu jenama bola sepak yang positif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm really looking forward to the challenge ahead.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sangat menantikan cabaran yang akan datang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'm going to bring my energy and enthusiasm to the club,\" he told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan membawa tenaga dan semangat saya kepada kelab,\" katanya kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm a very positive manager.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya seorang pengurus yang sangat positif.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I want to play a good style of football and yesterday [against Arsenal] we showed what a threat we can be\".", "r": {"result": "Saya mahu bermain gaya bola sepak yang baik dan semalam [menentang Arsenal] kami menunjukkan betapa ancaman yang boleh kami hadapi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Solskjaer added: \"It's a fantastic challenge for me.", "r": {"result": "Solskjaer menambah: \"Ia satu cabaran yang hebat untuk saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cardiff are ready to take the next step up, I hope I can help them.", "r": {"result": "Cardiff bersedia untuk mengambil langkah seterusnya, saya harap saya dapat membantu mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've always dreamed of being a manager in the Premier League and I'm delighted to get the opportunity\".", "r": {"result": "Saya sentiasa bermimpi untuk menjadi pengurus dalam Liga Perdana dan saya gembira mendapat peluang itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although he has no prior managerial experience in England, having only previously taken charge of Molde, Solskjaer did have a spell coaching United's reserves shortly after hanging up his boots.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia tidak mempunyai pengalaman pengurusan sebelumnya di England, hanya pernah mengendalikan Molde sebelum ini, Solskjaer memang pernah melatih pasukan simpanan United sejurus selepas meletakkan kasutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The 40-year-old is set to make a return to Old Trafford -- where he spent 11 years as a player -- when Cardiff face United on January 28.", "r": {"result": "Pemain berusia 40 tahun itu bersedia untuk kembali ke Old Trafford -- tempat dia menghabiskan 11 tahun sebagai pemain -- ketika Cardiff menentang United pada 28 Januari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Solskjaer's side also face a trip to Manchester City 10 days before that, while his first game in charge sees Cardiff visit Newcastle on Saturday in the FA Cup third round.", "r": {"result": "Skuad kendalian Solskjaer turut berdepan lawatan ke Manchester City 10 hari sebelum itu, manakala perlawanan pertamanya sebagai pengurus menyaksikan Cardiff melawat Newcastle pada hari Sabtu dalam pusingan ketiga Piala FA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The FA Cup is England's second major competition.", "r": {"result": "Piala FA adalah pertandingan utama kedua England.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've got some of the toughest trips in world football coming up this month.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai beberapa perjalanan paling sukar dalam bola sepak dunia akan datang bulan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They're games we'll relish and look forward to,\" Solskjaer said.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah perlawanan yang kami akan nikmati dan nantikan,\" kata Solskjaer.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to push this club forward and up the Premier League.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mahu mendorong kelab ini ke hadapan dan naik ke Liga Perdana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The quality of the staff and players is high here\".", "r": {"result": "Kualiti kakitangan dan pemain adalah tinggi di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cardiff chairman Mehmet Dalman was given the task of recruiting a new manager after Tan decided to sack Mackay last month.", "r": {"result": "Pengerusi Cardiff Mehmet Dalman diberi tugas untuk merekrut pengurus baharu selepas Tan memutuskan untuk memecat Mackay bulan lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was only one name in my head from the very beginning.", "r": {"result": "\u201cHanya ada satu nama dalam kepala saya sejak awal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're delighted to welcome Ole to Cardiff,\" Dalman told reporters.", "r": {"result": "Kami gembira mengalu-alukan Ole ke Cardiff,\" kata Dalman kepada pemberita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I've seen Ole play for many, many years.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya telah melihat Ole bermain selama bertahun-tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I like his style of football and his ideas on the game.", "r": {"result": "Saya suka gaya bola sepaknya dan ideanya tentang permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is an extremely good communicator.", "r": {"result": "Dia seorang komunikator yang sangat baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Common sense, pragmatic discussions and trust were the key in bringing Ole here\".", "r": {"result": "Akal sehat, perbincangan pragmatik dan kepercayaan adalah kunci dalam membawa Ole ke sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NEW YORK (CNN) -- Rachel Gold and Anthony Barberio don't have much in common.", "r": {"result": "NEW YORK (CNN) -- Rachel Gold dan Anthony Barberio tidak mempunyai banyak persamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rachel Gold has applied for more than 650 jobs online but has had fewer than a dozen interviews.", "r": {"result": "Rachel Gold telah memohon lebih daripada 650 pekerjaan dalam talian tetapi mempunyai kurang daripada sedozen temu duga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gold is 28 years old and worked in recruiting after graduating from college.", "r": {"result": "Emas berumur 28 tahun dan bekerja dalam pengambilan selepas menamatkan pengajian di kolej.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barberio is 46 and never went to college but made his way on Wall Street for 20 years.", "r": {"result": "Barberio berusia 46 tahun dan tidak pernah pergi ke kolej tetapi pergi ke Wall Street selama 20 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite their differences, they have one thing in common: Both were laid off last year and still are looking for jobs.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun berbeza, mereka mempunyai satu persamaan: Kedua-duanya telah diberhentikan kerja tahun lepas dan masih mencari pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gold was laid off in November from a recruiting firm.", "r": {"result": "Emas telah diberhentikan pada bulan November daripada firma merekrut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I definitely didn't think that I'd be sitting here nine months later without employment,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pasti tidak menyangka bahawa saya akan duduk di sini sembilan bulan kemudian tanpa pekerjaan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She has focused her job search on social networking Web sites, making contacts with recruiters that could someday lead to a job.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah menumpukan carian kerjanya pada laman web rangkaian sosial, membuat hubungan dengan perekrut yang suatu hari nanti boleh membawa kepada pekerjaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Each week, she sets up meetings with potential future employers even though there may not be jobs open at the time.", "r": {"result": "Setiap minggu, dia mengadakan pertemuan dengan bakal majikan masa depan walaupun mungkin tiada pekerjaan terbuka pada masa itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gold also has applied for more than 650 jobs online but has had fewer than a dozen interviews from those inquiries.", "r": {"result": "Emas juga telah memohon lebih daripada 650 pekerjaan dalam talian tetapi mempunyai kurang daripada sedozen temu duga daripada pertanyaan tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barberio has spent most of his effort since his August 2008 layoff with online searches, applying for hundreds of jobs with little result.", "r": {"result": "Barberio telah menghabiskan sebahagian besar usahanya sejak pemberhentian Ogos 2008 dengan carian dalam talian, memohon beratus-ratus pekerjaan dengan hasil yang sedikit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I send my resume, and then you don't hear nothing back,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menghantar resume saya, dan kemudian anda tidak mendengar apa-apa lagi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When you don't hear back from anybody, whether it's a yes or a no, or we received your resume, you wonder where it goes\".", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila anda tidak menerima maklum balas daripada sesiapa, sama ada ya atau tidak, atau kami menerima resume anda, anda tertanya-tanya ke mana ia pergi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch Barberio and Gold describe their efforts to find work >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton Barberio dan Gold menerangkan usaha mereka untuk mencari kerja >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barberio has enlisted the help of several employment agencies with the hopes they'll be able to find a job for him in a brokerage firm.", "r": {"result": "Barberio telah meminta bantuan beberapa agensi pekerjaan dengan harapan mereka akan dapat mencari pekerjaan untuknya di firma broker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he worries that when his unemployment benefits run out, he'll have to take any job he can get.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia bimbang apabila faedah penganggurannya habis, dia perlu mengambil apa-apa pekerjaan yang dia boleh dapatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm gonna put a deadline as to when I'm going to have to seriously look for something,\" he says, \"whether it be a department store or something like that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan meletakkan tarikh akhir bila saya perlu serius mencari sesuatu,\" katanya, \"sama ada kedai serbaneka atau sesuatu seperti itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until a job comes along, Gold has started a blog, KickedForward.com.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga pekerjaan datang, Gold telah memulakan blog, KickedForward.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's based on the Kay Yow quote, \"When life kicks you, let it kick you forward\".", "r": {"result": "Ia berdasarkan petikan Kay Yow, \"Apabila kehidupan menendang anda, biarkan ia menendang anda ke hadapan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She discusses free and inexpensive activities she's found to do in New York while she has some extra time.", "r": {"result": "Dia membincangkan aktiviti percuma dan murah yang dia dapat lakukan di New York sementara dia mempunyai masa tambahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's difficult, but I'm just trying to be as optimistic as possible that I'll find a position soon,\" Gold says.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia sukar, tetapi saya hanya cuba untuk menjadi optimistik yang mungkin bahawa saya akan mencari kedudukan tidak lama lagi,\" kata Gold.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The national unemployment rate is 9.7 percent, and more than 6 million people are filing for unemployment benefits.", "r": {"result": "Kadar pengangguran nasional ialah 9.7 peratus, dan lebih daripada 6 juta orang memfailkan faedah pengangguran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the grim job market, both Gold and Barberio are seeing reasons to hope.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pasaran pekerjaan yang suram, Gold dan Barberio melihat sebab untuk berharap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gold says she's gotten a few more interviews recently.", "r": {"result": "Gold berkata dia mendapat beberapa lagi wawancara baru-baru ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Barberio says he's seen more job openings in his industry, and he thinks one of them may be the perfect fit for him.", "r": {"result": "Barberio berkata dia melihat lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan dalam industrinya, dan dia berpendapat salah satu daripadanya mungkin sesuai untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm anxious to get back to work,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bimbang untuk kembali bekerja,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Almost a year in a house can drive anybody crazy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hampir setahun dalam rumah boleh buat sesiapa gila\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNNMoney.com anchor Poppy Harlow contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Penaung CNNMoney.com Poppy Harlow menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq and the United States are close to reaching a deal under which U.S. combat troops would leave by December 2010 and the rest would leave by the end of 2011, two Iraqi officials said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq dan Amerika Syarikat hampir mencapai perjanjian di mana tentera tempur AS akan berlepas menjelang Disember 2010 dan selebihnya akan berlepas menjelang akhir 2011, kata dua pegawai Iraq pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. soldiers patrol a street in Baghdad, Iraq, last week.", "r": {"result": "Tentera AS meronda di jalan di Baghdad, Iraq, minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of the officials, Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Haj Mahmoud, said the two governments probably will reach a final deal within days.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang pegawai, Timbalan Menteri Luar Mohammed al-Haj Mahmoud, berkata kedua-dua kerajaan mungkin akan mencapai perjanjian terakhir dalam beberapa hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He and Haider Al-Ababdi, a Shiite parliament member from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Dawa Party, said that under the deal, U.S. troops would be restricted to their bases by June 30 instead of patrolling Iraq's streets.", "r": {"result": "Beliau dan Haider Al-Ababdi, ahli parlimen Syiah dari Parti Dawa pimpinan Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki, berkata di bawah perjanjian itu, tentera AS akan dihadkan ke pangkalan mereka menjelang 30 Jun dan bukannya meronda di jalan-jalan Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mahmoud, the head of Iraq's delegation negotiating a deal on how U.S. troops will operate there, also said the Iraqi government would be able to request that some troops stay longer.", "r": {"result": "Mahmoud, ketua delegasi Iraq yang merundingkan perjanjian tentang bagaimana tentera AS akan beroperasi di sana, juga berkata kerajaan Iraq akan dapat meminta beberapa tentera tinggal lebih lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two senior U.S. officials said negotiators have made progress and are close to a deal.", "r": {"result": "Dua pegawai kanan A.S. berkata perunding telah mencapai kemajuan dan hampir mencapai perjanjian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they also said that some issues are unresolved and that troop withdrawals would be tied to conditions on the ground.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka juga berkata bahawa beberapa isu tidak dapat diselesaikan dan pengunduran tentera akan terikat dengan keadaan di lapangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch what hurdles remain before a troop withdrawal >>.", "r": {"result": "Perhatikan apa halangan yang tinggal sebelum pengunduran tentera >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. military presence is spelled out by a U.N. mandate, which is to expire by the end of this year.", "r": {"result": "Kehadiran tentera A.S. dinyatakan oleh mandat PBB, yang akan tamat pada akhir tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Iraq and the United States want to replace that mandate with a status-of-forces agreement governing how U.S. troops will operate in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Iraq dan Amerika Syarikat mahu menggantikan mandat itu dengan perjanjian status kuasa yang mengawal bagaimana tentera AS akan beroperasi di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. officials said U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke with al-Maliki on Wednesday to try to resolve the issue of legal immunity for U.S. contractors working in Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai A.S. berkata, Setiausaha Negara A.S. Condoleezza Rice bercakap dengan al-Maliki pada hari Rabu untuk cuba menyelesaikan isu kekebalan undang-undang untuk kontraktor A.S. yang bekerja di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The officials described the phone call as tense.", "r": {"result": "Para pegawai menyifatkan panggilan telefon itu sebagai tegang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Under a provision put into place in the early days of the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq, security contractors have had immunity from Iraqi law.", "r": {"result": "Di bawah peruntukan yang dikuatkuasakan pada hari-hari awal pendudukan Iraq yang diketuai A.S., kontraktor keselamatan mempunyai kekebalan daripada undang-undang Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Iraqi government has criticized the blanket immunity because of incidents such as the fatal shootings of 17 people in Baghdad's Nusoor Square on September 16. Iraqi officials say Blackwater Worldwide contractors killed the 17.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Iraq telah mengkritik imuniti menyeluruh kerana insiden seperti tembakan maut terhadap 17 orang di Dataran Nusoor Baghdad pada 16 September. Pegawai Iraq berkata kontraktor Blackwater Worldwide membunuh 17 orang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunni politician killed.", "r": {"result": "Ahli politik Sunni dibunuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also Thursday, a senior member of a Sunni political party that recently rejoined Iraq's government was fatally shot in the northern city of Mosul, the party said.", "r": {"result": "Khamis juga, seorang ahli kanan parti politik Sunni yang menyertai semula kerajaan Iraq baru-baru ini telah mati ditembak di bandar utara Mosul, kata parti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gunmen assassinated Mahmoud Younis Fathi, a senior member of the Iraqi Islamic Party in Nineveh province and the director of religious schools for the Sunni Endowment, the party said.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki bersenjata membunuh Mahmoud Younis Fathi, seorang anggota kanan Parti Islam Iraq di wilayah Nineveh dan pengarah sekolah agama untuk Sunni Endowment, kata parti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fathi's bodyguard also was killed as the pair traveled to work.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal peribadi Fathi juga terbunuh ketika pasangan itu pergi bekerja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mosul police confirmed the slayings near Fathi's house in the western part of the city.", "r": {"result": "Polis Mosul mengesahkan pembunuhan berhampiran rumah Fathi di bahagian barat bandar itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunni insurgents have targeted Sunnis who cooperate with the U.S.-backed Iraqi government.", "r": {"result": "Pemberontak Sunni telah menyasarkan Sunni yang bekerjasama dengan kerajaan Iraq yang disokong AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "American and Iraqi troops have been fighting al Qaeda in Iraq in Mosul and surrounding Nineveh province in northern Iraq.", "r": {"result": "Tentera Amerika dan Iraq telah memerangi al Qaeda di Iraq di Mosul dan sekitar wilayah Nineveh di utara Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Iraqi Islamic Party is the largest party in the Iraqi Accord Front bloc, which recently rejoined Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government after bolting last year over disagreements with the leadership.", "r": {"result": "Parti Islam Iraq ialah parti terbesar dalam blok Barisan Persetujuan Iraq, yang baru-baru ini menyertai semula kerajaan Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki selepas melepasi tahun lalu kerana perselisihan faham dengan kepimpinan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Accord bloc -- which includes 44 lawmakers in the 275-member parliament -- pulled six ministers from the Cabinet last summer for several reasons, including what it called the monopolization of power by Shiites and Kurds and what it regarded as the unjust detention of Sunnis.", "r": {"result": "Blok Accord -- yang merangkumi 44 penggubal undang-undang dalam parlimen 275 anggota -- menarik enam menteri daripada Kabinet musim panas lalu atas beberapa sebab, termasuk apa yang dipanggil monopoli kuasa oleh Syiah dan Kurd dan apa yang dianggapnya sebagai penahanan yang tidak adil terhadap Ahli Sunnah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Sunnis have been more friendly toward the al-Maliki government because of its efforts this year in promoting prisoner amnesty, sharing power and taking on militants in Shiite regions such as Basra, Amara and Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Sunni lebih mesra terhadap kerajaan al-Maliki kerana usahanya tahun ini dalam mempromosikan pengampunan tahanan, berkongsi kuasa dan menentang militan di wilayah Syiah seperti Basra, Amara dan kejiranan Kota Sadr di Baghdad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The leader of the Iraqi Islamic Party is Tariq al-Hashimi, one of Iraq's two vice presidents.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin Parti Islam Iraq ialah Tariq al-Hashimi, salah seorang daripada dua naib presiden Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The assassination of Mahmoud Younis Fathi is a cruel crime targeting the national voices and mission of taking care of youths in Mosul,\" the Iraqi Islamic Party said, adding that it \"condemns and denounces\" the killing.", "r": {"result": "\"Pembunuhan Mahmoud Younis Fathi adalah jenayah kejam yang menyasarkan suara nasional dan misi menjaga golongan muda di Mosul,\" kata Parti Islam Iraq, sambil menambah bahawa ia \"mengutuk dan mengecam\" pembunuhan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In other violence Thursday in Mosul, insurgents killed three police and wounded six people by rigging a cart with explosives.", "r": {"result": "Dalam keganasan lain pada Khamis di Mosul, pemberontak membunuh tiga polis dan mencederakan enam orang dengan menipu kereta dengan bahan letupan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 8 p.m. Thursday, a suicide bomber's car exploded after Iraqi police shot at it, an Interior Ministry official said.", "r": {"result": "Lebih kurang pukul 8 malam. Khamis, kereta pengebom berani mati meletup selepas polis Iraq menembaknya, kata seorang pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The explosion happened before the car reached a police station in al-Wahda neighborhood in southern Mosul, but eight policemen were wounded, the official said.", "r": {"result": "Letupan berlaku sebelum kereta itu sampai ke balai polis di kejiranan al-Wahda di selatan Mosul, tetapi lapan anggota polis cedera, kata pegawai itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In another restive area of northern Iraq, Salaheddin province, a roadside bombing critically wounded a police chief, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Di kawasan bergolak lain di utara Iraq, wilayah Salaheddin, pengeboman di tepi jalan menyebabkan seorang ketua polis cedera parah, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamed Namis al-Jabouri, police commander in Salaheddin, and seven other police officers were wounded when the bomb struck a convoy, police in Tikrit said.", "r": {"result": "Hamed Namis al-Jabouri, komander polis di Salaheddin, dan tujuh pegawai polis lain cedera apabila bom itu mengenai konvoi, kata polis di Tikrit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were evacuated to a military hospital in Tikrit.", "r": {"result": "Mereka telah dipindahkan ke hospital tentera di Tikrit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, the U.S. military said coalition troops in Iraq detained 25 people in raids targeting al Qaeda in Iraq militants.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, tentera AS berkata, tentera gabungan di Iraq menahan 25 orang dalam serbuan yang menyasarkan militan Al Qaeda di Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The raids took place in Baghdad, Salman Pak, Mosul, Bi'aj and Baiji.", "r": {"result": "Serbuan berlaku di Baghdad, Salman Pak, Mosul, Bi'aj dan Baiji.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Mohammed Tawfeeq and Arwa Damon in Baghdad and Elise Labott in Washington contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Mohammed Tawfeeq dan Arwa Damon dari CNN di Baghdad dan Elise Labott di Washington menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria defended its response to the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls by the terror group Boko Haram, even as details emerged Tuesday about a second mass abduction, adding to a growing global outrage over the fate of the children.", "r": {"result": "Nigeria mempertahankan tindak balasnya terhadap penculikan ratusan pelajar sekolah oleh kumpulan pengganas Boko Haram, walaupun butiran mengenai penculikan beramai-ramai kedua dikeluarkan pada Selasa, menambah kemarahan global yang semakin meningkat terhadap nasib kanak-kanak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "President Goodluck Jonathan has been under fire over accusations the government initially ignored and then later downplayed the abduction of the girls, who have become the focal point of a social media campaign demanding their safe return.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Goodluck Jonathan telah dikecam atas tuduhan kerajaan yang pada mulanya tidak mengendahkan dan kemudian memperkecilkan penculikan gadis-gadis itu, yang telah menjadi tumpuan kempen media sosial yang menuntut mereka kembali dengan selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The President and the government (are) not taking this as easy as people all over the world think,\" Doyin Okupe, a spokesman for Jonathan told CNN.", "r": {"result": "\"Presiden dan kerajaan (tidak) mengambil mudah perkara ini seperti yang difikirkan oleh orang di seluruh dunia,\" kata Doyin Okupe, jurucakap Jonathan kepada CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We've done a lot -- but we are not talking about it.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami telah melakukan banyak perkara -- tetapi kami tidak bercakap mengenainya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're not Americans.", "r": {"result": "Kami bukan orang Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We're not showing people, you know, but it does not mean that we are not doing something\".", "r": {"result": "Kami tidak menunjukkan kepada orang ramai, anda tahu, tetapi ini tidak bermakna kami tidak melakukan sesuatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In detailing the government's response, two special battalions have been devoted to the search for the missing girls, Okupe said.", "r": {"result": "Dalam memperincikan tindak balas kerajaan, dua batalion khas telah menumpukan usaha mencari gadis yang hilang, kata Okupe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That includes 250 locations that have been searched by helicopters and airplanes.", "r": {"result": "Itu termasuk 250 lokasi yang telah dicari oleh helikopter dan kapal terbang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unclear whether these were additional troops being dispatched or were forces already in place.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada ini adalah tentera tambahan yang dihantar atau sudah pun ada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More troops, he said, are also on the way.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak tentera, katanya, juga sedang dalam perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the father of two of the schoolgirls taken by Boko Haram told CNN there has been no sign of the military in the days and weeks following the abduction.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bapa kepada dua pelajar perempuan yang diambil oleh Boko Haram memberitahu CNN tiada tanda-tanda tentera dalam beberapa hari dan minggu selepas penculikan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He accused the government of \"playing\" with the parents of the missing girls, treating them as \"fools\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menuduh kerajaan \"bermain\" dengan ibu bapa gadis yang hilang, menganggap mereka sebagai \"bodoh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Had there been these military men who went into the bush to rescue our daughters, we would have seen them,\" said the father, who declined to be identified for fear of reprisals by the government and the terror group.", "r": {"result": "\"Sekiranya ada lelaki tentera ini yang pergi ke dalam belukar untuk menyelamatkan anak perempuan kami, kami akan melihat mereka,\" kata bapa itu, yang enggan dikenali kerana bimbang tindakan balas kerajaan dan kumpulan pengganas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"...We have never seen any military man there\".", "r": {"result": "\"...Kami tidak pernah melihat mana-mana lelaki tentera di sana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "U.S. offer of military help.", "r": {"result": "Tawaran bantuan tentera AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In a sign that Nigeria may be bowing to international pressure and outrage, the government announced the creation of an information center dedicated to answering questions and providing daily updates about rescue efforts, Okupe said.", "r": {"result": "Sebagai tanda bahawa Nigeria mungkin tunduk kepada tekanan dan kemarahan antarabangsa, kerajaan mengumumkan penciptaan pusat maklumat khusus untuk menjawab soalan dan menyediakan maklumat terkini setiap hari tentang usaha menyelamat, kata Okupe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria's President also accepted an offer of U.S. military support in the search for the girls.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Nigeria juga menerima tawaran sokongan tentera A.S. dalam mencari gadis-gadis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"So what we've done is -- we have offered, and it's been accepted -- help from our military and our law enforcement officials,\" U.S. President Barack Obama told NBC News on Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Jadi apa yang kami lakukan ialah -- kami telah menawarkan, dan ia telah diterima -- bantuan daripada tentera kami dan pegawai penguatkuasa undang-undang kami,\" kata Presiden AS Barack Obama kepada NBC News pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're going to do everything we can to provide assistance to them\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan melakukan segala yang kami mampu untuk memberikan bantuan kepada mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That help includes the creation of a \"coordination cell\" to provide intelligence, investigations and hostage negotiation expertise, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.", "r": {"result": "Bantuan itu termasuk penciptaan \"sel penyelarasan\" untuk menyediakan perisikan, penyiasatan dan kepakaran rundingan tebusan, kata jurucakap Jabatan Negara A.S. Jen Psaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cell will include U.S. military personnel, she said.", "r": {"result": "Sel itu akan termasuk anggota tentera AS, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The joint coordination cell will be established at the U.S. Embassy in the capital of Abuja, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the work is expected to begin immediately.", "r": {"result": "Sel penyelarasan bersama akan ditubuhkan di Kedutaan A.S. di ibu negara Abuja, dan Setiausaha Negara A.S. John Kerry berkata kerja itu dijangka dimulakan serta-merta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even as the help was offered to Jonathan, new details were emerging about the abduction of at least eight girls between the ages of 12 and 15, who were snatched Sunday night from the village of Warabe.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi walaupun bantuan itu ditawarkan kepada Jonathan, butiran baharu muncul mengenai penculikan sekurang-kurangnya lapan kanak-kanak perempuan berusia antara 12 dan 15 tahun, yang diragut malam Ahad dari kampung Warabe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The village is located in the rural northeast, near the border of Cameroon, an area considered a stronghold for Boko Haram, a group that U.S. officials say has received training from al Qaeda affiliates.", "r": {"result": "Perkampungan itu terletak di timur laut luar bandar, berhampiran sempadan Cameroon, kawasan yang dianggap sebagai kubu kuat Boko Haram, sebuah kumpulan yang menurut pegawai AS telah menerima latihan daripada sekutu al Qaeda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Villagers in Warabe told CNN that gunmen moved from door-to-door late Sunday, snatching the girls and beating anybody who tried to stop them.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk kampung di Warabe memberitahu CNN bahawa lelaki bersenjata bergerak dari pintu ke pintu lewat Ahad, merampas gadis-gadis itu dan memukul sesiapa sahaja yang cuba menghalang mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The latest abductions come amid international outcry over the April 14 kidnapping of more than 200 girls.", "r": {"result": "Penculikan terbaru berlaku di tengah-tengah bantahan antarabangsa berhubung penculikan 14 April ke atas lebih 200 gadis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to accounts, armed members of Boko Haram overpowered security guards at an all-girls school in Chibok, yanked the girls out of bed and forced them into trucks.", "r": {"result": "Menurut akaun, anggota bersenjata Boko Haram mengalahkan pengawal keselamatan di sebuah sekolah perempuan di Chibok, menarik gadis-gadis itu keluar dari katil dan memaksa mereka masuk ke dalam trak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The convoy of trucks then disappeared into the dense forest bordering Cameroon.", "r": {"result": "Konvoi trak itu kemudian hilang ke dalam hutan tebal bersempadan dengan Cameroon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boko Haram: A bloody insurgency, a growing challenge.", "r": {"result": "Boko Haram: Pemberontakan berdarah, cabaran yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Western education is sin'.", "r": {"result": "'Pendidikan Barat adalah dosa'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boko Haram translates to \"Western education is sin\" in the local Hausa language, and the group has said its aim is to impose a stricter enforcement of Sharia law across Africa's most populous nation, which is split between a majority Muslim north and a mostly Christian south.", "r": {"result": "Boko Haram diterjemahkan kepada \"Pendidikan Barat adalah dosa\" dalam bahasa Hausa tempatan, dan kumpulan itu berkata matlamatnya adalah untuk mengenakan penguatkuasaan undang-undang Syariah yang lebih ketat di seluruh negara paling ramai penduduk di Afrika, yang terbahagi antara majoriti Muslim di utara dan kebanyakannya Kristian. selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The United States has branded Boko Haram a terror organization and has put a $7 million bounty on the group's elusive leader, Abubakar Shekau.", "r": {"result": "Amerika Syarikat telah melabelkan Boko Haram sebagai pertubuhan pengganas dan telah memberikan hadiah $7 juta kepada pemimpin sukar difahami kumpulan itu, Abubakar Shekau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In recent years, the group has stepped up its attacks, bombing schools, churches and mosques.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, kumpulan itu telah meningkatkan serangan, pengeboman sekolah, gereja dan masjid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it is the abductions of girls that has spawned the biggest outrage, with a #BringBackOurGirls campaign that initially began on Twitter and then quickly spread with demonstrators taking to the streets over the weekend in major cities around the world to demand action.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi penculikan kanak-kanak perempuan yang telah mencetuskan kemarahan terbesar, dengan kempen #BringBackOurGirls yang pada mulanya bermula di Twitter dan kemudian merebak dengan cepat dengan penunjuk perasaan turun ke jalan pada hujung minggu di bandar-bandar utama di seluruh dunia untuk menuntut tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "6 reasons why the world should demand action.", "r": {"result": "6 sebab mengapa dunia perlu menuntut tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Tuesday, the United Nations human rights chief blasted Boko Haram, saying the group's claim of slavery and sexual slavery of girls are \"crimes against humanity\".", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Selasa, ketua hak asasi manusia Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengecam Boko Haram, berkata dakwaan kumpulan itu terhadap perhambaan dan perhambaan seksual kanak-kanak perempuan adalah \"jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The girls must be immediately returned, unharmed, to their families,\" U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said in a news release.", "r": {"result": "\u201cGadis-gadis itu mesti segera dikembalikan, tanpa cedera, kepada keluarga mereka,\u201d kata Pesuruhjaya Tinggi PBB bagi Hak Asasi Manusia Navi Pillay dalam satu kenyataan berita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'I abducted your girls'.", "r": {"result": "'Saya menculik anak perempuan awak'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A man claiming to be Shekau appeared in a video announcing he would sell his victims.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki yang mengaku sebagai Shekau muncul dalam video yang mengumumkan dia akan menjual mangsanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The video was first obtained Monday by Agence-France Presse.", "r": {"result": "Video itu pertama kali diperoleh Isnin oleh Agence-France Presse.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I abducted your girls.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menculik anak perempuan awak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I will sell them in the market, by Allah,\" he said, according to a CNN translation from the local Hausa language.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan menjualnya di pasaran, demi Allah,\" katanya, menurut terjemahan CNN daripada bahasa Hausa tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is a market for selling humans.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAda pasaran untuk menjual manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Allah says I should sell.", "r": {"result": "Allah kata saya patut jual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He commands me to sell.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyuruh saya menjual.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I will sell women.", "r": {"result": "Saya akan menjual wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I sell women\".", "r": {"result": "Saya jual perempuan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the nearly hourlong, rambling video, Shekau repeatedly called for an end to Western education.", "r": {"result": "Dalam video bertele-tele yang hampir satu jam itu, Shekau berulang kali menyeru agar pendidikan Barat dihentikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Girls, you should go and get married,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Gadis, kamu patut pergi dan berkahwin,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pillay, along with three other African United Nations women leaders, sent a letter reminding the Nigerian government of its \"legal responsibility to ensure that girls and boys have the fundamental right to education and to be protected from violence, persecution and intimidation,\" according to her statement.", "r": {"result": "Pillay, bersama tiga lagi pemimpin wanita Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu Afrika, menghantar surat mengingatkan kerajaan Nigeria tentang \"tanggungjawab undang-undangnya untuk memastikan kanak-kanak perempuan dan lelaki mempunyai hak asasi untuk pendidikan dan dilindungi daripada keganasan, penganiayaan dan intimidasi,\" menurut kenyataan dia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the United States, all 20 women serving in the Senate signed a bipartisan letter calling on Obama to take action.", "r": {"result": "Di Amerika Syarikat, kesemua 20 wanita yang berkhidmat di Senat menandatangani surat dwipartisan yang menyeru Obama untuk mengambil tindakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"More can be done by this administration.", "r": {"result": "\u201cLebih banyak lagi boleh dilakukan oleh pentadbiran ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I would like to see special forces deployed to help rescue these young girls.", "r": {"result": "Saya ingin melihat pasukan khas dikerahkan untuk membantu menyelamatkan gadis-gadis muda ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some of these girls are as young as nine years old,\" Republican Sen.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah gadis ini berumur seawal sembilan tahun,\" Senator Republikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Susan Collins of Maine told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Susan Collins dari Maine memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"...They're being sold into slavery, forced into marriages, required to convert.", "r": {"result": "\u201c...Mereka dijual sebagai hamba, dipaksa berkahwin, dikehendaki menukar agama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is just horrible\".", "r": {"result": "Ini hanya mengerikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 355,000 people, including celebrities and lawmakers, to date have signed a change.org petition that calls upon the world to act to save the girls.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 355,000 orang, termasuk selebriti dan penggubal undang-undang, setakat ini telah menandatangani petisyen change.org yang menyeru dunia untuk bertindak menyelamatkan gadis-gadis itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The petition calls on Jonathan and the government \"to ensure all schools are safe places to learn, protected from attack\".", "r": {"result": "Petisyen itu menyeru Jonathan dan kerajaan \"untuk memastikan semua sekolah adalah tempat yang selamat untuk belajar, dilindungi daripada serangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'You can never rule out surprise'.", "r": {"result": "'Anda tidak boleh menolak kejutan'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigerian Minister of Information Labaran Maku told CNN that despite international reaction and media reports, there have been some successes in combating Boko Haram.", "r": {"result": "Menteri Penerangan Nigeria Labaran Maku memberitahu CNN bahawa walaupun terdapat reaksi antarabangsa dan laporan media, terdapat beberapa kejayaan dalam memerangi Boko Haram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when asked about bombings in Abuja, which came the same day as the mass abduction of schoolgirls, he said: \"In the case of insurgency and guerrilla warfare, you can never rule out surprise here and there\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila ditanya mengenai pengeboman di Abuja, yang berlaku pada hari yang sama dengan penculikan besar-besaran pelajar sekolah, beliau berkata: \"Dalam kes pemberontakan dan peperangan gerila, anda tidak boleh menolak kejutan di sana sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also declined to agree that misinformation released by the military in the aftermath of the April kidnapping added to the growing outrage.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga enggan bersetuju bahawa maklumat salah yang dikeluarkan oleh tentera selepas penculikan April menambah kemarahan yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "First, the military said all the girls had been released or rescued.", "r": {"result": "Pertama, tentera berkata semua gadis itu telah dibebaskan atau diselamatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But after the girls' families began asking where their daughters were, the military retracted the statement.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi selepas keluarga gadis itu mula bertanya di mana anak perempuan mereka, pihak tentera menarik balik kenyataan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When they made that statement, it was based on a report they received,\" the minister said.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila mereka membuat kenyataan itu, ia berdasarkan laporan yang mereka terima,\" kata menteri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nigeria's finance minister said Monday that her country's government remains committed to finding the girls but should have done a better job explaining the situation to the public.", "r": {"result": "Menteri kewangan Nigeria berkata pada hari Isnin bahawa kerajaan negaranya tetap komited untuk mencari gadis-gadis itu tetapi sepatutnya melakukan kerja yang lebih baik untuk menerangkan keadaan kepada orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Have we communicated what is being done properly?", "r": {"result": "\u201cAdakah kita sudah sampaikan apa yang dilakukan dengan betul?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The answer is no, that people did not have enough information,\" Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala told CNN's Richard Quest.", "r": {"result": "Jawapannya adalah tidak, bahawa orang ramai tidak mempunyai maklumat yang mencukupi,\" kata Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala kepada Richard Quest dari CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's at stake in war against girls' kidnappers?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang dipertaruhkan dalam peperangan menentang penculik gadis?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery.", "r": {"result": "Projek Kebebasan CNN: Menamatkan Perhambaan Zaman Moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- It has been five years since Mohammad Z. left Syria to train as a doctor in Detroit.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Sudah lima tahun sejak Mohammad Z. meninggalkan Syria untuk berlatih sebagai doktor di Detroit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He works long hours.", "r": {"result": "Dia bekerja berjam-jam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's big on hockey.", "r": {"result": "Dia hebat dalam hoki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's devoted to the Red Wings.", "r": {"result": "Dia setia kepada Red Wings.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's immersed in America, yet his heart is with Syria and the Syrian people.", "r": {"result": "Dia tenggelam dalam Amerika, namun hatinya bersama Syria dan rakyat Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's hell inside Syria.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah neraka di dalam Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But for Mohammed and other Syrian expatriates who want to end the regime of Bashar al-Assad, this is a kind of golden moment.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bagi Mohammed dan ekspatriat Syria lain yang ingin menamatkan rejim Bashar al-Assad, ini adalah semacam detik keemasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ethnic and religious and political divisions are melting away to serve one shimmering goal.", "r": {"result": "Perpecahan etnik dan agama serta politik semakin lebur untuk mencapai satu matlamat yang berkilauan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I can't tell you how many wonderful Syrians I have met here who've devoted their money and time to see a democratic, free Syria,\" said Mohammed, whose last name is being withheld by CNN to protect his brother and parents in Syria.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak dapat memberitahu anda berapa ramai rakyat Syria yang hebat yang saya temui di sini yang telah menumpukan wang dan masa mereka untuk melihat Syria yang demokratik dan bebas,\" kata Mohammed, yang nama belakangnya dirahsiakan oleh CNN untuk melindungi abang dan ibu bapanya di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You see the Christians, the Muslims, the nonreligious people; you see people from different ethnic backgrounds: Arabic, Assyrian and Kurds\".", "r": {"result": "\"Anda melihat orang Kristian, orang Islam, orang yang tidak beragama; anda melihat orang dari latar belakang etnik yang berbeza: Arab, Assyria dan Kurd\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An underground newspaper in Syria recently published an essay of Mohammad's.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah akhbar bawah tanah di Syria baru-baru ini menerbitkan esei Mohammad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In it, he wrote, \"The revolution has brought us together, and we had scattered in loneliness\".", "r": {"result": "Di dalamnya, dia menulis, \"Revolusi telah membawa kita bersama, dan kita telah berselerak dalam kesunyian\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For Mohammad and many other Syrian expatriates, there is no going back to the old Syria.", "r": {"result": "Bagi Mohammad dan ramai ekspatriat Syria yang lain, tidak mungkin kembali ke Syria lama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For them, Syria has to change.", "r": {"result": "Bagi mereka, Syria perlu berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"These are people who've been exposed to the American culture and brought up in an environment -- even in Syria -- where there was Internet and dishes and satellites and they can see how the rest of the world lives,\" said Naser Danan, a Cleveland-based doctor with the Syrian Expatriates Organization.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini adalah orang yang telah terdedah kepada budaya Amerika dan dibesarkan dalam persekitaran -- malah di Syria -- di mana terdapat Internet dan hidangan serta satelit dan mereka dapat melihat bagaimana seluruh dunia hidup,\" kata Naser Danan , seorang doktor yang berpangkalan di Cleveland dengan Pertubuhan Ekspatriat Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the expat group has members in other Arab countries and in Europe, Danan estimated that a majority of the 600 or so members are young doctors in the United States -- ironic, because al-Assad himself has a medical degree.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kumpulan ekspatriat itu mempunyai ahli di negara Arab lain dan di Eropah, Danan menganggarkan bahawa majoriti daripada 600 atau lebih ahli adalah doktor muda di Amerika Syarikat -- ironis, kerana al-Assad sendiri mempunyai ijazah perubatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The group supports an end to al-Assad's regime, though it doesn't act as a political opposition entity.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan itu menyokong penamatan rejim al-Assad, walaupun ia tidak bertindak sebagai entiti pembangkang politik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Members raise money to buy food and medicine for Syrians caught in the violence, and they speak in public about what's going on in Syria.", "r": {"result": "Ahli mengumpul wang untuk membeli makanan dan ubat untuk rakyat Syria yang terperangkap dalam keganasan, dan mereka bercakap secara terbuka tentang apa yang berlaku di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cancer researcher Hazem Hallak recently spoke to a group of high-school students in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.", "r": {"result": "Penyelidik kanser Hazem Hallak baru-baru ini bercakap dengan sekumpulan pelajar sekolah menengah di Ardmore, Pennsylvania.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When one of the students asked how he reacts to the latest videos coming out of Syria, Hallak said he doesn't watch anymore.", "r": {"result": "Apabila salah seorang pelajar bertanya bagaimana dia bertindak balas terhadap video terbaru yang keluar dari Syria, Hallak berkata dia tidak menonton lagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He explained why by describing the last video he watched from Syria.", "r": {"result": "Dia menjelaskan mengapa dengan menerangkan video terakhir yang ditontonnya dari Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Someone recorded Syrian soldiers invading a house looking for the husband of the household.", "r": {"result": "Seseorang merakamkan askar Syria menceroboh sebuah rumah mencari suami isi rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When they didn't find him, Hallak said, they cut off the head of his young son, hung it in the doorway and told his wife, \"This is what will happen to your husband if he doesn't turn himself in\".", "r": {"result": "Apabila mereka tidak menjumpainya, Hallak berkata, mereka memenggal kepala anaknya yang masih kecil, menggantungnya di ambang pintu dan memberitahu isterinya, \"Inilah yang akan terjadi kepada suami kamu jika dia tidak menyerahkan diri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last May, Hallak's brother, a doctor in Syria, was arrested and killed -- his body mutilated -- after he returned from a trip to the United States.", "r": {"result": "Mei lalu, abang Hallak, seorang doktor di Syria, telah ditangkap dan dibunuh -- mayatnya dicacatkan -- selepas dia pulang dari perjalanan ke Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A few expatriates in the United States are part of the Syrian National Council, the group that many Syrians consider to be the official political opposition.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa ekspatriat di Amerika Syarikat adalah sebahagian daripada Majlis Kebangsaan Syria, kumpulan yang dianggap ramai rakyat Syria sebagai pembangkang politik rasmi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of them is George Netto, a cancer specialist who teaches and practices at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang daripada mereka ialah George Netto, pakar kanser yang mengajar dan berlatih di Universiti Johns Hopkins di Baltimore.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Netto, who is Christian by birth, said he joined the opposition group \"to show it's really the entire spectrum of the Syrian people fighting the regime: Christian, Sunnis, poor, rich, educated and noneducated ... we wanted to burst that bubble they're trying to depict that it's only armed radicals or armed gangs\".", "r": {"result": "Netto, yang dilahirkan sebagai Kristian, berkata beliau menyertai kumpulan pembangkang \"untuk menunjukkan bahawa ia benar-benar seluruh spektrum rakyat Syria yang memerangi rejim: Kristian, Sunni, miskin, kaya, berpendidikan dan tidak berpendidikan ... kami mahu memecahkan gelembung itu. mereka cuba untuk menggambarkan bahawa ia hanya radikal bersenjata atau kumpulan bersenjata\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In Detroit, Mohammad said he was going to anti-al-Assad rallies even before the Syrian secret police, the Mukhabarhat, arrested his brother who was protesting in Syria.", "r": {"result": "Di Detroit, Mohammad berkata beliau akan pergi ke perhimpunan anti-al-Assad walaupun sebelum polis rahsia Syria, Mukhabarhat, menangkap abangnya yang sedang membantah di Syria.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mohammad said the police kept his brother locked up for three months.", "r": {"result": "Mohammad berkata, polis telah menahan abangnya selama tiga bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said they interrogated him and tortured him from day one.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata mereka menyoal siasatnya dan menyeksanya sejak hari pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Listen to Mohammed read his brother's essay about that time).", "r": {"result": "(Dengar Muhammad membaca karangan saudaranya tentang masa itu).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After three months, the police let Mohammed's brother go to make room for a wave of new prisoners.", "r": {"result": "Selepas tiga bulan, polis membenarkan abang Mohammed pergi untuk memberi ruang kepada gelombang banduan baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as soon as he was freed, he returned to protesting.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sebaik sahaja dia dibebaskan, dia kembali memprotes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mohammad said he would not tell his brother to stop protesting.", "r": {"result": "Mohammad berkata dia tidak akan memberitahu abangnya untuk berhenti membantah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he were in Syria now, he said, he would do the same thing.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia berada di Syria sekarang, katanya, dia akan melakukan perkara yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is not only an uprising,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni bukan sahaja pemberontakan,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's an epic, a human epic that's being written by the Syrian people\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah epik, epik manusia yang sedang ditulis oleh rakyat Syria\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- If you live in the South, you probably know not to ask for a mustard-based BBQ sauce in North Carolina and you'd never, ever think of using soap on your cast-iron skillet.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jika anda tinggal di Selatan, anda mungkin tahu untuk tidak meminta sos BBQ berasaskan mustard di North Carolina dan anda tidak akan pernah terfikir untuk menggunakan sabun pada kuali besi tuang anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even if you call some corner of the South \"home,\" you might not know how to properly shuck an oyster, prepare the perfect wedding toast or start a fire.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi walaupun anda memanggil beberapa sudut Selatan sebagai \"rumah,\" anda mungkin tidak tahu cara menyekat tiram dengan betul, menyediakan roti bakar perkahwinan yang sempurna atau menyalakan api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It won't be held against you -- but bless your heart -- you might consider picking up a copy of \"The Southerner's Handbook,\" a new book from the editors of Garden and Gun magazine.", "r": {"result": "Ia tidak akan dikenakan ke atas anda -- tetapi berkati hati anda -- anda mungkin mempertimbangkan untuk mengambil salinan \"The Southerner's Handbook,\" sebuah buku baharu daripada editor majalah Garden and Gun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With a name inspired by a long-gone late-night club in the magazine's hometown of Charleston, South Carolina -- \"the Studio 54 of the South,\" as editor David DiBenedetto put it -- Garden and Gun isn't just about gardens or guns.", "r": {"result": "Dengan nama yang diilhamkan oleh kelab larut malam yang telah lama ditinggalkan di kampung halaman majalah itu di Charleston, Carolina Selatan -- \"Studio 54 of the South,\" seperti yang dinyatakan oleh editor David DiBenedetto -- Garden and Gun bukan hanya mengenai taman atau senjata api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nor is the magazine and its new book directed solely toward Southerners.", "r": {"result": "Majalah dan buku baharunya juga tidak ditujukan semata-mata kepada orang Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 40% of the magazine's readership is based above the Mason-Dixon line, he said.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 40% pembaca majalah itu berdasarkan garis Mason-Dixon, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's about the culture, people and places that make the South -- well -- Southern, with a strong sense of sophistication the region has earned.", "r": {"result": "Ia mengenai budaya, orang dan tempat yang menjadikan Selatan -- baik -- Selatan, dengan rasa kecanggihan yang kuat yang diperolehi rantau ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Southerner's Handbook\" is billed as a \"guide to living the good life\" and features illustrations, tips and tricks to help readers embrace Southern living.", "r": {"result": "\"Buku Panduan Orang Selatan\" dibilkan sebagai \"panduan untuk menjalani kehidupan yang baik\" dan menampilkan ilustrasi, petua dan kiat untuk membantu pembaca menerima kehidupan Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yet despite the magazine's predilection for all things Dixie, DiBenedetto says transplants to the South -- no matter where they hail from -- can benefit from flipping through the handbook's pages.", "r": {"result": "Namun di sebalik kecenderungan majalah itu untuk semua perkara Dixie, DiBenedetto berkata pemindahan ke Selatan -- tidak kira dari mana asalnya -- boleh mendapat manfaat daripada menyelak halaman buku panduan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Here's what DiBenedetto, a native of Savannah, Georgia, had to say about the book and modern Southern culture.", "r": {"result": "Inilah yang dikatakan oleh DiBenedetto, yang berasal dari Savannah, Georgia, tentang buku dan budaya Selatan moden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Why a handbook?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Mengapa buku panduan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: The South is a vast place with pockets of culture that are really different from each other.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Selatan adalah tempat yang luas dengan poket budaya yang benar-benar berbeza antara satu sama lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're in the low country, you better know how to shuck an oyster.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda berada di kawasan rendah, lebih baik anda tahu cara menyumbat tiram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're in the Appalachian mountains, you better know when to find ramps.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda berada di pergunungan Appalachian, anda lebih tahu bila untuk mencari tanjakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When it's Mardi Gras, you're gonna need to know how to avoid any throw up flying off a balcony.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ia adalah Mardi Gras, anda perlu tahu bagaimana untuk mengelakkan sebarang muntah terbang dari balkoni.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are so many nuances to different parts of the South.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat begitu banyak nuansa di bahagian-bahagian yang berlainan di Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So many traditions and passions, there are a lot of great skills that get passed down.", "r": {"result": "Begitu banyak tradisi dan minat, terdapat banyak kemahiran hebat yang diturunkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The South has an unbelievable natural bounty; we've developed a set of skills to address that bounty.", "r": {"result": "Selatan mempunyai karunia semula jadi yang sukar dipercayai; kami telah membangunkan satu set kemahiran untuk menangani kurniaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: For someone who's never been to the South, or is new here, what does it mean to be a Southerner?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bagi seseorang yang tidak pernah ke Selatan, atau baru di sini, apakah ertinya menjadi orang Selatan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: It means to have pride in place; it means to be connected to the land and to understand that land.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Ini bermakna mempunyai kebanggaan pada tempatnya; ia bermakna untuk dihubungkan dengan tanah dan memahami tanah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So much of the book is a bit of tutorial, but it's also about telling great stories.", "r": {"result": "Banyak daripada buku ini adalah sedikit tutorial, tetapi ia juga tentang menceritakan kisah-kisah yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's about bringing people to the table, about having conversations.", "r": {"result": "Ini tentang membawa orang ramai ke meja, tentang mengadakan perbualan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Food is a leveler, and Southern food unites us in so many ways.", "r": {"result": "Makanan adalah meratakan, dan makanan Selatan menyatukan kita dalam banyak cara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: The topics addressed seem to range from outdoorsy -- the fastest way to start a fire -- to pretty sophisticated -- how to talk Faulkner.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Topik yang ditangani nampaknya berkisar daripada suasana luar rumah -- cara terpantas untuk memulakan kebakaran -- hinggalah yang agak canggih -- cara bercakap dengan Faulkner.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is that what a Southerner is?", "r": {"result": "Adakah itu orang Selatan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: Around here we call it high and low.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Di sekitar sini kami memanggilnya tinggi dan rendah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Southerner is at home in a BBQ shack in the middle of nowhere ... and at the same time dressed in style in a black tie event.", "r": {"result": "Orang Selatan berada di rumah di pondok BBQ di tengah-tengah ... dan pada masa yang sama berpakaian bergaya dalam acara tali leher hitam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The South is these juxtapositions of high and low.", "r": {"result": "Selatan adalah penjajaran tinggi dan rendah ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To bridge the gap you have to experience them, you've gotta be open to going to the middle of nowhere to a small BBQ shack in Mississippi.", "r": {"result": "Untuk merapatkan jurang yang anda perlu mengalaminya, anda mesti terbuka untuk pergi ke sebuah pondok BBQ kecil di Mississippi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to be open to experience, open to listen to the folks that have experience, tradition and skills.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu terbuka untuk mengalami, terbuka untuk mendengar orang yang mempunyai pengalaman, tradisi dan kemahiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you're willing to listen and learn, it's all there for you.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda bersedia mendengar dan belajar, semuanya ada untuk anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: How could a transplant benefit from the handbook?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bagaimanakah pemindahan boleh mendapat manfaat daripada buku panduan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: There is an unbelievable amount of details and information (in the book.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Terdapat banyak butiran dan maklumat yang sukar dipercayai (dalam buku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": ") If you're at a party and there's football on, the book addresses great SEC football rivalries and why they're important.", "r": {"result": ") Jika anda berada di sebuah parti dan ada bola sepak, buku itu membincangkan saingan bola sepak SEC yang hebat dan sebab ia penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You'll also learn the difference between mustard and vinegar based BBQ sauces.", "r": {"result": "Anda juga akan mempelajari perbezaan antara sos BBQ berasaskan mustard dan cuka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a lot to take away.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat banyak untuk dibawa pergi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Why is it important that someone new to the South understand these two things?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Mengapa penting bagi seseorang yang baru di Selatan memahami dua perkara ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: I think it lets you get in on the conversation; it lets you in on the party.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Saya fikir ia membolehkan anda menyertai perbualan; ia membenarkan anda masuk dalam parti itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To understand why the Alabama-Auburn game, which has been going on since the late 1800s and was postponed for a number of years because the rivalry was so intense, helps you understand how far football goes back in the South and what it means to football fans.", "r": {"result": "Untuk memahami sebab permainan Alabama-Auburn, yang telah berlangsung sejak akhir 1800-an dan telah ditangguhkan selama beberapa tahun kerana saingan yang begitu sengit, membantu anda memahami sejauh mana bola sepak kembali di Selatan dan maksudnya kepada bola sepak peminat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The same way with pepper vinegar versus mustard sauce.", "r": {"result": "Cara yang sama dengan cuka lada berbanding sos mustard.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It helps understand place, and so much of what the book is about is understanding place and tradition.", "r": {"result": "Ia membantu memahami tempat, dan kebanyakan perkara tentang buku itu ialah memahami tempat dan tradisi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: How can already established Southerners use this book to up their game?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Bagaimanakah orang Selatan yang sudah mapan boleh menggunakan buku ini untuk meningkatkan permainan mereka?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: This being such a vast place in terms of different cultures and geography, there's plenty to learn.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Ini adalah tempat yang sangat luas dari segi budaya dan geografi yang berbeza, terdapat banyak perkara untuk dipelajari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's so much variety in the South and a variety of skill sets, even a Southerner would find plenty to enjoy in the book.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat begitu banyak variasi di Selatan dan pelbagai set kemahiran, malah orang Selatan akan mendapati banyak untuk dinikmati dalam buku itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: There are phrases like \"Bless your heart\" that mean something else entirely when said a certain way.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Terdapat frasa seperti \"Berkati hatimu\" yang bermaksud sesuatu yang lain sepenuhnya apabila disebut dengan cara tertentu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What are the best phrases to learn that are genteel, yet communicate something deeper?", "r": {"result": "Apakah frasa terbaik untuk dipelajari yang sopan, namun menyampaikan sesuatu yang lebih mendalam?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: The go-to is \"Bless your heart\" and how that can be said with tone or the way someone cuts theirs eyes.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Perkara utama ialah \"Berkatilah hatimu\" dan bagaimana ia boleh dikatakan dengan nada atau cara seseorang memotong mata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Southern woman can say so much with the way she cuts her eyes when she says something.", "r": {"result": "Seorang wanita Selatan boleh berkata begitu banyak dengan cara dia memotong matanya apabila dia mengatakan sesuatu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a section of the book where we talk about the proper way to say goodbye.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat bahagian dalam buku di mana kita bercakap tentang cara yang betul untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the end of an evening the host might say \"Well, this has been a fun time\".", "r": {"result": "Pada penghujung petang, hos mungkin berkata \"Nah, ini adalah masa yang menyeronokkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It means what it sounds like -- it's been fun, but it's over now.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna seperti apa bunyinya -- memang menyeronokkan, tetapi sekarang sudah berakhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While that's not very Southern, it's the Southern way to say \"Get out of the house\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun itu tidak terlalu Selatan, ini adalah cara Selatan untuk mengatakan \"Keluar dari rumah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Given the heat and humidity, clothing in the South can be as much about fashion as it is about function.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Memandangkan haba dan kelembapan, pakaian di Selatan boleh menjadi tentang fesyen dan juga fungsi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Which wardrobe choices help beat the heat but still help maintain a Southern sense of style?", "r": {"result": "Pilihan almari pakaian manakah yang membantu mengatasi kepanasan tetapi masih membantu mengekalkan rasa gaya Selatan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: Seersucker.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Seersucker.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There's a danger of overdoing seersucker, but if you've gotta look stylin' you can impart just enough Southern sense of style, and it's still good for a hot climate.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat bahaya keterlaluan seersucker, tetapi jika anda perlu kelihatan bergaya, anda boleh memberikan rasa gaya Selatan yang cukup, dan ia masih bagus untuk iklim yang panas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: What are the three things any self-respecting Southerner should have on hand for impromptu entertaining?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Apakah tiga perkara yang harus dimiliki oleh mana-mana orang Selatan yang menghargai diri sendiri untuk berhibur secara tiba-tiba?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: Bourbon, proper seating and deviled eggs.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Bourbon, tempat duduk yang betul dan telur deviled.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Mastering all of the topics in the book seems a little intimidating, are there a few every transplant and Southerner should master?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Menguasai semua topik dalam buku nampaknya agak menakutkan, adakah terdapat beberapa setiap pemindahan dan orang Selatan harus menguasai?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "DiBenedetto: Food and drink are so important to Southern culture.", "r": {"result": "DiBenedetto: Makanan dan minuman sangat penting untuk budaya Selatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And understanding why is important.", "r": {"result": "Dan memahami mengapa penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There are great recipes in the book and stories about food.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat resipi hebat dalam buku dan cerita tentang makanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those two chapters are core.", "r": {"result": "Dua bab itu adalah teras.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Southerners love to have a good time, they're not afraid to have a good time.", "r": {"result": "Orang Selatan suka berseronok, mereka tidak takut untuk berseronok.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of that centers around food and drink.", "r": {"result": "Banyak yang berpusat di sekitar makanan dan minuman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have parties where you bring out your grandmother's pimentos cheese or deviled eggs and it's about that tradition.", "r": {"result": "Kami ada parti di mana anda membawa keluar keju pimentos nenek anda atau telur syaitan dan ini mengenai tradisi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Good food and drink leads to great stories.", "r": {"result": "Makanan dan minuman yang enak membawa kepada cerita yang hebat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To master some of these basics is to be able to be in the conversation.", "r": {"result": "Untuk menguasai beberapa asas ini adalah untuk dapat berada dalam perbualan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "To know what a cat head biscuit is and know how to make it, to understand why we crave and lust after the perfect fried chicken.", "r": {"result": "Untuk mengetahui apa itu biskut kepala kucing dan tahu cara membuatnya, untuk memahami mengapa kita mengidam dan mendambakan ayam goreng yang sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Knowing that stuff gets you closer to the traditions and the passions and the people and the land.", "r": {"result": "Mengetahui perkara itu mendekatkan anda kepada tradisi dan keghairahan serta rakyat dan tanah air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Azerbaijan will make its Formula One debut in 2016 as the latest venue for the Grand Prix of Europe, it was announced Friday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Azerbaijan akan membuat penampilan pertama Formula Satu pada 2016 sebagai venue terbaharu untuk Grand Prix Eropah, ia diumumkan pada Jumaat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The race circuit will weave through the medieval streets of the capital city Baku.", "r": {"result": "Litar perlumbaan akan merentasi jalan-jalan zaman pertengahan di ibu kota Baku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An oil-rich nation situated on the western shores of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan had been mooted as a venue for next season by F1 chief Bernie Ecclestone.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah negara kaya minyak yang terletak di pantai barat Laut Caspian, Azerbaijan telah dicadangkan sebagai venue untuk musim depan oleh ketua F1 Bernie Ecclestone.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, this would have pushed the number of races on the calendar above the agreed limit of 20 unless others were dropped, thus requiring the consent of all F1 teams.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, ini akan menyebabkan bilangan perlumbaan dalam kalendar melebihi had yang dipersetujui iaitu 20 melainkan yang lain digugurkan, sekali gus memerlukan persetujuan semua pasukan F1.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are very happy Baku has joined the Formula One family,\" Ecclestone said in quotes carried by UK news agency, the Press Association.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sangat gembira Baku telah menyertai keluarga Formula Satu,\" kata Ecclestone dalam petikan yang dibawa oleh agensi berita UK, Persatuan Akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This will be a street race, which will pass through interesting and picturesque parts of Baku, and will meet the current Formula One criteria\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ini akan menjadi perlumbaan jalanan, yang akan melalui bahagian menarik dan indah di Baku, dan akan memenuhi kriteria Formula Satu semasa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The F1 brand has been pushing into Eastern Europe recently with Russia due to host its first race at a circuit built around the Sochi Olympic Park in October.", "r": {"result": "Jenama F1 telah memasuki Eropah Timur baru-baru ini dengan Rusia kerana menjadi tuan rumah perlumbaan pertamanya di litar yang dibina di sekitar Taman Olimpik Sochi pada bulan Oktober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Our location at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia is a new frontier for Formula One racing,\" said Azerbaijan's minister of youth and sport Azad Rahimov.", "r": {"result": "\"Lokasi kami di persimpangan Eropah Timur dan Asia Barat adalah sempadan baharu untuk perlumbaan Formula Satu,\" kata menteri belia dan sukan Azerbaijan Azad Rahimov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Azerbaijan is a modern European country that has established a reputation as a center of sporting excellence.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAzerbaijan adalah sebuah negara Eropah moden yang telah membentuk reputasi sebagai pusat kecemerlangan sukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The deal to bring Formula One to Baku is a very significant new chapter in our ongoing success to attract the world's largest sporting events to our country.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPerjanjian untuk membawa Formula Satu ke Baku merupakan babak baharu yang sangat penting dalam kejayaan berterusan kami untuk menarik acara sukan terbesar dunia ke negara kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The course we are planning to design will be similar to leading street circuits already on the calendar\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kursus yang kami rancang untuk mereka bentuk akan serupa dengan litar jalanan terkemuka yang sudah ada dalam kalendar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The event will become F1's latest street race, joining mainstays Monaco and Singapore already on the roster.", "r": {"result": "Acara itu akan menjadi perlumbaan jalanan terbaharu F1, menyertai Monaco dan Singapura yang telah pun berada dalam senarai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Friday's announcement also follows confirmation earlier this week that Mexico will be added to the F1 calendar for the 2015 season.", "r": {"result": "Pengumuman Jumaat itu juga susulan pengesahan awal minggu ini bahawa Mexico akan dimasukkan ke dalam kalendar F1 untuk musim 2015.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Previous hosts of the Grand Prix of Europe -- which was held as a standalone race between 1983 and 2012 -- include Spain, Germany and the UK.", "r": {"result": "Tuan rumah Grand Prix Eropah sebelumnya -- yang diadakan sebagai perlumbaan kendiri antara 1983 dan 2012 -- termasuk Sepanyol, Jerman dan UK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The event was last staged in Valencia, also a street circuit.", "r": {"result": "Acara itu kali terakhir dipentaskan di Valencia, juga litar jalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hungary practice.", "r": {"result": "Latihan Hungary.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton edged out teammate and title rival Nico Rosberg to clock the fastest times in both of Friday's practice sessions for this weekend's Hungarian Grand Prix.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, pemandu Mercedes, Lewis Hamilton mengenepikan rakan sepasukan dan saingan gelaran Nico Rosberg untuk mencatat masa terpantas dalam kedua-dua sesi latihan Jumaat untuk Grand Prix Hungary hujung minggu ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The British driver clocked a time of one minute 25.814 seconds in the first session when the medium-compound Pirelli tire was used, 0.183 seconds ahead of championship leader Rosberg.", "r": {"result": "Pemandu Britain itu mencatat masa satu minit 25.814 saat pada sesi pertama apabila tayar kompaun sederhana Pirelli digunakan, 0.183 saat di hadapan pendahulu kejuaraan Rosberg.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When the drivers were allowed a run on the soft rubber, the quicker of the two choices this weekend, Hamilton improved to one minute 24.482, with Rosberg down by 0.238 seconds.", "r": {"result": "Apabila pemandu dibenarkan berlari di atas getah lembut, lebih pantas daripada dua pilihan hujung minggu ini, Hamilton meningkat kepada satu minit 24.482, dengan Rosberg turun 0.238 saat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There were concerns for both drivers, however, with 2008 world champion Hamilton at one stage complaining of a loss of braking and his German colleague reporting issues with his car's engine.", "r": {"result": "Terdapat kebimbangan untuk kedua-dua pemandu, bagaimanapun, dengan juara dunia 2008 Hamilton pada satu peringkat mengadu kehilangan brek dan rakan sekerjanya dari Jerman melaporkan masalah dengan enjin keretanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hamilton has a joint-record four victories at the Hungaroring, along with Michael Schumacher, and a repeat of last year's success on Sunday will help him cut Rosberg's 14-point advantage in the drivers' championship standings.", "r": {"result": "Hamilton mempunyai rekod bersama empat kemenangan di Hungaroring, bersama Michael Schumacher, dan ulangan kejayaan tahun lalu pada hari Ahad akan membantunya mengurangkan kelebihan 14 mata Rosberg dalam kedudukan kejuaraan pemandu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only two drivers managed to get within a second of the all-conquering Mercedes duo in the afternoon session.", "r": {"result": "Hanya dua pemandu berjaya mendapatkan dalam masa satu saat daripada duo Mercedes yang menakluki semua pada sesi petang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel was 0.629 seconds off the pace in his Red Bull followed by Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, who was 0.955 seconds adrift.", "r": {"result": "Juara dunia empat kali Sebastian Vettel ketinggalan 0.629 saat di belakang Red Bull miliknya diikuti pelumba Ferrari Fernando Alonso, yang ketinggalan 0.955 saat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "McLaren's Kevin Magnussen was fifth fastest followed by the Ferrari of Kimi Raikkonen and Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo, the latter fully 1.5 seconds down on Hamilton.", "r": {"result": "Kevin Magnussen dari McLaren berada di tempat kelima terpantas diikuti oleh Ferrari Kimi Raikkonen dan Daniel Ricciardo dari Red Bull, yang terakhir ketinggalan 1.5 saat di hadapan Hamilton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Raikkonen and Alonso had been third and fourth fastest in the morning.", "r": {"result": "Raikkonen dan Alonso berada di tempat ketiga dan keempat terpantas pada waktu pagi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Interactive: Take a trip around the Hungaroring.", "r": {"result": "Interaktif: Lakukan perjalanan di sekitar Hungaroring.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- More countries pledged aid to Taiwan on Friday, days after Typhoon Morakot battered the island and left dozens of villages deluged with floodwaters, killing 116 people.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Lebih banyak negara menjanjikan bantuan kepada Taiwan pada hari Jumaat, beberapa hari selepas Taufan Morakot membadai pulau itu dan menyebabkan berpuluh-puluh kampung dilanda banjir, mengorbankan 116 orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This image from an ireporter emphasizes the damage inflicted by Typhoon Morakot.", "r": {"result": "Imej dari ireporter ini menekankan kerosakan yang ditimbulkan oleh Taufan Morakot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Officials from Hong Kong said they would recommend sending HK$50 million (US$6.45 million) in aid.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai dari Hong Kong berkata mereka akan mengesyorkan menghantar bantuan sebanyak HK$50 juta (AS$6.45 juta).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The aid request needed to get final authorization.", "r": {"result": "Permintaan bantuan diperlukan untuk mendapatkan kebenaran akhir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once that happens Hong Kong will join a growing group of countries and territories that have rushed to help typhoon-battered Taiwan.", "r": {"result": "Apabila itu berlaku, Hong Kong akan menyertai kumpulan negara dan wilayah yang semakin meningkat yang telah bergegas membantu Taiwan yang dilanda taufan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 30 countries have offered money, helicopters, medication or other supplies.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 30 negara telah menawarkan wang, helikopter, ubat-ubatan atau bekalan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They have presented the goodwill to help,\" said Benjamin Chi, a government spokesman.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka telah menyampaikan muhibah untuk membantu,\" kata Benjamin Chi, jurucakap kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou toured the Jiadong and Linbian townships in Pingtung County Thursday, then visited Kaohsiung County, where a wall of mud had cut off the village of Shiaolin.", "r": {"result": "Presiden Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou melawat perbandaran Jiadong dan Linbian di Pingtung County Khamis, kemudian melawat Kaohsiung County, di mana tembok lumpur telah memotong perkampungan Shiaolin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch why public anger's building >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton mengapa kemarahan awam membina >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, nearly 1,700 people were rescued from areas devastated by the storm, and a government spokeswoman said she believed \"the situation is getting better\".", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, hampir 1,700 orang telah diselamatkan dari kawasan yang musnah akibat ribut, dan seorang jurucakap kerajaan berkata beliau percaya \"keadaan semakin baik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Janet Chang said 1,692 people were rescued Thursday, mostly from the two mountainous counties that bore the brunt of the storm -- Kaohsiung and Pingtung.", "r": {"result": "Janet Chang berkata 1,692 orang diselamatkan Khamis, kebanyakannya dari dua daerah pergunungan yang menanggung beban ribut -- Kaohsiung dan Pingtung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, a funeral director in coastal Kaohsiung County, where a makeshift morgue was set up, told CNN that about 200 bodies had arrived there -- many from neighboring villages.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, seorang pengarah pengebumian di pantai Kaohsiung County, di mana sebuah bilik mayat sementara didirikan, memberitahu CNN bahawa kira-kira 200 mayat telah tiba di sana -- kebanyakannya dari kampung jiran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Relief workers cleaned and photographed the bodies, preparing them for identification by loved ones.", "r": {"result": "Petugas bantuan membersihkan dan mengambil gambar mayat, menyediakan mereka untuk pengenalan oleh orang tersayang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chang said that based on official figures, 45 people were injured in the storm and 59 remain missing.", "r": {"result": "Chang berkata berdasarkan angka rasmi, 45 orang cedera dalam ribut itu dan 59 masih hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She could not say how many more people needed to be rescued.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak dapat menyatakan berapa ramai lagi orang yang perlu diselamatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a grandmother describe her escape >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton seorang nenek menggambarkan pelariannya >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since the typhoon made landfall over the weekend, nearly 15,700 people have been rescued from villages hit by mudslides and floodwaters, according to official government figures.", "r": {"result": "Sejak taufan melanda pada hujung minggu, hampir 15,700 orang telah diselamatkan dari kampung yang dilanda banjir lumpur dan banjir, menurut angka rasmi kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of the missing were in Kaohsiung County, the National Disaster Prevention and Protection Commission reported.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan yang hilang berada di Kaohsiung County, lapor Suruhanjaya Pencegahan dan Perlindungan Bencana Kebangsaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch a makeshift morgue and funeral >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton bilik mayat dan pengebumian sementara >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Torrential downpours, dense fog, rugged terrain and raging rivers have made rescues difficult.", "r": {"result": "Hujan lebat, kabus tebal, rupa bumi berceranggah dan sungai yang deras menyukarkan usaha menyelamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Washed out roads and bridges rendered ground rescue operations virtually impossible in the central and southern regions of the island.", "r": {"result": "Jalan raya dan jambatan yang terhapus menyebabkan operasi menyelamat darat hampir mustahil di kawasan tengah dan selatan pulau itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rescuers were forced to search by helicopter, inflatable boats and zip-line mechanisms that suspended them over the muddy waters raging below.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan penyelamat terpaksa mencari menggunakan helikopter, bot kembung dan mekanisme zip-line yang menggantung mereka di atas air berlumpur yang mengamuk di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In some cases food drops have been conducted over isolated villages tucked amid the rugged terrain, as villagers sought higher ground to stay dry.", "r": {"result": "Dalam beberapa kes, penurunan makanan telah dijalankan ke atas kampung terpencil yang terletak di tengah-tengah kawasan berceranggah, ketika penduduk kampung mencari tempat yang lebih tinggi untuk kekal kering.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Central Weather Bureau in Taiwan said that over a one-day period after the typhoon hit, Pingtung County received a record 55 inches of rain (1,403 mm).", "r": {"result": "Biro Cuaca Pusat di Taiwan berkata dalam tempoh sehari selepas taufan melanda, Pingtung County menerima rekod hujan 55 inci (1,403 mm).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Elsewhere on the island, rainfall amounts were as high as 83 inches (2,108 mm).", "r": {"result": "Di tempat lain di pulau itu, jumlah hujan setinggi 83 inci (2,108 mm).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Seattle, Washington, one of the wettest U.S. cities, has an average annual rainfall of 37 inches per year (940 mm).", "r": {"result": "Seattle, Washington, salah satu bandar paling basah di A.S., mempunyai purata hujan tahunan 37 inci setahun (940 mm).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The storm primarily targeted southern Taiwan.", "r": {"result": "Ribut itu terutama menyasarkan selatan Taiwan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Isolated scattered showers and thunderstorms were forecast for Taiwan overnight Thursday into Friday, mostly in the north, where the capital is located, said CNN International meteorologist Brandon Miller.", "r": {"result": "Hujan bertaburan terpencil dan ribut petir diramalkan di Taiwan semalaman Khamis hingga Jumaat, kebanyakannya di utara, di mana ibu negara itu terletak, kata pakar meteorologi CNN International, Brandon Miller.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"As a whole, the weather actually is pretty good,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSecara keseluruhannya, cuaca sebenarnya agak baik,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was 90 degrees (31C) late Thursday.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah 90 darjah (31C) lewat Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Miller said Taipei had had \"significant rainfall\" of 5 or 6 inches (150 mm) over the past two days.", "r": {"result": "Miller berkata Taipei mempunyai \"hujan yang ketara\" 5 atau 6 inci (150 mm) sejak dua hari lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Red Cross is helping the government dispense food, water and other necessities from a central command center, where helicopters pick up the supplies for their humanitarian missions, said organization spokesman Christian Li on Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "Palang Merah membantu kerajaan mengagihkan makanan, air dan keperluan lain dari pusat arahan pusat, tempat helikopter mengambil bekalan untuk misi kemanusiaan mereka, kata jurucakap organisasi Christian Li pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Economic losses due to Morakot have been estimated at U.S. $274 million.", "r": {"result": "Kerugian ekonomi akibat Morakot dianggarkan berjumlah AS$274 juta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After hitting Taiwan, Morakot roared on to mainland China on Sunday, killing at least six people and displacing 1.4 million, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "Selepas memukul Taiwan, Morakot meraung ke tanah besar China pada Ahad, membunuh sekurang-kurangnya enam orang dan 1.4 juta orang kehilangan tempat tinggal, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Pauline Chiou contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Pauline Chiou dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The photographer who took the picture of a man about to be fatally struck by a New York subway car said Thursday that he did so in a desperate attempt to alert the driver of the train to stop.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jurugambar yang mengambil gambar seorang lelaki yang hampir maut dilanggar sebuah kereta bawah tanah New York berkata Khamis bahawa dia berbuat demikian dalam percubaan terdesak untuk memaklumkan pemandu kereta api itu berhenti.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"From where I was, I could have screamed my lungs out; probably nobody would have heard it,\" R. Umar Abbasi told CNN's Anderson Cooper about the incident Monday in which 58-year-old Ki-Suck Han had been shoved onto the tracks in a Times Square station as a train approached.", "r": {"result": "\"Dari tempat saya berada, saya boleh menjerit keluar; mungkin tiada siapa yang akan mendengarnya,\" R. Umar Abbasi memberitahu CNN Anderson Cooper mengenai kejadian Isnin di mana Ki-Suck Han yang berusia 58 tahun telah ditolak ke atas trek di stesen Times Square apabila kereta api menghampiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The only way, I thought at that moment, was to start clicking away, releasing the shutter that will fire the flash, and make him aware that this is an unusual occurrence -- why is there a burst of light hitting him -- and catch Mr. Han on the track\".", "r": {"result": "\"Satu-satunya cara, saya fikir pada masa itu, adalah untuk mula mengklik, melepaskan pengatup yang akan menyalakan denyar, dan menyedarkan dia bahawa ini adalah kejadian luar biasa -- mengapa ada pancaran cahaya mengenainya -- dan tangkap Encik Han di trek\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abbasi, who asked that CNN note that he was not paid for the interview (CNN does not pay for any interviews), estimated that he had been 400 feet from Han when he saw in his peripheral vision a body being flung onto the tracks.", "r": {"result": "Abbasi, yang meminta nota CNN bahawa dia tidak dibayar untuk temu duga (CNN tidak membayar untuk sebarang temu duga), menganggarkan bahawa dia berada 400 kaki dari Han apabila dia melihat dalam penglihatan periferinya satu mayat tercampak ke atas landasan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There was a collective gasp that went into the air that really got my attention,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat hembusan nafas kolektif yang sangat menarik perhatian saya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People started waving their hands and screaming because, a few moments earlier, they had made an announcement that the train will be approaching the station and I could see the distant lights of the approaching train\".", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai mula melambai-lambaikan tangan dan menjerit kerana, beberapa saat sebelum itu, mereka telah membuat pengumuman bahawa kereta api akan menghampiri stesen dan saya dapat melihat lampu jauh dari kereta api yang menghampiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abbasi said he started running toward Han but stood aside and braced himself against the wall when he realized that the suspect was approaching him.", "r": {"result": "Abbasi berkata dia mula berlari ke arah Han tetapi berdiri di tepi dan bersandar pada dinding apabila menyedari suspek menghampirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He seemed agitated, and as he was approaching, he was cursing and using profanities\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia kelihatan gelisah, dan ketika dia mendekati, dia mengutuk dan menggunakan kata-kata kotor\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abbasi said the only thing he might have done differently would have been to urge Han to try to outrun the train.", "r": {"result": "Abbasi berkata, satu-satunya perkara yang mungkin dia lakukan secara berbeza ialah menggesa Han supaya cuba mengatasi kereta api.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I would have said, 'Mr. Han, run the other direction,'\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan berkata, 'Encik Han, lari ke arah lain,'\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were only about three cars in the station and all he had to do was outrun three cars and he would have lived\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hanya terdapat kira-kira tiga kereta di stesen itu dan apa yang dia perlu lakukan hanyalah berlari lebih cepat daripada tiga kereta dan dia akan terus hidup\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abbasi said he would have saved Han had he been able to do so.", "r": {"result": "Abbasi berkata dia akan menyelamatkan Han sekiranya dia dapat berbuat demikian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It wasn't important to get the photograph; the photograph came out as a result of my effort -- or what I could think at that moment to do\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah tidak penting untuk mendapatkan gambar itu; gambar itu keluar sebagai hasil usaha saya -- atau apa yang saya fikirkan untuk dilakukan pada masa itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Though he said he heard others urging Han to get up, \"I don't know why anyone did not reach out\".", "r": {"result": "Walaupun dia berkata dia mendengar orang lain menggesa Han untuk bangun, \"Saya tidak tahu mengapa sesiapa tidak menghulurkan tangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abbasi said Han's end came quickly.", "r": {"result": "Abbasi berkata pengakhiran Han datang dengan cepat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I could hear the sounds,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya dapat mendengar bunyi itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do not want to be too graphic about it for respect for the family, but I could hear all the sounds.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak mahu terlalu bercerita mengenainya kerana menghormati keluarga, tetapi saya dapat mendengar semua bunyi itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mr. Han did not scream or anything, this is how fast it transpired\".", "r": {"result": "Encik Han tidak menjerit atau apa-apa, ini adalah betapa cepatnya ia berlaku\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The whole experience, he said, has been traumatic for him.", "r": {"result": "Keseluruhan pengalaman, katanya, adalah traumatik untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If I have to narrate the whole thing, it's like reliving it.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJika saya perlu menceritakan semuanya, ia seperti mengenangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I did not sleep for close to 36, 40 hours\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tidur hampir 36, 40 jam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even three days later, he said, the photograph is chilling to him.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun tiga hari kemudian, dia berkata, gambar itu menyejukkan hatinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's like I am looking at his end.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSeolah-olah saya sedang melihat kesudahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And the oncoming train -- the metaphor for it -- death staring him down\".", "r": {"result": "Dan kereta api yang akan datang -- metafora untuknya -- kematian merenungnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abbasi dismissed those who say he should have helped as \"armchair critics\".", "r": {"result": "Abbasi menolak mereka yang mengatakan dia sepatutnya membantu sebagai \"pengkritik kerusi berlengan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Naeem Davis, 30, a homeless man, was arraigned late Wednesday in Han's death and charged with second-degree murder.", "r": {"result": "Naeem Davis, 30, seorang gelandangan, dihadapkan pada lewat Rabu dalam kematian Han dan didakwa dengan pembunuhan tahap dua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His next scheduled court appearance is Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Kemunculan mahkamah seterusnya dijadualkan pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Why the outrage over photo in subway death.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Mengapa kemarahan atas foto dalam kematian kereta bawah tanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Abbasi said he didn't look at the pictures before returning to the office and turning his camera's memory card over to police.", "r": {"result": "Abbasi berkata dia tidak melihat gambar itu sebelum kembali ke pejabat dan menyerahkan kad memori kameranya kepada polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Post published them the next day.", "r": {"result": "The Post menerbitkannya pada hari berikutnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Doomed\" the headline screamed.", "r": {"result": "\"Ditakdirkan\" tajuk berita itu menjerit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Pushed on the subway track, this man is about to die\".", "r": {"result": "\"Ditolak di landasan kereta api bawah tanah, lelaki ini hampir mati\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Readers and media critics quickly jumped on the newspaper's decision to use the image.", "r": {"result": "Pembaca dan pengkritik media dengan cepat melompat pada keputusan akhbar itu untuk menggunakan imej itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Twitter, users posted that it was cruel and \"snuff porn\".", "r": {"result": "Di Twitter, pengguna menyiarkan bahawa ia adalah kejam dan \"menghidu lucah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lauren Ashburn, a media critic and editor in chief of the website Daily Download, called it \"profit-motive journalism at its worst\".", "r": {"result": "Lauren Ashburn, pengkritik media dan ketua editor laman web Daily Download, menyebutnya sebagai \"kewartawanan bermotifkan untung paling teruk\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's insensitive, it's inappropriate, it's sickening rubbernecking,\" she said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia tidak sensitif, ia tidak sesuai, ia memuakkan leher getah,\" katanya Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Howard Kurtz, host of CNN's \"Reliable Sources\" and the Washington bureau chief for The Daily Beast and Newsweek, said he sees an argument for publishing the image.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Howard Kurtz, hos CNN \"Sumber Dipercayai\" dan ketua biro Washington untuk The Daily Beast dan Newsweek, berkata dia melihat hujah untuk menerbitkan imej itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Because this is every New Yorker's nightmare,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kerana ini adalah mimpi ngeri setiap warga New York,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do still wonder why the photographer's first instinct was to take pictures,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya masih tertanya-tanya mengapa naluri pertama jurugambar itu adalah untuk mengambil gambar,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I do wonder that\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tertanya-tanya itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeff Sonderman, a fellow at the journalism think tank Poynter Institute, wrote on the organization's website that it appeared journalists were largely critical of the decision.", "r": {"result": "Jeff Sonderman, seorang felo di badan pemikir kewartawanan Poynter Institute, menulis di laman web organisasi itu bahawa nampaknya wartawan sebahagian besarnya mengkritik keputusan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even if you accept that that photographer and other bystanders did everything they could to try to save the man, it's a separate question of what the Post should have done with that photo,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Walaupun anda menerima bahawa jurugambar itu dan orang lain yang melihat melakukan segala yang mereka mampu untuk cuba menyelamatkan lelaki itu, ia adalah persoalan berasingan tentang apa yang Post sepatutnya lakukan dengan foto itu,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All journalists we've seen talking about it online concluded the Post was wrong to use the photo, especially on its front page\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semua wartawan yang kami lihat bercakap mengenainya dalam talian menyimpulkan Post itu salah menggunakan foto itu, terutamanya di muka depannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kenny Irby, a senior faculty member for visual journalism and diversity programs at Poynter, said Tuesday that what the paper did wasn't necessarily wrong.", "r": {"result": "Kenny Irby, ahli fakulti kanan untuk program kewartawanan visual dan kepelbagaian di Poynter, berkata pada hari Selasa bahawa apa yang dilakukan oleh akhbar itu tidak semestinya salah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It was not illegal or unethical given that ethical guidelines and recommendations are not absolute,\" he said in an e-mail.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia tidak menyalahi undang-undang atau tidak beretika memandangkan garis panduan dan cadangan etika tidak mutlak,\" katanya dalam e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he also said the Post should have used another image.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia juga berkata Post sepatutnya menggunakan imej lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This moment was such for me -- it was too private in my view,\" he wrote.", "r": {"result": "\"Saat ini begitu bagi saya -- ia terlalu peribadi pada pandangan saya,\" tulisnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am all for maximizing truth telling, while minimizing harm, which can be done by fully vetting the alternatives available and publishing with a sense of compassion and respect\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya semua untuk memaksimumkan kebenaran, sambil meminimumkan bahaya, yang boleh dilakukan dengan meneliti sepenuhnya alternatif yang ada dan menerbitkan dengan rasa belas kasihan dan rasa hormat\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Post is no stranger to walking up to the lines of journalistic ethics -- and sometimes crossing them -- with its pithy, often lurid, coverage of crime and other news in the Big Apple.", "r": {"result": "The Post sudah tidak asing lagi dalam mengikuti garis etika kewartawanan -- dan kadangkala melintasinya -- dengan liputannya yang bernas, selalunya menyeramkan, mengenai jenayah dan berita lain di Big Apple.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"HEADLESS BODY IN TOPLESS BAR,\" the newspaper once famously shouted from its cover.", "r": {"result": "\"BADAN TAK KEPALA DALAM BAR TERBATAS,\" akhbar itu pernah menjerit terkenal dari muka depannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nor is the Post shot the first news photo to generate ethics concerns.", "r": {"result": "Pos juga tidak merakam foto berita pertama untuk menjana kebimbangan etika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An Agence France-Presse photo that won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize generated controversy for its depiction of a girl in Afghanistan crying amid a number of bloody bodies.", "r": {"result": "Foto Agence France-Presse yang memenangi Hadiah Pulitzer 2012 menimbulkan kontroversi kerana penggambaran seorang gadis di Afghanistan menangis di tengah-tengah sejumlah mayat berdarah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Also this year, the New York Times published a graphic image showing blood streaming from the body of a victim after a fatal August shooting at the Empire State Building.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun ini juga, New York Times menerbitkan imej grafik yang menunjukkan aliran darah dari mayat mangsa selepas kejadian tembakan maut Ogos di Bangunan Empire State.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At the time, Poynter quoted a Times spokeswoman as saying the image was \"a newsworthy photograph that shows the result and impact of a public act of violence\".", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, Poynter memetik jurucakap Times sebagai berkata imej itu adalah \"gambar yang boleh diberi berita yang menunjukkan hasil dan kesan tindakan keganasan awam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Marina Carver, Pauline Kim, Yon Pomrenze and Mary Snow contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Marina Carver CNN, Pauline Kim, Yon Pomrenze dan Mary Snow menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Cairo (CNN) -- Egyptian security forces stormed two sit-ins orchestrated by supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsy early Wednesday, bulldozing tents and escorting away hundreds of protesters, CNN correspondents say.", "r": {"result": "Kaherah (CNN) -- Pasukan keselamatan Mesir menyerbu dua aksi duduk yang didalangi oleh penyokong Presiden terguling Mohamed Morsy awal Rabu, menjentolak khemah dan mengiringi ratusan penunjuk perasaan, kata wartawan CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "At a makeshift hospital, CNN's Reza Sayah described walking through the blood of the injured.", "r": {"result": "Di hospital sementara, Reza Sayah dari CNN menggambarkan berjalan melalui darah orang yang cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We have witnessed scores of injured brought on stretchers before us.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami telah menyaksikan ramai yang cedera dibawa dengan pengusung di hadapan kami.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many of them were in bad shape.", "r": {"result": "Ramai daripada mereka berada dalam keadaan buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It looked like many of them had been shot,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Nampaknya ramai daripada mereka telah ditembak,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I have personally never seen this much bloodshed in what, according to what we've seen over the past six weeks, had been a peaceful demonstration\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya secara peribadi tidak pernah melihat pertumpahan darah sebanyak ini, menurut apa yang kita lihat sejak enam minggu lalu, adalah demonstrasi aman\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt's interim government and Morsy's Muslim Brotherhood are reporting scores of people have been killed in what's being dubbed the country's bloodiest day since the 2011 revolution.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan sementara Mesir dan Ikhwanul Muslimin Morsy melaporkan berpuluh-puluh orang telah terbunuh dalam apa yang digelar sebagai hari paling berdarah di negara itu sejak revolusi 2011.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN correspondents described bloody scenes as security forces clash with Morsy supporters.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan CNN menggambarkan adegan berdarah ketika pasukan keselamatan bertempur dengan penyokong Morsy.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think what we're seeing right now is just the beginning of what is promising to be a very, very long and bloody battle as the interim government and the security forces try to regain control of the streets,\" CNN's Arwa Damon reported.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir apa yang kita lihat sekarang hanyalah permulaan kepada apa yang menjanjikan untuk menjadi pertempuran yang sangat, sangat panjang dan berdarah apabila kerajaan sementara dan pasukan keselamatan cuba untuk mengawal semula jalan-jalan,\" lapor CNN Arwa Damon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Egypt raid: At a glance.", "r": {"result": "Serangan Mesir: Sepintas lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arriving earlier at one of the entrances to the Rabaa al-Adawiya Square encampment, Sayah said the scene resembled \"a war zone\".", "r": {"result": "Tiba lebih awal di salah satu pintu masuk ke perkhemahan Dataran Rabaa al-Adawiya, Sayah berkata kejadian itu menyerupai \"zon perang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thick plumes of black smoke were rising through the air from where it was understood security forces had entered the area and pro-Morsy supporters were facing off against those forces, he said.", "r": {"result": "Kepulan asap hitam tebal naik ke udara dari mana difahamkan pasukan keselamatan telah memasuki kawasan itu dan penyokong pro-Morsy sedang berhadapan dengan pasukan itu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters were breaking bricks and gunfire could be heard, while tear gas was filling the air.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan memecahkan batu bata dan tembakan kedengaran, manakala gas pemedih mata memenuhi udara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Up above there are military helicopters and this is just an all-out fight and I think this is what a lot of people were concerned about -- this kind of violent scene,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Di atas terdapat helikopter tentera dan ini hanyalah pertarungan habis-habisan dan saya rasa inilah yang ramai orang bimbang -- adegan ganas seperti ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's heavy tear gas being used.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat gas pemedih mata berat digunakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A lot of people are emotional, we've seen women cry, we've seen people appear to lose consciousness because of the tear gas and now we just wait to see what happens.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang beremosi, kita telah melihat wanita menangis, kita telah melihat orang kelihatan tidak sedarkan diri kerana gas pemedih mata dan sekarang kita hanya menunggu untuk melihat apa yang berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is going to be an incredibly difficult demonstration to clear out.", "r": {"result": "\"Ini akan menjadi demonstrasi yang sangat sukar untuk diselesaikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not like (the Nahda camp) that was cleared out earlier today by security forces -- this is a much larger sit-in\".", "r": {"result": "Tidak seperti (kem Nahda) yang telah dibersihkan awal hari ini oleh pasukan keselamatan -- ini adalah aksi duduk yang lebih besar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As Sayah spoke to CNN, he described protesters barricading the street where his television crew had arrived and where fighting had broken out.", "r": {"result": "Semasa Sayah bercakap kepada CNN, dia menggambarkan penunjuk perasaan menghalang jalan di mana kru televisyennya telah tiba dan di mana pertempuran berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was unclear whether the clash had involved security forces or residents opposed to the sit-in, he said.", "r": {"result": "Tidak jelas sama ada pertempuran itu melibatkan pasukan keselamatan atau penduduk yang menentang aksi duduk itu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's not unusual for residents who are against the Muslim Brotherhood -- against the former president -- to get in on these fights\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu bukan perkara luar biasa bagi penduduk yang menentang Ikhwanul Muslimin -- menentang bekas presiden -- untuk terlibat dalam pergaduhan ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The protesters appeared to be surrounded on all sides, he said.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan kelihatan dikepung di semua pihak, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"This is the most intense gunfire that I've personally heard during these clashes over the past six weeks.", "r": {"result": "\u201cIni adalah tembakan paling hebat yang saya dengar secara peribadi semasa pertempuran ini sejak enam minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clearly some of it automatic weapons, some of it sounds like it's coming from rooftops.", "r": {"result": "Jelas sebahagian daripadanya senjata automatik, sebahagian daripadanya kelihatan seperti ia datang dari atas bumbung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I haven't seen any weapons on this side -- I haven't seen any protesters firing weapons but they are breaking bricks, throwing rocks -- it's not clear what they're throwing at.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak melihat sebarang senjata di sebelah ini -- saya tidak melihat mana-mana penunjuk perasaan menembak senjata tetapi mereka memecahkan batu bata, membaling batu - tidak jelas apa yang mereka lemparkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there's a lot of chaos here\".", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat banyak huru-hara di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two hours later, Sayah said the outcome of the gunfight had been \"incredibly bloody\".", "r": {"result": "Dua jam kemudian, Sayah berkata hasil pertempuran itu \"sangat berdarah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Over the hours we've seen one body after another pass through to a makeshift clinic\".", "r": {"result": "\"Selama beberapa jam kami telah melihat satu demi satu mayat melalui ke klinik sementara\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Egypt explained: 6 key questions.", "r": {"result": "Mesir menjelaskan: 6 soalan utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On the other side of the square, Damon said riot police had been firing tear gas \"as groups of pro-Morsy demonstrators tried to break through police lines to join the encampment\".", "r": {"result": "Di seberang dataran, Damon berkata polis rusuhan telah melepaskan gas pemedih mata \"sedang kumpulan penunjuk perasaan pro-Morsy cuba menembusi barisan polis untuk menyertai perkhemahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Military units could be seen behind the riot police, she said.", "r": {"result": "Unit tentera boleh dilihat di belakang polis rusuhan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"At least four ambulances passed through the police lines on their way toward the site of the sit-in.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSekurang-kurangnya empat ambulans melalui barisan polis dalam perjalanan menuju ke tempat duduk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two members of the security forces could be seen being put into the ambulances\".", "r": {"result": "Dua anggota pasukan keselamatan boleh dilihat dimasukkan ke dalam ambulans\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Damon and her team later moved to another entrance to the square after experiencing some hostility.", "r": {"result": "Damon dan pasukannya kemudiannya berpindah ke pintu masuk lain ke dataran itu selepas mengalami sedikit permusuhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There were a few individuals in the crowd who were very anti-Western, anti-American, getting very aggressive toward the CNN team.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat beberapa individu dalam kumpulan yang sangat anti-Barat, anti-Amerika, menjadi sangat agresif terhadap pasukan CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Other individuals in the crowd were helping us to pull back from that situation,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Individu lain dalam kumpulan itu membantu kami berundur daripada situasi itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Damon and her team later came under fire while she was reporting live on CNN.", "r": {"result": "Damon dan pasukannya kemudian diserang semasa dia melaporkan secara langsung di CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Three other journalists were later reported shot, two fatally, while covering the unrest.", "r": {"result": "Tiga lagi wartawan kemudian dilaporkan ditembak, dua maut, ketika membuat liputan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One of those killed was Mick Deane, a former CNN cameraman who had been working for Sky News for the past 15 years.", "r": {"result": "Salah seorang yang terbunuh ialah Mick Deane, bekas jurukamera CNN yang telah bekerja untuk Sky News sejak 15 tahun lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the chaos of the raids, it has been impossible for CNN to verify the claims and counterclaims of protester casualties.", "r": {"result": "Dalam kekacauan serbuan itu, adalah mustahil bagi CNN untuk mengesahkan dakwaan dan tuntutan balas terhadap korban penunjuk perasaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "State TV reported that at least 149 people had been killed and more than 1,400 wounded.", "r": {"result": "TV kerajaan melaporkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 149 orang telah terbunuh dan lebih 1,400 cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Muslim Brotherhood said earlier that 200 Morsy supporters were killed and more than 8,000 were injured.", "r": {"result": "Ikhwanul Muslimin berkata sebelum ini bahawa 200 penyokong Morsy terbunuh dan lebih 8,000 cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But the party has given exaggerated figures in the past, only to revise them later.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi parti itu telah memberikan angka yang keterlaluan pada masa lalu, hanya untuk menyemaknya kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Investigators are searching property that once belonged to one of five members of a Missouri family arrested on multiple child sexual abuse charges for \"a body or bodies,\" the Lafayette County sheriff said Wednesday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Penyiasat sedang mencari harta benda yang pernah menjadi milik salah seorang daripada lima ahli keluarga Missouri yang ditahan atas pelbagai tuduhan penderaan seksual kanak-kanak untuk \"sebuah badan atau mayat,\" kata sheriff Lafayette County pada hari Rabu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh said his department and other law enforcement agencies investigating the case are seeking witnesses and more possible victims.", "r": {"result": "Sheriff Kerrick Alumbaugh berkata jabatannya dan agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang lain yang menyiasat kes itu sedang mencari saksi dan lebih ramai mangsa yang mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I believe that there is, and I believe every investigator here, after seeing the evidence, believes there's more victims,\" Alumbaugh said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya percaya ada, dan saya percaya setiap penyiasat di sini, selepas melihat bukti, percaya ada lebih ramai mangsa,\" kata Alumbaugh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Pedophiles don't stop at one\".", "r": {"result": "\"Pedofil tidak berhenti pada satu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burrell Edward Mohler Sr., 77, and his sons Burrell Edward Mohler Jr., 53; David A. Mohler, 52; Jared Leroy Mohler, 48; and Roland Neil Mohler, 47, are being held in the Lafayette County Jail with bails ranging from $30,000 to $75,000.", "r": {"result": "Burrell Edward Mohler Sr., 77, dan anak lelakinya Burrell Edward Mohler Jr., 53; David A. Mohler, 52; Jared Leroy Mohler, 48; dan Roland Neil Mohler, 47, ditahan di Penjara Daerah Lafayette dengan jaminan antara $30,000 hingga $75,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Six children, who are siblings, came to law enforcement authorities with stories of sexual performances, mock weddings, rape with various objects, and a forced abortion, according to court documents obtained by CNN affiliate KSHB in Kansas City.", "r": {"result": "Enam kanak-kanak, yang merupakan adik-beradik, datang ke pihak berkuasa penguatkuasaan undang-undang dengan cerita persembahan seksual, perkahwinan olok-olok, rogol dengan pelbagai objek, dan pengguguran paksa, menurut dokumen mahkamah yang diperoleh sekutu CNN KSHB di Kansas City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The documents provide graphic details of the alleged abuse, provided by one of the children, whose names are being withheld.", "r": {"result": "Dokumen tersebut memberikan butiran grafik tentang dakwaan penderaan, yang diberikan oleh salah seorang kanak-kanak itu, yang namanya dirahsiakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All of the charges stem from those documents, Alumbaugh said, adding that he expected additional charges based on other victim statements.", "r": {"result": "Kesemua pertuduhan itu berpunca daripada dokumen itu, kata Alumbaugh, sambil menambah bahawa dia menjangkakan caj tambahan berdasarkan kenyataan mangsa lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read story from CNN affiliate KMBC.", "r": {"result": "Baca cerita dari CNN affiliate KMBC.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Alumbaugh said investigators were also searching several properties for glass jars that some of the victims may have buried containing notes detailing the alleged abuse.", "r": {"result": "Alumbaugh berkata, penyiasat juga sedang mencari beberapa hartanah untuk balang kaca yang mungkin ditanam oleh beberapa mangsa yang mengandungi nota yang memperincikan dakwaan penderaan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read story from CNN affiliate KCTV.", "r": {"result": "Baca cerita dari CNN affiliate KCTV.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The alleged abuse took place from the mid-1980s until 1995 and possibly beyond, the sheriff said.", "r": {"result": "Dakwaan penderaan itu berlaku dari pertengahan 1980-an hingga 1995 dan mungkin seterusnya, kata sheriff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Additionally, he said, investigators are following other leads as well.", "r": {"result": "Selain itu, katanya, penyiasat juga mengikuti petunjuk lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Read story from CNN affiliate Fox4KC.com.", "r": {"result": "Baca cerita daripada sekutu CNN Fox4KC.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There has been indications there are a body or bodies in various locations,\" Alumbaugh said.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat tanda-tanda terdapat mayat atau mayat di pelbagai lokasi,\" kata Alumbaugh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Investigators have been working the case since August, he said, when the first of the now-grown children came forward.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat telah menjalankan kes itu sejak Ogos, katanya, apabila anak pertama daripada kanak-kanak yang kini sudah dewasa tampil ke hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A gunman killed three people and wounded at least five at the house of a mayoral candidate in the Philippines before polls opened on Monday, a military spokeswoman said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang lelaki bersenjata membunuh tiga orang dan mencederakan sekurang-kurangnya lima di rumah seorang calon datuk bandar di Filipina sebelum pilihan raya dibuka pada Isnin, kata seorang jurucakap tentera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The attack happened around 2:30 a.m. (2:30 p.m. Sunday ET) when an unidentified gunman raided the house of a mayoral candidate in Zamboanga del Sur province, said spokeswoman Steffani Cacho.", "r": {"result": "Serangan berlaku sekitar 2:30 pagi (2:30 petang Ahad ET) apabila seorang lelaki bersenjata yang tidak dikenali menyerbu rumah seorang calon datuk bandar di wilayah Zamboanga del Sur, kata jurucakap Steffani Cacho.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The incident is under investigation, she added.", "r": {"result": "Insiden itu dalam siasatan, tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 50 million ballots have been printed with a dizzying number of candidates to choose from -- nine for president alone, among them front-runner Sen.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 50 juta kertas undi telah dicetak dengan bilangan calon yang membingungkan untuk dipilih -- sembilan untuk presiden sahaja, antaranya adalah calon yang terunggul Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Benigno Aquino III, son of a former president; and Joseph Estrada, a former president himself.", "r": {"result": "Benigno Aquino III, anak kepada bekas presiden; dan Joseph Estrada, bekas presiden sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Family dynasties also play a role: Former first lady Imelda Marcos is running to fill the Congressional seat of her son, Ferdinand \"Bongbong,\" who is running for Senate, while her Congresswoman daughter Imee is running for governor.", "r": {"result": "Dinasti keluarga juga memainkan peranan: Bekas wanita pertama Imelda Marcos bertanding untuk mengisi kerusi Kongres anaknya, Ferdinand \"Bongbong,\" yang bertanding untuk Senat, manakala anak perempuan Kongresnya Imee bertanding jawatan gabenor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boxing champion Manny Pacquiao also threw his hat in the ring: He's running for Congress too.", "r": {"result": "Juara tinju Manny Pacquiao juga melemparkan topinya di gelanggang: Dia juga bertanding untuk Kongres.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In all.", "r": {"result": "Dalam semua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "voters must fill some 17,000 other positions at the executive, legislative and local levels.", "r": {"result": "pengundi mesti mengisi kira-kira 17,000 jawatan lain di peringkat eksekutif, perundangan dan tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A faulty test run of automated machines raised questions as late as Wednesday of whether the elections would even happen.", "r": {"result": "Ujian mesin automatik yang rosak menimbulkan persoalan selewat-lewatnya pada hari Rabu sama ada pilihan raya akan berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A postponement would have stirred fears of a power vacuum on June 30 when President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is scheduled to end her nine years in office.", "r": {"result": "Penangguhan akan menimbulkan kebimbangan berlakunya kekosongan kuasa pada 30 Jun apabila Presiden Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo dijadual menamatkan sembilan tahun memegang jawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Polls opened to crowds of waiting voters, CNN's Arwa Damon reported from Manila.", "r": {"result": "Undian dibuka kepada ramai pengundi yang menunggu, lapor CNN Arwa Damon dari Manila.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People are very excited,\" Damon said, adding that the election-day mood was \"tinged with anxiety\".", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai sangat teruja,\" kata Damon, sambil menambah bahawa suasana hari pilihan raya \"diwarnai dengan kebimbangan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Polls were scheduled to remain open until 6 p.m. local time (10 a.m. GMT).", "r": {"result": "Undian dijadual dibuka sehingga jam 6 petang. waktu tempatan (10 pagi GMT).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a very crucial litmus test to our democracy, our fragile democracy,\" said Leila De Lima, chairwoman of the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, which will be serving as an independent election monitor.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah ujian litmus yang sangat penting kepada demokrasi kita, demokrasi kita yang rapuh,\" kata Leila De Lima, pengerusi Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Filipina, yang akan berkhidmat sebagai pemantau pilihan raya bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The administration has been hounded by issues of corruption, human rights violations.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPentadbiran telah diburu oleh isu rasuah, pencabulan hak asasi manusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "People are looking forward to a new administration that will hopefully usher in meaningful changes.", "r": {"result": "Orang ramai menantikan pentadbiran baharu yang diharapkan akan membawa perubahan yang bermakna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, it's very, very important\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi, ia sangat-sangat penting\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The right of suffrage is a fundamental human right,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "\"Hak hak mengundi adalah hak asasi manusia,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Philippine National Police (PNP) has been placed on nationwide full alert since last week, with all leaves canceled, and all 130,000 officers required to report for duty.", "r": {"result": "Polis Negara Filipina (PNP) telah diletakkan dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga penuh di seluruh negara sejak minggu lalu, dengan semua cuti dibatalkan, dan semua 130,000 pegawai perlu melaporkan diri untuk bertugas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An election ban on liquor sales and public consumption went into effect Sunday, with violators subject to one to six years in prison.", "r": {"result": "Larangan pilihan raya terhadap penjualan arak dan penggunaan awam berkuat kuasa Ahad, dengan pelanggar dikenakan penjara satu hingga enam tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Exemptions are made for hotels and tourist-oriented establishments with prior approval.", "r": {"result": "Pengecualian dibuat untuk hotel dan pertubuhan berorientasikan pelancong dengan kelulusan terlebih dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A nationwide gun ban has already been in force since January 10 at the start of the election period.", "r": {"result": "Larangan senjata api di seluruh negara telah pun berkuat kuasa sejak 10 Januari pada permulaan tempoh pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Vote buying is \"currently the most common form of cheating,\" the PNP quoted its chief and director-general Jesus Verzosa as saying.", "r": {"result": "Pembelian undi adalah \"pada masa ini bentuk penipuan yang paling biasa,\" PNP memetik ketua dan ketua pengarahnya Jesus Verzosa sebagai berkata.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whereas in the past, people were paid to vote, this time they are paid to waive their right to vote and have their index fingers marked with ink, making them ineligible, according to PNP.", "r": {"result": "Sedangkan pada masa lalu, orang dibayar untuk mengundi, kali ini mereka dibayar untuk mengetepikan hak mereka untuk mengundi dan jari telunjuk mereka ditanda dengan dakwat, menjadikan mereka tidak layak, menurut PNP.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reports indicated some candidates were willing to pay identified supporters of their opponents not to vote, the PNP said on its Web site.", "r": {"result": "Laporan menunjukkan beberapa calon sanggup membayar penyokong yang dikenal pasti lawan mereka untuk tidak mengundi, kata PNP dalam laman webnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The proliferation of guns and private armies, particularly those attached to political families, has contributed to a violent atmosphere, particularly in the country's southern province of Maguindanao, where 57 people were massacred in November.", "r": {"result": "Pertambahan senjata api dan tentera persendirian, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan keluarga politik, telah menyumbang kepada suasana ganas, khususnya di wilayah selatan negara itu Maguindanao, di mana 57 orang telah dibunuh beramai-ramai pada November.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The transparency of the election process also has also been called into question.", "r": {"result": "Ketelusan proses pilihan raya juga telah dipersoalkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Election watchdog group Kontra Daya on Saturday condemned the Commission on Elections' approval of presidential son Juan Miguel Arroyo as first nominee of a political party made up entirely of security guards.", "r": {"result": "Kumpulan pemantau pilihan raya Kontra Daya pada Sabtu mengecam kelulusan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya terhadap anak presiden Juan Miguel Arroyo sebagai calon pertama parti politik yang dianggotai sepenuhnya oleh pengawal keselamatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The party is running as one of 187 \"party-list groups\" that are designated as marginalized and underrepresented and would together comprise one-fifth of the House of Representatives.", "r": {"result": "Parti itu bertanding sebagai salah satu daripada 187 \"kumpulan senarai parti\" yang ditetapkan sebagai terpinggir dan kurang diwakili dan akan bersama-sama merangkumi satu perlima daripada Dewan Rakyat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "iReport: Are you there?", "r": {"result": "iReport: Adakah anda di sana?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Share photos, video.", "r": {"result": "Kongsi foto, video.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last month Kontra Daya identified 40 questionable party-list groups, showing their links to various people in the Arroyo administration or the president's family, including her sister-in-law, who represents a party of small entrepreneurs.", "r": {"result": "Bulan lalu Kontra Daya mengenal pasti 40 kumpulan senarai parti yang boleh dipersoalkan, menunjukkan hubungan mereka dengan pelbagai orang dalam pentadbiran Arroyo atau keluarga presiden, termasuk kakak iparnya, yang mewakili parti usahawan kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Not to be outdone is the inclusion on millions of ballots of a person whose name may appear at the top of the list of presidential candidates -- and above Aquino's -- despite being disqualified in March: Vetellano Acosta.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ketinggalan adalah kemasukan berjuta-juta undi seseorang yang namanya mungkin muncul di bahagian atas senarai calon presiden -- dan di atas Aquino -- walaupun telah hilang kelayakan pada Mac: Vetellano Acosta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Commission on Elections said Acosta, who is listed under the \"KBL\" party founded by Ferdinand Marcos, would remain on the ballot because so many ballots had already been printed.", "r": {"result": "Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya berkata Acosta, yang tersenarai di bawah parti \"KBL\" yang diasaskan Ferdinand Marcos, akan kekal dalam undi kerana begitu banyak kertas undi telah dicetak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Elizabeth Yuan contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Elizabeth Yuan dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Harrison Ford suffered an ankle injury while filming the next \"Star Wars\" installment, Disney Studios said Thursday.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Harrison Ford mengalami kecederaan buku lali semasa penggambaran filem \"Star Wars\" seterusnya, kata Disney Studios pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ford, 71, is reprising the Han Solo role that brought him fame in the first \"Star Wars\" in 1977.", "r": {"result": "Ford, 71, mengulangi watak Han Solo yang membawanya kemasyhuran dalam \"Star Wars\" pertama pada 1977.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The injury happened on the set of \"Star Wars: Episode VII\" Thursday, a Disney statement said.", "r": {"result": "Kecederaan itu berlaku pada set \"Star Wars: Episod VII\" Khamis, kata satu kenyataan Disney.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was taken to a local hospital and is receiving care.", "r": {"result": "\u201cDia dibawa ke hospital tempatan dan sedang menerima rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shooting will continue as planned while he recuperates\".", "r": {"result": "Penggambaran akan diteruskan seperti yang dirancang semasa dia pulih\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Star Wars: Episode VII': Want to be in the movie ...", "r": {"result": "'Star Wars: Episod VII': Ingin berada dalam filem ...", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While the film's production is happening at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, England, and Abu Dhabi, Disney did not give the set location.", "r": {"result": "Semasa penerbitan filem itu berlaku di Pinewood Studios di Buckinghamshire, England, dan Abu Dhabi, Disney tidak memberikan lokasi yang ditetapkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A spokesman for the British Health And Safety Executive told CNN Thursday that the agency \"have been made aware of an incident at Pinewood studios and are making initial enquiries\".", "r": {"result": "Jurucakap Eksekutif Kesihatan Dan Keselamatan British memberitahu CNN Khamis bahawa agensi itu \"telah dimaklumkan tentang insiden di studio Pinewood dan sedang membuat pertanyaan awal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lupita Nyong'o joins 'Star Wars' cast.", "r": {"result": "Lupita Nyong'o menyertai pelakon 'Star Wars'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Director J.J. Abrams recently teased fans looking for any hints about what will be in the next film by posting a photo via his Twitter account.", "r": {"result": "Pengarah J.J. Abrams baru-baru ini mengusik peminat mencari sebarang petunjuk tentang apa yang akan berlaku dalam filem seterusnya dengan menyiarkan foto melalui akaun Twitternya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wish people would stop leaking photos from 'Episode VII.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya harap orang ramai berhenti membocorkan gambar dari 'Episod VII.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' And making ridiculous claims that the Millennium Falcon is in the movie,\" Abrams said in a handwritten note on top of the hologram chessboard from the original \"Star Wars,\" which was in the Falcon.", "r": {"result": "' Dan membuat dakwaan yang tidak masuk akal bahawa Millennium Falcon ada dalam filem itu, \"kata Abrams dalam nota tulisan tangan di atas papan catur hologram dari \"Star Wars\" asal, yang terdapat dalam Falcon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A number of images from the secretive \"Episode VII\" set have appeared online, showing, among other things, a replica of Han Solo's Millennium Falcon under construction.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa imej daripada set rahsia \"Episod VII\" telah muncul dalam talian, menunjukkan, antara lain, replika Millennium Falcon Han Solo dalam pembinaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Episode VII\" is scheduled to be released on December 18, 2015.", "r": {"result": "\"Episod VII\" dijadualkan dikeluarkan pada 18 Disember 2015.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Carolyn Sung and Lindsay Isaac contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Carolyn Sung dan Lindsay Isaac dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- An American businessman was arrested in Singapore for a series of criminal complaints against him -- not for overstaying his visa as his legal defense team claims, according to a Singapore embassy spokesman.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang ahli perniagaan Amerika ditahan di Singapura kerana beberapa siri aduan jenayah terhadapnya -- bukan kerana tinggal lebih masa visanya seperti yang didakwa pasukan pembela undang-undangnya, menurut jurucakap kedutaan Singapura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police who arrested Kamari Charlton on September 1 at the Changi Airport were acting on an Interpol alert that he was wanted on allegations of money laundering and running a phone-scam operation in Australia, said embassy spokesman Siewgay Ong.", "r": {"result": "Polis yang menahan Kamari Charlton pada 1 September di Lapangan Terbang Changi bertindak atas amaran Interpol bahawa dia dikehendaki atas dakwaan pengubahan wang haram dan menjalankan operasi penipuan telefon di Australia, kata jurucakap kedutaan Siewgay Ong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fact that Charlton, 37, overstayed his visa was revealed only after he was arrested, he said.", "r": {"result": "Hakikat bahawa Charlton, 37, tinggal lebih masa visanya terbongkar hanya selepas dia ditangkap, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Earlier Friday, attorneys for Charlton said he could face three strokes with a cane for overstaying his visa in Singapore.", "r": {"result": "Awal Jumaat, peguam Charlton berkata dia boleh menghadapi tiga sebatan dengan rotan kerana tinggal melebihi visanya di Singapura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also could face a six-month jail sentence if convicted, they said.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga boleh menghadapi hukuman penjara enam bulan jika sabit kesalahan, kata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charlton was about to leave Singapore with his pregnant wife when he was arrested, said Arun Maaran of Charlton's defense team.", "r": {"result": "Charlton hendak meninggalkan Singapura bersama isterinya yang sedang hamil ketika dia ditangkap, kata Arun Maaran dari pasukan pembelaan Charlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He's been in jail since.", "r": {"result": "Dia berada di penjara sejak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His wife is thought to have returned to the Bahamas, where they live, Maaran said.", "r": {"result": "Isterinya dipercayai telah kembali ke Bahamas, tempat mereka tinggal, kata Maaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Contact has been sporadic, because she is thought to have been hospitalized with complications to her pregnancy.", "r": {"result": "Hubungan telah berlaku secara sporadis, kerana dia dianggap telah dimasukkan ke hospital dengan komplikasi kehamilannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Consular officers from the U.S. Embassy have visited Charlton six times, said spokeswoman Rachel Ehrendreich.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai konsular dari Kedutaan A.S. telah melawat Charlton sebanyak enam kali, kata jurucakap Rachel Ehrendreich.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A statement from police in Singapore on Friday said, \"As investigations are ongoing, no final decision has yet been made on the precise charges\" that may be filed against Charlton.", "r": {"result": "Satu kenyataan daripada polis di Singapura pada hari Jumaat berkata, \"Memandangkan siasatan sedang dijalankan, belum ada keputusan muktamad dibuat mengenai pertuduhan yang tepat\" yang mungkin difailkan terhadap Charlton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Caning is widely used as punishment in Singapore, but Charlton's case is unique, his defense team argues.", "r": {"result": "Hukuman rotan digunakan secara meluas sebagai hukuman di Singapura, tetapi kes Charlton adalah unik, kata pasukan pembelanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His wife was in the country on a six-month medical visa, while he was on a three-month tourist visa.", "r": {"result": "Isterinya berada di negara itu dengan visa perubatan enam bulan, manakala dia menggunakan visa pelancong selama tiga bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unlike most offenders who overstay, Maaran said, Charlton was not in Singapore to take advantage of its strong economy by working illegally.", "r": {"result": "Tidak seperti kebanyakan pesalah yang tinggal lebih masa, Maaran berkata, Charlton tidak berada di Singapura untuk mengambil kesempatan daripada ekonomi kukuhnya dengan bekerja secara haram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He overstayed by 169 days, according to court documents.", "r": {"result": "Dia tinggal lebih masa selama 169 hari, menurut dokumen mahkamah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The former Florida State University college football player now successfully runs a construction company, his legal team says.", "r": {"result": "Bekas pemain bola sepak kolej Florida State University kini berjaya mengendalikan sebuah syarikat pembinaan, kata pasukan undang-undangnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Charlton's case was to be heard late Friday afternoon to decide whether he has been discriminated against.", "r": {"result": "Kes Charlton akan didengar lewat petang Jumaat untuk memutuskan sama ada dia telah didiskriminasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If he prevails, his case could end up in high court and be resolved within a week or two.", "r": {"result": "Jika dia berjaya, kesnya boleh berakhir di mahkamah tinggi dan diselesaikan dalam masa satu atau dua minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But many legal scenarios could play out and the case could drag on, Maaran said.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi banyak senario undang-undang boleh berlaku dan kes itu boleh berlarutan, kata Maaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Police denied the claims of discrimination, saying they are \"wholly baseless\".", "r": {"result": "Polis menafikan dakwaan diskriminasi, mengatakan ia \"tidak berasas sama sekali\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The discrimination argument is based on another case involving overstaying a visa.", "r": {"result": "Hujah diskriminasi adalah berdasarkan kes lain yang melibatkan tinggal lebih masa visa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A cousin of Charlton's wife also overstayed but was allowed to leave Singapore after paying a fine, Maaran said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang sepupu kepada isteri Charlton juga tinggal lebih masa tetapi dibenarkan meninggalkan Singapura selepas membayar denda, kata Maaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If convicted, Charlton would be caned unless he could provided a medical reason otherwise.", "r": {"result": "Jika sabit kesalahan, Charlton akan dirotan melainkan dia boleh memberikan alasan perubatan sebaliknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The case is reminiscent of the 1994 case of American teenager Michael Faye, who was sentenced to caning for vandalism in Singapore.", "r": {"result": "Kes itu mengingatkan kes remaja Amerika Michael Faye pada 1994, yang dijatuhi hukuman sebat kerana vandalisme di Singapura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After U.S. officials requested leniency, the Singapore government reduced the number of lashes he was given.", "r": {"result": "Selepas pegawai A.S. meminta kelonggaran, kerajaan Singapura mengurangkan bilangan sebatan yang dikenakan kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S. Embassy in Singapore is closely monitoring Charlton's case, Ehrendreich said.", "r": {"result": "Kedutaan A.S. di Singapura sedang memantau rapi kes Charlton, kata Ehrendreich.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We remind U.S. citizens that foreigners in any country are subject to the laws of that country,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mengingatkan rakyat A.S. bahawa warga asing di mana-mana negara tertakluk kepada undang-undang negara itu,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We respect Singapore's right to try and sentence individuals within due process of law\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami menghormati hak Singapura untuk membicarakan dan menghukum individu mengikut proses undang-undang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Jill Dougherty contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Jill Dougherty dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Jay Lin is the embodiment of the American dream -- and what is increasingly a Chinese dream.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Jay Lin ialah penjelmaan impian Amerika -- dan apa yang semakin menjadi impian orang Cina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Originally from Wenzhou in eastern China, he moved to New York City as a teenager.", "r": {"result": "Berasal dari Wenzhou di timur China, dia berpindah ke New York City sebagai seorang remaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After earning degrees from Ivy League universities -- Cornell and Columbia -- he secured a comfortable job in a bucolic town in Connecticut.", "r": {"result": "Selepas memperoleh ijazah dari universiti Ivy League -- Cornell dan Columbia -- dia mendapat pekerjaan yang selesa di sebuah bandar yang berbual di Connecticut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now he is helping others in China follow his path, where the desire for elite U.S. education is alive and well.", "r": {"result": "Kini dia membantu orang lain di China mengikut laluannya, di mana keinginan untuk pendidikan elit AS masih hidup dan sihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the last decade, mainland Chinese have reshaped the international student body at U.S. colleges and universities, notably at Ivy League institutions.", "r": {"result": "Dalam dekad yang lalu, tanah besar China telah membentuk semula badan pelajar antarabangsa di kolej dan universiti A.S., terutamanya di institusi Ivy League.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the 2009-2010 academic year, China surpassed traditional \"study abroad\" heavyweights like Canada, India and South Korea, to lead international enrollment across U.S. higher education, according to the Institute of International Education.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun akademik 2009-2010, China mengatasi syarikat berwajaran tinggi \"belajar di luar negara\" tradisional seperti Kanada, India dan Korea Selatan, untuk menerajui pendaftaran antarabangsa merentas pengajian tinggi A.S., menurut Institut Pendidikan Antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The U.S.-based institute's most recent figures reveal that mainland Chinese students increased 23% to more than 723,000 in the 2010-11 academic year.", "r": {"result": "Angka terkini institut yang berpangkalan di A.S. mendedahkan bahawa pelajar tanah besar China meningkat 23% kepada lebih daripada 723,000 pada tahun akademik 2010-11.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A rising generation of affluent students.", "r": {"result": "Generasi baru pelajar yang kaya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Chinese students traditionally went abroad when they failed to secure a place at a top-tier local university, the best students are now forgoing elite Chinese universities to study in the United States, according to Lin, now academic director of Ivy Labs Education, an admissions consultancy in Beijing.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pelajar China secara tradisinya pergi ke luar negara apabila mereka gagal mendapatkan tempat di universiti tempatan peringkat tinggi, pelajar terbaik kini meninggalkan universiti elit China untuk belajar di Amerika Syarikat, menurut Lin, kini pengarah akademik Ivy Labs Education, seorang perundingan kemasukan di Beijing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Many Chinese are seeking a higher quality of education that will train them to become independent and creative, he said, and they see the world's top-ranked universities are in the United States.", "r": {"result": "Ramai orang Cina sedang mencari kualiti pendidikan yang lebih tinggi yang akan melatih mereka menjadi berdikari dan kreatif, katanya, dan mereka melihat universiti-universiti teratas dunia berada di Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China's economic reforms and \"opening-up\" that began in 1978 under Deng Xiaoping gave rise to the first major generation of students, who were generally reliant on scholarships to study in the United States, according to Chen Shuangye, an assistant professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Department of Educational Administration and Policy.", "r": {"result": "Pembaharuan ekonomi China dan \"pembukaan\" yang bermula pada tahun 1978 di bawah Deng Xiaoping melahirkan generasi pelajar utama pertama, yang secara umumnya bergantung kepada biasiswa untuk belajar di Amerika Syarikat, menurut Chen Shuangye, penolong profesor di China. Jabatan Pentadbiran dan Dasar Pendidikan Universiti Hong Kong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Coinciding with China's rapid economic growth, a distinctive second generation emerged in the mid-1990s comprising much more affluent students, Chen said.", "r": {"result": "Bertepatan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi China yang pesat, generasi kedua yang tersendiri muncul pada pertengahan 1990-an yang terdiri daripada pelajar yang lebih kaya, kata Chen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There is a great increase in the phenomenon because (mainland Chinese) don't rely on scholarships anymore\".", "r": {"result": "\u201cTerdapat peningkatan yang besar dalam fenomena itu kerana (Cina tanah besar) tidak lagi bergantung kepada biasiswa\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Starting early at boarding schools.", "r": {"result": "Bermula awal di sekolah berasrama penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The factors driving mainland Chinese to study in the United States come into play much earlier, Lin said, noting an influx of foreign Chinese students into private U.S. secondary schools, starting around 2005.", "r": {"result": "Faktor-faktor yang mendorong orang Cina tanah besar untuk belajar di Amerika Syarikat berlaku lebih awal, kata Lin, sambil menyatakan kemasukan pelajar Cina asing ke sekolah menengah swasta A.S., bermula sekitar 2005.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Chinese parents send their children to private U.S. high schools as a \"strategic decision\" to strengthen their candidacy for elite U.S. universities, Lin said.", "r": {"result": "Ibu bapa China menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah tinggi swasta A.S. sebagai \"keputusan strategik\" untuk mengukuhkan pencalonan mereka untuk universiti elit A.S., kata Lin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A growing number also want their children to lead happier lives rather than have them consumed by preparing for the \"gaokao\" in China -- the one-time, high-stakes national university entrance examination that is the sole determinant of admission.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan yang semakin meningkat juga mahu anak-anak mereka menjalani kehidupan yang lebih bahagia daripada membiarkan mereka bersiap sedia untuk \"gaokao\" di China -- peperiksaan kemasukan universiti kebangsaan sekali gus yang merupakan satu-satunya penentu kemasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The goal of education in mainland China is to prepare you to take the gaokao.", "r": {"result": "\"Matlamat pendidikan di tanah besar China adalah untuk menyediakan anda untuk mengambil gaokao.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Everything else is secondary.", "r": {"result": "Semua yang lain adalah sekunder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In China, you would put the gaokao in the center...whereas...in American education, you put the student in the center, and everything else serves the best interests of the student.", "r": {"result": "Di China, anda akan meletakkan gaokao di tengah...manakala...dalam pendidikan Amerika, anda meletakkan pelajar itu di tengah, dan segala-galanya adalah untuk kepentingan terbaik pelajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not exclusively about (getting into) college\".", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan semata-mata tentang (masuk) kolej\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While U.S. boarding schools desire Chinese students both for their dollars and diversity, they walk a \"very fine line...when it comes to recruiting Chinese students,\" said Lin, who assisted with admissions during his tenure teaching at Connecticut's Cheshire Academy.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun sekolah berasrama penuh A.S. menginginkan pelajar Cina untuk wang dan kepelbagaian mereka, mereka menggunakan \"garisan yang sangat baik... apabila ia datang untuk merekrut pelajar Cina,\" kata Lin, yang membantu kemasukan semasa beliau mengajar di Akademi Cheshire Connecticut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boarding schools typically admit four to five students of any foreign nationality per grade level, with international students comprising up to 20% of the overall student body, Lin said.", "r": {"result": "Sekolah berasrama penuh biasanya menerima empat hingga lima pelajar dari mana-mana warganegara asing setiap peringkat gred, dengan pelajar antarabangsa merangkumi sehingga 20% daripada keseluruhan badan pelajar, kata Lin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With about 100 students for each of the four grade levels, this means admitting a maximum of 20 mainland Chinese, or five percent of the student body.", "r": {"result": "Dengan kira-kira 100 pelajar untuk setiap empat peringkat gred, ini bermakna kemasukan maksimum 20 Cina tanah besar, atau lima peratus daripada badan pelajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A school could easily fill itself with all Chinese students, but no school's going to do that...It's a double-edged sword -- if you have too many Chinese, then the Chinese will stop coming to your school, and also, Americans will stop coming to your school\".", "r": {"result": "\"Sebuah sekolah boleh dengan mudah mengisi dirinya dengan semua pelajar Cina, tetapi tidak ada sekolah yang akan melakukannya...Ia adalah pedang bermata dua -- jika anda mempunyai terlalu ramai orang Cina, maka orang Cina akan berhenti datang ke sekolah anda, dan juga, Orang Amerika akan berhenti datang ke sekolah anda\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Driving international enrollment at U.S. universities.", "r": {"result": "Memacu pendaftaran antarabangsa di universiti A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By virtue of their size, U.S. universities can accept a much higher number of Chinese students than boarding schools.", "r": {"result": "Berdasarkan saiznya, universiti A.S. boleh menerima bilangan pelajar Cina yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada sekolah berasrama penuh.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 1999, China was the second leading place of origin for international students at Harvard, trailing only Canada.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 1999, China merupakan tempat asal kedua terkemuka untuk pelajar antarabangsa di Harvard, hanya mengekori Kanada.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Its student numbers steadily increased to lead Harvard's international enrollment since the last academic year, with 686 students currently enrolled (nearly 16% of the international student body.", "r": {"result": "Bilangan pelajarnya terus meningkat untuk menerajui pendaftaran antarabangsa Harvard sejak tahun akademik yang lalu, dengan 686 pelajar kini mendaftar (hampir 16% daripada badan pelajar antarabangsa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China similarly dominates international enrollment at other Ivy League schools, including Yale and Princeton.", "r": {"result": "China juga mendominasi pendaftaran antarabangsa di sekolah Ivy League yang lain, termasuk Yale dan Princeton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"International students are seen very favorably as whole, as a way to diversify and really become a global institution,\" said Rachel Rubin, a lecturer at Boston's Emmanuel College and a specialist in higher education admissions policy.", "r": {"result": "\"Pelajar antarabangsa dilihat sangat baik secara keseluruhannya, sebagai satu cara untuk mempelbagaikan dan benar-benar menjadi institusi global,\" kata Rachel Rubin, pensyarah di Kolej Emmanuel Boston dan pakar dalam dasar kemasukan pendidikan tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Also economically -- it's very advantageous for elite schools to admit international students because the bulk of them can pay full tuition,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "\"Juga dari segi ekonomi -- adalah sangat berfaedah untuk sekolah elit menerima pelajar antarabangsa kerana sebahagian besar daripada mereka boleh membayar tuisyen penuh,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As such, there is \"a lot of favoritism\" toward such students, as financial aid budgets have been cut over the last decade, she said.", "r": {"result": "Oleh itu, terdapat \"banyak pilih kasih\" terhadap pelajar sedemikian, kerana belanjawan bantuan kewangan telah dipotong sejak sedekad lalu, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Limits to international enrollment at U.S. universities.", "r": {"result": "Had kepada pendaftaran antarabangsa di universiti A.S..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But while mainland Chinese students dominate international enrollment, they comprise a small fraction of the overall student body.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sementara pelajar Cina tanah besar mendominasi pendaftaran antarabangsa, mereka terdiri daripada sebahagian kecil daripada keseluruhan badan pelajar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is even more the case at the undergraduate level, as most international students are graduates.", "r": {"result": "Ini lebih-lebih lagi berlaku di peringkat sarjana muda, kerana kebanyakan pelajar antarabangsa adalah siswazah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Harvard has \"no quotas or limits for international students,\" according to Harvard spokesperson Kevin Galvin.", "r": {"result": "Harvard tidak mempunyai kuota atau had untuk pelajar antarabangsa, menurut jurucakap Harvard Kevin Galvin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"All students are considered in the same pool for all places in the incoming class, regardless of citizenship or the school they attend\".", "r": {"result": "\"Semua pelajar dianggap dalam kumpulan yang sama untuk semua tempat dalam kelas yang akan datang, tanpa mengira kewarganegaraan atau sekolah yang mereka hadiri\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rubin said she has not come across evidence of undergraduate quotas for international students but found it was standard practice for top-ranked schools to assess them as a separate pool rather than with the entire pool of applicants.", "r": {"result": "Rubin berkata dia tidak menjumpai bukti kuota sarjana muda untuk pelajar antarabangsa tetapi mendapati ia adalah amalan standard bagi sekolah peringkat tinggi untuk menilai mereka sebagai kumpulan yang berasingan dan bukannya dengan keseluruhan kumpulan pemohon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some U.S. colleges and universities aim to recruit an undergraduate cohort with around 10% international students, according to Susan Joan Mauriello, founder of the Hong-Kong-based ApplyIvy consultancy, adding that the percentage depends on the strength of the applicant pool.", "r": {"result": "Sesetengah kolej dan universiti A.S. menyasarkan untuk merekrut kohort sarjana muda dengan kira-kira 10% pelajar antarabangsa, menurut Susan Joan Mauriello, pengasas perundingan ApplyIvy yang berpangkalan di Hong-Kong, sambil menambah bahawa peratusan bergantung pada kekuatan kumpulan pemohon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bringing U.S. education to China.", "r": {"result": "Membawa pendidikan A.S. ke China.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As U.S. campuses cannot fully support the demand from China, Lin sees an opportunity in bringing international education to China, beginning at the secondary level.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan kampus A.S. tidak dapat menyokong sepenuhnya permintaan dari China, Lin melihat peluang untuk membawa pendidikan antarabangsa ke China, bermula di peringkat menengah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trend can already be seen in U.S. universities establishing local degree-granting branches.", "r": {"result": "Trend itu sudah boleh dilihat di universiti A.S. yang menubuhkan cawangan pemberian ijazah tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Next September, New York University will welcome its first undergraduate cohort at its new Shanghai campus.", "r": {"result": "September depan, Universiti New York akan mengalu-alukan kohort sarjana pertamanya di kampus Shanghai yang baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Instead of sending Chinese students to secondary schools in America or other foreign countries, we want to bring international curriculum into China so they don't need to travel outside the country,\" Lin said.", "r": {"result": "\"Daripada menghantar pelajar Cina ke sekolah menengah di Amerika atau negara asing lain, kami mahu membawa kurikulum antarabangsa ke China supaya mereka tidak perlu melancong ke luar negara,\" kata Lin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He helps local high schools incorporate international systems, such as the International Baccalaureate and A-Levels, alongside Chinese curriculum.", "r": {"result": "Beliau membantu sekolah menengah tempatan menggabungkan sistem antarabangsa, seperti International Baccalaureate dan A-Levels, di samping kurikulum Cina.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Students at these \"Chinese versions of international schools\" are typically Chinese nationals, who are restricted by government policy from attending full-fledged international schools, which cater to expatriates.", "r": {"result": "Pelajar di \"sekolah antarabangsa versi Cina\" ini biasanya warganegara China, yang dihadkan oleh dasar kerajaan daripada menghadiri sekolah antarabangsa sepenuhnya, yang memenuhi keperluan ekspatriat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My dream is to see international schools in China accessible to Chinese citizens and other nationalities together in the same school,\" Lin said.", "r": {"result": "\"Impian saya ialah untuk melihat sekolah antarabangsa di China boleh diakses oleh warganegara China dan warganegara lain bersama-sama di sekolah yang sama,\" kata Lin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"That's the future\".", "r": {"result": "\"Itu masa depan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- The Boston attacks have jolted Americans into a state of high alert.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Serangan Boston telah menyentak rakyat Amerika ke dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga tinggi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the days and weeks after the marathon bombings, travelers and residents of major American cities are likely to be more aware of suspicious people and packages on city buses, subways and Amtrak trains, at the nation's airports and public spaces.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari-hari dan minggu selepas pengeboman maraton, pengembara dan penduduk bandar-bandar utama Amerika berkemungkinan lebih menyedari orang dan pakej yang mencurigakan di dalam bas bandar, kereta api bawah tanah dan kereta api Amtrak, di lapangan terbang dan ruang awam negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More reports will stream in to already extra-vigilant authorities.", "r": {"result": "Lebih banyak laporan akan disalurkan kepada pihak berkuasa yang sudah lebih berhati-hati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But is that enough?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi adakah itu cukup?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If the past is any predictor, Americans may forget they're part of the solution and move on, say several security experts interviewed by CNN.com.", "r": {"result": "Jika masa lalu adalah sebarang peramal, rakyat Amerika mungkin lupa bahawa mereka adalah sebahagian daripada penyelesaian dan teruskan, kata beberapa pakar keselamatan yang ditemuramah oleh CNN.com.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Gathering and analyzing intelligence and adapting security measures to address threats is essential to preventing future attacks, but the public's increased participation also plays a key role, they say.", "r": {"result": "Mengumpul dan menganalisis perisikan dan menyesuaikan langkah keselamatan untuk menangani ancaman adalah penting untuk mencegah serangan masa depan, tetapi peningkatan penyertaan orang ramai juga memainkan peranan penting, kata mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Boston bombing, other incidents have us 'always looking for a way out'.", "r": {"result": "Pengeboman Boston, insiden lain membuatkan kita 'sentiasa mencari jalan keluar'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secure airports mean softer targets.", "r": {"result": "Lapangan terbang selamat bermakna sasaran yang lebih lembut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Whatever the debate about carrying knives or liquids on airplanes, heightened security at the nation's airports in the years since the 9/11 attacks may have shifted terrorists' attention to softer targets.", "r": {"result": "Walau apa pun perdebatan tentang membawa pisau atau cecair di dalam kapal terbang, meningkatkan keselamatan di lapangan terbang negara pada tahun-tahun sejak serangan 9/11 mungkin telah mengalihkan perhatian pengganas kepada sasaran yang lebih lembut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Once we secure a high-value target like aviation, terrorists don't simply walk away,\" says Rafi Ron, president of Virginia-based New Age Security Solutions and former head of security of Ben-Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, Israel.", "r": {"result": "\"Sebaik sahaja kami memperoleh sasaran bernilai tinggi seperti penerbangan, pengganas tidak akan pergi begitu sahaja,\" kata Rafi Ron, presiden New Age Security Solutions yang berpangkalan di Virginia dan bekas ketua keselamatan Lapangan Terbang Ben-Gurion berhampiran Tel Aviv, Israel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They simply go for softer targets, public events like the Boston Marathon.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka hanya pergi untuk sasaran yang lebih lembut, acara awam seperti Boston Marathon.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's extremely difficult if not impossible to provide the same level of security we do at the airport at such an open public event\".", "r": {"result": "Amat sukar jika tidak mustahil untuk menyediakan tahap keselamatan yang sama seperti yang kita lakukan di lapangan terbang pada acara terbuka terbuka seperti itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The solution, says Ron, is public vigilance.", "r": {"result": "Penyelesaiannya, kata Ron, adalah kewaspadaan awam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"People must be willing to call authorities when they spot suspicious packages or see people behaving suspiciously,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Orang ramai mesti bersedia menghubungi pihak berkuasa apabila mereka melihat bungkusan yang mencurigakan atau melihat orang berkelakuan mencurigakan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If you walk into a bus station in Israel and you see an unattended bag, people would respond to this immediately without hesitation.", "r": {"result": "\u201cJika anda masuk ke stesen bas di Israel dan anda melihat beg tanpa pengawasan, orang ramai akan bertindak balas dengan segera tanpa teragak-agak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And in many cases, tragedies have been prevented because of early detection\".", "r": {"result": "Dan dalam banyak kes, tragedi telah dicegah kerana pengesanan awal\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Security has been enhanced at transportation hubs \"using measures both seen and unseen,\" the Department of Homeland Security said Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Keselamatan telah dipertingkatkan di hab pengangkutan \"menggunakan langkah yang dilihat dan tidak dilihat,\" kata Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri pada hari Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agency is urging Americans to report suspicious activity to local law enforcement.", "r": {"result": "Agensi itu menggesa rakyat Amerika untuk melaporkan aktiviti yang mencurigakan kepada penguatkuasa undang-undang tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Terrorists make us lose sight of the real dangers.", "r": {"result": "Pengganas membuatkan kita lupa akan bahaya sebenar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'If you see something, say something'.", "r": {"result": "'Jika anda melihat sesuatu, katakan sesuatu'.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The message behind the slogan that came to symbolize New York City's call for its residents to help after the September 11 attacks and is now a national homeland security campaign, \"if you see something, say something\" is essential to protecting soft targets such as public transit, experts say.", "r": {"result": "Mesej di sebalik slogan yang datang untuk melambangkan gesaan New York City agar penduduknya membantu selepas serangan 11 September dan kini menjadi kempen keselamatan tanah air negara, \"jika anda melihat sesuatu, katakan sesuatu\" adalah penting untuk melindungi sasaran lembut seperti orang awam transit, kata pakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since it's nearly impossible to make city buses and subways completely secure, transit workers and riders of public transportation need to know to be on the lookout for any possible threats -- and report them, according to former New Jersey Transit police chief Joseph Bober, now a principal at Homeland Defense Solutions.", "r": {"result": "Memandangkan hampir mustahil untuk menjadikan bas bandar dan kereta api bawah tanah benar-benar selamat, pekerja transit dan penunggang pengangkutan awam perlu tahu untuk berwaspada terhadap sebarang kemungkinan ancaman -- dan melaporkannya, menurut bekas ketua polis Transit New Jersey Joseph Bober, sekarang seorang pengetua di Homeland Defence Solutions.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Educating these individuals through training, constant security awareness and providing proper channels to immediately report their suspicions\" is key to safer public transportation, wrote Bober, via e-mail.", "r": {"result": "\"Mendidik individu ini melalui latihan, kesedaran keselamatan yang berterusan dan menyediakan saluran yang betul untuk segera melaporkan syak wasangka mereka\" adalah kunci kepada pengangkutan awam yang lebih selamat, tulis Bober, melalui e-mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Airports are still targets.", "r": {"result": "Lapangan terbang masih menjadi sasaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While checkpoints and multi-layered security make airports more difficult to breach, that doesn't mean they're off the hook.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pusat pemeriksaan dan keselamatan berbilang lapisan menjadikan lapangan terbang lebih sukar untuk dilanggar, itu tidak bermakna ia tidak dapat dielakkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Making an airport secure isn't simply screening passengers before they enter an airport's boarding area, global aviation consultant Mike Boyd of Boyd Group International.", "r": {"result": "Menjadikan lapangan terbang selamat bukan sekadar menyaring penumpang sebelum mereka memasuki kawasan menaiki lapangan terbang, perunding penerbangan global Mike Boyd dari Boyd Group International.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Airport officials must ensure that everything on the premises is secure.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai lapangan terbang mesti memastikan segala-galanya di premis adalah selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"How many security observation sweeps are made of the parking garage?", "r": {"result": "\u201cBerapa banyak sapuan pemerhatian keselamatan dibuat ke atas garaj tempat letak kereta?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Have the vulnerabilities of the air conditioning systems been reviewed?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kelemahan sistem penyaman udara telah dikaji semula?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trash cans -- where are they located in regard to passenger flows?", "r": {"result": "Tong sampah -- di manakah lokasinya berkaitan dengan aliran penumpang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Are they blast-resistant?", "r": {"result": "Adakah mereka tahan letupan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is the catering facility across the field monitored?", "r": {"result": "Adakah kemudahan katering merentas lapangan dipantau?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How about the fuel farm?", "r": {"result": "Bagaimana dengan ladang minyak?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How much scrutiny is given to the workers who are pouring concrete for that new taxiway\"?", "r": {"result": "Berapa banyak penelitian yang diberikan kepada pekerja yang menuang konkrit untuk laluan teksi baharu itu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He also wants to know which law enforcement agency is in charge during an emergency and what the agency's plans are to secure and evacuate sections of the airport in case of an incident.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga ingin mengetahui agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang bertanggungjawab semasa kecemasan dan apakah rancangan agensi itu untuk mengamankan dan mengosongkan bahagian lapangan terbang sekiranya berlaku insiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Does an airport terminal's plan for evacuation simply send passengers outside, where they could be an easy target?", "r": {"result": "Adakah rancangan pemindahan terminal lapangan terbang hanya menghantar penumpang ke luar, di mana mereka boleh menjadi sasaran mudah?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Confusion is a terrorist's best friend,\" says Boyd.", "r": {"result": "\"Kekeliruan adalah kawan baik pengganas,\" kata Boyd.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Attacks are always possible.", "r": {"result": "Serangan sentiasa mungkin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are a free society, and unless we want to live and stay in caves we will always be vulnerable,\" says Boyd.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami adalah masyarakat bebas, dan melainkan kami mahu tinggal dan tinggal di dalam gua, kami akan sentiasa terdedah,\" kata Boyd.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Even places like banks -- which are somewhat prepared -- get robbed.", "r": {"result": "\"Malah tempat seperti bank -- yang agak disediakan -- dirompak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Any idiot can concoct a bomb and toss it into a public street\".", "r": {"result": "Mana-mana orang bodoh boleh mengarang bom dan melemparkannya ke jalan awam\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Americans need to be in the fight for the long haul, says Chief Bober.", "r": {"result": "Rakyat Amerika perlu berada dalam perjuangan untuk jangka panjang, kata Ketua Bober.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Incidents such as yesterday aren't going to stop overnight and the quicker we learn as a nation of people to protect ourselves and our families against such horrific acts, the better chance we will have to prevent and detect the next incident.", "r": {"result": "\u201cInsiden seperti semalam tidak akan berhenti dalam sekelip mata dan lebih cepat kita belajar sebagai sebuah negara untuk melindungi diri dan keluarga kita daripada perbuatan ngeri itu, lebih baik peluang kita untuk mencegah dan mengesan kejadian seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Will you still travel to large cities in light of these latest attacks?", "r": {"result": "Adakah anda masih akan pergi ke bandar besar berikutan serangan terbaru ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Or will they keep you away for now?", "r": {"result": "Atau adakah mereka akan menjauhkan anda buat masa ini?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Please share in the comments below.", "r": {"result": "Sila kongsi dalam komen di bawah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- At Nassau's Potter's Cay Dock, fresh conch is heaped on tables for sale by the pound.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Di Nassau's Potter's Cay Dock, kerang segar diletakkan di atas meja untuk dijual mengikut pound.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The quayside is chaotic with pallets of food and household goods being hauled into the mail boats.", "r": {"result": "Tepi dermaga huru-hara dengan palet makanan dan barangan rumah diangkut ke dalam bot surat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Mail boats are the life-support system of the Bahamas -- an archipelago of 700 scattered islands in the Atlantic.", "r": {"result": "Bot mel ialah sistem sokongan hidup Bahamas -- sebuah kepulauan dengan 700 pulau yang berselerak di Atlantik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some 14 to 18 mail boats operate out of Nassau; no one seems sure how many.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 14 hingga 18 bot surat beroperasi dari Nassau; tiada siapa nampak pasti berapa ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They serve communities, such as Ragged Island (population 73), that are too remote or small to receive sufficient airfreight.", "r": {"result": "Mereka melayani masyarakat, seperti Pulau Ragged (populasi 73), yang terlalu jauh atau kecil untuk menerima pengangkutan udara yang mencukupi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The vessels are privately owned family concerns that supplement government-awarded mail contracts by running cargo.", "r": {"result": "Kapal-kapal itu adalah kebimbangan keluarga milik persendirian yang menambah kontrak surat yang diberikan kerajaan dengan menjalankan kargo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They also take on board paying passengers.", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga mengambil penumpang berbayar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fares are cheap -- individual voyages range from $50 to $65 per ride.", "r": {"result": "Tambang murah -- pelayaran individu berkisar antara $50 hingga $65 setiap perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prone to delays.", "r": {"result": "Terdedah kepada kelewatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shared cabins are basic and cramped and schedules are prone to delays because of adverse sea conditions.", "r": {"result": "Kabin kongsi adalah asas dan sempit dan jadual terdedah kepada kelewatan kerana keadaan laut yang buruk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Top ethical travel destinations for 2014. The longest voyage runs from Potter's Cay to Inagua, some 37 to 42 hours at sea.", "r": {"result": "Destinasi pelancongan beretika teratas untuk 2014. Pelayaran terpanjang bermula dari Potter's Cay ke Inagua, kira-kira 37 hingga 42 jam di laut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"'Lady D' makes that journey,\" says assistant dock master Craig Curtis at Potter's Cay.", "r": {"result": "\"'Lady D' membuat perjalanan itu,\" kata penolong tuan dok Craig Curtis di Potter's Cay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's supposed to leave Tuesdays, but that can stretch to the weekend\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia sepatutnya pergi pada hari Selasa, tetapi itu boleh berlanjutan hingga hujung minggu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite their unpredictability, mail boats offer an adventurous, authentic travel experience away from the Bahamas' well developed beach resort scene.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun tidak dapat diramalkan, bot mel menawarkan pengalaman pengembaraan yang mencabar dan asli dari tempat peranginan pantai yang maju di Bahamas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Voyages are an opportunity to meet island characters.", "r": {"result": "Pelayaran adalah peluang untuk bertemu dengan watak pulau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The \"Grandmaster\" leaves the dock at Potter's Cay for a 14-hour voyage bound for Georgetown on Grand Exuma.", "r": {"result": "\"Grandmaster\" meninggalkan dok di Potter's Cay untuk pelayaran selama 14 jam menuju Georgetown di Grand Exuma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She traverses 365 coral islands down the Exuma chain -- some are owned by celebrities such as Johnny Depp; others offer $40,000-per-night villa rentals.", "r": {"result": "Dia merentasi 365 pulau karang menyusuri rangkaian Exuma -- sebahagiannya dimiliki oleh selebriti seperti Johnny Depp; yang lain menawarkan sewa vila $40,000 setiap malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The turquoise sea beneath the keel is so transparent stingrays can be seen gliding across shallow sandbanks.", "r": {"result": "Laut biru di bawah lunasnya sangat telus, ikan pari boleh dilihat meluncur melintasi tebing pasir cetek.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Galaxies of stars.", "r": {"result": "Galaksi bintang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "During humid nights it's possible to sleep on deck, cooled by sea breezes beneath galaxies of stars.", "r": {"result": "Semasa malam lembap, anda boleh tidur di geladak, disejukkan oleh bayu laut di bawah galaksi bintang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A beach break in Bimini.", "r": {"result": "Percutian pantai di Bimini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In his 70s, retired mail boat captain Larry Brozozog has passed the task of piloting \"Grandmaster\" to his son, Lance, giving him time to talk to passengers about the origin of the mail boats.", "r": {"result": "Dalam usia 70-an, kapten bot surat bersara Larry Brozozog telah menyerahkan tugas memandu \"Grandmaster\" kepada anaknya, Lance, memberinya masa untuk bercakap dengan penumpang tentang asal usul bot mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They were running in the 1940s but only one mail boat would serve all southern Bahamas monthly,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka berlari pada tahun 1940-an tetapi hanya satu bot mel akan melayani semua Bahamas selatan setiap bulan,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The government began issuing mail contracts in the late Fifties, then services became weekly\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kerajaan mula mengeluarkan kontrak mel pada lewat lima puluhan, kemudian perkhidmatan menjadi mingguan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brozozog says he was born into shipping.", "r": {"result": "Brozozog berkata dia dilahirkan dalam perkapalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My great grandfather used to sail back and forth to the UK in the late 1800s\".", "r": {"result": "\"Datuk moyang saya pernah belayar berulang-alik ke UK pada akhir 1800-an\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Older islanders nostalgically recall the mail boats before the advent of inter-island flights by small aircraft.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk pulau yang lebih tua secara nostalgia mengimbau kembali bot mel sebelum kedatangan penerbangan antara pulau oleh pesawat kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Growing up in the 1960s on Andros -- an island to the west of New Providence, where the capital, Nassau, sits -- Petherina Harris says each mail boat arrival was eagerly awaited.", "r": {"result": "Dibesarkan pada tahun 1960-an di Andros -- sebuah pulau di sebelah barat New Providence, di mana ibu negara, Nassau, terletak -- Petherina Harris berkata setiap ketibaan bot mel sangat ditunggu-tunggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "World's most spectacular swimming pools.", "r": {"result": "Kolam renang yang paling menakjubkan di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We didn't have electricity back then so we'd take the mail boat to Nassau to see electric lights in people's homes and eat Kentucky Fried,\" she says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mempunyai bekalan elektrik ketika itu jadi kami akan menaiki bot pos ke Nassau untuk melihat lampu elektrik di rumah orang ramai dan makan Kentucky Fried,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Julius Chisholm from Acklins, several hundred kilometers to the southeast of Nassau, remembers the whole island turning out whenever the mail boat came in.", "r": {"result": "Julius Chisholm dari Acklins, beberapa ratus kilometer ke tenggara Nassau, mengingati seluruh pulau itu berubah apabila bot surat masuk.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"If it arrived on a Sunday, even church was canceled\".", "r": {"result": "\"Jika ia tiba pada hari Ahad, gereja pun dibatalkan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ernest Hemingway's boxing lessons.", "r": {"result": "Pelajaran tinju Ernest Hemingway.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bimini, which lies two-thirds of the way from Nassau to Miami, is another island served by the mail boats.", "r": {"result": "Bimini, yang terletak dua pertiga perjalanan dari Nassau ke Miami, adalah satu lagi pulau yang dilayani oleh bot mel.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fish-wrestling novelist Ernest Hemingway spent time there in the 1930s -- many on the island still tell of his exploits.", "r": {"result": "Novelis gusti ikan Ernest Hemingway menghabiskan masa di sana pada tahun 1930-an -- ramai di pulau itu masih menceritakan eksploitasinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He taught Biminites how to box,\" says Ansil Saunders, an 82-year-old boatwright.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mengajar Biminites cara bertinju,\" kata Ansil Saunders, seorang pembuat perahu berusia 82 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Hemingway offered 10 bucks to anybody who could last a round with him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hemingway menawarkan 10 dolar kepada sesiapa yang boleh bertahan satu pusingan dengannya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Captain Sean Munroe's navy blue hulled \"Sherice M,\" built in Louisiana in 1995, serves the Bimini Islands.", "r": {"result": "Kapal biru laut Kapten Sean Munroe berkulit \"Sherice M,\" dibina di Louisiana pada tahun 1995, berkhidmat untuk Kepulauan Bimini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Munroe says tough economic times have cast doubt over the future of his and other mail boat services.", "r": {"result": "Munroe berkata masa ekonomi yang sukar telah menimbulkan keraguan tentang masa depan perkhidmatan bot melnya dan lain-lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fuel price increases have already brought a reduction of mail runs to Bimini from four to three times monthly.", "r": {"result": "Kenaikan harga bahan api telah membawa pengurangan penghantaran mel ke Bimini daripada empat kepada tiga kali sebulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Fuel costs have risen so much it's wiped out our profit from the mail contract, so we rely on private cargo\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Kos bahan api telah meningkat begitu banyak sehingga menghapuskan keuntungan kami daripada kontrak mel, jadi kami bergantung kepada kargo persendirian\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But continuing to serve the island community and maintaining the legacy of our family business is just as important to us as the economics\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi meneruskan perkhidmatan kepada masyarakat pulau dan mengekalkan warisan perniagaan keluarga kami adalah sama pentingnya kepada kami seperti ekonomi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "8 great hotel perks in the Caribbean.", "r": {"result": "8 faedah hotel hebat di Caribbean.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Munroe hails from seafaring stock.", "r": {"result": "Munroe berasal dari stok pelaut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His grandfather ran supplies to Cuba before the U.S. embargo was imposed in the 1960s.", "r": {"result": "Datuknya menjalankan bekalan ke Cuba sebelum sekatan A.S. dikenakan pada tahun 1960-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That family dynasty stretches to the \"Island Link,\" a vessel skippered by Munroe's brother, Jed.", "r": {"result": "Dinasti keluarga itu menjangkau ke \"Island Link,\" sebuah kapal yang diterajui oleh abang Munroe, Jed.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Runaway pigs.", "r": {"result": "Babi lari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I join Jed on his weekly trip across the Tropic of Cancer to Long Island, which lies to the southeast of Nassau.", "r": {"result": "Saya menyertai Jed dalam perjalanan mingguannya merentasi Tropic of Cancer ke Long Island, yang terletak di tenggara Nassau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our voyage takes 20 hours instead of the scheduled 14 because Munroe has to navigate over shallows to ride out a Caribbean storm.", "r": {"result": "Pelayaran kami mengambil masa 20 jam berbanding 14 yang dijadualkan kerana Munroe perlu menavigasi cetek untuk mengharungi ribut Caribbean.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fellow passengers include a mother and daughter economizing on airfares that would be twice the $50 ticket price, and a Rastafarian looking for any work he can get.", "r": {"result": "Rakan penumpang termasuk seorang ibu dan anak perempuan yang menjimatkan tambang penerbangan yang akan menjadi dua kali ganda harga tiket $50, dan seorang Rastafarian mencari apa-apa kerja yang dia boleh dapatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We carry everything and anything,\" says Munroe.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami membawa segala-galanya dan apa sahaja,\" kata Munroe.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Food items, luxury goods, machine parts ... anything.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBarang makanan, barangan mewah, alat ganti mesin...apa-apa sahaja.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We transported pigs once, but one broke free mid-voyage and caused havoc on the deck\".", "r": {"result": "Kami mengangkut babi sekali, tetapi seekor membebaskan pertengahan pelayaran dan menyebabkan malapetaka di geladak\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Eventually we arrive at Long Island, where visitors are drawn by ribbons of pristine sandy beaches and Deans Blue Hole, a 202-meter (663-foot) vertical abyss that's the deepest of its kind in the world.", "r": {"result": "Akhirnya kami tiba di Long Island, di mana pelawat ditarik oleh reben pantai berpasir murni dan Deans Blue Hole, jurang menegak 202 meter (663 kaki) yang paling dalam seumpamanya di dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But first stop is Simms Wharf, where an enthusiastic crowd awaits their cargo.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi persinggahan pertama ialah Simms Wharf, di mana orang ramai yang bersemangat menanti kargo mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Among them is Mandie Constantitis, the son of a Greek immigrant, who is Long Island's last sponge fisherman.", "r": {"result": "Antaranya ialah Mandie Constantitis, anak kepada seorang pendatang Yunani, yang merupakan nelayan span terakhir di Long Island.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He depends on the mail boats to ship his consignments to Nassau for export.", "r": {"result": "Dia bergantung pada bot mel untuk menghantar konsainannya ke Nassau untuk dieksport.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dewitt Miller, a taxi driver, tells me that before the mail boat arrives each Wednesday the whole island is almost out of fresh fruit and vegetables.", "r": {"result": "Dewitt Miller, seorang pemandu teksi, memberitahu saya bahawa sebelum bot mel tiba setiap hari Rabu, seluruh pulau hampir kehabisan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran segar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Secrets to the most popular cruise ports.", "r": {"result": "Rahsia pelabuhan pelayaran paling popular.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later I make the return voyage to Nassau.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian saya membuat pelayaran pulang ke Nassau.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back at Potter's Cay, I meet Captain Kevin Moxey, loading up his family namesake boat, \"Captain Moxey,\" to make the trip to Andros.", "r": {"result": "Kembali ke Potter's Cay, saya bertemu Kapten Kevin Moxey, memuatkan bot senama keluarganya, \"Kapten Moxey,\" untuk membuat perjalanan ke Andros.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he watches potted palms bound for a resort being manhandled onto his deck, Moxey says his business is feeling the economic strain.", "r": {"result": "Semasa dia melihat pokok palma dalam pasu menuju ke sebuah resort sedang dikendalikan di atas deknya, Moxey berkata perniagaannya mengalami tekanan ekonomi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he remains confident the diminutive size of the islands will mean the mail boats will never be replaced by large freight airplanes.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia tetap yakin saiz pulau yang kecil bermakna bot mel tidak akan digantikan dengan kapal terbang kargo besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Sure, we're pinching the pennies -- but mail boats will never go away,\" he says.", "r": {"result": "\"Sudah tentu, kami sedang mencubit wang -- tetapi bot surat tidak akan hilang,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Freelance photojournalist Mark Stratton has written for The Daily Telegraph, The.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan foto bebas Mark Stratton telah menulis untuk The Daily Telegraph, The.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Guardian, Wall Street Journal and National Geographic Traveler, among many other websites and publications.", "r": {"result": "Guardian, Wall Street Journal dan National Geographic Traveler, antara banyak laman web dan penerbitan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nagoya, Japan (CNN) -- Marcos Nunes swigs from his badly concealed bottle of red wine on a chilly street corner in the Japanese city of Nagoya before deciding the question was something between a joke and an insult.", "r": {"result": "Nagoya, Jepun (CNN) -- Marcos Nunes meneguk dari botol wain merahnya yang tersorok teruk di sudut jalan yang sejuk di bandar Nagoya Jepun sebelum memutuskan soalan itu adalah sesuatu antara jenaka dan penghinaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Why have we come here\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Kenapa kita datang ke sini\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "he asks tetchily before offering his bottle, sloppily wrapped in a blue plastic bag.", "r": {"result": "dia bertanya tetchily sebelum menawarkan botolnya, selamba dibalut dalam beg plastik biru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He is wearing a black and white football shirt.", "r": {"result": "Dia memakai baju bola sepak hitam putih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Corinthians is like a nation, a religion ... people are borrowing money from banks, from relatives to come here.", "r": {"result": "\u201cOrang Korintus seperti sebuah negara, sebuah agama... orang meminjam wang daripada bank, daripada saudara mara untuk datang ke sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are quitting their jobs, selling their bikes, their cars, even their fridges.", "r": {"result": "Mereka berhenti kerja, menjual basikal mereka, kereta mereka, malah peti sejuk mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's true\".", "r": {"result": "Memang benar\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sports fans are no strangers to sacrifice in the name of the teams they love and for the fans of Brazilian champions Corinthians no sacrifice is big enough.", "r": {"result": "Peminat sukan tidak asing lagi untuk berkorban atas nama pasukan yang mereka cintai dan bagi peminat juara Brazil Corinthians tiada pengorbanan yang cukup besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But forsaking the ability to chill your food is another level entirely.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi meninggalkan keupayaan untuk menyejukkan makanan anda adalah tahap lain sepenuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The current South American champions are in Japan for the FIFA Club World Cup, an annual tournament that brings together all six continental champions, including Chelsea, the English winners of this year's European Champions League.", "r": {"result": "Juara Amerika Selatan semasa berada di Jepun untuk Piala Dunia Kelab FIFA, kejohanan tahunan yang menghimpunkan kesemua enam juara benua, termasuk Chelsea, pemenang Inggeris Liga Juara-Juara Eropah tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But unlike the other teams, who have brought a few thousand at most, 30,000 Corinthians fans had turned up in Nagoya, bathing the city in black and white, to watch their semifinal clash against the African champions Al-Ahly of Egypt.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi tidak seperti pasukan lain, yang telah membawa beberapa ribu paling banyak, 30,000 penyokong Corinthians telah hadir di Nagoya, memandikan kota itu dengan pakaian hitam dan putih, untuk menyaksikan pertembungan separuh akhir mereka menentang juara Afrika Al-Ahly dari Mesir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is natural for us to travel to watch Corinthians,\" explains Nunes, who unlike his compatriots, has booked his trip as a vacation.", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah lumrah untuk kami mengembara untuk menonton Corinthians,\" jelas Nunes, yang tidak seperti rakan senegaranya, telah menempah perjalanannya sebagai percutian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My boss knows I'm here.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBos saya tahu saya ada di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But even if he didn't we'd still be here ... If we have to go to Japan OK.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi walaupun dia tidak, kita akan tetap berada di sini... Jika kita perlu pergi ke Jepun OK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If we have to go to Chelsea to play at Stamford Bridge, OK.", "r": {"result": "Jika kita perlu pergi ke Chelsea untuk bermain di Stamford Bridge, OK.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We'll be 30,000 there\".", "r": {"result": "Kami akan berada 30,000 di sana\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Unloved.", "r": {"result": "Tidak disayangi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Club World Cup is little loved by European teams; seen as no more than a mid-season annoyance given the travel involved.", "r": {"result": "Piala Dunia Kelab kurang diminati oleh pasukan Eropah; dilihat tidak lebih daripada kegusaran pertengahan musim memandangkan perjalanan yang terlibat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in the rest of the world the tournament is taken very seriously indeed.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di seluruh dunia kejohanan ini dipandang serius.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "An incredible 15,000 fans turned up at the airport just to see the team off.", "r": {"result": "Seramai 15,000 peminat yang luar biasa hadir di lapangan terbang hanya untuk melihat pasukan itu keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 200,000 Brazilians live in Japan and the Japanese government issued record numbers of visas to Brazilians for the tournament, a sign not just of Brazil's well-known soccer passion, but also its growing global economic and political might.", "r": {"result": "Lebih 200,000 warga Brazil tinggal di Jepun dan kerajaan Jepun mengeluarkan rekod rekod visa kepada warga Brazil untuk kejohanan itu, bukan sahaja menunjukkan minat bola sepak Brazil yang terkenal, tetapi juga kekuatan ekonomi dan politik global yang semakin meningkat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brazil will host the next World Cup and the next Olympic Games too.", "r": {"result": "Brazil akan menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia seterusnya dan Sukan Olimpik seterusnya juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The effect of both can already be felt.", "r": {"result": "Kesan kedua-duanya sudah boleh dirasai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were in the second division five years ago,\" explains Carlos Eduardo Martins, one of several thousand noisy Corinthians fans singing songs on the Nagoya Metro on the way to the match, much to the puzzlement and amusement of the Japanese commuters.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berada di divisyen dua lima tahun lalu,\" jelas Carlos Eduardo Martins, salah seorang daripada beberapa ribu peminat Corinthians yang bising menyanyikan lagu-lagu di Metro Nagoya dalam perjalanan ke perlawanan itu, yang sangat membingungkan dan menghiburkan penumpang Jepun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He had taken a 25-hour flight via Istanbul to be here.", "r": {"result": "Dia telah mengambil penerbangan 25 jam melalui Istanbul untuk berada di sini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The government has given us a stadium, which opens in 2013. The first game of the World Cup will be played there.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKerajaan telah memberikan kami sebuah stadium, yang dibuka pada 2013. Perlawanan pertama Piala Dunia akan dimainkan di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They sold a lot of advertising on the shirts, we get money from television network Globo for the TV so Corinthians is rising up.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menjual banyak iklan pada baju, kami mendapat wang daripada rangkaian televisyen Globo untuk TV supaya Corinthians bangkit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Corinthians has one advantage, the [former] president of Brazil Lula is a fan of Corinthians.", "r": {"result": "\u201cCorinthians mempunyai satu kelebihan, [bekas] presiden Brazil Lula adalah peminat Corinthians.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So we got a lot.", "r": {"result": "Jadi kami dapat banyak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have poor fans and then very rich men as fans.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai peminat yang miskin dan kemudian lelaki yang sangat kaya sebagai peminat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have a new organization\".", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai organisasi baru\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The prodigal son returns.", "r": {"result": "Anak yang hilang itu kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But equally as important was the return of Brazil's prodigal son.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi sama pentingnya ialah kepulangan anak lelaki Brazil yang hilang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2009 Ronaldo returned to Brazil and played for Corinthians.", "r": {"result": "Pada 2009 Ronaldo kembali ke Brazil dan bermain untuk Corinthians.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brazil had always been a net exporter of footballing talent.", "r": {"result": "Brazil sentiasa menjadi pengeksport bersih bakat bola sepak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So much so that FIFA had to change its rules on national team eligibility to prevent countries around the world filling their squads with naturalized Brazilians.", "r": {"result": "Sehinggakan FIFA terpaksa mengubah peraturan mengenai kelayakan pasukan kebangsaan untuk menghalang negara di seluruh dunia mengisi skuad mereka dengan warga Brazil yang naturalisasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when the big names started returning home -- the likes of Robinho, Ronaldinho and Elano -- on wages comparable to those in Europe, it sent a message to the rest of the world that Brazil, and Brazilian football, was changing.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila nama-nama besar mula pulang ke tanah air -- seperti Robinho, Ronaldinho dan Elano -- dengan gaji yang setanding dengan mereka di Eropah, ia menghantar mesej kepada seluruh dunia bahawa Brazil, dan bola sepak Brazil, sedang berubah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"After he [Ronaldo] came, the club rose a lot,\" agrees Martins.", "r": {"result": "\"Selepas dia [Ronaldo] datang, kelab meningkat dengan banyak,\" bersetuju Martins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Young people started supporting us, even people from other teams.", "r": {"result": "\u201cOrang muda mula menyokong kami, malah orang dari pasukan lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They were supporting Corinthians and Ronaldo.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menyokong Corinthians dan Ronaldo.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a beautiful story for everybody\".", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah cerita yang indah untuk semua orang\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Second time lucky.", "r": {"result": "Bertuah kali kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This isn't the first time that Corinthians has appeared in the Club World Cup.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan kali pertama Corinthians muncul dalam Piala Dunia Kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They won the inaugural tournament in 2000 as hosts.", "r": {"result": "Mereka memenangi kejohanan sulung pada tahun 2000 sebagai tuan rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But this is the first year they have appeared as South American champions after winning the Copa Libertadores for the first time.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ini adalah tahun pertama mereka muncul sebagai juara Amerika Selatan selepas memenangi Copa Libertadores buat kali pertama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The club's roots can be found thousands of miles away from its native Sao Paulo in a small amateur football club.", "r": {"result": "Asal-usul kelab ini boleh ditemui beribu-ribu batu dari tempat asalnya Sao Paulo dalam sebuah kelab bola sepak amatur yang kecil.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1910 the English club Corinthians traveled to Brazil on a tour to bring football to the masses.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1910 kelab Inggeris Corinthians mengembara ke Brazil dalam lawatan untuk membawa bola sepak kepada orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The game, and the name, stuck.", "r": {"result": "Permainan, dan nama, tersekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Many teams form Brazil want to win this Cup so it is very important for us,\" says Martins.", "r": {"result": "\"Banyak pasukan dari Brazil mahu memenangi Piala ini jadi ia sangat penting untuk kami,\" kata Martins.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The team is for the poor people.", "r": {"result": "\u201cPasukan ini untuk rakyat miskin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are crazy for the team and follow the Corinthians all around the world\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka gila untuk pasukan dan mengikuti orang Korintus di seluruh dunia\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sure enough, the Toyota Stadium in Nagoya is covered in the club's colors.", "r": {"result": "Sudah tentu, Stadium Toyota di Nagoya dipenuhi dengan warna kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A huge Union flag -- a reminder of the club's British roots, bastardized in black and white -- flies behind one of the goals.", "r": {"result": "Bendera Kesatuan yang besar -- peringatan tentang akar Inggeris kelab itu, berbaju hitam putih -- berkibar di belakang salah satu gol.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The match is like a home game for Corinthians, who win 1-0 thanks to Paulo Guerrero's goal.", "r": {"result": "Perlawanan itu seperti perlawanan di tempat sendiri untuk Corinthians, yang menang 1-0 hasil jaringan Paulo Guerrero.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "However, it's not the best performance with Al-Ahly dominating the second half.", "r": {"result": "Bagaimanapun, ia bukanlah persembahan terbaik dengan Al-Ahly mendominasi separuh masa kedua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were dominating the game in the first half and this was because of the supporters.", "r": {"result": "\u201cKami mendominasi permainan pada separuh masa pertama dan ini kerana penyokong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We had to respond to them,\" Corinthians coach Tite admitted after the match.", "r": {"result": "Kami terpaksa bertindak balas kepada mereka,\" akui jurulatih Corinthians, Tite selepas perlawanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Thanks to the supporters we were able to show our style\".", "r": {"result": "\"Terima kasih kepada penyokong kami dapat menunjukkan gaya kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Corinthians' 12th man proved to be the difference.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki ke-12 Korintus terbukti menjadi perbezaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The Europeans don't give the Club World Cup much attention.", "r": {"result": "\u201cOrang Eropah tidak memberikan banyak perhatian kepada Piala Dunia Kelab.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We are the 12th player for the team and go anywhere they go,\" said Tony, a native of Sao Paulo, who had only made the relatively short 11-hour trip from London.", "r": {"result": "Kami adalah pemain ke-12 untuk pasukan dan pergi ke mana sahaja mereka pergi,\" kata Tony, yang berasal dari Sao Paulo, yang hanya membuat perjalanan yang agak singkat selama 11 jam dari London.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He didn't have to sell his own fridge either.", "r": {"result": "Dia juga tidak perlu menjual peti sejuknya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We will definitely win it, Chelsea will go down,\" he said of Sunday's final, where once again there will thousands of Corinthians fans in the stands.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami pasti akan memenanginya, Chelsea akan jatuh,\" katanya mengenai perlawanan akhir Ahad, di mana sekali lagi terdapat beribu-ribu penyokong Corinthians di tempat penonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want to win big and win over the champions of Europe\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mahu menang besar dan menang ke atas juara Eropah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday she did not come to Pakistan for \"happy talk\".", "r": {"result": "Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Setiausaha Negara A.S. Hillary Clinton berkata pada hari Jumaat dia tidak datang ke Pakistan untuk \"cakap gembira\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her three-day trip is aimed at getting frank, open discussions going about the fight against terrorism, and that includes presenting U.S. concerns about how much success Pakistan is having, she said.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan tiga harinya bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perbincangan terbuka dan terbuka tentang usaha memerangi keganasan, dan itu termasuk membentangkan kebimbangan AS tentang sejauh mana kejayaan Pakistan, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In an interview with CNN, Clinton said it's time to \"clear the air\" with a key U.S. ally.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual dengan CNN, Clinton berkata sudah tiba masanya untuk \"membersihkan udara\" dengan sekutu utama AS.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"I don't think the way you deal with negative feelings is to pretend they're not there\".", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \"Saya tidak fikir cara anda menangani perasaan negatif adalah berpura-pura mereka tidak ada\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think it's important, if we are going to have the kind of cooperative partnership, that I think is in the best interest of both of our countries, for me to express some of the questions that are on the minds of the American people,\" Clinton told CNN's Jill Dougherty.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir adalah penting, jika kita akan mempunyai jenis perkongsian kerjasama, yang saya fikir adalah untuk kepentingan terbaik kedua-dua negara kita, untuk saya meluahkan beberapa soalan yang ada dalam fikiran rakyat Amerika, \"Clinton memberitahu CNN Jill Dougherty.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The secretary's comments came a day after she seemed to question the commitment of some in the Pakistani government for going after the leaders of al Qaeda, who U.S. intelligence experts believe are taking refuge in Pakistan's remote tribal areas.", "r": {"result": "Komen setiausaha itu dibuat sehari selepas dia seolah-olah mempersoalkan komitmen sesetengah pihak dalam kerajaan Pakistan untuk mengejar pemimpin al Qaeda, yang pakar perisikan AS percaya berlindung di kawasan puak terpencil di Pakistan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Al Qaeda has had safe haven in Pakistan since 2002,\" she told a group of Pakistani journalists Thursday.", "r": {"result": "\"Al Qaeda mempunyai tempat selamat di Pakistan sejak 2002,\" katanya kepada sekumpulan wartawan Pakistan pada Khamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn't get them if they really wanted to\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya merasa sukar untuk mempercayai bahawa tiada sesiapa dalam kerajaan anda tahu di mana mereka berada dan tidak boleh mendapatkannya jika mereka benar-benar mahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She added, \"Maybe they're not gettable.", "r": {"result": "Dia menambah, \"Mungkin mereka tidak dapat diterima.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't know\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak tahu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the CNN interview Friday, Clinton said she was not suggesting that someone inside the government might be complicit with al Qaeda or might be failing to follow through in fighting the terrorist group.", "r": {"result": "Dalam temu bual CNN Jumaat, Clinton berkata dia tidak mencadangkan bahawa seseorang dalam kerajaan mungkin bersubahat dengan al-Qaeda atau mungkin gagal untuk meneruskan dalam memerangi kumpulan pengganas itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"No, no,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak, tidak,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What I was responding to is what I have been really doing on this trip, which is there exists a trust deficit, certainly on the part of Pakistanis toward the United States, toward our intentions and our actions.", "r": {"result": "\"Apa yang saya jawab adalah apa yang saya lakukan dalam perjalanan ini, iaitu terdapat defisit amanah, sudah tentu di pihak Pakistan terhadap Amerika Syarikat, terhadap niat dan tindakan kita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And yet we have so much in common, we face a common threat.", "r": {"result": "Namun kami mempunyai banyak persamaan, kami menghadapi ancaman yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We certainly have a common enemy in extremism and terrorism, and so part of what I have been doing is answering every single charge, every question\".", "r": {"result": "Kita sememangnya mempunyai musuh bersama dalam ekstremisme dan keganasan, dan sebahagian daripada apa yang saya lakukan ialah menjawab setiap tuduhan, setiap soalan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Trust \"is a two-way street,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "Amanah \"adalah jalan dua hala,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While Pakistan's military operation has been \"extremely courageous in both Swat and now in South Waziristan, success there is not sufficient,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun operasi ketenteraan Pakistan telah \"sangat berani di kedua-dua Swat dan kini di Waziristan Selatan, kejayaan itu tidak mencukupi,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"... I just want to keep putting on the table that we have some concerns as well.", "r": {"result": "\u201c... Saya hanya mahu terus meletakkan di atas meja bahawa kami mempunyai beberapa kebimbangan juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And I think ... that's the kind of relationship I'm looking to build here\".", "r": {"result": "Dan saya rasa ... itulah jenis hubungan yang saya ingin bina di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Asked whether she had underestimated the level of anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, Clinton said, \"No, because I've been following the research and the polling that's gone on for a couple of years.", "r": {"result": "Ditanya sama ada dia telah memandang rendah tahap sentimen anti-Amerika di Pakistan, Clinton berkata, \"Tidak, kerana saya telah mengikuti penyelidikan dan tinjauan pendapat yang dijalankan selama beberapa tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I knew that we were inheriting a pretty negative situation that we were going to have to address\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tahu bahawa kami mewarisi situasi yang agak negatif yang perlu kami tangani\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's why she wanted three days in the country, \"a long trip for a secretary of state,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "Itulah sebabnya dia mahukan tiga hari di negara ini, \"perjalanan panjang untuk setiausaha negara,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I wanted to demonstrate that, look, we are not coming here claiming that everything we've done is perfect.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya mahu menunjukkan bahawa, lihat, kami tidak datang ke sini dengan mendakwa bahawa semua yang kami lakukan adalah sempurna.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've admitted to mistakes by our country going back in time, but I've also reminded people that we've been partners and allies from the beginning of Pakistan's inception as a country.", "r": {"result": "Saya telah mengakui kesilapan negara kita pada masa lalu, tetapi saya juga mengingatkan orang ramai bahawa kita telah menjadi rakan kongsi dan sekutu sejak awal penubuhan Pakistan sebagai sebuah negara.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pakistan has helped us on several important occasions, and we are very grateful for that.", "r": {"result": "Pakistan telah membantu kami dalam beberapa peristiwa penting, dan kami amat berterima kasih untuk itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So let's begin to clear the air here\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi mari kita mula membersihkan udara di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton also commented on Iran, as the United States seeks clarification on whether the nation will agree to a deal brokered by the International Atomic Energy Agency aimed at resolving a dispute about Iran's nuclear program.", "r": {"result": "Clinton turut mengulas mengenai Iran, ketika Amerika Syarikat meminta penjelasan sama ada negara itu akan bersetuju dengan perjanjian yang diuruskan oleh Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian mengenai program nuklear Iran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am going to let the process play out, but clearly we are working to determine exactly what they are willing to do,\" Clinton said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan membiarkan proses itu dimainkan, tetapi jelas kami sedang berusaha untuk menentukan dengan tepat apa yang mereka sanggup lakukan,\" kata Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The secretary made a vow to Israeli and Palestinian leaders during the CNN interview as well.", "r": {"result": "Setiausaha itu membuat ikrar kepada pemimpin Israel dan Palestin semasa wawancara CNN juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're going to do everything we can to try to clear away whatever concerns that the parties have, to actually get them into negotiations where they then can thrash out all of these difficult issues,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami akan melakukan segala yang kami mampu untuk cuba menghapuskan apa jua kebimbangan yang ada pada pihak-pihak, untuk benar-benar membawa mereka ke dalam rundingan di mana mereka kemudiannya boleh menyelesaikan semua isu sukar ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I think I'm pretty realistic about what has to be overcome for there to be the level of acceptance that is required to get into these negotiations,\" she added.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya fikir saya agak realistik tentang apa yang perlu diatasi untuk mencapai tahap penerimaan yang diperlukan untuk menyertai rundingan ini,\" tambahnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But remember, prior to negotiations, people stake out all kinds of positions, and then in the caldron of actually getting down to specifics, that all begins to be worked out\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi ingat, sebelum rundingan, orang ramai mengambil kira semua jenis jawatan, dan kemudian dalam kawah untuk benar-benar turun ke spesifik, semuanya mula diselesaikan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She referred to the experience of former President Bill Clinton.", "r": {"result": "Dia merujuk kepada pengalaman bekas Presiden Bill Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I watched in the '90s as my husband just kept pushing and pushing and pushing, and good things happened.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya melihat pada tahun 90-an ketika suami saya terus mendesak dan menolak dan menolak, dan perkara baik berlaku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "There wasn't a final agreement, but fewer people died, there were more opportunities for economic development, for trade, for exchanges.", "r": {"result": "Tidak ada perjanjian muktamad, tetapi lebih sedikit orang yang mati, terdapat lebih banyak peluang untuk pembangunan ekonomi, untuk perdagangan, untuk pertukaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It had positive effects, even though it didn't cross the finish line.", "r": {"result": "Ia mempunyai kesan positif, walaupun ia tidak melepasi garisan penamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I think that being involved at the highest levels sends a message of our seriousness of purpose\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya fikir bahawa terlibat di peringkat tertinggi menghantar mesej keseriusan tujuan kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- When Chuck Pagano showed up for work Monday, he drove by a giant inflatable Indianapolis Colts player at the team's entrance.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Apabila Chuck Pagano muncul untuk bekerja pada hari Isnin, dia memandu dengan seorang pemain Indianapolis Colts kembung raksasa di pintu masuk pasukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The player had a sign on his chest saying \"Welcome Back Chuck\".", "r": {"result": "Pemain itu mempunyai papan tanda di dadanya berkata \"Selamat Datang Chuck\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was a moment to celebrate.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah saat untuk meraikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pagano, the Colts head coach, missed nearly three months battling leukemia.", "r": {"result": "Pagano, ketua jurulatih Colts, terlepas hampir tiga bulan melawan leukemia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was cleared to return to work last week.", "r": {"result": "Dia dibenarkan kembali bekerja minggu lepas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Monday was his first day back at the Colts team facility.", "r": {"result": "Isnin adalah hari pertamanya kembali ke kemudahan pasukan Colts.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's really great to be back,\" Pagano said Monday at a press conference.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia benar-benar hebat untuk kembali,\" kata Pagano Isnin pada sidang akhbar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Like a kid in a candy store, get to come and be around the guys again, be doing what I love to do, what I've done my whole life\".", "r": {"result": "\"Seperti kanak-kanak di kedai gula-gula, datang dan berada di sekeliling lelaki itu lagi, lakukan apa yang saya suka lakukan, apa yang saya lakukan sepanjang hidup saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pagano hasn't been on the sideline since September 23 against the Jacksonville Jaguars.", "r": {"result": "Pagano tidak diketepikan sejak 23 September menentang Jacksonville Jaguars.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This week, if all goes as planned, Pagano will return to the Colts sideline for the team's final regular season game, a home game against the Houston Texans.", "r": {"result": "Minggu ini, jika semuanya berjalan seperti yang dirancang, Pagano akan kembali ke pasukan Colts untuk perlawanan terakhir musim biasa pasukan, perlawanan di tempat sendiri menentang Houston Texans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Players, coaches, and staff welcome Pagano's return, including Colts owner Jim Irsay.", "r": {"result": "Pemain, jurulatih dan kakitangan mengalu-alukan kepulangan Pagano, termasuk pemilik Colts Jim Irsay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'm very confident that he is ready, that it is the right decision, the right time for him to grab the reigns and put the head coaching cap back on and take over,\" Irsay said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya sangat yakin dia sudah bersedia, ia adalah keputusan yang tepat, masa yang sesuai untuk dia merebut tampuk pemerintahan dan memakai semula topi kejurulatihan dan mengambil alih,\u201d kata Irsay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Offensive coordinator Bruce Arians stepped in as interim coach while Pagano went through treatment.", "r": {"result": "Penyelaras serangan Bruce Arians bertindak sebagai jurulatih sementara sementara Pagano menjalani rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Arians led the Colts -- the NFL's worst team last season -- on an improbable run, winning nine of their next 12 games.", "r": {"result": "Arian mengetuai Colts -- pasukan terburuk NFL musim lalu -- dalam larian yang mustahil, memenangi sembilan daripada 12 perlawanan seterusnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Sunday, the Colts defeated the Kansas City Chiefs 20-13 to improve to 10-5, clinching a playoff berth.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Ahad, Colts mengalahkan Ketua Kansas City 20-13 untuk meningkat kepada 10-5, merangkul tempat playoff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"What a masterful, masterful job you did, Bruce,\" Pagano said.", "r": {"result": "\"Betapa hebat, kerja yang hebat yang anda lakukan, Bruce,\" kata Pagano.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You carried the torch, and all you went out and did was win nine ballgames, and got us our 10th win yesterday, and you got us into the playoffs.", "r": {"result": "\u201cAnda membawa obor, dan semua yang anda keluar dan lakukan ialah memenangi sembilan perlawanan bola, dan memberikan kami kemenangan ke-10 semalam, dan anda membawa kami ke playoff.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You did it with dignity and you did it with class, and you're everything that I always knew you were -- and more\".", "r": {"result": "Anda melakukannya dengan bermaruah dan anda melakukannya dengan kelas, dan anda adalah segala-galanya yang saya tahu anda sentiasa -- dan banyak lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Pagano also thanked his family, particularly his wife, Tina, for their support through his treatment.", "r": {"result": "Pagano juga berterima kasih kepada keluarganya, khususnya isterinya, Tina, atas sokongan mereka melalui rawatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said that Tina never left his side at the IU Simon Cancer Center, where he spent 25 days.", "r": {"result": "Dia berkata bahawa Tina tidak pernah meninggalkan sisinya di Pusat Kanser IU Simon, di mana dia menghabiskan 25 hari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She's a soldier, a warrior, my soul mate,\" Pagano said.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia seorang askar, seorang pahlawan, pasangan jiwa saya,\" kata Pagano.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Although Pagano could not be at the team facility and at games while going through chemotherapy, the team and staff showed their support for him.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun Pagano tidak dapat berada di kemudahan pasukan dan pada perlawanan semasa menjalani kemoterapi, pasukan dan kakitangan menunjukkan sokongan mereka kepadanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Colts began a campaign dubbed \"CHUCKSTRONG\".", "r": {"result": "The Colts memulakan kempen yang digelar \"CHUCKSTRONG\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The purpose was to raise funds for leukemia research while also giving Pagano and his family support and well wishes.", "r": {"result": "Tujuannya adalah untuk mengumpul dana untuk penyelidikan leukemia sambil memberikan sokongan dan ucapan selamat kepada Pagano dan keluarganya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "About 30 Colts players and coaches, including star rookie quarterback Andrew Luck, shaved their heads while Pagano underwent treatment.", "r": {"result": "Kira-kira 30 pemain dan jurulatih Colts, termasuk quarterback rookie bintang Andrew Luck, mencukur kepala mereka semasa Pagano menjalani rawatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On November 25 in a game against the Buffalo Bills, two Colts cheerleaders had their heads shaved in response to the Colts organization raising money for cancer research.", "r": {"result": "Pada 25 November dalam perlawanan menentang Buffalo Bills, dua pembimbing sorak Colts telah dicukur kepala sebagai tindak balas kepada organisasi Colts mengumpul wang untuk penyelidikan kanser.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, Pagano said it was a \"privilege\" and a \"blessing\" to be back.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, Pagano berkata ia adalah \"keistimewaan\" dan \"berkat\" untuk kembali.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I'll go about my business as a football coach and those type of things in the same manner,\" Pagano said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya akan menjalankan perniagaan saya sebagai jurulatih bola sepak dan perkara seperti itu dengan cara yang sama,\" kata Pagano.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"But what I asked the guys to do was to every day they walk in this door, the same way our coaches do, and the same way I'm going to do, is I'm going to work as hard as I can and take advantage of this great opportunity that was given to all of us and live every day to its fullest\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tetapi apa yang saya minta lelaki itu lakukan ialah setiap hari mereka berjalan di pintu ini, dengan cara yang sama jurulatih kami lakukan, dan dengan cara yang sama yang akan saya lakukan, ialah saya akan bekerja sekeras mungkin dan manfaatkan peluang besar yang telah diberikan kepada kita semua ini dan jalani setiap hari dengan sebaiknya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Passenger Jasper Schuringa told CNN that with the aid of the cabin crew, he helped subdue and isolate Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who was charged Saturday with trying to destroy a plane.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Penumpang Jasper Schuringa memberitahu CNN bahawa dengan bantuan kru kabin, dia membantu menundukkan dan mengasingkan Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, yang didakwa Sabtu kerana cuba memusnahkan sebuah pesawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schuringa of Amsterdam, Netherlands, said he was traveling to Florida to visit friends.", "r": {"result": "Schuringa dari Amsterdam, Belanda, berkata dia dalam perjalanan ke Florida untuk melawat rakan-rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The journey aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 had been mundane, he said.", "r": {"result": "Perjalanan menaiki pesawat Northwest Airlines Penerbangan 253 adalah biasa, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But as the plane neared its destination of Detroit, Michigan, he heard a pop that sounded like a firecracker going off, and someone started yelling: \"Fire!", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ketika pesawat itu menghampiri destinasinya di Detroit, Michigan, dia mendengar bunyi pop yang berbunyi seperti mercun meletus, dan seseorang mula menjerit: \"Api!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fire\"!", "r": {"result": "Api\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then, there was smoke.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian, terdapat asap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Around 30 seconds later the smoke started to fill up on the left side beneath this person,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kira-kira 30 saat kemudian asap mula memenuhi bahagian kiri di bawah orang ini,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That's when Schuringa said he knew something was wrong.", "r": {"result": "Ketika itulah Schuringa berkata dia tahu ada sesuatu yang tidak kena.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I basically reacted directly.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya pada dasarnya bertindak balas secara langsung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I didn't think.", "r": {"result": "tak sangka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When you hear a pop on the plane you're awake, trust me,\" Schuringa said.", "r": {"result": "Apabila anda mendengar bunyi pop di dalam pesawat anda terjaga, percayalah kepada saya,\" kata Schuringa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he noticed that Abdulmutallab was not moving, he grew suspicious.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia perasan bahawa Abdulmutallab tidak bergerak, dia mula curiga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was on the right side of the plane and the suspect was on the left side, there were quite some seats in between\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya berada di sebelah kanan pesawat dan suspek berada di sebelah kiri, terdapat beberapa tempat duduk di antaranya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He jumped over the passenger next to him and lunged over Abdulmutallab's seat, \"Because I was thinking he's trying to blow up the plane, and I was trying to search his body for any explosives\".", "r": {"result": "Dia melompat ke atas penumpang di sebelahnya dan menerjang ke atas tempat duduk Abdulmutallab, \"Kerana saya fikir dia cuba meletupkan pesawat, dan saya cuba menggeledah badannya untuk mencari sebarang bahan letupan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schuringa said he saw that Abdulmutallab was holding a burning object between his legs.", "r": {"result": "Schuringa berkata, dia melihat Abdulmutallab sedang memegang objek terbakar di antara kakinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I pulled the object from him and tried to extinguish the fire with my hands and threw it away,\" Schuringa said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya menarik objek itu daripadanya dan cuba memadamkan api dengan tangan saya dan membuangnya,\" kata Schuringa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Water!", "r": {"result": "\"Air!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Water,\" he said he screamed.", "r": {"result": "Air,\" katanya menjerit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He heard fire extinguishers as he pulled Abdulmutallab out of his seat.", "r": {"result": "Dia mendengar alat pemadam api sambil menarik Abdulmutallab keluar dari tempat duduknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Just to be sure I grabbed him with another attendant and we took him to first class and there we stripped him and contained him with handcuffs and we made sure he had no more weapons, no more bombs on him\".", "r": {"result": "\"Hanya untuk memastikan saya menangkapnya dengan seorang atendan lain dan kami membawanya ke kelas pertama dan di sana kami membogelkannya dan menahannya dengan gari dan kami memastikan dia tidak mempunyai senjata lagi, tiada lagi bom ke atasnya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schuringa said Abdulmutallab seemed dazed.", "r": {"result": "Schuringa berkata Abdulmutallab kelihatan terpinga-pinga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He was staring into nothing\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia merenung ke apa-apa\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schuringa said the incident sparked panic aboard the flight.", "r": {"result": "Schuringa berkata kejadian itu mencetuskan panik di dalam penerbangan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The whole plane was screaming.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSeluruh pesawat menjerit.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The suspect, he didn't say a word\".", "r": {"result": "Suspek, dia tidak bercakap sepatah pun\u201d.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We were holding [him,] but we wasn't struggling\".", "r": {"result": "Kami memegang [dia,] tetapi kami tidak bergelut\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schuringa said other passengers applauded as he walked back to his seat.", "r": {"result": "Schuringa berkata penumpang lain bertepuk tangan sambil berjalan kembali ke tempat duduknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My hands are pretty burned.", "r": {"result": "\"Tangan saya agak melecur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am fine,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "Saya sihat,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I am shaken up.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya terharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I am happy to be here\".", "r": {"result": "Saya gembira berada di sini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Schuringa said he wasn't the only hero.", "r": {"result": "Schuringa berkata dia bukan satu-satunya wira.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"A lot of people were trying to help later on,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ramai orang cuba membantu kemudian,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We had very brave flight attendants that also helped, so thank you for those people.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mempunyai pramugari yang sangat berani yang turut membantu, jadi terima kasih untuk mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They are also heroes\".", "r": {"result": "Mereka juga wira\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN was not able to independently confirm Schuringa's account.", "r": {"result": "CNN tidak dapat mengesahkan akaun Schuringa secara bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A worldwide network of fraudsters conned thousands of people into buying fake golf clubs on eBay, a London court has heard.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Rangkaian penipu di seluruh dunia menipu beribu-ribu orang untuk membeli kayu golf palsu di eBay, mahkamah London telah mendengar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ebay was hit by a massive worldwide fraud in counterfeit golf clubs.", "r": {"result": "Ebay telah dilanda penipuan besar-besaran di seluruh dunia dalam kayu golf palsu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In allegedly the largest fraud uncovered by the online auction site, the counterfeit clubs, as well as clothing and other golf accessories, were sold \"on a scale, it is believed, has never been seen before,\" prosecutors told Snaresbrook Crown Court.", "r": {"result": "Dalam penipuan yang didakwa terbesar yang ditemui oleh tapak lelongan dalam talian, kelab tiruan, serta pakaian dan aksesori golf lain, dijual \"dalam skala, dipercayai, tidak pernah dilihat sebelum ini,\" kata pendakwa raya kepada Snaresbrook Crown Court.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The mastermind behind the million dollar operation, Greg Bellchambers, from east London, has already admitted fraud and conspiracy.", "r": {"result": "Dalang di sebalik operasi jutaan dolar, Greg Bellchambers, dari timur London, telah pun mengakui penipuan dan konspirasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His six co-defendants, who deny playing a \"crucial role\" in the plot, are said to have assisted Bellchambers in managing accounts and acting as distributors in the scam.", "r": {"result": "Enam defendan bersamanya, yang menafikan memainkan \"peranan penting\" dalam plot itu, dikatakan telah membantu Bellchambers dalam menguruskan akaun dan bertindak sebagai pengedar dalam penipuan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bellchambers sourced the \"below-par\" clubs in China and then marketed them on eBay as the original top of the line brands.", "r": {"result": "Bellchambers memperoleh kelab \"bawah par\" di China dan kemudian memasarkannya di eBay sebagai jenama teratas asal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fraud only came to light when a disgruntled customer complained to a local trading standards office in London about sub-standard Acushnet clubs and an investigation was launched.", "r": {"result": "Penipuan itu hanya terbongkar apabila seorang pelanggan yang tidak berpuas hati mengadu kepada pejabat piawaian perdagangan tempatan di London tentang kelab Acushnet yang di bawah standard dan siasatan telah dilancarkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When Bellchambers' home was raided, \"a large quantity\" of clubs were seized, with all of them fake apart from those which belonged to the 45-year-old.", "r": {"result": "Apabila rumah Bellchambers diserbu, \"sebilangan besar\" kelab telah dirampas, dengan kesemuanya palsu selain milik pemain berusia 45 tahun itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Adam Davis, for the prosecution, said: \"Nearly every major golf brand has been affected by the sale of counterfeit goods through the eBay accounts.", "r": {"result": "Adam Davis, bagi pihak pendakwaan, berkata: \"Hampir setiap jenama golf utama telah terjejas oleh penjualan barangan tiruan melalui akaun eBay.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is the belief of the fraud investigation unit at eBay that this case represents the single largest counterfeiting conspiracy yet uncovered on their Web site\".", "r": {"result": "\"Adalah kepercayaan unit penyiasatan penipuan di eBay bahawa kes ini mewakili satu-satunya konspirasi pemalsuan terbesar yang belum ditemui di laman web mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Prosecutors claimed that many other people were involved, but proceedings have not been brought against them as they live abroad or there is insufficient information to identify them.", "r": {"result": "Pendakwa raya mendakwa bahawa ramai orang lain terlibat, tetapi prosiding belum dibawa ke atas mereka kerana mereka tinggal di luar negara atau maklumat tidak mencukupi untuk mengenal pasti mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The trial of Bellchambers' six co-defendants is expected to last three months.", "r": {"result": "Perbicaraan enam defendan bersama Bellchambers dijangka berlangsung selama tiga bulan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "All deny conspiracy.", "r": {"result": "Semua menafikan konspirasi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Editor's note: Since the FBI arrested a Brooklyn businessman in late July on federal charges of organ trafficking, CNN has been conducting a worldwide investigation into the sale of kidneys, using willing donors and willing recipients from China to Israel to the United States.", "r": {"result": "Nota editor: Sejak FBI menangkap seorang ahli perniagaan Brooklyn pada akhir Julai atas tuduhan persekutuan pemerdagangan organ, CNN telah menjalankan penyiasatan di seluruh dunia terhadap penjualan buah pinggang, menggunakan penderma yang rela dan penerima yang sanggup dari China ke Israel ke Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This installment examines two very different stories of Israelis involved in the trade.", "r": {"result": "Ansuran ini mengkaji dua kisah yang sangat berbeza tentang orang Israel yang terlibat dalam perdagangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yechezekel Nagauker in a Chinese hospital where he got a kidney transplant after paying $100,000.", "r": {"result": "Yechezekel Nagauker di hospital China di mana dia mendapat pemindahan buah pinggang selepas membayar $100,000.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "TEL AVIV, Israel (CNN) -- In a dank Tel Aviv hospital room, you can see at a glance just how desperate some Israelis are for a new kidney.", "r": {"result": "TEL AVIV, Israel (CNN) -- Di dalam bilik hospital Tel Aviv yang lembap, anda boleh melihat sekilas pandang betapa terdesaknya sesetengah warga Israel untuk buah pinggang baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In one bed, Ricki Shai's mother lies practically unresponsive.", "r": {"result": "Di satu katil, ibu Ricki Shai terbaring hampir tidak bertindak balas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Her diabetes is slowly killing her.", "r": {"result": "Diabetesnya perlahan-lahan membunuhnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has forced the amputation of both of her legs.", "r": {"result": "Ia telah memaksa kedua-dua belah kakinya dipotong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sitting in a bed beside her is Shai's father, Yechezekel Nagauker, also a diabetic.", "r": {"result": "Duduk di atas katil di sebelahnya ialah bapa Shai, Yechezekel Nagauker, juga penghidap diabetes.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But he decided, his daughter says, not to wait for a kidney donor.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia memutuskan, kata anak perempuannya, untuk tidak menunggu penderma buah pinggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"My father didn't want to be like my mother,\" Shai said.", "r": {"result": "\"Ayah saya tidak mahu menjadi seperti ibu saya,\" kata Shai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In April, Nagauker cut a deal with a kidney broker, who promised him a new life and a new kidney for $100,000. It was available only in China, the donor said.", "r": {"result": "Pada bulan April, Nagauker memutuskan perjanjian dengan broker buah pinggang, yang menjanjikannya kehidupan baru dan buah pinggang baru untuk $100,000. Ia hanya tersedia di China, kata penderma itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The broker went to him and suggested that he become a new man.", "r": {"result": "\u201cBroker itu pergi kepadanya dan mencadangkan supaya dia menjadi orang baharu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'Come with me.", "r": {"result": "'Ikut aku.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Two days, $100,000, and two days you will be a new man,' \" Shai said.", "r": {"result": "Dua hari, $100,000, dan dua hari awak akan menjadi lelaki baru,'\" kata Shai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Today, Shai calls the broker \"the killer\".", "r": {"result": "Hari ini, Shai memanggil broker itu sebagai \"pembunuh\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nagauker's body is rejecting the new kidney.", "r": {"result": "Badan Nagauker menolak buah pinggang baru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The family's story is one of several that have come to light in recent weeks as part of a worldwide CNN investigation into what appears to be a widespread black market in human organs, a network now being probed by authorities in Israel and the United States.", "r": {"result": "Kisah keluarga itu adalah salah satu daripada beberapa yang telah terbongkar dalam beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini sebagai sebahagian daripada penyiasatan CNN di seluruh dunia mengenai apa yang kelihatan seperti pasaran gelap yang meluas dalam organ manusia, rangkaian yang kini sedang disiasat oleh pihak berkuasa di Israel dan Amerika Syarikat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nagauker went to China, where his daughter said he was taken to a rural hospital and given the kidney of an 18-year-old Chinese girl.", "r": {"result": "Nagauker pergi ke China, di mana anak perempuannya berkata dia dibawa ke hospital luar bandar dan diberi buah pinggang seorang gadis Cina berusia 18 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shai captured images on her cell phone of her father in what she described as a filthy hospital.", "r": {"result": "Shai merakam imej ayahnya di telefon bimbitnya dalam apa yang disifatkannya sebagai hospital yang kotor.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The surgery went poorly, and the girl who donated the kidney died shortly after surgery, Shai said.", "r": {"result": "Pembedahan berjalan dengan teruk, dan gadis yang menderma buah pinggang meninggal dunia sejurus selepas pembedahan, kata Shai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"They gave her $5,000, and she died,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Mereka memberinya $5,000, dan dia meninggal dunia,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The broker has yet to face any sanctions.", "r": {"result": "Broker itu masih belum menghadapi sebarang sekatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Until just last year, the entire transaction was not only legal in Israel; some state-sponsored health insurance plans paid for transplants.", "r": {"result": "Sehingga tahun lepas, keseluruhan transaksi itu bukan sahaja sah di Israel; beberapa pelan insurans kesihatan tajaan kerajaan dibayar untuk pemindahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Before March 2008, Israeli law allowed citizens to go abroad for live organ transplants from non-related donors.", "r": {"result": "Sebelum Mac 2008, undang-undang Israel membenarkan rakyat pergi ke luar negara untuk pemindahan organ secara langsung daripada penderma yang tidak berkaitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israeli investigators are looking intensively at illegal organ trafficking under the new law, the country's Health Ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Penyiasat Israel sedang mengkaji secara intensif penyeludupan organ haram di bawah undang-undang baharu itu, kata Kementerian Kesihatan negara itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nancy Scheper-Hughes, who studies the organ trade, says Israel has become ground zero for both legal and illegal transactions.", "r": {"result": "Nancy Scheper-Hughes, yang mengkaji perdagangan organ, berkata Israel telah menjadi sifar asas untuk transaksi undang-undang dan haram.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For years, she said, the very first treatment for anyone with kidney disease in Israel has been to find a new kidney rather than linger on official lists waiting for one.", "r": {"result": "Selama bertahun-tahun, katanya, rawatan pertama bagi sesiapa yang menghidap penyakit buah pinggang di Israel ialah mencari buah pinggang baharu dan bukannya berlama-lama dalam senarai rasmi menunggu satu buah pinggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"There's a belief, of course, that not only is transplant better than dialysis, but you want a living donor, because it's better than a kidney that was on ice or that was under a truck,\" said Scheper-Hughes, an anthropologist at the University of California at Berkeley and founder of the newsletter Organs Watch.", "r": {"result": "\"Terdapat kepercayaan, sudah tentu, bukan sahaja pemindahan lebih baik daripada dialisis, tetapi anda mahukan penderma hidup, kerana ia lebih baik daripada buah pinggang yang berada di atas ais atau yang berada di bawah trak,\" kata Scheper-Hughes, ahli antropologi di Universiti California di Berkeley dan pengasas surat berita Organs Watch.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Michael,\" a broker who insists that he operates legally but still wanted to keep his name and face a secret, said Israelis do not like to weaken their own.", "r": {"result": "\"Michael,\" seorang broker yang menegaskan bahawa dia beroperasi secara sah tetapi masih mahu merahsiakan namanya dan menghadapi rahsia, berkata rakyat Israel tidak suka melemahkan mereka sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His mother, he said, needed a kidney and happily agreed to buy one in China rather than receiving a transplant from her own son.", "r": {"result": "Ibunya, katanya, memerlukan buah pinggang dan dengan senang hati bersetuju untuk membelinya di China daripada menerima pemindahan daripada anaknya sendiri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Watch \"Michael\" on how he brokers kidney transplants >>.", "r": {"result": "Tonton \"Michael\" tentang cara dia mengendalikan pemindahan buah pinggang >>.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The broker said he has arranged nearly 220 transplants.", "r": {"result": "Broker itu berkata dia telah mengatur hampir 220 pemindahan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It has been relatively uncomplicated, he said.", "r": {"result": "Ia agak tidak rumit, katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Israel's 2008 law banning the strict brokering of kidneys for cash has made things trickier, Michael says.", "r": {"result": "Undang-undang Israel 2008 yang mengharamkan pembrokeran ketat buah pinggang untuk wang telah menjadikan perkara lebih rumit, kata Michael.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But if a patient arrives at his door with a donor claiming to be a relative, he can easily send them overseas with no questions asked.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi jika pesakit tiba di pintunya dengan penderma yang mendakwa sebagai saudara, dia boleh menghantar mereka ke luar negara dengan mudah tanpa sebarang soalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But are they really relatives?", "r": {"result": "Tetapi adakah mereka benar-benar saudara?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't know,\" the broker said.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak tahu,\" kata broker itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I don't care.", "r": {"result": "\u201cSaya tak kisah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I don't deal with that\".", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak berurusan dengan itu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "For her part, Shai says her family is \"breaking\".", "r": {"result": "Bagi pihaknya, Shai berkata keluarganya \"berpecah\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But she has no doubt that the organ broker her family used is still in business.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi dia tidak ragu-ragu bahawa broker organ yang digunakan keluarganya masih dalam perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are paying the price,\" she said.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami membayar harganya,\" katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Severe thunderstorms ripped through central Oklahoma Monday triggering vicious flash floods that left 136 people injured, roads and cars submerged, and thousands without power, authorities said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Ribut petir teruk melanda bahagian tengah Oklahoma Isnin lalu mencetuskan banjir kilat yang mengakibatkan 136 orang cedera, jalan raya dan kereta ditenggelami air, dan ribuan orang terputus bekalan elektrik, kata pihak berkuasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "None of those injured required hospitalization, according to Michelann Ooten, information officer for the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management.", "r": {"result": "Tiada seorang pun daripada mereka yang cedera memerlukan kemasukan ke hospital, menurut Michelann Ooten, pegawai maklumat untuk Jabatan Pengurusan Kecemasan Oklahoma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meanwhile, thunderstorms continued to roll across the southwestern and south-central part of the state Monday evening, sparing Oklahoma City more rain that would have likely worsened the flooding there.", "r": {"result": "Sementara itu, ribut petir terus melanda bahagian barat daya dan selatan-tengah negeri pada petang Isnin, menyelamatkan Oklahoma City lebih banyak hujan yang berkemungkinan memburukkan lagi banjir di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A state of emergency has been declared in 59 of Oklahoma's 77 counties, at the request of Gov.", "r": {"result": "Keadaan darurat telah diisytiharkan di 59 daripada 77 daerah di Oklahoma, atas permintaan Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Brad Henry, who is out of town.", "r": {"result": "Brad Henry, yang berada di luar bandar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Lt. Gov.", "r": {"result": "Lt. Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jari Askins, who approved the emergency paperwork, commended the state's emergency crews, saying, \"Once again, our heroic responders have demonstrated the Oklahoma Standard\".", "r": {"result": "Jari Askins, yang meluluskan kertas kerja kecemasan, memuji krew kecemasan negeri itu, dengan berkata, \"Sekali lagi, responden heroik kami telah menunjukkan Piawaian Oklahoma\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Weather Service said that almost 10 inches of rain fell between 2 a.m. and 11 a.m. Monday.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan berkata bahawa hampir 10 inci hujan turun antara 2 pagi dan 11 pagi Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A flash-flood watch was extended across central Oklahoma through 7 a.m. CT (8 a.m. ET) Tuesday.", "r": {"result": "Pemerhatian banjir kilat telah dilanjutkan merentasi pusat Oklahoma hingga 7 pagi CT (8 pagi ET) Selasa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN meteorologist Jacqui Jeras said the damage Monday morning was caused by \"backbuilding thunderstorms,\" a series of heavy rain cores without intermittent periods of let-up.", "r": {"result": "Pakar meteorologi CNN, Jacqui Jeras berkata, kerosakan pagi Isnin disebabkan oleh \"ribut petir yang membina kembali,\" satu siri teras hujan lebat tanpa tempoh berhenti seketika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The American Red Cross opened a center for any victims displaced by the storm at an elementary school in nearby Edmond, according the Ooten.", "r": {"result": "Palang Merah Amerika membuka pusat untuk mana-mana mangsa yang dipindahkan akibat ribut di sebuah sekolah rendah di Edmond berdekatan, menurut Ooten.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Oklahoma Gas & Electric's website, close to 1,500 customers were still without power by 8 p.m. Monday, including 1,300 in the Oklahoma City metro area.", "r": {"result": "Menurut laman web Oklahoma Gas & Electric, hampir 1,500 pelanggan masih terputus bekalan elektrik menjelang 8 malam. Isnin, termasuk 1,300 di kawasan metro Oklahoma City.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a \"bad situation throughout the entire county,\" said Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office spokesman Mark Myers.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah \"keadaan buruk di seluruh daerah,\" kata jurucakap Pejabat Sheriff Oklahoma, Mark Myers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some washed-out Oklahoma City metro highways and ramps remained closed Monday night, including parts of Interstate 40, according to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa lebuh raya dan tanjakan metro Oklahoma City yang telah dibersihkan masih ditutup pada malam Isnin, termasuk bahagian Interstate 40, menurut Jabatan Pengangkutan Oklahoma.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Department officials urged drivers to be alert and warned them to avoid driving through water-covered roads.", "r": {"result": "Pegawai jabatan menggesa pemandu supaya berwaspada dan memberi amaran supaya mengelak memandu melalui jalan yang dilitupi air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Oklahoma Highway Patrol reported getting about 180 calls related to the flash flooding.", "r": {"result": "Peronda Lebuhraya Oklahoma melaporkan mendapat kira-kira 180 panggilan berkaitan banjir kilat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Troopers worked nearly 30 crashes, with a total of six injuries.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan tentera melakukan hampir 30 kemalangan, dengan sejumlah enam kecederaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Ooten, several state buildings in the metro area were damaged in the deluge.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Ooten, beberapa bangunan negeri di kawasan metro rosak akibat banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Those affected agencies either closed or reduced their services because of the flooding.", "r": {"result": "Agensi yang terjejas sama ada menutup atau mengurangkan perkhidmatan mereka kerana banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Standing flood waters also can be dangerous, the Oklahoma State Department of Health warned.", "r": {"result": "Air banjir berdiri juga boleh berbahaya, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Oklahoma memberi amaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They urged residents to avoid the water as it can contain snakes, insects, sharp objects, oil, gasoline, and in some case raw sewage.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menggesa penduduk untuk mengelakkan air kerana ia boleh mengandungi ular, serangga, objek tajam, minyak, petrol, dan dalam beberapa kes kumbahan mentah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Glynda Chu, a police spokeswoman in nearby Edmond, said it was the worst flooding that city has seen in 25 years.", "r": {"result": "Glynda Chu, jurucakap polis di Edmond berhampiran, berkata ia adalah banjir terburuk yang pernah berlaku di bandar itu dalam tempoh 25 tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN iReporter Jennifer Oliver, who lives in Edmond, says there's normally a little creek with a 20-foot waterfall behind her house, but by late morning, she couldn't even make it out.", "r": {"result": "CNN iReporter Jennifer Oliver, yang tinggal di Edmond, berkata biasanya terdapat anak sungai kecil dengan air terjun 20 kaki di belakang rumahnya, tetapi menjelang lewat pagi, dia tidak dapat keluar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Never seen anything quite like that,\" Oliver said.", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak pernah melihat apa-apa seperti itu,\" kata Oliver.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "KOCO broadcast pictures of a car submerged almost to its windows.", "r": {"result": "KOCO menyiarkan gambar kereta yang tenggelam hampir ke tingkapnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Dive teams navigated the raging waters to get to the scene and then rescued the car's occupants by boat.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan penyelam mengharungi perairan yang bergelora untuk sampai ke tempat kejadian dan kemudian menyelamatkan penumpang kereta itu dengan bot.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN affiliate KFOR showed another water rescue, with crews ferrying people to safety.", "r": {"result": "Gabungan CNN KFOR menunjukkan satu lagi penyelamatan air, dengan kru mengangkut orang ke tempat yang selamat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a dangerous situation for rescue crews as well.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah situasi yang berbahaya untuk kru penyelamat juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN affiliate KWTV showed gripping video of a woman trapped in a tree, struggling through the rushing water in search of stronger branches to hold.", "r": {"result": "Ahli gabungan CNN KWTV menunjukkan video mencengkam seorang wanita yang terperangkap di dalam pokok, bergelut melalui air yang deras untuk mencari dahan yang lebih kuat untuk dipegang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oklahoma City Fire Battalion Chief Kirk Wright said the first rescue boat sent her way got stuck, stranding the three would-be rescuers.", "r": {"result": "Ketua Batalion Bomba Oklahoma City, Kirk Wright berkata, bot penyelamat pertama yang dihantarnya tersangkut, menyebabkan tiga bakal penyelamat terkandas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another team set off for the scene and returned safely with all four people.", "r": {"result": "Pasukan lain bertolak ke tempat kejadian dan kembali dengan selamat bersama empat orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Oklahoma City Fire Department Deputy Chief Marc Woodard estimated that there were 20 to 30 rescues of people stranded in cars, homes or businesses Monday morning.", "r": {"result": "Timbalan Ketua Jabatan Bomba Oklahoma City Marc Woodard menganggarkan terdapat 20 hingga 30 orang yang diselamatkan yang terkandas di dalam kereta, rumah atau perniagaan pagi Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN iReporter Sarah Burris, who lives on the northwest side of Oklahoma City, said leaving her neighborhood wasn't even an option, with every way out under water.", "r": {"result": "CNN iReporter Sarah Burris, yang tinggal di sebelah barat laut Oklahoma City, berkata meninggalkan kawasan kejiranannya bukanlah satu pilihan, dengan setiap jalan keluar di bawah air.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Burris said backlogged drains were regurgitating water into the streets.", "r": {"result": "Burris berkata longkang yang tertunggak telah memuntahkan air ke jalan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The National Weather Service was issuing flood warnings across the breadbasket region Monday.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Cuaca Kebangsaan mengeluarkan amaran banjir di seluruh wilayah bakul roti pada hari Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Most of Nebraska and southeastern Kansas were under advisories Monday afternoon.", "r": {"result": "Kebanyakan Nebraska dan tenggara Kansas berada di bawah nasihat pada petang Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Weather Service said 3 inches of rain had fallen in both Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Kansas City, Missouri, which experienced flash floods Monday morning.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Cuaca berkata 3 inci hujan telah turun di kedua-dua Tulsa, Oklahoma dan Kansas City, Missouri, yang mengalami banjir kilat pagi Isnin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But Morris said the Kansas City overflow had affected only low-lying areas and didn't look like a threat to homes or businesses.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi Morris berkata limpahan Kansas City hanya menjejaskan kawasan rendah dan tidak kelihatan seperti ancaman kepada rumah atau perniagaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- A Maoist group has claimed responsibility for the killing of a Hindu leader, whose death sparked a wave of Hindu-Christian riots in southern India.", "r": {"result": "NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Sebuah kumpulan Maois mengaku bertanggungjawab atas pembunuhan seorang pemimpin Hindu, yang kematiannya mencetuskan gelombang rusuhan Hindu-Kristian di selatan India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indian nuns protest against the recent violence which has seen Christians attacked.", "r": {"result": "Biarawati India membantah keganasan baru-baru ini yang menyaksikan orang Kristian diserang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sabyasachi Panda, the head of the Communist Party of India-Maoist, told reporters of two private television stations that his group was behind the Hindu leader's death, the country's national news agency said Sunday.", "r": {"result": "Sabyasachi Panda, ketua Parti Komunis India-Maoist, memberitahu wartawan dua stesen televisyen swasta bahawa kumpulannya berada di belakang kematian pemimpin Hindu itu, kata agensi berita nasional negara itu Ahad.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The leader, Laxmananda Saraswati, preached the tenets of Hinduism to the tribal people of the state.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpinnya, Laxmananda Saraswati, menyampaikan ajaran agama Hindu kepada masyarakat puak di negeri itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And Panda said Maoists had earlier warned him to desist from \"such works\" or face consequences, PTI said.", "r": {"result": "Dan Panda berkata Maois sebelum ini memberi amaran kepadanya untuk berhenti daripada \"kerja-kerja sedemikian\" atau menghadapi akibat, kata PTI.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Panda said the Maoists killed Saraswati because he was \"spreading social unrest\" in the tribal area, the news agency said.", "r": {"result": "Panda berkata, Maois membunuh Saraswati kerana dia \"menyebarkan kekacauan sosial\" di kawasan suku itu, kata agensi berita itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Indian government has consistently claimed the shooting death may have been the work of Maoist rebels.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan India secara konsisten mendakwa tembakan maut itu mungkin kerja pemberontak Maois.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But hardline Hindu groups blamed the state's Christian minority for Saraswati's death.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi kumpulan Hindu garis keras menyalahkan minoriti Kristian di negeri itu atas kematian Saraswati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He and four others were killed in August when 20 to 30 gunmen barged into a Hindu school and began shooting.", "r": {"result": "Dia dan empat yang lain terbunuh pada Ogos apabila 20 hingga 30 lelaki bersenjata menyerbu masuk ke sebuah sekolah Hindu dan mula menembak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Afterward, police arrested five Christians as suspects in the case.", "r": {"result": "Selepas itu, polis menahan lima orang Kristian sebagai suspek dalam kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hardliners held up the arrests as proof of Christian complicity.", "r": {"result": "Golongan garis keras menahan penangkapan sebagai bukti keterlibatan Kristian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They took to the streets in anger, rampaging through predominantly Christian neighborhoods, ransacking shops and torching houses.", "r": {"result": "Mereka turun ke jalan dalam keadaan marah, mengamuk melalui kawasan kejiranan yang kebanyakannya Kristian, menggeledah kedai dan membakar rumah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A Christian orphanage was set on fire.", "r": {"result": "Sebuah rumah anak yatim Kristian telah dibakar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 20-year-old woman, who was teaching children inside, burned to death.", "r": {"result": "Seorang wanita berusia 20 tahun, yang mengajar kanak-kanak di dalam, terbakar sehingga mati.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Christian resident fought back, and the clashes spread.", "r": {"result": "Penduduk Kristian melawan, dan pertempuran merebak.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The communal violence left churches and temples razed to the ground.", "r": {"result": "Keganasan komunal menyebabkan gereja dan kuil dihancurkan ke tanah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "More than 20 people died, and hundreds were arrested.", "r": {"result": "Lebih daripada 20 orang mati, dan ratusan telah ditangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even after the Maoists' claim of responsibility, some fundamentalist Hindu groups blamed Christians for the death.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun selepas tuntutan Maois bertanggungjawab, beberapa kumpulan Hindu fundamentalis menyalahkan orang Kristian atas kematian itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The hardline Vishwa Hindu Parishad, or World Hindu Council rejected the claim saying the communist group -- known as 'Naxals' -- did not have a religious agenda.", "r": {"result": "Vishwa Hindu Parishad, atau World Hindu Council menolak dakwaan mengatakan kumpulan komunis itu -- dikenali sebagai 'Naxals' -- tidak mempunyai agenda keagamaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Have the Maoists started fighting in the name of God now\"?", "r": {"result": "\"Adakah Maois mula berperang atas nama Tuhan sekarang\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "VHP leader Subansh Chauhan was quoted as saying by CNN-IBN, CNN's sister network.", "r": {"result": "Pemimpin VHP, Subansh Chauhan dipetik sebagai berkata oleh CNN-IBN, rangkaian saudara CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The rebels, who claim to be fighting for the poor and the dispossessed, have been battling the government in an insurgency that has resulted in thousands of casualties since the late 1960s.", "r": {"result": "Pemberontak, yang mendakwa berjuang untuk orang miskin dan orang yang dirampas, telah memerangi kerajaan dalam pemberontakan yang telah mengakibatkan beribu-ribu korban sejak akhir 1960-an.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has called Naxalism India's biggest security threat.", "r": {"result": "Perdana Menteri India Manmohan Singh telah menggelar Naxalism sebagai ancaman keselamatan terbesar India.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Last year, more than 800 people were killed in Naxal-related violence across the country, according to local media reports.", "r": {"result": "Tahun lalu, lebih 800 orang terbunuh dalam keganasan berkaitan Naxal di seluruh negara, menurut laporan media tempatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Bharati Naik contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Bharati Naik dari CNN menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- In early 2000, shortly after Al Gore beat Bill Bradley by a too-close-for-comfort four points in the state's first-in-the-nation primaries, Ray Buckley, then a New Hampshire state legislator, swung through Washington to have breakfast with a friend in the Clinton administration.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Pada awal tahun 2000, sejurus selepas Al Gore menewaskan Bill Bradley dengan terlalu hampir untuk keselesaan empat mata dalam pemilihan utama negeri yang pertama di negara itu, Ray Buckley, ketika itu seorang penggubal undang-undang negeri New Hampshire, berayun melalui Washington untuk bersarapan dengan seorang rakan dalam pentadbiran Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As he sat in the White House mess eating pancakes, Buckley was shocked when an aide brought him a note that said President Bill Clinton wanted to see him in the Oval Office.", "r": {"result": "Semasa dia duduk di dalam keadaan kucar-kacir di Rumah Putih sambil makan penkek, Buckley terkejut apabila seorang pembantu membawanya nota yang mengatakan Presiden Bill Clinton mahu berjumpa dengannya di Pejabat Oval.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He didn't know Clinton was even aware he was visiting.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak tahu Clinton pun sedar dia sedang melawat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He started grilling me on what towns Gore did well in and didn't do well in.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia mula menyinggung saya tentang bandar yang Gore lakukan dengan baik dan tidak melakukannya dengan baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He didn't have a paper in front of him, he just knew.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak mempunyai kertas di hadapannya, dia hanya tahu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He was asking me 'Why didn't Al do better in Amherst?", "r": {"result": "Dia bertanya kepada saya 'Mengapa Al tidak melakukan yang lebih baik di Amherst?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "' His understanding of the political landscape of New Hampshire is just amazing,\" Buckley, now the chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, told CNN.", "r": {"result": "' Pemahaman beliau tentang landskap politik New Hampshire sangat menakjubkan,\" Buckley, kini pengerusi Parti Demokratik New Hampshire, memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton is taking that enthusiasm for the Granite State, generated in no small part by the dramatic successes he and his wife have historically secured here, to the state party's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Manchester on Thursday, raising money and encouraging voters in his party to get to the polls on election day.", "r": {"result": "Clinton mengambil keghairahan itu untuk Negeri Granit, yang dijana bukan sebahagian kecil daripada kejayaan dramatik yang beliau dan isterinya perolehi di sini, ke Majlis Makan Malam Jefferson-Jackson parti negeri di Manchester pada hari Khamis, mengumpul wang dan menggalakkan pengundi dalam partinya untuk pergi mengundi pada hari pilihan raya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Incumbent Gov.", "r": {"result": "Penyandang Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Maggie Hassan has the most comfortable lead in the polls among Democrats running for federal office in New Hampshire.", "r": {"result": "Maggie Hassan mempunyai pendahuluan paling selesa dalam pemilihan di kalangan Demokrat yang bertanding untuk jawatan persekutuan di New Hampshire.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reps.", "r": {"result": "Wakil", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Carol Shea-Porter and Ann Kuster are in more competitive races as they try to hang onto their House seats.", "r": {"result": "Carol Shea-Porter dan Ann Kuster berada dalam perlumbaan yang lebih kompetitif ketika mereka cuba untuk bertahan di kerusi Dewan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it's Sen.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia adalah Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jeanne Shaheen who is getting the most attention.", "r": {"result": "Jeanne Shaheen yang paling mendapat perhatian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The longtime Clinton ally is running statistically even with Republican Scott Brown, the former senator from Massachusetts, in a race that could determine the balance of power in the senate.", "r": {"result": "Sekutu lama Clinton itu berjalan secara statistik walaupun dengan Republikan Scott Brown, bekas senator dari Massachusetts, dalam perlumbaan yang boleh menentukan keseimbangan kuasa di senat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Bill Clinton is probably the best person for Shaheen,\" says Neil Levesque, the executive director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics and Political Library at Saint Anselm College.", "r": {"result": "\"Bill Clinton mungkin orang yang terbaik untuk Shaheen,\" kata Neil Levesque, pengarah eksekutif Institut Politik dan Perpustakaan Politik New Hampshire di Kolej Saint Anselm.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"He's custom made for a state like New Hampshire that really appreciates someone who can get into the issues\".", "r": {"result": "\"Dia dibuat khas untuk negeri seperti New Hampshire yang sangat menghargai seseorang yang boleh masuk ke dalam isu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton's visit comes one day after Mitt Romney campaigned alongside Brown and with Democratic activists here growing more and more anxious (the state legislature's return to Republican control looks like a foregone conclusion already) it's just in time.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan Clinton datang sehari selepas Mitt Romney berkempen bersama Brown dan dengan aktivis Demokrat di sini semakin cemas (kepulangan badan perundangan negeri ke kawalan Republikan kelihatan seperti kesimpulan yang telah diketepikan) ia tepat pada masanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The concern is if there's anxiety bordering on depression about the bad news not just in New Hampshire but nationally that might stop an activist from working as hard as they might to get out the vote,\" says Dante Scala, professor of Political Science at the University of New Hampshire.", "r": {"result": "\"Kebimbangan adalah jika terdapat kebimbangan yang bersempadan dengan kemurungan mengenai berita buruk bukan sahaja di New Hampshire tetapi di peringkat nasional yang mungkin menghalang seorang aktivis daripada bekerja sekeras mungkin untuk keluar mengundi,\" kata Dante Scala, profesor Sains Politik di Universiti New Hampshire.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Clinton's visit appears to be buoying many Democrats already.", "r": {"result": "Lawatan Clinton nampaknya telah menggalakkan ramai Demokrat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With news of his headlining appearance, 1,200 people have purchased tickets to the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, the biggest crowd since the state party revived it as a fall fundraising event in 1991. Normally 400-450 Democrats attend.", "r": {"result": "Dengan berita mengenai penampilannya sebagai tajuk utama, 1,200 orang telah membeli tiket ke Majlis Makan Malam Jefferson-Jackson, kumpulan terbesar sejak parti negeri menghidupkannya semula sebagai acara mengumpul dana musim gugur pada tahun 1991. Biasanya 400-450 Demokrat hadir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, some attendees will be watching Clinton from an overflow room and the normally seated dinner has been scrapped for an earlier buffet-style meal followed by Clinton's speech to a crowd in a theater-style seating arrangement.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, beberapa peserta akan menonton Clinton dari bilik limpahan dan makan malam yang biasa diduduki telah dibatalkan untuk hidangan ala bufet yang lebih awal diikuti dengan ucapan Clinton kepada orang ramai dalam susunan tempat duduk ala teater.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "New Hampshire has always been friendly to the Clintons and they're not going to neglect the state as Hillary Clinton eyes another presidential run.", "r": {"result": "New Hampshire sentiasa mesra dengan Clintons dan mereka tidak akan mengabaikan negeri itu kerana Hillary Clinton mengintai satu lagi pencalonan presiden.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 1992, just a few days after a tabloid broke a story about Bill Clinton's affair with an Arkansas state employee named Gennifer Flowers, a surprise second place finish in the New Hampshire primary kept Clinton's presidential prospects alive.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 1992, hanya beberapa hari selepas tabloid menyiarkan cerita tentang hubungan sulit Bill Clinton dengan seorang pekerja negeri Arkansas bernama Gennifer Flowers, penamat tempat kedua yang mengejut dalam pemilihan utama New Hampshire mengekalkan prospek presiden Clinton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He famously declared that January evening, \"New Hampshire has made Bill Clinton the comeback kid,\" and went on to win the state in the general election as well.", "r": {"result": "Dia terkenal dengan pengisytiharan pada petang Januari itu, \"New Hampshire telah menjadikan Bill Clinton sebagai anak comeback,\" dan seterusnya memenangi negeri itu dalam pilihan raya umum juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In 2008, when Hillary Clinton trailed Barack Obama by double digits in the lead up to the New Hampshire primary, she teared up at a Portsmouth coffee shop as she told a voter who asked how she was faring on the trail, \"I just don't want to see us fall backwards.", "r": {"result": "Pada tahun 2008, apabila Hillary Clinton mengekori Barack Obama dengan dua digit dalam mendahului ke sekolah rendah New Hampshire, dia menangis di kedai kopi Portsmouth ketika dia memberitahu pengundi yang bertanya bagaimana dia berada di laluan itu, \"Saya hanya tidak tidak mahu melihat kita jatuh ke belakang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This is very personal for me.", "r": {"result": "Ini sangat peribadi untuk saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not just political\".", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan hanya politik\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The next day, she answered Obama's crushing Iowa caucus win with a three point victory in New Hampshire, telling her supporters at her victory rally, \"Now let's give America the kind of comeback New Hampshire has just given me\".", "r": {"result": "Keesokan harinya, dia menjawab kemenangan kaukus Iowa yang menghancurkan Obama dengan kemenangan tiga mata di New Hampshire, memberitahu penyokongnya pada perhimpunan kemenangannya, \"Sekarang mari kita berikan Amerika jenis kemunculan semula yang baru sahaja diberikan oleh New Hampshire kepada saya\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hillary Clinton will campaign here the weekend before the election, hoping to make a last minute move for Sen.", "r": {"result": "Hillary Clinton akan berkempen di sini hujung minggu sebelum pilihan raya, dengan harapan dapat membuat langkah terakhir untuk Sen.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Shaheen and Gov.", "r": {"result": "Shaheen dan Gov.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Hassan.", "r": {"result": "Hassan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By then, most voters will have made up their minds.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, kebanyakan pengundi akan membuat keputusan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But strategists say Clinton can make an effective play for undecided female voters, especially with incumbent Democratic women up and down the ballot.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pakar strategi berkata Clinton boleh membuat permainan yang berkesan untuk pengundi wanita yang belum membuat keputusan, terutamanya dengan penyandang wanita Demokrat naik turun undi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"She could win this race for Shaheen,\" says Levesque.", "r": {"result": "\"Dia boleh memenangi perlumbaan ini untuk Shaheen,\" kata Levesque.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And if she does, the Clintons are betting New Hampshire will remember that in 2016.", "r": {"result": "Dan jika dia melakukannya, Clintons bertaruh New Hampshire akan mengingatinya pada 2016.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- Quint Davis drives around the fairgrounds in his golf cart.", "r": {"result": "NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- Quint Davis memandu di sekitar tapak pameran dengan kereta golfnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The producer/director checks every nook and cranny the way a field commander checks his troops.", "r": {"result": "Penerbit/pengarah memeriksa setiap sudut dan celah cara seorang komander medan memeriksa pasukannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quint Davis is the producer and director of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.", "r": {"result": "Quint Davis ialah penerbit dan pengarah New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Davis has been doing this 40 years; he was one of the co-founders of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.", "r": {"result": "Davis telah melakukan ini selama 40 tahun; beliau adalah salah seorang pengasas bersama New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you were there the first year of the festival, count yourself among the elite; there were just a few hundred people.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda berada di sana pada tahun pertama perayaan, kira diri anda dalam kalangan elit; terdapat hanya beberapa ratus orang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year, organizers expect 400,000 over the two weekends.", "r": {"result": "Tahun ini, penganjur menjangkakan 400,000 dalam dua hujung minggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the sour economy, Jazz Fest remains one of the areas economic mainstays, Davis said.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun ekonomi masam, Jazz Fest kekal sebagai salah satu tumpuan ekonomi kawasan, kata Davis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN talked with Davis about the festival's early years and its local artists.", "r": {"result": "CNN bercakap dengan Davis tentang tahun-tahun awal festival itu dan artis tempatannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The following is an edited version of that interview:", "r": {"result": "Berikut ialah versi temu bual yang telah diedit:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Tell me about the whole evolution of this, 40 years now.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Beritahu saya tentang keseluruhan evolusi ini, 40 tahun sekarang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What it started out as, how big it was to the community back then, because now it's synonymous with New Orleans.", "r": {"result": "Apa yang ia bermula sebagai, betapa besarnya ia kepada komuniti ketika itu, kerana kini ia sinonim dengan New Orleans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Quint Davis: We really set out to be an indigenous self-celebration [of] the culture -- like the world's greatest backyard barbeque... to celebrate the tradition of New Orleans.", "r": {"result": "Quint Davis: Kami benar-benar ingin menjadi orang asli yang meraikan budaya itu -- seperti barbeku belakang rumah yang paling hebat di dunia... untuk meraikan tradisi New Orleans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now, after 40 of these festivals, we really have become one of those traditions.", "r": {"result": "Dan kini, selepas 40 perayaan ini, kami benar-benar telah menjadi salah satu daripada tradisi tersebut.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We have three generations of festival-goers and now three generations of musicians and cooks whose grandkids are coming out here and playing music.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai tiga generasi pengunjung festival dan kini tiga generasi pemuzik dan tukang masak yang cucunya datang ke sini dan bermain muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: In the early years, what was it like?", "r": {"result": "CNN: Pada tahun-tahun awal, bagaimana keadaannya?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Davis: Well, we started the festival in a place called Congo Square, which is very ironically historical because that was the birth of African music in the North American continent and really the birth of the beat that became everything else we know in American music.", "r": {"result": "Davis: Baiklah, kami memulakan perayaan di tempat yang dipanggil Dataran Congo, yang sangat ironisnya bersejarah kerana itu adalah kelahiran muzik Afrika di benua Amerika Utara dan benar-benar kelahiran rentak yang menjadi segala-galanya yang kita ketahui dalam muzik Amerika.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was very small; it was the same sort of guts and bones.", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah sangat kecil; ia adalah jenis keberanian dan tulang yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We had a Cajun-Zydeco stage; we had a little bitty tent with gospel singers in it.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai peringkat Cajun-Zydeco; kami mempunyai khemah kecil dengan penyanyi Injil di dalamnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Right on the grass, there wasn't even a stage for that one.", "r": {"result": "Di atas rumput, tiada pentas pun untuk yang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Same concept, marching brass bands, Mardi Gras Indians, a little culture fest that was stuck onto a concert hall.", "r": {"result": "Konsep yang sama, pancaragam brass berarak, Mardi Gras Indians, pesta budaya kecil yang dilekatkan pada dewan konsert.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We had Mahalia Jackson; we had Duke Ellington; we had big names.", "r": {"result": "Kami mempunyai Mahalia Jackson; kami mempunyai Duke Ellington; kami mempunyai nama besar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We were there for two years, and then we moved out here to the fairgrounds.", "r": {"result": "Kami berada di sana selama dua tahun, dan kemudian kami berpindah ke sini ke tapak pesta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: And that was a great time in music, 40 years ago.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Dan itu adalah masa yang hebat dalam muzik, 40 tahun yang lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Davis: An interesting thing about the evolution of this festival, being that it's 88 percent New Orleans music.", "r": {"result": "Davis: Satu perkara yang menarik tentang evolusi festival ini, kerana ia adalah 88 peratus muzik New Orleans.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Back in those days, the great musical thing about this festival was discovery.", "r": {"result": "Pada masa itu, perkara muzik yang hebat tentang perayaan ini ialah penemuan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You know, you say, \"Oh, I'll come down.", "r": {"result": "Anda tahu, anda berkata, \"Oh, saya akan turun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I heard all these great bands.", "r": {"result": "Saya mendengar semua kumpulan hebat ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I've never heard of any of them.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pernah mendengar mana-mana daripada mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I'll walk from stage to stage\".", "r": {"result": "Saya akan berjalan dari pentas ke pentas\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now 40 years later, New Orleans music is at the forefront.", "r": {"result": "Kini 40 tahun kemudian, muzik New Orleans berada di barisan hadapan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Our blues musicians, jazz musicians, Cajun-Zydeco -- even they play at festivals all around the world.", "r": {"result": "Pemuzik blues kami, pemuzik jazz, Cajun-Zydeco -- malah mereka bermain di festival di seluruh dunia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN: Many artists and fans have described Jazz Fest as a spiritual experience.", "r": {"result": "CNN: Ramai artis dan peminat telah menyifatkan Jazz Fest sebagai pengalaman rohani.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Is that how you view it when organizing every year?", "r": {"result": "Adakah itu pandangan anda apabila menganjurkan setiap tahun?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Davis: This festival always has been this sort of battery to recharge yourself, your spirit and your heart and soul.", "r": {"result": "Davis: Perayaan ini sentiasa menjadi bateri seperti ini untuk mengisi semula diri anda, semangat anda dan hati dan jiwa anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "We saw the spirit that was out here after 9/11 [and] Katrina -- four years ago, our entire city was destroyed by a flood.", "r": {"result": "Kami melihat semangat yang ada di sini selepas 9/11 [dan] Katrina -- empat tahun lalu, seluruh bandar kami musnah akibat banjir.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And now more than ever, our festival did what it does, and it showed people the healing power of music.", "r": {"result": "Dan kini lebih daripada sebelumnya, festival kami melakukan apa yang dilakukannya, dan ia menunjukkan kepada orang ramai kuasa penyembuhan muzik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And people came here in a way that was some sum that was greater than the parts, because people here really live on what music does to you.", "r": {"result": "Dan orang datang ke sini dengan cara yang jumlahnya lebih besar daripada bahagian, kerana orang di sini benar-benar menikmati apa yang muzik lakukan kepada anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Music is not as much entertainment here as it a medium to make you feel good.", "r": {"result": "Muzik bukanlah hiburan di sini kerana ia adalah medium untuk membuat anda berasa baik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN)Just as mimeograph machines and photocopiers were in their day, online activity -- blogs, YouTube channels, even social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter -- have fully emerged as the alternative to traditional mainstream media.", "r": {"result": "(CNN)Sama seperti mesin mimeograf dan mesin fotostat pada zaman mereka, aktiviti dalam talian -- blog, saluran YouTube, malah platform media sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter -- telah muncul sepenuhnya sebagai alternatif kepada media arus perdana tradisional.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not just the low cost of posting online that attracts dissidence, though that in itself is liberating.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan hanya kos rendah penyiaran dalam talian yang menarik percanggahan, walaupun itu sendiri membebaskan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is the lack of access to traditional print and broadcast media in authoritarian countries that is really the driving force leading disaffected voices to post online.", "r": {"result": "Kekurangan akses kepada media cetak dan penyiaran tradisional di negara-negara autoritarian itulah yang menjadi daya penggerak yang mengetuai suara-suara yang tidak terjejas untuk menyiarkan dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is not unique to Asia, but it might seem more pronounced if you live there.", "r": {"result": "Ia bukan unik untuk Asia, tetapi ia mungkin kelihatan lebih ketara jika anda tinggal di sana.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Going online has become the path of least resistance if you want to make yourself heard.", "r": {"result": "Melangkah dalam talian telah menjadi jalan yang paling tidak mendapat tentangan jika anda ingin membuat diri anda didengari.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it still brings resistance, some of it legal, some of it deadly.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi ia masih membawa tentangan, ada yang sah, ada yang mematikan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Let's look at the legal angle first.", "r": {"result": "Mari kita lihat sudut undang-undang dahulu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Amos Yee, the teenage video blogger who was arrested and held pending bail Sunday in Singapore, drew international attention for his anti-Lee Kuan Yew harangue.", "r": {"result": "Amos Yee, blogger video remaja yang ditangkap dan ditahan sementara menunggu jaminan Ahad di Singapura, menarik perhatian antarabangsa kerana anti-Lee Kuan Yew haranguenya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But jailing critics is not usually the government's first choice in Singapore.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi pemenjaraan pengkritik biasanya bukan pilihan pertama kerajaan di Singapura.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It is part of Lee Kuan Yew's legacy that the government's use of the courts to bring libel and defamation cases, usually carrying heavy financial penalties, is the preferred method of silencing discomfiting online voices.", "r": {"result": "Adalah sebahagian daripada legasi Lee Kuan Yew bahawa kerajaan menggunakan mahkamah untuk membawa kes libel dan fitnah, biasanya membawa hukuman kewangan yang berat, adalah kaedah pilihan untuk menutup suara dalam talian yang tidak selesa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His father has reportedly apologized for his son's behavior, but the younger Yee could face up to three years in jail.", "r": {"result": "Bapanya dilaporkan telah memohon maaf atas kelakuan anaknya, tetapi Yee yang lebih muda boleh dipenjara sehingga tiga tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yee is not unique.", "r": {"result": "Yee bukan unik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Another dissident blogger in Singapore, Roy Ngerng, continues to suffer financial and legal pressure, including the loss of his job, because of a blog post that allegedly accused the city-state's Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, of corruption.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lagi penulis blog pembangkang di Singapura, Roy Ngerng, terus mengalami tekanan kewangan dan undang-undang, termasuk kehilangan pekerjaannya, kerana catatan blog yang didakwa menuduh Perdana Menteri negara kota itu, Lee Hsien Loong, melakukan rasuah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ngerng's concern is with the lack of transparency in the management of the Central Provident Fund, the government's compulsory pension program.", "r": {"result": "Kebimbangan Ngerng ialah kurangnya ketelusan dalam pengurusan Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pusat, program pencen wajib kerajaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Yee and Ngerng are two of many.", "r": {"result": "Yee dan Ngerng adalah dua daripada ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Committee To Protect Journalists' file on Singapore going back to 2000 has a long string of similar cases, some against politicians, others against citizens simply frustrated with their government.", "r": {"result": "Fail Jawatankuasa Untuk Melindungi Wartawan mengenai Singapura sejak tahun 2000 mempunyai rentetan panjang kes serupa, beberapa terhadap ahli politik, yang lain terhadap rakyat hanya kecewa dengan kerajaan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But it is not just Singapore where Internet activity comes under fire: On Monday in Malaysia, with much less of the international attention heaped on Amos Yee, five editors and executives from The Malaysian Insider were arrested over the site's March 25 report claiming that a senior council of royal rulers and state governors, known as the Conference of Rulers, had rejected a proposal to amend federal law to allow for the introduction of hudud, or punishments meted out under Islamic law.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi bukan hanya Singapura di mana aktiviti Internet mendapat kecaman: Pada hari Isnin di Malaysia, dengan kurang perhatian antarabangsa tertumpu pada Amos Yee, lima editor dan eksekutif dari The Malaysian Insider telah ditangkap berhubung laporan laman web itu pada 25 Mac yang mendakwa seorang senior majlis raja-raja diraja dan gabenor negeri, yang dikenali sebagai Majlis Raja-Raja, telah menolak cadangan untuk meminda undang-undang persekutuan untuk membenarkan pengenalan hudud, atau hukuman yang dikenakan di bawah undang-undang Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In deeply Muslim Malaysia, questions of Islamic faith are a third-rail issue, as is revealing government decisions before they are announced.", "r": {"result": "Di Malaysia yang sangat beragama Islam, persoalan akidah Islam adalah isu rel ketiga, seperti juga mendedahkan keputusan kerajaan sebelum ia diumumkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "By far the biggest jailer of journalists in the world is China, where a majority of the 44 people behind bars at the end of 2014 were bloggers, most of them Uighur or Tibetan activists who straddle the line between journalism and activism.", "r": {"result": "Setakat ini, penjara terbesar wartawan di dunia ialah China, di mana majoriti daripada 44 orang yang dipenjarakan pada penghujung 2014 adalah penulis blog, kebanyakannya aktivis Uighur atau Tibet yang melintang di antara kewartawanan dan aktivisme.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But in second place in Asia is Vietnam, where CPJ's most recent prison census showed Vietnam holding 16 reporters behind bars as of December 1. Add one more in late December, Nguyen Dinh Ngoc, a prominent blogger who was arrested for \"law-violating\" after police searched his home in southern Ho Chi Minh City on December 27, and two more in January, Nguyen Quang Lap and Hong Le Tho, arrested on anti-state charges of \"abusing democratic freedoms\" and you can see the pattern.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi di tempat kedua di Asia ialah Vietnam, di mana bancian penjara terbaharu CPJ menunjukkan Vietnam menahan 16 wartawan di sebalik penjara pada 1 Disember. Tambah seorang lagi pada akhir Disember, Nguyen Dinh Ngoc, seorang penulis blog terkenal yang ditangkap kerana \"melanggar undang-undang\" selepas polis menggeledah rumahnya di selatan Bandar Ho Chi Minh pada 27 Disember, dan dua lagi pada Januari, Nguyen Quang Lap dan Hong Le Tho, ditangkap atas tuduhan anti-negara \"menyalahgunakan kebebasan demokrasi\" dan anda boleh melihat coraknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because the print and broadcast media are so totally government controlled, mainstream journalists seldom go to jail any more in Vietnam.", "r": {"result": "Oleh kerana media cetak dan penyiaran dikawal sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan, wartawan arus perdana jarang dipenjarakan lagi di Vietnam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Only two investigative print reporters remain behind bars in Vietnam, their cases dating back to 2012 and 2013. Both were accused of accepting bribes for dialing back critical news coverage.", "r": {"result": "Hanya dua wartawan cetakan penyiasatan kekal di belakang penjara di Vietnam, kes mereka sejak 2012 dan 2013. Kedua-duanya dituduh menerima rasuah kerana mendail kembali liputan berita kritikal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The list could go on, but the reality is that, as CPJ wrote in 2013, across Asia \"governments have curtailed Internet freedoms through increasingly restrictive practices, including prohibitive laws, heightened surveillance and censorship, and threats of imprisonment on various national security-related offenses\".", "r": {"result": "Senarai itu boleh diteruskan, tetapi realitinya, seperti yang ditulis CPJ pada 2013, di seluruh Asia \"kerajaan telah menyekat kebebasan Internet melalui amalan yang semakin ketat, termasuk undang-undang larangan, pengawasan dan penapisan yang lebih tinggi, dan ancaman pemenjaraan ke atas pelbagai berkaitan keselamatan negara. kesalahan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That is still the policy path being followed by most countries in Asia, and it does not look like it will be changing any time soon.", "r": {"result": "Itu masih merupakan laluan dasar yang diikuti oleh kebanyakan negara di Asia, dan nampaknya ia tidak akan berubah dalam masa terdekat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Jailing journalists is one thing, but watching them being killed and doing little or nothing about it is another.", "r": {"result": "Memenjarakan wartawan adalah satu perkara, tetapi melihat mereka dibunuh dan melakukan sedikit atau tidak melakukan perkara itu adalah perkara lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since 1992, 11% of journalists killed have died for their work online.", "r": {"result": "Sejak 1992, 11% daripada wartawan yang terbunuh telah meninggal dunia kerana kerja mereka dalam talian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Because our 1992 start date really precedes the full advent of the Internet, that proportion can be expected to grow.", "r": {"result": "Oleh kerana tarikh mula 1992 kami benar-benar mendahului kemunculan penuh Internet, perkadaran itu boleh dijangka berkembang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While most bloggers have not been the targets of murderers, Bangladesh has recently become the exception.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun kebanyakan blogger tidak menjadi sasaran pembunuh, Bangladesh baru-baru ini menjadi pengecualian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Monday, Washiqur Rahman Babu was the second blogger to be hacked to death in public in Bangladesh in the past five weeks.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Isnin, Washiqur Rahman Babu adalah penulis blog kedua yang digodam hingga mati di khalayak ramai di Bangladesh dalam tempoh lima minggu lalu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Blogger Avijit Roy and his wife, Rafida Ahmed Bonna, were attacked by assailants wielding sharp weapons while the couple was visiting Dhaka.", "r": {"result": "Blogger Avijit Roy dan isterinya, Rafida Ahmed Bonna, diserang oleh penyerang yang menggunakan senjata tajam semasa pasangan itu melawat Dhaka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Roy, a U.S. citizen of Bangladeshi origin, was killed and his wife was critically injured.", "r": {"result": "Roy, warga A.S. yang berasal dari Bangladesh, terbunuh dan isterinya cedera parah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Both Rahman and Roy had written critically on Islamic matters.", "r": {"result": "Kedua-dua Rahman dan Roy telah menulis secara kritis mengenai perkara-perkara Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The blogger death toll gets higher in Bangladesh if you go back a year or two, and religious beliefs are always involved, and the killings almost always carried out with near perfect impunity.", "r": {"result": "Angka kematian blogger semakin tinggi di Bangladesh jika anda kembali setahun atau dua tahun, dan kepercayaan agama sentiasa terlibat, dan pembunuhan hampir selalu dilakukan dengan hampir tanpa hukuman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In January 2013, blogger Asif Mohiuddin, who wrote critical commentary on religion, Islamist groups, free speech, and human rights, barely survived after he was stabbed by Islamists.", "r": {"result": "Pada Januari 2013, penulis blog Asif Mohiuddin, yang menulis ulasan kritis mengenai agama, kumpulan Islam, kebebasan bersuara, dan hak asasi manusia, hampir tidak terselamat selepas dia ditikam oleh Islamis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In February 2013, blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider, who had written about Islamic fundamentalism and Islamist groups, was hacked to death by members of an Islamist militant group, according to police investigations.", "r": {"result": "Pada Februari 2013, penulis blog Ahmed Rajib Haider, yang telah menulis tentang fundamentalisme Islam dan kumpulan Islamis, telah digodam hingga mati oleh anggota kumpulan militan Islam, menurut siasatan polis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later in 2013, Islamist groups called for the execution of bloggers they said had committed blasphemy.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian pada 2013, kumpulan Islamis menggesa hukuman mati terhadap penulis blog yang mereka katakan telah melakukan kekufuran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "While arrests were made after those murders, there have been no convictions.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun tangkapan dibuat selepas pembunuhan tersebut, tidak ada sabitan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The bottom line: Online journalists, operating outside the restraints of mainstream media, have become the most vulnerable targets for governments and independent actors.", "r": {"result": "Kesimpulannya: Wartawan dalam talian, yang beroperasi di luar sekatan media arus perdana, telah menjadi sasaran yang paling terdedah kepada kerajaan dan aktor bebas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where there is the restrictive rule of law, journalists are vulnerable to the anger of officialdom.", "r": {"result": "Di mana terdapat peraturan undang-undang yang ketat, wartawan terdedah kepada kemarahan pegawai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Where the rule of law is weak, they are vulnerable to the attacks of killers who seldom, if ever, answer to the rule of law.", "r": {"result": "Di mana kedaulatan undang-undang lemah, mereka terdedah kepada serangan pembunuh yang jarang, jika pernah, menjawab kedaulatan undang-undang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Joan Rivers didn't consider herself to be one of the boys.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Joan Rivers tidak menganggap dirinya sebagai salah seorang lelaki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And for that, we can be grateful.", "r": {"result": "Dan untuk itu, kita boleh bersyukur.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Over the course of her nearly 50-year career, Rivers rummaged through, flipped over and laughed at all the facets of being a woman -- from the '60s-era pressure to marry to the reality of aging in a youth-obsessed business -- without ever succumbing to the expectations of what a woman stand-up comedian was \"supposed\" to sound like.", "r": {"result": "Sepanjang kerjayanya hampir 50 tahun, Rivers membelek-belek, membelek dan mentertawakan semua aspek sebagai seorang wanita -- daripada tekanan era 60-an untuk berkahwin kepada realiti penuaan dalam perniagaan yang mementingkan belia - - tanpa pernah tunduk kepada jangkaan tentang \"sepatutnya\" bunyi pelawak berdiri wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Every woman in comedy is indebted to her,\" Amy Poehler, \"Saturday Night Live\" veteran, said upon Rivers' death Thursday at the age of 81. \"She was there at the beginning and funny to the end\".", "r": {"result": "\"Setiap wanita dalam komedi terhutang budi kepadanya,\" kata Amy Poehler, veteran \"Saturday Night Live\", selepas kematian Rivers pada Khamis pada usia 81 tahun. \"Dia berada di sana pada awal dan lucu hingga akhir\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joan Rivers dies at 81. The path Rivers helped carve leads us straight to female stand-up powerhouses such as Kathy Griffin, Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer, all of whom are as fearless in their humor, and whom they direct it toward, as Rivers was.", "r": {"result": "Joan Rivers meninggal dunia pada usia 81 tahun. Laluan yang Rivers bantu ukir membawa kami terus ke kuasa besar wanita seperti Kathy Griffin, Sarah Silverman dan Amy Schumer, yang kesemuanya tidak gentar dalam humor mereka, dan kepada siapa mereka mengarahkannya, seperti Rivers adalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when Rivers began her stand-up career in the late '50s, that brazenness was unheard of -- for women, at least.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila Rivers memulakan kerjayanya pada akhir 50-an, sikap kurang ajar itu tidak pernah didengari -- sekurang-kurangnya untuk wanita.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was talking about having an affair with a married professor and that wasn't a thing a nice Jewish girl talked about,\" Rivers told author Yael Kohen in Kohen's book, \"We Killed: The Rise of Women in American Comedy\".", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bercakap tentang hubungan sulit dengan seorang profesor yang sudah berkahwin dan itu bukan perkara yang dibincangkan oleh gadis Yahudi yang baik,\" kata Rivers kepada pengarang Yael Kohen dalam buku Kohen, \"Kami Membunuh: Kebangkitan Wanita dalam Komedi Amerika\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was talking about my mother, desperate to get my sister and me married.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya bercakap tentang ibu saya, terdesak untuk membuat saya dan kakak saya berkahwin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I was talking about my gay friend Mr. Phyllis, and you just didn't talk about that.", "r": {"result": "Saya bercakap tentang kawan gay saya Encik Phyllis, dan awak tidak bercakap tentang itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It sounds so tame and silly now, but my act spoke to women who weren't able to talk about things\".", "r": {"result": "Bunyinya sangat jinak dan bodoh sekarang, tetapi tindakan saya bercakap kepada wanita yang tidak dapat bercakap tentang sesuatu\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Initially, Rivers wanted to be an actress, and took up temp work while she pursued her goal.", "r": {"result": "Pada mulanya, Rivers mahu menjadi seorang pelakon, dan mengambil kerja sementara semasa dia mengejar matlamatnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But when a fellow secretary pointed out that she could get paid for all the jokes she was landing around the office, Rivers tried her hand at comedy.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi apabila rakan setiausaha menunjukkan bahawa dia boleh dibayar untuk semua jenaka yang dia lakukan di sekitar pejabat, Rivers mencuba tangannya dalam komedi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I had no idea what I was doing.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak tahu apa yang saya lakukan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The white men were doing 'mother-in-law' and 'my wife's so fat ...' jokes,\" Rivers recalled in a 2012 Hollywood Reporter essay.", "r": {"result": "Lelaki kulit putih itu melakukan 'ibu mertua' dan 'isteri saya sangat gemuk ...' jenaka, \"kata Rivers dalam esei Reporter Hollywood 2012.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When I went onstage, that just didn't feel right.", "r": {"result": "\"Apabila saya naik ke atas pentas, itu rasa tidak betul.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So I just said, 'Let me talk about my life.", "r": {"result": "Jadi saya hanya berkata, 'Biar saya bercakap tentang hidup saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Rivers: A pointed, pioneering comedian.", "r": {"result": "Rivers: Seorang pelawak yang runcing dan perintis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "She wasn't alone: George Carlin, Woody Allen and Bill Cosby -- classic comedians who were then on the rise -- all mined their personal lives for laughs.", "r": {"result": "Dia tidak bersendirian: George Carlin, Woody Allen dan Bill Cosby -- pelawak klasik yang ketika itu sedang meningkat naik -- semuanya melombong kehidupan peribadi mereka untuk ketawa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But although they were \"coming up at the same time\" as she was, and had similar instincts about humor, Rivers still didn't quite fit in.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi walaupun mereka \"datang pada masa yang sama\" seperti dia, dan mempunyai naluri yang sama tentang humor, Rivers masih tidak begitu sesuai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I never was one of the guys,\" Rivers wrote in THR.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pernah menjadi salah seorang daripada mereka,\" tulis Rivers dalam THE.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"I was never asked to go hang out; I never thought about it until later.", "r": {"result": "\"Saya tidak pernah diminta untuk pergi melepak; Saya tidak pernah memikirkannya sehingga kemudian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They would all go to the Stage Delicatessen afterward and talk.", "r": {"result": "Mereka semua akan pergi ke Stage Delicatessen selepas itu dan bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I never got to go uptown and have a sandwich with them.", "r": {"result": "Saya tidak pernah pergi ke uptown dan menikmati sandwic dengan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "So, even though I was with them, I wasn't with them\".", "r": {"result": "Jadi, walaupun saya bersama mereka, saya tidak bersama mereka\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "And maybe all the better for it.", "r": {"result": "Dan mungkin semuanya lebih baik untuknya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Once she got her big break in 1965 on Johnny Carson's \"The Tonight Show,\" Rivers made a name for herself as a woman who would talk frankly and freely about what that meant.", "r": {"result": "Sebaik sahaja dia mendapat kejayaan besar pada tahun 1965 di \"The Tonight Show\" Johnny Carson, Rivers mencipta nama untuk dirinya sebagai seorang wanita yang akan bercakap secara terus terang dan bebas tentang maksudnya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The female body, her sex life, the politics of dating and relationships -- everything was fair game, and she saw no need in putting anything delicately.", "r": {"result": "Tubuh wanita, kehidupan seksnya, politik temu janji dan perhubungan -- semuanya adalah permainan yang adil, dan dia tidak melihat keperluan untuk meletakkan apa-apa secara halus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A 1967 appearance on \"The Ed Sullivan Show\" might seem dated with its references to the single life, but Rivers' indignation at the disparity between men and women is righteously honest (and, honestly, not that out of place with today).", "r": {"result": "Kemunculan pada tahun 1967 di \"The Ed Sullivan Show\" mungkin kelihatan ketinggalan zaman dengan rujukannya kepada kehidupan bujang, tetapi kemarahan Rivers terhadap perbezaan antara lelaki dan wanita adalah jujur (dan, secara jujur, tidak begitu sesuai dengan hari ini).", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"The girl has to be the one that's bright, and pretty, and intelligent, a good sport -- 'Howard Johnson's again, hooray, hooray!", "r": {"result": "\"Gadis itu mestilah seorang yang cerah, cantik, dan pintar, sukan yang bagus -- 'Howard Johnson sekali lagi, hooray, hooray!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'\" Rivers sarcastically pantomimed to the audience's delight.", "r": {"result": "'\" Rivers secara sarkastik membuat pantomim untuk menggembirakan penonton.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It just kills me!", "r": {"result": "\"Ia hanya membunuh saya!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A girl, you're 30 years old, you're not married, you're an old maid.", "r": {"result": "Seorang gadis, anda berumur 30 tahun, anda belum berkahwin, anda seorang pembantu rumah tua.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A man, he's 90 years old, he's not married, he's a catch.", "r": {"result": "Seorang lelaki, dia berumur 90 tahun, dia belum berkahwin, dia seorang yang tangkap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's a whole different thing, isn't that so\"?", "r": {"result": "Ia adalah satu perkara yang berbeza, bukan begitu\"?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "she asked, as the audience applauded.", "r": {"result": "dia bertanya, sambil penonton bertepuk tangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Joan Rivers: Hollywood mourns a friend.", "r": {"result": "Joan Rivers: Hollywood meratapi rakan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That chatty style made Rivers an obvious pick for her own talk show, and she proved it as Carson's guest host and frequent stand-in on \"Tonight\".", "r": {"result": "Gaya cerewet itu menjadikan Rivers pilihan yang jelas untuk rancangan bual bicaranya sendiri, dan dia membuktikannya sebagai hos jemputan Carson dan kerap berdiri di \"Malam Ini\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was there, as one People magazine critic proclaimed, that she could be \"the bitchy queen of late night whose humorous bark left bite marks\".", "r": {"result": "Di sanalah, seperti yang diisytiharkan oleh seorang pengkritik majalah People, bahawa dia boleh menjadi \"ratu kejam lewat malam yang kulitnya lucu meninggalkan kesan gigitan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After shifting perceptions through Carson's show, Rivers stepped out on her own in 1986 with \"The Late Show Starring Joan Rivers\".", "r": {"result": "Selepas mengubah persepsi melalui rancangan Carson, Rivers melangkah sendiri pada tahun 1986 dengan \"The Late Show Starring Joan Rivers\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The program only lasted for eight months, but it nonetheless broke the rules; Rivers was the first woman to command her own late night talk show, and is still to this day one of the few women who've broken into late night TV's notorious boys club.", "r": {"result": "Program ini hanya berlangsung selama lapan bulan, tetapi ia tetap melanggar peraturan; Rivers ialah wanita pertama yang memerintah rancangan bual bicara lewat malamnya sendiri, dan sehingga hari ini masih menjadi salah seorang daripada segelintir wanita yang menceroboh kelab lelaki terkenal TV lewat malam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"You have to be extraordinarily strong without them seeing you be that,\" Rivers told CNN of her experience in late night in 2013. \"You're a lion tamer.", "r": {"result": "\"Anda perlu menjadi luar biasa kuat tanpa mereka melihat anda begitu,\" Rivers memberitahu CNN mengenai pengalamannya pada lewat malam pada 2013. \"Anda seorang penjinak singa.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "You have to be in total command, but you still have to be feminine, and you still have to be funny, and you still have to be inquisitive -- it's a very tough thing, and it's tough for women because you don't expect a woman to take control.", "r": {"result": "Anda perlu menguasai sepenuhnya, tetapi anda masih perlu feminin, dan anda masih perlu lucu, dan anda masih perlu ingin tahu -- ia adalah perkara yang sangat sukar, dan ia sukar untuk wanita kerana anda tidak mengharapkan seorang wanita untuk mengawal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Still\".", "r": {"result": "Masih\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But they are.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi mereka adalah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "From Chelsea Handler, who's ending a top run on E!", "r": {"result": "Daripada Chelsea Handler, yang menamatkan saingan teratas di E!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "to build something new at Netflix; to Schumer, who just earned her first Emmy nod for her Comedy Central show; to media titans like Ellen DeGeneres and Whoopi Goldberg -- the women who followed Rivers haven't all been as controversial, but they have all shown traits of her dogged persistence.", "r": {"result": "untuk membina sesuatu yang baharu di Netflix; kepada Schumer, yang baru sahaja menerima anggukan Emmy pertamanya untuk rancangan Pusat Komedinya; kepada gergasi media seperti Ellen DeGeneres dan Whoopi Goldberg -- wanita yang mengikuti Rivers tidak semuanya menjadi kontroversi, tetapi mereka semua menunjukkan sifat kegigihannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Opinion: Joan Rivers gave misfit girls a permission to dream.", "r": {"result": "Pendapat: Joan Rivers memberi gadis yang tidak sesuai untuk bermimpi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kathy Griffin is perhaps one of the most shining examples.", "r": {"result": "Kathy Griffin mungkin salah satu contoh yang paling bersinar.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like Rivers, Griffin has a talent for nailing celebrities to the wall with a smile, while simultaneously flaying herself.", "r": {"result": "Seperti Rivers, Griffin mempunyai bakat untuk memaku selebriti ke dinding dengan senyuman, sambil pada masa yang sama mengelupas dirinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Nowhere was that more evident than her Emmy-winning reality show, \"Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List,\" a self-deprecating examination of how Griffin was trying and failing to climb the Hollywood ladder.", "r": {"result": "Tiada tempat yang lebih jelas daripada rancangan realitinya yang memenangi Emmy, \"Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List,\" pemeriksaan yang mencela diri sendiri tentang bagaimana Griffin cuba dan gagal untuk menaiki tangga Hollywood.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It's not hard to imagine that if Rivers had been born a few decades later, she would've made a similar show.", "r": {"result": "Tidak sukar untuk membayangkan bahawa jika Rivers dilahirkan beberapa dekad kemudian, dia akan membuat persembahan yang sama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(After all, Rivers kept working hard right up until her passing, starring in reality shows with her daughter, Melissa, and gleefully torturing celebrities on E!", "r": {"result": "(Lagipun, Rivers terus bekerja keras sehingga kematiannya, membintangi rancangan realiti bersama anak perempuannya, Melissa, dan dengan gembira menyeksa selebriti di E!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "'s \"Fashion Police\".", "r": {"result": "\"Polis Fesyen\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Reflecting on Rivers in the comedian's 2010 documentary, \"A Piece of Work,\" Griffin summed up the late legend's impact thusly: \"Much in the way that Phyllis Diller paved the way for her,\" she said, \"I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for Joan\".", "r": {"result": "Menggambarkan Rivers dalam dokumentari 2010 pelawak, \"A Piece of Work,\" Griffin merumuskan impak legenda lewat dengan itu: \"Banyak cara yang Phyllis Diller membuka jalan untuknya,\" katanya, \"Saya tidak akan melakukannya. ini jika bukan kerana Joan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Ukraine's Security Service launched a raid on the country's state-run gas company Wednesday, searching for documents related to a gas deal with Russia, a spokesman for the company said.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Ukraine melancarkan serbuan ke atas syarikat gas milik kerajaan negara itu pada hari Rabu, mencari dokumen berkaitan perjanjian gas dengan Rusia, kata jurucakap syarikat itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ukrainian security service agents let employees leave a room at Naftogaz's headquarters.", "r": {"result": "Ejen perkhidmatan keselamatan Ukraine membenarkan pekerja meninggalkan bilik di ibu pejabat Naftogaz.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A group of about 30 gunmen wearing masks and carrying machine guns entered the offices of Naftogaz and took control of every floor of the company's building in the capital of Kiev, Naftogaz spokesman Valentyn Zemlyansky said.", "r": {"result": "Sekumpulan kira-kira 30 lelaki bersenjata memakai topeng dan membawa mesingan memasuki pejabat Naftogaz dan mengawal setiap tingkat bangunan syarikat di ibu kota Kiev, kata jurucakap Naftogaz Valentyn Zemlyansky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Operatives from the security service then began a search for various company documents, including those pertaining to the Russia-Ukraine gas deal signed in January to end a weeks-long gas dispute, Zemlyansky told journalists, according to Russia's Interfax news agency.", "r": {"result": "Koperasi dari perkhidmatan keselamatan kemudiannya memulakan pencarian untuk pelbagai dokumen syarikat, termasuk yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian gas Rusia-Ukraine yang ditandatangani pada Januari untuk menamatkan pertikaian gas selama berminggu-minggu, kata Zemlyansky kepada wartawan, menurut agensi berita Interfax Rusia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Security Service opened a criminal case on Monday into alleged misappropriation of 6.3 billion cubic meters of transit gas worth over 7.4 billion hryvnia ($880 million) by a group of Naftogaz officers, Interfax reported.", "r": {"result": "Perkhidmatan Keselamatan membuka kes jenayah pada hari Isnin ke atas dakwaan penyelewengan 6.3 bilion meter padu gas transit bernilai lebih 7.4 bilion Hryvnia ($880 juta) oleh sekumpulan pegawai Naftogaz, lapor Interfax.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Taras Shepitko, a deputy chief of an Energy Regional Customs division under the State Customs Service, was detained as part of the case.", "r": {"result": "Taras Shepitko, timbalan ketua bahagian Kastam Wilayah Tenaga di bawah Perkhidmatan Kastam Negeri, telah ditahan sebagai sebahagian daripada kes itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Ukrainian Security Service operatives confirmed to Interfax that the operation was related to that criminal case.", "r": {"result": "Koperasi Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Ukraine mengesahkan kepada Interfax bahawa operasi itu berkaitan dengan kes jenayah itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The armed troops were there simply to protect the investigators, the service told Interfax, citing attempts to hinder the investigation.", "r": {"result": "Tentera bersenjata berada di sana semata-mata untuk melindungi penyiasat, kata perkhidmatan itu kepada Interfax, memetik percubaan untuk menghalang siasatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Naftogaz called police when the armed men stormed in but the police retreated soon after they arrived, Zemlyansky said.", "r": {"result": "Naftogaz menghubungi polis apabila lelaki bersenjata itu menyerbu masuk tetapi polis berundur sejurus selepas mereka tiba, kata Zemlyansky.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Maxim Tkachenko in Moscow, Russia, contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Maxim Tkachenko dari CNN di Moscow, Rusia, menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- A French Red Cross official abducted by militants in Yemen has been freed, according to a statement from the International Committee of the Red Cross.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Seorang pegawai Palang Merah Perancis yang diculik militan di Yaman telah dibebaskan, menurut satu kenyataan daripada Jawatankuasa Antarabangsa Palang Merah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Benjamin Malbrancke had been kidnapped the evening of April 21 about 30 kilometers outside the western municipality of Hodeida, while traveling in a Red Cross vehicle.", "r": {"result": "Benjamin Malbrancke telah diculik pada petang 21 April kira-kira 30 kilometer di luar perbandaran barat Hodeida, ketika dalam perjalanan dengan kenderaan Palang Merah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We are relieved and extremely happy to have our colleague back with us, in good health.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami berasa lega dan sangat gembira kerana rakan sekerja kami kembali bersama kami, dalam keadaan sihat.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His return marks the end of many long, hard days, full of anxiety for him and his family, as well as for the team here in Yemen and for his friends,\" said Eric Marclay, who heads the ICRC operations in Yemen.", "r": {"result": "Kepulangannya menandakan berakhirnya banyak hari yang panjang dan sukar, penuh kebimbangan untuknya dan keluarganya, serta untuk pasukan di Yaman dan rakan-rakannya,\" kata Eric Marclay, yang mengetuai operasi ICRC di Yaman.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We would like to express our deep gratitude to all those who have lent us their support during these long weeks, so that Benjamin can now look forward to soon rejoining his family\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih yang mendalam kepada semua orang yang telah memberikan sokongan kepada kami selama minggu-minggu yang panjang ini, supaya Benjamin kini boleh berharap untuk menyertai semula keluarganya tidak lama lagi\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Malbrancke had been traveling with two Yemeni drivers, who were also taken but then released unharmed.", "r": {"result": "Malbrancke telah dalam perjalanan dengan dua pemandu Yaman, yang turut dibawa tetapi kemudian dibebaskan tanpa cedera.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Kidnappings are common in Yemen, which has been beset by political turbulence for more than a year.", "r": {"result": "Penculikan adalah perkara biasa di Yaman, yang telah dilanda pergolakan politik selama lebih setahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protests led to the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh from office, and the government has battled Islamic militants.", "r": {"result": "Protes membawa kepada pemergian Presiden Ali Abdullah Saleh daripada jawatan, dan kerajaan telah memerangi militan Islam.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- Off Peru's Pacific coast, thousands of dolphins are being slaughtered to be used solely as shark bait -- despite the practice being outlawed by the South American country.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Di luar pantai Pasifik Peru, beribu-ribu ikan lumba-lumba disembelih untuk digunakan semata-mata sebagai umpan jerung -- walaupun amalan itu dilarang oleh negara Amerika Selatan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The London-based Ecologist Film Unit recently recorded one of the hunts in an undercover investigation and released its material.", "r": {"result": "Unit Filem Ekologi yang berpangkalan di London baru-baru ini merekodkan salah satu pemburuan dalam siasatan menyamar dan mengeluarkan bahannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On a crisp, sunny day, the group joins a fishing vessel as it goes through rough water riding closer and closer to dusky dolphins swimming under the ship's bow.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari yang cerah dan cerah, kumpulan itu menyertai sebuah kapal nelayan sambil mengharungi air yang bergelora dan semakin dekat dengan ikan lumba-lumba gelap yang berenang di bawah haluan kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The crew aims to plunge a harpoon into the pod, assuring it travels all the way through the body of one of the mammals.", "r": {"result": "Krew bertujuan untuk menjunam tempuling ke dalam pod, memastikan ia bergerak ke seluruh badan salah satu mamalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Bleeding profusely, the dolphin is hauled on board and almost immediately dies on the deck of the vessel.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pendarahan yang banyak, ikan lumba-lumba itu ditarik ke atas kapal dan hampir serta-merta mati di geladak kapal.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "With his sharpened knife, a Peruvian fisherman then peels the skin off the dolphin's back and carefully cuts the severed body into thin slices.", "r": {"result": "Dengan pisau tajamnya, seorang nelayan Peru kemudian mengupas kulit dari belakang ikan lumba-lumba dan dengan berhati-hati memotong badan yang terputus itu menjadi kepingan nipis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Even though dolphin killings have been outlawed by Peru's legislature since 1996, Stefan Austermuhle, executive director of the animal conservation group Mundo Azul, said fishermen have continued to target the mammals.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun pembunuhan ikan lumba-lumba telah diharamkan oleh badan perundangan Peru sejak 1996, Stefan Austermuhle, pengarah eksekutif kumpulan pemuliharaan haiwan Mundo Azul, berkata nelayan terus menyasarkan mamalia.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He estimated more than 10,000 dolphins are being killed every year in Peruvian waters.", "r": {"result": "Dia menganggarkan lebih 10,000 ikan lumba-lumba dibunuh setiap tahun di perairan Peru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "China's white dolphins headed for extinction?", "r": {"result": "Ikan lumba-lumba putih China menuju kepupusan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Despite the law prohibiting the human consumption and sales of dolphin meat, Mudo Azul asserts there's been weak law enforcement and lack of awareness.", "r": {"result": "Walaupun undang-undang melarang penggunaan manusia dan penjualan daging ikan lumba-lumba, Mudo Azul menegaskan terdapat penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang lemah dan kurang kesedaran.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"In recent years, there's been an upsurge in the targeting of sharks.", "r": {"result": "\"Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, terdapat peningkatan dalam penyasaran jerung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The shark meat is predominantly consumed within Peru, but the fins we're told are being exported to the Far East for use as shark fin soup,\" said Jim Wickens, an investigative journalist with the Ecologist Film Unit.", "r": {"result": "Daging jerung kebanyakannya dimakan di Peru, tetapi sirip yang kami diberitahu sedang dieksport ke Timur Jauh untuk digunakan sebagai sup sirip yu,\" kata Jim Wickens, seorang wartawan penyiasat dengan Unit Filem Ekologi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He witnessed the scene along with cameraman Alexander Reynoso who recorded the harpooning of the dolphins.", "r": {"result": "Dia menyaksikan kejadian itu bersama jurukamera Alexander Reynoso yang merakam bunyi tempuling ikan lumba-lumba.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Wickens, in cooperation with the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting, collaborated with Mundo Azul to conduct the undercover investigation by placing informants aboard the fishing vessels for a week.", "r": {"result": "Wickens, dengan kerjasama Pusat Pelaporan Krisis Pulitzer, bekerjasama dengan Mundo Azul untuk menjalankan siasatan menyamar dengan menempatkan pemberi maklumat di atas kapal nelayan selama seminggu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We were living in very difficult conditions through really quite rough weather and having to eat and sleep for some days actually next to the dismembered carcass of a dolphin.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami hidup dalam keadaan yang sangat sukar melalui cuaca yang agak kasar dan terpaksa makan dan tidur selama beberapa hari sebenarnya di sebelah bangkai ikan lumba-lumba yang dipotong-potong.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was horrendous,\" recounted Wickens.", "r": {"result": "Ia sangat mengerikan,\" cerita Wickens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said the vessel he was on was one of hundreds that was out to sea off Peru for most of the year targeting sharks.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata kapal yang dinaikinya adalah salah satu daripada ratusan yang keluar ke laut Peru sepanjang tahun menyasarkan jerung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fishing boat captain said all of the boats carry harpoons and aim to target one to three dolphins per trip.", "r": {"result": "Kapten bot nelayan itu berkata semua bot membawa tempuling dan menyasarkan untuk menyasarkan satu hingga tiga ekor ikan lumba-lumba setiap perjalanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "What's killing all those dolphins?", "r": {"result": "Apa yang membunuh semua ikan lumba-lumba itu?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "NOAA thinks it's a virus.", "r": {"result": "NOAA fikir ia adalah virus.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The fishermen knew the foreigners were journalists and allowed them on board for a week in exchange for fuel money and the protection of their anonymity, although they didn't realize the full scope of their investigation.", "r": {"result": "Nelayan itu tahu warga asing itu adalah wartawan dan membenarkan mereka menaiki kapal selama seminggu sebagai pertukaran wang minyak dan perlindungan tanpa nama mereka, walaupun mereka tidak menyedari skop penuh siasatan mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "According to Mundo Azul, violations of these regulations can be punishable with the suspension of concessions, authorizations, permits or licenses for 180 days and one to three years in jail.", "r": {"result": "Menurut Mundo Azul, pelanggaran peraturan ini boleh dihukum dengan penggantungan konsesi, kebenaran, permit atau lesen selama 180 hari dan penjara satu hingga tiga tahun.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Peruvian government has promised to investigate charges and is considering banning shark fishing to discourage the use of dolphins as bait.", "r": {"result": "Kerajaan Peru telah berjanji untuk menyiasat pertuduhan dan sedang mempertimbangkan untuk mengharamkan penangkapan ikan jerung untuk tidak menggalakkan penggunaan ikan lumba-lumba sebagai umpan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We're evaluating and if we find out that this is a widespread practice and the fishing of one species is affecting another, then we're going to take drastic measures.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami sedang menilai dan jika kami mendapati bahawa ini adalah amalan yang meluas dan penangkapan ikan satu spesies menjejaskan yang lain, maka kami akan mengambil langkah drastik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "That means using tools at our disposal including banning the fishing of certain species as well as the sale of others,\" said Paul Phumpiu, Peruvian vice minister of fishing.", "r": {"result": "Ini bermakna menggunakan alat yang ada pada kami termasuk melarang penangkapan ikan spesies tertentu serta penjualan yang lain,\" kata Paul Phumpiu, naib menteri perikanan Peru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When dolphins attack.", "r": {"result": "Apabila ikan lumba-lumba menyerang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The ban might be difficult considering dolphin hunting has financial incentives.", "r": {"result": "Larangan itu mungkin sukar memandangkan memburu ikan lumba-lumba mempunyai insentif kewangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The cost of fish bait in Peru has also gone up yearly, according to the fisherman.", "r": {"result": "Kos umpan ikan di Peru juga meningkat setiap tahun, menurut nelayan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It seems to be part of the story around the world, Wickens said.", "r": {"result": "Ia seolah-olah menjadi sebahagian daripada cerita di seluruh dunia, kata Wickens.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Fewer fish in the sea means it costs more money to buy them.", "r": {"result": "Lebih sedikit ikan di laut bermakna kos lebih banyak untuk membelinya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This isn't just an issue off Peru's coast.", "r": {"result": "Ini bukan sahaja isu di luar pantai Peru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Since the video has been released, Wickens has been contacted by experts in Southeast Asia who've told him this practice might also be taking place close to Indonesian waters as well.", "r": {"result": "Sejak video itu dikeluarkan, Wickens telah dihubungi oleh pakar di Asia Tenggara yang memberitahunya bahawa amalan ini juga mungkin berlaku berhampiran perairan Indonesia juga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He said it's hard to know how many dolphins are being killed worldwide because it happens out of sight.", "r": {"result": "Beliau berkata sukar untuk mengetahui berapa banyak ikan lumba-lumba yang dibunuh di seluruh dunia kerana ia berlaku di luar penglihatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It's a conservation car crash.", "r": {"result": "\"Ia adalah kemalangan kereta pemuliharaan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One apex predator being taken out of the ecosystem, being chopped up and fed to catch another,\" said Wickens, \"Whichever way you look at it, it's bad news for the ocean\".", "r": {"result": "Satu pemangsa puncak dibawa keluar dari ekosistem, dicincang dan diberi makan untuk menangkap yang lain,\" kata Wickens, \"Walau apa pun cara anda melihatnya, ia adalah berita buruk untuk lautan\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Official: 'Natural causes' behind dolphin deaths in Peru.", "r": {"result": "Rasmi: 'Punca semulajadi' di sebalik kematian ikan lumba-lumba di Peru.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Journalist Maria Elena Belaunde contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Wartawan Maria Elena Belaunde menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(CNN) -- No, there may not be an NBA season this year.", "r": {"result": "(CNN) -- Tidak, mungkin tiada musim NBA tahun ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "But there is another installment of \"NBA 2K,\" the top-rated basketball video game for 11 years running.", "r": {"result": "Tetapi terdapat satu lagi ansuran \"NBA 2K,\" permainan video bola keranjang yang mendapat penilaian tertinggi selama 11 tahun berjalan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This year's version, \"NBA 2K12,\" will let you end the debate about what historical team is the greatest by offering 15 classic teams and players to battle on the court.", "r": {"result": "Versi tahun ini, \"NBA 2K12,\" akan membolehkan anda menamatkan perdebatan tentang pasukan sejarah yang paling hebat dengan menawarkan 15 pasukan dan pemain klasik untuk bertarung di gelanggang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The enhancements to the My Player mode, which allows you to create your own player and guide his career through the NBA draft, his rookie season and beyond, are what really make this an engaging game.", "r": {"result": "Penambahbaikan pada mod Pemain Saya, yang membolehkan anda mencipta pemain anda sendiri dan membimbing kerjayanya melalui draf NBA, musim barunya dan seterusnya, adalah perkara yang benar-benar menjadikan ini permainan yang menarik.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Like in previous versions of the game, you start off by creating your player's physical attributes (height, weight, age, etc.", "r": {"result": "Seperti dalam versi permainan sebelumnya, anda bermula dengan mencipta sifat fizikal pemain anda (tinggi, berat, umur, dsb.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The game then assigns your abilities based off what type of player you want to be (perimeter shooter, post player, etc.", "r": {"result": "Permainan ini kemudian memberikan kebolehan anda berdasarkan jenis pemain yang anda mahu jadi (penembak perimeter, pemain pos, dsb.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In theory, you could create a 7-foot point guard with zero post abilities, but I'm guessing the high dribble would make you susceptible to steals.", "r": {"result": "Secara teorinya, anda boleh mencipta pengawal mata 7 kaki dengan kebolehan tiang sifar, tetapi saya rasa gelecek yang tinggi akan membuatkan anda terdedah kepada mencuri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After finalizing your player, you immediately play in a rookie showcase game that helps determine where you are selected in the\"NBA Draft.", "r": {"result": "Selepas memuktamadkan pemain anda, anda serta-merta bermain dalam permainan pameran rookie yang membantu menentukan tempat anda dipilih dalam\"Draf NBA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This game shows off \"NBA 2K12's\" improvements over previous versions in replicating players' movements and facial features.", "r": {"result": "Permainan ini menunjukkan peningkatan \"NBA 2K12\" berbanding versi sebelumnya dalam mereplikasi pergerakan dan ciri muka pemain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The game's announcers also do a good job of mixing your player's performance into their play-by-play chatter.", "r": {"result": "Juruhebah permainan juga melakukan kerja yang baik untuk mencampurkan prestasi pemain anda ke dalam perbualan main demi main mereka.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the game, you try to play flawlessly while improving your teammate grade by making good passes, playing transition defense and demonstrating other skills that lead to victory.", "r": {"result": "Dalam permainan, anda cuba bermain dengan sempurna sambil meningkatkan gred rakan sepasukan anda dengan membuat hantaran yang baik, bermain pertahanan peralihan dan menunjukkan kemahiran lain yang membawa kepada kemenangan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Meeting these goals help increase your skill point totals, which translate into improved attributes.", "r": {"result": "Memenuhi matlamat ini membantu meningkatkan jumlah mata kemahiran anda, yang diterjemahkan kepada atribut yang dipertingkatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I created a 6-foot-6 shooting guard from Marshall University (my alma mater) and picked up 18 points and a B-minus on my teammate grade in the rookie game.", "r": {"result": "Saya mencipta pengawal menembak 6 kaki 6 dari Universiti Marshall (almamater saya) dan memperoleh 18 mata dan B-tolak pada gred rakan sepasukan saya dalam permainan rookie.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After the game, your player has to answer two questions from teams that will be interested in drafting him.", "r": {"result": "Selepas permainan, pemain anda perlu menjawab dua soalan daripada pasukan yang akan berminat untuk merangkanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How you answer is taken into consideration prior to the draft.", "r": {"result": "Cara anda menjawab diambil kira sebelum draf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The Charlotte Bobcats (No.9 pick), Golden State Warriors (No.11) and Utah Jazz (No.12) were interested in my shooting guard.", "r": {"result": "Charlotte Bobcats (pilihan No.9), Golden State Warriors (No.11) dan Utah Jazz (No.12) berminat dengan pengawal menembak saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "I answered the questions in a way that I hoped would get me selected by each team, but there was an answer choice, \"I do not want to play for your team,\" that would have automatically dropped me off that team's list.", "r": {"result": "Saya menjawab soalan dengan cara yang saya harap akan membuatkan saya dipilih oleh setiap pasukan, tetapi terdapat pilihan jawapan, \"Saya tidak mahu bermain untuk pasukan anda,\" yang secara automatik akan menjatuhkan saya daripada senarai pasukan itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Then it's time for the draft.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian tiba masanya untuk draf.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Just like in real life, the draft starts off with NBA Commissioner David Stern (yes, it was really his voice) announcing the first pick and continuing on until your player gets selected.", "r": {"result": "Sama seperti dalam kehidupan sebenar, draf itu bermula dengan Pesuruhjaya NBA David Stern (ya, itu benar-benar suaranya) mengumumkan pilihan pertama dan diteruskan sehingga pemain anda dipilih.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "If you don't get picked early, this can be a rather drawn-out process since there is no way to skip to your selection.", "r": {"result": "Jika anda tidak dipilih lebih awal, ini boleh menjadi proses yang agak berlarutan kerana tiada cara untuk melangkau ke pilihan anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Developers say the highest any created player can be selected is No.3 (Utah Jazz), so don't set your sights on being the top pick.", "r": {"result": "(Pembangun mengatakan pemain yang paling tinggi boleh dipilih ialah No.3 (Utah Jazz), jadi jangan letakkan sasaran anda untuk menjadi pilihan utama.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After walking to the podium and signing your rookie contract, your team's public relations department contacts you and shows you a new billboard touting you as the future of the franchise.", "r": {"result": "Selepas berjalan ke podium dan menandatangani kontrak baru anda, jabatan perhubungan awam pasukan anda menghubungi anda dan menunjukkan kepada anda papan iklan baharu yang menggembar-gemburkan anda sebagai masa depan francais.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Having been selected by the Bobcats, it was pretty cool to see my player on some outdoor advertising in Charlotte.", "r": {"result": "Setelah dipilih oleh Bobcats, ia agak menarik untuk melihat pemain saya pada beberapa pengiklanan luar di Charlotte.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Now it's time to earn that contract.", "r": {"result": "Kini tiba masanya untuk mendapatkan kontrak itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Your player's skills can be improved through buying skill points with your contract money or by doing individual and team drills -- most of which are new to this game.", "r": {"result": "Kemahiran pemain anda boleh dipertingkatkan melalui pembelian mata kemahiran dengan wang kontrak anda atau dengan melakukan latihan individu dan pasukan -- kebanyakannya baru dalam permainan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "My shooting guard took advantage of the new arsenal of moves in \"NBA2K12\" to put up 33 points in 16 minutes in his first game.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal menembak saya mengambil kesempatan daripada senjata baru dalam \"NBA2K12\" untuk meletakkan 33 mata dalam 16 minit dalam permainan pertamanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Oh, you didn't think your rookie was going to be in the starting lineup, did you?", "r": {"result": "(Oh, anda tidak sangka rookie anda akan berada dalam kesebelasan utama, bukan?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "After every game, there is a press conference where you are asked about the game action.", "r": {"result": "Selepas setiap perlawanan, ada sidang akhbar di mana anda ditanya tentang aksi permainan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Your answers impact what your teammates think of you, your league-wide reputation and how you are perceived by your hometown fans.", "r": {"result": "Jawapan anda memberi kesan kepada pendapat rakan sepasukan anda tentang anda, reputasi seluruh liga anda dan cara anda dilihat oleh peminat kampung halaman anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The answers were tough to interpret, and I came off as a jerk sometimes when I was trying to praise my teammates.", "r": {"result": "Jawapannya sukar untuk ditafsirkan, dan kadangkala saya kelihatan bodoh apabila saya cuba memuji rakan sepasukan saya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "One flaw with this game: My player still looked awkward when he was speaking.", "r": {"result": "Satu kelemahan dengan permainan ini: Pemain saya masih kelihatan janggal apabila dia bercakap.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "His bottom lip didn't seem to move, making him appear frightening when he addressed the media.", "r": {"result": "Bibir bawahnya seakan-akan tidak bergerak, membuatkan dia kelihatan menakutkan apabila dia bercakap kepada media.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "As your season progresses, you can earn more playing time and more endorsements depending on your skills and reputation.", "r": {"result": "Semasa musim anda berjalan, anda boleh memperoleh lebih banyak masa bermain dan lebih banyak sokongan bergantung pada kemahiran dan reputasi anda.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "(Those press conference answers are important.", "r": {"result": "(Jawapan sidang akhbar itu penting.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Later in your career, you can request trades, negotiate contracts and guide your player to the NBA Hall of Fame.", "r": {"result": "Kemudian dalam kerjaya anda, anda boleh meminta perdagangan, merundingkan kontrak dan membimbing pemain anda ke Dewan Kemasyhuran NBA.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "How long that takes depends on how fast your avatar becomes one of the best players in the league.", "r": {"result": "Tempoh masa yang diambil bergantung pada kelajuan avatar anda menjadi salah satu pemain terbaik dalam liga.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Thanks to this My Player mode, \"NBA2K12\" has the depth and versatility to challenge even the best gamer to achieve basketball immortality.", "r": {"result": "Terima kasih kepada mod Pemain Saya ini, \"NBA2K12\" mempunyai kedalaman dan serba boleh untuk mencabar walaupun pemain terbaik untuk mencapai keabadian bola keranjang.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "This improved feature personalizes pro hoops in a way that will have you cheering your player on -- maybe even to greatness.", "r": {"result": "Ciri yang dipertingkatkan ini memperibadikan gelung pro dengan cara yang membolehkan anda menceriakan pemain anda -- mungkin juga untuk kehebatan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Baghdad (CNN) -- At least five people were injured when bodyguards for a top Iraqi official opened fire on stone-throwing Sunni demonstrators Sunday, the country's interior ministry said.", "r": {"result": "Baghdad (CNN) -- Sekurang-kurangnya lima orang cedera apabila pengawal peribadi seorang pegawai tertinggi Iraq melepaskan tembakan ke arah penunjuk perasaan yang membaling batu pada Ahad, kata kementerian dalam negeri.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The clashes broke out after Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq arrived to address crowds protesting in a plaza in the western Iraqi city of Ramadi.", "r": {"result": "Pertempuran tercetus selepas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Saleh al-Mutlaq tiba untuk berucap kepada orang ramai yang membantah di sebuah plaza di bandar Ramadi, barat Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Tens of thousands of demonstrators have been there for nearly a week, demanding that the Shiite-led government stop what they call second-class treatment of Iraq's Sunni residents.", "r": {"result": "Puluhan ribu penunjuk perasaan telah berada di sana selama hampir seminggu, menuntut kerajaan pimpinan Syiah menghentikan apa yang mereka panggil layanan kelas kedua terhadap penduduk Sunni Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Some demonstrators Sunday called for al-Multaq, who is Sunni, to submit his resignation to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government.", "r": {"result": "Beberapa penunjuk perasaan Ahad menggesa al-Multaq, yang berfahaman Sunni, menyerahkan peletakan jawatannya kepada kerajaan Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters chanted, \"Leave!", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan melaungkan, \"Pergi!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Leave\"!", "r": {"result": "Pergi\"!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "and threw stones at him, witnesses told CNN.", "r": {"result": "dan melemparkan batu ke arahnya, saksi memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The deputy prime minister's bodyguards opened fire in an attempt to disperse the crowd as protesters hurled stones at the stage, Anbar provincial council member Suhaib al-Rawi told CNN.", "r": {"result": "Pengawal peribadi timbalan perdana menteri melepaskan tembakan dalam usaha untuk menyuraikan orang ramai ketika penunjuk perasaan membaling batu ke atas pentas, ahli majlis wilayah Anbar Suhaib al-Rawi memberitahu CNN.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "A protester with a gunshot wound was among five people injured, al-Rawi said.", "r": {"result": "Seorang penunjuk perasaan dengan luka tembakan adalah antara lima orang yang cedera, kata al-Rawi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Details about the other injuries were not immediately clear.", "r": {"result": "Butiran mengenai kecederaan lain tidak jelas.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Sunnis largely boycotted Iraq's 2005 elections, leading to the emergence of a Shiite-led government.", "r": {"result": "Sunni sebahagian besarnya memboikot pilihan raya Iraq 2005, membawa kepada kemunculan kerajaan pimpinan Syiah.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The move left the once-ruling minority disaffected, which contributed to years of bloody insurgency and sectarian warfare.", "r": {"result": "Tindakan itu menyebabkan minoriti yang pernah memerintah tidak terjejas, yang menyumbang kepada pemberontakan berdarah selama bertahun-tahun dan peperangan sektarian.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The arrest of a group of bodyguards for Iraq's Sunni finance minister fueled a surge in protests last week in Ramadi, about 110 km (70 miles) west of Baghdad, and in several other Iraqi cities.", "r": {"result": "Penahanan sekumpulan pengawal peribadi untuk menteri kewangan Sunni Iraq mencetuskan lonjakan protes minggu lalu di Ramadi, kira-kira 110 km (70 batu) barat Baghdad, dan di beberapa bandar Iraq yang lain.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "On Friday, protesters carrying flags dating back to the Saddam Hussein regime took to the streets in the predominately Sunni Anbar province, blocking a vital highway that connects Iraq with Syria and Jordan.", "r": {"result": "Pada hari Jumaat, penunjuk perasaan yang membawa bendera sejak rejim Saddam Hussein turun ke jalan raya di wilayah Anbar yang didominasi Sunni, menghalang lebuh raya penting yang menghubungkan Iraq dengan Syria dan Jordan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The demonstrations were called by tribal leaders and Sunni scholars, protesting against what they decried as unjust practices of Maliki's government.", "r": {"result": "Demonstrasi itu diadakan oleh ketua puak dan ulama Sunni, membantah apa yang mereka dakwa sebagai amalan zalim kerajaan Maliki.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Protesters demanded the release of detainees they said were held without charges.", "r": {"result": "Penunjuk perasaan menuntut pembebasan tahanan yang mereka katakan ditahan tanpa tuduhan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "They called the government corrupt and accused it of unfairly targeting Iraq's Sunni community.", "r": {"result": "Mereka menyebut kerajaan itu korup dan menuduhnya secara tidak adil menyasarkan masyarakat Sunni Iraq.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We don't want your food, your water and your medicine,\" one scholar told the crowd.", "r": {"result": "\"Kami tidak mahu makanan anda, air anda dan ubat anda,\" kata seorang ulama kepada orang ramai.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"We want our rights, our dignity\".", "r": {"result": "\"Kami mahukan hak kami, maruah kami\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "In the wake of the protests, al-Maliki has defended his government.", "r": {"result": "Susulan daripada protes itu, al-Maliki telah mempertahankan kerajaannya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"Nobody in Iraq has privilege over others,\" he said Friday, calling for increased dialogue.", "r": {"result": "\"Tiada sesiapa di Iraq mempunyai keistimewaan ke atas orang lain,\" katanya pada Jumaat, menggesa dialog dipertingkatkan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"When we want to express an opinion, we have to do it in a civilized, humane and patriotic manner,\" he said.", "r": {"result": "\u201cApabila kita hendak menyuarakan pendapat, kita kena lakukan secara beradab, berperikemanusiaan dan patriotik,\u201d katanya.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "\"It is not expected to express your opinion by cutting off roads, steering strife and sectarianism, fighting, bragging about wars and dividing Iraq\".", "r": {"result": "\"Tidak diharapkan untuk menyatakan pendapat anda dengan memotong jalan, mengemudi perselisihan dan mazhab, berperang, bercakap besar tentang peperangan dan memecah belahkan Iraq\".", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "CNN's Mohammed Lazim reported from Baghdad, Salma Abdelaziz and Yousuf Basil wrote the story in Atlanta.", "r": {"result": "Mohammed Lazim dari CNN melaporkan dari Baghdad, Salma Abdelaziz dan Yousuf Basil menulis cerita itu di Atlanta.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "Catherine Schoichet and Mohammed Tawfeeq contributed to this report.", "r": {"result": "Catherine Schoichet dan Mohammed Tawfeeq menyumbang kepada laporan ini.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "It was almost midnight when the surveillance team spotted their target at the base of the cavernous luxury apartment complex.", "r": {"result": "Hampir tengah malam apabila pasukan pemerhati mengesan sasaran mereka di dasar kompleks pangsapuri mewah gua itu.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "He fit the picture on the international arrest warrant which had urgently been issued just weeks previously -- a French-Algerian in his early 20s with buzz-cut hair and thick arching eyebrows.", "r": {"result": "Dia memuatkan gambar itu pada waran tangkap antarabangsa yang dikeluarkan dengan segera hanya beberapa minggu sebelum ini -- seorang Perancis-Algeria berusia awal 20-an dengan rambut yang dipotong buzz dan kening melengkung.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "The agents, who belonged to the DCRI -- France's domestic security service, logged the time -- 23.20 on February 11, 2014 -- and immediately radioed their superiors, who told them to move in to make the arrest.", "r": {"result": "Ejen-ejen itu, yang tergolong dalam DCRI -- perkhidmatan keselamatan domestik Perancis, mencatat masa -- 23.20 pada 11 Februari 2014 -- dan segera menghubungi pegawai atasan mereka, yang memberitahu mereka untuk berpindah untuk membuat penahanan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}} {"src": "When he saw them, the man fled through a gate leading to the staircases, according to French investigators.", "r": {"result": "Apabila dia melihat mereka, lelaki itu melarikan diri melalui pintu pagar menuju ke tangga, menurut penyiasat Perancis.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}}}