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"\u8d2d\u4e70\u4f60\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5bb6\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u50cf\u8d70\u51fa\u4e00\u67b6\u98de\u673a\u4e00\u6837\u53ef\u6015\u3002\u5728\u9884\u7b97\u8303\u56f4\u5185\u62a2\u5360\u7b2c\u4e00\u540d\uff0c\u7ee7\u7eed\u79df\u623f\u6216\u4e0e\u7236\u6bcd\u4f4f\u5728\u4e00\u8d77\u771f\u7684\u5f88\u8bf1\u4eba\u3002\u4e3a\u5e2e\u52a9\u60a8\u4e86\u89e3\u6d41\u7a0b\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u5c06\u68c0\u67e5\u8d2d\u4e70\u6d41\u7a0b\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u671f\u95f4\u548c\u4e4b\u540e\u7684\u60c5\u51b5\u3002\n\u8d2d\u4e70\u4e4b\u524d\n\u00a0\n\u505a\u70b9\u529f\u8bfe\n\u5728\u4f60\u505a\u4efb\u4f55\u5176\u4ed6\u4e8b\u60c5\u4e4b\u524d\uff0c\u82b1\u4e00\u4e9b\u65f6\u95f4\u4e0e\u4e13\u5bb6\uff0c\u6295\u8d44\u8005\u548c\u5176\u4ed6\u8d2d\u623f\u8005\u4ea4\u8c08\u3002\u4f60\u4f1a\u60ca\u8bb6\u4e8e\u4ed6\u4eec\u80fd\u7ed9\u4f60\u591a\u5c11\u89c1\u89e3\u3002\u4e0d\u8981\u5728\u90a3\u91cc\u505c\u987f\u3002\u9605\u8bfb\u9a6c\u6765\u897f\u4e9a\u7684\u4f4f\u623f\u5e02\u573a\u6216\u53c2\u52a0\u8def\u6f14\u3002\u4e86\u89e3\u60a8\u5c45\u4f4f\u7684\u5e73\u5747\u623f\u4ef7\u3002\u6240\u6709\u8fd9\u4e00\u5207\u73b0\u5728\u770b\u8d77\u6765\u90fd\u5f88\u9ebb\u70e6\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u4f60\u4f1a\u611f\u8c22\u4f60\u4ee5\u540e\u505a\u8fc7\u7684\u3002\n\u00a0\n\u505a\u4e00\u4e2a\u5217\u8868\n\u9996\u6b21\u8d2d\u623f\u8005\u7684\u9009\u62e9\u53ef\u80fd\u4ee4\u4eba\u96be\u4ee5\u7f6e\u4fe1\uff0c\u4f46\u5236\u4f5c\u6e05\u5355\u4f1a\u5e26\u6765\u4e00\u4e9b\u6e05\u6670\u5ea6\u3002\u5b83\u4e0d\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u975e\u5e38\u903c\u771f\u3002\u60f3\u60f3\u60a8\u9700\u8981\u4ec0\u4e48\u6837\u7684\u5957\u623f\uff1a\u4f20\u7edf\u7684\u5355\u6237\u4f4f\u5b85\uff0c\u590d\u5f0f\u4f4f\u5b85\uff0c\u8054\u6392\u522b\u5885\u6216\u516c\u5bd3\uff1f\u5305\u62ec\u4f60\u6240\u4e0d\u80fd\u59a5\u534f\u7684\u57fa\u672c\u613f\u671b\u3002\u5b83\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u4e00\u4e9b\u5927\u7684\u4e1c\u897f\uff0c\u5982\u90bb\u5c45\u6216\u50cf\u536b\u751f\u95f4\u74f7\u7816\u8fd9\u6837\u7684\u5c0f\u4e1c\u897f\u3002\u65e2\u7136\u4f60\u5f88\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u8d2d\u4e70\u751f\u547d\u4e2d\u6700\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u4e1c\u897f\uff0c\u90a3\u4e48\u4f60\u5e94\u8be5\u5c3d\u53ef\u80fd\u5730\u6ee1\u8db3\u4f60\u7684\u9700\u6c42\u3002\n\u8003\u8651\u4e00\u4e0b\u4f60\u7684\u50a8\u84c4\u6709\u591a\u6df1 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Damansara\u627e\u5230\u4e00\u4e2a\u5df4\u5398\u5c9b\u98ce\u683c\u7684\u522b\u5885\uff0c\u5e76\u4e0d\u610f\u5473\u7740\u4f60\u80fd\u8d1f\u62c5\u5f97\u8d77\u6bcf\u6708\u4ed8\u6b3e\u3002\u907f\u514d\u6210\u4e3a\u201c\u623f\u5b50\u7a77\u4eba\u201d \u2013 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\u2013 \u901a\u5e38\u5728\u7b7e\u7f72\u63d0\u8bae\u4e66\u6216\u63d0\u8bae\u4e66\u8d2d\u4e70\u540e\u76842\u5468\u5185\u3002\n\u8d2d\u4e70\u540e\n\u8fdb\u884c\u5b9a\u671f\u7ef4\u62a4\n\u5c31\u50cf\u6c7d\u8f66\u4e00\u6837\uff0c\u4f60\u7684\u623f\u5b50\u4e5f\u9700\u8981\u5b9a\u671f\u7ef4\u62a4\u3002\u8fd9\u6837\u53ef\u4ee5\u5728\u95ee\u9898\u8f83\u5c0f\uff0c\u6613\u4e8e\u7ba1\u7406\u4e14\u6210\u672c\u8f83\u4f4e\u65f6\u89e3\u51b3\u95ee\u9898\u3002\n\u4fdd\u5b58\u5e94\u6025\u50a8\u84c4\n\u5f53\u4f60\u62e5\u6709\u4e00\u6240\u623f\u5b50\u65f6\u4f1a\u51fa\u73b0\u610f\u60f3\u4e0d\u5230\u7684\u5f00\u652f \u2013 \u6bd4\u5982\u5b89\u88c5\u65b0\u7a7a\u8c03\u6216\u4fee\u7406\u5c4b\u9876\u6f0f\u6c34\u3002\u4e3a\u60a8\u7684\u623f\u5c4b\u542f\u52a8\u5e94\u6025\u57fa\u91d1\uff0c\u4ee5\u4fbf\u5728\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8d39\u7528\u4e0d\u53ef\u907f\u514d\u5730\u53d1\u751f\u65f6\u60a8\u4e0d\u4f1a\u63aa\u624b\u4e0d\u53ca\u3002\n\u5ffd\u7565\u623f\u4ea7\u5e02\u573a\n\u60a8\u623f\u5b50\u7684\u4ef7\u503c\u552f\u4e00\u91cd\u8981\u7684\u65f6\u523b\u662f\u5f53\u60a8\u60f3\u8981\u51fa\u552e\u5b83\u3002\u80fd\u591f\u9009\u62e9\u4f55\u65f6\u51fa\u552e\u623f\u5c4b\uff0c\u800c\u4e0d\u662f\u56e0\u91d1\u878d\u5371\u673a\u6216\u5de5\u4f5c\u8f6c\u79fb\u800c\u88ab\u8feb\u51fa\u552e\u623f\u5c4b\uff0c\u8fd9\u5c06\u51b3\u5b9a\u60a8\u7684\u6295\u8d44\u5229\u6da6\u6709\u591a\u5927\u3002\n\u4e0d\u8981\u6307\u671b\u4f60\u7684\u5bb6\u80fd\u4e3a\u4f60\u7684\u9000\u4f11\u63d0\u4f9b\u8d44\u91d1\n\u62e5\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u623f\u5b50\u53ef\u4ee5\u6210\u4e3a\u8d22\u5bcc\u7684\u6765\u6e90\uff0c\u4f46\u5b83\u4e0d\u4e00\u5b9a\u4f1a\u4e3a\u9000\u4f11\u540e\u7684\u751f\u6d3b\u63d0\u4f9b\u8d44\u91d1\u3002\u6240\u4ee5\u6700\u597d\u6bcf\u5e74\u53ef\u4ee5\u5c3d\u4f60\u6240\u80fd\u7684\u53bb\u50a8\u84c4\u60a8\u7684\u9000\u4f11\u91d1\u3002\n\u4e00\u65e6\u4f60\u638c\u63e1\u4e86\u6b63\u786e\u7684\u4fe1\u606f\uff0c\u8d2d\u4e70\u4f60\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u4e2a\u5bb6\u7684\u8fc7\u7a0b\u4f3c\u4e4e\u5e76\u4e0d\u90a3\u4e48\u4ee4\u4eba\u751f\u754f\u3002\u60a8\u5c06\u80fd\u591f\u66f4\u81ea\u4fe1\u5730\u7ba1\u7406\u5b83\uff0c\u5e76\u4e14\u5f88\u5feb\u5c31\u4f1a\u4e0e\u5176\u4ed6\u65b0\u624b\u5206\u4eab\u60a8\u7684\u77e5\u8bc6\u3002\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/10-tips-buy-property-malaysia/", "title": "10 Tips To Find The Right Property In Malaysia", "body": "10 Tips To Find The Right Property In Malaysia\nDue to the flat property market and the increase \nproperties for sale\n, there is an\u00a0abundance of options for buyers right now, so how does one find the right property for them? Here are some things to look out for whether you\u2019re looking for a home or for a piece of investment:\n\u00a0\nLocation\nLook for \nproperty listing\n locations that suit your needs. Would you want to live in the outskirts and commute every day or would you prefer to live closer to your regular locations and cut down on your commute time and costs?\n\u00a0\nNo unplanned/vacant land around\nYou don\u2019t want to be caught by any surprises after you\u2019ve purchased the property. Be wary of any vacant land around the property and try and find out future development plans for the area. The last thing you would want is construction affecting your property after moving in.\n\u00a0\nInfrastructure/connectivity\nA must for millennials are infrastructure and connectivity. If the area if a new one, find out what\u2019s being built (or planned) around you as well as their opening dates. You wouldn\u2019t want to get caught with abandoned or unopened infrastructures. Also, shops with supplies and services nearby tend to make the property pricing soar \u2013 good for both, investment as well as living purposes.\nThanks to the highways more and more people are willing to live further from central locations. This is one of the reasons why Cyberjaya and Setia Alam are becoming more popular. People are also more amenable to outskirt locations because of the new train lines being built.\n\u00a0\nProperty type\nThis is something that should go without saying \u2013 how many bedrooms are you looking at in your property? How many would you need? If you\u2019ve got green fingers, then perhaps a landed property with some land would suit you better compared to a minimal space condo. Figure out the purpose of the property you\u2019re buying and it will narrow down your choices on the market.\n\u00a0\nReputable developer\nWith so many companies popping up these days, you would do well to research your developers as well. Look for those with a good track record and practice of delivering on time with quality.\n\u00a0\nSpot deal-breakers\nIf you\u2019re buying a property second-hand then you would need to check the property out in person in order to avoid future problems. Take an expert with you or even a friend or family member to get an honest second opinion. Things to do:\nCheck for damp-spots\nCheck for cracks, mould, etc. on the ceiling\nInspect the plumbing\nCheck out the kitchen (who would want a tiny kitchen? Unless you\u2019re not planning on doing any cooking that is\u2026)\nCount power points\nCheck the wiring, power outlets, and switches\nOpen and shut doors, windows, cupboards, and drawers to make sure they work\n\u00a0\nNeighbours\nNeighbours as just as important as your property itself. Take a stroll and find out more about your possible acquaintances. Are you looking for a culturally mixed neighbourhood or one that speaks a particular language? What kinds of jobs do your neighbours do? Are they mostly tenants or owners? Do you like the local shops and restaurants? Do your homework, people!\n\u00a0\nGated or guarded community\nThanks to an increase in robberies and other crime, people are starting to have a fortress mentality. Unfortunately, many are keen on keeping the \u201criff raff\u201d out thus resulting in gated and guarded communities. You would need to decide if this is what you\u2019re looking for in a property. Or, are you fine with settling for one of the older, less guarded, areas?\n\u00a0\nAffordability\nProperty prices have soared over the years. Twenty odd years ago a corner lot in Bandar Sri Damansara would have launched at RM 220, 000. Today the same property would go for eight times its initial price! Things like these are what make buying a property daunting but fear not, aim for something within your price range. Look for new and less populated areas. Financial experts and old players on the property market suggest that your repayments should not be more than 35-40% of your net monthly income.\n\u00a0\nResearch the properties\nThis resonates more for second-hand properties than new ones. Nonetheless, it is still important when buying any type of property. \nSharedworth\n is a popular local site that provides reviews on properties in the country.\nBe wary of places with less than 70 years on the lease. These places tend to become costlier as they age as well as more difficult to sell or re-mortgage. Don\u2019t accept estate agents\u2019 promises of easy extensions without reading the fine print and getting second or even third opinions!\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n \n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/15-social-media-mistakes-real-estate-agents-avoid/", "title": "15 social media mistakes for real estate agents to avoid", "body": "Stay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/3-common-problems-real-estate-negotiators/", "title": "3 Common Problems for Real Estate Professionals", "body": "Problems for Real Estate Professionals\nProblem #1\n\u201cMy sales transactions are not consistent, sometimes good, sometimes not, and i\u2019ve contacted everyone I know.\u201d\nSolution\n \u2013 Use a \nreal estate lead generation\n service.\nBy investing in a continuous supply of leads, you\u2019re making your first move to creating a steady sales funnel. Being the best at real estate digital marketing strategy yourself is very difficult, time consuming, and labor-intensive. Pay-per-click advertising is always changing, with constant updates to Facebook and Google\u2019s algorithms. Optimising your website, selecting the right bidding strategy, setting and monitoring your budget, creating ad copy and CTAs, and optimising along the way\u2026 it\u2019s pretty much a full-time job on its own. So rather than trying to become a digital marketing expert, you should outsource to the professional digital marketing that specialise in property.\nHow do I evaluate a good property lead generation service?\nQuantity\nWork with a lead generation service that can deliver a good number of leads that will give you the best possible cost-per-lead (CPL). Remember that more leads isn\u2019t always more sales! If you have too many leads, you will be spending more money, and you can get overwhelmed with leads, and some high-quality leads can be lost if you are not able to response quickly to all the leads.\nYou need to ask yourself these questions to figure out how many leads is \u201cenough\u201d for you:\nHow many leads does you need to get a real viewing?\nHow many viewings do you need to get to close a sale?\nWhat is your conversion rate?\nHow big is your current database?\nHow much time are you willing to dedicate to prospecting?\nQuality\nIt\u2019s important to remember that just because a property lead isn\u2019t ready to buy a property right now, or even if they say \u201cNo,\u201d this does not mean that they are a dead lead or a \u201cjunk\u201d lead. Leads take time to turn into sale. Especially online leads, so keep in mind if you\u2019ve already taken steps to improve lead quality, and you\u2019re still complaining about lead quality issues \u2013 it may be your own sales problem and not a lead problem. There are some simple ways to assure that you\u2019re getting the highest quality leads possible and also funnelling leads into your pipeline strategically for higher conversions.\n3 Things You Can Do To Improve Yourself:\nImprove your \npersonal branding\nGet your clients to give your positive reviews/ testimonials\nImplement lead nurture plans for long-term leads\nProblem #2\n\u201cManaging and following up with all my leads has become too difficult to manage. I don\u2019t have time to do it all and be a real estate negotiator.\u201d\nSolution\n \u2013 Invest in a CRM. It is a critical component to building a sustainable, and scalable real estate business.\nThe best \nreal estate CRMs\n enable agents to contact hundreds of leads in an hour. Enables property agents to find ready-to-close lead opportunities. Enables real estate professionals to prioritise based on ROI (i.e. tasks more likely to generate bigger commissions). A CRM provides organisational tools, reminders, and automation. A CRM reduces busywork, and works well to grow your business.\nWhat does a good property lead management service look like?\nLead Generation & Qualification\nTo increase your reach, a good CRM will have a suite of lead generation tools and 3rd party lead integration tools that enable you to diversify your lead sources by directing more traffic to your site. It will offload the qualifying process for you so you can see more conversions.\nConsumer Website\nYou need to have your own personal \nproperty website\n to capture leads. Your website should keep your leads coming back for more with an addictive search experience, great property photos, and engaging tools. It should have fresh listing data, and good personal branding.\nAgent Tools\nNurture and convert more property leads. A modern CRM is predictive and provides insights that allow you to work smarter (not harder). It should turn your database into manageable, segmented and targeted lists to action. Every lead category should have customisable action plans, nurture campaigns, and automated notifications.\nProblem #3\n\u201cI\u2019m starting to get more property transactions, which is great, but now managing the transaction is too time consuming\u201d\nSolution\n\u2013 Invest in a transaction management solution.\nTransaction management solutions are extremely valuable for a growing real estate business and help to create an efficient, streamlined process with your transactions.\nWhat does a good transaction management tool look like?\nKey Features:\nComplete visibility into every transaction\nManagement from one dashboard or central hub\nCommission tracking\nIntegration\nThe key is to use a transaction management system that syncs seamlessly with your CRM! When you\u2019re evaluating different tools, make sure your real estate CRM integrates well with your other systems so that you aren\u2019t creating a fragmented experience.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/4-database-marketing-tips-real-estate-professionals-can-use-to-make-more-sales/", "title": "4 Database Marketing Tips Real Estate Professionals Can Use To Make More Sales", "body": "In these unpredictable times, there isn\u2019t really one solution that can turn back time.\u00a0 So it is important to focus on solid, actionable steps that you can control and implement day-by-day. While we are practicing the new norm of \u201csocial distancing\u201d and taking a pause from our typical daily routine, you as a real estate professional will need to find the opportunities within your own current digital sphere.\nHere are a few ways you can stay productive simply by leveraging your existing client database.\n\u00a0\nIncrease Your Client Prospecting Time\n One thing we know of certain is that during this time, it is going to take more leads to accomplish your goals today than it did before the crisis. Which means, your lead prospecting time will have to increase. Prospecting has always been one of the most important weekly tasks for property agents. The important thing to remember is that there is still opportunity out there. There are still leads, still buyers and sellers, you just need to work a little harder.\n\u00a0\nTake this time to do an audit your lead generation strategy. It\u2019s a good time to increase your online \nproperty lead generation\n and change your marketing strategies that are no longer working in the coming months. For example; change your viewing plans to include \nvirtual property tours\n. Instead of hosting a property event, consider doing a live property webinar for your audience\n \nSearch For \u2018Golden\u201d Leads In Your Existing Database\n\u00a0\nSince property prices are slowly decreasing, there may have been people in your database that were looking prior to the housing price increase and will continue to look during and after the interest rates have risen. In fact, there may be many people who weren\u2019t seriously looking to move or buy prior to this situation who have since realised there is opportunity in the market to get a better deal, and will be more close to making a big decision.\n These are the \u201cGolden\u201d opportunities to look out for. During this time period of uncertainty, people are spending a lot more time browsing online, so it\u2019s important to stay on top of your database and \nproperty CRM\n to engage your network to see which leads are closer to making a decision.\n\u00a0\nReconnect with Your Entire Network & Be a Guide For Your Community\nOne of the most important things people are looking for right now is accurate \nreal estate data\n & information. People want to be reassured and they want trustworthy information about the market. You have an opportunity here to reconnect with past, current, and prospective clients to check in and offer your help. Make a list of the ways you can help them, whether it\u2019s simply connecting them to another useful resource or sending them valuable property insights. Remember alot of people are still stuck at home in front of their computers and will inevitably be spending more time looking at their next dream property or simply one at a really good deal.\nUnderstand Your Data And Metrics\nNow more than ever, being a data-driven real estate professional is critical. There are plenty of numbers you can look at from your database to help strategise your new game plan for 2023. For example, figuring out the average number of leads that you need to generate in order to get a qualified prospect. Or the average number of Whatsapp texts you need to send before moving forward with a viewing, getting a closing, etc. And if this is something you haven\u2019t been tracking \u2013 now is the perfect time to start.\n\u00a0\nYou can also start tracking your follow-up & response time, because just generating leads isn\u2019t enough. It\u2019s the follow-up and persistent communication that comes next that truly matters. Ask yourself, how is your \nfollow-up process\n? Track and measure your speed-to-engage as well as your response rates. If you\u2019re using a CRM that tracks these things for you and schedules to-dos, be diligent with your CRM system.\n\u00a0\nAnother thing to track is your lead conversion & closing rates: These numbers are critical to stay at your best, because they directly tie to your transaction volume. When you are clear on how many leads you\u2019re converting to viewings and how many deals you\u2019re closing, you can pinpoint where you need to improve, and estimate how many leads you need in order to reach your sales targets. Good luck\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/4-tips-to-sell-your-property-faster-during-covid-19/", "title": "4 Tips to Sell Your Property Faster During Covid-19", "body": "Since June 2020, we have seen an increase in the inventory of property for sale month per month. As Covid-19 has impacted many people around the world, many people are still trying to sell properties during this difficult time.\nIf you are one of those sellers, you may find these 4 tips helpful in getting your \nproperty sold more quickly\n.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHow To Sell Your Property Faster During Covid-19\nMake potential buyers feel at home\nTidy up your home! Pack away all personal items like pictures, awards, and sentimental belongings. Make potential buyers feel like they belong in this house! You can also use services for home staging, \nstaging a property\n makes it easier for a buyer to visualise the property as a future home. Not only will your property spend less time on the open market, but reports mentioned that, staging a property increased the dollar value offered between 1 \u2013 5%, compared to other similar homes on the market that were not staged.\nKeep the property organised\nSince you took the time to tidy you property, also keep it organised! Before the buyers show up, pick up toys, make the bed, and put away clean dishes. It is also a good idea to freshen up the property with good air fresheners or scented oils. Buyers will remember the smell of your home! According to reports, the kitchen is one of the most important rooms to stage in order to attract more buyers.\nGive property agents full access of the property\nOne of the top four elements when selling your property is access! If your property is available anytime, that opens up more opportunity to find a buyer right away. Some buyers, especially those relocating, don\u2019t have much time available. If they cannot get into the house, they will move on to the next one.\nPrice your property right\nAs we mentioned at the start, more real estate inventory coming into the market guarantees there will be a lot of competition. You want to make sure your property is noticed. The key to selling your house in 2021 is ensuring it is \u201cPriced to Sell Immediately\u201d. That way, your home will be seen by the most amount of buyers and will sell at a great price before more competition comes to market!\nIn Summary\nIf you want to sell your house in the least amount of time at the best price with as little delays as possible, a local real estate professional is a helpful guide. Call one today to find out what you need to do to sell your home more quickly.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/5-keys-success-new-real-estate-agents/", "title": "5 keys to success for new real estate agents", "body": "keys to success in real estate\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/5-steps-to-build-your-real-estate-client-list/", "title": "5 steps to build your real estate client list", "body": "Building Your Client List\nBuilding a list of real estate contacts and clients is no easy task, but here are five steps for helping you get started.\nStep 1: Make a Plan.\nSome property agents make the mistake of thinking they\u2019ll prospect \nreal estate clients\n however they can, and whenever they have time. Instead, you need to have a good plan.\n\u2756Set aside two hours in your daily schedule for prospecting clients. You can do this all at once, or split them up. You can prospect in the morning, or the afternoon. Whatever you choose, eliminate all other distractions during those times for prospecting.\n\u2756Don\u2019t overwhelm yourself at first, limit yourself to only two or three outreach methods to begin with. Will you email prospective clients? Make cold calls? Send out flyers? Get recommendations from more experienced property agents, then take the time to perfect your choices.\n\u2756Set monthly, weekly, even daily targets for your prospecting efforts. This will give you a goal to work towards and help you decide whether your strategy and approach are actually working.\nStep 2:Make the most out of your existing relationships.\nWhile getting your name and brand out there to new clients is important, it\u2019s much more likely that you already know your first client. It could be, a friend or relative, that will probably be more willing to give you an opportunity as their new property agent than, you finding a stranger who isn\u2019t familiar with your character or habits.\n\u2756Make a list of everyone you know on a first-name basis in your location, from your aunty to the guy at the coffee shop. It may sound like a silly exercise, but it will put into perspective just how wide your network of influence already is.\n\u2756Once you have your list, tell everyone on it that you\u2019re a new real estate negotiator and you\u2019re accepting new clients. Check their names off as you start.\n\u2756Expand your contacts by getting involved in local communities and organizations, from the PTA to the MIEA to your local neighborhood community. Be a positive contributor to your community, and make sure everyone knows who you are and what you do.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStep 3: Volunteer For Showroom Duty.\nMany property agents don\u2019t like wasting time during showroom duty, in which a negotiator is assigned to the showroom of a development project to answer enquiries and meet visitors. That\u2019s because it\u2019s tedious and often thankless work. Nevertheless, showroom duty has its benefits for a new agent hoping to find new clients.\n\u2756Engage walk-ins and call-ins before anyone else and practice working with prospects. Even if they aren\u2019t interested in the end, they\u2019ll walk away with your name and contact information.\n\u2756Score points with agency management. When your colleagues and superiors see that you\u2019re dedicated, they may be willing to throw you a lead as a reward (or when they\u2019re too busy to handle it themselves).\nStep 4: Create your own\n Real Estate Website\n.\nMany of the top performers in the real estate industry suggest that being successful is about \u201cbuilding a brand\u201d. In other words, you need to provide prospective clients with a clear promise of what you have to offer them, and a place they can go to witness that promise. The best way to do this is to build a real estate website that displays your professionalism, your understanding of your location, and, of course, your property listings. It\u2019s not enough to have just any website, however. Here are a few musts:\n\u2756Your website should be your own, not just a page on your agency or company\u2019s website.\n\u2756Your website should be technologically up to date, with an SEO-friendly structure, and advanced search features.\n\u2756Your website should feature a responsive design that displays well on any device and lets your property listings take center stage.\nStep 5: Build a Database Mailing List.\nOnce you\u2019ve gotten things going on your contact list, you also need to stay top of mind with these people. The best way to do this is by engaging your network via email or whatsapp.\n\u2756Take advantage of every opportunity to get an email address and phone number. Make sure each page of your website offers multiple methods and reminders for visitors to opt into your email list.\n\u2756Make it worth it for your clients. Whether it\u2019s a downloadable neighborhood location guide or a series on preparing your property for sale, be sure your emails are adding value instead of just noise.\n\u2756First impressions are everything. Whatever incentive you create for people to sign up for your email list, be sure you follow through. If you promise your subscribers great content and deliver something mediocre, chances are they won\u2019t stick around very long.\n\u2756Don\u2019t use email to sell. Most people will delete overly salesy messages without opening them; others will quickly unsubscribe from your list. Instead, use email to drive people to your blog and your website, where your informative content and beautiful listings will make a much more persuasive argument than a cold sales pitch ever could.\n\u2756Customize your calls to action. Make sure people know exactly what they\u2019re getting when they fill out your opt in form or click on that link in your newsletter. Instead of vague requests like \u201cclick here,\u201d \u201csubmit,\u201d or \u201csign up,\u201d make sure every call to action offers a clear reward: \u201cdownload your free location guide,\u201d etc.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/5-tips-for-property-buyers-who-want-to-make-a-competitive-offer/", "title": "5 Tips for Property Buyers Who Want to Make a Competitive Offer", "body": "The real estate market can be very competitive at times. With many buyers competing for a limited number of quality homes, it\u2019s more important than ever to know the ins and outs of making a confident and competitive home offers. Here are five important tips for this important stage in the \nproperty buying process\n.\nHow Property Buyers Can Make A Competitive Offer\nListen to Your Real Estate Negotiator\nDon\u2019t underestimate how emotional making an offer can be for buyers and why trusted real estate professionals can help you stay focused on the most important things. So remember to let your real estate agent guide you on your journey, not your own emotions. Their support and expertise will keep you from emotion decisions and future financial stability. Your real estate professional should be your primary source for answers to the questions when you\u2019re ready to make an offer on the property.\nUnderstand Your Finances & Commitments\nHaving a complete understanding of your \nproperty buying budget\n and how much you can afford is essential. The best way to know this is to reach out to your bank to get pre-approved for a loan early in the property buying process. Only 34% of today\u2019s prospective homebuyers are planning to apply for pre-approval, so be sure to take this step so you stand out from the crowd. It shows sellers and property agents that you are a serious, qualified buyer and can give you a competitive edge if you enter a bidding war over a property.\n \nBe Ready to Make A Decision Quickly\nThe average property being sold today is receiving more than three offers and is only on the market for a few weeks. This shows how important it is to stay agile and vigilant in your \nproperty search\n. As soon as you find the right property for your needs, be prepared to work with your property agent to submit an offer as quickly as possible.\nMake a Realistic Offer\nIt\u2019s normal to want the best deal you can get on a home. However submitting an offer that\u2019s too low can lead sellers to doubt how serious you are as a property buyer. Don\u2019t submit an offer that will be rejected out as soon as it\u2019s received. The expertise that your property agent brings to this part of the process will help you stay competitive in the market. Your property agent will work with you to make an informed offer based on the market value of the home, the condition of the home and recent home sale prices in the location.\nBe a Flexible Property Buyer\nAfter submitting your offer, the seller may accept it, reject it, or counter it with their own home price. In a competitive market, it\u2019s important to stay flexible throughout the whole negotiation process. Your position can be strengthened with an offer that includes flexible move-in dates, a higher price, or minimal conditions you set that the seller must meet for the purchase to be finalized. There are, however, certain contingencies you don\u2019t want to forego. For example:\nResist the urge to waive the inspection contingency, especially in a hot market or if the home is being sold \u2018as-is\u2019, which means the seller won\u2019t pay for repairs. Without an inspection contingency, you could be stuck with a contract on a house you can\u2019t afford to fix.\nIn Summary\nToday\u2019s competitive market makes it more important than ever to make a strong offer on a property, and a trusted property expert can help you rise to the top along the journey.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/5-tips-on-how-to-follow-up-on-your-real-estate-clients/", "title": "5 Tips on how to follow up on your real estate clients", "body": "Real Estate Follow Ups\n\u00a0\nWhen building a relationship with your property clients always remember these 3 things, : Be persistent. Be smart. Be remembered.\nNow here are 5 strategies for making sure you follow through and secure the transaction.\n1. Have a clear Objective\nDon\u2019t just \u201ctouch base\u201d or \u201creach out\u201d. When contacting a property lead either from referrals or from your newly created \nproperty website\n. Always have a fixed goal in mind. Are you hoping to get more details from them? Offer them a piece of information? \u00a0Or Book an appointment? Whatever your objective is, set your sights on really achieving it. To make sure you stay focused, you should have a script ready and workflow your client interactions. Whether it\u2019s an email script or a few phrases for phone calls, establishing your objective will help you make an impression and achieve your goals.\n2. Try Another Channel\nIn the past, leads were only reachable via landline telephone and snail mail. In today\u2019s digital world, you can contact a lead by home phone, cell phone, email, social media, whatsapp etc. What\u2019s more, communication habits vary widely in terms of which method people use most often: according to one estimate, for instance, over half of Malaysians don\u2019t have or use their landline anymore. If you can\u2019t reach someone via telephone, be sure to try email, whatsapp or social media before you throw the lead away.\n3. Take \u201cNo\u201d for an Answer\nRemember, following up is as much about qualifying leads as it is about turning them into real clients. A \u201cno\u201d is almost as good as a \u201cyes\u201d because it lets you know where you stand and prevents you from wasting any more time in a lead that won\u2019t be useful. As time goes on, you\u2019ll learn to screen which \u201cmaybes\u201d are worth pursuing, and which are not worth it. For now, let leads know up front that it\u2019s okay for them to say no to you\u2013and welcome that answer when it comes.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n4. Don\u2019t Stop at a SPA\nYour relationship with your property client shouldn\u2019t end once you\u2019ve closed the deal. It\u2019s crucial to stay in contact with former clients, even if they don\u2019t plan on buying or selling for the next several years. First, there\u2019s a good chance a happy customer will know someone who is looking for a new home, and if you\u2019re top of mind, you may get a referral from them. You could also get a nice \nreal estate negotiator testimonial\n from them.\nSecond, staying in touch with existing customers lowers your \nproperty lead generation\n costs. After all, it\u2019s cheaper to stay in touch with someone you\u2019ve already done business with than to find a new property client. Also when a former client does decide to move on, you stand to gain even more, because there\u2019s a good chance their next home will be worth more money, and you may have the opportunity to sell their first and help them buy the next.\n5. Don\u2019t give up\nFinally, the last way to distinguish yourself from other agents is to not give up. Success in real estate is all about building your network of clients and cultivating new leads. That takes patience and persistence. Keep being consistent and there is no reason you cannot do well in the property industry.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/5-ways-to-write-good-property-engagement-emails/", "title": "5 Tips To Writing Good Property Engagement Emails", "body": "\u00a0\n1: Personalise every single email you send to prospects\nIt\u2019s a very simple thing to do, just by adding your leads\u2019 names to the top of every email you send them. However, this kind of personalisation goes a long way in building trust with your real estate prospects, getting them to engage with your communication, and directing them back to your \nreal estate website\n. So, be sure your emails, and even Whatsapp have this kind of personalisation to enhance your client engagement.\n\u00a0\n2: Test your email subject lines, copy, CTAs, etc.\nA/B testing isn\u2019t just something you ought to conduct solely for your real estate website. Testing different content headers can see drastically different results with your emails by altering the smallest things.\n\u00a0\n3: Get right to the point to engage recipients.\nYour property website is the ideal medium for lengthy, explanatory content that details your business, community, skills, and expertise. Emails, on the other hand, are meant to be short sweet and direct. For instance, if you want buyer leads to sign up for a viewing, ensure your call to actions are the right ones.\n\u00a0\n4: Identify email content that resulted in viewings\nAfter a few months\u2019 worth of emails to your database, you\u2019ll be able to detect which \nemail campaigns\n and which emails within those campaigns performed \u201cbest.\u201d By best, we mean the ones that led to actual engagement and communication. The leads that clearly want to learn more about you and/or buying or selling a home, meaning they are likely your top prospects to close a transaction.\n\u00a0\n5: Secure feedback on your email campaigns.\nWhether it\u2019s from past leads who never converted (and probably won\u2019t at any point) or past clients you\u2019ve worked with, it\u2019s great to get feedback from your prospects and customers to understand what they did and didn\u2019t like about your email content you sent them. You may find you sent emails too frequently, ones that weren\u2019t clear, or even ones that just didn\u2019t appeal to your audience. Whatever the issue(s) are, this information can help improve your future email sends.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/8-daily-habits-top-real-estate-agents-malaysia/", "title": "8 Daily Habits of Top Real Estate Agents In Malaysia \u2013 Infographic", "body": "8 DAILY HABITS OF \nTOP REAL ESTATE AGENTS IN MALAYSIA\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/8-important-real-estate-metrics-agents-measure/", "title": "8 Important Real Estate Metrics All Property Agents Should Measure", "body": "Real estate metrics\nLike in any industry in Malaysia, and especially for real estate negotiators, the only way to truly succeed is to know how your \u2018success\u2019 is measured. Most real estate negotiators fail in their first year because they are taught to sell, but not held accountable for their actual metrics and long-term performance. They don\u2019t have a standard to measure, and without a standard, it is impossible to measure their success. They don\u2019t measure, and they can\u2019t improve what they don\u2019t measure.\nJust as real estate negotiators should be held accountable to real estate agencies for meeting revenue goals, agencies should also be held accountable to negotiators for helping them build their sales pipelines. When agencies direct their focus on individual accountability and revenue goals, they\u2019ll see a big change. Accountability for revenue translates to more productive negotiators. And more productive negotiators build more successful agencies. As a real estate agency, it is your responsibility to make your negotiators accountable for meeting revenue goals and delivering high performance.\nHere is a list of 8 important metrics that all real estate professional should always measure:\nContact Rate\nProspecting and \nreal estate lead generation\n is the core activity for all negotiators and is a clear example of one of the most powerful lead metrics in real estate. Many agencies provide a certain minimum number of prospecting calls required based on the historical number of contacts required to generate a sufficient amount of interest and to generate leads. This is most important.\nCost Per Lead (CPL)\nThe simplified formula for CPL is to divide total marketing spends during a specific period by how many actual leads come in during that same period. So, let\u2019s say your monthly ad spend was RM1,000 and you brought in 20 leads \u2014 that\u2019s a CPL of RM50\nResponse Time\nResponding to leads is how you develop your agency, and if leads disappear, your business does too. Failure to respond to leads in a timely manner is a major problem for many real estate negotiators. Average response time is 916 minutes (or 15.29 hours) and\u00a047% of buyer inquiries\u00a0are\u00a0never\u00a0responded to. If agencies and negotiators take steps to correct this problem, they are tapping into a potential gold mine of sales.\nLead Conversion to Opportunity\nFrustration with online leads is increasing among real estate negotiators, and find out the cause of unconverted leads is a top priority for every agency. The way you measure and report your leads can have up to 80% or more impact on your lead conversion rate to sale. Lead generation and conversion in real estate has everything to do with knowing what is generating value and benefit for your client, this will help you direct your focus where it needs to be.\nClosing Rates\nWhen you convert those leads you\u2019ve generated into clients, you need to know how long that whole process takes. It\u2019s very important to track the average length of time your real estate agent\u2019s deals take to close and see how long leads are spending in limbo statuses and where your agency\u2019s bottlenecks issues are.\nFollow Ups\nThis is the most ignored aspect of real estate lead generation.\u00a070% of online real estate leads\u00a0report they are not followed up with effectively. Set up lead follow-up reminders through an automated CRM to ensure that your negotiators follow up with leads in a timely matter. An automated real estate lead follow-up plan can be a game changer for your agency if executed well.\nViewings Generated\nFrom prospecting and lead generation activities how many generated actual viewings? Was this % number higher or lower than your peer agents? A lower % can signal that you may require some extra training or are using the wrong technique.\nViewings per sale\nThis metric can be measured by how many visitors viewed a property listing before the property is sold. If tracked, this number can show whether or you are effectively\u00a0qualifying\u00a0buyers or effectively conducting viewings. Poor performance that is not due to the negotiator may be due to poor pricing evaluation or improper marketing of the property.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/ab-multivariate-testing-property-lead-generation/", "title": "A/B & Multivariate Testing For Property Lead Generation", "body": " \u00a0\nIn the world of \nproperty marketing\n, A/B testing and multivariate testing are two very powerful strategies for optimising real estate lead generation campaigns to increase lead quantity and lower cost per lead.\nThis is done by testing different variations of your \nproperty landing pages\n, emails, and other marketing materials. From the results and data, you will be able identify the elements that are most effective at capturing leads and driving conversions.\nToday we will explore A/B testing and multivariate testing strategies for real estate lead generation in more detail. We will also provide some examples and tips of how these techniques can be used to improve your real estate marketing campaigns.\n\u00a0\nA/B Testing Strategies\n \u00a0\nThe term A/B testing, which is also known as split testing, involves testing two different variations of a marketing element to determine which one is more effective at driving conversions. So let\u2019s look at some A/B testing strategies for property lead generation:\n\u00a0\n1. Headline Copy\nTest different headlines to see which one resonates most with your target audience. Try different messaging and tones to determine what gets the most attention for that specific target audience. \u00a0\n2. Images\nTest different images of your property project to see which ones are most effective at capturing attention and creating an emotional connection with your prospective buyers. \u00a0\n3. Call-to-Action\nTest different variations of your call-to-action (CTA) to see which one generates the most clicks and conversions. Try different tones, language, button colours, and placements to see what works best to drive engagement. \u00a0\n4. Lead Capture Forms\nTest different variations of your lead capture forms to see which ones are most effective at capturing leads. Try different form lengths, fields, and designs to see what works best for lead capture. \u00a0\n5. Emails\nTest different email subject lines, messaging, and CTAs separately to see which ones generate the most opens and clicks from prospects. \u00a0\nMultivariate Testing Strategies\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nMultivariate testing involves testing multiple variations of multiple elements to determine which combination is most effective for lead conversion. Below are some multivariate testing strategies for \nreal estate lead generation\n:\n\u00a0\n1. Landing Pages\nTest different combinations of headlines, images, CTAs, and lead capture forms to determine which combination generates the most leads and conversions. \u00a0\n2. Email Campaigns\nTest different combinations of subject lines, messaging, images, and CTAs to determine which combination generates the most opens and clicks. \u00a0\n3. Ad Campaigns\nTest different combinations of ad copy, images, and targeting options to determine which combination generates the most clicks and conversions. \u00a0\n4. Social Media Campaigns\nTest different combinations of messaging, images, and CTAs to determine which combination generates the most engagement and conversions. \u00a0\nSome of Our of A/B & Multivariate Testing Results\n \u00a0\n1. Headline A/B Test\nOur real estate professional client tested two different headlines on their landing page to see which one generated the most leads. Headline A resulted in a 27% increase in leads compared to Headline B. \u00a0\n2. Landing Page Multivariate Test\nOur real estate developer client tested four different variations of their residential project landing page that included different combinations of headlines, images, CTAs, and lead capture forms. Variation C generated a 32% increase in leads compared to the other variations. \u00a0\n3. Email Multivariate Test\nOur real estate agency client tested two different variations of their email campaign that included different combinations of subject lines, messaging, images, and CTAs. Variation B generated a 22% increase in opens and clicks compared to Variation A. \u00a0\nConclusion\nBy using the above strategies to test your campaign headlines, images, CTAs, lead capture forms, emails, landing pages, ad campaigns, & social media campaigns, you start to can identify the most effective combinations and improve your property marketing campaigns performance. This will generate more high-quality leads for your real estate business in the long run.\nAll property professional need to understand that A/B testing and multivariate testing are essential strategies for optimising real estate lead generation campaigns. The era of \u201cset and forget\u201d is long gone, and customers expect a more personalised experience when deciding on buying new property.\n\u00a0 \nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/advanced-lead-capture-techniques-real-estate-marketing/", "title": "Advanced Lead Capture Techniques For Real Estate Marketing", "body": "While launching marketing campaigns that drive huge amounts of traffic to your property website or landing page is very important, effectively capturing leads is essential for growing \nproperty sales\n . There are many different lead capture techniques available to use, but using advanced techniques will help you take your lead generation to the next level. Today we will explore advanced lead capture techniques for the real estate industry, which will include pop-ups, forms, and gated content. \u00a0\nPop-ups\nPop-ups are a great way to capture leads quickly and effectively. But on the flip side, they can also be annoying if they\u2019re not used properly. Here are some tips for using pop-ups to capture real estate buyer leads:\n1. Use exit-intent pop-ups\nThese pop-ups appear when a visitor is about to leave your website. They can be used to offer a discount or other incentive in exchange for the visitor\u2019s email address.\n2. Use time-delayed pop-ups\nThese pop-ups appear after a visitor has been on your website for a certain amount of time. They can be used to offer a lead magnet or other valuable content in exchange for the visitor\u2019s contact information.\n3. Use click-triggered pop-ups\nThese pop-ups appear when a visitor clicks on a specific button or link. They can be used to offer a VIP viewing or other personalised service in exchange for the visitor\u2019s contact information. \u00a0\nForms\nOnline forms are a classic lead capture technique, but there are ways to optimise them for better results. Here are some tips for using forms to capture real estate leads:\n1. Keep forms short and simple\nLong, complicated forms can be off-putting to visitors. Keep your forms short and only ask for essential information, like name, email, phone number.\n2. Use multi-step forms\nMulti-step forms break up the form into smaller sections, making it less intimidating for visitors to fill out. This way you can get more information about your user without freaking them out.\n3. Use conditional logic\nConditional logic allows you to show or hide fields based on the visitor\u2019s responses, making the form more personalised and easier to fill out. \u00a0\nGated Content\nGated content refers to special content that is only accessible to visitors who provide their contact information. Here are some tips for using gated content to capture real estate leads:\n1. Offer valuable content\nGated content should be something that visitors are willing to provide their contact information for. Examples include property data, white-papers, and market reports.\n2. Use teaser content\nTeaser content can be used to entice visitors to download your gated content. Teaser content can include a summary of the content, a sample data set, or a video overview.\n3. Promote your gated content\nUse \nsocial media\n, email marketing, and paid advertising to promote your gated content to your target audience and drive traffic to your real estate website.\n\u00a0\nConclusion\nAdvanced lead capture techniques such as pop-ups, forms, and gated content can help \nreal estate marketing campaigns\n capture more high-quality leads. So use these techniques to optimise your real estate website and marketing campaigns and generate more business for your real estate project. \u00a0 Remember to test different variations of your lead capture techniques to identify the most effective strategies for your property marketing campaign. \u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/apples-new-vision-pros-impact-on-the-real-estate-industry/", "title": "Apples New Vision Pro\u2019s Impact On The Real Estate Industry", "body": " \u00a0\nWith the announcement today of the Apple Vision Pro, we will dive into how Virtual Reality (VR) technology has the potential to significantly impact the real estate industry now and in the future. Apple\u2019s Vision Pro a revolutionary spatial computer that seamlessly blends digital content with the physical world, while allowing users to stay present and connected to others. Featuring visionOS, the world\u2019s first spatial operating system, Vision Pro lets users interact with digital content in a way that feels like it is physically present in their space. The breakthrough design of Vision Pro features an ultra-high-resolution display system that packs 23 million pixels across two displays, and custom Apple silicon in a unique dual-chip design to ensure every experience feels like it\u2019s taking place in front of the user\u2019s eyes in real time. \u00a0\n \u00a0\nHere are several ways the Apple Vision Pro and other VR technologies can impact the real estate Industry: \u00a0\nPre-construction Planning\nFor property developers, VR can be used to showcase pre-construction projects. Buyers can experience the finished product in a virtual environment before it is built, providing a better understanding of the layout, design, and potential issues. This can help developers market their projects more effectively and secure pre-sales. \u00a0\nVirtual Property Tours\nVR allows potential buyers to take virtual tours of properties without physically visiting them. This technology can save time and travel expenses for both buyers and sellers. Buyers can explore properties remotely and get a realistic sense of the space, layout, and ambiance. \u00a0\nEnhanced Visualisation\nVR can help buyers visualise properties more effectively. They can virtually stage the property with different furniture and decor options to see how it would look. This allows buyers to imagine themselves living in the space and make more informed decisions. \u00a0\nGlobal Reach\nVR enables real estate companies to showcase their properties to a global audience. International buyers can virtually explore properties without the need for physical visits. This can expand the market reach and attract more potential buyers, including those who may not have the means to travel. \u00a0\nAccessibility\nVR technology can improve accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges or those located in remote areas. They can virtually explore properties and make informed decisions without the need to physically visit each location. \u00a0\nCost Savings\nVirtual property tours\n can save time and resources for real estate agents and buyers. It reduces the need for multiple in-person visits and allows agents to focus on serious buyers. Additionally, developers can use VR to market properties before they are built, potentially reducing costs associated with physical showrooms. \u00a0 \u00a0\nConclusion\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nWe at RealestateMY are continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation in the real estate industry, and believe VR technology will rapidly reshape the real estate industry, offering an array of benefits and opportunities. From immersive property tours and global reach to cost savings and design customisation, VR has the potential to transform the way we buy and sell properties. As technology continues to advance, we can expect VR to become an integral part of the real estate experience, revolutionising the industry and empowering buyers and sellers alike. The future of real estate is virtual, and it is time to embrace the limitless possibilities that VR brings.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-condo-in-kl/", "title": "Best Condo In KL", "body": "There are many condominiums in Kuala Lumpur, some are really good while some have been known to have many issues. If you are looking to \nbuy a property in KL\n, this list will help you in your search. Here are the top 10 condos in KL.\nTop 10 Condos In Kuala Lumpur\nVogue Suites Ones\nVogue Suites Ones\n\u00a0is a joint venture project between \nS P Setia Bhd\n and Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), KL Eco City is Malaysia\u2019s first integrated green luxury development and is poised to set a benchmark for eco-sustainable living.\nMasterplanned by Jerde Partnership International, a world-renowned name in high profile global mixed-use projects, in partnership with leading local architects \u2013 GDP Architects, BEP Arkitek and GRA Architects; KL Eco City will be developed \u00a0to meet the stringent criteria of \u00a0Malaysia\u2019s Green Building Index (GBI) certification.\nSpanning over 25 acres, KL Eco City comprises more than 7 million sq ft of prime commercial, residential and retail space.\nPhase One of the project launched in April 2011, worth almost RM2 billion comprises 12 blocks of boutique offices, a block of high-rise strata office suites with 235 units and a corporate office tower on a four-storey retail podium. More than 70% were sold since then.\nCurrently, KL Eco City is launching its first residential tower, Vogue Suites One \u2013 Malaysia\u2019s tallest luxury residential apartment complete with lifestyle-driven features to meet today\u2019s young urbanite\u2019s expectations.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSerai\nSerai\n\u00a0is a luxury condominium, currently being developed in a 6-acre land located in the vicinity of Bangsar. Developed by Bandar Raya Development, this freehold condominium is scheduled for completion by late 2016. This project will consist of two towers, which has 21 storeys each and a total of 121 units will be offered. The built-up of the units varies between 4,025 sf and 14,000 sf and the entire project is expected to get a gross development value of RM900 million.\nAs for the layouts offered in Serai, the standard units will have a built-up ranging between 4,025 sf to 6,913 sf with a total of 119 units. Meanwhile, two penthouse units are offered, which has a built-up of 14,000 sf respectively. The units will come with five parking bays for each. This gated and guarded residence also comes with 3-tier security which includes smart card access, 24-hour CCTV surveillance, as well as a multi-tiered computerised monitoring system.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBinjai 8\nBinjai 8\n\u00a0 is a luxury high-rise serviced residence located along Lorong Binjai, within the sought-after KLCC enclave. It is amongst the latest developments in the enclave, by the reputable UOA Group. This state-of-art development, which is claimed as \u201cCity Home-Suites\u201d, comprises a 40-storey tower that houses a total of 310 units.\nThere are several types of layouts available with built-up sizes from 753 sf onwards with 1 to 4 bedrooms. 33 out of 40 floors are allocated for serviced suites while another 2 floors are for recreational facilities and the remaining 7 floors are for parking bays\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Troika\nThe Troika\n\u00a0is one of the most prestigious and preferred addresses in the \ncity of Kuala Lumpur\n. This mixed development project, which has a gross development value of RM650 mil, is undertaken by established property developer BRDB and designed by world-renowned British architectural firm Foster & Partners.\nLocated at the intersection of Pesiaran KLCC and Jalan Binjai in the affluent \nKuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC)\n enclave, The Troika is listed as one of the top ten most expensive luxury condominiums in the country. The security features at The Troika are rather run of the mill. These include card access control at all main entry points, automatic boom-gate and CCTV cameras at strategic access points.\nSome standard features of The Troika include fully-fitted bathrooms and kitchen (a RM100,000 refund is given to buyers who prefer not to have their kitchen outfitted), hot water and centralized vacuum system, imported marble flooring, Low-E window glass panels to effectively block UV rays, and an inverter control air condition system to regulate and maintain a constant temperature throughout the apartment.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nVip\nod Suites\nVipod Suites\n\u00a0 is the latest condo development in KLCC, set opposite the HL building (previously the Hakka Restaurant). Like its sister condominium complex, Quadro Residences, information about this project is top secret \u2013 so secret that renderings of the building cannot be found. As a result, there is varying information about this project. It is being developed by Monoland.\nVipod Suites is set in between KLCC and Pavilion. There are several blocks, which are either between 38 to 41-storey high. There are 3 wings, with 4 lifts (including 1 service lift) serving each wing. There are 367, 418, or 440 units in total and prices start from RM668,000 for 1 bedroom units and RM900,000 onwards for 2+1 bedrooms.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIdaman Residence\nIdaman Residence\n\u00a0 is a luxury high-end condominium situated right opposite to the Petronas Twin Towers in KLCC. The exclusive resort condominium is located right in the center of the KL\u2019s Golden Triangle, where one could indulge in shopping, dining and recreational activities that catered especially for those city folks.\nTowering 34-storey high over the city center, Idaman Residence was built on 1.45 acres of premier freehold land with optimum layout designed to enhance individual private spaces. There are nine units of apartments on each floor with sizes ranging from 877 up to 2,174 sf where the ceiling is 10-feet height. The living room, dining area and master bathroom laid feature first-class imported marble.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHampshire Place\nHampshire Place\n\u00a0 is another luxurious residential residing within the KLCC vicinity along Persiaran Hampshire developed by Tan & Tan Developments. It is situated facing Megan Avenue and Menara Asia Life, and between 2 Hampshire and Hampshire Park.\nThere are plenty of amenities and facilities around the area. Within short distance, residents of Hampshire Place are catered with numerous facilities and amenities in the surrounding area. Within a short drive, residents can treat their taste buds with OldTown Kopitiam, Rasa Sayang Restaurant, Stadium Negara Restaurant, The Deccan and Restoran Kari Kepala Ikan Kg Pandan.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Reach\nThe Reach Titiwangsa\n\u00a0is a luxurious freehold condominium situated in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. The project is being developed by Binastra Group and it is slated for completion in the fourth quarter of 2017. The Reach @ Titiwangsa will allocates two blocks of 35-storey buildings and one block of 41-storey building with a total of 528 units. All units will be conveniently designed with eight different types of layouts, whereby Type A, B and F will have 3 + 1 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms, Type C, D and E will have 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms and Type G and H will have 4 + 1 bedrooms with 4 bathrooms. The built-up area for the units will be ranging between 1,368 and 2,685 sf.\nResidents at The Reach @ Titiwangsa will be indulged with myriad facilities that will be spread across six different floors. These amazing facilities include tennis court, gymnasium, lap pool, children\u2019s playground, badminton court, half basketball court, squash courts, management office, viewing gallery, sitting lounge, infinity sky pool, ioniser pool, aqua gymnasia, sauna, yoga zone, wet deck, pool lounge, cabana, hammock garden, party deck and sky gymnasium. There will also be more than 600 parkings bays, a grand reception lobby and a multipurpose hall. Amenities wise, The Reach @ Titiwangsa is surrounded with all kinds of public amenities which include primary schools, high schools, universities, colleges, healthcare centers, gas stations, shop lots, restaurants, local eateries sand banks.\nThe Reach @ Titiwangsa is also close to AEON Wangsa Maju and KL Festival City Mall. The accessibility to The Reach @ Titiwangsa is convenient as it is situated nearby DUKE Highway, Jalan Pahang and Jalan Genting Klang. There are several public transportation stations within the vicinity of The Reach @ Titiwangsa such as Sentul LRT, Titiwangsa Monoral, Putra Bus Terminal and Titiwangsa Bus Terminal.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nQuadro Residences\nQuadro Residences\n\u00a0is a high end condominium building suitable for expatriates and locals who want to live in the middle of the city, or for a legendary bachelor or bachelorette pad. It is another project by Monoland.\nIf you have over RM1 million to spare and want a fancy pad in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, look no further than Quadro Residences. This is directly competing with Monoland\u2019s other development called Vipod Suites which is less exclusive.\nQuadro Residences has a more exclusive address, as it shares the same row as Park Seven, The Binjai, Traders Hotel, and Menara Exxon-Mobil. There are 245 units in a 36 storey building, with only 7 units per floor. However, not to worry if you are a privacy freak \u2013 each floor is served by a whopping 8 lifts and each unit has its own private lift lobby! The units also come with 2 car parks.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nG\naya Bangsar\nGaya Bangsar\n\u00a0 is a prestigious serviced apartment that nestled along Jalan Maarof in Bangsar. It is a block of 34-storey apartment which including 7-storey podium car park with 409 car parking lots and 285 apartment units. The condo is a leasehold residential development by reputable developer UDA Holdings. It is scheduled to complete in Q4 2010.\nGaya Bangsar is designed based on a young and aspiring urbanite\u2019s requirements. There are 6 types of unit layouts (Type A, Type B, Type B1, Type C, Type D and Type E) with built-up ranging from 671 sf to 1,610 sf to suit individual\u2019s needs. All types of units are corner units except Type E (Studio) and the bigger units (Type A, Type B, Type B1 and Type C) come with private lift and corner bathtub respectively. This modern and high-end condominium is priced from RM500 psf.\u00a0\nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-luxury-condo-in-ara-damansara/", "title": "Best Luxury Condo In Ara Damansara", "body": "\u00a0\nAra Damansara\n is the popular township in Petaling Jaya consisting of low and high-rise residential homes, commercial properties, and bungalows spread out in dedicated garden precincts and commercial centres. From the luxurious, resort-style villas to the trendy, serviced suites; Ara Damansara promises unparalleled convenience and comfort with many public amenities such as retail outlets, recreational centres, and offices close by. If you are looking for a great condominium to buy or rent in Ara Damansara, we have listed the top luxury condos in Ara Damansara for you to choose from:\n\u00a0\nTop Luxury Condos In Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\nG Residences, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nG Residences\n is a proud project by HCK Capital that started its development in late October 2012. It was completion in mid 2015, this leasehold condominium located in the new upcoming prime area of Ara Damansara is attracting a lot of attention. It is close by Urbana Ara Damansara .\nThe uniqueness of G Residences is that the developer is going to fully furnished each unit for the occupants, hence, the slightly steep price. This means that each unit will come with its own beds, sofas, refrigerators, air conditioners, cooker and hob, a ready-made home with no need to shop for your own furniture. G residence will come with the typical facilities of a condominium; the most important being the 24-hour security, along with covered parking, gymnasium, jogging track, playground and swimming pool.\n\u00a0\nMaisson, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nMaisson\n\u00a0is a freehold, medium-cost development located in\u00a0Ara Damansara,\u00a0Petaling Jaya. The developers are 128 Ara Damansara Sdn Bhd, whom are the master developers. Other developments in the area include\u00a0Taipan 1,\u00a0Alissia\u00a0and\u00a0Atilia.\nThere are multiple types of units offered at Maisson to cater to a wide range of potential home buyers. The smallest units are studio units with only 500 sf, whereas the rest would consist of mainly 2 or 3 bedroom units with square footage ranging from 882 to 1,594 sf. There would be a total of 5 blocks, and a total of 1,247 units spread among them.\nAt Maisson, there would be a swimming pool and landscaped gardens located between the four blocks. Apart from that, the units facing Southeast would have a view of Petaling Jaya, whereas the units facing northwest would be able to have a view of Tropicana. There are also 2 acres within the development that is designated for a Landscaped Deck for excellent sunrise and sunset views.\nFacilities in the Maisson are adequate for an active lifestyle. It comes with a swimming pool, children\u2019s pool, gymnasium and function lawn. There are also numerous landscaped gardens for casual scenic strolls. There would be a multi-purpose hall for community events, kindergarten for the young ones, and 24-hour security for peace of mind and protection.\n\u00a0\nUrbana Residences, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nUrbana Residences\n is an initiative by Weida, whose venture in the plastic industry is more well-known. This maiden attempt of them will take place in Ara Damansara, and it was completed in September 2016. This serviced apartment is being developed by Loyal Paragon, a subsidiary of Weida, on a leasehold land. It is close by G Residences Ara Damansara .\nOnly a single block of building will be housing all the future residents of Urbana Residences. There are four wings in total, encompassing the 16-storey high apartment. An expansive variety of layouts are available for choosing, with the interesting idea of a dual-key apartment in the offing. The 356 units will feature between 2 to 4 bedrooms, plus two utility rooms for the latter, with 2 to 4 bathrooms, with a powder room in addition to the 4 bathrooms unit.\nThe units in Urbana Residences will be partly furnished. They will come with Johnson Suisse\u2019s bathroom fixtures, Signature Kitchen\u2019s cabinet, hob, hood and sink, air-conditioning systems and also a washer and a dryer, with the last two equipped to compensate for the lack of yard for the smaller units. This guarded residence will have its security personnel patrolling the area all day long, plus the security enhancement of card-controlled elevators. Further inspection reveals cool facilities too. Urbana Residences seems to be going along the line as being the residential solutions for the young and modern, and this is echoed by facilities like vista lounge, sky garden, Swingin\u2019 Cocoons, Lookout Cubes, Chillax Zone and a cabana.\n\u00a0\nAra Hill, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAra Hill\n\u00a0is an exclusive 16-acre site condominium nestled in\u00a0Ara Damansara, a celebrated mixed development vicinity by the reputable Sime Darby. Designed in resort-styled setting, this freehold residential is a low density enclave, with only 25 units per acre. There are 2 types of condominium available, namely Ara Hill Resort Villa and Ara Hill Resort Condominium. It is close by Ara Damansara Berkely , Calarosa and Maisson .\nAra Hill Resort Villa comprises 20 blocks of 3-storey high condominiums, which consist of a total of 110 units. There are 5 layouts to choose from ranging from 1,600 sf to 4,200 sf. Meanwhile, Ara Hill Resort Condominium is a medium-rise condominium with each block is 8-storey to 10-storey high. It offers 11 layout designs with built-up sizes ranging from 1,600 sf to 2,390 sf.\nEach residence at Ara Hill is fitted with timber flooring for all bedrooms, and polished homogeneous tiles for the foyer, and living and dining area. It is completed with air-conditioning units and built-in central hot water system. Some units come with built-in wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, private balcony and a food waste disposal unit.\n\u00a0\nAra Greens Residences, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAra Greens Residences\n is a freehold development located in Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya. The developers are HSB Development, and it was completed in 2015. Other developments in the vicinity include Dataran Ara Damansara, Palermo and Chelmsford.\nSmaller Type A units of Ara Greens Residences only comes with one parking bay, whereas Types B, C and D would have two. Only larger units under Type E, F and G would have three parking bays. There are only an average of eight units per storey, and each block is served by three passenger lifts along with one service lift. The density of the development is medium as it is approximately 100 units per acre.\nAra Greens Residences boasts a good security system that is multi-tiered. There would be security present at the guardhouse and patrolling the premises. Certain units also comes with dual-key to facilitate more convenient property management, and provides versatility to the owner.\nIn Ara Greens Residences, the developers are going all out with the facilities, having many recreational facilities scattered across the six blocks. Putting things into perspective, approximately 63.4% of the development, or 4.76 acres is being designated for community space. There is a children\u2019s pool, playground, playroom and splash zone, that is designated for children alone. The developers are certainly generous with the facilities.\n\u00a0\nPacific Place, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nPacific Place\n\u00a0is an integrated development featuring serviced apartment, a shopping mall, business / commercial shop-lots and a college in\u00a0Ara Damansara. It is located next to\u00a0Dana 1 Commercial Centre and adjacent to Peremba Square, Amaya Saujana , G Residence and Puncak Seri Kelana.\nThe serviced apartment at Pacific Place comprises of 6 blocks of 15-storey buildings including a 3-storey of shop-lots beneath it. Each block consists of about 200 units; hence the apartment comprises a total of about 1,200 units. There are 15 units per floor and it is served by 3 lifts. Every block has its own facilities at the roof top that include Tai Chi garden, games room, roof-top garden and swimming pool.\nThere are several layouts available; 1-bedroom unit with 717 sf of built-up size, 2-bedroom unit with built-ups of 864 sf and 906 sf, 3-bedroom unit with 1,042 sf and 1,078 sf of built-up sizes, and 2 duel key types which units that feature a separate studio (with private entrance) from the house that comes with 3+1 bedrooms with built-ups of 1,325 sf and 1,275 sf.\n\u00a0\nEve Suite, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nEve Suite\n\u00a0(formerly known as NZX Square) is a mixed serviced apartment and retail mall development located in\u00a0Ara Damansara. It is developed by SM Land Group, and has estimated gross development value of RM350 million. Nestled on 5.264 acres of freehold land, it comprises of two blocks of serviced apartment with a total of 713 units of studio and 2-bedroom apartment units. Its studio suites / SoHo and 2-bedroom apartment have built-up sizes of 680 sf and 1,065 sf respectively.\nBesides residential component, Eve Suite also comprises of two-storey retail mall beneath the apartment. It has built-ups ranging from 4,121 sf to 6,854 sf. Its studio units was launched from RM380,800, the two-bedroom suite was from RM565,000 and its retail shops start from RM2,133,220. Each unit of Eve Suite is fully-furnished with New York chic interior design concept. The apartment is furnished with 40\u2032 LCD TV, sofa, coffee table, mirror (wall), walk-in wardrobe, a 1.5 hp split unit air cond and its kitchen is equipped with kitchen cabinet, fridge and bar stools. Adding to that, the 2-bedroom unit also comes with dining chairs, study table and side tables (but minus mirror and bar stools).\n\u00a0\nOasis Serviced Suites, Ara Damansara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nOasis Serviced Suites\n\u00a0is a new serviced apartment nestled within Sime Darby\u2019s\u00a0Oasis Ara Damansara\u00a0integrated development in the\u00a0Ara Damansara\u00a0township. This integrated building features a magnificent 12-meter high cascading waterfall at the entrance.\nThis serviced apartment comprises two 10-storey blocks sprawling over 2.98 acres of freehold land. It consists of 326 units with small-sized studio units to typical condominium-sized units. It has 4 standard unit types to choose from with built-ups ranging from 572 sf to 1,108 sf. There are also penthouse units built. Each unit is furnished with built-in wardrobe, built-in kitchen cabinet, kitchen hood and hob, hot water system and security alarm system with intercom and panic button.\nOasis Serviced Suites is equipped with modern facilities including a yoga garden, jogging track, sauna, gazebos and patios, a putting green,\u00a0BBQ\u00a0area and swimming as well as wading pool to name a few. It features 4-tier security with 24-hour\u00a0CCTV\u00a0surveillance.\nThis development is part of the integrated Oasis Ara Damansara commercial cum residential hub which is dubbed to become the focal point of Ara Damansara. This integrated development also comprises shop offices, retail lots, corporate offices and a 2-storey development of food and beverages outlets. In a nutshell, Oasis Ara Damansara itself is a self-contained oasis with full basic amenities for the residents.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-luxury-condo-in-bangsar-south/", "title": "Best Luxury Condo In Bangsar South", "body": "\u00a0\nBangsar South\n is one of the newest and affluent locations in the Klang Valley, it is a major integrated property development project which sits on the former Kampung Kerinchi site in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was renamed from Kampung Kerinchi so\u00a0 the developer could upscale the value of land. The 60-acre (240,000 m\n2\n) development was undertaken by UOA Group, which acquired the land once known as south of bangsar back in 2005. The site is located near landmarks Menara Telekom and the Mid Valley Megamall. Other notable landmarks in the vicinity include the Angkasapuri building and the University of Malaya. If you are looking for a great condominium to buy or rent in Bangsar South, we have listed the top luxury condos in Bangsar South for you to choose from:\n\u00a0\nTop Luxury Condos In Bangsar South\n\u00a0\nBegonia, Bangsar South\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBegonia\n\u00a0is a modern condominium located within\u00a0Bangsar South, along Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur. Neighbouring residences are Camellia, Vertical Suites , Centrio, The Horizon\u00a0and Apartment Pantai Permai. Begonia is one of The Park Residences developments. This condominium comprises a total of 291 units, with built-up size ranges from 1,260sf to 2,068 sf.\nEach unit at Begonia is built with 2, 3 or 4+1 bedrooms. Among amenities provided for the residents include barbecue area, cafeteria, club house, covered parking, gymnasium, jacuzzi, mini market, playground, sauna, swimming pool, wading pool and 24hr security, equipped with\u00a0CCTV\u00a0as well as access card system and intercom.\nThere are ample facilities nearby the residence. Nearby schools are\u00a0SMK\u00a0Seri Pantai and SK Methodist, both within 1 km radius. Shopping spree at MidValley Megamall, The Gardens, Bangsar Village and\u00a0BSC\u00a0are just about 5 to 10 minutes\u2019 drive away. The malls have everything under their roof, including grocery shopping and food outlets.\n\u00a0\nCamellia, Bangsar South\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCamellia\n of the Bangsar South is the highly sought after condominium of the highly discerning in Kuala Lumpur. A leasehold project, Camellia is part of the UOA Group project, it was completed in February 2014. It\u2019s neighbours will be the equally prestigious South View and Begonia.\nThe serviced suites of Camellia is a true high rise that towers at 34 storeys high. Unfortunately interested buyers will only be allowed to purchase units on the first 20 floors as the higher floors after the 22nd floor are reserved for a hotel that will be operating there. Nevertheless this just further adds to the prestige of the development. There will be 720 units in the whole block with 300 units dedicated to the hotel. Residents of the higher floors will will have the privilege of choosing between the KLCC view or a Pantai Panorama view, undoubtedly at a higher price.\nMickey Mouse units of 638 sf are available, ranging up to bigger family units at 1419 sf. Prices start at RM528,000, and if interested buyers hurry they might still be able to get a unit here. The Camellia is unique in the sense that each unit comes either partially or fully furnished with top quality finishing. Lightings are installed in the plaster ceilings, and each unit has a built in TV station, kitchen cabinets, air-conditioners and wardrobes. All the 4 units will have balconies for residents to savor the night air and view except for the unit type A2 that does not come with a balcony.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSouth View, Bangsar South\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSouth View\n is a serviced residence located in the vicinity of Bangsar South. Developed by UOA Group, this freehold residence comes which two towers which has 46 storeys each and a sum of 1,400 units. This development was completed in early 2017 and the built-up of the units varies between 621 sf to 1,121 sf. This entire development was expected to have a gross development value (GDV) of RM450 million.\nSouth View offers six stunning layout designs, whereby Type A1 comes with 1+1 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, which has 648 sf built-up; Type A3 has 1,092 sf built-up with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms; Type B1 has 823 sf built-up with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms; Type B2 has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with 815 sf built-up; Type C1 has 1,119 sf built-up with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Meanwhile, Type C2 comes with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with 990 sf built-up.\n\u00a0\nKL Gateway, Bangsar South\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKL Gateway\n is a massive development located in the vicinity of Bangsar South. Developed by Suez Domain, this mixed development comprises residences, corporate towers and a retail mall. This development comes with 2 serviced apartments, 1 premium residence, 2 office towers and 1 shopping mall. The completion date for this project was on 2016.\nThe serviced apartments and office tower comes with 33 storey, 33 storey and 38 storey respectively, with a number of 201 units of offices and 357 units of homes. The launch price for the office tower varies between RM919 sq ft to RM1,037 sq ft, depending on the built-up which is between 1,200 sq ft to 11,800 sq ft. Meanwhile, the launch price for the serviced residences varies between RM600 psf to RM900 psf, with built-up ranging between 500 sq ft to 1,098 sq ft. The layouts of the serviced residences comes with the option of 1 bedroom, 1+1 bedrooms, 2 bedrooms and 2+1 bedrooms.\nKL Gateway also offers numerous facilities for its tenants and among the conveniences are sky lounge & bar, business lounge, children educare centre with daycare, child enrichment & edutainment, grand central park, iconic ring retail piazza, infinity pool, hydro gym, outdoor jogging track & park, private drop-off, grand lobby, private access to retail mall, 3 tier security system, lobby with turnstiles, CCTV and access card for lift. The developer also focused on going green, whereby the buildings are GBI certified. It is an energy efficient building with clean air technology, rain water harvesting system, brown field development and natural light maximisation. The units would also be equipped with individually controlled FCU air-cond system.\n\u00a0\nThe Park Residences, Bangsar South\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Park Residences\n\u00a0is a condominium within the new township of\u00a0Bangsar South, which is ideally established within a ten-minute journey to Bangsar, Mid Valley City, KL city centre and Petaling Jaya.\nBangsar South is a huge development project which targeted at the medium to high-end city living market. This exclusive development consists of\u00a0The Village\u00a0with a property gallery and F&B; outlets,\u00a0The Horizon\u00a0with boutique offices,\u00a0The Vertical\u00a0with blocks of commercial offices,\u00a0The Sphere\u00a0and the high-end residential condominium \u2013 The Park Residences.\nThe Park Residences is built-up of eight blocks of condominiums with their presence felt against the backdrop of an active cityscape. There are 470 units of modernized condos with a built-up area ranging from 1,260 to 5,840 sf. It consist 2 to 4+1 bedrooms with en-suite bathroom and facilities. Furthermore, facilities here are perfectly equipped, this includes modernistic club house which is suitable for whole family participation.\nAlso, it has a well-planned 24\u00d77 security system with CCTV surveillance to ensure the safety of the area. There are also sufficient car parks and public transportation available; the University LRT station is within walking distance. In term of accessibility, The Park Residences is easily accessible via Federal Highway and the New Pantai Highway.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-luxury-condo-in-bukit-jalil/", "title": "Best Luxury Condo In Bukit Jalil", "body": "In Malaysia, when someone talks about \nBukit Jalil,\n the image of the sports stadium is usually the first thing to come to mind. Obviously this wouldn\u2019t be surprising at all considering that the city itself started as a development for the Commonwealth Games in 1998. Since then, this popular suburb of Kuala Lumpur has really come a long way, transforming from a simple town to a bustling neighbourhood filled with many amenities and entertainment centres.\nBukit Jalil is also well-favoured by students, because it houses several famous universities such as International Medical University, Bukit Jalil Sports School, and Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation. many people live in the area as it provides a convenient living location of not only being close to universities but also filled with various convenient amenities and entertainment. If you are looking for a condominium to buy or rent in Bukit Jalil, we have listed the top 10 luxury condos in Bukit Jalil for you to choose from:\n\u00a0\nTop 10 Luxury Condos In Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\nThe Z Residence, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Z Residence\n\u00a0is a high-rise condominium located in\u00a0Bukit Jalil. It is located next to\u00a0Bukit OUG Condominium and neighbors Jalil Damai\u00a0and\u00a0Seri Jalil.. The development was completed in April 2014 by Darul Dinasti, which is wholly owned by Trinity Group.\nSituated on a 7-acre freehold land, Z Residence comprises of two blocks with a total of 1,136 units. Units come with either 2, 3 or 3 + 1 bedrooms with built-ups ranging from 1,033 to 1,394 sf. A vast array of amenities are provided at The Z Residence including a landscaped floating garden, sky lounge, infinity swimming pool, wading pool, children playground, BBQ area, sauna and gazebo, just to name a few.\nVast amenities can be found within the surrounding of Z Residence. These amenities include Plaza OUG, Endah Parade, Giant Hypermarket, Sunway Pyramid, International Medical University, various clinics, schools, and also shop lots. Bukit Jalil Recreational Park, Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Resort and Bukit Komanwel Recreational Park are also within driving distance.\nZ Residence has an easy accessibility to major highways and routes, which include Shah Alam Expressway, Bukit Jalil Expressway, Damansara \u2013 Puchong Expressway, KL \u2013 Putrajaya Expressway, KL \u2013 Seremban Expressway, and Old Klang Road. Traveling to Kuala Lumpur, Damansara, Cyberjaya, Klang, Shah Alam, KLIA, Cheras, and Seri Kembangan will definitely be very convenient.\n\u00a0\nThe Rainz, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Rainz\n is an exclusive residential development surrounded by nature-like environs. Set in a prominent area of\u00a0Bukit Jalil,\u00a0Kuala Lumpur, The Rainz is being developed by Exsim Group.\nThe Rainz will comprise of three 35-storey towers with a total of 624 condominium units. Three types of layouts will be available, whereby Type A has 4 bedrooms + 1 study with 3 bathrooms, Type B has 4 bedrooms + 1 maid\u2019s room with 4 bathrooms and Type C has 5 bedrooms + 1 maid\u2019s room with 4 bathrooms. Significantly bigger than one another, the built-up area is ranged between 1,513 and 1,930 sf.\nThe Rainz offer a perfect living for all generations with myriad facilities and activities. Spread across three different levels, the list of facilities available at The Rainz will be everyone\u2019s fancy. On the ground floor, residents will find forest trail, outdoor gym, basketball court, badminton court as well as table tennis for any sports enthusiast. Also available, a guard house that ensure the security of all residents.\nLevel 8 of The Rainz hold the other facilities like nursery, gymnasium, pool lounge, wet playground, water slide, wading pool, swimming pool, jogging path, maze garden and many more exciting facilities. On Level 35, residents will be mesmerized by all sky-high facilities such as sky dining, sky lounge, sky garden, sky terrace / BBQ area, sky floating lounge, sky viewing deck, sky BBQ and sky pavilion.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSkyLuxe On The Park, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSkyLuxe On The Park\n is situated in a prime spot of Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Developed by SkyLuxe Development Sdn Bhd, a member of SkyWorld Development Group. It is located close to Anjung Hijau.\nSkyLuxe On The Park comprises of two towers with a total of 477 units. There are six contemporary and practical layouts to choose from with built-up areas ranging between 661 and 1,224 sf. The development is surrounded by green environment to fit the design of SkyLuxe that is inspired by earth\u2019s elements. For other sports and recreational activities, Bukit Jalil Recreational Park, Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Resort and Bukit Jalil National Sports Complex are just mere minutes away.\nTo give residents a convenient living, SkyLuxe features 24 contemporary lifestyle facilities. The facilities include maze garden, sky garden, jacuzzi, infinity pool, wading pool, garden terrace, kitchen garden, reading room and multipurpose hall. There is also a dedicated recreational podium comprises urban facilities and landscaped gardens.\nAmenities wise, there are aplenty that are within the vicinity of SkyLuxe, such as the upcoming Pavilion 2 Mall, which will be accessible via a link bridge situated just 0.5km away from SkyLuxe, upcoming Paradigm KL OUG, Endah Parade, The Mines, Giant Hypermarket, International Medical University (IMU), Bukit Jalil Sports School, Bukit Jali Primary School, Asia Pacific University (APU) as well as Lai Meng Kindergarten and Primary School.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Andes, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Andes\n\u00a0is the name of a freehold development located in the borderline between\u00a0Bukit Jalil and Puchong, and it completed in 2018. This property is under the helm of Villamas, and it is made of two residential unit types, condominium and villa terrace. Hence, in the borderline of this project, one would find two blocks of condominium buildings and a row of villa terrace houses. Mutiara Bukit Jalil and Kinrara Mas.\nStanding at a height of 20 storeys, the two condominium blocks at The Andes will be seen beside the triple-storey villa terrace. Two of the villa terrace units will have extra garden space compared to the other twenty. Meanwhile, six bedrooms (plus one utility room) and six bathrooms fill the units. On the other hand, the condominiums consist of 353 units, all with built-up sizes from 1,105 to 1,842 sf. One of the layouts, Type B2, even features a studio space with a dual-key system, further widening the options available for The Andes.\nThe units of The Andes are furnished with many surprisingly sweet benefits. One is the attached double volume balcony, while another is the two master bedrooms in the villa units. A few of the higher-end units would come with private roof garden and a private lift lobby. Another interesting prospect of The Andes is the facilities provided. Celebrity kitchen is a public space for those who want to have a gathering or a quick party. Reading pod is basically a space for people to read and relax. Onsen spa and sauna provide stress-relieving hang out points. The other facilities are the rudimentary but still salient ones like swimming pool, gymnasium, yoga studio, kindergarten, squash court, surau, barbecue area and others.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Treez, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Treez\n\u00a0(also known as The Treez Jalil Residence) in\u00a0Bukit Jalil is a mixed residential development of a condominium and link houses. It is developed by Exsim Group of Companies, and has a gross development value (GDV) of RM190 million, which also built The Rainz. It is close to the\u00a0Arena Green, and Green Avenue.\nLiving up to its name, The Treez is a green development that follows GBI Accreditation Panel (GBIAP) high standard that highlights sustainable site planning and management, indoor environmental quality, materials and resources, energy efficiency, water efficiency and innovation.\nSited on a 2.6 acres freehold land, The Treez comprises of condominiums, condo-villas, penthouses and link villas. Condominium unit has layout size ranging from 1,409 sf to 1,700 sf and comes with 2 car park bays. The condo villa is a 3,206 sf unit and built with private entertainment room and some units come with private garden and car park for 3 cars.\nThere are a total of 9 penthouse units in The Treez, measuring from 3,367 sf to 4,647 sf with 180 degree stunning vistas and comes with 4 car park bays. The link villa has the largest built-up size, at 4,344 sf, and each unit comes with private lift, individual roof-top garden and 4 car park bays on the ground floor.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCovillea, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCovillea\n is a luxury condominium that comprises 2 blocks of 20-storey buildings that house a total of 308 units. It is beautifully located along Jalan Barat at Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. As one can see from its surrounding is filled with lush greenery scenery, which from a state-of-the-art tropical facade to the landscaped tropical garden and the expansive golf course as well. This exclusive development is developed by a well-known property developer Berjaya Golf Resort.\nCovillea is developed on a 2.91-acre of freehold land, and it offers large built-ups for the units which are ranging from 1,293 sf to 2,139 sf. Those ground floor units come with extra land, which can accommodate a private garden while those lower floor units will have balconies with visible golf course view or infinity pool deck. For the higher floor units, there will be full height windows enabling the natural lighting, ventilation and bringing you a panoramic golf course view. Each unit will be attached with 3+1 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Besides, it comes with 2 free parking bays and separate drop-off areas with their own lift lobbies. The launching price for one unit is approximately from RM378,988 to RM829,850.\nCovillea is completed with full condominium facilities to ease and leisure the residents. It includes gymnasium, barbecue area, business centre, 24-hour security system, cafeteria, clubhouse, Jacuzzi, jogging track, mini market, nursery, playground, salon, sauna, squash court, swimming pool, wading pool and tennis court. Other than that, Covillea is an exclusive residential address in Bukit Jalil, as numerous amenities can be accessible easily, and most of them are within walking distance such as Bukit Komanwel Recreation Park, 80-acre Bukit Jalil International Park, Bukit Jalil 18-hole golf course, National Sport Complexes, Endah Parade, Bukit Jalil LRT station, Sri Petaling LRT station, Technology Park Malaysia, IMU and some schools.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKiara Residence, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKiara Residence\n\u00a0is a leasehold condominium development sited along KESAS Highway in\u00a0Bukit Jalil. It is in front of\u00a0Bukit OUG Condominium and neighbors The Rainz.\nSited on 4.528 acres of land, Kiara Residence comprises 4 blocks with 10 or 12 floors per block and 8 units per floor. Every unit is corner unit. There are a total of 360 condominium units with 3 different layouts to choose from with built-up sizes from 1,050 sf (Type A), 1,291 sf (Type B) and 1,454 sf (Type C). Each unit comes with a two car park bays. Early birds shall\nIn terms of accessibility, Kiara Residence is accessible via Jalan Awan Cina of Taman Yarl which is connected via Jalan Awan Besar from Kesas Highway and Jalan Gembira. Besides that, there is a future link to Bukit Jalil via a new proposed road. It is near Kesas Highway Access and Bukit Jalil-Puchong Highway.\nSavanna 1, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSavanna 1\n\u00a0is a condominium developed by Berjaya Land. The condominium is located in the\u00a0Bukit Jalil vicinity. It consists of two blocks of 22-storey condo which houses a total of 408 units. This freehold condo was completed in October 2008, it is close to Covillea and Arena Green.\nOf the two blocks, Block B was sold to Hanju Savanna, a Korean developer. The units on the block were upgraded with higher quality tiles compared to Block A. Block B was sold initially with golf memberships only to Koreans, but the remaining units were opened to locals later on.\nSavanna 1 is located along Jalan Bukit Jalil / Kuala Lumpur \u2013 Putrajaya Expressway. It is close to nearby townships such as\u00a0Sri Petaling\u00a0and\u00a0Cheras. It is easily accessible via\u00a0KESAS\u00a0Highway, MRR2, Federal Highway and KL \u2013 Seremban Highway.\nSavanna 1 is also near to major public amenities such as\u00a0LRT\u00a0station, Sports Complex, schools and institution of higher learning (SK Seri Saujana,\u00a0SMK\u00a0Bandar Baru Seri Petaling,\u00a0IMU\u00a0and\u00a0APIIT), Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Resort, Bukit Jalil Recreational Park and many others.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKM1, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKM1\n\u00a0is another newly launched condominium located in\u00a0Bukit Jalil. It is well located facing Bukit Jalil Gold & Country Resort and also overlooking Bukit Jalil Recreational Park. It neighbors\u00a0Green Avenue,\u00a0Jalil Sutera\u00a0and\u00a0Bukit\u00a0OUG\u00a0Condominium.\nKM1, a 3.67 acre freehold condominium, comprises of 2 blocks with 7 units per floor. Units have built-up sizes ranging from 1,335 sf to 1,508 sf. Every unit comes with 2 car park bays.\nNumerous amenities can be found near KM1. Just opposite the road is The Link Business Centre, an urban commercial centre also by Berjaya. It is also near to Aked Esplanade. For avid golfer, it is just minutes away to Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Club. It is also near to Bukit Jalil Recreational Park and Bukit Jalil National Sports Complex.\nIn terms of accessibility, KM1 is well connected with extensive road and highway networks. It is accessible via Shah Alam Expressway (KESAS), Bukit Jalil Expressway, Kuala Lumpur-Putrajaya Maju Expressway (MEX), KL-Seremban Highway and Jalan Klang Lama (via Jalan Awan Besar). It is just 9km away from Mid Valley City, and 12km away from\u00a0KLCC.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nGreen Avenue, Bukit Jalil\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nGreen Avenue\n\u00a0is a condominium development carrying freehold title located in the developing neighborhood\u00a0Bukit Jalil. Similar developments within the vicinity includes Aked Esplanad, KM1\u00a0and\u00a0Kiara Residence. It comprises of 2 blocks of 16-storey tower housing a total of 390 units.\nEach of these units typically have 3+1 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with an average built-up size of 1,080 sf. Facilities provided include gymnasium and swimming pool to name a few. Residents have a wide array of amenities to pick from. Starting with shopping malls, the condominium is situated within close proximity to many malls such as Mid Valley Megamall, IOI Shopping Mall and Giant hypermarket; all of which are hosts to all sorts of daily necessities and luxuries.\nApart from the many amenities within close proximity, in terms of recreational activities, there is the Bukit Jalil GOlf & Country Resort for golf enthusiasts. Educational institution such as SMK Bukit Jalil and International Medical University can both be accessed within 20 minutes driving distance. It is well-connected via several major highways such as Kesas highway, Damansara-Puchong highway and Seremban highway. For public transportation, residents can always head to the RapidKL LRT Sri Petaling station or RapidKL Bukit Jalil both of which are located not more than 2km away."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-luxury-condo-in-klcc/", "title": "Best Luxury Condo In KLCC", "body": "\u00a0\nThe Kuala Lumpur City Center (KLCC), is considered one of the most sought after property destinations because of its strategic location, which is right in the middle of KL city. If you are looking for a condominium to buy or rent in KLCC, we have listed the top 10 luxury condos in KLCC for you to choose from:\n\u00a0\nTop 10 Luxury Condos In KLCC\n\u00a0\nThe Mews, KLCC\n\u00a0\nThe Mews\n\u00a0is another luxurious serviced condominium property that can be found in that golden area near\u00a0\nKLCC\n. In collaboration with Mitsui Fudosan Residential, Eastern & Oriental Berhad, a much respected name in the local development scene, are behind this freehold project. By estimation, the place will be ready by the third quarter of 2017, around July to September. Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, linked to Jalan Tun Razak and also Jalan Ampang that fronts the twin towers, is the exact location of the property.\nStanding at the height of 38 storeys, the two blocks of The Mews consist of 256 units in total. Six types of layouts are the choices that the buyers have. The choices start with Type A at the size of 923 sf and end with Type E2 with 2,619 sf. Type A has limited number of rooms with only a bedroom and a bathroom, but Type E2 is way more lavish with 3 + 1 bedrooms and 4 + 1 bathrooms.\n\u00a0\nParkview, KLCC\n\u00a0\nParkview\n\u00a0(also known as Parkview Service Apartment) is a luxury serviced apartment developed jointly by Mayland and Martego in the prominent area of\u00a0KLCC. It definitely has the ideal location for a serviced apartment in\u00a0Kuala Lumpur.\nParkview is an exclusive luxury serviced apartment located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur\u2019s golden triangle. The 41-storey freehold serviced apartment consisted of 322 serviced apartment units and 95 luxury suites, with the serviced apartment units ranging between a compact 489 sf and a spacious 1,755 sf. Meanwhile, the luxury suites have built-up size ranging from 1,855 to 2,480 sf.\nConsidering Parkview as a worthwhile choice while selecting a serviced apartment to live in is a must for prospective Kuala Lumpur urbanites. It offers contemporary conveniences and facilities such as a barbecue area, a business centre, a clubhouse with a juice bar and lounge, a gymnasium and a sauna. Moreover, adding more value to the serviced apartment are the rooftop swimming pool, a laundrette, covered parking bays and 24-hour security surveillance.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nmyHabitat, KLCC\n\u00a0\nmyHabitat\n\u00a0(also known as myHabitat1 or myHabitat2) is a serviced residence nestled along Jalan Tun Razak in\u00a0KL City Centre. It sits on a freehold commercial land right next to Empire Tower, Crown Princess Hotel and City Square Centre. This is the last piece of property development on the small oasis along Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Aman, developed by AP Land.\nmyHabitat comes with two 38-storey blocks, famously known as myHabitat1 or myHabitat2, with a total of 304 units, of which eight are penthouses. Tower 1 comprises of 168 units with built-up ranging from 883 to 4,983 sf. Some units were launched at the price tag of RM1,035,000 and completed by the end of July 2008. Whereas, Tower 2 comprises 215 units of small and medium sizes with 15 designs to choose from, including penthouse. Studio units are sized between 603 and 1,141 sf, and was launched at RM725,504 for 603 sf unit.\nThere is one lift that serves two units per floor, while corner units or units on premium floors are served by private lift lobby. In terms of security, myHabitat features 24-hour security with access to all entrances and lifts, as well as an audio and video intercom system. There are only 4 units per zone, and they are served by 2 lifts which equipped with card access system. All units face open KL city skyline and Titiwangsa Lake Gardens.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBinjai Residency, KLCC\n\u00a0\nBinjai Residency\n\u00a0is one of the most prestigious condominiums ever built in the\u00a0KLCC\u00a0area. In fact, it might be the best looking and located condominium there. Not to confuse you, Binjai Residency is a different condominium from The Binjai On The Park (The Binjai). Like Snow White, 32-floor Binjai Residency\u2019s white body glitters in the crowd of the concrete jungle, making the rest of the residential condominiums there look almost plain.\nLevel 6 to Level 23 of Binjai Residency allocates the Type A, A2 and B2 of executive units consisting of 3+1+2 bedrooms with 5 bathrooms. Slightly differ in layouts, Type C1, C2 and D2 of premium units at Level 23A to Level 29 have the same number of bedrooms and bathrooms as the executive units. The penthouse units, on the other hand, are duplex units with much more spacious areas.\nJust a stone\u2019s throw away from KLCC Twin Towers and in close proximity to financial, commercial and entertainment facilities, Binjai Residency gives you all you need for a truly refined lifestyle in and out of your home. Financial centers are blooming on this side of the city. Maybank and Bank Simpanan Nasional Ampang Park as well as RHB Plaza OSK are just across the road, with Public Bank and Ambank are just a 5 minutes drive away. In fact, Citibank is just a walk away and many more banks are conveniently within your reach.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAmpersand, KLCC\n\u00a0\nAmpersand\n\u00a0(also known as Ampersand @ Kia Peng) is an exclusive condominium located along Jalan Kia Peng developed by IJM Land. It is situated right besides Top Hat Restaurant and opposite of CENFAD College. It was launched in the 1st quarter of 2006 and expected to be completed in January 2010. It holds a 99-year leasehold tenure.\nAmpersand is a super low density residential as it only offers 71 units with built-up areas of 2,613 to 5,852 sf. It comprises of 3 blocks of 7 to 12 storeys on about 2 acres land. Block A and B are located in front of the entrance while Block C which is the largest and highest block, located behind both two. Facilities provided include swimming pool, gymnasium, sauna and multi-purpose hall. Movable timber louvered panels line the external balcony, sheltering or exposing to suit the weather. Its dining area is built with showcase kitchen.\nAmpersand is positioned strategically between walking distance to Royal Selangor Golf Club and KLCC. It is surrounded with numerous amenities within short driving distance. For shopping and leisure, one can hop to Suria KLCC, Sg Wang Plaza, Lot 10, KL Plaza, Starhill Gallery, Times Square and BB Plaza.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSetia Sky Residences, KLCC\n\u00a0\nSetia Sky Residences\n\u00a0(also known as SSR) is an exclusive and futuristic freehold serviced residences nestled at the junction of Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz. It was launched in 2008 and scheduled to be completed in 2011.\nThe luxury condominium is set on a 5.96-acre land at the intersection of Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, just 1 km away from KLCC. It is neighbouring The Orion, National Heart Institute (IJN) and National Library. Setia Sky Residences comprises a total of 844 apartment units with built-up sizes from 990 sf to 1,755 sf. There are 6 units on each floor and they are served with 7 lifts with private lift lobby. Each unit will enjoy either KLCC or Taman Tasik Titiwangsa view. Furtheremore, Setia Sky Residences is nearby several amenities.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSt Mary Residences\n , KLCC\n\u00a0\nSt Mary Residences\n\u00a0is a luxury serviced residence located in\u00a0KLCC. It is a joint venture development between E & O Property Development and Lion Group. It is located on the old site of St Mary School that is on a 4.04-acre freehold land.\nSt Mary Residences comprises of three 28-storey apartments that house a total of 457 units, suitable for both short-term tenants and those who are staying for the long haul. There are four layout types to choose from \u2013 Studio Suite, City Suite, Metro Suite and Rooftop Penthouse. Each unit is fitted with designer kitchen and appliances to ensure comfort and cosiness for the tenants. The service apartment makes 1/3 of the St Mary development, with the other two being E & O Residences and St Mary place (a luxurious selected retail outlets and arrays of delicious delicacy outlets).\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSoho Suites, KLCC\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSoho Suites\n\u00a0(also known as Soho Suites @ KLCC) is indeed a very interesting development whereby the design is unique and yet practical to fit the upcoming trend of live-work culture.\nSoho Suites is located in between Wisma Hong Leong and Menara Bank Islam. It is also neighboring\u00a0Etiqa Twins,\u00a0Fraser Place,\u00a0Rohas Perkasa\u00a0and the renowned\u00a0Petronas Twin Towers.\nSoho Suites offers 2 types of Soho, Duplex and Simplex. Duplex is a 2-storey unit with Suite Office on lower floor and Service Suite Apartment on upper floor. The two floors are connected by an internal staircase. Meanwhile, the Simplex unit is a single-storey unit whereby the Service Residential Apartment unit is connected to Corporate Office (different block).\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBanyan Tree, KLCC\n\u00a0\nBanyan Tree\n\u00a0(also known as Pavilion Banyan Tree and Banyan Tree Residences) is luxury service residence skyscraper nestled at\u00a0KL City Centre, within the\u00a0KLCC\u00a0enclave. The suites will be managed by world renowned Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts.\nSited on the former MISC building (previously used as the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus in 2000 to 2005) covering 1.461 acres site, Banyan Tree comprises a single 55-storey tower which consists of 441 units of private residences, 51 units of service residences, and 50 luxury suites. Service and private residence are located from Level 27 to 52, while the hotel suites are located on Level 54 and 55.\nThere are 7 types of serviced apartment to choose from at Banyan Tree, ranging from 1 to 3 + 1 bedrooms. The units have built-ups range from 1,076 sf to 2,184 sf. This exclusive apartment will boost modern facilities that include a sky bar and a sky-restaurant at the tower roof top, together with the signature Banyan Tree Gallery and Spa.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n231 TR, KLCC\n\u00a0\n231 TR\n\u00a0(also known as 231 Tun Razak) is a luxury condominium residing in between Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Bukit Bintang, mushroomed together with row of embassies, office buildings, golf club and banks. It was developed by Urban Delta, a subsidiary of YWC Group. It is the first property development by Urban Delta, and the group, YWC Group. YWC Group, or largely known as YWC Engineers & Constructors is a civil engineering construction company which was established in the 50\u2019s.\n231 TR is strategically located at the corner of Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Bukit Bintang. Among its immediate neighbors situated next door are Kuwait Embassy on its left, Indonesian Embassy on the right, Citroen showroom located behind the building and a row of old bungalows. Besides that, just across the road is a private medical center known as Prince Court, and also the Royal Selangor Golf Club right across Jalan Tun Razak.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-luxury-condo-in-mont-kiara/", "title": "Best Luxury Condo In Mont Kiara", "body": " \u00a0 \nMont Kiara\n is one of the most popular locations for buying or renting a condominium in the Klang Valley. This township consists mainly of residential condominiums and office complexes which were mostly developed by UEM Sunrise Berhad, a well-known property development arm of \nUEM Group.\n It is adjacent to Sri Hartamas in the south and KL Metropolis in the east, and is heavily populated by \nforeigners living in Malaysia\n who mainly consisting of Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese. If you are looking for a condominium to buy or rent in Mont Kiara, we have listed the top 10 luxury condos in Mont Kiara for you to choose from: \u00a0\n\u00a0\nTop 10 Luxury Condos In Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\nArcoris, Mont Kiara\n \u00a0\nArcoris\n\u00a0is a mixed development located within the thriving hub of\u00a0Mont Kiara. It comprises of 5 components such as Hotel, Retail, Business Suites, SoHo & Serviced Residence. Arcoris was developed by Sunrise responsible for several award-winning developments. The development is expected to be completed in year 2016. Arcoris comprises 2 blocks of of 35-storey and 18-storey towers, known as the Southern block and Northern block respectively. The development houses 5 components including Business Suites (Office), SOHO, Serviced Residences, Plaza (Retail) and Hotel. There are a total of 262 units of prime Business Suites (Office) with built-up sizes ranging from 660 sf to 1,550 sf. SOHO units on the other hand with total of 336 units, have built-up size from 450 sf to 1,000 sf. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nGateway Kiaramas, Mont Kiara\n \u00a0\nGateway Kiaramas\n\u00a0is a high-rise development which consists of a serviced apartment and a corporate office tower. It is nestled within the upscale\u00a0Mont Kiara\u00a0area. It is developed by Asia Quest Holdings, the same developer for all Kiaramases\u2019 residential in the enclave. This freehold development was completed in January 2010. This 30-storey condo comprises a total of 168 residential units. Gateway Kiaramas is a mixed development, which also has a total of 168 office suites on an 11-storey corporate tower. The residential units have built-up areas ranging between 743 and 3,563 sf. Gateway Kiaramas is located exactly besides the Sprint Highway (Penchala Link) within the Mont Kiara enclave, and bordering Sri Hartamas. This new high rise development is easily accessible via major road networks, namely the Sprint Highway (Penchala Link), North \u2013 South Highway (via Jalan Duta), Jalan Sri Hartamas 1 and Jalan Duta. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nSunway Vivaldi, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\nSunway Vivaldi\n\u00a0is a luxury condominium project by Sunway City. The condominium consists of six blocks with a total of 228 units. There are basically three blocks of 9-storey condo and another three blocks of 20-storey condo. This high-end condo is built on 7.7 acres of freehold land. This new development is expected to be completed in early 2011.\nNestled in the\u00a0Mont Kiara\u00a0enclave bordering\u00a0Sri Hartamas, Sunway Vivaldi is located exactly on a freehold plot of land between Sprint Highway (Penchala Link) and Jalan 19/70a. This new high rise development is accessible via major highways namely Sprint Highway (Penchala Link), North-South Highway (via Jalan Duta), Jalan Sri Hartamas 1 and Jalan Duta.\nSunway Vivaldi is within easy reach to shopping malls, business centers, schools, cafe, restaurants, medical center and golf clubs. The nearby amenities include Mont Kiara Business Center, Plaza Damas, Plaza Mont Kiara, Hartamas Shopping Center, Bangsar Village, Bangsar Shopping Center,\u00a0SMK\u00a0Sri Hartamas, French International School, Garden International School, Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club, Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club, Pantai Medical Centre and many other.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nVERVE Suites, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\nVERVE Suites\n\u00a0(also known as VERVE\u00ae Suites) is situated in the most desirable and sought-after neighborhood of\u00a0Mont Kiara\u00a0in\u00a0Kuala Lumpur. It is a high-rise development made of luxury serviced apartments housed in four blocks on a 5.87-acre freehold land, with the gross development value (GDV) of RM625 million.\nThe four blocks of VERVE Suites housing 881 units are Viva Tower (Block A), Vibe Tower (Block B), Vogue Tower (Block C) and Vox Tower (Block D). Each unit has built-up space from 462 sf (1 bedroom) to 1,394 sf (3 bedrooms). All units are fully-furnished with innovative interior designs and furnishings. These fully-furnished designer suites are filled with imported German Bosch appliances and designers\u2019 furniture. There are several designs to choose from, and each type has its own personal identity and concept, which are reflected on the interior designs and furnishings.\nFurthermore, the residents of VERVE Suites are catered with a 6,000 sf penthouse called The Vertigo Lounge located on the 35th floor that also houses most of its amenities \u2013 a sky gymnasium, theater, jacuzzi and sauna, pool table, games room and F&B; facilities. The floor also has zones for sofa areas, reading corners and WiFi hotspots available. The security features are rather run of the mill. The services include card access control at all main entry points, automatic boom-gate and CCTV cameras at strategic access points.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nTiffani Kiara, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\nTiffani Kiara\n\u00a0(also known as Tiffani by i-Zen) is a high-end residential apartment developed by a Bursa Malaysia Main Board public listed company, Ireka Corporation. The company is also a renowned London Stock Exchange public listed company via the name of ASEANA Properties Ltd for its property development wing.\nTiffani Kiara is another venture project along with\u00a0One Mont Kiara\u00a0and\u00a0Seni\u00a0between the Ireka Group comprising of Aseana Properties Ltd, Amatir Resources, and CapitaLand Financial. Ireka Corporation has developed numerous glamorous high-end residential as well as commercial developments within Mont Kiara vicinity including One Mont Kiara, Seni, and Sandakan Harbour Square (Phase 3 and 4) in Sabah, as well as several developments in Vietnam.\nThere are a numerous facilities and amenities nestling in the Tiara Kiara vicinity including three international schools, food and beverages hubs including chic cafes and fine dining, banks, commercial centers as wells as golf clubs. It is located near to the Mont Kiara International School and Garden International School and surrounded by prestigious residential neighborhoods such as Sri Hartamas, Damansara Heights and Bangsar.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKiara 163, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKiara 163\n\u00a0(formerly known as D\u2019Kiara Place) is an integrated freehold commercial development nestled within the global village,\u00a0Mont Kiara, right next to the established\u00a0Plaza Mont Kiara.\nThe gross development value (GDV) of Kiara 163 is reported to be at RM875 billion. It was supposed to be launched in December 2008, but postponed, to a later date at the end of 2010.\nKiara 163 comprises a retail podium with food and beverage outlets, a 2,500 seat auditorium, a 23-storey office tower and two blocks of 42-storey serviced apartments. The serviced apartments will be managed by Swiss-BelHotel Hotels.\nThe retail store at Kiara 163 will occupy three floors (including a basement floor) out of the 7-storey podium, and will become a new neighborhood shopping mall to cater everyday\u2019s needs with food outlets, a supermarket, specialty stores and service providers. The remaining four floors are designed specifically to place the auditorium for concerts, performances, conferences and meetings.\nAs for the serviced apartment at Kiara 163, there are a total of 584 units within the two 42-storey towers. Tower A comprises of only 202 units of apartments and penthouses with bigger built-up areas than Tower B, which consists of 382 units.\nThe facilities at Kiara 163 for the residents include a swimming pool, jacuzzi, glass-walled gym surrounded by water, squash court with garden setting and an entertainment pavilion. There are also 6-storey multi-storey car park, 4-storey basement car park and 1-storey basic facilities.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSun Kiara, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\nSun Kiara\n\u00a0is a new condominium mushrooming in the posh postcode of\u00a0Mont Kiara. It is situated in between\u00a0VERVE\u00a0Suites and\u00a0Casa Kiara II. It has been buzzing around since late 2009 with a price tag of RM1,100 psf.\nSun Kiara comprises of a single tower with a 3-storey clubhouse-cum-car park block besides it. There are 7 layouts to choose starting from 2,450 sf. Full condominium facilities are provided including gymnasium, bubble pool, sky lounge and privae lounge. It is estimated to be launched at about RM1,100 psf.\nBeing part the \u2018Global Village\u2019 community, residents of Sun Kiara will enjoy vast array of amenities such as international schools (Garden International Schools and Monta Kiara International School), retail mall (Plaza Mont Kiara, One Mont Kiara and Hartamas Shopping Centre) and abundance of commercial centres located just mere mintues away (Solaris Mont Kiara and Desa Sri Hartamas).\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nPavilion Hilltop, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nPavilion Hilltop\n\u00a0is an ongoing development in the vicinity of\u00a0Mont Kiara. This residential development has already been commenced this year and were expected to be completed by August 2017. The Tower A of this freehold condominium was launched in April 2013 and was fully sold out within the next two months and currently Tower B is up for sale. Almost 40% of the second block have been booked and some buyers are even registering themselves for the third phase which would be launched on early next year.\nPavilion Hilltop is expected to have a gross development value of RM1.18 billion with a launch price which begin from RM900 psf. So each unit in this development are priced between RM1 million to RM2 million. A total of 621 units are available for the whole project, whereby Tower A has 221 units, Tower B has 232 units and Tower C has 168 units. The built-up of the units in both Tower A and Tower B varies between 1,200 sq ft and 1,830 sq ft. Meanwhile, units in Tower C are expected to reach up to 2,800 sq ft built-up.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nResidensi 22, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nResidensi 22\n\u00a0(also known as Residency 22) is a high end residential development located in\u00a0Mont Kiara. The tenure for the units is to be freehold and construction is expected to complete 4 years after its launch, roughly in the middle of 2017. The developers are none other than UEM Sunrise, an absolute titan in the development scene.\nThe developer of Residensi 22 plans that there are to be a total of 4 blocks, but Phase 1 as of now only sees to the construction of two blocks, each having 38 and 39 floors respectively, with a total of 534 units. The units are generally larger than what other condominiums offer, starting at 1,909 sf. Low density is also a selling point that the developers are pushing for, with only 4 units per floor. The units vary slightly in terms of layout, ranging from 3+1 bedrooms to 4+1 bedrooms, and 4 to 5 bathrooms. Prices for the units at launch start from RM1,430,000 for the smallest unit at RM750 per square feet.\nResidensi 22, being marketed as a high-end condominium, would have adequate facilities to attract the high-end consumers. Primarily, facilities include a gymnasium, tennis court, a half basketball court, a multipurpose hall that can be used as a badminton court, children\u2019s playground, sky deck, meditation lawn, and a lap pool. 24 hour security patrol the perimeter, as with any high-end condominium; and the nearest police station is 3 kilometres away, being Balai Polis Taman Tun Dr Ismail.\nBeing located in Mont Kiara, Residensi 22 offers easy access to amenities. There are three shopping complexes within a 2 kilometre radius, being 1 Mont Kiara Mall, the Hartamas Shopping Centre, and Solaris Dutamas; these three shopping complexes together offer a vast range of amenities. Less than 500 meters away is the township of Desa Sri Hartamas, where eateries, minimarkets and 5 bank branches could be found. Less than 500 metres from Residence 22 is the GDM Specialist Centre and the Kiara Medical centre. There are also numerous schools nearby, including Garden International School, Mont Kiara International School, SK Sri Hartamas, SK Bukit Damansara and Taylor\u2019s College Hartamas.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAston Kiara 3\n, Mont Kiara\n\u00a0\nAston Kiara 3\n\u00a0is a new condominium residing in\u00a0Mont Kiara. Sited at the end of Jalan Kiara 3, it is adjacent to\u00a0Impian Villa,\u00a0Kiara 1888,\u00a0Kiara 9,\u00a0One Kiara\u00a0and\u00a0Ceriaan Kiara. It comprises of a single 22-storey block with 8 units per floor and 7 units on 16th floor. There are a total of 160 units.\nThe residences start from Level 5 up to Level 22. Level 3 is its recreational and facilities floor which house swimming pool, squash court, gymnasium, cafeteria and sauna. Level 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B and 2C are for car park bays. There are 8 types to choose from the development of Aston Kiara 3. Type 1 and 2 comprises of 1,598 sf built-up with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Type 1 is facing the west \u2013 overlooking the green hills. Meanwhile, Type 2 overlooks Mont Kiara vicinity to the south.\nThe typical unit at Aston Kiara 3 is designed with an open plan area for living, dining and kitchen area. The master bedroom comes with an en-suite bathroom, whilst second and third bedrooms share access to the 2nd bathroom. Each unit comes with a yard. Type 3, 3A and 5 units measure 1,518 sf of built-up. The 3 and 3A units come with 3+1 bedrooms and lanai (except Type 3A). Type 3 units are facing the north, while Type 3A units are facing the south.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-luxury-condo-in-puchong/", "title": "Best Luxury Condo In Puchong", "body": "\u00a0\nPuchong\n is a major town in Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia. It is bordered by Subang Jaya in the north, Sepang and Putrajaya in the south, Serdang in the east and Putra Heights in the west. Puchong consists of low and high-rise residential homes, commercial properties, and bungalows spread out in dedicated garden precincts and commercial centres. From the luxurious, resort-style villas to the trendy, serviced suites; Puchong promises unparalleled convenience and comfort with many public amenities such as retail outlets, recreational centres, and offices close by. If you are looking for a great condominium to buy or rent in Puchong , we have listed the top luxury condos in Puchong for you to choose from:\n\u00a0\nTop Luxury Condos In Puchong\n\u00a0\nZen Residence, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nZen Residence\n\u00a0is a condominium is located in\u00a0Puchong. It consists of two blocks of 21-storey residential units built on 4.16 acres of land. It has built-up areas ranging from 1,178 to 1,493 sf with only eight units each floor. It is a project by Sentral City, which was launched in 2008 and completed by the end of 2011.\nEach unit at Zen Residence is given two parking bays. The development comes with complete condo facilities. Apart from that, it also has multi-tier security which includes card access and security at guardhouse, secured lobby access, secured level access, secured car park access, quadrant security and security patrol. This has certainly made Zen Residence stand out amongst the other developments in this area.\nZen Residence is located in the middle of Puchong along Jalan Puchong, which is quite near to Taman Industri Puchong, Bandar Puteri Commercial Centre and Bandar Bukit Puchong. It is accessible via Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong, Lebuhraya Bukit Jalil, KL \u2013 Seremban Highway and Kesas Highway. This new condominium is also within close proximity to public amenities such as shops, schools (Han Ming Chinese Primary School), and shopping malls (IOI Mall, Tesco).\n\u00a0\nThe Wharf, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Wharf\n\u00a0is an integrated residential and commercial development located in\u00a0Puchong. This commercial development is within close vicinity to Lake Vista, Lake Haven, Taman Puchong Utama and\u00a0Taman Putra Impiana\u00a0to name a few.\nThe Wharf comprises of The Wharf Residence, a condominium that consists of a total of 1,002 residential units, Bizwalk that comprises 3-storey shop offices and also Wharf Lifestyle Mall which is currently not for sale. The Wharf Residence offers units with built up areas ranging from 818 sf to 1,146 sf and each unit comes with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathroomss. Facilities provided are swimming pool, parking bay, store room, playground, 24 hours security and jogging track intact.\nThe Bizwalk\u2019s units come with a land area of about 39\u2019 x 75\u2019 sf and with built-up sizes ranging from 700 sf to 2,625 sf for each unit. All units are equipped with a lift and also 24 hours security. Besides that, the standard unit comprises of 2 rooms that can be easily transformed into 3 rooms. Apart from that, facilities such as sliding door meeting rooms and security card access system are also provided.\nBeing a commercial development itself, many amenities are easily accessible. For example, clinics like Klinik Kulit Ko are just a short 4 minutes drive away via the Putra Prima Interchange. There are also multiple schools located near to the Wharf such as SMK Puchong Utama 1, SK Puchong Utama 1, SK Puchong Utama 2 and SMK Puchong Perdana \u2013 all situated within a 15 minutes drive away. It is easily accessible via the Putra Prima Interchange and also major highways like the Damansara-Puchong Highway, ELITE and NKVE.\n\u00a0\nKoi Prima, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKoi Prima\n is a high rise development located in Taman Putra Prima, Puchong. Developed by Masteron, this high rise serviced condominium is scheduled to be completed by 2015. This development comes with four 26 storey blocks, which has 1,283 units in total. Covering 7.9 acres of land, this entire project has a gross development value of RM450 million.\nThe built-up of the units at Koi Prima varies between 1,055 sf and 1,098 sf and the launch price of this property began from RM371,400 up to RM408,300. It comes with two types of layouts, whereby each layout has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Each unit is given two car parks. The intermediate unit comes with 1,055 sf, while the corner unit has 1,098 sf, with a total of 12 units per floor. Koi Prima\u2019s main attraction is a 1.5 acre park it comes with, Prima Park.\nConsisting of a jogging track, outdoor gym and two tennis courts, the facilities at Koi Prima is suitable for families to have outdoor activities and have a fun leisure time. Other facilities included in Koi Prima are clubhouse, snooker / games room, karaoke lounge, children\u2019s playground, BBQ pit, event / multi-purpose hall, cafe, launderette, nursery / kindergarten and themed gardens.\nKoi Prisma aspired to emulate \u2018a home in the suburbs\u2019 feel to its residents by featuring open landscape thematic hanging gardens for recreation and ventilation on selected floors. Furthermore, 45% of the podium level is dedicated for landscaping and facilities. The water features available at the condominium are aplenty, with them offering two swimming pools, two children pool with water slides, an outdoor jacuzzi and a koi pond.\n\u00a0\nThe Heron Residency, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Heron Residency\n\u00a0is a resort-style service apartment located in\u00a0Puchong. It was launched in July 2005, and consists of 290 suites. It was completed 8 months ahead of schedule. The condo is developed by Darul Dinasti. It consists of two blocks with 290 units.\u00a0Facilities at The Heron Residency include a clubhouse, gymnasium, sports facilities, business centre, putting green, swimming pool, gated card access security, audio/video studio, cafeteria, laundrette, and a night garden.\nLocation-wise, the main selling point is that The Heron Residency is close to several educational campuses. These are the Malaysian Multimedia University (MMU), Lim Kok Wing, and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Uniten) which are all located within the Cyberjaya/Kajang area. Other than this, there are other local schools and colleges nearby. In terms of shopping, it is close to the main shopping area in Puchong where Giant, Tesco, and IOI Mall is. It is also close to the ELITE, Kesas, and LDP highways.\n\u00a0\nO2 City, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nO2 City\n\u00a0is located in Puchong South,\u00a0Selangor. It is a modern integrated serviced neighbourhood based on the concept of community living. Its intention is to bring back a sense of friendship and goodwill between neighbours, back when everyone knew each other\u2019s names, visited each other\u2019s homes and played together in a tight-knit community. O2 City is a project by Perfect Eagle Development, a ten-year-old company with an impressive track record. The expected completion date is in 2015.\nO2 City was built with sustainability in mind. Thus, you will see plenty of greenery and an emphasis on recycling initiatives. \u201cGreen\u201d features include a recycling centre within the confines of the neighbourhood, with direct access to organic decomposers. No less than 1,000 trees will be planted throughout the 13.54 acre land, effectively reducing the \u201cheat island\u201d effect in order to create a soothing environment lush with greenery. Other green facilities include tree houses, a herb and spice garden, eco pool and scented garden.\nThere are a total of six blocks of serviced apartments within O2 City. Block A comes up to 15 storeys and houses 90 units, while Block C is 12 storeys high with 84 units. Block B1 is 11 storeys high with 66 units, Block B2 is 12 storeys high with 96 units and Block D1 is 16 storeys with 120 units. Finally, Block D2 is 16 storeys high, housing a total of 52 units within the building. Unit floor sizes range from 1,000 sf to 2,600 sf, with prices beginning from RM500,000.\nThe apartments are designed to embody flowing, organic architecture, with 200 different variations in balcony shapes and sizes. In line with O2 City\u2019s sustainable living concept, residential apartments will have several environmentally friendly features incorporated into the buildings. Features include a rainwater harvesting system that optimises water conservation, a natural ventilation system that cools each building while minimising energy consumption, and solar panels on roofs to reduce electrical usage.\nThe O2 Residence is covered in paint that is low in harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds_ that emit greenhouse gases and cause long-term health problems. The entire compound is certified with the\u00a0BCA\u00a0Green Mark and the Green Building Index as a true green development.\n\u00a0\nD\u2019Aman Residence, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nD\u2019Aman Residence\n\u00a0is the third phase of\u00a0Calisa Residences\u00a0which was developed by Masteron in the vicinity of\u00a0Puchong. This leasehold serviced apartment which was built on a 2.09 acres of land, comes with 22 storey and 419 units. The built-up of the units varies from 883 sf to 1,389 sf, with a launch price of RM313,000 and a maintenance fee of RM0.20 psf. This project was launched and commenced on May 2013.\nA total of 5 layouts are available in D\u2019Aman Residence, whereby Type A, A1, A2 and B comes with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, meanwhile Type C comes with 3 + 1 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Type A is the second smallest unit with a built-up of 947 sf; Type A2 comes with 1,087 sf; Type A3 is the smallest unit with 883 sf; Type B comes with 1,076 sf; Type C is the biggest unit with 1,389 sf. Type B has the highest number of units offered, 300 units. Meanwhile, the other layouts have a total number of 119 units.\nQuite a number of facilities are also included in D\u2019Aman Residence such as infinity pool, wading pool, jacuzzi, indoor gymnasium, adult outdoor gymnasium, squash, pilates / yoga area, cafeteria, surau / prayer room, multi function hall, indoor badminton, convenience shops, reading room, barber shop, indoor games room, child care / nursery with outdoor garden, children playground, foot reflexology path, landscape, 3 tier security, security guards and access card (to lobby and car park). Each unit is also provided with 2 covered car parks.\n\u00a0\nCalisa Residences, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCalisa Residences\n\u00a0is a 80-year leasehold residential development located in Taman Mas Sepang,\u00a0Puchong. Phase 1 which consists of Calisa \u201cN\u201d was launched in 2010, and Phase 2 Calisa \u201cM\u201d was launched in 2011. The development was fully completed by Q4 2014, and the developer is Masteron.\nCalisa \u201cM\u201d is housed in one block with 16 storeys. There are total of four layout types available with either 2 or 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms across the board. Built-ups of the units would range from 775 sf up to 1,055 sf, and prices at launch started from RM221,760 at a reasonable RM280 psf. Units in Calisa \u201cM\u201d come with 1 free covered car park. There are only 13 units per level, therefore considered medium in terms of density.\nCalisa Residences building is serviced by 2 lifts and 2 staircases. Levels 1 to 3 would serve as car parks, whereas the ground floor would be allocated for retail purposes. Floor 3A throughout 16 would be residential units. Security within Calisa Residences would be three-tiered, which includes card access at lift lobby as well as the car park, and a wireless intercom system to alert the guards should the situation arise. There are no recreational facilities in Calisa Residences.\nCalisa Residences is located in the outskirts of Puchong. Amenities are not abundant as the immediate area is rather underdeveloped. There is a Giant Hypermarket located along the north, being less that two kilometers away. Carrefour Puchong Utama is also located relatively nearby, being four kilometers away. Taman Puchong Utama would be the nearest neighborhood with basic amenities such as access to banks and eateries. The nearest hospital is the Columbia Asia Hospital located in Bukit Rimau, as well as Columbia Asia Hospital Puchong. There are several schools nearby, including Da Vinci Putra Heights, SMK Puchong Perdana, and SMK Puchong Utama.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCasa Tropika, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCasa Tropika\n\u00a0is a condominium located along Batu 14,\u00a0Puchong. It is developed by TSI Holdings and has gross development value (GDV) of RM160 million. The condominium neighbors\u00a0Zen Residence,\u00a0The Heron Residency, and Vista Prima. It is sited on a 4.98-acre of leasehold land (99 years) that consists of 520 units of condominium within 3 blocks with 12 units of 3-level shop lots beneath it.\nAdjacent to Casa Tropika, there are 12 shop-office units sprawling over a 3-storey shop office blocks, also by the developer. The developer claims that this commercial component has been earmarked for a One-Stop Academic City for young children to learn, play and grow that consists of child care, kindergarten and tuition centres.\nThe main attraction of Casa Tropika is its vast array of facilities provided. There are a total of 27 common facilities with 3 roof-top facilities. Among the interesting ones are amphitheater, karaoke rooms, pool/billiard room, alfresco BBQ area, sky bar and party area, recreational robotic room, recreational art room and therapeutic spa seats.\nSeveral amenities can be found within Casa Tropika itself. It is near to a number of schools, namely SK Puchong Batu 14, SRJK Han Ming and SMK Puchong. In addition, it is near to Batu 14 public clinic. There is Carrefour Puchong Utama and Hero Supermarket Batu 14 located within close proximity. In terms of accessibility wise, it is accessible via Jalan Puchong, Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP), Kuala Lumpur-Putrajaya Highway, and Lebuh Puteri.\nK Boulevard, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nK Boulevard\n\u00a0is a leasehold condominium development located in the central region of\u00a0Puchong. The development was completed on March of 2013 and the developers are Masteron, whom has been very active developing properties in Puchong and have several successful properties under their flag such as\u00a0Koi Legian,\u00a0Koi Tropika\u00a0and the Koi Commercial Centre.\nK Boulevard is contained in a single, 13-storeyed block. There are total of 114 units within the block, and all units have 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. There are only two layouts available, and they vary from each other only slightly. In terms of built-up, the units only come in 1,272 sf or 1,339 sf. At its launch, the developer was selling for RM413,620 \u2013 RM435,720. Since its completion in March, prices have pretty much stagnated.\nK Boulevard comes with 24 hour security, with\u00a0CCTV\u00a0surveillance. Facilities include a swimming pool with a bar, a gymnasium, sauna, jogging track, cafeteria, barbecue area. As it is a serviced condominium, it also comes with housekeeping services and a child-care centre can be found within the premises.\nK Boulevard\u2019s location is quite strategic. 2 kilometers away is the township of\u00a0Bandar Puteri Puchong\u00a0where basic amenities could be accessed including a substantial number of eateries, banks, and retail outlets. For grocery shopping, there is the Giant Hypermart located in Bandar Puteri, or the Carrefour located in Puchong Utama. There is also\u00a0Setia Walk\u00a0located in Puchong, and Sunway Pyramid located in Bandar Sunway which is less than 15 minutes away.\n\u00a0\nDesa Impiana, Puchong\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nDesa Impiana\n\u00a0is a freehold condominium located in\u00a0Taman Puchong Prima,\u00a0Puchong. It was developed by PrimaHarta Development. It is located near to Kampung Sri Aman and Section 4 Puchong Prima.\nDesa Impiana comprises a total of 8 blocks that house 702 units. There are 6 units per floor which served by 2 lifts. The units have built-up area of 1,068 sf which consisting of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.\nThe condominium offers an extensive number of facilities such as covered parking lots, 24 hours security, swimming pool, wading pool, barbeque area, cafeteria, gymnasium, launderette, basketball court, badminton court, 2 squash courts, reading room, nursery / childcare centre, playground and clubhouse.\nResidents of Desa Impiana can simply walk to the row of shop lots located at Jalan Prima 5/4 which takes about 5 minutes on foot. Residents can find restaurants, sundry shops, pet shops and more. There are also pharmacies such as Guardian and Constant Pharmacy along the shops at Jalan Prima. Klinik Mediviron and Poliklinik Sri Permai which takes 10 minutes on foot.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/best-place-to-live-in-malaysia/", "title": "Best Place To Live In Malaysia", "body": "Have you been \nsearching for the best place\n to live in Malaysia?\nWhen choosing their next move, most people have a set of criteria that need to be met. Whether if its to \nbuy a home\n or to just \nrent a property\n temporarily, everyone has different needs. However, there are a few universal categories that help make a location stand out from its neighbours.\nWhat makes a place desirable to live in?\nHere are a list of factors that are important to people when deciding on where to live:\nAccess to employment\nMRT\nCulture\nTraffic\nHighways\nEducation\nShopping Malls\nOpen space\nTree cover\nCafes and restaurants\nCrime rate\nTelecommunications\nViews\nSo with that in mind here are the top 10 places to live in Malaysia:\nTop 10 Places To Live In Malaysia\nKLCC\nKuala Lumpur City Centre\n (KLCC) is a multipurpose development area in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The area is located around Jalan Ampang, Jalan P. Ramlee, Jalan Binjai, Jalan Kia Peng and Jalan Pinang. There are also hotels within walking distance such as G Tower, Mandarin Oriental, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur and InterContinental Kuala Lumpur.\nDesigned to be a city within a city, the 100-acre site hosts the tallest twin buildings in the world, a shopping mall, office buildings and several hotels. A public park and a mosque have also been built in the area and are open to everyone. The whole project is cooled via district cooling located on the property.\nBangsar\nBangsar is an affluent residential suburb on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, lying about 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) south-west of the city centre. It is part of the Lembah Pantai parliamentary constituency. Bangsar is administered by Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) unlike other townships in the Klang Valley such as Petaling Jaya and Subang Jaya which have their own municipal councils.\nNeighbourhood residents\u2019 associations and business councils play a part in communicating with the local authority but they exercise no legal or administrative power. Malays make up the majority of the population at 61% followed by the Chinese at 24%, Indians at 15%.\nDamansara Heights\nDamansara Heights is accessible from Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya. Jalan Maarof, in Bangsar, connects Jalan Damansara. Jalan Duta and Jalan Semantan can be used for a drive into Damansara Heights from the North-South Expressway.\nThe Medan Damansara neighbourhood consisting of two storey link houses were built in 1972.\nIt started as a residential scheme for government servants more than two decades ago. The enclave hosts colleges, large multinational corporations, restaurants, regulatory bodies and government departments.\nThe first office building built in Damansara Heights was Wisma Damansara, built in 1970 by Selangor Properties. This was followed by the Damansara Office Complex on Jalan Dungun, which at the time also housed the local stock exchange and the offices of Shell Malaysia.\nTaman Tun Dr Ismail\nTaman Tun Dr. Ismail is an affluent major township in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Situated on the border of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, it is within the vicinity of Bandar Utama Damansara, Damansara Utama, Mutiara Damansara and other suburbs of Petaling Jaya. It is also neighbouring Bukit Kiara and Sri Hartamas as well as within easy access to Bangsar and Damansara Heights. This township is in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur with Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) as its local authority. It is an upper middle class residential area with some commercial development.\nThe township was named after Tun Dr. Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, Malaysia\u2019s first ambassador to the United States and a Malaysian representative to the United Nations, before becoming Malaysia\u2019s Deputy Prime Minister in 1970. The commonly used abbreviation for Taman Tun Dr. Ismail is \u201cTTDI\u201d. \u201cTaman\u201d means \u201cgarden\u201d in the Malay language while \u201cTun\u201d is the most senior federal title awarded by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to the most deserving figure who has highly contributed to the nation.\nBandar Utama\nBandar Utama Damansara (or simply Bandar Utama) is a residential township located within the Damansara subdivision of the Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia. It is a residential suburb and home to the popular 1 Utama Shopping Centre. Bandar Utama Damansara, together with neighbouring Kampung Sungai Kayu Ara, form the PJU 6 section of the city of Petaling Jaya.\nUntil 1991, the Bandar Utama Damansara area was originally consisted of palm oil estates with a population fewer than 100 people. Development of Bandar Utama Damansara began in the early 1990s under the company named See Hoy Chan Holdings Sdn. Bhd., and an attempt to modernise the area was made, with the opening of Sri Pentas, TV3\u2019s broadcast centre was officially opened on 22 October 1996, as well as the 1 Utama Shopping Centre, which became increasingly well known after the Jaya Jusco chain of department stores, presently known as AEON, moved its Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala Lumpur outlet to Bandar Utama Damansara in 1995.\nWith the opening of several new schools in 1997 and 1998, as well as the establishment of Kolej Bandar Utama, a tertiary institution, Bandar Utama Damansara continued to grow. In 2004, additional residential precincts of BU7, BU10 and BU6 (comprising 2\u00bd-storey houses) were completed. These are newer sections of Bandar Utama Damansara compared to the older sections, BU1 until BU4, which were completed in phases beginning from 1991 until 1996.\nMont Kiara\nMont Kiara often stylized as Mont\u2019 Kiara, is an affluent township located at the northwest of the city centre of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in the constituency of Segambut. The township consists mainly of residential condominiums and office complexes. It is located in the heart of Klang Valley, roughly halfway between Kepong and downtown Kuala Lumpur and adjacent to Sri Hartamas. Mont Kiara commercial projects include 1 Mont Kiara, Plaza Mont Kiara, Seni Mont Kiara, Solaris Mont Kiara, Solaris Dutamas and Arcoris. Mont Kiara is a 15-minute drive to either Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya or downtown Kuala Lumpur. Taman Tun Dr. Ismail is a 10-minute drive away using Sprint Expressway.\nBatu Ferringhi\nBatu Ferringhi is a suburb of George Town in Penang, Malaysia. Located along the northern coast of Penang Island and about 11 km (6.8 mi) northwest of the city centre, it is the prime beach destination in Penang among locals and tourists. To cater to the influx of tourists, several major high-rise hotels have been established along the 4 km (2.5 mi) stretch of beaches, including Hard Rock Hotel.\nThe beach resorts along Batu Ferringhi also offer various water sport activities, such as parasailing. On a clear day, one could get a picturesque view of the Andaman Sea and Mount Jerai, which is located within the neighbouring state of Kedah. In addition, Batu Ferringhi is famous for its night market that offers a wide variety of merchandise and street food.\nThere had been human activity within Batu Ferringhi as early as 1592, when an Englishman, Sir James Lancaster, arrived and began pillaging other vessels around Penang Island. However, for much of its recent history, Batu Ferringhi was a quiet village, until the urbanisation of the area beginning in the 1970s.\nIskandar Malaysia\nIskandar Malaysia, formerly known as Iskandar Development Region and South Johor Economic Region (SJER), is the main southern development corridor in Johor, Malaysia. It was established on 8 November 2006.[2] The project is administered by Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) and was named after the 24th Sultan of Johor and the 4th Sultan of modern Johor, Almarhum Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail.[3]\nThe special economic zone of Iskandar Malaysia grew out of a 2005 government requested feasibility study by the Khazanah Nasional which found that the development of such a zone would be economically, socially and developmentally beneficial. The National SJER Planning Committee (NSPC), hearing Khazanah\u2019s findings, put it in charge of developing a sustainable, holistic approach to development in the region. Iskandar Malaysia was singled out as among the high-impact developments of the Ninth Malaysia Plan, put into action by the then Prime Minister of Malaysia (Abdullah Badawi) in March 2006 to cover the period of 2006 to 2010. In November 2006, the Prime Minister, Chief Minister of Johor, Abdul Ghani Othman and Khazanah revealed the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP).\nKuching Waterfront\nThe Kuching Waterfront, is the most popular gathering place in this capital city. The esplanade stretches for about 900 meter along the south bank of the Sarawak river. Dotted the length of it are food stalls, a restaurant, bistro and street food hawkers.\u00a0 Many colonial-era buildings seen here have since been re-purposed for modern use. They are the Chinese History Museum, Sarawak Steamship Building and Square Tower. Besides the old, there is a modern amphitheatre that showcases scheduled live entertainment.\nDuring the daytime, the Waterfront offers excellent view of the north bank of the river. The Astana (governor\u2019s mansion) and Fort Margherita stand out with their white exterior. The imposing State Assembly Building dominates the skyline. In addition, the Malay kampungs bring up a piece of Sarawak\u2019s heritage that dates back to the rule of the Brooke family.\nAt night, the whole stretch of the esplanade comes alive. Buskers fill the air with ethnic and contemporary songs and music. To add to the vibrancy, the Darul Hana Musical fountain comes on with its colourful display.\nDesa Park City\nDesa Park City is a multi-award-winning township, Desa Park City is located in Kuala Lumpur, and is popular with both Malaysians and expatriates.\nIt enjoys good accessibility and connectivity to major conurbations within the Klang Valley via a network of expressways and highways. These include the Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2), Duta-Kelang Highway (Duke), Damansara-Puchong Expressway (LDP) and Sprint Highway.\nThe township is surrounded by well-populated and established neighbourhoods such as Bandar Menjalara and Kepong to the north, Segambut and Mont\u2019Kiara to the east and Bandar Sri Damansara to the west.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/better-real-estate-negotiators/", "title": "How to be better than other real estate negotiators?", "body": "Being better than the competition\n \nThe role of the real estate negotiator is continually evolving, and negotiators need to change with it. To be \nsuccessful real estate negotiators\n need to think like a race car driver. Don\u2019t hit the brakes when things appear to be taking a turn. Race car drivers slow as they enter a turn, but hit the accelerator as they approach the second part, so they hit the next straightaway at the highest speed. It\u2019s time to hit the accelerator, to invest more time, energy, and resources into your real estate business. By driving hard on the turns, you will have a much bigger lead over your competition that by the time they hit the next straightaway, they won\u2019t even be able to smell the smoke from your tires.\n1. Always Be Ready to Share the Knowledge You Are Looking For\nReal estate negotiators are constantly seeking more skills and knowledge, but what are they doing with it, once they get it? Every place and asset is a point of education e.g your \nproperty website\n, a real estate presentation, even bumping into someone at your kid\u2019s school. You should have great and interesting information ready to share at your fingertips. When someone asks whether or not it\u2019s a good time to buy a property, don\u2019t just tell them \u2018yes.\u2019 Be able to explain to them the \nreal estate trends\n and why now would be the best time to make a purchase. Your job shouldn\u2019t be to just sell to people, but also to educate them at the same time.\n2. Always Keep Your Value Proposition Unique\nWhat differentiates you from other property agents? You need to make sure that your value proposition is unique. People want a trusted advisor who understands what\u2019s going on in the property market\u2013not someone who sends them irrelevant listings and ugly photos. Do you want to be known as the person who annoys people with whatsapp messages, or do you want to be known as a great negotiator who can get their property sold?\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. Build Customer Trust with Great Content\nIn every industry its hard to gain the trust from clients. So make sure you have good content and online branding is really important, up-to-date, and compulsory. Good content does attract people, but great content attracts a lot of people. According to \nRealestateMY\n \u201cYour goal is to have your clients see you as an important asset. You want them to see you and your business as an industry authority or expert. You can achieve this with the content you share and post online.\n4. Be the Expert who makes everything work!\nIn order to provide real value to clients, and really establish trust, you have to provide great insights into all the information you have shared. Give your clients relevant information that will help them make an informed decision for themselves. And show clients that you are a person who understands what\u2019s going on in the market and can show them where the property market is going.\nNegotiators now have more of a responsibility to the clients to share valuable information, and make sure they are educated enough to make the right decision. It\u2019s the responsibility of \nreal estate experts\n to show clients that they understand and can move the real estate market forward.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/budget-google-search-advertising-cost-real-estate-agents/", "title": "How much does Google Search Advertising Cost for Real Estate Agents?", "body": "How much does Google Search Advertising Cost\nThe answer to this question isn\u2019t as simple as it seems. Google advertising or AdWords involve many different factors that ultimately determine the cost of your search engine advertising. In this guide I will attempt to break down the cost to make it easier to understand for beginners and real estate agent who are interested in using Google marketing as a channel to get leads and sales from potential clients searching for real estate Google.\nIf you don\u2019t understand how Google search advertising works, you can refer to our guide on \nHow Google Search Works for Real Estate\n. Google search advertising is a form of pull marketing, which means instead of showing ads to people who have no interest in your services, it is only display to people who are actually searching for your services, and have an intention of making a purchase. This means that leads from Google search advertising are much more qualified than other channels.\nSo how does costing for Google search marketing work?\nFirstly, when a Google campaign is setup, there is a daily budget that needs to be confirmed before the campaign can go live. This is the maximum budget you are willing to spend per day, although Google does have a small buffer of 20% in-case you end up going over budget. So for example if your daily budget is RM22, this means your monthly budget will be approximately RM668.\nYour daily budget will be spent on the number of clicks your Google search ad listing receives. The cost per click varies dependent on many factors and is calculated in real time. But you can specify how much you are willing to pay per click, and Google will hold an auction on the keywords. (Google will usually specify the minimum cost per click to appear on the 1\nst\n page of results, these recommendations aren\u2019t always accurate).\nThe cost per click is determined by a variety of factors including:\n\u2013 Auction competition\n\u2013 Keyword bid\n\u2013 Ranking\n\u2013 Quality score\n\u2013 Industry\n\u2013 Target country\n\u2013 Target device\nOut of all the factors that determine the cost and rank of an ad listing, the most important is the \u201cQuality Score\u201d, this is a score that Google assigns to your ads & campaign. The quality score can decide whether you get a better rank for a keyword search, and how much you end up paying. For example, if your quality score is higher than your competitors, and both of you bid the same price for a keyword, your ad will out rank theirs and your cost per click may also be cheaper. In order to get a good quality score, your ads and campaigns must be continually optimized. That\u2019s is why it is a good idea to get a digital marketing expert to help manage your Google search campaigns. Digital marketing experts can continually optimize your ads for a better quality score.\nThis is a simple illustration of how the bidding process works for Adwords, and how a higher quality score benefits advertisers.\nAs mentioned some keywords are more expensive than others depending on many factors. The main factor is competition. The more competition an industry has for \nGoogle ads\n, the more expensive the click costs will be. Below is an illustration of the most expensive keywords/ industries for 2016. Thankfully for now the real estate industry is still relatively cheap in terms of keyword costs especially in Malaysia. But this will change as competition increases, so best to get in early before the keyword prices start rising.\nWhat is a good marketing budget for Google search advertising?\nDepending on the industry its different, large MNCs spend millions annually on just Google search ads, while smaller businesses usually spend in the thousands. There is no real benchmark, but Google search marketing budgets needs to be sufficient at the start of the campaign, else there won\u2019t be enough clicks and traffic to your website. For example, if the average cost per click is rm3, and you have a rm10 budget per day, then you will only get a maximum of 3 clicks a day, which is quite insignificant. The more clicks you get per day the higher chance of you generating more leads and sales. So a proper investment into Google search marketing is required to generate quality leads on going.\nWhat other cost is there?\nWhile some negotiators may want to run Google search ads themselves, it\u2019s always advisable to get the digital marketing experts to manage the SEM campaigns for you. The reason being, campaigns need to be heavily monitored and optimized in order to ensure high rankings and cheaper costs per click. This is really a full time job, and most companies have dedicated digital teams that are fully focused on doing just that.\nAgencies that specialize in SEM, will also be able to setup campaigns very quickly and optimize for the best results. The cost for hiring an agency varies, but they usually charge a percentage of the advertising media spend, for managing the campaigns, but will only work on campaigns that have a significant budget to justify the time and effort spent on the campaign.\nWhat will digital agencies do for you?\nDigital agencies will have a lot of experience with optimizing ads and campaigns for the best performance. They use strategies that have worked from their multiple AdWords experiments that have run over the years. Other tasks they will help you with include: keyword research, campaign registration and setup, keyword optimization, ad optimization, managing bids, improving quality score, improving campaign performance, and regular reporting. But make sure to find a digital marketing expert or agency, that is well versed in the property or real estate industry.\nThere may be other cost such a design costs for display advertising, but these are different products from Google, and will be discussed in the next article in this series.\nWhy use AdWords in Malaysia for Real Estate Marketing?\nCurrently in Malaysia the digital marketing in real estate is still quite young, thus there isn\u2019t that much competition for \nlead generation\n as compared to countries like Australia, and USA, which have a more mature digital market in real estate. So the cost per click in Malaysia is almost 10 \u2013 20 times cheaper compared to these more mature markets. Hence it\u2019s the perfect time for real estate agents to embrace Google search marketing, and take advantage of the cheaper clicks before they rise in price.\nPlease keep in mind this guide only covers Google search marketing, there are many more types of marketing channels from Google including Display, Gmail, SEO & Google places, to name a few. The other advertising types will be covered in the next articles in this series.\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/build-brand-real-estate-agent-malaysia/", "title": "How to build your personal brand as a Real Estate agent in Malaysia", "body": "Real Estate Personal Branding\nIn an industry where competition is high and fresh new real estate agents are coming into the market on a daily basis, there isn\u2019t a more critical time to be able to develop your own personal brand and set yourself apart from all the \u201cregular\u201d agents out there, who are trying to sell whatever they can get their hands on. The problem is most real estate agents don\u2019t know where to start.\nBuilding a personal brand does not only mean just creating a logo, determining your theme colours and sharing it everywhere from your website to your business cards. Today, a personal brand also means telling your story across all channels, both digital and offline, giving leads the chance to get to know the person behind the brand as well.\nSo, what would a real estate agent\u2019s audience want to know about their brand? What should they share on their \nreal estate websites\n, emails and social media pages? Honestly, the answer is subjective. It all depends on the brand and its target market. What may work for one agent may not work for another. But this guide will walk you through the process of identifying how you can start building your own personal brand.\nFind out what makes your brand unique and capitalize on it.\nWhile it may feel like most agents have similar marketing approaches, there will still be an exclusivity to each. The truth is in your work and industry background \u2013 you just have to dig for it. Look at your real estate career history from all angles: from your start in the industry to the number of deals that you\u2019ve closed and the total revenue that you\u2019ve earned.\nIf high end luxury homes for first-time owners is your specialty, then make that the focal point of your brand. Find out what differentiates you from the rest and capitalize on it. Be the best in your niche.\nUtilise electronic direct marketing (EDM) and social media platforms.\nTechnology has embedded itself into our world so there\u2019s no going around this. While the most obvious start would be to share your story on your website, you should focus on other online marketing platforms as well, such as social media\u00a0and EDMs.\nWhile sharing through these platforms, make sure to include visual branding elements that reflect your real estate identity such as your brand\u2019s voice, colours or logo. These will highlight your attention to detail when communicating with current and potential clients.\nHire experienced professionals to help increase your brand\u2019s exposure.\n\u201cPublic relations\u201d (PR) tend to be associated with stuffy suits at press conferences. However, that is not the case as it has so much more to offer. Getting a newspaper write-up done on you, of being interview by a radio station can boost you brand image to all your prospective clients. Look at it this way \u2013 if your business were a movie then PR would be the supporting cast, making the main actors (you and your company) look good.\nTop agents and brokers are known to use professional PR agents to help provide new insight to their company and its industry, and increase their brand exposure and reach. It\u2019s also always handy to have media coverage (e.g. newspaper articles) that you can share with your clients.\nDigital marketers can also help build your online branding and presence whether through online marketing channels like Google or social media channels like \nFacebook\n & Instagram. Building your own personal brand online means you don\u2019t have to solely rely on external channels to bring you leads, prospective clients will be drawn to your online brand and deal with you directly.\nKeep reevaluating your brand and updating it.\nAs with all things, your brand\u2019s story will change over time. It is important to update your company information (on your website and social media pages) to reflect this.\nDoing this every few months will show potential leads the growth of your business and may aid in the generation of new clients. It will also ensure that all information on your company is accurate and up-to-date in this world of constant changes.\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up to date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/buying-property-in-malaysia-for-foreigners/", "title": "Buying property in Malaysia for foreigners", "body": "Table of Contents\n \nCan foreigners buy property in Malaysia?\nHow are foreigners classified when buying property in Malaysia?\nWhat are the requirements for foreigners buying property in Malaysia?\nWhat kind of properties can foreigners buy in Malaysia?\nHow foreigners can buy property in Malaysia with MM2H?\nWhat are the steps for foreigners to buy properties in Malaysia?\nWhat is the cost for foreigners buying property in Malaysia?\nHow can foreigners get a home loans in Malaysia?\nConclusion\nThere are more and more foreigners or \u201cexpats\u201d that are calling Malaysia home. If you are a foreigner and reading this you obviously want to \nbuy a home in Malaysia\n. But before making any quick decisions, you will need to understand certain policies and legal requirements imposed by the Malaysia Government on foreigner property\u00a0purchases.\nOur informational article will guide you through the types of properties available to foreigners, the minimum requirements imposed by Malaysian authorities, and how to get \nproperty financing in Malaysia\n.\nCan foreigners buy property in Malaysia?\nThe short answer to this question is yes, foreigners can purchase properties in Malaysia, however like any other country there are rules and regulations that must be followed when an expatriate purchases property in Malaysia.\nHow are foreigners classified when buying property in Malaysia?\nTo answer this question we need to know what is the definition of a foreigner in Malaysia. Here is the formal legal answer:\nThe definition of a foreigner can be found in the primary legislation which is the NLC 1965. Section 433A of the NLC 1965 and the Companies Act 2016, define a foreigner as follows:-\n\u201cForeign Company\u201d is either (a) a company, corporation, society, association or other body incorporated outside Malaysia; (b) an unincorporated society, association or other body which under the law of its place of origin may sue or be sued, or hold property in the name of the secretary or other officer of the body or association duly appointed for that purpose and which does not have its head office or principal place of business in Malaysia; (c) a company incorporated with 50% or more of voting shares held by non-citizen/foreign company or by both; OR (d) a company incorporated with 50% of more of voting shares held by company in (c);\n\u201cNon-citizen\u201d is a natural person who is not a citizen of Malaysia.\nTherefore, an expat or foreigner can be summed as an individual who is a non-citizen of Malaysia or an entity that is a Foreign or non Malaysian Company.\nWhat are the requirements for foreigners buying property in Malaysia?\nIn Malaysia there are specific requirements for foreigners buying property in Malaysia, which are:\nThe Minimum Purchase Price\nThis is the first and most important requirement to comply with before making any decisions.\nSo what does \u201cminimum purchase price\u201d mean? This means that a foreigner can buy a property in Malaysia if the purchase price of the property is above a certain threshold that is set by each Malaysia state. This threshold applicable will depends on each state and is set by the government of each state at a specific threshold amount.\nThe reason this threshold is set high is to ensure that the general property market in Malaysia is not driven up in price by foreigner buyers.\nBelow is a summary of the purchase price thresholds applicable to foreigners or expats who are thinking about buying property in the most popular cities in Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur , Selangor and Johor.\nKuala Lumpur\nThe minimum threshold for foreigners to acquire a property in Kuala Lumpur is RM1,000,000. This is a blanket requirement.\nSelangor\nIn Selangor, the minimum threshold for foreigners to acquire a property is RM1,000,000. However, in Selangor, foreigners must take note that the minimum threshold to purchase different types of units differs from zone to zone. Here is a break down of the different zones:\nZone 1\nPetaling, Gombak, Hulu Langat, Sepang, Klang\nMinimum residential price : RM2,000,000.\nMinimum commercial and industrial price : RM3,000,000.\nZone 2\nKuala Selangor, Kuala Langat\nMinimum residential price : RM2,000,000.\nMinimum commercial and industrial price : RM3,000,000.\nZone 3\nHulu Selangor, Sabak Bernam\nMinimum residential price : RM1,000,000.\nMinimum commercial and industrial price : RM3,000,000.\nJohor\nThe minimum threshold for foreigners to acquire a property in Johor is also RM1,000,000.\nOff-limit Properties\nThe next requirement that foreigners need to be aware of is the types of property that they are allowed to purchase in Malaysia. Generally, as long as the property is above the minimum threshold set by each state, a foreigner can buy the property.\nBut, there are certain properties that are totally off-limits to foreigner buyers. These are the types of property that are totally off-limits to foreigner buyers:\nLow or low-medium cost houses\nProperties with a description of \u201cMalay Reserved Land\u201d\nAny property allocated under \u201cBumiputera interest\u201d in a development project.\nProperties valued at less than RM1,000,000\nIn the next section we go into more detail about the kinds of properties that foreigners can buy.\nWhat kind of properties can foreigners buy in Malaysia?\nBased on the legal requirements for foreigner property purchase, foreigners can easily own a bungalow, semi-detached house, terrace house, condominium, flat, landed property, studio unit, commercial property, industrial property, agricultural land (except Malay Reserved Land) and industrial land (except Malay Reserved Land).\nIt\u2019s important to note that Malaysia works on a federal system, so the rules in states of Peninsular Malaysia (West Malaysia) differ from those of Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia), which have the power to implement their own ownership legislation.\nBased on the restrictions of certain properties that foreigners cannot buy, mentioned above, here are the types of property that foreigners are allowed to purchase in each respective state:\nSelangor\nForeigners wanting to buy a property in Selangor are allowed to purchase the following types of property:\nResidential units, which are under Strata Titles only;\nCommercial units; and\nIndustrial units or land.\nKuala Lumpur\nForeigners wanting to buy a property in the capital of Malaysia are allowed to purchase the following types of property:\nResidential units, both landed (individual title) and under Strata Titles;\nCommercial units;\nIndustrial units or land; and\nAgricultural land.\nJohor\nForeigners wanting to buy a property in Johor are allowed to purchase the following types of property:\nResidential units;\nCommercial units; and\nIndustrial units, with no restrictions as of the number of units. However, this is subject to certain criteria.\nPurchases not through a Developer or secondhand or sub-sales:-\nResidential units;\nCommercial units;\nIndustrial units, with no restrictions as of the number of units. However, this is subject to certain criteria; and\nAgricultural land (however, it should be noted that foreigners are not permitted to acquire agricultural land except by way of lease).\nHow foreigners can buy property in Malaysia with MM2H?\nMalaysia also offers a special program for property purchase via the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) visa. The MM2H scheme provides a renewable ten-year maximum, multiple-entry visa.\nEligibility criteria vary between Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak, but requires an applicant to demonstrate a certain level of financial liquidity, either through offshore income or cash in a Malaysian bank.\nThe Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)\u00a0programme is a programme created for foreigners who wish to stay in Malaysia for the long term (10-years). Many foreigners who used to work in Malaysia have applied for this programme as their retirement plan in Malaysia.\nThe requirement for an MM2H application, is that foreigners below 50 years of age\u00a0are required to prepare a minimum of RM500,000 in their Savings Account / Current Account / Fixed Deposit whereas those aged above 50 years of age\u00a0need to have at least RM350,000 in similar accounts.\nYou will also need to be sponsored by a Malaysian citizen. In Peninsular Malaysia, a registered MM2H agent can replace a citizen sponsor.\nMalaysia My Second Home visa holders also enjoy certain benefits when it comes to owning property in Malaysia. That includes discounts on certain types of properties available on the market.\nWhat are the steps for foreigners to buy properties in Malaysia?\nOk, we have gone through the rules and regulations for foreign buyers, as well as the eligibility for property purchase. Here are the steps needed for foreigners to buy properties in Malaysia:\nStep 1\n \u2013 Make sure you are financially able to make the purchase, whether you are buying\u00a0 the property outright or if taking a loan being eligible for a bank home loan.\nStep 2\n \u2013 if required and if you are eligible, apply for a home loan from the bank. The margin of finance available with Malaysian banks varies depending on your circumstances. Under MM2H, it is normally 80% of the total purchase price. Without MM2H, the maximum would be around 70%. Alternatively, sourcing your home loan overseas is also an option.\nStep 3\n \u2013 Engage a real estate agent to help you find the most suitable property for you to buy. You can search online and find \nprofessional real estate websites\n who specialise in the types of property you are interested in.\nStep 4\n \u2013 Do as many home viewings as possible to find your dream home or investment.\nStep 5\n \u2013 Once you find the right property, submit your intention to buy through a letter of offer.\nStep 6\n \u2013 When the deal is closed, provide your lawyer with the relevant documents \u2014 photocopy of passport, correspondence address and contact details, income tax details, as well as location of tax payments for purchase of secondary market properties.\nStep 7\n \u2013 If required pay the remaining balance on the property purchase price as defined under the SPA, or Schedule H Housing Development (Control And Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2015. If you have taken a home loan, the bank should settle this for you.\nStep 8 \u2013 \nIf the purchase is a sub-sale you can then move in after all approvals are complete, if it\u2019s a new development project being constructed you will have to wait until the project is fully completed.\nWhat is the cost for foreigners buying property in Malaysia?\nHere are a list of \ncosts associated with buying a property in Malaysia\n that would be applicable to foreigners:\nStamp duties & Memorandum of Transfer (MOT)\nLegal Fees\nReal Property Gains Tax (RPGT)\nTax on Rental Income\nLoan stamping fees\nDoor tax & title deed\nMaintenance fee (Condominiums only)\nHow can foreigners get a home loans in Malaysia?\nForeigners can qualify for home loans in Malaysia. With home loans for foreigners, the Margin of Finance (MOF) can go up to 80% for MM2H holders, while non-MM2H holders would generally get 70% MOF. Loan tenure can reach until 30 years, provided the applicant is not above 70 years of age when the loan tenure ends. Loan stamp duty is around 0.5% of the loan amount. Legal fees and disbursements will be around 0.8% of loan amount. On getting home loans, foreigners are usually better off taking loans from foreign banks in Malaysia.\nBut there is an exception to the rule, if the foreigner has married a Malaysia citizen, the spouse will be required to take part in loan financing to enjoy MOF as high as 90%.\nConclusion\nBuying property in Malaysia can be complexed depending on where and what kind of property you are looking to buy. The best piece of advise we can give is to seek a professional real estate agent or MM2H agent to give you the best guidance on making this decision."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/conversion-focused-copywriting-real-estate/", "title": "Conversion Focused Copywriting For Real Estate Websites", "body": "\u00a0 \nIn the fast-paced world of real estate, where competition is fierce, capturing the attention of potential buyers can mean life or death of your business. Conversion-focused copywriting is a crucial component for \nreal estate lead generation campaigns\n generating sales. A well-written copy can not only attract potential buyers, but also persuade them to take action and convert into sales leads. \u00a0 An effective real estate website requires more than just attractive visuals and user-friendly design. It demands the right copywriting that inspires prospects to action and drives leads. Today, we\u2019ll explore key strategies and techniques to help you craft compelling and persuasive copy that converts visitors into loyal clients. \u00a0 \u00a0\nKnow Your Target Audience\nBefore putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), take the time to deeply understand your target audience. Identify their demographics, preferences, pain points, and motivations. Tailor your copy to resonate with their needs and aspirations. Speak directly to their desires and position yourself as the solution to their real estate challenges. \u00a0\nCraft an Engaging Headline\nYour \nproperty website\n\u2018s headline is the first impression visitors have of your brand. It should grab attention, pique curiosity, and compel readers to keep scrolling. Use power words, evoke emotions, and highlight unique selling propositions (USPs) to create an irresistible headline that makes visitors want to explore further. \u00a0\nCreate Benefit-Driven Content\nFocus on the benefits your clients will gain by working with you. Instead of simply listing property features, emphasize how those features enhance their lifestyle, save them time, or offer financial advantages. Paint vivid mental images that evoke emotions and make clients envision themselves living their dreams in their new homes. \u00a0\nUtilise Persuasive Calls-to-Action (CTAs)\nEffective copywriting is incomplete without strong and clear calls-to-action. Craft compelling CTAs that guide visitors to take the desired action, whether it\u2019s scheduling a property tour, contacting you for a consultation, or subscribing to your newsletter. Use action-oriented language and convey a sense of urgency to encourage immediate response. \u00a0\nIncorporate Social Proof\nReal estate transactions are significant decisions, and buyers and sellers seek assurance that they\u2019re making the right choice. Incorporate social proof elements, such as testimonials, success stories, and client reviews, to build credibility and trust. Highlight positive experiences and outcomes to instill confidence in your visitors. \u00a0\nOptimise for Search Engines\nTo ensure your website ranks well in search engine results, implement search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques in your copy. Research and include relevant keywords, incorporate them naturally within your content, and optimise meta tags and descriptions. Balancing user experience and SEO will enhance your website\u2019s visibility and attract organic traffic. \u00a0\nKeep It Clear & Concise\nAvoid overwhelming visitors with lengthy paragraphs and complex jargon. Keep your copy clean, concise, and easily scannable. Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to break up the content and improve readability. Remember, visitors are looking for information quickly, so provide it in a clear and digestible format. \u00a0\nLeverage Visuals & Multimedia\nWhile the focus is on copywriting, complement your text with captivating visuals and multimedia elements. High-quality images, videos, \nvirtual tours\n, and interactive maps can enhance the user experience and engage visitors on a deeper level. Use visuals strategically to support your copy and reinforce the message you want to convey. \u00a0\nConclusion\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nConversion-focused copywriting is a powerful tool in your real estate marketing arsenal. By understanding your audience, crafting compelling headlines and benefit-driven content, utilising persuasive CTAs, incorporating social proof, optimising for search engines, maintaining clarity and conciseness, and leveraging visual elements, you can elevate your real estate website and drive conversions. Implement these strategies and watch your website become a lead-generating powerhouse, attracting clients and fueling your success in the competitive real estate industry. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/cost-facebook-advertising-real-estate-agents/", "title": "How Much Does Facebook Advertising Cost for Real Estate Agents", "body": "How much Facebook advertising costs\nWith many real estate negotiators now using Facebook to market their properties and development projects for sale, its good to understand how Facebook works when it comes to charging for their advertising services. Real estate digital marketing has become an essential tools for agents and negotiators.\nOne important thing to note, is that Facebook advertising is a form of push advertising, which means that you push advertising to a target audience, who may or may not be interested in your services. So choosing the right audience is very important because if you don\u2019t, you waste advertising dollars paying to display your ad to people who aren\u2019t even interested. This is different from \nGoogle search advertising\n, which is a form of pull advertising because its based on keywords that people are searching for.\nAnyone that has used Facebook advertising before knows that there are multiple options to choose from and many ways to target people based on different campaign objectives. This can be very confusing for real estate agents especially negotiators who have had no prior experience with using Facebook advertising. In this article we will break down the basics to how much it cost to advertise on Facebook, so there is a better understanding on why and how agents should use Facebook advertising for your real estate marketing objectives in Malaysia.\nHow your advertising budget is spent on Facebook\nThere is no straight answer to how Facebook spends your advertising budget. Its is based on a variety of factors and is run like an auction, where you bid for exposure for your ad to a selected target audience.\nThe main thing to decide on at the start is how much you are willing to spend on a daily basis for your Facebook campaign. Facebook will make recommendations based on your target audience, but ultimately you will need to decide how much to allocate for this marketing channel.\nBased on what marketing objective you have chosen you can also decide how much you are willing to pay for an action whether it\u2019s an impression, click, conversion or page like. Again Facebook will give you a recommendation or even manage the bids for you, but ultimately you can choose how much you are willing to pay for an action.\nWhat factors affect how much you actually spend on Facebook\nFacebook has many options for what kind of advertising campaign you would like to run, whether your goals are to get clicks, get more exposure, get page likes, or leads.\nBut the main factors that affect the cost per action includes:\n\u2013 Target audience chosen\n\u2013 Quality of ad\n\u2013 Click through rate\n\u2013 Time of the year (season)\n\u2013 Advertising competition\n\u2013 Campaign engagement\nTypes of bidding options\nDepending on your selected objective you can bid on actions based on the below options:\nCPC \u2013 cost per click\nCPM\u00a0\u2013 cost per 1000 impressions\nCPA\u00a0\u2013 cost per acquisition\nCPL\u00a0\u2013 cost per lead\nSo many options! Which do I pick?\nWell a good marketer will tell you to test them all, so you know which combination will generate the best results, at the cheapest costs. But doing this will take some expertise and a lot of time invested into testing out which combination yields the best results. So it\u2019s best to hire the experts handle the optimizations of your Facebook advertising campaigns.\nWhat other cost is there?\nPart of your marketing budget should be invested into getting digital marketing experts to setup and manage your Facebook campaigns for you. Because they spend most of their time optimizing digital marketing strategies, they have the experience and time to invest into your campaign, and work out the best strategies for getting the best results. The more niche the digital marketing agency is the better, ones that specialize in real estate marketing will have the most experience and insights to offer you.\nThese are tasks a digital marketer can do for you to save you time and efficiency with your \nFacebook real estate marketing\n.\nSetup campaign\nDevelop ads\nMonitor ad frequency\nSpilt testing ads\nSetting up fresh new ads\nAudience selection and optimization\nObjective selection and optimization\nData analysis for optimization\nReporting on results\nHere are some Facebook stats to give you an idea of how much Facebook costs globally\nConclusion \nIn summary, Facebook costs for \nlead generation\n are still quite affordable in Malaysia compared to other countries globally, but Facebook costs will gradually increase based on more companies advertising on Facebook, and costs of bids will naturally increase. For now, it\u2019s the best time to get started with Facebook marketing as a channel for marketing your real estate business. But before you begin, its best to consult some digital marketing experts, who specialize in Facebook marketing for the real estate industry in Malaysia. Start your Facebook marketing journey today with a good start.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/cost-real-estate-agent/", "title": "Cost of being a real estate agent", "body": "cost of being a real estate agent\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/create-lead-magnets-for-real-estate/", "title": "How To Create Effective Lead Magnets For Real Estate Professionals", "body": " \u00a0\nReal estate businesses rely heavily on generating leads and converting them into clients. One of the most effective ways to do this is by offering valuable content in exchange for contact information \u2013 a lead magnet. In today\u2019s article, we\u2019ll explore how real estate businesses can create effective lead magnets that drive property sales. \u00a0\nKnow your audience\nBefore creating a lead magnet, it\u2019s important to understand who your target audience is. What are their pain points, challenges, and goals? What information do they need to make informed decisions about buying a property? Use this information to create content that speaks directly to their needs. For example, if you\u2019re targeting first-time homebuyers, create a guidebook that covers the basics of \nbuying a home\n, including tips for finding the right property, find the right price, and securing financing. If you\u2019re a property agent targeting sellers, create a guide that explains the home selling process, including tips for staging a home, setting a price, and attracting buyers. \u00a0\nProvide valuable information\nYour lead magnet should provide valuable information that your target audience can\u2019t find elsewhere. This could include \ndata-driven insights\n, industry trends, or expert advice. The more valuable your content, the more likely your audience is to share it with others. For example, if you\u2019re targeting investors, create a report that analyses the local real estate market, including trends in rental rates, vacancy rates, and property values. This information can help investors make informed decisions about where to invest their money. \u00a0\nKeep it visually appealing\nPeople are more likely to engage with content that is visually appealing. Use high-quality images, infographics, and other visual elements to break up large blocks of text and make your content more appealing. For example, if you\u2019re creating a digital guide, use images of properties, charts and graphs that illustrate important data, and icons or illustrations to highlight key points. \u00a0\nMake it easy to access\nMake sure your lead magnet is easy to access and download. This means providing a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to provide their contact information in exchange for the content. You can use a landing page or a pop-up form to collect this information. For example, your CTA might say \u201cDownload our free online guide on buying your first home\u201d and direct visitors to a landing page where they can fill out a form to receive the online guide. \u00a0\nFollow up with leads\nOnce you\u2019ve collected contact information from your lead magnet, it\u2019s important to follow up with leads in a timely manner. This could include sending a thank-you email, providing additional resources, or scheduling a call to discuss their needs. For example, if someone downloads your online guide on \nbuying their first home\n, you could send a follow-up email that includes a checklist for homebuyers, a guide to local neighbourhoods, or a list of trusted real estate agents in the area. \u00a0\nConclusion\n\u00a0\nCreating effective lead magnets for real estate businesses requires understanding your target audience, providing valuable information, making it visually appealing and easy to access, and following up with leads in a timely manner. By following these best practices, you can create \ncontent that drives conversions\n and grows your real estate business. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/decide-real-estate-agency-join/", "title": "How to decide which real estate agency to join?", "body": "How to decide on which real estate agency to join?\nWith so many real estate agencies in Malaysia, finding the right real estate agency to join can be a headache. So to help you make your decision easier, here are a few things to keep in mind when you\u2019re considering to join a property agency.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCommission and Fee Structure\nReal estate offices can be quite different when it comes to commission splits and fee structures. Some cover more expenses up front in exchange for a larger share of your commissions, while others let you keep more of your earnings in exchange for a \u201coffice fee.\u201d Some provide \nreal estate technology\n and computer hardware, while others charge you for printing and office supplies. It\u2019s important to factor in all of these costs before you commit to a real estate agency. You should also consider whether the agency\u2019s fee structure lines up with your work habits. If, for instance, you prefer to handle everything on your own, renting a part of the office might be better.\nLocation\nThanks to the Internet, real estate negotiators can work from anywhere. That said, you\u2019ll likely want to choose an agency branch that\u2019s as close to your home as possible\u2013firstly, because it gives you the opportunity to sell the area you know best: your own neighborhood/kampung. Working close to home will also minimize petrol mileage and other transportation expenses, which make up a significant part of your overall budget. Finally, having your office close to home gives you more flexibility, allowing you to stop by your house to pick up something you forgot.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nInventory\nThe perfect property agency culture and a lot of marketing support won\u2019t help you much if you have nothing to market. That\u2019s why you\u2019ll want to make sure the agency you work with provides a large inventory of property listings and continuous \nproperty listing generation\n. Think of listings like physical goods in a shop: you wouldn\u2019t want to work in a place with nothing on to sell, and customers won\u2019t want to shop there, either. A large and diverse inventory also gives you the freedom to focus on specific kinds of listings.\nTechnology\nWhen it comes to working in real estate, technology doesn\u2019t end with a computer and an Internet connection. There are many factors for determining whether an office will suit your tech needs. Are there desktop computers available? How new are they? What operating system do they use? Which software products and tools do they use or require? This last question is especially crucial: many real estate offices are very much outdated from a technology standpoint. If your agency is living in the past now, chances are they won\u2019t be any more interested in updating later.\nTraining\nAny real estate negotiator will tell you that the learning begins when you earn your license. No matter how confident or intelligent you are, as you get your feet wet, you\u2019ll still need guidance to navigate your new profession. Some agencies offer formal mentoring and training programs on everything from sales to technology to ethics. Others drop a company manual on your desk and wish you the best of luck. Make sure the agency you choose will provide the support you need to be successful.\nMarketing and Advertising\nMarketing and advertising are a huge part of a real estate negotiator\u2019s life and budget, so you\u2019ll want to pay attention to how a prospective office handles them. Some companies subsidize a portion of your \nproperty lead generation\n budget and provide ready- made materials like print mailers, while others will ask you to handle it all on your own, and ask you to do your own \nproperty google marketing\n and \nFacebook marketing\n. Cost isn\u2019t the only concern, either: some offices, particularly those affiliated with large franchise companies, will restrict how you can use their brand and where, even requiring you to use approved language and materials. Go with an office that provides the right balance of support and flexibility.\n\u00a0\nFranchise or Independent?\nOne of the most common questions new real estate negotiators ask is: should I work for a major real estate chain, or a smaller independent agency? Every agency is different, so it\u2019s important to use caution around terms like \u201cfranchise\u201d and \u201cindependent.\u201d That said, each model has its advantages and disadvantages\n-Franchise\nIn a word, franchises provide more support. Because of their size and relationships with other offices, franchises usually have robust referral networks and large listing inventories, making it easier for new negotiators to find leads and offer clients more attractive options. Due to their corporate nature, franchises also tend to have more formalized, in-depth training programs, as well as brand recognition to help beginning negotiators make their start. Corporate status also leads to more up-to-date technology and marketing resources.\nOn the other hand franchises tend to offer less freedom. Negotiators must answer to the corporate culture when it comes to how they conduct their business, from the tools they use internally to how they market themselves and their properties. This all tends to come at a higher cost: in exchange for a brand name, negotiators must often pay initiation fees and/or a higher commission cut. Finally, franchises can be bureaucratic places, where loyalty and friendship are low and the corporate culture trumps new ideas or criticisms.\n-Independent\nHere, the word is flexibility. Independent real estate agencies come in all shapes and sizes. Some have only a couple negotiators, while others have several offices. Nevertheless, because they don\u2019t have to answer to corporate policy, independent companies are often more adaptable and give negotiators more direct input on policies and programs. Since they\u2019re founded locally, independent companies also have a local authority, with a reputation for offering a more personal touch and deep knowledge of the area. At the same time, that local flavor sometimes comes with a traditional mentality. This makes a lot of independent agencies less forward-thinking and less willing to modernize.\nOn the other side, smaller companies tend to have fewer resources than franchise firms, meaning that even if they want to update their technology, they don\u2019t have the cash to do it. This may also lead to less advertising support, fewer training opportunities, and less guidance. Again, none of this is absolute. Indeed, plenty of independent firms actually have more power and better brand recognition than the franchise offices they compete with. But, independent doesn\u2019t mean alone: some independent offices have networks of their own.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/digital-marketing-real-estate-infographic/", "title": "Digital Marketing in Real Estate Infographic", "body": "Digital Marketing in Real Estate\n Infographic\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/digital-trends-real-estate-agents-malaysia/", "title": "2020 Digital Trends For Real Estate Agents In Malaysia", "body": "Real Estate Marketing Trends 2020\nTechnology is constantly changing the real estate landscape. Conventional marketing no longer seems to be enough. New apps and devices are regularly being introduced.\nWith an abundance of up-to-date real estate software available on the market and a wide variety of digital marketing trends, real estate agents are spoilt for choice. Here are some of the top \nreal estate digital marketing\n trends for 2020:\nResponsive real estate websites\n \u2013 a top priority for effective marketing\nMobile has surpassed desktop as the preferred method of browsing online as people are rarely without their phones. This means that agents need to ensure that all their content and communication is easily viewable and optimised for mobile devices.\nAudiences are more likely to close a site that requires them to zoom in and out on their phone.\nEnsure that all the content on your current site translate well onto a mobile device. Simple layouts with contact information that is easily accessible on every page as well as engaging and clear visuals.\nAdd your city and state to the title, URL, content, and meta description of your site so that your name and office will show up in organic and map searches. This will increase the chance of leads finding you when they look for real estate agents in your area.\nTake advantage of Google AdWords, Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads to drive traffic to your site. It is important that your site offers localised ads with their own specific call-to-action.\nTargeted content \u2013 \u201can oldie but a goodie\u201d\nClich\u00e9 but true. While stress is placed on relevant and engaging content, it would serve an agent better to focus on a target audience and create content specifically for them over releasing waves of generic information for the masses.\nKeep your target audience in mind when creating content \u2013 whether in the form of social media posts, videos, or infographics. For example, you\u2019re targeting first time buyers from the younger generation. This niche will require specific information that will aid in them making their decision.\nTo create focused content for this target audience:\nSocial media post\nMore and more agents have taken to sharing details of their listings and its perks on social media \u2013 the \u201changout spot\u201d for most of the new working professionals. This is also a good place to create content with images and short descriptions of the benefits of the areas surrounding the listings, the top up and coming housing market areas, or the benefits of investing in a property.\nVideo\nEngage your audience via visuals of the community and its homes with minimal effort on their part. Authenticity remains the key to real estate buyers\u2019 interest. Mobile videos provide this. More so as this media consumption increases 100% every year.\nInfographic\nThe new working generation is constantly on-the-go. Hence the preference for short videos or summaries of long articles. An infographic is an ideal way to summarise long blog posts while creating shareable and unique content that is relevant to this niche.\nLive videos \u2013 take the marketing world by storm\nAs of 2020, there is no surer way to attract leads to your site than through a live feed. This surge saw prominent social networking platforms add live videos as a part of their feature. The interactive and visual content serve to cater to the audiences\u2019 shorter attention spans which leads to increased brand awareness, lead generation, and online engagement. The best part in all this is that it caters to both, new agents just introducing themselves to the market as well as old hands who are keen on keeping up the new generation by building their brand online. It can be used to showcase listings and the housing market, among many others. The sky is the limit with this trend.\nIn order to keep up with this growing marketing strategy, agents should:\nUtilise social media platforms such as \nFacebook\n, Instagram, and even Whatsapp \u2013all of which offer live videos.\nBank on the virtual reality trend and provide your audience with the choice of a live tour without being there in person.\nOptimise videos for search by including relevant descriptions, hashtags, and titles so that they can be found at the top of search results\nKeep videos both entertaining and informational\nMarketing automation \u2013 more agents are using it\nOnly the most savvy of real estate agents are using the power of marketing automation to automate their follow-ups with leads, and continuously engage their clients.\nThis is a trend that more real estate negotiators will follow in 2019, with more advancements in technology, and the opportunity to save time from manually engaging clients.\nMarketing automation will save negotiators time and money, especially when they are busy with the day to day life of being a real estate agent.\nTo keep your clients engaged and always have you top of mind, you should:\nPut your leads into a \nCRM\n, and have an email schedule for engaging them based on your own engagement criteria.\nUse a drip marketing system to automatically send regular communication to your leads, so they are always engaged. Marketing automation will help leads turn into sales.\nStudies that show most leads take\u00a0anywhere from six months to two years to become a sale, this is why you need to keep them engaged with your personal brand.\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up to date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/easy-instagram-story-ideas-for-real-estate-agents/", "title": "Easy Instagram Story Ideas For Real Estate Agents", "body": "\u00a0\nInstagram stories have become one of the most popular ways people are posting and viewing content on social media, and has come a long way since they were first introduced in 2016. The feature that initially were quite confusing to real estate professionals now offers a very powerful and personal addition to their social media marketing and \nreal estate branding strategy\n. With over 500 million daily viewers, insta stories are a unique way to showcase your real estate brand and enhance your digital marketing efforts while showing your audience the real you. Plus, they are available on Facebook and Whatsapp now, too! \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHere are some simple, and creative ways to start using insta stories to grow your real estate brand and business on social media today.\n\u00a0\nCommunity & Neighbourhood\nWhen people use a real estate negotiator, they want someone who not only can navigate the property buying and selling process, but they also want a local neighbourhood area expert. Insta stories are a great way to show off how well you know the neighbourhood and community while also building relationships with key businesses in your area.\u00a0 Take a photo of that latte you got at your neighbourhood cafe, the takeaway you ordered from a restaurant or the plants you picked up at your local plant nursery. If you\u2019re lucky, by tagging the business names, you may get a re-share, which also gets your post in front of their own followers. \u00a0 This is also an easy way to show a behind-the-scenes look into your own life while also highlighting your community and neighbourhood involvement. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nFollower Polls\nOne of the smartest ways to create user engagement and interact with your followers is by using community polls. This cool feature allows you to have fun, show off your real estate personality and get an idea of what your followers/clients actually like. So, what can a property agent create story polls about? Well the opportunities are endless. A simple way to do this would be to use two different images and ask your client base to vote which one they like best. \u00a0\nHere are some options:\nWhich garden landscaping do you like better? Modern or Classic\nWhich bathroom style would you want? Option 1 or Option 2\nWhich kitchen cabinets do you like better?\nWhite Cabinets or Blue Cabinets Roses or Hibiscus?\nWho wants this new kitchen? Yes or No.\nYou get the idea. This can also be a great way to show off your own property listings without it seeming like you\u2019re trying to make a sale. If you have a property with a beautiful kitchen, flawless landscaping, amazing backyard, you can use polls to highlight it and let your client base know that it\u2019s now available to purchase or rent. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\nProperty Market Updates\nNow more than ever, people have a lot of questions about what\u2019s happening with the real estate market. Instagram stories gives you a great way to control the conversation and keep your clients informed on the current situation. \u00a0 An easy way to do this is to show a weekly photo of what\u2019s happening in your local area. Is buyer traffic picking up in your focus neighbourhood? Are property prices holding steady? What are the current home loan rates? These are all great topics you can cover to move hesitant buyers and sellers to make confident decisions. \u00a0 This is also a great place to post relevant \nreal estate market news\n. If there\u2019s a property article talking about how the real estate market is positioned to strengthen the economy or what property experts are predicting about property values this year, you should create a story about it and share it. You can do this easily by filming a quick video covering the biggest news article takeaways or breaking it down using dot point text, quotes and visuals like trends, graphs and charts. This allows you to build a reputation and brand as a real estate professional that knows what\u2019s going on, is a knowledge leader and earns the trust of your followers/clients. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nProperty Listing Behind-the-Scenes\nInstagram stories offer a unique opportunity to create your own \nvirtual tour of a property\n without time spent editing videos, fancy drone shots or complicated video editing software. To do this, start by letting your followers/clients know that you\u2019re doing a quick run-through of a new property to build hype about it a couple of days in advance and then create videos walking through each room. You can talk through your favourite property features and further emphasise this by adding in text that breaks them down in detail. \u00a0 This is a great creative and real way to showcase your listings without the extra effort and stress. Have fun with it. Try new things on social media and see what actually works. Best of luck! \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBottom Line\nInstagram stories offer the ability to connect with your client base in a more authentic and real way. It\u2019s a great way to not only show off your properties but also your own branding and personality. Today\u2019s consumer wants to see the human behind the brand, and this social media platform allows you to be more creative and market yourself in a more genuine and candid way. You should start small, be patient and don\u2019t be discouraged from trying new things on social media. In due time, you\u2019ll find what actually works and what your followers/clients respond to and can build your social media strategy from there. If you\u2019re looking for an easy way to jumpstart your Instagram stories with beautifully designed graphics that show you\u2019re a trusted property advisor, sign up to our content marketing tool \nTALGIC\n. We are currently open for free trials, and will be providing you ready-to-share posts that cover the week\u2019s most important real estate topics.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/empowering-real-estate-lead-generation-through-proptech-innovations/", "title": "Empowering Real Estate Lead Generation through Proptech Innovations", "body": " \u00a0\nIn 2023 the real estate industry is no stranger to technological advancements, and the rise of Proptech (Property Technology) has ushered in a new era of lead generation possibilities. Proptech encompasses a wide range of tech-driven solutions tailored to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and elevate customer experiences in the real estate sector. Today we will explore how Proptech can significantly benefit the real estate industry by revolutionising \nlead generation strategies\n. \u00a0\nExpanding Reach with Digital Marketing\nProptech facilitates digital marketing strategies that enable real estate professionals to reach a wider audience than ever before. With sophisticated \nonline advertising tools\n, social media platforms, and search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques, real estate professionals can target specific demographics and geographical locations with precision. By maximising online visibility and engaging potential clients across various digital channels, Proptech empowers real estate businesses to generate more leads and make more sales. \u00a0\nAI-Powered Chatbots and Instant Communication\nEfficient communication is critical in lead generation. Proptech solutions integrate AI-powered chatbots that can engage with website visitors, answer inquiries, and provide information round-the-clock. These chatbots simulate human-like interactions, providing instant responses and nurturing leads even outside business hours. With seamless and responsive communication, real estate professionals can establish stronger connections with potential clients and convert them into qualified leads. \u00a0\nVirtual Property Tours and 3D Visualisation\nProptech introduces cutting-edge virtual property tours and \n3D visualisation\n, allowing potential buyers and tenants to explore properties remotely. With immersive technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), prospects can virtually walk through properties, inspect various features, and visualise the space as if they were physically present. These immersive experiences captivate prospects and accelerate their decision-making process, resulting in higher lead conversion rates. \u00a0\nPersonalised Property Recommendations\nOne of the key advantages of Proptech is its ability to personalise property recommendations for prospective buyers. Leveraging artificial intelligence and data analytics, Proptech platforms can analyse consumer preferences, past interactions, and behaviour to offer tailored property suggestions. This personalised approach fosters a deeper connection with potential clients, increasing the chances of lead conversion. \u00a0\nData-Driven Lead Scoring\nProptech employs data analytics and predictive algorithms to assign lead scores based on various parameters such as engagement level, online behaviour, and demographics. This data-driven lead scoring system enables real estate professionals to prioritise leads with higher conversion potential. By focusing efforts on the most promising prospects, property professionals can optimise their lead generation strategies and maximise efficiency. \u00a0\nSeamless CRM Integration\nCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) software plays a pivotal role in lead management and nurturing. Proptech seamlessly integrates with \nCRM platforms\n, allowing real estate professionals to track interactions, monitor lead progress, and automate follow-up processes. This streamlined approach ensures that no lead falls through the cracks, leading to better lead conversion rates, improved customer relationships, and more sales conversions. \u00a0\nConclusion\n \u00a0\nProptech has emerged as a game-changer in the real estate industry, empowering property professionals with innovative tools and strategies to revolutionise lead generation. Through digital marketing, personalised recommendations, virtual property tours, AI-powered chatbots, data-driven lead scoring, and CRM integration, real estate professionals can efficiently attract, engage, and convert potential clients. Embracing Proptech not only enhances lead generation efforts but also positions real estate businesses at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring sustainable growth and success in a competitive market. Looking to boost your lead generation initiatives to the next level with the help of proptech?\nReady to supercharge your property development business? Let our cutting-edge Proptech solutions transform your lead generation efforts! Get in touch today to explore how we can revolutionise your sales pipeline and connect you with qualified leads. Don\u2019t miss out on this opportunity to maximise your real estate success.\nGet in \ncontact\n with RealestateMY today!\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/enhancing-the-real-estate-industry-through-artificial-intelligence/", "title": "Enhancing the Real Estate Industry through Artificial Intelligence", "body": " \u00a0\n\u00a0\nIf you haven\u2019t jumped on the AI trend yet, you might get left behind in the stone age. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool across various industries including the property industry. The real estate sector, known for its complex and information-intensive nature, can greatly benefit from AI solutions. Today we will talk about ChatGPT, a language model powered by deep learning algorithms, and how the real estate industry can leverage ChatGPT to streamline processes, improve customer interactions, and drive overall efficiency in the real estate market. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nEnhanced Customer Support and Engagement\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nArtificial intelligence has the ability revolutionise customer support in the real estate industry. By integrating a chatbot powered by ChatGPT into websites or mobile applications, real estate companies can provide instant responses to customer inquiries, 24/7. ChatGPT\u2019s natural language processing capabilities allow it to understand and respond to a wide range of customer queries, from property details and pricing to availability and location information. This improves customer satisfaction, reduces response time, and ensures consistent and accurate communication. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nPersonalised Property Recommendations\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nWith its ability to analyse large amounts of data, ChatGPT can offer personalised property recommendations to potential buyers and tenants. By understanding user preferences, budget constraints, and desired locations, ChatGPT can generate tailored suggestions that match their requirements. This not only saves time for customers but also helps real estate agents provide a more personalised and efficient service. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nVirtual Property Tours and Showings\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nChatGPT can facilitate virtual property tours and showings, especially in situations where physical visits may be challenging. By integrating ChatGPT with virtual reality or augmented reality platforms, potential buyers can explore properties remotely, experiencing a realistic walkthrough without being physically present. This technology can save time for both buyers and agents and enable them to make more informed decisions. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nMarket Analysis and Predictive Insights\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe real estate industry heavily relies on market trends and insights for making informed investment decisions. ChatGPT can assist in analysing vast amounts of real estate data, including property prices, market trends, demographics, and economic indicators. By leveraging this data, ChatGPT can provide valuable insights, such as predicting future property prices, identifying emerging markets, and recommending investment opportunities. This empowers real estate professionals to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead in a highly competitive market. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStreamlined Documentation and Contract Management\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nManaging paperwork and contracts can be time-consuming and prone to errors. ChatGPT can simplify this process by automating the generation and management of real estate documentation. By inputting relevant information, ChatGPT can generate contracts, agreements, and other necessary paperwork with accuracy and efficiency. This reduces administrative burdens for real estate agents, ensuring that legal documents are created promptly and in compliance with regulations. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nLanguage Support and Translation\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nIn a diverse global market like real estate, language barriers can hinder effective communication. ChatGPT can act as a language translator, facilitating smooth interactions between real estate professionals and clients who speak different languages. By supporting multiple languages and providing accurate translations, ChatGPT can foster better collaboration and expand business opportunities in international markets. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nConclusion\n\u00a0\nAs the real estate industry continues to evolve, embracing technological advancements becomes paramount. ChatGPT offers immense potential for transforming the industry by enhancing customer support, providing personalised recommendations, facilitating virtual property tours, analysing market trends, streamlining documentation, and bridging language barriers. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nReal estate professionals who harness the power of ChatGPT can improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in an increasingly digital market. By embracing AI solutions like ChatGPT, the real estate industry can unlock new opportunities and create a more seamless and engaging experience for all stakeholders involved. Ready to supercharge your property business? Let our cutting-edge Proptech solutions transform your lead generation efforts! Get in touch today to explore how we can revolutionise your sales pipeline and connect you with qualified leads. Don\u2019t miss out on this opportunity to maximise your real estate success.\n\u00a0\nGet in \ncontact\n with RealestateMY today! \u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/essential-guide-building-real-estate-business/", "title": "The Essential Guide to Building a Real Estate Business", "body": "Building a Real Estate Business\nDo you want to sell houses for the rest of your life or do you want to build a successful real estate business? Do you want to keep working nights and weekends or do you want to work less and get more income? In this guide, we will show you how to build a real estate business.\n\u00a0\nCulture\nCulture is a real estate buzzword, but every successful company needs a good culture. A\u00a0positive real estate company culture\u00a0can keep you satisfied and happy with your career choice. This doesn\u2019t mean that agents need to be holding hands and singing \u201cKumbaya.\u201d But it does mean people are happy to be there, have a sense of camaraderie and support, and share an overall enjoyment that comes from being part of that group.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBe Authentic\nThe bottom line is that you will not be successful if you are not authentic. Your business should be an extension of who you are as a person, so, recruit and hire people that you like and that also like you. Aligning with your core values is critical, so remember to be \u201cslow to hire and quick to fire.\u201d\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nService is 1#\nServe your \u201cteam\u201d. That means help your agents grow and empower them to be just like you. Don\u2019t expect your brokers to be a cog in your real estate agency wheel! In order to \u201cwork hard and play hard,\u201d you need to build a culture of accountability and enjoyment.\nAccountability happens when you frequently check in with your negotiators and team leaders. Require your negotiators to hold themselves accountable for everything including career visioning and goal setting. You need to figure out.\nWhat makes you wake up in the morning?\nWhat are your inner strengths?\nWhere do you add the greatest value?\nHow will you measure your life?\nEnjoyment happens when you cultivate an environment of be actually fun. When you learn about your negotiators and connect with them through monthly events and outings etc.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBe A Great Resource\nTraining is key. If you want your business to thrive, every single person that works for you needs to have the tools that they need to be successful. That means technology and systems, trainings and masterminds, and support from leadership (team leaders and the principals).\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nLead Generation & Conversion\nLead generation itself isn\u2019t the most important thing. You have to convert those leads into sales! Also, every year your deals are going to come from different lead sources. (This is why it\u2019s critical to diversify!) In a seller\u2019s market, you might have more deals closed from online \nproperty generated leads\n vs. more offline leads in a buyer\u2019s market.\nOnce you\u2019ve generated the leads, they need to be converted! You can think of this as pushing them through the funnel, from their first click to eventually closing. And you need to create effective follow-up and nurture plans for every step in the sales funnel. This should be systematic!\n\u00a0\nAccountability\nA lot of the time negotiators will get frustrated because they\u2019re leads aren\u2019t converting or their leads are \u201cjunk.\u201d In actuality, it\u2019s not the negotiator\u2019s fault, it\u2019s not the system\u2019s fault or \nGoogle AdWords\n\u2019 fault. It\u2019s only the team leader\u2019s fault\u2026 for not setting expectations, empowering the negotiators properly through training, and holding them accountable.\n\u00a0\nTrack & Measure Everything\nYou\u2019ve got to know your data and there\u2019s no way around it. The more informed you are (down to the minute details) the more likely you are to grow and scale your business successfully. The best way to hold yourself and your negotiators accountable is with reporting and dashboards using a \nCRM\n.\nHere are 4 Success Metrics you should be measuring:\nNegotiator response times to leads\nFollow-up & lead nurture\nLead conversion rates\nClose rates\n\u00a0\nCheck-In With Team\nEven though you\u2019ve built a thriving business and you\u2019re working a little bit less, a good leader is still present and engaged with every member of their team. Set daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly check-ins with everyone in your organisation.\nYou might need to meet with your leadership team and success managers weekly, and your individual negotiators monthly or quarterly. It\u2019s going to vary depending on the size and structure of your business, but those check-ins are absolutely critical for success.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSystems & Strategies\nTechnology is critical for your success in real estate. This is even more apparent if you want to stop selling real estate and start building a business. A large-scale, top-producing real estate business needs best-in-class \nreal estate technology\n.\nStrategies\nTo be a great leader you have to constantly think about how you can reduce your expenses, boost your ROI, and maximise your profitability. That means being very strategic.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/essential-tech-tools-for-all-top-real-estate-agents/", "title": "Essential tech tools for all top real estate agents", "body": "\u00a0\n#1: \nResponsive Real Estate Website\nEnsure you have a beautiful, mobile-friendly site that displays your \nproperty listings\n\u00a0\n#2: CRM Lead Management System\nUse a \nCRM database\n that helps you add, organize, and prioritize leads.\n\u00a0\n#3: Comparative Market Analysis Tool\nFind a CMA resource that allows you to visually compare local listings.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n#4: \nVirtual Open House\nBroadcast your home viewing to many clients remotely.\n\u00a0\n#5: Listing Presentation Software\nMake your listing presentations pop by using an intuitive design program.\n\u00a0\n#6: Customer Satisfaction Platform\nSend surveys to your clients to record their happiness with your business.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n#7: \nOnline Advertising Solution\nDevelop targeted, paid advertising campaigns to earn quality prospects.\n\u00a0\n#8: Content Management System\nWrite, edit, and publish your site content from a modern, easy-to-use CMS.\n\u00a0\n#9: Transaction Management Software\nKeep track of your closed deals, net income, and other financial metrics.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n#10: Marketing Analytics Platform\nMeasure the performance of your site pages using up-to-the-minute data.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/first-timers-guide-to-buying-a-home-in-malaysia/", "title": "First-timer\u2019s guide to buying a home in Malaysia", "body": "Buying your first home can be as scary as stepping out of an airplane and free falling 10,000 feet into the unknown. It\u2019s really tempting to grab the first place within your budget, continue to rent or stay with your parents. To help you to understand the process, we\u2019ll examine what goes on before, during and after the \nproperty buying process\n.\nBefore Buying\nDo Your Homework.\nBefore you do anything else, spend some time talking to experts, investors and fellow homebuyers. You\u2019ll be surprised how much insight they\u2019ll be able to give you. Don\u2019t stop there though. Read up on the housing market in Malaysia or attend road shows. Find out the average house prices where you live. All this might seem like a hassle now, but you\u2019ll be thankful you did it later.\n\u00a0\nMake a list\nThe options for a first-time home owner can be mind-boggling but making a list will bring some clarity. It doesn\u2019t have to be very realistic yet. We\u2019ll get to that later. Think about what kind of home best suites your needs: a traditional single-family home, a duplex, a townhouse or a \ncondo\n? Include basic desires that you can\u2019t compromise on. It can be big things like the neighbourhood or little things like the bathroom tiles. Since you\u2019re quite possibly making the biggest purchase of your life, you deserve to have it fit both your needs and wants as closely it can.\nConsider how deep your savings is\nNow it\u2019s time to get realistic and scrutinize your financial situation. First-time home buyers in Malaysia need to fork out 5 \u2013 15% of the property price in cold hard cash for the down payment. There are also other costs such as legal fees, 6% government service tax to be charged on the real estate agent\u2019s commission, stamp duty, and so on.\nFind out how much you can borrow\nNext, find out how much of \nhome loan\n you qualify for by calling up some bank officers or visiting a branch near you. The standard in Malaysia is 90% of the property price but it also depends on the type of property and your credibility.\n\u00a0Understand\n \nhow much you can actually afford\nJust because you qualify for a loan that gets you a Balinese style villa in Ara Damansara, doesn\u2019t mean you can afford the monthly payments. Avoid being \u201chouse poor\u201d \u2013 a common mistake made by first-time home buyers. They have the house of their dreams, but no money left for clothes, petrol, entertainment, holidays and even food.\u00a0 Most financial experts recommend that you allocate no more than one-third of your total income to pay off your home loan. Remember that owning a home is more than the monthly loan payments though. There are other fees like maintenance fees, insurance, quit rent, assessment, utilities and so on.\n\u00a0Engage a real estate agent\nYou\u2019ve done well on your own so far and now it\u2019s time to get external help. Shop around for a good real estate agent. They can really help to make the whole process less stressful for you. Other than navigating the negotiations and paperwork, they can protect you from any problems you might face during the process. Most agents receive a commission, paid from the seller\u2019s proceeds.\nDuring Buying\nFind the right home\nIt\u2019s time to put your background work into action. Use all the options available to you including your real estate agent, online listings and driving around looking for for-sale signs. As a first-time home buyer, look for property that you can add value to so that it increases your equity and helps you up the property ladder.\nGet to know your financing options and secure it\nBank loans are not the only way to finance your property. Find out if you qualify for My First Home Scheme, 1Malaysia Housing Programme (PR1MA) or MyDeposit Scheme. Search for the lowest interest rates and best packages and finalise the application.\nDo a home inspection\nTo your untrained eye, your potential new home may appear flawless but it\u2019s always safer to get a professional to inspect the quality, safety and overall state of the place. The last thing you want is to move in and get hit with a lot of unexpected repairs.\nMake an offer\nYour real estate agent will help you negotiate the offer price and terms & conditions with the seller. Once you reach an agreement with the seller, you\u2019ll have to sign a Letter of Offer or Offer to Purchase document and pay the 2% earnest deposit.\nEngage a lawyer and close the deal or move on\nIf the house inspection didn\u2019t turn up anything serious and you reach an agreement with the seller, it\u2019s time to close the deal. This basically means you need to engage a lawyer to prepare all the legal documents and you\u2019ll have to sign a ton of paperwork within a very short time \u2013 usually within 2 weeks of signing the Letter of Offer or Offer to Purchase. Please note if you are a \nforeigner buying Malaysian property\n there are extra regulations and documents to you to provide.\nAfter Buying\nPerform regular maintenance\nJust like a car, your house also needs regular maintenance. This allows problems to be fixed when they are small, manageable and cost less.\nKeep saving\nExpect unexpected expenses when you own a house \u2013 like installing a new aircon or fixing a leak in the roof. \u00a0Start an emergency fund for your home so that you won\u2019t be caught off-guard when these costs inevitably happen.\nIgnore the housing market\nThe only time the value of your house matters is when you want to sell it. Being able to choose when you sell your home, rather than being forced to sell it due to financial crisis or job transfer, is what will determine how big your profit from your investment will be.\nDon\u2019t expect your home to fund your retirement\nOwning a home can be a source of wealth but it will not necessarily fund your life after retirement. Continue to save the maximum you can in your retirement savings account every year.\nOnce you are equipped with the right information, the process of buying your first home won\u2019t seem so daunting. You will be able to manage it with much more confidence and soon even share your knowledge with other newbies.\nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/get-real-estate-conferences/", "title": "How to get the most of our real estate conferences", "body": "real estate conference\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/get-testimonials-real-estate-clients/", "title": "How To Get Testimonials From Real Estate Clients", "body": "How to get real estate testimonials\nMalaysians love to check online reviews before making a purchase \u2013 anything from booking a hotel to buying a new phone. The same goes for the real estate business in Malaysia. Client testimonials are vital for a business to thrive, Shiv Singh the Global Head of \nDigital Marketing\n Transformation at Visa Inc. says, \u201cThe purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers.\u201d\nHearing how past clients are satisfied working with you will give those who are visiting your sites an idea of what to expect from your business. However, not everyone is willing to put in the time and effort to write a testimonial. Here are some useful tips on how to secure positive feedback from clients.\nTools to Help Get Real Estate Testimonials\nPeople will be more inclined to leave you a testimonial when they realise they don\u2019t have to write a long story. These tools make everyone\u2019s lives easier.\nTypeform \u2013 It helps you to send out customised surveys to your clients.\nSurveyMonkey \u2013You can create surveys, poll clients and leads on their home search, and request sales and marketing preferences from current clients.\nBoast \u2013 It lets your clients go beyond the written word and record short video testimonials.\nHow to Write Real Estate Testimonials\nYou can choose what information to include (or exclude) and the presentation format but you can\u2019t change the wordings. So, it is important to consider how to package your client testimonials in the most attractive way.\nAdd multimedia elements to make testimonials more compelling.\nImages and videos elevate your testimonials as it helps people to associate faces and voices to words. Be respectful that not everyone is comfortable to have their faces on your sites but try to include images of your clients with the homes they have bought or sold.\nTry different formats and styles.\nPeople who visit your testimonial page are just going to scan through the information to get the gist of it. So, ensure that you help them to ingest as much as possible quickly. Some ways to do this are:\nUse bullet points\nTry a Q&A structure\nKeep sentences simple but powerful\nUse bold or italic headlines\nExperiment with different fonts but no more than two types or it becomes messy\nUse a video testimonial like Tracy McLoughlin of Pacific Union International Christie\u2019s Great Estates\nInclude positive feedback in testimonials \u2026 but know when to stop.\nAlways remember: less is more. Consider the attention span of your readers \u2013 they are not likely to spend more than a minute to skim through your testimonials before heading to your \nproperty listings\n. The main point of a real estate client testimonial is to promote your business so don\u2019t bore people with lengthy stories.\nQuestions to Ask Clients for Real Estate Testimonials\nSome clients are willing to write you a testimonial but they may not know the right things to say. Help them along with these questions.\n\u201cWhy did you hire me to represent your home sale/purchase?\u201d\nPotential clients want to know what your past clients thought of you \u2013 specifically, your background in real estate, qualifications, personality, and niche sales speciality (if you have one). Having positive reviews about you and your work helps people to trust you.\n\u201cWhat led to your decision to buy or sell your home?\u201d\nWhen potential clients are browsing your site, seeing other people\u2019s personal situations and motivations, helps them to identify with your client base and get a clearer picture of your business.\n\u201cWhat could I have done better to help you buy or sell?\u201d\nIt may not be pleasant to hear, but negative feedback is important so you can improve your sales and marketing, and ultimately your bottom line. It\u2019s okay not to share this publicly but constructive criticism will help you to be a better real estate agent.\n\u201cWhat did I do best to help your home sale or search?\u201d\nEmphasise the thing that your client most enjoyed or appreciated about working with you. It could be something big, like you helped them to get a lower buying price for their home or something small, like how you braved hours of traffic jam to make it to an appointment with them.\n\u201cWould you ultimately recommend my business to others?\u201d\nMalaysians are generally a helpful bunch but sometimes, unless you ask point-blank if they would suggest your business to others, it\u2019s not the first thing on their minds. Assuming you had a good working relationship with your clients, don\u2019t hesitate to ask and get them to explain exactly why they would. Potential clients are interested to know the motivation behind their answer.\nPlaces to Publish Real Estate Testimonials\nShare the testimonials you have collected about your real estate business to Malaysia and the world with these options.\nDedicate an entire page on your real estate website to testimonials.\nRemember that generally, all real estate agents in Malaysia offer similar services which mean clients are not paying for your unique services, they\u2019re paying for your unique \nresults\n. Testimonials are proof of the results you can deliver. Create a dedicated page just for client testimonials on your site. Use this link to lead people to view all your client testimonials in one place just like how Fidelity Real Estate St. George Associate Broker Odete Cesar has done.\nIncorporate your real estate testimonials into your email marketing\nDevelop an email campaign that highlights your happy clients\u2019 testimonials. You can utilise real estate CRMs to automate this process and schedule emails to targeted groups of people. The email should include a short extract of the testimonial, a photo of the happy client with their property and an invitation to view the full testimonial on your website.\nSchedule social media posts featuring your testimonials\nA marketing automation tool can help you to schedule updates on your social media accounts. Use attractive headlines like \u201cWhat a pleasure to help the Lim family to purchase their dream home!\u201d And then provide the link to the full testimonial. You can also request satisfied clients to leave you feedback on your social media accounts like Facebook and Google+. These reviews on social media not only boost your credibility but also increase your website\u2019s search engine ranking.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/google-search-works-real-estate-malaysian-beginners-guide/", "title": "How Google Search Works for Real Estate: Malaysian Beginners Guide \u2013 Part 1", "body": "How Google works for real estate\nHow do Malaysians find things? In the past people use to look for information in newspapers, cardboard signs, and recommendations from friends. Now everyone says \u201cjust Google it\u201d. This is\u00a0the same when people are trying to find out about property they want to buy or sell.\nMalaysians have now fully embraced the digital age with most of the population fully depended on smart phones, the internet, and computers. Even the way Malaysians search for information have totally changed. Everyone is using Google to find information about things they are interested in rather than using traditional methods, and with searching real estate online it\u2019s pretty much the same. People will search online for properties they are interested to buy or sell, and evaluate the agents who are selling them.\nThis means getting visual exposure from search engines like Google is essential for you as a real estate agent in Malaysia for getting high quality leads. But in order for you to be able to harness the benefits of Google, you first have to understand how it works for realtors, and how being on Google helps potential clients find real estate properties online, and evaluate capable real estate negotiators who can help them. This is the power of \nreal estate digital marketing\n.\nIn this article we will touch on how Google ranks websites based on keyword searches, and in general how their search algorithm functions. There are also two different types of Google search results, organic and paid results. In order to understand Google search results, you must first understand the difference between organic, and paid search results. We will be discussing the differences between both.\nWe are also going to break down the structure of the Google\u2019s search results page so you can understand the formats and rankings that you normally see.\nOk, let\u2019s start\nSo how does Google work? and how does it decide which websites are listed on the Google search engine results page?\nWell when someone is looking for information online; for example, a property for sale in Bangsar, they start by entering keywords into the Google search bar. Like below\nOnce the search button is clicked, Google returns with a list of results on the search engine results page (SERP) with results based on the keyword terms.\nThere are actually many different types of results on the search results page depending on the actual search term, but we will only be going over the organic and paid results in this article. In the next installments of this article series we will go over the rest of the Google search result types.\nSo let\u2019s talk about paid and unpaid search engine results, starting with organic results.\nOrganic results (non paid) are sometime referred to as SEO, even though SEO actually means search engine optimization, which is the actual process of optimizing a website so it will rank well on Google. Organic results listings are websites that Google decides are the best match for the keyword phrases you have searched for.\nGoogle has a secret algorithm that it uses to rank websites based on keyword search terms. It\u2019s a secret so only Google knows how it actually works, but SEO experts are continually working to figure out how the algorithm works, and have strategies to help your website out rank others. Unfortunately Google changes the algorithms regularly so SEO experts have to continuously experiment in order to understand how to continuously optimize a website.\nYou cannot pay Google to make your website rank higher for organic listings, and there are only 10 organic listings per page. So its important that your website is fully SEO optimized, so you have a better chance of ranking for searches from people looking for property or real estate information in Malaysia.\nBelow is an example of organic links on the Google search results page:\n\u00a0\nNow let\u2019s talk about paid listings on the Google search results page (SERP).\nPaid search results are referred to as either SEM or PPC, which stands for search engine marketing & pay per click. Paid search or SEM is basically advertising on Googles search results page. The Google advertising product is called Adwords.\nWith AdWords you can pay to have your website listed as an ad, appear on the 1\nst\n page of Google search results, for specific search terms. But it isnt as easy as just paying top dollar to be on the number one spot. Google adwords also have an algorithm that ranks ad listings based a various factors including: \u00a0keyword bid, quality score, targeting, & performance.\nSo how it works is, advertisers will set a bid price of how much they are willing to spend on their ad listing, for each time it is clicked. When your ad appears on the SERP, and gets clicked by a user, you pay a fee per click, this cost per click varies dependent on many factors including the keyword search, competitor bids, target audience and past performance. Google are more likely to rank the ad listings with the highest possibility of resulting into a click (because that is how they get paid). We also have another series published on\u00a0how much \nGoogle advertising\n cost.\nBelow is an example of paid search results.\nWhy it is important to get on the first page of the search results\nEveryone\u2019s aim should be to get on the first page of the Google search results, while aiming to have the top ranking on the search result page.\nIndependent research shows that over 70% of Google searches result in clicks on the first page of the search results, while pages after the first page get significantly less clicks the further away the result is from the first page.\nResearch also states that with organic results, being in first position or top rank, receives over 30% of the clicks on that results page. And the click rate decreases more than half for position two rankings, and keeps dropping as the results get lower down the page.\nUsers also spend only 7-10 seconds in search results, so if your ad listing is not in a prominent position, there is a high chance that the users might miss it.\n\u00a0\nSo what can you take home from this informative article.\nBasically the better you are positioned on the Google search results page, the more traffic your website will get. But to be visible on google, you must have an SEO optimized website, with great content. And if you have budget to spent on marketing, then paid listings will get you directly on the first page of google search results instantly. So if you aren\u2019t on Google already, now might be the time to start.\nAs mentioned at the start of this article, there are many type of search results, that may appear on the search results page. But we will only be covering the other types of results in our next installment of this series. So stay tuned to the 2\nnd\n part of this series where we will cover the other types of search engine results on Google.\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/hire-marketing-experts-real-estate-business/", "title": "When to Hire Marketing Experts for your Real Estate Business", "body": "Hiring Real Estate Marketing Experts\nBeing a real estate agent is like running your own business. And most of the time owning your own business means being a one-man band \u2013 being the accountant, the bookkeeper, the administrator, the secretary, the salesperson, the marketer, and many more. These many hats lead to all types of challenges.\nDigital marketing professionals\n tend to get asked by relatives or \u2018good\u2019 friends for tips on improving themselves in this relatively new field. We wouldn\u2019t be humans after all if we did not capitalise on personal relationships to help ourselves or the people close to us. You \nknow\n, that curiosity of another\u2019s work over a cup of coffee.\nDon\u2019t get it wrong. Picking another\u2019s brain is not a bad thing. However, the common question asked is \u201cwhat should one do to generate more business from digital marketing\u201d when the right question that should be asked is \u201cWHEN should one hire help to generate more business from digital marketing\u201d. While a real estate agent / business owner may wear many hats and deem it possible for themselves to oversee and run every aspect of their business on their own, it may not be the most prudent long-term solution.\nLet\u2019s say that a digital marketing professional was asked the right question \u2013 there would not be a one-size-fits-all answer. There are however established guidelines to help one determine if it is time to hire someone to handle their marketing strategy and execution.\nKeep in mind that as a real estate agent / business owner, you would still have to be involved to an extent. As the face of the business, your marketing content would need to mirror your tone and character. In an industry that depends on face-to-face interactions and a high level of trust, your marketing should take on a personal approach and promote your \npersonal branding\n.\n\u00a0\nAdditionally, your choice of freelance marketer or marketing agency will be the driving force behind your business. While you may not understand fully the nuances of digital marketing, you should ask questions regarding the strategies that will be put in place to understand its implications and potential risks.\nHere are some reasons to hire an expert:\n\u00a0\nWhen You Don\u2019t Have Time for Marketing\n\u00a0\nAs a real estate agent / business owner\u00a0you\u2019re going to have your hands full with your business\u2019 development, customer service, marketing planning and execution, book keeping, accounts, and many more. It would be easy for marketing to fall to the side with so many other things needing your immediate attention.\nYour lack of ability to focus the time, energy, and resources needed for marketing is a good indication to outsource some tasks such as marketing which itself is a full-time job.\nBy freeing up your time to focus on other things, you will be able to increase your efficiency while getting your business marketed consistently. Time is money and getting someone to help will be a win-win for you and your business.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nWhen You\u2019re Unsure What to Do Next\nAmateurs and professionals alike will eventually hit a dead-end at some point. When you find yourself banging your head against a wall (figuratively, of course), it\u2019s time to get some help. Whether it be with lead generation, client conversion, or meeting the bottom line, reach out to marketing professionals who tend to give out basic (and often free) advice on your next steps (especially if you invite them out for a \ncoffee\n).\nRegardless of who you talk to, if you still find yourself staring at a blank wall, then it\u2019s time to look for someone to take your marketing to the next step for you.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nWhen You\u2019re Looking to Grow Your Business Faster\nIf you\u2019re hitting your income target then congratulations! You\u2019re at a peak of your business. Note, I said A peak and not THE peak as with any other business, there will be ups and downs. At the current peak, it\u2019s now time to decide whether to grow your business more or maintain it at its current level.\nIf you decide to go with Option 1, then you\u2019ll need more hands and brains on board. What was good enough to get you to your current position would probably not be enough to push you ahead. You will need different perspective, new strategies, and new skills to take things to the next step.\nDecide where your time is best used and how much you want your business to grow. When growth is the goal, you will need help.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nWhen You\u2019re Unsure of How to Boost Your Marketing Strategy\nYou\u2019re an expert in owning a business and in real estate, not in online marketing. While today\u2019s connectivity allows us to learn about content marketing, ways to drive traffic to your site, and SEO, it is most likely that like many real estate professionals, digital marketing is not your main area of expertise. You need to find someone who has the skills to compliment your own skills so the business can grow.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nWhen Your Business Stops Growing, or Starts to Decline\nWhy fix it if it\u2019s not broke\u2026right? It doesn\u2019t always work that way. You may not notice your business\u2019 growth stalling or declining right away. Either way, it\u2019s always a good time to hire an expert to help figure out the problem. Marketing consultants can diagnose the issue, form a strategy and even help you advance your business. These experts present solutions based on their data as well as their experience in the field. Relying on your instincts or things that you\u2019ve read about may not impact your business the way you hope to.\nGreat digital marketers are like scientist, and make decisions based on analytical data and continuous testing. You should find a digital marketing expert who focuses on data, rather than marketing amateurs that blindly blast advertising with no direction.\nWith technology changing at such a fast pace, it\u2019s important to rely on experts that are up-to-date with technology and quick to change and adapt with current times.\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up to date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-do-expats-buy-property-in-malaysia/", "title": "How do expats buy property in Malaysia?", "body": "Purchasing property in Malaysia as an expat can be a complex process, but with some careful planning and research, it is possible to buy a home in this Southeast Asian country. Here are some steps to follow when \nbuying property in Malaysia\n as an expat:\nResearch the Malaysian property market\nAs with any real estate purchase, it\u2019s important to familiarise yourself with the local property market. This includes researching prices, types of properties available, and the demand for different types of homes in different areas.\nDetermine your budget\nIt\u2019s important to have a clear idea of how much you can afford to \nspend on a property in Malaysia\n. This will help narrow down your search and ensure that you don\u2019t overstretch your budget.\nFind a good real estate agent\nA good real estate agent can be a valuable resource when it comes to finding a property in Malaysia. They can help you navigate the local market, find properties that meet your needs and budget, and handle the paperwork and other logistics involved in the purchase process.\nGet a mortgage\nIf you\u2019re an expat looking to purchase property in Malaysia, you\u2019ll likely need to get a mortgage to finance the purchase. There are several banks in Malaysia that offer \nmortgages to expats,\n but the terms and conditions can vary widely. It\u2019s important to shop around and compare offers from different lenders to find the best mortgage for your needs.\nObtain a visa\nIf you plan to live in Malaysia long-term, you\u2019ll need to obtain a visa. There are several types of visas available to expats, including work visas, business visas, and student visas. The type of visa you\u2019ll need will depend on the reason for your stay in Malaysia.\nUnderstand the legal requirements\nBuying property in Malaysia as an expat requires you to navigate a complex legal system. It\u2019s important to understand the legal requirements for purchasing property in Malaysia, including any restrictions on foreign ownership and any taxes or fees that may apply.\nChoose the right property\nOnce you have a clear understanding of the local property market and your budget, it\u2019s time to start looking for a property. Consider factors such as location, size, and type of property, as well as any amenities or features that are important to you.\nMake an offer\nOnce you\u2019ve found a property you\u2019re interested in, it\u2019s time to make an offer. Your real estate agent can help you negotiate the terms of the sale, including the price, closing date, and any contingencies that may be included in the contract.\nFinalise the purchase\nOnce your offer is accepted, you\u2019ll need to finalise the purchase by paying the purchase price and any associated fees. This will usually require signing a sales and purchase agreement and transferring the funds to the seller.\nTake possession of the property\nOnce the purchase is complete, you\u2019ll be ready to take possession of your new property in Malaysia. This may require obtaining keys or other access to the property, as well as paying any fees or taxes that are due.\nOverall, purchasing property in Malaysia as an expat requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these steps and working with a good real estate agent, you can successfully navigate the process and buy a home in this beautiful and diverse country."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-first-home-buyers-can-find-their-dream-home/", "title": "How First Home Buyers Can Find Their Dream Home", "body": "In today\u2019s real estate market it can often be frustrating to be a \nfirst-time homebuyers\n to find their dream home, especially if they are not prepared.\nHere we highlight some steps that first-time homebuyers can take to help keep their excitement of buying a home throughout the whole property buying process.\nHow First Home Buyers Can Find Their Dream Home\nGet Pre-Approved Home Loan ASAP\nOne way to show you are serious about buying your dream home is to get pre-qualified or pre-approved for a home loan before starting to view properties. Even if you are in a market that is not as competitive, understanding your property buying budget will give you the confidence of knowing whether or not your dream home is attainable. This will also help you narrow your search criteria based on your actual budget and won\u2019t leave you upset if the property you view, and love, ends up being outside your \nproperty budget\n!\nKnow the Difference Between What You Need Vs What you Want\nDo you really need that double sink in the kitchen to be happy with your home decision? Would 2 car parks be a convenience or a necessity? Could the baby room of your dreams be a future renovation project instead of a deal or no deal right now?\nBefore you start your viewings, list all the features of a home you would like and then qualify them as \u2018needs\u2019 vs \u2018wants\u2019. This will help keep you focused on what\u2019s most important to you.\nResearch and Choose The Right Neighbourhood You Want Buy In\nEvery neighbourhood has its own advantages. Before you commit to a property based solely on the building itself, we suggest driving around the area. Make sure that the area meets your needs for \u201camenities, commute, school district, etc. and then spend a weekend exploring before you make any decisions.\nPick a Property Style You Love and Stick to It\nEvaluate your family\u2019s needs and settle on a style of home that would best serve yours and your family\u2019s needs. Just because you\u2019ve narrowed your search to a postcode, doesn\u2019t mean that you need to view every listing in that postcode.\nDocument Your Home Viewings\nOnce you start to view properties, the features of each individual property will start to mix together. We suggest keeping your phone camera ready to document what you love and don\u2019t like about each property you visit. Making notes on a sheet as you tour the property will also help you remember what the photos mean, or what you were feeling while viewing the home.\nIn Summary\nIn a competitive property-buying environment, any advantage you can give yourself will help you on your path to buying your first dream home.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-much-money-do-you-need-to-buy-a-house-in-malaysia/", "title": "How much money do you need to buy a house in Malaysia?", "body": "Here\u2019s something they should teach in college but don\u2019t: how much money do you need to buy a house in Malaysia? Many \nfirst-time homebuyers\n sign on the dotted line when they feel they can afford the monthly loan payments without being aware that that is just the tip of the housing costs iceberg. This can seriously jeopardise their financial stability. As a Malaysian aspiring to buy a house, here are the costs you need to know about to determine if you are financially ready to make that commitment.\nUpfront costs\nEarnest deposit\nAlso known as the booking fee, this is 2% \u2013 3% of the property price and is paid when you sign the Letter of Offer. The money will be held in escrow until the time to transfer it to the seller when the sale goes through. If it doesn\u2019t, this money will either be refunded or forfeited, depending on the terms in the Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA).\nDown\n \npayment\nIn Malaysia, the down payment is typically (but not always), 10% of the property price as most banks offer loans up to 90% of the property price for your first two residential properties. This will be paid in cash to the seller. If you have already paid the earnest money, you just need to top up the amount to complete the total down payment value when you sign the SPA.\n\u00a0Miscellaneous fees and charges\nLegal fees, stamp duty and disbursement fees\nYou need to engage a lawyer to prepare the SPA, loan agreement and handle the mountain of paperwork that comes with \nbuying a house\n. The fees for the SPA follow a scale rate which on average is 3% \u2013 4% of the purchase price in the SPA. The fees for the loan agreement also follow a scale rate and averages on 2% \u2013 3% of the loan amount.\nValuation fees\nIf you are buying a sub-sale property, the bank will require a \nproperty valuation\n report before you can apply for a loan. The cost for this report is around 0.3% of the property value.\nMemorandum of Transfer stamp duty\nAfter the SPA is signed, the lawyer will make sure that the seller has fulfilled all their obligations including paying any outstanding bills before applying to transfer the property from the seller to you. This will cost you around a few hundred Ringgit.\nMortgage insurance\nIt\u2019s not compulsory to get a mortgage insurance but think of it as a life insurance on your loan. It offers peace of mind and helps to settle the outstanding loan if a death, illness or disability happens. The premium amount depends on your loan tenure, monthly instalment amount and your age.\nOther extra costs\nInspection\nWe\u2019ve all heard of someone who bought a house and then later discovered defects that cost a fortune to repair. Often it is because home inspection is not a standard practice in Malaysia and the buyer relies on his untrained eye to assess the property. It will cost a few hundred Ringgit to perform a professional home inspection and can be done before or after buying the house.\nTaxes\nThere are two kinds of taxes you need to pay when you become a homeowner in Malaysia: the cukai pintu and the cukai tanah. The cukai pintu is paid twice a year to the local authority for the upkeep of public infrastructure within its jurisdiction. The cukai tanah is paid once a year to the relevant land office. The rates for each tax depend on the property type and location.\nUtility bills\nThese are monthly payments for your \nproperty utilities\n including electricity, water, sewage, internet and so on. If you are buying a sub-sale property, you can request the seller for a copy of the monthly bills to get an idea of the costs you will be dealing with.\nInsurance for your home\nIt\u2019s not just people and vehicles that need insurance. Your home does too. Homes are vulnerable to robbery, natural disasters and vandalism. Most major insurance companies offer a range of packages so shop around before you decide on the coverage you want. The cost will depend on a variety of things like the value of the house, the insurance amount and so on.\nRenovation and moving in\nThe costs for renovations depend on how much your budget can stretch to meet your dreams. If your new house is completely bare, you\u2019ll have to start from scratch to make it into a home. Even if you\u2019ve bought a sub-sale property, the furnishings and fixtures may still require some updating. Then there are the costs of moving in. Are you going to hire professional movers? Are you going to do the pre-move clean by yourself or get a cleaning company to do it?\nMaintenance fee\nEscalating crime rates in most urban areas have prompted house-buyers to purchase gated-and-guarded properties for an added sense of safety. These places also come with amenities like pools, gyms and parks which are shared by the residents. To maintain all these common areas, every owner has to pay a monthly maintenance fee to the Joint Management Body or Management Corporation.\u00a0 The amount for the maintenance fee is calculated per square feet.\nSo if you are looking to buy a home soon, please consider all the cost related to buying a home before you make the ultimate decision.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-property-developers-can-increase-sales-when-inflation-has-decreased-profits/", "title": "How property developers can increase sales when inflation has decreased profits", "body": "\u00a0\nIn a tough market where inflation has decreased property developers\u2019 profit margin, it\u2019s crucial to explore new strategies to increase sales quantity and speed. One approach that developers can take is to focus on international sales.\nInternational sales can help property developers to expand their customer base and reach new markets. This approach can be particularly effective in a tough market where local demand may be limited. By targeting international buyers, developers can tap into new sources of demand and potentially increase sales volume.\nInternational sales and \nreal estate marketing\n can help property developers to expand their customer base and reach new markets. This approach can be particularly effective in a tough market where local demand may be limited. By targeting international buyers, developers can tap into new sources of demand and potentially increase sales volume.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThere are several reasons why property developers should focus on international sales to increase their sale quantity and speed in a tough market:\nDiversification: Focusing on international \nproperty sales\n enables developers to diversify their customer base and reduce their reliance on local demand. This can help to mitigate the impact of a tough market and reduce the risk of revenue fluctuations.\nIncreased sales volume: International sales can help developers to increase their sales volume and achieve economies of scale. By selling to a larger customer base, developers can potentially negotiate better prices for materials and services, which can help to offset the impact of inflation on their profit margins.\nHigher profit margins: International sales can also help developers to achieve higher profit margins. International buyers are often willing to pay a premium for high-quality properties and exclusive amenities, which can increase developers\u2019 profitability.\nLong-term growth: Focusing on international sales can also help developers to achieve long-term growth. By expanding their customer base and establishing a presence in new markets, developers can position themselves for future success and potentially overcome the challenges posed by a tough market.\nHowever, there are also some challenges that developers may face when focusing on international sales. For example, they may need to navigate different cultural norms, language barriers, and legal regulations in different countries. Developers will need to invest in marketing and promotional efforts that cater to the preferences of international buyers, as well as build partnerships with local agents and consultants to help them navigate these challenges.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nTo succeed in international sales and marketing, property developers need to take a strategic approach. Here are some key strategies that developers can use to increase their sales quantity and speed:\nBuild a strong brand: A strong brand is essential for attracting international buyers. Developers should invest in branding efforts that showcase their expertise, experience, and unique value proposition. A well-developed \nreal estate brand\n can help to differentiate a developer\u2019s properties from those of competitors and increase their appeal to international buyers.\nDevelop targeted marketing campaigns: Developers should create targeted marketing campaigns that cater to the preferences of international buyers. For example, if a developer is targeting buyers from China, they may want to focus on promoting properties with feng shui design principles. Developers should also consider localising their marketing efforts to appeal to different cultures and languages.\nBuild partnerships with local agents: Building partnerships with local agents can help developers to expand their reach and tap into new markets. Local agents can provide valuable insights into local markets and help developers to navigate local regulations and customs. By partnering with local agents, developers can increase their exposure to international buyers and potentially increase sales volume.\nInvest in digital marketing: In today\u2019s digital age, online marketing is essential for reaching international buyers. Developers should invest in digital marketing efforts that reach buyers through social media, search engines, and other online channels. Digital marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach a large audience and generate leads.\nOffer attractive incentives: To entice international buyers, developers should offer attractive incentives such as discounts, financing options, or exclusive access to amenities. Developers should also consider offering incentives that cater to the specific needs and preferences of international buyers, such as language support or relocation assistance.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIn conclusion, property developers should focus on international sales to increase their sale quantity and speed in a tough market. By diversifying their customer base, achieving economies of scale, achieving higher profit margins, and positioning themselves for long-term growth, developers can potentially overcome the challenges posed by a tough market and achieve success in the global marketplace. While there may be some challenges to navigate, the potential benefits of international sales make it a worthwhile strategy for property developers to pursue."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-real-estate-agents-can-increase-their-sales-in-2022/", "title": "How Real Estate Agents Can Increase Their Sales In 2022", "body": "\u00a0\nSelling a property is generally not easy. Economic fluctuations greatly affect the ups and downs in the property market. Therefore, real estate agents need a good marketing strategy to help their business flourish. Here are some effective strategies real estate agents can execute to increase their property sales for better income this year. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n1. Focus on the Right Prospective Clients\n\u00a0\nHaving alot of people asking about your property seems great. But if they don\u2019t end up buying or renting, then you have been wasting your time and energy. That is why it is critical to know who your ideal prospects are before promoting a property.\u00a0Make sure your marketing efforts are always targeted at the right audience.\nDetermine your targeted leads as specific as possible. You need to do this to avoid unqualified leads, by specifying their demographics like: age, occupations, preferences, and so on.\u00a0After collecting your prospect\u2019s data, it\u2019s time to filter them out. To make filtering easier, make sure you are using\u00a0a reliable real estate CRM system. This software will help you maintain all prospect details, identify qualified prospects, assign them to the right property agents, update prospect status, determine next actions, send information automatically, and much more. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. Create SEO Optimised Websites To Improve Discoverability\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAs more and more real estate connections are moving online, getting in front of the right audience is becoming increasingly difficult. For property agents or agencies looking to drive conversions and get discovered by the right customers, \u00a0an \nSEO optimised property website\n\u00a0has never been more important. SEO helps optimise your online content to attract people through organic search results by appearing on the first page of a search engine like Google.\nTo make sure your real estate website ranks, you\u2019ll need to develop a strong focus on creating content that includes keywords and links for terms that your target audience is searching for. But in the highly competitive arena of real estate marketing, this isn\u2019t always enough. Google also prioritises websites that deliver a great user experience and are optimised for mobile, so you will have to make sure your site delivers on a number of factors outside keywords to rank highly. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. Keep An Eye On The Competition\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nYou should not get \u00a0too comfortable and content with what you have accomplished so far. Your competitors could always outperform you at any time. Therefore, it is crucial to take note of what they are doing. Find out what marketing strategies your competitors use, what their promotion techniques are like, where they get their clients and any other important information that may help you overtake their success. One of the best methods to gather information from your competitors is by communicating directly with them. This can be done by submitting inquiries via Whatsapp chat, telephone, email, or attending their webinars. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n4. Create Social Media Content to Boost Your Brand Exposure\n\u00a0\nIn addition to enhancing your real estate website content, try to actively post informative content on popular \nsocial media\n accounts like Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok. Nowadays, people tend to be more actively looking for properties online, so make sure your property can be easily found on various social media sites. Post high-resolution images and videos of your property and make an interesting caption in every post. You can also use paid ads whenever you feel the need to boost sales. To ease this responsibility, you can consider getting the help of a real estate marketing company to help you promote your property to the right audience. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\n5. Showcase Customer Testimonials To Build Your Credibility\n\u00a0\nOne of the best ways to market your real estate business is to let your clients do the talking. Social proof remains one of the most powerful tactics to convince customers that you\u2019re the right person to handle their property. \nReal estate testimonials\n from previously satisfied clients are an excellent way to show new or potential clients how you\u2019ve helped others in the past and bolster your credibility and trustworthiness. You could choose to have a testimonials page on your property website or you could shoot video testimonials of your clients \u2013 this is particularly useful since people specifically seek out videos of customer testimonials when choosing a real estate agent. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n6. Send Newsletters & Email Marketing Campaigns\n\u00a0\nEmail marketing for real estate\n is one of the best strategies for building strong relationships with your prospects or tenants. Collect emails from your website, online ads, or any events you\u2019ve held before. Send your newsletter subscribers what they are looking for, such as notifications about your upcoming project launches, your new properties, webinars that you offer online, tips on choosing properties, and more. If you happen to sell properties in different geographical areas, you\u2019ll want to group your newsletter subscribers based on their location, ensuring that they only get relevant updates from you.\nSending emails to many consumers will be challenging to implement if you do it manually. Therefore, finding a good real estate marketing company that can help you create, setup and automate email campaigns is the right choice to strengthen relationships with clients. Having email campaigns setup will help agents and agencies automatically send marketing emails to multiple recipients, perform SMS marketing, and create custom email templates according to your needs. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n7. Run Geo-Targeted Digital Marketing\nOne of the best tactics to use when marketing your real estate business is to target specific areas as far as possible. A great way to do this is to use geo-targeted digital ads have your ads show up to people in a specific location. When it comes to building recognition in a local market, geo targeted marketing is as effective as it gets. Focusing on specific locations can drastically improve your results and actually result in more business than if you focused on broader, more general areas.\nProperty agents can choose to display different content for their ads based on geographic locations so as to reach people that are most likely to be looking for houses in a particular area. Instead of trying to be the number one agent in your entire country, why not be the number one agent in a specific neighbourhood? When you focus on your local market, you can deliver ads that speak directly to the people and culture of your community, showing off your deep understanding of your area in the process. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n8. Create 360 Video Tours Of Your Properties\n\u00a0\nMost potential home buyers nowadays\u00a0seek out video content during their house hunting process. People are looking for houses online more than ever \u2013 and in a time when travel is still somewhat restricted and people are cautious about visiting houses,\u00a0video walkthroughs\u00a0can help with making critical buying decisions. \n360 video tours\n\u00a0offer more insight into how a home is realistically represented and provides potential buyers with a sense of spacing and layout that images can\u2019t always capture. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\n9. List properties on online marketplaces\n\u00a0\nMake sure you list all your properties on online marketplaces to get them in front of as many potential buyers as possible. Many real estate websites also provide free profiles for agents across the local housing market. Agents are able to claim their profile and fill in their information such as name, brokerage, contact information, area of expertise, and covered markets. Having a strong profile on these sites will also encourage potential buyers and sellers to contact you to sell their homes. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-real-estate-agents-can-work-with-social-influencers/", "title": "How real estate agents can work with social influencers", "body": "\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAs influencer marketing becomes more and more larger as a marketing channel, you should not deny using this new medium to help your real estate business.\nStart by listing out all of the influences in your market in other words, those who have considerably large network and are considered influencers in your area. For example local bloggers, for instance. You may not deem them the most popular people in your community, but each market tends to have a fair number of full-time blog enthusiasts who share intriguing information about the region: upcoming events to know about, cool bands making their way through town, the newest eateries to try out, and so on. While the focus of their blogs may not pertain to real estate whatsoever, that doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t leverage their online and area popularity for your own benefit.\nUsing Public Relations to Earn More Social Proof\nHere are some of the premier ways you can utilize a PR strategy to generate more buzz to boost your \nreal estate brand\n.\nCONDUCT MEDIA OUTREACH:\nContact bloggers, journalists, reporters, and other media members to build relationships with them.\nREACH OUT TO BLOGGERS:\nIdentify the most popular bloggers around to offer your unique insights for a post (or series of posts).\nSPONSOR EVENTS:\nWhen local organizations hold events, offer to sponsor them in exchange for free air time, so to speak.\nFor \nsocial influencers\n you should offer your input for a future blog post or Instagram ideas to one or more of the best influencers in your market. This could be in the form of buying or selling advice you can dispense for its readership or to discuss something else you\u2019re passionate about that pertains to the post\u2019s focus.\nFor example, if you find a foodie blogger whom everyone adores, suggest an interview about the unrivaled restaurants future homeowners in the area need to know about. In return for your insights, you could ask the blogger in question to give you some digital space to subtly promote your brand and \u2014 you guessed it offer some praise about your brand to act as some off-site \nsocial proof\n.\nThis, of course, is just one, specific example of this type of influencer outreach. Connect with others in the spotlight within your market as well like local TV and radio stations, podcasters, newspapers, magazines, monthlies, etc. \u2014 so you can repeat this process over and over again. Over time, you\u2019ll have developed a far bigger footprint for your real estate business and likely one that\u2019s bigger than other real estate brands with whom you compete for business: a win-win all around.\nThe key is persistence. Not every influencer, blogger, or other media entity you reach out to is going to want to run a story on your real estate agency or speak with your for a special post. That means, just like your lead segmentation, you need to short list the individuals and publications who don\u2019t have interest in working with you and focusing on the ones who are willing to have you on air or featured online on their website or social media.\nIt\u2019s these people who will eventually prove beneficial for your social proof, get your brand name top of mind with potential prospects, and drive more of the right kinds of traffic to your \nproperty website\n, which, at the end of the day, is the whole point of this social proof strategy.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-real-estate-professionals-can-improve-their-lead-and-client-management/", "title": "How real estate professionals can improve their lead and client management", "body": "When it comes to lead & client management, you need a good system to identify which leads are priority, and which can be revisited later. Timing is very important when \nnurturing leads\n, and in order to make the best use of your resources and reach out to prospects that are likeliest to become paying clients, it\u2019s necessary for a negotiator to think about how to segment their leads into specific categories and ensure their engagement efforts are in-line with those lead groups.\nLead engagement activities should be based on 3 categories: lead grading and lead scoring, and lead segmentation.\n\u00a0\nLead grading\nThis is a system for lead qualifying based on specific details that apply to a group of leads that will help you determine the urgency of the nurture. This is typically the first step when deciding to in reach-out.\nWhen determining how high or low to grade a lead, consider these 3 details:\n1.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Urgency\nHow much of a hurry are they to buy or sell?\n2.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Time searching property\nHow long have they been looking to buy or sell?\n3.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Familiar client?\nIf they share similar criteria to the types of clients you\u2019ve represented in the past, you\u2019ll want to assign a high grade to these leads.\n\u00a0\nLead segmenting\nAfter your leads have received a grade they are ready to be divided into hot or cold leads. This process helps further narrow down your leads into a top class leads to focus more efforts on.\nHot leads are prospects that have visited your \npersonal real estate website\n, and interacted with all the communications you have had with them. It\u2019s likely they\u2019ll want to make a purchasing decision in the near future. These people should be prioritised when you\u2019re deciding who to reach out to because they\u2019re most likely to convert to clients sooner than prospects in a different category.\nCold leads, however are prospects who have show interest but not frequently engaged with you enough to warrant enthusiastic lead nurturing and communication. You could still benefit from putting them on a drip email marketing campaign, so when the lead is ready to make a decision, your name comes to mind first. These cold prospects should be graded as soon as possible.\n\u00a0\nLead scoring\nThis is the final step in categorising leads, and usually only used when you have over 100+ leads to manage. Only top prospects should be scored to determine the type of lead nurturing effort that\u2019s needed. Leads can be separated by niche property interest like price or desired property type to get a better idea of the characteristics ideal prospects share.\nAfter the bulk of your database of leads has been managed, sorted and segmented, a portion of them will likely move further down your sales funnel and that much closer to a transaction. At this point, you\u2019ll want to quickly reach out personally to the leads you\u2019ve scored highest to connect and offer your expertise on the client\u2019s specific buying and selling needs.\nHighly-scored leads\nThese leads should receive communication regularly. An agent could send their recently featured listings, along with market reports and neighbourhood guides. It\u2019s important to send along information that the lead will find informative and will assist them in making a purchasing decision.\nMid-range leads\nProspects that have been designated to this category can easily fall into the low- score bucket if they\u2019re neglected. With a bit of nurturing on an agent\u2019s part, they can move into the highly-scored category. Ideal content to share with these people are data-driven information on topics like home buying and mortgages, as well as community and area content with featured listings from each neighbourhood showcased.\nLow-score leads\nAgents should choose to keep communication infrequent with these prospects. They\u2019re at a different point in the buying process and won\u2019t require a lot of effort to nurture. A monthly email or whatsapp detailing recently sold listings is appropriate to share.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-the-property-closing-process-works-in-malaysia/", "title": "How the property closing process works in Malaysia", "body": "You\u2019ve finally found a \nproperty to purchase\n! Before you pop open the champagne though, there\u2019s one thing left to do \u2013 the closing. It is a somewhat complicated and rigid process involving the transaction of documents and money so that you as the buyer can get the ownership transferred and possession of the property with no strings attached to the seller. In Malaysia, it typically takes around three months and ranges from a property inspection to paperwork signing. Check out our painless guide on what to look out for when you buy a property.\nWork closely with your real estate agent\nThere are multiple steps in the closing process and it\u2019s your real estate agent\u2019s job to smooth the way for you. He or she will inform you about the payments you have to make and the documents you must sign such as:\nSale & Purchase Agreement and Loan Agreement/Title\nCurrent year assessment receipt (\ncukai pintu\n)\nCurrent year quit rent receipt (\ncukai tanah\n)\nCosts in the closing process\nThere are several costs you have to bear when you \nbuy a property\n. Some of them are:\nLegal fee for Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA):\n This is calculated based on your property\u2019s selling price.\nOther miscellaneous fees:\n\u00a0stamp duty, valuation fees, disbursement fees, lender fees, settlement fees, and processing fees, etc\nEarnest Deposit\nThis is basically a deposit that you pay to show that you are indeed serious about purchasing your property. It is usually 1% \u2013 3% of the sale price and held by the real estate agency. Under no circumstances should this money be paid to an individual and there should be a clear and legal paper trail to avoid any risk of fraud. If you back out of the sale for anything not covered by a contingency, you will most likely have to forfeit your earnest deposit.\nContingencies\nContingencies are conditions in an offer that must be fulfilled to keep the sale moving forward. It gives you options if the conditions are not met. The standard contingencies that you will encounter during the closing process are appraisal, inspection, title, and financing contingencies. For example, if you submit an offer with an inspection contingency, you have no obligation to continue with the sale if anything is found during the house inspection that needs serious repair.\nTitle and financing\nIf you have a title contingency, they will verify that the house\u2019s title is clear of any issues before buying the house. For example, a property under master title for more than ten years is a red flag. As for the financing contingency, if you are not able to \nsecure a loan\n, you can reclaim your earnest deposit.\nTitle insurance\nEven with a title contingency in place, problems with the property title can crop up after the purchase is completed. There have been several cases in Malaysia where the property was turned back to the state or original owner because the courts decided it shouldn\u2019t have changed its title name, to begin with. A title insurance protects against loses if this happens and usually, two parties require it \u2013 the lender and the buyer.\nHome valuation\nIf you are getting a mortgage for the house, your mortgage lender (the bank) will order a \nhome valuation\n. If the house doesn\u2019t appraise, meaning the bank thinks you are offering more than the house is worth, then you will have to decide on your next step. If you have a home appraisal contingency, you may renegotiate a new price.\nHome inspection\nUnless you have done an inspection before \nmaking an offer\n or waived the home inspection contingency, you have to arrange for a home inspection during the closing process. You can choose to do it yourself or hire a professional inspector to provide a report on any issues with the house.\nFinal walk-through\nThe final walk-through is one of the last things you will do before the property officially belongs to you. It should confirm that:\nThe house is in the same state as when the offer was accepted\nAll the required repairs have been completed\nEverything that was included as part of the sale is still in the house\nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-attract-attention-to-your-real-estate-website/", "title": "How to attract attention to your real estate website", "body": "Think about how you spend your time out of the office. You have to meet with prospective seller clients to convince them you\u2019re the agent to represent their home sale. You meet with existing clients to update them on new offers or properties to show them. You showcase listings via open houses and private viewings. In other words, you\u2019re all over the place, just trying to keep your work organised and on the path to closing more deals.\nIf you\u2019re like most full-time agents, though, there are some pockets of downtime here and there you can use to continue your goal of increasing \nreal estate website\n traffic, earning more \nsocial media followers\n, and promoting your brand to market. These are the periods when you can be more smart with your marketing and take advantage of a tool you have available with you wherever you are: your smartphone.\nSome of the best ways to take advantage of your iPhone, Android, or other smartphone for your real-time marketing strategy include:\n\u00a0\n1. PHOTOS & VIDEOS\nChances are, you\u2019re like most people and enjoy posting regularly to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. If you want to get your audience interacting with your digital presence, take photos and videos of your listings and client meetings and capture random moments around town.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. HOST LIVE STREAMS\nIf you have 20 minutes in between lead and client meetings, use a LIVE \nvirtual tour video stream\n to show what you\u2019re doing, where you are, etc. If you\u2019re at an new property or project launch, for example, give an online tour of the place to highlight the residence and share your advice on the design of property.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. BLOG POSTS\n\u00a0\nWho says you can only blog when sitting behind your desktop or laptop? Open up the notes feature in your smartphone like evernote, and share housing tips and tricks aloud into your device that you can later edit for grammar and spelling.\n\u00a0\n4. RECORD A VIDEO\nWhen it comes to real-time video marketing activities, you can your smartphone or tablet, to make these kind of videos:\n-Conduct in-depth Interview local community and intriguing locals\n-Home Tour when collecting keys\n-Reviews of local surroundings\n-Testimonials\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n5. SOCIAL MEDIA SHARING\nWhile your real estate website is the principal place to share your videos, don\u2019t forget the power of your social media accounts. YouTube, for example: With a user base of more than 1 billion people and the average user spending 40 minutes per session on the social network using their mobile devices, it\u2019s clear professionals and brands in just about every industry ought to spend a good portion of their time marketing on the site.\n\u00a0\nShare content to the big-time social players Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest \u2013 develop a big-picture plan for promoting your agency and specific listings that accounts for your particular audience\u2019s wants, and needs. And make sure you link back to your \nproperty website\n, so users will know where to go to find you.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-be-an-effective-new-real-estate-agent/", "title": "How to be an effective new real estate agent?", "body": "So, you\u2019re a new real estate professional. If we had to take a wild guess, you\u2019re probably feeling very much overwhelmed right now with this new career choice.\n\u00a0\nThe hardest part of getting started is getting to know where to start. When it comes to building your real estate business plan and marketing strategy, you may be struggling with prioritising what\u2019s most important and what you should begin with.\n\u00a0\nHere is a tip, start small and work your way up. Rome wasn\u2019t built in a day, and your new real estate business won\u2019t be either, these things take time.\n\u00a0\nBy having a checklist and ticking off items on this checklist, you\u2019ll be well on your way to creating a property marketing plan that makes you a winner.\nTHE NEW REAL ESTATE AGENT CHECKLIST:\nSubscribe To Property Market Insights\nThe real estate market can change as quickly as the weather, and your clients are looking to you to answer their questions about the current real estate market.\n\u00a0\nThere is constant rumours and speculation about where the real estate market could be headed. It\u2019s up to you as a real estate professional to provide basic insights backed by expert facts and data to clear the air and help your clients make the most informed decision about property.\n\u00a0\nYou need to make sure you\u2019re making it a part of your weekly routine to stay current on what\u2019s really happening in real estate market. Following the \nRealestateMY Blog\n is an easy way to make sure you don\u2019t miss an important property headlines. Sign up for weekly emails \nhere\n.\nGet a CRM\nThese three letters are one of a real estate agent\u2019s most important tools in getting leads, listings and managing them well. Any property agent will tell you that organisation is key to success, and keeping your \nReal Estate CRM\n up to date and tidy will help you keep track of all your leads and listings.\nSet Up Business Facebook & Instagram Account\nIn this day and age, one of the first places potential clients are going to try and find you is on \nsocial media\n networks. Not only does having a Business Page & Profile add to your credibility, it also gives you more ways for connecting with your leads and getting engagement.\nRegularly Posting On Social Every Week\nNow that you have your social business profiles set up, it\u2019s time to start posting and getting followers. If you\u2019re not sure where to start, just start with small and slowly grow. Posting a few times per week is enough to build a solid social media presence without all the pressure. And remember, this doesn\u2019t include your actual property listings!\n With RealestateMY\u2019s \nTALGIC\n tool you can post a local market update, a community highlight, a new graph, a motivational quote. There is no limit to the content your social media feed!\nCreate a Welcome Email For Clients\nThe average welcome email generates 5x more opens and 6x more clicks than regular \nemail marketing campaigns\n. As your first impression for most of your incoming leads, this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and start the conversation with clients.\nCreate a Storage System On The Cloud\nThe early days of being an agent are the best time to create processes and systems that will keep you organised for years to come, and cloud storage plays a huge part in helping you get there. Whether you\u2019re using icloud, Gdrive or Dropbox, make sure to take some time and set up a basic system that you can use for years to come. Also remember, this is where you\u2019ll be storing a lot of your digitalised paperwork so make sure to build out a secure system that\u2019s easy to use.\nGet Your Listing Presentation Ready\nA good listing presentation is one of the most important tools a property agent needs, and it\u2019s essential for you to start working on yours. Your listing presentation should be neat, professional, personalised, and have all details about your strategic marketing plan for selling a client\u2019s property. You should use a lot of visuals, property market data and show, rather than tell, that you\u2019re the best property agent for the job. You can also just download RealestateMY\u2019s free Client Listing Presentation template and easily customise it to your own branding.\nSigning Up for Virtual Conferences\nThere are lots of different virtual conferences and courses that will help you learn the ins and outs of the real estate industry. If you want to learn more about property marketing or if you need help with your client scripts? RealestateMY can point you in the right direction, and there\u2019s a learning opportunity for just about everything.\nIn Summary\nWhen it comes to starting in real estate, your marketing will take you far but your branding will take you even further.\nYou will need to spend your early months on building your \npersonal brand\n and connecting with your local community. This will not only help you get more property listings, but it will help you build meaningful relationships with clients that can last a lifetime.\nWhats most important is that you have prioritisation and automation. You will need to learn how to focus on what matters most and turning to real estate marketing content experts for the rest, so you\u2019ll be able to focus on what matters most to your business: your clients.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-be-successful-in-real-estate-geographic-farming/", "title": "How To Be Successful In Real Estate Geographic Farming", "body": "What is Geographic Farming?\n\u00a0\nGeographic farming, is a proven method of marketing your real estate business to a local housing estate or neighbourhood in a way that raises awareness of your personal real estate brand, and will also help you get property buyer leads, referrals and \nproperty listings\n. Geographic farming provides an excellent opportunity to connect with potential home sellers. But what should you consider when selecting your local area to farm? This article will show you how to be successful with geographic farming and be able to become the local real estate expert and generate continuous leads, listings, and referrals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHow to become Property Expert in Your Local Area?\nReal estate geographical farming is a lead generation strategy designed to position you as a local area\u2019s go-to agent and property expert, using high-quality marketing targeted to homeowners in a specific neighbourhood. If done successfully, you can capture 30%+ of all sales in your target housing area and establish a reliable source of annual sales.\nReal estate farming is a must-have strategy for all high achiever property agents. The goal is to consistently deliver value and showcase your real estate market expertise in your local farm area. Here are some steps to follow to get started.\n\u00a0\n1. Target the Right Local Neighbourhood\nThe success of your real estate farming operation depends on choosing the right area to target. A good farm size is 500 properties or less. Choose an area where there is high demand, and high turnover. Ideally, you should choose a place where you\u2019ve got some name recognition and some built-in expertise.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. Plan How to Deliver Value to Your Local Area\nProperty agents successful in the\n real estate geographic farming\n game are delivering consistent value to property owners in their farm areas. The key to this step is to plan the \u201cwhat,\u201d \u201cwhen,\u201d and \u201chow\u201d in advance. That way, you can reserve your time for real client conversations that will move your prospects closer to an actual transaction.\nExamples of successful real estate farming outreach include postcards, market updates, social media, and property websites. Create a calendar with each message you\u2019re planning to send, and note what value it will provide to your target audience. How does it contribute to your overall goals?\n\u00a0\n3. Make a Plan to Manage & Track Your Leads & Listings\nThe contacts you get in your geographic farming area results from your consistent effort to build relationships with people in and around your area. Those efforts are also tied to the budget and time you allocate to real estate farming.\nTo be more efficient, you should use a good real estate CRM (customer relationship manager) that helps you manage your contacts, automate digital communication like email or Whatsapp text messages, and create a record of the value you\u2019ve delivered over the life of your farm. Real estate CRMs provides an easy system to track every reply and ensure you promptly follow up on every point of contact.\n\u00a0\n4. Execute Your Geographic Farming Plan & Start Delivering Value!\nNow that you have done all the preparation work, and now it\u2019s time to execute your plan. You have chosen the right location and farm area, made a plan to deliver consistent & long-term value, and set up a system to help you manage and track your leads.\nNow, it\u2019s time for action and to set your automated communication plans in motion and start sending out your postcards, social posts, and market updates.\nSuccessful real estate farming is a combination of long-term automated communication and smart, day-by-day, personal follow-up. If you treat farming as a set-it-and-forget-it strategy, you won\u2019t be as effective. Be active in your local target area, and your clients will appreciate you!\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nEssential Real Estate Farming Tools You Need To Succeed\nSuccessful real estate farming requires a high level of organisation, a solid plan for execution, and, of course, the tools you will need to consistently deliver value to your local farm area. While these tools could include \nanything\n\u00a0that will get your marketing message to your target audience, here are the strategies we have found work best for real estate farming.\n1.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Real Estate Postcards & Flyers\nThe backbone of your farming campaign strategy is your real estate farming postcards and flyers. These are ideal tools to convey valuable messages, stats, and authority to your local farm area. Use them to deliver a property market report, \nhome valuations\n, or interesting stats.\n\u00a0\n2.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Local Area Specific Content on Your Website\nYour farm area should have a dedicated section on your property website where you can post weekly updates about the local neighbourhood market, goings-on in the neighbourhood, and even events of interest to community members in and around town.\nYour \nreal estate website\n can serve two purposes: to act as an online hub for your local neighbourhood to stop by and see what\u2019s going on, and to show potential buyers interested in purchasing in your chosen area that you\u2019re the local go-to expert when they are ready to buy a property.\n\u00a0\n3.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Property Market Update Emails\nYour \nreal estate email\n newsletter is an ideal way to share market deep-dives since you have more space for in-depth thought and analysis. Talk about what\u2019s going on in your local area and share messages that communicate to your farm that you\u2019re the local property expert when it comes to buying and selling homes and LIVING in your local community.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-build-trust-with-your-real-estate-clients/", "title": "How to build trust with your real estate clients", "body": "Building trust with property clients\nSometimes one of the hardest parts of being a property agent is getting your clients and potential client to have trust in you.\n\u00a0\nBut the truth is, that trust is something that\u2019s earned. It\u2019s not immediately given to anyone.\n\u00a0\nReal estate agents should understand that the most important commodity you\u2019re selling is trust.\n\u00a0\nWith Covid-19 it\u2019s a sensitive time in the real estate market. Your clients are going to be bombarded with confusing headlines from media about an impending recession. So it\u2019s natural for them to be wary of any property agent that says, \u201cDon\u2019t believe the news. It\u2019s a great time to buy property! Just trust me on this.\u201d\n\u00a0\nHere\u2019s four ways to win your clients trust:\nSHOW THEM REAL DATA\nPeople can\u2019t argue with data. They can, however, argue with your opinions. If you\u2019re presenting an educated statement, you better have some hard facts and data to back up what you\u2019re saying.\nNot only does being well-researched help your property clients make the best decisions, but it also cements their faith in you and helps them become repeat clients. The RealestateMY monthly \nproperty market report\n is a great tool to use for facts, data and statistics. You can even share the professionally designed graphs from the \nTALGIC platform\n directly with your clients, on social media or as part of your client presentation. Always remember, there is no such thing as being too prepared.\nSTAY UP TO DATE ON THE CURRENT NEWS\nIn order to know what your potential clients are thinking, you need to watch the same news they are watching. Set aside at least 10 minutes per day to catch up on the local and national media.\nSign up to RealestateMY \nProperty News Blog\n for high quality, relevant and engaging content sent directly to your email everyday. Share the blogs with your clients or use the market insights to help you as a property agent. It\u2019s a win-win result!\nALWAYS DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU\u2019RE GOING TO DO\nThis is a major factor in the client trust-building process for property agents. Be the agent your clients can rely on and always do what you say you\u2019re going to do. The minute you drop the ball on something, your clients will naturally build skepticism about you. Never miss appointments. Respond quickly to messages. Respect their space. And always do what you say you\u2019re going to do, when you say you\u2019re going to do it.\nSET THE RECORD STRAIGHT\nVideo is one of the most powerful tools in the hands of real estate agents in 2021. It\u2019s also the most direct way to get your message across without standing in front of your clients. Every agent should be making a video that confronts the recession rumours, includes helpful facts and local market insights. It\u2019s a one-two punch that gets your message across to your entire audience immediately. Plus, this is a great way to take advantage of the TALGIC platform video upgrade. Our professionally designed and experts researched videos were made to make a property agent\u2019s life much easier. They are ready to be shared, beautifully designed and can be branded to your real estate business.\nIn Summary\nNow is the time to stay informed, arm yourself with facts and accurate data and be the trustworthy property agent your clients deserve.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-buy-a-home-in-7-steps-in-malaysia/", "title": "How to buy a home in 7 steps in Malaysia", "body": "Buying a house will probably be the biggest purchase of your life. Making the leap to be a homeowner is an exciting yet daunting experience. The process can be overwhelming if you don\u2019t know what to do. To help you get started, we\u2019ll explore how you can buy a home in 7 steps in Malaysia.\nCheck your budget\nBefore you do anything else, work out if you can \nafford a house\n in the first place. In Malaysia, the standard costs are:\n\u2013 Earnest deposit 2%\u00a0of the SPA price\n\u2013 Down payment: 10% of the SPA price (or balance 7%)\n\u2013 Legal Fees: approximately 0.4% depending on SPA price\n\u2013 Valuation fee (if required): around 0.3% of the property value\n\u2013 Bank processing fee: RM50 \u2013 RM200\nOn top of that, most financial experts recommend that your monthly loan instalments (including taxes, fees and insurance) should not exceed one-third of your household income.\nFinally, you need to consider costs for disbursement fees, fluctuating interest rates, renovation, new furniture and appliances.\nVerify your loan eligibility\nCheck with the banks how much you are allowed to borrow. They will require you to submit a copy of your IC, latest EA form, recent three months payslip and banking transactions. They will use this information to check your financial situation and determine how much they can lend you.\nHowever, keep in mind that just because the banks are willing to loan you a certain amount, doesn\u2019t mean you can afford it. It ultimately comes down to your budget but having that pre-approved \nhome loan\n will give you an idea on the price range of properties that you should be viewing. It also boosts sellers\u2019 confidence that you have the financial resources to make a purchase.\nEngage a real estate agent\nA real estate agent is a valuable partner to have when you are buying a home. The best part is you don\u2019t have to pay a cent because they are getting their commission from the seller. They are privy to information on houses and locations which are not commonly known to the public. You will benefit from their knowledge of the area, negotiation skills and guidance throughout the home buying process.\nStart house hunting\nBy this time, you should have an idea of the location, price range and type of home to buy. Narrowing down your search to an ideal neighbourhood will make it easier to choose a home. Then decide what are the essential-must-haves and non-essential-but-nice-to-have things for you. If you\u2019re having trouble here, speak to your real estate agent about it. After all, it\u2019s their job to help you make the right choice.\nOnce you have a few potentials, your real estate agent will arrange for a viewing. Take your time here. View as many houses as you need until you find The One. Scrutinize each house carefully and take note of things like structural defects, leaking roof, how busy the street is, etc. To avoid getting confused at this stage, bring someone you trust for a second opinion, take photos and notes of every house you visit.\nMake an offer\nOnce you have decided on a house, discuss with your real estate agent and make an \noffer on the property\n to the seller based on the local market condition and the asking price. The seller will either accept, reject or propose a counter-offer.\nA counter-offer is quite a common scenario and your real estate agent will have the expertise to conduct a negotiation. For example, if a seller is asking for RM 500,000 but the property valuation is just RM 400,000 then you should consider that a 90% loan will come up to RM 360,000 only. Are you going to fork out the remaining money or offer a lower price? When negotiating, it is also important to look beyond the offer price and consider different terms as well like waiving contingencies or raising the earnest money. It is up to you and the seller to decide what will make you both walk away feeling satisfied.\nClosing the deal\nWhen there is a final agreement on the purchase price, you will enter the \nclosing process of home buying\n. In Malaysia, this can take between 3 \u2013 5 months and you\u2019ll need to complete a series of steps as such:\n\u2013 Hire a lawyer to draft the SPA and loan agreement. Get someone who has your best interests at heart. If you\u2019re buying directly from a developer, they may offer \u201cfree legal services\u201d. Remember that they are acting on behalf of the developer who is paying their fees. Please note if you are a \nforeigner buying Malaysian property\n there are extra regulations and documents to you to provide.\n\u2013 Apply for a loan. After reviewing all the banks, pick the one with the lowest interest rates, the most reasonable fees, the highest loan amount it offers you and the best service. The bank will also order a valuation of your property.\n-If you have a contingency clause, conduct a home inspection and request for repairs.\n-Sign the Letter of Offer and pay earnest deposit of 2% \u2013 3%. This money will be held in escrow while the rest of the loose ends are tied up.\n\u2013 Sign the SPA and pay the down payment balance. This happens between 2 \u2013 3 weeks after signing the Letter of Offer. During this time also, your lawyer will do the appropriate title searches.\n\u2013 Sign the loan agreement and other documents. Depending on the circumstances of your sale, you may have to get an insurance policy, Deed of Mutual Covenant and the Memorandum of Transfer.\u2014\n\u2013 Payment of balance purchase price. At this point, your lawyer will ensure all the remaining payments and documents are in order before the balance purchase price is transferred to the seller\u2019s lawyer. Keep track of the progress so that you won\u2019t be penalised with late payment charges which is three months after the SPA date.\nGet ready to move in\nThe vacant property and the keys must be handed to you within the timeframe stipulated in the SPA. Before accepting the keys, request for utility receipts that show all the outstanding bills have been paid. Once the keys are in your hand, you can start planning for renovations and finally, a housewarming party.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-capture-real-estate-leads-effectively/", "title": "How to capture real estate leads effectively", "body": "If you\u2019re like 50% of real estate agents, you probably have failed multiple times doing \nproperty lead generation\n. You probably spend your time and money doing your old lead generation tactics again and again but getting the same lousy results.\nBut the truth is there are lots of ways to get more property leads. Here are 10 expert tips from RealestateMY for converting those distracted and busy people visiting your \nreal estate website\n into your newest, best quality leads that you can turn into sales.\nYour network is your net worth.\nLeverage your already existing relationships, especially if you\u2019re a \nnew property agent\n, by making a long list of everyone in your phonebook, facebook account, and then setting a goal each day to personally reach out to each of them and let them know you are in the real estate business. Let them know to keep you in mind if they need your property services or know anyone looking for a real estate agent.\n\u00a0\nYour previous clients will also need your attention. Once a deal is closed, make a schedule to routinely call for a \nfollow up\n. An easy way to do this is to send Happy Birthday greetings. This shows past buyers and sellers you\u2019ve worked with you genuinely care and are a decent person to keep in contact with.\nAlso trying to get \nclient testimonials\n from your happy clients as soon as you\u2019ve closed their property deal is also a great time to get personal with them. Don\u2019t miss this opportunity for social proofing your personal brand!\nMake email is your best friend.\nEmail marketing is great for \nreal estate lead generation\n and nurturing in the business world.\nSo in your emails, don\u2019t be afraid to show your personality and authenticity. People want to deal with other real people. Avoid boring generic emails, and use your email to send content and ensure the first name of each lead is at the top; this personalisation to detail goes a long way.\nWhen do r\neal estate email marketing\n, make sure you send only quality content, and not just constantly SPAM your client database.\nBe social, but also be real.\nYou will want to socialise your real estate business every chance you get. This doesn\u2019t mean you should be too salesy, but rather, use what you do for work everyday as an easy conversation topic to get people engaged you on social media. There are alot of people are interested in real estate, so use your \nsocial media marketing\n skills and share your insta story online with some smart engagement tactics.\nAlso, providing value on social media will help you attract more leads. In every social post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc, aim to educate, and enrich. You don\u2019t need to focus only on sharing your own content but can sharing blog posts from others that your market cares about, like those that talk about local market conditions and local community events etc.\n\u00a0\nSimplify lead capture form and calls to action (CTA)\nDon\u2019t ask for too much information in your lead capture forms. If you have more than three form fields on your lead capture form, cut it down. Keep it simple so you don\u2019t scare away your leads.\n\u00a0\nMake sure your CTA buttons are large and bold across your \nproperty website\n, and add them both above the fold, and test how it looks on mobile. Don\u2019t use vague, lengthy copy in your CTA, also include a clear and succinct value proposition for your future clients.\nSimplify your property website\u2019s user experience UX.\nMake sure buttons and links to your website\u2019s pages are clearly on the screen and state where they go to. Be simple, concise, and plain in your navigational menu links, and your visitors will have a better website experience. Your website should also be nice to look at, so squashing your pages with many images and text or leaving them blank with just your real estate business name and some links will definitely lead to low engagement with your prospects. Start with your website\u2019s homepage. examine it and ask yourself, is it easy for people to understand the purpose of my site? and understand the business by scrolling down on my homepage in 5 seconds? If not, you need to adjust your real estate website\u2019s setup.\n\u00a0\nDevelop new landing pages and alter existing ones\nYour website should have multiple landing pages and the more you have, the higher the chance you will get more exposure and quality leads. Create several landing pages with different content this will help you find what information works best for converting visitors into \nreal property leads\n. Also, try things with your landing pages you have never done before, like adding videos to explain special project offers or your business solutions.\nContinuously deliver value to your prospects.\nBe strategic and generous with what you share to your leads. People actually appreciate what you have to say when you consistently give them good \nproperty insights\n and position your brand as a trusted real estate advisor. Create blog content on your property website consistently (at least a few times a month), and optimise your posts with the latest popular keywords specific to your local area market (e.g. \u201c2 bedroom homes for sale in Petaling Jaya). You should also have some fun with your content creation by providing \nlocal neighborhood guides\n, profiling local businesses, and offering advice for buying, selling, and homeowning on your real estate website . This means valuable information your niche audience will appreciate and will want more of when done well by you.\nTrack your website\u2019s Visitor behaviour with Google Analytics\nData and visual evidence of your \nreal estate marketing\n\u2019s performance gives you a clearer understanding of what isn\u2019t working. Visitor Flow in Google Analytics gives property agents a look at the flow. The feature shows your visitors\u2019 demographics and how they behave on your site. If executed properly, your real estate website will be your most valuable assets for attracting leads and converting them into clients.\nHave patience.\nA major reason real estate professionals have trouble getting leads is a lack of \neffective lead generation\n tactics and patience. Real estate agents are usually very busy, not ready to commit, or maybe another negotiator who has better communication or services has gotten their leads. But don\u2019t give up, the most important thing is to keep the communication going, do consistent phone calls and emails and take it a step further by making sure you\u2019re offering value at every stage for your real estate leads.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-choose-a-property-location-to-specialise-in/", "title": "How to choose a property location to specialise in", "body": "Location Specialisation\n\u00a0\nHow do you choose the right area for your geographic listing and \nlead generation\n efforts? You should start with your successes. Figure out where you\u2019ve had the most transactions in your career and think about building your niche from there.\nHere are some important factors to consider:\nHow to choose a property location to specialise in\nEvaluate The \nAverage Selling Price\nIt\u2019s no secret that for most locations, profit is built on the number of deals you close and the average price of each transaction. If you currently fall into a pricing niche and are seeing success, choose a target area that is the same as that price range. If you\u2019re a new agent, it\u2019s safe to focus on neighbourhoods where homes/condos sell around the average price for your location.\nResearch The \nOpportunity\nMake sure there is significant opportunity for sales. Do some research and find the sweet spot on property numbers: enough to make the return worth your time and efforts, but don\u2019t focus on so many that your marketing budget is spread thin. 200 homes is a good starting point for agents just branching out into a new area, and of course you can expand as business grows.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n \nFind Out The \nReal Estate Turnover Rate\nChoose an active area to specialise in, the ideal turnover rates will vary from city-to-city, but a general rule of thumb is to target an area with at least a turnover rate of 6-8%. Regardless, you want an area that\u2019s moving enough to give you opportunity and business.\nKnow The \nCompetition\nYou will need to scope out who\u2019s doing property deals in the area. There are two likely scenarios:\n\u2022 The location doesn\u2019t have any agents that are dominating the market share.\n\u2022 The area has a clear agent in charge, which might prove a challenge.\nEither way, this presents a good opportunity to win over residents with targeted real estate marketing. Once they see your brand and your value, they\u2019ll come calling on the new expert in town.\nYour \nConnection\nWhile all the above criteria is pretty critical, its important to be mentioning that it can be a huge benefit to choose an area that you identify with on a personal level. Enthusiasm for a location will add authenticity to your digital marketing and enhance the positive interactions you\u2019ll have with residents. When you love what you\u2019re doing and where you\u2019re doing it, it will show.\nAlthough selecting the right area to specialise in can seem like a huge challenge on its own, it\u2019s only the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see the best results from your selected location, you have to develop the right \nproperty marketing strategy\n to help you get more listings, and generate more leads to your \nreal estate website\n.\n \nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-choose-the-right-real-estate-agent-for-property-sellers/", "title": "How to choose the right real estate agent for property sellers", "body": "\u00a0\nChoosing the right real estate agent is an important step when selling your property. The right agent can help you navigate the complex process of selling your home, and can make all the difference in getting your home sold quickly and at the best possible price. However, with so many agents to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we\u2019ll discuss a few key strategies to help you choose the right real estate agent when \nselling your property\n.\n\u00a0\nThe first step in choosing the right real estate agent is to do your research. Look for agents with a strong track record of success in selling properties similar to yours. This could be homes of similar size, style or value range, or in your same location. This way you can get a sense of how well the agent may perform in selling your home. One way to get information about agents is to check online reviews from past clients, and also check with the local real estate board for complaints or disciplinary actions.\nAnother key strategy when choosing a real estate agent is to interview several agents before making a decision. Ask them about their experience, their knowledge of the local market, and how they plan to market your property. Pay attention to how well the agent listens to your needs and how responsive they are. You want to work with someone who is willing to take the time to understand your situation and is willing to go the extra mile to help you achieve your goals.\nYou should also consider the agent\u2019s communication style and availability. Some agents prefer to communicate via email or text message, while others prefer phone calls or in-person meetings. It is essential that you find an agent with a communication style that works for you. Additionally, you should ask the agent about their availability and how often they will be able to check in with you during the process.\nIt\u2019s also important to consider the agent\u2019s network and resources. A good agent will have a wide network of contacts in the industry, including other agents, home inspectors, contractors, and more. They will also have access to the latest marketing tools and technology, such as professional photography and \nvirtual tours\n, to help showcase your property to potential buyers.\nWhen choosing an agent, you should also consider their \nmarketing strategy\n. Ask them how they plan to market your property, and what specific tactics they will use to reach potential buyers. You want to work with an agent who is familiar with the latest marketing techniques, such as online advertising, social media, and email marketing. Additionally, a good agent will have a detailed marketing plan in place and will be able to provide you with regular updates on the progress of your sale.\nLastly, pay attention to the agent\u2019s commission rate and service agreement. A good agent should be transparent about their commission rate and service agreement, and should be willing to provide you with a detailed explanation of the costs involved in selling your property. Additionally, you should be aware of whether the agent charges any additional fees, such as a marketing or administrative fee.\nIn conclusion, choosing the right real estate agent is essential to ensure that your property is sold quickly and at the best possible price. By doing your research, interviewing several agents, paying attention to the agent\u2019s communication style, network, and resources, marketing strategy and commission rate and service agreement, you can make an informed decision and choose the right agent for your property."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-close-on-a-home/", "title": "How to close on a home", "body": "\u00a0\nClosing on a home can be a complex and intimidating process, especially if you are a \nfirst-time homebuyer\n. However, by understanding the steps involved and being prepared, you can make the process go smoothly and successfully complete the purchase of your new home.\nReview the purchase agreement\n1.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Before closing, you will need to review the purchase agreement to ensure that all the terms and conditions are acceptable to you. This document outlines the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, closing date, and any contingencies that must be met before the sale can be completed.\nObtain a mortgage\nUnless you are paying cash for the home, you will need to \nobtain a mortgage\n from a lender. This involves submitting a loan application and providing financial information such as your credit score, employment history, and income. The lender will review this information to determine if you are eligible for a loan and, if so, how much they are willing to lend you.\nGet a home inspection\nIt\u2019s important to have a professional inspection of the home to identify any potential problems or issues that may need to be addressed before the sale is completed. This can include structural issues, plumbing problems, or electrical defects. If the inspection reveals any significant issues, you may need to negotiate with the seller to have them repaired or to adjust the purchase price.\nReview the title report\nThe title report provides information about the ownership and legal status of the property. It includes details about any liens or encumbrances on the property and ensures that the seller has the legal right to sell the home. It\u2019s important to review the title report carefully to ensure that there are no issues that could complicate the sale.\nAttend the closing\nThe closing is the final step in the \nhome-buying process\n and typically involves signing a stack of legal documents. These documents may include the mortgage agreement, the deed transferring ownership of the property, and various disclosures and reports. It\u2019s important to carefully review all documents before signing and to ask any questions you may have.\nPay closing costs\nClosing costs are fees associated with the purchase of a home and typically include things like lender fees, title fees, and property taxes. These costs are typically paid at closing and can vary depending on the lender, the location of the property, and other factors. It\u2019s important to understand what closing costs will be due and to budget accordingly.\nGet homeowners insurance\nOnce the closing is complete and you have taken ownership of the property, it\u2019s important to get a homeowners insurance policy to protect your investment. This type of insurance covers damage to the property and personal belongings caused by events such as fires, storms, and burglaries.\nChange the locks\nIt\u2019s a good idea to change the locks on your new home to ensure the security of your property. You can either do this yourself or hire a professional locksmith to do it for you.\nUpdate your address\nAfter closing on your new home, it\u2019s important to update your address with the post office, your employer, and any other organisations or companies that need to know your new location.\nBy understanding the steps involved in closing on a home and being prepared, you can make the process go smoothly and successfully complete the purchase of your new home. It\u2019s important to do your research, understand your budget, and be prepared to ask questions and address any issues that may arise. With a little patience and persistence, you can close on the home of your dreams."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-close-the-sale-of-your-property-in-malaysia/", "title": "How to close the sale of your property in Malaysia", "body": "You\u2019ve finally found a \nbuyer for your property\n! Before you pop open the champagne though, there\u2019s one thing left to do \u2013 the closing. It is a somewhat complicated and rigid process involving the transaction of documents and money so that you as the seller can transfer the ownership and possession of the property with no strings attached to the buyer. In Malaysia, it typically takes around three months and ranges from a property inspection to paperwork signing. Check out our painless guide on what to look out for when you close the sale of your property.\nWork closely with your real estate agent\nThere are multiple steps in the closing process and it\u2019s your \nreal estate agent\n\u2019s job to smooth the way for you. He or she will inform you about the payments you have to make and the documents you must prepare such as:\nCopies of your previous Sale & Purchase Agreement and Loan Agreement/Title\nCurrent year assessment receipt (\ncukai pintu\n)\nCurrent year quit rent receipt (\ncukai tanah\n)\nCosts in the closing process\nThere are several costs you have to bear when you \nsell your property\n and it can eat into your profit. Some of them are:\nReal Property Gains Tax (RPGT): \nIn Malaysia, all home owners have to pay this tax when they sell their property, and if you decide to sell your property within the first five years, you are liable to pay a higher % of this tax.\nReal estate agent fee:\n This is typically 2% \u2013 3% of the property\u2019s selling price\nLegal fee for Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA):\n This is calculated based on your property\u2019s selling price.\nOther miscellaneous fees:\n\u00a0disbursement fees, processing fees, etc\nCKHT 1A form to file for RPGT:\n RM300 will be charged upon submission (RM600 will be charged if the property is jointly owned).\nOn top of that, you still need to pay the 6% government tax on your legal services and typically, the buyer covers expenses like settlement fees, and lender fees.\nEarnest Deposit\nThis is basically a deposit that the buyer pays to show that they are indeed serious about \npurchasing your property\n. It is usually 1% \u2013 3% of the sale price and held by a title or escrow company. Under no circumstances should this money be paid to an individual and there should be a clear and legal paper trail to avoid any risk of fraud. If the buyer backs out of the sale for anything not covered by a contingency, they most likely have to forfeit their earnest money.\nContingencies\nContingencies are conditions in an offer that must be fulfilled to keep the sale moving forward. It gives the buyer an escape door to back out of a deal if the conditions are not met. The standard contingencies that you will encounter during the closing process are appraisal, inspection, title, and financing contingencies. For example, if a buyer submits an offer with an inspection contingency, he or she has no obligation to continue with the sale if anything is found during the house inspection that needs repair.\nTitle and financing\nIf the buyer has a title contingency, they will verify that the house\u2019s title is clear of any issues before buying the house. For example, a property under master title for more than ten years is a red flag. As for the financing contingency, if the buyer is not able to secure a loan, they can back out of the deal and reclaim their earnest money.\nTitle insurance\nEven with a title contingency in place, problems with the property title can crop up after the \nproperty purchase is completed\n. There have been several cases in Malaysia where the property was turned back to the state or original owner because the courts decided it shouldn\u2019t have changed its title name, to begin with. A title insurance protects against loses if this happens and usually, two parties require it \u2013 the lender and the buyer.\nHome appraisal\nIf the buyer is getting a \nmortgage for the house\n, their mortgage lender (the bank) will order a \nhome valuation\n. If the house doesn\u2019t appraise, meaning the bank thinks the buyer is offering more than the house is worth, the buyer will have to decide their next step. If they have a home appraisal contingency, they can back out of the deal or renegotiate a new price. As the seller, you can be prepared by having all your paperwork ready for the appraiser. Present all the major home improvements you have done so the appraiser can make an accurate appraisal.\nHome inspection\nUnless a buyer has done an inspection before making an offer or waived the home inspection contingency, they will arrange for a home inspection during the closing process. They might choose to do it themselves or hire a professional inspector to provide a report on any issues with the house. If they have an inspection contingency and find something wrong with the house, they can back out of the deal now. To avoid this, we recommend that before you put your property up for sale, conduct a thorough inspection and complete the required repairs first.\nFinal walk-through\nThe final walk-through is one of the last things you will do before your property officially belongs to the buyer. It should confirm that:\nThe house is in the same state as when the offer was accepted\nAll the required repairs have been completed (show the buyer receipts and before-and-after photos as proof to avoid misunderstandings)\nEverything that was included as part of the sale is still in the house\nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-create-real-estate-content-during-covid-19/", "title": "How to create real estate content during Covid-19", "body": "Real estate professionals have a unique opportunity right now amidst the obvious challenges of social distancing and the temporary slowdown in the property market. Everyone is online during the lockdown and social media impressions are up 33% and more than ever people are seeking out digital information and entertainment.\nBecause of this, it\u2019s a great time to utilize your \u201clocal expertise\u201d and leverage your insights within your local market to be a \nproperty guide\n and leader in your community. However, because of this we have seen plenty of not so good content that either sounds self-serving and opportunistic, or reads as insensitive and tone-deaf.\nSo here are a few tips for how you can create more meaningful \ncontent marketing\n that ends in a win-win scenario: you gain exposure for your brand and build relationships within your local community and your audience gets access to helpful resources during a difficult time.\nAlways create helpful and accurate content\nThere are a lot of people in the real estate space that are not active, at a time when clients are starving for property insights and to be educated. Now is the time when prospects want and need data to help them make informed decisions.\n\u00a0\nAccuracy is important here as well. Stick to the facts, and if you\u2019re going to share predictions, just make sure they are from trusted expert sources. If you do share your opinion on predictions, just be sure to state that it is your own opinion. Remember that things are messy until we are over with the COVID-19 crisis and we can\u2019t predict the future with 100% accuracy.\n\u00a0\nHere are a Few Trusted Resources:\n\u00a0Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH)\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention\nWorld Health Organization (WHO)\nJPPH\nIPPEH\nOver-Communicate\nCommunication is King at the moment. You need to be actively getting in front of your clients and prospects as a resource with \nvaluable property information\n. Even if they\u2019re not asking questions right now, when they have questions in a few months they will remember that you\u2019re the one with all of the answers.\n\u00a0\nContact as many of your clients as you can, individually, to check in on them and let them know that you are available as a real estate resource. Lead them with empathy and education. Just remember that your actions during this crisis will affect your opportunities when things settle.\n\u00a0\nCreate & Share Good Resources\nEveryone is using their social media platforms and consuming information digitally right now. So now is the time to create resources to share information with your own client networks.\n\u00a0\nVideo is very important right now. Video content is the most consumed content on \nsocial media marketing\n networks and it\u2019s the easiest way for you to get information to your target audience while also sharing your brand and making a personal connection. \n\u00a0\nYou can try creating video \u201ccheck-ins\u201d on Facebook and Instagram with updates or valuable information in your market. Share inspiring news that you\u2019ve seen in your own community to add some positivity into your clients\u2019 social media newsfeed. Is your business doing something to give back to the community right now? Make a video about it, and upload it to your \nproperty website\n and social media accounts.\n\u00a0\nJust remember that everyone is panicking a little and everyone needs a little positivity, a little reassurance right now. Lead your community with humanity and compassion in everything that you do and you will see positive outcomes in the near future. \nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-do-commercial-real-estate-marketing/", "title": "How To Do Commercial Real Estate Marketing During Covid19", "body": "The commercial real estate industry in around the world and especially Malaysia is experiencing a challenging period due to the Covid-19 crisis.\nSo in order to do well in this current situation, real estate professional needs to be more intelligent with their marketing efforts and strategy.\nIn today\u2019s tech-enabled environment, real estate professionals must be able to expand their marketing strategies to include digital marketing real estate campaigns, paid social media advertising, online commercial real estate listings classifieds, and high quality branded property websites for individual projects.\nHow to develop your commercial real estate marketing strategy?\n\u00a0\nBelow are 12 tips to ramp up your marketing strategy along with effective commercial real estate marketing ideas to expand your digital footprint and grow your business during the pandemic.\n Define Your Target Audience\nHow you market your commercial property depends mostly on who your target audience are. So you should start out by defining your main objectives and who your target audience is.\nWhat industry is your audience in?\nWhere does your audience spend its time online?\nWhat methods will you use to reach them?\nWhat assets do you need to create?\nWhat is your marketing budget?\nYou also need to have a good and clear value proposition for your audience, your value proposition will help set the foundation for your future marketing communications and materials.\nCreate a Commercial Real Estate Marketing Plan\nA Commercial Real Estate Marketing Plan provides a comprehensive overview of your overall mission, unique selling point, target audience, strategy and metrics you\u2019ll measure success on.\nWhen creating your plan, you need to include:\n\u2022 business summary\n\u2022 target market and audience\n\u2022 marketing budget\n\u2022 marketing channels\n\u2022 marketing material\n\u2022 metrics\nA healthy commercial real estate marketing strategy should have a well-balanced marketing mix and leverage Earned, Paid and Owned media.\nEarned Media \u2013 Includes marketing activities that you typically \u201cearn\u201d by advocates of your brand and include free channels such as SEO, Social Media, influencers.\nPaid Media \u2013 Refers to any performance-based channels or paid advertising like \nFacebook advertising\n, Google search marketing ,cost-per-click, banners, remarketing and paid advertising.\nOwned Media \u2013 Typically includes your own media assets such as your property websites, blogs, social media profiles and email marketing database.\nThis marketing mix should be distributed across different channels to help mitigate any downside risk in the case things don\u2019t work in a specific marketing area. With this plan in mind, start mapping out the elements that will be needed to implement your strategy.\nDevelop Your Commercial Real Estate Website\nYour property website will be the first impression you give a potential client and a key factor to promote trust and confidence to future prospects.\nIt can also serve as an important marketing asset allowing you to feature project news, demonstrate thought leadership through blog posts and research studies, and promote your properties with the help of a commercial property listing search engine.\nAn experienced \ndigital marketing real estate agency\n can help turn your ideas intro reality .\nYou will need to create feature-rich \nproperty websites\n that stand out from the crowd. In 2021, if you don\u2019t have a strong digital footprint online for your commercial properties then your competitors are going to overtake you.\nInteractive property websites are a great way to showcase your commercial properties. Not only do they serve as a digital hub for your commercial property marketing efforts where you can display your unit listings, photography, video, floor plans, \n360 virtual tours\n, brochures, availabilities, interactive real estate maps, property guides, real estate data and more but can also add \u201cwow\u201d factor to help engage and convert visitors much more effectively.\nOptimise Your Property Website for SEO\nMake sure you develop a \nreal estate SEO\n strategy as early as possible. Being visibility from search engines can have a powerful impact for your commercial real estate business and help drive tenants, buyers and investors to your website. Keep in mind SEO is a long-term process and requires months to start seeing impact.\nTechnology Tools You Need\nTo execute an effective commercial marketing strategy, you need to make sure you have the right technology in place. The list of\n real estate marketing technology\n you use covers a variety of different uses and requirements, everything from \nReal Estate CRM\n contact management to email marketing to listing presentations and more.\nIt\u2019s important to give the technology selection process the attention it deserves so you don\u2019t have to keep changing platforms. The switching cost from one platform to another can be high, and will not only decrease your productivity but also hinder your ability to operate at 100% as you manage the transition.\nCommercial real estate companies that streamline and optimise the various processes in their operations will experience sustained growth and overall success.\nSetup Email Marketing Campaigns\nA great commercial \nreal estate email marketing strategy\n is one of the most effective strategies to reach prospects, engage them in conversations, and convert them into real deals.\nBuilding and segmenting a database of potential prospects for sending targeted real estate email communications is one of the single most important marketing activities you can do to help fuel your commercial sales or leasing efforts.\nEngage Your Prospects with Useful Content\nNurturing your contacts with relevant content is one of the key tactics to stay top of mind and nurture your prospects until they are ready to actively engage with you.\nCreate high-quality content that is useful, relevant or entertaining. This can be done in many different ways including blog posts, market studies, infographics, videos, \nproperty reports\n, and \nreal estate data\n.\nShare Your Content on Social Media Channels\nUsing \nsocial media marketing\n for commercial real estate is free and an effective way to build brand awareness and drive visits to your website. Savvy commercial real estate professionals are also using social media to initiate conversations and facilitate connections with potential customers and partners.\nUsing LinkedIn for real estate, Facebook or even Instagram to get more attention for your listings can be a very effective tactic when used properly. The three mentioned social media networks are most relevant for commercial real estate, and where your company should be most active.\nSet Up a Google Search Marketing Campaign\nThere are 700 million searches on Google every day and your clients are searching for keywords related to your commercial property or business right now.\nGoogle Advertising For Real Estate\n is a very powerful acquisition channel to help you set up commercial real estate ads , and what\u2019s great about Google Ads is that you can specify your Ad budget to whatever you feel comfortable with and stop at anytime. Find out \nHow much Google advertising costs\n.\nSet Up Paid Commercial Real Estate Ads Through Google Display Network (GDN)\nDisplay advertising comes in different formats and can help raise brand awareness and impact thousands (or millions) of people very quickly in the Google network of websites.\nWorking with Google Ad networks can help you with advertising your commercial real estate to the right audience and will provide you with very granular targeting and allow you to decide what websites you want your Ads to appear on, like youtube, Bloomberg etc.\nTarget Your Past Visitors With Remarketing\nRemarketing goes beyond simple display advertising. When a prospect visits your website, a cookie is dropped on their computer so you can target them and show relevant Ads when they browse on different websites on GDN or Facebook.\nThis is an effective way to stay \u201ctop of mind\u201d and drive visitors that engaged previously back to your commercial property listing or commercial property website.\nAlways Measure Your Success With Real Metrics\nThe most important component of a success commercial real estate marketing strategy is measuring the success of your activities against your \nreal estate metrics\n. Define key metrics for each of your marketing channels, setup a real estate marketing report, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve your efforts. Test , measure and scale.\nAlso its very important, not to lose sight of how your marketing strategies impact your business objectives. If you can\u2019t quantify the direct or indirect impact on your lease-up, sales or tenant retention efforts (or whatever else) then you need to go back to the drawing board.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-do-marketing-for-your-property-location-niche/", "title": "How to do marketing for your property location niche", "body": "Now that you have established a location to specialise in, it\u2019s time to start some targeted, compelling \nreal estate marketing\n. Make sure you are adding the leads you generate to your database and tracking them over time.\nAlways remember your goal is to have a real presence in your target neighbourhood. That means you need to go all in or don\u2019t do it. Your strategy is based on building many relationships and being a source of knowledge for the location you have chosen. This takes time, investment, and most importantly, consistency. You need to keep your marketing consistent. Establishing a strong reputation takes repeated positive interaction in your location marketing.\nYou will need to position yourself as the local expert. Make sure you have a solid grasp on hyper-local pricing trends, buyer/seller demand, and can communicate these statistics effectively to your prospective clients. Your prospects will want compelling stats on the market in their area and hyper-local \u201cSold stories\u201d with happy endings. So invest your time and money in relationship building. The community will return the favour.\nHere is how do you marketing for your property niche\nDirect mail\nThe buying and selling game has mostly moved online, but mailings and postcards like \u201cjust listed\u201d and \u201csold\u201d cards are still an effective way to supplement your real estate digital marketing efforts. Remember that consistency is key, both in your branding and your outreach plans. Too many mailing or too frequently will keep your costs high, you need to be careful to target your outreach mailings properly and create a plan around frequency .\n \nFace-to-face\nPersonal one to one contact will always be a great way to attract new business and build relationships. Attending local community events, hosting home viewings and personally inviting neighbours to attend are great ways to meet prospective clients and start conversations.\n \nOnline Marketing for your location niche\nNow onto the most powerful marketing mechanism in this day and age: the Internet. The best strategy for your \nonline property marketing\n is to take the proven tactics you\u2019re probably already using to market to your target areas offline, and take them online. E.g. identifying homeowners, collecting addresses, and building a database of leads that you can continuously market to. Whether it\u2019s Facebook advertising or Google marketing, make sure you advertise yourself has the market specialist.\n \nYour Online Presence\nThis is the red carpet for your brand and the first step to generating online seller leads. Carefully control of your online footprint to ensure the branded experience communicates your value and the perception you\u2019d like to establish about your business. Whether if its your \nreal estate branded websites\n, or property classified ads, make sure you communicate the same message.\n \nGeo-Targeted Ads\nPotential clients are performing google searches based on their specific neighbourhood search terms. This is a big opportunity for you to get exposure and reach them with \ndigital property ads\n that show your brand, value, and expertise in that neighbourhood. These people want to do business with the real estate agent who appears to be the specialist in that area, so make sure you stay visible.\n \nKeeping in touch with existing clients\nTo stay top-of-mind with potential clients who aren\u2019t ready to make decision yet, Execute some simple to do \nproperty email marketing campaigns\n that keeps leads informed on neighbourhood stats, market trends, and the price of homes that sell nearby.\nIn summary\nA single campaign that blends your online and offline real estate marketing efforts is the most effective. Prospects have a physical introduction to your brand along with a tailored and convenient digital experience from you. Your offline efforts can be a nice complement to your online marketing efforts. For example, include links to your real estate website on your postcards and consistently drive traffic from the local neighborhood to your website. It\u2019s all about looking at your chosen geographic area, building your \nclient database\n, and continuing to create opportunities for yourself.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-do-real-estate-marketing-during-chinese-new-year/", "title": "How to do real estate marketing during Chinese New Year", "body": "Real estate marketing\n during Chinese New Year can be a tricky endeavor, as many potential buyers and sellers may be preoccupied with family gatherings and celebrations. However, with some careful planning and a bit of creativity, you can still make the most of this festive time of year to promote your properties and grow your business.\n\u00a0\nOne strategy to consider is to target international buyers, as many Chinese people living abroad may be in the market for a new home during their visit to families. By creating marketing materials that are translated into Mandarin or Cantonese, and highlighting the cultural amenities and attractions near your properties, you can appeal to this demographic and make a strong impression\nAnother approach is to focus on virtual tours and online marketing. With many people avoiding in-person gatherings, virtual tours can be a great way to showcase your properties and make it easy for potential buyers to view them from the comfort of their own home. You can use \nsocial media platforms\n, video conferencing apps, or even virtual reality technology to create an immersive and engaging experience for your audience.\nAdditionally, you can take advantage of the festive atmosphere of the holiday by hosting open houses or other events that are designed to appeal to Chinese buyers. For example, you could host a traditional Chinese New Year banquet or offer special discounts or promotions to buyers who close a deal during the holiday period.\nIt\u2019s also important to remember that the Chinese new year is a time of giving and good luck, so consider incorporating this theme into your marketing materials. You can create ads or flyers that feature images of red lanterns, gold ingots, or other symbols of good fortune, and include messages that wish your potential buyers and sellers a happy and prosperous new year.\nOverall, real estate marketing during Chinese New Year requires a bit of extra thought and planning, but by targeting international buyers, using \nvirtual tours\n and online marketing, hosting festive events, and incorporating Chinese New Year themes into your marketing materials, you can still make the most of this festive time of year to promote your properties and grow your business. #gongxifattchoi\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-educate-your-real-estate-clients-with-great-real-estate-content/", "title": "How to Educate Your Real Estate Clients with Great Real Estate Content", "body": "How do you educate your clients and help them get a helicopter view of what\u2019s going on in the property market?\nWhen your clients turn on the news or read major headlines being posted on Whatsapp or social media, the data is reflected on the national real estate market as a whole.\nIt\u2019s certainly very important to understand this \nproperty market data\n. But it\u2019s even more important to find real estate data on what\u2019s going on in your local real estate market.\nBut how do you build an effective content marketing strategy for your client base?\nYou need to start by leveraging tools and resources like \nproperty articles\n and blog posts and also monthly market reports, which will show you what\u2019s trending and what information is important to your clients. You can get this content from RealestateMY\u2019s \nTALGIC\n platform.\nHow you can be ready?\nWhen clients or prospects see a report on the news or ask \u201cHow\u2019s the property market?\u201d, you will want to be able to confidently compare both the national information as well as what it means to them directly in their local neighbourhood.\n\u00a0\nFind a Trusted Source\nYou will need to find the best, most current real estate information to use in your \ncontent marketing plan\n. That means staying up to date on the latest local property and economic news impacting the real estate market. At RealestateMY, we believe every person should feel confident when buying and selling a home. Our mission is to\u00a0change the way real estate agents educate and serve their clients. RealestateMY\u2019s new TALGIC tool has a go-to database of trusted and great content that can be easily shared to your clientbase.\nThe \nTALGIC\n tool enables you to show your buyers and sellers that you know and understand what is going on in the market. It differentiates you from every other agent who is not taking the time to give their clients the facts.\nSelect content or piece of information you would like to highlight and share.\nThis should:\nSignal a shift in the market\nBe an opportunity for buyers or sellers\nExplain a unique aspect of the real estate process\n\u00a0\nThen share with clients or prospect via email, social media, or a post on your own \nproperty website\n.\nYou can also find articles from property news websites that report on the current overview of the property market.\nWith these kinds of property articles you will need to find the major points that can be enhanced using local data, the kinds of data include:\nLocal Month\u2019s Inventory of Homes for Sale\nAverage Days on Market for Homes Listed\nAverage Number of Homes Sold per Day\nMedian Home Prices\nFind local data from your property classifieds website that matches or accompanies the data in the article.\nAs the saying goes \u201clocation, location, location\u201d, so you will want to have the information and context that applies to your specific local market!\n\u00a0\nWrite Your Message\nWrite a message to accompanying the content or article link that explains how those data points are reflected in your local market and what it means for your client.\nPost your article to your property website and/or social media, then share it with your clients and local news outlets too.\nTo those of you who are new to content marketing, this is likely the trickiest step.\nNot all of us have the time or know-how when it comes to websites, email, and social media marketing. RealestateMY\u2019s TALGIC tool has the features and content to save you time while positioning you as the local property market expert.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-evaluate-yourself-as-real-estate-professional/", "title": "How to evaluate yourself as real estate professional", "body": "In order to evaluate yourself as a top real estate professional, you need to measure, analyse, iterate, and improve yourself all the time.\nImproving your skills and increasing your household income as a real estate agent begins with monitoring your behaviour and performance regularly. Here are a few methods for self improvement.\n\u00a0\n1. Performance Reviews\nDepending on the real estate agency you are with, you may be subject to a performance review on a yearly or half-yearly basis. If there is no formal performance assessment, you should take the initiative in arranging one. As a new real estate negotiator, it\u2019s important that you see these evaluations not as a painful formal requirement, but rather as an opportunity for serious self-reflection and personal growth.\nTake advantage of these performance reviews to ask questions. In your agency\u2019s opinion, where should your sales figures be at this point? Do your numbers reflect the agency benchmark? If not, what should you be doing to improve yourself? What strategies haven\u2019t you tried? What have others noticed about your practice that you may have missed? Your agency\u2019s answers will help you identify weaknesses and find ways to strengthen them.\nEven if you\u2019re struggling, it\u2019s important to come to your performance review with a good positive attitude. Don\u2019t get defensive: instead, be receptive and absorb as much as possible. Then, implement you\u2019re agency\u2019s feedback, creating a checklist of important steps you can take to improve your skills.\n\u00a0\n2. Writing notes and Benchmarking\nYou shouldn\u2019t simply wait for other people to point out your weaknesses. Instead, you should be self-reflecting all the time on your performance and developing your own personal system of benchmarks to stay accountable and motivated for growth.\n\u2756\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Daily: Keep a journal to jot down your notes. Record your schedule, including starting and ending times. Keep a count of how many prospective clients you talked to and how those conversations went. No need to be very detailed: just get in the habit of always evaluating your habits.\n\u2756\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Weekly: Consider your daily notes. Was it a good week? If so, did you do anything differently? If not, why not? What can you do to make the next week more successful or more productive?\n\u2756\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Monthly/Yearly: Set specific sales goals. How many sales/rentals do you need to do to make a living? Check the numbers you actually achieved against your targets. Do you do alot of \nproperty lead generation\n, but are not making a lot of sales? You may be better off spending more time on fewer clients.\nYou should also be tracking clients and leads from start to finish. Are some steps in your sales funnel working better than others? Do you tend to lose leads at a certain stage? If so, you might need to change your strategy.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. Analytics\nIf you have one already, your \nreal estate website\n can be one of your most valuable assets for attracting leads and converting them to customers. If you don\u2019t have a personal branding real estate website, I suggest you get one. The best way to ensure that you stay on track of your web engagement is to connect Google Analytics to your website.\nOf all the self-evaluation methods we have listed, Google Analytics was the most popular, with 19 percent of agents using the service. With Google Analytics, you can measure how much traffic you\u2019re getting and how those visitors are behaving, helping you adjust your content to maximize your site\u2019s impact. Here are a few of the most important metrics to measure.\nVisits: How much total traffic are you getting? If this number is exceptionally low, you may need to adjust your SEO practices to boost your search visibility.\nUnique Visitors: Not counting repeat visits, how many individuals came to your site? The more uniques, the better.\nDuration: How long are visitors staying on your site? If your average duration is short, chances are visitors aren\u2019t finding your content worthwhile.\nBounce Rate: How many visitors leave your site without visiting any other pages? Again, if your bounce rate is high, you may need to work on making your site content more valuable and informative.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-find-a-facebook-marketing-agency-for-real-estate/", "title": "How to find a facebook marketing agency for real estate", "body": "As a real estate professional, you likely know the importance of having an online presence. While social media platforms like Facebook can be a great way to connect with potential clients and showcase your listings, it can be challenging to know how to effectively use the platform for marketing. That\u2019s where a \nFacebook marketing agency\n can come in handy.\nBut with so many agencies to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Here are some tips for finding the right Facebook marketing agency for your real estate business:\nDetermine your marketing goals\nBefore you start searching for an agency, it\u2019s important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your Facebook marketing efforts. Do you want to drive traffic to your website? Increase leads and sales? Improve your brand awareness? Having specific goals in mind will help you find an agency that can effectively meet your needs.\nLook for an agency with experience in the real estate industry\nIt\u2019s important to find an agency that has experience working with real estate professionals. This will ensure that they have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with \nmarketing real estate\n on Facebook.\nConsider the size of the agency\nDepending on your needs, you may want to consider working with a larger, more established agency or a smaller, boutique firm. Larger agencies may have more resources and experience, but they may also be more expensive. Smaller agencies may be more flexible and able to provide more personalised service, but they may not have as much experience.\nCheck out the agency\u2019s portfolio\nA good way to get a sense of an agency\u2019s capabilities is to look at their portfolio. This should include examples of past work they have done for other clients, as well as any case studies or testimonials. This will give you a good idea of the types of campaigns they have run and their success rates.\nAsk about their process\nEvery agency will have its own approach to \nFacebook marketing\n, so it\u2019s important to understand how they work. Ask about their process for developing campaigns, how they measure success, and how they keep clients informed. This will give you a good sense of whether their approach is a good fit for your business.\nGet references\nDon\u2019t be afraid to ask for references from the agency\u2019s past clients. This will give you a chance to hear firsthand about their experiences working with the agency and whether they were happy with the results.\nConsider the cost\nMarketing can be a significant investment, so it\u2019s important to consider the cost when choosing an agency. Be sure to get a clear understanding of what services are included in the agency\u2019s fee and how they determine their pricing. It\u2019s also a good idea to get quotes from multiple agencies to ensure that you\u2019re getting the best value for your money.\nLook for a long-term partnership\nMarketing is an ongoing process, so it\u2019s important to find an agency that you can work with for the long haul. Look for an agency that is willing to commit to a long-term partnership and is willing to evolve and adapt as your business grows and changes.\nFinding the right Facebook marketing agency for your real estate business can be a challenge, but by following these tips, you can be confident that you are making an informed decision. With the right partner, you can effectively use Facebook to reach new clients and grow your business.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-find-new-real-estate-clients/", "title": "How to find new real estate clients 2022", "body": "\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-find-the-right-real-estate-agent-for-property-buyers/", "title": "How to find the right real estate agent for property buyers", "body": "Finding the right real estate agent can be a daunting task, especially for first-time property buyers. A good real estate agent can make the process of buying a home much smoother and less stressful, but a bad one can add unnecessary headaches and complications. With so many agents to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Here are some tips to help you find the right real estate agent for your needs.\nDo your research\nBefore you start searching for an agent, it\u2019s important to have a clear idea of what you\u2019re looking for in a property and what your budget is. This will help you narrow down your search and find an agent who is familiar with the type of properties you\u2019re interested in and who has experience working with clients within your price range.\nLook for an agent with local expertise\nAn agent who is familiar with the local real estate market will be able to provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the home buying process. They should be able to provide information about local schools, crime rates, and other important factors that may affect your decision to buy a home in a particular area.\nConsider an agent\u2019s reputation\nReputation is important in the real estate industry, so it\u2019s worth taking the time to research an agent\u2019s reputation before making a decision. Look for agents who have a track record of success and who have received positive reviews from past clients. You can also ask for references or check with the local real estate board to see if the agent has any complaints or disciplinary actions on their record.\nLook for an agent who is responsive and communicative\nBuying a home is a major investment, and it\u2019s important to have an agent who is available to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have throughout the process. Look for an agent who is responsive to your needs and who keeps you informed every step of the way.\nConsider an agent\u2019s negotiation skills\nA good real estate agent should be able to negotiate effectively on your behalf to get you the best deal possible on your new home. Look for an agent who has a history of successful negotiations and who is confident in their ability to advocate for your interests.\nFind an agent who is a good fit for your personality\nIt\u2019s important to find an agent who you feel comfortable working with and who understands your needs and goals. Look for an agent who is easy to talk to and who is willing to take the time to get to know you and what you\u2019re looking for in a home.\nDon\u2019t be afraid to shop around\nIt\u2019s okay to interview multiple agents before making a decision. This will give you a chance to compare their experience, expertise, and personality to find the right fit for you. Don\u2019t be afraid to ask tough questions or to walk away if you don\u2019t feel comfortable with an agent.\nIn conclusion, finding the right real estate agent can be a challenging task, but it\u2019s worth the effort to ensure a smooth and successful home buying experience. By doing your research, looking for an agent with local expertise and a good reputation, and finding an agent who is responsive and communicative, you can increase your chances of finding the right agent for your needs. Don\u2019t be afraid to shop around and take the time to find an agent who is a good fit for your personality and goals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-find-your-real-estate-niche/", "title": "How To Find Your Real Estate Niche", "body": "To be a successful real estate professional, you need to earn respect and attention by becoming a local expert and getting specific with your property industry focus.\nThe best way to stand out from other agents is to be the best. Of course, that\u2019s a easier said than done. To make this more actionable let\u2019s look at the best way to stand out is to be the best in your property niche.\n\u00a0\nThe first way is by location.\nIn a recent survey, 38 percent of agents said the best way to distinguish yourself is to be an expert when it comes to the local neighbourhoods, towns, and cities that you are located in. That means experiencing all of what the location have to offer from the perspective of someone who lives there. Try to spend as much time as possible in places in this location. You need to become a resource on everything a client would want to know about the area surrounding one of your \nproperty listings\n.\n\u2022Visit local businesses and attractions: restaurants, bars, shops, shopping centres, etc.\n\u2022Drive around , and take public transportation. Know how long it takes to get anywhere, how far each neighbourhood is from nearby attractions, major offices and office centres, etc.\n\u2022Stay up to date on the happenings in the local state government: property taxes, building and infrastructure projects, etc.\n\u2022Memorise statistics on everything from schools to demographics to crime.\nA second way to think about property niche is in terms of the type of listings.\nDo you have experience in handling sub-sale, projects or commercial? 28 percent of the agents surveyed suggest that the best way to distinguish yourself is by focusing on a specific industry segment and be the best at it.\n\u2022Concentrate on a certain property type: luxury landed, condominiums, townhouses, retail shop lots, commercial office, etc.\n\u2022Specialise in listings with particular requirements: agriculture, studios, beachfront properties, distressed properties, bungalows, etc.\n\u2022Focus on listings with special financial or negotiation circumstances: bank repossession, auctions, distress sales, FSBO, bank-owned listings, etc.\n\u2022Buying and selling these kinds of properties requires an agent with knowledge of the red tape involved, as well as an eye for features and problems that are unique to that niche. Naturally, you\u2019ll want to cultivate a specialty that\u2019s needed in the areas you serve\nGenerally a \nreal estate professional\n should find a niche and stick with it. It might be a certain kind of prospecting, or a certain kind of home, or a certain area, or a specialty. Agents always try to be all to everyone, but you just can\u2019t wear that many hats and look good doing it.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-get-a-home-loan-in-malaysia/", "title": "How to get a Home Loan in Malaysia", "body": "For \nfirst-time home buyers\n, the process of getting a mortgage in Malaysia may seem as intimidating as choosing the property itself. Not only are you making arguably the biggest financial commitment of your life, but you will also be dealing with a ton of legal paperwork and bank officers spewing strange words like \u201cflexi-loan\u201d and \u201clock-in period\u201d at you. However, once you understand the mortgage process, you will realise it is not as complicated as it seems. As they say, knowledge is power.\nCheck your finances\nBefore you even start seriously searching for houses, you need to check your \nfinancial situation\n. If you don\u2019t, the banks eventually will. They will evaluate your debt-to-income ratio to decide how much you can afford to borrow. Ideally, your debt-to-income ratio should be below 60%.\nYour credit score based on the CCRIS and CTOS reports are often the deciding factor on whether your loan application is approved or rejected. So, it is wise to check it yourself before the banks do. You can do this online or by visiting the kiosk at Bank Negara Malaysia. Being punctual with payments and settling as much debt as you can, will increase your credit score while reducing your debt-to-income ratio. Another thing that helps your credit score is not making any drastic lifestyle changes like changing jobs or taking out a new debt before and after applying for the mortgage.\nFind the right bank for you\nIf you are buying your house directly from the developer, then you will most likely have to apply for a mortgage from the developer\u2019s panel bank. Otherwise, you have more flexibility. Either way, it is important to do your homework, so you know what you are getting yourself into.\nYour priority should be the bank that offers the lowest interest rates as this could mean thousands of Ringgit in savings. However, there are other factors to consider so approach at least four different banks before you pick one. Some questions you should be asking are:\nWhat kind of home loan is it?\nIn Malaysia, there are a few different kinds of home loans like Term Loan, Flexi Loan and Islamic Loan, each with its advantages and disadvantages.\nHow long is the lock-in period?\nThe lock-in period is the time frame you are not allowed to settle your mortgage in full unless you pay the penalty (2% \u2013 3% of the loan amount). It is better to have the shortest lock-in period and the lowest penalty rate.\nWhat are their fees and charges?\nAs the buyer, you will have to bear the costs for the loan application which runs into a few thousand Ringgit.\nCheck your loan eligibility\nBanks in Malaysia offer up to 90% loan for your first two residential properties, provided they don\u2019t spot any red flags with your financial situation. There are many online mortgage calculators that will give you an estimate but it\u2019s best to contact the banks in person.\nThey will require you to submit a copy of your IC, last three months salary slips and bank transactions, latest EA form and EPF statement and booking receipt of the property. The documents will vary slightly if you are self-employed. Based on this information and your credit score, the banks will let you know how much you can borrow and the types of loans they can offer you. Having this pre-qualification also boosts sellers\u2019 confidence that you are financially secure to purchase the property.\nDetermine your budget\nBefore you sign on the dotted line and seal your fate, take a moment to consider this: just because you are eligible for a certain loan amount, doesn\u2019t mean you can afford it. You still need to check your monthly budget. Experts recommend that your total house payment (including fees, insurance and taxes) should not exceed 30% of your gross income. On top of that, you will also have to pay for utility bills and general home upkeep.\nProperty valuation\nWhen you decide on a bank, they will arrange for a \nvaluation of the property\n if required. This is most prevalent in the secondary market when the banks want to make sure if the property is worth the selling price. The valuation will be conducted by a professional valuation company and you will bear the cost. The banks will then decide on the loan amount that they are willing to lend you based on the valuation report.\nHere\u2019s how it works: You are eligible for a loan of RM 700,000 and want to buy a property priced at RM 600,000. However, if the valuation report finds that the property is only worth RM 500,000, the banks will only offer you a loan of RM450,000. So, you either have to come up with the rest of the money yourself or renegotiate with the seller.\nSecure the mortgage and close\nOnce you have finalised the property\u2019s offer price and loan amount, you need to secure it by putting pen to paper and making the necessary payments.\nLoan agreement\nGet a lawyer to prepare the loan agreement. Even though you will be paying for the legal fees, not surprisingly the terms in the loan agreement protects the bank more than you, the buyer. However, don\u2019t be shy about checking the details thoroughly and asking questions. It is better to be safe than sorry! On top of that, you will have to pay the stamp duty on the loan amount and disbursement fees.\nMortgage insurance\nThe bank may ask you to take out an insurance on your mortgage so that in the event of death, illness or disability, your loan will still be paid in full. Home buyers in Malaysia can opt for the MRTA, MLTA or Takaful mortgage insurances.\nTransfer of property ownership\nAfter the loan agreement has been signed, the bank will remit the balance purchase price to the seller\u2019s bank. Then your lawyer will prepare the Memorandum of Transfer and you will have to pay the stamp duty fee. Once all the documents and payments have exchanged properly, the property title can be transferred to your name and you will receive the keys to your own house.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-get-pre-approved-for-a-mortgage/", "title": "How to get pre-approved for a mortgage", "body": "\u00a0\nIf you\u2019re in the market for a new home, one of the first steps you should take is getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Pre-approval is an important process that gives you a clear idea of how much you can borrow and helps you budget for your new home. It also gives you an advantage when it comes to making an offer on a home, as sellers are more likely to take your offer seriously if you have a pre-approval letter. Here\u2019s how to get pre-approved for a mortgage.\nCheck your credit score\nBefore you start the pre-approval process, it\u2019s important to check your credit score. Your credit score is a key factor that lenders consider when determining whether to approve your mortgage application, so it\u2019s important to make sure it\u2019s as high as possible. If your credit score is low, you may want to take steps to improve it before applying for a mortgage.\nGather your financial documents\nTo get pre-approved for a mortgage, you\u2019ll need to provide lenders with a variety of financial documents, including your tax returns, pay stubs, and bank statements. It\u2019s important to be as thorough as possible when gathering these documents, as lenders will use them to assess your financial situation and determine how much you can borrow.\nShop around for mortgage rates\nOnce you have your financial documents in order, it\u2019s time to start shopping around for mortgage rates. Different lenders offer different rates and terms, so it\u2019s important to compare offers from multiple lenders to find the best deal. You can do this on your own or work with a mortgage broker, who can help you compare offers and negotiate with lenders on your behalf.\nGet pre-approved\nOnce you\u2019ve found a lender and a mortgage rate that you\u2019re happy with, it\u2019s time to get pre-approved. This typically involves filling out a mortgage application and providing the lender with your financial documents. The lender will review your application and financial documents and determine how much you\u2019re able to borrow based on your creditworthiness and income.\nReview the pre-approval letter\nOnce you\u2019ve been pre-approved, the lender will provide you with a pre-approval letter. This letter outlines the terms of your mortgage, including the loan amount, interest rate, and any fees or closing costs. It\u2019s important to review the letter carefully to make sure you understand the terms and that you\u2019re comfortable with them.\nKeep your finances in check\nOnce you\u2019ve been pre-approved, it\u2019s important to keep your finances in check. This means continuing to make on-time payments on any existing debts and avoiding any major financial changes, such as taking on new debts or changing jobs. Lenders may re-assess your financial situation before closing, and any changes could affect your ability to get a mortgage.\nIn conclusion, getting pre-approved for a mortgage is an important step in the home buying process. It gives you a clear idea of how much you can borrow and helps you budget for your new home. By checking your credit score, gathering your financial documents, shopping around for mortgage rates, and getting pre-approved, you can increase your chances of getting a mortgage that meets your needs and budget. Just be sure to keep your finances in check and avoid any major financial changes after you\u2019ve been pre-approved to ensure a smooth and successful home buying experience."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-get-property-listings-as-a-real-estate-agent/", "title": "How to get property listings as a real estate agent", "body": "Becoming the best real estate agent in your target location takes some serious strategy for generating good property listings.\nTo be successful you have to differentiate yourself from your competitors as the trustworthy negotiator in your market, but also be savvy in generating seller leads in a potentially tough market especially with the current covid19 pandemic.\nWe have put together a guide to help you master the art of getting property listings in your local market.\nHow to choose a target location to get property listings\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHow do you choose the right location for your property listing generation efforts? Start with your highest successes. Find out where you\u2019ve have been the most successful in closing sale transactions and think about building your base from there.\nThese are important factors you need to consider:\n\u00a0\nThe Average Selling Price\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nYou know that for most locations, profit is in the number of property deals you close and the average selling price of each property transaction. If you currently specialise in a certain price bracket and have been successful in the price bracket, you should choose a target location that has the similar price range. If you\u2019re just starting out, it\u2019s safe to focus on neighbourhoods where properties sell around the average price for your region or city.\n\u00a0\nYour Opportunity\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nMake sure there is abundant opportunity for sales. Find the correct figures on \nproperty market statistics\n, and make sure its enough to make the commission return worth all your efforts, but not so many that your marketing is too spread out. 300 properties is a good place to start for agents just branching out into a new location, and of course you will need to expand as business grows.\nYou need to choose an active location/city as well. Ideal property turnover rates will vary from city-to-city, but a general rule of thumb is to target a location with at least a property turnover rate of 7-9%. You will want a location that\u2019s moving fast enough to give you opportunity and business.\n\u00a0\nThe Competition\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nResearch who\u2019s doing sales in the target location. There are two type here:\n\u2022\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 The location doesn\u2019t have any agents dominating the market share.\n\u2022\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 The location has a clear agent or agency in charge\nEither way, this presents you a solid opportunity to win over sellers with targeted advertising and cold calling. Once they see your brand and your value, from your sales record, \nproperty website\n, and social media postings, they will come calling on you as the next property expert in town.\n\u00a0\nHow to get property listings from your chosen target location\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nWhen you have established a location to start property listing generation, it\u2019s time to start some targeted, marketing and cold calling strategies. Make sure you are adding the leads you generate to your seller database and tracking them over time.\n\u00a0\nThe General Best Practices\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nFirstly your goal is to have a real presence in your target neighbourhood. That means if you\u2019re not going all-in then don\u2019t do it at all. Your strategy needs to be based on building relationships with sellers and being a source of knowledge, which takes time, investment, and most importantly, knowledge consistency.\nKeep your marketing and outreach consistent. To establish a strong reputation you will need repeated positive interaction in your \npersonal branding\n, outreach, marketing, and communication.\nPosition yourself as the location expert. Make sure you have a solid grasp on local pricing trends, buyer demand, and can communicate these numbers and statistics effectively to your seller prospects. Your prospects want compelling information and stats on the market in their location and hyper-local \u201cSold or rented stories\u201d with successful outcomes.\nManage your budget appropriately. Property marketing is a numbers game, you want exposure to get more listings, but only market to a number of people that you can afford to.\nHere are some strategies for marketing for property listings:\n\u00a0\nDirect mail\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe buying and selling game has mostly moved online, but direct mailings and postcards like \u201cjust listed\u201d and \u201csold\u201d cards are still an effective way to supplement your property digital marketing efforts. Remember the consistency is key, both in your branding and your outreach. Mailing out to too many properties, or too many time will keep your costs high, but if you\u2019re careful to target your outreach audience correctly and create a plan around reach and frequency you should be fine\n\u00a0\nFace-to-face Interactions\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nPersonal face-to-face contact will always be a great way to attract new clients and build relationships. Attending community events, hosting open house viewings and personally inviting neighbours to attend are great ways to meet prospective clients and start conversations.\n\u00a0\nCold calling\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIf you are able to obtain \nproperty masterlists\n, you will be able to do call canvasing, by introducing yourself to potential sellers, and asking them if they are in the market to sell or rent out their properties. While we don\u2019t condone obtaining masterlists illegally, a better way would be to build your own database of potential sellers from online marketing, and social media marketing.\n\u00a0\nOnline Presence\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nYour own property website is like a welcome mat for your brand and the first step to generating online seller leads. Keep careful control of your online reputation to ensure the branded experience communicates value and the perception you\u2019d like to establish about your real estate business. To identify seller leads online and collect their addresses, an effective strategy is to employ a home valuation page. The promise of a free valuation estimate and market report are a good way to find new seller leads and are perfect for new and established agents.\n\u00a0\nOnline Marketing Ads\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nPotential sellers are performing searches on Google and Facebook based on their specific geographic neighborhood location. This is a huge opportunity for you to gain exposure and reach them with \ndigital ads\n that show your brand, value, and expertise in that neighborhood/location. These sellers want to work with the real estate agent who appears to be the specialist in their location, so you need to stay visible.\n\u00a0\nKeeping in Touch:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nTo stay top-of-mind with potential clients who aren\u2019t ready to make sell or rent out yet, it\u2019s simple to set them up on a \ndrip campaign\n that keeps them informed on local neighbourhood stats, market trends, and the price of property that sells nearby. This type of communication keeps your property listing generation consistent, automated and effective. Find a \nreal estate digital marketing expert\n to help you set this automation up.\n\u00a0\nOther strategies and ways to get property listings\n\u00a0\nReach Out to the Neighbors of Your Listings\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nNeighbours will want to know how their property market is doing and what that means for their own home prices.\nMake yourself the go-to seller listing agent in the neighborhood by door-knocking and introducing yourself. To get the conversation happening you can offer a free valuation appraisal. Most people will probably be ok to get a free valuation report and you can get some contact information quite easily.\n\u00a0\nOffer Advice or More Services to FSBOs\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSo the seller is confident they can sell their property on their own, but there\u2019s probably some kind of advice, or value you can give to help them out, no strings attached, this is a great way to get yourself known out there. \u00a0Because helpful people are usually rewarded and if they end up deciding to go with any agent, they will probably pick you. Also, another thing you can do is offer your services to FSBOs with a provision in your agreement for a reduced rate .\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-impress-malaysian-property-buyers-with-virtual-staging/", "title": "How to impress Malaysian property buyers with virtual staging", "body": "A smart seller knows that a better-looking house will be easier to sell than one that is derelict and dirty. In western countries, house-staging is a popular method to improve a house\u2019s aesthetic appearance from the buyer\u2019s perspective. However, the time, effort and cost it takes to prepare a traditional staging (think developer\u2019s show houses) are beyond the realm of average Malaysian sellers. Enter virtual staging. With 9 out of 10 buyers using the internet to search for homes, we\u2019ll show you how virtual staging will help you to impress \nMalaysian property buyers\n.\nWhat is Virtual Staging?\nVirtual staging is the art of decorating rooms with lifelike digital images of furniture and accessories to make it attractive to buyers. First, you need a professional photographer to take the \nproperty photos\n which are important for the final image to look realistic. Then the photos are edited using a design software to \u201cfill\u201d furniture and accessories in the room. The end result is beautiful photos that help potential buyers to make an emotional connection to the house and motivate them to view it.\nCan Virtual Staging be used for all homes?\nVirtual staging is not suitable for all types of home. Some are better off with traditional staging. However, when done right, it works wonderfully for:\nVacant homes\nHomes with outdated furniture\nProperties with tenants\n, which leave the owner little control over the space\u2019s appearance\nIf you are still living in your house, then traditional staging is a superior choice for you. You can still virtually stage a few rooms if you and your \nreal estate agent\n think it\u2019s worthwhile, though.\nWhy should you use Virtual Staging to help sell your home?\nWith virtual staging, potential buyers get the best of both worlds. They get to visualise the potential of a home that has been virtually staged as well as the empty one, so they get a complete view of the property. It can be a fantastic asset to impress Malaysian property buyers when you are selling a vacant home, a home occupied by tenants or filled with old-fashioned d\u00e9cor.\nComparison between Virtual Staging and Traditional Staging\nOne of the best things about virtual staging is that it is a whole lot cheaper than traditional staging. Here\u2019s what you can expect:\nVirtual staging costs between RM200 \u2013 RM1,000, depending on the designer you use, your location and the amount of space you need to be staged\nTraditional staging runs over thousands of Ringgit per month, depending on the stager you use, the amount of furniture and accessories you need to rent, your location and the amount of space you need to be staged\nCost is not the only thing you need to consider, though. Here\u2019s a side by side comparison of the pros and cons of virtual staging versus traditional staging in Malaysia.\n\u00a0\nPros and cons of Virtual Staging\nEmpty rooms don\u2019t impress. Especially when buyers are flicking through photos online. Virtual staging can help your property to stand out, but you have to get it right from the start. Be sure to hire a professional photographer and a reputable design company to get the best results.\nPros of virtual staging:\nIs cost effective compared to traditional staging\nOffers you the opportunity to stage any number of rooms\nEasier to attract prospective buyers\u2019 attention online\nAllows you to stage flex rooms in multiple ways\nHelps you showcase an empty home\u2019s best features\n\u00a0\nCons of virtual staging:\nCan be difficult if the house is occupied, unless you have photos of the empty rooms\nAll the furniture and decorations don\u2019t physically exist, so the buyer doesn\u2019t get to see it in reality\nBecomes more expensive when you need to remove furniture or items from photos\nPros and cons of Traditional Staging\nTraditional staging, which real estate agents and\n property\n \ndevelopers\n have been using for years, doesn\u2019t always need a professional stager. However, it does require a flair for interior design, an eye for detail and the ability to create spaces that attract a wide audience.\nPros of traditional staging\nAppeals to buyers\u2019 imagination\nPrevents buyers from having to view an empty shell of a house\nGives buyers a real perspective when they tour your house\nMakes spaces appear bigger and helps potential buyers to gauge the size\nHelps your house to stand out in buyers\u2019 memories after they leave\n\u00a0\nCons of traditional staging\nRequires actual pieces of furniture and decoration to be rented\nCan be expensive and it\u2019s an on-going cost until the house sells\nMay be unnecessary, depending on how quickly houses sell in your market\nStay clear of these Virtual Staging mistakes\nThe ultimate mistake in virtual staging is hiring a design company that\u2019s not good enough. For virtual staging to work, the photos have to be extremely realistic \u2013 buyers shouldn\u2019t be able to tell the difference between a real photo and a computer-generated one.\nOther mistakes to avoid in virtual staging are:\nUsing virtual staging when it is not necessary. Removing or replacing elements in photos when they were perfectly fine anyway incurs extra cost and is a waste of time\nNot providing potential buyers with photos of the empty rooms. Buyers may expect the house to look the same as the listing photos so make sure to provide these photos as well as the staged ones\nMaking a house look worse instead of better. Be careful of going overboard with furniture and decoration in the staged photos\nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-keep-your-real-estate-business-alive-during-covid-19/", "title": "How to keep your real estate business alive during Covid-19", "body": "In these difficult times it\u2019s especially hard to focus on the strategic decisions needed to keep your real estate business running. Instead, you\u2019re fixing problems, adjusting to a new way of working from home, and trying to help your clients who are anxious and uncertain. We know that being strategic is harder during moments of crisis, but this is also when it matters most. The future of your business depends on it.\nUsing a proven formula for success, you need to be prioritising your time based on your most revenue-productive activities, diversifying and growing your lead channels, and having the right CRM system to leverage the value of your database.\n1. Prioritise your time\nFinding time to be strategic is about understanding how you\u2019re actually using your time and getting your to-do list clearly list out. You need to identify which tasks you should be delegating to others, simplifying, or taking off tasks of your plate. Once you have determined this, you will have a good structure to focus time on your most important work. Your revenue generating tasks, the tasks that energises you and moves your real estate business forward.\nFor many property agents, managing time is a big struggle. Your \u201coffice\u201d may very well be the dinning room, in shared space with the child\u2019s schoolwork and lots of togetherness. Working remotely is not easy. Taking out dedicated time to check emails and answer whatsapp calls can feel impossible sometimes. This puts us all in \u201cfire alarm\u201d mode and leaves little time for prospecting new business or responding to leads. This means missing out on business.\nSo now is the best time to consider offloading some of your less productive work, employing teams of experts to handle your \nreal estate digital marketing\n or getting team members to help with lead response and nurturing. This ensures nothing slips through the cracks, you\u2019re building a strong future property pipeline, and you\u2019ll be ready to take advantage of vent-up demand when crisis-mode is over.\nQuestions you have to ask yourself:\nAm I leveraging the right technology to help with my work?\nDo I have strong, effective processes in place that are streamlining lead channels?\nShould I hire experts to help with my \nproperty digital marketing\n and lead generation?\nDo I have the right \nCRM platform\n to manage my database and prioritise opportunities?\n2. Focus on Lead Engagement Tactics and increase your Lead Sources\nYou need to make sure you\u2019re leveraging the right tech tools to meet your clients where they are, and deliver value now. \u00a0There has been a large surge of interest in site requests for \nvideo property tours\n. It\u2019s time to lead into lead generation and find new sources to fill your sales funnel.\nAs online virtual tours and video chatting have become critical to business normalcy in today\u2019s climate, we\u2019ve seen incredible results by providing website visitors with the option to do virtual viewings from their \nreal estate websites\nFuture success of real estate is looking very much virtual.\n3. Create the Right Processes & Systems for your Database\nYou know that lead engagement priorities deserve your time. You\u2019re investing money into\n lead generation\n. But without the right tools, processes and systems, and the right processes built into your real estate business, you won\u2019t have the right framework to see the ROI on your lead generation investment and deliver a great customer experience.\nYou need to\u00a0Question to ask yourself:\nHow fast will your leads be responded to?\nAre leads tracked and content sent automatically?\nHave to invested in your database to realize the return in investment?\nPart of being a real estate professional, a leader, is preparing for situations in your business where the future is uncertain. That\u2019s why, now more than ever, the only way to alleviate uncertainty in your business is to have reliable \nreal estate systems\n. The right technology and CRM systems produce consistent, predictable results. Now is the time to get in control of your property business.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-make-an-offer-on-a-home/", "title": "How to make an offer on a home", "body": "\u00a0\nMaking an offer on a home can be an exciting, but also a nerve-wracking experience. It\u2019s important to carefully consider all the factors involved in making an offer, as it will likely be one of the largest investments you make in your lifetime. Here are some tips to help you make an informed and effective offer on a home.\nResearch the market\nBefore making an offer, it\u2019s important to research the local real estate market. Look at recent sales prices of similar homes in the area, and take note of any trends or patterns. This will give you an idea of what similar homes in the area are selling for and help you determine a fair offer price.\nGet pre-approved\nIt\u2019s advisable to get \npre-approved for a mortgage\n before making an offer. This will show the seller that you\u2019re a serious buyer with the means to purchase the home. It will also give you an idea of how much you can afford to spend and help you stay within your budget.\nConsider the home\u2019s condition\nWhen making an offer, it\u2019s important to take into account the condition of the home. Are there any repairs or renovations that will need to be made? Will you need to budget for these costs? If the home needs a lot of work, it may be worth offering less than the asking price to account for these costs.\nTake into account any contingencies\nWhen making an offer, it\u2019s important to consider any contingencies that may be included. For example, you may include a contingency that the offer is contingent on the sale of your current home. Or, you may include a contingency that the home passes a certain inspection. These contingencies can help protect you but also can make your offer less attractive to the seller.\nConsider the timing\nThe timing of your offer can also be an important factor. If the home has been on the market for a long time, the seller may be more willing to accept a lower offer. However, if there are multiple offers on the home, the seller may be more inclined to accept a higher offer. Be aware of the competition and the market situation to make the best timing decision.\nBe prepared to negotiate\nMaking an offer is just the first step in the process. It\u2019s likely that the seller will counter-offer, and you\u2019ll need to be prepared to negotiate. Have a clear idea of what you\u2019re willing to accept and what you\u2019re not willing to compromise on, and be prepared to stand your ground if necessary.\nHire an agent\nHiring a real estate agent\n can be extremely beneficial when making an offer. An experienced agent will have a deep knowledge of the local real estate market and can provide valuable insight into the buying process. They can also help you navigate negotiations and can act as a buffer if things get heated.\nIn conclusion, making an offer on a home requires careful consideration of all the factors involved. By researching the market, getting pre-approved, considering the home\u2019s condition, taking into account any contingencies, and being prepared to negotiate, you\u2019ll be able to make an informed and effective offer. Hiring a real estate agent can also be beneficial in providing market insights and navigate the negotiation process. Remember to be prepared and stay confident, making an offer on a home is a big step but with the right information and preparation, it can lead to the successful \npurchase of your dream home\n."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-make-an-offer-on-a-property-in-malaysia/", "title": "How to make an offer on a property in Malaysia", "body": "Making an offer on a \nproperty in Malaysia\n isn\u2019t just about telling the seller how much you are willing to pay for it. You also need solid negotiation skills, an understanding of the process and knowing your limits. Having a good real estate agent on your side can make the biggest difference to your offer and peace of mind.\nWork with your agent\u00a0\nWhen you find yourself falling head-over-heels for a property, don\u2019t prance around and shout it from the rooftops. That only makes the seller think you\u2019re willing to pay more. Instead, play cool, think rationally and work with your agent. A good agent will guide you and smooth the way for you in many ways, like:\n\u2013 Find out any offer terms that will make the seller accept your offer.\n\u2013 \nPrepare your offer\n and help you to strategize for a competitive edge.\n\u2013 Arrange a property inspection to root out any issues early before you\u2019re under contract.\nUnderstand the offer process\nGenerally, the offer process in Malaysia follows a standard formula such as:\n\u2013 Find a property you want to buy and tell your agent.\n\u2013 Your agent will contact the seller\u2019s agent to find out if they are still accepting offers, if there are other potential buyers and so on.\n\u2013 Your agent will advise you on a suitable offer price based on similar homes that were recently sold.\n\u2013 Provide your \nloan eligibility\n information to your agent.\n\u2013 Your agent will discuss the offer strategy with you which includes an initial offer with a buffer for negotiating later. This is important if there are other offers on the table.\n\u2013 Your agent will then prepare the formal offer with your approval and send it to the seller\u2019s agent.\n\u2013 The seller will respond with an accept, reject or propose a counter offer.\n\u2013 If an offer is accepted, you and the seller will proceed to the closing phase.\n-If a counteroffer is proposed, your agent will help to strategize and renegotiate until both sides reach an agreement.\nDecide your offer price\nYour agent will do a comparative market analysis to determine the initial offer price and plan your negotiation strategy. It is also important to weigh in the asking price and the market competitiveness. Avoid bidding for more than 10% below the asking price. If you are going to do so anyway, you need to increase your competitiveness in other areas like putting down a bigger booking fee.\nPackage your offer right\nWhat makes an offer attractive to a seller? It is when the price, closing timeline and terms align with what he is looking for. Here are some ways to strengthen your offer:\n\u2013 Increase your earnest deposit or booking fee.\n\u2013 Work with a bank that the seller prefers.\n\u2013 Waive contingencies.\n\u2013 Be flexible with the closing date if that will make you win.\nDeal with contingencies\nContingencies are conditions that need to be fulfilled for a sale to be successful. In many ways, it protects the buyer because they can back out of a sale if something is not right. For most sellers however, the fewer (or zero!) contingencies there are, the better. If you want to make your offer more appealing, discuss with your agent which contingencies you should waive but make sure you are comfortable with the risks involved. The most common types of contingencies are home inspection, title, financing, sale and home appraisal.\nNegotiating a counter offer\nIf a seller is willing to negotiate, it is generally a good sign. It means they are after more money or better terms, but they are willing to meet you somewhere in the middle. This is when you will benefit from your agent\u2019s experience and skills in negotiating. It is best not to prolong the negotiation and try to reach an agreement with the seller as quickly as possible so that he doesn\u2019t lose interest and goes for another buyer. During this time, either side can decide to ditch the deal at any time.\nUnfortunately, it\u2019s a no\nExperiencing a rejected offer is part and parcel of \nbuying property\n. It can be demotivating to lose the house you\u2019ve set your heart on but don\u2019t give up. Take it as a valuable learning experience that will help you in your next try. Always gather feedback from your agent on why your offer was rejected. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you at all. Perhaps the seller changed his mind about selling. Other times it could be one of the following:\nBidding war:\n The seller received many offers for his property and simply went with someone else\u2019s.\nToo low:\n Your offer price was much less than he was looking for, but he chose not to make a counteroffer.\nFinancing issues: \nYou were eligible for a loan but maybe the seller had other preferences like an all-cash buyer.\nSpecific terms: \nThe seller was fine with your offer price but maybe he wanted someone who could meet other terms like a buyer who could pay 20% down payment.\nYour offer is accepted!\nOnce you and the seller agree with the price and terms, you will sign the Letter of Offer and pay the earnest money. Typically, in Malaysia, from this point, you have 2 \u2013 3 weeks to sign the Sales & Purchase Agreement and pay the down payment unless a contingency of the sale is not met.\nClosing\nWhen your offer is accepted, you will enter the \nproperty closing process\n. In Malaysia, it can take between 3 \u2013 5 months before the keys to the new house are officially yours. You will need to hire a lawyer to handle the legal paperwork, choose a bank for your loan and continue to follow up with your agent to make sure things are moving smoothly. At the same time, you will have to prepare your funds as you will be spending a sizeable sum of money on closing costs.\nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-market-your-home-effectively/", "title": "How to market your home effectively", "body": "Marketing a home can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be done effectively and efficiently. Whether you\u2019re selling a starter home, a luxury property, or anything in between, there are several key strategies that you can use to help your home stand out in a crowded market. In this article, we\u2019ll explore some of the most effective ways to market your home, including the use of professional photography, virtual tours, and social media.\nOne of the most important things you can do when marketing your home is to hire a professional photographer. High-quality photographs are essential when it comes to attracting potential buyers, as they will be the first impression that many people have of your home. A professional photographer will be able to capture the best angles and features of your home, highlighting its best qualities and helping it to stand out in online listings. Make sure the photographer you choose has experience in real estate photography and have portfolio that you can review before hiring.\nIn addition to traditional photographs, many home sellers are now turning to virtual tours as a way to give potential buyers a more immersive and interactive experience. Virtual tours allow buyers to explore your home in a way that photos simply can\u2019t match, giving them a better sense of the layout and flow of the space. If a virtual tour is done well, it can help to increase engagement and interest in your home. Some of the technologies that can be used for this include 3D tours and videos\nSocial media is another powerful tool that you can use to market your home effectively. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to reach a wide audience with minimal effort, and they\u2019re a great way to connect with potential buyers. You can use social media to post high-quality photographs and videos of your home, as well as updates about open houses and other events. If you\u2019re not sure how to get started, consider hiring a social media marketing expert to help you create a strategy and manage your accounts.\nAnother way to market your home effectively is to use online listing services like Zillow, Redfin and Trulia. These platforms allow you to list your home in front of millions of potential buyers, and they\u2019re a great way to get your home in front of the right people. When creating your listing, be sure to include detailed information about your home, including photographs and a description of the features and amenities that make it unique. You can also include virtual tours and other multimedia to help your home stand out.\nAnother way to increase visibility for your home is through open houses. These events give buyers the opportunity to tour your home in person, and can be a great way to generate interest and build buzz. When planning your open house, be sure to choose a date and time that is convenient for potential buyers, and make sure that your home is clean and in good condition. You can also use online platforms, like Eventbrite, to help you organize and market your open house.\nIn addition to these strategies, there are many other things you can do to market your home effectively. For example, you can create a brochure that highlights the best features of your home, or you can reach out to local real estate agents to see if they\u2019re interested in promoting your home to their clients.\nAnother idea is to reach out to your network, friends and family, to see if they know anyone that is looking for a property. Even if they\u2019re not, they can help spread the word about your home, as this is still a valuable marketing channel, especially if you haven\u2019t got a budget for paid marketing methods.\nFinally, it\u2019s important to remember that marketing your home is an ongoing process, and it takes time and effort to get the results you want."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-nurture-your-real-estate-leads-so-they-become-sales/", "title": "How To Nurture Your Real Estate Leads So They Become Sales", "body": "Nurture Real Estate Leads\nNurturing real estate leads into a sale in Malaysia is like trying to score a date with the guy or girl of your dreams. Although first impressions matter, it is not everything. A couple of emails or phone calls are just not enough to seal the deal. You need to woo a lead into being a prospect, then a client and finally a closed client. This calls for an effective system to be in place \u2013 a real estate customer relationship management (CRM) solution.\nIt involves practices, strategies and technologies that help to manage your interactions with your customers and drive your leads towards sales. According to Forrester Research, companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales leads at 33% lower cost per lead.\nWhether you\u2019re new to the real estate scene in Malaysia or an old-timer, one of the biggest headaches is how to correctly categorise leads and nurture them in an efficient yet personalised way. Using an insightful CRM goes a long way in helping you. Find out how it can simplify your professional life with these 4 tips below.\nConsider your current methods for lead nurturing so you can improve those strategies and better engage with prospects.\nREHDA\u2019s Home Buyer Survey 2017 reveals that 56% of buyers in Malaysia want to own a home in the next 6 months. Is your lead nurturing strategy in line with this? A potential client\u2019s budget, urgency and character traits are all factors that determine how you shape your lead nurturing methods. Consider which leads are worth your time and money before investing into certain nurturing activities.\nTime away from the office and on the road, makes it challenging to keep up with every lead that comes your way. Fortunately, technology can help. Instead of randomly calling up or emailing leads, a CRM database system can help you to prioritise \u201chot\u201d leads first, for example, those who are planning to buy within a month.\nHave a plan for effective lead nurturing. For example, your plan can be like this:\nDedicate an hour every day to follow up with leads\nCreate a prioritised list of your leads with the CRM system\nCall or email leads according to your list\nEnter relevant notes into the CRM system straight away\nA dynamic real estate CRM software not only keeps all your information organised, it also improves your ability to send valuable content to targeted groups. This ultimately saves you precious time so you can focus on your other daily business activities that also require urgency and attention.\nUnderstand how a modern, \nreal estate CRM\n can both simplify your business tasks and enhance your bottom line.\nWithout an effective CRM in your real estate business, you run the risk of being unorganised with your contact list and nurture emails. You may not even realise that you\u2019re not doing all the things you should, to convert a lead into a sale.\nCRMs in the form of dynamic real estate technology tools are equipped with lead management features to improve your nurturing process in many ways. In fact, Gleanster reports that 74% of top-performing companies use automated lead nurturing. Automation frees you from being bound to your desk while still providing valuable content and information to your prospects.\nAutomating mundane and time-consuming tasks, like sending out emails, is a great way to stay on top of your leads. These systems enable you to set autoresponders to engage with potential clients who have an inquiry or to request them to provide their contact information. It gives a positive impression that you are organised, prompt and you take each lead seriously.\nModern CRMs also offer real-time activity tracking for your \nreal estate websites\n. You will be able to see the types of property and content people are most interested in. By monitoring how people interact with your sites, you can use this information to reach out to them and build the bridge towards being their real estate agent.\nIf the thought of figuring out a new system seems daunting, don\u2019t worry. CRM software is designed to be intuitive so you spend less time learning the ropes and more time focusing on the quality of leads coming. As long as you understand enough to use the system in a way that best suits your business needs, you\u2019re going to be alright.\nChoose a CRM that offers both a desktop and mobile version so you can see your leads\u2019 info at all times.\nYour real estate business is not just office-bound anymore. You are multitasking between road shows, open houses and a bunch of other tasks that keep you on the move. A mobile version of real estate CRM is important so you can conduct your business on the go.\nEnsure that you have seamless desktop-to-mobile synchronisation of your essential features like contact list, task reminders and sign-up notifications. It will be useful to track your leads\u2019 interactions on your sites from your phone and send a text to your lead with the mobile CRM for prompt and consistent communication.\nSend leads a series of drip marketing emails that entice and educate them and encourage them to keep you top of mind. \nWhether it\u2019s a new lead or a past client, keeping in touch with them is an important lead nurturing method. Using a CRM software, a drip email campaign that\u2019s customised to specific groups or individuals will do the trick. The key to an effective drip email campaign is:\nTo teach your lead something relevant. Every downloadable how-to guide or link to featured listings must teach them something about you and your real estate business.\nDeciding the frequency of the nurture that your leads will receive. For example, don\u2019t bombard leads who have been checking out your sites but are slow to respond to your emails. Instead, focus on the leads who are actively interacting with your site and you. Their drip email schedule should be different from the former group.\nLead nurturing takes effort, time and patience but real estate CRM can simplify it for you. Commit to it and remain in touch with your leads and you will start to see them becoming buyers, refer others and even repeat buyers in the future.\nWhat feature of a real estate CRM do you find the most useful? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-positively-promote-yourself-as-a-real-estate-agent/", "title": "How to positively promote yourself as a real estate agent", "body": "\u00a0\nAll the skills, technology and expertise in the world won\u2019t matter unless you are positively perceived by your prospective clientele.\nYour agency, your listings, your property developer, these can only take you so far. You also need to offer proof that you, above all others are the best real estate professional your prospects should be working with.\n\u00a0\nYour Personality\n\u00a0\nPersonality can make a huge difference in separating you from other property agents. Clients want to work with an agent who\u2019s attentive, trustworthy, and reliable. If you\u2019re serious about winning their business, you\u2019ll have to show them you\u2019re there to provide the best experience possible\u2013not just to collect a commission.\nA winning personality is about more than just your integrity. It\u2019s also important to be real and true to yourself. If you\u2019re naturally introverted, don\u2019t force yourself to be the extrovert outgoing agent you think everyone wants: chances are you will repel more people than you attract. Instead, focus on learning, sharing, and being as helpful and knowledgeable as possible in your specific property niche. \nContent marketing\n can be a major asset here as well: if initiating social interactions isn\u2019t your strength, your content will speak for you. (A great video or blog post could also inspire others to reach out to you for partnerships.)\nSimilarly, when it comes to getting involved in your community, don\u2019t just take up causes and join communities because so and so told you that you will find customers there; do it because you are genuinely interested in what the the association stands for. Your passion will say far more than just your membership.\n\u00a0\nWhen on Social Media\n\u00a0\nFor starters, you should be using social media to engage your audience and network and to find new customers. But just having a profile on one or two social media outlets isn\u2019t enough: you need to actively use those networks to spread the word about your expertise and your property business to everyone. Of course, there are a few things when it comes to social media etiquette.\nDon\u2019t complain about how busy you are.\nThis suggests you can\u2019t handle the workload and might signal that you wouldn\u2019t be pleasant to work with.\nDon\u2019t spam your networks with information about all of your listings.\nInstead, share them sparingly, concentrating on only the best and most unique and relevant properties.\nDon\u2019t brag about your successes.\nInstead, try to add value with every post. Share informative articles and research findings. Educate, enlighten, and enrich.\nDon\u2019t be vague.\nWhether it\u2019s a link to a blog post or a question you\u2019d like answered, make sure every post has a clear call to action.\nDon\u2019t be selfish.\nBalance promotion for your own company, listings, and content with posts that raise awareness for others, whether they\u2019re colleagues or local business owners.\nDon\u2019t overshare.\nAt best, people will ignore that post about what you had for lunch. At worst, they\u2019ll delete or block you. Before you share something, think seriously about whether your connections will be interested in it.\nDon\u2019t limit yourself to Facebook and Twitter\nWhile less traveled than those networks, LinkedIn is also less noisy, and since its users are actively looking for business and investment opportunities, the professional network boasts a higher lead conversion rate.\n\u00a0\nContent Marketing\n\u00a0\nYour social media accounts also serve another purpose: they\u2019re venues for promoting your expertise through high-quality, informative content. By creating your own content, you\u2019ll drive traffic to your \nreal estate website\n and create value for your visitors. Plus, you\u2019ll offer new leads serious proof of your professional worth. The proof that a headshot and a short bio on social media simply can\u2019t match.\nHere are a few suggestions to get you started with content:\nO\ufb00er advice and suggestions about everything from home maintenance to preparing a property for sale.\nProfile local businesses, highlighting restaurants, bars, and shops that prospective residents of your community should know about and visit.\nCreate a \nproperty neighborhood guide\n for each area you serve. Offer a free download in exchange for filling out a contact form.\nComment on current events in your community and the real estate market at large. Show people you know what\u2019s affecting their real estate prospects.\nCreate professional videos that show off the best listings in your inventory.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-prepare-your-home-for-sale/", "title": "How to prepare your home for sale", "body": "\u00a0\nPreparing your home for sale can be a big undertaking, but it\u2019s worth it to ensure that you get the best price possible for your property. By taking the time to make your home as attractive as possible to potential buyers, you\u2019ll be able to \nsell your home\n more quickly and for more money. In this article, we\u2019ll go over some of the key steps you should take to prepare your home for sale and make it stand out from the competition.\nFirst and foremost, it\u2019s important to declutter and depersonalise your home. This means getting rid of any unnecessary items that you may have accumulated over the years, such as old magazines, extra furniture, and personal items like family photos. The goal is to create a clean and open space that potential buyers can envision themselves living in. This can also include reorganising and rearranging the furniture to make rooms look larger and more inviting.\nNext, give your home a thorough cleaning. This means not just tidying up, but deep cleaning every room in the house, including bathrooms, kitchens, and even the basement. Clean the windows, scrub the floors, and dust all surfaces. Make sure to pay extra attention to the kitchen and bathrooms, as these are two of the most important rooms in a home when it comes to making a good impression on potential buyers.\nOnce the interior of your home is clean and clutter-free, it\u2019s time to focus on the exterior. This includes the roof, gutters, siding, and landscaping. Make sure that everything is in good repair and well-maintained. Power wash the exterior walls, clean the gutters and make sure that the roof is leak-free. Landscaping can be simple as a lawn mowing, trimming hedges and planting some flowers. It can make a big difference in how your home looks and can be a deciding factor for some buyers.\nAnother important step is to make sure that your home is well-lit. This means checking all of the light fixtures, replacing any bulbs that are burnt out, and adding additional lighting if necessary. This will help to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home, which will make it more appealing to buyers. Natural light is also an important factor in home design. If your home has a limited number of windows, consider installing solar tubes or skylights to bring more natural light into your home.\n\u00a0\nIn the kitchen, consider making some small updates that can have a big impact. This could include updating the appliances, painting the cabinets, or even replacing the countertops. Even small changes like new hardware for the cabinets can make a big difference in the overall appearance of the kitchen. Additionally, ensure that all appliances are in good working order and that the kitchen is spotless before showing your home to buyers.\nIn the bathrooms, make sure that the tile and grout are clean, and that the fixtures are in good working order. If your bathroom is looking a bit dated, consider making some small updates such as new fixtures or a fresh coat of paint. Newer bathroom fixtures can help to modernize the space and give it a more polished look. Additionally, ensure that all shower curtains, bathmats, and other bathroom linens are clean and looking new before showing your home to buyers.\nOne of the key elements in preparing your home for sale is staging. This means arranging furniture and decor in a way that will highlight the home\u2019s best features and create an emotional connection with potential buyers. You can hire a \nprofessional home stager\n or do it yourself, but the goal is to create an inviting and visually appealing space."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-sell-your-house-fast-in-malaysia/", "title": "How to sell your house fast in Malaysia", "body": "People often incorrectly assume that selling a house is all about the condition of the real estate market. While it is true that there are certain things beyond your control, there are some things you can do to assure that your house sells fast in Malaysia. If you need to sell your house quickly, these tried and tested tips will help you to get offers close to (or even exceed!) your asking price.\nChoose the right real estate agent\nDon\u2019t hire a \nreal estate agent\n just because you liked their profile picture on their listings page or they\u2019re a relative. Selling a house takes negotiating skills, time and good knowledge of the neighbourhood. You need a good real estate agent to help you to balance between finding the best price and a swift sale. Check online client reviews for the agents that you are considering and don\u2019t be afraid to ask questions, like:\n\u2013 What is your commission rate?\n\u2013 How many sales have you done in this neighbourhood?\n\u2013 How and where will you market my property?\n\u2013 Will you handle the viewing of my house?\n\u2013 Has a client ever filed a complaint against you?\nPrice it right\nOf course, you want to get as much as you can off your house sale but the key to selling it fast in Malaysia is setting a realistic price. To do that, consult a bank to get a \nvaluation of your property\n (it\u2019s a free service), survey the latest prices of similar properties in the area, ask real estate agents familiar with the location or refer to the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC). Avoid setting a sky-high price for your house with the intent of negotiating it lower later as this is detrimental for a fast sale. Your house may not turn up on homebuyers\u2019 online searches or worse still, completely discourage them from making an offer.\nTiming is important\nThe housing market rises and falls throughout the year so check with your real estate agent on when is the best time for a quick sale. You want to sell at a time when the demand is high to increase your chances of a fast sale. However, keep in mind that buyers tend to be choosy with more houses for sale on the market so put in a little effort to set yourself above the competition.\nBe accommodating to house tours\nThe more \npotential buyers\n who schedule a house tour, the greater your chances of a swift sale. So, make arrangements with your real estate agent to host an open house and be flexible about when people can view your house. However, before you open your house to scrutiny, spend a little time and money to make sure it\u2019s in tip-top shape because first impressions are impossible to reverse.\nUpdate your home\nA house that appears well maintained assures buyers that they don\u2019t have to worry about hidden defects. However, don\u2019t go crazy with the renovations as you\u2019re unlikely to get your money back anyway. Instead, focus on small upgrades like a fresh coat of paint or a new kitchen sink. Also, repairing things like leaky pipes or broken tiles will lead to a fast sale.\nJazz up the curb appeal\nThe outside of your house is just as important as the inside \u2013 it\u2019s usually the first thing people notice on house tours and listing sites! This means tidying up the yard, planting flowers, shaping hedges and so on. If you can afford to splurge a little, hire a professional landscaper to do the work for you.\nStage your home\nOnce you\u2019ve updated the interior and exterior of your house, it\u2019s time to hire a \nhome staging company\n. These professionals are great at showcasing the strengths of your house and downplaying the flaws. If you decide not to stage, then you must clean, declutter and depersonalise. To sell your house fast, remove family photos, religious items and political memorabilia so that potential buyers can visualise their family in the house, not yours.\nTake good photos\nIf you want to sell your house fast in Malaysia, resist the urge to \ntake photos of your house\n on your smartphone and hire a professional photographer instead. Most homebuyers search online and will decide based on photos whether to view a house or not. A good photo emphasises the best features of your house and makes your space look as appealing as possible.\nNegotiate for a fast win-win\nIf a buyer is interested in your house, their agent will most likely contact your agent to \nmake an offer\n. You will need to decide what will motivate you to close the deal. Is a lower asking price acceptable if it means the sale will be quick? During this time, keep in regular contact with the potential buyer via your real estate agent to ensure that they are serious about buying and not merely window shopping. Remember that houses on the secondary market in Malaysia takes around three months to find a buyer. Any longer than this and buyers get suspicious that there is something wrong with the property.\nSeal the deal\nOnce you accept an offer, congratulations, you have entered the final stretch of \nclosing the sale of your home\n. This usually means financing, appointing a lawyer, home inspection, title, appraisal and a final walk-through. Once all that is settled, you will pay your real estate agent his or her commission, receive your money and hand over the keys to the new owners.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-set-the-right-price-for-your-home/", "title": "How to set the right price for your home", "body": "\u00a0\nSetting the right price for your home can be a daunting task, as it can have a significant impact on how quickly and easily your \nhome sells\n. Pricing your home too high can lead to it sitting on the market for an extended period of time, while pricing it too low can result in you leaving money on the table. In this article, we will discuss some of the key factors to consider when determining the right price for your home, and provide some tips for setting a competitive and attractive price for potential buyers.\nOne of the most important factors to consider when setting the price for your home is the current market conditions. It is essential to have a clear understanding of what similar homes in your area are selling for, as this will give you an idea of the range of prices that buyers are willing to pay. You can research this information by looking at recent home sales in your neighbourhood, or by consulting with a real estate agent who is familiar with the local market.\nAnother important factor to consider is the condition of your home. Homes that are in good condition and have been well-maintained are likely to command higher prices than homes that are in need of repairs or upgrades. If your home is in need of repairs or upgrades, you may want to consider making these improvements before putting your home on the market, as this can help increase the \nvalue of your home\n and make it more attractive to potential buyers.\nYou should also consider the size and layout of your home. Homes with more square footage, more bedrooms and bathrooms, and additional amenities such as a garage or a swimming pool, are likely to command higher prices than smaller or less well-appointed homes. The location of your home is also a significant factor that can affect its value. Homes located in desirable neighbourhoods or school districts are likely to command higher prices than homes located in less desirable areas.\nWhen setting the price for your home, it is also important to consider the competition. If there are a large number of similar homes on the market in your area, you may need to set a lower price in order to be competitive and attract buyers. On the other hand, if there are few similar homes on the market, you may be able to set a higher price and still attract buyers.\nIn addition to these factors, it is also important to take into account any unique selling points that your home may have. For example, if your home has a great view or is located near a popular park, this can be used as a selling point to justify a higher price. Similarly, if your home has recently been updated with new appliances, flooring or other features, this can also be used as a selling point to justify a higher price.\nWhen it comes to setting the price for your home, it is important to be realistic and flexible. A good starting point for determining the price for your home is to consult with a real estate agent who has experience selling homes in your area. They will be able to provide you with an accurate and professional valuation of your home, and also give you an idea of how long it may take for your home to sell based on your asking price.\nAnother good way to get a sense of what your home is worth is to compare it to similar homes in your area that have recently sold. This will give you an idea of what buyers are willing to pay for a home like yours, and help you determine the right price range for your home.\nOnce you have a good idea of what price to set for your home, it is important to be prepared to negotiate. Many buyers will try to negotiate the price of the home, and it is important to be prepared to make concessions in order to close the deal."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-take-great-photos-of-your-property-in-malaysia/", "title": "How to take great photos of your property in Malaysia", "body": "To make sure you \nsell your home\n at the best price in Malaysia, great looking photos are very important. Most buyers will only decide to view a property if the photos look good and are what they are looking for. To help you take the best photos possible of your home, we have come up with a few simple tips and tricks for making your \nMalaysian home\n photos magazine worthy.\n\u00a0\nMake sure you clean your property\nBefore taking any photos, you must reorganise and declutter first.\u00a0 Especially if the photo is for a real estate ad, you\u2019re going to want to clean up and throw away anything that takes away from the space in an effort to give prospective buyers a clear view of the potential property.\nIf the photograph is being taken for a \nrental property\n, these pictures need to be extremely tidy. Clients will be looking for cleanliness which is a big indicator of how comfortable the home will be. This may require the hiring of a Malaysian home staging expert as they know how to make your home look open and welcoming.\nGo into your photography session with a plan\nIf you\u2019re looking to create a comfortable feeling around your photograph, consider taking the most of your shots in late afternoon as the sun filters dimly through the room. Alternatively, if you\u2019re looking for a bright and airy photograph of an interior room, afternoon is going to be your best time for the clearest light. Also don\u2019t forget to turn on all the lighting sources in the room such as lamps, fixed bulbs, and wall lights. Having layered lighting creates an overall sense of warmth and openness.\nBuy the right photography equipment\nIt would definitely be easy to just pull out your smart phone and snap a perfectly professional shot of your property. However, its not as easy as you think. Without a little help, homemade shots just aren\u2019t good enough.\nProfessional photographers spend a lot of money investing in the right equipment to get the perfect shot every time. While it\u2019s not recommended that you spend your life savings on equipment for photos, it is highly beneficial to invest a little into buying (or possibly borrowing) the proper equipment.\u00a0 No matter what, it will be cheaper than hiring a professional photographer for the property.\nWhen it comes to the right camera, there are plenty of choices to be considered on the market. One that often finds its way into homeowner hands is the SLR, or single lens reflex camera. Many agree that this type of camera gives a very stabilizing effect and creates very clear shots overall.\nUse good lighting for your property photographs\nOne of the most important factors when it comes to photographing your property, is lighting. Lighting can alter the feel of a photograph drastically within a matter of minutes depending on the time of day.\nMake sure that your photographs are not blurry\nThe space will not look good even if its a well-staged interior photograph of a home because of blurry edges or lines in the photograph. If you\u2019re going to take photographs the right way, make sure you put as much care into the actual picture as you do setting up for it!\nPlay with angles around the property\nWhile the goal is obviously to get a great shot of any given room, many people make the mistake of stopping the photo shoot too early. In order to get the perfect shot and angle, you\u2019re going to have to invest your time with different angles and memory card space.\nWhen it comes to photographing your property like a professional, you\u2019re going to have to think like one. This means you\u2019ll need to take more pictures than necessary and be willing to shoot as many angles as you can find. As lighting changes and angles change, the best photo can come out of the most unexpected of shots!\nAlso, it\u2019s important to be adventurous with your setup choices. If getting a great photo means taking the time to set up some helpful artificial lighting, then so be it. And don\u2019t be afraid to move furniture and accessories around to improve the space, even if it\u2019s only temporary.\nGet Help\nIf you find yourself struggling with the final results, never hesitate to reach out to friends and family. Run some of your final photos by them and ask them what they think. If you get the answer you\u2019re looking for, great! If not, it\u2019s time to keep on clicking because after all, you\u2019re trying to do this like a professional.\n\u00a0\nWhile doing your own home photography can be a challenge, the results are often worth the risk. It gives you a chance to not only create your own space, but put your personal touch into the final product in nearly every way. This will mean a higher change of your \nproperty selling\n for the best price on the market, or finding a renter who is willing to pay more.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-take-great-photos-of-your-property/", "title": "How to take great photos of your property", "body": "To make sure you sell your home at the best price on the market, great looking photos are very important. Most buyers will only decide to view a property if the photos look good and are what they are looking for. To help you take the best photos possible of your home, we have come up with a few simple tips and tricks for making your\u00a0home photos magazine worthy.\n\u00a0\nMake sure your property is clean\nBefore taking any photos, you must reorganise and declutter first.\u00a0 Especially if the photo is for a real estate advertisement listing, you\u2019re going to want to clean up and throw away anything that takes away from the space in an effort to give prospective buyers a clear view of the potential property.\nIf the photograph is being taken for a \nrental property\n, these pictures need to be extremely tidy. Clients will be looking for cleanliness which is a big indicator of how comfortable the home will be. This may require the hiring of a home staging expert as they know how to make your home look open and welcoming.\nGo into your photography session with a good plan\nIf you\u2019re looking to create a comfortable feeling around your photograph, consider taking the most of your shots in late afternoon as the sun filters dimly through the room. Alternatively, if you\u2019re looking for a bright and airy photograph of an interior room, afternoon is going to be your best time for the clearest light. Also don\u2019t forget to turn on all the lighting sources in the room such as lamps, fixed bulbs, and wall lights. Having layered lighting creates an overall sense of warmth and openness.\nBuy the right photography equipment for the best results\nIt would definitely be easy to just pull out your smart phone and snap a perfectly professional shot of your property. However, its not as easy as you think. Without a little help, homemade shots just aren\u2019t good enough or presentable.\nProfessional photographers spend a lot of money investing in the right equipment to get the perfect shot every time. While it\u2019s not recommended that you spend your life savings on equipment for photos, it is highly beneficial to invest a little into buying (or possibly borrowing) the proper equipment.\u00a0 No matter what, it will be cheaper than hiring a professional photographer for the property.\nWhen it comes to the right camera, there are plenty of choices to be considered on the market. One that often finds its way into homeowner hands is the SLR, or single lens reflex camera. Many agree that this type of camera gives a very stabilising effect and creates very clear shots overall.\nUse good lighting for your real estate photographs\nOne of the most important factors when it comes to photographing your property is lighting. Lighting can alter the feel of a photograph drastically within a matter of minutes depending on the time of day.\nMake sure that your photographs are not blurry\nThe space will not look good even if its a well-staged interior photograph of a home because of blurry edges or lines in the photograph. If you\u2019re going to take photographs the right way, make sure you put as much care into the actual picture as you do setting up for it!\nPlay with angles around the property\nWhile the goal is obviously to get a great shot of any given room, many people make the mistake of stopping the photo shoot too early. In order to get the perfect shot and angle, you\u2019re going to have to invest your time with different angles and memory card space.\nWhen it comes to photographing your property like a professional, you\u2019re going to have to think like one. This means you\u2019ll need to take more pictures than necessary and be willing to shoot as many angles as you can find. As lighting changes and angles change, the best photo can come out of the most unexpected of shots!\nAlso, it\u2019s important to be adventurous with your setup choices. If getting a great photo means taking the time to set up some helpful artificial lighting, then so be it. And don\u2019t be afraid to move furniture and accessories around to improve the space, even if it\u2019s only temporary.\nGet Help\nIf you find yourself struggling with the final results, never hesitate to reach out to friends and family. Run some of your final photos by them and ask them what they think. If you get the answer you\u2019re looking for, great! If not, it\u2019s time to keep on clicking because after all, you\u2019re trying to do this like a professional.\n\u00a0\nWhile doing your own home photography can be a challenge, the results are often worth the risk. It gives you a chance to not only create your own space, but put your personal touch into the final product in nearly every way. This will mean a higher change of your \nproperty selling\n for the best price on the market, or finding a renter who is willing to pay more.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-treat-your-real-estate-leads-like-vip-even-during-covid-19/", "title": "How to treat your real estate leads like VIP even during Covid-19", "body": "When real estate competition is tough, and technology is automating services left right and center, what makes you stand apart from the other real estate professionals? Providing a VIP treatment, a red carpet client experience that will leave a lasting impression on your leads. It is also important to never forget that you are in the real estate service industry! The experience your clients have with you will make or break your sphere of influence, and amazing client experiences can build the foundation for a lasting, thriving property business.\n1. Reach Out To Clients During Milestones\nHave you ever received a handwritten birthday card from your supplier? Or an holiday card from your doctor? It may seem very simple, but those little gestures can go a very long way. As a real estate agent, you are involved in one of the most important decisions in your clients\u2019 lives, and you end up spending quite a bit of time getting to know your clients during their property buying journey. Reaching out to them to show that you care, will make your clients feel appreciated, and will provide a lasting impression on them.\nYou can even use Facebook Lists, which will make this process so much easier. Simply organize all of your clients into a Facebook List. You can break it down even further, by grouping them into \u201cBuyer Prospects,\u201d \u201cCurrent Clients,\u201d and \u201cPast Clients.\u201d Once they\u2019re grouped into lists, you can click on a specific list, and see only the \u201cnews\u201d from those people. This way you can easily keep up with milestones such as birthdays, weddings, etc.\nHere are a some ideas to get you started:\nHandwritten birthday cards\nFlowers once a closing has gone through\nA bag of treats if they have a new pet\nCongratulations card for a new job or baby\nQuick phone call to check-in a few months down the road. \u201cJust wanted to see how you\u2019re settling into your new property!\u201d\n2. Listen to Clients and Ask Questions\nFor you, the process of buying a property is very routine. You\u2019ve walked many clients through it time and time again, and you\u2019ve perfected your process into a nicely packaged system. For a first time homebuyer, however, it\u2019s a totally new experience to them.\nWe know you\u2019re busy property agent. And of course, you don\u2019t have time to spend countless hours talking to every client, but don\u2019t underestimate the importance of listening and communicating to them. Hear what they have to say when they\u2019re describing their perfect property. Ask many questions, and genuinely listen when they discuss their concerns, preferences, hopes and fears. At the end of the day, the property agent who listens, is the agent a client is going to trust and recommend to their friends and family.\nParticularly, right now as the Corona virus pandemic unfolds, fears and uncertainty about the right move and the state of the housing market are troubling your clients\u2019 decision-making. You can be their source of comfort by hearing all their concerns and providing trusted sources of \u00a0valuable \nproperty data and information\n to help guide them in their real estate process.\n3. Anticipate What Your Clients Need\nYou need to be in the right place at the right time for your clients, this is what will set you apart from the rest of your \nreal estate competition\n and help you close the deal. But it\u2019s not easy keeping tabs on the hundreds, potentially thousands and tens of thousands of leads in your \nreal estate client database\n. So be sure to leverage great technology like CRMS to help you stay in front of leads and clients at the right time.\nWhat is the most valuable currency in the world? Time ofcourse. So disrespecting someone else\u2019s time is a sure way to come across as unprofessional and disorganized. Of course, life happens.\u00a0 But always be honest and upfront with your clients. If you are running late, or have to reschedule an appointment, let them know as soon as possible, and apologize beforehand.\nEven during social distancing, we all still seem to fill our calendars with real estate appointments. Whether you\u2019re at home or struggling to find some quiet office space, try to prioritise time-blocking to avoid being late.\nSome tips for being on time:\nBe clear about exact location, and check waze ahead of time. (Always plan for traffic!)\nBe very thorough (to the minute!) with your Google calendar.\nHave a journal or physical planner in addition to your phone.\nSynchronize all of your devices to the same time for accuracy.\nSet proper boundaries and expectations for appointments. If a meeting is extending on, you\u2019ll be able to say, \u201cI have to stop at 2pm for my next.\u201d\n4. Be Compassionate To Your Clients\nExcellent customer service is always very important. But now, you have to go that extra mile.\nBeing friendly will never go out of style. Be the property agent who brightens a client\u2019s day. Be the agent who goes the extra mile to make a stressful situation feel a little less stressful. A great way to make sure you are providing a friendly experience, is to work it into your own core values or mission statement. Whether you are a single agent, or you work with a team, being kind should always be you number one priority.\nIt may be tough to be friendly when you\u2019re feeling stressed or overwhelmed! Take all the necessary steps during the day to make sure that you\u2019re calm, collected, and enjoying yourself. Property agents spend a lot of time in their car! When you\u2019re on your way to an appointment with a client, put on your favorite playlist, album, or audiobook, and allow yourself to have a few brief minutes of \u201cyou time.\u201d Additionally, exercise and a healthy diet are natural energy-boosters and can help keep your mood elevated all day, so start being active.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-use-content-from-positive-customer-feedback/", "title": "How to use content from positive customer feedback", "body": "Think about your real estate clients, the people whose reviews, ratings, and testimonials ultimately matter for your long-term success for you as a real estate agent. It\u2019s these people who can most impact your future lead generation and sales numbers, as it\u2019s their voices that will be heard by those prospects when it comes time to select a real estate agent to represent their property needs.\nWhile your property website and \ndigital content marketing\n plays a very important role in your business growth, its important to note that social proof has become in buyers\u2019 and sellers\u2019 decision-making in this day and age. Your clients\u2019 opinions is the most important as it relates to your bottom line. The good news regarding your social proof efforts is there are many different mediums you can use to showcase your client feedback you receive on your real estate website.\n1.Testimonials Page\nThe most basic method is to create a dedicated \nreal estate testimonials\n page, where you can include quick content snippets of the many recommendations you get from clients, usually in just a few sentences. You can develop a big list that features every client you\u2019ve ever had who offered their feedback on the work you did for them and your brand in general. Just imagine you\u2019re one of your website visitors checking out this page: If you saw several dozen people indicating just how happy they were with your work, wouldn\u2019t you want to learn more about the real estate agent in question and consider hiring them?\n2.Reviews Page.\nWhereas testimonials are the short-form social proof for your real estate website, online reviews can be considered the longer editions. Do the same as you did for your testimonials, but instead of having the reviews on your own sites, ask your clients to learn their reviews on online review sites, like \nyouragentreview.com\n, Google reviews, or Facebook. This makes the review independent therefore more credible.\n3.Video Interviews. \nYou can even feature video recordings not just on the testimonial pages, but also on your homepage and about page \u2014 perhaps even a video montage of different client interviews mashed together to show just how many people you\u2019ve helped purchase or offload homes for sale over the years in one, 2-minute clip. When featured on these pages, you can craft copy to accompany the videos that acts as even further proof of your business acumen: for instance, sharing you\u2019ve helped X buyers in your market buy homes since your career began or noting you sold Y dollars worth of property in the past decade.\n4.Infographics:\nYou can use this medium to showcase your most satisfied customers as well. Ask clients you\u2019ve closed deals for if they don\u2019t mind if you use a photo of them, their feedback, and the listings they bought or sold in stylish infographics you can feature on your website and in other online channels (e.g. lead-nurture emails and your social media pages \u2014 including and especially Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).\nThese are just some of the digital content assets you can generate from the notes and opinions your customers share with you post sale. If you\u2019re stuck in terms of how you can differentiate your reviews and testimonials from other agents in your market, simply evaluate their \nreal estate websites\n. How do they exhibit their social proof? How detailed are their site pages that feature client responses? What kinds of calls to action do they incorporate on those pages to improve their lead conversion odds? Ask yourself these questions whenever you want to start (or restart) your \nsocial proof marketing\n so you can give your brand and property website advantage on the competition and truly make your real estate business and web presence stand out from the rest.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/how-to-use-data-analytics-to-optimise-real-estate-sales-campaigns/", "title": "How to use data & analytics to optimise real estate sales campaigns", "body": "\u00a0 \nWe live in a digital world, data and \nproperty analytics\n play a crucial role in the success of \nreal estate lead generation\n campaigns. By tracking and analysing key metrics, property developers and real estate agents can gain valuable insights into the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimise their strategies. In this article, we will explore some of the best practices and tools for using data and analytics to optimise real estate lead generation campaigns. \u00a0 \u00a0\nMetrics to Track\n \u00a0 The following are some of the key metrics that property developers and real estate agents should track to measure the effectiveness of their lead generation campaigns:\nConversion rate: The percentage of visitors to your website who take a desired action, such as filling out a form or requesting more information.\nCost per lead: The amount of money you spend to acquire a single lead through your marketing efforts.\nReturn on investment (ROI): The ratio of the revenue generated by your campaign to the cost of running the campaign.\nClick-through rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click on an ad or link in your campaign.\nEngagement rate: The level of interaction your audience has with your content, such as likes, comments, and shares on social media.\n\u00a0\nTools to Use\n \u00a0 There are several tools available for real estate agents and brokers to track and analyse the metrics mentioned above. Here are some of the most popular tools for optimising real estate lead generation campaigns:\nGoogle Analytics: A free tool that provides insights into website traffic, user behaviour, and conversions.\nProperty CRM\n software: Customer relationship management software can help track leads, automate follow-up processes, and provide insights into the sales pipeline.\nA/B testing tools: These tools allow you to test different versions of your website or ad campaigns to see which performs better.\nHeat mapping tools: These tools provide visual representations of how users interact with your website, which can help identify areas for improvement.\n\u00a0\nBest Practices\n \u00a0 To effectively use data and analytics to optimise real estate lead generation campaigns, it is important to follow some best practices:\nSet clear goals: Define what you want to achieve with your campaign and set specific, measurable goals to track progress.\nUse the right metrics: Choose metrics that align with your goals and track them consistently to gain a clear picture of your campaign\u2019s performance.\nTest and iterate: Continuously test and optimise your campaigns to identify what works best for your audience.\nUse segmentation: Segment your audience based on factors such as behaviour, demographics, and interests to deliver targeted messages and increase conversion rates.\nMonitor competition: Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing and adjust your strategies accordingly.\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0 In conclusion, using data and analytics to optimise real estate lead generation campaigns is essential for success in today\u2019s digital landscape. By tracking key metrics, using the right tools, and following best practices, real estate agents and brokers can gain valuable insights into their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve performance and generate more leads. \nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/impact-of-inflation-on-the-property-industry/", "title": "The Impact of Inflation on the Property Industry: Exploring the Challenges & Opportunities", "body": "\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nAs everyone in the world knows right now, inflation is a problem that affects almost every aspect of the economy, and the property development industry is definitely no exception. Everywhere around the world the cost of raw materials are on the rise, property developers are struggling to maintain their profit margins and are being forced to delay the launch of their new developments. Today we will focus on Malaysia as a prime example of the current inflation issue in the property industry.\nIn Malaysia, the REHDA (Real Estate and Housing Developers\u2019 Association Malaysia) has done a survey that shows 51% of developers are not launching new projects in the 1\nst\n half of 2023, given the unfavourable market conditions.\n\u00a0 \nREHDA\u2019s president Datuk N.K. Tong said that based on current sentiment, 94 per cent of developers in its survey attributed that having access to end financing for homebuyers continue to be the main challenge for homebuyers.\n\u201cLooking at this environment, we think developers are waiting until the banks take a more positive view on financing terms. Besides, depending on the location on their projects, developers feel that the market isn\u2019t quite there yet, or hasn\u2019t reached the sales price that will make sense for them to launch,\u201d he said at a press conference after presenting Rehda\u2019s Property Industry Survey 2H 2022 and Market Outlook for 2023.\n\u00a0\nDatuk N.K. Tong also added that with the rising inflation situation, developers were having difficulty anticipating cost increases to be incurred, and how they would be able to keep within the affordability price range for home buyers. \u201cAbout 68 per cent of respondents expect building material costs will continue to trend higher for another 12 months at least until they stabilise.\n\u00a0\nBut the real question is what can property developers do to overcome these challenges? So let\u2019s explore some of the options available to property developers to help them navigate this difficult period.\n\u00a0\nIncrease Property Prices?\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nWell the most obvious option available to property developers is to increase the prices of their property projects.\n\u00a0\nEven Datuk N.K. Tong from REHDA said \u201cTo counter the price increase in building materials, developers have no choice but to increase property selling prices (double digit on average) or lower their profit margin,\u201d\n\u00a0\nWhile this may seem like an easy solution, it is important to remember that property buyers in the current market are very price sensitive, and any increase in the price of a property may lead to a decrease in demand because of affordability issues. Property developers need to be able to strike a delicate balance between maintaining their profit margins and keeping their properties affordable for buyers.\n\u00a0\nFind Different Suppliers?\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nAnother option for property developers is to source materials from different suppliers. By doing so, they may be able to find suppliers who offer better prices or who are not as affected by inflation. However, there is the issue of quality, and it is very important to make sure that the quality of the materials remains high, as the use of substandard materials could lead to serious problems for buyers down the line.\nProperty developers\n can also explore alternative construction methods that use cheaper or more sustainable materials. For example, some developers are turning to modular construction, which involves building components offsite and then assembling them onsite. This method can reduce the cost of construction and also speed up the construction process, allowing developers to launch their projects sooner. We have added a fun video below of \u201cLego\u201d type construction.\n\u00a0\nhttps://www.realestatemy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/video.mp4\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nGovernment Subsidies or Tax Breaks?\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nAnother option for property developers is to seek out government subsidies or tax breaks. Governments around the world are increasingly offering incentives for developers who use sustainable materials or who build affordable housing.\n\u00a0\nDatuk N.K. Tong\n\u00a0 \nfrom REHDA also mentioned \u201cWe have asked the government to review any levies or import taxes on imported materials, but the reality is everything that we consume requires energy especially for construction materials.\n\u201cWe hope the government can help to ensure that everything (along the supply chain) is running smoothly, such as construction material costs, the shortage of labour and remove any impediments that may cause the price to go up and encourage competition,\u201d.\nBy taking advantage of these incentives, property developers may be able to offset some of the increased costs associated with inflation.\n\u00a0\nAnd finally what can Malaysian developers do to increase their sales in this difficult period?\n\u00a0\nInternational Marketing?\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nOne approach that developers can take is to focus on \ninternational sales\n to broaden their marketing reach. International sales can help property developers to expand their home buyer base and reach new markets. This approach can be particularly effective in a tough market where local demand may be limited. By targeting international buyers, developers can tap into new sources of demand and potentially \nincrease sales volume\n.\nHowever, there are also some challenges that developers may face when focusing on international sales.\n\u00a0\nFor example, they may need to navigate different cultural norms, language barriers, and legal regulations in different countries.\n\u00a0\nProperty developers will need to invest in marketing and promotional efforts that cater to the preferences of international buyers,\n\u00a0\nas well as build partnerships with local agents and consultants to help them navigate these challenges.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIn conclusion, while inflation is undoubtedly a challenge for property developers, there are several options available to help them navigate this difficult period. Whether it is through increasing prices, sourcing materials from different suppliers, exploring alternative construction methods, or seeking out government subsidies or tax breaks, or marketing their properties internationally, developers need to be creative and adaptable in their approach. By doing so, they can ensure that they continue to build quality properties that meet the needs of buyers, while also maintaining their profit margins.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/importance-property-lead-response-speed/", "title": "The importance of property lead response speed", "body": "Stay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/improving-lead-nurturing-for-real-estate-leads/", "title": "Improving Lead Nurturing For Real Estate Leads", "body": "Conversion rates for real estate leads have been on a steady decline due to increased competition and higher expectations from prospective buyers. Real estate industry professionals need to up their game when it comes to converting a lead to a sale, and people in the property industry need to understand that lead nurturing and follow-up processes are essential for converting potential leads into customers.\nBy implementing effective lead nurturing and follow-up processes, real estate professional can improve their chances of closing deals and generating more revenue. Today, we will explore some strategies for improving lead nurturing and follow-up processes for real estate leads, including CRM integration, retargeting, and email marketing. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\nCRM Integration\nA \nproperty CRM\n (Customer Relationship Management) system can help you track leads and manage your sales process more effectively. By integrating your CRM with your lead nurturing and follow-up processes, you can streamline your workflow and improve your chances of closing leads. Here are some strategies for using CRM integration to improve lead nurturing and follow-up processes in real estate: \u00a0\nAutomate Lead Capture\nUse CRM automation tools to capture leads from your website, social media, or other channels.\nUse Lead Scoring\nUse lead scoring to prioritise leads based on factors such as behaviour, demographics, and interests.\nTrack Engagement\nUse your CRM to track engagement with potential customers, such as website activity, email opens, and social media interactions. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\nEmail Marketing\nEmail marketing\n is one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and build relationships with potential customers. Here are some strategies for using email marketing to improve lead nurturing and follow-up processes in real estate: \u00a0\nSegment Your Email List\nSegment your email list based on factors such as lead source, demographics, and behaviour to deliver targeted, personalised messages to your subscribers.\nProvide Valuable Content\nUse your emails to provide valuable content, such as tips for home buyers or sellers, industry news, or information about your projects.\nUse Automation\nUse email automation tools to send targeted messages based on triggers, such as lead capture forms or website activity. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nRetargeting\nRetargeting is a powerful advertising strategy that can help keep your brand top-of-mind with potential customers. By showing targeted ads to people who have already visited your \nreal estate website\n, you can increase the likelihood of conversion. Here are some strategies for using retargeting to improve lead nurturing and follow-up processes in real estate: \u00a0\nUse Dynamic Retargeting\nUse dynamic retargeting to show potential customers ads featuring properties they have viewed on your website.\nOffer Incentives\nOffer incentives, such as special rebates, a free investment consultation or a personalised property search, to entice potential buyers to return to your website.\nUse Social Media Retargeting\nUse social media retargeting to show ads to potential customers who have engaged with your brand on social media. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nConclusion\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\nImproving lead nurturing and follow-up processes is essential for real estate professionals looking to generate revenue and close more deals. By implementing effective email marketing, retargeting, and CRM integration strategies, real estate professionals can nurture leads and build relationships with potential customers, ultimately increasing their chances of success. Remember to continually test and optimise your lead nurturing and follow-up processes to identify what works best for your property business. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/keys-success-new-real-estate-agents/", "title": "Keys For Success For New Real Estate Agents", "body": "Keys For Success For New \nReal Estate Agents\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/leverage-social-proof-trust-signals-for-real-estate/", "title": "Leveraging Social Proof & Trust Signals For Real Estate", "body": "The real estate industry is a highly competitive industry, and generating leads is crucial to the success of any real estate project. However, this is more easily said than done, as building trust and credibility with potential buyers can be a challenge, especially in a market where consumers are becoming increasingly skeptical of property developers. Today, we will explore how leveraging your brand\u2019s social proof and trust signals can help \nboost lead generation\n for all real estate professionals. \u00a0\nSocial Proof\n \u00a0\nSocial proof is a powerful tool that real estate professionals can use to demonstrate to potential buyers that their property projects are trustworthy, credible and wont be abandoned before being built. Here are some social proof strategies that can be used to boost your lead generation strategies: \u00a0\nCustomer Testimonials\nPositive reviews and testimonials\n from past buyers can help demonstrate the value and quality of your property projects. Displaying them prominently on your website and other marketing materials can help build trust and credibility with potential buyers who need some assurance. \u00a0\nShowcase Past Project Successes\nHighlighting your previous successful projects can also help establish credibility and demonstrate expertise in handling property sales. This can include displaying images and information about completed projects and the success they have had with buyers and the community. \u00a0\nUtilise Social Media\nSocial media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, can be used to display social proof. Sharing customer reviews and testimonials on social media can help build trust and credibility with potential buyers. \u00a0\nTrust Signals\nTrust signals are visual elements that signal to potential buyers that your projects are trustworthy and legitimate, and have been approved by relevant authorities. Here are some trust signal strategies that can be used to boost lead generation and sales: \u00a0\nDisplay Project Information\nProviding detailed information about the property project, such as the location, features, amenities and any accreditations, can help establish credibility and demonstrate the quality of your projects. \u00a0\nUse High-Quality Images & Design\nUsing high-quality images and professional design can also help signal that your projects are legitimate and trustworthy. Investing in professional photography, visualisations and design can pay off in the long run by helping to build trust and credibility with potential buyers. \u00a0\nProvide Contact Information\nProviding clear and accessible contact information, such as a phone number and email address, can help demonstrate that your business is legitimate and accessible. Just make sure the email address gets responded to and the phone number actually works, because if they don\u2019t this will have the opposite effect on your brand. \u00a0\nConclusion\nLeveraging social proof and trust signals have been proved to help real estate professionals build trust and credibility with potential buyers, which can ultimately lead to more leads and quicker sales. Incorporating customer testimonials, past successes, detailed project information, and high-quality design can help set your projects apart from your competitors and establish trust with potential buyers. Remember to continually test and optimise your social proof and trust signal strategies to identify what works best for your \nreal estate brand\n. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/mistakes-to-avoid-when-selling-a-property-in-2021/", "title": "Mistakes to Avoid When Selling a Property in 2021", "body": "\u00a0\nWhat to Avoid When Selling a Property in 2021\nIt\u2019s exciting to put your property on the market and to think about how much your \nproperty value\n has appreciated, but sometimes we can have deep sentimental attachments to the homes we\u2019re leaving behind. Growing emotions can hinder a sale, depending on how you manage them.\nSo when it comes to the bottom line, sellers need to know what it takes to avoid costly mistakes. Being mindful of these things and being prepared for this kind of process can help you avoid some of the most common mistakes when \nselling your property\n.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n1. Don\u2019t Overprice Your Home\nIts common to think buyers will pay whatever you asks for when you price your property for sale. But believe it or not, that\u2019s very far from the truth. Don\u2019t forget that the buyer\u2019s bank will send a valuation appraisal to determine the fair value of your property. The bank will not lend more than what the property is worth, so be mindful that you might need to renegotiate the price after the valuation appraisal. A real estate professional can help you to set the true value of your property.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. Don\u2019t Let Your Emotions Interfere\nIf you have been living in your property for several years, you may get a little bit emotionally attached to your space. If it\u2019s the first home you bought after you got married or the house where your children grew up, it very likely means something extra special to you and your family. Every home has memories and it\u2019s hard to detach from the sentimental value. So for some homeowners that makes it even harder to negotiate, because its hard separating the emotional value of the home from the actual market price. That\u2019s why you need a real estate professional to help you with the negotiations in the selling process.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. Do Staging Your Home\nIt\u2019s so important to make sure you \nstage your home\n with the buyers in mind. Buyers want to envision themselves in the space, so it truly feels like their own property. They need to see themselves in the property with their furniture and belongings \u2013 not your personal pictures and decorations. So stage and tidy your home so they can visualise their own dream home as they walk through your house. A real estate professional can help you with tips to get your home ready to stage and sell, either virtually or physically.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIn Summary\nSelling your property is a big decision and should be done with proper preparation. So if you\u2019re considering selling your house, sit down with a local real estate professional to help you navigate through the process while avoiding common seller mistakes that are usually made.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/optimising-real-estate-landing-pages-better-lead-generation/", "title": "Optimising Real Estate Landing Pages For Better Lead Generation", "body": " \u00a0\nIt\u2019s never a good idea to just throw a bunch of random information about your property project on a landing page and expect visitors will \u201cjust\u201d convert into leads. This is definitely far from the truth, as having well optimised \nproject landing pages\n are an essential element of any successful \nreal estate lead generation campaign\n.\nA well-designed landing page can be the deciding factor between a successful lead capture and a lost opportunity.\n\u00a0 \nSo let\u2019s deep dive and explore the best practices and design elements for optimising your landing pages for real estate lead generation.\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nHere are 5 best practices for real estate landing page design\n\u00a0\n1. Keep It Simple\nThe most effective landing pages are those that are simple, straightforward, and easy to navigate. Avoid clutter, unnecessary information, or design elements that distract from the main goal of the landing page, which is capturing leads. \u00a0\n2. Focus On Your Benefits\nYour landing page should clearly communicate the benefits of your real estate project offering. Highlight the unique features of your property project, and make sure that your messaging speaks directly to the needs and desires of your target audience. \u00a0\n3. Use Compelling Imagery\nImages are a powerful tool for capturing attention and communicating emotion. Use high-quality, professional images of your property to create an emotional connection with your prospective buyers. \u00a0\n4. Include A Clear Call-To-Action\nYour call-to-action (CTA) is the most important element of your landing page. Make sure that your CTA is prominent, clear, and compelling. Use action-oriented language and communicate the value of taking the desired action of registering your their interest. \u00a0\n5. Optimise Your Landing Page For Mobile\nMore and more people are using mobile devices to browse the internet, so it\u2019s essential that your landing page is optimised for mobile devices. Ensure that your page is responsive, loads quickly, and is easy to navigate on a small screen. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\nHere are 5 design elements for effective property landing pages\n\u00a0\n1. The Hero Image\nThe hero image is the large, visually prominent image that sits at the top of your landing page. Use a high-quality, professional image of your property to create an emotional connection with your visitors. \u00a0\n2. The Headline\nYour headline should be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing. Use it to communicate the main benefit of your offering and to capture your prospects attention. \u00a0\n3. The Sub-Headline\nThe sub-headline should provide additional detail about your offering and support the main benefit communicated in the headline. \u00a0\n4. Trust indicators\nTrust indicators, such as customer testimonials, industry awards, or accreditations, can help to build credibility and trust with your prospects. \u00a0\n5. Lead Capture\nYour lead capture form should be prominently displayed on your landing page and should be easy to fill out. Only ask for essential information and avoid asking for too much personal information, as this can be a turn-off for visitors. \u00a0 \u00a0\n \u00a0\nConclusion\nOptimising landing pages for real estate lead generation requires a combination of best practices and design elements. By keeping your landing pages simple, focusing on the benefits of your offering, and using compelling imagery and a clear call-to-action, you can create landing pages that generate high-quality leads for your property project.\nIf you haven\u2019t already started optimising your campaign landing pages, now is the time to do an audit on all the landing pages you have on the market and make sure they are optimised to generate the maximum number of leads.\n\u00a0 \nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/personal-branding-real-estate-infographic/", "title": "Personal Branding In Real Estate \u2013 Infographic", "body": "Personal Branding\n in Real Estate Infographic\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/personalisation-strategies-property-lead-generation/", "title": "Personalisation Strategies For Property Lead Generation", "body": " \u00a0\nAs we all know, there has been a slow down of real estate project launches due to rising inflation and an increase in the cost of building materials. So for property industry professionals, it has become essential to engage with potential property leads in a personalised and more meaningful way, rather than the typical \u201cstranger treatment\u201d that has been the status quo.\nPersonalisation in your marketing strategies helps build a much stronger connection with prospective buyers and increases the likelihood of converting them into actual sales. So let\u2019s explore the 3 most effective personalisation strategies for 2023, that real estate professionals can use to boost their lead generation, and increase their profits.\n\u00a0\nDynamic Content\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nSo what does dynamic content actually mean? Dynamic content involves tailoring the content of your website or marketing materials to individual buyers based on their behaviours, interests, and preferences. This strategy will help improve customer engagement and provide a more personalised experience for potential buyers.\n\u00a0 H\nere are some dynamic \nproperty content strategies\n that can be used for real estate lead generation right away:\n\u00a0\n1. Personalised Property Recommendations\nBy using data on a user\u2019s behaviour, such as their search history or location, you can provide personalised property recommendations that are more tailored to their preferences. Just like how e-commerce websites do it for other things you buy online.\n2. Dynamic Pricing\nUsing dynamic pricing algorithms, you can provide users with personalised pricing based on factors such as the user\u2019s location, behaviour, and purchase history. You can segment users, and offer tiered pricing based on their user segment. \u00a0\n3. Tailored Content\nCreating tailored content that speaks to the unique needs and interests of potential buyers can help improve engagement and increase the likelihood of conversion. This can also be tested using \nmultivariate testing\n to see which content converts for different product types, or target audiences. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nChatbots\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nChatbots are becoming more and more common for technology based businesses, and are starting to even appear in many brick and mortar businesses. Chatbots are a powerful tool that can help real estate businesses engage with potential leads in a personalised and efficient way.\n\u00a0\nOne of the biggest issue in the real estate industry is response time to enquiries, which is a direct product of human inefficiency. Chatbots can be programmed to provide personalised and real time responses to user inquiries and can help provide a more seamless and convenient user experience.\n\u00a0\nHere are some chatbot advantages that can convince any property business that chatbots are essential for real estate lead generation:\n\u00a0\n1. Personalised Responses\nChatbots can be programmed to provide personalised responses to user inquiries, based on factors such as location, behaviour, and interests. \u00a0\n2.\u00a0 Availability 24/7\nChatbots can provide round-the-clock availability, which can be particularly helpful for potential buyers who may have questions or concerns outside of regular business hours. \u00a0\n3. Seamless User Experience\nChatbots can help provide a more seamless and convenient user experience by quickly providing relevant information and answering user inquiries. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nAI-Powered Recommendations\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0\nWhile we are all fearful that the robots are going to take over, and SKYNET is just quietly observing us in the background, none can deny that the introduction of CHATGPT and AI have been a game changer for any industry.\n\u00a0\nAI-powered recommendations on websites not only help provide personalised property recommendations based on user data and preferences, but also help improve engagement and increase the likelihood of conversion, by giving buyers the personalised VIP treatment that they sorely desire.\n\u00a0\nSo here are some AI-powered recommendation strategies that can be used for real estate lead generation:\n\u00a0\n1. AI- powered Property Recommendations\nAI-powered algorithms can provide personalised property recommendations and experiences based on a user\u2019s changing behaviour, interests, and preferences. \u00a0\n2. Predictive Analytics\nPredictive analytics can help identify potential buyers who are most likely to convert and provide personalised recommendations to improve the chances of conversion into a sale. \u00a0\n3. AI-powered dynamic pricing\nUsing AI-powered algorithms, you can provide real-time personalised algorithmic pricing based on factors such as the user\u2019s behaviour, location, and purchase history. \u00a0\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\nIn conclusion, we would like to highlight that personalisation strategies can be highly effective in \nreal estate lead generation\n, even though it is still early days into businesses properly utilising data for personalised customer journeys.\nBut by utilising dynamic content, chatbots, and AI-powered recommendations, real estate developers can provide a more personalised and meaningful experience for their potential buyers. The key is to remember to continually test and optimise your personalisation strategies to identify what works best for your customers.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/prepare-real-estate-client-call/", "title": "How to prepare for a real estate client call", "body": "Client Call Preparation\n \nSTEP 1: PREPARE FOR THE CALL\nThis is the conversation that secures you the actual property viewing. Which is very critical!\nSAY YOUR PERSONAL AFFIRMATIONS OUT LOUD\nReal estate is a very hard, and highly competitive business. The way to stay positive is to repeat your daily personal affirmations. It may sound silly, but thinking positive, believing in yourself and your skills, and reminding yourself that you are there to help and nurture your clients. These are very critical steps to ensuring success in business \u2013 and also in life.\nKNOW YOUR PERSONAL VALUE\nYou need to know and understand your value. What is your personal approach and differentiator from your competition? Make a list of 3 to 5 differentiators, recite these every morning as part of your daily affirmation ritual. Remember, that clients respect value and professionalism.\nKNOW YOUR LEAD SOURCES\nYou may not know much about your potential seller client at first, but you need to know where you connected with them. How you received the lead dictates the general approach you should take. Was this a referral from a previous client? family connection? Someone you reached while doing follow ups on expired listings? Did you get this buyer lead from a \nFacebook ad posting\n, a property classifieds, or your extended network? If your buyer lead came from a google advertising, you can assume that they\u2019ll have some idea about the property they are looking for, so you can tailor your approach around this information. Be prepared to address the buyers needs and how you\u2019ll provide a more complete data based on your local expertise.\nUNDERSTAND THE LOCAL MARKET\nIt is crucial to understanding your local market, know all your stats, trends, and projections. Refreshing yourself on this information weekly and practicing on how you\u2019ll deliver and explain its significance is very important to establishing trust during your initial conversations with prospects. Take a look through the property portals to get a sense as to how these \nreal estate platforms\n are presenting market information and information to visitors. Remember, you need to help your clients with information gathering, which most likely will have included, reading through major property portals as part of the data gathering process.\nPRACTICE YOUR SCRIPTS\nPractice your scripts so they don\u2019t come across as fake, unnatural or robotic with responses. Practice on a weekly basis, once in face-to-face role playing and once via the phone. Role play objection handling, general Q&A, and recite the two most important property market stats for a variety of locations in your prospecting territory. This consistent preparation will allow you to quickly and authoritatively answer any questions from prospects.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSTEP 2: THE ACTUAL CALL\nFirst find out what type of property buyer/seller you are speaking to. The type of prospect you are speaking with will influence your overall approach:\nFor a first time seller, your conversations should demonstrate your understanding of the selling process and how you\u2019ll guide them through it.\nIf they\u2019ve sold a home before, they\u2019ll likely have a good idea as to the process and what to expect, so you should focus on getting answers to the next three questions below:\nQuestion #1: What are you looking for in a real estate agent?\nBy answering this question, you are essentially receiving your metrics to succeed; meet these metrics and you will be increasing your odds of winning the deal.\nQuestion #2: Who are my competition?\nWhen you know who you are competing against you can gauge their weaknesses and strengths, so you can showcase the qualities that set you apart from other real estate agencies and agents.\nQuestion #3: Why are they are buying or selling?\nTry to uncover the real motivations of your prospect and leverage your knowledge and experience to tailor your approach and communication style.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/promote-real-estate-website-infographic/", "title": "How To Promote Your Real Estate Website \u2013 Infographic", "body": "How To Promote Your \nReal Estate Website\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/property-agents-prepare-client-viewing/", "title": "How do property agents prepare for a client viewing", "body": "Agent Preparation For Viewing\nThe first thing to remember is not to be unprepared. Prepare well for the viewing; ideally, plan one day in advance. Remember your personal value and your list of key differentiators from your competition, and practice saying them in your conversation with clients.\nYou have to know your competition well, and anticipate what they\u2019ll likely say and present to your clients. Knowing this you can neutralize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses by emphasizing your core principal and strengths and key value differentiators.\nFamiliarize yourself with your client\u2019s location. Drive around or walk around it. Know the property market stats inside and out, and how to interpret and pull insights from these stats. Demonstrate how these real estate stats relate to national statistics; also remember, that your potential client will likely have heard more information about national housing trends than he/she will have heard about local trends, so use this to your advantage. By showing your understanding of the block-by-block listing activity around the prospect\u2019s property, and how this relates to national statistics, you are showing your own expertise and reassuring any type of client that you are a competent, knowledgeable, and trustworthy real estate negotiator.\n1. Put your understanding of the type of client you\u2019re meeting into action.\nA first time buyers/seller needs education, coaching, and a detailed walk-through of the home buying and selling process. With this type of client you\u2019re an expert and mentor. Reassure them that you\u2019ve got everything covered so they don\u2019t have to worry.\nFor a seasoned buyer/seller, you may want to touch on your experience and knowledge but most of the time these clients will want you to cut to the chase on your points of differentiation from other agents. How will you \nmarket their property\n? How big is your database of contacts and listings and do they match the client\u2019s property requirements?\nFor your luxury, downsize, upsize, or investor customers, make a list of five to 10 questions they will likely ask (based on your initial phone call with them). Answer these questions and layer theses answers into your client presentation.\nHere are some general guidelines to help your presentation preparation around:\nInvestment\n\u2013 They care how fast you can transact the property and for how much.\nLuxury\n\u2013 Bring a marketing plan that goes above and beyond the status quo.\nUpsize\n\u2013 This client needs to get the most for their current situation so they can move up.\nDownsize\n\u2013 This is most likely the last property they will transact, as their retirement is top of mind.\n2. WHEN IT\u2019S VIEWING TIME, KEEP THESE SEVEN TIPS IN MIND:\nShow your past client references and testimonials\nDress up for success\nPrepare for a \ndigital real estate\n presentation but have a backup in case your digital devices fail\nHave everything prepared the day before; this means your presentation, testimonials, agreement, etc. NEVER prepare the day of the meeting.\nAlways show up 15 minutes early\nShow your existing database to demonstrate how good you are\nPractice your affirmations before your presentation to get in the right frame of mind to do well!\n3. DO YOUR PRESENTATION WELL\nTRUST IN YOUR ACTUAL PREPARATION\nNow that it\u2019s viewing time, trust in your preparation. Winning a client is never a sure thing, so you have to be on top of your game, appear relaxed, knowledgeable, and authoritative.\nASK FOR THE DEAL\nAre your clients already dealing with multiple agents? Even if you\u2019re first to present against your competition, ask for the business\u2026you may be surprised that the client is ready to move forward to go exclusive without meeting with other agencies. And you can have the pleasure of personally informing your competition that your are exclusive!\nPOLITE PERSISTENCE\nIf the client does not offer you the deal, have a follow-up process in place to stay in touch. Remember, polite persistence is important. Ask them the best way to keep in touch and setup a reminder immediately.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/property-online-marketing-guide/", "title": "Property Online Marketing guide 2022", "body": "Stay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/prospect-leads-build-real-estate-business/", "title": "How to prospect leads to build your real estate business", "body": "Prospecting Leads For Your Real Estate Business\nGetting quality property leads\n for your real estate business is no easy task. And you know that developing a strong lead prospecting strategy can set up your sales pipeline and generate some serious business growth, but how do you actually do that? Here are some methods you can use to hit the ground running and attract a host of quality leads.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n1. Leverage your network of influence\nAs a real estate professional, you know how important your network of influence is for your real estate business. The first initial targets will include family members, friends, organisations, groups and club memberships. Anyone you have transacted with and anyone who has done business with you is also a candidate in your network, so here are some more ideas to help you build your prospect list:\nExtended family members\nCollege friends and work friends\nYour spouse\u2019s friends, family, and connections\nChildren\u2019s friends parents, teachers, and principal\nMedical providers (doctor, dentist, optometrist, nurse)\nBeauty providers (hair stylist, manicurist)\nMake sure you gather good data from each member in your network (first name, last name, email address, and phone number) and remember to keep a well organised contact list in your \nreal estate CRM\n!\n2. Request for referrals\nOne of your most powerful prospecting tools is referrals. Many \nreal estate marketing solutions\n have modules that automate referral outreach. There are basically three types of referrals \u2013 personal referrals, client referrals and professional referrals.\nPersonal referrals come from friends, family and acquaintances. These are people who know you and are willing to send lead prospects to you. Let your network know that you are in the real estate business and (most importantly) keep reminding them to share referrals to you.\nClient referrals come from people you have already helped buy or sell a home. The important task here is developing a systematic process to ask for referrals after closing the sale, and to keep in touch regularly so they think of you when any of their friends or family need your property expertise.\nProfessional referrals come from your colleagues in the real estate and other industries. Form a good relationship with others in the field and become a helpful resource to other professionals who will be working with potential property buyers.\n3. Schedule a minimum of 2-hours a day for phone calling\nIt\u2019s common knowledge in Real Estate that follow-up is crucial, persistence is key. The trouble is getting caught up in your day to day and not allocate the time to consistently reach out and contact your leads. Here are some tips to make sure you do it:\nMake your phone calls in the morning while you and your referrals are both fresh and alert.\nTreat your follow up time with the same respect you would give to any other important appointment.\nAvoid the temptation to get too pushy. The goal for each prospecting call is to engage your prospect, gather information and make an appointment. If your prospect asks you a question, get in the habit of going for an appointment rather than giving a quick response.\nWrite a phone script! It\u2019s important to use a phone script and not just wing it, so you don\u2019t miss out any key information. Role-play your script over the phone with others so you know you\u2019ll be confident and professional.\nFor the majority of real estate consultants, prospecting for new business is without a doubt the most challenging and stressful aspect of the selling process. But it doesn\u2019t have to be. By integrating these powerful lead prospecting tips into your daily business routine, you\u2019ll be able to keep your viewings calendar packed with qualified leads!\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/questions-you-need-to-ask-before-purchasing-a-property/", "title": "Questions You Need To Ask Before Purchasing A Property", "body": "If you are thinking about \npurchasing a property\n right now, you are probably getting a lot of advice from many people. Though your friends and family have your best interests at heart, they may not be fully aware of your actual needs and what is currently happening in the real estate market.\nYou will need to ask yourself the following three questions to help determine if now is the best time for you to buy in today\u2019s property market.\n1. Why am I buying a property in the first place?\nThis is really the most important question to answer. Forget the home budget for a second. Why did you even begin to consider purchasing a property? For most people, the reason has nothing to do with finances.\nThe actual reasons might be:\nA good place to raise your children and provide them with a good education\nA place where you and your family feel safe and secure\nMore space for you and your family\nMoving up in the world\nSo what does owning a property mean to you? What non-financial benefits will you and your family gain from buying a new home? The answer to that question should be the biggest reason you decide to purchase a property or not.\n2. Where are home values headed?\nLast year was a tough one for almost all property sectors. According to data from the National Property Information Centre (Napic), in 1H2020, Malaysia\u2019s property market transaction volume and value decreased 27.9% and 31.5% respectively compared with the previous year. While most property consultants believe there should be some recovery this year, it will depend on the Covid-19 vaccine as well as the performance of the job market and economy.\u00a0 So keep this in mind when thinking about buying a property.\nWhat does that mean to you?\nSimply put, with prices decreasing, it may save you more if you wait until prices stabilize to buy. But also note that your down payment will also need to be higher if prices start to increase across the board.\n3. Where are home loan interest rates headed?\nA buyer must be concerned about more than just prices. The \u2018long-term cost\u2019 of installments on a home can be dramatically impacted by even a small increase in \nmortgage rates\n.\nIn Summary\nOnly you and your family will know for sure if now is the right time to purchase a property. But answering these questions will help you make that decision easier.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-agents-guide-to-social-media/", "title": "Real estate agents guide to social media", "body": "real estate social media\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-brand-consistency-real-estate-branding-series/", "title": "Real Estate Brand Consistency \u2013 Real Estate Branding Series", "body": "\u00a0\n\u00a0\nYour real estate brand is shaped every day by the thousand small gestures clients get from your company and staff. A gesture might be an interaction with one of your agents, a post on your real estate agency\u2019s Facebook page, or a direct mail postcard received.\nSince all these elements contribute to building your \nreal estate brand\n, it\u2019s vital to be consistent with the brand message that each gesture is communicating.\nSo what impact does real estate brand consistency (or inconsistency) have on your property business? Here are the main areas to think about when considering your brand consistency:\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBrand Compliance \nNearly 90% of property professionals agree that it\u2019s important to present their personal property brands consistently in all the places clients might encounter them, but less than half of property agents are actually doing it.\nAn alarming figure, is that less than 10% of property agents say that their real estate brand presentation is very consistent.\nAlmost all property companies have branding guidelines, but only a quarter have brand guidelines that are consistently enforced.\nOver 60% report that materials are always, often or sometimes created that don\u2019t conform to real estate brand guidelines.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBrand Impact \nReal estate companies with brand consistency issues estimate, on average, a 18% increase in revenue if their property brand was always presented consistently.\nConsistent property brands are more visible, and highly visible property brands act like magnets, attracting clients while conveying the agency brand promises, reinforcing value, and encouraging loyalty. Careless or inconsistent presentation of your real estate brand robs it of these powers, and as a result, you miss out on clients, sales and revenue.\nManaging a real estate brand well by presenting it consistently has a real impact on growth. Imagine driving a 18% lift in revenue just by enforcing real estate brand compliance. This metrics alone should compel any real estate agency to make brand consistency a high priority for their company and staff.\nBut before your property agency can improve its brand consistency, you have to understand where you are at today with your property brand. And when it comes to creating branded content, most agencies tend to fall into one of two traps: The Wild West and the Brand Prison.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n1. The Wild West of Brand Consistency\nThis is what happens when there\u2019s no formalised system of property brand guidelines for agency or team, but even if those brand guidelines do exist, they\u2019re not actively practiced or being enforced. If your property agency doesn\u2019t have a designated agency brand champion, then it\u2019s up to each agent to make sure the real estate brand is represented consistently to clients.\nIn other words : If it becomes everyone\u2019s job, it becomes no one\u2019s job. This is the perfect recipe for disaster and poor brand consistency. Is your property agency going through the Wild West? If so, you\u2019ll notice these characteristics:\nNo real estate brand guidelines (or brand guidelines are not enforced)\nEveryone creates their own content without guidance or direction from leaders\nBrand presentation is highly inconsistent and different from peers.\nIt time to change this mindset ASAP, because if it continues it will be detrimental to your brand in the long run.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. The Brand Prison\nOn the other side of the coin, the brand prison is complete and total lockdown on your agency. You have to leave your pens and papers at the door, because in the brand prison, only the guards have the right to be creative. Hope you didn\u2019t have any big creative ideas.\nThis is what happens when no one can create real estate branded content except for principles or design teams. And while that might have worked in the old day, and for certain types of brands, today it\u2019s a real burden for modern real estate brands. Which agent has time to wait 1 week or more for an updated brochure design, property flyer, or Facebook image? Not only that, but agents usually enjoy adding some personal flair to their marketing collateral. Unfortunately, the company has decided that it\u2019s too risky to trust its agents with any branding whatsoever.\nIs your property agency a brand prison? If so, you\u2019ll notice these characteristics:\nPrinciples creates all content (bottleneck)\nDesigners/admin are overloaded and stressed\nAgents often go rogue and create their own content\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nNow, in contrast to the wild west and brand prison, imagine a world where all property agents, admin, partners & vendors are empowered to create customised and beautifully branded materials all on their own.\nThese are the agencies that have escaped the Wild West and the brand prison. They\u2019ve recognised and embraced the world of modern branding by empowering their teams with the tools and processes needed to create consistent, on-brand real estate content.\n\u00a0\nPlease stay tuned to the next part of the series where will explore in detail on how to properly manage your real estate brand consistency.\u00a0 Here are the next topics in the series:\n\u00a0\nSales Enablement\nPrint Collateral\nDigital Collateral\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-brand-identity-design-real-estate-branding-series/", "title": "Real Estate Brand Identity Design \u2013 Real Estate Branding Series", "body": "Real estate marketing expert \nBen Liau\n once defined a brand as \u201cA consumer\u2019s perception, expectations, memories, stories and relationship with a company, person, product or service.\nThis is a great, all-encompassing definition that acknowledges the intangible aspects of what defines a brand.\nBut with \nreal estate branding\n there are also physical/tangible assets that play an important role in communicating what your actual brand is about: like your logo, or design. These assets are categorised in branding as \nBrand Identity Design\n.\nBrand identity is the face of the brand. It\u2019s the visual component of the brand that represents the larger emotional and philosophical traits. It includes how you present yourself, your logos, your colours, your typography, and messaging, and it also complements and reinforces the existing reputation of your brand.\nYou real estate brand identity can attract new clients while making existing clients feel content. Your brand identify is both outward facing and inward facing.\nWhy it is vital that your real estate brand identity be kept consistent?\nIt is vital because it represents and reinforces the emotions of your personal brand, the image portrayed by brand identity design needs to be clear, and it need to be a brand that your clients can trust with their life-changing property purchase decisions. When clients encounter an inconsistent brand, it sends them a mixed message, and not a good one. It tells them that this brand/person doesn\u2019t take itself seriously enough to tell the same story. They will wonder what other inconsistencies lie beneath the surface. How can they trust you and your agency to follow through on what has been promised when your brand identity keeps shifting and changing?\nTo manage their brand identity, agents and agencies need a system that helps them stay consistent while still having the speed and flexibility to succeed in today\u2019s volatile market. Components of this system might include a style guide, presentation guide, branding guide, and even employee personal training.\nLets look at the main components of good brand identity design. As you read, take inventory of your own brand\u2019s assets and make note of any gaps and opportunities you will discover.\n\u00a0\nINTERNAL BRAND IDENTITY\nThese five assets aren\u2019t usually shared with the public, but they should be evident in all that you do as a property agent. These are the core values and mission that drive you and your agency toward success, and they set the tone for how all agents, partners and customers should be treated. \n\u00a0\nBrand promise\nPositioning statement\nValue proposition\nClient Perception\nKey messaging\n\u00a0\nBRAND PROMISE\nWhat are you and your agency here to do? The brand promise aligns you, your team, your agency behind the same vision. It should express the values and goals of the agency, which may evolve over time. This single sentence should remain relevant for around 10 years.\nHere is an example:\nTo enable real estate professionals to make more money in less time while exceeding the expectations of home buyers and sellers.\n\u00a0\nPOSITIONING STATEMENT\nYour positioning statement is an expression that defines your brand\u2019s most compelling benefit. Unlike the brand promise, a positioning statement is made within the context of the market and your competitors. Because of this, it\u2019ll likely remain relevant for only about 24 months.\n\u00a0\nVALUEPROPOSITION\nWhat are the key features and benefits of your brand, products and services? How does you and your agency differ from the rest of the market, and what makes you the better choice for clients?\nThese are tough questions, but the answers are invaluable. In markets where properties and services are similar, your brand offers one way to be unique.\n\u00a0\nCLIENT PERCEPTION\nWhat message do you want to send to your clients when they meet you and see you, how do you want to make them feel?\nHere are some good traits:\nComfortable\nTrusting\nLoyal\n\u00a0\nKEY MESSAGING\nWhat language resonates most with your audience? How can you communicate your brand identity to make them trust you?\n\u00a0\nHere are some branding elements to get right:\nNAME & LOGO\nThe brand vitals. Good ones stand out because they are meaningful and memorable. Because logos are the asset that gets used and shared the most, it is very critical to make sure everyone has access to current, approved versions.\nSLOGANS & TAGLINES\nSlogans and taglines are \u00a0mostly used in advertising. Good ones are impactful and easy for clients to recall. After all the effort put into refining these short phrases to perfection, it would be a waste not to use them properly.\nCOLOR PALETTES\nAccording to a report titled Impact of Colour on Marketing, up to 90% of a customers\u2019 judge a brand or product is based solely on colour. Your brand\u2019s colour palette is an essential part of its story and visual identity. They set the tone for your audience/clients.\nTYPOGRAPHY\nTypography plays a unique role in your brand identity, and nearly no part of design causes more controversy than font choice. Also the size, shape & placement of different fonts will enhance your message and direct the focus to where you want it to be.\nTONE & VOICE\nBrand voice is the conduit through which you communicate who you are, what you do, and what you can offer. It\u2019s the medium that your clients use to get to know you, and developing a strong voice will increase real estate brand recognition and loyalty. Getting it wrong, on the other hand, can turn your branding into a constant uphill struggle.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nConclusion\nAll of these brand identity elements work together to build a holistic picture of your brand. Every piece of your real estate business should align with your branding to deliver a familiar experience to your clients every time they interact with you. The strongest property brands, essentially, are the ones who learn to tell their story compellingly and consistently over time.\n\u00a0\nSo please stay tuned to the next part of the series where will explore in detail on how to properly manage your real estate brand.\n\u00a0 Here are the next topics in the series:\n\u00a0\nBrand Management\nBrand Consistency\nSales Enablement\nPrint Collateral\nDigital Collateral\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-brand-management-real-estate-branding-series/", "title": "Real Estate Brand Management \u2013 Real Estate Branding Series", "body": "WHAT IS REAL ESTATE BRAND MANAGEMENT?\nThis term may be slightly misleading. Brands aren\u2019t managed or they? They are shaped, guided and moulded over time. Although you can\u2019t actually control every single experience a client has with your real estate brand, you can drive and influence their perception of your brand. Brand management will help you establish, position and maintain your brand\u2019s image in the eyes of your clients.\nTo make this process easier to understand lets break it down into phases: 1. establishing, 2. positioning and 3. maintaining your real estate brand.\n\u00a0\n1. ESTABLISH YOUR REAL ESTATE BRAND\nThis is the brand creation phase, where all the assets outlined in the previous series chapters are drafted, iterated and finalised. It includes the big ideas about your real estate brand as well as the tiny details like logos, fonts and colours. In this phase you should have a definitive beginning and end, with a strong brand idea.\nIf you join an existing agency after the brand has been established, you probably won\u2019t participate in this phase, unless their brand has lost appeal and you are faced with the challenge of assisting with rebranding.\n\u00a0\n2. POSITION YOUR REAL ESTATE BRAND\nThis is really the communication phase, where the sales and marketing help to spread the word and build expectations around your \nreal estate brand\n. All your communication needs to be aligned with the brand identity established in the creation phase, which means every brand player you work with, needs easy and direct access to all your current real estate brand assets.\nNo one in your team should have to waste their time trying to tracking down assets or creating their own versions of the brand. This is the perfect time to make sure your assets are widely available to anyone who uses them . Otherwise, your efforts to create a strong brand identity and culture will be severely diminished.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. MAINTAIN YOUR REAL ESTATE BRAND\nOnce your real estate brand has been established in the market and is resonating well with your client base, it\u2019s time to move into the brand maintenance phase. You should monitor what\u2019s said about your real estate brand online, including social media posts and reviews, so that you can jump on any negative sentiment and to turn them positive. This includes brand hygiene, which is making sure that assets are updated and available for new channels and mediums.\nPositioning and maintaining your real estate brand are phases without distinct conclusions. Most brands will move back and forth between them as they execute marketing campaigns to make sure their brand is still on the right track. You should visualise them as a cycle, where positioning is proactive and maintenance is reactive. These two phases complement each other to deliver a consistent, compelling real estate brand message.\nREAL ESTATE BRAND MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL WORLD\nIn this day and age the internet has transformed real estate brand management, and it\u2019s much more involved today than it was a few decades ago. Brands have a large number of digital channels to deliver their message and clients have the ability to voice their opinions and feedback much more powerfully than ever before.\nConsidering that: 93% of customers read online reviews regularly, and 80%of them say they\u2019re influenced by their online research.\nHere\u2019s another one: 88% of customers would be less likely to buy from a brand that has unanswered complaints on social media channel.\nIf you brand isn\u2019t participating and driving these conversations online, your silence could be a major killer to your real estate brand. But it\u2019s not just the response that matters, It\u2019s the story your responses tell about your brand. Your \nreal estate website\n and social media channels are extensions of your real estate brand, and consistency matters online just as much as it does in the offline world. A lack of brand consistency will make your brand less memorable and less trustworthy to your clients.\nWe find that empowering your property agents with a strong brand identity and the tools to represent the brand well is a cornerstone of success and future growth for a real estate brand.\n\u00a0\nDIGITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT\nThe biggest impact the internet has had on real estate brand management is the way we organise and share branding assets across a variety of digital channels.\nWhen brand management was popularised in the 1960s, a company\u2019s marketing was handled by a tiny group of trained brand experts. Brand copy and art were produced to very strict specifications, delivered to printing presses, then shared with a mass audience on billboards, print ads and television. Controlling consistency wasn\u2019t very difficult back then because all the marketing passed through the same few hands.\nEven a decade or so ago, online brand management was much more simple. If you launched an online advertising campaign in 2000, you basically had three channels to worry about: your website, your emails, and banner ads. There was no Facebook, no Instagram, no Linkedin and no collection of digital services and social media that we have today.\nWeb 3.0 with all its multiple of different segmented channels. So rather than just a tiny group of marketing experts, you have a whole network of people producing content for your real estate brand. Think about it: marketing, sales, public relations, human resources, vendors, partners, agencies. Today, nearly everyone in the network is a marketer.\nThe problem is, not everyone knows how to create content that is on-brand. One way to combat this problem is digital asset management. DAM software acts as a repository for branded files. (Like Google Drive.) By collecting these resources all in one place, anyone who needs to use a brand logo or a letterhead can access them . Team member just access the database, download the files they need, and go on their way promoting the brand.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nEven though this is so much better than sending files via email or driving across town to deliver a logo on film like in the old days, it still leaves the problem semi-solved. Property agents can download logos, fonts and documents, but do they know how to use them in the correct way that 1) demonstrates good design, and 2) maintains brand compliance, If you have ever witnessed stretched logos and clashing colour palettes, you know that this does happen with property agents who don\u2019t follow the brand guidelines.\n So you might be thinking, So what if sometimes a property agent uses the wrong brand colours or logos in the wrong format. What\u2019s the big problem? Well It might seem like small issues and is there really any harm in having an inconsistent branding?\nWell, that\u2019s a good question and we will answer it in the next part of this branding series.\nSo please stay tuned to the next part of the series where will explore in detail on how to properly manage your real estate brand consistency. Here are the next topics in the series:\n\u2022 Brand Consistency\n \n\u2022 Sales Enablement\n \n\u2022 Print Collateral\n \n\u2022 Digital Collateral\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-content-marketing-guide/", "title": "Real estate content marketing guide", "body": "Real estate \ncontent marketing\n guide\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-digital-collateral/", "title": "Real Estate Digital Collateral \u2013 Real Estate Branding Series", "body": "\u00a0\nIn the previous part of the series about \nreal estate print collateral\n, we reviewed some of the print collateral you can use to market your real estate business in the real world. In this part of the series, we will quickly cover real estate digital collateral, and the materials you will use online to promote your real estate brand and services. For example:\nSocial media graphics \nVideos\nInfographics \nBanner ads \nProperty Reports\nLocation Reports\nSales proposals\nSlide presentations \u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nWhether you\u2019re in residential real estate, commercial real estate or industrial real estate, your online presence plays an important role in how your property brand is perceived. Digital real estate collateral can help you quickly deliver key messages that influence your client\u2019s perception . Let\u2019s explore a few ways to use digital real estate collateral on two of your most prominent online platforms: your real estate website and your social media profiles.\n\u00a0\nON YOUR REAL ESTATE WEBSITE\n \nYour \nproperty website\n is the headquarters of your online presence, because you have full control over your real estate website\u2019s design and presentation, it\u2019s also the perfect place to showcase your digital real estate collateral. From your website home page to services pages and other landing pages, all these pages offer opportunities for you to share relevant content with your audience. You already know that your image is one of your most valuable real estate assets. Spend a little more on professional photography and designs and skip the common stock photos. It might take a little more investment, but your property brand will stand out and look better for it.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAs an example, you can share property slide presentations, project flyers, home owner tip sheets, or even eBook downloads with your visitors. A flyer could advertise upcoming projects or events, such as a new project launch. An informational property report can make an impressive free gift for visitors to download and review. Printable property checklists are also a valuable resource for potential clients. You need to get creative and think about what content might resonate with your client base. Every client interaction is a chance to build your real estate brand and leave a stronger impression on your potential clients.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nON SOCIAL MEDIA\nIncreasingly, real estate professionals are expected to be present and relevant on all social media channels, and be experts at \nreal estate social media marketing\n. This trend is reflective of today\u2019s digital consumers who are your potential clients. These potential clients, who now have an average of 5 different social media accounts, expect to find all their favourite brands, products & services on their favourite social media platforms.\nBut sometime social media can be tricky, as each platform has its own culture, and property agency brands need to be fluent in a platform\u2019s culture to be really understood and appreciated. For example, the way you speak to clients on Twitter could be very different from how you speak to them on LinkedIn.\nOf course, we now know that successful brand marketing is deeply rooted in consistency. So how can your real estate brand speak differently across multiple platforms while still maintaining your brand identity? Well you will have to use elements like colour palette, fonts, images and voice to set the right tone. Tailored to the platform , but never lose the integral pieces of your real estate brand\u2019s identity.\n\u00a0\nLet\u2019s take a look at five major social media sites and how you can best use them to reach your audience.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nFacebook \nWith a stunning 1.5 billion users, Facebook is the heavyweight of social platforms. It offers great organic reach, as well as detailed targeting for paid advertisements. You can drive traffic to your website by sharing links, but don\u2019t stop there. Great images are key to attracting attention, and video often performs even better. You can host live streams to interact with your followers in real time, like hosting a question-and-answer session or a virtual open house.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nTwitter \nDid you know that the majority of world leaders have a Twitter account? More than any other platform in this list, Twitter thrives on news. It gives you a snapshot of what\u2019s happening around the world at any given moment. Thanks to hashtags, it\u2019s easy for your brand to jump into trending conversations as they unfold? just make sure to do your research first.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nInstagram \nOver 40 billion photos have been shared on Instagram . It\u2019s a rapidly growing platform for visual content, which makes it a perfect match for real estate. Instagram is a great place to show off beautiful homes, both inside and out. The platform lends itself well to inspirational content, so you could easily showcase home interior design ideas, luxurious homes, and happy clients.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nPinterest \nAlthough this social media platform is popular among females, don\u2019t let its reputation fool you, because 40% of new signups come from males. If you\u2019re looking to connect with millennials, they use Pinterest as much as they use Instagram . Interestingly, it\u2019s also a highly visual platform . Users create boards dedicated to different topics, then they collect pins to populate those boards. It\u2019s a hub for wishes and ideas, making it the perfect place to show off your collection of properties.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nLinkedIn \nIn real estate, building relationships with clients is critical, but it\u2019s also important to network with your real estate colleagues. LinkedIn is the world\u2019s largest professional network, which makes it a valuable channel for building thought leadership in real estate. One advantage to advertising on LinkedIn is that you can segment your audience by industry and job title, which is great if you\u2019re targeting a certain income level or looking to grow your team.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nRemember that each social media site requires different post formats and sizes. To make your visuals effective, you\u2019ll have to create custom images to fit each one. Don\u2019t worry, you don\u2019t have to memorise a list of measurements. If you start with social media templates, you can create pixel-perfect posts in no time using your brand\u2019s fonts, colours & images.\nYou might not jump onto all these social platforms at once, but each one offers important benefits for your brand. Determine which ones would be the best fit for your property brand right now, then add more as you feel comfortable. There are plenty of others outside this list that you could consider, too, like Youtube or Tiktok.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCongratulations\n.\nYou have made it through our complete guide to \nreal estate branding\n. We hope this blog series has given you a great foundation of branding principles and an illustrative variety of real-world examples.\nNow it\u2019s time to incorporate what you\u2019ve learned into the day-to-day management of your real estate brand. Whether your property agency\u2019s biggest opportunities lie in brand consistency, sales enablement, or another aspect of branding, you can use your leadership to drive positive change and help your property agents & teams recognise\u00a0the power and impact of a well-executed real estate brand.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-digital-marketing-strategy-during-covid-19/", "title": "Real estate digital marketing strategy during Covid-19", "body": "With the corona virus crisis changing the real estate industry, its time to embrace a \u201cnew normal\u201d. Real estate agents will need to get creative with their \nproperty marketing\n strategies.\nHere are the three most important functions for real estate agent or property developer during covid-19:\n1. Prospecting for new property leads,\n2. Nurturing your existing database\n3. Closing transactions.\nClosing property transactions are going to be much more difficult for the near term. Transactions likely will slow down and face-to-face, in-person interactions will change.\nBut the upside is that prospecting for new \nproperty leads\n and nurturing your database can still be done well.\nAnd these two things that will help you prepare for when things bounce back once things the crisis has passed.\nWhat should I do about my Digital Marketing Strategy?\nMany agents will be thinking of pausing their \nreal estate digital marketing campaigns\n, thinking that nobody is looking for property at the moment. But you might be surprised at the actual data from our digital marketing experts at RealestateMY:\nLead volume MoM was only 1.7% lower in March than in February 2021.\nCost-Per-Lead was actually down 3.6% in March vs. February 2021.\nThis means that people are still looking at property online, and with all the competition stopping their marketing, there is more opportunity for you to generate more leads.\nDuring the lockdown more people are at home and they\u2019re glued to their devices. They\u2019re reading the news, they are working remotely, and they are browsing for great property deals. These people are looking now, will convert on your \nproperty website\n, and then transact a few months down the road. So now is the best time to capture these leads in your CRM database and start nurturing them as soon as possible so they are ready when the crisis is over.\nShould I be doing more Facebook ads?\nFacebook usage has spiked during the COVID-19 crisis because of the lockdown. With the recent spike in usage, the average Cost-Per-Click for Facebook ads for real estate, has gone down alot.\nFacebook data from our RealestateMY Digital Marketing Team\n27.6% more impressions in March than February 2021\n5.1% more leads secured in March than February 2021\nReal estate demand is going to slow down, that is true, but it\u2019s not going to disappear entirely.\nNow is the time to explore as many property lead generation tactics as possible. At RealestateMY, our number one goal is to make real estate professionals are successful. Now, more than ever, we are listening to our clients\u2019 needs and wants, and are innovating with technology as quickly as possible to help them thrive in the face of these challenges. So do let us know your thoughts and feedback on how you think we can improve the real estate industry with the current situation.\nThere\u2019s no denying that there may be some tough times in the coming months. But by embracing and researching new tactics, technology and strategies for evolving your business, you\u2019re already one step ahead of many other real estate professionals. We recommend being patient, staying focused, staying calm, and leaning on your existing networks to help stay positive and assure that your real estate business is set up for success as we navigate our way through these new normals.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-email-tips/", "title": "6 Tips For Effective Real Estate Sales Emails", "body": "Effective \nReal Estate Sales\n Emails\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-inbound-marketing-guide/", "title": "Real Estate Inbound Marketing Guide", "body": "Stay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-photography-help-sales/", "title": "How Great Photography Helps Real Estate Agents Sell More Properties", "body": "Great photography helps \nreal estate agents sell\n more properties\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-print-collateral/", "title": "Real Estate Print Collateral \u2013 Real Estate Branding Series", "body": "The real estate industry has always been an extremely competitive industry. Only the most eye-catching , original, & beautiful advertisements get any attention at all from people, and it seems like property print media often plays second runner up to the digital world. But this is not always the case.\nThe reality is that exhibitions, trade shows, and open houses are just a few areas where print collateral is vital to engaging with potential clients, showcase your projects and properties, and promote your property services. Yes, doing direct mail can be lucrative, but successful \nreal estate marketing\n thrives on the actual combination of print media and digital exposure. This is why it\u2019s very important to use the right software that integrates your print and digital marketing initiatives.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nDesign Features you should look for:\n\u00a0On-Demand, Ready-to-use, customisable designer templates \nYou need an easy-to-use platform that supports in-house design and publishing, from initial content creation to content approval & printing.\nYou need advanced features to secure your content and lock down assets so your brand is never compromised.\nYou need a one-step print & publish integration with delivery to your office, clients, and social media.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHere is a step-by-step overview of how this type of software would support print marketing for real estate agencies\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSTEP 1: \nChoose or create content templates that can be used as online and print marketing \nTo optimise your integrated print & digital marketing strategy, first identify the contents you want to include in your media campaigns and how you can best repurpose these assets .\nPrinted postcards can be put into the mail, displayed visually at appropriate venues, and even used as giant business cards at exhibitions or on billboards. Digital versions can be posted on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin.\n\u00a0\nTraditional printed real estate business cards are not just calling cards, but really miniature advertisements for your business and agency. Attach a digital copy of your card to your email signature and upload a copy to Linkedin. You can quickly create a fresh social media content every day, at an agency event, a new project release, or even giving advice on buying real estate.\n\u00a0\nBrochures and booklets printed on luxurious, glossy paper can showcase your agency\u2019s portfolio most elegantly. Also remember to publish digital versions on business networks like LinkedIn. Combine one with a personalised post about your real estate agency\u2019s success stories.\n\u00a0\nYou can also create property flyers and real estate posters to display at business/real estate networking events, community ventures, festivals, markets, and open house promotions. Even people on Pinterest can be mobilised to spread the word about new home listings.\n\u00a0\nAll your\u00a0printed stationery should always include a agency letterhead. Use it for PDFs, as well, or attach it to digital correspondence as a signature file.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSTEP 2: Personalise or \ncustomise your selected templates \nFind the perfect content templates to customise with your agency logo, fonts, brand colours, images & text. Some examples to inspire you would be: a business card, a postcard, a newsletter, a Twitter post, a Linkedin post, a Pinterest post or a Facebook post.\nYou will have to ensure your agency brand consistency with the same colours across print media & digital campaigns. This will require both RGB colours (optimal for computers) and CMYK (optimal for print) colours.\nCreate an content image gallery that you and your agents/team all have access to in the cloud. To make it easy to find relevant images, you can have a naming convention for files (e.g. title.date.team). You should also use high quality images of at least 300 dpi.\nAlways preview your designs for correct font size, readability, visual clarity and orientation so the final print job will be perfect.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSTEP 3: \u00a0\nShare the creative vision with your whole property agency\nTeam collaboration should be easy, especially with cloud-based online software. You can share your contents, invite your team to give feedback. With the right permissions, only the people you approve will have access to view or edit content.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSTEP 4: \u00a0\nLock down valuable content & brand assets \nOne great advantage of \nTALGIC\n is that your agency\u2019s corporate designers can lock down the core elements of your brand e.g. logos, fonts & colours, But anyone at the real estate agency can still add their own special touch to a content presentation or campaign. This way, the agency brand stays consistent, but your property sales team gets to include their own personality into their content marketing.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSTEP 5:\n \nPrints being delivered \nProperty agents can reduce cost and improve their productivity by using online integrated printing services. If you design and order prints from the same platform, you know they\u2019re going to look exactly as you want them to look. Your online software should print and ship to all location, whether you are receiving a stack of business cards at your agency office or distributing direct mail postcards in a local area.\nIf you follow these steps, your property sales team should feel confident in their ability to design and deliver professional real estate marketing materials. But, what about digital marketing? how does the process change? stay tuned to the next part of the series where will explore in detail on how to properly manage your real estate brand digital collateral.\u00a0 Here is the last topic in the series:\n\u00a0\nDigital Collateral\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/real-estate-sales-enablement-real-estate-branding-series/", "title": "Real Estate Sales Enablement \u2013 Real Estate Branding Series", "body": "WHAT IS REAL ESTATE SALES ENABLEMENT?\nFor the real estate industry, sales enablement is the process of providing your brokers, negotiators and agents with the vital information and tools they need to market, sell and rent out property more effectively to their clients.\nThis important process involves creating internal systems and branding materials that will empower your property sales teams to take advantage of the data, tools and information available to them. This results in your team operating in a more time and cost effective approach.\nIn the present, in many real estate agencies, agents, negotiators and brokers have relied on a small team of admin staff or graphic designers (either internal or outsourced) who struggle to produce mass creative requests as quickly as needed. This creates a severe bottleneck, where overworked admin staff and designers build up a large backlog and leave desperate property agents waiting for the right materials.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nAt the same time, many property agents end up creating their own branded content, often misusing the logos, colours and imagery that makeup the \nproperty agency\u2019s brand\n. This practice is simply poor brand management, and it\u2019s becoming harder for real estate agency principle and managers to monitor and manage.\nWith agency internal staff and property agents using a range of different software, from professional graphic software like Photoshop to something with basic design capabilities like Microsoft Word, consistency become totally impossible. Also with so many different files stored across the agency office network, keeping track of the various documents/content and their many versions is a difficult challenge.\nBut with today\u2019s technology and software, it shouldn\u2019t be so difficult to manage. There are web-based platforms that can serve as a graphic design tool, a central template library, and an easy-to-use designer all in one. But switching to such a system would likely be a drastic change to the way your agents and teams are used to working, and as with all big changes, it requires an internal advocate to lead the way for the teams.\nIf you\u2019re prepared to be that advocate for your agency, here is how you can help them.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nGIVE PROPERTY AGENTS & TEAMS TEMPLATES THAT LOCK DOWN THE BRAND ASSETS\nIn the previous article, we discussed \nreal estate brand consistency\n, and it\u2019s important you keep that in mind when you\u2019re looking for online software that will power your sales enablement program .\nThe key is to find a piece of online software that will let you (or your designers) create lockable branded templates. These brand templates will be customisable to a certain degree, but they will also have certain elements locked down (like logos, agency details, key data and messaging).\nWith sales templates that are already on-brand, you\u2019re making the internal compliance much easier for your property agents. They can access these brand templates on-demand and easily personalise them to meet their needs. But most importantly you are still retaining total control over the way the agency brand is presented.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nDECREASE DEPENDENCY ON INTERNAL ADMIN STAFF & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS\nBy introducing an effective sales enablement process and you will be giving your property agents the autonomy they need to produce good content themselves. With a smarter content system that involves lockable templates, you\u2019ll be able to decrease the dependency on your internal staff and designers.\nAn internal real estate agency system that depends on design requests being submitted at least two weeks in advance is a failing system . In a fast-paced property environment where things need to move quickly, this kind of timeline just doesn\u2019t work. Rather than failing to provide each property agent with the right content materials, at the right time, and in the right format, your goal should be to put internal processes in place that will allow them to act independently.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIf you switch to an internal system where designers, and admin staff can create branded templates with locked brand assets, you will be reducing the amount of time each design task takes. No longer will they have to coordinate with teams of property agents to gather the specifics of a property, event or promotion. Instead, they can simply create the branded property template and make it available to the property agents who will fill in those details themselves.\nHere is the thing: your property agents are likely already creating content anyway, but it\u2019s probably taking them a lot longer than they would like. By providing them with branded templates and an easy-to-use internal system that lets them make customisations, you\u2019re letting them keep their independence they\u2019ve become accustomed to, while also speeding up the design process for content.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSTREAMLINE THE PROPERTY SALES PIPELINE\nIn taking the right steps to implement lockable content templates and decrease dependency on internal admin staff and graphic designers, it is worthwhile to consider other ways to maximise a change like this and stream line other real estate processes for better efficiency.\nAn empowered and supported property agent is a productive one, so by giving your team a quick and easy access to the tools they need, you are increasing their overall chances of success in making sales.\nYou can also further reduce internal bottlenecks by implementing a sales enablement system that includes one online central content library. Consider how much time is wasted each day, week, month or even year across an entire team of property agents who are constantly having to search through email chains or unorganised file folders for the latest version of a document or content.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nNow instead imagine one central online library where the latest version of a document or content can be updated, automatically saved and then accessed by all property agent teams. That\u2019s much better, correct?\nSimilarly, another great feature you should build into your sales enablement program is a cloud-based storage system . Storing files online in the cloud means they can be accessed from any device at any time, as long as the property agent has access to the internet and the correct login credentials, a valuable feature for all property agents who are always on the move.\nOverall, a successful real estate sales enablement strategy that uses templates held in one central online, cloud-based library will both reduce dependency on your internal staff and designers and empower your property agent teams. Ultimately, it will mean your property agents and brokers will have what they need, when and where they need it.\nPlease stay tuned to the next part of the series where will explore in detail on how to properly manage your real estate brand consistency.\u00a0 Here are the next topics in the series:\n\u00a0\nPrint Collateral\nDigital Collateral\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/secret-life-real-estate-agent/", "title": "The Secret Life Of A Real Estate Agent", "body": "the secret life of a real estate agent\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/secret-life-real-estate-professional/", "title": "The secret life of a real estate professional", "body": "\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/settle-new-real-estate-career-malaysia/", "title": "How to settle into your new real estate career in Malaysia", "body": "Settle into your new real estate career\nSo you have decided to embark on a career in real estate, you have found a \nreal estate agency to join\n and are now getting prepare and setting yourself up in your new working environment. Starting a new career is never easy, to help you get started here are a few important steps you should take to get up and running and getting started working.\n1. Read The Agency Manual\nNot all agencies have this, but if your agency provides an employee manual or guide, you should read it. Some of the contents may seem quite obvious, but every real estate company is different, and you\u2019ll have to know your new agency inside and out if you want to be a \nsuccessful real estate negotiator\n. Knowing your company policies will ensure that you start your relationship with your new agency and new real estate colleagues the best and correct way. By learning your negotiator obligations and responsibilities, you\u2019ll also minimize potential issues and errors and know how to respond to a bad situation, whether it\u2019s with a client or your agency, or with your colleagues.\n2. Do Your Training\nWhether you have real estate sales experience or not, you will want to take advantage of as much real estate sales training opportunities as possible to give yourself the strongest start possible in the real estate industry. Property selling takes a lot of personality, but it\u2019s also a skill like any other, which is meant to be properly studied and learnt in detail. If you assume you\u2019ll make it on your good looks and charm alone, your first few months will be very challenging.\n3. Get To Know The Technology\nThe same goes for \nreal estate technology\n. Even if you are technologically savvy, it\u2019s worth noting that company software doesn\u2019t have a reputation for being easy to use. A 2-hour class may sound tedious, but it beats dozens of hours puzzling over your company\u2019s user- unfriendly \nclient relationship management (CRM)\n system.\n4. Introduce Yourself To Your Colleagues\nAs a real estate negotiator, you\u2019re technically an independent contractor. That doesn\u2019t mean, however, that you don\u2019t benefit from your relationships with fellow real estate negotiators in your office. Introduce yourself to everyone in your office, from fellow property negotiators to administrative and support staff. The friendlier you are, the more willing they will be to help you when you need it. Your real estate colleagues will give you insight on the real estate agency culture and what\u2019s expected of you as the new negotiator in the company.\nYou\u2019ll also learn which negotiators to keep clear of, and which negotiators to follow and learn from. Ask who the in-house agency expert is on a subject you want to learn more about, whether it be: \nreal estate digital marketing\n, tenant contracts, property auctions, etc. Ask each of your colleagues for their one piece of advice for someone starting out in the real estate business. Their answers might surprise you. Once you have learnt the ropes you should pay it forward and also be helpful to other new real estate negotiators, that begin their property career after you have.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/should-you-buy-existing-property-or-new-project-developments/", "title": "Should You Buy Existing Property or New Project Developments?", "body": "Finding the right home to purchase today is one of the biggest challenges for potential buyers. With many homes on the market and construction of newly built projects ramping up, you may be wondering if you should consider \nnew development projects\n in your search process. It\u2019s a great question to ask, and one to think about the pros and cons of what it means to buy a new property vs an existing one. Here are a few things to consider when making the decision of which one to buy.\nNew Property Development\nWhen buying a new property you can often choose more energy-efficient options, plus you will get new appliances, new windows, etc. These can all help lower your energy costs, which can add up to significant savings for you over time. With programs like the ENERGY STAR RATING, your home also helps protect the environment and reduces your carbon footprint.\nLess maintenance comes with a newer property and its a great benefit. When you have a new home, you likely won\u2019t have as many little repairs to tackle, like leaky sink, walls to paint, and other odd jobs around the house. With new construction, you\u2019ll also have warranty options that may cover portions of your investment for the first few years.\nAnother great benefit to new construction is customisation. Do you want special mirrors in your bathroom, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, hardwood floors, an office, or a multipurpose room to homeschool your children? These items can be customised to your specific needs during the design phase. With an existing property you\u2019re buying something that\u2019s already completed, so if you want to make any changes, you may need to hire a contractor to help get your home ready for you and your family.\nExisting Property\nWhen buying an existing home, you can negotiate with the current seller on price, which is something you generally don\u2019t get to do with a new development. Developers know their material and construction costs, and they have a price set for the property you\u2019re buying. So, if you want to negotiate price, then maybe an existing home will be a better choice.\nFor most families, having an established neighborhood is also important. Some buyers like to know who their neighbors are, if it\u2019s family-friendly, and the traffic situation before making a commitment. When you buy a new construction, you won\u2019t have a full view of some of those details until all the units around you are sold.\nFinally, timing is important. With an existing home, you can move in based on the timeline you agree to with the sellers. With new development, you need to wait for the project to be completed. Depending on the time of the year you\u2019re buying and the location you\u2019re in, the weather can also be a factor in the timeframe. This is something really important to keep in mind, especially if you need to move sooner rather than later. Over the past few months with COVID-19 and social distancing regulations, many areas for new projects have been delayed.\nIn Summary\nWhether you want to buy a new property development or one that\u2019s already established, both are great options. They each have their pros and cons, and every family will have different reasons driving their decision. If you have questions and want to know more about the options in your area, contact a \nlocal real estate professional\n today so you can feel confident making a decision about your next property purchase.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/the-best-city-in-malaysia/", "title": "The Best City In Malaysia", "body": "Looking for the best city in Malaysia, look no further. We have curated and listed the best cities in Malaysia for you reference. Whether you are looking to \nbuy a property\n to live in or \nrent a house\n temporality, here are the top 10 cities in Malaysia.\nTop 10 Cities In Malaysia\nKuala Lumpur\nKuala Lumpur\n is a federal territory and the capital city of Malaysia. It is the largest city in Malaysia, covering an area of 243 km with an estimated population of 1.73 million as of 2016. Greater Kuala Lumpur, also known as the Klang Valley, is an urban agglomeration of 7.564 million people as of 2018. It is among the fastest growing metropolitan regions in Southeast Asia, in both population and economic development.\nKuala Lumpur is the cultural, financial and economic centre of Malaysia. It is also home to the Parliament of Malaysia and the official residence of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Istana Negara. The city was once the seat of the executive and judicial branches of the federal government, but these were relocated to Putrajaya in early 1999. However, some sections of the political bodies still remain in Kuala Lumpur.\nPetaling Jaya\nPetaling Jaya is a city in Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia. It has an approximate area of 97.2 square kilometres . Petaling Jaya was granted city status on 20 June 2006. It was originally developed as a satellite township for Kuala Lumpur.\nPetaling Jaya is surrounded by the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur to the east, Sungai Buloh to the north, Shah Alam , the capital of Selangor and Subang Jaya to the west and Bandar Kinrara (Puchong) to the south.\nThe city was developed during post-war British Malaya on a piece of 1,200 acres (486 ha) rubber estate, the Effingham Estate, around Old Klang Road to address the overpopulation of the capital Kuala Lumpur in the 1950s. Since 1952, PJ witnessed a dramatic growth in terms of population size and geographical importance. The development of Petaling Jaya commenced in 1952 with the construction of 800 houses centred on the area known as \u201cOld Town\u201d today.\nKota Kinabalu\nKota Kinabalu is the state capital of Sabah, Malaysia. It is also the capital of the Kota Kinabalu District as well as the West Coast Division of Sabah. The city is located on the northwest coast of Borneo facing the South China Sea. The Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park lies to its west and Mount Kinabalu, which gave the city its name, is located to its east. Kota Kinabalu has a population of 452,058 according to the 2010 census; when the adjacent Penampang and Putatan districts are included, the metro area has a combined population of 628,725.\nIn the 15th century, the area of Kota Kinabalu was under the influence of Bruneian Empire. In the 19th century, the British North Borneo Company (BNBC) first set up a settlement near the Gaya Island. However, it was destroyed by fire in 1897 by a local leader named Mat Salleh. In July 1899, the place located opposite to the Gaya Island was identified as a suitable place for settlements. Development in the area was started soon after that; and the place was named \u201cApi-api\u201d before it was renamed after the vice-chairman of BNBC as \u201cJesselton\u201d. Jesselton became a major trading port in the area, and was connected to the North Borneo Railway. Jesselton was largely destroyed during World War II. The Japanese occupation of Jesselton provoked several local uprisings notably the Jesselton Revolt but they were eventually defeated by the Japanese.\n After the war, BNBC was unable to finance the high cost of reconstructions and the place was ceded to the British Crown Colony. The British Crown declared Jesselton as the new capital of North Borneo in 1946 and started to rebuild the town. After the formation of Malaysia, North Borneo was renamed as Sabah. In 1967, Jesselton was renamed as Kota Kinabalu, Kota being the Malay word for Fort and Kinabalu after the nearby Mount Kinabalu. Kota Kinabalu was granted city status in 2000.\nMalacca City\nMalacca City is the capital city of the Malaysian state of Malacca. As of 2010 it has a population of 484,885.[3] It is the oldest Malaysian city on the Straits of Malacca, having become a successful entrep\u00f4t in the era of the Malacca Sultanate. The present-day city was founded by Parameswara, a Sumatran prince who escaped to the Malay Peninsula when Srivijaya fell to the Majapahit.\nFollowing the establishment of the Malacca Sultanate, the city drew the attention of traders from the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia, as well as the Portuguese, who intended to dominate the trade route in Asia. After Malacca was conquered by Portugal, the city became an area of conflict when the sultanates of Aceh and Johor attempted to take control from the Portuguese.\nGeorge Town\nGeorge Town is the capital city of the Malaysian state of Penang. George Town is Malaysia\u2019s third most populous city with 708,127 inhabitants as of 2010, while Greater Penang is the nation\u2019s second largest conurbation with a population of 2,412,616. The historical core of George Town has been inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008.\nEstablished as an entrep\u00f4t by Francis Light of the British East India Company in 1786, George Town was the first British settlement in Southeast Asia. Together with Singapore and Malacca, George Town formed part of the Straits Settlements, which became a British crown colony in 1867. It was subjugated by Japan during World War II, before being recaptured by the British at war\u2019s end. Shortly before Malaya attained independence from the British in 1957, George Town was declared a city by Queen Elizabeth II, making it the first city in the country\u2019s modern history.\nDue to the intermingling of the various ethnicities and religions that arrived on its shores, George Town acquired a large eclectic assortment of colonial and Asian architectural styles. It also gained a reputation as Malaysia\u2019s gastronomic capital for its distinct and ubiquitous street food. Moreover, the city hosts unique cultural heritage, such as the Peranakans whose legacies are still visible on Penang\u2019s architecture and cuisine.\nIpoh\nIpoh is the capital city of the Malaysian state of Perak. Located by the Kinta River, it is nearly 180 km (110 mi) north of Kuala Lumpur and 123 km (76 mi) southeast of George Town in neighbouring Penang. As of 2010, Ipoh had a population of 657,892, making it the third largest city in Malaysia by population.\nOriginally a village, Ipoh began to grow rapidly in the 1880s after huge deposits of tin were discovered within its vicinity. By 1895, it was the second largest town within the Federated Malay States, which also consisted of Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. Ipoh was declared a city in 1988. However, following the depletion of its tin deposits and the collapse of tin prices in the 1970s, the city suffered decades of decline and neglect.\nIn recent years, Ipoh\u2019s popularity as a tourist destination has been significantly boosted by efforts to conserve its British colonial-era architecture. The city is also well known for its cuisine and natural attractions, such as its limestone hills and caves within which Buddhist temples were built. In addition, Ipoh has managed to maintain its reputation as one of the cleanest cities in Malaysia.\nSeremban\nSeremban is a city and the capital of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, located within Seremban District. The city\u2019s administration is run by the Seremban City Council. On 9 September 2009, Seremban was to be declared as a city, but it was later deferred due to technical reasons. However, the idea of granting city status has been brought up again and Seremban is expected to become a city in 2020. Seremban officially gained city status on 20 January 2020.\nSeremban was founded as Sungei Ujong (or Sungai Ujong), named after a nearby river of the same name. While the town was renamed Seremban thereafter, the Sungai Ujong name most prominently persists as a street name for a road adjoining the southern side of town (Sungai Ujong Road, or Jalan Sungai Ujong).\nThe town is also referred alternately as \u201cFu Rong\u201d in Mandarin or \u201cFu Yong\u201d in Cantonese among the Chinese-speaking community.\nKuching\nKuching, officially the City of Kuching, is the capital and the most populous city in the state of Sarawak in Malaysia. It is also the capital of Kuching Division. The city is situated on the Sarawak River at the southwest tip of the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo and covers an area of 431 square kilometres (166 sq mi) with a population about 165,642 in the Kuching North administrative region and 159,490 in the Kuching South administrative region total of 325,132 people.\nKuching was the third capital of Sarawak in 1827 during the administration of the Bruneian Empire. In 1841, Kuching became the capital of the Kingdom of Sarawak after the territory in the area was ceded to James Brooke for helping the Bruneian empire in crushing a rebellion particularly by the interior Borneo dweller Land Dayak people who later became his loyal followers after most of them being pardoned by him and joining his side. The town continued to receive attention and development during the rule of Charles Brooke such as the construction of a sanitation system, hospital, prison, fort, and a bazaar.\nIn 1941, the Brooke administration had a Centenary Celebration in Kuching. During World War II, Kuching was occupied by Japanese forces from 1942 to 1945. The Japanese government set up a Batu Lintang camp near Kuching to hold prisoners of war and civilian internees. After the war, the town survived intact. However, the last Rajah of Sarawak, Sir Charles Vyner Brooke decided to cede Sarawak as part of British Crown Colony in 1946. Kuching remained as capital during the Crown Colony period. After the formation of Malaysia in 1963, Kuching retained its status as state capital and was granted city status in 1988. Since then, the Kuching city is divided into two administrative regions managed by two separate local authorities. The administrative centre of Sarawak state government is located at Wisma Bapa Malaysia, Kuching.\nPutrajaya\nPutrajaya, officially the Federal Territory of Putrajaya, is a planned city and the federal administrative centre of the Malaysian capital. The seat of government was shifted in 1999 from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya because of overcrowding and congestion in the former. Kuala Lumpur remains Malaysia\u2019s national capital and is the seat of the King, the Parliament, and all the foreign embassies, and the country\u2019s commercial and financial centre. Putrajaya was the idea of the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. It became Malaysia\u2019s third Federal Territory, after Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, in 2001.\nNamed after the first Malaysian Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the territory is entirely enclaved within the Sepang District of the state of Selangor. Putrajaya is also a part of MSC Malaysia, a special economic zone that covers Klang Valley.\nJohor Bahru\nJohor Bahru \u00a0is the capital of the state of Johor, Malaysia. It is located along the Straits of Johor at the southern end of Peninsular Malaysia. The city has a population of 497,097 within an area of 220 km. Johor Bahru is adjacent to the city of Iskandar Puteri, both anchoring Malaysia\u2019s third largest urban agglomeration, Iskandar Malaysia, with a population of 1,638,219.\nJohor Bahru was founded in 1855 as Tanjung Puteri when the Sultanate of Johor came under the influence of Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim. The area was renamed \u201cJohore Bahru\u201d in 1862 and became the capital of the Sultanate when the Sultanate administration centre was moved there from Telok Blangah.\nDuring the reign of Sultan Abu Bakar, there was development and modernisation within the city; with the construction of administrative buildings, schools, religious buildings, and railways connecting to Woodlands in Singapore. Johor Bahru was occupied by the Japanese forces from 1942 to 1945. Johor Bahru became the cradle of Malay nationalism after the war and gave birth to a political party named United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) in 1946. After the formation of Malaysia in 1963, Johor Bahru retained its status as state capital and was granted city status in 1994.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/the-best-real-estate-agent-tools-in-2023/", "title": "The best real estate agent tools in 2023", "body": "As a real estate agent, it\u2019s important to stay on top of the latest tools and technologies to help you succeed in your job. With the constant evolution of the real estate industry, it\u2019s more important than ever to stay up to date and be able to adapt to new tools as they become available. In this article, we\u2019ll take a look at some of the best real estate agent tools that are expected to make a big impact in 2023.\n\u00a0\n1. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)\nOne of the biggest trends in real estate right now is the use of virtual and augmented reality to showcase properties to potential buyers. With VR and AR, agents can give clients an immersive \n3D tour of a property\n without the need for them to physically be there. This not only saves time for both the agent and the client, but it also allows for a more interactive and engaging experience.\nThere are a few different VR and AR tools that real estate agents can use, including Matterport\u2019s 3D Showcase. These tools allow agents to create realistic 3D models of properties and then share them with clients through a VR headset or on a smartphone or tablet using AR. This can be especially useful for agents who are working with clients remotely or who are unable to physically access a property.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. CRM Systems\nCustomer relationship management (CRM) systems are an essential tool for any real estate agent. A \nCRM system\n helps agents keep track of all their clients, leads, and deals in one place, making it easier to stay organised and manage their workload.\nThere are a number of different CRM systems available, each with its own unique features and capabilities. One of the top CRM systems for real estate agents is Fresh Sales by Freshworks. This system allow agents to track and manage their clients, schedule appointments, and keep track of their deals in progress.\n\u00a0\n3. Marketing Automation Tools\nMarketing automation tools are another important tool for real estate agents. These tools allow agents to automate their marketing efforts, which can save a significant amount of time and effort.\nThere are a number of different marketing automation tools available, including Freshmarketer and Drip. These tools allow agents to automate tasks such as email marketing, social media marketing, and lead generation, freeing up more time for them to focus on other aspects of their business.\n\u00a0\n4. Transaction Management Systems\nTransaction management systems are designed to help agents streamline the process of closing deals. These systems provide a central location for all the documents and information related to a deal, making it easier for agents to stay organised and manage their transactions.\nSome of the top transaction management systems for real estate agents include dotloop, DocuSign, and Skyslope. These systems allow agents to securely store and manage documents, track the status of a deal, and collaborate with clients and other agents.\n\u00a0\n5. Property Websites\nReal estate listing websites\n are an important tool for real estate agents who want to showcase their listings online. Property websites allow agents to display their listings on their own website, making it easier for potential buyers to browse and search for properties.\nThese websites are essential for real estate agents because they offer a variety of different features and options, including customisable search tools, lead capture forms, and integration with other real estate tools.\n\u00a0\n6. Social Media Management Tools\nSocial media is an important platform for real estate agents to connect with potential clients and showcase their listings. However, managing multiple social media channels can be quite challenging. To help you with managing your social media channels, you can use tools like Buffer, or Hootsuite. these tools help you save time managing social media so you can focus on making more sales.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/the-transformative-power-of-proptech-in-real-estate/", "title": "The Transformative Power of Proptech in Real Estate", "body": " In the last few years, the real estate industry has undergone a significant transformation, driven by technological advancements and the rise of proptech or property technology. Proptech, an umbrella term encompassing various technologies and digital innovations tailored for the real estate sector, has disrupted traditional practices, challenging the status quo and creating new opportunities for industry players. Today we will explore some of the most transformative proptech that has had a\u00a0profound impact on the real estate industry. \u00a0\nEnhanced Property Search and Virtual Tours\nProptech has revolutionised the way potential buyers search for properties. Online platforms and mobile apps provide comprehensive databases of property listings, allowing users to filter results based on their preferences. Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies offer \nimmersive virtual tours\n, enabling prospective buyers to explore properties remotely. This not only saves time and effort but also opens up opportunities for international investors and buyers to participate in the market with ease. \u00a0\nEmpowering Data-Driven Decision Making\nData analytics\n and artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionised decision-making in the real estate industry. Proptech leverages vast amounts of data to provide insights on market trends, property valuations, and investment opportunities. Advanced algorithms analyse historical data, enabling more accurate predictions and risk assessments. Real estate professionals can now make informed decisions backed by data, mitigating uncertainties and maximising returns. \u00a0\nEnhanced Property Management\nProptech has revolutionised property management, simplifying tasks for property owners, managers, and tenants. Internet of Things (IoT) devices enable remote monitoring and control of property systems, optimising energy efficiency and reducing maintenance costs. Property management platforms streamline communication between landlords and tenants, facilitating rent collection, maintenance requests, and lease agreements. \u00a0\nThe Emergence of Smart Cities\nProptech plays a pivotal role in the development of smart cities. Connected infrastructure, sensor networks, and IoT-enabled devices create a network of interlinked urban systems. This integration enhances efficiency, sustainability, and liveability. Smart buildings equipped with proptech solutions contribute to energy conservation, waste reduction, and improved urban planning. \u00a0\nFostering Collaborative Ecosystems\nProptech has fostered collaborative ecosystems, bringing together stakeholders across the real estate value chain. Open platforms and marketplaces connect buyers, sellers, investors, and service providers, facilitating seamless transactions and fostering innovation. Crowdfunding platforms have democratised real estate investment, allowing smaller investors to participate in lucrative opportunities. \u00a0\nAddressing Sustainability Challenges\nProptech is at the forefront of addressing sustainability challenges in the real estate industry. Green technologies, such as solar panels and smart energy management systems, promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprints. Innovative solutions in waste management, water conservation, and sustainable materials contribute to building a more environmentally conscious sector. \u00a0\nConclusion\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nProptech has ushered in a new era of possibilities, transforming the real estate industry in profound ways. From revolutionising property transactions and empowering data-driven decision-making to enhancing property management and fostering sustainable practices, proptech has become an indispensable force. As we move forward, embracing and harnessing the potential of proptech will be vital for real estate professionals and stakeholders to thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/tips-for-finding-a-property-to-rent-in-malaysia/", "title": "Tips For Finding A Property To Rent In Malaysia", "body": "Here are 7 tips for finding your next property to rent in Malaysia\nStart your search as early as possible\nThe best rentals, in terms of price, location and amenities, go earlier in the month, so don\u2019t wait until mid-month to look for a new place to live. It\u2019s best to start searching 60 days before you need to move, especially if you are looking for a rental property where there isn\u2019t as much available. The second and third weekends of the month tend to be the busiest. If you start your search the first weekend of the month, there will be less competition and the \nbest properties\n will still be available.\nUse a professional real estate negotiator\nReal estate agents\n are available to help renters find properties free of charge. The key is to find a negotiator who specializes in rental properties in that location. Make sure you are talking with an agent who has knowledge on the apartment buildings and neighbourhoods where you want to rent.\nDetermine Your Affordability\nCreate your budget with a simple excel sheet. Detail your income and expenses down to the cent, from fixed obligations such as phone bills, student loans, and car payments, to variable month-to-month costs such as groceries, entertainment, and clothing. You can lower your food bills by using coupons, and save money on your astro, smartphone, and Internet by bundling all three services under one provider. These small moves can really add up, giving you the funds you need for your future housing.\nGather Your Down Payment\nAll landlords require a rental deposit, which usually includes 2 month\u2019s rent, along with a utilities deposit which is 1/2 month\u2019s rent. Therefore, if you\u2019re spending RM800 per month for a new place, you need RM2,000 ready to go when you actually sign your lease. Your rental deposit is generally returned if you leave the property in the condition you found it. Otherwise, it can be applied to maintenance, repairs, and cleaning.\nWhile you won\u2019t need to give a landlord a rental deposit until you sign the lease, it\u2019s always a good idea to have the amount saved up in your bank account. That way, you won\u2019t lose out on a potentially perfect apartment to a better-prepared renter simply because you didn\u2019t have the money.\n\u00a0\nPrepare Documentation\nLandlords take a substantial financial risk if they don\u2019t thoroughly check out each applicant, so in addition to credit and background checks, some may require extra documentation. Gather the following papers and keep them on file in advance of your search:\nLetter of Employment\nA landlord needs to know you\u2019re gainfully employed and able to make monthly payments based on your salary. This letter should be printed on company letterhead and include an affirmation that you work there, the duration of your employment to date, and your monthly or yearly salary. It should be signed by a supervisor.\nPay Slips\nThese corroborate the information in the letter of employment.\nReference Letters\nA landlord wants to know that you\u2019re a great tenant. If you\u2019ve rented before, ask for reference letters from past landlords explaining that you paid your rent on time and cared for the property. If you\u2019ve never rented before, ask for letters from previous employers or acquaintances who can confirm that you\u2019re responsible and honest. Just make sure they\u2019re from people not related to you \u2013 glowing recommendations from your mom won\u2019t do the trick.\n\u00a0\nDo a Walk-Through\nDon\u2019t sign that lease just yet. After everything checks out and you\u2019re happy with the apartment, location, and landlord, you should do a final walk-through before signing on the dotted line. Because previous tenants may have caused damage or maintenance issues, you need to be sure that you won\u2019t be responsible for any issues that weren\u2019t your fault.\nRead Over and Sign the Lease\nLease agreements vary depending on time frame and contract terms. A Fixed-Term Lease Is Most Common. Contract with your landlord to stay in the apartment for a specific period of time \u2013a year, maybe even two years. In many cases, if you choose to move out, you\u2019re still responsible to pay for the time left on your lease, whether you live in the apartment or not. This can mean locking in a lower rate, though, which is ideal for longer-term living situations. Occasionally, landlords let renters out of their lease if a penalty is paid, so be sure to discuss contingencies before you sign. If renting a property is not the best option for you, you can always consider a \nRTO / Rent to own scheme\n. \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/tips-to-know-when-buying-a-newly-developed-property/", "title": "Tips To Know When Buying a Newly Developed Property", "body": "The surge of new project developments in the real estate market has many homebuyers starting to focus on new construction properties. When you buy a newly constructed property instead of a sub-sale home, there are many extra steps that must take place.\nTo ensure an issue free process, here are 5 tips to know if you are considering buying a new project development:\n1. Buy from a reputable developer\nDespite the fact that most \nproperty developers\n must comply with state and city regulations, you need to buy from a developer with a good reputation! When buying new construction, you will have peace of mind knowing a reputable developer wont leave the development half way completed.\n2. Maintain good communication with your developer\nStarting with the pre-construction discussion (where you will go over all the details of your property with your project developer), establish a line of communication. For example, will the developer email or whatsapp you regularly with progress updates.\u00a0 If you are an out-of-state buyer, will you receive weekly photos of the progress via email or whatsapp? Can you call the developer and if so, how often? How often can you visit the site?\n3. Look for developer\u2019s incentives\nThe good thing about buying a new property is that you can add the renovations you need, the bathroom you want, or other upgrades to your home! However, there is always a price for such additions, and they add up quickly! So make sure you manage your budget well.\nSome developers\u2019 offer additional incentives that can help reduce the amount you spend on your home. Do your homework and see what sort of incentives the developers in your area are offering.\n4. Expect extra time in the development process\nThere are many things that can impact the progress on your project development. One of these things is the weather, especially if you are entering monsoon season. Rain can delay the pouring of a foundation as well as other necessary steps at the beginning of construction, while floods can cause issues and slow your timeline.\nMost developers already have extra time buffer added into their timelines, but if you are also in the process of selling your current home, you must keep that in mind! Nobody wants to be stuck between two homes homes for months or weeks.\n5. Visit the project site often\nAs we mentioned earlier, be sure to schedule time with your project development manager regularly to see the progress on your project. It\u2019s easy for your project developer to report everything is going well, but if the site has not even commenced building, then you know to be asking more questions about what is going on.\nIn summary\nWaiting for your new property to come to life is a wonderful experience that can sometimes come with hassles. To avoid some of these headaches, keep these tips in mind!\nIf you are ready to put your current property up for sale and find out what new construction is available in your area, we can recommend a qualified real estate agent who can help you with the sale of your current home and the search for your new one.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-10-property-developers-in-singapore-2023/", "title": "Top 10 Property Developers in Singapore 2023", "body": "Singapore is home to some of the most prominent and innovative property developers in the world. These developers have been instrumental in shaping the landscape of the city-state, and have contributed to the growth and development of Singapore as a global business and financial hub. From luxury high-rise condominiums to sprawling commercial complexes, Singapore\u2019s top property developers have a wide range of projects under their belt, all designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the modern city.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIn this article, we\u2019ll take a closer look at the top 10 property developers in Singapore. Whether you\u2019re a real estate investor, a business owner, or a resident of Singapore, these developers are worth keeping an eye on as they continue to shape the future of this dynamic city-state. Here are the top 10 property developers in Singapore:\n\u00a0\nCapitaLand Limited\n\u00a0\nCapitaLand Group (CapitaLand)\n is one of Asia\u2019s largest diversified real estate groups. Headquartered in Singapore, CapitaLand\u2019s portfolio focuses on real estate investment management and real estate development, and spans across more than 260 cities in over 40 countries.\nWithin\u00a0its\u00a0ecosystem,\u00a0CapitaLand has developed an integrated suite of investment\u00a0management\u00a0and operating capabilities that supports its real estate businesses and platforms in building core competencies across the real estate value chain. With this full stack of capabilities, CapitaLand can optimise the strategies of its listed real estate investment management business CapitaLand Investment, and its\u00a0privately held property\u00a0development arm CapitaLand Development; to drive competitive advantage for its businesses.\nCity Developments Limited\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCity Developments Limited (CDL)\n is a leading global real estate company with a network spanning 104 locations in 29 countries and regions.\nListed on the Singapore Exchange, the Group is one of the largest companies by market capitalisation. Its income-stable and geographically diverse portfolio comprises residences, offices, hotels, serviced apartments, retail malls and integrated developments.\nWith a proven track record of 60 years in real estate development, investment and management, the Group has developed over 48,000 homes and owns around 23 million square feet of gross floor area in residential for lease, commercial and hospitality assets globally.\n\u00a0\nUOL Group Limited\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nUOL Group Limited\n\u00a0is a\u00a0Singaporean\u00a0headquartered company focusing on investment, development and management of real estate across the\u00a0Asia-Pacific\u00a0region. The Wee Family, significant shareholders of\u00a0United Overseas Bank are the largest shareholders of the company.\u00a0\nThe company is a constituent member of the\u00a0Straits Times Index.\nThe company was founded in 1963 as Faber Union Limited, a subsidiary of Faber Union (HK) Limited. \nSingapore Exchange It became a publicly traded company in 1964.\n\u00a0\nMapletree Investments Pte Ltd\n\u00a0\nHeadquartered in Singapore, Mapletree is a global real estate development, investment, capital and property management company committed to sustainability.\nMapletree Investments Pte Ltd (Mapletree) focuses on delivering value to its stakeholders through its business model that maximises capital efficiency. In executing a business strategy that combines the roles of real estate development, investment, capital and property management, Mapletree has generated consistently good returns to its stakeholders, and established a track record for building award-winning development projects across various real estate classes.\nThe Group manages three Singapore-listed real estate investment trusts (\u201cREITs\u201d) and seven private equity real estate funds, which hold a diverse portfolio of assets in Asia Pacific, Europe, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). As at 31 March 2022, Mapletree owns and manages S$78.7 billion of office, retail, logistics, industrial, data centre, residential and student accommodation properties.\nKeppel Land Limited\nKeppel Land is a wholly-owned subsidiary of\u00a0Keppel Corporation, a Singapore flagship multinational company providing solutions for sustainable urbanisation, focusing on energy & environment, urban development, connectivity and asset management.\nKeppel Land is an innovative urban space solutions provider that leverages technology to deliver sustainable and customer-centric solutions that enrich people and communities. It is focused in the areas of sustainable urban renewal, senior living, urban living, retail and large-scale integrated developments.\nIts award-winning portfolio comprises investment-grade commercial properties, residential developments and integrated townships. It is geographically diversified in Asia, with China, Singapore and Vietnam as its key markets, while it continues to scale up in India as well as other developed markets globally.\n\u00a0\nOxley Holdings Limited\n\u00a0\nOxley Holdings Limited (\u201cOxley\u201d or \u201cthe Group\u201d) is a home-grown property developer with a diversified portfolio including property development, property investment and project management. Oxley is listed on the Main Board of the SGX-ST.\nThe Group currently has a business presence across seven geographical markets including Singapore, the United Kingdom (the \u201cUK\u201d), Ireland, Cyprus, Cambodia, Malaysia and the People\u2019s Republic of China (\u201cPRC\u201d). The Group specialises in the development of quality residential, commercial, industrial and hospitality projects.\nSince Oxley\u2019s incorporation in March 2010, the Group has launched a portfolio of 51 projects, and completed 40 projects across various countries, demonstrating its comprehensive execution capabilities.\n\u00a0\nGuocoLand Limited\n\u00a0\nGuocoLand Limited (\u201cGuocoLand\u201d) is a public company listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited since 1978. Headquartered in Singapore, the principal business activities of GuocoLand and its subsidiaries (\u201cthe Group\u201d) are property development, property investment, property management and hotel operations.\nThe Group has established property operations in the geographical markets of Singapore, China and Malaysia, through a portfolio of quality integrated mixed-use developments as well as other premium residential, commercial, retail and hospitality developments. As a premier real estate group, GuocoLand is focused on achieving scalability, sustainability and growth in its core markets through its property development, investment and management businesses.\nIn recognition of its portfolio of quality, innovative developments and commitment to business excellence, the Group has been honoured with numerous awards and accolades both in Singapore and internationally.\n\u00a0\nHong Leong Holdings Limited\nHong Leong Holdings Limited (HLHL) was established in 1968 as the privately-held property development and investment arm of the\u00a0Hong Leong Group\n.\n\u00a0As one of the pioneers of the real estate scene in Singapore, HLHL has since emerged as a major player in the property market, making it one of the most sought-after providers of a comfortable home. To date, it manages 8 commercial projects and has developed close to 100 residential properties, including a range of mid to\n high-end residential projects in some of the country\u2019s most coveted neighbourhoods.\nLooking forward, HLHL continues to seek improvement and expansion in its business while maintaining its distinct level in design, sustainability and customer service.\n\u00a0\nBukit Sembawang Estates Limited\n\u00a0\nBukit Sembawang Estates Limited (BSEL) is a public-listed company incorporated in Singapore in 1967 with a focus on property development, investment and other property-related activities. As one of Singapore\u2019s pioneer residential property developers, BSEL has established a reputation in delivering fine quality landed homes, private condominiums and apartments.\nBukit Sembawang Estates Limited\u2019s widely acclaimed portfolio includes completed projects such as 8 St Thomas, The Vermont on Cairnhill, Skyline Residences, Nim Collection, Luxus Hills and Mimosa Terrace. Awarded the BCI Asia \u201cSingapore Top Ten Developers\u201d\u200b in 2017, BSEL is committed to designing and building distinctive homes of the highest standards that satisfy the aspirations and lifestyles of their customers, for generation after generation.\n\u00a0\nChip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nChip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd (\u201c\nthe\n\u00a0\nGroup\u201d), listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (\u201cSGX-ST\u201d), is a multinational conglomerate company with businesses in construction, civil infrastructure, precast technology, environmental, property development and investment, hospitality, as well as education.\n\u00a0\nFounded in the 1960s,\u00a0\nthe Group\n\u00a0started its business as a building subcontractor for\u00a0\nconventional\u00a0\nand\u00a0\nlanded properties\n,\n\u00a0and was appointed as main contractor for its first Housing & Development Board (\u201cHDB\u201d) project in 1982. Over the years, it grew from strength to strength and diversified into the construction of private condominium projects\n\u00a0\nand engaged in p\nrecast technology.\n\u00a0\nLeveraging on its accumulated experience and know-how, the\u00a0\nGroup\n\u00a0scaled up the property value chain to undertake property development and investment in the 1990s.\u00a0\nIts property development and investment portfolio spans shophouses, residential, commercial, industrial and mixed-use development projects. To further diversify its business, the Group made its foray into the hospitality industry in 2015 and the education sector in 2018.\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-10-property-developers-malaysia-2023/", "title": "Top 10 Property Developers In Malaysia 2023", "body": " \u00a0 The recent years have been tough on the property industry in Malaysia, but while conditions haven\u2019t been great there are quite a few property developers who are still performing quite well. \u00a0 With that i would like to introduce\nMalaysia\u2019s Top 10 Property Developers of 2023\n\u00a0 Today, we will unveil the top 10 property developers who have been making waves in the Malaysian property landscape in 2023. With their innovative designs, sustainable practices, and commitment to quality, these developers have consistently pushed the boundaries of excellence in the industry. So, without further ado, let\u2019s dive into the exciting world of Malaysian real estate: \u00a0\nLBS Bina Group Berhad\n \u00a0 LBS Bina Group is known for its affordable housing initiatives and integrated developments. With a vision of providing quality homes for all, they prioritise affordability, accessibility, and community development, making homeownership a reality for many Malaysians. \u00a0 \u00a0\nUEM Sunrise Berhad\n\u00a0 \n UEM Sunrise is known for its iconic developments that redefine urban living. Their portfolio includes high-end residences, commercial properties, and integrated developments. Emphasising innovation and sustainability, they consistently deliver exceptional living experiences. \u00a0 \u00a0\nIJM Land Berhad\n \u00a0 IJM Land has a strong presence in both Malaysia and international markets. Their diverse portfolio spans residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects, all crafted with a deep understanding of customer needs and an unwavering commitment to quality. \u00a0 \u00a0\nS P Setia Berhad Group\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0 \u00a0 Renowned for its iconic developments, S P Setia has established a solid reputation both locally and internationally. With a commitment to sustainable living, they have created award-winning residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects that redefine urban living. \u00a0 \u00a0\nIOI Properties Group Berhad\n\u00a0 \n IOI Properties is recognized for its exceptional track record in developing integrated townships, commercial properties, and high-rise residences. Their focus on quality and community development has earned them a strong following among property buyers and investors. \u00a0 \u00a0\nGamuda Land\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0 A name synonymous with innovation and sustainability, Gamuda Land is known for its master-planned townships and infrastructure projects. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to green spaces, they create harmonious living environments that seamlessly blend with nature. \u00a0 \u00a0\nSunway Property\n\u00a0 \n Sunway Property has made its mark with its vibrant mixed-use developments, including residential, commercial, and retail components. They prioritize the integration of amenities, connectivity, and sustainability, offering residents an enriching and convenient lifestyle. \u00a0 \u00a0\nMah Sing Group Berhad\n Mah Sing Group is a dynamic developer that excels in residential, commercial, and industrial projects. With a focus on affordability and contemporary design, they cater to a wide range of homebuyers, making quality living accessible to many. \u00a0 \u00a0\nEcoWorld Development Group Berhad\n EcoWorld is dedicated to creating sustainable, eco-friendly communities that prioritize green living. Their developments emphasise open spaces, connectivity, and smart technologies, offering residents a wholesome and balanced lifestyle. \u00a0 \u00a0\nSime Darby Property\n\u00a0 \n \u00a0 Sime Darby Property is recognised for its large-scale integrated developments and townships. They focus on sustainable living, incorporating green features and amenities that enhance the well-being of residents, while also fostering a sense of community. \u00a0 \nThese \ntop 10 property developers of 2023\n represent the best of the Malaysian real estate development industry. With their diverse portfolios, commitment to sustainability, and innovative designs, they continue to shape the urban landscape and provide exceptional living experiences for Malaysians. Whether you\u2019re a prospective homeowner, investor, or simply intrigued by the world of property development, these developers offer a glimpse into the future of Malaysian real estate. Stay tuned for more updates on their exciting projects and groundbreaking initiatives! Click here for the \nTop 10 Property Developers In Malaysia 2022\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-10-real-estate-agencies-in-singapore-2023/", "title": "Top 10 Real Estate Agencies in Singapore 2023", "body": "Real estate is a dynamic and ever-growing industry, and Singapore\u2019s property market is no exception. With a high demand for quality housing, commercial space, and investment properties, it\u2019s essential to have reliable and trustworthy real estate agencies to assist in navigating the market.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIn this article, we\u2019ll highlight the top 10 real estate agencies in Singapore for 2023. These agencies have proven themselves as leaders in the industry, providing exceptional services to their clients and consistently achieving outstanding results. Whether you\u2019re a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, these agencies can help you find your perfect property and guide you through the entire process. So, let\u2019s take a closer look at the best real estate agencies Singapore has to offer in 2023.\n\u00a0\nPropNex Realty Pte Ltd\nPropNex Realty meteoric rise to become Singapore\u2019s largest listed real estate agency with over 11,000 real estate salespersons in an inspiring success story indeed. It has its genesis in 1999 as the brainchild of two visionary companies, Prulink and Nooris. With a shared vision of providing top quality service that customers trust, the company was founded and formed by Mohamed Ismail Gafoor and partners in 2000. This allowed them to benefit from the economies of scale that consumers could also enjoy as a result.\nBuilding on its founding principles, PropNex Realty quickly gained a reputation for service excellence, eventually adopting the tagline \u201cService You Trust\u201d in 2008, to best encapsulate the essence of the brand name. This belief in service has propelled the brand to become one of Singapore\u2019s largest real estate companies with a sizeable market share in both the public and private markets.\n\u00a0\nERA Realty Network Pte Ltd\nSince its establishment in 1982, ERA Singapore became the largest international real estate agency in Singapore with presence across 10 countries. They are the first real estate agency to be listed in the Singapore Exchange with a long-standing reputation as the preferred real estate brand in Singapore.\nAs an industry leader, ERA continue to set industry standards by introducing revolutionary initiatives that have allowed them to accumulate numerous accolades. Being at the forefront of the digital transformation has enabled them to remain resilient to financial crises, market downturns, and changes in real estate regulations over the years.\n\u00a0\nHuttons Asia Pte Ltd\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nEstablished since 2002, Huttons Group is a leading real estate agency in Singapore. They are winners of numerous awards for innovative technologies and industry first initiatives over the years. In association with Savills, they have more than 4,000 professionals marketing hundreds of local and international projects over 8 countries.\nAs The Preferred Agency of Choice, they strive to provide the highest level of service to clients through vast knowledge across different market segments and empathy. Growing from strength to strength, Huttons is also expanding rapidly and extending their reach abroad, making it a seamless experience for our clients to buy and sell properties globally.\n\u00a0\nOrangeTee & Tie Pte Ltd\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nLaunched in the new millennium in February 2000, OrangeTee has since established itself as a reputable, dynamic and fast-growing real estate enterprise in Singapore. OrangeTee aims to be the most outstanding and respected real estate enterprise in the region. In 2017, the associate agencies of OrangeTee and Edmund Tie & Company merged to form OrangeTee & Tie. The combined entity is more than 3200 strong in property agents and is well-known in the industry for being at the forefront of technology and innovation while being committed to professionalism and service.\nThe collaborative synergy will offer significant value to all of us facing unprecedented challenges in this digital age and associates will be able to leverage on the combined resources, providing greater depth of personnel, expanded research and continued dedication to quality work and customer service in innovative technology, leading-edge market research and comprehensive training programs. OrangeTee & Tie is expected to have more than 50 residential projects, comprising more than 20,000 units.\n\u00a0\nSLP International Property Consultants Pte Ltd\nFounded in 2001, SLP International Property Consultants Pte.Ltd (SLP) started as a boutique agency specialising in industrial services, and quickly transformed into a regional\u00a0company\u00a0offering both consultancy and agency services.\u00a0Today, SLP owns and controls a group of\u00a0subsidiary companies and franchises.\nHeadquartered in Singapore, SLP continues to expand across Asia Pacific, establishing our presence as a regional agency. Together with its subsidiary and associate agents, SLP is ranked among the top ten real estate agencies in Singapore, and has successfully marketed over 70 Industrial and 40 Residential property developments to date.\n\u200b\nSLP prides ourselves on the ability to offer an impressive gamut of professional real estate services ranging from Project Marketing, Research & Advisory to Capital Market Services.\n\u00a0\nKnight Frank Singapore Pte Ltd\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nHeadquartered in London, Knight Frank is present in 57 territories with 558 offices and over 22,750 employees. Knight Frank Singapore, one of the country\u2019s earliest real estate consultancies, was founded in 1940.\nKnight Frank Singapore creates and maximises value for their clients through integrated and innovative solutions that best suit their needs. They believe in building relationships that empower them to provide personalised advice on real estate matters.\u00a0\nThey provide \ndedicated real estate advisory services within a workplace where professional and personal well-being is nurtured\n, with collaboration at the heart of everything they do. Their diverse individual strengths pool to create an exceptional team\n serving \nclients, customers, and communities\n.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSavills Singapore Pte Ltd\n\u00a0\nFounded in the UK in 1855, Savills is one of the world\u2019s leading property agents. Their experience spans the globe, with 600 offices across the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Their scale gives them wide-ranging specialist and local knowledge, and they take pride in providing best-in-class advice as they help individuals, businesses and institutions make better property decisions.\n\u00a0\nJLL Property Consultants Pte Ltd\nJLL\u00a0is a\u00a0property consultancy company specialising in property services and investment management. With annual revenue of US$4.0 billion, Jones Lang LaSalle operates in 70 countries from more than 1,000 locations worldwide. On behalf of its clients, the firm provides management and real estate outsourcing services to a property portfolio of 3.0 billion square feet. Its investment management business, LaSalle Investment Management, has US$47.6 billion of real estate assets under management.\nJones Lang LaSalle has over 50 years of experience in Asia Pacific, with over 27,500 employees operating in 80 offices in 15 countries across the region. The firm was named \u2018Best Property Consultancy\u2019 in three Asia Pacific countries at the International Property Awards Asia Pacific 2013, and won nine Asia Pacific awards in the Euromoney Real Estate Awards 2013.\n\u00a0\nCBRE Pte Ltd\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nCBRE is the world\u2019s largest commercial real estate services and investment company, with the #1 global market position in leasing, property sales, outsourcing, property management and valuation. CBRE is also the largest commercial property developer in the United States, and has nearly $144 billion of Assets Under Management within our Investment Management business. Our more than 105,000 employees (excluding Turner & Townsend employees) serve clients in over 100 countries, including over 90% of the Fortune 100.\n\u00a0\nOh My Home\nFounded in 2016 by sisters Rhonda Wong (CEO) and Race Wong (CPO), Ohmyhome was started with one goal \u2013 to make housing transactions simple, efficient and affordable.\nThis comes with their firm belief that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, should have access to quality and reliable home transacting resources. What started as a free self-served platform for users to list and search for homes has evolved into a one-stop shop property platform providing end-to-end services for all.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-5-tips-for-real-estate-agents-winning-on-instagram/", "title": "Top 5 Tips for real estate agents winning on Instagram", "body": "1. Deliver Value\nEver hear of an influencer? Instagram has created its own universe of trailblazers, and if you use it the right way, you could become one too. Sharing content is not only great for educating your followers but also establishing yourself as a real estate \u201cthought leader\u201d and brand.\nBeing a local expert also ties in with that. To do this, we recommend posting pictures of landmarks and favorite spots around town or creating videos that highlight local businesses you love in your area, or even hosting many \nvirtual open houses\n.\n2. Engage Your Social Community\nThis is where the hard work comes in. Whether you have five followers or 5,000, engagement is key to keeping the ones you have plus gaining more followers.\nWhat does \u201cengagement\u201d mean?\n\u2022 Respond to all comments and messages\n\u2022 Initiate conversations by asking questions\n\u2022 Use features like polls, quizzes and countdowns on stories Highlight your clients and community\nThis is a great way to make the most of those spare 5minutes here and there. And yes it will pay off!\n3. #Hashtag like a Pro\nInstagram has done an incredible job of opening up the world to every user. When we say this, we mean that what you see, or who sees you, is no longer restricted to just your \u201cfriends\u201d, it can be many more people.\nA great way to make sure your posts get in front of new eyes is by using hashtags. The limit per post is 30 but if that\u2019s too ambitious, we suggest at least 10-15 for each post. Although #realestate may seem like an obvious choice, we recommend throwing in some location-specific ones too (like #malaysianrealestate) since that\u2019s your target community. Then, people who follow or visit that hashtag will see your post. It\u2019s a win-win.\n4. Stories, Stories, Stories\nStories was the feature that helped set Instagram apart from the other social media. It\u2019s also the feature that could set you apart from your competition.\nWhether you\u2019re sharing your RealestateMY content, highlighting a new property or celebrating a client\u2019s home purchase, stories add tremendous value to your \nInstagram strategy\n. They\u2019re also more likely to be seen or engaged with by your followers. Even if you don\u2019t post on your feed every day, you should be posting on your stories.\nAnd remember, it\u2019s not all about business. Don\u2019t be afraid to share funny videos of your family, pets (dogs & cats rule IG), vacations, hobbies, etc. Let your personality shine!\n5. Follow @realestateMY\nThe \nRealestateMY\n Instagram strategy is equal parts real estate motivation and member highlights.\nYou can check out RealestateMY\u2019s stories to see frequent stories or great examples of how their members are using real estate content to engage their followers on Instagram. Sometimes the question is less about how and more about what. RealestateMY gives you great content to share, and all you have to do is share it.\nFollow US and see how other top agents are winning with this platform to get inspiration for your next post!\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-property-developers-in-malaysia-2022/", "title": "Top Property Developers In Malaysia 2022", "body": "\u00a0\nTop 10 Property Developers In Malaysia 2022\nThe property market has been challenging in Malaysia due to the covid-19 pandemic and the lock-downs throughout 2021. This effected many of the property developers in terms of construction timelines as well as sales. Here are a list of the top property developers in Malaysia in 2022 who have stood the test of time and continue to deliver value with their real estate development projects :\n\u00a0\n UMLand\nUMLand\u2019s Niche division has completed several residential developments in Kuala Lumpur and Johor. These include Suasana Sentral Loft (KL Sentral, KL), Suasana Bangsar (Bangsar, KL), Seri Bukit Ceylon (Bukit Ceylon, KL), Suasana Bukit Ceylon (Bukit Ceylon, KL), and Somerset Puteri Harbour (Iskandar Puteri, Johor).\nUMLand\u2019s Suasana Iskandar Malaysia is the iconic residential development which comprises of a 35- storey serviced apartment tower, the very first Amari hotel in Malaysia , managed by ONYX Hospitality Group, and is complemented by Zenith Lifestyle Centre, a two-level international and specialty dining , avantgarde entertainment, premium wellness right in the middle of Johor Bahru City Centre. Medini Lakeside in Medini Iskandar Malaysia is an integrated development comprising UMCity (a mixed-use commercial development) and Viridea Lakeside (a green residential development). Meanwhile in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Star Residences is a joint venture initiative with Symphony Life Berhad to develop an upmarket serviced residences in the center of KL City.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nGlomac\nGlomac group of companies began in 1988 by visionary entrepreneur co-founders Tan Sri Dato\u2019 FD Mansor (Group Executive Chairman) and Datuk Richard Fong (Group Executive Vice-Chairman).\nIt was listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 13 June 2000 and its evolvements has seen Glomac group recognised as a trusted and responsible developer, involved in every aspect of property and real estate development.\nCurrently helmed by Datuk Seri FD Iskandar, Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer; today, Glomac Berhad comprises more than 55 subsidiaries and has successfully completed close to RM9 billion in total sales value.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIJM\nWith almost four decades of success, IJM holds leading positions across our core businesses in Construction, Property, Industry and Infrastructure. Their growth over the years is a direct result of strong leadership and delivery capabilities, good corporate governance and a drive for excellence which has resulted in a sustainable business model that has delivered one inspired solution after another.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nM K Land\nM K Land is firmly entrenched in the property development industry of being one of the largest public listed property companies with a paid up capital of RM 1.174 billion. The Group has a diversified portfolio of projects, which includes affordable housing, lifestyle living, commercial development, resort, a water theme park and property investment.\nM K Land Holdings Berhad is now under the leadership of YBhg. Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal bin Abu Bakar. YBhg. Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal bin Haji Abu Bakar is the Chief Executive Officer of M K Land since he took over the helm since July 2008. The Company is an extension from the EMKAY Group, which was formed by Ybhg. Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal on 1st March 1983. Since its formation, EMKAY has been involved in property, construction, commerce, landscaping, resort, agriculture, manufacturing and education\nNaza\nKnown as the enabler of successful projects such as the award-winning Taman Tun Dr Ismail which started in 1973, Naza TTDI Sdn Bhd is the property development arm of the Naza Group and is on course to becoming a formidable property developer in the country, committed to delivering quality lifestyle concepts and products with customer service excellence to maximise shareholders\u2019 value.\nThe company has delivered 14,000 residential and commercial units and firmly established its foothold in the industry through the development of notable townships and buildings within the Klang Valley which includes the 662-acre Taman Tun Dr Ismail, TTDI Alam Impian, Stadium Malawati, Masjid Al-Ikhlas, TTDI Jaya and TTDI Grove.\nMaking its mark in the category of high impact mixed-used development, Naza TTDI has Platinum Park in Kuala Lumpur, TTDI Gateway in Shah Alam, and MITEC (Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre) under its expansive property portfolio.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSelangor Dredging Berhad\nSDB began in 1962, when Mr. Teh Kien Toh incorporated Selangor Dredging Limited. In 1964, the company changed its name to Selangor Dredging Berhad upon listing on the main board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange.\nFor over two decades, the company\u2019s sole business was tin mining. It was the first Malaysian company to construct and operate a dredge. It operated two dredges in Dengkil, Selangor and the second dredge, constructed in 1971 was the largest and most advanced dredge in the world.\nSDB is now known as an award winning developer who produces niche property developments with innovative concepts and designs.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nSunway Property\nSunway Property is the property arm of Sunway Group which was established in 1974, and is now one of Malaysia\u2019s top multinational property-construction corporations, with businesses in 50 locations worldwide across 12 industries. The company has won over 200 international and national awards, testifying to its innovation and its ability to balance financial performance with social and environmental responsibilities.\nSunway Property builds for a better tomorrow by creating an integrated environment to live, learn, work, play, be healthy and be connected in a safe environment. Our unique business model, build, own, operate, powers our ability as a Master Community Developer to create a unique win-win proposition through sustainable communities where future generations can continue to thrive.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nParamount Property\nParamount Property has a rich legacy in property development spanning four decades, tracing our roots to humble beginnings in Sungai Petani, Kedah where a rice miller\u2019s first foray into property development would grow into the people\u2019s developer. Our passionate, highly collaborative team at Paramount Property is driven by a shared vision with our parent company, Paramount Corporation \u2013 to change lives and enrich communities for a better world.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0Sime Darby Property\nSime Darby Property has a 46-year track record in developing residential, commercial, and industrial properties. They are Malaysia\u2019s biggest property developer in terms of land bank, with a balance developable area of 20,572 acres and a total estimated GDV of RM89.3 billion.\nThey have built to date 23 active townships and developments that are strategically located and connected to major highways and transportation hubs within key growth areas and economic corridors stretching from the central region of Klang Valley to Negeri Sembilan and Johor in the South.\nMah Sing\nRecognised throughout Malaysia as the leading property developer for more than 20 years, Mah Sing Group Berhad has a proven track record of developing and completing prime residential and commercial projects strategically across Malaysia\u2019s property hotspots. This currently includes projects across greater Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley, Johor Bahru (Iskandar Malaysia), Penang (North Corridor Economic Region), and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. What sets Mah Sing apart from other developers is its product offerings and the ability to cater to the diverse buyers and market segments.\n\u00a0\nClick here for the \nTop 10 Property Developers In Malaysia 20223\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-property-developers-malaysia/", "title": "Top Property Developers In Malaysia 2020", "body": "\u00a0\nTop 10 Property Developers In Malaysia 2020\nKnowing which property developer to buy from can be stressful, and there has been many horror stories of developers not delivering what they sold on the brochures and not being what their \nproperty website\n galleries displayed. So here are a list of the top 10 developers in Malaysia in 2020 who have a good track record of delivering on their real estate development projects :\n\u00a0\n\u00a0Sime Darby Property\nSime Darby Property has a 46-year track record in developing residential, commercial, and industrial properties. They are Malaysia\u2019s biggest property developer in terms of land bank, with a balance developable area of 20,572 acres and a total estimated GDV of RM89.3 billion.\nThey have built to date 23 active townships and developments that are strategically located and connected to major highways and transportation hubs within key growth areas and economic corridors stretching from the central region of Klang Valley to Negeri Sembilan and Johor in the South.\nMah Sing\nRecognised throughout Malaysia as the leading property developer for more than 20 years, Mah Sing Group Berhad has a proven track record of developing and completing prime residential and commercial projects strategically across Malaysia\u2019s property hotspots. This currently includes projects across greater Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley, Johor Bahru (Iskandar Malaysia), Penang (North Corridor Economic Region), and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. What sets Mah Sing apart from other developers is its product offerings and the ability to cater to the diverse buyers and market segments.\nOne of the Group\u2019s strong commitments can be seen in their charity arm, the Mah Sing Foundation \u2013 to aid and benefit the less privileged. On top of residential development, the Group also has a strong commercial presence with Grade A buildings, integrated business parks and mixed commercial developments. They are one of the pioneers of en-bloc commercial sales in the key capital of Malaysia.\n\u00a0\nSp Setia\nS P Setia has established a strong brand presence in Malaysia as well as overseas, a brand synonymous with quality, reliability and value creation. S P Setia is also at the forefront of branding in the property industry in Malaysia, being the pioneer in coining the renowned LiveLearnWorkPlay concept which is trademarked by the company as well as ECO philosophy in all S P Setia\u2019s developments, making it a highly regarded brand in the industry.\nTheir quality products as well as our sensitivity to our customers\u2019\u200b needs and aspirations have also contributed to S P Setia\u2019s sterling reputation as a property developer. A multiple award-winning public listed company, S P Setia ceaselessly strive to produce innovative and quality products not only for Malaysians, but International communities as well. Their well-received products range from Townships to Eco Homes, Luxury Homes, High Rise Residences, Retail & Commercial and Integrated Developments.\n\u00a0\nOSK Property\nEstablished in 1997, OSK Property (OSKP) develops residential, township and commercial projects located in strategic growth areas across the country. In 2015, a strategic decision was made to merge OSK Property Holdings (OSKP) and the property arm of PJ Development Holdings (PJD) under one business pillar, adopting one identity and coming under one brand \u2013 OSK Property. The consolidation of these two entities marks the coming together of complementary strengths, expertise and talents.\nAs an enlarged property group, they are able to deliver a more holistic and integrated property platform \u2013 from residential and commercial developments; to managing and operating retail and office spaces; in addition to hospitality offerings. Their development and investment presence spans across Peninsular Malaysia and we are growing our overseas presence with our development project in Melbourne, Australia.\n\u00a0\nTropicana Coporation\nTropicana Corporation Berhad is involved in a spectrum of businesses that includes Property & Resort Development, Property Investment, Manufacturing, Land Trading and Investment Holding. Listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia since 1992, the Group strives to develop distinctive and innovative properties: Tropicana Golf & Country Resort, housing Malaysia\u2019s largest and award-winning clubhouse; Tropicana Indah Resort Homes; and Tropicana City, a mixed integrated development in Petaling Jaya. Tropicana has won many prestigious awards, such as the FIABCI Malaysian Chapter Leisure Development Award in 1995.\nIn 2011, Tropicana\u2019s Tropicana Grande was named the Best Residential High-rise Development with the highest five-star rating in Malaysia and Best Residential High-rise Development in Asia Pacific at the International Property Award in association with Bloomberg Television and Google. In 2013, Tropicana Metropark won the highest five-star rating for Best Mixed-use Development (Malaysia) at the Asia-Pacific Property Awards 2013; named one of the top 10 property developers at BCI Award; and was conferred the Hall of Fame Award at both the Malaysia Power Brand Award 2013 and Super Excellent Brand Award 2013. New projects include Tropicana Gardens in Tropicana Indah Resort Homes, Tropicana Metropark in Subang, Tropicana Heights in Kajang, W Kuala Lumpur Hotel and The Residences in Kuala Lumpur, Tropicana Canal City in Greater Kuala Lumpur and Tropicana Landmark in Sabah. In Johor, the Group has expanded its presence to the popular Iskandar Malaysia region with Tropicana Danga Bay, Tropicana Danga Cove and Tropicana City Centre. In Penang, the Group is planning to develop a mixed development project known as Penang WorldCity in Bayan Mutiara and Tropicana 218 Macalister in Macalister road.\n\u00a0\nGamuda\nGamuda Land is the monumental nation builder with a spectrum of experience and expertise in engineering, construction and infrastructure concessions. Gamuda Land has over two decades of experience in developing townships, high-rise developments, country clubs and commercial centres.\nSome of its high profile, award-winning projects in Malaysia include Horizon Hills, Kota Kemuning, Jade Hills and Valencia among others; more notably, its international foothold is further strengthened by its overseas projects in Australia, Singapore and Vietnam respectively, some of which have also won numerous awards.\n\u00a0\nGuocoland\nGuocoLand is the property arm of Hong Leong Group. They are a major developer of residential and commercial properties with over 50 years track record in residential townships, commercial and mixed development projects in Malaysia. GLM has a portfolio of prime projects which includes Damansara CITY in Damansara Heights, Emerald in Rawang, PJ City Corporate Hub in Petaling Jaya, Commerce One along Old Klang Road and Amandarii in Kajang. Currently, GLM also owns 2 hotels, namely, Thistle Port Dickson Resort and Thistle Johor Bahru.\n\u00a0\nIOI Properties\nIOI Properties is one of Malaysia\u2019s leading public-listed property developers. It has built a solid reputation as the esteemed property arm of IOI Group prior to its successful listing onto the Main Board of Malaysian Stock Exchange on 15 January 2014.\nToday, IOIPG is renowned as one of the largest property companies in the country with a proven track record spanning more than three decades in the property development industry. Its principal activities include property development, property investment, leisure and hospitality. It has successfully developed sustainable townships in sought-after regions of Klang Valley and Johor in Malaysia while embarking on property developments in Singapore and the People\u2019s Republic of China. IOIPG currently has a total of 10,000 acres of landbank in Malaysia and abroad.\n\u00a0\nEcoworld\nEco World Development Group Berhad is a public listed Malaysian company involved mainly in property development. The brand is spread across three key economic regions in Malaysia with 20 development projects in total that include new townships, integrated commercial developments, luxury high-rise apartments and green business parks.\nThe Group presently has approximately 8,126.4 acres of landbank with a total gross development value (GDV) of RM87.5 billion. Through Eco World International, the brand has also extended its reach to London, United Kingdom, and Sydney & Melbourne, Australia.\n\u00a0\nUEM Sunrise\nUEM Sunrise Berhad is one of Malaysia\u2019s leading property developers. It is the flagship company for township and property development businesses of UEM Group Berhad and Khazanah Nasional Berhad. UEM Group is wholly-owned by Khazanah, an investment fund of the Government of Malaysia.\nThe Company has core competencies in macro township development; high rise residential, commercial, retail and integrated developments; as well as property management and project & construction services. UEM Sunrise is the master developer of Iskandar Puteri (formerly known as Nusajaya), one of the five flagship zones of Iskandar Malaysia and is currently undertaking the development of the area into the largest fully integrated urban development in Southeast Asia that will provide significant investment, financial and business opportunities to the economic growth and development of the region.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-real-estate-agency-in-malaysia/", "title": "Top Real Estate Agency In Malaysia 2022", "body": "\u00a0\nTop 10 Property Agency In Malaysia 2020\nFinding the right real estate agency to help you buy or sell your home can be quite stressful, and there has been many horror stories of rogue property negotiators running off with their clients deposits. So here are a list of some of the top property agencies in Malaysia in 2022, who have a good track record of delivering on their real estate promise :\n\u00a0\nEsprit Estate Agent\nA fast growing real estate firm, Esprit Estate Agent Sdn Bhd is a multi-award winning real estate firm established in year 2000, with a long standing proven track records in providing real estate services in Malaysia.\nTheir goal is to be the biggest community of real estate professionals who dares to be different, and aim to be innovative and revolutionise the real estate business model.\n\u00a0\nJalin Realty\nJalin Realty is a privately owned business specialising in property marketing, sales and support. The business began in Kuala Lumpur in the 1980s, marketing property to people looking to diversify their wealth. In the 2000s, the business began marketing Australian property to Malaysia, followed by the opening of offices in Singapore, Indonesia, China, Australia and now Hong Kong.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKith & Kin Realty Sdn Bhd\nKith & Kin Realty Sdn Bhd is a registered Real Estate Agency (Reg. No. E (1) 1933) with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, and Estate Agents of Malaysia. Founded in 2020, kith & kin provide professional real estate brokerage services for newly launched projects, as well as the sub-sale and rental market.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nERA Malaysia\nERA Malaysia is associated with the registered company of New Bob Realty Sdn Bhd which currently has its offices at Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Kedah and Johor. ERA Malaysia is a key player in providing training and business consultation for real estate agencies while fulfilling the dream of Real Estate Negotiators and agencies in reaching their fullest potentials.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nMAXXAN Realty\nMAXXAN is an innovative real estate company established in October 2017. Spearheaded by our 3 founders with a unified vision to always stay ahead of the game, and to develop teams throughout Malaysia and venture into international markets. In less than 2 years, they have expanded their operations to major cities across Malaysia and tripled our team size, building a total of 12 teams.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nChester Properties\nChester Properties Sdn Bhd is a young and dynamic company, Chester Properties has within a short time grown from a single-office entity in Kota Damansara to more than 10 branch offices.\nThe expansion of Chester\u2019s agency to Chester group is a major step forward as well as a great reputation boost for LEAP market Malaysia in their aspiration to become pioneer authentication of Real Estate brand and to ultimately achieve global recognition.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nThe Roof Realty\nThe Roof Realty is an emerging real estate agency focused on providing sales, rent and property management of residential, commercial and industrial properties. They know that real estate clients want to deal with negotiators that have knowledge, expertise, honesty, integrity, and are committed to achieving the best possible result for them. The Roof Realty provides ongoing training to ensure their team is aware of the latest industry trends as well as changes to laws and conditions to maintain clients\u2019 utmost interest.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nKeller Williams Malaysia (Reapfield)\nEstablished in 1984, the Reapfield Group has over 35 years of proven excellence in Malaysia. In 2019, the Reapfield Group officially joined Keller Williams Realty International; and is proud to be part of the ever-growing Keller Williams family!\nWith an award-winning 35 years of history, and over 800 associates strong and counting, Keller Williams Malaysia dominates local and international real estate projects in residential, industrial, and commercial markets.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nMIP Properties\nMIP Properties Sdn Bhd (LPPEH Reg. E(1)1866) is registered with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers of Malaysia. They are an innovative and aggressive Real Estate Agency with a highly dedicated team of Real Estate sales consultants providing comprehensive range of real estate related services to individuals, corporate clients and business partners.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/top-real-estate-agency-malaysia/", "title": "Top Real Estate Agency In Malaysia", "body": "Top 10 Real Estate Agencies In Malaysia\nThe property buying process can be incredibly stressful, regardless of whether you\u2019re a first timer\u00a0or a seasoned property investor. Fortunately, you can find a\u00a0good real estate agent\u00a0who\u2019s willing to do a lot of the hard work for you. RealestateMY took the time to create a list of some of the best real estate agencies in Malaysia. Here are the top 10 real estate agencies that we have reviewed.\nReapfield\nEstablished in 1984, Reapfield Group has over 30 years of proven excellence in Malaysia and they treasure long term business relationships. Their passion is in building strong leaders internally, focusing on character development in every member. Each of their 900 Real Estate Professionals are specialists in their own field.\nIQI\nIQI agents are constantly groomed and monitored to ensure they keep up with the industry\u2019s demands. Their motto is \u201cWe Enjoy Life\u201d while working hard to achieve our dreams, and we seek to reward our warriors as they strive harder to accomplish new milestones and improve results.\nHartamas Real Estate\nHartamas Real Estate Group\u00a0 was established since 1996 with a current workforce exceeding 350 people located in 7 offices including one in Shanghai. Hartamas is a well-structured real estate group with dedicated divisions and departments offering its uncompromised specialized\nOriental Realty\nOriental Realty is one of the largest real estate agency network in Malaysia today with more than 500 negotiators over offices in Malaysia nationwide committed to achieving the best possible results for the clients. Oriental Realty has certainly established itself as a major force in the real estate agency market establishing local network in Malaysia and is also leading the way to create innovation to the Real Estate Industry for the interest of its customers.\nKnight Frank\nKnight Frank\u00a0has a strong presence in\u00a0Malaysia\u00a0with its headquarters in Kuala Lumpur as well as branches in Penang, Johor and Kota Kinabalu. The company offers high-quality professional advice and solutions across a comprehensive portfolio of property services and is registered with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents. The Company is licensed to undertake property, valuations / consultancy, estate agency and property management and is also on the panel of all leading banks and financial institutions.\nSharedworth\nSharedworth Realty is a relative new comer in the industry, a tech based realty that adopts the most advanced proptech and most efficient processes to give clients the best and quickest results. Sharedworth specializes in sub-sale, residential and commercial projects.\nRaine & Horne International\nIncorporated in 1982,\u00a0Raine & Horne International Zaki + Partners Sdn. Bhd.\u00a0is a firm of Chartered Surveyors and Registered Valuers. Their practice covers a wide range of services including property valuation, project management, property management, real estate agency and corporate advisory in\u00a0property\u00a0consultancy.\nPropNex\nPropNex Malaysia is a master licensing of PropNex Singapore since 2018 at Kuala Lumpur and will keep expanding to all over Malaysia. Through intensive training and rigorous initiatives, they have nurtured a group of world-class realty professionals that is led by a management team of visionaries. This winning combination has resulted in phenomenal business growth and international expansion.\nPolygon Properties\nPOLYGON PROPERTIES\u00a0specializes in working closely with prominent and reputable property developers to bring exclusive property deals to savvy international and local investors. They provide institutional and individual investors with in-depth, comprehensive market research, consultancy and business platform to access exceptional investment opportunities, straight from the developers.\nPropertyhub\nProperty Hub is a full-service real estate agency specialising in the sale and rental of up market properties and among the most progressive and fastest-growing agencies based in Mont Kiara since 2009, expanding to new branches in Kota Kinabalu and KLCC to serve a wider community. A place where passion, professionalism and properties converge, we provide incisive market insights and outstanding service quality to deliver diverse and profitable property portfolios and a premier real estate experience.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/turn-business-goals-real-estate-marketing-actions/", "title": "How to turn your business goals into real estate marketing actions", "body": "Business goals into real estate marketing actions\nBusiness goal-setting is just the first step in reaching real estate business success. Just by setting goals doesn\u2019t automatically lead to results. Instead, many goals become just another thing on the never-ending to-do list for real estate professionals, and year after year you\u2019re left with the same list of no-action on your original goals. The key to getting results is setting up reachable goals and a detailed marketing action plan that will keep you focused and hold you accountable as you proceed to achieve your goals.\nIn this post, we\u2019ll show you how to develop a \nproperty marketing\n action plan for your business goals, how to outline important steps and take action for each real estate marketing business goal you have.\n1. Developing a Real Estate Action Plan to Manage Goals\nFirst thing is to, set realistically reachable goals. That doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t strive to be a world champion boxer one day, but if you\u2019ve never been in a boxing match, it\u2019s unlikely that setting a high goal at the outset will yield anything but stress and disappointment. As you set goals right after New Year, don\u2019t focus on the harder unrealistic goals, but, focus on the goals that you know you can hit within the year that will allow you to make good progress towards your ultimate goals eventually.\n2. Set motivational actions.\nDeveloping a business plan with goals is just the first step. Actual actions should be the most important motivator. If you\u2019re hoping to get more leads, the motivating action could be \u201cincrease lead generation by 90%.\u201d This becomes the mantra for your goals and will help you to refocus when you\u2019re feeling down and overwhelmed. It\u2019s also important to prioritise all your actions. Is \nproperty lead generation\n more important than real estate lead management, or is \nproperty listing generation\n more of a priority this month? Use a color coding or numbering system to prioritise which is more important.\n3. Develop real action steps.\nNow that you have motivational actions, you need real action steps. For example for increasing property lead generation will involve action steps like doing Facebook marketing, running \nreal estate Google ad campaigns\n, and writing two blog posts per week. Be focused on your actions steps: This is not the time to add a long todo list on your plate, but rather to focus on the steps that are doable and will give you the highest return.\n4. Write out the tasks for each action step\nBreaking your action steps into small, manageable tasks can remove the stress that comes with thinking about big steps. So, if one of your action steps is to increase lead generation through \nproperty Facebook advertising\n, define what that means in small steps, whether that\u2019s selecting your best property social media posts and choosing to boost them, or editing property photo assets for your top five listings to use in ads. Also don\u2019t forget that you\u2019ll have to write the content, build the online landing pages, and track and monitor how your ads are performing. As you can see, the process is already more in-depth than just \u201cadvertising with Facebook,\u201d so whatever actions you decide, just make sure the actual tasks are as specific as possible.\n5. Decide on the investment amount\nEach action and its list of action steps requires an investment, whether that be time, research, marketing collateral, money, etc. It\u2019s important to write down exactly what it will take to execute this goal. Putting this in writing really allows you know how much you can actually afford in a week, month, or year. Ideally your top priority goals will take up the majority of your time and the lower priority goals will need less output of your energy and resources.\n6. Create ways to track your progress and hold yourself accountable\nHow will you ever know if real estate marketing strategy is working if you\u2019re not tracking your results? Here are some things you need to consider:\nDevelop a method for measuring and tracking: Determine how you\u2019ll define a successful completion of a task, and also how you\u2019ll determine if you\u2019ve reached your goal by your deadline (e.g. \u201cI track Facebook leads from a different post, and will compare this results with my original data month-over-month to see if my leads are increasing by 50%\u201d).\nSet Start and End Dates: You shouldn\u2019t action everything all at once. Write when you\u2019ll start an action step and the deadline for its completion. You can also create deadlines for each of your smaller tasks which will help keep you on track.\nMarking tasks off of your action plan can alleviate stress and provide a sense of accomplishment. Once you\u2019ve completed a task, small or large, write down the date completed. This should also jumpstart your motivation to tackle the remainder of tasks in your real estate marketing action plan. Then, see if your actions led to your goal being reached.\nEstablish benchmarks:\n Take note of where you are now so you\u2019ll be able to assess how much you\u2019ve grown.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/turn-real-estate-goals-marketing-tactics/", "title": "How to turn real estate goals into marketing tactics", "body": "Turn real estate goals into marketing tactics\nNow that we\u2019ve established how to create a property marketing action plan, it\u2019s time to consider \nreal estate marketing\n ideas and tactics for typical agents and agency goals:\n1. Lead Generation\nReal estate lead generation\n can takes many forms, and the tactics for getting leads will depend on your particular property niche. You could simply want a general large lead database to cultivate or, in cases where you already have many leads, more specific and targeted leads to pursue.\nMarketing tactics to generate more leads could include:\nUsing Google advertising that target a set of popular and moderately competitive property key terms that lead to landing pages with strong copy and CTAs.\nDeveloping a strong brand on social media to grow your audience over time.\nIncreasing lead capture opportunities on your website so visitors are more encouraged to get in touch or be put on your email list.\nEnsuring your website is responsive so you\u2019re offering a great experience for mobile users.\nIf you want to attract more targeted property leads, marketing tactics may include:\nTargeting hyper-local keywords for your marketing so you\u2019re getting folks looking for properties specifically in your market.\nUsing the targeting on Facebook to target advertisements to demographics that are more likely to convert into actual leads.\nSponsoring local events to develop a stronger community following of your brand.\n2. Increasing Close Rates. \nFew things matter more for your bottom line than \u201cdid you actually close the deal?\u201d When assessing ways to make improvements in close rate, you need to take note of lead nurturing.\nShow you\u2019re a helpful real estate professional by offering the right information at the right times that will encourage leads to trust you and move through the sales funnel.\nImplement marketing automation systems so your messages reach leads at the right times and so you can deliver prompt follow-up to all of your leads.\nDevelop an engaging newsletter that highlights listings on the market, relevant property content for your leads, and your brand\u2019s messaging.\n3. Decreasing Cost Per Lead\nReaching your financial goals also requires a means to optimise the amount of one you\u2019re spending, and you certainly don\u2019t want to blow your whole advertising budget on the first 50 leads that you get. To minimise the cost per lead for your real estate marketing, focus on what needs optimisation. You can also make your ad spend more efficient by:\nDeveloping long-tail keywords approaches for \nreal estate Google ads\n so you\u2019re attracting buyers and sellers with more specific needs.\nOptimise your website with those same long-tail keyword phrases to increase the level of SEO organic traffic to your website.\nA/B split testing \nFacebook marketing\n to make sure you are maximising conversions.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n4. Growing Gross Revenue\nOffer beautiful, staged/ virtual staged listing photography and strong listing copy that goes above and beyond the typical angles so you\u2019ll generate more motivated leads.\nCreate dedicated landing pages or single property/condo sites for individual condos/listings so you can include imagery and copy that give leads a fuller story for the listing.\nDevelop hand-out guides, and real estate reports that educate leads about your market. These will also communicate that you\u2019ve done your research when it comes to area listings, increasing lead confidence that your pricing is fair.\n5. Growth Rate Year Over Year\nAnalyse your core \nreal estate metrics\n and see if you can tap new lead sources or shorten time to close with new lead nurturing tactics.\nBuild your brand for what you want to attract. If you want to get into higher-priced markets, focus on securing professional listing photography and using a graphic designer to develop marketing assets for your business.\nTry creative marketing ideas that go above and beyond the usual.\nDiversify your lead base by using real estate video marketing, and capitalise on visual mediums like Instagram.\nIncrease your media ad spend and balance bids for a range of highly searched terms at various competition levels.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/use-social-media-real-estate-marketing/", "title": "How To Use Social Media For Real Estate Marketing", "body": "Real Estate Social Media Marketing\nHow to use social media for real estate marketing?\nArguably, the one thing Malaysians love more than their food is social media. In a traffic jam or at the dinner table, you will be hard pressed to find a head that is \nnot \nbent over their smartphone. Recently, Malaysia\u2019s dominance on social media was demonstrated when two local heroes were elevated to the world stage via online votes, to claim the prestigious 2016 FIFA Puskas award and the World\u2019s Funniest Person title. These events emphasise the power of social media marketing. If it can bring money and fame to a few select individuals, imagine what it can do for your real estate business.\nSocial media works on the concept of Six Degrees of Separation. Simply put, it means that each person on the planet is only six introductions away from any other person on the planet. It is kinda like your office gossip mill but only better. Information zooms through the ether and slices across distance, gender, age and cultural differences. Just throw a virtual stone into social media and chances of it hitting your next client is huge.\nWhile there are many social media apps to choose from, Facebook is by far the most popular choice for Malaysians. In fact, when the company opened its local office in Malaysia in 2016, it revealed that 80% of all Malaysians who have access to the internet are also on Facebook. That is approximately a whopping 18 million users \u2013 more than half of Malaysia\u2019s population. To top it off, REHDA\u2019s Home Buyer Survey 2017 found that 40% of purchasers in Malaysia are between 20 \u2013 30 years old. They are also one of the highest social media consumer groups. In case you are having any more lingering doubts about marketing your real estate on social media, get this: 94% of Malaysians discover products and brands on Facebook, and 62% make a purchase after discovery.\nSo now that you know that social media is as critical to your real estate marketing as \nsambal\n is to \nnasi lemak\n, here are six quick steps to get you started.\nUse Consistent Branding\n\u201cBranding is the art of becoming knowable, likeable and trustable,\u201d says John Jantsch, a marketing consultant who specialises in helping small businesses. It might be tempting to reinvent yourself through the array of different social media platforms available \u2013 but don\u2019t. Marketing on social media is all about building relationships and the first step to that is getting people to recognise you. Let your personality shine through but maintain the same name, contact information, logo, etc, across all your networks.\nUse Social Sharing Buttons On Your Website\nThis is a simple step but an important one. Social sharing buttons work like \u2018word of mouth\u2019 publicity and create free promotion for online businesses. Scott D. Cook, director of eBay and Procter & Gamble says, \u201cA brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is, it is what consumers tell each other it is.\u201d Add social sharing buttons to your personal website and all your social networks and content, including your listings.\nSell Your Services\nThe bottom line for your business is: you have to convert browsing customers into buying customers. Once you have engaged your potential clients online, nurture your relationship with them. Then, take it a step further and continue the conversation offline. Ask questions but don\u2019t be intrusive: Did they just get engaged? Are they new to town? Are their elderly parents moving in with them? Are they looking for a new home soon? When you understand their problems, sell them the solutions you can provide. Encourage them to give you a call so you can tell them about some great listings in their area.\nAdd to the Conversation\nStand out from the crowd by using what you already have \u2013 experience and knowledge. Your real estate expertise is unique to you, so leverage on it to act as a resource for leads and potential business partners. In other words, add value to your business. As Milton Hershey, the founder of Hershey Chocolate Company says, \u201cGive them quality. That\u2019s the best kind of advertising.\u201d People will be far more interested in doing business with you when they see you as an expert in the real estate industry and that you are giving them value for money.\nListen\nIt is a fact: \ntin kosong\n makes the loudest noise. The best way to avoid turning into one and attracting business leads is to listen. Keep track of real estate trends and what customers are talking about, both online and offline. You can also use monitoring tools like \nGoogle\n Alerts and Hootsuite to discover what people are saying about you or your business. This will help you to customise the messages you broadcast on your social networks.\nExpand Your Presence\nSo, you already have an account on \nFacebook\n, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for your real estate business. Great \u2013 but don\u2019t stop there. Experiment with new social media apps or consider creating a blog. The important thing is to find out what works best for your audience. Then, get personal. Interact with your audience, pay attention to all your newsfeeds and make sure you\u2019re communicating with your followers and friends consistently.\nSo, there you have it, six simple steps to jumpstart your real estate marketing on social media. Do you have any more tips for social media mastery? Let us know in the comments!\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/user-experience-design-real-estate-websites/", "title": "User Experience Design For Real Estate Websites", "body": "\u00a0 \u00a0\nIn the new digital world, mobile optimisation is essential for any real estate project looking to generate leads and engage with potential buyers. As mobile devices have become essential in our daily lives, more and more people are accessing real estate websites from their smartphones and tablets. Today we will explore some effective mobile optimisation strategies that real estate professionals can use to improve their \nproperty website\n\u2018s design, user experience, and conversion rates. \u00a0\nDesign Principles\nWhen it comes to mobile optimisation, design is critical. A well-designed mobile website should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimised for mobile devices. Here are some design principles we use that can be used for mobile optimisation in the real estate industry: \u00a0\nSimplify Your Design\nMobile devices have smaller screens than desktop computers, so it\u2019s essential to simplify your design and focus on the most important information. \u00a0\nUse Responsive Design\nResponsive design ensures that your website adapts to the user\u2019s screen size, making it easier to use on mobile devices. \u00a0\nUse a Mobile-first Approach\nDesign your website with mobile devices in mind, then adapt it for desktop computers. \u00a0\nUser Experience\nUser experience is a critical element for mobile optimisation. From our experience a good user experience can help engage potential buyers and increase the likelihood of a sales conversion. Here are some user experience strategies that can be used for mobile optimisation in the real estate industry: \u00a0\nOptimise Your Navigation\nEnsure that your website\u2019s navigation is easy to use on mobile devices, with clear labels and simple menus. \u00a0\nUse Large, Legible Fonts\nUse large, legible fonts to ensure that your content is easy to read on mobile devices. \u00a0\nOptimise Your Forms\nSimplify your forms and ensure that they are optimised for mobile devices.\n\u00a0\nConversion Tactics\n\u00a0\nConversion tactics can help turn prospective buyers into actual clients. Here are some conversion tactics that we use for mobile optimisation in the real estate industry: \u00a0\nUse Clear Calls To Action\nUse clear and concise calls to action to encourage potential buyers to take action, such as \u201cContact Us Today\u201d or \u201cSchedule a Viewing Now.\u201d \u00a0\nUse Social Proof\nUse social proof, such as testimonials or reviews, to help build trust with potential\u00a0 buyers. \u00a0\nUse Location-based Targeting\nUse location-based targeting to provide potential buyers with relevant information about properties in their area. \u00a0\nConclusion\n \u00a0\nMobile optimisation is critical for real estate professionals looking to \ngenerate leads\n and engage with potential buyers for the long term. By focusing on design principles, user experience, and conversion tactics, real estate professionals can create a mobile website that is visually appealing, easy to use, and optimised for mobile devices. But last thing to note is to please remember to continually test and optimise your mobile optimisation strategies to identify what works best for your real estate project, there is no one size fits all. \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/what-content-is-best-for-real-estate-marketing/", "title": "What Content Is Best For Real Estate Marketing?", "body": "There are many types of content available for content marketing, but the most effective types of content marketing for real estate are:\nBlogs/Articles\nInfographics\nVideos\nSocial Media Graphics\n1. Property Blogs/Articles\nProperty blogs\n and property articles are one of the most popular content types available. It is estimated that around 70 million new blog posts are created each month.\nThe reason why blog posts are so popular is because the Internet has an insatiable appetite for content, so while the supply of content may be high, but the demand for content is even higher.\nThe trick is to have great content, which is specific to say the real estate industry, and your content will find an audience, especially since so many people want to know more about real estate information.\nBest Practices For Real Estate Blogs/Articles\nThe quickest way to become a good blog writer is by\u00a0following the \ncontent marketing experts\n, and trying to be like them.\nHere\u2019s the process you can use:\nCreate an outline for your blog/article you wish to write \u2013\u00a0Before you start to write your single paragraph, figure out the main statements you wish to make.\u00a0\nWhat do you want your readers/clients to take away from your article?\nThen, arrange your statements into a logical order, and put them into your blog format.\nUse a time tested format for your articles \u2013 Introduce the problem in the first paragraph, present three arguments on paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, and summarise your arguments on paragraph 5.\nDo your research \u2013\u00a0Find facts and quotes from property experts and authoritative figures that back up your statement.\nWrite your property articles first draft \u2013\u00a0Remember that your first draft is just a first draft, so it\u2019s something that you will work on and improve.\nOnce your first draft is done, go back to it, and improve your article \u2013\u00a0Break up the text blocks. Never write more than 6 sentences in a single paragraph when publishing your article online. Also remember to use images, videos and charts that supplement your statements.\nReview and revise your article \u2013\u00a0Re-read your article after stepping away for a few days and make any changes as necessary.\nBefore you publish your article on your blog \u2013\u00a0Ask a friend or colleague to read over your article, and give you their opinions on it. Take their suggestions, and use it to put together your final draft.\nPublish your final draft on your blog \u2013 You should also track your article\u2019s success, and use what you learned and measure to improve your future property articles.\nFor ready available blog articles you can share with your clients, use \nTALGICS\n\u2019s content marketing platform. Fresh content updated weekly, and shared with a click of a button.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. Infographics\nInfographics\u00a0are one of the most popular type of content\u00a0 property agents share.\nThis is because infographics are based on data, and easy to read. They are also easy to share on social media, they can be embedded in your blog articles, and they can direct more traffic to your real estate website.\nIf a client likes your infographics, they can share it with their contacts, and you\u2019ll reap the benefits of more exposure to your personal real estate brand.\nBest Practices For Infographics\nInfographics are essentially\u00a0a mix of real estate data, quick-facts, education, and statistics.\nBut it\u2019s important to focus on the following:\nBeautiful Design\n \u2013 Infographics is all about the presentation. A nice and appealing design will get more attention and will encourage your audience to share it.\nValuable Property Data and Meaningful Statistics\n\u00a0\u2013 Infographics can display a large amount of valuable data and information in a condensed package. Just make sure you present them in an interesting and engaging way.\nYour Branding\n\u00a0\u2013 Make it clear that you and your real estate company are seen as the one that created the infographic.\nFor ready available infographics you can share with your clients, use TALGICS\u2019s content marketing platform. Fresh content updated weekly, branded with your personalised details and shared with a click of a button.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. Social Graphics\nSocial media is the current king of content channels, and people consume large amounts of social media content on a daily basis. So its very important to have constant and good social media content to share with all your client base and followers. Social graphics can include, quotes, listings, achievements, photos, events, insights, data, and seasons greetings.\nThe power of social graphics comes from their shareability. So which social media should you share it in?\u00a0\nHere are the most popular social media channels to share your social graphics:\nInstagram\n\u00a0\u2013 Instagram is probably the most popular new social media network in South East Asia. For the real estate industry, it\u2019s definately a good idea to share your social graphics there.\nFacebook\n\u00a0\u2013 Though its been around for a while, Facebook is still the king of social media, especially among the older social media users which make up of the bulk of property buyers.\nTwitter\n \u2013 Twitter has become the place everyone get the most update news by the second, so its definitely important to share your social graphics there along with the right #hashtags.\nLinkedIn\n\u00a0\u2013 LinkedIn is geared towards business relationships, which is what real estate relationship are. So if you have an informative social graphics that are well researched and has a formal-ish tone, it\u2019s perfectly fine to share it on LinkedIn.\nPinterest\n\u2013 Pinterest is all about image sharing. That\u2019s why it\u2019s the perfect place to share your real estate social graphics.\nFor ready available social graphics you can share with your clients, use TALGICS\u2019s content marketing platform. Fresh content updated weekly, branded with your personalised details and shared with a click of a button.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n4. Real Estate Videos\nVideo is currently the new 2021 king of content. Video combines visuals and audio in a way that traditional writing simply cannot compete against.\nAnd in today\u2019s fast paced world, people want to consume their content easily and quickly. People want to know what they want to know in the more easily condensed and consumable way. Speed is what people want. So you need to take advantage of that desire with quick, punchy real estate videos.\nBest Practices For Real Estate Videos\nWhen it comes to video, many beginners think that the higher the production \u00a0cost and value, the better the video will turn out to be.\u00a0But that\u2019s not always the case. The actual most important thing for a video to be good is the value of its content.\nAs long as you\u2019re providing lots of value, your viewers will appreciate your videos, remain engaged with your videos and will come back for more.\nHaving said that, quality also does matter to a certain extent. If you can afford to have great production values, and can afford it, by all means, do it. Video is a visual medium, so the better your actual visuals, the better your final product will be and the higher value that will be attributed to it from your viewer base.\nFor ready available property videos you can share with your clients, use TALGICS\u2019s content marketing platform. Fresh content updated weekly, branded with your personalised details and shared with a click of a button.\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/what-is-the-rent-to-own-scheme-in-malaysia-rto/", "title": "What is the Rent-To-Own Scheme In Malaysia (RTO)", "body": "What is Rent-to-Own (RTO)?\nRent-to-own or rental-purchase is relatively less known in Malaysia but has been around overseas for decades. One of the first RTOs in Malaysia was not property related, but instead a business model renting out furniture which started out in the 1950s. Rent-to-own for properties took off in the 1980s until today where millions of customers around the world choose rent-to-own.\nA rent-to-own agreement allows the buyer the option to buy the rental property at a future date. In the meantime, the property buyer is also a \nhome renter\n for the property and makes regular payments to the \nreal estate seller\n.\nRent-to-Own Pros\nLow or no down payment required for the property.\nAble to start on process towards owning a property even if currently unable to qualify for a home loan.\nAble to stay in the property before deciding on \nproperty purchase\n decision.\nProperty purchase price locked in at today\u2019s pricing and enjoying future price appreciation.\nRent-to-Own Cons\nForfeiting money paid for the \u201coption\u201d of \nbuying the property\n if you decide not to buy.\nRisk of being unable to qualify for a loan at the time that you want to buy the property.\nYou are not the owner of the property (yet) and cannot renovate or make any changes without the owner\u2019s approval.\nProperty prices may unexpectedly fall lower than the price locked in at today\u2019s pricing.\nShould I Opt for Rent-to-Own?\nYou should consider rent-to-own if you are unable to \nget a home loan\n, or pay for the down payment, but you are confident of having the monthly cashflow for the monthly payments.\nThe difference between a full property purchase down payment is approximately 10% of the property price versus 1-2% for the property price for 3 months rental down payment.\nThe choices for rent-to-own properties are limited in Malaysia, but there will be more RTO property projects launching in Malaysia soon.\nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/what-is-the-value-of-your-property-real-estate/", "title": "What is the Value of your Property / Real Estate?", "body": "How do you determine the market value of your house?\nOften people wonder how the pricing decisions of houses or real estate on sale are made. Who decides how much a house is worth? and how do the banks decide how much your home is worth, when valuing your property for \nre-mortgage\n.\nPeople\u2019s perception of market value\nPeople automatically think price is value, as we have all been subject to consumer culture ever since birth. We have been programed to accept and pay a fixed price for what we believe is value for the price that is paid.\nExample: when you walk into a Nike store which displays a pair of running shoes for RM400. If you like the shoe and if it fits well you will pay the price of the shoe. Hence automatically you are assuming that price equals value.\nWhat people don\u2019t understand is that the notion of price equals value is not accurate. Especially when it comes to property.\nSo what is market value then?\nMarket value as defined by the International Valuation Standard Committee (IVSC)\u00a0 as \u201c The estimated amount for which a property should exchange for at the date of sale between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm\u2019s length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion.\nThis definition has been adopted by valuation associations worldwide and is the basis of how a property valuer would assess a property. But this is different to how Real Estate Agents assess your property as agents tend to compare your properties with other listed prices on the market. This in its self is a flawed methodology.\nWhy listed prices are not a good indication of market value\nInitial asking price is often inflated, as owners may only be testing the market to see what kind of reception they receive, and they may not even really want to sell in the first place.\nAlso sellers may have a deep emotional connection with their property, and hence their idea of market value is actually what we call \u201cspecial value\u201d which is based on their emotional attachment to the property.\nSo how do we accurately assess market value of a property?\nOne thing we have to realise is that estimating market value is not a science but more of an art. Property valuers do this for the bank every day and it combines the use of sound methodology and market experience\nSo what is this methodology we are talking about?\nFor residential properties, the most appropriate method of valuation is on a direct comparison approach. This method involves the comparison of the property to be valued with sales of similar properties. Comparison can be made in many forms including straight comparison, or analysis on a rate per area basis.\nFirstly when using this method, it is essential that we compare like for like (apples with apples). So in theory if you were looking to assess the market value of your house and you find out that there were two identical houses which recently sold along your street for RM1,000,000 and RM 1,050,000 with all things being equal, chances are that your house is worth somewhere in the range of RM1,000,000 and RM1,050,000.\nThis would be in an ideal situation, however sometimes it can be difficult to find two similar/comparable investment properties to directly compare. Often there are differences in the quality of the building, the level of fit-out, the age of the building, the size of the building, the location etc.\nWhen there are substantial differences, adjustments must be made to take into account these factors.\nSo when using this methodology, what are the comparison factors does one need to look at? Some of the more common factors include but are not limited to :\nSize- How big is your house.\nLocation- Is your property in a desirable suburb/area.\nCondition- What is the current condition of your house, Lots of repairs needed or newly renovated.\nAge- How old is your house ( Usually tied in with condition of house)\nPresentation- How well presented is it, or how good does it look\nPosition- Is it positioned along a busy road? Or positioned opposite a beautiful park.\nViews- What type of views does the property have\nUltimately valuations are a matter of professional opinion and can sometimes be subjective especially when there is a scarcity of recent market evidence. So keep this in mind the next time you are either \nlooking for a new house\n to buy to live in or looking for an investment property to invest in.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/what-real-estate-agents-can-do-during-covid-19/", "title": "What real estate agents can do during Covid 19", "body": "With the MCO (movement control order) is effect, and new corona virus cases being reported everyday, the outlook doesn\u2019t look good for the real estate industry. But with every great challenge there are new ways and technology available that can be adopted that will evolve the way the real estate industry operates for the future.\u00a0\nReal estate is normally stressful for clients and customers even without the coronavirus, so here are a few things that can be adopted once the lockdown has been lifted, and the infection rate improves.\n1. Virtual experiences\nWith current technology available like video tech, virtual reality, & augmented reality, people can turn to virtual experiences when it comes to buying and selling homes during the coronavirus outbreak.\u00a0 By selling homes in a virtual world, buyers will be able to get a feel of the property without having to physically be at the property.\n2. Improve online listings with 3D scans of property\nThe use of 3D scans to create an open house experience will put you ahead of the competition. You can do this simply by using 360 cameras, or 3d mapping software like matterport. With a whole floor plan available in 3d, clients can go through a home virtually and get good idea of the property layout.\n3. Host a virtual agent\u2019s open house with self-shot video tour. \nTo host your own virtual open house for all your clients, you can easily just use a chat platform such as Face-time or even Facebook live with property negotiators doing a virtual walk through the property step by step. If you have your own personal branding \nproperty website\n, you can just include a link on your website.\n4. \u00a0Virtual staging \nYou can use virtual staging to fill empty properties, so you don\u2019t have to rely on a real furniture supplier putting real furniture in the property just for nicer photos, or getting the furniture out of the property later. \u00a0Its also more cost effective.\n5. Video conferencing with clients\nYou should check in and review offers virtually using Zoom , where documents can be shared with your client and gone over together in real time.\n6. Digital signing\nAlthough not widely used yet digital signing like docusign is used and accepted in many developed countries. And the Covid 19 situation, may trigger a need to use e-signing, e-closing and mobile notary services more for the property industry in the future.\nIn this time of social distancing and uncertainty around\u00a0 everything, there are still many ways possible to remain close to your clients. While \nproperty lead generation\n for new clients may be much slower, its still very important to stay in contact with all your existing clients and let them know where the situation currently stands.\nThe world is changing quickly and people will need flexibility, so adopting new ways of doing business is the way forward.\nSo what effect does the corona virus have on the property market?\nMalaysians generally hold back on purchases in the year of a crisis.\nIn 2002 transaction volumes fell 4.6% from the year before as the economy unraveled following the outbreak of SARS. The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and subsequent outbreak of the H1N1 virus similarly resulted in a decline albeit by a marginal 1%.\nBut against the gloomy backdrop of a global pandemic, a stuttering global economy and the uncertainty surrounding the local economic impact of the Movement Control Order (MCO), it is worth noting that Malaysia has experienced and bounced back from similar \u201cblack swan\u201d events before.\nOne important thing to note is that Malaysians return to the market in droves in the year immediately proceeding the crisis.\n1999 saw a 21% increase in transaction volume while the SARS outbreak saw transaction volumes increase 5% and 21% in 2003 and 2004 respectively. This was again repeated in 2009 as the market rallied up 12%.\nBNM\u2019s Monetary and Fiscal Developments 2003 report notes that the impact of SARS was primarily on the services sub-sectors of tourism, transport and retail services. This persuaded the Government, in addition to interest rate cuts implemented by BNM, to provide a Special Relief Guarantee Facility of RM1 billion and special relief for housing loan repayments to workers in these sectors.\nThe above stats can be shared with your clients so they can decide when it may be the time for ready buyers to pick up quality properties at more attractive prices together and with cheaper credit.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/what-technology-should-real-estate-agents-be-experts-in/", "title": "5 Technologies Real Estate Agents Need To Be Experts In", "body": "As a real estate agent, it\u2019s important that you become comfortable with the latest technology. This is especially true if you\u2019re an older agent changing careers. After all, many of the other new agents you\u2019re competing with are just finished school, and already know their way around technology. If you want to compete, you will need to beat them at their own game. Here\u2019s a list of 5 tools you should master to be a great real estate agent:\n\u00a0\n1. Mobile Devices\nThere are a lot of statistics out there to show just how central mobile devices are becoming to our daily lives. Smartphones now account for over 50 percent of global internet usage and mobile internet traffic is predicted to eclipse desktop traffic sometime next year. Tablets like the iPad are also growing quickly, with shipments increasing to global consumers.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n2. Local Search\nDue to the widespread use of mobile devices, people are constantly searching for local information. In fact, nearly half of consumers say they use their smartphones to research local businesses. As a result, search engines are doubling down on local search, integrating local listings and maps into their results. To capitalise on local search, make sure your real estate business has a local presence and that your \nproperty website\n appear in the \nGoogle search results\n.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n3. CRM (Client Relationship Management)\nIt\u2019s not hard to see why: real estate agents have to account for dozens of clients and leads, all in different stages of the buying or selling process, all at the same time. CRM applications keep track of all of these people, helping you stay in touch with past customers, monitor current customers and deals, and nurture leads who may become future customers. \nReal estate CRM systems\n can be used for a variety of tasks, including marketing automation, customer service, and, of course, storing all relevant contact information.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n4. The Cloud\nDoing business on paper can be very annoying for real estate agents, who need to be mobile and able to retrieve relevant paperwork at a moment\u2019s notice. The costs of printing add up quickly, and organising records can be time consuming. Plus, these documents take up a lot of space, and chances are you won\u2019t have more than a couple file cabinets at your office. Luckily, there are several services out there that allow you to store your files on their servers and access them from any machine. With \u201ccloud\u201d solutions like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Apple\u2019s iCloud, you\u2019ll get more storage space and fewer hardware and software costs. Plus, you\u2019ll also have continuity across devices, meaning you can start a task or document on one device, and finish it on another.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n5. Transaction Management and Paperless\n\u00a0\nOfficial contracts and transaction records are also starting to make the online transition. In fact, some agents put paperless and transaction management tools as the most important technologies in their business. With apps like DocuSign, you can securely transmit binding documents for clients to sign with their smartphone or tablet. If the idea of storing signatures and sensitive financial records in the digital ether makes you a little scared, consider this: a 2020 study revealed that your data is better protected in the cloud than it is on your hard drive or on-premises server.\nWhile these technologies are invaluable for real estate agents, you shouldn\u2019t let them distract you from your goals. Remember that these are just tools for running your business, not the business itself. \u201cReal estate will always be a relationship business, but technology has changed how we create and maintain those relationships,\u201d .\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/what-you-need-to-know-after-buying-a-home-in-malaysia/", "title": "What you need to know after buying a home in Malaysia", "body": "Before even grasping the keys to their new home, most people are already thinking ahead to renovations, furnishings and a housewarming party. However, there is a crucial step between \nbuying a property\n and moving in. It is to set up your utility services. Without water, sewerage services and electricity your new home will be totally unliveable. So here is what you need to know after buying a home in Malaysia.\nHow to register for water supply\nThe application process for water supply in Malaysia will vary depending on your state because it is under the authority of different companies. For instance, SYABAS (Selangor), PBA (Penang) and LAKU (Sarawak). Certain companies allow you to do the application online, but others are more traditional, and you have to pay a visit to their office. Check with the water company where your house is located to find out what options they offer.\nAs with any official application, you will have to prepare some documents. Typically, they are forms from the water company, a copy of the Sales and Purchase Agreement, and a copy of the owner\u2019s identity card. If there is an existing water meter at the house, you have to apply for a transfer of ownership and get a new account where you will pay the stamp duty and deposit. If you install a new water meter, then you will have to pay for the installation.\nHow to apply for sewerage services\nIndah Water Konsortium (IWK) handles the public sewerage system in Malaysia except for Johor Bahru, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak. The sewerage system in those areas is still under the responsibility of the local authorities. The charges vary according to the property type and the type of service the sewerage company provides such as septic tanks service or connected service. To apply or transfer ownership for sewerage service, prepare a copy of the first, second and last two pages of your Sales and Purchase Agreement and do it online or at their office.\nHow to apply for electricity\nTNB is in charge of electricity supply in Peninsular Malaysia while SESB is for Sabah and SESCO for Sarawak. The overall process may differ slightly between these three companies. A quick check on their websites should tell you the payments, documents and forms you need to prepare.\nNewly built house\nIf you\u2019re buying a brand-new house, chances are your house has no electricity supply. The first thing you need to do is to download the necessary forms from the electricity company\u2019s website and prepare the required documents. Then, hire an electrical contractor from the Energy Commission Electrical Contractor list to conduct a thorough safety inspection of the internal wirings in the house. The electrical contractor also requires some forms and documents which can be found on the website. Make sure to fill in your portion of the forms before he arrives.\nWhen the electrical contractor is satisfied with his inspection, he will fill up his portion of the application form and submit it to the electrical company with your documents.\nOnce this is done, then you need to make the payments which are the connection charges, the stamp duty and the deposit. After that, the electricity company will be going over to your house to install the meter and connect your electricity supply. The connection charges depend on your home\u2019s supply voltage level. As for the deposit, the electricity company usually collects the amount for 2 months which also depends on the type of property and voltage level.\nExisting house\nIf you have bought a house with an existing electricity supply, it is not necessary to hire an electrical contractor. However, if the safety of the internal wiring is questionable, the electrical company will request that you arrange for an inspection.\nA house with a functioning electricity supply means you will need to go through the change of tenancy process. That means filling up the forms that change ownership of the electricity account to your name and making the required payments.\nIf the electricity supply has been disconnected, you will have to download and fill up the required forms, prepare the necessary documents and pay the reconnection charges.\nYou might also find that you need to upgrade the voltage supply to your house from single-phase (230V) to three-phase (415V) as you have at least three air-conditioners. The process for this is similar to applying for a new account and the electricity company\u2019s website should contain the details. The charges for the three-phase voltage supply is more expensive but you can be assured that the stability and reliability of your electricity supply will increase.\nNew account for tenants\nIf you have bought your house to be \nrented out\n, TNB has made things a little easier for you. It is now possible for landlords to register their tenant\u2019s name for the electricity account. This puts the responsibility of paying the bills entirely on the tenant and the landlord is not liable if the tenant absconds. Just download the forms under change of tenancy, submit the application and make the payments. The deposit, in this case, will be paid by the tenant.\nHow to get garbage bins\nHere is a bonus tip for those of you who have bought a brand new landed-property. Most municipal councils provide the first garbage bin for free. All you have to do is, bring your required documents and visit the municipal office to claim it.\n \nGet RealestateMY\u2019s Property Content\n "} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/why-are-foreigners-buying-property-in-malaysia/", "title": "Why are foreigners buying property in Malaysia", "body": "Malaysia has long been a popular destination for foreign property buyers, and there are a number of reasons why this trend has continued.\nOne reason is the country\u2019s relatively low cost of living compared to other countries in the region, such as Singapore and Hong Kong. Malaysia\u2019s cost of living index is lower than the global average, making it an affordable place to live for foreigners who want to stretch their money further.\nAnother reason is Malaysia\u2019s diverse and vibrant culture. The country is known for its mix of Malay, Chinese, and Indian influences, as well as its rich history and beautiful natural surroundings. This makes it an attractive place to live for those who are interested in exploring a new culture and way of life.\nMalaysia is also known for its strong economy and political stability, which can be appealing to foreign property buyers. The country has a diverse economy with sectors such as manufacturing, tourism, and finance, and it has a relatively low unemployment rate. Political stability is also a factor, as Malaysia has a long history of peaceful transitions of power and a relatively low crime rate compared to other countries in the region.\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nFinally, Malaysia has a number of government programs and incentives in place to encourage foreign investment in the property market. These include the Malaysia My Second Home program, which allows foreigners to stay in the country for up to 10 years, and the Malaysia My Home Scheme, which provides financing options for foreign property buyers.\nOverall, Malaysia\u2019s combination of affordable living costs, diverse culture, strong economy and political stability, and favorable government policies make it an attractive destination for foreign property buyers. As a result, the country has seen a steady stream of foreign investment in its property market in recent years."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/why-property-developers-need-systems-for-post-sales-vacant-possession/", "title": "Why Property Developers Need Systems For Post Sales & Vacant Possession", "body": "As the property development industry grows and becomes more competitive, property developers are recognising the importance of providing excellent customer service to their buyers. One of the areas where customer service is particularly crucial is in the post-sales and vacant possession process. To effectively manage this process and provide a high level of customer service, property developers need a customer service helpdesk or \nCRM solution\n to keep their customer supported while they wait for their property units to be complete. \u00a0\n \u00a0\nHere are several reasons why property developers need a customer service helpdesk solution and CRM for post-sales and vacant possession:\nCentralised Communication: A helpdesk solution provides a centralised platform for all communication between the property developer and the clients. This allows the property developer to track all interactions and quickly respond to any queries or concerns from clients.\nStreamlined Processes: With a \nhelpdesk solution\n, property developers can automate and streamline many of the processes involved in post-sales and vacant possession. This includes scheduling inspections, handling defect rectification, and responding to feedback.\nImproved Transparency: A CRM helpdesk solution provides clients with a transparent view of the progress of their post-sales and vacant possession journey. This helps to build trust between the property developer and the client.\nEnhanced Customer Service: By providing a helpdesk solution, property developers can offer their clients a high level of customer service. Clients can easily raise issues, track their progress, and receive timely updates on the status of their post-sales and vacant possession journey.\nBetter Record Keeping: A CRM helpdesk solution provides property developers with a record of all interactions with clients. This can help with legal disputes or provide an audit trail for compliance purposes.\nIncreased Efficiency: With a CRM helpdesk solution, property developers can automate many of the processes involved in post-sales and vacant possession. This helps to reduce the workload on staff and increase efficiency.\n\u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nIn conclusion, a customer service helpdesk solution is essential for property developers who want to provide an excellent post-sales and vacant possession experience to their clients. By providing a centralised communication platform, streamlining processes, improving transparency, enhancing customer service, improving record keeping, and increasing efficiency, property developers can build strong relationships with their clients and stand out in a competitive market. Looking for a software solution that handles high volume, supports load, and implements all the 6 reasons above? Your search ends now! At RealestateMY, we have partnered with Freshworks, providers of one of the best CRM solutions globally. With the right advice and assistance, we are here for you to implement a solution that will delight your customers! \u00a0\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the \nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/why-real-estate-agents-need-a-crm/", "title": "Why real estate agents need a CRM", "body": "Most agents think they are experts and know how to effectively nurture their prospects.\u00a0 But until they get a property lead management system CRM, they won\u2019t really understand what is the best ways to do so.\nAn experienced real estate agent is typically a professional who has steadily grown their business by building up their list of contacts and \npromoting their personal brand\n and the niche they specialise in for some time, including and especially online via \ndigital marketing\n. But a newer agent is just getting started in the business and learning how best to manage their leads. So as new property agents start interacting with their prospects via content on their \nproperty website\n and providing their contact information, they will need to understand the best way to manage it all.\nA \nCRM for real estate\n agents combined with marketing strategies can do great wonders in terms of turning leads into sales.\nExperienced real estate experts, will benefit from a solution that offers comprehensive organization of all their leads with seamless integration. The new property agents will probably have a system that is simple to learn and offers excellent automation capabilities to help them develop their lead nurturing strategies.\nCRMs handle the time time-consuming tasks for agents so you can devote your energy to the many of other responsibilities a typical real estate agent will have.\nThe beauty of an effective CRM is that it essentially does the work for you. There are various benefits to the tools available, depending on your individual business goals, and research shows CRM software has the biggest impact on customer retention rates and customer satisfaction rates in businesses who use those tools.\nWhen choosing a real estate CRM make sure to have these features:\nAn Intuitive system\nMake sure your real estate CRM Is easy to use, intuitive, and a system you understand easily. Meaning, no matter how much or little technology experience you have, you will still be able to easily learn how to do things like add and update contact records, send automatic emails to your prospects, and set task reminders for yourself.\nEasy Accessible\nChoose a CRM that lets you manage your database of leads from wherever you are. Make sure you can easily access it from your mobile phone.\nCustomisable\nSet your own marketing and sales goals to fit your individual and team needs. For example, if you\u2019re an agency, having the capability to assign various qualified leads to your agents.\nMarketing Automation\nPreviously time-consuming tasks like sending follow-up\u00a0 emails\u00a0 and other content\u00a0 to your leads can be scheduled in advance which means even when you\u2019re juggling several priorities, all of your prospects receive the same level of attention, with hours saved on your behalf.\nReal-time Monitoring\nYou can see the activity of leads on your site, like which properties they viewed and which of your site pages they visited \u2014 in other words, vital details that can help you determine where your prospects are in the marketing funnel.\nIn short, a CRM exists to make the necessary tasks related to your real estate lead generation and management significantly easier. It streamlines communication with your prospects and team.\u00a0 If you\u2019re an agency or developer , lets you update lead information from virtually anywhere, and keeps your contacts organised so you can devote more of your precious time to nurturing the leads you\u2019re confident will convert into new or recurring clients down the line.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/why-you-need-to-provide-quality-property-content-to-your-buyers-sellers/", "title": "Why You Need To Provide Quality Property Content To Your Buyers & Sellers", "body": "The amount of \nreal estate information\n available out there to buyers and sellers can be overwhelming. If you\u2019ve been wondering how to stand out from the crowd, there\u2019s good news. And the secret is simpler than you may think.\nWhat separates a great property agent from an average property agent is the quality of information and data they share with their clients.\nHere are 7 reasons to always provide the highest quality of content to your property client base\n:\n\u00a0\n1. It helps your clients make confident decisions.\nYou need to show that you are here to help your clients feel confident whether they are buying or \nselling a property\n.\nThe best way to do that is by answering their questions about both the property market and the buying/selling process. You do that by providing intelligent and meaningful content based on accurate data.\nYou also need to make sure you have a daily education plan for yourself that includes reading relevant \nreal estate industry blogs\n, articles, websites and news media sources. When your clients\u2019 meet you speak with confidence regarding the latest property data or trends, they will feel confident regarding your recommendation and their decision to work with you as their agent.\n\u00a0\n2. It helps you build trust with your client base.\nEveryone knows that trust may be the most valuable commodity any business has. You don\u2019t build trust by having the mindset of just making money. You build trust with the mindset that you are here to help your clients. After all, people can tell if you care more about yourself or more about making money than you do about them.\n3. It shows you are an industry expert.\nIf you want clients to \u2018like and trust\u2019 you, you must be able to back up your statements with facts and figures and accurate \nproperty data\n. That\u2019s why your content should always be based on actual data from a reliable source. This is key in becoming an authority and trusted resource for your clients.\n4. It helps you be convincing to your clients\nIt is not enough just to share points of data with your customers. You must take the next step and bring insights to the numbers and visualise it. You need to help buyers and sellers understand what the data means to them and their families.\nHaving the ability to paint the full picture for them can help with common questions, objections, and debunking myths.\nPeople are less likely to question someone when they are confident the person they are talking to knows what they are talking about.\n5. It doesn\u2019t make you look arrogant\nHaving industry awards or specialised areas of expertise that can help clients are great achievements. However, there\u2019s a difference between bragging about your sales accomplishments and explaining how your certifications or achievements can help your clients.\nDon\u2019t just tell people what you\u2019ve achieved. Show them how it will benefit them.\n\u00a0\n6. It gives you the opportunity to inform, not inflame.\nWhether you are setting a price on a new listing with a seller or explaining why a \nproperty valuation\n appraisal came in \u2018short\u2019 to a buyer, emotions become part of the equation. The only way to lessen the emotions of the negotiation process is to bring the conversation back to the data and logic of the situation. The only way to do that is to bring in the facts that underlie the actual situation.\n\u00a0\n7. It\u2019s much more effective than cheese tarts\nFor many years, our industry has depended on frivolous content such as cheese tart recipes or movie trivia.\nWe have to stop being lazy and start sharing content that proves we know what is happening in the real estate market and why it is happening.\nAfter all, we are applying for the job of \u201cTop Real Estate Agent\u201d or \u201cTop Property Agent,\u201d not Top Chef or for a spot on Masterchef.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/why-your-personal-real-estate-brand-matters/", "title": "Why Your Personal Real Estate Brand Matters \u2013 Real Estate Branding Series", "body": "\u00a0\nFrom the moment somebody comes into contact with your real estate brand, a perception and relationship starts to develop. It starts off simple, a logo here, some marketing there? but ultimately, this relationship is something that could decide if your real estate business is a success or failure. So it\u2019s up to you to make sure you are sending the right real estate branding signals. \u00a0\nThat\u2019s easier said than done considering all the different times and places people interact with your real estate brand. You could spend all day, every day closely monitoring your branding and marketing messages, but mistakes will still happen from time to time. As an property agent you might print out flyers with an old, outdated logo, or one of the negotiators in your team might mistakenly use a pixelated photo in the latest property report. \u00a0\nIn this real estate branding series we hope to illustrate how to build your real estate branding, by laying the foundation for great branding and giving you a chance to evaluate and reflect on where you are today, and where to go from here. \u00a0\nThis branding series is for real estate agency brand owners as well as property agents who want to protect and elevate their real estate branding. The decision makers who understand the power of a story well-told. \u00a0\nYour \nreal estate brand matters\n. And if you\u2019re ready to build and grow that brand into a consistent, compelling force that drives your real estate business, then this real estate branding series is for you. Here is part 1 of 7. \n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nBranding Questions You Need To Ask Yourself\nSo which areas of branding should your real estate brand focus on? To start the series, here are some questions you need to ask yourself to help you evaluate your real estate brand\u2019s strengths and weaknesses. You will use the answer to these questions to help you find out where you need improvement in your real estate branding. You can also reference these questions during the series as each set of questions are directly related to each part of our real estate branding series. \u00a0 \u00a0\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nUNDERSTANDING YOUR \u00a0BRAND IDENTITY \u00a0\nYou need to answer these questions\nWhat is brand identity design to you? \nDoes your real estate brand consistently use the same logo and colour theme? \nDo you have access to all versions of your brand theme? \nAre all client communications delivered using the same brand theme? \nDo all marketing materials(ads, print, digital) share a similar look & feel? \nAre your personal core values & mission statements prominently displayed on your \nreal estate website\n?\nHow developed is your brand\u2019s voice? \n\u00a0\n\u00a0\n \u00a0 \n \u00a0\nDOING PROPER BRAND MANAGEMENT \u00a0\nYou need to answer these questions\nWhat is real estate brand management?\nDoes your agency use online software to store & share brand assets? \nOn the whole, how well do partners & vendors represent your brand? \nDo you provide partners & vendors with brand assets such as logos & colours schemes? \nIs your brand represented consistently on social media? \nWhen you consider your agency\u2019s brand, how well known is it in all the places and markets that you serve ? \nWho in your agency/team has primary responsibility to manage & protect how your brand is used?\n\u00a0\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\u00a0\n \u00a0\n\u00a0\nHAVING THE CORRECT \u00a0BRAND CONSISTENCY\nYou need to answer these questions\nConsider the consistency of your real estate brand in all the places it appears. Is it consistent or inconsistent? \nHow would you rate your branding guide lines in the following areas? \nHow current they are\nHow easy they are to find\nHow effective they are\nHow easy they are to follow\nHave you discovered instances of you or your team creating materials that don\u2019t conform to your branding standards? \nHow often are materials created that don\u2019t conform to your branding guidelines? \nAre your branded materials protected from unauthorised changes ?How so?\nIn what formats do your branding guide lines exist? \nIf your brand was always presented consistently, how much do you estimate that your real estate sales would increase?\n\u00a0\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nEFFECTIVE SALES ENABLEMENT \u00a0\nYou need to answer these questions\nDo you or your team have access to \nbranded templates\n that they can update and use during the sales cycle? \nHow much time do you or your team members spend on updating existing marketing materials?\nWhere is the biggest bottle neck in your current creative branding process?\nHow long does it take you or your team to design materials for new marketing initiatives?\nHow long does it take you or your team to deliver on updated or customised materials?\n\u00a0\n \u00a0\nMANAGING PRINT & DIGITAL COLLATERAL\nYou need to answer these questions\nWhich of the following print materials does you and your agency \nregularly use\nBrochures\nPostcards\nFlyers\nLetterhead\nBusiness cards \nWhich of the following digital materials do you or your agency regularly use? \nBanner ads \nSocial media graphics \nSlide presentations \nPDF documents \nNewsletters \nDoes your agency provide you and your team with consistent branded material like business cards or business card templates? \nWho is responsible for creating social media content including graphics? \nDo your brand guide lines cover digital colours (RGB) and print colours (CMYK)? \nDoes you or your agency use online software to create marketing content either for online or offline? \nHow often does your brand update its printed materials (manuals, banners, brochures, posters, etc.)? \n\u00a0\nREVIEW YOUR ANSWERS \nHow did you do? Were some areas more problematic for your brand than others?\nImportant note! \nThese questions are not meant to be taken as a pass or fail assessment of your brand\u2019s value. Rather, they\u2019re designed to gauge the challenges and opportunities your brand might be facing today in order to provide the best recommendations. \nNow that you have answered these questions, please have them with you for the next parts of the series.\u00a0 We will be releasing the next parts of the series every week, and for each topic in the series, you will be able to relate your answers to relevant parts of the series in our branding guide series that will help you with each of the issues you have uncovered today.\nSo please stay tuned to the next part of the series where will explore in detail on how to properly manage your real estate brand.\n\u00a0 Here are the topics in the series:\nBrand Identity\nBrand Management\nBrand Consistency\nSales Enablement\nPrint Collateral\nDigital Collateral\n\u00a0\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n \u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/write-great-property-listings-infographic/", "title": "How To Write Great Property Listings \u2013 Infographic", "body": "How To Write Great \nProperty Listings\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.\n\u00a0"} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/write-great-real-estate-negotiator-profile-help-make-sales/", "title": "How To Write A Great Real Estate Negotiator Profile To Help You Make More Sales", "body": "How to write a great real estate agent profile\nIf you\u2019re like most people, writing your real estate agent profile is probably as awkward as going for a job interview with spinach stuck between your teeth. It\u2019s just really unnatural to write about yourself in the third person, isn\u2019t it? However, the reality is, as the real estate market shifts towards online media, your professional profile becomes an important part of your marketing arsenal. Aside from generating sales, it is a part of your \npersonal brand\n where potential clients in Malaysia can make a meaningful connection with you.\nThe key is to understand the formula for writing a great real estate agent profile. Check out our 12 tips below with examples from real estate gurus to get you started on your own stellar profile.\nUse a Sophisticated Photo\nSkip cropping out a photo from your Facebook albums and hire a professional real estate photographer instead. Your face is a major part of your personal brand and helps people make a visual connection with you during their online searches. So, you want to make sure the photo that you use is one that conveys a positive impression and actually looks like you in real life.\nPhil Gutowski\u2019s photo immediately draws the eye to it. With his genuine smile, he feels like someone you\u2019d be comfortable to spend your time viewing homes with as he guides you through the buying process.\nBe Truthful\nSincerity will go a long way in getting people to trust you. When someone is making one of the largest purchases of their life, you can be sure they will be scrutinising you for truthfulness. Tell them about how you\u2019re a straight shooter, a hard worker and that you love doing your job.\nGreg Noonan\u2019s profile summarises his qualifications and experience with bullet points. This is a great way to showcase important information without padding it with unnecessary sales jargon.\nShow off Your Skills\nJust like when you meet your future in-laws for the first time, highlight only the best parts about yourself. You want your readers to believe that you can meet their needs, so share some of your real estate background without going overboard. Walk that fine line between humility and boasting. Keep the information in digestible bits and use welcoming language. If you\u2019re new to the real estate scene in Malaysia, explain why you got into it and how much you love what you do.\nKeith Darby first lists down his major accomplishments. Then he goes on to share about things that make him so good at his job.\nShare the Love\nWhat makes you stand out from the thousands of other real estate agents in Malaysia? The answer: your passion in the work that you do. Tell your readers what gets you excited to wake up in the mornings. Share a little about what drives you and your readers will catch on to your enthusiasm.\nIn Travis Greene\u2019s profile, his family photo and work slogan reinforces his drive to put his family\u2019s and client\u2019s needs first.\nStop Selling\nIt\u2019s tempting to slip into a salesperson mode when writing your profile \u2013 but don\u2019t. Your profile should be a written account of your life, not an advertisement. You will come off as phoney if you sell in your profile and this is a sure-fire way to lose clients quickly. Instead, be authentic and allow people to see what kind of person you are. People are more likely to trust you this way.\nTom Daves makes you feel like even before you\u2019ve met him, you already know him.\nKeep it Clean and Quick\nPeople are unlikely to spend more than a minute reading a profile. A good profile should be between 200 \u2013 300 words and have 2 \u2013 3 paragraphs. Keep the language simple and straight to the point. Use short sentences, professional font type and size.\nJonathan Wilson\u2019s bite-sized profile gives all his essential information in a way that anyone can understand.\nWhat if Longer Works for You?\nEven if you have a lot of things to say, be prudent. Keep in mind that the average person reads 250 \u2013 400 words a minute. If your profile runs longer than this, you risk losing your audience. Begin each paragraph with a strong sentence that hooks your readers\u2019 attention. Other than using personal touches and listing your accomplishments, video or audio dialogues are an added advantage.\nShay Hata\u2019s long biography is attractive with its catchy paragraphs and personal anecdotes.\nMake it a Video\nDistinguish yourself from the crowd by creating a video profile. Quicksprout reveals that videos increase people\u2019s understanding about brands by 74%. In the real estate business, your personality is a huge part of your brand and videos are a terrific way to present this.\nLisa Archer\u2019s video profile is how to do it the right way.\n\u00a0\nGroup Mentality\nFor a group profile, make sure to convey the idea that there is no \u201cI\u2019 in \u201cteam\u201d. No one likes to be caught up in bureaucracy and tossed between different agents. The potential client must feel like he will benefit from the expertise of the group.\nAt RE/MAX NE, each real estate agent has an individual profile within the \u201cMeet Our Team\u201d page. This presents a unified front to the client.\nWhere are You? How do I Reach You?\nInclude your geographic location in your description to make it easier for search engines to generate hits for online searches of your area for \nlead generation\n. Don\u2019t forget to say how long you have lived or worked there. People prefer an agent who knows the area well.\nInvite people to get in touch with you by providing your contact details in your profile \u2013address, phone number and email. Use calls-to-action like \u201cDo you have a question I can help with?\u201d to get your reader to engage with you.\nTracy Campion\u2019s profile immediately tells you that Boston is her forte and how you can contact her.\nKeeping it Fresh\nThings are constantly changing in your business and your real estate agent profile must keep up. Make it a point to update your profile every six months or once a year.\nEdit Over and Over\nOnce you have written your profile, get a fresh pair of eyes to look at it. Weed out any spelling and grammatical mistakes, long-winded sentences, bombastic words and anything else that could misrepresent you. Show your potential client that you are a professional. Mistakes in your profile reflect a careless attitude which will turn clients away even before they\u2019ve met you.\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."} {"url": "https://www.realestatemy.com/z-real-estate-branding/", "title": "A to Z of Real Estate Branding", "body": "a to z on real estate\nStay tuned with the\u00a0\nrealestatemy.com/blog\n\u00a0for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals."}